User:Matthias Buchmeier/pl-en-b

baba {f} [colloquial] :: woman
baba {f} [colloquial] :: wife, girlfriend
baba {f} :: a type of cake
baba {f} :: crone, hag
baba {f} [obsolete] :: grandmother
baba {m pers} [Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism] :: baba (a holy man, a spiritual leader)
Baba Jaga {prop} {f} :: Baba Yaga
babcia {f} :: grandmother
babciny {adj} :: Of or pertaining to a grandmother
babeczka {f} [colloquial] :: woman
babeczka {f} :: a type of cake (babka)
babi {adj} :: adjective of baba
babiarz {m pers} :: womanizer
babie lato {noun} :: Indian summer
babie lato {noun} :: gossamer
babiloński {adj} :: Babylonian
babka {f} :: babka (a type of cake)
babka {f} [formal] :: grandmother
babka {f} [colloquial] :: woman
babka {f} :: diminutive of baba
babka {f} :: plantain (any plant of the genus Plantago)
babranie {n} :: verbal noun of babrać
babsko {n} [derogatory] :: augmentative of baba
babsztyl {m pers} [derogatory] :: hag
babula {f} [colloquial or affectionate] :: grandmother
babula {f} [colloquial or affectionate] :: elderly woman
babuleńka {f} [affectionate] :: diminutive of babula
babulka {f} :: diminutive of babula
babunia {f} :: diminutive of babcia
baby z dziadem brakuje {phrase} [colloquial, idiom, humorous] :: alternative form of dziada z babą brakuje
baca {m pers} :: elder shepherd from Karpaty
bachor {m inan} [archaic or dialectal] :: belly; stomach of an animal; intestines
bachor {m anim} [derogatory] :: brat (a selfish, spoiled, or unruly child)
bachor {m anim} [dated] :: bastard, an illegitimate child
bachora {p} [Cieszyn Silesia] :: animal intestines
bachoro {n} [Cieszyn Silesia] :: intestine
bachoro {n} [Cieszyn Silesia] :: hog stomach
bachorz {m inan} [regional, rare] :: belly, stomach, intestines
bachorza {f} :: muddy valley, marsh, wetland, swamp
bachorza {f} [regional] :: intestines
bachórz {m inan} [Cieszyn Silesia] :: belly, stomach, intestines
bachraty {adj} [Cieszyn Silesia, Upper Silesia] :: fat, overweight
bachrocz {m pers} [Cieszyn Silesia] :: An overweight male person; fatty; fatso
bachrocz {m pers} [Cieszyn Silesia] :: A wealthy male person; moneybags
bachrocz {m pers} [Cieszyn Silesia] :: A term of endearment for a child; cupcake; dumpling; pumpkin
bachróń {m pers} [Zaolzie] :: Someone with a paunch or potbelly
bachur {m inan} [regional] :: belly; stomach of an animal; intestines
bachur {m anim} :: A child, especially a Jewish child
bacik {m inan} :: diminutive of bat
bacówka {f} :: a shelter for shepherds in Karpaty
baczenie {n} :: verbal noun of baczyć
baczmaga {f} :: leather boots of Turkish design; popular in the 17th century among the Polish and Hungarian upper classes
baczność {f} :: wariness, attention
baczność {interj} [military] :: attention!
baczny {adj} :: attentive, vigilant
baczyć impf :: to look, to pay attention
bać {vr impf} :: to fear, to be afraid of
bad {m inan} [obsolete] :: health resort, bath
badacz {m pers} :: researcher
badacz {m pers} :: explorer
badać {v impf} :: to research, to explore, to study
badanie {n} :: exploration, examination
badanie {n} :: examination (inspection by a doctor)
badawczy {adj} :: exploratory, investigatory, research
badminton {m anim} :: badminton
badmintonista {m pers} :: badminton player
badyl {m inan} :: (dried) stalk, stem
badylarz {m pers} [colloquial, derogatory] :: gardener
badylarz {m pers} [Łódź] :: florist (person who cultivates flowers as a profession)
badylarz {m pers} [Łódź] :: A wealthy, private entrepreneur
badylarz {m anim} [hunting] :: A male deer or elk
badylek {m inan} :: diminutive of badyl
badziewie {n} [colloquial] :: crud, crap; something of low quality
bagatela {f} :: bagatelle (trifle)
bagatela {f} [music] :: bagatelle
bagatela {f} [architecture] :: bagatelle
bagatela {particle} :: used to emphasize the importance and value of information
bagaż {m inan} :: luggage, baggage (traveller's containers)
bagażnik {m inan} :: boot, trunk (luggage storage compartment of a car)
Bagdad {prop} {m inan} :: Bagdad (capital city)
bagiennik {m anim} :: bagiennik
bagienny {adj} :: of or pertaining to a swamp
bagietka {f} :: baguette (variety of bread that is long and narrow in shape)
bagietka {f} :: glass rod
bagnet {m inan} :: bayonet (weapon)
bagniak {m inan} :: Any moss of the genus Philonotis
bagniak {m inan} :: A species of fungus, Suillus variegatus
bagnica {f} :: pod grass, any plant of the genus Scheuchzeria
bagniczka {f} :: A liverwort belonging to the genus Cladopodiella
bagnisko {n} :: augmentative of bagno
bagnisty {adj} :: swampy
bagnisty {adj} :: boggy
bagno {n} :: swamp, marsh, bog
Bahamy {prop} {p} :: Bahamy (archipelago/and/country)
Bahrajn {prop} {m} :: Bahrajn (country)
baj {m pers} :: storyteller or narrator in children's literature
baja {f} :: augmentative of bajka
baja {f} :: baize
baja {f} [Bukovina] :: bathroom
bajać impf [dated] :: to tell fables or legends
bajan {m inan} [musical instruments] :: bayan
bajanie {n} :: verbal noun of bajać
bajanizm {m inan} :: Baianism
bajarz {m pers} [archaic] :: storyteller
bajdurzenie {n} :: verbal noun of bajdurzyć
bajgiel {m inan} :: bagel (toroidal bread roll)
bajka {f} :: fable, apologue
bajka {f} :: fairy tale
bajka {f} [colloquial] :: an animated series or an animated movie
Bajkał {prop} {m inan} :: Baikal
bajońskie sumy {nv} [idiomatic] :: very large amounts of money
bajt {m inan} :: byte
bajzel {m inan} [colloquial] :: mess, debris, chaos, muddle
bajzel {m inan} [colloquial] :: brothel
bak {m inan} :: tank (especially of a motorcycle, storing fuel)
baka {f} [navigation, nautical] :: seamark
bakałarz {m pers} [archaic] :: teacher
bakałarz {m pers} [historical] :: a person who has achieved a bachelor's degree in a medieval university
bakburta {f} :: port (left side of a ship)
bakijski {adj} :: Bakuvian
bakłażan {m inan} :: aubergine (Solanum melongena)
bakłażan {m inan} {m anim} :: aubergine (fruit)
baks {m anim} [colloquial, slightly, dated] :: U.S. dollar
bakteria {f} :: bacterium, bacteria
bakteriobójczy {adj} :: bactericide, germicidal
bakteriofag {m anim} :: bacteriophage
bakteryjny {adj} :: bacterial
Baktria {prop} {f} :: Bactria
baktrian {m anim} :: Bactrian camel
Baku {prop} {n} :: Baku (capital city)
bal {m inan} :: ball (formal dance)
bal {m inan} :: log (large cut piece of wood)
balans {m inan} [literally or figuratively] :: balance (something of equal weight used to provide equilibrium; counterweight)
balans {m inan} :: balance wheel
balans {m inan} [gymnastics] :: balance beam
balans {m inan} [sports] :: tightrope walker balance
balast {m inan} :: ballast
baldachim {m inan} :: baldacchin
Baleary {prop} {p} :: Baleary (autonomous community/and/province)
balet {m inan} :: ballet
balia {f} :: washtub
balista {f} :: ballista
balkon {m inan} [architecture] :: balcony
balladka {f} :: diminutive of ballada
balon {m inan} :: balloon
balonik {m inan} :: diminutive of balon
balsam {m inan} [technical] :: balsam
balsam {m inan} [cosmetics, medicine, pharmacology] :: lotion
balsam {m inan} [historical] :: a substance used in thanatopraxy, specifically any substance used for this practice in Ancient Egypt.
balsam {m inan} [figuratively] :: balsam
balsamować {v impf} :: to embalm; to treat a corpse with preservatives
Baltazar {prop} {m} :: given name
balustrada {f} [architecture] :: balustrade
bałabajka {f} :: balalaika
bałagan {m inan} :: mess; disorder
bałałajka {f} :: balalaika
Bałkany {prop} {p} :: Balkans
bałkański {adj} :: Balkan
bałt. {adj} :: abbreviation of bałtycki
Bałt {m pers} :: Balt
bałtosłowiański {adj} :: Balto-Slavic
bałtycki {adj} :: Baltic
Bałtyk {prop} {m} :: Baltic Sea
bałtyzm {m inan} [linguistics] :: Balticism
bałucha {m pers} [Cieszyn Silesia, Zaolzie] :: chatterbox
bałwan {m anim} :: snowman (figure made of snow)
bałwan {m anim} [religion, dated, pejorative] :: idol, graven image
bałwan {m anim} [hunting] :: stuffed black grouse or figure used as a lure
bałwan {m inan} [literary] :: foamy sea wave
bałwan {m inan} [archaic] :: large block, chunk, or column (of salt, lead, tin, ice, smoke, etc.)
bałwan {m pers} [colloquial, derogatory] :: moron, idiot
bałwochwalca {m pers} :: idolater
bałwochwalstwo {n} :: idolatry
bambus {m inan} :: bamboo (plant)
bambus {m inan} :: wood of the bamboo plant
bambus {m anim} [ethnic slur] :: coon, nigger
bambusowy {adj} :: pertaining to bamboo
ban {m anim} :: ban (a subdivision of currency)
ban {m anim} :: ban (on the Internet)
ban {m pers} :: ban (title)
banalnie {adv} :: banally; in a banal manner
banalniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of banalny
banalny {adj} :: banal
banał {m inan} :: banality (something which is banal)
banał {m inan} :: cliché (overused phrase or expression)
banan {m anim} :: banana
bananowy {adj} :: banana
banda {f} [pejorative] :: band (a group of people loosely united for a common purpose)
banda {f} :: barrier (protective fence around a racetrack)
banda {f} :: cushion (the lip around a table in cue sports)
bandana {f} :: kerchief, bandana
bandanka {f} :: diminutive of bandana
bandaż {m inan} :: bandage
bandera {f} :: ensign, flag flown on ships to indicate nationality
banderola {f} :: excise stamp
banderola {f} [architecture] :: banderole (flat band with an inscription, common in Renaissance buildings)
banderola {f} [dated] :: banderole (little banner, flag, or streamer)
banderowski {adj} [politics, derogatory] :: Banderite; Ukrainian far-right nationalist
bandycki {adj} :: criminal
bandycki {adj} :: of or pertaining to a bandit
bandyta {m pers} [dated] :: bandit, highwayman
bandyta {m pers} [offensive] :: thug, violent or otherwise detestable criminal
bandytyzm {m inan} :: banditry
bandzioch {m inan} [Kraków] :: belly
bandzioch {m inan} [prison slang] :: belly, stomach
bandzior {m pers} :: augmentative of bandyta; bandit, hoodlum
bandzior {m inan} [colloquial] :: Fiat 125
Bandżul {prop} {m} :: Bandżul (capital)
Bangkok {prop} {m inan} :: Bangkok (capital city)
banglać {v impf} [colloquial] :: (about a device) to function properly; to work
banglać {v impf} [colloquial] :: To rain
bangladeski {adj} :: Bangladeshi
Bangladesz {prop} {m} :: Bangladesz (country)
bania {f} :: augmentative of bańka
bania {f} [slang] :: party; bash
bania {f} [colloquial] :: head
banialuki {p} :: poppycock; bunkum
banicja {f} [historic] :: banishment, exile; the punishment of being forbidden to enter one's home country or city, usually under penalty of death
banita {m pers} [dated] :: exile; someone condemned to banishment from their home country
bank {m inan} :: bank
bankiet {m inan} :: banquet
banknocik {m inan} :: diminutive of banknot
banknot {m inan} :: banknote
bankomat {m inan} :: automated teller machine, ATM
bankructwo {n} :: bankruptcy
bankrut {m pers} :: a bankrupt
bankrutować {v impf} :: to go bankrupt
bankrutowanie {n} :: verbal noun of bankrutować
bańdzioch {m inan} :: alternative form of bandzioch
bańka {f} :: soap bubble
bańka {f} :: large milk can
bańka {f} :: any spherical object made of glass
bańka {f} :: cupping glass
bańka {f} [colloquial] :: 100 PLN
bańka {f} [colloquial] :: one million PLN
bańka {f} [Kraków] :: bauble
bańka {f} [colloquial] :: noggin; head
bańka {f} [school slang] :: bad grade, F
bańka {f} [prison slang] :: vodka
bańka {f} [slang] :: high; state of intoxication
baobab {m inan} :: baobab (tree)
baptysta {m pers} :: Baptist
baptysterium {n} [Christianity, architecture] :: baptistry
baptysterium {n} [Christianity] :: baptismal font
baptystka {f} :: female Baptist
baptystyczny {adj} :: Baptist
baptyzm {m inan} :: the Baptist Christian movement
bar {m inan} :: bar, luncheon bar, buffet
bar {m inan} :: bar (a long table or counter where drinks are served)
bar {m inan} :: barium
bar {m inan} :: bar (unit of pressure equal to 100,000 pascals)
bar micwa {f} [Judaism] :: bar mitzvah (all senses)
bar mleczny {m inan} :: a cheap, government-subsidized cafeteria, serving traditional Polish cuisine
barabanda {f} :: superb parrot, Polytelis swainsonii
barachło {n} [colloquial, derogatory] :: crap, crud, cruft; useless objects
barachło {n} [colloquial, derogatory] :: rabble, mob; uncultured people
baraczek {m inan} :: diminutive of barak
barak {m inan} :: barrack, shack (simple, low structure)
barakowy {adj} [relational] :: barrack
baran {m anim} :: ram (male sheep)
baran {m pers} [colloquial, derogatory] :: idiot
Baran {prop} {m} {m pers} {f} [zodiac constellations] :: Aries, a constellation
Baran {prop} {m} {m pers} {f} [astrology] :: Aries, an astrological sign
Baran {m pers} :: Someone with an Aries star sign
baranek {m anim} :: male lamb
baranek {m anim} :: diminutive of baran
baranek {m anim} :: common snipe (Gallinago gallinago)
baranek {m pers} [colloquial] :: A nice, gentle person
baranek {m inan} [colloquial] :: A cirrocumulus cloud
baranek {m inan} :: The foamy white crest of a wave
baranek {m inan} :: ramskin
baranek {m inan} :: Very curly, short hair
barani {adj} :: Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a ram (male sheep)
baranina {f} :: mutton
Barbados {prop} {m inan} :: Barbados (island/and/country)
Barbara {prop} {f} :: given name
barbarzyniec {m pers} [dated] :: barbarian
barbarzyńca {m pers} :: barbarian
barbarzyński {adj} :: barbarian
barbarzyństwo {n} :: barbarism
barbecue {n} :: barbecue (cooking instrument)
barbecue {n} :: barbecue (meal)
barbecue {n} :: barbecue sauce
Barcelona {prop} {f} :: Barcelona (capital city)
Barcelona {prop} {f} :: Barcelona (province)
barczatka {f} :: eggar, lappet moth, lasiocampid
barć {f} :: A natural tree hollow with a bee colony
barć {f} :: An artificially hollowed tree trunk for keeping honeybees; a log beehive
bard {m pers} :: poet, songster
bard {m pers} [historical] :: bard (professional Celtic poet and singer whose occupation was to compose and sing verses in honor of the heroic achievements of princes and brave men)
bardak {m inan} [colloquial] :: mess, disorder
bardziej {adv} :: comparative degree form of bardzo
bardziej {adv} :: more (used to form the comparative degree)
bardzo {adv} :: very; very much
bareizm {m inan} [colloquial] :: a certain type of bureaucratic absurdity reminiscent of communism
bareizm {m inan} [obsolete, originally intended as pejorative] :: the filmmaking style of Bareja's movies and their sense of humour; kitsch
barek {m inan} :: diminutive of bar
bargiel {m anim} :: Eurasian nuthatch, wood nuthatch (Sitta europaea)
bargieł {m anim} :: alternative form of bargiel
bariera {f} :: barrier, bar
bariera {f} :: hindrance, obstacle
barierka {f} :: diminutive of bariera
barierowy {adj} [relational] :: barrier, bar
barion {m inan} [physics] :: baryon
barista {m pers} :: barista
baristka {f} :: female barista
bark {m inan} :: shoulder
bark {m inan} :: barque (sailing vessel)
bark {m inan} :: unit in the Bark scale
barka {f} :: barge
barłóg {m inan} :: lair
barłóg {m inan} :: pallet, shakedown
barman {m pers} :: barman, bartender
barn {m inan} :: barn (unit)
Barnaba {prop} {m pers} [rare] :: given name
barograf {m inan} :: barograph
barogram {m inan} :: barogram
barok {m inan} [historical, art] :: Baroque
barokowy {adj} :: baroque
barometr {m inan} :: barometer
barón {m anim} [regional, Greater Poland] :: alternative form of baran
barszcz {m inan} :: borscht (type of vegetable soup, Polish specialty)
barszcz {m inan} :: hogweed (plant of genus Heracleum)
barszcz {m inan} :: żur (barszcz biały)
Bartek {prop} {m pers} :: given name
Bartek {prop} {m pers} :: given name
Bartłomiej {prop} {m} :: given name
bartnik {m pers} [beekeeping, historical] :: A beekeeper who kept honey bees in log beehives or tree hollows
bartny {adj} :: Pertaining to a log beehive or a bee colony in a tree hollow
bartny {adj} :: Pertaining to beekeeping using log beehives or tree hollows
bartny {m pers} [historical] :: A beekeeper who kept honey bees in log beehives or tree hollows
bartodziej {m pers} [historical] :: A person who created log beehives or tree hollows for honey bees
Bartosz {prop} {m} :: given name
Bartoszek {prop} {m pers} {f} :: diminutive of Bartosz
Bartoszyce {prop} {p} :: Bartoszyce (town)
barwa {f} :: colour
barwa {f} :: hue
barwa {f} :: tint
barwa {f} :: tone
barwa {f} :: dye
barwinek {m anim} :: periwinkle, any plant of the genus Vinca
barwniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of barwny
barwny {adj} :: colourful
baryłka {f} :: a small barrel
baryłka {f} :: barrel (unit of measure)
barz {m inan} [Upper Silesia] :: swamp, marsh, bog
barzelisko {m inan} [Upper Silesia] :: swamp, marsh, bog
barzina {m inan} [Upper Silesia] :: swamp, marsh, bog
barzolisko {m inan} [Upper Silesia] :: swamp, marsh, bog
barzoł {m inan} [Upper Silesia] :: swamp, marsh, bog
barzyna {m inan} [Upper Silesia] :: swamp, marsh, bog
barzysko {m inan} [Upper Silesia] :: swamp, marsh, bog
bas {m inan} :: bass (low spectrum of sound, an instrument or a singer)
bas {m inan} :: a bass loudspeaker
basarunek {m inan} :: compensation for damages
baseball {m inan} :: baseball
basen {m inan} :: pool, swimming pool
basen {m inan} :: basin (an area that drains into a larger body of water)
basen {m inan} :: bedpan
Basia {prop} {f} :: given name
basior {m anim} :: a male wolf, usually old
basior {m inan} [regional] :: whip
basiora {f} :: female wolf, she-wolf
basista {m pers} :: bassist
basistka {f} :: female bassist
Bask {m pers} :: Basque (person)
Baskijka {f} :: Basque (female)
baskijski {adj} :: Basque
baskijski {m inan} :: Basque (language)
basta {interj} [literary] :: enough!
bastion {m inan} [architecture] :: bastion, stronghold (place built to withstand attack)
bastion {m inan} [figuratively] :: stronghold (place of domination by, or refuge or survival of, a particular group or idea)
baszkir {m inan} [geology, paleontology] :: Bashkirian (subdivision of the Carboniferous period)
Baszkir {m pers} :: A male Bashkir (member of the Bashkir Turkic people)
Baszkir {m pers} :: A male Bashkirian (native or inhabitant of Bashkortostan)
Baszkiria {prop} {f} :: Baszkiria (republic)
Baszkirka {f} :: A female Bashkir (member of the Bashkir Turkic people)
Baszkirka {f} :: A female Bashkirian (native or inhabitant of Bashkortostan)
baszkirski {adj} [relational] :: Bashkir (of or pertaining to Bashkortostan)
baszkirski {adj} [relational] :: Bashkir (of or pertaining to the Bashkir Turkic people or their language)
baszkirski {m inan} :: Bashkir (the language spoken by the Bashkir Turkic people)
Baszkortostan {prop} {m inan} :: Baszkortostan (republic)
baszta {f} :: tower (fortification)
baś {interj} :: Used for calling sheep
baśń {f} :: fairy tale
bat {m inan} :: whip (rod)
bat {m inan} :: bateau (type of boat)
bat {m inan} :: baht (official currency of Thailand)
bat micwa {f} [Judaism] :: bat mitzvah (all senses)
batalia {f} :: battle
batalia {f} [figuratively] :: conflict, argument
batalion {m inan} :: battalion (military unit)
batalion {m anim} :: ruff, Philomachus pugnax
batat {m inan} {m anim} :: sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas)
bateria {f} :: battery (a device that produces electricity by a chemical reaction)
batog {m inan} :: whip
baton {m inan} :: candy bar
batonik {m anim} :: diminutive of baton
batożek {m inan} :: diminutive of batog
batuta {f} :: baton (stick used by conductors)
baty {nv} :: whipping (type of corporal punishment)
batyskaf {m inan} :: bathyscaphe
Bawarczyk {m pers} :: a male Bavarian
Bawaria {prop} {f} :: Bavaria (German state)
bawarka {f} :: bavaroise (drink)
Bawarka {f} :: a female Bavarian
bawarski {adj} :: Bavarian
bawełna {f} :: cotton (Gossypium)
bawełna {f} :: cotton (fibre)
bawełna {f} :: cotton (textile)
bawełniany {adj} :: made of cotton
bawełnica {f} :: cotton (Gossypium)
bawialnia {f} :: living room
bawić {vt impf} :: to entertain (guests, people), to take care of, to look after
bawić {v impf} [passive voice] :: to enjoy, to be amused by
bawić {vi impf} :: to sojourn
bawić {vr impf} :: to have fun
bawić {vr impf} :: to play with something
bawidamek {m pers} [jocular] :: womanizer, skirt chaser, ladies' man
bawienie {n} :: verbal noun of bawić
bawoli {adj} [relational] :: buffalo
bawolik {m anim} :: Any buffalo weaver of the genus Bubalornis or Dinemellia
bawół {m anim} :: buffalo
baza {f} :: base
baza danych {f} :: database
bazalt {m inan} :: basalt (volcanic rock)
bazar {m inan} :: bazaar
bazia {f} [botany] :: catkin, ament
bazia {f} [affectionate] :: alternative form of bagniątko
Bazylea {prop} {f} :: Basel
bazylia {f} :: basil
bazylika {f} [architecture] :: basilica
baźka {f} :: diminutive of bazia
bażanci {adj} :: of or pertaining to a pheasant
bażant {m anim} :: pheasant
bażyna {f} :: crowberry, any plant of the genus Empetrum
bąbel {m inan} :: bubble (spherically contained volume of air in a liquid)
bąbel {m inan} :: blister (fluid contained between the layers of the skin)
bąbel {m pers} [colloquial, affectionate] :: a young child, usually a boy; junior
bąbelek {m} :: diminutive of bąbel
bączek {m anim} :: Any bittern of the genus Ixobrychus, especially the little bittern
bączek {m anim} :: diminutive of bąk:
bączek {m anim} :: Any horsefly of the genus Tabanus
bączek {m anim} :: Any bittern of the genus Botaurus
bączek {m anim} :: A bumblebee or other buzzing insect
bączek {m inan} :: diminutive of bąk:
bączek {m inan} :: dinghy (boat)
bączek {m inan} :: spinning top (toy)
bączek {m inan} [colloquial] :: fart (an emission of digestive gases)
bączek {m inan} :: young shoot of an onion
bączek {m inan} :: bowstring knot
bączek {m pers} [affectionate] :: diminutive of bąk: child, little one
bądź {conj} :: either, or
bądź co bądź {idiom} :: at any rate, anyway, anyhow
bąk {m anim} :: Any horsefly of the genus Tabanus
bąk {m anim} :: Any bittern of the genus Botaurus
bąk {m anim} [colloquial] :: A bumblebee or other buzzing insect
bąk {m anim} [colloquial] :: A fart (an emission of digestive gases)
bąk {m inan} :: spinning top
bąk {m inan} :: gyroscope wheel
bąk {m inan} :: dinghy (boat)
bąk {m inan} [archaic] :: gig (boat)
bąk {m inan} :: onion stalk with pyxidium
bąk {m inan} :: drone (bagpipe bourdon)
bąk {m inan} [archaic] :: bagpipes
bąk {m inan} [archaic] :: canard, misinformation
bąk {m inan} [archaic] :: error, mistake
bąk {m inan} [archaic] :: A device to stimulate the draught of a chimney
bąk {m pers} [affectionate] :: son, child, little one
bąk {m pers} [archaic] :: A snooty person
bąkojad {m anim} :: oxpecker (a passerine bird belonging to the family Buphagidae)
be {n} :: letter: b
be {adj} [childish] :: bad, not suitable, not eatable
be {interj} [onomatopoeia] :: A sound of a sheep
bean {m anim} [archaic] :: greenhorn
bean {m anim} [archaic] :: rude person
Beata {prop} {f} :: given name
Beatka {prop} {f} :: diminutive of Beata (the given name)
beatyfikacja {f} :: beatification
bebzun {m inan} [Białystok, Kujawy] :: paunch; potbelly; a large, swollen, or protruding belly
Becia {prop} {f} :: diminutive of Beata
beczka {f} :: barrel (round vessel made from staves bound with a hoop)
beczułka {f} :: diminutive of beczka
bednarczyk {m pers} :: cooper's apprentice
bednarczyk {m pers} :: journeyman cooper
bednarczyk {m pers} :: cooper's son
bednarz {m pers} :: cooper (craftsman)
bednia {f} :: wooden bucket
Beethoven {prop} {m pers} [music] :: Ludwig van Beethoven
befsztyk {m inan} :: steak, beefsteak
begonia {f} :: begonia
behawioryzm {m inan} [psychology] :: behaviorism
Bejrut {prop} {m} :: Bejrut (capital city)
bejsbol {m inan} :: baseball
bejsbol {m anim} [colloquial] :: baseball bat, especially when used as a weapon
bek {m inan} :: bleat (cry of a sheep or goat)
bek {m inan} [colloquial] :: wail
bek {m inan} [colloquial] :: verbal noun of bekać
bek {m pers} [dated, sports] :: defender
bek {m inan} [Bukovina] :: lightbulb
beka {f} [colloquial] :: augmentative of beczka
beka {f} [colloquial] :: An obese person; fatso; fatty; landwhale
beka {f} [slang] :: fun or amusement at somebody's expense; ridicule
bekać {vi impf} [colloquial] :: to burp (emit a burp), to belch
bekas {m anim} :: snipe (bird)
bekerel {m inan} :: becquerel
beknąć {vi pf} [colloquial] :: to burp (emit a burp), to belch
bekon {m inan} :: bacon
beleczka {f} :: diminutive of belka
Belfast {prop} {m} :: Belfast (capital city)
Belg {m} :: inhabitant of Belgium, Belgian
Belgia {prop} {f} :: Belgia (country)
Belgijka {f} :: Belgian (female person)
belgijski {adj} :: Belgian (of or pertaining to Belgium or its people)
Belgrad {prop} {m inan} :: Belgrad (capital city)
Belize {prop} {n} :: Belize (country)
Belize {prop} {n} :: Belize (the largest <<city>> in <<c/Belize>>)
belizeński {adj} :: Belizean
belka {f} :: beam (large piece of timber or iron)
belweder {m inan} [architecture] :: belvedere (raised structure offering a pleasant view of the surrounding area)
bełchatowianin {m pers} :: a male inhabitant of Bełchatów
bełchatowianka {f} :: a female inhabitant of Bełchatów
bełchatowski {adj} [relational] :: Bełchatów
Bełchatów {prop} {m inan} :: Bełchatów (city)
bełkot {m inan} :: stammer
bełkot {m inan} :: gibberish, gobbledygook
bełkotać {v impf} [colloquial] :: to speak in an unintelligible way
bełkotać {v impf} [colloquial] :: to speak nonsense
bełkotać {v impf} [colloquial] :: to talk irritably
bełt {m pers} :: blud (creature in Slavic folklore)
bełt {m inan} [slang] :: vomit
bełt {m inan} [colloquial] :: cheap wine or mix of vodka with other alcoholic product
bełt {m inan} :: bolt (ammunition for a crossbow)
bełtać {v impf} [colloquial] :: to stir, to mix
bełtanie {n} :: verbal noun of bełtać
bemol {m inan} [music] :: flat (note played a semitone lower than a natural)
Benedykta {prop} {f} :: given name
bengalskojęzyczny {adj} :: Bengali-speaking
bengalskojęzyczny {adj} :: written, spoken or created in the Bengali language
Benin {prop} {m} :: Benin (country)
Beninka {f} :: A female Beninese
Benińczyk {m pers} :: A male Beninese
bentonit {m inan} :: bentonite
benzen {m inan} :: benzene C6H6
benzyna {f} :: petrol, gasoline
ber {m inan} :: foxtail millet (Setaria italica)
bera {f} :: European pear (Pyrus communis) cultivar Beurré Hardy
berberyjski {adj} :: Berber
berdysz {n} [military, historical] :: bardiche
berecik {m inan} :: diminutive of beret
beret {m inan} :: beret (headwear)
Bergamo {prop} {n} :: Bergamo (city/and/province)
berkel {m inan} :: berkelium (chemical element, Bk, atomic number 97)
Berlin {prop} {m} :: Berlin (caplc)
Berlin {prop} {m} :: Berlin (state)
berliński {adj} :: Berlin (of, from or pertaining to Berlin in Germany)
berło {n} :: sceptre (ornamental staff)
Bermudy {prop} {p} :: Bermuda, group of islands in the North Atlantic Ocean
Bernadeta {prop} {f} :: given name
Bernard {prop} {m pers} :: given name
berneński {adj} :: Bernese (of, from or pertaining to Bern in Switzerland)
Berno {prop} {n} :: Berno (capital city)
Berno {prop} {n} :: Berno (canton)
berserk {m pers} [mythology] :: berserk
beryl {m inan} :: beryllium (chemical element)
berylowiec {m inan} :: alkaline earth metal
Beskidy {prop} {p} :: Beskids
besowy {adj} [Łowicz, color] :: lilac
bessa {f} [finance] :: slump, bear market
bestia {f} :: beast (non-human animal)
beszamel {m inan} :: béchamel sauce
besztać {vt impf} :: to scold, to chide, to rebuke
Betelgeza {prop} {f} [star] :: Betelgeuse
Betesda {prop} {f} [biblical] :: Bethesda (pool in Jerusalem)
Betlejem {prop} {n} :: Betlejem (city)
beton {m inan} :: concrete
beton {m inan} [colloquial, pejorative] :: the most conservative (i.e., resistant to change) fraction within an organization
betoniarka {f} :: cement mixer, concrete mixer
betoniarka {f} :: agitating truck
betonować {vt impf} :: to concrete
betonowanie {n} :: verbal noun of betonować
betonowy {adj} :: concrete (made of concrete)
bez- {prefix} :: -less, -free, un-
bez {prep} :: without, lacking
bez {m inan} :: elder (bush of genus Sambucus)
bez {m inan} :: lilac (bush of genus Syringa)
bez {prep} [Poznań, Upper Silesia] :: because of
bez {prep} [Białystok, Bukovina] :: across, through
bez kitu {interj} :: no kidding (amazement), really
bez pracy nie ma kołaczy {proverb} :: no pain, no gain (literally: without work there are no kalaches)
bez ustanku {adv} :: endlessly; nonstop
beza {f} :: meringue (shell)
bezalkoholowy {adj} :: nonalcoholic, without alcohol
bezbarwny {adj} :: colourless, colorless
bezbożnik {m pers} [pejorative] :: godless, atheist
bezbożny {adj} [pejorative] :: godless; atheist
bezcelowość {f} :: aimlessness, purposelessness
bezcelowość {f} :: pointlessness, futility
bezcelowy {adj} :: aimless, purposeless
bezcelowy {adj} :: pointless, futile
bezceremonialny {adj} :: offhand, unceremonious
bezchmurny {adj} :: without clouds; clear
bezczelność {f} :: impudence, impertinence, insolence
bezczelny {adj} :: impudent, insolent, impertinent, brazen
bezczeszczenie {n} :: verbal noun of bezcześcić
bezcześcić {vt impf} :: to desecrate, to violate
bezcześć {f} [obsolete] :: disgrace, shame, dishonour
bezczynnie {adv} :: idly; in an idle manner
bezczynność {f} :: inaction, idleness
bezczynny {adj} :: inactive, idle
bezdech {m inan} :: apnea
bezdenny {adj} :: bottomless
bezdeń {f} :: abyss
bezdna {f} [rare, poetic] :: alternative form of bezdeń
bezdomność {f} :: homelessness
bezdomny {adj} :: homeless
bezdomny {m pers} :: homeless person
bezdzietnie {adv} :: childlessly
bezdzietność {f} :: childlessness
bezdzietny {adj} :: childless
bezdźwięczny {adj} :: soundless, silent
bezdźwięczny {adj} [phonetics] :: voiceless
beze {prep} :: a form of bez used only with pronoun mnie; without, lacking
bezeń {contraction} :: contraction of bez niego
bezglutenowy {adj} :: gluten-free
bezgłowy {adj} :: headless (without a head, decapitated)
bezgotówkowo {adv} :: cashlessly
bezgotówkowy {adj} :: cashless (not involving cash)
bezgrzeszny {adj} :: sinless
bezguście {n} :: tastelessness, vulgarity
bezgwiezdny {adj} :: starless
bezhołowie {n} :: chaos, mess, bedlam, disorder, lawlessness
bezimienność {f} :: namelessness
bezimienność {f} :: anonymity
bezimienny {adj} :: nameless
bezimienny {adj} :: anonymous
bezjamowiec {m anim} :: acoelomate (any animal without a coelom)
bezkarność {f} :: impunity
bezkarny {adj} :: unpunished (exempt from punishment)
bezkofeinowy {adj} :: decaffeinated
bezkompromisowy {adj} :: uncompromising (inflexible or unwilling to negotiate or make concessions)
bezkręgowiec {m anim} :: invertebrate (animal without vertebrae)
bezkrólewie {n} :: interregnum
bezkształtny {adj} :: amorphous
bezlik {m inan} :: myriad, multitude
bezlitosny {adj} :: merciless, ruthless
bezlotek {m anim} :: penguin, sphenisciform
bezludny {adj} :: deserted, peopleless, uninhabited
bezmian {m inan} :: stilyard
bezmocz {m inan} :: anuria
bezmózgi {adj} :: brainless
bezmyślnie {adv} :: inanely
beznadziejny {adj} :: hopeless
beznadziejny {adj} :: abysmal (extremely bad)
beznamiętny {adj} [pejorative] :: emotionless, monotonous, lukewarm
beznogi {adj} :: having no legs or missing a leg; legless
bezokolicznik {m inan} [grammar] :: infinitive (verb form)
bezowy {adj} [relational] :: meringue
bezpieczeństwo {n} :: safety (condition or feeling of being safe)
bezpieczeństwo {n} :: security
bezpiecznie {adv} :: safely
bezpieczniej {adv} :: comparative of bezpiecznie
bezpieczniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of bezpieczny
bezpiecznik {m inan} [electrical engineering] :: fuse
bezpieczny {adj} :: safe, secure
bezpłatnie {adv} :: in a free of charge manner
bezpłatny {adj} :: free of charge, free
bezpodstawny {adj} :: groundless, unsubstantiated, unfounded
bezpośrednio {adv} :: directly, immediately
bezprawie {n} [politics, chiefly singular] :: lawlessness, unlaw
bezprawie {n} [law] :: an unlawful act; crime, violation stemming from or suggesting an absence of proper law regulations
bezprawność {f} :: unlawfulness, illegality
bezprawny {adj} :: unlawful, illegal
bezprecedensowy {adj} :: unprecedented
bezpretensjonalny {adj} :: unpretentious, unassuming
bezproblemowy {adj} :: trouble-free
bezprzewodowy {adj} :: wireless
bezprzykładnie {adv} :: in an unparalleled or unexampled manner
bezprzykładny {adj} :: unparalleled, unexampled
bezradność {f} :: helplessness
bezradny {adj} :: helpless
bezrękawnik {m inan} :: jerkin
bezręki {adj} :: handless (having no hands)
bezręki {adj} :: one-handed (having only one hand)
bezrobocie {n} :: unemployment, joblessness
bezrobotny {adj} :: unemployed, jobless
bezrogi {adj} :: hornless (without horns)
bezruch {m inan} :: quiescence
bezruch {m inan} :: immobility
bezsennie {adv} :: sleeplessly; in a sleepless manner
bezsenność {f} :: sleeplessness, insomnia
bezsenny {adj} :: sleepless
bezskutecznie {adv} :: ineffectually, ineffectively
bezskuteczność {f} :: ineffectiveness, ineffectualness
bezskuteczny {adj} :: ineffectual, ineffective
bezstratny {adj} :: lossless
bezstronny {adj} :: unbiased, evenhanded, dispassionate
bezszelestnie {adv} :: soundlessly, silently
bezszelestny {adj} :: soundless, silent
beztalencie {n} [pejorative] :: a talentless person
beztalencie {n} [pejorative] :: talentlessness
beztalencie {n} [pejorative] :: something done without a talent
beztlenowiec {m inan} :: anaerobic organism, anaerobe
beztroski {adj} :: carefree
bezużytecznie {adv} :: uselessly
bezużyteczność {f} :: uselessness
bezużyteczny {adj} :: useless
bezwarunkowo {adv} :: unconditionally
bezwarunkowy {adj} :: implicit, unconditional
bezwęch {m inan} :: anosmia, smell blindness
bezwiednie {adv} :: unwittingly, unknowingly
bezwłosy {adj} :: hairless
bezwonny {adj} :: odorless, scentless
bezwstydny {adj} :: lewd, shameless
bezwzględny {adj} :: harsh, merciless, ruthless
bezwzględny {adj} :: absolute, total, not subject to any conditions or exemptions
bezzapachowy {adj} :: odorless, scentless
bezzębny {adj} :: toothless, edentate
bezzwrotny {adj} :: nonreturnable
beżowy {adj} :: beige
bęben {m inan} :: drum (musical instrument)
bęben {m inan} [architecture] :: tholobate
bęben {m inan} [colloquial] :: belly, baby bump
bębenek {m inan} :: diminutive of bęben
bębenek {m inan} [musical instruments] :: A small drum
bębenek {m inan} [colloquial] :: eardrum, tympanic membrane, myringa
bębenek {m inan} [firearms] :: cylinder
bębnić {v impf} :: to drum
bębnienie {n} :: verbal noun of bębnić
bębnowy {adj} [relational] :: drum
bęc {interj} :: plunk, thud, flump (sound)
Będzin {prop} {m} :: Będzin (town)
bękart {m anim} :: bastard (child born to unmarried parents)
Bhutan {prop} {m inan} :: Bhutan (country)
Bhutanka {f} :: Bhutanese (female person)
Bhutańczyk {m pers} :: Bhutanese (person)
bhutański {adj} :: Bhutanese
biada {interj} :: woe!
biadolenie {n} :: verbal noun of biadolić
Biała {prop} {f} :: Biała (city)
Biała {prop} {f} :: Biała (river)
Biała {prop} {f} :: Biała (river)
Biała {prop} {f} :: Biała (former). Now part of Bielsko-Biała, called Biała Krakowska from 1925 until 1939
Biała {prop} {f} :: A village in Ternopil Raion, Ternopil Oblast, Ukraine
Biała {prop} {f} :: A village in Chortkiv Raion, Ternopil Oblast, Ukraine
białaczka {f} :: (UK) leukaemia, (US) leukemia
białas {m pers} [archaic] :: A white-haired man
białas {m pers} [colloquial] :: A pale man
białawy {adj} [color] :: whitish
białe szaleństwo {n} [idiom] :: winter sports
białek {m anim} :: A land snail of the genus Carychium
białek {m inan} [obsolete] :: egg white
białek {m inan} [obsolete] :: sclera
białko {n} :: protein
białko {n} :: white (the albumen of bird eggs)
biało {adv} :: whitely
białobrzuch {m anim} :: white-bellied rat, any rodent of the genus Niviventer
białobrzuchy {adj} :: white-bellied
biało-czerwony {adj} :: white and red
biało-czerwony {adj} [metonymy, chiefly in plural, sports] :: Polish
białogłowa {f} [poetic, jocular] :: woman
białopiór {m anim} :: A species of fish, Rutilus meidingerii
Białorusin {m pers} :: Belarusian (person)
Białorusinka {f} :: Belarusian (female)
białoruski {adj} :: Belarusian
białoruski {m inan} :: Belarusian (language)
Białoruś {prop} {f} :: Białoruś (country)
białorutenistyka {f} :: Belarusian studies
białorzytka {f} :: wheatear, any bird of the genus Oenanthe
białosęp {m anim} :: Egyptian vulture (Neophron percnopterus)
Białostocczanin {m pers} :: male person from Białostocczyzna
Białostocczanka {f} :: female person from Białostocczyzna
Białostocczyzna {prop} {f} :: A historical region surrounding Białystok, Poland approximately within the borders of the former Białystok Voivodeship
białostocki {adj} :: Białystok (of, from or pertaining to Białystok in Poland)
białostoczanin {m pers} :: male person from Białystok
białostoczanka {f} :: female person from Białystok
białozór {m anim} :: gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus)
białucha {f} :: beluga (Delphinapterus leucas)
biały {adj} :: white
biały kruk {m anim} [idiom] :: rara avis; an item which is valuable and hard to find, especially a book
Białystok {prop} {m inan} :: Białystok (city/capital)
biba {f} [slang] :: party; bash
bibelocik {m inan} :: diminutive of bibelot
bibelot {m inan} :: bibelot, knick-knack
Biblia {prop} {f} :: Bible (Christian holy book)
biblijnie {adv} :: biblically; in a biblical manner
biblijny {adj} :: biblical
bibliograf {m pers} :: bibliographer
bibliografia {f} :: bibliography
biblioteczka {f} :: bookcase
biblioteka {f} :: library (institution which holds books)
bibliotekarka {f} :: female librarian
bibliotekarz {m pers} :: librarian
bibliotekoznawca {m pers} :: One who studies library science or a person skilled in library science
bibliotekoznawczy {adj} :: Of or pertaining to library science
bibliotekoznawstwo {n} :: library science
biblista {m pers} :: biblist (a Biblical scholar)
biblistka {f} :: female biblicist, Bible scholar
bibuła {f} :: blotting paper (thick paper that soaks up liquids)
bibuła {f} :: tissue paper (very thin paper used for decoration or making cigarettes)
bibuła {f} :: samizdat; an underground publication
biceps {m inan} :: biceps brachii
bicie {n} :: verbal noun of bić
bicie piany {n} [colloquial, idiom] :: hot air, bluster
bicykl {m inan} :: penny-farthing
bicz {m inan} :: whip
biczogon {m anim} :: spiny-tailed lizard, uromastice, mastigure (any lizard of the genus Uromastyx)
biczować {v impf} :: to whip; to lash
biczyca {f} :: A liverwort belonging to the genus Bazzania
bić {v impf} :: to beat, to hit
bić {v impf} :: to mint (produce coins); to forge metal
bić {v impf} :: to ring
bić na głowę {v impf} [idiom] :: to beat hands down; to be superior
bić się z myślami {v impf} [idiom] :: to hesitate, to struggle with a decision
bida {f} [archaic or dialectal] :: alternative form of bieda
bidet {m inan} :: bidet (low-mounted plumbing fixture for cleaning the genitalia and anus)
bidon {m inan} [cycling] :: water bottle, bidon
bidon {m inan} :: can, tin, canister
biec {vi det} :: to run (of living things: to move quickly on foot)
biec {vi det} :: to run (to form a route)
bieda {f} :: poverty, need
bieda {f} [colloquial] :: SNAFU, an undesirable situation
bieda {f} [colloquial] :: letdown, something lacking or unsatisfactory
biedactwo {n} [affectionate] :: poor thing
biedak {m pers} :: pauper; poor person
biedak {m pers} :: wretch
biednie {adv} :: poorly, without much money
biednieć {vi impf} :: to become poorer
biedniej {adv} :: comparative degree form of biednie
biedniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of biedny
biedny {adj} :: poor (with no possessions or money)
biedny jak mysz kościelna {adj} [simile] :: poor as a church mouse
biedota {f} [mass noun] :: the poor
biedroneczka {f} :: diminutive of biedronka
biedronka {f} :: ladybug
biedrzeniec {m inan} :: A plant of the genus Pimpinella
bieg {m inan} :: run, jog
bieg {m inan} :: course, trajectory, sequence
bieg {m inan} :: course, watercourse
bieg {m inan} [athletics] :: race
bieg {m inan} :: gear (a configuration of the transmission of an motor car)
biegacz {m pers} :: runner (athlete)
biegacz {m pers} [obsolete] :: messenger
biegacz {m inan} :: tumbleweed
biegacz {m anim} :: A beetle of the genus Carabus
biegać {vi indet} :: to run
biegać {vi indet} :: to jog
biegiem {adv} :: at a run
biegle {adv} :: fluently, proficiently
bieglej {adv} :: comparative degree form of biegle
biegła {f} :: expert witness
biegły {m pers} :: expert witness
biegły {adj} :: fluent, proficient
biegnąć {v impf} [nonstandard] :: alternative form of biec
biegowiec osowaty {m anim} :: wasp beetle (Clytus arietis)
biegun {m inan} :: pole (extreme of an axis)
biegun {m inan} :: pole (magnetic point)
biegun {m anim} [archaic] :: A fast saddle horse or steed
biegun {m pers} [Christianity] :: A member of the Beguny subgroup of the Bezpopovtsy
biegunka {f} :: diarrhea
biegus {m anim} :: Any wading bird of the genus Calidris
biegus {m anim} :: A duck used as an egglayer
biegus {m anim} [archaic] :: A running animal, especially a horse
biel {f} :: white (color)
biel {m inan} :: sapwood
bieleć {vi impf} :: to whiten (become white)
bielica {f} :: podzol
bielica {f} :: artemisia
bielić {vt impf} :: to whitewash (paint over with a lime and water mixture)
bielić {vt impf} :: to bleach, whiten (make white)
bielić {vt impf} :: to tin (to coat with tin)
bielik {m anim} :: sea eagle (any eagle of the genus Haliaeetus)
bielik {m anim} :: white-tailed eagle, Haliaeetus albicilla
bielik {m inan} [plant disease] :: white rust
bielizna {f} :: underwear, undergarments
bielizna {f} :: lingerie
bielmik {m anim} :: pouting, bib (Trisopterus luscus)
bielmo {n} [pathology] :: leucoma
bielmo {n} [botany] :: endosperm
bielski {adj} [relational] :: Bielsko-Biała
bielski {adj} [relational] :: Bielsko
bielski {adj} [relational] :: Bielsk Podlaski
bielski {adj} [relational] :: Bielsk
Bielsko {prop} {n} :: Bielsko (former city). Now part of Bielsko-Biała
Bielsko {prop} {n} :: [colloquial] Bielsko-Biała
Bielsko {prop} {n} :: Bielsko (village)
Bielsko {prop} {n} :: Bielsko (village)
Bielsko {prop} {n} :: Bielsko (village)
Bielsko {prop} {n} :: Bielsko (village)
bielsko-bialski {adj} :: Bielsko-Biała (of, from or pertaining to Bielsko-Biała in Poland)
Bielsko-Biała {prop} {n} :: Bielsko-Biała (city)
bielszczanin {m pers} :: A male resident or native of Bielsko-Biała
bielszczanin {m pers} :: A male resident or native of Bielsko
bielszczanin {m pers} :: A male resident or native of Bielsk Podlaski
bielszczanin {m pers} :: A male resident or native of Bielsk
bielszczanka {f} :: A female resident or native of Bielsko-Biała
bielszczanka {f} :: A female resident or native of Bielsko
bielszczanka {f} :: A female resident or native of Bielsk Podlaski
bielszczanka {f} :: A female resident or native of Bielsk
bielszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of biały
bieluń {f} :: thorn apple, any plant of the genus Datura
bieługa {f} :: beluga, European sturgeon (Huso huso)
Biernat {prop} {m pers} {f} :: given name
biernie {adv} :: passively (without conscious or self-directed action)
biernik {m inan} [grammar] :: accusative
bierność {f} :: passivity, passiveness
bierny {adj} :: passive
bierwiono {n} :: rough timber
bierzmowanie {n} :: confirmation (sacrament)
bies {m anim} [dated] :: devil, demon
biesiada {f} :: convival gathering, feast, revel, revelry
Bieszczady {prop} {p} :: Bieszczady Mountains
bieżący {adj} :: current (existing or occurring at the moment)
bieżnia {f} :: running track
Big Mac {m anim} :: Big Mac
bigamia {f} :: bigamy
bigamiczny {adj} :: bigamous
bigamista {m pers} :: bigamist
bigamistka {f} :: female bigamist
bigos {m inan} :: bigos
bigos {m inan} [colloquial] :: commotion, stir, problem
bigot {m pers} :: bigot, holier-than-thou
bigotka {f} :: female bigot, holier-than-thou
bijatyka {f} :: brawl, melee, a fight involving more than two people
bijatyka {f} :: fighting game
bijekcja {f} [mathematics] :: bijection
bikini {n} :: bikini
bila {f} :: billiard ball
bilard {m inan} :: pool, cue sport
bilecik {m inan} :: diminutive of bilet
bilet {m inan} :: ticket
biletomat {m inan} [travel] :: ticket vending machine
biliard {num} :: quadrillion (1015)
bilion {num} :: trillion (1012)
bilokacja {f} :: bilocation
bilon {m inan} [money] :: small change, change (coins of little value kept in one's pocket or bag)
bimber {m inan} :: moonshine (illicit liquor)
binokle {nv} :: pince-nez
bio- {prefix} :: bio-
biochemia {f} :: biochemistry
biochemiczny {adj} :: biochemical
biocybernetyka {f} :: biocybernetics
biodro {n} [anatomy] :: hip
biogaz {m inan} :: biogas
biogeografia {f} :: biogeography
biograf {m pers} :: biographer
biografia {f} :: biography
biograficzny {adj} :: biographical
biolog {m pers} :: biologist
biolog {f} :: biologist (female)
biologia {f} :: biology (science of living matter)
biologia {f} :: biology (subject in school)
biologiczny {adj} :: biological
bioluminescencja {f} [physics] :: bioluminescence
biomasa {f} :: biomass (vegetation used as a fuel)
biopaliwo {n} :: biofuel
biopsja {f} [medicine] :: biopsy
bioróżnorodność {f} :: biodiversity
biosfera {f} :: biosphere
biotop {m inan} [ecology] :: biotope
biret {m inan} [Christianity] :: biretta (head covering)
Birma {prop} {f} :: Burma
Birmanka {f} :: a female Burmese
Birmańczyk {m pers} :: a male Burmese
birmański {adj} :: Burmese
birmański {m inan} :: Burmese (language)
Birmingham {prop} {n} {m inan} :: Birmingham (major city/and/metropolitan borough)
Birmingham {prop} {n} {m inan} :: Several places in the United States:
Birmingham {prop} {n} {m inan} :: Birmingham (city/county seat)
Birmingham {prop} {n} {m inan} :: Birmingham (community)
Birmingham {prop} {n} {m inan} :: Birmingham (submerged ghost town)
Birmingham {prop} {n} {m inan} :: Birmingham (unincorporated community)
Birmingham {prop} {n} {m inan} :: Birmingham (unincorporated community)
Birmingham {prop} {n} {m inan} :: Birmingham (tiny city)
Birmingham {prop} {n} {m inan} :: Birmingham (unincorporated community)
Birmingham {prop} {n} {m inan} :: Birmingham (city)
Birmingham {prop} {n} {m inan} :: Birmingham (village)
Birmingham {prop} {n} {m inan} :: Birmingham (unincorporated community)
Birmingham {prop} {n} {m inan} :: Birmingham (ghost town)
Birmingham {prop} {n} {m inan} :: Birmingham (unincorporated community)
Birmingham {prop} {n} {m inan} :: Birmingham (unincorporated community)
Birmingham {prop} {n} {m inan} :: Birmingham (borough)
bis {m inan} :: encore
bisaga {m pers} [Cieszyn Silesia] :: layabout, lazybones, do-nothing
biseksualista {m pers} :: bisexual man
biseksualistka {f} :: bisexual woman
biseksualizm {m inan} :: bisexuality
biseksualnie {adv} :: bisexually; in a bisexual manner
biseksualność {f} :: bisexuality
biseksualny {adj} :: bisexual
biskup {m pers} :: bishop (church official)
bistro {n} :: bistro (small restaurant)
Biszkek {prop} {m} :: Biszkek (capital)
biszkopcik {m inan} :: diminutive of biszkopt
biszkopt {m inan} :: sponge cake
biszkopt {m inan} :: biscuit
biszkoptowy {adj} [relational] :: sponge cake
biszkoptowy {adj} [relational] :: biscuit
bitewny {adj} [relational] :: battle
bitka {f} [colloquial] :: fight; brawl
bitny {adj} :: valiant
bitwa {f} :: battle (general action, fight, or encounter; a combat)
Bitynia {prop} {f} :: Bithynia
biurko {n} :: desk (table for writing and reading)
biuro {n} :: office (building or room)
biuro podróży {n} :: travel agency
biurokracja {f} :: bureaucracy (excessive red tape)
biurokracja {f} :: bureaucracy (government by bureaus)
biurokracja {f} :: bureaucracy (system of administration)
biurowiec {m inan} :: office building
biurowy {adj} :: clerical, office-
biurwa {f} [vulgar, offensive] :: female clerk or office worker with an arrogant, condescending attitude
biust {m inan} [anatomy] :: bust, bosom (breasts and upper thorax of a woman)
biust {m inan} [architecture] :: bust (sculptural portrayal of a person's head and shoulders)
biustonosz {m inan} :: bra
biwak {m inan} :: bivouac (encampment for the night)
biwak {m inan} :: bivouac (temporary shelter for a few nights)
Bizancjum {prop} {n} :: Byzantium (ancient Greek city, later Constantinople, now Istanbul)
bizmut {m inan} :: bismuth (chemical element, Bi, atomic number 63)
biznes {m inan} :: business
biznesmen {m pers} :: businessman
biznesplan {m inan} [business] :: business plan
bizneswoman {f} :: businesswoman
bizon {m anim} :: American bison, Bison bison
biżuteria {f} :: jewelry
biżuteryjny {adj} [relational] :: jewelry
blacha {f} :: sheet metal
blacharz {m pers} :: tinsmith, whitesmith
blachosmród {m anim} [slang, derogatory] :: car
blado {adv} :: palely
bladolicy {adj} [literary] :: palefaced
bladoniebieski {adj} :: pale blue
bladość {f} :: paleness
bladożółty {adj} [color] :: pale yellow
bladszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of blady
blady {adj} :: pale, pallid
blady {adj} :: indistinct
blady {adj} :: bland, insipid
blady {adj} [Łowicz, Bukovina, color] :: pink, rosy
blaga {f} :: blague
blajgiel {m inan} :: yellow lead oxide, massicot
blajgielb {m inan} :: alternative form of blajgiel
blajwajs {m inan} :: alternative form of blejwas
blajwas {m inan} :: alternative form of blejwas
blaknąć {vi impf} :: to fade
blaknąć {vi impf} :: to pale
blanki {nv} :: battlement
blask {m inan} :: brightness, brilliance
blask {m inan} :: glare, shine
blaszany {adj} :: made of sheet metal
blaszka {f} :: diminutive of blacha
blaszka {f} [mycology] :: lamella, gill
blaszka {f} :: plaque (symptom of psoriasis)
blat {noun} :: the flat surface of a table
blazonowanie {n} [heraldry] :: blazon (a description of a coat of arms)
bledszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of blady
blejgiel {m inan} :: alternative form of blajgiel
blejgielb {m inan} :: alternative form of blajgiel
blejwajs {m inan} :: alternative form of blejwas
blejwas {m inan} :: white lead
blejwejs {m inan} :: alternative form of blejwas
blekot {m inan} :: fool's parsley (Aethusa cynapium)
blenda {f} [mineral, dated] :: sulfide ore of a metal
blezer {m inan} :: blazer (jacket)
blichtr {m inan} :: tinsel
blichtr {m inan} [pejorative] :: glitz, razzle-dazzle, trumpery
bliski {adj} :: near (physically close)
bliski {adj} :: familiar
bliski {adj} :: emotionally close
Bliski Wschód {prop} {m} :: Middle East
Bliski Wschód {prop} {m} :: Near East
blisko {adv} :: close to, closely (in close, intimate relationships)
blisko {adv} :: precisely, in detail
blisko {adv} :: almost, nearly, practically
blisko {prep} :: close to, near (close in space)
blisko {prep} :: close to, near (close in time)
bliskość {f} :: closeness
bliskość {f} :: affinity
bliskowschodni {adj} :: Middle Eastern
blister {m inan} :: blister pack
blizna {f} :: scar
bliźni {adj} :: similar
bliźni {adj} [archaic] :: related (being a relative of)
bliźni {m pers} :: fellow man; any person besides oneself
bliźniak {m pers} :: twin (male person)
bliźniak {m anim} :: twin (animal)
bliźniak {m inan} :: twin (object, e.g. a twin crystal)
bliźniak {m inan} :: semi-detached; duplex house
bliźniczka {f} :: matgrass (Nardus stricta)
bliźnię {n} [now, only in the plural] :: twin (person)
Bliźnięta {prop} {p} [zodiac constellations] :: Gemini, a constellation
Bliźnięta {prop} {p} [astrology] :: Gemini, an astrological sign
bliżej {adv} :: comparative degree form of blisko
bliższy {adj} :: comparative degree form of bliski
blm. {phrase} :: abbreviation of bez liczby mnogiej
blm {phrase} :: abbreviation of bez liczby mnogiej
blog {m inan} [Internet] :: blog
bloger {m pers} [Internet] :: blogger
blogerka {f} [Internet] :: female blogger
blok {m inan} :: block (a cuboid piece)
blok {m inan} :: block of flats
blokada {f} :: blockade
blokowisko {n} [pejorative] :: the projects; residential neighborhood consisting of large blocks of flats
blondyn {m pers} :: blonde (male person)
blondynka {f} :: blonde (female person)
blp. {phrase} :: abbreviation of bez liczby pojedynczej
blp {phrase} :: abbreviation of bez liczby pojedynczej
bluszcz {m inan} :: ivy (plant of the genus Hedera)
bluszczyk {m inan} :: ground-ivy, plant of the genus Glechoma
bluza {f} :: hoodie; jacket
bluza {f} :: sweatshirt
bluza {f} :: blouse
bluzeczka {f} :: diminutive of bluzka
bluzgać {vi impf} :: to spirt, to jet
bluzgać {vi impf} [colloquial] :: to swear (use offensive language)
bluzka {f} :: blouse
błagać {v impf} :: To beseech, plead
błahy {adj} :: insignificant, irrelevant, trivial
bławat {m inan} :: cornflower
bławat {m inan} :: A type of silk fabric
bławatek {m inan} :: cornflower (Centaurea cyanus)
błazen {m pers} :: jester (person who amused a medieval court)
błazenada {f} :: antics, buffoonery, clowning, hijinks
Błażej {prop} {m} :: given name
błąd {m inan} :: error, mistake
błądzić {vi impf} :: to err, to be mistaken
błądzić {vi impf} :: to stray, to roam, to rove
błędniak {m inan} :: hamartoma (mostly benign malformation of cells)
błędnie {adv} :: wrongly, erroneously, incorrectly
błędnik {m inan} :: labyrinth (part of inner ear)
błędnik {m inan} [archaic] :: labyrinth (maze)
błędnik {m pers} [archaic] :: One who errs
błędny {adj} :: wrong, erroneous, incorrect
błędny rycerz {m pers} [idiom] :: knight-errant
błękit {m inan} :: baby blue (colour)
błękitny {adj} :: sky blue, baby blue
błogi {adj} :: blissful
błogo {adv} :: blissfully
błogosławienie {n} :: verbal noun of błogosławić
błogosławieństwo {n} :: blessing
błona {f} :: membrane
błona {f} :: film
błona bębenkowa {f} [anatomy] :: eardrum
błona dziewicza {f} :: hymen
błona śluzowa {f} :: mucous membrane, mucosa
błonica {f} [disease] :: diphtheria
błonica {f} :: sea lettuce (green algae of the genus Ulva)
błonie {n} :: large pasture, meadow
błonka {f} :: Any fungus of the genus Athelia
błonka {f} [heteropteran anatomy] :: membrane
błonkówka {f} :: hymenopteran
błonkówki {nv} :: Hymenoptera
błota {nv} :: marsh
błotniak {m anim} :: harrier (any bird of prey of the genus Circus)
błotnica {f} [colloquial] :: short-eared owl (Asio flammeus)
błotnik {m inan} :: fender (US), wing (UK) (panel of a car which encloses the wheel area)
błotnik {m inan} :: fender (US), mudguard (a shield, usually of plastic or metal, on a bicycle that protects the rider from mud or water)
błotnisty {adj} :: muddy
błoto {n} :: mud (soil and water)
błysk {m inan} :: flash (a sudden, short, temporary burst of light)
błyskać {v impf} :: to flash, to twinkle (make something disappear for a brief moment) (+ instrumental)
błyskać {vi impf} [colloquial] :: to lightning
błyskawica {f} :: lightning (flash of light)
błyskawicznie {adv} :: extremely quickly
błyskawiczny {adj} :: extremely fast, lightning
błyskawiczny {adj} :: instant (of food, able to be prepared quickly)
błysnąć {vi pf} :: to flash, to sparkle, to twinkle
błystka {f} [fishing] :: lure
błyszczeć {vi impf} :: to shine, to glitter, to shimmer
błyszczyk {m inan} :: lip gloss
błyszczyk {m inan} [fishing] :: lure
błyszczyk {m anim} :: Any butterfish of the genus Peprilus, especially the American butterfish (Peprilus triacanthus)
błyszczyk {m anim} :: Any characid belonging to genera Moenkhausia or Nematobrycon
bniec {m inan} :: A flowering plant belonging to Silene sect. Melandrium
bo {conj} :: because, for
bo {conj} :: or (else)
bo {particle} :: emphasizes the statement, usually in phrases of opposite meanings, or introduces a rhetorical question, denying its literal meaning
boa {m anim} :: boa (snake)
boa {n} :: boa (feather boa)
boa dusiciel {m anim} :: boa constrictor
boazeria {f} :: boiserie, panelling
boazeryjny {adj} [relational] :: boiserie, panelling
bobas {m} [colloquial] :: a little child; a baby
bobasek {m anim} :: diminutive of bobas
bobek {m inan} :: diminutive of bób
bobek {m inan} :: oval-shaped turd (feces)
bobik {m inan} :: diminutive of bób
bobik {m inan} :: A variety of broad bean, Vicia faba equina
bobik {m inan} :: The seed of Vicia faba equina
bobotrutka {f} :: Physostigma
bobowiec {m inan} :: A plant belonging to the taxonomic order Fabales
bobrek {m inan} :: A plant of the genus Menyanthes
bobrowy {adj} :: Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of beavers (Castor)
bobrzy {adj} [archaic] :: Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of beavers (Castor)
bobslej {m inan} :: bobsleigh (sled)
bobsleje {p} :: bobsleigh (a winter sport)
bobyrec {m anim} :: A species of fish, Dnieper chub (Petroleuciscus borysthenicus)
bocan {m anim} [dialectal] :: stork (wading bird)
bochen {m inan} :: loaf (of bread)
bocian {m anim} :: stork, especially a member of the genus Ciconia
bocian {m anim} :: Scavenger's daughter (type of torture device)
bocian biały {m anim} :: white stork (Ciconia ciconia)
bociani {adj} [relational] :: stork (of, pertaining to, or characteristic of storks)
bocianię {n} :: A young stork
bociąg {m anim} [dialectal] :: stork (wading bird)
bociek {m anim} [colloquial] :: stork (bird)
bocion {m anim} [dialectal] :: stork (wading bird)
bociun {m anim} [dialectal] :: stork (wading bird)
bocon {m anim} [dialectal] :: stork (wading bird)
bocoń {m anim} [dialectal] :: stork (wading bird)
boczek {m inan} :: bacon
boczeń {m inan} :: Any moss of the genus Pleurochaete
boczki {p} :: side fat; love handles
bocznica {f} [rail transport] :: siding, sidetrack
boczny {adj} :: side, lateral
boczoń {m anim} [dialectal] :: stork (wading bird)
boć {m anim} [dialectal] :: stork (wading bird)
boćwina {f} :: chard (Beta vulgaris)
bod {m inan} :: baud
bodziec {m inan} :: stimulus (anything that may have an impact or influence on a system)
bogactwo {n} :: wealth
bogactwo {n} :: riches
bogactwo {n} :: richness
bogactwo {n} :: opulence
bogactwo {n} :: variety
bogacz {m pers} :: rich person; nabob (someone of great wealth)
Bogarodzica {prop} {f} [Christianity] :: Mother of God (the mother of Christ)
Bogarodzicielka {prop} {f} [Christianity] :: Mother of God (the mother of Christ)
bogatszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of bogaty
bogaty {adj} :: rich, wealthy
bogaty jak Krezus {adj} [simile] :: rich as Croesus
Bogatynia {prop} {f} :: Bogatynia (town), close to the tripoint of the Czech, German and Polish borders
Bogdana {prop} {f} :: given name
bogini {f} :: goddess
bogobojnie {adv} :: piously; in a pious manner
bogobojność {f} :: piety
bogobojny {adj} [literary] :: pious, God-fearing
bogobójca {m pers} :: godkiller, deicide (person who commits deicide)
bogol {m pers} [Łowicz] :: rich man
bogolka {f} [Łowicz] :: rich woman
bogoojczyźniany {adj} :: characterized by reverential, ceremonial patriotism
Bogota {prop} {f} :: Bogota (capital city)
Boguchwał {prop} {m pers} :: given name
Bogumił {prop} {m pers} {f} :: given name
Bogumiła {prop} {f} :: given name
Bogurad {prop} {m pers} {f} [archaic] :: given name
Bogurodzica {prop} {f} [Christianity] :: Mother of God (the mother of Christ)
Bogusław {prop} {m pers} {f} :: given name
Boguś {prop} {m pers} {f} :: given name
Boguś {prop} {m pers} {f} :: given name
Boguś {prop} {m pers} {f} :: given name
boguwola {f} [obsolete] :: golden oriole
Boguwola {prop} {f} :: given name
bohater {m pers} :: hero (person of great bravery)
bohater {m pers} :: protagonist (main character)
bohaterka {f} :: heroine (female hero)
bohaterski {adj} :: heroic
bohaterstwo {n} :: heroism
bohatyrnąć {v pf} [Internet slang] :: to an hero; to commit suicide
bohema {f} [art] :: Bohemianism
Bohemia {f} [literary] :: Bohemia, Czechia
bohemistyka {f} :: Czech studies
bohemizm {m inan} [linguistics] :: Bohemism
Bohenek {prop} :: Surname; derived from bochenek, a a diminutive of bochen ‘loaf (of bread)’; presumably a metonymic occupational name for a baker
bohomaz {m inan} :: daub (crude or amateurish painting)
bohomaz {m pers} [obsolete] :: A bad painter
bohr {m inan} :: bohrium
boimka {f} :: Any plant of the genus Oreochloa
boisko {n} :: pitch; the field on which cricket, soccer, rugby, field hockey and similar sports are played
boja {f} :: buoy (navigational aid)
bojać {vr impf} [archaic, dialectal] :: to fear, to be afraid
bojar {m pers} :: boyar
bojaźliwy {adj} :: timid, fearful
bojaźń {f} :: fear
bojkot {m inan} :: boycott
bojkow. {adj} :: abbreviation of bojkowski
bojowiec {m pers} :: A male member of a combat organization
bojowiec {m anim} :: A rooster used in cockfighting; gamecock
bojownik {m pers} :: guerilla fighter
bojownik {m anim} :: betta (fish)
bojownik {m anim} :: ruff, Philomachus pugnax
bojowy {adj} :: combat, fighting, battle
bojowy {adj} :: militant, combative
bojowy {adj} :: energetic
bok {m inan} :: side
bokobrody {p} :: sideburns
boks {m inan} [singular only] :: boxing
boks {m inan} :: box, enclosure for animals
bokser {m pers} :: boxer, a sportsman that practices boxing
bokser {m anim} :: boxer, a breed of dog
bokserki {nv} :: boxer shorts
boksyt {m inan} :: bauxite (principal ore of aluminum)
Bolanda {prop} {f} [slang, derogatory] :: Poland
bolec {m inan} :: bolt, pin (protruding element mating with a matching hole)
bolec {m inan} [slang] :: rod, shaft (penis)
boleć {vi impf} :: to hurt
boleć {vi impf} :: to worry, to be sad, to suffer
Bolek {prop} {m pers} :: given name
Bolek {prop} {m pers} [politics, derogatory] :: Lech Wałęsa
bolenie {n} :: verbal noun of boleć
boleń {m anim} :: asp (Aspius aspius, syn. Leuciscus aspius)
Bolesław {prop} {m pers} :: given name
Bolesława {prop} {f} :: given name
bolesny {adj} :: painful
boleśnie {adv} :: painfully
boleśniej {adv} :: comparative of boleśnie
bolid {m inan} :: racecar, especially one that is not road-legal, such as Formula 1 car
bolid {m inan} [astronomy] :: bolide
Boliwia {prop} {f} :: Boliwia (country)
Boliwijczyk {m pers} :: Bolivian (person)
Boliwijka {f} :: Bolivian (female person)
boliwijski {adj} :: Bolivian
Bolków {prop} {m inan} :: town in southwest Poland
Bolków {prop} {m inan} :: an urban-rural commune (gmina miejsko-wiejska) around that city
Bolonia {prop} {f} :: Bolonia (city)
bolszewicki {adj} :: Bolshevist
bolszewik {m pers} :: Bolshevik (member of the majority faction of the Russian Social Democratic Party, which seized power in the October Revolution of 1917)
bolszewik {m pers} :: A supporter of communism
bolszewizm {m inan} :: Bolshevism
bomba {f} :: bomb
bomba {f} :: clipping of bomba kryptologiczna (an electromechanical machine used to break the German Enigma cipher)
Bombaj {prop} {m} :: Bombaj (megacity/capital)
bombardować {vt impf} :: to bombard (attack physically with bombs)
bombardować {vt impf} [figuratively] :: to bombard
bombka {f} :: bauble (a small spherical decoration put on Christmas tree)
bomboniera {f} :: candy box
bombonierka {f} :: diminutive of bomboniera
bombowiec {m inan} :: bomber (aircraft)
Bonawentura {prop} {m pers} :: given name
Bonifacy {prop} {m pers} :: given name
bonsai {n} :: bonsai
bonżurka {f} :: smoking jacket
boombox {m inan} [colloquial] :: boom box
bor {m inan} :: boron
bor {m inan} [obsolete] :: drill bit
BOR {prop} {m inan} :: initialism of Biuro Ochrony Rządu (Government Security Office)
boraks {m inan} [inorganic chemistry] :: borax
bordowy {adj} [color] :: burgundy
borek {m inan} :: diminutive of bór
borek {m inan} :: boride
Borneo {prop} {n} :: Borneo
Bornholm {prop} {m inan} :: Bornholm
borodziej cieśla {m anim} :: Ergates faber, a longhorn beetle
borodziej próchnik {m anim} :: Ergates faber, a longhorn beetle
borowiak {m anim} :: Any grouse of the genera Dendragapus or Falcipennis
borowiec {m pers} [colloquial] :: A member of BOR (Biuro Ochrony Rządu), the equivalent of Secret Service
borowiec {m anim} :: noctule, bat of the genus Nyctalus
borowiec {m anim} :: leshy, male woodland spirit in Slavic mythology
borowiec {m inan} :: Boletinus (genus of fungi)
borowiec {m inan} :: A chemical element in the boron group (group 13 of the periodic table)
borowik {m anim} :: Any mushroom of the genus Boletus
borowik {m pers} [colloquial, jocular] :: A member of BOR (Biuro Ochrony Rządu)
borowina {f} :: fango, peloid
borowy {adj} :: Of or pertaining to a conifer forest
borowy {m pers} [regional, Poznań] :: forestkeeper, forester
borowy {m pers} :: leshy (a male woodland spirit in Slavic mythology)
borowy {adj} :: boric (of, pertaining to, or containing the element boron)
borówka {f} :: Any berry of the genus Vaccinium, e.g. blueberry, cranberry, bilberry, etc
borówka {f} :: A honey bee living in a tree hollow
borówka brusznica {f} :: cowberry
borsuk {m anim} :: badger, especially any species belonging to the genus Meles
boruta {m anim} :: leshy (male woodland spirit in Slavic mythology)
Boruta {prop} {m pers} {f} :: Devil Boruta
Borys {prop} {m pers} {f} :: given name
bosak {m pers} [archaic or regional] :: One who is barefoot
bosak {m inan} :: pike pole, boathook, firehook
bosak {m inan} [colloquial] :: sandal
Bosfor {prop} {m inan} :: Bosphorus (strait that passes through Istanbul from the Black Sea to the Sea of Marmara)
boski {adj} [uncomparable] :: divine
boski {adj} [comparable] :: beautiful, wonderful
boskość {f} :: divinity
bosman {m pers} :: boatswain
boso {adv} :: barefoot
bosy {adj} :: barefoot
bosy {adj} :: (of feet) bare
Bośnia {prop} {f} :: Bosnia
Bośnia i Hercegowina {prop} {f} :: Bośnia i Hercegowina (country)
bośniacki {adj} :: Bosnian
botaniczny {adj} :: botanical
botanik {m pers} :: botanist (expert in botany, the scientific study of plants)
botanika {f} :: botany (scientific study of plants, a branch of biology)
Botswana {prop} {f} :: Botswana (country)
Botswanka {f} :: a female Botswanan
Botswańczyk {m pers} :: a male Botswanan
botswański {adj} :: Botswanan
botulizm {m inan} :: botulism
bowiem {conj} [literary] :: because, for
Bozia {prop} {f} [childish, colloquial] :: God
bozon {m inan} [particle] :: boson
boża krówka {f} :: ladybird
Boża Rodzicielka {prop} {f} [Christianity] :: Mother of God (the mother of Christ)
bożątko {n} [Slavic mythology] :: A benevolent household spirit
boże {interj} :: oh God, oh my God
Boże Ciało {prop} {n} :: Corpus Christi (Catholic holiday celebrated on the 9th Thursday after Easter)
Boże Narodzenie {prop} {n} :: Christmas (Christian holiday)
bożek {m pers} [polytheism] :: deity (divine being)
bożek {m pers} [polytheism] :: idol (a representation of a deity)
bożek {m pers} :: idol, someone who is an object of uncritical adoration
Bożena {prop} {f} :: given name
Bożenka {prop} {f} :: given name
bożę {n} [usually plural] :: alternative form of uboże
bożnica {f} :: temple (pagan, non-Christian)
bożonarodzeniowy {adj} :: Of, or pertaining to Christmas
boży {adj} [often, capitalized] :: godly, divine
bożyszcze {n} [historical] :: pagan deity
bożyszcze {n} [historical] :: pagan idol (graven image or representation)
bożyszcze {n} [historical] :: pagan temple
bożyszcze {n} [often pejorative] :: idol (cultural icon or especially popular person), celebrity
bób {m inan} :: broad bean, horse bean
bóbr {m anim} :: beaver, mammal of the genus Castor
Bóbr {prop} {m inan} :: A river in Poland and Czech Republic
bóg {m pers} :: god
Bóg {prop} {m} :: God (single god of monotheism)
bój {m inan} :: fight, combat, fray
bójka {f} :: fight; brawl
ból {m inan} :: pain, aching
bór {m inan} :: a conifer forest
bóstwo {n} :: deity
bóść {vt impf} :: to gore, to ram; to attack with the horns; to hit with a pointy object
br. {adv} :: abbreviation of bieżącego roku
br. {m pers} :: abbreviation of brat Br. (in a religious/fraternal context)
Brabancja Flamandzka {prop} {f} :: Flemish Brabant
Brabancja Północna {prop} {f} :: North Brabant
Brabancja Walońska {prop} {f} :: Walloon Brabant
brach {m pers} [colloquial] :: a male comrade or friend; bro
braciszek {m pers} :: diminutive of brat
braciszek {m pers} :: kid brother
braciszek {m pers} [colloquial] :: friar, monk
bractwo {n} :: brotherhood (an association, society, or community of people linked by a common interest, religion, or trade)
bractwo {n} :: fraternity (a group of people sharing a common profession or interests)
brać {f} [dated] :: company; band (group of people associating with each other)
brać {v impf} :: to take (to grab with the hands)
brać {v impf} :: to take (to ingest medicine)
brać {v impf} [slang] :: to take psychoactive drugs
brać {v impf} [slang] :: to do; to have sex
brać {v impf} [fishing] :: to bite; to take the bait
brać do siebie {v impf} [idiom, colloquial] :: to take personally, to be affected by someone's opinion
brać udział {v impf} [idiom] :: to participate, to take part
brak {m inan} :: lack, dearth, scarcity
brak {m inan} :: defect
brak {v} :: there is/are no; is/are wanting
brakorób {m pers} [colloquial] :: A careless worker whose output tends to be defective or insufficient
brakować {v impf} :: to lack
brakować {v impf} :: to reject
brakować {v impf} :: to be missing
brakować {v impf} :: to be lacking
brakować {v impf} :: to be out of
brama {f} :: gate
bramka {f} :: diminutive of brama
bramka {f} :: gate
bramka {f} [sports] :: goal (an area into which the players attempt to put an object)
bramka {f} [soccer] :: goal (point scored)
bramka {f} [computing] :: logic gate
bramka {f} [colloquial] :: toll booth
bramkarz {m pers} :: goalkeeper
bramkarz {m pers} [colloquial] :: bouncer; person that controls entry into a club or other venue
branie {n} :: verbal noun of brać
bransoleta {f} :: bracelet, jewelry worn on the wrists or ankles
bransoleta {f} :: armlet, jewelry worn on the arm
bransoletka {f} :: bracelet, jewelry worn on the wrists or ankles
branża {f} :: industry (businesses of the same type)
brat {m pers} :: brother
bratanek {m pers} :: fraternal nephew
bratanica {f} :: fraternal niece
brataniec {m pers} [obsolete] :: fraternal nephew
bratek {m inan} :: pansy (plant)
bratek {m pers} [archaic] :: diminutive of brat
braterski {adj} :: fraternal, brotherly
braterstwo {n} :: brotherhood (the relationship between brothers)
braterstwo {n} :: fraternity (the state or feeling of friendship and mutual support within a group)
bratobójca {m pers} :: fratricide (person who commits fratricide)
bratobójstwo {n} :: fratricide (the killing of one's brother or sister)
bratowa {f} :: sister-in-law (sibling's wife)
Bratysława {prop} {f} :: Bratysława (capital city)
bratysławski {adj} :: Bratislavan (of, from or pertaining to Bratislava in Slovakia)
brawa {nv} :: applause
brawo {interj} :: bravo!
brawo {n} [usually plural] :: bravo (applause, clapping)
brawura {f} :: bravado (ostentatious recklessness; showy, daring behaviour without regard for safety)
Brazylia {prop} {f} :: Brazylia (country)
Brazylijczyk {m pers} :: Brazilian (person)
Brazylijka {f} :: Brazilian (female person)
brazylijski {adj} :: Brazilian
brąz {m inan} :: brown (colour)
brąz {m inan} :: bronze (metal alloy)
brązowawy {adj} :: brownish
brązowy {adj} [color] :: brown
brązówka {f} :: American black duck (Anas rubripes)
breakdance {m inan} [dance] :: breakdancing
brednia {f} :: nonsense, gibberish
bredzenie {n} :: verbal noun of bredzić
bredzić {v impf} :: to rave
bredzić {v impf} :: to blather, to talk nonsense
breja {f} [colloquial] :: slush, goo, slop, gloop
brejowaty {adj} :: mushy, gloppy
breloczek {m inan} :: diminutive of brelok; small pendant
brelok {m inan} :: pendant (piece of jewellery hung from a chain worn around the neck)
brelok {m inan} :: key chain, key fob
Brema {prop} {f} :: Brema (capital city)
Brema {prop} {f} :: Brema (state)
Brescia {prop} {f} :: Brescia (province)
Brescia {prop} {f} :: Brescia (capital city)
bret. {adj} :: abbreviation of bretoński
Bretania {prop} {f} :: Brittany, Bretagne (region of France)
bretoński {adj} :: Breton
bretoński {m inan} :: Breton (language)
brew {f} :: eyebrow
brewiarz {m inan} :: breviary
brezent {m inan} :: tarpaulin (heavy, waterproof sheet of material)
Breżniew {prop} {m pers} [historical] :: Leonid Brezhnev
brnąć {v impf} :: to wade (to walk through something that impedes progress)
brocz {m inan} [obsolete] :: madder (Rubia tinctorum)
broda {f} :: beard
broda {f} :: chin
brodacz {m pers} :: bearded man
brodacz {m anim} :: New World barbet (bird of the family Capitonidae)
brodacz {m anim} [archaic] :: schnauzer (dog breed)
brodaty {adj} :: bearded (having a beard)
brodawka {f} [dermatology] :: wart, verruca
brodawka {f} :: papilla
brodawnik {m inan} :: hawkbit (any plant of the genus Leontodon)
brodawnik {m anim} :: Any asity of the genus Philepitta
brodawnik {m anim} [in the plural] :: Philepittidae
brodek {m inan} :: Any of various mosses of the genus Tortula (Pottiaceae)
brodzić {vi impf} :: to wade
brodzić {vi impf} :: to flounder
brodziec {m anim} :: A bird of the genus Tringa
brodziec {m anim} :: A bird of the genus Actitis
brodziec {m inan} :: A plant of the genus Pogostemon
broić {vi impf} :: to romp, to frolic
broić {vi impf} :: to make mischief, to misbehave
brojenie {n} :: verbal noun of broić
brojler {m anim} :: broiler chicken, duck, or turkey
brokat {m inan} :: brocade (fabric)
brokat {m inan} :: glitter (shiny, decorative adornment)
brokuł {m inan} :: broccoli
brokułowy {adj} :: broccoli- (of or made from broccoli)
brom {m inan} :: bromine
bromoform {m inan} :: bromoform CHBr3
bromowy {adj} :: bromic (of, pertaining to, or containing the element bromine)
brona {f} [agriculture] :: harrow
brona {f} [fortifications] :: portcullis
Bronek {prop} {m pers} :: given name
bronić {vt impf} :: to defend
bronić {vt impf} :: to guard
Bronisław {prop} {m pers} :: given name
Bronisława {prop} {f} :: given name
broń {f} :: weapon, weaponry
broń biała {f} :: cold weapon
broń masowego rażenia {f} :: weapon of mass destruction
broń palna {f} :: firearm
brosma {f} :: tusk, cusk (Brosme brosme)
brosza {f} :: brooch
broszka {f} :: diminutive of brosza
broszka {f} :: brooch
broszura {f} :: booklet, brochure
browar {m inan} :: brewery
browar {m anim} [colloquial] :: brew; beer
browek {m anim} [dialectal] :: male piglet
browiec {m anim} [slang] :: brew; beer
brożek {m inan} :: diminutive of bróg
brożek {m inan} [historical] :: A type of carriage (horse-drawn vehicle)
bród {m inan} :: ford
Bródno {prop} {n} :: Bródno (neighbourhood)
bróg {m inan} :: hay barrack
bróg {m inan} :: rick, stack
brud {m inan} :: dirt, filth, grime
brudas {m pers} [colloquial, pejorative] :: shabby, filthy person or thing
brudas {m pers} [slang, ethnic slur] :: wog, sand nigger; dark-skinned person
brudas {m pers} [slang, derogatory] :: metalhead or punk; member of metal or punk music subcultures
brudniej {adv} :: comparative degree form of brudno
brudniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of brudny
brudno {adv} :: dirty
brudnopis {m inan} :: A rough draft
brudnopis {m inan} :: A notebook used for rough drafts
brudny {adj} :: dirty
brudzenie {n} :: verbal noun of brudzić
brudzić {v impf} :: to soil, to make dirty
bruk {m inan} :: cobblestone (stone used for paving roads)
brukać {vt impf} :: to soil
brukać {vt impf} :: to dirty
brukiew {f} :: Brassica napus var. napobrassica; swede; rutabaga [US, Canada]
brukowiec {m inan} [pejorative] :: tabloid; rag; newspaper with low journalistic standards, printing mainly gossip and sensational stories
brukowiec {m inan} [rare] :: cobblestone
Bruksela {prop} {f} :: Bruksela (capital city)
brukselka {f} :: Brussels sprouts
brukselka {f} :: A woman from Brussels; Brusselian
brukselski {adj} :: Brussels (of, from or pertaining to Brussels in Belgium)
brunatnica {f} :: brown alga; phaeophyte
brunatnica {f} :: brown rot wood decay
brunatny {adj} :: dark brown
brunatny {adj} [figurative] :: fascist
Brunei {prop} {n} :: Brunei
Brunejczyk {m pers} :: a male Bruneian
Brunejka {f} :: a female Bruneian
brunejski {adj} :: Bruneian
brunet {m pers} :: brunet (dark haired man)
bruneta {f} [dated, rare] :: brunette (dark haired woman)
brunetka {f} :: brunette (dark haired woman)
brus. {noun} :: abbreviation of białoruski
brus {m inan} :: whetstone, hone
brutalnie {adv} :: brutally
brutalniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of brutalny
brutalny {adj} :: brutal
brutto {adv} :: gross (net + tare)
bruzda {f} [agriculture] :: furrow
bruzda {f} :: furrow (deep wrinkle)
bruzda {f} [anatomy] :: sulcus
bruzdkowanie {n} :: verbal noun of bruzdkować
bruzdkowanie {n} [embryology] :: cleavage
bruzdownica {f} :: wall chaser (power tool)
brydż {m anim} :: bridge (card game)
bryg {m inan} :: brig (two-masted vessel)
Brygida {prop} {f} :: given name
brykiet {m inan} :: briquet (compressed block of flammable material)
brylant {m inan} :: a gemstone made from diamond
brylantowy {adj} :: Of or relating to a brylant (a gemstone made from diamond)
brylantyna {f} :: brilliantine
bryle {p} [in central and southern dialects] :: glasses, eyeglasses
bryła {f} [geometry] :: solid (a three-dimensional figure)
bryłonosek {m anim} :: Any bat of the genus Corynorhinus
bryndza {noun} :: bryndza
brytfanka {f} :: diminutive of brytfanna
brytfanna {f} :: drip pan, roasting pan
Brytyjczyk {m pers} :: Briton (inhabitant of Great Britain)
Brytyjka {f} :: Briton (female inhabitant of Great Britain)
brytyjski {adj} :: British
Brytyjskie Wyspy Dziewicze {prop} {p} :: British Virgin Islands
bryza {f} :: sea breeze
bryza {f} :: land breeze
bryzg {m inan} :: splatter, spatter
bryzganie {n} :: verbal noun of bryzgać
bryzgun {m anim} :: A sawfly of the genus Cimbex
brzana {f} :: barbel (fish of the genus Barbus), especially the common barbel (Barbus barbus)
brzana {f} [Warsaw] :: girl
brzanka {f} :: timothy (grass of the genus Phleum)
brzanka {f} :: barb (cyprinid of the genus Puntius)
brzanka {f} :: barbel (cyprinid of the genus Barbus)
brzany {adj} [relational] :: foxtail millet
brzask {m inan} :: dawnlight (soft light in the sky seen at dawn)
brzdęk {m inan} :: twang (sound)
brzechwa {f} :: shaft (of an arrow)
brzechwa {f} :: stabilizer (of an aircraft or aerial bomb)
brzeczka {f} [brewing] :: wort
brzeg {m inan} :: coast, shoreline, bank; the area along the edge of a body of water (ocean, lake, river)
brzeg {m inan} :: edge, rim
brzeg {m inan} [topology] :: boundary
brzegowiec {m anim} :: surfbird (Calidris virgata)
brzegowiec {m anim} :: manatee (mammal of the genus Trichechus)
brzegówka {f} :: Any bird of the genus Riparia, especially the sand martin, bank swallow (Riparia riparia)
brzegówka {f} :: Any periwinkle of the genus Littorina
brzemię {n} [figurative or poetic] :: burden
brzeszczot {m inan} :: blade (cutting edge of a bladed weapon or saw)
Brześć {prop} {m inan} :: Brześć (city)
brzeżek {m inan} :: diminutive of brzeg
brzeżyca {f} :: Any of the genus Littorella of aquatic plants
brzęczeć {v impf} :: to buzz
brzęczeć {v impf} :: to hum
brzęczeć {v impf} :: to clang
brzęczenie {n} :: verbal noun of brzęczeć
brzęk {m inan} :: clank, clink, tinkle (sound)
brzęk {m inan} :: twang (sound of a vibrating string)
brzęk {m inan} :: buzz, hum, humming (of insects)
brzęk {m inan} :: wild service tree, chequer tree (Sorbus torminalis)
brzmieć {vi impf} :: to sound, to be heard
brzmienie {n} :: verbal noun of brzmieć
brzmienie {n} [music] :: sound (characteristic style of a particular instrument, musician, etc.)
brzmik {m anim} :: cuckoo bumblebee (Bombus (Psithyrus))
brzona {f} :: common whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus)
brzoskwinia {f} :: peach (tree or fruit)
brzoskwiniowy {adj} :: peach, peachy
brzoskwiniowy {adj} :: peach-coloured
brzoskwinka {f} :: diminutive of brzoskwinia
brzost {m inan} :: wych-elm, Scots elm (Ulmus glabra)
brzoza {f} :: birch
brzozowy {adj} [relational] :: birch (tree or wood)
brzuch {m inan} :: belly, abdomen
brzuchacz {m pers} [colloquial] :: Someone with a paunch or potbelly
brzuchaty {adj} [colloquial] :: potbellied, abdominous, paunchy
brzuchol {m inan} [colloquial] :: paunch; potbelly; a large, swollen, or protruding belly
brzuchomówca {m pers} :: ventriloquist, not necessarily male
brzuchomówstwo {n} :: ventriloquism
brzuchonóg {m anim} [usually plural] :: gastropod
brzuszek {m inan} :: diminutive of brzuch; belly
brzuszek {m inan} [Łódź] :: raw bacon
brzuszek {m inan} [plural only] :: sit-ups
brzuszny {adj} :: abdominal (of or pertaining to the abdomen)
brzuszydło {n} [colloquial] :: augmentative of brzuch
brzuszysko {n} :: augmentative of brzuch
brzydal {m pers} [humorous or childish] :: ugly person
brzydki {adj} :: ugly
brzydki jak noc listopadowa {adj} [simile, humorous] :: ugly as sin
brzydkie kaczątko {n} :: ugly duckling
brzydko {adv} :: uglily; in an ugly manner
brzydota {f} :: ugliness
brzydota {f} :: eyesore
brzydszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of brzydki
brzydula {f} [humorous or childish] :: ugly person
brzydziej {adv} :: comparative of brzydko
brzytwa {f} :: razor
bsł. {adj} :: abbreviation of bałtosłowiański
bu {interj} :: An onomatopoeic interjection imitating the sound of crying, usually written with two or more 'u's
bubel {m inan} [colloquial, derogatory] :: junk, crud, an item of low quality
bubel prawny {m inan} [idiom, pejorative] :: defective law; an act or bill that is ineffective or has obvious loopholes
buc {m anim} [colloquial, derogatory] :: jerk; douche; arrogant person
buchać {vi impf} :: to belch, to spring, to flare, to gush, to puff, to billow out
buchalter {m pers} [dated] :: accountant
bucior {m inan} :: augmentative of but; very large shoe or boot
bucisko {n} :: augmentative of but
buczek {m inan} :: diminutive of buk; small beech tree
buczek {m inan} :: beechwood cane
buczek {m inan} :: alarm, siren, horn, hooter (noise-making device)
buczyna {f} :: beechwood; beech forest or grove
buczyna {f} :: beechwood (the wood of the beech tree)
buczyna {f} :: beechnut
buda {f} :: doghouse (shelter for a dog)
buda {f} [usually, derogatory] :: cabin, shed (temporary structure to shelter something)
buda {f} [colloquial] :: school (institution dedicated to teaching and learning)
buda {f} [colloquial, association football] :: goal (area into which the players attempt to put an object)
Budapeszt {prop} {m inan} :: Budapeszt (capital city)
budapeszteński {adj} :: Budapestian (of, from or pertaining to Budapest in Hungary)
budda {m pers} :: buddha (a great enlightened being or a depiction thereof)
buddyjski {adj} :: Buddhist
buddysta {m pers} :: Buddhist
buddystka {f} :: female Buddhist
buddyzm {m inan} :: Buddhism
budowa {f} :: building (act or process of building)
budować {v impf} :: to build
budować zamki na lodzie {phrase} [idiomatic] :: build castles in the air
budowanie {n} :: verbal noun of budować
budowla {f} :: construction (anything that has been constructed)
budownictwo {n} :: building, the art of constructing, or the practice of civil architecture
budowniczy {m pers} :: builder
buduar {m inan} :: boudoir
buduarek {m inan} :: diminutive of buduar
buduarowy {adj} [relational] :: boudoir
budujący {adj} :: fortifying; uplifting
budulec {m inan} :: building material, timber, lumber
budynek {m inan} :: building
budyń {m inan} :: pudding (type of cake or dessert)
budyń {m inan} :: pudding powder (pudding ingredients)
budyń {m inan} :: piece of pudding
budyń {m inan} :: pudding packet
budzić {vt impf} :: to wake
budzić {vt impf} :: to get someone up
budzić {vr impf} [autocausative] :: to awake, to waken (stop sleeping)
budzik {m inan} :: alarm clock
Budziszyn {prop} {m} :: Bautzen
budziszynianin {m pers} :: A person from Bautzen
budziszynianka {f} :: A woman from Bautzen
budżet {m inan} :: budget
budżetówka {f} [colloquial] :: public sector
bufon {m pers} [derogatory] :: a selfish, conceited person
bufor {m inan} [computing] :: buffer
bufor {m inan} [slang, plural only] :: rack, female breasts
Bug {prop} {m inan} :: the Bug river
bugaj {m inan} :: A clump of shoots (young shrubs or trees)
buhaj {m anim} :: bull (uncastrated adult male of the species Bos taurus)
bujać {vt impf} :: to rock, to swing
bujać {vi impf} :: to float, to dance, to play (move freely as if blown by the wind)
bujać {vr impf} :: to swing, to sway
bujać w obłokach {v impf} :: to daydream
bujda {f} [colloquial] :: fib, hoax
bujnąć {vt pf} :: to swing, to rock
bujnąć {vr pf} :: to swing, to sway
bujniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of bujny
bujny {adj} :: lush
bujny {adj} :: luxuriant
buk {m inan} :: beech (tree)
buk {m inan} :: beechwood (wood of the beech tree)
Bukareszt {prop} {m inan} :: Bukareszt (capital city)
bukareszteński {adj} :: Bucharestian (of, from or pertaining to Bucharest in Romania)
bukiecik {m inan} :: diminutive of bukiet
bukiet {m inan} :: bunch, bouquet
bukiet {m inan} :: bouquet (scent of a particular wine)
bukietowy {adj} [relational] :: bouquet
bukiew {f} :: beechmast, beechnut
bukłak {m inan} :: wineskin
bukować {v impf} [colloquial] :: to book; to reserve
bukowiec {m inan} :: A plant belonging to the taxonomic order Fagales
bukowy {adj} [relational] :: beech
bukszpan {m inan} :: box (any of various evergreen shrubs or trees of the genus Buxus)
bukwica {f} :: Betonica
buldog {m anim} :: bulldog (breed of dog)
bulgot {m inan} :: gurgle (gurgling sound)
bulić {vt impf} [colloquial] :: to shell out (pay a great deal of money)
bulimia {f} :: bulimia nervosa
bulion {m inan} :: bouillon, broth, stock (clear seasoned broth)
bulion {m inan} :: bouillon cube
bulla {f} :: bull, papal bull; a document from the papal chancellery
bulwa {f} [botany] :: tuber (enlarged structure for storing nutrients)
bulwa {f} [colloquial] :: swelling
bulwa {f} [Białystok] :: potato
bulwa {f} :: Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus)
bulwka {f} :: diminutive of bulwa
bulwka {f} [botany] :: bulbil
buła {f} [colloquial] :: augmentative of bułka
buła {f} [colloquial, derogatory] :: butterball, fatso
buła {f} [rock] :: A rounded or ovoid rock or concretion
buła {f} [colloquial] :: A round object; a round mass of something
buła {f} [Upper Silesia] :: bump, swelling
buławka {f} :: diminutive of buława
buławka {f} :: Any club fungus of the genus Clavariadelphus
buławnik {m inan} :: any plant of the genus Cephalanthera; helleborine
bułeczka {f} :: diminutive of bułka
bułg. {adj} :: abbreviation of bułgarski
Bułgar {m pers} :: Bulgarian (a person from Bulgaria)
Bułgaria {prop} {f} :: Bułgaria (country)
Bułgarka {f} :: Bulgarian (female person)
bułgarski {adj} [relational] :: Bulgarian (relating to Bulgaria, its people or the Bulgarian language)
bułgarski {m inan} :: Bulgarian (language)
bułka {f} :: bread roll, roll
bułka z masłem {f} :: See: pl bułka z masło
bułka z masłem {f} [idiomatic] :: piece of cake, walk in the park
bum {interj} :: boom! (sound of explosion)
bum {interj} :: bang! (any brief, sharp, loud noise)
bumelanctwo {n} :: shirking, laziness
bumelant {m pers} [colloquial] :: shirker, layabout
bumelantka {f} [colloquial] :: female shirker, layabout
bumelować {v impf} [colloquial] :: to shirk, to slack off, to laze about
bumerang {m inan} :: boomerang (flat curved airfoil)
bunkier {m inan} :: bunker (fortification)
bunkier {m inan} :: bunker (sand trap in golf)
bunkier {m inan} [historical] :: cellar cell in a Nazi concentration camp
bunt {m inan} :: mutiny, revolt
bunt {m inan} :: rebellion (the attitude of rejecting authority)
buntownik {m pers} :: rebel; rogue
buńczuk {m inan} :: panache
bura {f} [colloquial] :: rebuke
buraczany {adj} [relational] :: beet (of or made from beet)
buraczek {m inan} :: diminutive of burak
burak {m inan} {m anim} :: beet; any plant of the genus Beta
burak {m inan} {m anim} [colloquial] :: fruit wine of an inferior brand
burak {m pers} [colloquial, derogatory] :: arrogant, uncultured person; boor; yokel; hillbilly
burak cukrowy {m} :: sugar beet
burczeć {v impf} :: to mutter, to grumble, to say something with a bad mood
burczeć {v impf} :: to rumble (about a stomach)
burczenie {n} :: verbal noun of burczeć
burczymucha {m pers} [humorous] :: grump (male)
burczymucha {f} [humorous] :: grump (female)
burda {f} [pejorative] :: brawl, wrangle, disturbance
burdel {m inan} [vulgar] :: brothel
burdel {m inan} [vulgar] :: mess; disarray
burdel {m inan} [vulgar] :: clusterfuck; stir; commotion
burdelmama {f} [vulgar] :: madam (a woman who runs a brothel)
burek {m anim} :: mongrel
Burgundia {prop} {f} :: Burgundia (region)
Buriacja {prop} {f} :: Buryatia
buriacki {adj} :: Buryat
burito {n} :: alternative spelling of burrito
burka {f} :: burka
Burkina Faso {prop} {f} :: Burkina Faso (country)
Burkina Faso {prop} {n} :: Burkina Faso (country)
burknąć {v pf} :: to mutter, to grumble, to say something with a bad mood
burknąć {v pf} :: to rumble (about a stomach)
burknięcie {n} :: verbal noun of burknąć
burkotać {v impf} [archaic] :: to rumble, to growl, to gurgle (to make a rumbling, growling, or gurgling sound)
burleska {f} :: burlesque (parody)
burleska {f} :: burlesque (variety adult entertainment show)
burmistrz {m pers} :: mayor
burmistrzyni {f} :: female mayor
burnus {m inan} :: burnoose
burrito {n} :: burrito
bursztyn {m inan} :: amber (fossil resin)
Burundi {prop} {n} :: Burundi
Burundyjczyk {m pers} :: A male Burundian
Burundyjka {f} :: A female Burundian
burundyjski {adj} :: Burundian
bury {adj} :: brownish dark grey
bury {adj} :: dark grey with spots
bury {m anim} [regional] :: bear (ursid)
burza {f} [meteorology] :: storm, in particular thunderstorm
burza mózgów {f} [idiom] :: brainstorming
burzan {m inan} :: tall herbaceous plants typical of the steppes
burzenie {n} :: verbal noun of burzyć
burzowy {adj} :: stormy
burzowy {adj} :: pertaining to thunderstorms
burzyć {vt impf} :: to demolish
burzyk {m anim} :: Any shearwater or petrel belonging to the following genera:
burzyk {m anim} :: Ardenna
burzyk {m anim} :: Calonectris
burzyk {m anim} :: Procellaria
burzyk {m anim} :: Pseudobulweria
burzyk {m anim} :: Puffinus
burzyk {m anim} [obsolete] :: European storm petrel (Hydrobates pelagicus)
burżuazja {f} [historical] :: bourgeoisie
burżuj {m pers} [slang, pejorative] :: filthy rich person
burżujstwo {n} [colloquial] :: extravagance, excess, ostentatious display of wealth
bus {m anim} [colloquial] :: bus
bushido {n} :: bushido
busiek {m anim} [dialectal] :: stork (wading bird)
busion {m anim} [dialectal] :: stork (wading bird)
busola {f} [military, nautical] :: magnetic compass (instrument)
busola {f} [dated] :: compass (instrument to determine cardinal directions)
busola {f} [figuratively] :: guideline; moral compass
busz {m inan} [horticulture] :: bush, thicket
but {m inan} :: shoe
but {m inan} :: boot
buta {f} :: arrogance
buta {f} :: haughtiness
butan {m inan} :: butane
buteleczka {f} :: diminutive of butelka
butelka {f} :: bottle (container used for holding liquids)
butelkować {vt impf} :: to bottle
buten {m inan} :: butene
butik {m inan} :: boutique (small shop, especially one that sells fashionable clothes, jewelry and the like)
butikowy {adj} [relational] :: boutique
butla {f} :: tank, cylinder; a round, usually pressurized container
butla {f} :: augmentative of butelka
butnie {adv} :: arrogantly, haughtily, superciliously, insolently
butność {f} :: arrogance, haughtiness, superciliousness, insolence
butny {adj} :: arrogant, haughty, supercilious, insolent
butwienie {n} :: verbal noun of butwieć
buzia {f} [colloquial, childish] :: mouth
buzia {f} [colloquial, childish] :: face
buziak {m anim} [colloquial, somewhat, childish] :: kiss
buzieczka {f} [colloquial] :: diminutive of buźka
buziuchna {f} :: diminutive of buzia
buziulka {f} :: diminutive of buzia
buźka {f} :: diminutive of buzia
buźka {f} [Internet] :: smiley
Bużumbura {prop} {f} :: Bużumbura (city)
-by {suffix} :: conditional mood marker
by {particle} :: (always before a verb) a particle used to make conditional mood; would, should
by {conj} :: in order to, so that
bycie {n} :: verbal noun of być
byczek {m anim} :: diminutive of byk
byczek {m anim} [colloquial] :: A young bull
byczek {m anim} :: A brown bullhead (Ameiurus nebulosus)
byczek {m pers} :: A strong, young man
byczek {m inan} :: A type of monocoloured Easter egg
byczy {adj} :: Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a bull; taurine
być {v impf} :: to be [indicates sameness or membership in a class] [+ nom or ins]
być {v impf} :: to be [auxilary verb used for predication] [+ adjective]
być {v impf} :: In future tense, forms future tense of imperfective verbs. [+ infinitive or verb in past tense]
być {v impf} [archaic] :: In past tense, forms pluperfect tense. [+ verb in past tense]
być jedną nogą w grobie {v impf} [idiom] :: have one foot in the grave
być może {adv} :: maybe, perhaps
bydełko {n} :: diminutive of bydło
bydgoski {adj} :: Bydgoszcz (of, from or pertaining to Bydgoszcz in Poland)
Bydgoszcz {prop} {f} :: Bydgoszcz (city)
bydlak {m anim} [colloquial] :: horned farm animal
bydlak {m anim} [colloquial] :: beast (a very large animal)
bydlak {m pers} [colloquial, derogatory] :: swine (a contemptible person)
bydlątko {n} :: diminutive of bydlę
bydleń {m anim} :: ox warble fly (Hypoderma bovis)
bydlę {n} [colloquial] :: horned farm animal
bydlę {n} [colloquial] :: beast (a large animal)
bydlę {n} [colloquial, derogatory] :: swine (a contemptible person)
bydlęcy {adj} :: bovine, [relational] cattle
bydło {n} :: cattle
bydło {n} [colloquial, offensive] :: rabble; uncultured or stupid people
byk {m anim} :: bull (adult male of cattle)
byk {m anim} :: stag (adult male deer)
byk {m anim} [colloquial] :: howler; obvious mistake such as a spelling error or error in calculation, especially one made by an inept student
byk {m anim} [colloquial] :: a strong and rather large man
Byk {prop} {m anim} [astrology] :: Taurus, an astrological sign
Byk {m pers} {m anim} [colloquial] :: Taurus (someone with a Taurus star sign)
bykowe {n} :: bachelor tax; a tax collected from unmarried people
bykowiec {m anim} [archaic] :: leather whip
bykowiec {m anim} [archaic] :: lash (blow) from a leather whip
bykowiec {m anim} [archaic] :: quirt made from a bull's pizzle
bykowiec {m anim} [hunting] :: April (month)
byle {conj} :: provided (that), as long as
byle {conj} :: if only
bylica {f} :: artemisia (any plant of the genus Artemisia)
bylina {f} :: A perennial herbaceous plant
była {f} :: ex (ex-partner)
było, minęło {phrase} [idiom] :: it's water under the bridge; it's water over the dam
były {adj} :: former (previous)
były {m pers} :: ex (ex-partner)
bym {particle} :: (always before a verb) a particle used to make conditional mood; would, should
bynajmniej {particle} :: Used to emphasise a negative; at all
bystrość {f} :: shrewdness, acumen
bystrość {f} [of flowing water] :: swiftness, speed
bystry {adj} :: smart; bright; shrewd
bystry {adj} [dated, of water] :: fast; swift; rapid; flowing with high speed
bystry {adj} [Łowicz, of a color] :: vivid
bystry jak woda w klozecie {adj} [simile, humorous, derogatory] :: dull-witted; dumb
bystrze {n} :: riffle, rapids (river section)
bystrzejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of bystry
bystrzyca {f} :: riffle, rapids (river section)
bystrzyk {m anim} :: Any of a number of species of fish belonging to Hyphessobrycon, Hemigrammus, Paracheirodon, or Brycinus
bystrzyna {f} :: riffle, rapids (river section)
byś {particle} :: (always before a verb) a particle used to make conditional mood; would, should
byście {particle} :: (always before a verb) a particle used to make conditional mood; would, should
byśmy {particle} :: first-person plural conditional mood marker; would
byt {m inan} :: being; entity (abstract concept)
byt {m inan} :: existence
byt {m inan} [dated] :: everyday life
Bytom {prop} {m} :: Bytom (city)
bytomski {adj} :: Bytom (of, from or pertaining to Bytom in Poland)
bytowy {adj} [dated or formal] :: related to living (everyday life)
bywać {v if} :: to be once in a while; to appear, to frequent, to happen (to be)
bywaj {interj} :: farewell!
bywalec {m pers} :: regular, denizen
bzdura {f} :: nonsense
bzdura {f} :: bullshit
bzik {m anim} [colloquial, humorous] :: mania, light madness, peculiarity
bzik {m pers} [archaic] :: weirdo, eccentric
bzyg {m anim} :: hoverfly (fly in the family Syrphidae)
bzyk {m inan} :: hum, buzz (noise)
bzykot {m inan} [rare] :: hum, buzz (noise)
bździągwa {f} [Poznań] :: bedbug (Cimex lectularius)
bździągwa {f} [colloquial, derogatory] :: tart (of a woman)
bździć {vi impf} :: to fart, to break wind