User:Matthias Buchmeier/nl-en-c

c {letter} :: letter
C {letter} :: letter: cee
ca. {adv} :: abbreviation of circa
cabaleur {m} :: conspirator, member of a cabal
cabaret {n} :: cabaret, type of live entertainment
cabaret {n} :: comedy, live performance of jokes and satire
cabaretavond {m} :: cabaret evening
cabaretduo {n} :: duo performing (in a) cabaret
cabaretesk {adj} :: cabaret-like; as if from a comedy show
cabaretfestival {n} :: cabaret festival
cabaretgezelschap {n} :: cabaret group
cabaretgroep {n} :: cabaret group
cabaretier {m} :: cabaret performer
cabaretière {f} :: female cabaret performer
cabaretlied {n} :: song in a cabaret show
cabaretprogramma {n} :: cabaret programme
cabaretshow {m} :: cabaret show
cabaretsketch {m} :: cabaret sketch
cabarettekst {n} :: text used in a cabaret show
cabarettrio {n} :: trio performing (in a) cabaret
cabaretvoorstelling {f} :: cabaret show
cabaretzanger {n} :: cabaret singer
cabine {f} :: cabin (of an aircraft or ship)
cabine {f} :: cab (of a train)
cabinepersoneel {n} :: cabin crew (in an aircraft)
cabochon {m} :: cabochon
cabretleer {n} :: goat leather
cabrio {m} :: cabriolet: convertible car
cabriolet {m} :: cabriolet, convertible (car with a convertible top)
cabriolet {m} :: cabriolet (light carriage with a convertible top, drawn by one horse)
cacao {m} :: cocoa
cacaoboom {m} [botany] :: The cacao tree, Theobroma cacao
cacaoboon {f} :: cocoa bean
cacaoboter {f} :: cocoa butter
cacaomelk {f} [Belgium] :: cocoa drink, [if heated] hot chocolate (beverage made of cocoa and milk)
cacao-overeenkomst {f} :: cocoa agreement
cacaopoeder {n} :: cocoa solids
cactus {m} :: cactus, plant of the family Cactaceae
cactusvijg {f} :: A prickly pear, an Indian fig
cadans {f} :: cadence (rhythm)
cadeau {n} :: present; gift
cadeaubon {m} :: gift card, gift voucher (token that is given as a gift and can be used to purchase specific items)
cadeaudochter {m} :: [colloquial, rare] stepdaughter
cadeaukaart {m} :: electronic gift card (debit card that is given as a gift and can be used to purchase specific items)
cadeautip {m} :: suggestion for a gift
cadens {f} [music] :: cadence (progression of chords closing a piece or section)
cadens {f} [music] :: cadenza (closing embellishment)
cadmium {n} :: cadmium
cadmiumgeel {adj} :: cadmium yellow
cadmiumgeel {n} :: A cadmium yellow colour or dye
caduceren {vt} [obsolete] :: to declare void, to nullify
caduceren {vi} [obsolete] :: to become void
café {n} :: café; coffee shop
café {n} :: pub, bar
café {n} :: snackbar
cafeïne {f} :: caffeine
cafetaria {f} :: small restaurant, cafeteria
cafetaria {f} :: snack bar
cahier {n} {m} :: notebook, writing pad
cahier {n} {m} :: folder
cahier {n} {m} :: magazine, proceeding, journal
Caïro {prop} {n} :: Caïro (capital city)
cake {m} :: pound cake
cakeblik {n} :: A cake tin
calamiteit {f} :: large disaster, calamity
calamiteitenzender {m} [Netherlands] :: a public television channel that will broadcast in case of a disaster
calciet {n} :: calcite
calcium {n} :: calcium
calciumoxide {n} :: calcium oxide (quicklime)
calculeren {v} [mathematics, arithmetic] :: to calculate
calculeren {v} :: to estimate, to reckon
calèche {f} :: light, four-wheeled, horse-drawn open carriage with a low wheelbase and a large distance between front and rear axles
calèche {f} [historical] :: wide bonnet
caleidoscoop {m} :: kaleidoscope
calibreren {v} :: superseded spelling of kalibreren
Californië {prop} {n} :: Californië (state)
Californië {prop} {n} [historical] :: colonial California
Californië {prop} {n} [historical] :: California Republic
Californiër {m} :: A Californian
Californisch {adj} :: Californian
californium {n} :: californium
calixtijn {m} [historical, Christianity] :: A Calixtine, a Utraquist, a moderate Hussite
calorie {f} :: calorie
calorisch {adj} :: caloric, calorific
Calvijn {prop} {m} :: given name
calvinist {m} :: Calvinist, a follower of Calvinism
calvinist {m} [historical] :: An orthodox Reformed Protestant, especially a confessional conservative [frequently with mostly negative connotations of dogmatism, narrowness, moralism but also suggesting thrift and industriousness]
Cambodja {prop} {n} :: Cambodia
Cambodjaan {m} :: Cambodian
Cambodjaans {adj} :: Cambodian
camee {m} :: a piece of jewelry carved in relief; a cameo
camelia {f} :: A camellia, plant of the genus Camellia
camera {f} :: camera
cameraploeg {mf} :: film crew
cameratoezicht {n} :: camera surveillance
cameraval {m} :: camera trap (set-up containing a camera that records information when triggered)
camion {m} [Belgium] :: lorry; truck
camionette {f} {m} [Belgium] :: van
camouflage {f} :: camouflage
camoufleren {vt} :: to camouflage, to hide, to disguise
campagne {f} [politics, society] :: campaign
campagne {mf} [military] :: campaign, offensive
campagnedek {n} :: poop deck (deck above the cabin)
camper {m} :: A camper (recreational vehicle), a motor home
camping {m} :: campsite
campus {m} :: campus
Canada {prop} {n} :: Canada (country)
Canadees {m} :: a Canadian
Canadees {prop} {n} :: Canadian English (language)
Canadees {adj} :: Canadian
Canadese lynx {m} :: Canada lynx, Canadian lynx, Lynx canadensis
canaille {n} [uncountable] :: plebs, scum, riffraff
canaille {n} [countable] :: rascal, jerk, scumbag
canapé {m} :: canapé
canard {m} [dialectal, Flanders, possibly, obsolete] :: duck
canard {m} :: canard, hoax
canasta {f} [uncountable] :: canasta (Uruguayan cardgame)
canasta {f} [countable] :: canasta (meld of seven cards in the above game)
cancan {m} :: cancan (French dance)
cancelen {vt} [colloquial, especially of travels and events] :: to cancel
candela {f} :: candela
cannabis {f} :: cannabis, plant of the genus Cannabis, especially Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica
cannabis {f} :: cannabis, a drug made from parts of this plant
cannabist {m} [uncommon] :: A (frequent) cannabis user
canolaolie {f} [rare] :: canola oil
canon {m} :: canon (set of representative or pre-eminent literary works)
canon {m} [chiefly Christianity] :: canon (set of authoritative religious books, especially those constituting the Bible)
canon {m} [Christianity] :: canon (religious law)
canon {m} [music] :: canon (round, music piece consisting of the same melody sung by different voices)
canon {m} [Roman Catholicism] :: canon (part of a mass following the Sanctus up to the end of the Pater Noster, consisting mostly of prayers)
canon {m} [dated] :: canon (principle, rule)
canoniek {adj} :: canonical
canoniseren {vt} [chiefly Christianity] :: to canonise, to adopt into a canon of authoritative texts or lore
canoniseren {vt} [Christianity, chiefly Roman Catholicism] :: to canonise, to accept into the canon of saints
cantate {f} :: cantata
canvas {n} :: canvas, sail
canvas {n} :: canvas, fabric used for painting
cao {f} :: initialism of collectieve arbeidsovereenkomst (collective bargaining)
CAO {f} [superseded] :: alternative case form of cao
capaciteit {f} :: capacity
cape {m} :: A cape
capibara {m} :: capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris)
capitulatie {f} :: capitulation, act of surrendering
capitulatie {f} [obsolete] :: contract, treaty, agreement
capitulatie {f} [obsolete] :: electoral agreement stipulating conditions on the Holy Roman Emperor
capituleren {vi} :: to capitulate, to surrender
capoeira {f} :: capoeira
capoeirista {m} :: capoeirista
cappuccino {m} :: cappuccino
capricieus {adj} :: capricious, whimsical
capriool {f} :: a leap, a caper
capriool {f} :: a caper, a mischievous prank
Caprivistrook {prop} {f} :: Caprivi Strip
capsule {f} [medicine, pharmacy] :: encapsulation containing drugs or supplements
capsule {f} :: cover over the cork and opening of a bottle
captcha {m} :: CAPTCHA
CAPTCHA {m} :: alternative case form of captcha
capuchon {m} :: A hood, which may be attached to a cape, permanently or detachable; especially said when:
capuchon {m} :: shaped as a pointed cap
capuchon {m} :: a rain-resistant cap
caracal {m} :: caracal, Caracal caracal
Caraïbisch {adj} :: Caribbean
caravan {m} :: caravan (type of trailer, mobile home)
carbon {n} :: fibre-reinforced polymer
carbon {n} :: black diamond
carbon {n} :: carbon paper
carbonade {f} :: dated spelling of karbonade
carbonzuur {n} :: carboxyl group
carbonzuur {n} :: carboxylic acid
carburateur {m} :: carburetor
carburator {m} :: carburetor, carburettor
carcino- {prefix} :: carcino-, cancer-
carcinogeen {adj} :: carcinogenic
cardanas {f} :: driveline
cardio- {prefix} :: cardio-: Pertaining to the heart
cardiologie {f} :: cardiology
cardiologisch {adj} :: cardiological
cardioloog {m} :: A cardiologist, a medical specialist in heart diseases
carga {f} [nautical] :: cargo
cargadoor {m} :: An agent who looks after the logistics of loading cargo into a ship, usually in the role an intermediate between the ship's exploiter and the owner/transporter of the cargo
Caribisch {adj} :: Caribbean
Caribisch {adj} :: Cariban
caricatuur {f} [dated] :: superseded spelling of karikatuur
cariës {f} :: caries
carillon {n} {m} :: carillon
caritatief {adj} :: uncommon form of charitatief
Carmen {prop} {f} :: given name
carnaval {n} :: The carnival, last festive occasion(s) before Lent, notably on Shrove Tuesday
carnaval {n} [within the southern Netherlands and Belgium, specifically] :: A festival celebrated with costuming, parades and other festivities, with a general emphasis on parody, jest and local tradition and dialect
carnavalsnaam {m} :: a humorous name assigned to numerous towns during the festival of carnival
carneool {m} :: carnelian
carnivoor {m} :: carnivore, meat-eating creature
caronade {f} :: dated spelling of carronade
caroteen {n} :: carotene
carpaccio {m} :: carpaccio
carpoolen {vi} :: to carpool; to share a car to save fuel, fuel costs, etc
carrière {f} :: career, a person's occupation(s)
carronade {f} [historical] :: carronade
carrosserie {f} :: body, bodywork of a motorized vehicle
carrousel {m} :: carrousel, merry-go-round (fairground ride)
carrousel {m} :: carrousel, type of group dressage in formation (equestrian discipline)
cartesiaans {adj} :: Cartesian
Carthaags {adj} :: Carthaginian
Carthager {m} :: a Carthaginian
Carthago {prop} {n} :: Carthage
cartotheek {f} :: A file system
cartotheek {f} :: A collection of maps, a cartographic library
cascade {f} :: cascade (waterfall or series of small waterfalls)
caserne {f} :: obsolete spelling of kazerne
cash {m} [colloquial] :: cash
cash {adj} [colloquial, of money] :: In coins and bills/notes
casino {n} :: casino, gambling house
casinobrood {n} [countable, uncountable] :: Bread or a loaf of bread baked in a shut tin, resulting in a regular (usually rectangular) cross section
casinokapitalisme {n} [pejorative] :: any form of capitalism that features or depends on a large speculative financial sector
cassant {adj} [Belgium] :: brusque, catty, acrid
cassave {f} :: cassava
cassette {f} :: An audio cassette
cassette {f} :: Any of various other cassette storage media
cassette {f} :: A case for a film reel
cassette {f} [dated] :: A small chest, case or moneybox
cassetteband {m} :: cassette tape
cassettebandje {noun} :: diminutive of cassetteband
cassettespeler {m} :: cassette player
Cassiopeia {prop} {f} [constellation] :: Cassiopeia
cassonade {f} :: (soft) brown sugar
cast {m} :: cast (people performing a movie or play)
castagnet {f} :: [usually, in the plural] castanet
casten {vt} :: to cast, assign performing parts in a production
Castiliaans {n} :: Castilian (language spoken in Spain and Latin America)
castoreum {n} :: castoreum (exudate from castor sacs)
castraat {m} :: A castrato, male who has been castrated, surgically emasculated
castraat {m} :: Notably a castrated singer (usually a (former) treble chorister)
castratie {f} :: A castration, emasculation by surgical removal of the testicles
castreren {vt} :: to castrate, to neuter (remove the testicles of)
castreren {vt} [by extension] :: to remove the female genitals, or even a plant's stamen
castreren {vt} :: to emasculate, to reduce to a lesser, weaker state ('less balls')
castreren {vt} :: to remove contentious material (from a text, film, etc.); to censor, to bowdlerize, to redact
castreren {vr} :: to mutilate oneself, physically or otherwise
casuïstiek {f} :: casuistry, casuistics
casus {m} [law] :: A legal case
casus {m} :: A case, occurrence, instance, especially used for a case study, reference or teaching example
casus {m} [grammar] :: A case, (instance of) grammatical case
casus {m} :: A coincidence
Catalaan {m} :: Catalan, inhabitant or native of Catalonia
Catalaans {adj} :: Catalan, relating to Catalonia, its people and/or their language
Catalaans {prop} {n} :: Catalan, the Romance language of Catalonia
catalogus {m} :: catalogue
Catalonië {prop} {n} :: Catalonië (autonomous community)
Catalonisch {adj} [now, rare] :: Catalan
Catalonisch {prop} {n} [dated] :: Catalan
cataract {f} :: cataract, waterfall
cataract {f} [diseases] :: cataract
catarre {f} {m} :: catarrh, chronic inflammation of the mucous membranes
catastrofaal {adj} :: catastrophic
catastrofe {f} :: catastrophe, disaster
catastrofe {f} [theatre, drama] :: catastrophe, dénouement in a classical tragedy
catastrofisme {n} [historical, geology, biology] :: catastrophism (belief that the Earth's crust and life on Earth are mainly influenced by catastrophes)
catastrophe {f} [archaic] :: superseded spelling of catastrofe
catecheet {m} :: catechist
catechese {f} [Christianity] :: catechesis (religious instruction)
catechisatie {f} [Christianity] :: catechesis (religious instruction)
catechismus {m} :: catechism
catechist {m} :: catechist
catechumeen {m} :: catechumen
categorie {f} :: category (defined group)
categoriseren {vt} :: to categorize/categorise
Catharijne {prop} {f} :: given name
catheter {m} :: superseded spelling of katheter
causaliteit {f} :: causality
causatief {n} {m} [grammar] :: causative
causatief {adj} :: causative
cautie {f} [law] :: A statement of one's rights during interrogation by law enforcement
cautie {f} [historical] :: bail, security, guarantee
cavalcade {f} :: horse parade, cavalcade
cavalerie {f} :: cavalry (part of the military that is on horseback)
cavaleriecharge {f} :: cavalry charge
cavalerist {m} :: cavalry soldier (soldier on horseback)
cavia {f} :: guinea pig, Cavia porcellus
CBI {prop} [Netherlands] :: initialism of Centrum tot Bevordering van de Import uit ontwikkelingslanden
cd {m} :: CD, compact disc
CDA {prop} {n} :: initialism of Christen-Democratisch Appel; Christian Democratic Appeal, a centre-right Christian democratic party in the Netherlands
cd-rom {m} :: A CD-ROM
cd-rommetje {noun} :: diminutive of cd-rom
CDU {prop} {f} [politics] :: Christen-Democraten Unie - the Union of Christian Democrats (a Dutch political party that existed from 1964 till 1982)
cd-wisselaar {m} :: CD changer
cedel {f} :: dated form of ceel
ceder {m} :: cedar, tree of the genus Cedrus
ceder {m} [Suriname] :: Spanish cedar, Cedrela odorata
cederboom {m} :: cedar, tree of the genus Cedrus
cederen {adj} :: (made of) cedar
cederen {vt} [formal] :: to cede, to hand over
cederolie {f} :: cedar oil
ceel {f} :: certificate, deed, official document
ceel {f} [archaic] :: letter
ceel {f} :: list, series
ceintuur {f} {n} :: ceinture, narrow belt
cel {f} :: cell (a compartment)
cel {f} :: component of a battery
cel {f} [biology] :: component of a body tissue
cel {f} [architecture] :: a small room, such as a prison or cloister cell
cel {f} [entomology] :: cell - of a honeycomb
cel {f} [computer science] :: cell - of a table
celadon {n} :: celadon (color)
celadon {n} :: celadon (ceramic glaze, ceramic ware)
Celebes {prop} {n} [historical] :: Celebes, Sulawesi
celesta {f} :: celesta (musical pipe instrument)
celgenoot {m} :: cellmate
celgenote {f} :: female cellmate
celibaat {n} :: celibacy
celibaat {n} :: chastity
celibatair {adj} :: celibate
celkern {f} [biology] :: nucleus (organelle)
cellenbeton {n} :: autoclave cellular concrete
cellist {m} :: cellist
celliste {f} :: female cellist
cello {m} [musical instruments] :: cello
cellofaan {n} :: cellophane
cellulair {adj} :: cellular
cellulose {f} :: cellulose (complex carbohydrate)
celmaat {m} :: cell mate
celmembraan {n} :: cell membrane
celstraf {f} :: prison sentence, jail term
Celtiberen {p} :: Celtiberians
celwand {m} [biology] :: cell wall
cembalo {m} [music, uncommon] :: harpsichord, cembalo
cement {n} :: cement (powder, paste)
cementmolen {m} :: cement mixer, concrete mixer
cenote {m} :: cenote
censor {m} :: censor
censureren {vt} :: to censor
census {m} :: A census
census {m} [historical] :: A tax that one has to pay to receive the right to vote in jurisdictions with census suffrage
censuskiesrecht {n} :: census suffrage
censuur {f} :: censorship
cent {f} [money] :: cent, a subunit of currency equal to one-hundredth of the main unit of the Dutch guilder
cent {f} [money] :: cent, a subunit of currency equal to one-hundredth of the euro
centaur {m} :: centaur
Centaur {prop} {m} [constellation] :: Centaurus
centenaar {m} [historical, otherwise archaic] :: 100 kilogrammes
centenaar {m} [historical, otherwise obsolete] :: 100 pounds
centi- {prefix} :: centi-
centiampère {m} :: centiampere: one hundredth of an ampere
centicandela {mf} :: centicandela: 10-2 candela
centiem {m} [historical] :: A centime, 1/100 of a frank (the currency franc), as a coin or theoretic value
centiem {m} [figuratively] :: A pittance, insignificant sum
centigram {m} {n} [now, chiefly singular] :: centigramme, centigram
centiliter {m} :: centilitre, centiliter
centime {m} :: alternative form of centiem
centimeter {m} :: centimetre, one-hundredth of a metre
centiseconde {f} :: centisecond (one hundredth of a second)
centisteradiaal {m} :: centisteradian: one hundredth of a steradian
centraal {adj} :: central, being in the centre
Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek {prop} {n} :: Central African Republic
Centraal-Amerika {prop} {n} :: Central America, the part of the Americas between North America and South America, either with or without the West Indies in the Caribbean Sea
centrale {f} :: hub, central
centrale {f} :: plant, factory
centrale {f} :: exchange (in a communications network)
centralisatie {f} :: centralization [US], centralisation [UK]
centraliseren {vt} :: to centralize [US], to centralise [Commonwealth]
centrifugaal {adj} :: centrifugal
centrifugaalmachine {f} [dated] :: centrifuge
centrifugale kracht {f} :: centrifugal force
centrifuge {f} [chiefly Netherlands] :: centrifuge
centrifugeren {vt} :: to centrifuge; to rotate quickly in a centrifuge in order to separate or dry its constituents
centristisch {adj} [politics] :: centrist
centrum {n} :: center [US]; centre [UK] (e.g. of activity)
centrum {n} [geometry] :: center [US], centre [UK]
centrum {n} :: city centre
centrumlinks {adj} [politics] :: center-left (US), centre-left (UK)
centrumrechts {adj} [politics] :: center-right (US), centre-right (UK)
Cepheus {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] :: Cepheus
Cepheus {prop} {m} [constellation] :: Cepheus
ceremonie {f} :: ceremony, a formal ritual
ceremonieel {adj} :: ceremonial
ceremonieel {n} :: ceremonial practices, ceremony
ceremoniemeester {m} :: master of ceremonies (host at an official or otherwise ceremonial event)
ceremonieus {adj} :: ceremonial, ceremonious
cerium {n} :: cerium
certificaat {n} :: certificate
certificatie {f} :: certification (qualification, state of being qualified for something)
certificatie {f} :: certification (granting of a certificate)
certificeren {vt} :: to certify, to provide with a certificate
cervix {m} :: neck
cervix {m} :: The cervix between the uterus and the vagina
cesium {n} :: caesium, cesium
cetologie {f} :: cetology
cetologisch {adj} [rare] :: cetological
cetoloog {m} :: cetologist
CFK {f} [organic chemistry] :: initialism of chloorfluorkoolstofverbinding
CGN {prop} [linguistics] :: abbreviation of Corpus Gesproken Nederlands
chagrijn {n} :: chagrin
chagrijn {n} :: someone in a bad mood
chagrijnig {adj} :: bad-tempered, grumpy
chagrijnig {adj} :: miserable, sulky
Chaldeeër {m} :: Chaldean
Chaldeeuws {prop} {n} :: Chaldean
Chaldeeuws {adj} :: Chaldean
chaloets {m} :: halutz, early labour Zionist pioneer in British Palestine
champignon {m} :: A champignon, a button mushroom, Agaricus bisporus
champignonsoep {f} :: mushroom soup
chanson {n} :: chanson (French, lyric-driven song)
chanten {vi} :: to chant
chanteren {vt} :: to extort money, to blackmail
chaos {m} :: chaos (disorder)
chaos {m} [cosmogony] :: primordial disorder
chaostheorie {f} :: chaos theory
chaotisch {adj} :: chaotic
chap {m} :: alternative spelling of sjap
chape {m} [construction] :: screed
chapeau {interj} :: Used to express appreciation
chapelure {f} [cooking] :: Dried breadcrumbs used as an ingredient or as a coating before deep-frying
chapeluur {f} [Belgium, dialect] :: alternative spelling of chapelure
chappement {n} :: exhaust
charge {f} :: A charge (fast ground attack)
chargeren {vt} :: to charge, to attack
chargeren {vt} :: to exaggerate
charisma {n} [Christianity] :: charisma (gift of the Holy Spirit)
charisma {n} :: charisma (personally affability)
charismatisch {adj} [Christianity] :: charismatic (pertaining to the gifts of the Holy Spirit)
charismatisch {adj} :: charismatic (personally influential or affable)
charitatief {adj} :: charitable
charmant {adj} :: charming, agreeable, nice
charme {m} :: charm (quality of inspiring delight or admiration)
charmeren {vt} :: to charm, to impress [often with romantic connotations]
charmezanger {m} [Belgium] :: A crooner
chat {m} :: chat (online conversation)
chat {m} :: chat (online conversation platform)
chateau migraine {m} [humorous] :: cheap or poor quality wine, said to give one a headache
château migraine {m} :: alternative spelling of chateau migraine
chatje {noun} :: diminutive of chat
chatroom {m} [internet] :: A chat room
chatten {vi} [Internet] :: to chat
chauffeur {m} :: driver (person who drives a motorized vehicle, such as a car or a bus)
checken {vt} :: to check (up), to inspect, examine
cheers {interj} :: cheers (toast)
cheeta {m} :: cheetah
chef {m} :: A boss, chief, head, leader
chef {m} :: A culinary chef, a head cook
chef {m} :: Short for a title including chef
cheffin {f} :: a female boss or the wife of a boss
chemicalie {f} {n} [chiefly in the plural] :: chemical
chemicaliëntanker {m} :: chemical tanker
chemicus {m} :: chemist
chemie {f} :: chemistry, the branch of natural science studying the composition and properties of matter
chemie {f} [figuratively] :: chemistry, attraction, rapport
chemieconcern {n} :: chemical company, chemical concern
chemisch {adj} :: chemical, relating to or produced by chemistry
chemo- {prefix} :: chemo-
chemokuur {f} {m} :: chemotherapy
chemotherapie {f} :: chemotherapy
cheque {m} :: check (a note promising to pay money to a named person or entity)
Cherokee {prop} {n} :: the Cherokee language
Cherokee {prop} {p} :: Cherokee people
Cherokee {m} :: a member of the Cherokee people
cherub {m} :: cherub
cherub {m} [Bible, historical] :: lamassu-like angel
cherub {m} [Bible, religion] :: six-winged humanoid angel
cherub {m} [art] :: putto
cherubijn {m} :: cherub (angel)
cherubijn {m} [Bible, historical, dated] :: lamassu-like angel
cherubijn {m} [Bible, religion] :: six-winged humanoid angel
cherubijn {m} [art] :: putto
cherubijn {m} :: cherub (affectionate term for a child)
chic {adj} :: chic, elegant
Chicago {prop} :: Chicago (large city)
chicaneren {vi} :: to cavil, to pettifog
chicaneren {vi} :: to quarrel
chicaneur {m} :: A quibbler, a chicaner, a nitpicker
chic de friemel {adj} [colloquial, humorous, Netherlands] :: posh
chic de friemel {interj} [colloquial, humorous, Netherlands] :: An expression of amazement
Chickasaw {prop} {n} :: Chickasaw (language)
chicklit {f} :: chick lit
chijl {f} :: chyle
chijlmaking {f} [obsolete, rare] :: chyle production
Chileens {adj} :: Chilean
chili {m} :: chili
Chili {prop} {n} :: Chili (country)
chilisalpeter {m} {n} :: nitratine, Chile saltpetre
chillen {v} [slang] :: to chill, to relax
chimpansee {m} :: chimpanzee, member of the genus Pan
China {prop} {n} :: China (country)
chinchilla {f} {n} :: chinchilla
chinchilla {f} {n} :: chinchilla fur
Chinees {prop} {n} :: the Chinese language
Chinees {m} :: A Chinese person
Chinees {n} :: Chinese food
Chinees {adj} :: Chinese
Chinese {f} :: female person from China
Chinese kool {f} :: A napa cabbage, Brassica rapa subsp. pekinensis
Chinese vrijwilliger {m} [Belgium] :: Someone required to perform an unpleasant or thankless chore
chinezen {vi} :: to dine out at a Chinese(-Indonesian) restaurant
chinezen {vi} [slang] :: to chase the dragon, to inhale the vapour from heated heroin
Chinezin {f} [rare, dated] :: A Chinese woman
chinoline {noun} :: quinoline
chirurg {m} :: surgeon
chirurgie {f} [medicine] :: Surgery; a medical operation
chirurgie {f} :: That branch of medicine
chirurgijn {m} [historical] :: A barber surgeon
chiton {m} :: chiton (Greek tunic)
chiton {m} :: chiton (mollusc of the class Polyplacophora)
chloor- {prefix} [functional group prefix] :: chloro-
chloor {n} :: chlorine
chloorgas {n} :: chlorine gas (gaseous dichlorine)
chloorkip {f} [countable] :: chicken carcass that has been disinfected with a chlorine solution
chloorkip {f} [uncountable] :: chicken meat that has been disinfected with a chlorine solution
chocola {m} :: chocolate
chocolaatje {noun} :: A piece of chocolate (small piece of confectionery made from chocolate)
chocolade {m} :: chocolate
chocoladebeen {n} [association football] :: The non-dominant leg of a football player
chocoladeletter {f} :: A letter of the alphabet, made of chocolate. Commonly eaten during Sinterklaas celebrations
chocoladeletter {f} [facetious, pejorative, normally plural] :: bold upper-case letters in sensationalistic headlines, associated with yellow journalism, typically in reference to De Telegraaf
chocolademelk {m} :: chocolate milk (milk flavored with chocolate and served cold or hot)
chocoladereep {m} :: A chocolate bar
chocoladezoen {m} :: A chocolate-coated cream or marshmallow treat
chocoladezoentje {noun} :: diminutive of chocoladezoen
chocomel {f} :: alternative form of chocolademelk
choepa {f} [Judaism] :: chuppah, wedding canopy
choepa {f} [Judaism, figurative] :: chuppah, wedding ceremony
cholera {f} {m} :: cholera
cholesterol {m} {n} :: cholesterol
choppe {f} [Judaism] :: chuppah, wedding canopy
choppe {f} [Judaism, figurative] :: chuppah, wedding ceremony
choqueren {vt} :: to shock
choqueren {vt} :: to strike (e.g. with poverty)
chordadier {n} :: chordate, any member of the phylum Chordata
chordofoon {m} :: chordophone
chrein {m} :: chrain
chrestomathie {f} :: chrestomathy, collection or book of selected writings (often quoted passages) for learning
chrestomathie {f} :: anthology, chrestomathy
Chris {prop} {m} :: given name
Christa {prop} {f} :: given name
christelijk {adj} :: Christian
christelijk {adj} [somewhat dated, except in set phrases] :: proper, appropriate, reasonable
christen {m} :: Christian
christendemocraat {m} :: Christian democrat
christendemocratie {f} :: Christian democracy
christendemocratisch {adj} [politics] :: Christian-Democratic
christendom {n} :: Christianity
christendom {n} [rare] :: Christendom
christendommelijk {adj} [theology, chiefly Protestantism, pejorative] :: pertaining to (petit bourgeois) Christendom
christenheid {f} :: Christendom
Christiaan {prop} {m} :: given name
christin {f} :: female Christian
christocentrisch {adj} :: Christocentric
christocentrisme {n} :: Christocentrism
Christoffel {prop} {m} :: given name, corresponding to English Christopher
christologie {f} [uncountable] :: Christology (domain of Christian theology concerning Christ)
christologie {f} [countable] :: Christology (particular Christological theory or perspective)
christologisch {adj} :: Christological
Christus {prop} {m} [Christianity] :: Christ, Messiah (Christian title for Jesus of Nazareth)
chromatide {n} :: chromatid
chromo- {prefix} :: chromo-
chromosomaal {adj} :: chromosomal
chromosoom {n} :: chromosome, structure in the cell nucleus containing genes
chronisch {adj} :: chronic
chronologie {f} :: chronology
chronologisch {adj} :: chronological
chroom {n} :: chromium
chrysant {f} :: A chrysanthemum, flowering plant of the genus Chrysanthemum
chrysantje {noun} :: diminutive of chrysant
chtonisch {adj} [mythology, religion] :: chthonic, earthly
CHU {prop} :: initialism of Christelijk-Historische Unie, an influential Protestant political party in the Netherlands
chylus {m} :: alternative spelling of chijl
ciborie {n} [religion] :: ciborium (A covered receptacle for holding the consecrated wafers of the Eucharist - in Catholicism)
cicade {f} :: cicada, any of the Cicadoidea, insects of the order Hemiptera
cicade {f} :: (Classicist style) a cricket
cider {m} :: cider
cieren {v} :: obsolete spelling of sieren
cigaar {f} :: dated spelling of sigaar
cijfer {n} :: digit
cijfer {n} :: statistic
cijfer {n} :: a grade given for an assignment or class, particularly in primary school
cijferen {vt} :: to figure, compute
cijferen {n} :: arithmetic
cijferkunst {f} [archaic] :: arithmetic
cijfermeester {m} [dated] :: Someone who manages accounts for an institution; an auditor, an accountant
cijferschrift {n} :: an encrypted message
cijferschrift {n} :: a method or key for encrypting messages
cijns {m} [historical] :: feudal tax paid to a master or landowner
cilinder {m} :: cylinder (geometric three-dimensional solid shape)
cilinder {m} :: certain objects of (roughly) cylindrical shape, e.g. a top hat
cilinder {m} :: cylinder (of an engine)
cilindercoördinaten {p} [mathematics] :: cylindrical coordinates
cilinderdeur {f} [obsolete, historical] :: A semicylindrical cabinet door that can be opened or closed by rotating
cilinderhoed {m} :: A top hat
cilindrisch {adj} :: cylindrical
cimbaal {f} :: cymbal (percussion instrument)
cingel {m} :: alternative spelling of singel (canal surrounding a village)
cingel {m} :: a cincture
cipier {m} :: jailor, warden, prison guard
cipres {m} :: cypress
cipresboom {m} :: alternative form of cipressenboom
cipressenboom {m} :: cypress
circa {adv} :: circa: about, approximately
circuit {n} [sports] :: racetrack
circuit {n} [physics] :: electric circuit
circuit {n} [figuratively] :: exclusive group of individuals, clique, circle
circumfix {n} [grammar] :: circumfix
circus {n} :: circus (company of performers; place where this company performs)
circusdier {n} :: circus animal
circustent {f} :: circus tent
cirkel {m} :: circle
cirkelboog {m} :: A part of the circumference of a circle
cirkelen {vi} :: to form a circle, turn/move/travel in a circle
cirkelen {vt} :: to mark with a circle
cirkelredenering {f} :: circular argument, circular reasoning
cirkelzaag {f} :: A circular saw
cisman {m} :: A cis man
cisvrouw {f} :: A cis woman
citaat {n} :: A quotation, fragment of a human expression, notably as reference
citadel {f} {m} :: citadel
citer {mf} :: zither (musical instrument)
citeren {vt} :: to quote a text and/or an author
citeren {vt} [legal] :: to summon, subpoena to appear in court
citeren {vt} :: to cite, to make an honorable mention of (someone) in a citation, notably in the military
citerspel {n} :: zither music
citroen {f} {m} :: lemon (fruit)
citroen {f} {m} :: lemon tree, Citrus limon
citroenappel {m} [dated, uncommon] :: lemon (fruit)
citroengeel {n} :: lemon (colour/color)
citroengras {n} :: lemongrass, Cymbopogon citratus
citroenlimonade {f} :: lemonade, a sweetened or fizzy drink based on lemon juice
citroenmelisse {f} :: The herb lemon balm, Melissa officinalis
citroenpers {f} :: A lemon squeezer
citroensap {n} :: lemon juice
citroenschijf {f} :: A slice of lemon
citroenschijfje {noun} :: diminutive of citroenschijf
citroenvla {f} :: lemon vla, a custard or maizena-based dessert made with lemon juice and lemon peels
citroenzuur {n} [organic compound] :: citric acid
citruspers {f} :: A lemon squeezer
citrusvrucht {f} :: citrus fruit, fruit of a plant of the genus Citrus
civetkat {f} :: civet
civetkatachtige {noun} :: viverrid, any member of the family Viverridae
civiel {adj} :: civil (all senses)
civiel {adj} :: civilian
civiel {n} :: plain clothes
civielbouw {m} :: civil engineering
civiliteit {f} [dated, formal] :: politeness, civility
civiliteit {f} [archaic, formal] :: civil formality
civilizationeel {adj} :: civilisational
cladistiek {f} :: cladistics
Claeys {prop} :: surname
claimen {vt} :: to claim
clair-obscur {n} [arts] :: chiaroscuro
clan {m} :: clan
clandestien {adj} :: clandestine
clandestien {adv} :: clandestinely
classicus {m} :: classicist
classificatie {f} :: the act of classification, forming into (functional or theoretical) classes
classificatie {f} :: its result
classificeren {vt} :: to classify
classis {f} [Protestantism] :: a supracongregational, regional executive body, intermediate in size or rank between the consistory of an individual congregation and a provincial synod
claustrofobie {f} :: claustrophobia
clausule {f} :: A clause, provision, stipulation in a contract, law etc
claxon {m} :: horn (especially on a motor vehicle)
cliché {n} :: cliché
clichématig {adj} :: clichéd, trite
clickbait {m} :: clickbait
client {m} [computing] :: client
cliënt {m} :: (male) client, customer
climacterisch {adj} :: climactic
clique {f} :: alternative spelling of kliek
clique {f} [graph theory] :: clique, subgraph
clitoridectomie {f} :: clitoridectomy, the usually mutilative removal or cutting of the clitoris
clitoris {f} :: clitoris
clitorisje {noun} :: diminutive of clitoris
cloaca {f} [zoology] :: cloaca (duct in certain vertebrates used for reproduction and excreting digestive waste)
cloacadier {n} :: monotreme, any member of the order Monotremata
clochard {m} :: vagrant
clou {m} :: punch line
clown {m} :: clown (entertainer)
clownvis {m} :: clownfish
clownvis {m} :: common clownfish, Amphiprion ocellaris
club {m} :: club, association
club {m} [golf] :: club
clubhuis {n} :: clubhouse (building where an association is based)
clubhuisje {noun} :: diminutive of clubhuis
cluster {f} {m} {m} :: cluster
cluster {f} {m} {m} [astronomy] :: star cluster
clusterbom {f} {m} :: cluster bomb
CNV {prop} :: initialism of Christelijk Nationaal Vakverbond, The National Federation of Christian Trade Unions in the Netherlands
Co {prop} :: given name, diminutive of Jacoba
coach {m} :: trainer, instructor
coach {m} :: counselor
coalitie {f} :: coalition (government consisting of multiple parties)
coalitie {f} :: coalition (military force consisting of various parties)
coalitieakkoord {n} [politics] :: coalition agreement
coalitiepartij {f} :: A political party that participates in a coalition, usually a governing coalition; a coalition party
coalitieregering {f} :: coalition government: in parliamentary democracies, the situation in which no one party has enough seats to dominate but instead an alliance of two or more parties cooperate to set the agenda
cobra {f} :: cobra
cobralelie {f} [botany] :: Arisaema nepenthoides, a Himalayan bulb
coca {f} :: coca, plant of the family Erythroxylaceae
coca {f} [uncountable] :: coca, consumable leaves of these plants
cocaïne {f} :: cocaine (the drug)
cocarde {f} :: superseded spelling of kokarde
cocktail {m} :: cocktail
cocon {m} :: cocoon
Cocytus {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] :: Cocytus (river in Hades)
code {m} :: book or body of laws, code of laws, lawbook
code {m} :: system of rules and principles, e.g. of conduct
code {m} :: code (set of symbols)
code {m} :: code (text written in a programming language)
codeïne {f} :: codeine
coderen {vt} :: to code, encode, encrypt
codering {f} :: encoding
codetje {noun} :: diminutive of code
codewoord {n} [cryptographt] :: codeword
codicil {n} :: codicil
coëfficiënt {m} :: coefficient (algebraic constant)
Coen {prop} {m} :: given name
Coenraad {prop} {m} :: given name
co-enzym {n} :: coenzyme
coënzym {n} :: superseded spelling of co-enzym
Coevorden {prop} :: Coevorden (city/and/municipality)
coffeeshop {m} :: An establishment that sells cannabis products and often also non-alcoholic refreshments
coffeïne {f} [rare, obsolete] :: caffeine
cognaat {n} [linguistic] :: cognate (related word, derived from the same lexeme as another word)
cognaat {n} [dated] :: cognate (maternal relative)
cognaat {adj} [rare] :: cognate
cognac {m} :: (a glass of) cognac
cognitief {adj} :: cognitive (mental functions)
coïncideren {vi} :: to coincide, occur at the same time and place
coïncideren {vi} :: to correspond, match
coke {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: coke (type of processed carbon used as fuel)
coke {m} [slang] :: cocaine, coke
col {m} [colloquial, Belgium] :: (clothing) collar
col {m} [colloquial, Belgium] :: (sports) mountain pass
col {f} [colloquial, Belgium] :: glue
cola {m} :: cola (drink)
cola {m} :: kola (nut)
colbert {m} {n} :: A formal jacket without tails
colchicine {n} {f} :: colchicine
coleslaw {m} :: coleslaw
collaborateur {m} [pejorative] :: One who collaborates or has collaborated with the Nazis, fascists or another enemy; traitorous collaborator
collaborateur {m} [dated] :: A collaborator, one who cooperates on a certain work
collaboratie {f} :: collaboration
collage {m} :: collage (image created by placing pictures on a surface)
collage {m} :: collage (composite created by the assemblage of various works)
collageen {n} :: collagen
collageen {adj} :: collagenic
collatie {f} :: collation (examination of documents; written result of such a comparison)
collatie {f} :: collation (conference)
collatie {f} [Christianity] :: the act or procedure of installing a cleric in a parish or congregation
collatie {f} [Roman Catholicism] :: collation (monastic gathering involving a meal and a reading)
collatierecht {n} [historical, Christianity] :: right of patronage, advowson (right of a nobleman or patron to choose or influence the choice of a parish cleric)
collectie {f} :: collection
collectief {adj} :: collective
collectivisatie {f} :: collectivization
collectiviseren {vt} :: to collectivize
collectivisme {n} :: collectivism, an ideological system in which the means (of production) must be owned and controlled by people collectively
collega {mf} :: colleague
college {n} :: lecture, class
collegezaal {f} :: lecture hall (auditorium-style classroom)
colluderen {vi} [dated, formal] :: to collude, to conspire, to cooperate clandestinely
collusie {f} [law, formal] :: conspiracy, collusion (secret, illicit collaboration)
colofon {n} {m} :: colophon
Colombia {prop} {n} :: Colombia (country)
Colombië {prop} {n} [dated] :: Colombië (country)
colonne {f} [military] :: column
colonne {f} [architecture] :: column, pillar, sile
coloradokever {m} :: potato beetle
coloriet {n} [painting, art] :: palette, the effect of the ensemble of colours in a painting
colporteur {m} :: A door-to-door salesperson
Colruyt {prop} :: surname
columbarium {n} [historical] :: vault for funerary urns, columbarium
columbarium {n} :: dovecote, columbarium
coma {n} :: coma (state of unconsciousness)
coma {f} :: coma (head of a comet)
comakijken {vit} :: to binge-watch
comateus {adj} :: comatose
comazuipen {v} :: binge drinking to an excess frequently leading to (normally unintentional) loss of consciousness (though not actual coma)
combi {m} :: combination, combi
combi {m} [Belgium] :: police van
combinatie {f} :: combination
combinatie {f} :: the act, process or outcome of combining
combinatie {f} :: a set-up of a truck and one or more trailers
combinatie {f} :: a series of moves in chess
combinatie {f} :: a series of moves in martial arts
combinatiesleutel {m} :: combination wrench, combination spanner
combinatietang {f} :: lineman's pliers, combination pliers
combineren {vt} :: to combine
combo {m} [music] :: combo (small musical group)
combo {m} [video games] :: combo (composite move)
comeback {m} :: comeback
comfort {n} :: Physical comfort, ease
comfortabel {adj} :: comfortable
comité {n} :: committee
commandant {m} :: commander
commanderij {f} [historical] :: commandery, the area or office controlled by the commander of a military order
commando {n} :: military command
commando {n} :: order, imperative [especially in relation to the military or animal training]
commando {n} :: unit or division over whom an officer has command
commando {m} :: commando, special forces unit
commando {m} :: commando, member of a special forces unit
commandocentrale {mf} :: command centre
commandocentrum {n} :: command centre
commentaar {n} {m} :: comment
commentaar {n} {m} :: commentary
commentariaat {n} [pejorative] :: commentariat, the pundit and commentator class
commerçant {m} [Belgium] :: businessman, trader
commercie {f} [business] :: commerce
commercieel {adj} :: commercial (of or pertaining to commerce)
commies {m} :: supervising official
commies {m} [historical] :: merchant in charge of trading negotiations on merchant ships
commilito {m} [student slang] :: fellow student, in particular used for members of the same student society
commissaris {m} :: commissioner
commissie {f} :: commission
commotie {f} :: commotion (agitation)
commune {f} :: A commune (community living together with common property)
communicant {m} [Christianity, chiefly Roman Catholicism] :: A communicant, one receiving Holy Communion
communicatie {f} :: communication
communicatiemiddel {n} :: A means of communication
communiceren {vit} :: to communicate
communie {f} [Roman Catholicism] :: communion
communisme {n} :: communism (collectivist socialism, ideology)
communisme {n} :: communism (classless and stateless international socialist order)
communisme {n} [literally, rare] :: any collectivism
communist {m} :: a communist
communistenvreter {m} :: A fanatical anticommunist
communisties {adj} [obsolete] :: nonstandard spelling of communistisch
communistisch {adj} :: communist
Comoren {prop} :: The Comoros, an archipelago in the Indian Ocean, off Eastern Africa
Comoren {prop} :: The island state comprising most of the above archipelago, except Mayotte
compact {adj} :: compact [closely packed], dense
compact {adj} :: compact [having all necessary features fitting neatly into a small space]
compactheid {f} [topology] :: compactness
compagnie {f} [business] :: a company, partnership
compagnie {f} [military] :: a sub-division of a battalion
compartiment {n} :: compartment
compensatie {f} :: compensation
compenseren {vt} :: to compensate
competent {adj} :: competent
competentie {f} :: competence, ability, capability, fitness, suitability
competentie {f} :: competence, formal qualification, jurisdiction
competitie {f} :: competition (contest for a prize or award)
competitie {f} :: competition, rivalry
competitie {f} :: (collective) the other competitors
compileren {vt} :: to compile, to put together
compileren {vt} [programming] :: to compile
compleet {adj} :: complete
compleet {adv} :: completely, thoroughly
completeren {vt} :: to complete, to make complete, to finish
completeren {vt} :: to fill or add to its usual or required amount, to make complete
complex {adj} :: complex (composite)
complex {adj} :: complex (complicated)
complex {adj} [mathematics] :: complex (containing an imaginary component or involving imaginary numbers)
complex {n} :: complex (collection of buildings or facilities with a common purpose)
complex {n} [psychoanalysis] :: complex (abnormal mental state caused by repression)
complex getal {n} :: complex number (number with a real and an imaginary component, or a real or an imaginary number)
complexiteit {f} :: Complexity
compliceren {vt} :: to complicate
compliment {n} :: compliment
complot {n} :: conspiracy
complotdenker {m} {n} :: conspiracist
complottheorie {f} :: conspiracy theory
component {f} {m} :: component
componeren {vt} [music] :: to compose
componist {m} [music] :: composer
componiste {f} [music] :: female equivalent of componist
compositie {f} :: The composition (general) makeup of something, notably in terms of components such as ingredients; especially a (metallic) alloy
compositie {f} :: A musical composition, piece written by a composer
compositie {f} :: An artistic composition, arrangement as of figures in a scene, colors on a canvas etc
compositie {f} [obsolete] :: treaty, contract, settlement
compositorisch {adj} :: Concerning musical composing, composer(s) and/or compositions
compositorisch {adj} :: Concerning other artistic or linguistic composing and/or compositions
compost {m} {n} :: compost, natural fertilizer produced by decaying organic matter
composthoop {m} :: compost heap
compres {n} :: superseded spelling of kompres
compressie {f} :: compression
compressor {m} :: compressor
comprimeren {vt} :: to compress
compromis {n} :: compromise
compromitteren {vt} :: to compromise
comptant {adv} :: obsolete form of contant
compunctie {f} :: remorse
computer {m} :: computer
computeren {v} :: to use the computer
computermuis {f} [computing] :: mouse (manual, click-operated input device)
computerprogramma {n} :: computer program
computerspel {n} :: A computer game, an electronic game designed to be run on a computer
computertoets {f} {m} :: A computer key or computer button (pressable input device)
computertoets {f} {m} :: An exam or test taken on a computer
computervirus {n} :: A computer virus (an infectious program)
computervredebreuk {f} :: computer intrusion (unauthorised accessing of a computer)
computer zegt nee {phrase} :: computer says no
con- {prefix} :: con- (1)
concaaf {adj} :: concave
concederen {vi} [dated] :: to compromise, to accept a compromise
concederen {vt} [dated] :: to allow, to concede, to permit
concedo {adv} [dated] :: I concede, admittedly
concentratie {f} :: concentration
concentratiekamp {n} :: concentration camp
concentreren {vt} :: to concentrate
concentreren {vr} :: to concentrate (the mind)
concept {n} :: concept
concept {n} :: draft, sketch
concern {n} :: company, business, concern
concert {n} :: concert (musical entertainment)
concertgebouw {n} :: concert hall
concertmeester {m} :: concertmaster
concertzaal {f} :: concert hall
concessie {f} :: concession, compromise
concessie {f} :: concession, temporal roght to exploit a certain area
concessie {f} :: area for which such a concession has been granted
concessieblok {n} :: license block
conciërge {mf} :: concierge, janitor (one who attends to the maintenance of a building and provides services to its tenants and guests)
conciliair {adj} [Christianity, especially, Roman Catholicism] :: conciliar, pertaining to a church council
conciliarisme {n} :: conciliarism (view that church councils should be the supreme authority in the Roman Catholic Church)
conciliaristisch {adj} :: conciliaristic, conciliarist (relating to the view that church councils should be the supreme authority in the Roman Catholic Church)
concilie {n} [Christianity] :: A church council in which bishops and eminent theologians are assembled to decide issues, esp. in Catholicism and Orthodoxy
concipiëren {vt} :: to conceive
conclaaf {n} :: conclave (meeting room for electing a Pope; meeting for electing a Pope)
concluderen {vt} :: to conclude
conclusie {f} :: conclusion
conclusie {f} [European Union law] :: opinion (judicial opinion delivered by an Advocate General to the European Court of Justice for a legal solution in a case)
concordaat {n} [chiefly Roman Catholicism] :: concordat
concreet {adj} :: concrete, not abstract
concreet {adj} :: perceivable, real
concubine {f} :: concubine
concullega {mf} :: A person working in the same sector for a different employer, regarded as part competitor and part colleague
concurrent {m} :: A competitor, an economic rival
concurrent {m} [obsolete] :: A creditor without special priority
concurrent {adj} [obsolete] :: concurrent, corresponding
concurrentie {f} :: competition
concurrentiekracht {f} :: competitiveness
concurreren {vi} :: to compete
concurreren {v} [obsolete] :: to correspond, to accord, to coincide
condemnatie {f} [historical] :: conviction, condemnation
condensator {m} [electronics] :: capacitor
condenseren {vt} :: to condense
conditie {f} :: condition, state
condoleance {f} :: condolence
condoléance {f} :: superseded spelling of condoleance
condoleantie {f} :: condolence
condoleren {vt} :: to condole, offer one's condolences
condoom {n} :: condom
conducteur {m} :: A conductor, who checks/sells tickets on public transportation
conducteur {m} :: Short for either of:
conducteur {m} :: conducteur van bruggen en wegen
conducteur {m} :: conducteur van brievenmalen
conducteur {m} :: A musical cue sheet, partition containing one band player's particular part
confectie {f} :: mass-produced ready-to-wear outer clothing
confectie {f} :: a mass-produced ready-to-wear overgarment
confectie {f} [historical] :: An electuary, a confection
confectiepak {n} :: A ready-made suit
confectiepakje {noun} :: diminutive of confectiepak
confederaal {adj} :: confederal; relating to a confederacy
confederalisme {n} :: confederalism
confederatie {f} :: a confederation; an union or alliance of (largely) independent sovereign states or political organizations
confedereren {vtr} :: to unite, to combine
conferentie {f} :: conference, convention
confessie {f} [religion] :: A religious affiliation or denomination
confessie {f} [chiefly Roman Catholicism] :: A confession of sins
confessie {f} [Christianity, chiefly Protestantism] :: A confession, a statement of faith
confessie {f} [Christianity, chiefly Protestantism] :: A confession, a formula stating articles of faith
confessie {f} [Belgium] :: A confession, an admittance of having done something, usually wrongdoing
confessioneel {adj} :: linked to a particular religious denomination, confessional
confessioneel {m} [politics, Christianity] :: adherent or member of an explicitly religious political party
confessioneel {m} [historical, Protestantism] :: orthodox Protestant fixated on creedal rectitude
confinatie {f} [historical, archaic, chiefly uncountable] :: confinement, detention
confineren {vt} [archaic, historical] :: to confine, to detain
confirmatie {f} :: confirmation
confirmeren {vt} :: to confirm
confiscatie {f} :: confiscation
confisqueren {vt} :: to confiscate
confituur {f} [chiefly Belgium] :: jam, marmelade (congealed sweet mixture of conserved fruits)
confituur {f} [uncountable, uncommon] :: sugar-preserved confitted fruits
conflagratie {f} [philosophy, religion] :: conflagration, cyclical or eschatological destruction of the world through fire
conflagratie {f} :: any large fire
conflagratie {f} :: any vehement conflict
conflict {n} :: A conflict, clash or dispute
conflictdiamant {m} :: blood diamond
conflictueus {adj} :: conflictional
confrater {m} :: A confrere, professional colleague, notably in an esteemed, learned profession, especially lawyer
confrater {m} :: A fellow member, as of a confraternity
confrater {m} [figuratively] :: A confrere, comrade, cahoot
confrontatie {f} :: confrontation, the act of confronting or challenging at leats one other party, especially face-to-face
confronteren {vt} :: to confront
confucianisme {n} :: Confucianism
Confucius {prop} {m} :: Confucius
conga {f} [music] :: A conga (small Cuban drum used in pairs)
conga {f} [music, uncountable] :: Conga (Cuban march music and dance style)
congregationalisme {n} :: Congregationalism
congregationalist {m} :: Congregationalist
congregationalistisch {adj} :: Congregationalist
congres {n} :: congress, large consultative and/or legislative body
congres {n} :: congress; formal meeting, gathering or assembly
Congres {prop} {n} :: [generally with the definite article] Congress, the United States Congress
congreszaal {f} :: conference hall, convention hall
congruent {adj} :: congruent
congruentie {f} :: congruence
conisch {adj} :: conical
conjecturaal {adj} :: conjectural
conjectureel {adj} [uncommon] :: alternative form of conjecturaal
conjectuur {f} :: conjecture
conjugeren {vt} [grammar] :: to conjugate
conjugeren {vt} [biology] :: to conjugate
conjugeren {vr} [obsolete] :: to unify, to join together
conjunctie {f} [astronomy] :: syzygy
conjunctie {f} [grammar] :: synonym of voegwoord
conjunctief {m} [grammar] :: the subjunctive mood or a word therein
conjunctivus {m} [grammar] :: the subjunctive mood or a word therein
conjunctuur {f} :: economic condition; conjuncture
conjunctuur {f} :: business cycle
connétable {m} [historical] :: constable of France (supreme commander of the French army or another high-ranking appointee)
connotatie {f} :: connotation
consciëntie {f} :: conscience
consecutio temporum {f} [grammar] :: consecutio temporum, sequence of tenses
consensus {m} :: consensus
consequent {adj} :: consequent, resulting
consequent {adj} :: consistent
consequentie {f} :: consequence, result
conservatief {adj} :: conservative, reserved
conservatisme {n} :: conservatism
conservator {m} :: curator (of a museum or a library)
conservatorium {n} [music] :: conservatory
conservenblik {n} :: can, a tin-plate canister as used for preserves
conserveren {vt} :: to preserve
conserveren {vt} :: to can (preserve)
considerans {m} [legal] :: A consideration, something taken into account to reach a decision, notably a legal one, such as a verdict or deed
consigliere {m} :: A legal counsel and advisor of a crime boss, in particular in the mafia
consistent {adj} :: consistent
consistentie {f} :: consistency
consistentie {f} :: consistence
consistorie {n} :: consistory
consistorie {n} [Roman Catholicism] :: meeting of the College of Cardinals
consistorie {n} [Protestantism] :: congregational council
consistorie {f} [Protestantism] :: consistory, room where such a church council usually gathers for meetings
consolidatie {f} :: consolidation, strengthening
consolideren {vt} :: to consolidate, to strengthen
constante {f} :: contant, non-variable factor or quantity
Constantijn {prop} {m} :: given name
constateren {vt} :: to ascertain
constatering {f} :: observation, remark, finding
consternatie {f} [chiefly in the singular] :: consternation
consterneren {vt} :: to appall, to dismay
constipatie {f} :: constipation
constitueren {vt} :: to constitute
constitueren {vr} :: to be established; to be enacted
constitutioneel {adj} :: constitutional
constructie {f} :: construction (i.e. something which has been constructed)
constructief {adj} :: constructive
constructivisme {n} [arts] :: constructivism
constructivistisch {adj} [arts] :: constructivist
consul {m} :: consul (official in foreign country)
consul {m} [historical] :: consul (of the Roman Republic)
consulaat {n} :: consulate, the office/term/residency of a consul (in any sense, but usually diplomatic)
consulent {m} :: counsel, adviser, consultant; especially an educational adviser
consulent {m} [Protestantism] :: a minister of a congregation who temporarily also serves another congregation with a vacancy
consultatie {f} :: consultation
consument {f} {m} :: A consumer, who buys and/or uses goods or services
consumentenvuurwerk {n} :: consumer fireworks (fireworks sold to and used by the general public rather than pyrotechnic experts)
consumeren {vt} :: to consume, to use
consumeren {vt} :: to consummate a marriage
consuminderen {vi} :: to consume less [rarely conjugated]
consumptie {f} :: consumption, act of eating or drinking
consumptie {f} [food and drinks, countable] :: portion of food or drink
consumptie {f} [economics] :: consumption, act of consuming
consumptie {f} [economics] :: quantity of goods and services that is consumed
consumptie {f} [archaic] :: pulmonary tuberculosis
consumptiemaatschappij {f} :: consumer society (society in which status and consumption are linked and positively correlated)
contact {n} :: physical contact
contact {n} :: contact (close association)
contact {n} :: contact (communication, exchange)
contact {n} :: contact (someone with whom communication has been established)
contactdoos {f} :: electrical socket, particularly one that isn't attached to a wall
contacteren {vt} [Belgium] :: to contact
contactlens {f} :: contact lens
contactloos {adj} :: contactless, without (physical) contact
contactpersoon {mf} :: (personal) contact, contact person
contactsleutel {m} :: a car key, an engine key
contactverbod {n} :: restraining order (legal injunction against contacting someone)
container {m} :: cargo container
container {m} :: dumpster or domestic recycling bin, large waste container
containerbegrip {n} :: catch-all term
contant {adj} :: in cash
contant {adv} :: in cash
contanten {p} [plurale tantum] :: cash
contemporain {adj} :: contemporary
contemporair {adj} [dated, uncommon] :: contemporary
context {m} :: context
continent {n} :: continent (landmass)
continent {adj} [chiefly medicine] :: continent
continent {adj} [obsolete] :: continent, morally restrained
continu {adj} :: continuous (without break, cessation, or interruption in time)
continu {adv} :: continuously
continuïteit {f} :: continuity
continuïteitsvergelijking {f} [physics] :: continuity equation
continuüm {n} :: continuum
contra- {prefix} :: contra-
contrabande {f} :: smuggled goods, contraband
contrabandier {m} :: smuggler
contrabas {f} [musical instruments] :: double bass
contracoup {m} :: countercoup
contracoup {m} [obsolete] :: surprising move or action made in response
contract {n} :: contract
contractie {f} :: contraction
contradictie {f} :: contradiction
contragewicht {n} :: counterweight
contraheren {vt} [grammar] :: to contract
contreien {p} [pluralonly] :: region, area
controle {mf} :: control
controle {mf} :: checkup
controleren {vt} :: to check
controleren {vt} :: to control
controniem {n} :: contronym
controverse {f} :: controversy
controversieel {adj} :: controversial
contubernaal {n} :: roommate, a chum or a cohabitant
convecterend {adj} :: convecting
convenant {n} :: agreement, accord
conventie {f} :: agreement, accord
conventie {f} :: assembly, meeting, convention
conventie {f} :: convention, accepted standard
conventioneel {adj} :: conventional, usual
conventioneel {adj} :: routine, habitual
conversatie {f} :: conversation
converseren {vi} :: to converse, talk casually
conversie {f} :: conversion
converteren {vt} :: to convert
convex {adj} :: convex
convexiteit {f} :: convexity
convooi {n} [chiefly plural, historical] :: Originally an import duty, later also levied on exports
convooi {n} :: superseded spelling of konvooi
cookie {n} [computing] :: cookie
cool {adj} :: cool, fashionable
coöperatie {f} :: cooperation
coöperatie {f} :: cooperative
coöperatief {adj} :: cooperative
coördinaat {m} :: coordinate
coördinatenstelsel {n} :: coordinate system
coördinator {m} :: coordinator
coorne {n} [obsolete, Flemish] :: alternative form of koren
copernicium {n} :: copernicium
copie {f} :: superseded spelling of kopie
copieus {adj} :: copious (great in quantity)
coprolalie {f} :: coprolalia
copula {f} [grammar] :: copula
copula {f} :: [ichthyology, dated] a connective segment or piece of tissue, usually of cartilage, chiefly in fish
coquet {adj} :: superseded spelling of koket
Cor {prop} :: given name, diminutive of Cornelis
Cor {prop} :: given name, diminutive of Cornelia
cordon sanitaire {n} [Belgian, politics, metaphorically] :: An agreement from the late 1980s to arguably current times amongst Belgian political parties to not rule with the party Vlaams Belang (then Vlaams Blok); the idea was Jos Gheysels' of Agalev, while the term was applied by journalist Hugo Gijsels
cordon sanitaire {n} :: cordon sanitaire
coreopsis {m} [botany] :: A coreopsis, a plant in the genus Coreopsis of composite herbs
Cornelia {prop} {f} :: given name
Cornelis {prop} {m} :: given name. Dutch for Cornelius
Cornelissen {prop} :: surname
Cornet {prop} :: surname
Cornisch {prop} {n} :: Cornish (language)
Cornwallis {prop} {n} [dated] :: Cornwallis (duchy/and/county)
coromandel {m} :: striped ebony (a heavy wood, brown in color with deep black streaks, yielded by a limited number of species in the genus Diospyros)
corona {f} [astronomy] :: corona
corona {f} {n} [colloquial, usually without definite article] :: coronavirus or coronavirus disease
coronacrisis {prop} {f} :: The global health crisis and societal and economic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic of 2020 (pathogen SARS-CoV-2, disease COVID-19)
coronafeest {n} :: festive gathering during the COVID-19 pandemic to rebel against social distancing rules
coronakucher {m} :: Someone who deliberately coughs at someone when the coronavirus is going around
coronavirus {n} :: coronavirus (member of the family Coronaviridae)
corps {n} :: student society, especially a traditional and hierarchical one
corpsbal {m} [derogatory] :: frat boy, stereotypical haughty or foppish student belonging to a student society [generally male]
corpulent {adj} :: overweight, corpulent
corpulentie {f} :: corpulence
corpus {n} :: a collection of writings, a text corpus
corpus callosum {n} :: corpus callosum
correct {adj} :: correct
correcteur {m} [obsolete] :: A corrector, notably:
correcteur {m} :: proofreader
correcteur {m} :: censor
correctheid {f} :: correctness
correctie {f} :: A correction, rectification
correctie {f} :: The action or process of correcting
correctie {f} :: A punishment, sanction
correctie {f} [metonymy] :: A penal facility, notably a military stockade; house of correction
corrector {m} :: corrector
correlatie {f} :: correlation
correspondent {mf} :: correspondent
correspondentie {f} :: correspondence, exchange of letters
correspondentieschaak {n} :: correspondence chess
corresponderen {vi} :: to correspond (communicate by letter)
corresponderen {vi} :: to correspond, to agree
Corrie {prop} {f} :: given name
corrigeren {vt} :: to correct (to make something that was not valid become right)
corroderen {vt} :: to corrode
corrosief {adj} :: corrosive
corrumperen {vt} :: to corrupt, to spoil, or to rot
corrupt {adj} :: corrupt (lacking integrity, being prone to discriminating, open to bribes, etc.)
corrupt {adj} [textual criticism] :: corrupt (containing (many) errors)
corrupt {adj} :: deprave, morally corrupt
corruptie {f} :: corruption
corruptiezaak {f} [legal] :: corruption case
Corsica {prop} {n} :: Corsica (island)
Corsicaans {adj} :: Corsican, of or relating to the island, people and/or culture of Corsica
Corsicaans {adj} :: in or otherwise relating to the Corsican language
Corsicaans {prop} {n} :: The Corsican language
corso {n} :: parade
cortège {n} :: cortege
corvee {f} {n} :: household chores, especially at a camp or barracks
corvee {f} {n} [historical] :: corvee labour
coryfee {m} [originally, rare] :: coryphaeus, leader of the chorus in Classical Greek theatre
coryfee {m} :: performing star artist, compare coryphée
coryfee {m} :: one who excels in some discipline
coryfee {m} :: figurehead
coryfee {m} [Netherlands] :: prominent formerly active member of an organisation, in particular of a political party
cosinus {m} [trigonometry] :: cosine
cosmogonie {f} [mythology] :: cosmogony
Costa Rica {prop} {n} :: Costa Rica (country)
Côte d'Or {prop} {f} :: The Côte d'Or département (equivalent of a county) in France's eastern region Bourgogne (Burgundy)
Côte d'Or {prop} {f} :: The Côte d'Or chain of hills West of the Saône valley, which the above département was named after
coterie {f} :: coterie, clique (exclusive circle of associates)
cottage cheese {m} :: cottage cheese
cotyledo {n} [botany] :: A cotyledon, early leaf developed by a seed plant's embryo
cotyledo {n} :: A cotyledon, placental lobule
coulance {noun} :: accommodation (fe. of insurance company toward its clients)
coulisse {f} :: side of a stage, dressing room beside a stage, side wing
coulisselandschap {n} :: bocage, mixed woodland and pasture
coulissenlandschap {n} [unofficial] :: alternative form of coulisselandschap
coulomb {m} :: coulomb
coup {m} :: A coup, a coup d'état, a putsch
coup {m} :: A coup, a quick, surprising, brilliant move or action
Couperus {prop} :: surname
couplet {n} :: verse of a song
couppleger {m} :: A putschist, one who perpetrates a coup d'état
courant {adj} :: current, prevalent, standard
courant {n} :: currency
coureur {m} :: cyclist
coureur {m} :: motorcyclist
coureur {m} :: auto racer
courgette {f} :: A courgette, a zucchini (fruit)
courgette {f} :: The courgette plant, a variety of Cucurbita pepo
courtisane {f} :: A courtesan, a high-status prostitute or mistress
couscous {f} {m} :: couscous
couvert {n} :: cutlery, silverware
couvert {n} :: envelope
couveuse {f} :: an incubator, especially for sick infants
cover {m} :: A cover, cover song, cover version (rerecording of a previously recorded song, typically by a different artist)
cover {m} :: A cover, the front of a magazine or of the package of a storage medium
cowboy {m} :: cowboy
cowboykapitalisme {n} :: cowboy capitalism, a form of capitalism that is considered to promote irresponsible risk and greed
coyote {m} :: coyote
c-pion {m} [chess] :: c-pawn: pawn placed on the c-file at the beginning of the game
c.q. {adv} :: abbreviation of casu quo
c.q. {adv} :: Also used, technically incorrectly, to mean 'or', 'or else', 'in particular':
crapuleus {adj} [Belgian] :: villainous, despicable
crapuul {n} [collective, uncountable, pejorative] :: scum, odious people
crapuul {n} [countable, pejorative, Belgium] :: scumbag, odious person
crash {m} :: crash, collision
crash {m} :: economic crash, especially in relation to stock exchanges
crash {m} :: computer crash
crashen {vi} :: to crash
crashen {vi} :: to go bankrupt
crashen {vi} [computing] :: to crash
-cratie {suffix} :: -cracy
creabea {f} [colloquial] :: someone, especially a woman, who is creative; particularly with respect to (amateur) handcraft
creabea {f} [colloquial] :: DIY creativity
creabea {adj} [uninflected, colloquial] :: creative; in particular, having a DIY vibe
creatie {f} :: creation (act of creating, inventing, etc.)
creatie {f} [religion] :: creation (universe)
creatief {adj} :: creative
creativiteit {f} :: creativity
creatuur {n} :: creature
creatuur {n} :: monster, monstrous or loathsome creature
creatuur {f} :: creation
crèche {f} :: A crèche
creditcard {m} :: credit card
credo {n} [religion, chiefly Christianity] :: confession of faith, creed
credo {n} [by extension] :: (strong) conviction
creëren {vt} :: to create, make, put into existence
creëren {vt} :: to design creatively
creëren {vt} :: to appoint, invest with an office etc
creëren {vt} :: to establish, erect, found
creëren {vt} :: to cause, be responsible for
crematie {f} :: Cremation
crematorium {n} :: A crematorium, a crematory
crème {f} :: cream [color]
crème {f} [colloquial] :: ice cream
crème {f} :: cream [medicament]
crèmekleurig {adj} :: cream-colored (US), cream-coloured (UK)
cremeren {vt} :: to cremate
crèmewit {adj} :: creamy white; cream
creool {m} :: In present Suriname (former colony Dutch Guyana) and various parts of South and Central America, any descendant of African slaves
creool {m} :: A Creole, a member of a (Latin) American ethno-cultural group of colonial Iberian blood
creool {m} [uncommon] :: A creole language
creooltaal {f} :: creole language
cricket {n} :: cricket (sport)
criminaliteit {f} :: criminality
crimineel {adj} :: criminal, contrary to enforceable legal rules
crimineel {adj} [figuratively] :: terrible, excessive (generally in a bad sense)
crimineel {m} :: criminal (person guilty of breaking the law)
criminologie {f} :: criminology
crisette {f} [Belgium] :: a minor crisis, notably in politics
crisis {f} :: crisis
crisis {f} :: financial crisis
criterium {n} :: (plural criteria) criterion, standard for comparison and appreciation
criterium {n} :: (plural criteriums) notably in cycling, race of low athletic merit
criticaster {m} :: criticaster, uncharitable critic
criticus {m} :: critic
critiek {f} [dated] :: superseded spelling of kritiek
croissant {m} :: croissant
croquet {f} :: superseded spelling of kroket
cru {adj} :: crude, coarse
crucifix {n} :: A crucifix
cruise {m} :: cruise
cruiseboot {f} {m} :: A cruise boat
cruiseschip {n} :: A cruise ship
Cruquius {prop} :: Cruquius (A <<village>> in the <<r/Haarlemmermeer>>, <

>, <<c/Netherlands>>, located near the pumphouse De Cruquius.)

crux {f} :: crucial or otherwise serious, difficult problem
Cruyff {prop} :: surname
cryogeen {adj} :: cryogenic
cryogenisch {adj} [rare, nonstandard] :: cryogenic
crypte {f} :: crypt
cryptogram {n} :: cryptic crossword (crossword puzzle with cryptic definitions)
cryptomunt {f} :: cryptocurrency
cryptomunt {f} [uncommon] :: cryptocoin (monetary unit of a cryptocurrency)
cryptovaluta {f} :: cryptocurrency
cryptozoölogie {f} :: cryptozoology
c.s. {phrase} :: abbreviation of cum suis with his (party), and associates
c.s. {phrase} :: abbreviation of cum sociis with his (party), and associates
c-sleutel {m} [music] :: C-clef
CU {prop} :: ChristianUnion, a conservative Christian-democratic political party in the Netherlands
Cuba {prop} {n} :: Cuba (island/and/country)
Cubaan {m} :: Cuban (inhabitant or national of Cuba, or one of Cuban descent)
Cubaans {adj} :: Cuban (pertaining to Cuba or Cubans)
Cuijk {prop} {n} :: Cuijk (village/and/municipality)
Culemborg {prop} :: Culemborg (city/and/municipality)
culminatie {f} [astronomy] :: culmination, transit, the reaching of the highest altitude by a celestial body
culminatie {f} [figurative] :: culmination, highpoint, apex
culmineren {vi} [astronomy] :: to culminate, to reach one's highest altitude, to pass through the meridian
culmineren {vi} [figurative] :: to culminate, to reach one's highpoint
cultfilm {m} :: cult film
cultivar {m} :: cultivar
cultureel {adj} :: cultural
Culturele Revolutie {prop} {f} :: Cultural Revolution
cultus {m} [religion] :: cult, a particular tradition of worship or veneration of deities, ancestors, guardians or saints
cultus {m} [religion] :: religious service
cultusplaats {f} :: A place of worship
cultuur {f} :: culture
cultuur {f} :: practices and beliefs particular to a society or group
cultuur {f} :: arts, historic heritage and media as a sector
cultuur {f} :: cultivation tillage of crops
cultuur {f} :: collective of microorganisms, such as artificially bred bacteria or fungi
cultuurbarbaar {m} :: Philistine, barbarian (person bereft of culture)
cultuurstelsel {prop} {n} [historical] :: A policy of allocating (nominally) 20% of agricultural land in the Dutch East Indies to export crops, imposed by the Dutch government as a type of lease, operating from 1830 until the 1870s for most products and until the early twentieth century for coffee; the system was widely abused leading to much higher land use for export crops
cultuurtaal {f} :: standard language, language of culture (standardised lect)
cultuurvolger {m} :: An animal that regularly makes anthropogenic environments into its habitat
cultuurwoord {n} :: Kulturwort (widely borrowed word for a cross-cultural concept)
culverin {f} :: culverin, a kind of handgun
cummingtoniet {n} [mineral] :: Cummingtonite
cumulatief {adj} :: cumulative
cupcake {m} :: A cupcake
cupcakemama {f} [slang] :: yummy mummy
curandus {m} :: An adult person subject to a particular regime of guardianship
curare {n} :: curare
curatele {f} [legal] :: legal and financial guardianship under which the ward is an adult
curator {m} :: curator, one who manages a collection
curator {m} :: curator, one who manages an estate
curator {m} :: liquidator appointed by a judge after bankruptcy
curatorium {n} :: board of curators
curieus {adj} :: rare, curious, remarkable
curiositeit {f} :: curiosity (third sense)
curiosum {n} :: A curiosity, a curio, a curiosum
curium {n} :: curium
curry {m} :: the spicy condiment curry powder
curry {m} :: a curry dish
curry {m} :: curry ketchup
curryketchup {m} :: curry ketchup
curryworst {f} :: currywurst
cursiefje {n} :: a small column (in a newspaper) about everyday situations
cursist {m} :: learner, student
cursiste {f} :: a (female) learner, student (a woman who follows a study course)
cursus {m} :: course
curve {f} :: curve: curved line
CV {noun} :: curriculum vitae
CV {noun} :: "centrale verwarming", central heating
CVE {f} [computing] :: initialism of centrale verwerkingseenheid = CPU
cyaan {n} :: cyanogen, a blueish, acid, poisonous gas
cyaan {n} :: cyan (colour)
cyaan {adj} :: cyan
cyano- {prefix} [functional group prefix] :: cyano-
cyanose {f} [pathology] :: cyanosis
cyberaanval {m} :: cyberattack
cybernetica {f} :: cybernetics (science of communication and control)
Cycladen {prop} {p} :: The Cyclades, an Aegean island chain
cyclo- {prefix} [hydrocarbon chain prefix] :: cyclo-
cyclocross {m} :: cyclocross
cycloon {m} :: cyclone, a storm type with a rotating system of winds
cyclus {m} :: A cycle, a complete rotation
cyclus {m} :: A cycle, a repeatable series
cyclus {m} :: A cycle, a collection of related texts or artworks
cynisch {adj} :: cynical
Cyprus {prop} {n} :: Cyprus
cyrillisch {adj} :: Cyrillic
cyrillisch {prop} {n} :: the Cyrillic script
cyste {f} :: cyst (sac which develops in the natural cavities of an organ)
cyto- {prefix} :: cyto-
cytologie {f} :: cytology (cell biology)
cytoplasma {n} :: cytoplasm (contents of a cell excluding the nucleus)
cytoskelet {n} :: cytoskeleton (structure resembling a skeleton contained within a cytoplasm)