User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-es-g

G20 {prop} (group of finance ministers and central bank governors from 20 economies) :: grupo de los veinte {m}
G8 {prop} (Group of 8) :: grupo de los ocho {m}
gabardine {n} /ˈɡæbɚˌdin/ (type of woolen cloth) :: gabardina {f}
gabbro {n} /ˈɡabɹəʊ/ (igneous rock) :: gabro {m}
gable {n} /ˈɡeɪ.bəl/ (triangular area of wall) :: hastial {m}, gablete {m}, aguilón {m}, frontón {m}
Gabon {prop} /ɡəˈbɒn/ (Gabonese Republic) :: Gabón {m}
Gabonese {n} /ɡæ.bəˈniːz/ (A person from Gabon or of Gabonese descent) :: gabonés {m}
Gabonese {adj} (Of, from, or pertaining to Gabon or the Gabonese people) :: gabonés {m}
Gabonese Republic {prop} (Gabonese Republic) :: República Gabonesa {f}
Gaborone {prop} /ˌɡæbəˈɹəʊni/ (capital of Botswana) :: Gaborone
Gabriel {prop} /ˈɡeɪbɹi.əl/ (male given name) :: Gabriel {m}
Gabriel {prop} (archangel) :: Gabriel {m}
Gabriela {prop} (female given name) :: Gabriela
Gad {prop} /ɡæd/ (seventh son of Jacob) :: Gad
Gaddafist {n} (supporter or follower of Gaddafi) :: gaddafista {m} {f}
Gaddafist {adj} (supporter or follower of Gaddafi) :: gaddafista
gadfly {n} (fly of the family Oestridae) SEE: botfly ::
gadfly {n} (fly of the family Tabanidae) SEE: horsefly ::
gadget {n} /ɡædʒɪt/ (any device or machine) :: artilugio {m}
gadje {n} (non-Romani person) :: payo {m}, paya {f}, gaché
gadjo {n} (non-Romani person) SEE: gadje ::
gadolinium {n} /ˌɡædəˈlɪniəm/ (chemical element) :: gadolinio {m}
gadwall {n} (a common and widespread dabbling duck) :: pato friso {m}
gadzooks {interj} /ɡædˈzuːks/ :: por los clavos de Cristo
Gaea {prop} /dʒiːə/ (earth goddess) :: Gea {f}
Gaelic {adj} /ˈɡeɪlɪk/ (relating to the Gaels or their language) :: gaélico
Gaelic {prop} (Scottish Gaelic) SEE: Scottish Gaelic ::
Gaelic {prop} (Goidelic) SEE: Goidelic ::
Gaetan {prop} (Cajetan) SEE: Cajetan ::
gaff {n} (minor error or faux pas) SEE: gaffe ::
gaffe {n} /ɡæf/ (a foolish error, especially one made in public) :: metida de pata {f} [Latin America], metedura de pata {f} [Spain], desliz {m}, pifia {f}, cagada {f} [vulgar], gazapo {m}
gaffer {n} (baby) SEE: baby ::
gaffer {n} (glassblower) SEE: glassblower ::
gaff sail {n} (sail) :: vela cangreja {f}
gag {n} /ɡæɡ/ (device to restrain speech) :: mordaza {f}
gag {v} (To experience the vomiting reflex) :: tener arcadas
gag {v} (To restrain someone's speech) :: amordazar
gaga {adj} /ˈɡɑːɡɑː/ (senile) :: gc-gc, cucú
gaga {adj} (crazy) :: loco {m}, pirado, trastornado
gaga {adj} (infatuated) :: enamorado
Gagauz {prop} /ˌɡæɡɑːˈuːz/ (language) :: gagauzo {m}
Gagauzia {prop} (Autonomous region) :: Gagauzia {f}
gage {v} (gauge) SEE: gauge ::
gaggle {v} (cackle) SEE: cackle ::
gaiety {n} /ˈɡeɪ.ə.ti/ (state of being happy) :: felicidad {f}, alegría
gaillardia {n} /ɡeɪˈlɑː(ɹ)dɪə/ (plant of Gaillardia) :: gaillardia {f}
gain {v} /ɡeɪn/ (acquire) :: ganar
gain {v} (put on weight) :: ganar
gain {n} (act of gaining) :: ganancia {f}
gain {n} (what one gains (profit)) :: ganancia {f}
gain {n} (factor by which signal is multiplied) :: ganancia {f}
gainsay {v} /ˈɡeɪnˌseɪ/ (to contradict something said) :: impugnar, contradecir
gain weight {v} (put on weight) SEE: put on weight ::
gainword {n} (a word a language has borrowed from another language) SEE: loanword ::
gait {n} /ɡeɪt/ (manner of walking) :: zancada {f}, andadura {f}
gaiter {n} /ˈɡeɪ.tə/ (covering for the ankle and instep) :: polaina {f}
gala {adj} /ˈɡælə/ (festive) :: de gala
gala {n} (pomp, show or festivity) :: gala {f}; fiesta {f}
galactagogue {n} /ɡəˈlæk.tə.ɡɑɡ/ (substance that induces lactation) :: galactagoga, galactogoga
galactic {adj} /ɡəˈlæktɪk/ (relating to a/the galaxy) :: galáctico
galactorrhœa {n} (galactorrhea) SEE: galactorrhea ::
galactorrhea {n} (lactation unassociated with childbirth) :: galactorrea {f}
galactorrhoea {n} (galactorrhea) SEE: galactorrhea ::
galactose {n} (the monosaccharide) :: galactosa {f}
galacturonic acid {n} (carboxylic acid) :: ácido galacturónico {m}
galago {n} /ɡəˈleɪɡəʊ/ (primate) :: gálago {m}
galah {n} (fool) SEE: fool ::
galantine {n} /ˈɡaləntiːn/ (cold meat dish) :: galantina {f}
Galapagoan {adj} (of or relating to the Galapagos) :: galapagueño
Galapagos Islands {prop} (the archipelago) :: islas Galápagos {f-p}
Galatia {prop} (region of Asia Minor) :: Galacia {f}
Galatians {prop} /ɡəˈleɪʃənz/ (book of the Bible) :: Gálatas {p}
galaxy {n} /ˈɡæləksi/ (collection of billions of stars, galactic dust, black holes, etc) :: galaxia {f}
galaxy {n} (the Milky Way) SEE: Milky Way ::
gale {n} /ɡeɪl/ (meteorology: a very strong wind) :: ventolera {f}, ventarrón {m}
gale {n} :: vendaval
galea {n} (Roman helmet) :: gálea {f}
Galego {prop} (language spoken in the region of Galicia) :: gallego
Galen {prop} /ˈɡeɪlən/ (ancient Greek physician) :: Galeno
galena {n} (mineral) :: galena {f}
galeophobia {n} (fear of cats and felines) SEE: ailurophobia ::
galeophobia {n} /ɡəˌliəˈfoʊbiə/ (irrational fear of sharks or dogfish) :: selacofobia {f}
Galicia {prop} /ɡəˈlɪs.i.ə/ (Iberian kingdom, region of Spain) :: Galicia
Galicia {prop} (historical kingdom in Central Europe) :: Galitzia
Galician {adj} /ɡəˈlɪs.i.ən/ (pertaining to Galicia in Iberia) :: gallego, galaico
Galician {adj} (pertaining to the people of Galicia in Iberia) :: gallego {m}
Galician {adj} (pertaining to the Galician language) :: gallego {m}
Galician {n} (person(s) from Galicia, Spain) :: gallego
Galician {n} (Romance language spoken in Galicia) :: gallego {m}
Galicianist {adj} (pertaining to Galicia) :: galleguista
Galicianist {n} (supporter of Galicianism) :: galleguista {m} {f}
Galilean {adj} (of or pertaining to Galileo Galilei) :: galileano {m}
Galilee {prop} (region of northern Israel) :: Galilea {f}
galimatias {n} /ˌɡæləˈmeɪʃi.əs/ (gobbledygook) :: galimatías {m}
gall {n} /ɡɔːl/ (great misery or physical suffering) :: penuria {f}, doloroso {m}
gall {n} (impudence or brazenness) :: descaro {m}
gall {v} (to trouble or bother) :: incomodar
gall {v} (to exasperate) :: exasperar
gall {n} (blister or tumor-like growth found on the surface of plants) :: agalla {f}
gall {n} (bile) SEE: bile ::
gall {n} (gall bladder) SEE: gall bladder ::
gallant {adj} /ˈɡælənt/ (brave, valiant) :: gallardo {m}, valiente
gallant {adj} (honourable) :: cortés
gallantry {n} (courage) :: coraje {m}, valor {m}
gall bladder {n} (pear-shaped organ that stores bile) :: vesícula biliar {f}
galleass {n} (vessel) :: galeaza {f}
Gallegan {prop} (the Galician language) SEE: Galician ::
galleon {n} /ˈɡæ.li.ən/ (large sailing ship) :: galeón {m}
gallerist {n} (the owner or operator of an art gallery) :: galerista {m} {f}
gallery {n} /ˈɡæləɹi/ (institution, building, or room for the exhibition and conservation of works of art) :: galería {f}
gallery {n} (establishment that buys, sells, and displays works of art) :: galería {f}
gallery {n} (roofed promenade along the wall of a building) :: galería {f}
galley {n} /ˈɡæli/ (ship propelled primarily by oars) :: galera {f}
galley proof {n} (trial page or proof of continuous text) :: prueba de galera {f}
galliard {n} (9-point type) SEE: bourgeois ::
galliard {n} (8-point type) SEE: brevier ::
Gallic {adj} /ˈɡælɪk/ (of or relating to Gaul or France) :: galo
Gallicism {n} /ˈɡælɪsɪzəm/ (a loanword borrowed from French) :: galicismo {m}
gallicize {v} (to make French as the culture, customs, pronunciation, or style) :: afrancesar
gallicize {v} (to translate into French) :: traducir en francés
gallicize {v} :: galicizar
Gallienus {prop} /ˌɡæliˈɛnəs/ (Roman Emperor) :: Galieno
gallimaufry {n} /ɡa.lɪˈmɔː.fɹi/ (Any absurd medley) :: galimatías {m}
galling {adj} (vexing) :: fastidioso, molestoso, irritante
galliot {n} (light galley) :: galeota {f}
Gallipoli {prop} /ɡəˈlɪpəli/ (peninsula) :: Galípoli {m}
gallium {n} /ˈɡæliəm/ (chemical element) :: galio {m}
gallium arsenide {n} (binary compound of gallium and arsenic, GaAs) :: arseniuro de galio {m}
gallon {n} /ˈɡælən/ (a unit of volume used for liquids) :: galón {m}
gallop {n} /ˈɡæləp/ (fastest gait of a horse) :: galope {m}
gallop {v} (to ride at a galloping pace) :: galopar
gallows {n} /ˈɡæloʊz/ (wooden framework on which persons are put to death by hanging) :: horca {f}, patíbulo {m}
gallows bird {n} (person who deserves to be hanged) :: carne de patíbulo {f}
gallstone {n} (small, hard object, that sometimes forms in the gall bladder) :: cálculo biliar {m}
galoot {n} /ɡəˈluːt/ (clumsy or uncouth person) :: gaznápiro {m}
galore {adj} /ɡəˈlɔɹ/ (in abundance) :: en abundancia, a porrillo [colloquial], a tutiplén [colloquial], por doquier
galosh {n} /ɡəˈlɒʃ/ (waterproof overshoe used to provide protection from rain or snow) :: bota para la lluvia {f}, bota de lluvia {f}, bota de goma {f}, zueco {m}, chanclo {m}
galpal {n} (close female friend) SEE: girlfriend ::
galvanic {adj} /ɡælˈvænɪk/ (of or pertaining to galvanism; electric) :: galvánico
galvanically {adv} (in galvanic manner) :: galvánicamente
galvanization {n} (the process of galvanizing) :: galvanización {f}
galvanize {v} /ˈɡælvənaɪ̯z/ (to coat with rust-resistant zinc) :: galvanizar
galvanize {v} (to coat with a thin layer of metal by electrochemical means) :: galvanizar
galvanize {v} (to shock or stimulate into sudden activity) :: galvanizar, espabilar, asustar, estimular
galvanometer {n} /ˌɡæl.vəˈnɒm.ɪt.ə/ (device to detect electric current) :: galvanómetro {m}
galvanometric {adj} (measured using a galvanometer) :: galvanométrico
Galway Bay {prop} (bay off the west coast of Ireland) :: Bahía de Galway {f}
Gambia {prop} /ˈɡæmbi.ə/ (The Republic of The Gambia) :: Gambia {f}
Gambian {adj} (of Gambia) :: gambiano {m}
Gambian {n} (person from Gambia) :: gambiano {m}, gambiana {f}
gambit {n} /ˈɡæmbɪt/ (chess move) :: gambito {m}
gambit {n} (ploy) :: estratagema {f}
gamble {n} /ˈɡæm.bəl/ (a risk undertaken with a potential gain) :: apuesta
gamble {v} (to play risky games for monetary gain) :: apostar, jugar
gamble {v} ((transitive) to risk something for potential gain) :: apostar
gambler {n} (one who plays at a game of chance) :: jugador {m}, tahúr {m}
gamboge {n} /ɡæmˈbuːʒ/ (tree of the genus Garcinia) :: gomaguta, guta, gutagamba
game {n} /ɡeɪm/ (playful activity that may be unstructured, amusement, pastime) :: juego {m}
game {n} (particular instance of playing a game; match) :: partido {m}
game {n} (wild animals hunted for food) :: caza {f}, venación
game {v} (to defeat the rules in order to obtain a result) :: burlar
game {v} (to gamble) SEE: gamble ::
game console {n} (video game console) SEE: video game console ::
gamekeeper {n} (person employed to maintain the game) :: guardabosque {m} {f}, alimañero {m}, guardacaza {m}
gameness {n} (courage) SEE: courage ::
game of chance {n} (game in which the outcome is at least partly determined by random variables) :: juego de azar {m}
game over {phrase} /ˌɡeɪm ˈoʊ.vɚ/ (message) :: partida terminada {f}
gameplay {n} /ˈɡeɪmˌpleɪ/ (a player's gaming experience) :: jugabilidad {f}
games console {n} (video game console) SEE: video game console ::
game show {n} (a radio or television programme) :: concurso de televisión {m}, concurso {m}, programa de concursos {m}
game show {n} :: juego televisado {m}
gamester {n} (gambler) SEE: gambler ::
gamete {n} /ˈɡæmiːt/ (reproductive cell) :: gameto {m}
game theory {n} (mathematical study of strategic situations) :: teoría de juegos {f}
gametophyte {n} (plant which produces gametes) :: gametofito, gametófito
gamey {adj} /ˈɡeɪmi/ (having the smell, taste and texture of game) :: venático
gamey {adj} :: de caza, a caza; escabroso
gamification {n} (use of gameplay) :: ludificación {f}, gamificación {f} [anglicism]
gamify {v} (to convert into the form of a game) :: ludificar
Gamilaraay {prop} (Australian language) :: camilaroi
gamin {n} /ˈɡæmɪn/ (homeless boy; street urchin) :: gamín {m} [Colombia]
gamin {n} (cheeky, street-smart boy) :: gamín {m} [Colombia]
gaming console {n} (video game console) SEE: video game console ::
gamma {n} /ˈɡæmə/ (third letter of the Greek alphabet) :: gamma {f}
gamma {n} :: gama {f}
gamma-aminobutyric acid {n} (amino acid) :: ácido gamma-aminobutírico {m}
gamma globulin {n} :: gammaglobulina {f}
gamma ray {n} (very high frequency electromagnetic radiation) :: rayo gamma {m}
gammon {v} /ˈɡæmən/ (nautical: rope fastening bowsprit to stem) :: barbiquejo {m}, barboquejo {m}
-gamous {suffix} /-ɡəməs/ (having the specified number or form of marriage) :: -gamo
gamut {n} /ˈɡæm.ət/ (complete range) :: gama {f}
gamut {n} (all the notes in the musical scale) :: gama {f}
gamut {n} (all the colours available to a device) :: gama {f}
-gamy {suffix} /-ɡəmi/ (describing forms of marriage) :: -gamia {f}
gander {n} /ɡæn.də(ɹ)/ (a male goose) :: ganso {m}
gander {n} ((slang) a look) :: vistazo {m}
gander {n} :: ganso
Ganesha {prop} /ɡəˈne(ɪ)ʃ(ə)/ (Hindu god) :: Ganesha
gang {n} /ɡæŋ/ (a company of persons) :: grupo {m}, pandilla {f}, mara {f}, banda {f}, cuadrilla {f}
gang {n} (group of criminals who band together for mutual protection) :: cuadrilla {f}, pandilla {f}
gang {n} ((electrics) a number of switches or other electrical devices wired into one unit and covered by one faceplate) :: grupo {m}, mara {f}
gang bang {n} (orgy) SEE: orgy ::
gang bang {n} (gang rape) SEE: gang rape ::
Ganges {prop} /ˈɡændʒiːz/ (the river) :: Ganges {m}
ganglial {adj} (pertaining to a ganglion) :: ganglionar
ganglion {n} /ˈɡæŋɡli.ən/ (cluster of interconnecting nerve cells outside the brain) :: ganglio {m}
ganglion {n} (ganglion cyst) SEE: ganglion cyst ::
ganglion cyst {n} (swelling) :: ganglión {m}
Gang of Four {prop} (leftist political faction) :: Banda de los cuatro {f}
gang rape {n} (rape by a number of people) :: violación en grupo {f}
gangrene {n} /ˈɡæŋˌɡɹin/ (the necrosis or rotting of flesh) :: gangrena {f}
gangster {n} /ˈɡæŋstə/ (street gang member) :: gángster {m}, pandillero {m}, marero {m}, gánster {m}, gangster {m}
Gangtok {prop} /ˈɡæŋ.tɒk/ (capital of Sikkim) :: Gangtok
gangue {n} /ɡæŋ/ (earthy waste substances occurring in metallic ore) :: ganga {f}, blancarte {m}
gangway {n} (passageway) :: corredor {m}
gangway {n} (temporary plank bridge, path, or passageway) :: pasadizo {m}
gangway {n} (nautical: passage through the side of a ship) :: portalón {m}
gangway {interj} (make way) :: ¡a un lado!
gangway {n} (aisle) SEE: aisle ::
gannet {n} (glutton) SEE: glutton ::
gannet {n} /ˈɡænɪt/ (sea bird) :: alcatraz {m}
gantlope {n} (gauntlet) SEE: gauntlet ::
gantry {n} (framework of steel bars bridging over something) :: andamio metálico {m}, pórtico
Ganymede {prop} /ˈɡænɪmiːd/ (in Greek mythology) :: Ganimedes {m}
Ganymede {prop} (satellite of Jupiter) :: Ganimedes {m}
gaol {v} (jail) SEE: jail ::
Gaonic {adj} (related to the Geonim) :: gaónico
Gaosyong {prop} (Kaohsiung) SEE: Kaohsiung ::
Gaoxiong {prop} (Kaohsiung) SEE: Kaohsiung ::
gap {n} (hiatus) SEE: hiatus ::
gap {n} /ɡæp/ (opening made by breaking or parting) :: brecha {f}, hueco {m}
gap {n} (opening allowing passage or entrance) :: brecha {f}, hueco {m}
gap {n} (opening that implies a breach or defect) :: brecha {f}
gap {n} (vacant space or time) :: hueco {m}
gap {n} :: hueco {m}, abertura {f}
gape {v} /ˈɡeɪp/ (to open the mouth wide) :: boquear
gap year {n} (yearlong break from study) :: año sabático {m}
garage {n} (aviation: shed for housing an aircraft) SEE: hangar ::
garage {n} (petrol filling station) SEE: gas station ::
garage {n} /ɡəˈɹɑː(d)ʒ/ (building or section of building to store a car, tools etc.) :: garaje {m}
garage {n} (place where cars are serviced and repaired) :: taller mecánico, garaje {m}, taller {m}
garage {n} :: garaje {m}
garage door {n} (door on a garage) :: portón de garaje {m}
garage sale {n} (a sale of used household goods in the driveway or garage) :: venta de garaje
garb {n} /ɡɑː(ɹ)b/ (wheat sheaf) :: gavilla {f}
garbage {n} /ˈɡɑɹbɪd͡ʒ/ (waste material) :: basura {f}, desperdicios {m-p}
garbage can {n} (waste receptacle) :: basurero {m} [Chile, Costa Rica, Peru], bote de basura {m} [El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Mexico], caneca de basura {f} [Colombia], cesto de basura {m} [especially Cuba and Honduras], cubo de basura {m} [Spain], latón de basura {m} [Cuba], pipote de basura {m} [Venezuela], tacho de basura {m} [Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay], tinaco de basura {m} [Panama], zafacón {m} [Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico]
garbage collector {n} (worker) :: basurero {m}, basurera {f}
garbage collector {n} (program) :: recolector de basura {m}
garbage disposal {n} (device in kitchen sink to wash away waste) :: trituradora de basura {f}
garbage in, garbage out {proverb} (proverb: output is dependent on input) :: basura entra, basura sale
garbage man {n} (garbage collector) SEE: garbage collector ::
garbage truck {n} (waste collection vehicle) :: camión de la basura {m}
garbanzo {n} /ɡɑɹˈbɑnzoʊ/ (edible pulse) :: garbanzo {m}
garbologist {n} (garbage collector) SEE: garbage collector ::
garden {n} /ˈɡɑːdn̩/ (piece of land outside with flowers and plants) :: jardín {m}
garden {n} (gardens with public access) :: jardines {m-p}
garden {n} (grounds at the front or back of a house) :: jardín {m}
garden {n} (slang: the pubic hair) :: felpudo {m}
garden {v} (grow plants) :: trabajar el jardín
garden balsam {n} (Impatiens balsamina) :: balsamina {f}
gardenburger {n} (vegetarian imitation hamburger) :: hamburguesa vegetariana {f}
garden city {n} (planned city with gardens) :: ciudad jardín {f}
garden cress {n} /ˈɡɑːdn̩ kɹɛs/ (the leafy plant) :: berro {m}
garden dormouse {n} (rodent) :: lirón careto {m}
gardener {n} /ˈɡɑɹdn̩ɚ/ (one who gardens) :: jardinero {m}, jardinera {f}
garden gnome {n} (a small statue of a gnome used as a garden ornament) :: enano de jardín {m}
gardenia {n} /ɡɑɹˈdinjə/ (tree or shrub of the genus Gardenia) :: gardenia {f}
gardening {n} (the care of a garden) :: jardinería
Garden of Eden {prop} (place where Adam and Eve first lived) :: jardín de Edén {m}
garden warbler {n} (Sylvia borin) :: curruca mosquitera {f}
Gardnerian Wicca {prop} (branch of Wicca) :: wicca gardneriana
garganey {n} (duck) :: cerceta {f}
gargle {v} /ˈɡɑɹɡəl/ (to clean one's mouth) :: hacer gárgaras, gargarizar
gargle {n} (sound) :: gárgara {f}
gargoyle {n} /ˈɡɑɹ.ɡɔɪl/ (carved grotesque figure on a spout) :: gárgola {f}
gargoyle {n} (decorative figure on a building) :: gárgola {f}
gargoyle {n} (fictional winged creature) :: gárgola {f}
garish {adj} /ˈɡɛəɹɪʃ/ (overly ostentatious; so colourful as to be in bad taste) :: gárrido {m}, chillón {m}, vistoso {m}, colorinche [Lat. Am.], charro {m}, estrambótico {m}, estrafalario {m}, hortera [Spain]
garland {n} /ˈɡɑɹlənd/ (wreath of flowers) :: guirnalda {f}
garland {n} (accolade, mark of honour) :: galardón, marco de honor {m} {mf}
garlic {n} /ˈɡɑɹlɪk/ (plant) :: ajo {m}
garlic bread {n} (bread topped with garlic) :: pan de ajo {m}
garlicky {adj} /ˈɡɑːlɪki/ (tasting or smelling of garlic) :: aliáceo
garlic mustard {n} (Alliaria petiolata) :: ajera, aliaria {f}
garlic press {n} (ustensil) :: prensa de ajo {f}
garment {n} /ˈɡɑɹ.mənt/ (single item of clothing) :: prenda {f}
garner {n} /ˈɡɑːɹ.nɚ/ (granary) :: granero {m}
garnet {n} /ˈɡɑː(ɹ).nət/ (mineral) :: granate {m}
garnet {n} (colour) :: granate {m}
garnish {v} /ˈɡɑɹnɪʃ/ (to decorate with ornamental appendages) :: guarnecer
garnish {v} (to ornament) :: guarnecer
garnish {v} (to furnish; to supply) :: guarnecer
garnish {n} (something added for embellishment) :: guarnición {f}
garnish {n} (something set round or upon a dish) :: guarnición {f}
garnish {v} (fetter) SEE: fetter ::
garniture {n} (something that garnishes) :: gayadura {f} [especially of a dress]
Garonne {prop} (river) :: Garona {f}
garret {n} /ˈɡɛɹɪt/ (an attic or semi-finished room just beneath the roof of a house) :: buhardilla {f}
garrison {n} /ˈɡæɹɪsən/ (post) :: guarnición {f}
garrison {n} (troops) :: guarnición {f}
garrison {v} :: apostar
garron {n} /ˈɡaɹən/ (type of horse) :: garrano
garrulity {n} /ɡəˈɹu.lɪ.ti/ (state or characteristic of being garrulous) :: locuacidad {f}, garrulidad {f}, verborrea {f}, logorrea {f}
garrulous {adj} /ˈɡɛɹ.ə.ləs/ (excessively or tiresomely talkative) :: gárrulo, lenguón, lenguaz, locuaz
garrulous {adj} (excessively wordy and rambling) :: gárrulo
garrulousness {n} (garrulity) SEE: garrulity ::
garter {n} /ˈɡɑːtə/ (band around leg) :: liga {f}
garter belt {n} (suspender belt) SEE: suspender belt ::
gas {n} /ɡæs/ ((uncountable, chemistry) state of matter) :: gas {m}
gas {v} (kill with poisonous gas) :: gasear
gas {v} (give a vehicle more fuel in order to accelerate) :: acelerar
gas {v} (fill a vehicle's fuel tank) :: echar gasolina, llenar el tanque, repostar
gas bladder {n} (internal organ) SEE: swim bladder ::
gas chamber {n} (a sealed chamber in which people are executed with gas) :: cámara de gas {f}
Gascon {n} /ˈɡæskən/ (inhabitant) :: gascón {m}
Gascony {prop} (Former region of France) :: Gascuña {f}
gaseous {adj} /ˈɡæʃəs/ (relating to, or existing as, gas) :: gaseoso
gaseous {adj} (of a liquid containing bubbles: gassy) :: gaseoso
gas giant {n} (large planet of gas) :: gigante gaseoso {m}
gas guzzler {n} (vehicle that consumes a large amount of fuel) :: tragonero
gas-guzzler {n} (gas guzzler) SEE: gas guzzler ::
gash {n} /ɡæʃ/ (slang: woman) :: tajo {m}
gash {n} (vulva) SEE: vulva ::
gasholder {n} :: gasómetro {m}
gasify {v} (to convert into gas) :: gasificar
gasket {n} /ˈɡæs.kɪt/ (mechanical seal) :: empaquetadura {f}, junta {f}
gaslight {n} /ˈɡæslaɪt/ (lamp which burns piped illuminating gas) :: lámpara a gas {f}
gas-liquid chromatography {n} (form of chromatography) :: cromatografía de gases {f}
gas mask {n} (a covering for the face with a filter to protect the user from poisonous gas) :: máscara antigás {f}
gas meter {n} (a meter which measures the amount of gas supplied to a property via a gas main) :: contador del gas {m}, contador de gas {m}
gasoduct {n} (gas pipeline) SEE: gas pipeline ::
gasoline {n} /ɡæsl̩ˈin/ (motor fuel) :: gasolina {f}, bencina {f} [Chile, Peru], nafta {f} [Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay], esencia de petróleo {f} [rare, formal]
gasometer {n} (gasholder) SEE: gasholder ::
gasp {v} /ɡæsp/ (to breathe laboriously or convulsively) :: jadear
gasp {n} (A short, sudden intake of breath) :: bocanada {f}
gasp {n} (A draw or drag on a cigarette (or gasper)) :: calada {f}
gas pedal {n} (accelerator) SEE: accelerator ::
gas pipeline {n} (a gas pipeline) :: gasoducto {m}, gaseoducto {m}
gas plant {n} (Dictamnus albus) :: gitam {m}, herba gitanera {f}, fresnillo {m}
gas pump {n} (device at a gas station that dispenses gasoline) :: surtidor de gasolina {m}
gas station {n} (an establishment which sells gasoline to pump directly into a car) :: estación de servicio {m}, gasolinera {f}, [Chile] bencinera {f}, [Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Panama, Venezuela] bomba {f}, [Mexico] gasolinería {f}, [Peru] grifo {m}
gassy {adj} (tending to release flatus) SEE: flatulent ::
gassy {adj} /ˈɡæsi/ (containing gas) :: gaseoso {m}, gaseosa {f}
gassy {adj} (of a beverage: containing dissolved gas) :: gaseoso, espumante
gas tank {n} (fuel tank) :: tanque de gas {m}, tanque {m}
gastralgia {n} (stomachache) SEE: stomachache ::
gastrectomy {n} (surgical removal of the stomach) :: gastrectomía {f}
gastric {adj} /ˈɡæstɹɪk/ (Of or relating to the stomach) :: gástrico
gastric acid {n} (acidic secretion of the stomach) :: ácido gástrico {m}, jugo gástrico {m}
gastric juice {n} (secretion of the stomach) SEE: gastric acid ::
gastrinoma {n} (a tumour) :: gastrinoma {f}
gastritis {n} (inflammation of the lining of the stomach) :: gastritis {f}
gastro- {prefix} /ˈɡæstɹəʊ-/ (meaning stomach) :: gastro-
gastro- {prefix} (meaning food) :: gastro-
gastrocnemius {n} /ˌɡæstɹəkˈniːmiəs/ (muscle at the back of the calf) :: gastrocnemio {m}
gastroduodenal {adj} (relating to the stomach and duodenum) :: gastroduodenal
gastroenteritis {n} (inflammation) :: gastroenteritis {f}
gastroenterology {n} (the study of the digestive system) :: gastroenterología {f}
gastroepiploic {adj} (of or pertaining to the stomach and omenta) :: gastroepiploico
gastroesophageal reflux {n} (pain from influx of gastric juices into the esophagus) SEE: heartburn ::
gastroesophageal reflux {n} (pathology: chronic medical condition) :: reflujo {m}, reflujo gastroesofágico {m}
gastrointestinal {adj} /ˌɡæstɹoʊɪnˈtɛstɪnəl/ (of or pertaining to the stomach and intestines) :: gastrointestinal
gastrointestinal tract {n} (digestive tract) SEE: digestive tract ::
gastronome {n} (gourmet) SEE: gourmet ::
gastronomic {adj} (of or pertaining to gastronomy) :: gastronómico
gastronomically {adv} (from the perspective of gastronomy) :: gastronómicamente
gastronomy {n} /ɡæˈstɹɒnəmi/ (study of the relationship between food and culture) :: gastronomía {f}
gastrophrenic {adj} (pertaining to the stomach and diaphragm) :: gastrofrénico
gastropod {n} /ˈɡæstɹəˌpɑd/ (member of a class of molluscs) :: gasterópodo {m}
gastroptosis {n} (An abnormal downward displacement of the stomach) :: gastroptosis {f}
gastroscopy {n} (examination of esophagus, stomach and dodenum) :: gastroscopia {f}
gastrosplenic {adj} (of or pertaining to the stomach and the spleen) :: gastroesplénico
gas up {v} ((US slang) To fill a gas tank with fuel) :: repostar carburante
gate {n} /ɡeɪt/ (door-like structure outside) :: puerta {f}, portón {m}
gate {n} (doorway, opening, or passage in a fence or wall) :: puerta {f}
gate {n} (movable barrier) :: barrera {f}
gate {n} (computing: logical pathway) :: compuerta {f}
gate {n} (in an air terminal) :: puerta {f}
gate {n} ((electronics) name of one terminal of a transistor) :: puerta {f}
gateau {n} (rich, iced cake) :: tarta {f}
gatecrash {v} / ˈɡeɪtkɹaʃ/ (to go to a social event without being invited, or without having paid) :: colarse
gatecrasher {n} (a person who gatecrashes) :: paracaidista {m} {f}, colado, gorrón
gatekeeper {n} /ˈɡeɪtkiːpə/ (A person who guards or monitors passage through a gate) :: portero {m}
gateway {n} /ˈɡeɪtˌweɪ/ :: portal puerta, verja, pórtico, entrada, salida
gather {v} /ˈɡæðə/ (to bring together; to collect) :: juntar, recoger
gather {v} (—to accumulate over time) :: acumular
gather {v} (—to congregate) :: reunir
gather {v} (to infer or conclude) :: colegir
gatherer {n} (person who gathers things) :: recolector {m}
gathering {n} /ˈɡæ.ðə.ɹɪŋ/ (get-together, social function) :: fiesta {f}
Gatling gun {n} /ˈɡætlɪŋ ˌɡʌn/ (a type of machine gun) :: cañón Gatling {m}
gauche {adj} /ɡoʊʃ/ (awkward, bumbling) :: torpe
gaucho {n} /ˈɡaʊtʃoʊ/ (South American cowboy) :: gaucho {m}
gaudy {adj} /ˈɡɔ.di/ (very showy or ornamented) :: llamativo, vistoso, sobrecargado, vulgar, feúcho, chillón, hortera
gauge {n} /ˈɡeɪdʒ/ (a measure; a standard of measure; an instrument to determine dimensions, distance, or capacity; a standard) :: medida {f}
gauge {n} (any instrument for ascertaining or regulating the level, state, dimensions or forms of things; as, a rain gauge; a steam gauge) :: medidor {m}
gauge {n} (distance between the rails of a railway) :: (Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay) trocha {f}
gauge {v} (measure) :: medir
gauge boson {n} (particle) :: bosón de gauge {m}
gauge pressure {n} (the absolute pressure minus the atmospheric pressure) :: presión manométrica {f}, presión relativa {f}
Gaul {prop} /ɡɔːl/ (region) :: Galia {f}
Gaul {n} (person) :: galo {m}, gala {f}
Gaulish {adj} (of or pertaining to Gaul) :: galo, gálico
gaunt {adj} /ɡɔːnt/ (haggard, drawn and emaciated) :: demacrado, chupado, macilento
gaunt {adj} (bleak, barren and desolate) :: demacrado
gauntlet {n} /ˈɡɔːnt.lət/ (protective armor for the hands) :: guantelete
gaur {n} /ɡaʊəɹ/ (Bos gaurus) :: gaur
gauss {n} (unit of magnetic field strength) :: gauss {m}
gauze {n} /ɡɔːz/ (thin fabric with open weave) :: gasa {f}
gauze {n} (cotton fabric used as surgical dressing) :: gasa {f}
gauze {n} (wire gauze used as fence) :: tela {f} metálica
gavel {n} /ˈɡæ.vəl/ (wooden mallet) :: mazo {m}, martillo {m}
gavel {v} (To use a gavel) :: dar mazazos, dar martillazos
gavial {n} (crocodilian of genus Gavialis) :: gavial {m}
gawky {adj} /ˈɡɔːki/ (awkward, ungainly) :: insignificante {m}
gay {adj} (sexually promiscuous) SEE: promiscuous ::
gay {adj} /ɡeɪ/ (happy, joyful and lively) :: feliz, alegre
gay {adj} (festive, bright, colorful) :: festivo, vívido, alegre, colorido, gayo
gay {adj} (homosexual, see also: homosexual; lesbian) :: gay, homosexual
gay {adj} (typical of homosexual appearance) :: mariconado, femenino, marimachado, gay
gay {adj} (behaving in a way associated with females) :: amujerado, afeminado, amanerado {m}
gay {adj} (lame, uncool (used to express dislike)) :: penca, fome, aburrido
gay {n} (homosexual person, especially male, see also: lesbian; homosexual; fairy; fag; poof; bender; bugger) :: gay {m}
gay bar {n} (nightclub whose primary clientele are LGBT people) :: bar gay {m}
gayboy {n} :: mariconcito {m}, colita {f}
gayby {n} /ɡeɪbi/ :: [gay infant] bebé gay {m}, [child of gay couple] bebé de gays {m}, [child of gay person] bebé de un gay {m}, mariconcito {m}
gay marriage {n} (marriage between two people of the same sex) :: matrimonio homosexual {m}, matrimonio gay {m}, matrimonio del mismo sexo {m}
gay pride {n} (a feeling of pride in one's homosexuality) :: orgullo gay {m}
Gaza {prop} (city) :: Gaza
Gaza {prop} (Gaza Strip) SEE: Gaza Strip ::
Gazaean {adj} (Of, from, or pertaining to Gaza or its people.) SEE: Gazan ::
Gazaean {n} (An inhabitant of Gaza or native to it.) SEE: Gazan ::
Gazan {n} :: gazatí, gazeo {m}
Gazan {adj} :: gazeo {m}
Gaza Strip {prop} (Gaza Strip) :: franja de Gaza {f}
gaze {v} /ɡeɪz/ (to stare intently or earnestly) :: observar
gaze {v} (to stare at) :: mirar fijamente
gazebo {n} /ɡəˈziːboʊ/ (roofed structure) :: gazebo {m}
gazehound {n} (sighthound) SEE: sighthound ::
gazelle {n} /ɡəˈzɛl/ (antelope) :: gacela {f}
gazette {n} /ɡəˈzɛt/ (newspaper, see also: newspaper) :: gaceta {f}
gazetteer {n} (geographic dictionary or encyclopedia) :: nomenclátor
gazpacho {n} /ɡəsˈpɑːtʃəʊ/ (cold soup of Spanish origin) :: gazpacho {m}
gcd {n} (initialism for greatest common divisor) :: mcd
G clef {n} (treble clef) :: clave de sol {f}
G-d {prop} (deliberately incomplete spelling of God) :: Di-s
Gdańsk {prop} /ɡəˈdænsk/ (city of Poland) :: Gdansk {m}, Dánzig [formerly]
Gödel number {n} (number uniquely assigned to each symbol) :: número de Gödel {m}
GDP {n} (abbreviation of gross domestic product, see also: gross domestic product) :: PIB
GDR {prop} (German Democratic Republic) :: RDA {f}
gean {n} /ɡiːn/ (wild cherry tree) :: guinda {f}
gear {n} /ɡɪɚ/ (equipment or paraphernalia) :: equipo {m}, engranaje, pertrecho, aparejo, apero, avíos, trebejos, enseres, recado
gear {n} (a wheel with grooves) :: engranaje {m}
gear {n} (a particular combination or choice of interlocking gears) :: marcha {f}, velocidad {f}
gear {n} (motor car transmission) :: marcha {f}, cambio {m}
gear {v} :: engranar
gearbox {n} (train of gears) :: caja de cambios {f}, caja de velocidades {f}
gear lever {n} (lever used to change gears) :: cambio de marchas {m}, palanca de cambios {f}
gear stick {n} (gear lever) SEE: gear lever ::
gearstick {n} (gear lever) SEE: gear lever ::
gear wheel {n} (wheel with a toothed rim) :: engranaje {m}, rueda dentada {f}, corona {f}, piñón {m}
Geat {n} /ɡiːt/ (tribe member) :: geta {m} {f}
gecko {n} /ˈɡɛ.kəʊ/ (lizard of the family Gekkonidae) :: salamanquesa {f}, geco {m}
gedankenexperiment {n} (thought experiment) SEE: thought experiment ::
gee {interj} /dʒiː/ (exclamation of surprise or pleasure) :: vaya
gee {n} /dʒiː/ (name of the letter G, g) :: ge {f}
geek {n} (Australian: look) SEE: look ::
geek {n} /ɡiːk/ (expert in a technical field, particularly to do with computers) :: computín {m}
geek {n} (person intensely interested in a particular field or hobby) :: friki, flipado {m}, chiflado {m}
geek {n} (unfashionable or socially undesirable person) :: friki
gee up {interj} (direction to a horse) SEE: giddyup ::
geez {interj} /dʒiːz/ (An exclamation denoting surprise or frustration) :: ¡Jesús!
geez {interj} (Exclamation of incredulity) :: ostras,caramba
geezer {n} (device for boiling water) SEE: geyser ::
geezer {n} /ˈɡizɚ/ (male person) :: menda [Spain, colloquial]
geezer {n} (informal: old person, especially male) :: viejales, vejestorio
gegenschein {n} /ˈɡeɪ.ɡən.ˌʃaɪn/ :: gegenschein
Gehenna {prop} /ɡəˈhɛ.nə/ (hell, in Abrahamic religions) :: Gehena {f}
Gehinnom {prop} (Jewish realm of the afterlife) SEE: Gehenna ::
Geiger counter {n} /ˈɡaɪɡɚ ˈkaʊntɚ/ (device) :: contador Geiger {m}
gel {n} /dʒɛl/ (suspension of solid in liquid) :: gel
gel {v} (become gel) :: gelificarse
gel {v} (develop a rapport) :: relacionarse
gelada {n} /dʒəˈlɑːdə/ (primate) :: gelada {m}
Gelasian {prop} (geological age) :: Gelasiense
gelatin {n} /ˈdʒɛlətɪn/ (protein derived through partial hydrolysis of the collagen) :: gelatina {f}
gelatin {n} (edible jelly) :: gelatina {f}
gelatin {n} (translucent membrane) :: gelatina {f}
gelatinous {adj} (jelly-like) :: gelatinoso
geld {n} (money) SEE: money ::
geld {v} (castrate) SEE: castrate ::
gelding {n} (eunuch) SEE: eunuch ::
gelding {n} /ˈɡɛldɪŋ/ (castrated male horse) :: (caballo) capón {m}, caballo castrado {m}
gelding {n} (castrated male animal) :: capón {m}
gelid {adj} /ˈdʒɛl.ɪd/ (very cold; icy) :: gélido {m}
gelignite {n} /dʒɛlɪɡ.naɪt/ (explosive mixture of nitroglycerine and nitrate) :: gelignita {f}
gel pen {n} (pen) :: bolígrafo de gel, pluma de gel
gem {n} /d͡ʒɛm/ (precious stone) :: joya {f}, alhaja {f}, piedra preciosa {f}, gema {f}
gemination {n} /ˌdʒɛm.ɪˈneɪ.ʃən/ (phonetical phenomenon) :: geminación {f}
Gemini {prop} /ˈdʒɛmɪnaɪ/ (constellation) :: Géminis {m-p}
Gemini {prop} (astrological sign) :: Géminis {m-p}
Gemma {prop} /ˈdʒɛmə/ (feminine given name) :: Gemma {f}
gemologist {n} (An expert in gemology) :: gemólogo
gemstone {n} /ˈdʒɛmˌstoʊn/ (a gem) :: piedra preciosa {f}, joya {f}, alhaja {f}
-gen {suffix} (producer of something) :: -geno {m}
gendarme {n} /ʒɑn.ˈdɑɹm/ (member of the gendarmerie) :: gendarme {m}
gendarmerie {n} /ˈʒɑn.dɑɹ.mə.ɹi/ (military body charged with police duties) :: gendarmería {f}
gender {v} (engender) SEE: engender ::
gender {n} /ˈdʒɛndɚ/ (grammar: division of nouns and pronouns) :: género {m}
gender {n} (biological sex) :: sexo {m}, género {m}
gender {n} :: género {m}
gender {n} (grammar: voice (of verbs)) SEE: voice ::
gender dysphoria {n} (profound unhappiness related to characteristics associated with one's birth-assigned sex, experienced by some transgender people) :: disforia de género {f}
gender identity {n} (person's sense of self as a member of a particular gender) :: identidad de género {f}
gender identity disorder {n} (gender dysphoria condition) :: disforia de género {f}, trastorno de identidad sexual {m}
gender ideology {n} :: ideología de género {f}
gene {n} /dʒiːn/ (unit of heredity) :: gen {m}, gene {m}
genealogical {adj} (of or relating to genealogy) :: genealógico
genealogically {adv} (using genealigical methods) :: genealógicamente
genealogically {adv} (from a genealogical perspective) :: genealógicamente
genealogist {n} /ˈdʒiː.niːˌæl.ə.dʒɪst/ (person who studies or practises genealogy, expert in genealogy) :: genealogista {m} {f}
genealogy {n} /ˌdʒiniˈɑlədʒi/ (descent of a person, family or group from ancestors) :: genealogía {f}
genealogy {n} (record or table of such descent) :: genealogía {f}
genealogy {n} (study and recording of descents) :: genealogía {f}
gene pool {n} (complete set of alleles) :: acervo genético {m}
general {adj} /ˈd͡ʒɛnəɹəl/ (involving every part or member, not specific or particular) :: general
general {adj} :: general
general {n} (military rank) :: general {m}
general anesthetic {n} (substance) :: anestésico general {m}
generalisation {n} (formulation of general concepts) :: generalización {f}
generalisation {n} (inductive reasoning) :: generalización {f}
generalissimo {n} (supreme commander) :: generalísimo {m}
generalist {n} (person with a broad general knowledge) :: generalista
generalist {n} (general practitioner) :: generalista
generalization {n} (formulation of general concepts) :: generalización {f}
generalization {n} (inductive reasoning) :: generalización {f}
generalize {v} (to speak in generalities, or in vague terms) :: generalizar
general knowledge {n} /ˈdʒɛnəɹəl ˈnɑlɪdʒ/ (wide body of information that a person acquires from education and from life) :: cultura general {f}
generally {adv} /d͡ʒɛnɹəliː/ (popularly or widely) :: generalmente, por lo general
generally {adv} (as a rule; usually) :: generalmente, por lo general
generally {adv} (without reference to specific details) :: generalmente
general partnership {n} (type of partnership) :: sociedad colectiva {f}, [Mexico] sociedad en nombre colectivo {f}
general population {n} (general public) SEE: general public ::
general practitioner {n} (physician who provides primary care; family doctor) :: médico de cabecera {m}, médico de familia {m}
general public {n} (members of the public who have no special role) :: gran público {m}
general public {n} (laypeople) :: profanos {m-p}
general relativity {n} (theory in physics) :: relatividad general {f}
general strike {n} (work stoppage) :: huelga general {f}
General Tao chicken {n} (General Tso's chicken) SEE: General Tso's chicken ::
General Tso's chicken {n} (sweet and spicy dish) :: pollo General Tao, pollo General Tsao, pollo General Gau
generate {v} /ˈdʒɛn.ə.ɹeɪt/ (to bring into being) :: generar
generate {v} (to produce as a result of a chemical or physical process) :: generar, producir
generate {v} (to procreate, beget) :: procrear
generation {n} /ˌd͡ʒɛnəˈɹeɪʃən/ (origination by some process; formation) :: generación
generation {n} (single step in the succession of natural descent) :: generación {f}
generation {n} :: generación {f}
generational {adj} (of, pertaining to, or changing over generations) :: generacional {m} {f}
generation gap {n} (disconnect between generations) :: brecha generacional {m}
Generation Y {prop} (generation of people born in the 1980s and 1990s) :: generación Y {f}
generator {n} (apparatus: electrical generator) :: generador {m}, generador eléctrico {m}
generic {adj} /dʒɪˈnɛɹɪk/ (very comprehensive) :: genérico
generic {adj} (not having a brand name) :: genérico [of a drug]
genericized trademark {n} (brand name that has come into general use) :: marca vulgarizada {f}, marca de uso común {f}
generosity {n} /ˌd͡ʒɛnəˈɹɑsəti/ (the trait of being willing to donate) :: generosidad {f}
generosity {n} (good breeding; nobility of stock) :: generosidad {f} [rare]
generosity {n} :: generosidad
generous {adj} /ˈdʒɛn(ə)ɹəs/ (noble in behaviour, magnanimous) :: generoso, magnánimo {m}
generous {adj} (willing to give and share unsparingly) :: generoso, dadivoso {m}, munificente
generous {adj} (large, ample) :: generoso
generous {adj} (of noble birth) :: generoso
generously {adv} (in a generous manner) :: generosamente
genesis {n} /ˈd͡ʒɛn.ə.sɪs/ (the origin, start, or point at which something comes into being) :: génesis {f}
Genesis {prop} (the book of the Bible) :: el Génesis
genet {n} /ˈdʒɛn.ɪt/ (mammal of the genus Genetta) :: jineta {f}, gineta {f}
gene therapy {n} (therapy involving the insertion of genes into a patient's cells) :: terapia génica {f}
genetic {adj} /d͡ʒəˈnɛtɪk/ (relating to genetics or genes) :: genético
genetically {adv} (relating to genes) :: genéticamente
genetically modified {adj} (produced by genetic modification) :: modificado genéticamente {m}
genetic code {n} (rules by which the sequence of bases in DNA are translated into the amino acid sequence of proteins) :: código genético {m}
genetic engineering {n} (practice or science of genetic modification) :: ingeniería genética {f}
genetic engineering {n} (genetic modification) SEE: genetic modification ::
geneticist {n} (scientist who studies genes) :: genetista {m} {f}
genetic modification {n} (deliberate modification of genetic structure) :: modificación genética {f}
genetics {n} /dʒɛˈnɛ.tɪks/ (branch of biology) :: genética {f}
Geneva {prop} /dʒəˈniːvə/ (city) :: Ginebra
Geneva {prop} (canton) :: Ginebra
Geneva {prop} (lake) :: Lago de Ginebra
Geneva Convention {prop} (international treaty) :: Convenciones de Ginebra {f-p}
Genevieve {prop} (female given name) :: Genoveva {f}
Genghis Khan {prop} /ˈdʒɛŋɡɪs ˈkɑːn/ (Genghis Khan) :: Gengis Kan {m}
genial {adj} /ˈdʒiːnɪəl/ (friendly and cheerful) :: campechano
geniculate {adj} (bent abruptly) :: geniculado
genie {n} /ˈdʒiː.ni/ (an unseen being in Muslim theology) :: genio {m}
genie {n} (a fictional magical being) :: genio {m}
genie is out of the bottle {phrase} (something has been brought into reality that cannot be eliminated or undone) SEE: what's done is done ::
genital {adj} /ˈdʒɛnətəl/ (of, or relating to biological reproduction) :: genital
genital {adj} (of, or relating to the genitalia) :: genital
genitalia {n} /ˈdʒɛnɪˈteɪli.ə/ (genitals or sex organs) :: genitales {m-p}
genitals {n} (genitalia) SEE: genitalia ::
genitive {adj} (of or pertaining to the case of possession) :: genitivo
genitive {n} (inflection pattern) :: genetivo {m}, caso genitivo {m}
genitive case {n} (genitive) SEE: genitive ::
genito- {prefix} (relating to the genitals) :: genito-
genitofemoral {adj} (pertaining to the genital organs and the thigh) :: genitofemoral
genitourinary {adj} (relating to the genital and urinary systems) :: genitourinario, urogenital
genius {n} /ˈdʒin.jəs/ (someone possessing extraordinary intelligence or skill) :: genio {m}, genia {f}
genius {n} (extraordinary mental capacity) :: genio {m}
genius {n} (tutelary deity) SEE: tutelary deity ::
genizah {n} /ɡɛˈniːzə/ (depository where sacred Hebrew books, etc., are kept before being buried in a cemetery) :: geniza
Genoa {prop} /ˈdʒɛn.ou.ə/ (province) :: Génova {f}
Genoa {prop} (Italian city) :: Génova {f}
genocide {n} /ˈd͡ʒɛnəsaɪd/ (systematic killing of substantial numbers of people) :: genocidio {m}
Genoese {n} /ˌd͡ʒɛnəʊˈiːz/ (an inhabitant or resident of Genoa) :: genovés {m}
Genoese {prop} (inhabitants of Genoa) :: genovés {m}
Genoese {prop} (Ligurian dialect spoken in Genoa) :: genovés {m}
Genoese {adj} (of, from or relating to Genoa) :: genovés
genome {n} /ˈdʒiː.noʊm/ (complete genetic information of an organism) :: genoma {m}
genotype {n} /ˈdʒiːn.oʊ.taɪp/ (DNA sequence which determines a specific characteristic) :: genotipo {m}
genotype {n} :: genotipo
genotypic {adj} (pertaining to a genotype) :: genotípico
genotypical {adj} (of or relating to genotype) :: genotípico
Genovese {adj} (Genoese) SEE: Genoese ::
genre {n} /(d)ʒɑn.ɹə/ (kind; type; sort) :: género {m}
gens {n} /d͡ʒɛnz/ (legally defined unit of Roman society) :: gens {f}
Genseric {prop} (male given name) :: Genserico
gentamicin {n} /d͡ʒɛntəˈmaɪsɪn/ (A glycoside antibiotic) :: gentamicina {f}
gentian {n} /ˈdʒɛn(t)ʃən/ (Any of various herbs of the family Gentianaceae) :: genciana {f}
gentian {n} (The dried roots and rhizome of a European gentian) :: genciana {f}
genticide {n} (killing of a race or nation of people) SEE: genocide ::
gentile {adj} /ˈd͡ʒɛntaɪl/ (non-Jewish) :: gentil
gentile {adj} (heathen, pagan) :: pagano
gentile {n} (non-Jewish person) :: gentil {m}
gentle {adj} /ˈdʒɛntl̩/ (tender and amiable) :: tierno
gentle {adj} (soft and mild rather than hard or severe) :: suave
gentle {adj} (docile and easily managed) :: tranquilo
gentle {adj} (gradual rather than steep or sudden) :: medido, gradual
gentle {adj} (polite and respectful rather than rude) :: amable
gentleman {n} /ˈdʒɛɾ̃.ɫ̩.mən/ (man of breeding) :: caballero {m}
gentleman {n} (polite term for a man) :: caballero {m}
gentleman {n} (polite form of address to men) :: señores {m}
gentlemanliness {n} (gentlemanly behaviour) :: caballerosidad {f}, galantería {f}
gentlemanly {adv} (in the manner of a gentleman) :: caballeresco {m}, caballeroso {m}, galante
gentleman's agreement {n} (agreement) :: acuerdo de honor {m}, pacto de honor {m}, pacto de caballeros {m}
gentleness {n} /ˈd͡ʒɛntl̩nəs/ (being gentle) :: suavidad {f}, dulzura {f}
gently {adv} /ˈdʒɛntli/ (in a gentle manner) :: mansamente, suave
gentoo penguin {n} (penguin) :: pingüino juanito {m}, pingüino papúa {m}, pingüino gentú {m}, pingüino de vincha {m}
gentrification {n} /dʒɛntɹɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ (process of renewal accompanying an influx of relatively affluent people) :: gentrificación {f}
gentrify {v} (to renovate something, especially housing to make more appealing to the middle classes) :: gentrificar
genuflect {v} /ˈdʒɛn.jʊ.flɛkt/ (to bend the knee, as in servitude or worship) :: doblar la rodilla, arrodillarse
genuflection {n} (the act of genuflecting, in the sense of bowing down) :: genuflexión {f}
genuine {adj} /ˈdʒɛnjuːˌɪn/ (real, authentic) :: genuino, auténtico, legítimo, verdadero
genuinely {adv} (truthfully, truly) :: auténticamente, genuinamente
genus {n} /ˈdʒiːnəs/ (rank in a taxonomic classification between family and species) :: género {m}
genus {n} (taxon at this rank) :: género {m}
genus {n} :: género {m}
genu varum {n} (bowleg) SEE: bowleg ::
geo- {prefix} (Earth) :: geo-
geo-block {v} :: geobloquear
geo-blocking {n} :: geobloqueo {m}
geobotany {n} (the branch of biogeography that is concerned with the geographic distribution of plant species) :: geobotánica {f}
geocentrism {n} (belief that Earth is the center of the universe) :: geocentrismo {m}
geochemistry {n} (branch of chemistry) :: geoquímica {f}
geochronology {n} (the science of dating samples of rock or sediment) :: geocronología {f}
geoclimatic {adj} :: geoclimático
geode {n} /ˈdʒiːəʊd/ (hollow stone with crystals on the inside wall) :: geoda {f}
geodesic {n} /ˌd͡ʒiːəˈdiːsɪk/ (mathematics: the shortest line between two points on a specific surface) :: geodésica {f}
geodesic {adj} (of or relating to geodesy) :: geodésico
geodesic dome {n} (a domed structure) :: domo geodésico {m}
geodesist {n} (person who works with or studies geodetics) :: geodesta {m} {f}
geodesy {n} /dʒiˈɑdəsi/ (scientific discipline) :: geodesia {f}
geodetic {adj} (geodesic) SEE: geodesic ::
geodetics {n} /ˌd͡ʒiːəʊˈdɛtɪks/ (science) :: geodesia {f}
geoduck {n} /ˈɡuiˌdək/ (P. abrupta) :: geoduck {f}
geodynamics {n} (a branch of geophysics) :: geodinámica {f}
geofence {n} /ˈdʒiːəʊfɛns/ (virtual perimeter around a geographic area) :: geovalla {f}
Geoffrey {prop} /ˈdʒɛfɹi/ (a male given name) :: Godofredo {m}
geogeny {n} (study of the formation of the Earth) :: geogenia {f}
geoglyph {n} /ˈd͡ʒiːə(ʊ)ɡlɪf/ (large-scale drawing on the ground) :: geoglifo {m}
geographer {n} /d͡ʒiːˈɒɡɹəfə(ɹ)/ (a specialist in geography) :: geógrafo {m}, geógrafa {f}
geographic {adj} /d͡ʒiəˈɡɹæfɪk/ (pertaining to geography) :: geográfico {m}
geographical {adj} (geographic) SEE: geographic ::
geographically {adv} (in a geographical manner) :: geográficamente
geographic information system {n} (an electronic system) :: sistema de información geográfica {m}
geography {n} /dʒiˈɑɡɹəfi/ (study of physical structure and inhabitants of the Earth) :: geografía {f}
geoid {n} /ˈdʒiːɔɪd/ (surface of constant gravitational potential at zero elevation) :: geoide
geolocalization {n} :: geolocalización {f}
geolocatable {adj} :: geolocalizable {m} {f}
geolocate {v} (to use GPS to provide map coordinates) :: geolocalizar
geolocation {n} (the identification of geographic location) :: geolocalización {f}
geolocator {n} :: geolocalizador {m}
geologic {adj} /ˌdʒi.əˈlɑdʒ.ɪk/ (relating to geology) :: geológico
geological {adj} (geologic) SEE: geologic ::
geologically {adv} (as part of a geologic process) :: geológicamente
geological matrix {n} (background material) :: matriz {f}
geologic time scale {n} (chronological scale of the earth's history) :: escala temporal geológica {f}
geologist {n} /dʒiˈɑːlədʒɪst/ (person skilled at geology) :: geólogo {m}
geology {n} /dʒiˈɑlədʒi/ (the study of the earth) :: geología {f}
geomagnetic {adj} (of or pertaining to geomagnetism) :: geomagnético
geomagnetism {n} (magnetism of the Earth) :: geomagnetismo {m}
geomagnetism {n} (science) :: geomagnetismo {m}
geomancy {n} (type of divination) :: geomancia {f}
geometer {n} /dʒiˈɑm.ə.tɚ/ (geometry mathematician) :: geómetra {m} {f}
geometric {adj} /ˌdʒi.oʊˈmɛt.ɹɪk/ (of or relating to geometry) :: geométrico
geometrical {adj} (geometric) SEE: geometric ::
geometrically {adv} (in a geometric manner) :: geométricamente
geometric isomerism {n} (form of isomerism) :: isomería geométrica {f}
geometric mean {n} (measure of central tendency) :: media geométrica {f}
geometrid {n} (larva) :: gusano medidor {m}
geometry {n} /dʒiˈɑmətɹi/ (branch of mathematics) :: geometría
geometry {n} (type of geometry) :: geometría {f}
geometry {n} (spatial attributes) :: geometría {f}
geophysical {adj} /ˌdʒiː.əʊˈfɪz.ɪk.əl/ (of or pertaining to geophysics) :: geofísico
geophysicist {n} (one who studies geophysics) :: geofísico {m}, geofísica {f}
geophysics {n} /ˌdʒiː.əʊˈfɪz.ɪks/ (branch of earth science) :: geofísica {f}
geopolitical {adj} (of, or relating to geopolitics) :: geopolítico
geopolitically {adv} (according to geopolitics) :: geopolíticamente
geopolitics {n} (the study of the effects of geography on international politics) :: geopolítica {f}
geoponics {n} (the science of agriculture) :: geoponía {f}, geopónica {f}
George {prop} /dʒɔː(ɹ)dʒ/ (male given name) :: Jorge
Georgetown {prop} /ˈd͡ʒɔː(ɹ)d͡ʒtaʊn/ (capital of Guyana) :: Georgetown
Georgia {prop} /ˈdʒɔɹ.dʒə/ (country) :: Georgia {f}
Georgia {prop} (state of the USA) :: Georgia {f}
Georgian {n} /ˈdʒɔːdʒən/ (language of the country Georgia) :: georgiano {m}
Georgian {n} (person from the country of Georgia) :: georgiano {m}, georgiana {f}
Georgian {adj} (pertaining to the country, people or language of Georgia) :: georgiano
geoscience {n} (earth science) SEE: earth science ::
geospatial {adj} (geospatial) :: geoespacial
geothermal {adj} (pertaining to heat energy) :: geotérmico
geotropism {n} /dʒiˈːɑtɹɒpɪzəm/ (reduced photograph) :: geotropismo {m}
Geppetto {prop} /dʒəˈpɛtoʊ/ (protagonist) :: Geppetto {m}
ger {n} (yurt) SEE: yurt ::
Gerald {prop} (male given name) :: Geraldo {m}
geranium {n} (cranesbill) :: geranio {m}
geranium {n} (common name for Pelargoniums) :: geranio {m}
Gerard {prop} /ˈd͡ʒɛɹɑː(ɹ)d/ (male given name) :: Gerardo {m}
gerbil {n} /ˈdʒɝbl̩/ (small rodent) :: jerbo {m}, gerbo {m}, jerbillo {m}, gerbillo {m}
geriatrician {n} (doctor specialising in elderly people) :: geriatra {m} {f}
geriatrics {n} (branch of medicine dealing with the elderly) :: geriatría {f}
germ {n} /d͡ʒɜːm/ (mass of cells) :: germen {m}
germ {n} (pathogenic microorganism) :: germen {m}
germ {n} (embryo of a seed) :: germen {m}
german {adj} /ˈd͡ʒɝ.mən/ (sharing parents) :: hermano carnal
german {adj} (First cousin) :: primo carnal
German {n} /ˈd͡ʒɜː.mən/ (native or inhabitant of Germany; person of German citizenship or nationality) :: alemán {m}, alemana {f}
German {n} (member of a Germanic tribe) :: germano {m}, germana {f}
German {prop} (the German language) :: alemán {m}
German {adj} (of or relating to the country of Germany) :: alemán
German {adj} (of or relating to the German people) :: alemán
German {adj} (of or relating to the German language) :: alemán
German chamomile {n} (annual plant used for tea) :: manzanilla de Castilla {f}
German cockroach {n} (Blattella germanica) :: cucaracha alemana {f}, cucaracha rubia {f}, [Venezuela] chiripa {f}
German Democratic Republic {prop} (East Germany from 1949-1990) :: República Democrática Alemana
germane {adj} /dʒɝˈmeɪn/ (related to the topic being discussed) :: relacionado, relacionada
germane {n} (germanium tetrahydride) :: germano {m}
Germania {prop} (historical region) :: Germania {f}
Germanic {prop} /d͡ʒɜː(ɹ)ˈmæn.ɪk/ (early language, see also: Ur-Germanic) :: germánico {m}
Germanic {prop} (group of Indo-European languages) :: germánico {m}
Germanic {adj} (relating to the Germanic peoples) :: germano {m}, germánico {m}
Germanic {adj} (relating to the language or group of languages known as Germanic) :: germánico {m}
Germanically {adv} (In a Germanic manner) :: germánicamente
Germanism {n} (a word or idiom of the German language) :: germanismo
germanium {n} /dʒɚˈmeɪni.əm/ (chemical element) :: germanio {m}
germanium tetrahydride {n} (germane) SEE: germane ::
German measles {n} (the disease rubella) SEE: rubella ::
Germano- {prefix} (relating to Germany and German culture) :: germano-
germanomethane {n} (germane) SEE: germane ::
germanophilia {n} (the love of the country, culture or people of Germany) :: germanofilia {f}
German Shepherd {n} (breed of dog) :: pastor alemán {m}
German silver {n} (nickel silver) SEE: nickel silver ::
German Spaniel {n} (dog breed) :: perdiguero alemán
Germany {prop} /ˈd͡ʒɝ.mə.ni/ (country in Central Europe) :: Alemania {f}
germicidal {adj} (disinfectant) :: germicida
germicide {n} (an agent that kills organisms) :: germicida {m}
germinal {adj} (pertaining or belonging to a germ) :: germinal
Germinal {prop} /ˈdʒɝmənəl/ (the seventh month of the French Republican Calendar) :: germinal {m}
germinate {v} (sprout or produce buds) :: germinar
germination {n} (process of germinating) :: germinación {f}
germinative {adj} (of or pertaining to germination) :: germinativo
germinative {adj} (having the ability to germinate) :: germinativo
germophobia {n} (pathological fear of germs) SEE: bacillophobia ::
germ warfare {n} (the use of harmful organisms as a weapon) SEE: biological warfare ::
Geronimo {prop} (prominent leader) :: Gerónimo {m}
geronto- {prefix} :: geronto-
gerontocracy {n} (government by elders) :: gerontocracia {f}
gerontology {n} (branch of science) :: gerontología {f}
gerontophilia {n} (sexual attraction) :: gerontofilia {f}
gerrymander {n} /ˈdʒɛɹiˌmændɚ/ (the act of gerrymandering) :: arreglo de distritos electorales {m}
gerrymandering {n} (redrawing electoral districts to gain an electoral advantage for a political party) SEE: gerrymander ::
Gertrude {prop} /ˈɡɝtɹud/ (female given name) :: Gertrudis
gerund {n} /ˈdʒɛɹənd/ (verb form functioning as a verbal noun) :: gerundio {m}
gerund {n} (verb form functioning as an adverb) :: gerundio {m}
gerundive {n} /dʒəˈɹʌndɪv/ (Latin verbal adjective that describes obligation or necessity) :: gerundivo {m}
Gervase {prop} (male given name) :: Gervasio {m}
gestate {v} (to carry offspring in the uterus) :: gestar
gestation {n} /dʒesˈteɪʃən/ (period of time a fetus develops inside mother's body) :: gestación {f}
gesticulation {n} (act of gesticulating) :: gesticulación {f}
gesture {n} /ˈdʒɛs.tʃɚ/ (motion of the limbs or body) :: gesto {m}, ademán
gesture {n} (act or remark) :: gesto {m}
gesundheit {interj} (said to someone who has just sneezed) SEE: bless you ::
get {v} /ɡɛt/ (to obtain) :: conseguir, obtener
get {v} (to receive) :: recibir
get {v} (to become) :: volverse, convertirse en, get + (adjective) is often translated by a reflexive verb in Spanish, e.g.: get drunk = emborracharse
get {v} (to fetch) :: traer
get {v} (to cause to do) :: hacer que
get {v} (to arrive at) :: llegar
get {v} (to adopt, assume (a position)) :: ponerse
get {v} (to take, catch (transportation)) :: tomar, agarrar
get {v} (colloquial: to understand) :: captar, pillar, guipar
get {v} (colloquial: to be) :: ser
get {v} (to catch out) :: atrapar
get {v} (to beget) SEE: beget ::
geta {n} (Japanese raised wooden clogs) :: geta {f}
get across {v} (to cross; to move from one side (of something) to the other) :: cruzar
get across {v} (to make an idea evident; to successfully explain a thought or feeling) :: evidenciar, patentizar
Getafe {prop} (city) :: Getafe
get a grip {v} (to return to a rational handling of reality) :: controlarse
get ahead {v} :: ir adelante
get along {v} (interact or coexist well, without argument or trouble) :: llevarse bien con, avenirse
get along {v} (survive; to do well enough) :: ir tirando [colloquial], arreglárselas, componérselas, apañarse, valérselas
get a move on {v} (hurry up) SEE: hurry up ::
get around {v} :: sortear
get at {v} (to manage to gain access to) SEE: access ::
get at {v} (to attack verbally or physically) SEE: attack ::
get at {v} (to annoy, bother) SEE: annoy ::
get at {v} ((slang) to contact someone) SEE: contact ::
get away {v} (to avoid capture; to escape (from)) SEE: escape ::
get away {v} (To start moving; to depart) SEE: depart ::
get away with {v} (to escape punishment for) :: irse de rositas
get a word in edgewise {v} /ˌɡɛt ə ˈwɜːd ɪn ˈɛdʒwaɪz/ (to break into or participate in a conversation) :: meter baza
get back {v} (to return to where one came from) :: regresar
get back {v} (to retrieve, to have an item returned) :: devolver, regresar [America]
get back {v} (to do something to hurt or harm someone) :: vengarse
get back at {v} (to retaliate) :: vengarse, desquitarse
get by {v} (subsist) :: subsistir, arreglárselas, ir tirando
get down {v} (bring down (transitive)) SEE: let down ::
get down to brass tacks {v} (deal with the important details) :: ir al grano
get dressed {v} (to beclothe oneself, to put on clothes) :: vestirse
get drunk {v} (to intoxicate oneself with alcohol) :: emborracharse
get drunk {v} (transitive; to make drunk) :: emborrachar
get even {v} (get revenge) :: desquitarse
get high {v} (get high) :: drogarse, colocarse, pichicatearse
Gethsemane {prop} (garden in ancient Jerusalem) :: Getsemaní
get in {v} (to board) :: subir, abordar
get in {v} (to enter) :: acceder
get in {v} (to secure membership) :: entrar
get in the way {v} (to obstruct, hinder, or interfere) :: interponerse, obstruir, estorbar, interferir
get into {v} (to move into an object, such that one ends up inside it) :: entrar en
get into {v} (to enter an unfavourable state) :: caer
get it over with {v} :: hacerlo de una vez por todas
get laid {v} (take part in a sexual act) SEE: have sex ::
get laid {v} (to have sex) :: echar un polvo [Spain], coger [Americas]
get lost {interj} (Go away!) :: ¡ándate!, ¡lárgate!, ¡vete!, ¡piérdete!
get lost {v} (become lost) :: perderse
get married {v} (become married to someone) :: casarse
get off {v} (to move from being on top of (something)) :: bajarse
get off {v} (to stop touching or interfering with something or someone) :: irse
get off {v} (to disembark from) :: descender, bajarse
get off {v} (to incur only mild consequences) :: librarse
get off {v} (to experience sexual pleasure) :: follar, venirse
get off one's chest {v} (to relieve oneself by talking to someone) :: desahogarse
get on {v} (to board or mount) :: montar, cabalgar
get on {v} (to enter (a vehicle)) :: montar
get on {v} (to become late) :: tardar
get on {v} (to become old) :: envejecer, entrar en años, peinar canas [colloquial]
get on {v} (to have a good relationship) :: llevarse bien
get on {v} (to commence an action) :: manos a la obra
get one's act together {v} (become serious and organized) :: sentar la cabeza, ponerse las pilas
get one's ass in gear {v} (to exert effective effort) :: mover el culo
get one's finger out {v} (stop delaying) :: mover el culo, ponerse las pilas
get one's hands dirty {v} :: ensuciarse las manos, no caérsele los anillos
get one's knickers in a twist {v} /ˈɡɛt wʌnz ˈnɪkɚz ɪn ə ˈtwɪst/ (To become overwrought or unnecessarily upset over a trivial matter.) :: hacerse la picha un lío
get one's money's worth {v} (receive good value in a transaction) :: hacer valer su dinero
get one's way {v} (obtain the circumstances one wishes for) :: salir con la suya, salirse con la suya
get one's wires crossed {v} (to misunderstand one another) :: cruzársele los cables (a alguien)
get on someone's nerves {v} (annoy or irritate) :: poner los nervios de punta [colloquial locution], repatear
get on with {v} (proceed with) :: (proceed) hacer, realizar, proceder con; (begin) comenzar, empezar; (continue) continuar con, seguir con, proseguir con
get out {v} (to leave or escape) :: salir
get out {v} (to leave a vehicle such as a car) :: bajarse, salir
get out {v} (to spend free time out of the house) :: salir
get out {v} (to publish something) :: lanzar
get out of bed on the wrong side {v} (to start the day in a bad mood) SEE: get up on the wrong side of the bed ::
get out of Dodge {v} :: salir de Dodge, desaparecer, largarse de una puta vez, [Spain] salir cagando leches
get out of here {interj} (command to leave) :: ¡vete a bañar!, ándate, vete con la música a otra parte
get out of here {interj} (expression of disbelief) :: cómo no
get outta here {interj} (get out of here) SEE: get out of here ::
get over {v} (recover) SEE: recover ::
get over {v} (to overcome) :: superar
get over {v} (to forget, and move on) :: superar
get ready {v} (to make ready or prepare) :: arreglarse, prepararse
get rid of {v} (remove) :: deshacerse, quitar, desembarazarse
get someone's goat {v} /ˌɡɛt ˈsʌmwʌnz ˈɡəʊt/ (to annoy or infuriate someone, see also: annoy; infuriate) :: dar la tabarra, hacer la puñeta, sacar la piedra
get started {v} (cause someone to start talking in length) :: dar cuerda
gettable {adj} (obtainable) SEE: obtainable ::
get the hang of {v} (to learn to handle with some skill) :: coger el tranquillo [Spain, colloquial]
get-together {n} :: quedada {f}
get to the point {v} (State directly) :: ir al grano
get up {v} (to rise from one's bed) :: levantarse
get up on the wrong side of the bed {v} (to feel irritable without a particular reason) :: levantarse del lado equivocado de la cama, levantarse con el pie izquierdo
get used {v} (to get accustomed (to)) :: acostumbrarse
get well soon {phrase} (expressing hope that someone recovers soon) :: que te mejores pronto, que se mejore pronto, mejórate
geyser {n} /ˈɡaɪzɚ/ (boiling spring) :: géiser {m}
GFY {phrase} (Good for you) :: bien por ti
Ghana {prop} /ˈɡɑnə/ (The Republic of Ghana) :: Ghana
Ghanaian {adj} /ɡɑː.ˈneɪ.ən/ (of, from, or pertaining to Ghana or the Ghanaian people) :: ghanés
Ghanaian {n} (person from Ghana or of Ghanaian descent) :: ghanés
Ghanan {adj} (Ghanaian) SEE: Ghanaian ::
Ghanan {n} (Ghanaian) SEE: Ghanaian ::
gharial {n} (gavial) SEE: gavial ::
ghastly {adj} /ˈɡæs(t).li/ (Like a ghost in appearance; death-like; pale; pallid) :: cadavérico
ghastly {adj} (horrifyingly shocking) :: espantoso, horripilante
ghastly {adj} (extremely bad) :: malísimo, horrible, terrible, horripilante
ghazal {n} /ˈɡæzæl/ (a poetic form) :: ghazal {m}, gazal {m}
Gheg {prop} /ɡɛɡ/ (Gheg) :: guego
Ghent {prop} /ˈɡɛnt/ (capital city of the province of East Flanders, Belgium) :: Gante
gherkin {n} /ˈɡɝkɪn/ (small cucumber) :: pepinillo
ghetto {n} /ˈɡɛtoʊ/ (area of a city in which Jews were concentrated) :: gueto {m}
ghetto blaster {n} (powerful portable stereo system) SEE: boom box ::
Ghibelline {n} /ˈɡɪbəlin/ (member of a medieval Italian faction that supported the German emperors) :: gibelino {m}, gibelina {f}
ghost {n} /ɡoʊst/ (spirit appearing after death) :: fantasma {m}, espectro {m}, espíritu {m}, aparecido {m}, aparición {f}, sombra {f}, alma {f}
ghost {n} (faint shadowy semblance) :: sombra {f}
ghost {n} (soul) SEE: soul ::
ghost {n} (ghostwriter) SEE: ghostwriter ::
ghost bike {n} :: bicicleta fantasma {f}, bicicleta blanca {f}
ghost driver {n} (wrong-way driver) SEE: wrong-way driver ::
ghost goal {n} (apparent goal) :: gol fantasma {m}
ghosthunter {n} (person who tries to track down ghosts) :: cazafantasmas {m}
ghosting {n} (a way to break relationship) :: espantada [colloquial]
ghostly {adj} /ˈɡoʊstli/ (pertaining to ghosts) :: fantasmal
Ghost of Christmas Future {prop} (Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come) SEE: Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come ::
Ghost of Christmas Past {prop} (the fictional ghost) :: Fantasma de las Navidades Pasadas {m}
Ghost of Christmas Present {prop} (the fictional ghost) :: Fantasma de las Navidades Presentes {m}
Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come {prop} (the fictional ghost) :: Espíritu de las Navidades Futuras {m}
ghost story {n} (story about ghosts) :: historia de fantasmas {f}, cuento de fantasmas {m}
ghost town {n} /ˈɡəʊst taʊn/ (town which has become deserted) :: despoblado {m}, pueblo fantasma {m}, ciudad fantasma {f}
ghost train {n} (fairground attraction) :: tren del terror {m}, tren fantasma , tren infernal {m}
ghost word {n} (fictitious or erroneous word) :: fantasma lexicográfico
ghostwriter {n} (professional writer for another person) :: negro {m}, escritor fantasma {f}
ghoul {n} /ɡuːl/ (a spirit said to feed on corpses) :: gul {m}
ghrelin {n} /ˈɡɹɛlɪn/ (peptide hormone that increases appetite) :: ghrelina {f}
giant {n} /ˈdʒaɪ.ənt/ (mythical human) :: gigante {m}
giant {adj} (giant) :: gigantesco
giant anteater {n} (species) :: oso hormiguero gigante {m}
giant barnacle {n} (crustacean) :: picoroco {m}
giant fennel {n} (Ferula communis) :: cañaheja {f}
giant forest hog {n} (large pig) :: hilóquero {m}
giant otter {n} (Pteronura brasiliensis) :: nutria gigante {f}
giant panda {n} (mammal) :: panda {m}
giant rhubarb {n} (plant) :: nalca {f}, pangue {m}
giant squid {n} (any of the very large squid of genus Architeuthis) :: calamar gigante {m}, megaluria {f}
giant star {n} (star that has stopped fusing hydrogen) :: estrella gigante {f}
Giardia {n} (giardiasis) SEE: giardiasis ::
giardiasis {n} /d͡ʒɑː(ɹ)ˈdaɪəsɪs/ (disease) :: giardiasis {f}
gibberish {n} /ˈdʒɪb.ə.ɹɪʃ/ (unintelligible speech or writing) :: algarabía {f}, farfulla {f}, monserga {f}
gibberish {n} (needlessly obscure or overly technical language) :: jerga {f}, jerigonza {f}, galimatías {m}
gibberish {n} :: galimatías {m-p}, tonterías {f-p}, memeces {f-p}
gibbet {n} /ˈdʒɪbɪt/ (upright post with a crosspiece used for execution and subsequent public display; a gallows) :: horca {f}, patíbulo {m}, cadalso {m}
gibbon {n} /ˈɡɪbən/ (small ape) :: gibón {m}
gibbous {adj} /ˈɡɪbəs/ (characterized by convexity; protuberant) :: giboso
gibbous {adj} (phase of moon or planet) :: giboso
gibbous moon {n} (lunar phase) :: luna gibosa {f}
giblets {n} /ˈdʒɪbləts/ (the organs of poultry) :: menudillos, menudos, menudencias
gibnut {n} (paca) SEE: paca ::
Gibraltar {prop} /d͡ʒɪˈbɹɔːltə(ɹ)/ (British overseas territory) :: Gibraltar {m}
Gibraltar {prop} (Strait of Gibraltar) SEE: Strait of Gibraltar ::
Gibraltarian {adj} /dʒɪ.bɹɔːlˈtɛəɹ.i.ən/ (of or pertaining to Gibraltar) :: gibraltareño, llanito
Gibraltarian {n} (native or inhabitant of Gibraltar) :: gibraltareño {m}, gibraltareña {f}, llanito {m} [colloquial]
giddiness {n} (dizziness) SEE: dizziness ::
giddy {adj} /ɡɪdi/ (dizzy) :: mareado, vertiginoso
giddy {adj} (causing dizziness) :: mareador, vertiginoso
giddy {adj} (lightheartedly silly or joyfully elated) :: frívolo
giddy {adj} (frivolous, impulsive, inconsistent, changeable) :: frívolo, veleidoso
giddyup {interj} /ˈɡɪdɪˌʌp/ (used to make a horse go faster) :: arre
Gideon {prop} /ˈɡɪd.i.ən/ (biblical character) :: Gedeón
gift {n} /ɡɪft/ (something given to another voluntarily, without charge) :: regalo {m}, presente {m}, obsequio {m}
gift {n} (a talent or natural ability) :: don {m}, talento {m}
gift {v} ((transitive) to give as a gift) :: regalar, dar
gift card {n} (a card issued by retailers) :: tarjeta regalo {f}
gift of the gab {n} (ability to talk readily) :: don de palabra, pico de oro, labia
gig {n} /ɡɪɡ/ (performing engagement by a musical group) :: empleo {m}
giga- {prefix} /ˈɡɪɡə/ (SI prefix) :: giga-
gigabyte {n} /ˈɡɪɡəbaɪt/ (one billion bytes) :: gigabyte {m}
gigalitre {n} (one billion (109; 1,000,000,000) litres) :: gigalitro {m}
gigantic {adj} /dʒaɪˈɡæntɪk/ (very large) :: gigante, gigantesco
gigantism {n} (quality or state of being gigantic) :: gigantismo {m}
gigantism {n} (condition) :: gigantismo {m}
giga-watt {n} (gigawatt) SEE: gigawatt ::
gigawatt {n} (109 watts) :: gigavatio {m}
giggity-giggity {n} (catchphrase ) :: toma, toma
giggle {v} /ˈɡɪɡl/ (laugh) :: reír
gigolo {n} /ˈdʒɪɡ.ə.loʊ/ (male having sexual relationships for money) :: gigoló {m}, puto {m}
gigolo {n} (hired escort or dancing partner) :: gigoló {m}
Gijón {prop} (city in Spain) :: Gijón
Gilaki {prop} (Gilaki language) :: gileki
Gila monster {n} /ˈhilə ˈmɑnstɚ/ (Heloderma suspectum) :: monstruo de Gila {m}
Gilbert {prop} /ˈɡɪlbɚt/ (male given name) :: Gilberto
gild {v} /ɡɪld/ (to cover with a thin layer of gold) :: dorar
gild {v} (to give a bright or pleasing aspect to) :: dorar
gilded {adj} /ˈɡɪldɪd/ (having the color or quality of gold) :: dorado
gilded {adj} (made of gold or covered by a thin layer of gold) :: áureo [poetic]
gilder {n} /ˈɡɪldə/ (one who gilds) :: dorador {m}, doradora {f}
gild the lily {v} /ˈɡɪld ðə ˈlɪli/ (to improve unnecessarily) :: 화사첨족 (畫蛇添足)
gild the lily {v} (to add superfluous attributes) :: rizar el rizo
Gilead {prop} /ˈɡɪliæd/ (Biblical region east of the Jordan) :: Galaad
Giles {prop} /dʒaɪlz/ (male given name) :: Egidio
Gilgamesh {prop} /ˈɡɪl.ɡə.mɛʃ/ (legendary king of Uruk) :: Gilgamesh, Gilgamés
gill {n} /ɡɪl/ (breathing organ of fish) :: agalla {f}, branquia {f}
gill {n} (mushroom organ) :: laminilla {f}
gill {n} (fleshy flap that hangs below the beak of a fowl) SEE: wattle ::
gill {n} (flesh under or about the chin) SEE: wattle ::
gill cover {n} (operculum) SEE: operculum ::
gilo {n} (fruit of a species of fruiting plant) :: berenjena etíope {f}, berenjena africana {f}
gilt {adj} /ɡɪɫt/ (golden coloured) :: dorado {m}
gilt-head bream {n} (fish) :: dorada {f}
Gim {prop} (Korean surname) SEE: Kim ::
gimbal {n} /ˈdʒɪmbəl/ (device for suspending something) :: cardán {m}
gimel {n} (Semitic letter) :: guímel {f}
gimlet {n} /ˈɡɪm.lət/ (tool) :: barrena de mano {f}
gimlet {v} :: barrena
gimmick {n} /ˈɡɪm.ɪk/ (trick or a device) :: truco
gimmick {n} (clever ploy or strategy) :: estratagema
gimmicky {adj} /ˈɡɪmɪki/ (resembling, or characteristic of a gimmick) :: efectista {m}
gin {n} /dʒɪn/ (alcoholic beverage) :: ginebra {f}
gin and tonic {n} (cocktail made from gin and tonic) :: gin tonic
ginger {n} /ˈdʒɪndʒɚ/ (plant) :: jengibre {m}
ginger {n} (spice) :: jengibre {m}
ginger {n} (person with reddish-brown hair) :: pelirrojo
ginger ale {n} (ginger beer) SEE: ginger beer ::
ginger beer {n} (queer) SEE: queer ::
ginger beer {adj} (queer) SEE: queer ::
ginger beer {n} (drink flavoured with ginger) :: gaseosa de jengibre {f}
gingerbread {n} /ˈd͡ʒɪn(d͡)ʒəbɹɛd/ (type of cake) :: pan de jengibre {m}, pan de especias {m}
gingerbread man {n} (cookie in the shape of a person, flavoured with ginger) :: hombre de jengibre {m}, hombre de pan de jengibre {m}
gingerly {adv} /ˈdʒɪn.dʒəɹ.li/ (gently) :: cuidadosamente, delicadamente
gingham {n} (a cotton fabric made from dyed and white yarn woven in checks) :: guinga
gingiva {n} (gum) SEE: gum ::
gingival {adj} (alveolar) SEE: alveolar ::
gingivitis {n} /ˌdʒɪndʒɪˈvaɪtəs/ (inflammation of the gums) :: gingivitis {f}
ginkgo {n} /ˈɡɪŋ.kəʊ/ (tree) :: ginkgo {m}
ginormous {adj} /dʒaɪˈnɔː(ɹ)məs/ (very large) :: descomunal
gin rummy {n} (card game) :: gin rummy {m}
ginseng {n} /ˈdʒɪnsɛŋ/ (any of several plants, of the genus Panax) :: ginseng {m}
ginseng {n} (root of such a plant, or the extract) :: ginseng {m}
gippo {n} (Egyptian) SEE: Egyptian ::
gippo {n} (Gypsy) SEE: Gypsy ::
giraffe {n} /d͡ʒəˈɹæf/ (mammal) :: jirafa {f}
giraffe weevil {n} (Trachelophorus giraffa) :: escarabajo jirafa {m}
giraffid {n} (any animal of the family Giraffidae) :: jiráfido {m}
girasole {n} (Jerusalem artichoke) SEE: Jerusalem artichoke ::
gird {v} /ɡɝd/ (to bind with a flexible rope or cord) :: atar ligar
gird {v} (to encircle with, or as if with a belt) :: ceñir rodear cercar encerrar
girder {n} /ɡɜː(ɹ)də(ɹ)/ (main horizontal support in a building) :: viga {f}, jácena
girdle {n} (zodiac) SEE: zodiac ::
girl {n} /ɡɜːl/ (young female person) :: niña {f} (child), muchacha {f} (teens or twenties), chica {f} (teens or twenties), [Chile] cabra {f}, [Mexico] chamaca {f}, [Spain, Chile, Argentina] lola {f}, [Argentina] nena {f}, [Chile] chiquilla {f}
girl {n} (woman) :: mujer {f}
girlfriend {n} /ˈɡɝlfɹɛnd/ (a female partner in a romantic relationship) :: novia {f}, polola {f}
girlfriend {n} (a female friend) :: amiga {f}
girlish {adj} (like a girl) :: de niña
girlyman {n} (An effeminate man) :: maricón {m}, mariconcito {m}, puto {m}, niñita {m}
Giro d'Italia {prop} /ˌdʒiɹoʊ d‿ɪˈtæljə/ (annual cycling race in Italy) :: Giro de Italia {m}
Girona {prop} /dʒɪˈɹoʊnə/ (city in Catalonia) :: Gerona {f}
girth {n} /ɡɝθ/ (the distance measured around an object) :: circunferencia {f}
girth {n} (equipment) :: cincha {f}
girya {n} (kettlebell) SEE: kettlebell ::
Giselle {prop} (female given name) :: Gisel {f}
gist {n} /dʒɪst/ (the most essential part) :: esencia
git {n} /ɡɪt/ (A silly, incompetent, stupid, annoying or childish person) :: pendejo {m}, bastardo {m}, cretino {m}
GI tract {n} (digestive tract) SEE: digestive tract ::
give {v} /ɡɪv/ (transfer the possession of something to someone else) :: dar, entregar, donar
give a damn {v} (to be concerned about) SEE: give a shit ::
give a fig {v} (give a shit) SEE: give a shit ::
give a fuck {v} (give a shit) SEE: give a shit ::
give a hoot {v} (to care about) SEE: give a shit ::
give a light {v} (give a shit) SEE: give a shit ::
give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime {proverb} (more worthwhile to teach someone than do it for them) :: dale un pescado a un hombre y lo alimentarás por un día; enséñale a pescar y lo alimentarás de por vida. {m}
give a monkey's {v} (give a shit) SEE: give a shit ::
give and take {n} :: toma y daca
give a shit {v} (to (not) care) :: importar una mierda [negative sense, vulgar], sudársela, refanfinflársela [Spain, vulgar]
give a tinker's cuss {v} (give a shit) SEE: give a shit ::
give a tinker's damn {v} (give a shit) SEE: give a shit ::
give a toss {v} (give a shit) SEE: give a shit ::
give away {v} (to make a gift of something) :: regalar
give away {v} (to unintentionally reveal a secret, or expose someone) :: delatar, verle el plumero
give-away shop {n} (shop) :: tienda gratis {f}
give back {v} (return) :: devolver
give birth {v} (produce new life) :: dar a luz, parir
give birth {v} (to become the source of) :: parir
give head {v} (slang: to perform oral sex on another person) :: hacer una mamada
give in {v} (to collapse or fall) :: ceder, caerse
give in {v} (to relent or yield) :: ceder, rendirse, entregarse, dar el brazo a torcer
give me {v} (expression of preference) :: deme
given {prep} /ˈɡɪ.vən/ (considering, taking into account) :: dado, ya que, habida cuenta de
given {n} (condition assumed to be true) :: postulado {m}
given name {n} (name chosen for a child by its parents) :: nombre {m}, nombre propio, nombre de pila {m}
given that {conj} (in consideration of the fact that) :: dado que
give off {v} (to emit) :: emitir, desprender
give one's all {v} (make the utmost effort) :: dar el do de pecho
give oneself airs {v} (to act pretentiously) :: darse ínfulas, darse tono
give or take {adv} (approximately) SEE: approximately ::
give rise to {v} (to be the origin of; to produce) :: engendrar, ocasionar, producir, dar pie
give someone a break {v} (rest) SEE: rest ::
give someone a hard time {v} (cause difficulty or make trouble for someone) :: hacérselo pasar mal a alguien
give someone the cold shoulder {v} (snub) :: dar la espalda, hacer el vacío
give someone the creeps {v} (give someone a feeling of uneasiness or mild fright) :: dar ñáñaras [Mexico], dar repelús, dar yuyu, dar canguelo
give someone the slip {v} (to evade, escape, or get away from somebody) :: dar esquinazo, salirse por la tangente
give the finger {v} (make an obscene gesture) :: alzar el dedo, hacer la peineta, hacer un corte de manga
give the lie to {v} (to prove (something) to be false) :: desmentir
give two hoots {v} (give a shit) SEE: give a shit ::
give up {v} (surrender) :: rendirse, entregar
give up {v} (stop, quit, desist) :: desistir
give up {v} (relinquish) :: renunciar
give up {v} (lose hope) :: desesperar
give up {v} (abandon) :: abandonar
give up {v} (admit defeat) :: rendirse
give up the ghost {v} (to die) :: entregar el alma, entregar el alma a Dios, [colloquial] entregar el equipo, pasar a mejor vida
give way {v} (to yield to persistent persuasion) :: dar el brazo a torcer
give way {v} (to give precedence to other road users) :: ceder el paso
give what for {v} (scold) SEE: scold ::
giving {adj} /ˈɡɪvɪŋ/ (generous) :: dadivoso
Giza {prop} /ˈɡiːzə/ (city in Egypt) :: Guiza {f}
gizmo {n} /ˈɡɪzmoʊ/ (thingy) :: chisme {m}, trasto {m}, cosa {f}, [Argentina] coso {m}, [Latin America] cuestión {f}, aparato {m}
gizzard {n} /ˈɡɪzəɹd/ (portion of the esophagus with ingested grit) :: molleja {f}
glabella {n} (anatomy: space) :: entrecejo {m}, glabela {f}
glabrous {adj} /ˈɡlabɹəs/ (Smooth, hairless) :: glabro {m}
glacial {adj} /ˈɡleɪ.ʃ(ɪ)əl/ (cold and icy) :: glacial, gélido {m}
glacial {n} (glacial period) :: glaciación {f}, era glacial {f}
glacier {n} /ˈɡleɪ.ʃɚ/ (a large body of ice which flows under its own mass, usually downhill) :: glaciar {m}, helero {m}
glaciology {n} /ˌɡleɪsɪˈɒlədʒi/ (study of ice and its effect on the landscape) :: glaciología {f}
glad {adj} /ɡlæd/ (pleased, happy, satisfied) :: contento
gladden {v} /ˈɡlædən/ (to cause to become more glad) :: alborozar
glade {n} /ɡleɪd/ (open space in the woods) :: claro {m}, calvero {m}
gladiator {n} (a professional boxer) SEE: boxer ::
gladiator {n} /ˈɡlædiˌeɪtɚ/ ((in ancient Rome) a person (professional or slave) who entertained the public by engaging in mortal combat with another, or with a wild animal) :: gladiador {m}, bestiario {m}
gladiolus {n} /ɡlædɪˈoʊləs/ (center part of the sternum) :: mesosternón {m}, cuerpo del esternón {m}
gladiolus {n} (plant) :: estoque {m}
gladly {adv} /ˈɡlædli/ (willingly, certainly) :: de buena gana
gladness {n} /ˈɡlædnəs/ (the state of being glad) :: alegría
Glagolitic {adj} /ˌɡlæɡəˈlɪtɪk/ (of or pertaining to the Glagolitic alphabet) :: glagolítico {m}
Glagolitic {n} (the oldest known Slavonic alphabet) :: alfabeto glagolítico {m}, glagolitsa {m}
Glagolitic alphabet {n} (writing system) SEE: Glagolitic ::
glaive {n} /ɡleɪv/ (weapon consisting of a pole with a large blade) :: guja {f}, lanza {f}
glamorous {adj} /ˈɡlaməɹəs/ (Having glamour; stylish) :: atractivo
glamour {n} /ˈɡlæmɚ/ (beauty or charm) :: fascinación, elegancia {f}, encanto {m}
glance {v} /ɡlæns/ (to look briefly at something) :: ojear, echar un vistazo, mirar, pispear
glance {n} (a brief or cursory look) :: vistazo {m}
gland {n} /ɡlænd/ (organ that synthesizes and secretes substance) :: glándula {f}
gland {n} :: glándula {f}
glandiform {adj} (resembling glands) :: glandiforme
glandular {adj} (pertaining to a gland or glands) :: glandular
glans {n} (pessary) SEE: pessary ::
glans {n} (goiter) SEE: goitre ::
glans {n} (conical vascularized body forming the extremity of the penis) SEE: glans penis ::
glans {n} (clitoral glans) SEE: clitoral glans ::
glans clitoridis {n} (clitoral glans) SEE: clitoral glans ::
glans penis {n} /ˌɡlænz ˈpiːnɪs/ (conical vascularized body forming the extremity of the penis) :: glande {m}, bálano {m}
glare {n} /ɡlɛəɹ/ (angry or fierce stare) :: mirada fulminante {f}
glaring {adj} /ˈɡlɛəɹɪŋ/ (reflecting with glare) :: reluciente
glaring {adj} (blatant, obvious) :: evidente, obvio, garrafal
Glasgow {prop} /ˈɡlɑːz.ɡəʊ/ (the city Glasgow) :: Glasgow
Glasgow kiss {n} (headbutt) SEE: headbutt ::
glasnost {n} (a policy of the Soviet Union) :: glásnost {f}
glass {n} (hourglass) SEE: hourglass ::
glass {n} /ɡlæs/ (substance) :: [Spain] cristal {m}, [Latin America] vidrio {m}
glass {n} (drinking vessel) :: vaso {m}, copa {f} (stem glass)
glass {n} (mirror) SEE: mirror ::
glass {n} (barometer) SEE: barometer ::
glassblower {n} (person skilled in the art of glassblowing) :: soplador {m}, sopladora {f}
glass ceiling {n} (unwritten, uncodified barrier) :: techo de cristal {m}
glasses {n} (plural of "glass") SEE: glass ::
glasses {n} (spectacles) SEE: spectacles ::
glassful {n} (amount that a glass will hold) :: vaso {m}
glass harmonica {n} (a musical instrument) :: armónica de cristal {f}
glassmaker {n} :: cristalero {m}
glass transition temperature {n} :: temperatura de transición vítrea {f}
glass wool {n} (insulating material) :: lana de vidrio {f}
glassworks {n} (a factory that produces glass) :: cristalería
glasswort {n} (Crithmum maritimum) SEE: rock samphire ::
glassy {adj} /ɡlæsi/ (of or like glass) :: vidrioso, vítreo {m}
glassy {adj} (dull, expressionless) :: vidrioso
glaucoma {n} /ɡlɔːˈkoʊmə/ (eye disease) :: glaucoma {m}
glaucophane {n} (a blue amphibole mineral) :: glaucofana {f}
glaucous {adj} /ˈɡlɑ.kəs/ (of a pale green colour with a bluish-grey tinge) :: glauco
glaze {n} /ɡleɪz/ (coating on pottery) :: esmalte {m}, frita {f}, vidriado {m}
glaze {n} (layer of paint) :: veladura {m}, barniz {m}
glaze {n} (edible coating) :: glasé {m}, glaseado {m}
glaze {v} (to apply a thin layer of coating) :: velar, barnizar
glaze {v} (to apply a thin layer of coating in painting) :: barnizar
glaze {v} (to apply a thin layer of coating in ceramics) :: vidriar
glean {v} /ɡliːn/ (harvest grain left behind after the crop has been reaped) :: espigar
glean {v} (gather information in small amounts, with implied difficulty, bit by bit) :: espigar, entresacar
glee {n} /ɡliː/ (Joy; merriment; mirth; gayety; particularly, the mirth enjoyed at a feast) :: alegría {f}
gleek {n} /ɡliːk/ (enticing glance or look) :: guiñada
gleek {n} (good fortune) :: ganga, bicoca, pichincha
gleek {v} (to jest, ridicule, or mock) :: burlarse, tomar el pelo, huevear
glen {n} /ɡlɛn/ (secluded and narrow valley) :: barranca {f}
Gülenist {n} /ˈɡulənɪst/ (supporter of social movement) :: gülenista {m} {f}
glenohumeral {adj} (of or pertaining to the glenoid fossa and the humerus) :: glenohumeral
glial cell {n} (cell type) :: célula glial {f}
glide {n} (semivowel) SEE: semivowel ::
glide {v} /ˈɡlaɪd/ (To move softly, smoothly, or effortlessly) :: deslizar
glide {v} (To fly unpowered, as of an aircraft) :: planear
glider {n} /ˈɡlaɪdɚ/ (aircraft) :: planeador {m}, velero {m}
glimmer {n} /ˈɡlɪmɚ/ (faint light) :: luz tenue {f}, titileo {m}
glimpse {n} /ɡlɪmps/ (sudden flash) :: atisbo
glimpse {v} (see briefly) :: entrever, atisbar, vislumbrar, ojear
glint {n} /ɡlɪnt/ (short flash of light) :: brillo
glisten {v} (to reflect light with a glittering luster) :: relucir, rielar
glitch {n} /ɡlɪtʃ/ (problem, bug, imperfection, quirk) :: problema, tara
glitch {n} (video games: bug or exploit) :: tara
glitter {n} /ˈɡlɪtɚ/ (bright, sparkling light; brilliant and showy luster; brilliancy) :: brillo {m}
glitter {n} (shiny, decoractive adornment) :: purpurina {f}
glitter {v} (to sparkle with light) :: brillar, resplandecer, centellear
glittering {adj} /ˈɡlɪtəɹɪŋ/ (brightly sparkling) :: chispeante
Gliwice {prop} (city in Poland) :: Gliwice
gloaming {n} /ˈɡloʊ.mɪŋ/ (twilight) :: crepúsculo
gloat {v} /ɡloʊt/ (to exhibit a conspicuous sense of self-satisfaction) :: relamerse, adularse, regodearse, refocilarse
gloat {n} (an act or instance of gloating) :: presunción {f}
global {adj} /ˈɡloʊbəl/ (concerning all parts of the world) :: global, mundial
global {adj} :: [3] global
global cooling {n} (Global declining average temperatures.) :: enfriamiento global
globalisation {n} /ˌɡloʊbəlɪˈzeɪʃən/ (process of becoming a more interconnected world) :: globalización {f}, mundialización {m}
globalisation {n} (process of world economy becoming dominated by capitalist models) :: globalización {m}, mundialización {f}
globalism {n} (doctrine of globalization) :: globalismo {m}
globalist {adj} :: globalista {m} {f}
globalist {n} :: globalista {m} {f}
globalize {v} (To make something global in scope) :: globalizar
globally {adv} /ˈɡloʊbəli/ (over the entire planet) :: globalmente
global order {n} (world order) SEE: world order ::
Global Positioning System {prop} (system which enables a mobile receiver to determine its precise location) :: sistema de posicionamiento global {m}
global warming {n} (increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere to cause climate change) :: calentamiento global {m}
globe {n} /ɡloʊb/ (planet Earth) :: globo {m}
globe {n} (model of Earth) :: globo terráqueo {m}, globo {m}
globe daisy {n} (perennial plant) :: zurrón {m}, cepillo {m}, colubaria {f}, globularia {f}, siemprenjuta {f}
globefish {n} (blowfish) SEE: blowfish ::
globetrotter {n} (person who travels often to faraway places) :: trotamundos {m}
globin {n} /ˈɡləʊbɪn/ :: globina {f}
globule {n} /ˈɡlɒbjuːl/ (a small round particle of substance; a drop) :: glóbulo {m}
globulin {n} /ˈɡlɒbljʊlɪn/ (protein) :: globulina {f}
globus cruciger {n} (royal symbol of power) :: orbe {m}
glockenspiel {n} /ˈɡlɑ.kn̩.ˌspil/ (musical instrument) :: campanólogo {m}
glomerular {adj} (Of or pertaining to a glomerulus) :: glomerular
glomerulonephritis {n} (form of nephritis) :: glomerulonefritis {f}
glomerulus {n} (small intertwined group of capillaries) :: glomérulo {m}
gloom {n} /ɡlum/ (darkness, dimness or obscurity) :: penumbra {f}
gloom {n} (cloudiness or heaviness of mind; melancholy; aspect of sorrow; low spirits; dullness) :: melancolía
gloomy {adj} /ˈɡlumi/ (imperfectly illuminated) :: lóbrego, sombrío
gloomy {adj} (affected with, or expressing, gloom; melancholy) :: lóbrego, sombrío, [rare] oscuro, tétrico, lúgubre
glorify {v} /ˈɡlɔɹɪfaɪ/ (to exalt, or give glory or praise to something or someone) :: glorificar
glorify {v} (to make something appear to be more glorious than it is) :: glorificar
glorious {adj} /ˈɡlɔɹ.i.əs/ (exhibiting attributes, qualities, or acts that are worthy of or receive glory) :: glorioso
glorious {adj} (splendid; resplendent; bright; shining) :: glorioso
Glorious Revolution {prop} (1888 Spanish revolution) :: la Gloriosa {f}, la Septembrina {f}
glory {n} /ˈɡlɔːɹi/ (great beauty or splendour) :: gloria {f}
glory hole {n} (sex) :: agujero glorioso {m}
gloss {n} (glossary) SEE: glossary ::
gloss {n} /ɡlɒs/ (surface shine) :: brillo
gloss {n} (brief explanatory note or translation of a difficult or complex expression) :: glosa
glossary {n} /ˈɡlɒsəɹi/ (list of words with their definitions) :: glosario {m}
glossitis {n} /ɡlɒˈsaɪtɪs/ (inflammatory condition of the tongue) :: glositis {f}
glossolalia {n} /ˌɡlɒsəˈleɪliə/ (speaking in tongues) :: glosolalia {f}
glossolalia {n} (xenoglossy) SEE: xenoglossy ::
glossopharyngeal {adj} (pertaining to the tongue and the pharynx) :: glosofaríngeo
gloss over {v} (to cover up a mistake or a crime; to hush up or whitewash) :: encubrir
glossy {adj} (having a reflective surface) :: brillante, lustroso, reluciente
glossy antshrike {n} (a passerine bird of the antbird family) :: batará luctuoso {m}
glossy ibis {n} (Plegadis falcinellus) :: morito común {m}
glottal stop {n} /ɡlɒʔəl stɒp/ (plosive sound articulated with the glottis) :: oclusiva glotal {f}, saltillo {m}
glottis {n} (organ of speech) :: glotis {f}
glove {n} /ɡlʌv/ (item of clothing) :: guante {m}
glove {n} (idiomatic term for a condom) :: [hat] gorro {m}, [jacket] forro {m}
glove box {n} (glove compartment) SEE: glove compartment ::
glove compartment {n} (compartment recessed in an automobile’s dashboard) :: guantera {f}
glover {n} /ˈɡlʌvɚ/ (person who makes gloves) :: guantero {m}, guantera {f}
glow {v} /ɡləʊ/ (to give off light from heat or to emit light as if heated) :: fulgir, fulgurar, iluminar, brillar, arder, resplandecer, estar al rojo vivo
glow {v} (to radiate some emotional quality like light) :: brillar
glow {v} (to radiate thermal heat) :: irradiar
glow {v} (to shine brightly and steadily) :: brillar
glow {v} :: brillar
glow {n} (the state of a glowing object) :: resplandeciente
glower {n} /ˈɡlaʊə(ɹ)/ (angry glare or stare) :: ceño fruncido {m}, mirada amenazadora {f}
glow plug {n} (plug that heats the combustion chamber) :: bujía
glowworm {n} (beetle larva or female) :: luciérnaga {f}
glucagon {n} /ˈɡlukəˌɡɑn/ (peptide hormone) :: glucagón {m}
glucometer {n} (glucose meter) :: glucómetro {m}
glucosamine {n} (an amino derivative of glucose) :: glucosamina {f}
glucose {n} /ˈɡlukoʊs/ (simple monosaccharide sugar) :: glucosa {f}
glucosidase {n} (enzyme) :: glucosidasa {f}
glue {n} /ɡluː/ (sticky adhesive substance) :: cola {f}, goma {f}, pegamento {m}
glue {v} (join with glue) :: encolar, pegar
glue {n} (birdlime) SEE: birdlime ::
gluey {adj} (viscous and adhesive, as glue) :: pegajoso
gluhwein {n} /ˈɡluːvʌɪn/ (type of mulled wine) :: vino caliente
glume {n} :: gluma {f}
glumelle {n} (inner chaffy scale of flowers) :: glumela {f}
gluon {n} /ˈɡluːɒn/ (massless gauge boson) :: gluón {m}, gluon {m}
glut {v} /ɡlʌt/ (fill, satisfy, sate) :: saciar
glut {v} (to eat gluttonously) :: glotonear
glutamate {n} (salt or ester of glutamic acid) :: glutamato
glutamic acid {n} (the nonessential amino acid (α-amino-glutaric acid)) :: ácido glutámico {m}
glutamine {n} /ˈɡlutəmin/ (nonessential amino acid; C5H10N2O3) :: glutamina {f}
gluteal {adj} (relating to the buttocks) :: glúteo
gluteal cleft {n} (cleft between buttocks) :: hendidura interglútea {f}, hendidura glútea {f}, raya [informal]
gluten {n} /ˈɡluːtən/ (cereal protein) :: gluten {m}
gluten-free {adj} (containing no gluten) :: sin gluten
glutenin {n} (gluten protein of wheat) :: glutenina {f}
gluteus {n} ((anatomy) one of the several muscles of nates) :: glúteo
glutton {n} (wolverine) SEE: wolverine ::
glutton {n} /ˈɡlʌt(ə)n/ (one who eats voraciously) :: glotón {m}, hambrón {m}, comilón {m}, tragón {m}, piraña [Spain, colloquial]
gluttonous {adj} /ˈɡlʌt(ə)nəs/ (given to excessive eating; prone to overeating) :: glotón, goloso
gluttonous {adj} (greedy, see also: ) :: codicioso, ávido
gluttony {n} /ɡlʌ.tən.i/ (the vice of eating to excess) :: gula, glotonería {f}
glycan {n} :: glicano {m}
glycemia {n} (presence of an unusual amount of glucose in the blood) :: glucemia {f}, glicemia {f}
glycemic {adj} (glycemic) :: glucémico
glyceraldehyde {n} (the aldotriose formed by oxidation of glycerol) :: gliceraldehído {m}
glyceride {n} /ˈɡlɪsəɹaɪd/ (an ester of glycerol and one or more fatty acids) :: acilglicérido {m}
glycine {n} (amino acid) :: glicina {f}
glycogen {n} (polysaccharide that is the main form of carbohydrate storage in animals) :: glucógeno {m}
glycogenolysis {n} (production of glucose-1-phosphate) :: glucogenolisis {f}
glycolysis {n} (cellular degradation of glucose) :: glicólisis {f}, glicolisis {f}, glucólisis {f}, glucolisis {f}
glycoprotein {n} (protein with covalently bonded carbohydrates) :: glicoproteína {f}
glycosaminoglycan {n} (polysaccharide that is a polymer of amino sugars) :: glucosaminaglicano {m}
glycoside {n} (chemical compound) :: glucósido {m}
glyph {n} /ɡlɪf/ (carved relief representing a sound, word or idea) :: glifo {m}
glyph {n} (graphic representation of a character) :: glifo {m}
glyphosate {n} (chemical) :: glifosato
GMO {n} (genetically modified organism) :: OMG {m}
gnarl {n} /nɑː(r)l/ (knot in wood) :: nudo
gnarl {n} (something resembling a knot in wood) :: nudo {m}
gnarl {v} (to knot or twist) :: anudar, enredar
gnash {v} /næʃ/ (to grind one's teeth in pain or in anger) :: crujir de dientes
gnat {n} /næt/ (any small insect of the order Diptera) :: [mosquito] mosquito {m}
gnathoplasty {n} (surgery of the jaw) :: gnatoplastia {f}
gnaw {v} /nɔː/ (to bite something persistently) :: roer
gneiss {n} /ˈnaɪs/ (common and widely-distributed metamorphic rock) :: neis {m}, gneis {m}
gnocchi {n} /ˈnjoʊ.ki/ (pasta-like dumplings) :: ñoquis {m-p}, ñoqui {m}
gnome {n} /nəʊm/ (legendary being) :: duende {m}, pigmeo {m}, gnomo {m}
gnome {n} (dwarf, goblin) :: enano {m}
gnomic {adj} :: enigmático
gnomon {n} /ˈnəʊmɒn/ (object used to tell time by the shadow it casts when the sun shines on it) :: estilo {m}
gnosis {n} /ˈnəʊ.sɪs/ (gnosis) :: gnosis {f}
Gnosticism {n} /ˈnɑstəsɪzəm/ (Gnosticism) :: gnosticismo {m}
gnu {n} /nuː/ (large antelope of the genus Connochaetes) :: ñu {m}
gnu goat {n} (Budorcas taxicolor) SEE: takin ::
go {v} /ɡəʊ/ (to move through space (especially from one place to another)) :: ir
go {v} (to become) :: hacerse [roles, professions], ponerse [moods]
go {v} (to disappear) :: desaparecer
go {v} (to be destroyed) :: destruir
go {v} (to make (a specified sound)) :: hacer
go {v} (to date) :: datar , salir (con)
go {n} (attempt) :: intento {m}
go {n} (board game) :: go {m}
go {v} (leave) SEE: leave ::
go {v} (attack) SEE: attack ::
go {v} (attend) SEE: attend ::
go {v} (change) SEE: change ::
go {v} (turn out) SEE: turn out ::
go {v} (walk) SEE: walk ::
go {v} (urinate, defecate) SEE: urinate ::
go {v} (survive) SEE: survive ::
go {v} (extend) SEE: extend ::
go {v} (of time: elapse, pass) SEE: elapse ::
go {v} (lead (tend or reach in a certain direction)) SEE: lead ::
go {v} (die) SEE: die ::
Goa {prop} (state in western India) :: Goa
go about {v} (to tackle) :: abordar, encarar
goad {n} (stimulus) SEE: stimulus ::
goad {n} /ɡəʊd/ (pointed stick used to prod animals) :: picana {f}, puya {f}, aguijada {f}
go against {v} (to violate; breach) :: ir en contra de
go against {v} (to be unfavourable to someone) :: ir en contra de
go against {v} (to be contrary to a trend, feeling) :: ir en contra de
go against {v} (to oppose; resist) :: in en contra de
go against the grain {v} (to defy convention) :: a contracorriente
go ahead {v} (proceed) :: ¡pase!, adelante, sigue, siga
goal {n} /ɡəʊl/ (result one is attempting to achieve) :: meta
goal {n} (in many sports, an area into which the players attempt to put an object) :: portería {f}
goal {n} ((sport) act of placing the object into the goal) :: gol {m}
goal {n} (point(s) scored) :: gol {m}
goal average {n} (ratio of the numbers of goals scored for and against a team in a series of matches) :: golaveraje {m}
goalkeeper {n} (player that protects a goal) :: arquero {m} [Latin America], golero {m} [Uruguay], guardameta {m} [journalistic and sports commentators usage], portero {m} [Spain], cancerbero
go all out {v} (put forth all possible effort) :: darlo todo, ir a saco, echar el resto
go a long way {v} (be helpful for a significant amount of time) :: dar para mucho
go a long way {v} (achieve considerable succeess) :: llegar lejos
go along with {v} (to abide by something) :: ir junto con
goalscorer {n} (person who scores a goal) :: goleador {m}
goaltender {n} (player that protects a goal) SEE: goalkeeper ::
goat {n} /ɡəʊt/ (animal) :: cabra {f}, chivo {m}
goat {n} (lecherous man) :: libidinoso {m}, libidinosa {f}
goatee {n} /ˌɡoʊˈtiː/ (beard at the center of the chin) :: perilla {f}, piocha {f} [Mexico], barba de chivo {f}, chiva {f}, chivera {f}
goatherd {n} (person who herds, tends goats) :: cabrero {m}, cabrera {f}
goatish {adj} (goaty; goatlike) :: cabruno {m}, caprino {m}
goatskin {n} (a liquid container) :: odre {m}, bota
goat willow {n} (Salix caprea) SEE: sallow ::
go away {interj} :: ¡vete!, pírate, ¡fuera!, ¡abe!, ¡abid!
go away {v} (to depart or leave a place) :: irse, salir, egresar, marcharse
go away {v} (to travel somewhere, especially on holiday or vacation) :: viajar
go back {v} (to return to a place) :: regresar, volver
go bad {v} (of foods: to spoil or rot) :: estropear
go bankrupt {v} (to become bankrupt) :: quebrar
gobble {v} /ˈɡɒbl̩/ (to eat hastily or greedily) :: engullir {m}, embuchar
gobble {v} (to make the sound of a turkey) :: gluglú {m}
gobble up {v} (to consume rapidly) :: devorar
go belly-up {v} (go bankrupt) SEE: go bankrupt ::
Gobi {prop} (desert) :: Gobi {m}
goblet {n} /ˈɡɒblət/ (drinking vessel with a foot and stem) :: copa {f}, cáliz {m}
goblet drum {n} (drum from the Middle-East and North Africa) :: derbuque {m}, derbuques {m-p}
goblin {n} /ˈɡɑb.lɪn/ (hostile diminutive humanoid in fantasy literature) :: duende {m}, trasgo {m}
go by {v} (to pass by without paying attention to) :: pasar
goby {n} (gudgeon) SEE: gudgeon ::
go crazy {v} (go nuts) SEE: go nuts ::
god {v} /ɡɑd/ (idolize) :: endiosar, idolatrar
god {v} (deify) :: endiosar, deificar
god {n} :: dios {m}
God {prop} /ɡɑd/ :: Dios {m}
God {prop} (single male deity of duotheism) :: Dios {m}
God {prop} :: Dios {m}
God bless you {interj} (said as a short prayer for the recipient) :: ¡que Dios te bendiga!
God bless you {interj} (said to somebody who has sneezed) :: [Spain] ¡Jesús!, [Latin America] ¡salud!, [Northern Spain, specifically Asturias] ¡santinos!, gesúndeit
godchild {n} (a child whose baptism is sponsored by a godparent) :: ahijado {m}, ahijada {f}
goddamn {interj} /ˌɡɒdˈdæm/ (an expression of anger, surprise, or frustration) :: ¡hostia! {f}, ¡me cago en Dios!, ¡joder!, ¡su puta madre!, rediós
goddamn {adj} (intensifier) :: puto {m}
goddamned well {adv} (damn well) SEE: damn well ::
Goddard {prop} (male given name) :: Godardo
goddaughter {n} (A female child whose baptism is sponsored by a godparent.) :: ahijada {f}
goddess {n} /ˈɡɑd.ɪs/ (female deity) :: diosa {f}
Goddess {prop} /ˈɡɒdɛs/ (single goddess of monotheism) :: diosa
godfather {n} /ˈɡɑdfɑðɚ/ (man present at the christening of a baby who promises to help raise the child in a Christian manner) :: padrino {m}
God-fearing {adj} (following the precepts of a religious practice and respects and reveres god and his authority) :: pío, devoto, temeroso de Dios {m}
God forbid {interj} (Don't let it be) :: ¡Dios no lo quiera!, ¡Que Dios lo impida!, ¡Dios nos libre!, Dios no lo quiera
Godfrey {prop} /ˈɡɑdfɹi/ (male given name) :: Godofredo
godhead {n} (deity) SEE: deity ::
godhead {n} (God) SEE: God ::
godhead {n} (divinity, godhood) SEE: divinity ::
God helps those who help themselves {proverb} (good fortune comes to those who make an effort to accomplish things) :: ayúdate que Dios te ayudará, a Dios rogando y con el mazo dando
godhood {n} (divinity) SEE: divinity ::
God knows {phrase} (Only known to God; only known to the gods) :: sabrá diós
godlike {adj} /ˈɡɑdlaɪk/ (having characteristics of a god) :: divino
godly {adj} /ˈɡɑdli/ :: santo
godmother {n} /ˈɡɒdmʌðə/ (woman present at the christening of a baby who promises to help raise the child in a Christian manner) :: madrina {f}, comadre {f}
God object {n} :: objeto todopoderoso {m}
go down {v} (perform oral sex) SEE: go down on ::
go down on {v} (to perform oral sex upon someone) :: bajar al pilón
godparent {n} :: padrino
godship {n} (divinity) SEE: divinity ::
God's house {n} (church) SEE: church ::
godson {n} (Male child whose baptism is sponsored by a godparent.) :: ahijado {m}
Godspeed {n} /ɡɑdˈspid/ (wish that the outcome of someone's actions is positive for them) :: vaya con Dios, buena suerte
God the Father {prop} (aspect of the Trinity) :: Dios Padre {m}
God the Holy Ghost {prop} (aspect of the Trinity) :: Dios Espíritu Santo {m}
God the Holy Spirit {prop} (God the Holy Ghost) SEE: God the Holy Ghost ::
God the Son {prop} (the aspect of the Trinity corresponding to Jesus Christ) :: Dios Hijo {m}
go Dutch {v} (split the cost) :: ir a escote, pagar a escote, pagar a la inglesa, pagar a pachas
God willing {interj} (God willing) :: si Dios quiere, si Dios lo quiere, ojalá
godwit {n} /ˈɡɒdwɪt/ (Bird) :: picopando {m}, aguja {f}
God works in mysterious ways {proverb} (a situation may be beneficial later) :: los caminos del Señor son inescrutables
goer {n} (foot) SEE: foot ::
Goethe {prop} /ˈɡɜːtə/ (surname) :: Goethe
Goethean {adj} (relating to Goethe) :: goetheano, goeteano
goethite {n} (an iron oxyhydroxide that is the main constituent of rust) :: goethita {f}, goetita {f}
gofer {n} /ˈɡoʊfɚ/ (worker) :: mandado
go for broke {v} (to try everything possible in a final attempt) :: echar el resto
go from strength to strength {v} (continue to get stronger) :: crecer en fortaleza
go fuck oneself {v} (a variant of fuck you) :: ¡que te jodas!, ¡vete a la chingada!
go-getter {n} (one who is motivated or inclined to excel) :: buscavida {m}
goggle {n} (a pair of protective eyeglasses) SEE: goggles ::
goggles {n} /ˈɡɑ.ɡəlz/ (protective eyewear) :: anteojos de protección {m-p}, gafas de protección {f-p}, anteojos {m-p}, gafas de aviador {m-p}
Gogol {prop} (Gogol) :: Gógol
go halfsies {v} (to share by splitting in half) SEE: go halves ::
go halves {v} (divide equally) :: ir a medias
go hand in hand {v} (to be closely related or go together well) :: ir de la mano
go hand in hand {v} (to walk while holding somebody's hand) :: andar cogidos de la mano
Goidelic {n} /ɡɔɪˈdɛlɪk/ (division of the Celtic languages) :: gaélico {m}
going concern {n} (working business) :: empresa en marcha {f}
going to {phrase} (will (future tense)) :: ir a
go in one ear and out the other {v} (to be heard but not attended to) :: entrar por un oído y salir por el otro
goitre {n} /ˈɡɔɪ.tɚ/ (enlargement of the neck) :: bocio {m}, coto {m} [Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Northwestern Argentina, Peru, Venezuelan Andes - Argentinian and Venezuelan standard usage : bocio], güecho {m} [Costa Rica, Nicaragua], güegüecho {m} [El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Southern Mexico - Mexican standard usage : bocio]
goji berry {n} (wolfberry) SEE: wolfberry ::
Golaghat {prop} /ˌɡoːlɑːˈɡʱɑːt/ (city) :: Golaghat {m}
Golconda {prop} /ɡɑlˈkɑndə/ (ruined city in Andhra Pradesh, India) :: Golconda {f}
gold {adj} /ɡoʊld/ (made of gold, golden) :: dorado {m}, de oro
gold {adj} (having the colour of gold) :: dorado
gold {n} (element) :: oro {m}
gold {n} (coin) :: moneda de oro {f}
gold {n} (colour) :: oro
gold {n} (bullseye) :: diana {f}
gold {n} (gold medal) :: medalla de oro {f}
Gold Coast {prop} (in Australia) :: Costa del Oro {f}
goldcrest {n} (bird) :: reyezuelo {m}
gold digger {n} /ɡəʊld ˈdɪɡə(ɹ)/ (someone who digs or mines for gold) :: excavador de oro, excavadora de oro {f}
gold digger {n} (person who cultivates a personal relationship in order to attain money and/or material goods, power) :: chapiadora {f}, cazafortunas {m} {f}
golden {adj} /ˈɡoʊl.dən/ (made of, or relating to, gold) :: de oro (made of gold), áureo (made of gold) [poetic]
golden {adj} (having a colour or other richness suggestive of gold) :: dorado
golden {adj} (marked by prosperity, creativity, etc.) :: dorado, de oro
golden {adj} (relating to a fiftieth anniversary) :: de oro
golden age {n} (time of progress and achievement) :: edad de oro {f}, siglo de oro {m}, edad dorada {f}, época dorada {f}
goldenberry {n} (cape gooseberry) SEE: cape gooseberry ::
golden-crested wren {n} (goldcrest) SEE: goldcrest ::
golden eagle {n} /ˈɡəʊl.dən ˈiː.ɡəl/ (large bird of prey) :: águila real {f}
goldeneye {n} /ˈɡəʊldn̩.ɑɪ/ (duck) :: porrón {m}
Golden Gate {prop} (Golden Gate Bridge) SEE: Golden Gate Bridge ::
Golden Gate Bridge {prop} (suspension bridge in California) :: puente Golden Gate {m}
Golden Horde {prop} (the Mongol invaders) :: Horda de Oro {f}
golden jackal {n} (Canis aureus) :: chacal dorado {m}
golden mole {n} (mole of the family Chrysochloridae) :: topo dorado {m}
golden parachute {n} (agreement on benefits) :: paracaídas dorado {m}, paracaídas de oro {m}
golden ratio {n} (irrational number) :: número áureo {m}
Golden Retriever {n} (breed of dog) :: cobrador dorado
goldenrod {n} /ˈɡoʊldənˌɹɑd/ (plant) :: vara de oro {f}
golden rule {n} (idiomatic) :: regla de oro
golden shower {n} (Cassia fistula) :: caña fístula {f}
Golden Triangle {prop} (region of prosperity bounded by three points) :: Triángulo de Oro {m}
golden years {n} (period of flourishment) :: cumbre {f}, años dorados {m-p}
goldfinch {n} (any of several passerine birds) :: jilguero {m}, cardelino {m}
goldfish {n} (fish) :: pez rojo {m}, pez dorado {m}, pez de oro {m}, pez de colores {m}, carpa dorada {f} (Mexico)
goldilocks {n} (girl with golden hair) :: ricitos de oro
Goldilocks {prop} (fairy tale character) :: Ricitos de Oro {f}
gold leaf {n} (gold beaten into a thin sheet) :: pan de oro {m}
gold medal {n} (medal made of, or having the colour of, gold) :: medalla de oro {f}
gold mine {n} (mine for gold) :: mina de oro {f}
gold mine {n} (very profitable economic venture) :: mina de oro {f}
gold mine {n} (reserve of something sought after) :: mina de oro {f}
Goldonian {adj} :: goldoniano
gold rush {n} /ˈɡoʊldˌɹʌʃ/ (period of feverish migration into an area in which gold has been discovered) :: fiebre del oro {f}
goldsmith {n} (person who makes things out of gold) :: orfebre {m} {f}, orífice {m}
goldsmithery {n} (the work of a goldsmith) :: orfebrería
gold standard {n} (monetary system) :: patrón oro {m}
golem {n} /ˈɡoʊləm/ (creature) :: golem {m}
golf {n} /ɡɒlf/ (ball game) :: golf {m}
golf ball {n} (small ball used in golf) :: bola de golf {f}
golf club {n} (the implement) :: palo de golf {m}
golf course {n} (the land where one plays golf) :: campo de golf {m}
golfer {n} (someone who plays golf) :: golfista {m} {f}
Golgi apparatus {n} (organelle) :: aparato de Golgi {m}
Golgotha {prop} /ˈɡɒlɡəθə/ (the crucifixion hill, see also: Calvary) :: Gólgota
Goliath {prop} /ɡəˈlaɪəθ/ (biblical giant) :: Goliat {m}
go mad {v} (to become insane) SEE: go nuts ::
-gon {suffix} (plane figure) :: -gono {m}, -gona {f}
gonad {n} /ˈɡəʊ.næd/ (sex gland) :: gónada {f}
gonad {n} (slang, testicles) :: huevos {p}, cojones {p}
gondola {n} /ˈɡɒn.də.lə/ (narrow boat, especially in Venice) :: góndola {f}
gondola {n} (enclosed car suspended to a cable onto which it travels) :: teleférico {m}
gondolier {n} /ˌɡɑndəˈlɪɹ/ (Venetian boatman who propels a gondola) :: gondolero {m}, gondolera {f}
Gondwana {prop} /ɡɑndˈwɑnə/ (southern supercontinent) :: Gondwana {f}
Gondwanaland {prop} (Gondwana) SEE: Gondwana ::
gone {adj} /ɡɑn/ (away, having left) :: ido
goner {n} /ˈɡɒnə(ɹ)/ (someone doomed, a hopeless case) :: hombre muerto {m}, piltrafa {f}
gonfalon {n} (a standard or ensign) :: confalón {m}
gong {n} (percussion instrument) :: gongo {m}, gong {m}, batintín {m} [Chinese type]
gongfu {n} (kung fu) SEE: kung fu ::
Gongorism {n} :: gongorismo {m}
goniometer {n} (device to measure crystals) :: goniómetro {m}
gonorrhea {n} /ˌɡɒn.əˈɹi.ə/ (STD) :: gonorrea {f}
go nuts {v} (to become mad) :: enloquecerse, enloquecer, trastornarse, volverse loco
go nuts {v} (in the imperative) :: ¡dale!
goo {n} /ɡuː/ (sticky or gummy semi-solid or liquid substance) :: pringue {m} {f}
good {adj} /ɡʊd/ (acting in the interest of good; ethical good intentions) :: bueno
good {adj} (useful for a particular purpose) :: bueno {m}
good {adj} (of food, edible; not stale or rotten) :: bien
good {adj} (of food, having a particularly pleasant taste) :: bien
good {adj} (healthful) :: bueno
good {adj} (of people, competent or talented) :: bueno {m}
good {adj} (favourable) :: bueno
good {adj} (beneficial; worthwhile) :: bueno, güeno
good {interj} (exclamation of satisfaction) :: bueno
good {n} (the forces of good) :: bien {m}
good {n} (item of merchandise) :: bien {m}
good afternoon {phrase} (greeting said in the afternoon) :: buenas tardes
goodbye {interj} /ɡʊdˈbaɪ/ (farewell, see also: bye) :: adiós, hasta luego, hasta la vista, hasta siempre, hasta pronto, nos vemos
goodbye {n} (an utterance of goodbye) :: adiós {m}
goodbye, cruel world {phrase} /ɡʊdˈbaɪ | ˌkɹuːəl ˈwɜːld/ (exclamation prior to suicide) :: ¡adiós, mundo cruel!
good cop bad cop {n} (Psychological tactic) :: poli bueno poli malo {m}
good day {phrase} (greeting between sunrise and sunset) :: buenos días
good-den {interj} (good evening) SEE: good evening ::
good enough to eat {adj} (supremely beautiful) :: para comérselo
good evening {n} (greeting said in the evening) :: buenas noches {f-p}, buenas tardes {f-p}
good faith {n} /ˌɡʊd ˈfeɪθ/ (good, honest intentions) :: buena fe {f}
good for nothing {adj} (good-for-nothing) SEE: good-for-nothing ::
good-for-nothing {adj} (useless, worthless) :: inútil, bueno para nada {m}, buena para nada {f}
good-for-nothing {n} (person of little worth or usefulness) :: inútil, bueno para nada {m}, cero a la izquierda {m}, don nadie, mindundi, pelagatos, perdulario, pintamonas {m} {f}
good fortune {n} (good luck) SEE: good luck ::
Good Friday {prop} (The Friday before Easter Sunday, the commemoration of the day on which Christ was crucified) :: Viernes Santo {m}
good heavens {interj} /ɡʊd ˈhɛvənz/ (exclamation of surprise or shock) :: cielo santo
Good King Henry {n} (species of goosefoot) :: zurrón {m}
good-looking {adj} (attractive) :: atractivo, de buen ver [colloquial], apuesto, bien parecido, agraciado, lindo, gallardo, galano
good luck {interj} /ˌɡʊd ˈlʌk/ (wish of fortune or encouragement) :: ¡buena suerte!, ¡suerte!
good luck {n} (positive fortune) :: suerte {f}
good manners {n} (treatment of other people with courtesy and politeness) :: cortesía {f}, buenos modales {m-p}
good morning {interj} /ˌɡʊd ˈmɔːɹ.nɪŋ/ (when seeing someone for the first time in the morning) :: buenos días, buen día, [informal] buenas
good-natured {adj} /ɡʊdˈneɪtʃəd/ (of or pertaining to an amicable, kindly disposition) :: bonachón
goodness {n} /ˈɡʊdnəs/ (state or characteristic of being good) :: bondad {f}
good night {phrase} (a farewell) :: buenas noches
good riddance {interj} (used to indicate that a departure or loss is welcome) :: ¡ya era hora!, a enemigo que huye, puente de plata, cruz y raya [colloquial]
goods {n} /ɡʊdz/ (that which is produced, traded, bought or sold) :: géneros {m-p}, bienes {m-p}
Good Samaritan {n} (subject of the parable) :: Buen Samaritano {m}
goods and services tax {n} (tax very similar to the value added tax) :: impuesto a la venta de los bienes y servicios {m}
good sense {n} (common sense) SEE: common sense ::
Good Shepherd {prop} (Jesus Christ) :: Buen Pastor {m}
goods train {n} (train used for transportation of goods) :: tren de carga {m}
good things come to those who wait {proverb} (patience is a virtue) :: las mejores cosas de la vida se hacen esperar
goodwill {n} /ɡʊdˈwɪl/ (favorably disposed attitude) :: buena voluntad {f}
goodwill {n} :: buena voluntad
go off {v} (explode) :: explotar
go off {v} (fire) :: disparar
go off {v} (become very angry) :: explotar
go off {v} (begin making noise) :: sonar
go off {v} (depart; leave) :: marcharse
goof off {v} /ˌɡuf ˈɔf/ (engage in idle activity) :: holgazanear
goofy {adj} /ɡuːfi/ (silly) :: tonto
Goofy {prop} (Disney character) :: [Spain] Goofy {m}, [South America] Tribilín {m}
google {n} /ˈɡuːɡəl/ (search using Google) :: googleada {f}
google {v} (to search for on the Internet) :: googlear, guglear
Google {v} (to search the internet using the Google search engine) SEE: google ::
Google {prop} /ˈɡuːɡəl/ (Google (in other scripts, the trademark may also be written in Roman letters)) :: Google {m}
googol {num} /ˈɡuː.ɡəl/ (1 followed by 100 zeros) :: gúgol {m}
googolplex {num} /ˈɡuːɡəlplɛks/ (ten to the power of a googol) :: googolplex
goo-goo eyes {n} (a romantic look at something or someone) :: hacer ojitos
goombah {n} (person of Italian descent) SEE: wop ::
go on {v} (travel by) :: coger, tomar
go on {v} (continue) :: continuar
go on {v} (happen) :: pasar
goosander {n} (diving duck) :: serreta {f} [Mergus], serreta grande {f} [Mergus merganser]
goose {n} /ˈɡuːs/ (a grazing waterfowl of the family Anatidae) :: ganso {m} [usually wild], oca {f} [farm goose], ánsar {m} [rather a formal/zoological word]
gooseberry {n} /ˈɡusˌbɛɹi/ (fruit) :: grosella {f}
gooseberry {n} (additional person) :: sujetavelas
goose bump {n} (raised skin caused by cold, excitement, or fear) :: escalofrío {m}, piel de gallina {f} [from cold], pelos de punta {m-p} [from fear]
goose flesh {n} (goose bump) SEE: goose bump ::
gooseneck barnacle {n} (Pollicipes pollicipes) :: percebe {m}
goose pimple {n} (goose bump) SEE: goose bump ::
goose skin {n} (goose bump) SEE: goose bump ::
goose wing {n} (sail positioning) :: orejas de burro
go out {v} (to leave, especially a building) :: salir
go out {v} (to leave one's abode to go to public places) :: salir
go out {v} (to be turned off or extinguished) :: apagarse
go out {v} :: [1] irse, [1,3] salir, [4] apagarse
go out like a light {v} (fall asleep quickly) :: quedarse frito
go over {v} (to scrutinise) :: reevaluar, escudriñar, examinar, escrutinizar
go over {v} (to create an impression) :: sentar, pasar, ir
go past {v} (surpass a boundary) :: traspasar, rebasar
gopher {n} /ˈɡoʊfɚ/ (a small burrowing rodent) :: geómido {m}, tuza {f}, taltuza {f}
go potty {v} (use the toilet) SEE: use the toilet ::
Gorbachev {prop} (Russian surname) :: Gorbachov
Gordian knot {n} /ˈɡoʊɹdɪən ˈnɑt/ (mythical knot) :: nudo gordiano {m}
Gordian knot {n} (intricate problem) :: nudo gordiano {m}
gore {n} /ɡɔɹ/ (thick blood) :: sangre cuajada {f}, sangre de la herida, sangre {f}, crúor {m} [poetic]
gore {v} (to pierce with a horn) :: cornear, coger
gore {n} (triangular piece of land where roads meet) :: cuchilla {f}
gore {n} (triangular patch of fabric) :: segmento triangular {m}, gajo {m}
gorge {n} /ɡɔːdʒ/ (inside of the throat, see also: gullet) :: garganta {f}
gorge {n} (deep, narrow passage with steep, rocky sides) :: garganta {f}
gorge {v} (to stuff the gorge or gullet with food; to eat greedily) :: atiborrarse de, hartarse de, devorar, vorar
gorgeous {adj} /ˈɡɔɹdʒəs/ (very beautiful) :: guapísimo
gorget {n} /ˈɡɔːdʒɪt/ (armour) :: gorjal {m}
Gorgias {prop} /ˈɡɔɹdʒi.əs/ (Greek sophist, pre-Socratic philosopher and rhetorician) :: Gorgias {m}
gorgon {n} /ˈɡɔːrɡən/ (monster in Greek mythology) :: gorgona {f}
gorgonzola {n} (Italian cheese) :: gorgonzola
gorilla {n} /ɡəˈɹɪl.ə/ (ape) :: gorila {m}
goring {n} (the act by which something is gored) :: cornada {f}
go round in circles {v} (To repeatedly do the same thing) :: dar vueltas
gorse {n} /ɡɔɹs/ (evergreen shrub) :: tojo {m}, aulaga {f}, retamo espinoso {m}
Gorstian {prop} :: Gorstiense
gory {adj} /ˈɡɔːɹ.i/ (covered with blood, very bloody) :: ensangrentado, sanguinolento, sangriento
gory {adj} (unpleasant) SEE: unpleasant ::
gosh {interj} /ɡɑːʃ/ (mild expression of surprise or enthusiasm) :: Dios mío, caramba, cáspita, jolines, joroba, caracoles, pardiez
goshawk {n} /ˈɡɒshɔːk/ (bird of prey principally in the genus Accipiter) :: azor {m}
gosh freaking darnit {interj} (euphemism) :: caray, caramba
gosling {n} /ɡɑzlɪŋ/ (young goose) :: ansarino {m}
gospel {n} /ˈɡɑspəl/ (first section of New Testament) :: evangelio {m}
gospel {n} (gospel music) SEE: gospel music ::
gospel music {n} (type of music) :: góspel {m}
gossip {n} /ˈɡɒs.ɪp/ (person) :: chismoso {m}, chismosa {f} [especially Latin America], copuchento {m} [Chile, colloquial], argüendero {m}, argüendera {f} [Mexico, colloquial], alcahuete {m}, cotilla {m} {f}, correveidile, gacetilla
gossip {n} (idle talk) :: chisme {m} [especially Latin America], bochinche {m} [Colombian Atlantic Coast, Dominican Republic, Panama, Puerto Rico, colloquial], brete {f} [Cuba, colloquial], cahuín {m} [Chile, colloquial], chambre {m} [El Salvador, Honduras, colloquial], chimento {m} [Argentina, Uruguay, colloquial], chirmol {m} [Guatemala, colloquial], cocoa {f} [Panama, colloquial], copucha {f} [Chile, colloquial], cotilleo {m} [Spain], cuecho {m} [Nicaragua, colloquial], mitote {m}, argüende {m} [Mexico, colloquial], vinazo {m} [Costa Rica, colloquial], habladurías, hablillas, marujeo [Spain, colloquial]
gossip {v} (to talk about someone else's private or personal business) :: chismear, cotillear, chismorrear, marujear [Spain, colloquial]
gotcha {contraction} (gotcha) :: te tengo, te atrapé, te agarré
gotcha {n} ((computing) a feature that is counter-intuitive) :: pillada {f}, trabocheto {m}
goth {n} /ɡɑθ/ (punk-derived subculture of people who predominantly dress in black) :: gótico {m}
goth {n} (style of bleak rock music; gothic rock) :: gótico {m}
goth {n} (person who is part of the goth subculture) :: gótico {m}
Goth {n} /ɡɑθ/ (member of the East Germanic people) :: godo {m}
Gothenburg {prop} /ˈɡɑθn̩bɝɡ/ (city on the west coast of Sweden) :: Gotemburgo {m}
Gothenburger {n} (person from, or an inhabitant of, Gothenburg) :: gotemburgués {m}, gotemburguesa {f}
Gothic {prop} /ˈɡɑ.θɪk/ (extinct Germanic language) :: gótico {m}
Gothic {adj} (of or relating to the Goths) :: gótico {m}
go through {v} (to execute; carry out) SEE: execute ::
go through {v} (to travel from one end to the other) :: atravesar
go through {v} (undergo, suffer, experience) :: experimentar, padecer, sufrir
go through {v} (wear out (of clothing)) :: gastar
go through {v} (progress to the next stage) :: avanzar
go through {v} (reach an intended destination) :: arribar, llegar
go through hell {v} :: pasar las de Caín, pasar carros y carretas, pasarlas negras, pasarlas canutas [euphemistic], sufrir lo indecible
got it {v} (I understand) :: entendido, oído cocina
Gotland {prop} (island of Sweden) :: Isla de Gotland {f}
go to bed {v} (to lie down to sleep) :: acostarse
go to bed with {v} ((euphemistic) to have sex) :: acostarse con
go to hell {v} (interjection) :: vete al infierno, ¡vete a la mierda!, ¡vete a tomar por culo!
go too far {v} :: pasarse, pasarse de la raya, pasar de castaño oscuro
go to sleep {v} (fall asleep) SEE: fall asleep ::
go to the bathroom {v} (use the toilet) SEE: use the toilet ::
go to the dogs {v} (idiomatic: to decline or deteriorate) :: irse al diablo , al traste
go to the restroom {v} (use the toilet) SEE: use the toilet ::
go to the toilet {v} (use the toilet) SEE: use the toilet ::
go to the washroom {v} (use the toilet) SEE: use the toilet ::
go to work {v} (work) SEE: work ::
go to work {v} (commute) SEE: commute ::
gouache {n} (paint) :: guache {m}, gouache {m}
gouache {n} (painting) :: guache {m}, gouache {m}
gouge {v} (to cheat or impose upon) SEE: cheat ::
gouge {n} /ɡaʊdʒ/ (chisel with a curved blade) :: gubia {m}
gouge {n} (cut or groove) :: ranura {f} [groove], surco {m} [cut]
gouge {n} ((mining) soft material lying between the wall of a vein and the solid vein) :: harina {f}
goulash {n} /ˈɡuː.lɑːʃ/ (A stew of beef or veal and vegetables, flavoured with paprika and sour cream) :: gulasch {m}
gound {n} (mucus produced by the eyes during sleep) SEE: sleep ::
go under {v} (to fail by going bankrupt) SEE: go bankrupt ::
go under {v} (to descend into a body of water) :: hundirse, irse a pique
go up {v} (to move upwards) :: subir
gourd {n} /ɡʊɹd/ (fruit) :: calabaza {f}
gourd {n} (dried and hardened shell of a gourd fruit) :: calabaza {f}, calabacino {m}
gourd {n} (climbing or trailing plants from the family Cucurbitaceae) :: calabaza {f}, bangaña {f}
gourmand {n} /ɡɔɹˈmɑnd/ (person given to excess in the consumption of food and drink) :: tragaldabas, glotón, comilón, tragón, goloso {m}
gourmand {n} (person who appreciates good food) :: gastrónomo, sibarita, gourmet, goloso {m}
gourmet {n} /ɡʊɹˈmeɪ/ (gourmet; a person who appreciates good food) :: gastrónomo, sibarita, gourmet, goloso {m}
gout {n} /ɡaʊt/ (arthritic disease) :: gota {f}
goutte {n} /ɡuːt/ (heraldic charge) :: gota {f}
govern {v} /ˈɡʌvɚn/ (to exercise sovereign authority in) :: gobernar
govern {v} ((intr.) to exercise political authority) :: gobernar
governability {n} (ability to be governed) :: gobernabilidad {f}
governable {adj} (capable of being governed) :: gobernable
governess {n} /ˈɡʌvɚnəs/ (woman paid to educate children in their own home) :: institutriz {f}
government {n} /ˈɡʌvɚ(n)mənt/ (body with the power to make and/or enforce laws) :: gobierno {m}
governmental {adj} (relating to a government) :: gubernamental
governor {n} /ˈɡʌvəɹnəɹ/ (leader of a region or state) :: gobernador {m}, gobernadora {f}, odaake-ogimaa
governor general {n} /ˈɡʌvənɚ ˌdʒɛn(ə)ɹəl/ (governor or viceroy possessing some military authority) :: gobernador general {m}
governor general {n} (representative of the monarch) :: gobernador general {m}
governor-general {n} (commonwealth official) :: gobienador general
go viral {v} (to be rapidly shared) :: viralizarse
go wild {v} (to go ahead, do as one pleases) SEE: go nuts ::
go with {v} (match, correspond with) :: combinar, ir de la mano con
go without saying {v} (to be obvious, apparent or clear) :: ni que decir tiene, huelga decir, vaya por delante
go with the flow {v} (to act as others are acting) :: ir con la corriente
gown {n} /ɡaʊn/ (loose, flowing upper garment) :: manto {m}, capa {f}
gown {n} (woman's dress) :: túnica, vestido {m}
gown {n} (official robe) :: toga {f}, talar {m}
gown {n} (dressing gown) SEE: dressing gown ::
go wrong {v} (to fail) :: ir mal
goy {n} /ɡɔɪ/ (non-Jew) :: goy {m}
Goyaesque {adj} :: goyesco
Goyaesquely {adv} (in a Goyaesque manner) :: goyescamente
GPS {n} (Global Positioning System) :: GPS {m}
GPS receiver {n} (GPS receiver) :: GPS {m}, navegador GPS {m}
grab {v} /ɡɹæb/ (to seize) :: asir
grab {v} (to make a sudden grasping or clutching motion (at something)) :: agarrar
grab {v} (to restrain someone; to arrest) :: detener, arrestar
grab {n} :: agarrar
Gracchus {prop} /ˈɡɹækəs/ (Roman cognomen) :: Graco
grace {n} /ɡɹeɪs/ (short prayer of thanks before or after a meal) :: gracias, benedícite {m}
grace {n} (elegant movement, poise or balance) :: gracia {f}, donaire {m}
grace {n} (free and undeserved favour, especially of God) :: gracia {f}, merced {f}
Grace {prop} /ɡɹeɪs/ (female given name) :: Gracia {f}
graceful {adj} /ˈɡɹeɪsfʊl/ (showing grace) :: grácil, gracioso
gracefully {adv} /ˈɡɹeɪsfəli/ (in a graceful manner) :: agraciadamente
gracefulness {n} (the state of being graceful) :: graciosidad {f}, gallardía {f}
grace note {n} /ˈɡɹeɪs nəʊt/ (musical note played to ornament the melody) :: grace, nota de la tolerancia
graciousness {n} (The state of being gracious) :: afabilidad {f}, amenidad {f}
grackle {n} /ˈɡɹækəl/ (genus Quiscalus) :: chango {m} (Antillean grackle), chinchilín {m} (Antillean grackle), clarinero {m}, mariamulata {f}, zanate {m}
grackle {n} :: Mozambique (Antillean grackle)
grade {n} /ɡɹeɪd/ (rating) :: puntuación {f}
grade {n} (performance expressed by a number, letter, or other symbol) :: nota {f}
grade {n} (slope of a roadway or other passage) :: desnivel {m}
grade {n} (graded area) :: nivel {m}
grade {n} (level of the ground) :: nivel {m}
grade {n} (degree of malignity of a tumor) :: grado
grade crossing {n} (level crossing) SEE: level crossing ::
grader {n} /ˈɡɹeɪdɚ/ (machine) :: motoniveladora {f}
grade school {n} (elementary or primary school) SEE: primary school ::
gradient {n} (slope or incline) :: gradiente {f}
gradient {n} (rate of inclination or declination of a slope) :: gradiente {f}
gradient {n} (in physics) :: gradiente {m}
gradual {adj} /ˈɡɹædʒuəl/ (proceeding by steps or small degrees) :: gradual, paulatino
gradually {adv} /ˈɡɹædʒuəli/ (in gradual manner) :: gradualmente, poco a poco, paulatinamente
graduate {n} /ˈɡɹædʒuɪt/ (from a university) :: graduado {m}, graduada {f}, graduados {p}
graduate {n} :: graduado {m}, graduada {f}
graduate {v} (to be recognized by a university as having completed the requirements of a degree) :: graduarse
graduation {n} /ˌɡɹædʒuˈeɪʃən/ (the action or process of graduating) :: graduación {f}
graduation {n} (a commencement ceremony) :: graduación {f}
graduation {n} (a marking (i.e. on a container) indicating a measurement) :: graduación {f}
graduation {n} :: graduación
graduation mark {n} :: aforo {m}
graffiti {n} /ɡɹəˈfiti/ (drawings on a surface) :: grafiti
graffiti artist {n} (Person who paints graffiti) :: grafitero {m}, grafitera {f}
graffitist {n} (graffiti artist) SEE: graffiti artist ::
graft {n} /ɡɹæft/ (small shoot or scion) :: injerto {m}, empelte {m}
graft {n} (branch or portion of a tree growing from such a shoot) :: injerto {m}
graft {n} (portion of living tissue used in the operation of autoplasty) :: injerto {m}
graft {v} (to insert a graft in another tree) :: injertar
graft {v} (to implant to form an organic union) :: injertar
grafting {n} (act, art, or process of inserting grafts) :: injerto {m}
grain {n} /ɡɹeɪn/ (harvested seeds of various grass-related food crops) :: grano {m}
grain {n} (single seed of grain) :: grano {m}
grain {n} (the crops from which grain is harvested) :: cereal {m}
grain {n} (linear texture of material or surface) :: veta {f}
grain {n} (single particle of a substance) :: grano {m}
grain {n} (unit of weight) :: grano {m}
grained {adj} (Having a grain or grains) :: granado
grains of paradise {n} (spice) :: granos de paraiso {m-p}, pimienta de Guinea {f}, pimienta melegueta {f}, granos de Guinea {m-p}
gram {n} /ɡɹæm/ (unit of mass) :: gramo {m}
-gram {suffix} (something written) :: -grama {m}
gramarye {n} (mystical learning) SEE: magic ::
grammar {n} /ˈɡɹæm.ə(ɹ)/ (rules for speaking and writing a language) :: gramática {f}
grammar {n} (study of internal structure and use of words) :: gramática {f}
grammar {n} (book describing grammar) :: gramática {f}
grammarian {n} /ɡɹəˈmɛəɹɪən/ (person who studies grammar) :: gramático {m}
grammar Nazi {n} /ˈɡɹæmə(ɹ) ˈnɑːtsi/ (person who habitually corrects or criticizes the language usage of others) :: talibán ortográfico {m}
grammary {n} (grammar) SEE: grammar ::
grammatical {adj} /ɡɹəˈmætɪkəl/ (acceptable as determined by the rules of the grammar) :: gramatical
grammatical {adj} (of or pertaining to grammar) :: gramático
grammatical case {n} (mode of inflection of a word) :: caso {m}
grammaticality {n} /ˈɡɹə.mæt.ɪˌkæl.ɪ.ti/ (state of obeying the rules of grammar) :: gramaticalidad {f}
grammatical mood {n} (in grammar, type of the relationship) :: modo {m}
grammatician {n} (grammarian) SEE: grammarian ::
grammaticist {n} (grammarian) SEE: grammarian ::
gram molecule {n} (mole) SEE: mole ::
gramophone {n} (record player) :: gramola {f}
grampus {n} (killer whale) SEE: orca ::
Granada {prop} /ɡɹəˈnɑːdə/ (city in Spain) :: Granada
Granada {prop} (department of Nicaragua) :: Granada
Granadan {adj} (from Granada) :: granadino, granadí, granadino
Granadan {n} (someone from Granada) :: granadino {m}, granadí {m} {f}, garnatí {m} {f}
granary {n} /ˈɡɹænəɹi/ (storage facility) :: granero {m}
Gran Canaria {prop} (island in the Canary Islands) :: Gran Canaria {f}
Gran Colombia {prop} :: Gran Colombia
grand {adj} /ɡɹænd/ (of large size or extent) :: grande
grand {adj} (great in size, and fine or imposing in appearance or impression) :: grande
grand {adj} (having higher rank or more dignity, size, or importance than other similar things) :: majestuoso
grand {n} (one thousand of some currency) :: un mil
grand {n} (grand piano) SEE: grand piano ::
grandaunt {n} (great-aunt) SEE: great-aunt ::
Grand Canyon {prop} (large national park and gorge) :: Gran Cañón {m}
grandchild {n} (child of someone’s child) :: nieto {m}
granddaughter {n} (daughter of someone’s child) :: nieta {f}
grand duchy {n} (a dominion or region ruled by a grand duke or grand duchess) :: gran ducado {m}
Grand Duchy of Lithuania {prop} (former European state) :: Gran Ducado de Lituania {m}
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg {prop} (official name of Luxembourg) :: Gran Ducado de Luxemburgo {m}
grand duke {n} (ruler or monarch of a grand duchy) :: gran duque
grand duke {n} (son or grandson of a czar) :: gran duque {m}
grand dukedom {n} (title of grand duke or grand duchess) :: gran ducado {m}
grandee {n} /ɡɹænˈdiː/ (high ranking nobleman in Spain or Portugal) :: grande {m}
grandeeship {n} (rank or estate of a grandee) :: grandeza {f}
Grand Exchange {prop} (Columbian Exchange) SEE: Columbian Exchange ::
grandfather {n} /ˈɡɹæn(d)ˌfɑːðə(r)/ (grandfather (from either side)) :: abuelo {m}
grandfather {n} (male forefather) :: abuelo {m}
grandfather clock {n} (pendulum clock) :: reloj de pie {m}, reloj de pared {m}
grandfather-in-law {n} (grandfather of one's spouse) :: abuelo político
grandiloquent {adj} /ɡɹænˈdɪl.ə.kwənt/ (overly wordy or elaborate) :: grandilocuente, grandílocuo, altisonante, altísono {m}, rimbombante
grandiose {adj} (large and impressive, in size, scope or extent) :: grandioso
grandiose {adj} (pompous or pretentious) :: grandioso
grand jury {n} :: gran jurado {m}
grandma {n} /ˈɡɹænmɑː/ (grandmother (informal)) :: abuela, abuelita
grandmaster {n} (Grandmaster) SEE: Grandmaster ::
Grandmaster {n} (highest title for chess player) :: Gran Maestro
grandmother {n} /ˈɡɹæn(d)ˌmʌðə(r)/ (mother of someone's parent) :: abuela {f}
grandmother-in-law {n} (grandmother of one's spouse) :: abuela política
grand narrative {n} (metanarrative) SEE: metanarrative ::
grandnephew {n} (grandson of a sibling) :: resobrino {m}, sobrino nieto {m}
grandniece {n} (granddaughter of a sibling) :: sobrina nieta {f}
grandpa {n} /ˈɡɹæmpɑː/ (grandfather (informal)) :: abuelo, abuelito
grandparent {n} /ˈɡɹæn(d)pɛəɹənt/ (parent of one's parent) :: abuelo {m}, abuela {f}
grand piano {n} (type of piano) :: piano de cola {m}
Grand Prix {n} /ɡɹɑ̃ ˈpɹiː/ (any of several international races, especially one of a series for Formula One racing cars) :: Gran Premio {m}
grandson {n} /ˈɡɹæn(d)sʌn/ (son of one's child) :: nieto {m}
grandstand {v} (to behave dramatically) :: mirar al tendido
Grand Turk {prop} /ˈɡɹænd ˈtɜː(ɹ)k/ (an island in the Turks and Caicos Islands) :: Isla Gran Turca {f}
granduncle {n} (great-uncle) SEE: great-uncle ::
grand unification theory {n} (theory that unifies fundamental forces) :: teoría de gran unificación {f}
grand vizier {n} (greatest minister of a sultan) :: gran visir
Graneros {prop} (Graneros) :: Graneros {m}
granite {n} /ˈɡɹæ.nɪt/ (type of rock) :: granito {m}, berroqueña [dated]
granitic {adj} (of, pertaining to, or containing granite) :: granítico, berroqueño
granitoid {adj} (resembling granite) :: granitoide
granitoid {n} (any mineral that resembles granite) :: granitoide {m}
granny {n} /ˈɡɹæni/ (colloquial: grandmother) :: abuelita {f}, yaya {f}
granny flat {n} (dwelling detached from a main residence) :: vivienda anexa {f}
granodiorite {n} (intrusive igneous rock) :: granodiorita {f}
granola {n} /ɡɹəˈnoʊlə/ (breakfast and snack food) :: granola {f}
grant {v} /ɡɹænt/ (To give over) :: otorgar
grant {v} (To bestow or confer, with or without compensation, particularly in answer to prayer or request) :: conceder, otorgar
grant {n} (The thing or property granted; a gift; a boon) :: subvención {f}, beca [to do studies or investigations]
grant {n} (Informal: application for money) :: patrocinio {f}
grantedly {adv} (by admission) :: la verdad es que, lo cierto es que, es cierto que
granulate {v} (to segment) :: granular
granule {n} /ˈɡɹænjul/ (small particle) :: gránulo {m}
granuloma {n} (tumor) :: granuloma
granulomatosis {n} (pathological condition) :: granulomatosis {f}
grape {n} /ɡɹeɪp/ (fruit) :: uva {f}
grape {n} (vine) :: vid {f}, parra
grape {n} (grapeshot) SEE: grapeshot ::
grapefruit {n} /ˈɡɹeɪp.fɹuːt/ (tree) :: toronjo {m}
grapefruit {n} (fruit) :: toronja {f}, pomelo {m}
grape juice {n} (grape juice) :: jugo de uva {m}
grapeshot {n} (type of shot) :: metralla {f}
grapevine {n} (the plant on which grapes grow) :: vid {f}, parra {f}
grapevine {n} (informal means of circulating gossip) :: rumor {m}, radio macuto
graph {n} /ɡɹæf/ (mathematical diagram) :: gráfico {m}
graph {n} (ordered pair in graph theory) :: grafo {m}
graph {v} (draw a graph of) :: graficar
graph {n} (chart) SEE: chart ::
-graph {suffix} (something related to writing etc.) :: -grafo
graphene {n} /ˈɡɹæf.iːn/ (large-scale, one-atom thick layer of graphite) :: grafeno {m}
-grapher {suffix} (someone who writes about a specified subject) :: -grafo {m}
graphic {adj} /ˈɡɹæfɪk/ (drawn, pictorial) :: gráfico
graphic {adj} (vivid, descriptive) :: gráfico, crudo {m}
graphic {n} ((in the plural) computer generated images as viewed on a screen forming part of a game or a film etc.) :: gráficos {m-p}
graphical user interface {n} (type of user interface) :: interfaz gráfica de usuario
graphic artist {n} (graphic designer) SEE: graphic designer ::
graphic design {n} :: diseño gráfico {m}
graphic designer {n} (artist) :: diseñador publicitario {m}
graphic novel {n} (comic book) :: novela gráfica {f}
graphing paper {n} (graph paper) SEE: graph paper ::
graphite {n} /ˈɡɹæfaɪt/ (form of carbon) :: grafito {m}
grapholect {n} (a written variant of a language) :: grafolecto {m}
graphological {adj} (relating to graphology) :: grafológico
graph paper {n} (ruled paper) :: papel gráfico
graph theory {n} (study of networks of nodes and vertices) :: teoría de grafos {f}
-graphy {suffix} /-ɡɹəfi/ (Suffix denoting a written or represented in the specified manner, or about a specified subject) :: -grafía {f}
grappa {n} (Italian grape-based spirit) :: grappa
grapple {n} /ˈɡɹæpəl/ (tool with claws or hooks) :: arpeo {m}
grappling {n} (grappling hook or grappling iron) SEE: grappling hook ::
grappling hook {n} /ˈɡɹæp(ə)lɪŋ ˌhʊk/ (a type of hook) :: arpeo {m}
grasp {v} (to grasp) SEE: hold ::
grasp {v} /ɡɹæsp/ (to grip) :: agarrar, asir
grasp {v} (to understand) :: comprender
grasp {n} (grip) :: asimiento {m}
grasp {n} (understanding) :: comprensión {f}
grasp all, lose all {proverb} (one who wants everything, may lose it all) :: la avaricia rompe el saco, el que mucho abarca poco aprieta
grass {n} /ɡɹ̠æs/ (ground cover plant) :: pasto {m}, hierba {f}, grama {f}
grass {n} (lawn) :: hierba {f}, césped {m}
grass {n} (marijuana) :: hierba {f}, mota {f}
grasshopper {n} /ˈɡɹæsˌhɑpəɹ/ (an insect of the order Orthoptera) :: saltamontes {m}, langosta {f}
grasshopper warbler {n} (Locustella naevia) :: buscarla pintoja {f}
grass jelly {n} (jellylike dessert) :: jalea de hierba {f}
grassland {n} (an area dominated by grass or grasslike vegetation) :: pradera {f}, herbazal {m}, pastizal {m}
grass mud horse {n} (Mythical Baidu deity used for circumventing censorship) :: caballo de pasto-barro {m}
grass snake {n} (Natrix natrix) :: culebra de collar
grass widow {n} /ˈɡɹɑːs ˌwɪdəʊ/ (woman whose husband is away) :: esposa separada temporalmente
grassy {adj} /ˈɡɹæsi/ (covered with grass) :: herboso
grate {n} /ɡɹeɪt/ (horizontal metal grill) :: rejilla {f}
grate {v} (cooking: to shred by rubbing) :: rallar
grate {v} (to make an unpleasant rasping sound) :: rechinar
grate {v} :: rallar
grated {adj} /ˈɡɹeɪtɪd/ (produced by grating) :: rallado
grated {adj} (furnished with a grate or grating) :: enrejado
grateful {adj} /ˈɡɹeɪtfəl/ (showing gratitude) :: agradecido
grateful {adj} (recognizing the importance of a source of pleasure) :: complacido
gratefulness {n} (the state of being grateful) :: agradecimiento
grater {n} /ˈɡɹeɪtɚ/ (a tool with which one grates) :: rallador {m}, ralladora {f}
grating {n} /ˈɡɹeɪtɪŋ/ (barrier) :: rejilla {f}, reja {f}
grating {n} (frame to hold a fire) :: rejilla {f}
grating {n} (a strong wooden lattice used in the flooring of boats) :: enjaretado {m}
grating {n} :: rejilla {f}
gratis {adv} (free, without charge) SEE: for free ::
gratis {adj} (free of charge) SEE: free of charge ::
gratitude {n} /ˈɡɹætɪt(j)ud/ (state of being grateful) :: gratitud {f}
gratuitously {adv} /ɡɹəˈtu.ə.tə (freely; in the manner of a gift) :: gratuitamente
gratuitously {adv} (in a manner not demanded by the circumstances) :: gratuitamente
gratuity {n} /ɡɹəˈtuːətɪ/ (reward provided freely, without obligation) :: dádiva
grave {n} /ɡɹeɪv/ (excavation for burial) :: tumba {f}, sepultura {f},
grave {v} (to carve letters or similar) :: grabar
grave {v} (to carve to give a shape) :: esculpir, tallar
grave {v} (to impress on the mind) :: grabar
grave {adj} (having a sense of seriousness) :: serio, seco, solemne, reservado, sombrío
grave {adj} (low in pitch, tone) :: grave, bajo
grave {adj} (serious in a negative sense) :: grave, apremiante
grave {n} (grave accent) SEE: grave accent ::
grave accent {n} (grave accent) :: acento grave {m}, grave
gravedigger {n} /ˈɡɹeɪv.ˌdɪɡ.ə(ɹ)/ (a person employed to dig graves) :: sepulturero {m}
grave goods {n} (objects buried with a body) :: ajuar funerario
gravel {n} /ˈɡɹævəl/ (small fragments of rock) :: grava {f}, gravilla {f}
gravely {adv} /ˈɡɹeɪvli/ (grave or serious manner) :: gravemente
graveness {n} (state of being grave) :: gravedad {f}
gravestone {n} (stone slab set at the head of a grave) SEE: tombstone ::
graveyard {n} /ˈɡɹeɪvˌjɑɹd/ (tract of land in which the dead are buried) :: cementerio {m}, campo santo {m}, camposanto {m}, panteón {m} [Andes, Caribbean, Central America, Mexico]
graveyard {n} (final storage place for collections of things no longer used) :: cementerio {m}
graveyard shift {n} (night shift) SEE: night shift ::
gravid {adj} /ˈɡɹævɪd/ (pregnant; now used chiefly of egg-laying animals, or metaphorically) :: grávido, embarazado, encinta {f}
gravitate {v} /ˈɡɹævɪteit/ :: gravitar
gravitation {n} /ˌɡɹævɪˈteɪʃən/ (fundamental force of attraction) :: gravitación {f}
gravitational {adj} /ˌɡɹævɪˈteɪʃənəl/ (pertaining to gravitation) :: gravitatorio
gravitational field {n} (the field produced by the gravitational force of mass) :: campo gravitacional {m}, campo gravitatorio {m}
gravitational interaction {n} (gravitational interaction in physics) :: interacción gravitatoria {f}
gravitational wave {n} /ˌɡɹæ.vəˈteɪ.ʃə.nəl weɪv/ (fluctuation in spacetime that propagates as a wave at the speed of light) :: onda gravitacional {f}
graviton {n} /ˈɡɹavɪtɒn/ (a hypothetical gauge boson) :: gravitón {m}
gravitropism {n} (plant's ability to change its growth) :: gravitropismo {m}
gravity {n} /ˈɡɹævɪti/ (graveness, the condition or state of being grave) :: gravedad {f}
gravity {n} (resultant force on Earth's surface) :: gravedad {f}
gravity {n} (gravitation, gravity force on two mass bodies) :: gravedad {f}
gravy {n} /ˈɡɹeɪvi/ (sauce) :: salsa {f}
gravy train {n} (occupation that generates considerable income with little or less effort) :: llevársela fácil
gray {adj} /ɡɹeɪ/ (having a color somewhere between white and black, as the ash of an ember) :: gris
gray {adj} (dreary, gloomy) :: gris
gray {adj} (having an indistinct quality) :: gris
gray {v} (to become gray) :: encanecer
gray {n} (colour) :: gris {m}
gray {n} (extraterrestrial being) :: grises {m-p}
grayish {adj} /ˈɡɹeɪ.ɪʃ/ (somewhat gray) :: grisáceo, entrecano, rucio
grayling {n} (Thymallus thymallus) :: tímalo {m}
gray magic {n} (magic which transcends or blends white and black) :: magia gris {f}
gray short-tailed opossum {n} (gray short-tailed opossum) :: colicorto doméstico {m}
gray squirrel {n} (Sciurus griseus) :: ardilla gris occidental {f}
gray squirrel {n} (Sciurus carolinensis) :: ardilla de las Carolinas {f}
gray tape {n} (duct tape) SEE: duct tape ::
gray water {n} (non-potable, but non-toxic water) :: aguas grises {p}, agua gris {m}
Graz {prop} /ɡɹɑːts/ (city) :: Graz
graze {n} /ɡɹeɪz/ (act of grazing or scratching lightly) :: rasguño, arañazo
graze {n} (light scratch) :: rasguño {m}
graze {v} (to feed or supply with grass) :: pastear
graze {v} (to eat grass from a pasture) :: pacer, pastar
graze {v} :: pastar
grease {n} /ɡɹis/ (animal fat) :: grasa {f}
grease {n} (oily or fatty matter) :: grasa {f}
grease {v} (put grease or fat on something) :: engrasar
grease {v} :: engrasar, lubricar
greaseball {n} (person of Italian descent) SEE: wop ::
grease nipple {n} (fitting fixed to a piece of machinery) :: alemite {m}
grease payment {n} (bribe) :: coima
grease someone's palm {v} (to bribe) :: untar, untar la mano
greasy {adj} /ˈɡɹ (having a slippery surface) :: grasiento {m}, grasoso {m}, graso {m}, resbaloso
greasy pole {n} (event) :: cucaña {f}
great {adj} (important) SEE: important ::
great {adj} /ɡɹeɪt/ (very big, large scale) :: gran, grande
great {adj} (very good) :: formidable, muy bueno
great {adj} (important title) :: Magno, Grande
great {interj} (great!) :: bien, grandioso
great- {prefix} (removal of one generation) :: bis-
great antshrike {n} (Taraba major) :: batará mayor
great ape {n} (ape of the taxonomic family Hominidae) :: gran simio {m}
great auk {n} (Pinguinus impennis) :: alca gigante {f}
great-aunt {n} (aunt of one’s parent) :: tía-abuela {f}
Great Barrier Reef {prop} (Great Barrier Reef) :: Gran Barrera de Coral {f}
Great Bear {prop} (a bright circumpolar asterism of the northern sky) :: Osa Mayor {f}
great blue heron {n} (Ardea herodias) :: garza azulada {f}, garza ceniza {f}
Great Britain {prop} (island) :: Gran Bretaña {f}
greatcoat {n} (heavy overcoat) :: sobretodo {m}, gabán {m}, abrigo {m}
great crested grebe {n} (freshwater bird) :: somormujo lavanco {m}
Great Dane {n} (mastiff) :: dogo alemán {m}, dogo danés {m}, gran danés {m}, alano alemán {m}
Great Depression {prop} (economic collapse) :: Gran Depresión {f}
great egret {n} (bird, Ardea alba) :: garza blanca {f}, garceta grande {f}
greater argentine {n} (Argentina silus) :: sula {f}
greater celandine {n} (Chelidonium majus) :: celidonia mayor {f}
greater good {n} (benefit of the public) :: bien común {m}
Greater London {prop} (administrative area) :: Gran Londres {m}
Greater Manchester {prop} (county in northwest England) :: Gran Manchester {m}
Greater Poland {prop} (region of Poland) :: Gran Polonia {f}
greater rhea {n} (Rhea americana) :: ñandú común {m}, ñandú {m}, choique pampeano {m}
greater roadrunner {n} (bird of genus Geococcyx) SEE: roadrunner ::
greater scaup {n} (Aythya marila) :: porrón bastardo {m}
greater than {n} (the '>' character) :: mayor que {m}
greater yellowlegs {n} (Tringa melanoleuca) :: chorlo mayor de patas amarillas {m}, archibebe patigualdo grande {m}, pitotoy grande {m}
greatest common divisor {n} (largest positive integer or polynomial) :: máximo común divisor {m}
Great Game {prop} (the strategic rivalry and conflict) :: Gran Juego {m}
great-grandchild {n} (The child (son or daughter) of one's grandchild) :: bisnieto {m}, bisnieta {f}
great-granddaughter {n} (the daughter of someone's grandchild) :: bisnieta {f}
great-grandfather {n} (father of grandparent) :: bisabuelo {m}
great-grandfather-in-law {n} (great-grandfather of one's spouse) :: bisabuelo político
great-grandmother {n} (mother of one's grandparent) :: bisabuela {f}
great-grandparent {n} (parent of a grandparent) :: bisabuelo {m}, bisabuela {f}
great-grandson {n} (son of a grandchild) :: bisnieto {m}
great-great-grandchild {n} (the child of one's great-grandchild) :: tataranieto {m}, tataranieta {f}
great-great-granddaughter {n} (the daughter of one's great-grandchild) :: tataranieta {f}
great-great-grandfather {n} (The father of someone's great-grandparent) :: tatarabuelo {m}
great-great-grandmother {n} (The mother of someone’s great-grandparent) :: tatarabuela {f}
great-great-grandson {n} (the son of one's great-grandchild) :: tataranieto {m}
great horned owl {n} (Bubo virginianus) :: búho cornudo {m}, búho real {m}
Great Lakes {prop} (a group of five lakes on the United States-Canada border) :: Grandes Lagos {m-p}
Great Leap Forward {prop} (Great Leap Forward (in China)) :: Gran Salto Adelante {m}
Great Lent {prop} (Great Lent) :: Gran Cuaresma {f}
greatly {adv} /ˈɡɹeɪtli/ (to a great extent) :: grandemente, enormemente, sobremanera
great martyr {n} (a saint who was martyred after suffering great torture) :: megalomártir {m} {f}
great minds think alike {proverb} (used to emphasize two people reaching the same conclusion) :: grandes mentes piensan igual
greatness {n} /ˈɡɹeɪtnəs/ (The state, condition, or quality of being great; as, greatness of size, greatness of mind, power, etc) :: grandeza {f}
greatness {n} (Pride; haughtiness) :: altivez {f}, grandeza {f}
great northern diver {n} (large member of the diver family, Gavia immer) :: colimbo grande {m}
great northern loon {n} (great northern diver) SEE: great northern diver ::
great primer {n} :: romana
Great Pyramid at Giza {prop} (Great Pyramid of Giza) SEE: Great Pyramid of Giza ::
Great Pyramid of Giza {prop} (the largest and most famous of the Egyptian pyramids) :: Gran Pirámide de Giza {f}
Great Pyrenees {n} (dog breed) :: perro de montaña de los Pirineos
Great Recession {prop} (Great Recession) :: Crisis económica de 2008-2015 {f}
Great Red Spot {prop} (storm on the planet Jupiter) :: Gran Mancha Roja {f}
great reed warbler {n} (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) :: carricero tordal {m}
Great Rite {prop} :: gran rituo
Great Salt Lake {prop} (saltwater lake) :: Gran Lago Salado {m}
great skua {n} (Great Skua) :: págalo grande {m}, skúa {m}
great snipe {n} (Gallinago media) :: agachadiza real {f}
great spotted woodpecker {n} /ˈɡɹeɪt ˈspɒtəd ˈwʊdpɛkeɹ/ (species of woodpecker) :: pico picapinos {m}
Great Successor {prop} (Kim Jong-un) :: gran sucesor
great tit {n} /ˈɡɹeɪt tɪt/ (bird) :: carbonero {m}
great-uncle {n} (uncle of one's parent) :: tío abuelo {m}
Great Vowel Shift {prop} (major change in the pronunciation of the English language) :: gran desplazamiento vocálico {m}
Great Wall of China {prop} (Chinese fortification) :: Gran Muralla China {f}
great white shark {n} (Carcharodon carcharias) :: gran tiburón blanco {m}
greave {n} /ɡɹiːv/ (piece of armour that protects the leg, especially the shin) :: greba {f}
greaves {n} (residue from animal fat) :: chicharrones {m-p}
grebe {n} /ɡɹiːb/ (any of several waterbirds in the family Podicipedidae) :: zambullidor {m}, somormujo {m}, acacalote
Grecism {n} /ˈɡɹiːsɪzəm/ (word or idiom of the Greek language used in another language) :: grecismo {m}
Greco- {prefix} /ˈɡɹɛkoʊ-/ (relating to Greece or Greek) :: greco-
Greco-Roman {adj} /ˌɡɹɛkoʊˈɹoʊmən/ (of or pertaining to Greek or Roman culture) :: grecorromano {m}, grecorromana {f}
Greco-Roman {adj} (referring to a wrestling style) :: grecorromana {f}
Greece {prop} /ɡɹiːs/ (country in Southeastern Europe) :: Grecia {f}
greed {n} /ɡɹid/ (selfish desire for more than is needed) :: codicia {f}, avaricia {f}, gula {f} (for food), glotonería {f} (for food), avidez {f}
greedy {adj} /ˈɡɹiːdi/ (having greed; consumed by selfish desires) :: codicioso, avaricioso, ávido, avaro, avorazado {m}
greedy {adj} (prone to overeat) :: glotón, tragón [colloquial]
greedyguts {n} (greedy person) :: zampabollos {m}, zampón {m}
Greek {prop} /ɡɹiːk/ (language of the Greek people) :: griego {m}
Greek {n} (inhabitant, etc., of Greece) :: griego {m}, griega {f}
Greek {adj} (of the Greek language, people or country) :: griego
Greek fire {n} (flammable substance) :: fuego griego {m}
Greek Orthodox Church {prop} (Greek Orthodox Church) :: Iglesia ortodoxa griega {f}
green {n} (putting green) SEE: putting green ::
green {adj} (having green as its colour) :: verde
green {adj} (inexperienced) :: verde
green {adj} (environmentally friendly) :: verde
green {adj} (of fruit: unripe) :: verde
green {n} (colour) :: verde {m}
green {n} (member of a green party) :: verde {m} {f}
green alga {n} (organism of Chlorophyta) :: alga verde {f}
green-backed firecrown {n} (Sephanoides sephaniodes) :: colibrí austral {m}
green-backed tit {n} (Parus monticolus) :: carbonero dorsiverde {m}
green bean {n} (immature pods of any kind of bean) :: bajoca {f} [Eastern Spain], caparrón verde {m} [Northern Central Spain], chaucha {f} [Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay], ejote {m} [Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras], fréjol {m} [Northwestern Spain], habichuela {f} [Colombia, Cuba, Panama, Southern Spain and Canary Islands], habichuela tierna {f} [Puerto Rico], habichuela verde {f} [Southern Spain], judía verde {f} [Spain standard usage], poroto verde {m} [Chile], vaina [Spanish Basque Country], vainica {f} [Costa Rica, Nicaragua], vainita {f} [Bolivia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela]
green belt {n} (area of agricultural land around an urban area) :: cinturón verde {m}
green card {n} (US work permit) :: tarjeta verde {f}, Green Card
greenery {n} (marijuana) SEE: marijuana ::
greenfinch {n} (European greenfinch, Carduelis chloris) :: verderón {m}
green gram {n} (Bean from the seed of Vigna radiata) SEE: mung bean ::
greengrocer {n} /ˈɡɹinˌɡɹəʊs.ə(ɹ)/ (person who sells fresh vegetables and fruit) :: verdulero {m}
greengrocer's {n} (shop for fruit and vegetables) :: verdulería {f}
greengrocery {n} (shop) SEE: greengrocer's ::
greenhorn {n} (inexperienced person) :: novicio {m}, aprendiz {m} {f}, novato {m}, pipiolo {m}
greenhouse {n} /ˈɡɹiːnˌhaʊs/ (building in which plants are grown more quickly than outside) :: invernadero {m}
greenhouse effect {n} (process by which a planet is warmed by its atmosphere) :: efecto invernadero {m}
greenhouse gas {n} (any gas that contributes to the greenhouse effect) :: gas de invernadero
greenish {adj} /ˈɡɹiːnɪʃ/ (somewhat green) :: verdoso
greenish warbler {n} (Phylloscopus trochiloides) :: mosquitero verdoso {m}
green jersey {n} (shirt worn by the leader of the Tour de France points competition) :: maillot verde {m}
Greenland {prop} /ˈɡɹiːn.lənd/ (a large self-governing island in North America) :: Groenlandia {f}
Greenlander {n} (a person from Greenland or of Greenlandic descent) :: groenlandés {m}, groenlandesa {f}
Greenlandic {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Greenland, its people or language) SEE: Greenlandish ::
Greenlandic {n} (language) SEE: Greenlandish ::
Greenlandish {n} (language) :: groenlandés {m}
Greenland shark {n} (Somniosus microcephalus) :: tiburón de Groenlandia {m}
green light {n} (green traffic light) :: luz verde {f}
green light {n} (permission) :: aprobación {f}, luz verde {f}, visto bueno {m}, venia {f}, permiso {m}, beneplácito {m}, plácet {m}, exequátur {m}
greenness {n} /ˈɡɹiːnnəs/ (state of being green (green in color)) :: verde
greenness {n} (state of being green (environmentally conscious)) :: verdor {m}
greens {n} /ɡɹiːnz/ (leaves of certain edible green plants) :: verduras {f-p}
greensand {n} /ˈɡɹiːnsænd/ (greenish sandstone) :: arenisca verde {f}
green sandpiper {n} (Tringa ochropus) :: andarríos grande {m}
greenstick fracture {n} (a partial fracture of a long bone) :: fractura en tallo verde {f}
green tea {n} (leaves) :: té verde {m}
green tea {n} (drink) :: té verde {m}
greenwash {n} /ˈɡɹiːnwɒʃ/ (misleading picture of environmental friendliness) :: lavado verde {m}, lavado verde de imagen {m}, greenwashing
green wave {n} (way of timing traffic lights) :: onda verde {f}
Greenwich {prop} /ˈɡɹinwɪtʃ/ (town) :: Greenwich {m}
Greenwich Mean Time {prop} (mean solar time) :: hora de Greenwich
green with envy {adj} (consumed by envy) :: quedar mudo de envidia
green woodpecker {n} /ɡɹinˈwʊdpɛkə(ɹ)/ (Picus viridis) :: pito real {m}
greet {v} /ɡɹiːt/ (to address with salutations or expressions of kind wishes) :: saludar
greet {v} (intransitive: to meet and give salutations) :: saludar
greeting {n} /ˈɡɹiːtɪŋ/ (acknowledgement of a persons presence or arrival) :: saludo {m}
greeting card {n} (card sent as a greeting) :: tarjeta de felicitación {f}
gregarious {adj} /ɡɹɨˈɡɛɹ.i.əs/ (of a person who enjoys being in crowds) :: sociable
gregarious {adj} (of animals that travel in herds) :: gregario {m}
Gregorian {adj} (of, or relating to a person named Gregory) :: gregoriano
Gregorian calendar {prop} (calendar) :: calendario gregoriano {m}
Gregorian chant {n} (unaccompanied monotonic singing style) :: canto gregoriano {m}
Gregory {prop} /ˈɡɹɛɡəɹi/ (male given name) :: Gregorio {m}
Grenada {prop} /ɡɹəˈneɪdə/ (Caribbean country) :: Granada
grenade {n} (pomegranate) SEE: pomegranate ::
grenade {n} /ɡɹəˈneɪd/ (small explosive device) :: granada {f}
grenade launcher {n} (weapon that shoots grenades) :: lanzagranadas {m}
Grenadian {n} (A person from Grenada) :: granadino {m}
Grenadian {adj} (pertaining to Grenada) :: granadino
Gretel {prop} (given name) :: Gretel
Gretel {prop} (character in the fairy tale Hansel and Gretel) :: Gretel
grey {adj} /ɡɹeɪ/ (having a color somewhere between white and black, as the ash of an ember) :: gris
grey {adj} (dreary, gloomy) :: gris
grey {adj} (having an indistinct quality) :: gris
grey {v} (to become grey) :: encanecer
grey {n} (colour) :: gris {m}
grey {n} (extraterrestrial being) :: grises {m-p}
grey crested tit {n} (Lophophanes dichrous) :: herrerillo crestigrís {m}
grey crow {n} (hooded crow) SEE: hooded crow ::
grey-haired {adj} (having grey hair) :: canoso
grey heron {n} /ɡɹeɪ ˈhɛɹ.ən/ (the Old World wading bird Ardea cinerea of the heron family) :: garza real {f}
greyhound {n} /ˈɡɹeɪhaʊnd/ (lean breed of dog used in hunting and racing) :: galgo {m}
greylag {n} (large European goose) SEE: greylag goose ::
greylag goose {n} /ˌɡɹeɪlæɡ ˈɡuːs/ (Anser anser) :: ganso bravo {m}, ánsar {m}
grey matter {n} (collection of cell bodies) :: sustancia gris {f}, materia gris {f}
grey mullet {n} (type of fish) :: mújol
grey partridge {n} (Perdix perdix) :: perdiz pardilla {f}
grey-tailed tattler {n} (Tringa brevipes) :: playero siberiano {m}
grey tit {n} (Melaniparus afer) :: carbonero gris {m}
grey-winged trumpeter {n} (agami) SEE: agami ::
grey wolf {n} (a large grey wolf) :: lobo {m}
Grez {prop} (Grez) :: Grez {m}
Gräfenberg spot {n} (G-spot) SEE: G-spot ::
grid {n} /ɡɹɪd/ (rectangular array of squares or rectangles of equal size) :: cuadrícula {f}, matriz {f}
grid {n} (electricity delivery system) :: red {f}
grid {n} (method of marking off maps) :: cuadrícula {f}
grid {n} (electrode of a vacuum tube) :: rejilla {f}
grid {v} (to mark with) :: cuadricular
gridiron {n} /ˈɡɹɪdaɪən/ (rack or grate for broiling) :: parrilla {f}
gridiron {n} (any object resembling rack or grate) :: parrilla {f}
gridlers {n} (puzzle in which cells of a grid must be filled) SEE: nonogram ::
gridlock {n} /ˈɡɹɪdˌlɑk/ (traffic congestion) :: embotellamiento {m}, atasco {m}
gridlock {n} (on a smaller scale) :: atasco {m}
gridlock {n} (deadlock) :: paralización
grief {n} /ɡɹiːf/ (sadness) :: pesar {m}, pesadumbre {f}, dolor, sufrimiento, pena, calamidad, sinsabor {m}
grievance {n} /ˈɡɹi.vəns/ (complaint) :: queja {f}, agravio {m}
grieve {v} /ɡɹiːv/ (to feel very sad about) :: contristar
grieve {v} (to experience grief) :: contristarse
griffin {n} /ɡɹɪfɪn/ (mythical beast having the body of a lion and the wings and head of an eagle) :: grifo
griffon {n} (legendary creature) SEE: griffin ::
griffon vulture {n} /ˈɡɹɪfɒn ˈvʌlt͡ʃəɹ/ (Gyps fulvus) :: buitre leonado {m}
grift {n} (con game) SEE: con game ::
grill {n} /ɡɹɪl/ (vehicle front cover) :: rejilla {f}
grill {n} (barbecue) :: rejilla, parrilla {f}
grill {v} (to cook food on a grill) :: asar
grill {v} (to cook food under a heat element) :: gratinar
grille guard {n} (metal frame) :: mataburros {m}
grim {adj} /ɡɹɪm/ (dismal and gloomy, cold and forbidding) :: siniestro; sombrio {m}
grim {adj} (rigid and unrelenting) :: rigido {m}
grim {adj} (ghastly or sinister) :: siniestro
grimace {n} /ˈɡɹɪm.əs/ (a distortion of the face) :: mueca {f}
grimace {v} (to make grimaces) :: hacer gestos
grimalkin {n} /ɡɹɪˈmæl.kɪn/ (an old woman) :: bruja {f}
grime {n} /ɡɹaɪm/ (Dirt that is ingrained and difficult to remove) :: mugre
grimly {adv} /ˈɡɹɪmli/ (in a grim manner) :: sombríamente, torvamente
grimoire {n} /ˈɡɹɪmwɑː/ (book of instructions in the use of alchemy or magic) :: grimorio {m}
Grim Reaper {prop} /ˈɡɹɪm ˈɹipɚ/ (personification of Death) :: parca {f}, (la) muerte {f}, Parca {f}, Muerte {f}, ángel del la muerte {m}
grin {n} /ɡɹɪn/ (A smile revealing the teeth) :: sonrisa abierta {f}, sonrisa amplia {f}
grin {v} (To smile showing the teeth) :: sonreír
grind {v} /ˈɡɹaɪnd/ (to reduce to smaller pieces) :: moler, triturar
grind {v} (to shape with the force of friction) :: bruñir
grind {v} (to remove material by rubbing with an abrasive surface) :: pulir
grind {v} :: moler
grind {n} (a specific degree of pulverization of coffee beans) :: molienda {f}
grind {n} (a tedious task) :: rutina
grinder {n} /ɡɹaɪndəɹ/ (tool) :: esmeril {m}, amoladora {f}
grinding {n} /ˈɡɹaɪndɪŋ/ (The action of grinding or crushing into small particles) :: molienda {f}
grindstone {n} (wheel for grinding) :: muela {f}
gringo {n} /ɡɹɪŋɡəʊ/ (a white person from an English-speaking country) :: gringo {m}, gringa {f}
Gringolandia {prop} :: Gringolandia {f}
grin like a Cheshire cat {v} (to smile broadly) :: sonreír de oreja a oreja (smile from ear to ear)
grip {v} (to grip) SEE: grasp ::
grip {n} (grip) SEE: grasp ::
grip {v} /ɡɹɪp/ (to take hold) :: agarrar, atenazar
gripe {v} /ɡɹaɪp/ (to complain; to whine) :: quejarse, gimotear
gripe {n} (complaint; petty concern) :: queja {f}, gimoteo {m} [complaint], nimiedad {f} [petty concern]
gripe {n} (Gyps fulvus) SEE: griffin ::
grippe {n} (flu) SEE: flu ::
grisly {adj} /ˈɡɹɪzli/ (horrifyingly repellent; terrifying, gruesome) :: macabro, horripilante, repugnante
grison {n} (weasel like mammal (Galictis)) :: grisón, huroncito
grist {n} /ɡɹɪst/ (grain that is to be ground in a mill) :: grano {m} (para molino), molienda {f}
gristle {n} /ˈɡɹɪsəl/ (cartilage) :: cartílago {m}
grit {n} /ˈɡɹɪt/ (collection of hard materials) :: arenilla
grit {n} (measure of coarseness) :: grano {m}
grit {n} (strength of mind) :: temple {m}
grit {n} (husked but unground oats) :: mote de avena {m} [South America], avena pelada {f}
grits {n} /ɡɹɪts/ (hulled oats) :: gofio
grits {n} (coarsely ground corn) :: sémola de maíz {f}, polenta {f}, chuchoca {f} [Chile]
gritter {n} (vehicle) :: quitanieves {m}
grizzled {adj} (greyed) :: entrecano, rucio
grizzly {n} (grizzly bear) SEE: grizzly bear ::
grizzly bear {n} (Ursus arctos horribilis) :: oso pardo {m}, oso gris {m}
groan {n} /ɡɹoʊn/ (low mournful uttered sound) :: gemido
groan {n} (low guttural sound uttered in frustration or disapproval) :: gruñido
groan {v} (to make a groan) :: gemir, gruñir
groaning {adj} /ˈɡɹoʊnɪŋ/ :: gemidor {m}, gemebundo {m}
groat {n} /ɡɹoʊt/ (hulled grain) :: granos {m-p}
groatsworth {n} (a small amount) :: pizca {f}
grocer {n} /ˈɡɹoʊ.səɹ/ (person selling foodstuffs and household items) :: abacero {m}, abacera {f}, abarrotero {m} [Latin America], abarrotera {f} [Latin America]
groceries {n} /ˈɡɹoʊsəɹiz/ (commodities sold by a grocer or in a grocery) :: comestibles, abarrote {m}, compras {f-p}
grocery {n} (retail foodstuffs and other household supplies) SEE: groceries ::
grocery {n} /ˈɡɹoʊs(ə)ɹi/ (shop or store that sells groceries) :: abarrotería {f} [Guatemala, Honduras, Panama], abastecedor {m} [Costa Rica], abasto {m} [Venezuela], almacén {m} [Argentina, Chile, Uruguay], bodega {f} [Colombia, Cuba, Peru, Venezuela], colmado {m} [originally Spain - now especially Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico], despensa {f} [Argentina], pulpería {f} [Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua], tienda de abarrotes {f} [Bolivia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Mexico, Panama, Peru], tienda de barrio {f} [Bolivia], tienda de ultramarinos {m} [Spain], trucha {f} [Northern Honduras], abacería {f}, [Spain] tienda de ultramarinos
grocery store {n} (grocery) SEE: grocery ::
Grodno {prop} (city) :: Goradnia {f}, Hrodna {f}
groggy {adj} /ˈɡɹɒ.ɡi/ (Slowed or weakened, as by drink, sleepiness, etc.) :: grogui, atontado
grogram {n} /ˈɡɹɒɡɹəm/ (strong, rough fabric made up of a mixture of silk, and mohair or wool) :: gorgorán {m}
groin {n} /ɡɹɔɪn/ (long narrow depression of the human body that separates the trunk from the legs) :: ingle {f}
groin {n} (anatomical feature) :: entrepierna {f}
grok {v} /ˈɡɹɑk/ (to have an intuitive understanding) :: entender
grok {v} (to fully understand) :: pilotar
grommet {n} /ˈɡɹɑ.mɪt/ (reinforced eyelet, or a small metal or plastic ring) :: ojal, ollao reforzado, estrobo {m}
Groningen {prop} (city) :: Groninga
Groningen {prop} (province) :: Groninga
groom {n} (bridegroom) SEE: bridegroom ::
groom {n} /ɡɹuːm/ (person who cares for horses) :: almohazador
groom {v} (to attend to one's appearance) :: acicalar
groom {v} (to care for animals) :: almohazar
grooming {n} /ˈɡɹuːmɪŋ/ (care for one's appearance) :: arreglo {m}
grooming {n} (act of teaching) :: adiestramiento {m}, entrenamiento {m}, capacitación {f}
grooming {n} (caring for horses) :: acicaladura {f}
grooming {n} (attempting to gain the trust of a minor) :: [Mexico] sonsaque {m}
groomsman {n} (attendant to a bridegroom) :: padrino {m}
groove {n} /ɡɹuv/ (long, narrow channel) :: ranura {f}, acanaladura {f}, canal {m}, estría {f}, hendidura {f}, surco {m}
groove {n} (fixed routine) :: rutina {f}, hábito {m}
groove {n} (pronounced, enjoyable rhythm) :: tonadilla {f}
groove fricative {n} (phonetics: hissing sound) SEE: sibilant ::
groovy {adj} /ˈɡɹuvi/ (cool, neat, interesting) :: bacán, macanudo, genial
grope {v} /ɡɹoʊp/ (obsolete: to feel with or use the hands) :: palpar
grope {v} (to search by feeling) :: palpar, tantear, buscar a tientas
grope {v} (to touch closely and sexually) :: manosear, meter mano, agarrar, sobar,
gross {adj} /ɡɹoʊs/ (disgusting) :: repulsivo
gross {n} (twelve dozen) :: gruesa {f}
gross {n} (total earnings or amount) :: bruto
gross domestic product {n} (economic production of a particular territory) :: producto nacional bruto, [abbreviation] PNB; producto interior bruto, [abbreviation] PIB
grossly {adv} /ˈɡɹoʊsli/ (in a gross manner) :: groseramente
gross national product {n} (economics) :: producto nacional bruto {m}
grossular {n} (a type of garnet) :: grosularia {f}
gross weight {n} (total weight of vehicle) :: peso bruto {m}
grotesque {adj} /ɡɹoʊˈtɛsk/ (distorted and unnatural in shape or size; abnormal and hideous) :: grotesco
grotesquely {adv} (in a grotesque manner) :: grotescamente
grotesquerie {n} /ˌɡɹəʊˈtɛskəɹi/ (quality of being grotesque) :: grotesquería {f}
grotto {n} /ˈɡɹɑ.toʊ/ (small cave) :: gruta {f}
grotto {n} (artificial cavern-like retreat) :: gruta {f}
grouch {n} /ɡɹaʊtʃ/ (one who is grumpy or irritable) :: gruñón {m}, gruñona {f}, vinagre
grouchy {adj} /ˈɡɹaʊtʃi/ (irritable; easily upset; angry; tending to complain) :: irritable, malhumorado {m}, gruñón {m}, refunfuñón {m}
ground {n} /ɡɹaʊnd/ (surface of the Earth) :: suelo {m}, tierra {f}
ground {n} (soil, earth) :: tierra {f}
ground {n} (bottom of a body of water) :: fondo {m}
ground {n} (basis, foundation, groundwork) :: fondo {m}, fundamento {m}, base {f}
ground {n} (football field) :: campo de futbol {m}
ground {n} (electrical conductor connected to point of zero potential) :: polo a tierra, toma de tierra {f}
ground {v} (to connect an electrical conductor) :: conectar a tierra, poner a tierra
ground {v} (to require a child to remain at home) :: castigar
ground {adj} (crushed, or reduced to small particles.) :: molido, picado
ground {n} (terrain) SEE: terrain ::
ground {v} (to run aground) SEE: run aground ::
ground beef {n} (meat) :: carne molida {f}
groundbreaking {adj} /ˈɡɹaʊndbɹeɪkɪŋ/ (innovative) :: rompedor {m}, revolucionario {m}, inovador {m}, que rompe esquemas
ground-breaking {adj} (innovative) :: rompedor
grounded {adj} /ˈɡɹaʊndɪd/ (of a conductor connected to earth) :: conectado a tierra
grounded {adj} (not allowed to fly) :: detenido en tierra
grounded {adj} (confined to one's room for some misdemeanor) :: castigado
ground-effect machine {n} (hovercraft) SEE: hovercraft ::
ground floor {n} (floor of a building closest to ground level) :: planta baja {f}
groundhog {n} (woodchuck) SEE: woodchuck ::
ground ivy {n} (Glechoma hederacea) :: hiedra terrestre {f}
groundless {adj} (baseless) :: infundado, sin fundamento
ground meat {n} (ground meat) :: carne picada {f}, carne molida {f}
groundpecker {n} (bird) :: carbonero terrestre {m}
ground pine {n} (Ajuga, Ajuga chamaepitys) SEE: bugle ::
grounds {n} /ɡɹaʊndz/ (basis of an action) :: causal {m} {f}
grounds {n} (sediment at the bottom of a liquid) :: concho {m}, poso {m}, hez {f}
ground shark {n} (Greenland shark) SEE: Greenland shark ::
groundwork {n} (foundation) :: cimiento {m}, fundamento {m}
ground zero {n} (location on the surface marking the detonation of a bomb) :: punto cero, tierra cero, zona cero {f}
group {n} /ɡɹuːp/ (number of things or persons being in some relation to each other) :: grupo {m}
group {n} (in group theory) :: grupo {m}
group {n} (people who perform music together) :: grupo {m}
group {n} (column in the periodic table) :: grupo {m}
group {v} (put together to form a group) :: agrupar
group {n} (functional entity consisting of certain atoms whose presence provides a certain property to a molecule) SEE: functional group ::
grouper {n} /ˈɡɹuːpə(ɹ)/ (fish) :: mero {m}
group marriage {n} (type of marriage) :: matrimonio grupal {m}
group of death {n} (a group in a multi-stage tournament which is unusually competitive) :: grupo de la muerte {m}
group sex {n} (sexual practice) :: sexo en grupo {m}, orgía {f}, sexo grupal {m}
group theory {n} (mathematical theory of groups) :: teoría de grupos {f}
groupthink {n} /ˈɡɹuːpθɪŋk/ (tendency of a group to conform to the majority view) :: pensamiento de grupo {m}
groupwork {n} (work done in groups) :: trabajo en equipo {m}
grouse {n} /ɡɹaʊs/ (any of various game birds of the subfamily Tetraoninae) :: urogallo {m}, tetraónino {m}
grouse {v} (to complain or grumble) :: quejarse
grout {n} /ɡɹaʊt/ (mortar used between tiles) :: fragüe {m}, rejunte {m}, lechada {f}
grout {n} (coarse meal) :: sémola {f}
grout {n} (dregs) :: sedimento {m}
grove {n} /ɡɹoʊv/ (small forest) :: arboleda {f}
grove {n} (orchard) SEE: orchard ::
grow {v} /ɡɹoʊ/ ((intransitive) to become bigger) :: crecer
grow {v} ((intransitive) to appear or sprout) :: crecer
grow {v} ((transitive) to cause something to become bigger) :: cultivar
grow {v} :: crecer
growing {n} /ˈɡɹoʊɪŋ/ (growth; increase) :: crecimiento {m}
growing {adj} (that grows) :: creciente
growl {n} /ɡɹaʊl/ (deep, rumbling, threatening sound) :: rugido {m}
growl {n} (sound made by the stomach when hungry) :: rugido {m}
growl {v} (to utter a deep guttural sound) :: gruñir
growl {v} (to express (something) by growling) :: gruñir
grown-up {n} (adult) SEE: adult ::
growth {n} /ɡɹoʊθ/ (increase in size) :: crecimiento {m}
growth {n} (act of growing) :: crecimiento {m}
growth {n} (pathology: abnormal mass such as a tumor) :: crecimiento
growth hormone {n} (hormone) :: hormona del crecimiento {f}
growth ring {n} (tree ring) SEE: tree ring ::
growth spurt {n} (sudden growth in one's body) :: estirón {m} [colloquial]
grow up {v} (to mature and become an adult) :: crecer
grow up {v} (idiomatic: to stop acting as a child) :: madurar
groyne {n} /ɡɹɔɪn/ (structure to prevent erosion) :: escollera {f}, espigón {m}
Grozny {prop} (city in Russia) :: Grozni {m}
grub {n} /ɡɹʌb/ (immature insect) :: larva {f}, verme {m}
grub {n} (slang: food) :: manduca {f}, manducatoria {f}, condumio {m}, papeo {m}
grubby {adj} /ɡɹʌbi/ (having grubs in it) :: pulgoso {m}, agusanado
grudge {n} /ɡɹʌdʒ/ (deep seated animosity) :: rencor {m}
grudgingly {adv} (in a manner expressing resentment or lack of desire) :: a regañadientes, de mala gana, a cara de perro
grue {v} (shudder) SEE: shudder ::
grue {n} (shudder) SEE: shudder ::
gruel {n} /ɡɹuː(ə)l/ (thin watery porridge) :: avenate {m}
gruelling {adj} /ˈɡɹu.lɪŋ/ (so difficult or taxing as to make one exhausted) :: penoso, extenuante, agotador {m}
gruesome {adj} (repellently frightful and shocking; horrific or ghastly) :: espantoso, truculento
gruff {adj} /ɡɹʌf/ (rough-, surly-natured) :: áspero
gruff {adj} (hoarse-voiced) :: ronco {m}
grumble {n} /ˈɡɹʌmbl̩/ (a low thundering, rumbling or growling sound) :: refunfuñar
grumble {v} (to murmur or mutter with discontent) :: refunfuñar, rezongar
grumpy {adj} /ˈɡɹʌmpi/ (unhappy and/or irritable) :: gruñón, rezongón {m}, refunfuñón {m}, renegón {m}
grunt {n} /ɡɹʌnt/ (short, snorting sound) :: gruñido {m}
grunt {n} (a person who does ordinary and boring work) :: currito
grunt {n} ((United States Army and Marine Corps slang) an infantry soldier) :: machaca
grunt {v} (of a person: to make a grunt or grunts) :: gruñir
gruntle {v} (grunt) SEE: grunt ::
Grus {prop} (spring constellation of the southern sky) :: Grus
Grévy's zebra {n} (Equus grevyi) :: cebra de Grevy
G-spot {n} /ˈdʒiː.spɒt/ (sensitive, erogenous zone on the anterior wall of the vagina) :: punto G {m}
G-string {n} (a scanty piece of underwear or lingerie) :: [Spain] tanga {m}, [Latin America] tanga {m}, colaless {m}, colalé {m}, zunga {f}
guacamole {n} /ˌɡwɑkəˈmoʊli/ (avocado-based greenish dip) :: guacamole
Guadalajara {prop} /ˌɡwɑdələˈhɑɹə/ (city in Spain) :: Guadalajara {f}
Guadalajara {prop} (city in Jalisco, Mexico) :: Guadalajara {f}
Guadalcanal {prop} /ˌɡwɑːdəlkəˈnɑːl/ (Pacific island) :: Guadalcanal {m}
Guadalquivir {prop} /ˌɡwɑdəlkiˈvɪɹ/ (river in southern Spain) :: Guadalquivir {m}
Guadeloupe {prop} /ɡwɑː.də.ˈluːp/ (overseas department of France) :: Guadalupe {f}
Guadeloupean {n} (person from Guadeloupe) :: guadalupeño {m}
Guadeloupean {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Guadeloupe) :: guadalupeño
Guadiana {prop} /ˌɡwɑdiˈɑnə/ (river in Spain and Portugal) :: Guadiana {m}
Guam {prop} /ɡwɑm/ (Territory of Guam) :: Guam
Guamanian {n} (person from Guam) :: guameño {m}, guameña {f}
Guamanian {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Guam) :: guameño
guanaco {n} /ɡwəˈnɑːkəʊ/ (Lama guanicoe) :: guanaco {m}
Guanajuato {prop} (state of Mexico) :: Guanajuato {m}
Guanay cormorant {n} (South American bird) :: cormorán guanay {m}, pato de mar {m}, pato lilo {m}, guanay {m}
Guanche {n} (aboriginal inhabitant of Tenerife or the Canary Islands) :: guanche {m} {f}
Guangzhou {prop} /ˈɡwɑŋˈdʒoʊ/ (Chinese city) :: Cantón {m}
guanine {n} /ˈɡwɑː.niːn/ (substance obtained from guano) :: guanina {f}
guano {n} /ˈɡwɑːnəʊ/ (dung from a sea bird or from a bat) :: guano {m}
guanosine {n} (nucleoside) :: guanosina {f}
Guantanamo {prop} (Province) :: Guantánamo
Guantanamo {prop} (City) :: Guantánamo
Guantanamo Bay {prop} /ˌɡwɑnˈtɑːnɑmoʊ ˈbeɪ/ (US naval base) :: bahía de Guantánamo {f}
guanxi {n} /ˈkwanʃi/ (connections; relationships; one's social or business network (China)) :: cuña {f}
guar {n} (annual legume) :: guar {m}
Guaraní {prop} /ˌɡwɑːɹəˈniː/ (South-American language) :: guaraní {m}
guarantee {n} /ˌɡɛəɹənˈtiː/ (anything that assures a certain outcome) :: garantía {f}
guarantee {n} (written declaration) :: garantía
guarantee {n} (person who gives such a guarantee) :: garante
guarantee {v} (to give an assurance that something will be done right) :: garantizar, garantir
guarantee {v} (to assume responsibility for a debt) :: garantizar, garantir, asegurar
guarantee {v} (to make something certain) :: garantizar, garantir
guarantor {n} /ˈɡæɹəntə(ɹ)/ (person or company that provides a guarantee) :: garante {m}, guarante {m}
guard {n} /ɡɑːd/ (person who or thing that protects something) :: guarda {m} {f}, guardia {m} {f}, guardés {m}
guard {n} (the part of a sword that protects the wielder's hand) :: guarda {f}
guard {n} (part of machine blocking dangerous parts) :: tapador {m}, bloque {m}, protector {m}
guard {n} (player in sports in general) :: guardia {m}
guard {v} (to protect from some offence) :: vigilar, custodiar, guardar
guard dog {n} (dog used to protect a property or its owner) :: perro guardián {m}
guarded {adj} /ˈɡɑɹdɪd/ (Cautious) :: circunspecto, reservado
guarded {adj} (Not favourable) :: reservado
guardian {n} /ˈɡɑɹdi.ən/ (guard or watcher) :: guardián {m}, guardia {m}
guardian {n} (law: person legally responsible for a minor in loco parentis) :: apoderado {m}, tutor {m}, custodio {m}
guardian {n} (law: person responsible for incompetent person) :: apoderado {m}
guardian {n} (superior in a Franciscan monastery) :: guardián {m}
guardian {n} (final video game enemy) :: jefe {m}
guardian angel {n} (spirit) :: ángel protector {m}, ángel de la guarda {m}
guardianship {n} (position) :: tutela {f}
guardrail {n} (rail set alongside a dangerous place) :: guardarraíl {m} [automotive], quitamiedos {m} [automotive]
Guatemala {prop} /ˌɡwɑː.təˈmɑː.lə/ (country in Central America) :: Guatemala {f}
Guatemala City {prop} (capital of Guatemala) :: Guatemala
Guatemalan {n} (person) :: guatemalteco, chapín
Guatemalan {adj} (of, from, or pertaining to Guatemala or its people) :: guatemalteco, chapín
guava {n} /ˈɡwɑvə/ (tree or shrub) :: guayabo
guava {n} (fruit) :: guayaba {f}
Guayaquil {prop} (largest city in Ecuador) :: Guayaquil
gubernatorial {adj} /ˌɡu.bɚ.neˈtɔɹ.i.əl/ (of or pertaining to a governor) :: gubernativo
gudgeon {n} /ˈɡʌdʒən/ (Fish, Gobio gobio) :: gobio {m}
Guelph {n} /ɡwɛlf/ (member of a medieval Italian faction that supported the Pope) :: güelfo {m}, güelfa {f}
guenon {n} /ɡəˈnoʊn/ (monkey of the genus Cercopithecus) :: cercopiteco {m}, mono del viejo mundo
guerdon {n} /ˈɡɝ.dən/ (a reward, prize or recompense) :: galardón {m}
Guernsey {prop} /ˈɡɝnzi/ (island) :: Guernesey {f}, isla de Guernesey {f}
Guernsey {n} (cattle breed) :: ganado de Guernesey {m}
Guerrero {prop} (state of Mexico) :: Guerrero {m}
guerrilla {n} /ɡəˈɹɪlə/ (irregular soldier) :: guerrillero {m}
guerrilla {n} (guerrilla war) :: guerrilla {f}, guerra de guerrillas {f}
guess {v} /ɡɛs/ (to reach an unqualified conclusion) :: adivinar, conjeturar
guess {v} (to solve by a correct conjecture) :: deducir, adivinar
guess {v} (to suppose) :: suponer
guess {n} (prediction about the outcome of something) :: conjetura {f}
guessing game {n} (game the object of which is for a player or players to guess a word, etc) :: adivinanzas {f}
guesstimate {n} /ˈɡɛstəmət/ (estimate based on insufficient or unreliable data) :: conjetura {f}, guestimación {m}, chute {m}
guesswork {n} (estimate, judgment or opinion) :: adivinanza {f}, conjeturas {f-p}, suposiciones {f-p}
guest {v} (to receive or entertain hospitably as a guest) SEE: host ::
guest {n} /ɡɛst/ (recipient of hospitality) :: huésped {m} {f}, visita {f}, visitante {m} {f}, convidado {m}, comensal {m} {f}
guest {n} (invited performer) :: invitado {m}, invitada {f}
guest book {n} (website feature functioning like a physical guest book) :: libro de visitas
guesthouse {n} (small house for visitors) :: pensión {f}
guesthouse {n} (boarding house) SEE: boarding house ::
guest worker {n} (guest worker) :: trabajador invitado {m}, trabajadora invitada {f}, trabajador extranjero {m}, trabajadora extranjera {f}, gastarbeiter {m}
guff {n} /ɡʌf/ (nonsensical talk or thinking) :: paparruchas {f-p}, chorradas {f-p}, pendejadas {f-p}, tontería, boludez {f} [Argentina], bobada {f} [Spain], huevada {f} [Chile]
guffaw {n} /ɡəˈfɔ/ (a boisterous laugh) :: carcajada {f}, risotada
guidance {n} /ˈɡaɪdəns/ (the act or process of guiding) :: dirección {f}, orientación {f}
guidance {n} (advice) :: consejo {m}, orientación {f}
guidance {n} (system to control the path of a vehicle) :: dirección {f}
guide {n} /ɡaɪd/ (someone who guides) :: [generic] líder {n}, guía {m} (employed)
guide {n} (document, book) :: guía {f}
guide {n} (sign) :: señal {f}
guide {v} (to serve as a guide person) :: guiar
guide {v} (to steer or navigate a ship) :: navegar
guide {v} (to supervise education) :: guiar
guide book {n} (book that provides guidance) :: guía turística {f}, guía de viaje {f}
guide dog {n} (dog that is trained to be of assistance to a blind person) :: perro guía {m}, perro lazarillo {m}
guideline {n} (non-specific rule or principle) :: directriz {f}, pauta {f}
guideline {n} (plan or explanation) :: pauta {f}
guido {n} (person of Italian descent) SEE: wop ::
guild {n} /ɡɪld/ (association of tradespeople) :: germanía {f}, gremio {m}
guilder {n} (gilder) SEE: gilder ::
guilder {n} /ˈɡɪldə/ (unit of currency) :: florín {m}
guile {n} /ɡaɪl/ (astuteness, cunning) :: astucia {f}
guile {n} (Deceptiveness, deceit, fraud, duplicity, dishonesty) :: trampa {f}, engaño {m}
Guillain-Barré syndrome {n} /ɡiːˈæn bəˈɹeɪ ˈsɪndɹoʊm/ (rapid-onset muscle weakness resulting from impaired peripheral nervous system function) :: síndrome de Guillain-Barré {m}
guillemet {n} /ˈɡɪl.ə.ˌmɛt/ (either of the punctuation marks « or ») :: comillas latinas {f-p}, comillas españolas {f-p}, comillas angulares {f-p}, comillas bajas {f-p}
guillemot {n} /ˈɡɪlɪmɒt/ (seabird) :: arao {m}
guillotine {n} /ˈɡɪl.ə.tiːn/ (machine used for capital punishment) :: guillotina {f}
guillotine {n} (device that cuts paper) :: guillotina {f}
guillotine {v} (execute by use of a guillotine) :: guillotinar
guillotining {n} :: guillotinización {f}
guilt {n} /ɡɪlt/ (responsibility for wrongdoing) :: culpa {f}
guilt {n} (legal) :: culpabilidad {f}
guilt {n} (the regret of having done wrong) :: culpa {f}, remordimiento {m}; culpabilidad {f}
guilty {adj} /ˈɡɪl.ti/ (responsible for a dishonest act) :: culpable
guilty {adj} (judged to have committed a crime) :: culpable
guilty conscience {n} (a feeling of guiltiness) :: cargo de conciencia
guilty pleasure {n} (something that brings pleasure but is considered taboo) :: placer culpable {m}, gusto culposo {m}
guinea {n} /ˈɡɪni/ (coin worth 21 shillings) :: guinea {f}
guinea {n} (person of Italian descent) SEE: wop ::
Guinea {prop} /ˈɡɪniː/ (short form of the Republic of Guinea) :: Guinea {f}
Guinea-Bissau {prop} (Republic of Guinea-Bissau) :: Guinea-Bisáu {f}
guinea fowl {n} /ˈɡɪni ˌfaʊl/ (bird) :: gallina de Guinea {f}
Guinean {adj} (from Guinea) :: guineano {m}
Guinean {adj} (from Guinea-Bissau) :: guineano {m}
Guinean {n} (someone from Guinea or of Guinean descent) :: guineano {m}
guinea pig {n} /ˈɡɪni pɪɡ/ (rodent) :: [especially figurative usage] conejillo de Indias {m}, cobaya {f}, {m} [especially scientific usage], [Venezuela] acure {m}, [Colombia] curí {m}, [Cuba] curiel {m}, [Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Peru, Southern Colombian Andes] cuy {m}
guinea pig {n} (experimental subject) :: conejillo de Indias {m}
Guinevere {prop} /ˈɡwɪ.nɪ.vɪə/ (female given name) :: Ginebra {f}
Guinevere {prop} (wife of King Arthur) :: Ginebra {f}
Guipúzcoa {prop} (province) :: Guipúzcoa {f}
guise {n} /ˈɡaɪz/ (way of speaking or acting) :: apariencia {f}
guitar {n} /ɡɪˈtɑɹ/ (musical instrument) :: guitarra {f}, jarana {f} [small]
guitarist {n} (person playing or performing on the guitar) :: guitarrista {m} {f}, guitarrero {m}, guitarra {m} {f}
Gujarat {prop} /ˌɡʊdʒəˈɹɑːt/ (state in India) :: Guyarat {m}, Gujarat {m}
Gujarati {n} /ˌɡʊdʒəˈrɑːti/ (language) :: gujaratí {m}, guyarati {m}
gulag {v} /ˈɡu.lɑɡ/ (Soviet labour camp) :: gulag {m}
gulch {n} (glutton) SEE: glutton ::
gulch {n} (act of gulping) SEE: gulp ::
gulch {n} /ɡʌltʃ/ (a narrow v-shaped valley) :: garganta {f}
gules {n} /ˈɡjulz/ (blazoning term for red) :: gules
gules {adj} (heraldry, of the colour red) :: gules
gulf {n} /ɡʌlf/ (geography) :: golfo {m}
Gulf Arabic {prop} (variety of the Arabic language) :: árabe del Golfo {m}
Gulf of Bothnia {prop} (arm of the Baltic) :: golfo de Botnia {m}
Gulf of Finland {prop} (arm of the Baltic Sea) :: golfo de Finlandia {m}
Gulf of Guinea {prop} (part of the Atlantic Ocean) :: golfo de Guinea {m}
Gulf of Mexico {prop} (gulf between USA and Mexico) :: golfo de México {m}
Gulf of Naples {prop} (Mediterranean gulf along the coast of Campania) :: golfo de Nápoles {m}
Gulf of Riga {prop} (inland body of water that is part of the Baltic Sea in eastern Europe and is near Latvia and Estonia) :: Golfo de Riga {m}
Gulf of Thailand {prop} (body of water) :: golfo de Tailandia {m}
gull {n} /ˈɡʌl/ (seabird) :: gaviota {f}
gull-billed tern {n} (Gelochelidon nilotica) :: pagaza piconegra {f}
gullet {n} /ˈɡʌl.ɪt/ (the throat or esophagus) :: esófago {m}, gaznate, tragaderas {f-p}
gullibility {n} (quality of being easily deceived) :: credulidad {f}, tragaderas {f-p}
gullible {adj} /ˈɡʌlɪbl̩/ (easily deceived or duped, naive) :: crédulo, cándido, ingenuo, engañadizo {m}
gullwing {n} (sail position) SEE: goose wing ::
gully {n} /ˈɡʌli/ (a trench, ravine or narrow channel which was worn by water flow, especially on a hillside) :: barranco {m}
gulose {n} (3-epimer of galactose) :: gulosa {f}
gulp {n} /ɡʌlp/ (usual amount swallowed) :: trago {m}
gulp {n} (sound of swallowing) :: glup
gulp {n} (sound of swallowing indicating fear) :: glup
gulp {v} (to swallow eagerly, or in large draughts) :: tragar, zampar
gum {n} (chewing gum) SEE: chewing gum ::
gum {n} /ɡʌm/ (flesh around teeth) :: encía {f}
gum {n} (sticky substance exuded by certain plants) :: goma {f}
gum {n} (single piece of chewing gum) :: chicle
gum {n} :: goma {f} (1 and/or 2), chicle {m}
gum arabic {n} (substance from acacia trees) :: goma arábiga {f}
gummy bear {n} (candy) :: osito de goma {m}
Gummy Bears {prop} (candy) :: oso viscoso {n}
gumption {n} /ˈɡʌmpʃən/ (common sense, initiative) :: caletre
gumption {n} (boldness of enterprise) :: coraje {m}, iniciativa {f}
gumption {n} (energy of body and mind) :: entusiasmo {m}, iniciativa {f}
gumshoe {n} /ˈɡʌm.ʃuː/ (slang: a detective) :: sabueso {m}
gun {n} /ɡʌn/ (a very portable, short weapon, for hand use) :: pistola {f}
gun {n} (a less portable, long weapon) :: escopeta {f}, rifle {m}
gun {n} ((military) A cannon with relatively long barrel, operating with relatively low angle of fire, and having a high muzzle velocity) :: cañón {m}
gun {n} ((military) a cannon with tube length 30 calibers or more) :: obús {m}
gun {v} (shoot someone or something) :: disparar, balear
gun {v} (speed something up) :: disparar
gunboat {n} (small armed vessel) :: cañonera {f}, cañonero {m}
gunfighter {n} (gunslinger) SEE: gunslinger ::
gunk {n} /ɡʌŋk/ (dirt or grime; any vague or unknown substance) :: porquería {f}, mugre {f}, pringue {m} {f}, tizne {m}, cochambre {f}, suciedad {f}
gunman {n} (criminal armed with a gun) :: pistolero {m}
gunnel {n} (gunwale) SEE: gunwale ::
gunpoint {n} /ˈɡʌnpɔɪnt/ :: punta de pistola
gunpowder {n} /ˈɡʌnˌpaʊdəɹ/ (explosive mixture) :: pólvora {f}
Gunpowder Plot {prop} (failed plot to kill the king of England) :: Conspiración de la pólvora {f}
guns blazing {adv} :: con la escopeta cargada
gunship {n} /ˈɡʌnʃɪp/ (armed helicopter) :: helicóptero artillado {m}, helicóptero de combate {m}
gunslinger {n} (person expert at the quick draw) :: pistolero {m}
gunsmith {n} (person skilled in the repair and servicing of firearms) :: armero {m}, armera {f}
gunstick {n} (stick to ram down the charge) SEE: ramrod ::
gunstock {n} (The rear part of a rifle or shotgun which is pressed into the shoulder) SEE: stock ::
gunwale {n} /ˈɡʌnəl/ (top edge of the side of a boat) :: borda {f}
guoxue {n} (sinology; Chinese studies) SEE: Chinese studies ::
Guoyu {prop} (Mandarin) SEE: Mandarin ::
guqin {n} /ɡuːˈtʃiːn/ (instrument) :: guqin {m}
gurdwara {n} (a Sikh place of worship) :: gurdwara {f}, templo sijista {m}
gurgitator {n} /ˈɡɝ.dʒə.teɪ.tɚ/ (competitive eater) :: comedor competitivo
gurgle {n} /ˈɡɝ.ɡəl/ (gurgling sound) :: gluglú
Gurkha {n} (member of ethnic group) :: gurja {m} {f}
Gurkha {n} (military) :: gurja {m} {f}
Gurmukhi {prop} (abugida script for writing Punjabi) :: gurmukhi {m}
gurnard {n} /ˈɡɜːnəd/ (marine fish of the family Triglidae) :: trilla {f}
gurney {n} (a stretcher having wheeled legs) :: camilla {f}
gurrier {n} (street urchin) SEE: street urchin ::
guru {n} /ˈɡʊɹ(ˌ)u/ (spiritual teacher) :: gurú {m}
guru {n} (advisor or mentor) :: gurú {m}
gush {v} /ˈɡʌʃ/ (to flow forth suddenly) :: manar, salir a borbotones
gussy up {v} :: arreglarse, embellecer
gust {n} /ɡʌst/ (strong, abrupt rush of wind) :: ráfaga {f}, racha {f}
gust {n} (any rush or outburst) :: ramalazo {m}
gustatory {adj} (relating to taste) :: gustativo
Gustav {prop} (given name) :: Gustavo
Gustave {prop} (Gustav) SEE: Gustav ::
Gustavus {prop} (male given name) SEE: Gustav ::
gut {n} /ɡʌt/ (alimentary canal) :: tripa {f}
gut {n} (abdomen) :: tripa {f}, panza {f}
gut {n} (intestines of an animal used to make strings of a tennis racket or violin, etc) :: tripa {f}
gut {v} (To eviscerate) :: destripar
gut {n} (intestine) SEE: intestine ::
gut feeling {n} (an instinct or intuition) :: presentimiento, corazonada
Gutierrez {prop} :: Gutiérrez
guts {n} /ɡʌts/ (entrails) :: tripas {f}, tripa {f}
guts {n} ((slang) courage) :: agallas {f-p}
gutta-percha {n} /ɡʌɾəˈpɹ̩tʃə/ (a latex) :: gutapercha {f}
gutted {adj} /ˈɡʌtɪd/ (eviscerated) :: destripado, desentrañado
gutted {adj} (with the most important parts destroyed) :: destripado, desentrañado, desmembrado
gutted {adj} (deeply disappointed) :: desilusionado, decepcionado, destrozado
gutter {v} (to cut or form into small longitudinal hollows) SEE: channel ::
gutter {n} /ˈɡʌt.ɚ/ (prepared channel in a surface) :: desagüe {m}
gutter {n} (ditch along the side of road) :: cuneta {f}
gutter {n} (duct or channel beneath the eaves) :: canalón {m}
gutter {n} (space between columns in text) :: medianil {m}
gutter {n} (drainage channel) :: acequia {f}
gutter press {n} (tabloid papers) :: prensa amarilla {f}
guy {n} /ɡaɪ/ (male, man) :: tipo {m} [Argentina], güey [México - often written and pronounced 'wey'] buey, cuate {m} [Mexico], [Chile] gallo, [Costa Rica] mae {m} {f}, [Colombia, Ecuador, Panama] man {m}, [Venezuela - recessive usage] tercio {m}, [Spain] tío {m}, [México] vato, [vulgar usage] carajo [Colombia, Costa Rica, Venezuela], coño {m} [Venezuela], [El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua] jodido {m}
Guy {prop} /ɡaɪ/ (male given name) :: Guido
Guyana {prop} /ɡaɪˈɑː.nə/ (country) :: Guyana {f}
Guyanan {adj} (Guyanese) SEE: Guyanese ::
Guyanan {n} (Guyanese) SEE: Guyanese ::
Guyanese {n} /ˌɡaɪəˈniːz/ (person from Guyana) :: guyanés {m}
Guyanese {adj} (pertaining to Guyana) :: guyanés {m}
Guy Fawkes Night {prop} (celebration) :: Noche de Guy Fawkes {f}
guyline {n} (guy) SEE: guy ::
guzzle {v} /ˈɡʌzəl/ (to drink (or sometimes eat) voraciously) :: engullir [eat voraciuosly]
guzzler {n} (Somebody or something which guzzles) :: tragón, tragona
gym {n} /dʒɪm/ (sporting facility specialized for lifting weights and exercise) :: gimnasio {m}
gym {n} (short form of gymnasium) SEE: gymnasium ::
gymnasium {n} /dʒɪmˈneɪ.zi.əm/ (place for indoor sports) :: gimnasio
gymnasium {n} (type of school) :: gimnasio {m}
gymnast {n} /ˈdʒɪm.næst/ (one who performs gymnastics) :: gimnasta {m} {f}
gymnastic {adj} /dʒɪmˈnæstɪk/ (pertaining to gymnastics) :: gimnástico
gymnastic {n} (gymnast) SEE: gymnast ::
gymnastics {n} /dʒɪmˈnæs.tɪks/ (a sport) :: gimnasia {f}
gymnosperm {n} (plant whose seeds are not in an ovary) :: gimnosperma {f}
gymnospermous {adj} (having seeds that are not protected in a capsule) :: gimnospermo
gymnospermous {adj} (of or pertaining to a gymnosperm) :: gimnospermo
gym rat {n} :: fanático del gimnacio {m}, fanático de la gimnacia {m}
gynaecologist {n} (specialist in diseases of the female reproductive system) :: ginecólogo
gynandromorph {n} (a person having certain physical characteristics of both sexes) SEE: hermaphrodite ::
gynecological {adj} (pertaining to gynecology) :: ginecológico
gynecologically {adv} (in a gynecological context) :: ginecológicamente
gynecologist {n} (gynaecologist) SEE: gynaecologist ::
gynecology {n} /ˌɡaɪnəˈkɑlədʒi/ (branch of medicine specializing in the problems of women) :: ginecología {f}
gynecomastia {n} /ˌɡaɪnɪkə(ʊ)ˈmæstɪə/ (development of breasts in males) :: ginecomastia {f}
gynoecium {n} (pistils of a flower) :: gineceo {m}
gynophore {n} (stalk of a pistil) :: ginóforo {m}
gypsum {n} /ˈdʒɪpsəm/ (mineral) :: yeso {m}
gypsy {n} (member of the Rom people) SEE: Rom ::
gypsy {n} /ˈd͡ʒɪ (any itinerant person, or any person suspected of making a living from dishonest practices or theft) :: gitano {m}, gitana {f}
gypsy {n} (member of the Rom people) SEE: Gypsy ::
Gypsy {n} (a member of the Romani people) SEE: Rom ::
Gypsy {n} /ˈd͡ʒɪ (a member of the Romani people or another nomadic group) :: gitano {m}
Gypsy {prop} (the language of the Romani people) SEE: Romani ::
Gypsy {adj} (of or belonging to the Roma people) SEE: Romani ::
gyre {n} /dʒaɪ.ɚ/ (a swirling vortex) :: remolino {m}
gyre {n} (a circular current, especially a large-scale ocean current) :: giro {m}, giro oceánico {m}
gyrfalcon {n} (falcon) SEE: falcon ::
gyrfalcon {n} /ˈdʒɝˌfælkən/ (Falco rusticolus) :: gerifalte {m}, halcón gerifalte {m}, gerifalco {m}
gyro {n} (gyroscope) SEE: gyroscope ::
gyrocompass {n} (north-seeking gyroscope) :: girocompás
gyron {n} (heraldic charge) :: jirón {m}
gyronny {adj} (heraldic term) :: jironado {m}
gyroscope {n} (apparatus) :: giroscopio {m}
Gzhelian {prop} :: Gzheliano