User:Matthias Buchmeier/it-en-g

g {n} :: See under G
G {letter} /dʒi/ :: letter: gi
gabapentin {m} [medicine] :: gabapentin
gabardine {m} /ɡa.barˈd̪iː.ne/ :: The woolen cloth gabardine
gabardine {m} :: An overcoat or raincoat, (originally) of this material
gabba {f} /ˈɡ :: alternative form of gabbo
Gabba {prop} :: surname
gabbacompagno {m} :: crook
gabbacristiani {mf} :: trickster
gabbamento {m} [rare] /ɡab.baˈ :: deception, trickery
gabbana {f} :: An overcoat with a hood
Gabbana {prop} :: surname
Gabbana {prop} :: Stefano Gabbana, Italian designer
gabbanella {f} :: white coat
gabbanella {f} :: housecoat, dressing gown
gabbano {m} :: loose overcoat
gabbano {m} :: overall
gabbante {v} :: present participle of gabbare
gabbare {vt} :: to deceive, trick
gabbare {vt} :: to cheat, dupe, diddle
gabbeo {m} /ɡabˈbɛ.o/ :: A board where salt is left to drain and dry
gabbia {f} /ˈɡab.bja/ :: cage, hutch
gabbia {f} :: clink (gaol)
gabbia {f} :: crate, skip
gabbia {f} :: muzzle
gabbia {f} :: lookout, watch tower
gabbia {f} [nautical] :: crow's nest
gabbia di matti {f} :: madhouse
gabbianella {f} :: little gull
gabbianello {m} /ɡab.bjaˈnɛl.lo/ :: little gull (Hydrocoloeus minutus)
gabbiano {m} :: gull, seagull
gabbiano comune {m} :: black-headed gull
gabbiano reale {m} :: herring gull
gabbiano testabruna {m} :: brown-headed gull (Chroicocephalus brunnicephalus)
gabbiano tridattilo {m} :: kittiwake, properly the black-legged kittiwake
gabbiata {f} :: cageful of animals
gabbia toracica {f} [skeleton] :: rib cage
gabbiere {m} [nautical] :: topman
gabbietta {f} :: A small cage
gabbio {m} [slang] /ˈɡab.bjo/ :: jail, prison
gabbionata {f} :: gabionade
gabbione {m} :: gabion
gabbione {m} :: dock (for a prisoner in a court)
gabbiotto {m} :: porter's lodge
gabbiotto {m} :: sentry-box
gabbo {m} /ˈɡ :: joke, trick, prank
gabella {f} [historical, obsolete] :: duty (tax on goods)
gabella {f} :: customs
gabellante {v} :: present participle of gabellare
gabellare {vt} :: to tax, excise
gabellare {vt} :: to pass off (as)
gabelliere {m} :: excise officer, tax collector
gabellotto {m} :: A type of sharecropper in Sicily
gabinetto {m} :: cabinet
gabinetto {m} :: ministry, government
gabinetto {m} :: toilet, lavatory
gabola {f} :: hassle
Gabon {prop} :: Gabon
gabonese {adj} :: Gabonese
gabonese {mf} :: Gabonese
Gabriele {prop} :: Gabriel [biblical character]
Gabriele {prop} :: given name of biblical origin
Gabrieli {prop} :: surname
Gabriella {prop} :: given name, feminine form of Gabriele
Gadda {prop} :: surname
Gadda {prop} :: Carlo Emilio Gadda, Italian writer
Gaddo {prop} [rare] :: given name; a short form of Gherardo, Girardo, etc
gadget {m} :: gadget (small device)
gaditano {adj} :: Gaditanian
gadolinio {m} [chemistry] /ɡa.doˈli.njo/ :: gadolinium
gadopentetico {adj} :: gadopentetic
gadoterico {adj} :: gadoteric
gaelico {adj} :: Gaelic (all senses)
gaelico {m} :: Gaelic (Scottish and Irish languages)
Gaeta {prop} /ɡa.ˈe.ta/ :: Gaeta (coastal town)
gaetana {f} :: feminine equivalent of gaetano
gaetano {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Gaeta
gaetano {m} :: A person from Gaeta
Gaetano {prop} :: given name
gaettone {m} :: dogwatch
gaffa {f} [nautical] :: gaff (hooked pole)
gaffe {f} :: gaffe, blunder, boob
gag {m} :: gag, joke
gagà {m} :: fop, dandy
gagate {f} [mineralogy] :: jet
gaggia {f} /ɡadˈd͡ʒi.a/ :: sweet acacia (Vachellia farnesiana)
gaggia {f} [nautical, archaic] /ˈɡad.d͡ʒa/ :: synonym of gabbia
gaggia {f} [bird hunting] :: A (now illegal) setup consisting of a spherical cage mounted on top of a pole, on which an owlet rests, which causes birds inside the cage to become agitated, luring wild birds
gaggia {f} /ˈɡad.d͡ʒa/ :: synonym of regolo
gaggia arborea {f} /ɡadˈd͡ʒia̯ arˈbɔ.re̯a/ :: Persian silk tree (Albizia julibrissin)
gaggianese {adj} :: Of or from Gaggiano
Gaggiano {prop} :: Gaggiano (small town)
Gaggini {prop} :: surname
gaggio {m} [obsolete] /ˈɡad.d͡ʒo/ :: pledge, guarantee
gaggio {m} [obsolete, law, finance] :: deposit, security, guaranty (guarantee that debt will be paid; property relinquished to ensure this)
gaggio {m} [obsolete] :: wage, salary
gaggio {m} [obsolete, figurative] :: reward, prize
Gaggiolo {prop} :: An area around the town of Cantello in Lombardy
Gaggiolo {prop} :: Any of several rivers and villages throughtout Italy
gaginesco {adj} :: Gaginesque
Gagliano {prop} :: surname
gagliarda {f} [printing, dated] :: Galliard: the size of type between piccolo testo and Garamone, standardized as 8 Didot points (3.00 or 3.01 mm)
gagliarda {f} :: The galliard, a 16th-century European dance
gagliardamente {adv} :: strongly, robustly
gagliardamente {adv} :: vigorously
gagliardetto {m} :: pennant
Gagliardi {prop} :: surname
gagliardia {f} :: strength, vigour
gagliardo {adj} :: strong, robust, spanking
gagliardo {adj} :: vigorous
gaglioffaggine {f} :: foolishness
gaglioffaggine {f} :: loutishness
gaglioffo {adj} /ɡaʎˈʎɔ :: loutish
gaglioffo {adj} :: clumsy
gaiamente {adv} :: gaily, cheerfully, merrily
Gaiatto {prop} :: surname
gaiezza {f} :: gaiety, cheerfulness, playfulness, frolic
gaiezza {f} :: brightness (of colour)
gaio {adj} :: gay (original meaning), cheerful, happy
gaio {adj} :: bright (colours)
Gaito {prop} :: surname
gala {f} /ˈɡaː.la/ :: bow (ornament on a dress etc)
gala {f} :: bow tie (large)
gala {f} :: frill, flounce, ruche (guarnizione di trine o stoffa increspata)
gala {f} :: roche, ruching, ruffle
gala {m} :: gala
gala {m} :: festivity
galactomannano {m} [carbohydrate] :: galactomannan
galagone {m} :: bush baby (of genus Galago)
galalite {f} :: galalith
galanga {f} :: galangal
galano {m} /ɡaˈ :: a large ribbon bow
galano {m} [chiefly in the plural, Venice] :: type of dessert in the form of fritters dusted with sugar, eaten during Carnival time; similar to angel wings
galante {adj} :: gallant, chivalrous
galante {adj} :: amorous, romantic
galante {m} :: gallant
galanteria {f} :: gallantry
galanteria {f} :: gentlemanliness
galantina {f} :: galantine
galantuomo {m} :: gentleman
Galaso {prop} :: Galaso (river)
galassia {f} /ɡaˈlas.sja/ :: galaxy
galassia {f} :: Milky Way
galassia a spirale {f} :: spiral galaxy
galassia nana {f} [astronomy] :: dwarf galaxy
galassia spirale {f} [astronomy] :: spiral galaxy
galata {adj} :: Galatian
galateo {m} [chiefly uncountable] /ɡa.laˈtɛ.o/ :: etiquette, good manners
Galati {prop} [biblical] :: Galatians
galattagogo {m} [medicine] /ɡˈɡɔ.ɡo/ :: galactagogue
galattagogo {adj} [medicine] :: galactagogic
galattano {m} [carbohydrate] :: galactan
galatticamente {adv} :: galactically
galattico {adj} :: galactic
galattina {f} [biochemistry] :: galactin
galatto- {prefix} :: galacto-
galattofago {adj} :: galactophagous
galattoforo {adj} :: galactophorous
galattogeno {adj} :: galactagogic
galattogeno {m} [carbohydrate] :: galactogen
galattomannano {m} [carbohydrate] :: galactomannan
galattometro {m} :: galactometer
galattopoiesi {f} :: galactopoiesis
galattorrea {f} [pathology] :: galactorrhea
galattosammina {f} [organic compound] :: galactosamine
galattosemia {f} [medicine] :: galactosemia
galattosio {m} :: galactose
galatturonano {m} [carbohydrate] :: galacturonan
galatturonato {m} :: galacturonate
galatturonico {adj} :: galacturonic
galatturonide {m} [carbohydrate] :: galacturonide
galaverna {f} [weather] :: soft rime
galbano {m} :: galbanum
galbula {f} :: jacamar
galbulo {m} [botany] :: cone
Galdino {prop} :: given name
galea {f} [nautical] :: galley (slender Mediterranean ship propelled primarily by oars and sails)
galea {f} :: helmet (roman leather helmet)
galea aponeurotica {f} [anatomy] :: galea aponeurotica
Galeati {prop} :: surname
galeazza {f} [nautical] :: galleass
Galeazzo {prop} /ɡa.leˈat.t͡so/ :: given name
galectina {f} [protein] :: galectin
galenico {adj} :: galenical
galenico {m} [pharmacology] :: galenical
Galeno {prop} :: Galen (the physician)
galeone {m} :: galleon
galeopiteco {m} :: galeopithecus
galeotta {f} :: convict (female)
galeotto {m} :: (historically) galley slave
galeotto {m} :: convict
Galeotto {prop} [rare] :: given name corresponding to the French Galehault
galera {f} [colloquial] :: prison, jail, jug
galera {f} [nautical] :: galley (long ship propelled primarily by oars)
galero {m} :: galero
galestro {m} [geology] :: marl
galestroso {adj} [geology] :: marly
Galgani {prop} :: surname
Galiazzo {prop} :: surname
Galiazzo {prop} :: Marco Galiazzo, Italian archer
Galïeno {prop} :: medieval spelling of Galeno
Galilea {prop} :: Galilee
Galilei {prop} :: surname
Galilei {prop} :: Galileo Galilei, famous Italian scientist and "father of observational astronomy"
galileiano {adj} :: Galilean
Galileo {prop} :: given name
Galizia {prop} :: Galizia (autonomous community)
galiziano {adj} :: Galician
galiziano {m} :: Galician
galla {f} :: gall
galla {f} :: acorn
galla {f} :: round pill
galla {f} :: pimple (caused by sunburn)
galla {f} :: hairgrip
gallante {v} :: present participle of gallare
Gallarate {prop} :: Gallarate (town)
gallaratese {adj} :: Of, or from, Gallarate
gallaratese {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Gallarate
gallare {vt} [rare] :: To fertilize an egg
gallare {vi} [rare] :: To be fertilized an egg
gallato {adj} :: fertilized
gallatura {f} [uncommon] :: fertilization
galleggiabilità {f} :: buoyancy
galleggiamento {m} :: floating
galleggiante {v} :: present participle of galleggiare
galleggiante {adj} :: floating
galleggiante {m} :: float
galleggiante {m} :: barge
galleggiante {m} :: buoy
galleggiare {vi} /ɡalledˈdʒare/ :: to tread water; to float
gallego {m} :: Galician [language]
galleina {f} [organic compound] :: gallein
galleria {f} :: tunnel
galleria {f} :: gallery, arcade
galleria {f} [theatre] :: balcony, circle
galleria d'armi {f} :: armoury
galleria d'arte {f} :: art gallery
Galleria degli Uffizi {prop} :: Uffizi Gallery (art museum in Florence, Italy)
galleria del vento {f} :: wind tunnel
gallerista {mf} :: gallerist
gallerista {mf} :: art dealer
Galles {prop} :: Wales
gallese {adj} :: Welsh
gallese {mf} :: Welshman, Welshwoman
galletta {f} :: cracker (biscuit)
galletta {f} [nautical] :: ship's biscuit
galletto {m} :: cockerel
galletto {m} :: cocky young man
galletto {m} :: wing nut
galletto {m} [mushrooms] :: chanterelle, golden chanterelle, girolle (Cantharellus cibarius)
Galli {prop} :: Gauls
Gallia {prop} :: Gaul (a Roman-era region roughly corresponding to modern France and Belgium)
galliambo {m} [poetry] /ɡalˈ :: galliambus
gallicanesimo {m} :: Gallicanism
gallicano {adj} :: Gallic, Gallican
Gallicano {prop} :: Gallicano (small town)
galliciano {adj} :: Galician (pertaining to the people or language of Galicia)
gallicinio {m} [literary] /ɡal.liˈt͡ʃi.njo/ :: The crowing of the rooster
gallicinio {m} [literary] :: The period of the early morning when roosters begin to crow
gallicinio {m} [literary, Ancient Rome] :: The period of the night following midnight and preceding the first light of dawn
gallicismo {m} :: gallicism
gallicizzante {v} :: present participle of gallicizzare
gallicizzare {vt} :: to gallicize
gallico {adj} /ˈɡ :: Gallic, French
gallico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: gallic
gallico {m} :: Gaulish (language)
gallicolo {adj} :: gallicolous
galligeno {adj} :: galligenic, gallogenic (producing galls)
gallina {f} :: hen
gallinaccio {m} /ɡal.liˈnat.t͡ʃo/ :: chanterelle
gallinaccio {m} :: turkey
gallinaceo {adj} :: gallinaceous
gallinaceo {m} :: gallinacean
gallina d’acqua {f} :: moorhen
gallina dalle uova d'oro {f} [figuratively, idiomatic] :: the golden goose (something that generates profit or gives great advantages)
gallina faraona {f} :: guinea fowl
gallinaio {m} :: synonym of pollaio
gallina ovaiola {f} :: laying hen
gallina prataiola {f} :: little bustard
gallinella {f} :: young hen
gallinella {f} :: gurnard (Chelidonichthys lucerna)
gallinella d'acqua {f} :: moorhen
gallinella di mare {f} :: gurnard (Chelidonichthys lucerna)
gallio {m} [chemistry] /ˈɡalljo/ :: gallium
Gallipoli {prop} :: Gallipoli (town)
Gallipoli {prop} :: Gallipoli (town/and/peninsula)
gallipolino {adj} :: Of or from Gallipoli (town in Puglia)
gallismo {m} :: machismo
gallo- {prefix} :: Gallo-
gallo {m} :: rooster, cock
gallo {adj} :: Gallic
galloccia {f} [nautical] :: cleat, kevel, bitt, bollard
gallo cedrone {m} :: capercaillie or wood grouse
gallodromo {m} :: cockfighting pit,cockpit
gallofobia {f} :: Gallophobia
gallo-italico {adj} :: Gallo-Italian
galloitalico {adj} :: Variant of gallo-italico
gallomania {f} :: Francomania, Gallomania
gallonante {v} :: present participle of gallonare
gallonare {vt} :: To braid
gallonato {adj} :: braided; gallooned
gallonato {adj} :: liveried
gallonato {adj} :: brass
gallone {m} [military, chiefly in plural] :: stripe, chevron (military insignia)
gallone {m} :: braid, galloon
gallone {m} :: gallon (unit of volume)
galloromanzo {adj} :: Gallo-Romance
galloromanzo {m} :: Gallo-Romance (language)
gallozzola {f} :: blister
gallozzola {f} :: bubble (in a liquid)
Gallura {prop} :: Gallura (historic region), once an independent state
gallurese {adj} :: of or from Gallura
gallurese {mf} :: a native or inhabitant of Gallura
gallurese {m} :: Gallurese (lect)
galoche {f} :: galosh
galop {m} :: galop (originally German folk dance)
galoppante {v} :: present participle of galoppare
galoppante {adj} :: galloping
galoppare {vi} :: to gallop
galoppare {vi} :: to rush around
galoppare {vi} :: to work assiduously
galoppata {f} :: gallop
galoppata {f} :: run
galoppatoio {m} :: riding track (for horses)
galoppatore {m} :: galloper
galoppino {m} :: errand boy, gofer
galoppino {m} :: canvasser
galoppo {m} :: gallop
galoscia {f} :: galosh
Galtarossa {prop} :: surname
Galtarossa {prop} :: Rossano Galtarossa, Italian rower
Galuppi {prop} :: surname
Galuppi {prop} :: Baldassare Galuppi, Italian composer
Galvani {prop} :: surname
Galvani {prop} :: Luigi Galvani, Italian physician and anatomist
galvanico {adj} :: galvanic
galvanismo {m} :: galvanism
galvanizzante {v} :: present participle of galvanizzare
galvanizzare {vt} :: to galvanize [all senses]
galvanizzatore {m} :: galvanizer
galvanizzazione {f} :: galvanization (all senses)
galvano- {prefix} :: electricity or galvanism
galvano {m} :: electrotype
Galvano {prop} :: given name
galvanometria {f} [physics] :: galvanometry
galvanometro {m} [physics] :: galvanometer
galvanoplastica {f} :: galvanoplasty
galvanoplastica {f} :: galvanoplastics
galvanoplastico {adj} :: galvanoplastic
galvanoscopio {m} :: galvanoscope
galvanostegia {f} :: electroplating
galvanostegista {mf} :: electroplater
galvanotecnica {f} :: electroplating (science and technology of)
galvanoterapia {f} :: electrotherapy
galvanotipia {f} :: electrotype
galvanotipista {mf} :: electrotypist
Gamaliele {prop} [Biblical character] :: Gamaliel
Gamaliele {prop} :: given name
gamba {f} /ˈɡamba/ :: leg
gamba {f} :: leg [from knee to ankle], shank
gamba {f} :: leg [of furniture]
gamba {f} :: stroke [of a letter]
gambacorta {mf} :: lame person
gambacorta {mf} :: short-legged person
Gambadilegno {prop} :: Peg Leg Pete, Black Pete (Disney character)
gambale {m} :: legging
gambale {m} :: bootleg (part of a boot that covers the leg)
gambalesta {mf} [colloquial] :: A fast runner
gambaletto {m} :: knee sock
gambaletto {m} :: leg cast
gambaletto {m} :: air cast
gambalunga {mf} :: A person with long legs
Gambarogno {prop} :: Gambarogno (small town)
gambasecca {m} :: fairy ring mushroom (of genus Marasmius)
gambecchio {m} :: Any of several small birds, but especially the little stint (Calidris minuta); more fully gambecchio comune
gambecchio {m} :: sandpiper
gamberetto {m} /ɡam.beˈ :: shrimp
gambero {m} /ˈɡ :: prawn
gambero di mare {m} :: European lobster (Homarus gammarus)
gamberone {m} :: Any of various large prawns
gambese {adj} :: Gambian
gambesecche {f} [mushrooms] :: Scotch bonnet, fairy ring mushroom (Marasmius oreades)
gambetta {f} :: A little leg
gambetto {m} /ɡamˈ :: trip (act of tripping someone)
gambetto {m} [chess] :: gambit (used by a white)
Gambia {prop} :: Gambia (country)
gambiana {f} :: feminine noun of gambiano
gambiano {adj} :: Gambian (of, from or relating to the Gambia)
gambiano {m} :: Gambian (person from the Gambia)
gambiera {f} :: greave
gambina {f} :: Little leg
gambino {m} :: a ditch supplying water to a paddy field
gambino {m} :: the rear part of the upper of a shoe
gambino {m} :: a short pit prop
gambista {mf} [music] :: A person who plays the viola da gamba
gambitto {m} [chess] /ɡamˈ :: alternative form of gambetto
gambizzante {v} :: present participle of gambizzare
gambizzare {vt} :: to kneecap [shoot in the leg]
gambizzato {adj} :: kneecapped (shot in the leg)
gambizzazione {f} :: kneecapping (shooting in the leg)
gambo {m} :: stem, stalk, stipe, shank
gambotta {f} [colloquial, especially in plural] :: Muscular upper leg(s) (especially of a woman)
gambusia {f} :: gambusia
gamella {f} :: mess tin
gamella {f} :: billy, billycan
gamete {m} [cytology] :: gamete
gametico {adj} :: gametic
gametocita {m} :: gametocyte
gametofitico {adj} [biology] :: gametophytic
gametofito {m} [biology] :: gametophyte
gametogamia {f} [biology] :: gametogony
gametogenesi {n} :: gametogenesis
-gamia {suffix} :: -gamy
gamia {f} [biology] :: gamic (sexual) reproduction
gamico {adj} [biology] :: gamic
gamma {mf} /ˈɡ :: The name of the Greek-script letter Γ/γ; gamma
gamma {f} :: range, gamut
gammaglobulina {f} [protein] :: gamma globulin
gammaglobulinemia {f} [medicine] :: gammaglobulinemia
gammato {adj} :: only in croce gammata
gammopatia {f} [disease] :: gammopathy
-gamo {suffix} :: -gamous
gamopetalo {adj} [botany] :: gamopetalous
gamosepalo {adj} [botany] :: gamosepalous
gamurra {f} :: a long shabby coat
ganascia {f} :: jaw
ganascia {f} [rail transport] :: fishplate
ganascia {f} [automotive] :: brake shoe
ganascia {f} [automotive] :: wheel clamp, boot, Denver boot
ganascino {m} :: cheek (of the face)
Ganassi {prop} :: Ganassi (surname)
gancetto {m} :: Little hook
gancetto {m} :: háček
gancino {m} [dentistry] :: Any of several small hooks used to hold a dental appliance / brace in position
gancio {m} :: hook (all senses)
Gand {prop} :: Gand (caplc)
gandarico {adj} :: Gandharan
gandhismo {m} :: Gandhism
Gandolfo {prop} /ɡanˈdɔ :: given name
Ganellone {prop} :: Ganelon
gang {f} /ɡɛnɡ/ :: gang, specifically:
gang {f} [dated] :: A group of people
gang {f} [dated] :: A group of laborers under one foreman
gang {f} :: A criminal group
ganga {f} /ˈɡan.ɡa/ :: gangue
Gange {prop} :: Ganges (river)
Gangemi {prop} :: surname
gangetico {adj} :: Gangetic
gangherella {f} :: eye (for a hook)
ganghero {m} :: hinge
ganghista {mf} [colloquial] :: A member of a gang
Gangi {prop} :: Gangi (town/and/commune)
gangia {f} /ˈɡan.d͡ʒa/ :: An inflorescence of the Indian hemp plant
gangia {f} [slang, uncountable] :: marijuana
gangliare {adj} :: ganglial
gangliforme {adj} [anatomy] :: gangliform
ganglio {m} [anatomy] :: ganglion
ganglioma {m} [pathology] :: ganglioneuroma
ganglioside {m} [biochemistry] :: ganglioside
gangliosidosi {f} [pathology] :: gangliosidosis
gangrena {f} :: alternative form of cancrena; gangrene
gangrenoso {adj} :: gangrenous
gangster {mf} :: gangster
gangsterismo {m} :: gangsterism
gangsteristico {adj} :: gangster, gangsterism (attributive)
ganimede {m} /ɡa.niˈmɛ.de/ :: dandy, fop, beau
Ganimede {prop} [Greek mythology] /ɡa.niˈmɛ.de/ :: Ganymede
ganzo {adj} [archaic] :: extra-marriage lover
ganzo {adj} [colloquial] :: smart, clever, cool
gappista {adj} :: Relating to the resistance movement Gruppi di Azione Patriottica
gara {f} :: competition (the act of competing)
gara {f} [sports] :: competition; contest; event; race
gara automobilistica {f} [automotive, motor racing, sports] :: car racing, auto racing
gara d'appalto {f} [legal] :: tender (formal offer to buy or sell something)
garage {m} :: garage (domestic storage for a car; motor repair facility)
garagista {mf} :: owner or manager of a garage
garagista {mf} :: car mechanic
garante {adj} :: guarantee, guarantor (attributive)
garante {mf} :: guarantor
garantente {v} :: present participle of garantire
garantentesi {v} :: present participle of garantirsi
garantire {vt} :: to guarantee, warrant, ensure, assure
garantire {vt} :: to vouch for, stand guarantor for
garantirsi {v} :: reflexive of garantire
garantirsi {v} :: to secure oneself, insure oneself
garantismo {m} [legal] :: The guarantee of civil liberties
garantista {adj} :: respectful of civil liberties
garantista {mf} :: advocate of civil liberties
garantistico {adj} :: respectful of civil rights or civil liberties
garantito {adj} :: guaranteed
garantito {adj} :: certain
garantitosi {v} :: past participle of garantirsi
garanza {f} :: madder
garanzia {f} :: guarantee, warrant, security
garbante {v} :: present participle of garbare
garbare {vi} :: (with a or [ che + subj. ]) to like, to suit
garbatamente {adv} :: politely, courteously
garbatezza {f} :: courtesy, politeness
garbatezza {f} :: kindness
garbato {adj} :: courteous, polite
garbato {adj} :: kind
Garbellini {prop} :: surname
garbino {m} /ɡarˈbino/ :: the south-west wind that blows on the Adriatic coasts
garbo {m} :: politeness, gentleness, tact, grace
garbo {m} :: graceful form
garbo {m} [nautical] :: curvature of the hull
garbuglio {m} :: tangle
garbuglio {m} :: muddle, mess
garbuglione {m} :: muddler
Garcetti {prop} :: surname
garçonnière {f} :: bachelor pad
garçonnière {f} :: love nest
Garda {prop} :: Garda (town), on the shore of Lake Garda
gardenese {adj} /ɡar.deˈ :: Of or pertaining to Val Gardena; Gardenese
gardenese {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Val Gardena; a Gardenese
gardenese {m} :: Gardenese (Ladin dialect spoken in Val Gardena)
gardenia {f} /ɡarˈdɛn.ja/ :: gardenia
gardense {adj} :: Of or from Lake Garda
gardesano {adj} :: Of or from Garda or the area around Lake Garda
gareggiamento {m} :: competition
gareggiante {v} :: present participle of gareggiare
gareggiare {vi} :: to compete, vie
gareggiatore {m} [rare] :: competitor; contestant
gareggiatore {adj} [rare] :: competitor (attributive)
gareggiatrice {f} :: female equivalent of gareggiatore
garenna {f} :: rabbit warren
Garfagnana {prop} :: A historic region of central Italy within the modern province of Lucca in Tuscany
garfagnino {adj} :: Of or from the Garfagnana
Gargallo {prop} :: surname
garganella {f} :: only in bere a garganella
garganico {adj} :: Of or from Gargano
Gargano {prop} :: A peninsula on the coast of Puglia (often represented as the spur of the boot of Italy)
gargantuesco {adj} :: gargantuan
gargarismo {m} :: gargle
gargarizzante {v} :: present participle of gargarizzare
gargarizzare {vi} :: To gargle
gargarozzo {m} [colloquial] :: throat, gullet
gargolla {f} :: gargoyle (grotesque water spout)
gargouille {f} :: gargoyle (grotesque water spout)
Garibaldi {prop} :: surname
Garibaldi {prop} :: Giuseppe Garibaldi, Italian general and patriot
Garibaldi {prop} :: Anita Garibaldi, Italian patriot and wife of Giuseppe Garibaldi
garibaldina {f} :: A supporter of Giuseppe Garibaldi
garibaldino {adj} :: Garibaldian (of or pertaining to Giuseppe Garibaldi)
garibaldino {m} :: A supporter of Garibaldi
gariga {f} :: garrigue
Garigliano {prop} :: Garigliano (river)
gariglio {m} :: alternative form of gheriglio
garitta {f} :: sentry-box
garnettante {v} :: present participle of garnettare
garnettare {v} :: to garnett
garnettatrice {f} :: garnett (machine)
garnettatura {f} :: garnetting (process)
Garobbio {prop} :: surname
garofanino {m} :: synonym of epilobio
garofano {m} /ɡaˈrɔ :: (Dianthus) pink
garofano {m} :: (Dianthus caryophyllus) carnation, clove pink
Garonna {prop} :: Garonne (river)
Garozzo {prop} :: surname
garrente {v} :: present participle of garrire
garrese {m} :: withers
garretto {m} :: hock (of a quadruped)
garrire {vi} :: to chirp (of birds)
garrire {vi} [obsolete] :: to chatter
garrire {vi} :: to flutter, flap, wave (of flag)
garrito {m} :: chirping, screech, twittering (of birds)
Garrone {prop} :: surname
Garrone {prop} :: Matteo Garrone, Italian film maker
garrota {f} :: garrote
garrotante {v} :: present participle of garrotare
garrotare {v} :: To garrote
garrotta {f} :: garrote
garrulità {f} :: garrulity
garrulo {adj} :: chirping (bird)
garrulo {adj} :: talkative, garrulous
garza {f} /ˈɡar.t͡sa/ :: gauze (fabric)
garza {f} [medicine] :: gauze (fabric used as surgical dressing)
garza {f} :: Name of several species of heron:
garza {f} :: synonym of airone bianco maggiore
garza {f} :: synonym of airone cenerino
garza {f} :: synonym of airone rosso
garzante {v} :: present participle of garzare
garzare {v} :: to teasel
garzatore {m} :: teaseler (person)
garzatrice {f} :: teaseler (machine, female person)
garzatura {f} :: teaseling (operation)
garzetta {f} :: little egret (Egretta garzetta)
garzo {m} :: teasel
garzonato {m} [rare] /ɡar.d͡zoˈ :: assistantship (occupation of being an assistant or helper)
garzonato {m} [rare] :: The duration of an assistantship
garzonato {m} [rare, figuratively] :: apprenticeship
garzone {m} [archaic, poetic] /ɡarˈd͡ :: (young) boy
garzone {m} [rare] :: bachelor
garzone {m} :: helper, assistant
garzone {m} :: errand boy
garzone {m} :: apprentice
Garzoni {prop} :: surname
gas {m} :: gas (state of matter, petroleum)
gas {m} :: carbon dioxide (in fizzy drinks)
gas {m} :: petrol
gas {m} :: poison gas
gasante {v} :: present participle of gasare
gasare {v} :: alternative form of gassare
gasare {v} [figurative] :: to excite, to be excited
gasato {adj} :: aerated
gasato {adj} :: killed by gassing
gasato {adj} :: high (slang: stoned)
gascromatografia {f} [chemistry] :: gas chromatography
gascromatografico {adj} :: gas chromatography (attributive)
gascromatografo {m} [chemistry] :: gas chromatograph
gasdinamica {f} [physics] :: gas dynamics
gasdotto {m} :: gas pipeline
gas esilarante {m} [chemistry, ] :: laughing gas, nitrous oxide
gas ideale {m} [physics] :: ideal gas
gasiera {f} :: gasworks
gasindio {m} :: A feudal vassal of the king in the time of the Lombards
gasista {m} :: A gas mechanic or engineer
gas naturale {m} :: natural gas
gas naturale liquefatto {m} :: liquefied natural gas
gasogeno {m} :: gas producer
gasolina {f} :: petrol / gasoline
gasolio {m} :: diesel oil, derv
gasometrico {adj} :: gasometric
gasometro {m} :: gasometer, gasholder (large storage container)
gasoso {adj} :: gaseous (Variant of: gassoso)
Gaspare {prop} :: given name
Gaspare {prop} :: Caspar of the Magi
gas perfetto {m} [physics] :: ideal gas
Gasperi {prop} :: surname
gassa {f} [nautical] :: stopper knot
gassante {v} :: present participle of gassare
gassare {vt} :: to aerate or carbonate
gassare {vt} :: to gas (to kill with poisonous gas)
gassato {adj} :: carbonated, fizzy, sparkling
gassatura {f} :: aeration, carbonation (of a liquid)
gassatura {f} :: gassing (killing with gas)
gas serra {m} :: greenhouse gas
gassificante {v} :: present participle of gassificare
gassificare {v} :: to gasify
gassificatore {m} :: gasifier
gassificazione {f} :: gasification (of coal)
gassista {mf} :: gas fitter or engineer
gassogeno {m} :: Variant of gasogeno
gassometria {f} :: gasometry
gassometro {m} :: Variant of gasometro
gassosa {f} :: fizzy drink; pop
gassoso {adj} :: gaseous
gastaldo {m} :: chamberlain (in a medieval court)
gasteropode {m} :: gastropod
Gastone {prop} :: given name
gastr- {prefix} [prevocalic] :: alternative form of gastro-
gastralgia {f} [pathology] :: gastralgia, stomach pain
gastrectasia {f} [medicine] :: gastrectasia
gastrectomia {f} [surgery] :: gastrectomy
gastrica {f} /ˈɡas.tri.ka/ :: alternative form of castrica:
gastrica {f} :: synonym of averla capirossa (Lanius senator)
gastrica {f} :: synonym of averla cenerina (Lanius minor)
gastrica {f} :: synonym of monachella (Oenanthe hispanica)
gastrico {adj} :: gastric
gastrina {f} [biochemistry] :: gastrin
gastrite {f} [pathology] :: gastritis
gastro- {prefix} :: gastro-
gastrocele {m} [pathology] :: gastrocele
gastrodinia {f} [pathology] :: gastrodynia
gastroduodenale {adj} [anatomy] :: gastroduodenal
gastroenterico {adj} [medicine] :: gastroenteric, gastrointestinal
gastroenterite {f} [disease] :: gastroenteritis
gastroenterologa {f} :: female equivalent of gastroenterologo
gastroenterologia {f} [medicine] :: gastroenterology
gastroenterologico {adj} :: gastroenterological
gastroenterologo {m} :: gastroenterologist
gastroepatico {adj} :: gastrohepatic
gastroepatite {f} :: gastrohepatitis
gastro-esofageo {adj} :: alternative spelling of gastroesofageo
gastroesofageo {adj} [anatomy] :: gastroesophageal
gastroestetico {adj} :: Concerning the beauty or aesthetics of food
gastrointestinale {adj} [anatomy] :: gastrointestinal
gastrolabile {adj} :: Not resistant to the action of gastric juices
gastrologia {f} [medicine] :: gastrology
gastrolusi {f} /ɡas.troˈlu.zi/ :: synonym of lavanda gastrica
gastronoma {f} :: female equivalent of gastronomo
gastronomia {f} [foods and drinks] :: gastronomy
gastronomia {f} :: delicatessen, deli
gastronomicamente {adv} :: gastronomically
gastronomico {adj} :: gastronomic
gastronomo {m} :: gastronome, gourmet
gastropatia {f} [pathology] :: disease of the stomach; gastropathy
gastropessi {f} [surgery] :: gastropexy
gastroresezione {f} [surgery] :: gastroresection
gastroresistente {adj} [medicine] :: gastroresistant (of drugs, resistant to stomach acids)
gastrorragia {f} [medicine] :: gastrorrhagia
gastroscopia {f} [medicine] :: esophagogastroduodenoscopy, EGD
gastroscopio {m} [medicine] :: gastroscope
gastrotomia {f} [surgery] :: gastrotomy
gastrovascolare {adj} [anatomy] :: gastrovascular
gastrulazione {f} :: gastrulation
gatta {f} :: queen (female cat), she-cat
gatta {f} :: sex kitten
gattabuia {f} [colloquial, humorous] /ɡat.taˈbu.ja/ :: clink, slammer (prison)
gatta ci cova {interj} :: I smell a rat!
gatta da pelare {f} :: thankless task
gatta da pelare {f} [idiomatic] :: a hard row to hoe, a tough nut to crack
gattaia {f} [usually uncountable] /ɡatˈta.ja/ :: catmint, catnip
gattaiola {f} :: cat flap
gatta morta {f} :: alternative spelling of gattamorta
gattamorta {f} :: Shallow and manipulative person, especially a woman; tease; slyboots
gattara {f} [regional, colloquial, sometimes derogatory] /ɡatˈta.ra/ :: a woman catlover who feeds alley cats or spends time with domestic cats; a cat lady
gattaro {m} [regional, colloquial, sometimes derogatory] /ɡatˈ :: A catlover who feeds alley cats or spends time with domestic cats
gatta siamese {f} :: female equivalent of gatto siamese
gatteggiamento {m} :: glittering, glinting
gatteggiante {v} :: present participle of gatteggiare
gatteggiare {vi} :: to glitter or glint (like cat eyes)
gattello {m} :: A short shelf that supports a purlin
gattesco {adj} :: catlike, catty, cattish
gattice {m} /ˈɡat.ti.t͡ʃe/ :: white poplar (Populus alba)
gattile {m} :: cat shelter (for stray cats)
gattina {f} :: female kitten
gattina {f} :: pussy
gattinara {m} [usually uncountable] /ɡat.tiˈna.ra/ :: A red wine made from Nebbiolo grapes in the region of Vercelli
Gattinara {prop} /ɡat.tiˈna.ra/ :: Gattinara (town)
gattinarese {adj} /ɡat.ti.naˈ :: Of or from Gattinara
gattinarese {mf} :: Native or inhabitant of Gattinara
gattino {m} [irrespective of sex] :: kitten
gattino {m} :: (male) kitten
gattino {m} :: catkin (botany)
gatto {m} /ˈɡat̪.t̪o/ :: cat
gatto {m} :: (male) tom, tomcat
Gatto {prop} :: surname
gatto a nove code {m} :: cat-o'-nine-tails
Gatto con gli Stivali {prop} :: Puss in Boots
gatto dai piedi neri {m} :: black-footed cat
gatto del deserto della Cina {m} :: Chinese desert cat
gatto della giungla {m} :: jungle cat or swamp lynx
gatto delle foreste norvegesi {m} [domestic cat] :: Norwegian Forest Cat
gatto delle nevi {m} :: snow groomer, snowcat
gatto delle sabbie {m} :: sand cat
gatto domestico {m} :: domestic cat, house cat
gatto dorato asiatico {m} :: Asiatic golden cat
gattofila {f} :: female equivalent of gattofilo
gattofilo {adj} :: cat-loving, cat lover (attributive)
gattofilo {m} :: cat lover
gatto mammone {m} :: bogeyman
gattomammone {m} :: alternative spelling of gatto mammone
gattonamento {m} :: crawling (of a baby)
gattonante {v} :: present participle of gattonare
gattonare {vi} :: To crawl (of a baby)
gattonare {vi} :: To stalk
gattonare {vi} :: To creep
gattone {m} :: big cat (pet)
gattoni {adv} :: on all fours
gattoni {mp} [disease, plurale tantum, colloquial] :: mumps
gattopardesco {adj} :: relating to gattopardismo
gattopardiano {adj} :: Gattopardian
gattopardismo {m} :: gattopardism
gattopardo {m} :: serval (cat)
gattopardo {m} :: ocelot (cat)
gattopardo {m} :: nursehound (fish)
gattopardo {m} :: catfish (fish)
gatto randagio {m} :: stray cat, alley cat
gatto selvatico {m} :: wild cat (type of cat)
gatto siamese {m} :: Siamese cat (male)
gatto siberiano {m} [domestic cat] :: Siberian cat
gattuccio {m} /ɡatˈtut.t͡ʃo/ :: diminutive of gatto; kitty
gattuccio {m} :: small-spotted catshark ()
gattuccio maggiore {m} :: synonym of squalo gattopardo
gattuccio maggiore {m} :: synonym of gattuccio
gauchisme {m} [politics] :: leftism
gauchiste {mf} :: leftist (person of the left wing in politics)
gaudente {adj} :: pleasure-seeking, pleasure-loving
gaudente {mf} :: pleasure-seeker
gaudente {mf} :: binger
Gaudenzio {prop} :: given name
gaudio {m} :: joy, happiness
gaudiosamente {adv} :: joyfully
gaudioso {adj} :: joyful
Gaudioso {prop} :: given name
Gaudo {prop} :: An archaeological site near Paestum
gaullismo {m} :: Gaullism
gaullista {mf} :: Gaullist
gaulo {m} /ˈɡau̯.lo/ :: synonym of gruccione
gaulterina {f} [organic compound] :: gaultherin
gaussiano {adj} :: Gaussian
gavazzare {vi} /ɡa.vatˈt͡ :: synonym of gozzovigliare
gavetta {f} [military] :: mess tin (portable version of a saucepan)
gavetta {f} :: [military] stint (period of time spent in the ranks of the army before being promoted)
gavettone {m} [military] :: Large cooking vessel (see gavetta)
gavettone {m} :: water bomb (balloon filled with water)
gavettone {m} [nautical] :: dogwatch
Gavi {prop} :: Gavi (commune)
Gavi {m} :: A delicate white wine made from Cortese grapes
gaviale {m} :: gavial
gavigliano {m} /ɡaviˈʎano/ :: quillon
Gaville {prop} :: Gaville (village), near Figline Valdarno
gavina {f} :: common gull (Larus canus)
Gavino {prop} :: given name
gavitello {m} [nautical] :: buoy
gavocciolo {m} /ɡaˈvɔt.t͡ʃo.lo/ :: swelling
gavone {m} [nautical] :: peak
gavone di poppa {m} [nautical] :: afterpeak
gavone di prua {m} [nautical] :: forepeak
gavotta {f} :: gavotte
gaytudine {f} :: the state or condition of being gay; gayness
gazante {v} :: present participle of gazare
gazare {v} :: to gas or singe (textiles)
gazatore {m} :: gasser
gazatrice {f} :: singer (singeing machine)
gazatura {f} :: singeing, gassing (of textiles)
gazebo {m} /ɡaˈt͡sɛ.bo/ :: gazebo
gazometro {m} :: alternative form of gasometro
gazoso {adj} :: gaseous (Variant of gassoso)
gazza {f} /ˈɡat.t͡sa/ :: magpie
gazza marina {f} :: razorbill
gazzara {f} :: din, racket
gazzarino {m} /ɡad͡z.d͡zaˈ :: alternative form of ghiazzerino
gazzarra {f} :: racket, hullabaloo, hubbub, noise
gazzarro {m} /ɡatˈt͡ :: synonym of tordela
gazzella {f} :: gazelle (mammal)
gazzella {f} :: police car (Carabinieri)
gazzella dalla fronte rossa {f} :: red-fronted gazelle (Eudorcas rufifrons)
gazzella del deserto {f} :: synonym of gazzella dorcade
gazzella di Cuvier {f} :: Cuvier's gazelle (Gazella cuvieri)
gazzella di Grant {f} :: Grant's gazelle (Nanger granti, syn. Gazella granti)
gazzella di Speke {f} :: Speke's gazelle (Gazella spekei)
gazzella di Thomson {f} :: Thomson's gazelle (Eudorcas thomsoni)
gazzella dorcade {f} :: dorcas gazelle (Gazella dorcas))
gazzella dorcade {f} :: synonym of gazzella del deserto
gazzella giraffa {f} :: gerenuk (Litocranius walleri)
gazzera {f} :: Variant of gazza
gazzetta {f} :: gazette
gazzetta {f} :: A Venetian coin, equal to a halfpenny
gazzettiere {m} :: hack (local reporter)
gazzettiere {m} :: scribbler
gazzettino {m} :: gazette
gazzettino {m} :: page, section (of a newspaper)
gazzettino {m} :: gossip
gazzettistico {adj} :: newspaper (attributive)
gazzettistico {adj} :: sensationalist
gazzettone {m} :: 17th century Venetian copper coin
gazzino {adj} /ɡatˈt͡ :: Having a light ash-gray colour
gazzosa {f} :: soda, fizzy drink
GdF {prop} [armed forces] :: initialism of Guardia di Finanza (GdF)
GdF {prop} :: The arm of the Italian armed forces responsible for fighting financial crime, tax evasion and smuggling
GDR {n} [gaming] :: initialism of gioco di ruolo
GE {prop} :: abbreviation of Genova
Gea {prop} [Greek god] :: Gaea
geastro {m} :: earthstar
geco {m} :: gecko
gedanese {adj} :: Of or from Gdańsk (city in Poland)
Gedda {prop} :: Gedda (city)
Gedeone {prop} :: Gideon [biblical character]
Gedeone {prop} :: given name
geenna {f} :: gehenna
Geenna {prop} :: Gehenna
gefirina {f} [protein] :: gephyrin
gei {m} /ˈdʒɛi/ :: synonym of i lunga
geiger {m} :: Geiger counter
geisha {f} /ˈɡɛiʃʃa/ :: geisha
Gela {prop} :: Gela (town)
gelante {v} :: present participle of gelare
gelare {vt} /dʒeˈlare/ :: To freeze, to chill, to frost
gelare {vi} :: To freeze
gelare {vi} :: (impersonal) To be freezing
gelata {f} :: frost, freezing
gelataia {f} /dʒe.laˈta.ja/ :: female equivalent of gelataio
gelataio {m} /dʒe.laˈ :: ice cream seller
gelateria {f} /dʒˈri.a/ :: A gelateria, a shop that sells ice cream or gelato (Italian-style ice cream)
gelatiera {f} /dʒe.laˈtjɛ.ra/ :: ice cream worker
gelatiera {f} [rare] :: ice cream seller
gelatiera {f} [feminine only] :: ice cream maker (machine used for homemade ice cream)
gelatiere {m} /dʒe.laˈtjɛ.re/ :: ice cream worker
gelatiere {m} [rare] :: ice cream seller
gelatina {f} /d͡ʒe.laˈ :: gelatine
gelatinasi {f} [enzyme] :: gelatinase
gelatinizzante {v} :: present participle of gelatinizzare
gelatinizzante {adj} :: gelatinizing, jelling
gelatinizzante {m} :: jelling agent
gelatinizzantesi {v} :: present participle of gelatinizzarsi
gelatinizzare {vt} :: to gelatinize
gelatinizzarsi {vr} :: To gelatinize or gel
gelatinizzatosi {v} :: past participle of gelatinizzarsi
gelatinizzazione {f} :: gelatinization
gelatinoso {adj} :: gelatinous (jelly-like)
gelato {adj} /dʒeˈ :: icy, frozen, very cold
gelato {m} [also uncountable] :: ice cream, gelato
gelese {adj} :: Of, or from, Gela
gelese {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Gela
gelicidio {m} /d͡ʒe.liˈt͡ʃi.djo/ :: glaze, glaze ice (caused by freezing rain)
gelicolo {adj} :: That lives in a gelisol
gelidamente {adv} :: icily, frostily
gelido {adj} /ˈd͡ʒɛ :: icy, freezing, gelid
gelido {adj} :: frosty
gelificante {v} :: present participle of gelificare
gelificante {adj} :: gelling
gelificante {m} :: gelling agent
gelificare {vit} :: to gel (form or become a gel)
gelificazione {f} :: gelatinization
Gelindo {prop} :: given name
gellaba {f} [clothing] /d͡ʒelˈ :: djellaba
gellano {m} :: gellan
Gelli {prop} :: surname
gelo {m} /ˈd͡ʒɛ.lo/ :: intense cold
gelo {m} :: frost
gelo {m} :: cold weather
gelo {m} :: icy water
gelo {m} :: coldness (lack of enthusiasm etc)
gelone {m} :: chilblain
Gelone {prop} :: Gelo
gelosamente {adv} :: jealously
gelosia {f} :: jealousy
gelosia {f} :: shutter (of a Venetian blind)
gelosissimo {adj} :: superlative of geloso
geloso {adj} :: jealous
gelseto {m} :: mulberry grove
gelsicoltore {m} :: mulberry grower
gelsicoltura {f} :: mulberry growing
gelso {m} [botany] :: mulberry tree
gelsolina {f} [protein] :: gelsolin
Gelsomina {prop} :: given name
gelsomino {m} :: jasmine, jessamine (plants and the perfume obtained from them)
gelsomino doppio {m} :: synonym of gelsomino mugherino
gelsomino mugherino {m} [flower] :: Indian jasmine (Jasminum auriculatum)
Geltrude {prop} :: Gertrude
gemebondo {adj} :: mournful, plaintive
gemella {f} :: female equivalent of gemello
gemellaggio {m} :: town twinning
gemellante {v} :: present participle of gemellarsi
gemellantesi {v} :: present participle of gemellarsi
gemellanza {f} :: twinship
gemellare {adj} :: twin (attributive)
gemellarità {f} :: twin birth or pregnancy
gemellarsi {vr} :: To twin (to form links between towns etc)
gemellatosi {v} :: past participle of gemellarsi
Gemelli {prop} [zodiac constellations, astrology, astronomy] /dʒeˈmɛlli/ :: Gemini
gemellina {f} :: A baby twin girl
gemellina {f} :: A young twin (female)
gemellino {m} :: A baby twin
gemellino {m} :: A young twin
gemellipara {f} :: A mother of twins
gemelliparo {adj} :: gemelliparous (bearing twins)
gemello {adj} :: twin
gemello {adj} [anatomy] :: gemellus
gemello {m} :: twin
gemello {m} [in the plural] :: cufflinks
gemello {m} [anatomy] :: gemellus muscle
gemello {m} [in the plural] :: twinset
gemellologia {f} :: gemellology
gemente {v} :: present participle of gemere
gemere {vi} :: to groan, wail or moan
gemere {vi} :: to whine (of a dog)
gemere {vi} :: to creak (of a wheel etc)
gemere {vi} :: to coo (of a bird)
gemicante {v} :: present participle of gemicare
gemicare {v} :: To drip
geminale {adj} [chemistry] :: geminal
geminante {v} :: present participle of geminare
geminare {v} :: to redouble
geminare {v} :: to geminate
geminazione {f} :: twinning
geminazione {f} :: gemination
Geminiano {prop} :: given name
geminina {f} [protein] :: geminin
gemino {adj} :: twin (attributive)
gemino {adj} :: geminous
gemitio {m} :: Continuous dripping or oozing
gemito {m} :: groan, moan
Gemito {prop} :: surname
Gemito {prop} :: Vincenzo Gemito, Italian sculptor
gemma {f} /ˈdʒɛ :: bud
gemma {f} :: gem, jewel
Gemma {prop} :: given name
gemmante {v} :: present participle of gemmare
gemmare {vi} :: To bud
gemmazione {f} [botany] :: gemmation, budding
gemmifero {adj} :: gemmiferous
gemmiparo {adj} :: gemmiparous
gemmologa {f} :: female equivalent of gemmologo
gemmologia {f} :: gemology
gemmologico {adj} :: gemological
gemmologo {m} :: gemologist
gemmoso {adj} [botany] :: Having lots of buds
gemmoso {adj} :: gemmiferous
Gemona {prop} :: Gemona (town)
gemonese {adj} :: Of or from Gemona
gena {f} [obsolete, literary] /ˈd͡ʒɛ.na/ :: cheek
gendarme {m} :: policeman (armed)
gendarmeria {f} :: police station
gendarmeria {f} :: gendarmerie
gene {m} [genetics] /ˈd͡ʒɛ.ne/ :: gene
genealogia {f} :: genealogy
genealogicamente {adv} :: genealogically
genealogico {adj} :: genealogical
genealogista {mf} :: genealogist
genepì {m} :: wormwood, mugwort
genepì {m} :: A liqueur flavoured with wormwood
generabile {adj} :: generative
generabile {adj} :: generable
generabilità {f} :: Property of being generative or generable
generalato {m} :: generalship
generale {adj} :: general
generale {m} [military rank] :: general
generalesco {adj} :: military-like; authoritarian
generalessa {f} :: battle-axe (belligerent woman), virago
generalismo {m} :: generalism
generalissimo {m} :: commander in chief
generalista {adj} :: generalist
generalista {adj} [Switzerland] :: general (not specialized) [used especially of TV programmes that appeal to a general audience]
generalità {f} :: generality
generalità {f} :: majority
generalità {f} :: (in plural) particulars
generalizio {adj} :: superior general (attributive)
generalizio {adj} :: general (attributive)
generalizzabile {adj} :: generalizable
generalizzabilità {f} :: generalizability
generalizzante {v} :: present participle of generalizzare
generalizzare {vt} :: to generalize, spread
generalizzare {vi} [but takes avere as auxiliary verb] :: to generalize
generalizzato {adj} :: general
generalizzato {adj} :: common, widespread
generalizzazione {f} :: generalization
generalmente {adv} :: generally, normally
generante {v} :: present participle of generare
generantesi {v} :: present participle of generarsi
generare {v} /dʒe.neˈ :: to procreate, to beget, to breed, to create
generare {v} :: to generate, to cause, to breed, to foster, to produce, to beget
generarsi {vr} :: to be produced, to be born
generarsi {vr} :: to be generated, to be caused, to arise
generativismo {m} :: generative grammar
generativista {adj} [linguistics] :: generative
generativo {adj} :: generative
generatore {m} [engineering, electricity] :: generator (especially electrical)
generatore {m} [engineering, electricity] :: power supply
generatosi {v} :: past participle of generarsi
generatrice {f} [mathematics] :: generatrix
generazionale {adj} :: generation (attribute), generational
generazionalmente {adv} :: generationally
generazione {f} :: generation, procreation, production
generazione {f} :: breed progeny, generation
genere {m} /ˈd͡ʒɛ :: kind
genere {m} [grammar] :: gender (of nouns, adjectives, pronouns)
genere {m} [grammar] :: gender, voice (of verbs)
genere {m} [taxonomy] :: genus
genere {m} :: genre
genere {m} :: product
genericamente {adv} :: generically
genericamente {adv} :: vaguely, imprecisely
genericità {f} :: vagueness, generality
generico {adj} /d͡ʒeˈnɛ.ri.ko/ :: generic
generico {adj} :: vague, imprecise
generico {m} :: generality
generico {m} [acting] :: bit part (actor)
genero {m} :: son-in-law
generosamente {adv} :: profusely, lavishly, generously, liberally
generosissimo {adj} :: superlative of generoso
generosità {f} :: generosity, liberality
generoso {adj} :: generous
generoso {adj} :: liberal, prodigal
generoso {adj} :: rich, fertile (soil)
Generoso {prop} :: given name
-genesi {suffix} :: -genesis
genesi {f} :: genesis
Genesi {prop} [biblical] :: Genesis
Genesì {prop} :: medieval spelling of Genesi
genetica {m} [genetics, biology] :: genetics
geneticamente {adv} :: genetically
-genetico {suffix} :: -genic (producing or generating something)
genetico {adj} [genetics] /d͡ʒeˈnɛ.ti.ko/ :: genetic
genetista {mf} :: geneticist
genetliaco {adj} /d͡ʒe.neˈtli.a.ko/ :: Of or pertaining to one's birth
genetliaco {m} :: birthday
genetta {f} :: genet (Genetta) (mammal)
gengiva {f} [anatomy] :: gum, gingiva
gengivale {adj} :: gingival, gum (attributive)
gengivario {m} :: medicine for gum disease
gengivectomia {f} [surgery] :: gingivectomy
gengivite {f} [diseases] :: gingivitis
-genia {suffix} /d͡ʒeˈni.a/ :: -geny
genia {f} :: mob, gang
geniaccio {m} [colloquial] :: genius
genialata {f} :: brainwave (bright idea)
geniale {adj} :: genius (attributive)
geniale {adj} :: brilliant, inspired
genialità {f} :: genius
genialmente {adv} :: ingeniously
genialmente {adv} :: smartly, brightly, niftily
genialoide {mf} :: eccentric genius
-genico {suffix} :: -genic
genico {adj} :: genic
genicolato {adj} [anatomy, botany] :: geniculate
geniere {m} :: sapper
geniere {m} :: engineer (military)
genietto {m} :: figurine of a cupid
genietto {m} :: Little genius (often used ironically)
genio {m} :: genius
genio {m} :: spirit, genie
genio {m} [military] :: the engineers, corps
genio civile {m} :: civil engineering
genio civile {m} :: civil engineering department
genio civile {m} :: public works office
genioglosso {m} [muscle] :: genioglossus
genioideo {adj} [anatomy] :: geniohyoid
genioideo {m} [muscle] :: geniohyoid muscle, geniohyoid
genio pontieri {n} :: bridge-builder corps
genio pontieri {n} :: corps of engineers
genitale {adj} :: genital
genitali {mp} [pluralonly] :: genitalia, genitals
genitalità {f} :: genitality
-genito {suffix} :: -genital
genito- {prefix} :: genito-
genitofemorale {adj} [anatomy] :: genitofemoral
genitore {m} :: parent
genitoriale {adj} :: parental
genitorialità {f} :: parenting
genitourinario {adj} [anatomy] :: genitourinary
genitrice {f} [dated] /d͡ʒe.niˈtri.t͡ʃe/ :: parent [female]
Gennadio {prop} :: given name
gennaio {m} /dʒenˈ :: January
gennaro {m} :: obsolete form of gennaio
Gennaro {prop} :: given name, typical of Naples
-geno {suffix} :: -genic, -genous [scientific adjectives]
-geno {suffix} :: -gen [scientific nouns]
geno- {prefix} :: geno-
genoano {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the Genoa Cricket and Football Club
genoano {m} :: A member of this team
genocidio {m} :: genocide
genoma {m} :: genome
genomico {adj} :: genomic
genotipico {adj} :: genotypic
genotipo {m} [genetics] :: genotype
genotossicità {f} :: genotoxicity
genotossico {adj} :: genotoxic
Genova {prop} /ˈdʒɛnova/ :: Genova (capital city)
Genova {prop} :: Genova (metropolitan city)
Genova {prop} :: The letter G in the Italian phonetic alphabet
Genoveffa {prop} :: given name
genovese {adj} :: of or from Genoa
genovese {mf} [sometimes capitalised] :: native or resident of Genoa
genovese {mf} [singular only] :: the dialect spoken in Genoa
Genovese {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Genoa
Genserico {prop} :: A historic king of the Vandals
Genserico {prop} [rare] :: given name of mainly historical use
gentaglia {f} [pejorative] :: rabble, scum
gente {adj} [obsolete] /ˈdʒɛn.te/ :: noble
gente {adj} [obsolete, by extension] :: elegant, refined, gentle
gente {f} [historical, Ancient Rome] :: gens (legally defined unit of Roman society)
gente {f} :: lineage
gente {f} :: population
gente {f} :: people (a person's ancestors, relatives or family)
gente {f} [collective] :: people, guys, folks (body of human beings)
gente {f} :: people (mass of a community)
gente d'arme {f} :: soldiers
gentil {adj} :: apocopic form of gentile
gentildonna {f} :: gentlewoman, lady
gentile {adj} :: kind, courteous
gentile {adj} :: gentle
gentile {adj} :: lovely
gentile {m} :: Gentile
gentilemente {adv} :: Variant of gentilmente
Gentileschi {prop} :: surname
Gentileschi {prop} [feminine] :: Artemisia Gentileschi (1593–1656), Italian painter
Gentileschi {prop} [masculine] :: Orazio Gentileschi (1563–1639), Italian painter, father of Artemisia
gentilezza {f} :: kindness, courtesy
gentilezza {f} :: delicacy, grace
Gentili {prop} :: surname
Gentilini {prop} :: surname
gentilissimo {adj} :: superlative of gentile
gentilissimo {adj} :: dear (formal way of addressing somebody at the beginning of a letter)
gentilità {f} :: The property of belonging to a gens
gentilità {f} :: pagans
gentilizio {adj} :: aristocratic
gentilizo {adj} :: (of a name) noble (in origin)
gentilmente {adv} :: kindly, courteously
gentilmente {adv} :: finely, delicately
gentilmente {adv} :: gently
gentiluomo {m} :: gentleman
gentrificante {v} :: present participle of gentrificare
gentrificare {v} :: to gentrify
gentrificazione {f} :: gentrification
gentucola {f} :: The common people (considered as a group)
genuflessione {f} :: genuflexion
genuflesso {adj} :: On bended knees, on one's knees
genuflessosi {v} :: past participle of genuflettersi
genuflettente {v} :: present participle of genuflettersi
genuflettentesi {v} :: present participle of genuflettersi
genuflettersi {vr} :: to genuflect, to kneel
genuinamente {adv} :: genuinely
genuinità {f} :: genuineness, authenticity
genuino {adj} :: natural
genuino {adj} :: genuine, sincere
genziana {f} :: gentian
genzianella {f} :: gentianella, stemless gentian (Gentiana acaulis)
genziopicrina {f} :: gentiopicrin
geo- {prefix} :: geo-
geoambientale {adj} :: geoenvironmental
geobiocenosi {f} [biology] :: geobiocenosis
geobiologia {f} :: geobiology
geobotanica {f} :: geobotany, phytogeography
geobotanico {adj} :: geobotanic, phytogeographical
geocentrico {adj} :: geocentric
geocentrismo {m} [astronomy] :: geocentrism
geochimica {f} [chemistry] :: geochemistry
geochimica {f} :: female equivalent of geochimico
geochimico {adj} :: geochemical
geochimico {m} :: geochemist
geocinesi {f} :: geokinesis
geocronologia {f} :: geochronology
geocronologico {adj} :: geochronological
geocronometria {m} :: geochronometry
geocronometro {m} :: geochronometer
geodato {m} [especially, in plural] :: geodata
geode {m} :: geode
geodesia {f} :: geodesy
geodeta {mf} :: geodesist
geodetica {f} :: geodesic (line)
geodetico {adj} :: geodetic (all senses)
geodinamica {f} :: geodynamics
geodinamico {adj} :: geodynamic, geodynamical
geofagia {f} :: geophagia, geophagy
geofisica {f} [geology, physics] :: geophysics
geofisicamente {adv} :: geophysically
geofisico {adj} :: geophysical
geofita {f} :: geophyte
geoglaciologia {f} :: geoglaciology
geoglifo {m} :: geoglyph
geognostico {adj} :: geognostical
geografa {f} :: female equivalent of geografo
geografia {f} /dʒeoɡraˈfi.a/ :: geography
geograficamente {adv} :: geographically
geografico {adj} :: geographical, geographic
geografo {m} :: geographer
geoidale {adj} :: geoidal
geoide {m} /d͡ʒeˈɔi̯.de/ :: geoid
geolinguistica {f} :: geolinguistics (linguistic geography)
geolitologico {adj} :: geolithological
geolocalizzazione {f} :: geolocalization
geologa {f} :: female equivalent of geologo
geologia {f} :: geology
geologicamente {adv} :: geologically
geologico {adj} :: geological, geologic
geologo {m} :: geologist
geomagnetico {adj} :: geomagnetic
geomagnetismo {m} :: geomagnetism
geomante {mf} :: geomancer
geomantico {adj} :: geomantic
geomanzia {f} :: geomancy
geomateriale {f} :: geomaterial
geomeccanica {f} :: geomechanics
geomeccanico {adj} :: geomechanical
geometra {mf} :: surveyor
geometra {mf} :: chartered surveyor
geometra {mf} :: geometer
geometria {f} /d͡ʒeomeˈtria/ :: geometry
geometria {f} :: structure
geometria algebrica {f} [maths] :: algebraic geometry
geometria analitica {f} [maths] :: analytic geometry
geometria differenziale {f} [maths] :: differential geometry
geometria euclidea {f} [geometry] :: Euclidean geometry
geometricamente {adv} :: geometrically
geometricità {f} :: geometric quality
geometrico {adj} :: geometrical, geometric
geometride {m} :: inchworm (of family Geometridae)
geometrile {adj} :: surveyor (attributive)
geometrile {adj} [pejorative] :: characterized by a childish or elementary style; unoriginal
geometrizzante {v} :: present participle of geometrizzare
geometrizzare {v} :: to geometrize
geometrizzazione {f} [mathematics] :: geometrization
geomide {m} :: geomyid, gopher, pocket gopher
geomorfologia {f} :: geomorphology
geomorfologico {adj} :: geomorphological
geopaleontologia {f} :: geopaleontology
geopaleontologico {adj} :: geopaleontological
geopedologia {f} :: geopedology
geopedologico {adj} :: geopedological
geopolitica {f} :: geopolitics
geopoliticamente {adv} :: geopolitically
geopolitico {adj} :: geopolitical
geoportale {f} :: geoportal
geopotenziale {m} :: geopotential
georeferenziante {v} :: present participle of georeferenziare
georeferenziare {v} :: to georeference
georeferenziato {adj} :: georeferenced
georeferenziazione {f} :: georeferencing
Georgia {prop} /d͡ʒeˈɔr.d͡ʒa/ :: Georgia (country)
Georgia {prop} :: Georgia (state)
georgiana {f} :: feminine noun of georgiano
georgiano {adj} :: Georgian [all senses]
georgiano {m} :: Georgian [all senses]
georgiano {m} :: Georgian (language)
georgico {adj} :: georgic, georgical (rural or agricultural)
georisorsa {f} :: geological resource
geoscienza {f} :: geoscience
geosfera {f} :: geosphere
geosinclinale {f} :: geosyncline
geostazionario {adj} :: geostationary
geostrategico {adj} :: geostrategic
geostratigrafia {f} :: geostratigraphy
geotecnica {f} :: geotechnics
geotecnico {adj} :: geotechnical
geotermale {adj} :: geothermal
geotermia {f} :: geothermal science and technology
geotermico {adj} :: geothermal, geothermic
geotermoelettrico {adj} :: geothermoelectric
geotettonica {f} :: tectonics
geotropico {adj} :: geotropic
geotropismo {m} [biology] :: geotropism
geotrupe {m} :: dung beetle
Geova {prop} :: Jehova
Geppetto {prop} /d͡ʒepˈ :: given name
Geppetto {prop} :: Geppetto (character and fairy tale)
Geppino {prop} :: given name
Geraci {prop} :: surname
Geraldina {prop} :: given name
geranio {m} :: geranium, pelargonium
geranio {m} :: geranium, cranesbill
gerarca {m} /d͡ʒeˈrar.ka/ :: hierarch
gerarca {m} [historical] :: party official [under Fascism and Nazism]
gerarchia {f} :: hierarchy
gerarchicamente {adv} :: hierarchically
gerarchico {adj} :: hierarchical
gerarchizzante {v} :: present participle of gerarchizzare
gerarchizzare {v} :: to arrange into a hierarchy
gerarchizzazione {f} :: hierarchization
Gerardo {prop} :: given name
gerbillo {m} [rodent] :: gerbil
gerboa {m} :: jerboa, rodent of the family Dipodidae
gerboa dai piedi rugosi {m} :: northern three-toed jerboa
Geremia {prop} :: Jeremiah [biblical figure]
Geremia {prop} :: the Book of Jeremiah
Geremia {prop} :: given name
geremiade {f} :: jeremiad
gerente {mf} :: manager / manageress
gerenza {f} :: management
gergale {adj} /d͡ʒerˈɡa.le/ :: slang
gergale {adj} :: jargon [attributive]
gergalismo {m} :: slang (term)
gergalismo {m} :: jargon
gergalità {f} :: slang character
gergalità {f} :: use of slang terms or expressions
gergalmente {adv} :: using a particular jargon or slang
gergo {m} /ˈd͡ʒɛr.ɡo/ :: slang
gergo {m} :: jargon
gergo {m} :: cant
geriatra {mf} :: geriatrician
geriatria {f} [medicine] :: geriatrics
geriatrico {adj} :: geriatric
Gerico {prop} :: Gerico (city)
Gerione {prop} :: Geryon
Gerïone {prop} :: medieval spelling of Gerione
gerla {f} :: conical wicker basket, with two straps, for carrying goods
Gerlando {prop} :: given name borne by an 11th-century Sicilian saint
gerlo {m} :: gasket
germanesimo {m} :: Germanism
Germania {prop} /dʒerˈmanja/ :: Germany. Official name: Repubblica Federale Tedesca
germanico {adj} [historical] /d͡ʒerˈmaniko/ :: Germanic, Teutonic
germanico {adj} :: German
germanico {adj} [linguistics] :: Germanic (related to the Germanic language or language group)
germanico {m} [linguistics] :: The Germanic language
germanio {m} [chemistry] /dʒerˈmanjo/ :: germanium
germanismo {m} :: Germanism
germanista {mf} :: Germanist
germanistica {f} :: German studies
germaniuro {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: germanide
germanizzante {v} :: present participle of germanizzare
germanizzare {v} /d͡ʒermaniˈd͡ːzare/ :: to Germanize
germanizzazione {f} /d͡ʒermanid͡ːzaˈt͡sjone/ :: Germanization
germano {adj} [historical] /d͡ʒerˈ :: Germanic; related to the Germanic peoples
germano {adj} [literary] :: German
germano {m} [zoology] :: mallard
germano {adj} :: born from the same parents
germano {m} [poetic] :: brother
Germano {prop} :: surname
germanofilia {f} :: Germanophilia
germanofilo {m} :: Germanophile
germanofobia {f} :: Germanophobia
germanofobo {m} :: Germanophobe
germanofono {m} :: German speaker, Germanophone
germanofono {adj} :: German-speaking, Germanophone
germano reale {m} /d͡ʒerˈ reˈa.le/ :: mallard
germe {m} [biology] /ˈd͡ʒɛ :: germ
germe {m} [literary] :: seed, sprout
germe {m} [figurative] :: seed, beginning, origin
germe {m} [figurative, archaic] :: son, offspring
germe {m} [figurative, archaic, rare] :: lineage, progeny
germe di grano {m} :: wheat germ
germicida {adj} :: germicidal
germicida {m} [pharmacology] :: germicide
germile {m} [rare] :: synonym of germinale
germinabile {adj} :: germinable
germinabilità {f} :: germinability
germinale {adj} /dʒer.miˈna.le/ :: germinal
germinale {m} [historical] :: Germinal (the seventh month of the French Republican Calendar)
germinante {v} :: present participle of germinare
germinare {vi} /d͡ʒer.miˈ :: to germinate
germinare {vt} [rare] :: to cause to germinate
germinativo {adj} [botany] :: germinative
germinatoio {m} :: germinator
germinazione {f} :: germination
germinello {m} :: seedling
germogliabile {adj} :: suitable for sprouting
germogliamento {m} :: germination
germogliante {v} :: present participle of germogliare
germogliare {vi} :: to germinate
germogliare {vi} :: to sprout
germogliazione {f} :: germination, sprouting
germoglio {m} :: bud, sprout, shoot
germoplasma {m} [biology] :: germ plasm
Geroboamo {prop} :: Jeroboam [biblical character]
gerocomio {m} :: Old people's home (Variant of gerontocomio)
geroglifico {adj} :: hieroglyphic
geroglifico {m} :: hieroglyph, hieroglyphic
Gerolamo {prop} :: given name
Gerone {prop} :: Hiero
Gerone {prop} :: given name
Geronimo {prop} :: Hieronymus
geronto- {prefix} :: Forms terms related to old age or the elderly
gerontocomio {m} :: retirement home, rest home
gerontocrata {mf} :: gerontocrat
gerontocratico {adj} :: ruled by the elderly; gerontocratic
gerontocrazia {f} :: gerontocracy
gerontofilia {f} :: gerontophilia
gerontoiatria {f} :: geriatrics
gerontologia {f} :: gerontology
gerontologico {adj} :: gerontological
gerontologo {m} :: gerontologist
Geronzio {prop} :: given name
Gerosa {prop} :: Gerosa (village)
gerosolimitano {adj} :: Jerusalem (attributive)
gerosolimitano {m} :: Jerusalemite, a person from or an inhabitant of Jerusalem (male)
gerotrofio {m} :: care home or nursing home for the elderly
gerundio {m} [grammar] :: gerund mood
gerundivo {m} :: gerundive
Gerusalemme {prop} /dʒeruzaˈlemme/ :: Gerusalemme (the claimed (and de-facto) <<capital city>> of <<c/Israel>>)
Gervasio {prop} :: given name
Gervaso {prop} :: given name
gesmino {m} [archaic] :: Variant of gelsomino
gessaia {f} :: chalk or gypsum pit or quarry
gessaio {m} :: plasterer
gessante {v} :: present participle of gessare
gessare {vt} :: to plaster [walls, etc.]
gessare {vt} :: to treat with gypsum
gessato {adj} :: pin-striped
gessatura {f} :: plastering (walls etc)
gessatura {f} :: applying gypsum or chalk (to the soil)
gessetto {m} :: Piece of chalk (for use on a blackboard etc)
Gessica {prop} :: Jessica
gesso {m} /ˈd͡ʒɛ :: chalk
gesso {m} :: a cast
Gesso {prop} :: Gesso (river)
gessoso {adj} :: chalky
gesta {f} {p} [literary, humorous] :: deeds, exploits, achievements
gestaccio {m} :: rude gesture, vulgar gesture
gestaltico {adj} [psychology] :: Gestalt (attributive)
gestaltismo {m} [psychology] :: Gestalt psychology
gestaltista {adj} :: gestalt
gestante {f} :: A pregnant woman, an expectant mother
Gestapo {prop} :: Gestapo
gestatorio {adj} :: gestatorial
gestazionale {adj} :: gestational
gestazione {f} :: pregnancy, gestation
gestazione {f} :: gestation, development
gestente {v} :: present participle of gestire
gestentesi {v} :: present participle of gestirsi
gesti {mp} [archaic, plural only] :: exploits, adventures
gestibile {adj} :: manageable, wieldy
gestibilità {f} :: manageability
gesticolamento {m} :: gesticulation
gesticolante {v} :: present participle of gesticolare
gesticolare {vi} :: To gesticulate
gesticolazione {f} :: gesticulation
gesticolio {m} :: continuous gesticulation
gestionale {adj} :: administrative
gestionale {adj} :: management (attributive)
gestione {f} :: management
gestire {vt} :: to manage, run or administer
gestire {vi} :: to gesticulate
gestirsi {vr} :: To manage oneself or one's own affairs
gestitosi {v} :: past participle of gestirsi
gesto {m} :: a gesture, an act
gesto {m} :: a gesture, a sign, a movement
gesto del cuore {m} :: hand heart
gesto dell'ombrello {m} :: bras d'honneur
gestore {m} :: manager
gestosi {f} [pathology] :: gestosis (toxic disorder during pregnancy)
gestrice {f} :: female equivalent of gestore
gestuale {adj} :: gestural
gestualità {f} :: gesturality
gestualmente {adv} :: gesturally, by means of gestures
gesturale {adj} :: gestural
Gesù {prop} [Christianity] /d͡ʒeˈzu/ :: Jesus
Gesù {interj} :: Jesus!
Gesualdo {prop} :: Gesualdo (commune)
Gesualdo {prop} :: A habitational surname derived from the place
Gesualdo {prop} :: given name derived from the surname
gesuato {adj} :: Jesuate
gesuato {m} :: Jesuate
Gesù Bambino {prop} :: Christ child, baby Jesus, Jesus child
Gesù Cristo {prop} :: Jesus Christ
gesuita {m} :: Jesuit
gesuiticamente {adv} :: Jesuitically
gesuitico {adj} :: Jesuitic, Jesuitical
gesuitismo {m} :: Jesuitism
gesuitismo {m} :: Jesuitry, hypocrisy
gesummaria {interj} /dʒeˌzum.maˈri.a/ :: good heavens!, good Lord!
Getsemani {prop} :: Gethsemane
gettante {v} :: present participle of gettare
gettantesi {v} :: present participle of gettarsi
gettar {v} :: apocopic form of gettare
gettare {v} :: to throw, fling, or shy [toss]
gettare {v} :: to shower
gettare {v} :: to launch
gettare {v} :: to sling
gettare {v} :: to shed
gettare {v} :: to cast
gettare acqua sul fuoco {v} [idiom] :: To throw cold water on something
gettare alle ortiche {v} :: to knock into a cocked hat
gettare alle ortiche {v} :: to beat into a cocked hat
gettare alle ortiche {v} :: to throw away; get rid of
gettare la maschera {v} :: to uncover
gettare l'ancora {v} [nautical] :: to drop anchor
gettare la spugna {v} :: to throw in the towel
gettare l'esca e vedere chi abbocca all'amo {v} :: run something up the flagpole (to see who salutes)
gettare perle ai porci {v} [idiomatic] :: cast pearls before swine
gettar fumo negli occhi {v} [idiom] :: to pull the wool over someone's eyes
gettarsi {v} :: reflexive of gettare
gettarsi {vr} :: to throw oneself
gettarsi {vr} :: to pounce
gettarsi {vr} [of a river] :: to flow into
gettata {f} :: cast (in bronze etc)
gettata {f} :: range (of a missile etc)
gettata {f} :: jetty
gettatosi {v} :: past participle of gettarsi
gettito {m} :: yield
gettito {m} :: revenue, income
getto {m} /ˈdʒɛtto/ :: throwing
getto {m} :: throw, cast
getto {m} :: jet [of water, etc.]
getto {m} :: shoot [of a plant]
getto {m} :: casting [metal]
getto {m} :: blast
getto d'acqua {m} :: water jet
getto del peso {m} [athletics] :: shot put
gettonante {v} :: present participle of gettonare
gettonare {vt} [familiar] :: to call, ring or phone someone [especially from a payphone]
gettonare {vt} :: to feed a jukebox (put money in)
gettonatissimo {adj} :: superlative of gettonato
gettonato {adj} :: popular [of records selected in a jukebox]
gettonato {adj} [familiar, by extension] :: much requested or appreciated
gettone {m} :: token
gettone {m} [games] :: counter
gettone {m} [gambling] :: chip
gettoniera {f} :: slot machine
gettoniera {f} :: token dispenser
gettopropulsione {f} :: jet propulsion
Gezabele {prop} :: Jezebel [biblical character]
Ghana {prop} :: Ghana (country)
ghanese {adj} :: Ghanaian
ghanese {mf} :: Ghanaian
Ghati {n} :: Ghats
ghebo {m} [Venice] /ˈɡɛ.bo/ :: A natural or artificial canal that connects the lagoon with the areas of fishing situated inland
gheddafiano {adj} :: Relating to Muammar Gaddafi
ghego {n} /ˈɡɛ.ɡo/ :: Of or pertaining to the Gheg Albanian language: Gheg [attributive]
gheiscia {f} /ˈɡɛiʃʃa/ :: geisha
Gheldria {prop} :: Gelderland (region of The Netherlands)
ghenga {f} [rare] /ˈɡɛn.ɡa/ :: A criminal group
ghenga {f} [jocular] :: A group of people
ghepardo {m} :: cheetah
gheppio {m} :: kestrel, windhover, windfucker
gheppio americano {m} :: American kestrel (Falco sparverius)
Gherardo {prop} :: given name
gherenuc {m} :: synonym of gazzella giraffa
gherenuc {m} :: synonym of antilope giraffa
gheriglio {m} /ɡeˈriʎ.ʎo/ :: kernel (of a walnut)
gherlino {m} [nautical] :: hawser
ghermente {v} :: present participle of ghermire
gherminella {f} :: sleight of hand
gherminella {f} :: trick
ghermire {vt} :: To grasp, clasp or clutch
ghermito {adj} :: grasped, clasped, clutched
gheronato {adj} [heraldry] :: gyronny
gherone {m} /ɡeˈ :: gusset
gherone {m} [nautical] :: gore (triangular piece of fabric)
gherone {m} [heraldiccharge] :: gyron
ghetta {f} :: gaiter, spat
ghettine {p} :: leggings (for babies)
ghettizzante {v} :: present participle of ghettizzare
ghettizzare {vt} :: to ghettoize
ghettizzazione {f} :: ghettoization
ghettizzazione {f} :: segregation
ghetto {m} /ˈɡetto/ :: ghetto
Ghetto {prop} [Venice] :: A small area of Venice where the Jews of the city were once forced to live
ghezzo {adj} /ˈɡet.t͡so/ :: swarthy (dark-skinned)
ghi {m} /ɡi/ :: ghee (South Asian clarified butter)
ghia {f} [nautical] :: whip, gantline
ghiaccia {f} [archaic] /ˈɡjat.t͡ʃa/ :: ice
ghiaccia {f} [rare, foods] :: icing, frosting
ghiacciaia {f} :: icebox
ghiacciaio {m} [geomorphology, orography] :: glacier
ghiacciante {v} :: present participle of ghiacciare
ghiacciante {adj} :: freezing
ghiacciare {vt} [also, figurative] :: to freeze
ghiacciare {vt} [figurative] :: to suddenly deprive [someone] of a reaction; to leave in shock; to paralyze
ghiacciare {vi} [impersonal] :: [of weather] to be freezing
ghiacciare {vi} :: to ice over
ghiacciare {vi} :: to get cold
ghiacciare {vi} :: to become numb from the cold
ghiacciarsi {vi} :: reflexive of ghiacciare
ghiacciarsi {vi} :: to ice over
ghiacciarsi {vi} :: to get cold
ghiacciarsi {vi} :: to become numb from the cold
ghiacciato {adj} /ɡjatˈt͡ʃ :: frozen, icy
ghiaccio {m} /ˈɡjat.t͡ʃo/ :: ice
ghiaccio {adj} :: icy, frozen, (very) cold, gelid
ghiacciolo {m} /ɡjatˈt͡ʃɔ.lo/ :: icicle
ghiacciolo {m} :: ice lolly [British], popsicle [US]
ghiado {m} [obsolete] /ˈɡ :: Any stabbing weapon (such as a sword, dagger, knife etc.)
ghiado {m} [obsolete] :: frost, cold
ghiaia {f} /ˈɡja.ja/ :: gravel
ghiaiata {f} :: layer of gravel (e.g. in roadmaking)
ghiaieto {m} :: gravel bed
ghiaietto {m} :: fine gravel
ghiaione {m} :: scree
ghiaioso {adj} /ɡjaˈjo.zo/ :: gravelly
ghianda {f} /ˈɡjan.da/ :: acorn
ghiandaia {f} /ɡjanˈda.ja/ :: Eurasian jay (Garrulus glandarius)
ghiandifero {adj} [heraldry] :: acorned
ghiandola {f} [anatomy, botany] :: gland
ghiandola di Meibomio {f} :: meibomian gland
ghiandola endocrina {f} [anatomy] :: endocrine gland
ghiandola esocrina {f} [anatomy] :: exocrine gland
ghiandola mammaria {f} [anatomy] :: mammary gland
ghiandola parotide {f} [anatomy] :: parotid gland
ghiandola pineale {n} :: pineal gland
ghiandolare {adj} [anatomy] :: glandular
ghiandola salivare {f} [anatomy] :: salivary gland
ghiandola sebacea {f} [anatomy] :: sebaceous gland
ghiara {f} [obsolete] /ˈɡja.ja/ :: alternative form of ghiaia
ghiara {f} :: gravel
ghiareto {m} :: alternative form of ghiaieto
ghiaroso {adj} /ɡjaˈro.zo/ :: alternative form of ghiaioso
ghiaroso {adj} :: gravelly
ghiazarino {m} /ɡja.d͡zaˈ :: alternative form of ghiazzerino
ghiazzerino {m} /ɡjad.d͡zeˈ :: A chainmail overgarment of Arabic origin
ghibellina {f} :: female equivalent of ghibellino
ghibellinismo {m} [history] :: Ghibellinism
ghibellino {m} [history] /ɡi.belˈ :: Ghibelline
ghibli {m} :: scirocco (a hot, dust-carrying desert wind in North Africa, somewhat similar to the foehn)
ghiera {f} :: ferrule
ghierato {adj} :: ferruled
ghierla {f} /ˈɡjɛ :: alternative form of averla
ghierla capirossa {f} :: synonym of averla capirossa
ghierla gazzina {f} :: synonym of averla cenerina
ghigliottina {f} :: guillotine
ghigliottinante {v} :: present participle of ghigliottinare
ghigliottinare {vt} :: To guillotine
ghignante {v} :: present participle of ghignare
ghignare {vi} :: to sneer
ghignare {vi} :: to laugh derisively
ghignata {f} :: laugh
ghigno {m} :: sneer
ghimberga {f} [architecture] :: Gothic pediment or gable; a wimperg
ghimel {m} /ˈɡi.mel/ :: gimel, specifically:
ghimel {m} :: The name of the Phoenician-script letter 𐤂
ghimel {m} :: The name of the Hebrew-script letter ג
ghinda {f} [nautical] /ˈɡin.da/ :: synonym of cavobuono
ghindante {v} :: present participle of ghindare
ghindare {vt} [nautical] :: to hoist (a flag etc)
ghindazzo {m} [nautical] /ɡinˈdat.t͡so/ :: top rope (on a hoist)
ghinea {f} :: guinea (British gold coin)
ghingheri {mp} :: Only ever used in the phrase in ghingheri
ghiomo {m} [archaic] /ˈɡjɔ.mo/ :: ball (of thread)
ghiottamente {adv} :: greedily
ghiottamente {adv} :: deliciously
ghiotto {adj} /ˈɡ :: greedy (said of people)
ghiotto {adj} :: appetising, delicious (said of food)
ghiotto {adj} :: juicy (said of news)
ghiottona {f} :: female equivalent of ghiottone
ghiottone {m} :: glutton
ghiottone {m} :: cormorant, gannet
ghiottone {m} :: wolverine (mammal)
ghiottoneria {f} :: greed, gluttony
ghiottoneria {f} :: delicacy, titbit
ghiozzo {m} [fish] :: goby (of family Gobiidae)
ghiozzo {m} [figurative] :: a lout, a boor
ghiozzo {m} [figurative] :: a peasant
ghirba {f} :: water bag
ghirba {f} :: skin, hide
ghiribizzo {m} :: whim
ghiribizzoso {adj} :: whimsical
ghirigoro {m} :: doodle, scribble
ghirigoro {m} :: flourish, whorl
ghirlanda {f} :: garland
ghirlanda {f} :: wreath
ghirlanda {f} :: chaplet
ghirlandaia {f} /ɡir.lanˈda.ja/ :: feminine noun of ghirlandaio
ghirlandaio {m} [rare] /ɡir.lanˈ :: garlander (one who makes garlands)
ghirlandaio {m} [rare] :: garland seller
ghirlandare {vt} [poetic] /ɡir.lanˈ :: synonym of inghirlandare
ghiro {m} /ˈɡ :: dormouse (especially the edible dormouse), loir
ghiro {m} :: sleepyhead
ghironda {f} [musical instruments] /ɡiˈron.da/ :: hurdy-gurdy
ghis {m} :: a main boom, a diagonal beam on which a sail is attached, gaff
ghisa {f} :: cast iron
Ghisolabella {prop} [rare] :: given name
ghitarra {f} :: alternative form of chitarra
gi {f} /d͡ʒi/ :: letter: g; gee
già {adv} /dʒa/ :: already, yet
già {adv} :: former, ex-
già {adv} [colloquial] :: yes, yeah
già {adv} :: an expletive, a word that adds to the strength of a phrase without affecting its meaning and is usually left untranslated
giaca {f} :: jackfruit
Giacarta {prop} :: Giacarta (capital city)
giacca {f} :: jacket, coat
giacché {conj} :: since, as
giacchetta {f} :: jacket, bedjacket
giacchio {m} :: A type of circular fishing net thrown over the water
giaccone {m} :: Heavy jacket; parka
giaccone {m} :: fearnaught
Giacconi {prop} :: surname
Giacconi {prop} :: Riccardo Giacconi, Italian astrophysicist
giacente {v} :: present participle of giacere
giacente {adj} :: unsold
giacente {adj} :: undelivered
giacente {adj} :: unclaimed
giacente {adj} :: idle, uninvested
giacenza {f} :: Something (such as stock) that is unsold or uninvested
giacenza {f} :: stock
giacere {vi} /dʒaˈtʃere/ :: to lie, to be lying down
giaciglio {m} :: (makeshift) bed, bunk, pallet
giaciglio {m} [figurative] :: doghouse
giacimento {m} :: deposit, field, mine, body, seam
Giacinta {prop} :: given name, feminine form of Giacinto
giacinto {m} :: hyacinth
Giacinto {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Hyacinthus
Giacinto {prop} :: given name, comparable to the rare English Hyacinth
giacitura {f} :: lying (act of telling a lie)
giacitura {f} :: lie (falsehood, terrain)
giacitura {f} [mathematics] :: inclination of a plane with respect to three axes
giacitura {f} [geology] :: disposition of a rock with respect to the surroundings
giaco {m} :: coat of mail, gambeson
Giacobbe {prop} :: Jacob [biblical character]
Giacobbe {prop} :: given name
giacobinismo {m} :: Jacobinism
giacobino {adj} :: Jacobin
giacobino {m} :: Jacobin
giacobita {mf} :: Jacobite
Giacometti {prop} :: surname
Giacomina {prop} :: given name
giacomo {n} :: only in fare giacomo giacomo
Giacomo {prop} :: given name
Giacomo {prop} :: James [biblical character]
Giacomo {prop} :: The Epistle of James
giaculatoria {f} /d͡ʒa.ku.laˈtɔ.rja/ :: A short repeated prayer
giaculatoria {f} [figurative, jocular] :: Monotonous and repetitive words
giada {f} :: jade
Giada {prop} :: given name of modern usage
giadeite {f} [mineral] :: jadeite
Giaele {prop} [Biblical character] :: Jael
Giaele {prop} :: given name
Giaffa {prop} /ˈd͡ʒaf.fa/ :: Giaffa (city)
giaggiolo {m} /dʒadˈdʒɔlo/ :: (botanic) iris
giaguaro {m} :: jaguar
giaietto {m} [mineralogy] :: jet
giainismo {m} :: Jainism
giainista {adj} :: Jainist
Giairo {prop} :: given name
gialappa {f} :: jalap (plant and purgative)
giallastro {adj} :: yellowish
giallastro {adj} :: sallow
gialliccio {adj} :: pale yellow
giallino {adj} :: light yellow
giallino {adj} :: yellowish
giallista {mf} :: crime writer
giallistica {f} :: crime fiction
giallo {adj} /ˈdʒal.lo/ :: yellow
giallo {adj} [of a story] :: involving crimes and detective work
giallo {m} :: the colour yellow
giallo {m} :: amber, yellow (traffic signals)
giallo {m} :: mystery, (police) case
giallo {m} :: detective fiction, detective novel, detective story; crime fiction; whodunit; pulp fiction
gialloblu {adj} :: yellow and light blue
giallo dahlien {m} :: dahlia yellow (colour)
giallognolo {adj} /dʒalˈloɲ.ɲo.lo/ :: yellowish
giallone {m} /d͡ʒalˈ :: An intense shade of yellow
giallone {m} :: synonym of rigogolo
giallone {m} :: A silkworm in the last phase of its larval stage
giallone {m} [Veneto] :: maize flour
giallone {m} [derogatory] :: A person with a yellowish complexion
giallone {adj} :: only used in pesca giallona
giallopallido {adj} :: pale yellow
giallore {m} :: yellowness
giallore {m} :: sallow complexion
giallorosa {adj} :: romantic (of a film etc.)
giallorosso {adj} :: yellow-red
giallorosso {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the Roma Football Club, the famous Italian football team based in Rome
giallorosso {adj} :: Of or pertaining to any other sporting team wearing a yellow-red shirt
giallorosso {m} :: A Roma Football Club player or supporter
giallorosso {m} :: A player or supporter of any sporting club wearing a yellow-red shirt
gialloverde {adj} :: yellow-green
gialloverde {adj} [journalism] :: of or relating to the alliance between the Lega Nord and the 5 Star Movement
gialloverde {m} [sports] :: Brazilian sports team
gialloverde {m} :: the alliance between the Lega and the 5 Star Movement
gialloviola {adj} :: yellow and violet
Giamaica {prop} :: Giamaica (island/and/country)
giamaicana {f} :: Jamaican (female)
giamaicano {adj} :: Jamaican
giamaicano {m} :: Jamaican
Giambattista {prop} :: given name
giambico {adj} :: iambic
giamblicheo {adj} :: Iamblichean
giambo {m} :: iamb
giambonito {adj} :: Relating to Giovanni Bono
giamburrasca {mf} :: naughty child
giammai {adv} /d͡ʒamˈmai̯/ :: never
giammai {adv} [obsolete] :: sometimes, at times
Giammusso {prop} :: surname
Giampiero {prop} :: given name
Gian {prop} /d͡ʒan/ :: Part of compound given names such as Gianmarco or Gianluca; John
Gianbattista {prop} :: alternative form of Giambattista
Giancarlo {prop} :: given name
gianduia {m} [usually uncountable] /dʒanˈdu.ja/ :: gianduja (Piedmontese chocolate preparation)
gianduiotto {m} /dʒan.duˈjɔ :: A single chocolate of gianduja in the shape of an upturned boat
gianduja {m} [usually uncountable] :: dated spelling of gianduia
Gianduja {prop} /dʒanˈdu.ja/ :: A stock character from the commedia dell'arte depicted as a jovial, wine-drinking peasant from Piedmont, somewhat similar to a Toby jug
Gianetti {prop} :: surname
Gianfranco {prop} :: given name
gianicolense {adj} /d͡ʒˈlɛ :: pertaining to the Janiculum hill area in Rome; Janiculum [attributive]
gianicolense {adj} :: The Gianicolense zone of Rome
Gianicolo {prop} /d͡ʒaˈni.ko.lo/ :: Gianicolo (hill)
gianiforme {adj} [arts] :: janiform
Gianinazzi {prop} :: surname
Gianluca {prop} /d͡ʒanˈlu.ka/ :: Gianluca; given name
Gianluigi {prop} :: given name
Gianmarco {prop} /dʒanˈmar.ko/ :: given name
Gian Marco {prop} /dʒanˈmar.ko/ :: given name
Gianmaria {prop} :: given name
Giannelli {prop} :: surname
Giannetti {prop} :: surname
Gianni {prop} /ˈdʒanni/ :: Johnny. given name, diminutive of Giovanni
Giannina {prop} /ˈdʒ :: Giannina (city)
Giannina {prop} /dʒanˈ :: given name
Giannini {prop} :: surname
giannizzaro {m} :: alternative form of giannizzero
giannizzerato {m} :: janissaryship
giannizzero {m} :: janissary
giannizzero {m} :: henchman
Giannone {prop} :: surname
Giannotti {prop} :: surname
Giannutri {prop} :: Giannutri (island), situated near the coast of Tuscany
Giannuzzi {prop} :: surname
Giano {prop} :: Janus
Gianpaolo {prop} :: given name
Giansenio {prop} :: Jansen (especially Cornelius Jansen)
giansenismo {m} :: Jansenism
giansenista {adj} :: Jansenist
giansenista {mf} :: Jansenist
giansenistico {adj} :: Jansenistic
Gianvecchio {prop} :: surname
Giapeto {prop} [Greek god] :: Iapetus
Giapeto {prop} [astronomy] :: A moon of Saturn
Giappone {prop} /dʒapˈ :: Japan
giapponese {adj} /dʒap.poˈne.ze/ :: Japanese
giapponese {mf} :: A person from Japan
giapponese {m} :: Japanese (language)
giapponeseria {f} [arts] /dʒˈri.a/ :: a Japanese artefact, a japonaiserie
giapponesità {f} [usually uncountable] /dʒˈta/ :: Japaneseness (quality of being Japanese)
giapponio {m} [rare] /d͡ʒapˈpɔ.njo/ :: japonium
giapponismo {m} [art] :: Japonism
giara {f} :: jar
giara {f} :: crock
giarda {f} [veterinary medicine] /ˈd͡ʒar.da/ :: spavin
giarda {f} [archaic] :: prank, joke
giarda {f} [archaic] :: deception, lie
giardinaggio {m} :: gardening
giardinetta {f} :: estate car [British], station wagon [US]
giardinetto {m} :: small garden
giardinetto {m} :: park (in a town)
giardinetto {m} :: quarterdeck
Giardini del Casoncello {n} :: An enchanted place and a beautifull garden on the Appennino Bolognese Scansoli Loiano Emilia-Romagna
giardiniera {f} :: Diced, mixed vegetables cooked and then pickled
giardiniera {f} :: gardener (female)
giardiniere {m} :: gardener
giardino {m} /d͡ʒarˈd̪iː.no/ :: garden
giardino botanico {m} :: botanical garden
Giardino di Boboli {prop} :: synonym of Boboli
giardone {m} [veterinary medicine] /d͡ʒarˈ :: synonym of giarda
giargone {m} :: a kind of colourless zircon, perfectly transparent
giarrettella {f} :: garter, suspender
giarrettiera {f} :: garter
giarrettiera {f} :: garter belt, suspender belt
Giasone {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Jason
Giasone {prop} :: given name
giaspide {mf} /ˈd͡ʒ :: alternative form of iaspide
giaurra {f} :: female equivalent of giaurro
giaurro {m} [derogatory] /d͡ʒaˈ :: giaour
giava {f} :: java (dance)
Giava {prop} :: Giava (island)
giavanese {adj} :: Javanese
giavanese {mf} :: Javanese (person; language (masculine singular only)
Giavarino {prop} :: obsolete form of Győr
giavazzo {m} [mineralogy] :: jet
giavazzo {adj} :: jet-black
giavellottista {mf} :: javelin thrower
giavellotto {m} [weapons] /d͡ʒa.velˈlɔ :: javelin
giavellotto {m} :: javelin (spear used in athletic events)
giazzerino {m} /d͡ʒad͡z.d͡zeˈ :: alternative form of ghiazzerino
giazzista {mf} :: alternative spelling of jazzista
giazzistico {adj} :: alternative spelling of jazzistico
gibassiera {f} /d͡ʒi.basˈsjɛ.ra/ :: A bag where hand grenades are stored
gibbone {m} :: gibbon
gibbosa {f} :: gibbous moon
gibbosa calante {f} [astronomy] :: waning gibbous moon
gibbosa crescente {f} [astronomy] :: waning gibbous moon
gibbosità {f} :: bump, protrusion
gibbosità {f} :: bumpy ground
gibboso {adj} [literary] /d͡ʒibˈbo.zo/ :: gibbous
gibboso {adj} [literary] :: bumpy (ground)
gibboso {adj} [literary] :: crooked (nose)
giberna {f} :: cartridge box
gibetto {m} /d͡ʒiˈ :: gallows, gibbet
gibigiana {f} :: flash of reflected light
gibigianna {f} :: alternative form of gibigiana
Gibilisco {prop} :: surname
Gibilterra {prop} :: Gibraltar
gibilterrina {f} :: Gibraltarian
gibilterrino {adj} :: Gibraltarian
gibilterrino {m} :: Gibraltarian
gibollante {v} :: present participle of gibollare
gibollare {vt} :: to dent
gibollare {vt} :: to batter
gibollo {m} :: dent
Gibuti {prop} :: Djibouti
gibutiana {f} :: female equivalent of gibutiano
gibutiano {adj} :: Djiboutian
gibutiano {m} :: Djiboutian
gichero {n} :: Variant of gigaro
gieffina {f} :: female equivalent of gieffino
gieffino {m} :: A man who has appeared on the Italian reality show Grande Fratello
gielo {m} :: obsolete spelling of gelo
Gienah {prop} :: Epsilon Cygni, a star in the constellation of Cygnus
giga- {prefix} :: giga-
giga {f} :: gigue
giga {f} :: jig
gigabit {m} :: gigabit
gigabyte {m} [computing] :: gigabyte
gigaflop {m} :: gigaflop
gigahertz {m} :: gigahertz
gigajoule {m} :: gigajoule
gigametro {m} :: gigametre / gigameter
gigante {adj} :: huge, giant (attribute), gigantic, colossal
gigante {m} :: giant
giganteggiante {v} :: present participle of giganteggiare
giganteggiare {vi} :: to tower (over)
giganteggiare {vi} :: to excel
gigantescamente {adv} :: gigantically, hugely, colossally
gigantesco {adj} :: gigantic, giant [attributive], huge, colossal
gigantessa {f} :: giantess
gigantismo {m} [medicine] :: gigantism
gigantista {mf} :: A skier who participates in giant slalom
gigantografia {f} :: blow-up, giant poster
gigantomachia {f} :: gigantomachy
gigaro {m} :: cuckoopint (Arum maculatum)
gigaro {m} :: arum
gigaro chiaro {n} :: arum (Arum italicum)
gigaro chiaro {n} :: Variant of gichero
gigaro scuro {n} :: arum (Arum maculatum)
gigawatt {m} :: gigawatt
gigawattora {m} :: gigawatt hour
Giggi {prop} :: given name
Gigi {prop} /ˈdʒidʒi/ :: given name
gigiona {f} :: female equivalent of gigione
gigionata {f} :: hamming, overacting
gigione {m} :: ham (actor with a showy or exaggerated style)
gigione {m} :: presumptuous person, conceited person
gigioneggiante {v} :: present participle of gigioneggiare
gigioneggiare {vi} :: to ham, to overact
gigionesco {adj} :: ham (acting, attributive)
gigionismo {m} :: hamming, overacting
Gigli {prop} :: surname
Gigli {prop} :: Beniamino Gigli, Italian tenor
gigliaceo {adj} [botany] :: liliaceous
gigliato {adj} :: lilied (marked with a lily)
giglio {m} /ˈdʒiʎʎo/ :: lily
giglio {m} [heraldiccharge] :: fleur-de-lis
Giglio {prop} :: An island (in the province of Grosseto) off the coast of Tuscany
gigolò {m} :: gigolo
gihad {f} :: jihad
Gilardoni {prop} :: surname
gilbertino {m} :: Gilbertese (language)
Gilberto {prop} /d͡ʒilˈbɛ :: given name
gilda {f} :: guild
gilè {m} :: waistcoat
gilè {m} :: jumper, pullover
giliegia {f} [regional] :: alternative form of ciliegia
Gillo {prop} :: given name
gillotaggio {m} /d͡ʒil.loˈtad.d͡ʒo/ :: zincography
gimcana {f} :: alternative form of gincana
gimkana {f} :: alternative form of gincana
gimnofobia {f} :: gymnophobia (fear of nudity)
gimnosperma {f} [botany] :: gymnosperm
gimnoto {m} :: electric eel (Electrophorus electricus)
ginandromorfismo {m} [biology] :: gynandromorphism
ginandromorfo {adj} [biology] :: gynandromorphous, gynandromorphic
ginandromorfo {m} [biology] :: gynandromorph
ginarchia {f} :: gynarchy
gincana {f} :: gymkhana
gine- {prefix} :: gyno-, gyn-
gineceo {m} [historical, Ancient Greece] /d͡ʒi.neˈt͡ʃɛ.o/ :: gynaeceum (women's quarters in a household)
gineceo {m} [botany] :: gynoecium
gineco- {prefix} :: gyneco-
ginecofobia {f} :: gynaecophobia
ginecologa {f} :: female equivalent of ginecologo
ginecologia {f} [medicine] :: gynecology, gynaecology
ginecologicamente {adv} :: gynecologically
ginecologico {adj} :: gynecological, gynæcological
ginecologo {m} :: gynecologist, gynaecologist
ginecomania {f} :: gynaecomania [UK], gynecomania [US]
ginecomastia {f} [pathology] :: gynaecomastia
ginepraio {m} [somewhat rare] :: thicket (especially of juniper); briar-patch
ginepraio {m} [figuratively, by extension] :: a difficult or intricate situation
ginepreto {m} :: juniper thicket
ginepro {m} /dʒiˈneːpro/ :: juniper (Juniperus)
ginepro {m} :: juniper (Juniperus communis)
ginepro articolato {m} :: sandarac (Tetraclinis articulata)
Ginese {prop} :: surname
Ginesio {prop} :: surname
Ginesio {prop} :: The name of several minor saints
ginestra {f} :: broom (plant)
ginestrella {f} :: dyer's broom, dyer's greenweed (Genista tinctoria)
ginestreto {m} :: ticket (of broom)
ginestrino {m} :: cinquefoil (genus Potentilla)
ginestrone {m} :: furze, gorse
Ginevra {prop} /dʒiˈneːvra/ :: Ginevra (city)
Ginevra {prop} :: Ginevra (canton)
Ginevra {prop} :: given name; Guinevere of Arthurian legend
ginevrino {adj} :: Genevan
ginevrino {m} :: Genevan
gingillante {v} :: present participle of gingillare
gingillantesi {v} :: present participle of gingillarsi
gingillare {v} :: to procrastinate, dawdle
gingillarsi {v} :: to dillydally, to waste time
gingillatosi {v} :: past participle of gingillarsi
gingillino {m} :: trinket
gingillino {m} :: dawdler
gingillo {m} :: knick-knack, trinket, bauble
gingillo {m} :: plaything
ginnante {v} :: present participle of ginnare
ginnare {vt} :: to gin (remove seeds etc)
ginnasiale {mf} :: grammar school (or high school) student
ginnasiarca {m} :: gymnasiarch
ginnasio {m} :: gymnasium (in classical Greece)
ginnasio {m} :: The first and second years in a secondary school
ginnasta {mf} [gymnastics] :: gymnast
ginnastica {f} /d͡ʒinˈnas.ti.ka/ :: exercise, exercises, workout
ginnastica {f} :: physical education, physical training
ginnastica {f} [gymnastics] :: gymnastics
ginnastica a corpo libero {f} :: freestyle gymnastics
ginnastica artistica {f} [gymnastics] :: artistic gymnastics
ginnastica ritmica {f} [gymnastics] :: rhythmic gymnastics
ginnastico {adj} :: gymnastic
ginnastico {adj} :: gym (attributive)
ginnatrice {f} :: gin (machine), especially a cotton gin
ginnatura {f} :: ginning (removing seeds etc)
ginnico {adj} :: gymnastic
Gino {prop} /ˈd͡ʒ :: given name
ginocchiata {f} :: A blow made with the knee; a kneeing
ginocchiata {f} :: A blow on the knee
ginocchiello {m} :: knee pad (or similar piece of armour)
ginocchiello {m} :: leg (or knuckle) of pork
ginocchiera {f} :: kneepad
ginocchiera {f} :: elasticated bandage for the knees
ginocchio {m} [anatomy] /dʒiˈnɔkkjo/ :: knee
ginocchioni {adv} :: kneeling; on one's knees
ginoforo {m} [botany] :: gynophore
ginogenesi {n} :: gynogenesis
ginoide {adj} :: gynoid
ginoide {m} :: gynoid, gynaecoid
Ginosa {prop} :: Ginosa (town)
ginosino {adj} :: Of, or from, Ginosa
ginosino {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Ginosa
ginostemio {m} :: gynostemium
ginsenoside {m} :: ginsenoside
Gioacchino {prop} :: Joachim ( father of the Virgin Mary)
Gioacchino {prop} :: given name
Gioachino {prop} :: given name
Giobbe {prop} [biblical] :: Job, Book of Job
Giobbe {prop} :: given name
Gioberti {prop} :: surname
Gioberti {prop} :: Vincenzo Gioberti, Italian patriot and phylosopher
giobertiano {adj} :: Relating to, or characteristic of Vincenzo Gioberti
giocabile {adj} :: playable
giocabilità {f} :: playability, gameplay
giocante {v} :: present participle of giocare
giocantesi {v} :: present participle of giocarsi
giocar {v} :: apocopic form of giocare
giocare {v} /d͡ʒoˈkä.re/ :: to play, specifically:
giocare {vi} :: to play a game, for fun or as a pastime
giocare {vi} :: to do something for fun
giocare {vi} :: to partake in a sport or game
giocare {vi} :: to act as required from a game
giocare {vi} :: to participate in a sporting match
giocare {vt} :: to put into action (in a game)
giocare {vi} [hunting, of birds] :: to respond to bait
giocare {vi} :: to have a gambling addiction
giocare {vt} :: to put as stake (in a game)
giocare {v} [by extension] :: to bet, wager
giocare {vt} :: to spend or waste (time) playing
giocare {vt} [figurative] :: to deceive or manipulate
giocare {v} [with di] :: to use (something) skillfully
giocare {v} [mechanics, of a mechanism] :: to have backlash
giocare {v} :: to be important, to matter
giocare {v} :: to make the most of, to take advantage of
giocare con il fuoco {v} :: To play with fire (do something risky)
giocare in borsa {v} :: To play the market
giocarsi {vt} :: reflexive of giocare
giocarsi {vtt} [also, figurative] :: to risk to lose something; to gamble
Giocasta {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Jocasta
giocata {f} :: game
giocata {f} :: bet, wager
giocatore {m} :: player (one who amuses himself, plays games or a musical instrument)
giocatosi {v} :: past participle of giocarsi
giocatrice {f} :: female equivalent of giocatore
giocattolaia {f} :: female equivalent of giocattolaio
giocattolaio {m} :: A person who makes or sells toys; toy seller
giocattoleria {f} [neologism] :: toy store
giocattoleria {f} [neologism] :: the toy industry
giocattolino {m} :: small toy
giocattolo {m} :: toy
giocattolo {m} :: person who can be easily manipulated; puppet
giocattolo {adj} :: toy (attributive)
giocherellante {v} :: present participle of giocherellare
giocherellare {vi} :: To play, fumble or fiddle (with)
giocherellone {m} :: joker
giocherellone {adj} :: playful; skittish
giocheria {f} :: toy shop
giochetto {m} :: game
giochetto {m} :: child's play
giochetto {m} :: trick
giochi d'acqua {m} :: A fountain with moving jets of water (that splash people)
giochino {m} :: diminutive of gioco
giochino {m} :: pastime, romp
giochi olimpici {p} [sports] :: Olympic Games, Olympics
gioco {m} /ˈd͡ʒɔ.ko/ :: game
gioco {m} [mechanics] :: backlash
gioco a somma zero {m} [game theory] :: zero-sum game
gioco da ragazzi {m} :: trifle, doddle, piece of cake, child's play
gioco da tavolo {m} :: board game
gioco d'azzardo {m} :: gambling (the act of playing games of chance)
gioco d'azzardo {m} :: game of chance
gioco del cocuzzaro {m} [southern Italy] :: A childish game in which players must deposit valuable items if they lose that can only be returned upon repentance by the loser
gioco del cucuzzaro {m} :: alternative form of gioco del cocuzzaro
gioco di carte {m} [card games] :: card game
gioco di parole {m} :: pun; play on words
gioco di prestigio {m} :: conjuring trick
gioco di prestigio {m} [in the plural] :: conjuring
giocoforza {adv} :: inevitably
giocolante {v} :: present participle of giocolare
giocolare {vi} :: to juggle
giocolatore {m} :: juggler
giocolatrice {f} :: female equivalent of giocolatore
giocoleria {f} :: juggling
giocoliera {f} :: female equivalent of giocoliere
giocoliere {m} :: juggler
Gioconda {prop} /dʒoˈkon.da/ :: the Mona Lisa (painting by Leonardo da Vinci)
Gioconda {prop} :: given name
giocondamente {adv} :: cheerfully, merrily, joyfully
giocondità {f} :: cheerfulness
giocondo {adj} :: cheerful, smiling
giocosamente {adv} :: playfully
giocosità {f} :: jocosity, jocularity, playfulness
giocoso {adj} /d͡ʒoˈko.zo/ :: playful, jocular
Gioele {prop} :: given name
Gioele {prop} :: Joel [biblical character]
Gioele {prop} :: the Book of Joel
gioello {m} :: jewel
gioello {m} :: treasure
gioente {v} :: present participle of gioire
giogaia {f} /d͡ʒoˈɡa.ja/ :: mountain chain
giogaia {f} :: dewlap (pendulous skin under a bovine's neck)
giogatico {m} :: A medieval tax on cattle
giogo {m} [also figuratively] /ˈdʒoɡo/ :: yoke
giogo {m} :: summit, ridge (of a mountain)
gioia {f} /ˈdʒɔ.ja/ :: joy, delight
Gioia {prop} :: given name
gioielleria {f} /dʒojelleˈria/ :: The art or craft of making jewellery
gioielleria {f} :: A jeweller's shop
gioielleria {f} :: jewellery
gioielliera {f} :: female equivalent of gioielliere
gioielliere {m} /d͡ʒo.jelˈljɛ.re/ :: jeweller
gioiellino {m} :: A little jewel
gioiello {m} /dʒoˈjello/ :: jewel (literal or figurative)
gioiosamente {adv} :: joyfully, happily
gioiosità {f} :: joyfulness, happiness
gioioso {adj} /dʒoˈjo.zo/ :: joyful, happy
gioioso {adj} :: mirthful
gioire {vt} :: To rejoice (in) or (at), or be delighted (by)
Giolitti {prop} /dʒoˈlit.ti/ :: surname
Giolitti {prop} :: Giovanni Giolitti (1842–1928), Italian politician and prime minister of the Kingdom of Italy
giolittiano {adj} /dʒo.litˈ :: Giolittian (of or relating to Giovanni Giolitti, Italian politician)
Giona {prop} [Biblical character] :: Jonah, the prophet Jonah
Giona {prop} [biblical] :: Jonah, Book of Jonah
Giona {prop} :: given name
Gionata {prop} :: Jonathan [biblical character]
Gionata {prop} :: given name
-gione {suffix} /ˈd͡ʒ :: alternative form of -zione
gionglante {v} :: present participle of gionglare
gionglare {v} :: To juggle
giordana {f} :: female equivalent of giordano
Giordania {prop} :: Jordan
giordano {adj} :: Jordanian
giordano {m} :: Jordanian
Giordano {prop} :: Jordan (river)
giordanone {m} [biology] :: synonym of biotipo
Giorgetti {prop} :: surname
Giorgia {prop} /ˈd͡ʒɔr.d͡ʒa/ :: feminine noun of Giorgio, given name
Giorgio {prop} /ˈd͡ʒɔr.d͡ʒo/ :: given name, George
Giorgione {prop} :: The pseudonym of Italian painter "Giorgio Gasparini"
giornalaccio {m} :: rag (poor quality newspaper)
giornalaia {f} :: female equivalent of giornalaio
giornalaio {m} :: newsagent
giornale {m} /d͡ʒorˈnale/ :: newspaper [publication]
giornale {m} :: newspaper office
giornale {m} :: journal, review
giornale di bordo {m} :: logbook
giornalese {m} :: journalese
giornaletto {m} :: comic (children's newspaper)
giornaliero {adj} :: daily, everyday [attribute]
giornalino {m} :: comic (children's newspaper)
giornalismo {m} :: journalism
giornalista {mf} :: journalist
giornalistese {m} :: journalese
giornalisticamente {adv} :: journalistically
giornalistico {adj} :: journalistic, news (attributive), newspaper (attributive)
giornalmastro {m} :: master ledger
giornalmente {adv} :: daily
giornante {mf} :: daily help
giornante {mf} :: day labourer
giornata {f} :: day
giornataccia {f} :: A day of bad weather or when things go wrong
giornataccia {f} :: A bad hair day
giorni alcionii {m} :: halcyon days
Giornico {prop} :: Giornico (small town)
giorno {m} /ˈd͡ʒorno/ :: day
giorno e notte {adv} :: day and night; unceasingly
giorno solare {m} :: solar day
Giosafat {prop} :: Jehoshaphat
Gioseffo {prop} :: given name
Gioseppo {prop} :: medieval spelling of Giuseppe
Giosia {prop} :: Josiah [biblical character]
Giosia {prop} :: given name
giostra {f} [historical] /ˈd͡ʒɔs.tra/ :: joust, jousting (knightly contest)
giostra {f} :: Meanings by analogy:
giostra {f} [archaic] :: skirmish
giostra {f} :: fight
giostra {f} [rare] :: The act of going around
giostra {f} [figurative, archaic] :: deceit, deception
giostra {f} :: A competition where contestants try to hit a target while speedily passing underneath it
giostra {f} :: merry-go-round [British], carousel [US]; ride (at a theme park etc)
giostra {f} [in the plural] :: The rides in an amusement park
giostra {f} [figurative] :: A chaotic succession
giostra {f} [figurative, Rome] :: mess (confusion of things)
giostraia {f} :: female equivalent of giostraio
giostraio {m} :: merry-go-round owner
giostraio {m} :: merry-go-round operator
giostrante {v} :: present participle of giostrare
giostrantesi {v} :: present participle of giostrarsi
giostrare {vi} :: to joust or tilt
giostrare {v} [figuratively, by extension, rare or literary] :: to duel or fight
giostrare {vi} :: to act skillfully and dexterously in a difficult situation; to maneuver
giostrare {vi} [rare] :: to idle (spend time in idleness)
giostrare {vt} :: to manage shrewdly or slickly to one's advantage
giostrare {vt} [archaic] :: to deceive
giostrarsela {v} :: to turn every situation to one's advantage
giostrarsela {v} :: to get away with
giostrarsi {vr} :: To manage
giostratore {m} :: jouster
giostratosi {v} :: past participle of giostrarsi
Giosuè {prop} :: given name
Giosuè {prop} :: Joshua [biblical character]
Giosuè {prop} :: the Book of Joshua
giottesco {adj} :: Giottesque (in the manner of Giotto)
Giotto {prop} :: given name
Giotto {prop} :: "Giotto di Bondone", Italian painter
giovamento {m} :: benefit, help
giovanaglia {f} /d͡ʒo.vaˈna.ʎa/ :: A multitude of young people
giovane {adj} /ˈd͡ʒ :: young
giovane {adj} :: youthful
giovane {mf} :: a youth
giovane {mf} :: a young man or woman
giovaneggiante {v} :: present participle of giovaneggiare
giovaneggiare {v} /d͡ʒˈd͡ʒ :: To act youthfully
giovanesco {adj} /d͡ʒo.vaˈnes.ko/ :: youthful
giovanetta {f} :: Young woman
giovanetta {f} :: girl
giovanetto {m} :: Young man
giovanetto {m} :: boy, youth
giovanezza {f} /d͡ʒo.vaˈnet.t͡sa/ :: alternative form of giovinezza
giovanile {adj} /d͡ʒo.vaˈni.le/ :: youth [attributive]
giovanile {adj} :: youthful
giovanile {adj} :: early
giovanilismo {m} :: wanting to appear youthful
giovanilista {adj} :: trying to appear young
giovanilista {mf} :: Such a person
giovanilistico {adj} :: attempting to appear young
giovanissimo {adj} :: superlative of giovane
Giovanna {prop} :: given name
Giovanna {prop} :: Joanna [biblical character]
giovanneo {adj} :: St John (attributive)
giovanneo {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Papa Giovanni XXIII
Giovanni {prop} /d͡ʒoˈ :: given name
Giovanni {prop} :: John [biblical character]
Giovanni {prop} :: the Gospel of John
Giovanni Battista {prop} :: John the Baptist
giovanotta {f} /d͡ʒo.vaˈnɔt.ta/ :: augmentative of giovane: young woman
giovanotto {m} [familiar, humorous] /d͡ʒo.vaˈnɔ :: diminutive of giovane: young man
giovante {v} :: present participle of giovare
giovantesi {v} :: present participle of giovarsi
giovare {vi} :: to be useful (to)
giovare {vi} :: to be good (for)
giovarsi {v} :: reflexive of giovare
giovarsi {v} :: to make use (of)
giovatosi {v} :: past participle of giovarsi
Giove {prop} [Roman god] /ˈdʒɔ.ve/ :: Jupiter, Jove
Giove {prop} [astronomy] :: Jupiter
giovedì {m} /dʒoveˈdi/ :: Thursday
giovedì grasso {m} :: Fat Thursday
giovedì santo {m} :: Holy Thursday, Maundy Thursday
Giovenale {prop} :: Juvenal
giovenca {f} /d͡ʒoˈvɛn.ka/ :: heifer
giovenco {m} /d͡ʒoˈvɛn.ko/ :: bullock
giovenile {adj} [literary] /d͡ʒo.veˈni.le/ :: obsolete form of giovanile
gioventù {f} /d͡ʒo.venˈtu/ :: youth
gioventù {f} :: young people, the youth
gioventude {f} /d͡ʒo.venˈ :: obsolete form of gioventù
gioventudine {f} :: alternative form of gioventù
gioventute {f} /d͡ʒo.venˈtu.te/ :: obsolete form of gioventù
giovevole {adj} :: advantageous, profitable, beneficial
giovevole {adj} :: good for the health
giovevolmente {adv} :: advantageously, profitably, beneficially
giovevolmente {adv} :: healthily
gioviale {adj} :: jolly, jovial
giovialità {f} :: jollity, joviality
giovialmente {adv} :: jovially, genially, heartily
giovialona {f} :: female equivalent of giovialone
giovialone {m} :: jolly or jovial person
gioviano {adj} :: Jupiter (attributive)
giovin {adj} :: apocopic form of giovine
giovinaccia {f} /d͡ʒo.viˈnat.t͡ʃa/ :: pejorative of giovine: a youngster [female]
giovinaccio {m} /d͡ʒo.viˈnat.t͡ʃo/ :: pejorative of giovine: a youngster [male]
giovinastra {f} :: female equivalent of giovinastro
giovinastro {m} :: young thug
Giovinazzi {prop} /d͡ʒo.viˈnat.t͡si/ :: Giovinazzi; surname
giovincella {f} [mainly jocular] /d͡ʒo.vinˈt͡ʃɛ :: diminutive of giovine: a young lass
giovincello {m} [mainly jocular] /d͡ʒo.vinˈt͡ʃɛl.lo/ :: diminutive of giovine: a young lad
giovine {adj} [archaic] /ˈd͡ʒ :: alternative form of giovane
giovine {mf} [archaic] :: alternative form of giovane
Giovine {prop} :: surname
giovinetta {f} :: Young girl
giovinetto {m} :: Young boy
giovinezza {f} /d͡ʒo.viˈnet.t͡sa/ :: youth
giovinotta {f} /d͡ʒo.viˈnɔt.ta/ :: alternative form of giovanotta: young woman
giovinotto {m} /d͡ʒo.viˈnɔ :: alternative form of giovanotto: a young man
gipeto {m} :: lammergeier (or lammergeyer)
gippone {m} :: large jeep (or similar)
gipsicolo {adj} :: That thrives in a chalky soil
gipsoteca {f} :: plaster cast gallery
girabacchino {m} :: brace (tool), brace and bit
girabile {adj} :: endorsable
giracapo {m} :: dizziness, giddiness
giracapo {m} :: annoyance, vexation
Giradello {prop} :: surname
giradischi {m} :: turntable, record player, phonograph
giradito {m} :: whitlow, paronychia
giraffa {f} :: giraffe
giraffa {f} :: boom (pole supporting a microphone)
giraffista {mf} :: boom operator (film, TV)
giragiare {m} :: Any of various types of grinding mill, but especially a ball mill
giramaschio {m} :: tap wrench
giramento {m} :: turning (movement or sensation)
giramento {m} :: dizziness
giramondo {mf} :: globetrotter
giranastri {m} :: cassette player
girandola {f} :: Catherine wheel
girandola {f} :: windmill pinwheel (child's toy)
girandola {f} :: weathercock, weathervane
girandolante {v} :: present participle of girandolare
girandolare {vi} :: to wander, stroll (about)
girandolare {vi} :: to saunter, ramble
girandolona {f} :: female equivalent of girandolone
girandolone {m} :: rambler, wanderer
girante {v} :: present participle of girare
girante {mf} :: endorser
girantesi {v} :: present participle of girarsi
girarci intorno {v} [idiomatic] :: to beat around the bush
girare {vit} :: to turn, stir, turn over
girare {vt} [figurative, by extension] :: to spin (present a bias)
girare {vt} :: to tour, travel
girare {v} :: to go round or alongside [a place, etc.]
girare {v} :: to go far and wide
girare {v} :: to tour (make a circuit of a place)
girare {vt} :: to pass (to)
girare {vt} :: to endorse, transfer [of a cheque, etc.]
girare {vt} [cinema] :: to shoot, film
girare {vit} :: to encircle
girare {vt} [rare] :: to bypass
girare {vi} :: (typically with per) to roam; to wander; to mill about
girare {vi} :: (takes both essere or avere as auxiliary) to circulate
girare {vi} :: [of a text] to continue
girare {vi} :: to work; to function
girare {vi} [familiar] :: to feel like
girare {vi} [familiar] :: to proceed in a certain way, especially positive; to go
girare {vi} [Tuscany] :: [of wine] to go bad
girare alla cieca {v} :: to twist in the wind
girare a vuoto {v} [idiomatic] :: to idle (spend time in idleness)
girare nella testa {v} :: to run through sb's head/mind
girarrosto {m} :: spit or rotisserie (for cooking)
girarsi {v} :: reflexive of girare
girarsi {v} :: to turn, turn round, turn over
girarsi {v} :: to spin (present a bias)
girarsi {v} :: (with verso) to turn or rotate oneself (towards)
girasi {f} [enzyme] :: gyrase
girasole {m} /d͡ʒi.ra-ˈso.le/ :: sunflower
girasole del Canada {m} :: synonym of topinambur
girata {f} :: turn (change of direction or orientation)
girata {f} :: walk (trip made by walking)
girata {f} [banking] :: endorsement [on a cheque, etc.]
girata {f} [card games] :: number of cards dealt to any individual player
girata {f} [regional] :: telling-off
giratario {m} :: endorsee
girato {adj} :: turned
girato {adj} [cooking] :: cooked on a turnspit
girato {adj} :: endorsed [of a cheque, etc.]
girato {m} :: disease to wine grapes that results in the production of carbon dioxide
girato {m} :: take (film recorded at one time)
giratore {m} :: gyrator (electrical device)
giratosi {v} :: past participle of girarsi
giratubi {m} :: A tool used to screw or unscrew threaded pipes
giravite {m} :: screwdriver (tool)
giravolta {f} :: spin, turn, twirl
giravolta {f} :: U-turn
giravolta {f} :: sharp bend in a road
giravolta {f} :: about turn
giravolta {f} :: turncoat
giravoltare {vi} /d͡ʒi.ra.volˈ :: to do a spin or twirl
giravoltare {vi} [rare] :: to wander
gire {v} [obsolete, regional] /ˈd͡ʒire/ :: to go
girellante {v} :: present participle of girellare
girellare {vi} :: To wander or stroll about
girello {m} /d͡ʒiˈrɛl.lo/ :: walker (for babies)
girello {m} :: silverside or topside (of beef or pork)
girellona {f} :: wanderer, stroller (female)
girellone {m} :: wanderer, stroller
giretto {m} :: stroll (short walk)
giretto {m} :: spin (short drive in a car)
girevole {adj} :: revolving
girevole {adj} :: swivel (chair etc)
girifalco {m} /d͡ʒi.riˈfal.ko/ :: gyrfalcon, gerfalcon (Falco rusticolus)
girigogolo {m} :: flourish
girigogolo {m} :: doodle
girigogolo {m} :: scrawl
girigogolo {m} :: scribble
girino {m} :: tadpole
girio {m} :: hustle and bustle
girio {m} :: coming and going
girlo {m} /ˈd͡ʒir.lo/ :: A dice with a tapering point that can be made to spin on its axis with the fingers
girlo {m} [Tuscany] :: synonym of mochi
giro- {prefix} :: gyro-
giro {m} /ˈdʒ :: turn, twist, rotation, revolution
giro {m} :: detour
giro {m} :: lap (of a race)
giro {m} :: tour, trip, stroll
giro {m} [in the plural] :: rounds (of a postman etc)
giro {m} :: period, space, course, time, run
giro {m} :: ring (illicit)
giro {m} :: turn, round
giro {m} :: circulation (of money)
giro {m} :: row (of knitting)
Giro {prop} [cycling, by ellipsis] :: The Giro d'Italia
girobussola {f} :: gyrocompass
girocollo {m} :: necklace, choker
girocollo {m} :: crew neck
giroconto {m} :: credit transfer
giroconto {m} [banking] :: A transfer of funds between banks
girocottero {m} :: autogiro
Giro di Francia {prop} [cycling] /ˌdʒ di ˈfran.tʃa/ :: Tour de France (annual cycling race through France)
giro di parole {m} :: circumlocution
giro di pista {m} [automotive, motor racing, sports] :: lap
Giro di Spagna {prop} [cycling] /ˌdʒ di ˈspaɲ.ɲa/ :: Vuelta a España (annual cycling race in Spain)
Giro d'Italia {prop} [cycling] /ˌdʒ d‿iˈta.lja/ :: Giro d'Italia (annual cycling race in Italy)
giro di vite {m} :: turn of the screw
giro di vite {m} [figuratively] :: clampdown, crackdown
girofaro {m} :: Rotating beacon (normally orange) on an emergency vehicle
girofondo {m} :: interbank money transfer
Girolamo {prop} :: given name
giroletto {m} :: bed frame
giromagnetico {adj} [physics] :: gyromagnetic
giromanica {f} :: armhole
gironcino {m} [sports] :: round robin
gironda {f} /d͡ʒiˈron.da/ :: alternative form of ghironda
Gironda {n} :: Gironda (estuary)
Gironda {n} :: Gironda (department)
girondino {m} :: Girondist
girondolante {v} :: present participle of girondolare
girondolare {vi} :: to wander about
girondolare {vi} :: to saunter or ramble
girone {m} :: large circular area
girone {m} :: steep curve [of a river, street, etc.]
girone {m} [archaic] :: a thick circle of defensive walls; a rampart
girone {m} [sports] :: round, leg
girone {m} [literature] :: any one of the three concentric zones in which Dante divides the seventh circle of Hell Divine Comedy
girone {m} [colloquial, literature] :: any one of the crags in Dante's Purgatory
girone {m} [colloquial, literature] :: any one of the heavens in Dante's Paradise
girone {m} :: oar handle
girone d'andata {m} :: alternative form of girone di andata
girone di andata {m} :: first leg (of a race, etc.)
girone di ritorno {m} :: second leg (of a race)
gironzolante {v} :: present participle of gironzolare
gironzolare {vi} :: to wander about
gironzolare {vi} :: to loiter
giropilota {m} :: autopilot
giroplano {m} :: gyroplane, gyrodyne
giroscopico {adj} :: gyroscopic
giroscopico {adj} :: gyro (attributive)
giroscopio {m} :: gyroscope
girostabilizzato {adj} :: gyrostabilized
girostabilizzatore {m} :: gyrostabilizer
girostato {m} :: gyrostat
girotondino {m} :: A participant in a girotondo
girotondo {m} :: ring a ring o' roses (game)
girotondo {m} :: A former Italian form of political protest (involving the game)
girotta {f} :: vane
girotta {f} :: weathercock, weather vane
girovagante {v} :: present participle of girovagare
girovagante {adj} :: wandering
girovagare {vi} :: To wander about, stroll, saunter
girovago {adj} :: wandering, strolling
girovago {m} :: wanderer
girovago {m} :: tramp
girovago {m} :: pedlar, peddler
girovita {m} :: waist measurement
Girtab {prop} :: Girtab, an asterism in the constellation of Scorpius
gisarma {f} /d͡ʒiˈ :: alternative form of giusarma
gita {f} :: trip, excursion, hike, outing
gitana {f} :: feminine noun of gitano
gitano {m} :: Gypsy (Romani)
gitante {mf} :: member of a tour; tripper, hiker
gittaione {m} :: corncockle
gittata {f} :: range (effective distance of a gun or missile)
giu. {n} :: abbreviation of giugno
giù {adv} /d͡ʒu/ :: down, downstairs, below
giù {adv} [figuratively] :: low, depressed, weak
giuba {f} :: mane
giubato {adj} :: maned
giubato {m} :: A thick horse's mane
giubba {f} :: jacket
giubba {f} :: tunic
giubbato {m} :: A thick mane (of a horse)
giubbato {adj} :: (of a horse's mane) thick
giubbetto {m} :: diminutive of giubba; short jacket
giubbetto {m} :: vest
giubbino {m} :: Short jacket
giubbone {m} :: Heavy jacket
giubbotto {m} :: jacket
giubbotto {m} :: jerkin
Giubiasco {prop} :: Giubiasco (small town)
giubilante {v} :: present participle of giubilare
giubilante {adj} :: jubilant
giubilare {vi} :: To rejoice
giubilazione {f} :: pensioning off, retirement
giubileo {m} /dʒˈlɛ.o/ :: jubilee
giubilo {m} :: rejoicing
giubilo {m} :: shout of joy
giucare {v} /d͡ʒuˈkä.re/ :: obsolete form of giocare
giucco {adj} :: Variant of ciucco
giuda {m} :: Judas, traitor
Giuda {prop} /ˈd͡ʒu.da/ :: given name
Giuda {prop} [biblical] :: Jude (Epistle of Jude); Judas
giudaico {adj} /d͡ʒuˈda.i.ko/ :: Judaic
giudaico {adj} :: Jewish
giudaismo {m} /d͡ʒu.daˈ :: Judaism
giudea {f} :: feminine noun of giudeo
Giudea {prop} :: Judea
giudecca {f} [obsolete] /dʒuˈdɛk.ka/ :: A neighborhood in any of several Italian cities once reserved to the Jews; a ghetto
Giudecca {prop} /dʒuˈdɛk.ka/ :: Giudecca (long island in the Venetian Lagoon)
Giudecca {prop} [literature] :: Judecca, a zone in Dante's Inferno (Dante) reserved to the traitors to masters and benefactors, named after Judas Iscariot
giudeo {adj} /dʒu.ˈdɛ.o/ :: Jewish
giudeo {adj} :: synonym of giudio
giudeo {m} :: Jew
giudeo {m} :: synonym of giudio
giudesmo {m} :: Judaeo-Spanish
giudia {f} :: feminine noun of giudio
giudicabile {adj} [law] /d͡ʒu.diˈ :: justiciable, triable
giudicabile {mf} [law, rare] :: defendant
giudicabilità {f} [law] /d͡ʒˈta/ :: justiciability
giudicale {adj} /d͡ʒu.diˈka.le/ :: Of or pertaining to a medieval kingdom (giudicato) in Sardinia
giudicamento {m} /d͡ʒu.di.kaˈ :: The act of judging, judgement
giudicante {v} /d͡ʒu.diˈkan.te/ :: present participle of giudicare: that judges, judging
giudicante {adj} :: judging, judgemental
giudicantesi {v} :: present participle of giudicarsi
giudicare {vt} /d͡ʒu.diˈ :: to judge
giudicare {vi} :: to judge
Giudicarie {prop} :: Giudicarie (area)
giudicariese {adj} :: Of or from Giudicarie
giudicarsi {vr} :: To consider oneself (to be something)
giudicativo {adj} [obsolete] /d͡ʒu.di.kaˈti.vo/ :: Of or pertaining to judging or judgement; judgemental
giudicato {m} [literary] /d͡ʒu.diˈ :: judgement
giudicato {m} [law] :: synonym of cosa giudicata
giudicato {m} [rare] :: judgeship
giudicato {m} [historical] :: One of four kingdoms in medieval Sardinia
giudicatore {m} /d͡ʒu.di.kaˈ :: He who judges; judger [male]
giudicatore {adj} :: judging
giudicatorio {adj} [literary, rare] /d͡ʒu.di.kaˈtɔ.rjo/ :: Of or pertaining to judging or judgement; judgemental
giudicatosi {v} :: past participle of giudicarsi
giudicatrice {f} /d͡ʒu.di.kaˈtri.t͡ʃe/ :: female equivalent of giudicatore
giudicatura {f} [obsolete] /d͡ʒu.di.kaˈtu.ra/ :: The office of a judge; judgeship
giudicatura {f} [historical] :: The authority held by a monarch over a state (giudicato) in medieval Sardinia
giudicatura {f} [historical] :: Any district, with an extension similar to that of a bailiwick or governorate, in the Kingdom of Sardinia
giudice {mf} [legal] /ˈd͡ʒu.di.t͡ʃe/ :: judge, magistrate
giudice {mf} [sports] :: umpire, judge
giudice {mf} [history] :: A monarch of a medieval kingdom (giudicato) in Sardinia
giudice togato {mf} :: magistrate
Giudici {prop} [biblical] :: Judges, Book of Judges
giudicio {m} /d͡ʒuˈdi.t͡ʃo/ :: obsolete form of giudizio
giudicioso {adj} :: judicious (Variant of: giudizioso)
giudio {adj} :: synonym of giudeo
giudio {m} :: synonym of giudeo
Giuditta {prop} :: Judith [biblical character]
Giuditta {prop} :: the Book of Judith
Giuditta {prop} :: given name
giudiziale {adj} /d͡ʒu.ditˈt͡sja.le/ :: judicial
giudizialmente {adv} /dʒu.dit.tsjalˈmen.te/ :: judicially
giudiziariamente {adv} /d͡ʒu.dit.t͡sja.rjaˈmen.te/ :: judicially
giudiziario {adj} /d͡ʒu.ditˈt͡sja.rjo/ :: legal, judicial
giudizio {m} /d͡ʒuˈdit.t͡sjo/ :: judgment, wisdom, sense
giudizio {m} [legal] :: trial, proceedings, judgment, verdict
giudizio {m} :: opinion, judgement
giudizio {m} [school] :: evaluation, assessment, mark
giudiziosamente {adv} /d͡ʒu.dit.t͡sjo.zaˈmen.te/ :: judiciously
giudizioso {adj} /d͡ʒu.ditˈt͡sjo.zo/ :: judicious, specifically:
giudizioso {adj} :: Showing good judgement and common sense
giudizioso {adj} :: Done with good judgement and common sense
giudizio universale {n} :: Last Judgment, doomsday
Giudizio universale {prop} :: last judgement
Giudizio universale {prop} :: the crack of doom
giuggiola {f} :: jujube (fruit)
giuggiolo {m} :: jujube (tree, Ziziphus jujuba)
giuggiolona {f} :: female equivalent of giuggiolone
giuggiolone {m} :: augmentative of giuggiola
giugno {m} /ˈd͡ʒuɲ.ɲo/ :: June
giugolo {m} [anatomy] :: jugulum
giugulare {adj} :: jugular
giugulare {f} [anatomy] :: jugular
giugulo {m} [anatomy] :: jugulum
giugurtino {adj} :: Jugurthine
giulebbante {v} :: present participle of giulebbare
giulebbantesi {v} :: present participle of giulebbarsi
giulebbare {vt} :: To cook in syrup
giulebbarsi {vr} :: To (have to) put up with
giulebbatosi {v} :: past participle of giulebbarsi
giulebbe {m} [Tuscan, literary] /d͡ʒuˈlɛ :: julep
giulebbe {m} [Tuscan, literary, by extension] :: syrup
giù le zampe {interj} [colloquial] :: hands off! (don't touch)
Giulia {prop} :: given name
Giuliana {prop} :: given name
giuliano {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Julian March (in Italian Venezia Giulia)
giuliano {adj} :: Of or relating to Julian March or its people
giuliano {adj} :: Julian
Giuliano {prop} :: given name
Giulianova {prop} :: Giulianova (town)
Giulie {prop} :: Julian Alps
giuliese {adj} :: Of or from Giulianova
Giulietta {prop} :: Juliet
Giulietti {prop} :: surname
Giulio {prop} /ˈd͡ʒu.ljo/ :: given name
giulivamente {adv} :: joyously, joyfully, gaily, blithely
giulivo {adj} :: jolly, merry, gay, joyous
giullarata {f} :: comic monologue
giullare {m} [historical] /d͡ʒulˈ :: medieval entertainer; minstrel; juggler; jester
giullare {m} [figurative, by extension, pejorative] :: clown (stupid person)
giullarescamente {adv} :: as a troubadour or minstrel
giullarescamente {adv} :: clownishly
giullaresco {adj} /d͡ʒul.laˈres.ko/ :: troubadour, minstrel [attributive]
giullaresco {adj} [by extension] :: clownish
giumella {f} :: two handfulls
giumenta {f} :: mare
giumento {m} :: pack animal, beast of burden
giunca {f} [nautical] :: junk (vessel)
giuncaceo {adj} :: rush (attributive), cane (attributive)
giuncaceo {adj} :: rushy, rushlike, canelike
giuncaia {f} :: reed bed
giuncata {f} :: junket, curds and whey
giuncata {f} :: A soft curd cheese that retains some of the whey
giuncheto {m} :: reed bed
giunchiglia {f} :: daffodil
giunchiglia {f} :: jonquil
giunco {m} :: rush
giunco {m} :: cane
giunco di palude {m} :: bulrush
giungente {v} :: present participle of giungere
giungere {vi} /ˈd͡ʒun.d͡ʒ :: to arrive, reach, come
giungere {vt} :: to join, put together
giungimento {m} [literary, rare] /d͡ʒun.d͡ʒiˈ :: arrival
giungimento {m} [literary, rare] :: connecting, joining, linking
giungla {f} /ˈdʒunɡla/ :: (also figuratively) jungle
giungla d'asfalto {f} :: asphalt jungle
Giunio {prop} :: given name
giuniore {adj} :: junior
giunone {f} :: A Junoesque woman
giunone {f} :: A proud and jealous woman
Giunone {prop} [Roman god] /d͡ʒuˈ :: Juno
giunonico {adj} :: Junoesque
giunta {f} :: feminine noun of giunto
giunta {f} :: council, committee, assembly
giunta {f} :: junta [all senses]
giunta {f} :: addition
giunta comunale {f} :: town council
giuntante {v} :: present participle of giuntare
giunta provinciale {f} :: county council (The governing body of people elected to oversee management of a province)
giuntare {vt} :: to join [things together]
giuntatore {m} :: joiner, jointer (person)
giuntatrice {f} :: editor, splicer (machine used to edit film)
Giunti {prop} :: surname
giuntista {mf} :: cable joiner (telephone or fibre-optic)
giunto {m} :: joint, link, connection
giunto cardanico {m} :: universal joint
giuntura {f} [anatomy, point where two components join] :: joint
giuntura {f} :: knuckle
giunzionale {adj} :: junctional
giunzione {f} :: junction
giuocare {v} [literary] /d͡ʒwoˈkä.re/ :: alternative form of giocare
giuoco {m} /ˈd͡ʒwɔ.ko/ :: alternative form of gioco
Giuppana {prop} :: Giuppana (island)
giura {f} /ˈd͡ʒu.ra/ :: guild (group of tradespeople)
Giura {prop} :: Giura (department)
Giura {prop} :: Giura (canton)
giurabbacco {interj} [dated] /d͡ʒu.rabˈbak.ko/ :: euphemistic form of giuraddio
giurabile {adj} /d͡ʒuˈ :: That can be sworn
giuracchiante {v} :: present participle of giuracchiare
giuracchiare {v} [archaic] /d͡ʒu.rakˈ :: To thoughtlessly take oaths
giuracchiare {v} [archaic] :: To abuse swearing oaths
giuraddiana {interj} /d͡ʒu.radˈ :: euphemistic form of giuraddio
giuraddio {interj} [dated] /d͡ʒu.radˈdio̯/ :: Used to express resentment or irritation, or resolution
giuraddio {m} {m} [dated] :: An expression of resentment or irritation
giuramento {m} /d͡ʒu.raˈ :: oath
giuramento di Ippocrate {m} [medicine] :: Hippocratic oath
giurante {v} :: present participle of giurare
giurantesi {v} :: present participle of giurarsi
giurare {vt} /d͡ʒuˈ :: to swear, vow
giurarsi {vr} [legal] :: to be linked by a pact or an oath
giurassico {adj} [geology] :: Jurassic
giurata {f} :: female equivalent of giurato
giurativo {adj} /d͡ʒu.raˈti.vo/ :: Of or pertaining to swearing an oath
giurato {adj} [law] :: juratory
giurato {adj} :: sworn
giurato {m} :: juror (male)
giurato {m} :: juryman
giuratorio {adj} /d͡ʒu.raˈtɔ.rjo/ :: Of or pertaining to swearing an oath
giuratosi {v} :: past participle of giurarsi
giure {m} [literary, legal] /ˈd͡ʒ :: law, jurisprudence
giureconsulto {m} [law, especially historical] /d͡ʒˈ :: jurist
giurì {m} /d͡ʒuˈri/ :: jury
giuria {f} [law] /d͡ʒuˈria̯/ :: jury
giuria {f} [law] :: panel of judges
giuridicamente {adv} /d͡ʒu.ri.di.kaˈmen.te/ :: legally, lawfully
giuridicità {f} /d͡ʒu.ri.di.t͡ʃiˈta/ :: legality
giuridico {adj} [law] /d͡ʒuˈri.di.ko/ :: legal
giurisdizionale {adj} /d͡ʒu.ris.dit.t͡sjoˈna.le/ :: jurisdictional
giurisdizionalismo {m} [politics] /d͡ʒu.ris.dit.t͡sjo.naˈ :: jurisdictionalism
giurisdizionalista {mf} [politics] /d͡ʒu.ris.dit.t͡sjo.naˈlis.ta/ :: a supporter of jurisdictionalism
giurisdizionalista {adj} :: supporting or practising jurisdictionalism
giurisdizionalista {adj} :: synonym of giurisdizionalistico
giurisdizionalistico {adj} [politics] /d͡ʒu.ris.dit.t͡sjo.naˈlis.ti.ko/ :: Of or pertaining to jurisdictionalism or its supporters
giurisdizionalità {adj} /d͡ʒu.ris.dit.t͡ˈta/ :: The condition of being jurisdictional
giurisdizionalizzazione {f} [law] /d͡ʒu.ris.dit.t͡͡zatˈt͡ :: The attribution of jurisdictional characteristics
giurisdizionalmente {adv} /d͡ʒu.ris.dit.t͡sjo.nalˈmen.te/ :: jurisdictionally
giurisdizione {f} /d͡ʒu.ris.ditˈt͡ :: jurisdiction
giurisperito {m} [literary] /d͡ʒu.ris.peˈ :: jurist
giurisprudente {m} /d͡ʒu.ris.pruˈdɛn.te/ :: jurist
giurisprudenza {f} /d͡ʒu.ris.pruˈdɛn.t͡sa/ :: jurisprudence
giurisprudenza {f} :: case law
giurisprudenziale {adj} /d͡ʒˈt͡sja.le/ :: jurisprudential
giurista {mf} /d͡ʒuˈris.ta/ :: jurist (expert in law or jurisprudence)
giuristico {adj} /d͡ʒuˈris.ti.ko/ :: juristic
gius {m} /d͡ʒus/ :: synonym of giure: law, jurisprudence
giusarma {f} [weaponry] /d͡ʒuˈ :: gisarme
giuscanonista {mf} [legal] /d͡ʒus.ka.noˈnis.ta/ :: An expert in canon law
giuscibernetica {f} [Internet] /d͡ʒus.t͡ʃi.berˈnɛ.ti.ka/ :: cyberlaw
giuscibernetico {adj} [Internet] /d͡ʒus.t͡ʃi.berˈnɛ.ti.ko/ :: Of or pertaining to cyberlaw
giuscivilista {mf} [legal] /d͡ʒus.t͡ʃi.viˈlis.ta/ :: An expert in civil law
giusdicente {m} [literary] /d͡ʒus.diˈt͡ʃɛn.te/ :: judge
giusdicente {adj} :: that judges, judging
Giuseppe {prop} /d͡ʒuˈzɛ :: Joseph [biblical character]
Giuseppe {prop} :: given name
Giuseppina {prop} :: given name (a diminutive form)
giuseppinismo {m} :: Josephinism
giuslavorista {mf} [legal] /d͡ʒˈris.ta/ :: An expert in labour law
giusnaturalismo {m} /d͡ʒˈ :: natural law, specifically:
giusnaturalismo {m} [philosophy] :: An ethical theory that posits the existence of a law whose content is set by nature and that therefore has validity everywhere
giusnaturalismo {m} [legal] :: A generally accepted concept of the philosophical system of legal and moral principles purportedly deriving from a of natural or divine justice and not from a position of positive law but of ideas of right and wrong
giusnaturalista {mf} /d͡ʒˈlis.ta/ :: An advocate of natural law
giusnaturalistico {adj} /d͡ʒˈlis.ti.ko/ :: Of or pertaining to natural law or its advocates; natural law [attributive]
giuso {adv} /ˈd͡ʒu.zo/ :: obsolete form of giù
giuspatronato {m} [law, archaic] /d͡ʒˈ :: ecclesiastical patronage
giuspositivismo {m} [law] /d͡ʒus.po.zi.tiˈ :: legal positivism
giusquiamo {m} :: henbane, especially black henbane (Hyoscyamus niger)
giusrealismo {m} [law] /d͡ʒus.rea̯ˈ :: legal realism
giusta {f} :: feminine noun of giusto
giustacore {m} /d͡ʒus.taˈkɔ.re/ :: alternative form of giustacuore
giustacorpo {m} /d͡ʒus.taˈkɔr.po/ :: synonym of giustacuore: jerkin
giustacuore {m} [historical, literary] /d͡ʒus.taˈkwɔ.re/ :: jerkin
giustamente {adv} /d͡ʒus.taˈmen.te/ :: justly, fairly
giustapponente {v} :: present participle of giustapporre
giustapporre {vt} /d͡ʒus.tapˈ :: To juxtapose
giustapporsi {v} /d͡ʒus.tapˈ :: To juxtapose oneself
giustapposizione {f} /d͡ʒus.tap.po.zitˈt͡ :: juxtaposition
giustapposto {adj} /d͡ʒus.tapˈ :: juxtaposed
giustappunto {adv} /d͡ʒus.tapˈ :: in fact, precisely
giustezza {f} /d͡ʒusˈtet.t͡sa/ :: accuracy
giustezza {f} :: soundness
giustezza {f} :: aptness
giustezza {f} :: justification (of text)
Giusti {prop} :: surname
giustificabile {adj} /d͡ʒus.ti.fiˈ :: justifiable, excusable
giustificabilità {f} /d͡ʒˈta/ :: justifiability
giustificabilmente {adv} /d͡ʒˈmen.te/ :: justifiably
giustificante {v} :: present participle of giustificare
giustificantesi {v} :: present participle of giustificarsi
giustificare {vt} /d͡ʒus.ti.fiˈ :: to justify
giustificare {vt} :: to account for
giustificarsi {v} :: reflexive of giustificare
giustificarsi {v} :: to justify or excuse oneself
giustificatamente {adv} /d͡ʒˈmen.te/ :: justifiedly
giustificatezza {f} /d͡ʒˈtet.t͡sa/ :: The property of being justified; justifiedness
giustificativo {adj} /d͡ʒˈti.vo/ :: justificatory
giustificativo {m} [business] :: A document that accounts for something (e.g. an expense)
giustificato {adj} /d͡ʒus.ti.fiˈ :: justified (also of a text)
giustificato {adj} :: excused
giustificatore {adj} /d͡ʒˈ :: justificatory
giustificatorio {adj} [uncommon] /d͡ʒˈtɔ.rjo/ :: justificatory
giustificatosi {v} :: past participle of giustificarsi
giustificazione {f} :: justification, explanation
giustificazione {f} :: proof
giustificazionismo {m} /d͡ʒ͡sjoˈ :: The tendency to justify everything, even crimes, through various reasons
Giustina {prop} :: given name
giustinianeo {adj} :: Justinianian
Giustiniano {prop} :: Justinian
Giustino {prop} :: given name
giustissimo {adj} :: superlative of giusto
giustizia {f} /d͡ʒusˈtit.t͡sja/ :: justice, fairness, equity
giustizia {f} [legal] :: law, justice, law enforcement
giustizialismo {m} [historical] /d͡ʒus.tit.t͡sjaˈ :: Peronism, justicialism
giustizialismo {m} :: The position of someone who calls for strict (and usually swift) justice upon the perpetrator(s) of certain types of crimes
giustizialista {adj} /d͡ʒus.tit.t͡sjaˈlis.ta/ :: Of or pertaining to Peronism
giustizialista {mf} :: An advocate of the politicization of the judiciary
giustiziante {v} :: present participle of giustiziare
giustiziare {vt} /d͡ʒus.titˈt͡ :: to execute (someone)
giustiziera {f} :: female equivalent of giustiziere
giustizierato {m} :: judicature (administrative district)
giustiziere {m} /d͡ʒus.titˈt͡sjɛ.re/ :: avenger
giustiziere {m} :: executioner
giustiziere {m} :: judge
giusto {adj} /ˈd͡ʒ :: just, right
giusto {m} :: righteous person
giusto {adv} :: just, exactly
Giusto {prop} :: given name
Gizio {prop} :: Gizio (small river)
glabella {f} [anatomy] :: glabella
glabro {adj} :: hairless, glabrous
glacette {f} :: glacette
glaciale {adj} /ɡlaˈt͡ʃa.le/ :: glacial
glaciale {adj} :: icy, freezing, cold, Arctic
glacialità {f} :: iciness (lack of warmth, both physical and emotional)
glaciazione {f} :: glaciation
glaciologa {f} :: female equivalent of glaciologo
glaciologia {f} :: glaciology
glaciologico {adj} :: glaciological
glaciologo {m} :: glaciologist
gladiatore {m} :: gladiator
gladiatorio {adj} /ɡla.djaˈtɔ.rjo/ :: gladiatorial
gladiatrice {f} :: gladiatrix; female equivalent of gladiatore
gladio {m} /ˈɡla.djo/ :: rapier, sword
gladiolo {m} :: gladiolus, gladiola
glagolitico {adj} :: Glagolitic
glamourizzante {v} :: present participle of glamourizzare
glamourizzare {vt} :: To glamorize
glamourizzazione {f} :: glamorization
glande {m} :: glans
glandola {f} [anatomy] :: gland
glandolare {adj} :: Variant of ghiandolare
glandula {f} :: alternative form of ghiandola
glandulare {adj} :: glandular
glanduloso {adj} :: glandular, glandulous
Glarona {prop} :: Glarona (canton)
glaronese {adj} :: Of or from Glarona
glassa {f} [foods] /ˈɡ :: glaze, icing, frosting
glassante {v} :: present participle of glassare
glassare {vt} :: to glaze, to ice, to frost
glassarmonica {f} [musical instruments] :: glass harmonica
glassatura {f} :: frosting, icing (on a cake etc.)
glasto {m} :: woad
Glauca {prop} :: A female given name
glauco {adj} :: glaucous (all senses)
Glauco {prop} [Greek god] :: Glaucus
Glauco {prop} :: given name
glaucodoto {m} [mineral] :: glaucodot
glaucofane {m} [mineral] :: glaucophane
glaucoma {m} [disease] :: glaucoma
glaucopide {adj} :: glaucope-like
glaucopide {adj} :: blue-green-eyed (ancient Greek epithet of the goddess Athena)
glaucopide {mf} :: glaucope
gleba {f} :: a clod of earth
gleboso {adj} :: cloddy
glena {f} [anatomy] /ˈɡlɛ.na/ :: glenoid (cavity)
glene {f} /ˈɡlɛ.ne/ :: alternative form of glena
glenoidale {adj} :: glenoid, glenoidal
glenoide {f} [anatomy] /ɡleˈnɔ :: glenoid (cavity)
glenoide {adj} :: glenoid
glenoideo {adj} /ɡˈdɛ.o/ :: glenoid
gli {art} /ʎi/ :: Form of the article i (the) used before a vowel, impure s, gn, pn, ps, x, y, and z, and also with the plural noun dei (gods); the
gli {pron} [dative] :: him, to him; it; to it
gli {pron} :: [dative, colloquial] her, to her
gli {pron} [dative] :: them, to them
glia {f} :: glia
gliadina {f} [protein] :: gliadin
gliale {adj} :: glial
gli amici si vedono nel momento del bisogno {phrase} :: a friend in need is a friend indeed
gliare {adj} :: glial
glicano {m} [organic chemistry] :: glycan
glicazione {f} [organic chemistry] :: glycation
glicemia {f} :: glycemia, glycæmia
glicemico {adj} :: glycemic, glycæmic
glicemizzante {adj} [pathology] :: glycaemic
gliceraldeide {f} [organic compound] :: glyceraldehyde
glicerato {m} [organic chemistry] :: glycerate
glicerico {adj} :: glyceric
gliceride {m} [organic chemistry] :: glyceride
glicerile {m} [organic chemistry] :: glyceryl
glicerina {f} /ɡli.tʃe.ˈ :: glycerine
glicerinoso {adj} :: glycerinated, glycerinous
glicerofosfato {m} [organic chemistry] :: glycerophosphate
glicerofosfolipide {m} [organic chemistry] :: glycerophospholipid
glicerolo {m} [organic compound] :: glycerol
glicidico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: glycidic
glicina {f} [amino acid] :: glycine
glicine {m} /ˈɡli.t͡ʃ :: wistaria, wisteria
glicine {f} [botany] :: Any plant of the genus Glycine
glicinergico {adj} :: glycinergic
glico- {prefix} :: glyco-
glicocalice {m} [biology, anatomy] /ɡli.koˈ͡ʃe/ :: glycocalyx
glicocolla {f} [amino acid] :: glycine
glicoforina {f} [protein] :: glycophorin
glicogenesi {n} :: glycogenesis
glicogeno {m} [biochemistry] :: glycogen
glicogenolisi {f} [biochemistry] :: glycogenolysis
glicogenosi {f} [medicine] :: glycogenosis (glycogen storage disease)
glicogenosintesi {f} [biochemistry] :: glycogenesis
glicol {m} :: glycol
glicolato {m} [organic chemistry] :: glycollate
glicole {m} [organic chemistry] :: glycol
glicol etilenico {m} :: ethylene glycol
glicolico {adj} :: glycolic
glicolipide {m} [biochemistry] :: glycolipid
glicolipidico {adj} :: glycolipidic
glicolipidosi {f} [pathology] :: glycolipidosis
glicolisi {f} [biochemistry] :: glycolysis
glicolitico {adj} [biochemistry] :: glycolytic
glicolo {m} :: glicol etilenico
glicopirronio {m} :: glycopyrronium
glicoplastico {adj} [biochemistry, of an aminoacid] /ɡli.koˈplas.ti.ko/ :: Able to turn into a carbohydrate after losing the aminic group −NH2
glicoproteico {adj} :: glycoproteic
glicoproteina {f} [carbohydrate, protein] :: glycoprotein
glicorrachia {f} :: glycorrhachia
glicosaminoglicano {m} [carbohydrate] :: glycosaminoglycan
glicosidasi {f} [enzyme] :: glycosidase
glicosidazione {f} :: glycosidation, glycosylation
glicoside {m} [carbohydrate] :: glycoside
glicosidico {adj} :: glycosidic
glicosilasi {f} [enzyme] :: glycosylase
glicosilato {adj} :: glycosylated
glicosilazione {f} [biochemistry] :: glycosylation
glicosilico {adj} :: glycosylic
glicoso {m} :: Variant of: glucosio
glicosoaminoglicano {m} [carbohydrate] :: glycosaminoglycan
glicosoma {m} [biology] :: glycosome
glicosuria {f} [pathology] :: glycosuria
glie {pron} :: alternative form of gli
gliel' {pron} [sometimes before a vowel] :: apocopic form of gliela
gliel' {pron} [sometimes before a vowel] :: apocopic form of glielo
gliel {pron} :: apocopic form of glielo
gliela {pron} /ˈʎela/ :: it to him, her or them
gliele {pron} /ˈʎele/ :: them to him, her or them
glieli {pron} /ˈʎeli/ :: them to him, her or them
glielo {pron} /ˈʎelo/ :: it to him, her or them
glien' {pron} [sometimes before a vowel or an h] :: apocopic form of gliene
glien {pron} :: apocopic form of gliene
gliene {pron} /ˈʎene/ :: some (of it/them) to him/her/it/them
gliene {pron} :: about it/them to him/her/it/them
glifo {m} [architecture] /ˈɡ :: An ornament consisting of a hollow
glifo {m} :: A figure carved in relief or incised, especially representing a sound, word, or idea; glyph
glifo {m} :: One of various figures used in Mayan writing; glyph
glifo {m} :: In esoteric texts, a sign representing alchemical concepts, letters of secret alphabets, or astrological symbols
glioblastoma {m} [oncology] :: glioblastoma
glioma {m} [medicine] :: glioma
gliommero {m} /ˈʎɔmmero/ :: A Neapolitan dialect poem having eleven-syllable verses with internal rhyme and containing puns, jokes etc
gliossale {m} [organic compound] :: glyoxal
gliossilato {m} [organic chemistry] :: glyoxalate
gliossilico {adj} :: glyoxylic
gliossisoma {m} [biology] :: glyoxysome
gliotico {adj} [anatomy] :: glial
gliotico {adj} [pathology] :: gliotic
gliptogenesi {n} :: glyptogenesis
gliptoteca {f} :: alternative form of glittoteca
gliraria {f} :: glirarium
gliride {m} :: glirid, dormouse, myoxid
glissando {adv} :: In the style of a glissando
glissando {m} :: glissando
glissante {v} :: present participle of glissare
glissare {vi} [music] :: to play a glissando
glissare {vi} :: to wilfully avoid a topic; to gloss over
glissato {m} :: glissando
glissoniana {f} [anatomy] :: Glissonian sheaf / Glissonian capsule
glittica {f} :: glyptics
glittico {adj} :: glyptic
glitto- {prefix} :: glypto-
glittografia {f} :: glyptography
glittografico {adj} :: glyptographic
glittografo {m} :: glyptograph
glittografo {m} :: glyptographer
glittoteca {f} :: collection of glyptographs
glittoteca {f} :: glyptotheca
globale {adj} :: overall, inclusive
globale {adj} [of income etc] :: total
globale {adj} [of a view etc] :: global
globalismo {m} :: globalism
globalista {adj} :: globalist
globalista {mf} :: globalist
globalità {f} :: entirety
globalizzante {v} :: present participle of globalizzare
globalizzare {vt} :: to globalize
globalizzatore {adj} :: globalizing
globalizzazione {f} :: globalisation
globalmente {adv} :: inclusively
globalmente {adv} :: totally
globalmente {adv} :: globally
globicefalo {m} :: right whale
globigerina {f} :: Any foraminiferan of the order Globigerinida
globina {f} [protein] :: globin
globo {m} :: globe
globo di neve {m} :: snow globe
globoide {m} :: globoid
globo oculare {m} :: eyeball
globosità {f} :: globosity, sphericity
globoso {adj} :: globular, globose
globo terrestre {m} :: globe of the world
globulare {adj} :: globular
globulare {adj} :: corpuscular
globulina {f} [protein] :: globulin
globulo {m} :: globule
globulo {m} :: blood cell, corpuscle
globulo bianco {m} [cytology] :: white blood cell
globulo rosso {m} [cytology] :: red blood cell
globuloso {adj} :: globular
globuloso {adj} :: spherical
gloglottante {v} :: present participle of gloglottare
gloglottare {vi} :: To gobble (especially of a turkey)
gloglottare {vi} :: To gurgle
gloglottio {m} :: gobbling (of a turkey)
gloglottio {m} :: gurgle, gurgling
glomerulare {adj} :: glomerular
glomerulo {m} [medicine] :: glomerulus
glomerulonefrite {f} [medicine] :: glomerulonephritis, glomerular nephritis
glomerulopatia {f} [disease] :: glomerulopathy
gloria {f} /ˈɡlɔrja/ :: glory
gloria {f} :: praise
Gloria {prop} :: given name
gloriante {v} :: present participle of gloriare
gloriantesi {v} :: present participle of gloriarsi
gloriare {vt} [literary] /ɡloˈ :: to exalt or praise
gloriarsi {vr} :: To pride oneself (on); To take pride (in)
gloriarsi {v} :: to swagger
gloriatosi {v} :: past participle of gloriarsi
gloriette {f} :: gloriette
glorificante {v} :: present participle of glorificare
glorificare {v} :: to glorify
glorificarsi {vr} :: to boast or brag (about)
glorificarsi {vr} :: To pride oneself (on); To take pride (in)
glorificato {adj} :: glorified
glorificatore {m} :: glorifier
glorificazione {f} :: glorification
gloriosamente {adv} :: gloriously
gloriosissimo {adj} :: superlative of glorioso
glorioso {adj} :: glorious, illustrious
glorioso {adj} [religion] :: glorified
gloriuccia {f} :: The petty glory of an insignificant victory
gloriuzza {f} :: synonym of gloriuccia
glossa {f} :: gloss (explanatory note)
glossante {v} :: present participle of glossare
glossare {v} :: to gloss or annotate
glossario {m} :: glossary
glossatore {m} :: glossarist, commentator
glossectomia {f} [surgery] :: glossectomy
glossema {m} [linguistics] :: glosseme
glossematica {f} [linguistics] :: glossematics
glossite {f} [pathology] :: glossitis
glosso- {prefix} :: gloss-
glossodinia {f} [pathology] :: glossodynia
glossofaringeo {adj} :: glossopharyngeal
glossofobia {f} :: glossophobia
glossografia {f} :: glossography
glossografico {adj} :: glossographical
glossografo {m} :: glossographer
glossopoeta {mf} :: conlanger
glossopoiesi {f} :: glossopoeia
glottale {adj} /ɡlotˈta.le/ :: glottal
glottidale {adj} [anatomy] /ɡlot.tiˈda.le/ :: pertaining to the glottis, glottal
glottidale {adj} [phonetics] :: glottal
glottidale {f} [phonetics] :: A glottal speech sound
glottide {f} [anatomy] /ˈɡlɔtːide/ :: glottis
glotto- {prefix} :: Variant of glosso-
glottocronologia {f} :: glottochronology
glottodidattica {f} :: language teaching
glottologia {f} :: linguistics
glottologia {f} :: glottology, glossology
glottologico {adj} /ˌɡlottoˈlɔd͡ʒiko/ :: linguistic
glottologo {m} :: linguist
glottotecnica {f} :: applied linguistics (especially the study of neologisms)
glottoteta {mf} :: applied linguist (especially one who studies neologisms)
glucagone {m} [biochemistry] :: glucagon
glucagonico {adj} :: glucagonic
glucanasi {f} [enzyme] :: glucanase
glucano {m} [carbohydrate] :: glucan
glucide {m} [carbohydrate] :: carbohydrate, saccharide, glycose
glucidico {adj} :: saccharidic; carbohydrate (attributive)
glucinio {m} [obsolete] :: glucinium
glucoamilasi {f} [enzyme] :: glucoamylase
glucocorticoide {m} [organic chemistry] :: glucocorticoid
glucomannano {m} [organic compound] :: glucomannan
gluconato {m} [organic chemistry] :: gluconate
gluconeogenesi {f} [biochemistry] :: gluconeogenesis
gluconico {adj} :: gluconic
glucooligosaccaride {m} [biochemistry] :: glucooligosaccharide
glucopiranosio {m} [carbohydrate] :: glucopyranose
glucosamina {f} [organic compound] :: glucosamine
glucosammina {f} [organic compound] :: glucosamine
glucosidasi {f} [enzyme] :: glucosidase
glucoside {m} [biochemistry] :: glucoside
glucosio {m} [carbohydrate] :: glucose
glucuronato {m} [organic chemistry] :: glucuronate
glucuronico {adj} :: glucuronic
glucuronoarabinoxilano {m} [carbohydrate] :: glucuronoarabinoxylan
gluma {f} [botany] /ˈɡ :: glume
glumetta {f} [botany] :: glumella, palea (small scale of chaff)
gluone {m} [physics] :: gluon
gluonico {adj} :: gluonic
glutammato {m} :: glutamate
glutammato monosodico {m} [organic compound] :: monosodium glutamate
glutammico {adj} :: glutamic
glutammina {f} [amino acid] :: glutamine
glutarico {adj} :: glutaric
glutatione {m} [biochemistry] :: glutathione
glutenina {f} [protein] :: glutenin
gluteo {adj} :: gluteal
gluteo {m} [anatomy] :: buttock, bum
glutinato {adj} :: Containing more gluten than usual (of foods)
glutine {m} :: gluten
glutinosità {f} :: glutinousness, glutinosity
glutinoso {adj} :: glutinous
gna {f} [regional, Calabria, Sicily, colloquial] /ɲa/ :: A title of address for women
gnà {f} :: alternative spelling of gna
gnagnera {f} :: singsong
gnagnera {f} :: itching, tingling
gnagnera {f} :: whim, desire
gnam gnam {interj} :: nom nom nom
gnatologia {f} [medicine] :: gnathology
gnidio {m} /ˈɲi.djo/ :: synonym of erba corsa
gnocca {f} [vulgar] /ˈɲɔkka/ :: A pussy, a cunt
gnocca {f} [vulgar] :: A dish, a babe, a doll, a fox, a piece of ass, a bit of skirt, a bit of totty
gnocchetti sardi {n} :: synonym of malloreddus
gnocchetto {m} :: (especially in plural) Small dumpling
gnocco {m} [cooking, food] /ˈɲɔk.ko/ :: gnocchi (Italian variety of dumpling)
gnocco {m} [cooking, in the plural] :: a dish of gnocchi
gnocco {m} [by extension] :: knot, lump
gnocco {m} [figurative] :: goof, idiot
gnocco {m} [slang] :: A handsome male
gnocco {adj} [slang] :: handsome, good looking
gnoma {f} /ˈɲɔma/ :: female equivalent of gnomo
gnomico {adj} :: gnomic
gnomo {m} /ˈɲɔmo/ :: gnome
gnomologia {f} :: sententious eloquence
gnomone {m} :: gnomon
gnomonica {f} :: gnomonics
gnomonista {mf} :: gnomonist
gnorri {m} /ˈɲɔr.ri/ :: A person who pretends not to understand, only used in fare lo gnorri
gnoseologia {f} :: gnosiology, epistemology
gnoseologico {adj} :: gnosiological
gnosi {f} :: gnosis
gnosticismo {m} :: Gnosticism
gnostico {adj} /ˈɲɔs.ti.ko/ :: gnostic
gnu {m} /ˈɲu/ :: gnu
gnu {m} :: wildebeest, kokoon
gnu azzurro {m} :: blue wildebeest, common wildebeest, white-bearded wildebeest, brindled gnu (Connochaetes taurinus)
gnucca {f} [Northern Italy, colloquial] /ˈɲuk.ka/ :: head
gnucco {adj} :: [of food] hard and difficult to chew
gnucco {adj} [Northern Italy] :: dull, dim-witted
gnucco {m} [pejorative] :: a dull, slow, or dim-witted person; idiot
gnu dalla coda bianca {m} :: black wildebeest, white-tailed gnu (Connochaetes gnou)
gnudo {adj} :: Variant of nudo
gnudo {m} :: (especially in plural) A light, fluffy form of gnocchi made with ricotta and little or no flour or potato
gnu nero {m} :: synonym of gnu dalla coda bianca
gnu striato {m} :: synonym of gnu azzurro
go {m} [board games] :: go
GO {prop} :: abbreviation of Gorizia, an Italian town in Friuli-Venezia Giulia
goal {m} :: alternative spelling of gol
gobannese {adj} :: Gobannian
gobannese {mf} :: Gobannian
gobba {f} :: hump, hunch
gobba {f} :: female equivalent of gobbo
gobbo {adj} :: hunchbacked
gobbo {m} :: hunchback
gobbo elettronico {m} :: teleprompter
gobide {m} [zoology] /ˈɡɔ :: Any member of the Gobiidae taxonomic family
gobione {m} :: gudgeon (fish)
goccetto {m} :: A tiny drop or spot (of liquid)
goccia {f} /ˈɡottʃa/ :: drop
goccia {f} [heraldiccharge] :: goutte
goccia che fa traboccare il vaso {f} :: the straw that broke the camel's back
gocciante {v} :: present participle of gocciare
gocciar {v} :: apocopic form of gocciare
gocciare {vi} :: To drip or trickle
gocciare {vi} :: To run (of the nose)
goccio {m} /ˈɡot.t͡ʃo/ :: drop, spot, dash (small amount of liquid)
gocciol {f} :: apocopic form of gocciola
gocciola {f} :: drop
gocciolamento {m} :: dripping
gocciolamento {m} :: drizzling
gocciolante {v} :: present participle of gocciolare
gocciolare {vi} :: to drip
gocciolare {v} [impersonal] :: to drizzle
gocciolatoio {m} [architecture] :: dripstone
gocciolina {f} :: droplet
gocciolio {m} :: dripping (continuous)
gocciolone {m} :: large drop
godente {v} :: present participle of godere
godentesi {v} :: present participle of godersi
godere {v} :: to enjoy
godere {v} [slang] :: to have an orgasm; to come
godereccio {adj} :: pleasure-seeking, pleasure-loving
godereccio {adj} :: pleasant, pleasurable
godersi {vr} :: to enjoy oneself
godersi {vr} :: to benefit from something
godezia {f} :: godetia, evening primrose
godibile {adj} :: enjoyable
godibilissimo {adj} :: superlative of godibile
godibilità {f} :: enjoyableness
godimento {m} :: pleasure, enjoyment
godimento {m} :: possession (legal)
godranese {adj} :: Of or from Godrano
godranese {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Godrano
godronante {v} :: present participle of godronare
godronare {v} :: to knurl
godronare {m} :: knurling (knurled pattern)
godrone {m} :: knurler (knurling tool)
goduria {f} :: pleasure
godurioso {adj} :: pleasurable, very pleasant
godutosi {v} :: past participle of godersi
godwiniano {adj} :: Godwinian
goethiano {adj} /ɡeˈtjano/ :: Goethean; Goethe [attributive]
goffaggine {f} :: clumsiness
goffaggine {f} :: awkwardness
goffamente {adv} /ˌɡɔf.faˈmen.te/ :: clumsily, awkwardly
goffo {adj} /ˈɡɔ :: clumsy, awkward, ungainly, gauche, all thumbs
goffo {adj} :: inelegant
goffrante {v} :: present participle of goffrare
goffrare {v} :: to emboss
goffrato {adj} :: embossed
goffratrice {f} :: embosser (embossing machine)
goffratura {f} :: embossing
Goffredo {prop} :: given name
gogna {f} /ˈɡɔ.ɲa/ :: pillory
gol {m} [sports] :: goal (act of placing the ball into the goal)
gola {f} :: throat
gola {f} :: gluttony, greed: one of i sette peccati capitali
gola {f} :: gorge, defile
gola {f} :: stack, flue
Golan {prop} :: Golan (a <<region>> in the <<r/Middle East>>, disputed between <<c/Israel>> and <<c/Syria>>; same as the Golan Heights)
Golasecca {prop} :: Golasecca (small town)
golasecchiano {adj} :: Of or from Golasecca
Golden Gate Bridge {prop} :: Golden Gate Bridge
Goldoni {prop} :: surname
Goldoni {prop} :: Carlo Goldoni, Italian playwright
goldoniano {adj} :: Goldonian
Goldstein {prop} :: surname
goleada {f} [soccer] :: barrage of goals
goleador {m} [football] :: goal scorer; attacker (who scores many goals)
golena {f} :: floodplain
golenale {adj} :: floodplain (attributive)
golenale {adj} :: alluvial
goletta {f} :: schooner
golf {m} :: golf
golf {m} :: jumper, cardigan
golfara {m} [nautical] :: A metal ring, fixed to the deck of a ship, through which cables are passed
golfare {m} :: ringbolt
golfista {mf} [sports] :: golfer
golfistico {adj} :: golf (attributive)
golfo {m} :: gulf
Golfo {prop} :: The (Persian) Gulf
Golgi {prop} :: surname
Golgi {prop} :: Camillo Golgi, Italian scientist, winner of the 1906 Nobel Prize in Medicine
golgiano {adj} :: Golgi (attributive)
Golgota {prop} :: Golgotha
Golia {prop} :: Goliath [biblical character]
goliardata {f} :: joke
goliardia {f} [historical] :: goliardery
goliardia {f} :: the carefree lifestyle of a university student, free from responsibility or worries
goliardia {f} :: students' lightheartedness
goliardicamente {adv} :: as a student
goliardico {adj} [historical] :: goliardic (relating to the mediaeval goliards)
goliardico {adj} [attributive] :: student, university (relating to modern university student life in respect to goliardic themes or traditions)
goliardo {m} :: university student (usually one with a carefree or lax way of life)
goliardo {m} [historical] :: Goliard
Golino {prop} :: surname
gollismo {m} :: Gaullism
gollista {adj} :: Gaullist
gollista {mf} :: Gaullist
golo {m} /ˈɡɔ.lo/ :: synonym of gruccione
Golo {prop} :: A river that flows in Corsica
golosamente {adv} :: greedily
goloseria {f} :: greed, gluttony
golosissimo {adj} :: superlative of goloso
golosità {f} :: greed, gluttony
goloso {adj} :: greedy, voracious (for)
goloso {m} :: glutton, gourmand, gormandizer
golpe {f} /ˈɡ :: mildew, smut
golpe {m} :: a military coup or putsch
golpista {mf} :: leader of a coup
gombito {m} /ˈɡombito/ :: obsolete form of gomito
gombo {m} :: okra (Abelmoschus esculentus)
gomena {f} [nautical] :: hawser
gomitata {f} :: elbow (A hit with the elbow)
gomitiera {m} :: elbow guard
gomito {m} [anatomy] /ˈɡomito/ :: elbow
gomito {m} :: bend in a tube
gomito {m} :: crank (in engineering)
gomitolo {m} :: ball (of wool, cotton etc)
gomma {f} :: rubber, india rubber, caoutchouc
gomma {f} :: gum (substance, chewing-gum)
gomma {f} :: eraser, rubber
gomma {f} :: tyre, tire
gomma {f} [medicine] :: gumma
gomma a terra {f} :: flat tyre, flat tire
gommagutta {f} :: gamboge
gommalacca {f} /ɡom.maˈlak.ka/ :: lac
gommalacca {f} :: shellac
gommante {v} :: present participle of gommare
gommapiuma {f} :: foam rubber
gommare {v} :: to rubberize
gomma sgonfia {f} :: alternative form of gomma a terra
gommato {adj} :: rubberized
gommato {adj} :: gummed
gommatura {f} [automobiles] :: tyres
gommatura {f} :: gumming, rubberizing
gommifero {adj} :: gummiferous
gommificio {m} :: rubber factory
gommina {m} :: hair gel
gommino {m} :: rubber tip or washer
gommista {mf} :: tyre / tire specialist, dealer or changer
gommone {m} :: rubber dinghy
gommoresina {f} :: gum resin
gommosità {f} :: gumminess
gommoso {adj} :: gummy, rubbery
Gomorra {prop} :: Gomorrah
gonade {f} [anatomy] :: gonad
gonadico {adj} [anatomy] :: gonadic, gonadal
gonadotropico {adj} :: gonadotropic, gonadotrophic
gonadotropina {f} [biochemistry] :: gonadotropin
gonadotropinico {adj} :: gonadotropinic
gonadotropo {adj} [physiology] :: gonadotropic
gonalgia {f} [pathology] :: gonalgia
gonartrite {f} [pathology] :: gonarthritis
gondola {f} /ˈɡ :: gondola (narrow boat in Venice)
gondola {f} :: nacelle (aircraft engine)
gondola {f} :: pod
gondoletta {f} :: diminutive of gondola: a small gondola
gondoliere {m} :: gondolier (Venetian boatman)
gondolino {m} :: diminutive of gondola
gondolino {m} [nautical] :: A small, two-man gondola used in racing
gondolone {f} :: synonym of barchetta (gondola ferryboat)
gonfalone {m} [historical] :: banner
gonfaloniere {m} :: gonfalonier
gonfaloniere {m} :: standard-bearer
gonfiabile {adj} :: inflatable
gonfiaggio {m} :: inflation, pumping up
gonfiante {v} :: present participle of gonfiare
gonfiantesi {v} :: present participle of gonfiarsi
gonfiar {v} :: apocopic form of gonfiare
gonfiare {v} :: to blow up
gonfiare {v} :: to swell
gonfiarsi {vr} :: to swell
gonfiarsi {vr} :: to bloat (of a skin)
gonfiarsi {vr} :: to rise (of a river)
gonfiato {adj} :: swollen
gonfiatoio {m} :: pump (for inflating tyres etc)
gonfiatosi {v} :: past participle of gonfiarsi
gonfiatura {f} :: swelling (up)
gonfiatura {f} :: inflation
gonfiatura {f} :: exaggeration
gonfiezza {f} :: swelling
gonfiezza {f} :: pomposity
gonfio {adj} /ˈɡon.fjo/ :: swollen
gonfio {adj} :: bombastic (person)
gonfio {adj} :: inflated (tire)
gonfiore {m} :: swelling
gonfiore {m} :: bump, sting
gonfosi {f} [anatomy] /ɡonˈfɔ.zi/ :: gomphosis
gonfrena {f} :: gomphrena, globe amaranth
gongolante {v} :: present participle of gongolare
gongolare {vi} :: To be visibly very satisfied or pleased (with or about)
Gongolo {prop} :: Happy (Disney character)
gongorismo {m} :: Gongorism
gongro {m} /ˈɡon.ɡro/ :: alternative form of grongo
gonidio {m} [biology] :: gonidium
gonio- {prefix} :: Used to form terms relating to (the measurement of) angles
goniometria {f} [mathematics, topography] :: goniometry
goniometrico {adj} [mathematics, topography] :: goniometric
goniometro {m} :: goniometer
gonioscopia {f} [medicine] :: gonioscopy
gonioscopico {adj} :: gonioscopic
goniotomia {f} :: goniotomy
gonna {f} /ˈɡɔ :: skirt
gonnella {f} :: skirt
gonnella {f} [figuratively] :: girl, woman
gonnellina {f} :: miniskirt
gonnellino {m} :: diminutive of gonna; short skirt
gonnellino {m} :: kilt (traditional Scottish garment)
-gono {suffix} [geometry] :: -gon (forms the names of plane figures containing a given number of angles)
gono- {prefix} :: Used to form terms relating to sexual reproduction
gonococcico {adj} :: gonococcal
gonococco {m} [microbiology] :: gonococcus
gonorrea {f} [disease] :: gonorrhea
gonorroico {adj} :: gonorrheal
Gonzaga {prop} :: surname
Gonzaga {prop} :: A noble family from Mantua
gonzo {m} :: simpleton, dolt
gonzo {m} :: dupe
googlante {v} :: present participle of googlare
googlare {vt} /ɡuˈɡ :: to google
Google {prop} /ˈɡu.ɡol/ :: Google (search engine or company)
gopher dalle tasche {m} :: pocket gopher, gopher
gora {f} :: canal (for irrigation)
gora {f} :: mill race
gorano {adj} :: Goran
gorbia {f} :: ferrule
gordiano {adj} :: Gordian
Gordiano {prop} :: given name
goretex {m} :: Gore-Tex
gorgheggiamento {m} :: trilling, warbling
gorgheggiante {v} :: present participle of gorgheggiare
gorgheggiare {vi} :: to warble
gorgheggiare {vi} [music] :: to trill
gorgheggiatore {m} :: triller
gorgheggiatore {m} :: warbler (bird is masculine only)
gorgheggio {m} [music] :: trill
gorgia {f} [obsolete, anatomy] /ˈɡɔr.d͡ʒa/ :: throat
gorgia {f} [figuratively] :: ravine, gorge
gorgia {f} [linguistics, phonetics] :: Meanings related to linguistics:
gorgia {f} :: The lenition of the stop consonants /p, t, k/ (especially the lattermost) found in several areas of Tuscany
gorgia {f} :: The pronunciation of the letter R as a uvular trill
Gorgia {prop} /ˈɡɔr.d͡ʒa/ :: Gorgias (Greek philosopher)
gorgiera {f} :: gorget
gorgiera {f} :: bib
gorgiera {f} :: ruff
gorgieretta {f} :: gorget (armour for the throat)
gorgo {m} :: whirlpool
gorgo {m} :: vortex, eddy
gorgogliamento {m} :: gurgling
gorgogliante {v} :: present participle of gorgogliare
gorgogliare {vi} :: To gurgle
gorgogliare {vi} :: To sizzle
gorgogliatore {m} :: fermentation lock
gorgoglio {m} :: gurgling
gorgoglio {m} :: gurgle
gorgoglione {m} /ɡor.ɡoʎˈʎ :: aphid
gorgoglione {m} :: synonym of gruccione
Gorgón {f} :: medieval spelling of Gorgone
Gorgona {prop} :: An island between Corsica and Livorno
gorgone {f} /ˈɡɔr.ɡ :: gorgon
Gorgone {f} :: alternative case form of gorgone
gorgonia {f} :: gorgonian, sea whip, sea fan (cnidarian of order Alcyonacea, syn. Gorgonacea)
gorgonzola {m} /ɡor.ɡonˈd͡zɔ.la/ :: gorgonzola cheese
Gorgonzola {prop} /ɡor.ɡonˈd͡zɔ.la/ :: Gorgonzola (commune)
Gori {prop} :: surname
gorilla {m} :: gorilla
gorillone {m} :: A giant ape; a King Kong
Gorizia {prop} :: Gorizia (town/and/province)
goriziano {adj} :: Of or relating to Gorizia or the Gorizia people
goriziano {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Gorizia
Goriziano {prop} :: Gorizia
Gornalunga {prop} :: Gornalunga (river)
gospel {m} [music] :: gospel
gossip {m} :: gossip (especially concerning famous or important people)
gossiparo {adj} :: gossip (attributive)
gossiparo {m} :: gossiper
gossipolo {m} [organic compound] :: gossypol
gota {f} /ˈɡɔ.ta/ :: cheek (human or meat-animal), jowl
Göteborg {prop} /ˈɡø.te.bɔrɡ/ :: Göteborg (city)
gotha {m} :: The local aristocracy of a region
gotha {m} :: The elite of a particular business or entertainment sector
Gotha {prop} :: Gotha
gotico {adj} /ˈɡɔtiko/ :: Gothic
gotico {m} :: Gothic language or style
goto {adj} :: Gothic
gotta {f} :: gout
gottante {v} :: present participle of gottare
Gottardi {prop} :: surname
Gottardo {prop} :: Gothard
gottare {vt} [nautical] :: to bail out
gottazza {f} [nautical] :: bailer (bailing scoop)
gottazza {f} [nautical] :: skeet
Gotti {prop} :: Gotti; surname
Gottinga {prop} :: Göttingen
gotto {m} :: mug, mugful
gotto {m} :: glass, glassful
gottosa {f} :: female equivalent of gottoso
gottoso {adj} [pathology] :: gouty, gout (attributive)
gottoso {m} [pathology] :: gout sufferer
goulotte {f} :: An Alpine gulley that is too narrow to be skied through
gourmet {mf} :: gourmet
governabile {adj} :: governable
governabile {adj} :: steerable
governabilità {f} :: governability
governale {f} :: vane (of a bomb etc.)
governante {adj} :: governing, ruling
governante {f} :: governess
governante {f} :: housekeeper
governare {v} :: to govern, to rule, to control, to manage
governare {v} [of animals] :: to feed, to groom, to look after
governativo {adj} :: government (attributive)
governativo {adj} :: governmental
governativo {adj} :: pro-government (media)
governatorato {m} :: governorship (office)
governatorato {m} :: governorate (territory)
governatore {m} :: governor
governatoriale {adj} :: governor (attributive), gubernatorial
governatrice {f} :: female equivalent of governatore
governatura {f} :: tending, feeding (of animals)
governatura {f} :: grooming (of horses)
governatura {f} :: manuring, fertilizing (of land)
governissimo {m} [colloquial] :: A government that has a large parliamentary majority or has very influential politicians
governo {m} :: government, administration, rule
governo {m} :: running, management, direction
governo {m} [of animals] :: feeding, tending
Govoni {prop} :: surname
Govoni {prop} :: Corrado Govoni, Italian poet
goyesco {adj} :: Goyaesque
Gozo {prop} :: Gozo
Gozzano {prop} :: surname
Gozzano {prop} :: Guido Gozzano, Italian poet
Gozzi {prop} :: surname
Gozzi {prop} :: Gasparo Gozzi, Italian dramatist
gozziano {adj} :: Gozzian
gozzo {m} /ˈɡot.t͡so/ :: crop (of a bird)
gozzo {m} [anatomy] :: throat
gozzo {m} [medicine] :: goitre, goiter
gozzo {m} [nautical] :: fishing boat (with oars and sometimes a small sail)
gozzo esoftalmico {m} [medicine] :: exophthalmic goiter, Graves' disease, Graves-Basedow disease
gozzoviglia {f} :: merrymaking, revelry
gozzovigliante {v} :: present participle of gozzovigliare
gozzovigliare {vi} :: To make merry; To carouse
gozzuto {adj} :: throaty
gozzuto {adj} :: goitrous, goitred
grabar {m} :: Old Armenian (language, script)
gracchia {f} [archaic, literary] /ˈɡrak.kja/ :: alternative form of gracchio
gracchia {f} [archaic, figurative] :: chatterbox, windbag
gracchiamento {m} :: croaking
gracchiante {v} :: present participle of gracchiare
gracchiare {vi} :: To caw or croak; To crackle
gracchio {m} /ˈɡrak.kjo/ :: chough
gracchio {m} :: caw (sound of a crow)
gracchio {m} :: chatter (sound of a magpie)
gracchio {m} :: grackle
gracchio alpino {m} :: Alpine chough
gracchio corallino {m} :: chough, red-billed chough or Cornish chough
gracidamento {m} :: croak
gracidante {v} :: present participle of gracidare
gracidante {adj} :: croaking
gracidar {v} :: apocopic form of gracidare
gracidare {vi} :: To croak (as a frog)
gracidio {m} :: croaking
gracidio {m} :: chatter (of frogs and crows)
gracile {adj} /ˈɡra.t͡ʃi.le/ :: delicate, frail, weakly
gracile {adj} :: slender, thin
gracilità {f} :: delicateness
gracilità {f} :: frailty
gracilmente {adv} :: delicately, frailly, weakly
gracula {f} :: grackle
gradare {vt} [archaic] /ɡraˈ :: to divide by degrees; to graduate
gradare {vi} [literary] :: To have a gradual structure
gradare {v} [figurative, by extension] :: To slope down or incline downward
gradassata {f} :: bravado
gradassata {f} :: boasting, bragging
gradasso {m} :: braggart
gradasso {m} :: loudmouth
gradasso {m} :: flippant
gradatamente {adv} :: gradually; by degrees
gradazione {f} :: gradation
gradazione alcolica {f} :: alcoholic content or strength (of beer or wine etc)
Gradenigo {prop} :: surname
Gradenigo {prop} :: A noble family from Venice
gradente {v} :: present participle of gradire
gradese {m} :: A dialect of Venetian spoken in Grado
gradese {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Grado
gradese {adj} :: Of or from Grado
gradevole {adj} /ɡraˈdevole/ :: pleasant, enjoyable, agreeable
gradevolezza {f} :: pleasantness, agreeableness
gradevolmente {adv} :: pleasantly, agreeably
gradevolmente {adv} :: nicely, fairly
gradiente {m} [mathematics, physics] /ɡraˈdjɛnte/ :: gradient
gradimento {m} :: liking
gradimento {m} :: satisfaction
gradimento {m} :: approval
gradina {f} :: gradine
gradinamento {m} :: chiselling
gradinamento {m} :: step cutting (by mountaineers)
gradinante {v} :: present participle of gradinare
gradinare {v} :: to chisel
gradinare {v} :: to cut steps (while mountaineering)
gradinata {f} :: flight of steps
gradinata {f} :: terracing (in a stadium)
gradinata {f} :: stairway
gradinatura {f} :: chiselling
gradino {m} :: step
gradino {m} :: foothold
gradino {m} :: rung
gradire {v} :: to accept something with pleasure
gradire {v} :: to want or desire
graditissimo {adj} :: superlative of gradito
graditissimo {adj} :: much welcome, much appreciated
graditissimo {adj} :: very pleasant
gradito {adj} :: welcome, appreciated
gradito {adj} :: pleasant
grado {m} :: degree
grado {m} :: level
grado {m} :: rank
grado {m} :: grade
grado {m} [literary] :: satisfaction, liking, will
Grado {prop} :: Grado (small town)
gradone {m} :: terrace (agricultural, or in an arena etc)
graduabile {adj} :: gradable
graduabilità {f} :: gradability
graduale {adj} :: gradual
gradualismo {m} :: gradualism
gradualista {mf} :: gradualist
gradualistico {adj} :: gradualistic
gradualità {f} :: gradualness
gradualizzante {v} :: present participle of gradualizzare
gradualizzare {v} :: to modify gradually
gradualmente {adv} /ɡrad.walˈmen.te/ :: gradually
graduante {v} :: present participle of graduare
graduare {vt} :: to graduate [a scientific instrument, etc.]
graduato {adj} :: graduated
graduatore {adj} :: graduated (having graduations)
graduatoria {f} :: list (of people in some sort of order); ranking; grading
graduatorio {adj} :: Defining an order of succession
graduatorio {adj} :: Ranking; grading (attributive)
graduazione {f} :: graduation (all senses)
grafema {m} [orthography, typography] :: grapheme (smallest unit of a writing system of any given language;letters of alphabet)
grafematica {f} [linguistics] :: graphemics
grafematicamente {adv} :: graphemically
grafematico {adj} [linguistics] :: graphemic
grafemico {adj} :: graphemic
grafene {m} [organic compound] :: graphene
graffa {f} :: brace (punctuation)
graffa {f} :: staple, clip
graffante {v} :: present participle of graffare
graffare {v} :: to staple
graffare {v} :: to cramp (restrict movement)
graffare {v} :: to seam
graffatrice {f} :: stapler
graffatrice {f} :: seamer (device)
graffatura {f} :: stapling
graffatura {f} :: seaming
graffente {v} :: present participle of graffire
graffetta {f} :: clip, staple
graffetta {f} :: paperclip
graffettatrice {f} :: stapler
Graffiacane {prop} :: A fictional devil in the Divine Comedy
graffiante {v} :: present participle of graffiare
graffiante {adj} :: biting, scathing, caustic
graffiantesi {v} :: present participle of graffiarsi
graffiare {v} /ɡrafˈfjare/ :: to scratch
graffiare {v} [figuratively] :: to bite
graffiarsi {v} :: reflexive of graffiare
graffiarsi {v} :: to get scratched, scratch oneself, scratch each other
graffiata {f} :: scratching
graffiata {f} :: scratch
graffiatosi {v} :: past participle of graffiarsi
graffiatura {f} :: scratch
graffietto {m} :: little scratch
graffietto {m} :: scriber, marking gauge
graffio {m} :: scratch
graffire {v} :: to graffiti
graffitaro {m} :: graffiti artist
graffitato {adj} :: graphited
graffitismo {m} [art] :: graffiti, street art
graffitista {mf} :: graffiti artist
graffito {m} /ɡrafˈ :: graffiti
-grafia {suffix} :: -graphy
grafia {f} :: spelling
grafia {f} :: handwriting
grafica {f} :: graphic arts
grafica {f} :: graphics
grafica bitmap {f} :: bitmap graphics
graficamente {adv} :: graphically
graficante {v} :: present participle of graficare
grafica raster {f} :: raster graphics
graficare {v} [computing] :: To create computer graphics
grafica tridimensionale {f} [computing] :: 3D graphics
grafica vettoriale {f} :: vector graphics
-grafico {suffix} :: -graphic
grafico {adj} :: graphic
grafico {m} :: graph, plot
grafico {m} :: graphics artist
grafiosi {f} [phytopathology] :: Dutch elm disease
grafitante {v} :: present participle of grafitare
grafitare {v} :: to graphitize (convert to, or coat with graphite)
grafitazione {f} :: graphitization
grafite {f} :: graphite
grafitico {adj} :: graphitic
grafitizzazione {f} [geology] :: graphitization
-grafo {suffix} :: -grapher
grafo- {prefix} :: grapho-
grafo {m} :: graph
grafoanalisi {f} :: graphoanalysis
grafologa {f} :: female equivalent of grafologo
grafologia {f} :: graphology
grafologicamente {adv} :: graphologically
grafologico {adj} :: graphological
grafologo {m} :: graphologist
grafomane {mf} :: graphomane (insistent scribbler)
grafomania {f} :: graphomania
grafometria {f} :: graphometry
grafometro {m} :: graphometer
grafospasmo {m} :: graphospasm, writer's cramp
Gragnano {prop} :: Gragnano (town)
gragnola {f} :: hail, shower, flood, torrent (figurative, of abuse etc.)
gragnola {f} [meteorology] :: ice pellets
Graie {prop} :: Graeae
Gral {prop} :: Grail, Holy Grail
gramaglia {f} :: mourning (dark clothing)
gramicidina {f} [medicine] :: gramicidin
gramigna {f} :: Bermuda grass, quackgrass, couch grass, quickgrass, quitchgrass, doggrass, scutch grass, twitch, witchgrass
gramigna {f} :: A type of short slender yellow-green coloured egg pasta similar to vermicelli traditionally cooked in Emilia-Romagna
gramigna alla salsiccia {n} :: A traditional first course of gramigna with a sauce of sausage, tomato sauce, onion, rosemary, sage, salt, pepper, white wine in Emilia-Romagna Italy
graminacea {f} [botany] :: gramineous plant, grass
graminaceo {adj} [botany] :: gramineous, graminaceous
-gramma {suffix} :: -gram
gramma {m} :: gram (Variant of: grammo)
grammatica {f} :: grammar
grammatica {f} :: female equivalent of grammatico
grammaticaggine {f} :: Exaggerated grammatical pedantry
grammaticale {adj} :: grammatical
grammaticalità {f} :: grammaticality
grammaticalmente {adv} :: grammatically
grammaticheria {f} :: Exaggerated grammatical pedantry
grammatico {m} :: grammarian
grammatologia {f} [linguistics] :: grammatology
grammatura {f} :: weight in grams per square metre, especially of cloth or paper
grammo {m} :: gramme/gram, unit of mass
grammo-atomo {m} [chemistry] :: gram atom
grammofonico {adj} /ɡram.moˈfɔ.ni.ko/ :: synonym of fonografico
grammofono {m} :: gramophone, phonograph
grammo-molecola {f} [chemistry] :: mole, gram molecule
gram-negativo {adj} :: gram-negative
gramo {adj} :: wretched
gramola {f} :: brake
gramola {f} :: kneading machine
gramolante {v} :: present participle of gramolare
gramolare {v} :: to brake (knead or crush)
gramolare {v} :: to knead
gramolatrice {f} :: scutch
gramolatura {f} :: braking
gramolatura {f} :: kneading
Grampiani {prop} :: Grampians
grampo {m} :: kind of grey dolphin (Grampus griseus)
gram-positivo {adj} :: gram-positive
Gramsci {prop} :: surname
Gramsci {prop} :: Antonio Gramsci, Italian politician, philosopher etc
gramscianesimo {m} :: Gramscianism
gramsciano {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Antonio Gramsci and his works; Gramscian
gramscismo {m} :: synonym of gramscianesimo
grana {f} :: grain
grana {f} [figuratively, familiar] :: trouble, nuisance
grana {m} :: a cheese similar to parmesan
grana {f} [familiar] :: cash
Grana {prop} :: Grana (river)
granadiglia {f} :: granadilla
granaglia {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: corn (seeds of cereals for food use)
granaglia {f} :: granulated gold or silver
granagliante {v} :: present participle of granagliare
granagliare {v} :: to granulate (precious metal)
granaio {m} [agriculture] :: granary, barn
granaio {m} [figuratively] :: region that produces much grain; a breadbasket
granaiolo {adj} :: grain-eating (bird)
granata {f} :: grenade, hand grenade
granata {f} :: pomegranate
granata {f} :: member or supporter of Torino FC
granata {f} :: maroon, amaranthine, carmine, crimson
granata {f} :: garnet
granata {f} :: broom
Granatelli {prop} :: surname
granatiere {m} :: grenadier
granatiglio {m} :: granadilla (tree, wood)
granatina {f} :: pomegranate syrup
granato {adj} /ɡraˈ :: grained (having grains)
granato {adj} :: crimson
granato {m} [archaic] :: pomegranate (tree)
granato {m} [archaic] :: pomegranate (fruit)
granato {adj} [archaic] :: Having formed grains
granato {adj} [archaic, figurative] :: strong, vigorous, sturdy
granato {m} [mineral, uncountable] :: garnet (gemstone)
granato {m} [mineral, uncountable] :: synonym of piropo
granato {m} :: One of several synthetic red dyes
granato {m} :: synonym of melograno
granato bianco {m} [mineral] :: An uncoloured variety of grossular
granato ferrico {m} [mineralogy] :: synonym of andradite
granbestia {f} :: moose or elk (whose claws were worn as an amulet)
Gran Bretagna {prop} :: Great Britain
Gran Bretagna {prop} [extensively, mistakenly] :: the United Kingdom
grancancelliere {m} :: High Chancellor
Gran Carro {prop} [astronomy] :: Ursa Major (constellation)
Gran Carro {prop} [astronomy] :: Big Dipper (constellation)
Gran Carro {prop} [astronomy] :: Great Bear (constellation)
Gran Carro {prop} [astronomy] :: Plough (constellation)
Gran Carro {prop} [astronomy] :: Charles' Wain (constellation)
grancassa {f} [musical instruments] :: bass drum
granceola {f} :: spiny spider crab (Maja squinado)
grancevola {f} :: spiny spider crab (Maja squinado)
granché {pron} [only used in negative sentences] /ɡranˈke/ :: Nothing notable, or particularly interesting; not much
granché {m} [singular only, only used in negative sentences] :: Nothing notable, or particularly interesting
granché {adv} [only used in negative sentences] :: Not that much, not very much; not really
granchio {m} /ˈɡran.kjo/ :: crab (animal)
granchio {m} [figuratively] :: mistake
granciere {m} :: The bailiff on a Benedictine estate
granciporro {m} :: edible crab (Cancer pagurus)
grand' {adj} [sometimes before a vowel] :: apocopic form of grande
grandangolare {adj} [of a lens] :: wide-angle
grandangolo {m} :: wide-angle lens
grande {adj} /ˈɡ :: of greater physical dimensions or numerosity
grande {adj} :: big [size]
grande {adj} :: large [quantity]
grande {adj} :: tall
grande {adj} :: wide, broad
grande {adj} :: long
grande {adj} :: great [importance]
grande {adj} [colloquial] :: synonym of bravo
grande {adv} :: really [intensifier]
grande {interj} :: great!
grande {mf} :: adult, grownup
grande {mf} :: great (person of major significance)
grande {mf} [uncountable] :: greatness, magnificence
grande ammiraglio {m} [nautical] :: admiral of the fleet (approximate equivalent)
Grande Carro {prop} :: Big Dipper (constellation)
grande dorsale {m} [muscle] :: latissimus dorsi, broadest muscle of back
grandeggiante {v} :: present participle of grandeggiare
grandeggiare {vi} :: to tower (over)
grandeggiare {vi} :: to put on airs or give oneself airs
grandeggiare {vi} :: to show off
Grande Macchia Rossa {prop} :: Great Red Spot
grande male {m} [pathology] :: grand mal
Grande Mela {prop} [colloquial] :: Big Apple (nickname for New York City)
grandemente {adv} /ɡran.deˈmen.te/ :: greatly
grandemente {adv} :: much
Grande muraglia cinese {prop} :: The Great Wall of China
grande osso {m} [skeleton] :: capitate bone
grande trocantere {m} [Variant of: gran trocantere, skeleton] :: greater trochanter
grandezza {f} :: size
grandezza {f} :: magnitude (astronomy)
grandezza {f} :: quantity (maths)
grandezza {f} :: greatness
grandezza {f} :: grandeur
grandguignolesco {adj} :: alternative spelling of granguignolesco
grandicello {adj} :: somewhat grown-up
grandiloquenza {f} :: grandiloquence
grandinante {v} :: present participle of grandinare
grandinare {v} :: to hail (down)
grandinata {f} [weather] :: hailstorm
grandine {f} :: hail
grandine molle {f} [meteorology] :: graupel, soft hail
grandinifugo {adj} :: anti-hail
grandinigeno {adj} :: grandinous (producing hail)
grandinoso {adj} :: mixed with hail (of rain)
grandiosamente {adv} :: grandly, magnificently, grandiosely
grandiosità {f} :: grandeur, magnificence
grandioso {adj} :: grandiose, magnificent
grandissimo {adj} :: superlative of grande; very large, tall, high, wide, deep, great
grandordine {m} [taxonomy] /ɡranˈ :: grandorder
gran dorsale {m} [muscle] :: latissimus dorsi, broadest muscle of back
granduca {m} :: grand duke
granducale {adj} :: grand ducal
granducato {m} :: grand duchy
granduchessa {f} :: grand duchess
grandula {f} :: sandgrouse
granella {f} :: alternative form of granello
granellante {v} :: present participle of granellare
granellare {vt} :: To granulate
granellino {m} :: speck (of dust etc)
granello {m} :: grain [of sand, salt, etc.]
granello {m} :: speck [of powder, etc.]
granello {m} :: testicle [of an animal, when used for food]
granellosità {f} :: granularity
granelloso {adj} :: granular
granente {v} :: present participle of granire
granfatto {adv} :: a lot, too
granfia {f} :: claw, talon
granghignolesco {adj} :: alternative spelling of granguignolesco
grangia {f} :: grange (outlying land belonging to a monastery)
granguignolesco {adj} /ɡran.ɡiɲ.ɲoˈles.ko/ :: Grand Guignol [attributive]
Granico {prop} :: The Biga çay, that flows in Turkey
granicolo {adj} /ɡra.ˈni.ko.lo/ :: wheat-growing (attributive)
granicoltore {m} :: wheat grower or farmer
granicoltura {f} [agriculture] :: wheat growing
granifero {adj} :: wheat-producing
granigione {f} :: granulation (formation of cereal grains)
graniglia {f} :: grit
granigliatrice {f} :: shot blasting / sandblasting machine
granire {vt} :: to granulate
granire {vi} :: to form grains or seeds
granita {f} :: granita
granitico {adj} :: granite (attributive)
granitico {adj} :: rock-like
granitiforme {adj} :: granitiform
granito {m} :: granite
granitura {f} :: seeding
granitura {f} :: graining
granivoro {adj} :: granivorous
grano {m} :: wheat, corn
grano {m} :: grain (of cereal, or small piece of something)
grano {m} :: bead (of the rosary)
grano {m} :: peppercorn
grano {m} :: money
grano {m} :: pin
granoblastico {adj} :: granoblastic
grano di pepe {m} :: peppercorn
grano duro {m} [grain] :: durum, durum wheat
grano saraceno {m} :: buckwheat
granoso {adj} :: grain- or corn-producing
granoso {adj} [colloquial] :: loaded (rich)
grano tenero {m} :: soft wheat
granoturco {m} /ɡranoˈturko/ :: maize
gran parte {f} :: a great deal
Gran Premio {m} :: Grand Prix
gran trocantere {m} [skeleton] :: greater trochanter
granturco {m} :: alternative form of granoturco
granturismo {f} [automobiles] :: grand tourer
granulante {v} :: present participle of granulare
granulare {adj} :: granular
granulare {vt} :: To granulate
granularità {f} :: granularity
granulato {adj} :: granulated
granulato {m} :: chip (small piece of material, such as marble, stone, etc.)
granulazione {f} :: granulation
granulo {m} :: granule
granulocita {m} [cytology, immunology] :: granulocyte
granulocitico {adj} [cytology, immunology] :: granulocytic
granulocito {m} :: granulocyte
granulocitopenia {f} [pathology] :: granulocytopenia
granuloma {m} [pathology] :: granuloma
granulomatoso {adj} [pathology] :: granulomatous
granulometria {f} :: granulometry
granulometrico {adj} :: granulometric
granulosità {f} :: granularity, granulosity
granuloso {adj} :: granular
granuloso {adj} :: granulation (attributive)
graolo {m} /ˈɡrao̯.lo/ :: alternative form of gravolo
grappa {f} :: grappa
grappa {f} :: brace (A cord, ligament, or rod, for producing or maintaining tension)
grappaiolo {m} :: grappa maker
grappino {m} [nautical] :: grapnel
grappino {m} :: tot of grappa
grappo {m} :: bunch (Variant of: grappolo or graspo)
grappoletto {m} :: diminutive of grappolo
grappoletto {m} :: a small bunch or cluster [of grapes, etc.]
grappolo {m} :: bunch, cluster [grapes, etc.]
graptolito {m} :: graptolite
grascella {f} :: alternative form of grassella
grascia {f} [obsolete] /ˈɡraʃ.ʃa/ :: food supplies, provisions, especially cereals
grascia {f} [historical] :: A tax on the introduction of provisions in a town
grascia {f} [obsolete, regional, figurative] :: wealth, abundance
grascia {f} [obsolete or regional] :: fat, especially pork fat
grasciere {m} :: An official in charge of rations
graspo {m} :: (Venetian) bunch (of grapes etc)
grassaggio {m} :: greasing (lubricating with grease)
grassatore {m} :: robber, highwayman
grassazione {f} :: armed robbery
grassella {f} :: stifle
grassello {m} :: lump of fat
grassello {m} :: slaked lime
grassetto {adj} :: bold (typeface)
grassetto {m} :: boldface
grassezza {f} :: fatness, stoutness
grassezza {f} :: greasiness
Grassi {prop} :: surname
grasso {adj} /ˈɡ :: fat
grasso {adj} :: fatty, greasy (containing fat)
grasso {adj} [botany, of plants] :: succulent
grasso {adj} [figuratively] :: rich, abundant
grasso {adj} [figuratively] :: useful, advantageous
grasso {adj} [figuratively, of a person] :: well-off, well-to-do
grasso {adj} :: fatty, greasy, unctuous (having a greasy consistence)
grasso {adj} [by extension, of air] :: thick
grasso {adj} :: fatty, greasy, unctuous (having a greasy surface)
grasso {adj} [figuratively, of a way of speaking] :: licentious, raunchy, vulgar
grasso {m} :: fat (animal tissue)
grasso {m} [by extension] :: Any greasy substance
grasso {m} [nautical] :: The concavity of a sail under the effect of the wind
Grasso {prop} :: surname
grassoccio {adj} :: plump, podgy, tubby, chubby
grassona {f} :: A fat person
grassone {m} :: A fat person
grasso siliconico {m} :: silicone grease
grassottello {adj} :: chubby
grassume {m} :: fat, grease
grassume {m} :: greasiness
grata {f} :: grating
grata {f} :: grid
gratella {f} :: grid, grating, grill
graticcia {f} :: flies (in a theatre); rigging loft
graticciante {v} :: present participle of graticciare
graticciare {v} :: to trellis
graticciata {f} :: trelliswork
graticciata {f} :: wattle [construction of woven branches]
graticciato {m} :: mat, rack (for drying fruit)
graticcio {m} :: trellis
graticcio {m} :: mat (of rushes)
graticcio {m} :: lattice
graticola {f} :: grill (for cooking on)
graticola {f} :: gridiron
graticolante {v} :: present participle of graticolare
graticolare {v} :: to graticulate
graticolato {adj} :: Shaped like a grille or grating
graticolato {m} :: grating
graticolato {m} :: trellis (for plants)
gratifica {f} :: bonus
gratificante {v} :: present participle of gratificare
gratificante {adj} :: gratifying, rewarding
gratificante {adj} :: pleasurable
gratificantesi {v} :: present participle of gratificarsi
gratificare {v} :: to gratify, reward
gratificarsi {v} :: reflexive of gratificare
gratificarsi {v} :: to be gratified or rewarded
gratificatosi {v} :: past participle of gratificarsi
gratificazione {f} :: gratification
gratile {m} [nautical] :: bolt rope
gratinante {v} :: present participle of gratinare
gratinare {vt} :: to cook au gratin
gratinatura {f} [cooking] :: gratin
gratis {adv} /ˈɡratis/ :: gratis, free
gratis {adj} :: free
gratissimo {adj} :: superlative of grato
gratitudine {f} :: gratitude
grato {adj} /ˈɡ :: appreciated, welcome
grato {adj} [rare] :: pleasant
grato {adj} :: grateful
grattabugia {f} /ɡrat.taˈbu.d͡ʒa/ :: alternative form of grattapugia
grattacapo {m} [familiar] :: poser, worry, nuisance, headache
grattacielo {m} /ˌɡra.tːaˈt͡ʃ(j)e.lo/ :: skyscraper
gratta e vinci {m} :: scratch card
grattante {v} :: present participle of grattare
grattantesi {v} :: present participle of grattarsi
grattapugia {f} /ɡrat.taˈpu.d͡ʒa/ :: A rotating wire- or fibreglass brush used by jewellery-makers to polish gold or silver
grattare {vt} :: to scratch, to scrape
grattare {vt} :: to grate (to shred foodstuffs)
grattare {vi} :: but takes avere as auxiliary to grind, to strip (the gears)
grattarsi {vr} :: to scratch oneself
grattata {f} :: scratching, scoring
grattata {f} :: scraping
grattata {f} :: grating
grattatoio {m} :: scratching post (for cats)
grattatosi {v} :: past participle of grattarsi
grattatura {f} [uncommon] :: scratching, scraping (action)
grattatura {f} [uncommon] :: scratch, scrape (result)
grattino {m} :: caress performed with fingernails
grattugia {f} :: grater
grattugiante {v} :: present participle of grattugiare
grattugiare {v} :: to grate (to shred foodstuffs)
grattugiato {adj} :: grated (cheese, etc)
gratuggia {f} :: grater (for grating cheese etc)
gratuità {f} :: gratuitousness
gratuitamente {adv} :: for free, gratis
gratuitamente {adv} :: gratuitously
gratuito {adj} /ɡraˈ :: free, free of charge, gratis
gratuito {adj} [figurative] :: unjustified, unwarranted, gratuitous, uncalled for
gravabile {adj} :: taxable
gravame {m} :: burden, load, weight
gravame {m} :: any onerous tax
gravante {v} :: present participle of gravare
gravare {vt} :: To burden, to load
gravare {vi} :: To rest, to weigh
gravare di ipoteca {v} :: To encumber (to add a legal claim or other obligation)
gravattaro {m} :: loan shark
grave {adj} :: grave, serious
grave {adj} :: heavy
grave {adj} :: solemn
grave {adj} [music] :: low-pitched, low-pitch
gravemente {adv} :: seriously, critically, severely
graveolente {adj} :: foul-smelling
graveolenza {f} :: foul smell
gravezza {f} :: heaviness, weight, weightiness
gravi- {prefix} :: Forms terms relating to weight, and thus to both gravity and pregnancy
gravicembalo {m} [musical instruments] :: gravicembalo
gravidanza {f} :: pregnancy
gravidico {adj} :: gravid; gravidic
gravido {adj} :: pregnant, gravid
gravido {adj} :: fraught, full, heavily laden
gravimetria {f} :: gravimetry
gravimetrico {adj} [chemistry, geology] :: gravimetric
gravimetro {m} :: gravimeter
gravina {f} :: mattock
gravina {f} [geology] :: gorge, ravine
Gravina {prop} :: surname
gravissimo {adj} :: superlative of grave
gravità {f} [physics] :: gravity (all meanings)
gravità {f} :: seriousness, graveness, solemnity
gravità {f} :: heaviness, weightiness
gravità quantistica {f} [physics] :: quantum gravity
gravitare {vi} :: to gravitate
gravitazionale {adj} [physics] :: gravitational
gravitazionalmente {adv} :: gravitationally
gravitazione {f} [physics] /ɡravitaˈtsjone/ :: gravitation
gravitino {m} [physics] :: gravitino
gravitomagnetico {adj} :: gravitomagnetic
gravitomagnetismo {m} [physics] :: gravitomagnetism
gravitone {m} :: graviton
gravolo {m} /ˈɡra.vo.lo/ :: synonym of gruccione
gravosamente {adv} :: heavily
gravosamente {adv} :: onerously
gravosità {f} :: heaviness
gravosità {f} :: stuffiness
gravoso {adj} :: heavy
gravoso {adj} :: onerous
grazia {f} :: grace
grazia {f} [legal] :: pardon
grazia {f} :: favour, kindness
grazia {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: serif
Grazia {prop} :: given name
graziabile {adj} :: pardonable
Graziano {prop} :: given name
graziante {v} :: present participle of graziare
graziare {vt} :: to pardon (law)
graziare {vt} [figuratively] :: to spare
grazie {interj} :: thank you, thanks!
grazie {m} :: thanks, thank-you (an expression of gratitude)
grazie {m} [uncommon] :: gratitude
grazie a {prep} :: thanks to
grazie a {prep} :: by way of
grazie a Dio {phrase} :: synonym of se Dio vuole
Graziella {prop} :: given name, a diminutive form of Grazia (Grace)
grazie mille {phrase} /ˌɡrat.tsje ˈmil.le/ :: thank you very much, thanks a lot
graziosamente {adv} :: graciously
graziosamente {adv} :: gracefully
graziosissimo {adj} :: superlative of grazioso
graziosissimo {adj} :: very cute, very pretty, very nice
graziosissimo {adj} :: very kind
graziosità {f} :: gracefulness
grazioso {adj} /ɡratˈ :: cute, pretty, nice, graceful
grazioso {adj} :: delightful, graceful
grazioso {adj} [literary] :: kind, gracious
grazioso {adj} [literary, poetic] :: gracious, merciful, compassionate
grazioso {adj} [music] :: grazioso
Gr.Cassa {n} [music] :: abbreviation of gran cassa
greca {f} :: meander, Greek key, Greek fret, fretwork
grecale {adj} :: north-east (attributive)
grecale {m} :: gregale (wind from the north-east)
grecanico {adj} :: Griko (attributive)
grecheggiante {v} :: present participle of grecheggiare
grecheggiare {vit} :: to Hellenize
Grecia {prop} /ˈɡrɛ.tʃa/ :: Greece
grecismo {m} [linguistics] :: grecism
grecista {mf} :: Greek scholar (person who studies Ancient Greek language and literature)
grecità {f} /ɡret͡ʃiˈta/ :: Greekness; Greek nature, culture or spirit
grecizzante {v} :: present participle of grecizzare
grecizzare {vit} :: to Hellenize
greco- {prefix} :: Greco-
greco {adj} /ˈɡrɛ.ko/ :: Greek
greco {m} :: Greek (individual)
greco {m} :: Greek (language)
Greco {prop} :: surname
greco-ortodosso {adj} :: Greek Orthodox
greco-romano {adj} :: Graeco-Roman, Greco-Roman
gregaria {f} :: female equivalent of gregario
gregario {adj} :: pertaining or relative to a follower; unable of showing any enterprise or autonomy
gregario {adj} [of an animal] :: living in flocks, packs or likes
gregario {adj} [of a plant] :: with many specimina growing in the same place
gregario {m} [derogatory] :: one who passively follows other's instructions, never acting on his own; a follower; a lemming
gregario {m} [cycling] :: domestique
gregario {m} :: [old] grunt
gregarismo {m} :: gregariousness
gregge {mf} :: flock
greggio {adj} /ˈɡred.d͡ʒo/ :: raw, unrefined
greggio {adj} :: crude (petroleum)
greggio {adj} :: rough, uncut (gemstones)
greggio {adj} :: untanned (leather)
greggio {adj} :: unbleached
greggio {m} :: crude oil
Greggio {prop} :: surname
Greggio {prop} :: Ezio Greggio, Italian anchorman and comedian
Gregori {prop} :: surname
gregoriano {adj} :: Gregorian
Gregorio {prop} :: given name
Gregorio {prop} :: surname
grelina {f} [biochemistry] :: ghrelin
grembiale {m} :: alternative form of grembiule
grembiulata {f} :: apronful (as much as an apron will hold)
grembiule {m} :: apron
grembiule {m} :: overall, coverall
grembiulino {m} :: pinafore
grembiulone {m} :: Large apron or similar clothing
grembo {m} :: lap
grembo {m} :: womb
grembo {m} [by extension] :: the inner part of something
gremente {v} :: present participle of gremire
grementesi {v} :: present participle of gremirsi
Gremese {prop} :: surname
gremio {m} /ˈɡrɛ.mjo/ :: lap
gremio {m} :: womb
gremio {m} :: union, guild (of workers)
gremire {vt} :: To fill up; to pack (into)
gremirsi {vr} :: To become crowded (with)
gremito {adj} :: crammed or packed (with)
gremitosi {v} :: past participle of gremirsi
Grenada {prop} :: Grenada (island/and/country)
grenadina {f} :: female equivalent of grenadino
grenadino {adj} :: Grenadian
grenadino {m} :: Grenadian
greppa {f} /ˈɡ :: alternative form of greppo
greppia {f} :: manger
greppo {m} [literary, regional] /ˈɡrep.po/ :: The steep, barren side of a height
greppo {m} [literary, regional] :: The raised side of a country road
gres {m} :: stoneware
grespigno {m} /ɡresˈpiɲ.ɲo/ :: alternative form of crespigno
grespino {m} /ɡresˈ :: alternative form of crespigno
greto {m} :: dry bed of a river
gretola {f} :: bar (of a cage etc.)
grettamente {adv} :: meanly, stingily
grettamente {adv} :: pettily
grettezza {f} :: pettiness
grettezza {f} :: meanness, stinginess
gretto {adj} :: petty, narrow-minded
gretto {adj} :: mean, stingy
greve {adj} :: heavy
greve {adj} :: coarse, vulgar
Greve {prop} :: Greve (town)
grevemente {adv} :: heavily
grevemente {adv} :: coarsely, vulgarly
grevità {f} :: coarseness, vulgarity
grezzo {adj} :: alternative spelling of greggio
griccio {adj} [archaic] /ˈɡrit.t͡ʃo/ :: curled, wrinkled
griccio {adj} [Tuscany] :: stingy (unwilling to spend)
griccio {m} [archaic] :: whim, caprice
griccio {m} [Tuscany] :: joke
griccio {m} [regional] :: shiver
griccio {m} [regional, in the plural] :: tickling
griccioli {m} {p} :: tickling
gricciolo {adj} /ˈɡrit.t͡ʃo.lo/ :: synonym of fanello
gricciolo {m} [archaic or literary] :: whim, caprice
gricciolo {m} [regional] :: shiver
gricciolo {m} [regional, in the plural] :: tickling
gricia {n} :: Related to pasta alla gricia, otherwise said «al modo dei grici». Gricia is the name of a category of bakeries in Rome coming from Swiss Grigions canton (ladin Grischum) or Valtellina and Friuli regions in Italy
grico {m} :: alternative form of griko
gridante {v} :: present participle of gridare
gridar {v} :: apocopic form of gridare
gridare {vti} :: to shout or cry
gridare {vti} :: to scream or yell
gridare {vi} :: to squall
gridio {m} :: shouting, screaming, calling out
grido {m} :: cry, shout (made by a human)
grido {m} :: cry (made by an animal)
grido {m} :: cry, call (the characteristic sound of an animal)
grido di guerra {m} :: war cry (literally “shout of war”)
gridolino {m} :: squeak or grunt (accompanying exertion)
grifagno {adj} :: predatory, rapacious
grifagno {adj} :: fierce, threatening
Grifeo {prop} :: surname
griffa {f} :: jaw, claw, tooth, gear (mechanical)
griffante {v} :: present participle of griffare
griffare {vt} :: To put a brand on a product
griffato {adj} [of clothes etc] :: designer (attributive)
griffe {f} :: designer label
griffone {m} :: griffon (dog)
grifo {m} :: griffin
grifo {m} :: snout
grifone {m} :: griffon or griffin, properly the griffon vulture
grifone {m} [heraldiccharge] :: griffin
grifosi {f} [pathology] :: gryphosis
grigiastro {adj} :: grayish, dun
grigio {adj} /ˈɡri.d͡ʒo/ :: grey
grigio {adj} :: dismal, murky, sombre
grigio {adj} :: drab
grigio {m} :: grey
grigio ardesia {m} :: slate grey (colour)
grigio brunastro {m} :: brownish grey color
grigione {m} :: grison
grigionese {adj} :: Grisons (attributive)
Grigioni {prop} :: Grigioni (canton)
grigiore {m} :: greyness / grayness
grigiore {m} :: drabness, dreariness
grigioverde {adj} :: grey-green
griglia {f} :: A grill, grille, or grate, or trammel
griglia {f} :: A grid
griglia {f} :: lattice
grigliante {v} :: present participle of grigliare
grigliare {vt} :: to grill
grigliare {vt} :: to barbecue
grigliata {f} [foods] :: grill, mixed grill
grigliata {f} :: barbecue, cookout
griko {m} :: Griko
grilletto {m} :: trigger
grilletto {m} [slang] :: clitoris
grilletto {m} :: diminutive of grillo
grillina {f} :: feminine noun of grillino
grillino {adj} /ɡrilˈ :: Of or relating to Italian activist Beppe Grillo or his ideology
grillino {m} :: A supporter of Beppe Grillo or his ideology
grillo {m} /ˈɡril.lo/ :: cricket (insect)
grillo {m} :: whim, fancy
grillo {m} :: shackle (U-shaped piece of metal secured with a pin or bolt across the opening)
grillotalpa {mf} :: mole cricket (Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa)
grimaldello {m} :: picklock
grimaldello {m} :: skeleton key
Grimani {prop} :: surname
Grimani {prop} :: A noble family of Venice
grimorio {m} :: grimoire
grinfia {f} :: claw (or a clawed foot)
grinfia {f} [in the plural] :: clutches
grinta {f} [literary or rare] /ˈɡrinta/ :: frowning facial expression
grinta {f} :: determination, grit
grintosamente {adv} :: grittily, resolutely
grintoso {adj} :: gritty, resolute, determined
grinza {f} :: wrinkle
grinza {f} :: crease
grinzosità {f} :: wrinkledness
grinzosità {f} :: crease, wrinkle
grinzoso {adj} :: wrinkled
grinzoso {adj} :: creased
grippaggio {m} :: seizure (seizing up of a mechanism)
grippante {v} :: present participle of grippare
grippantesi {v} :: present participle of gripparsi
grippare {vt} :: To seize up or jam
gripparsi {vr} :: To seize up or jam
grippatosi {v} :: past participle of gripparsi
grippia {f} [nautical] :: buoy rope (anchors a buoy to the seabed)
grippiale {m} [nautical] :: anchor buoy
grisaglia {f} :: A form of cloth, made with small black and white patches, that appears to be grey
grisaglia {f} :: alternative form of grisaille
grisaille {f} :: grisaille
grisaille {f} :: Variant of grisaglia
grisantemo {m} :: chrysanthemum
grisatoio {m} :: A type of file used by glassmakers to smooth the edges of glass that has been cut
grisella {f} [nautical] :: ratline
Grisoni {prop} :: surname
Grisoni {prop} :: A noble family of Venice
grisou {m} :: firedamp
grisoumetria {f} :: The measurement of the amount of firedamp in the air of a mine
grisoumetrico {adj} :: Relating to the measurement of firedamp in the air of mines
grisoumetro {m} :: An analyzer that determines the amount of firedamp in the air of a mine
grisoutina {f} :: grisoutine
grisoutite {f} :: grisoutite
grissinificio {m} /ɡˈfi.tʃo/ :: breadstick factory
grissino {m} /ɡrisˈ :: breadstick, grissino
grisù {m} :: firedamp
grisumetro {m} :: firedamp detector
grisutoso {adj} :: Of, pertaining to, or containing firedamp
Gritti {prop} :: surname
Gritti {prop} :: A noble family of Venice
grizzly {n} :: synonym of orso grizzly
groccante {v} :: present participle of groccare
groccare {vt} :: to grok
groenlandese {adj} :: Greenlandic
groenlandese {mf} :: Greenlander
Groenlandia {prop} :: Greenland
grofo {m} [Tuscan] /ˈɡrɔ.fo/ :: A concretion of salt on the bottom of the containers where saltwater is boiled
grola {f} [regional] :: Any bird of the family Corvidae
grolare {n} :: grolar
grolla {f} :: A wooden goblet with a lid, characteristic of Valle d'Aosta
groma {f} :: groma
gromma {f} :: tartar, argol (incrustation)
gromma {f} :: fur, scale (in a kettle etc.)
gromma {f} :: sediment
grommante {v} :: present participle of grommare
grommare {vi} :: To become encrusted, or coated with tartar
grommato {adj} :: encrusted (with fur, tartar etc.)
grommoso {adj} :: encrusted with fur, scale, tartar etc
gronco {m} /ˈɡron.ko/ :: alternative form of grongo
gronda {f} :: eaves
gronda {f} :: eavesdrop
gronda {f} :: eaves trough, eavestrough
gronda {f} :: gutter
grondaia {f} :: gutter (to collect rain from a roof)
grondaia {f} [in the plural] :: eaves
grondante {v} :: present participle of grondare
grondante {adj} :: dripping
grondante {adj} :: soaking (wet)
grondare {vi} :: To pour
grondare {vt} :: To drip with
grondone {m} :: gutter
grongo {m} /ˈɡron.ɡo/ :: conger eel
Groninga {prop} :: Groninga (province)
Groninga {prop} :: Groninga (city)
groppa {f} :: back or rump (of an animal)
groppa {f} :: back or shoulders (of a person)
groppata {f} :: buck (of a horse)
groppiera {f} :: crupper strap
groppo {m} :: a tangle
groppo {m} [regional] :: a knot
groppo {m} [meteorology] :: a sudden cluster
groppone {m} :: rump (especially of an animal)
groppone {m} :: back and shoulders
grosella {f} :: currant (fruit of bushes of the genus Ribes)
gros-grain {m} :: grosgrain, petersham (rough woolen cloth)
grossa {f} :: gross (12 dozen)
grossetano {adj} :: Of or relating to Grosseto or the Grosseto people
grossetano {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Grosseto
Grosseto {prop} :: Grosseto (town/and/province)
grossezza {f} :: size
grossezza {f} :: thickness
Grossi {prop} :: surname
grossissimo {adj} :: superlative of grosso
grossista {mf} :: wholesaler
grosso {adj} :: big, large
grosso {adj} :: fat
grosso {adj} :: thick
grosso {adj} :: heavy
grosso {adj} :: rough (of the sea)
grosso {m} :: the main part of something
grosso {m} :: groschen
grossolanamente {adv} :: roughly, approximately, about
grossolanamente {adv} :: coarsely
grossolanità {f} :: coarseness
grossolano {adj} :: coarse (all senses)
grossolano {adj} :: crude
grossolano {adj} :: stupid (mistake)
grossolano {adj} :: gross
grossolano {adj} :: clumsy
grosso modo {adv} :: alternative form of grossomodo
grossomodo {adv} /ɡrosːoˈmɔdo/ :: roughly, approximately
grossularia {f} [mineral] /ɡros.suˈla.rja/ :: grossular
grossularite {f} [mineral] /ɡˈri.te/ :: synonym of grossularia
grotta {f} :: cave
grotta {f} :: grotto
Grottaferrata {prop} :: Grottaferrata (town)
grottaione {m} [regional] /ɡrot.taˈ :: synonym of sordone
grottaione {m} [regional] :: synonym of gruccione
Grotte {prop} :: A comune of Agrigento, in Sicily
grottescamente {adv} :: grotesquely
grottesco {adj} :: grotesque
grotticella {f} /ɡrot.tiˈt͡ʃɛ :: diminutive of grotta: small cave
groviera {f} :: gruyère (cheese)
groviglio {m} :: tangle
groviglio {m} :: muddle
groviglio {m} :: entanglement
gru {f} :: crane (bird)
gru {f} :: crane (machinery)
gru {prop} [astronomy] :: Grus (constellation)
gruarese {adj} :: Of or from Gruaro
Gruaro {prop} :: Gruaro (village)
gruccia {f} :: crutch
gruccia {f} :: coat hanger
grucciolo {m} /ɡrutˈt͡ʃɔ.lo/ :: synonym of gruccione
gruccione {m} /ɡrutˈt͡ʃ :: European bee-eater (Merops apiaster)
grufolante {v} :: present participle of grufolare
grufolare {vi} :: To root about
grugante {v} :: present participle of grugare
grugare {v} [onomatopoeic] :: to coo (make the sound of a pigeon)
grugnente {v} :: present participle of grugnire
grugnire {v} :: to grunt
grugnire {v} :: to grumble
grugnire {v} :: to mutter
grugnito {m} :: grunt
grugno {m} :: snout (of a pig)
grugno {m} :: mug (the face)
gruista {mf} :: crane operator
grulla {f} :: feminine noun of grullo
grullaggine {f} :: silliness, foolishness
grullagine {f} :: stupidity
grulleria {f} :: stupidity
grulleria {f} :: nonsense
grullo {adj} [dialectal, Tuscany] :: stupid, silly
grullo {m} :: fool, idiot
gruma {f} :: tartar, argol
gruma {f} :: fur, scale (in a kettle etc.)
gruma {f} :: incrustation
grumereccio {m} :: late-harvested hay (typically, the third cut)
grumo {m} :: clot (of blood etc)
grumo {m} [food] :: lump
grumolo {m} :: heart, core (of a lettuce etc.)
grumoso {adj} :: lumpy
grupetto {m} [music] :: grupetto
grupetto {m} :: A small group
gruppale {adj} :: group (attributive)
gruppettaro {m} :: A member of a small political faction
gruppetto {m} /ɡrupˈ :: diminutive of gruppo: small group
gruppetto {m} [music] :: A trill
gruppetto {m} [cycle racing] :: groupetto
gruppo {m} :: group, cluster, party, team, covey
gruppo {m} [sports] :: pack
gruppo {m} [cycling] :: peloton
gruppo {m} [music] :: band
gruppo abeliano {m} [mathematics] :: abelian group
gruppo commutativo {m} [mathematics] :: commutative group, abelian group
gruppo d'assalto {n} :: boarding party
gruppo elettrogeno {m} [engineering, electricity] :: power supply, generator
gruppo etnico {m} [sociology] :: An ethnic group
gruppo musicale {m} [music, ] :: band
gruppo rock {m} :: rock group, rock band
gruppuscolo {m} :: small group
gruppuscolo {m} :: splinter group (often an extremist one)
gruppuscolo {m} :: pressure group
gruviera {f} :: Variant of groviera
gruzzo {m} [obsolete] :: heap, pile
gruzzoletto {m} :: A small nest egg
gruzzolo {m} :: hoard (of money)
gruzzolo {m} :: nest egg
guadabile {adj} :: fordable
guadagnabile {adj} :: That can be earned
guadagnabile {adj} :: profitable
guadagnante {v} :: present participle of guadagnare
guadagnantesi {v} :: present participle of guadagnarsi
guadagnar {v} :: apocopic form of guadagnare
guadagnare {vt} :: to earn, make
guadagnare {vt} :: to gain, get, win, reach
guadagnare {vi} :: to rise
guadagnarsi {v} :: reflexive of guadagnare
guadagnarsi {v} :: to obtain something useful
guadagnarsi {v} :: to win thanks or merit
guadagnatosi {v} :: past participle of guadagnarsi
guadagno {m} :: (in plural) earnings
guadagno {m} :: advantage, gain
Guadalupa {prop} :: Guadeloupe
guadante {v} :: present participle of guadare
guadare {vi} :: to wade
guadare {vt} :: to ford (ford used rarely as verb)
Guadiana {prop} /ɡwaˈ :: Guadiana (river)
guado {m} /ˈɡ :: ford
guado {m} :: wade
guado {m} :: woad, glastum (the plant Isatis tinctoria)
guado {m} :: woad, indigo (blue dye)
guadoso {adj} :: fordable
guaente {v} :: present participle of guaire
guai {interj} :: woe!
guaiaco {m} :: guaiacum, lignum vitae
guaiacolo {m} [organic compound] :: guaiacol
guaiava {f} :: guava
guaime {m} :: fog (unmowed grass)
guaime {m} :: rowen
guaina {f} /ɡwaˈina/ :: sheath, boot
guaina {f} :: girdle
guaina {f} [botany] :: vagina
guainante {adj} [botany] :: vaginant, vaginal
guaio {m} [archaic, chiefly in the plural] /ˈɡ :: lament, lamentation, cry
guaio {m} [archaic, by extension] :: hardship, misfortune
guaio {m} [by extension] :: trouble, difficulty, mess, pickle, fix, woe, jam
guaiolante {v} :: present participle of guaiolare
guaiolare {vi} :: To whimper
guaire {vi} :: To yelp or whine
guaito {m} :: yelp, whine, howl
guaito {m} :: yelping, whining
Gualandi {prop} :: surname
gualcare {vt} :: To full cloth, to waulk
gualcente {v} :: present participle of gualcire
gualchiera {f} :: a water-powered machine for fulling (or walking) cloth; a fulling mill
gualcibile {adj} :: not crease-resistant
gualcibilità {f} :: Property of not being crease-resistant
gualcire {vt} :: alternative form of sgualcire
gualdo {f} [archaic] :: wood, forest
Gualdo Tadino {prop} :: Gualdo Tadino (town)
Gualdrada {prop} [rare] :: given name
gualdrappa {f} /ɡwalˈ :: caparison
gualdrappato {adj} :: caparisoned
gualmo {adj} [obsolete] :: dirty, filthy
Gualtieri {prop} :: surname
Gualtiero {prop} /ɡwalˈtjɛ.ro/ :: given name
guanaco {m} /ɡwaˈna.ko/ :: guanaco (Lama guanicoe)
guancia {f} :: cheek (the soft skin on each side of the face)
guancialata {f} :: blow with a pillow
guanciale {m} :: pillow
guanciale {m} :: fatty bacon prepared from the cheeks of a pig
guancialetto {m} :: pad, padding (in clothing)
guanidina {f} [organic compound] :: guanidine
guanidinio {m} [organic chemistry] :: guanidinium
guaniera {f} :: guano deposit
guanilico {adj} :: guanylic
guanina {f} [organic compound] :: guanine
guano {m} :: guano
guanosina {f} [organic compound] :: guanosine
guantaia {f} /ɡwanˈta.ja/ :: female equivalent of guantaio
guantaio {m} /ɡwanˈ :: glover, glovemaker, or glove seller
guantaria {adj} :: gloves (attributive)
guantato {adj} [of a hand] /ɡwanˈ :: covered by a glove
guantato {adj} [of a person] :: gloved, wearing gloves
guanteria {f} :: glove factory or shop
guantiera {f} :: glove box (or similar tray in a car)
guantificio {m} :: glove factory
guanto {m} /ˈɡ :: glove
guanto {m} [slang] :: condom
Guanto {prop} :: medieval spelling of Gand
guanto da forno {m} :: oven glove
guantone {m} :: boxing glove
guappo {m} [Naples] :: thug, hooligan, small crook, self-proclaimed member of the Camorra
guappo {adj} :: arrogant and impudent
guaragno {m} [archaic] :: A stallion
Guarana {prop} :: surname
Guarana {prop} :: Jacopo Guarana, Italian painter
guarano {m} :: guar gum
Guarato {prop} :: surname
guarda- {prefix} /ɡwar.da/ :: Used to derive nouns of people or objects with a function of custody, surveillance or protection
guardabarriere {mf} /ɡwar.da.barˈrjɛ.re/ :: level crossing keeper
guardabile {adj} :: sightly, pleasant
guardaboschi {m} /ɡwar.daˈbɔ :: forester
guardabuoi {m} /ɡwar.daˈbwɔi̯/ :: cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis)
guardacaccia {m} /ɡwar.daˈkat.t͡ʃa/ :: gamekeeper, game warden, a guardian of animals meant to be hunted
guarda chi c'è {v} :: synonym of chi non muore si rivede
guarda chi si rivede {v} :: look who's here!
guardacorpo {m} [nautical] :: lifeline
guardacoste {m} :: coastguard
guardacoste {m} :: coastguard patrol boat
guardafili {mf} [football] :: linesman, lineswoman, assistant referee
guardalinee {mf} /ɡwar.daˈli.nee̯/ :: linesman (sports)
guardamacchine {mf} :: car park attendant
guardamano {m} :: guard, trigger guard, haft, hilt
guardamano {m} :: glove (protective)
guardamano {m} [nautical] :: handrail
guardante {v} :: present participle of guardare
guardantesi {v} :: present participle of guardarsi
guardaparco {mf} :: forester, game warden
guardapesca {mf} :: water bailiff
guardaporto {m} [nautical] :: guard ship
guardaportone {m} :: doorman, doorkeeper
guardare {vt} /ɡwarˈ :: to look at, to watch, to glance or gaze at
guardare {vt} :: to examine
guardare {vt} :: to look after, to guard
guardare {vi} :: to look
guardare {vi} :: to try to
guardare dall'alto in basso {v} :: to look down one's nose
guardare dall'altra parte {v} :: to look the other way
guardare le stelle {v} :: to stargaze
guardaroba {m} [furniture] :: wardrobe
guardaroba {m} :: cloakroom
guardarobiera {f} :: housekeeper, linen maid
guardarobiera {f} [cinema, theatre] :: cloakroom attendant
guardarobiera {f} [theatre] :: wardrobe keeper
guardarobiere {m} :: cloakroom attendant
guardarsene {v} /ɡwarˈ :: to beware or be careful
guardarsene {v} :: to think twice (before doing something)
guardarsi {vr} :: To look at oneself
guardarsi {v} :: to beware
guardasala {mf} :: museum attendant
guardasala {mf} :: waiting room attendant (in a railway station)
guardascambi {mf} :: pointsman / switchman (railway) (or -woman)
guardasigilli {m} [historical] :: keeper of the seals
guardasigilli {m} :: A formal title of the Italian minister of justice
guardaspalle {mf} /ɡwar.dasˈpal.le/ :: bodyguard
guardatosi {v} :: past participle of guardarsi
guardavia {m} :: guardrail (on a road)
guardia {f} /ˈɡwar.dja/ :: guard (all senses)
guardia {f} :: watch, guard duty, sentry duty
guardiacaccia {m} /ɡwar.djaˈkat.t͡ʃa/ :: alternative form of guardacaccia
guardia carceraria {f} :: prison guard, jailer
guardia del corpo {f} :: bodyguard
Guardia di Finanza {prop} :: The arm of the Italian armed forces responsible for fighting financial crime, tax evasion and smuggling
guardialinee {m} /ɡwar.djaˈli.nee̯/ :: alternative form of guardalinee
guardiamarina {m} :: second lieutenant in the Italian navy
guardiamarina {m} :: ensign (US Navy)
guardiana {f} :: female equivalent of guardiano
guardianato {m} :: guardianship
guardiania {f} :: guardianship
guardiania {f} :: security guard (at the entrance to a factory etc)
guardiano {m} :: keeper, caretaker, ward, watchman, surveyor
guardiano {m} :: shepherd, herdsman, herd
guardiano del faro {m} :: lighthouse keeper
guardiaparco {m} :: alternative form of guardaparco
Guardia Piemontese {prop} :: Guardia Piemontese (small town)
guardina {f} :: cell (prison)
guardina {f} :: guardhouse
guardinfante {m} :: farthingale
guardingamente {adv} :: cautiously, warily, guardedly
guardingo {adj} :: wary, cautious
guardiola {f} :: porter's lodge
guardiola {f} :: lookout tower (in a fortification)
guardiola {f} :: sentry-box
guardiolo {m} :: A dialect of Occitan spoken in Guardia Piemontese
guardo {m} [poetic] /ˈɡ :: alternative form of sguardo
guardolo {m} [regional, Northern Italian] /ˈɡ :: welt (strip of leather reinforcement in a shoe)
guardone {m} :: peeping tom; voyeur
guardone {m} [slang] :: peeper
guardrail {m} /ɡarˈdrɛi̯l/ :: guardrail
guarente {v} :: present participle of guarire
guarentigia {f} {f} :: guarantee, security
guargango {m} /ɡwarˈɡan.ɡo/ :: A foreigner with limited legal capacity granted by royal protection
guari {adv} :: very, much
guari {adv} :: long
guaribile {adj} :: curable
Guariento {prop} :: surname
Guariento {prop} :: Guariento di Arpo, Italian painter
guarigione {f} :: recovery
guarire {vi} :: to recover, to get well, to get over
guarire {vi} :: (figuratively) to be cured of, to get rid of
guarire {vt} :: to cure, to heal
guaritore {m} :: healer
guaritrice {f} :: female equivalent of guaritore
guarnacca {f} :: a kind of cloak used in the medieval time
Guarnaschelli {prop} :: Guarnaschelli; surname
guarnente {v} :: present participle of guarnire
Guarneri {prop} :: surname
Guarneri {prop} :: w:it:Giuseppe Guarneri del Gesù, Italian luthier from the Guarneri family of Cremona and having one only rival Antonio Stradivari
guarnigione {f} [archaic] /ɡwar.niˈd͡ʒ :: The act of decorating or adorning
guarnigione {f} :: garrison (troops stationed at a permanent military post)
guarnigione {f} [by extension] :: garrison (permanent military post where such troops are stationed)
guarnire {vt} /ɡwarˈ :: to trim (to decorate or adorn)
guarnire {vt} :: to garnish
guarnire {vt} :: to plate (to place the various elements of a meal on the diner's plate prior to serving)
guarnizione {f} :: trimming
guarnizione {f} [cooking] :: garnish
guarnizione {f} :: gasket (of a car's engine)
guarnizione {f} :: frill (guarnizione di trine o stoffa increspata)
Guascogna {prop} :: Gascony
guasconata {f} :: gasconade
guascone {adj} :: Gascon
guascone {m} :: Gascon
guastada {f} :: carafe
guastafeste {mf} :: spoilsport, killjoy, party pooper
Guastalla {prop} :: Guastalla (town)
guastallese {adj} :: Of or from Guastalla
guastamestieri {mf} :: bungler, botcher
guastante {v} :: present participle of guastare
guastantesi {v} :: present participle of guastarsi
guastare {vt} /ɡwasˈ :: to ruin or damage
guastare {vt} :: to break (to cause to stop functioning properly)
guastare {vt} :: to corrupt, lead astray
guastare {vt} :: [typically of knitting] to undo in order to do again, usually in a different way
guastare {vt} [obsolete] :: to destroy, lay waste (to)
guastare {vt} [obsolete] :: to mutilate
guastare {vt} [obsolete] :: to execute (to put to death)
guastarsi {v} /ɡwasˈ :: reflexive of guastare
guastarsi {v} [of a machine] :: to break down
guastarsi {v} :: [of foodstuffs] to go off, spoil
guastarsi {v} :: to go astray (to develop bad habits)
guastarsi {v} [of weather] :: to worsen
guastarsi {v} :: (with con) to break a bond of friendship, collaboration, etc. (with)
guastatore {m} [military] :: sapper, saboteur
guastatosi {v} :: past participle of guastarsi
guasto {adj} :: spoilt, damaged, ruined
guasto {adj} :: rotten, bad, gone bad
guasto {adj} :: broken, out of order
guasto {m} :: breakdown, failure, fault
guasto {m} :: damage
guatante {v} :: present participle of guatare
guatare {vt} [obsolete, literary] /ɡwaˈ :: To look askance at
guatare {vt} [obsolete, literary] :: to stare at (in fear or curiosity)
guatare {vt} [obsolete, literary] :: to consider, contemplate, look at
Guatemala {prop} :: Guatemala (country)
guatemalteca {f} :: female equivalent of guatemalteco
guatemalteco {adj} :: Guatemalan
guatemalteco {m} :: Guatemalan
guazza {f} :: heavy dew
guazzabuglio {m} :: muddle, confusion
guazzabuglio {m} :: mishmash, rummage, jumble, botch
guazzante {v} :: present participle of guazzare
guazzare {vi} :: To wallow
guazzetto {m} /ɡwatˈt͡ :: stew
guazzo {m} [painting] :: gouache
gubana {f} :: A kind of dessert typical of Friuli-Venezia Giulia
Gubbio {prop} :: Gubbio (small town)
Gucci {prop} :: surname
Gucci {prop} :: Guccio Gucci, Italian designer
gucciniano {adj} :: Characteristic of Italian singer-songwriter Francesco Guccini
guebro {m} :: a disciple of the Zoroastrianism
gueia {f} [regional] :: A kind of big hawk
guelfa {f} :: female equivalent of guelfo
guelfismo {m} [history] :: Guelph ideology or culture
guelfo {adj} /ˈɡwɛ :: Guelphic, Guelph [attributive]
guelfo {m} [historical] :: Guelph
guelfo {m} [numismatics] :: A coin minted in Florence in 1314
Guelfo {prop} /ˈɡwɛ :: given name
Guendalina {prop} :: given name
guepiere {f} :: basque (female underwear)
guêpière {f} :: girdle, corset
guêpière {f} :: basque
guercio {adj} :: cross-eyed
guercio {adj} :: one-eyed (blind in one eye)
guercio {m} :: A cross-eyed person; squinter
guercio {m} :: A one-eyed person
Guernsey {prop} :: Guernsey (island)
guerra {f} [also figuratively] /ˈɡwɛr.ra/ :: war, warfare
guerra atomica {f} :: synonym of guerra nucleare
guerra biologica {f} :: biological warfare
guerra civile {f} :: civil war
guerrafondaia {f} :: warmonger (female)
guerrafondaio {adj} :: warmongering
guerrafondaio {m} :: warmonger
guerra fredda {f} :: cold war
guerraiola {f} /ɡwer.raˈjɔ.la/ :: feminine equivalent of guerraiolo
guerraiolo {adj} [derogatory, uncommon] /ɡwer.raˈjɔ.lo/ :: warmongering
guerraiolo {m} [derogatory, uncommon] :: warmonger
guerraiuola {f} /ɡwer.raˈjwɔ.la/ :: feminine equivalent of guerraiuolo
guerraiuolo {adj} /ɡwer.raˈjwɔ.lo/ :: alternative form of guerraiolo
guerraiuolo {m} :: alternative form of guerraiolo
guerra mondiale {f} :: world war
guerra nucleare {f} :: nuclear war
guerra santa {f} :: holy war
guerrazziano {adj} :: Guerrazzian
guerreggiante {v} :: present participle of guerreggiare
guerreggiante {adj} :: belligerent
guerreggiante {mf} :: a belligerent
guerreggiare {vi} /ɡwer.redˈd͡ʒ :: to wage war
guerreggiare {vi} [literary, figurative, by extension] :: to compete or vie
guerreggiare {vt} [literary] :: to combat; to fight
guerreggiare {vt} [literary, figurative, by extension] :: to treat with hostility
guerreggiarsi {v} :: reflexive of guerreggiare
guerreggiarsi {v} [reciprocal] :: to fight against each other
guerreggiatore {m} :: warrior
guerreggiatore {m} [politics, pejorative] :: hawk, warmonger, war hawk
guerrescamente {adv} /ɡwer.res.kaˈmen.te/ :: belligerently
guerresco {adj} /ɡwerˈres.ko/ :: war [attributive]
guerresco {adj} :: warlike, belligerent
guerricciola {f} /ɡwer.ritˈt͡ʃɔ.la/ :: diminutive of guerra: A short, small-scale war
guerricciola {f} [figurative] :: A petty conflict
guerricciuola {f} /ɡwer.ritˈt͡ʃwɔ.la/ :: alternative form of guerricciola
guerriera {f} :: female equivalent of guerriero
guerriero {adj} :: warlike
guerriero {m} :: warrior
guerriglia {f} /ɡwerˈriʎ.ʎa/ :: guerrilla warfare
guerriglia {f} [figurative] :: continuous criticism or opprobrium
guerrigliera {f} :: female equivalent of guerrigliero
guerrigliero {m} /ɡwer.riʎˈʎɛ.ro/ :: guerrilla
guevi {m} :: forest duiker, guevi, pygmy antelope
gufaggine {f} :: misanthropy
gufante {v} :: present participle of gufare
gufare {vit} [colloquial] :: To bring bad luck, to jinx
gufare {vi} :: To hoot (of an owl)
gufetto {m} /ɡuˈ :: diminutive of gufo: owlet
gufetto {m} :: synonym of assiolo
gufo {m} /ˈɡ :: owl (order Strigiformes)
gufo comune {m} :: long-eared owl (Asio otus)
gufo delle nevi {m} :: snowy owl (Bubo scandiacus)
gufo reale {m} :: Eurasian eagle owl (Bubo bubo)
gufo sghignazzante {m} :: laughing owl (Sceloglaux albifacies)
guglia {f} :: spire
guglia {f} :: needle (of rock)
guglia {f} :: spur
gugliata {f} :: A length of thread (for sewing)
Guglielma {prop} :: given name, feminine noun of Guglielmo
Guglielmi {prop} :: surname
Guglielmina {prop} :: given name
Guglielmo {prop} /ɡuʎˈʎɛlmo/ :: given name
Guiana {prop} :: Guiana (country)
guib {m} :: (any of various antelopes with vertical white stripes on the back)
guib {m} :: bushbuck, guib, harnessed bushbuck Tragelaphus scriptus
guib {m} :: kéwel
Guicciardini {prop} :: surname
Guicciardini {prop} :: A noble Florentine family
Guicciardini {prop} :: Francesco Guicciardini, Italian writer and politic
guida {f} /ˈɡwida/ :: guide
guida {f} :: driving
guida {f} :: handbook, manual
guidabile {adj} :: driveable
guidabilità {f} :: drivability
guidalesco {m} :: wound or sore left on a beast of burden by the harnesses
guidanavetta {f} :: shuttle guide (in a sewing machine, loom etc)
guidante {v} :: present participle of guidare
guidantesi {v} :: present participle of guidarsi
guidapopolo {mf} [literary] /ɡwi.daˈpɔ.po.lo/ :: rabble-rouser
guidapopolo {mf} [literary] :: demagogue
guidare {vt} /ɡwiˈ :: to guide, lead, show, escort
guidare {vt} :: to manage, run
guidare {v} :: to operate a vehicle:
guidare {vit} :: to drive
guidare {vi} :: to be at the wheel
guidare {vi} :: to be behind the wheel
guidare {vi} :: to take the wheel
guidarsi {v} :: reflexive of guidare
guidarsi {v} :: to regulate one's own behaviour
guidatore {m} :: driver (of a vehicle)
guidatosi {v} :: past participle of guidarsi
guidatrice {f} :: female equivalent of guidatore
guideline {f} :: guideline
guiderdone {m} :: reward, guerdon
Guido {prop} /ˈɡ :: given name
guidone {m} :: guidon, pennant
guidone {m} :: burgee
Guidone {prop} :: surname
Guidonia {prop} :: Guidonia (town)
guidoslitta {f} :: bobsled, bobsleigh
Guidotti {prop} :: surname
guidrigildo {m} :: weregild
Guienna {prop} :: Guyenne, Guienne
guiggia {f} :: armstrap
guiggia {f} :: sandal strap
Guiglielmo {prop} :: medieval spelling of Guglielmo
guigliottina {f} :: alternative form of ghigliottina
guindolo {m} :: winder, especially for silk
Guinea {prop} :: Guinea (country)
Guinea-Bissau {prop} :: Guinea-Bissau (country)
Guinea Equatoriale {prop} :: Equatorial Guinea
guineana {f} :: female equivalent of guineano
guineano {adj} :: Guinean
guineano {m} :: Guinean
Guinizzelli {prop} :: surname
Guinizzelli {prop} :: Guido Guinizzelli, Italian poet
guinzaglio {m} :: lead, leash, rein
guinzaglio {m} :: tether (a rope, cable etc. that holds something in place whilst allowing some movement)
guisa {f} [literary] :: manner, way
guisarma {f} /ɡwiˈ :: alternative form of giusarma
Guiscardo {prop} :: given name, Guiscard
guitto {m} /ˈɡ :: strolling player
guitto {m} :: ham actor
guitto {adj} :: poor, destitute
guitto {adj} :: mean, petty
Guittone {prop} :: given name
Guittone {prop} :: Guittone d'Arezzo, Italian poet and friar
guizzante {v} :: present participle of guizzare
guizzante {adj} :: flickering (flame)
guizzante {adj} :: darting, flashing (fish etc)
guizzare {vi} :: to dart [fish, etc.]
guizzare {vi} :: to flicker [flame]
guizzo {m} [of animals] /ˈɡwittso/ :: dart, fast movement
guizzo {m} [of light] :: flash
guizzo {m} [of persons] :: spring, leap
gulasch {m} :: goulash
Gullotta {prop} :: surname
Gullotta {prop} :: Leo Gullotta, Italian actor
Gulotta {prop} :: surname
gundi {m} :: common gundi, gundi, desert rat
gurge {f} /ˈɡur.d͡ʒe/ :: whirlpool, vortex
gurgite {m} /ˈɡur.d͡ʒi.te/ :: whirlpool, vortex
guru {m} :: A guru (religious or spiritual leader; influential person)
guscio {m} /ˈɡuʃ.ʃo/ :: shell (of an animal, nut etc)
Gussoni {prop} :: surname
gustabile {adj} :: tastable
gustante {v} :: present participle of gustare
gustare {vt} :: to taste
gustare {vt} :: to enjoy
gustarsi {v} :: To enjoy with great pleasure
gustativamente {adv} :: gustatorily
gustativo {adj} :: taste (attributive); gustatory
gustatore {m} :: connoisseur
gustatorio {adj} :: gustatory
Gustavo {prop} :: given name
gustevolmente {adv} :: tastily
gusto {m} /ˈɡust̪o/ :: taste [the sense]
gusto {m} :: taste, flavour
gusto {m} :: gusto, enjoyment, relish
gusto {m} :: fancy, whim
gusto {m} :: [in the plural] preferences
gustosamente {adv} :: tastily
gustosamente {adv} :: deliciously
gustosità {f} :: tastiness
gustoso {adj} :: tasty, savoury, savory
gustoso {adj} [figuratively] :: amusing
guttaperca {f} :: gutta-percha
guttazione {f} [botany] :: guttation
gutturale {adj} /ɡut.tuˈra.le/ :: guttural, specifically:
gutturale {adj} :: Sounding harsh and throaty
gutturale {adj} [phonetics, uncommon] :: Articulated at the back of the mouth (velar, uvular, pharyngeal, laryngeal)
gutturale {adj} [medicine, anatomy] :: Of, relating to, or connected to the throat
gutturalismo {m} :: gutturalism
gutturalizzazione {f} [linguistics] :: gutturalization
gutturalmente {adv} :: gutturally
gutturnio {m} :: A red wine made using Barbera and Bonarda grapes
Guyana {prop} :: Guyana (country)
guyanese {adj} :: Guyanese
guyanese {mf} :: Guyanese