User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-cmn-l

{prop} (Chinese surname) :: , /Lú/
{prop} (Lü language) :: 傣仂語, 傣仂语 /dǎilèyǔ/
{prop} (Chinese surname) :: , /Lù/
lab {n} (laboratory) SEE: laboratory ::
lab coat {n} (coat worn by laboratory workers) :: 白大褂
label {n} (small ticket or sign giving information) :: 標籤, 标签 /biāoqiān/, 簽條, 签条 /qiāntiáo/
labellum {n} :: 唇瓣
labia {n} (folds of tissue at opening of vulva) :: 陰脣, 阴唇 /yīnchún/
labia majora {n} (outer folds of vulva) :: 大陰脣, 大阴唇 /dàyīnchún/
labia minora {n} ((anatomy) the two inner folds of skin within the cleft of the labia majora) :: 小陰脣, 小阴唇 /xiǎoyīnchún/
labiaplasty {n} (moulding of the labia) :: 陰唇整型手術, 阴唇整型手术 /yīnchún zhěngxíng shǒushù/, 陰唇縮小手術, 阴唇缩小手术 /yīnchún suōxiǎo shǒushù/
labiodental {n} (a speech sound articulated with the lower lip and upper teeth) :: 唇齒音, 唇齿音 /chúnchǐyīn/
lab mouse {n} (laboratory mouse) SEE: laboratory mouse ::
labor {n} (labor) SEE: labour ::
labor {v} (labor) SEE: labour ::
laboratory {n} (room, building or institution equipped for scientific research) :: 實驗室, 实验室 /shíyànshì/
laboratory {n} (place where chemicals, drugs or microbes are prepared or manufactured) :: 研究室 /yánjiūshì/
laboratory mouse {n} (small mammal of the order Rodentia which is bred and kept for scientific research) :: 實驗鼠, 实验鼠 /shíyànshǔ/
labored breathing {n} (poor or irregular breathing) :: 呼吸困難, 呼吸困难 /hūxī kùnnan/
laborer {n} (One who uses body strength instead of intellectual power to earn a wage, usually hourly) :: 勞動者, 劳动者 /láodòngzhě/, 工人 /gōngrén/
labor-intensive {adj} (requiring a great deal of work) :: 勞動密集型, 劳动密集型 /láodòng mìjíxíng/
laborious {adj} (industrious) SEE: industrious ::
labor market {n} (market consisting of workers) :: 勞工市場, 劳工市场 /láogōng shìchǎng/, 勞動市場, 劳动市场 /láodòng shìchǎng/
labor of love {n} (task performed without expectation of reimbursement) :: 义务劳动, 用爱发电 /yòng'àifādiàn/
Labor Party {prop} (similar party in another country) SEE: Labour Party ::
Labor Party {prop} (Australian party) :: 工黨, 工党 /Gōngdǎng/
labor relations {n} (industrial relations) SEE: industrial relations ::
labor union {n} (labor union) SEE: trade union ::
labour {n} (work) :: 勞動, 劳动 /láodòng/
labour {n} (giving birth) :: 生產, 生产 /shēngchǎn/
labour {v} (to work) :: 工作 /gōngzuò/
Labour Party {prop} (British party) :: 工黨, 工党 /gōngdǎng/
Labour Party {prop} (similar party in another country) :: 工黨, 工党 /gōngdǎng/
labour relations {n} (industrial relations) SEE: industrial relations ::
Labrador {prop} (mainland portion of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador) :: 拉布拉多 /Lābùlāduō/
Labrador retriever {n} (breed of dog) :: 拉布拉多尋回犬, 拉布拉多寻回犬 /Lābùlāduō xúnhuí quǎn/, 拉布拉多尋回狗, 拉布拉多寻回狗 /Lābùlāduō xúnhuí gǒu/
laburnum {n} (tree) :: 毒豆 /dúdòu/, 金鏈花, 金链花 /jīnliànhuā/, 金急雨, 金急雨 /jīnjíyǔ/, 臘腸樹, 腊肠树 /làchángshù/
labyrinth {n} (maze) :: 迷宮, 迷宫 /mígōng/
lac {n} (a resinous substance) :: /qī/
lac {n} (lakh) SEE: lakh ::
lace {n} (fabric) :: 花邊, 花边 /huābiān/
lace {n} (cord for fastening a shoe) SEE: shoelace ::
laceration {n} (an irregular open wound caused by a blunt impact to soft tissue) :: 劃破, 划破 /huápò/
lachanophobia {n} (irrational fear of vegetables) :: 蔬菜恐懼症, 蔬菜恐惧症 /shūcài kǒngjùzhèng/
lachrymable {adj} (lamentable) SEE: lamentable ::
lachrymose {adj} (tearful; causing tears) :: 催泪的 /cuīlèide/
lack {n} (deficiency, need) :: 不足 /bùzú/, 缺乏 /quēfá/
lack {v} (be without, need, require) :: /quē/, /qiàn/, 缺乏 /quēfá/
lackadaisical {adj} (showing no interest or enthusiasm) :: 漠不关心的 /mò bù guān xīng de/, 不热心的 /bù rè xīng de/
lackey {n} (liveried male servant) :: 奴僕, 奴仆 /núpú/, 僕役, 仆役 /púyì/, 僕人, 仆人 /púrén/
lackey {n} (a fawning, servile follower) :: 走狗 /zǒugǒu/, 狗腿子 /gǒutuǐzi/, 走卒 /zǒuzú/, 奴才 /núcái/
lacking {n} (absence of something) SEE: lack ::
laconic {adj} (using as few words as possible) :: 簡潔, 简洁 /jiǎnjié/
La Coruña {prop} (A Coruña) SEE: A Coruña ::
lacquer {n} (glossy, resinous material used as a surface coating) :: /qī/, 蠟克, 蜡克 /làkè/, 清漆 /qīngqī/
lacquerware {n} (decorative items coated with lacquer) :: 漆器 /qīqì/
lacrimal gland {n} (gland which secretes tear fluid) :: 淚腺, 泪腺 /lèixiàn/
lacrosse {n} (the sport) :: 長曲棍球, 长曲棍球 /chángqūgùnqiú/
lactase {n} (A β-galactosidase enzyme) :: 乳糖酶 /rǔtángméi/
lactation {n} (process of providing milk to the young) :: 哺乳 /bǔrǔ/
lactation {n} (lactation period) :: 哺乳期 /bǔrǔ qí/
lactic acid {n} (2-hydroxy-propanoic acid (CH3.CHOH.CO2H)) :: 乳酸 /rǔsuān/
lactogen {n} :: 催乳激素, 催乳物质
lactone {n} (cyclic intramolecular ester) :: 內酯, 内酯 /nèizhǐ/
lactose {n} (disaccharide sugar of milk and dairy products) :: 乳糖 /rǔtáng/
lactose intolerance {n} (inability to metabolize lactose) :: 乳糖不耐 /rǔtángbùnài/, 乳糖不耐症 /rǔtángbùnàizhèng/
lad {n} (a boy) :: 小伙子 /xiǎohuǒzi/, 青年 /qīngnián/
Lada {prop} (a Russian car) :: 拉達, 拉达 /Lādá/
Ladakh {prop} (region) :: 拉達克, 拉达克 /Lādákè/
ladder {n} (climbing tool) :: 梯子 /tīzi/, 扶梯 /fútī/
ladder lottery {n} (method of decision-making) :: 鬼腳圖, 鬼脚图 /guǐjiǎotú/
laddie {n} (small boy) :: 小伙子 /xiǎohuǒzi/, 少年 /shàonián/
lade {v} (To fill or load) :: 裝載, 装载 /zhuāngzài/, 裝貨, 装货 /zhuānghuò/
lade {v} (To use a ladle or dipper to remove something) :: 舀出
ladies and gentlemen {n} (phrase used to address an audience of men and women) :: 女士先生, 女士先生 /nǚshìmen, xiānshengmen/, [everyone, ladies and gentlemen] 各位 /gèwèi/, 各位來賓, 各位来宾 /gèwèi láibīn/
ladies first {proverb} (phrase encouraging gentlemanliness) :: 女士優先, 女士优先 /nǚshìyōuxiān/
ladies' room {n} (lavatory intended for women, see also: toilet) :: 化妝室
lading {n} (The action of loading.) :: 裝載, 装载 /zhuāngzài/
lading {n} (Shipment, cargo, freight.) :: 貨物, 货物 /huòwù/
Ladino {prop} (Romance language) :: 拉迪諾語, 拉迪诺语 /Lādínuòyǔ/
ladle {n} (deep-bowled spoon with a long, usually curved, handle) :: 杓子 /sháozi/, /piáo/
ladle {v} (serve with a ladle) :: /chéng/
Ladoga {prop} (a lake in Russia) :: 拉多加湖 /Lāduōjiā hú/
lady {n} (woman of breeding and authority) :: 女士 /nǚshì/, 貴婦, 贵妇 /guìfù/
lady {n} (polite term referring a woman) :: 太太 /tàitai/, 夫人 /fūren/
lady {n} (toilets intended for use by women) :: 廁所, 厕所
ladybird {n} (member of Coccinellidae) :: 瓢蟲, 瓢虫 /piáochóng/
ladyboy {n} (effeminate homosexual man, especially an intergender person, see also: kathoey) :: 人妖 /rényāo/
ladybug {n} (ladybird) SEE: ladybird ::
ladyfinger {n} (okra) SEE: okra ::
lady-in-waiting {n} (lady in the household of a woman of higher rank who attends he as a personal assistant) :: 宮官, 宫官 /gōngguān/, 宮女, 宫女 /gōngnǚ/, 女官 /nǚguān/, 侍女 /shìnǚ/, 女侍臣 /nǚshìchén/, 采女 /cǎinǚ/ [archaic]
lady-killer {n} (man unusually attractive to women) :: 獵豔高手, 猎艳高手 /lièyàn gāoshǒu/
lady-killer {n} (uncaring womanizer) :: 渣男 /zhānán/
ladylike {adj} (of or connected with the appearance or behaviour of a well-mannered woman) :: 大家閨秀 /dàjiā guīxiù/
lady's man {n} (womanizer) SEE: womanizer ::
lady's man {n} (man who attracts women and enjoys their company) :: 女人喜歡男子, 女人喜欢男子 /tǎo nǚrén xǐhuan de nánzǐ/
lag {n} ((Internet) bad connection, loss of connection) :: /kǎ/ [slang/colloquial]
lag {v} (To fall behind) :: 落後, 落后 /luòhòu/
lager {n} (type of beer) :: 拉格啤酒 /lāgépíjiǔ/
laggard {n} (one who lags behind) :: 落後者, 落后者 /luòhòuzhě/
lagoon {n} (shallow body of water) :: 潟湖 /xìhú/, [considered non-standard or misspelling] 瀉湖, 泻湖 /xièhú/, 環礁湖, 环礁湖 /huánjiāohú/
lagopode {n} (ptarmigan) SEE: ptarmigan ::
Lagos {prop} (former capital of Nigeria) :: 拉哥斯 /Lāgēsī/
Lagrange point {n} (a point in an orbital configuration) :: 拉格朗日點, 拉格朗日点 /Lāgélǎngrì diǎn/
Lahore {prop} (Lahore) :: 拉合爾, 拉合尔 /Lāhé'ěr/
Lai-feng {prop} (Laifeng) SEE: Laifeng ::
Laifeng {prop} (county in central China) :: 來鳳, 来凤 /Láifèng/
lair {n} (of an animal) :: 巢穴 /cháoxué/, 獸穴, 兽穴 /shòuxué/, 獸窟, 兽窟 /shòukū/, 獸窩, 兽窝 /shòuwō/
laissez faire {n} (economics: a policy of governmental non-interference in economic affairs) :: 放任 /fàngrèn/, 不干涉 /bùgānshè/, 自由放任 /zìyóufàngrèn/
lake {n} (body of water) :: /hú/, 湖泊 /húbó/
Lake Biwa {prop} (Japan's largest lake) :: 琵琶湖 /Pípá hú/
Lake District {prop} (Lake District) :: 湖区 /Húqū/
Lake Erie {prop} (the lake) :: 伊利湖
Lake Ladoga {prop} (Ladoga) SEE: Ladoga ::
Lake Michigan {prop} (one of the five Great Lakes) :: 密歇根湖 {m} /Mìxiēgēn Hú/, 密西根湖 /Mìxīgēn Hú/
Lake Ontario {prop} (the lake, see also: Ontario) :: 安大略湖 /Āndàlüè Hú/
lakeside {n} (the shore of a lake) :: 湖岸 /hú'àn/, 湖畔 /húpàn/, 湖邊, 湖边 /húbiān/
Lake Superior {prop} (the lake) :: 蘇必利爾湖, 苏必利尔湖 /Sūbìlì'ěrhú/
Lake Victoria {prop} (African lake) :: 維多利亞湖, 维多利亚湖 /Wéiduōlìyà Hú/
lakh {num} (one hundred thousand) :: 拉克 /lākè/, 洛叉 /luòchā/, 十萬, 十万 /shíwàn/
laksa {n} (a spicy stew from Indonesia or Malaysia) :: 喇沙 /lǎshā/, 叻沙 /lèshā/
Lakshadweep {prop} (union territory of India) :: 拉克沙 /Lākèshā/
Lakshmi {prop} (Hindu goddess of wealth) :: 吉祥天 /jíxiáng tiān/
Lalibela {prop} (town in Ethiopia) :: 拉利貝拉
lama {n} (master of Tibetan Buddhism) :: 喇嘛 /lǎma/
lamaism {n} (Tibetan Buddhism) :: 喇嘛教 /Lǎmajiào/
lamasery {n} (monastery for lamas) :: 喇嘛廟, 喇嘛庙 /lǎmamiào/, 喇嘛寺 /lǎmasì/
lamb {n} (young sheep) :: 羊羔 /yánggāo/, /gāo/, 羔羊 /gāoyáng/
lamb {n} (flesh of lamb as food) :: 羊肉 /yángròu/
lamb {n} (meek person) :: 羔羊 /gāoyáng/
lambada {n} (Brazilian dance) :: 黏巴達, 黏巴达 /niánbadá/
lambaste {v} (to give a thrashing to) :: 痛打 /tòngdǎ/
lambda {n} (name of the Greek letter) :: 蘭布達, 兰布达 /lánbùdá/, 蘭姆打, 兰姆打 /lánmǔdǎ/
Lamb of God {prop} (Jesus, symbolized as a sacrifice) :: 上帝羔羊 /Shàngdì de Gāoyáng/ [Protestant], 上帝羔羊 /Shàngdì Gāoyáng/ [Protestant], 羔羊 /Shén de Gāoyáng/ [Protestant], 神羔羊 /Shén Gāoyáng/ [Protestant], 天主羔羊 /Tiānzhǔ Gāoyáng/ [Catholic]
lambskin {n} (skin of a young sheep) :: 羔皮 /gāopí/
lame {adj} (unable to walk properly because of a problem with one's feet or legs) :: Literary Chinese: /jiān/; 瘸腿 /quétuǐ/, /bǒ/, 跛足 /bǒzú/, /qué/
lame duck {n} (an official who is marking time until leaving their office) :: 跛腳鴨, 跛脚鸭 /bǒjiǎoyā/, 瘸鴨, 瘸鸭 /quéyā/
lamella {n} (gill of a mushroom) SEE: gill ::
lamentable {adj} (deplorable) :: 可悲 /kěbēi/
lamentably {adv} (regrettably) SEE: regrettably ::
Lamentations {prop} (book of the Bible) :: 耶利米哀歌 /Yēlìmǐ Āigē/, 耶肋米亞哀歌, 耶肋米亚哀歌 /Yēlèimǐyà Āigē/
lamia {n} (monster in mythology) :: 拉米亞
laminate {v} (To assemble from thin sheets) :: 層壓, 层压 /céngyā/
lammergeier {n} (bird) :: 胡兀鷲 /hú wù jiù/
lammergeyer {n} (vulture) SEE: lammergeier ::
lamp {n} (device producing light) :: , /dēng/, 電燈, 电灯 /diàndēng/
lamp {n} (oil device producing light) :: , /dēng/
lamplight {n} (the light emitted by a lamp) :: 燈光, 灯光 /dēngguāng/
lampoon {n} (written satirical attack) :: 諷刺文, 讽刺文 /fěngcìwén/
lamppost {n} (pole that holds up a light) :: 燈柱, 灯柱 /dēngzhù/, 街燈柱, 街灯柱 /jiēdēngzhù/
lamprey {n} (a fish) :: 八目鰻, 八目鳗 /bāmùmán/
lamprophony {n} (loudness and clarity of enunciation) :: 發音響亮清晰, 发音响亮清晰 (fāyīn de xiǎngliàng hé qīngxī)
lampshade {n} (cover over a lamp) :: 燈罩, 灯罩 /dēngzhào/
lampstand {n} (lamp holder) :: 燈臺 /dēngtái/
Lan {prop} (Lan: the Chinese surname) :: , /Lán/, , /Lán/
Lancashire {n} (county in the north-west of England) :: 蘭開夏, 兰开夏 /Lánkāixià/, 蘭開夏郡, 兰开夏郡 /Lánkāixiàjùn/, 蘭開郡, 兰开郡 /Lánkāijùn/
lance {n} :: 長矛, 长矛 /changmao/
lance corporal {n} (lance corporal) :: 準下士, 准下士 /zhǔxiàshì/
Lancelot {prop} (the knight) :: 蘭斯洛特, 兰斯洛特 /Lánsīluòtè/
lancer {n} (cavalry soldier with a lance) :: 長矛輕騎兵, 长矛轻骑兵 /chángmáo qīngqíbīng/
Lan-chou {prop} (Lanzhou) SEE: Lanzhou ::
land {n} (part of Earth that is not covered by oceans or other bodies of water) :: 土地 /tǔdì/
land {n} (country or region) :: 國家, 国家 /guójiā/
land {n} (someone's homeplace) :: 祖國, 祖国 /zǔguó/
land {n} (ground that is suitable for farming) :: 土地 /tǔdì/, 農地, 农地 /nóngdì/
land {v} (to descend to a surface, especially from the air) :: 著地, 着地 /zhuódì/, 著陸, 着陆 /zhuólù/
land {v} (to arrive at land, especially a shore, or a dock, from a body of water) :: 登陸, 登陆 /dēnglù/, 上陸, 上陆 /shànglù/
land {v} (to deliver) SEE: deliver ::
-land {suffix} (territory, country or region (suffix)) :: , /-guó/
land bridge {n} (isthmus) :: 陸橋, 陆桥 /lùqiáo/
land degradation {n} (decline in the overall quality of soil, water or vegeatation) :: 土地退化 /tǔdì tuìhuà/
lander {n} (space probe) :: 著陸器, 著陆器 /zhuólùqì/
landfall {n} (arrival of a ship at the shore) :: 登陆 /dēnglù/
landform {n} (geological feature) :: 地貌 /dìmào/
-landia {suffix} (territory, country or region (suffix)) SEE: -land ::
landing {n} (coming to earth, as of an airplane) :: 著陸, 着陆 /zhuólù/, 降落 /jiàngluò/, 登陸, 登陆 /dēnglù/
landline {n} (fixed telephone communications cable) :: 固網電信, 固网电信 /gùwǎng diànxìn/, 固網, 固网 /gùwǎng/
landline {n} (telephone connected by such a fixed wire) :: 座機電話, 座机电话 /zuòjī diànhuà/
landlocked {adj} (surrounded by land) :: 內陸, 内陆 /nèilù/
landlord {n} (person who owns and rents land such as a house, apartment, or condo) :: 房東, 房东 /fángdōng/, 東家, 东家 /dōngjia/, 地主 /dìzhǔ/
landlouper {n} (vagabond) SEE: vagabond ::
landmark {n} (recognizable feature) :: 地標, 地标 /dìbiāo/
landmark {n} (notable location) :: 名勝古蹟, 名胜古迹 /míngshènggǔjī/
landmark {n} (major event) :: 里程碑 /lǐchéngbēi/
landmass {n} (large continuous area of land) :: 陸地, 陆地 /lùdì/, 大陸, 大陆 /dàlù/, 大片陸地, 大片陆地 /dàpiàn lùdì/
land mine {n} (mine that is placed on land) :: 地雷 /dìléi/
land of milk and honey {n} (a land of abundance) :: 鱼米之乡
Land of the Rising Sun {prop} (Japan) :: 旭日之國, 旭日之国 /xùrì zhī guó/
landowner {n} (a person who owns land) :: 地主 /dìzhǔ/
landscape {n} (portion of land or territory) :: 风景 /fēngjǐng/
Landsknecht {n} (German mercenary of the 15th or 16th century) SEE: lansquenet ::
landslide {n} (natural disaster) :: 山崩 /shānbēng/, 滑坡 /huápō/, 地滑 /dìhuá/, 塌方 /tāfāng/
land snail {n} (species of snail that lives on land) :: 陸生蝸牛, 陆生蜗牛 /lùshēng wōniú/, 蝸牛, 蜗牛 /wōniú/
lane {n} (passageway) :: 胡同 /hútòng/, 里弄 /lǐnòng/
lane {n} (division of roadway) :: 車道, 车道 /chēdào/
lane {n} ::
Langhe {prop} (hilly area in Piedmont) :: 朗格 /Lǎnggé/
Langhe {prop} (town in central China) :: 浪河 /Lànghé/
Lang-ju {prop} (Langru) SEE: Langru ::
Langru {prop} (township in Hotan County, Hotan, Xinjiang, China) :: 朗如 /Lǎngrú/
language {n} (body of words used as a form of communication) :: 語言, 语言, , /huà/
language {n} (the ability to communicate using words) :: 語言, 语言 /yǔyán/
language {n} (nonverbal communication) :: 語言, 语言 /yǔyán/
language {n} (vocabulary of a particular field) :: 語言, 语言 /yǔyán/, 用語, 用语 /yòngyǔ/, 詞語, 词语 /cíyǔ/
language {n} (particular words used) :: 語言, 语言 /yǔyán/, 用語, 用语 /yòngyǔ/, 詞語, 词语 /cíyǔ/
language {n} (computer language, see also: computer language) :: 語言, 语言 /yǔyán/
language arts {n} (study of language as a subject in primary and secondary school) :: 語言藝術, 语言艺术 /yǔyán yìshù/
language barrier {n} (barrier to communication) :: 語言障礙, 语言障碍 /yǔyán zhàng'ài/
language code {n} (a standard identifier of a language) :: 語言代碼, 语言代码 /yǔyán dàimǎ/, 語言碼, 语言码 /yǔyánmǎ/
language contact {n} (phenomenon) :: 語言接觸, 语言接触 /yǔyán jiēchù/
language exchange {n} (language exchange) :: 語言交流, 语言交流 /yǔyán jiāoliú/, 言語交換, 言语交换 /yǔyán jiāohuàn/
language family {n} (set of languages) :: 語系, 语系 /yǔxì/
language isolate {n} (natural language without relatives) :: 孤立語言, 孤立语言 /gūlì yǔyán/
language lab {n} (schoolroom equipped with audio) :: 語言實驗室, 语言实验室 /yǔyán shíyànshì/
language police {n} (language police) :: 語言警察, 语言警察 /yǔyán jǐngchá/
language swap {n} (language exchange) SEE: language exchange ::
Languedoc {prop} (French province) :: 隆格多克
Languedoc-Roussillon {prop} (region of France) :: 朗格多克-魯西永, 朗格多克-鲁西永 /Lǎnggéduōkè-Lǔxīyǒng/
languid {adj} (lacking enthusiasm, energy or strength) :: 无精打采的
languish {v} (to lose strength and become weak) :: 憔悴 /qiáocuì/
languor {v} (to languish) SEE: languish ::
langur {n} (group in the subfamily Colobinae) :: 疣猴 /yóuhóu/
Langya {prop} (district in eastern China) :: 瑯琊, 琅琊 /Lángyá/
La Niña {n} (temperature anomaly) :: 拉尼娜 /Lānínà/, 拉尼娜現象, 拉尼娜现象 /Lānínà xiànxiàng/
lanichol {n} (lanolin) SEE: lanolin ::
laniol {n} (lanolin) SEE: lanolin ::
lanolin {n} (greasy yellow substance) :: 羊毛脂 /yángmáozhī/
Lansing {prop} (capital city) :: 蘭辛, 兰辛 /Lánxīn/
lansquenet {n} (German mercenary of the 15th or 16th century) :: 國土傭僕, 国土佣仆 /guótǔ yōngpú/
lanterloo {n} :: 盧牌戲, 卢牌戏 /lúpáixì/
lantern {n} (case of transparent material made to protect a flame, or light) :: 燈籠, 灯笼 /dēnglóng/, , /dēng/
Lantern Festival {n} (Chinese festival) :: 元宵節, 元宵节 /Yuánxiāojié/
lanthanide {n} (Any of the 14 rare earth elements) :: 鑭系元素
lanthanum {n} (metallic element) :: /làn/
Lantian {prop} (county in western China) :: 藍田, 蓝田 /Lántián/
Lantian {prop} (township in western China) :: 嵐天, 岚天 /Lántiān/
Lan-t'ien {prop} (Lantian) SEE: Lantian ::
Lanzhou {prop} (a city of China) :: 蘭州, 兰州 /Lánzhoū/
Lao {n} (person) :: 老撾人, 老挝人 /lǎowōrén/
Lao {n} (language) :: 老撾語, 老挝语 /lǎowōyǔ/, 寮文 /liáowén/
Lao {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Laos, the people or their language) :: 老撾的, 老挝的 /Lǎowō de/
Laocoön {prop} (Trojan or Argonaut) :: 拉奥孔 /Lā'àokǒng/
Laohekou {prop} (county-level city in central China) :: 老河口 /Lǎohékǒu/
Laomei {prop} (urban village in northern Taiwan) :: 老梅 /Lǎoméi/
Lao People's Democratic Republic {prop} (country in Southeast Asia (official name)) :: 老撾人民民主共和國, 老挝人民民主共和国 /Lǎowō rénmín mínzhǔ gònghéguó/
Laos {prop} (country in Southeast Asia) :: 老撾, 老挝 /Lǎowō/, 寮國, 寮国 /Liáoguó/ [Taiwan]
Laotian {n} (Laotian person) SEE: Lao ::
Laotian {prop} (language) :: 老撾語, 老挝语 /Lǎowōyǔ/
Laotian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Laos) :: 老挝的 /Lǎowō-de/
Lao-Tzu {prop} (Laozi) SEE: Laozi ::
Laozi {prop} (influential Chinese philosopher and founder of Taoism) :: 老子 /Lǎozǐ/
Laozi {prop} (Tao Te Ching) SEE: Tao Te Ching ::
lap {n} (upper legs of a seated person) :: 膝部
laparoscopy {n} (examination or surgery on the peritoneal cavity) :: 腹腔镜检查 /fùqiāngjìng jiǎnchá/
La Paz {prop} (capital city of Bolivia) :: 拉巴斯 /Lābāsī/
lap cheong {n} (type of sausage) :: 臘腸, 腊肠 /làcháng/
lap dog {n} (small dog suited to resting in its master's lap) :: 小狗 /xiǎogǒu/, 寵物狗, 宠物狗 /chǒngwù gǒu/
lapidation {n} (act of stoning, sometimes to the point of death) :: 石刑 /shíxíng/, 投石刑 /tóushíxíng/, 投石 /tóushí/
lapis lazuli {n} (precious blue stone) :: 青金石 /qīngjīnshí/
Laplace transform {n} (function on positive real numbers) :: 拉普拉斯變換, 拉普拉斯变换 /Lāpǔlāsī biànhuàn/, 拉普拉斯轉換, 拉普拉斯转换 /Lāpǔlāsī zhuǎnhuàn/, 拉卜拉士變換, 拉卜拉士变换 /Lābǔlāshì biànhuàn/
Lapland {prop} (region in Scandinavia) :: 拉普蘭, 拉普兰 /Lāpǔlán/
Lappland {prop} (Lapland) SEE: Lapland ::
La Pérouse Strait {prop} (strait) :: 拉彼魯茲海峽, 拉彼鲁兹海峡 /Lābǐlǔzī hǎixiá/, [from Japanese] 宗谷海峽, 宗谷海峡 /Zōnggǔ hǎixiá/
lapsang souchong {n} (tea) :: 正山小種, 正山小种 /zhèngshān xiǎozhǒng/, 拉普山小種, 拉普山小种 /Lāpǔ shān xiǎozhǒng/, 立山小種, 立山小种 /Lì shān xiǎozhǒng/
Laptev Sea {prop} (part of the Arctic Ocean) :: 拉普捷夫海 /Lāpǔjiéfū Hǎi/
lapti {n} (bast shoes) :: 椴樹皮鞋, 椴树皮鞋 /duànshù píxié/
laptop {n} (computing: a laptop computer) :: 手提電腦, 手提电脑 /shǒutí diànnǎo/, 手提計算機, 手提计算机 /shǒutí jìsuànjī/ [mainland China], 筆記本電腦, 笔记本电脑 /bǐjìběn diànnǎo/ [mainland China], 筆記本, 笔记本 /bǐjìběn/ [mainland China, short form], 筆記型電腦, 笔记型电脑 /bǐjìxíng diànnǎo/ [Taiwan], 筆電, 笔电 /bǐ-diàn/ [Taiwan, short form]
laptop computer {n} (laptop) SEE: laptop ::
lapwing {n} (bird belonging to the subfamily Vanellinae) :: 田鳧, 田凫 /tiánfú/
larboard {n} (port) SEE: port ::
larch {n} (a coniferous tree) :: 紅杉, 红杉 /hóngshān/, 落葉松, 落叶松 /luòyèsōng/
lard {n} (bacon) SEE: bacon ::
lard {n} (fat from the abdomen of a pig) :: 豬油, 猪油 /zhūyóu/
lardy cake {n} (richly spiced bread originating in southwest England) :: 豬油蛋糕, 猪油蛋糕 /zhūyóu dàngāo/
large {adj} (of greater size, see also: big) :: /dà/, 大型 /dàxíng/
large breasts {n} :: 巨乳 /jùrǔ/, 爆乳 /bàorǔ/, 胸器 /xiōngqì/ [humorous]
large intestine {n} (bodily organ) :: 大腸, 大肠 /dàcháng/
Large Magellanic Cloud {prop} (largest satellite of Milky Way) :: 大麥哲倫雲, 大麥哲倫星系
largen {v} (enlarge) SEE: enlarge ::
large-scale {adj} (large in amount, scope or extent) :: 大型 /dàxíng/
largesse {n} (generosity in the giving of gifts or money) :: 樂善好施, 乐善好施 /lè shàn hào shī/
lar gibbon {n} (Hylobates lar) :: 白掌長臂猿, 白掌长臂猿 /báizhǎng chángbìyuán/
lark {n} (bird) :: 雲雀, 云雀 /yúnquè/
Larmor precession {n} (precession of motion of charged particles) :: 拉莫爾進動, 拉莫尔进动 /Lāmòěr jìndòng/
larva {n} (a stage of growth) :: 幼蟲, 幼虫 /yòuchóng/
larva {n} (an animal in such stage of growth, see also: tadpole) :: 幼蟲, 幼虫 /yòuchóng/
laryngeal {adj} (of or pertaining to larynx) :: 喉頭的, 喉头的 /hóutóu de/
laryngological {adj} (of or pertaining to laryngology) :: 喉科
laryngologist {n} (a person who studies or specializes in laryngology) :: 喉科學家, 喉科学家 /hóukēxuéjiā/
laryngology {n} (branch of physiology) :: 喉科 /hóukē/
laryngoscope {n} (endoscope used for viewing the interior of the larynx) :: 喉镜
larynx {n} (organ involved in breath control, protection of the trachea, and sound production) :: /hóu/, 喉頭, 喉头 /hóutóu/, 嗓子 /sǎngzi/ [informal]
lasagna {n} (flat sheet of pasta) :: 麵皮, 面皮 /miànpí/
lasagna {n} (baked dish) :: 意大利千層麵, 意大利千层面 /Yìdàlì qiāncéngmiàn/, 千層麵, 千层面 /qiāncéngmiàn/, 烤寬麵條, 烤宽面条 /kǎokuān miàntiáo/
lasagne {n} (lasagna) SEE: lasagna ::
lascivious {adj} (wanton) :: 好色 /hàosè/, 淫蕩, 淫荡 /yíndàng/
lasciviousness {n} (the state or characteristic of being lascivious) :: 淫蕩, 淫荡 /yíndàng/
laser {n} (device producing beam of light) :: 激光 /jīguāng/ [chiefly mainland China], 雷射 or 鐳射, 镭射 /léishè/ [chiefly Taiwan]
laser {n} (laser beam) SEE: laser beam ::
laser {n} (laser printer) SEE: laser printer ::
laser beam {n} (light from a laser) :: 激光束 /jīguāngshù/
laser disc {n} (laserdisc) SEE: laserdisc ::
laserdisc {n} (type of videodisc) :: 镭射影碟, 镭射影碟 /léishè yǐngdié/, 激光視盤, 激光视盘 /jīguāng shìpán/
Laserdisc {n} (disc in this format) SEE: laserdisc ::
laser-plasma accelerator {n} (a kind of plasma accelerator that utilizes a laser beam) :: 激光等离子体加速器
laser printer {n} (computer printer) :: 激光打印機, 激光打印机 /jīguāng dǎyìnjī/, 鐳射打印機, 镭射打印机 /léishè dǎyìnjī/
lash {n} (eyelash; hair growing from the eyelid) SEE: eyelash ::
Laskuy {prop} (town in Hotan City, Hotan, Xinjiang, China) :: 拉斯奎 /Lāsīkuí/
La Spezia {prop} (city in Liguria, Italy) :: 拉斯佩齊亞, 拉斯佩齐亚 /Lā Sīpèiqíyà/
lass {n} (sweetheart) SEE: sweetheart ::
lassie {n} (young girl) :: 姑娘,妹子
last {adj} (final) :: 最後, 最后 /zuìhòu/, 最終, 最终 /zuìzhōng/
last {adj} (most recent) :: 最近的 /zuìjìn de/, 上個, 上个 /shàng ge/
last {adv} (after everything else) :: 最後, 最后 /zuìhòu/, 最終, 最终 /zuìzhōng/
last {v} (to endure, continue over time) :: 延續, 延续 /yánxù/, 持續, 持续 /chíxù/
lastborn {n} (youngest child of a family) :: 幼子 /yòu zǐ/, 老幺 /lǎoyāo/
last but not least {adv} (An expression to start the last item of a list) :: 最後但同樣重要的是, 最后但同样重要的是 /zuìhòu dàn tóngyàng zhòngyào de shì/
last but one {adj} (penultimate) SEE: penultimate ::
Last Judgment {prop} (judgment day) :: 最後的審判, 最后的审判 /zuìhòu de shěnpàn/
last name {n} (surname) SEE: surname ::
last night {n} (previous evening or night) :: 昨夜 /zuóyè/, 昨晚 /zuówǎn/
last night {adv} (during the night before today) :: 昨夜 /zuóyè/, 昨晚 /zuówǎn/
last resort {n} (only remaining option) :: 最後, 最后 /zuìhòu de yī zhāo/
Last Supper {prop} (last meal Jesus ate with disciples) :: 最後的晚餐, 最后的晚餐 /Zuìhòu de Wǎncān/
last time {n} (the previous occurrence) :: 上次 /shàngcì/
last words {n} (final remarks uttered by a person before death) :: 遺言, 遗言 /yíyán/
last year {adv} (year before this one, see also: yesteryear) :: 去年 /qùnián/
Las Vegas {prop} (city) :: 拉斯維加斯, 拉斯维加斯 /Lāsīwéijiāsī/
lat {n} (former currency of Latvia) :: 拉特 /lātè/
Latakia {prop} (a city in Syria) :: 拉塔基亞, 拉塔基亚 /Lātǎjīyà/
latch {n} (fastening for a door) :: 門閂, 门闩 /ménshuān/, 門釦, 门釦 /ménkòu/
latchkey kid {n} (schoolchild) :: 掛鑰匙兒童, 挂钥匙儿童 /guàyàoshi értóng/
late {adj} (near the end of a period of time) :: /wǎn/
late {adv} (proximate in time) :: /wǎn/, , /chí/, [be late] 遲到, 迟到 /chídào/
late capitalism {n} (form of capitalism) :: 晚期資本主義, 晚期资本主义 /wǎnqī zīběnzhǔyì/
lately {adv} (recently) SEE: recently ::
latency {n} (delay) :: 延遲, 延迟 /yánchí/
latent {adj} (existing or present but concealed or inactive) :: 潛在, 潜在 /qiánzài/
latent heat {n} (heat that is released or absorbed accompanying a change of state or of phase) :: 潛熱, 潜热 /qiánrè /
later {adv} (more late) :: 更遲, 更迟 /gèng chí/
later {adv} (afterward in time) :: 以後, 以后 /yǐhòu/, 後面, 后面 /hòumian/
lateral thinking {n} (lateral thinking) :: 橫向思維, 横向思维 /héngxiàng sīwéi/, 水平思考 /shuǐpíng sīkǎo/
latex {n} (milky sap) :: 橡漿, 橡浆 /xiàngjiāng/
latex {n} (emulsion) :: 膠乳, 胶乳 /jiāorǔ/, 乳膠, 乳胶 /rǔjiāo/
lathe {n} (machine tool used to shape a piece of material) :: 車床, 车床 /chēchuáng/, 鏇床, 镟床 /xuànchuáng/
lather {n} (foam of soap and water) :: 泡沫兒, 泡沫儿 /pàomòr/
Latin {adj} (of the language) :: 拉丁語的, 拉丁语的 /lādīngyǔ de/, 拉丁 /lādīng/
Latin {adj} (of ancient Rome) :: 古羅馬的, 古罗马的 /gǔ Lúomǎ de/
Latin {adj} (of Latium) :: 拉丁的 /Lādīng de/
Latin {adj} (of/from Latin America) :: 拉丁美洲的 /Lādīng Měizhōu de/
Latin {prop} (language of the ancient Romans) :: 拉丁語, 拉丁语 /lādīngyǔ/
Latin {n} (person native to ancient Rome or its Empire) :: 拉丁人 /lādīngrén/
Latin alphabet {n} (the 26-letter alphabet) :: 拉丁字母 /lādīng zìmǔ/, 羅馬字, 罗马字 /luómǎzì/
Latin America {prop} (parts of the Americas which speak Spanish or Portuguese) :: 拉丁美洲 /Lādīng Měizhōu/, [abbreviation] 拉美 /Lā-Měi/
Latin American {n} (A native or inhabitant of Latin America) :: 拉丁美洲人 /Lādīng Měizhōu rén/
Latin Church {prop} (one of the particular churches) :: 拉丁禮教會, 拉丁礼教会 /Lādīnglǐ Jiàohuì/
Latinization {n} (act or process of Latinizing) :: 拉丁化 /Lādīnghuà/
Latinize {v} (to transliterate to Latin script) SEE: romanize ::
Latino {n} (person from Latin America) :: 拉丁美洲人 /Lādīng Měizhōu rén/
latitude {n} (angular distance north or south from the equator) :: 緯度, 纬度 /wěidù/
latitude {n} (imaginary line parallel to the equator) :: 緯綫, 纬线 /wěixiàn/, 緯圈, 纬圈 /wěiquān/
lative {n} (case) :: 方向格 /fāng xiàng gé/
latrine {n} (a very simple toilet facility, usually just a pit or trench, see also: toilet; outhouse) :: 旱厕 /hàncè/
latrine {n} (chamber pot) SEE: chamber pot ::
latte {n} (caffè latte) :: 拿鐵咖啡, 拿铁咖啡 /nátiě kāfēi/, 拿鐵, 拿铁 /nátiě/
latte art {n} (image) :: 咖啡拉花 /kāfēi lāhuā/
latte art {n} (art) :: 咖啡拉花 /kāfēi lāhuā/
latter {adj} (relating to or being the second of two items) :: 後者, 后者 /hòuzhě/
latter-day {adj} (modern, recent) SEE: modern ::
Latter-day Saint {n} (member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) :: 末世聖徒, 末世圣徒 /Mòshì Shèngtú/ [former translation], 後期聖徒, 后期圣徒 /Hòuqí Shèngtú, Hòuqī Shèngtú/
lattice {n} (regular spacing or arrangement of geometric points) :: 晶格 /jīnggé/
lattice {n} (partially ordered set) :: /gé/
lattice {n} :: /tī/
Latvia {prop} (country) :: 拉脫維亞, 拉脱维亚 /Lātuōwéiyà/
Latvian {adj} (pertaining to Latvia or the Latvian language) :: 拉脫維亞的, 拉脱维亚的 /Lātuōwéiyǎ de/
Latvian {n} (Baltic language of Latvia) :: 拉脫維亞語, 拉脱维亚语 /lātuōwéiyàyǔ/
Latvian {n} (person pertaining to Latvia) :: 拉脫維亞人, 拉脱维亚人 /lātuōwéiyàrén/
Lau {prop} (a Chinese surname) :: , /Liú/
laud {n} (praise or glorification) :: 讚揚 /zànyáng/, 讚頌 /zànsòng/
laud {n} (hymn of praise) :: 讚頌 /zànsòng/, 讚美詩 /zànměishī/
laud {v} (to praise, to glorify) :: 讚揚 /zànyáng/, 讚頌 /zànsòng/, 讚美 /zànměi/
laudable {adj} (worthy of being lauded) :: 值得讚賞的, 值得赞赏的 /zhídé zànshǎng de/
laugh {n} (expression of mirth peculiar to the human species) :: 笑聲, 笑声 /xiàoshēng/, /xiào/
laugh {v} (show mirth by peculiar movement of the muscles of the face and emission of sounds) :: /xiào/, 發笑, 发笑 /fāxiào/
laughable {adj} (fitted to exite laughter) :: 可笑 /kěxiào/
laughing hyena {n} (spotted hyena) SEE: spotted hyena ::
laughing kookaburra {n} (Dacelo novaeguineae) :: 笑翠鳥, 笑翠鸟 /xiàocuìniǎo/
laughing stock {n} (object of ridicule) :: 笑柄 /xiàobǐng/
laughingthrush {n} (species) :: 噪鶥, 噪鹛 /zàoméi/
laugh in one's sleeve {v} (laugh secretly or to oneself) :: 偷笑 /tōuxiào/
laugh line {n} :: 鼻唇溝, 鼻唇沟, 法令紋, 法令纹
laugh off {v} (respond to a negative situation lightheartedly) :: [laugh and make the situation lighthearted] 一笑了之 /yīxiàoliǎozhī/, [dismiss with a laugh] 一笑置之 /yīxiàozhìzhī/
laugh one's head off {v} (laugh uproariously) :: 笑得要死 /xiào de yào sǐ/ (die laughing), 笑掉大牙 /xiào diào dà yá/ (laugh til the front teeth fall out), 大笑不止 /dà xiào bù zhǐ/ (laugh endlessly), 狂笑不已 /kuángxiào bùyǐ/ (guffaw endlessly)
laughter {n} (sound (as) of laughing) :: 笑聲, 笑声 /xiàoshēng/
laughter {n} (movement of the muscles of the laughing face) :: /xiào/
launch {v} (throw, hurl, let fly, propel with force) :: 發射, 发射 /fāshè/
launch {n} (act of launching) :: 發射, 发射 /fāshè/
launch pad {n} (the surface from which a launch is made) :: 發射臺, 发射台 /fāshètái/, 發射站, 发射站 /fāshèzhàn/
launchpad {n} (launch pad) SEE: launch pad ::
launder {v} (to wash and iron) ::
launderette {n} (place with facilities for washing that public may use) :: 自助洗衣店 /zìzhù xǐyīdiàn/
laundromat {n} (launderette) SEE: launderette ::
laundry {n} (laundering; washing) :: 洗衣 /xǐyī/, 洗濯 /xǐzhuó/
laundry {n} (place or room where laundering is done) :: 洗衣房 /xǐyīfáng/, 洗衣店 /xǐyīdiàn/
laundry {n} (that which needs to be laundered) :: 要洗的衣服 /yào xǐ de yīfu/
Laura {prop} (female given name) :: 羅娜, 罗娜 /Luónà/, 蘿拉, 萝拉 /Luólā/, 勞拉, 劳拉 /Láolā/
laureate {n} (one crowned with laurel) :: 獲獎者, 获奖者 /huòjiǎngzhě/
laurel {n} (Laurus nobilis) :: 月桂 /yuèguì/
Laurence {prop} (male given name) :: 洛伦佐 /Luòlúnzuǒ/
lava {n} (molten rock) :: 熔岩 /róngyán/
lava {n} (magma) SEE: magma ::
lavatory {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet ::
lavatory {n} (sink) SEE: sink ::
lava tube {n} (natural conduit) :: 熔岩管 /róngyánguǎn/
lavender {n} (plant) :: 薰衣草 /xūnyīcǎo/
lavender {n} (colour) :: 薰衣草色 /xūnyīcǎosè/
law {n} (body of rules established in a community by its authorities) :: 法律 /fǎlǜ/
law {n} (any rule that must or should be obeyed) :: 法律 /fǎlǜ/
law {n} (statement of (observed, established) order, sequence or relationship of phenomena) :: 定律 /dìnglǜ/
law {n} :: , , 法律, 法令, 法則, 法则, 法規, 法规
law-abiding {adj} (obeying the laws) :: 守法的 /shǒufǎ de/
law and order {n} (enforcement of law, statutes and social conventions) :: 法律秩序 /fǎlǜ hé zhìxù/, 法治 /fǎzhì/, 治安 /zhì'ān/, 公安 /gōng'ān/
law enforcement {n} (ensuring obedience to law) :: 執法, 执法 /zhífǎ/
law enforcement {n} (various government agencies involved in the prevention of crime and the apprehension of criminals) :: 執法部門, 执法部门 /zhífǎ bùmén/
law firm {n} (business formed by one or more lawyers to engage in the practice of law) :: 法律事務所, 法律事务所 /fǎlǜ shìwùsuǒ/, 律師事務所, 律师事务所 /lǜshī shìwùsuǒ/, 律所 /lǜsuǒ/ [short form]
lawful {adj} (conforming to or recognised by law or rules) :: 合法的 /héfǎ de/
lawlessness {n} (lack of law and order) :: 無法無天, 无法无天 /wúfǎwútiān/
lawmaker {n} (legislator) SEE: legislator ::
lawman {n} (lawyer) SEE: lawyer ::
lawn {n} (open space between woods) :: 草地 /cǎodì/, 草坪 /cǎopíng/
lawn {n} (ground covered with grass) :: 草地 /cǎodì/, 草坪 /cǎopíng/, 綠茵, 绿茵 /lǜyīn/
lawn bowling {n} (bowls) SEE: bowls ::
lawn mower {n} (machine for cutting grass) SEE: lawnmower ::
lawn-mower {n} (lawnmower) SEE: lawnmower ::
lawnmower {n} (a device to cut grass) :: 剪草機, 剪草机 /jiǎncǎojī/, 割草機, 割草机 /gēcǎojī/
law of nature {n} (natural law) SEE: natural law ::
law of the sea {n} (body of international law) :: 海洋法 /hǎiyángfǎ/
Lawrence {prop} (male given name) SEE: Laurence ::
lawrencium {n} (chemical element) :: , /láo/
law school {n} (institution) :: 法學院, 法学院 /fǎxuéyuàn/
lawsuit {n} (case where a court is needed to resolve differences) :: 訴訟, 诉讼 /sùsòng/ [formal], 官司 /guānsi/ [informal]
lawyer {n} (professional person authorized to practice law) :: 律師, 律师 /lǜshī/
lawyer's wig {n} (Coprinus comatus) :: 雞腿菇, 鸡腿菇 /jītuǐgū/
laxative {n} (substance with a laxative effect) :: 輕瀉劑, 轻泻剂 /qīngxièjì/, 瀉藥, 泻药 /xièyào/, 通泄藥, 通泄药 /tōngxièyào/
lay {v} (to place something down in a position of rest) :: /fàng/, /zhì/, 放置 /fàngzhì/
lay {v} (to deposit an egg) :: 下蛋,产卵
layabout {n} (lazy person) :: 懶漢, 懒汉 /lǎnhàn/, 懶鬼, 懒鬼 /lǎnguǐ/
lay claim {v} (say that something belongs to oneself) :: 要求承認, 要求承认 (yāoqiú chéngrèn), 請求權利, 请求权利 (qǐngqiú quánlì)
layer {n} (single thickness of some material covering a surface) :: , /céng/
lay figure {n} (jointed model) SEE: dummy ::
lay figure {n} (unimportant person) SEE: Joe Average ::
layman {n} (someone who is not an ordained cleric) :: 俗家 /sújiā/
layout {n} (structured arrangement of items) :: 設計, 设计 /shèjì/, 佈局, 布局 /bùjú/
layout {n} (process of arranging media content for publishing) :: 佈局, 布局 /bùjú/
layover {n} (break between stages of a journey) :: 臨時滯留
layperson {n} (one who is not a cleric) :: 俗家 /sújiā/
layperson {n} (one who is not intimately familiar with a given subject) :: 外行 /wàiháng/
lay something at the feet of {v} (to assign responsibility for (something) to (someone)) :: 責任某人, 责任某人 /jiāng zérèn jiāo gěi mǒurén/
Lazarus {prop} (New Testament characters) :: 拉匝祿 /Lāzālù/, 拉撒路 /Lāsālù/
laze {v} (be lazy, waste time) :: 散逛 /sǎnguàng/
laziness {n} (quality of being lazy) :: 惰性 /duòxìng/, 懒惰
Lazio {prop} (Italian region) :: 拉齐奥 /Lāqíào/
lazurite {n} (lapis lazuli) SEE: lapis lazuli ::
lazy {adj} (unwilling to work) :: 懶惰, 懒惰 /lǎnduò/, , /lǎn/
lazy {adj} (eye: squinting because of weak muscles) :: 弱視, 弱视 /ruòshì/
lazybones {n} (person who is lazy) :: 懶鬼, 懒鬼 /lǎnguǐ/, 懶骨頭, 懒骨头 /lǎngǔtou/, 懶人, 懒人 /lǎnren/, 懶蟲, 懒虫 /lǎnchóng/, 懶漢, 懒汉 /lǎnhàn/
lazy eye {n} (amblyopia) SEE: amblyopia ::
LCD {n} (liquid crystal display) :: 液晶显示屏, 液晶显示器, LCD
lead {n} (chemical element) :: , /qiān/
lead {n} (refill for writing tool) :: 筆芯, 笔芯 /bǐxīn/
lead {v} (guide or conduct with the hand, or by means of some physical contact connection) :: 引導, 引导 /yǐndǎo/
lead {n} (potential customer) :: 潜在客户
leaded {adj} (containing or treated with the element lead) :: 含鉛, 含铅 /hánqiān/
leader {n} (one having authority) :: 領導, 领导 /lǐngdǎo/, 領袖, 领袖 /lǐngxiù/, 首領, 首领 /shǒulǐng/, 頭子, 头子 /tóuzi/
leadership {n} (capacity to lead) :: 領導能力, 领导能力 /lǐngdǎo nénglì/
lead guitar {n} (electric guitar that plays soloistically) :: 主音吉他 /zhǔyīn jítā/
leading question {n} (suggestive interrogation) :: 誘導性問題, 诱导性问题 /yòudǎoxìng wèntí/, 誘導性詢問, 诱导性询问 /yòudǎoxìng xúnwèn/
lead oxide {n} (yellow oxide of lead) :: 一氧化鉛, 一氧化铅 /yīyǎnghuàqiān/
lead pencil {n} (pencil with a core made of graphite) :: 鉛筆, 铅笔 /qiānbǐ/
lead poisoning {n} (chronic intoxiction caused by lead) SEE: plumbism ::
lead someone up the garden path {v} (to deceive, hoodwink, mislead, or seduce someone) SEE: deceive ::
leaf {n} (part of a plant) :: , /yè/, 葉子, 叶子 /yèzi/
leaf {n} (tea leaves) SEE: tea leaf ::
leaf blower {n} (motorised garden tool) :: 吹葉機, 吹叶机 /chuīyèjī/
leaf bud {n} (bud which develops into a leaf) :: 葉芽, 叶芽 /yèyá/
leaf-cutter ant {n} (type of ant) :: 切葉蟻, 切叶蚁 /qiēyèyǐ/
leaflet {n} (small plant leaf) :: 傳單, 传单 /chuándān/
leaf sheath {n} :: 葉鞘, 叶鞘 /yèqiào/
leaf-storm {n} (a wind-driven burst of dead leaves) :: 飛葉風暴, 飞叶风暴 /fēiyè fēngbào/, 葉風暴, 叶风暴 /yèfēngbào/
league {n} (a group or association of cooperating members) :: 同盟 /tóngméng/, 聯盟, 联盟 /liánméng/
league {n} (organization of sports teams) :: 聯盟, 联盟 /liánméng/
League of Nations {prop} (international organization) :: 國際聯盟, 国际联盟 /Guójì liánméng/
leak {n} (hole which admits water or other fluid, or lets it escape) :: 漏洞 /lòudòng/
leak {n} (entrance or escape of a fluid) :: 洩漏, 泄漏 /xìelòu/
leak {v} (to allow fluid to escape or enter) :: 洩漏, 泄漏 /xièlòu/, /lòu/
leak {v} (to reveal secret information) :: /lòu/
leak {n} :: 透露 /tòu lù/
lean {v} (to press against) :: /yǐ/, 倚著, 倚着 /yǐ zhe/
lean {adj} (being slim, not fleshy) :: /shòu/
Leaning Tower of Pisa {prop} (the leaning bell tower in the Italian town of Pisa) :: 比薩斜塔, 比萨斜塔 /Bǐsà Xiétǎ/
leap {v} :: 跳躍, 跳跃 /tiàoyuè/, 飛躍, 飞跃 /fēiyuè/
leap {n} ::
leap day {n} (extra day in a leap year) :: 閏日, 闰日 /rùnrì/
leapfrog {n} (game) :: 蛙跳 /wātiào/
leap of faith {n} (act of believing in something despite proof) :: 選擇相信, 选择相信 /xuǎnzé xiāngxìn/ [lit. "choose to believe"], 信仰, 信仰 /xìnyǎng zhī yuè/ [literary]
leaps and bounds {adv} (idiom: considerably) :: 突飛猛進, 突飞猛进 /tūfēiměngjìn/, 幅度 /dàfúdù de/
leap second {n} (added second) :: 閏秒, 闰秒 /rùnmiǎo/
leap year {n} (366-day year in the Gregorian calendar) :: 閏年, 闰年 /rùnnián/
learn {v} (to acquire knowledge or ability) :: 學習, 学习 /xuéxí/, , /xué/
learn {v} (to attend educational activity) :: 學習, 学习 /xuéxí/, , /xué/
learned {adj} (having much learning) :: 博學, 博学 /bóxué/, 有學問, 有学问 /yǒu xuéwèn/
learned borrowing {n} (word borrowed from a classical language into a modern language) :: 舊詞今用, 旧词今用 /jiùcíjīnyòng/, 借詞, 借词 /jiècí/
learner {n} (one that is learning) :: 學習者, 学习者 /xuéxízhě/
learning {n} (action of the verb) :: 學習, 学习 /xuéxí/
learning difference {n} (learning disability) SEE: learning disability ::
learning difficulty {n} (learning disability) SEE: learning disability ::
learning disability {n} (disability which prevents the sufferer from learning in a typical manner) :: 學習障礙, 学习障碍 /xuéxí zhàng'ài/
learn the hard way {v} (learn by experiencing the consequences of making mistakes) :: 艱難學到某事, 艰难学到某事 (jiānnán de xuédào mǒushì), 通過艱難困苦學到, 通过艰难困苦学到 (tōngguò jiānnánkùnkǔ ér xuédào)
learn the ropes {v} (to learn the basics) :: 摸門, 摸门 /mōmén/, 摸門兒, 摸门儿 /mōmér/
lease {n} (contract granting use or occupation of property) :: 租約, 租约 /zūyuē/
lease {n} (period of such a contract) :: 租期 /zūqī/
leash {n} (long cord for dogs) :: 皮帶, 皮带 /pídài/, or , /xiè/
least {determiner} (the smallest amount of) :: 最少 /zuìshǎo/
least common multiple {n} ((number theory)) :: 最小公倍數, 最小公倍数 /zuìxiǎo gōngbèishù/
least flycatcher {n} (Empidonax minimus) :: 小纹霸鹟
leather {n} (material produced by tanning animal skin) :: 皮革 /pígé/, /pí/
leatherware {n} (items made from leather) :: 皮具 /píjù/
leave {v} (to cause to remain as available, not take away, refrain from depleting) :: /liú/
leave {v} (to transfer responsibility or attention) :: 包在……身上 /bāozài shēnshàng/
leave {v} (to depart from, end one's connection or affiliation with) :: 離開, 离开 /líkāi/
leave {v} (to depart (intransitive)) :: 離開, 离开 /líkāi/
leave {v} :: 剩餘, 剩余 /shèngyú/
leave behind {v} (abandon) :: 遺棄, 遗弃 /yíqì/
leave behind {v} (forget about) :: 忘記, 忘记 /wàngjì/
leave behind {v} (not live longer than) :: 留下 /liúxià/
leave behind {v} (leave a trace) :: 留下 /liúxià/
leave behind {v} (outdo) :: 超過, 超过 /chāoguò/, 勝過, 胜过 /shèngguò/
leave behind {v} (pass) :: 超過, 超过 /chāoguò/
leave it be {v} (allow something to follow its natural course) :: 就這樣吧, 就这样吧 /jiù zhè yàng ba/, 由它去吧 /yóu tā qù ba/, 随它去吧 /suì tā qù ba/, 順其自然, 顺其自然 /shùnqízìrán/
leave me alone {phrase} (stop talking to me) :: 不要管我 /búyào guǎn wǒ/, 別打擾我, 别打扰我 /bié dǎrǎo wǒ/, 別煩我, 别烦我 /bié fán wǒ/
leaven {n} (any agent used to make dough rise) :: 酵母 /jiàomǔ/, 麵肥, 面肥 /miànféi/
leavening agent {n} (organism or substance) :: 發酵劑, 发酵剂 /fājiàojì/, 膨鬆劑, 膨松剂 /péngsōngjì/
leave of absence {n} (absence from work) SEE: leave ::
leave of absence {n} (absence from work) SEE: leave ::
leave out {v} (to leave out or to not include) SEE: omit ::
leave someone on read {v} (read someone's message and not give any response) :: 已讀不回 /yǐ dú bù huí/, 已读不回 /yǐ dú bù huí/
Lebanese Republic {prop} (official name of Lebanon) :: 黎巴嫩共和國, 黎巴嫩共和国 /Líbānèn Gònghéguó/
Lebanon {prop} (Lebanese Republic) :: 黎巴嫩 /Líbānèn/
lebensraum {n} (living space) :: 生存空間, 生存空间 /shēngcún kōngjiān/
Le Chatelier's principle {prop} (chemical principle) :: 勒夏特列原理 /Lè Xiàtèliè yuánlǐ/, 勒沙特列原理 /Lè Shātèliè yuánlǐ/, 呂·查德里原理, 吕·查德里原理 /Lǚ-Chádélǐ yuánlǐ/, 平衡移動原理, 平衡移动原理 /pínghéng yídòng yuánlǐ/
lecher {n} (a lecherous person) :: 色鬼 /sèguǐ/, 登徒子 /dēngtúzǐ/, 好色之徒 /hàosèzhītú/, 色狼 /sèláng/
lechery {n} (Inordinate indulgence in sexual activity) :: 性欲 /xìngyù/, 情欲 /qíngyù/, 淫欲 /yínyù/
lecithin {n} (lecithin) :: 卵磷脂 /luǎnlínzhī/
lectern {n} (a stand with a slanted top used to support a bible from which passages are read during a church service) :: 诵经台
lectern {n} (a similar stand to support a lecturer's notes) :: 講桌, 讲桌 /jiǎngzhuō/
lecture {n} (a spoken lesson) :: 演講, 演讲 /yǎnjiǎng/
lecture {v} (to berate, to scold) :: 训斥
lecture hall {n} (lecture theatre) SEE: lecture theatre ::
lecturer {n} (person who gives lectures) :: 講師, 讲师 /jiǎngshī/, 演讲者
lecturer {n} (member of university or college) :: 讲师
lecture theatre {n} (room in a university with many seats and a sloped floor) :: 階梯教室, 阶梯教室 /jiētī jiàoshì/, 講堂, 讲堂 /jiǎngtáng/, 演講廳, 演讲厅 /yǎnjiǎngtīng/, 禮堂, 礼堂 /lǐtáng/
LED {n} (light-emitting diode) :: 發光二極管, 发光二极管 /fāguāng èrjíguǎn/
lederhosen {n} (Bavarian knee-breeches made of leather) :: 背帶皮短褲, 背带皮短裤 /bèidài píduǎnkù/
ledger {n} (collection of accounting entries) :: 總帳, 总帐 /zǒngzhàng/, 流水簿子 /liúshuǐ bùzi/ [literary]
leech {n} (annelid) :: 螞蟥, 蚂蟥 /mǎhuáng/, 水蛭 /shuǐzhì/
leech {n} (physician) SEE: physician ::
Leeds {prop} (city in England) :: 利茲, 利兹 /Lìzī/
leek {n} (vegetable) :: 韭蔥, 韭葱 /jiǔcōng/
leeway {n} (degree or amount of freedom or flexibility) :: 余地 /yúdì/
left {adj} (the west side of the body when one is facing north) :: /zuǒ/
left {adv} (on the left side) :: 左邊, 左边 /zuǒbiān/, 在左邊, 在左边 /zài zuǒbiān/
left {adv} (towards the left side) :: 向左 /xiàng zuǒ/
left {v} (remaining) :: 餘下, 余下 /yúxià/, 剩下 /shèngxia/
left {n} :: /zuǒ/
leftard {n} (person of left-wing political views) :: 白左 /báizuǒ/ [in Western countries, neologism, lit. "white left"]
left bank {n} (river bank to the left when facing downstream) :: 左岸 /zuǒ'àn/
left-handed {n} (preferring the left hand over the right) :: 左利手 /zuǒlìshǒu/, 左撇子 /zuǒpiězi/
left-hander {n} (a person who is left-handed) :: 左撇子 /zuǒpiězi/
leftish {adj} (left-wing) SEE: left-wing ::
leftist {adj} (Pertaining to the political left) :: 左派 /zuǒpài/
left-luggage office {n} (place where luggage may be left) :: 行李寄存處, 行李寄存处 /xíngli jìcúnchù/
leftover {n} (something left behind) :: 殘餘, 残余 /cányú/
leftovers {n} (food remaining after a meal) :: 剩飯, 剩饭 /shèngfàn/, 剩菜 /shèngcài/
left wing {n} (politics) :: 左翼 /zuǒyì/
left-wing {adj} (favoring social equality) :: 左派 /zuǒpài/, 左翼 /zuǒyì/
lefty {n} (left-hander) SEE: left-hander ::
leg {n} (lower limb from groin to ankle) :: /tuǐ/, , /jiǎo/
leg {n} (portion of the lower appendage from knee to ankle) :: 小腿 /xiǎotuǐ/
legacy {n} (money or property bequeathed to someone in a will) :: 遺產, 遗产 /yíchǎn/
legal {adj} (relating to the law or to lawyers) :: 法律 /fǎlǜ de/
legal {adj} (having its basis in the law) :: 法定 /fǎdìng de/
legal {adj} (allowed or prescribed by law) :: 合法 /héfǎ de/
legal advice {n} (formal opinion regarding law) :: 法律諮詢, 法律谘询 /fǎlǜ zīxún/, 法律意見, 法律意见 /fǎlǜ yìjiàn/, 法律建議, 法律建议 /fǎlǜ jiànyì/
legal age {n} (age of majority) SEE: age of majority ::
legal aid {n} (free or low-cost service in the field of law) :: 法律援助 /fǎlǜ yuánzhù/
legal entity {n} (organisation that the law treats as a legal person) SEE: legal person ::
Legalism {n} (school of thought originating in ancient China) :: 法家 /fǎjiā/
legalization {n} (process of making something legal) :: 合法化 /héfǎhuà/
legalize {v} (make legal) :: 合法化 /héfǎhuà/
legal person {n} (organization or group of people) :: 法人 /fǎrén/
legal positivism {n} (legal school of thought in jurisprudence) :: 法律實證主義, 法律实证主义 /fǎlǜ shízhèngzhǔyì/, 法實證主義, 法实证主义 /fǎshízhèngzhǔyì/, 實證法學, 实证法学 /shízhèng fǎxué/, 法實證論, 法实证论 /fǎshízhènglùn/
legal studies {n} (study of theories and philosophies related to law) SEE: jurisprudence ::
legal studies {n} (study of law) :: 法律學, 法律学 /fǎlǜxué/
legal tender {n} (currency that cannot be refused as payment to extinguish a debt) :: 法定貨幣, 法定货币 /fǎdìng huòbì/, 法幣, 法币 /fǎbì/, 法償貨幣, 法偿货币 /fǎcháng huòbì/
legato {n} (slur curve) :: 連奏, 连奏 /liánzòu/
legend {n} (story of unknown origin describing plausible but extraordinary past events) :: 傳說, 传说 /chuánshuō/
legend {n} (key to the symbols and color codes on a map) :: 图例 /túlì/
legging {n} (leg covering) :: 绑腿 /bǎngtuǐ/, 打底裤 /dǎdǐkù/
leghorn {n} (small white chicken breed) :: 來亨雞, 来亨鸡 /láihéngjī/, 力康雞, 力康鸡 /lìkāngjī/
legible {adj} (clear enough to be read) :: 可读的
legion {n} (the major unit or division of the Roman army) :: 軍團, 军团 /jūntuán/, 古羅馬軍團, 古罗马军团 /Gǔ Luómǎ jūntuán/
leg irons {n} (fetter attached at the ankle) :: 腳鐐, 脚镣 /jiǎoliào/
legislate {v} (pass laws) :: 立法 /lìfǎ/
legislation {n} (the act of legislating) :: 立法 /lìfǎ/
legislation {n} (law already enacted by legislature) :: 立法 /lìfǎ/, 法規, 法规 /fǎguī/
legislative {n} (branch of government) SEE: legislative branch ::
legislative branch {n} (branch of government) :: 立法部門, 立法部门 /lìfǎ bùmén/
legislator {n} (who creates or enacts laws) :: 立法者 /lìfǎzhě/
legislature {n} (governmental body) :: 立法機關, 立法机关 /lìfǎ jīguān/
legist {n} (legislator) SEE: legislator ::
legitimacy {n} (quality of being legitimate or valid; validity) :: 合法 /héfǎ/
legitimate {adj} (lawful) :: 合法的
legitimize {v} (to make legitimate) :: 使合法 /shǐ héfǎ/, 合法化 /héfǎhuà/
legless {adj} (without legs) :: 无腿的, 无腿的 /wútuǐ de/
legless lizard {n} (Pygopodidae lizard) :: 無肢蜥, 无肢蜥 /wúzhīxī/
legless lizard {n} (any lizard that does not have limbs) :: 無肢蜥, 无肢蜥 /wúzhīxī/
leglock {n} (joint lock) :: 足搦み
Lego {n} (toy brick) :: 樂高, 乐高 /Lègāo/, 樂高玩具, 乐高玩具 /Lègāo wánjù/, 樂高積木, 乐高积木 /Lègāo jīmù/
leguaan {n} (iguana) SEE: iguana ::
legume {n} (fruit or seed of leguminous plants) :: 豆類, 豆类 /dòulèi/, 莢果, 荚果 /jiáguǒ/
Leicester {prop} (city in England) :: 莱斯特 /Láisītè/
Leiden {prop} (city in South Holland) :: 萊頓, 莱顿 /Láidùn/, 來登, 来登 /Láidēng/
Leihe {prop} (a town in central China) :: 雷河 /Léihé/
Leinster {prop} (province) :: 倫斯特省 /Lúnsītè Shěng/
Leipzig {prop} (city in Saxony, Germany) :: 萊比錫, 莱比锡 /Láibǐxī/
leishmaniasis {n} (pathology) :: 利什曼病 /lìshímànbìng/
leisure {n} (freedom provided) :: 空閑, 空闲 /kòngxián/
leisure {n} (time free) :: 空閑, 空闲 /kòngxián/, 閑空, 闲空 /xiánkòng/, 閑暇, 闲暇 /xiánxiá/, 餘暇, 余暇 /yúxiá/, 餘閑, 余闲 /yúxián/
leisure centre {n} (building or site) :: 體育活動中心, 体育活动中心 /tǐyù huódòng zhōngxīn/
leitmotif {n} (melodic theme in an opera) :: 主題, 主题 /zhǔtí/
lek {n} (currency of Albania) :: 列克 /lièkè/
lemma {n} (linguistics: lexeme) SEE: lexeme ::
lemma {n} (mathematics: proposition used mainly in the proof of some other proposition) :: 引理 /yǐnlǐ/
lemma {n} (linguistics: canonical form of a term) :: 詞目, 词目 /címù/, 字詞, 字词 /zìcí/, 詞條, 词条 /cítiáo/
lemming {n} (rodent) :: 旅鼠 /lǚshǔ/
lemniscate {n} (symbol for infinity) :: 雙紐線, 双纽线 /shuāngniǔxiàn/
lemon {n} (citrus fruit) :: 檸檬, 柠檬 /níngméng/
lemon {n} (tree) :: 檸檬樹 /níngméngshù /
lemonade {n} (still beverage) :: 檸檬水, 柠檬水 /níngméngshuǐ/
lemonade {n} (carbonated beverage) :: 檸檬水, 柠檬水 /níngméngshuǐ/
lemon balm {n} (Melissa officinalis) :: 香蜂草 /xiāng fēng cǎo/, 香蜂花 /xiāng fēng huā/, 香蜂葉, 香蜂叶 /xiāng fēng yè/
lemon curd {n} (preserve made from lemons) :: 檸檬醬, 柠檬酱 /níngméngjiàng/
lemongrass {n} (species of grass of the genus Cymbopogon) :: 香茅 /xiāngmáo/, 檸檬草, 柠檬草 /níngméngcǎo/, 檸檬香茅, 柠檬香茅 /níngméng xiāngmáo/
lemon juice {n} (the liquid extract of lemon fruit) :: 檸檬汁, 柠檬汁 /níngméngzhī/
lemon meringue pie {n} (classic type of pie) :: 檸檬蛋白派, 柠檬蛋白派 /níngméng dànbái pài/
lemur {n} (strepsirrhine primate of the infraorder Lemuriformes, superfamily Lemuroidea) :: 狐猴 /húhóu/
Lena {prop} (Lena River) :: 勒拿河 /Lèná Hé/
lend {v} (to allow to be used temporarily) :: 借出 /jièchū/, /jiè/, 貸款, 贷款 /dàikuǎn/
lend {v} ((proscribed) to borrow) SEE: borrow ::
lender {n} (one who lends, especially money) :: 貸款人, 贷款人 /dàikuǎnrén/, 出借人 /chūjièrén/
length {n} (distance along the longest dimension) :: 長度, 长度 /chángdù/, , /cháng/
lengthen {v} (to make longer) :: 加長, 加长 /jiācháng/
lenient {adj} (tolerant; not strict) :: 宽大 /kuāndà/, 宽松
Lenin {prop} (a Russian revolutionary and politician) :: 列寧, 列宁 /Lièníng/
Leningrad {prop} (name of Saint Petersburg, 1924-1991) :: 列寧格勒, 列宁格勒 /Liènìnggélè/
Leninian {adj} (of or pertaining to Lenin) SEE: Leninist ::
Leninism {n} (the political philosophy named after Vladimir Lenin) :: 列寧主義, 列宁主义 /lièníngzhǔyì/
Leninist {adj} (of or relating to Lenin) :: 列寧的, 列宁的 /Lièníng de/
Leninist {adj} (of or relating to Leninism) :: 列寧主義的, 列宁主义的 /Lièníngzhǔyì de/
Leninist {n} (an adherent of Lenin or Leninism) :: 列寧主義者, 列宁主义者 /lièníngzhǔyìzhě/
lenition {n} (weakening of consonant articulation) :: 輔音弱化, 辅音弱化 /yǔyīn ruòhuà/, 弱音化 /ruòyīnhuà/
Lennon {prop} (surname) :: 列儂, 列侬 /Liènóng/, [Taiwan] 藍儂, 蓝侬 /Lánnóng/
lens {n} (object focusing or defocusing the light passing through it) :: 透鏡, 透镜 /tòujìng/, 鏡片, 镜片 /jìngpiàn/, 鏡頭, 镜头 /jìngtóu/
lens {n} (anatomy: transparent crystalline structure in the eye) :: 晶狀體, 晶状体 /jīngzhuàngtǐ/, 水晶體, 水晶体 /shuǐjīngtǐ/
lens flare {n} (brightness in an image) :: 鏡頭光暈, 镜头光晕 /jìngtóu guāngyūn/
Lent {n} (Christian period of penitence before Easter) :: 大齋期, 大斋期 /dàizhāiqī/, 四旬节 /sìxúnjié/, 四旬節
lenticular {n} (lenticular galaxy) SEE: lenticular galaxy ::
lenticular galaxy {n} (galaxy that has flat disk but has lost most of its interstellar matter) :: 透鏡狀星系 /bàngxuán xīngxì/
lentigo {n} (pigmented spot on the skin) SEE: freckle ::
lentil {n} (plant Lens culinaris) :: 扁豆 /biǎndòu/, 小扁豆 /xiǎobiǎndòu/
lentil {n} (seed used as food) :: 扁豆 /biǎndòu/, 小扁豆 /xiǎobiǎndòu/
Leo {prop} (constellation) :: 狮子座 /Shīzizuò/
Leo {prop} (astrological sign) :: 狮子座 /shīzizuò/
Leonardo {prop} (Italian artist) :: 莱昂纳多 /láiángnàduō/
leopard {n} (a large wild cat with a spotted coat, Panthera pardus) :: /bào/, 豹子 /bàozi/
leopard cat {n} (wild cat) :: 豹貓, 豹猫 /bàomāo/, 石虎 /shíhǔ/, 山貓, 山猫 /shānmāo/, 錢貓, 钱猫 /qiánmāo/
leotard {n} (skin-tight one piece suit of clothing) :: 緊身衣, 紧身衣 /jǐnshēnyī/
leprechaun {n} (one of a race of Irish elves) :: [no exact term exists] (愛爾蘭民間傳說妖精, (爱尔兰民间传说妖精 /[Àiěrlán mínjiān chuánshuō lǐ de] duǎn yāojing/
leprosy {n} (infectious disease caused by infection by Mycobacterium leprae) :: 麻風病 or 痲瘋病, 麻风病 /máfēngbìng/, 癩病, 癞病 /làibìng/
lepton {n} (elementary particle) :: 輕子, 轻子 /qīngzǐ/
leptospirosis {n} (disease) :: 鉤端螺旋體病, 钩端螺旋体病 /gōuduān luóxuántǐbìng/, 鈎体病, 钩体病 /gōutǐbìng/
Lepus {prop} (winter constellation of the northern sky) :: 天兔座 /Tiāntùzuò/
lesbian {adj} (between two women; pertaining to women's homosexuality) :: 同性戀的, 同性恋的 /nǚ tóngxìngliàn de/ [formal], 女同的 /nǚtóng de/ [slang] , 拉拉的 /lālā de/ [slang]
lesbian {adj} (intended for lesbians) :: 同性戀的, 同性恋的 /nǚ tóngxìngliàn de/ [formal], 女同的 /nǚtóng de/ [slang], 拉拉的 /lālā de/ [slang]
lesbian {n} (homosexual woman) :: 同性戀者, 同性恋者 /nǚ tóngxìngliànzhě/ [formal], 女同志 /nǚtóngzhì/, 女同性戀, 女同性恋 /nǚtóngxìngliàn/, 女同 /nǚtóng/ [slang], 拉拉 /lālā/ [slang]
Lesbian {n} (lesbian) SEE: lesbian ::
Lesbian {adj} (lesbian) SEE: lesbian ::
lesbianism {n} (Female homosexuality) :: 女同性戀, 女同性恋 /nǚ tóngxìngliàn/
lesbo {n} (lesbian) SEE: lesbian ::
lese majesty {n} (crime of violating majesty) :: 大不敬 /dàbùjìng/
Leshan {prop} (prefecture-level city in China) :: 樂山, 乐山 /Yuèshān/
lesion {n} (a wound or an injury) :: 病灶 /bìngzào/
Lesotho {prop} (country in Southern Africa) :: 萊索托, 莱索托 /Láisuǒtuō/
l'esprit de l'escalier {n} (phenomenon when a conversational rejoinder or remark only occurs to someone after the opportunity to make it has passed) :: 馬後炮, 马后炮 /mǎhòupào/, [adjective] 事後聰明, 事后聪明 /shìhoù cōngming/
less {adv} (to a smaller extent or degree) :: /gèng shǎo/, /bù tài/, 那么 /bù nàme/
-less {suffix} (lacking) :: 無-, 无- /wú-/
less {determiner} :: 较少 /jiào shǎo/
lesser black-backed gull {n} (Larus fuscus) :: 小黑背鸥 /xiǎo hēi bèi ōu/
lesser panda {n} (Ailurus fulgens) SEE: red panda ::
Lesser Poland {prop} (a historical region of Poland) :: 小波蘭 /Xiǎo Bōlán/
lesser yellowlegs {n} (Tringa flavipes) :: 小黃腳鷸 /xiǎo huáng jiǎo yù/
less is more {proverb} (less is more) :: 少即是多 /shǎojíshìduō/, 物以稀为贵 /wùyǐxīwéiguì/
lesson {n} (section of learning or teaching) :: 課業, 课业 /kèyè/, -課, -课 /-kè/ [suffix]
lesson plan {n} (teacher's document used to plan a lesson) :: 教案 /jiào'àn/
lessor {n} (owner of property that is leased) :: 出租人
less-than-stellar {adj} (not very good) SEE: poor ::
less-than-stellar {adj} (mediocre) SEE: mediocre ::
less-than-stellar {adj} (not satisfactory) SEE: unsatisfactory ::
lest {conj} (for fear that) :: 以免 /yǐmiǎn/
let {v} (to allow) :: , /ràng/
let {v} (to put up for rent) :: 出租 /chūzū/
let alone {conj} (to say nothing of) :: 更不用說, 更不用说 /gèng bùyòng shuō/, 何況, 何况 /hékuàng/
let be {v} (not disturb) :: 放任 /fàngrèn/, 聽任, 听任 /tìngrèn/
let be {v} (used to assign a value) :: 设...为
let bygones be bygones {v} (to disregard a past offense) :: 既往不咎 /jì wǎng bù jiù/
let down {v} (to allow to descend) :: 放下 /fàngxià/, 低下 /dīxià/, 降低 /jiàngdī/
let down {v} (to disappoint) :: 辜負, 辜负 /gūfù, gūfu/, 對不起, 对不起 /duìbùqǐ/
let go {v} (to no longer hold on) :: 放开 /fàngkāi/, 放開
lethargic {adj} (sluggish, indifferent) :: 昏睡的
lethargy {n} (pathological state of fatigue) :: 疲勞, 疲劳 /píláo/
lethargy {n} (state of extreme torpor or apathy) :: 暮氣, 暮气 /mùqì/
let it be {v} (leave something to follow its natural course) :: 就這樣吧, 就这样吧 /jiù zhè yàng ba/, 由它去吧 /yóu tā qù ba/, 随它去吧 /suí tā qù ba/, 順其自然, 顺其自然 /shùnqízìrán/
let know {v} (inform) :: 告知 /gàozhī/, 通知 /tōngzhī/, 告訴, 告诉 /gàosu/
let loose {v} (release from restraint) :: 放開, 放开 /fàngkāi/
let nature take its course {v} (permit events to proceed without intervention) :: 順其自然, 顺其自然 /shùnqízìrán/
Leto {prop} (mother of Apollo) :: 勒托 /Lēituō/
let's {v} (let us; forming first-person plural imperative) :: 我們 + [verb] (optional: 吧)
let's go {phrase} (hortative of go) :: 走吧 /zǒu ba/
let's go {phrase} (hurry up) :: 快點, 快点 /kuàidiǎn/
let sleeping dogs lie {v} (leave things as they are) :: 莫惹是非 /mò rě shìfēi/, 讓惹是非, 让惹是非 /ràng rě shìfēi/
let someone down gently {v} (reject someone in a way that avoids causing hurt) :: 某人面子, 某人面子 /gěi mǒurén liú miànzi/, 婉轉告訴, 婉转告诉 /wǎnzhuǎn de gàosù/
letter {n} (a symbol in an alphabet) :: 字母 /zìmǔ/, /zì/
letter {n} (written message) :: /xìn/, 信件 /xìnjiàn/, 書信, 书信 /shūxìn/
letterbox {n} (collection point for mail) :: 郵箱, 邮箱 /yóuxiāng/
letterbox {n} (delivery point for mail) :: 信箱 /xìnxiāng/
letter of credit {n} (trade finance document) :: 信用證, 信用证 /xìnyòngzhèng/, 信用狀, 信用状 /xìnyòngzhuàng/
letter of intent {n} (document) :: 意向書, 意向书 /yìxiàngshū/
letter of marque {n} (official commission) :: 私掠許可證, 私掠许可证 /sīlüè xǔkězhèng/
letter of marque {n} (ship that has been armed for such a task) :: 持有私掠許可證, 持有私掠许可证 /chíyǒu sīlüè xǔkězhèng de chuán/
let the cat out of the bag {v} (to disclose a secret, often inadvertently) :: 露馅
let there be light {phrase} (let there be light) :: 要有光 /yào yǒu guāng/
let the sleeping dogs lie {v} (to avoid igniting a conflict) SEE: let sleeping dogs lie ::
Lettic {adj} (Latvian) SEE: Latvian ::
Lettish {adj} (Latvian) SEE: Latvian ::
Lettish {n} (Latvian) SEE: Latvian ::
lettuce {n} (an edible plant, Lactuca) :: 萵苣, 莴苣 /wōjù/
lettuce {n} (the leaves of the lettuce plant, eaten as a vegetable or dish) :: 生菜 /shēngcài/
lettuce {n} :: 萵苣 /wōjù/
Letzeburgesh {prop} (Germanic language) SEE: Luxembourgish ::
leu {n} (unit of currency of Romania) :: 列伊 /lièyī/
leucoma {n} (opaque area or scar on the cornea of an eye) :: 角膜白斑 /jiǎomó báibān/, 白斑 /báibān/
leukemia {n} (cancer of blood forming tissue) :: 白血病 /báixuèbìng, báixiěbìng/
leukoaraiosis {n} (rarefaction of the white matter in the brain) :: 腦白質疏鬆, 脑白质疏松 /nǎobáizhì shūsōng/
leukocyte {n} (a white blood cell) :: 白血球 /báixuèqiú/, 白細胞, 白细胞 /báixìbāo/
leukorrhea {n} (thick, whitish vaginal discharge) :: 白帶, 白带 /báidài/
leukotriene {n} (any of several physiologically active lipids) :: 白三烯 /báisānxī/
lev {n} (currency of Bulgaria) :: 列弗 /lièfú/
Levant {prop} (the countries bordering the eastern Mediterranean Sea) :: 累范特 /Lèifàntè/, 黎凡特 /Lífántè/
level {adj} (same height at all places) :: /píng/
level {adj} (at the same height as some reference) :: /píng/, 平衡 /pínghéng/
level {adj} (being unvaried) :: /píng/
level {n} (tool) :: 水平尺 /shuǐpíngchǐ/
level {n} (degree or amount) :: 水平 /shuǐpíng/, 層次, 层次 /céngcì/, 級別, 级别 /jíbié/, 水準, 水准 /shǔizhǔn/
level {n} (gaming: discrete segment of a game) :: , /guān/,關卡, 关卡 /guānkǎ, guānqiǎ/, , /céng/
level {n} (gaming: numeric value for a character's experience and power) :: , /jí/
level {n} (floor of a building) :: , /céng/
level {n} :: /dù/, /diǎn/
level crossing {n} (at-grade crossing) :: 平交道口 /píngjiāodàokǒu/, 平交道 /píngjiāodào/, 鐵路道口, 铁路道口 /tiělù dàokǒu/, 平面交叉 /píngmiàn jiāochā/
lever {n} (rigid piece) :: 槓桿, 杠杆 /gànggǎn/
lever {adv} (rather) SEE: rather ::
leveret {n} (a young hare) :: 小兔 /xiǎotù/, 小兔子 /xiǎotùzi/
Levi {prop} (third son of Jacob) :: 利未 /Lìwèi/, 肋未 /Lèiwèi/
leviathan {n} (Biblical sea monster) :: 利維坦, 利维坦 /lìwéitǎn/, 力威亞探, 力威亚探 /lìwēiyàtàn/, [Catholic] 里外雅堂 /lǐwàiyǎtáng/
levigate {v} (to belittle) SEE: belittle ::
levitation {n} :: 悬停
Leviticus {prop} (the book of the Bible and Torah) :: 利未記, 利未记 /Lìwèijì/, 肋未紀, 肋未纪 /Lèwèijì/ [Catholic]
levity {n} (lack of steadiness) SEE: instability ::
lewd {adj} (lascivious) :: 好色 /hàosè/, 淫蕩, 淫荡 /yíndàng/
Lewis {prop} (male given name) SEE: Louis ::
lexeme {n} (unit of vocabulary, the different forms of the same lemma) :: 詞位, 词位 /cíwèi/, 詞彙單位, 词汇单位 /cíhuì dānwèi/, , /cí/
lexeme {n} (computing: continuous character sequence without spaces) :: 词素
lexical {adj} (of a language's vocabulary) :: 詞彙的, 词汇的 /cíhuì de/
lexical {adj} (of a dictionary) :: 詞典的, 词典的 /cídiǎn de/
lexical category {n} (linguistic category of words) :: 詞彙範疇, 词汇范畴 /cíhuì fànchóu/, 詞類, 词类 /cílèi/, 詞性, 词性 /cíxìng/
lexical item {n} (term that acts as a unit of meaning) :: 詞項, 词项 /cíxiàng/
lexical scoping {n} (the property of being lexically scoped) :: 詞法作用域, 词法作用域 /cífǎ zuòyòngyù/
lexical unit {n} (term that acts as a unit of meaning) SEE: lexical item ::
lexicographer {n} (one who writes or compiles a dictionary) :: 詞典編纂者, 词典编纂者 /cídiǎn biānzuǎn zhě/
lexicography {n} (art or craft of compiling, writing, and editing dictionaries) :: 詞典學, 词典学 /cídiǎnxué/, 辭書學, 辞书学 /císhūxué/, 詞典編輯, 词典编辑 /cídiǎn biānjí/
lexicology {n} (linguistic discipline) :: 詞彙學, 词汇学 /cíhuìxué/
lexicon {n} (vocabulary of a language) :: 詞庫, 词库 /cíkù/, 詞匯, 词汇 /cíhuì/
Leyden jar {n} (glass jar used to accumulate static electricity) :: 萊頓瓶, 莱顿瓶 /Láidùn píng/, 來登瓶, 来登瓶 /Láidēng píng/
LGBT {n} (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender/transexual) :: LGBT
Lhasa {prop} (Capital of Xizang (Tibet)) :: 拉薩, 拉萨 /Lāsà/
li {n} (Chinese unit of distance) :: /lǐ/, 市里 /shìlǐ/
Li {prop} (Li: the Chinese surname) :: /Lǐ/, /Lí/, /Lǐ/
liability {n} (debt) :: 負債, 负债 /fùzhài/, 債務, 债务 /zhàiwù/
liability insurance {n} (insurance against liability) :: 責任保險, 责任保险 /zérèn bǎoxiǎn/
liaison {n} (linguistics: a sandhi) :: 聯誦, 联诵 /liánsòng/
liangpi {n} (noodle-like Chinese dish) :: 涼皮, 凉皮 /liángpí/
Liangzihu {prop} (district in central China) :: 梁子湖 /Liángzihú/
Lianjiang {prop} (county in eastern China; administrative name for the Matsu Islands) :: 連江, 连江 /Liánjiāng/
Lianjiang {prop} (town in eastern China) :: 連江, 连江 /Liánjiāng/
Lianyungang {prop} (a prefecture-level city in eastern China) :: 連雲港, 连云港 /Liányúngǎng/
Liao-ch'eng {prop} (Liaocheng) SEE: Liaocheng ::
Liaocheng {prop} (prefecture-level city in China) :: 聊城 /Liáochéng/
Liaodong Peninsula {prop} (peninsula in Liaoning province) :: 遼東半島, 辽东半岛 /Liáodōng Bàndǎo/
Liaoning {prop} (province of China) :: 遼寧, 辽宁 /Liáoníng/
liar {n} (one who tells lies) :: 說謊者, 说谎者 /shuōhuǎngzhě/
libation {n} (act of pouring a liquid as a sacrifice) :: /diàn/, 奠酒 /diànjiǔ/, 獻酒, 献酒 /xiànjiǔ/, 奠祭 /diànjì/
libel {v} (to defame someone) :: 讒謗
liberal education {n} (general education) SEE: general education ::
liberalism {n} (quality of being liberal) :: 自由主義, 自由主义 /zìyóuzhǔyì/
liberalism {n} (political movement) :: 自由主義, 自由主义 /zìyóuzhǔyì/
liberalism {n} (economic theory) :: 自由主義, 自由主义 /zìyóuzhǔyì/
liberalization {n} (the process or act of making more liberal) :: 自由化 /zìyóuhuà/
liberate {v} (to free) :: 解放 /jiěfàng/
liberation {n} (act of liberating or the state of being liberated) :: 解放 /jiěfàng/
Liberia {prop} (country in Western Africa) :: 利比里亞, 利比里亚 /Lìbǐlǐyà/
libertarian {n} (A person in favor of freedom) :: 自由意志主義者, 自由意志主义者 /zìyóu yìzhì zhǔyìzhě/, 行動自由論者, 行动自由论者 /xíngdòng zìyóu lùnzhě/
libertarian {adj} (Having the beliefs of libertarians) :: 自由的 /zìyóu de/, 自由論者的, 自由论者的 /zìyóu lùnzhě de/
libertarianism {n} (political philosophy) :: 自由意志主義, 自由意志主义 /zìyóu yìzhì zhǔyì/, 自由意志論, 自由意志论 /zìyóu yìzhì lùn/
liberty {n} (condition of being free) :: 自由 /zìyóu/
Liberty Island {prop} (island in New York Harbor) :: 自由島, 自由岛 /zìyóudǎo/
libidinous {adj} (having lustful desires) :: 淫蕩, 淫荡 /yíndàng/
libido {n} (sexual urges or drives) :: 性衝動, 性冲动 /xìngchōngdòng/
libido {n} (drives or mental energies related or based on sexual instincts but not necessarily sexual in and of themselves.) :: 性力 /xìnglì/, 力比多 /lìbǐduō/
Libra {prop} (constellation) :: 天秤座 /Tiānchèngzuò/
Libra {prop} (astrological sign) :: 天秤座 /tiānchènzuò/, 天秤宮, 天秤宫 /tiānchèngōng/
librarian {n} (the manager of a library) :: 圖書館館長, 图书馆馆长 /túshūguǎn guǎnzhǎng/
librarian {n} (one who cares for the publications etc. in a library) :: 圖書管理員, 图书管理员 /túshū guǎnlǐyuán/, 圖書館員, 图书馆员 /túshūguǎnyuán/
librarian {n} (a person who processes and organizes information) :: 管理員, 管理员 /guǎnlǐyuán/
library {n} (institution which holds books etc.) :: 圖書館, 图书馆 /túshūguǎn/; /tuān, túshūguǎn/
library {n} (collection of books) :: * Mandarin: 藏書, 藏书 /cángshū/, 收藏 /shōucáng/
library {n} (collection of subprograms) :: 文庫, 文库 /wénkù/, , /kù/
library {n} (deck or draw pile) :: 牌庫
library science {n} (interdisciplinary science) :: 圖書館學, 图书馆学 /túshūguǎnxué/
libre {adj} ((software): with very few limitations on distribution or improvement) :: 自由 /zìyóu/
libretto {n} (text of a dramatic musical work, such as an opera) :: 歌詞, 歌词 /gēcí/, 唱詞, 唱词 /chàngcí/
libretto {n} (book containing such a text) :: 唱本 /chàngběn/
Libreville {prop} (capital of Gabon) :: 利伯維爾, 利伯维尔 /Lìbówéi'ěr/
Libya {prop} (country in Northern Africa) :: 利比亞, 利比亚 /Lìbǐyà/
Libyan {n} (person) :: 利比亚人, 利比亞人
licence {n} (license) SEE: license ::
licence {v} (license) SEE: license ::
license {n} (legal document giving official permission to do something) :: 許可證, 许可证 /xǔkězhèng/
license {n} (legal terms of product usage) :: 執照, 执照 /zhízhào/
license plate {n} (an identifying plate attached to a vehicle) :: 號牌, 号牌 /hàopái/, 牌照 /páizhào/, 車牌, 车牌 /chēpái/
lichen {n} (something which spreads across something else, causing damage) SEE: cancer ::
lichen {n} (symbiotic association of algae and fungi) :: 地衣 /dìyī/
Li-chiang {prop} (Lijiang) SEE: Lijiang ::
Li-ch'uan {prop} (Lichuan) SEE: Lichuan ::
Lichuan {prop} (county-level city in central China) :: 利川 /Lìchuān/
Lichuan {prop} (county in Jiangxi) :: 黎川 /Líchuān/
lick {v} (to stroke with the tongue) :: /tiǎn/, /shì/
lick {v} (colloquial: to defeat decisively) :: 打敗, 打败 /dǎbài/
lick clean {v} (empty by eating contents) :: 舔乾淨, 舔干净 /tiǎn gānjìng/
lick one's wounds {v} (withdraw temporarily while recovering from a defeat) :: 舔舐伤口
lick someone's ass {v} (to flatter someone) SEE: brownnose ::
lick up {v} (consume by licking) :: 舔光 /tiǎnguāng/, 添完 /tiǎnwán/
licorice {n} (plant) :: 甘草 /gāncǎo/, 歐亞甘草, 欧亚甘草 /ōuyà gāncǎo/
licorice {n} (confection) :: 甘草糖 /gāncǎotáng/
lid {n} (top or cover) :: 蓋子, 盖子 /gàizi/, , /gài/
lie {v} (be in horizontal position) :: /tǎng/
lie {v} (tell an intentional untruth) :: 說謊, 说谎 /shuōhuǎng/, 撒謊, 撒谎 /sāhuǎng/
lie {n} (intentionally false statement) :: 謊言, 谎言 /huǎngyán/, 假話, 假话 /jiǎhuà/
Liechtenstein {prop} (Principality of Liechtenstein) :: 列支敦斯登 /Lièzhīdūnsīdēng/, 列支敦士登 /Lièzhīdūnshìdēng/
lie detector {n} (polygraph (informal)) :: 測謊器, 测谎器 /cèhuǎngqì/, 測謊儀, 测谎仪 /cèhuǎngyí/, 測謊機, 测谎机 /cèhuǎngjī/
lie down {v} (assume a reclining position) :: /yǎn/, 躺下 /tǎngxià/, /tǎng/
Lieh Hsü {prop} (Lieyu) SEE: Lieyu ::
lien {n} (right to take and hold debtor’s property) :: 留置權, 留置权 /liúzhìquán/
Lien-chiang {prop} (Lienchiang) SEE: Lienchiang ::
Lienchiang {prop} (administrative name for the Matsu Islands; county in eastern China) :: 連江, 连江 /Liánjiāng/
Lien-chiang {prop} (Lianjiang) SEE: Lianjiang ::
Lienkiang {prop} (Lienchiang) SEE: Lienchiang ::
Lienkiang {prop} (Lianjiang) SEE: Lianjiang ::
Lienkong {prop} (Lienchiang) SEE: Lienchiang ::
Lienkong {prop} (Lianjiang) SEE: Lianjiang ::
lieutenant {n} (lowest commissioned officer rank) :: 中尉 /zhōngwèi/, 陸軍中尉, 陆军中尉 /lùjūn zhōngwèi/
lieutenant {n} (the second-in-command of a group) :: 副官
Lieyu {prop} (rural township in Kinmen (Quemoy), Taiwan (ROC) named for its main island) :: 烈嶼, 烈屿 /Lièyǔ/
life {n} (the state of being alive) :: 生命 /shēngmìng/, 生活 /shēnghuó/
life {n} (the essence of the manifestation and the foundation of the being) :: 生活 /shēnghuó/, 存在 /cúnzài/
life-affirming {adj} (appearing to have an optimistic quality) SEE: optimistic ::
life-affirming {adj} (having a positive and uplifting effect) :: 正能量 /zhèngnéngliàng/, 令人激動, 令人激动 /lìngrén jīdòng de/
life after death {n} (afterlife) SEE: afterlife ::
life assurance {n} (insurance policy) SEE: life insurance ::
life belt {n} (buoyant ring) :: 救生帶, 救生带 /jiùshēngdài/, 救生圈 /jiùshēngjuān/
lifeboat {n} (a boat to save shipwrecked people) :: 救生船 /jiùshēngchuán/, 救生艇 /jiùshēngtǐng/
life buoy {n} (life preserver) SEE: life preserver ::
life coach {n} (professional who helps clients to achieve their personal goals) :: 人生導師, 人生导师 /rénshēng dǎoshī/, 生活教練, 生活教练 /shēnghuó jiàoliàn/, 生活導師, 生活导师 /shēnghuó dǎoshī/, 人生教練, 人生教练 /rénshēng jiàoliàn/, 生命教練, 生命教练 /shēngmìng jiàoliàn/
life cycle {n} (course of stages through which an organism passes) :: 生命週期, 生命周期 /shēngmìng zhōuqí/
life cycle {n} (useful life of a product or system; developmental history of an individual or group) :: 生命週期, 生命周期 /shēngmìng zhōuqī/
life expectancy {n} (the amount of time one is expected to live) :: 平均壽命, 平均寿命 /píngjūn shòumìng/, 預期壽命, 预期寿命 /yùqī shòumìng/
lifeform {n} (living organism) :: 生命形式 /shēngmìng xíngshì/
lifeguard {n} (attendant) :: 救生員, 救生员 /jiùshēngyuán/
lifeguard {n} (lifesaver) :: 救生員, 救生员 /jiùshēngyuán/
lifeguard {n} (bodyguard) SEE: bodyguard ::
life insurance {n} (form of insurance) :: 人壽保險, 人寿保险 /rénshòu bǎoxiǎn/, 生命保險, 生命保险 /shēngmìng bǎoxiǎn/
life is not all beer and skittles {proverb} (proverb) :: 人生不是吃喝玩樂, 人生不是吃喝玩乐 /rénshēng bùshì chīhēwánlè/ [life's not (all) eat, drink and be merry]
life is short {proverb} (proverb) :: 蜉蝣在世 /fúyóu zàishì/
life jacket {n} (An article of protective clothing) :: 救生衣 /jiùshēngyī/
lifeless {adj} (dead) :: 無生命的, 无生命的 /wú shēngmìng de/
lifelike {adj} (Like a living being, resembling life) :: 逼真 /bīzhēn/
life of Riley {n} (ideal life of care-free prosperity) :: 安逸的生活, 无忧无虑的日子
life partner {n} (romantic partner for life) :: 人生伴侶, 人生伴侣 /rénshēng bànlǚ/, 生活伴侶, 生活伴侣 /shēnghuó bànlǚ/
life preserver {n} (buoyant ring or vest) :: 救生浮袋 /jiùshēng fúdài/, 救生器 /jiùshēngqì/, [ring] 救生圈 /jiùshēngquān/
life raft {n} (inflatable raft) :: 救生筏 /jiùshēngfá/
life ring {n} (life preserver) SEE: life preserver ::
life's a bitch and then you die {proverb} (expect the worst) :: 活著就是受苦, 活着就是受苦 /rén huózhe jiùshì lái shòukǔ de/
lifesaver {n} (that saves lives) :: 救生員, 救生员 /jiùshēngyuán/, 救命者 /jiùmìngzhě/
lifesaver {n} (that is useful) :: 救星 /jiùxīng/, 救命稻草 /jiùmìng dàocǎo/, 救命草 /jiùmìngcǎo/
life savings {n} (large sum of money one has saved over a considerable number of years) :: 畢生積蓄, 毕生积蓄 /bìshēng jīxù/
life sentence {n} (sentence of imprisonment for the rest of the defendant's life) :: 無期徒刑, 无期徒刑 /wúqī túxíng/, 終身監禁, 终身监禁 /zhōngshēn jiānjìn/
lifeskill {n} (skill) :: 生活技能 /shēnghuó jìnéng/
lifespan {n} (length of time for which an organism lives) :: 壽命, 寿命 /shòumìng/
lifespan {n} (length of time for which something exists) :: 壽命, 寿命 /shòumìng/
life style {n} (lifestyle) SEE: lifestyle ::
life-style {n} (lifestyle) SEE: lifestyle ::
lifestyle {n} (style of living) :: 生活方式 /shēnghuó fāngshì/, 生態 /shēngtài/, 方式 /fāngshì/
life support {n} (system for providing oxygen) :: 生命支持系統, 生命支持系统 /shēngmìng zhīchí xìtǒng/, 生命維持系統, 生命维持系统 /shēngmìng wéichí xìtǒng/, 生命支持設備, 生命支持设备 /shēngmìng zhīchí shèbèi/
life-threatening {adj} (used to describe something that endangers life) :: 危及生命 (wēijí shēngmìng de)
lifetime {n} (duration of the life of someone or something) :: 一生 /yīshēng/, 一輩子, 一辈子 /yībèizi/, 壽命, 寿命 /shòumìng/, 畢生, 毕生 /bìshēng/, 輩子, 辈子 /bèizi/
lifework {n} (main occupation of one's life) :: 一生工作 /yīshēng de gōngzuò/, 畢生事業, 毕生事业 /bìshēng de shìyè/
lift {n} (the act of transporting someone in a vehicle) :: 讓搭車, 让搭车 /ràng dāchē/
lift {n} (mechanical device for vertically transporting goods or people) :: 電梯, 电梯 /diàntī/, 升降機, 升降机 /shēngjiàngjī/
lift {n} (thief) SEE: thief ::
lifter {n} (spatula) SEE: spatula ::
lifting {n} (weightlifting) SEE: weightlifting ::
lift music {n} (elevator music) SEE: elevator music ::
ligament {n} (band of strong tissue that holds the bones of an animal in position) :: 韌帶, 韧带 /rèndài/
ligand {n} (something that binds to another chemical entity) :: 配体, 配體 /pèi tǐ/
ligature {n} (typography: character that combines multiple letters) :: 合字 /hézì/
Liège {prop} (province in Belgium) :: 列日 /Lièrì/
liger {n} (animal born to a male lion and a tigress) :: 獅虎, 狮虎 /shīhǔ/
light {v} (to start (a fire)) :: 點火, 点火 /diǎnhuǒ/, 點燃, 点燃 /diǎnrán/
light {v} (to illuminate) :: 照明 /zhàomíng/
light {adj} (having light) :: 明亮的 /míngliàng de/, 光明的 /guāngmíng de/
light {adj} (pale in colour) :: 浅色 /qiǎnsè/
light {adj} (of low weight) :: , /qīng/
light {n} (electromagnetic waves) :: /guāng/, 光亮 /guāngliàng/
light {n} (source of illumination) :: 光源 /guāngyuán/, , /dēng/
light at the end of the tunnel {n} (a better situation after long hardship) :: 希望 /xīwàng/
lightboat {n} (lightship) SEE: lightship ::
light bulb {n} (evacuated glass bulb containing a metal filament that produces light) :: 電燈泡, 电灯泡 /diàndēngpào/, 燈泡, 灯泡 /dēngpào/
light cavalry {n} (military unit) :: 輕騎兵, 轻骑兵 /qīngqíbīng/, 輕騎, 轻骑 /qīngqí/
light-emitting diode {n} (rectifying semiconductor device) :: 發光二極管, 发光二极管 /fāguāng èrjíguǎn/, 發光二極體, 发光二极体 /fāguāng èrjítǐ/
lighter {n} (fire making device) :: 打火機, 打火机 /dǎhuǒjī/
light globe {n} (light bulb) SEE: light bulb ::
lighthouse {n} (building containing a light to warn or guide ships) :: 燈塔, 灯塔 /dēngtǎ/, 岸標, 岸标 /ànbiāo/
lighthouse keeper {n} (person who lives in a lighthouse and tends the light) :: 燈塔看守人, 灯塔看守人 /dēngtǎ kānshǒurén/
light industry {n} (industry that does not require high capitalization or heavy machinery) :: 輕工業, 轻工业 /qīnggōngyè/
lighting {n} (activating lights or igniting a flame) :: 照明 /zhàomíng/
light in the loafers {adj} (pejorative) homosexual, see also: homosexual) :: [no exact equivalent exists; lit. "damn gay guy"] 基佬 /sǐ jīlǎo/
lightning {n} (flash of light) :: 閃電, 闪电 /shǎndiàn/
lightning {n} (discharge) :: 閃電, 闪电 /shǎndiàn/
lightning bug {n} (firefly) SEE: firefly ::
light pen {n} (a computer input device) :: 光筆, 光笔 /guāngbǐ/
light pollution {n} (excess artificial light) :: 光污染 /guāngwūrǎn/
light rail {n} (type of passenger railway) :: 輕軌, 轻轨 /qīngguǐ/
lightsaber {n} (a fictional type of sword) :: 光劍, 光剑 /guāngjiàn/
lightship {n} (lightship) :: 灯塔船 /dēngtǎchuán/
light source {n} (source of illumination) :: 光源 /guāngyuán/
light spectrum {n} (range of colors) SEE: spectrum ::
lightspeed {n} (the speed of light) :: 光速 /guāngsù/
lightvessel {n} (lightship) SEE: lightship ::
light year {n} (astronomical distance) :: 光年 /guāngnián/
lignify {v} (to become wood) :: 木化
lignite {n} (coal) :: 褐煤 /hèméi (mainland China) or héméi (Taiwan)/
Liguria {prop} (region) :: 利古里亞
Ligurian {prop} (Gallo-Italic language) :: 利古里亞語
Lijiang {prop} (a prefecture-level city in west China) :: 麗江, 丽江 /Lìjiāng/
likable {adj} (capable of being liked) :: 招人喜歡, 招人喜欢 /zhāorén xǐhuān/
likable {adj} (having qualities tending to result in being liked; friendly, personable) :: 招人喜歡, 招人喜欢 /zhāorén xǐhuān/
like {v} (enjoy) :: 喜歡, 喜欢 /xǐhuan/
like {v} (find attractive) :: 喜歡, 喜欢 /xǐhuan/
like {v} (to show support for, or approval of, something posted on the Internet by marking it with a vote) :: 点赞 /diǎnzàn/
like {adj} (similar) :: 相像的 /xiāngxiàng de/
like {prep} (similar to) :: /xiàng/, 相像的 /xiāngxiàng de/, /rú/ [literary], 猶如 /yóurú/ [literary]
like {prep} (such as) :: /xiàng/, /rú/, 好似 /hǎosì/
like {particle} (colloquial: used to precede paraphrased quotations) :: 那個, 那个 /nèige/, 這個, 这个 /zhège/
-like {suffix} (having some of the characteristics of (used to form adjectives from nouns)) :: -般 /-bān/, 如- /rú-/, 類-, 类- /lèi-/
like a chicken with its head cut off {prep} (in a frantic, disorganized manner) :: 像只没头苍蝇一样 /xiàng zhī méi tóu cāng ying yí yàng/
like a man {prep} (bravely) :: 男人一樣, 男人一样 /xiàng nánrén yīyàng/, 男子漢似的, 男子汉似的 /nánzǐhàn shìde/
like a moth to the flame {prep} (inescapably allured by something harmful) :: 飛蛾撲火一樣, 飞蛾扑火一样 /xiàng fēi'épūhuǒ yīyàng/
like father, like son {proverb} (a son will have traits similar to his father) :: 虎父無犬子, 虎父无犬子 /hǔfù wú quǎnzǐ/ [literally: “tigers don't have dogs for sons”], 子肖其父 /zǐ xiāo qí fù/ [literally: “the son is like its father”], 有其父必有其子 /yǒu qí fù bì yǒu qí zǐ/
likelihood {n} (probability) :: 可能性 /kěnéngxìng/
likelihood {n} (mathematical likelihood) :: 似然 /sìrán/
likely {adv} (similarly) SEE: similarly ::
likely {adv} (probably) SEE: probably ::
liken {v} (compare) :: 比喻 /bǐyù/
likeness {n} (similarity) SEE: similarity ::
like shooting fish in a barrel {prep} (extremely easy) :: 甕中捉鱉, 瓮中捉鳖 /wèngzhōngzhuōbiē/, 易如反掌 /yìrúfǎnzhǎng/, 得来全不费功夫 /dé lái quán bù fèi gōngfū/
like taking candy from a baby {prep} (easy) :: 易如反掌 /Yìrúfǎnzhǎng/, 得来全不费功夫 /Dé lái quán bù fèi gōngfū/
like that {prep} (in that particular manner) :: 這樣, 这样 /zhèyàng/, 如此 /rúcǐ/
likewise {adv} (also; moreover; too) SEE: too ::
likewise {adv} (in like manner) :: 相似地 /xiāngsì de/, 類似地, 类似地 /lèisì de/, 同樣地, 同样地 /tóngyàng de/
likewise {adv} (the same to you) :: 彼此 /bǐcǐ/
likin {n} (tax) :: 厘金 /líjīn/
liking {n} (like) :: 愛好, 爱好 /àihào/, 趣味 /qùwèi/, 喜愛, 喜爱 /xǐ'ài/
Likou {prop} (town in eastern China) :: 歷口, 历口 /Lìkǒu/
lilac {n} (shrub) :: 丁香 /dīngxiāng/
lilac {n} (flower) :: 丁香 /dīngxiāng/
lilac {n} (colour) :: 淡紫色 /dàn zǐsè/
lilac {adj} (colour) :: 淡紫色的
Lilian {prop} (female given name) :: 莉蓮, 莉莲 /Lìlián/
Liliana {prop} (female given name) SEE: Lilian ::
Lille {prop} (city in France) :: 里爾, 里尔 /Lǐ'ěr/
Lillian {prop} (female given name) SEE: Lilian ::
Lilongwe {prop} (capital of Malawi) :: 利隆圭 /Lìlóngguī/
lily {n} (flower in the genus Lilium) :: 百合 /bǎihé/, 百合花 /bǎihéhuā/
lily of the valley {n} (Convallaria majalis) :: 鈴蘭, 铃兰 /línglán/
lily pad {n} (round leaf of a water lily) :: 睡蓮葉子, 睡莲叶子 /shuìlián yèzi/
Lima {prop} (the capital city of Peru) :: 利馬, 利马 /Lìmǎ/
lima bean {n} (butter bean) :: 棉豆 /miándòu/
limb {n} (major appendage of human or animal) :: /zhī/, 手腳, 手脚 /shǒujiǎo/
limb {v} (to remove limbs) :: 支解 /zhījiě/
limber {adj} (flexible) SEE: flexible ::
limbo {n} (place for innocent souls) :: 靈薄獄, 灵薄狱 /língbáoyù/
limbo {n} (dance with bar that is lowered) :: 林波舞
Limburg {prop} (province of the Netherlands or Belgium) :: 林堡 /Línbǎo/
Limburgian {prop} (Limburgish) SEE: Limburgish ::
Limburgic {prop} (Limburgish) SEE: Limburgish ::
Limburgish {prop} (the Germanic language) :: 林堡語, 林堡语 /Línbǎoyǔ/
lime {n} (inorganic material containing calcium) :: 石灰 /shíhuī/
lime {n} :: 石灰 /shíhuī/
lime {n} (green citrus fruit) :: 萊檬, 莱檬 /láiméng/, 萊姆, 莱姆 /láimǔ/, 酸橙 /suānchéng/, 青檸, 青柠 /qīngníng/
limelight {n} (attention or notice) :: 聚光燈, 聚光灯 /jùguāngdēng/
limerence {n} (state of mind) :: 一往情深 /yīwǎngqíngshēn/, 情深意切 /qíngshēnyìqiè/, 情真意切 /qíngzhēnyìqiè/, 深情厚意 /shēnqínghòuyì/, 情深似海 /qíngshēnsìhǎi/, 情真愛深 /qíngzhēn'àishēn/, 情深不移 /qíngshēnbùyí/, 情深意重 /qíngshēnyìzhòng/, 情濃難斷, 情浓难断 /qíngnóngnánduàn/, 情不自勝, 情不自胜 /qíngbùzìshèng/, 情難自禁, 情难自禁 /qíngnánzìjīn/, 情真意摯, 情真意挚 /qíngzhēnyìzhì/, 痴心深情 /chīxīnshēnqíng/, 深情癡戀, 深情痴恋 /shēnqíngchīliàn/, 濃情蜜意, 浓情蜜意 /nóngqíngmìyì/, 傾心戀慕, 倾心恋慕 /qīngxīnliànmù/, 傾心愛慕, 倾心爱慕 /qīngxīn'àimù/, 傾心痴戀, 倾心痴恋 /qīngxīnchīliàn/
limerick {n} (rhyming verse of five lines) :: 五行打油詩, 五行打油诗 /wǔháng dǎyóushī/
Limerick {prop} (town) :: 利默里克
limescale {n} (chalky deposit) :: 水垢 /shuǐ gòu/
limestone {n} (abundant rock of marine and fresh-water sediments) :: 石灰岩 /shíhuīyán/
limit {n} (boundary) :: 極限, 极限 /jíxiàn/
limited company {n} (type of company) :: 有限公司 /yǒuxiàn gōngsī/
limited liability company {n} (type of company) :: 有限責任公司, 有限责任公司 /yǒuxiàn zérèn gōngsī/, 有限公司 /yǒuxiàn gōngsī/
limnology {n} (science of lakes) :: 湖沼學, 湖沼学 /húzhǎoxué/
limo {n} (limousine) SEE: limousine ::
limonene {n} (hydrocarbon) :: 薴烯, 苧烯 /níngxī/, 檸烯, 柠烯 /níngxī/
Limousin {prop} (region) :: 利穆贊, 利穆赞 /Lìmùzàn/
limousine {n} (luxury sedan/saloon car) :: 豪華轎車, 豪华轿车 /háohuá jiàochē/, 加長轎車, 加长轿车 /jiācháng jiàochē/
limp {v} (to walk lamely) :: 一瘸一拐 /yīquéyīguǎi/, 一步一瘸 /yībùyīqué/, [literary] 跛行 /bǒxíng/, [to hobble] 蹣跚, 蹒跚 /pánshān/
limp {n} (gait) :: 跛行 /bǒxíng/
limp {adj} (flaccid; flabby) :: 无力的 (wú lì de); 无生气的 (wú shēngqì de), 无精神的 (wú jīngshén de); 松弛的 (sōngchí de)
limp {adj} (lacking stiffness; flimsy) :: 不直挺的 (bú zhí tǐng de)
Limpopo {prop} (river in Africa) :: 林波波河 /Línbōbōhé/
Lincang {prop} (prefecture-level city in China) :: 臨滄, 临沧 /Líncāng/
Lincoln {prop} (a city, a surname) :: 林肯 /Línkěn/
lindgrenite {n} (mineral containing copper, hydrogen, molybdenum and oxygen) :: 鉬銅礦, 钼铜矿 /mùtóngkuàng/
line {n} (path through two or more points, threadlike mark) :: 直線, 直线 /zhíxiàn/, , 线 /xiàn/
line {n} (straight sequence of people, queue) :: 排隊, 排队 /páiduì/
line {n} (single horizontal row of text on a screen, printed paper, etc.) :: /háng/
line {n} (sentence of dialogue, especially in a script or screenplay) :: 台詞 or 臺詞, 台词 /táicí/
lineage {n} (descent) :: 血统, 血統 /xuètǒng/
lineage temple {n} (ancestral shrine) SEE: ancestral shrine ::
linear {adj} (having the form of a line) :: 线性 /xianxing/
Linear A {prop} (syllabary used to write the as-yet-undeciphered Minoan language) :: 線形文字A, 线形文字A /Xiànxíng Wénzì Ēi/
linear algebra {n} (branch of mathematics) :: 線性代數, 线性代数 /xiànxìng dàishù/, 線代 /xiàndài/
Linear B {prop} (syllabary used to write Mycenaean Greek) :: 線形文字B, 线形文字B /Xiànxíng Wénzì Bì/
linear logic {n} :: 線性邏輯, 线性逻辑 /xiànxìng luójí/
linear space {n} (vector space) SEE: vector space ::
line art {n} (image that consists of distinct straight and curved lines) :: 線稿, 线稿 /xiàn'gǎo/
line break {n} (a point in writing where text that would normally continue on the same line starts at the beginning of a new line or the character indicating that subsequent characters should appear on a separate line of text) :: 斷行, 断行 /duànháng/
linen {n} (thread or cloth made from flax fiber) :: 亞麻布, 亚麻布 /yàmábù/, 麻布 /mábù/
linen {n} (items) :: 亞麻製品, 亚麻制品 /yàmá zhìpǐn/
line number {n} (number of a line in a text file) :: 行號, 行号 /hánghào/
line of credit {n} (financial agreement) :: 信用額度, 信用额度 /xìnyòng édù/, 貸款額度, 贷款额度 /dàikuǎn édù/
line of credit {n} (maximum borrowable amount specified in such an agreement) :: 信用額度, 信用额度 /xìnyòng édù/, 貸款額度, 贷款额度 /dàikuǎn édù/
line of sight {n} (A straight line along which an observer has a clear view) :: 視線, 视线 /shìxiàn/
line of thought {n} (particular way of thinking about a subject) :: 思路 /sīlù/, 思想 /sīxiǎng/, 脈絡, 脉络 /màiluò/
line of thought {n} (way of thinking) :: 思路 /sīlù/, 思想 /sīxiǎng/, 脈絡, 脉络 /màiluò/
liner {n} (large passenger carrying ship) :: 郵船, 邮船 /yóuchuán/
liner {n} (ship of the line) :: 班輪, 班轮 /bānlún/
line segment {n} (part of a line) :: 线段 /xiànduàn/
line up {v} (get into a line) :: 排隊, 排队 /páiduì/
-ling {suffix} (Diminutive) :: /xiǎo-/, /-zǎi/, -子 /-zi/
linger {v} (to stay or remain in a place or situation) :: 逗留, 犹豫, 踌躇
lingerie {n} (women's underwear or nightclothes) :: 女內衣, 女内衣 /nǚ nèiyì/
lingonberry {n} (shrub) :: 越橘 /yuèjú/
lingonberry {n} (berry) :: 越橘 /yuèjú/
Lingqijing {prop} (Chinese divinatory text) :: 靈棋經, 灵棋经 /Língqíjīng/
lingua franca {n} (common language) :: 通用語, 通用语 /tōngyòngyǔ/, 交際語, 交际语 /jiāojìyǔ/, 共通語, 共通语 /gòngtōngyǔ/, 共同語言, 共同语言 /gòngtóng yǔyán/, 共同語, 共同语 /gòngtóngyǔ/
lingual bone {n} (hyoid bone) SEE: hyoid bone ::
linguist {n} (one who studies linguistics) :: 語言學家, 语言学家 /yǔyán xuéjiā/, 語言學者, 语言学者 /yǔyán xuézhě/
linguistics {n} (scientific study of language) :: 語言學, 语言学 /yǔyánxué/, 言語學, 言语学 /yányǔxué/
lingzhi {n} (mushroom) :: 靈芝, 灵芝 /língzhī/
Lin-i {prop} (Linyi) SEE: Linyi ::
link {n} (connection) :: 連結, 连结 /liánjié/
link {n} (element of a chain) :: 連結, 连结 /liánjíe/
link {n} (computing: short for hyperlink, see also: hyperlink) :: 連結, 连结 /liánjié/, 鏈接, 链接 /liànjiē/
linkage {n} (connection or relation between things or ideas) SEE: link ::
linkage disequilibrium {n} (non-random association of two or more alleles at two or more loci) :: 連鎖不平衡, 连锁不平衡 /liánsuǒbùpínghéng/
Linkou {prop} (district in northern Taiwan) :: 林口 /Línkǒu/
Linköping {prop} (Swedish city) :: 林彻平
linoleum {n} (inexpensive waterproof covering) :: 油地氈, 油地毡 /yóudìzhān/, 油氈, 油毡 /yóuzhān/, 油布 /yóubù/
linseed {n} (seed of the flax plant) :: 亞麻籽, 亚麻籽 /yàmázǐ/
lintel {n} (horizontal structural beam) :: 過梁, 过梁 /guòliáng/, 橫楣子, 横楣子 /héngméizi/, 闌頭, 阑头 /lántóu/, 門斗, 门斗 /méndǒu/, 門楣, 门楣 /ménméi/
Linux {prop} (operating system) :: 利納克斯, 利纳克斯 /Lì​nà​kè​sī/
Linyi {prop} (a prefecture-level city in China) :: 臨沂, 临沂 /Línyí/
Linz {prop} (city) :: 林茨 /Líncí/
lion {n} (big cat Panthera leo) :: 獅子, 狮子 /shīzi/, , /shī/
lion dance {n} (Chinese dance) :: 舞獅, 舞狮 /wǔshī/, 獅子舞, 狮子舞 /shīziwǔ/, 耍獅, 耍狮 /shuǎshī/
lioness {n} (female lion) :: 母狮 /mǔshī/, 母狮子 /mǔshīzi/
lion's share {n} (the majority; a large or generous portion) :: 絕大部分, 绝大部分 /juédà bùfèn/, 獅子那一份, 狮子那一份 /shīzi nà yī fèn/
Liouguei {prop} (district in southern Taiwan) :: 六龜, 六龟 /Liùguī/
Lioujia {prop} (district in south Taiwan) :: 六甲 /Liùjiǎ/
Lioujiao {prop} (rural township in south Taiwan) :: 六腳, 六脚 /Liùjiǎo/
Liouying {prop} (district in south Taiwan) :: 柳營, 柳营 /Liǔyíng/
lip {n} (fleshy protrusion framing the mouth) :: 嘴脣, 嘴唇 /zuǐchún/
lip {n} (part of body resembling a lip) :: /chún/
lipase {n} (group of enzymes) :: 脂肪酶 /zhī fáng méi/
lip balm {n} (substance topically applied to the lips of the mouth) :: 潤脣膏, 潤唇膏, 润唇膏 /rùnchúngāo/, 護脣膏, 護唇膏, 护唇膏 /hùchúngāo/
Lipetsk {prop} (city in Russia) :: 利佩茨克 /Lìpèicíkè/
lip gloss {n} (a cosmetic product) :: 唇彩 /chúncǎi/
lipid {n} (organic compound) :: 脂類, 脂类 /zhīlèi/, 脂質, 脂质 /zhīzhì, zhīzhí/
lipless {adj} (not having lips) :: 无唇, 無唇 /wú chún/
liplessness {n} (medical condition) :: 无唇畸形 /wú chún jīxíng/
lipline {n} (outline of the lips) :: 脣線, 唇线 /chúnxiàn/
lipogram {n} (word or writing that does not use a particular symbol or symbols) :: 漏字文 /lòuzìwén/
lipoma {n} (benign tumor) :: 脂肪瘤
liposuction {n} (cosmetic surgery procedure in which bodily fat is removed by suction) :: 抽脂 /chōuzhī/, 吸脂 /xīzhī/
lippy {adj} (having a tendency to talk back in a cheeky or impertinent manner) :: 愛頂嘴的, 爱顶嘴的 /àidǐngzuǐde/
lip service {n} (cunnilingus) SEE: cunnilingus ::
lipstick {n} (make-up for the lips) :: 唇膏 /chúngāo/, 口紅, 口红 /kǒuhóng/
lipstick {n} (stick of this make-up) :: 唇膏 /chúngāo/, 口紅, 口红 /kǒuhóng/
lip sync {n} (synchronization of music with lips) :: 假唱 /jiǎchàng/
lip-sync {v} (to move lips in synchronization with sounds) :: 假唱 /jiǎchàng/, 對嘴, 对嘴 /duìzuǐ/, 咪嘴 /mīzuǐ/
lip-syncing {n} (act of lip-sync) :: 假唱 /jiǎchàng/
liquefied natural gas {n} (natural gas converted to liquid) :: 液化天然氣, 液化天然气 /yèhuà tiānránqì/
liquefied petroleum gas {n} (LPG) :: 液化石油氣, 液化石油气 /yèhuà shíyóuqì/
liquefy {v} (make into a liquid) :: 液化 /yèhuà/
liqueur {n} (a flavored alcoholic beverage) :: 利口酒 /lìkǒujiǔ/
liquid {n} (substance that is liquid) :: 液體, 液体 /yètǐ/, 液態, 液态 /yètài/
liquid asset {n} (asset in the form money, or that which can be quickly converted) :: 流動資產, 流动资产 /liúdòng zīchǎn/
liquidated damages {n} (liquidated damages) :: 约定违约金
liquid crystal {n} (phase of matter) :: 液晶 /yèjīng/
liquid nitrogen {n} (nitrogen in the liquid state) :: 液氮 /yèdàn/
liquor {n} (strong alcoholic drink derived from fermentation and distillation) :: 烈酒 /lièjiǔ/, 蒸餾酒, 蒸馏酒 /zhēngliújiǔ/
liquorice {n} (plant) SEE: licorice ::
liquorice {n} (confection) SEE: licorice ::
liquor licence {n} (permit to sell alcoholic beverages) :: 執照, 执照 /màijiǔ zhízhào/
liquor store {n} (liquor store, bottle shop) :: 酒類專賣店, 酒类专卖店 /jiǔlèi zhuānmàidiàn/, [dated] 酒鋪, 酒铺 /jiǔpù/, [formal, large store] 酒行 /jiǔháng/
lira {n} (currency of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, former currency of Italy, etc.) :: 里拉 /lǐlā/
Lisa {prop} (female given name) :: 麗莎, 丽莎 /Lìshā/
Lisbon {prop} (capital of Portugal) :: 里斯本 /Lǐsīběn/
Li-shui {prop} (Lishui) SEE: Lishui ::
Lishui {prop} (prefecture-level city in China) :: 麗水, 丽水 /Lìshuǐ/
lissencephaly {n} (disorder characterized by the lack of folds and grooves of the brain) :: 平腦症 /píngnǎozhèng/
list {n} (enumeration or compilation of items) :: 單子, 单子 /dānzi/, 列出 /lièchū/
list box {n} (dropdown list) SEE: dropdown list ::
listen {v} (to pay attention to a sound) :: , /tīng/
listen {v} (to hear (something)) :: , /tīng/
listener {n} (someone who listens) :: 傾聽者, 倾听者 /qīngtīngzhě/, 聽者, 听者 /tīngzhě/
listeria {n} :: 李斯特菌 /lǐsītèjūn/
listless {adj} (Lacking enthusiasm) :: 無精打采, 无精打采 /wú jīng dǎ cǎi/
list price {n} (retail selling price) :: 標價, 标价 /biāojià/, 市場價, 市场价 /shìchǎngjià/, 目錄價格, 目录价格 /mùlù jiàgé/
Lisu {n} (member of ethnic group) :: 傈僳 /Lìsù/, 傈僳族 /Lìsùzú/
Lisu {prop} (language) :: 傈僳語, 傈僳语 /Lìsùyǔ/
Lisu {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to the Lisu people or Lisu language) :: 傈僳 /Lìsù/
Liszt {prop} (surname) :: 李斯特 /Lǐsītè/
litas {n} (currency of Lithuania) :: 立特 /lìtè/
litchi {n} (lychee) SEE: lychee ::
liter {n} (cubic decimeter) SEE: litre ::
literacy {n} (ability to read and write) :: 認字, 认字 /rènzì/, 識字, 识字 /shízì/, 讀寫能力, 读写能力 /dúxiě nénglì/
literacy {n} (understanding of something) :: 能力 /nénglì/
literal {adj} (exactly as stated; read or understood without additional interpretation) :: 字面 /zìmiàn/
literal {adj} (following the letter or exact words, not taking liberties) :: 逐字逐句 /zhúzìzhújù/
literal {n} (programming: value written in the source code) :: 直接量 /zhíjiēliàng/
literally {adv} (not metaphorically) :: 按照字面 /ànzhào zìmiàn/
literary {adj} (relating to literature) :: 文學, 文学 /wénxué/, /wén/
Literary Chinese {prop} (Classical Chinese) SEE: Classical Chinese ::
literary criticism {n} (study, discussion, evaluation, and interpretation) :: 文學批評, 文学批评 /wénxué pīpíng/
literary device {n} (convention in literature) :: 文學手段, 文学手段 /wénxué shǒuduàn/, 文學手法, 文学手法 /wénxué shǒufǎ/
literary inquisition {n} (persecution of intellectuals on the basis of their writings) :: 文字獄, 文字狱 /wénzìyù/
literary science {n} (all kinds of scientific study pertinent to literature) :: 文艺学 /wényìxué/
literary theory {n} :: 文學理論, 文学理论 /wénxué lǐlùn/
literate {adj} (able to read, having literacy) :: 識字的, 识字的 /shìzì de/
literate {adj} (knowledgeable in literature and writing) :: 有文化的 /yǒu wénhuà de/, 博識, 博识 /bóshì/
literati {n} (well-educated, literary people) :: 文學家, 文学家 /wénxuéjiā/ [any gender], 文人 /wénrén/
literature {n} (body of all written works) :: 文學, 文学 /wénxué/
literature {n} (the collected creative writing of a nation, people, group or culture) :: 文學, 文学 /wénxué/
literature {n} (all the papers, treatises etc. published in academic journals on a particular subject) :: 文獻, 文献 /wénxiàn/
literature review {n} (scholarly paper) :: 文獻綜述, 文献综述 /wénxiàn zōngshù/, 學術史回顧, 学术史回顾 /xuéshùshǐ huígù/
literature search {n} (search through published literature) :: 文獻檢索, 文献检索 /wénxiàn jiǎnsuǒ/
lithium {n} (chemical element) :: Literary Chinese: ; , /lǐ/
lithium aluminium hydride {n} (chemical compound, LiH) :: 氫化鋁鋰, 氢化铝锂
lithium battery {n} (type of battery) :: 鋰電池, 锂电池 /lǐdiànchí/
lithography {n} (printing method) :: 平版印刷 /píngbǎn yìnshuā/
lithology {n} (the study of rocks) :: 岩石学
lithosphere {n} (The outer layer of the Earth) :: 岩石圈 /yánshíquān/
Lithuania {prop} (country) :: 立陶宛 /Lìtáowǎn/
Lithuania Minor {prop} (Lithuania Minor) :: 小立陶宛 /Xiǎo Lìtáowǎn/
Lithuanian {adj} (referring to Lithuania) :: 立陶宛的 /Lìtáowǎn de/
Lithuanian {n} (language) :: 立陶宛語, 立陶宛语 /Lìtáowǎnyǔ/
Lithuanian {n} (person from Lithuania) :: 立陶宛人 /Lìtáowǎn rén/
litigation {n} (conduct of a lawsuit) :: [formal] 訴訟, 诉讼 /sùsòng/, [informal] 官司 /guānsi/
litmus {n} (dyestuff from lichen) :: 石蕊 /shíruǐ/
litmus paper {n} :: 石蕊試紙, 石蕊试纸 /shíruǐshìzhǐ/
litre {n} (unit of fluid measure) :: /shēng/, 公升 /gōngshēng/
litter {n} (platform designed to carry a person or a load) :: , 轿 /jiào/, 擔架, 担架 /dānjià/
litter {n} (animals born in one birth) :: /wō/
litter {n} (discarded items) :: 垃圾 /lājī, lèsè/
litter {v} (drop or throw trash without properly disposing of it) :: 亂丟垃圾, 乱丢垃圾 /luàndiū lājī, (Taiwan) luàndiū lèsè/
litter {v} (give birth) :: 产仔
litter box {n} (box to provide a soiling area for cats) :: 貓砂盆
litter tray {n} (litter box) SEE: litter box ::
little {adj} (small in size) :: /xiǎo/
little {adj} ((of a sibling) younger) :: [uses different words for each familial title]
little {adj} (small in number, few) :: 一些 /yì xiē/
little {adv} (not much) :: /shǎo/
little {determiner} (small amount) :: /shǎo/
little boy {n} (a diminutive male child) :: 小男孩 /xiǎonánhái/
little brother {n} (younger brother) SEE: younger brother ::
little by little {adv} (a small amount at a time) :: 逐漸, 逐渐 /zhújiàn/, 漸漸, 渐渐 /jiànjiàn/
little egret {n} (bird) :: 白鷺, 白鹭 /báilù/
little emperor {n} (spoiled child) :: 小皇帝 /xiǎohuángdì/
little finger {n} (outermost and smallest finger of the hand) :: 小指 /xiǎozhǐ/, 小拇指 /xiǎomǔzhǐ/, 小拇哥 /xiǎomǔgē/ [slang], 小手指 /xiǎoshǒuzhǐ/ [rare], 尾指 /wěizhǐ/
little girl {n} (a female child) :: 小女孩 /xiǎonǚhái/, 女孩子 /nǚháizi/
little green man {n} (humorous: space alien, Martian, see also: alien) :: 小綠人, 小绿人 /xiǎolǜrén/
little green man {n} (soldier lacking identification, see also: ) :: 小綠人, 小绿人 /xiǎolǜrén/
little one {n} (young child) :: 小孩子 /xiǎoháizi/
little one {n} (term of endearment) :: 小朋友 /xiǎopéngyou/
little owl {n} (species of owl) :: /xiāo/, 小鴞, 小鸮 /xiǎoxiāo/
Little Red Book {prop} (Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung) :: 紅寶書, 红宝书 /Hóng Bǎo Shū/
Little Red Riding Hood {prop} (a folktale) :: 小紅帽, 小红帽 /Xiǎo hóngmào/
little sister {n} (younger sister) SEE: younger sister ::
little stint {n} (Calidris minuta) :: 小滨鹬 /xiǎo bīn-yù/
little strokes fell great oaks {proverb} (proverb) :: 水滴石穿 //
little toe {n} (smallest toe of the foot) :: 小指 /xiǎozhǐ/
little wonder {n} (small wonder) SEE: small wonder ::
liturgy {n} (a predetermined or prescribed set of rituals) :: 禮拜儀式, 礼拜仪式 /lǐbài yíshì/, 禮儀, 礼仪 /lǐyí/
Liu-chou {prop} (Liuzhou) SEE: Liuzhou ::
Liukuei {prop} (Liouguei) SEE: Liouguei ::
Liushuquan {prop} (town in northern China) :: 柳樹𨟠, 柳树𨟠 /Liǔshùquān/
Liuying {prop} (Liouying) SEE: Liouying ::
Liuzhou {prop} (a city of China) :: 柳州 /Liǔzhōu/
livable {adj} (suitable for living in) :: 宜居 /yíjū/
live {v} (be alive) :: /shēng/, 生活 /shēnghuó/, /huó/
live {v} (have permanent residence) :: /zhù/, 居住 /jūzhù/
live {v} (survive, persevere, continue) :: 生存 /shēng cún/
live {adj} ((broadcasting) seen or heard from a broadcast, as it happens) :: 直播 /zhíbō/
live and learn {phrase} (exhortation to gain knowledge from lived experiences) :: 活到老,學到老, 活到老,学到老 /huó dào lǎo, xué dào lǎo/, 學無止境, 学无止境 /xuéwúzhǐjìng/, 吃一塹長一智, 吃一堑长一智 /chīyīqiàn zhǎngyīzhì/
live and let live {v} (be tolerant) :: 己立立人,己達達人, 己立立人,己达达人 /jǐlìlìrén, jǐdádárén/
livelihood {n} (means of supporting oneself) :: 生計, 生计 /shēngjì/, 飯碗, 饭碗 /fànwǎn/ [lit.: "rice bowl"]
live load {n} (roofing) :: 活荷重
live off the land {v} (to sustain a living) :: 靠山吃山,靠水吃水
liver {n} (organ of the body) :: 肝臟, 肝脏 /gānzàng/, /gān/
liver {n} (organ as food) :: /gān/
liver cancer {n} (malignant neoplasm of the liver) :: 肝癌 /gān'ái/
livermorium {n} (chemical element with atomic number 116) :: , 𫟷 /lì/
Liverpool {prop} (Liverpool, England) :: 利物浦 /lìwùpŭ/
Liverpool {prop} (NY, Canada or Australia) :: 利物浦 /lìwùpŭ/
liverwort {n} (bryophyte with a leafy stem) :: 苔门
livestock {n} (farm animals) :: 家畜 /jiāchù/, 牲畜 /shēngchù/
live under a rock {v} (to be isolated from knowledge of current events) :: 坐井觀天, 坐井观天 /zuòjǐngguāntiān/
livid {adj} (pallid) SEE: pallid ::
livid {adj} (having a dark, bluish appearance) :: 鐵青, 铁青 /tiěqīng/
livid {adj} (very angry, furious) :: 怒氣沖沖, 怒气冲冲 /nùqìchōngchōng/, 大發雷霆, 大发雷霆 /dàfāléitíng/
lividity {n} (state or quality of being livid) :: 鐵青, 铁青 /tiěqīng/
lividity {n} (livid area of skin) :: 黃萎病, 黄萎病 /huángwěibìng/
lividity {n} (livor mortis, suggillation) SEE: livor mortis ::
living {n} (style of life) :: 生活 /shēnghuó/
living {adj} (of everyday life) :: 生活
living fossil {n} (species believed extinct but later found living) :: 活化石 /huóhuàshí/
living fossil {n} (living species which very closely resembles fossil relatives) :: 活化石 /huóhuàshí/
living proof {n} (real-life person or thing which demonstrates the validity of a hypothesis) :: 活生生證據, "活生生证据" /huóshēngshēng de zhèngjù/
living room {n} (room in a private house) :: 客廳, 客厅 /kètīng/, 起居室 /qǐjūshì/
living standard {n} (standard of living) SEE: standard of living ::
living wage {n} (minimum income) :: 維生工資, 维生工资 /wéishēng gōngzī/
Livonia {prop} (historical region) :: 立窝尼亚 /Lìwōníyǎ/, 利夫兰 /Lìfūlán/
livor mortis {n} (settling of the blood in the lower portion of the body) :: 屍斑, 尸斑 /shībān/
Livorno {prop} (city in Italy) :: 利沃諾 /Lìwònuò/, 里窩那, 里窝那 /Lǐwōnà/
lizard {n} (reptile) :: 蜥蜴 /xīyì/
lizard {n} (coward) SEE: coward ::
Ljubljana {prop} (Capital city of Slovenia) :: 盧布爾雅那, 卢布尔雅那 /Lúbù'ěryǎnà/
llama {n} (South American mammal of the camel family, Lama glama) :: 大羊駝, 大羊驼 /dàyángtuo/, 駱馬, 骆马 /luòmǎ/, 駝羊, 驼羊 /tuóyáng/, 無峰駱駝, 无峰骆驼 /wúfēngluòtuo/, 家羊駝, 家羊驼 /jiāyángtuo/
loach {n} (fish of the family Cobitidae) :: 鯉形目, 鲤形目
load {n} (burden) :: 擔子 {cmn}
load {v} (to put a load on or in) :: 裝載, 装载 /zhuāngzài/
load {v} (to read into memory) :: 加載, 加载 /jiāzǎi, jiāzài/
loaded {adj} ((slang) having wealth) :: 趁錢, 趁钱 /chènqián/
loaf {n} (block of bread) :: 一條麵包, 一条面包 /yī tiáo miànbāo/
loam {n} (type of soil) :: 壚坶, 垆坶 /lúmǔ/, 壤土 /rǎngtǔ/, 沃土 /wòtǔ/, 亞砂土, 亚砂土 /yàshātǔ/
loan {n} (borrowed sum of money or other property) :: 貸款, 贷款 /dàikuǎn/, 借款 /jièkuǎn/
loan shark {n} (money lender; usurer) :: 高利貸, 高利贷 /gāolìdài/
loan translation {n} (calque) SEE: calque ::
loanword {n} (word taken from another language) :: 外來語, 外来语 /wàiláiyǔ/, 借詞, 借词 /jiècí/, 借用語, 借用语 /jièyòngyǔ/
loath {adj} (angry, hostile) SEE: angry ::
loath {adj} (loathsome, unpleasant) SEE: loathsome ::
loathe {v} (to detest, hate, revile) :: 厭惡, 厌恶 /yànwù/, 討厭, 讨厌 /tǎoyàn/, 嫌惡, 嫌恶 /xiánwù/
loathsome {adj} (highly offensive; abominable, sickening) :: 憎惡, 憎恶 /zēngwù, zēng'è/
lob {n} (lump) SEE: lump ::
Lobamba {prop} (traditional and legislative capital of Eswatini) :: 洛班巴 /Luòbānbā/
lobby {n} (entryway or waiting area; vestibule) :: 門廳, 门厅 /méntīng/, 休息室 /xiūxishì/, 大廳, 大厅 /dàtīng/
lobby {n} (group of people who try to lobby) :: 遊說集團, 游说集团 /yóushuì jítuán/
lobby {v} (To attempt to influence) :: 遊說, 游说 /yóushuì/
lobby group {n} (advocacy group) SEE: advocacy group ::
lobotomy {n} (surgical operation) :: 前腦葉白質切除術, 前脑叶白质切除术 /qiánnǎoyèbáizhíqiēchúshù/, 腦葉切除術, 腦葉切除術 /nǎoyèqiēchúshù/
lobster {n} (crustacean) :: 龍蝦, 龙虾 /lóngxiā/
Lào Cai {prop} (province of Vietnam) :: 老街 /Lǎojiē/
local {adj} (of a nearby location) :: 本地 /běndì/, 當地, 当地 /dāngdì/
local {n} (a person who lives near a given place) :: 本地人 /běndìrén/
local anesthetic {n} (substance) :: 局部麻醉 /júbù mázuì/, 部位麻醉 /bùwèi mázuì/, 局麻 /júmá/
local area network {n} (network) :: [mainland China] 局域網, 局域网 /júyùwǎng/, [Taiwan & Hong Kong] 區域網路, 区域网路 /qūyù wǎnglù/
local government {n} (government whose remit covers less than that of the nation) :: 地方政府 /dìfāng zhèngfǔ/
Local Group {prop} (cluster of galaxies that contains the Milky Way) :: 本星系群
localization {n} (act of localizing) :: 本地化 /běndìhuà/, 地方化 /dìfānghuà/
localization {n} (software engineering: act or process of making a product suitable for use in a particular country or region) :: 本地化 /běndìhuà/
localization {n} (state of being localized) :: 本地化 /běndìhuà/
localize {v} (to adapt a product for use in a particular country or region) :: 本土化
Local Supercluster {prop} (Supercluster that includes the Milky Way) :: 本超星系團, 本超星系团 /běnchāoxīngxìtuán/
local time {n} (official time in a particular region or time zone) :: 當地時間, 当地时间 /dāngdì shíjiān/, 本地時間, 本地时间 /běndì shíjiān/
location {n} (place) :: 位置 /wèizhi/, 場所, 场所 /chǎngsuǒ/, 地點, 地点 /dìdiǎn/
location, location, location {proverb} (most important consideration in buying real estate is its location) :: 位置第一 /wèizhi dì-yī/
locative {n} (locative case) SEE: locative case ::
locative case {n} (case used to indicate place, or the place where) :: 方位格 /fāngwèigé/
loch {n} (lake, bay or arm of the sea) :: /hú/
lochia {n} (post-partum vaginal discharge) :: 惡露, 恶露 /èlù/
Loch Ness {prop} (lake in the Great Glen of Scotland) :: 尼斯湖 /Nísīhú/
Loch Ness monster {prop} (hypothetical creature) :: 尼斯湖水怪 /Nísīhú shuǐguài/
lock {n} (something used for fastening) :: , /suǒ/, 鎖子, 锁子 /suǒzi/
lock {n} (a mutex or other token) :: 鎖定, 锁定 /suǒdìng/
lock {n} (segment of a canal) :: 水閘, 水闸 /shuǐzhá/
lock {n} (firing mechanism of a gun) :: 枪机, 保险栓
lock {v} (to fasten with a lock) :: , /suǒ/, 鎖上, 锁上 /suǒshàng/
lock {n} (length of hair) :: , /liǔ/
lockdown {n} (confinement of people as a security measure) :: 封城 /fēngchéng/
locker {n} (storage compartment) :: 鎖櫃, 锁柜 /suǒguì/
locker room {n} (locker room) SEE: changing room ::
locket {n} (chained ornament) :: 小盒
lockjaw {n} (disease) :: 牙關緊閉症, 牙关紧闭症 /yáguān jǐnbì zhèng/
lockout {n} (opposite of a strike) :: 停工 /tínggōng/, 閉廠, 闭厂 /bìchǎng/
locksmith {n} (one who practices locksmithing) :: 鎖匠, 锁匠 /suǒjiàng/
locksmithing {n} (art of making and defeating locks) :: 鎖匠, 锁匠 /suǒjiàng/
lock up {v} (to close the doors and windows securely) :: 鎖上, 锁上 /suǒshàng/, 鎖定, 锁定 /suǒdìng/
lockup {n} (prison) SEE: prison ::
loco {adj} (crazy) :: , /fēng/
locomotive {n} (self-propelled vehicle that runs on rails) :: 機車, 机车 /jīchē/, 火車頭, 火车头 /huǒchētóu/, 機車頭, 机车头 /jīchētóu/
locus {n} (set of all points given by an equation or condition) :: 轨迹
locust {n} (type of grasshopper) :: 蝗蟲, 蝗虫 /huángchóng/
lodestar {n} (star used as navigation reference) :: 指示方向 /zhǐshì fāngxiàng zhī xīng/
lodestar {n} (guiding tenet) :: 指導原理, 指导原理 /zhǐdǎo yuánlǐ/
Lode Star {prop} (Polaris) SEE: Polaris ::
lodge {n} (inn) SEE: inn ::
lodging {n} (place to live or lodge) :: 住宿 /zhùsù/, 寄宿 /jìsù/
Lodz {prop} (city in Poland) :: 羅茲, 罗兹 /Luózī/
loess {n} (sediment of eolian origin) :: 黃砂, 黄砂 /huángshā/, 黃土, 黄土 /huángtǔ/
Loess Plateau {prop} (plateau that covers an area in China's Yellow River) :: 黃土高原, 黄土高原 /huángtǔ gāoyuán/
loftiness {n} (arrogance) SEE: arrogance ::
lofty {adj} (high, having great height or stature) :: , 巍峨,
log {n} (trunk of dead tree, cleared of branches) :: 圓木, 圆木 /yuánmù/
log {n} (bulky piece of timber) :: 木頭, 木头 /mùtou/
log {n} (nautical: device for measuring the speed of a vessel) :: 計程儀, 计程仪 /jìchéngyí/
log {n} (very dumb person) SEE: blockhead ::
log {n} (logbook) SEE: logbook ::
log {n} (rolled cake) SEE: Swiss roll ::
loganberry {n} (raspberry-blackberry hybrid berry) :: 罗甘梅, 羅甘梅 /luógānméi/
logarithm {n} (The power to which a given base number must be raised in order to obtain a given number) :: 對數, 对数 /duìshù/
logarithmic spiral {n} (self-similar spiral) :: 對數螺線, 对数螺线 /duìshù luóxiàn/
logbook {n} (nautical: book in which details from journey are recorded) :: [on a ship] 航海日志 /hánghǎi rìzhì/, [on a plane] 航空日志 /hángkōng rìzhì/
log cabin {n} (small simple dwelling made from wood) :: 木屋 /mùwū/, 小屋 /xiǎowū/, 小木屋 /xiǎomùwū/
loge {n} (stall) SEE: stall ::
loge {n} (booth) SEE: booth ::
logic {n} (method of human thought) :: 邏輯, 逻辑 /luóji/, 論理, 论理 /lùnlǐ/
logical {adj} :: 逻辑 /luó jí/
logic analyzer {n} (device) :: 邏輯分析儀, 逻辑分析仪 /luóji fēnxīyí/
logician {n} (person who studies or teaches logic) :: 論理學者, 论理学者 /lùnlǐ xuézhě/, 邏輯學家, 逻辑学家 /luójí xuéjiā/
log in {v} (gain access to a computer system) :: 記入, 记入 /jìrù/, 登錄, 登录 /dēnglù/, 簽入, 签入 /qiānrù/
login {n} (user's identification) :: 用戶名, 用户名 /yònghùmíng/
login {n} (logging in) :: 記入, 记入 /jìrù/, 登錄, 登录 /dēnglù/, 簽入, 签入 /qiānrù/
-logist {suffix} (person who studies or is an expert in the related -logy) :: , /xuéjiā/
logistics {n} (planning and implementing the flow of goods and services) :: 物流 /wùliú/, 運籌, 运筹 /yùnchóu/
logistics {n} (military procurement, supply, maintenance, and transportation) :: 後勤, 后勤 /hòuqín/, 兵站 /bīngzhàn/
logo {n} (visual symbol or emblem that acts as a trademark or a means of identification of an entity) :: 標誌, 标志 /biāozhì/, 商標, 商标 /shāngbiāo/
log off {v} (log out) SEE: log out ::
logogram {n} (character or symbol that represents a word or phrase) :: 語標, 语标 /yǔbiāo/
log on {v} (log in) SEE: log in ::
Logos {prop} ((Christianity) the Word of God) :: /Dào/
Logos {prop} ((Christianity) the word of God as incarnate) :: /Dào/
logotype {n} (symbol used by organization, logo) :: 標識, 标识 /biāozhì/
log out {v} (to exit an account in a computing system) :: 登出 /dēngchū/
Logroño {prop} (capital city of La Rioja, Spain) :: 洛格羅尼奧, 洛格罗尼奥 /Luògéluóníào/
-logy {suffix} (branch of learning) :: , /xué/
LOHAS {n} :: 樂活, 乐活 /lèhuó/
loin {n} :: 腰部
loincloth {n} (garment) :: 纏腰帶, 缠腰带 /chányāodài/, 纏腰布, 缠腰布 /chányāobù/
loins {n} (plural form of loin) SEE: loin ::
Loire {prop} (river) :: 盧瓦爾河, 卢瓦尔河 /Lúwǎ'ěr hé/
loiter {v} (to stand about without any aim or purpose) :: 遊蕩
Lojban {prop} (artificial logical language based on Loglan) :: 邏輯語, 逻辑语 /Luójiyǔ, Luójíyǔ/
Lojban {adj} (of or relating to Lojban) :: 邏輯語的, 逻辑语的 /Luójiyǔ de/
Loki {prop} (god of mischief and trickery) :: 洛基 /Luòjī/
lokun {n} (doctor) SEE: doctor ::
lol {interj} (Used to express laughter) SEE: LOL ::
LOL {interj} (expression of laughter) :: 233, 大聲笑, 大声笑 /dàshēngxiào/
lolicon {n} (An individual fixated on young, generally prepubescent, girls) :: 蘿莉控, 萝莉控 /luólìkòng/
lolita {n} (sexually alluring girl) :: 蘿莉, 萝莉 /luólì/
Lolita {prop} (female given name) :: 洛麗塔, 洛丽塔 /Luòlìtǎ/
lollipop {n} (confectionery on a stick) :: 棒棒糖 /bàngbàngtáng/
lolly {n} (money) SEE: money ::
lolly {n} (confection) SEE: confection ::
lolly {n} (lollipop) SEE: lollipop ::
Lomé {prop} (capital of Togo) :: 洛美 /Luòměi/
Lombard {n} (banker or moneylender) SEE: banker ::
Lombard Street {prop} (money and capital market of London) :: 倫巴第街, 伦巴第街 /Lúnbādì Jiē/
Lombardy {prop} (region in northern Italy) :: 倫巴第, 伦巴第 /Lúnbādì/
Lombok {prop} (island in Indonesia) :: 龍目島, 龙目岛 /Lóngmùdǎo/
lo mein {n} (Chinese dish) :: 撈麵, 捞面 /lāomiàn/
London {prop} (in the United Kingdom) :: 倫敦, 伦敦 /Lúndūn/
Londoner {n} (person from or inhabitant of London) :: 倫敦人, 伦敦人 /Lúndūnrén/
Londonian {n} (Londoner) SEE: Londoner ::
London Underground {prop} (the London underground) :: 倫敦地鐵, 伦敦地铁 /Lúndūn dìtiě/
lone {adj} (having no companion) :: 孤独的 /gūdú de/
loneliness {n} (condition of being lonely) :: 寂寞, 寂寞 /jìmò/, 孤獨, 孤独 /gūdú/, 孤丁 /gūdīng/
lonely {adj} (of person: unhappy by feeling isolated) :: 寂寞 /jìmò/
lonely {adj} (solitary) SEE: solitary ::
loner {n} (one who lacks or avoids company) :: 獨來獨往, 独来独往 /dúláidúwǎng/
lonesome {adj} (unhappy due to being alone) :: 寂寞 /jìmò/
lone wolf {n} (wolf that is not part of a pack) :: 孤狼 /gūláng/
long {adj} (having much distance from one point to another) :: , /cháng/
long {adj} (having great duration) :: /jiǔ/, , /cháng/
long {v} (to wait, to aspire) :: 渴望 /kěwàng/
long {adj} (not short) SEE: tall ::
long ago {adv} (at a time in the distant past) :: 以前 /hěnjiǔ yǐqián/, 早已 /zǎoyǐ/, 悠遠, 悠远 /yōuyuǎn/
longan {n} (tree) :: 龍眼樹, 龙眼树 /lóngyǎnshù/
longan {n} (fruit) :: Literary Chinese: 龍目; 龍眼, 龙眼 /lóngyǎn/, 桂圓, 桂圆 /guìyuán/
long arm of the law {n} (influence or effectiveness of law enforcement) :: 法網, 法网 /wǎngluó/, 網羅, 网罗 /fǎwǎng/
long-awaited {adj} (having been awaited for a long time) :: 望眼欲穿的 /wàngyǎnyùchuān de/, 期待已久的 /qídàiyǐjiǔ de/
Long Beach {prop} (city in California) :: 長灘, 长滩 /Chángtān/
long-billed dowitcher {n} (Limnodromus scolopaceus) :: 长嘴半蹼鹬 /cháng-zuǐ bàn-pǔ yù/
longboard {v} (spine board) SEE: spine board ::
longbow {n} (large bow) :: 長弓
Longci {prop} (district in south Taiwan) :: 龍崎, 龙崎 /Lóngqí/
long-eared owl {n} (Asio otus) :: 長耳鴞, 长耳鸮 /cháng'ěrxiāo/
longevity {n} (the quality of being long-lasting, especially of life) :: 長壽, 长寿 /chángshòu/
long face {n} (expression of sadness and disappointment or gloom) :: 闷闷不乐, 不悦
long for {v} (to have desire for; to yearn) :: 願望, 愿望 /yuànwàng/, 渴望 /kěwàng/
long for {v} (to miss) :: 想念 /xiǎngniàn/, 思念 /sīniàn/, 盼念 /pànniàn/
Longhai {prop} (county-level city in eastern China) :: 龍海, 龙海 /Lónghǎi/
longhouse {n} (outhouse) SEE: outhouse ::
longing {n} (melancholic desire) :: 渴望 /kěwàng/
Long Island {prop} (island in New York) :: 長島, 长岛 /Chángdǎo/
Long Island {prop} (a district of the Bahamas) :: 長島, 长岛 /Chángdǎo/
Long Island iced tea {n} (cocktail made with iced tea) :: 長島冰茶, 长岛冰茶 /Chángdǎo bīngchá/
longitude {n} (angular distance) :: 經度, 经度 /jīngdù/
longitude {n} (imaginary line through North Pole and South Pole) :: 經線, 经线 /jīngxiàn/
longitudinal wave {n} (type of wave) :: 縱波, 纵波 /zòngbō/
long johns {n} (full-length undergarments) :: 保溫內衣, 保温内衣 /bǎonuǎn nèiyī/
long johns {n} (garment for bottom half of the body) :: 長內衣褲, 长内衣裤 /chángnèiyīkù/, 秋褲, 秋裤 /qiūkù/
long jump {n} (athletics field event) :: 跳遠, 跳远 /tiàoyuǎn/
long-legged {adj} (having long legs) :: 長腿的, 长腿的 /cháng tuǐ de/
long live {v} (prosper) :: 萬歲, 万岁 /wànsuì/
long-lived {adj} (having a long lifespan; surviving for a long period of time) :: 長壽, 长寿 /chángshòu/
long-lost {adj} (having been missing for a long period of time) :: 長久不見, 长久不见 /chángjiǔ bùjiàn de/
Long March {prop} (military retreat) :: 長征, 长征 /chángzhēng/
longneck {n} (longneck eel) SEE: longneck eel ::
longneck eel {n} (type of pelagic fish) :: 長頸鰻, 长颈鳗 /chángjǐngmán/
long pepper {n} (Piper longum, or its fruit) :: 蓽拔 /bìbá/
long service leave {n} (additional employee vacation) :: 長期服務假, 长期服务假 /chángqī fúwùjià/
long since {adv} (long ago) SEE: long ago ::
longsleeved {adj} (having long sleeves) :: 長袖, 长袖 /chángxiù/
long story short {adv} (Introducing a short version of, or simply the conclusion of, an involved story) :: 長話短說, 长话短说 /chánghuàduǎnshuō/
longsword {n} (a kind of sword) :: 長劍, 长剑 /chángjiàn/
long-term {adj} (extending over a relatively long time period) :: 長期, 长期 /chángqī/
long time no see {interj} (idiomatic: I (or we) have not seen you for a long time) :: 好久不見, 好久不见 /hǎojiǔbujiàn/, 很久沒見, 很久没见 /hěnjiǔměijiàn/; Pidgin English: long time no see
long-toed stint {n} (Calidris subminuta) :: 长趾滨鹬 /zhǎng zhǐ bīn yù/
long ton {n} (avoirdupois ton) :: 長噸, 长吨 /chángdūn/
long underwear {n} (two-piece underwear) :: 保暖內衣, 保暖内衣 /bǎonuǎn nèiyī/
longwave {adj} (having a wavelength of greater than 1000 meters) :: 長波, 长波 /chángbō/
long-winded {adj} (tediously long in speaking; consuming much time; unnecessarily verbose) :: 羅唆, 罗唆 /luósuō/, 冗長, 冗长 /rǒngcháng/
Longyan {prop} (city in southwestern Fujian) :: 龍巖, 龙岩 /Lóngyán/
longyi {n} (a sarong-like garment worn around the waist) :: 籠基, 笼基 /lóngjī/
Longzhou {prop} (county in Guangxi, China) :: 龍州, 龙州 /Lóngzhōu/
Lo-ning {prop} (Luoning) SEE: Luoning ::
loo {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet ::
loo {v} (lanterloo) SEE: lanterloo ::
loofah {n} (tropical vine) :: 絲瓜, 丝瓜 /sīguā/
loofah {n} (dried fibrous interior used as a sponge) :: 絲瓜絡, 丝瓜络 /sīguāluò/
loogie {n} (sputum) :: /tán/
look {v} (to try to see) :: /kàn/
look {v} (to appear, to seem) :: 好像 /hǎoxiàng/, 顯得, 显得 /xiǎnde/
look {n} (action of looking) :: 目光 /mùguāng/
look {n} (physical appearance) :: 樣子, 样子 /yàngzi/
look after {v} (to watch, to protect) :: 關照, 关照 /guānzhào/, 照顧, 照顾 /zhàogu/, 照管 /zhàoguǎn/
look and feel {n} (visual design and behaviour of a user interface) :: 界面外觀, 界面外观 /jièmiàn wàiguān/, 查看與感覺, 查看与感觉 /chákàn yǔ gǎnjué/
look at {v} :: /kàn/
look back {v} (look behind oneself) :: 回頭, 回头 /huítóu kàn/
look back {v} (reminisce about the past) :: 回顧, 回顾 /huígù/
look before you leap {proverb} (think before taking action) :: 三思而後行, 三思而后行 /sānsī ér hòuxíng/, 三思而行 /sānsī'érxíng/
look down on {v} (to regard or treat as inferior) :: 看不起 /kànbùqǐ/, 瞧不起 /qiāobùqǐ/, 小看 /xiǎokàn/, 俯視, 俯视 /fǔshì/, 輕視, 轻视 /qīngshì/, 鄙視, 鄙视 /bǐshì/
lookers-on see most of the game {proverb} (those who do not participate in an event see more of it than the participants) :: 當局者迷,旁觀者清, 当局者迷,旁观者清 /dāng jù zhě mí, páng guān zhě qīng/
look for {v} (search; seek) :: /zhǎo/, 找尋, 找寻 /zhǎoxún/, 尋找, 寻找 /xúnzhǎo/, 搜索 /sōusuǒ/
look forward to {v} (anticipate, expect, or wait for) :: 期待 /qīdài/, 向往 /xiàngwǎng/, 盼望 /pànwàng/, 巴望 /bāwàng/, 等不及 /děngbují/, 期盼 /qīpàn/
looking-glass {n} (mirror) SEE: mirror ::
look like {v} (seem, appear) :: 看起來, 看起来 /kànqilai/
look like {v} (be similar in appearance, resemble) :: /xiàng/
look out {v} (to be vigilant and aware) :: 当心, 小心注意
looks {n} (appearance) :: 模樣, 模样 /múyàng/, 容貌 /róngmào/
look the part {v} (appear suitable for a particular kind of work) :: 儀表得體, 仪表得体 /yíbiǎo détǐ/
look up {v} (used other than as an idiom) :: /yǎng/, 上看 /shàngkàn/, 仰視, 仰视 /yǎngshì/
look up {v} (to obtain information about something from a text source) :: /chá/, 查閱, 查阅 /cháyuè/
look up to {v} (To show respect for) :: 崇拜 /chóngbài/, 钦佩 /qīnpèi/
loom {n} (weaving frame) :: 織機, 织机 /zhījī/, 織布機, 织布机 /zhībùjī/, 紡機, 纺机 /fǎngjī/
loom {n} (impend, threaten, hang over) :: 逼近 /bījìn/, 朦朧出現, 朦胧出现 /ménglóng de chūxiàn/
loom {n} (bird of order Gaviiformes) SEE: loon ::
loon {n} (bird of order Gaviiformes) :: 潜鸟
loong {n} (Chinese dragon) SEE: Chinese dragon ::
loony {adj} (very silly) SEE: silly ::
loop {n} (shape produced by a curve that bends around and crosses itself) :: 循環, 循环 /xúnhuán/, , /huán/
loop {n} (ring road) SEE: ring road ::
looper {n} (measuring worm) SEE: measuring worm ::
loophole {n} (slit in a castle wall) :: 槍眼, 枪眼 /qiāngyǎn/
loophole {n} (method of escape) :: 漏洞 /lòudòng/
loose {adj} (not fixed tightly) :: 鬆動, 松动 /sōngdòng/, 鬆弛, 松弛 /sōngchí/
loose {adj} (not leashed) SEE: unleashed ::
loose cannon {n} (unpredictable person) :: 脱缰野马
loose change {n} (coins kept in one's pocket or bag) :: 零錢, 零钱 /língqián/
loose change {n} (small sum of money) :: 零錢, 零钱 /língqián/
loose ends {n} (leftover items) :: 零碎事兒, 零碎事儿 (língsuì de shìr)
loose lips sink ships {proverb} :: 祸重口出, 禍重口出 (huò chóng kǒu chù)
loosen {v} (to make less tight) :: 鬆開, 松开 /sōngkāi/
Lop {prop} (county in Hotan, Xinjiang, China; a town in Lop, Hotan, Xinjiang, China) :: 洛浦 /Luòpǔ/
lopsided {adj} (not balanced) :: 倾向一方 (qīngxiàng yīfāng de), 平衡 (bù pínghéng de), 斜倚 /xiéyǐ/, 畸形 /jīxíng/
loquacious {adj} (talkative, chatty) :: 貧嘴, 贫嘴 /pínzuǐ/, 多嘴 /duōzuǐ/
loquat {n} (fruit) :: 枇杷 /pípá/, 蘆橘 /lújú/
loquat {n} (tree) :: 枇杷樹, 枇杷树 /pípashù/
Lord {prop} (God) :: /Zhǔ/, 上帝 /Shàngdì/
Lord {prop} (Jesus) :: /Zhǔ/
Lord's Prayer {prop} (the prayer taught by Jesus Christ to his disciples) :: 主禱文, 主祷文 /Zhǔdǎowén/, 天主經, 天主经 /Tiānzhǔjīng/ [Catholic]
Lord's Supper {prop} (Last Supper) SEE: Last Supper ::
lorikeet {n} (any of various parrots) :: 澳洲鸚鵡, 澳洲鹦鹉 /Àozhōu xiǎo yīngwǔ/
Lorraine {prop} (region west of Alsace) :: 洛林 /Luòlín/
lorry {n} (motor vehicle) SEE: truck ::
lorry driver {n} (person employed to drive a truck) SEE: truck driver ::
Los Angeles {prop} (largest city in California) :: 洛杉磯, 洛杉矶 /Luòshānjī/
lose {v} (cause (something) to cease to be in one's possession or capability) :: , /diū/, 失去 /shīqù/
lose {v} ((transitive) fail to win) :: , /shū/
lose {v} (shed (weight)) :: , /jiǎn/, 減肥, 减肥 /jiǎnféi/ (reduce fat)
lose face {v} (lose respect of others) :: 丟臉, 丢脸 /diūliǎn/, 丟人, 丢人 /diūrén/, 丟面子, 丢面子 /diū miànzi/
lose heart {v} (to despair) :: 灰心 /huīxīn/
lose one's life {v} (to die) :: 喪生, 丧生 /sàngshēng/
lose one's temper {v} (to be explosively angry) :: 發脾氣, 发脾气 /fāpíqi/, 發火, 发火 /fāhuǒ/
lose one's virginity {v} (to stop being a virgin after the first sexual intercourse) :: 失去童貞, 失去童贞 /shīqù tóngzhēn/, 失身 /shīshēn/
lose one's way {v} (get lost) SEE: get lost ::
loser {n} (person who fails to win) :: 輸家, 输家 /shūjiā/
lose sight of {v} (be no longer able to see) :: 看不見, 看不见 /kànbujiàn/
lose sight of {v} (fail to remember) :: 忽略 /hūlüè/, 忘記, 忘记 /wàngjì/
lose touch {v} (lose contact with) :: [cease contact with] 失去聯繫, 失去联系 (shīqù liánxì), [be out of touch with something] 脫節, 脱节 /tuōjié/
lose weight {v} (to become less heavy or obese) :: 減肥 /jiǎnféi/
loss {n} (defeat, see also: defeat) :: 滅失, 灭失 /mièshī/
loss {n} (financial: the sum lost on balance) :: 虧損, 亏损 /kuīsǔn/
loss leader {n} (item sold at or below cost to stimulate sales) :: 損失領導物
lossless {adj} (not losing information) :: 無損, 无损 /wúsǔn/
lost and found {n} (department, service or location where items that are found can be claimed by their owners) :: 失物招領, 失物招领 /shīwù zhāolǐng/
lost generation {prop} :: 迷惘的一代 /míwǎng de yídài/, 迷失的一代 /míshī de yídài/, 失落的一代 /shīluò de yídài/
lost property {n} (lost and found) SEE: lost and found ::
Lost River Range {prop} (group of high mountains located in central Idaho) :: 迷河山脈, 迷河山脉 /míhéshānmài/
lot {n} (large quantity or number) SEE: a lot ::
Lot {prop} (nephew of Abraham) :: 羅得, 罗得 /Luódé/
Lothario {n} (seducer) :: 好色之徒 /hàosèzhītú/
Lo-t'ien {prop} (Luotian) SEE: Luotian ::
lotion {n} (ointment that one rubs on the skin) :: 洗劑, 洗剂 /xǐjì/, 潤膚露, 润肤露 /rùnfūlù/, 潤膚乳, 润肤乳 /rùnfūrǔ/, 藥水, 药水 /yàoshuǐ/ [medical], 乳液 /rǔyè, rǔyì/
lot number {n} (identification number) :: 批號, 批号 /pīhào/
lots {n} (lots) SEE: a lot ::
lottery {n} (scheme for the distribution of prizes by lot or chance) :: 抽獎, 抽奖 /chōujiǎng/, 抽彩 /chōucǎi/, 樂透, 乐透 /lètòu/
lottery ticket {n} (slip of paper drawn in a lottery) :: 彩券 /cǎiquàn/, 彩票 /cǎipiào/, 獎券, 奖券 /jiǎngquàn/
lotto {n} (game of chance similar to bingo) :: 樂透, 乐透 /lètòu/
lotto {n} (lottery) :: 樂透, 乐透 /lètòu/
lotus {n} (Nymphaea) SEE: water lily ::
lotus {n} (plant of the genus Nelumbo) :: , /lián/, 蓮花, 莲花 /liánhuā/
lotus foot {n} (foot whose shape has been altered by footbinding) :: 蓮花腳, 莲花脚 /liánhuājiǎo/
lotus land {n} (a place inducing contentment) :: 世外桃源 /shìwàitáoyuán/
lotus land {n} (a state or an ideal marked by contentment) :: 世外桃源 /shìwàitáoyuán/
lotus nut {n} (lotus seed) SEE: lotus seed ::
lotus position {n} (cross-legged sitting position in which the feet are resting on the thigh of the opposite leg) :: 蓮花坐, 莲花坐 /liánhuāzuò/
lotus seed {n} (seed from the plants in the genus Nelumbo) :: 蓮子, 莲子 /liánzǐ/, 蓮蓬子, 莲蓬子 /liánpengzǐ/
lotus shoe {n} (specially shaped shoe used for footbinding) :: 蓮履, 莲履 /liánlǚ/
loud {adj} (of a sound) :: 大聲的, 大声的 /dàshēng de/
loud {adj} (noisy) :: 大聲的, 大声的 /dàshēng de/
loudly {adv} (in a loud manner) :: 大聲, 大声 /dàshēng/, 高聲, 高声 /gāoshēng/
loudness race {n} (public backlash) SEE: loudness war ::
loudness war {n} (practice of producing ever louder versions of music recordings) :: 音量競賽, 音量竞赛 /yīnliàng jìngsài/
loudspeaker {n} (transducer) :: 擴音器, 扩音器 /kuòyīnqì/, 揚聲器, 扬声器 /yángshēngqì/, 喇叭 /lǎba/, 擴音機, 扩音机 /kuòyīnjī/
Lou Gehrig's disease {n} (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) SEE: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ::
Louis {prop} (male given name) :: 路易 /Lùyì/
Louisiana {prop} (US state) :: 路易斯安那州 /Lùyìsī'ānnà-zhōu/
lounge {n} (waiting room) :: 候車室, 候车室 /hòuchēshì/, 休息室 /xiūxishì/
lounge {n} (living room) :: 休息室 /xiūxishì/, 客廳, 客厅 /kètīng/
lounge {n} (establishment) :: 休息室 /xiūxishì/
loupe {n} (magnifying glass often used by jewellers and watchmakers) :: 放大鏡, 放大镜 /fàngdàjìng/
louse {n} (insect) :: 蝨子, 虱子 /shīzi/
lousy {adj} (remarkably bad; of poor quality, dirty, or underhanded) :: 蹩脚 /biéjiǎo/
Louvain {prop} (Belgian city) :: 魯汶, 鲁汶 /Lŭwèn/, 勒芬 /Lèfēn/, 勒文 /Lèwén/, 盧萬, 卢万 /Lúwàn/
louver {n} (a ventilating turret or lantern) :: 天窗
louver {n} (a slatted opening in a wall, door or window) :: 天窗
louver {n} (a system of slits for ventilation) :: 天窗
Louvre {prop} (an art museum in France) :: 盧浮宮, 卢浮宫 /Lúfúgōng/, 羅浮宮, 罗浮宫 /Luófúgōng/
lovable {adj} (inspiring love) :: 可愛, 可爱 /kě'ài/
lovage {n} (a Mediterranean herb) :: 歐當歸, 欧当归 /Ōudāngguī/
love {n} (strong affection) :: , /ài/, 愛情 , 爱情 /àiqíng/
love {n} (object of one's romantic feelings; darling or sweetheart) :: 情人 /qíngrén/, 戀人 , 恋人 /liànrén/, 親愛的 , 亲爱的 /qīn'ài-de/, 寶貝 , 宝贝 /bǎobèi/, 甜心 /tiánxīn/
love {n} :: , /liàn/, 愛戀 , 爱恋 /àiliàn/, 戀愛 , 恋爱 /liàn'ài/, , /ài/
love {v} (have a strong affection for) :: , /ài/, 熱愛 , 热爱 /rè’ài/, 愛好 , 爱好 /àihào/, 愛戴 , 爱戴 /àidài/
love {v} (be strongly inclined towards doing) :: 喜歡 , 喜欢 /xǐhuan/, 愛好 , 爱好 /àihào/
love {v} (care about; will good for) :: , /ài/, 愛慕 , 爱慕 /àimù/, 疼愛 , 疼爱 /téng'ài/
love {v} ((euphemistic): to have sex with) :: 做愛 , 做爱 /zuò'ài/
love affair {n} (adulterous relationship) :: [illicit] 偷香竊玉, 偷香窃玉 /tōuxiāngqièyù/, [romantic] 風流韻事, 风流韵事 /fēngliúyùnshì/, 外遇 /wàiyù/, 私情 /sīqíng/
love affair {n} (fondness) :: 喜愛, 喜爱 /xǐ'ài/
love at first sight {n} (an instantaneous attraction) :: 一見鍾情, 一见钟情 /yījiàn zhōngqíng/, 一見傾心, 一见倾心 /yījiàn qīngxīn/, 一見生情, 一见生情 /yījiàn shēngqíng/
lovebird {n} (a parrot of the genus Agapornis) :: 情侶鸚鵡, 情侣鹦鹉 /qínglǚyīngwǔ/, 愛情鸚鵡, 爱情鹦鹉 /àiqíngyīngwǔ/, 愛情鳥, 爱情鸟 /àiqíngniǎo/
love bite {n} (swelling on the skin) :: 吻痕 /wěnhén/, [slang; literally, "strawberry"] 草莓 /cǎoméi/
love child {n} (child born as a result of a romantic liaison between unmarried parents) :: 私生子 /sīshēngzǐ/
love egg {n} (egg-shaped sex toy) :: 跳蛋 /tiàodàn/, 震蛋 /zhèndàn/
love-hate {adj} (involving feelings of both love and hate, often simultaneously) :: 交加, 交加 /àihènjiāojiā/, 交織, 交织 /àihènjiāozhī/
love hotel {n} (short-stay hotel for sex) :: 情侶酒店, 情侣酒店 /qínglǚ jiǔdiàn/, 愛情旅館, 爱情旅馆 /àiqíng lǚguǎn/, 情人旅館, 情人旅馆 /qíngrén lǚguǎn/, 鐘點房, 钟点房 /zhōngdiǎnfáng/ [hourly rate hotel]
love-in-a-mist {n} (Nigella damascena) :: 黑種草, 黑种草 /hēizhǒngcǎo/
love interest {n} (romantic relationship) SEE: romance ::
love is blind {proverb} (proverb) :: 盲目, 盲目 /ài shì mángmù de/
loveless {adj} (without love) :: 愛情的, 爱情的 /wú àiqíng de/
love letter {n} (letter about the author's love) :: 情書, 情书 /qíngshū/
love life {n} (individual's amorous life) :: 愛情生活, 爱情生活 /àiqíng shēnghuó/
love potion {n} (philter) SEE: philter ::
lover {n} (one who loves another person) :: 戀人, 恋人 /liànrén/, 情人 /qíngrén/, 愛人, 爱人 /àiren/
lover {n} (sexual partner) :: 情人 /qíngrén/
lover {n} (person who loves something) :: 愛好者, 爱好者 /àihàozhě/
love scene {n} (segment in a film) :: 激情戲, 激情戏 /jīqíngxì/, 床戲, 床戏 /chuángxì/
lovesickness {n} :: 相思病 /xiāngsībìng/
love song {n} (song about love) :: 情歌 /qínggē/, 戀歌, 恋歌 /liàngē/
love triangle {n} (situation in which two people vie for the love of a third) :: 三角戀, 三角恋 /sānjiǎoliàn/
loving {adj} (expressing a large amount of love) :: 爱心 /àixīn/, 愛心 /àixīn/
low {adj} (in a position comparatively close to the ground) :: /dī/
low {adj} (small in height) :: /ǎi/
low {n} (flame) SEE: flame ::
low {v} (moo) SEE: moo ::
low blow {n} (an unfair attack) :: 不公平的事
Low Countries {prop} (countries around the Rhine, Scheldt and Meuse rivers) :: 低地國家, 低地国家 /Dīdì Guójiā/
low-cut {adj} (cut low) :: 低胸, 低胸 /dīxiōng/
lowdown {n} (the whole truth) :: 真相 /zhēnxiàng/, 內幕, 内幕 /nèimù/
lower {adj} (more towards the bottom) :: 下的 /xià de/
lower {v} (let (something) descend by its own weight, such as a bucket or sail) :: 降低 /jiàngdī/, 放下 /fàngxià/, 低下 /dīxià/
lower arm {n} (section of an arm) SEE: forearm ::
lower back {n} (the lumbar region) :: 腰部 /yāobù/
lower case {n} (lower case / lowercase (as a collective noun) or lower case letters (in the plural)) :: 小寫, 小写 /xiǎoxiě/, 小寫字母, 小写字母 /xiǎoxiě zìmǔ/
lower chamber {n} (lower house) SEE: lower house ::
Lower Egypt {prop} (Northern Egypt) :: 下埃及 /Xià Āijí/
lower house {n} (part of a parliament) :: 下院 /xiàyuàn/, 下議院, 下议院 /xiàyìyuàn/
lower lip {n} :: 下脣, 下唇 /xiàchún/
lower one's guard {v} :: 麻痺大意 /mábìdàyì/
lower reaches {n} (the part of a river that is near where it ends) :: 下游 /xiàyóu/, 下流 /xiàliú/
Lower Saxony {prop} (state) :: 下薛克森, 下萨克森 /xiàsàkèsēn/
lowest common denominator {n} (smallest multiple of several denominators) :: 最小公分母 /zuìxiǎo gōng fēnmǔ/
Low German {n} (West Germanic language) :: 低地德語, 低地德语 /dīdì Déyǔ/
lowland {n} (area which is lower than surroundings) :: 低地 /dīdì/
low-lying {adj} (referring to places that are lower than nearby areas) :: 低窪, 低洼 /dīwā/
low-resolution {adj} (having a low resolution) :: 分辨率 /dī fēnbiànlǜ de/
Low Saxon {prop} (language) SEE: Low German ::
low season {n} (period of lowest demand) :: 淡季 /dànjì/
low-speed {adj} (slower than normal speed) :: 低速 /dīsù/
low tide {n} (the tide at its lowest level) :: 低潮 /dīcháo/
loyal {adj} (firm in allegiance to a person or institution) :: 忠誠, 忠诚 /zhōngchéng/, 忠貞, 忠贞 /zhōngzhēn/, 忠實, 忠实 /zhōngshí/
loyalness {n} (loyalty) SEE: loyalty ::
loyalty {n} (the state of being loyal; fidelity) :: 忠誠, 忠诚 /zhōngchéng/, 忠心 /zhōngxīn/
loyalty {n} (faithfulness or devotion to some person, cause or nation) :: 诚信 /chéngxìn/, 忠信 /zhōngxìn/, 丹心 /dānxīn/
Lo-yang {prop} (Luoyang) SEE: Luoyang ::
lozenge {n} (rhombus) :: 菱形 /língxíng/
lozenge {n} (medicated sweet) :: 含片 /hánpiàn/
L-plate {n} (sticker) :: L牌 //
Luanda {prop} (capital city of Angola) :: 盧安達, 卢安达 /Lú'āndá/, 羅安達, 罗安达 /Luó'āndá/
Luang Prabang {prop} (city) :: 琅勃拉邦
lube {n} (lubricant) SEE: lubricant ::
lube {v} (lubricate) SEE: lubricate ::
Lublin {prop} (city in Poland) :: 盧布林, 卢布林 /Lúbùlín/
lubricant {n} (substance used to reduce friction) :: 潤滑劑, 润滑剂 /rùnhuájì/
lubricant {n} (personal lubricant) SEE: personal lubricant ::
lubricate {v} (to make slippery or smooth) :: 潤滑, 润滑 /rùnhuá/
lubrication {n} (the application of lubricants) :: 润滑
Lucan {prop} (a Roman poet) :: 盧坎, 卢坎 /Lúkǎn/
Lucas {prop} (male given name) SEE: Luke ::
Lucasian {adj} (pertaining to Henry Lucas) :: 盧卡斯, 卢卡斯 /Lúkǎsī de/
Lucerne {prop} (city) :: 卢塞恩 /Lúsaìēn/
Lucheng {prop} (subdistrict in central China) :: 陸城, 陆城 /Lùchéng/
Lucia {prop} (female given name) SEE: Lucy ::
Lucian {prop} (sophist of Syrian origin) :: 琉善
lucid {adj} (clear; easily understood) :: 清楚 /qīngchǔ/, 易懂 /yìdǒng/, 清晰 /qīngxī/
lucid {adj} (mentally rational; sane) :: 清楚 /qīngchǔ/, 清明 /qīngmíng/
lucid {adj} (bright, luminous, translucent or transparent) :: 清澈 /qīngchè/, 透明 /tòumíng/
Luciferianism {prop} (belief system that venerates the essential characteristics identified with Lucifer) :: 路西法教 /Lùxīfǎjiào/
Lucille {prop} (female given name) :: 露西爾, 露西尔 //
Lucite {prop} (brand of tough transparent thermoplastic) :: 有機玻璃, 有机玻璃 /yǒujī bōli/
luck {n} (something that happens to someone by chance) :: 運氣, 运气 /yùnqi/, 時運, 时运 /shíyùn/
Lucknow {prop} (capital of Uttar Pradesh, India) :: 勒克瑙 /Lèkènǎo/
luck out {v} (to experience great luck) :: 三生有幸 /sānshēngyǒuxìng/
lucky {adj} (of people, having good fortune) :: 幸運, 幸运 /xìngyùn/, 福氣, 福气 /fúqì/, /fú/, 吉利 /jílì/, 吉祥 /jíxiáng/
lucky {adj} (being good by chance) :: 幸運, 幸运 /xìngyùn/
lucky charm {n} (object kept for good luck) :: 幸運符, 幸运符 /xìngyùnfú/
Lucky Charms {prop} (breakfast cereal) :: 幸運符谷物早餐麥片, 幸运符谷物早餐麦片 /xìngyùnfú gǔwù zǎocān màipiàn/
Lucy {prop} (female given name) :: 露西 /Lùxī/, 露西亞, 露西亚 /Lùxīyǎ/
Ludhiana {prop} (city in India) :: 盧迪亞納, 卢迪亚纳 /Lúdíyànà/
ludicrous {adj} (idiotic or unthinkable, often to the point of being funny) :: 滑稽的 /huájī de/, 荒唐的 /huāngtáng de/
Ludlow {prop} (town) :: 拉德洛
Ludwig's angina {n} (infection of the floor of the mouth) :: 魯特維格氏咽峽炎, 鲁特维格氏咽峡炎 /Lǔtèwéigéshì yānxiáyán/
Lufeng {prop} (county-level city in Guangdong) :: 陸豐, 陆丰 /Lùfēng/
Lufeng {prop} (county in Yunnan) :: 祿豐, 禄丰 /Lùfēng/
Lufthansa {prop} (German airline) :: 漢莎航空, 汉莎航空 /Hànshā hángkōng/
Lugansk {prop} (Luhansk) SEE: Luhansk ::
luge {n} (The sport of racing on luges) :: 無舵雪橇, 无舵雪橇 /wúduò xuěqiāo/
luggage {n} (traveller's containers) :: 行李箱 /xínglixiāng/, 旅行箱 /lǚxíngxiāng/ [for cases]; 行李 /xíngli bāo/, 旅行 /lǚxíng bāo/ [for bags]; 箱籠, 箱笼 /xiānglǒng/
luggage cart {n} (vehicle pushed by travellers) :: 行李車, 行李车 /xínglichē/
Luhansk {prop} (city) :: 盧甘斯克, 卢甘斯克 /Lúgānsīkè/
Luhe {prop} (district in eastern China) :: 六合 /Lùhé/
Luhe {prop} (county in Guangdong, China) :: 陸河, 陆河 /Lùhé/
Lujhu {prop} (district in southern Taiwan) :: 路竹 /Lùzhú/
Lukas {prop} (given name) SEE: Luke ::
Lukashenko {prop} (surname) :: 盧卡申科, 卢卡申科 /Lúkǎshēnkē/
Luke {prop} (given name) :: 盧克, 卢克 /Lúkè/
Luke {prop} (gospel of Luke) :: 路加福音 /Lùjiā Fúyīn/
lukewarm {adj} (temperature) :: , /wēn/
lukewarm {adj} (not very enthusiastic) :: 不热情的, 冷淡的
lull {v} (to cause to rest) :: 催眠 /cuīmián/
lullaby {n} (a soothing song to lull children to sleep) :: 催眠曲 /cuīmiánqǔ/, 搖籃曲, 摇篮曲 /yáolánqǔ/
lumbago {n} (lumbar-region backache, see also: backache) :: 腰痛 /yāotòng/
lumbar puncture {n} (procedure to collect cerebrospinal fluid) :: 腰椎穿刺 /yāozhuī chuāncì/
lumbar vertebra {n} (any of five lower vertebrae) :: 腰椎 /yāozhuī/
lumber {n} (wood as building material) :: 木料 /mùliào/, 木材 /mùcái/
lumberjack {n} (person who fells trees) :: 伐木工 /fámùgōng/
lumen {n} (SI-unit for luminous flux) :: 流明 /liúmíng/
lumen {n} (anatomy: cavity within tubular organ) :: 內腔, 内腔 /nèiqiāng/
lumination {n} (illumination) SEE: illumination ::
luminous energy {n} (SI-unit for luminous flux) :: 發光能量, 发光能量 /fāguāng néngliàng/, 光能量 /guāng néngliàng/
lump {n} (something that protrudes, sticks out, or sticks together; a cluster or blob; a mound, hill, or group) :: , /kuài/, 土粒 /tǔlì/
lumpfish {n} (lumpsucker) SEE: lumpsucker ::
lumpsucker {n} (scorpaeniform fish) :: 圓鰭魚, 圆鳍鱼 /yuánqíyú/
lump sum {n} (large one-time payment) :: 一次性付款 /yīcìxìng fùkuǎn/
Luna {prop} (Earth's moon) SEE: Moon ::
lunacy {n} (state of being mad) :: 精神病 /jīngshénbìng/, 神經病, 神经病 /shénjīngbìng/
luna moth {n} (moth) :: 月形天蠶蛾, 月形天蚕蛾 /yuèxíngtiāncán'é/
lunar calendar {n} (a calendar that measures the passage of the year according to the phases of the moon) :: 陰曆, 阴历 /yīnlì/, 太陰曆, 太阴历 /tàiyīnlì/
lunar eclipse {n} (when the Earth casts its shadow over the Moon) :: 月食 /yuèshí/
Lunarian {n} (imaginary inhabitant of the Moon) :: 月亮人 /yuèliángrén/
lunar month {n} (a period from one new moon until the next) :: 太陰月, 太阴月 /tàiyīnyuè/
Lunar New Year {n} (Lunar new year) SEE: Chinese New Year ::
lunar phase {n} (any one of the aspects presented by the moon) :: 月相 /yuèxiàng/
lunar year {n} (a year determined by a certain number of phases of the moon) :: 太陰年, 太阴年 /tàiyīnnián/
lunatic {n} (insane person) :: 瘋子, 疯子 /fēngzi/, 狂人 /kuángrén/
lunatic asylum {n} (mental hospital) SEE: mental hospital ::
lunch {n} (meal around midday) :: 午飯, 午饭 /wǔfàn/, 午餐 /wǔcān/
lunch {v} (to eat lunch) :: 午飯, 午饭 /chī wǔfàn/
lunchbox {n} (container for transporting meals) :: 飯盒, 饭盒 /fànhé/
luncheon {n} (a formal term for lunch) SEE: lunch ::
luncheon {n} (formal meal served in the middle of the day) :: 午宴 /wǔyàn/, 工作午餐 /gōngzuò wǔcān/
lunch meat {n} (cold cuts) SEE: cold cuts ::
lunch pail {n} (lunchbox) SEE: lunchbox ::
lung {n} (organ that extracts oxygen from the air) :: 肺臟, 肺脏 /fèizàng/, /fèi/
lung cancer {n} (cancer of the lung(s)) :: 肺癌 /fèi'ái/
lung capacity {n} (vital capacity) SEE: vital capacity ::
lung capacity {n} (lung volume) SEE: lung volume ::
lungfish {n} (air-breathing fish of the class Dipnoi) :: 肺魚, 肺鱼 /fèiyú/
lung volume {n} (volume of air associated with different phases of the respiratory cycle) :: 肺容量 /fèiróngliàng/
lunisolar calendar {n} :: 陰陽曆, 阴阳历 /yīnyánglì/
lunokhod {n} (a Soviet lunar rover) :: 月球步行者 /Yuèqiú bùxíngzhě/, 月球車, 月球车 /Yuèqiú chē/
Luohu {prop} (district of Shenzhen, Guangdong) :: 羅湖, 罗湖 /Luóhú/
Luonan {prop} (a county in northwest China) :: 洛南 /Luònán/
Luonan {prop} (a subdistrict in central China) :: 珞南 /Luònán/
Luoning {prop} (county in central China) :: 洛寧, 洛宁 /Luòníng/
Luopu {prop} (county in Hotan, Xinjiang, China) :: 洛浦 /Luòpǔ/
Luotian {prop} (county in central China) :: 羅田, 罗田 /Xiāngyáng/
Luoyang {prop} (city in Henan) :: 洛陽, 洛阳 /Luòyáng/
lupus {n} (autoimmune disease) :: 狼瘡, 狼疮 /lángchuāng/
Lupus {prop} (summer constellation of the northern sky) :: 豺狼座 /Cháilángzuò/
lure {v} (to entice) :: 誘惑, 诱惑 /yòuhuò/
lurk {v} (to view an internet forum without posting comments) :: 潛水 (dive)
lurker {n} (internet slang) :: 潛水 [lit. 'diver']
Lusaka {prop} (capital of Zambia) :: 盧薩卡, 卢萨卡 /Lúsàkǎ/
Luso- {prefix} (relating to Portugal or Portuguese) :: /Pú-/
lust {n} (strong desire, especially of a sexual nature) :: 情慾, 情欲 /qíngyù/, 肉慾, 肉欲 /ròuyù/, 色慾, 色欲 /sèyù/, 淫慾, 淫欲 /yínyù/, 性慾, 性欲 /xìngyù/
lustrous {adj} (having a glow or lustre) :: 閃亮 /shǎnliàng/, 光彩 /guāngcǎi/
lute {n} (stringed instrument) :: 魯特琴, 鲁特琴 /lǔtèqín/, 琉特琴 /liútèqín/
lutefisk {n} (Traditional Nordic dish) :: 鹼漬魚 /jiǎnzìyú/
lutein {n} (yellow carotenoid pigment) :: 葉黃素, 叶黄素 /yèhuángsù/
lutetium {n} (chemical element with atomic number of 71) :: , /lǔ/
Lutheranism {n} (branch of Christianity developed by Martin Luther) :: 信義宗 /xìnyìzōng/
lux {n} (the derived unit of illuminance) :: 勒克斯 /lèkèsī/
Luxembourg {prop} (country) :: 盧森堡, 卢森堡 /Lúsēnbǎo/
Luxembourg {prop} (capital city) :: 盧森堡, 卢森堡 /Lúsēnbǎo/
Luxembourger {n} (person from Luxembourg) :: 盧森堡人, 卢森堡人 /Lúsēnbǎo rén/
Luxembourgian {n} (Luxembourger) SEE: Luxembourger ::
Luxembourgian {adj} (Luxembourgish) SEE: Luxembourgish ::
Luxembourgish {prop} (language of Luxembourg) :: 盧森堡語, 卢森堡语 /Lúsēnbǎo yǔ/
Luxemburger {n} (Luxembourger) SEE: Luxembourger ::
Luxor {prop} (city in Egypt) :: 樂蜀, 乐蜀, 盧克索, 卢克索 /Lúkèsuǒ/
luxuriant {adj} (abundant in growth or detail) :: Literary Chinese: 鬱勃; 豐富, 丰富 /fēngfù/, , /yù/, /wèi/, /mào/, 繁茂 /fánmào/, 莽莽 /mǎngmǎng/
luxurious {adj} (being very fine and comfortable) :: 豪華, 豪华 /háohuá/
luxury {n} (very wealthy and comfortable surroundings) :: 豪華, 豪华
luxury {n} (something very pleasant but not really needed in life) :: 奢侈
luxury good {n} (product or service not considered essential to everyday life) :: 奢侈品 /shēchǐpǐn/
Luzhou {prop} (prefecture-level city in China) :: 瀘州, 泸州 /Lúzhōu/
Luzon {prop} (largest island of the Philippines) :: 呂宋, 吕宋 /Lǚsòng/
Luzon Strait {prop} (strait between Taiwan and Luzon) :: 呂宋海峽, 吕宋海峡 /Lǚsòng Hǎixiá/
Lviv {prop} (Lviv) :: 利沃夫 /Lìwòfū/
-ly {suffix} (forming adjectives from nouns, in the sense "similar to, like, characteristic of") :: /di/; [somewhat similar] /de/
-ly {suffix} (used to form adverbs from adjectives) :: [similar function, but used in different ways] /de/
lycanthrope {n} (werewolf) SEE: werewolf ::
lychee {n} (tree) :: 荔枝 /lìzhī/
lychee {n} (fruit) :: 荔枝 /lìzhī/
Lydia {prop} (biblical woman) :: 呂底亞, 吕底亚 /Lǚdǐyà/
Lydia {prop} (female given name) :: 利季娅 /Lìjìyà/
lye {n} (caustic alkaline solution) :: 灰汁 /huīzhī/, 灰水 /huīshuǐ/
Lyme disease {n} (infection by bacteria of the genus Borrelia) :: 萊姆病, 莱姆病 /Láimǔbìng/, 萊姆, 莱姆 /láimǔ/
lymph {n} (the fluid carried by the lymphatic system) :: 淋巴 /línbā/
lymphadenopathy {n} (abnormal enlargement of the lymph nodes) :: 淋巴結病, 淋巴结病 /línbājiébìng/
lymphatic system {n} (network of lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes) :: 淋巴系統, 淋巴系统 /línbā xìtǒng/
lymph node {n} (filtrating oval bodies of the lymphatic system) :: 淋巴結, 淋巴结 /línbājié/
lymphocyte {n} (type of white blood cell) :: 淋巴細胞, 淋巴细胞 /línbāxìbāo/
lymphogranuloma venereum {n} (sexually transmitted disease) :: 性病性淋巴肉芽腫, 性病性淋巴肉芽肿 /xìngbìngxìng línbā ròuyázhǒng/, 第四性病 /dìsì xìngbìng/
lymphoma {n} (malignant tumor that arises in the lymph nodes or in other lymphoid tissue) :: 淋巴瘤 /línbāliú/
lynch {v} (execute without a proper legal trial) :: 執行私刑, 执行私刑 /zhíxíng sīxíng/
lynching {n} (execution of a person without a proper legal trial) :: 私刑 /sīxíng/, 私罰, 私罚 /sīfá/
lynx {n} (wild cat) :: 猞猁 /shēlì/, 山貓, 山猫 /shānmāo/
Lynx {prop} (constellation) :: 天貓座, 天猫座 /Tiānmāozuò/
Lyon {prop} (city in France) :: 里昂 /Lǐ'áng/
lyre {n} (stringed musical instrument) :: 里拉 (lǐlā)
lyric {n} (words of a song) SEE: lyrics ::
lyricist {n} (writer of lyrics) :: 作詞, 作词 /zuòcí/, 作詞家, 作词家 /zuòcíjiā/, 作詞者, 作词者 /zuòcízhě/
lyrics {n} (the words to a song) :: 歌詞, 歌词 /gēcí/
lyric video {n} (music video) :: 歌詞MV, 歌词MV /gēcí áimu-wēi/
lysergic {adj} (psychedelic) SEE: psychedelic ::
lysine {n} (essential amino acid, C6H14N2O2) :: 賴氨酸, 赖氨酸 /lài'ānsuān/ [Mainland China], 離胺酸, 离胺酸 /lí'ānsuān/ [Taiwan]
lyxose {n} (aldopentose found in some bacteria) :: 來蘇糖, 来苏糖 /láisū táng/