User:Matthias Buchmeier/en-el-s

Şanlıurfa {prop} (city in Turkey) :: Σανλιούρφα /Sanlioúrfa/
-s {suffix} (regular plurals of nouns) :: /-a/
Sabbath {n} (Jewish Saturday) :: σάββατο {n} /sávvato/
saber {v} (sabre) SEE: sabre ::
sabotage {n} (deliberate action of subversion, obstruction, disruption, destruction) :: δολιοφθορά {f} /doliofthorá/
sabotage {n} (act with intent to injure) :: δολιοφθορά {f} /doliofthorá/
saboteur {n} (a person who intentionally causes the destruction of property) :: δολιοφθορέας {m} /doliofthoréas/, σαμποτέρ {m} /sampotér/
sabre {n} (light sword, sharp along the front edge, part of the back edge, and at the point) :: σπαθί {n} /spathí/, μάχαιρα {f} /máchaira/
saccharide {n} (the unit structure of carbohydrates, of general formula CnH2nOn) :: σακχαρίτης {m} /sakcharítis/
saccharin {n} (white crystalline powder) :: ζαχαρίνη {f} /zacharíni/, σακχαρίνη {f} /sakcharíni/
sack {n} (bag for commodities or items) :: σάκκος {m} /sákkos/, σακί {n} /sakí/, τσουβάλι {n} /tsouváli/, σακούλα {f} /sakoúla/ [supermarket]
sack {n} (amount that can be put in a sack) :: σακί {n} /sakí/, τσουβάλι {n} /tsouváli/
sack {n} (the plunder and pillaging of a city) :: λεηλασία {f} /leïlasía/, κούρσεμα {n} /koúrsema/, διαγούμισμα {n} /diagoúmisma/
sack {n} (booty obtained by pillage) :: λάφυρα {n-p} /láfyra/
sack {n} (informal: dismissal from employment) :: απόλυση {f} /apólysi/
sack {v} (to plunder) :: λεηλατώ /leïlató/, κουρσεύω /koursévo/, διαγουμίζω /diagoumízo/
sack {v} (informal: to remove from a job or position) :: απολύω /apolýo/
sack {v} (colloquial: to go to sleep) :: την πέφτω για ύπνο /tin péfto gia ýpno/
sacrament {n} (sacred act or ceremony) :: μυστήριο {n} /mystírio/
Sacramento {prop} (Sacramento, the capital city of California) :: Σακραμέντο /Sakraménto/
sacred {adj} (made holy) :: ιερός /ierós/
sacred {adj} (relating to religion) :: ιερός /ierós/
sacred {adj} (not to be profaned or violated) :: ιερός /ierós/
sacred {adj} (consecrated; dedicated; devoted) :: αφοσιωμένος /afosioménos/, αφιερωμένος /afieroménos/
sacrifice {v} (to offer as a gift to a deity) :: θυσιάζω /thysiázo/
sacrifice {v} (to give away something valuable in order to gain something else of value) :: θυσιάζω /thysiázo/
sacrifice {v} (to sell without profit) :: θυσιάζω /thysiázo/
sacrifice {v} (chess: to give up a piece to improve position) :: θυσιάζω /thysiázo/
sacrifice {n} (something offered to a god) :: θυσία {f} /thysía/
sacrifice {n} (something sacrificed) :: θυσία {f} /thysía/
sacrificer {n} (someone who sacrifices) :: θυσιαστής {m} /thysiastís/
sacrilege {n} (desecration, profanation, misuse or violation of something sacred) :: ιεροσυλία {f} /ierosylía/
sacristan {n} (person who maintains the sacristy) :: σκευοφύλακας {m} /skevofýlakas/, σκευοφύλαξ {m} /skevofýlax/
sacristy {n} (room in a church) :: σκευοφυλάκιο {n} /skevofylákio/
sacrosanct {adj} (beyond alteration, criticism, or interference, especially due to religious sanction; inviolable) :: απαραβίαστος /aparavíastos/
sacrum {n} (bone at the base of the spine) :: ιερό οστό {n} /ieró ostó/
sad {adj} (feeling sorrow) :: λυπημένος /lypiménos/, στενοχωρημένος /stenochoriménos/
sad {adj} (appearing sorrowful) :: λυπημένος /lypiménos/
Saïda {prop} (port city in Lebanon) SEE: Sidon ::
Saddam {prop} (Saddam Hussein) :: Σαντάμ Χουσεΐν {m} /Santám Chouseḯn/
saddle {n} (seat on an animal) :: σέλλα {f} /sélla/
sadism {n} (psychology: the enjoyment of inflicting pain or humiliation) :: σαδισμός {m} /sadismós/ (sadismós)
sadism {n} (sexual gratification from inflicting pain or humiliation, or watching it inflicted) :: σαδισμός {m} /sadismós/ (sadismós)
sadistic {adj} (of a person) :: σαδιστής /sadistís/
sadistic {adj} (of behaviour) :: σαδιστικός /sadistikós/
sadly {adv} (unfortunately) SEE: unfortunately ::
sadness {n} (state/emotion) :: λύπη {f} /lýpi/
sad to say {adv} (unfortunately) SEE: unfortunately ::
safari {n} (a trip into any undeveloped area) :: σαφάρι {n} /safári/
safari jacket {n} (safari jacket) SEE: bush jacket ::
safe {adj} (not in danger) :: ασφαλής /asfalís/
safe {adj} (free from risk) :: ασφαλής /asfalís/, ακίνδυνος /akíndynos/
safe {n} (box in which valuables can be locked for safekeeping) :: χρηματοκιβώτιο {n} /chrimatokivótio/
safe and sound {adj} (having come to no harm) :: σώος και αβλαβής /sóos kai avlavís/
safebreaker {n} (safecracker) SEE: safecracker ::
safecracker {n} (translation one who practices safecracking) :: ανοίχτρας {m} /anoíchtras/, παραβιαστής {m} /paraviastís/
safety {n} (condition or feeling of being safe) :: ασφάλεια {f} /asfáleia/
safety {n} (mechanism to prevent accidental firing) :: ασφάλεια {f} /asfáleia/
safety catch {n} (safety catch) :: ασφάλεια {f} /asfáleia/
safety pin {n} (pin in the form of a clasp) :: παραμάνα {f} /paramána/
saffron {n} (plant) :: κρόκος {m} /krókos/
saffron {n} (spice) :: κρόκος {m} /krókos/, ζαφορά {f} /zaforá/
saffron {n} (colour) :: βαθυκίτρινο {n} /vathykítrino/
sagacity {n} (quality of being sage) :: αγχίνοια {f} /anchínoia/
saganaki {n} (a Greek dish cooked in a frying pan, espescially a cheese appetizer) :: σαγανάκι {n} /saganáki/
sage {adj} (wise) :: σοφός {m} /sofós/
sage {n} (wise person) :: σοφός {m} /sofós/
sage {n} (Salvia officinalis) :: φασκομηλιά {f} /faskomiliá/
sage {n} (Salvia officinalis used in cooking) :: φασκόμηλο {n} /faskómilo/
Sagitta {prop} (constellation) :: Βέλος {n} /Vélos/
Sagittarius {prop} (constellation) :: Τοξότης {m} /Toxótis/
Sagittarius {prop} (astrological sign) :: Τοξότης {m} /Toxótis/
Sahara {prop} (desert) :: Σαχάρα {f} /Sachára/
Saharan {adj} (related to the Sahara desert) :: σαχάριος {m} /sachários/
Sahel {prop} (A region in Africa) :: Σαχέλ /Sachél/
Saigon {prop} (Ho Chi Minh City) SEE: Ho Chi Minh City ::
Saigon {prop} (former name of Ho Chi Minh City) :: Σαϊγκόν /Saïgkón/
sail {n} (a piece of fabric attached to a boat) :: πανί {n} /paní/
sail {n} (a trip in a boat) :: ίστιο {n} /ístio/
sail {v} (to ride in a boat, especially sailboat) :: πλέω /pléo/
sail {v} (to move briskly and gracefully through the air) :: αρμενίζω /armenízo/
sailboat {n} (a boat propelled by a sail) :: κότερο {n} /kótero/
sailing {n} (motion across water) :: ιστιοπλοΐα {f} /istioploḯa/
sailing {n} (skill to operate a vessel) :: ιστιοπλοΐα {f} /istioploḯa/
sailor {n} (worker on a ship, seaman, seawoman) :: ναύτης {m} /náftis/, ναυτικός {m} /naftikós/
sailplane {n} (sailplane) SEE: glider ::
saint {n} (person proclaimed as saint) :: άγιος {m} /ágios/, αγία {f} /agía/
saint {n} ((figuratively) a person with positive qualities) :: άγιος {m} /ágios/, αγία {f} /agía/
Saint Andrew's cross {n} (cross that has a form of two intersecting oblique bars) :: χίασμα {n} /chíasma/
Saint Barbara {prop} (saint) :: Αγία Βαρβάρα {f} /Agía Varvára/
Saint Bernard {n} (Saint Bernard breed of Dog) :: σκύλος Αγίου Βερνάρδου {m} /skýlos Agíou Vernárdou/
Saint-Denis {prop} (administrative capital of Réunion) :: Σαιν-Ντενί {n} /Sain-Dení/
Saint George {prop} (Patron saint of England and several other places) :: Άγιος Γεώργιος {m} /Ágios Geórgios/
Saint Helena {prop} (island in the Atlantic Ocean) :: νήσος Αγίας Ελένης {f} /nísos Agías Elénis/
Saint Helena {prop} (Christian saint) :: Αγία Ελένη {f} /Agía Eléni/
Saint John's bread {n} (carob) SEE: carob ::
Saint Kitts and Nevis {prop} (a country in the Caribbean) :: Άγιος Χριστόφορος και Νέβις {m} /Ágios Christóforos kai Névis/, Σαιντ Κιτς και Νέβις {n} /Saint Kits kai Névis/
Saint Lucia {prop} (country in the Caribbean) :: Αγία Λουκία /Agía Loukía/
Saint Mary {prop} (the mother of Jesus Christ) :: Αγία Μαρία {f} /Agía María/
Saint Nicholas {prop} (Santa Claus) SEE: Santa Claus ::
Saint Nicholas {prop} (4th-century Greek bishop, patron of children and marines) :: Άγιος Νικόλαος {m} /Ágios Nikólaos/
Saint Petersburg {prop} (city in Russia) :: Αγία Πετρούπολη {f} /Agía Petroúpoli/
Saint Pierre and Miquelon {prop} (overseas territory of France) :: Σαιν Πιέρ και Μικελόν /Sain Piér kai Mikelón/, Άγιος Πέτρος και Μικελόν /Ágios Pétros kai Mikelón/
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines {prop} (country in the Caribbean) :: Άγιος Βικέντιος και Γρεναδίνες {m} /Ágios Vikéntios kai Grenadínes/
sake {n} (Japanese rice wine) :: σάκε /sáke/
sakkos {n} (vestment) :: σάκκος /sákkos/
sakura {n} (cherry) SEE: cherry ::
sakura {n} (cherry blossom) SEE: cherry blossom ::
salaam {interj} (a Muslim greeting) :: σαλάμ /salám/
salaam alaikum {interj} (peace be upon you [Muslim greeting]) :: σαλάμ αλέκουμ /salám alékoum/
salad {n} (food) :: σαλάτα {f} /saláta/
salamander {n} (amphibian) :: σαλαμάνδρα {f} /salamándra/
salamander {n} (mythical creature) :: σαλαμάνδρα {f} /salamándra/
salami {n} (penis) SEE: penis ::
salami {n} (sausage) :: σαλάμι {n} /salámi/
Salamis {prop} (island in the Saronic Gulf) :: Σαλαμίνα {f} /Salamína/
Salamis {prop} (city in Cyprus) :: Σαλαμίνα {f} /Salamína/
salaried {adj} (describing one who is paid monthly) :: έμμισθος {m} /émmisthos/, μισθωτός {m} /misthotós/
salary {n} (fixed amount of money paid on monthly or annual basis) :: μισθός {m} /misthós/
sale {n} (exchange of goods or services for currency or credit) :: πώληση {f} /pólisi/
sale {n} (sale of goods at reduced prices) :: έκπτωση {f} /ékptosi/
saleable {adj} (suitable for sale) :: πωλήσιμος /polísimos/
salesman {n} (man whose job it is to sell things) :: πωλητής {m} /politís/
saleswoman {n} (woman whose occupation is to sell things) :: πωλήτρια {f} /polítria/
salicylic acid {n} (salicylic acid) :: σαλικυλικό οξύ {n} /salikylikó oxý/
salient {adj} (worthy of note) :: προεξέχων /proexéchon/
saline {n} (solution) SEE: saline solution ::
saline {adj} (salty) :: αλατούχος {m} {f} /alatoúchos/, αλατώδης {m} {f} /alatódis/
salineness {n} (salineness) SEE: salinity ::
saline solution {n} (solution) :: αλατόνερο {m} /alatónero/, άλμη {f} /álmi/, άρμη {f} /ármi/, αλατούχο διάλυμα {n} /alatoúcho diályma/
salinity {n} (concentration of salt) :: περιεκτικότητα σε άλατα /periektikótita se álata/
Salisbury {prop} (city in England) :: Σόλσμπερι /Sólsmperi/
saliva {n} (liquid secreted into the mouth) :: σίελος {m} /síelos/, σάλιο {n} /sálio/
sallow {adj} (yellowish) :: ωχρός {m} /ochrós/, χλωμός {m} /chlomós/
sallow {n} (Salix caprea) :: ιτιά {f} /itiá/
sally {n} (willow) SEE: willow ::
salmon {n} (fish) :: σολομός {m} /solomós/
salmonella {n} (any of several rod-shaped bacteria, of the genus Salmonella) :: σαλμονέλα {f} /salmonéla/
salmon trout {n} (rainbow trout) SEE: rainbow trout ::
salon {n} (large room) :: σαλόνι {n} /salóni/
salpingography {n} :: σαλπιγγογραφία {f} /salpingografía/
salpinx {n} (Fallopian tube) SEE: Fallopian tube ::
salt {adj} (salty) :: αλμυρός {m} /almyrós/
salt {adj} (saline) :: αλατούχος {m} /alatoúchos/, αλατώδης {m} /alatódis/
salt {v} (to add salt to) :: αλατίζω /alatízo/
salt {n} (salt marsh) SEE: salt marsh ::
salt {n} (sodium chloride) :: αλάτι {n} /aláti/
salt {n} (compound of an acid and a base) :: άλας {n} /álas/, άλατα {p} {n} {n-p} /álata/
salt {n} (sailor) :: θαλασσόλυκος {m} /thalassólykos/
salt cellar {n} (container holding salt for use in the kitchen or on a dining table) :: αλατιέρα {f} /alatiéra/
salt cod {n} (Cod that has been dried and salted) :: μπακαλιάρος {m} /bakaliáros/, μπακαλάος {m} /bakaláos/, βακαλάος {m} /vakaláos/
saltern {n} (modern saltworks) :: αλυκή {f} /alykí/
salting {n} (salt marsh) SEE: salt marsh ::
saltire {n} (Saint Andrew's cross) SEE: Saint Andrew's cross ::
Salt Lake City {prop} (capital city of Utah, USA) :: Σώλτ Λέηκ Σίτυ /Sólt Léik Síty/
salt marsh {n} (marsh of saline water) :: αλίπεδο {n} /alípedo/
salt mine {n} (mine) :: αλατωρυχείο {n} /alatorycheío/
salt pan {n} (A man-made pond where salty water is evaporated) :: αλυκή {f} /alykí/
salt shaker {n} (a small container designed to hold salt and facilitate sprinkling) :: αλατιέρα {f} /alatiéra/
salt water {n} (brine) SEE: brine ::
saltworks {n} (salt works) :: αλατοποιείο {n} /alatopoieío/
salty {adj} (tasting of salt) :: αλμυρός /almyrós/
salty {adj} (containing salt) :: αλατούχος /alatoúchos/, αλατώδης /alatódis/
salty {adj} (of language: coarse, provocative) :: πνευματώδης /pnevmatódis/
salty dog {n} (seadog) SEE: seadog ::
salute {n} :: χαιρετισμός {m} /chairetismós/
salute {v} :: χαιρετίζω /chairetízo/
salvation {n} (the process of being saved (religion)) :: σωτηρία {f} /sotiría/, λύτρωση {f} /lýtrosi/
salve {n} (ointment, cream or balm) :: αλοιφή {f} /aloifí/
salve {n} (something that soothes or heals) :: βάλσαμο {n} /válsamo/
salve {v} (to calm or assuage) :: ελαφρύνω /elafrýno/
salvo {n} (concentrated fire from pieces of artillery) :: ομοβροντία {f} /omovrontía/
Salzburg {prop} (city) :: Σάλτσμπουργκ /Sáltsmpourgk/
Salzburg {prop} (modern Austrian state) :: Σάλτσμπουργκ /Sáltsmpourgk/
Samantha {prop} (female given name) :: Σαμάνθα /Samántha/
Samara {prop} (city in Russia) :: Σαμάρα {f} /Samára/
Samaria {prop} (Both city and part of ancient Palestine) :: Σαμάρεια {f} /Samáreia/
samarium {n} (chemical element) :: σαμάριο {n} /samário/
Samarkand {prop} (city in Uzbekistan) :: Σαμαρκάνδη /Samarkándi/
samba {n} (Brazilian ballroom dance) :: σάμπα {f} /sámpa/
sambadrome {n} (exhibition place for samba schools in Brazil) :: σαμποδρόμιο {n} /sampodrómio/
sambuca {n} (Italian liqueur made from elderberries and flavoured with licorice) :: σαμπούκα {f} /sampoúka/
sambuca {n} (ancient triangular harp having a sharp, shrill tone) :: σαμβύκη {f} /samvýki/
same {adj} (not different as regards self; identical) :: ίδιος /ídios/
same {adj} (similar, alike) :: όμοιος /ómoios/
same-sex {adj} (restricted to members of a single sex) :: ιδίου φύλου /idíou fýlou/
same-sex marriage {n} (gay marriage) SEE: gay marriage ::
samgyetang {n} (Korean chicken soup with ginseng) :: σάμγκιετανγκ {n} /sámgkietangk/
Sami {n} (member of indigenous people of Lapland) :: Σάμι /Sámi/
Sami {prop} (any of the languages of the Sami) :: Σάμι /Sámi/
Samoa {prop} (Independent State of Samoa) :: Σαμόα {f} /Samóa/
Samogitia {prop} (Samogitia) :: Σαμογιτία {f} /Samogitía/
Samos {prop} (an island belonging to the Sporades and a city) :: Σάμος {f} /Sámos/
Samos {prop} (a prefecture in the eastern part of the Aegean) :: Σάμος {f} /Sámos/
Samosata {prop} (city in Commagene) :: Σαμόσατα /Samósata/
Samothrace {prop} (island) :: Σαμοθράκη {f} /Samothráki/
Samothracian {n} (An inhabitant or a resident of Samothrace) :: Σαμοθρακός {m} /Samothrakós/
samovar {n} (metal urn with a spigot, for boiling water for making tea) :: σαμοβάρι /samovári/
samphire {n} (rock samphire) SEE: rock samphire ::
sampi {n} (Ϡ ϡ) :: σαμπί {n} /sampí/
sample {n} (part taken for inspection) :: δείγμα {n} /deígma/
sample {v} (to take or to test a sample or samples of) :: δειγματίζω /deigmatízo/
sampling {n} (process or technique of obtaining a representative sample) :: δειγματοληψία {f} /deigmatolipsía/
sampling {n} (measurement, at regular intervals, of the amplitude of a varying waveform in order to convert it to digital form) :: δειγματοληψία {f} /deigmatolipsía/
Samson {prop} (Israelite judge) :: Σαμψών {m} /Sampsón/
Samsun {prop} (city) :: Σαμψούντα /Sampsoúnta/
Samsung {prop} (South Korean conglomerate company) :: Σάμσουνγκ {f} /Sámsoungk/
Samuel {prop} (male given name) :: Σαμουήλ /Samouíl/
Samuel {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Σαμουήλ {m} /Samouíl/
Samuel {prop} (biblical person) :: Σαμουήλ {m} /Samouíl/
samurai {n} (feudal Japanese warrior) :: σαμουράι {m} /samourái/
-san {suffix} (Ms) SEE: Ms ::
-san {suffix} (Mrs) SEE: Mrs ::
-san {suffix} (Miss) SEE: Miss ::
sanatorium {n} (institution that treats chronic diseases, and provides supervised recuperation and convalescence) :: σανατόριο /sanatório/
sanctify {v} (to make holy) :: εξαγιάζω /exagiázo/
sanctimonious {adj} (making a show of being morally better than others, especially hypocritically) :: ψευδευλαβής {m} /psevdevlavís/, αγιοφανής /agiofanís/
sanction {n} (approval, by an authority, that makes something valid) :: κύρωση {f} /kýrosi/, επικύρωση {f} /epikýrosi/
sanction {n} (penalty, coercive measure) :: κύρωση {f} /kýrosi/
sanctity {n} (condition) :: ιερότητα {f} /ierótita/
sanctity {n} (holiness) SEE: holiness ::
sanctuary {n} (place of safety or protection) :: καταφύγιο {n} /katafýgio/
sanctuary {n} (area set aside for protection) :: καταφύγιο {n} /katafýgio/
sanctuary {n} (state of being protected) :: άσυλο {n} /ásylo/
sanctuary {n} (consecrated area) :: ιερό {n} /ieró/, άδυτο {n} /ádyto/
sand {n} (finely ground rock) :: άμμος {f} /ámmos/
sand {n} (beach) :: αμμουδιά {f} /ammoudiá/
sandal {n} (type of footwear) :: σανδάλι {n} /sandáli/, πέδιλο {n} /pédilo/
sandal {n} (sandalwood) SEE: sandalwood ::
sandalwood {n} (any of various tropical trees of the genus Santalum) :: σανταλόξυλο {n} /santalóxylo/
sandalwood {n} (the aromatic heartwood of the trees of the genus Santalum) :: σανταλόξυλο {n} /santalóxylo/
sandbox {n} (box with sand for children) :: αμμοδόχος {f} /ammodóchos/
sandbox {n} (wiki sandbox) :: αμμοδοχείο {n} /ammodocheío/
sand dune {n} (mound of windblown sand) :: αμμόλοφος {m} /ammólofos/
sandgrouse {n} (birds in the family Pteroclididae) :: περιστερόκοτα {f} /peristerókota/
sandstone {n} (sand/clay sedimentary rock) :: ψαμμίτης {m} /psammítis/
sandstorm {n} (strong wind carrying clouds of sand) :: αμμοθύελλα {f} /ammothýella/
sandwich {n} (snack consisting of two slices of bread) :: σάντουιτς {n} /sántouits/
sandy {adj} (covered with sand) :: αμμώδης /ammódis/
sandy {adj} (like sand) :: αμμώδης /ammódis/, αμμοειδής /ammoeidís/
San Francisco {prop} (San Francisco, California city) :: Σαν Φρανσίσκο {n} /San Fransísko/
sangfroid {n} (composure, self-possession or imperturbability) :: ψυχραιμία {f} /psychraimía/
sangria {n} (Spanish wine drink with fruit, sugar and soda) :: σανγκρία {f} /sangkría/
sanitary napkin {n} (pad of cotton or other absorbent material) :: σερβιέτα {f} /serviéta/
sanitary towel {n} (pad of cotton) SEE: sanitary napkin ::
sanitation {n} (the hygienic disposal or recycling of waste) :: εξυγίανση {f} /exygíansi/
sanitation {n} (the policy and practice) :: υγιεινή {f} /ygieiní/
sanitize {v} (to free from microorganisms) :: απολυμαίνω /apolymaíno/
San José {prop} (the capital of Costa Rica) :: Σαν Χοσέ /San Chosé/
San José {prop} (A city in California, USA) SEE: San Jose ::
San Jose {prop} (a city in California, USA) :: Σαν Χοσέ /San Chosé/
San Marino {prop} (Republic of San Marino) :: Άγιος Μαρίνος {m} /Ágios Marínos/
San Marino {prop} (capital city) :: Άγιος Μαρίνος {m} /Ágios Marínos/
sans {prep} (without) SEE: without ::
San Salvador {prop} (capital of El Salvador) :: Σαν Σαλβαδόρ /San Salvadór/
Sanskrit {n} (language) :: σανσκριτικά {n-p} /sanskritiká/
Santa {prop} (Santa Claus) SEE: Santa Claus ::
Santa Catarina {prop} (state in southern Brazil) :: Σάντα Καταρίνα {f} /Sánta Katarína/
Santa Claus {prop} (fictional figure) :: Άγιος Βασίλης /Ágios Vasílis/
Santa Fe {prop} (capital city of New Mexico) :: Σάντα Φε /Sánta Fe/
Santiago {prop} (city in Chile) :: Σαντιάγο /Santiágo/
Santiago de Chile {prop} (Santiago) SEE: Santiago ::
Santo Domingo {prop} (the capital city of the Dominican Republic) :: Σάντο Ντομίγκο /Sánto Domígko/
Santorini {prop} (Greek island) :: Σαντορίνη {f} /Santoríni/, Θήρα {f} /Thíra/
sapient {adj} (possessing wisdom and discernment) :: σοφός /sofós/
saponification {n} (ester formation) :: σαπωνοποίηση {f} /saponopoíisi/
saponification {n} (soap formation) :: σαπωνοποίηση {f} /saponopoíisi/
sapper {n} (one who saps; combat engineer) :: σκαπανέας {m} /skapanéas/
sapphire {n} (gem) :: ζαφείρι {n} /zafeíri/
sapphire {n} (corundum) :: σάπφειρος {m} /sápfeiros/
sapphire {n} (colour) :: ζαφειρένιο {n} /zafeirénio/, βαθυκύανο {n} /vathykýano/
sapphire {adj} (colour) :: ζαφειρένιος /zafeirénios/
Sappho {prop} (Greek female name) :: Σαπφώ /Sapfó/
Sara {prop} (female given name) SEE: Sarah ::
Sarah {prop} (the wife of Abraham) :: Σάρα {f} /Sára/
Sarah {prop} (given name from Hebrew) :: Σάρα {f} /Sára/
Sarajevo {prop} (city) :: Σαράγεβο {n} /Sarágevo/, Σαράγιεβο {n} /Sarágievo/
Sarandë {prop} (city in Albania) :: Άγιοι Σαράντα /Ágioi Saránta/
sarcasm {n} (derision, facetiousness) :: σαρκασμός {m} /sarkasmós/
sarcastic {adj} (Containing sarcasm) :: ειρωνικός /eironikós/, σαρκαστικός /sarkastikós/
sarcastic {adj} (Having the personality trait of expressing sarcasm) :: σαρκαστικός /sarkastikós/, ειρωνικός /eironikós/
sarcoidosis {n} (multisystem disorder) :: σαρκοείδωση {f} /sarkoeídosi/
sarcophagus {n} (coffin) :: σαρκοφάγος {f} /sarkofágos/
sarcophagus {n} (steel structure) :: σαρκοφάγος {f} /sarkofágos/
Sardanapalus {prop} (King of Assyria) :: Σαρδανάπαλος {m} /Sardanápalos/
sardine {n} (fish) :: σαρδέλα {f} /sardéla/
Sardinia {prop} (island of Italy) :: Σαρδηνία {f} /Sardinía/
Sardinian {prop} (language) :: σαρδηνιακά {n-p} /sardiniaká/, σαρδηνιακή γλώσσα {f} /sardiniakí glóssa/
Sardinian {adj} (relating to Sardinia) :: σαρδηνιακός /sardiniakós/
sardonic {adj} (scornfully mocking) :: σαρδόνιος /sardónios/
sarin {n} (neurotoxin) :: σαρίν {n} /sarín/
Sarkozy {prop} (surname) :: Σαρκοζί /Sarkozí/
Saronic Islands {prop} (Greek islands) :: Νησιά Σαρωνικού {n-p} /Nisiá Saronikoú/
sash {n} (decorative length of cloth) :: ζώνη {f} /zóni/
sash {n} (opening part of a window) :: ορθοστάτης {m} /orthostátis/
sashimi {n} (dish of slices of raw fish or meat) :: σασίμι /sasími/
Saskatchewan {prop} (Province in western Canada) :: Σασκάτσουαν /Saskátsouan/
Saskatoon {prop} (the largest city in Saskatchewan, Canada) :: Σασκατούν {n} /Saskatoún/
Satan {prop} (the Devil) :: Σατανάς {m} /Satanás/
satanic {adj} (relating to Satan) :: σατανικός /satanikós/
satanical {adj} (satanic) SEE: satanic ::
Satanism {n} (devil worship) :: σατανισμός {m} /satanismós/
Satanism {n} (a religion founded by Anton Szandor LaVey) :: σατανισμός {m} /satanismós/
satellite {n} (a body orbiting a larger one) :: δορυφόρος {m} /doryfóros/
satellite {n} (country, state, office, building etc. under the control of another body) :: δορυφόρος {m} /doryfóros/
satellite {n} (man-made apparatus designed to be placed in orbit around a celestial body) :: δορυφόρος {m} /doryfóros/
satellite {n} (colloquial: satellite TV) :: δορυφορική {f} /doryforikí/
satiation {n} (satiety) SEE: satiety ::
satiety {n} (state of being perfectly satiated) :: κορεσμός {m} /koresmós/
satin {n} (cloth with a glossy surface and a dull back) :: σατέν {n} /satén/
satin {adj} (smooth and shiny) :: σατινέ /satiné/, σατινένιος /satinénios/
satire {n} (literary technique) :: σάτιρα /sátira/
satisfaction {n} (fulfillment of a need or desire) :: ικανοποίηση {f} /ikanopoíisi/
satisfaction {n} (pleasure obtained by such fulfillment) :: ικανοποίηση {f} /ikanopoíisi/
satisfaction {n} (reparation for an injury or loss) :: ικανοποίηση {f} /ikanopoíisi/
satisfactory {adj} (adequate or sufficient) :: ικανοποιητικός /ikanopoiitikós/
satisfied {adj} (in a state of satisfaction) :: ικανοποιημένος /ikanopoiiménos/
satisfy {v} (to meet needs, to fulfill) :: ικανοποιώ /ikanopoió/
satisfy {v} (to satisfy) SEE: respond ::
satrap {n} (governor of a Persian province) :: σατράπης {m} /satrápis/
saturate {v} (to become penetrated or soaked) :: κορεννύω /korennýo/
Saturday {n} (day of the week) :: Σάββατο {n} /Sávvato/
Saturn {prop} (planet) :: Κρόνος {m} /Krónos/
Saturn {prop} (god) :: Κρόνος {m} /Krónos/
sauce {n} (liquid condiment) :: σάλτσα {f} /sáltsa/
sauce {n} (cheek) :: αυθάδεια {f} /afthádeia/
sauce {v} (apply sauce) :: αρτύω με σάλτσα /artýo me sáltsa/
sauce {v} (give cheek) :: αυθαδιάζω /afthadiázo/
sauceboat {n} (boat-shaped pitcher for serving sauce or gravy) SEE: gravy boat ::
saucepan {n} (deep cooking vessel) :: κατσαρόλα {f} /katsaróla/
saucer {n} (small dish) :: πιατάκι {n} /piatáki/
Saudi {prop} (Saudi Arabia) SEE: Saudi Arabia ::
Saudi {adj} (pertaining to Saudi Arabia) :: σαουδαραβικός {m} /saoudaravikós/
Saudi Arabia {prop} (country in the Middle East) :: Σαουδική Αραβία {f} /Saoudikí Aravía/
Saudi Arabian {n} (person from Saudi Arabia) SEE: Saudi ::
Saudi Arabian {adj} (pertaining to Saudi Arabia) SEE: Saudi ::
sauerkraut {n} (a dish made by fermenting finely chopped cabbage) :: λαχανάλμη {f} /lachanálmi/, ξινολάχανο {n} /xinoláchano/
sauna {n} (sauna room or house) :: σάουνα {f} /sáouna/, ατμόλουτρο {n} /atmóloutro/
sauna {n} (act of using a sauna) :: ατμόλουτρο {n} /atmóloutro/
saunter {v} (stroll or walk at a leisurely pace) :: σουλατσάρω /soulatsáro/
sausage {n} (a food made of minced meat packed into a tubular casing) :: λουκάνικο {n} /loukániko/
sausage {n} (small, uncooked) :: λουκάνικο {n} /loukániko/
sausage {n} (sausage-shaped thing) :: λουκάνικο {n} /loukániko/
sausage roll {n} (short piece of sausage meat baked in a roll of pastry) :: λουκανικόπιτα {f} /loukanikópita/
Sava {prop} (river) :: Σάβος /Sávos/, Σάβα /Sáva/
savage {adj} (wild, not cultivated) :: άγριος {m} /ágrios/
savage {adj} (barbaric, not civilized) :: άγριος {m} /ágrios/, πρωτόγονος {m} /protógonos/
savage {adj} (fierce and ferocious) :: άγριος {m} /ágrios/
savage {adj} (brutal, vicious or merciless) :: άγριος {m} /ágrios/
savage {n} (uncivilized or feral person) :: άγριος {m} /ágrios/
savage {n} (defiant person) :: άγριος {m} /ágrios/
savage {v} (to attack or assault someone or something ferociously or without restraint) :: κατασπαράσσω /katasparásso/
savage {v} (to criticise vehemently) :: καυτηριάζω /kaftiriázo/
savage {v} (to attack with the teeth) :: καταδαγκώνω /katadagkóno/
savagery {n} (being savage) :: αγριότητα {f} /agriótita/
savagery {n} (act of cruelty) :: αγριότητα {f} /agriótita/
savanna {n} (tropical grassland with scattered trees) :: σαβάνα {f} /savána/
save {n} (block that prevents an opponent from scoring) :: απόκρουση {f} /apókrousi/
save {v} (to help someone to survive, or rescue someone) :: σώζω /sózo/
save {v} (theology: to redeem or protect someone from eternal damnation) :: σώζω /sózo/, λυτρώνω /lytróno/
save {v} (to store for future use) :: αποθηκεύω /apothikévo/
save {v} (computing: to write a file to a storage medium) :: αποθηκεύω /apothikévo/
save {v} (to economize) :: οικονομώ /oikonomó/
save {v} (to accumulate money) :: αποταμιεύω /apotamiévo/
save {prep} (except, with the exception of) :: εκτός /ektós/
save up {v} (accumulate money for a specific purpose) :: αποταμιεύω /apotamiévo/
saving {n} (something that is saved) :: αποταμιεύσεις {f-p} /apotamiéfseis/
savings account {n} (account that yields a better interest than a current account) :: λογαριασμός ταμιευτηρίου {m} /logariasmós tamieftiríou/
savior {n} (a person who saves someone, rescues another from harm) :: σωτήρας {m} /sotíras/, σώτειρα {f} /sóteira/
Savi's warbler {?} (Locustella luscinioides) :: καλαμοτριλιστής {m} /kalamotrilistís/
savory {adj} (tasty, attractive to the palate) :: νόστιμος /nóstimos/
savory {adj} (salty or non-sweet) :: αλμυρός /almyrós/
savory {n} (herb of genus Satureja) :: θρούμπι {n} /throúmpi/, θρούμπη {f} /throúmpi/
Savoy {prop} (a historical region of western Europe) :: Σαβοΐα {f} /Savoḯa/
Savoy {n} (Savoy cabbage) SEE: Savoy cabbage ::
Savoy cabbage {n} (cultivar of cabbage) :: κραμπολάχανο {n} /krampoláchano/
saw {n} (tool) :: πριόνι {n} /prióni/
saw {v} (cut with a saw) :: πριονίζω /prionízo/
saw {v} (make a motion back and forth as with a saw) :: πριονίζω /prionízo/
saw {n} (saying or proverb) :: απόφθεγμα {n} /apófthegma/, ρήση {f} /rísi/
sawdust {n} (dust created by sawing) :: ροκανίδι {n} /rokanídi/, πριονίδι {n} /prionídi/
sawhorse {n} (a device used to temporarily raise and support pieces of material) :: καβαλέτο {n} /kavaléto/
Saxony {prop} (state) :: Σαξωνία {f} /Saxonía/
saxophone {n} (a musical instrument of the woodwind family) :: σαξόφωνο {n} /saxófono/ (saxóphono)
saxophonist {n} (person who plays or practices with the saxophone) :: σαξοφωνίστας {m} /saxofonístas/
say {v} (to communicate verbally or in writing) :: λέγω /légo/
say {v} (to say) SEE: tell ::
say goodbye {v} (wish someone farewell upon their leaving) :: αποχαιρετώ /apochairetó/
saying {n} (proverb or maxim) :: απόφθεγμα {n} /apófthegma/, παροιμία {f} /paroimía/, ρητό {n} /ritó/
sayonara {interj} (goodbye, adieu) SEE: farewell ::
sayonara {interj} (goodbye, in reference to Japan (transliterations and different spellings only)) :: σαγιονάρα /sagionára/
scab {n} (incrustation over a wound) :: κρούστα {f} /kroústa/
scab {n} (strikebreaker) SEE: strikebreaker ::
scabbard {n} (the sheath of a sword) :: θηκάρι {n} /thikári/, θήκη {f} /thíki/
scaffold {n} (structure made of scaffolding for workers to stand on) :: σκαλωσιά {f} /skalosiá/
scaffold {n} (platform for executions) :: ικρίωμα {n} /ikríoma/
scaffolding {n} (system of tubes or poles used to support people and material) :: σκαλωσιά {f} /skalosiá/
scalable {adj} (able to be changed in scale; resizeable) :: επεκτάσιμος /epektásimos/
scalar product {n} (product of two vectors) :: εσωτερικό γινόμενο {n} /esoterikó ginómeno/
scald {v} (to burn with hot fluid) :: ζεματώ /zemató/
scale {n} (sequence for measurement) :: κλίμακα {f} /klímaka/
scale {n} (size or scope) :: μέγεθος {n} /mégethos/, έκταση {f} /éktasi/
scale {n} (ratio of distances) :: κλίμακα {f} /klímaka/
scale {n} (series of notes) :: κλίμακα {f} /klímaka/
scale {n} (keratin pieces covering the skin of certain animals) :: λέπι {n} /lépi/
scale {n} (ladder) SEE: ladder ::
scale {n} (device) SEE: scales ::
scalene {adj} (sides of different lengths) :: σκαληνός /skalinós/
scales {n} (device for weighing goods for sale) :: ζυγαριά {f} /zygariá/
scallion {n} (Allium fistulosum) SEE: spring onion ::
scallop {n} (mollusc) :: χτένι {n} /chténi/
scalpel {n} (small straight knife) :: νυστέρι {n} /nystéri/, μαχαιρίδιο {n} /machairídio/
scaly thrush {n} (Zoothera dauma) :: χρυσότσιχλα {f} /chrysótsichla/
scam {n} (fraudulent deal) :: απάτη {f} /apáti/, κομπίνα {f} /kompína/
scan {v} (examine sequentially) :: εξετάζω /exetázo/, διερευνώ /dierevnó/
scan {v} (create a digital copy of an image using a scanner) :: σαρώνω /saróno/
scan {v} (look about for) :: ανιχνεύω /anichnévo/
scandal {n} (incident that brings disgrace) :: σκάνδαλο {n} /skándalo/
scandal {n} (damage to one's reputation) :: σκάνδαλο {n} /skándalo/
scandal {n} (widespread moral outrage) :: σκάνδαλο {n} /skándalo/
Scandinavia {prop} (Denmark, Norway, and Sweden) :: Σκανδιναβία {f} /Skandinavía/
Scandinavia {prop} (Scandinavian Peninsula) SEE: Scandinavian Peninsula ::
Scandinavian {n} (someone from Scandinavia) :: Σκανδιναβός {m} /Skandinavós/
Scandinavian {adj} (of Scandinavia) :: σκανδιναβικός {m} /skandinavikós/
Scandinavian Peninsula {prop} (peninsula in Northern Europe, see also: Scandinavia) :: Σκανδιναβία {f} /Skandinavía/
scandium {n} (chemical element) :: σκάνδιο {n} /skándio/
scanner {n} (device which scans documents) :: σαρωτής {m} /sarotís/
scanner {n} (radio receiver) :: ανιχνευτής {m} /anichneftís/
scanner {n} (optical device) :: οπτικός σαρωτής {m} /optikós sarotís/
scanner {n} (one who scans) :: σαρωτής {m} /sarotís/, ανιχνευτής {m} /anichneftís/
scapegoat {n} (a goat imbued with the sins of the people) :: αποδιοπομπαίος τράγος {m} /apodiopompaíos trágos/
scapegoat {n} (someone punished for someone else's error(s)) :: αποδιοπομπαίος τράγος {m} /apodiopompaíos trágos/, εξιλαστήριο θύμα {n} /exilastírio thýma/
scaphoid {adj} (boat-shaped) :: σκαφοειδής /skafoeidís/
scaphoid {n} (scaphoid bone) SEE: scaphoid bone ::
scaphoid bone {n} (carpal bone of the wrist) :: σκαφοειδές {n} /skafoeidés/
scapula {n} (large flat bone) SEE: shoulder blade ::
scar {n} (cliff) SEE: cliff ::
scar {n} (permanent mark on the skin) :: ουλή {f} /oulí/
scar {v} (to mark the skin permanently) :: σημαδεύω /simadévo/
scarab {n} (Scarabaeus sacer) :: σκαραβαίος {m} /skaravaíos/
scarab {n} (symbol) :: σκαραβαίος {m} /skaravaíos/
scarcity {n} (the condition of something being scarce or deficient) :: σπάνις /spánis/, έλλειψη /élleipsi/, στενότητα {f} /stenótita/
scare {n} (minor fright) :: φοβίζω /fovízo/
scare {v} (to frighten) :: τρομάζω /tromázo/, φοβίζω /fovízo/
scarecrow {n} (an effigy made to scare the birds away) :: σκιάχτρο {n} /skiáchtro/
scared {adj} (afraid, frightened) :: φοβισμένος /fovisménos/, τρομαγμένος /tromagménos/
scared shitless {adj} (terrified) SEE: scared stiff ::
scared stiff {adj} (terrified) :: μου κόπηκαν τα ήπατα /mou kópikan ta ípata/
scarf {n} (long garment worn around the neck) :: κασκόλ /kaskól/
scarf {n} (headscarf) SEE: headscarf ::
scarface {n} :: σημαδεμένος /simademénos/
scarlatina {n} (scarlet fever) SEE: scarlet fever ::
scarlet {n} (colour) :: άλικος {m} /álikos/
scarlet {adj} (colour) :: άλικος /álikos/
scarlet fever {n} (streptococcal infection) :: οστρακιά {f} /ostrakiá/, σκαρλατίνα {f} /skarlatína/
scary {adj} (causing, or able to cause, fright) :: τρομακτικός /tromaktikós/
scavenger {n} (animal feeding on decaying matter) :: πτωματοφάγο {n} /ptomatofágo/
scavenger {n} (street sweeper) :: οδοκαθαριστής {m} /odokatharistís/
scenario {n} (outline of the plot of a dramatic or literary work) :: σενάριο {n} /senário/
scenario {n} (screenplay or an outline or treatment thereof) :: σενάριο {n} /senário/
scenario {n} (outline or model of an expected or supposed sequence of events) :: σενάριο {n} /senário/
scene {n} ((theater) the stage) SEE: stage ::
scene {n} (the location of an event that attracts attention) :: σκηνή {f} /skiní/
scent {n} (distinctive odour or smell) :: οσμή {f} /osmí/, μυρωδιά {f} /myrodiá/
scent {n} (odour left by animal) :: ντορός {m} /dorós/
scent {n} (sense of smell) :: όσφρηση {f} /ósfrisi/
scent {n} (perfume) :: άρωμα {n} /ároma/
sceptre {n} (ornamental staff) :: σκήπτρο {n} /skíptro/
schadenfreude {n} (malicious enjoyment derived from observing someone else's misfortune) :: χαιρεκακία {f} /chairekakía/
schedule {n} (a procedural plan, usually but not necessarily tabular in nature, indicating a sequence of operations and the planned times at which those operations are to occur) :: χρονοδιάγραμμα {n} /chronodiágramma/, πρόγραμμα {n} /prógramma/
schedule {v} (to plan an activity at a specific date or time) :: προγραμματίζω /programmatízo/
Scheherazade {prop} (female given name) :: Σεχραζάντ {f} /Sechrazánt/
scheme {n} (a systematic plan of future action) :: σχέδιο {n} /schédio/, πλάνο {n} /pláno/
scheme {n} (secret, devious plan) :: σκευωρία {f} /skevoría/, μηχανορραφία {f} /michanorrafía/, πλεκτάνη {f} /plektáni/
scheme {n} (orderly combination of related parts) :: συνδυασμός {m} /syndyasmós/
scheme {n} (chart or diagram) :: σχεδιάγραμμα {n} /schediágramma/
scheme {v} (to contrive a plan) :: απεργάζομαι /apergázomai/, εξυφαίνω /exyfaíno/, σχεδιάζω /schediázo/, σκευωρώ /skevoró/, συνωμοτώ /synomotó/
schemer {n} (he who plots secret, devious plans) :: σκευωρός {m} {f} /skevorós/, μηχανορράφος {m} {f} /michanorráfos/
scheming {adj} (tending to scheme) :: υστερόβουλος /ysteróvoulos/
Schiller {prop} (surname) :: Σίλερ /Síler/
Schimatari {prop} (city) :: Σχηματάρι /Schimatári/
schism {n} (split, division, separation, discord) :: σχίσμα {n} /schísma/
schism {n} (division within a religious body) :: σχίσμα {n} /schísma/
schism {n} (split within Christianity) :: σχίσμα {n} /schísma/
schizo {n} (Schizophrenic) :: σχιζοφρενής {m} {f} /schizofrenís/, σχιζοφρενές {n} /schizofrenés/, τρελός {m} /trelós/, [slang] ψυχάκιας {m} /psychákias/
schizoid {adj} (characterized by social withdrawal and emotional coldness or flattened affectivity) :: σχιζοειδής /schizoeidís/
schizoid personality disorder {n} (personality disorder) :: σχιζοειδής διαταραχή προσωπικότητας /schizoeidís diatarachí prosopikótitas/
schizophrenia {n} (mental disorder) :: σχιζοφρένεια {f} /schizofréneia/, σχιζοφρενία {f} /schizofrenía/
schizophrenia {n} (informal: condition in which disparate activities coexist) :: σχιζοφρένεια {f} /schizofréneia/
schizophrenic {adj} (of or pertaining to schizophrenia) :: σχιζοφρενικός /schizofrenikós/
schizophrenic {adj} (of a person: afflicted with schizophrenia) :: σχιζοφρενής /schizofrenís/
schizophrenic {n} (a person suffering from schizophrenia) :: σχιζοφρενής {c} /schizofrenís/
schmaltzy {adj} (Overly sentimental, emotional, maudlin or bathetic) :: σαχλός /sachlós/
schnozzle {n} (slang: human nose, especially large one) :: μυτόγκα {f} /mytógka/
scholar {n} (specialist in a particular branch of knowledge) :: λόγιος {m} /lógios/
scholarly {adj} (a characteristic of scholars) :: λόγιος /lógios/
scholarly {adj} (relating to scholars or scholarship) :: ακαδημαϊκός /akadimaïkós/
scholarship {n} (study allowance) :: υποτροφία {f} /ypotrofía/
scholarship {n} (knowledge) :: ευρυμάθεια {f} /evrymátheia/, λογιότητα {f} /logiótita/
scholar's mate {n} (checkmate which occurs after the moves 1.e4 e5 2.Qh5 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.Qxf7#) :: βαριάντα του Ναπολέοντα {f} /variánta tou Napoléonta/
school {n} (a group of fish) :: κοπάδι {n} /kopádi/
school {n} (an institution dedicated to teaching and learning) :: σχολείο {n} /scholeío/
school {n} (an institution dedicated to teaching and learning before college or university) :: σχολείο {n} /scholeío/
school {n} (college or university) :: πανεπιστήμιο {n} /panepistímio/
school {n} (a department/institute at a college or university) :: σχολή {f} /scholí/
school {n} ((collectively) the followers of a particular doctrine) :: σχολή {f} /scholí/
school {v} (to educate, teach, or train) :: εκπαιδεύω /ekpaidévo/, διαπαιδαγωγώ /diapaidagogó/, διδάσκω /didásko/
schoolchild {n} (young person attending school or of an age to attend school) :: μαθητής {m} /mathitís/, μαθήτρια {f} /mathítria/
school crossing attendant {n} (crossing attendant) SEE: crossing guard ::
schoolie {n} (schoolteacher) SEE: teacher ::
schoolmaster {n} (male teacher) :: δάσκαλος {m} /dáskalos/
schoolmaster {n} (male teacher in charge of a small school) :: διευθυντής {m} /diefthyntís/
schoolmistress {n} (woman in charge of a school) :: καθηγήτρια {f} /kathigítria/
schoolteacher {n} (schoolteacher) SEE: teacher ::
school year {n} (academic year of a school) :: χρονιά {f} /chroniá/
schooner {n} (sailing ship) :: ημιολία {f} /imiolía/, γολέτα {f} /goléta/, σκούνα {f} /skoúna/
Schopenhauerian {adj} (of or relating to Arthur Schopenhauer) :: σοπενχαουερικός /sopenchaouerikós/
Schutzstaffel {n} (the internal security force of Nazi Germany) :: Σούτσσταφφελ {m} /Soútsstaffel/
Schwarzenegger {prop} (surname of German-speakers) :: Σβαρτσενέγκερ /Svartsenégker/
sciaphilous {adj} (Tolerant of shade) :: σκιάφιλος /skiáfilos/
science {n} (collective discipline of learning acquired through the scientific method) :: επιστήμη {f} /epistími/
science {n} (particular discipline or branch of learning) :: επιστήμη {f} /epistími/
science fiction {n} (fiction) :: επιστημονική φαντασία {f} /epistimonikí fantasía/
scientia potentia est {proverb} (knowledge is power) SEE: knowledge is power ::
scientific {adj} (of or having to do with science) :: επιστημονικός /epistimonikós/
scientific method {n} (method of discovering knowledge) :: επιστημονική μέθοδος {f} /epistimonikí méthodos/
scientism {n} (belief) :: επιστημονισμός {m} /epistimonismós/
scientist {n} (one whose activities make use of the scientific method) :: επιστήμονας {m} /epistímonas/
Scientology {prop} (belief system developed by L. Ron Hubbard) :: σαϊεντολογία {f} /saïentología/
scientophile {n} (person) :: επιστημόφιλος {m} {f} /epistimófilos/, επιστημόφιλη {f} /epistimófili/, επιστημόφιλο {n} /epistimófilo/
sci-fi {n} (science fiction) :: ΕΦ {f} /EF/
scintillate {v} (to twinkle) :: σπινθηρίζω /spinthirízo/
scion {n} (descendant) :: βλαστός {m} /vlastós/
scion {n} ((detached) shoot or twig) :: βλαστός {m} /vlastós/
scissor {n} (one blade on a pair of scissors) :: ψαλίδι {n} /psalídi/
scissor {v} (to cut using scissors) :: ψαλιδίζω /psalidízo/
scissor {v} (to excise from text) :: περικόπτω /perikópto/
scissors {n} (tool used for cutting) :: ψαλίδι {n} /psalídi/
sclera {n} (white of the eye) :: σκληρός χιτώνας {m} /sklirós chitónas/
scold {n} (person who scolds, particularly a woman) :: μέγαιρα {f} /mégaira/, στρίγγλα {f} /stríngla/
scooter {n} (large black duck of the genus Melanitta) SEE: scoter ::
scooter {n} (foot-propelled vehicle) :: πατίνι {n} /patíni/
scooter {n} (type of small two-wheeled vehicle, see also: motorscooter) :: μοτοποδήλατο {n} /motopodílato/, σκούτερ {n} /skoúter/
-scope {suffix} (suffix to name viewing instruments) :: -σκόπιο {n} /-skópio/
scope {n} (device used in aiming a projectile) SEE: telescopic sight ::
scops owl {n} (Otus scops) :: γκιόνης {m} /gkiónis/
-scopy {suffix} (observation, viewing) :: -σκοπια /-skopia/
score {v} (to score) SEE: strike ::
score {n} (sheet music showing all parts) :: παρτιτούρα {f} /partitoúra/
score {v} (to obtain a sexual favor) :: πηδάω /pidáo/
scores {pron} (many) SEE: many ::
scorn {v} (to feel contempt or disdain for something or somebody) :: περιφρονώ /perifronó/
scorn {v} (to reject, turn down) :: περιφρονώ /perifronó/
scorn {n} (contempt, disdain) :: περιφρόνηση {f} /perifrónisi/
scornful {adj} (showing scorn or disrespect; contemptuous) :: περιφρονητικός /perifronitikós/, καταφρονητικός /katafronitikós/
Scorpio {prop} (astrological sign) :: Σκορπιός {m} /Skorpiós/
Scorpio {prop} (constellation) SEE: Scorpius ::
scorpion {n} (any of various arachnids of the order Scorpiones) :: σκορπιός {m} /skorpiós/
scorpionfish {n} (fish) :: σκορπίνα {f} /skorpína/
Scorpius {prop} (astrological sign) SEE: Scorpio ::
Scorpius {prop} (constellation) :: Σκορπιός {m} /Skorpiós/
Scot {n} (a person born in or native to Scotland) :: Σκωτσέζος {m} /Skotsézos/
Scotch {n} (people of Scotland) :: Σκοτσέζοι {m-p} /Skotsézoi/
Scotch {prop} (dialect) :: σκοτσέζικα {n-p} /skotsézika/
Scotch crow {n} (hooded crow) SEE: hooded crow ::
Scotch tape {n} (adhesive tape) SEE: adhesive tape ::
scoter {n} (bird) :: μαυρόπαπια {f} /mavrópapia/
Scotland {prop} (country in northwest Europe to the north of England) :: Σκωτία {f} /Skotía/
Scotland Yard {prop} (headquarters of the Criminal Investigation Department of the London Metropolitan Police Force) :: Σκότλαντ Γιαρντ /Skótlant Giarnt/
Scottish {adj} (of a person) :: Σκοτσέζος {m} /Skotsézos/
Scottish {adj} (of a thing or concept) :: σκοτσέζικος /skotsézikos/
Scottish {n} (the people of Scotland) :: Σκοτσέζοι /Skotsézoi/
scoundrel {n} (villain) :: παλιάνθρωπος {m} /paliánthropos/
scourge {n} (persistent pest, illness, or source of trouble) :: μάστιγα {f} /mástiga/
scouring powder {n} (abrasive cleaner) :: σκόνη καθαρισμού {f} /skóni katharismoú/
scout {n} (member of the scout movement) :: πρόσκοπος {m} /próskopos/
scouting {n} (the Scouting movement) :: προσκοπισμός {m} /proskopismós/
scowl {v} (to wrinkle the brows) :: αγριοκοιτάζω /agriokoitázo/
scowl {v} (to look at or repel with a scowl or a frown) :: αγριοκοιτάζω /agriokoitázo/
scowl {v} (to express by a scowl) :: αγριοκοιτάζω /agriokoitázo/
scramble {v} (to process telecommunication signals to make them unintelligible to an unauthorized listener) :: περιπλέκω /peripléko/
scrambled egg {n} (dish) :: χτυπητά αβγά {n-p} /chtypitá avgá/
scrap {n} (discarded objects) :: σκραπ {n} /skrap/
scraping {n} (material removed when somethings has been scraped) :: ξύσμα {n} /xýsma/, απόξεσμα {n} /apóxesma/, απόξυσμα {n} /apóxysma/
scrap paper {n} (used paper, to be reused for jotting notes) :: πρόχειρο /prócheiro/
scrapyard {n} (a junkyard, a place where scrap is stored, discarded or resold) :: μάντρα {f} /mántra/
scratch {v} (to rub a surface with a sharp object) :: ξύνω /xýno/
scratch {v} (to rub the skin with rough material) :: ξύνω /xýno/
scratch {v} (To mark a surface with a sharp object) :: χαράσσω /charásso/
scratch {v} (to delete) :: σβήνω /svíno/
scratch {n} (disruption or mark on a surface) :: γρατζουνιά {f} /gratzouniá/
scratch card {n} (lottery ticket) :: ξυστό {n} /xystó/
scrawny {adj} (Thin, malnourished and weak) :: αχαμνός /achamnós/
scream {n} (loud exclamation) :: ξεφωνητό {n} /xefonitó/, κραυγή {f} /kravgí/
scream {v} (to make the sound of a scream) :: φωνάζω /fonázo/, ουρλιάζω /ourliázo/
screech {n} (high-pitched strident or piercing sound) :: στρίγκλισμα {n} /strígklisma/
screen {n} (viewing area of electronic output device) :: οθόνη {f} /othóni/
screen {n} (movie viewing area) :: οθόνη {f} /othóni/
screencap {n} (screenshot) SEE: screenshot ::
screenplay {n} (script for a movie or a television show) :: σενάριο {n} /senário/
screen printing {n} (printing method) :: μεταξοτυπία {f} /metaxotypía/
screenshot {n} (image of computer screen output) :: στιγμιότυπο {n} /stigmiótypo/
screenwriter {n} (one who writes for the screen) :: σεναριογράφος {m} {f} /senariográfos/
screw {n} (simple machine) :: κοχλίας {m} /kochlías/
screw {n} (fastener) :: βίδα {f} /vída/
screw {n} (ship’s propeller) :: έλικα {f} /élika/
screw {n} (prison guard) :: δεσμοφύλακας {m} {f} /desmofýlakas/
screw {n} (act of screwing) :: κοχλίωση {f} /kochlíosi/, βίδωμα {n} /vídoma/
screw {v} (to connect or assemble pieces using a screw) :: βιδώνω /vidóno/
screw {v} (to have sexual intercourse with) :: πηδάω /pidáo/
screw anchor {n} (a fixing that allows screws to be fitted into masonry walls) SEE: wall plug ::
screwdriver {n} (tool) :: κατσαβίδι {n} /katsavídi/
screwdriver {n} (drink) :: βότκα πορτοκάλι {f} /vótka portokáli/
screw thread {n} (helical ridge or groove) :: σπείρωμα {n} /speíroma/, πάσο {n} /páso/
scribe {n} (one who writes; a draughtsman) :: γραφέας {m} /graféas/
scrimmage {n} (practice game) SEE: exhibition game ::
script {n} (writing; written document) :: γραφή {f} /grafí/, χειρόγραφο {n} /cheirógrafo/, γραπτό {n} /graptó/
script {n} (written characters, style of writing) :: γραφή {f} /grafí/
script {n} ((law) an original instrument or document) :: πρωτότυπο {n} /protótypo/
script {n} (text of the dialogue and action for a drama) :: σενάριο {n} /senário/
script {n} (procedure or program in computing) :: εντολοδέσμη {f} /entolodésmi/, δέσμη εντολών {f} /désmi entolón/
script {n} (a system of writing) :: γραφή {f} /grafí/
scripture {n} (any sacred writing or book) :: γραφή {f} /grafí/
Scripture {prop} (Tanakh) SEE: Tanakh ::
Scripture {prop} (Bible) SEE: Bible ::
scriptwriter {n} (screenwriter) SEE: screenwriter ::
scrofulous {adj} (morally degenerate; corrupt) SEE: corrupt ::
scrotum {n} (the bag of the skin and muscle that contains the testicles) :: όσχεο /óscheo/
scrub {n} (cancellation) SEE: cancellation ::
scrutinise {v} (scrutinize) SEE: scrutinize ::
scrutinize {v} (to examine with great care) :: περιεργάζομαι /periergázomai/
scrutiny {n} (intense study) :: εξονυχιστική έρευνα {f} /exonychistikí érevna/
sculptor {n} (a person who sculpts) :: γλύπτης {m} /glýptis/, γλύπτρια {f} /glýptria/
Sculptor {prop} (constellation) :: Γλύπτης {m} /Glýptis/
sculptress {n} (a woman sculptor) :: γλύπτρια {f} /glýptria/
sculpture {n} (art of sculpting) :: γλυπτική {f} /glyptikí/
sculpture {n} (work of art created by sculpting) :: γλυπτό {n} /glyptó/
scum {n} (layer of impurities) :: απόβρασμα {n} /apóvrasma/, απόβλητο {n} /apóvlito/
scum {n} (person or persons considered to be reprehensible) :: απόβρασμα {n} /apóvrasma/, κάθαρμα {n} /kátharma/
scumbag {n} (condom) SEE: condom ::
scurf {n} (flakes of skin) :: [of the scalp] πιτυρίδα {f} /pityrída/
scut {n} (distasteful work; drudgery) SEE: drudgery ::
Scutari {prop} (former name of Üsküdar, see also: Üsküdar) :: Σκουτάρι /Skoutári/
scutch grass {n} (couch grass) SEE: couch grass ::
scuttle {n} (a container like an open bucket) :: τενεκές {m} /tenekés/
scuttle {v} (To deliberately sink a ship (often by order of the captain)) :: βυθίζω /vythízo/
Scutum {prop} (constellation) :: Ασπίς {f} /Aspís/
Scylla {prop} (personification of the rock) :: Σκύλλα {f} /Skýlla/
scythe {n} (farm tool) :: κόσα {f} /kósa/
sea {n} (body of water) :: θάλασσα {f} /thálassa/, πέλαγος {n} /pélagos/, πόντος {m} /póntos/
sea anemone {n} (polyp) :: θαλάσσια ανεμώνη {f} /thalássia anemóni/
seabed {n} (floor or bottom of the sea or ocean) :: βυθός {m} /vythós/
seabird {n} (any bird that spends most of its time in coastal waters) :: θαλασσοπούλι {n} /thalassopoúli/
seaborgium {n} (chemical element with atomic number 106) :: σιμπόργκιο {n} /simpórgkio/
sea bream {n} (any of several species of marine fish) :: φαγγρί {n} /fangrí/, συναγρίδα {f} /synagrída/
sea breeze {n} (wind from the sea) :: μπάτης {m} /bátis/, θαλάσσια αύρα {f} /thalássia ávra/
sea buckthorn {n} (shrub of the genus Hippophae) :: ιπποφαές {n} /ippofaés/
seadog {n} (dogfish) SEE: dogfish ::
seadog {n} (sailor accustomed to the sea) :: θαλασσόλυκος {m} /thalassólykos/
sea eagle {n} (Haliaeetus albicilla) SEE: white-tailed eagle ::
seafarer {n} (sailor) SEE: sailor ::
sea fennel {n} (Crithmum maritimum) SEE: rock samphire ::
seafood {n} (fish, shellfish, seaweed and other edible aquatic life) :: θαλασσινά {n-p} /thalassiná/
seagrass {n} (grasslike marine plants) :: θαλάσσια φανερόγαμα /thalássia fanerógama/
seagull {n} (bird of the family Laridae) :: γλάρος {m} /gláros/
sea horse {n} (walrus) SEE: walrus ::
sea horse {n} (fish) :: ιππόκαμπος {m} /ippókampos/
seal {n} (pinniped) :: φώκια {f} /fókia/
seal {n} (stamp used to impress a design on a soft substance) :: βούλα {f} /voúla/, σφραγίδα {f} /sfragída/
seal {n} (design or insignia associated with organization or official role) :: σφραγίδα {f} /sfragída/
seal {n} (something which will be visibly damaged when a covering or container is opened) :: σφραγίδα {f} /sfragída/
seal {n} (something designed to prevent leaking) :: σφράγισμα {n} /sfrágisma/
seal {n} (tight closure) :: σφράγισμα {n} /sfrágisma/, στεγανοποίηση {f} /steganopoíisi/
seal {v} (to place a seal on (a document)) :: σφραγίζω /sfragízo/
sealing wax {n} (wax formerly melted onto a letter to seal it) :: βουλοκέρι {n} /voulokéri/
sea lion {n} (member of the Otariidae family) :: θαλάσσιο λιοντάρι {n} /thalássio liontári/
seaman {n} (naval rank) :: ναύτης {m} /náftis/
seaman {n} (mariner or sailor) SEE: sailor ::
sea monster {n} (large, aggressive creature in the sea) :: κήτος {n} /kítos/
Sea of Azov {prop} (sea) :: Αζοφική θάλασσα {f} /Azofikí thálassa/
Sea of Japan {prop} (the sea between Japan and the rest of Asia) :: Ιαπωνική Θάλασσα {f} /Iaponikí Thálassa/, Θάλασσα της Ιαπωνίας {f} /Thálassa tis Iaponías/
Sea of Marmara {prop} (a deep inland sea in north-western Turkey) :: Θάλασσα του Μαρμαρά {f} /Thálassa tou Marmará/, Προποντίδα {f} /Propontída/
sea-parrot {n} (puffin) SEE: puffin ::
search {v} (to search) SEE: look ::
search {n} (an attempt to find something) :: αναζήτηση {f} /anazítisi/
search {v} (to look throughout (a place) for something) :: ψάχνω /psáchno/
search {v} ((followed by "for") to look thoroughly) :: αναζητώ /anazitó/, ερευνώ /erevnó/
search engine {n} (application that searches for data) :: μηχανή αναζήτησης {f} /michaní anazítisis/
seashell {n} (shell) :: όστρακο {n} /óstrako/
seashore {n} (the coastal land bordering a sea or ocean) :: αιγιαλός {m} /aigialós/
sea-sickness {n} (seasickness) SEE: seasickness ::
seasickness {n} (a feeling of nausea caused by the motion of a ship) :: ναυτία {f} /naftía/
season {n} (quarter of a year) :: εποχή {f} /epochí/
season {n} (part of year with something special) :: σεζόν {f} /sezón/
season {n} (a group of episodes) :: κύκλος {m} /kýklos/, σεζόν {f} /sezón/
season ticket {n} (ticket that is valid for all of the events in a series) :: εισιτήριο διαρκείας {n} /eisitírio diarkeías/
seat {n} (place in which to sit) :: κάθισμα {n} /káthisma/
seat {n} (membership in a representative body) :: έδρα {f} /édra/, καρέκλα {f} /karékla/
seat belt {n} (restraining belt) :: ζώνη ασφαλείας {f} /zóni asfaleías/
Seattle {prop} (city in Washington state, USA) :: Σιάτλ /Siátl/
sea urchin {n} (any of many marine echinoderms of the class Echinoidea) :: αχινός {m} /achinós/
seaweed {n} (marine plants and algae) :: φύκι {n} /fýki/
sebaceous gland {n} (gland of skin secreting sebum) :: σμηγματογόνος αδένας {m} /smigmatogónos adénas/
secant {n} (in geometry) :: τέμνουσα /témnousa/
secant {n} (in trigonometry) :: τέμνουσα /témnousa/
secede {v} (To split from or to withdraw from membership of a political union, an alliance or an organisation) :: αποσχίζομαι /aposchízomai/, αποχωρώ /apochoró/
secession {n} (The act of seceding) :: απόσχιση /apóschisi/
secluded {adj} (in seclusion, isolated, remote) :: απομονωμένος {m} /apomonoménos/, απόμερος {m} /apómeros/
seclusion {n} (The act of secluding, or the state of being secluded; a shutting out or keeping apart, or the state of being shut out) :: απομόνωση {f} /apomónosi/
second {adj} (second (numeral), see also: 2nd) :: δεύτερος /défteros/
second {adj} (that comes after the first) :: δεύτερος /défteros/
second {n} (number two in a series) :: δεύτερος {m} /défteros/, δεύτερη {f} /défteri/, δεύτερο {n} /déftero/
second {n} (manufactured item that fails to meet quality control standards) :: δεύτερος {m} /défteros/
second {n} (second gear) :: δεύτερη {f} /défteri/
second {n} (one-sixtieth of a minute; SI unit of time) :: δευτερόλεπτο {n} /defterólepto/
second {n} (unit of angular measure) :: δευτερόλεπτο (τόξου) {n} /defterólepto (tóxou)/
second {n} (short, indeterminate amount of time) :: λεπτό {n} /leptó/, στιγμή {f} /stigmí/
second {v} (to temporarily transfer employment) :: αποσπώ /apospó/
second {v} (to agree as a second person) :: υποστηρίζω /ypostirízo/
second {n} (attendant of a duel or boxing match standing in for a contestant) :: μάρτυρας {m} {f} /mártyras/
secondary {adj} (succeeding first) :: δευτερεύων {m} /defterévon/
secondary school {n} (school) :: λύκειο {n} /lýkeio/
second coming {n} (the return of Jesus Christ) :: Δευτέρα Παρουσία /Deftéra Parousía/
second hand {adj} (secondhand) SEE: secondhand ::
secondhand {adj} (not new; previously owned and used by another) :: μεταχειρισμένος /metacheirisménos/
second last {adj} (penultimate) SEE: penultimate ::
second lieutenant {n} (the rank below a lieutenant) :: ανθυπολοχαγός {c} /anthypolochagós/ [see for other forces]
second person {n} (the form of a verb used when the subject of a sentence is the audience) :: δεύτερο πρόσωπο {n} /déftero prósopo/
second to last {adj} (penultimate) SEE: penultimate ::
second to none {n} (heroin) SEE: heroin ::
Second World War {prop} (World War II) SEE: World War II ::
secrecy {n} (concealment) :: μυστικότητα {f} /mystikótita/, εχεμύθεια {f} /echemýtheia/
secret {n} (knowledge that is hidden) :: μυστικό {n} /mystikó/
secret {adj} (being or kept hidden.) :: μυστικός {m} /mystikós/
secretary {n} (person keeping records and handling clerical work) :: γραμματέας {m} {f} /grammatéas/
secretary {n} (head of a department of government) :: υπουργός {m} {f} /ypourgós/
secretary {n} (leading or managerial position in certain organizations) :: γραμματέας {m} {f} /grammatéas/
Secretary General {n} (chief administrator of an international body) :: γενικός γραμματέας {m} {f} /genikós grammatéas/
secrete {v} ((transitive) produce by secretion) :: κρύβω /krývo/, καταχωνιάζω /katachoniázo/, εκκρίνω /ekkríno/
secretion {n} (secreted substance) :: έκκριση {f} /ékkrisi/
secretion {n} (act of secreting) :: έκκριση {f} /ékkrisi/
secretion {n} (act of hiding) :: απόκρυψη {f} /apókrypsi/, συγκάλυψη {f} /sygkálypsi/
secretive {adj} (having an inclination to secrecy) :: κρυφός {m} /kryfós/
secretly {adv} (in a secret manner) :: κρυφά /kryfá/, μυστικά /mystiká/
secret police {n} (police operating outside normal boundaries of law) :: μυστική αστυνομία {f} /mystikí astynomía/
sect {n} (religious movement) :: αίρεση {f} /aíresi/, σέκτα {f} /sékta/
sector {n} (zone) :: τομέας {m} /toméas/
sector {n} (part of circle) :: τομέας {m} /toméas/
sector {n} (fixed-sized unit of sequential data storage) :: τομέας {m} /toméas/
secular {adj} (not specifically religious) :: κοσμικός {m} /kosmikós/
secular {adj} (temporal) :: κοσμικός {m} /kosmikós/
secularism {n} (neutrality towards all religions) :: κοσμικισμός {m} /kosmikismós/
secularization {n} (transformation of values from religious to non-religious) :: εκκοσμίκευση {f} /ekkosmíkefsi/
security {n} (condition of not being threatened) :: ασφάλεια {f} /asfáleia/
security {n} (something that secures) :: ασφάλεια {f} /asfáleia/
security {n} (organization or department responsible for providing security) :: ασφάλεια {f} /asfáleia/
security {n} (something that secures the fulfillment of an obligation) :: εχέγγυο {n} /echéngyo/, εγγύηση {f} /engýisi/
security {n} (finance: tradeable financial asset) :: αξιόγραφο {n} /axiógrafo/, αξία {f} /axía/, χρηματόγραφο {n} /chrimatógrafo/
Security Council {prop} (UN Security Council) SEE: UN Security Council ::
security hole {n} (security vulnerability in a computer system) :: κενό ασφαλείας {f} /kenó asfaleías/
sedative {n} (an agent or drug that sedates) :: ηρεμιστικό {n} /iremistikó/, καταπραϋντικό {n} /katapraÿntikó/
sedative {adj} (calming, soothing, inducing sleep, tranquilizing) :: ηρεμιστικός /iremistikós/
sedentary {adj} (not moving much; sitting around) :: καθιστικός /kathistikós/
sedimentary rock {n} (one of the major groups of rock that makes up the crust of the Earth) :: ιζηματογενές πέτρωμα /izimatogenés pétroma/
sedition {n} (insurrection or rebellion) :: στάση {f} /stási/
seduce {v} (to beguile or lure someone away from duty, accepted principles, or proper conduct; to lead astray) :: γοητεύω /goïtévo/
seduce {v} (to entice or induce someone to engage in a sexual relationship) :: αποπλανώ /apoplanó/
seduction {n} (act of seducing) :: αποπλάνηση {f} /apoplánisi/, ξελόγιασμα {n} /xelógiasma/
seductive {adj} (attractive, alluring, tempting) :: δελεαστικός /deleastikós/, θελκτικός /thelktikós/
seductress {n} (woman who seduces) :: ξελογιάστρα /xelogiástra/
see {v} (perceive with the eyes) :: βλέπω /vlépo/
see {v} (understand) :: καταλαβαίνω /katalavaíno/
see {n} (diocese) :: επισκοπή {f} /episkopí/
see {n} (office of a bishop) :: επισκοπή {f} /episkopí/
seed {n} (fertilized grain) :: σπόρος {m} /spóros/
seedling {n} (young plant grown from seed) :: φιντάνι {n} /fintáni/
seedpod {n} (pouch-like form on a plant) SEE: pod ::
seek {v} (to try to find) :: ζητώ /zitó/
seel {v} (To blind) SEE: blind ::
seem {v} (to appear, to seem) SEE: look ::
seem {v} (to appear) :: φαίνομαι /faínomai/
see off {v} (to defeat) SEE: defeat ::
seesaw {n} (structure moving up and down, balanced in the middle) :: τραμπάλα {f} /trampála/
see stars {v} (experience flashing lights) :: βλέπω αστεράκια /vlépo asterákia/
seethe {v} (to boil vigorously (intransitive verb)) :: αναβράζω /anavrázo/
seethe {v} ((figuratively) to be in an agitated state of turmoil) :: αναβράζω /anavrázo/
see the forest for the trees {v} (to be overwhelmed by detail to the point where it obscures the overall situation) :: βλέπουμε το δένδρο και χάνουμε το δάσος /vlépoume to déndro kai chánoume to dásos/
see the light of day {v} (appear; be realised) :: βλέπω το φως /vlépo to fos/
see through {v} (to recognize someone's true motives) :: αντιλαμβάνομαι /antilamvánomai/
see-through {adj} (transparent) SEE: transparent ::
see-through {adj} (translucent) SEE: translucent ::
see ya {interj} (see you) SEE: see you ::
see you {phrase} (see you later) :: τα λέμε /ta léme/, τα λέμε αργότερα /ta léme argótera/
see you later {phrase} (goodbye) :: τα λέμε /ta léme/, γεια χαρά /geia chará/, γεια /geia/
segment {n} (length of some object) :: τμήμα {n} /tmíma/
segment {n} (math: portion) :: τμήμα {n} /tmíma/, τεμάχιο {n} /temáchio/
segment {v} (to divide into segments or sections) :: διατέμνω /diatémno/
Segovia {prop} (city in Castile and León, Spain) :: Σεγκόβια {f} /Segkóvia/
Seine {prop} (river of northern France) :: Σηκουάνας /Sikouánas/
seism {n} (shaking of the earth) :: σεισμός /seismós/
seismic {adj} (related to, or caused by an earthquake or other vibration of the Earth) :: σεισμικός /seismikós/
seismogram {n} (output from an accelerograph or seismograph) :: σεισμογράφημα {n} /seismográfima/
seismograph {n} (instrument that detects and records earthquakes) :: σεισμογράφος {m} /seismográfos/
seismology {n} (the study of the vibration of the Earth's interior) :: σεισμολογία {f} /seismología/
sei whale {n} (whale of the rorqual family) :: βορειοφάλαινα {f} /voreiofálaina/
sejunct {adj} (separate) SEE: separate ::
Selangor {prop} (western Malaysian state) :: Σελανγκόρ {f} /Selangkór/
seldom {adv} (infrequently, rarely) :: σπάνια /spánia/
selective {adj} (choosy, fussy or discriminating when selecting) :: εκλεκτικός /eklektikós/
selective breeding {n} (artificial selection) SEE: artificial selection ::
Selene {prop} (Greek moon goddess) :: Σελήνη {f} /Selíni/
Selene {prop} (female given name) :: Σεληνη {f} /Selini/
selenium {n} (chemical element) :: σελήνιο {n} /selínio/
selenologist {n} (person skilled or involved in selenology) :: σεληνολόγος {m} /selinológos/
selenology {n} (the study of the moon and several satellites) :: σεληνολογία /selinología/
Seleucus {prop} (Ancient Greek name) :: Σέλευκος /Sélefkos/
self {n} (individual person as the object of his own reflective consciousness) :: εαυτός {m} /eaftós/
self- {prefix} (of, by, in or with oneself or itself) :: αυτο- /afto-/, αυτό- /aftó-/
self-caused {adj} (able to self-create oneself without external contributions) :: αυταίτιος {m} {f} /aftaítios/, αυταίτια {f} /aftaítia/, αυταίτιο {n} /aftaítio/, αυτογενής {m} {f} /aftogenís/, αυτογενές {n} /aftogenés/, αυτοδημιούργητος {m} /aftodimioúrgitos/, αυτοδημιούργητη {f} /aftodimioúrgiti/, αυτοδημιούργητο {n} /aftodimioúrgito/, μεταλογικώς αυτάρκης {m} {f} /metalogikós aftárkis/, μεταλογικώς αυτάρκες {n} /metalogikós aftárkes/
self-cleaning {adj} (that cleans itself) :: αυτοκαθαριζόμενος /aftokatharizómenos/
self-confidence {n} (state of being self-confident) :: αυτοπεποίθηση {f} /aftopepoíthisi/
self-confidence {n} (measure of one's belief in one's own abilities) :: αυτοπεποίθηση {f} /aftopepoíthisi/
self-contained {adj} (not requiring external or additional support) :: αυτόνομος /aftónomos/, αυτοτελής /aftotelís/, ανεξάρτητος /anexártitos/
self-control {n} (ability to control one's desires and impulses) :: αυτοέλεγχος {m} /aftoélenchos/
self-criticism {n} (criticism of oneself) :: αυτοκριτική {f} /aftokritikí/
self-deception {n} (fooling oneself) :: αυταπάτη {f} /aftapáti/
self-defense {n} (means of defending oneself from attack) :: αυτοάμυνα {f} /aftoámyna/
self-defense {n} ((law) Defense for oneself against violence) :: αυτοάμυνα {f} /aftoámyna/
self-denial {n} (action that sacrifices one's own benefit for the good of others) :: αυταπάρνηση {f} /aftapárnisi/
self-destruct {v} (to destroy oneself) :: αυτοκαταστρέφομαι /aftokatastréfomai/
self-determination {n} (political independence of a people) :: αυτοδιάθεση {f} /aftodiáthesi/
self-determine {v} (make one's own decisions) :: αυτοκαθορίζω /aftokathorízo/
self-discipline {n} (control of oneself) :: αυτοπειθαρχία {f} /aftopeitharchía/
self-efficacy {n} (extent or strength of one's belief in one's own ability to complete tasks and reach goals) :: αυτοαποτελεσματικότητα {f} /aftoapotelesmatikótita/
self-employed {adj} (working for oneself) :: αυτοαπασχολούμενος /aftoapascholoúmenos/
self-evident {adj} (obviously true) :: αυταπόδεικτος /aftapódeiktos/, αυτονόητος /aftonóitos/
self-government {n} (self-government) :: αυτοκυβέρνηση {f} /aftokyvérnisi/
self-help {n} (bettering oneself without relying on the assistance of others) :: αυτοβοήθεια /aftovoḯtheia/
self-immolation {n} (setting oneself on fire) :: αυτοπυρπόληση {f} /aftopyrpólisi/
self-improvement {n} (following a disciplined programme to improve one’s health or character) :: αυτοβελτίωση /aftoveltíosi/
self-indulgence {n} (excessive or immoderate indulgence of one's own personal desires and needs) :: μαλθακότητα {f} /malthakótita/, συβαριτισμός {m} /syvaritismós/
self-interest {n} (personal interest) :: ιδιοτέλεια {f} /idiotéleia/
selfish {adj} (holding one's self-interest as the standard for decision making) :: εγωιστής /egoistís/
selfish {adj} (regard for oneself above others' well-being) :: εγωιστικός /egoistikós/
self-isolation {n} (isolation from others) :: αυτοαπομόνωση {f} /aftoapomónosi/
selfitis {n} (An obsessive need to take selfies and post them on social media.) :: σελφίτιδα {f} /selfítida/
selfless {adj} (having, exhibiting or motivated by no concern for oneself; unselfish) :: ανιδιοτελής /anidiotelís/, αφίλαυτος /afílaftos/, φιλάλληλος /filállilos/, αλτρουιστής /altrouistís/
self-made {adj} (having achieved success by one's own efforts) :: αυτοδημιούργητος /aftodimioúrgitos/
self-pity {n} (feeling of pity for oneself) :: μεμψιμοιρία {f} /mempsimoiría/, αυτολύπηση {f} /aftolýpisi/
self-portrait {n} (portrait of the painter who painted it) :: αυτοπροσωπογραφία {f} /aftoprosopografía/, αυτοπορτρέτο {n} /aftoportréto/
self-raising flour {n} (flour) :: αλεύρι που φουσκώνει {n} /alévri pou fouskónei/
self-reference {n} (act or process of referring to itself) :: αυτοαναφορά {f} /aftoanaforá/
self-referential {adj} (that or who refers to itself or oneself) :: αυτοαναφορικός {m} /aftoanaforikós/
self-reliance {n} (independence) :: αυτοδυναμία {f} /aftodynamía/
self-respect {n} (knowledge of one's own worth) :: αυτοσεβασμός {m} /aftosevasmós/
self-rule {n} (rule of a group of people by their own leaders) :: αυτοκυβέρνηση {f} /aftokyvérnisi/
self-satisfaction {n} (contentment with one's own accomplishments or situation) :: αυτοϊκανοποίηση {f} /aftoïkanopoíisi/
self-satisfied {adj} (satisfied with oneself) :: εφησυχασμένος /efisychasménos/
self-study {n} (study without the aid of a formal education institution) :: αυτοδιδασκαλία {f} /aftodidaskalía/
self-sufficiency {n} (condition of being self-sufficient) :: αυτάρκεια {f} /aftárkeia/
self-sufficient {adj} (able to provide for oneself independently of others) :: αυτάρκης {m} {f} /aftárkis/
self-sustaining {adj} :: αυτοσυντήρητος {m} /aftosyntíritos/
self-tapping screw {n} (screw, with a hardened thread, that forms its own internal thread when driven into a relatively soft material) :: λαμαρινόβιδα {f} /lamarinóvida/
sell {v} (to agree to transfer goods or provide services) :: πουλάω /pouláo/
sellable {adj} (saleable) SEE: saleable ::
seller {n} (someone who sells) :: πωλητής {m} /politís/, πωλήτρια {f} /polítria/
sell off {v} (sell assets for the purpose of getting rid of them quickly) :: εκποιώ /ekpoió/
sellotape {n} (adhesive tape) SEE: adhesive tape ::
Sellotape {n} (adhesive tape) SEE: adhesive tape ::
sell short {v} (to underestimate the value of something) SEE: underestimate ::
semantic field {n} (group of words relating to same subject) :: σημασιολογικό πεδίο {n} /simasiologikó pedío/
semantic loan {n} :: σημασιολογικό δάνειο {n} /simasiologikó dáneio/
semen {n} (semen (fluid)) SEE: sperm ::
semen {n} (male reproductory fluid) :: σπέρμα {n} /spérma/
semester {n} (half of school year) :: εξάμηνο {n} /exámino/
semi- {prefix} (half (prefix)) :: ημι- /imi-/
semi-automatic {adj} (partially automatic) :: ημιαυτόματος {m} /imiaftómatos/
semi-automatic {adj} (of a firearm, loading the next shell but requiring the trigger to be squeezed for each shot) :: ημιαυτόματος {m} /imiaftómatos/
semi-automatic {n} (semi-automatic firearm) :: ημιαυτόματο {n} /imiaftómato/
semibreve {n} (whole note) :: ολόκληρο {n} /olókliro/
semicircle {n} (half of a circle) :: ημικύκλιο {n} /imikýklio/
semicircumference {n} (half of a circumference) :: ημιπεριφέρεια {f} /imiperiféreia/
semicolon {n} (punctuation mark ';') :: άνω τελεία {f} /áno teleía/ (áno teleía), [in relevance to the Greek language] ερωτηματικό {n} /erotimatikó/ (erotimatikó)
semiconductor {n} (substance with electrical properties between conductor and insulator) :: ημιαγωγός {m} /imiagogós/
semiconsonant {n} (semivowel) SEE: semivowel ::
semiduplex {adj} (telecommunications) :: ημιαμφίδρομος /imiamfídromos/
semihard {adj} (Somewhat hard) :: ημίσκληρος /imískliros/
seminar {n} (class held for advanced studies) :: σεμινάριο {n} /seminário/
seminar {n} (meeting held for the exchange of useful information) :: διάσκεψη {f} /diáskepsi/
seminary {n} (theological school) :: θεολογική σχολή {f} /theologikí scholí/
seminude {adj} (half-naked) SEE: half-naked ::
semiologist {n} (one who studies semiology) :: σημειολόγος {m} {f} /simeiológos/
semiology {n} (semiotics) :: σημειολογία {f} /simeiología/
semiotics {n} (study of signs) :: σημειολογία {f} /simeiología/
semipermeable {adj} (permeable to some things and not to others) :: ημιπερατός /imiperatós/
semiquaver {n} (music) :: δέκατο έκτο {n} /dékato ékto/
semivowel {n} (sound in speech) :: ημίφωνο {n} /imífono/
semolina {n} (hard grains of flour left after milling) :: σιμιγδάλι {n} /simigdáli/
senate {n} (the upper house in some bicameral legislative systems) :: γερουσία {f} /gerousía/
Senate {prop} (legislative body) :: γερουσία /gerousía/
Senate {prop} (Roman senate) :: σύγκλητος /sýgklitos/
senator {n} (member in the house or chamber of a legislature called a senate) :: γερουσιαστής {m} /gerousiastís/
senator {n} (historic: position in government of ancient Rome) :: συγκλητικός /sygklitikós/
send {v} (make something go somewhere) :: στέλνω /stélno/
sender {n} (someone who sends) :: αποστολέας {m} {f} /apostoléas/
Seneca {prop} (Roman cognomen) :: Σενέκας /Senékas/
Senegal {prop} (Republic of Senegal) :: Σενεγάλη {f} /Senegáli/
Senegalese {adj} (pertaining to Senegal) :: σενεγαλέζικος /senegalézikos/
Senegalese {n} (person from Senegal) :: Σενεγαλέζος {m} /Senegalézos/, Σενεγαλέζα {f} /Senegaléza/
senescence {n} (biology: the state or process of aging) :: γήρας {n} /gíras/, γηρασμός {m} /girasmós/
senescence {n} (cell biology: ceasing to divide by mitosis) :: γηρασμός {m} /girasmós/
senescence {n} (gerontology: old age) :: γήρας {n} /gíras/
senile {adj} (of, or relating to old age) :: γεροντικός {m} /gerontikós/
senile {adj} (exhibiting the deterioration in mind) :: ξεμωραμένος {m} /xemoraménos/
senility {n} (the losing of memory and reason) :: γεροντική άνοια {f} /gerontikí ánoia/
seniority {n} (time) :: αρχαιότητα {f} /archaiótita/
sennit {n} (braided cord) :: σαλαμάστρα {f} /salamástra/, σαλμάστρα {f} /salmástra/
sennit {n} (plaited straw) :: πλεκτή {f} /plektí/
sensational {adj} (exceptionally great) :: συγκλονιστικός {m} /sygklonistikós/, εντυπωσιακός {m} /entyposiakós/
sensationalist {adj} (characterized by sensationalism) :: αισθησιαρχικός /aisthisiarchikós/, αισθησιοκρατικός /aisthisiokratikós/
sense {n} (manner by which living beings perceive the physical world) :: αίσθηση {f} /aísthisi/
sense {n} (conscious awareness) :: αίσθηση {f} /aísthisi/, συναίσθημα {n} /synaísthima/
sense {n} (sound judgement) :: λογική {f} /logikí/
sense {n} (meaning or reason) :: έννοια {f} /énnoia/
sense {n} (natural ability) :: αίσθηση {f} /aísthisi/
sense {v} (use biological senses) :: αισθάνομαι /aisthánomai/
sense {v} (to instinctively be aware) :: αισθάνομαι /aisthánomai/, συναισθάνομαι /synaisthánomai/
sensei {n} (martial arts instructor) :: σενσέι {m} /senséi/
sense organ {n} (an organic sensor) :: αισθητήριο όργανο {n} /aisthitírio órgano/
sensitive {adj} (having the faculty of sensation; pertaining to the senses) :: αισθητικός {m} /aisthitikós/
sensitive {adj} (responsive to stimuli) :: ευαίσθητος {m} /evaísthitos/
sensitive {adj} (easily offended) :: ευαίσθητος {m} /evaísthitos/, εύθικτος {m} /éfthiktos/
sensitive {adj} (capable of offending) :: ευαίσθητος {m} /evaísthitos/
sensitive {adj} (accurate) :: ευαίσθητος {m} /evaísthitos/
sensitivity {n} (the degree of response of an instrument to a change in an input signal) :: ευαισθησία {f} /evaisthisía/
sensitization {n} (process of making something sensitive) :: ευαισθητοποίηση {f} /evaisthitopoíisi/
sensorimotor {adj} (of or pertaining to both sensory and motor activity) :: αισθητικοκινητικός /aisthitikokinitikós/
sensory {adj} (of the senses or sensation) :: αισθητήριος {m} /aisthitírios/
sentence {n} (judicial order for punishment, conviction) :: καταδίκη {f} /katadíki/
sentence {n} (grammatically complete series of words consisting of a subject and predicate) :: πρόταση {f} /prótasi/
sentential {adj} (relating to a sentence) :: προτασιακός /protasiakós/
sentient {adj} (experiencing sensation, perceiving, thinking, or feeling) :: αισθητήριος {m} /aisthitírios/
sentient {adj} (conscious or aware) :: ευαίσθητος {m} /evaísthitos/
sentimental {adj} (characterized by sentiment, sentimentality or excess emotion) :: συναισθηματικός {m} /synaisthimatikós/
sentimental {adj} (derived from emotion rather than reason) :: συναισθηματικός {m} /synaisthimatikós/
sentimental {adj} (romantic) :: συναισθηματικός {m} /synaisthimatikós/
sentimentalist {n} (person who is sentimental) :: αισθηματίας {m} /aisthimatías/
sentinel {n} (A sentry or guard) :: σκοπός, φρουρός {m} /skopós, frourós/
sentry {n} (guard) :: σκοπός /skopós/
Seoul {prop} (capital of South Korea) :: Σεούλ {f} /Seoúl/
separate {v} (to disunite, disconnect) :: χωρίζω /chorízo/
separate {v} (to divide itself) :: κόβω /kóvo/
separately {adv} (in a separate manner) :: χωριστά /choristá/
separate the wheat from the chaff {v} (to select only that which is of value) :: διαχωρίζω την ήρα από το στάρι /diachorízo tin íra apó to stári/
Sephardi {n} (a Jew of Iberian ancestry, whose native language was Ladino) :: Σεφαρδίτης {m} /Sefardítis/, Σεφαρδίτισσα {f} /Sefardítissa/
sepia {n} (cuttlefish) SEE: cuttlefish ::
September {prop} (ninth month of the Gregorian calendar) :: Σεπτέμβριος {m} /Septémvrios/, Σεπτέμβρης {m} /Septémvris/, Τρυγητής {m} /Trygitís/
septic {adj} (of or pertaining to sepsis) :: σηπτικός /siptikós/
septic tank {n} (watertight treatment system for domestic sewage) :: βόθρος {m} /vóthros/
Septuagint {prop} (an ancient translation of the Hebrew Bible into Greek) :: Μετάφραση των Εβδομήκοντα /Metáfrasi ton Evdomíkonta/
septum {n} ((anatomy) wall separating two cavities) :: διάφραγμα {n} /diáfragma/
septuplet {n} (music: septuplet) :: επτάηχο {n} /eptáicho/
sepulchre {n} (burial chamber) :: τάφος {m} /táfos/, μνήμα {n} /mníma/
sequel {n} (a narrative written after another narrative set in the same universe) :: συνέχεια {f} /synécheia/
sequence {n} (set of things in a set order) :: ακολουθία {f} /akolouthía/, σειρά {f} /seirá/, αλληλουχία {f} /allilouchía/
sequence {n} (in mathematics, an ordered list of objects) :: ακολουθία {f} /akolouthía/
sequent {adj} (that comes after) SEE: subsequent ::
sequent {adj} (that follows on) SEE: consequent ::
sequential {adj} (sequential) :: αλλεπάλληλος /allepállilos/
seraph {n} (highest order of angels) :: σεραφείμ /serafeím/
Serb {n} (person of Serb descent, see also: Serbian) :: Σέρβος {m} /Sérvos/
Serbia {prop} (a country in southeastern Europe) :: Σερβία {f} /Servía/
Serbia and Montenegro {prop} (former country on the Balkan Peninsula) :: Σερβία και Μαυροβούνιο {f} /Servía kai Mavrovoúnio/
Serbian {n} (person from Serbia, see also: Serb) :: Σέρβος {m} /Sérvos/, Σέρβα {f} /Sérva/
Serbian {n} (the standardized variety of Serbo-Croatian) :: σερβικά /serviká/
Serbian {adj} (pertaining to Serbia and Serbians) :: σερβικός /servikós/
Serbian {n} (Serb) SEE: Serb ::
serendipity {n} (unsought, unintended... and/or learning experience that happens by accident) :: εύνοια της τύχης {f} /évnoia tis týchis/, κωλοφαρδία {f} /kolofardía/, ευτύχημα {n} /eftýchima/, τυχαιότητα {f} /tychaiótita/
serendipity {n} (a combination of events which are not individually beneficial, but occurring together produce a good or wonderful outcome) :: τυχαιότητα {f} /tychaiótita/
serenity {n} (state) :: γαλήνη {f} /galíni/
serenity {n} (lack of agitation) :: ηρεμία {f} /iremía/
serenity {n} (title given to a prince or other dignitary) :: γαληνότατος {m} /galinótatos/
serf {n} (semifree peasant) :: δουλοπάροικος {m} /doulopároikos/, [historical] κολλίγας {m} /kollígas/
sergeant {n} (non-commissioned officer rank) :: λοχίας {m} {f} /lochías/, αρχιφύλακας /archifýlakas/ [police rank]
sergeant major {n} (sergeant major) :: ανθυπασπιστής {m} /anthypaspistís/
Sergius {prop} (male given name) :: Σέργιος {m} /Sérgios/
serial {adj} (Having to do with or arranged in a series) :: σειριακός /seiriakós/
serial {n} (literal work) :: σειρά {f} /seirá/
serial killer {n} (person who commits multiple murders) :: σίριαλ κίλερ {n} /sírial kíler/
serial number {n} (unique number assigned to unit) :: αύξων αριθμός {m} /áfxon arithmós/
serial port {n} (physical interface through which data is transferred in or out one bit at a time) :: σειριακή θύρα {f} /seiriakí thýra/
series {n} (a number of things that follow on one after the other) :: σειρά {f} /seirá/, αλληλουχία {f} /allilouchía/
series {n} (television or radio program) :: σειρά {f} /seirá/
series {n} (in analysis: sum of the terms of a sequence) :: σύνολο {n} /sýnolo/
series finale {n} (the final episode of a television series) :: συμπέρασμα σειράς /sympérasma seirás/
serif {n} (short line in a font) :: ακρεμόνας {m} /akremónas/, πατούρα {f} /patoúra/
serigraphy {n} (printing method) SEE: screen printing ::
serine {n} (nonessential amino acid; CH2OH.CH(NH2)COOH) :: σερίνη {f} /seríni/
serious {adj} (without humor or expression of happiness) :: σοβαρός /sovarós/
serious {adj} (important; weighty; not trifling; leaving no room for play) :: σοβαρός /sovarós/
serious {adj} (really intending what is said; being in earnest) :: σοβαρός /sovarós/
seriousness {n} (state of being serious) :: σοβαρότητα {f} /sovarótita/
sermon {n} (religious discourse) :: κήρυγμα {f} /kírygma/
sermon {n} (speech of reproval) :: επίπληξη {f} /epíplixi/
serotonin {n} (the compound 5-hydroxytryptamine) :: σεροτονίνη {f} /serotoníni/
Serpens {prop} (large summer constellation of the northern sky) :: Όφις {m} /Ófis/
serpent {n} (snake) :: ερπετό {n} /erpetó/, φίδι {n} /fídi/
Serpentarius {prop} (Ophiuchus) SEE: Ophiuchus ::
servant {n} (one who is hired to perform regular household or other duties, and receives compensation) :: υπηρέτης {m} /ypirétis/
servant {n} (one who serves another, providing help in some manner) :: υπηρέτης {m} /ypirétis/
serve {v} (to work for) :: υπηρετώ /ypiretó/
serve {n} (AUS: portion of food) SEE: serving ::
server {n} (one who serves) :: σερβιτόρος {m} /servitóros/
server {n} (a tray for dishes) :: δίσκος {m} /dískos/
server {n} (computing: a program which provides services to other programs or users) :: εξυπηρετητής {m} /exypiretitís/
server {n} (computing: a computer dedicated to running server programs) :: εξυπηρετητής {m} /exypiretitís/
server-side {adj} :: πλευρά-εξυπηρετητή {m} /plevrá-exypiretití/, πλευρά-διακομιστή {m} /plevrá-diakomistí/
serve someone right {v} (serves you right!) :: καλά να πάθεις /kalá na pátheis/, καλά να πάθετε /kalá na páthete/
Servian {adj} (Serbian) SEE: Serbian ::
Servian {n} (Serbian) SEE: Serbian ::
Servian {prop} (Serbian) SEE: Serbian ::
service {n} (practice of providing services as economic activity) :: υπηρεσία {f} /ypiresía/
service {n} (service tree) SEE: service tree ::
service station {n} (gas station) SEE: gas station ::
service tree {n} (Sorbus domestica) :: σουρβιά {f} /sourviá/
servile {adj} (submissive or slavish) :: δουλικός /doulikós/
servility {n} (condition of being servile) :: ραγιαδισμός {m} /ragiadismós/, δουλικότητα {f} /doulikótita/, ανελευθερία {f} /anelefthería/
serving {n} (portion of food) :: μερίδα {f} /merída/
servitude {n} (the state of being a slave) :: δουλεία {f} /douleía/
sesame {n} (plant) :: σουσαμιά {f} /sousamiá/
sesame {n} (seed) :: σουσάμι {n} /sousámi/
sesame oil {n} (oil extracted from sesame seeds) :: σησαμέλαιο {n} /sisamélaio/, σουσαμόλαδο {n} /sousamólado/
sesquicentennial {n} (a 150th anniversary) :: εκατοπεντηκονταετηρίδα {f} /ekatopentikontaetirída/
sesquipedalian {adj} (of long words) :: μακαρονοειδής /makaronoeidís/
sessile {adj} (botany) :: άμισχος /ámischos/
session {n} (period devoted to a particular activity) :: συνεδρίαση {f} /synedríasi/
session {n} (meeting of a body to conduct business) :: σύνοδος {f} /sýnodos/
session {n} ((computing) the sequence of interactions between client and server) :: συνεδρία {f} /synedría/
set {v} (to put something down) :: βάζω /vázo/
set {v} (to determine) :: ορίζω /orízo/, καθορίζω /kathorízo/, προσδιορίζω /prosdiorízo/
set {v} (to adjust) :: ρυθμίζω /rythmízo/, βάζω /vázo/ [το ξυπνητήρι]
set {v} (to arrange with dishes and cutlery) :: στρώνω /stróno/
set {v} (to introduce) :: παρουσιάζω /parousiázo/
set {v} (to locate, to backdrop) :: διαδραματίζομαι /diadramatízomai/, εκτυλίσσομαι /ektylíssomai/
set {v} (to prepare (a stage or film set)) :: στήνω /stíno/
set {v} (to arrange type) :: στοιχειοθετώ /stoicheiothetó/
set {v} (to devise and assign work) :: βάζω /vázo/
set {v} (to solidify) :: πήζω /pízo/, στερεοποιούμαι /stereopoioúmai/
set {v} (of a heavenly body: to disappear below the horizon) :: δύω /dýo/
set {n} (device for receiving broadcast radio waves; a radio or television) :: συσκευή {f} /syskeví/, δέκτης {m} /déktis/
set {adj} (ready, prepared) :: έτοιμος {m} /étoimos/
set {adj} (intent, determined) :: αποφασισμένος {m} /apofasisménos/
set {adj} (prearranged) :: προκαθορισμένος {m} /prokathorisménos/, συγκεκριμένος {m} /sygkekriménos/
set {adj} (fixed in one’s opinion) :: αμετακίνητος {m} /ametakínitos/, αμετάβλητος {m} /ametávlitos/
set {n} (matching collection of similar things, such as a set of tables) :: σετ {n} /set/
set {n} (object made up several parts, such as a set of steps) :: σειρά {f} /seirá/
set {n} (set theory: collection of objects) :: σύνολο {n} /sýnolo/
set {n} (group of people, usually meeting socially) :: κύκλος {m} /kýklos/, συνάφι {n} /synáfi/ [colloquial], κλίκα {f} /klíka/ [colloquial]
set {n} (scenery for a film or play) :: σκηνικό {n} /skinikó/, πλατό {n} /plató/
set {n} (in tennis) :: σετ {n} /set/
set {n} (volleyball) :: σετ {n} /set/
set {v} (to sit) SEE: sit ::
set {n} (plural: set theory) SEE: set theory ::
Set {prop} (Egyptian god) :: Σετ {m} /Set/, Σεθ {m} /Seth/
set alight {v} (to cause to begin to burn) :: ανάβω /anávo/, καίγομαι /kaígomai/, ανάβομαι /anávomai/
set forth {v} (to start) SEE: start ::
Seth {prop} (the third son of Adam and Eve) :: Σηθ {m} /Sith/
Seth {prop} (Egyptian god) :: Σετ {m} /Set/, Σεθ {m} /Seth/
set-off {n} (extinction of debts of which two persons are reciprocally debtors) :: συμψηφισμός {m} /sympsifismós/
set sail {v} (to embark on a voyage by boat) :: αποπλέω /apopléo/
Setswana {prop} (Tswana) SEE: Tswana ::
set theory {n} (mathematical theory of sets) :: θεωρία των συνόλων {f} /theoría ton synólon/
settle down {v} (to establish a settled lifestyle) :: τακτοποιούμαι /taktopoioúmai/, νοικοκυρεύομαι /noikokyrévomai/
settlement {n} (state) :: συμφωνία {f} /symfonía/, διευθέτηση {f} /diefthétisi/, τακτοποίηση {f} /taktopoíisi/
settlement {n} (newly established colony) :: οικισμός {m} /oikismós/, αποικισμός {m} /apoikismós/
settlement {n} ((architecture): gradual sinking of a building) :: καθίζηση {f} /kathízisi/
settlement {n} ((finance) delivery and payment) :: διακανονισμός {m} /diakanonismós/, εκκαθάριση {f} /ekkathárisi/, εξόφληση {f} /exóflisi/
settlement {n} ((law) disposition of property) :: μεταγραφή {f} /metagrafí/, εκχώρηση {f} /ekchórisi/
settler {n} (someone who settles in a new location) :: άποικος {m} {f} /ápoikos/, [settling in an already inhabited place] έποικος {m} {f} /époikos/
settler {n} (someone who decides something, such as a dispute) :: διακανονιστής {m} /diakanonistís/
settler {n} (drink that settles the stomach) :: [medicine] διαπυκτικόν {n} /diapyktikón/
Sevastopol {prop} (city) :: Σεβαστούπολη {f} /Sevastoúpoli/
sevdalinka {n} (genre of folk music) :: σεβνταλίνκα /sevntalínka/
seven {num} (cardinal number 7) :: επτά /eptá/, ζ΄ /z΄/ [numeral]
seven deadly sins {n} (the cardinal sins) :: επτά θανάσιμα αμαρτήματα {n-p} /eptá thanásima amartímata/
seven hundred {num} (cardinal number 700) :: επτακόσια /eptakósia/
sevennight {n} (period of seven consecutive days and nights) SEE: week ::
seventeen {num} (cardinal number) :: δεκαεπτά /dekaeptá/
seventh {adj} (ordinal form of the number seven, see also: 7th) :: έβδομος /évdomos/
seventh heaven {n} (state of great joy and satisfaction) :: έβδομος ουρανός {m} /évdomos ouranós/
seventieth {adj} (ordinal form of the number seventy (70)) :: εβδομηκοστός /evdomikostós/
seventy {num} (cardinal number) :: εβδομήντα /evdomínta/
seventy-eight {num} (78) :: εβδομήντα οκτώ /evdomínta októ/
seventy-five {num} (75) :: εβδομήντα πέντε /evdomínta pénte/
seventy-four {num} (74) :: εβδομήντα τέσσαρες /evdomínta téssares/
seventy-nine {num} (79) :: εβδομήντα εννέα /evdomínta ennéa/
seventy-one {num} (71) :: εβδομήντα έν /evdomínta én/
seventy-seven {num} (77) :: εβδομήντα επτά /evdomínta eptá/
seventy-six {num} (76) :: εβδομήντα έξ /evdomínta éx/
seventy-three {num} (73) :: εβδομήντα τρείς /evdomínta treís/
seventy-two {num} (72) :: εβδομήντα δύο /evdomínta dýo/
several {determiner} (consisting of a number more than two, but not very many) :: αρκετός /arketós/
severance {n} (act of severing) :: αποκοπή {f} /apokopí/
severance {n} (separation) :: αποκοπή {f} /apokopí/, διαχωρισμός {m} /diachorismós/
severe {adj} (very bad or intense) :: σφοδρός {m} /sfodrós/
severe {adj} (strict or harsh) :: αυστηρός {m} /afstirós/, άτεγκτος {m} /átegktos/
severe {adj} (austere) :: αυστηρός {m} /afstirós/, λιτός {m} /litós/
Seville {prop} (city in Andalusia, Spain) :: Σεβίλλη {f} /Sevílli/
Seville orange {n} (Seville orange) SEE: bitter orange ::
Sevillian {adj} (of or pertaining to Sevilla) :: σεβιλλιάνικος /sevilliánikos/
Sevillian {n} (someone from Sevilla) :: Σεβιλλιανός {m} /Sevillianós/, Σεβιλλιάνα {f} /Sevilliána/
sew {v} ((transitive) use a needle) :: ράβω /rávo/
sew {v} ((intransitive) use a needle) :: ράβω /rávo/
sewage {n} (suspension of water and waste) :: λύματα {n-p} /lýmata/
sewerage {n} (sewage) SEE: sewage ::
sewing machine {n} (device) :: ραπτομηχανή {f} /raptomichaní/
sex {n} (act of sexual intercourse) :: συνουσία {f} /synousía/, έρωτας {m} /érotas/, σεξ {n} /sex/
sex {n} (gender (female or male)) :: φύλο {n} /fýlo/
sex {v} (informal: to have sex with) :: συνουσιάζομαι /synousiázomai/
sex appeal {n} (sexual attractiveness) :: σεξαπίλ {n} /sexapíl/
sex education {n} (sex education) :: σεξουαλική αγωγή {f} /sexoualikí agogí/
sex gland {n} (gland in which sex cells are produced) SEE: gonad ::
sexism {n} (gender discrimination or dislike) :: σεξισμός {m} /sexismós/
sexology {n} (study of sex and sexuality) :: σεξολογία /sexología/
sex organ {n} (organ used in sexual reproduction) :: αναπαραγωγικό όργανο {n} /anaparagogikó órgano/
sext {n} (noon) SEE: noon ::
Sextans {prop} (dim spring constellation of the northern sky) :: Εξάς {m} /Exás/
sextant {n} (navigational instrument) :: εξάντας {m} /exántas/
sexton {n} (church official) :: νεωκόρος {m} /neokóros/, εκκλησάρης {m} /ekklisáris/
sex toy {n} (sex aid) :: ερωτικό βοήθημα {n} /erotikó voḯthima/
sexual {adj} (of or relating to having sex) :: σεξουαλικός /sexoualikós/
sexual {adj} (of or relating to sexuality) :: σεξουαλικός /sexoualikós/
sexual {adj} (of or relating to sexual orientation, identity or preferences) :: σεξουαλικός /sexoualikós/
sexual {adj} :: γενετήσιος /genetísios/, ερωτικός /erotikós/
sexual intercourse {n} (sexual interaction) :: συνουσία {f} /synousía/, ερωτική επαφή {f} /erotikí epafí/, [re mammals] ζευγάρωμα {n} /zevgároma/
sexuality {n} (sexual orientation) SEE: sexual orientation ::
sexuality {n} (that which is characterized or distinguished by sex) :: σεξουαλικότητα {f} /sexoualikótita/
sexuality {n} (sexual identity) :: σεξουαλικότητα {f} /sexoualikótita/
sexually {adv} (in a sexual manner) :: σεξουαλικά /sexoualiká/
sexually transmitted disease {n} (contagious disease spread through sexual intercourse) SEE: venereal disease ::
sexual orientation {n} (sexual orientation) :: σεξουαλικός προσανατολισμός {m} /sexoualikós prosanatolismós/
sexy {adj} (having sexual appeal) :: σέξι /séxi/
Seychelles {prop} (country in East Africa) :: Σεϋχέλλες {f-p} /Seÿchélles/
Sfax {prop} (Tunisian city) :: Σφαξ {f} /Sfax/, Σαφάκις /Safákis/
Shaanxi {prop} (province of northwest China) :: Σαανσί /Saansí/
shack {n} (crude hut) :: καλύβα {f} /kalýva/
shackle {n} (a U-shaped piece of metal) :: αγκύλιο {n} /agkýlio/
shackle {n} (stubble) SEE: stubble ::
shack up {v} (to live together, especially when unmarried) :: σπιτώνω /spitóno/
shade {n} (darkness where light is blocked) :: σκιά {f} /skiá/
shade {n} (variety of color) :: απόχρωση {f} /apóchrosi/
shadow {n} (dark image projected onto a surface) :: σκιά {f} /skiá/, ίσκιος {m} /ískios/
shadow {n} (relative darkness) :: σκιά {f} /skiá/
shadow {n} (one who secretly or furtively follows another) :: σκιά {f} /skiá/
shadow {n} (typographic effect) :: σκιά {f} /skiá/
shadow {v} (to block light or radio transmission) :: επισκιάζω /episkiázo/, σκιάζω /skiázo/
shadow {v} (to secretly track or follow another) :: παρακολουθώ /parakolouthó/, γίνομαι σκιά /gínomai skiá/
shadow {n} (spirit, ghost) SEE: ghost ::
Shadow Cabinet {n} (a senior group of opposition politicians who shadow the members of the government) :: σκιώδης κυβέρνηση /skiódis kyvérnisi/
shadow government {n} (government-in-waiting that is prepared to take control) :: σκιώδης κυβέρνηση {f} /skiódis kyvérnisi/
shadowless {adj} (lacking a shadow) :: ανίσκιωτος /anískiotos/
shady {adj} (abounding in shades) :: σκιερός {m} /skierós/, σκιώδης {m} /skiódis/
shady {adj} (not trustworthy; unfit to be seen or known) :: ανέντιμος {m} /anéntimos/
shaft {n} (long narrow body of spear or arrow) :: στέλεχος {n} /stélechos/
shaft {n} (beam or ray of light) :: αχτίδα {f} /achtída/, ακτίνα {f} /aktína/
shaft {n} (any long, thin object) :: στειλιάρι {n} /steiliári/, στύλος {m} /stýlos/
shaft {n} (main axis of a feather) :: καλάμι {n} /kalámi/
shaft {n} (long passage sunk into the earth) :: [water] πηγάδι {n} /pigádi/, [mines] στοά {f} /stoá/, [elevators] φρέαρ {n} /fréar/, [water drainage] φρεάτιο {n} /freátio/
shaft {n} (vertical passage housing a lift) :: φρέαρ {n} /fréar/, φρεάτιο {n} /freátio/
shaft {n} (ventilation or heating conduit) :: αεραγωγός {m} /aeragogós/
shaft {n} (the shaft of the penis) :: βάλανος {f} /válanos/
shaft {v} (slang: to engage in a malicious act) :: ρίχνω /ríchno/, γδέρνω /gdérno/
shag {n} (matted material) :: φλόκι {n} /flóki/
shag {n} (act of sexual intercourse) :: γαμήσι {n} /gamísi/
shah {n} (king of Persia) :: σάχης {m} /sáchis/
shaheed {n} (martyr) SEE: martyr ::
shake {v} (transitive: to cause to move) :: τραντάζω /trantázo/, σείω /seío/
shake {n} (beverage made of ice cream and carbonated drink) SEE: float ::
shakedown {n} (extortion) SEE: extortion ::
Shakespeare {prop} (English playwright) :: Σαίξπηρ {m} /Saíxpir/
Shakespearean {adj} (pertaining to Shakespeare or his works) :: σαιξπηρικός /saixpirikós/
Shakespearean sonnet {n} (type of sonnet) :: αγγλικό σονέτο {n} /anglikó sonéto/, σαιξπηρικό σονέτο {n} /saixpirikó sonéto/
shallot {n} (vegetable in the onion family, A. ascalonium or A. oschaninii) :: ασκαλώνιο {n} /askalónio/
shallow {adj} (having little depth and significantly less deep than wide) :: ρηχός /richós/
shallow {adj} (extending not far downward) :: ρηχός /richós/
shallow {adj} (concerned mainly with superficial matters) :: ρηχός /richós/
shallow {adj} (lacking interest or substance) :: ρηχός /richós/
shallows {n} (shallow waters) :: άβαθα {n-p} /ávatha/
shalom {interj} (transliteration of the Jewish greeting or farewell) :: σαλόμ /salóm/
shalwar {n} (garment) :: σαράβαρα /sarávara/, σαράβαλλα /sarávalla/
sham {n} (trickery, hoaxing) :: ψευδής {m} (psevdhís)
shaman {n} (a medium between the concrete and spirit worlds) :: σαμάνος /samános/, ιατρομάντης /iatromántis/
shamanism {n} (range of traditional beliefs) :: σαμανισμός {m} /samanismós/
shame {n} (uncomfortable or painful feeling) :: ντροπή {f} /dropí/
shame {n} (something to regret) :: ντροπή {f} /dropí/
shame {v} (to cause to feel shame) :: ντροπιάζω /dropiázo/
shameful {adj} (causing or meriting shame or disgrace) :: αισχυντηλός /aischyntilós/, ντροπιαστικός /dropiastikós/
shamefully {adv} (in a shamefull manner) :: ντροπιαστικά /dropiastiká/
shamefully {adv} (expresses discontent with a situation or occurrence) :: ντροπιαστικά /dropiastiká/
shamelessness {n} (The state or characteristic of being without shame) :: αδιαντροπιά {f} /adiantropiá/
shame on you {interj} (expression of disapproval) :: ντροπή σου /dropí sou/, ντροπή σας /dropí sas/
shampoo {n} (product for washing the hair or other fibres) :: σαμπουάν {n} /sampouán/
shampoo {n} (instance of washing the hair with shampoo) :: λούσιμο {n} /loúsimo/
shampoo {v} (to wash hair with shampoo) :: λούζω /loúzo/
shamrock {n} (any of several small plants, forms of clover) SEE: clover ::
shamrock {n} (trefoil leaf of any clover) :: τριφύλλι {n} /trifýlli/
Shandong {prop} (province of China) :: Σαντόνγκ /Santóngk/, Σαντούνγκ /Santoúngk/
Shang-hai {prop} (Shanghai) SEE: Shanghai ::
Shanghai {prop} (Chinese city as provincial-level municipality) :: Σανγκάη /Sangkái/
Shan-tung {prop} (Shandong) SEE: Shandong ::
shanty {n} (An old run-down house or shack) :: καλύβα {f} /kalýva/, παράγκα {f} /parágka/
shanty {n} (a sailor′s work song) :: ναυτικό τραγούδι {n} /naftikó tragoúdi/
shantytown {n} (area containing a collection of shacks and shanties) :: παραγκούπολη {f} /paragkoúpoli/
Shanxi {prop} (province of China) :: Σανσί /Sansí/
shape {n} (appearance or outline) :: μορφή {f} /morfí/
shapelessness {n} (property of being shapeless) :: αμορφία {f} /amorfía/
share {n} (financial instrument) :: μετοχή {f} /metochí/
share {n} (sharebone) SEE: pubis ::
share {n} (plowshare) SEE: plowshare ::
sharecropper {n} (a farmer paying rent with crops to the landowner) :: μεσιακάρης {m} /mesiakáris/, κολίγας {m} /kolígas/
shareholder {n} (one who owns shares of stock) :: μέτοχος {m} {f} /métochos/
sharemarket {n} (stock market) SEE: stock market ::
shareowner {n} (shareholder) SEE: shareholder ::
shari'a {n} (Islamic religious law) :: Σαρία /Saría/
sharing {n} :: μερισμός {m} /merismós/
Sharjah {prop} (one of the emirates of the United Arab Emirates) :: Σάρια {f} /Sária/
shark {n} (fish) :: καρχαρίας {m} /karcharías/
shark fin soup {n} (soup made from shark fins) :: σούπα από πτερύγια καρχαρία {f} /soúpa apó pterýgia karcharía/
sharp {adj} (able to cut easily) :: κοφτερός {m} /kofterós/
sharp {adj} (intelligent) :: έξυπνος /éxypnos/, οξυδερκής {m} {f} /oxyderkís/, οξύνους {m} {f} /oxýnous/
sharp {adj} (pointed, able to pierce easily) :: αιχμηρός {m} /aichmirós/
sharp {adj} (having an intense, acrid flavour) :: αψύς {m} /apsýs/
sharp {adj} (intense and sudden (of pain)) :: οξύς {m} /oxýs/, έντονος {m} /éntonos/
sharp {adv} (exactly) :: ακριβώς /akrivós/
sharp {n} (sign for a sharp note on the staff) :: δίεση {f} /díesi/
sharp {n} (note that is sharp in a particular key) :: δίεση {f} /díesi/
sharp {n} (cheater or dishonest person) :: απατεώνας {m} /apateónas/
sharpen {v} (to make sharp) :: ακονίζω /akonízo/
sharpie {n} (felt-tipped marker pen) SEE: felt-tip pen ::
sharpshooter {n} (marksman) :: άριστος σκοπευτής /áristos skopeftís/, επιδέξιος σκοπευτής /epidéxios skopeftís/
shashlik {n} (skewered dish) :: σασλίκ {n} /saslík/
shatterproof {adj} (difficult to break) :: άθραυστος /áthrafstos/
shave {v} (to remove hair from) :: ξυρίζω /xyrízo/
shave {v} (to remove hair from one's face) :: ξυρίζομαι /xyrízomai/
shave {n} (an instance of shaving) :: ξύρισμα {n} /xýrisma/
shaver {n} (boy) SEE: boy ::
shaver {n} (barber) SEE: barber ::
shaving {n} (A thin, shaved off slice of wood, metal, or other material) :: πριονίδια {n-p} /prionídia/ (wood), ρινίσματα {n-p} /rinísmata/ (metal)
shaving brush {n} (brush for applying shaving cream) :: πινέλο {n} /pinélo/
shawarma {n} (Middle Eastern sandwich-like wrap) :: γύρος {m} /gýros/
shawm {n} (wind instrument) :: ζουρνάς {m} /zournás/
she {pron} (person) :: αυτή /aftí/
sheaf {n} (bundle of grain or straw) :: δεμάτι {n} /demáti/
sheaf {n} (any collection of things bound together; a bundle) :: δέσμη {f} /désmi/
shear {v} (to remove the fleece from a sheep) :: κουρεύω /kourévo/
shears {n} (tool consisting of two blades with bevel edges) :: ψαλίδα {f} /psalída/
she-ass {n} (female ass, female donkey, jenny) :: γαϊδούρα {f} /gaïdoúra/
sheath {n} (scabbard) SEE: scabbard ::
sheath {n} (condom) SEE: condom ::
Sheba {prop} (biblical kingdom) :: Σαβα /Sava/
shebop {v} (masturbate) SEE: masturbate ::
shed {v} (to cast off, to let fall, be divested of) :: απορρίπτω /aporrípto/, απαλλάσσομαι /apallássomai/
shed {v} (to pour; to make flow) :: χύνω /chýno/
shed {v} (to allow to flow or fall) :: χύνω /chýno/
shed {v} (to radiate, cast, give off) :: ρίχνω /ríchno/, χύνω /chýno/
shed {n} (temporary structure to shelter something) :: παράπηγμα {n} /parápigma/, καλύβα {f} /kalýva/, αποθήκη {f} /apothíki/
she-devil {n} (bad-tempered woman) :: διαβολογυναίκα {f} /diavologynaíka/, διαβολοθήλυκο {n} /diavolothílyko/, διαβόλισσα {f} /diavólissa/
shed light on {v} (to illuminate) :: ρίχνω φως /ríchno fos/
sheen {n} (splendor; radiance; shininess) :: στιλπνότητα {f} /stilpnótita/, λαμπρότητα {f} /lamprótita/, γυαλάδα {f} /gyaláda/
sheen {v} (shine; glisten) :: λάμπω /lámpo/, γυαλίζω /gyalízo/
sheep {n} (animal) :: πρόβατο {n} /próvato/
sheep {n} (one who behaves shyly) :: πρόβατο {n} /próvato/
sheepcote {n} (small building for sheltering sheep) :: ποιμνιοστάσιο {n} /poimniostásio/
sheepdog {n} (dog used for herding sheep) :: τσοπανόσκυλο {n} /tsopanóskylo/
sheepherder {n} (shepherd) SEE: shepherd ::
sheepish {adj} (shy, meek, shameful or embarrassed) :: ντροπαλός /dropalós/
sheeple {n} (the sheeple, one of the sheeple) :: πρόβατα {n-p} /próvata/
sheer {adj} (pure) SEE: pure ::
sheer {n} (nautical: curve of main deck) :: βιάρισμα {n} /viárisma/, λουνάδα {f} /lounáda/, καραβίζι {n} /karavízi/, σιμότητα {f} /simótita/
sheet {n} (sheet of paper) :: φύλλο {n} /fýllo/
sheet {n} (flat metal pan for baking) :: λαμαρίνα {f} /lamarína/
sheet {n} (thin, flat layer of solid material) :: φύλλο {n} /fýllo/
sheet {n} (expanse of material on a surface) :: επίστρωμα {n} /epístroma/, στρώμα {n} /stróma/
sheet {n} (sail) :: σκότα {f} /skóta/
sheet {n} (thin bed cloth) SEE: bedsheet ::
sheet metal {n} (Metal worked into a thin, flat sheet) :: λαμαρίνα {f} /lamarína/
sheet music {n} (hand-written or printed form of musical notation) :: παρτιτούρα /partitoúra/
Sheffield {prop} (city) :: Σέφιλντ /Séfilnt/
she-goat {n} (female goat) :: αίγα {f} /aíga/
sheik {n} (leader of an Arab village, family or small tribe) :: σεΐχης {m} /seḯchis/
sheik {n} (Islamic religious clergy) :: σεΐχης {m} /seḯchis/
sheik {n} (Gulf countries: official title for members of the royal family) :: σεΐχης {m} /seḯchis/
sheik {n} (1920s: romantic lover) :: γόης /góis/
shelduck {n} (waterfowl) :: βαρβάρα {f} /varvára/
shelf {n} (structure) :: ράφι {n} /ráfi/
shell {n} (hard calcareous or chitinous external covering of many invertebrates) :: όστρακο {n} /óstrako/
shell {n} (hard covering of an egg) :: κέλυφος {n} /kélyfos/
shell {n} (covering of a nut) :: κέλυφος {n} /kélyfos/
shell {n} (pod) :: κάψα {f} /kápsa/
shell {n} (overlapping hard plates comprising the armor covering armadillo's body) :: κέλυφος {n} /kélyfos/
shell {n} (casing of an artillery projectile) :: κάλυκας {m} /kálykas/
shell {n} (hollow usually spherical or cylindrical projectile fired from a mortar or a cannon) :: οβίδα {f} /ovída/
shell {n} (cartridge of a breechloading firearm) :: φυσίγγιο {n} /fysíngio/
shell {n} (music: body of a drum) :: τύμπανο {n} /týmpano/
shell {n} (computing: general-purpose environment) :: κέλυφος {n} /kélyfos/
shellfish {n} (aquatic food that has a shell) :: οστρακόδερμο {n} /ostrakódermo/
shell script {n} (file containing instructions for the shell) :: σενάριο φλοιού {n} /senário floioú/
shelter {n} (a refuge or other protection) :: καταφύγιο {n} /katafýgio/
shelter {n} (institution) :: άσυλο {n} /ásylo/, στέγη {f} /stégi/
shelter {v} (transitive, to provide cover) :: προστατεύω /prostatévo/, προσφέρω καταφύγιο /prosféro katafýgio/
shepherd {n} (a person who tends sheep) :: βοσκός {m} /voskós/, τσοπάνης {m} /tsopánis/
shepherdess {n} (female shepherd) :: βοσκή {f} /voskí/
shepherd's purse {n} (Capsella bursa-pastoris) :: αγριοκαρδαμούδα {f} /agriokardamoúda/
Sheremetyevo {prop} (airport in Russia) :: Σερεμέτιεβο /Seremétievo/
sheriff {n} (all meanings) :: σερίφης {m} /serífis/
Sherlock Holmes {prop} (fictional detective) :: Σέρλοκ Χολμς {m} /Sérlok Cholms/
she's unconscious {phrase} (she's unconscious) :: είναι αναίσθητη /eínai anaísthiti/
Shetland {prop} (Shetland Islands) SEE: Shetland Islands ::
Shetland Islands {prop} (group of islands) :: Νήσοι Σέτλαντ /Nísoi Sétlant/, Νησιά Σέτλαντ /Nisiá Sétlant/
she-wolf {n} (female wolf) :: λύκαινα {f} /lýkaina/
Shia Islam {prop} (denomination of Islam) :: σιϊσμός {m} /siïsmós/
Shibuya {prop} (one of the special wards that form Tokyo) :: Σιμπούγια {f} /Simpoúgia/
shield {n} (lavatory) SEE: toilet ::
shield {n} (outhouse) SEE: outhouse ::
shield {n} (armor) :: ασπίδα {f} /aspída/
shield {n} (anything that protects or defends) :: ασπίδα {f} /aspída/
shield {n} (figuratively, one who protects or defends) :: ασπίδα {f} /aspída/
shield {n} (sci fi: a field of energy that protects or defends) :: ασπίδα {f} /aspída/
shield {v} (to protect, to defend) :: προστατεύω /prostatévo/, προφυλάσσω /profylásso/
shift {n} (type of women's undergarment) SEE: slip ::
shift {n} (change of workers) :: βάρδια {f} /várdia/
shifty {adj} (Having the appearance of someone dishonest, criminal or unreliable) :: πονηρός {m} /ponirós/, πανούργος {m} /panoúrgos/
shiitake {n} (Lentinula edodes, an edible mushroom) :: σιτάκε {n} /sitáke/
shill {n} (a person paid to endorse a product favourably) :: αβανταδόρος {m} /avantadóros/
shilling {n} (former coin) :: σελίνι {n} /selíni/
shimmer {v} (to shine with a veiled light; to gleam faintly; to glisten; to glimmer) :: λαμπυρίζω /lampyrízo/, τρεμοφέγγω /tremoféngo/
shimmer {n} (faint or veiled and tremulous gleam or shining; a glimmer) :: λαμπύρισμα {n} /lampýrisma/, μαρμαρυγή {f} /marmarygí/
Shimshon {prop} (given name) SEE: Samson ::
shin {n} (front part of the leg below the knee) :: αντικνήμιο {n} /antiknímio/, κνήμη {f} /kními/, [colloquial] καλάμι {n} /kalámi/
shine {v} (to emit light) :: ακτινοβολώ /aktinovoló/
shiner {n} (black eye) SEE: black eye ::
shingles {n} (herpes zoster) :: έρπης ζωστήρ {m} /érpis zostír/
shining {adj} (emitting light) :: λαμπρός {m} /lamprós/
Shinto {prop} (religion) :: ςιντοϊσμός {m} /sintoïsmós/
Shintoism {prop} (Shinto) SEE: Shinto ::
ship {n} (large water vessel) :: πλοίο {n} /ploío/, καράβι {n} /karávi/
ship {v} (to send a parcel or container) :: αποστέλλω /apostéllo/
ship {v} (to send by water-borne transport) :: αποστέλλω /apostéllo/, μεταφέρω /metaféro/
shipbuilder {n} (person) :: ναυπηγός {m} {f} /nafpigós/
shipper {n} (the person or organization that ships (sends) something) :: ναυλωτής {m} /navlotís/, αποστολέας {m} /apostoléas/
shipwreck {n} (A ship that has sunk or run aground so that it is no longer seaworthy.) :: ναυάγιο {n} /navágio/
shipwreck {n} (An event where a ship sinks or runs aground.) :: ναυάγιο {n} /navágio/
shipwright {n} (person) :: ναυπηγός {m} {f} /nafpigós/
shipyard {n} (place to build and repair ships) :: ναυπηγείο {n} /nafpigeío/
shirk {v} (avoid a duty) :: λουφάρω /loufáro/
shirt {n} (article of clothing) :: πουκάμισο {n} /poukámiso/
shisha {n} (arabic water-pipe) SEE: hookah ::
shit {n} :: σκατό {n} /skató/, σκατά {p} /skatá/ [more common], κόπρανα {p} /kóprana/ [formal]
shit {n} (rubbish) :: σκατά {n-p} /skatá/
shit {n} (nasty, despicable person) :: σκατό {n} /skató/, μουνί {n} /mouní/
shit {v} :: χέζω /chézo/
shit {interj} (expression of worry, failure) :: σκατά! /skatá!/
shit happens {phrase} (expression of acceptance of misfortune) SEE: such is life ::
shithole {n} (anus) SEE: asshole ::
shithole {n} (unpleasant person) SEE: asshole ::
shithole {n} (dirty or unpleasant place) :: κωλόμερος {n} /kolómeros/
shithouse {adj} (Of poor quality) SEE: shitty ::
shit oneself {v} (vulgar slang: be very scared) :: χέζομαι /chézomai/
shit oneself {v} (vulgar slang: soil oneself) SEE: soil oneself ::
shits {n} (vulgar slang for diarrhea) :: διάρροια {f} /diárroia/
shitter {n} (coarse slang for the anus) SEE: anus ::
shitty {adj} (drunk) SEE: drunk ::
shitty {adj} (high) SEE: high ::
shitty {adj} (unpleasant as shit) :: σκατένιος /skaténios/
shitty {adj} (Of such poor quality as to resemble shit) :: του κώλου /tou kólou/, για πέταμα /gia pétama/
Shiva {prop} (deity) :: Σίβα {f} /Síva/
shiver {v} (to tremble or shake) :: ριγώ /rigó/, τουρτουρίζω /tourtourízo/
Shlomo {prop} (given name) SEE: Solomon ::
Shoah {prop} (the systematic mass murder of 6 million Jews) SEE: Holocaust ::
shoal {n} (group of fish) SEE: school ::
shoal {n} (sandbank) :: ρηχά {n-p} /richá/, ύφαλος {m} /ýfalos/
shock {n} (sudden, heavy impact) :: κλονισμός {m} /klonismós/, κραδασμός {m} /kradasmós/
shock {n} (electric shock) :: ηλεκτροπληξία {f} /ilektroplixía/
shock {n} (tuft or bunch) :: θημωνιά {f} /thimoniá/
shock {v} (to cause to be emotionally shocked) :: συγκλονίζω /sygklonízo/
shock {n} (arrangement of sheaves for drying) SEE: stook ::
shock absorber {n} (device to absorb shocks) :: αμορτισέρ {n} /amortisér/
shock and awe {n} (doctrine based on the use of spectacular displays of force) :: σοκ και δέος /sok kai déos/
shoddy {adj} (of poor quality) :: φτηνός /ftinós/, κακής ποιότητας /kakís poiótitas/
shoe {n} (protective covering for the foot) :: παπούτσι {n} /papoútsi/, υπόδημα {n} /ypódima/
shoe {n} (something resembling a shoe (e.g. brake shoe)) :: πέδιλο {n} /pédilo/
shoe {v} (to put horseshoes on a horse) :: πεταλώνω /petalóno/
shoe {n} (piece of metal designed to be attached to a horse’s foot) SEE: horseshoe ::
shoebill {n} (wading bird) :: φαλαινοκέφαλος {m} /falainokéfalos/
shoeblack {n} (shoeshiner) SEE: shoeshiner ::
shoehorn {n} (tool used to assist the foot) :: κόκαλο {n} /kókalo/
shoelace {n} (for fastening a shoe, see also: lace) :: κορδόνι {n} /kordóni/
shoemaker {n} (a person who makes shoes) :: παπουτσής {m} /papoutsís/, υποδηματοποιός {m} /ypodimatopoiós/, τσαγκάρης {m} /tsagkáris/
shoeshine boy {n} (shoeshiner) SEE: shoeshiner ::
shoeshine girl {n} (shoeshiner) SEE: shoeshiner ::
shoeshiner {n} (person who shines shoes) :: λούστρος {m} /loústros/
shoe shop {n} (a shop that sells footwear and related items) :: υποδηματοπωλείο {n} /ypodimatopoleío/
shoe store {n} (shoe shop) SEE: shoe shop ::
shoestring {n} (the string or lace used to secure the shoe to the foot; a shoelace) SEE: shoelace ::
shoewear {n} :: υποδήματα {n-p} /ypodímata/
shoo {v} (to induce someone to leave) :: διώχνω /dióchno/
shoo {interj} (go away) :: ουστ /oust/, ξουτ /xout/, δίνε του /díne tou/
shoo {v} (usher) SEE: usher ::
shoot {v} (to fire a shot) :: ρίχνω /ríchno/
shoot {v} (to hit with a shot) :: πυροβολώ /pyrovoló/
shooting range {n} (a facility designed for firearms practice) :: σκοπευτήριο {n} /skopeftírio/, πεδίο βολής {n} /pedío volís/
shooting star {n} (meteor) :: διάττοντας αστέρας {m} /diáttontas astéras/
shoot oneself in the foot {v} (to act against one's own interest) :: βάζω τα χεράκια μου και βγάζω τα ματάκια μου /vázo ta cherákia mou kai vgázo ta matákia mou/
shootout {n} (decisive battle) :: πιστολίδι {n} /pistolídi/
shop {n} (establishment that sells goods) :: μαγαζί {n} /magazí/, κατάστημα {n} /katástima/
shop {n} (workshop) :: εργαστήριο {n} /ergastírio/, συνεργείο {n} /synergeío/
shop {v} (to visit shops) :: ψωνίζω /psonízo/
shopgirl {n} (a girl or young woman who works in a shop) :: πωλήτρια {f} /polítria/
shoppe {n} (shop) SEE: shop ::
shopping cart {n} (conveyance used to carry items while shopping) :: καροτσάκι {n} /karotsáki/
shopping center {n} (shopping centre) SEE: shopping centre ::
shopping centre {n} (large retail outlet) :: εμπορικό κέντρο {m} /emporikó kéntro/
shopping list {n} (list of items that need to be bought) :: λίστα με τα ψώνια {f} /lísta me ta psónia/
shopping mall {n} (shopping centre) SEE: shopping centre ::
shopping trolley {n} (shopping cart) SEE: shopping cart ::
shop window {n} (large window at the front of a shop) :: βιτρίνα {f} /vitrína/
shore {n} (land adjoining a large body of water) :: ακτή {f} /aktí/
shoreline {n} (the divide between land and water) :: ακτή {f} /aktí/
short {adj} (of a person, of comparatively small height) :: κοντός /kontós/
short {n} (short circuit) SEE: short circuit ::
short circuit {n} (unintentional connection) :: βραχυκύκλωμα {n} /vrachykýkloma/
short circuit {v} (cause a short circuit) :: βραχυκυκλώνω /vrachykyklóno/
shortcut {n} (path) :: παραδρόμι {n} /paradrómi/, παράκαμψη {f} /parákampsi/
shortcut {n} (method) :: παράκαμψη {f} /parákampsi/, συντόμευση {f} /syntómefsi/
shortcut {n} (symlink) :: συντόμευση {f} /syntómefsi/
shortcut {n} (keyboard shortcut) SEE: keyboard shortcut ::
shortcut key {n} (a key that allows quick access to a prgramme or task) :: πλήκτρο συντόμευσης {f} /plíktro syntómefsis/
shorten {v} (to make shorter) :: συμπτύσσω /symptýsso/
shortening {n} (reduction in length) :: βράχυνση {f} /vráchynsi/, σύμπτυξη {f} /sýmptyxi/, κόντεμα {n} /kóntema/
shorthand {n} (rough and rapid method of writing) :: ταχυγραφία {f} /tachygrafía/, στενογραφία {f} /stenografía/
shorthand {n} (brief or shortened way of saying or doing something) :: συντομογραφία {f} /syntomografía/
shorthand typist {n} (shorthand typist) :: στενογράφος {c} /stenográfos/
short message service {n} :: υπηρεσία βραχέων μηνυμάτων {f} /ypiresía vrachéon minymáton/
shortness of breath {n} (dyspnea) :: δύσπνοια /dýspnoia/
short of {phrase} (except) SEE: except ::
shorts {n} (plural of short) SEE: short ::
shorts {n} (pants worn primarily in the summer that do not go lower than the knees) :: σορτς {n} /sorts/, σορτσάκι {n} /sortsáki/, παντελονάκι {n} /pantelonáki/
short-sighted {adj} (myopic) SEE: myopic ::
short-sightedness {n} (disorder of the vision) SEE: nearsightedness ::
short story {n} (work of fiction) :: διήγημα {n} /diígima/
short-tailed weasel {n} (Mustela erminea) SEE: ermine ::
short-term {adj} (of the near or immediate future) :: βραχυπρόθεσμος /vrachypróthesmos/
shot {n} (result of launching a projectile) :: βολή {f} /volí/, πυροβολισμός {m} /pyrovolismós/
shot {n} (launching of a ball or similar object toward a goal) :: βολή {f} /volí/
shot {n} (small metal balls used as ammunition) :: σκάγια {n-p} /skágia/
Shota {prop} (male given name) :: Σότα /Sóta/
shot put {n} (athletics event) :: σφαιροβολία {f} /sfairovolía/, σφαίρα {f} /sfaíra/
shoulder {n} (joint between arm and torso) :: ώμος {m} /ómos/
shoulder blade {n} (bone) :: ωμοπλάτη {f} /omopláti/
shoulder bone {n} (shoulder blade) SEE: shoulder blade ::
shout {n} (a loud burst of voice) :: κραυγή {f} /kravgí/
shout {v} (to utter a sudden and loud outcry) :: φωνάζω /fonázo/
shout {v} (to buy food or drinks for others) :: κερνάω /kernáo/
shovel {n} (spade) SEE: spade ::
shovel {n} (tool for moving portions of material) :: φτυάρι {n} /ftyári/
shovel {v} (to move materials with a shovel) :: φτυαρίζω /ftyarízo/
show {v} (to display) :: εμφανίζω /emfanízo/, παρουσιάζω /parousiázo/, δείχνω /deíchno/
show {v} (to indicate (a fact) to be true) :: αποδεικνύω /apodeiknýo/
show {v} (to be visible) :: φαίνομαι /faínomai/
show {n} (entertainment) :: θέαμα {n} /théama/, σόου {n} /sóou/
show {n} (exhibition) :: έκθεση {f} /ékthesi/
show {n} (demonstration) :: επίδειξη {f} /epídeixi/
show {n} (broadcast program(me)) :: εκπομπή {f} /ekpompí/
show {v} (to bestow; confer) SEE: bestow ::
showcase {n} (a setting for displaying something favorably) :: βιτρίνα {f} /vitrína/
shower {n} (brief fall of rain) :: ψιχάλισμα {n} /psichálisma/, ψιλόβροχο {n} /psilóvrocho/, βροχούλα {f} /vrochoúla/
shower {n} (device for bathing) :: ντουζιέρα {f} /douziéra/, [technical jargon] καταιονητήρας {m} /kataionitíras/
shower {n} (instance of using of this device) :: ντουζ {n} /douz/, [technical jargon] καταιονισμός {m} /kataionismós/
show trial {n} (trial held for appearance's sake) :: δίκη-παρωδία {f} /díki-parodía/
shrapnel {n} (fragments and debris thrown out by an exploding device) :: θραύσμα {n} /thráfsma/
shrapnel {n} (loose change) SEE: loose change ::
shred {v} (to cut or tear into narrow pieces or strips) :: κομματιάζω /kommatiázo/
shredded {adj} (cut or torn into narrow pieces) :: τριμμένος /trimménos/
shrew {n} (mouselike animal) :: νανομυγαλίδα /nanomygalída/
shrimp {n} (decapod crustacean) :: γαρίδα {f} /garída/
shrimp {n} (flesh of the crustacean) :: γαρίδα {f} /garída/
shrine {n} (a holy place dedicated to a specific figure of respect) :: βωμός {m} /vomós/, ναός {m} /naós/
shrine {n} (a case, box, or receptacle, especially one in which are deposited sacred relics) :: λάρνακα {f} /lárnaka/, λειψανοθήκη {f} /leipsanothíki/
shrine {v} (enshrine) SEE: enshrine ::
shrink {v} (intransitive: to contract, to become smaller) :: μπάζω /bázo/
shrink {v} (transitive: to cause something to shrink) :: συρρικνώνω /syrriknóno/
shrink {v} (to cower) :: μαζεύομαι /mazévomai/, ζαρώνω /zaróno/, αποτραβιέμαι /apotraviémai/
shrink {v} (intransitive: to attempt to avoid an unwanted or intimidating duty) :: λουφάρω /loufáro/
shrink {n} (psychiatrist or therapist (informal, belittling)) :: τρελογιατρός /trelogiatrós/
shrinking violet {n} (very shy person) :: χαμηλοβλεπούσα {f} /chamilovlepoúsa/
shrive {v} (confess) SEE: confess ::
shroom {n} (mushroom) SEE: mushroom ::
shroom {n} (hallucinogenic fungus) SEE: magic mushroom ::
shroud {n} (dress for the dead) :: σάβανο {n} /sávano/
shrub {n} (woody plant) :: θάμνος {m} /thámnos/
shun {v} (to avoid) :: αποφεύγω /apofévgo/
shun {v} (to escape) :: αποφεύγω /apofévgo/
shut {v} ((transitive) to close) :: κλείνω /kleíno/
shutdown {n} (action of closing) :: διακοπή {f} /diakopí/
shut one's trap {v} (shut up) SEE: shut up ::
shutter {n} (protective panels over windows) :: παραθυρόφυλλο {n} /parathyrófyllo/
shutter {n} (part of a camera) :: διάφραγμα {n} /diáfragma/
shutterer {n} (construction worker) :: καλουπατζής {m} /kaloupatzís/
shuttering {n} (shuttering) SEE: formwork ::
shuttle {n} (part of a loom) :: σαΐτα {f} /saḯta/
shuttle {v} (to go back and forth) :: πηγαινοέρχομαι /pigainoérchomai/
shuttle {v} (to transport by shuttle) :: διαβιβάζω /diavivázo/, μεταφέρω /metaféro/
shuttlecock {n} (badminton ball) :: φτερό {n} /fteró/
shut up {v} (imperative: "Shut up!", see also: hold one's tongue) :: σκασμός /skasmós/, σκάσε /skáse/, βούλωσέ το /voúlosé to/, ησυχία (isikhía) informal, πάψε (pápse) informal
shut up {v} ("I don't believe it!") :: έλα /éla/, άντε /ánte/, τι λες τώρα /ti les tóra/, σώπα /sópa/, τι μου λες /ti mou les/
shvitz {n} (sweat) SEE: sweat ::
shy {adj} (easily frightened) :: ντροπαλός /dropalós/, φοβητσιάρης /fovitsiáris/
shy {adj} (reserved) :: ντροπαλός {m} /dropalós/ ντροπαλή {f}
shylock {n} (loan shark) SEE: loan shark ::
shyly {adv} (in a shy manner) :: ντροπαλά /dropalá/
shyness {n} (quality of being shy) :: ντροπαλότητα {f} /dropalótita/, ντροπαλοσύνη {f} /dropalosýni/
shyster {n} (someone who acts in a disreputable, unethical, or unscrupulous way) :: δικολάβος {m} /dikolávos/
Siatista {prop} (a city in Greece) :: Σιάτιστα {f} /Siátista/
sib {n} (sibling) SEE: sibling ::
sib {n} (kindred) SEE: kin ::
Siberia {prop} (region of Russia) :: Σιβηρία {f} /Siviría/
Siberian {adj} (from, of or pertaining to Siberia) :: σιβηρικός /sivirikós/
Siberian Husky {n} (Siberian Husky dog) :: σιβηρικό χάσκυ {m} /sivirikó chásky/
sibilant {adj} (characterized by a hissing sound) :: συριστικός /syristikós/
sibling {n} (person who shares same parents) :: αδέλφι /adélfi/
sibyl {n} (a pagan female oracle) :: Σίβυλλα {f} /Sívylla/
sic {adv} (thus, thus written) :: αυτολεξεί /aftolexeí/
Sichuan {prop} (a province in China) :: Σιτσουάν /Sitsouán/
Sicilian {adj} (relating to Sicily or its inhabitants) :: σικελικός /sikelikós/
Sicilian {prop} (language) :: σικελικά {n-p} /sikeliká/, σικελική γλώσσα {f} /sikelikí glóssa/
Sicilian {n} (person) :: Σικελός {m} /Sikelós/, Σικελή {f} /Sikelí/
Sicilian {n} (chess opening) SEE: Sicilian Defence ::
Sicilian Defence {prop} (chess opening) :: σικελική άμυνα {f} /sikelikí ámyna/
Sicily {prop} (island) :: Σικελία {f} /Sikelía/
sick {adj} (colloquial: mentally unstable, disturbed) :: άρρωστος /árrostos/
sick {adj} (colloquial: in bad taste) :: αρρωστημένος /arrostiménos/, νοσηρός /nosirós/
sick {adj} (ill) SEE: ill ::
sick and tired {adj} (frustrated and annoyed) SEE: fed up ::
sickhouse {n} (infirmary) SEE: infirmary ::
sickle {n} (agricultural implement) :: δρεπάνι {n} /drepáni/
sick leave {n} (a type of leave from work) :: αναρρωτική άδεια {f} /anarrotikí ádeia/
sick man of Europe {prop} (Ottoman Empire) :: μεγάλος ασθενής {m} /megálos asthenís/
sickness {n} (the quality or state of being sick or diseased; illness; disease or malady) :: ασθένεια {f} /asthéneia/; Ionic: νοῦσος {f} /noῦsos/
sickness {n} (nausea; qualmishness; as, sickness of stomach) :: ναυτία {f} /naftía/
side {n} (bounding straight edge of an object) :: πλευρό {n} /plevró/
side {n} (surface of a sheet of paper) :: σελίδα /selída/
side {n} (television channel) SEE: channel ::
sideboard {n} (sideburns) SEE: sideburns ::
sideboard {n} (furniture) :: σκευοθήκη {f} /skevothíki/
sideburn {n} (sideburns) SEE: sideburns ::
sideburns {n} (facial hair reaching from the top of the head down the side of the face to the side of the chin) :: φαβορίτες {f-p} /favorítes/
side effect {n} (unintended consequence of any action) :: παρενέργεια {f} /parenérgeia/
side effect {n} (medicine: an adverse effect) :: παρενέργεια {f} /parenérgeia/
sidehead {n} (a subheading) :: πλαγιότιτλος {m} /plagiótitlos/
sidekick {n} (assistant) :: βοηθός {m} {f} /voïthós/
Siderian {prop} (Siderian period) :: Σιδέρια {f} /Sidéria/
sidewalk {n} (paved footpath) :: πεζοδρόμιο {n} /pezodrómio/
Sidon {prop} (city state of Phoenicia) :: Σιδών {f} /Sidón/, Σιδώνα {f} /Sidóna/
siege {n} (lavatory) SEE: toilet ::
siege {n} (outhouse) SEE: outhouse ::
siege {n} (military blockade of settlement) :: πολιορκία /poliorkía/
siege {v} (besiege) SEE: besiege ::
siege engine {n} (large weapon of war to batter fortifications) :: πολιορκητική μηχανή {m} /poliorkitikí michaní/
Sieg Heil {phrase} (Nazi greeting) :: Ζήτω η Νίκη /Zíto i Níki/
siemens {n} (derived unit of electrical conductance) :: ζήμενς {n} /zímens/
Siena {prop} (province) :: Σιένα {f} /Siéna/
Siena {prop} (city) :: Σιένα {f} /Siéna/
Sierra Leone {prop} (Republic of Sierra Leone) :: Σιέρρα Λεόνε {f} /Siérra Leóne/
siesta {n} (an afternoon nap) :: σιέστα {f} /siésta/
sieve {n} (device to separate larger objects from smaller ones or from liquids) :: κόσκινο {n} /kóskino/, κρισάρα {f} /krisára/
sigh {v} (to inhale a larger quantity of air than usual, and immediately expel it) :: αναστενάζω /anastenázo/
sigh {n} (act of sighing) :: αναστεναγμός {m} /anastenagmós/
sight {n} (something seen) :: θέαμα {n} /théama/
sight {n} (something worth seeing) :: αξιοθέατο {n} /axiothéato/
sight {n} (device used in aiming a firearm) :: στόχαστρο {n} /stóchastro/
sight {v} (visually register) :: βλέπω /vlépo/
sight {n} (eyesight) SEE: eyesight ::
sigil {n} (seal, signature or signet) :: σφραγίδα {f} /sfragída/
sigma {n} (letter of the Greek alphabet) :: σίγμα {n} /sígma/
sign {n} (visible indication) :: σημάδι /simádi/
sign {n} (flat object bearing a message) :: σήμα {n} /síma/
sign {n} (astrological sign, see also: astrological sign) :: ζώδιο {n} /zódio/
sign {n} (math: positive or negative polarity) :: πρόσημο {n} /prósimo/
sign {n} (omen, see also: omen) :: σημάδι {n} /simádi/, οιωνός {m} /oionós/
sign {n} (meaningful gesture) :: σήμα {n} /síma/
sign {n} (any of several specialized non-alphabetic symbols) :: σύμβολο {n} /sýmvolo/
sign {v} (to make (a document) official by writing one's signature) :: υπογράφω /ypográfo/
sign {v} (to write one's signature on a document) :: υπογράφω /ypográfo/
sign {v} (to write one's signature somewhere) :: υπογράφω /ypográfo/
signal {n} (sign made to give notice) :: σήμα {n} /síma/
signature {n} (person’s autograph name) :: υπογραφή {f} /ypografí/
significance {n} (meaning) :: νόημα {n} /nóima/
significantly {adv} (in a significant manner: notably) :: αξιοσημείωτα /axiosimeíota/
signified {n} (concept evoked by a sign) :: σημαινόμενο {n} /simainómeno/
sign language {n} (sign language) :: νοηματική γλώσσα {f} /noïmatikí glóssa/
sign of the cross {n} (gesture) :: σταυρός {m} /stavrós/
signpost {n} (post bearing a sign that gives information on directions) :: οδοδείκτης {m} /ododeíktis/
silence {n} (lack of any sound) :: σιωπή {f} /siopí/, σιγή {f} /sigí/, ησυχία {f} /isychía/
silence {n} (right to not speak during arrest) :: σιωπή {f} /siopí/
silence {n} (not speaking as meditation or prayer) :: σιωπή {f} /siopí/
silence is golden {proverb} (proverb) :: η σιωπή είναι χρυσός /i siopí eínai chrysós/
silencer {n} (attachment) :: σιγαστήρας {m} /sigastíras/
silent {adj} (free from sound or noise; absolutely still; perfectly quiet) :: αθόρυβος /athóryvos/
silent {adj} (not pronounced; having no sound; quiescent) :: αθόρυβος /athóryvos/
silent {adj} :: σιωπηλός /siopilós/
silent {adj} (to refrain from speaking) SEE: be silent ::
silently {adv} (in a silent manner; making no noise) :: αθόρυβα /athóryva/
Silesia {prop} (region) :: Σιλεσία /Silesía/
silhouette {n} (representation of the outlines of an object filled in with a black color) :: σιλουέτα {f} /silouéta/
Siliana {prop} (Tunisian town) :: Σιλγιάνα {f} /Silgiána/, Σιλιάνα /Siliána/
silicon {n} (non-metallic element) :: πυρίτιο {n} /pyrítio/
silicon dioxide {n} (SiO2) :: διοξείδιο πυριτίου /dioxeídio pyritíou/
silicosis {n} (silica dust pneumoconiosis) :: πυριτίαση {f} /pyritíasi/
silk {n} (fiber) :: μέταξα {f} /métaxa/, [colloquial] μετάξι {n} /metáxi/
silk {n} (fabric) :: μετάξι {n} /metáxi/
silk-screen printing {n} (screen printing) SEE: screen printing ::
silkworm {n} (caterpillar) :: μεταξοσκώληκας {m} /metaxoskólikas/
sill {n} (base of a window) :: περβάζι {n} /pervázi/
sill {n} (horizontal member bearing the upright portion of a frame) :: κατώφλι {n} /katófli/
sill {n} (layer of igneous rock) :: στρωματοειδής φλέβα {f} /stromatoeidís fléva/
silly {adj} (foolish, showing a lack of good sense and wisdom) :: σαχλός /sachlós/, χαζός /chazós/, ανόητος /anóitos/
silly {adj} (playful, giggly) :: σαχλός /sachlós/
Silurian {prop} (Silurian period) :: Σιλούρια {f} /Siloúria/
Silvanus {prop} (biblical character) :: Σιλουανός {m} /Silouanós/
Silvanus {prop} (male given name) :: Σιλουανός {m} /Silouanós/
silver {n} (metal) :: άργυρος {m} /árgyros/, ασήμι {n} /asími/
silver {n} (items made of silver or other white metal) :: ασημικά {n-p} /asimiká/
silver {adj} (made from silver) :: ασημένιος /asiménios/, αργυρός /argyrós/
silver ball {n} (pinball) SEE: pinball ::
silverberry {n} (plant) SEE: oleaster ::
silver bullet {n} (bullet made of silver) :: ασημένια σφαίρα {f} /asiménia sfaíra/
silver bullet {n} (solution perceived to have great effectiveness or bring miraculous results) :: μαγική συνταγή {f} /magikí syntagí/
silver mine {n} (mine for silver) :: αργυρωρυχείο {n} /argyrorycheío/
silvern {adj} (made from silver) SEE: silver ::
silversmith {n} (person who makes articles out of silver) :: αργυροχόος /argyrochóos/
silverware {n} ((US) knives, forks and spoons) :: ασημικά {n-p} /asimiká/, αργυρά σκεύη {n-p} /argyrá skévi/
Silvia {prop} (female given name) :: Σίλβια {f} /Sílvia/
SIM card {n} (small, removable card which stores mobile phone data) :: κάρτα SIM {f} /kárta SIM/
Simferopol {prop} (city) :: Συμφερόπολη /Symferópoli/
simian {adj} (resembling an ape) :: πιθηκοειδής {m} /pithikoeidís/, πιθηκόμορφος {m} /pithikómorfos/
similar {adj} (having traits or characteristics in common; alike, comparable) :: παρόμοιος /parómoios/, όμοιος /ómoios/
similar {adj} (of geometric figures, having the same shape) :: όμοιος /ómoios/
simile {n} (figure of speech in which one thing is compared to another) :: παρομοίωση {f} /paromoíosi/
simit {n} (ring-shaped bread roll) :: κουλούρι /kouloúri/
simmer {v} ((intransitive) to cook or undergo heating slowly) :: σιγοβράζω /sigovrázo/
simmer {v} ((transitive) to cause to cook or undergo heating slowly) :: σιγοβράζω /sigovrázo/
simmer {n} (process of simmering) :: σιγοβράσιμο {n} /sigovrásimo/
simmer down {v} (to become less angry) :: κατευνάζομαι /katevnázomai/
simony {n} (act of buying or selling spiritual things) :: σιμωνία {f} /simonía/
simoom {n} (hot, dry wind) :: σιμούν /simoún/
simple {adj} (uncomplicated) :: απλός /aplós/
simple harmonic motion {n} (oscillating motion) :: απλή αρμονική ταλάντωση {f} /aplí armonikí talántosi/
simple past {n} (the simple past tense) :: αόριστος {m} /aóristos/
simpleton {n} (simple-minded naive person lacking common sense) :: απλοϊκός {m} /aploïkós/, αφελής {m} /afelís/, βλαξ {m} /vlax/, κορόιδο {n} /koróido/, χαζός {m} /chazós/, μωρός {m} /morós/
simplex {adj} (unidirectional) :: μονόδρομος /monódromos/
simplicity {n} (quality or state of being simple, unmixed, or uncompounded; as, the simplicity of metals or of earths) :: απλότητα {f} /aplótita/
simplicity {n} (quality or state of being not complex, or of consisting of few parts) :: απλότητα {f} /aplótita/
simplicity {n} (artlessness of mind; freedom from cunning or duplicity; lack of acuteness and sagacity) :: αφέλεια {f} /aféleia/, απλοϊκότητα {f} /aploïkótita/
simplicity {n} (freedom from artificial ornament, pretentious style, or luxury) :: λιτότητα {f} /litótita/, απλότητα {f} /aplótita/
simplicity {n} (freedom from subtlety or abstruseness; clearness) :: απλότητα {f} /aplótita/
simplicity {n} (freedom from complication; efficiency) :: απλότητα {f} /aplótita/
simplicity {n} (weakness of intellect; silliness; folly) :: απλοϊκότητα {f} /aploïkótita/
simplification {n} (act of simplifying) :: απλούστευση {f} /aploústefsi/, απλοποίηση {f} /aplopoíisi/
Simplified Chinese {prop} (Chinese written using simplified characters) :: τα απλουστευμένα κινέζικα /ta aploustevména kinézika/
simplify {v} (to make simpler) :: απλοποιώ /aplopoió/
simply {adv} (in a simple manner) :: απλά /aplá/
simulacrum {n} (image or representation) :: απείκασμα {n} /apeíkasma/, επίφαση {f} /epífasi/
simultaneous {adj} (occurring at the same time) :: ταυτόχρονος /taftóchronos/
simultaneous interpretation {n} (type of oral translation) :: ταυτόχρονη διερμηνεία {f} /taftóchroni diermineía/
simultaneous interpreting {n} (simultaneous interpretation) SEE: simultaneous interpretation ::
simultaneously {adv} (occurring at the same time) :: ταυτόχρονα /taftóchrona/
sin {n} (violation of religious law) :: αμάρτημα {n} /amártima/, αμαρτία {f} /amartía/
sin {n} (misdeed) :: παράπτωμα {n} /paráptoma/
sin {v} (to commit a sin) :: αμαρτάνω /amartáno/
Sinaloa {prop} (state of Mexico) :: Σιναλόα {n} /Sinalóa/
since {adv} (from a specified time in the past) :: από τότε /apó tóte/
since {prep} (from (time)) :: από /apó/, εδώ και /edó kai/
since {conj} (from the time that) :: από τότε που /apó tóte pou/, έκτοτε /éktote/
since {conj} (because) :: αφού /afoú/, επειδή /epeidí/, μια και /mia kai/
sincere {adj} (earnest) :: ειλικρινής {m} {f} /eilikrinís/
sincerely {adv} (In a sincere or earnest manner; honestly) :: ειλικρινά /eilikriná/
sincereness {n} (sincerity) SEE: sincerity ::
sincerity {n} (quality of being sincere) :: ειλικρίνεια {f} /eilikríneia/
sine {n} (trigonometric function) :: ημίτονο {n} /imítono/
sinecure {n} (a position that requires no work but still gives a payment) :: αργομισθία {f} /argomisthía/
sine qua non {n} (prerequisite) :: εκ των ων ουκ άνευ {n} /ek ton on ouk ánef/, απαραίτητη προϋπόθεση {f} /aparaítiti proÿpóthesi/
sinew {n} (cord or tendon of the body) SEE: tendon ::
sinful {adj} (evil) SEE: evil ::
sing {v} (to produce harmonious sounds with one’s voice) :: τραγουδάω /tragoudáo/, τραγουδώ /tragoudó/, άδω /ádo/, ψέλνω /psélno/ [a hymn], κελαηδώ /kelaïdó/ [of a bird]
sing {v} (slang: to confess under interrogation) :: κελαηδώ /kelaïdó/
Singapore {prop} (Republic of Singapore) :: Σιγκαπούρη {f} /Sigkapoúri/
singer {n} (person who sings) :: τραγουδιστής {m} /tragoudistís/
singer {n} (female person who sings) :: τραγουδίστρια {f} /tragoudístria/
Singh {prop} (surname) :: Σινγκ /Singk/
single {adj} (designed for the use of only one) :: μονόκλινο /monóklino/
single {adj} (not married nor dating) :: ανύπαντρος /anýpantros/
single {n} (one-way ticket) SEE: one-way ticket ::
single-celled {adj} (consisting of one cell) SEE: unicellular ::
single room {n} (a hotel room with one single bed) :: μονόκλινο /monóklino/
singlet {n} (sleeveless shirt) :: φανέλα /fanéla/
single ticket {n} (one-way ticket) SEE: one-way ticket ::
singleton {n} (math: set) :: μονοσύνολο {n} /monosýnolo/
singularity {n} (peculiar state or occurrence) :: ιδιομορφία {f} /idiomorfía/
singularity {n} (point where all lines meet) :: πλημνοσημείο /plimnosimeío/
singularity {n} (point where infinite value is reached) :: κεντροσυμπαγίωση /kentrosympagíosi/, μονοσημία /monosimía/, μονοσημειακότητα /monosimeiakótita/
singularity {n} (mathematics: value for which a derivative does not exist) :: ανωμαλία {f} /anomalía/ (anomalía)
singularity {n} (physics: point of infinite density) :: απειροπλήμνη /apeiroplímni/, μονοσημία /monosimía/, ανωμαλία {f} /anomalía/ (anomalía)
sinistrogyre {adj} (levorotatory) SEE: levorotatory ::
sinistromanual {adj} (left-handed) SEE: left-handed ::
sinistrorotatory {adj} (levorotatory) SEE: levorotatory ::
sink {v} (descend into liquid, etc) :: βυθίζομαι /vythízomai/, βουλιάζω /vouliázo/
sink {v} (submerge) :: βυθίζω /vythízo/
sink {v} (cause (ship, etc) to sink) :: βυθίζω /vythízo/, ποντίζω /pontízo/
sink {v} (push (something) into) :: βυθίζω /vythízo/
sink {n} (basin) :: [kitchen] νεροχύτης {m} /nerochýtis/, [bathroom] νιπτήρας {m} /niptíras/
sink {n} (heat sink) :: ψύκτρα {f} /psýktra/
sink {n} (sinkhole) SEE: sinkhole ::
sinkhole {n} (geology: hole formed in soluble rock) :: καταβοθρα /katavothra/
Sinkiang {prop} (Xinjiang) SEE: Xinjiang ::
sinless {adj} (without sin) :: αθώος /athóos/
sinner {n} (person who has sinned) :: αμαρτωλός {m} /amartolós/
Sino- {prefix} (relating to China or Chinese) :: σινο- /sino-/
sinologist {n} (a student, or expert in sinology) :: σινολόγος {m} /sinológos/
sinusitis {n} (inflammation) :: ιγμορίτιδα {f} /igmorítida/
Sion {prop} (capital of Valais, a canton in Switzerland) :: Σιόν /Sión/
sip {n} (A small mouthful of drink) :: γουλιά {f} /gouliá/
sippy cup {n} (spill-proof cup for toddlers) :: εκπαιδευτικό ποτηράκι {n} /ekpaideftikó potiráki/
sir {n} (man of a higher rank or position) :: Σέρ {m} /Sér/
sir {n} (address to any male, especially if his name or proper address is unknown) :: κύριος {m} /kýrios/, κύριε {m} /kýrie/ [vocative]
Sir {n} (title) :: Σέρ /Sér/
Sirach {prop} (Ecclesiasticus) SEE: Ecclesiasticus ::
siren {n} (nymph of Greek mythology) :: σειρήνα {f} /seirína/, Σειρήνα {f} /Seirína/
siren {n} (device for making a sound alarm) :: σειρήνα {f} /seirína/
siren {n} (dangerously seductive woman) :: σειρήνα {f} /seirína/
Sirius {prop} :: Σείριος /Seírios/
sirocco {n} (wind) :: σιρόκος {m} /sirókos/
sirtaki {n} (modern Greek folk dance) :: συρτάκι {n} /syrtáki/
sister {n} (woman or girl having the same parents) :: αδελφή {f} /adelfí/, αδερφή {f} /aderfí/
sister {n} (a nun; a female member of a religious community) :: αδελφή {f} /adelfí/
sister {n} (senior nurse) :: αδελφή {f} /adelfí/
sister {n} (any woman or girl with whom a bond is felt) :: αδελφή {f} /adelfí/
sister {n} (attributively: of an entity that has a special relationship with another) :: αδελφή {f} /adelfí/
sister-german {n} (sister by birth) :: αυταδέλφη {f} /aftadélfi/
sister-in-law {n} (brother's wife) :: νύφη {f} /nýfi/
Sisyphus {prop} (figure) :: Σίσυφος {m} /Sísyfos/
sit {v} (of a person, be in a position in which the upper body is upright and the legs are supported) :: κάθομαι /káthomai/
sitar {n} (musical instrument) :: σιτάρ {n} /sitár/
site {n} (place where anything is fixed; situation; local position) :: τόπος {m} /tópos/, χώρος {m} /chóros/, τοποθεσία {f} /topothesía/
site {n} (place fitted or chosen for any certain permanent use or occupation) :: τόπος {m} /tópos/, χώρος {m} /chóros/
site {n} (a computer installation) :: εγκατάσταση {f} /egkatástasi/
site {n} (a website) :: ιστότοπος {m} /istótopos/, ιστοχώρος {m} /istochóros/, ιστοσελίδα {f} /istoselída/ [webpage]
site map {n} (webpage that lists the contents of a website) :: ιστόγραμμα {n} /istógramma/
sitting room {n} (living room) SEE: living room ::
situation {n} (position vis-à-vis surroundings) :: κατάσταση {f} /katástasi/
situation {n} (location) :: τοποθεσία {f} /topothesía/, θέση {f} /thési/
situation {n} (one's status with regard to circumstances) :: κατάσταση {f} /katástasi/
situation {n} (state of affairs) :: κατάσταση {f} /katástasi/
situation {n} (position of employment) :: θέση {f} /thési/
situation comedy {n} (episodic comedy television program, see also: sitcom) :: κωμωδία κατάστασης {f} /komodía katástasis/
sit up {v} (to rise to a sitting position) :: ανακάθομαι /anakáthomai/
six {num} (cardinal number) :: έξι /éxi/, στ΄ /st΄/ [numeral]
six {num} (describing set or group with six components) :: εξάδα {f} /exáda/
six {n} (digit) :: έξι {n} /éxi/
six hundred {num} (cardinal number 600) :: εξακόσια /exakósia/
sixteen {num} (cardinal number 16) :: δεκαέξι /dekaéxi/
sixteenth note {n} (sixteenth note) SEE: semiquaver ::
sixth {adj} (ordinal form of the number six, see also: 6th) :: έκτος /éktos/
sixtieth {adj} (the ordinal form of the number sixty) :: εξηκοστός /exikostós/
sixty {num} (cardinal number) :: εξήντα /exínta/
sixty-eight {num} (cardinal number) :: εξήντα οκτώ /exínta októ/
sixty-five {num} (cardinal number) :: εξήντα πέντε /exínta pénte/
sixty-four {num} (cardinal number) :: εξήντα τέσσαρες /exínta téssares/
sixty-nine {n} (cardinal number) :: εξήντα εννέα {n} /exínta ennéa/
sixty-nine {n} (sex position) :: εξήντα εννέα {n} /exínta ennéa/
sixty-one {num} (cardinal number) :: εξήντα έν /exínta én/
sixty-seven {num} (cardinal number) :: εξήντα επτά /exínta eptá/
sixty-six {num} (cardinal number) :: εξήντα έξ /exínta éx/
sixty-three {num} (cardinal number) :: εξήντα τρείς /exínta treís/
sixty-two {num} (cardinal number) :: εξήντα δύο /exínta dýo/
size {n} (dimensions or magnitude of a thing) :: μέγεθος {n} /mégethos/
skateboard {n} (platform on wheels) :: σκέιτμπορντ {n} /skéitmpornt/
skeeter {n} (mosquito) SEE: mosquito ::
skeletal muscle {n} (muscle of vertebrates) :: σκελετικοί μύες {m-p} /skeletikoí mýes/
skeleton {n} (system that provides support to an organism) :: σκελετός {m} /skeletós/
skeleton in the closet {n} (shameful secret) SEE: skeleton in the cupboard ::
skeleton in the cupboard {n} (shameful secret) :: σκελετός στην ντουλάπα {m} /skeletós stin doulápa/
skeleton key {n} (key that opens a range of locks) :: πασπαρτού /paspartoú/
skene {n} (element of ancient Greek theater) :: σκηνή {f} /skiní/
skeptic {n} (someone who habitually doubts beliefs and claims) :: σκεπτικός {m} /skeptikós/
skepticism {n} (general disposition to doubt) :: σκεπτικισμός /skeptikismós/
skerry {n} (small rocky island) :: βραχονησίδα {f} /vrachonisída/
sketch {n} (quick freehand drawing) :: σκίτσο {n} /skítso/
sketch {n} (brief musical, dramatic or literary work etc.) :: (θεατρικό) σκετς ((theatriko) skets), νούμερο {n} /noúmero/
sketch {n} (lookout) SEE: lookout ::
skewer {n} (pin used to secure food during cooking) :: σούβλα {n} /soúvla/
skewer {v} (to impale on a skewer) :: σουβλίζω /souvlízo/, διατρυπώ /diatrypó/
ski {n} (one of a pair of long flat runners designed for gliding over snow) :: σκι /ski/, χιονοπέδιλο {n} /chionopédilo/
ski {v} (to move on skis) :: χιονοδρομώ /chionodromó/
skid {n} (out of control sliding motion) :: ολίσθηση {f} /olísthisi/, γλίστρημα {n} /glístrima/
skid {v} (to slide in an uncontrolled manner) :: ολισθαίνω /olisthaíno/, γλιστρώ /glistró/
skier {n} (someone who practices skiing) :: σκιέρ {m} {f} /skiér/
skiff {n} (Any of various types of boats small enough for sailing or rowing by one person) :: ακάτιο {n} /akátio/, πριάρι {n} /priári/
skilful {adj} (possessing skill, skilled) SEE: skillful ::
ski lift {n} (a device that transports skiers up a mountain) :: αναβατήρας {m} /anavatíras/
skill {n} (capacity to do something well) :: επιδεξιότητα {f} /epidexiótita/, δεξιοτεχνία {f} /dexiotechnía/, ικανότητα {f} /ikanótita/
skillful {adj} (possessing skill, skilled) :: επιδέξιος /epidéxios/
skim {v} (ricochet) :: εξοστρακίζομαι /exostrakízomai/
skimble-skamble {n} (gibberish, mumbo-jumbo, nonsense) SEE: nonsense ::
skimmed milk {n} (skim milk) SEE: skim milk ::
skim milk {n} (milk with removed cream) :: αποβουτυρωμένο γάλα {n} /apovoutyroméno gála/
skin {n} (outer protective of the body of a person or animal) :: δέρμα {n} /dérma/
skin {n} (skin and fur of an animal used by humans) :: δέρμα {n} /dérma/, επιδερμίδα {f} /epidermída/
skin {n} (congealed layer on the surface of a liquid) :: πέτσα {f} /pétsa/
skin {n} (rolling paper for cigarettes) :: τσιγαρόχαρτο {n} /tsigarócharto/
skin {n} :: δέρμα {n} /dérma/
skin {v} (to injure the skin of) :: γδέρνω /gdérno/
skin {v} (to remove the skin of) :: γδέρνω /gdérno/
skin cancer {n} (malignant growth on the skin) :: μελάνωμα {n} /melánoma/
skink {n} (lizard) :: σκίγκος {m} /skígkos/
skinny-dip {v} (swim in the nude) :: γυμνή κολύμβηση {f} /gymní kolýmvisi/
skip {v} (to move by hopping on alternate feet) :: χοροπηδώ /choropidó/
skipping rope {n} (rope for play or exercise) :: σχοινάκι {n} /schoináki/
skip rope {n} (rope used) SEE: skipping rope ::
skirmisher {n} (soldier) :: ακροβολιστής {m} /akrovolistís/
skirt {n} (clothing) :: φούστα {f} /foústa/
skirt {n} (part of dress) :: φούστα {f} /foústa/
skirt {n} (slang for woman) :: φουστάνι {f} /foustáni/
skirting board {n} (panel between floor and interior wall) :: σοβατεπί {n} /sovatepí/
skive {v} (To slack off) :: λουφάρω /loufáro/
Skopelos {prop} (an island in Greece) :: Σκόπελος {n} /Skópelos/
Skopelos {prop} (a town in Greece) :: Σκόπελος {n} /Skópelos/
Skopjan {n} (someone from Skopje) :: Σκοπιανός {m} /Skopianós/
Skopje {prop} (capital of North Macedonia) :: Σκόπια {f} /Skópia/
Skopje {prop} (North Macedonia) SEE: North Macedonia ::
skordalia {n} (a garlic sauce) :: σκορδαλιά {f} /skordaliá/
skulduggerous {adj} (involving skulduggery) SEE: tricky ::
skull {n} (bones of the head: cranium and mandible) :: κρανίο {n} /kranío/
skull {n} (death's-head, skull) :: νεκροκεφαλή {f} /nekrokefalí/
skullcap {n} (hat) :: σκούφος {m} /skoúfos/
skunk {n} (animal) :: μεφίτιδα {f} /mefítida/
skunk {n} (skunkweed) SEE: marijuana ::
sky {n} (atmosphere above a point) :: ουρανός {m} /ouranós/
sky blue {adj} (light blue, see also: dark blue; blue) :: γαλάζιος /galázios/
skyclad {adj} (nude) SEE: nude ::
skylark {n} (small brown passerine bird) :: σταρήθρα {f} /staríthra/, κορυδαλλός {m} /korydallós/
skyline {n} (horizon) SEE: horizon ::
skyrmion {n} (particle) :: σκυρμιόνιο {n} /skyrmiónio/
skyrocket {n} (pocket) SEE: pocket ::
Skyros {prop} (an island in Greece) :: Σκύρος {n} /Skýros/
Skyros {prop} (a village in Greece) :: Σκύρος {n} /Skýros/
skyscraper {n} (tall building) :: ουρανοξύστης {m} /ouranoxýstis/
slab {n} (flat piece of material) :: πλάκα {f} /pláka/
slab {n} (paving stone) :: πλάκα {f} /pláka/
slabstone {n} (flagstone) SEE: flagstone ::
slacken {v} (to make less taut) SEE: loosen ::
slander {n} (false or unsupported spoken malicious statement) :: συκοφαντία {f} /sykofantía/, διαβολή {f} /diavolí/
slander {v} (utter a slanderous statement about) :: συκοφαντώ /sykofantó/, διαβάλλω /diavállo/, διασύρω /diasýro/
slanderous {adj} (Both untrue and harmful to a reputation) :: δυσφημιστικός /dysfimistikós/
slang {n} (jargon) SEE: jargon ::
slang {n} (unconventional language ) :: αργκό {f} /argkó/
slanging match {n} (noisy argument) :: αλληλοβρίσιμο {n} /allilovrísimo/
slant {n} (typography: slash) SEE: slash ::
slant {n} (slope or incline) :: κλίση {f} /klísi/
slant {n} (bias) :: προκατάληψη {f} /prokatálipsi/
slant {n} (pejorative: person of Asian descent) :: σχιστομάτης {m} /schistomátis/
slant {v} (to lean, slope or incline) :: κλίνω /klíno/, γέρνω /gérno/
slap {n} (A blow dealt with the open hand) :: χαστούκι {n} /chastoúki/, σφαλιάρα {f} /sfaliára/
slap {v} (to give a slap) :: χαστουκίζω /chastoukízo/, σφαλιαρίζω /sfaliarízo/
slash {n} (typography: / symbol) :: δεξιότροπη κάθετος /dexiótropi káthetos/, κάθετος {f} /káthetos/
slate {n} (rock) :: σχιστόλιθος {m} /schistólithos/
slate {n} (sheet of slate for writing on) :: πλάκα {f} /pláka/
slate {n} (tile) :: πλακίδιο {n} /plakídio/
slate {adj} (bluish-grey/gray like slate, see also: slate blue; slate gray; blue-gray) :: σχιστόλιθος {m} /schistólithos/
slattern {n} (slut) SEE: slut ::
slaughter {n} (killing of animals (also kosher and halal rituals)) :: σφαγή {f} /sfagí/
slaughter {n} (killing of many people) :: σφαγή {f} /sfagí/
slaughter {n} (a decisive defeat) :: σφαγή {f} /sfagí/
slaughter {v} (to butcher animals, generally for food (also kosher and halal rituals)) :: σφάζω /sfázo/
slaughter {v} (to massacre people in large numbers) :: κατασφάζω /katasfázo/
slaughter {v} (to kill in a particularly brutal manner) :: κατακρεουργώ /katakreourgó/
slaughterhouse {n} (abattoir) SEE: abattoir ::
slaughterhouse {n} (scene of a massacre) :: σφαγείο {n} /sfageío/
Slav {n} (a member of a group of peoples in Eastern Europe speaking a Slavic language) :: Σλάβος {m} /Slávos/, Σλάβα {f} /Sláva/
slave {n} (person owned by another) :: δούλος {m} /doúlos/, σκλάβος {m} /sklávos/
slave {n} (person forced to work for another) :: δούλος {m} /doúlos/
slave {n} (person forced to perform sexual acts; (nonconsensual) sex slave) :: σκλάβος {m} /sklávos/, σκλάβα {f} /skláva/
slave {n} (device that is controlled by another device) :: δευτερεύων {m} /defterévon/, υποσυσκευή {f} /yposyskeví/
slavedealing {n} (slave trade) SEE: slave trade ::
slaver {n} (a person engaged in the slave trade) :: δουλέμπορος {m} /doulémporos/
slavery {n} (institution or practice of owning human beings) :: δουλεία {f} /douleía/
slavery {n} (condition of servitude endured by a slave) :: δουλεία {f} /douleía/
slavery {n} (condition in which one is captivated or subjugated) :: δουλεία {f} /douleía/
slave trade {n} (traffic in slaves) :: δουλεμπόριο {n} /doulempório/
Slavic {adj} (of the Slavs, their culture or languages) :: σλαυικός /slavikós/, σλαβικός /slavikós/
Slavicize {v} :: εκσλαβίζω /ekslavízo/
Slavonic {adj} (Slavic) SEE: Slavic ::
Slavophile {n} (person who is interested in the development and prosperity of the Slavic race) :: σλαβόφιλος {m} /slavófilos/
slay {v} (to kill, murder) :: σκοτώνω
sleaze {n} (low moral standards) :: αίσχη {n} {p} /aíschi/
sled {n} (sledge) SEE: sledge ::
sledge {n} (sledgehammer) SEE: sledgehammer ::
sledge {n} (sleigh or sled) :: έλκηθρο {n} /élkithro/
sledgehammer {n} (kind of hammer) :: βαριά {f} /variá/
sleep {v} (to rest in state of reduced consciousness) :: κοιμάμαι /koimámai/
sleep {v} (to accommodate) :: κοιμίζω /koimízo/
sleep {n} (state of reduced consciousness) :: ύπνος {m} /ýpnos/
sleep {n} (informal: act or instance of sleeping) :: ύπνος {m} /ýpnos/
sleep {n} (substance found in the corner of the eyes (gound), sometimes as a figurative objectification of sleep, see also: ) :: τσίμπλα {f} /tsímpla/
sleeper {n} (sedative) SEE: sedative ::
sleeping {adj} (asleep) SEE: asleep ::
sleeping bag {n} (padded or insulated bag) :: υπνόσακος {m} /ypnósakos/
Sleeping Beauty {prop} (fairy tale) :: Ωραία Κοιμωμένη {f} /Oraía Koimoméni/
Sleeping Beauty {prop} (main character in this story) :: Ωραία Κοιμωμένη {f} /Oraía Koimoméni/
sleeping pill {n} (a pill having a soporific effect) :: υπνωτικό {n} /ypnotikó/
sleepy {adj} (feeling the need for sleep) :: νυσταγμένος /nystagménos/, νυσταλέος /nystaléos/
sleepy head {n} (a sleepy person) SEE: sleepyhead ::
sleepyhead {n} (sleepy person) :: υπναράς {m} /ypnarás/
sleepyhead {n} (ruddy duck) SEE: ruddy duck ::
sleeve {n} (part of a garment that covers the arm) :: μανίκι {n} /maníki/
sleeve {n} (mechanical covering or lining) :: δακτυλίδι σύνδεσης {n} /daktylídi sýndesis/, συνδετικό χιτώνιο {n} /syndetikó chitónio/
sleeve {n} (record cover) :: θήκη {f} /thíki/, κάλυμμα {n} /kálymma/
sleeveless {adj} (of a garment, having no sleeves) :: αμάνικος {m} /amánikos/
sleigh {n} (vehicle on runners) SEE: sledge ::
sleight of hand {n} (skill) :: ταχυδακτυλουργία {f} /tachydaktylourgía/
sleight of hand {n} (performance) :: ταχυδακτυλουργία {f} /tachydaktylourgía/
slender {adj} (thin) :: ισχνός {m} /ischnós/, ραδινός {m} /radinós/, λεπτός {m} /leptós/
slender-billed gull {n} (Chroicocephalus genei) :: λεπτόραμφος γλάρος {m} /leptóramfos gláros/, ροδόγλαρος {m} /rodóglaros/
sleuth {n} (bloodhound) :: λαγωνικό {n} /lagonikó/
sleuth {n} (detective) :: λαγωνικό {n} /lagonikó/
slice {n} (thin, broad piece cut off) :: φέτα {f} /féta/
slide {n} (item of play equipment) :: τσουλήθρα {f} /tsoulíthra/
slide {n} (transparent image for projecting) :: σλάιντ {n} /sláint/
slide rule {n} (analog calculator) :: λογαριθμικός κανόνας {m} /logarithmikós kanónas/
slim {v} (lose weight) :: αδυνατίζω /adynatízo/
sling {n} (instrument for throwing, see also: slingshot) :: σφεντόνα {f} /sfentóna/
sling {n} (strap attached to a firearm) :: αορτήρας {m} /aortíras/
slingshot {n} (Y-shaped stick with an elastic sling between the arms used for shooting small projectiles, see also: sling) :: σφεντόνα {f} /sfentóna/
slip {v} (to lose one's traction) :: γλιστρώ /glistró/
slip {v} (to err) :: κάνω σφάλμα /káno sfálma/
slip {n} (act of slipping) :: ολίσθηση /olísthisi/, γλίστρημα /glístrima/
slip {n} (women’s undergarment) :: μεσοφόρι /mesofóri/
slip of the tongue {n} (mistake in speech) :: παραδρομή της γλώσσας {f} /paradromí tis glóssas/, παραπραξία {f} /parapraxía/
slipper {n} (low shoe usually worn indoors) :: παντόφλα /pantófla/
slippery {adj} (of a surface) :: ολισθηρός /olisthirós/
slipshod {adj} (done poorly or too quickly) :: κακοφτιαγμένος {m} /kakoftiagménos/, κακότεχνος {m} /kakótechnos/
slipstick {n} (slide rule) SEE: slide rule ::
slivovitz {n} (rakija made from distilled, fermented plum juice) :: σλιβοβίτσα /slivovítsa/
slobber {v} (To allow saliva or liquid to run from one's mouth) :: σαλιαρίζω /saliarízo/
slogan {n} (phrase associated with a product, used in advertising) :: σύνθημα {n} /sýnthima/, σλόγκαν {n} /slógkan/
slope {n} (mathematics) :: εφαπτομένη {f} /efaptoméni/, συντελεστής διεύθυνσης {m} /syntelestís diéfthynsis/
sloth {n} (laziness) :: νωθρότητα {f} /nothrótita/, τεμπελιά {f} /tempeliá/
sloth {n} (mammal) :: βραδύπους {m} /vradýpous/
slot machine {n} (any coin-operated machine) :: κουλοχέρης {m} /koulochéris/
Slovak {adj} (of Slovakia or its language) :: σλοβακικός /slovakikós/
Slovak {n} (language of Slovakia) :: σλοβάκικα {n-p} /slovákika/
Slovakia {prop} (Slovakia) :: Σλοβακία {f} /Slovakía/
Slovakian {adj} (of or pertaining to Slovakia) SEE: Slovak ::
Slovakian {n} (a person from Slovakia or of Slovakian descent) SEE: Slovak ::
Slovak Republic {prop} (official name of Slovakia) :: Δημοκρατία της Σλοβακίας {f} /Dimokratía tis Slovakías/
Slovene {adj} (adjective) :: σλοβενικός /slovenikós/
Slovene {n} (a person) :: Σλοβένος {m} /Slovénos/, Σλοβένα {f} /Slovéna/
Slovene {prop} (the language) :: σλοβενικά {n-p} /sloveniká/
Slovenia {prop} (country in Europe) :: Σλοβενία {f} /Slovenía/
Slovenian {adj} (Slovene) SEE: Slovene ::
Slovenian {n} (language) SEE: Slovene ::
Slovenian {n} (person) SEE: Slovene ::
Slovio {prop} (an artificial Slavic language) :: Σλόβιο /Slóvio/
slow {adj} (not quick in motion) :: αργός {m} /argós/, βραδύς {m} /vradýs/
slow {adj} (spread over a comparatively long time) :: αργόσυρτος {m} /argósyrtos/
slow {adj} (of reduced intellectual capacity) :: καθυστερημένος {m} /kathysteriménos/, αργόστροφος {m} /argóstrofos/
slow {adj} (lacking in promptness; acting with deliberation) :: ανέτοιμος {m} /anétoimos/
slow {adj} (behind in time) :: καθυστερημένος {m} /kathysteriménos/
slow {v} (to reduce the speed of) :: βραδύνω /vradýno/, σταματώ /stamató/
slow {v} (to become slow) :: αργώ /argó/
slowly {adv} (at a slow pace) :: σιγά /sigá/, αργά /argá/
slow motion {n} (film stretched in time) :: αργή κίνηση {f} /argí kínisi/
slowness {n} (quality of being slow) :: βραδύτητα {n} /vradýtita/
slug {n} (gastropod) :: γυμνοσάλιαγκας {n} /gymnosáliagkas/, [scientific] λείμαξ {m} /leímax/
slug {n} (shot of drink) :: σφηνάκι {n} /sfináki/
slug {n} (lazy person) SEE: sluggard ::
sluggard {n} (lazy or idle person) :: τεμπέλης {m} /tempélis/
sluggish {adj} (habitually idle and lazy; slothful; dull; inactive) :: νωθρός /nothrós/, άτονος /átonos/
slum {n} (dilapidated neighborhood) :: φτωχογειτονιά {f} /ftochogeitoniá/, παραγκούπολη {f} /paragkoúpoli/
slumber {n} (a very light state of sleep) :: υπνηλία {f} /ypnilía/, νύστα {f} /nýsta/
Slurpee {n} (flavored shaved ice served as a drink) SEE: slush ::
slush {n} (half-melted snow) :: λασπόχιονο {n} /laspóchiono/
slush fund {n} (money stored for illegal or dishonest purposes) :: μαύρο ταμείο {n} /mávro tameío/
slushie {n} (flavored shaved ice served as a drink) SEE: slush ::
Slush Puppie {n} (slush) SEE: slush ::
slushy {n} (flavored shaved ice served as a drink) SEE: slush ::
slut {n} (prostitute) SEE: prostitute ::
slut {n} (sexually promiscuous woman) :: τσούλα {f} /tsoúla/
smack {n} ((slang) heroin) SEE: horse ::
small {adj} (not large) :: μικρός /mikrós/
small {adj} (young) :: νέος {m} /néos/
small ad {n} (small, classified advertisement) :: αγγελία {f} /angelía/
small change {n} (a minor or insignificant amount of money) :: ψιλά {p} /psilá/
smallest room {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet ::
smallholder {n} (a person who owns or runs a smallholding) :: μικροκαλλιεργητής {m} /mikrokalliergitís/
smallholding {n} (a piece of land, smaller than a farm) :: μικροκαλλιέργεια {f} /mikrokalliérgeia/
small intestine {n} (upper part of the intestine) :: λεπτό έντερο {n} /leptó éntero/
smallish {adj} (somewhat small) :: μικρούτσικος /mikroútsikos/
small of the back {n} (lumbar region of the back) :: οσφύς {f} /osfýs/
smallpox {n} (disease) :: ευλογιά {f} /evlogiá/
small screen {n} (broadcast or cable television screen) :: μικρή οθόνη {f} /mikrí othóni/
smaragdine {n} (emerald) SEE: emerald ::
smart ass {n} (one promoting his own personality, wishes or views) SEE: smartass ::
smartass {n} (one who is particularly insolent) :: εξυπνάκιας {m} /exypnákias/, ξερόλας {m} /xerólas/ [slang]
smartness {n} (the state or quality of being smart) :: εξυπνάδα /exypnáda/
smartphone {n} (electronic handheld device) :: σοφόφωνο {n} /sofófono/
smarty boots {n} (know-it-all) SEE: know-it-all ::
smashup {n} (collision) :: σύγκρουση {f} /sýgkrousi/, τρακάρισμα {n} /trakárisma/
smegma {n} (sebaceous secretion) :: σμήγμα {n} /smígma/
smell {n} (sensation) :: μυρωδιά {f} /myrodiá/
smell {n} (sense of smell) :: όσφρηση {f} /ósfrisi/
smell {v} (sense with nose) :: μυρίζω /myrízo/
smell {v} (to have a particular smell, whether good or bad; if descriptive, followed by "like" or "of") :: μυρίζω /myrízo/
smell you later {interj} (see you later; goodbye) SEE: goodbye ::
smile {n} (a happy face expression using mouth, but without producing voice) :: χαμόγελο {n} /chamógelo/, χαμογέλιο {n} /chamogélio/, χαμογέλασμα {n} /chamogélasma/, μειδίαμα {n} /meidíama/
smile {v} (to have a smile on one's face) :: χαμογελώ /chamogeló/
smith {n} (craftsperson who works metal, see also: blacksmith) :: σιδηρουργός {m} /sidirourgós/, σιδεράς {m} /siderás/
Smith {prop} (transliterations of the name Smith) :: Σμιθ /Smith/
Smith {prop} (surnames derived from the equivalents of “smith”) :: Σιδεράς {m} /Siderás/, Σιδέρης {f} /Sidéris/
Smith {prop} (most common surnames by language) :: Παπαδόπουλος /Papadópoulos/, Βλάχος /Vláchos/
smithsonite {n} (mineral) :: σμιθσονίτης {f} /smithsonítis/
smithy {n} (forge) SEE: forge ::
smog {n} (urban air pollution) :: αιθαλομίχλη {f} /aithalomíchli/, καπνομίχλη {f} /kapnomíchli/
smoke {v} (to inhale and exhale smoke from a burning cigarette) :: καπνίζω /kapnízo/
smoke {v} (to inhale and exhale tobacco smoke regularly or habitually) :: καπνίζω /kapnízo/
smoke {v} (to give off smoke) :: καπνίζω /kapnízo/
smoke {v} (to preserve or prepare by treating with smoke) :: καπνίζω /kapnízo/
smoke {n} (visible particles and vapour given off by burning material) :: καπνός {m} /kapnós/; Italiot: kannò {m} /kannò/
smoke {n} (colloquial: cigarette) :: τσιγάρο {n} /tsigáro/
smoke {n} (colloquial: instance of smoking) :: κάπνισμα {n} /kápnisma/
smoke {n} (figurative: fleeting illusion) :: καπνός {m} /kapnós/, οφθαλμαπάτη {f} /ofthalmapáti/
smoke {n} (something used to obscure or conceal) :: καπνός {m} /kapnós/
smoke {n} (military: artificial smoke-like aerosol used on the battlefield) :: καπνογόνο {n} /kapnogóno/
smokehouse {n} (structure to smoke food) :: καπνιστήριο {n} /kapnistírio/
smoke like a chimney {v} (to smoke tobacco frequently) :: καπνίζω σαν αράπης /kapnízo san arápis/
smoker {n} (person who smokes tobacco habitually) :: καπνιστής {m} /kapnistís/
smoker {n} (apparatus for smoking food) :: καπνιστήριο {n} /kapnistírio/
smoker {n} (bee smoker) SEE: bee smoker ::
smokeshop {n} (tobacconist's) SEE: tobacconist's ::
smokestack {n} (a conduit or group of conduits atop a structure allowing smoke to flow out) SEE: chimney ::
smoking {n} (smoking of tobacco) :: κάπνισμα {n} /kápnisma/
smoking {n} (action of giving off smoke) :: κάπνισμα {n} /kápnisma/
smoking room {n} (room designated for smokers) :: καπνιστήριο {n} /kapnistírio/
smolder {v} (to burn with no flame and little smoke) :: σιγοκαίω /sigokaío/, υποκαίω /ypokaío/, καίω χωρίς φλόγα /kaío chorís flóga/
smolder {v} (to show signs of repressed anger or suppressed mental turmoil or other strong emotion) :: σιγοκαίω /sigokaío/
smooth {adj} (lacking friction, not rough) :: λείος {m} /leíos/, απαλός {m} /apalós/
smooth {adj} (without difficulty) :: ομαλός {m} /omalós/
smooth {adj} (bland; glib) :: ήπιος {m} /ípios/
smooth {adj} (suave; sophisticated) :: γλυκομίλητος {m} /glykomílitos/
smooth {adj} (action: natural; unconstrained) :: στρωτός {m} /strotós/
smooth {adj} (motion: unbroken) :: ομαλός {m} /omalós/
smooth {adj} (placid, calm) :: ακύμαντος {m} /akýmantos/
smooth {adj} (edge: lacking projections or indentations; not serrated) :: λείος {m} /leíos/
smooth {adj} (beverage: having a pleasantly rounded flavor; neither rough nor astringent) :: γλυκόπιοτος {m} /glykópiotos/
smooth {v} (make smooth) :: λειαίνω /leiaíno/, εξομαλύνω /exomalýno/
smooth breathing {n} (diacritic mark in Greek) :: ψιλή {f} /psilí/
smooth clam {n} (bivalve) :: γυαλιστερή {f} /gyalisterí/
smoothie {n} (drink) :: φρουτοπολτός {m} /froutopoltós/
smoothly {adv} (in a smooth manner) :: ομαλά /omalá/
smother {v} (to suffocate) :: πνίγω /pnígo/, προκαλώ ασφυξία /prokaló asfyxía/
smother {v} (to extinguish or deaden) :: πνίγω /pnígo/
smother {v} (to reduce to a low degree of vigor or activity) :: πνίγω /pnígo/, καταπνίγω /katapnígo/
smother {v} (to be suffocated) :: πνίγομαι /pnígomai/
smother {v} (to breathe with great difficulty) :: πνίγομαι /pnígomai/
SMS {n} (a text message sent on a cell phone) :: μήνυμα {n} /mínyma/
smug {adj} (irritatingly pleased with oneself; self-satisfied) :: αυτάρεσκος {m} /aftáreskos/
smuggler {n} (One who smuggles things) :: λαθρέμπορος {m} /lathrémporos/
smuggling {n} (an act of something being smuggled) :: λαθρεμπόριο {n} /lathrempório/
smugness {n} (state or quality of being smug) :: αυταρέσκεια {f} /aftaréskeia/
smurf {n} (fictional character) :: στρουμφάκι {n} /stroumfáki/
smut {n} (soot) SEE: soot ::
Smyrna {prop} (city) :: Σμύρνη {f} /Smýrni/; Ionic: Σμύρνη {f} /Smýrni/
snack {n} (a light meal) :: κολατσιό {n} /kolatsió/
snack {n} (an item of food eaten between meals) :: κολατσιό {n} /kolatsió/
snail {n} (any animal of the class Gastropoda having a shell) :: σαλιγκάρι {n} /saligkári/
snake {n} (legless reptile) :: φίδι {n} /fídi/
snake {n} (treacherous person) :: φίδι {n} /fídi/
snake {v} (to move in a winding path) :: ελίσσομαι /elíssomai/
snake charmer {n} (snake charmer) :: γητευτής φιδιών {m} /giteftís fidión/
snake in the grass {n} (a treacherous person) :: φίδι {n} /fídi/
snap {v} (to speak abruptly or sharply) :: αποπαίρνω /apopaírno/
snap bean {n} (unripe or green fruit pod of a bean plant) SEE: green bean ::
snapdragon {n} (any plant of the genus Antirrhinum) :: σκυλάκι {n} /skyláki/
snap election {n} (election called before the regularly scheduled time) :: πρόωρες εκλογές {f-p} /próores eklogés/
snarky {adj} (sarcastic and irreverent) :: σαρκαστικός {m} /sarkastikós/, δηκτικός {m} /diktikós/
snarl {v} (to embarrass) :: φερνω κπ σε δυσκολη θεση /ferno kp se dyskoli thesi/
snatch {v} (to grasp quickly) :: αρπάζω /arpázo/
snatch {v} (to grasp and remove) :: αρπάζω /arpázo/
snatch {v} (to steal) :: αρπάζω /arpázo/, κλέβω /klévo/
snatch {v} (to do quickly) :: αρπάζω /arpázo/
sneaker {n} (leisure shoes, often worn for sports; trainers) :: αθλητικά παπούτσια {n-p} /athlitiká papoútsia/
sneeze {v} (expel air as a reflex) :: φταρνίζομαι /ftarnízomai/, φτερνίζομαι /fternízomai/, πταρνίζομαι /ptarnízomai/
sneeze {n} (act of sneezing) :: φτάρνισμα {n} /ftárnisma/, φτερνίσμα {n} /fternísma/, πτέρνισμα {n} /ptérnisma/
snigger {n} (a sly or snide laugh) :: χαχανητό {p} /chachanitó/
sniper {n} (a person using long-range small arms for precise attacks from a concealed position) :: ελεύθερος σκοπευτής /eléftheros skopeftís/
snippet {n} (a tiny piece or part) :: απόσπασμα /apóspasma/
snob {n} (person who seeks to be a member of the upper classes) :: σνομπ {m} {f} /snomp/, ψηλομύτης {m} /psilomýtis/, ακατάδεκτος {m} /akatádektos/
snobbery {n} (the property or trait of being a snob) :: ακαταδεξιά {f} /akatadexiá/
snobbish {adj} (having the property of being a snob) :: ακατάδεκτος /akatádektos/
snobby {adj} (characteristic of a snob) :: κενόδοξος /kenódoxos/
snooker {n} (cue sport) :: σνούκερ {m} /snoúker/
snoot {v} (slang: human nose) SEE: schnozzle ::
snooty {adj} (pompous) :: ακατάδεκτος /akatádektos/
snooze {v} :: λαγοκοιμάμαι /lagokoimámai/, παίρνω έναν υπνάκο /paírno énan ypnáko/
snooze {n} (A period of sleep; a nap) :: υπνάκος {m} /ypnákos/
snore {v} (breathe during sleep with harsh noises) :: ροχαλίζω /rochalízo/
snore {n} (act and noise of snoring) :: ροχαλητό {n} /rochalitó/, ροχάλισμα {n} /rochálisma/
snot {n} (mucus) :: μύξα {f} /mýxa/
snot {n} (contemptible child) :: μυξιάρικο {n} /myxiáriko/
snot {v} (to blow, wipe or clear the nose) :: μυξιάζω /myxiázo/
snout {n} (long, projecting nose, mouth, and jaw of a beast) :: ρύγχος {n} /rýnchos/
snow {n} (precipitation) :: χιόνι {n} /chióni/
snow {n} (TV noise) :: χιόνι {n} /chióni/
snow {n} (collective precipitation) :: χιονόπτωση {f} /chionóptosi/, νιφετός {m} /nifetós/
snow {v} (have snow fall from the sky) :: χιονίζω /chionízo/
snowball {n} (ball of snow) :: χιονόμπαλα {f} /chionómpala/
snowball fight {n} (play fight) :: χιονοπόλεμος {m} /chionopólemos/
snowbank {n} (a heap of snow) SEE: snowdrift ::
snow bunting {n} (bird) :: χιονοτσίχλονο {n} /chionotsíchlono/
snow-capped {adj} (covered with snow at the top) :: χιονοσκεπής {m} {f} /chionoskepís/
snow chain {n} (a chain put on a wheel of a vehicle to give it more traction) :: αντιολισθήτικη αλυσίδα {f} /antiolisthítiki alysída/ (antiolisthítiki alysída)
snowdrift {n} (bank of snow) :: χιονοστιβάδα {f} /chionostiváda/
snowdrop {n} (plant) :: λευκόιο {n} /lefkóio/
snowfall {n} (instance of falling of snow) :: χιονόπτωση {f} /chionóptosi/
snowflake {n} (crystal) :: νιφάδα {f} /nifáda/
snowflake {n} (Plectrophenax nivalis) SEE: snow bunting ::
snow globe {n} (decorative object) :: σφαίρα χιονιού /sfaíra chionioú/
snow leopard {n} (a large feline mammal, Uncia uncia) :: ίρβις {f} /írvis/, λευκή λεοπάρδαλη {f} /lefkí leopárdali/, λεοπάρδαλη του χιονιού {f} /leopárdali tou chionioú/
snowman {n} (figure made of snow) :: χιονάνθρωπος {m} /chionánthropos/
snow plow {n} (vehicle) :: εκχιονιστήρας {m} /ekchionistíras/
snow plow {n} (device) :: εκχιονιστήρας {m} /ekchionistíras/
snow plow {v} (transitive: clear (roads, etc) using a snow plow) :: εκχιονίζω /ekchionízo/
Snow Queen {prop} (fairy tale character with power over snow and ice) :: Βασίλισσα του Χιονιού {f} /Vasílissa tou Chionioú/
snowshoe {n} (flat footwear worn to facilitate walking in deep snow) :: χιονοπέδιλο {n} /chionopédilo/
snowstorm {n} (bad weather involving blowing winds and snow) :: χιονοθύελλα {f} /chionothýella/
snow-white {adj} (as white as snow) :: χιονόλευκος {m} /chionólefkos/, κατάλευκος /katálefkos/, κάτασπρος /kátaspros/, ολόλευκος /olólefkos/, ολόασπρος /olóaspros/, πάλλευκος /pállefkos/
Snow White {prop} (character from Snow White (Schneewittchen)) :: Χιονάτη {f} /Chionáti/
Snow White {prop} (character from Snow-White and Rose-Red (Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot)) :: Χιονούλα {f} /Chionoúla/
snug {adj} (comfortable; cosy, cozy) :: άνετος /ánetos/
so {n} (sol) SEE: sol ::
so {conj} (in order that) :: για να /gia na/
so {conj} (with the result that) :: γι' αυτό /gi' aftó/
so {adv} (very) :: τόσο /tóso/
so {adv} (to a particular extent) :: τόσο /tóso/
so {adv} (in a particular manner) :: έτσι /étsi/
so {interj} (interjection used to introduce a new topic) :: λοιπόν /loipón/
so-and-so {n} (placeholder name) :: τάδε {m} {f} {n} /táde/
so-and-so {n} (anything generic) :: δείνα /deína/
soap {n} (soap opera) SEE: soap opera ::
soap {n} (substance) :: σαπούνι {n} /sapoúni/
soap {v} (apply soap in washing) :: σαπουνίζω /sapounízo/
soap bubble {n} (sphere of soap water) :: σαπουνόφουσκα {f} /sapounófouska/
soapery {n} (factory making soap) :: σαπωνοποιία {f} /saponopoiía/
soap opera {n} (television serial) :: σαπουνόπερα {f} /sapounópera/
soapstone {n} (soft rock) :: στεατίτης {m} /steatítis/
so be it {phrase} (indication of acceptance) :: ας είναι /as eínai/
sober {adj} (not drunk) :: νηφάλιος {m} /nifálios/
sober {adj} (not given to excessive drinking of alcohol) :: εγκρατής {m} /egkratís/
sober {adj} (moderate) :: νηφάλιος {m} /nifálios/, μετρημένος {m} /metriménos/
sober up {v} (to become sober) :: ξεμεθώ /xemethó/
sobriety {n} (quality or state of being sober) :: νηφαλιότητα {f} /nifaliótita/
sobriety {n} (quality or state of not being intoxicated) :: νηφαλιότητα {f} /nifaliótita/
sobriquet {n} (familiar name for a person) :: χαϊδευτικό {n} /chaïdeftikó/
so-called {adj} (so named, but wrongly so) :: αποκαλούμενος {m} /apokaloúmenos/, λεγόμενος {m} /legómenos/, δήθεν /díthen/
so-called {adj} (so named) :: αποκαλούμενος {m} /apokaloúmenos/, λεγόμενος {m} /legómenos/
soccer {n} (game) :: ποδόσφαιρο {n} /podósfairo/
Sochi {prop} (city in Russia) :: Σότσι /Sótsi/
sociable lapwing {n} (Vanellus gregarius) :: αγελοκαλημάνα {f} /agelokalimána/
sociable plover {n} (Vanellus gregarius) SEE: sociable lapwing ::
social {adj} (extroverted or outgoing) :: κοινωνικός /koinonikós/
social {adj} (relating to society) :: κοινωνικός {m} /koinonikós/
social climber {n} (one who tries to improve his or her social position) :: αριβίστας {m} /arivístas/
social Darwinism {n} (theory) :: κοινωνικός δαρβινισμός /koinonikós darvinismós/
social democracy {n} (moderate left-wing political philosophy) :: σοσιαλδημοκρατία /sosialdimokratía/
social democrat {n} (supporter of social democracy) :: σοσιαλδημοκράτης /sosialdimokrátis/
social democratic {adj} (of or pertaining to social democracy) :: σοσιαλδημοκρατικός /sosialdimokratikós/
social distancing {n} (practice of maintaining physical distance between people to reduce the spread of communicable diseases) :: κοινωνική απομάκρυνση {f} /koinonikí apomákrynsi/
social engineering {n} (practice of tricking a user) :: κοινωνική μηχανική {f} /koinonikí michanikí/
socialism {n} (political philosophy of social and economic equality) :: σοσιαλισμός {m} /sosialismós/
socialist {adj} (of, promoting, practicing, or characteristic of socialism) :: σοσιαλιστικός /sosialistikós/
socialist {n} (one who practices or advocates socialism) :: σοσιαλιστής {m} /sosialistís/, κοινωνιστής {m} /koinonistís/
Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia {prop} (Yugoslav state that existed from 1943 until 1992) :: Σοσιαλιστική Ομοσπονδιακή Δημοκρατία της Γιουγκοσλαβίας {f} /Sosialistikí Omospondiakí Dimokratía tis Giougkoslavías/
socialistic {adj} (relating to socialism) :: σοσιαλιστικός /sosialistikós/
socialistically {adv} (socialistically) :: σοσιαλιστικά /sosialistiká/
Socialist Republic of Vietnam {prop} (official name of Vietnam) :: Σοσιαλιστικής Δημοκρατίας του Βιετνάμ {f} /Sosialistikís Dimokratías tou Vietnám/
socialization {n} (sociology: the process of learning one’s culture) :: κοινωνικοποίηση {f} /koinonikopoíisi/
social justice {n} (fairness in society) :: κοινωνική δικαιοσύνη {f} /koinonikí dikaiosýni/
social media {n} (interactive forms of media) :: μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης {n-p} /mésa koinonikís diktýosis/
social network {n} (a network of personal or business contacts on the Internet) :: κοινωνικό δίκτυο {n} /koinonikó díktyo/
society {n} (group of people sharing culture) :: κοινωνία {f} /koinonía/
society {n} (group of persons who meet from time to time to engage in a common interest) :: σύλλογος {m} /sýllogos/, εταιρεία {f} /etaireía/
society {n} (people of one’s country or community as a whole) :: κοινωνία {f} /koinonía/
sociocultural {adj} (of both society and culture) :: κοινωνικοπολιτιστικός /koinonikopolitistikós/
sociolect {n} (variant of language used by a social group) :: κοινωνιόλεκτος {f} /koinoniólektos/
sociolinguistics {n} (the study of social and cultural effects on language) :: κοινωνιογλωσσολογία {f} /koinonioglossología/
sociology {n} (study of society, human social interactions, etc.) :: κοινωνιολογία {f} /koinoniología/
sociopath {n} (person with antisocial personality disorder) :: κοινωνιοπαθής {m} {f} /koinoniopathís/
sock {n} (covering for the foot) :: κάλτσα {f} /káltsa/, [obsolete] περιπόδιο {n} /peripódio/
sock {n} (violent blow, punch) :: γροθιά {f} /grothiá/
socket {n} (mechanical opening) :: ρευματοδότης {m} /revmatodótis/, πρίζα {f} /príza/
socket {n} (hollow in a bone) :: φατνίο {n} /fatnío/, κόγχη {f} /kónchi/
Socrates {prop} (Greek philosopher) :: Σωκράτης {m} /Sokrátis/
Socratic irony {n} (the practice or act of asking someone a question in order to demonstrate their ignorance) :: σωκρατική ειρωνεία {f} /sokratikí eironeía/
Socratic method {prop} :: μαιευτική {f} /maieftikí/
sodality {n} (companionship) SEE: companionship ::
sodality {n} (fraternity) :: αδελφότητα {f} /adelfótita/
soda water {n} (water with carbon dioxide) :: σόδα {f} /sóda/
sodden {adj} (soaked) :: μουσκεμένος /mouskeménos/
sodium {n} (reactive metal) :: νάτριο {n} /nátrio/
sodium benzoate {n} (the sodium salt of benzoic acid) :: βενζοϊκό νάτριο {n} /venzoïkó nátrio/
sodium bicarbonate {n} (salt of sodium hydroxide and carbonic acid) :: διττανθρακικό νάτριο {n} /dittanthrakikó nátrio/
sodium carbonate {n} (Na2CO3) :: ανθρακικό νάτριο {n} /anthrakikó nátrio/, σόδα {f} /sóda/
sodium hydrogen carbonate {n} (NaHCO3) SEE: sodium bicarbonate ::
sodium hydroxide {n} (caustic alkali) :: υδροξείδιο νατρίου {n} /ydroxeídio natríou/
Sodom {prop} (city in the Middle East) :: Σόδομα {f} /Sódoma/
sodomite {n} (one who practices sodomy) :: σοδομίτης /sodomítis/
sodomy {n} (anal sex, see also: anal sex) :: σοδομία {f} /sodomía/
sofa {n} (upholstered seat) :: καναπές {m} /kanapés/
soffit {n} (visible underside of an arch, balcony, beam, cornice, staircase, vault or any other architectural element) :: υπερώο {n} /yperóo/
Sofia {prop} (the capital city of Bulgaria) :: Σόφια /Sófia/
soft {adj} (foolish) SEE: foolish ::
soft-boiled {adj} (of an egg) :: μελάτος /melátos/
soft copy {n} (digital copy of a document) :: ψηφιακό αντίγραφο {n} /psifiakó antígrafo/
soft drink {n} (sweet, non-alcoholic carbonated beverage) :: αναψυκτικό {n} /anapsyktikó/
softener {n} (water softener) SEE: water softener ::
softener {n} (fabric softener) SEE: fabric softener ::
soft sign {n} (Cyrillic letter Ь/ь) :: μαλακό σημείο {n} /malakó simeío/, «μιάχκιι ζνακ» {m} /«miáchkii znak»/
soft skill {n} (personal skill that is usually interpersonal, non-specialized, and difficult to quantify) :: ήπια δεξιότητα {f} /ípia dexiótita/
software {n} (encoded computer instructions) :: λογισμικό {n} /logismikó/
software engineer {n} (one who designs and implements software solutions) :: μηχανικός λογισμικού {m} /michanikós logismikoú/
software engineering {n} (subfield of engineering concerned with the development, operation, and maintenance of software) :: μηχανική λογισμικού {f} /michanikí logismikoú/, τεχνολογία λογισμικού {f} /technología logismikoú/
soil {v} (to defecate into one's clothing) SEE: soil oneself ::
soiled {adj} (dirty) :: λερωμένος {m} /leroménos/, ρυπαρός {m} /ryparós/, βρώμικος {m} /vrómikos/
soil oneself {v} (to defecate on oneself accidentally) :: χέζομαι /chézomai/
soiree {n} (formal evening party) :: εσπερίδα {f} /esperída/
sol {n} (fifth note of a major scale) :: σολ {n} /sol/
solace {n} (consolation) :: παρηγοριά {f} /parigoriá/
solace {v} (to give solace to) :: παρηγορώ /parigoró/
solace {v} (to allay, assuage) :: ανακουφίζω /anakoufízo/
solar {adj} (of or pertaining to the sun) :: ηλιακός /iliakós/
solar eclipse {n} (when the Moon passes between the Earth and the sun) :: έκλειψη ηλίου {f} /ékleipsi ilíou/
solar system {n} (any collection of heavenly bodies orbiting a star) :: ηλιακό σύστημα {n} /iliakó sýstima/
solar system {prop} (Solar System) SEE: Solar System ::
Solar System {prop} (the Sun and all the heavenly bodies that orbit around it) :: ηλιακό σύστημα {n} /iliakó sýstima/
solar time {n} (local time based on a solar day) :: ηλιακός χρόνος {m} /iliakós chrónos/
solder {n} (any of various alloys that are used to join small pieces of metal together) :: συγκολλώ /sygkolló/
soldering iron {n} (tool) :: κολλητήρι {n} /kollitíri/
soldier {n} (member of an army) :: στρατιώτης {m} /stratiótis/
soldier {n} (a guardsman) :: εθνοφρουρός {m} /ethnofrourós/, φρουρός {m} /frourós/, φύλακας {m} /fýlakas/
soldier of fortune {n} (mercenary) :: μισθοφόρος {m} /misthofóros/, τυχοδιώκτης {m} /tychodióktis/
sole {adj} (only) :: μόνος {m} /mónos/, μοναδικός {m} /monadikós/, αποκλειστικός {m} /apokleistikós/
sole {adj} (unmarried; widowed) :: [unmarried] άγαμος {m} /ágamos/, [widowed] χήρος {m} /chíros/
sole {n} (bottom of the foot) :: πέλμα {n} /pélma/
sole {n} (bottom of a shoe or boot) :: σόλα {f} /sóla/
sole {n} (fish) :: γλώσσα {f} /glóssa/
sole {v} (put a sole on (a shoe or boot)) :: σολιάζω /soliázo/
solecism {n} (error in the use of language) :: σολοικισμός {m} /soloikismós/
solely {adv} (exclusively) :: μόνο /móno/, αποκλειστικά /apokleistiká/, απλώς και μόνο /aplós kai móno/, εξ ολοκλήρου /ex oloklírou/
solenoid {n} (solenoid) :: ηλεκτρομαγνητική βαλβίδα {f} /ilektromagnitikí valvída/
solicitor {n} (lawyer offering legal services to clients apart from acting as court advocate) :: δικηγόρος {m} {f} /dikigóros/
solicitor {n} (lawyer whose role has merged with that of a barrister) :: δικηγόρος {m} {f} /dikigóros/
solid {adj} (in the solid state) :: στερεός /stereós/
solid {adj} (lacking holes or hollows) :: συμπαγής /sympagís/, ατόφιος /atófios/
solid {adj} (strong, unyielding (as of foundations etc)) :: στερεός /stereós/, γερός /gerós/
solid {n} (chemistry: fundamental state of matter) :: στερεό {n} /stereó/
solid angle {n} (three-dimensional analog of an angle) :: στερεά γωνία {f} /stereá gonía/
solidarity {n} (unifying bond between individuals with common goal or enemy) :: αλληλεγγύη {f} /allilengýi/, συναδελφικότητα {f} /synadelfikótita/
solidarity {n} (psychological or material support) :: αλληλεγγύη {f} /allilengýi/
solid state {adj} (physics: of or relating to the properties of solids) :: στερεάς κατάστασης /stereás katástasis/
solid state {adj} (electronics: of or relating to semiconductors) :: στερεάς κατάστασης /stereás katástasis/
solid-state {adj} (based upon semiconductors) :: στερεάς κατάστασης /stereás katástasis/
solidus {n} (slash) SEE: slash ::
soliloquize {v} (to perform a soliloquy) :: μονολογώ /monologó/
soliloquy {n} (act of a character speaking to himself) :: μονόλογος {m} /monólogos/
soliloquy {n} (speech or written discourse in this form) :: μονόλογος {m} /monólogos/
solipsism {n} (theory) :: εγωμονισμός {m} /egomonismós/
solitaire {n} (person who lives alone) SEE: solitary ::
solitaire {n} (patience) SEE: patience ::
solitary {n} (one who lives alone) :: μονήρης /moníris/
solitary {adj} (living alone or being by oneself) :: μοναχικός /monachikós/
solitary {adj} (single; individual; sole) :: μονήρης /moníris/
solitary {n} (solitary confinement) SEE: solitary confinement ::
solitary confinement {n} (forced isolation) :: απομόνωση {f} /apomónosi/
solitude {n} (state of being alone) :: μοναξιά {f} /monaxiá/
solo {n} (piece of music for one) :: σόλο {n} /sólo/
solo {n} (job or performance done by one person) :: σόλο {n} /sólo/
Solomon {prop} (king of Israel) :: Σολομών {m} /Solomón/
Solomon {prop} (male given name) :: Σολομών {m} /Solomón/, Σουλεϊμάν {m} /Souleïmán/
Solomon Islands {prop} (A country in Melanesia) :: Νήσοι Σολομώντος {m-p} /Nísoi Solomóntos/
so long as {phrase} (as long as) SEE: as long as ::
solstice {n} (point where the earth stands at the extreme of its ellipsis around the sun) :: ηλιοστάσιο {n} /iliostásio/
solution {n} (liquid mixture) :: διάλυμα {n} /diályma/
solution {n} (answer to a problem (mathematics)) :: λύση {f} /lýsi/
solution {n} (satisfaction of a claim or debt) :: λύση {f} /lýsi/
solvent {n} (liquid that dissolves a solid, liquid, or gaseous solute) :: διαλύτης {m} /dialýtis/
solvent {adj} (able to pay all debts) :: διαλυτικός {m} /dialytikós/
Somali {n} (a language) :: σομαλικά {n-p} /somaliká/
Somali {n} (a person from Somalia or of Somali descent) :: Σομαλός {m} /Somalós/, Σομαλή {f} /Somalí/
Somali {adj} (pertaining to Somalia) :: σομαλικός {m} /somalikós/
Somalia {prop} (country in the Horn of Africa) :: Σομαλία {f} /Somalía/
Somalian {adj} (pertaining to Somalia) SEE: Somali ::
Somalian {n} (someone from Somalia) SEE: Somali ::
Somaliland {prop} (region) :: Σομαλιλάνδη {f} /Somalilándi/
somatic nervous system {n} (part of the peripheral nervous system that transmits signals from central nervous system to skeletal muscles) :: σωματικό νευρικό σύστημα {n} /somatikó nevrikó sýstima/
sombre tit {n} (Poecile lugubris) :: κλείδωνας /kleídonas/
some {pron} (certain number) :: μερικοί {m-p} /merikoí/, μερικές {f-p} /merikés/, μερικά {n-p} /meriká/
some {pron} (indefinite quantity or number) :: μερικοί {m-p} /merikoí/, μερικές {f-p} /merikés/, μερικά {n-p} /meriká/
some {pron} (indefinite amount, part) :: λίγο /lígo/
some {determiner} (certain proportion of) :: μερικοί {m-p} /merikoí/, μερικές {f-p} /merikés/, μερικά {n-p} /meriká/
some {determiner} (unspecified quantity or number of) :: λίγο /lígo/
some {determiner} (unspecified amount of) :: λίγο /lígo/
some {determiner} (certain, unspecified or unknown) :: κάποιος /kápoios/
some {determiner} (considerable quantity or number of) :: αρκετά /arketá/
some {determiner} :: μερικοί /merikoí/, λίγο /lígo/, κάποιος /kápoios/
some {adv} (approximately, roughly) :: περίπου /perípou/
somebody {pron} (some unspecified person) :: κάποιος /kápoios/
somehow {adv} (in one way or another; in some way not yet known or designated) :: κάπως /kápos/
someone {pron} (some person) :: κάποιος /kápoios/
someone else {pron} (some other person) :: κάποιος άλλος /kápoios állos/, άλλος /állos/
somersault {n} (the act of going head over heels) :: κυβίστηση {f} /kyvístisi/, τούμπα {f} /toúmpa/
something {pron} (unspecified object) :: κάτι {n} /káti/
something {pron} (talent that is hard to pin down) :: κάτι {n} /káti/
something is rotten in the state of Denmark {phrase} (Hamlet quotation, used in other contexts to mean "something is not right") :: κάτι σάπιο υπάρχει στο βασίλειο της Δανιμαρκίας /káti sápio ypárchei sto vasíleio tis Danimarkías/
sometime {adv} (obsolete: sometimes) SEE: sometimes ::
sometime {adv} (at an unstated or indefinite time in the future) :: κάποτε /kápote/
sometime {adj} (former) :: πρώην {m} /próin/, αλλοτινός {m} /allotinós/
sometimes {adv} (on certain occasions, but not always) :: ενίοτε /eníote/, μερικές φορές /merikés forés/, καμιά φορά /kamiá forá/
somewhat {pron} (something) SEE: something ::
somewhere {adv} (in some place) :: κάπου /kápou/; Ionic: κού /koú/
somewhere else {adv} (in or at some other place) :: αλλού /alloú/
somewhere else {adv} (to some other place) :: άλλοθι /állothi/
somewhither {adv} (to some place) SEE: somewhere ::
sommelier {n} (wine steward / stewardess, wine waiter / waitress) :: οινοχόος {m} /oinochóos/
somnolence {n} (a state of drowsiness or sleepiness) :: υπνηλία {f} /ypnilía/
son {n} (a male person in relation to his parents) :: γιος {m} /gios/
son {n} (an adopted son) :: γιος {m} /gios/
son {n} (a son through close relationship) :: γιος {m} /gios/
son {n} (a son through major influence) :: γιος {m} /gios/
son {n} (male descendant) :: γιος {m} /gios/
son {n} (familiar address) :: γιος {m} /gios/
sonar {n} (device) :: βυθομέτρου /vythométrou/
sonata form {n} (a form of classical music) :: φόρμα σονάτας {f} /fórma sonátas/
song {n} (music with words) :: τραγούδι {n} /tragoúdi/
song {n} (sound of another animal) :: τραγούδι {n} /tragoúdi/
song {n} (sound of a bird) SEE: birdsong ::
songbird {n} (bird) :: ωδικό πτηνό {n} /odikó ptinó/
Song of Solomon {prop} (book of the Bible) SEE: Song of Songs ::
Song of Songs {prop} (book of the Bible) :: Άσμα Ασμάτων {n} /Ásma Asmáton/
song thrush {n} (song thrush) :: κελαηδότσιχλα {f} /kelaïdótsichla/
songwriter {n} (someone who writes the lyrics and usually the music of songs) :: τραγουδοποιός {m} /tragoudopoiós/
son-in-law {n} (son-in-law) :: γαμπρός {m} /gamprós/
sonnet {n} (verse form consisting of fourteen lines) :: σονέτο {n} /sonéto/
son of a bitch {n} (objectionable person) :: πουτάνας γιος {m} /poutánas gios/
son of a bitch {n} (objectionable thing) :: μαλακία {f} /malakía/
son of a whore {n} (objectionable person) :: πουτάνας γιος {m} /poutánas gios/
Son of God {prop} :: Υιός του Θεού {m} /Yiós tou Theoú/
sonometer {n} (audiometer) SEE: audiometer ::
Sony {prop} (An international electronics and media company based in Tokyo, Japan) :: Σόνι /Sóni/
soon {adv} (within a short time) :: σύντομα /sýntoma/, νωρίς /norís/
sooner or later {adv} (set phrase; eventually) :: αργά ή γρήγορα /argá í grígora/
soot {n} (fine black or dull brown particles) :: αιθάλη {f} /aitháli/
soothsayer {n} (one who predicts the future) :: μάντις /mántis/
sop {n} (gravy) SEE: gravy ::
São Paulo {prop} (city and state) :: Σάο Πάολο {n} /Sáo Páolo/, Σάο Πάουλο {n} /Sáo Páoulo/
Sophia {prop} (female given name) :: Σοφία {f} /Sofía/
sophism {n} (flawed argument superficially correct in its reasoning, usually designed to deceive) :: σόφισμα {n} /sófisma/, σοφιστεία {f} /sofisteía/
sophist {n} (ancient teacher of rhetoric, etc.) :: σοφιστής {m} /sofistís/
sophist {n} (one who is captious, fallacious, or deceptive in argument) :: σοφιστής {m} /sofistís/
sophisticated {adj} (having obtained worldly experience) :: έμπειρος /émpeiros/, πολύπειρος /polýpeiros/
sophisticated {adj} (elegant, refined) :: κομψός /kompsós/, εκλεπτυσμένος /ekleptysménos/
sophisticated {adj} (complicated, especially of technology) :: σύνθετος /sýnthetos/, πολύπλοκος /polýplokos/
sophisticated {adj} (appealing to the tastes of an intellectual) :: εγκεφαλικός /egkefalikós/
sophistry {n} (an argument that seems plausible, but is fallacious or misleading) :: σοφιστεία {f} /sofisteía/, σόφισμα {n} /sófisma/
Sophocles {prop} (Greek dramatic poet) :: Σοφοκλής {m} /Sofoklís/
soporific {n} (sleep inducing agent) :: υπνωτικό {n} /ypnotikó/
soporific {adj} (tending to induce sleep) :: υπνωτικός {m} /ypnotikós/
soppy {adj} (sentimental) :: σαχλός /sachlós/
sorb {n} (rowan tree) :: σουρβιά /sourviá/
sorb {n} (fruit) :: σούρβο /soúrvo/
sorcerer {n} (magician/wizard drawing upon natural powers) :: μάγος {m} /mágos/
sore {adj} (causing pain) :: επώδυνος {m} /epódynos/, πονεμένος {m} /poneménos/
sore {adj} (dire, distressing) :: βασανιστικός {m} /vasanistikós/
sore {n} (injured, infected, inflamed, or diseased patch of skin) :: έλκος {n} /élkos/, πληγή {f} /pligí/
sore {adj} (annoyed) SEE: annoyed ::
sorghum {n} (cereal) :: σόργο {n} /sórgo/
sororicide {n} (killing of ones sister) :: αδελφοκτονία {f} /adelfoktonía/
sororicide {n} (sister killer) :: αδελφοκτόνος {m} {f} /adelfoktónos/
sorrel {n} (plant) :: λάπατο {n} /lápato/
sorrel {n} (colour) :: καστανοκόκκινος {n} /kastanokókkinos/, κοκκινόμαυρος {n} /kokkinómavros/
sorrel {adj} (colour) :: καστανοκόκκινος {n} /kastanokókkinos/, κοκκινόμαυρος {n} /kokkinómavros/
Sorrento {prop} (town in the province of Naples) :: Σορέντο {n} /Sorénto/
sorrow {n} (unhappiness) :: λύπη {f} /lýpi/, θλίψη {f} /thlípsi/
sorry {adj} (regretful for an action or grieved) :: λυπάμαι /lypámai/
sorry {interj} (expression of regret or sorrow) :: συγγνώμη /syngnómi/
sorry {n} (act of saying sorry) :: συγγνώμη {f} /syngnómi/
sorry, we don't accept credit cards {phrase} (sorry, we don't accept credit cards) :: συγγνώμη, δεν δεχτούμε πιστωτικές κάρτες /syngnómi, den dechtoúme pistotikés kártes/
so-so {adj} (neither good nor bad) :: έτσι κι έτσι /étsi ki étsi/
São Tomé and Príncipe {prop} (Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe) :: Σάο Τομέ και Πρίνσιπε /Sáo Tomé kai Prínsipe/
Sãotomense {prop} (Forro) SEE: Forro ::
soubrette {n} (mischievous female in comedy) :: σουμπρέτα {f} /soumpréta/
soufflé {n} (baked dish) :: σουφλέ {n} /souflé/
soul {n} (the spirit or essence of a person that is often believed to live on after the person's death) :: ψυχή {f} /psychí/
soul {n} (life, energy, vigour) :: ψυχή {f} /psychí/
soul {n} (soul music) :: σόουλ {f} /sóoul/
soul {n} (person, especially as one among many) :: ψυχή {f} /psychí/
soulmate {n} (Someone with whom one has a special connection) :: αδελφή ψυχή {f} /adelfí psychí/
soul music {n} (music genre) :: σόουλ {f} /sóoul/
sound {n} (sensation perceived by the ear) :: ήχος {m} /íchos/
sound {n} (vibration capable of causing this) :: ήχος {m} /íchos/
sound {n} (long narrow inlet) :: πορθμός {m} /porthmós/
sound {n} (to probe) :: ακροώμαι /akroómai/
sound {n} (to test) :: βολιδοσκοπώ /volidoskopó/
sound {n} (a probe) :: στηθοσκόπιο {n} /stithoskópio/
sound {n} (cuttlefish) SEE: cuttlefish ::
sound engineer {n} (one who practices sound engineering) :: ηχολήπτης /icholíptis/
sound law {n} (rule that describes historical sound change in a language) :: φωνητικός νόμος {m} /fonitikós nómos/
soundly {adv} (in a thorough manner) :: γερά /gerá/
sound post {n} (wooden rod inside a musical instrument) :: ψυχή {f} /psychí/
soup {n} (dish) :: σούπα {f} /soúpa/
souped-up {adj} (drunk, intoxicated) SEE: drunk ::
souped-up {adj} (excited) SEE: excited ::
soupçon {n} (suspicion, suggestion) SEE: suspicion ::
souq {n} (a street market in the Arabic-speaking countries) :: σουκ /souk/
sour {adj} (having an acidic, sharp or tangy taste) :: ξινός {m} /xinós/
sour {adj} (made rancid by fermentation, etc.) :: ξινισμένος /xinisménos/
sour {adj} (tasting or smelling rancid) :: ξινισμένος {m} /xinisménos/
sour {adj} (peevish or bad-tempered) :: ξινός {m} /xinós/
sour {adj} ((of soil) excessively acidic and thus infertile) :: όξινος /óxinos/
source {n} (person, place or thing) :: πηγή {f} /pigí/
source {n} (spring etc.) :: πηγή {f} /pigí/
source {n} (informant) :: πηγή {f} /pigí/
source {n} ((computing) source code) SEE: source code ::
source code {n} (human-readable instructions in a programming language) :: πηγαίος κώδικας {m} /pigaíos kódikas/
source control {n} (technology that handles access to computer files containing source code) :: έλεγχος πηγαίου κώδικα {m} /élenchos pigaíou kódika/
sour cherry {n} (Prunus cerasus) :: βυσσινιά {f} /vyssiniá/
sour cherry {n} (fruit) :: βύσσινο {n} /výssino/
sourdough {n} (dough) :: προζύμι {n} /prozými/, μεταλευτής {m} /metaleftís/
sour grapes {n} (acid grapes) :: αγουρίδα {f} /agourída/
sour grapes {n} (expression of disdain for something one cannot have) :: αγουρίδες {f-p} /agourídes/
sourness {n} (quality or condition) :: αγουρίλα {f} /agouríla/, αγουράδα {f} /agouráda/, ξινίλα {f} /xiníla/
sourness {n} (said of human personalities) :: στρυφνότητα {f} /stryfnótita/, δυστροπία {f} /dystropía/
soursop {n} (fruit) :: γουανάμπανα {f} /gouanámpana/
south {n} (compass point) :: νότος {m} /nótos/
south {adj} (of or pertaining to the south) :: νότιος /nótios/
south {adv} (towards the south) :: νότια /nótia/
South Africa {prop} (country) :: Νότια Αφρική {f} /Nótia Afrikí/
South America {prop} (continent that is the southern part of the Americas) :: Νότια Αμερική {f} /Nótia Amerikí/
Southampton {prop} (city) :: Σαουθάμπτον /Saouthámpton/
South Asia {prop} (South Asia) :: Νότια Ασία {f} /Nótia Asía/
South Australia {prop} (state of Australia) :: Νότια Αυστραλία {f} /Nótia Afstralía/
South Carolina {prop} (US state) :: Νότια Καρολίνα /Nótia Karolína/
southeast {n} (compass point) :: νοτιοανατολικά /notioanatoliká/
southeast {adj} (southeastern) :: νοτιοανατολικός /notioanatolikós/
southeast {adj} (towards the southeast) :: νοτιοανατολικά /notioanatoliká/
Southeast Asia {prop} (a subregion of Asia) :: Νοτιοανατολική Ασία {f} /Notioanatolikí Asía/
southern {adj} (of the south) :: νότιος /nótios/
Southern Cross {prop} (constellation) :: Σταυρός του Νότου {m} /Stavrós tou Nótou/
Southern Europe {prop} (Southern Europe) :: Νότια Ευρώπη {f} /Nótia Evrópi/
Southern European {adj} (Southern European) :: νοτιοευρωπαϊκός {m} /notioevropaïkós/
Southern Hemisphere {n} (hemisphere to the south of its equator) :: νότιο ημισφαίριο {n} /nótio imisfaírio/
southernmost {adj} (farthest south) :: νοτιότερος /notióteros/
Southern Ocean {prop} (the ocean surrounding Antarctica) :: Νότιος Ωκεανός {m} /Nótios Okeanós/
South Georgia {prop} (the island) :: Νότιος Γεωργία {f} /Nótios Georgía/
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands {prop} (territory) :: Νήσοι Νότια Γεωργία και Νότιες Σάντουιτς {f-p} /Nísoi Nótia Georgía kai Nóties Sántouits/
South Korea {prop} (country in East Asia) :: Νότια Κορέα {f} /Nótia Koréa/
South Korean {n} (person from or descended from South Korea) :: Νοτιοκορεάτης {m} /Notiokoreátis/, Νοτιοκορεάτισσα {f} /Notiokoreátissa/
South Korean {adj} (of South Korea) :: νοτιοκορεατικός /notiokoreatikós/
South Ossetia {prop} (South Ossetia) :: Νότια Οσετία {f} /Nótia Osetía/
South Pole {prop} (the southernmost point on Earth) :: Νότιος Πόλος {m} /Nótios Pólos/
South Sandwich Islands {prop} (the islands) :: Νότιοι Σάντουιτς Νήσοι {f-p} /Nótioi Sántouits Nísoi/
South Sea {prop} (Southern Ocean) SEE: Southern Ocean ::
south-southeast {n} (compass point) :: νότια-νοτιοανατολικά {n-p} /nótia-notioanatoliká/
south-southwest {n} (compass point) :: νότια-νοτιοδυτικά {n-p} /nótia-notiodytiká/
South Sudan {prop} (country in Africa) :: Νότιο Σουδάν /Nótio Soudán/
South Tyrol {prop} (German-speaking region of northern Italy) :: Νότιο Τιρόλο {n} /Nótio Tirólo/
southwest {n} (compass point) :: νοτιοδυτικά /notiodytiká/
southwest {adj} (towards the southwest) :: νοτιοδυτικός {m} /notiodytikós/
souvenir {n} (item of sentimental value to remember an event or location) :: ενθύμιο {n} /enthýmio/
sovereign {adj} (exercising power of rule) :: κυρίαρχος /kyríarchos/, ηγεμονικός /igemonikós/
sovereign {n} (monarch) :: ηγεμόνας /igemónas/
sovereignty {n} (of a nation: the state of making laws and controlling resources without the coercion of other nations.) :: κυριαρχία {f} /kyriarchía/
soviet {n} (council) :: σοβιέτ /soviét/
Soviet {n} (soviet) SEE: soviet ::
Sovietology {n} (the field of study of the Soviet Union) :: Σοβιετολογία /Sovietología/
Soviet Russia {prop} (Russia) SEE: Russia ::
Soviet Russia {prop} (Soviet Union) SEE: Soviet Union ::
Soviet Socialist Republic {prop} (any of the republics belonging to the former Soviet Union, see also: SSR) :: σοβιετική σοσιαλιστική δημοκρατία {f} /sovietikí sosialistikí dimokratía/
Soviet Union {prop} (USSR, see also: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; USSR) :: Σοβιετική Ένωση {f} /Sovietikí Énosi/
sovkhoz {n} (soviet state farm) :: σοβχόζ {n} /sovchóz/
sow {n} (female pig) :: γουρούνα {f} /gouroúna/, σκρόφα {f} /skrófa/
sow {n} (contemptible woman) :: σκρόφα {f} /skrófa/
sow {v} (disperse seeds) :: σπέρνω /spérno/
so what {interj} (reply of indifference) :: και λοιπόν; /kai loipón?/, ε και; /e kai?/
sow thistle {n} (thistle) :: ζοχός {m} /zochós/
soy {n} (soy beans) :: σόγια {n} /sógia/
soy {n} (soy sauce) SEE: soy sauce ::
soya bean {n} (soybean) SEE: soybean ::
soybean {n} (seed) :: κύαμος σόγιας {m} /kýamos sógias/
soyburger {n} (burger made from soy) :: σόιμπεργκερ /sóimpergker/
soy sauce {n} (a condiment and ingredient made from fermented soybeans) :: σάλτσα σόγιας {f} /sáltsa sógias/
Soyuz {n} (a Soviet/Russian spacecraft) :: Σογιούζ /Sogioúz/
space {n} (while) SEE: while ::
space {n} (physical extent in two or three dimensions) :: χώρος {m} /chóros/, διάστημα {n} /diástima/
space {n} (area beyond atmosphere of planets) :: διάστημα {n} /diástima/
space {n} (personal freedom) :: χώρος {m} /chóros/
space {n} (gap between written characters, lines etc.) :: διάστημα {n} /diástima/
space {n} (piece of type used to separate words) :: διάστημα {n} /diástima/
space {n} (music: position on the staff) :: διάστημα {n} /diástima/
space {n} (geometry: set of points) :: χώρος {m} /chóros/
spaceship {n} (vehicle that flies through space) :: διαστημόπλοιο {n} /diastimóploio/
space shuttle {n} (vehicle capable of travelling repeatedly btw Earth and outer space) :: διαστημικό λεωφορείο {n} /diastimikó leoforeío/
space-time {n} (spacetime) SEE: spacetime ::
spacetime {n} (four dimensional continuum) :: χωροχρόνος {m} /chorochrónos/
spacious {adj} (having much space; roomy) :: ευρύχωρος /evrýchoros/, άνετος {m} /ánetos/
spacious {adj} (large in expanse) :: ευρύς {m} /evrýs/, εκτεταμένος {m} /ektetaménos/
spade {n} (a garden tool with a handle and a flat blade for digging) :: φτυάρι {n} /ftyári/
spade {n} (one of the black suits in a deck of cards) :: μπαστούνι {n} /bastoúni/
spades {n} (spade) SEE: spade ::
spaghetti {n} (informally: any type of pasta) SEE: pasta ::
spaghetti {n} (pasta) :: μακαρόνια {n-p} /makarónia/
spaghetti {n} (strand of spaghetti) :: μακαρόνι {n} /makaróni/
spaghetti {n} (dish containing spaghetti) :: μακαρόνια {n-p} /makarónia/
Spain {prop} (country in Europe) :: Ισπανία {f} /Ispanía/
spanakopita {n} (Greek dish) :: σπανακόπιτα {f} /spanakópita/ [spinach pie], σπανακοτυρόπιτα {f} /spanakotyrópita/ [spinach and cheese pie]
Spaniard {n} (somebody from Spain) :: Ισπανός {m} /Ispanós/, Ισπανίδα {f} /Ispanída/
Spanish {prop} (Romance language of Spain and the Americas) :: ισπανικά {n-p} /ispaniká/, ισπανική γλώσσα /ispanikí glóssa/
Spanish chestnut {n} (tree) :: καστανιά {f} /kastaniá/
Spanish chestnut {n} (fruit) :: κάστανο {n} /kástano/
Spanish fly {n} (Lytta vesicatoria) :: κανθαρίδα {f} /kantharída/
spanner {n} (hand tool for adjusting nuts and bolts) :: γερμανικό κλειδί {n} /germanikó kleidí/
sparable {n} (shoe nail) :: πρόκα {f} /próka/
spare part {n} (component kept in reserve) :: ανταλλακτικό {n} /antallaktikó/
spare the rod and spoil the child {proverb} (if one does not discipline a child he or she will never learn respect or humility) :: όποιος αγαπά, τιμωρεί /ópoios agapá, timoreí/
spare time {n} (free time) SEE: free time ::
spare tire {n} (extra tire) SEE: spare tyre ::
spare tire {n} (fat around midsection) SEE: spare tyre ::
spare tyre {n} (extra tyre) :: ρεζέρβα {f} /rezérva/
spare wheel {n} (extra wheel) SEE: spare tyre ::
sparingly {adv} (in a sparing manner) :: με φειδώ /me feidó/
spark {n} (particle of glowing matter) :: σπινθήρας {m} /spinthíras/
sparkler {n} (hand-held firework) :: βεγγαλικό {n} /vengalikó/
sparkling {adj} (of an object) :: αστραφτερός /astrafterós/, σπινθηροβόλος /spinthirovólos/, λάμπων {m} /lámpon/
sparkling {adj} (of a beverage) :: αφρώδης /afródis/, αεριούχος /aerioúchos/
sparkling water {n} (a form of carbonated water) SEE: soda water ::
sparkling wine {n} (effervescent wine) :: αφρώδης οίνος {m} /afródis oínos/
spark plug {n} (part of an internal combustion engine) :: μπουζί {n} /bouzí/, αναφλεκτήρας {m} /anaflektíras/, σπινθηριστής /spinthiristís/
sparrow {n} (bird of the family Passeridae) :: σπουργίτι {n} /spourgíti/, σπουργίτης {m} /spourgítis/
sparrow {n} (Passer domesticus) SEE: house sparrow ::
sparrow hawk {n} (Accipiter nisus) SEE: Eurasian sparrowhawk ::
sparrowhawk {n} (Eurasian sparrowhawk) SEE: Eurasian sparrowhawk ::
Sparta {prop} (ancient city-state in southern Greece) :: Σπάρτη {f} /Spárti/
Spartacus {prop} (Thracian name) :: Σπάρτακος {m} /Spártakos/
spasm {n} (contraction of a muscle) :: σπασμός {m} /spasmós/, σύσπαση {f} /sýspasi/
spasm {n} (a violent, excruciating seizure of pain) :: σπασμός {m} /spasmós/, κρίση {f} /krísi/
spasm {n} (a sudden and temporary burst of energy, activity, or emotion) :: κρίση {f} /krísi/, παροξυσμός {m} /paroxysmós/
spatial {adj} (pertaining to space) :: διαστημικός {m} /diastimikós/, χωρικός {m} /chorikós/
spatula {n} (kitchen utensil for turning and lifting) :: σπάτουλα {f} /spátoula/
spay {v} (remove the ovaries) :: στειρώνω /steiróno/
speak {v} (to communicate with one's voice using words) :: μιλώ /miló/, λέω /léo/
speaker {n} (one who speaks) :: ομιλητής {m} /omilitís/
speaker {n} (loudspeaker) :: μεγάφωνο {n} /megáfono/, ηχείο {n} /icheío/
speaker {n} (politics: the chair or presiding officer) :: πρόεδρος {m} {f} /próedros/
speaker {n} (one who makes a speech to an audience) :: ομιλητής {m} /omilitís/, ρήτορας {m} /rítoras/
speaking of {adv} (relatedly) :: μιας και τό 'φερε η κουβέντα /mias kai tó 'fere i kouvénta/, παρεμπιπτόντως /parempiptóntos/
speak of the devil {phrase} (expression used when a person mentioned in the current conversation happens to arrive) :: κατά φωνή κι ο γάιδαρος /katá foní ki o gáidaros/
speak softly and carry a big stick {proverb} (do not boast but do make others aware that you are prepared to use force) :: όπου δεν τύπτει λόγος τύπτει ράβδος /ópou den týptei lógos týptei rávdos/
spear {n} (long stick with a sharp tip) :: δόρυ {n} /dóry/, λόγχη {f} /lónchi/
spear {n} (sharp tool used by fishermen to retrieve fish) :: καμάκι {n} /kamáki/
spear {v} (strike with any long narrow object) :: λογχίζω /lonchízo/
spear gun {n} (type of gun) :: ψαροτούφεκο {n} /psarotoúfeko/, ψαροντούφεκο {n} /psarontoúfeko/
spearman {n} (soldier with spear) :: λογχοφόρος {m} /lonchofóros/
spearmint {n} (Mentha spicata) :: δυόσμος {m} /dyósmos/
special {adj} (distinguished by a unique or unusual quality) :: έκτακτος {m} /éktaktos/
special {adj} (of particular interest or value; certain; dear; beloved; favored) :: ειδικός {m} /eidikós/, ιδιαίτερος {m} /idiaíteros/
special {adj} (constituting or relating to a species) :: ειδικός {m} /eidikós/
special {n} (A reduction in consumer cost (usually for a limited time) for items or services rendered) :: προσφορά {f} /prosforá/
special {n} ((TV, radio) Unsual or exceptional episode of a series) :: έκτακτος {m} /éktaktos/
specialist {n} (expert) :: ειδικός {m} /eidikós/, εμπειρογνώμονας {m} /empeirognómonas/
specially {adv} ((proscribed) extremely) SEE: extremely ::
special relativity {n} (physics theory) :: ειδική σχετικότητα {f} /eidikí schetikótita/
special school {n} (school specifically run for students with disabilities or other problems that need special treatment) :: ειδικό σχολείο {n} /eidikó scholeío/
specialty {n} (that in which one specializes) :: ειδικότητα {f} /eidikótita/
speciesism {n} :: σπισισμός {m} /spisismós/
specific {adj} (explicit or definite) :: συγκεκριμένος /sygkekriménos/
specific {adj} (special, distinctive or unique) :: ειδικός /eidikós/
specific {adj} (intended for, or applying to a particular thing) :: ειδικός /eidikós/, εξειδικευμένος /exeidikevménos/
specification {n} (explicit set of requirements) :: προδιαγραφή {f} /prodiagrafí/, προσδιορισμός {m} /prosdiorismós/
specific gravity {n} (ratio of the mass of a substance to that of an equal volume of water) :: ειδικός βάρος {n} /eidikós város/
specify {v} (to state explicitly, in detail, or as a condition) :: προσδιορίζω /prosdiorízo/, συγκεκριμενοποιώ /sygkekrimenopoió/
specimen {n} (example) :: δείγμα {n} /deígma/
specimen {n} (sample) :: δείγμα {n} /deígma/
speckle {n} (small spot) :: στίγμα {n} /stígma/, κηλίδα {f} /kilída/
spectacle {n} (optical instrument) SEE: spectacles ::
spectacled {adj} (wearing spectacles) SEE: bespectacled ::
spectacled bear {n} (Tremarctos ornatus) :: αρκούδα των Άνδεων {f} /arkoúda ton Ándeon/
spectacles {n} (a pair of lenses set in a frame) :: γυαλιά {n-p} /gyaliá/, ματογυάλια {n-p} /matogyália/ [dated]
spectacular {adj} (amazing or worthy of special attention) :: θεαματικός /theamatikós/
spectator {n} (observer) :: θεατής {m} /theatís/
specter {n} (ghostly apparition) :: φάντασμα /fántasma/
specter {n} (mental image) :: σκιά {f} /skiá/
spectral {adj} (pertaining to a spectre) :: φασματικός /fasmatikós/
spectro- {prefix} (forming words relating to optical spectra) :: φασματο- /fasmato-/
spectroscope {n} (optical instrument used for spectrographic analysis) :: φασματοσκόπιο {n} /fasmatoskópio/
spectrum {n} (range) :: φάσμα {n} /fásma/
spectrum {n} (range of colors) :: φάσμα {n} /fásma/, φωτόφασμα {n} /fotófasma/
spectrum {n} (chemistry: a pattern of absorption or emission of radiation) :: φάσμα {n} /fásma/
spectrum {n} (linear algebra: set of scalar values) :: φάσμα {n} /fásma/
speculative {adj} (characterized by speculation; based on guessing or unfounded opinions) :: αναπόδεικτος /anapódeiktos/
speech {n} (dialect or language) SEE: dialect ::
speech {n} (vocal communication) :: λόγος {m} /lógos/, ομιλία {f} /omilía/
speech {n} (an oration, session of speaking) :: λόγος {m} /lógos/, ομιλία {f} /omilía/, αγόρευση {f} /agórefsi/
speechless {adj} (not speaking; not knowing what to say) :: άναυδος {m} /ánavdos/, άφωνος {m} /áfonos/, ενεός {m} /eneós/
speechreading {n} (lipreading) SEE: lipreading ::
speech recognition {n} (voice recognition) SEE: voice recognition ::
speed {n} (luck, success, prosperity) SEE: luck ::
speed {n} (rapidity) :: ταχύτητα {f} /tachýtita/
speed {n} (rate of motion) :: ταχύτητα {f} /tachýtita/
speed limit {n} (maximum speed permitted) :: όριο ταχύτητος {n} /ório tachýtitos/
speed of light {n} (the speed of electromagnetic radiation in a perfect vacuum) :: ταχύτητα του φωτός {f} /tachýtita tou fotós/
speed of sound {n} (speed at which sound is propagated) :: ταχύτητα του ήχου {f} /tachýtita tou íchou/
speleological {adj} (pertaining to the exploration of caves) :: σπηλαιολογικός /spilaiologikós/
speleologist {n} (person who studies caves) :: σπηλαιολόγος {c} /spilaiológos/
speleology {n} (scientific study of caves) :: σπηλαιολογία {f} /spilaiología/
spell {n} (magical incantation) :: ξόρκι /xórki/
spell {v} (to write or say the letters that form a word) :: γράφω ορθογραφημένα /gráfo orthografiména/
spell {v} (to compose a word) :: γράφω ορθογραφημένα /gráfo orthografiména/
spell {v} (to indicate that some future event will occur) :: συνεπάγομαι /synepágomai/
spell {n} (indefinite period of time) :: περίοδος {f} /períodos/
spell checker {n} (software application) :: ορθογράφος {m} /orthográfos/, ορθογραφικός έλεγχος {m} /orthografikós élenchos/
spelt {n} (a type of wheat, Triticum aestivum spelta) :: όλυρα {f} /ólyra/
spelunk {n} (cave, cavern, grotto) SEE: cave ::
spelunker {n} (one who explores caves) :: σπηλαιολόγος {c} /spilaiológos/
Spencer {prop} (surnames derived from the equivalent of “spencer”) :: Οικονόμος /Oikonómos/
spend {v} (to pay out) :: ξοδεύω /xodévo/
spendthrift {n} (someone who spends money improvidently or wastefully) :: σπάταλος /spátalos/
sperm {n} (cell) :: σπερματοζωάριο {n} /spermatozoário/ (spermatozoário)
sperm {n} (semen (fluid)) :: σπέρμα {n} /spérma/
spermatozoon {n} (reproductive cell of the male) :: σπερματοζωάριο {n} /spermatozoário/
sperm bank {n} (vulgar: vagina) SEE: cunt ::
Spetsai {prop} (an older name) :: Σπέτσαι {n} /Spétsai/ (Naxos)
Spetse {prop} (an older name) :: Σπέτσαι {n} /Spétsai/ (Naxos)
Spetses {prop} (an island in Greece) :: Σπέτσες {n} /Spétses/ (Spetses)
Spetses {prop} (a town in Greece) :: Σπέτσες {n} /Spétses/ (Spetses)
spew {n} (vomit) SEE: vomit ::
spew {n} (ejaculate) SEE: ejaculate ::
sphagnum {n} (moss) :: σφαγνός {m} /sfagnós/
spheral {adj} (spherical) SEE: spherical ::
sphere {n} (mathematics: regular three-dimensional object) :: σφαίρα {f} /sfaíra/
sphere {n} (spherical physical object) :: σφαίρα {f} /sfaíra/
sphere {n} (historical, astronomy, mythology: any of the concentric globes formerly believed to rotate around the Earth) :: σφαίρα {f} /sfaíra/
sphere {n} (region in which something or someone is active) :: σφαίρα {f} /sfaíra/
sphere {n} (astronomy: apparent outer limit of space) SEE: celestial sphere ::
sphere of influence {n} (area influenced by something) :: σφαίρα επιρροής {f} /sfaíra epirroḯs/
spherical {adj} (shaped like a sphere) :: σφαιρικός /sfairikós/
spherical {adj} (of or relating to a sphere or spheres) :: σφαιρικός /sfairikós/
sphincter {n} (band of muscle) :: σφιγκτήρας {m} /sfigktíras/
sphinx {n} (mythology: creature with the head of a person and the body of an animal) :: σφίγγα /sfínga/
sphinx {n} (sphincter) SEE: sphincter ::
Sphinx {prop} (large monument in Egypt) :: Σφίγγα {f} /Sfínga/
Sphinx {prop} (Greek mythological creature) :: Σφίγγα {f} /Sfínga/
Spica {prop} (star) :: Στάχυς /Stáchys/
spice {n} (Yorkshire dialect: sweets, candy) SEE: sweet ::
spice {n} (plant matter used to season or flavour food) :: καρύκευμα {n} /karýkevma/
spice {n} (any variety of spice) :: καρύκευμα {n} /karýkevma/
spice {v} (to add spice or spices to) :: καρυκεύω /karykévo/, νοστιμεύω /nostimévo/
spicy {adj} (containing spice) :: καρυκευμένος {m} /karykevménos/, πικάντικος {m} /pikántikos/
spicy {adj} (tangy or pungent) :: αψύς {m} /apsýs/
spicy {adj} (vigorous, colorful) :: ζωηρός {m} /zoïrós/
spicy {adj} (racy) :: τολμηρός {m} /tolmirós/, καυτός {m} /kaftós/
spider {n} (arthropod) :: αράχνη {f} /aráchni/
spider {n} (slang: a spindly person) :: αράχνη {f} /aráchni/
spiderweb {n} (net-like construct of a spider) :: ιστός {m} /istós/ (αράχνης)
Spidey-sense {n} (intuitive feeling, usually of something being dangerous or risky) :: προαίσθηση αράχνης /proaísthisi aráchnis/
spigot {n} (faucet) SEE: tap ::
spike {n} (ear of grain) :: στάχυ /stáchy/
spikenard {n} (perfumed ointment) :: νάρδος {m} /nárdos/
spikenard {n} (The plant Nardostachys jatamansi) :: νάρδος {m} /nárdos/
spill {v} (transitive: to drop something so that it spreads out) :: χύνω /chýno/
spill {v} (intransitive: to spread out or fall out) :: χύνομαι /chýnomai/, ξεχειλίζω /xecheilízo/
spill one's guts {v} (vomit) SEE: vomit ::
spin {n} (physics: quantum angular momentum) :: ιδιοστροφορμή {f} /idiostroformí/
spinach {n} (a particular edible plant, Spinacia oleracea) :: σπανάκι {n} /spanáki/
spinal column {n} (spinal column) SEE: vertebral column ::
spinal cord {n} (thick, whitish cord of nerve tissue) :: νωτιαίος μυελός {m} /notiaíos myelós/
spindle {n} (dragonfly) SEE: dragonfly ::
spindle {n} (rod in spinning and winding thread) :: αδράχτι {n} /adráchti/
spindle tree {n} (tree of the genus Euonymus) SEE: spindle ::
spine {n} (backbone) :: σπονδυλική στήλη {f} /spondylikí stíli/, ραχοκοκαλιά {f} /rachokokaliá/
spine {n} (bound edge of a book) :: ράχη {f} /ráchi/
spine {n} (rigid, pointed surface protuberance or needle-like structure on an animal, shell, or plant) :: αγκάθι {n} /agkáthi/
spinel {n} (any of several hard minerals of cubic symmetry that are mixed oxides of magnesium and aluminium) :: σπινέλιος {m} /spinélios/
spine pig {n} (porcupine) SEE: porcupine ::
spinnaker {n} (sail) :: τρίγωνο ιστίο {n} /trígono istío/
spinning {n} (process of converting fibres into yarn or thread) :: νηματοποίηση {f} /nimatopoíisi/
spinning top {n} (a toy) :: σβούρα {f} /svoúra/
spinning wheel {n} (device for spinning thread with a wheel and a spindle) :: ανέμη {f} /anémi/
spin-off {n} (by-product) SEE: by-product ::
spinster {n} (unmarried woman) :: γεροντοκόρη {f} /gerontokóri/
spiny anteater {n} (common name for echidna) SEE: echidna ::
spiny lobster {n} (crustacean of the family Palinuridae) :: αστακός {m} /astakós/
spiracle {n} (blowhole) :: φυσητήρας {m} /fysitíras/
spiracle {n} (small aperture or vent) :: φυσητήρας {m} /fysitíras/
spiral {n} (geometry) :: έλικα {f} /élika/, σπείρα {f} /speíra/, σπείρωμα {n} /speíroma/
spiral {n} (helix) :: έλικα {f} /élika/
spiral {adj} (helical) :: ελικοειδής {m} {f} /elikoeidís/, ελικοειδές {n} /elikoeidés/, σπειροειδής {m} {f} /speiroeidís/, σπειροειδές {n} /speiroeidés/, ελικωτός {m} /elikotós/, ελικωτή {f} /elikotí/, ελικωτό {n} /elikotó/, σπιράλ {m} {m-p} {f} {f-p} {n} {n-p} /spirál/
spiral staircase {n} (type of staircase) :: σπειροειδές κλιμακοστάσιο {n} /speiroeidés klimakostásio/
spirit {n} (soul) :: πνεύμα {n} /pnévma/
spirit {n} (supernatural being) :: πνεύμα {n} /pnévma/
spirit {n} (manner or style) :: πνεύμα {n} /pnévma/
spirit {n} (alcohol) :: οινόπνευμα {n} /oinópnevma/
spiritism {n} (Spiritism) SEE: Spiritism ::
Spiritism {prop} (philosophical doctrine) :: πνευματισμός /pnevmatismós/
Spiritist {n} (one who believes in Spiritism) :: πνευματιστής {m} /pnevmatistís/
spirit level {n} (spirit level) :: αλφάδι {n} /alfádi/
spirits {n} (strong alcoholic drink derived from fermentation and distillation) :: οινοπνευματώδη {n-p} /oinopnevmatódi/
spiritual {adj} (of or pertaining to the spirit or the soul) :: πνευματικός /pnevmatikós/
spiritus asper {n} (Ancient Greek diacritical mark) SEE: rough breathing ::
spiritus lenis {n} (Greek diacritical mark) SEE: smooth breathing ::
spirometer {n} (medical device) :: σπιρόμετρο {n} /spirómetro/
spit {v} (to dig, to spade) SEE: dig ::
spit {n} (thin rod on which meat is skewered for cooking) :: σούβλα {n} /soúvla/
spit {v} (to evacuate (saliva or another substance) from the mouth, etc.) :: φτύνω /ftýno/
spit roast {n} (cooking technique) :: σούβλα {f} /soúvla/
spitting distance {n} (a short distance) :: δυο βήματα /dyo vímata/
spittle {n} (spit, usually frothy) :: ροχάλα /rochála/
spittoon {n} (receptacle for spit) :: πτυελοδοχείο {n} /ptyelodocheío/
spivish {adj} (spiv like) :: αεριτζίδικος /aeritzídikos/
spleen {n} (organ) :: σπλην {m} /splin/, σπλήνα {f} /splína/
splendid {adj} (possessing or displaying splendor) :: μεγαλοπρεπής /megaloprepís/
splendid {adj} (showy; magnificent; sumptuous; pompous) :: μεγαλοπρεπής /megaloprepís/
splendid {adj} (illustrious; heroic; brilliant; celebrated) :: θαυμάσιος /thavmásios/
splendor {n} (magnificent appearance) :: μεγαλείο {n} /megaleío/, λαμπρότητα {f} /lamprótita/, χλιδή {f} /chlidí/
splice {v} (to unite in marriage) SEE: marry ::
spliff {n} (a marijuana cigarette) :: μπάφος {m} /báfos/
splinter {n} (fragment of material) :: σκλήθρα {f} /sklíthra/, θραύσμα {n} /thráfsma/, [wood] ακίδα {f} /akída/
split {n} (tear resulting from tensile stresses) :: ρήγμα {n} /rígma/
split {v} (divide along a more or less straight line) :: σχίζω /schízo/
split {v} (share out) :: χωρίζω /chorízo/
split {v} (leave) :: σπάω /spáo/
split {v} (separate) :: χωρίζω /chorízo/
split {v} (divulge a secret; to betray confidence; to peach) SEE: peach ::
Split {prop} (port city in Croatia) :: Σπλιτ {n} /Split/
split end {n} (hair which has split at the end) :: ψαλίδα {f} /psalída/
split pea {n} (dried, peeled, and split seeds of the pea) :: φάβα {f} /fáva/
splits {n} (manoeuvre, acrobatic feat) :: σπαγγάτο /spangáto/
spoil {v} (ruin) :: καταστρέφω /katastréfo/, αλλοιώνω /alloióno/, αμαυρώνω /amavróno/
spoil {v} (to coddle or pamper) :: κακομαθαίνω /kakomathaíno/, καλομαθαίνω /kalomathaíno/, χαλάω /chaláo/
spoil {v} (become sour or rancid, to decay) :: αλλοιώνομαι /alloiónomai/, χαλάω /chaláo/, κόβω /kóvo/ [milk], μυρίζω /myrízo/ [fish or meat], ξινίζω /xinízo/ [milk]
spoil {v} (reveal the ending) :: μαρτυρώ /martyró/, προδίδω /prodído/
spoil {n} (plunder taken from an enemy or victim) :: λάφυρο {n} /láfyro/, λεία {f} /leía/
spoil {n} (material moved) :: μπάζα {n-p} /báza/
spoiled {adj} ((of a person, usually a child) having a selfish or greedy character due to pampering) :: κακομαθημένος /kakomathiménos/
spoiler {n} (automobiles: device to reduce lift and increase downforce) :: αεροτομή {f} /aerotomí/
spoils of war {n} (profits extracted as the result of winning a war) :: λάφυρα {n-p} /láfyra/
spoilt {adj} (of food: rendered unusable or inedible) :: χαλασμένος /chalasménos/, αλλοιωμένος /alloioménos/
spoilt {adj} (of a child) :: κακομαθημένος /kakomathiménos/
spoke {n} (part of a wheel) :: ακτίνα {f} /aktína/
spoken {adj} (concerning speech) :: προφορικός /proforikós/
spondee {n} (word of two syllables) :: σπονδείος {m} /spondeíos/
spondyle {n} (joint of the backbone) SEE: vertebra ::
sponge {n} (marine invertebrate) :: σφουγγάρι {n} /sfoungári/
sponge {n} (piece of porous material used for washing) :: σφουγγάρι {n} /sfoungári/
sponge {n} (porous material) :: σφουγγάρι {n} /sfoungári/
sponge {v} (to clean with a sponge) :: σφογγίζω /sfongízo/
sponge {n} (sponge cake) SEE: sponge cake ::
sponge cake {n} (type of soft cake made from flour, sugar, baking powder and eggs, with a spongy structure) :: παντεσπάνι {n} /pantespáni/
sponsor {n} (person or organisation with responsibility (especially with a religious or financial aspect)) :: χορηγός {m} {f} /chorigós/, ανάδοχος {m} {f} /anádochos/
sponsor {n} (One that pays all or part of the cost of an event) :: χορηγός {m} /chorigós/
sponsor {v} (to be a sponsor for) :: επιχορηγώ /epichorigó/
sponsorship {n} (aid or support) :: χορηγία {f} /chorigía/
spontaneity {n} (the quality of being spontaneous) :: αυθορμητισμός {m} /afthormitismós/
spontaneity {n} (spontaneous behaviour) :: αυθορμητισμός {m} /afthormitismós/
spontaneous {adj} (random) SEE: random ::
spontaneous {adj} (self generated; happening without any apparent external cause) :: αυθόρμητος /afthórmitos/, εθελοντικός /ethelontikós/
spontaneous {adj} (done by one's own free choice, or without planning) :: αυθόρμητος /afthórmitos/, αβίαστος /avíastos/
spontaneous {adj} (proceeding from natural feeling or native tendency without external constraint) :: αυθόρμητος /afthórmitos/, πηγαίος /pigaíos/, ενστικτώδης /enstiktódis/
spontaneous {adj} (arising from a momentary impulse) :: παρορμητικός /parormitikós/, αυθόρμητος /afthórmitos/
spontaneous {adj} (controlled and directed internally) :: ακούσιος /akoúsios/
spontaneous {adj} (not apparently contrived or manipulated) :: αυθόρμητος /afthórmitos/, φυσικός /fysikós/
spontaneous {adj} (sudden, without warning) :: ξαφνικός /xafnikós/
spontaneous combustion {n} (combustion without a source of heat) :: αυτανάφλεξη {f} /aftanáflexi/
spoon {n} (scooped utensil for eating (or serving)) :: κουτάλι {n} /koutáli/
spoon {n} (metal lure for fishing) :: κουτάλι {n} /koutáli/, κουταλάκι {n} /koutaláki/
spoon {v} (to flirt) SEE: flirt ::
spoon {n} (measure that will fit into a spoon) SEE: spoonful ::
spoonerism {n} (phrase where sounds are transposed) :: παραδρομή γλώσσας {f} /paradromí glóssas/
spoonful {n} (amount a spoon will hold) :: κουταλιά {f} /koutaliá/
spoon sweet {n} (preserved sweet) :: γλυκό του κουταλιού {n} /glykó tou koutalioú/
Sporades {prop} (archipelago) :: Σποράδες {f-p} /Sporádes/
sporadically {adv} (In an occasional, infrequent, or irregular manner) :: σποραδικά /sporadiká/
spore {n} (reproductive particle) :: σπόριο {n} /spório/
sport {n} (any athletic activity that uses physical skills) :: άθλημα {n} /áthlima/
sportive {adj} (playful, coltish) SEE: playful ::
sportsman {n} (male athlete) :: αθλητικός τύπος {m} /athlitikós týpos/, αθλητικός {m} /athlitikós/, αθλητής {m} /athlitís/
sportsmanship {n} :: αθλητικό πνεύμα {n} /athlitikó pnévma/
sports medicine {n} (branch of medicine) :: αθλητιατρική {f} /athlitiatrikí/
sportswoman {n} (woman who engages in sports) :: αθλήτρια {f} /athlítria/
sports writer {n} (someone who writes about sports-related topics professionally) :: αθλητικογράφος {m} {f} /athlitikográfos/
sportswriter {n} (journalist who specializes in sports) SEE: sports writer ::
spot {n} (a round or irregular patch of a different color) :: βούλα {f} /voúla/
spotless starling {n} (Sturnus unicolor) :: μαυροψάρονο {n} /mavropsárono/
spotted redshank {n} (Tringa erythropus) :: μαυρότρυγγας {m} /mavrótryngas/
spouse {n} (husband) SEE: husband ::
spouse {n} (wife) SEE: wife ::
spouse {n} (person in a marriage or marital relationship) :: σύζυγος {m} {f} /sýzygos/
spouse {v} (to get married to) SEE: espouse ::
sprat {n} (any of various small marine fish in the genus Sprattus) :: παπαλίνα {f} /papalína/
spray {n} (fine, gentle, dispersed mist of liquid) :: ψιχάλες {f-p} /psicháles/, ψεκασμός {m} /psekasmós/
spray {n} (small branch of flowers or berries) :: κλωνάρι {n} /klonári/
spray {v} (to project a liquid in a disperse manner) :: ψεκάζω /psekázo/, ραντίζω /rantízo/
spread {n} (food designed to be spread) :: άλειμμα /áleimma/
spreadsheet {n} (computer simulation) :: λογιστικό φύλλο {n} /logistikó fýllo/, υπολογιστικό φύλλο {n} /ypologistikó fýllo/
spring {n} (season between winter and summer in temperate climates) :: άνοιξη {f} /ánoixi/, [archaic] έαρ {n} /éar/
spring {n} (water springing from the ground) :: πηγή {f} /pigí/
spring {n} (device made of flexible material) :: ελατήριο {n} /elatírio/
spring {n} (source of an action or a supply) :: αρχή {f} /archí/
spring {v} (to jump) SEE: jump ::
spring {n} (jump) SEE: jump ::
spring {n} (people sharing the same origin) SEE: race ::
spring {n} (shoot) SEE: shoot ::
spring {n} (cluster of trees) SEE: grove ::
spring {n} (erection of the penis) SEE: erection ::
spring {n} (youth) SEE: youth ::
spring {n} (time of growth, early stages) SEE: beginning ::
spring {n} (high tide) SEE: high tide ::
spring {n} (elasticity) SEE: elasticity ::
springboard {n} (flexible diving board) :: εφαλτήριο /efaltírio/
spring cleaning {n} (systematic cleaning at the end of winter) :: ανοιξιάτικο καθάρισμα {n} /anoixiátiko kathárisma/
spring cleaning {n} (systematic cleaning of anything) :: γενικό καθάρισμα {n} /genikó kathárisma/
spring equinox {n} (vernal equinox) SEE: vernal equinox ::
spring onion {n} (Allium fistulosum) :: φρέσκο κρεμμυδάκι {n} /frésko kremmydáki/
spring to life {v} (start to exist) :: ξεπροβάλλω /xeprovállo/, ξεφυτρώνω /xefytróno/
sprinkle {v} (to cause to fall in fine drops) :: ρίχνω /ríchno/
sprint {n} (short race at top speed) :: σπριντ {n} /sprint/
sprint {v} (To run etc at top speed for a short period) :: τρέχω /trécho/
sprinter {n} (one who sprints) :: σπρίντερ /sprínter/
sprite {n} (the green woodpecker, or yaffle) SEE: green woodpecker ::
sprite {n} (a spirit; a soul; a shade; also, an apparition) :: πνεύμα {n} /pnévma/, δαιμονικό {n} /daimonikó/
Sprite {prop} (colourless, caffeine-free, lemon and lime-flavoured soft drink) :: Σπραιτ /Sprait/
sprout {n} (Brussels sprout) SEE: Brussels sprout ::
spruce {n} (tree from the genus Picea) :: ερυθρελάτη {n} /erythreláti/
spume {n} (foam of sea water) :: αλισάχνη {f} /alisáchni/
spur {n} (implement for prodding a horse) :: σπιρούνι {n} /spiroúni/
spurious {adj} (false) :: πλαστός {m} /plastós/, κίβδηλος {m} /kívdilos/
spurious {adj} (illegitimate) :: νόθος {m} /nóthos/
spur on {v} (spur) SEE: spur ::
spurt {v} (to gush) :: αναβλύζω /anavlýzo/
spur-winged lapwing {n} (Vanellus spinosus) :: αγκαθοκαλημάνα {f} /agkathokalimána/
spur-winged plover {n} (Vanellus spinosus) SEE: spur-winged lapwing ::
sputnik {n} (a Soviet robotic space satellite) :: σπούτνικ {m} /spoútnik/
spy {n} (person who secretly watches) :: κατάσκοπος {m} /katáskopos/
spy {v} (to act as a spy) :: κατασκοπεύω /kataskopévo/
spyglass {n} (portable telescope) :: κιάλι /kiáli/
spyglass {n} (binoculars) SEE: binoculars ::
spying {n} (espionage) SEE: espionage ::
spy satellite {n} (artificial space satellite used for reconnaissance or intelligence gathering) :: κατασκοπευτικός δορυφόρος {m} /kataskopeftikós doryfóros/
squab {n} (baby pigeon) :: πιτσούνι {n} /pitsoúni/
squab {n} (meat of a young pigeon or dove) :: πιτσούνι {n} /pitsoúni/
squab {n} (baby rook) :: νεοσσός τρυπανοκόρακα {m} /neossós trypanokóraka/, νεογνό τρυπανοκόρακα {n} /neognó trypanokóraka/
squab {n} (thick cushion) :: μαξιλάρα {f} /maxilára/
squabble {n} (minor fight or argument) :: αψιμαχία {f} /apsimachía/
squabble {v} (participate in a minor fight or argument) :: αψιμαχώ /apsimachó/
squacco {n} (Ardeola ralloides) :: κρυπτοτσικνιάς {m} /kryptotsikniás/
squad {n} (small group of people organized for a purpose) :: διμοιρία {f} /dimoiría/
squad {n} (sports team) :: ομάδα {f} /omáda/
squadron leader {n} (rank in the RAF) :: επισμηναγός /episminagós/
squall {n} (sudden storm, as found in a squall line) :: ριπαίος άνεμος /ripaíos ánemos/
square {n} (type of polygon) :: τετράγωνο {n} /tetrágono/
square {n} (tool) :: γνώμονας {m} /gnómonas/
square {n} (open space in a town) :: πλατεία {f} /plateía/
square {n} (cell in a grid) :: τετράγωνο {n} /tetrágono/
square {n} (second power) :: τετράγωνο {n} /tetrágono/
square {n} (the # symbol on a telephone) :: δίεση {f} /díesi/
square {n} (unit for measuring roof area) :: τετραγωνικό /tetragonikó/ [sense: 100 sq.ft]
square {adj} (shaped like a square) :: τετράγωνος {m} /tetrágonos/
square {adj} (forming a right angle) :: ορθογώνιος {m} /orthogónios/
square {adj} (used in the names of units) :: τετραγωνικός {m} /tetragonikós/
square {v} (to adjust so as to align with or place at a right angle) :: εξισώνω /exisóno/
square {v} (to adjust or adapt so as to bring into harmony with something) :: κανονίζω /kanonízo/
square {v} (math: to multiply by itself) :: υψώνω στο τετράγωνο /ypsóno sto tetrágono/
square {n} (act quarrelling) SEE: quarrel ::
square {v} (to take opposing sides) SEE: quarrel ::
square {adj} (fair) SEE: fair ::
square bracket {n} (symbol [ or ]) :: αγκύλη {f} /agkýli/
square centimeter {n} (unit of area) :: τετραγωνικό εκατοστό {n} /tetragonikó ekatostó/, [symbol] εκ2
square kilometer {n} (square kilometre) SEE: square kilometre ::
square kilometre {n} (standard unit of area) :: τετραγωνικό χιλιόμετρο {n} /tetragonikó chiliómetro/
square metre {n} (standard unit of area) :: τετραγωνικό μέτρο {n} /tetragonikó métro/
square root {n} (number) :: τετραγωνική ρίζα {f} /tetragonikí ríza/
square the circle {v} (to construct a square that is equiareal to a circle) :: τετραγωνίζω τον κύκλο /tetragonízo ton kýklo/
square the circle {v} (to solve a difficult problem) :: τετραγωνίζω τον κύκλο /tetragonízo ton kýklo/
squash {n} (plant and its fruit of the genus Cucurbita) :: κολοκύθα {f} /kolokýtha/
squash {n} (soft drink) SEE: cordial ::
squat {adj} (sitting low on the heels) :: ανακούρκουδα /anakoúrkouda/
squat {n} (building occupied without permission) :: κάνω κατάληψη /káno katálipsi/
squat {v} (to bend at the knees) :: κάθομαι σταυροπόδι /káthomai stavropódi/
squatter {n} (one occupying a place without permission) :: καταληψίας {m} {f} /katalipsías/
squeal {n} (a high-pitched sound) :: στριγκλιά {f} /strigkliá/, τσίριγμα {n} /tsírigma/
squeal {v} (to scream a high-pitched squeal) :: στριγκλίζω /strigklízo/, τσιρίζω /tsirízo/
squeal {v} (to rat on someone) :: προδίδω /prodído/, καρφώνω /karfóno/ [colloquial]
squeegee {n} (tool used for cleaning glass) :: ρακλέτα {f} /rakléta/
squeeze {v} (to apply pressure to from two or more sides at once) :: σφίγγω /sfíngo/, ζουλώ /zouló/
squeeze {v} (to fit into a tight place) :: στριμώχνω /strimóchno/
squid {n} (sea animal) :: καλαμάρι {n} /kalamári/
squint {v} (to look with, or have eyes that are turned in different directions) :: αλληθωρίζω /allithorízo/
squirm {v} (twist one’s body with snakelike motion) :: στριφογυρίζω /strifogyrízo/
squirrel {n} (rodent) :: σκίουρος {m} /skíouros/
squirt gun {n} (a toy gun used to shoot water) :: νεροπίστολο /neropístolo/
Sri Lanka {prop} (a country in South Asia) :: Σρι Λάνκα {f} /Sri Lánka/
Srinagar {prop} (summer capital of Jammu and Kashmir, India) :: Σριναγκάρ /Srinagkár/
SSD {n} :: SSD /SSD/
st {interj} (expressing a sudden desire for silence) :: σουτ /sout/, σσστ /ssst/
st {n} (street) :: οδ. /od./ [abbrev. for οδός; placed before the name of the street]
st {n} (saint) :: Αγ. /Ag./, Άη /Ái/, Άϊ /Áï/
St. {n} (abbreviation of Saint) SEE: St ::
St {n} (abbreviation of Saint) :: άγ. {m} /ág./, αγ. {f} /ag./
stabilize {v} (to make stable) :: σταθεροποιώ /statheropoió/
stable {n} (building for animals with hoofs) :: στάβλος {m} /stávlos/
stable {n} (building for horses) :: σταύλος /stávlos/
stable {v} (put or keep in a stable) :: σταβλίζω /stavlízo/
stable {adj} (relatively unchanging) :: σταθερός /statherós/, ευσταθής /efstathís/
staccato {n} (a style of playing short sharp notes) :: στακάτο {n} /stakáto/
stack {n} (a pile of identical objects) :: στοίβα {f} /stoíva/
stack {n} (computing: data structure) :: στοίβα {f} /stoíva/
stadium {n} (venue where sporting events are held) :: στάδιο {n} /stádio/
stadium {n} (race course, especially, the Olympic course for foot races) :: στάδιο {n} /stádio/
stadium {n} (Greek measure of length) :: στάδιο {n} /stádio/
stadium {n} (telemeter) :: σταδιόμετρο {n} /stadiómetro/
stadium {n} (graduated rod in surveying) :: σταδία {f} /stadía/
staff {n} (long, straight, thick rod or stick) :: ράβδος {f} /rávdos/, ραβδί {n} /ravdí/
staff {n} (music: series of horizontal lines) :: πεντάγραμμο {n} /pentágrammo/
staff {n} (employees of a business) :: προσωπικό {n} /prosopikó/, επιτελείο {n} /epiteleío/
staff {n} (commanding officers) :: επιτελείο {n} /epiteleío/
staff {v} (to supply with employees) :: επανδρώνω /epandróno/
stag {n} (adult male deer) :: αρσενικό ελάφι {n} /arsenikó eláfi/
stage {n} (phase) :: φάση {f} /fási/, στάδιο {n} /stádio/
stage {n} (in theatre) :: σκηνή {f} /skiní/
stage {n} (short for stagecoach) :: ταχυδρομική άμαξα {f} /tachydromikí ámaxa/
stage {n} (place on a microscope) :: αντικειμενοφόρα πλάκα {f} /antikeimenofóra pláka/
stage fright {n} (state of nervousness about performing) :: άγχος {n} /ánchos/
stagflation {n} (inflation accompanied by stagnant growth) :: στασιμοπληθωρισμός {m} /stasimoplithorismós/
stagger {n} (an unsteady movement of the body in walking or standing) :: παραπατώ /parapató/
stain {n} (discoloured spot or area) :: κηλίδα {f} /kilída/
stain {n} (blemish on one's character or reputation) :: κηλίδα {f} /kilída/
stain {n} (substance used to soak into a surface and colour it) :: βαφή {f} /vafí/, χρώμα {n} /chróma/
stained glass {n} (coloured glass) :: υαλογράφημα {n} /yalográfima/, βιτρό {n} /vitró/
stained glass {n} (craft) :: υαλογραφία {f} /yalografía/
stainless {n} (stainless steel) SEE: stainless steel ::
stainless {adj} (describing an alloy that is resistant to corrosion and discoloration) :: ανοξείδωτος {m} /anoxeídotos/
stainless {adj} (unmarked, spotless) :: ανοξείδωτος {m} /anoxeídotos/, άσπιλος {m} /áspilos/, ακηλίδωτος {m} /akilídotos/
stainless steel {n} (corrosion-free alloy) :: ανοξείδωτο ατσάλι {n} /anoxeídoto atsáli/
stainless steel {adj} (made of stainless steel) :: ανοξείδωτος χάλυβας {m} /anoxeídotos chályvas/
stair {n} (series of steps) :: σκάλα {f} /skála/, κλίμακα {f} /klímaka/
staircase {n} (stairway) :: κλιμακοστάσιο {n} /klimakostásio/, σκάλα {f} /skála/
stairs {n} (contiguous set of steps) :: σκάλα {f} /skála/
stairway {n} (set of steps allowing one to walk up or down comfortably) :: κλιμακοστάσιο {n} /klimakostásio/, σκάλα {f} /skála/
stairwell {n} (a shaft in a multi-story building enclosing a stairway or staircase) :: φρέαρ κλιμακοστασίου {n} /fréar klimakostasíou/
stake {n} (pointed long and slender piece of wood etc.) :: πάσσαλος {n} /pássalos/, παλούκι {m} /paloúki/
stakeholder {n} (bet holder) :: θεματοφύλακας στοιχημάτων /thematofýlakas stoichimáton/
Stakhanovism {n} (institution) :: σταχανοβισμός {m} /stachanovismós/
Stakhanovite {n} ((USSR) an extremely productive or hard-working worker, see also: ) :: σταχανοβίτης {m} /stachanovítis/, σταχανοβίτισσα {f} /stachanovítissa/
stalactite {n} (mineral deposit hanging from the roof of a cave) :: σταλακτίτης {m} /stalaktítis/
stalagmite {n} (mineral deposit) :: σταλαγμίτης {m} /stalagmítis/
stale {adj} (having lost its freshness) :: μπαγιάτικος /bagiátikos/, στάσιμος /stásimos/
stale {adj} (no longer new or interesting) :: έωλος {m} /éolos/
stalemate {n} (chess term) :: πατ {n} /pat/, αδιέξοδο {n} /adiéxodo/
stalemate {n} (blocked situation without personal loss) :: αδιέξοδο {n} /adiéxodo/
Stalin {prop} (Stalin) :: Στάλιν {m} /Stálin/
Stalinism {n} (Communist philosophies espoused by Josef Stalin) :: σταλινισμός {m} /stalinismós/
stalk {n} (stem or main axis of a plant) :: μίσχος {m} /míschos/
stalk {v} (to approach slowly and quietly in order not to be discovered when getting closer) :: κυνηγάω /kynigáo/
stalk {v} (to (try to) follow or contact someone constantly, often resulting in harassment) :: κυνηγάω /kynigáo/
stalker {n} (a person who stalks game) :: κυνηγός {m} {f} /kynigós/
stalker {n} (a person who secretly follows someone, sometimes with unlawful intentions) :: κυνηγός {m} {f} /kynigós/
stall {n} (small open-fronted shop) :: κιόσκι μικροπωλητή {n} /kióski mikropolití/
stallion {n} (uncastrated male horse) :: επιβήτορας {m} /epivítoras/
stallion {n} (very virile, sexually-inclined man) :: επιβήτορας {m} /epivítoras/
stalwart {adj} (firmly or solidly built) :: εύρωστος /évrostos/
stalwart {n} (one who firmly supports a cause) :: υποστηρικτής /ypostiriktís/, θιασώτης /thiasótis/
stamen {n} (A flower part that produces pollen) :: στήμονας {m} /stímonas/
stamina {n} (power of sustained exertion) :: αντοχή {f} /antochí/
stammer {v} (to stutter) :: τραυλίζω /travlízo/
stammer {n} (involuntary repetition of sounds in speech) :: τραύλισμα {n} /trávlisma/, τραυλισμός {m} /travlismós/
stammerer {n} (stutterer) SEE: stutterer ::
stamp {n} (act of stamping) :: ποδοκρότημα {n} /podokrótima/
stamp {n} (indentation or imprint made by stamping) :: σφραγίδα {f} /sfragída/
stamp {n} (postage stamp) SEE: postage stamp ::
stanchion {n} (vertical pole, post or support) :: ορθοστάτης {m} /orthostátis/, στύλος {m} /stýlos/
stand {v} (to support oneself on the feet in an erect position) :: στέκομαι /stékomai/
stand {v} (to remain motionless) :: στέκομαι /stékomai/
stand {n} (small building or booth) :: κιόσκι {n} /kióski/
standard {adj} (falling within an accepted range) :: πρότυπος {m} /prótypos/, καθιερωμένος {m} /kathieroménos/
standard {n} (level of quality) :: πρότυπο {n} /prótypo/, υπόδειγμα {n} /ypódeigma/
standard {n} (something used as a measure) :: πρότυπο {n} /prótypo/, κριτήριο {n} /kritírio/, μέτρο {n} /métro/
standard {n} (a flag or ensign) :: σημαία {f} /simaía/
standard-bearer {n} (person who carries flag or banner) :: σημαιοφόρος /simaiofóros/
standard deviation {n} (statistical measure) :: τυπική απόκλιση {f} /typikí apóklisi/
standardise {v} (to establish a standard) :: τυποποιώ /typopoió/
standardization {n} (process of complying with a standard) :: τυποποίηση {f} /typopoíisi/
standardization {n} (process of establishing a standard) :: τυποποίηση {f} /typopoíisi/
standardize {v} (standardise) SEE: standardise ::
standardized {adj} (designed or constructed in a standard manner) :: τυποποιημένος /typopoiiménos/
standard of living {n} (relative measure of quality of life) :: βιοτικό επίπεδο {n} /viotikó epípedo/
standby {n} (state of readiness without immediate involvement) :: αναμονή {f} /anamoní/
standby {n} (something that is standard, well-tested, or frequently used) :: εφεδρικός {m} /efedrikós/
standing on one's head {adv} (hands down) SEE: hands down ::
standing wave {n} (a wave form which occurs in a limited, fixed medium) :: στάσιμο κύμα {n} /stásimo kýma/
St. Andrew's Cross {prop} (Saint Andrew's cross) SEE: Saint Andrew's cross ::
stand up {v} (rise from a sitting position) :: σηκώνομαι /sikónomai/
Stanislaus {prop} (male given name- the standard or most popular form) :: Στανισλάβ /Stanisláv/
stanza {n} (a unit of a poem) :: στροφή {f} /strofí/
stapes {n} (bone in the middle ear) :: αναβολέας {m} /anavoléas/
staple {n} (wire fastener used to secure stacks of paper) :: συνδετήρας {m} /syndetíras/
staple {v} (secure with a staple) :: συρράβω /syrrávo/
stapler {n} (device which binds together paper) :: συρραπτικό {n} /syrraptikó/
star {n} (luminous celestial body) :: αστέρι {n} /astéri/
star {n} (celebrity) :: αστέρας {m} /astéras/
star {n} (talented or famous person) :: αστέρι {n} /astéri/
star {n} (asterisk) :: αστερίσκος {n} /asterískos/
star {n} (quality rating symbol) :: αστέρι {n} /astéri/
star anise {n} (a plant, Illicium verum) :: αστεροειδής γλυκάνισος {m} /asteroeidís glykánisos/
star anise {n} (the spice) :: αστεροειδής γλυκάνισος {m} /asteroeidís glykánisos/
Starbucks {prop} (chain of coffee shops) :: Σταρμπαξ /Starmpax/
starch {n} (substance) :: άμυλο {n} /ámylo/
starets {n} (an elder of a monastery in the Russian Orthodox Church who functions as an adviser and teacher) :: στάρετς {m} /stárets/
starfish {n} (various echinoderms) :: αστερίας {m} /asterías/
star fruit {n} (fruit) :: καραμπόλα {f} /karampóla/
starkers {adj} (completely nude) :: τσίτσιδος /tsítsidos/
starless {adj} (without visible stars) :: άναστερος /ánasteros/
starling {n} (bird) :: ψαρόνι {n} /psaróni/
Star of Bethlehem {prop} (star mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew) :: Αστέρι της Βηθλέεμ {n} /Astéri tis Vithléem/
Star of David {prop} (symbol of Jewish Community and Judaism) :: Άστρο του Δαβίδ {n} /Ástro tou Davíd/
starring {v} (with a film as subject: featuring the specified actors) :: πρωταγωνιστούν /protagonistoún/
starring {v} (present participle of "to star") SEE: star ::
starry {adj} (having stars visible) :: έναστρος {m} /énastros/
starry {adj} (shaped like a star) :: αστεροειδής {m} /asteroeidís/
start {n} (beginning of an activity) :: αρχή {f} /archí/, ξεκίνημα {n} /xekínima/
start {n} (beginning point of a race) :: αφετηρία {f} /afetiría/ (afetiría), εκκίνηση {f} /ekkínisi/ (ekkínisi)
start {v} (to begin) :: ξεκινώ /xekinó/
starter {n} (electric motor that starts an internal-combustion engine) :: μίζα {f} /míza/
starter {n} (first course of a meal) :: ορεκτικό {n} /orektikó/
starter motor {n} (starter motor) SEE: starter ::
startle {v} (to excite by sudden alarm, surprise, or apprehension) :: ξαφνιάζω /xafniázo/, αιφνιδιάζω /aifnidiázo/
Start Menu {prop} (menu) :: μενού Έναρξη {n} /menoú Énarxi/
starve {v} (to be very hungry) :: πεθαίνω της πείνας /pethaíno tis peínas/, ψοφάω της πείνας /psofáo tis peínas/
Star Wars {prop} (Saga) :: Ο Πόλεμος των Άστρων /O Pólemos ton Ástron/
state {n} (any sovereign polity) :: κράτος {n} /krátos/, καθεστώς {n} /kathestós/
state {n} (a political division of a federation retaining a degree of autonomy) :: πολιτεία {f} /politeía/
state {n} (a condition) :: κατάσταση {f} /katástasi/
state {n} (computing: the stable condition of a processor during a particular clock cycle) :: κατάσταση {f} /katástasi/
state {v} (declare to be a fact) :: δηλώνω /dilóno/
state {v} (make known) :: διατυπώνω /diatypóno/, εκθέτω /ekthéto/
statefunction {n} (wavefunction) SEE: wavefunction ::
statement {n} (declaration or remark) :: δήλωση {f} /dílosi/
statement {n} (presentation of opinion or position) :: δήλωση {f} /dílosi/
statement {n} (computing: instruction in a computer program) :: εντολή {f} /entolí/
State of Israel {prop} (country (official name)) :: Κράτος του Ισραήλ {n} /Krátos tou Israḯl/
state ownership {n} (ownership of an industry by the people or the state) :: εθνικοποίηση {f} /ethnikopoíisi/
state school {n} (government-funded school) :: δημόσιο σχολείο {n} /dimósio scholeío/
Statherian {prop} (Statherian period) :: Στατήρια {f} /Statíria/
static {n} (Interference on a broadcast signal) :: χιόνια {n-p} /chiónia/
static electricity {n} (electrostatics) SEE: electrostatics ::
static electricity {n} (an electric charge) :: στατικός ηλεκτρισμός {m} /statikós ilektrismós/
static electricity {n} (the electric discharge) :: στατικός ηλεκτρισμός {m} /statikós ilektrismós/
station {n} (place where a vehicle may stop) :: σταθμός {m} /stathmós/, στάθμευση {f} /státhmefsi/
stationary wave {n} (standing wave) SEE: standing wave ::
stationer {n} (business that sells stationery) :: χαρτοπώλης {m} /chartopólis/, χαρτοπώλισσα {f} /chartopólissa/
stationer's {n} (stationery shop) :: χαρτοπωλείο {n} /chartopoleío/
stationery {n} (writing materials) :: γραφική ύλη {f} /grafikí ýli/
statisticality {n} (property of being statistical) :: στατιστικότητα {f} /statistikótita/, στατιστικοσύνη {f} /statistikosýni/
statistics {n} (mathematical science) :: στατιστική {f} /statistikí/
statistics {n} (collection of measurements) :: στατιστική {f} /statistikí/
stator {n} (stationary part of a motor) :: στάτης {m} /státis/
statuary {n} (craft of making statues) :: αγαλματοποιία {f} /agalmatopoiía/
statuary {n} (person who makes or deals in statues) :: αγαλματοποιός {m} {f} /agalmatopoiós/
statuary {n} (statues considered collectively) :: αγάλματα {n-p} /agálmata/
statue {n} (three-dimensional work of art) :: άγαλμα {n} /ágalma/
statue {n} (portrait) SEE: portrait ::
statuelike {adj} (Like a statue) :: αγαλμάτινος /agalmátinos/
Statue of Liberty {prop} (large statue in New York harbor) :: άγαλμα της Ελευθερίας {n} /ágalma tis Eleftherías/
statuesque {adj} (Like a statue) :: αγαλμάτινος /agalmátinos/
statuesque {adj} (Elegantly tall and graceful) :: αγαλματένιος /agalmaténios/
statuette {n} (a small statue) :: αγαλματίδιο {n} /agalmatídio/
status {n} (person’s position or standing) :: υπόσταση {f} /ypóstasi/, θέση {f} /thési/
status {n} (situation or state of affairs) :: κατάσταση {f} /katástasi/, υπόσταση {f} /ypóstasi/, καθεστώς {n} /kathestós/
status quo {n} (the state of things) :: καθεστώς {n} /kathestós/, στάτους κβο {n} /státous kvo/
statutory {adj} (relating to a statute) :: καταστατικός {m} /katastatikós/, νομικός {m} /nomikós/
stauropegial {adj} (stauropegial) :: σταυροπηγιακός /stavropigiakós/
stauropegion {n} (translation gloss) :: σταυροπηγιακός /stavropigiakós/
stay {v} (to remain in a particular place) :: μένω /méno/
stay {v} (to continue to have a particular quality) :: μένω /méno/
stay {v} (to postpone) :: αναβάλλω /anavállo/
stay {n} (corset) SEE: corset ::
stay at home {n} (person who prefers to stay at home) SEE: homebody ::
STD {n} (sexually transmitted disease, see also: sexually transmitted disease) :: Σεξουαλικώς Μεταδιδόμενα Νοσήματα {n-p} /Sexoualikós Metadidómena Nosímata/, ΣΜΝ /SMN/
stead {n} (A place, or spot, in general) :: μέρος {n} /méros/
steak {n} (slice of beef) :: μπριζόλα {f} /brizóla/, μπιφτέκι {n} /biftéki/
steal {v} (to illegally take possession of) :: κλέβω /klévo/
steal the show {v} (be the best performer) :: κλέβω την παράσταση /klévo tin parástasi/
steam {n} (water vapor) :: υδρατμός {m} /ydratmós/, ατμός {m} /atmós/
steam {n} (pressurized water vapor) :: υδρατμός {m} /ydratmós/, ατμός {m} /atmós/
steam {n} (internal energy) :: ατμός {m} /atmós/
steam {n} (steam-powered vehicle) SEE: steamer ::
steamboat {n} (vessel powered by steam) :: ατμόπλοιο {n} /atmóploio/
steam engine {n} (piston engine driven by steam) :: ατμομηχανή {f} /atmomichaní/
steam engine {n} (any steam-driven heat engine) :: ατμομηχανή {f} /atmomichaní/
steam engine {n} (steam locomotive) SEE: steam locomotive ::
steamer {n} (cooking appliance) :: κατσαρόλα ατμού {f} /katsaróla atmoú/
steamer {n} (steamboat or steamship) :: ατμόπλοιο {n} /atmóploio/
steam locomotive {n} (locomotive powered by steam) :: ατμομηχανή {f} /atmomichaní/
steamship {n} (vessel propelled by steam) :: ατμόπλοιο {n} /atmóploio/
steamy {adj} (full of steam) :: ατμώδης /atmódis/, ομιχλώδης /omichlódis/
steamy {adj} (erotic) :: αισθησιακός {m} /aisthisiakós/
steatopygous {adj} (having fat or prominent buttocks) :: στεατόπυγος /steatópygos/
steel {n} (metal produced from iron) :: χάλυβας {m} /chályvas/, ατσάλι {n} /atsáli/
steel mill {n} (steel mill) SEE: steelworks ::
steelworks {n} (place where steel is manufactured and/or shaped) :: χαλυβουργείο {n} /chalyvourgeío/
steep {adj} (expensive) SEE: expensive ::
steep {adj} (near-vertical) :: απότομος /apótomos/
steeplechase {n} (athletics event) :: στιπλ {n} /stipl/
steering group {n} (A committee that arranges the schedule of business for a legislative assembly or other organization) :: ομάδα καθοδήγησης /omáda kathodígisis/
steering wheel {n} (wheel-shaped control) :: τιμόνι {n} /timóni/
stela {n} (archaeology: an obelisk or upright stone pillar) SEE: stele ::
stele {n} ((archaeology) tall, slender stone monument) :: στήλη {f} /stíli/
stellar {adj} (of, pertaining to, or characteristic of stars) :: αστρικός {m} /astrikós/
stellar {adj} (heavenly) :: ουράνιος {m} /ouránios/
stellar {adj} (exceptional; wonderful) :: αξιοσημείωτος {m} /axiosimeíotos/, διακεκριμένος {m} /diakekriménos/
St. Elmo's fire {n} (electrical discharge) :: Άγιοι Νικόληδες /Ágioi Nikólides/
stem {n} (botany: above-ground stalk of a vascular plant) :: μίσχος {m} /míschos/
stem {n} (slender supporting member for an individual part of a plant) :: κοτσάνι {n} /kotsáni/
stem {n} (linguistics: main part of a word) :: θέμα {n} /théma/
stem {v} (to stop, hinder) :: σταματώ /stamató/
stem cell {n} (primal undifferentiated cell) :: βλαστοκύτταρο {n} /vlastokýttaro/
stench {n} (a strong foul smell, a stink) :: μπόχα {f} /bócha/
stench trap {n} :: σιφόνι /sifóni/
Stendhalian {adj} (pertaining to, or in the style of Stendhal) :: στανταλικός /stantalikós/
Stennian {prop} (Stennian period) :: Στέννια {f} /Sténnia/
steno {n} (stenographer) SEE: stenographer ::
stenographer {n} (someone skilled in the transcription of speech) :: στενογράφος {m} {f} /stenográfos/
stenography {n} (the practice of transcribing speech, usually using shorthand) :: στενογραφία {f} /stenografía/
steno pad {n} (pad designed for stenography) :: σημειωματάριο στενογραφίας {n} /simeiomatário stenografías/
stentorian {adj} (of a voice suitable for giving speeches to large crowds) :: στεντόρειος /stentóreios/
step {n} (pace) :: βήμα {n} /víma/
step {n} (one of a set of rests in a stair or ladder) :: σκαλί {m} /skalí/
step {n} (A distinct part of a process; stage; phase) :: φάση {f} /fási/
step {n} (space passed over by one movement of the foot in walking or running) :: διασκελισμός {m} /diaskelismós/
step {n} (footstep) :: ίχνος {n} /íchnos/, χνάρι {n} /chnári/
step {n} (manner of walking) :: βηματισμός {m} /vimatismós/
step {n} (music: interval between two contiguous degrees of the scale) :: βαθμίδα {f} /vathmída/, σκαλί {n} /skalí/
step {v} (intransitive: to move the foot in walking) :: βηματίζω /vimatízo/
step {v} (intransitive: to go on foot; especially, to walk a little distance) :: βηματίζω /vimatízo/
stepbrother {n} (son of one's stepfather or stepmother) :: ετεροθαλής αδελφός {m} /eterothalís adelfós/
step by step {adv} (gradually) :: βαθμηδόν /vathmidón/, βήμα προς βήμα /víma pros víma/
stepdaughter {n} (daughter of one's spouse and not of oneself) :: προγονή {f} /progoní/
stepfather {n} (husband of one's biological mother, other than one's biological father) :: πατριός {m} /patriós/
Stephanie {prop} (female given name) :: Στεφανία {f} /Stefanía/
Stephen {prop} (biblical martyr) :: Στέφανος {m} /Stéfanos/
Stephen {prop} (male given name) :: Στέφανος /Stéfanos/
step in {v} (To act) SEE: act ::
stepmother {n} (wife of one's biological father, not one's biological mother) :: μητριά {f} /mitriá/, θετή μητέρα {f} /thetí mitéra/
stepparent {n} (stepfather or stepmother) :: θετός γονέας {m} /thetós gonéas/
steppe {n} (the grasslands of Eastern Europe and Asia) :: στέπα /stépa/
stepsibling {n} (stepbrother or stepsister) :: ετεροθαλή αδέλφια {n-p} /eterothalí adélfia/
stepsister {n} (daughter from the previous marriage of a stepparent) :: ετεροθαλής αδελφή {f} /eterothalís adelfí/
stepson {n} (son of one's spouse and not of oneself) :: προγονός {m} /progonós/
step up {v} (to increase speed or rate) :: εντείνω /enteíno/
steradian {n} (derived unit of solid angle) :: στερακτίνιο {n} /steraktínio/
stereo {adj} (of sound) :: στέρεο /stéreo/
stereoisomerism {n} (form or isomerism) :: στερεοϊσομέρεια {f} /stereoïsoméreia/
stereotype {n} (conventional, formulaic, and oversimplified conception, opinion, or image) :: στερεότυπο {n} /stereótypo/
stereotype {n} (printing plate) :: στερεοτυπία {f} /stereotypía/
steric {adj} (relating to the arrangement of atoms in space) :: στερικός {m} /sterikós/, στερική {f} /sterikí/, στερικό {n} /sterikó/
sterile {adj} (unable to reproduce) :: στείρος /steíros/
sterile {adj} (germless) :: αποστειρωμένος /aposteiroménos/, στείρος /steíros/
sterility {n} (state of being sterile) :: αγονία {f} /agonía/
sterilize {v} (disable ability to procreate) :: στειρώνω /steiróno/
sterilize {v} ((biology) to destroy all spores or germs) :: αποστειρώνω /aposteiróno/
stern {adj} (having a hardness and severity of nature or manner) :: αυστηρός /afstirós/
stern {adj} (grim and forbidding in appearance) :: βλοσυρός /vlosyrós/
stern {n} (the rear part or after end of a ship or vessel) :: πρύμνη {f} /prýmni/
steroid {n} (class of organic compounds) :: στεροειδές {n} /steroeidés/
stethoscope {n} (medical instrument) :: στηθοσκόπιο {n} /stithoskópio/
stethoscopy {n} (use of a stethoscope) :: στηθοσκόπηση {f} /stithoskópisi/
Stettin {prop} (Szczecin) SEE: Szczecin ::
stevedore {n} (dockworker involved in loading and unloading cargo) :: στιβαδόρος {m} /stivadóros/
steven {n} (command) SEE: command ::
steven {n} (a prayer) SEE: prayer ::
steven {n} (voice) SEE: voice ::
Steven {prop} (male given name) SEE: Stephen ::
stew {n} (dish) :: στιφάδο {n} /stifádo/, βραστό {n} /vrastó/
stew {v} (to cook (food)) :: σιγοβράζω /sigovrázo/, γιαχνίζω /giachnízo/
stew {v} (to suffer under hot conditions) :: ψήνομαι /psínomai/
stew {v} (to be in a state of elevated anxiety) :: βράζω /vrázo/
steward {n} (flight attendant) SEE: flight attendant ::
stewardess {n} (female flight attendant) :: αεροσυνοδός {f} /aerosynodós/
St. George's Day {prop} (saint's day of Saint George) :: γιορτή του Αγίου Γεωργίου {f} /giortí tou Agíou Georgíou/
stick {n} (twig or small branch) :: βέργα {f} /vérga/, κλαρί {n} /klarí/
stick {n} (long piece of wood) :: ραβδί {n} /ravdí/, βέργα {f} /vérga/
stick {n} (cylindrical piece (of chalk, wax etc)) :: ράβδος {f} /rávdos/
stick {n} (cane or walking stick) :: ραβδί {n} /ravdí/, μπαστούνι {n} /bastoúni/
stick {n} (hockey stick) :: μπαστούνι {n} /bastoúni/
stick {n} (gearstick, stickshift) :: μοχλός {m} /mochlós/
stick {n} (control column of an aircraft) :: μοχλός {m} /mochlós/
sticker {n} (adhesive label or decal) :: αυτοκόλλητο {n} /aftokóllito/
sticking plaster {n} (adhesive bandage) SEE: band-aid ::
stickler {n} (someone who insistently advocates for something) :: ψείρας {m} /pseíras/
stick one's nose into {v} (to interfere) :: πετάγομαι σαν την πορδή /petágomai san tin pordí/
stick plaster {n} (sticking plaster) SEE: band-aid ::
sticky tape {n} (adhesive tape) SEE: adhesive tape ::
stigma {n} (mark of infamy) :: στίγμα {n} /stígma/
stigma {n} (scar or birthmark) :: στίγμα {n} /stígma/
stigma {n} (part of the pistil) :: στίγμα {n} /stígma/
stigma {n} (a ligature of the Greek letters sigma and tau) :: στίγμα {n} /stígma/
stigmatize {v} (to characterize as disgraceful or ignominious) :: στιγματίζω /stigmatízo/
stiletto {n} (awl) SEE: awl ::
still {adj} (not moving, calm) :: ακούνητος /akoúnitos/
still {n} (a device for distilling liquids) :: αποστακτήρας {m} /apostaktíras/
still {n} (building where liquor is distilled) SEE: distillery ::
stillbirth {n} (birth of a dead fetus) :: θνησιγένεια {f} /thnisigéneia/
stillborn {adj} (dead at birth) :: θνησιγενής /thnisigenís/, νεκρογέννητος {m} /nekrogénnitos/
stillborn {adj} (ignored, without influence, unsuccessful, abortive) :: θνησιγενής /thnisigenís/
still life {n} (work of art) :: νεκρή φύση {f} /nekrí fýsi/
still waters run deep {proverb} (a person's calm appearance may be misleading) :: τα σιγανά ποταμάκια να φοβάσαι /ta siganá potamákia na fovásai/
stilt {n} (crutch) SEE: crutch ::
stiltwalker {n} (A person who walks on stilts) :: ξυλοπόδαρος {m} /xylopódaros/
stimulate {v} (to encourage into action) :: παρακινώ /parakinó/, παροτρύνω /parotrýno/
stimulate {v} (to arouse an organism to functional activity) :: διεγείρω /diegeíro/
sting {n} (pointed portion of an insect or arachnid used for attack) SEE: stinger ::
stinger {n} (pointed portion of an insect) :: κεντρί {n} /kentrí/
stingy {adj} (unwilling to spend or give) :: τσιγκούνης /tsigkoúnis/
stink {v} (have a strong bad smell) :: βρομάω /vromáo/, μυρίζω /myrízo/
stink {v} (give an impression of dishonesty or untruth) :: βρομάω /vromáo/
stink {n} (strong bad smell) :: μπόχα {f} /bócha/
stinkbird {n} (hoatzin) SEE: hoatzin ::
stipend {n} (scholarship) :: υποτροφία {f} /ypotrofía/
stipend {n} (fixed payment) :: μισθός {m} /misthós/
stipulate {v} (to require as a condition of a contract or agreement) :: καθορίζω /kathorízo/
stirrup {n} (stapes) SEE: stapes ::
stirrup {n} (footrest used by riders) :: αναβολέας {m} /anavoléas/
stirrup bone {n} (stapes) SEE: stapes ::
stitch {v} (form stitches in) SEE: sew ::
stitch {n} (single pass of the needle in sewing) :: βελονιά {f} /veloniá/
stitch {n} (arrangement of stitches or method of stitching in sewing) :: ραφή {f} /rafí/
stitch {n} (an intense stabbing pain under the lower edge of the ribcage) :: σφάχτης {m} /sfáchtis/
stitch {n} (single turn of the thread in knitting) :: πόντος {m} /póntos/
stitch {n} (arrangement of stitches or method of stitching in knitting) :: πλέξη {f} /pléxi/
stitch {n} (local sharp pain) :: σουβλιά {f} /souvliá/
stitch {v} (To practice stitching) :: ράβω /rávo/
stitch {v} (agriculture: to form land into ridges) SEE: plough ::
stitch {n} (furrow) SEE: furrow ::
St John's wort {n} (any plant of the genus Hypericum) :: βάλσαμο {n} /válsamo/
stoat {n} (stoat) SEE: ermine ::
stochastic {adj} (random) :: στοχαστικός /stochastikós/
stochastically {adv} (in a stochastic manner) :: στοχαστικά /stochastiká/
stock {n} (store of goods for sale) :: απόθεμα {n} /apóthema/, στοκ {n} /stok/
stock {n} (stack of undealt game cards) :: μάνα {f} /mána/
stock {n} (farm animals) :: ζώα {n-p} /zóa/, ζωντανά {n-p} /zontaná/ [colloquial]
stock {n} (finance: capital raised by a company) :: μετοχή {f} /metochí/
stock {n} (broth) :: ζωμός {m} /zomós/
stock {n} (type of paper) :: χαρτόνι {n} /chartóni/
stock {n} (part of gun, see also: butt) :: κοντάκι {n} /kontáki/
stock {v} (have on hand for sale) :: διαθέτω /diathéto/
stock {adj} (normally available for purchase) :: ετοιμοπαράδοτος {m} /etoimoparádotos/, διαθέσιμος {m} /diathésimos/
stock {adj} (ordinary, very basic) :: στερεότυπος {m} /stereótypos/
stockbreeder {n} (person who breeds and raises livestock) :: κτηνοτρόφος {m} /ktinotrófos/
stockbroker {n} (person who buys and sells shares) :: χρηματιστής {m} /chrimatistís/
stock dove {n} (stock dove, Columba oenas) :: φασσοπερίστερο {n} /fassoperístero/
stock exchange {n} (building and the associated organization) :: χρηματιστήριο {n} /chrimatistírio/
stockholder {n} (one who owns stock) SEE: shareholder ::
Stockholm {prop} (capital of Sweden) :: Στοκχόλμη {f} /Stokchólmi/
stocking {n} (garment (for translations of "sock", see sock)) :: κάλτσα {f} /káltsa/
stockingless {adj} :: ακάλτσωτος /akáltsotos/
stock market {n} (market for the trading of company stock) :: χρηματιστήριο {n} /chrimatistírio/
stocks {n} (base for building a ship) :: σκαρί {n} /skarí/
stoic {n} (proponent of a school of thought) :: στωικός {m} /stoikós/
stoic {n} (a person indifferent to pleasure or pain) :: στωικός {m} /stoikós/
stoic {adj} (of or relating to the Stoics) :: στωικός {m} /stoikós/
stoic {adj} (not affected by pain or distress) :: στωικός {m} /stoikós/
stoic {adj} (not displaying any external signs of being affected by pain) :: στωικός {m} /stoikós/
stoical {adj} (enduring pain) :: στωικός {m} /stoikós/
stoically {adv} (in a manner that endures pain and hardship without outwardly showing suffering) :: στωικά /stoiká/
stoically {adv} (in an unfeeling manner that inwardly is unaffected by pain or distress) :: στωικά /stoiká/
stoically {adv} (in a manner consistent with the philosophy of stoicism) :: στωικά /stoiká/
stoichiology {n} (logic) :: στοιχειολογία {f} /stoicheiología/
stoichiometry {n} (the study of the relationships of reactants and products in chemical reactions) :: στοιχειομετρία {f} /stoicheiometría/
stoicism {n} (school of philosophy) :: στωικισμός {m} /stoikismós/
stoker {n} (poker) SEE: poker ::
stolen {adj} (that has been stolen) :: κλεμμένος /klemménos/
stomach {n} (digestive organ) :: στομάχι {n} /stomáchi/
stomach {n} (belly) :: στομάχι {n} /stomáchi/, κοιλιά {f} /koiliá/
stomach {n} (appetite) SEE: appetite ::
stomach {n} (figuratively: desire, appetite) SEE: appetite ::
stomach {n} (pride, haughtiness) SEE: haughtiness ::
stomachache {n} (pain in the abdomen) :: στομαχόπονος {m} /stomachóponos/
stomach acid {n} (gastric acid) SEE: gastric acid ::
stomatologist {n} (practitioner of stomatology) :: στοματολόγος /stomatológos/
stompie {n} (cigarette butt) SEE: butt ::
stone {n} (substance) :: λίθος {m} /líthos/
stone {n} (small piece of stone) :: πέτρα {f} /pétra/
stone {n} (centre of some fruits) :: κουκούτσι {n} /koukoútsi/
Stone Age {prop} (prehistoric period) :: Εποχή του Λίθου {n} /Epochí tou Líthou/
stoned {adj} (drunk) SEE: drunk ::
stoned {adj} (high on drugs) :: μαστουρωμένος {m} /mastouroménos/, κλασμένος /klasménos/
stone fruit {n} (fruit with soft flesh and a hard pit) :: δρύπη /drýpi/
Stonehenge {prop} (ancient group of standing stones in England) :: Στόουνχεντζ /Stóounchentz/
stone marten {n} (Martes foina) SEE: beech marten ::
stonemason {n} (one who works in stone) :: χτίστης {m} /chtístis/
stoning {n} (lapidation) SEE: lapidation ::
stony {adj} (broke) SEE: broke ::
stook {n} (pile or bundle) :: θημωνιά {f} /thimoniá/
stool {n} (toilet) SEE: toilet ::
stool {n} (footstool) SEE: footstool ::
stool {n} (a seat) :: σκαμνί {n} /skamní/, σκίμπους {m} /skímpous/
stool {n} :: κόπρανα {n-p} /kóprana/
stool {n} (chamber pot) SEE: chamber pot ::
stool pigeon {n} (decoy) :: πληροφοριοδότης {m} /pliroforiodótis/, [colloquial] χαφιές {m} /chafiés/
stop {v} (to cease moving) :: παύω /pávo/, σταματώ /stamató/
stop {v} (to not continue) :: τελειώνω /teleióno/
stop {n} (place to get on and off mass transport) :: στάση {f} /stási/
stop {n} (interruption of travel) :: στάση {f} /stási/
stop {n} (device to block a moving object) :: στοπ {n} /stop/
stoplight {n} ((US) a traffic control signal) SEE: traffic light ::
stop sign {n} (traffic sign) :: στοπ {n} /stop/
storage device {n} (piece of hardware for storage of data) :: συσκευή αποθήκευσης {f} /syskeví apothíkefsis/
store {n} (in computing) SEE: memory ::
store {n} (shop) SEE: shop ::
store {n} (place where items may be kept) :: αποθήκη {f} /apothíki/
store {n} (supply held in storage) :: απόθεμα {n} /apóthema/, παρακαταθήκη {f} /parakatathíki/
storeroom {n} (room used for storage) :: αποθήκη {f} /apothíki/
storey {n} (floor, level) :: όροφος {m} /órofos/, πάτωμα {n} /pátoma/
stork {n} (large wading bird of the family Ciconiidae) :: πελαργός /pelargós/, λελέκι {n} /leléki/
storm {n} (disturbed state of the atmosphere) :: καταιγίδα {f} /kataigída/
storm {n} (meteorology: wind scale for very strong wind) :: ανεμοθύελλα {f} /anemothýella/, θύελλα {f} /thýella/
storm {n} (military: violent assault on a stronghold) :: έφοδος {f} /éfodos/, εφόρμηση {f} /efórmisi/
storm {n} :: ανεμοθύελλα {f} /anemothýella/
storm drain {n} (conduit for rainwater) :: υπόνομος {m} /ypónomos/
storm sewer {n} (structure for channeling surface runoff) SEE: storm drain ::
story {n} (lie) SEE: lie ::
story {n} (account of events) :: ιστορία {f} /istoría/
story {n} (storey) SEE: storey ::
stout {adj} (large, bulky, corpulent) :: μονοκόμματος /monokómmatos/
stove {n} (heater) :: θερμάστρα {f} /thermástra/, σόμπα {f} /sómpa/
stove {n} (device for heating food) :: κουζίνα {f} /kouzína/
stovepipe hat {n} (stovepipe hat) SEE: top hat ::
strabismus {n} (defect of vision) :: στραβισμός {m} /stravismós/
Strabo {prop} (historian and philosopher) :: Στράβων /Strávon/
stracciatella {n} (an Italian soup made from a mixture of cheese and egg in a broth) :: στρατσιατέλα {f} /stratsiatéla/
stracciatella {n} (an Italian ice cream with chocolate shavings) :: στρατσιατέλα {f} /stratsiatéla/
Stradivarius {n} (stringed instrument built by members of the Stradivari family) :: Στραντιβάριους {n} /Strantivárious/
straight {adj} (not crooked or bent) :: ίσιος {m} /ísios/, ευθύς {m} /efthýs/
straight {adj} (direct, truthful, frank) :: ειλικρινής /eilikrinís/
straight {adj} (undiluted) :: σκέτος /skétos/
straight {adj} (heterosexual) :: ετεροφυλόφιλος /eterofylófilos/
straight {adv} (directly; without pause, delay or detour) :: αμέσως /amésos/, κατευθείαν /kateftheían/
straight {n} (five cards in sequence) :: κέντα {f} /kénta/
straight {n} (heterosexual) SEE: heterosexual ::
straight away {adv} (very soon; immediately) SEE: right away ::
straightedge {n} (tool used to draw, cut or check the straightness of straight lines) :: ρίγα {f} /ríga/
straightforward {adj} (not deviating; honest; frank) :: ευθύς {m} /efthýs/, έντιμος {m} /éntimos/
straightforward {adj} (presenting few difficulties, easy) :: απλός {m} /aplós/
strain {v} (to separate) :: σουρώνω /souróno/, στραγγίζω /strangízo/
straining {n} (straining/filtering something) :: ήθηση {f} /íthisi/
strait {n} (narrow channel of water) :: πορθμός {m} /porthmós/
strait {n} (narrow pass, passage or street) :: στενό {n} /stenó/
straitjacket {n} (a jacket-like garment) :: ζουρλομανδύας {m} /zourlomandýas/
Strait of Hormuz {prop} (strait) :: Στενά του Ορμούζ {n-p} /Stená tou Ormoúz/
Strait of Kerch {prop} (strait) :: Πορθμός Κερτς {m} /Porthmós Kerts/
Strait of Messina {prop} (narrow section of water between Sicily and mainland Italy) :: στενό της Μεσσήνης {n} /stenó tis Messínis/
Strait of Otranto {prop} (strait between Italy and Albania) :: πορθμός Οτράντο {m} /porthmós Otránto/
strange {adj} (not normal) :: παράξενος /paráxenos/, παράδοξος /parádoxos/, αλλόκοτος /allókotos/, περίεργος /períergos/
stranger {n} (person whom one does not know) :: ξένος {m} /xénos/, άγνωστος {m} /ágnostos/
stranger {n} (outsider or foreigner, see also: foreigner) :: ξένος {m} /xénos/, ξένη {f} /xéni/, αλλοδαπός {m} /allodapós/, αλλοδαπή {f} /allodapí/
stranger {n} (newcomer) :: νέος {m} /néos/
strangle {v} (to kill someone by strangulation) :: στραγγαλίζω /strangalízo/
strangler {n} (someone who strangles) :: στραγγαλιστής {m} /strangalistís/, πνίχτης {m} /pníchtis/
strap {n} (a long, narrow, pliable strip of leather, cloth, or the like) :: ιμάντας {m} /imántas/, λουρί {n} /lourí/, λουρίδα {f} /lourída/
strap {n} (specifically, a strip of thick leather used in flogging) :: λουρί {n} /lourí/
strap {n} (a piece of leather, or strip of wood covered with a suitable material, for sharpening a razor; a strop) :: λουρί {n} /lourí/
strap-on {n} (artificial phallus) :: στραπόν {n} /strapón/
Strasbourg {prop} (city in France) :: Στρασβούργο {n} /Strasvoúrgo/
stratagem {n} (tactic) :: στρατήγημα {n} /stratígima/
strategic {adj} (of or pertaining to strategy) :: στρατηγικός /stratigikós/
strategical {adj} (strategic) SEE: strategic ::
Strategic Defense Initiative {prop} (Star Wars) SEE: Star Wars ::
strategy {n} (science and art of military command) :: στρατηγική {f} /stratigikí/
strategy {n} (plan of action) :: στρατηγική {f} /stratigikí/
strategy {n} (techniques in politics or business) :: στρατηγική {f} /stratigikí/
stratification {n} (process leading to formation of layers) :: στρωμάτωση {f} /stromátosi/, στρωματοποίηση {f} /stromatopoíisi/
stratification {n} (categorization of people) :: διαστρωμάτωση {f} /diastromátosi/
stratigraphy {n} (study of rock layers) :: στρωματογραφία {f} /stromatografía/
stratosphere {n} (region of the uppermost atmosphere) :: στρατόσφαιρα {f} /stratósfaira/
stratovolcano {n} (volcano) :: στρωματοηφαίστειο {n} /stromatoïfaísteio/
stratum {n} (one of several parallel horizontal layers of material arranged one on top of another) :: στρώμα /stróma/
stratum {n} (layer of sedimentary rock having approximately the same composition throughout) :: στρώμα {n} /stróma/
stratum {n} (any of the regions of the atmosphere) :: στρώμα {n} /stróma/
stratum {n} (layer of tissue) :: στρώμα {n} /stróma/
stratum {n} (class of society composed of people with similar social, cultural, or economic status) :: στρώμα {n} /stróma/
stratum {n} (layer of vegetation) :: στρώμα {n} /stróma/
Strauss {prop} (surname) :: Στράους {m} {f} /Stráous/
straw {n} (drinking straw) SEE: drinking straw ::
strawberry {n} (fruit) :: φράουλα {f} /fráoula/, χαμοκέρασο {n} /chamokéraso/
strawberry {n} (plant) :: φραουλιά {f} /fraouliá/, χαμαικέρασος {f} /chamaikérasos/
strawberry {n} (colour) :: φραουλί {n} /fraoulí/
strawberry tree {n} (the European plant Arbutus unedo) :: κουμαριά {f} /koumariá/
straw man {n} (doll or scarecrow) :: σκιάχτρο {n} /skiáchtro/
straw man {n} (person of lesser importance) :: αχυράνθρωπος {m} /achyránthropos/
stray {n} (domestic animal at large or lost) :: αδέσποτο {n} /adéspoto/
stray {adj} (having gone astray) :: αδέσποτος /adéspotos/
strayed {adj} (having lost one's way) SEE: stray ::
stream {n} (small river) :: ρυάκι {n} /ryáki/
stream {n} (any steady flow or succession of material) :: ροή {f} /roḯ/
streaming {n} (computing) :: ροοθήκευση {f} /roothíkefsi/
street {n} (paved part of road in a village or a town) :: οδός {f} /odós/, δρόμος {m} /drómos/
streetcar {n} (tram) SEE: tram ::
street child {n} (street urchin) SEE: street urchin ::
streetcleaner {n} (person) SEE: street sweeper ::
street market {n} (outdoor market) :: λαϊκή {f} /laïkí/
street sweeper {n} (person employed to sweep streets, etc.) :: οδοκαθαριστής {m} /odokatharistís/
street sweeper {n} (machine used to sweep streets) :: σάρωθρο δρόμων {n} /sárothro drómon/
street urchin {n} (child living, or spending most of their time, in the streets) :: χαμίνι {n} /chamíni/, αλάνι {n} /aláni/
strength {n} (quality of being strong) :: δύναμη {f} /dýnami/
strength {n} (intensity of a force or power) :: δύναμη {f} /dýnami/
strengthen {v} (to make strong or stronger) :: ενισχύω /enischýo/
streptococcal {adj} (relating to bacteria of the genus Streptococcus) :: στρεπτοκοκκικός /streptokokkikós/
streptococcus {n} (bacterium) :: στρεπτόκοκκος {m} /streptókokkos/
stress {n} (on a syllable) SEE: accent ::
stress {n} ((physics) internal force across a boundary per area ) :: (Biology) καταπόνηση {f} /katapónisi/
stress {n} (emotional pressure) :: άγχος {n} /ánchos/, στρες {n} /stres/
stress {n} (when speaking) :: τονισμός {m} /tonismós/
stress {n} (on a point in an argument) :: έμφαση {f} /émfasi/, τονισμός {m} /tonismós/
stress {v} (to emphasise (a syllable)) :: τονίζω /tonízo/
stress {v} (to emphasise (words in speaking)) :: τονίζω /tonízo/
stress {v} (to emphasise (a point)) :: τονίζω /tonízo/
stretch {v} (lengthen by pulling) :: τείνω /teíno/
stretch {n} (addressing for a tall person) :: ψηλολέλεκας /psilolélekas/
stretcher {n} (simple litter designed to carry a sick, injured, or dead person) :: φορείο {n} /foreío/
stretcher-bearer {n} (person who carries people on a stretcher) :: φορειοφόρος {m} /foreiofóros/, τραυματιοφορέας {m} /travmatioforéas/
stria {n} (stripe, usually one of a set of parallel stripes) :: ράβδωση {f} /rávdosi/
strife {n} (violent conflict) :: διαμάχη {f} /diamáchi/, διαπάλη {f} /diapáli/, αλληλοσπαραγμός {m} /allilosparagmós/
strigil {n} (grooming tool) :: στλεγγίδα {f} /stlengída/
strike {v} (to delete) :: διαγράφω /diagráfo/
strike {v} (to hit) :: χτυπώ /chtypó/
strike {v} (intransitive: to deliver a quick blow or thrust) :: πλήττω /plítto/
strike {v} (to stop working to achieve better working conditions) :: απεργώ /apergó/
strike {v} (to impress, seem, appear) :: εντυπωσιάζω /entyposiázo/
strike {v} (nautical: to surrender) :: υποστέλλω /ypostéllo/
strike {n} (work stoppage) :: απεργία {f} /apergía/
strike {n} (physical blow) :: χτύπημα {n} /chtýpima/
strikebreaker {n} (worker hired to replace a striking worker) :: απεργοσπάστης {m} /apergospástis/
strikebreaking {n} (activity to break a strike) :: απεργοσπασία {f} /apergospasía/
strikebreaking {adj} (in that manner) :: απεργοσπαστικός {f} /apergospastikós/
striker {n} (baseball: batter) SEE: batter ::
strikethrough {n} (line) :: επιγράμμιση {f} /epigrámmisi/
strike while the iron is hot {v} (act on an opportunity promptly) :: στη βράση κολλάει το σίδερο /sti vrási kolláei to sídero/
string {n} (long, thin structure made from twisted threads) :: σπάγγος {m} /spángos/, σπάγκος {m} /spágkos/, κλωστή {f} /klostí/
string {n} (any similar long, thin and flexible object) :: χορδή {f} /chordí/
string {n} (series of items or events) :: σειρά {f} /seirá/
string {n} (computing: sequence of characters) :: συμβολοσειρά {f} /symvoloseirá/
string {n} (string of a musical instrument) :: χορδή {f} /chordí/
string {n} (stringed instruments section) :: έγχορδα {n} /énchorda/
string {n} (physics: subject of study in string theory) :: χορδή {f} /chordí/
string bean {n} (A long, slender variety of green bean) :: αμπελοφάσουλο {n} /ampelofásoulo/
strip {n} (long, thin piece of land or material) :: λωρίδα {f} /lorída/, ταινία {f} /tainía/
stripe {n} (long straight region of a colour) :: ράβδωση {f} /rávdosi/, λωρίδα {f} /lorída/
stripe {n} (badge) :: γαλόνι {n} /galóni/
striped hyena {n} (Hyaena hyaena) :: ραβδωτή ύαινα {f} /ravdotí ýaina/
striptease {n} (arousing act) :: στριπτίζ {n} /striptíz/
stroboscope {n} (instrument for studying or observing periodic movement by rendering a moving body visible only at regular intervals) :: στροβοσκόπιο {n} /strovoskópio/
stroke {n} (- slash) SEE: slash ::
stroke {n} (appetite) SEE: appetite ::
stroke {n} (- strikethrough) SEE: strikethrough ::
stroll {v} (wander on foot) :: πάω βόλτα /páo vólta/
stroller {n} (seat on wheels used to transport babies) :: καροτσάκι {n} /karotsáki/
strong {adj} :: δυνατός /dynatós/
strongbox {n} (sturdy box with a lock) SEE: safe ::
strong flour {n} (flour) :: σκληρό αλεύρι {n} /skliró alévri/
stronghold {n} (place built to withstand attack) :: οχυρό {n} /ochyró/, φρούριο {n} /froúrio/
stronghold {n} (place of domination, or refuge or survival) :: οχυρό {n} /ochyró/
strongman {n} (one who performs feats of strength) :: μασίστας {m} /masístas/
strong nuclear interaction {n} (strong nuclear interaction) :: ισχυρή πυρηνική αλληλεπίδραση {f} /ischyrí pyrinikí allilepídrasi/
strontium {n} (chemical element) :: στρόντιο {n} /stróntio/
structuralism {n} (theory of sociology that views elements of society as part of a cohesive, self-supporting structure) :: δομισμός {m} /domismós/
structuralism {n} (school of thought that focuses on exploring the individual elements of consciousness) :: δομισμός {m} /domismós/
structure {n} (cohesive whole built up of distinct parts) :: δομή {f} /domí/
structure {n} ((computing) several pieces of data treated as a unit) :: δομή {f} /domí/
structure {n} :: δομή {f} /domí/
structured {adj} (having structure; organized) :: δομημένος /domiménos/
struggle {n} (strife, effort) :: αγώνας {m} /agónas/
St. Stephen's Day {prop} (Christian holiday commemorating Saint Stephen) :: του Αγίου Στεφάνου {m} /tou Agíou Stefánou/
stub {n} ((wikis) page providing minimal information) :: λήμμα προς επέκταση {n} /límma pros epéktasi/
stubble {n} (short, coarse hair) :: αξύριστα γένια {n-p} /axýrista génia/
stubble {n} (short stalks left in a field after harvest) :: καλαμιά {f} /kalamiá/
stubborn {adj} (refusing to move or change one's opinion) :: πεισματάρης /peismatáris/
stubbornness {n} (state of being stubborn) :: πείσμα {n} /peísma/, ισχυρογνωμοσύνη {f} /ischyrognomosýni/, γινάτι {n} /gináti/
stuck record {n} (broken record) SEE: broken record ::
stud {n} (sexually attractive male) :: καμάκι {n} /kamáki/
student {n} (person who studies a subject) :: σπουδαστής {m} /spoudastís/, σπουδάστρια {f} /spoudástria/, μελετητής {m} /meletitís/
student {n} (person enrolled at a university) :: φοιτητής {m} /foititís/, φοιτήτρια {f} /foitítria/
student {n} (schoolchild, pupil, person attending school) SEE: schoolchild ::
studies {n} (academic field of study) :: σπουδές {f-p} /spoudés/
studio {n} (artist’s or photographer’s workshop) :: εργαστήρι {n} /ergastíri/
studio {n} (place where radio or television programs, records or films are made) :: στούντιο {n} /stoúntio/
studio {n} (company or organization that makes films, records or other artistic works) :: στούντιο {n} /stoúntio/
studious {adj} (given to thought, contemplation, etc) :: σκεπτικός /skeptikós/
studious {adj} (given to study, reading, etc) :: μελετηρός /meletirós/
study {v} (to revise/review materials) :: μελετώ /meletó/, σπουδάζω /spoudázo/
study {n} (mental effort to acquire knowledge) :: διάβασμα {n} /diávasma/
study {n} (branch of learning or object that is being studied) :: μελέτη {f} /meléti/
study {n} (act of studying or examining) SEE: examination ::
stuff {n} (miscellaneous items; things) :: πράγματα {n-p} /prágmata/
stuff {n} (the tangible substance that goes into the makeup of a physical object) :: ουσία {f} /ousía/
stuff {n} (word substituted for material of unknown type or name) :: πράγμα {n} /prágma/
stuff {v} (to fill by crowding into) :: γεμίζω /gemízo/, παραγεμίζω /paragemízo/
stuff {v} (to be sated) :: παρατρώω /paratróo/, φουσκώνω /fouskóno/
stuffing {n} (food items used to stuff another) :: γέμιση {f} /gémisi/
stuff one's face {v} (to eat excessively) :: πλακώνω /plakóno/
stunt double {n} (type of body double) :: κασκαντέρ {n} /kaskantér/
stupid {adj} (lacking in intelligence) :: βλάκας /vlákas/, ηλίθιος /ilíthios/, ανόητος /anóitos/
stupidity {n} (act that is stupid) :: βλακεία {f} /vlakeía/
stupor {n} (a state of reduced consciousness or sensibility) :: νάρκη {f} /nárki/, λήθαργος {m} /líthargos/
sturgeon {n} (fish of family Acipenseridae) :: οξύρρυγχος {m} /oxýrrynchos/, στουριόνι {n} /stourióni/
stutter {v} (to speak with spasmodic repetition) SEE: stammer ::
stutter {n} (speech disorder) :: τραύλισμα {n} /trávlisma/
stutterer {n} (one who stutters) :: τραυλός {m} /travlós/, τραυλή {f} /travlí/
St. Vitus' dance {n} (Sydenham's chorea) :: χορός του Σαν Βίτο {m} /chorós tou San Víto/
sty {n} (inflammation) SEE: stye ::
sty {n} (ladder) SEE: ladder ::
sty {v} (to rise up) SEE: ascend ::
stye {n} (bacterial infection of the eyelash or eyelid) :: κριθαράκι {n} /kritharáki/, κριθή {f} /krithí/
style {n} (sharp stick for writing) SEE: stylus ::
style {n} (gnomon or pin of a sundial) SEE: gnomon ::
style {n} (stalk that connects the stigma(s) to the ovary in a pistil of a flower) :: στύλος {m} /stýlos/
style {n} (legal or traditional term or formula of words used to address or refer to a person) :: τίτλος {m} /títlos/
style {n} (manner of creating, doing, or presenting something, especially a work of architecture or art) :: τρόπος {m} /trópos/, ύφος {n} /ýfos/
style {v} (to create a style for someone) :: δημιουργώ /dimiourgó/, σχεδιάζω /schediázo/
style {v} (to call or give a name or title) :: ονομάζω /onomázo/, προσφωνώ /prosfonó/
stylist {n} (hairdresser) SEE: hairdresser ::
stylist {n} (designer) SEE: designer ::
stylite {n} (Christian ascetic cloistered atop a pillar) :: στυλίτης {m} /stylítis/
stylobate {n} (top step of the crepidoma) :: στυλοβάτης {m} /stylovátis/
stylus {n} (tool for writing on clay tablets) :: γραφίδα {f} /grafída/
stylus {n} (phonograph needle) :: βελόνα {f} /velóna/
stylus {n} (pen for writing on touch-sensitive screen) :: στυλός {m} /stylós/
stymie {v} (to thwart or stump) :: ματαιώνω /mataióno/
Stymphalian birds {n} (man-eating birds) :: Στυμφαλίδες όρνιθες /Stymfalídes órnithes/
styrofoam {n} (polymer) :: φελιζόλ {n} /felizól/
Styx {prop} (river of the underworld) :: Στυξ {f} /Styx/, Στύγα {f} /Stýga/
sub {n} (subordinate) SEE: subordinate ::
sub- {prefix} (under, beneath) :: υπο- /ypo-/
sub- {prefix} (subsidiary, secondary) :: υπο- /ypo-/, παρα- /para-/
sub {n} (subaltern) SEE: subaltern ::
sub {n} (computing: subroutine) SEE: subroutine ::
sub {n} (subcontractor) SEE: subcontractor ::
subaltern {n} (subordinate) SEE: subordinate ::
subaltern {n} :: υπολοχαγός /ypolochagós/
subatomic {adj} (relating to particles that are smaller than an atom) :: υποατομικός {m} /ypoatomikós/
subatomic particle {n} (unit of matter smaller than an atom) :: υποατομικό σωματίδιο {n} /ypoatomikó somatídio/
subcategory {n} (more narrow category) :: υποκατηγορία {f} /ypokatigoría/
subclass {n} (computing) :: υποκλάση {f} /ypoklási/
subconscious {adj} (below the level of consciousness) :: υποσυνείδητος /yposyneíditos/
subconscious {n} (that part of mind that is not consciously perceived) :: υποσυνείδητο {n} /yposyneídito/
subcontractor {n} (contractor hired by contractor) :: υπεργολάβος {m} /ypergolávos/
subculture {n} (portion of a culture distinguished by its customs or other features) :: υποπολιτισμός {m} /ypopolitismós/
subcutaneous {adj} (pertaining to the fatty layer under the skin) :: υποδόριος /ypodórios/
subdirectory {n} (directory located inside another directory) :: υποφάκελος {m} /ypofákelos/
subfloor {n} (The floor structure supporting and underlying the visible flooring) :: ψευδοπάτωμα {n} /psevdopátoma/
subfolder {n} (folder within another folder) :: υποφάκελος {m} /ypofákelos/
subheading {n} (heading subdividing a subject) :: υπότιτλος {m} /ypótitlos/
subhuman {adj} (less than human; lacking characteristics of a human) :: ζωώδης /zoódis/
subject {adj} (likely to be affected by something) :: υποκείμενος {m} /ypokeímenos/
subject {n} (in grammar) :: υποκείμενο {n} /ypokeímeno/
subject {n} (main topic) :: θέμα {n} /théma/, προκείμενο {n} /prokeímeno/
subject {n} (particular area of study) :: αντικείμενο {n} /antikeímeno/
subject {n} (citizen in a monarchy) :: υπήκοος {m} {f} /ypíkoos/, υπεξούσιος {m} /ypexoúsios/
subject {n} (person ruled over by another, especially a monarch or state authority) :: υποτελής {m} {f} /ypotelís/
subject {v} (to cause to undergo) :: υποβάλλω /ypovállo/
subjective {adj} (based upon subjective feelings or intuition) :: υποκειμενικός /ypokeimenikós/
subjectivity {n} (state of being subjective) :: υποκειμενικότητα {f} /ypokeimenikótita/
subjunctive {n} (subjunctive mood) SEE: subjunctive mood ::
subjunctive mode {n} (subjunctive mood) SEE: subjunctive mood ::
subjunctive mood {n} (subjunctive mood) :: υποτακτική {f} /ypotaktikí/
sub-lieutenant {n} (officer above an acting sub-lieutenant) :: ανθυποπλοίαρχος /anthypoploíarchos/
sublimation {n} (phase transition) :: εξάχνωση {f} /exáchnosi/
sublime {adj} (impressive and awe-inspiring) :: επιβλητικός /epivlitikós/
subliminal {adj} (below the threshold of conscious perception) :: παρασυνειδησιακός {m} /parasyneidisiakós/
submachine gun {n} (short range machine gun) :: υποπολυβόλο {n} /ypopolyvólo/
submarine {adj} (undersea) :: υποβρύχιος /ypovrýchios/
submarine {n} (undersea boat) :: υποβρύχιο {n} /ypovrýchio/
submerged {adj} (underwater) :: βυθισμένος /vythisménos/
submit {v} (enter or put forward something for approval, consideration, marking etc.) :: υποβάλλω /ypovállo/
submolecular {adj} (below the molecular scale) :: υπομοριακός {m} /ypomoriakós/
subnet {n} (portion of a network which shares a network address in which each component is identified by a subnet number) :: υποδίκτυο {n} /ypodíktyo/
subnet {v} (to break a network into subnets) :: υποδικτυώνω /ypodiktyóno/
suboptimal {adj} (less than optimal) :: υποβέλτιστος {m} /ypovéltistos/
subordinate {adj} (submissive to or controlled by authority) :: εξαρτημένος /exartiménos/, υποτελής /ypotelís/
subordinate {adj} (grammar: dependent) :: εξαρτημένος /exartiménos/, δευτερεύουσα {f} /defterévousa/ [of sentenses]
subordinate clause {n} (a clause that cannot stand alone) :: δευτερεύουσα πρόταση {f} /defterévousa prótasi/
subpoena {n} (writ requiring someone to appear in court to give testimony) :: κλήση {f} /klísi/, κλήτευση {f} /klítefsi/
subpoena {v} (to summon with a subpoena) :: κλητεύω μάρτυρα /klitévo mártyra/, καλώ μάρτυρα /kaló mártyra/
subprogram {n} (a program contained within a larger program) :: υποπρόγραμμα {n} /ypoprógramma/
subroutine {n} (a section of code) :: διαδικασία {f} /diadikasía/, υπορουτίνα {f} /yporoutína/
sub-Saharan {adj} (pertaining to that part of Africa south of the Sahara) :: υποσαχάριος {m} {f} /yposachários/
Subscriber Identity Module {n} (component on a SIM card that stores information to identify a mobile phone user) :: μονάδας ταυτότητας συνδρομητή {f} /monádas taftótitas syndromití/
subscript {n} (a type of lettering form) :: δείκτης {m} /deíktis/
subscription {n} (access to a resource for a period of time) :: συνδρομή {f} /syndromí/
subscription {n} (the formal acceptance of something, especially when verified with a signature) :: εισφορά {f} /eisforá/
subscription {n} (the signing of one's name) :: υπογραφή {f} /ypografí/
subsequent {adj} (following in time) :: μεταγενέστερος {m} /metagenésteros/, ύστερος {m} /ýsteros/
subsequent {adj} (following in order of place) :: διαδεχόμενος {m} /diadechómenos/, επακόλουθος {m} /epakólouthos/, εξής /exís/
subsequently {adv} (subsequently) :: ακολούθως /akoloúthos/, μεταγενέστερα /metagenéstera/
subset {n} (set whose elements are within another given set) :: υποσύνολο {n} /yposýnolo/
subsidiary {adj} (auxiliary or supplemental) :: επικουρικός {m} /epikourikós/, βοηθητικός {m} /voïthitikós/
subsidiary {adj} (secondary or subordinate) :: δευτερεύων {m} /defterévon/
subsidiary {n} (company owned by a parent company or a holding company) :: θυγατρική εταιρία {f} /thygatrikí etairía/, παράρτημα {n} /parártima/
subsidize {v} (assist by granting a subsidy) :: επιχορηγώ /epichorigó/, επιδοτώ /epidotó/
subspecialty {n} (speciality within a speciality) :: υποειδικότητα {f} /ypoeidikótita/
subspecies {n} (rank in the classification of organisms) :: υποείδος {n} /ypoeídos/
substance {n} (physical matter; material, see also: matter) :: ουσία {f} /ousía/
substance {n} (essential part) :: ουσία {f} /ousía/
substance {n} (material possessions) :: περιουσία {f} /periousía/
substance {n} (drugs) :: ουσίες {f-p} /ousíes/
substance {n} (theology: hypostasis) SEE: hypostasis ::
substantial {adj} (having substance, actually existing) :: ουσιώδης /ousiódis/
substantial {adj} (not imaginary; real; veritable) :: ουσιώδης /ousiódis/
substantial {adj} (corporeal) :: ουσιώδης /ousiódis/
substantial {adj} (most important; essential) :: ουσιαστικός /ousiastikós/
substantiate {v} (to record in documents) :: τεκμηριώνω /tekmirióno/
substantive {n} (noun) SEE: noun ::
substantivisation {n} (nominalization) SEE: nominalization ::
substantivise {v} (convert into or use as a noun) :: ουσιαστικοποιώ /ousiastikopoió/
substitute {v} (to use in place of something else) :: υποκαθιστώ /ypokathistó/, αντικαθιστώ /antikathistó/, αναπληρώνω /anapliróno/
substitute {v} (sports: to remove from the field and bring on another player) :: αλλάζω /allázo/
substitute {n} (replacement or stand-in) :: αναπληρωτής {m} /anaplirotís/ [person], αντικαταστάτης {m} /antikatastátis/ [person], υποκατάστατο {n} /ypokatástato/ [object]
substitute {n} (player who is available to replace another) :: αναπληρωματικός {m} /anapliromatikós/
substitute {v} (to substitute) SEE: replace ::
substitution {n} (substitute) SEE: substitute ::
substratum {n} (a layer that lies underneath another) :: υπόστρωμα /ypóstroma/
subsume {v} (to place under another as belonging to it) :: υπάγω /ypágo/, εντάσσω /entásso/
subterfuge {n} (indirect or deceptive device or stratagem; blind) :: τέχνασμα {n} /téchnasma/, υπεκφυγή {f} /ypekfygí/
subterfuge {n} :: υπεκφυγή {f} /ypekfygí/
subterranean {adj} (below ground, under the earth, underground) :: υπόγειος /ypógeios/
subterraneous {adj} (subterranean) SEE: subterranean ::
subthalamus {n} (part of the diencephalon beneath the thalamus) :: επιθαλάμια χώρα {f} /epithalámia chóra/
subtitle {n} (heading below a title) :: υπότιτλος {m} /ypótitlos/
subtitle {n} (textual versions of the dialog in films) :: υπότιτλοι {m-p} /ypótitloi/
subtitle {v} (to create subtitles) :: υποτιτλίζω /ypotitlízo/
subtlety {n} (quality or act of being subtle) :: λεπτότητα {f} /leptótita/
subtotal {n} (the total for a part of a list of numbers being summed) :: μερικό άθροισμα {n} /merikó áthroisma/
subtract {v} (to remove or reduce) :: αφαιρώ /afairó/
subtraction {n} (process) :: αφαίρεση {f} /afaíresi/
subtraction {n} (calculation) :: αφαίρεση {f} /afaíresi/
suburb {n} (area on the periphery of a city or large town) :: προάστιο {n} /proástio/
suburban {adj} (relating to outskirts of a city) :: προαστιακός /proastiakós/
subversion {n} (act of subverting or the condition of being subverted) :: υπονόμευση {f} /yponómefsi/, ανατροπή {f} /anatropí/
subversion {n} (systematic attempt to overthrow a government by working from within) :: υπονόμευση {f} /yponómefsi/
subversive {adj} (intending to subvert) :: υπονομευτικός {m} /yponomeftikós/, ανατρεπτικός {m} /anatreptikós/
subversive {n} (a radical supporter of political or social revolution) :: ανατροπέας {m} {f} /anatropéas/
subway {n} (underground railway) :: μετρό /metró/, υπόγειος {m} /ypógeios/
subway {n} (underground walkway) :: υπόγεια διάβαση πεζών {f} /ypógeia diávasi pezón/
succeed {v} (To follow in order; to come next after; hence, to take the place of) :: διαδέχομαι /diadéchomai/, ακολουθώ /akolouthó/
succeed {v} (To obtain the object desired; to accomplish what is attempted or intended; to have a prosperous issue or termination; to be successful) :: επιτυγχάνω /epityncháno/, καταφέρνω /kataférno/, κατορθώνω /katorthóno/
success {n} (achievement of one's aim or goal) :: επιτυχία {f} /epitychía/
success {n} ((business) financial profitability) :: επιτυχία {f} /epitychía/
success {n} (person who achieves his or her goals) :: επιτυχία {f} /epitychía/
successful {adj} (resulting in success) :: επιτυχημένος /epitychiménos/, επιτυχών /epitychón/
successfully {adv} (in a successful manner) :: επιτυχώς /epitychós/
succession {n} (following in sequence) :: διαδοχή {f} /diadochí/
succession {n} (sequence arranged in order) :: διαδοχή {f} /diadochí/
succession {n} (passing of royal power) :: διαδοχή {f} /diadochí/
successive {adj} (in a series) :: αλλεπάλληλος /allepállilos/
successively {adv} (in a serial manner) :: διαδοχικά /diadochiká/
successor {n} (person or thing that immediately follows another) :: διάδοχος {m} {f} /diádochos/
successor {n} (next heir in order or succession) :: διάδοχος {m} {f} /diádochos/
successor {n} (person who inherits a title or office) :: διάδοχος {m} {f} /diádochos/
succinct {adj} (brief and to the point) :: λακωνικός {m} /lakonikós/, συνοπτικός {m} /synoptikós/
succour {v} (to give aid, assistance, or help) :: αρωγή {f} /arogí/
succuba {n} (a female demon or fiend) SEE: succubus ::
succubus {n} (female demon) :: σούκουμπους /soúkoumpous/
succumb {v} (to yield to an overpowering force or overwhelming desire) :: υποκύπτω /ypokýpto/
succumb {v} (to give up, or give in) :: υποκύπτω /ypokýpto/
succumb {v} (to die) :: υποκύπτω /ypokýpto/
such as {prep} (for example) SEE: for example ::
such as {prep} (like) :: όπως /ópos/
such is life {phrase} (used to express the acceptance of misfortune) :: έτσι είναι η ζωή /étsi eínai i zoḯ/
suck {v} (to use the mouth to pull in (liquid etc)) :: βυζαίνω /vyzaíno/
suck {v} (to work the lips and tongue on) :: γλείφω /gleífo/, πιπιλίζω /pipilízo/
suck {v} (colloquial: term of general disparagement) :: άστα να πάνε /ásta na páne/ [situation], είμαι μαλάκας /eímai malákas/ [person]
suck {n} (sycophant) SEE: sycophant ::
sucker {n} (organ) :: μυζητήρας {m} /myzitíras/, κοτύλη {f} /kotýli/
sucker {n} (a stem growing up from the roots of a plant) :: παραφυάδα {f} /parafyáda/
sucker {n} (one who is easily fooled) :: κορόιδο {n} /koróido/
sucker {v} (to fool) :: κοροϊδεύω /koroïdévo/
sucker {n} (lollipop) SEE: lollipop ::
suckle {v} (to give suck to) :: θηλάζω /thilázo/
suckle {v} (to nurse; to suck) :: θηλάζω /thilázo/, βυζαίνω /vyzaíno/
suckling pig {n} :: γουρουνάκι {n} /gourounáki/
suck off {v} (to give a blowjob) :: ρουφώ /roufó/
sucrose {n} (a disaccharide) :: σακχαρόζη {f} /sakcharózi/, καλαμοσάκχαρο {n} /kalamosákcharo/
suction {n} (the process of creating an imbalance in pressure to draw matter from one place to another) :: αναρρόφηση {f} /anarrófisi/
suction cup {n} (cup using suction as an adhesive) :: βεντούζα {f} /ventoúza/
Suda {prop} (tenth-century Byzantine Greek encyclopaedia) :: Σούδα {f} /Soúda/
Sudan {prop} (Republic of Sudan) :: Σουδάν {n} /Soudán/
sudden {n} (surprise) SEE: surprise ::
sudden {adj} (happening quickly and with little or no warning) :: ξαφνικός /xafnikós/
suddenly {adv} (happening quickly and with little or no warning) :: ξαφνικά /xafniká/
sudorific {adj} (in a state of perspiration) SEE: sweaty ::
suds {n} (lather, foam) :: σαπουνάδα {f} /sapounáda/
sue {v} (to file a legal action) :: μηνύω /minýo/
suede {n} (type of leather) :: καστόρι {n} /kastóri/
Suez {prop} (Suez, Egypt) :: Σουέζ {n} /Souéz/
Suez Canal {prop} (canal) :: Διώρυγα Σουέζ /Dióryga Souéz/
suffer {v} (undergo hardship) :: υποφέρω /ypoféro/, βασανίζομαι /vasanízomai/, δεινοπαθώ /deinopathó/
suffer {v} (feel pain) :: υποφέρω /ypoféro/
suffer {v} (become worse) :: υποφέρω /ypoféro/; υπομένω /ypoméno/, εγκαρτερώ /egkarteró/; επιτρέπω /epitrépo/
suffer from {v} (have a disease or condition) :: πάσχω /páscho/
suffering {n} (condition) :: βάσανο {n} /vásano/
suffice {v} (be enough, sufficient, adequate) :: φτάνω /ftáno/, αρκώ /arkó/
sufficiency {n} (quality or condition of being sufficient) :: επάρκεια /epárkeia/, (eparkeia)
sufficient {adj} (adequate to wants) :: αρκετός /arketós/
sufficiently {adv} (in a sufficient manner) :: επαρκώς /eparkós/
suffix {n} (morpheme added at the end of a word to modify the word's meaning) :: επίθημα {n} /epíthima/
suffix {v} (append (something) to the end of something else) :: επιθηματοποιώ /epithimatopoió/
suffocation {n} (asphyxia) :: πνιγμονή {f} /pnigmoní/, πνίξιμο {n} /pníximo/, πνιγμοσύνη {f} /pnigmosýni/
suffocation {n} (particular death or killing) :: πνιγμονή {f} /pnigmoní/, πνιγμοσύνη {f} /pnigmosýni/
Sufism {n} (Islamic mysticism) :: σουφισμός {m} /soufismós/
sugar {n} (sucrose from sugar cane or sugar beet and used to sweeten food and drink) :: ζάχαρη {f} /záchari/
sugar {n} (any of a series of carbohydrates used by organisms to store energy) :: σάκχαρο {n} /sákcharo/, ζάχαρο {n} /zácharo/
sugar {n} (generic term for sucrose, glucose, fructose, etc) :: σάκχαρο {n} /sákcharo/, ζάχαρο {n} /zácharo/
sugar beet {n} (type of beet) :: ζαχαρότευτλο {n} /zacharóteftlo/
sugar bowl {n} (small receptacle for serving sugar on a table) :: ζαχαριέρα {f} /zachariéra/
Sugarloaf Mountain {prop} (rocky peak in Rio de Janeiro) :: Πάο ντε Ασούκαρ {n} /Páo de Asoúkar/
sugar mill {n} (factory) :: ζαχαρουργείο {n} /zacharourgeío/
sugar pea {n} (mangetout) SEE: mangetout ::
suggest {v} (to imply but stop short of saying directly) :: υπονοώ /yponoó/
suggest {v} (to make one suppose) :: υπαινίσσομαι /ypainíssomai/
suggest {v} (to ask for without demanding) :: προτείνω /proteíno/
suggest {v} (to recommend) :: συνιστώ /synistó/
suggestion {n} (something suggested) :: πρόταση {f} /prótasi/
suicide {n} (instance of killing oneself) :: αυτοκτονία {f} /aftoktonía/, αυτοχειρία {f} /aftocheiría/
suicide {n} (person who has killed himself/herself, is killing (is attempting/has attempted to kill) himself/herself) :: αυτόχειρας {m} {f} /aftócheiras/
suicide {n} (figurative: action) :: αυτοκτονία {f} /aftoktonía/
suicide {adj} (to kill oneself intentionally) SEE: commit suicide ::
sui generis {adj} (in a class of its own) :: ιδιόρρυθμος {m} /idiórrythmos/
suit {n} (set of clothes) :: ενδυμασία {f} /endymasía/, κοστούμι {n} /kostoúmi/
suit {n} (single garment that covers the whole body) :: στολή {f} /stolí/
suit {n} (card games: set of cards distinguished by color and emblems) :: χρώμα {n} /chróma/
suit {n} (regular order; succession) :: ακολουθία {f} /akolouthía/, σειρά {f} /seirá/
suit {v} (to be appropriate or apt for) :: αρμόζω /armózo/
suit {v} (to please, to make content) :: βολεύω /volévo/
suit {v} (to agree, accord, be fitted to) :: ταιριάζω /tairiázo/
suit {n} (attempt to gain an end by legal process) SEE: lawsuit ::
suitability {n} (quality of being suitable) :: καταλληλότητα {f} /katallilótita/
suitable {adj} (appropriate to a certain occasion) :: κατάλληλος /katállilos/
suitcase {n} (large piece of luggage) :: βαλίτσα {f} /valítsa/
suite {n} (connected series or succession of objects) :: σουίτα {f} /souíta/
suite {n} (group of connected rooms) :: σουίτα {f} /souíta/
suite {n} (musical form pre-dating the sonata) :: σουίτα {f} /souíta/
suite {n} (selection of music from a larger work) :: σουίτα {f} /souíta/
suit of armour {n} :: πανοπλία {f} /panoplía/
sujuk {n} (type of sausage) :: σουτζούκι {f} /soutzoúki/
sujuk {n} (confection) :: σουτζούκι {f} /soutzoúki/
Sukkot {prop} (Jewish festival) :: Σκηνοπηγία /Skinopigía/
sulfur {n} (element) :: θείο {n} /theío/
sulfurate {v} (wine) :: θειαφίζω /theiafízo/
sulfurate {v} (agriculture) :: θειαφίζω /theiafízo/
sulfuric acid {n} (H2SO4) :: θεϊκό οξύ {n} /theïkó oxý/
sulfur mustard {n} (mustard gas) SEE: mustard gas ::
sulk {v} (to express ill humor or offence by remaining sullenly silent or withdrawn) :: μουτρώνω /moutróno/, σκυθρωπιάζω /skythropiázo/, κατσουφιάζω /katsoufiázo/
sulphuric acid {n} (sulfuric acid) SEE: sulfuric acid ::
sultan {n} (ruler) :: σουλτάνος {m} /soultános/
sultana {n} (raisin) :: ξανθή σταφίδα {f} /xanthí stafída/
sultanate {n} (state ruled by a sultan) :: σουλτανάτο {n} /soultanáto/
sultry {adj} (hot and humid) :: υγρός και ζεστός /ygrós kai zestós/
sultry {adj} (very hot and dry) :: αποπνικτικός /apopniktikós/
sultry {adj} (sexually enthralling) :: φλογερός /flogerós/
sum {n} (quantity obtained by addition or aggregation) :: άθροισμα {n} /áthroisma/
sum {n} (arithmetic problem) :: πράξη {f} /práxi/
sum {n} (quantity of money) :: ποσό {n} /posó/
sum {v} (to add together) :: αθροίζω /athroízo/
sum {v} (give a summary of) SEE: summarize ::
sum {n} (summary) SEE: summary ::
sum {n} (summit) SEE: summit ::
sumac {n} (shrub or small tree of the genus Rhus, etc.) :: σουμάκι {n} /soumáki/, ρούδι {n} /roúdi/
sumac {n} (sour spice) :: σουμάκι {n} /soumáki/
Sumatra {prop} (the largest island of Indonesia) :: Σουμάτρα /Soumátra/
Sumer {prop} (civilization) :: Σουμέρ /Soumér/
Sumerian {adj} (pertaining to Sumer) :: σουμερικός {m} /soumerikós/
Sumerian {n} (person) :: Σουμέριος {m} /Soumérios/
Sumerian {prop} (language) :: σουμεριακή γλώσσα {f} /soumeriakí glóssa/
summable {adj} (having a Lebesgue integral) :: αθροίσιμος /athroísimos/
summarize {v} (to give a capitulation of salient facts; to recapitulate or review) :: ανακεφαλαιώνω /anakefalaióno/
summary {n} (condensed presentation) :: περίληψη {f} /perílipsi/, σύνοψη {f} /sýnopsi/
summation {n} (mathematics: an adding up of a series of items) :: άθροιση {f} /áthroisi/
summer {n} (hottest season) :: καλοκαίρι {n} /kalokaíri/
summer {v} (spend the summer, as in a particular place on holiday) :: παραθερίζω /paratherízo/, ξεκαλοκαιριάζω /xekalokairiázo/
summer camp {n} (institution devoted to housing and entertaining children) :: κατασκήνωση {f} /kataskínosi/
summerhouse {n} (house used as vacation home in summer) :: εξοχικό /exochikó/
summer solstice {n} (the moment when the hemisphere is most inclined toward the sun) :: θερινό ηλιοστάσιο {n} /therinó iliostásio/
summer time {n} (daylight saving time) SEE: daylight saving time ::
summertime {n} (the period or season of summer) :: καλοκαίρι {n} /kalokaíri/
summery {adj} (relating to the summer) :: καλοκαιριάτικος /kalokairiátikos/
summery {adj} (of weather, typical of summer) :: καλοκαιριάτικος /kalokairiátikos/
summit {n} (peak, top of mountain) :: κορυφή {f} /koryfí/
summit {n} (gathering of leaders) :: σύνοδος {f} /sýnodos/
summon {v} (to call people together) :: καλώ /kaló/
sumo {n} (form of wrestling) :: σούμο {n} /soúmo/
sumptuous {adj} (magnificent, luxurious, splendid) :: πολυτελής {m} /polytelís/
sum up {v} (sum up) SEE: summarize ::
sun {prop} (the star around which the Earth revolves, see also: Sun) :: ήλιος {m} /ílios/
sun {n} (a star, especially when seen as the centre of any single solar system) :: ήλιος {m} /ílios/
sun {n} (light and warmth received from the sun) :: ήλιος {m} /ílios/
sun {n} (something like the sun in brightness or splendor) :: ήλιος {m} /ílios/
sun {n} (sunrise or sunset) :: [sunrise] ανατολή {f} /anatolí/, [sunset] δύση {f} /dýsi/
Sun {prop} (star) :: Ήλιος {m} /Ílios/
sunbeam {n} (narrow, intense ray of sunlight) :: ηλιαχτίδα {f} /iliachtída/
Sunday {n} (day of the week) :: Κυριακή {f} /Kyriakí/
Sunday {adv} (on Sunday) :: κυριακάτικα /kyriakátika/
Sunday best {n} (person's finest clothing) :: κυριακάτικα {n-p} /kyriakátika/
Sunday school {n} (religious school providing education on Sundays) :: κατηχητικό {n} /katichitikó/
sunderling {adv} (separately) SEE: separately ::
sundial {n} (device noting the time of day by the position of a shadow) :: ηλιακό ρολόι {n} /iliakó rolói/
sundown {n} (sunset) SEE: sunset ::
sun-drenched {adj} :: ηλιόλουστος /ilióloustos/
sunflower {n} (flower) :: ηλιοτρόπιο {n} /iliotrópio/
sunflower oil {n} (vegetable oil) :: ηλιέλαιο {n} /iliélaio/
sunglasses {n} (tinted glasses worn to protect the eyes from the sun) :: γυαλιά ηλίου {n-p} /gyaliá ilíou/
sunken {adj} (depressed or submerged) :: βυθισμένος /vythisménos/
sunless {adj} (without the sun or sunshine) :: ανήλιαγος /aníliagos/
sunlit {adj} (illuminated by sunlight) :: ηλιόλουστος {m} /ilióloustos/
sunny {adj} (weather, day) :: έχει λιακάδα /échei liakáda/
sunray {n} (sunbeam) SEE: sunbeam ::
sunrise {n} (time of day) :: ανατολή {f} /anatolí/
sunroof {n} (opening in a vehicle roof) :: ηλιοροφή {f} /iliorofí/
sunset {n} (time of day) :: δύση {f} /dýsi/, ηλιοβασίλεμα {n} /iliovasílema/
sunset {n} (final period of life) :: δύση {f} /dýsi/
sunspot {n} (region on the sun's surface) :: ηλιακή κηλίδα {f} /iliakí kilída/
sunstroke {n} (heatstroke caused by an excessive exposure to the sun's rays) :: ηλίαση {f} /ilíasi/
sunup {n} (time of day) SEE: sunrise ::
sunup {n} (change in color of sky) SEE: sunrise ::
sun worshipper {n} (worshipper of the Sun) :: ηλιολάτρης {m} /iliolátris/
super {adj} (better than usual) :: υπέρ /ypér/
supercar {n} (any high-performance sports car) :: υπεραυτοκίνητο {n} /yperaftokínito/
supercilious {adj} (showing contemptuous indifference) :: υπεροπτικός /yperoptikós/, υπερφίαλος {m} /yperfíalos/
supercilium {n} (arch of hair) SEE: eyebrow ::
superclass {n} (class that passes attributes and methods) :: υπερκλάση {f} /yperklási/
supercontinent {n} (very large continent in the Earth's past) :: υπερήπειρος {f} /yperípeiros/
supercontinent {n} (one of modern landmasses) :: υπερήπειρος {f} /yperípeiros/
superego {n} (part of the mind) :: υπερεγώ {n} /yperegó/
supererogatory {adj} (doing more than is required) :: περιττός {m} /perittós/, πέραν του δέοντος /péran tou déontos/
superficial {adj} (shallow, lacking substance) :: ρηχός /richós/, αβαθής /avathís/
superficially {adv} (in a superficial manner) :: ακροθιγώς /akrothigós/
superfluous {adj} (excess of what is sufficient) :: περιττός /perittós/
superfood {n} (food supposed to confer remarkable health benefits) :: υπερτροφή {f} /ypertrofí/
superhero {n} (a fictional crime-fighting character with superpowers) :: υπερήρωας {m} /yperíroas/
superheroine {n} (a female superhero) :: υπερηρωίδα {f} /yperiroída/
superhighway {n} (US An expressway especially one designed for high speeds) :: (hyperautokinetodromos), (autokinetodromos)
superintendent {n} (police officer ranking above inspector) :: αστυνόμος {m} {f} /astynómos/
superior {adj} (higher in rank or quality) :: ανώτερος {m} /anóteros/
superiority {n} (the state of being superior) :: ανωτερότητα {f} /anoterótita/, υπεροχή {f} /yperochí/
superlative {n} (form of adjective expressing "most") :: [degree] υπερθετικός {m} /yperthetikós/; υπερθετικό {n} /yperthetikó/
superlative {adj} (of or pertaining to a superlative) :: υπερθετικός /yperthetikós/
superluminal {adj} (having a speed greater than light) :: υπερφωτονικός {m} /yperfotonikós/, υπερφωτονική {f} /yperfotonikí/, υπερφωτονικό {n} /yperfotonikó/, υπερφωτοταχικός {m} /yperfototachikós/, υπερφωτοταχική {f} /yperfototachikí/, υπερφωτοταχικό {n} /yperfototachikó/
superman {n} (übermensch) :: αρχηγός /archigós/, υπεράνθρωπος {m} /yperánthropos/
supermarket {n} (store) :: σουπερμάρκετ {n} /soupermárket/
supermoon {n} (a full moon or new moon, when the Earth–Moon distance is in the lowest tenth of its range) :: υπερφεγγάρι {n} /yperfengári/
supernatural {adj} (above nature) :: υπερφυσικός /yperfysikós/
supernatural {adj} (not of the usual) :: υπερφυσικός {m} /yperfysikós/
supernova {n} (exploding star) :: υπερκαινοφανής {m} /yperkainofanís/
superscript {n} (a type of lettering form) :: εκθέτης {m} /ekthétis/
superset {n} (set containing all elements of another set) :: υπερσύνολο {n} /ypersýnolo/
supersonic {adj} (greater than the speed of sound) :: υπερηχητικός /yperichitikós/
superspreader {n} (someone responsible for spreading an infection to many other people) :: υπερμεταδότης {m} /ypermetadótis/, υπερμεταδοτικός φορέας {m} /ypermetadotikós foréas/
superstition {n} (a belief that events may be influenced by one's behaviour in some magical or mystical way) :: δεισιδαιμονία {f} /deisidaimonía/
superstitious {adj} (susceptible to superstitions) :: προληπτικός /proliptikós/
superstore {n} (extremely large store) :: υπεραγορά {f} /yperagorá/
superstring {n} (hypothetical physical object) :: υπερχορδή {f} /yperchordí/
supersymmetry {n} (theory that attempts to unify the fundamental physical forces) :: υπερσυμμετρία {f} /ypersymmetría/
supervillain {n} (a fictional criminal or evil-doer with superpowers) :: υπερεχθρός {m} /yperechthrós/
supervise {v} (to oversee or direct) :: εποπτεύω /epoptévo/, επιβλέπω /epivlépo/
supervision {n} (the act or instance of supervising) :: εποπτεία {f} /epopteía/, επίβλεψη {f} /epívlepsi/, επιστασία {f} /epistasía/
supervisor {n} (a person with the official task of overseeing the work of a person or group etc.) :: επόπτης {m} /epóptis/
supine {adj} (lying on its back) :: ύπτιος /ýptios/
supine {n} (verbal noun) :: σουπίνο /soupíno/
supper {n} (food before going to bed) :: απόδειπνο {n} /apódeipno/
supper {n} (dinner at night) :: δείπνο {n} /deípno/ (before 8 PM, larger meal), βραδινό {n} /vradinó/ (8 PM to before 11 PM, smaller meal)
supper {v} (to eat dinner) :: αποδειπνώ /apodeipnó/ , δειπνώ /deipnó/
supplement {n} (something added) :: συμπλήρωμα {n} /symplíroma/
supplement {n} (extension to a document or publication) :: συμπλήρωμα {n} /symplíroma/, παράρτημα {n} /parártima/
supplement {n} (additional section of a newspaper) :: παράρτημα {n} /parártima/
supplement {n} (supplementary angle in geometry) :: παραπλήρωμα {n} /paraplíroma/
supplement {n} (vitamin, herbal extract, or chemical compound) :: συμπλήρωμα {n} /symplíroma/
supplement {v} (to provide or make a supplement to) :: συμπληρώνω /sympliróno/
supplementary angles {n} (pair of angles) :: παραπληρωματικές γωνίες {f-p} /parapliromatikés goníes/
supplicate {v} (beg, beseech) :: ικετεύω /iketévo/
supply {v} (to provide, make available for use) :: εφοδιάζω /efodiázo/
supply {v} (to compensate for, make up for a deficiency of) :: εφοδιάζω /efodiázo/
supply {n} (act of supplying) :: προσφορά {f} /prosforá/
support {v} (to keep from falling) :: ενισχύω /enischýo/
suppose {v} (conclude; believe) :: υποθέτω /ypothéto/
supposedly {adv} (as a matter of supposition) :: δήθεν /díthen/
supposition {n} (assumption) :: υπόθεση {f} /ypóthesi/
suppository {n} (medicine in the form of a small plug that is inserted into a bodily cavity) :: υπόθετο {n} /ypótheto/
suppurate {v} (form or discharge pus) :: πυορροώ /pyorroó/
supranational {adj} (of greater than national scope) :: υπερεθνικός {m} /yperethnikós/
supremacy {n} (quality of being supreme) :: υπεροχή {f} /yperochí/, κύρος {n} /kýros/, κυριαρχία {f} /kyriarchía/
supreme {adj} (dominant) :: ανώτατος /anótatos/
supreme court {n} (court of law representing the highest legal authority within a jurisdiction) :: ανώτατο δικαστήριο {n} /anótato dikastírio/
sura {n} (chapter of the Qur'an) :: σουράτ /sourát/
sure {adj} (certain, reliable) :: ασφαλής /asfalís/
sure {adj} (certain in one's knowledge or belief) :: βέβαιος /vévaios/, σίγουρος {m} /sígouros/
sure {interj} (of course) :: βεβαίως /vevaíos/
surety {n} (certainty) SEE: certainty ::
surface {n} (up-side of a flat object) :: επιφάνεια /epifáneia/
surface {v} (to rise to the surface) :: αναδύομαι /anadýomai/
surface {v} (for information to become known) :: αναδύομαι /anadýomai/
surfing {n} (sport) :: κυματοδρομία {f} /kymatodromía/
surf riding {n} (surfing) SEE: surfing ::
surgeon {n} (doctor who performs surgery) :: χειρουργός {c} /cheirourgós/
surgery {n} (procedure involving major incisions) :: χειρουργείο {n} /cheirourgeío/
surgery {n} (medical specialty) :: χειρουργική {f} /cheirourgikí/
surgery {n} (room or department where surgery is performed) :: χειρουργείο {n} /cheirourgeío/
surgery {n} (doctor's consulting room) :: ιατρείο {n} /iatreío/
surgical {adj} (of or relating to surgery) :: χειρουργικός /cheirourgikós/
surgical mask {n} (mask worn to catch bacteria) :: χειρουργική μάσκα {f} /cheirourgikí máska/
surgical procedure {n} (procedure) :: εγχείρηση {f} /encheírisi/
Suriname {prop} (country) :: Σουρινάμ {n} /Sourinám/
surjection {n} (function that is a many-to-one mapping) :: επίρριψη {f} /epírripsi/
surmount {v} (to get over; to overcome) :: υπερνικώ /ypernikó/, ξεπερνώ /xepernó/, υπερβαίνω /ypervaíno/
surname {n} (name that indicates family) :: επώνυμο {n} /epónymo/
surplus {n} (excess, overplus) :: πλεόνασμα {n} /pleónasma/
surplus {n} (funds in public treasury greater than ordinary needs) :: πλεόνασμα {n} /pleónasma/, περίσσευμα {n} /períssevma/
surplus {adj} (being a surplus) :: πλεονάζων {m} /pleonázon/, παραπανήσιος {m} /parapanísios/
surprise {n} (something not expected) :: έκπληξη {f} /ékplixi/, ξάφνιασμα {n} /xáfniasma/
surprise {n} (attributively: that is unexpected) :: αιφνίδιος /aifnídios/, ξαφνικός /xafnikós/
surprise {n} (feeling that something unexpected has happened) :: έκπληξη {f} /ékplixi/
surprise {v} (cause (someone) to feel surprise) :: εκπλήσσω /ekplísso/, ξαφνιάζω /xafniázo/
surprise {v} (do something to (a person) that they are not expecting, as a surprise) :: κάνω έκπληξη /káno ékplixi/, αιφνιδιάζω /aifnidiázo/
surprise {v} (to take unawares, to come on to something unexpectedly) :: αιφνιδιάζω /aifnidiázo/, ξαφνιάζω /xafniázo/
surprised {adj} (caused to feel surprise) :: έκπληκτος /ékpliktos/
surprising {adj} (that is or are a surprise) :: εκπληκτικός /ekpliktikós/
surreal {adj} (having the intense reality of a dream) :: σουρεαλιστικός {m} /sourealistikós/ (sourealistikós), υπερρεαλιστικός {m} /yperrealistikós/
surrealism {n} (artistic movement and aesthetic philosophy) :: υπερρεαλισμός {m} /yperrealismós/
surrealist {adj} (of, or relating to surrealism) :: υπερρεαλιστικός {m} /yperrealistikós/, σουρεαλιστικός {m} /sourealistikós/
surrealist {n} (surrealist artist) :: υπερρεαλιστής {m} /yperrealistís/, σουρεαλιστής {m} /sourealistís/
surrender {v} (intransitive or reflexive: to give oneself up into the power of another) :: παραδίνομαι /paradínomai/
surrender {n} (an act of surrendering) :: παράδοση {f} /parádosi/
surrogate {adj} (Of, concerning, relating to or acting as a substitute) :: αναπληρωματικός /anapliromatikós/
surrogate mother {n} (woman who gives birth to a child not her own) :: αναπληρωματική μητέρα {f} /anapliromatikí mitéra/
surround {v} (to encircle something or simultaneously extend in all directions) :: περικλείω /perikleío/
surround {v} (to enclose to prevent escape) :: περικυκλώνω /perikyklóno/
survival {n} (continued existence or life) :: επιβίωση {f} /epivíosi/
survive {v} (person: continue to live) :: επιβιώνω /epivióno/
survive {v} (object, concept: continue to exist) :: επιβιώνω /epivióno/
survive {v} (live longer than) :: -Ancient διαζάω /diazáo/
survive {v} (live past a life-threatening event) :: επιζώ /epizó/, γλιτώνω /glitóno/
survivor {n} (one who survives) :: επιζών {m} /epizón/
Susan {prop} (female given name) :: Σουζάνα /Souzána/, Σουσάννα /Sousánna/
Susanna {prop} (female given name) SEE: Susan ::
Susanna {prop} (biblical character) :: Σουσάννα {f} /Sousánna/
susceptible {adj} (likely to be affected by) :: ενδεχόμενος /endechómenos/
susceptible {adj} (especially sensitive) :: επιδεκτικός /epidektikós/
sushi {n} (Japanese dish) :: σούσι /soúsi/
suslik {n} (Spermophilus or Citellus) :: λαγόγυρος {m} /lagógyros/
suspect {v} (distrust, have doubts about) :: υποπτεύομαι /ypoptévomai/
suspect {v} (believe to be guilty) :: υποπτεύομαι /ypoptévomai/
suspect {v} (have suspicion) :: υποπτεύομαι /ypoptévomai/
suspect {n} (person suspected of something) :: ύποπτος {m} /ýpoptos/, ύποπτη {f} /ýpopti/
suspect {adj} (viewed with suspicion) :: ύποπτος /ýpoptos/
suspend {v} (To halt temporarily) :: αναστέλλω /anastéllo/
suspended cymbal {n} (cymbal that is suspended horizontally) :: (see πιατίνι {n} /piatíni/)
suspenders {n} (stocking supporter) SEE: garter ::
suspension {n} (act of suspending or state of being suspended) :: ανάρτηση {f} /anártisi/, κρέμασμα {n} /krémasma/
suspension {n} (temporary or conditional delay, interruption or discontinuation) :: διαθεσιμότητα {f} /diathesimótita/
suspension {n} (state of a solid when mixed with, but not dissolved in a fluid) :: αιώρημα {n} /aiórima/
suspension {n} (Scots law: stay or postponement of the execution of a sentence) :: εκκρεμότητα {f} /ekkremótita/
suspension bridge {n} (bridge where the deck or roadway is suspended from cables) :: κρεμαστή γέφυρα {f} /kremastí géfyra/
suspicion {n} (act of suspecting something or someone, especially of something wrong) :: υπόνοια {f} /ypónoia/
sustainability {n} (ability to sustain something) :: αειφορία {f} /aeiforía/
sustainability {n} (ecological sense) :: αειφορία {f} /aeiforía/
sustainable development {n} (development seeking to economic growth while ensuring future generations' ability to do the same, by not exceeding natural regenerative capacity) :: βιώσιμη ανάπτυξη {f} /viósimi anáptyxi/
sustained {adj} (held at a certain level) :: αδιάπτωτος
Sutekh {prop} (Egyptian God) SEE: Set ::
suture {n} (seam) :: συρραφή /syrrafí/, ραφή {f} /rafí/
suture {n} (thread) :: ράμμα {n} /rámma/
suture {v} (to sew up or join by means of a suture) :: συρράφω /syrráfo/
Suva {prop} (capital of Fiji) :: Σούβα {f} /Soúva/
Svalbard {prop} (islands north east of Greenland) :: Σφάλμπαρ {m} /Sfálmpar/, Σβάλμπαρντ {m} /Sválmparnt/
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands {prop} (two distinct dependencies of Norway) :: Νήσοι Σφάλμπαρ και Γιαν Μαϋέν /Nísoi Sfálmpar kai Gian Maÿén/, Νήσοι Σβάλμπαρντ και Γιαν Μαγιέν /Nísoi Sválmparnt kai Gian Magién/
svelte {adj} (attractively thin, slender) :: σβέλτος /svéltos/
Swabia {prop} (historical region of Germany) :: Σουαβία {f} /Souavía/
Swabian {adj} (of or pertaining to Swabia) SEE: Swabish ::
Swabian {adj} (of or pertaining to a Swabian, Swabians) SEE: Swabish ::
Swabian {adj} (of or pertaining to the Swabian dialect) SEE: Swabish ::
Swabian {prop} (dialect) SEE: Swabish ::
Swabian {n} (person) SEE: Swabish ::
Swabish {adj} (of or pertaining to Swabia) :: σουαβικός {m} /souavikós/, σουαβική {f} /souavikí/, σουαβικό {n} /souavikó/
Swabish {n} (person) :: Σουαβός {m} /Souavós/, Σουαβή {f} /Souaví/
swaddle {v} (to bind a baby) :: φασκιώνω /faskióno/
swaddling {n} (practice of wrapping infants in clothing that restricts movement) :: φάσκιωμα {n} /fáskioma/
swaddling {n} (clothing of this kind) :: φάσκιωμα {n} /fáskioma/
swaddling clothes {n} (garment) :: φάσκιωμα {n} /fáskioma/
Swahili {n} (language) :: σουαχίλι {f} /souachíli/
swallow {v} (to cause to pass from the mouth into the stomach) :: καταπίνω /katapíno/
swallow {v} (to make muscular contractions of the oesophagus) :: καταπίνω /katapíno/
swallow {v} (to believe or accept) :: καταπίνω /katapíno/
swallow {n} (bird) :: χελιδόνι {n} /chelidóni/
swamp {n} (type of wetland) :: βάλτος {n} /váltos/, έλος {n} /élos/
swamp {v} (overwhelm) :: πλημμυρίζω /plimmyrízo/
swan {n} (waterfowl of the genus Cygnus) :: κύκνος {m} /kýknos/
swanling {n} (baby swan, young swan) SEE: cygnet ::
Swansea {prop} (a city in South Wales) :: Σουάνσι /Souánsi/
swan song {n} (a final performance) :: κύκνειο άσμα {n} /kýkneio ásma/
swap {v} (exchange or give (something) in exchange for) :: ανταλλάσσω /antallásso/
swap {n} (exchange) :: ανταλλαγή {f} /antallagí/
swarm {n} (large number of insects) :: σμήνος {n} /smínos/
swarm {n} (a mass of people or animals in turmoil) :: στίφος {n} /stífos/, εσμός {m} /esmós/, [people] όχλος {m} /óchlos/
swarm spore {n} (zoospore) SEE: zoospore ::
swarthy {adj} (dark) SEE: dark ::
swastika {n} (a cross with arms of equal length all bent halfway along at a 90° angle) :: σβάστικα {f} /svástika/, αγκυλωτός σταυρός {m} /agkylotós stavrós/
Swaziland {prop} (Kingdom of Swaziland, see also: eSwatini) :: Σουαζιλάνδη {f} /Souazilándi/
swear {v} (to take an oath) :: ορκίζομαι /orkízomai/
swear {v} (to curse, to use offensive language) :: βρίζω /vrízo/
swear word {n} (impolite or offensive taboo word) :: βρισιά {f} /vrisiá/
sweat {n} (fluid that exits the body through pores) :: ιδρώτας {m} /idrótas/
sweat {v} (to emit sweat) :: ιδρώνω /idróno/
sweater {n} (similar garment worn for warmth) :: πουλόβερ {n} /poulóver/
sweating {n} (bodily process) :: εφίδρωση /efídrosi/
sweaty {adj} (covered in sweat) :: ιδρωμένος {m} /idroménos/
swede {n} (turnip) SEE: turnip ::
swede {n} (yellow root of Brassica napus) SEE: rutabaga ::
swede {n} (plant) SEE: rutabaga ::
Swede {n} (person from Sweden or of Swedish descent) :: Σουηδός {m} /Souidós/, Σουηδή {f} /Souidí/, Σουηδέζος {m} /Souidézos/, Σουηδέζα {f} /Souidéza/
Sweden {prop} (Scandinavian country) :: Σουηδία {f} /Souidía/
Swedish {prop} (language) :: σουηδικά {n-p} /souidiká/
Swedish turnip {n} (Brassica napus var. napobrassica) SEE: rutabaga ::
Swedophone {adj} (Swedish-speaking) :: σουηδόφωνος /souidófonos/
Swedophone {n} (speaker of Swedish) :: Σουηδόφωνος {m} /Souidófonos/, Σουηδόφωνη {f} /Souidófoni/
sweep {v} (to clean using a broom or brush) :: σκουπίζω /skoupízo/
sweep {v} (to search methodically) :: σαρώνω /saróno/
sweep {n} (chimney sweep) SEE: chimney sweep ::
sweet {adj} (having a pleasant taste) :: γλυκός {m} /glykós/
sweet {adj} (having a taste of sugar) :: γλυκός /glykós/
sweet {adj} (containing a sweetening ingredient) :: γλυκός {m} /glykós/
sweet {adj} (not having a salty taste) :: ανάλατος {m} /análatos/
sweet {adj} (having a pleasant smell) :: ευωδιαστός {m} /evodiastós/
sweet {adj} (having a pleasant sound) :: γλυκόηχος {m} /glykóichos/
sweet {adj} (having a pleasing disposition) :: πράος {m} /práos/, μειλίχιος {m} /meilíchios/
sweet {n} (sugary confection) :: καραμέλα {f} /karaméla/
sweet {n} (food eaten for dessert) SEE: dessert ::
sweet {n} (sweetheart) SEE: sweetheart ::
sweetbread {n} (pancreas or thymus gland of an animal as food) :: γλυκάδι {n} /glykádi/
sweet cherry {n} (Prunus avium) SEE: wild cherry ::
sweet corn {n} (corn suitable for eating by humans) :: γλυκό καλαμπόκι {n} /glykó kalampóki/
sweet dreams {phrase} (sweet dreams) :: όνειρα γλυκά /óneira glyká/
sweetener {n} (food additive) :: γλυκαντικό {m} /glykantikó/
sweetheart {n} (darling) SEE: darling ::
sweetheart {n} (a person very much liked or loved by someone) :: εραστής {m} /erastís/, ερωμένη {f} /eroméni/
sweet pepper {n} (fruit) SEE: bell pepper ::
sweet potato {n} (ocarina) SEE: ocarina ::
sweet potato {n} (vine) :: γλυκοπατάτα {f} /glykopatáta/
sweet potato {n} (tuber) :: γλυκοπατάτα {f} /glykopatáta/
sweets {n} (confectionery, candy) :: γλυκά {n-p} /glyká/
sweetshop {n} (shop selling predominantly confectionery) :: ζαχαροπλαστείο {n} /zacharoplasteío/
sweet tooth {n} (someone with a liking for sweet foods) :: γλυκατζής {m} /glykatzís/, γλυκατζού {f} /glykatzoú/
sweetwater {n} (fresh water) SEE: fresh water ::
swell {v} (intransitive: to become bigger, especially due to being engorged) :: πρήζομαι /prízomai/
swell {v} (to cause to become bigger) :: πρήζω /prízo/
swell {n} (series of waves, lasting after the wind has ceased) :: ρεστία {f} /restía/, αποθαλασσία {f} /apothalassía/
swelling {n} (the state of being swollen) :: πρήξιμο {n} /príximo/, διόγκωση {f} /diógkosi/, οίδημα {n} /oídima/
swell up {v} (to become bigger or swollen) :: πρήζομαι /prízomai/
swift {adj} (fast; quick) :: γρήγορος {m} /grígoros/, ταχύς {m} /tachýs/, γοργός {m} /gorgós/
swill {n} (mixture of solid and liquid food scraps) :: ξεπλύματα {n-p} /xeplýmata/
swill {n} (any disgusting or distasteful liquid) :: ξέπλυμα {n} /xéplyma/
swill {n} (anything disgusting or worthless) :: ξέπλυμα {n} /xéplyma/
swim {v} (move through water) :: κολυμπάω /kolympáo/
swim {n} (act or instance of swimming) :: κολύμβηση {f} /kolýmvisi/, μπάνιο {n} /bánio/
swimmer {n} (one who swims) :: κολυμβητής {m} /kolymvitís/
swimming costume {n} (garment for swimming) SEE: swimsuit ::
swimming pool {n} (pool for swimming) :: πισίνα /pisína/
swimming trunks {n} (a pair of shorts or briefs worn for swimming or bathing) :: μαγιό {n} /magió/
swimmist {n} (swimmer) SEE: swimmer ::
swimsuit {n} :: μαγιό {n} /magió/
swimwear {n} (clothing for swimming) SEE: swimsuit ::
swindle {n} (an instance of swindling) :: απάτη {f} /apáti/
swindler {n} (person who swindles, cheats or defrauds) :: κομπιναδόρος {m} /kompinadóros/
swine {n} (pig) SEE: pig ::
swine flu {n} (influenza caused by orthomyxoviruses) :: γρύπη των χοιρών {f} /grýpi ton choirón/
swine influenza {n} (swine flu) SEE: swine flu ::
swing {v} (to rotate about an off-centre fixed point) :: κουνιέμαι /kouniémai/
swing {v} (to move an object backward and forward) :: κουνώ /kounó/
swing {n} (hanging seat) :: κούνια {f} /koúnia/
swing {n} (music style) :: σουίνγκ {n} /souíngk/
swing {n} (electoral change) :: μεταστροφή {f} /metastrofí/
Swiss Army knife {n} (type of pocket knife) :: ελβετικός σουγιάς {m} /elvetikós sougiás/
Swiss chard {n} (chard) SEE: chard ::
Swiss Confederation {prop} (Official name of Switzerland) :: Ελβετική Συνομοσπονδία {f} /Elvetikí Synomospondía/
switch {n} (device to turn electric current on and off) :: διακόπτης /diakóptis/
switch {v} (to exchange) :: αλλάζω /allázo/
switchboard {n} (electronic panel used to direct telephone calls) :: τηλεφωνικό κέντρο {n} /tilefonikó kéntro/
switchboard {n} (electronic device) :: ηλεκτρικός πίνακας {m} /ilektrikós pínakas/
switch off {v} (turn switch to off position) :: σβήνω /svíno/
switch on {v} (to turn a switch to the "on" position) :: ανάβω /anávo/
Switzerland {prop} (sovereign country) :: Ελβετία {f} /Elvetía/
swollen {adj} (distended) :: πρησμένος /prisménos/, φουσκωμένος /fouskoménos/
swoon {n} (infatuation) SEE: infatuation ::
sword {n} (weapon) :: ξίφος {n} /xífos/, σπαθί {n} /spathí/
sword {n} (one who handles a sword) :: ξιφοφόρος {m} /xifofóros/, ξιφομάχος {m} /xifomáchos/
sword {n} (card of this suit) :: σπαθί {n} /spathí/, σπαθιά {p} /spathiá/
swordfish {n} (Xiphias gladius) :: ξιφίας {m} /xifías/
swordman {n} (swordsman) SEE: swordsman ::
sword of Damocles {n} (thing or situation which causes a prolonged state of impending doom or misfortune) :: Δαμόκλειος σπάθη {f} /Damókleios spáthi/
swordsman {n} (a person skilled at using swords) :: ξιφομάχος /xifomáchos/
swordsman {n} (a person who fights with a sword) :: ξιφομάχος /xifomáchos/
swordtail {n} (freshwater fish) :: ξιφοφόρος {m} /xifofóros/
sycamore {n} (Platanus) :: πλάτανος {m} /plátanos/
sycamore {n} (sycamore maple) SEE: sycamore maple ::
sycamore maple {n} (Acer pseudoplatanus) :: σφένδαμος ο πλατανοειδής {m} /sféndamos o platanoeidís/
sycophant {n} (one who uses compliments to gain self-serving favor or advantage from another person.) :: συκοφάντης {m} /sykofántis/
Sydenham's chorea {n} (neurological disease) :: χορεία του Σύντενχαμ {f} /choreía tou Sýntencham/
Sydney {prop} (in Australia) :: Σύδνεϋ {n} /Sýdneÿ/, Σίδνεϊ {n} /Sídneï/
syenite {n} (obsolete: granite) SEE: granite ::
syllabary {n} (table) :: συλλαβάριο {n} /syllavário/
syllabary {n} (system) :: συλλαβογραφία {f} /syllavografía/
syllabic {adj} (of, relating to, or consisting of a syllable) :: συλλαβικός {m} /syllavikós/
syllabic {adj} (in linguistics) :: συλλαβικός {m} /syllavikós/
syllabication {n} (act of syllabifying) :: συλλαβισμός /syllavismós/
syllabification {n} (division of a word into syllables) :: συλλαβισμός /syllavismós/, συλλαβοποίηση {f} /syllavopoíisi/
syllabify {v} (to parse into syllables) :: συλλαβοποιώ /syllavopoió/
syllabize {v} (syllabify) SEE: syllabify ::
syllable {n} (unit of speech) :: συλλαβή {f} /syllaví/
syllable {v} (to utter in syllables) :: συλλαβίζω /syllavízo/
syllabus {n} (summary of topics) :: περίληψη {f} /perílipsi/
syllogism {n} (inference from premises) :: συλλογισμός {m} /syllogismós/
Sylvester {prop} (male given name) :: Συλβέστρος {m} /Sylvéstros/
symbiont {n} (organism in a symbiotic relationship) :: συμβιωτής {m} /symviotís/
symbiote {n} (symbiont) SEE: symbiont ::
symbol {n} (character or glyph) :: σύμβολο {n} /sýmvolo/
symbol {n} (object meant to represent another) :: σύμβολο {n} /sýmvolo/
symbol {n} (summary of a dogmatic statement of faith) :: σύμβολο {n} /sýmvolo/
symbolic link {n} (computing: a file that contains a reference to another file or directory and serves as a shortcut to it) :: συμβολικός σύνδεσμος {m} /symvolikós sýndesmos/
symbolism {n} (representation of a concept) :: συμβολισμός {m} /symvolismós/
symmetric {adj} (symmetrical) SEE: symmetrical ::
symmetrical {adj} (exhibiting symmetry) :: συμμετρικός /symmetrikós/
symmetry {n} (correspondence on either side of a dividing line, plane, center or axis) :: συμμετρία {f} /symmetría/
sympathetic nervous system {n} (sympathetic nervous system) :: συμπαθητικό νευρικό σύστημα {n} /sympathitikó nevrikó sýstima/
sympathy {n} (feeling of pity or sorrow for the suffering or distress of another) :: συμπάθεια {f} /sympátheia/
sympathy {n} (ability to share the feelings of another; empathy) :: συμπάθεια {f} /sympátheia/
symphonic {adj} (characteristic of a symphony) :: συμφωνικός /symfonikós/
symphonic poem {n} (piece of music based on something non-musical) :: συμφωνικό ποίημα {n} /symfonikó poíima/
symphony {n} (piece of orchestral music) :: συμφωνία {f} /symfonía/
symphony orchestra {n} (large orchestra that traditionally plays Western classical orchestral music) :: συμφωνική ορχήστρα {f} /symfonikí orchístra/
symptom {n} (figuratively: indicator of something) :: σύμπτωμα {n} /sýmptoma/
synaeresis {n} :: συναίρεση /synaíresi/
synaesthesia {n} (neurological or psychological phenomenon) :: συναισθησία {f} /synaisthisía/
synagogue {n} (Jewish place of worship) :: συναγωγή {f} /synagogí/, χάβρα {f} /chávra/ [colloquial]
synagogue {n} (Jewish congregation) :: συναγωγή {f} /synagogí/
synapse {n} (junction between neurons) :: σύναψη {f} /sýnapsi/
synaptic {adj} (junction between the terminal of a neuron and another cell) :: συναπτικός {m} /synaptikós/
synaptic {adj} (association of homologous maternal and paternal chromosomes during the initial part of meiosis) :: συναπτικός {m} /synaptikós/
sync {v} (synchronize) SEE: synchronize ::
synchronize {v} (cause two events to have coordinated timing) :: συγχρονίζω /synchronízo/
synchronous {adj} (at the same time) :: σύγχρονος /sýnchronos/
syncope {n} (loss of consciousness) :: λιποθυμία {f} /lipothymía/
syncope {n} (missed beat or off-beat stress) :: συγκοπή {f} /sygkopí/
syncretism {n} (fusion of different systems or beliefs) :: συγκρητισμός {m} /sygkritismós/
syncretism {n} (fusion of different inflexional forms) :: συγκρητισμός {m} /sygkritismós/
syndrome {n} (recognizable pattern of symptoms or behaviours) :: σύνδρομο {n} /sýndromo/
synecdoche {n} (figure of speech that uses the name of a part of something to represent the whole) :: συνεκδοχή {f} /synekdochí/
synecdochically {adv} :: συνεκδοχικά /synekdochiká/
synergic {adj} (of or pertaining to synergy) :: συνεργικός /synergikós/
synergy {n} (medicine: combined action) :: συνεργία {f} /synergía/
synergy {n} (benefits from combining different groups, people, objects or processes) :: συνεργία {f} /synergía/, σύμπραξη {f} /sýmpraxi/
synizesis {n} (poetic figure of speech) :: συνίζηση {f} /synízisi/
synizesis {n} (linguistic feature) :: συνίζηση {f} /synízisi/
synod {n} (ecclesiastic council or meeting) :: σύνοδος {f} /sýnodos/
synodic {adj} (synodal) :: συνοδικός {m} /synodikós/
synodic {adj} (astronomy term) :: συνοδικός {m} /synodikós/
synonym {n} (word with same meaning as another) :: συνώνυμο {n} /synónymo/
synopsis {n} (brief summary) :: σύνοψη {f} /sýnopsi/, περίληψη {f} /perílipsi/
synoptic {adj} (of or relating to a synopsis) :: συνοπτικός {m} /synoptikós/, περιληπτικός {m} /periliptikós/, συγκεφαλαιωτικός {m} /sygkefalaiotikós/
synoptic {adj} (meteorology: obtained simultaneously over a wide area) :: συνοπτικός {m} /synoptikós/
synoptic {adj} (Christianity: pertaining to the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke) :: συνοπτικός {m} /synoptikós/
syntagma {n} (Macedonian phalanx) :: σύνταγμα {n} /sýntagma/
syntagmatarchy {n} (square formation of 256 soldiers) SEE: syntagma ::
syntax {n} (set of rules that govern how words are combined) :: συντακτικό {n} /syntaktikó/, σύνταξη {f} /sýntaxi/
syntax {n} (formal rules of a computer language) :: συντακτικό {n} /syntaktikó/
syntax {n} (study of the structure of phrases and sentences) :: συντακτικό {n} /syntaktikó/
syntaxis {n} (syntax) SEE: syntax ::
synthesis {n} (formation of something complex or coherent) :: σύνθεση {f} /sýnthesi/
synthesis {n} (chemistry: reaction of elements or compounds) :: σύνθεση {f} /sýnthesi/
synthesis {n} (philosophy: combination of thesis and antithesis) :: σύνθεση {f} /sýnthesi/
synthesizer {n} (music: an electronic keyboard instrument) :: συνθετητής {m} /synthetitís/
synthesizer {n} (music: an electronic instrument module without a keyboard) :: συνθετητής {m} /synthetitís/
synthetic {adj} (of, or relating to synthesis) :: συνθετικός /synthetikós/
synthetic {adj} (produced by chemical synthesis) :: συνθετικός /synthetikós/
synthetic {adj} (artificial, not genuine) :: συνθετικός /synthetikós/
syphilis {n} (sexual disease caused by Treponema pallidum) :: σύφιλη {f} /sýfili/
syphilitic {adj} (relating to syphilis) :: συφιλιδικός /syfilidikós/
Syracuse {prop} (city and port in the province of Syracuse) :: Συρακούσες /Syrakoúses/
Syria {prop} (country in the Middle East) :: Συρία {f} /Syría/
Syrian Arab Republic {prop} (official name of Syria) :: Αραβική Δημοκρατία της Συρίας {f} /Aravikí Dimokratía tis Syrías/
syringe {n} (hypodermic syringe) :: σύριγγα {f} /sýringa/
syrinx {n} (panpipes) SEE: panpipes ::
SYRIZA {prop} (Greek coalition) :: ΣΥΡΙΖΑ /SYRIZA/
syrup {n} (thick liquid that has a high sugar content) :: σιρόπι {n} /sirópi/
syrupy {adj} (overly sweet) :: βαρύς γλυκός /varýs glykós/
system {n} (collection of organized things; whole composed of relationships among its members) :: σύστημα {n} /sýstima/
systems analyst {n} (person) :: αναλυτής {m} /analytís/, αναλύτρια {f} /analýtria/, αναλυτής συστημάτων {m} /analytís systimáton/, αναλύτρια συστημάτων {f} /analýtria systimáton/
systole {n} (contraction of the heart) :: συστολή {f} /systolí/
syzygy {n} (astronomical conjunction) :: συζυγία {f} /syzygía/
Szczecin {prop} (city in Poland) :: Στσέτσιν /Stsétsin/