User:Matthias Buchmeier/da-en-a

# Danish :: English dictionary generated from
# License :: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License; GNU Free Documentation License
# Version :: 20200901
# Size :: 21962 Danish glosses; 28377 English translations
# URL ::
a- {prefix} :: a-, un- (not)
a- {prefix} :: A- (atomic, nuclear)
a {letter} :: letter
a {n} :: The name of the letter A or a
a {prep} :: of, of...each, each containing
a {prep} :: at
a {prep} :: to, or
A- {prefix} :: A- (atomic, nuclear)
A {letter} :: letter
A {n} :: letter
à {prep} :: of, of...each, each containing
à {prep} :: at
à {prep} :: to, or
å {letter} :: the last (29th) letter of the Danish alphabet
å {noun} :: river, creek, stream [only used of rivers in Denmark]
å {interj} :: oh
å {interj} :: O
å {interj} :: well
å {prep} [Jutland, dialectal] :: on
Å {letter} :: The ultimate (29th) letter of the Danish alphabet. Before its introduction in 1948, the digraph Aa / aa was used. To distinguish between the two forms, "Å" is referred to as "bolle-å" and "Aa" as "dobbelt-a"
Aagaard {prop} :: surname
Aage {prop} :: given name
Aagesen {prop} :: surname
Aalborg {prop} :: Aalborg (capital city)
Aarhus {prop} :: alternative form of Århus
aarhusianer {noun} :: alternative form of århusianer
aarhusiansk {adj} :: alternative form of århusiansk
Aase {prop} :: given name, the old spelling of Åse
ab {prep} :: ex (out of, sold from)
ab {prep} :: from (with the origin in time)
abasi {noun} :: abasia (An incapacity to walk)
abbed {noun} :: abbot (superior or head of an abbey or monastery)
abbedi {noun} :: abbey (monastery headed by an abbot)
abbedisse {noun} :: abbess (female superior of a nunnery)
abc {noun} :: ABC (a primer for teaching the Latin alphabet and first elements of reading; the rudiments of any subject)
ABC {noun} :: ABC (a primer for teaching the Latin alphabet and first elements of reading; the rudiments of any subject)
abdicere {v} :: to abdicate
abdiceret {v} :: past participle of abdicere
abdikation {noun} :: abdication
abe {noun} :: monkey
abe {noun} :: ape
abe {v} :: mimic, ape
abebestand {noun} :: ape population, monkey population
abebrødtræ {noun} :: synonym of baobab
abekat {c} [childish] :: A monkey (animal)
abekat {c} [colloquial] :: A mischievous and uncivilized person, behaving like a monkey
abekat {c} [offensive, archaic] :: A dark-skinned person, especially a person of, or primarily of, Negro descent
abeløjer {noun} :: hijinks, antics
Abelone {prop} :: given name
Abelsen {prop} :: surname
åben {adj} :: open
åben {adj} :: frank, candid
åbenbar {adj} :: obvious
åbenbar {adj} :: apparent
åbenbare {v} [formal] :: reveal, betray
åbenbarelse {noun} [religion, spiritual, rare] :: A revelation
åbenbaring {noun} [religion, spiritual, rare] :: A revelation
åbenbart {adv} :: apparently
åbenhjertet {adj} :: open-hearted
åbenlys {adj} :: obvious
åbent forhold {n} :: open relationship
aber dabei {noun} [idiomatic] :: unlucky or difficult circumstance
Abildgaard {prop} :: alternative form of Abildgård
abildgård {noun} :: fruit garden
Abildgård {prop} :: surname
abkhaser {noun} :: Abkhaz (person from Abkhazia)
ablativ {noun} [grammar] :: the ablative case
ablativ {adj} :: ablative
åbne {v} :: to open
åbnet {v} :: past participle of åbne
abnorm {adj} :: abnormal
a-bombe {noun} [military, weapon] :: A-bomb, atom bomb, atomic bomb, fission bomb, nuclear bomb, nuke
abonnement {noun} :: subscription (the purchase of a series of things)
abonnere {v} :: to subscribe
aboriginer {noun} :: aborigine (aboriginal inhabitant of a country); (in Australia) Aborigine
aborre {noun} :: European perch, redfin perch, English perch; a fish of the family Percidae
abort {noun} :: abortion
abort {noun} :: miscarriage
Abrahamsen {prop} :: surname
abrikos {noun} :: apricot (fruit)
abrikostræ {noun} :: apricot (tree)
åbryne {noun} [obsolete] :: synonym of jalousi
åbrysot {noun} [obsolete] :: synonym of jalousi
Absalon {prop} :: given name, a variant of biblical Absalom best known for the bishop Absalon Hvide. Both names are very rare
absence {noun} [medicine] :: petit mal
absint {noun} :: absinthe
absolutkvadrat {noun} [mathematics] :: the square of the absolute value of some quantity
absolut temperatur {c} [thermodynamics] :: absolute temperature
abstrakt {noun} :: abstract (that which is abstract)
abstrakt {noun} :: abstract noun
abstrakt {adj} :: abstract (apart from practice or reality, not concrete; free from representational qualities)
abstrakt {adv} :: abstractly, in the abstract
abstrakt {n} :: abstract (an abrigement or summary)
abstraktionsniveau {noun} :: level of abstraction
absurd {adj} :: absurd
absurd {adv} :: absurdly
absurditet {noun} :: absurdity
abyssinier {noun} :: Abyssinian (cat)
accelerere {v} :: to accelerate
accent {noun} :: accent [a voice influenced by dialect or another language]
accent {noun} :: accent [a mark on a letter (like grave accent or acute accent)]
accent {noun} [linguistics] :: accent [stress accent or a pitch accent (intonation) in articulation]
accent {noun} :: accent [emphasis]
accent {noun} :: accent [a mark on a letter (like grave accent or acute accent)]
acceptabel {adj} :: acceptable
acceptere {v} :: accept
acesulfam-kalium {noun} :: acesulfame potassium
acetone {noun} :: acetone (the organic compound (CH₃)₂CO)
acetylsalicylsyre {noun} [organic chemistry] :: acetylsalicylic acid
Achilles {prop} :: Achilles
Achilleus {prop} :: Achilles
acquis communautaire {prop} [law] :: acquis communautaire
actinium {noun} :: actinium
ad {prep} :: by
ad {prep} :: at
ad {interj} :: ew, bleah
Adam {prop} :: Adam (biblical figure)
Adam {prop} :: given name
Adam og Eva {prop} :: Adam and Eve
adamsæble {noun} :: Adam's apple
Adamsen {prop} :: surname
ad åre {adv} :: at some point (in the future), in the course of years
addere {v} [arithmetic] :: to add
addition {noun} [arithmetics] :: addition, act of adding
adelsdame {noun} :: noblewoman, noble (female)
adelskvinde {noun} :: noblewoman, noble (female)
adelsmand {noun} :: nobleman, noble (male)
adfærd {noun} :: behaviour
ad gangen {adv} :: at a time
adgangsbillet {noun} :: admission ticket, entry ticket
adgangskode {noun} :: password (computing: string of characters known only to a user)
ADHD {noun} [psychology] :: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
ad helvede til {adv} :: horribly
adjektiv {noun} [grammar] :: adjective (a word that modifies a noun or describes a noun’s referent)
adjø {interj} :: goodbye, farewell
adjunkt {noun} :: an assistant professor at the university, below the rank of lektor
adjunkt {noun} :: a secondary school teacher, below the rank of lektor
Adolf {prop} :: given name
Adolfsen {prop} :: surname
adoptiv {adj} [archaic] :: adoptive
adoptivbarn {noun} :: adopted child
adoptivsøn {noun} :: adopted son
ad Pommern til {adv} :: horribly; very badly
adr {interj} :: ew, bleah
adresse {noun} :: address, abbreviated adr.
adressere {vt} :: to direct, to address
Adrian {prop} :: given name
ådsel {noun} :: piece of carrion, dead animal body, especially when it serves as food for other animals, so-called ådselædere
adskille {v} :: to separate (divide (a thing) into separate parts)
adskille {v} :: to segregate
adskille {v} :: to differentiate
adskille {vr} :: to differ
adskillelse gør længslen større {proverb} :: absence makes the heart grow fonder
adskilt {v} :: past participle of adskille
advare {v} :: warn (to make someone aware of impending danger)
advare {v} :: caution
advaret {v} :: past participle of advare
advarsel {noun} :: warning
advarsel {noun} :: caution (precept or warning against evil or danger)
advarsel {noun} :: booking (the issuing of a caution)
advent {noun} :: Advent (the period from Advent Sunday to Christmas)
adverbium {noun} :: adverb (lexical category)
advokado {noun} :: misspelling of avokado
advokat {noun} :: lawyer
ae {v} :: to stroke, pat, caress
æ {letter} :: Antepenultimate letter of the Danish alphabet
æ {art} [dialectal] :: the (definite article)
Æ {letter} :: The antepenultimate letter of the Danish alphabet
æble {noun} :: An apple. (fruit)
æblejuice {noun} :: Apple juice
æblekerne {noun} :: apple seed
æblesaft {noun} :: apple juice
æbleskive {noun} :: Danish pancake shaped like a ball, often served with sugar and jam
æblesyre {noun} :: malic acid
æbletærte {noun} :: apple pie
æblet falder ikke langt fra stammen {proverb} :: the apple does not fall far from the tree
æbletræ {noun} :: apple tree
æda. {adj} [lexicography] :: abbreviation of ældste dansk Language of the first Danish manuscripts (circa 1275-1350), designated either Old Danish or Early Middle Danish
æde {v} [animals] :: to eat
æde {v} [vulgar, of people] :: to eat
æde {v} :: to erode, eat away
æde {v} :: to eat up
ædelgas {noun} [chemistry] :: noble gas
ædelsten {noun} :: gem (rock considered valuable)
ædru {adj} :: sober (not drunk)
æg {noun} :: egg
æg {noun} :: edge of a blade
æg {v} :: imperative of ægge
ægge {v} :: to urge on, incite
ægge {v} :: to rouse, excite
æggebæger {noun} :: eggcup
æggestok {noun} :: ovary
ægget {v} :: past participle of ægge
ægte {adj} :: true, right
ægte {v} :: to marry
ægtefælle {noun} :: spouse (husband or wife)
ægtemand {noun} :: husband (male partner in marriage)
ægtepar {noun} :: married couple
ægteskab {noun} :: marriage (state of being married)
ægthed {noun} :: authenticity (of a historical artifact)
Ægypten {prop} :: Egypt (country)
ækel {adj} :: nasty
ækel {adj} :: disgusting
ækel {adj} :: loathsome
ækvator {c} :: equator
ækvator {c} :: celestial equator
Ækvatorialguinea {prop} :: Equatorial Guinea
ælde {c} :: old age, oldness
ælde {vt} :: age, cause to grow old
ældning {noun} :: aging [US], ageing [UK] (making older)
ældste {c} :: elder
ælling {noun} :: duckling
ælte {b} :: mud
ælte {v} :: to knead
æltet {v} :: past participle of ælte
ændre {v} :: to change, to alter
ændring {noun} :: change
ændringsforslag {noun} :: amendment proposal
ænyd. {adj} :: abbreviation of ældre nydansk Early Modern Danish (ca. 1500-1700)
æon {noun} :: eon
-ær {suffix} :: -ary
æra {noun} :: era
ærbødighed {noun} :: deference
ærbødighed {noun} :: the act of being respectful
ære {noun} :: honor
ære {v} :: to honor
ærefrygt {noun} :: awe; a feeling of reverence so intense as to edge into dread
ærgelig {adj} :: misspelling of ærgerlig
ærgerlig {adj} :: annoying
ærgerlig {adj} :: annoyed
ærgre {v} :: annoy
ærgre {v} :: (reflexive) be disgruntled or annoyed
ærgret {v} :: past participle of ærgre
ærinde {noun} :: errand
ærinde {noun} :: business (objective or a matter needing to be dealt with)
ærke- {prefix} :: arch-, ruling, foremost
ærke- {prefix} :: very
ærkeamerikansk {adj} :: very American, very typical of the United States
ærkebiskop {noun} :: archbishop
ærkedansk {adj} :: very Danish, very typical of Denmark
ærkeengel {noun} :: archangel
ærkeengelsk {adj} :: very English, very typical of English culture
ærkefjende {noun} :: archenemy
ærkefransk {adj} :: very French, very typical of France
ærkeitaliensk {adj} :: very Italian, very typical of Italy
ærkekinesisk {adj} :: very Chinese, very typical of China
ærkesvensk {adj} :: very Swedish, very typical of Sweden
ærketysk {adj} :: very German, very typical of Germany
ærlig {adj} :: honest
ærlig {adj} :: frank
ærlig {adj} :: sincere, straight, square
ærlighed {noun} :: honesty (quality of being honest)
ærlighed varer længst {proverb} :: honesty is the best policy
ærme {noun} :: sleeve (part of a garment that covers the arm)
aerodynamik {noun} :: aerodynamics
aerofobi {c} :: aerophobia (fear of flying)
ært {noun} :: pea (a plant), Pisum sativum
ært {noun} :: pea (the edible seed of this plant)
ærværdig {adj} :: honourable, venerable
æsel {noun} :: ass, donkey, Equus asinus
æske {noun} :: box
æske {noun} :: boxful
æske {v} :: [rare] to urge (to press the mind or will of)
æstetisk {adj} :: aesthetic
aet {v} :: past participle of ae
æt {noun} [dated] :: family, descent
æt {noun} [dated] :: class [group of persons with similar ethnic or social characteristics]
æter {noun} [religion, uncountable] :: ether [the substance supposed to fill the upper regions over the clouds]
æter {noun} [uncountable] :: ether [the athmosphere as the medium for broadcasting radio and television]
æter {noun} [chemistry, uncountable] :: ether [diethyl ether, a colorless liquid used as an anaesthetic]
æter {noun} [chemistry] :: ether [any compound containing an oxygen atom bonded to two hydrocarbon groups]
ætse {noun} :: corrode [of an acid]
ætse {noun} [reflexive, figuratively] :: to influence painfully
ætse {noun} :: to etch [to engrave]
æv {interj} :: what a pity, I dislike this turn of events
æv {interj} :: shame on you, shame on that person
æv {interj} :: I am disgusted
æv {interj} [childish] :: I dislike that behaviour
æventyr {noun} :: obsolete spelling of eventyr
æventyrlig {adj} :: obsolete spelling of eventyrlig
ævle {v} [colloquial] :: to talk gibberish, to spout nonsense
ævle {v} [colloquial] :: to prattle, to talk excessively
af- {prefix} :: de-, to cause to cease to be
af- {prefix} :: off, from (signifies removal)
af {prep} :: by
af {prep} :: of
af {prep} :: from
af {prep} :: off
af {prep} :: with
af {prep} :: out of
af {adv} :: off
afæske {v} :: ask (repeatedly) for information in a overzealous and demanding way
afart {noun} :: variant, variety, variation
afasi {noun} :: aphasia
afbetaling {noun} :: installment, installment loan, installment plan, hire purchase
afbildning {noun} :: depiction (lifelike image), reproduction, illustration
afbildning {noun} :: picture
afbildning {noun} [mathematics] :: mapping
afbrudt {v} :: past participle of afbryde
afbryde {v} :: To interrupt, to disconnect
afdeling {noun} :: part (group inside a larger group)
afdeling {noun} :: section
afdeling {noun} :: division (section of a large company)
afdeling {noun} :: department
afdeling {noun} :: branch
afdeling {noun} :: ward
afdeling {noun} :: block
afdeling {noun} :: unit
afdeling {noun} :: detachment
afdeling {noun} :: compartment
afdød {adj} :: deceased
afdrage {v} :: to pay off a loan by several payments over an extended time
affald {noun} [uncountable] :: trash, garbage, waste
affaldsafgift {noun} :: garbage tax (garbage fee for a company given by the state)
affaldsbeholder {noun} :: wastepaper basket, wastebasket, trash container, waste container
affaldsbørs {noun} [chiefly fictional or imaginary] :: bourse or stock exchange for company waste
affaldscontainer {noun} :: wastepaper basket, wastebasket, trash container, waste container
affaldsdeponering {noun} :: the act of depositing trash/waste/garbage
affaldsdeponering {noun} :: landfill, dumpsite
affaldsdeponi {noun} :: landfill, dumpsite
affaldsdepot {noun} :: landfill, dumpsite
affaldsgebyr {noun} :: garbage fee, especially for a company
affaldskurv {noun} :: wastepaper basket, wastebasket (especially in a public outdoors place)
affaldspose {noun} :: garbage bag
affaldssortering {noun} :: trash sorting, garbage sorting, waste sorting; the sorting of trash, garbage, or waste
affaldsstof {noun} [biology] :: A waste product produced in the organism that has no purpose but to be expelled, such as carbon dioxide in the cardiovascular system
affaldstræ {noun} :: wood waste; wood that is discarded, thrown away
affekt {noun} :: affect
affektion {noun} :: affection
affektiv {adj} :: affective
afferent {adj} [anatomy] :: carrying towards central organs
afficere {v} [chiefly negative] :: to affect someone
affirmation {noun} :: affirmation
affirmativ {adj} :: affirmative
affolke {v} :: to depopulate
affolkning {noun} :: depopulation
afføring {noun} :: defecation, bowel movement, motion
afføring {noun} :: feces, excrement, crap, shit, stool
afgå {v} :: To take off
afgang {noun} :: departure
afgang {noun} :: resignation, retirement
afgang {noun} [medicine] :: passage, excretion
afgangstid {noun} :: time of departure, departure time
afgå ved døden {v} [formal] :: die
afghaner {noun} :: Afghan
afgivelse {noun} :: emission
afgivelse {noun} :: wilful (but not necessarily joyous) dispension
afgivelse {noun} :: an act of proclaiming, of giving something verbally
afgivelse {noun} :: the act of reporting, of giving information
afgøre {v} :: to decide
afgørende {adj} :: decisive
afgørende {adj} :: critical, crucial, key
afgørende {adj} :: conclusive
afgørende {adj} :: final
afgørende {adv} :: decisively
afgørende {adv} :: crucially, conclusively
afgørende {adv} :: finally
afgrøde {noun} :: crop (plant grown for food)
afgrøde {noun} :: yield (a product; the quantity of something produced)
afhænge {v} :: to depend
afhængefald {noun} [grammar, rare] :: relative case, ergative case
afhængig {adj} [with af] :: addicted
afhængig {adj} [with af] :: dependent
afhængighed {noun} :: dependence
afhængighed {noun} :: addiction
afhandling {noun} [academia] :: dissertation
afhold {noun} [rare] :: abstention, abstinence
afholde {v} :: to hold [an event, arrangement, election etc.]
afholde {v} :: to pay [the costs of something]
afholde {v} :: to prevent, stop, keep from
afholde {vr} :: to abstain
afholdende {adj} :: abstinent, abstemious, temperate, continent
afholdende {adv} :: abstemiously, temperately, continently
afholdenhed {noun} :: abstention, abstinence
afholdsmand {noun} [dated] :: A man who abstains from the drinking of alcoholic beverages
afholdt {adj} :: popular
afklæde {vt} :: undress
afklæde {vri} :: undress
afkolonisere {v} :: decolonize
afkolonisering {noun} :: decolonization
afkom {n} :: offspring, progeny
afkorte {v} :: to shorten
afkorte {v} :: to abbreviate
afkristning {noun} :: dechristianization
aflæse {v} :: read, glean from
af lave {adj} :: messed up, upside down, in a confusing, reprehensible state -- mostly in the phrase verden er af lave
aflede {v} :: to derive [to create from something already existing]
aflede {v} :: to deflect, divert [to make something change its course]
aflevere {v} :: To convey or hand over something
aflevere {v} :: to hand in an assignment
aflevering {noun} :: delivery
aflevering {noun} :: surrender (the yielding or delivery of a possession in response to a demand)
aflevering {noun} :: pass (sports: the act of moving the ball or puck from one player to another)
aflevering {noun} [education] :: something manufactured by a student (typically a text) submitted to a teacher for commentary and/or appraisal
aflive {v} :: to euthanize
afløb {noun} :: outlet
afløb {noun} :: drain, drainpipe, waste pipe
afløb {noun} :: plughole
afløb {noun} :: outflow
afløb {noun} :: [figurative] outlet, vent
aflyd {noun} :: ablaut
aflyse {v} :: to cancel
afmagt {noun} :: powerlessness
afmagt {noun} :: faint, swoon
aforisme {noun} :: aphorism (short phrase conveying some principle or concept of thought)
afpresning {noun} :: extortion (the practice of extorting money or other property)
afpresning {noun} :: blackmail
afprøvning {noun} :: invigilation
Afrika {prop} {c} :: Africa
afrikaans {n} :: Afrikaans (language)
afrikaner {noun} :: African (a native of Africa)
afrikansk {adj} :: African (of, or pertaining to Africa), abbreviated afr.
afro- {prefix} :: Afro-
afrocentrisk {adj} :: Afrocentric, focusing on Africa and/or Africans
afrodansker {noun} [rare, neologism] :: Dane of African descent
afrodisiakum {noun} :: aphrodisiac (food or drug)
Afrodite {prop} [Greek god] :: Aphrodite
afsender {noun} :: sender (someone who sends)
afsender {noun} :: someone who conveys a message
afskaffe {v} :: to disband
afskaffe {v} :: to abolish
afsked {noun} :: a parting; a farewell
afsked {noun} :: the leaving of an office or position
afskedige {v} :: to fire; sack
afskedsord {noun} :: parting word
afskrift {noun} :: a copy of a text
afskriver {noun} :: a manual copier of texts
afsky {noun} :: dislike, disgust, aversion, loathing, detestation
afsky {noun} :: abhorrence (extreme aversion)
afsky {v} :: hate
afsky {v} :: loathe, detest
afsky {v} :: abhor
afskyelig {adj} :: hateful
afskyelig {adj} :: detestable
afskyelig {adj} :: abominable
afskyelig {adj} :: odious
afskyelig {adj} :: disgusting
afskyelig {adj} :: loathsome
afskyelig {adj} :: atrocious
afskyelig {adj} :: vile
afskyelig {adj} :: [adverbial] hatefully, detestably, abominably, odiously, disgustingly, atrociously, vilely
afskygning {noun} :: hue
afskygning {noun} [idiomatic] :: form; shape
afsløre {v} :: To reveal
afslutning {noun} :: end, finale (the ending part of something)
afslutte {v} :: finish, end
afslutte {v} :: close, conclude
afslutte {v} :: finalize, complete
afslutte {v} :: terminate, exit
afsluttende {v} :: present participle of afslutte
afsmitning {noun} :: a contamination, a staining; a transfer of substances between contacting surfaces on contact
afsmitning {noun} :: a stain thus created
afsmitning {noun} [per extension] :: an affecting, a passing of conceptions, beliefs etc
afsnit {noun} :: part, paragraph or passage in a text
afsnit {noun} :: section
afsnit {noun} :: episode
afsnit {noun} :: segment
afsnitsfølge {noun} [mathematics] :: the sequence consisting of the partial sums (of some infinite series)
afspille {v} :: To play, to act (in plays,movies,etc.)
afstand {noun} :: distance
af sted {adv} :: going, off, literally out of or from (a) place.
afsted {adv} :: alternative form of af sted
afstemning {noun} :: voting
afstemning {noun} :: vote (a formalised choice)
afstemning {noun} :: ballot
afstemning {noun} :: polling
afstemning {noun} :: poll
afstemning {noun} :: harmonization
afstemning {noun} :: matching
afstemning {noun} :: balancing
af syne {adv} :: out of sight
aftabuisere {v} :: detaboo
aftægt {noun} [historical] :: accommodation for previous owners, especially by a son taking over a property
aftagerland {noun} :: in international trade, the country that imports
aftale {noun} :: arrangement
aftale {noun} :: agreement
aftale {noun} :: deal
aftale {noun} :: appointment
aftale {noun} :: accord
aftale {v} :: arrange
aftale {v} :: agree on
aftalt {v} :: past participle of aftale
aften {noun} :: evening
aften {noun} :: night (evening)
aftenkjole {c} [clothing] :: an evening dress or evening gown (a dress worn by women for formal events in the evening)
aftensmad {noun} :: supper, dinner, evening meal
aftes {noun} :: i aftes, i går afteslast night, yestereve, yesterevening, yesterday evening
afvænning {noun} :: rehabilitation, often in the sense of treating drug addiction
afvente {vt} :: To await
afvige {v} :: deviate
afvigelse {noun} :: deviation, departure
afvigelse {noun} :: deviance
afvigelse {noun} :: aberration
afvikle {v} :: to discontinue an enterprise, especially gradually and in an ordered manner
afvikle {v} :: to cause some activity to take place
afvise {v} :: to reject
afvise {v} :: to deny
åg {noun} :: yoke
agat {noun} :: agate
Agathe {prop} :: given name
agave {noun} :: agave
age {vi} [dated] :: to drive [in a vehicle]
age {vt} [obsolete] :: to drive [a vehicle], transport
agent {noun} :: agent [all senses]
ager {noun} [dated] :: field
åger {noun} :: usury
agere {v} :: to act
agere {v} :: to play
agerhøne {noun} :: grey partridge
ågerkarl {noun} :: usurer
agern {noun} [botany] :: acorn [fruit of the oak tree]
agern {noun} [anatomy, rare] :: glans penis
agglomerat {noun} [geology] :: agglomerate
agglutination {noun} :: agglutination
agglutinere {v} :: agglutinate
aggregere {v} :: aggregate
aggression {noun} :: aggression
aggressiv {adj} :: aggressive
aggressor {noun} :: aggressor
agil {adj} :: agile
agitation {noun} :: agitation
agitator {noun} :: agitator
agitere {v} :: to agitate
agn {noun} :: bait
Agnes {prop} :: given name
Agnete {prop} :: given name
Agnethe {prop} :: given name
agnostiker {noun} :: an agnostic
agorafobi {noun} :: agoraphobia
agronom {noun} :: agronomist (scientist specialized in agronomy)
agronomi {noun} :: agronomy, agronomics
agt {noun} :: intention
agt {noun} :: esteem
agtbar {adj} :: estimable, respectable
agte {v} [slightly, formal] :: intend
agte {v} :: esteem, regard favourably
-agtig {suffix} :: Forms adjectives, mostly from nouns, the adjectives having the sense "similar to"; -like
agurk {noun} :: cucumber
agurketid {noun} :: slow news day
Ahasverus {prop} :: Ahasuerus
ahistorisk {adj} :: ahistorical
ahmen {interj} :: pronunciation spelling of jamen
åh min gud {interj} [rare] :: oh my God; said in excitement, shock, awe, dismay, or supplication
ahorn {n} :: maple
ahornsirup {c} :: maple syrup
aikido {noun} :: aikido
ajle {noun} :: liquid manure, urine
ajour {adj} :: up-to-date
akademi {noun} :: academy
akademiker {noun} :: graduate (a person who is recognized by a university as having completed the requirements of a degree studied at the institution)
akademiker {noun} :: academic (member of an academy, college, or university)
akademisk {adj} :: academic
akademisk år {noun} [education] :: academic year
a-kasse {noun} :: an institution handling unemployment insurance
akilleshæl {noun} :: Achilles heel (weakness)
akillessene {noun} [anatomy] :: Achilles tendon (strong tendon in the calf of the leg)
akklimatisere {v} :: to acclimatize
akkolade {noun} :: accolade [most senses]
akkord {noun} :: chord (combination of three or more pitches)
akkord {noun} :: contract (piecework)
akkord {noun} :: arrangement, composition (mercantile)
akkordeon {noun} :: accordion with free-bass system
akkumulator {noun} :: accumulator (wet-cell storage battery; container which stores hydraulic power for release)
akkumulere {v} :: accumulate
akkumuleret {v} :: past participle of akkumulere
akkurat {adv} :: right, exactly
akkusativ {noun} [grammar] :: accusative, accusative case
akkusativ {noun} [grammar] :: accusative (a word in the accusative case)
a-kraft {noun} [technology, uncountable] :: nuclear power (the use of sustained nuclear fission to generate heat and electricity)
akrobat {noun} :: acrobat
akrofobi {c} :: acrophobia
akronym {noun} :: acronym (word formed by initial letters)
aks {noun} :: ear (fruiting body of a grain plant)
aks {noun} :: spike (ear of grain)
akse {noun} :: axis
aksel {noun} :: axle
Aksel {prop} :: given name
Akselsen {prop} :: surname
akt {noun} :: act, file (formal or official record)
akt {noun} :: act (division of theatrical performance)
akt {noun} :: nude, artwork of a naked person
akt {noun} :: act
aktie {noun} :: share, stock
aktieselskab {noun} [legal] :: Corporation; A stock-based company
aktindsigt {noun} :: access to public documents (pertaining to some case or related cases)
aktinium {noun} :: alternative spelling of actinium
aktion {noun} :: action
aktionere {v} :: to participate in political activism
aktionsforskning {noun} [sociology] :: action research
aktiv {adj} :: active
aktiv {adj} [grammar] :: active [being in the active voice]
aktiv {adj} [LGBT, slang] :: top [of a male with preference for penetrating in same-sex intercourse]
aktiv {noun} [grammar] :: active voice
aktiv {noun} :: asset
aktiv ingrediens {noun} :: active ingredient
aktivist {noun} :: activist
aktivitet {noun} :: activity
aktuel {adj} :: relevant, of interest, topical
aktuel {adj} :: current, present
aktuel koncentration {noun} [chemistry] :: the amount of some substance that exists within some volume, divided by that volume
aktuelle begivenheder {cp} [media] :: current events
akupunktur {noun} :: acupuncture (insertion of needles for remedial purposes)
akvarel {noun} :: watercolour
akvarium {noun} :: aquarium
-al {suffix} [organic chemistry] :: -al
al {pron} :: all
al {pron} :: any
ål {noun} :: eel
ål {noun} :: bodkin
a la {prep} :: alternative form of à la
à la {prep} :: a la
Alabama {prop} :: Alabama (state)
Alabamas {prop} :: genitive of Alabama
alabast {c} {n} :: alabaster
Åland {prop} :: Åland, Åland Islands; An autonomous province in Finland. Swedish speaking group of islands between Finland and Sweden
Ålandsøerne {prop} :: Ålandsøerne (autonomous province). Swedish speaking group of islands between Finland and Sweden
Alaska {prop} :: Alaska (state)
Alaskas {prop} :: genitive of Alaska
Albæk {prop} :: surname
Albanien {prop} :: Albanien (country)
albatros {noun} :: albatross
albatros {noun} [golf] :: an albatross or double eagle (a score of three strokes under par for a hole)
al begyndelse er svær {proverb} [idiom] :: all beginning is hard
Albert {prop} :: given name
Alberte {prop} :: given name, feminine form of Albert
Albertsen {prop} :: surname
albino {noun} :: albino: person or animal congenitally lacking melanin pigmentation in the skin, eyes, and hair or feathers (or more rarely only in the eyes); one afflicted with albinism
Ålborg {prop} :: Aalborg
albue {noun} :: elbow
albue {v} :: elbow
albuerum {noun} :: elbow room
albuerum {noun} [figuratively] :: elbow room
albuet {v} :: past participle of albue
album {noun} :: An album
albumin {noun} [physiology, organic compound] :: albumin
aldehyd {noun} [organic chemistry] :: aldehyde
alder {noun} :: age
alderssvarende {adj} :: fitting for one's age
alderstræk {noun} :: sign of age
aldrig {adv} :: never (at no time)
aldrig i livet {adv} [idiomatic, emphatic] :: never ever! never in a million years!
aldring {noun} :: aging [US], ageing [UK] (becoming older)
åleglat {adj} :: slippery as an eel
alen {noun} [historical] :: cubit, ell [a unit of length of varying value, in Denmark 62.8 cm (equal to 2 feet) until 1907]
alenefar {noun} :: a single father
alenlang {adj} :: very long, lengthy, interminable
Alex {prop} :: given name
Alexander {prop} :: given name
Alexandersen {prop} :: surname
Alexandra {prop} :: given name
Alexandria {prop} :: Alexandria (city)
alf {noun} :: fairy
alf {noun} :: elf
Alf {prop} :: given name
alfabet {noun} :: alphabet
alfabetisk {adj} :: alphabetical (in the sequence of the letters of the alphabet)
Alfader {prop} :: Odin
alfahan {noun} :: alpha male (dominant male in a group of animals)
alfa og omega {phrase} :: alpha and omega
alfapartikel {noun} [physics] :: alpha particle
alfons {noun} :: pimp
Alfred {prop} :: given name
algebra {noun} [mathematics] :: algebra (using symbols)
algebra {noun} [mathematics] :: algebra (study of algebraical structures)
Algeriet {prop} :: Algeriet (country)
algoritme {c} :: algorithm
algoritmisk {adj} [mathematics, computing] :: algorithmic
Alice {prop} :: given name
alkali {noun} [chemistry] :: an alkali
alkalimetal {noun} [chemistry] :: alkali metal
alkalisk {adj} :: alkaline
alkan {noun} [organic chemistry] :: alkane
alkohol {noun} :: alcohol
alkoholiker {noun} :: alcoholic (a person addicted to alcohol)
alkoholisme {noun} :: alcoholism
alkoholmisbrug {n} {c} :: alcohol abuse
alkymist {noun} :: alchemist
Allan {prop} :: given name
al landsens {phrase} :: all sorts of
alle {pron} :: plural of al
alle {c} :: alternative spelling of allé
allé {noun} :: avenue (street bordered by trees)
alle gode gange tre {phrase} [idiomatic] :: third time's a charm
allegori {noun} :: an allegory
allegorisk {adj} :: allegorical
allegorisk {adv} :: allegorically
allehelgensdag {noun} :: All Saints' Day
allemandsviden {noun} :: common knowledge
aller- {prefix} [used with superlatives, not lexicalising] :: very
allerede {adv} :: already (prior to some time, so soon)
allergisk {adj} :: allergic; having an allergy
allergisk {adj} :: allergic; of, or pertaining to, an allergy
alle sammen {pron} :: alternative form of allesammen
allesammen {pron} :: synonym of alle
alle tiders {adj} :: great, good
alle tiders {interj} :: great (expressing delight)
alle til hobe {pron} [archaic] :: all
alle til hobe {adv} [solemn] :: all together
alle veje fører til Rom {proverb} :: all roads lead to Rome (different paths to the same goal)
alligator {noun} :: alligator
alligevel {adv} :: nonetheless, nevertheless
allike {noun} :: jackdaw (Coloeus monedula)
allokering {noun} :: allocation (the process or procedure for allocating things, especially money or other resources.)
alm. {adj} :: abbreviation of almindelig
Alma {prop} :: given name
almægtig {adj} :: almighty
almagt {noun} :: omnipotence
almen {adj} :: common
almen {adj} :: public
almen {adj} :: general
almen {adj} :: universal
almeneje {noun} :: considered to be owned by everyone; particular to no individual or group
almengyldig {adj} :: true in general, universally true
almengyldighed {noun} [uncountable] :: the quality of being universally true
almengyldighed {noun} [countable] :: something universally true
almenkendt {adj} :: being common knowledge
almenmenneskelig {adj} :: common to all humans
almennyttig {adj} :: serving the common good
almen relativitet {noun} :: general relativity
almensprog {noun} :: vernacular
almensprog {noun} [rare] :: lingua franca
almensproglig {adj} :: common to all languages; not restricted to only some languages
almenvel {noun} :: common good
almenviden {c} :: common knowledge, considered as being known by most people
almindelig {adj} :: ordinary
almindelig {adj} :: usual
almindelig {adj} :: common
almindelig {adj} :: general (not specific or particular)
almindelig {adj} :: universal
almindelig {adj} :: prevalent, prevailing
almindelig {adv} :: ordinarily
almindelig sund fornuft er ikke så almindelig endda {proverb} [idiom] :: good common sense is not so common
almindelig ugedag {c} :: weekday
al'rede {adv} :: pronunciation spelling of allerede
alskens {adj} :: all sorts of; many different kinds of
altæder {noun} :: omnivore
altan {noun} [architecture] :: balcony (structure extending from a building)
alt andet lige {adv} :: all things being equal, ceteris paribus
alter {noun} [religion] :: altar, a table or a platform for making sacrifices
alter {noun} [Christianity] :: altar, the ritual space of a Christian church
altergang {noun} [Christianity] :: Holy Communion
alternativ {noun} :: alternative
alternativ {adj} :: alternative
alt for {adv} :: all too, way too, much too, far too
altfor {adv} :: obsolete spelling of alt for
altid {adv} :: always
alting {pron} :: everything
alting {noun} :: Althing [the national parliament of Iceland]
alting er let ,når bare man kan det {proverb} [idiom] :: everything is easy when you already learned how to do it
altmuligmand {noun} :: a person who performs many sundry duties for an institution; a handyman
altruistisk {adj} :: altruistic
aluminium {n} :: aluminum
alveolær {adj} [phonetics] :: alveolar
alveolar {noun} [phonetics] :: alveolar
alverden {prop} :: all the world, the whole world
alverdens {adj} :: all sorts of
alvidende fortæller {noun} [literature] :: omniscient narrator
Alvilda {prop} :: given name
alvor {noun} :: seriousness (state of being serious)
alvor {noun} :: gravity
alvor {noun} :: earnestness
alvorlig {adj} :: serious (important; weighty; not trifling; leaving no room for play)
alvorlig {adj} :: grave
alvorlig {adj} :: earnest
alvorlig {adj} :: grievous
alvorlig {adj} :: [adverbial] seriously, gravely, earnestly, severely, grievously, thoroughly
alvorsmand {noun} :: a serious man
alvorsord {noun} :: word of reprimand
amager {noun} :: person from Amager
amagerkaner {noun} [humorous] :: person from Amager
Amalie {prop} :: given name; a royal name in Denmark
Amanda {prop} :: given name
amanuensis {c} :: A teacher at an institute of higher education with a time-limited position (usually three years)
amanuensis {c} :: An assistent with a scientific education, e.g. to a doctor in private practice
amatør {noun} :: amateur (person attached to a pursuit without pursuing it professionally)
amatørornitolog {noun} :: amateur ornithologist
ambassade {noun} :: embassy
ambassadør {noun} :: ambassador
ambition {c} :: ambition
ambitiøs {adj} :: ambitious
ambolt {noun} :: anvil (tool)
ambolt {noun} [anatomy] :: anvil
ambra {noun} :: ambergris
ambra {noun} :: southernwood (Artemisia abrotanum)
americium {noun} :: americium
Amerika {prop} :: Amerika (country)
amerikaner {noun} :: American [a person from USA]
amerikaner {noun} [rare] :: American [a person from the Americas]
amerikaner {noun} :: ice cream cone with a chocolate-coated marshmallow treat and jam
amerikansk {adj} :: American; of or pertaining to the Americas
amerikansk {adj} :: American; of or pertaining to the United States of America (USA)
amerikansk pandekage {noun} :: small, thick pancake; American pancake
Amerikansk Samoa {prop} :: American Samoa (US overseas territory in Oceania)
Amerikas Forenede Stater {prop} :: Amerikas Forenede Stater (country)
ametyst {noun} :: amethyst
amfibium {noun} :: amphibian (vertebrate)
amfiteater {n} :: amphitheatre, amphitheater (US)
amin {noun} [organic chemistry] :: amine
aminosyre {noun} :: amino acid
amnesi {noun} :: amnesia
amnesti {c} {n} :: amnesty (act of the sovereign power)
amøbe {noun} :: amoeba
amok {adj} :: Out of control, especially when armed and dangerous
amok {adj} :: In a frenzy of violence, or on a killing spree; berserk
Amsterdam {prop} :: Amsterdam (city/and/municipality)
amt {noun} :: county [a first level country division in Denmark from 1662–2007]
Amundsen {prop} :: surname
an {adv} :: on [only used in lexicalized expressions]
anæmisk {adj} :: anemic, suffering from anemia
anæmisk {adj} :: anemic, lacking in passion and enthusiasm
anæstesi {noun} :: anesthesia
anagram {noun} :: anagram
anakonda {noun} :: anaconda
analfabet {noun} :: illiterate (an illiterate person)
analfabetisk {adj} :: illiterate
analfabetisme {noun} :: illiteracy
analsex {c} :: anal sex (sexual intercourse with anal penetration)
analysere {v} :: analyze
ananas {noun} :: pineapple (fruit, plant)
anarki {noun} :: anarchy (absence of any form of political authority or government)
anatomi {noun} :: anatomy
anbefale {v} :: recommend
anciennitet {noun} :: seniority (time)
and {noun} :: duck
and {noun} :: canard [false or misleading report or story]
ånd {noun} :: spirit, mind
ånd {noun} :: ghost
andalusier {noun} :: Andalusian
ånde {noun} :: breath (air expelled from the lungs)
ånde {v} :: breathe (to draw air in and out)
andebestand {noun} :: duck population
åndedræt {n} :: a breath (air expelled from the lungs)
andefedt {n} :: duck fat
åndelig {adj} :: spiritual
andemad {noun} :: duckweed
anden {pron} :: other, another, else
anden {num} :: second
andengradsligning {noun} [mathematics] :: quadratic equation
anden juledag {c} :: Boxing Day
åndenød {noun} :: dyspnea, shortness of breath
andenudgave {noun} :: the second edition (of e.g. a book)
andenudgave {noun} :: a copy hereof
anden verdenskrig {prop} :: World War II, Second World War
anderledes {adj} :: different
anderledes {adv} :: differently
anderledestænkende {adj} [chiefly nominally] :: differently thinking
Anders {prop} :: given name
Anders And {prop} :: Donald Duck (one of the Disney characters)
Andersen {prop} :: surname
andersensk {adj} :: Andersenian
andet {num} :: neuter singular of anden
åndet {adj} :: silly
ånde ud {v} [biology] :: to exhale, to breathe out
ånde ud {v} [colloquial] :: to relax
ånde ud {v} [colloquial] :: to take the last breath, to die
andre {pron} :: plural of anden
andre {pron} :: others
Andrea {prop} :: given name, feminine form of Andreas
Andreas {prop} :: Andrew (biblical figure)
Andreas {prop} :: given name
Andreasen {prop} :: surname
andre boller på suppen {phrase} :: a new situation
Andresen {prop} :: surname
andrik {noun} :: drake (male duck)
androide {noun} :: android (robot with human form)
åndsforladt {adj} :: inane
åndsfraværende {adj} :: absentminded
åndsliv {n} :: intellectual life
åndssvag {adj} [dated, psychology] :: mentally retarded
åndssvag {adj} [colloquial] :: ridiculous, dumb, retarded
åndsvag {adj} :: stupid
ane {noun} :: forefather
ane {v} :: guess
ane {v} :: suspect (to imagine or suppose (something) to be true without evidence)
ane {v} :: glimpse
Ane {prop} :: given name
anende {v} :: present participle of ane
anerkende {v} :: to acknowledge, admit
anerkende {v} :: to recognize [accept the existence of]
anerkende {v} :: to recognize [praise]
anet {v} :: past participle of ane
Anette {prop} :: given name
anfald {noun} [medicine] :: attack, seizure
anfaldsfri {adj} [medicine] :: not prone to or without attacks or seizures; seizureless
anfange {v} [obsolete] :: to begin
ang. {prep} :: abbreviation of angående
angående {prep} :: about, concerning, pertaining to
angakok {noun} :: angakok
anglofil {adj} :: Anglophilic
anglofil {noun} :: Anglophile (person who loves the culture of Britain)
angreb {noun} :: attack (offense of a battle)
angreb {noun} :: assault
angreb {noun} :: raid
angreb {noun} :: charge
angribe {v} :: to attack, assault
angriber {noun} :: attacker (someone who attacks, offensive soccer player)
angst {adj} :: afraid, anxious, alarmed
angst {noun} :: fear, alarm, apprehension, dread
angst {noun} :: anxiety
angst {noun} :: angst
ångstrøm {c} :: angstrom (unit of length, 10-10 m), abbreviated mul
ångstrøm {c} :: indefinite plural of ångstrøm
angstskrig {noun} :: cry or shriek of terror
anholde {v} :: arrest (to seize and take into legal custody)
anholdelse {noun} :: arrest (an act or instance of an arrest)
anime {noun} :: anime
anis {noun} :: anise
anisotrop {adj} :: anisotropic
anisotropi {noun} :: anisotropy
anisotropisk {adj} :: anisotropic
Anita {prop} :: given name of Spanish origin
Anja {prop} :: given name
anke {noun} :: complaint
anke {noun} :: appeal
anke {v} :: to complain
anke {v} :: to appeal (to take a case to a higher court)
anker {noun} [nautical] :: anchor
anker {noun} :: armature, anchor (rotating part of an electric motor or dynamo)
anker {noun} :: barrel (beer), cask (wine)
anker {noun} :: anker
Anker {prop} :: given name
Ankersen {prop} :: surname
anket {v} :: past participle of anke
anklage {noun} :: an accusation (declaration of fault or blame)
anklage {v} :: to accuse
anklagende {v} :: present participle of anklage
ankomme {v} :: To get to a certain place; to arrive
ankommet {v} :: past participle of ankomme
ankomst {noun} :: arrival
ankre {v} :: to anchor
ankret {v} :: past participle of ankre
anledning {noun} :: cause, occasion, reason
anledning {noun} :: occasion, opportunity
anløben {adj} :: drunk
anmeldelse {noun} :: A review, a reception, criticism
anmode {v} :: to request, ask for [with the preposition om + the thing requested, with or without the person to whom the request is made as an object]
Ann {prop} :: given name
Anna {prop} :: given name
Anna {prop} :: Anna (Biblical prophetess)
Anne {prop} {c} :: given name
annektering {noun} :: annexation
Annelise {prop} :: given name, combination of Anne and Lise, also spelled Anne-Lise
Anne-Lise {prop} :: given name
Annemarie {prop} :: given name, combination of Anne and Marie, also spelled Anne-Marie
Anne-Marie {prop} :: given name, combination of Anne and Marie
Annemette {prop} :: given name
Anne-Mette {prop} :: given name
Anne-Sofie {prop} :: given name, combination of Anne and Sofie
Annette {prop} :: given name
Anni {prop} :: given name
Annie {prop} :: given name
annihilere {v} :: to annihilate
annullation {noun} :: annulment (the act of annulling; abolition; nullification; cancellation)
annullere {v} :: cancel (invalidate, annul)
annullering {noun} :: cancel (cancellation)
annullering {noun} :: annulment
annullering {noun} :: disallowance (in sports)
Anny {prop} :: given name
anonym {adj} :: anonymous
anonymisere {v} :: to anonymise
anonymitet {noun} :: anonymity
anorak {c} :: anorak
anordne {v} [rare] :: to arrange, prescribe
anordning {noun} :: device [a thing with a certain purpose]
anordning {noun} :: regulation [an instruction from a ministry as to how administrate a law]
anoreksi {noun} :: anorexia nervosa
ansætte {v} :: to hire, employ, appoint
ansætte {v} :: estimate, assess
ansat {adj} :: employed
ansat {noun} :: employee
anse {v} :: to consider, regard
anseelse {noun} :: reputation [what somebody is known for]
anseelse {noun} :: respect
anseelse {noun} :: standing
anseelse {noun} :: prestige
anselig {adj} :: sizable, of some size
anset {adj} :: respected
ansigt {noun} :: face (the part of the body)
anskueliggøre {v} :: to illustrate, to make more comprehensible
ansøger {noun} :: applicant (one who applies)
ansøger {noun} :: candidate (a person who is applying to a position for a job)
ansøgning {noun} :: an application; a written request for money, help, asylum, work etc
anstændig {adj} :: proper, decent
anstand {noun} :: dignity
anstand {noun} :: decorum, propriety
anstrøg {noun} :: trace, tinge, touch
ansvar {noun} :: responsibility [the state of being responsible]
ansvar {noun} :: liability [an obligation, debt or responsibility owed to someone]
ansvar {noun} :: blame
ansvarlig {adj} :: responsible (reliable, showing responsibility)
ansvarlig {adj} :: responsible (answerable)
ansvarlig {adj} :: responsible (being the cause of)
ansvarsfraskrivelse {noun} [law] :: disclaimer, waiver
antage {v n c p} :: assume, presume
antage {v n c p} :: accept
antage {v n c p} :: engage, take on
antage {v n c p} :: adopt
antageligvis {adv} :: presumably
antagonist {noun} [literature] :: antagonist
antal {noun} :: number (of something); quantity of something countable
antaste {v} :: bother someone
antenne {noun} [zoology] :: an antenna (on an insect)
antenne {noun} :: an aerial (UK) or antenna (transmitting and/or receiving device)
Anthonsen {prop} :: surname
anti- {prefix} :: anti-
antibiotikum {n} [pharmacology] :: An antibiotic
antikrist {noun} :: antichrist (evil person)
antimon {noun} :: antimony
antisemitisk {adj} :: anti-Semitic
antisemitisme {c} :: anti-Semitism, hatred of Jews
antiseptisk {adj} [medicine] :: antiseptic
antistof {noun} [physics, uncountable] :: antimatter
antistof {noun} [immunology, countable] :: antibody
Antoinette {prop} :: given name
antologi {noun} :: anthology (collection of literary works)
Anton {prop} :: given name
Antonie {prop} :: given name, feminine form of Anton
Antonsen {prop} :: surname
antonym {adj} :: antonymous
antonym {noun} :: antonym
antonymi {noun} :: antonymy
antropomorf {adj} :: anthropomorphic (having the form of a man)
antropomorfisme {noun} :: anthropomorphism
Antwerpen {prop} :: Antwerpen (capital city)
Antwerpen {prop} :: Antwerpen (province)
antyde {v} :: To imply, to suggest
antydet {v} :: past participle of antyde
antydning {noun} :: hint
antydning {noun} :: suggestion
antydning {noun} :: indication
antydning {noun} :: innuendo
antydning {noun} :: trace, touch, suspicion
Anubis {prop} [Egyptian mythology] :: Anubis
anvendt matematik {c} :: applied mathematics
anvendt økonomi {noun} :: applied economics
anyway {adv} :: Used to indicate a change of topic
aorist {noun} :: aorist [a past tense formation in Classical and Modern Greek and related formations in other Indo-European languages]
aorist {noun} :: aorist [verbal aspect in Classical and Modern Greek, equivalent to perfective]
apalhraun {n} [geology] :: aa (a type of lava flow)
apanage {noun} :: apanage, appanage
Aphrodite {prop} [Greek god] :: Aphrodite
apokope {noun} :: apocope
Apollon {prop} [Greek god] :: Apollo
apostelheste {noun} [humorous, plural only] :: legs, seen as vehicles of locomotion
apostrof {noun} :: apostrophe (the character ’)
apotek {noun} :: pharmacy (a place where prescription drugs are dispensed)
apoteker {noun} :: apothecary, pharmacist
apoteose {noun} :: apotheosis
apoteosere {v} :: to apotheosize
app {noun} [computing] :: app
apparat {noun} :: instrument, apparatus, appliance, machine
apparat {noun} :: device
apparat {noun} :: radio or TV set
apparat {noun} :: camera
apparat {noun} :: telephone, handset, extension
apparat {noun} :: machinery
appelsin {noun} :: An orange, a fruit from the tree Citrus sinensis
appelsinfri {adj} :: free of oranges
appelsinfri {adj} [slang] :: sober
appelsinhud {noun} :: cellulite
appelsin i turbanen {noun} [idiomatic] :: an unexpected stroke of luck
appelsinjuice {noun} :: Orange juice
appelsinskræl {noun} :: orange peel
appetit {noun} :: appetite
applicere {v} :: to apply
applicering {noun} :: application [act of applying]
applikation {noun} :: application (act of applying)
applikation {noun} [computing] :: application
april {c} :: April (the fourth month of the Gregorian calendar)
aprilsnar {noun} :: April fool (practical joke played on April Fools' Day)
apropos {noun} :: aside
apropos {prep} :: apropos (regarding or concerning)
apropos {adv} :: apropos
ar {noun} :: scar
ar {noun} [slang] :: mouth
ar {noun} :: are (square decametre, 100 m²)
år {noun} :: year
ara {noun} :: macaw (various parrots)
araber {noun} :: Arab (a person of Arab origin), Arabian (a native of Arabia)
araber {noun} :: Arabian (an Arabian horse)
Arabien {prop} :: Arabia (a peninsula between the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf)
arabisk {adj} :: Arabic (of, from, or pertaining to Arab countries or cultural behaviour)
Arabiske Halvø {prop} [geography] :: Arabian Peninsula, Arabian subcontinent, Arabia (land mass nort-east of Africa)
aragonisk {adj} :: Aragonese (of, from, or pertaining to Aragon, the Aragonese people or the Aragonese language)
aramæer {noun} :: Aramaean
arbejde {noun} :: work (labour, employment, occupation, job)
arbejde {noun} [physics] :: work
arbejde {noun} :: work (effort expended on a particular task)
arbejde {v} :: work, to do a specific task (Generally for money)
arbejder {noun} :: worker, workman, laborer, labourer
arbejderbi {noun} :: worker bee
arbejde sort {v} :: to work without reporting doing so to the appropriate authorities (thus evading taxation)
arbejdet {v} :: past participle of arbejde
arbejdsbi {noun} :: worker bee
arbejdsbord {noun} :: worktable
arbejdsdag {noun} :: workday, working day
arbejdsdeling {noun} :: division of labour
arbejdsdygtig {adj} [of a person] :: able to work
arbejdsgiver {noun} :: employer (person or entity which employs others)
arbejdskollega {noun} :: a coworker
arbejdsløs {adj} :: unemployed (having no job)
arbejdsløshed {noun} :: unemployment, joblessness
arbejdsro {noun} :: tranquility allowing for productive and/or comfortable work
arbejdstager {noun} :: employee
arbejdsudygtig {adj} :: incapable of working
arbitrær {adj} :: arbitrary (chosen at random)
årbog {noun} :: A yearbook
ard {noun} [historical] :: plough, ard
åre {noun} [anatomy] :: vein (bloodvessel)
åre {noun} [geology] :: vein (e.g. with gold)
åre {noun} [botany] :: grain (in wood)
åre {noun} :: an oar used for rowing
areal {noun} :: area, space
areal {noun} :: acreage
årepresse {noun} :: tourniquet
Argentina {prop} :: Argentina (country)
argentiner {noun} :: Argentinian (person from Argentina)
argon {noun} :: argon
argument {noun} :: argument
argumentere {v} :: to argue
århundred {noun} :: A century; a period of 100 consecutive years
århundrede {noun} :: A century; a period of 100 consecutive years
Århus {prop} {n} :: Århus (city)
århusianer {noun} :: person from Aarhus
århusiansk {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the city of Aarhus
arie {noun} :: aria (type of musical piece)
arier {noun} :: Aryan
-årig {suffix} :: aged a specified number of years
-årig {suffix} :: of a duration of the specified number of years
-årigt {suffix} :: neuter singular of -årig
Aristofanes {prop} :: Aristophanes
aristokrat {noun} :: aristocrat (one of the aristocracy)
aristokrati {noun} :: aristocracy (the nobility or the hereditary ruling class)
Aristophanes {prop} :: Aristophanes
Aristoteles {prop} :: Aristotle
aristotelisk {adj} :: Aristotelian
aritmetikkens fundamentalsætning {prop} [number theory] :: fundamental theorem of arithmetic
Arizona {prop} :: Arizona (state)
Arizonas {prop} :: genitive of Arizona
ark {noun} :: a sheet [of paper]
ark {noun} [biblical] :: ark [Noah's Ark or the Ark of the Convenant]
arkæologi {noun} :: archaeology [study of material culture(s) in the past]
Arkansas' {prop} :: genitive of Arkansas
Arkansas {prop} :: Arkansas (state)
arkitekt {noun} :: architect (a designer of buildings)
arkitektur {noun} :: architecture
arkiv {noun} :: archive
arkivar {noun} :: archivist
årle {adj} [dated] :: early
årlig {adj} :: yearly, annual (happening once every year)
årlig {adj} :: annual (of, for or relating to a whole year)
årlig {adj} [adverbial, also årligt] :: yearly, annually
arm {noun} [anatomy] :: arm
arm {adj} [dated] :: poor, not rich
arm {adj} :: unfortunate, poor
armbåndsur {noun} :: a wristwatch
armbrøst {noun} :: crossbow (mechanised weapon based on the bow)
arme {noun} :: army
Armenien {prop} :: Armenien (country)
armhule {noun} :: armpit (cavity beneath the junction of the arm and shoulder)
armillarsfære {noun} :: armillary sphere
armlægning {noun} :: arm wrestling
armod {noun} :: poverty
arne {noun} :: hearth
Arne {prop} :: given name
Arnesen {prop} :: surname
Arnold {prop} :: given name of Germanic origin
Arnth {prop} :: surname
aromatisk {adj} :: aromatic
aromatisk {adj} [organic chemistry] :: aromatic
Aron {prop} :: Aaron (biblical figure)
Aron {prop} :: given name
Aronsen {prop} :: surname
arp {noun} :: cradle cap
arrangement {noun} :: arrangement
arrangement {noun} :: event, party
arrangere {v} :: to set up, organize, arrange [especially in a positive manner]
arre {v} :: to scar
arrest {noun} :: arrest [the process of holding back a suspect]
arrest {noun} :: confinement, detention [a short-time prison]
arresteret {adj} :: arrested, under arrest
arret {v} :: past participle of arre
arrig {adj} :: bad-tempered
arrig {adj} :: testy, peppery
arrig {adj} :: peevish
arrig {adj} :: vicious (about a savage and aggressive dog)
arrigtrold {noun} :: spitfire (a person with a fiery temper)
arrogant {adj} :: arrogant
årsag {noun} :: cause
årsdag {noun} :: anniversary
arsen {noun} :: arsenic (element, chemical symbol As)
arsenik {noun} :: arsenic (As2O3)
årstid {noun} :: season (quarter of a year), time of year
art {noun} :: kind
art {noun} :: nature
art {noun} :: species
Arthur {prop} {m} :: given name
årti {noun} :: decade (a period of ten years)
artig {adj} :: (especially of a child) well-behaved
artikel {noun} :: article [a story, report, or opinion piece]
artikel {noun} :: article [an item in a list or a document]
artikel {noun} :: article [an entry in a dictionary or an encyclopedia]
artikel {noun} :: article, product, commodity [a certain kind of product]
artikel {noun} [grammar] :: article [a part of speech indicating that a noun phrase is definite or indefinite]
artiskok {noun} :: artichoke
årtusind {noun} :: a millennium, a thousand years
årtusinde {noun} :: a millennium, a thousand years
arv {noun} :: inheritance
arv {noun} :: legacy
arv {noun} :: heritage
årvågenhed {noun} :: a vigilance
årvågenhed {noun} :: an alertness
arve {noun} :: pimpernel (Anagallis), especially scarlet pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis)
arve {v} :: inherit
arve {v} :: succeed (to fall heir to; to inherit)
arvelig {adj} :: hereditary (which is passed on as inheritance)
Arvesen {prop} :: surname
arvet {v} :: past participle of arve
Arvid {prop} :: given name
arving {noun} :: heir, heiress
as {noun} :: one of the Æsir
as {noun} :: A-flat (A♭)
A/S {noun} [legal] :: abbreviation of aktieselskab (a stock-based company)
ås {noun} :: esker, ridge
ås {noun} :: purlin
ås {noun} :: beam
asbest {c} :: asbestos
Asbjørn {prop} :: given name
ascorbinsyre {c} :: unofficial, but common spelling for askorbinsyre
ase {v} :: struggle (to labour in difficulty)
Åse {prop} :: given name derived from Old Norse Ása
aseksualitet {noun} :: asexuality
aseptisk {adj} [medicine] :: aseptic
Aserbajdsjan {prop} :: Aserbajdsjan (country)
aset {v} :: past participle of ase
asfalt {noun} :: asphalt, asphalt concrete
asfaltere {v} :: asphalt
asfyksi {noun} :: asphyxia, asphyxiation
Asgård {prop} [Norse mythology] :: Asgard
Asger {prop} :: given name
asiat {noun} :: Asian
asie {noun} :: gherkin
Asien {prop} [geography] :: Asia (A continent located east of Europe, west of the Pacific Ocean, north of Oceania and south of the Arctic Ocean.)
ask {noun} :: common ash (tree, Fraxinus excelsior)
aske {noun} :: ash (solid remains of a fire)
aske {v} :: ash
Aske {prop} :: given name
askebæger {noun} :: ashtray
Askepot {prop} :: Cinderella
asket {v} :: past participle of aske
askorbinsyre {noun} :: ascorbic acid
Asmus {prop} :: given name
asparges {noun} :: asparagus (asparagus plant)
aspartam {noun} :: aspartame
aspekt {noun} :: aspect
Aspergers syndrom {m} :: Asperger’s syndrome
aspirere {v} :: to aspire
assertiv {adj} :: assertive
assimilation {noun} :: assimilation
assimilation {noun} [linguistics] :: assimilation
assimilation {noun} [sociology] :: assimilation
assimilere {v} :: to assimilate
assistent {noun} :: assistant
assistere {v} :: to assist
association {noun} :: association
association {noun} :: group of persons united for some purpose
associativ {adj} [math] :: associative
associativitet {noun} [math] :: associativity
associere {v} :: to associate
assortiment {noun} :: assortment
assurandør {noun} [insurance] :: insurer
assurandør {noun} [insurance, now, rare] :: synonym of forsikringsselskab ("insurance company")
assyrer {noun} :: Assyrian
assyriologi {noun} :: Assyriology
assyrisk {adj} :: Assyrian
Asta {prop} :: given name
astat {n} :: astatine (element)
asterisk {noun} :: asterisk
asteroide {noun} :: asteroid
astma {noun} [pathology] :: asthma
astmaanfald {noun} [medicine] :: asthma attack
astmapatient {noun} :: asthma patient
astmatiker {noun} [pathology] :: asthmatic
astmatisk {adj} [pathology] :: asthmatic
astmatisk anfald {noun} [pathology, rare] :: asthma attack
Astrid {prop} :: given name
astro- {prefix} :: astro-; (pertaining to stars)
astrofysik {noun} :: astrophysics
astrofysiker {noun} :: astrophysicist
astrologi {noun} :: astrology
astronaut {noun} :: astronaut
astronomisk {adj} :: astronomical (of or relating to astronomy, very large)
astronomisk enhed {c} :: astronomical unit
asyl {noun} :: asylum, refuge, sanctuary
asyl {noun} :: orphanage, crèche
asylansøger {noun} :: asylum seeker
asymmetrisk {adj} :: asymmetric, asymmetrical
at {conj} :: that [introduces a noun clause functioning as the subject, object or predicative of a verb, or as the object of a prepositional phrase]
at {conj} [archaic] :: that, in order that, so that [introduces an adverbial clause stating the purpose]
at {conj} :: that, so that [introduces an adverbial clause stating the result, normally after a demonstrative adverb or pronoun]
at {conj} :: that, why [introducing an independent clause, expressing passion, surprise, anger, or joy]
at {conj} [proscribed] :: added pleonastically to other conjunctions: fordi at, hvis at, når at
at {particle} :: to [infinitive-marker, obligatory when the infinitive functions as noun phrase or an adverbial phrase, but omitted when it is governed by a modal verb]
at {particle} :: introducing an adverb of direction after a phrase that normally governs an infinitive (which may be understood ellipsis)
at falde er ingen skam, men at blive liggende er {proverb} [idiom] :: falling is not a shame, keep lying down is
atgejr {noun} :: halberd
Athen {prop} :: Athen (capital city)
Athena {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Athena (the goddess)
athenæer {noun} :: Athenian, a citizen of the Greek city of Athens
athenæisk {adj} :: Athenian, belonging to the Greek city of Athens
Athene {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Athena (the goddess)
athener {noun} :: Athenian, a citizen of the Greek city of Athens
athenienser {noun} :: Athenian, a citizen of the Greek city of Athens
atheniensisk {adj} :: Athenian, belonging to the Greek city of Athens
athensk {adj} :: Athenian, belonging to the Greek city of Athens
atlantisk {adj} :: Atlantic
atlet {noun} :: athlete (a participant in track and field sports)
atmosfære {noun} :: atmosphere (gases surrounding a planet)
atmosfære {noun} :: atmosphere (unit of pressure)
atom- {prefix} :: A-; (nuclear power)
atom {noun} :: atom
atomaffald {noun} :: nuclear waste
atombombe {noun} [military, weapon] :: nuclear bomb, atomic bomb [nuclear weapon]
atomkerne {noun} [physics] :: nucleus [positive core of atom]
atomkraft {noun} [technology] :: nuclear power (the use of sustained nuclear fission to generate heat and electricity)
atomnummer {noun} [nuclear physics] :: atomic number
atomvåben {n} :: nuclear weapon, atomic weapon
atonal {adj} [music] :: atonal
at tale er at så, at lytte er at høste {proverb} [idiom] :: talking is seeding and listening is harvesting
atten {num} :: eighteen
atter {adv} :: again
attisk {adj} :: Attic, belonging to the landscape of Attica or the city of Athens
attisk {adj} :: Attic, referring to the dialect or the literature of Classical Athens
attisk {noun} :: the Attic dialect of Greek
atto- {prefix} :: atto-
attrå {noun} :: desire, longing
attrå {v} :: to wish, desire
attrå {v} :: to covet, yearn
attribut {n} {c} :: attribute (characteristic or quality); female characteristics, especially the breasts
attribut {n} {c} [grammar] :: attribute (word qualifying a noun)
atypisk {adj} :: atypical
aubergine {noun} :: eggplant, aubergine (fruit, plant, color)
auditorium {n} :: auditorium (large room for speeches, meetings, performances, etc.)
august {c} :: August (the eighth month of the Gregorian calendar)
August {prop} :: given name. Feminine form: Augusta
Augusta {prop} :: given name of Latin origin
Australien {prop} {n} :: Australien (continent)
australier {noun} :: an Australian (person from Australia)
australsk {adj} :: Australian (of or pertaining to Australia)
autenticitet {noun} :: authenticity
autentisk {adj} :: authentic
autisme {c} :: autism
auto- {prefix} :: self
auto- {prefix} :: automatic
auto- {prefix} :: cars
autodidakt {noun} :: autodidact (a self-taught person)
autodidakt {adj} :: autodidactic, self-taught, self-educated
autofokus {noun} :: autofocus
autograf {noun} :: autograph
autokrat {noun} :: autocrat
autokrati {noun} :: autocracy
automat {noun} :: kiosk
automatisk {adj} :: automatic
automatisk {adv} :: automatically
automobil {noun} :: automobile
autonom {adj} :: autonomous
autonomi {noun} :: autonomy
autoprotolyse {noun} [chemistry] :: autoprotolysis
autopsi {noun} :: autopsy (a dissection performed on a cadaver)
autorisation {noun} :: authorization (formal sanction, permission or warrant)
autoritet {noun} :: authority
autoritetstro {noun} :: compliance with and faith in authority
av {adj} :: abbreviation of audiovisuel
av {interj} :: ouch (expression of one's own physical pain)
avance {noun} :: profit
avancere {v} :: to advance
avancere {v} :: to be promoted
avanceret {adj} :: advanced
avantgarde {noun} :: avantgarde, avant-garde
ave {c} :: discipline, keeping in check
ave {noun} :: Ave Maria
ave {v} :: discipline, check, restrain
avenue {noun} :: avenue
avis {noun} [journalism] :: newspaper
avl {noun} :: breeding [of animals]
avl {noun} :: growing [of plants]
avle {v} :: to grow, raise [to produce plants]
avle {v} :: to breed, raise [to produce animals]
avle {v} :: to procreate, sire, beget [to have children]
avle {v} [metaphorically] :: to create
avler {noun} :: breeder [of plants or animals]
avocado {noun} :: avocado
avokado {noun} :: avocado
Axel {prop} :: given name
Axelsen {prop} :: surname