fa {n} /fɑ/ (fourth note of a major scale)
:: fa
Fabergé egg {n} (Easter egg by Fabergé)
:: Fabergén muna
Fabergé egg {n} (any decorated egg)
:: koristemuna
fable {n} /ˈfeɪbəl/ (fictitious narration to enforce some useful truth or precept)
:: satu, taru
fable {n} (story told to excite wonder)
:: tarina, juttu, taru
fable {n} (fiction, untruth, falsehood)
:: vale, taru
fable {v} (compose fables)
:: sepittää (satuja)
fable {v} (tell of falsely)
:: puhua omiaan
fabled {adj} (fictitious)
:: satumainen, tarumainen, satu-, taru-
fabled {adj} (legendary)
:: legendaarinen
fabric {n} /ˈfæb.ɹɪk/ (structure, building)
:: rakenne
fabric {n} (act of construction)
:: rakentaminen
fabric {n} (framework underlying a structure)
:: rakenne, kehikko, kudos
fabric {n} (material made of fibers)
:: kangas
fabric {n} (texture of a cloth)
:: kudos
fabricate {v} /ˈfæb.ɹɪ.keɪt/ (form into a whole by uniting its parts)
:: rakentaa
fabricate {v} (form by art and labor; manufacture)
:: valmistaa
fabricate {v} (invent and form; forge)
:: väärentää
fabricate {v} (cut up an animal for cooking)
:: paloitella
fabricated {adj} (constructed)
:: koottu, rakennettu, valmistettu
fabricated {adj} (false)
:: tekaistu, keksitty
fabrication {n} /fæbɹɪˈkeɪʃən/ (act)
:: valmistaminen, rakentaminen, väärentäminen
fabrication {n} (that which is fabricated; a falsehood)
:: sepite, tekaistu juttu, valhe, väärennös
fabric softener {n} (a chemical agent used to prevent static cling and make fabric softer)
:: huuhteluaine
fabulist {n} /ˈfæbjəlɪst/ (one who writes or tells fables)
:: sadunkertoja, satusetä
fabulist {n} (a liar)
:: satuilija, satusetä
fabulous {adj} /ˈfæbjʊləs/ (mythical or legendary; incredible)
:: tarunomainen
fabulous {adj} (of the nature of a fable; unhistorical)
:: tarumainen
fabulous {adj} (extraordinary, especially in being very large)
:: satumainen [of riches], mahtava
fabulous {adj} (very good; wonderful)
:: satumainen
facade {n} /fəˈsaːd/ (face of a building)
:: julkisivu
facade {n} (front of anything)
:: julkisivu, etupuoli; prospekti [of an organ]
facade {n} (deceptive outward appearance)
:: julkisivu
face {v} (to face) SEE: look
face {v} /feɪs/ (position oneself towards)
:: olla (johonkin) päin
face {v} (have its front closest to)
:: olla (johonkin) päin
face {v} (deal with, confront)
:: kohdata
face {n} (typography: typeface) SEE: typeface
face {n} (computing: interface) SEE: interface
face {n} (one's complete facial cosmetic application) SEE: makeup
face {n} (amount expressed on a bill, note, bond, etc.) SEE: face value
face {n} (front part of head)
:: kasvot, naama [colloquial]
face {n} (facial expression)
:: ilme, naama
face {n} (public image)
:: julkisivu, ilme, julkikuva
face {n} (frontal aspect)
:: etupuoli, etuseinä, eturinne
face {n} (presence; sight; front)
:: uhka [of danger]; kasvot {p} [of God]; päivänvalo [face of the day]
face {n} (good reputation; standing in the eyes of others)
:: kasvot {p}
face {n} (shameless confidence)
:: otsa
face {n} (surface, especially a front or outer one)
:: etupuoli, etuseinä, eturinne [front]; pinta, rinne [any surface]
face {n} (geometry: bounding surface of a polyhedron)
:: tahko, taho
face {n} (slang: the mouth)
:: naama, turpa
face {n} (cricket: front surface of a bat)
:: etupuoli
face {n} (golf: part of a golf club that hits the ball)
:: lyöntipinta
face {n} (cards: side that shows card's value)
:: kuvapuoli
face {n} (width of a pulley)
:: leveys
face {n} (mode of regard)
:: kasvot {p} [esp. of God]; ilme
Facebook {prop} /ˈfeɪs.bʊk/ (social-networking website)
:: Facebook
face cloth {n} (small cloth)
:: pesulappu
face cream {n} (cream)
:: kasvovoide
face-down {adv} (such that the face or front is positioned downward)
:: alassuin
face facts {v} (to accept what is true)
:: kohdata totuus
faceguard {n} (protective guard for face)
:: kasvosuojus
facekini {n} (fabric face mask)
:: facekini
faceless {adj} (having no face)
:: kasvoton
facelift {n} /ˈfeɪsˌlɪft/ (plastic surgery to the face)
:: kasvojenkohotus
facelift {n} (improvement of the appearance of something)
:: facelift, kasvojenkohotus
facelift {v} (to perform a facelift)
:: tehdä kasvojenkohotus, pintaremontoida
facemask {n} (surgical mask) SEE: surgical mask
facemask {n} (dust mask) SEE: dust mask
faceoff {n} (hockey)
:: aloitus
faceoff spot {n} (starting spot)
:: aloituspiste
face painting {n} (application of decorative paint to the face)
:: kasvomaalaus
facepalm {n} /ˈfeɪsˌpɑː(l)m/ (bring the palm of the hand to the face)
:: naamapalmu
facepalm {v} (bring the palm of the hand to the face)
:: peittää päänsä kämmenellä
facepic {n} (photograph of a person's face)
:: kasvokuva
faceplant {n} /ˈfeɪsˌplænt/ (act of landing face first)
:: mahalasku
faceplant {v} (to land face first)
:: kaatua naamalleen, tehdä mahalasku
facesitting {n} (sexual practice)
:: naamalle istuminen
facet {n} /ˈfæsɪt/ (flat surface cut into a gem)
:: taho, fasetti, viiste
facet {n} (one among many similar yet distinct things)
:: puoli
facet {n} (one of a series of things)
:: vaihe, askel
facet {n} (one member of a compound eye)
:: silmäkeila
facet {v} (to cut a facet)
:: hioa
facetious {adj} /fəˈsiːʃəs/ (flippant)
:: epäasiallinen, näsäviisas
facetious {adj} (pleasantly humorous, jocular)
:: hyväntuulinen, leikillinen
face to face {adv} (in person)
:: kasvokkain, kasvotusten; henkilökohtaisesti
face-to-face {adv} (face to face) SEE: face to face
face-to-face {adj} (in another's presence)
:: henkilökohtainen
face validity {n} (property of a test)
:: hyväksyttävyys
face value {n} (the stated value or amount)
:: nimellisarvo
face without makeup {n}
:: meikittömät kasvot {p}
fachidiot {n} (narrow specialist expert, ignorant outside their field)
:: fakki-idiootti
facial {adj} /ˈfeɪʃəl/ (of the face)
:: kasvo-
facial {n} (beauty treatment)
:: kasvohoito
facial expression {n} (expression or countenance that seems to an onlooker to be represented by the appearance of a person's face)
:: ilme
facial hair {n} (hair on the face of a human)
:: kasvojen karvoitus; naamakarvoitus [colloquial]
facial hair {n} (hair on the face of an animal)
:: naamakarvoitus
facial mask {n} (application to the face)
:: kasvonaamio
facial nerve {n} (nerve)
:: kasvohermo, naamahermo, fasiaalihermo
facilitate {v} /fəˈsɪlɪteɪt/ (to make easy or easier)
:: helpottaa
facilitate {v} (to help bring about)
:: helpottaa
facilitate {v} (to preside over (a meeting, a seminar))
:: johtaa puhetta, johtaa, fasilitoida
facilitation {n} (act of facilitating)
:: helpottaminen, auttaminen, fasilitointi
facilitator {n} (person who helps a group to have an effective dialog without taking any side of the argument)
:: fasilitaattori
facility {n} /fəˈsɪlɪti/ (fact of being easy)
:: helppous
facility {n} (dexterity, skill)
:: taito, taitavuus
facility {n} (physical means of doing something)
:: laitos, fasiliteetti, mukavuudet {p}
facing {n} /ˈfeɪsɪŋ/ (The most external portion of exterior siding)
:: päällys
facsimile {n} /fækˈsɪm.ə.li/ (copy or reproduction)
:: jäljennös, faksimile
facsimile {n} (fax machine)
:: faksi
facsimile {n} (image)
:: faksi
facsimile {v} (fax) SEE: fax
fact {n} /fækt/ (an honest observation)
:: tosiasia, fakta
fact {n} (something actual)
:: tosiasia, fakta
fact {n} (something which has become real)
:: tosiasia, fakta
fact {n} (something concrete used as a basis for further interpretation)
:: tosiasia, fakta
fact {n} (an objective consensus on a fundamental reality)
:: tosiasia, fakta
fact {n} (information about a particular subject)
:: tieto, tosiasia
faction {n} /ˈfæk.ʃən/ (group of people)
:: siipi, suuntaus, faktio, fraktio
factitious {adj} /fækˈtɪʃəs/ (created by man)
:: keinotekoinen
factitious {adj} (counterfeit, fabricated)
:: väärennetty
factoid {n} /ˈfæktɔɪd/ (inaccurate statement believed to be true)
:: näennäistotuus
factor {n} /ˈfæktə/ (doer, maker)
:: tekijä, edustaja
factor {n} (integral part)
:: tekijä
factor {n} (mathematical sense)
:: tekijä
factor {n} (influence)
:: tekijä, osatekijä
factor {v} (to find all factors of a number)
:: jakaa tekijöihin
factorial {n} /fækˈtɔːɹi.əl/ (mathematical operation or its result)
:: kertoma
factor in {v} (to consider as a factor)
:: ottaa huomioon
factorization {n} (creating a list of factors)
:: tekijöihin jakaminen
factorization {n} (expression listing factors)
:: tekijöiden tulo
factorization {n} (list of factors)
:: tekijät
factorize {v} (create a list of factors)
:: jakaa tekijöihin
factorize {v} (divide an expression into listing items)
:: jakaa tekijöihin
factor of production {n} (resource used for production)
:: tuotannontekijä
factor out {v} (algebra, to isolate a common factor from an expression)
:: ottaa yhteinen tekijä, ottaa yhteiseksi tekijäksi
factory {n} /ˈfæktəɹi/ (manufacturing place)
:: tehdas, laitos, tehdaslaitos, tuotantolaitos, teollisuuslaitos
factory {n} (producing device)
:: tehdas
factory {n} (in computing, a function or method that creates objects)
:: tehdas
factory method pattern {n}
:: tehdasmalli
factory reset {n} (full restore of an electronic device)
:: tehdasasetusten palautus
factoryworker {n} (one who works in a factory)
:: tehdastyöntekijä
factual {adj} /ˈfæk(t)ʃuəl/ (of facts)
:: todellinen, tosiasioihin perustuva, tosiasiallinen, asiapitoinen
factuality {n} (state or quality of being factual)
:: tosiasiallisuus, faktuaalisuus
factuality {n} (that which is factual)
:: todellisuus
factually {adv} (in a factual manner)
:: tosiasiallisesti
facultative {adj} /ˈfæ.kəl.tə.tɪv/ (of or relating to faculty)
:: kyvykkyys-, kyky-
facultative {adj} (not obligate; optional)
:: valinnainen, vapaaehtoinen
facultative {adj} (granting permission)
:: salliva, myöntävä
facultative {adj} (able to grow in or outside of a host)
:: fakultatiivinen
facultatively {adv} (in a facultative manner)
:: fakultatiivisesti
faculty {n} /ˈfæ.kəl.ti/ (scholarly staff at colleges or universities)
:: opetushenkilökunta
faculty {n} (division of a university)
:: tiedekunta
faculty {n} (ability, skill, or power)
:: voima, kyky, taito
fad {n} /fæd/ (phenomenon)
:: muotihullutus, villitys, muoti
fade {v} /feɪd/ (to grow weak, lose strength)
:: heikentyä, heiketä
fade {v} (to lose freshness, brightness)
:: haalistua, kauhtua, himmetä, haaltua
fade {v} (to vanish)
:: haihtua, häipyä, kaikota, karkota, hämärtyä
fade {v} (to cause to fade)
:: haalistaa, himmentää, kauhduttaa, heikentää, häivyttää, hämärtää, haihduttaa, karkottaa
fade away {v} (to lose strength)
:: heiketä, hiipua
faded {adj} /ˈfeɪdɪd/ (of colour that has lost its intensity)
:: haalistunut
fadedness {n} (quality)
:: haalistuneisuus
fade out {n} (type of transition used in movies)
:: häivytys
fade out {v} (to slowly disappear)
:: häipyä näkymättömiin
fade out {v} (to fade from a cut to black in a movie)
:: häivyttää
fado {n} (song)
:: fado, fadolaulu
fag {n} /fæɡ/ (cigarette)
:: rööki
fag {n} (homosexual man)
:: hintti, hinttari
fag-end {n} (cigarette butt) SEE: butt
faggot {n} (male homosexual) SEE: fag
fag hag {n} (woman who likes gay men)
:: homoemo
Fahrenheit {adj} /fɑːɹənˈhaɪt/ (temperature scale)
:: Fahrenheit
faience {n} (type of tin-glazed earthenware ceramic)
:: fajanssi
fail {v} /feɪl/ (be unsuccessful)
:: epäonnistua
fail {v} (not achieve a stated goal)
:: ei
fail {v} (be negligent)
:: ei
fail {v} (cease to operate)
:: vioittua, vikaantua, vikautua, mennä rikki, pysähtyä
fail {v} (cause to fail)
:: vioittaa, rikkoa, pysäyttää
failed state {n} (type of state)
:: epäonnistunut valtio
faille {n} (fabric)
:: loimiripsi
fail-safe {adj} /ˈfeɪlˌseɪf/ (that does not cause undue damage)
:: vikaturvallinen
fail-safe {n} (device or mechanism)
:: vikaturvallinen
failure {n} /ˈfeɪljɚ/ (state or condition opposite of success)
:: epäonnistuminen
failure {n} (object or person incapable of success)
:: rikkinäinen esine [object]; epäonnistuja [person]
failure {n} (termination of the ability of an item to perform its required function)
:: vika [of equipment]; kaatuminen [of organization]; häiriö
failure rate {n} (frequency)
:: vikatiheys
faint {adj} /feɪ̯nt/ (lacking strength; inclined to lose consciousness)
:: heikko, heiveröinen
faint {adj} (lacking distinctness, hardly perceptible)
:: hämärä
faint {v} (to lose consciousness)
:: pyörtyä
fainting {n} /ˈfeɪntɪŋ/ (an act of collapsing to a state of temporary unconsciousness)
:: pyörtyminen, pökertyminen
fair {adj} /fɛə/ (pretty or attractive)
:: viehkeä, kaunis
fair {adj} (unblemished and innocent)
:: puhdas
fair {adj} (light in color or pale)
:: vaalea
fair {adj} (just, equitable)
:: reilu, rehellinen, oikeudenmukainen, puolueeton, tasapuolinen
fair {adj} (adequate, reasonable, decent)
:: kohtuullinen, kohtalainen, kelvollinen
fair {adj} (nautical: favorable to a ship's course)
:: myötäinen
fair {adj} (not overcast or raining of weather)
:: selkeä
fair {adj} (baseball: between the baselines)
:: irti
fair {v} (to smoothen a surface)
:: tasoittaa
fair {v} (to bring into perfect alignment)
:: kohdistaa, rihdata
fair {v} (to producea smooth outline)
:: tasoittaa, virtaviivaistaa
fair {n} (celebration)
:: markkinat {p}
fair {n} (market)
:: markkinat {p}
fair {n} (professional event, trade fair)
:: messut, näyttely, päivät
fair {n} (a travelling amusement park)
:: kiertävä tivoli
fair and square {adv} (fairly and undoubtedly)
:: reilusti ja selvästi
fair and square {adv} (within the applicable rules)
:: sääntöjen puitteissa
fair copy {n} (a handwritten document that has been written neatly)
:: puhtaaksi kirjoitettu käsikirjoitus
fair-haired {adj} (blond) SEE: blond
fairheaded {adj} (blond) SEE: blond
fairlead {n} (device to guide a line)
:: klyysi, ohjausaukko, ohjausputki
fairness {n} (property of being just, equitable)
:: oikeudenmukaisuus, reiluus, tasapuolisuus
fairness {n} (property of being beautiful)
:: kauneus
fair sex {n} (women)
:: kauniimpi sukupuoli
fair trade {n} (system of trading)
:: reilu kauppa
fair use {n} (doctrine in intellectual property law)
:: kohtuullinen käyttö [no equivalent concept in Finnish law]
fairway {n} ((golf) the area between the tee and the green)
:: väylä
fairway {n} (any tract of land free from obstacles)
:: väylä
fairway {n} ((military) a channel in a river)
:: väylä
fairway {n} ((nautical) a navigable channel in a harbour)
:: väylä
fair-weather friend {n} /ˈfɛəˌwɛðə ˈfɹɛnd/ (one who is friendly, etc., only when it is advantageous or convenient)
:: hyvän sään ystävä
fair wind {n} (wind in the right direction)
:: myötätuuli
fairy {n} /ˈfɛə̯ɹi/ (mythical being)
:: keiju, keijukainen [small with wings]; haltija {m}, haltijatar {f}, [human-like]
fairy {n} ((derogatory slang) effeminate male homosexual)
:: hintti, naismainen mies
fairy bread {n} (snack)
:: strösselileipä
fairy cake {n} (cupcake) SEE: cupcake
fairy floss {n} (fairy floss) SEE: candy floss
fairy godmother {n} (benevolent magical female)
:: hyvä haltiatar
fairy godmother {n} (generous benefactor)
:: hyvä haltiatar
fairyland {n} (the imaginary land or abode of fairies)
:: satumaa
fairy ring {n} (ring of fungi)
:: sienikehä, noidankehä
fairy tale {n} (folktale)
:: satu, kansansatu
fairy tale {n} (unrealistic story)
:: satu
fairy-tale {adj} (of the nature of a fairy tale; as if from a fairy tale)
:: satu-, satumainen
fait accompli {n} /ˈfeɪt.əˌkɔm.pli/ (established fact)
:: tapahtunut tosiasia
faith {n} /feɪθ/ (feeling that something is true)
:: luottamus, usko
faith {n} (religious belief system)
:: usko
faith {n} (obligation of loyalty or fidelity)
:: uskollisuus [loyalty], usko [fidelity]
faith {n} (confidence in the intentions or abilities)
:: luottamus, usko
faith {n} (credibility or truth)
:: uskottavuus [credibility]; todenmukaisuus [concordance with truth]
faithful {adj} /ˈfeɪθ.fəl/ (loyal; adhering firmly to person or cause)
:: uskollinen
faithful {adj} (having faith)
:: uskollinen
faithful {adj} (reliable; worthy of trust)
:: luotettava
faithful {adj} (consistent with reality)
:: uskollinen
faith healer {n} (one who uses spiritual means in order to heal)
:: henkiparantaja
faith will move mountains {proverb} (proverb)
:: usko siirtää vuoria
fajita {n} /fəˈhiːtə/ (dish)
:: fajita
fake {adj} /feɪk/ (not real)
:: väärennetty, väärä; vale- [in compounds]
fake {n} (something which is not genuine, or is presented fraudulently)
:: väärennös
fake {v} (to cheat, swindle)
:: huijata
fake {v} (to modify fraudulently to make sth. look better)
:: parannella
fake {v} (to counterfeit, falsify)
:: väärentää
fake {v} (to make a false display of)
:: teeskennellä, tekeytyä, olla olevinaan; filmata, feikata [slang]
fake {n} (winding)
:: kieppi
fake book {n} (collection of musical lead sheets)
:: fake book
fakir {n} /fəˈkiɹ/ (ascetic mendicant)
:: fakiiri
falafel {n} /fəˈlɑfəl/ (Middle Eastern food)
:: falafel
falafel {n} (pita with falafel balls inside)
:: falafel-pita, falafel-rulla
falafel {n} (single falafel ball)
:: falafel-pyörykkä, falafel-pulla
falanouc {n} (Eupleres goudotii)
:: falanukki
falcate {adj} /ˈfælkeɪt/ (shaped like a sickle)
:: sirppimäinen
falchion {n} /ˈfɔltʃən/ (sword)
:: falchion
falciform {adj} /ˈfæl.sɪ.fɔɹm/ (sickle-shaped)
:: sirppimäinen
falcon {n} /ˈfælkən/ (bird of the genus Falco)
:: jalohaukka
falconet {n} /ˈfæl.kə.nɛt/ (small or young falcon)
:: pieni [small] or nuori [young] haukka
falconet {n} (any of various small, tropical Asian falcons of the genus Microhierax found in Southeast Asia)
:: aasianhaukkanen
falconry {n} (sport of hunting by using trained birds of prey)
:: haukkametsästys
Faliscan {n} /fəˈlɪskən/ (person)
:: faliski
Faliscan {prop} (language)
:: faliski
Falklandic {adj} (of or pertaining to Falkland Islands)
:: falklandilainen
Falkland Islander {n} (person from the Falkland Islands)
:: falklandilainen
Falkland Islands {prop} (overseas territory of the UK in the South Atlantic)
:: Falklandinsaaret
fall {n} (season) SEE: autumn
fall {n} /fɔːl/ (act of moving in gas or vacuum under the effect of gravity from a point to a lower point)
:: putoaminen
fall {n} (a period of decline before the end)
:: alasmeno
fall {n} (loss of greatness or status)
:: tuho
fall {v} (move to a lower position under the effect of gravity)
:: kaatua, pudota, sataa [rain]
fall {v} (come down or descend)
:: laskeutua
fall {v} (prostrate oneself)
:: heittäytyä
fall {v} (be brought to earth or be overthrown)
:: kaatua
fall {v} (collapse; be overthrown or defeated)
:: kaatua, hävitä
fall {v} (die)
:: kaatua
fall {v} (be allotted to)
:: jäädä
fall {v} (become or change into)
:: tulla [+ transiative]
Fall {prop} (fall of humanity into sin)
:: syntiinlankeemus
fallacious {adj} /fə.ˈleɪ.ʃəs/ (characterized by fallacy; false or mistaken)
:: virheellinen, paikkansapitämätön, [literary, poetic] erheellinen
fallacious {adj} (deceptive or misleading)
:: harhaanjohtava, pettävä, erehdyttävä
fallacy {n} /ˈfæləsi/ (false argument)
:: argumentointivirhe
fall apart {v} (intransitive: break into pieces through being in a dilapidated state)
:: hajota
fall apart {v} (be emotionally in crisis)
:: murtua
fall asleep {v} (to pass into sleep)
:: nukahtaa
fall asleep {v} (to be affected by paresthesia)
:: puutua
fall asleep {v} (euphemism for "to die")
:: nukkua pois
fallback {n} /ˈfɔːl.bæk/ (an act of falling back)
:: vetäytyminen
fallback {n} (a backup plan)
:: varasuunnitelma
fall behind {v} (to be late)
:: jäädä jälkeen, olla myöhässä
fall behind {v} (to be below average in performance)
:: jäädä jälkeen
fall down {v} (to fall to the ground)
:: pudota, tippua
fall down {v} (to collapse)
:: romahtaa
fallen {adj} /ˈfɔːlən/ (having dropped by the force of gravity)
:: pudonnut
fallen {adj} (killed in battle)
:: kaatunut
fallen {adj} (having lost one's chastity)
:: langennut
fallen {adj} (having collapsed)
:: romahtanut, sortunut, kaatunut
fallen {n} (dead)
:: kuollut
fallen {n} (casualties of battle or war)
:: kaatunut
fallen angel {n} (angel who was exiled from heaven)
:: langennut enkeli
fall equinox {n} (autumnal equinox) SEE: autumnal equinox
fall flat {v} (to produce no effect; to fail in the intended effect)
:: lässähtää
fall foliage {n} (coloration of leaves during autumn) SEE: autumn foliage
fall for {v} (To be fooled by; to walk into a trap or respond to a scam or trick)
:: mennä ansaan, tulla huijatuksi, langeta
fall for {v} (To fall in love with)
:: rakastua, ihastua
fall from grace {v} (to fall from one's current social position to something lower)
:: joutua epäsuosioon, menettää suosionsa
fallibilism {n} /ˈfælɪbɪlɪzəm/ (doctrine that knowledge is never certain)
:: fallibilismi
fallibilist {n} (advocate of fallibilism)
:: fallibilisti
fallible {adj} (capable of making mistakes or being wrong)
:: erehtyväinen
fall ill {v} (become ill)
:: sairastua
fall in {v} (to collapse inwards)
:: romahtaa (sisään)
fall in {v} (military: to get into position in a rank)
:: järjestyä riviin
falling star {n} (shooting star) SEE: shooting star
fall in line {v}
:: totella, olla ruodussa
fall in love {v} (to come to have feelings of love)
:: rakastua
fall in love {v} (to come to have feelings of love towards each other)
:: rakastua
fall in love {v} (to come to have feelings of intense liking)
:: ihastua
fall into a trap {v} /fɑːl ɪntə ə træp/ (To make a mistake, a bad decision or act insensibly and get into an extremely difficult situation)
:: mokata, möhliä
fall into place {v} (assume a clear and complete form)
:: loksahtaa paikoilleen
fall into the wrong hands {v} (become the possession of or be discovered by an unfriendly third party)
:: joutua vääriin käsiin
fall off the turnip truck {v} (to be unsophisticated in rustic manner)
:: olla juntti
fall on deaf ears {v} (of a request, complaint, etc, to be ignored)
:: kaikua kuuroille korville
Fallopian tube {n} (duct)
:: munanjohdin, munatorvi
fallout {n} /ˈfɔlˌaʊt/ (event of airborne particles falling to the ground)
:: laskeuma
fallout {n} (particles that fall to the ground)
:: laskeuma
fallout {n} (negative side effect)
:: sivuvaikutus
fallow {n} /ˈfæloʊ/ (ground left unseeded for a year)
:: kesanto
fallow {n} (uncultivated land)
:: joutomaa, viljelemätön maa
fallow {adj} (of land, left unseeded)
:: kesannoitu; kesannolla [adverb]
fallow {adj} (inactive, undeveloped)
:: joutilas, kehittymätön, laiska
fallow {v} (plough land without sowing seeds)
:: kesannoida
fallow deer {n} /ˈfæl.əʊˌdɪə/ (Dama dama, a ruminant mammal)
:: kuusipeura
falls {n} /fɔːlz/ (A waterfall)
:: vesiputous
fall through {v}
:: ajautua karille
fall through the cracks {v} (slip through the cracks) SEE: slip through the cracks
fall to pieces {v} (be emotionally devastated)
:: murtua, hajota
fall victim {v} (to suffer through no fault of one's own)
:: joutua uhriksi
false {adj} /fɔls/ (untrue, not factual, wrong)
:: valheellinen, epätosi, väärä, [prefix] vale-
false {adj} (based on factually incorrect premises)
:: perusteeton, väärä
false {adj} (spurious, artificial)
:: keinotekoinen, teko-, keino-, vale-
false {adj} (state in Boolean logic that indicates a negative result)
:: epätosi
false {adj} (uttering falsehood)
:: epärehellinen
false {adj} (not faithful or loyal)
:: petollinen, epälojaali
false {adj} (not well founded, erroneous)
:: virheellinen, väärä, kelvoton
false {adj} (not essential or permanent)
:: vale-, väliaikainen
false {adj} (music: out of tune)
:: epävireinen, falski
false acacia {n} (black locust) SEE: black locust
false alarm {n} (warning sound that turns out to be erroneous)
:: väärä hälytys
false alarm {n} (thing or occurrence initially causing fear, etc. but subsequently seen to be no cause for concern)
:: väärä hälytys
false alder {n} (American winterberry) SEE: American winterberry
false analogy {n} (informal fallacy)
:: virheellinen analogia
false attack {n} (attack intended to deceive)
:: valehyökkäys
false chanterelle {n} (Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca)
:: valevahvero
false consciousness {n} (faulty understanding due to ideology)
:: väärä tietoisuus
false croup {n} (croup) SEE: croup
false dawn {n} (light preceding true dawn)
:: eläinratavalo
false dichotomy {n}
:: väärä kahtiajako, väärä dikotomia
false economy {n} (failed attempt to economize)
:: väärä säästö
false friend {n} /ˌfɔls ˈfɹɛnd/ (type of word)
:: petollinen ystävä, väärä ystävä, sekaannussana
false hellebore {n} (Veratrum)
:: pärskäjuuri
false hellebore {n} (Adonis vernalis)
:: kevätruusuleinikki
falsehood {n} /ˈfɒlsˌhʊd/ (state of being false)
:: valheellisuus, epätotuus
falsehood {n} (false statement)
:: vale
falsehood {n} (trait of a person)
:: epärehellisyys
falsely {adv} (in a false manner)
:: virheellisesti, väärin
false modesty {n} (behavior that is intended to seem humble but comes across as fake and unflattering)
:: teennäinen vaatimattomuus
false morel {n} (mushroom of the genus Gyromitra)
:: korvasieni, piispanhiippa
false negative {n} /ˈfɔːls ˈnɛɡətɪv/ (result of a test that shows as absent something that is present)
:: väärä negatiivinen
false positive {n} (result of a test that shows as present something that is absent)
:: väärä positiivinen
false pretense {n} (representation of untrue facts)
:: väärä peruste
false start {n} (starting before the signal)
:: varaslähtö
false strawberry {n} (Potentilla indica) SEE: mock strawberry
false teeth {n} (a set of dentures)
:: tekohampaat, (colloquial) tekarit
falsetto {n} /fɔlˈsɛt.oʊ/ ("false" (singing) voice in any human)
:: falsetti
false vampire bat {n} (bat of the family Megadermatidae)
:: valevampyyri
false vampire bat {n} (Vampyrum spectrum) SEE: spectral bat
falsifiability {n} (quality of being falsifiable)
:: falsifioitavuus
falsifiable {adj} (able to be proven false)
:: falsifioituva, falsifioitava
falsifier {n} (one that falsifies)
:: väärentäjä
falsify {v} /ˈfɒlsɪfaɪ/ (to alter so as to be false)
:: väärentää
falsify {v} (to misrepresent)
:: tekeytyä, teeskennellä
falsify {v} (to prove to be false)
:: osoittaa vääräksi
falsify {v} (to counterfeit, forge)
:: väärentää
falsify {v} (finance: to show to be wrong)
:: paljastaa [to bring into daylight]
falsify {v} (to baffle or escape)
:: väistää
falsify {v} (to break by falsehood)
:: pettää
falsity {n} (untrue assertion)
:: virhe, harhaluulo
falsity {n} (characteristic of being untrue)
:: epätotuus, virheellisyys
falter {v} (To stammer) SEE: stammer
Falun Gong {prop} (a spiritual practice)
:: Falun Gong
fame {n} /feɪm/ (state of being famous)
:: maine, kuuluisuus
famed {adj} /feɪmd/ (having fame)
:: nimekäs
familial {adj} (inherited) SEE: inherited
familial {adj} /fəˈmɪljəl/ (of or pertaining to a human family)
:: perhe-
familiar {adj} /fəˈmɪl.i.ə/ (known to one)
:: tuttu
familiar {adj} (acquainted)
:: tuttu
familiar {adj} (intimate or friendly)
:: läheinen, tuttavallinen
familiar {adj} (inappropriately intimate or friendly)
:: liian tuttavallinen
familiar {n} (attendant spirit)
:: apuolento, apuhenki
familiarization {n} (process of familiarizing)
:: tutustuttaminen, perehdytys, perehdyttäminen, totutus, totuttaminen [making familiar]; tutustuminen, perehtyminen, tottuminen [becoming familiar]
familiarize {v} (make or become familiar with something or someone)
:: tutustuttaa, perehdyttää, totuttaa [make familiar]; tutustua, perehtyä, tottua [become familiar]
familism {n} (form of social structure)
:: familismi
family {n} /ˈfæm(ɪ)li/ (immediate family [as a group], e.g. parents and their children)
:: perhe
family {n} (group of people related by blood, marriage, law, or custom)
:: suku
family {n} (rank in a taxonomic classification, above both genus and species)
:: heimo
family {n} (family member) SEE: family member
family business {n} (business whose owners are all members of the same falimy)
:: perheyritys
family court {n} (court)
:: perhetuomioistuin
family doctor {n} (practitioner of family medicine) SEE: general practitioner
family jewels {n} (testicles)
:: perhekalleudet
family law {n} (area of private law pertaining to family matters and domestic relations)
:: perheoikeus
family man {n} (adult male with a spouse and children to whose well-being he is dedicated)
:: perhemies
family member {n} (person belonging to a family)
:: perheenjäsen
family name {n} (surname) SEE: surname
family pajamas {n} (set of pajamas)
:: perhepyjama
family planning {n} (birth control, especially when carried out by monogamous heterosexual couples)
:: perhesuunnittelu
family reunion {n} (gathering of family members)
:: sukukokous
family tree {n} (family tree)
:: sukupuu
famine {n} /ˈfæmɪn/ (extreme shortage of food in a region)
:: nälänhätä
famine {n} (a period of extreme shortage of food in a region)
:: nälänhätä
famous {adj} /ˈfeɪməs/ (well known)
:: kuuluisa
famous {adj} (in the public eye)
:: kuuluisa
fan {n} /fæn/ (hand-held device)
:: viuhka
fan {n} (electrical device)
:: tuuletin, puhallin
fan {n} (anything resembling a hand-held fan)
:: viuhka, kaari, pyrstö [peacock's tail]
fan {v} (to blow air on by means of an electric fan)
:: tuulettaa, puhaltaa, leyhytellä
fan {v} (to slap (a behind))
:: taputtaa, läpsäyttää
fan {v} (move or spread in multiple directions from one point)
:: levitä, hajota
fan {n} (admirer)
:: ihailija, kannattaja, fani [colloquial], diggari
fanatic {adj} /fəˈnæt.ɪk/ (fanatical)
:: kiihkomielinen, fanaattinen, kiihkeä
fanatic {n} (one who is zealously enthusiastic)
:: kiihkoilija, fanaatikko
fanatical {adj} /fəˈnætɪkəl/ (having an extreme, irrational zeal or enthusiasm)
:: kiihkomielinen, kiihkeä, fanaattinen
fanatically {adv} (in a fanatical manner)
:: kiihkomielisesti, kiihkeästi, fanaattisesti
fanaticism {n} (characteristic or practice of being a fanatic)
:: fanaattisuus, fanatismi, kiihkoilu, kiihko
fanatism {n} (excessive intolerance of opposing views)
:: fanatismi
fan base {n} (fans of a thing or person taken as a group)
:: fanikanta, fanit {p}
fanbelt {n} (belt which turns a cooling fan)
:: tuulettimen hihna
fanboy {n} (someone devoted to a single subject)
:: fanipoika
fanciful {adj} (imaginative or unreal)
:: mielikuvituksellinen; kuvitteellinen
fancy {n} /ˈfæn.si/ (A whim)
:: oikku, päähänpisto
fancy {n} (Love or amorous attachment)
:: ihastus
fancy {n} (The enthusiasts of such a pursuit)
:: harrastajat {p}, intoilijat {p}
fancy {adj} (decorative)
:: koristeellinen
fancy {adj} (Of a superior grade)
:: hienostunut, hieno
fancy {adj} ((colloquial) Unnecessarily complicated)
:: hieno
fancy {v} (would like to)
:: haluta, tehdä mieli
fan death {n} (death supposedly caused by staying overnight in a closed room with an electric fan)
:: tuuletinkuolema
fandom {n} /ˈfændəm/ (fans taken as a group)
:: fanikunta, faniyhteisö, kannattajakunta
fandom {n} (subculture of fans)
:: fanikulttuuri
fanfare {n} /ˈfænfɛəɹ/ (a flourish of trumpets or horns)
:: fanfaari
fanfare {n} (a show of ceremony or celebration)
:: torvisoitto
fan fiction {n} /fæn fɪkʃən/ (fiction made by fans)
:: fanifiktio
fan fiction {n} (work of fan fiction)
:: fanifiktio-tarina
fang {n} /fæŋ/ (canine tooth)
:: kulmahammas, torahammas
fangirl {n} (someone devoted to a single subject)
:: fanityttö
fanny {n} (buttocks) SEE: ass
fanny {n} (vulva or vagina) SEE: pussy
fanny {n} (Sexual intercourse with a woman) SEE: pussy
Fanny {prop} /ˈfæni/ (female given name)
:: Fanni
fanny pack {n} (small pouch worn at the waist)
:: vyölaukku
fanservice {n} (Inclusion in a work of fiction of any material, especially racy or sexual material.)
:: fanipalvelu
fansub {n} /ˈfænˌsʌb/ (subtitles translated by amateurs)
:: fanitekstitys
fansub {v} (translate subtitles as an amateur)
:: tehdä fanitekstitys
fansubber {n} /ˈfænsʌbə(r)/ (one who fansubs)
:: fanitekstittäjä
fantasia {n} /fænˈteɪʒə/ (form of composition)
:: fantasia
fantasist {n} (one who creates fantasies)
:: fantasiataiteilija [artist]
fantasist {n} (one living in a fantasy world)
:: mielikuvitusmaailmassa elävä
fantasist {n} (a fantasy writer)
:: fantasiakirjailija
fantast {n} (one with fantastic or fanciful ideas)
:: fantasti
fantastic {adj} /fænˈtæstɪk/ (existing in or constructed from fantasy)
:: mielikuvituksellinen, ihmeellinen
fantastic {adj} (not believable, only possible in fantasy)
:: mielikuvituksellinen, ihmeellinen, uskomaton
fantastic {adj} (resembling fantasies in irregularity, grotesque)
:: ihmeellinen, kummallinen, omituinen
fantastic {adj} (wonderful, marvelous, excellent, extraordinarily good)
:: ihmeellinen, ihana, mahtava, uskomaton, upea, fantastinen
fantastical {adj} (fantastic) SEE: fantastic
fantastical {adj} (fanciful) SEE: fanciful
fantastical {adj} /fænˈtæstɪkəl/ (pertaining to fantasy)
:: mielikuvituksellinen
fantastically {adv} (in a fantastic manner)
:: mielikuvitukselisesti
fantastically {adv} (to a fantastic extent)
:: mielikuvituksellisen
fantasticity {n} (state)
:: fantastisuus
fantasy {n} /ˈfæntəsi/ (that which comes from one's imagination)
:: kuvittelu, kuvitelma, mielikuva
fantasy {n} (literary genre)
:: fantasia, fantasiakirjallisuus
fantasy {n} (slang: gamma-hydroxybutyric acid, see also: gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)
:: gamma
fantasy land {n} (ideal place)
:: mielikuvitusmaa
Fantizi {prop} (Traditional Chinese) SEE: Traditional Chinese
FAQ {n} /ɛf.eɪ.kjuː/ (acronym for Frequently Asked Questions)
:: UKK
faqir {n} (fakir) SEE: fakir
far {n} (spelt) SEE: spelt
far {adv} /fɑɹ/ ( to, from or over a great distance)
:: kauas [to], kaukaa [from], etäälle, etäältä
far {adv}
:: kaukana, etäällä
far {adv} (very much; by a large amount) SEE: very much
far {adj} (remote in space)
:: kaukainen, kaukana oleva, etäinen
far {adj} (remote in time)
:: etäinen, kaukainen
far {adj} (long)
:: pitkä
far {adj} (more remote or longer of two)
:: etäinen, kaukainen
far {adj} (extreme)
:: äärimmäinen, ääri-
farad {n} (unit of capacitance)
:: faradi
faraday {n} (quantity of electricity)
:: faradi
Faraday bag {n} (bag)
:: antistaattinen pussi
Faraday cage {n} (conductive surrounding)
:: Faradayn häkki
Faraday rotation {n} (interaction between a polarized electromagnetic pulse and a magnetic field)
:: Faraday-kiertymä
far and away {adv} (by a large margin)
:: valtavan paljon
far and wide {adv} (over a great distance or large area)
:: laajalti
faraway {adj} (distant)
:: kaukainen
fard {v} (to embellish or gloss over) SEE: embellish
fardingbag {n} (rumen) SEE: rumen
fare {n} /feɚ/ (money paid for a transport ticket)
:: ajomaksu, matkalipun hinta
fare {n} (paying passenger)
:: matkustaja, asiakas; poka [slang]
fare {n} (food and drink)
:: ruoka ja juoma
fare {n} (supplies for consumption or pleasure)
:: tarvikkeet {p}
fare {n} (prostitute's client)
:: poka
Far East {prop} (East and Southeast Asia, see also: )
:: Kaukoitä
Far East {prop} (region in Russia) SEE: Russian Far East
fare dodger {n} (a person who deliberately avoids payment for public transport)
:: pummilla matkustaja
farewell {n} /fɛəˈwɛl/ (a wish of happiness at parting)
:: hyvästely, jäähyväiset, hyvää matkaa
farewell {n} (an act of departure)
:: jäähyväiset, hyvästely
farewell {adj} (parting, valedictory, final)
:: jäähyväis-
farewell {v} (bid farewell)
:: hyvästellä
Farewell Sermon {prop} (sermon given by Muhammad on Arafat)
:: viimeinen saarna, jäähyväissaarna
farewell-to-spring {n} (Clarkia amoena)
:: isosilkkikukka
fareworthy {adj} (having the right to leave)
:: vapaa lähtemään
far-fetched {adj} (not likely)
:: kaukaa haettu, villi
far left {n} (most liberal political or religious grouping)
:: äärivasemmisto
far-left {adj} (very leftist)
:: äärivasemmistolainen
farm {n} /fɑːɹm/ (a place where agricultural activities take place)
:: tila, maatila, [colloquial] farmi
farm {v} (to grow a particular crop)
:: viljellä
farmer {n} /fɑɹmɚ/ (person who works the land and/or who keeps livestock)
:: maanviljelijä, viljelijä, talonpoika, farmari
farmer's market {n} (market where farmers and growers sell produce directly to the public)
:: maatilatori
farmhand {n} (farm worker)
:: renki
farmhand {n} (minor league baseball player)
:: farmiliigalainen, farmipelaaja
farmhouse {n} /ˈfɑːmhaus/ (farmer's residence)
:: maalaistalo, maatalo
farming {n} (agriculture) SEE: agriculture
farmland {n} /ˈfɑːɹmlænd/ (land which is suitable for farming and agricultural production)
:: viljelysmaa
farm team {n} (minor league team concerned with player development)
:: farmijoukkue
farm worker {n} (person who works on, but does not own, a farm)
:: maataloustyöntekijä, renki
farmworker {n} (farmworker) SEE: farm worker
Faroe Islander {n} (inhabitant of the Faroe Islands) SEE: Faroese
Faroe Islands {prop} /ˈfɛəɹəʊ ˌaɪləndz/ (group of islands between Scotland and Iceland)
:: Färsaaret {p}
Faroese {adj} /ˌfɛəɹəʊˈiːz/ (pertaining to the Faroese language, people or Faroe Islands)
:: fäärinkielinen; färsaarelainen
Faroese {n} (person from the Faroe Islands)
:: färsaarelainen
Faroese {n} (language)
:: fääri
Faroish {n} (person from the Faroe Islands) SEE: Faroese
Faroish {prop} (language) SEE: Faroese
Faroish {adj} /ˈfɛəɹəuɪʃ/ (pertaing to the Faroish language, people or Faroe Islands)
:: fäärinkielinen; färsaarelainen
far point {n} (eye can focus)
:: kaukopiste
far point {n} (under consideration)
:: horisontti
farrago {n} /fəˈɹeɪɡoʊ/ (confused miscellany)
:: sekamelska
far-reaching {adj} (having a broad range, scope, or influence)
:: kauaskantoinen
farrier {n} /ˈfæɹi.ə/ (person who trims and shoes horses' hooves)
:: kengitysseppä, hevosenkengittäjä, kengittäjä
farriery {n} (work)
:: kengitys
farriery {n} (workshop)
:: kengityspaja
far right {n} /ˌfɑːˈɹʌɪt/ (extreme right wing)
:: äärioikeisto
far-right {adj} /ˈfɑːˌɹʌɪt/ (very right-wing)
:: äärioikeistolainen
farro {n} /ˈfæɹoʊ/ (emmer wheat)
:: emmervehnä
farrow {n} /ˈfæɹoʊ/ (litter of piglets)
:: pahnue
farrow {v} (give birth to (a litter of piglets))
:: porsia
Farsi {n} (Persian language) SEE: Persian
farsightedness {n} (condition of being unable to focus on near objects)
:: kaukonäköisyys, kaukotaittoisuus
farsightedness {n} (quality of being considerate about what might happen in the future)
:: kaukonäköisyys, kaukokatseisuus
fart {v} /fɑːt/ (to emit flatulent gases)
:: pieraista [semelfactive], piereskellä [frequentative or continuative], pierrä
fart {n} (an emission of flatulent gases)
:: pieru, [silent fart] tuhnu
farter {n} (one who farts)
:: piereskelijä
farter {n} (slow person)
:: etana
farthingale {n} /ˈfɑːðɪŋɡeɪl/ (hooped structure)
:: krinoliini
fasces {n} (bundle)
:: fasces
fascia {n} /ˈfæʃə/ (band of material covering the ends of roof rafters)
:: räystäslauta, päätylauta
fascia {n} (face or front cover of an appliance)
:: etulevy
fascia {n} (architecture: one of the three bands which make up the architrave)
:: palkki
fascia {n} (broad well-defined band of color)
:: raita, väriraita
fascia {n} (band, sash, or fillet)
:: nauha
fascia {n} (tissue)
:: kalvo; ihonalaiskudos [loose, fatty issue under skin], sidekalvo [connective tissue covering muscles], kalvojänne [aponeurosis]
fascia {n} (dashboard) SEE: dashboard
fasciated antshrike {n} (Cymbilaimus lineatus)
:: isonokkamuura
fascinate {v} /ˈfæsɪneɪt/ (to evoke interest or attraction)
:: viehättää
fascinate {v} (to spellbind)
:: lumoutua
fascinate {v} (to be charming or attractive)
:: viehättää
fascinating {adj} /ˈfæsɪˌneɪtɪŋ/ (having interesting qualities; captivating; attractive)
:: kiehtova, mielenkiintoinen, lumoava, hurmaava
fascination {n} /fæsɪˈneɪʃən/ (the act of fascinating, bewitching, or enchanting; enchantment; witchcraft)
:: lumous, tenho
fascination {n} (the state or condition of being fascinated)
:: hurma
fascism {n} /ˈfæʃɪz(ə)m/ (extreme totalitarian political regime)
:: fasismi
fascist {adj} /ˈfæʃɪst/ (of or relating to fascism)
:: fasistinen, fasismi- [in compounds]
fascist {adj} (supporting the principles of fascism)
:: fasistinen
fascist {adj} (informal: unfairly oppressive or needlessly strict)
:: fasistinen
fascist {n} (proponent of fascism)
:: fasisti
fascistic {adj} (fascist) SEE: fascist
fascistoid {adj} (fascist) SEE: fascist
fashion {n} /ˈfæʃən/ (current (constantly changing) trend, favored for frivolous rather than practical, logical, or intellectual reasons)
:: muoti
fashion {n} (style, or manner, in which to do something)
:: tapa
fashion {n} (popular trends)
:: muoti, trendi, muoti-ilmiö
fashionable {adj} /ˈfæʃənəbl̩/ (characteristic of or influenced by a current popular trend or style)
:: muodikas
fashion design {n} (art)
:: muotisuunnittelu
fashion designer {n} (someone who designs clothing professionally)
:: muotisuunnittelija
fashion-forward {adj} (on trend) SEE: on trend
fashion house {n} (company employed in fashion)
:: muotitalo
fashion model {n} (model) SEE: model
fashion show {n} (event)
:: muotinäytös
fashion statement {n} (non-verbal statement made in fashion)
:: muotikannanotto
fashion week {n} (event)
:: muotiviikko
fast {adj} /fɑːst/ (firmly or securely fixed in place)
:: luja, pitävä, vahva, tiukka
fast {adj} (firm against attack)
:: vahva
fast {adj} (of friend: steadfast, with unwavering feeling)
:: uskollinen
fast {adj} (moving or capable of moving with great speed)
:: nopea
fast {adj} (causing unusual rapidity of play or action)
:: nopea
fast {adj} (computing: able to transfer data in a short period of time)
:: nopea
fast {adj} (of sleep: deep or sound)
:: sikeä, syvä
fast {adj} (of a dye: not running or fading)
:: . värinpitävä
fast {adj} (having an extravagant lifestyle or immoral habits)
:: menevä; pelimies [fast man], pelinainen [fast woman]
fast {adj} (ahead of the correct time or schedule)
:: edellä [adv.]
fast {adj} (of photographic film: more sensitive to light than average)
:: nopea
fast {adv} (in a firm or secure manner)
:: lujasti, tiukasti
fast {adv} (of sleeping: deeply or soundly)
:: sikeästi
fast {adv} (with great speed)
:: nopeasti, pikaisesti
fast {adv} (ahead of the correct time or schedule)
:: etuajassa
fast {v} (to abstain from food)
:: paastota
fast {n} (train that only calls at some stations) SEE: express
fast {adj} (tenacious, retentive) SEE: tenacious
fast {n} (fasting) SEE: fasting
fast asleep {adj} (in a deep sleep)
:: sikiunessa, sikeässä unessa [adverb]
fast buck {n} (money earned quickly)
:: pikavoitto
fasten {v} /ˈfɑːsən/ (to attach or connect in a secure manner)
:: kiinnittää
fastener {n} /ˈfæsənɚ/ (something or someone that fastens)
:: kiinnittäjä
fastener {n} (any device that fastens)
:: kiinnitin
fast food {n} (type of meal that is often pre-prepared and served quickly)
:: pikaruoka
fast forward {v} (to cause media to roll fast)
:: pikakelata, kelata eteenpäin
fast-forward {v} (fast forward) SEE: fast forward
fastidious {adj} /fæˈstɪdi.əs/ (excessively particular)
:: nirso, turhantarkka
fastidious {adj} (overly concerned about tidiness and cleanliness)
:: turhantarkka, pikkutarkka
fastidious {adj} (difficult to please)
:: nirso, vaativa, nirppanokkainen
fasting {n} (act or practice of abstaining from or eating very little food)
:: paasto, paastoaminen
fasting {n} (period of time when one abstains from or eats very little food)
:: paasto
fast lane {n} (the lane intended or reserved for vehicles moving at faster speeds)
:: ohituskaista
fast-paced {adj} (moving or changing rapidly)
:: nopeatempoinen
fast yellow AB {n} (yellow azo dye formerly used as a food colouring)
:: nopea keltainen AB
fat {n} (vat) SEE: vat
fat {adj} /fæt/ (carrying a larger than normal amount of fat on one's body)
:: lihava, läski (derogatory), paksu, punkero, paksukainen, ylipainoinen
fat {adj} (thick)
:: paksu
fat {adj} (bountiful)
:: satoisa, lihava, runsas
fat {n} (specialized animal tissue)
:: rasva, silava, läski
fat {n} (refined substance chemically resembling the oils in animal fat)
:: rasva
fat {v} (to make fat; to fatten)
:: lihottaa
fatal {adj} /ˈfeɪtəl/ (proceeding from fate)
:: kohtalokas
fatal {adj} (foreboding death)
:: kohtalokas
fatal {adj} (causing death)
:: tappava, tuhoisa, fataali
fatalism {n} (doctrine that all events are subject to fate)
:: fatalismi, kohtalousko
fatalistic {adj} (of or pertaining to fatalism)
:: fatalistinen
fatalistically {adv} (in a fatalistic manner)
:: fatalistisesti
fatality {n} /feɪˈtælɪti/ (state proceeding from destiny; invincible necessity)
:: kohtalo
fatality {n} (tendency to death, destruction or danger, as if by decree of fate)
:: itsetuhoisuus
fatality {n} (that which is decreed by fate or which is fatal)
:: kohtalo
fatality {n} (death)
:: kuolemantapaus
fatality {n} (accident which caused death)
:: kuolemaan johtanut onnettomuus, kuolonkolari
fatalness {n} (quality of being fatal)
:: kohtalokkuus, fataalius
Fata Morgana {n} /ˌfɑtə mɔɹˈɡɑnə/ (form of mirage caused by temperature inversion)
:: fata morgana
fat-ass {n} /ˈfæɾæs/ (an overweight or obese person)
:: läski
fatback {n} (fish) SEE: menhaden
fatback {n} (layer of fat)
:: selkärasva
fatberg {n} /ˈfætbɜːɡ/ (large accumulation of fat, etc., which clogs sewers)
:: rasvatukos
fat cat {n} (rich person who contributes to a political campaign)
:: pohatta
fat cat {n} (affluent person who is perceived to have profited from the labour of others)
:: pohatta, kiho, porho
fat dormouse {n} (edible dormouse) SEE: edible dormouse
fate {n} /feɪt/ (that which predetermines events)
:: kohtalo
fate {n} (inevitable events)
:: kohtalo
fate {n} (destiny)
:: kohtalo
fate {n} (goddess)
:: kohtalotar
fate {v} (to foreordain, predetermine)
:: määrätä
fateful {adj} /ˈfeɪtfəl/ (momentous, significant, setting or sealing ones fate)
:: kohtalokas
fat-free {adj} (not containing fat)
:: rasvaton
fathead {n} (idiot)
:: läskipää
fathead {n} (Pimephales promelas)
:: rasvapäämutu
father {n} /ˈfɑːðə(ɹ)/ (male parent)
:: isä
father {v} (to sire)
:: siittää [to conceive]
Father {prop} (God, the father of Creation)
:: Isä
Father {prop} (term of address for a Christian priest)
:: Isä
father figure {n} (one who represents, behaves as, or is regarded as a father)
:: isähahmo
Father Frost {prop} (Slavic equivalent to Santa Claus)
:: pakkasukko
fatherhood {n} /ˈfɑ.ðɚˌhʊd/ (being a father)
:: isyys
father-in-law {n} (one's spouse's father)
:: appi
fatherland {n} (country of one's ancestry)
:: isänmaa
fatherless {adj} (without a living father)
:: isätön
fatherly {adj} /ˈfɑðɚli/ (characteristic of what is considered the ideal behaviour pertaining to fatherhood)
:: isällinen
fatherly {adj} (characteristic of fathers, paternal)
:: isällinen
Father's Day {n} (holiday in celebration of fatherhood)
:: isänpäivä
father-to-be {n} (male partner of a pregnant woman)
:: tuleva isä
fathom {n} /ˈfæðəm/ (unit of length)
:: syli
fathom {v} ((transitive, archaic) to encircle with outstretched arms)
:: syleillä
fathom {v} ((transitive) to measure the depth of, take a sounding of)
:: luodata
fathom {v} ((transitive, figuratively) to manage to comprehend)
:: käsittää
fathomable {adj} /ˈfæðəməbəl/ (possible to understand)
:: ymmärrettävä
fathometer {n} (depth finder)
:: kaikuluotain, kaiku
fatigue {n} /fəˈtiːɡ/ (weariness)
:: väsymys, uupumus, väsyminen, uupuminen
fatigue {n} (menial task, especially in military)
:: nakki [slang]
fatigue {n} (material failure due to cyclic loading)
:: väsymisvaurio, väsymys
fatigue {v} (to tire or make weary)
:: väsyttää, uuvuttaa, rasittaa
fatigue {v} (cooking: to wilt a salad by dressing or tossing it)
:: nuuduttaa
fatigue {v} (to lose strength or energy)
:: väsyä, uupua
fatigue {v} (engineering: to undergo the process of fatigue)
:: väsyä
fatiloquent {adj} /feɪˈtɪləkwənt/ (prophetic, speaking of fate)
:: enteellinen
fatless {adj} /ˈfætləs/ (without fat)
:: rasvaton
fat lot of good {n}
:: paljoa hyötyä
fatness {n} /ˈfætnəs/ (state of being fat)
:: lihavuus
fatso {n} /ˈfætsoʊ/ (an overweight person)
:: läski, lihapulla
fat-soluble {adj} (dissolving easily in fat)
:: rasvaliukoinen
fatten {v} /ˈfætən/ (to cause to be fatter)
:: lihottaa
fatten {v} (to become fatter)
:: lihoa, lihota
fattening {adj} /ˈfæt(ə)nɪŋ/ (that causes weight gain)
:: lihottava
fattening {n} (act of making fatter)
:: lihottaminen
fattening {n} (act of getting fatter)
:: lihominen
fatty {adj} /ˈfæɾ.i/ (containing fat)
:: rasvainen, rasvapitoinen
fatty {adj} (like fat, greasy)
:: rasvainen
fatty {adj} (large)
:: rasvainen
fatty {n} (fat person)
:: läski, punkero, pullukka
fatty acid {n} (acid)
:: rasvahappo
fatty alcohol {n} (organic compound)
:: rasva-alkoholi
fatty liver {n} (fatty liver)
:: rasvamaksa
fatuous {adj} /ˈfætʃ.u.əs/ (obnoxiously stupid, vacantly silly, content in one's foolishness)
:: älytön, typerä
fatwa {n} /ˈfætwɑ/ (legal opinion, decree or ruling issued by a mufti)
:: fatwa
fatware {n} (bloatware) SEE: bloatware
faubourg {n} /ˈfəʊbʊəɡ/ (an outlying part of a city or town)
:: esikaupunki
fauces {n} /fɔːsiːz/ (anatomy: narrow passage from the mouth to the pharynx)
:: nielu
faucet {n} (tap) SEE: tap
fault {n} /fɔlt/ (defect)
:: puute, virhe, vika, epäkohta
fault {n} (mistake or error)
:: virhe, vika; moka [slang]
fault {n} (weakness of character)
:: puute, heikkous
fault {n} (minor offense)
:: rike
fault {n} (blame; responsibility for a mistake)
:: syy, syyllisyys
fault {n} (geology fracture in rock)
:: siirros
fault {n} (tennis: illegal serve)
:: väärä, väärä syöttö
fault {n} (electrical: abnormal connection)
:: vika, sulku; oikosulku, maasulku
fault {n} (want, lack)
:: puute
fault {n} (hunting)
:: hukattu vainu
faultless {adj} (without fault)
:: moitteeton, virheetön
fault line {n} (geology: intersection)
:: siirroslinja, siirros
fault plane {n} (geology: surface between rock blocks)
:: siirrospinta, siirros
faulty {adj} /ˈfɔːlti/ (having or displaying faults; not perfect; not adequate or acceptable)
:: viallinen, rikkinäinen
faun {n} /fɔːn/ (a mythical creature)
:: fauni
fauna {n} /ˈfɔː.nə/ (animals considered as a group)
:: eläimet, eläimistö
Faustian {adj} /ˈfaʊstɪən/ (of or pertaining to Faust)
:: faustilainen, faustinen
Faustian bargain {n} /ˈfaʊstɪən ˈbɑːɡən/ (agreement in which a person abandons spiritual values or moral principles in order to obtain benefits)
:: faustilainen sopimus, sopimus paholaisen kanssa
Faustian bargain {n} (deal in which one focuses on present gain without considering the long-term consequences)
:: faustilainen sopimus, sopimus paholaisen kanssa
faute de mieux {adv} /fəʊt də ˈmjɜː/ (for want of something better)
:: paremman puutteessa
fauvism {n} (artistic movement)
:: fauvismi
faux {adj} /foʊ/ (fake or artificial)
:: teko-, keinotekoinen
faux ami {n} (false friend) SEE: false friend
faux pas {n} /fəʊ pɑː/ (social blunder)
:: kömmähdys, etikettivirhe, moka, harha-askel
fava bean {n} (Vicia faba) SEE: broad bean
fave {adj} /feɪv/ (favorite (informal))
:: lemppari
favicon {n} /ˈfævɪkɒn/ (icon for website)
:: favicon, sivustokuvake
favid coral {n} (brain coral) SEE: brain coral
favor {n} /ˈfeɪvɚ/ (deed in which help is voluntarily provided)
:: palvelus
favor {n} (goodwill; benevolent regard)
:: suosio
favor {v} (to look upon fondly; to prefer)
:: suosia
favor {v} (to do a favor (noun sense 1) for; to show beneficence toward)
:: tehdä palvelus
favorable {adj} (favourable) SEE: favourable
favour {n} (favor) SEE: favor
favour {v} (favor) SEE: favor
favourable {adj} /ˈfeɪv(ə)ɹəbəl/ (pleasing)
:: myönteinen
favourable {adj} (useful)
:: suotuisa
favourable {adj} (opportune)
:: sopiva
favourable {adj} (auspicious)
:: suotuisa
favourite {adj} /ˈfeɪv.ɹɪt/ (preferred)
:: lempi-, mieli-
favourite {n} (person who enjoys special regard or favour)
:: lellikki, suosikki
favourite {n} (person who is preferred or trusted above all others)
:: suosikki
favourite {n} (contestant or competitor thought most likely to win)
:: ennakkosuosikki, suosikki
favouritism {n} (unfair favouring)
:: suosinta
fawn {n} /fɔːn/ (young deer)
:: vasa
fawn {n} (colour)
:: vaaleanruskea
fawn {adj} (pertaining to the colour)
:: vaaleanruskea
fawn {v} (to exhibit affection)
:: olla mieliksi
fawn {v} (to seek favour by flattery)
:: imarrella, nuoleskella, pokkuroida, liehitellä, mielistellä, nöyristellä, hännystellä
fawn {v} (to wag tail)
:: heiluttaa häntää
fawn lily {n} (trout lily) SEE: trout lily
fax {n} /fæks/ (document transmitted by telephone)
:: faksi
fax {v} (send document)
:: faksata
fax machine {n} (device which scans, transmits, receives and prints faxes)
:: faksi
fax number {n} (fax number)
:: faksinumero
fayalite {n} (iron-rich olivine mineral)
:: fajaliitti, fayaliitti
f-bomb {n} (euphemism for "fuck") SEE: f-word
F clef {n} (a clef)
:: bassoavain, F-avain, F-nuottiavain
fealty {n} /ˈfiːlti/ (fidelity to one's lord)
:: vasallin uskollisuus
fear {n} /fɪəɹ/ (uncountable: emotion caused by actual or perceived danger or threat)
:: pelko, kammo
fear {n} (a phobia; sense of fear induced by something or someone)
:: pelko
fear {n} (extreme veneration or awe)
:: pelko
fear {v} (feel fear about (something))
:: pelätä
fear campaign {n} (scare campaign) SEE: scare campaign
fearless {adj} /ˈfɪɹləs/ (free from fear)
:: peloton
fearlessness {n} (quality of being fearless)
:: pelottomuus
fearmonger {n} (alarmist) SEE: alarmist
fear not {phrase}
:: ällös pelkää, älä pelkää, älä huoli
fearsome {adj} (frightening, especially in appearance)
:: pelottava
feasibility {n} (state of being feasible)
:: soveltuvuus, käyttökelpoisuus
feasible {adj} /ˈfiːzəbəl/ (that can be done in practice)
:: toteuttamiskelpoinen, tehtävissä, mahdollinen
feast {n} /fiːst/ (large, often ceremonial meal)
:: pidot {p}, syömingit {p}, kestit {p}, juhlat {p}
feast {n} (something delightful)
:: ilo
feast {n} (festival, holiday, solemn, or more commonly, joyous, anniversary)
:: juhla
feast for the eyes {n} (a visually pleasing sight)
:: ilo silmille, ilo silmälle
feat {n} /fiːt/ (an accomplishment that's relatively rare or difficult)
:: saavutus
feather {n} /ˈfɛð.ɚ/ (branching, hair-like structure that grows on the bodies of birds)
:: sulka, höyhen
feather {n} (long hair on the lower legs of a dog or horse)
:: vuohiskarva
feather {n} (fin or wing on the shaft of an arrow)
:: sulka
feather {n} (kind, nature)
:: tyyppi
feather {n} (part of stone-splitting tool)
:: lehti
featherback {n} (fish)
:: teräkala
featherbrain {n} (foolish person)
:: kananaivo
feathercoat {n} (coat made of feathers)
:: höyhentakki
feather duster {n} /ˈfɛð.ɚ ˈdʌstɚ/ (implement used to remove surface dust)
:: pölyhuiska
feather in one's cap {n} (a recognized accomplishment)
:: sulka hatussa
feather-light {adj} (extremely light)
:: höyhenenkevyt, untuvankevyt
feathermoss {n} (Pleurozium schreberi)
:: seinäsammal
feather one's nest {v} (to achieve benefits, especially financial ones)
:: täyttää taskujaan
featherweight {n} (weight division)
:: höyhensarja
featherweight {n} (sportsman)
:: höyhensarjalainen
feature {n} /ˈfiːtʃə/ (important or main item)
:: ominaisuus
feature {n} (long, prominent article or item in the media)
:: pääjuttu
feature {n} (one of the physical constituents of the face)
:: piirre, kasvonpiirre
feature {n} (computing: beneficial capability of a piece of software)
:: ominaisuus, toiminto, toiminnallisuus
feature film {n} (the main, full-length film in a cinema program)
:: kokoillan elokuva, pitkä elokuva
feature film {n} (film shown in cinemas before being released for home viewing)
:: teatterielokuva
featurephone {n} (mobile phone that is not as powerful as a smartphone)
:: multimediapuhelin
febrile {adj} /ˈfiːbɹaɪl/ (feverish)
:: kuumeinen, febriili
February {prop} /ˈfɛb.ɹuˌɛɹi/ (second month of the Roman, Julian, and Gregorian calendars)
:: helmikuu
fecal impaction {n} (immobile bulk of human feces)
:: ulostetulppa
fecal matter {n} (feces)
:: ulosteet {p}
feceate {v} (to discharge feces from the digestive tract)
:: ulostaa
feces {n} /ˈfiːsiːz/
:: uloste
fecundity {n} /fɪˈkʌndɪtɪ/ (ability to produce offspring)
:: lisääntymiskyky, fertiliteetti
federal {adj} /ˈfɛdəɹəl/ (pertaining to a league or treaty; derived from an agreement or covenant between parties, especially between nations)
:: federaalinen, federatiivinen
federal {adj} (pertaining to the national government level)
:: liittovaltion
federal {n} (a law-enforcement officer of the FBI)
:: liittovaltion poliisi
Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal {prop} (official name of Nepal)
:: Nepalin demokraattinen liittotasavalta
federal government {n} (general term for a federal government)
:: liittovaltion hallitus
federalism {n} (system of government)
:: federalismi
federalization {n} (unification of states)
:: yhdistyminen liittovaltioksi
federalization {n} (assumption of control by a federal government)
:: liittovaltioistuminen, federalisaatio
Federal Republic of Germany {prop} (Germany's official name)
:: Saksan liittotasavalta
Federal Republic of Nigeria {prop} (official name of Nigeria)
:: Nigerian liittotasavalta
Federal Reserve System {prop} (US central banking system)
:: Fed, Yhdysvaltain keskuspankki
Federated States of Micronesia {prop} (official name of Micronesia)
:: Mikronesian liittovaltio
federation {n} /ˌfɛdəˈɹeɪʃn̩/ (array of nations or states)
:: liittovaltio, federaatio
federation {n} (society or organisation formed from separate groups or bodies)
:: liitto
federative {adj} (federal) SEE: federal
fedora {n} /fɪˈdɔːɹə/ (a felt hat)
:: huopahattu
fed up {adj} (frustrated)
:: tympääntynyt, lopen kyllästynyt, kurkkua myöten täynnä
fee {n} /fiː/ (monetary payment charged for professional services)
:: palkkio, maksu
feeble {adj} /ˈfiːbəl/ (deficient in physical strength)
:: voimaton, veltto, heikko
feeble {adj} (wanting force, vigor or efficiency in action or expression)
:: heikko, hatara
feeble-minded {adj} (unintelligent)
:: heikkomielinen, vähä-älyinen
feed {v} /ˈfiːd/ (to give food to eat)
:: syöttää, ruokkia
feed {v} (to eat, see also: eat)
:: syödä, käyttää ravintonaan
feed {v} (to give to a machine for processing)
:: syöttää
feed {n} (food given to (especially herbivorous) animals)
:: rehu
feed {n} (something supplied continuously; as, a satellite feed)
:: syöte
feed {n} (a gathering to eat, especially in quantity)
:: ateria
feed {n} (encapsulated online content that you can subscribe to with a feed reader)
:: syöte
feedback {n} /ˈfiːdˌbæk/ (critical assessment of process or activity)
:: palaute
feedback {n} (signal that is looped back to control a system within itself)
:: takaisinkytkentä, palaute
feedback {n} (howling noise)
:: kierto
feeder {n} (baseball:pitcher) SEE: pitcher
feeder {n} /ˈfidɚ/ (that which feeds)
:: syötin (device), syöttäjä (person)
feeder {n} (that which is used to feed)
:: syötin (active device), syöttöpaikka (passive device)
feeder {n} (tributray stream)
:: sivujoki
feeder {n} (railway branch line)
:: sivuraide
feeder {n} (transmission line)
:: syöttöjohto
feeder fund {n} (type of investment fund)
:: syöttörahasto
feeding bottle {n} (feeding bottle)
:: tuttipullo
feed one's face {v} (rude expression for "to eat")
:: vetää naamaan
feed the meter {v} (to put coins into a parking meter)
:: syöttää rahaa mittariin
feel {v} /fiːl/ (transitive: to sense by touch)
:: tuntea
feel {v} (transitive: to experience an emotion or other mental state about)
:: tuntea
feel {v} (transitive: to think or believe)
:: tuntea, tuntua
feel {v} (intransitive: to search by touching)
:: tunnustella
feel {v} (intransitive: to experience an emotion or other mental state)
:: tuntea
feel {v} (copulative: to seem)
:: tuntua
feel {v} (intransitive: to sympathise)
:: tuntea myötätuntoa
feel {n} (quality)
:: tuntuma
feel {n} (mental impression)
:: tuntuma
feel {n} (act of fondling)
:: kosketus
feel {n} (vague understanding)
:: aavistus
feel {n} (intuitive ability)
:: tuntuma
feeler {n} /ˈfiːləɹ/ (an antenna or appendage used to feel, as on an insect)
:: tuntosarvi
feeler gauge {n} (set of thin strips for measuring)
:: rakotulkki
feel free {v} (idiomatic, with to-infinitive)
:: voida
feel free {v} (as imperative, with to-infinitive)
:: saada, olla lupa [subject in adessive]
feel free {v} (as imperative, in response)
:: ole hyvä, olkaa hyvä
feeling {adj} /ˈfilɪŋ/ (emotionally sensitive)
:: tunteellinen, herkkä
feeling {n} (sensation)
:: tunne, tuntemus, tuntu, olo
feeling {n} (emotion)
:: tunne, tuntemus
feeling {n} (in plural: emotional state or well-being)
:: tunteet {p}
feeling {n} (in plural: emotional attraction or desire)
:: tunteet {p}
feeling {n} (intuition)
:: tunne
feel like {v} (have a desire for something, or to do something)
:: tehdä mieli, huvittaa, viitsiä
feel like {v} (perceive oneself to resemble)
:: tuntua kuin
feel sorry for {v} (show pity for)
:: sääliä
feel the pinch {v} (to suffer a hardship)
:: tuntea nahoissaan
fee tail {n} (estate in land in common law wherein the land is inherited)
:: sääntöperintötila, fideikomissi
feet of clay {n} (a hidden weak point)
:: savijalat {p}
feet on the ground {n} (translations for "have one's feet on the ground"")
:: pitää jalat maassa
Fehling's solution {n} (an alkaline solution)
:: Fehlingin liuos
feign {v} /feɪn/ (to make a false show)
:: teeskennellä
feign {v} (to give a mental existence to something)
:: kuvitella
feign {v} (to dissemble)
:: peitellä, salata
feijoa {n} /feɪˈʒoʊ.ə/ (shrub)
:: feijoa
feint {v} /feɪ̯nt/ (to make a counterfeit move to confuse an opponent)
:: harhauttaa
feint {adj} (to attack a different part of the body form that apparently indicated)
:: harhautus-
feint {n} (a movement made to confuse the opponent)
:: harhautus
feisty {adj} /ˈfaɪsti/ (tenacious)
:: ärhäkkä, kipakka
feisty {adj} (belligerent)
:: ärhäkkä
feisty {adj} (easily offended)
:: herkkänahkainen, ärhäkkä
feldspar {n} (any of a large group of rock-forming minerals)
:: maasälpä
felicitate {v} (congratulate) SEE: congratulate
felicitation {n} (congratulation) SEE: congratulation
felicitous {adj} (auspicious, fortunate, lucky) SEE: auspicious
felicity {n} (happiness) SEE: happiness
feliform {adj} (resembling cat)
:: kissamainen
feline {n} (cat) SEE: cat
feline {adj} /ˈfiːlaɪn/ (of or pertaining to cats)
:: kissa-
feline {adj} (catlike)
:: kissamainen, kissa-
feline hyperesthesia syndrome {n} (illness of domestic cats)
:: kissan hyperestesia
felinekind {n} (cats as a group)
:: kissat {p}, kissojen suku
felinely {adv} (in a feline manner)
:: kissamaisesti
felineness {n} (state)
:: kissamaisuus
felinity {n} (the state of being feline, catlike)
:: kissamaisuus
felinity {n} (any feline characteristic)
:: kissamaisuus
felinoid {n} (scifi)
:: kissaolento
fell {v} /fɛl/ (to make something fall)
:: kaataa, hakata
fell {v} (to strike down, kill, destroy)
:: kaataa
fell {v} (sewing: to stitch down a protruding flap of fabric, as a seam allowance, or pleat)
:: päärmätä
fell {n} (cutting-down of timber)
:: hakkuu
fell {n} (animal hide)
:: talja, vuota
fell {n} (rocky ridge)
:: tunturi, kukkula, mäki
fell {adj} (of a strong and cruel nature)
:: hirveä
fell {adj} (strong and fiery; biting; keen; sharp; pungent)
:: ärhäkkä
fell {adj} (very large; huge)
:: suunnaton
fell {adj} (eager; earnest; intent)
:: sitoutunut
fella {n} /fɛ.lə/ (fella)
:: [slang] kaveri, [slang] jätkä, [slang] kundi
fellate {v} (to perform oral sex on a man)
:: ottaa suihin, tehdä fellaatio
fellatio {n} /fəˈleɪ.ʃi.əʊ/ (oral stimulation of penis)
:: fellaatio
feller {n} (lumberjack) SEE: lumberjack
feller {n} (machine for felling trees)
:: moto
feller {n} (appliance to a sewing machine)
:: saumuri
fellow {n} /ˈfɛloʊ/ (a companion; a comrade)
:: toveri
fellow {n} (a male person; a man)
:: mies, poika, veikko
fellow man {n} (kindred member of humanity)
:: lähimmäinen
fellow traveller {n} (one who travels together with another)
:: matkakumppani
felon {n} /ˈfɛlən/ (a person convicted of a crime)
:: rikoksentekijä, rikollinen
felony {n} /ˈfɛ.lə.ni/ (A serious criminal offense)
:: törkeä rikos
felt {n} /fɛlt/ (cloth made of matted fibres of wool)
:: huopa
felt {n} (hat made of felt)
:: huopahattu
felt {v} (make into felt)
:: huovuttaa
felt {v} (cover with felt)
:: huovittaa
felt-tip pen {n} (pen that holds ink conveyed to a writing surface by a felt nib)
:: huopakynä
female {adj} /ˈfiː.meɪl/ (belonging to the sex that typically produces eggs, or the gender typically associated with it)
:: naispuolinen, nais-
female {n} (one of the feminine sex or gender)
:: naaras [animal; derogatory of humans]
female circumcision {n} (operation involving removal of any of various parts of the female external genital organs)
:: naisten ympärileikkaus
female condom {n} (device used as a barrier contraceptive)
:: naisten kondomi, femidomi
female ejaculation {n} (forceful expulsion of fluids from the vagina)
:: naisen ejakulaatio
female genital cutting {n} (female genital mutilation) SEE: female genital mutilation
female genital mutilation {n} (the complete amputation or partial cutting of the external female genitalia)
:: naisen sukupuolielinten silpominen
female hysteria {n} (now unrecognized medical diagnosis)
:: hysteria
fembot {n} /ˈfɛmbɒt/ (robot in female form)
:: gynoidi
feme covert {n} /fɛmˈkʌvət/ (law, a married woman)
:: aviovaimo
femidom {n} (female condom) SEE: female condom
feminazi {n} (intolerant radical feminist)
:: feminatsi
feminine {adj} /ˈfɛmɪnɪn/ (of the female sex)
:: naispuolinen, naaras-, naaraspuolinen
feminine {adj} (belonging to females)
:: naisten
feminine {adj} (having the qualities associated with women)
:: naisellinen, feminiininen, naismainen, napsu
feminine {adj} (of the feminine grammatical gender distinction)
:: feminiininen
feminine {n} ((grammar))
:: feminiini
feminine {n} (woman) SEE: woman
femininely {adv} (in a feminine manner)
:: naisellisesti; naismaisesti
femininity {n} /fɛmɪˈnɪnɪti/ (femininity)
:: naisellisuus, feminiinisyys
feminism {n} /ˈfɛmɪnɪz(ə)m/ (the social theory or political movement)
:: feminismi
feminist {adj} /ˈfɛmənɪst/ (relating to or in accordance with feminism)
:: feministinen
feminist {n} (advocate of feminism; person who believes in bringing about the equality of men and women)
:: feministi
feminist {n} (member of a feminist political movement)
:: feministi
feministic {adj} (feminist) SEE: feminist
feministically {adv} (in a feministic way)
:: feministisesti
feminization {n} /ˌfemɪnɪˈzeɪʃən/ (development of female sex characteristics)
:: feminisaatio
feminize {v} /ˈfɛmɪnaɪz/ (to make (more) feminine)
:: naisellistaa
feminize {v} (to become (more) feminine)
:: naisellistua, naisistua
femme fatale {n} /fɛm fəˈtæl/ (seductive and dangerous woman)
:: viettelijätär
femoral {adj} (of, pertaining to, or near the femur or thigh)
:: reisi-, femoraalinen
femto- {prefix} (prefix)
:: femto-
femtogram {n} (unit of mass)
:: femtogramma
femur {n} /ˈfiːmə(ɹ)/ (segment of insect’s leg)
:: reisi
femur {n} (thighbone) SEE: thighbone
fen {n} /fɛn/ (type of wetland)
:: letto
fence {n} /fɛns/ (barrier)
:: aita
fence {n} (someone who hides or buys and sells stolen goods)
:: välittäjä, luukku [slang], jobbari [slang]
fence {v} (to enclose by building a fence)
:: aidata
fence {v} (to defend or guard)
:: suojella, suojata
fence {v} (to trade with stolen goods)
:: välittää; luukuttaa [slang]; trokata [colloquial]
fence {v} (to engage in (the sport) fencing)
:: miekkailla
fence {v} (equestrianism: to jump over a fence)
:: ylittää este
fence in {v} (to enclose with a fence)
:: aidata
fence in {v} (to restrict freedom)
:: rajoittaa vapautta
fencepost {n} (post holding up a fence)
:: aitatolppa, aidantolppa
fencing {n} /ˈfɛnsɪŋ/ (sport)
:: miekkailu
fencing {n} (material used to make fences)
:: aitatarpeet {p}
fencing {n} (fences used as barriers or an enclosure)
:: aitaus
fend {v} /fɛnd/ (to take care of or responsibility for oneself)
:: huolehtia itsestään, pitää huolta itsestään, selviytyä, pärjätä
fend {v} (to defend, block or push away)
:: torjua, pitää puolta
fender {n} /ˈfɛnd.ə(ɹ)/ (panel of a car)
:: lokasuoja
fender {n} (shield on a bicycle)
:: lokasuoja
fender {n} (nautical term)
:: lepuuttaja; fendari [slang]
fender {n} (metal framework in front of a fireplace)
:: kipinäsuoja
fender-bender {n} (minor car accident)
:: peltikolari
fend off {v} (to ward off, drive (something) away, defend against)
:: torjua
fenestrate {n} (surgery: to cut an opening into)
:: tehdä aukko, fenestroida
fenestrated {adj} (architecture: having windows)
:: ikkunallinen
fenestrated {adj} (botany: having perforations)
:: reikäinen
fenestration {n} (arrangement of windows etc in a building)
:: aukkojen sijoittelu
fenestration {n} (opening in the surface of an organ, surgical creation of such an opening)
:: fenestraatio
fenland {n} (low-lying, wet, marshy ground)
:: suo
fennec {n} /ˈfɛnɪk/ (fox)
:: aavikkokettu
fennec fox {n} (fox) SEE: fennec
fennel {n} /ˈfɛnəl/ (Foeniculum vulgare, the plant)
:: fenkoli, saksankumina
fennel {n} (bulb, leaves, or stalks eaten as a vegetable)
:: fenkoli
fennel {n} (spice used in cooking)
:: fenkoli
Fenni {n} (an ancient people)
:: fenni
Fennicize {v} (to make Finnish)
:: suomalaistaa
Fennistic {adj} (of or pertaining to the study of Finnic languages)
:: fennistinen
Fennoman {n} (member or supporter)
:: fennomaani
Fennoscandia {prop} (geographic area)
:: Fennoskandia
Fennoscandia {prop} (Fennoscandian Shield)
:: Baltian kilpi
Fen River {prop} (river in the centre of Shanxi province)
:: Fen-joki
fentanyl {n} /ˈfɛntənɪl/ (painkiller)
:: fentanyyli
fenugreek {n} /ˈfɛnjʊˌɡɹiːk/ (plant and vegetable)
:: sarviapila, rohtosarviapila
fenugreek {n} (spice)
:: sarviapila, rohtosarviapila
feoffment {n} /ˈfɛfmənt/ (grant of a feud or fee)
:: läänittäminen
feoffment {n} (gift or conveyance in fee)
:: läänityksen siirto
feral {adj} /ˈfɛɹəl/ (wild, untamed, especially of domesticated animals having returned to the wild)
:: villi, villiintynyt
feral cat {n} (domesticated cat returned to the wild)
:: villiintynyt kissa, villikissa
feral child {n} (child raised without human contact)
:: villilapsi
feral pigeon {n} (pigeon adapted to city life)
:: kesykyyhky, pulu
Ferdinand {prop} /ˈfɝdn̩.ænd/ (male given name)
:: Veeti
ferial {adj} (festive) SEE: festive
fermata {n} /fɜːɹˈmɑːtə/ (holding a note beyond its usual duration or the notation representing it)
:: fermaatti
ferment {v} /fɚˈmɛnt/ (to react using fermentation)
:: käyttää, panna käymään
ferment {v} (to cause unrest)
:: lietsoa, nostattaa, kuohuttaa, hämmentää
ferment {n} (substance causing fermentation)
:: hapate, fermentti
ferment {n} (state of agitation)
:: kuohunta, käymistila
ferment {n} (gentle internal movement)
:: käymistila, käyminen
ferment {n} (catalyst)
:: katalyytti
fermentation {n} /ˌfɜː(ɹ)mənˈteɪʃən/ (anaerobic biochemical reaction)
:: käyminen
fermentation {n} (state of agitation or excitement)
:: käymistila
fermented {adj} (turned sour)
:: käynyt
fermion {n} /ˈfɜːmɪɒn/ (particle with totally antisymmetric composite quantum states)
:: fermioni
fermium {n} /ˈfɜːɹmiəm/ (chemical element)
:: fermium
fern {n} /fɝn/ (plant)
:: saniainen
ferocious {adj} /fəˈɹəʊʃəs/ (Marked by extreme and violent energy)
:: julma, raivokas, raivopäinen
ferocity {n} (The condition of being ferocious)
:: raivokkuus
ferralsol {n} (soil type)
:: rauta-alumaannos
ferret {n} /ˈfɛɹɪt/ (the mammal Mustela putorius furo)
:: fretti
ferret-badger {n} (mustelid of the genus Melogale)
:: aurinkomäyrä, hillerimäyrä
ferric chloride {n} (FeCl3)
:: ferrikloridi
ferrier {n} (ferryman) SEE: ferryman
ferrimagnetism {n} (a form of antiferromagnetism)
:: ferrimagnetismi
Ferris wheel {n} /ˈfɛɹəs wiːl/ (ride at a fair consisting of large wheel)
:: maailmanpyörä
ferrite {n} /ˈfɛɹaɪt/
:: ferriitti
ferritin {n} (any of a family of iron-carrying globular protein complexes consisting of 24 protein subunits)
:: ferritiini
ferroconcrete {n} (building material)
:: teräsbetoni
ferromagnetism {n} (the phenomenon whereby certain substances can become permanent magnets)
:: ferromagnetismi
ferrous {adj} /ˈfɛɹəs/ (of or containing iron)
:: rautainen
ferruginous {adj} (containing iron)
:: rautapitoinen
ferruginous {adj} (rust colored)
:: ruosteenpunainen
ferruginous duck {n} (Aythya nyroca)
:: ruskosotka
ferrule {n} /ˈfɛɹ(ə)l/ (band or cap placed around a shaft to reinforce it or to prevent splitting)
:: puristusholkki
ferry {n} /ˈfɛɹi/ (boat)
:: lautta, autolautta
ferryboat {n} /ˈfɛɹiˌboʊt/ (boat)
:: lautta, autolautta
ferryman {n} (Charon) SEE: Charon
ferryman {n} (man who operates a ferry)
:: lautturi
fertile {adj} /ˈfɝːtəl/ ((of land etc) capable of growing abundant crops)
:: viljava, hedelmällinen
fertile {adj} ((biology) capable of reproducing)
:: hedelmällinen
fertile {adj} ((biology) capable of developing past the egg stage)
:: hedelmöitynyt
fertile {adj} ((of an imagination etc) productive or prolific)
:: tuottelias, vilkas
Fertile Crescent {prop} /ˈfɝːtəl ˈkɹɛsənt/ (crescent-shaped arc of fertile land)
:: hedelmällinen puolikuu
fertilely {adv} (in a fertile manner)
:: hedelmällisesti
fertility {n} /fɚːˈtɪləti/ (the condition, or the degree of being fertile)
:: hedelmällisyys
fertility {n} (the birthrate of a population)
:: hedelmällisyys
fertility {n} (average number of births per woman) SEE: fertility rate
fertility rate {n} (indicator of population growth)
:: hedelmällisyysluku
fertilize {v} (to cause to become pregnant) SEE: impregnate
fertilize {v} (to make fertile by adding nutrients)
:: lannoittaa
fertilize {v} (to make creative or productive)
:: ravita
fertilizer {n} /ˈfɜːɹtəlaɪzəɹ/ (a natural substance that is used to make the ground more suitable for growing plants)
:: lannoite
fertilizer {n} (a chemical compound created to have the same effect.)
:: lannoite, apulanta, keinolannoite
fervent {adj} /ˈfɝ.vənt/ (exhibiting particular enthusiasm, zeal, conviction, persistence, or belief)
:: kiihkeä
fervent {adj} (having or showing emotional warmth, fervor, or passion)
:: kiihkeä
fervent {adj} (glowing, burning, very hot)
:: tulikuuma, hehkuva
fervently {adv} (in a fervent manner)
:: kiihkeästi
fervor {n} /ˈfɝvɚ/ (intense, heated emotion; passion, ardor)
:: palo
fervor {n} (passionate enthusiasm for some cause)
:: palo
fervour {n} (fervor) SEE: fervor
fescennine {adj} /ˈfɛsənʌɪn/ (obscene or scurrilous)
:: ruokoton
fescue {n} (stick, etc., used chiefly to point out letters to children) SEE: pointer
fescue {n} /ˈfɛskjuː/ (grass)
:: nata
fess {n} /fɛs/ (band)
:: hirsi
fess point {n} (center of the shield)
:: sydänkohta
fess up {v} (confess) SEE: confess
fest {n} /fɛst/ (A gathering for a specified reason or occasion)
:: juhla
fester {v} /ˈfɛstə(ɹ)/ (become septic or rotten)
:: mädäntyä
fester {v} (To worsen, especially due to lack of attention)
:: muhia
festival {n} /ˈfɛstəvəl/ (event or community gathering)
:: juhlat {p}, festivaali
festive {adj} /ˈfɛstɪv/ (having the atmosphere, decoration, or attitude of a festival, holiday, or celebration)
:: juhlava
festively {adv} (in a festive manner)
:: juhlavasti
festivity {n} (festival)
:: juhlallisuudet {p}, juhlat {p}, festivaali
festivity {n} (experience or expression)
:: juhlamieli
festoon {n} /fɛsˈtuːn/ (ornament which hangs loosely from two tacked spots)
:: koristeköynnös
festoon {n} (cable with light globes attached)
:: valoköynnös
festoon {n} (astronomy: cloud formation on Jupiter)
:: silta
festoon {v} (to hang ornaments which hang loosely from two tacked spots)
:: koristaa köynnöksin
festschrift {n} /ˈfɛstˌʃɹɪft/ (collection published as a memorial or tribute to a scholar)
:: juhlajulkaisu
fetal {adj} /ˈfitl̩/ (pertaining to, or connected with, a fetus)
:: sikiö-
fetal alcohol syndrome {n} (type of birth defect)
:: sikiön alkoholioireyhtymä
fetal position {n} (location of the fetus inside the womb)
:: sikiön asento
fetal position {n} (posture in which the head and knees are brought close to the abdomen)
:: sikiöasento
fetch {n} (wraith) SEE: wraith
fetch {v} /fɛtʃ/ (To retrieve; to bear towards; to get)
:: hakea, noutaa
fetid {adj} /ˈfɛtɪd/ (foul-smelling)
:: löyhkäävä, pahanhajuinen
fetish {n} /ˈfɛt.ɪʃ/ (something nonsexual which arouses sexual desire)
:: fetišši, fetissi
fetish {n} (something believed to possess spiritual or magical powers)
:: taikakalu, fetišši, fetissi
fetish {n} (irrational or abnormal fixation)
:: päähänpinttymä
fetishism {n} (belief that natural objects have supernatural powers)
:: fetisismi
fetishism {n} (paraphilia where the object of attraction is an inanimate object or a part of a person's body)
:: fetisismi
fetlock {n} (joint of the horse's leg)
:: vuohisnivel
fetopathy {n} (any disease of a fetus)
:: fetopatia
fetter {n} /ˈfɛt.ɚ/ (object used to bind a person or animal by its legs)
:: kahleet {p}, kahle
fetter {n} (anything that restricts or restrains in any way)
:: kahle
fetter {v} (to shackle or bind up with fetters)
:: kahlita
fetter {v} (to restrain or impede)
:: kahlita, rajoittaa
fettle {n} (state of proper physical condition; kilter or trim)
:: kunto, veto
fettle {n} (one's mental state; spirits)
:: kunto
fetus {n} /ˈfiːtəs/ (fetus)
:: sikiö
feud {n} /fjuːd/
:: sukuriita [family feud]
feudal {adj} /ˈfju.ɾɫ̩/ (of, or relating to feudalism)
:: feodaalinen, feodaali-, läänitys-
feudalism {n} /ˈfju.dəlɪzəm/ (social system)
:: feodalismi
feudalist {n} /fjuːdəlɪst/ (advocate or practitioner of feudalism)
:: feodalisti
feudalistic {adj} (of feudalism) SEE: feudal
feudality {n} (state or quality of being feudal)
:: feodaalisuus
feudalization {n} (feudal system)
:: feodalisointi
feudalize {v} /ˈfjuːdəlaɪz/ (make something feudal)
:: feodalisoida
feudal lord {n} (lord in a feudal system)
:: lääninherra, feodaaliherra
feudally {adv} (in a feudal manner)
:: feodaalisesti
fever {n} /ˈfivɚ/ (higher than normal body temperature)
:: kuume
fever {n} (usually in combination: any of various diseases)
:: -kuume [also -rokko, -nuha etc.]
fever {n} (state of excitement (of a person or people))
:: kuume, huuma, vimma
fever bush {n} (American winterberry) SEE: American winterberry
feverfew {n} (Tanacetum parthenium)
:: reunuspietaryrtti, reunuspäivänkakkara
feverishly {adv} /ˈfi.vɚ.ɪʃ.li/ (with excitement and determination)
:: kuumeisesti
feverishly {adv} (with speed; rapidly)
:: vauhdilla, kuumeisesti, nopeasti
feverless {adj} (without fever)
:: kuumeeton
fever pitch {n} /ˈfiːvə pɪtʃ/ (extreme excitement)
:: kiihkeys
few {determiner} /fju/ (indefinite, usually small number)
:: harva, muutama, jokunen
few {determiner} (small number)
:: vähän, muutama
few {determiner} (meteorology: obscuring 1-2 eighths of the sky)
:: selkeä [see: pilvisyys]
few {pron} (few people, few things)
:: harva
few and far between {adj} (rare and scarce)
:: harvassa
fewer {determiner} /ˈfjuːɚ/ (comparative of few; a smaller number)
:: harvempi, vähemmän
few-flowered sedge {n} (sedge species)
:: rahkasara
fewness {n} (state of being few)
:: vähyys
Feynman diagram {n} /ˈfaɪnmən ˈdaɪəɡɹæm/ (pictorial representation of the interactions of subatomic particles)
:: Feynmanin graafi
fez {n} /fɛz/ (type of hat)
:: fetsi
Fez {prop} /fɛz/ (city in Morocco)
:: Fès
f-hole {n} (hole in instrument)
:: f-aukko
fiancé {n} /fiˈɑnseɪ/ (man who is engaged to be married)
:: sulhanen
fiancé {n} (person engaged to be married)
:: kihlattu
fiancée {n} /fiˈɑnseɪ/ (woman who is engaged to be married)
:: morsian
fiasco {n} /fɪˈæs.kəʊ/ (ludicrous or humiliating situation)
:: fiasko
fiat currency {n} (money by government fiat) SEE: fiat money
fiat lux {phrase} (let there be light) SEE: let there be light
fiat money {n} (money that is given a legal value)
:: fiat-raha
fib {n} /fɪb/ (a more or less inconsequential lie)
:: vale
fiber {n} (fibre) SEE: fibre
fiberboard {n} (material)
:: kuitulevy
fiberglass {n} (fibreglass) SEE: fibreglass
Fibonacci number {n} (number)
:: Fibonaccin luku
Fibonacci sequence {n} (sequence of numbers)
:: Fibonaccin lukujono
fibre {n} /ˈfaɪ.bə(ɹ)/ (single elongated piece of material)
:: kuitu, säie
fibre {n} (material in the form of fibres)
:: kuitu
fibre {n} (moral strength and reserve)
:: suoraselkäisyys
fibre {n} (mathematics: preimage of a given point in the range of a map)
:: säie
fibre {n} (muscle fiber)
:: syy
fibre {n} (dietary fibre) SEE: dietary fibre
fibreglass {n} /ˈfaɪbəɡlɑːs/ (glass extruded into fibers)
:: lasikuitu
fibreglass {n} (composite material)
:: lasikuitu
fibre optic {adj} (relating to fibre optics)
:: kuituoptinen
fibre optics {n} (transmission of light through fibres)
:: kuituoptiikka
fibre-reinforced plastic {n} (composite material)
:: lujitemuovi
fibrillate {v} (to make rapid irregular movements)
:: väristä
fibrillation {n} (contraction of the muscle fibers of the heart)
:: fibrillaatio, värinä
fibrin {n} /ˈfaɪbɹɪn/ (fibrous substance)
:: kuituaine, fibriini
fibrinogen {n} (protein that in humans plays a part in the forming of clots)
:: fibrinogeeni
fibrinolysis {n} (process wherein a fibrin clot, the product of coagulation, is broken down)
:: fibrinolyysi
fibromyalgia {n} (condition characterised by chronic pain, stiffness, and tenderness of the muscles, tendons, and joints)
:: fibromyalgia
fibrosis {n} /faɪˈbɹoʊsɪs/ (formation of connective tissue)
:: fibroosi
fibrotic {adj} (pertaining to fibrosis)
:: fibroottinen
fibula {n} (calf bone) SEE: calf bone
fichu {n} /ˈfɪʃ(j)uː/ (woman's lightweight triangular scarf)
:: hartialiina
fickle {adj} /ˈfɪk.əl/ (quick to change one’s opinion or allegiance)
:: ailahteleva, huikenteleva, häilyvä, vaihteleva
fickle {adj} (changeable)
:: vaihteleva
fiction {n} /ˈfɪk.ʃən/ (literary type)
:: fiktio, kaunokirjallisuus
fiction {n} (invention)
:: sepite, fiktio, taru
fictional {adj} (invented, as opposed to real)
:: kuvitteellinen, fiktiivinen
fictitious {adj} /fɪkˈtɪʃəs/ (invented)
:: keksitty
fictive {adj} /ˈfɪktɪv/ (fictional, fanciful or invented)
:: kuvitteellinen, fiktiivinen
fictively {adv} (in a fictive manner)
:: fiktiivisesti
fictiveness {n} (quality)
:: fiktiivisyys
ficus {n} /ˈfaɪkəs/ (plant of the genus Ficus)
:: fiikus
fiddle {n} /ˈfɪd(ə)l/ (instrument)
:: viulu
fiddle {n} (adjustment)
:: viritys, temppu
fiddle {n} (fraud)
:: vilunki
fiddle {n} (nautical: rail or batten)
:: reunalista
fiddle {v} (to play aimlessly)
:: koheltaa, haaskata
fiddle {v} (to adjust in order to cover a basic flaw or fraud)
:: viilata, näpelöidä, tehdä vilunkia
fiddle {v} (to play traditional tunes on a violin in a non-classical style)
:: vinguttaa viulua [derogative]; soittaa viulua
fiddlefuck {v} (waste time) SEE: waste time
fiddler {n} /ˈfɪdələ(ɹ)/ (one who plays the fiddle)
:: viulisti
fideicommissum {n} (benefit)
:: fideikomissi
fideism {n} /ˈfideɪɪzəm/ (doctrine)
:: fideismi
fidelity {n} /fɪˈdɛl.ɪ.ti/ (faithfulness to one's duties)
:: uskollisuus, lojaalius
fidelity {n} (accuracy, or exact correspondence to some given quality or fact)
:: tarkkuus, täsmällisyys
fidelity {n} (loyalty, especially to one's spouse)
:: uskollisuus
fidelity {n} (the degree to which an electronic system accurately reproduces a given sound or image)
:: toistokyky
fidget {v} /ˈfɪdʒ.ɪt/ (to move around nervously)
:: sätkiä, sätkytellä, nykiä, nytkiä
fidget {n} (a person who fidgets)
:: sätkyttelijä
fidget spinner {n} (stress-relieving toy)
:: sormihyrrä, spinneri
fidgety {adj} /ˈfɪdʒɪti/ (Having, or pertaining to, a tendency to fidget)
:: hermostunut, levoton
fido {n} (incorrectly minted coin)
:: lyöntivirhe
fiduciary {adj} /fʌɪˈdjuːʃəɹi/ (related to trusts and trustees)
:: luottamus-, luottamukseen perustuva
fiduciary {n} (trustee)
:: uskottu mies
fie {interj} /faɪ/ (expression of disgust)
:: hyi
fief {n} /fiːf/ (estate)
:: läänitys
fief {n} (something over which one has rights or exercises control)
:: valtakunta
fief {n} (area of dominion)
:: tontti, valtakunta
fiefdom {n} /ˈfiːf.dəm/ (estate controlled by a feudal lord)
:: läänitys
fiefdom {n} (organization in the control of a dominant individual)
:: valtakunta
field {n} /fiːld/ (land area free of woodland, cities, and towns; open country)
:: kenttä
field {n} (wide, open space used to grow crops or to hold farm animals)
:: laidun [for animals], pelto [for crops], vainio
field {n} (place where a battle is fought)
:: kenttä, taistelukenttä
field {n} (physics: region affected by a particular force)
:: kenttä
field {n} (course of study or domain of knowledge or practice)
:: ala
field {n} (in mathematics)
:: kunta
field {n} (sports: area reserved for playing a game)
:: kenttä, pelikenttä
field {n} (geology: region containing a particular mineral)
:: kenttä, esiintymisalue
field {n} (heraldry: background of the shield)
:: kenttä
field {n} (computing: area of memory or storage reserved for a particular value)
:: alue [general], kenttä [object-oriented programming]
field {v} (intercept or catch)
:: ottaa kiinni
field {v} (to be the team catching and throwing the ball)
:: olla ulkovuorossa
field {v} (to place in a playing field)
:: panna kentälle
field {v} (to answer; to address)
:: vastata
field corn {n} (variety of corn)
:: rehumaissi
field effect {n} (use of an electric field to control the conductivity)
:: kanavavaikutus, kenttävaikutus
fielder {n} (cricket: player of the fielding side)
:: kenttäpelaaja
fielder {n} (baseball: defensive player)
:: kenttäpelaaja
field extension {n} (pair of fields such that one is a subfield of the other)
:: kuntalaajennus
fieldfare {n} /ˈfiːldfɛə/ (Turdus pilaris)
:: räkättirastas
field hockey {n} (form of hockey)
:: maahockey
field horsetail {n} (plant)
:: peltokorte
field hospital {n} (medical unit)
:: kenttäsairaala
field jacket {n} (type of jacket)
:: kenttätakki
field kitchen {n} (mobile kitchen)
:: kenttäkeittiö
field maple {n} (Acer campestre)
:: niverävaahtera
field marshal {n} (highest military rank after the commander in chief)
:: kenttämarsalkka
field mushroom {n} (genus of fungi)
:: nurmiherkkusieni
field of honor {n}
:: taistelutanner, taistelukenttä
field of view {n} (angular extent of what can be seen)
:: näkökenttä
field of vision {n} /ˈfiːld ɘv ˈvɪʒ(ə)n/ (area that a person, etc., can see without turning the head)
:: näkökenttä
field poppy {n} (Papaver rhoeas) SEE: corn poppy
field ration {n} (prepackaged meal)
:: taistelumuonapakkaus
field trip {n} (educational trip)
:: luokkaretki, opintoretki, opintomatka
field vole {n} (field vole)
:: peltomyyrä
field work {n} (temporary fortification) SEE: fieldwork
field work {n} (collection of raw data) SEE: fieldwork
fieldwork {n} /ˈfiːldwɜːk/ (work)
:: kenttätyö
fieldwork {n} (collection of raw data)
:: kenttätutkimus
fieldwork {n} (temporary fortification)
:: kenttälinnoite
fiend {n} /fiːnd/ (demon)
:: demoni, paholainen, pahahenki
fiend {n} (very evil person)
:: peto, riiviö
fiend {n} (addict, fanatic)
:: addikti
fiendish {adj} /ˈfiːndɪʃ/ (sinister, evil)
:: pirullinen, paholaismainen
fiendishly {adv} (extremely, very) SEE: extremely
fierce {adj} /fɪəs/ (extremely violent, severe, ferocious or savage)
:: raivokas, raju, hurja
fierce {adj} (resolute or strenuously active)
:: hurja
fierce {adj} (threatening in appearance or demeanor)
:: hurja
fiercely {adv} /fɪɹsli/ (in a fierce manner)
:: raivokkaasti, hurjasti, tulisesti, rajusti
fiery {adj} /ˈfaɪəɹi/ (of, or relating to fire)
:: tulinen
fiery {adj} (burning or glowing)
:: tulinen
fiery {adj} (inflammable or easily ignited)
:: tulenarka
fiery {adj} (having the colour of fire)
:: tulinen
fiery {adj} (hot or inflamed)
:: tulinen
fiery {adj} (tempestuous or emotionally volatile)
:: tulinen
fiery {adj} (spirited or filled with emotion)
:: palava
fiesta {n} /fɪˈɛstə/ (religious festival in Spanish speaking country)
:: fiesta
fiesta {n} (festive occasion)
:: juhla
fife {n} (small shrill pipe)
:: fife
fifteen {num} /ˈfɪf.tiːn/ (cardinal number)
:: viisitoista
fifteenth {adj} /ˌfɪfˈtiːnθ/ (ordinal form of number fifteen, see also: 15th)
:: viidestoista
fifteenth {n} (person or thing in the fifteenth position)
:: viidestoista
fifteenth {n} (one of fifteen equal parts)
:: viidestoistaosa
fifth {adj} /fɪfθ/ (Ordinal form of the number 5, see also: 5th)
:: viides
fifth {n} (person or thing in the fifth position)
:: viides
fifth {n} (one of five equal parts of a whole)
:: viidennes, viidesosa
fifth {n} (musical interval)
:: kvintti
fifth {n} (fifth gear) SEE: fifth gear
fifth disease {n} (manifestation of erythovirus infection)
:: parvorokko, pikkurokko
fifth gear {n} (the fifth gear of an engine)
:: viitonen, viitosvaihde
fifth wheel {n} /ˌfɪfθ ˈʍiːl/ (anything superfluous or unnecessary)
:: kolmas pyörä
fifties {n} /ˈfɪftiz/ (The decade of the 1850s, 1950s, etc.)
:: viisikymmentäluku
fiftieth {adj} /ˈfɪf.ti.əθ/ (the ordinal form of the number fifty)
:: viideskymmenes
fiftieth {n} (the person or thing in the fiftieth position)
:: viideskymmenes
fiftieth {n} (one of fifty equal parts of a whole)
:: viideskymmenesosa
fifty {num} /ˈfɪfti/ (cardinal number)
:: viisikymmentä
fifty {n} (a banknote with a denomination of 50)
:: viisikymppinen
fifty-eight {num} (cardinal number)
:: viisikymmentäkahdeksan
fifty-eighth {adj} (ordinal number)
:: viideskymmeneskahdeksas
fifty-fifth {adj} (ordinal number)
:: viideskymmenesviides
fifty-fifty {adv} (in half)
:: puoliksi
fifty-first {adj} (ordinal number)
:: viideskymmenesensimmäinen
fifty-five {num} (cardinal number)
:: viisikymmentäviisi
fifty-four {num} (cardinal number)
:: viisikymmentäneljä
fifty-fourth {adj} (ordinal number)
:: viideskymmenesneljäs
fifty-nine {num} (cardinal number)
:: viisikymmentäyhdeksän
fifty-ninth {adj} (ordinal number)
:: viideskymmenesyhdeksäs
fifty-one {num} (cardinal number)
:: viisikymmentäyksi
fifty-second {adj} (ordinal number)
:: viideskymmeneskahdes, viideskymmenestoinen
fifty-seven {num} (cardinal number)
:: viisikymmentäseitsemän
fifty-seventh {adj} (ordinal number)
:: viideskymmenesseitsemäs
fifty-six {num} (cardinal number)
:: viisikymmentäkuusi
fifty-sixth {adj} (ordinal number)
:: viideskymmeneskuudes
fifty-third {adj} (ordinal number)
:: viideskymmeneskolmas
fifty-three {num} (cardinal number)
:: viisikymmentäkolme
fifty-two {num} (cardinal number)
:: viisikymmentäkaksi
fig {n} /fɪɡ/ (tree or shrub)
:: viikuna, viikunapuu
fig {n} (fruit)
:: viikuna
fight {v} /fʌɪt/ ((intransitive) to contend in physical conflict)
:: [without weapons] tapella, [with weapons] taistella
fight {v} (to strive for)
:: taistella, tsempata
fight {v} ((transitive) to engage in (a physical conflict))
:: taistella
fight {v} ((transitive) to contend in physical conflict against)
:: taistella
fight {v} (to counteract)
:: taistella
fight {n} (occasion of fighting)
:: taistelu, tappelu
fight {n} (battle)
:: taistelu
fight {n} (physical confrontation)
:: tappelu, taistelu
fight {n} (martial arts match)
:: kamppailu, ottelu
fight {n} (conflict of will, strife)
:: taistelu
fight {n} (will or ability to fight)
:: taistelutahto
fighter {n} /ˈfaɪtɚ/ (person who fights)
:: taistelija
fighter {n} (warrior)
:: soturi
fighter {n} (aircraft type)
:: hävittäjä
fighter {n} (boxer) SEE: boxer
fighter aircraft {n} (fighter aircraft) SEE: fighter plane
fighter-bomber {n} (military aircraft)
:: hävittäjäpommittaja
fighter plane {n} (military aircraft)
:: hävittäjä, hävittäjäkone
fight fire with fire {v} (idiomatic)
:: taistella tulella tulta vastaan
fighting {adj} /ˈfaɪtɪŋ/ (engaged in a fight)
:: taisteleva
fighting chance {n} (chance that is dependent on success in a struggle)
:: mahdollisuus taistella; ei mitään mahdollisuutta [no fighting chance]
fighting fish {n} (Betta splendens)
:: taistelukala
fighting game {n} (video game genre)
:: taistelupeli, tappelupeli
fight like cat and dog {v}
:: olla kuin kissa ja koira, tapella kuin kissa ja koira, olla napit vastakkain
fight song {n} (sports team's anthem)
:: kannatuslaulu
fight to the death {n} (A fight in which there is only one winner, the survivor)
:: taistelu kuolemaan asti
fig leaf {n} (leaf of the fig plant)
:: viikunanlehti
fig leaf {n} (leaf covering genitals in a work of art)
:: viikunanlehti
fig leaf {n} (anything intended to conceal something undesirable)
:: viikunanlehti
fig tree {n} (fig tree) SEE: fig
figurative {adj} /ˈfɪɡjʊɹətɪv/ (metaphorical; not literal)
:: kuvaannollinen
figuratively {adv} (in a figurative manner)
:: kuvaannollisesti
figurativeness {n} (being figurative)
:: kuvaannollisuus, figuratiivisuus
figure {n} (figure of speech) SEE: figure of speech
figure {v} (to think, to assume, to suppose, to reckon) SEE: assume
figure {n} /ˈfɪɡjɚ/ (drawing)
:: kuva, kuvio
figure {n} (human figure; shape of human body)
:: vartalo, muoto, figuuri
figure {n} (a person, representing a certain consciousness)
:: hahmo
figure {n} (numeral)
:: luku, numero
figure {n} (shape)
:: kuvio, muoto, hahmo
figure {n} (visible pattern)
:: kuvio
figure {v} (to calculate, to solve a mathematical problem)
:: keksiä, hoksata
figure {v} (to come to understand)
:: tajuta
figured {adj} /ˈfɪɡəd/ (having an attractive pattern)
:: kuviollinen
figured bass {n} /ˈfɪɡjɚdbeɪs/ (musical notation)
:: kenraalibasso
figurehead {n} /ˈfɪɡjəɹˌhɛd/ (carved figure on the prow of a sailing ship)
:: keulakuva
figurehead {n} (someone in a nominal position of leadership)
:: keulakuva
figure of speech {n} (word or phrase)
:: kielikuva
figure out {v} (to calculate) SEE: calculate
figure out {v} (come to understand)
:: tajuta, hoksata, selvittää
figure skater {n} (someone who figure skates)
:: taitoluistelija
figure skating {n} (sport where people perform spins, jumps and other moves on skates)
:: taitoluistelu, kaunoluistelu
figurine {n} /fɪɡ(j)əˈɹin/ (a small carved or molded figure)
:: figuriini
figwort {n} (Scrophularia)
:: syyläjuuri
Fiji {prop} /ˈfi.dʒi/ (Fiji - a country in Oceania comprising over 300 islands)
:: Fidži
Fijian {n} /fiːˈdʒiːən/ (a person from Fiji or of Fijian descent)
:: fidžiläinen
Fijian {adj} (Pertaining to Fiji, or its language or people)
:: fidžiläinen, fidžinkielinen [language]
Fijian {prop} (language)
:: fidži
filament {n} /ˈfɪləmənt/ (fine thread or wire)
:: säie, kuitu
filament {n} (wire in an incandescent light bulb)
:: hehkulanka
filament {n} (stalk of a stamen in a flower)
:: palho
filariasis {n} (disease transmitted by insects)
:: filariaasi
filbert {n} (shrub) SEE: hazel
filbert {n} (hazelnut) SEE: hazelnut
filch {v} /fɪltʃ/ (to steal)
:: näpistää, pihistää
file {n} /faɪl/ (collection of papers)
:: kansio
file {n} (computer terminology)
:: tiedosto, kansio
file {v} (to commit papers)
:: jättää; nostaa [of a lawsuit]
file {v} (to archive)
:: arkistoida
file {v} (to store computer data)
:: tallentaa
file {v} (to make a formal request)
:: hakea, jättää hakemus
file {n} (column of people)
:: jono
file {n} (chess: vertical line of squares)
:: linja
file {n} (cutting or smoothing tool)
:: viila
file {v} (to smooth with a file)
:: viilata
file cabinet {n} (piece of office furniture) SEE: filing cabinet
file extension {n} (string of characters)
:: tiedostopääte
filename {n} /ˈfaɪlneɪm/ (name assigned to a file)
:: tiedostonimi
file size {n} (length of a file)
:: tiedostokoko, tiedoston koko
file system {n} ((computing) method of organizing blocks)
:: tiedostojärjestelmä
file system {n} ((computing) set of organized blocks)
:: tiedostojärjestelmä
filet mignon {n} /fɪˈleɪ mɪnˈjõː(n)/ (steak cut of beef)
:: filet mignon
File Transfer Protocol {n} (protocol used to transfer files)
:: FTP
filial {adj} /ˈfi.li.əl/ (pertaining to a son or daughter)
:: lapsenomainen
filial {adj} (respectful of the duties and attitudes of a son or daughter toward their parents)
:: lapsenomainen, vanhempiaan kunnioittava
filial {adj} (of descending generation or generations)
:: jälkeläis-, jälki- [in term jälkipolvi]
filial piety {n} (respect to one's parents and ancestors)
:: vanhempien kunnioitus
filibuster {n} /ˈfɪlɪbʌstə(ɹ)/ (freebooter)
:: palkkasoturi, rosvo
filibuster {n} (long speech given in order to delay progress or the making of a decision)
:: jarrutus, jarrutuspuhe
filibuster {n} (member of a legislative body causing such obstruction)
:: jarruttaja
filibuster {v} (to use obstructionist tactics in a legislative body)
:: jarruttaa
filiform {adj} (resembling thread)
:: jouhimainen
filigree {n} /ˈfɪl.ɪ.ɡɹiː/ (a delicate and intricate ornamentation made from gold or silver twisted wire)
:: filigraani
filigree {n} (a design resembling such intricate ornamentation)
:: filigraanikuvio
filing {n} /faɪ.lɪŋ/ (particle that has been removed by a file or similar implement; a shaving)
:: puru, jauhe
filing {n} (act of storing documents in an archive; archiving)
:: arkistointi
filing cabinet {n} (piece of office furniture)
:: arkistokaappi
Filipino {n} /fɪlɪˈpinoʊ/ (the national language of the Philippines)
:: filippiino
Filipino {n} (native or inhabitant of the Philippines)
:: filippiiniläinen
Filipino {adj} (of or pertaining to the Philippines or its people)
:: filippiiniläinen
fill {v} /fɪl/ (occupy fully, take up all of)
:: täyttää
fill {v} (add contents to, so it is full)
:: täyttää
fill {v} (become full of contents)
:: täyttyä
fill {v} (treat (a tooth))
:: paikata
fill {n} (sufficient or more than sufficient amount)
:: tarpeeksi [adverb]
fill {n} (amount that fills a container)
:: täyttö
fill {n} (filling of a container)
:: täyttö
fill {n} (something used to occupy empty spaces)
:: täyte, täyteaine
fillet {n} /ˈfɪ.lɪt/ (headband, ribbon)
:: tukkanauha
fillet {n} (fine strip of any material)
:: nauha
fillet {n} (construction: heavy bead of waterproofing)
:: saumaus
fillet {n} (engineering: rounded relief or cut)
:: pyöristys
fillet {n} (strip of deboned meat or fish)
:: leike [meat], filee [fish]
fillet {n} (architecture: space between two flutings)
:: harjanne
fillet {n} (thread of a screw)
:: ruuvikierre, kierre
fillet {n} (colored border)
:: reunaviiva
fillet {n} (scantling)
:: rima
fillet {n} (anatomy: fascia)
:: kalvo
fillet {n} (loins of a horse)
:: satula
fillet {v} (to make into fillets)
:: fileerata, fileoida
fillet {v} (to apply, etc, a rounded or filled corner to)
:: pyöristää
fill in {v} (fill) SEE: fill
fill in {v} (to inform somebody, especially to supply someone missing or missed information)
:: saattaa ajan tasalle
fill in {v} (to substitute for somebody or something)
:: tuurata, toimia sijaisena
fill in {v} (fill out) SEE: fill out
filling {adj} /ˈfɪɫlɪŋ/ (of food, that satisfies the appetite by filling the stomach)
:: täyttävä
filling {n} (anything used to fill something)
:: täyte
filling {n} (contents of a pie, etc.)
:: täyte
filling {n} (in dentistry)
:: paikka
filling station {n} (gas station) SEE: gas station
fillip {n} (brief period of time) SEE: jiffy
fillip {v} (to strike or tap smartly) SEE: strike
fillip {n} /ˈfɪlɪp/ (action of holding the tip of a finger against the thumb and then releasing it with a snap)
:: napsutus
fillip {v} (to drive as if by a fillip) SEE: excite
fillip {n} (something unimportant) SEE: trifle
fillister {n} (rabbet)
:: huullos
fillister {n} (plane)
:: huulloshöylä
fill music {n} (music broadcast as interlude)
:: täytemusiikki
fill out {v} /fɪl aʊt/ (to complete a form)
:: täyttää lomake
fill out {v} (to have one's physique expand)
:: lihoa, pyöristyä
fillér {n} /ˈfɪlɛə(ɹ)/ (subdenomination of the forint)
:: filleri
fill someone's shoes {v} (to do someone's job, assume somebody's role)
:: täyttää jonkun paikka, astua jonkun saappaisiin
fill up {v} (to make full)
:: täyttää
fill up {v} (to fill the tank of a vehicle with fuel)
:: tankata, täyttää tankki
fill up {v} (to become full)
:: täyttyä, tulla täyteen
fill up {v} (to become tearful as a result of strong emotion)
:: purskahtaa kyyneliin
fill up {v} (to annoy)
:: saada tarpeekseen, saada tarpeeksi, saada mittansa täyteen
fill up {v} (to satisfy hunger)
:: täyttää, olla täyttävää
filly {n} /ˈfɪli/ (young female horse)
:: tammavarsa
film {n} (motion picture) SEE: movie
film {n} /fɪlm/ (thin layer)
:: kalvo
film {n} (photographic film)
:: filmi
film {v} (to record a motion picture)
:: filmata, elokuvata
film crew {n} (group of people)
:: kuvausryhmä
film director {n} (person)
:: elokuvaohjaaja
filmesque {adj} (of or relating to films) SEE: cinematic
filmic {adj} (of or relating to movies) SEE: cinematic
film industry {n} (institutions of filmmaking)
:: elokuvateollisuus
filming {n} /ˈfɪlmɪŋ/ (the action of the verb "to film")
:: filmatisointi
filmmaker {n} (producer or director of films / movies)
:: elokuvantekijä
filmmaking {n} (the production of movies)
:: elokuvan tekeminen
film set {n}
:: elokuvanäyttämö, elokuvakulissi, kuvauspaikka
film star {n} (movie star) SEE: movie star
filmstrip {n} (length of film)
:: raina
filter {n} /ˈfɪltɚ/ (device for separating impurities from a fluid or other substance)
:: suodatin, suodin
filter {n} (electronics or software to separate unwanted signal)
:: suodatin, suodin
filter {n} (any device or procedure that acts to separate or isolate)
:: suodatin, suodin
filter {n} (collection of subsets)
:: suodatin, suodin
filter {v} (to sort, sift, or isolate)
:: suodattaa [filter], siivilöidä [sift], erottaa [separate]
filter {v} (to diffuse)
:: hajottaa
filter {v} (to pass through a filter or to act as though passing through a filter)
:: suodattua, siivilöityä, erottua
filter {v} (to come or go a few at a time)
:: tippua, valua
filter feeder {n} (animal)
:: siivilöijä, ravintonsa siivilöimällä ottava eläin
filtering {n} (filtrate) SEE: filtrate
filth {n} /fɪlθ/ (dirt)
:: lika
filthy {adj} /ˈfɪlθi/ (covered with filth; very dirty)
:: likainen, saastainen, kuppainen
filthy {adj} (obscene or offensive)
:: likainen, saastainen
filthy rich {adj} (very rich)
:: upporikas, äveriäs
filtrate {n} /ˈfɪltɹeɪt/ (liquid or solution that has passed through a filter)
:: suodos, filtraatti
filtrate {v} (to filter)
:: suodattaa
fimbria {n} (bacteriology: pilus)
:: värekarva
fimbriated {adj} (having a narrow borderline)
:: päärmätty
fin {n} /fɪn/ (appendage of a fish)
:: evä
fin {n} (appendage of a cetacean or other marine animal)
:: evä
fin {n} (device used by divers)
:: uimaräpylä, räpylä
Finagle's law {prop} (Murphy's law) SEE: Murphy's law
final {n} /ˈfaɪ.nəl/ (test or examination given at the end of a term or class)
:: loppukoe, päättökoe
final {n} (sports: last round in a contest)
:: loppuottelu, finaali, loppukilpailu, loppusarja
final {n} (contest that narrows a field of contestants)
:: loppukilpailu, finaali, loppuottelut {p}
final {adj} (last; ultimate)
:: viimeinen, lopullinen
final {adj} (conclusive; decisive)
:: lopullinen
final {adj} (respecting an end, purpose or ultimate end in view)
:: lopullinen
final {adj} (grammar: expressing purpose)
:: finaalinen
final {adj} (linguistics: occurring at the end of a word)
:: loppu-
final class {n}
:: lopullinen luokka, sinetöity luokka
final clause {n} (type of dependent clause)
:: finaalilause
final curtain {n} ((theatre) the last time the curtain is lowered)
:: esiripun laskeminen
finale {n} /fɨˈnɑli/ (grand end of something, especially a show or a piece of music)
:: finaali, lopetus
final examination {n} (a test)
:: loppukoe, päättökoe
finalize {v} /ˈfaɪnəlaɪz/ (to make final or firm; to finish or complete)
:: viimeistellä
finally {adv} /ˈfaɪ.nl̩.i/ (ultimately)
:: vihdoinkin, lopulta
finally {adv} (lastly)
:: lopulta
final nail in the coffin {n} (something responsible for a prospective demise)
:: viimeinen naula arkkuun
final say {n} (right to make a final decision)
:: viimeinen sana
final solution {n} (planned and attempted mass murder of the European Jews)
:: lopullinen ratkaisu
finance {n} /ˈfaɪnæns/ (management of money and other assets)
:: rahoitus, varainhoito
finance {n} (science of management of money and other assets)
:: rahoitus, rahoitusoppi, finanssioppi
finance {n} (monetary resources)
:: varat, rahavarat
finance {v} (to obtain or provide funding for a transaction or undertaking)
:: rahoittaa
financial {adj} /faɪˈnænʃəl/ (related to finances)
:: taloudellinen, rahoituksellinen
financial {adj} (paying)
:: maksava
financial capital {n} (monetary capita)
:: finanssipääoma
financial conglomerate {n} (all-round financial institution)
:: finanssitavaratalo
financial crisis {n} (period of economic slowdown)
:: rahoituskriisi
financial economics {n} (branch of economics)
:: rahoituksen taloustiede
financial instrument {n} (instrument for borrowing)
:: rahoitusinstrumentti
financially {adv} (in terms of finance or money)
:: rahallisesti
financial management {n} (management of money of an organization)
:: rahoitusjohtaminen
financial market {n} (market where financial securities and commodities are bought and sold)
:: rahoitusmarkkinat
financials {n} (financial statements)
:: tiliotteet {p}
financials {n} (financial institutions)
:: rahalaitokset {p}
financial statement {n} (record of all relevant financial information)
:: tilinpäätös
financial year {n} (fiscal year) SEE: fiscal year
financier {n} /f(a)ɪnænˈsɪəɹ/ (person profiting from financial transactions)
:: rahoittaja, sijoittaja
financier {n} (company)
:: rahoitusyhtiö, sijoitusyhtiö
financier {n} (administrator)
:: rahoitusjohtaja
financier {n} (teacake)
:: financier-leivos
financing {n} (funding) SEE: funding
finback {n} (fin whale) SEE: fin whale
finch {n} /fɪntʃ/ (any bird of the family Fringillidae)
:: peippo
find {v} /faɪnd/ (encounter, locate, discover)
:: löytää
find {v} (point out)
:: osoittaa
find {v} (decide that)
:: pitää
find {v} (determine, judge)
:: todeta
find {n} (anything found)
:: löytö, löydös
find {n} (act of finding)
:: löytäminen
find {v} (discover) SEE: discover
findability {n} (quality of object)
:: löytyvyys, löydettävyys
findable {adj} (able to be found)
:: löydettävä
finders, keepers {proverb} (whoever finds something is allowed to keep it)
:: löytäjä saa pitää
find fault {v} (criticize excessively)
:: olla sanomista
find favour {v}
:: saada kannatusta, saada suosiota
finding {n} /ˈfaɪndɪŋ/ (result of research or an investigation)
:: löydös, tutkimustulos
finding {n} (self-contained component of assembled jewellery)
:: korutarvike
find oneself {v} /ˈfaɪnd wʌnsɛlf/ (to unexpectedly or unintentionally begin to do or experience something)
:: löytää itsensä
find oneself {v} (to be in a particular state of mind)
:: olla ... tuulella
find oneself {v} (to find (something) for oneself)
:: löytää itselleen
find oneself {v} (to discover oneself to be in a particular place)
:: löytää itsensä
find one's feet {v} (grow in confidence)
:: sopeutua, saada itsevarmuutta, kerätä itsevarmuutta
find out {v} (to discover)
:: saada selville, selvittää
fine {adj} /faɪn/ (of superior quality)
:: hieno
fine {adj} (of a particular grade of quality, usually between "very good" and "very fine", and below "mint")
:: hieno, hyvä
fine {adj} (of weather: sunny and not raining)
:: kirkas, hyvä
fine {adj} (being acceptable, adequate, passable, or satisfactory)
:: oivallinen
fine {adj} (good-looking, attractive)
:: kaunis
fine {adj} (made up of particularly small pieces)
:: hieno
fine {adj} (particularly slender; especially thin, narrow, or of small girth)
:: ohut
fine {adj} (made of slender or thin filaments)
:: ohut
fine {adv} (expression of agreement)
:: hyvä on
fine {v} (to make finer, purer, or cleaner)
:: kirkastaa, jalostaa, puhdistaa, hienontaa
fine {v} (to become finer, purer, or cleaner)
:: kirkastua, hienostua, puhdistua, jalostua, hienontua
fine {v} (clarify by filtration)
:: kirkastaa
fine {n} /faɪn/ (payment for breaking the law)
:: sakko
fine {v} (to issue a fine as punishment)
:: sakottaa
fine arts {n} (purely aesthetic arts)
:: taide
fine feathers make fine birds {proverb} (fine feathers make fine birds)
:: vaatteet tekevät miehen
fine print {n} (details printed in small type)
:: pienellä painettu teksti
finer things {n} (that which is considered of a high quality)
:: hyvät asiat {p}
finery {n} /ˈfaɪnəɹi/ (excessive decoration, showy clothes, jewels)
:: kruusaus [decoration], hepenet {p} [clothes], helyt {p} [jewels]
finesse {n} /fɪˈnɛs/ (skill in handling or manipulation of a situation)
:: taitavuus, hienostuneisuus
finesse {n} (property of having elegance, grace, refinement, or skill)
:: finessi, hienostuneisuus
finesse {n} (adroit manoeuvre)
:: hyvä veto
fine-structure constant {n} (fine-structure constant)
:: hienorakennevakio
fine-tooth comb {v} (comb or search)
:: käydä läpi tiheällä kammalla
fine words butter no parsnips {proverb} (talking about doing something does not get it done)
:: ei suuret sanat suuta halkaise
finfoot {n} /ˈfɪnfʊt/ (bird in the family Heliornithidae)
:: uikkukana
fin-footed {adj} (webfooted) SEE: webfooted
fin-footed {adj} (having feet that resemble a fin)
:: eväjalkainen
finger {v} /ˈfɪŋɡə/ (to identify or point out)
:: osoittaa, näyttää
finger {v} (to poke)
:: sormeilla, näpelöidä, hivellä
finger {v} (to penetrate and sexually stimulate with one's finger)
:: sormettaa
finger {v} (to use specified finger positions to produce notes on a musical instrument)
:: sormittaa
finger {v} (to provide instructions about the use of fingers in music)
:: sormittaa
finger {n} (the breadth of a finger) SEE: digit
finger {n} ((anatomy) extremity of the hand)
:: sormi, näppi
finger {n} (finger-shaped pieces of food)
:: puikko, tikku
finger {n} (something similar in function to a finger)
:: sormi
finger {n} (finger pier)
:: laituri
finger {n} (a fingersbreadth of alcohol)
:: tilkka
finger {n} (skill in the use of the fingers)
:: sorminäppäryys
fingerboard {n} (part of musical instrument)
:: otelauta
fingerboard {n} (miniature skateboard)
:: sormiskeittilauta
fingercuffs {n} (Chinese finger trap) SEE: Chinese finger trap
fingered citron {n} (Buddha's hand) SEE: Buddha's hand
finger food {n} (Food that can be eaten with one's hands)
:: sormiruoka
fingering {n} (playing a musical instrument)
:: sormitus
fingering {n} (specific method)
:: sormitus
fingering {n} (sexual act)
:: sormiseksi, sormitus, sormetus
fingerless {adj} (having no fingers)
:: sormeton
fingernail {n} /ˈfɪŋɡɚˌneɪl/ (covering near the tip of finger)
:: sormen kynsi, sormenkynsi
finger on the pulse {n} (an active interest)
:: ajan hermolla
fingerpost {n} (the milepost itself) SEE: milepost
fingerpost {n} /ˈfɪŋ.ɡə(ɹ)ˌpəʊst/ (board that shows the direction to a named place)
:: tienviitta
fingerprint {n} /ˈfɪŋɡɚˌpɹɪnt/ (the pattern of ridges on the tips of the fingers)
:: sormenjälki
fingerprint {n} (the patterns left on surfaces where fingertips have touched)
:: sormenjälki
fingerprint {n} (unique identification for public key in asymmetric cryptosystem)
:: tunniste
fingerprint {v} (to take fingerprints)
:: ottaa sormenjäljet
finger ring {n} (ring)
:: sormus
finger tight {adj} (tightened using fingers only)
:: sormitiukka
finger-tight {adj} (finger tight) SEE: finger tight
fingertip {n} /ˈfɪŋɡɚˌtɪp/ (the end of the finger)
:: sormenpää
fingerwidth {n} (width)
:: sormenleveys
finger wrestling {n} (contest)
:: sormikoukku
Finglish {n} /ˈfɪŋɡlɪʃ/ (variant of Finnish)
:: amerikansuomi, fingliska, fingelska
Finglish {n} (way of speaking Finnish using English terminology)
:: fingliska, fingelska
Finglish {n} (broken English)
:: fingliska, fingelska
finial {n} /ˈfɪn.i.əl/ (foliated ornament)
:: päätykoriste
finial {n} (decorative fitting)
:: päätykoriste [in a gable]; nuppi [in a post, pole etc.]
finish {n} /ˈfɪnɪʃ/ (end)
:: loppu, maali
finish {n} (protective coating)
:: pintakäsittely
finish {v} (to complete)
:: tehdä loppuun; [finish saying something] sanoa loppuun
finish {v} (to apply a final treatment to)
:: viimeistellä
finish {v} (to come to an end)
:: loppua, päättyä
finish {n} (finish line) SEE: finish line
finished {adj} /ˈfɪnɪʃt/ (processed or perfected)
:: suoritettu, valmis
finished product {n} (final version of a product)
:: valmis tuote
finisher {n} /ˈfɪnɪʃɚ/ (person who finishes or completes something)
:: lopettaja
finisher {n} (person who applies a finish to something)
:: viimeistelijä
finisher {n} (boxing: knock-out blow)
:: tyrmäysisku
finisher {n} (soccer: player who shoots goals)
:: ratkaisija, viimeistelijä
finishing move {n} (final blow)
:: armonisku, armonlaukaus
finishing touch {n} (final addition, change, or embellishment)
:: retusointi
finish line {n} (line marking end of a race)
:: maali, maaliviiva
finish off {v} (to kill) SEE: kill
finish up {v} (to complete last details)
:: viimeistellä, lopetella, tehdä loppuun
finite {adj} /ˈfaɪnaɪt/ (having an end or limit)
:: äärellinen, päättyvä, rajallinen
finite {adj} (grammar: limited by person or number)
:: finiittinen
finite-dimensional {adj} (having a basis consisting of a finite number of elements)
:: äärellisulotteinen
finiteness {n} (the state of being finite)
:: finiittisyys, rajallisuus, äärellisyys
finite verb {n} (verb inflected for person and tense)
:: finiittiverbi, finiittinen verbi
fin keel {n} (keel)
:: eväköli
Finland {prop} /ˈfɪn.lənd/ (Nordic country)
:: Suomi
Finlandization {n} (the influence of a large state on a smaller one)
:: suomettuminen
finless porpoise {n} (Neophocaena phocaenoides)
:: rosopyöriäinen
Finn {n} /fɪn/ (person from Finland)
:: suomalainen
Finnic {adj} (Finnish) SEE: Finnish
Finnic {n}
:: itämerensuomalaiset kielet, itämerensuomi
Finnic {adj}
:: itämerensuomalainen
Finnicist {n} (a linguist who studies Finnic languages)
:: fennisti
Finnish {adj} /ˈfɪnɪʃ/ (of Finland)
:: suomalainen, suomen
Finnish {adj} (of the Finnish language)
:: suomenkielinen
Finnish {n} (language)
:: suomi, suomen kieli
Finnish forest reindeer {n} (Rangifer tarandus fennicus)
:: metsäpeura
Finnishness {n} (quality)
:: suomalaisuus
Finnish Sign Language {prop} (variant of sign language)
:: suomalainen viittomakieli
Finnmark {prop} /fɪn.mɑɹk/ (county in Norway)
:: Ruija
Finnophone {adj} /ˈfɪnnɒfəʊn/ (Finnish-speaking)
:: suomenkielinen
Finnophone {n} (Finnish-speaker)
:: suomenkielinen
Finno-Ugric {prop} (non-Indo-European group of languages)
:: suomalais-ugrilainen kieli
Finno-Ugric {adj} (of or relating to Finno-Ugric)
:: suomalais-ugrilainen
Finno-Ugricist {n} (linguist who specialises in studying Finno-Ugric languages)
:: fennougristi
finny {adj} (having one or more fins)
:: evällinen
finny {adj} (resembling a fin)
:: evämäinen
finocchio {n} /fɪˈnɒkɪəʊ/ (Foeniculum vulgare var. azoricum)
:: salaattifenkoli
finrozole {n} (inhibitor)
:: finrotsoli
fintech {n} (startup in the finance sector)
:: fintech-yhtiö
fintech {n} (finance technology)
:: rahoitusteknologia
fin whale {n} (Balaenoptera physalus)
:: sillivalas
Fiordland penguin {n} (penguin)
:: vuonopingviini
fir {n} /fɝ/ (conifer of the genus Abies)
:: pihta, jalokuusi
fire {v} /ˈfaɪə(ɹ)/ (to heat pottery, etc.)
:: polttaa [ceramic materials]; kuumentaa [most others]
fire {v} (to drive away by setting a fire)
:: savustaa
fire {v} (to terminate the employment of)
:: erottaa, antaa potkut
fire {v} (transitive: to shoot)
:: laukaista, ampua
fire {v} (intransitive: to shoot)
:: tulittaa, ampua
fire {v} (sport: to shoot, to attempt to score a goal)
:: laukaista
fire {v} (physiology: to cause action potential in a cell)
:: aktivoida
fire {v} (to forcibly direct)
:: laukoa
fire {v} (computer sciences / software engineering: to initiate an event)
:: laukaista
fire {v} (to inflame; to irritate, as the passions)
:: sytyttää
fire {v} (to animate; to give life or spirit to)
:: sytyttää, saada syttymään
fire {v} (to fire a boiler)
:: lämmittää
fire {v} (to light up as if by fire)
:: valaista
fire {v} (to catch fire; to be kindled)
:: syttyä
fire {v} (to be irritated or inflamed with passion)
:: hehkua
fire {v} (to set on fire) SEE: set on fire
fire {v} (farriery: to cauterize) SEE: cauterize
fire {n} (oxidation reaction)
:: tuli
fire {n} (instance of this chemical reaction)
:: tuli
fire {n} (damaging occurrence of fire)
:: palo, tulipalo
fire {n} (alchemy: one of the basic elements)
:: tuli
fire {n} (heater or stove used in place of real fire)
:: liesi, hella, lämmitin, lämmityslaite
fire {n} (elements to start a fire)
:: tuli
fire {n} (in-flight bullets)
:: tulitus, tuli
fire {n} (strength of passion)
:: palo
fire {n} (liveliness, enthusiasm)
:: palo, intohimo
fire {n} (brilliancy; lustre)
:: tuli
fire {n} (button on a joypad or similar)
:: tulitusnappi
fire alarm {n} (device which warns people of a possible fire)
:: palohälytin, palovaroitin
fire alarm {n} (sound or other warning made by a fire alarm)
:: palohälytys
fire alarm {n} (response to a fire by the fire department)
:: hälytys
fire and brimstone {n} (punishment of Hell)
:: tuli ja tulikivi
fire and brimstone {adj} (referencing the wrath of God)
:: tulikivenkatkuinen
fire and forget {n} (missile guidance system)
:: ammu ja unohda
firearm {n} (personal weapon)
:: tuliase
fire at will {phrase} (military command)
:: tuli vapaa!
fireball {n} (a ball of fire)
:: tulipallo
fireball {n} (an explosion that results in a fireball)
:: tulipallo
fireball {n} (a meteor bright enough to cast shadows)
:: bolidi, tulipallo
fire blanket {n} (a large piece of fireproof or fire resistant material, used exclusively to cover and extinguish a small fire)
:: sammutuspeite
firebomb {n} (weapon)
:: palopommi
firebox {n} (chamber of steam engine)
:: tulipesä
firebox {n} (part of fireplace)
:: tulipesä
firebrand {n} /ˈfaɪɚ.bɹænd/ (argumentative troublemaker or revolutionary)
:: palopuhuja
firebrand {n} (torch or other burning stick)
:: soihtu
firebreather {n} (performer) SEE: fire-eater
fire brick {n} (colour)
:: tiilenpunainen
fire brick {adj} (of a bright red colour)
:: tiilenpunainen
fire brick {n} (brick) SEE: firebrick
firebrick {n} (a brick capable of withstanding high temperatures)
:: tulenkestävä tiili, tulitiili
fire brigade {n} /ˈfaɪə(ɹ)bɹɪˌɡeɪd/ (group within a corporation or industrial site)
:: tehdaspalokunta, palokunta
fire brigade {n} (organization for preventing and putting out fires)
:: palokunta
fire chief {n} (leader of a fire department)
:: palopäällikkö
firecracker {n} (a firework)
:: sähikäinen, papattimatto
firedamp {n} (an inflammable gas found in coal mines)
:: kaivoskaasu
fire department {n} (fire department)
:: palokunta, palolaitos
fire drill {n} (practice to prepare for evacuation in the event of a fire)
:: paloharjoitus
fire drill {n} (pointless activity)
:: puuhastelu
fire drill {n} (rod which is rotated on a flat surface)
:: tulipora
fire-eater {n} (performer)
:: tulennielijä
fire-eater {n} (quarrelsome or belligerent person)
:: riitapukari
fire engine {n} /faɪɚ.ɛn.dʒɪn/ (fire truck)
:: paloauto
fire escape {n} (emergency doors, ladders etc. as a class)
:: paloportaat
fire escape {n} (emergency escape route)
:: hätäpoistumistie
fire extinguisher {n} /ˈfaɪəɹ ɪkˌstɪŋ.ɡwɪʃ.ə(ɹ)/ (device for putting out a fire)
:: sammutin, käsisammutin, palosammutin
firefighter {n} /ˈfaɪə(ɹ)ˌfaɪt.ə(ɹ)/ (person who puts out fires)
:: palomies, pelastaja, palontorjuja
firefighting {n} (action of extinguishing a fire)
:: tulipalon sammuttaminen
firefighting {n} (profession)
:: palontorjunta, palokuntalaisuus
firefly {n} (Lampyridae)
:: kiiltomato, tulikärpänen
firefox {n} (red panda) SEE: red panda
firehead tetra {n} (freshwater fish)
:: punapäätetra
fire hose {n} (hose designed to deliver water to douse a fire)
:: paloletku
firehose {n} (thick, high-pressure hose)
:: paloletku
fire house {n} (fire station) SEE: fire station
firehouse {n} (fire station) SEE: fire station
fire hydrant {n} (a device used by firefighters to obtain water from the main)
:: paloposti
fire in the belly {n} (ardor, drive)
:: tulisieluisuus
fire lance {n} (spear with one or more flamethrowers attached)
:: tulipeitsi
fireless {adj} (without fire)
:: tuleton
fireman {n} (someone skilled in fighting fire) SEE: firefighter
fireman {n} /ˈfaɪɹmən/ (male skilled in fighting fire)
:: palomies
fireman {n} (person who keeps the fire going underneath a steam boiler)
:: lämmittäjä
fireman {n} (assistant on any locomotive)
:: lämmittäjä
fireman {n} (pitcher)
:: syöttäjä
fire marshal {n} (official enforcing fire laws)
:: palopäällikkö
fire opal {n} (reddish opal)
:: tuliopaali
fireplace {n} /ˈfaɪɹpleɪs/ (open hearth)
:: takka, avotakka
fireplace match {n} (match with long shaft)
:: takkatikku
firepower {n} (capacity of a weapon)
:: tulivoima
firepower {n} (ability to deliver fire)
:: tulivoima
firepower {n} (sport: ability to score)
:: tulivoima
fireproof {adj}
:: tulenkestävä
fireroom {n} (stokehold) SEE: stokehold
fire ship {n} (wooden ship)
:: polttolaiva
fire spear {n} (fire lance) SEE: fire lance
fire stairs {n} (fire escape) SEE: fire escape
fire station {n} (building for firefighters)
:: paloasema
firesteel {n} (firestriker) SEE: firestriker
firestick farming {n} (practice of Aboriginal people)
:: polttoviljely [umbrella term, no specific term exists]
firestorm {n} (Fire intensity greatly increased by winds)
:: tulimyrsky
firestriker {n} (piece of steel used for striking a spark)
:: karkku, tulusrauta, tulirauta
fire triangle {n}
:: palokolmio
fire truck {n} (fire truck in general) SEE: fire engine
fire truck {n} /faɪɚ tɹʌk/ (ladder truck)
:: tikasauto
firewall {n} /ˈfaɪ(ə)ɹˌwɔl/ (fireproof barrier)
:: paloseinä, palomuuri
firewall {n} (computer software)
:: palomuuri
firewater {n} (high proof alcohol)
:: tuliliemi
firewater {n} (high temperature hydraulic condensate)
:: tulistettu vesi
firewood {n} (wood intended to be burned, typically for heat)
:: polttopuu
firework {n} (exploding device)
:: ilotulite, ilotulitus
fireworks {n} /ˈfaɪ̯.ə.wɜːks/ (plural of firework)
:: ilotulitus
fireworks {n} (event or display of fireworks)
:: ilotulitus
firing {n} /ˈfaɪɹɪŋ/ (process of applying heat or fire)
:: polttaminen, poltto
firing {n} (discharge)
:: ampuminen, laukaisu
firing {n} (dismissal)
:: irtisanominen, erottaminen
firing squad {n} (a group of soldiers detailed to execute someone or to discharge weapons ceremonially)
:: teloituskomppania, teloituspartio
firkin {n} /ˈfɝkɪn/ (one fourth of a barrel)
:: nelikko
firm {n} /fɜɹm/ (business partnership)
:: toiminimi
firm {n} (business enterprise, however organized)
:: yritys; firma [informal]
firm {n} (criminal gang)
:: firma
firm {adj} (steadfast, secure (position))
:: vakaa, vankka, jämerä
firm {adj} (fixed (in opinions))
:: vakuuttunut
firm {adj} (solid, rigid (material state))
:: vankka, luja, tukeva
firm {v} (to make firm or strong)
:: lujittaa
firm {v} (to fix securely)
:: varmistaa, kiinnittää lujasti
firm {v} (to solidify)
:: lujittaa
firm {v} (to become firm)
:: lujittua
firm {v} (to improve after decline)
:: vahvistua
firm {v} (Australian, betting: to shorten) SEE: shorten
firmament {n} /ˈfɜːməm(ə)nt/ (vault of the heavens, see also: heavens; sky)
:: ilmankansi [poetic], taivaankansi
firmly {adv} /fɝmli/ (in a firm or definite or strong manner)
:: lujasti, päättäväisesti
firmly {adv} (securely)
:: lujasti, pitävästi
firmness {n} /ˈfɝmnəs/ (state of being firm)
:: lujuus
firmware {n} (firmware)
:: laiteohjelmisto, firmware; sulautettu ohjelma, laiteohjelma [program]
first {adj} /fɜːst/ (numeral first, see also: 1st)
:: ensimmäinen
first {adv} (before anything else)
:: ensinnäkin, ensiksi, ensin
first {n} (person or thing in the first position)
:: ykkönen
first {n} (new occurrence)
:: ensimmäinen kerta
first {n} (first gear) SEE: first gear
first {n} (baseball: first base) SEE: first base
first aid {n} (basic care)
:: ensiapu, ensihoito
first-aid box {n} (box containing first aid and medical supplies)
:: ensiapulaatikko
first aid kit {n} (standard collection of first aid supplies)
:: ensiapupakkaus, ensiapulaukku
first and foremost {adv} (primarily; most importantly)
:: ennen kaikkea
first base {n} (baseball: base after home plate)
:: ykköspesä, ykkönen
firstborn {n} (the first child in a family)
:: esikoinen
firstborn {adj} (born as the first one in a family)
:: esikois-, vanhin
firstborn {adj} (most excellent or distinguished)
:: ykkös-, vanhin
first class {adj} (belonging to the best group in a system of classification)
:: ensiluokkainen, ensimmäisen luokan [genitive of noun]
first class {adj} (relating to the most luxurious class of accommodation)
:: ensimmäisessä luokassa [inessive of noun]
first class {adj} (relating to a priority class of mail)
:: ykkösluokan
first class {adj} (programming: relating to a treatment like a first-class citizen)
:: ensiluokan
first class {n} (a status, section, etc. of premier rank)
:: ensimmäinen luokka, ykkösluokka
first come, first served {proverb} (people will be dealt with in the order they arrive)
:: ensiksi tullutta palvellaan ensin
first cousin {n} (cousin) SEE: cousin
first-degree {adj} (limited to redness of skin)
:: ensimmäisen asteen
first-degree burn {n} (mild burn)
:: ensimmäisen asteen palovamma
first-degree murder {n} (premeditated murder)
:: murha
first floor {n} (floor at the level of the street)
:: ensimmäinen kerros, pohjakerros; katutaso
first floor {n} (floor above the ground floor)
:: toinen kerros
firstfruits {n} (offering of the first of the harvest)
:: uutiset {p}
first gear {n} (lowest gear of a transmission)
:: ykkönen, ykkösvaihde
first half {n} (period of play before half time)
:: alkupuolisko, ensimmäinen puoliaika
firsthand {adj} (direct, without intermediate stages)
:: ensi käden
first in first out {n} (method and policy)
:: ensin sisään ensin ulos, jonotapa
first lieutenant {n} (rank in the United States)
:: luutnantti
first lieutenant {n} (rank in other military forces)
:: luutnantti, yliluutnantti
first light {n} (dawn) SEE: dawn
first love {n} (one's first feeling of romantic love)
:: ensirakkaus
first love {n} (object of one's first romantic affection)
:: ensirakkaus
first love {n} (one's most fundamental interest or attachment)
:: suuri rakkaus
firstly {adv} /ˈfɜɹstli/ (In the first place)
:: ensiksi, ensinnäkin; ensisijaisesti
first mate {n} (nautical: officer next in rank to the captain)
:: perämies, ensimmäinen perämies, yliperämies
first name {n} (name chosen by parents)
:: etunimi
first of all {adv} (before anything else)
:: ensiksi, ennen muuta
first-order logic {n} (formal deductive system expanded from propositional logic)
:: ensimmäisen kertaluvun logiikka
first past the post {n} (voting system)
:: pluraliteettijärjestelmä
first person {n} (the form of a pronoun verb used when the subject of a sentence is making the statement)
:: ensimmäinen persoona
first-person {adj} (in the first person)
:: ensimmäisen persoonan
first-person {adj} (using verbs in the first person)
:: minä-muotoinen
first-person shooter {n} (game)
:: ensimmäisen persoonan ammuntapeli
first quarter {n} (waxing lunar phase)
:: ensimmäinen neljännes
first-rate {adj} (exceptionally good)
:: erinomainen
First Reich {prop} (, see also: Holy Roman Empire)
:: Ensimmäinen valtakunta
first responder {n} (a member of an emergency service who is first on the scene at an emergency)
:: pelastustyöntekijä, ensimmäinen pelastustyöntekijä
First Sea Lord {prop} (officer)
:: laivastoamiraali
first things first {phrase} (let's deal with matters of highest priority first)
:: tärkeimmät asiat ensin
first time {n} /fɜːst taɪm/ (first instance of sexual intercourse)
:: ensimmäinen kerta, ensi kerta
first-timer {n} (a person engaging in any activity for the first time)
:: ensikertalainen
first watch {n} (watch)
:: iltavahti
First World {prop} (countries aligned with the West during the Cold War)
:: ensimmäinen maailma
First World {prop} (wealthy, developed nations)
:: ensimmäinen maailma
first world problem {n} (frustration or complaint)
:: kehittyneen maailman ongelma
First World War {prop} (World War I) SEE: World War I
firth {n} /fɝθ/ (arm of a sea)
:: lahti, vuono, estuaari
fiscal {adj} /ˈfɪskəl/ (related to the treasury)
:: fiskaalinen, budjetti-, tulo-, kassa-, vero- [taxation]
fiscal {adj} (pertaining to finance in general)
:: rahallinen
fiscal {n} (public official)
:: viskaali
fiscal {n} (any of various African shrikes)
:: lepinkäinen
fiscal {n} (solicitor) SEE: solicitor
fiscal {n} (attorney general) SEE: attorney general
fiscal law {n} (The area of law pertaining to public finances)
:: finanssioikeus
fiscal policy {n} (government policy)
:: finanssipolitiikka
fiscal stamp {n} (revenue stamp) SEE: revenue stamp
fiscal year {n} (accounting period of one year)
:: tilivuosi, tilikausi
Fischer-Tropsch process {prop} (synthesis of hydrocarbons by the catalytic hydrogenation of carbon monoxide)
:: Fischer–Tropsch-menetelmä
fish {v} /fɪʃ/ (intransitive: to try to catch fish)
:: kalastaa
fish {v} (transitive: to try to find something in a body of water)
:: kalastaa, onkia, naarata
fish {v} (to attempt to find by searching among other objects)
:: penkoa
fish {v} (to attempt to obtain information by talking to people)
:: urkkia, onkia
fish {v} (to attempt to gain something)
:: kalastella, kerjätä, vongata
fish {n} (vertebrate animal)
:: kala
fish {n} (collective plural of fish)
:: kala
fish {n} (archaic: any vertebrate that lives in water and cannot live outside it)
:: kala
fish {n} (flesh of fish as food)
:: kala
fish {n} (period of time spent fishing)
:: kalastus, kala
fish {n} (instance of seeking something)
:: haku, etsintä
fish {n} (card game)
:: hyppää järveen
fish and chips {n} (a meal of fried fish and potatoes)
:: fish and chips
fishball {n} (pulverized fish shaped into a ball)
:: kalapulla
fishbone {n} (bone of a fish)
:: kalanruoto
fish bowl {n} (bowl in which fish are kept)
:: kalamalja
fishburger {n} (burger)
:: kalahampurilainen
fishcake {n} (mixture of flaked fish, mashed potato and season made into a patty and shallow fried)
:: kalapihvi
fish-eating rat {n} (rat of the genus Anotomys)
:: andienvesirattu
fish-eating rat {n} (rat of the genus Neusticomys)
:: kalarattu
fisher {n} /ˈfɪʃɚ/ (person who fishes)
:: kalastaja
fisher {n} (marten)
:: pekani, kanadannäätä
fisher {n} (fur)
:: kanadannäätä
fisher cat {n} (Martes pennanti) SEE: fisher
fisherman {n} /ˈfɪʃɚmən/ (person catching fish)
:: kalastaja
fishery {n} /ˈfɪʃəɹi/ (fishing)
:: kalastus [catching]; kalatalous [industry as a whole]
fishery {n} (place related to fishing)
:: kalapaikka, kalastusalue, kalavedet, apaja [place for catching]; kalankasvattamo, kalanviljelylaitos [fish farm]; kalankäsittelylaitos, kalatehdas [place for processing]
fishery {n} (fishing company)
:: kalastusyritys
fisheye lens {n} (wide-angle lens with extremely wide field of view)
:: kalansilmäobjektiivi, kalansilmä
fish farm {n} (place where fish are bred commercially)
:: kalanviljelylaitos, kalankasvattamo
fish farming {n} (practice of operating fish farms)
:: kalankasvatus, kalanviljely
fish finger {n} (stick of processed fish)
:: kalapuikko
fish food {n} (food for fish)
:: kalanruoka
fish fork {n} (fork for fish)
:: kalahaarukka
fishhead {n} /ˈfɪʃhɛd/ (head of a fish)
:: kalanpää, kalan pää
fishhead {n} (member of the navy)
:: Aku Ankka
fishhook {n} /ˈfɪʃˌhʊk/ (barbed hook for fishing)
:: ongenkoukku, koukku
fishing {n} /ˈfɪʃɪŋ/ (act or sport of catching fish)
:: kalastus, kalastusurheilu, urheilukalastus
fishing {n} (business of catching fish)
:: kalastus, kalatalous
fishing {n} (place for catching fish)
:: kalapaikka, apaja, kalavedet, kalastusalue
fishing boat {n} (boat used for fishing)
:: kalastajavene, kalastusvene
fishing cat {n} (Prionailurus viverrinus)
:: kalastajakissa
fishing expedition {n} (search for (incriminating) information)
:: esitutkinta
fishing ground {n} (area of water used for fishing)
:: apaja, kalavesi, kalastusalue
fishing hook {n} (fishhook) SEE: fishhook
fishing line {n} (chord or line where the hook or lure is attached)
:: siima
fishing net {n} (net used for fishing)
:: kalaverkko
fishing owl {n} (African owl)
:: kalapöllö
fishing pole {n} (pole used for fishing)
:: onkivapa, vapa, onki
fishing rod {n} (rod used for angling)
:: onkivapa, vapa, onki
fishing vessel {n} (fishing vessel) SEE: fishing boat
fish in troubled waters {v} (to take advantage from a chaotic situation)
:: kalastaa sameassa vedessä, käyttää sekasortoa hyväkseen
fish ladder {n} (structure to facilitate migration of fish)
:: kalaporras
fishlike {adj} (like a fish)
:: kalamainen
fishline {n} (fishing line) SEE: fishing line
fishmeal {n} (ground dried fish)
:: kalajauho, kalarehu
fishmonger {n} /ˈfɪʃˌmʌŋɡ.ə(ɹ)/ (person who sells fish)
:: kalakauppias
fishmonger {n} (fishmonger's) SEE: fishmonger's
fishmonger's {n} (shop that sells fish)
:: kalakauppa
fishnet {n} (mesh fabric)
:: verkko
fishnet {n} (fishnet stockings)
:: verkkosukka
fishnet {n} (fishing net) SEE: fishing net
fish oil {n} (dietary supplement)
:: kalaöljy
fish out of water {n} (a person in unfamiliar, and often uncomfortable, surroundings)
:: kuin kala kuivalla maalla
fish owl {n} (Asian owl)
:: kalahuuhkaja
fish sauce {n} (condiment composed of fermented fish)
:: kalakastike
fish slice {n} (kitchen utensil) SEE: spatula
fish stick {n} (rectangular piece of processed fish) SEE: fish finger
fish story {n} (exaggerated or boastful story)
:: kalavale
fish tank {n} (container designed for holding water and marine life)
:: akvaario
fish therapy {n} (type of biotherapy)
:: kalaterapia
fish trap {n} (contraption to catch fish)
:: rysä, katiska, merta
fish-trap {n} (fish trap) SEE: fish trap
fishway {n} (fish ladder) SEE: fish ladder
fishy {n} /ˈfɪʃi/ (little fish)
:: pikkukala, sintti
fishy {adj} (of, from, or similar to fish)
:: kalan, kalamainen, kalaisa
fishy {adj} (suspicious; inspiring doubt)
:: epäilyttävä, mätä
fission {n} /ˈfɪʃən/ (process whereby one item splits to become two)
:: fissio, halkeaminen, jakautuminen
fission {n} (process by which a bacterium splits into two)
:: jakautuminen
fission {v} (to cause to undergo fission)
:: fissioida
fission {v} (to undergo fission)
:: fissioitua
fission bomb {n} (type of A-bomb)
:: fissiopommi
fissure {n} /ˈfɪʃ.ɚ/ (a crack or opening, as in a rock)
:: halkeama
fissure {v} (to split forming fissures)
:: rakoilla, halkeilla
fist {n} /fɪst/ (clenched hand)
:: nyrkki, koura
fist {v} (to strike with the fist)
:: iskeä nyrkillä, lyödä nyrkillä, nyrkkeillä [a ball]
fist bump {n} (fist bump)
:: nyrkkitervehdys
fistfight {n} /ˈfɪstˌfaɪt/ (a fight using bare fists)
:: nyrkkitappelu
fistfight {v} (to fight using bare fists)
:: nyrkkeillä paljain käsin
fisticuffs {n} /ˈfɪs.tɪ.kʌfs/ (informal: a fight with the fists)
:: käsirysy
fisting {n} /ˈfɪstɪŋ/ (sexual practice of fisting)
:: fistaus, fisting, nyrkkinainti
fistula {n} /ˈfɪs.tjə.lə/ (abnormal connection or passageway between organs or vessels)
:: fisteli, fistula
fistula {n} (tube, pipe, or a hole)
:: putki, yhde, fistula
fit {adj} /fɪt/ (suitable, proper)
:: sovelias, sopiva, korrekti
fit {adj} (adapted to a purpose or environment)
:: sopiva
fit {adj} (in good shape)
:: hyväkuntoinen, kunnossa [adverb]
fit {adj} (good-looking (female))
:: sievä
fit {v} (to be suitable for)
:: sopia
fit {v} (to conform to in size and shape)
:: sopia
fit {v} (to make conform in size and shape)
:: sovittaa
fit {v} (to tailor)
:: räätälöidä
fit {v} (to be in agreement with)
:: sopia
fit {v} (attach)
:: sovittaa
fit {v} (equip or supply)
:: varustaa
fit {v} (to have right size and cut, as of clothing)
:: sopia
fit {v} (to be in harmony)
:: sopia
fit {n} (degree to which something fits)
:: leikkaus
fit {n} (seizure)
:: kohtaus [seizure]; kouristus [convulsion]
fit {n} (sudden and vigorous appearance of a symptom)
:: kohtaus, sairaskohtaus
fit {n} (sudden outburst of emotion)
:: kohtaus, puuska
fit {v} (adjust) SEE: adjust
fit {v} (make ready) SEE: prepare
fit as a fiddle {adj} /ˈfɪt æz ə ˈfɪdl̩/ (perfectly fit)
:: elämänsä kunnossa, terve kuin pukki
fitch {n} (European polecat) SEE: European polecat
fit for a king {adj} (lavish; luxurious)
:: ruhtinaallinen
fit in {v} (be physically capable of going into a space)
:: sopia
fit in {v} (be confident in a social situation)
:: sopeutua
fit like a glove {v} (to be a perfect fit, to be exactly the right size)
:: sopia kuin valettu [idiomatic], sopia kuin nakutettu [idiomatic], sopia kuin nyrkki silmään [idiomatic, jocular]
fitness {n} /ˈfɪtnəs/ (condition of being fit)
:: sopivuus
fitness {n} (cultivation of an attractive and healthy physique)
:: kuntoilu, fitness
fitness {n} (ability to perform)
:: kunto, kyky
fits and starts {n} (intermittent activity)
:: sysäyksittäin
fitted cap {n} (type of cap)
:: lippalakki
fitted sheet {n} (sheet with elastic edges)
:: muotoiltu aluslakana
fitter {n} /ˈfɪtɚ/ (a person who fits or assembles something)
:: asentaja
fit the bill {v} (to satisfy a need; to serve a purpose; to fulfill specified requirements)
:: sopia, täyttää odotukset
fitting {adj} /fɪtɪŋ/ (appropriate)
:: sopiva, osuva
fitting {n} (a small detachable part of a device or machine)
:: hela, irto-osa
fitting {n} (the act of trying on clothes to inspect or adjust the fit)
:: sovitus
fitting {n} (domestic furnishings or fixtures)
:: kalusteet {p}
fitting room {n} (a room in a store for trying on clothes)
:: sovituskoppi
five {num} /faɪv/ (cardinal number)
:: viisi
five {n} (digit)
:: viitonen
five {n} (banknote)
:: viitonen, femma
five {n} (anything measuring five units)
:: viitonen
five {n} (five years old)
:: viisivuotias
five {n} (five o'clock)
:: viideltä, kello viisi
five {n} (five-minute rest)
:: viisiminuuttinen
five {n} (basketball: team, club or lineup)
:: viisikko
five-finger discount {n} (theft)
:: taskualennus [slang], myymälävarkaus, näpistys
fivefold {adj} (in fives)
:: viisinkertainen
five hundred {num} /ˈfaɪv ˈhʌn.dɹəd/ (cardinal number 500)
:: viisisataa
five-hundredth {adj} (the ordinal form of the number five hundred)
:: viidessadas
five o'clock {n} (the start of the sixth hour)
:: viisi (see also kello)
five of a kind {n} (five cards of the same rank)
:: viitoset {p}, viisi samaa
fiver {n} /ˈfaɪvɚ/ (banknote)
:: vitonen, femma
fives {n} /faɪvz/ (pair of fives)
:: viitospari
fivescore {n} (hundred) SEE: hundred
five senses {n} (sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch)
:: viisi aistia
fivesome {n} (group of five)
:: viisikko
five-spice powder {n} (ground mixture)
:: viismauste
five thousand {num} (5000)
:: viisituhatta
fix {v} /ˈfɪks/ (to mend or repair)
:: korjata
fix {v} (to attach; to affix; to hold in place)
:: kiinnittää
fix {v} (to prepare)
:: valmistaa, tehdä
fix {v} (to make a contest, vote, or gamble unfair)
:: sopia
fix {v} (to render an animal infertile)
:: leikata
fix {n} (an instance of fixing)
:: korjaus, fiksaus [slang]
fix {n} (a difficult situation or dilemma)
:: pulma, dilemma
fix {n} (a single dose of an addictive drug)
:: huumausaineen käyttökerta
fixable {adj} /fɪks.ə.bəl/ (repairable)
:: korjattava
fixable {adj} (attachable)
:: kiinnitettävä
fixate {v} (to make something fixed)
:: fikseerata, kiinnittää
fixate {v} (to stare fixedly)
:: kiinnittää katseensa
fixate {v} (to attend to the exclusion of others)
:: fiksoitua, keskittyä
fixate {v} (psychology: to attach oneself to a person)
:: fiksoitua, takertua
fixation {n} /fɪksˈeɪʃən/ (act of fixing)
:: kiinnittäminen
fixation {n} (state of being fixed or fixated)
:: kiinnittyminen
fixation {n} (act of uniting chemically in a solid form)
:: fikseeraus
fixation {n} (act or process of ceasing to be fluid and becoming firm)
:: jähmettyminen
fixation {n} (state of mind involving obsession)
:: fiksaatio
fixation {n} ((legal) recording a creative work)
:: tallentaminen
fixed {adj} /fɪkst/ (not changing, not able to be changed, staying the same)
:: kiinteä
fixed {adj} (stationary) SEE: stationary
fixed cost {n} (cost that does not vary)
:: kiinteä kustannus
fixed-gear bicycle {n} (biclycle without a freewheel)
:: fixipyörä
fixed point {n} (value unchanged by a mapping)
:: kiintopiste
fixed point {adj} (in computing)
:: kiinteän pilkun
fixed satellite {n} (geostationary satellite)
:: geostationaarinen satelliitti
fixed star {n} (distant star)
:: kiintotähti
fixed-term contract {n} (contract which is valid only for a pre-arranged length of time)
:: määräaikainen sopimus
fixed wave {n} (standing wave) SEE: standing wave
fixer {n} (chemical used in photographic development)
:: kiinnite
fixie {n} (bicycle without a freewheel)
:: fixipyörä
fix someone's wagon {v} (punish)
:: antaa opetus
fix up {v} (to provide someone with something)
:: järjestää, hoitaa, junailla
fix up {v} (to repair or refurbish)
:: duunata, kunnostaa
fix up {v} (to prepare or provide something)
:: järjestää
fizz {n} (carbonated beverage) SEE: soda
fizz {n} /fɪz/ (emission of rapid stream of bubbles)
:: pore, poreilu, pihinä
fizz {n} (sound of such emission)
:: porina, pihinä
fizz {v} (to emit bubbles)
:: poreilla
fizz {v} (to make a rapid bubbling sound)
:: porista
fizzle {v} /ˈfɪzəl/ (to splutter or hiss)
:: pihistä
fizzle {v} (to decay or die off to nothing)
:: kuivua kokoon
fizzle {n} (spluttering or hissing sound)
:: pihinä
fizzy {adj} /ˈfɪzi/ (containing bubbles)
:: kuohuva, kupliva, poreileva
fizzy {n} (context of a liquid)
:: poreileva, pore-
fizzy {n} (onomatopoeia)
:: pihisevä
fizzy drink {n} (fizzy drink) SEE: soda
fizzy water {n} (carbonated water)
:: porevesi
fjord {n} /ˈfiːɔːd/ (long, narrow, deep inlet)
:: vuono
fjordlike {adj} (resembling fjord)
:: vuonomainen
flabbergast {v} /ˈflæbə(ˌ)ɡɑːst/ (to overwhelm with bewilderment)
:: ällistyttää
flabbergasted {adj} /ˈflæbɚˌɡæstəd/ (appalled, annoyed, exhausted or disgusted)
:: äimistynyt, kauhistunut, tuohtunut
flabbergasted {adj} (euphemistic: damned)
:: hattuuntunut
flabbiness {n} (being flabby)
:: velttous, vetelyys
flabby {adj} /ˈflæb.i/ (yielding to the touch)
:: veltto, vetelä
flabellate {adj} /fləˈbɛlət/ (fan-shaped)
:: viuhkamainen
flabelliform {adj} (fan shaped)
:: viuhkamainen
flabellum {n} /fləˈbɛləm/ (large fan)
:: viuhka, flabellum
flabellum {n} (fan-shaped structure)
:: viuhka
flaccid {adj} /ˈflæksɪd/ (flabby)
:: veltto
flaccid {adj} (soft, floppy)
:: veltto, löysä
flaccid {adj} (lacking energy or vigor)
:: veltto
flag {n} /flæɡ/ (piece of cloth or often its representation)
:: lippu
flag {n} (nautical: flag showing the presence of an admiral)
:: päällikkyyslippu, amiraalin lippu
flag {n} (nautical: signal flag)
:: merkkilippu, merkinantolippu
flag {n} (use of a flag)
:: liputus
flag {n} (true-or-false variable)
:: binäärimuuttuja
flag {n} (computer science: notation for optional behaviour)
:: kytkin
flag {v} (to mark with a flag)
:: liputtaa, merkitä lipulla
flag {v} (to signal to)
:: viitata, viittilöidä
flag {v} (to note, mark or point out for attention)
:: merkitä, ilmoittaa
flag {v} (computing: to signal)
:: ilmoittaa
flag {v} (computing: to set a programming variable to true)
:: asettaa
flag {v} (weaken)
:: hiipua
flag {n} (plant with sword-shaped leaves)
:: kurjenmiekka [Iris], keltakurjenmiekka [Iris pseudacorus]
flag {n} (flagstone)
:: kivilaatta
flag {v} (lay down flagstones)
:: kivetä, laatoittaa
flag {n} (abbreviation for capture the flag) SEE: capture the flag
flag-bearer {n} (one who carries a flag)
:: lipunkantaja
flag-bearer {n} (one who openly promotes an idea or value and becomes symbolic for it)
:: lipunkantaja
flagellant {n} (one who practices self-flagellation)
:: itsensäruoskija
flagellate {v} (to whip or scourge)
:: piiskata
flagellate {adj} (resembling a whip)
:: piiskamainen
flagellate {adj} (biology: having flagella)
:: siima-
flagellate {n} (organism with flagella)
:: siimaeliö
flagellum {n} (whip) SEE: whip
flagellum {n} /fləˈdʒɛləm/ (long whiplike organelle)
:: siima
flagellum {n} (long whiplike appendage)
:: siima
flagon {n} /flæɡ.ən/ (a large bottle)
:: leili
flagpole {n} /ˈflæɡˌpoʊl/ (pole for flags)
:: lipputanko, lippusalko
flagrant {adj} /ˈfleɪ.ɡɹənt/ (obvious and offensive)
:: räikeä, huutava, ilmiselvä
flagship {n} /ˈflæɡʃɪp/ (ship occupied by the fleet's commander)
:: lippulaiva
flagship {n} (the most important one out of a related group)
:: lippulaiva
flagstaff {n} (flagpole) SEE: flagpole
flagstone {n} /ˈflæɡ.stəʊn/ (rectangular paving or roofing stone)
:: laatta, kivilaatta
flagstone {n} (kind of rock)
:: liuske
flail {n} /fleɪl/ (tool)
:: varsta
flail {n} (weapon)
:: ketjukuulanuija
flail {v} (to wave or swing vigorously)
:: huitoa, viuhtoa
flail {v} (to thresh)
:: puida
flair {n} /flɛɚ/ (natural or innate talent or aptitude)
:: lahja, lahjakkuus
flak {n} /flæk/ (ground-based anti-aircraft guns firing explosive shells)
:: ilmatorjuntatykki [individually], ilmatorjuntatykistö [collectively]
flak {n} (anti-aircraft shell fire)
:: ilmatorjuntatuli
flak {n} (adverse criticism)
:: tykitys
flake {n} /fleɪk/ (thin chiplike layer)
:: hiutale
flake {n} (an unreliable person)
:: huithapeli
flake {v} (to break or chip)
:: hilseillä
flakiness {n} (being flaky)
:: liuskeisuus
flak jacket {n} (piece of protective clothing)
:: sirpaleliivi
flaky {adj} /ˈfleɪkiː/ (Consisting of flakes; lying, or cleaving off, in flakes; flakelike)
:: hiutalemainen, hilseilevä
flaky {adj} (of a person: unreliable)
:: epäluotettava, häilähtelevä, ailahteleva
flambé {adj} (being or having been flambéed)
:: liekitettävä (being), liekitetty (having been)
flambé {n} (cooking technique)
:: liekitys, flambeeraus
flambé {n} (act of flambéing)
:: liekitys, flambeeraus
flambé {n} (flambéed dish)
:: liekitetty ruokalaji, flambeerattu ruokalaji
flambé {v} (to add and ignite alcohol to food)
:: liekittää, flambeerata
flamboyant {adj} /flamˈbɔɪənt/ (showy, bold or audacious in behaviour, appearance, etc.)
:: pramea, mahtaileva
flamboyant {adj} (referring to the final stage of French Gothic architecture from the 14th to the 16th centuries)
:: mahtaileva
flamboyant {n} (tree)
:: liekkipuu
flame {n} /fleɪm/ (visible part of fire)
:: liekki
flame {n} (romantic partner)
:: heila
flame {n} (criticism)
:: trollaus
flame {n} (colour)
:: tulipunainen
flame {n} (contrasting light and dark figure seen in wood)
:: loimukuvio
flame {n} (burning sentiment)
:: polte
flame {v} (to produce flames)
:: leimuta, loimuta, olla liekeissä
flame {v} (to burst forth like flame)
:: leimahtaa
flame {v} (to post a critical or abusive message on the Internet)
:: herjata, trollata
flame {adj} (colour)
:: tulipunainen
flame birch {n} (variant of solver birch)
:: loimukoivu
flamenco {n} /fləˈmɛŋkəʊ/ (a genre of folk music and dance native to Andalusia, Spain)
:: flamenco
flame out {v} (to fail due to extinction of flame)
:: sammua
flame out {v} (to fail spectacularly)
:: romuttua
flame out {v} (flare up) SEE: flare up
flamethrower {n} /ˈfleɪmˌθɹoʊ.ɚ/ (device that projects a flame)
:: liekinheitin
flame war {n} (A written dispute)
:: polemiikki
flaming {adj} /ˈfleɪmɪŋ/ (Damned, bloody)
:: saamarin, helkkarin, samperin
flamingo {n} /fləˈmɪŋɡoʊ/ (bird)
:: flamingo
flamingo {n} (colour)
:: flamingonpunainen
flamingo flower {n} (anthurium) SEE: anthurium
flammable {adj} (capable of burning, see also: inflammable)
:: palava
flammable {adj} (easily set on fire)
:: (herkästi) syttyvä
flan {n} /flæn/ (baked sweet or savoury tart)
:: avoin torttu
flan {n} (custard dessert)
:: karamellivanukas
Flanders {prop} /ˈflæn.dɚz/ (subnational state in the north of federal Belgium)
:: Flanderi
Flanders {prop} (historical county)
:: Flanderi
Flanders {prop} (two provinces in Belgium)
:: Flanderi
Flanders {prop} (former province and region of northern France)
:: Flanderi
flaneur {n} /flɑˈnʊɚ/ (one who wanders aimlessly)
:: kuljeskelija
flange {n} /flændʒ/ (rib or rim for strengthening)
:: laippa
flange {n} (projecting edge)
:: reunus
flange {n} (group of baboons)
:: lauma
flange {n} (slang:vulva) SEE: vulva
flank {v} /flæŋk/ (to attack the flank(s))
:: hyökätä sivustaan
flank {n} (flesh between the last rib and the hip)
:: kylki, kuve
flank {n} (cut of meat)
:: kuve [beef], kylki [most others]
flank {n} (side of military formation)
:: sivusta, sivu
flank {n} (side)
:: sivu, puoli
flank {n} (outermost strip of road)
:: piennar
flank steak {n}
:: kuve
flannel {n} /ˈflænəl/ (soft cloth material)
:: flanelli
flannel {adj} (made of flannel)
:: flanellinen
flannel {n} (washcloth) SEE: washcloth
flap {n} /flæp/ (flap of a garment)
:: läppä
flap {n} (furniture flap / hinged leaf)
:: läppä
flap {n} (a side fin of a ray - also termed a flap)
:: rintaevä
flap {n} (upset / stir)
:: häly
flap {n} (flap of wings etc)
:: siivenisku
flap {n} (concerning an aeroplane)
:: laippa, laskusiiveke
flap {n} (phonetics)
:: napausäänne
flap {n} (surgical tissue)
:: läppä
flap {v} (to move (something broad and loose) up and down)
:: läpyttää, räpytellä, räpyttää
flap {v} (to move loosely back and forth)
:: liehua, lepattaa
flapjack {n} (pancake) SEE: pancake
flare {n} /flɛ͜ə/ (source of brightly burning light or intense heat)
:: soihtu, valoammus, hätäsoihtu
flare {n} (type of pyrotechnic)
:: valoraketti
flare {n} (flame from burn-off of waste gas)
:: soihdutus
flare {n} (widening of the lower legs of trousers and jeans)
:: levennys
flare {n} (transition from downward flight to level flight)
:: loivennus
flare {v} (to cause to burn)
:: sytyttää
flare {v} (to open outward in shape)
:: levittää [tr], levitä [intr]
flare {v} (to blaze brightly)
:: loimuta, roihuta
flare {v} (to shine out with a sudden and unsteady light)
:: lepattaa
flare gun {n} (pistol-like firearm)
:: merkinantopistooli
flare up {v} (burn brightly again)
:: leimahtaa
flare up {v} (become more intense suddenly)
:: leimahtaa
flare up {v} (burst out suddenly, as in anger)
:: kimmastua, suutahtaa, raivostua, kuohahtaa
flare-up {n} (outbreak, outburst or eruption)
:: purkaus
flash {v} /flæʃ/ (to cause to shine)
:: väläyttää
flash {v} (to blink)
:: vilkkua, välkkyä [of light]
flash {v} (to be visible briefly)
:: vilahtaa; välähtää [of light]
flash {v} (to make visible briefly)
:: vilauttaa; väläyttää [of light]
flash {v} (to expose one's body briefly in public)
:: vilauttaa
flash {v} (to deliberately expose the private parts for humorous reasons or as an insult)
:: vilauttaa
flash {v} (to break forth like a sudden flood of light)
:: välähtää
flash {v} (to flaunt)
:: vilauttaa
flash {v} (to communicate quickly)
:: kiidättää
flash {v} (to move, or cause to move suddenly)
:: temmata
flash {v} (to telephone someone, only allowing the phone to ring once)
:: piikata, soittaa häläri, soittaa killeri [slang]
flash {v} (of liquid: to evaporate suddenly)
:: haihtua
flash {v} (climbing: to climb successfully on the first attempt)
:: flashata
flash {v} (computing: to write to the memory of an updatable component)
:: uudelleenkirjoittaa
flash {v} (juggling: to perform a flash)
:: flashata
flash {v} (to strike and throw up large bodies of water from the surface)
:: roiskuttaa
flash {n} (burst of light)
:: välähdys, väläys, leimaus, leimahdus
flash {n} (very short amount of time)
:: vilaus
flash {n} (material left around the edge of a moulded part)
:: purse
flash {n} (linguistics: language created by a repressed minority)
:: alakieli
flash {n} (short for camera flash)
:: salama, salamavalo
flash {adj} (expensive looking and attention worthy)
:: pramea, korea, fiini
flashback {n} /ˈflæʃbæk/ (a dramatic device in which an earlier event is inserted into the normal chronological flow of a narrative)
:: takauma
flashback {n} (a vivid mental image of a past trauma, especially one that recurs)
:: muistikuva
flash-ball {n} (rubber-projectile handgun)
:: kumikuula-ase
flash-ball {n} (rubber-projectiles fired) SEE: rubber bullet
flashcard {n} /ˈflæʃˌkɑɹd/ (memorization aide)
:: opettelukortti
flashcard {n} (solid-state digital memory)
:: muistikortti
flash drive {n} (storage device)
:: muistitikku, USB-muisti, flash-asema
flasher {n} (a person who exposes his genitals indecently)
:: viuhahtaja, itsensäpaljastaja, vilauttelija
flashforward {n} (dramatic device)
:: etuuma
flashgun {n} (a unit used to generate repeatable flashes of light for photography)
:: salaman laukaisin
flash in the pan {n} (transient occurrence with no long-term effect)
:: tähdenlento
flashlight {n} /ˈflæʃˌlaɪt/ (battery-powered hand-held light source)
:: taskulamppu, fikkari
flash memory {n} (rewritable memory)
:: flash-muisti
flash mob {n} (group converging and dispersing quickly)
:: flash mob, äkkiryhmä
flash point {n} (temperature)
:: leimahduspiste
flash point {n} (figuratively; a hotspot)
:: ruutitynnyri
flashpoint {n} (lowest temperature at which a liquid can form an ignitable mixture) SEE: flash point
flashpoint {n} (figuratively; a hotspot) SEE: flash point
flashy {adj} /ˈflæʃi/ (showy; visually impressive, attention-getting, or appealing)
:: koreileva
flask {n} /flɑːsk/ (container for a small amount of beverage)
:: taskumatti
flask {n} (container to carry a small amount of alcoholic beverage; pocket flask)
:: taskumatti
flask {n} (laboratory glassware)
:: laboratoriopullo
flat {n} (palm of the hand) SEE: palm
flat {adj} /flæt/ (having no variations in altitude)
:: litteä, laakea, tasainen
flat {adj} (of a tyre: deflated)
:: tyhjä, puhjennut
flat {adj} (without variations in pitch)
:: lattea, monotoninen
flat {adj} (lowered by one semitone)
:: alennettu
flat {adj} (lower in pitch than it should be)
:: alavireinen
flat {adj} (with its carbon dioxide having come out of solution)
:: väljähtynyt
flat {adj} (uninteresting)
:: tylsä, lattea
flat {adj} (of a body part having no projection)
:: litteä
flat {adj} (unable to generate power)
:: tyhjä
flat {adv} (so as to be flat)
:: tasaisesti
flat {adv} (bluntly)
:: tylysti
flat {adv} (completely)
:: täysin, kokonaan
flat {n} (area of level ground)
:: tasanko, tasanne
flat {n} (music: note played a semitone lower than a natural)
:: alennettu nuotti
flat {n} (flat tyre/tire)
:: puhjennut rengas, tyhjä rengas, rengasrikko
flat {n} (plural: ladies' shoes)
:: matalakorkoiset (kengät) {p}
flat {n} (thin, broad brush)
:: talttasivellin
flat {n} (flat part of something)
:: lape
flat {n} (swordfighting: flat side of a blade)
:: lape
flat {n} (wide, shallow container)
:: ropponen
flat {n} (apartment) SEE: apartment
flat as a pancake {adj} (extremely flat)
:: litteä kuin pannukakku
flatbed {n} (type of railway car) SEE: flatcar
flatbed {n} (freight vehicle) SEE: flatbed truck
flatbed lorry {n} (lorry with no sides) SEE: flatbed truck
flatbed truck {n} (tow truck) SEE: tow truck
flatbed truck {n} (truck with no sides)
:: avolavakuorma-auto
flat-bottomed {adj} (having a flat bottom)
:: litteäpohjainen
flatcar {n} (railroad freight car without sides or a roof)
:: avovaunu
flat-chested {adj} (having small breasts)
:: lattarintainen
flat feet {n} (physical condition of the feet) SEE: flatfoot
flatfish {n} /ˈflætfɪʃ/ (fish of the order Pleuronectiformes)
:: kampela, kampelakala
flatfoot {n} (condition)
:: lättäjalka, lattajalka
flatfoot {n} (person)
:: lättäjalka, lattajalka
flatfooted {adj} (having flat feet) SEE: flat-footed
flatfooted {adj} (unprepared) SEE: flat-footed
flat-footed {adj} (having flat feet)
:: lattajalkainen
flat-footed {adj} (having physical condition "flat feet")
:: lattajalkainen
flat-footed {adj} (holding firmly to a decision)
:: päättäväinen
flat-footed {adv} (unprepared to act)
:: housut kintuissa
flathead {n} (fish)
:: lättäsimppu
flathead {n} (type of screw)
:: uppokantaruuvi [screw]; uppokantapultti [bolt]
flathead {n} (type of engine)
:: sivuventtiilimoottori
flathead {n} (flathead catfish) SEE: flathead catfish
flathead catfish {n} (catfish)
:: lättäpiikkimonni
flat-headed cat {n} (Prionailurus planiceps)
:: litteäpääkissa
flatly {adv} /ˈflætli/ (in a manner showing complete certainty)
:: jyrkästi
flatly {adv} (in a manner that shows no emotions)
:: tunteettomasti, latteasti
flatmate {n} /ˈflætmeɪt/ (a person with whom one shares a flat)
:: asuintoveri; kämppäkaveri [informal]
flatmate {n} (Australia: a person with whom one shares a rental property)
:: asuintoveri, kämppäkaveri
flat peach {n} (Prunus persica var. platycarpa)
:: litteä persikka
flat rate {n}
:: kiinteä hinta
flat-rate {adj} (being or related to a flat rate)
:: kiinteä
flat tax {n} (tax)
:: tasavero
flatten {v} /ˈflætən/ (to make something flat)
:: litistää, puristaa litteäksi, tasoittaa
flatten the curve {v} (to reduce the rate at which an infection spreads during an epidemic)
:: madaltaa käyrää
flatter {v} /ˈflætɚ/ (to compliment someone)
:: imarrella, mielistellä, nuoleskella
flatter {v} (to enhance someone's vanity)
:: imarrella
flatter {v} (to portray something to advantage)
:: kaunistella
flattered {adj} (in a positive mood because of a comment or action which causes one to feel proud of oneself)
:: imarreltu, otettu
flattering {adj} /ˈflætəɹɪŋ/ (attractive or good-looking; that makes one look good)
:: imarteleva, mairitteleva
flatteringly {adv} (in a flattering manner)
:: imartelevasti, imarrellen
flattery {n} /ˈflætəɹi/ (excessive praise)
:: imartelu, mielistely
flattery {n} (instant of excessive praise)
:: imartelu, mielistely
flat tyre {n} (deflated tyre)
:: puhjennut rengas, rengasrikko
flatuency {n} (flatulence) SEE: flatulence
flatulence {n} /ˈflæt͡ʃələns/ (state of having gas in digestive system)
:: ilmavaivat {p}
flatulent {adj} /ˈflætjʊlənt/ (affected by gas in the intestine)
:: ilmavaivainen
flatus {n} /ˈfleɪtəs/ (gas)
:: suolistokaasu, kaasu, pieru
flatus {n} (expulsion)
:: pieru
flat water {n} (still water) SEE: still water
flat white {n} (white coffee made with espresso and hot milk)
:: maitokahvi
flatworm {n} (worm of Platyhelminthes)
:: laakamato
flaunt {v} /flɔnt/ (to wave or flutter smartly)
:: hulmuta
flaunt {v} (to display with ostentation)
:: leveillä, pröystäillä, prameilla, komeilla
flaunt {v} (To show off)
:: komeilla, koreilla, prameilla
flavonoid {n} /ˈfleɪvənɔɪd/ (any of many compounds that are plant metabolites)
:: flavonoidi
flavor {n} /ˈfleɪvɚ/ (the quality produced by the sensation of taste)
:: maku
flavor {n} (a substance used to produce a taste)
:: makuaine, mauste
flavor {n} (a variety (of taste))
:: maku
flavor {n} (the characteristic quality of something)
:: maku
flavor {n} (a type of something)
:: maku
flavor {n} (in physics, the types of quarks or leptons)
:: maku
flavor {v} (to add flavoring to something)
:: maustaa, höystää, antaa makua
flavoring {n} (something that gives flavor)
:: makuaine, mauste
flavorless {adj} /ˈfleɪvɚləs/ (lacking taste or flavor)
:: mauton
flavorless {adj} (flat; lacking character or definition)
:: mitäänsanomaton
flaw {n} /ˈflɔ/ (crack or breach)
:: virhe
flaw {n} (defect, fault)
:: virhe, vika
flawed {adj} (having a flaw)
:: virheellinen
flawless {adj} /ˈflɔːləs/ (without flaws, see also: perfect)
:: täydellinen, virheetön
flawlessly {adv} /ˈflɑː.ləs.li/ (in a flawless manner)
:: virheettömästi, moitteettomasti
flax {n} /flæks/ (plant)
:: pellava
flax {n} (the fibers)
:: pellava
flaxen {adj} /ˈflæk.sən/ (material)
:: pellavainen
flaxen {adj} (color)
:: pellavan värinen
flaxseed {n} /ˈflæksiːd/ (seed of the flax plant)
:: pellavansiemen
flaxseed oil {n} (oil of flaxseed used in cooking)
:: pellavansiemenöljy
flay {v} /fleɪ/ (to strip skin off)
:: nylkeä
flea {n} /fliː/ (parasitic insect)
:: kirppu
flea bag {n} ((slang) dog)
:: kirppusäkki
fleabag {n} (bed or sleeping bag)
:: punkka
fleabag {n} (place of shabby lodging)
:: läävä
fleabag {n} (unkempt mammal)
:: kirppusäkki
fleabag {n} (mammal whom the speaker dislikes)
:: kirppusäkki
flea beetle {n} (beetles of tribe Alticini)
:: kirppa
flea market {n} (an outdoor market selling inexpensive antiques, curios)
:: kirpputori, kirppis, kirppari
fleawort {n} (a Plantago plant of laxative seeds) SEE: psyllium
flecainide {n} /flɛˈkeɪnaɪd/ (antiarrhythmic agent)
:: flekainidi
fleck {n} (lock) SEE: lock
fleck {n} (flake) SEE: flake
fleck {n} /flɛk/ (small spot)
:: täplä, pilkku
fleck {v} (to mark with small spots)
:: täplittää
fledgling {adj} /ˈflɛd͡ʒ.lɪŋ/ (inexperienced)
:: kokematon, aloitteleva, orastava
fledgling {n} (young bird)
:: lentopoikanen
fledgling {n} (inexperienced person)
:: untuvikko
flee {v} /fliː/ (to run away; to escape)
:: paeta, karata
flee {v} (to escape from)
:: paeta, karata
flee {v} (to disappear quickly)
:: kadota
fleece {n} /fliːs/ (hair or wool of a sheep)
:: karva, villa
fleece {n} (insulating skin with the wool attached)
:: talja
fleece {n} (textile)
:: fleecekangas, fleece, fliisi
fleece {n} (insulating wooly jacket)
:: fleecetakki, fleece, fliisi
fleece {v} (to con or trick someone out of money)
:: nylkeä
fleece {v} (to shear the fleece)
:: keritä
fleet {n} /fliːt/ (group of vessels or vehicles)
:: laivasto [marine]; ajokalusto, kalusto [road]; liikkuva kalusto [rail]
fleet {n} (group of associated items)
:: kalusto
fleet admiral {n} (top rank in US Navy)
:: laivastoamiraali
fleeting {adj} /ˈfliːtɪŋ/ (passing quickly)
:: ohikiitävä, hetkellinen, haihtuva, katoavainen
fleetly {adv} (swiftly) SEE: swiftly
Fleming {n} (native or inhabitant of Flanders)
:: flaamilainen
Flemish {adj} /ˈflɛmɪʃ/ (of or relating to Flanders)
:: flaamilainen
Flemish {adj} (of or relating to the Flemish variety of the Dutch language)
:: flaamilainen
Flemish {prop} (the Dutch language as it is spoken in Flanders)
:: flaami
Flemish bond {n} (arrangement of bricks)
:: vendiläinen limitys
Flemish Brabant {prop} (province)
:: Flanderin Brabant
flense {v} /flɛns/ (To strip the blubber or skin from, as from a whale, seal, etc)
:: nylkeä
flerovium {n} /flɪˈɹoʊviəm/ (chemical element)
:: flerovium
flesh {n} /flɛʃ/ (body tissue)
:: liha
flesh {n} (skin)
:: iho
flesh {n} (animal tissue as food)
:: liha
flesh {n} ((religion) mortal body)
:: liha
flesh {n} ((religion) evil, sin, corruption)
:: liha
flesh {n} (edible part of fruit/vegetable)
:: malto, hedelmäliha
flesh fly {n} (carrion-eating fly)
:: ruutukärpänen
fleshly {adj} (of the body)
:: ruumiillinen, lihallinen
fleshly {adj} (of pleasurable sensations)
:: aistillinen, lihallinen
fleshly {adj} (of non-spiritual matters)
:: lihallinen
flesh out {v} (complete)
:: täydentää
flesh wound {n} (injury which pierces the skin, but which does not injure any bones or vital organs)
:: lihashaava
fleshy {adj} /ˈflɛʃi/ (of, relating to, or resembling flesh)
:: lihallinen; paksulehtinen [of plants]
fleshy {adj} (having considerable flesh)
:: täyteläinen, pulska, vanttera; runsasmaltoinen [of a plant]
fleur-de-lis {n} /ˌflɝdəˈlis/ (heraldic charge)
:: lilja
flex {n} /flɛks/ (flexibility)
:: jousto, joustavuus, vetreys
flex {n} (the act of flexing)
:: venyttely, pullistelu
flex {n} (insulated electrical wiring)
:: liitäntäjohto
flex {v} (to bend something)
:: taivuttaa
flex {v} (to repeatedly bend one's joints)
:: venytellä
flex {v} (to move part of the body using one's muscles)
:: venytellä
flex {v} (to tighten one's muscles)
:: jännittää (lihaksiaan), pullistella
flexibility {n} (quality of being flexible)
:: joustavuus
flexible {adj} /ˈflɛk.sɪ.bəl/ (easily bent without breaking)
:: joustava, notkea, kimmoisa
flexible {adj} (easy and compliant)
:: joustava
flexible {adj} (capable or being adapted or molded)
:: joustava
flexitime {n} (arrangement that allows employees to set their own working hours)
:: liukuva työaika
flex one's muscles {v} (to tense and bend one's flexor muscles)
:: verrytellä, pullistella
flex one's muscles {v} (to make a show of strength)
:: pullistella
flexor {n} (muscle)
:: koukistajalihas
flick {n} (film) SEE: film
flick {n} (cinema) SEE: cinema
flick {n} /flɪk/ (a short, quick movement)
:: näpäys, pyyhkäisy
flick {v} (to move (something) with a short, quick motion)
:: näpäyttää, pyyhkäistä
flicker {n} /ˈflɪkɚ/ (an unsteady flash of light)
:: lepatus
flicker {v} (to burn or shine unsteadily)
:: lepattaa
flicker {v} (to keep going on and off)
:: välkkyä, väristä
flick knife {n} (spring-action knife with blade on pivot)
:: stiletti
flight {n} /flaɪt/ (act of flying)
:: lentäminen, lento
flight {n} (instance of flying)
:: lento
flight {n} (group of doves or swallows)
:: parvi
flight {n} (journey made by an aircraft)
:: lento
flight {n} (set of stairs)
:: portaat, raput, portaikko
flight {n} (floor of building)
:: kerros
flight {n} (feather on an arrow)
:: sulka
flight {n} (paper plane)
:: paperilennokki
flight {n} (cricket: movement of a spinning ball through the air)
:: lento
flight {n} (ballistic trajectory)
:: lentorata
flight {n} (aerodynamic surface)
:: vakain
flight {n} (air force unit)
:: lentue
flight {n} (act of fleeing)
:: pako
flight attendant {n} (member of the crew of an airplane who is responsible for the comfort and safety of its passengers)
:: lentoemäntä, stuertti
flight code {n} (flight number) SEE: flight number
flight data recorder {n} (a device which records various performance parameters of an aircraft)
:: lentoarvotallennin
flight deck {n} (aircraft cockpit) SEE: cockpit
flight deck {n} (deck of an aircraft carrier)
:: lentokansi
flight feather {n} (wing feather)
:: lentosulka
flightless {adj} (unable to fly)
:: lentokyvytön
flight mode {n} (feature in electronic devices)
:: lentotila
flight number {n} (callsign)
:: lennon numero
flight path {n} (traveled path of a projectile)
:: lentorata
flight path {n} (predefined route of travel)
:: lentoreitti
flight recorder {n} (a device which records data onboard aircraft)
:: lennonrekisteröintilaite
flight risk {n} (possibility that a person under the custody of law enforcement will abscond)
:: pakoriski
flight risk {n} (person who is considered likely to abscond)
:: pakoriski
flighty {adj} /ˈflaɪti/ (given to silly ideas)
:: kevytmielinen
flighty {adj} ((of a bird) that flies easily or often)
:: hyvä lentäjä
flinch {n} /flɪntʃ/ (reflexive jerking away)
:: säpsähdys
flinch {v} (to make a sudden, involuntary movement in response to a stimulus)
:: kavahtaa, säpsähtää
fling {n} /ˈflɪŋ/ (act of throwing)
:: heitto
fling {n} (act of moving the limbs or body with violent movements)
:: sätkiminen, sätke
fling {n} (short sexual relationship)
:: pikasuhde, säätö, hoito
flint {n} /flɪnt/ (hard fine-grained quartz which generates sparks when struck)
:: piikivi
flint {n} (small cylinder)
:: kivi
flintlock {n} /ˈflɪntˌlɒk/ (firearm)
:: piilukko
flip {n} /flɪp/ (maneuver which rotates an object end-over-end)
:: voltti; heitto [of a coin or similar object]
flip {n} (complete change of direction)
:: täyskäännös
flip {v} (to throw (as in to turn over))
:: heittää
flip {v} (to put into a quick revolving motion through a snap of the thumb and index finger)
:: heittää
flip {v} (to go berserk or crazy)
:: pimahtaa, seota
flip {v} (to invert a bit)
:: kääntää
flip chart {n} (large pad)
:: fläppitaulu
flip-flop {n} (footwear) SEE: thong
flip-flop {n} /ˈflɪpˌflɑp/ (repeatedly changing one’s stated opinion)
:: vatulointi
flip-flop {n} (bistable electronic circuit)
:: kiikku
flip off {v} (to make a rude or obscene gesture)
:: näyttää keskisormea
flippant {adj} /ˈflɪ.pənt/ (lacking respect)
:: epäkunnioittava [lacking respect], epäasiallinen [lacking seriousness]
flipped classroom {n} (classroom that uses flipped learning)
:: käänteinen luokkahuone
flipped learning {n} (system of education)
:: käänteinen oppiminen
flipper {n} /ˈflɪpɚ/ (marine mammal's wide limb for swimming)
:: evä
flipper {n} (paddle-like rubber covering for the foot)
:: räpylä
flipper {n} (flat lever in a pinball machine)
:: maila
flipper {n} (informal: remote control)
:: kapula
flipper {n} (slang: hand)
:: räpylä
flipper {n} (someone who buys and sells quickly for profit)
:: keinottelija
flipper {n} (someone who flips)
:: lantinheittäjä [flipper of a coin]
flipper {n} (kitchen spatula) SEE: spatula
flip side {n} (B-side of a record)
:: kääntöpuoli, B-puoli
flip side {n} (converse consequences)
:: kääntöpuoli
flip the bird {v} (to make a rude or obscene gesture, particularly with the middle finger)
:: näyttää keskisormea
flirt {n} /flɝt/ (sudden jerk; a quick throw)
:: sätky, viskaus
flirt {n} (one who flirts)
:: flirttailija
flirt {v} (to throw with a jerk)
:: viskata, viskaista
flirt {v} (to toss or throw about; to move playfully to and fro)
:: heitellä, heilutella
flirt {v} (to jeer at)
:: kiusoitella
flirt {v} (to run about)
:: säntäillä
flirt {v} (to play at courtship)
:: flirttailla, flirtata, hakkailla
flit {v} /flɪt/ (to move about rapidly and nimbly)
:: säntäillä, pyrähdellä, häilähtää, häilähdellä, vilahdella, liihotella
flit {v} (to move quickly from one location to another)
:: sännätä, pyrähtää, vilahtaa, liihotella
flit {v} (to unpredictably change state for short periods)
:: pätkiä
flittermouse {n} (bat) SEE: bat
flixweed {n} (Descurainia sophia)
:: litutilli, rohtolitutilli
float {v} /fləʊt/ (to be supported by a liquid)
:: kellua
float {v} (to cause something to be suspended in a liquid of greater density)
:: kelluttaa
float {v} (to be capable of floating)
:: kellua, pysyä pinnalla
float {v} (to move in a particular direction with the liquid in which one is floating)
:: lipua
float {v} (to drift aimlessly)
:: ajelehtia, lipua, ujua
float {v} (to drift gently through the air)
:: leijua
float {v} (to move in a fluid manner)
:: lipua, leijua
float {v} (to propose for consideration)
:: ehdottaa, heittää
float {v} (to automatically adjust a parameter as related parameters change)
:: vaihtua, riippua
float {v} (to allow a price to be determined by the markets as opposed to by rule)
:: kellua
float {v} (to extend a short-term loan to)
:: vipata
float {v} (to issue or sell shares in a company (or units in a trust) to members of the public, followed by listing on a stock exchange)
:: aloittaa osakeanti
float {n} (buoyant device)
:: koho [as part of fishing gear]; kelluke
float {n} (tool similar to a rasp)
:: höyläraspi, raspi
float {n} (sort of trowel)
:: hierrin
float {n} (trailer or vehicle decorated for a parade)
:: paraatiauto
float {n} (finance: offering of shares to the public)
:: yleinen osakeanti
float {n} (insurance: premiums taken in but not yet paid out)
:: käteiskassa
float {n} (programming: short form of floating-point number)
:: liukuluku
float {n} (small sum of money put in a cashier's till at the start of business)
:: pohjakassa
float glass {n} (glass made by floating process)
:: tasolasi, float-lasi
floating {adj} /ˈfloʊtɪŋ/ (that floats)
:: kelluva
floating {adj} (not fixed)
:: liikkuva
floating point {adj} (computing)
:: liukuluku-
floating-point number {n} (number of the form a x bc)
:: liukuluku
floating-point number {n} (computing)
:: liukuluku
floating point operation {n} (computing: simple operation)
:: liukulukulasku
floating-point unit {n} (computing)
:: liukulukuyksikkö
flobber {n} (pouting) SEE: pouting
floccinaucinihilipilificate {v} /ˌflɒksɪˌnɒsɪˌnɪhɪlɪˈpɪlɪfɪ.keɪt/ (to regard as worthless)
:: mitätöidä, vähätellä
floccinaucinihilipilification {n} /ˌflɒksɪˌnɔːsɪˌnaɪhɪlɪˌpɪlɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ (act or habit of describing or regarding something as unimportant)
:: vähättely
flock {n} /flɑk/ (group of birds)
:: parvi
flock {n} (group of sheep or goats)
:: katras [herded], lauma [free]
flock {n} (people served by a particular pastor)
:: katras
flock {n} (group of people)
:: joukko, väkijoukko, lauma
flock {v} (to congregate)
:: kokoontua, kerääntyä
flock {n} (tufts of wool or cotton)
:: vanu
flock {v} (to coat)
:: päällystää (jollakin)
floe {n} /fləʊ/ (a low, flat mass of floating ice)
:: jäälautta
flog {v} (to sell) SEE: sell
flog {v} (to defeat) SEE: defeat
flog {v} /flɑɡ/ (to whip or scourge someone or something as punishment)
:: ruoskia, piiskata, piestä
flog {v} (agriculture: to exploit)
:: ryöstöviljellä
flog {v} (to steal) SEE: steal
flog a dead horse {v} (to attempt to get more out of something that cannot give more)
:: piiskata kuollutta hevosta
flogger {n} (lightweight whip)
:: hapsupiiska
flogging {n} /ˈflɒɡɪŋ/ (punishment)
:: ruoskinta
flood {n} /flʌd/ (overflow of water)
:: tulva
flood {n} (large number or quantity)
:: tulva
flood {v} (to overflow)
:: tulvia
flood {v} (to cover as if by a flood)
:: tulvia, hukuttaa
flood {v} (to provide with a large number of quantity)
:: tukkia, hukuttaa
Flood {prop} (the flood referenced in the Book of Genesis)
:: vedenpaisumus
floodgate {n} /ˈflʌdˌɡeɪt/ (gate or valve)
:: tulvaluukku
floodgate {n} (anything that controls or limits an outpouring)
:: portti
flooding {n} /ˈflʌdɪŋ/ (act of flooding)
:: tulviminen, tulva
floodlight {n} (a projector of a bright beam of light for use in theatres and studios; a flood)
:: valonheitin
floodplain {n} (a plain formed by the deposition of flooding)
:: tulvatasanko
floodwall {n} (barrier)
:: tulvavalli
floof {v} (fluff) SEE: fluff
floor {n} /flɔɹ/ (bottom part of a room)
:: lattia
floor {n} (surface of the Earth, as opposed to the sky or water or underground)
:: maanpinta
floor {n} (lower inside surface of a hollow space)
:: pohja
floor {n} (horizontal structure dividing a building)
:: välipohja
floor {n} (supporting surface of a structure)
:: kansi
floor {n} (part of the house assigned to the members of a legislative assembly)
:: sali
floor {n} (right to speak)
:: puheenvuoro
floor {n} (nautical: near-horizontal part of the bottom of a vessel)
:: pohja
floor {n} (mining: rock underlying a stratified or nearly horizontal deposit)
:: alapohja
floor {n} (mathematics: the largest integer less than or equal to a given number)
:: kokonaislukuosa, alas pyöristetty luku
floor {n} (gymnastics event)
:: permanto
floor {n} (gymnastics: floor-like carpeted surface)
:: permanto
floor {n} (finance: lower limit on the interest rate payable on an otherwise variable-rate loan)
:: lattia, korkolattia
floor {n} (area in which business is conducted at a convention or exhibition)
:: lattia
floor {n} (storey of a building) SEE: storey
floor {n} (dance floor) SEE: dance floor
floorball {n} (hockey-like ball game)
:: salibandy
floorboard {n} (any of the long boards laid over joists to make a floor)
:: lattialauta
floorcloth {n} (cloth for cleaning floors)
:: lattiarätti, rätti
floor exercise {n} (gymnastics performance)
:: permantoliike
flooring {n} (floor)
:: lattia
flooring {n} (material)
:: lattiamateriaali
flooring {n} (knockdown)
:: pudottaminen, tyrmäys
floor lamp {n} (a floor lamp supported by a pole)
:: jalkalamppu
floorless {adj} /ˈflɔː(ɹ)ləs/ (lacking a floor)
:: lattiaton
floor plan {n} (diagram)
:: pohjapiirros, pohjapiirustus
floorshow {n} (set of performances)
:: floor show, esitys, ohjelma, näytös
floor tile {n} (tile for flooring)
:: lattialaatta
flop {v} /flɑp/ (to fall heavily, because lacking energy)
:: romahtaa, läsähtää, lysähtää, lyyhistyä
flop {v} (to fail completely, not to be successful at all)
:: flopata
flop {n} (failure, especially in the entertainment industry)
:: floppi, lässähdys, fiasko, epäonnistuminen
flop {n} (poned package of dung)
:: läjä
flophouse {n} (cheap hotel) SEE: doss-house
floppiness {n} (being floppy)
:: huolimattomuus, vetelyys, velttous
floppy {adj} /ˈflɒ.pi/ (limp, not hard, firm or rigid; flexible)
:: lerppu
floppy {n} ((computing) a floppy disk)
:: levyke, [slang, -inch] lerppu, [slang, -inch] korppu
floppy disk {n} (flexible disk used for storing digital data)
:: levyke, disketti, lerppu
floppy disk drive {n} (floppy drive) SEE: floppy drive
floppy diskette drive {n} (computer hardware device) SEE: floppy drive
floppydock {n} (Digitalis purpurea)
:: rohtosormustinkukka
floppy drive {n} (device for reading floppy disks)
:: levykeasema, diskettiasema, korppuasema, lerppuasema
flop style {n} (high jump technique) SEE: Fosbury flop
flora {n} /ˈflɔː.ɹə/ (plants considered as a group)
:: kasvisto
flora {n} (a book describing the plants of a country etc.)
:: kasvio
flora {n} (the microorganisms that inhabit some part of the body)
:: floora, mikrofloora, mikrobisto
Floréal {prop} /ˌflɔɹeɪˈɑl/ ( the eighth month of French Republican Calendar)
:: floréal
floral white {n} (faint pinkish white colour)
:: fluorivalkoinen
floral white {adj} (of a faint pinkish white colour)
:: fluorivalkoinen
Florence {prop} /ˈflɒɹəns/ (city in Tuscany, Italy)
:: Firenze
Florence fennel {n} (fennel cultivar) SEE: finocchio
Florence flask {n} (round laboratory flask)
:: pyörökolvi, keittopullo
Florentine {adj} /ˈflɒɹəntaɪn/ (of or relating to the Italian city of Florence)
:: firenzeläinen
Florentine {n} (a native or resident of the Italian city of Florence)
:: firenzeläinen
floriculture {n} (the farming of flowers)
:: kukkaviljely
florid {adj} /ˈflɒɹɪd/ (having a rosy colour)
:: punakka
florid {adj} (ornate)
:: korusanainen, runsaasti koristeltu
Florida {prop} /ˈflɒɹ.ɪ.də/ (US state)
:: Florida
Florida water {n} (type of eau de Cologne)
:: floridanvesi
floriography {n} /ˌflɔːɹiˈɒɡɹəfi/ (communication through the use of flowers)
:: kukkaiskieli
florist {n} /ˈflɔːɹɪst/ (a person who sells flowers)
:: kukkakauppias
floristry {n} (production, commerce and trade in flowers)
:: floristiikka
florist's {n} (a shop that sells flowers)
:: kukkakauppa
floruit {n} /ˈflɔɹ(j)uɪt/ (peak period of a person/culture/group)
:: kukoistus, kukoistuskausi
floss {n} /flɔs/ (a thread used to clean the gaps between the teeth)
:: hammaslanka
floss {n} (silk fibres)
:: raakasilkki
floss {n} (the fibres covering a corncob etc.)
:: kuitu
floss {n} (any thread-like material having parallel strands)
:: kuitu
floss {n} (spun sugar or cotton candy)
:: hattara
floss {n} (small stream)
:: puro
flotilla {n} /floʊˈtɪlə/ (small fleet)
:: lippue
flotsam {n} /ˈflɒtsəm/ (flotsam)
:: ajelehtiva hylkytavara
flounce {v} /flaʊns/ (to move in exaggerated manner)
:: harppoa
flounce {v} (to decorate with flounce)
:: koristella röyhelöin, röyhelöidä, reunustaa
flounce {v} (to depart dramatically)
:: poistua näyttävästi
flounce {n} (strip of decorative material along an edge)
:: röyhelö [pleated], reunus [any]
flounce {n} (act of flouncing)
:: harppominen [going]; röyhelöinti [decorating]
flounce {v} (to make spastic motions) SEE: flounder
flounder {n} (any flatfish) SEE: flatfish
flounder {n} /ˈflaʊndɚ/ (Platichthys flesus)
:: kampela
flounder {v} (to flop around)
:: pyörähtää
flounder {v} (to attempt to move or regain one's balance)
:: kompuroida, horjua
flounder {v} (to act clumsily or confused)
:: kompuroida
flour {n} /ˈflaʊɚ/ (ground cereal grains or other foodstuff)
:: jauho
flour {n} (powder of other material)
:: jauho, jauhe
flour {v} (to apply flour to something)
:: jauhottaa
flourish {v} /ˈflʌ.ɹɪʃ/ (to thrive or grow well)
:: kukoistaa
flourish {n} (ornamentation)
:: koukero, koriste
flourish {n} (architecture: decorative embellishment)
:: koriste
flour moth {n} (flour-feeding moth of the family Pyralidae)
:: koisa
floury {adj} /ˈflaʊɹi/ (resembling flour)
:: jauhoinen
floury {adj} (covered in flour)
:: jauhoinen
flout {v} /flaʊt/ (to express contempt for the rules by word or action)
:: uhmata, halveksia, pitää pilkkanaan
flout {v} (to scorn)
:: halveksia, pitää pilkkanaan
flow {v} (to flow) SEE: run
flow {n} /floʊ/ (the movement of a fluid)
:: virtaus
flow {n} (the rising movement of the tide)
:: vuoksi, nousuvesi
flow {n} (rate of fluid movement)
:: virtaama, virtaus
flow {n} (being at one with)
:: ykseys
flow {v} (to move as a fluid)
:: virrata
flow {v} (to move smoothly)
:: sujua, soljua, lipua
flow {v} (to flow) SEE: stream
flowability {n} (quality)
:: juoksevuus
flowable {adj} (able to flow)
:: juokseva
flow chart {n} (schematic representation of a process)
:: kulkukaavio, vuokaavio
flow control {n} (process of managing the rate of data transmission)
:: vuonohjaus
flower {n} (reproductive structure in angiosperms)
:: kukka
flower {n} (plant that bears flowers, especially a plant that is small and lacks wood)
:: kukka
flower {v} (to put forth blooms)
:: kukkia
flowerbed {n} (place where flowers are grown)
:: kukkapenkki
flower garden {n} (garden where flowers are grown for decorative purposes)
:: kukkatarha
flower girl {n} (florist) SEE: florist
flowering {n} (action)
:: kukinta
flowering {n} (period)
:: kukinta
flowering {adj} (of a plant)
:: kukkiva
flowering plant {n} (common term for an "angiosperm")
:: kukkakasvi
flowering tea {n} (Chinese tea)
:: teekukka
flowerpot {n} /ˈflaʊɚˌpɑt/ (container in which plants are grown)
:: kukkaruukku
flow production {n} (mass production) SEE: mass production
flu {n} /fluː/ (influenza)
:: influenssa
fluctuate {v} (to vary irregularly; to swing)
:: heilahdella, vaihdella, heittelehtiä
fluctuate {v} (to cause to vary irregularly)
:: heilutella, heilautella, heitellä
fluctuation {n} /flʌktʃuːˈeɪʃən/ (wavelike motion)
:: heilahtelu, huojunta
fluctuation {n} (wavering; unsteadiness)
:: heilahtelu, huojunta, vaihtelu
flue {n} /fluː/ (pipe that carries gaseous combustion products away from their origin)
:: savukanava
flue {n} (enclosed passageway for a gas)
:: kanava, putki
flue gas {n} (smoke)
:: savukaasu
fluency {n} /ˈfluːənsi/ (quality of smoothness of flow)
:: virtaavuus, nestemäisyys
fluency {n} (linguistics: being fluent in a language)
:: sujuvuus
fluent {adj} /ˈfluːənt/ (able to speak a language accurately and confidently)
:: sujuva
fluently {adv} (expressing oneself easily)
:: sujuvasti
fluently {adv} (having graceful movements)
:: sulavasti
flufenamic acid {n} (drug)
:: flufenaamihappo
fluff {n} /flʌf/ (light fur etc)
:: höttö
fluff {n} (something inconsequential)
:: höttö
fluff {n} (lapse)
:: erehdys, moka
fluff {v} (to make fluffy)
:: pöyhiä, pörhentää, möyhiä, möyhentää
fluff {v} (to become fluffy)
:: pöyhistyä, pörhistyä
fluff {v} (to make a mistake in one’s lines)
:: sotkeutua, sekaantua
fluffiness {n} (being fluffy)
:: nukkaisuus
fluffy {adj} /flʌfi/ (covered with fluff)
:: pöyheä, pehmeä, pörröinen
fluffy {adj} (light; soft; airy)
:: ilmava, kuohkea
fluffy {adj} (warm and comforting)
:: lämpöinen
flugelhorn {n} (brass instrument)
:: flyygelitorvi
fluid {n} /ˈfluɪd/ (any state of matter which can flow)
:: fluidi, neste
fluid {adj} (of or relating to fluid)
:: fluidi-
fluid {adj} (in a state of flux; subject to change)
:: muuttuvainen
fluid {adj} (moving smoothly)
:: sulava
fluid {adj} (convertible into cash)
:: likvidoitava, likvidoitavissa oleva
fluid dynamics {n} (study of fluids in motion)
:: virtausdynamiikka
fluidized bed {n} (unit process)
:: leijupeti
fluidized bed {n} (equipment)
:: leijupeti, leijukerros-
fluidly {adv} (in a fluid manner)
:: sujuvasti, juohevasti
fluid mechanics {n} (branch of mechanics dealing with fluids)
:: virtausmekaniikka
fluke {n} /fluk/ (stroke of luck)
:: onnenpotku
fluke {n} (lobe of whale's tail)
:: pyrstön haara, valaan pyrstön haara
fluke {n} (anchor blade)
:: ankkurinkoura
fluke {n} (parasitic flatworm)
:: maksamato, lampaan maksamato
fluke {n} (a metal hook on the head of certain staff weapons)
:: väkä, metallinen koukku keihään päässä
flukeworm {n} (worm in the class Trematoda)
:: tiehytmato, imumato
flukey {adj} (lucky) SEE: lucky
flumazenil {n} (medicine)
:: flumatseniili
flummox {v} /ˈflʌməks/ (To confuse; to fluster; to flabbergast)
:: sekoittaa
flunk {v} /flʌŋk/ (to fail)
:: reputtaa, saada reput, pompata
fluorapatite {n} /flʊəˈɹæpətaɪt/
:: fluoriapatiitti
fluorescence {n} /flʊˈɹɛsəns/ (emission of light)
:: fluoresenssi
fluorescent {adj} /flɔˈɹɛsɨnt/ (of or relating to fluorescence)
:: fluoresenssi-
fluorescent lamp {n} (gas-discharge lamp)
:: loisteputki, loisteputkilamppu, loistelamppu
fluoric {adj} (pertaining to fluorine)
:: fluori-
fluoride {n} /ˈflɔɹaɪd/ (fluoride)
:: fluoridi
fluorine {n} /ˈflɔːɹiːn/ (chemical element)
:: fluori
fluorite {n} /flɔɹait/ (mineral)
:: fluoriitti
fluoroimmunometry {n} (method for testing allergies)
:: fluoroimmunometria
fluorosis {n} (any adverse condition due to an excess of fluoride)
:: fluoroosi
fluorous {adj} (containing fluorite)
:: fluoriittipitoinen
fluorspar {n} (halide mineral composed of calcium fluoride)
:: fluorisälpä
fluoxetine {n} (one of SSRI antidepressant drugs)
:: fluoksetiini
flurry {n} /ˈflʌɹi/ (brief snowfall)
:: tuisku
flurry {n} (sudden and brief blast or gust; a light, temporary breeze)
:: puuska
flurry {n} (shower of dust, leaves, …)
:: pyörre
flurry {n} (sudden activity)
:: mylläkkä, hullunmylly
flush {v} /ˈflʌʃ/ (to cause to take flight from concealment)
:: ajaa
flush {v} (to take suddenly to flight, especially from cover)
:: rynnätä; lehahtaa [on wings]
flush {adj} (smooth, even, aligned; not sticking out)
:: samalla tasolla
flush {adj} (wealthy or well off)
:: rahoissaan
flush {n} (sudden flowing; cleansing)
:: huuhtelu
flush {n} (cleansing of a toilet)
:: huuhtelu, vessan vetäminen
flush {v} (to cleanse by flooding with generous quantities of a fluid)
:: huuhdella
flush {v} (to cleanse a toilet by introducing lots of water)
:: vetää, huuhdella
flush {v} (to become suffused with reddish color)
:: punastua
flush {v} (to cause to blush)
:: punastuttaa
flush {v} (to overwhelm with water)
:: huuhtoa
flush {v} (to excite, inflame)
:: sytyttää, innostaa
flush {v} (of toilet: to be cleansed with generous quantities of water)
:: huuhdella, vetää vessa
flush {v} (computing: to clear a buffer of its contents)
:: tyhjentää
flush {v} (to show red)
:: punehtua
flush {v} (masonry: to fill in)
:: täyttää, tasoittaa
flush {n} (poker hand)
:: väri
flush mounting {n} (way of installing)
:: uppoasennus
flush toilet {n} (toilet that uses water to remove waste)
:: vesivessa
fluster {v} /ˈflʌstə/ (To confuse, befuddle, throw into panic by making overwrought with confusion)
:: hermostuttaa, hämmentää
flute {n} /fluːt/ (woodwind instrument)
:: huilu
flute {n} (glass)
:: samppanjalasi
flute {n} (helical groove going up a drill bit)
:: ura, kierre
flute {n} (architecture: vertical groove in a pillar)
:: ura
flute {v} (to play flute)
:: soittaa huilua
flute {v} (to make a flutelike sound)
:: huhuilla [low pitch], heläyttää [high pitch]
flute {v} (to utter with flutelike sound)
:: huhuilla [low pitch], heläyttää [high pitch]
flute {v} (to form flutes)
:: urittaa [as in a column]; laskostaa [as to form a ruffle]
fluted {adj} (drunk) SEE: drunk
fluted {adj} (decorated with flutes)
:: laskostettu
fluting {n} (decoration)
:: uritus, kanneluuri
fluting {n} (act)
:: uritus
flutter {v} /ˈflʌtɚ/ (to flap or wave quickly)
:: lepattaa
flutter {v} (to flap the wings without flying)
:: läpytellä, räpyttää, räpytellä
flutter {v} (to cause something to flutter)
:: puistella, räpyttää, räpytellä
flutter {n} (act of fluttering)
:: lepatus, läpyttely, läpytys, puistelu
flutter {n} (state of agitation)
:: värinä, tärinä
flutter {n} (abnormal rapid pulsation of heart)
:: värinä, sydänvärinä
flutter {n} (small bet)
:: pikkuveto
fluvisol {n} (soil type)
:: jokimaannos
flux {n} /flʌks/ (a state of ongoing change)
:: muutostila, muutos
flux {n} (a chemical agent for cleaning metal prior to soldering or welding)
:: juoksute, juotosapuaine, fluksi [colloquial]
flux {n} (the rate of transfer of energy (electric flux, magnetic flux))
:: vuo
fly {n} /flaɪ/ (insect of the order Diptera)
:: kaksisiipinen
fly {n} (insect of the family Muscidae)
:: kärpänen
fly {n} (fishing lure)
:: perho
fly {v} (to travel through air)
:: lentää
fly {v} (to flee)
:: paeta
fly {v} (to cause to travel through the air)
:: lentää, ohjata, lennättää
fly {v} (to become accepted)
:: ottaa tuulta, tulla hyväksytyksi, lähteä lentoon
fly {v} (to travel very fast, to hasten)
:: lentää, kiitää, rientää
fly {v} (to move suddenly with violence)
:: lentää
fly {v} (to display a flag from a flagpole)
:: liputtaa
fly {n} (act of flying)
:: lento
fly {n} (strip that hides the opening of trousers/pants or underpants)
:: sepalus
fly {n} (free edge of a flag)
:: liehureuna
fly {n} (horizontal length of a flag)
:: leveys
fly {v} (to hit a flyball)
:: lyödä kaaripallo
fly {adj} (quick-witted)
:: fiksu [colloquial], terävä
fly {adj} (well dressed)
:: tyylikäs
fly {n} (fly ball) SEE: fly ball
fly agaric {n} (Amanita muscaria)
:: punakärpässieni
fly ball {n} ((baseball) a batted ball)
:: kaaripallo
flyby {n} (flight past celestial object)
:: ohilento
flyby {n} (ceremonial low-level flight)
:: ylilento
flycatcher {n} (bird)
:: sieppo
flyer {n} (someone who pilots or rides in an airplane)
:: lentolehtinen, lennäkki, mainoslehtinen, joukkokirje
flyer {n} (part of a spinning machine)
:: siipi
flyer {n} (architecture: connecting arch)
:: tukikaari
flyer {n} (person who is lifted and/or thrown by another person or persons)
:: nousija
flyer {n} (standard rectangular step of a staircase)
:: suora porras
flyer {n} (female kangaroo)
:: naaraskenguru
flyer {n} (leap or jump)
:: loikka
fly-fish {v} (to fish with a fly)
:: perhostaa
fly fishing {n} (form of angling)
:: perhokalastus
flying {n} (flying (noun)) SEE: flight
flying {adj} /ˈflaɪ.ɪŋ/ (that can fly)
:: lentävä
flying {adj} (brief, hurrying)
:: hätäinen
flying {adj} (nautical: not secured by yards)
:: irti
flying ace {n} (military aviator)
:: hävittäjä-ässä, lentäjä-ässä
flying buttress {n} (buttress that stands apart from the structure that it supports)
:: (ulkoinen) tukipilari
flying carp {n} (silver carp) SEE: silver carp
flying coffin {n} (aircraft with an unacceptably high accident rate)
:: lentävä ruumisarkku
Flying Dutchman {prop} /ˌflaɪ.ɪŋ ˈdʌtʃ.mən/ (mythical ghost ship)
:: Lentävä hollantilainen
flying fish {n} (tropical marine fish)
:: liitokala, lentokala
Flying Fortress {prop} (B-17)
:: Lentävä Linnoitus
flying fox {n} (bat of the genera Pteropus or Acerodon)
:: lentävä koira, lenkko [Pteropus only]
flying fox {n} (fish Epalzeorhynchos kalopterus)
:: kuonobarbi
flying fox {n} (device consisting of a chair suspended on a pulley)
:: köysirata
flying fox {n} (bat of the family Pteropodidae) SEE: megabat
flying jib {n} (The foremost of the jibs of a square-rigged sailing vessel)
:: ajopurje
flying kiss {n} (type of kiss given by kissing one's hand and blowing)
:: lentosuukko
flying lap {n} (a qualifying lap to set a fast time)
:: nopea kierros, lentävä kierros
flying saucer {n} (disc-shaped unidentified flying object)
:: lentävä lautanen
Flying Spaghetti Monster {prop} (spaghetti deity)
:: lentävä spagettihirviö
flying squirrel {n} (squirrel)
:: liito-orava
flying start {n} (an especially good start)
:: lentävä lähtö
flying visit {n} (very short visit)
:: pikavierailu
fly into a rage {v} (become very angry)
:: raivostua
flyleaf {n} /ˈflaɪˌlif/ (blank page at the front or back of a book)
:: tyhjä sivu
flynet {n} (net)
:: kärpäsverkko
flynet {n} (fringe or net to protect horse)
:: kärpäsverkko
fly off the handle {v} (become very angry)
:: menettää malttinsa, polttaa päreensä
flypaper {n} (flypaper)
:: kärpäspaperi
fly screen {n} (window screen) SEE: window screen
fly sheet {n} (extra cover of a tent)
:: ulkoteltta
fly sheet {n} (printed leaflet)
:: lentolehtinen
flyswatter {n} (device for swatting flies)
:: kärpäslätkä
flyunder {n} /flʌɪˈʌndə/ (road or rail underpass)
:: alikulkutunneli
fly under the radar {v} (to go unnoticed)
:: piilotella
flyweight {n} (mechanics: weight that moves outward with centrifugal force)
:: keskipakopaino
flyweight {n} (weight division in combat sports)
:: kärpässarja
flyweight {n} (combat sports -related term for small, light or unimportant)
:: kärpässarjalainen
flywheel {n} (rotating mass)
:: vauhtipyörä, tasauspyörä
F major {n} (the major key with F as its tonic)
:: F-duuri
F minor {n} (the minor key with F as its tonic)
:: f-molli
f-number {n} (ratio of the focal length of a lens to its diameter)
:: aukkosuhde, aukko
foal {n} /foʊl/ (young horse)
:: varsa
foal {v} (give birth (equestrian))
:: varsoa
foam {n} /foʊm/ (substance composed of a large collection of bubbles or their solidified remains)
:: vaahto
foam {n} (foam rubber)
:: vaahtomuovi
foam {v} (form or emit foam)
:: vaahdota
foam at the mouth {v} (froth at the mouth) SEE: froth at the mouth
foaminess {n} (being foamy)
:: vaahtoisuus
foam rubber {n} (foam rubber) SEE: foam
foamy {adj} /foʊmi/ (full of foam)
:: vaahtoinen
fob {n} /fɒb/ (chain or ribbon)
:: kellonperät {p}, kellonvitja
fob {n} (remote control for locking and unlocking a vehicle)
:: kauko-ohjain
fob {n} (little pocket near waistline) SEE: watch pocket
focal {adj} /ˈfoʊ.kl̩/ (belonging to or concerning a focus)
:: polttopiste-
focal length {n} (distance)
:: polttoväli
focal point {n} ((optics) a focus; a point at which rays of light or other radiation converge)
:: polttopiste
focus {n} /ˈfoʊ.kəs/ (in optics)
:: fokus, polttopiste
focus {n} (in mathematics)
:: polttopiste, leikkauspiste
focus {n} (fact of the convergence of light on the photographic medium)
:: tarkennus
focus {n} (quality of the convergence of light on the photographic medium)
:: tarkennus
focus {n} (concentration of attention)
:: keskittyminen
focus {n} (exact point of where an earthquake occurs)
:: hyposentri
focus {v} (cause (rays of light, etc) to converge at a single point)
:: kohdistaa
focus {v} (to adjust (a lens, an optical instrument))
:: tarkentaa
focus {v} (transitive: to concentrate one's attention)
:: keskittyä [+ illative], kiinnittää huomionsa, keskittää huomionsa [+ illative]
focus {v} (intransitive: to concentrate one's attention)
:: keskittyä
focus {v} (to transfer the input focus to)
:: kohdistaa
focus group {n} (a group of people interviewed for market research or political analysis)
:: fokusryhmä, täsmäryhmä
fodder {n} /ˈfɑdɚ/ (food for animals)
:: rehu
foe {n} (enemy) SEE: enemy
foehn {n} /fɝn/ (warm dry wind blowing down the northern sides of the Alps)
:: föhn-tuuli, föhn
foehn {n} (any similar wind)
:: föhn-tuuli
foetus {n} (fetus) SEE: fetus
fog {n} /fɑɡ/ (cloud that forms at a low altitude and obscures vision)
:: sumu
fog {n} (mist or film clouding a surface)
:: sumu
fog {n} (state of mind characterized by lethargy and confusion)
:: sumu
fog {n} (photography: blur on a developed photographic image)
:: sumu
fog {v} (to become covered with or as if with fog)
:: sumeta
fog {v} (to become obscured in condensation or water)
:: huurtua
fog {v} (photography: to become dim or obscure)
:: sumeta, himmetä
fog {v} (to cover with or as if with fog)
:: peittää sumuun
fog {v} (to obscure in condensation or water)
:: huurtaa
fog {v} (to make confusing or obscure)
:: sumentaa
fog {v} (photography: to make dim or obscure)
:: sumentaa
fog {n} (new growth of grass appearing on a field that has been mowed or grazed)
:: jälkikasvu
fog {n} (Scottish: moss) SEE: moss
fogey {n} /ˈfoʊɡi/ (dull old fellow)
:: fossiili, jäärä, vanha jäärä
fogginess {n} (being foggy)
:: sumuisuus
foggy {adj} (obscured by mist or fog)
:: sumuinen, utuinen
foghorn {n} (horn)
:: sumutorvi {s}, sumusireeni {s}
fog light {n} (one of a pair of lights, mounted at the front of a car)
:: sumuvalo
foible {n} /ˈfɔɪbəl/ (a weakness or failing of character)
:: heikkous, heikko kohta
foie gras {n} /ˌfwɑ ˈɡɹɑ/ (fattened liver of geese or ducks)
:: hanhenmaksa
foil {n} /fɔɪl/ (thin sheet of metal)
:: folio, ohkolevy
foil {n} (thin aluminium/aluminum or tin used for wrapping food)
:: folio
foil {n} (type of sword used in fencing)
:: floretti
foil {n} (thin layer of metal put between a jewel and its setting to make it seem more brilliant)
:: folio
foil {v} (prevent from being accomplished)
:: estää, pilata suunnitelma
foil {v} (to expand a product of two or more algebraic expressions, typically binomials)
:: kertoa
foil {n} (shortened form of hydrofoil) SEE: hydrofoil
foist {v} /fɔɪst/ (introduce or insert surreptitiously)
:: ujuttaa
foist {v} (force another to accept)
:: ujuttaa
foist {v} (pass off as genuine)
:: ujuttaa
folate {n} (salt or ester of folic acid)
:: folaatti
-fold {suffix} (used to make adjectives)
:: -kertainen
-fold {suffix} (used to make adverbs)
:: -kertaisesti
fold {v} /foʊld/ (bend (thin material) over)
:: taittaa
fold {v} (make the proper arrangement (in a thin material) by bending)
:: taitella, viikata, laskostaa
fold {v} (fall over)
:: kaatua
fold {v} (give way on a point or in an argument)
:: antaa periksi
fold {v} (poker: withdraw from betting)
:: kipata
fold {v} (stir gently with a folding action)
:: sekoittaa
fold {v} (cease to trade)
:: lopettaa, sulkea, mennä nurin
fold {n} (act of folding)
:: taittelu, taittaminen
fold {n} (bend or crease)
:: taitos, poimu
fold {n} (correct move in origami)
:: taitos
fold {n} ((geology) bending of originally flat planar surfaces)
:: poimu
fold {n} (enclosure for domestic animals)
:: karsina
folder {n} /ˈfoʊɫdɚ/ (organizer)
:: kansio
folder {n} (container of computer files)
:: kansio
folding {adj} /ˈfəʊldɪŋ/ (made to fold)
:: taittuva, taitettava
folding {n} (action of folding)
:: taittaminen
folding chair {n} (a light portable chair)
:: taittotuoli
folding knife {n} (type of knife)
:: linkkuveitsi
folding screen {n} (furniture)
:: sermi, taitettava seinäke
foliage {n} /ˈfoʊliɪdʒ/ (the leaves of plants)
:: lehdet {p}, lehvistö
foliage {n} (fall foliage) SEE: autumn foliage
folic acid {n} (vitamin B9, a polycyclic heterocyclic carboxylic acid)
:: foolihappo
folivore {n} /ˈfəʊlɪvɔː(ɹ)/ (herbivore that eats mostly foliage)
:: lehtiensyöjä, folivori
folk dance {n} (genre of dance)
:: kansantanssi
Folketing {prop} (Folketing)
:: kansankäräjät
folk etymology {n} (false etymology)
:: kansanetymologia
folk etymology {n} (a modification of a word or its spelling)
:: kansanetymologia
folk hero {n} (real or mythical person widely revered by ordinary people)
:: kansansankari
folklore {n} /ˈfəʊk.lɔː/ (tales, legends and superstitions of a particular ethnic population)
:: kansanperinne
folklorism {n} (use of tradition outside the cultural context in which it was created)
:: folklorismi
folklorist {n} (a person who studies or collects folklore)
:: folkloristi, kansanperinteen tutkija, perinteentutkija
folkloristics {n} (formal academic study of folklore)
:: folkloristiikka, perinteentutkimus
folk music {n} (music originating from a specific region)
:: kansanmusiikki
folk music {n} (contemporary music in traditional style)
:: etnomusiikki, folkmusiikki
folk religion {n} (religious customs under the umbrella of an organized religion but outside of official doctrine and practices)
:: kansanuskonto
folk rock {n} (music subgenre)
:: folkrock
folksinger {n} (singer of folk songs)
:: folklaulaja
folk song {n} (song originating among the working people)
:: kansanlaulu
folk song {n} (song in this style)
:: folk-kappale
folksy {adj} (characteristic of simple country life)
:: kansanomainen
folksy {adj} (informal: affable and familiar)
:: lupsakka
folktale {n} (story that is part of the oral tradition of a people)
:: kansantaru
folkway {n} /ˈfəʊkweɪ/ (custom or belief common to members of a society)
:: kansanviisaus
follicle {n} (anatomy)
:: (hair) tuppi, (e.g. ovarian) rakkula, follikkeli
follicle {n} (botany)
:: tuppilo
folliculitis {n} (inflammation of one or more hair follicles)
:: karvatupentulehdus
follow {v} /ˈfɑloʊ/ (to go or come after in physical space)
:: seurata
follow {v} (to go or come after in a sequence)
:: seurata
follow {v} (to carry out in accordance to)
:: noudattaa
follow {v} (to live one’s life according to)
:: noudattaa
follow {v} (to understand)
:: pysyä mukana, pysyä kärryillä
follow {v} (to keep track of)
:: seurata, tarkkailla
follow {v} (to be a logical consequence of)
:: seurata
follower {n} (one who follows)
:: seuraaja
follower {n} (thing that comes after another thing)
:: seuraaja
follower {n} (one who is a part of a master's physical group, such as a servant or retainer)
:: seuraaja
follower {n} (one who adheres to the opinions, ideas or teachings of another)
:: kannattaja
following {adj} /ˈfɑloʊɪŋ/ (next in sequence or time)
:: seuraava
following {adj} (to be specified)
:: seuraava
following {adj} (wind blowing in the direction of travel)
:: myötäinen
following {prep} (subsequent to)
:: jälkeen
following {n} (group of followers)
:: kannattajakunta
follow in someone's footsteps {v} (follow the same path as someone)
:: seurata jalanjäljissä
follow suit {v} (play a card of the same suit)
:: jatkaa väriä
follow suit {v} (follow an example)
:: matkia, seurata esimerkkiä, noudattaa esimerkkiä, imitoida, jäljitellä
follow the crowd {v} (conform)
:: kulkea joukon mukana, kulkea lauman mukana
follow-the-leader {n} (children's game)
:: seuraa johtajaa
follow up {v} (take further actions after an event)
:: seurata, jatkaa, pitää yhteyttä
follow-up {n} (action)
:: jatkotoimenpide, seuranta, jälkihoito
follow-up {n} (Internet: posted message in reply to a previous one)
:: vastaus
follow-up {n} (sports: shot on goal directly following another)
:: jatkolaukaus
follow-up {n} ((medicine) revisiting)
:: seurantakäynti
folly {n} /ˈfɑli/ (foolishness)
:: mielettömyys, hulluus, typeryys
folly {n} (thoughtless action)
:: hullutus, hölmöily, hömpötys
Fomalhaut {prop} (star)
:: Fomalhaut
foment {v} /foʊˈmɛnt/ (to incite or cause)
:: lietsoa
fomite {n} /ˈfoʊmaɪt/ (inanimate object capable of transferring infectious agents)
:: fomiitti
fond {v} (be fond of, like) SEE: like
fond {adj} /fɒnd/ (affectionate)
:: hellä
fond {adj} (indulgent)
:: lempeä, hyväntahtoinen
fond {adj} (outlandish)
:: löyhäpäinen, typerä
fondant {n} /ˈfɒndənt/ (flavored sugar preparation)
:: karamellitäyte
fondle {v} /ˈfɒndl/ (to fondle)
:: hyväillä, kosketella
fondue {n} /ˈfɒnduː/ (dish)
:: fondue, fondyy
fonio {n} (Digitaria exilis)
:: fonio
fonio {n} (Digitaria iburua)
:: fonio
font {n} /fɑnt/ (a receptacle for oil in a lamp)
:: öljypesä
font {n} (typesetting: a grouping of consistently-designed glyphs)
:: kirjasin, fontti
font {n} (a computer file containing the code used to draw and compose the glyphs)
:: kirjasin, fontti
fontanelle {n} (soft spot on a baby's head)
:: aukile
food {n} /fuːd/ (any substance consumed by living organisms to sustain life)
:: ruoka, ravinto
food {n} (anything intended to supply energy or nourishment of other forms)
:: ravinto
food {n} (foodstuff)
:: elintarvike
food additive {n} (non-food substance added to food)
:: elintarvikelisäaine, lisäaine
food bank {n} (a non-profit, charitable organization that distributes food to feed the hungry)
:: ruokapankki
food bowl {n} (bowl)
:: ruokakuppi
food bowl {n} (region)
:: ruoka-aitta, vilja-aitta
food chain {n} (feeding relationship between species)
:: ravintoketju
food chain {n} (idiomatic: a hierarchy)
:: ravintoketju
food colouring {n} (any substance added to food in order to change its colour)
:: elintarvikeväri
food court {n} (common area for dining)
:: food court, ruokapiha
food fish {n} (fish used for food)
:: ruokakala
food for thought {n} (information or knowledge that is worthy of contemplation)
:: pohdittava
foodie {n} /ˈfuːdi/ (person with special interest in food)
:: herkkusuu
foodless {adj} (lacking food)
:: ruoaton
food literacy {n} (understanding of the impact of food)
:: ruokalukutaito
food miles {n} (environmental impact of food)
:: ruokakilometri
foo dog {n} (Chinese statue)
:: leijonakoira
food poisoning {n} (any food-borne disease)
:: ruokamyrkytys
foodporn {n} (enticing food imagery)
:: ruokaporno
food preservative {n} (substance to add shelf life of food products)
:: säilöntäaine
food processor {n} (kitchen appliance)
:: monitoimikone
food pyramid {n} (diagram giving advice for healthy eating)
:: ravintoympyrä
foodshed {n} (food-producing region)
:: ruoka-aitta
food stamp {n} (stamp or similar issued to be exchanged for food, or other essential provisions)
:: ruokakuponki, elintarvikekortti
food street {n} (street lined with food stalls, restaurants)
:: ruokakatu
foodstuff {n} /ˈfuːdˌstʌf/ (material that may be used as food)
:: elintarvike
food truck {n} (A van that serves hot food to customers)
:: ketterä kioski
food web {n} /ˈfuːd wɛb/ (diagram showing the organisms that eat other organisms in a particular ecosystem)
:: ravintoverkko
fool {n} /fuːl/ (person with poor judgement or little intelligence)
:: hullu, typerys, hölmö, idiootti, houkka, pöljä, pöllö, höhlä, tollo, tomppeli, narri, pöhkö
fool {n} (jester)
:: narri, hovinarri
fool {n} (one who derives pleasure from something specified)
:: -hullu
fool {n} (dessert)
:: hedelmärahka [with fruit], marjarahka [with berries]
fool {n} (tarot card)
:: narri
fool {v} (to trick; to make a fool of someone)
:: huijata, narrata; puliveivata [colloquial]
fool around {v} (to engage in frivolous behaviour; to monkey around (idiomatic))
:: hölmöillä
foolhardiness {n} (quality of being foolhardy)
:: rämäpäisyys, huimapäisyys
foolhardy {adj} /ˈfuːlhɑːdi/ (marked by unthinking recklessness with disregard for danger)
:: hullunrohkea, tyhmänrohkea, huimapäinen
fooling {n} /ˈfuːlɪŋ/ (the act of one who fools)
:: narraus, narutus, älytys
foolish {adj} /ˈfuː.lɪʃ/ (lacking good sense or judgement; unwise)
:: houkkamainen
foolishness {n} (state of being foolish)
:: typeryys
foolishness {n} (thing or event that is foolish)
:: typeryys
fool's cap {n} (cap with bells and tassels)
:: narrinhattu
foolscap {n} (fool's cap) SEE: fool's cap
fool's errand {n} (foolish undertaking)
:: hullun homma, hullutus
fool's gold {n} (mineral or other substance often mistaken for gold)
:: kissankulta, katinkulta
fool's mate {n} (quickest possible checkmate)
:: narrinmatti
fool's paradise {n} (happiness based on illusion)
:: pilvilinna
foosball {n} /ˈfuːsˌbɔːl/ (table soccer)
:: pöytäfutis
foot {n} /fʊt/ (part of animal’s body)
:: jalka, käpälä, tassu, koipi
foot {n} (part of human body)
:: jalka, jalkaterä
foot {n} (bottom of anything)
:: juuri, tyvi, kanta; alaosa; jalka, jalusta
foot {n} (projection on equipment)
:: jalka
foot {n} (unit of measure)
:: jalka
foot {n} (bottom edge of a sail)
:: alaliikki
foot {v} (kick)
:: potkaista, kenkäistä
foot {v} (pay)
:: maksaa
foot {n} (metrical foot) SEE: metrical foot
footage {n} /ˈfʊtɪd͡ʒ/ (amount of film that has been used)
:: kuvamateriaali, filmiaineisto, filmausmateriaali
foot-and-mouth disease {n} (foot-and-mouth disease)
:: suu- ja sorkkatauti
footbag {n} (ball)
:: footbag
footbag {n} (game)
:: footbag
football {n} /ˈfʊtbɔl/ (Association football)
:: jalkapallo
football {n} (game in Northern Territory, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia)
:: australialainen jalkapallo
football {n} (game in New South Wales, Queensland)
:: rugby league
football {n} (ball)
:: jalkapallo
football {n} (practise of any of these games)
:: jalkapallo
football {n} (US game) SEE: American football
football {n} (Canadian game) SEE: Canadian football
footballer {n} /ˈfʊtbɔːləɹ/ (one who plays football)
:: jalkapalloilija
football field {n} (playing field)
:: jalkapallokenttä
football pitch {n} (playing field on which the game of football is played) SEE: soccer field
football player {n} (footballer) SEE: footballer
football pool {n} (competition)
:: veikkaus
footbath {n} /ˈfʊtbɑːθ/ (act of washing the feet)
:: jalkakylpy
footbath {n} (small basin or bath designed for washing feet)
:: jalkakylpy
footbath {n} (liquid mixture for washing the feet with)
:: jalkakylpy
footbinding {n} (binding of women's feet)
:: jalkojen sitominen
foot brake {n} (brake operated by foot)
:: jalkajarru
footbridge {n} (bridge for pedestrians)
:: jalankulkusilta
footer {n} /ˈfʊtə/ (line of information at the bottom of a page)
:: alatunniste
footer {n} (something that is a stated number of feet in some dimension)
:: -jalkainen
footer {n} (slang: soccer)
:: futis
footer {v} (slang: to meddle)
:: hengailla, chillailla
foot fault {n} (type of fault in sports)
:: jalkavirhe [in tennis and similar games]; yliastuminen [in jumps and throws]
foothill {n} (hill at the base of a mountain)
:: aluskukkula
foothills {n} (plural of foothill) SEE: foothill
foothold {n} (a solid grip with the feet)
:: jalansija
foothold {n} ((by extension) a secure position)
:: jalansija
foothold {n} (beachhead, bridgehead, lodgement)
:: jalansija, sillanpää
foot job {n} (sexual act stimulated by foot)
:: jalkaseksi
footless {adj} (without feet)
:: jalaton
footless {adj} (clumsy or inept)
:: kömpelö
foot locker {n} (footlocker) SEE: footlocker
footlocker {n} (a rectangular trunk)
:: arkku, sängynpäätyarkku
footman {n} (male servant)
:: miespalvelija, lakeija
footman {n} (servant who runs in front of his master's carriage)
:: lakeija
footman {n} (moth of the subfamily Arctiinae)
:: aitosiilikäs
footman {n} (Manulea lurideola)
:: harmokeltasiipi
footman {n} (part of a spinning wheel)
:: liipotin
footnote {n} /ˈfʊtˌnoʊt/ (comment at the bottom of a printed page)
:: alaviite
footnote {n} (event of lesser importance)
:: alaviite
footpath {n} /ˈfʊtˌpæθ/ (path for pedestrians)
:: polku, kinttupolku
footprint {n} /ˈfʊtpɹɪnt/ (the impression of the foot)
:: jalanjälki
footprint {n} ((computing) amount of hard drive space required for a program.)
:: levytilavaatimus
footprint {n} ((computing) the audit trail left by a crashed program)
:: jalanjäljet {p}
footrace {n}
:: juoksukilpailu, kävelykilpailu
footrest {n} (a support on which to rest the feet)
:: jalkatuki
footrope {n} (rope that sailors stand on)
:: jalkapertti
foot rot {n} (athlete's foot) SEE: athlete's foot
foot rot {n} (infection of the hoof)
:: sorkkavälin ajotulehdus
foot rot {n} (infection of the plants)
:: tyvimätä
foot soldier {n} (infantryman) SEE: infantryman
footstep {n} /ˈfʊtstɛp/ (mark left by a foot)
:: jalanjälki
footstep {n} (signs of a course taken)
:: jalanjälki
footstep {n} (sound of a footstep)
:: askel
footstep {n} (step, as in a stair)
:: askelma
footstep {n} (distance of one footstep)
:: askel, askelmitta
footstep {n} (act of taking a step)
:: askel
footstool {n} /ˈfʊtˌstuːl/ (a low stool)
:: rahi, jalkajakkara
footwear {n} (an item of clothing that is worn on the foot)
:: jalkine
footwrap {n} (a strip of cloth worn around the feet)
:: jalkarätti
fop {n} /fɒp/ (vain man)
:: keikari
foppery {n} (stupidity) SEE: stupidity
foppery {n} (dress or actions of a fop)
:: keikarointi {p}
foppish {adj} /ˈfɒp.ɪʃ/ (like a fop)
:: keikarimainen
foppishness {n} (being foppish)
:: keikarimaisuus
for {conj} /fɔɹ/ (because)
:: sillä
for {prep} (towards)
:: kohti, [illative case] -n
for {prep} (directed at, intended to belong to)
:: [allative case] -lle, varten
for {prep} (supporting)
:: puolesta
for {prep} (because of)
:: takia, [elative case] -sta
for {prep} (over (a period of time))
:: partitive or translative case, aikana, ajan
for {prep} (in order to obtain or acquire)
:: use the long first infinitive, saadakseen
for {prep} (by the standards of)
:: use the translative case, use the allative case
for {prep}
:: use the allative case
for a change {prep} (as a departure from the usual)
:: vaihteeksi, vaihtelun vuoksi
forage {n} /ˈfɒɹɪdʒ/ (fodder for animals)
:: rehu
forage {n} (act or instance of foraging)
:: ruokinta; ruoanhankinta; pengonta
forage {v} (to search for and gather food for animals)
:: laiduntaa
forage {v} (to rampage through)
:: riehua; rypeä
forage {v} (to rummage)
:: penkoa
forage cap {n} (a military cap intended for field use)
:: sotilaslakki
forager {n} /ˈfɔɹ.ɪd͡ʒ.ɚ/ (person who forages)
:: ruoanetsijä, keräilijä
foraging {n} (the act of searching for food)
:: ruoanetsintä, hortoilu, ruoankeräily
for all intents and purposes {prep} (For every functional purpose)
:: käytännössä
foraminifer {n} (any protist of the taxon Foraminifera)
:: huokoseläin
for a song {prep} (very cheaply)
:: pilkkahintaan
forbear {v} /fɔɹˈbɛɚ/ (to keep away from)
:: estää, välttää
forbear {v} (to refrain from proceeding)
:: estyä
forbear {v} (to give no heed)
:: kieltäytyä
forbear {v} (to control oneself when provoked)
:: hillitä itsensä, pidättyä [tekemästä jotakin]
for better or worse {prep} (No matter what the future may hold)
:: syteen tai saveen, niin tai näin, oli miten oli, kävi miten kävi
forbid {v} /fɚˈbɪd/ (to disallow)
:: kieltää, estää
forbidden {adj} /fɝˈbɪdən/ (not allowed)
:: kielletty
Forbidden City {prop} (palace of the Ming and Qing dynasties)
:: Kielletty kaupunki
forbidden fruit {n} (the fruit forbidden to Adam)
:: kielletty hedelmä
forbidden fruit {n} (illicit pleasure)
:: kielletty hedelmä
forbidden fruit is the sweetest {proverb} (forbidden things seem more appealing)
:: kielletty hedelmä houkuttelee, kielletty hedelmä houkuttaa
forbidding {adj} /fɚˈbɪdɪŋ/ (highly unpleasant or disagreeable)
:: luontaantyöntävä
forbidding {adj} (threatening or menacing)
:: pelottava, uhkaava
force {n} /fɔɹs/ (strength or energy of body or mind)
:: voima, tarmo, [archaic] väki
force {n} (power exerted against will or consent)
:: voima, voimakeinot {p}, pakko, pakottaminen, pakkokeinot {p}
force {n} (anything that is able to make a big change in person or thing)
:: voima
force {n} (physical quantity)
:: voima
force {n} (anything that has the power to produce an effect upon something else)
:: voima
force {n} (group that aims to attack, control, or constrain)
:: voimat {p}, joukot {p}
force {n} (ability to attack, control, or constrain)
:: valta, voima
force {n} (law: legal validity)
:: voima, voimassaolo
force {n} (law: unlawful violence or lawful compulsion)
:: pakko, pakottaminen, voimakeinot {p}, voimankäyttö, pakkokeinot {p}
force {n} (linguistics: ability of an utterance to effect a given meaning)
:: voima
force {n} (science fiction: binding, metaphysical, and ubiquitous power)
:: voima
force {v} (compel (someone to do something))
:: pakottaa
force {v} (cause to occur, overcoming resistance)
:: pakottaa
force {n} (waterfall) SEE: waterfall
forced labor {n} (work which one is compelled to perform)
:: pakkotyö
forced march {n} (military march of excessive speed)
:: pikamarssi
force-feed {v} (force a person or animal to ingest food)
:: pakkosyöttää
force-feed {v} (force someone to take in information)
:: pakkosyöttää
force field {n} (physics)
:: voimakenttä
force field {n} (chemistry)
:: voimakenttä
force field {n} (science fiction)
:: voimakenttä
forcefulness {n} /ˈfɔː(ɹ)sfəlnəs/ (being forceful)
:: voimakkuus
force majeure {n} /ˈfɔːs məˈʒɜː/ (overwhelming force)
:: päätekijä
force majeure {n} (unavoidable catastrophe)
:: ylivoimainen este, force majeure
force one's way {v}
:: tulla väkisin, tunkeutua, tunkeutua läpi
force play {n} (play)
:: pakkopeli
forceps {n} /ˈfɔːsɛps/ (instrument used in surgery)
:: pihdit {p}, atulat {p}
force someone's hand {v} (to bring about a situation)
:: pakottaa toimimaan
forcibly {adv} /ˈfɔːsəbli/ (in a forcible manner)
:: väkisin, väkivalloin, voimakeinoin
forcing {n} /ˈfɔɹ.sɪŋ/ (horticulture: the art of raising plants at an earlier season than is normal)
:: hyötö
ford {n} /fɔɹd/ (crossing)
:: kahlaamo, kahlauspaikka, kahluupaikka
ford {v} (to cross a stream)
:: kahlata
Fordism {n} (Fordism)
:: fordismi
fore {adj} /fɔɹ/ (former; occurring earlier)
:: edellinen
fore {adj} (forward; at or toward the front)
:: etu-, keula-
fore {interj} (in golf: yelled to inform players a ball is moving in their direction)
:: fore
fore {n} (front)
:: etuosa, keula
fore-and-aft {adj} (parallel with the keel, that is, going from bow to stern)
:: viisto-
forearm {n} /ˈfɔɹˌɑɹm/ (part of the arm)
:: kyynärvarsi
foreboding {n} (evil omen)
:: paha enne
forebrain {n} (part of the brain)
:: etuaivot
forecast {v} /ˈfɔɹkæst/ (estimate future conditions)
:: ennustaa, ennakoida
forecast {n} (estimation)
:: ennuste, ennakkoarvio
forecast {n} (weather prediction)
:: sääennuste
forecastle {n} /ˈfoʊkˌsəl/ (nautical: raised part of the upper deck at bow)
:: etukastelli, pakka
forecastle {n} (crew's quarters)
:: skanssi
foreclosure {n} (proceeding by a creditor)
:: ulosmittaus, ulosotto
forecourt {n} (area in front of a petrol station)
:: mittarikenttä
forecourt {n} (open area in front of a building)
:: etupiha
foredeck {n} (the part of the deck of a ship or boat that lies forward of the mast)
:: keulakansi, etukansi
forefather {n} /ˈfɔɹˌfɑːðɚ/ (ancestor)
:: esi-isä
forefinger {n} /ˈfɔɹˌfɪŋ.ɡɚ/ (first finger next to the thumb)
:: etusormi
forefoot {v} (to bind the forefeet of an animal)
:: sitoa etujalat
forefront {n} /ˈfɔɹfɹʌnt/ (forefront)
:: eturintama, kärkikasti, kärkipää
forego {v} (precede) SEE: precede
foregoing {adj} /ˌfɔː(ɹ)ˈɡəʊ.ɪŋ/ (occurring before or in front of something else)
:: edeltävä
foregone conclusion {n} (predictable or inevitable conclusion)
:: itsestäänselvyys, itsestäänselvä johtopäätös
foreground {n} /ˈfɔː(ɹ)ˌɡɹaʊnd/ (The elements of an image which lie closest to the picture plane)
:: etuala, edusta
forehand {n} /fɔːɹhænd/ (stroke in racket sports)
:: kämmenlyönti
forehead {n} /ˈfɔɹɛd/ (part of face above eyebrows)
:: otsa
foreheaded {adj} (having some specific type of forehead)
:: -otsainen
foreign {n} (foreigner) SEE: foreigner
foreign {adj} /ˈfɔɹɪn/ (located outside one's own country or place)
:: vieras
foreign {adj} (originating from or characteristic of a different country)
:: ulkomainen, ulkomaalainen
foreign {adj} (relating to a different nation)
:: vieras, ulko- [ulkopolitiikka]
foreign {adj} (not characteristic of or naturally taken in by an organism or system)
:: vieras
foreign {adj} (alien, strange)
:: vieras
foreign {adj} (held at a distance; excluded; exiled)
:: vieras, syrjitty
foreign {adj} (belonging to a different organization)
:: vieras
foreign accent syndrome {n} (rare disorder)
:: vieraan murteen syndrooma
foreign affairs {n} (matters or news)
:: ulkomaan asiat {p}, ulkomaan uutiset {p}
foreign affairs {n} (policy)
:: ulkopolitiikka, ulkoasiat
foreign affairs {n} (department)
:: ulkoministeriö
foreign body {n} (unwanted intruding object)
:: vierasesine
foreign correspondent {n} (reporter based in a foreign country)
:: ulkomaankirjeenvaihtaja
foreign country {n} (country of which one is not a citizen)
:: ulkomaa, ulkovalta
foreign currency {n} (currency used in a foreign country)
:: ulkomaanvaluutta
foreign debt {n} (debt owed to foreigners)
:: ulkomaanvelka
foreign debt {n} (aggregate of debt to foreigners)
:: ulkomaanvelka
foreign direct investment {n} (direct investment into a country)
:: ulkomaiset suorat investoinnit {p}
foreigner {n} /ˈfɒɹ.ɪ.nə(ɹ)/ (person in a foreign land)
:: ulkomaalainen
foreign exchange {n} (foreign currency) SEE: foreign currency
foreign exchange {n} (exchange of currency from one country for currency from another country)
:: valuutanvaihto
foreign exchange certificate {n} (surrogate currency)
:: turistivaluutta; valuuttasertifikaatti
foreign exchange certificate {n} (authorization to purchase currency)
:: valuutanvaihtolupa
foreign exchange market {n} (market for trading one currency for another)
:: valuuttamarkkinat {p}
foreign key {n} (column referencing another table)
:: viiteavain
foreign language {n} (any language other than that spoken by the people of a specific place)
:: vieras kieli
foreign minister {n} (cabinet official)
:: ulkoministeri
foreignness {n} /ˈfɔɹən.nəs/ (quality of being, appearing, or being perceived as foreign)
:: vieraus, vierasmaalaisuus
foreign policy {n} (government's policy)
:: ulkopolitiikka
foreign policy {n} (sum of a government's dealings)
:: ulkopolitiikka
foreign trade {n} (trade between a country and other countries)
:: ulkomaankauppa
foreknow {v} /ˌfɔɹˈnoʊ/ (to have foreknowledge of)
:: tietää ennalta
foreknowledge {n} (knowing beforehand)
:: ennakkotieto
foreland {n} (headland) SEE: headland
foreleg {n} (either of the two legs towards the front of a four-legged animal)
:: etujalka
forelimb {n} (anterior limb)
:: eturaaja
forelock {n} (hair that hangs over the forehead)
:: otsatukka
forelock {n} (front part of a mane)
:: otsaharja
foreman {n} /ˈfɔː(ɹ)mən/ (leader of a work crew)
:: työnjohtaja
foreman {n} (member of a jury who presides over it and speaks on its behalf)
:: puheenjohtaja
foremast {n} (foremost mast)
:: keulamasto
foremost {adj} /ˈfɔː.məʊst/ (closest to the bow)
:: keulimmainen
forename {n} /ˈfɔɹneɪm/ (a name that precedes surname)
:: etunimi
forenoon {n} (morning) SEE: morning
forensic {adj} /fəˈɹɛn.zɪk/ (relating to the use of science and technology in the investigation and establishment of facts or evidence in a court of law)
:: rikostekninen, oikeuslääketieteellinen
forensic {adj} (relating to, or appropriate for courts of law)
:: oikeudellinen
forensic {adj} (relating to, or used in debate or argument)
:: oikeudellinen
forensic science {n} (collection of physical evidence and its subsequent analysis)
:: rikostekninen tutkimus
forepart {n} (front part)
:: etuosa
forepaw {n} /ˈfɔɹpɔ/ (paw of an animal's foreleg)
:: etukäpälä
foreplay {n} /ˈfɔː(ɹ)pleɪ/ (foreplay)
:: esileikki
forequarter {n} (foreleg, shoulder and surrounding area)
:: etuneljännes
forerunner {n} (precursor, harbinger)
:: edeltäjä
forerunner {n} (forebear, ancestor, predecessor)
:: edeltäjä
foresail {n} (lowest square sail on foremast)
:: keulapurje, fokka
foresail {n} (in a sloop: triangular sail attached to forestay)
:: keulapurje, fokka
foresee {v} /fɔɹˈsi/ (to anticipate)
:: aavistaa, nähdä ennalta, ennustaa
foreseeable {adj} (able to be foreseen or anticipated)
:: ennustettava, ennalta arvattava, ennakoitavissa oleva
foreseeably {adv} (in a manner that could be foreseen)
:: ennustettavasti
foreshadow {v} /fɔːˈʃadəʊ/ (To presage, or suggest something in advance)
:: ennakoida, enteillä
foreshadowing {n} (literary device)
:: ennakointi
foreshock {n} (tremor preceding the mainshock in earthquake)
:: esijäristys
foreshortening {n} (art technique)
:: perspektiivin lyhennys, lyhennys
foresight {n} (ability to foresee or prepare wisely for the future)
:: kaukokatseisuus, harkitsevuus
foresight {n} (front sight on weapon)
:: etutähtäin
foresightly {adj} (demonstrating foresight)
:: kaukokatseinen
foreskin {n} /ˈfɔːskɪn/ (prepuce / foreskin)
:: esinahka
forest {n} /ˈfɔɹɪst/ (dense collection of trees)
:: metsä; (only large areas) korpi, salo, selkonen
forest {n} (any dense collection)
:: metsä
forestation {n} (act of planting a forest)
:: metsittäminen, metsänistutus
forestay {n} (stay that extends from the top of the foremast)
:: keulaharus, etustaagi, etuharus
forested {adj} (covered in forest)
:: metsän peittämä
forester {n} (person practicing forestry)
:: metsänhoitaja
forester {n} (person who lives in a forest)
:: metsäläinen
forest falcon {n} (falcon of the genus Micrastur)
:: amerikanhaukkanen
forest fire {n} (fire)
:: metsäpalo
forest fly {n} (fly of the family Tabanidae)
:: paarma
forest fly {n} (fly of the genus Hippobosca)
:: hevoskärpänen [Hippobosca equina]
forestland {n} (land covered by trees)
:: metsämaa
forest machine {n} (machine used for logging)
:: metsäkone
forestry {n} (science of planting and growing trees)
:: metsätiede
forestry {n} (art and practice of planting and growing trees)
:: metsänhoito
forestry {n} (art of cultivating, exploiting and renewing forests for commercial purposes)
:: metsätalous
forestry {n} (tree farming)
:: puunviljely, metsätaloustiede
forestry {n} (tree farm) SEE: tree farm
foretell {v} /fɔɹ.ˈtɛɫ/ (to predict the future)
:: ennustaa, nähdä ennalta
forethought {n} /ˈfɔː(ɹ)θɔːt/ (thinking beforehand)
:: ennakointi, kauaskatseisuus
forethought {n} (anticipation)
:: ennakointi
forethought {n} (provident care)
:: järki, järkevyys
forethoughtful {adj} /ˈfɔɹθɔtfʊl/ (having forethought)
:: kaukonäköinen, kaukokatseinen
forethoughtfulness {n} (condition of being forethoughtful)
:: kaukonäköisyys
foretop {n} (forelock of a horse) SEE: forelock
foretop {n} (erect tuft of hair)
:: hiustöyhtö
foretop {n} (nautical: platform at the top of the foremast)
:: keulamärssy
foretop {n} (front seat)
:: kuskinpukki
for ever {adv} (forever) SEE: forever
forever {adv} /fəˈɹɛvɚ/ (for all time, for all eternity; for an infinite amount of time)
:: ikuisesti, ikiajoiksi
forever {adv} ((colloquially) for a very long time)
:: ikuisuuden
forever {adv} ((colloquially) for an excessively long time)
:: ikuisuuden
forever {adv} ((colloquially) constantly or frequently)
:: aina
forever {n} (extremely long time)
:: ikuisuus
forever {n} (mythical time in the infinite future)
:: iäisyys
forevermore {adv} /fɔːɹˈɛv.ɚ.mɔːɹ/ (at any or all times in the future; forever)
:: ikuisesti
forever stamp {n} (postage stamp indefinitely valid for a given rate class)
:: ikimerkki
foreword {n} /ˈfɔɹwɝːd/ (an introductory section)
:: esipuhe, alkusanat
for example {prep} (as an example)
:: esimerkiksi
for free {prep} (without paying)
:: ilmaiseksi
forge {n} /fɔɹd͡ʒ/ (furnace or hearth)
:: ahjo
forge {n} (workshop)
:: paja [small scale], takomo [industrial scale], työpaja, verstas
forge {v} (to shape a metal)
:: takoa, työstää, vasaroida
forge {v} (to create a forgery of)
:: väärentää
forger {n} (person who creates forgeries, falsifies documents with intent to defraud; counterfeiter)
:: väärentäjä
forger {n} (person who forges metals)
:: väärentäjä
forgery {n} (invention) SEE: invention
forgery {n} /ˈfɔːɹ.dʒəɹ.ɪ/ (the act of forging metal into shape)
:: taonta
forgery {n} (the act of forging, fabricating or producing falsely)
:: väärentäminen
forgery {n} (that which is forged or counterfeited)
:: väärennös
forget {v} /fəˈɡɛt/ (to lose remembrance of)
:: unohtaa
forget {v} (to unintentionally not do)
:: unohtaa
forget {v} (to leave behind)
:: unohtaa
forget {v} (to cease remembering)
:: unohtaa
forgetful {adj} (liable to forget)
:: huonomuistinen
forgetfulness {n} /fəˈɡɛtfʊlnɪs/ (proneness to let slip from the mind)
:: muistamattomuus, huonomuistisuus, hajamielisyys, unohtelu
forgetfulness {n} (loss of remembrance)
:: unohdus, muistinmenetys, unohtaminen
forgetfulness {n} (failure to bear in mind)
:: unohdus, unohtaminen
forget it {v} (It doesn't matter)
:: unohda
forget it {v} (reply to an expression of gratitude)
:: eipä kestä
forget it {v} (I don't want to continue with this conversation)
:: unohda
forget-me-not {n} /fɚˈɡɛt.miˌnɑt/ (plant of the genus Myosotis)
:: lemmikki
forgettable {adj} (easily forgotten)
:: helposti unohtuva
forgetter {n} (one who forgets)
:: unohtaja
forgivable {adj} (able to be forgiven)
:: anteeksiannettava
forgive {v} /fə(ɹ)ˈɡɪv/ (transitive, to pardon)
:: antaa anteeksi
forgiveness {n} /fɚˈɡɪvnəs/ (the action of forgiving)
:: anteeksianto, anteeksi antaminen; anteeksiantamus [religious]
forgiveness {n} (readiness to forgive)
:: anteeksiantavaisuus
forgiving {adj} (inclined to forgive)
:: anteeksiantavainen
forgo {v} /fɔːˈɡəʊ/
:: luopua, olla ilman, pidättäytyä
for God's sake {interj} (Exclamation of anger, surprise, or impatience)
:: Herran tähden
for good {prep} (forever; permanently)
:: lopullisesti, pysyvästi
for good measure {prep} (in excess of the required minimum)
:: kaiken varalta, varmuuden vuoksi, varoiksi
forgotten {adj} /fɚˈɡɑt.n̩/ (of which knowledge has been lost, which is no longer remembered)
:: unohdettu
for hours {adv} (taking many hours)
:: tunteja, tuntikaupalla
for instance {adv} (as an example) SEE: for example
forint {n} /ˈfɔ.ɹɪnt/ (unit of currency)
:: forintti
fork {n} /fɔɹk/ (pronged tool)
:: talikko
fork {n} (eating utensil)
:: haarukka
fork {n} (intersection)
:: haara, tienhaara
fork {n} (one of the parts into which anything is furcated)
:: haara
fork {n} (point where a waterway splits)
:: haara, joenhaara
fork {n} (name of some river tributaries)
:: haara
fork {n} (figurative: point in time of making a decision)
:: tienhaara
fork {n} (chess: simultaneous attack)
:: haarukka
fork {n} (computer science: splitting of a process)
:: haarakohta
fork {n} (computer science: splitting of a project)
:: forkki [slang], forkkaus [slang]
fork {n} (blades of a forklift)
:: haarukka
fork {n} (bicycle fork)
:: haarukka, etuhaarukka
fork {v} (to divide into two or more branches)
:: haarautua
fork {v} (to move with fork)
:: haarukoida [eat with fork], talikoida [use agricultural tool]
fork {v} (computer science: to spawn a new child process)
:: forkata [slang]
fork {v} (to kick someone in the crotch)
:: potkaista haaroihin
fork {v} (to shoot into blades, as corn)
:: versoa
fork {n} (tuning fork) SEE: tuning fork
fork {n} (forklift) SEE: forklift
fork {n} (UK: crotch) SEE: crotch
fork {n} (gallows) SEE: gallows
forked {adj} (that splits)
:: haarautuva, halkipäinen [heraldry]
forkful {n} (amount a fork will hold)
:: haarukallinen
for kicks {prep} (for pleasure or excitement. See kicks)
:: läpällä, huvin vuoksi
fork in the road {n} (junction)
:: tienhaara
forklift {n} (small industrial vehicle)
:: haarukkatrukki, trukki
forlorn {adj} /fəˈlɔːn/ (abandoned, deserted, left behind)
:: hylätty
forlorn {adj} (miserable)
:: hylätty
forlorn {adj} (unlikely to succeed)
:: epätoivoinen
forlorn hope {n} /fəˌlɔːnˈhəʊp/ (small troop that makes an advanced attack)
:: etujoukko
forlorn hope {n} (hopeless venture)
:: epätoivoinen yritys
form {n} /fɔɹm/ (shape or visible structure)
:: muoto
form {n} (document to be filled in)
:: lomake
form {n} (grouping of words)
:: muoto
form {v} (to give shape)
:: muotoilla, muodostaa
form {v} ((intransitive) to take shape)
:: muodostua
form {v} ((linguistics) to create a word)
:: muodostaa
form {v} (to constitute, to compose)
:: muodostaa
form {n} (level of pre-collegiate education) SEE: grade
-form {suffix} (shaped) SEE: shaped
formal {adj} /ˈfɔɹməl/ (being in accord with established forms)
:: kaavamainen, formaali
formal {adj} (official)
:: virallinen, formaali
formal {adj} (relating to the form or structure of something)
:: muodollinen, formaali
formal {adj} (ceremonial)
:: juhlallinen, formaali
formal {n} (formalin) SEE: formalin
formaldehyde {n} (organic compound)
:: formaldehydi
formalin {n} (a solution of formaldehyde in water)
:: formaliini
formalist {adj} /ˈfɔɹml̩ˌɪst/ (of or pertaining to formalism)
:: formalistinen
formalistic {adj} (formalist) SEE: formalist
formalistically {adv} (in a formalistic manner)
:: formalistisesti
formality {n} (specific requirement)
:: muodollisuudet, formaliteetit
formalize {v} /ˈfɔː(ɹ).mə.laɪz/ (to give something a definite form)
:: muotoilla, formalisoida
formalize {v} (to give something formal or official standing)
:: vahvistaa, virallistaa, formaalistaa
formalize {v} (to act with formality)
:: toimia muodollisesti
formal language {n} (set of finite strings)
:: formaali kieli
formally {adv} /ˈfɔɹməli/ (in a formal manner)
:: muodollisesti, virallisesti, juhlallisesti, formaalisti
formally {adv} (in accordance with official procedure)
:: virallisesti, muodollisesti
formally {adv} (in accordance with rigorous rules)
:: formaalisti
formal science {n} (study concerned with formal systems)
:: formaalinen tiede
formant {n} (band of frequencies)
:: formantti
format {n} /ˈfɔːɹ.mæt/ (layout of a document)
:: muoto, formaatti
format {n} (form of presentation)
:: esitysmuoto, muoto, formaatti; ohjelmaformaatti [specifically of radio or TV program]
format {n} (computing: file type)
:: tietomuoto, tallennusmuoto, tiedostomuoto, formaatti
format {v} (create or edit the layout of a document)
:: muotoilla
format {v} (change a document so it will fit onto a different type of page)
:: formatoida
format {v} (computing: prepare a mass storage medium for initial use)
:: alustaa, formatoida
formate {n} (salt or ester of formic acid)
:: formiaatti
formation {n} /fɔɹ.meɪ.ʃən/ (something possessing structure or form)
:: muodostelma, muodostuma, -muodostus
formation {n} (act of assembling a group or structure)
:: muodostaminen, muodostus
formation {n} (geology: rock or face of a mountain)
:: muodostuma
formation {n} (military: grouping of units under a command)
:: muodostelma
formation {n} (military: arrangement of moving troops, ships, or aircraft)
:: muodostelma
formation {n} (process of influencing or guiding a person to a deeper understanding of a particular vocation)
:: koulutus
former {adj} /ˈfɔɹmɚ/ (previous)
:: edeltävä, edellinen, entinen
former {adj} (first of aforementioned two items)
:: ensimmäinen
formerly {adv} /ˈfɔɹmɚli/ (at some time in the past)
:: aiemmin
formerly {adv} (previously; once)
:: aiemmin, kerran
former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia {prop} (provisional designation of the Republic of North Macedonia, see also: Republic of North Macedonia; North Macedonia)
:: entinen Jugoslavian tasavalta Makedonia, EJTM
form factor {n} (The ratio of the RMS value to the absolute mean)
:: muotokerroin
form factor {n} (in quantum field theory)
:: muotokerroin
form factor {n} (The geometry of an object in engineering design)
:: kokoluokka
formic acid {n} (methanoic acid)
:: muurahaishappo, metaanihappo
formidable {adj} /fɔːɹˈmɪdəbəl/ (causing fear, dread, awe or admiration as a result of size, strength, or some other impressive quality)
:: mahtava, valtava, vaikuttava
form of address {n} (term of address) SEE: term of address
form of government {n} (system)
:: valtiojärjestys, valtiomuoto
Formosa {prop} (Taiwan) SEE: Taiwan
Formosa {prop} /fɔɹˈmoʊ.sə/ (name given to Taiwan island)
:: Formosa
Formosan {adj} (of or relating to Formosa)
:: formosalainen
Formosan {n} (inhabitant of Formosa)
:: formosalainen
formula {n} /ˈfɔː.mjʊ.lə/ (in mathematics)
:: kaava
formula {n} (in chemistry)
:: kaava
formula {n} (plan or method for dealing with a problem or for achieving a result)
:: kaava, toimintamalli
formula {n} (formulation, prescription)
:: resepti
formula {n} (drink given to babies)
:: äidinmaidonvastike
Formula One {prop} (discipline in motor racing)
:: Formula 1
formulate {v} (to reduce to, or express in, a formula; to put in a clear and definite form of statement or expression)
:: muotoilla, formuloida
Fornax {prop} (constellation)
:: Sulatusuuni
fornicate {v} /ˈfɔː.nɪ.kət/ (to engage in fornication)
:: käydä vieraissa
fornication {n} /ˌfɔɹnɪˈkeɪʃən/ (sexual intercourse considered illicit)
:: fornikaatio
fornix {n} (anatomy: archlike structure or fold)
:: holvi, pohjukka
fornix {n} (brain part)
:: aivokaari
for nothing {adv} (for free)
:: ilmaiseksi
for now {prep} (at the moment; until later)
:: tällä erää, tällä haavaa
for old times' sake {prep}
:: vanhojen aikojen kunniaksi
for once {prep} (for the first time)
:: kerrankin
for once {prep} (in a rare exception to the rule)
:: kerrankin
for one {adv} (as the first in a number of examples)
:: ensiksi
for one {adv} (as one person among other people)
:: ainakin
for one thing {prep} ((to introduce the first item))
:: ensinnäkin [positive polarity], ensinnäkään [negative polarity]
for real {adj} (genuine, true or natural)
:: aito, tosi, totta
for real {adv} (truly)
:: oikeasti, todella
for rent {prep} (being offered for renting)
:: vuokrataan
forsake {v} /fɔɹˈseɪk/ (to abandon)
:: hylätä
for sale {prep} (being offered for purchase)
:: kaupan, myytävänä
for starters {adv} (as an initial point)
:: ensiksikin, alkajaisiksi, ensi alkuun
forsterite {n} (a magnesium-rich olivine mineral)
:: forsteriitti
Forster's tern {n} (Sterna forsteri)
:: hopeatiira
for sure {prep} (definitely)
:: varmasti
forsythia {n} (shrub of genus Forsythia)
:: onnenpensas
fort {n} /fɔɹt/ (fortified defensive structure stationed with troops)
:: linnake, linnoitus
fort {n} (any permanent army post)
:: tukikohta
fortalice {n} /ˈfɔːtəlɪs/ (a small fortress)
:: skanssi
forte {n} /ˈfɔːteɪ/ (strength or talent)
:: vahvuus, vahva puoli
forte {n} (the strong part of a sword blade, close to the hilt)
:: juuri
forte {adj} /ˈfɔː.teɪ/ (music: loud)
:: forte
forte {adv} (music: loudly)
:: fortena, kovaa, voimakkaasti
forth {adv} /fɔɹθ/ (forward in time, place or degree)
:: eteenpäin
forth {adv} (out into view)
:: esiin
forthcoming {adj} /fɔːθˈkʌmɪŋ/ (approaching or about to take place)
:: tuleva, lähestyvä
forthcoming {adj} (available when needed)
:: saatavilla, ulottuvilla
forthcoming {adj} (willing to co-operate or provide information)
:: yhteistyöhaluinen, avoin
for the life of one {prep} (if my life depended on it)
:: kuolemakseen
for the lulz {adv} (for kicks) SEE: for kicks
for the moment {adv} (at the moment) SEE: for the time being
for the most part {adv} (mostly)
:: enimmäkseen, etupäässä, useimmiten
for the sake of {prep} (because of)
:: nimessä, vuoksi, takia, tähden
for the time being {adv} (temporarily; until later)
:: toistaiseksi
forties {n} (the decade of the 1840s, 1940s etc)
:: neljäkymmentäluku, nelikymmenluku
fortieth {adj} /ˈfɔɹ.ti.əθ/ (ordinal form of forty, see also: 40th)
:: neljäskymmenes
fortieth {n} (person or thing)
:: neljäskymmenes
fortieth {n} (one of forty equal parts)
:: neljäskymmenesosa
fortification {n} /ˌfɔː(ɹ)tɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ (the act of fortifying)
:: linnoittaminen
fortification {n} (that which fortifies)
:: linnoite, linnoitus
fortify {v} /ˈfɔɹtɪfaɪ/ (increase the defenses of)
:: vahvistaa, linnoittaa
fortify {v} (impart strength or vigor to)
:: vahvistaa, terästää
fortify {v} (add spirits to wine)
:: väkevöidä, terästää
fortify {v} (increase the nutritional value)
:: vahvistaa, vahventaa, terästää
fortitude {n} /ˈfɔːtɪtjuːd/ (mental or emotional strength)
:: mielenlujuus, lujuus, luonteenlujuus
fortnight {n} /ˈfɔɹt.naɪt/ (period of two weeks)
:: kaksi viikkoa
fortnightly {adv} (once in a fortnight)
:: kahden viikon välein
fortochka {n} /ˈfɔːtətʃkə/ (small ventilation window spanning the frame of a window)
:: tuuletusikkuna
fortress {n} /ˈfɔɹ.tɹəs/ (fortified place)
:: linnoitus
fortuitous {adj} /fɔːˈtjuːɪtəs/ (happening by chance, not necessarily a lucky one)
:: sattumanvarainen, satunnainen
fortuitous {adj} (happening by a lucky chance)
:: onnekas
fortuitous {adj} (law: happening independently of human will)
:: tahaton, satunnainen
fortuitously {adv} (in a fortuitous manner)
:: sattumalta, onnekkaasti, tahattomasti
fortuity {n} (state of being fortuitous)
:: onnekkuus, hyväonnisuus
fortuity {n} (fortuitous event)
:: onnenpotku, sattuma
fortunate {adj} /ˈfɔːt͡ʃənɪt/ (Coming by good luck or favorable chance)
:: onnekas
fortunate {adj} (Auspicious)
:: lupaava, suotuisa
fortunate {adj} (Receiving some unforeseen or unexpected good, or some good, independent of one's own skill or efforts)
:: onnekas
fortunate {adj} (Lucky, favored by fortune)
:: onnekas
fortunately {adv} /ˈfɔɹt͡ʃənɪtli/ (in a fortunate manner)
:: onnekkaasti
fortunately {adv} (it is fortunate that)
:: onneksi
fortune {n} /ˈfɔːtʃuːn/ (destiny)
:: kohtalo
fortune {n} (a chance)
:: sattuma
fortune {n} (good luck)
:: onni, tuuri [colloquial]
fortune {n} (lots of riches)
:: omaisuus
fortune cookie {n} (snack)
:: onnenkeksi
fortune favors the bold {proverb} (luck favors the adventurous)
:: onni suosii rohkeaa
fortune hunter {n} (person who eagerly seeks wealth)
:: onnenonkija
fortuneteller {n} (person who professes to predict the future in return for money)
:: ennustaja, povari
fortune-telling {n} (fortunetelling, predicting one's future)
:: ennustaminen
forty {num} /ˈfɔɹti/ (the cardinal number occurring after thirty-nine)
:: neljäkymmentä
forty-eight {num} (48)
:: neljäkymmentäkahdeksan
forty-eighth {adj} (ordinal form of forty-eight)
:: neljäskymmeneskahdeksas
forty-fifth {adj} (ordinal form of forty-five)
:: neljäskymmenesviides
forty-first {adj} (41st)
:: neljäskymmenesensimmäinen
forty-five {num} /ˌfɔɹtiˈfaɪv/ (45)
:: neljäkymmentäviisi
forty-four {num} (44)
:: neljäkymmentäneljä
forty-fourth {adj} (ordinal form of forty-four)
:: neljäskymmenesneljäs
forty-nine {num} (49)
:: neljäkymmentäyhdeksän
forty-ninth {adj} (ordinal form of forty-nine)
:: neljäskymmenesyhdeksäs
forty-one {num} (41)
:: neljäkymmentäyksi
forty-second {adj} (ordinal form of forty-two)
:: neljäskymmenestoinen, neljäskymmeneskahdes
forty-seven {num} (47)
:: neljäkymmentäseitsemän
forty-seventh {adj} (47th)
:: neljäskymmenesseitsemäs
forty-seventh {n} (1/47)
:: neljäskymmenesseitsemäsosa
forty-six {num} (46)
:: neljäkymmentäkuusi
forty-sixth {adj} (ordinal form of forty-six)
:: neljäskymmeneskuudes
fortysomething {n} (quadragenarian) SEE: quadragenarian
forty-third {adj} (ordinal form of forty-three)
:: neljäskymmeneskolmas
forty-three {num} (43)
:: neljäkymmentäkolme
forty-two {num} (Cardinal number)
:: neljäkymmentäkaksi
forum {n} /ˈfɔːɹəm/ (place for discussion)
:: foorumi
forum {n} (gathering for the purpose of discussion)
:: keskustelutilaisuus
forum {n} (form of discussion)
:: paneelikeskustelu
forum {n} (Internet message board)
:: keskustelupalsta
forum {n} (square or marketplace)
:: tori
for want of {prep}
:: puutteessa [genitive + postposition]
forward {adj} /ˈfɔː.wəd/ (at the front)
:: etu-, etummainen, etinen
forward {adj} (without customary restraint)
:: uskalias, uskallettu
forward {adj} (expected in the future)
:: tuleva, ennustettu, odotettu
forward {adv} (towards the front)
:: eteenpäin
forward {adv} (in the usual direction of travel)
:: eteenpäin
forward {adv} (into the future)
:: lähtien, eteenpäin
forward {v} (send (something received) to a third party)
:: välittää, lähettää eteenpäin, lähettää edelleen
forward {n} (player nearest to the opposing soccer team)
:: hyökkääjä
forward {n} (centre or winger in ice hockey)
:: hyökkääjä
forward {n} (front part of a vessel)
:: keula, kokka
forward compatibility {n} (compatibility with future systems)
:: eteenpäin yhteensopivuus
forward compatible {adj} (compatible with future systems)
:: eteenpäin yhteensopiva
forwarding {n} (The act by which something is forwarded.)
:: huolinta, edelleenlähetys
forward roll {n} (movement)
:: kuperkeikka
forward slash {n} (slash) SEE: slash
for what it's worth {prep} (considering what limited worth this advice may have)
:: mitä arvoa tällä onkaan
for your information {prep} (used to introduce a rebuttal to the interlocutor's previous statement)
:: tiedoksesi, tiedoksenne
Fosbury flop {n} (high jump)
:: floppityyli
fossil {n} /ˈfɑːsəl/ (The mineralized remains of an animal or plant)
:: fossiili
fossil {n} (a fossilized term)
:: fossiili
fossil {n} (anything extremely old, extinct, or outdated)
:: fossiili
fossil fuel {n} (fuel)
:: fossiilinen polttoaine
fossiliferous {adj} (containing fossils)
:: fossiilipitoinen
fossilization {n} (the process of conversion into a fossil)
:: kivettyminen
fossilization {n} (the process of becoming fixed)
:: kivettyminen
fossilize {v} /ˈfɒs.ɪl.aɪz/ (to make into fossil)
:: fossilisoida
fossilize {v} (to become a fossil)
:: fossilisoitua
foster {adj} /ˈfɔstɚ/ (providing parental care to unrelated children)
:: kasvatus-, kasvatti-
foster {v} (to nurture or bring up offspring; or to provide similar parental care to an unrelated child)
:: kasvattaa
foster {v} (to cultivate and grow something)
:: vaalia
foster {v} (to nurse or cherish something)
:: vaalia, hoivata
foster care {n} (system by which a child is cared for)
:: perhehoito
foster child {n} (child in foster care)
:: kasvattilapsi
foster family {n} (family having at least one foster child)
:: sijaisperhe
foster home {n} (adoptive parent's home)
:: sijaiskoti
fosterling {n} (foster child) SEE: foster child
foster parent {n} (adult who cares for a child who has been placed in foster care)
:: kasvatusvanhempi, sijaisvanhempi, perhehoitaja
Foucault's pendulum {n} (pendulum free to move in any direction)
:: Foucaultin heiluri
foul {adj} /faʊl/ (covered with, or containing, extraneous matter)
:: likainen, saastainen, epäpuhdas
foul {adj} (scurrilous; obscene or profane; abusive)
:: siivoton, ruma, törkyinen, törkeä
foul {adj} (hateful; detestable; shameful; odious; wretched)
:: häpeällinen, häijy
foul {adj} (loathsome; disgusting)
:: inhottava, iljettävä, vastenmielinen
foul {adj} (ugly; homely; poor)
:: kurja, surkea
foul {adj} (not favorable; unpropitious)
:: kurja
foul {adj} (not conformed to the established rules and customs of a game, conflict, test, etc.)
:: sääntöjen vastainen, väärä
foul {adj} (having freedom of motion interfered with by collision or entanglement)
:: juuttunut
foul {adj} (outside of the base lines)
:: laiton
foul {v} (to make dirty)
:: liata, tahrata
foul {v} (to besmirch)
:: tahrata
foul {v} (to clog or obstruct)
:: tukkia
foul {v} (to make contact with an opposing player in order to gain advantage)
:: rikkoa sääntöjä
foul {v} (to hit outside of the baselines)
:: lyödä ulos, lyödä väärä
foul {v} (to become clogged)
:: tukkeutua
foul {v} (to become entangled)
:: sotkeutua
foul {n} (offence in sports)
:: rike, rikkominen
foul ball {n} (ball that land in foul territory)
:: laiton
foul language {n} (profane words)
:: kirosana
foul line {n} (basketball)
:: vapaaheittoviiva
foul line {n} (baseball)
:: laitonlinja
foul line {n} (bowling)
:: rajarikkoviiva; hyppyraja
foul-mouthed {adj} (of a user of bad language)
:: rääväsuinen
foul play {n} (unfair, unethical, or criminal behavior)
:: vilunkipeli
foul play {n} (violation of rules)
:: vilppi
foul wind {n} (wind against traveled direction)
:: vastatuuli
found {v} /faʊnd/ (to start an organization)
:: perustaa
found {v} (to begin building)
:: perustaa
found {v} (melt) SEE: melt
foundation {n} /faʊnˈdeɪʃən/ (act of founding)
:: perustaminen
foundation {n} (that upon which anything is founded)
:: perustus [concrete], perusta [figuratively]
foundation {n} (result of the work to begin something)
:: perusta
foundation {n} (pile of cards)
:: peruspakka
foundation {n} (lowest and supporting part or member of a wall)
:: perustus
foundation {n} (legacy constituting a permanent fund of charitable institution)
:: peruspääoma
foundation {n} (endowed institution or charity)
:: säätiö
foundation {n} (cosmetic cream)
:: alusvoide
foundation {n} (basis for social bodies; intellectual disciplines)
:: perusta
foundationalism {n} (the doctrine that beliefs derive justification from certain basic beliefs)
:: fundamentalismi, foundationalismi
foundation stone {n} (stone laid during construction)
:: peruskivi
founder {n} /ˈfaʊndɚ/ (one who founds, establishes, and erects; one who lays a foundation; an author)
:: perustaja
founder {n} (someone for whose parents one has no data)
:: kantaisä, kantaäiti
founder {n} (worker in charge of the blast furnace and smelting)
:: sulattaja
founder {n} (one who casts metals in various forms)
:: valuri, valaja
founder {n} (disease of hoof)
:: kaviokuume
founder {v} (to sink)
:: upota
founder {v} (to stumble)
:: kompastua
founder {v} (to fail)
:: epäonnistua
founding member {n} (member of an organization that was involved in the organization's foundation, see also: cofounder)
:: perustajajäsen
foundling {n} (abandoned child, left by its parent)
:: löytölapsi
foundling wheel {n} (revolving crib)
:: vauvaluukku
foundry {n} /faʊndɹi/ (facility that melts metals)
:: valimo
fountain {n} (spring) SEE: spring
fountain {n} /ˈfaʊn.ʔn̩/ (artificial water feature)
:: suihkulähde
fountain {n} (structure from which a fountain issues)
:: suihkulähde
fountain {n} (source or origin of a flow)
:: lähde
fountain {v} (to flow or gush as if from a fountain)
:: pulputa
fountain drink {n} (type of drink)
:: hanajuoma
fountainhead {n} (a spring that is the source of a river)
:: alkulähde
fountainhead {n} (an abundant source of knowledge, etc.)
:: lähde
Fountain of Youth {prop} (legendary spring of water that restores youth)
:: nuoruuden lähde
fountain pen {n} (pen containing a reservoir of ink)
:: täytekynä
four {num} /fɔɹ/ (the cardinal number 4)
:: neljä
four {n} (digit or figure 4)
:: nelonen
four {n} (anything measuring four units)
:: nelonen
four {n} (four years old)
:: nelivuotias
four {n} (rowing: four-man sweep racing shell or its crew)
:: nelikko
four {n} (basketball: power forward) SEE: power forward
four-and-twenty {num} (archaic way of saying 24)
:: neljäkolmatta
four by two {n} (Jew) SEE: Jew
four by two {n} (sawn wood of cross section 4" by 2")
:: kakkosnelonen
four-dimensional {adj} (measurable along four mutually perpendicular axes)
:: neliulotteinen
four-dimensional {adj} (of the four dimensions of space-time)
:: neliulotteinen
four-door {adj} (having four doors)
:: neliovinen
four-door {n} (car)
:: neliovinen auto
four-flush {v} (to bluff)
:: bluffata
fourfold {adj} (four times as great)
:: nelinkertainen
fourfold {adv} (by a factor of four)
:: nelinkertaisesti
fourfold {v}
:: nelinkertaistaa
fourhanded {adj} (having four hands)
:: nelikätinen
fourhanded {adj} (requiring four hands)
:: nelikätinen
fourhanded {adj} (requiring or involving four people)
:: neljän hengen
fourhorn sculpin {n} (a species of fish)
:: härkäsimppu
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse {prop} (Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse)
:: Ilmestyskirjan neljä ratsastajaa
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse {prop} (signs which combine to imply the imminence of destruction)
:: tuomiopäivän merkit {p}
four hundred {num} /ˈfoʊɹ ˈhʌn.dɹəd/ (cardinal number 400)
:: neljäsataa
Fourier transform {n} (mathematics: a process that expresses a function)
:: Fourier-muunnos
four-leaf clover {n} (clover with four leaves)
:: neliapila
four-leaf clover {n} (bringer of good luck)
:: neliapila
four-legged {adj} /fɔː(ɹ)ˈlɛɡɪd/ (having four legs)
:: nelijalkainen
four-legged friend {n} (animal regarded as a good friend)
:: nelijalkainen ystävä
four-letter word {n} (swear word) SEE: swear word
four o'clock {n} (the start of the fifth hour)
:: neljä
four of a kind {n} (four cards of the same rank)
:: neljä samaa, neloset {p}
Four Olds {prop}
:: neljä vanhaa
fours {n} (pair of fours)
:: nelospari
foursome {n} (group of four)
:: nelikko
four-string guitar {n} (type of guitar, see also: tenor guitar)
:: nelikielinen kitara
four-stroke engine {n} (type of engine)
:: nelitahtimoottori
fourteen {num} /ˈfɔɹt.tin/ (cardinal number)
:: neljätoista
fourteenth {adj} /ˌfɔɹˈtiːnθ/ (ordinal form of the number fourteen, see also: 14th)
:: neljästoista
fourteenth {n} (something in the fourteenth position)
:: neljästoista
fourteenth {n} (one of fourteen equal parts of a whole)
:: neljästoistaosa
fourth {n} (quarter) SEE: quarter
fourth {adj} /fɔɹθ/ (ordinal form of the number four, see also: 4th)
:: neljäs
fourth {n} (person or thing in the fourth position)
:: neljäs
fourth {n} (fourth-highest gear of an engine)
:: nelonen, nelosvaihde
fourth-degree {adj} (damaging muscles and other tissue)
:: neljännen asteen
fourth dimension {n} (translations)
:: neljäs ulottuvuus
fourth estate {n} (press)
:: neljäs valtiomahti
fourthly {adv} (in the fourth place)
:: neljänneksi
four thousand {num} (4000)
:: neljätuhatta
Fourth Reich {prop} (Hypothetical resurrection of the Third Reich)
:: Neljäs valtakunta
fourth wall {n} (imaginary invisible wall in theatre)
:: neljäs seinä
fourth wall {n} (boundary between fiction and audience)
:: neljäs seinä
four-wheel drive {n} (vehicle)
:: nelivetoauto
four-wheel drive {n} (transmission system)
:: neliveto
four-wheel-drive {adj} (four-wheel-drive)
:: nelivetoinen, neliveto-
four-wheeler {n} (vehicle with four wheels)
:: nelipyöräinen
fowl {n} (bird) SEE: bird
fowl {n} /faʊl/ (bird of the order Galliformes)
:: kanalintu
fowl {n} (birds which are hunted or kept for food)
:: riistalintu [hunted]; siipikarja [kept]
fox {n} /fɒks/ (Vulpes)
:: kettu
fox {n} (any of the species in the tribe Vulpini)
:: kettu
fox {n} (fox fur)
:: ketunnahka
fox {n} (cunning person)
:: kettu, kelmi
fox {n} (attractive woman)
:: kissa
fox {n} (fox terrier) SEE: fox terrier
foxberry {n} (plant and berry Vaccinium vitis-idaea) SEE: lingonberry
fox cub {n} (young fox)
:: ketunpentu
foxfire {n} /ˈfɒksfaɪə/ (bioluminescence created by some types of fungus)
:: peikonkulta
foxglove {n} (plant of the genus Digitalis)
:: sormustinkukka
foxhole {n} (fox's burrow)
:: ketunkolo
foxhole {n} (small pit dug into the ground as a shelter)
:: potero
foxie {n} (fox terrier)
:: foksi, kettis, kettuterrieri
foxiness {n} (characteristic or quality of being foxy)
:: oveluus
fox in the henhouse {n} (predator loose among the prey)
:: kettu kanatarhassa
foxling {n} (little fox) SEE: fox cub
foxtail {n} (tail of a fox)
:: ketunhäntä
foxtail {n} (foxtail grass)
:: puntarpää (Alopecurus), pantaheinä (Setaria)
foxtail {n} (bushy seed spikelet)
:: tähkä
foxtail millet {n} (Echinochloa esculenta)
:: japaninkananhirssi
foxtail millet {n} (Setaria italica)
:: italianpantaheinä, tähkähirssi
fox terrier {n} (dog breeds)
:: kettuterrieri, foksterrieri
foxtrot {n} (a ballroom dance)
:: fokstrotti
foxtrot {n} (the letter "F")
:: farao
foyer {n} /ˈfɔɪ.eɪ/ (lobby, corridor, or waiting room)
:: aula, lämpiö
fracas {n} /ˈfɹeɪkəs/ (a noisy disorderly quarrel)
:: rytäkkä, rähinä
fracking {n} (hydraulic fracturing) SEE: hydraulic fracturing
fractal {n} /ˈfɹæk.təl/ (self-similar geometric figure)
:: fraktaali
fractal {n} (figure irregular at all scales)
:: fraktaali
fractal {adj} (having the form of a fractal)
:: fraktaalinen
fractal dimension {n} (a dimension for making measurements on a fractal set)
:: fraktaalidimensio
fractile {n} (value)
:: fraktiili
fraction {n} /ˈfɹæk.ʃən/ (part of a whole)
:: murto-osa
fraction {n} (arithmetic: ratio)
:: murtoluku [ratio of two integers]; suhdeluku [ratio of real numbers]
fraction {n} (chemistry: component separated by fractionation)
:: jae
fraction {n} (eucharistic service: breaking of the host)
:: murtaminen
fraction {v} (to divide into fractions)
:: fraktioida, jakaa, pilkkoa
fractional {adj} /ˈfɹæk.ʃən.əl/ (very small)
:: pikkiriikkinen, pienen pieni, mitätön
fractional distillation {n}
:: jakotislaus
fractional reserve banking {n} (mode of banking)
:: vähimmäisvarantojärjestelmä
fraction slash {n}
:: murtolukuviiva
fracture {n} /ˈfɹæk.tʃə/ (act of breaking, or something broken)
:: murtuma, särö, murtuminen
fracture {n} ((medicine) a break in a bone or cartilage)
:: murtuma
fracture {n} ((geology) fault)
:: murros
fracture {v} (break)
:: haljeta, murtua, rikkoa, murtaa, hajottaa, särkeä
frag {n} /fɹæɡ/ (A successful kill in a deathmatch game)
:: tappo, frägi
frag {v} (to kill (another player) in a deathmatch computer game)
:: tappaa, frägätä
fragile {adj} /ˈfɹædʒəl/ (easily broken or destroyed)
:: hauras, särkyvä
fragile X syndrome {n} (syndrome)
:: frax-oireyhtymä
fragility {n} /fɹəˈd͡ʒɪlɪti/ (condition or quality of being fragile)
:: hauraus
fragility {n} (weakness)
:: heikkous
fragment {n} /ˈfɹæɡmənt/ (portion or segment of an object)
:: sirpale, osanen, fragmentti
fragment {v} (to break apart)
:: särkyä, rikkoutua, sirpaloitua, pirstoutua, hajota
fragment {v} (to cause to be broken into pieces)
:: särkeä, rikkoa, pirstoa, hajottaa
fragmentary {adj} (consisting of fragments)
:: hajanainen, sirpaleinen
fragmentary {adj} ((geology))
:: fragmentaarinen
fragmentation {n} (act of fragmenting or something fragmented; disintegration)
:: sirpaloituminen
fragmentation {n} (process by which fragments of an exploding bomb scatter.)
:: sirpaloituminen
fragmentation {n} (the breaking up and dispersal of a file into non-contiguous areas of a disk)
:: fragmentaatio, fragmentoituminen, pirstoutuminen
fragmentation {n} (the breaking up of a data packet when larger than the transmission unit of a network)
:: fragmentaatio
fragmentation bomb {n} (antipersonnel bomb)
:: sirpalepommi
fragrance {n} /ˈfɹeɪɡɹəns/ (pleasant smell or odour)
:: tuoksu, hajuvesi
fragrant {adj} /ˈfɹeɪ.ɡɹənt/ (sweet-smelling)
:: hyväntuoksuinen, tuoksuva
frail {adj} /fɹeɪl/ (easily broken physically)
:: hauras, heiveröinen
frail {adj} (weak, infirm)
:: heiveröinen
frail {adj} (mentally fragile)
:: hauras
frail {adj} (liable to fall from virtue)
:: hairahtuvainen
frailty {n} (condition of being frail)
:: hauraus, heiveröisyys
frame {v} /fɹeɪm/ (put together the structural elements)
:: koolata, koota
frame {v} (add a decorative border to a picture)
:: kehystää
frame {v} (position visually within a fixed boundary)
:: rajata, sommitella
frame {v} (establish a context in words)
:: muotoilla
frame {v} (cause a person to appear guilty)
:: lavastaa
frame {n} (structural elements of a building or other constructed object)
:: runko
frame {n} (structure of a person's body)
:: keho
frame {n} (rigid, generally rectangular mounting)
:: kehys
frame {n} (piece of photographic film containing an image)
:: kuva, ruutu, kuvaruutu
frame {n} (complete game of snooker)
:: erä, freimi
frame {n} (chunk of data)
:: kehys
frame {n} (division of a second)
:: kuvaruutu, kuva
frame lock {n}
:: frame lock -veitsi
frame of reference {n} (set of assumptions, ideas and standards)
:: viitekehys
frame of reference {n} (physics: set of axes)
:: koordinaatisto
frame rate {n} (measurement of how quickly an imaging device can produce frames)
:: kuvataajuus, kuvanopeus, ruutunopeus
frame saw {n} (design of saw)
:: raamisaha
frame story {n} (literary technique)
:: kehyskertomus
framework {n} /ˈfɹeɪm.wɝk/ (the arrangement of support beams that represent a buildings general shape and size)
:: kehikko
framework {n} (a basic conceptual structure)
:: viitekehys, kehikko
framework agreement {n} (preliminary agreement)
:: perussopimus, puitesopimus
franc {n} /fɹæŋk/ (former currency of France and Belgium)
:: frangi
franc {n} (any of several units of currency)
:: frangi
France {prop} /fɹæns/ (country)
:: Ranska
franchise {n} /ˈfɹænt͡ʃaɪ̯z/ (right or privilege officially granted by a government)
:: oikeus, etuoikeus, valtuutus
franchise {n} (acknowledgement of a corporation's existence and ownership)
:: toimilupa
franchise {n} (authorization granted by a company to sell or distribute its goods or services in a certain area)
:: toimilupa, luvake, franchise, franchisingsopimus
franchise {n} (business operating under such authorization)
:: toimiluvan ottaja, luvakkeenottaja, franchising-ottaja, franchisen ottaja
franchise {n} (legal exemption from jurisdiction)
:: poikkeuslupa
franchise {n} (membership of a corporation or state)
:: osakkuus [of a corporation], kansalaisuus [of a state]
franchise {n} (right to vote at a public election)
:: äänioikeus
franchise {n} (sports team and its history as entity)
:: urheiluseura
franchise {v} (to confer certain powers on)
:: valtuuttaa
franchisee {n} (holder of a franchise)
:: toimiluvan ottaja, luvakkeenottaja, franchising-ottaja, franchisen ottaja
franchiser {n} (franchisor) SEE: franchisor
franchiser {n} (person who has the right the vote)
:: äänioikeutettu
franchising {n} (the establishment, granting, or use of a franchise)
:: franchising, luvaketoiminta
franchisor {n} (one who grants franchises)
:: toimiluvan antaja, luvakkeenantaja, franchising-antaja, franchisen antaja
Francis {prop} /ˈfɹænsɪs/ (male given name)
:: Frans, Franciscus [religion]
Franciscan {n} /fɹænˈsɪskən/ (a monk or nun belonging to the religious order founded by St Francis of Assisi)
:: fransiskaani
francium {n} /ˈfɹænsi.əm/ (chemical element)
:: frankium
Franco- {prefix} (relating to France or French)
:: ranskalainen, ranskalais-
francolin {n} /ˈfɹæŋkəlɪn/ (partridge)
:: frankoliini
Francophile {n} (one who loves France)
:: frankofiili
Francophile {adj} (loving France, the French people or French culture)
:: frankofiilinen
Francophilia {n} (love of France, the French or French culture)
:: frankofilia
Francophone {adj} /ˈfɹæŋkɒfəʊn/ (French-speaking)
:: ranskankielinen
Francophone {n} (speaker of French)
:: ranskankielinen [as mother tongue]; ranskantaitoinen [as foreign language]
Franco-Provençal {prop} (a Romance language)
:: arpitaani
frank {adj} /fɹæŋk/ (bluntly honest)
:: suora
frank {v} (to place a frank on an envelope)
:: frankeerata
Frank {n} /fɹæŋk/ (one of the Franks)
:: frankki
Frankenfish {n} (fish that inspires fear due to being unnatural)
:: hirviökala
frankenword {n} (portmanteau word) SEE: portmanteau word
frankfurter {n} (type of sausage) SEE: wiener
frankincense {n} (incense)
:: olibaanihartsi
franking {n} (franking)
:: frankeeraus
franklinite {n} (mineral)
:: frankliniitti
Franklin's gull {n} (Leucophaeus pipixcan)
:: preerianaurulokki
frankly {adv} /ˈfɹæŋkli/ (in a frank, open or (too) honest manner)
:: suoraan, suorapuheisesti
frankly {adv} ((sentence adverb) In truth, to tell the truth)
:: suoraan sanoen, suoraan sanottuna, totta puhuakseni, jos totta puhutaan
frantic {adj} /ˈfɹæntɪk/ (In a state of panic, worry, frenzy or rush)
:: vimmattu, raivoisa, hurja, vauhko, riehakas, epätoivoinen
frantically {adv} (in a frantic manner)
:: vimmatusti, raivoisasti, hurjasti, vauhkosti, riehakkaasti
Franz Josef Land {prop} (archipelago in Russia)
:: Frans Joosefin maa
Fraser fir {n} (Abies fraseri)
:: virginianpihta
Fraser Island {prop} (island)
:: Fraser Island
frass {n} (droppings)
:: jätökset {p}
frat {n} /fɹæt/ (shortened form for fraternity)
:: oppilaskunta
fraternal {adj} /fɹəˈtɝnəl/ (of brothers)
:: veljellinen
fraternal nephew {n} (brother's son)
:: veljenpoika {m}
fraternal niece {n} (brother's daughter)
:: veljentytär
fraternity {n} (the quality of being brothers)
:: veljeys
fraternity {n} (group of people associated for a common purpose)
:: veljeskunta
fraternize {v} /ˈfɹætɚnɑɪz/ (to associate with others in a brotherly manner)
:: veljeillä
fraternize {v} (to associate as friends with an enemy)
:: veljeillä
fratricide {n} (killing of one's sibling)
:: veljesmurha, veljensurma [of a brother]
fratricide {n} (person who commits this crime)
:: veljenmurhaaja, veljensurmaaja
fraud {n} /fɹɔd/ (an act of deception)
:: petos, vilppi
fraud {n} (assumption of a false identity to such deceptive end)
:: petos
fraud {n} (one who performs fraud)
:: huijari
fraud {v} (defraud) SEE: defraud
fraudster {n} (a person who practices fraud)
:: huijari
fraudulent {adj} /ˈfɹɔ.dʒə.lənt/ (dishonest; based on fraud or deception)
:: vilpillinen, epärehellinen
fraudulent {adj} (false; phony)
:: valheellinen
fraught {adj} /fɹɔt/ (charged or accompanied with)
:: -täyteinen
fraught {adj} (distressed)
:: huolestunut
fraxinella {n} (Dictamnus albus) SEE: gas plant
fray {v} /fɹeɪ/ (to unravel)
:: harsuuntua, purkaantua
fray {v} (to cause exhaustion to a person's mental strength)
:: väsyttää, uuvuttaa; raastaa hermoja
fray {v} (to frighten, alarm)
:: säikyttää, säikähdyttää
fray {v} (to bear the expense of)
:: kustantaa, kattaa, maksaa
fray {v} (to rub)
:: hieroa
fray {n} (affray; broil; contest; combat; brawl; melee)
:: riita, rähinä
freak {n} /fɹiːk/ (sudden causeless change or turn of the mind)
:: oikku, päähänpisto
freak {n} (oddball, especially in physiology)
:: friikki, kummajainen, luonnonoikku
freak {n} (person who has an obsession or extreme knowledge of something)
:: -friikki, intoilija
freak {n} (very sexually perverse individual (friendly use))
:: friikki
freak {adj} (strange, weird)
:: outo, omituinen
freaking {adj} (an intensifier) SEE: fricking
freakishness {n} (being freakish)
:: oikullisuus
freak of nature {n} (monstrosity)
:: luonnonoikku
freak of nature {n} (a person or an animal in the variety-show business)
:: friikki
freak out {v} (react with anger or fear)
:: seota, pimahtaa, raivostua
freak out {v} (scare someone)
:: pelottaa
freak show {n} (freak show)
:: freak show
freckle {n} /ˈfɹɛkəl/ (small pigmentation spot on the skin)
:: kesakko, pisama, teerenpilkku
freckle {n} (any small spot)
:: täplä, pilkku
freckle {v} (cover with freckles)
:: pisamoittaa [skin]; täplittää [anything else]
freckle {v} (become covered with freckles)
:: pisamoitua [skin]; täplittyä [anything else]
freckled {adj} (having freckles)
:: pisamainen
freckleface {n} (a person with many freckles)
:: pisamakasvoinen
Frederica {prop} (female given name)
:: Riikka
Frederick {prop} /ˈfɹɛd(ə)ɹɪk/ (male given name)
:: Veeti
free {adj} /fɹiː/ (not imprisoned)
:: vapaa
free {adj} (unconstrained)
:: vapaa, rajoittamaton
free {adj} (mathematics: unconstrained)
:: vapaa
free {adj} (unobstructed)
:: auki [adverb], aukinainen, avoin, esteetön, selvä
free {adj} (not in use)
:: vapaa
free {adj} (without obligations)
:: vapaa
free {adj} (software: with very few limitations on distribution or improvement)
:: avoin, vapaa
free {adj} (without)
:: -ton, ilman (jotakin), -vapaa
free {adj} (programming: not bound)
:: riippumaton
free {adj} (mycology: not attached to the stipe)
:: irtonainen
free {adv} (without needing to pay)
:: ilmaiseksi
free {v} (make free)
:: vapauttaa, päästää vapaaksi
free {n} (abbreviation of free kick)
:: vapari
free {adj} (obtainable without payment) SEE: free of charge
free as a bird {adj} (completely free)
:: vapaa kuin taivaan lintu
freebie {n} /ˈfɹiːbi/ (something which is free)
:: ilmaislahja, kylkiäinen
free-diving {n} (any of various aquatic disciplines)
:: vapaasukellus
freedom {n} /ˈfɹiːdəm/ (not being imprisoned or enslaved)
:: vapaus
freedom {n} (The lack of a specific constraint)
:: vapaus
freedom fighter {n} (fighter)
:: vapaustaistelija
freedom fries {n} (french fries) SEE: french fries
freedom of assembly {n} /ˈfɹiːdəməvəˈsɛmbli/ (right of citizens to freely congregate or assemble)
:: kokoontumisvapaus
freedom of association {n} (right)
:: yhdistymisvapaus, järjestäytymisvapaus
freedom of contract {n} /fɹiː.dəm.əv.kɒn.tɹækt/ (freedom of individuals to bargain among themselves)
:: sopimusvapaus
freedom of expression {n} (right to express an opinion in public)
:: ilmaisunvapaus
freedom of movement {n} /fɹiː.dəm.əv.muːv.mənt/ (the right of a citizen to travel within a state, and to leave and return to that state)
:: liikkumisvapaus
freedom of navigation {n} (principle)
:: merenkulun vapaus
freedom of panorama {n} (provision in copyright law)
:: maisemanvapaus
freedom of religion {n} /ˈfɹiː.dəm əv ɹɪˈlɪ.dʒən/ (the right to hold any religious beliefs)
:: uskonnonvapaus
freedom of speech {n} (right to speak without fear of harm) SEE: free speech
freedom of the press {n} /ˈfɹiː.dəm əv ðə ˈpɹɛs/ (right of media to disseminate ideas and opinions)
:: lehdistönvapaus, painovapaus
freedoms of the air {n} (agreements concerning air travel)
:: lentoliikenteen vapaudet {p}
freedom to roam {n} (right to access public or privately owned land)
:: jokamiehenoikeus
free electron {n}
:: vapaa elektroni
free energy {n} (free energy of any type)
:: vapaaenergia, vapaa energia
free enterprise {n} (economic system)
:: vapaa yrittäjyys
freefall {n} (being affected only by gravity)
:: vapaa pudotus
freefall {n} (falling through atmosphere without additional drag devices)
:: vapaa pudotus
freefall {n} (state of worsening out of control)
:: vapaa pudotus
freefall {v} (to drop in freefall)
:: pudota vapaasti
free-for-all {n} (deathmatch) SEE: deathmatch
freegan {n} /ˈfɹiːɡən/ (a person who uses thrown-out items)
:: freegani
freehold {n}
:: omistusoikeus, omistus
freeholder {n} (person)
:: talonpoika
free kick {n} (kick played without interference of opposition)
:: vapaapotku
freelance {n} /ˈfɹiˌlæns/ (one who sells their services to clients with short-term contracts)
:: freelancer
freelance {adj} (Of, or relating to a freelance)
:: freelance-, vapaa
freelance {v} (intransitive: to work as a freelance)
:: työskennellä freelancerina
freelance {v} (transitive: to produce or sell services as a freelance)
:: tehdä freelancerina
freelancer {n} (who freelances)
:: freelancer, ammatinharjoittaja; vapaa toimittaja [freelance journalist]
freeloader {n} /ˈfɹiːləʊdə(ɹ)/ (one who does not contribute or pay appropriately)
:: siipeilijä, siivellä eläjä, vapaamatkustaja
free love {n} (practice of sexual intercourse without the restraints of marriage or commitment)
:: vapaa rakkaus
freemail {n} (free email service)
:: ilmaissähköposti
freeman {n} (free person)
:: vapaa mies
free market {n} (type of market)
:: vapaa markkina
freemason {n} (freemason) SEE: Freemason
Freemason {n} (member of the Free and Accepted Masons)
:: vapaamuurari
Freemasonism {n} (Freemasonry) SEE: Freemasonry
freemasonry {n} (fellowship and sympathy)
:: veljeys
Freemasonry {prop} (institutions and ways of the Freemasons)
:: vapaamuurarius
free morpheme {n} (type of morpheme)
:: vapaa morfeemi
free of charge {adv} (without any payment - adverb) SEE: for free
free of charge {adj} (not requiring any payment - adjective)
:: ilmainen, maksuton
free on board {adj} (without charge to the purchaser for delivery on board a carrier)
:: vapaasti aluksessa
free port {n} (port with relaxed customs)
:: vapaasatama
free radical {n} (molecule, ion, or atom with an unpaired electron)
:: vapaa radikaali
free-range {adj} (pertaining to animals that are allowed to roam freely)
:: vapaa
free rein {n} (the absence of constraints)
:: vapaat kädet {p}
free rider {n} ((economics) one who obtains benefit from a public good without paying for it directly)
:: vapaamatkustaja
free software {n} (free of charge software) SEE: freeware
free software {n} (software that can be freely copied and modified)
:: vapaa ohjelmisto
free speech {n} /fɹiː ˈspiːtʃ/ (right to express an opinion in public)
:: sananvapaus
free spirit {n} (nonconformist)
:: oman tiensä kulkija
freestyle {n} /ˈfɹiːˌstaɪl/ (swimming event)
:: vapaauinti
freestyle {n} (front crawl)
:: krooli, vapaauinti
freestyle {n} (style of wrestling)
:: vapaapaini
freestyle {n} (sports event where competitors can choose their own method of participation)
:: freestyle
freestyle {n} (form of rapping)
:: freestyle
freestyle skiing {n} (skiing discipline)
:: freestylehiihto
freetail {n} (Tadarida brasiliensis)
:: meksikondoggilepakko
freethinker {n} (person who has formed their opinions using reason and rational enquiry)
:: vapaa-ajattelija
free throw {n} (basketball)
:: vapaaheitto
free time {n} (time that can be spent on one's own activities rather than work)
:: vapaa-aika
free trade {n} (trade free from government interference)
:: vapaakauppa
free trade area {n} (region of unrestricted trade)
:: vapaakauppa-alue
free trial {n} (type of sales promotion)
:: ilmainen näyte (quantity), ilmainen kokeilu (period of time)
free verse {n} (poetic form)
:: vapaa mitta
free vote {n} (vote in which members vote as they see fit) SEE: conscience vote
freeware {n} (free of charge software)
:: freeware
freeway {n} /ˈfɹiː.wei/ (road designed for safe high-speed motoring)
:: moottoritie
freewheel {n} (device)
:: vapaaratas
free will {n} (natural inclination)
:: vapaa tahto
free will {n} (ability to choose one's actions)
:: vapaa tahto
freeze {v} /ˈfɹiːz/ (to become solid due to low temperature)
:: jäätyä [water and similar]; jähmettyä [other substances]
freeze {v} (to lower something's temperature to freezing point)
:: jäädyttää [water and similar]; pakastaa [food for storing]; jähmettää [other substances]
freeze {v} (of temperature, to drop below zero)
:: pakastaa, olla pakkasta, pakastua
freeze {v} (to be affected by cold)
:: jäätää; jäätyä
freeze {v} (of machines and software: to come to a sudden halt)
:: hyytyä
freeze {v} (to become motionless)
:: jähmettyä
freeze {v} (to cause to become motionless)
:: jähmettää
freeze {v} (to lose or cause to lose warmth of feeling)
:: kylmetä, viiletä [lose]; kylmentää, viilentää [to cause to lose]
freeze {v} (to cause loss of animation or life in, from lack of heat)
:: palelluttaa
freeze {v} (to prevent movement of someone's financial assets)
:: sulkea, jäädyttää
freeze {n} (period of cold)
:: pakkasjakso
freeze {n} (halt of regular operation)
:: jäädytys
freeze {n} ((computing) state when the system ceases to respond to inputs)
:: jumi [colloquial]
freeze {n} ((finance))
:: jäädytys, sulku
freeze {n} (on salary)
:: palkkasulku
freeze-dry {v} (to cause to sublimate from frozen state)
:: pakastekuivattaa
freeze-drying {n} (process of dehydration by sublimation)
:: pakastekuivaus
freeze frame {n} (single still frame)
:: pysäytyskuva, stillkuva
freezer {n} /fɹiːzə/ (part of a refrigerator)
:: pakastelokero
freezer {n} (stand-alone appliance)
:: pakastin
freezer {n} (room)
:: pakastehuone
freezer burn {n} (desiccation caused by being kept in a freezer too long)
:: jääpolte
freeze up {v} (computing)
:: hyytyä
freezing {adj} (frosty) SEE: frosty
freezing point {n} (temperature)
:: jähmettymispiste [most substances]; jäätymispiste [water and similar]
freezing rain {n} (rain which freezes upon contact with the ground)
:: jäätävä sade, jäätävä tihku
Freiburg {prop} /fɹaɪ.bɜː(ɹ)ɡ/ (a German city)
:: Freiburg
freight {n} /fɹeɪt/ (payment for transportation)
:: kuljetusmaksu, rahtimaksu
freight {n} (goods)
:: rahtitavara, rahti, lasti, kuorma
freight {n} (transport of goods)
:: kuljetus, rahti
freight {v} (to transport goods)
:: rahdata, kuljettaa
freight {v} (to load with freight)
:: lastata, kuormata, kuormittaa
freight car {n} (railway car) SEE: goods wagon
freighter {n} (vessel used to carry freight) SEE: cargo ship
freight train {n} (train used for transportation of freight) SEE: goods train
french {v} (to kiss another person) SEE: French kiss
french {v} (to kiss) SEE: French kiss
french {v} /fɹɛnt͡ʃ/ (prepare food by cutting it into strips)
:: suikaloida
French {prop} /fɹɛnt͡ʃ/ (principal language of France and other related countries)
:: ranska, ranskan kieli
French {prop} (vulgar language)
:: kielenkäyttö
French {n} (people of France, collectively)
:: ranskalaiset {p}
French {adj} (of or relating to France)
:: ranskalainen, Ranskan, ranskan-
French {adj} (of or relating to the French people)
:: ranskalainen
French {adj} (of or relating to the French language)
:: ranskankielinen, ranskan
French {v} (to french) SEE: french
French bread {n} (a long thin loaf of bread) SEE: baguette
French Bulldog {n} (French Bulldog)
:: ranskanbulldoggi
French Congo {prop} (original French colony established in the present-day area of the Republic of the Congo)
:: Ranskan Kongo
French door {n} (French window) SEE: French window
French dressing {n} (mixture of vinegar, oil and other herbs or flavourings)
:: ranskalainen salaattikastike
French dressing {n} (US: a salad dressing)
:: amerikkalainen salaattikastike
french fries {n} (deep fried strips of potato)
:: ranskalaiset perunat, ranskanperunat; ranskikset {p}
French grip {n} (fencing: kind of grip)
:: ranskalainen kahva
French Guiana {prop} (Department of French Guiana)
:: Ranskan Guayana
French Guinea {prop} (former name of Guinea)
:: Ranskan Guinea
French horn {n} (musical instrument)
:: käyrätorvi
French kiss {n} /frɛntʃˈkɪs/ (a kiss involving the tongue)
:: kielisuudelma, kielari
French kiss {v} (to give a French kiss)
:: antaa kielisuudelma
French leave {n} (sudden or unannounced departure)
:: liukeneminen, häipyminen, haihtuminen
French letter {n} (condom) SEE: condom
Frenchman {n} (man of French birth or nationality)
:: ranskalainen
Frenchness {n} /ˈfɹɛnt͡ʃnəs/ (being French)
:: ranskalaisuus
French onion soup {n} (soup)
:: ranskalainen sipulikeitto
French parsley {n} (garden chervil) SEE: garden chervil
French Polynesia {prop} /ˈfɹɛntʃ pɑ.lɪˈni.ʒə/ (Overseas territory of France)
:: Ranskan Polynesia
French press {n} (cafetière) SEE: cafetière
French-Provençal {prop} (Franco-Provençal) SEE: Franco-Provençal
French Republic {prop} (country)
:: Ranskan tasavalta
French Republican Calendar {prop} (calendar used for twelve years in revolutionary France)
:: vallankumouskalenteri, tasavaltalaiskalenteri
French Revolution {prop} (revolution in France from 1789-1799)
:: Ranskan vallankumous
French stick {n} (a long thin loaf of bread) SEE: baguette
French toast {n} /ˌfɹɛnt͡ʃ ˈtoʊst/ (food prepared by dipping bread into egg batter and frying)
:: köyhät ritarit {p}
French window {n} (door)
:: ikkunaovi
Frenchwoman {n} (a French woman)
:: ranskalainen {m} {f}, ranskatar {f}
frenetic {adj} /fɹəˈnɛt.ɪk/ (fast, frantic, harried, or frenzied)
:: kiihkeä, raivokas, kuumeinen
frenetically {adv} (in a frenetic manner)
:: kiihkeästi, raivoisasti, kuumeisesti
frenulum {n} /ˈfrɛnjələm/ (anatomy: small fold of tissue preventing an organ in the body from moving too far)
:: frenulum
frenzy {n} /ˈfɹɛnzi/ (state of wild activity or panic)
:: vimma, kiihko, paniikki
freon {n} (non-flammable refrigerant)
:: freoni, freonikaasu
frequency {n} /ˈfɹiːkwənsi/ (rate of occurrence of anything)
:: taajuus, [statistical] frekvenssi
frequency {n} (property of occurring often rather than infrequently)
:: yleisyys
frequency {n} (number of occurrences divided by time)
:: taajuus
frequency modulation {n} (use of a modulating wave)
:: taajuusmodulaatio
frequent {adj} /ˈfɹiː.kwənt/ (done or occurring often)
:: yleinen, toistuva, jatkuva, taaja, usein tapahtuva
frequent {v} /fɹɪˈkwɛnt/ (to visit often)
:: käydä usein
frequentative {adj} (serving to express the frequent repetition of an action)
:: frekventatiivinen
frequentative {n} (subclass of imperfective verbs that denotes a continuously repeated action)
:: frekventatiivi
frequently {adv} /ˈfɹiː.kwənt.li/ (at frequent intervals)
:: usein
frequently asked questions {n} (online document)
:: usein kysytyt kysymykset
fresco {n} /ˈfɹɛskoʊ/ (artwork made by applying water-based pigment to wet or fresh lime mortar or plaster)
:: fresko
fresco {n} (technique used to make such an artwork)
:: fresko
fresh {adj} /fɹɛʃ/ (new or clean)
:: tuore, veres [obscure], uusi
fresh {adj} (of produce, not from storage)
:: tuore
fresh {adj} (refreshing or cool)
:: raikas, raitis [of air]
fresh {adj} (without salt)
:: makea
fresh {adj} (rude or inappropriate)
:: röyhkeä
fresh air {n} (clean air from outside)
:: raitis ilma
freshener {n} (something that freshens)
:: raikastin
freshet {n} /ˈfɹɛʃɪt/ (A flood resulting from heavy rain or a spring thaw)
:: kevättulva
freshman {n} /ˈfɹɛʃmən/ (a person of either sex entering the first year of an institution)
:: fuksi
freshness {n} /ˈfɹɛʃnəs/ (freshness)
:: raikkaus
fresh start {n} (new beginning, without prejudices)
:: uusi alku
fresh water {n} (water with little salt)
:: makea vesi
freshwater {adj} (living in fresh water)
:: makean veden
freshwater {adj} (consisting of fresh water)
:: makeavetinen
freshwater {adj} (unskilled as seaman)
:: järvi-, sisävesi-
freshwater {n} (body of fresh water)
:: makean veden vesistö
freshwater {n} (fresh water) SEE: fresh water
freshwater pearl mussel {n} (Margaritifera margaritifera)
:: jokihelmisimpukka
fret {v} (to bind, tie) SEE: bind
fret {v} /fɹɛt/ (to chafe or irritate; to worry)
:: hermoilla, olla huolissaan
fret {v} (to gnaw, consume, eat away)
:: nakertaa, syövyttää, kuluttaa
fret {v} (to be anxious, to worry)
:: hermoilla, olla huolissaan
fret {n} (ornamental pattern consisting of repeated vertical and horizontal lines)
:: koristekuvio
fret {n} (one of the pieces of metal, etc., across the neck of a guitar or other string instrument)
:: otenauha
fretful {adj} /ˈfɹɛtfəl/ (irritable)
:: ärtyisä
fretful {adj} (restless)
:: ärtynyt, levoton
fretless {adj} (having no frets)
:: otenauhaton
fretsaw {n} (saw)
:: kuviosaha
fretty {adj} (covered with a lattice-like pattern)
:: punosruutu
fretwork {n} (ornamental woodwork)
:: puuleikkaus
Freudian {adj} /ˈfɹɔɪ.di.ən/ (relating to or influenced by Sigmund Freud)
:: freudilainen
Freudian {n} (a follower of Sigmund Freud)
:: freudilainen
Freudianism {n} (Freudian beliefs and practices)
:: freudilaisuus
Freudian slip {n} /ˌfɹɔɪdi.ən ˈslɪp/ (subconscious mistake in speech or action)
:: freudilainen lipsahdus
Fri {n} (abbreviation of Friday)
:: pe
friable {adj} /ˈfɹaɪəbl̩/ (easily broken into small fragments, crumbled, or reduced to powder)
:: hauras, hapero
friable {adj} (loose and large-grained in consistency)
:: irtonainen
friar {n} /ˈfɹaɪɚ/ (member of certain Christian orders)
:: veli
friar's cowl {n} (species of plant)
:: kypärämunkinhiippa
fricassee {n} /ˈfɹɪ.kəˌsi/ (meat or poultry cut into small pieces, stewed or fried and served in its own gravy)
:: viillokki
fricative {n} /ˈfɹɪkətɪv/ (consonant)
:: frikatiivi, hankausäänne
fricking {adj} /ˈfɹɪkɪŋ/ (intensifier (euphemism))
:: saamarin, helkkarin, samperin
friction {n} /ˈfɹɪkʃən̩/ (The rubbing of one object or surface against another)
:: hankaus
friction {n} (conflict)
:: erimielisyys, konflikti, kitka
friction {n} (A force that resists the relative motion or tendency to such motion of two bodies in contact)
:: kitka
frictional unemployment {n} (type of unemployment)
:: kitkatyöttömyys
frictionless {adj} (of or pertaining to lack of friction)
:: kitkaton
Friday {n} /ˈfɹaɪdeɪ/ (day of the week)
:: perjantai
Friday {adv} (on Friday)
:: perjantaina
fridge magnet {n} (decoration)
:: jääkaappimagneetti
fried {adj} /fɹaɪd/ (cooked by frying)
:: paistettu
fried {adj} (of an egg: cooked by frying without breaking the yolk)
:: paistettu
fried egg {n} (egg that has been shallow fried)
:: paistettu muna
fried rice {n} (form of rice)
:: paistettu riisi
friend {v} /fɹɛnd/ (to act as the friend of)
:: auttaa, avittaa
friend {v} (to add as a friend)
:: lisätä kaveriksi
friend {n} (person whose company one enjoys)
:: ystävä, kaveri, frendi [colloquial], ystävätär {f}, ystäväinen
friend {n} (boyfriend or girlfriend)
:: poikaystävä {m}, tyttöystävä {f}, [either] ystävä
friend {n} (person with whom you are acquainted)
:: ystävä, tuttava, kaveri
friend {n} (person who provides assistance)
:: ystävä
friend {n} (person who backs something)
:: tukija
friend {n} (object or idea that can be used for good)
:: ystävä
friend {n} ((sarcastic) form of address used to warn someone)
:: kaveri
friendlily {adv} (friendly) SEE: friendly
friendliness {n} (the quality of being friendly)
:: ystävällisyys
friendly {adj} /ˈfɹɛndli/ (approachable, warm)
:: ystävällinen
friendly {adj} (characteristic of friendliness)
:: ystävällinen
friendly {adj} (having an easy relationship)
:: ystävällinen
friendly {adj} (without hostility)
:: ystävällismielinen
friendly {adj} (pertaining to friendlies in the conflict sense)
:: oma
friendly {n} (someone of the same side)
:: oma
friendly {adv} (in a friendly manner)
:: ystävällisesti
friendly {n} (sports: game) SEE: exhibition game
friendly fire {n} /ˌfɹɛnd.liˈfaɪ.ə(ɹ)/ (fire from allied or friendly forces)
:: oma tuli
friendly match {n} (exhibition game) SEE: exhibition game
friends {n} /fɹɛn(d)z/ (participants in a two-way friendship)
:: ystävät
friendship {n} /ˈfɹɛndʃɪp/ ((uncountable) condition of being friends)
:: ystävyys
friendship {n} ((countable) friendly relationship)
:: ystävyys
friendship bracelet {n} (bracelet)
:: ystävännauha
friendship store {n} (state-run store in the PRC)
:: ystävyyskauppa
friendship with benefits {n} (non-emotional sexual friendship)
:: seksikaveruus
friend with benefits {n} (friend with whom one has a casual sexual relationship)
:: seksikaveri
friend zone {n} /ˈfɹɛnd zoʊn/ (situation)
:: kaverisektori
friend zone {v} (to classify as a friend with no possibility of a romantic relationship)
:: luokitella kaverisektoriin
Friesland {prop} /fɹiːzlænd/ (province of the Netherlands)
:: Friisinmaa
frieze {n} /ˈfɹiːz/ (kind of coarse cloth)
:: friisi, friisikangas
frieze {n} (architecture: space between architrave and cornice)
:: friisi
frieze {n} (sculptured or richly ornamented band)
:: friisi
frig {v} /fɹɪɡ/ (to masturbate)
:: masturboida
frig {v} (to fuck)
:: nussia, naida
frigate {n} /ˈfɹɪɡ.ət/ (An obsolete type of sailing warship)
:: fregatti
frigate {n} (A 19th c. type of warship)
:: fregatti
frigate {n} (A modern type of warship)
:: fregatti
frigatebird {n} /ˈfɹɪ.ɡətˌbɝd/ (bird of the family Fregatidae)
:: fregattilintu
frigging {adj} (an intensifier) SEE: fricking
fright {n} /fɹaɪt/ (A state of terror excited by the sudden appearance of danger)
:: pelko, kauhu
frighten {v} /ˈfɹaɪtn̩/ (to disturb with fear)
:: pelottaa, säikyttää
frightened {adj} /ˈfɹaɪtn̩d/ (afraid, suffering from fear)
:: peloissaan, kauhuissaan
frightening {adj} /ˈfɹaɪtənɪŋ/ (scary)
:: pelottava, karmiva, kauhea
frightening {adj} (awful)
:: kauhea
frigid {adj} /ˈfɹɪdʒɪd/ (very cold)
:: jääkylmä, hyinen, jäätävä
frigid {adj} (chilly in manner; lacking affection or zeal; impassive)
:: kylmä, jäätävä, hyinen
frigid {adj} (sexually unresponsive, especially of a woman)
:: frigidi
frill {n} /fɹɪl/ (pleated material used as decoration)
:: röyhelö
frill {n} (wrinkled edge)
:: kihara
frill {n} (luxury)
:: ylellisyys, hienous
frill {v} (to make into a frill)
:: röyheltää
frill {v} (to become wrinkled)
:: rypistyä
frilled shark {n} (member of the Chlamydoselachus anguineus)
:: kaulushai
frilly {adj} /ˈfɹɪli/ (having frills)
:: röyhelöinen
Frimaire {prop} /fɹiˈmɛəɹ/ (the third month of the French Republican Calendar)
:: frimaire
fringe {n} /fɹɪndʒ/ (decorative border)
:: reunakoriste
fringe {n} (peripheral part)
:: reuna, reuna-alue
fringe {n} (members of a social group holding unorthodox views)
:: siipi
fringe {n} (the periphery of a city)
:: laitakaupunki, laitama
fringe {n} (light or dark band formed by the diffraction of light)
:: raita
fringe {n} (non-mainstream theatre)
:: vaihtoehtoteatteri
fringe {adj} (outside the mainstream)
:: raja-, marginaali-
fringe {v} (to decorate with fringe)
:: hapsuttaa
fringe {v} (to serve as a fringe)
:: reunustaa
fringe benefit {n} (benefit received in addition to pay)
:: työsuhde-etu
Frisbee {n} /ˈfɹɪzbi/ (disk)
:: frisbee
Frisbee {n} (sport)
:: frisbee
frisée {n} (Cichorium endivia var. crispum)
:: friseesalaatti
friseur {n} (a hairdresser)
:: kampaaja
Frisian {prop} /ˈfɹɪʒən/ (the Frisian language group)
:: friisi, friisin kieli
Frisian {n} (member of the Germanic ethnic group which is native to Frisia)
:: friisi
Frisian {n} (person from the Dutch province of Friesland)
:: friisiläinen
Frisian {adj} (of or in the or a Frisian language)
:: friisinkielinen
Frisian {adj} (of or relating to the people of Frisia)
:: friisiläinen
Frisian {adj} (of or relating to the region of Frisia)
:: friisiläinen
Frisian {adj} (of or relating to the people of the Dutch province of Friesland)
:: friisiläinen
Frisian {adj} (of or pertaining to the Dutch province of Friesland)
:: friisiläinen
Frisian {prop} (the West Frisian language) SEE: West Frisian
Frisian Islands {prop} (archipelago)
:: Friiseinsaaret
frisk {adj} /fɹɪsk/ (lively; brisk; frolicsome)
:: eloisa, leikkisä
frisk {v} (to frolic)
:: pomppia, hypellä, kirmailla
frisk {v} (to search somebody by feeling their clothes)
:: tehdä henkilöntarkastus
friskiness {n} (being frisky)
:: vallattomuus, leikkisyys
frisky {adj} /ˈfɹɪski/ (playful; energetic; lively; enthusiastic)
:: leikkisä, eloisa
frisky {adj} (sexually aroused)
:: kiihottunut
frisson {n} /fɹiˈsoʊn/ (a sudden surge of excitement)
:: väristys
frisson {n} (a shiver)
:: väristys
fritillary {n} (plant of genus Fritillaria)
:: kirjopikarililja
frittata {n} (omelette) SEE: omelette
fritter {v} (sinter) SEE: sinter
fritter {n} /ˈfɹɪtɚ/ (dish made by deep-frying)
:: friteerattu [+ name of deep-fried ingredient]
fritter {v} (to waste time)
:: näperrellä
fritter {v} (to cut meat into small pieces)
:: suikaloida
fritter {v} (to break into small pieces)
:: särkeä
Friuli {prop} (region of Italy)
:: Friuli
Friulian {n} /fɹiːuːli(ː)ən/ (native, inhabitant or a resident of Friuli)
:: friulilainen
Friulian {prop} (language spoken in Friuli)
:: friuli
Friulian {adj} (relating to Friuli)
:: friulilainen
Friuli-Venezia Giulia {prop} (region)
:: Friuli-Venezia Giulia
frivolity {n} (frivolous act)
:: kevytmielisyys, turhamaisuus
frivolous {adj} /ˈfɹɪv.əl.əs/ (silly; especially at an inappropriate time or in an inappropriate manner)
:: naurettava, typerä, idioottimainen, kevytmielinen, hölmö
frivolous {adj} (of little weight or importance; not worth notice)
:: mitätön, jonninjoutava
frivolously {adv} (in a frivolous manner)
:: naurettavasti, typerästi, kevytmielisesti, hölmösti, mitättömästi, jonninjoutavasti
frizz {v} /fɹɪz/ (of hair: to form into a mass of curls)
:: kähertyä
frizz {v} (to curl; to make frizzy)
:: kähertää
frizz {v} (to form into little burs, knobs, or tufts, as the nap of cloth)
:: nukkaantua
frizz {v} (to make leather soft and of even thickness)
:: pehmittää
frizz {n} (mass of hair)
:: takku
frock {n} /fɹɒk/ (female garment)
:: leninki
frock {n} (clerical garment)
:: kaapu
frog {n} /fɹɑɡ/ (amphibian)
:: sammakko
frog {n} (organ in a horse’s foot)
:: säde
froghopper {n} (insect of the superfamily Cercopoidea)
:: sylkikaskas
frog in one's throat {n} (hoarseness (idiomatic))
:: pala kurkussa
frog legs {n} (hind legs of frog as food)
:: sammakonkoivet {p}, sammakonreidet {p}
frogman {n} (diver)
:: sammakkomies
frogman {n} (military diver)
:: taistelusukeltaja
frogmouth {n} (bird of the family Podargidae)
:: pöllökehrääjä
frogness {n} (state, quality or condition)
:: sammakkomaisuus [likeness to a frog]; sammakkous (state or quality of being a frog)
frogspawn {n} (frogs' eggs)
:: sammakonkutu
frolic {v} /ˈfɹɒlɪk/ (behave playfully and uninhibitedly)
:: temmeltää, kisailla, ilotella, karkeloida
frolic {n} (playful antic)
:: temmellys, kisailu
frolicsome {adj} (given to frolicking)
:: leikkisä
from {prep} /fɹɒm/ (with the source or provenance of or at)
:: -sta [elative case], -lta [ablative case]
from {prep} (with the origin, starting point or initial reference of or at)
:: -sta [elative case], -lta [ablative case]
from {prep} (with the separation, exclusion or differentiation of)
:: -sta [elative case], -lta [ablative case]
from A to Z {prep} (comprehensively)
:: aasta ööhön, A:sta Ö:hön
from dawn to dusk {prep} (from sunset to sunrise)
:: aamusta iltaan
from now on {adv} (from now, indefinitely)
:: tästedes, tästä lähtien, tästä lähin, tästä eteenpäin, vastedes
from pillar to post {adv} (from one place to another)
:: sinne tänne
from scratch {prep} (from the beginning)
:: tyhjästä, alusta alkaen
from scratch {prep} (from raw ingredients)
:: raaka-aineista
from the bottom of one's heart {prep} (in earnest, with one's full feelings)
:: sydämensä pohjasta
from the get-go {prep} (from the very beginning)
:: alusta alkaen
from the hip {prep} (instinctively, without planning ahead)
:: lonkalta
from the word go {adv} (from the very beginning)
:: alusta alkaen
from time to time {prep} (occasionally)
:: toisinaan, ajoittain, silloin tällöin, aika ajoin
from top to bottom {adv}
:: läpikotaisin, kauttaaltaan
from top to toe {prep} (all over)
:: kiireestä kantapäähän, yltä päältä, täysin
frond {n} /fɹɑnd/ (leaf of a fern)
:: saniaisen lehti
front {n} /fɹʌnt/ (facing side)
:: etupuoli, edusta, etuosa
front {n} (main entrance side)
:: julkisivu
front {n} (public face of covert organisation)
:: julkisivu, bulvaani
front {n} (meteorology: interface between airmasses)
:: säärintama, rintama
front {n} (military: area or line of conflict)
:: rintama
front {n} (military: lateral space occupied from one flank of a military unit to the other flank)
:: rintama
front {n} (military: direction of the enemy)
:: rintama
front {n} (military: direction toward which the command is faced)
:: rintama
front {n} (major subdivision of Soviet army)
:: rintama, armeijaryhmä
front {adj} (located at or near the front)
:: etummainen
front {adj} (phonetics: pronounced toward the front of the mouth)
:: etu-, etinen
front {v} (to lead or be the spokesperson of a group)
:: johtaa, edustaa
front {v} (to provide money or financial assistance in advance)
:: maksaa ennakkoon
front {v} (to assume a haughty manner, especially as a pretense)
:: kopeilla, heittäytyä koppavaksi
frontage {n} (the front part of a property)
:: julkisivu
frontal bone {n} (bone of the forehead)
:: otsaluu
frontal lobe {n} (division of cerebrum)
:: otsalohko, frontaalilohko
frontal sinus {n} (sinus)
:: otsaontelo
frontbencher {n} (Member of Parliament who sits on the front bench)
:: etupenkkiläinen
front crawl {n} (freestyle) SEE: freestyle
front desk {n} (reception) SEE: reception
front door {n} (main entrance)
:: etuovi, pääovi
front door {n} (normal portal page to a website)
:: etusivu
front end {n} ((computing) that part of a hardware or software system that is closest to the user)
:: käyttöliittymä
front-end loader {n} (front-end loader)
:: kauhakuormaaja
frontflip {n} (act of rotating)
:: eteenpäinvoltti, voltti
front garden {n} (garden at the front of a property)
:: etupiha, etupuutarha
frontier {n} /fɹʌnˈtɪɹ/ (part of a country that fronts or faces another country or an unsettled region)
:: raja [border], rajaseutu, rajamaa [areas near the border]
frontispiece {n} (publishing: title page) SEE: title page
frontispiece {n} /ˈfɹʌn.tɪˌspiːs/ (publishing: illustration)
:: frontespiisi, nimiönliite, esiökuva
frontispiece {n} (façade)
:: julkisivu, paraatipuoli
front line {n} (military boundary between opposing positions)
:: etulinja
frontline {adj} (military: located at a front)
:: eturintama-
frontline {adj} (most advanced; most important)
:: eturivin
front man {n} (public face)
:: keulakuva
front man {n} (football: striker, attacker, forward)
:: hyökkääjä
front man {n} (music: lead singer)
:: solisti
front page {n} (initially visible page of a publication)
:: etusivu
front runner {n} (most likely winner in a contest, election, etc.)
:: ennakkosuosikki
front vowel {n} (Any vowel sound produced in the front of the mouth)
:: etuvokaali
front-wheel drive {n} (layout in which only ront wheels drive)
:: etuveto
front yard {n} (area with greenery to the front of the house)
:: etupiha
frore {adj} (extremely cold; frozen)
:: jääkylmä
frosh {n} (frog) SEE: frog
frost {n} /fɹɔst/ (cover of minute ice crystals)
:: kuura
frost {n} (cold weather that would cause frost)
:: pakkanen, halla
frost {v} (to get covered with frost)
:: huurtua
frost {v} (to coat with white icing to resemble frost)
:: kuorruttaa sokerilla
frost {v} (to anger or annoy)
:: harmittaa
frostbite {n} (the freezing of some part of the body)
:: paleltuminen, paleltuma, pakkasenpurema
frostbite {v} (to expose to the effect of frost)
:: palelluttaa
frostbitten {adj} (affected by frostbite)
:: paleltunut
frost heave {n} (raising)
:: routiminen
frost heaving {n} (frost heave) SEE: frost heave
frost line {n} (expected depth of soil freezing)
:: routaraja
frost line {n} (actual depth of soil freezing)
:: routaraja
frost line {n} (astronomy: distance from the protosun)
:: jääraja
frosty {adj} (cold, chilly)
:: jäätävä, jääkylmä
frosty {adj} (having frost on it)
:: huurteinen
frosty {adj} (having an aloof or inhospitable manner)
:: jäätävä
froth {n} /fɹɔθ/ (foam)
:: vaahto
froth {n} (unimportant events or actions)
:: hömppä [colloquial], pintavaahto
froth {v} (To create froth)
:: vaahdottaa
froth {v} (To bubble)
:: vaahdota, kuplia
froth at the mouth {v} /ˈfɹɒθ ət ðə ˈmaʊθ/ (spew saliva as froth)
:: tulla vaahtoa suusta
froth at the mouth {v} (rage)
:: vaahdota
frother {n} (machine)
:: vaahdotin
frothy {adj} (foamy or churned)
:: vaahtoava, kuohuva
frothy {adj} (lacking depth, see also: lightweight)
:: pinnallinen
frothy {n} (slang: serving of beer)
:: huurteinen
frottage {n} (art: technique)
:: hankaustekniikka, frottaasi
frottage {n} (art: image)
:: hankauspiirros, frottaasi
frottage {n} (sex: technique)
:: frottaus
frotteurism {n} /fʁoˈtəː(ʁ)izm/ (paraphilia)
:: frotterismi
frounce {v} (to crease, wrinkle) SEE: frown
frounce {v} (to curl) SEE: curl
frounce {n} /fɹaʊns/ (canker in the mouth of hawk)
:: trikomonoosi
frown {n} /fɹaʊn/ (facial expression)
:: otsan rypistys, kulmien kurtistus
frown {v} (to have a frown on one's face)
:: rypistää otsaansa, kurtistaa kulmiaan
frown at {v} (to disapprove of) SEE: frown upon
frown upon {v} (facial expression)
:: paheksua
frowsy {adj} /ˈfɹaʊzi/ (neglected)
:: resuinen
frozen {adj} /ˈfɹəʊzən/ (having undergone freezing)
:: [something/-one else has done it] jäädytetty, pakastettu; [the thing/person has frozen on its own] jäätynyt, pakastunut
frozen food {n} (food that is frozen)
:: pakaste
frozen shoulder {n} (adhesive capsulitis) SEE: adhesive capsulitis
Fructidor {prop} /ˌfɹʊktəˈdɔɹ/ (the twelfth month of the French Republican Calendar)
:: fructidor
fructose {n} /ˈfɹʌk.toʊs/ (monosaccharide ketose sugar)
:: fruktoosi, hedelmäsokeri
frugal {adj} /ˈfɹuːɡəl/ (economical, avoiding waste, thrifty)
:: säästäväinen, nuuka
frugality {n} /fɹuːˈɡæləti/ (quality of being frugal; prudent economy; thrift)
:: säästäväisyys, nuukuus
fruit {n} /fɹuːt/ (part of plant)
:: hedelmä
fruit {n} (food)
:: hedelmä
fruit {n} (figuratively: positive end result or reward of labour or effort)
:: hedelmä
fruit {n} (figuratively: child of a marriage)
:: hedelmä
fruit {n} (offensive slang: homosexual or effeminate man)
:: hintti, hinttari
fruitarian {n} (variant of vegetarian)
:: fruitariaani
fruit bat {n} (bat of the family Pteropodidae) SEE: megabat
fruit brandy {n} (type of brandy)
:: hedelmäviina
fruitcake {n} /ˈfɹuːt.keɪk/ (cake)
:: hedelmäkakku
fruitcake {n} (crazy person)
:: kaheli, kahjo
fruitcake {n} (homosexual)
:: hintti
fruit dove {n} (dove in the genus Ptilinopus)
:: hedelmäkyyhky
fruiterer {n} /ˈfɹuːtəɹə/ (one who sells fruit)
:: hedelmäkauppias
fruit fly {n} (Drosophilidae)
:: baanaanikärpänen
fruitful {adj} /ˈfɹuːtfəl/ (favorable to the growth)
:: viljava, hedelmällinen
fruitful {adj} (productive, yielding benefits)
:: viljava, antoisa
fruitfulness {n} (the state or quality of being fruitful)
:: hedelmällisyys
fruiting body {n} (fungal structure)
:: itiöemä
fruition {n} /fɹu.ˈɪʃ.ən/ (fulfillment of something worked for)
:: toteutuminen
fruit juice {n} (juice of fruit)
:: hedelmämehu
fruitless {adj} /ˈfɹuːtləs/ (bearing no fruit; barren)
:: hedelmätön
fruitless {adj} (unproductive; useless)
:: hyödytön, turha
fruitmonger {n} (fruiterer) SEE: fruiterer
fruit salad {n} (salad made of fruit)
:: hedelmäsalaatti
fruitseller {n} (fruiterer) SEE: fruiterer
fruit tree {n} (a tree that bears a crop of edible fruit on a regular basis)
:: hedelmäpuu
fruit wine {n} (wine made from fruits other than grapes)
:: hedelmäviini
fruity {adj} /ˈfɹuːti/ (containing fruit or fruit flavouring)
:: hedelmäinen
frumpy {adj} /ˈfɹʌm.pi/ (dowdy, unfashionable)
:: tyylitön
frustrate {v} /ˈfɹʌstɹeɪt/ (to disappoint or defeat)
:: turhauttaa
frustrate {v} (to hinder)
:: tehdä tyhjäksi, estää, vaikeuttaa
frustrated {adj} /ˈfɹʌs.tɹeɪt.ɪd/ (foiled, stopped, disappointed)
:: turhautunut
frustrated {adj} (suffering from frustration; dissatisfied, agitated, and/or discontent)
:: turhautunut, tyytymätön
frustrating {adj} /fɹʌˈstɹeɪ̯tɪŋ/ (discouraging; causing annoyance or anger by excessive difficulty)
:: turhauttava
frustration {n} /fɹʌsˈtɹeɪʃən/ (feeling of annoyance)
:: harmitus, frustraatio, turhautuneisuus
frustration {n} (act of frustrating)
:: turhauttaminen, turhautuminen
frustration {n} (thing that frustrates)
:: vastus, vaiva, turhauttava juttu
frustrative {adj} (that frustrates)
:: turhauttava
frustum {n} (truncated cone or pyramid)
:: katkaistu kartio
fry {v} /fɹaɪ/ (to cook (something) in hot fat or oil)
:: paistaa, käristää
fry {v} ((intransitive) cook in hot fat or oil)
:: paistua, käristyä
fry {v} (suffer because of too much heat)
:: paistua, sulaa
fry {v} (informal: be executed by the electric chair)
:: käristyä
fry {n} (fried potato)
:: ranskalaiset perunat
fry {n} (young fish)
:: kalanpoikanen, pikkukala
frying pan {n} (long-handled, shallow pan used for frying food)
:: paistinpannu
F-sharp major {n} (major key)
:: Fis-duuri
F-sharp minor {n} (minor key)
:: fis-molli
fuchsia {n} /ˈfjuːʃə/ (plant)
:: verenpisara, fuksia
fuchsia {n} (colour)
:: fuksianpunainen, fuksia
fuchsite {n} (green variety of muscovite)
:: fuksiitti
fuck {v} /fʌk/ (to have sexual intercourse-obscene or vulgar)
:: naida, panna, nussia, bylsiä, hässiä, kiksauttaa, muhinoida
fuck {v} (to insert an object into a specified body part)
:: panna
fuck {v} (to put in an extremely difficult or impossible situation)
:: panna kuseen [vulgar]
fuck {n} (an act of sexual intercourse)
:: nainti, pano
fuck {n} (sexual partner)
:: pano, hoito
fuck {n} (highly contemptible person)
:: kusipää, kyrpänaama
fuck {interj} (expression of dismay or discontent)
:: vittu!, perkele!, saatana!
fuckable {adj} (sexually attractive)
:: naitava, nussittava
fuck all {pron} (nothing at all or very little)
:: paskaakaan [with "ei"]
fuck and chuck {v} (hit it and quit it) SEE: hit it and quit it
fuck around {v} (to procrastinate)
:: viivytellä, aikailla
fuck around {v} (to fool around; joking, bugging)
:: pelleillä
fuck around {v} (to have sex with many partners)
:: huorata
fuck around {v} (to behave immaturely)
:: hölmöillä
fuck buddy {n} (vulgar term for a sex partner without emotional attachment)
:: vakipano
fucked {adj} /fʌkt/ (broken)
:: rikki, vitullaan [vulgar], päin vittua [vulgar], päin persettä [vulgar], paska [vulgar]
fucked {adj} (in trouble)
:: pahassa pulassa, kusessa
fucked {adj} (very drunk)
:: ympäripäissään
fucked up {adv} /ˌfʌktˈʌp/ (damaged)
:: paskana [vulgar], rikki
fucked up {adv} (in disarray or dishevelment)
:: sekaisin
fucked up {adv} (drunk)
:: juovuksissa, kännissä [slang]
fucker {n} /ˈfʌk.ə(ɹ)/ (one who fucks)
:: panija
fucking {n} /ˈfʌkɪŋ/ (an act of sexual intercourse)
:: pano
fucking {adj} (as an intensifier)
:: vitun, perkeleen, saatanan, helvetin
fucking {adj} (offensive or worthless)
:: vitun, perkeleen, saatanan, helvetin
fucking {adv} (an intensifier)
:: vittu, vitun
fucking hell {interj} (an exclamation of great surprise (vulgar))
:: jumalauta
fucking hell {interj} (an exclamation of anger (vulgar))
:: jumalauta
fucking machine {n} (device)
:: panokone
fuck knows {phrase} (it is unclear)
:: en minä vittu tiedä, vittuako minä tiedän
fuck like rabbits {v} (have copious amounts of sex)
:: naida kuin kanit
fuck me {interj} (a vulgar expression of dismay at undesired events happening to oneself)
:: paska [vulgar], perkele [vulgar], närhen munat
fuck off {v} (go to hell, disappear, screw oneself)
:: häipyä, mennä vittuun, painua vittuun, suksia vittuun
fuck off {v} (to annoy, irritate, see also: annoy; irritate)
:: ärsyttää
fuck off {v} (to die or leave unexpectedly)
:: heittää veivinsä [to die]; häipyä, liueta [to leave unexpectedly]
fuck off {interj} (go away!)
:: mee vittuun!, suksi vittuun!, painu vittuun! [vulgar]; häivy! [only impolite]
fuck off {interj} (expression of disagreement or disbelief)
:: ei vitussa [vulgar]; ei hitossa [only slightly vulgar]; eikä!, ei kai?
fuck off {v} (fritter, fuck around) SEE: fritter
fuck-off {adj} (dissuasively or intimidatingly large)
:: valtava, massiivinen
fuck up {v} /ˈfʌkˌʌp/ (to make a mistake, to go wrong)
:: mokata, tehdä virhe, munata, möhliä, ryssiä
fuck up {v} (to botch or make a mess of)
:: mokata, munata, möhliä, ryssiä
fuck up {v} (to injure or damage)
:: rikkoa, särkeä
fuck up {v} (to break or destroy [to be merged into injure or damage])
:: paskoa, pistää paskaksi
fuckup {n} /ˈfʌkʌp/ (serious mistake)
:: kämmi, moka, sähläys
fuckup {n} (person making mistakes)
:: kämmäri, mokailija, mogari, sähläri
fuckwit {n} (a very stupid person)
:: kaistapää
fuck you {n} (fuck you)
:: painu vittuun, haista paska, haista vittu
fuck-you lizard {n} (tokay gecko) SEE: tokay gecko
fuck your mother's cunt {interj}
:: nussi äitiäsi
fucosidosis {n} (rare disorder in which fucosidase is not used properly)
:: fukosidoosi
fudge {n} /fʌdʒ/ (a very sweet confection)
:: kinuski
fudge {v} (To try to avoid giving a direct answer)
:: vältellä, kierrellä
fudge {v} (To alter something from its true state)
:: manipuloida, muokata, muuttaa
Fuegian {adj} /fjuˈidʒi.ən/ (of or pertaining to Tierra del Fuego)
:: tulimaalainen
Fuegian {n} (someone from Tierra del Fuego)
:: tulimaalainen
fuel {n} /ˈfjuw əɫ/ (substance consumed to provide energy)
:: polttoaine
fuel {n} (substance that provides nourishment)
:: ravinto
fuel {n} (figurative: something that stimulates)
:: käyttövoima
fuel {v} (to provide with fuel)
:: tankata, täyttää polttoaineella
fuel cell {n} /ˈfjuː(ə)l sɛl/ (electrochemical device)
:: polttokenno
fuel tank {n} (a container of fuel)
:: polttoainesäiliö, polttoainetankki
fugacious {adj} /fjuːˈɡeɪ.ʃəs/ (Fleeting, fading quickly, transient)
:: katoavainen
fugitive {n} /ˈfjuːd͡ʒɪtɪv/ (a person who is fleeing or escaping from something)
:: karkulainen, pakolainen
fugitive {adj} (fleeing or running away)
:: karkuri, karkulainen
fugitive {adj} (transient, fleeting or ephemeral)
:: hetkellinen
fugitive {adj} (elusive or difficult to retain)
:: pysymätön, saavuttamaton
fugly {adj} /ˈfʌɡ.li/ (extremely ugly)
:: ämpäriruma, susiruma, vitun ruma
fugu {n} (blowfish) SEE: blowfish
fugue {n} /ˈfjuːɡ/ (piece of music)
:: fuuga
Fula {n} (people)
:: fulbet {p}
Fula {prop} (language)
:: fulani
fulcrum {n} /ˈfʌlk.ɹəm/ (support about which a lever pivots)
:: tukipiste
fulfill {v} /fʊlˈfɪl/ (to carry out)
:: täyttää
fulfill {v} (to satisfy emotionally)
:: tyydyttää
fulfill {v} (to comply with)
:: täyttää
fulfilment {n} /fʊlˈfɪl.mənt/ (being fulfilled)
:: täyttymys, toteutuminen
fulgent {adj} /ˈfʌld͡ʒənt/ (shining brilliantly, see also: radiant)
:: häikäisevä, hehkuva, säteilevä
fulgurite {n} (glass formed by lightning)
:: ukonvaaja
fuliginous {adj} /fjuːˈlɪ.dʒɪ.nəs/ (pertaining to or resembling soot)
:: nokinen
full {adj} /fʊl/ (containing the maximum possible amount)
:: täysi
full {adj} (complete)
:: täydellinen
full {adj} (total, entire)
:: koko, kokonainen
full {adj} (satisfied, in relation to eating)
:: täynnä, kylläinen
full {adj} (of a garment: ample, wide)
:: väljä
full {adj} (having depth and body)
:: täyteläinen, muhkea
full {n} (utmost measure or extent)
:: täydellisyys
full {v} (to make cloth denser)
:: huovuttaa, vanuttaa
full {n} (phase of the moon) SEE: full moon
fullback {n} (American football)
:: keskushyökkääjä
full-back {n} ((soccer) a player who plays on the left or right side of defence)
:: laitapuolustaja
full blast {n} (maximum capacity or effort)
:: täysi teho [usually used in adessive], täysillä [on full blast]
full board {n} (hotel rate)
:: täyshoito, täysihoito
full body scanner {n} (device)
:: vartaloskanneri
full-brother {n} (full-brother) SEE: brother-german
full circle {n} /ˌfʊl ˈsɜː.kəl/ ((geometry) arc of 360 degrees)
:: kokoympyrä
full dress {n} (clothing worn on formal occasions)
:: juhlapuku [civilian]; paraatipuku [military]
full dress uniform {n} (clothes worn by a member of the military for a formal occasion)
:: paraatipuku
full English breakfast {n} (type of traditional breakfast)
:: englantilainen aamiainen
fuller {n} /ˈfʊlə(ɹ)/ (person)
:: huovuttaja
fuller {n} (groove)
:: veriura
fullerene {n} (any of a class of allotropes of carbon having hollow molecules)
:: fullereeni
full-figured {adj} (plump)
:: täyteläinen, runsasmuotoinen
full house {n} (three of a kind and a pair)
:: täyskäsi
full house {n} (maximum capacity)
:: talo täynnä
full moon {n} (phase of moon when in opposition to sun)
:: täysikuu
full moon {n} (the moon when in opposition to sun)
:: täysikuu
full name {n} (full name of a person)
:: koko nimi
full name {n} (full name of a company)
:: varsinainen nimi, koko nimi
full of oneself {adj} (egotistical)
:: täynnä itseään
full sail {adv}
:: täysin purjein
full score {n} (sheet music)
:: partituuri
full screen {adj} (occupying all the available displayable surface)
:: kokoruutu-
full-sister {n} (full-sister) SEE: sister-german
full stop {n} /ˌfʊl ˈstɒp/ (The punctuation mark “.”)
:: piste
full stop {interj} (And nothing less)
:: ja piste
full-throated {adj} (having ample breasts) SEE: buxom
full throttle {adv} (all out)
:: lusikka pohjassa
full tilt boogie {adv} /fʊl.tɪlt.ˈbʊ.ɡi/ (at the most extreme level; at full capacity)
:: täyttä häkää
full tilt boogie {n} (an extreme level)
:: täysi hönkä
full-time {adj} (Involving a full amount of time spent on some activity)
:: kokopäiväinen, kokopäivä-, täysipäiväinen, päätoiminen
full-time {adv} (Spending a full amount of time)
:: kokopäiväisesti, täysipäiväisesti, päätoimisesti
fullwidth {adj} (occupying two columns on a traditional text display)
:: täyslevyinen
fully {adv} /ˈfʊli/ (in a full manner)
:: täysin, kokonaan, täydellisesti
fully {adv} (to a full extent)
:: täysin, kokonaan
fulmar {n} (seabird in the genus Fulmarus)
:: myrskyliitäjä
fulminate {n} /ˈfʌlmɪneɪt/ (Any salt or ester of fulminic acid)
:: fulminaatti
fumarole {n} (opening in the crust of an astronomical body that emits steam and gases)
:: fumaroli
fumble {v} /ˈfʌmbəl/ (To handle nervously or awkwardly)
:: hamuilla, hapuilla
fumble {v} (To grope awkwardly in trying to find something)
:: hamuilla, hapuilla
fumble {v} (To blunder uncertainly)
:: munata, möhlätä
fumble {v} (To drop a ball or a baton etc)
:: sählätä
fume {n} /fjuːm/ (gas or vapor that is strong-smelling or dangerous to inhale)
:: höyry, huuru
fume {n} (material that has re-coalesced to the solid state)
:: härme
fume {n} (rage or excitement)
:: kiihko
fume {n} (anything unsubstantial or airy)
:: houre
fume {n} (incense of praise; inordinate flattery)
:: hehkutus
fume {v} (to expose (something) to fumes)
:: höyryttää
fume {v} (to emit fumes)
:: höyrytä, päästää kaasua
fume {v} (to pass off in fumes or vapours)
:: pyörtyä höyryihin
fume {v} (to express or feel great anger)
:: olla raivoissaan [to feel]; vaahdota, raivota [to express]
fume {v} (to be as in a mist; to be dulled and stupefied)
:: olla sekaisin
fume hood {n} (a ventilated compartment in which chemical procedures may be undertaken)
:: vetokaappi
fumigate {v} (disinfect)
:: desinfioida, savustaa
fumigation {n} (act)
:: savustus [with smoke], höyrytys [with steam]
fumitory {n} (plant)
:: emäkki
fun {n} /fʌn/ (enjoyment or amusement)
:: hauskuus
fun {n} (playful, often noisy, activity)
:: hauskanpito
fun {adj} (enjoyable, amusing)
:: hauska, kiva
fun {v} (to tease, kid, poke fun)
:: laskea leikkiä, narrata, kiusoitella
funambulist {n} (tightrope walker) SEE: tightrope walker
funbox {n} (skatepark feature)
:: funboksi
function {n} /ˈfʌŋkʃən/ (what something does or is used for)
:: tehtävä, tarkoitus, toiminto
function {n} (professional or official position)
:: tehtävä, toimi
function {n} (official or social occasion)
:: tilaisuus, tapahtuma
function {n} (relation where one thing is dependent on another)
:: funktio, riippuvuus, riippuvuussuhde
function {n} (mathematics: a relation between a set of inputs and a set of permissible outputs)
:: funktio, kuvaus
function {n} (computing: routine that returns a result)
:: funktio, aliohjelma
function {n} (biology: physiological activity of an organ or body part)
:: toiminta
function {n} (chemistry: characteristic behavior of a chemical compound)
:: käyttäytyminen
function {v} (to have a function)
:: toimia
function {v} (to carry on a function)
:: käydä, olla käynnissä, toimia
functional {adj} /ˈfʌŋk(t)ʃənəl/ (in good working order)
:: toimiva
functional {adj} (useful, serving a purpose)
:: käytännöllinen
functional {adj} (having semantics defined purely in terms of mathematical functions, without side-effects)
:: funktionaalinen
functional {n} (a function that takes a function as its argument)
:: funktionaali
functional analysis {n} (branch of mathematics)
:: funktioanalyysi
functional food {n} (health-promoting food)
:: terveysvaikutteinen elintarvike
functional group {n} (characteristic grouping of elements)
:: funktionaalinen ryhmä
functional group {n} (organisms of specific properties)
:: funktionaalinen ryhmä
functionalism {n} /ˈfʌŋkʃənəlɪzəm/ (architecture)
:: funktionalismi, funkis
functionalism {n} (philosophy)
:: funktionalismi
functionalism {n} (social science)
:: funktionalismi
functionalism {n} (psychology)
:: funktionalismi
functionalistic {adj} (pertaining to functionalism)
:: funktionalistinen
functionalistically {adv} (in a functionalistic manner)
:: funktionalistisesti
functionality {n} (ability)
:: toimivuus, toiminnallisuus
functional magnetic resonance imaging {n} (form of MRI)
:: funktionaalinen magneettikuvaus
functional programming {n} (programming paradigm)
:: funktionaalinen ohjelmointi
functionary {n} (a person employed as an official in a bureaucracy)
:: virkailija
functioning {adj} (functional) SEE: functional
function key {n} (computing: key that activates a function)
:: funktionäppäin
function word {n} (function word)
:: funktiosana, kieliopillinen sana
functor {n} /ˈfʌŋktə/ (object-oriented programming: function object)
:: funktio-olio
functor {n} (category theory: category mapping)
:: funktori
functor {n} (grammar: function word) SEE: function word
fund {n} /ˈfʌnd/ (sum or source of money)
:: rahasto, varat, rahat, rahoitus
fund {n} (organization)
:: rahasto
fund {n} (money-management operation)
:: rahasto
fund {v} (to pay for)
:: rahoittaa, maksaa, kustantaa
fundament {n} (anus) SEE: anus
fundament {n} (foundation) SEE: foundation
fundament {n} (underlying basis or principle for a theoretical or mathematical system)
:: perusteet {p}
fundamental {n} /ˌfʌndəˈmɛntəl/ (a leading or primary principle, rule, law, or article)
:: fundamentti, perusta, peruskivi, perusteet {p}
fundamental {adj} (pertaining to the foundation or basis; serving for the foundation)
:: perustavanlaatuinen, olennainen, fundamentaalinen, perus-
fundamental force {n} (force between elementary particles) SEE: fundamental interaction
fundamental interaction {n} (basic forces that act between elementary particles)
:: perusvuorovaikutus
fundamentalism {n} (religion)
:: fundamentalismi
fundamentalism {n} (finance)
:: fundamentalismi
fundamentalist {n} (one who reduces religion to strict interpretation of core or original texts)
:: fundamentalisti, uskonkiihkoilija
fundamentalist {n} (trader who trades on the financial fundamentals)
:: fundamentalisti
fundamentalist {n} (adherent of a certain American Christian movement)
:: fundamentalisti
fundamentalist {n} (pejorative: fundamentalist Christian)
:: kiihkouskovainen, uskonkiihkoilija
fundamentalistic {adj}
:: fundamentalistinen
fundamentality {n} (state or quality of being fundamental)
:: fundamentaalisuus, perustavuus, olennaisuus
fundamentally {adv} (to the very core of the matter)
:: pohjimmiltaan, olennaisesti, fundamentaalisesti
fundamental particle {n} (elementary particle) SEE: elementary particle
fund house {n} (company that owns and operates a mutual fund)
:: sijoitusrahasto
funding {n} /ˈfʌndɪŋ/ (money provided as funds)
:: rahoitus
fundraiser {n} /ˈfʌnd.ɹeɪ.zɚ/ (event undertaken to get money)
:: varainhankintatilaisuus, rahankeräys, keräys
fundraiser {n} (individual who collects money)
:: varainhankkija
fundraising {n} /ˈfʌndˌɹeɪzɪŋ/ (raising money)
:: keräys, rahankeräys
funduscope {n} (ophthalmoscope) SEE: ophthalmoscope
Funen {prop} (the second largest island of Denmark)
:: Fyn
funeral {n} /ˈfjuːnəɹəl/ (ceremony to honour a deceased person)
:: hautajaiset {p}
funeral director {n} (undertaker) SEE: undertaker
funeral home {n} (mortuary)
:: hautaustoimisto
funereal {adj} /fjuːˈnɪəɹɪ.əl/ (relating to a funeral)
:: hautajais-
funerial {adj} (solemn) SEE: solemn
funerial {adj} /fjuːˈnɪəɹ.i.əl/ (suiting a funeral)
:: hautajais-
fungal {adj} /ˈfʌŋɡəl/ (of or pertaining to a fungus)
:: sieniperäinen [caused by fungi]; sienimäinen [resembling fungi]; sieni-
fungible {adj} /ˈfʌndʒɪbəl/ (able to be substituted for something of equal value)
:: vaihtokelpoinen, vaihdettava, laji-, fungiibeli
fungous {adj} (of or pertaining to a fungus) SEE: fungal
fungus {n} /ˈfʌŋ.ɡəs/ (any member of the kingdom Fungi)
:: sieni
fun house {n} (attraction)
:: hupitalo, naurutalo
fun house {n} (euphemism for brothel)
:: ilotalo
funicular {n} (rail transit system)
:: funikulaari
funiculus {n} /fjʊˈnɪk.jʊl.əs/ (cordlike structure)
:: nuora, funikkeli
funiculus {n} (stalk)
:: varsi, funikkeli
funk {n} (spark) SEE: spark
funk {n} /fʌŋk/ (foul or unpleasant smell)
:: haju, dunkkis [informal]
funk {n} (genre of popular music)
:: funk
funk {n} (touchwood, punk, tinder)
:: sytyke
funk {n} (mental depression)
:: masennus
funk {n} (state of fear or panic)
:: paniikki, pakokauhu, kauhu
funk {v} (to shrink from, or avoid something because of fear)
:: jänistää
funky {adj} (offbeat, unconventional) SEE: offbeat
funnel {n} /ˈfʌnəl/ (utensil used to guide poured liquids)
:: suppilo, tratti
funnel {v} (to use a funnel)
:: käyttää suppiloa
funnel {v} (to proceed through a narrow gap or passageway akin to a funnel)
:: ahtautua
funnel {v} (to direct (money or resources))
:: ohjata
funnel {n} (smoke flue, chimney) SEE: chimney
funnel cake {n} (specialty baked good)
:: tippaleipä
funnel chanterelle {n} (Craterellus tubaeformis)
:: suppilovahvero
funnel cloud {n} (tapering cloud)
:: suppilopilvi
funny {adj} /ˈfʌni/ (amusing; comical)
:: hassu, hauska, hupaisa, huvittava, koominen
funny {adj} (strange; unusual)
:: kummallinen, outo, hassu
funny {n} (joke)
:: vitsi
funny bone {n} (nerve)
:: kiukkusuoni, kyynärhermo
funny bone {n} (sense of humor)
:: nauruhermo
funny farm {n} (informal term for lunatic asylum) SEE: madhouse
fur {n} /fɜː(ɹ)/ (hairy coat of a mammal, especially when fine, soft and thick)
:: turkki, karva
fur {n} (hairy skin processed to serve as clothing)
:: nahka, talja, turkis
fur {n} (pelt used to make, trim or line clothing apparel)
:: turkis, karva, talja
fur {n} (coating resembling fur)
:: karva
fur {n} (layer of epithelial debris)
:: levyepiteeli
furan {n} (any of a class of aromatic heterocyclic compounds)
:: furaani
fur beetle {n} (Attagenus pellio)
:: pilkkuturkiskuoriainen
furbelow {n} (ruffle) SEE: ruffle
furbelow {n} /ˈfɚ.bɪ.loʊ/ (decorative piece of fabric)
:: hepene
fur burger {n} (slang: hairy vulva)
:: karvalaukku
furcate {adj} /ˈfɝ.keɪt/ (forked, branched)
:: haarautunut, haaroittunut, haaroitettu
furcate {v} (to fork or branch out)
:: haarautua [intransitive], haaroittaa [transitive]
fur coat {n} (coat made of animal fur)
:: turkki
fur coat {n} (fur of an animal)
:: turkki
furcula {n} (forked bone in birds, see also: wishbone)
:: hankaluu
fur farm {n} (farm where fur-bearing animals are raised)
:: turkistarha
Furies {prop} (Greek goddesses of vengeance)
:: raivottaret {p}
furious {adj} /ˈfjʊə.ɹɪəs/ (transported with passion or fury)
:: raivoissaan, raivostunut, raivoisa, raivokas
furious {adj} (rushing with impetuosity)
:: raivoisa, raivokas
furiously {adv} /ˈfjʊə̯ɹi.ə̯sli/ (in a furious manner; angrily)
:: raivoissaan, vihaisesti
furiously {adv} (frantically)
:: raivoisasti, vimmaisesti
furl {v} /fɝl/ (to lower, roll up and secure something)
:: laskea
furlough {n} /ˈfɝ.loʊ/ (leave of absence)
:: loma
furlough {n} (documents authorizing leave of absence)
:: lomalupa
furlough {n} (period of unpaid time off used by an employer to reduce costs)
:: lomautus
furlough {v} (to grant a furlough)
:: myöntää loma
furlough {v} (to bar (an employee) from working)
:: lomauttaa
furnace {n} /ˈfɝnɪs/ (device for heating in a factory, melting metals, etc)
:: sulatusuuni, ahjo, uuni, masuuni
furnace {n} (device for heating a building)
:: uuni, lämmitysuuni, pannu
furnace {n} (hot area)
:: pätsi
furnace {n} (device for heating) SEE: oven
furnish {v} /ˈfɝnɪʃ/ (to provide with furniture or other equipment)
:: sisustaa [furniture]; kalustaa [furniture or other equipment]; varustaa [other equipment]
furnish {v} (to supply)
:: varustaa, toimittaa
furnished {adj} /ˈfɝnɪʃt/ (equipped with whatever is needed)
:: varustettu
furnished {adj} (supplied with furniture)
:: kalustettu
furnishings {n} (object other than furniture in a room)
:: sisustus, sisustustarvikkeet
furnishings {n} (accessories for a dress)
:: asusteet
furniture {n} /ˈfɝnɪtʃɚ/ (large movable items)
:: huonekalut {p}; huonekalu [piece of furniture]
furniture {n} (harness, trappings etc. of an animal)
:: varusteet {p}
furniture {n} (fittings of a wooden item)
:: helat {p}
furniture {n} (firearms: stock and forearm of a weapon)
:: runko
furrow {v} (to wrinkle) SEE: wrinkle
furrow {n} /ˈfʌɹoʊ/ (trench cut in the soil)
:: vako, kyntövako
furrow {n} (deep wrinkle in the skin of the face)
:: juonne, uurre
furrow {v} (to make one or more cuts or grooves in)
:: uurtaa
furrow {v} (to pull one's brows together)
:: rypistää kulmiaan, kurtistaa kulmiaan
furry {adj} /ˈfɝi/ (covered with fur)
:: karvainen, pörröinen
furry {n} (animal character with human-like characteristics)
:: turri
furry {n} (member of the furry fandom)
:: turri
fur seal {n} (marine mammal)
:: merikarhu, turkishylje
further {v} /fɜː(ɹ)ðə(ɹ)/ (to encourage growth)
:: edistää
further {v} (to support progress)
:: edistää
further {adj} (more distant)
:: kauempi, etäisempi
further {adv} (comparative of far)
:: kauempana [in, at]; kauemmaksi, kauemmas [to]; kauempaa [from]
further {adv} (in addition)
:: lisäksi, edelleen
further {adv}
:: kauempana [in]; lisäksi, sen lisäksi; koskien, liittyen
further education {n} (education beyond compulsory schooling)
:: jatkokoulutus
furthermore {adv} /ˈfɜː(ɹ).ðə(ɹ).mɔː(ɹ)/ (In addition; besides; what's more; used to denote additional information)
:: lisäksi
furtive {adj} /ˈfɝ.ɽɪv/ (stealthy)
:: vaivihkainen
furtive {adj} (exhibiting guilty or evasive secrecy)
:: vaivihkainen, petollinen
furtively {adv} /ˈfɜːtɪvli/ (in a furtive manner)
:: vaivihkaa, vaivihkaisesti
fur trade {n} (trade in furs)
:: turkiskauppa
furuncle {n} (boil) SEE: boil
fury {n} /ˈfjʊɹi/ (extreme anger)
:: raivo
fury {n} (strength or violence in action)
:: vimma, kiihko
Fury {prop} (female personification of vengeance)
:: raivotar
furze {n} (Ulex gen. et spp., an evergreen shrub) SEE: gorse
fuse {n} /fjuːz/ (cord)
:: sytytyslanka
fuse {n} (device igniting charge)
:: sytytin
fuse {n} (device preventing overloading of a circuit)
:: sulake, varoke
fuse {n} (indicating tendency to lose temper)
:: pinna
fuse {v} (transitive: to melt together)
:: sulauttaa
fuse {v} (intransitive: to melt together)
:: sulautua
fuselage {n} /ˈfjuːzəˌlɑːʒ/ (main body of aerospace vehicle)
:: runko
fusel oil {n} (byproduct of alcoholic fermentation)
:: sikunaöljy
fusidic acid {n} (antibiotic)
:: fusidiinihappo
fusiform {adj} (spindle-shaped)
:: sukkulamainen
fusiform gyrus {n} (structure of human brain)
:: gyrus fusiformis
fusil {n} /ˈfjuːzɪl/ (heraldic feature)
:: ruutu
fusil {n} (weapon)
:: piilukkomusketti
fusilier {n} /ˌfjuːzɪˈlɪə/ (infantryman)
:: fusilieeri
fusilli {n} /ˌfuːˈziːli/ (pasta)
:: fusilli
fusion {n} /ˈfjuː.ʒən/ (act of melting something by heating it)
:: sulatus, sulaminen
fusion {n} (merging of elements into a union)
:: fuusio
fusion {n} (nuclear reaction in which nuclei combine)
:: fuusio
fusion bomb {n} (type of atomic bomb)
:: fuusiopommi
fusion cuisine {n} (fusion cuisine)
:: fuusiokeittiö
fusion reactor {n} (type of thermonuclear reactor)
:: fuusioreaktori
fuss {n} /fʌs/ (excessive activity, worry, bother, or talk about something)
:: hössötys, hämminki, tohina, touhu, touhuaminen, touhotus
fuss {n} (a complaint or noise)
:: meteli, metakka
fuss {n} (an exhibition of affection or admiration)
:: ihastelu, tohina, touhu, touhotus, vouhotus
fuss {v} (to be very worried or excited about something, often too much)
:: hössöttää, touhottaa, tohista
fuss {v} (to fiddle; fidget; wiggle, or adjust; to worry something)
:: hiplata, touhuta, touhottaa
fuss {v} (to show affection for)
:: helliä, hellitellä
fuss {v} (to pet)
:: silitellä
fussy {adj} /ˈfʌ.si/ (particular about details)
:: pikkutarkka
fusty {adj} (moldy or musty)
:: homeinen, tunkkainen
fusty {adj} (stale-smelling or stuffy)
:: tunkkainen
fusty {adj} (old-fashioned, refusing to change or update)
:: ummehtunut
futile {adj} /ˈfju.taɪ.əl/ (incapable of producing results)
:: turha, tulokseton, toivoton; katteeton [of a promise]
futility {n} (quality of being futile)
:: turhuus, hyödyttömyys
futon {n} /ˈfuːtɒn/ (thin mattress placed on a floor or on a raised, foldable frame)
:: futon
futon {n} (a Japanese cushion for meditation)
:: futon
futsal {n} (form of soccer)
:: salijalkapallo, futsal
futtock {n} /ˈfʌtək/ (curved rib-like timbers)
:: kylkiluu, kaari, raaja
future {n} /ˈfjuːt͡ʃɚ/ (the time ahead)
:: tulevaisuus
future {n} (something that will happen in moments yet to come)
:: tulevaisuus
future {n} (goodness in what is yet to come)
:: tulevaisuus
future {n} (finance: agreement to sell)
:: futuuri
future {adj} (having to do with or occurring in the future)
:: tuleva; tulevaisuuden
future {n} (grammar) SEE: future tense
futureless {adj} (without future)
:: vailla tulevaisuutta
futureless {adj} (linguistics: that has no future tense)
:: futuuriton
future participle {n} (part of speech)
:: partisiipin futuuri
future perfect {n}
:: futuurin perfekti
futures {n} (futures contract) SEE: futures contract
futures contract {n} (contract traded on a futures exchange)
:: futuurisopimus, futuuri
futures market {n} (exchange for financial futures)
:: futuuripörssi
future tense {n} (time form of a verb)
:: futuuri, tuleva aika
futurism {n} (art movement)
:: futurismi
futurism {n} (study of possible futures) SEE: futurology
futurist {n} (adherent to the principles of futurism)
:: futuristi
futurist {adj} (advanced so far beyond that which is current as to appear to be from the future)
:: futuristinen
futurist {n} (one who studies and predicts possible futures) SEE: futurologist
futuristic {adj} (futurist) SEE: futurist
futurologist {n} (person)
:: tulevaisuudentutkija, futurologi
futurology {n} (scientific forecasting of future trends in science, technology or society)
:: tulevaisuudentutkimus, futurologia
fuzz {n} (cop) SEE: cop
fuzz {n} (police) SEE: police
fuzz {n} /fʌz/ (frizzy mass)
:: nukka
fuzz {n} (the police (slang))
:: kytät {p}
fuzzy {adj} /ˈfʌzi/ (covered with fuzz or loose fibres)
:: nukkainen
fuzzy {adj} (vague or imprecise)
:: epäselvä, sekava
fuzzy {adj} (not clear; unfocused)
:: epäselvä, samea, sumea
fuzzy logic {n} (logic based on the notion of fuzzy set)
:: sumea logiikka
fuzzy melon {n} (vine) SEE: winter melon
fuzzy melon {n} (fuzzy melon fruit) SEE: winter melon
fuzzy set {n} (set)
:: sumea joukko
f-word {n} (euphemism for the equivalent of the word "fuck")
:: v-sana
FX risk {n} (currency risk) SEE: currency risk
FYI {phrase} (for your information) SEE: for your information
fyke {n} (type of fish-trap)
:: rysä
fylfot {n} (swastika) SEE: swastika
fynbos {n} (fynbos)
:: fynbos
FYROM {prop} /fɪɹəm/ (abbreviation of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia)