User:Matthias Buchmeier/el-en-r

Σ {letter} :: The upper case letter sigma (σίγμα), the 18th letter of the modern Greek alphabet
Σ {num} :: The number 200 in Greek numerals
Σ {num} :: The number 200,000 in Greek numerals
Σ΄ {num} :: The Greek numeral representing the number two hundred (200); typically romanized as the Roman numeral CC
σ. {n} :: abbreviation of σελίδα (page)
σ' {prep} :: contraction of σε
σ {letter} :: The lower case letter sigma (σίγμα), the 18th letter of the modern Greek alphabet
σ΄ {num} [non-standard] :: alternative form of Σ΄
σαβάνα {f} :: savanna, savannah
σάβανο {n} :: shroud [cloth for wrapping the dead]
σαβαρέν {n} :: baba [bun, usual soaked in rum often with cream]
Σάββατο {n} :: Saturday
Σάββατο {n} :: Sabbath
Σαββατοκύριακο {n} :: alternative case form of σαββατοκύριακο
σαββατοκύριακο {n} :: weekend
σαβούρα {f} [nautical] :: ballast
σαβούρα {f} [figurative] :: dregs, trash
σαγανάκι {n} :: saganaki (small double-handled frying pan or a fried cheese dish cooked in it)
σαγάνι {n} :: double-handled frying pan
σαγηνευτικός {adj} :: beguiling, tempting, seductive, alluring, glamorous, magnetic
σαγηνεύω {v} [figuratively] :: captivate, fascinate
σαγιονάρα {f} :: flip-flop, thong, jandal (sandal, usually of rubber, secured to the foot by two straps mounted between the big toe and its neighbour)
σαγόνι {n} [anatomy] :: jaw
σαδισμός {m} :: sadism
σαδιστικός {adj} :: sadistic
σαΐνι {n} :: hawk
σαΐνι {n} [especially] :: Levant sparrowhawk, Accipiter brevipes
σαΐνι {n} [figuratively] :: bright spark, genius
Σαιντ Κιτς και Νέβις {prop} {n} :: Σαιντ Κιτς και Νέβις (a <<country>> consisting of two <<islands>> in the <<r/Caribbean>>)
σακάκι {n} :: jacket
σακαράκα {f} :: old car, jalopy, banger, bucket, wreck
σακάτης {m} [colloquial, derogatory] :: cripple (person with impaired physical abilities because of deformation, injury, or amputation)
σακίδιο {n} :: haversack
σακίδιο {n} :: rucksack
σακκίδιο {n} :: alternative form of σακίδιο
σάκος {m} :: bag [of paper or plastic; for shopping, etc]
σάκος {m} :: sack [of paper or plastic; for storing/packing loose materials]
σάκος {m} :: bin bag, waste bag
σάκος {m} :: pouch, wallet [for documents]
σακούλα {f} :: bag [made of plastic or paper]
σάκχαρο {n} [chemistry] :: sugar
σάκχαρο {n} [medicine] :: diabetes
σάκχαρο {n} [medicine] :: blood sugar concentration
σαλάμι {n} :: salami
Σαλαμίνα {prop} {f} :: Salamis (island in the Saronic Gulf where a famous battle in the Persian Wars took place)
Σαλαμίνα {prop} {f} :: Salamis (chief town on the island)
σαλάτα {f} :: salad (a dish, usually served cold, prepared usually from vegetables)
σαλάτα {f} [figuratively] :: (untidy) mess
σαλεύω {v} :: move slightly, move up and down
σαλεύω {v} [figuratively] :: go crazy
σαλεύω {vt} [less common] :: cause to rock
σαλιγκάρι {n} :: snail
σαλίγκαρος {m} :: alternative form of σαλιγκάρι (snail, especially a large one)
σάλιο {n} :: [informal]: saliva, spit
σαλόνι {n} :: lounge, living room, reception room
σάλος {m} [nautical] :: strong movement of the sea
σάλος {m} [by extension] :: unrest
σαλοτραπεζαρία {f} :: living room, lounge diner
σάλπιγγα {f} [musical instruments] :: bugle
σάλπιγγα {f} [anatomy] :: oviduct, Fallopian tube, salpinx
σαλπιγγίτιδα {f} [medicine, disease] :: salpingitis, inflammation of the oviducts
σαλπιγγογραφία {f} [medicine] :: salpingography, a salpingogram, x-ray of the oviducts
σάλπιγξ {f} [formal, archaic, Katharevousa, military, musical instruments] :: war-trumpet, trump
σάλπιγξ {f} [formal, archaic, Katharevousa, military] :: trumpet-call
σαλτάρω {v} :: jump
σαλτάρω {v} [slang] :: go crazy, go mad, flip
σάλτο {n} :: jump, leap
σάλτσα {f} :: sauce, salsa
σαμάνος {m} :: shaman
σαμάρι {n} :: packsaddle, bat
σαμάριο {n} [chemistry] :: samarium
σαμιαμίδι {n} :: gecko
σαμιαμίθι {n} :: alternative form of σαμιαμίδι
Σαμοθράκη {prop} {f} :: Samothrace or Samothraki
Σάμος {prop} {f} :: Samos (Greek Aegean island)
σαμούρι {n} [colloquial] :: sable
σάμπα {f} :: samba
σαμπάνια {f} :: champagne
σαμπανιζέ {adj} :: sparkling, champagne-like
σαμπί {n} :: sampi [obsolete Greek alphabetical character - Ϡ ϡ]
σαμποδρόμιο {n} [neologism] :: sambadrome (exhibition place for samba schools in Brazil)
σαμποτάζ {n} :: sabotage
σαμποτέρ {mf} :: saboteur
σαμπουάν {n} :: shampoo
σαμπούκος {f} :: elder, elderberry [tree]
σαμπρέλα {m} :: bladder [liner used contain air, eg within a football]
σαμπρέλα {m} :: inner tube [used contain air within tyre]
σαμπρέλλα {m} :: alternative form of σαμπρέλα
σαν {prep} :: like, as, as if
σαν {prep} :: because, as, when
σανατόριο {n} [health care] :: sanatorium
σαν δεν ντρέπεσαι {interj} :: shame on you
σανίδα {f} :: plank, board [piece of wood]
σανίδα {f} [figuratively] :: bean pole (a thin person)
σανίδα {f} [capitalised] :: Sanida, a Cypriot village
σανός {m} {np} :: hay
σανταλόξυλο {n} :: sandalwood
Σάντα Λουσία {prop} {f} :: Σάντα Λουσία (country)
σαν ταύρος σε υαλοπωλείο {adv} [simile] :: like a bull in a china shop
σαν την άδικη κατάρα {prep} [idiom, simile] :: like a headless chicken, like a blue-arsed fly (frantically, hurriedly)
σαν την κότα στον μύλο {adj} [idiom] :: readily available, at one's fingertips, on tap (literally: like a hen in the mill)
Σαντορίνη {prop} {f} :: Σαντορίνη (island)
σάντουιτς {n} :: sandwich
σάντουϊτς {n} :: alternative form of σάντουιτς
σαντουιτσάκι {n} :: diminutive of σάντουιτς
σαντούρι {n} [musical instruments] :: santur, folk stringed musical instrument, a type of hammered dulcimer played with small mallet-like hammers
σαξόφωνο {n} :: saxophone
Σάο Τομέ και Πρίνσιπε {prop} {n} :: São Tomé and Príncipe
Σαουδική Αραβία {prop} {f} :: Saudi Arabia
σάουνα {f} :: sauna
σαπίζω {vi} :: rot
σαπιοκοιλιά {f} [offensive, pejorative] :: A large and flabby belly
σαπιοκοιλιά {f} [offensive, derogatory, by extension] :: A fat or obese person with such a belly; fatso, fat-ass, fatty
σάπιος {adj} :: rotten, decayed, putrid
σάπιος {adj} :: morally corrupted
σαπουνάδα {f} :: suds, soapsuds, lather
σαπούνι {n} :: soap
σαπουνίζομαι {v} :: I am washed with soap
σαπουνίζω {v} :: soap, wash with soap
σαπουνόπερα {f} [television, radio] :: soap opera
σαπωνοποίηση {f} [chemistry] :: saponification
Σαρακοστή {prop} {f} [religion] :: Lent
σαράντα {num} :: forty
σαράντα {np} :: Orthodox memorial service in the fortieth day
σαρανταποδαρούσα {f} :: centipede
σαρανταποδαρούσα {f} :: millipede
σαραντίζω {v} :: become forty days old [babies]
σαραντίζω {v} :: reach the fortieth day after childbirth [mothers]
σαρδάμ {n} :: nonexistent words of phrases resulting from transposition of syllables; spoonerism ; metathesis
σαρδέλα {f} :: sardine
σαρδέλλα {f} :: alternative spelling of σαρδέλα
σαρδόνια {adv} :: sardonically
σαρδόνιος {adj} :: sardonic, scornfully mocking
Σάρια {prop} {f} :: Σάρια (emirate)
Σάρια {prop} {f} :: Σάρια (capital city)
Σαρκ {prop} {n} :: Sark (an island in the English Channel)
σάρκα {f} [biology] :: flesh
σάρκα {f} [botany] :: pulp, flesh
σαρκασμός {m} :: sarcasm
σαρκαστικός {adj} :: sarcastic, taunting, mordant
σαρκικός {adj} :: carnal, fleshly [especially sensual]
σαρκοβόρος {adj} :: carnivorous, meat-eating
σαρκοφάγος {adj} :: carnivorous, meat-eating
σαρκοφάγος {-} :: (feminine gender) sarcophagus
σαρκοφάγος {-} :: (masculine and feminine genders) carnivore
σαρώνω {v} :: scan, sweep
σαρωτής {m} [IT, computing] :: scanner
σας {pron} :: (personal) your [2nd person plural, genitive]
σας {pron} :: (personal) you [2nd person plural, accusative]
σας {pron} :: (possessive) your [belonging to you]
Σάσεξ {prop} :: Sussex
Σάσσεξ {prop} :: Sussex
σαστίζω {v} :: to be bewildered, surprised, confused
Σατανάς {prop} {m} :: Satan
σατανισμός {m} [religion] :: Satanism
σατανισμός {m} :: cunning person, devil
σαύρα {f} :: lizard
σαφορά {f} :: rare form of ζαφορά
σαχανάκι {n} :: alternative form of σαγανάκι
σαχάνι {n} :: alternative form of σαγάνι
Σαχάρα {prop} {f} :: Sahara
σαχάριος {adj} :: Saharan (relating to the Sahara desert)
σάχης {m} :: shah
σαχλαμάρα {f} :: nonsense, inanity, rubbish (foolish talk)
σαχλαμάρα {f} :: nonsense, stupidity, idiocy, rubbish (foolish behaviour)
σβάστικα {f} :: swastika
σβέλτος {adj} :: quick, well coordinated
σβέρκος {m} [anatomy] :: nape (of neck)
σβήνομαι {v} [passive] :: fade, be erased
σβήνομαι {v} [figuratively] :: disappear, get lost
σβήνω {v} :: put out, extinguish [candle, fire, cigarette]
σβήνω {v} :: blow out [candle]
σβήνω {v} :: turn off, switch off [light, radio, etc]
σβήνω {v} :: erase, rub out [error]
σβήνω {v} :: slake, quench [thirst]
σβήνω {v} :: stall [car]
σβήνω {v} [euphemistic] :: die, expire
σβηστήρα {f} :: alternative form of σβηστήρι
σβηστήρας {m} :: alternative form of σβηστήρι
σβηστήρι {n} :: eraser, rubber [UK]
σβήστρα {f} :: alternative form of σβηστήρι
σβούρα {f} :: spinning top, top
σβούρα {f} [figuratively] :: live wire
σβύνω {v} :: rare form of σβήνω
σε {pron} :: you [2nd person singular, accusative]
σε {prep} :: to, at, by, in, on, unto, upon
σε αγαπώ {phrase} :: I love you
σε απευθείας σύνδεση {phrase} :: online
σέβας {n} :: respect
σέβας {n} :: [plural] a respectful greeting
σέβας {n} [in the plural, formal expression] :: τα σέβη μου
σεβασμός {m} :: respect
Σεβαστιανός {prop} :: Sebastian
Σεβαστούπολη {prop} {f} :: Σεβαστούπολη (port city)
Σεβίλλη {prop} {f} :: Σεβίλλη (capital city)
Σεβίλλη {prop} {f} :: Σεβίλλη (province)
σεβντάς {m} :: infatuation, strong love
σεβντάς {m} :: strong desire, passion
σέβομαι {v} :: respect
σεβρό {n} :: kidskin, kid
σέγα {f} [tool] :: jigsaw
σεζλόνγκ {n} :: chaise longue [UK], chaise lounge [US]
σεζόν {f} :: season [part of year]
σειέμαι {v} :: alternative form of σείομαι, passive voice of σείω: I shake
σειρά {f} :: class [military; persons subject to the same intake]
σειρά {f} :: line [of text]
σειρά {f} :: order [arrangement, disposition, sequence; the state of being well arranged]
σειρά {f} :: turn
σειρά {f} :: series; serial; TV series
σειρήνα {f} :: siren, alarm
σειρήνα {f} [Greek mythology] :: siren, one of a group of nymphs
σεις {pron} :: alternative form of εσείς
σεισμικός {adj} [seismology] :: seismic [relating to earthquakes]
σεισμογράφος {m} :: seismograph
σεισμός {m} :: earthquake, tremor
σείω {v} :: shake
σέλας {n} :: lights, aurora
σέλας {n} :: shine
σέλερι {n} [rare] :: celery
σεληνάκατος {f} [astronautics] :: lunar module
Σελήνη {prop} {f} [formal, literary, poetic] :: Moon (the earth's orbiting satellite)
σεληνιακός {adj} :: lunar
σελήνιο {n} [chemistry, electronics] :: selenium
σελίδα {f} :: page, leaf [in a book]
σελίδα {f} [Internet] :: web page
σελιδοδείκτης {m} :: bookmark
σελίνι {n} :: shilling (previous or current coin of the United Kingdom, Cyprus and various African countries)
σελίνι {n} [cypriot] :: small coin
σέλινο {n} :: celery
σελινόριζα {n} :: celeriac
σεμινάριο {n} :: seminar
σεμνός {adj} :: modest, decorous
σεμνός {adj} :: unassuming, unpretentious
σένα {pron} :: alternative form of εσένα
σενάριο {n} [drama, film] :: script, scenario
Σενεγαλέζα {f} :: Senegalese [a female person from Senegal or of Senegalese ethnicity]
σενεγαλέζικος {adj} :: Senegalese (relating to Senegal or its people)
Σενεγαλέζος {m} :: Senegalese [a person, usually male, from Senegal or of Senegalese ethnicity]
Σενεγάλη {prop} {f} :: Σενεγάλη (country)
σέντερ {m} [soccer] :: centre (player position in centre of field)
σέντερ μπακ {m} [soccer] :: centre-back (player who plays in the centre of defence)
σέντερ φορ {m} [soccer] :: centre forward (most central of the strikers)
σεντόνι {n} :: sheet, bedsheet
σέντρα {f} :: kick-off
σέντρα {f} :: center spot
σέντρα {f} :: chip shot (when the ball is kicked from underneath with accuracy)
σεξ {n} :: sexual intercourse, sex
σέξι {adj} :: sexy
σεξουαλικός {adj} :: sexual
σεξουαλικότητα {f} :: sexuality
Σεπτέμβρης {prop} {m} [colloquial or less formal] :: alternative form of Σεπτέμβριος
Σεπτέμβριος {prop} {m} :: September
Σέρβα {f} :: Serb, Serbian (a person from Serbia)
Σερβία {prop} {f} :: Serbia
Σερβία και Μαυροβούνιο {prop} {f} :: Serbia and Montenegro
σερβιέτα {f} :: sanitary napkin, sanitary pad, sanitary towel (pad of absorbent material worn by women to absorb the menstrual flow)
σερβιετάκι {n} :: diminutive of σερβιέτα
σερβιετάκι {n} :: pantyliner (small sanitary pad worn during a low-flow day of the menstrual period)
σερβιετούλα {f} :: diminutive of σερβιέτα
σερβικά {np} :: Serbian (the language of Serbia and its people)
σερβικός {adj} :: Serbian (relating to Serbia, its people or language)
σερβιρίζω {v} :: alternative form of σερβίρω
σερβίρομαι {v} :: I am served
σερβίρω {v} :: wait [at table]
σερβίρω {v} :: serve
σερβιτόρα {f} :: female waiter, waitress
σερβιτόρα {f} :: barmaid
σερβιτόρος {m} :: male waiter
σερβιτόρος {m} :: barman, bartender
σερβοκροάτικα {np} :: alternative form of σερβοκροατικά
σερβοκροατικά {np} :: Serbo-Croatian, Serbo-Croat [the language]
σερβοκροάτικος {adj} :: alternative form of σερβοκροατικός
σερβοκροατικός {adj} :: Serbo-Croatian
Σέρβος {m} :: Serb, Serbian (a person from Serbia)
σερίνη {f} [biochemistry] :: serine
σέρνομαι {v} :: drag oneself, crawl
σέρνομαι {v} :: dodder, totter, stagger (walk unsteadily, eg due to old age)
σέρνομαι {v} [of diseases] :: be going around, be widespread
σέρνω {vt} :: pull, drag, haul, pull along
σέρνω {vi} [colloquial, usually in imperative] :: go
σέρνω το χορό {v} [colloquial, idiom] :: lead a dance line [especially in traditional Greek circle dances]
σέρνω το χορό {v} [figuratively] :: be a ringleader
Σέρρες {prop} {fp} :: Σέρρες (city)
σερσένι {n} :: hornet
σέσκουλο {n} :: Swiss chard, chard
σετ {n} :: set, group [of similar people or things]
σετ {n} [tennis] :: set
Σεϋχέλλες {prop} {fp} :: Seychelles
Σ.Ε.Φ. {prop} {n} :: initialism of Στάδιο Ειρήνης και Φιλίας (Peace and Friendship Stadium in Piraeus)
Σεφαρδίτης {m} [male] :: Sephardi (Jew of Iberian ancestry, whose native language was Ladino)
Σέφιλντ {prop} :: Σέφιλντ (city)
Σηκουάνας {prop} {m} :: Seine (French river)
σηκωθήκανε τ' αγγούρια να γαμήσουν το μανάβη {proverb} [colloquial, vulgar] :: Said of cases where those of a lower standing rise up against their superiors - implies failure or lack of strength
σηκώθηκαν τα πόδια να χτυπήσουν το κεφάλι {proverb} :: Said of cases where those of a lower standing rise up against their superiors - implies failure or lack of strength
σηκωμάρα {f} [colloquial, vulgar, chiefly in plural] :: boner, stiffy (erect penis)
σηκώνομαι {v} :: stand up, rise [from a sitting position]
σηκώνομαι {v} :: get up, arise, be up and about
σηκώνω {v} :: raise, put up, lift, heave
σήκωσε κι η μύγα κώλο να χέσει τον κόσμο όλο {proverb} [colloquial, vulgar] :: Said of those who have risen above their station, often in an arrogant manner
σήμα {n} [business] :: trademark, logo
σήμα {n} :: insignia
σήμα {n} :: signature tune
σήμα {n} :: signal [analogue or digital]
σήμα {n} [computing] :: signal
σημαδεύω {v} :: aim
σημαδεύω {v} :: scar
σημαδεύω {v} :: mark (visibly impressing or signing)
σημάδι {n} :: mark, sign
σημάδι {n} :: scar, birthmark
σημάδι {n} :: omen
σημαία {f} :: flag
σημαία {f} :: banner
σημαία {f} :: standard
σημαίνω {v} :: mean, signify
σημαίνω {v} :: ring, sound
σημαίνω {v} [nautical] :: signal
σημαντικός {adj} :: important, significant, considerable, outstanding, notable
σημασία {f} [lexicography] :: meaning, sense (single conventional use of a word)
σημασία {f} :: significance, importance, consequence (extent to which something matters)
σημασιολογικό δάνειο {n} [linguistics, lexicography] :: semantic loan
σημείο {n} :: sign, mark
σημείο {n} :: spot, place
σημείο {n} [maths] :: point
σημειολογία {f} :: semiotics (the study of cultural sign processes)
σημειωθήκαν {v} :: [less frequent] alternative form of σημειώθηκαν of passive verb σημειώνομαι
σημειωθήκανε {v} :: [colloquial] alternative form of σημειώθηκαν of passive verb σημειώνομαι
σημείωμα {n} :: note, memo, missive
σημειωματάριο {n} :: notebook (book for notes and memoranda)
σημειώνομαι {v} :: to mark, and see σημειώνω
σημειώνω {v} :: put a mark as recognizing sign or a reminder
σημειώνω {v} :: write down a note
σημειώνω {v} :: pay attention, consider seriously
σημειώνω {v} :: add emphasis
σημειώνω {v} :: [3rd person singular or plural] something happens, a development
σημειώνω {v} :: achieve an outcome (positive or negative)
σημείωση {f} :: note, marginal comment, footnote, endnote
σημειωτική {f} :: semiotics (the study of cultural sign processes)
σημειωτόν {adj} [in gymnastics, marching] :: slow pace
σημειωτόν {adj} [figuratively, of progress] :: extremely slow
σημειωτόν {n} [in gymnastics, marching] :: pacing slowly
σημειωτόν {n} [figuratively] :: progressing extremely slowly
σήμερα {adv} :: today
σήμερα {n} :: the present, today
-σημο {suffix} :: forms words to indicate a adhesive stamp used for a particular purpose
σημυδόσπιζα {n} :: redpoll
σημυδόσπιζα {n} [especially] :: common redpoll, Acanthis flammea [sometimes kept as a caged bird]
σηπτικός {adj} :: septic
σήραγγα {f} :: tunnel
σήριαλ {n} :: alternative form of σίριαλ
Σητεία {prop} {f} :: Sitia (large town in Lasithi in Crete in Greece)
Σητεία {prop} {f} :: Sitia (municipality named for and containing the above town)
σθένος {n} :: moral or emotional strength, might, power
σθένος {n} [chemistry] :: valence, valency
σθένος {n} [grammar, linguistics] :: valency (number of grammatical arguments a verb can take)
σι {n} [music] :: si, ti (seventh note in the tonic sol-fa or solfège scale)
σι {n} [music] :: B (seventh note or leading tone in the C major scale)
σιαγόνα {f} :: jawbone (mandible or maxilla)
σιαγόνα {f} :: the jaws of a tool or instrument
Σιάτιστα {prop} {f} :: Σιάτιστα (city)
σίβερτ {n} [electricity] :: sievert (the derived SI unit of equivalent dose)
σίγα {adv} :: quietly, slowly
σιγά {adv} :: slowly
σιγά {adv} :: quietly
σιγά {adv} :: as if [used in phrases denoting irony in response to threats or to something deemed highly unlikely]
σιγαλιά {f} :: absence of sounds in the environment, quiet, silence
σιγανό ποτάμι {n} [idiomatic] :: dark horse
σιγανός {adj} :: quiet, gentle, soft
σιγά-σιγά {interj} :: gradually, carefully, very slowly
σιγή {f} :: silence, quiet
Σιγκαπούρη {prop} {f} :: Σιγκαπούρη (island/and/city-state)
σίγμα {n} :: sigma, the 18th letter of the modern Greek alphabet
σίγμα τελικό {n} :: Final sigma, ς, the lowercase form of the letter used in the terminal position
σιγοβράζω {v} :: simmer
σίγουρα {adv} :: certainly, inescapably, inevitably, unavoidably
σίγουρος {adj} :: secure, certain
σιδεράς {m} :: blacksmith, ironsmith
σιδερένιος {adj} :: iron, of steel
σιδερένιος {interj} :: good recovery
σιδερένιος {interj} :: "get better quickly"
σίδερο {n} [metallurgy] :: iron [the metal]
σίδερο {n} :: iron, smoothing iron, flat iron
σίδερο σιδερώματος {n} :: flat iron, iron
σιδερώνω {v} :: iron, press [clothing]
σιδηροδρομικός {adj} :: rail, connected to railways, etc
σιδηροδρομικός {m} :: railwayman
σιδηροδρομικός σταθμός {m} :: railway station [UK], train station [US]
σιδηροδρομικώς {adv} :: by rail
σιδηρόδρομος {m} :: railway [UK], railroad [US]
σιδηροπωλείο {n} :: ironmonger's, hardware shop, hardware store
σίδηρος {m} [chemistry] :: iron (chemical element)
σιδηροσωλήνας {m} :: iron pipe, iron tube
σιδηρουργείο {n} :: smithy, forge, blacksmith's workshop
σιδηρουργείο {n} :: ironworks
σιδηρουργός {m} :: blacksmith, ironsmith, smith
Σίδνεϊ {prop} {n} :: Sydney
Σιδώνα {prop} {f} :: Σιδώνα (city)
σίελος {m} :: [formal]: saliva [mouth secretion]
Σιέρα Λεόνε {prop} {f} :: Sierra Leone
σιέστα {f} :: siesta, afternoon nap
σίκαλη {f} :: rye
Σικελή {f} :: Sicilian (a person from Sicily)
Σικελία {prop} {f} :: Σικελία (island/and/region)
σικελικός {adj} :: Sicilian (relating to Sicily or its people)
Σικελιώτης {m} :: alternative form of Σικελός
σικελιώτικος {adj} :: alternative form of σικελικός
Σικελιώτισσα {f} :: alternative form of Σικελή
Σικελός {m} :: Sicilian (a person from Sicily)
σικορέ {n} :: chicory [leaf vegetable]
σικορέ {n} :: chicory [used in coffee]
Σίλας {prop} :: given name, typically translated as Silas
Σίλας {prop} :: The Biblical disciple of Paul
Σιλάς {prop} :: given name, typically translated as Silas
Σιλάς {prop} :: The Biblical disciple of Paul
Σιλουανός {prop} {m} :: given name
Σιλουανός {prop} {m} :: transliteration of Latin cognomen Silvanus
σιμιγδάλι {n} :: semolina
σιμίτ {n} [Egyptiot Dialect] :: koulouri, simit (ring shaped bread roll covered with sesame seeds)
σιμπόργκιο {n} [chemistry] :: seaborgium
σινάπι {n} :: mustard [plant, seed or powder]
σινεμά {n} :: cinema [film/movie theatre]
σινικός {adj} :: Chinese, Sinic [related to China, its people or language]
σιντριβάνι {n} :: alternative form of συντριβάνι
σίριαλ {n} [television etc] :: serial
σίριαλ κίλερ {n} [crime] :: serial killer
σιροκολεβάντες {m} :: an east-southeasterly Mediterranean wind
σιρόκος {m} :: the sirocco (a warm southeasterly Mediterranean wind)
σιρόπι {n} :: syrup
σιταποθήκη {f} :: granary [cereal grain storage warehouse]
σιτάρι {n} :: wheat [plant and grain]
σιτηρά {np} :: cereal [a member of that class of grains]
σιτοβολώνας {m} :: granary, (barn, silo for storing grain)
σιτοβολώνας {m} :: breadbasket, granary
σιτσιάνικος {adj} [colloquial] :: alternative form of σικελικός
Σιτσιλιάνα {f} [colloquial] :: alternative form of Σικελή
Σιτσιλιάνος {m} [colloquial] :: alternative form of Σικελός
σιφινιέρα {f} :: alternative form of σιφονιέρα
σιφόν {n} [Stanard Modern Greek] :: siphon
σιφόν {n} [Egyptiot Dialect] :: siphon, cistern, flusher
σιφόν {n} :: the textile chiffon
σιφόνι {n} [construction, plumbing] :: U-bend
σιφονιέρα {f} :: chest of drawers
σίφουνας {m} [meteorology] :: tornado
σίφουνας {m} [plumbing] :: U-bend
σίφωνας {m} :: alternative form of σίφουνας
σιχαίνομαι {v} [with accusative case when used transitively] :: detest, hate, despise, loathe (due to finding someone or something disgusting and/or distasteful)
σιχτίρ {interj} [colloquial, vulgar] :: fuck, for fuck's sake, damn it, shit, crap (expressing dismay, anger or frustration)
σιχτίρι {interj} [offensive, vulgar, dismissal] :: alternative form of σιχτίρ
σιωπάω {v} :: alternative form of σιωπώ
σιωπή {f} :: silence, quiet
σιωπηλός {adj} :: silent, quiet
σιωπηρά {adv} :: tacitly, silently
σιωπηρός {adj} :: tacit, silent, unsaid
σιωπηρώς {adv} :: tacitly, silently
σιωπώ {v} :: remain silent, keep silent
σιωπώ {v} :: fall silent
σκάβω {v} :: dig
σκάβω {v} :: excavate, wear away
σκάβω {v} :: carve
σκάζω {v} :: burst, explode
σκάζω {v} [figuratively] :: announce [sensationally, suddenly]
σκάζω {v} [figuratively] :: anger, become angry, fulminate
σκάζω {v} [idiom, colloquial] :: shut up (cease talking)
σκαθάρι {n} :: beetle
σκαιός {adj} :: rude, impolite
σκαιός {adj} :: rough
σκαιός {adj} :: brusque
σκάκι {n} :: chess
σκάλα {f} :: ladder, rung
σκάλα {f} [architecture] :: staircase, stairs, stairway
σκάλα {f} :: escalator
σκάλα {f} :: gangway
σκάλα {f} :: pier
σκαληνός {adj} [geometry] :: scalene, having unequal sides
σκαλί {n} :: rung [of a ladder]
σκαλίζω {v} :: hoe, cultivate, dig around
σκαλμός {m} :: alternative form of σκαρμός
σκαλωσιά {f} :: scaffolding
σκαμνί {n} [furniture] :: stool
σκαμπίλι {n} :: slap
σκαμπίλι {n} [cards] :: cardgame
σκανδάλη {f} :: trigger (finger-operated lever used to fire a gun)
σκάνδαλο {n} :: scandal (incident or event that disgraces or damages the reputation of the persons or organization involved)
σκάνδιο {n} [chemistry] :: scandium
σκάνερ {n} [IT, computing] :: scanner
σκάνταλο {n} :: alternative form of σκάνδαλο
σκαντζόχοιρος {m} :: hedgehog
σκαπάνη {f} :: pickaxe, pick, pickax
σκαπάνη {f} :: hoe
σκαπάνη {f} :: archaeological dig
σκάρα {f} :: alternative form of σχάρα
σκαραβαίος {m} :: scarab beetle
σκαρί {n} [nautical] :: stocks, slipway [upon which a ship is built]
σκαρί {n} [loosely] :: hull [of a ship]
σκαρί {n} [figuratively] :: temperament [of a person]
σκαρμός {m} [nautical] :: rowlock, thole, tholepin
σκάρτος {adj} :: shoddy, of poor quality
σκαρφαλώνω {v} :: climb, clamber, scale [up a steep surface]
σκάσε {interj} [colloquial, offensive] :: shut up, shut it, be quiet
σκασμός {m} :: Suffocation or asphyxia caused by overindulgence, usually of food as in phrase:
σκασμός {interj} [colloquial, somewhat offensive] :: shut up, shut it, be quiet
σκατ {n} [cards] :: skat
σκατά {adj} [colloquial, vulgar] :: shit, crap, lousy (of bad quality)
σκατά {interj} [vulgar] :: shit, fuck, damn it, crap
σκατάς {m} [offensive, derogatory] :: prick, jerk, asshole (a bad-natured or contemptible man)
σκατά στα μούτρα σου {interj} [colloquial, vulgar, offensive] :: go fuck yourself, get fucked, bugger off, get screwed (to someone who has done something wrong or morally despicable)
σκατής {adj} [vulgar, colloquial] :: shit-brown, shit-coloured (brown like faeces)
σκατίλα {f} [colloquial, vulgar] :: shitty smell, smell of shit
σκατο- {prefix} [colloquial, chiefly vulgar] :: added before a noun, adjective or verb to create words that indicate something related to excrement or faeces:
σκατο- {prefix} [colloquial, offensive] :: added before a noun, adjective or verb to create words that indicate something which causes great anger or discomfort on someone or someone who is very contemptible or hated:
σκατό- {prefix} [colloquial, chiefly vulgar] :: alternative form of σκατο-
σκατό {n} [vulgar, colloquial, usually in the plural] :: shit, shite, crap (faeces)
σκατό {n} [vulgar, colloquial, by extension] :: crap, dirt (anything foul-smelling and dirty in general)
σκατό {n} [vulgar, colloquial, figuratively, usually in the plural] :: shit, shite, crap, nonsense, rubbish (anything low quality and worthless)
σκατό {n} [colloquial, derogatory, figuratively] :: little shit, little fart (small and insolent child)
σκατό {n} [colloquial, humorous, figuratively] :: any small item, in a negative light
σκατόγερος {m} [colloquial, derogatory, offensive] :: old bastard, old shit , old asshole (abusive term for elderly man)
σκατόγρια {f} [colloquial, derogatory, offensive] :: old bitch, old cunt, old fart (abusive term for elderly woman)
σκατολογία {f} :: scatology
σκατολογικός {adj} :: scatological
σκατόπαιδο {n} [colloquial, offensive] :: little shit, little brat, little asshole (badly behaved child or young person)
σκατούλα {f} [vulgar, colloquial] :: diminutive of σκατό
σκατούλα {f} [colloquial, derogatory, figuratively] :: little shit, little bitch (detestable woman)
σκατουλάκι {n} [vulgar, colloquial] :: diminutive of σκατό
σκατουλής {adj} [vulgar, colloquial] :: shit-brown, shit-coloured (brown like faeces)
σκατούλι {n} [vulgar, colloquial] :: diminutive of σκατό
σκατουλίτσα {f} [vulgar, colloquial] :: diminutive of σκατό
σκάφη {f} :: wash tub
σκάφος {n} :: hull
σκάφος {n} :: craft, vessel, ship
σκάω {v} :: alternative form of σκάζω
σκέιτ {n} :: skateboard
σκέιτμπορντ {n} :: skateboard
σκέιτμπορντινγκ {n} :: skateboarding
σκελετός {m} [anatomy, biology] :: skeleton
σκελετός {m} [cycling] :: bicycle frame
σκελίδα {f} :: clove [of garlic]
σκέλος {n} :: leg
σκέλος {n} :: part [distinct element of anything consisting of alike elements]
σκεπάζω {vt} :: to cover [put a cover over]
σκεπάζω {vi} :: to cover up, to cover [be a cover over]
σκεπάρνι {n} :: adze [chiefly carpenter's]
σκεπή {f} :: roof (of house, etc)
σκεπτικισμός {m} :: scepticism [UK], skepticism [US]
σκεπτικισμός {m} :: disbelief
σκεπτικιστής {m} :: sceptic
σκεπτικιστικός {adj} :: sceptical
σκεπτικίστρια {f} :: sceptic
σκεπτικός {adj} :: contemplative, meditative, thoughtful
σκέπτομαι {v} [formal] :: alternative form of σκέφτομαι
σκερπάνι {n} :: alternative form of σκεπάρνι
σκέτος {adj} :: plain, pure
σκέτος {adj} :: neat, straight, undiluted [for alcoholic drinks]
σκέτος {adj} :: unsweetened, black [for coffee drinks]
σκευοθήκη {f} :: cupboard, credenza, ambry
σκεύος {n} :: utensil, gadget, appliance
σκεύος {n} [religion] :: sacred vessel at the Eucharist
σκευοφυλάκιο {n} :: sacristy (room in a church where sacred vessels, books, vestments, etc. are kept)
σκεφτικός {adj} :: alternative form of σκεπτικός
σκέφτομαι {v} :: think, ponder, consider
σκέψη {f} :: thought, mental activity
σκηνή {f} [Ancient Greek theatre] :: skene
σκηνή {f} [theatre] :: scene, stage
σκηνή {f} :: tent
σκηνικό {n} [theatre] :: scenery, set, backdrop
σκηνικό {n} :: scene [embarrassing exhibition of passion]
σκηνικός {adj} [theatre] :: stage, stagey, scene
σκηνοθέτης {m} [theatre, television, film] :: director
σκηνοθέτρια {f} [theatre, television, film] :: director
σκήπτρο {n} :: sceptre
σκι {n} [sports] :: skiing, water skiing
σκι {n} :: ski - worn on the feet for winter or water skiing
σκιά {f} :: shadow [usual and figurative English uses]
σκιά {f} :: dark area cast by light source
σκιά {f} :: black area
σκιά {f} :: follower, person following another, tail
σκιά {f} :: shadow effects [in typography, etc]
σκιά {f} :: faded, weakened person
σκιά ματιών {f} :: eye shadow
σκιάχτρο {n} :: a scarecrow, a straw man
σκιάχτρο {n} :: a very ugly person
σκίζομαι {v} :: secede, break away from
σκίζω {v} :: slit, tear, cleave, sliver, split
σκίζω {v} [colloquial, figuratigely] :: win, triumph
σκίζω {v} [figuratively, of water, surface] :: traverse, cross, go across
σκίζω {v} [colloquial, figuratigely] :: bust my butt, try very hard
σκίνος {m} :: alternative form of σχίνος
σκίουρος {m} :: squirrel
σκιοφωτισμός {f} [art, photography] :: chiaroscuro
σκίρων {m} :: mistral, northwest Mediterranean wind
σκίτσο {n} :: sketch, cartoon
σκλάβα {f} :: slave
σκλαβιά {f} :: slavery, servitude [emotive term]
σκλαβοπάζαρο {n} :: slave market
σκλάβος {m} :: slave
σκληρός {adj} :: hard
σκληρός {adj} :: fierce, rough, cruel, harsh
σκληρός δίσκος {m} [computing] :: hard disk
σκληρός χιτώνας {m} :: sclera, white of the eye
σκληρότητα {f} :: hardness, severity, cruelty
σκοινάκι {n} :: alternative form of σχοινάκι
σκοινένιος {adj} :: rope [consisting of or related with]
σκοινί {f} :: alternative form of σχοινί
σκοινοποιείο {n} :: alternative form of σχοινοποιείο
σκολόπενδρα {f} :: centipede
σκολόπεντρα {f} :: alternative form of σκολόπενδρα (centipede)
σκόνη {f} :: powder, dust
σκόνη ψησίματος {f} :: baking powder
σκονόγαλα {n} :: milk powder, powdered milk
σκοντάβω {vi} [colloquial, uncommon] :: alternative form of σκοντάφτω
σκοντάφτω {vi} :: stumble, knock against
Σκόπελος {prop} :: Skopelos
σκοπευτήριο {n} :: shooting range
σκοπεύω {v} :: aim, take aim
σκοπεύω {v} :: aim, intend
Σκόπια {prop} {np} :: Σκόπια (capital city)
Σκόπια {prop} {np} [by extension] :: Σκόπια (country)
σκοπιά {f} :: watchtower, sentry
σκοπιά {f} :: viewpoint
σκοπός {m} :: goal (aim, desired result)
σκοπός {m} :: guard [occupation]
σκοπός {m} :: tune, melody
σκορδαλιά {f} :: skordalia
σκορδάτος {adj} :: garlicky, flavoured with or tasting of garlic
σκόρδο {n} :: garlic (plant, bulb)
σκορδόψωμο {n} :: garlic bread
σκόρος {m} :: moth, especially clothes moth
σκορπιός {m} :: scorpion
σκορπιός {m} [astronomy, astrology] :: Scorpio
σκοτάδι {n} :: darkness, dark
σκοτεινιάζω {v} :: I darken
σκοτεινός {adj} :: dark, mysterious, shady
σκοτεινός {adj} :: dim
σκοτεινός {adj} [figurative] :: untrustworthy, shady
σκοτεινότητα {f} :: obscurity [visual]
σκοτεινότητα {f} :: darkness [quantified]
Σκοτία {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Σκωτία
σκοτία {f} [architecture] :: scotia
σκοτούρα {f} :: dizziness, giddiness, vertigo
σκοτούρα {f} [figuratively] :: trouble, worry
Σκοτσέζος {m} :: alternative form of Σκωτσέζος
σκοτωμός {m} :: killing (act of ending someone's life)
σκοτωμός {m} [more generally] :: massacre, slaughter, carnage (killing of a considerable number)
σκοτωμός {m} [colloquial, figuratively] :: crush, scramble, scuffle (violent crowding)
σκοτώνω {v} :: kill, murder, slay
σκοτώνω {v} :: hurt, injure severely
σκοτώνω {v} [figuratively] :: ruin [a piece of music, performance, language, etc]
σκοτώνω {v} [figuratively] :: sell [goods at a price lower than their worth]
σκοτώστρα {f} [colloquial] :: swatter (hand-held device used to swat insects)
σκοτώστρα {f} [colloquial] :: deathtrap (extremely dangerous vehicle, usually due to poor maintenance or age)
σκοτώστρα {f} [colloquial, football] :: unsportsmanlike, dangerous player [usually of a defender]
σκουλαρίκι {n} :: earring
σκουλήκι {n} :: worm
σκουλήκι {n} :: larva, silkworm
σκουλήκι {n} [figuratively] :: a sly or slimy person
σκουλήκι {n} [figuratively] :: a description of jealousy etc
σκουμπρί {n} :: mackerel
σκουντάω {v} :: nudge, jog, push
σκουντηγμένος {v} :: nudged, pushed
σκουντημένος {v} :: alternative form of σκουντηγμένος: nudged, pushed
σκούπα {f} :: broom, brush
σκούπα {f} :: vacuum cleaner
σκουπίδι {n} :: rubbish, garbage, trash
σκουπιδιάρης {m} :: dustman [UK], bin man [UK], garbage collector [US], garbo [Australia]
σκουπιδιάρικο {n} :: dust cart [UK], garbage truck [US]
σκουπιδιάρισσα {f} :: refuse [UK], garbage collector [US], garbo [Australia]
σκουπιδοτενεκές {m} :: dustbin [UK], trashcan [US], garbage can [US]
σκουπίζω {v} :: sweep, vacuum
σκουπίζω {v} :: clean, wipe, polish
σκουριά {f} [metallurgy, chemistry] :: rust
σκουριά {f} [metallurgy, chemistry] :: metallic corrosion, especially surface oxidation
σκούρος {adj} :: dark [generally used with shades and colours]
σκούρος {adj} [figuratively] :: tough; gloomy
σκούτερ {n} :: motorscooter
σκούτερ {n} :: scooter
σκούφια {f} :: beanie, knit cap [US], woolly hat [UK]
σκούφος {m} :: knitted cap or hat, beanie, toque
σκούφος {m} :: skullcap, yarmulke, kippah
σκούφος {m} :: bathing cap
σκύβω {v} :: lean
σκύβω {v} :: bend over, bend down
σκύβω {v} :: stoop
σκυθρωπός {adj} :: morose, glum, sullen, gloomy, melancholy
σκυλ- {prefix} :: alternative form of σκυλο-
σκύλα {f} :: bitch (female dog, or Canis lupus familiaris)
σκύλα {f} [derogatory, offensive, figuratively] :: bitch, cow, hellcat (despicable or disagreeable woman)
σκυλάδικο {n} [colloquial, pejorative] :: A Greek nightclub where low quality singing and entertainment takes place
σκυλάδικο {n} [colloquial, pejorative, more specifically] :: The songs, usually played on bouzoukis and concerning love, that are played in the above venues
σκυλάκι {n} :: diminutive of σκύλος: puppy
σκυλάκι {n} :: snapdragon, antirrhinum
σκυλάκι {n} :: lapdog
σκυλάρα {f} [offensive, derogatory] :: augmentative of σκύλα
σκυλί {n} :: dog (Canis lupus familiaris) [general term for both sexes]
σκυλί {n} [derogatory, figuratively] :: beast, brute (violent person with wild behaviour)
σκυλί {n} [figuratively] :: hard worker (someone who works tirelessly and with great success)
σκυλίσια ζωή {f} :: dog's life
σκυλίσιος {adj} :: canine
σκυλίσιος {adj} :: doggy (suggesting of, or in the manner of a dog)
σκυλίτσα {f} :: diminutive of σκύλα
Σκύλλα {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] :: Scylla
σκυλο- {prefix} :: added before a noun, adjective or verb to create words that indicates something related to dogs:
σκυλο- {prefix} :: added before a noun, adjective or verb to create words that indicates something deformed or ugly:
σκυλο- {prefix} :: added before a noun, adjective or verb to create words that indicates something negative to a high degree:
σκυλό- {prefix} :: alternative form of σκυλο-
σκυλολόι {n} [colloquial, literally] :: pack of dogs [usually stray]
σκυλολόι {n} [colloquial, pejorative, figuratively] :: mob, rabble (group of loud and usually rowdy people)
σκύλος {m} :: dog (Canis lupus familiaris) [general term for both sexes or more specifically, a male]
σκύλος {m} [derogatory, figuratively] :: beast, brute (violent person with wild behaviour)
σκύλος {m} [figuratively] :: hard worker (someone who works tirelessly and with great success)
σκύλος {m} :: dogfish (any of various small sharks)
σκύλος που γαβγίζει δεν δαγκώνει {proverb} :: barking dogs seldom bite (people who make threats rarely carry them out)
σκυλόψαρο {n} :: dogfish
σκυρόδεμα {n} [building material] :: concrete
σκυτάλη {f} [athletics] :: baton [used in relay races]
σκυτάλη {f} [ancient history] :: stick used for carrying messages in ancient Sparta
σκωληκοειδίτιδα {f} [medicine] :: appendicitis (inflammation of the appendix)
σκώρος {m} :: alternative form of σκόρος
Σκωτία {prop} {f} :: Scotland (part of the UK)
Σκώτος {m} :: Scot, Scottish man, Scotsman, Scotchman [a person, usually male, from Scotland or of Scottish ethnicity]
Σκωτσέζα {f} :: Scot, Scotswoman [a female person from Scotland or of Scottish ethnicity]
σκωτσέζικος {adj} :: Scottish, Scots (relating to Scotland or its people)
Σκωτσέζος {m} :: Scot, Scottish man, Scotsman, Scotchman [a person, usually male, from Scotland or of Scottish ethnicity]
Σλάβος {m} :: Slav (a member of a group of peoples in Eastern Europe speaking a Slavic language)
Σλοβάκα {f} :: Slovak [a female person from Slovakia or of Slovakian ethnicity]
Σλοβακία {prop} {f} :: Slovakia
Σλοβακικά {np} :: alternative case form of σλοβακικά
σλοβακικά {prop} {np} :: Slovak (the language of Slovakia and its people)
σλοβακικός {adj} :: Slovakian (relating to Slovakia or its people or language)
Σλοβάκος {m} :: Slovak [a person, usually male, from Slovakia or of Slovakian ethnicity]
Σλοβένα {f} :: Slovene [a female person from Slovenia or of Slovenian ethnicity]
Σλοβενία {prop} {f} :: Slovenia
σλοβένικα {np} :: alternative form of σλοβενικά
Σλοβενικά {np} :: alternative case form of σλοβενικά
σλοβενικά {np} :: Slovene, the language of Slovenia
σλοβενικός {adj} :: Slovenian, Slovene
Σλοβένος {m} :: Slovene [a person, usually male, from Slovenia or of Slovenian ethnicity]
σμάλτο {n} :: enamel (fused ceramic coating)
σμάλτο {n} [anatomy] :: tooth enamel
Σμαράγδα {prop} {f} :: given name
σμαράγδι {n} :: emerald
σμεουριά {f} [colloquial] :: raspberry plant
σμέουρο {n} [colloquial] :: raspberry
σμέρνα {f} :: moray eel
σμήναρχος {m} [military] :: an air force rank with the NATO grade OF-5
σμήναρχος {m} :: group captain in the RAF
σμήναρχος {m} :: colonel in the USAF
σμήνος {n} :: group of animals or things:
σμήνος {n} :: bevy, flock [birds]
σμήνος {n} :: swarm [bees]
σμήνος {n} [astronomy] :: cluster [stars]
σμήνος {n} [military] :: squadron, flight [aircraft]
σμόκιν {n} :: dinner jacket [UK], tuxedo [US]
σμυρναλκυόνη {f} :: white-throated kingfisher, Halcyon smyrnensis
Σμύρνη {prop} {f} :: Smyrna, İzmir (city on west coast of Turkey)
σμχος {m} :: abbreviation of σμήναρχος
σοβαρολογώ {vi} :: be serious, be for real (talk seriously and not be joking)
σοβαρός {adj} :: reliable, serious, humourless, grave
σοβάς {m} [construction] :: plaster [wall coating]
Σοβιετική Ένωση {prop} {f} :: The Soviet Union (the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)
σοβινισμός {m} :: jingoism, chauvinism, exaggerated nationalism
σοβινιστικός {adj} :: jingoistic, chauvinistic
σοβχόζ {n} [agriculture] :: sovkhoz
σόγια {n} :: [UK] soya, soya bean
σόγια {n} :: [US] soy, soybean
σόδα {f} :: soda, soda water, club soda (carbonated water)
σόδα {f} :: carbonated soft drink
σόδα {f} [chemistry] :: baking soda, sodium bicarbonate
σόδα {f} [chemistry] :: washing soda, sodium carbonate
σόδα {f} [chemistry] :: caustic soda, sodium hydroxide
σοδειά {f} :: harvest (crop gathered in and accumulated)
σοδομία {f} :: sodomy
σοδομισμός {m} :: sodomy
σοδομίτης {m} :: sodomite
σοδομίτης {m} :: sod [slang]
σόι {n} :: family, clan, kin (group of people who one is descended from or shares blood with)
σόι {n} [usually pejorative] :: kind of, type of
σόι {n} :: good quality
σοκάκι {n} :: back street, back alley, back alleyway, alley (small and narrow street in a neighbourhood)
σοκολάτα {f} :: chocolate
σοκολάτα {f} :: cocoa (hot drink)
σοκολατάκι {n} :: fancy chocolates, confectionery chocolate
σοκολατάκι {n} :: box of chocolates
σοκολατί {n} :: chocolate colour
σολ {n} [music] :: sol (fifth note in the tonic sol-fa or solfège scale)
σολ {n} [music] :: G (fifth note or dominant in the C major scale)
σόλο {n} [music] :: solo [piece of music for one]
σόλο {n} [music] :: solo [performance by one person]
σολοικισμός {m} :: solecism
Σομαλή {f} :: Somali (a person from Somalia)
Σομαλία {prop} {n} :: Somalia
Σομαλικά {np} :: alternative form of σομαλικά
σομαλικά {np} :: Somali (the language spoken in Somalia)
σομαλικός {adj} :: Somali (relating to Somalia or its people)
Σομαλιλάνδη {prop} {f} :: Somaliland
Σομαλός {m} :: Somali (a person from Somalia)
σονέτο {n} [poetry] :: sonnet
σόρβον {n} :: trees of the genus Sorbus
σόργο {n} :: sorghum
σορόπι {n} :: alternative form of σιρόπι
σορός {f} :: corpse, cadaver, dead body
σορός {f} :: coffin
σος {f} :: sauce
σοσιαλισμός {m} :: socialism
σοσιαλιστής {m} :: socialist
σοσιαλιστικά {adv} :: socialistically
σοσιαλιστικός {adj} [politics] :: socialist, socialistic
σοσιαλιστικώς {adv} :: socialistically
σοσιαλίστρια {f} :: socialist
Σότσι {prop} {n} :: Σότσι (city)
σου {pron} :: [personal, indirect object] you
σου {pron} :: [possessive] your
Σουαζιλάνδη {prop} {f} :: Swaziland
σουαρέ {n} :: soiree
σουαχίλι {f} :: Swahili
σουβέρ {n} :: coaster, drinks mat
σούβλα {n} :: spit, skewer
σουβλάκι {n} :: souvlaki a kind of fast food consisting of small chunks of meat cooked on a short skewer
σουβλάκι {n} :: diminutive form of σουβλί
σουβλατζίδικο {n} :: souvlaki shop
σουβλί {n} :: awl, bradawl
σουβλί {n} :: bodkin
σουβλί {n} [uncommon] :: skewer
σουβλί {n} [in the plural] :: twinge (sharp, darting pain)
σουβλιά {n} :: twinge [sudden sharp pain]
σουβλίζω {v} :: skewer
σουβλίζω {v} :: impale
σουβλίζω {vi} :: to have a sudden, sharp, local pain
σουγιαδάκι {m} :: diminutive of σουγιάς: small pocketknife
σουγιάς {m} :: penknife, pocketknife [UK]
σουγιάς {m} :: jack-knife, pocketknife [US]
Σούδα {prop} {f} :: Suda, Souda, the name of a town, bay, islet, etc on Crete
Σούδα {prop} {f} :: Souda, a large Byzantine encyclopaedia
σούδα {f} :: gutter (open domestic drain for waste water)
Σουδάν {prop} {n} :: Sudan
Σουηδέζα {f} :: Swede [a female person from Sweden or of Swedish ethnicity]
Σουηδέζος {m} :: Swede [a person, usually male, from Sweden or of Swedish ethnicity]
Σουηδή {f} :: Swede (a person from Sweden)
Σουηδία {prop} {f} :: Sweden
Σουηδικά {np} :: alternative case form of σουηδικά
σουηδικά {np} :: Swedish, the language of Sweden
σουηδικός {adj} :: Swedish (relating to the country of Sweden, its people or its language)
Σουηδός {m} :: Swede (a person from Sweden)
σουίτα {f} :: suite (group of connected rooms, usually separable from other rooms by means of access)
σουίτα {f} [music] :: suite [both musical senses]
σουλτάνα {f} :: sultana (wife or mother of a sultan)
σουλτάνος {m} :: sultan
σουμάκι {n} :: sumac [spice]
σούπα {f} :: soup
σούπερ {adj} :: super, wonderful, awesome
σουπερμάρκετ {n} :: supermarket
σουπιά {f} :: cuttlefish
σουπιέρα {f} :: tureen (serving dish for soup or stew)
σουρεαλισμός {m} [arts] :: surrealism (artistic movement and aesthetic philosophy)
σουρεαλιστικός {adj} :: surreal, surrealistic
Σουρινάμ {prop} {n} :: Σουρινάμ (country)
Σουρινάμ {prop} {n} :: Surinam [archaic]
Σουρινάμ {prop} {n} :: Dutch Guiana [obsolete]
Σουριναμέζα {f} :: Surinamer, Surinamese (a person from Suriname)
σουριναμέζικος {adj} :: Surinamese (relating to Paraguay or its people)
Σουριναμέζος {m} :: Surinamer, Surinamese (a person from Suriname)
σούρνομαι {v} [colloquial] :: I am dragged
σούρνομαι {v} [colloquial] :: I am exhausted, I crawl
σούρνω {v} [colloquial] :: alternative form of σέρνω
σούρουπο {n} :: dusk, twilight, gloaming
σουρρεαλισμός {m} :: alternative form of σουρεαλισμός
σουσάμι {n} [cooking] :: sesame [seed]
σουσαμιά {f} :: sesame [plant]
σούστα {f} [engineering] :: spring [coiled evice]
σούστα {f} [dance] :: Greek dance (dance involving leaping/bouncing movements)
σούστα {f} [vehicles] :: two-wheeled horse-drawn cart
σουτ {interj} [colloquial] :: shh, hush, shush (requesting silence)
σουτ {n} [sports] :: shot (act of launching a ball or similar object toward a goal)
σουτάρομαι {v} :: be shot
σουτάρομαι {v} :: fired, expelled
σουτάρω {vi} [sports] :: shoot, strike (fire a ball at target)
σουτάρω {vt} [colloquial, figuratively] :: boot out, kick out (expel someone or something)
σουτζούκι {n} :: soutzouki
σουτζούκι {n} :: A dry, low fat, spicey sausage
σουτζούκι {n} [dessert] :: A jelly prepared from wine must, which has been enriched with walnuts and formed into a roll
σουτζούκ λουκούμ {n} :: A sweet jelly prepared from wine must, which has been enriched with walnuts and formed into a roll
σουτιέν {n} :: brassiere, bra
σοφά {adv} :: wisely
σοφάς {m} :: low sofa, usually a built construction
σοφία {f} :: wisdom
σοφία {f} :: (plural) denoting a speaker's statements as anything but smart, important, etc
σοφίτα {f} :: attic (space, often unfinished and with sloped walls, directly below the roof)
Σοφοκλής {prop} {m} :: given name
Σοφοκλής {prop} {m} :: Sophocles of Kolonos, a celebrated Greek tragic playwright of 5th century B.C. Athens
σοφός {adj} :: wise
σοφός {m} :: a wise man, a sage
σπαγγέτι {n} :: spaghetti [pasta]
σπαγγέτο {n} :: rare form of σπαγγέτι
σπάγγος {m} :: string, line, packthread
σπάγγος {m} :: cord, thin rope
σπάγγος {m} [figuratively] :: skinflint, mean person
σπάγγος {m} [figuratively] :: curmudgeon
σπαγκέτι {n} :: alternative form of σπαγγέτι
σπάγκος {m} :: alternative form of σπάγγος
σπάζω {vt} :: break
σπάζω {vi} :: break [into two or more pieces that cannot easily be reassembled]
σπάζω {v} [slang] :: split
σπαθί {n} :: sword
σπαθί {n} [cards] :: club (suit)
σπαθιά {f} :: sword stroke
σπαθιά {f} :: sword cut, wound made by sword
σπανάκι {n} :: spinach (the vegetable Spinacia oleracea)
σπανακόπιτα {f} :: spinach pie
σπάνια {adv} :: seldom, infrequently, rarely
Σπανιόλα {f} [colloquial] :: alternative form of Ισπανίδα
σπανιόλικα {np} [colloquial] :: alternative form of ισπανικά
σπανιόλικος {adj} [colloquial] :: alternative form of ισπανικός
Σπανιόλος {m} [colloquial] :: alternative form of Ισπανός
σπάνιος {adj} :: rare, exceptional, infrequent
σπάνω {v} :: alternative form of σπάζω
σπαράγγι {n} :: asparagus [wild plant or domesticated vegetable plant]
σπαράζω {v} :: tear to pieces, rend, lacerate
σπάργανα {np} :: swaddling clothes
σπάργανα {np} [figuratively] :: infancy
Σπάρτη {prop} {f} :: Sparta (large town in Laconia in Greece)
σπάρτο {n} [botany] :: gorse, furze, whin, (Ulex)
σπασίκλας {m} :: nerd
σπασμένος {adj} :: broken, ruptured, fractured
σπασμένος {adj} :: broken [by age and bad health]
σπασμένος {adj} [figuratively] :: pissed off, annoyed, fed up
σπασμός {m} :: spasm, convulsion
σπαστός {adj} :: split, folding, hinged, pivoted
σπαστός {adj} :: broken, cracked
σπαστός {adj} :: wavy
σπαταλάω {v} :: waste, squander [money]
σπαταλώ {v} :: alternative form of σπαταλάω
σπάτουλα {f} :: spatula [flat, blunt implement used for scraping and spreading in kitchen]
σπάτουλα {f} :: spatula [thin, flat implement used in laboratory]
σπάτουλα {f} :: palette knife [used by artists]
σπάω {v} :: alternative form of σπάζω
σπάω {vt} :: break
σπάω {vi} :: break [into two or more pieces that cannot easily be reassembled]
σπάω {v} [slang] :: split
σπάω στο ξύλο {v} [colloquial] :: beat up, beat to a pulp, beat the crap out of
σπάω τον πάγο {v} :: See: el σπάω τον πάγο
σπάω τον πάγο {v} [idiom] :: break the ice (to start to get to know people to avoid social awkwardness and formality)
σπείρα {f} :: coil, ring, scroll
σπείρα {f} :: spiral [on a snail's shell]
σπείρα {f} :: thread, spiral groove [on a screw or bolt]
σπείρα {f} [figuratively] :: band, cabal, gang
σπειροειδές κλιμακοστάσιο {n} :: spiral staircase
σπειροειδής {adj} :: spiral, coiled [in that form]
σπείρωμα {n} :: thread, spiral groove [on screw, nut or bolt]
σπέρμα {n} [biology, botany] :: the seed, the seed of plants
σπέρμα {n} [biology, medicine] :: the human and animal seed, semen, sperm
σπέρμα {n} [metaph.] :: the origin, the source, the germ, a primeval element
σπέρμα {n} [metaph.] :: offspring, the descendants, the race, issue
σπερματοζωάριο {n} [biology] :: spermatozoon, a single sperm cell
σπέρνω {v} :: disperse seeds, sow, seed
Σπέτσαι {prop} {n} :: Spetsai [the name of various ships in the Hellenic Navy]
Σπέτσες {prop} {fp} :: Spetses (island in Attica, Greece)
Σπέτσες {prop} {fp} :: Spetses (capital town of the above island)
σπηλαιολογία {f} [science] :: speleology
σπηλαιολόγος {mf} :: speleologist
σπηλαιολόγος {mf} :: caver, potholer
σπηλιά {f} :: cave
σπίθα {f} :: spark, sparkle (short or small burst of electricity or fire)
σπίθα {f} [figuratively] :: spark, glimmer (small amount of something that has the potential to become something greater)
σπίθα {f} [figuratively] :: flame (burning zeal, passion, imagination, excitement, or anger)
σπίθα {f} [figuratively] :: bright spark (person who is intelligent, clever or quick-witted)
σπιθίζω {v} :: sparkle
σπιθίζω {v} [figuratively, of wines] :: be sparkling
σπιλώνω {v} :: tarnish, besmirch [reputation]
σπιλώνω {v} :: shame
σπίνος {m} :: finch
σπίρτο {n} :: match (stick)
σπίρτο {n} [colloquial] :: liquor
σπίρτο {n} :: very clever
σπιρτόκουτο {n} :: matchbox
σπιτάκι {n} :: diminutive of σπίτι
σπιταρόνα {f} :: augmentative of σπίτι
σπιτήσιος {adj} :: alternative form of σπιτικός: house, home, homely (of or concerning the home / house)
σπίτι {n} [also used adverbially] :: house, home (structure built or serving as an abode of human beings)
σπίτι {n} [by extensions] :: household, house (all the persons who live in a given house)
σπίτι {n} [euphemism, figuratively] :: brothel (house used by prostitutes)
σπιτικό {n} :: house, household (all the persons who live in a given house)
σπιτικός {adj} :: house, home, homely (of or concerning the home / house)
σπιτικός {adj} :: homemade (made in the home)
σπίτι μου, σπιτάκι μου {phrase} :: home sweet home, there's no place like home [expressing comfort or joy in one's home]
σπιτόγατος {m} :: homebody (person who doesn't like leaving the home, who infrequently goes out)
σπιτοσπουργίτης {m} :: Passer domesticus, house sparrow
σπιτοσπουργίτι {m} :: alternative form of σπιτοσπουργίτης
σπίτωμα {n} :: housing, putting up (the act of being provided with a house)
σπιτώνομαι {v} :: be put up, be housed
σπιτώνω {vt} [colloquial] :: house, take in, shelter (provide with a home)
σπιτώνω {vt} [colloquial, derogatory] :: shack up, put up (to provide with a home, especially of an unmarried couple)
σπλάγχνο {n} :: alternative form of σπλάχνο
σπλάχνο {n} [chiefly in the plural] :: guts, entrails
σπλήνα {f} [anatomy, medicine] :: spleen
σπλήνας {m} [anatomy, medicine] :: alternative form of σπλήνα
σπογγαλιεία {f} :: sea sponge aquaculture, spongiculture
σπονδείος {m} [poetry] :: spondee
σπονδή {f} :: libation
σπονδυλική στήλη {f} :: spine, spinal column
σπονδυλικός {adj} [medicine, anatomy] :: vertebral (relating to vertebras)
σπόνδυλος {m} [medicine, anatomy] :: vertebra
σπονδυλωτό {n} [zoology] :: vertebrate (animal with vertebras)
σπονδυλωτός {adj} [zoology] :: vertebrate (relating to animals with vertebras)
σπόντα {f} :: cushion on a snooker table
σπορ {n} [sports] :: sport
σπόρος {m} [botany] :: seed [of a plant]
σπόρος {m} [biology] :: sperm, seed
σπόρος {m} [figuratively] :: seed [of an idea]
σπορτ {n} :: alternative form of σπορ
σπουδάζω {v} :: study
σπούδασμα {n} [education] :: education
σπουδαστής {m} :: schoolboy, pupil, student [male; secondary education level]
σπουδαστής {m} :: person systematically engaged in a field of study
σπουδάστρια {f} :: schoolgirl, pupil, student [female; secondary education level]
σπουδάστρια {f} :: person systematically engaged in a field of study
σπουδή {f} [education] :: study
σπουδή {f} [chess] :: study, endgame study
σπουδή {f} :: eagerness, haste
σπουδή {f} [in the plural] :: education, studies
σπουργίτης {m} :: alternative form of σπουργίτι
σπουργίτι {n} :: sparrow
σπριντ {n} [athletics, cycling] :: sprint [includes: running, cycling, canoeing, etc]
σπρώχνω {vt} :: push
σπρώχνω {vt} :: drive
σπρώχνω {vi} :: push
σπυράκι {n} :: pimple, (diminutive of σπυρί)
σπυρί {n} :: grain (as of rice)
σπυρί {n} :: pimple
σπυρί {n} :: boil
σπω {v} :: alternative form of σπάζω
Σρι Λάνκα {prop} {f} :: Sri Lanka
σσ. {n} :: abbreviation of σελίδες (pages)
ΣΤ΄ {num} :: The Greek numeral representing the number six (6), typically romanized as the Roman numeral VI
Στ΄ {num} [uncommon] :: alternative form of ΣΤ΄
στ' {prep} :: contraction of στο
στ' {prep} :: contraction of στα
στ΄ {num} [non-standard] :: alternative form of ΣΤ΄
στα {contraction} :: contraction of σε τα
σταγόνα {f} :: drop, blob, drop
σταγονίδιο {n} :: diminutive of σταγόνα, droplet
σταγών {f} [Katharevousa] :: form of σταγόνα
σταδία {f} [surveying] :: level staff, stadia
στάδιο {n} [sports] :: stadium, sports venue
στάδιο {n} :: Ancient unit of length (184.9 meters)
στάδιο {n} [nautical] :: cable (the unit of length = 608 feet = 185m = 1/10 nautical mile)
στάδιο {n} :: stage (a segment of time, one of a series representing a stage of development)
στάδιο {n} [figuratively] :: real or virtual space for an activity (stage, theatre)
σταδιοδρομία {f} :: career [especially advancement in a profession]
στάζει {v} [impersonal] :: it leaks, it drips
στάζομαι {v} [rare form] :: I am stained by dripping
στάζω {vti} :: drip
στάζω {v} :: leak
στάζω {v} :: (in the passive) stain myself by dripping
στάζω {v} [colloquial, idiomatic] :: pay
σταθερά {f} [maths, physics] :: constant
σταθερά {adv} :: steadily
σταθερά Αβογκάντρο {f} [physics, chemistry] :: Avogadro constant, Avogadro's number
σταθερός {adj} :: constant, steady
σταθερότητα {f} :: stability, steadiness
στάθμευση {f} [automotive] :: parking
σταθμεύω {v} [automotive] :: park
σταθμεύω {v} [public transport] :: halt, stop
σταθμεύω {v} [military] :: halt [for rest or overnight]
στάθμη {f} :: level
στάθμη {f} [figuratively] :: level [of education, sophistication etc]
σταθμός {m} [transport] :: station, terminus, terminal [bus, railway]
σταθμός {m} :: station, facility, centre
στακάτο {n} :: staccato
σταλαγμίτης {m} [geology] :: stalagmite
σταλακτίτης {m} [geology] :: stalactite
στάλπη {f} :: alternative form of στάρπη
σταματάω {v} :: halt, stop, stop off [movement]
σταματάω {v} :: cease, stop [action, activity]
σταματάω {v} :: stop, terminate [come to an end]
σταματάω {v} [education] :: drop out
σταματημένος {v} :: halted, stopped, motionless
Σταμάτης {prop} {m} :: informal form of Σταμάτιος
Σταμάτης {prop} {m} [colloquial, humorous, figuratively] :: red light (traffic signal indicating to stop)
Σταματία {prop} {f} :: given name
σταματιέμαι {v} :: I am stopped, halted
Σταμάτιος {prop} {m} :: given name [formal, used in documents]
Σταμάτιος {prop} {m} :: Any Christian martyr whose feast day in the Greek Orthodox tradition is 3 February or 8 November
σταματώ {v} [slightly more formal] :: alternative form of σταματάω
στάμνα {f} :: pitcher, urn
στάνη {f} :: pen [fenced area for animals]
στα παπάρια μου {interj} [colloquial, vulgar] :: I don't give a fuck, I don't give a shit, I don't give a damn
στάρι {n} [colloquial] :: alternative form of σιτάρι (wheat)
στάρπη {f} :: curd, curds
στ' αρχίδια μου {interj} [colloquial, vulgar] :: I don't give a fuck, I don't give a shit, I don't give a damn (literally: at my balls)
στάση {f} :: position, attitude, stance [physical or mental]
στάση {f} [transport] :: stop, bus stop
στάση {f} [film] :: frame
στάση {f} :: stop (coming to a halt)
στάση {f} :: mutiny, rebellion
στάση {f} :: stasis
στάση λεωφορείου {f} :: bus stop
-στάσιο {suffix} :: of a building or installation
-στάσιο {suffix} :: of a point on a line with stasis
στατιστική {f} [statistics, mathematics] :: statistics
στατιστικός {adj} :: statistical
στάτους κβο {n} :: status quo
σταυροβελονιά {f} :: cross-stitch [stitch or embroidery made with such stitches]
σταυροδρόμι {n} :: crossroads
σταυροδρόμι {n} [figuratively] :: crossroads [meeting point; critical point]
σταυρόλεξο {n} :: crossword, crossword puzzle
σταυροπόδι {adv} :: cross-legged
σταυρός {m} :: cross (geometrical figure)
σταυρός {m} [Christianity] :: cross, crucifix (cross on which one is crucified; usually refers to the one upon which Jesus Christ died)
σταυρός {m} [figuratively] :: cross (difficult situation that must be endured)
σταυρός {m} [Christianity] :: cross, crucifix (representation of the crucifixion stake of Christ worn or displayed by Christians)
σταυρός {m} [Christianity] :: sign of the cross (gesture of the hand moving over the front of one's body in the shape of a cross)
σταυρός {m} [puppetry] :: control bar (wooden device used to control marionettes)
σταυρός {m} [anatomy, colloquial] :: glabella (space between the eyebrows and the nose)
σταυρός {m} [gymnastics] :: Iron Cross (maneuver in which both arms are extended straight out from the sides of the body while suspended mid air and holding onto rings)
Σταυρός του Νότου {prop} {m} [astronomy] :: Crux (constellation)
σταυροφορία {f} :: any of the Crusades
σταυροφορία {f} :: an organized team effort, a campaign, a crusade
σταύρωση {f} :: crucifixion
σταφίδα {f} :: raisin, sultana, currant
σταφιδόψωμο {n} :: raisin bread, stafidopsomo
Στάφορντ {prop} {n} :: Stafford
σταφυλή {f} :: grape
σταφυλή {f} [anatomy] :: uvula
σταφύλι {n} :: grape [fruit]
σταφυλίτης {m} :: alternative form of σταφυλή
Στάφφορντ {prop} :: Stafford
σταχανοβισμός {m} :: Stakhanovism
σταχανοβίτης {f} :: Stakhanovite
σταχανοβίτισσα {f} :: Stakhanovite
σταχτερός {adj} [colour] :: grey [UK], gray [US]
σταχτερός {adj} [colour] :: ashen, pale
στάχτη {f} :: ash, ashes (of a fire)
σταχτής {adj} [colour] :: grey [UK], gray [US]
σταχτής {adj} [colour] :: ashen, pale
σταχτοδοχείο {n} :: ashtray
σταχτόνερο {f} :: lye [alkaline solution]
Σταχτοπούτα {prop} {f} :: Cinderella [fairy tale and heroine]
σταχτοτσικνιάς {m} :: grey heron (Ardea cinerea)
σταχώνω {v} :: bind a book, bind books
σταχωτής {m} :: bookbinder
στγος {mf} :: abbreviation of στρατηγός
στεατίτης {m} [geology] :: steatite, soapstone
στεγανός {adj} :: watertight
στεγανός {adj} :: hermetic
στεγαστικό δάνειο {f} [finance] :: housing loan, home loan
στεγαστικός {adj} :: housing
στέγη {f} :: roof (of house, etc)
στέγη {f} [figuratively] :: house
στεγνοκαθαριστήριο {n} :: dry cleaner
στεγνός {adj} :: dry, dull
στείβω {v} :: alternative form of στύβω [linguistically informed spelling]
στειμμένα {v} :: linguistically informed spelling of στυμμένα
στειμμένε {v} :: linguistically informed spelling of στυμμένε
στειμμένες {v} :: linguistically informed spelling of στυμμένες
στειμμένη {v} :: linguistically informed spelling of στυμμένη
στειμμένης {v} :: linguistically informed spelling of στυμμένης
στειμμένο {v} :: linguistically informed spelling of στυμμένο
στειμμένοι {v} :: linguistically informed spelling of στυμμένοι
στειμμένος {v} :: alternative spelling of στυμμένος [linguistic spelling]
στειμμένου {v} :: linguistically informed spelling of στυμμένου
στειμμένους {v} :: linguistically informed spelling of στυμμένους
στειμμένων {v} :: linguistically informed spelling of στυμμένων
στείρος {adj} [medical, of people and animals] :: infertile, sterile, barren (unable to procreate)
στείρος {adj} [medical, chemistry] :: sterile, germless (free from all living or viable microorganisms)
στείρος {adj} [of land, soil etc] :: barren, infertile, fruitless (not producing vegetation)
στείρος {adj} [figuratively] :: unproductive, fruitless (not producing anything of value)
στειρότητα {f} [medicine] :: infertility, sterility, barrenness (inability to procreate)
στειρώνω {v} [medicine, chiefly of animals] :: neuter, sterilize, spay (make unable to reproduce)
στείρωση {f} [medical] :: neutering, spaying, sterilization (act of making unable to procreate)
στέκει {v} :: he/she/it stands
στέκει {v} :: is true, is correct
στέκει {v} [impersonal] :: not acceptable
στέκι {n} :: haunt, stamping ground, hangout (place where one is regularly found)
στέκομαι {v} :: stand, stand up
στέκομαι {v} :: stay, stop
στέκω {vi} [colloquial, literature] :: stand up, stand still
στέκω {vi} [3rd person] :: be true, be correct
στέκω {vi} [impersonal] :: see στέκει
στέλεχος {n} :: official
στέλεχος {n} :: counterfoil [of cheque etc]
στέλεχος {n} [botany] :: stalk, stem
Στέλιος {prop} {m} :: informal form of Στυλιανός
Στέλλα {prop} {f} :: informal form of Στυλιανή
στέλλω {v} :: ancient form of the modern verb στέλνω - found as second combining form (see Compounds)
στέλνω {v} :: send
στεμ {symbol} [trigonometry] :: cosec, the symbol for συντεμνούσα the trigonometric function cosecant
στέμμα {n} :: crown (royal, imperial or princely headdress)
στέμμα {n} [astronomy] :: corona (of the sun)
στεναγμός {m} :: sigh, groan (low sound uttered in pain or grief)
στεναγμός {m} [figuratively] :: lament
στεναχωράω {v} [colloquial] :: alternative form of στεναχωρώ
στεναχωρημένα {adv} :: in sad mood
στεναχωρημένος {v} :: alternative form of στενοχωρημένος
στεναχωρώ {v} :: alternative form of στενοχωρώ
στενή {f} [slang] :: prison, jail, gaol, clink
στενή {f} [slang] :: prison sentence
στενό {n} :: narrow street [typically in a village]
στενό {n} [nautical] :: narrows, strait
στενογράφος {mf} :: [UK] shorthand typist
στενογράφος {mf} :: [US] stenographer
στενόμακρος {adj} :: oblong [longer than wide]
στενός {adj} :: narrow
στενός {adj} :: tight
στενός {adj} :: close
στενοχωρημένα {adv} :: in sad mood
στενοχωρημένος {v} :: worried
στενοχωρώ {v} :: upset, worry
στέπα {f} [geography] :: steppe
στερακτίνιο {n} [SI derived unit, mathematics, geometry] :: steradian [units of solid angles]
στερεά γωνία {f} [geometry] :: solid angle
στέρεο {n} :: stereo [audio system]
στερεό {n} [physics, chemistry] :: solid [state of matter]
στέρεος {adj} :: [more colloquial] alternative form of στερεός
στερεός {adj} :: firm, solid [of foundations, bodies etc]
στερεύω {v} :: become barren
στερεύω {v} :: dry out
στερέωμα {n} [colloquial] :: support, framework
στερέωμα {n} [colloquial] :: keel
στερέωμα {n} [literary] :: firmament, the heavens
στερέωμα {n} [figuratively] :: group [of people of common interest]; coterie
στέρηση {f} :: bereavement (in the sense of deprivation)
στεριά {f} :: land [part of Earth which is not covered by oceans or other bodies of water]
στέριωμα {n} :: alternative form of στερέωμα
στερλίνα {f} [numismatics] :: sterling,[UK currency]
στέρνα {f} :: water cistern, tank, reservoir
στέρνα {f} :: tern (a bird of the family Sternidae)
στερνά {np} :: old age
στέρνο {f} [anatomy] :: sternum, breastbone
στέρνο {f} :: chest
στερούμαι {v} :: lack
στερούμαι {v} :: do without
στερώ {v} :: deprive
στεφάνη {n} :: ring, hoop, rim, collar, bezel
στεφάνη {n} :: crown
στεφάνη {n} [botany] :: corolla
στεφάνη {n} [astronomy] :: corona
στεφάνι {n} :: wreath, garland [of flowers]
στέφομαι {v} :: I am crowned
στέφομαι {v} :: a wreath is placed on my head
στέφομε {v} :: Older form: στέφομεν
στέφω {v} :: to crown (a monarch, a beauty pageant or competition winner)
στέφω {v} [learned] :: synonym of στεφανώνω
στέφω {v} :: [in marriage ceremony] place crown on the heads of the bride and bridegroom
στέφω {v} [figuratively, of an activity] :: successfully conclude
στη {contraction} :: contraction of σε τη
στηθόδεσμος {m} :: brassiere, bra
στήθος {n} :: chest, thorax
στήθος {n} :: bust, breasts
στήθος {n} :: heart (seat of emotions and passion)
στήθος {n} :: breast meat [of poultry]
στηθοσκόπηση {f} [medicine] :: stethoscopy
στηθοσκόπιο {n} [medicine] :: stethoscope
στήλη {f} [architecture] :: column, stele
στήλη {f} [chess] :: file
στη μνήμη {prep} :: in memory of, in memoriam
στήμονας {m} [botany] :: stamen
στη μπάντα {interj} [idiom] :: out of the way (move aside)
στη μπάντα {prep} :: See: el στη μπάντα
στη μπάντα {prep} [idiom] :: out of the way, to the side (not in the way)
στην {contraction} :: contraction of σε την
στην άκρη της γλώσσας {prep} :: See: el στην άκρη της γλώσσας
στην άκρη της γλώσσας {prep} [idiom] :: on the tip of one's tongue (known but not quite remembered)
στην υγειά μας {interj} [when toasing] :: to our health! cheers!
στην υγειά σας {interj} [when toasting, plural or polite plural] :: to your health! cheers!
στην υγειά σου {interj} [when toasing, singular] :: to your health! cheers!
στην ώρα μου {phrase} :: on time
στήριγμα {n} :: support, foundation
στης {contraction} [rare, poetic] :: contraction of σε της
στιβάδα {f} :: layer
στίβω {v} [rare spelling] :: alternative form of στύβω
στίγμα {n} :: stigma [mark of infamy]
στίγμα {n} :: disgrace
στίγμα {n} :: scar, birthmark
στίγμα {n} :: stigma [Ϛ and ϛ: a ligature of the Greek letters lunate sigma and tau]
στιγματίζω {v} :: stigmatise [UK], stigmatize [US]; brand, label
στιγματίζω {v} :: tarnish, disgrace
στιγματισμένος {v} :: stigmatised [UK], stigmatized [US], labelled
στιγματισμός {m} :: stigmatisation [UK], stigmatization [US]
στιγμή {f} [time] :: moment, instant, jiffy
στιγμή {f} [typography] :: point [unit]
στιγμή {f} [typography, linguistics] :: full stop
στιγμιαίος {adj} :: brief, instantaneous, instant, momentary
στιγμιαίος καφές {m} :: instant coffee
στιγμιότυπα {n} :: plural of στιγμιότυπο
στιγμιότυπο {n} [photography] :: snapshot, snap
στιγμιότυπο {n} [figuratively] :: brief description
στιγμιότυπο {n} [computing] :: screenshot
στιγμοεκτυπωτής {m} :: dot matrix printer
στιγμούλα {f} :: moment, instant, trice (short period of time)
στιλέτο {n} :: dagger
στιλιστικός {adj} :: stylistic
στιλογράφος {m} :: alternative form of στυλογράφος
Στίλπων {prop} {m} :: Stilpo [classical philosopher]
Στίλπων {prop} {m} :: given name
στιμμένα {v} [very rare] :: alternative spelling of στυμμένα
στιμμένε {v} [very rare] :: alternative spelling of στυμμένε
στιμμένες {v} [very rare] :: alternative spelling of στυμμένες
στιμμένη {v} [very rare] :: alternative spelling of στυμμένη
στιμμένης {v} [very rare] :: alternative spelling of στυμμένης
στιμμένο {v} [very rare] :: alternative spelling of στυμμένο
στιμμένοι {v} [very rare] :: alternative spelling of στυμμένοι
στιμμένος {v} [very rare] :: alternative spelling of στυμμένος
στιμμένου {v} [very rare] :: alternative spelling of στυμμένου
στιμμένους {v} [very rare] :: alternative spelling of στυμμένους
στιμμένων {v} [very rare] :: alternative spelling of στυμμένων
στίξη {f} :: punctuation (the symbols and their use)
στις {contraction} :: contraction of σε τις
στιφάδο {n} :: stifado [a savoury stew]
στίφος {n} :: swarm, army, host, horde
στιχάριο {n} [religion] :: alb (priest's vestment)
στίχος {m} :: a line of text, usually verse
στίχος {m} :: verse, poetry
στίχος {m} [in the plural] :: lyrics
στλεγγίδα {f} :: strigil
στο {contraction} :: contraction of σε το
στο {contraction} :: contraction of σου το
στοίβα {f} :: stack, pile [usually organised, usually similar things]
στοιβάζομαι {v} :: cram, pack
στοιβάζω {v} :: heap, heap up, stack, pile, pile up
στοιχείο {n} :: unit, element, cell (a portion of a whole)
στοιχείο {n} [chemistry] :: element
στοιχείο {n} [science, mathematics] :: item of data, piece of information
στοιχείο {n} [typography] :: letter, piece of type
στοιχείο {n} [electricity] :: cell, battery
στοιχείο {n} [statistics] :: subset of a population
στοιχειό {n} :: ghost, poltergeist, sprite
στοιχειοθέτης {m} [typography] :: compositor, typographer
στοιχειοθέτρια {f} [typography] :: compositor, typographer
στοιχειολογία {f} [logic] :: stoichiology
στοιχειομετρία {f} [chemistry] :: stoichiometry
στοιχειώδης {adj} :: basic, elementary
στοιχειώδης {adj} [physics] :: fundamental [particle]
στοιχειωμένος {v} :: haunted, eerie
στοιχειώνω {v} :: haunt
στοιχειώνω {v} [figuratively] :: become obsessed with
στοίχημα {n} :: bet, wager, punt
στοιχηματίζω {v} :: bet, wager
στοιχίζω {v} [finance] :: cost
στοιχίζω {v} :: cost, claim
στοιχίζω {v} :: line up, dress, align
στο καλό {interj} :: goodbye, cheerio
στο καλό {interj} :: farewell [dated]
στόκος {m} :: putty, stucco
στόκος {m} :: (colloquial) stupid, silly
Στοκχόλμη {prop} {f} :: Στοκχόλμη (capital city)
στολή {f} :: uniform [distinctive clothing]
στολίζομαι {v} :: dress up, be decorated
στολίζω {vt} :: adorn, decorate, ornament
στόλος {m} [military, naval] :: fleet
στόμα {n} [anatomy] :: mouth
στόμα {n} :: [synecdoche] person
στοματικός {adj} :: oral [relating to the mouth]
στομάχι {n} [anatomy] :: stomach
στομαχόπονος {m} :: stomachache
στόμαχος {m} [literary] :: alternative form of στομάχι
στομίδα {f} :: bit [part of horse's headgear]
στόμιο υδροληψίας {n} :: hydrant, fire hydrant
στομωμένος {adj} :: dull, not sharp
στον {contraction} :: contraction of σε τον
στοπ {n} :: stop, block [device to block path]
στοπ {n} :: stop sign
στοπ {n} [automotive, in plural] :: brake lights
στο πηγάδι κατούρησα {phrase} [idiom] :: What did I do? Have I offended someone? (literally: "did I piss in the well?")
στο πι και φι {adv} :: immediately, unhesitatingly, at the drop of a hat
στοργή {f} :: deep love and affection, as of a mother for her child
στοργικός {adj} :: loving
στου {contraction} [rare, poetic] :: contraction of σε του
στου κουφού την πόρτα, όσο θέλεις βρόντα {proverb} :: there are none so blind as those who will not see (understanding cannot be forced on someone who chooses to be ignorant)
στούντιο {n} :: studio
στους {contraction} :: contraction of σε τους
Στουτγάρδη {prop} {f} :: alternative form of Στουτγκάρδη
Στουτγκάρδη {prop} {f} :: Στουτγκάρδη (city)
στοχάζομαι {v} [literary, poetic, philosophical] :: think, contemplate
στοχάζομαι {v} :: think, calculate
στοχαστικά {adv} :: stochastically
στοχαστικός {adj} [philosophy, maths] :: stochastic
στόχαστρο {n} :: sight, sights, gunsight, foresight [aiming device on weapon]
στο χείλος του γκρεμού {phrase} [literally] :: on/towards the edge, the brink of a precipice
στο χείλος του γκρεμού {phrase} [figuratively] :: at the verge of peril
στόχος {m} [archery] :: target
στόχος {m} :: aim, intent
στραβισμός {m} [ophthalmology] :: strabismus, squint
στραβομουτσουνιάζω {v} :: grimace in displeasure
στραβώνω {vt} :: collapse, distort, twist [wheel, etc]
στραβώνω {vt} [colloquial] :: I blind
στραγγίζομαι {v} :: be drained, be strained, be wrung
στραγγίζω {vti} :: drain, wring, drip-dry, dry off (let something lose its dampness by hanging or twisting)
στραγγίζω {vi} :: strain, filter (separate solid from liquid by passing through a strainer or colander)
στραγγίζω {vi} :: pan (wash in a pan when searching for gold)
στραγγίζω {vi} [figuratively] :: drink dry (completely drink a liquid)
στραγγίζω {vti} [figuratively] :: wear out, drain, bleed dry / bleed white (remove all vitality or life by hard work etc)
Στρασβούργο {prop} {n} :: Στρασβούργο (capital city)
στράτα {f} :: street
στράτα {f} :: baby walker
στρατάρχης {m} [military, dated] :: An army rank with the NATO grade OF-10 [obsolete in most modern armies]
στρατάρχης {m} :: field marshal in the British army
στρατάρχης {m} :: general of the army in the US army
στράτευμα {n} :: military forces [as a whole, for a country or alliance]
στρατηγική {f} :: strategy
στρατηγός {mf} [military] :: general, an army rank with the NATO grade OF-9
στρατιά {f} [military] :: army [especially a very large one]
στρατιά {f} [figuratively] :: army, a large mass people
στρατιωτάκι {n} :: diminutive of στρατιώτης
στρατιωτάκι {n} :: toy soldier
στρατιώτης {m} [military] :: soldier [member of an army]
στρατιώτης {m} [military] :: private [army rank], the NATO military rank OR-1
στρατιώτης {m} [chess] :: pawn
στρατιωτικά {adv} :: militarily
στρατιωτικός {adj} :: military [describing members of the armed forces]
στρατιωτικός {m} :: serviceman [especially an officer]
στρατιωτικώς {adv} :: militarily
στρατιωτίνα {f} [military] :: female soldier [member of an army]
στρατιωτίνα {f} [military] :: private [army rank], the NATO military rank OR-1
στρατοδικείο {n} [military, law] :: army court martial
στρατοκράτης {m} :: militarist
στρατοκρατία {f} :: militarism
στρατοπεδεύω {v} [military] :: camp, encamp, bivouac
στρατόπεδο {n} [military] :: permanent or temporary base or camp
στρατόπεδο {n} :: camp or site for refugees, gypsies etc
στρατόπεδο {n} [figuratively] :: faction, camp, grouping [with similar views/policies]
στρατόπεδο εξόντωσης {n} :: death camp, extermination camp
στρατόπεδο συγκέντρωσης {n} :: concentration camp
στρατός {m} :: army (military force), military
στρατόσφαιρα {f} :: stratosphere
στρατούλα {f} :: diminutive of στράτα
στρατσιατέλα {f} :: stracciatella (soup)
στρατσιατέλα {f} [in the singular] :: stracciatella (ice cream)
στρέμμα {n} :: The royal stremma or decare of 1/10 hectare (1,000 )
στρέμμα {n} [historical] :: The historical stremma or square plethron, an area of 10000 square Greek feet
στρέμμα {n} [historical, colloquial] :: The historical stremma, the area able to be plowed by a team of oxen in a day, the Greek equivalent of the English acre
στρεπτοκοκκικός {adj} :: streptococcal
στρεπτόκοκκος {m} :: streptococcus
στρες {n} :: stress (emotional pressure)
στρέφομαι {v} :: I am turned, directed
στρέφω {v} :: turn, direct
στρίβομαι {v} :: I am twisted, turned
στρίβω {v} :: twist, turn, twirl
στρίγκλισμα {n} :: screech, screeching; squeal [action and noise made]
στριμμένος {v} :: twisted [rope, wire, etc]
στριμμένος {v} [figuratively] :: grouchy, crotchety [mood, character, etc]
στριφογυρίζω {vti} :: twirl, gyrate, whirl, spin
στρογγυλός {adj} :: round
στρογγυλός {adj} [phonetics, phonology] :: rounded
στρόντιο {n} [chemistry] :: strontium
στρουθοκάμηλος {f} [ornithology] :: ostrich, Struthio camelus
στροφαλοφόρος {adj} :: crank, cranked
στροφαλοφόρος άξονας {m} [automotive] :: crankshaft
στροφή {f} :: bend, turning, turn (change of direction)
στροφή {f} :: turning, turn, revolving, twisting (rotation)
στροφή {f} [music] :: verse, stanza
στροφή {f} [nautical] :: tack
στρύχνος {m} [botany] :: nightshade
στρωατοποίηση {f} [archaeology, geology] :: stratification
στρώμα {n} :: mattress [for sleeping]
στρώμα {n} :: layer, sheet [which separates or cushions]
στρωματογραφία {f} [archaeology, geology] :: stratigraphy
στρωματοποίηση {f} [archaeology, geology] :: stratification
στρώνω {v} [of beds or tables] :: make (put sheet on)
στρώνω {v} [of other areas] :: cover (with a sheet)
στρώνω {v} [of clothes] :: smooth out, removes creases from
στρώνω {v} [of roads, pavements] :: pave
στρώνω {v} [of carpets, flooring] :: lay
στύβω {v} :: squeeze, wring [to force out liquid]
Στυλιανή {prop} {f} :: given name
Στυλιανός {prop} {m} :: given name, Stylianos
Στυλιανός {prop} {m} :: A saint whose feast day in the Greek Orthodox tradition is 26 November
στυλό {n} :: pen, ballpoint, biro
στυλό {n} :: pen, fountain pen
στυλό {n} [zoology] :: pen, gladius (solid, internal structure of squid)
στυλοβάτης {m} :: pillar
στυλοβάτης {m} [architecture] :: stylobate
στυλοβάτης {m} [figuratively] :: backer, financial backer
στυλοβάτης {m} [figuratively] :: founder, mainstay
στυλογράφος {m} :: pen, ballpoint, biro
στυλογράφος {m} :: pen, fountain pen
στυλό διαρκείας {n} :: ballpoint pen, ballpoint, biro
στυλός {m} :: alternative form of στυλό
στυμμένος {v} :: squeezed, wrung
στύση {f} [physiology] :: erection (of the penis)
στυφάδο {n} :: alternative form of στιφάδο
στχης {m} :: abbreviation of στρατάρχης
στων {contraction} [rare, poetic] :: contraction of σε των
'συ {pron} :: contraction of εσύ
συ- {prefix} :: alternative form of συν-
συ- {prefix} :: occurs before sibilants [s, z] (the [s] plus consonant)
συ- {prefix} :: occurs colloquially before [v, γ, δ, f, x, θ, ks, ps]
'σύ {pron} :: contraction of εσύ
συγ- {prefix} :: alternative form of συν-occurs before the consonants κ, γ, χ
συγγένεια {f} :: kinship, affinity [related by blood, marriage]
συγγένεια {f} :: affinity, similarity [similar in properties or appearance]
συγγενής {adj} :: related
συγγενής {adj} :: congenital
συγγενής {mf} :: relative, relation
συγγενικός {adj} :: related, interrelated, relational
συγγνώμη {interj} :: sorry (an apology)
συγγνώμη {interj} :: excuse me [UK], pardon me [US]
συγγνώμη {f} :: forgiveness
συγγραφέας {mf} :: writer, author
συγγράφομαι {v} :: I am written
συγγράφω {v} :: author, write
συγκεκριμένος {adj} :: concrete [not abstract]
συγκεκριμένος {adj} :: specific [not vague]
συγκεντρώνω {v} :: gather, collect, bring together
συγκεντρώνω {v} :: centralise [UK], centralize [US],
συγκέντρωση {f} :: centralisation [UK], centralization [US]
συγκέντρωση {f} :: mental concentration
συγκέντρωση {f} :: congregation (large gathering of people)
συγκέντρωση {f} :: assembly (legislative body)
συγκέντρωση {f} [chemistry] :: concentration
συγκέντρωση {f} [accounting] :: accumulation
συγκέντρωση {f} :: gathering
συγκινημένος {v} :: moved, touched (affected emotionally) [often implies tears or crying]
συγκίνηση {f} :: emotion, excitement, thrill, stir (emotional affection)
συγκινητικά {adv} :: movingly, touchingly (in an emotionally affecting manner)
συγκινητικός {adj} :: moving, touching (emotionally affecting)
συγκινητικώς {adv} [formal] :: movingly, touchingly (in an emotionally affecting manner)
συγκινούμαι {v} :: be moved, be touched (be affected emotionally) [often implies tears or crying]
συγκινούμαι {v} :: care, be interested
συγκινούμαι {v} :: Also see active συγκινώ
συγκινώ {vt} :: move, touch, affect, thrill, excite (affect emotionally)
συγκινώ {vt} [usually in a negative sentence] :: appeal to, interest
συγκινώ {v} :: Also see passive συγκινούμαι
σύγκλιση {f} :: convergence
συγκοινωνία {f} [transport] :: transport, transportation (means of conveyance)
συγκόλληση {f} [engineering] :: welding
συγκολλώ {v} [engineering, metallurgy, electronics] :: solder
συγκομιδή {f} :: harvest [the crop gathered in and the process of gathering]
συγκομιδή {f} [figuratively] :: the accumulation of goods or riches
συγκοπή {f} :: [medicine] syncope, cardiac arrest, fainting, missed heartbeats
συγκοπή {f} :: [music] syncopation
συγκοπή {f} :: [grammar, phonology, phonetics] The loss or elision of a vowel between two consonants from the interior of a word. Similar to syncope, contraction
συγκόπτομαι {v} :: I am shortened
συγκόπτω {v} :: shorten, contract, abridge
συγκόπτω {v} [grammar, phonology, phonetics] :: cut short a sound or syllable in or of a word with syncope
σύγκριση {f} :: comparison, contrast
συγκριτικός {adj} [grammar] :: comparative
συγκριτικός {m} [grammar] :: comparative
συγκρότημα {n} :: complex, unit, block
συγκρότημα {n} [music] :: rock group, rock band, ensemble
συγκρότημα {n} :: set
συγκρότημα {n} :: facility
συγκροτώ {v} :: form, compose, organise[UK], organize [USA]
συγκρούομαι {v} :: collide, clash
συγκρουόμενο {n} [chiefly in the plural] :: bumper car, dodgem
συγκρουόμενο αυτοκινητάκι {n} :: full utterance of το συγκρουόμενο
συγκρουόμενος {v} :: colliding
συγκρουόμενος {v} :: conflicting
σύγκρουση {f} :: conflict, clash, difference of opinion
σύγκρουση {f} [transport] :: collision, crash
συγχαίρω {v} :: congratulate
συγχαίρω {v} :: [literally] rejoice together with [rare]
συγχαρητήρια {interj} :: congratulations!
συγχαρητήρια {np} :: congratulations
συγχαρητήριος {adj} :: congratulatory
συγχορδία {f} [music] :: chord [combination of notes]
συγχρονίζω {v} :: synchronise [UK], synchronize [US]
συγχρονίζω {v} :: modernise
σύγχρονος {adj} :: contemporary, contemporaneous
σύγχρονος {adj} :: synchronous
σύγχρονος {adj} :: simultaneous
σύγχρονος {adj} :: contemporary, modern
συγχρόνως {adv} :: simultaneously, contemporaneously
συγχωνεύω {vt} :: merge
συγχωράω {v} :: alternative form of συγχωρώ
συγχωρώ {v} :: forgive, pardon, excuse
συγχωρώ {v} :: pardon, excuse
σύδεντρο {n} :: wood, dense forest (place with many trees)
Σύδνεϋ {prop} {n} :: Sydney
συζητάω {v} :: discuss, debate, talk over
συζητημένος {v} :: discussed, talked about
συζήτηση {f} :: dialogue [especially exchange of views]
συζήτηση {f} :: dialogue, conversation
συζητιέμαι {v} :: be discussed, be talked about
συζητούμαι {v} :: be discussed, be talked about
συζητώ {v} :: alternative form of συζητάω
συζυγικός {adj} :: conjugal, married, marital, connubial
σύζυγος {mf} :: yokefellow (close companion, co-worker, or mate)
σύζυγος {mf} :: spouse [husband or wife]
σύζυγος {mf} [in plural] :: couple [husband and wife]
συκή {f} :: fig leaf [when used as an item of clothing]
συκή {f} [figuratively] :: fig leaf [something used to hide an inconvenient truth]
συκιά {f} :: fig tree
συκιά {f} [slang] :: Homosexual or effeminate man
σύκο {n} :: fig (fruit)
συκοφάντης {m} :: calumniator
συκώτι {n} :: liver [food]
συκώτι {n} [anatomy] :: liver
συλ- {prefix} :: alternative form of συν- occurs before the consonant λ
Συλβέστρος {prop} {m} :: Sylvester (male given name)
Σύλβιος {prop} {m} :: A shortened, everyday form of Συλβέστρος
συλλαβή {f} [grammar, linguistics] :: syllable
συλλαμβάνω {v} [legal] :: arrest (take into custody)
συλλαμβάνω {v} :: conceive
συλλαμβάνω {v} :: develop an idea
συλλαμβάνω {v} :: understand
συλλαμβάνω {vi} :: become pregnant
συλλαμβάνω {v} :: receive, accept into the mind, understand
συλλαμβάνω {v} [telecommunications] :: detect signals
συλλέγω {v} :: collect, gather
συλλέγω {v} [formal] :: pick fruit from trees or plants
συλλέγω {v} :: gather, accumulate, reposit
συλλέγω {v} :: gather information
συλλέγω {v} :: make a collection of items
συλλέκτης {m} :: collector [person who collects things]
συλλέκτης {m} :: collector [apparatus for collecting things]
συλλέκτρια {f} :: collector [person who collects things]
σύλληψη {f} :: arrest, capture [the act or instance]
σύλληψη {f} :: conception [formation of a concept]
σύλληψη {f} :: conception [fertilisation of an egg]
συλλογή {f} :: collection, compilation, assortment, picking
συλλογιέμαι {v} :: alternative form of συλλογίζομαι
συλλογίζομαι {v} :: contemplate, ponder, think about, ruminate
συλλυπητήρια {np} :: condolences [expression used to give sympathy to a person who is mourning]
συλλυπητήριος {adj} :: expressing grief, offering condolences
συμ- {prefix} :: alternative form of συν- occurs before the labial consonants [p, v, f, m] π, β, φ, μ
συμβαίνω {v} :: happen, occur, take place
συμβία {f} :: wife
συμβία {f} :: better half [slang term]
συμβόλαιο {n} [legal] :: contract
συμβολαιογράφος {mf} [legal, civil law] :: legal executive [see usage notes]
συμβολαιογράφος {mf} [legal, civil law] :: notary public [US]
συμβολαιογράφος {mf} [legal, civil law] :: notary [EU]
συμβολή {f} :: junction, join
συμβολή {f} :: contribution
σύμβολο {n} :: symbol, character, glyph
συμβολομεταφραστής {m} [computing] :: assembler (computer program that turns assembly language source code into machine language)
συμβουλεύομαι {v} :: consult
συμβουλεύω {v} :: advise, counsel
συμβουλή {f} :: advice
συμβούλιο {n} :: board
συμβούλιο {n} :: council
συμβούλιο {n} :: committee
συμμετρικός {adj} :: symmetrical, symmetric, regular
συμπαγής {adj} :: solid, massive
συμπαγής {adj} :: solid, tubeless [tyre, tire]
συμπαγής {adj} :: united [people]
συμπαθάω {v} [colloquial] :: forgive
συμπάθεια {f} :: fellow feeling, sympathy
συμπαθητικός {adj} :: sympathetic, pleasant, agreeable
συμπαθιέμαι {v} :: I am liked [reciprocal]
συμπαθώ {v} :: Ι like
σύμπαν {n} :: universe
συμπάσχω {v} :: suffer together, feel the same pain as someone else
συμπάσχω {v} :: sympathize
συμπεθέρα {f} :: female relation by marriage; female in-law
συμπεθέρα {f} :: co-mother-in-law
συμπεθερεύω {v} :: become related to somebody by marriage
συμπεθεριάζω {v} :: alternative form of συμπεθερεύω
συμπέθερος {m} :: relation by marriage; (male) in-law
συμπέθερος {m} :: co-father-in-law
συμπέρασμα {n} :: deduction, conclusion [results of reasoning]
συμπέρασμα {n} :: conclusion [final summary part of document]
συμπεριλαμβάνω {v} :: include
συμπεριφέρομαι {v} :: I behave
συμπεριφορά {f} :: behaviour [UK], behavior [US]
συμπεριφορά {f} :: attitude
συμπλέκτης {m} [automotive] :: clutch
συμπλέω {v} :: to sail together [of ships]
συμπλέω {v} [chiefly used figuratively] :: to be in agreement
συμπληρώνω {v} :: fill, fill in, fill out
συμπληρώνω {v} :: complete
συμπολεμιστής {m} :: brother-in-arms, comrade in arms, battle buddy, comrade [companion in war]
συμπολεμιστής {m} [politics] :: comrade [fellow socialist]
συμπολεμίστρια {f} :: comrade [companion in war]
συμπολεμίστρια {f} [politics] :: comrade [fellow socialist]
σύμπτωμα {n} :: symptom
σύμπτωμα {n} [figuratively] :: sign
σύμπτωση {f} :: coincidence
σύμπτωση {f} :: concurrence
συμπύκνωμα {n} [chemistry] :: concentrate, condensate (material of increased concentration)
συμπυκνωμένο γάλα {f} :: condensed milk
συμπυκνωμένος {v} :: concentrated, condensed, compressed
συμφέρον {n} :: interest, rights [business connection with material advantage]
συμφεροντολόγος {m} :: self-interested
συμφέρων {adj} :: which is to one's interest, which is a good deal, advantageous
συμφιλίωση {f} :: reconciliation
συμφύομαι {vi} [formal] :: grow together or in the same time
συμφυρμός {m} :: the result of mixing up of dissimilar elements
συμφυρμός {m} [figuratively, pejorative] :: coexistance of people of different and disreputable background
συμφυρμός {m} :: [linguistics, phonology, phonetics] blend of two cognate elements (sounds, morphemes, phrases) which violates the rules of word formation. Associated with analogy and paretymology. e.g
σύμφωνα {adv} :: accordingly, in accordance with, according to
συμφωνημένος {v} :: agreed upon
συμφωνία {f} :: agreement, concurrence
συμφωνία {f} :: consent
συμφωνία {f} :: arrangement, pact
συμφωνία {f} [music] :: symphony
συμφωνία {f} :: settlement
συμφωνικό ποίημα {n} [music] :: symphonic poem
συμφωνικός {adj} [music] :: symphonic
σύμφωνο {n} [linguistics] :: consonant
σύμφωνο {n} :: contract, pact
συμφωνούμαι {v} :: agreed
συμφωνώ {v} :: agree, agree with
συμφωνώ {v} :: correspond, match
συμφωνώ {v} :: accord with, in harmony with, consistant with
συμφώνως {adv} :: accordingly, in accordance with
συν- {prefix} :: with, together, co-, syn-
συν- {prefix} :: indicates completeness
συν- {prefix} :: indicates similarity
συν {n} :: plus
συν {n} :: positive quantity
συν {n} :: useful addition
συν {n} [arithmetic] :: plus sign
συν {prep} :: plus
συν {symbol} [trigonometry] :: cos, the symbol for συνημίτονο the trigonometric function cosine
συναγωγή {f} :: gathering [of people]
συναγωγή {f} :: congregation [religious gathering]
συναγωγή {f} :: synagogue (Jewish place of worship)
συναγωγή {f} :: conclusion [reached by a meeting]
συνάθροιση {f} :: assembly, gathering, meeting
συναίνεση {f} :: consent (voluntary agreement)
συναίνεση {f} :: consensus
συναινετικά {adv} :: consensually
συναινετικός {adj} :: consensual [with consensus]
συναίρεση {f} [grammar, phonology] :: contraction, synaeresis of two adjacent vowels or diphthongs within one word, into one
συναίσθημα {n} :: emotion, feelings, sentiment
συναισθησία {f} [medicine] :: synaesthesia
συναλλαγή {f} :: transaction, mutual exchange of material
συναλλαγή {f} :: transaction, the transfer of funds into, out of, or from an account
συναλλαγή {f} :: commercial relationship
συναλλαγή {f} :: supply made for political advantage
συνάλλαγμα {n} :: currency exchange, bureau de change
συναλλαγματική {f} [finance] :: banker's draft, bill of exchange
συναναστρέφομαι {v} :: associate with, spend time with friends
συνάνθρωπος {m} :: fellow human, fellow man
συνανθρωπότητα {f} :: shared humanity
συναντάω {v} :: alternative form of συναντώ
συναντώ {v} :: meet
σύναξη {f} :: assembly, congregation, gathering, meeting
συναπτός {adj} :: consecutive
συνάπτω {vt} :: join, attach, append
συνάπτω {vt} :: contract, enter into, conclude [an agreement, marriage, etc]
συναρμολόγηση {f} :: assembly, assemblage
συναρπάζω {v} :: enrapture, fascinate
συνάρτηση {f} [algebra] :: function
συνάρτηση {f} :: interdependence, interrelation
συνασπισμός {m} [politics] :: coalition
συνασπισμός {m} [history, military] :: the tightly interlocking of shields in a phalanx of soldiers
συνάφεια {f} :: relevance, pertinence
συνάφεια {f} :: relation
συναφής {adj} :: united, connected, related to
συνάχι {n} :: catarrh
σύναψη {f} :: joining, pooling [of resources]
σύναψη {f} :: joining, waging [in war, combat]
σύναψη {f} :: connection, coupling
σύναψη {f} :: unity
σύναψη {f} [anatomy, biology] :: synapse
συνδέομαι {v} :: I am connectedand see συνδέω
σύνδεση {f} :: link, connection
σύνδεσμος {m} [part of speech] :: conjunction
σύνδεσμος {m} [anatomy] :: ligament
σύνδεσμος {m} [computing] :: HTML link
σύνδεσμος {m} :: union, relationship, contact
συνδετήρας {m} :: paper clip
συνδετήρας {m} :: staple (a wire fastener used to secure stacks of paper by penetrating all the sheets and curling around)
συνδέω {v} :: connect, link, bind
συνδέω {v} :: associate
συνδέω {v} :: have an affair
συνδιασκέπτομαι {v} :: I am in conference along with others
συνδρομή {f} :: subscription [to society, club, magazine, etc]
συνδρομή {f} :: help, assistance
συνδρομητής {m} :: subscriber
συνδρομήτρια {f} :: subscriber
σύνδρομο {n} :: syndrome (recognizable pattern of symptoms or behaviours)
συνδυάζομαι {v} :: I am combined
συνδυάζω {v} :: combine
συνδυάζω {v} :: match
συνδυάζω {v} :: link
συνδυασμός {m} :: combination
συνδυασμός {m} :: match [fit together, or make suitable for fitting together]
συνείδηση {f} :: conscience
συνείδηση {f} :: consciousness
συνειδητοποιώ {v} :: realise, be aware of
συνεισφέρω {v} :: contribute, make a contribution
συνεισφορά {f} :: contribution
συνεκδ. {adj} :: abbreviation of συνεκδοχικά by extension
συνέλευση {f} :: assembly, congress, diet, synod [legislative bodies]
συνένζυμο {n} [biochemistry] :: coenzyme
συνεννόηση {f} :: communication
συνεννόηση {f} :: understanding, agreement
συνεννόηση {f} :: consultation, deliberation, exchange of views
συνεννόηση {f} :: collusion (secret agreement for an illegal purpose)
συνεννοούμαι {vi} :: communicate (with), get on with (exchange information pleasantly/courteously)
συνεννοούμαι {vi} :: come to an understanding / agreement, agree to
συνεννοούμαι {vi} :: deliberate, consult (consider carefully)
συνέντευξη {f} :: interview
συνέντευξη τύπου {f} :: press conference
συνέπεια {f} :: consequence
συνέπεια {f} :: consistency
συνεπής {adj} :: consistent
σύνεργα {np} [engineering] :: tools
σύνεργα {np} [fishing] :: tackle
συνεργάζομαι {v} :: collaborate, cooperate, synergize
συνεργασία {f} :: working together, cooperation, collaboration, partnership
συνεργάσιμος {adj} :: cooperative (willing to cooperate, give joint effort to a common purpose)
συνεργάσιμος {adj} :: cooperative (willing to do as you are requested)
συνεργάτης {m} :: coworker, collaborator
συνεργάτης {m} :: accomplice
συνεργάτιδα {f} :: coworker, collaborator
συνεργάτιδα {f} :: accomplice
συνεργατική {f} :: cooperative, collective, (employee controlled business)
συνεργατικός {adj} :: co-operative, cooperative, collaborative
συνεργατικός {adj} :: relating to workers' or employees' control
συνεργάτρια {f} :: coworker, collaborator
συνεργάτρια {f} :: accomplice
συνεργείο {n} [automotive] :: garage [for car repairs]
συνεργείο {n} [engineering] :: workshop
συνεργείο {n} :: crew, gang (group working on joint enterprise)
συνεργία {f} :: synergy, collaboration
συνεργία {f} [law] :: complicity
συνεργός {mf} :: coworker
συνεργός {mf} :: working together
συνεργός {mf} :: [law] accessory
συνεργός {mf} :: accomplice [associate in the commission of a crime]
συνέρχομαι {v} :: meet, assemble (also see sense 2)
συνέρχομαι {v} :: (with someone) meet [for common purpose], cohere
συνέρχομαι {v} :: (with someone) have sex
συνέρχομαι {v} :: recover (also see sense 1)
συνέρχομαι {vi} :: recover [from illness or fainting]
συνέρχομαι {vi} :: calm down, get a grip
συνεταιρισμός {m} :: cooperative
συνεταιριστικός {adj} :: relating to the cooperative movement or cooperatives
συνεφαπτομένη {f} [trigonometry] :: cotangent
συνέχεια {adv} :: continuously, nonstop (without pause)
συνέχεια {adv} :: continuously, consecutively (without break)
συνέχεια {f} :: continuation, continuity, continuance (the quality of being continuous without interruption)
συνέχεια {f} :: continuation, rest (that which extends, increases, supplements, or carries on)
συνέχεια {f} [in the plural following σε] :: bits and pieces, little by little, bit by bit (information or parts presented gradually but still making up a cohesive whole)
συνέχεια {f} [typography] :: hyphen (The symbol "‐", typically used to join two or more words to form a compound term)
συνέχεια {f} [medicine] :: symphysis (cartilaginous material that adjoins and facilitates the junction of bones)
συνεχές ρεύμα {n} :: direct current
συνεχής {adj} :: constant, continuous, sustained
συνεχίζομαι {v} :: I am continued
συνεχίζω {v} :: continue, keep going, carry on
συνεχόμενος {adj} :: contiguous, connected, abutting, adjacent
συνεχώς {adv} :: continuously
-σύνη {suffix} :: Added to adjectives to form abstract feminine nouns
συνήγορος {mf} [legal] :: lawyer, advocate, counsel
συνήγορος {mf} [figuratively] :: advocate [person who argues the case of another]
συνήγορος {mf} [loosely] :: ombudsman
συνήθεια {f} :: habit [habitual action]
συνήθης {adj} :: usual
συνηθίζω {v} :: become accustomed, get used to
συνηθίζω {v} :: be in the habit of
συνηθισμένος {v} :: ordinary, habitual, routine, common
συνηθισμένος {v} :: accustomed, used to
συνήθως {adv} :: usually, generally
συνημίτονο {f} [trigonometry] :: cosine
συνθ. {n} [linguistics] :: combining form
σύνθεση {f} :: composition (the formation of the complex by combination of simpler)
σύνθεση {f} [chemistry] :: synthesis (especially by condensation)
σύνθεση {f} [music] :: composition, musical work
σύνθεση {f} [linguistics] :: compounding (the formation of long word by combination of shorter ones)
συνθέτης {m} [music] :: composer
συνθέτης {m} [printing] :: compositor
συνθετητής {m} [music] :: synthesizer
συνθέτιδα {f} [music] :: composer
συνθέτιδα {f} [printing] :: compositor
συνθετικά {adv} :: synthetically
συνθετικά {adv} :: in a composite way
συνθετικά {adv} [music] :: from the aspect of composition
συνθετικό {n} [linguistics] :: combining form
συνθετικός {adj} :: synthetic
συνθετικός {adj} :: composite, component
σύνθετος {adj} :: composite, compound, synthetic
συνθήκη {f} [legal] :: treaty
σύνθημα {n} :: Slogan (political or commercial)
σύνθημα {n} :: Chant
σύνθημα {n} :: Motto
σύνθημα {n} :: Catchphrase
σύνθημα {n} :: Battle cry
σύνθημα {n} :: Cue, prompt
σύνθημα {n} :: Password, code word, code (military)
συνθλίβομαι {v} :: I am compressed
συνθλίβομαι {v} :: I am pressed psychologically
συνθλίβω {v} :: compress
συνθλίβω {v} [figuratively] :: shatter, press psychologically
συνίζηση {f} [poetry, linguistics] :: synizesis
συνιστώ {v} :: recommend, suggest
σύννεφο {n} :: cloud
συνοδεία {f} :: escort, entourage
συνοδεία {f} [music] :: accompaniment
συνοδεία {f} :: procession
συνοδεύω {v} :: accompany, go with, escort, chaperone
σύνοδος {f} :: meeting
σύνοδος {f} :: session
σύνοδος {f} [religion] :: synod, ecclesiastic council
σύνοδος {f} [astronomy] :: conjunction
συνοδός {mf} :: companion, chaperone
συνοικία {f} :: district, quarter, neighbourhood [of town]
σύνολο {n} [maths] :: set
σύνολο {n} :: sum
συνομιλία {f} :: dialogue, exchange of views
συνομιλία {f} :: dialogue, conversation
συνομοσπονδία {f} :: confederation [of states]
συνομοταξία {n} [taxonomy, biology] :: phylum
συνοριοφύλακας {m} :: border guard, border patrol
σύνορο {n} :: border, boundary, limit, dividing line
σύνορο {n} [plural] :: borders; the border, common border area; borderzone, borderland; frontier
σύνορον {n} [Katharevousa] :: border, boundary, limit, dividing line
σύνορον {n} [Katharevousa, plural] :: borders; the border, common border area; borderzone, borderland; frontier
συνουσία {f} :: copulation, coition, coupling, sexual intercourse
συνουσία {f} :: meeting, coming together, social intercourse
σύνοψη {f} :: summary, precis, synopsis
σύνοψη {f} [christianity] :: breviary, missal
συνοψίζω {v} :: summarise [UK], summarize [US]
συνταγή {f} [medicine] :: prescription
συνταγή {f} [cooking] :: recipe
σύνταγμα {n} [politics, government] :: constitution
σύνταγμα {n} [military] :: regiment
σύνταγμα {n} [historical] :: syntagma [a formation of the Macedonian phalanx]
συνταγματάρχης {mf} [military] :: the rank of colonel in the British and US armies with the NATO grade OF-5
συνταγματική βασιλεία {f} :: constitutional monarchy
συνταγματική μοναρχία {f} :: constitutional monarchy
συνταγματικός {adj} :: constitutional
συντάκτης {m} :: editor, copy editor
συντάκτης {m} :: reporter
συντάκτης {m} :: compiler, draftsman
συντάκτρια {f} :: editor, copy editor
συντάκτρια {f} :: reporter
συντάκτρια {f} :: compiler, draftsman
σύνταξη {f} [grammar, linguistics] :: syntax
σύνταξη {f} :: writing, drafting, composition (the act of creating a document)
σύνταξη {f} :: retirement [from work]
σύνταξη {f} :: pension (money received after retirement)
συνταξιούχος {mf} :: pensioner
συντάσσω {v} :: draft [a document]
συντάσσω {v} :: compose [a statement]
συντάσσω {v} :: compile
συντάσσω {v} :: design
συντάσσω {v} :: indite
συντέκνισσα {f} [Crete] :: godmother
σύντεκνος {m} [Crete] :: best man, godfather
συντελεστής {m} [mathematics, physics] :: coefficient
συντελεστής {m} :: rate
συντέμνουσα {f} [trigonometry] :: cosecant
συντεταγμένη {f} [mathematics, cartography] :: coordinate, abscissa
συντεχνίτης {m} :: alternative form of σύντεχνος
συντεχνίτισσα {f} :: fellow-craftswoman
σύντεχνος {mf} :: fellow-craftsman
συντήρηση {f} :: maintenance, conservation, preservation
συντήρηση {f} :: support, upkeep, subsistence, maintenance
συντηρητής {f} :: maintenance technician, conservator
συντηρητής {f} :: conserver
συντηρήτρια {f} :: maintenance technician, conservator
συντηρήτρια {f} :: conserver
συντηρούμαι {v} [passive] :: subsist, survive, live on
συντηρώ {v} :: conserve, maintain, preserve, support
σύντμηση {f} :: short cut, abbreviation
σύντομα {adv} :: soon, quickly (within a short time)
συντόμευση {f} :: shortcut
συντόμευση {f} [computing] :: shortcut, symbolic link
συντομεύω {v} :: shorten, abbreviate, abridge, cut short, reduce [in extent or duration]
συντομία {f} :: brevity, briefness, shortness
συντομογραφία {f} [grammar] :: abbreviation
συντομομορφή {f} [neologism] :: abbreviation: initialism, acronym, etc
σύντομος {adj} :: short, curtailed [in extent]
σύντομος {adj} :: short, brief, quick [in duration]
συντόμως {adv} :: alternative form of σύντομα
συντονίζω {v} :: coordinate, effect by concerted/joint effort
Συντονισμένη Παγκόσμια Ώρα {prop} {f} :: Coordinated Universal Time, UTC
συντονισμένος {adj} :: coordinated, concerted, by joint effort
συντρέχω {vt} :: help, support, aid, assist
συντρέχω {vt} :: contribute
συντριβάνι {n} :: fountain [artificial water feature]
συντριβή {f} :: destruction, demolition, catastrophe
συντριβή {f} [figurative] :: defeat, extreme grief
συντρίβομαι {v} :: I am crushed, shattered, devastated
συντρίβω {v} :: shatter, crush
συντρίβω {v} [figuratively] :: beat, win completely (of a battle, conflict)
συντρίβω {v} [figuratively] :: cause deep sorrow, to cause someone to be devastated
συντριπτικός {adj} :: crushing
συντριπτικός {adj} :: devastating
συντριπτικός {adj} :: overwhelming
συντροφιά {f} :: group, company, party [of people]
συντροφιά {f} [business, dated] :: company
συντρόφισσα {f} :: partner
συντρόφισσα {f} :: companion, mate
συντρόφισσα {f} :: comrade
συντρόφισσα {f} :: spouse
σύντροφος {mf} :: partner
σύντροφος {mf} :: companion, mate
σύντροφος {mf} :: comrade
σύντροφος {mf} :: spouse
συνύπαρξη {f} :: coexistence
συνωμοσία {f} :: conspiracy
συνωνυμία {f} [linguistics] :: synonymity
συνωνυμία {f} :: Having the same name
συνώνυμο {n} [linguistics] :: synonym
συνώνυμος {adj} [linguistics] :: synonymous
συρ- {prefix} :: alternative form of συν- occurs before before ρ
Συρία {prop} {f} :: Syria
σύριγγα {f} [medicine] :: syringe
σύριγγα {f} [musical instruments] :: pan pipes, pan flute
ΣΥΡΙΖΑ {prop} {n} [politics] :: SYRIZA, Συνασπισμός Ριζοσπαστικής Αριστεράς (Coalition of the Radical Left)
συριζαίος {m} [politics, colloquial] :: A supporter of Greek radical left-wing party Syriza
συριζαίος {m} [politics, colloquial] :: An elected member of Parliament (Βουλή) for radical left-wing party Syriza
σύρμα {n} :: electrical wire or cable
σύρμα {n} :: wire (thin flexible metal thread or threads)
σύρμα {n} :: scourer, metal mesh scouring pad
σύρμα {n} :: whisk, beater
σύρμα {n} :: wire netting
συρματόπλεγμα {n} :: wire netting, wire mesh
συρματόπλεγμα {n} :: barbed wire
συρματόσχοινο {n} [nautical] :: cable (a rope made of wire)
συρμή {f} :: mild epidemic
συρμή {f} :: furrow, groove in the ground
συρμή {f} :: household goods, furnishings
συρμός {m} [rail transport] :: train (engine and carriages as a whole)
συρμός {m} :: mild epidemic
συρμός {m} :: fashion
σύρομαι {v} [formal] :: I am dragged
σύρραξη {f} :: conflict, brawl, fray
συρράπτομαι {v} :: I am stiched or sewn together
συρράπτω {v} [modern, frequent sense] :: bind, staple pieces of paper
συρράπτω {v} [figuratively] :: put together, patch fragments of text to create a new one
συρράπτω {v} [more formal] :: stich or sew together
συρρέω {v} [of people] :: flock
συρρέω {v} [used literally] :: water flowing together
σύρριζα {adv} :: to the roots, very closely
συρτάρι {n} :: drawer [for storage]
συρταριέρα {f} :: chest of drawers
σύρω {v} [formal] :: drag, alternative form of σέρνω
σύρω {v} :: draw a line
συσ- {prefix} :: alternative form of συν- occurs often before σ (plus vowel)
συσκέπτομαι {v} :: I am in conference
συσκευασία {f} :: package, packaging
συσκευή {f} :: device, appliance, apparatus
σύσπαση {f} :: convulsion, spasm, contraction, twitch
συσσωρευτής {m} [automotive, electricity] :: accumulator, car battery, wet cell
συσσωρεύω {v} :: accumulate
σύσταση {f} :: composition, analysis, make up. formulation
σύσταση {f} :: forming, setting up, formation
συστατικό {n} :: ingredient, constituent
συστατικός {adj} :: constituent
συστατικός {adj} :: recommendation, testimonial
σύστημα {n} :: system
συστήνω {v} :: introduce, present
συστήνω {v} :: recommend, introduce recommendations
συστήνω {v} :: set up, establish
συστρατιώτης {m} :: comrade (fellow soldier)
συχνά {adv} :: often, frequently
συχνός {adj} :: frequent, repeated
συχνότητα {f} [in general] :: frequency
συχνότητα {f} [physics] :: frequency
συχωρνώ {v} [colloquial] :: alternative form of συχωρώ
συχωρώ {v} [colloquial] :: alternative form of συγχωρώ
σφ {symbol} [trigonometry] :: cot, the symbol for συνεφαπτομένη the trigonometric function cotangent
σφαγέας {m} :: slayer, butcher, slaughterer
σφαγή {f} :: slaughter [of many animals]
σφαγή {f} :: massacre [mass killing]
σφαίρα {f} :: ball, sphere
σφαίρα {f} :: circle [three-dimensional geometric figure]
σφαίρα {f} :: realm [as of influence]
σφαίρα {f} :: bullet [ammo for firearms]
σφαίρα {f} :: shot put [ball or event]
σφαίρα χιονιού {f} :: snow globe
σφαιρίδιο {n} :: globule, bead, pellet
σφαιρικός {adj} :: spherical, global
σφαλιάρα {f} :: smack, slap (blow on the cheek given with the open hand)
σφαλιάρα {f} [figuratively] :: blow (damaging occurrence)
σφαλιαρίζω {v} :: smack, slap (give a blow on the face with the open hand)
σφαλιάρισμα {n} :: slapping, smacking (the act of being given a smack or slap)
σφαλιαρίτσα {f} :: diminutive of σφαλιάρα
σφάλλω {v} :: make a mistake, err, blunder, lapse
σφάλμα {n} :: error, mistake
σφάξιμο {n} :: slaughter [of animal]
σφάχτης {m} :: slaughterer (profession or job)
σφάχτης {m} :: butcher (brutal or indiscriminate killer)
σφάχτης {m} [colloquial] :: sharp stabbing pain
σφενδάμι {n} :: maple, acer
σφεντάμι {n} :: alternative form of σφενδάμι
σφεντόνα {f} :: catapult
σφεντόνα {f} :: sling, slingshot
σφετεριστής {m} :: usurper [male]
σφετερίστρια {f} :: usurper [female]
σφήκα {f} [insect] :: wasp
σφήνα {f} [engineering] :: wedge
σφηνόλιθος {m} [architecture] :: keystone
σφιγκτήρας {m} [anatomy] :: sphincter [band of muscle around an orifice]
σφιγκτήρας {m} :: clamp
σφικτός {adj} :: alternative spelling of σφιχτός
σφιχτά {adv} :: tightly
σφιχταγκαλιάζομαι {v} :: be embraced, be hugged tightly
σφιχταγκαλιάζομαι {v} :: cuddle tightly
σφιχταγκαλιάζω {v} :: embrace, clasp tightly
σφιχταγκαλιάζω {v} :: cuddle, hug tightly
σφιχτός {adj} :: tight, firm, hidebound
σφιχτός {adj} [colloquial, figuratively] :: thrifty, mean, tight-fisted
σφοδρός {adj} :: vehement
σφοδρός {adj} :: violent, fierce
σφόνδυλος {m} [colloquial] :: alternative form of σπόνδυλος
σφουγγαρόπανο {n} :: any rug, tatter or shred used for washing floors
σφουγγαρόπανο {n} :: mop head
σφουγγοκωλάριος {m} [obsolete, literally] :: groom of the stool (Byzantine officer tasked with wiping the emperor's bottom)
σφουγγοκωλάριος {m} [derogatory, figuratively] :: arse-kisser, ass-licker, brown noser (someone who succumbs to authority, doing whatever authority figures ask and attempting to please them in every possible way)
σφραγίδα {f} :: stamp (indentation or imprint made by stamping)
σφραγίδα {f} :: sigil
σφραγίζω {v} :: seal [eg on a document]
σφραγίζω {v} :: close tightly
σφραγίζω {v} :: stamp [eg in a passport]
σφραγίζω {v} [dentistry] :: fill a tooth cavity with amalgam, etc
σφράγισμα {n} :: sealing
σφράγισμα {n} :: using a stamp
σφράγισμα {n} :: securing
σφράγισμα {n} :: authenticating
σφράγισμα {n} [dentistry] :: filling
σφύζω {v} :: throb, pulsate, be vibrant [also figuratively]
σφύρα {f} [sports] :: hammer [throwing event]
σφύρα {f} [medical] :: malleus [ear component]
σφυρί {n} :: hammer, mallet
σφυρί {n} :: gavel [of auctioneer]
σφυρίζομαι {v} :: I am whistled
σφυρίζομαι {v} :: I am hissed at
σφυρίζω {v} :: whistle
σφυρίζω {v} :: hiss at
σφυρίζω {v} :: whisper
σχάρα {f} [cooking] :: griddle, grill [used for roasting, barbecuing, etc]
σχάρα {f} :: grate
σχεδία {f} :: raft
σχεδιάζω {v} :: draw, design, plan
σχεδιαστήριο {n} :: drawing board, drafting table
σχεδιαστήριο {n} :: drawing office
σχεδιαστής {m} :: designer, drawer, draughtsman
σχεδιάστρια {f} :: designer, drawer, draughtswoman
σχέδιο {n} :: design, plan, drawing, pattern [representation of something on paper, etc]
σχέδιο {n} :: draft [early version]
σχέδιο {n} :: design, planning [action or taught subject]
σχέδιο {n} :: plan [for future activities]
σχεδόν {adv} :: almost
σχέση {f} :: relationship [personal]
σχέση {f} :: relation, connection
σχέση {f} :: relationship [between two things]
σχέση {f} [automotive] :: gear, ratio [a particular combination or choice of interlocking gears]
σχετικά {adv} :: relatively (proportionally, in relation to some larger scale thing)
σχετικά {adv} [with με] :: about, concerning, regarding (on the subject of)
σχετικός {adj} :: related
σχετικός {adj} :: relative
σχετικός {adj} :: proportional
σχετικό υπερθετικό {n} [grammar] :: relative superlative
σχήμα {n} :: figure, shape
Σχηματάρι {prop} :: Σχηματάρι (city)
σχηματίζομαι {v} :: I am formed
σχηματίζω {v} :: form, make
σχηματίζω {v} :: form, create, organize
σχηματίζω {v} :: form, shape
σχης {m} :: abbreviation of συνταγματάρχης
σχίζομαι {v} :: I am slit
σχιζοφρένεια {f} [psychiatry] :: schizophrenia
σχίνος {m} :: trees and shrubs of the Pistacia genus, which includes:
σχίνος {m} :: mastic tree (Pistacia lentiscus)
σχίνος {m} :: pistachio tree (Pistacia vera)
σχίνος {m} :: turpentine tree (Pistacia terebinthus)
σχίσμα {n} :: split, rift, division
σχίσμα {n} [religion] :: schism
σχοινάκι {n} :: skipping rope
σχοινένιος {adj} :: rope [consisting of or related with]
σχοινί {n} :: rope
σχοινοβάτης {m} :: tightrope walker, aerialist, highwire walker
σχοινοβάτισσα {f} :: tightrope walker, aerialist, highwire walker
σχοινοποιείο {n} :: ropewalk, ropery (rope manufactory)
σχοινόπρασο {n} :: chives [herb], chive [plant]
σχολείο {n} [education] :: school
σχόλη {f} :: leisure
σχόλη {f} :: festival, holy day, holiday
σχολή {f} :: faculty [division of institutions of higher education]
σχολιαστής {m} :: commentator
σχόλιο {n} :: comment, remark, statement (presentation of opinion or position)
σχόλιο {n} [more specifically] :: criticism, critique (opinion writing in which another piece of work is criticised)
σχόλιο {n} :: opinion piece (article in which the author expresses their personal opinion on a given subject)
σχόλιο {n} :: annotation (critical or explanatory commentary or analysis added to a text)
σώ- {prefix} [colloquial] :: informal form of εσω-
σωβινισμός {m} :: alternative form of σοβινισμός
σωβινιστικός {adj} :: alternative form of σοβινιστικός
σώβρακο {n} :: underpants [male; US, UK], pants [male; UK]
σώγαμπρος {m} :: live-in son-in-law (a man who marries and lives with his wife's family instead of setting up his own home or living with his family)
σώγαμπρος {m} [humorous, pejorative, by extension] :: A husband seen as weak or who isn't seen to serve as the head of his household
σώζω {v} :: save, rescue
σώζω {v} [computing] :: save [a file]
σώζω {v} [religion] :: redeem, save
Σωκράτης {prop} {m} :: Socrates, the 5th century BCE philosopher
Σωκράτης {prop} {m} :: given name
Σωκράτης {prop} {m} :: A saint whose feast day in the Greek Orthodox tradition is 10 April
σωλήνας {m} :: pipe, tube, duct
σωλήνας {m} [anatomy] :: pipe, tube, duct
σωλήνωση {f} :: pipelaying, pipelining
σωλήνωση {f} [colloquial] :: plumbing, pipage (a system of pipes)
σωλήνωση {f} [colloquial] :: pipeline [physical or logical]
σώμα {n} [anatomy] :: body
σώμα {n} :: body (group of people)
σώμα {n} :: corpus
σώμα {n} [military] :: corps
σωματίδιο {n} :: particle, corpuscle
σωματική ποινή {f} :: corporal punishment (punishment involving hurt to the body)
σωματικός {adj} :: physical, bodily, corporal (relating to the body)
σωματικώς {adv} :: physically, bodily, corporally (by/through the body)
σωματοδόμηση {f} :: bodybuilding
σωματοφύλακας {m} :: bodyguard (protector)
σωματοφύλακας {m} :: musketeer
σώος {adj} :: safe
σώος και αβλαβής {adj} :: safe and sound
σώπα {v} :: (ironic) oh, really?
σωπαίνω {v} :: remain silent, keep silent
σωρός {m} :: heap, pile
σως {f} :: alternative form of σος (sauce)
σώσε {n} [idiom, colloquial] :: mayhem, pandemonium, commotion, upheaval
σωστός {adj} :: correct, right
σωστός {adj} :: real, true
σωστός {adj} [figuratively] :: well-mannered, well-behaved
σώτειρα {f} :: female rescuer, saviour [UK], savior [US]
σωτήρας {m} :: rescuer, saviour