User:Matthias Buchmeier/nl-en-p

p {letter} :: letter
P {letter} :: The sixteenth letter of the Dutch alphabet
pa {m} :: pa, dad
paal {m} :: post, stake, pole, pile
paal {m} [sports] :: goalpost
paal {m} [heraldiccharge] :: pale, perpendicular stripe
paal {m} [euphemistic] :: erect phallus
paal {m} :: an Indonesian measure of distance
paal {f} :: peel, baker's instrument
paal {adj} :: pale
paal {adj} :: faded, discolored
paalbewoner {m} :: An inhabitant of pile dwelling
paaldans {m} :: A pole dance
paaldanser {m} [literally] :: pole dancer, esp. a stripper
paalsteek {m} :: bowline
paaltjesvoetbal {n} :: A variant of football in which each player or team has a pin, cone or block that an opponent has to topple with the ball
paalwerk {n} :: fence (constructed from posts)
paalwoning {f} :: pile dwelling
paalworm {m} :: shipworm, Teredo navalis
paap {m} [pejorative] :: Slur for a Roman Catholic cleric
paap {m} [by extension, pejorative, now, chiefly humorous] :: papist (slur for any Roman Catholic)
paapje {n} :: whinchat (Saxicola rubetra)
paapje {n} [dated] :: cocoon, in particular of the silkworm
paar {n} :: pair, couple
paar {n} :: a few, a couple, some
paard {n} :: A horse, Equus caballus or Equus ferus
paard {n} [chess] :: A knight
paard {n} [gymnastics] :: A pommel horse
paard {n} [nautical] :: A rope hanging beneath a spar or other horizontal beam, often fixed in place by other ropes
paard {n} [derogatory, offensive] :: An ugly woman
paardans {m} :: partner dance, dance in pairs
paardans {m} :: mating dance
paardebloem {m} :: superseded spelling of paardenbloem [official spelling of paardenbloem before 2006]
paardebloem {m} :: alternative spelling of paardenbloem [according to the Witte Boekje]
paardenbek {m} :: a horse's mouth
paardenbek {m} [pejorative, by extension] :: a mouth that bears resemblance to that of a horse, a broad mouth with a set of protruding teeth
paardenbloem {f} :: The dandelion, Taraxacum officinale, a wild flower species of the genus Taraxacum
paardenbloem {f} :: Its fluffy, complex flower
paardenfluisteraar {m} :: A horse whisperer (empathetic horse trainer)
paardenfokker {m} :: A horse breeder
paardenkracht {m} :: A horsepower; abbreviated pk
paardenlul {m} [vulgar] :: dickhead
paardenlul {m} [vulgar] :: horse cock (large penis)
paardenlul {m} [literal] :: equine dick, horse penis
paardenmiddel {n} :: A drastic, often desperate remedy or solution
paardenras {n} :: A horse breed
paardenrennen {n} :: horse racing, horse race
paardenrookvlees {n} :: smoked horsemeat
paardenstaart {m} :: A ponytail (hairstyle)
paardenstaart {m} [literally] :: A horse's tail
paardenstaart {m} :: A horsetail (plant of the genus Equisetum)
paardenstal {m} :: horse stable
paardentram {m} :: A horse-drawn tram, a horsecar
paardenvijg {f} :: piece of horse dung
paardmens {m} [Greek mythology, fantasy] :: centaur or [less commonly] another fictional human-horse hybrid
paardrijder {m} :: A horserider, an equestrian
paardrijles {f} [countable, uncountable] :: A horse-riding lesson; a lesson or education in horse riding
paard van Troje {prop} {n} :: Trojan horse (mythological wooden horse)
paarlemoer {n} :: Alternative spelling of parelmoer
paars {adj} :: purple
paars {adj} [politics] :: relating to cooperation between liberals and social democrats of the third way
paars {n} :: The colour purple
paars {n} [politics] :: A coalition of third way social democrats and liberals
paarse krokodil {mf} [Netherlands, idiomatic] :: inordinate bureaucracy, red-tapism
paarsig {adj} :: purplish, of a colour or shade which resembles or hinges on purple and/or contains some purple
paarsrood {adj} :: purplish red
paasbaken {n} [rare, dialectal] :: Easter fire
paasbloem {f} :: daffodil, a bulbaceous flowering plant of the genus Narcissus
paasbult {m} :: Easter fire
paasdag {m} :: Easter Day
paasei {n} :: Easter egg (dyed or decorated egg)
paasei {n} :: Easter egg (egg-shaped chocolate confection)
Paaseiland {prop} {n} :: Easter Island
paasfeest {n} :: Easter
paashaas {m} :: the Easter Bunny
paashaasschaamhaarverzamelaar {m} [humorous, vulgar] :: A collector of pubic hair from the Easter Bunny
paaskaars {f} :: Paschal candle
Paasopstand {prop} {m} :: Easter Rising
paasstol {m} :: stollen sold and eaten around Easter
paastak {m} :: Easter branch (branch of a shrub decorated with Easter-related decoration)
paasvuur {n} :: Easter fire
paasweek {f} {m} :: Easter Week
paasweek {f} {m} :: Holy Week
pachinko {m} :: pachinko
pacht {f} :: lease [in particular of land and immovable goods]
pachten {v} :: to lease
pachter {m} :: leaseholder, especially a tenant farmer
pacificatie {f} :: pacification
pact {n} :: pact
pad {n} :: path (narrow road, usually unpaved)
pad {f} :: toad (an amphibian of the order Anura similar to a frog with shorter legs and more ragged skin)
paddenstoel {m} :: mushroom
paddenstoel {m} :: mushroom-shaped signpost
paddentrek {m} :: the yearly migration of toads to a nearby pool to reproduce; toad migration
paddestoel {m} :: superseded spelling of paddenstoel
paddo {m} [slang] :: a magic mushroom
paert {n} :: obsolete spelling of paard
pafzak {m} [pejorative] :: chunker, tubbo (slur for an obese person)
pagaai {f} {m} :: A short oar with a broad blade
pagaans {adj} :: pagan, pertaining to paganism
pagadder {m} [Belgium] :: little kid, toddler
paganisme {n} :: paganism
page {m} [historical] :: page (boy serving a knight or noble, often of the noble estate)
page {m} :: A page, a butterfly of the family Papilionidae
page {m} [archaic] :: page (sheet of paper)
pagekapsel {n} :: (hairdo) bob
pagina {f} :: page
pagode {f} [Buddhism, architecture] :: pagoda
pak {n} :: package
pak {n} :: suit (set of clothes)
pakbon {m} :: packing slip, packing list
pakhuis {n} :: warehouse
pakje {noun} :: present: commonly the diminutive is used rather than the word 'pak'
pakjesavond {m} [Netherlands] :: The evening before 6 December, when Sinterklaas brings presents to children (in Belgium it is the morning after)
pakkage {f} [dated] :: luggage, baggage
pakkans {f} [law, police] :: probability of apprehension; probability of arresting the criminal guilty of a crime
pakken {vt} :: to grab, to take
pakken {vt} :: to get, to fetch
pakken {vt} :: to pack, to compact
pakken {vt} :: to wrap up
pakken {vt} [vulgar] :: to fuck
pakket {n} :: kit, packet
pakket {n} [computing] :: package, bundle
pakkie-an {n} [Netherlands, colloquial] :: task, concern, chore, business (that which someone is tasked to do, that which is of concern to someone)
pakkie-an {n} [Netherlands, colloquial] :: forte, one's strength (something in which one excels)
pak slaag {n} :: thrashing, beating, spanking
pak voor de broek {n} :: a thrashing or spanking while the victim is clad in at least one layer of textile (trousers and/or underpants)
pakweg {adv} :: about, roughly, approximately, circa, to the tune of
pal {m} :: catch (mechanism which stops something from moving the wrong way)
pal {adv} :: firm, firmly
pal {adv} [with a preposition or adverb] :: right, immediately
palefroot {m} [historical, rare] :: A palfrey
paleis {n} :: palace
paleisbanket {n} [collective] :: A type of pastry containing almond paste and topped with a fondant icing
palen {vt} :: to mark or enclose with posts
palen {vi} :: to border [+ aan (object) = on]
palen {vt} [vulgar, slang] :: to bang, to fuck
palen {vt} [rare] :: to execute by piercing on a stake, to impale
paleolithicum {n} :: Paleolithic, palaeolithic
paleolithisch {adj} :: Paleolithic
paleontoloog {m} :: paleontologist
Palermo {prop} :: Palermo (city/and/province)
Palestijn {prop} {m} :: A Palestinian, inhabitant of Palestine or member of its Arab diaspora
Palestijns {adj} :: Palestinian
palet {n} :: palette
palfrenier {m} [historical] :: A coach attendant, a servant and driver of a carriage
palfrenier {m} [historical] :: A stablehand
palindroom {n} :: palindrome
paling {m} :: eel
palingrokerij {f} :: eel smokery, eel smokehouse (building or facility where eels are cured by smoking)
palinka {f} :: Apricot brandy, preferably from Transleithania
palinodie {f} :: A palinode, a formal rhetorical or poetic discourse in which one retracts an earlier statement
palinodie {f} :: A retraction, a recantation
palissade {f} :: palisade, fence made of wooden stakes
paljas {m} :: A sack of straw, a paillasse
paljas {m} :: A buffoon, a clown
palladium {n} :: palladium (element)
palladium {n} [archaic] :: palladium, safeguard (something that guarantees protection)
pallet {m} :: pallet
pallieter {noun} :: (colloquial) bon vivant
Pallieterland {prop} {n} :: region around Lier and the river Nete in Flanders
palm {m} :: palm (tropical tree of the family Palmae)
palm {f} :: palm (middle part of the hand)
palmboom {m} :: A palm tree, tree of the family Palmae
palmboom {m} :: A palm tree, a tree or shrub resembling a tree of that family
palmkruis {n} [rare] :: palm frond cross
palmolie {f} :: palm oil
Palmpasen {prop} {mf} {n} :: Palm Sunday
palmvrucht {f} :: fruit of a palm tree
Palmzondag {m} :: Palm Sunday
pal staan {v} :: stand firm
paltrokmolen {m} :: paltrok mill
palts {mf} [historical] :: A type of palace, a temporary imperial or royal residence for a sovereign without a fixed, centralised capital
palts {mf} [historical] :: A county that surrounds and belongs to such a residence
Palts {prop} {c} :: [always with the definite article] The Palatinate, a region in Germany
paludarium {n} :: paludarium
pamflet {n} :: pamphlet
pamflettist {m} :: pamphleteer
pamper {m} :: a diaper
Pampus {prop} {n} :: Pampus (A shallow waterway in the <<lake/IJmeer>> near Amsterdam, <<c/Netherlands>>.)
Pampus {prop} {n} :: Pampus (An artificial <<island>> in the <<lake/IJmeer>>, <<c/Netherlands>>.)
Pampus {prop} {n} :: Pampus (A decommissioned fortress on the island Pampus, officially Fort aan het Pampus, part of the Stelling van Amsterdam.)
pan- {prefix} :: pan-
pan {f} :: pan, especially for cooking
pan {f} [Netherlands] :: cooking pot
panacee {f} :: panacea
Panama {prop} {n} :: Panama (country)
panamahoed {m} :: A Panama hat, a lightweight straw hat type
Panamakanaal {prop} {n} :: The Panama Canal
Panamees {adj} :: Panamanian, from or relating to the Latin American country Panama
Panamees {m} :: A Panamanian, member or descendant of the population of Panama
pancetta {f} :: pancetta
pand {n} :: house
pand {n} :: pledge, pawn
pand {n} :: premises
panda {m} :: panda, giant panda, Ailuropoda melanoleuca
panda {m} :: red panda, Ailurus fulgens
pandapunt {f} [slang] :: A fictional point awarded for sexlessness
pandeïsme {n} :: pandeism
pandemie {f} :: pandemic
pandemisch {adj} :: pandemic
pandemonium {n} :: pandemonium, residence of all demons/devils, hell
pandemonium {n} :: pandemonium, a 'hellish' chaos, notably terrible noise and disorder
pandgang {m} :: an aisle connecting two parts of one building
pandgang {m} :: a cloister aisle
pandjesbaas {m} :: pawnbroker, uncle (UK informal)
pandjesjas {m} :: A tailcoat
pandoer {m} {n} [originally] :: A member of an 18th-century Habsburg imperial Croatian regiment to fight the Ottoman Turks
pandoer {m} {n} [figuratively, from their violent reputation] :: A ruffian, abusive person
pandoer {m} {n} :: (also in the plural: pandoeren, also a verb) The name of a card game where a player can call pandoer!
pandoeren {vi} :: To play the card game pandoer
pandoering {f} [Belgium] :: a harsh/abusive beating, thrashing, roughing-up
pandoertje {noun} :: diminutive of pandoer
Pandora {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] :: Pandora
paneel {n} :: panel (flat, rectangular, often wooden, surface)
paneel {n} :: control panel
pangermanisme {n} :: Pan-Germanism
pangermanist {m} :: Pan-Germanist
pangermanistisch {adj} :: Pan-Germanist
paniek {f} :: panic
paniek {adj} [obsolete] :: panic
paniekaanval {m} :: A panic attack
paniekerig {adj} :: panicky
paniekvoetbal {n} [football] :: thoughtless, panicked football play
paniekvoetbal {n} [by extension] :: any thoughtless, panicked behaviour
panisch {adj} :: panic
panna {m} [association football] :: A nutmeg, a tunnel (act of passing a ball between an opponent's legs while retaining control)
panne {mf} :: breakdown
pannekoek {m} :: superseded spelling of pannenkoek
pannendak {n} :: tiled roof
pannenkoek {m} :: pancake; pannekoek; flapjack
pannenkoek {m} :: bungler, oaf
pannenlap {m} :: A potholder (cloth or pad for holding hot cooking pots, etc.)
pannenlapje {noun} :: diminutive of pannenlap
pannetje {noun} :: diminutive of pan
panorama {n} :: panorama, vista
panoramadek {n} :: A panorama deck
panoramatoren {m} :: panorama tower
panpsychisme {n} [philosophy] :: the doctrine that all matter has a mental aspect; panpsychism
panslavisme {n} :: Pan-Slavism
panslavist {m} :: Panslavist
panslavistisch {adj} :: Panslavist, pertaining to Panslavism
panter {m} :: panther, leopard, Panthera pardus
pantheisme {n} :: obsolete spelling of pantheïsme
pantheïsme {n} :: pantheism
pantheïstisch {adj} :: pantheistic
panther {m} :: obsolete form of panter
pantoffel {f} {m} :: slipper (bedroom or house slipper)
pantoffeldier {n} [chiefly diminutive] :: A ciliate of the genus Paramecium
pantoffeldiertje {noun} :: diminutive of pantoffeldier
pantoffelheld {m} :: antihero, especially a henpecked one who merely talks the talk
pantoffelhout {n} [archaic] :: cork
pantoffelparade {f} [historical] :: A large number of ambling flaneurs, congregating at certain times (esp. on Sunday morning or afternoon) to show off their sense of fashion
pantoffelregering {f} [obsolete] :: A relation, often a marriage, in which the woman is dominant and the man is henpecked
pantograaf {m} :: pantograph (a tool for drawing)
pantograaf {m} :: pantograph (a current collector on trains)
pantser {n} :: armor (US), armour (UK)
pantseren {v} :: to armour
pantserjuffer {f} :: A spreadwing, a damselfly of the family Lestidae, especially of the genus Lestes
pantserkruiser {m} :: armoured cruiser
pantsersmid {mf} :: armorsmith (US), armoursmith (UK)
pantsertrein {m} :: An armoured train
pantservoertuig {n} :: armored vehicle (US), armoured vehicle (UK)
pantserwagen {m} :: armoured car
panty {m} :: A pantyhose, nylon tights worn about legs by women
panty {m} [obsolete] :: Originally, short and/or legless undershorts worn by women and children
pap {m} :: mush
pap {m} :: porridge
pap {m} [colloquial] :: Pa, dad
papa {m} :: Dad (term of address for one’s father, especially used by young children)
papachtig {adj} :: pasty, pap-like
papaja {m} :: papaya
papaver {f} :: papaver, poppy, plant of the genus Papaver
papaver {f} :: several kinds of narcotic drugs made from the poppy
papegaai {m} :: parrot, member of the order Psittaciformes, especially of the families Psittacidae and Psittaculidae
papegaai {m} [figurative] :: A person who parrots other people
papegaai {m} [historical] :: A bird-shaped target in archery
papegaai {m} [obsolete, pejorative] :: papist
papegaaiduiker {m} :: puffin, a diving seabird with a coloured beak
paperback {m} :: A paperback
paperback {adj} :: paperback
paperbackje {noun} :: diminutive of paperback
paperclip {m} :: A paper clip
paperclipje {noun} :: diminutive of paperclip
Papiaments {prop} {n} :: Papiamento (creole language)
papier {n} [uncountable] :: paper (A material used for writing or printing on, made from cellulose pulp rolled into thin sheets.)
papier {n} [countable] :: A piece of paper
papier {n} [slang] :: money (cf. slang sense of paper)
papieren {adj} :: paper (made of paper)
papieren tijger {m} :: A paper tiger
papieren tijger {m} :: See: nl papieren tijger
papiergeld {n} :: paper money
papiermolen {m} :: paper mill
papierwerk {n} :: paperwork
paplepel {m} :: Spoon which is used to give young children porridge
Papoea-Nieuw-Guinea {prop} {n} :: The island country Papua New Guinea in Oceanian Australasia
pappa {m} :: [less common] alternative form of papa
pappen {vt} :: to smear with paste
pappen en nat houden {v} :: alternative spelling of pappen en nathouden
pappen en nathouden {v} [idiomatic] :: to perfunctorily finish a task without consideration for results; to go through the motions
pappie {m} [childish] :: daddy, dad
paprika {f} :: sweet pepper, bell pepper
paprika {f} :: paprika (spice)
papschool {f} [Belgian Dutch] :: kindergarten
papzak {m} [pejorative] :: fatso (slur for an obese person)
para {f} {m} :: para (paratrooper)
paraaf {m} :: One's initials used as alternative for an autograph when signing
paraafje {noun} :: diminutive of paraaf
paraat {adj} :: ready
paraatheid {f} :: preparedness
parabool {m} [math] :: parabola (a conic section)
parabool {m} [literature] :: understatement
paraboolduin {f} :: A parabolic dune; a dune with little to no vegetation that has, as seen from above, a shape similar to a parabola due to wind
paracetamol {m} :: acetaminophen (white crystalline compound used in medicine as an anodyne to relieve pain and reduce fever)
parachute {m} :: parachute
parachutespringer {m} :: A parajumper
parachutist {m} :: parachutist
parachutiste {f} :: female equivalent of parachutist
paraconsistent {adj} [logic] :: paraconsistent
parade {f} :: A parade; a festive or ceremonial procession
paradepaard {n} :: A parade horse
paradepaard {n} [figurative, chiefly diminutive] :: Something that one likes to talk about, show off or raise as a subject; a hobby horse or cause célèbre
paradepaardje {noun} :: diminutive of paradepaard
paradigma {n} [grammar] :: paradigm (canonical or exhaustive set of inflected forms; set of forms with a common element)
paradigma {n} [chiefly philosophy and history of science] :: paradigm (framework of concept, practices and theories; exemplar of academic behaviour)
paradigma {n} :: exemplar, model, blueprint
paradigmaverschuiving {f} :: paradigm shift
paradigmawissel {m} :: paradigm shift
paradigmawisseling {f} :: paradigm shift
paradijs {n} :: paradise
paradijsvogel {m} :: bird of paradise
Paradijsvogel {prop} {m} [constellation] :: Apus
paradox {m} :: paradox
paradoxaal {adj} :: paradoxical
parafasie {f} :: The neuropathological language disorder paraphasia
parafilosoof {m} :: Someone who philosophises without training in philosophy, without using traditional philosophical concepts or without affiliation with a philosophical school or tradition
parafimose {f} :: paraphimosis
parafyletisch {adj} [taxonomy] :: paraphyletic
paragnost {m} :: clairvoyant
paragraaf {m} [typography] :: section, a subdivision of a chapter, usually consisting of multiple paragraphs
Paraguay {prop} {n} :: Paraguay (country)
parallax {m} :: parallax
parallel {adj} :: parallel
parallellepipedum {n} :: parallelepiped (solid figure)
parallellogram {n} :: parallelogram (convex quadrilateral in which each pair of opposite edges are parallel and of equal length)
parallelweg {m} :: frontage road, service road
paralympisch {adj} :: paralympic
paramagnetisch {adj} [physics] :: paramagnetic
paramagnetisme {n} [physics] :: paramagnetism
parament {n} :: parament
parameter {m} :: a parameter
parametertje {noun} :: diminutive of parameter
paranimf {mf} [specifically] :: Anyone accompanying a bride or groom at their wedding, sometimes also taking the responsibility for its organisation
paranimf {mf} [generally] :: An assistant to a central figure at an important ceremony
paranimf {mf} [now, especially, common] :: An assistant to a doctoral candidate at the latter's dissertation defense ceremony
paranoia {f} [psychology] :: paranoia
paranoia {adj} [colloquial] :: paranoid
paranoïcus {m} :: A paranoid person, a paranoid
paranoïde {adj} :: paranoid
paraplu {m} :: umbrella
paraplubak {m} :: An umbrella stand
parapluhandelaar {m} :: umbrella seller
parapluplant {f} :: umbrella papyrus, umbrella sedge, umbrella palm (Cyperus alternifolius)
parapluverkoper {m} :: umbrella salesman
parasiet {m} [biology] :: parasite (parasitic organism)
parasiet {m} [figuratively, pejorative] :: parasite, someone who relies on others to get things done
parasitair {adj} :: parasitic
parasitologie {f} :: parasitology
parasol {m} :: parasol
parasolletje {noun} :: diminutive of parasol
parasporter {m} :: One who practices parasport, a sportsperson who has a mental or physical disability
pardel {m} [literary, now, rare] :: panther, leopard, Panthera pardus
pardellynx {m} :: Iberian lynx, Lynx pardinus
pardelroller {m} :: African palm civet, Nandinia binotata
pardoes {adv} :: suddenly
pardon {interj} :: I'm sorry, pardon
pardon {n} [law] :: pardon, clemency
pareerstang {f} :: the guard of a sword; quillon
parel {f} :: A pearl, a precious, round shelly concretion from oysters or other molluscs
parel {f} :: Its imitation
parel {f} :: Mother of pearl, the natural material pearls are made from
parel {f} :: Anything resembling a pearl's irregular ball-shape, notably a drop of liquid
parel {f} [figuratively] :: (One of) the best quality, first pick, the cream
parel {f} [printing, dated] :: The size of type between diamant and nonparel, equated with the English pearl and standardized as 5 point
parelduiker {m} :: pearl diver, pearl fisher
parelhoen {n} :: guinea fowl, any fowl of the family Numididae
parelmoer {n} :: mother of pearl
parelmoervlinder {m} :: One of certain butterflies of the genus Argynnis (the fritillaries)
parelvisser {m} :: pearl fisher, pearl diver
paren {vt} :: to pair
paren {vi} :: to mate, to copulate [+ met (object) = with]
parenclub {m} :: swingers' club
parendans {m} :: partner dance, dance in pairs
parenthese {f} :: A parenthesis, clause or digression within a phrase
parenthese {f} :: A pair of parenthetic brackets (or short vertical dashes: - --), as used to mark the above
parenthese {f} :: A pair of parenthetic brackets used to clarify a mathematical expression
parfum {n} :: A perfume, a luxury product providing a fragrant scent
parfum {n} :: A perfume, a pleasant scent
parfumeren {vt} :: to perfume, to apply perfume to
paria {m} :: pariah
Parijs {prop} {n} :: Parijs (caplc)
Parijs {adj} :: Parisian
paring {f} :: pairing (in a tournament)
paring {f} :: copulation, mating
paringsdans {m} :: mating dance
park {n} :: park
parkachtig {adj} :: resembling a park, having the features of a park
parkeerboete {f} :: A parking ticket, a parking fine
parkeergarage {f} :: parking garage; indoor car park (compare: parkeerterrein)
parkeerplaats {f} :: A parking space (space for one vehicle)
parkeerplaats {f} :: A parking lot (several spaces for vehicles)
parkeerschijf {f} :: parking disc
parkeerterrein {n} :: parking lot, outdoor car park, parking area (compare: parkeergarage)
parkeren {v} [literally] :: to park, halt and leave a vehicle in a spot
parkeren {v} [figuratively] :: to position, leave; to side-track someone
parket {n} :: parquet (wooden floor)
parket {n} :: parquet (the branch of the administrative government that handles prosecutions)
parkiet {m} :: A parakeet, a budgie; a member of various species of small parrots (not forming a monophyletic clade)
parking {f} [Belgium] :: car park, parking lot
parlement {n} :: parliament
parlement {n} [obsolete] :: conversation, talking, discussion, talk
parlement {n} [obsolete] :: meeting, assembly
parlementair {adj} :: parliamentary (of, from or pertaining to parliament)
parlementariër {m} :: parliamentarian, member of a parliament
parlementsgebouw {n} :: parliamentary building
parlementsverkiezing {f} :: parliamentary election
parmantig {adj} :: proud, self-assured, brave, arrogant
parmantig {adj} :: perky
parochiaan {m} :: A parishioner, a member of a Catholic parish
parochie {f} [chiefly Roman Catholicism] :: A parish
parodie {f} :: parody
parool {n} :: a slogan or simply a word
parricidium {n} :: parricide
parsec {m} :: parsec
part {n} :: part
parterre {m} {n} :: ground floor
parterre {m} {n} :: parterre, flowerbed
parterre {m} {n} :: parterre, level garden with flowerbeds
parterretrap {mf} [nonce] :: a stairway positioned on the ground floor
Parthië {prop} {n} :: Parthia
participatie {f} [formal] :: participation
participeren {v} :: to participate
particulier {adj} :: private
partieel {adj} :: partial
partij {f} :: party
partij {f} :: quantity
partij {f} :: group of people
partij {f} :: festivity
partij {determiner} [now, dialectal] :: some, a few, a small number of
partijcongres {n} :: A political-party congress
partijdier {n} [politics, Netherlands] :: someone with strong ties to a political party, often a passionate proponent of that party; a partisan
partijdig {adj} :: partial (biased)
partijganger {m} :: A political supporter, especially of a political party or faction
partijganger {m} [dated] :: A leader or member of a party of partisans, skirmishers, vigilantes or mercenaries
partijleider {m} :: party leader (leader of a political party)
partijlijn {f} :: party line, official view
partijpolitiek {f} :: party politics
partijraad {m} :: the governing body of a political party; the party council
partitief {adj} [grammar] :: partitive
partitief {m} [grammar] :: partitive (partitive case, partitive construction)
partner {m} :: partner, love interest, romantic and/or sexual companion
partner {m} :: partner, companion (someone whom one engages in business)
partnerruil {m} :: partner exchange (temporarily exchanging one's sexual partner for another)
partnerschap {n} :: partnership
parttime {adj} :: part-time (of an activity, such as a job, that takes less time than usually)
party {f} {m} :: party
parvenu {mf} :: parvenu (a social climber not accepted by his or her new milieu, often due to crassness)
pas {adv} :: just
pas {adv} :: hardly
pas {adv} :: only, not until, not any sooner
pas {adv} :: now ... really
pas {adj} :: fitting, having a proper fit, having the correct size and shape
pas {m} :: pace, step; also as a measure of distance
pas {m} [geography] :: mountain pass
pas {m} :: fit of an object, notably depending on forms and/or dimensions
pas {m} :: pass, passport (travel document)
pasbeurt {f} :: fitting session
pasen {v} [colloquial] :: To give, to pass
Pasen {prop} {mf} {n} :: Easter
pasfoto {f} :: A passport photo, a passport photograph
pasfotootje {noun} :: diminutive of pasfoto
pasgeboren {adj} :: newborn (recently born)
pasgeborene {mf} :: newborn
pashok {n} [chiefly diminutive] :: A fitting room
pashokje {noun} :: diminutive of pashok
pasja {m} :: pasha
Pasjtoe {n} :: Pashto
paskamer {f} :: a room for trying on clothes, a fitting room
pasklaar {adj} :: ready-made
pasklaar {adj} [figuratively] :: immediately applicable (said of answers and solutions)
Pasman {prop} :: surname
paspoort {n} :: passport, official document, notably granting right of passage
paspoort {n} :: (document of) dismissal from military service
paspoort {n} [figuratively] :: ticket, solution
paspop {f} :: mannequin
pasquille {f} [historical] :: pasquin, satirical placard
passaat {m} :: A trade wind in the Atlantic; usually an easterly in the tropics when not qualified otherwise
passaatwind {m} :: A trade wind in the Atlantic; usually an easterly in the tropics when not qualified otherwise
passage {f} :: A paragraph or section of text with particular meaning. ~ of scripture
passage {f} :: a passage way in a city
passagier {m} :: passenger
passant {m} :: passer-by
passement {n} :: passement, various decorative textiles used on clothing and furniture
passen {vi} :: to fit (have the right size)
passen {vt} :: to try on, to fit, to try for size
passen {vi} :: to befit, to suit, to behoove, to be appropriate
passen {vt} [sports] :: to pass
passen {vt} [slang] :: to give, to pass something over to someone, e.g. a jonko
passend {adj} :: suitable, fitting, matching
passe-partout {m} :: mat (thick paper or paperboard border used to inset and center the contents of a frame)
passer {m} :: compass (device used with a pencil to draw an arc or circle on paper)
Passer {prop} {m} [constellation] :: Circinus
passeren {v} :: to pass by
passeren {v} [Belgium] :: to pass, to hand over
passeren {v} [Suriname] :: to pass as a white person
passertje {noun} :: diminutive of passer
passie {f} :: passion (emotion)
passie {f} :: passion (something one enthuses about)
passie {f} [chiefly Christianity] :: passion (suffering)
passief {adj} :: passive (not active, but acted upon)
passievrucht {f} :: A passion fruit, fruit of a plant of the genus Passiflora
passievruchtensap {n} :: passion fruit juice
passioneel {adj} :: passionate, enthusiastic
passiva {p} [accounting] :: liabilities
passivum {n} [grammar, uncountable] :: passive voice
passivum {n} [grammar] :: passive-voice form
pasta {f} :: paste
pasta {f} :: pasta
pastei {f} :: savoury pie, pasty [often containing meat]
pastei {f} :: pâté [now chiefly used in compounds]
pastinaak {f} :: parsnip (Pastinaca sativa)
pastinak {f} [archaic] :: alternative form of pastinaak
pastoor {m} [Christianity, especially Roman Catholicism] :: parish priest
pastoor {m} [Christianity, dated] :: pastor, one who provides spiritual guidance
pastorie {f} [Christianity] :: parish house, parsonage, rectory, manse
pasvorm {m} :: fit
paswoord {n} :: a password
pat {n} [chess] :: tie, draw, stalemate
Patagonië {prop} :: Patagonia
Patagonisch {adj} :: Patagonian
patat {f} [Northern Dutch, uncountable] :: chips, french fries
patat {f} [Southern Dutch, countable] :: a potato
patatje met {n} :: diminutive of patat met
patat met {f} [Netherlands] :: chips with mayonnaise, fries with mayonnaise
patat oorlog {f} [Netherlands, uncountable] :: A fast food dish of fries (US)/chips (UK) with mayonnaise, peanut sauce and usually onion, sometimes also including curry ketchup and/or ketchup
patat oorlog {f} [Netherlands, countable, rare except in the diminutive] :: A serving of the above
paté {f} :: pâté
pateen {f} :: paten
patent {n} :: patent
patent {adj} :: excellent, exquisite
pater {m} [Roman Catholicism] :: father (as a religious title)
paternalisme {n} :: paternalism
paternoster {m} {n} [Roman Catholicism] :: A rosary, a paternoster
Paternoster {m} {n} [Roman Catholicism] :: Lord's Prayer
pathogeen {adj} :: pathogenic
pathogeen {m} :: A pathogen
pathologie {f} :: pathology (the branch of medicine)
patholoog {m} :: pathologist
patiënt {m} [medicine] :: patient, someone who receives therapeutic treatment
patiënt {m} [figuratively] :: someone/something getting some help
patiëntenzorg {f} {m} :: patientcare
patina {n} :: The color or incrustation which age gives to works of art; especially, the green oxidation which covers aging coppers, bronzes, coins and medals
patjepeeër {m} :: [colloquial, derogatory] a tasteless and vulgar nouveau riche (or pretending to be) show-off
patriarch {m} :: patriarch
patriarchaal {adj} :: patriarchal, pertaining to the Biblical patriarchs
patriarchaal {adj} [Christianity] :: patriarchal, pertaining to an Orthodox or Roman Catholic patriarch
patriarchaal {adj} [feminism] :: patriarchial, pertaining to patriarchy
patriarchaat {n} :: patriarchy
patriciër {m} :: a (Roman) patrician
patriciër {m} :: an aristocrat in general
patricisch {adj} :: patrician
patrijs {f} :: partridge (a bird of the genera Perdix or Alectoris)
patrijs {f} :: negative of a matrix
patrijspoort {f} :: porthole
patrijspoortje {noun} :: diminutive of patrijspoort
patriot {m} :: patriot
patriot {m} [historical, chiefly Netherlands] :: A republican opponent of the House of Orange-Nassau during the second half of the eighteenth century, in favour of centralisation and administrative rationalisation
patriot {m} [obsolete] :: compatriot
patriot {adj} [obsolete] :: patriotic
patronaat {n} :: Patronage.
patroon {mf} :: patron saint
patroon {mf} :: patron, Maecenas
patroon {mf} :: boss
patroon {n} :: pattern, model
patroon {f} :: cartridge (of a firearm)
patrouille {f} :: patrol (going of the rounds)
patrouille {f} :: patrol (group of guards doing rounds)
patrouilleren {vti} :: to patrol
patrys {f} :: obsolete spelling of patrijs
pats {interj} :: clap, crash
patser {m} :: show-off, showboat
patstelling {f} [military, politics, board games] :: stalemate, impasse, deadlock
patta {c} [slang, chiefly plural] :: shoe, in particular sneaker
pauk {mf} :: kettledrum, usually in the plural: timpani
paus {m} :: pope
pauselijk {adj} :: papal
pausschap {n} :: papacy, popedom
pauw {m} :: A peacock, fowl of the genus Pavo
Pauw {prop} {m} [constellation] :: Pavo
pauwin {f} :: A peahen, a female peafowl
pauwin {f} [figurative] :: A gorgeous, impressively dressed, vain or ostentatious woman
pauze {f} :: pause, break
pauzeregeling {f} :: break schedule (i.e. a schedule which says when the breaktimes are during a workday)
pauzeren {v} :: to pause, to hold temporarily
pauzeren {v} :: to take a break
paviljoen {n} :: pavilion
paviljoen {n} :: hospital ward
paviljoendak {n} :: tented roof
peauter {n} :: pewter; originally an alloy of tin and lead, now often tin alloyed with other metals
pech {m} :: bad luck; bad karma
pech {m} :: breakdown, e.g. of a car
pechstrook {f} [Belgium] :: hard shoulder (part of a road where drivers may move to in an emergency)
pechvogel {m} :: A human jinx, unlucky person, who seems to attract bad luck
pedaal {n} :: pedal
pedagogie {f} :: pedagogy
pedagogiek {f} :: pedagogy
pedagogisch {adj} :: pedagogic
pedagoog {m} :: pedagogue
pedant {adj} :: pedantic
peddel {m} :: A paddle, two-handed, single-bladed oar which isn't fixed to the boat but hand-held
peddel {m} :: A spanking paddle
pedel {m} :: beadle
pederast {m} :: pederast
pederastie {f} :: pederasty
pederastisch {adj} :: pederastic
pedo- {prefix} :: paedo-, pedo-, relating to children
pedo- {prefix} :: relating to soil, pedo-
pedo {m} :: A pedo, a paedo
pedofiel {m} :: pedophile
pedofiel {adj} :: pedophilic
pedofilie {f} :: pedophilia
pedoseksualiteit {f} :: pedophilia
pedoseksueel {m} :: someone who has sexual tendency towards children, a pedophile
Peel {prop} {c} :: Peel (region) located in Noord-Brabant and Limburg
Peel en Maas {prop} {n} :: Peel en Maas (municipality)
peen {f} :: carrot (orange root vegetable)
peer {f} :: A pear, a fruit of the pear tree
peer {f} :: A light bulb
peer {m} :: A pear tree, Pyrus communis
peervormig {adj} :: pear-shaped
pees {f} :: A sinew
Peeters {prop} :: surname
peetkind {n} :: alternative form of petekind
peetoom {m} :: godfather
peettante {f} :: [Christianity] godmother
peetvader {m} :: godfather (mob boss)
peetvader {m} :: [uncommon] godfather (male godparent)
Pegasus {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] :: Pegasus
Pegasus {prop} {m} [constellation] :: Pegasus
pegel {m} :: icicle
pegel {m} [colloquial, Netherlands, historic] :: a guilder
pegel {m} [colloquial, Netherlands] :: a euro
peiger {adj} [slang] :: dead; [figurative] exhausted
peigeren {vi} [slang] :: to die
peigeren {vi} [slang] :: to kill
peil {n} [literal or figurative] :: level
peilbuis {f} :: pipe or duct used to measure the water table
peilen {v} [originally] :: To fathom, by casting a lead and line in order to ascertain the depth of water
peilen {v} [by extension] :: To test, probe, get the feel of
peiler {m} :: pollster
peiling {f} [literally] :: measurement (of depth) by sounding
peiling {f} [by analogy] :: another test, e.g. by poll
peilstok {m} :: gauge used for measuring the water level or the level of another fluid
peinzen {vi} :: to ponder, meditate
peinzen {vi} [Belgium] :: to think
peis {f} {m} :: peace
pejoratief {m} :: pejorative
pejoratief {adj} :: pejorative
pek {m} :: pitch (sticky substance)
pekari {?} :: peccary
pekblende {f} :: pitchblende, a black variety of uraninite
pekel {m} :: brine (salt water)
Pekela {prop} {n} :: Pekela (municipality)
pekelen {v} :: to pickle (to preserve in salt or vinegar)
pekelhoer {f} [obsolete, pejorative] :: whore, bitch, slut (pejorative for a woman)
pekelvlees {n} :: salted meat
pekelzonde {f} :: a minor sin or inappropriate habit; a peccadillo
Peking {prop} {n} :: Peking (direct-administered municipality/capital city)
pekingeend {f} :: Pekin duck (breed of duck)
pekingeend {f} [chiefly uncountable] :: Peking duck (poultry dish)
pelgrim {m} :: pilgrim
pelgrimage {f} :: pilgrimage
pelgrimstocht {m} :: pilgrimage
pelikaan {m} :: pelican, bird of the family Pelecanidae
pellen {v} :: to peel
Pellen {prop} {n} :: Pellaines, a village in Belgium
peloton {n} :: platoon
peloton {n} [cycling] :: peloton
pels {m} :: fur, the fur coat of certain mammals
pelsdier {n} :: A fur animal, an animal raised or hunted for its fur
pelsrob {m} :: fur seal, pinniped of the subfamily Arctocephalinae
pelterij {f} :: processed fur and pelts
peluw {f} :: A long, narrow pillow
pen {f} :: pen (writing utensil)
pen {f} :: pin
penaarde {f} [electricity] :: earth (UK)/ground (America) on a French type electrical socket, with earthing pins in the upper semicircle [common ground for sockets in Belgium]
penalty {m} :: penalty kick
penant {n} :: pier (piece of wall between two frames or openings, such as windows or doors)
penant {n} [mills] :: pedestal or pillar (support piece of a mill)
penantspiegel {m} :: long, narrow mirror to be placed on a pier [on a wall, between doors or windows]
pendelaar {m} :: commuter
pendelaar {m} :: person using a pendulum for divination or dowsing
pendelbus {m} :: shuttle bus
pendelen {v} :: to commute
pendelen {v} :: (parapsychology/divination; of a pendulum) to oscillate
penetrant {adj} :: [of smells] pungent, penetrating
penetreren {v} :: to penetrate
penibel {adj} :: precarious, dangerous
penibel {adj} :: painstaking, difficult
penibel {adj} [dated] :: painful, unpleasant
penis {m} :: penis
penisbeen {n} :: baculum
penisbot {n} :: baculum
penisbreuk {m} :: penile fracture
peniskoker {m} :: codpiece made from dried-out gourds, worn by male members of some ethnic groups of New Guinea, known as penis gourd, koteka or horim
penisnijd {m} [psychoanalysis, literal] :: Penis envy, the alleged desire by a woman to possess male genitalia
penisnijd {m} [figuratively] :: Macho rivalry
penisplant {f} [chiefly Netherlands] :: titan arum, Amorphophallus titanum
pennenmes {n} :: penknife, small pocketknife
pennenstrijd {m} :: A polemic playing out in writing
pennenvrucht {f} :: literary work
pennenzak {m} :: pencil case, pencil box
penning {m} [historical] :: A small coin, usually made of silver but later also of gold; penny
penning {m} :: A medal or commemoration coin
penning {m} [figurative] :: money, cash
penning {m} [obsolete] :: coin
penningmeester {m} :: treasurer
penningmeesteres {f} :: female treasurer
pennoen {n} :: pennon (knight's vane or streamer affixed to a lance)
penopauze {f} :: penopause, reduction of male sexual functioning in mid-life
penoze {mf} [colloquial] :: underworld
pens {f} :: paunch, rumen
pens {f} :: tripe
pens {f} [gastronomy] :: tripe filled with minced meat
pens {f} :: potbelly
pens {f} [dialectal] :: stomach
penseel {n} :: brush used in art
penseelstreek {f} :: A brushstroke
penseelstreekje {noun} :: diminutive of penseelstreek
pensioen {n} :: pension
pensioenbreuk {f} :: loss of pension value due to non-transferability of build-up between different pension policies
pensioenfonds {n} :: pension fund
pensioenstelsel {n} :: pension system, pension scheme
pension {n} :: A pension, boarding house
pension {n} :: A regularly made payment, as admission to certain boarding establishments
pension {n} :: The services such establishment provides, notably lodging and some meals
pensionaris {m} [literally] :: A pensioner, recipient of an annual pension; this may be an actual remuneration or rather a gratification for goodwill
pensionaris {m} [history] :: A pensionary, major public official receiving an annual fee for his important legal and other services, mainly as city legal counsel and often representative in the estates (assembly)
pensioneren {vt} :: to pension
pensioneren {vi} :: to take a pension, to pension oneself
pent- {prefix} [hydrocarbon chain prefix] :: pent-
pentaan {n} [organic compound] :: pentane
pentagoon {n} [geometry] :: pentagon
penteen {n} [organic compound] :: pentene
pentyl {n} [organic chemistry] :: pentyl
pentyn {n} [organic compound] :: pentyne
penvriend {m} :: penfriend, pen pal
pep {c} [slang] :: the drug speed
pepel {m} [Southern Dutch] :: butterfly
peper {m} :: pepper, a tropical major spice
peper {m} :: (short for peperplant) a plant which produces pepper
peperduur {adj} :: costly, extremely expensive, luxurious
peperkoek {m} :: A type of spiced cake without succade commonly consumed in the Low Countries, ontbijtkoek
pepermunt {f} :: A peppermint plant, Mentha × piperita
pepermunt {f} :: A mint, a peppermint (sweet)
pepermuntje {noun} :: diminutive of pepermunt
pepernoot {f} :: pepernoot
pepernoot {f} [proscribed] :: kruidnoot (see there)
pepersaus {f} :: pepper sauce
pepperspray {m} :: pepper spray
peppraatje {noun} :: pep talk
pepsine {f} {m} :: pepsin
peptalk {m} :: pep talk
per {prep} :: For each; for every; per
per {prep} :: by means of
per abuis {adv} :: by mistake
peranakan {m} :: a person of Chinese ethnicity who is born in the country (notably Indonesia, the former Dutch East Indies), not immigrated
perceel {n} :: A parcel of land, a plot
perceel {n} :: building premises
perceel {n} [uncommon, possibly dated or archaic] :: A building
perceel {n} :: A lot in an auction
percipiëren {vt} [formal] :: to perceive, to experience
pere {m} :: [Belgium] father
perenboom {m} :: pear tree
perenvuur {n} [obsolete] :: fire blight (plant disease)
perfect {adj} :: perfect
perfect {adv} :: perfectly
perfectioneren {vt} :: To perfect, to make (more) perfect
perfectioneren {v} :: (reflexive: zich perfectioneren (in ...)) To make oneself perfect (in something)
perforatie {f} :: perforation
perforator {m} :: perforator
Pergamon {prop} {n} :: alternative form of Pergamum
Pergamum {prop} {n} :: Pergamum
per hoofd {prep} :: per capita
peri- {prefix} :: peri-
pericarp {n} :: pericarp
Pericles {prop} {m} :: Pericles
perifeer {adj} :: peripheral
periferie {f} :: periphery
perifrase {f} :: periphrasis, circumlocution
perifrastisch {adj} :: periphrastic
perifrastisch {adj} :: using circumlocution, being needlessly long
perifrastisch {adj} [grammar] :: expressing meaning through free morphemes
perihelium {n} [astronomy] :: perihelion
perikel {n} :: problem, issue
perikel {n} :: danger, risk
perinataal {adj} :: perinatal
periode {f} :: period (of time)
periode {f} :: era
periode {f} [mathematics] :: period (length of a repeating interval of a periodic function or repeating decimal)
periodiek {f} :: periodical
periodiek {adj} :: periodic
periodiek {adv} :: periodically
periodiek systeem {n} :: periodic table
periost {n} :: periosteum
periosteum {n} :: periosteum
periscoop {m} :: periscope
periscoopdiepte {f} :: periscope depth
peritoneum {n} :: peritoneum
peritonitis {f} :: peritonitis
perk {n} :: a delimited piece of ground, e.g. a flowerbed
perkament {n} :: parchment (material, uncountable)
perkament {n} :: a document such as a certificate scribed on parchment
perkamenten {adj} :: Made of parchment, parchment
perken {vt} :: to enclose, to keep in check with fencing
perken {vt} :: to close off with barriers
perkenwet {f} :: area law, Kepler's second law
perlemoer {n} :: obsolete form of parelmoer
permeabiliteit {f} :: permeability, ability to transmit fluids
permeabiliteit {f} [physics] :: (magnetic) permeability
Permisch {adj} :: Permic
permissie {f} :: permission
permittiviteit {f} [physics] :: permittivity
permoeda {?} :: Indonesian nationalistic adolescent, used from 1945. Their battle cry was bersiap "be prepared"
per omgaande {adv} :: immediately (ASAP)
per ongeluk {adv} :: by accident, accidentally
peroxide {n} :: peroxide
perpendiculair {adj} :: perpendicular
perpetuum mobile {n} :: A perpetual motion machine (hypothetical contraption capable of remaining in perpetual motion without needing any additional energy ever)
perpetuum mobile {n} [figuratively] :: Something impossible, a figment of one's imagination
perpetuüm mobile {n} :: perpetuum mobile
perron {n} :: A boarding platform on which passengers wait for a train: it is next to a spoor
pers {f} :: press
pers {m} :: Persian cat
pers {m} :: Persian carpet
Pers {prop} {m} :: A Persian, a person from Persia
persagentschap {n} :: news agency
persbericht {n} :: A press release, a press report, a written statement to the press
persberichtje {noun} :: diminutive of persbericht
persbureau {n} :: news agency
persconferentie {f} :: press conference
per se {adv} :: necessarily, absolutely, without fail
per se {adv} :: on purpose
per se {adv} [rare] :: per se
Perseïde {m} [astronomy] :: Perseid
persen {v} :: to press tight, to squeeze
persfoto {f} :: A press photograph
persfotograaf {m} :: A press photographer
persiflage {m} :: Lighthearted caricature or mockery, as in a comedy sketch
persiflage {m} [archaic] :: Ridiculing mispresenting or misconstruing
persifleren {v} :: to lampoon, to satirise
Persijn {prop} :: surname
persisteren {v} :: to persist, to persevere
perslucht {f} {m} :: compressed air
persmoment {n} :: A relatively short press event, a meeting with the press
persmuskiet {m} :: newshawk
persofficier {m} :: A public prosecutor functioning as a spokesperson
personage {n} :: Character in a work of fiction
personalia {p} :: General personal information (such as would be listed on e.g. a curriculum vitae), such as full name, age, place and date of birth, e-mail address, and telephone number
personaliseren {v} :: to personalize
personeel {n} :: staff (employees)
personeelsverloop {n} :: Staff turnover
persoon {mf} :: person, individual
persoon {mf} [fiction] :: person, character, personality
persoon {mf} [Christianity] :: person, hypostasis
persoonlijk {adj} :: personal
persoonlijkheid {f} :: personality, character (distinctive psychological traits of a person)
persoonlijkheid {f} :: person, character, individual
persoonlijkheid {f} [theology, Christianity] :: hypostasis, person
persoonlijk hoogleraar {noun} :: personal professor, a position within some Dutch universities where people are appointed to professorship for a five year term on the basis of having made excellent contributions to research. It is "personal" in that the position is not filled when the candidate leaves
persoonlijk voornaamwoord {n} :: personal pronoun
persoonsnaam {m} :: A personal name, a proper name identifying an individual person, especially the full name
persoonsvorm {f} {m} [grammar] :: finite verb
perspectief {n} :: perspective
persrechter {m} :: magistrate who functions as a spokesperson at a court of law
persvrijheid {f} :: freedom of the press
pertotal {noun} [Brabantian] :: total loss
Peru {prop} {n} :: Peru (country)
Peruaan {m} :: a Peruvian
Peruaans {adj} :: Peruvian
pervers {adj} :: perverse
perversie {f} :: perversion, pervertedness
perversie {f} :: something perverse
Perwijs {prop} {n} :: Perwez, a town in Belgium
Perzië {prop} :: Persia
perzik {f} {m} :: A peach tree, Prunus persica
perzik {f} {m} :: A peach, a fruit of the peach tree, in particular one with a fuzzy skin
Perzisch {adj} :: Persian, Iranian, relating to Persia, its people and culture; mainly used for the periods before the Islamic Republic
Perzisch {adj} :: In or relating to the Persian language(s)
Perzisch {prop} {n} :: The Persian language
Perzische Golf {prop} {f} :: Persian Gulf
pessarium {n} :: pessary, diaphragm
pessimist {m} :: pessimist
pest {f} :: A plague, pest, pestilence
pest {f} :: A specific bovine plague
pest {f} :: An obnoxious person
pestbos {n} [Netherlands, chiefly diminutive] :: A small, densely grown tract of forest in a pasture, where livestock were buried after dying from a contagious disease
pesten {v} :: to bully, to annoy
pesten {v} :: to tease
pester {m} :: person who annoys somebody else
pesterij {f} :: bullying, teasing
pesthaard {m} :: pesthole
pesthekel {m} [colloquial] :: an intense hatred or dislike
pesthuis {n} [historical] :: pesthouse
pesthuisje {noun} :: diminutive of pesthuis
pesticide {m} {n} :: pesticide
pestkop {m} :: bully
pestvogel {m} :: Bohemian waxwing, Bombycilla garrulus
pestvogel {m} :: waxwing, any bird of the genus Bombycilla
pet {m} :: cap [headwear with a peak at the front]
pet {adj} [slang] :: bad, crappy
peta- {prefix} :: peta-
petaal {m} {n} [botany] :: petal
peta-ampère {m} :: peta-ampere: 1015 ampere
petalum {n} [botany, dated] :: A petal
petameter {m} :: petametre, 1015 metres
petaohm {m} {n} :: petaohm: 1015 ohm
petaseconde {f} :: petasecond: 1015 seconds
petekind {n} :: godchild, godkid (child with a godparent)
petemoei {f} [colloquial, Christianity] :: godmother
peter {m} :: A godfather
Peter {prop} {m} :: given name
peterolie {f} [somewhat, dated] :: petroleum
Peters {prop} :: surname
peterselie {f} [botany] :: parsley
peterselie {f} :: Some resembling plants
petfles {f} :: bottle made of polyethylene terephthalate
petflesje {noun} :: diminutive of petfles
petitie {f} :: A petition
petoet {f} {m} [slang, Netherlands] :: prison, slammer
Petra {prop} {f} :: given name
Petraeus {prop} :: surname
Petrem {prop} {n} :: Piétrain, a village in Belgium
petro- {prefix} :: petro-
petrochemie {f} :: Petrochemistry, the branch of chemistry working mainly with components of fossile oil
petrochemie {f} :: (absolute use, with the definite article: de petrochemie) The corresponding, petrochemical branch of industry
petrodollar {m} :: petrodollar (dollar earned from oil sales)
petroleum {m} :: petroleum
petrologie {f} :: petrology
Petronella {prop} {f} :: given name
Petrus {prop} {m} :: Simon Peter, Cephas (Biblical character, early Christian leader)
Petrus {prop} {m} :: given name, now rare outside baptismal names
petto {noun} :: only used in in petto
petulant {adj} [rare] :: exuberant
peuk {m} :: A cigarette butt, a stub
peuk {m} :: A cigarette, a fag, a smoke
peuk {m} [rare] :: A cigar stub
peuk {m} [archaic] :: A blunt end, a butt
peukje {noun} :: diminutive of peuk
peul {mf} :: pea pod, bean pod
peul {mf} [especially in the diminutive, plant] :: snow pea, Pisum sativum var. saccharatum, or its pod eaten as food
peulenschil {f} :: A pod, notably beans' or peas' natural casing
peulenschil {f} [figuratively] :: A pittance
peulenschil {f} [figuratively] :: A piece of cake, a cakewalk, something very easy
peulenschil {f} [figuratively, archaic] :: A physically insignificant person
peulenschilletje {noun} :: diminutive of peulenschil
peulschil {f} :: alternative form of peulenschil
peuter {m} :: A toddler, preschooler, small child, little shaver, small fry, tyke, tot
peuteren {v} :: to poke around
peuterspeelzaal {f} [Netherlands] :: An educational institution for children usually age 2 to 4, with a strong focus on play and socialising; a nursery school, a kindergarten
peutertje {noun} :: diminutive of peuter
peuzelen {v} :: to gnaw, to eat in small pieces
peuzelen {v} :: to snack
pezen {v} [colloquial] :: to run or walk quickly
pezen {v} [colloquial] :: to work with considerable effort
pezen {v} [slang] :: to have sexual intercourse
pezig {adj} :: sinewy, having muscles with prominent sinews
pezig {adj} [by extension] :: wiry; strong, tough and lean
pfeiffer {mf} :: mononucleosis
phase {f} :: obsolete spelling of fase
philosopheren {v} :: obsolete spelling of filosoferen
Phoeniciër {m} :: alternative spelling of Feniciër
Phoenix {prop} {m} [constellation] :: Phoenix
phrenologie {f} :: dated spelling of frenologie
Pia {prop} {f} :: given name
pianist {m} :: pianist
pianiste {f} :: pianist (female)
pianistje {noun} :: diminutive of pianist
piano {f} {n} [musical instrument] :: piano
pianola {mf} :: pianola
pianolaatje {noun} :: diminutive of pianola
pianostemmer {m} :: piano tuner
pias {m} [Netherlands] :: fool, clown
piasje {noun} :: diminutive of pias
piccalilly {m} :: piccalilli
piccolo {m} [musical instruments] :: piccolo (small flute)
piccolo {m} :: piccolo, hotel porter
piccolo {m} :: piccolo (small bottle of champagne)
pickles {m} [Belgium] :: piccalilli
picknick {m} :: picnic
picknicken {v} :: to picnic, to have a picnic
pick-up {m} :: pickup (truck)
pick-up {m} :: pickup (electronic device to turn vibrations into an electric signal)
pick-up {m} :: record player
pico- {prefix} :: pico-
picoampère {m} :: pico-ampere: 10-12 amperes
picocandela {mf} :: picocandela: 10-12 candela
pico-ohm {m} {n} :: pico-ohm: 10-12 ohm
pictogram {n} :: pictogram
pictogram {n} [graphical user interface] :: icon
pièce de résistance {n} :: masterwork, masterpiece
pièce de résistance {n} :: The best achievement of an author or artist, representing his major life effort
pièce de résistance {n} :: main course of a meal
piek {f} :: A highest point; a peak
piek {f} :: A summit, a peak, the highest point of a mountain
piek {f} :: A pike (polearm)
piek {f} [colloquial] :: A guilder (comparable to buck, quid)
piek {f} :: A spire tree-topper for a Christmas tree
piekbui {f} :: A sudden heavy rain shower
piekdrinken {v} :: to binge drink
pieken {v} [literally] :: to reach a peak, culminate
pieken {v} [figuratively] :: to climax, (have) reach(ed) the peak (level) etc
pieken {v} [literally] :: to pick, hack, hit and affect with a pointy instrument, especially a pickaxe
pieken {v} [literally] :: to stick, pin, with a sharp object which may penetrate
pieken {v} [figuratively] :: to sting, hurt
pieken {v} [figuratively] :: to stick out
piekenier {m} :: pikeman
piekenier {m} [historical, Amsterdam] :: A street hawker of fruit and vegetables
piekenier {m} [obsolete] :: A certain brownish moth, which as a caterpillar has a black and green body, with a wide yellow dorsal stripe and red spots on the side
piekeren {vi} :: to worry, to mull
piekerig {adj} :: spiky, prickly (hair)
piekfijn {adj} :: mint, brand new
piekfijn {adj} :: elegant, very neat
piel {m} :: duckling
piel {m} [Netherlands, colloquial] :: penis
pielemuis {c} [Netherlands] :: penis [often suggesting a small size]
pieletje {noun} :: diminutive of piel
pieltje {noun} :: diminutive of piel
piemel {m} :: pecker, cock, dick, euphemism for penis
piemel {m} [metonymy] :: dude, guy
piemel {m} :: urine
piemelnaakt {adj} [somewhat, vulgar] :: stark naked
Pien {prop} {f} :: given name. A Dutch pet form of Josephine
piep {interj} :: squeak, peep
piep {adj} [colloquial] :: clipping of piepjong
piepa {m} [colloquial, familiar] :: papa
piepen {v} :: to squeak, squeal
piepen {v} :: to creak
piepen {v} :: to wheeze (such as someone with asthma)
pieper {m} :: pipit
pieper {m} :: a small potato
pieper {m} :: beeper, buzzer
pieper {m} :: voyeur
pieper {m} [Belgium] :: kiss
piepjong {adj} :: very young
piepklein {adj} :: tiny, microscopic
piepstem {mf} :: A squeaky voice
piepstemmetje {noun} :: diminutive of piepstem
pier {m} [zoology] :: A worm, earthworm [in Flanders]
pier {m} [architecture] :: A pier, jetty
pier {m} [archaic] :: A physical trap
pier {m} [archaic] :: A figurative trap, ambush
pier {m} [archaic] :: A place one is trapped in:
pier {m} :: a prison
pier {m} :: a rabbit den
Pier {prop} :: given name
piercen {vt} :: to pierce (to implement a piercing)
piercing {m} :: piercing (ornament)
piercinkje {noun} :: diminutive of piercing
pierement {n} [Netherlands] :: A (large) street organ
pieren {vt} :: To trick, outsmart
pierewaaier {m} :: a superficial person, one who doesn't take things seriously
pierrot {m} :: A person dressed in a Pierrot costume
pies {m} [slang or childish] :: alternative form of pis; piss
piesen {vt} [chiefly childish] :: to piss, to pee
piet {m} :: An important person with a high position
piet {m} :: synonym of Zwarte Piet
piet {m} :: A canary
piet {m} [Netherlands, chiefly diminutive and plural diminutive] :: A louse
piet {m} [Belgium, childish, slang or slightly, vulgar] :: A penis
Piet {prop} {m} :: given name (Peter / Petrus)
Pieter {prop} {m} :: given name
pieterman {m} :: weever, any individual fish or species of the family Trachinidae
pieterman {m} :: certain monetary units
pieterman {m} [Netherlands, slang] :: euro
pieterman {m} [historical, Netherlands, slang] :: guilder
pieterman {m} [historical, chiefly diminutive] :: a certain coin used in the Holy Roman Empire, issued from Trier
pieterman {m} [Belgium, historical] :: beer from Louvain
pieterman {m} [slang] :: dick, peen
pietermannetje {noun} :: diminutive of pieterman
Pieternel {prop} {f} :: given name, alternative form of Pieternella
Pieternella {prop} {f} :: given name
piëtisme {n} [Christianity, chiefly Protestantism] :: pietism
Piet Snot {prop} {m} [fiction, personification] :: irrelevant person, a nobody
pigment {n} :: pigment, coloring substance
pij {m} :: cowl
pijl {m} :: arrow, projectile
pijl {m} :: arrow, indicator
Pijl {prop} {m} [constellation] :: Sagitta
Pijl {prop} {m} :: surname
pijler {m} :: pillar
pijlinktvis {m} :: A squid, cephalopod of the order Teuthida
pijlinktvisje {noun} :: diminutive of pijlinktvis
pijlpunt {m} :: arrowhead
pijlpuntje {noun} :: diminutive of pijlpunt
pijlsnel {adj} :: very fast, lightning fast
pijlstaartrog {m} :: stingray
pijlstaartrog {m} :: A member of the Dasyatidae, a suborder of stingrays
pijltjesmethode {f} [linguistics] :: (little) arrows method; method in perceptual dialectology according to which dialects that have been judged similar by respondents are linked by arrows
pijltjestoets {f} {m} :: arrow key, cursor key
pijltjestoetsje {noun} :: diminutive of pijltjestoets
pijlworm {m} :: arrow worm, any member of the phylum Chaetognatha
pijn {f} :: physical pain, ache
pijn {f} :: psychological pain, hurt
pijn {m} [rare] :: pine (tree)
Pijnacker {prop} {n} :: A town in South Holland, to the east of The Hague and north of Rotterdam
pijnappel {m} :: pinecone
pijnappel {m} [obsolete] :: pineapple
pijnappelklier {mf} :: pineal gland
pijnbank {mf} :: rack (torturing device)
pijnboom {m} :: A pine, conifere of the genus Pinus
pijnboom {m} :: mainly the species Pinus silvestris
pijnboom {m} :: other species include firs and larch
pijnboompit {m} :: pine nut (edible seed of a pine)
pijn doen {vi} :: to hurt, to be painful
pijn doen {vt} :: to hurt, to cause pain to
pijnigen {vt} :: to inflict pain upon, to torment physically, to torture, to pain
pijnigen {vt} :: to hurt, to harm, to pain
pijnigen {vr} :: to make a great, painstaking effort
pijnlijk {adj} :: physically painful, inflicting bodily suffering
pijnlijk {adj} :: sore, pained
pijnlijk {adj} :: psychologically hurtful
pijnloos {adj} :: painless, painfree
pijnloos {adj} :: effortless, easy, comfortable
pijnstiller {m} :: painkiller
pijnstillertje {noun} :: diminutive of pijnstiller
pijnvrij {adj} :: painfree
pijoet {m} :: alternative spelling of pioet
pijp {f} :: pipe
pijp {f} :: tube
pijpaarde {f} :: A type of fine clay that turns white when baked, used in former times for making tobacco pipes
pijpbeurt {f} [vulgar] :: blowjob
pijpen {vti} :: to whistle; to hum; to blow (as in to play a wind instrument)
pijpen {vti} [colloquial] :: to fellate, to blow, to suck [the object usually indicates the receiving person, but sometimes the member or item undergoing the action]
pijpen {vti} [dated] :: to smoke (a pipe)
pijpeneren {v} [obsolete] :: to smoke a pipe
pijpenkrul {f} [haircut, chiefly plural] :: ringlet, corkscrew curl
pijpenkrulletje {noun} :: diminutive of pijpenkrul
pijpenla {mf} :: pipe drawer: a long narrow drawer to keep (old-fashioned) long pipes in
pijpenla {mf} [figuratively] :: A long and narrow room, resembling a pipe drawer
pijpenlaatje {noun} :: diminutive of pijpenla
pijpensteel {m} :: pipe handle, shank of a pipe
pijpenstelen regenen {v} [idiomatic, impersonal] :: to rain cats and dogs (to rain very heavily)
pijpenwisser {m} :: pipe cleaner
pijper {m} :: A piper, a flautist
pijper {m} [slang] :: Someone who performs fellatio
pijpewisser {m} :: superseded spelling of pijpenwisser
pijpklei {f} :: A type of fine clay that turns white when baked, used in former times for making tobacco pipes
pijpkruid {n} [fantasy] :: pipeweed: a herb smoked in pipes like tobacco. Coined by J.R.R. Tolkien in The Lord of the Rings
pijpleiding {f} :: pipeline
pijporgel {n} :: pipe organ
pijptang {f} :: pipe wrench
pik {m} [colloquial] :: penis
pik {m} :: A down, prejudiced attitude against someone who is thus 'picked on', especially from a position of authority
pik {m} [colloquial] :: friend
pik {n} {m} [dated] :: pitch (black material)
pik {f} :: pick, pickaxe
pikaks {f} [Suriname] :: pickax
pikant {adj} :: hot, spicy, piquant
pikant {adj} :: piquant, savory
pikdonker {adj} :: pitch-dark
pikhouweel {n} :: pickax
pikken {v} :: to peck (as with a bird's beak), hammer
pikken {v} :: to tolerate, condone (accept begrudgingly)
pikken {v} [colloquial] :: to steal, thieve, nick
pikken {v} :: to pitch, tar
pikketanissie {n} :: jenever
pikol {m} :: each of the two loads which hang at each side of a carrying pole, called pikanol, which is fixed over the shoulders on/like a yoke, as used in Indonesia
pikol {m} :: a measure for dry wares, e.g. about 56 kilos of salt
pikol {m} :: a commercial weight, fixed by the (Dutch colonial) authorities of the Dutch East Indies at 125 Amsterdam pound, i.e. 61.7613 kilos, divided into 100 kati
pikollen {vt} :: To carry (something, about a pikol in weight) using a pikolan
pikorde {f} [zoology] :: pecking order
pikorde {f} [figurative] :: pecking order, hierarchy, ranking
pikstart {m} [sports] :: A very fast start, in races almost coinciding with the starting signal
pikzwart {adj} :: pitch-black
pikzwart {adj} :: pitch-dark
pil {f} :: a pill, an usually ball- or oval-shaped, coated portion of a drug to be taken orally
pil {f} :: (with definite article: de pil) 'the' contraceptive pill
pil {f} :: an analogous ball-shaped object
pil {f} [metonymy] :: an expert in pill use:
pil {f} :: a pharmacist
pil {f} :: an MD
pil {f} [military] :: a med student
pil {f} :: a thick sandwich
pil {f} :: a hard kick on a balk or other object
pil {f} :: a bitter experience
pil {f} :: a large book, a tome
pil {f} [Belgium] :: an electric battery
pil {mf} [obsolete] :: godchild
pilaar {m} :: pillar
pilaarheilige {mf} :: stylite
pilaarprent {f} :: hashira-e, pillar print; a Japanese narrow, elongated rectangular print
pilaster {m} :: pilaster, rectangular half column
pili-pili {c} :: alternative form of piri-piri
pilipili {c} :: alternative form of piri-piri
pillamp {f} :: flashlight
pillendoos {f} :: A pillbox (box for pills)
pillendoos {f} :: A pillbox (bunker)
pillendoosje {noun} :: diminutive of pillendoos
pillewegge {f} :: A loaf of wheat bread containing currants, traditionally given as a gift at baptisms
pillicht {n} :: flashlight
piloot {m} :: pilot
pils {m} {n} :: pilsner beer
pils {m} {n} [by extension] :: lager beer
pilus {m} :: pilus (bacterial appendage)
Pim {prop} {m} :: given name. A Dutch pet form of Willem, ( William)
pimpel {m} :: clipping of pimpelmees
pimpelen {v} [of strong alcoholic drinks, dated] :: to drink with small sips
pimpelen {v} [Netherlands, of any alcoholic drinks] :: to drink (heavily)
pimpelen {v} [Belgium] :: to blink
pimpelmees {f} :: blue tit, Cyanistes caeruleus
pimpelpaars {adj} :: bluish purple
pimpeltje {noun} [Netherlands] :: small glass for drinking spirits, in particular gin
pimpen {vt} :: to pimp (to customise excessively, usually in a camp or gaudy way)
pin {f} :: peg, pin
pin {noun} :: abbreviation of persoonlijk identificatienummer
PIN {m} :: PIN
pinakel {m} [architecure] :: pinnacle (ornamental spire)
pinautomaat {m} [Netherlands] :: PIN payment terminal
pinautomaatje {noun} :: diminutive of pinautomaat
pincet {n} :: A pair of tweezers, small (usually metal) pincers, used for handling small objects and in medicine
pincetje {noun} :: diminutive of pincet
pincode {m} :: personal identification number
pincodetje {noun} :: diminutive of pincode
pinda {m} :: a peanut, the nut-like pod containing the edible seed(s) of a leguminous plant
pinda {m} [botany] :: the annual herb Arachnis hypogea, which produces the above
pinda {m} :: the above seeds, gathered to be eaten as a snack or processed into food products
pinda {m} [pejorative, ethnic slur] :: people from East Asia, most commonly Chinese and Indonesians
pindaatje {noun} :: diminutive of pinda
pindakaas {m} :: peanut butter (a spread made from ground peanuts)
pindarotsje {noun} :: chocolate filled with peanuts in the shape of a rock
pindasaus {f} :: peanut sauce
pingelen {vi} :: to wrangle, to try to get a better price
pingelen {vi} [obsolete] :: to do fine needlework
pingelen {vi} [pejorative, of bells] :: to ring, to resound like a bell
pingelen {vi} [pejorative] :: to play music [with the implication of poor quality]
pingelen {vi} [of engines] :: to knock, to misfire
pingpong {n} :: ping pong, table tennis
pingpongen {vi} :: To play table tennis
pingpongen {vi} [figuratively] :: To repartee
pinguïn {m} :: A penguin, flightless marine bird of the order Sphenisciformes
pink {m} :: pinkie (little finger)
pink {m} :: one-year-old calf, a bovine yearling
pink {m} :: a pink (historic coastal fishing boat with one mast, often landed on beaches)
Pinkster {prop} {f} [now, slightly, colloquial] :: alternative form of Pinksteren
pinksterbloem {f} :: cuckooflower, Cardamine pratensis
pinksterbloem {f} [historical] :: a girl who was processed around in lavish attire on Pentecost, similar to a May Queen
pinksterdag {m} :: Pentecost Sunday (eerste pinksterdag) or the Monday after (tweede pinksterdag)
Pinksteren {prop} {n} :: Pentecost, Whitsun
pinnen {v} :: to pay by debit card
pinnen {v} :: to withdraw money with such a card
pino {c} [colloquial] :: Bloke, rando, guy
pino {c} [slang] :: Sex object. acronym of potentieel interessant neukobject
pint {f} [Belgium] :: A glass of beer (usually 25 cl or 33cl, not an imperial pint)
pintelieren {v} [Belgium] :: to drink heavily
pioen {f} :: A peony, a plant of the genus Paeonia
pioenroos {f} :: A peony, a plant of the genus Paeonia; its flower in particular
pioet {m} [Judaism] :: piyyut, piyut (liturgical poem)
pion {m} [chess] :: pawn
pion {m} [boardgames, by extension] :: piece, pawn (generic player piece in boardgames resembling the pawn in chess)
pion {m} [figurative] :: pawn (someone without control; one who is (easily) manipulated)
pion {n} [physics] :: pion (subatomic particle)
pionier {m} :: pioneer
pip {m} :: Pip (any of various respiratory diseases in birds, especially infectious coryza)
pip {m} [humorous or colloquial] :: Of humans, a disease (particularly the common cold or the flu), malaise or depression
pipet {f} {n} :: A pipette
pipetje {noun} :: diminutive of pipet
pipetteren {vti} :: to pipette
pipo {m} :: oddball, whacko
piraat {m} :: A pirate, one who plunders at sea
piraat {m} :: A copyright pirate, who produces/ trades in illegal copies of protected products
piraat {m} :: A radio pirate
piraatje {noun} [slang] :: A (cheap) cigarette
piramidaal {adj} :: pyramidal, pyramid-shaped
piramidaal {adj} [uncommon, colloquial] :: enormous, huge
piramide {f} :: pyramid
piramidedak {n} :: tented roof
piramidestelsel {n} :: pyramid scheme (fraudulent financial scheme in which earlier investors are (primarily) paid with investments from later investors)
piramidetje {noun} :: diminutive of piramide
piratenschip {n} :: pirate ship
piratenzender {m} :: pirate radio station
pirateren {vit} :: to pirate (to steal or plunder ships)
pirateren {vt} :: to pirate (to replicate or acquire illegal copies)
piraterij {f} :: piracy, plundering at sea
piraterij {f} :: piracy, illegal appropriation or reproduction of intellectual property
piraterij {f} :: radio piracy, illegal broadcasting
piri-piri {c} :: African birdseye chile pepper
piripiri {c} :: alternative spelling of piri-piri
pirouette {f} :: pirouette
pis {m} [vulgar] :: piss
pis {m} [vulgar, slang] :: cheap beer
pisang {m} :: banana
pisang {m} :: weirdo (strange, odd or eccentric person)
pisang {m} :: someone who is unlucky
pisbak {m} [colloquial] :: urinal
pisbloem {mf} :: dandelion
pislink {adj} [Netherlands, colloquial] :: livid, furious
pisnicht {m} [derogatory, offensive, Netherlands] :: poof, faggot, homo (homophobic slur for a man)
pisnijdig {adj} [colloquial] :: livid, furiously angry
pispaal {m} :: laughing stock, fall guy (one who is the object of ridicule)
pispaaltje {noun} :: diminutive of pispaal
pispot {m} :: A pisspot, a chamberpot
pispotje {noun} :: diminutive of pispot
pissebed {mf} :: isopod, pill bug, woodlouse: any member of the Isopoda
pissebed {mf} [dialectal] :: dandelion
pissebed {mf} [uncommon] :: someone who urinates in bed
pissen {v} [colloquial] :: to piss
pisser {m} [literally] :: one who pisses
pisser {m} [figuratively] :: penis
pisser {m} [figuratively] :: amateur
pissig {adj} :: pissed, irritable, angry
pissijn {n} :: urinal
pisstof {f} [dated] :: urea (compound)
pistache {c} :: The pistachio tree (Pistacia vera)
pistache {c} :: Its greenish, edible nut-like fruit; also sugared etc. as candy
pistache {c} :: A sweet resembling the above candy
pistache {c} :: The fruit's taste, also as a flavor, notably of ice cream
piste {f} [skiing] :: piste
piste {f} [circus] :: circus ring
piste {f} [Belgium] :: trail, track
pistolet {m} [Belgium] :: a type of small round bread bun
pistolet {m} [Netherlands] :: a bread bun shaped like a short baguette
pistool {n} :: pistol
piszuur {n} [archaic] :: uric acid
piszuur {adj} [archaic] :: Pertaining to uric acid
pit {mf} :: A seed inside a fruit
pit {mf} :: wick (of a candle, lamp or other implement)
pit {mf} :: burner (on a stove)
pit {mf} :: spirit, vigour
pit {m} [racing] :: pit (refueling station and garage at a race track)
pitaya {m} :: dragon fruit
pitbull {m} :: pit bull
pitrus {m} :: common rush, soft rush, Juncus effusus
pitspoes {f} :: attractive girl that promotes a certain car or motor bike, often at a car show, fair or race
pitstraat {f} :: pit lane
pitten {vi} [colloquial, Netherlands] :: to sleep
pittig {adj} [taste] :: piquant, spicy
pittig {adj} [person] :: energetic and having a strong character
pittig {adj} :: serious and difficult
pittig {adj} :: pithy, terse
pittoresk {adj} :: picturesque
pittoresque {adj} :: alternative spelling of pittoresk
pixel {m} :: pixel
pixelig {adj} :: pixellated
pizza {f} :: pizza
-pje {suffix} :: Variant of -tje, used for words ending on m
PKN {prop} :: acronym of Protestantse Kerk in Nederland (Protestant Church in the Netherlands)
plaag {f} {m} :: plague
plaaggeest {m} :: bully, tormentor
plaagletter {f} :: a letter that shifts the preceding vowel sound so that it deviates from its spelling
plaat {f} :: board, sheet, plate
plaat {f} :: record (e.g. an LP)
plaatje {noun} :: picture
plaatje {noun} [idiomatic] :: something adorable
plaats {f} :: place, position
plaats {f} :: A settlement; a town, city, village, hamlet or the like
plaats {f} :: A place, a location in a text
plaats {f} :: Space, especially free space (e.g. volume, area or storage space on a medium)
plaats {f} [dialectal] :: A square, a plaza (paved open space of any size in a town or near a building)
plaats {f} [dialectal] :: A farm
plaatsbekleder {m} :: incumbent
plaatsbepaling {f} :: the act of determining one's position and orientation
plaats delict {f} :: crime scene (often abbreviated as PD or peedee)
plaatselijk {adj} :: local
plaatsen {v} :: to place
plaatser {m} :: one who places
plaatser {m} [obsolete, grammar] :: a word in the locative case
plaatsgebrek {n} :: Lack of space
plaatsgenoot {m} :: a local, a townsman, someone who lives in the same general area
plaatsgenote {f} :: feminine noun of plaatsgenoot
plaatsigheid {f} :: arity (number of arguments)
plaatsnaam {m} :: toponym
plaatstaal {n} :: sheet steel
plaatsvervangend {adj} :: substitute, surrogate
plaatsvervangende schaamte {f} :: vicarious embarrassment, also called empathic embarrassment, i.e. the uncomfortable sympathetic feeling experienced while watching someone else embarrass themselves
plaatsvervanger {m} :: substitute
plaatsvervanger {m} :: alternate
plaatsvinden {v} :: to take place, occur
plaattektoniek {f} :: alternative form of platentektoniek
plaatwerk {n} [uncountable] :: bodywork, exterior of a vehicle
plaatwerk {n} [countable] :: engraving
plaatwerk {n} [countable] :: campshedding
placebo {m} :: placebo
placebo {m} [obsolete] :: sycophant
placemat {m} :: place mat
placenta {f} :: placenta
placentadier {n} :: placental, any member of the infraclass Placentalia
pladijs {f} [zoology] :: The plaice, the large marine flatfish, Pleuronectes platessa
plafon {n} :: alternative spelling of plafond
plafond {n} :: ceiling
plafond {n} :: maximum, upper limit
plag {f} :: A cut-out sod, an excavated flat piece of top soil grown with grasses or heath; in the past used as fuel or roof covering
plag {f} :: A flat, excavated piece of peat
plag {f} [archaic] :: A cloth, a rag
plagen {v} :: to tease
plagen {v} :: to trouble
plagen {v} :: to torment
plagerij {f} :: worry, concern
plagerij {f} :: teasing, chaff
plaggen {vit} :: to excavate sods or peat (from)
plaggenhut {f} [Netherlands] :: A hut constructed of sods of peat
plagiaat {n} :: Plagiarism
plagiaris {m} :: plagiarist
plagiator {m} :: plagiarist
plak {c} :: A slice, rasher (of bacon or cheese), slab (of chocolate)
plak {c} :: Anything resembling such a slice
plak {c} :: A specific coin
plak {c} :: plaque on teeth
plak {c} :: A ferule, flat solid wooden punitive implement, usually applied on the hand(s)
plakband {n} {m} :: sticky tape, adhesive tape
plakka {?} [slang] :: money
plakkaat {n} :: placard
plakken {vi} :: to stick
plakken {vt} :: to glue, to paste
plakken {vt} [computing] :: to paste (insert an item previously saved to memory)
plan {n} :: A set of intended actions, through which one expects to achieve a goal
plan {n} :: A technical drawing
plan {n} :: A detailed map
planeconomie {f} :: planned economy
planeet {mf} [astronomy] :: a planet
planetair {adj} :: planetary
planetaire nevel {m} :: planetary nebula
planetarium {n} :: planetarium
planetenstelsel {n} :: planetary system
planetoïde {f} [astronomy] :: asteroid
plank {f} :: shelf
plank {f} :: (wooden) plank
planken {adj} :: made of plank(s) and/or board(s)
plankenkoorts {f} :: stage fright
planmatig {adj} :: planned
planmatig {adj} :: as planned, according to plan
plannen {v} :: to plan
planning {n} :: planning; schedule
plant {f} :: plant, any member of the kingdom Plantae
plant {f} [potentially offensive] :: cabbage, vegetable (person with severe brain damage)
plantaardig {adj} :: vegetable
plantage {f} :: plantation
plantage {f} :: A small group of plants and trees; a small planted area
plantage {f} [obsolete] :: The act of planting
planten {v} :: to plant, place a seed or plant in suitably fertile substrate in order that it may live and grow
planten {v} [figuratively] :: to plant an inanimated object in the soil or a hard surface, e.g. a banner
planten {v} [figuratively] :: to plant an idea etc
plantenbak {m} :: A planter, a plant trough (box for containing plants)
planteneter {m} :: a herbivore (plant-eating animal)
plantenrijk {n} [biology, botany, taxonomy] :: Plant Kingdom, kingdom Plantae
plantensoort {f} {m} [botany] :: plant species
plantensterol {m} :: phytosterol
planter {m} :: A planter, one who plants (usually plants or perhaps fungi)
planter {m} :: A farmer, a tiller; in particular the owner or operator of a plantation, a planter
planter {m} :: A founder of a colony, a settler, a coloniser
plantkunde {f} :: botany
plantsoen {n} :: park, public garden
plas {m} :: a body of still water, pool
plas {m} :: puddle
plas {m} :: [often diminutive] urine
Plas {prop} :: surname
plasje {noun} :: diminutive of plas
plasma {n} [physics] :: plasma, dense ionised gas
plasma {n} [biology, medicine] :: blood plasma
plasma {n} [biology] :: cytoplasm
plasma {n} [mineralogy] :: plasma, dark green type of quartz
plasma-tv {f} :: plasma TV
plasmide {n} :: plasmid
plasseks {m} :: pee sex (any sexual activity that involves urination or urine in noticeable quantities)
plassen {vi} :: urinate
plassen {vt} :: secrete (something) in urine
plasser {m} [childish] :: A peepee, a doodle (penis)
plasser {m} [uncommon] :: A pee-er, one who urinates
plastic {n} [Netherlands, uncountable] :: plastic (synthetic polymer substance)
plastic {m} [Netherlands, countable, chemistry] :: plastic (specific type of synthetic polymer)
plastic {adj} [Netherlands] :: plastic
plasticiteit {f} :: plasticity
plastiek {n} [Belgium] :: plastic (synthetic polymer)
plastron {n} :: plastron (lower part of a turtle/tortoise shell)
plastron {n} :: plastron, breastplate, piece of armour covering the chest
plat {adj} :: flat
plat {adj} :: of soft consistency
plat {n} :: One’s local dialect
plat {adj} :: as one’s local dialect
plat {adj} [by extension] :: common, rural, vulgar
plataan {m} :: A plane tree, a sycamore; a tree of the genus Platanus
platbranden {v} :: to burn down
Platduits {prop} {n} :: The Low German language
Platduits {adj} :: Low German
plateau {n} :: plateau (level expanse of land)
plateau {n} :: plateau (comparatively stable level)
plateau {n} :: plateau (tray) [Southern Dutch]
plateauzool {f} :: platform sole (very thick sole of a shoe)
platencontract {n} :: recording contract
platendraaier {m} :: gramophone
platendraaier {m} :: turntable
platendraaier {m} :: disc jockey
platenlabel {m} {n} :: record label
platenspeler {m} :: record player
platentektoniek {f} :: plate tectonics
platenwinkel {m} :: record shop, record store
platenzaak {m} :: record shop, record store
platform {n} :: A platform, flat surface, notably a dais or stage
platform {n} :: A political platform, (electoral) program
platform {n} :: A plateau
platform {n} :: A flat roof
platform {n} [obsolete] :: A ground-plan
platina {n} :: platinum
platitude {f} :: platitude, cliché
platte broodjes bakken {v} [idiom, Belgium] :: to grovel, to fawn, especially after having said something bold or controversial before; to attempt to reingratiate
plattegrond {m} :: map (of an area), floor plan (of a building)
platte kaas {m} [Belgium] :: alternative form of plattekaas
plattekaas {m} [Belgium] :: the soft creamy cheese quark
platte kak {adj} :: (predicative) not very good
platte kak {noun} [sop] :: soft stool
platteland {n} :: country, countryside
plattelander {m} :: A country-dweller, a rustic, someone who lives outside (large) inhabited areas
platte uitdrukking {f} :: vulgar expression
platvis {m} :: flatfish (fish)
platvoetwacht {f} [nautical] :: guard duty on a ship from 4 to 8 PM
platzak {adj} :: broke, having no money
plaveien {v} :: to pave
plavuis {m} :: floor tile
playstationen {vi} :: to play games on a Sony PlayStation console
plebaan {m} :: a priest (in the Roman Catholic Church or the Old Catholic Church) who serves the parish attached to a cathedral (in the bishop’s stead); dean
plebeïsch {adj} :: plebeian
plebejer {m} :: a plebeian; a member of the lower social class
plebejisch {adj} :: plebeian (of the plebs, of the common people)
plechtanker {n} [nautical] :: sheet anchor
plechtanker {n} [figurative] :: last resort, last hope
plechtig {adj} :: formal, stiff
plechtig {adj} :: solemn, ceremonious
plechtigheid {f} [countable] :: ceremony
plechtigheid {f} [uncountable] :: ceremoniousness
plectrum {n} :: plectrum, pick (object for plucking certain string instruments)
pledderen {v} [Belgium] :: play with water and mud [esp. of kids]
pledderen {v} :: walk through muddy terrain
plee {m} [colloquial] :: loo, john, bathroom
pleeggezin {n} :: foster home
pleegkind {n} :: A foster child, which is neither biological nor adoptive offspring but raised rather as if, temporarily or indefinitely
pleegmoeder {f} :: foster mother
pleegouder {m} :: foster parent
pleegvader {m} :: A foster father
pleegzoon {m} :: A foster son, a male foster child, boy who is raised in a non-parent's family
pleegzorg {mf} :: foster care
pleegzuster {f} [now, chiefly literary or historical, dated as a title] :: A female nurse
pleegzuster {f} :: A foster sister
plegen {v} :: to do (something) habitually, customarily
plegen {v} :: to usually happen
plegen {vt} :: to commit (a crime)
plegen {vt} [dated] :: to care for
pleidooi {n} :: plea
plein {n} :: square, plaza
pleiner {m} [historical, Amsterdam] :: a type of middle-class nozem from Amsterdam inspired by modern art, French culture and jazz, similar to a mod
pleinvrees {f} :: agoraphobia
pleister {f} :: plaster, sticking plaster, band-aid
pleister {n} :: plaster (lime mixture)
pleisteren {adj} :: (made of) plaster
pleisteren {adj} :: cast in plaster
pleisteren {vt} :: To (apply) plaster, stucco
pleisteren {vt} :: To apply a (medical) plaster
pleisteren {vt} [figuratively] :: To smear, cover (up) (notably cosmetically), hide
pleisteren {vt} :: To pave (a road)
pleisteren {vi} :: To interrupt a journey, take a rest, make a stop, notably to tend to the needs of traveler(s), vehicle(s), staff and/or working animal(s)
pleisteren {vi} :: To (take a) pause or rest in general
pleisteren {vi} :: To be, spend time, somewhere
pleisterkalk {m} :: The material plaster(ing chalk), stucco
pleisterplaats {f} :: A place where one rests and refreshes during travels, in particular a rest stop or a station or settlement commonly used for resting
pleisterplaatsje {noun} :: diminutive of pleisterplaats
pleisterwerk {n} :: The (construction) activity plastering
pleisterwerk {n} :: A plastering job; its stucco results
pleit {n} :: lawsuit
pleitbezorger {m} :: advocate, barrister, counsel
pleitbezorger {m} :: advocate, one who speaks or writes in support of something
pleite {adj} [predicative only, colloquial] :: gone
pleiten {vi} :: to plead
plek {f} :: spot, place
plek {f} :: bruise
plenair {adj} :: plenary
plengen {vt} :: to pour, to cause to flow down
plengen {vt} [chiefly historical] :: to pour on the ground or onto a cultic object as a sacrifice
plengen {vt} [obsolete] :: to spill
plengoffer {n} :: libation
plenzen {v} :: to bucket, to rain cats and dogs (to rain heavily)
plesiosaurus {m} :: plesiosaur
pletten {v} :: to flatten
pletten {v} :: to crush, squash
pletteren {v} [obsolete] :: to crush, squash
pletterpet {m} :: An orange helmet decorated in the style of a makarapa, distributed as a gimmick during the 2010 FIFA World Cup
pletwals {f} [Belgium] :: road roller, roll, roller
pletwals {f} [Belgium] :: a winner who trounces her/his opponents
pleuren {v} [colloquial] :: to fling or hurl, to throw forcefully
pleuren {v} [colloquial] :: to insert with force
pleuren {v} [colloquial] :: to plunge, to fall with noise
pleuren {v} [colloquial] :: to rain hard
pleuritis {f} :: pleurisy, pleuritis
plevier {m} :: plover, certain waders of the family Charadriidae
plexus {m} :: plexus
plezant {adj} [Belgium] :: pleasant
plezier {n} :: fun, leisure
plezier {n} :: pleasure
plezierig {adj} :: pleasant, fun
plezierjacht {n} :: luxurious yacht
plezierjacht {f} :: recreational hunting, pleasure hunting
pleziertje {noun} :: diminutive of plezier
pleziervaart {f} [uncountable] :: recreational sailing, recreational boating
pleziervaart {f} [countable, rare] :: pleasure cruise
plicht {f} :: duty, obligation
plichtbewust {adj} :: alternative form of plichtsbewust
plichtpleging {f} :: A ceremony, a display of ceremony
plichtpleging {f} :: An often ritualised expression of respect
plichtsbesef {n} :: sense of duty
plichtsbewust {adj} :: conscientious
plichtsverzuim {n} :: dereliction of duty, neglect of duty
pligt {f} :: obsolete spelling of plicht
plint {f} :: a panel between floor and interior wall; a skirting board or baseboard
plint {f} :: a plinth
plint {f} :: a vaulting box
plisie {f} [slang] :: alternative form of politie
ploeg {mf} :: team; crew
ploeg {mf} :: plough; coulter
ploegbaas {m} :: foreman, ganger, supervisor, team leader
ploegen {v} :: to plough
ploegendienst {m} :: shift (work schedule)
ploeger {m} :: A plower, plowman
ploeger {m} :: A farmer whose land is large enough to use/need a plow
ploeggeest {m} [chiefly Belgium] :: team spirit
ploeggenoot {m} :: teammate
ploeggenote {f} :: feminine noun of ploeggenoot
ploegijzer {n} :: plowshare/ploughshare
ploegjongen {m} :: A plowboy, boy who helps the plowman by driving the draught animals in front of the plow
ploegman {m} [archaic] :: A plowman, male plower
ploegman {m} [rare] :: A man belonging to a team or crew
Ploegman {prop} :: surname
ploegos {m} :: An ox used to pull a plow
ploegschaar {f} :: plowshare/ploughshare
ploert {m} :: scoundrel, bounder
ploert {m} :: git, jerk
ploert {m} [historical, obsolete, student slang] :: Someone who doesn't study or hasn't studied at a university
ploert {m} [historical, obsolete, student slang] :: The landlady or landlord of a student's housing
ploertendoder {m} :: A cosh, blackjack or similar flexible blunt weapon containing heavy material, often but not necessarily covered with rubber or leather
ploeteren {v} :: to drudge
ploeteren {v} [figuratively] :: to toil, to drudge
ploffen {v} :: to thud; to make a dull sound (such as the sound made of an object falling on concrete)
ploffen {v} :: to burst, to explode
plofkip {f} :: broiler chicken that is made to grow unusually fast so as to speed up meat production
plofklank {m} :: plosive
plofkraak {m} :: A (bank or ATM) raid involving explosives
plofkraken {v} [usually of ATMs] :: to raid by means of explosives
plofstof {m} [dated, rare] :: explosive, explosive substance
plokworst {f} [chiefly uncountable] :: A seasoned and smoked sausage made from pork and beef, similar to cervelat and salami
plombe {f} :: lead seal
plombe {f} [dentistry] :: filling
plomp {adj} :: clumsy, oafish
plompzakken {v} :: To insert both the penis and the scrotum into the vagina during sex
plons {m} :: a splash, sound of a splash
plons {interj} :: the noise made from something splashing against a surface
plooi {f} {m} :: crease, fold
plooi {f} {m} :: wrinkle
plooibaar {adj} :: foldable
plooibaar {adj} [figuratively] :: pliable, flexible
plooien {v} :: to pleat, fold
plooien {v} :: to gather wrinkles
plooifiets {f} [Belgium] :: folding bicycle
plork {noun} [slang] :: "nice body, ugly face", butterface
P.L.O.R.K. {noun} :: alternative form of plork
plosief {m} :: plosive
plosief {adj} :: plosive
ploten {vt} :: to dewool (sheep skins)
plots {adv} :: suddenly
plotseling {adv} :: suddenly
plotseling {adj} :: sudden
plotsklaps {adv} :: suddenly
plotsklaps {adj} :: sudden
plotten {v} :: to plot, to trace out
plu {m} [colloquial] :: umbrella, brolly
pluche {n} :: The velvety fabric plush
pluche {n} [metonymy] :: The plush, i.e. cosy, luxurious, seats of power, hence: (being in) office, governing majority
pluche {adj} :: (made of) plush
pluchen {adj} :: (made of) plush
plug {m} :: wall plug [used to hold nails and screws]
pluim {m} :: A plume, feather
pluim {m} :: (with indefinite article, often the diminutive: een pluim(pje)) A compliment, praise, a feather on one's cap
pluim {m} [figuratively] :: A plume-shaped object or part of another organ, e.g. on a butterfly's wings
pluim {m} :: (rather the diminutive plural: pluimpjes) down
pluimage {n} :: The plumage of a bird
pluimage {n} :: (rare) An object made of feathers, mostly ornamental; also a duster
pluimage {n} [figuratively] :: One's nature, typological category; notably in the expression van divers pluimage ('of varied types')
pluimage {n} [obsolete] :: The waving crest of a tree or wood
pluimbal {m} [now, uncommon] :: A shuttlecock
pluimen {vt} :: To remove the plumage from, as before cooking a bird
pluimen {vt} [figuratively] :: To skin financially
pluimstrijken {vti} :: to fawn, to be a sycophant
pluimstrijkend {adj} :: sycophantic
pluimstrijker {m} [pejorative] :: a sycophant, a fawner
pluimvee {n} [collective] :: fowl
pluis {n} [uncountable] :: fluff, soft hairs
pluis {n} [countable, esp. diminutive] :: a piece of fluff or lint, a fluffball
pluis {n} [botany, agriculture] :: pedicel with flower; sessile (side branch with flower)
pluis {adj} :: in order, right, proper
pluizen {vt} [agriculture] :: to remove flowering side branches [from the main stem] from
pluk {m} :: A handful, a tuft
pluk de dag {phrase} :: carpe diem, seize the day
plukje {noun} :: diminutive of pluk
plukken {vt} :: to pluck (i.e. to pull something sharply or to pull something out)
plukken {vt} :: to deprive (someone, something) of most possessions; to rob somebody blind
pluksel {n} :: lint, pluff
pluksel {n} :: something that has been picked or plucked
plunder {c} :: One's property, (collective) possessions
plunder {c} :: Notably furniture and other (mainly small) home inventory
plunderaar {m} :: A pillager, a plunderer
plunderen {vti} :: to plunder, to pillage, to ransack
plunderen {vt} [figurative] :: to empty, to completely withdraw
plundering {f} :: looting, plundering
plundertocht {mf} :: A plundering expedition
plurk {m} :: A prick, an arse, a jerk
plusminus {adv} :: about, roughly, approximately, circa
pluspunt {n} :: Advantage, upside, positive characteristic
Pluto {prop} {m} [Greco-Roman mythology] :: Pluto (god of the underworld)
Pluto {prop} {m} [astronomy] :: Pluto (dwarf planet, former planet)
plutocraat {m} :: plutocrat
plutocratie {f} :: plutocracy
plutocratisch {adj} :: plutocratic
plutonium {n} :: plutonium
pluvier {m} :: superseded spelling of plevier
pluviograaf {m} :: A pluviograph, self-registring pluviometer
pneumo- {prefix} :: pneumo-
pneumonie {f} :: pneumonia
pneumothorax {m} :: pneumothorax
po {m} :: chamber pot
pochen {v} :: to brag
podium {n} [art, music, theatre] :: stage
podiumbeest {n} :: someone who enjoys being on stage and is often on stage
poedel {m} :: poodle (dog breed)
poedel {m} [archaic, chiefly ball games] :: A miss; a throw or shot that misses the goal or target
poedelbad {n} :: A paddling pool, a wading pool
poedelbadje {noun} :: diminutive of poedelbad
poedelnaakt {adj} :: buck naked, stark naked, butt-naked
poedelprijs {m} [Netherlands] :: booby prize, a prize awarded to the loser
poeder {n} :: powder
poederbrief {m} :: powder letter (letter containing some powder, intended for harming, threatening or hoaxing someone)
poedersuiker {m} :: powdered sugar, icing sugar
poedoe {m} :: pudu
poëet {m} [formal, literary] :: poet
poef {m} :: a pouf
poef {interj} :: poof
poeha {m} {n} [colloquial] :: clamor, fuss
poel {m} :: a standing body of water; pool, puddle
poel {m} [obsolete, literary] :: abyss, chasm
poel {m} [obsolete] :: hell
Poel {prop} :: surname
poeldraak {m} [obsolete] :: hell dragon, infernal dragon, hydra
poeldraak {m} [obsolete, pejorative, figurative] :: infernally evil person
Poels {prop} :: surname
poema {m} :: puma
poen {f} {n} [colloquial] :: money
poenaal {adj} :: Pertaining to punishments
poentje {noun} [Surinamese Dutch] :: vagina
poep {f} [uncountable] :: shit
poep {f} :: fart
poep {f} [nautical] :: a vessel's stern
poep {f} [colloquial, Belgian] :: butt, bottom, behind, rear-end, hiney, tush
poepchinees {m} [childish, ethnic slur, derogatory, offensive] :: A derogatory term for a Chinese person or an other East Asian person
poepchinees {m} [childish, derogatory, offensive] :: A derogatory term for a person with a name rhyming on /eːs/
poepdoos {f} :: A privy, an outhouse, a backside, a backhouse
poepen {v} [Netherlands] :: to defecate; to shit
poepen {v} [obsolete] :: to fart
poepen {v} [vulgar, Belgium] :: to fuck (to copulate)
poeper {m} [colloquial, Netherlands] :: A butthole, arse/ass, anus
poeper {m} [colloquial, Netherlands] :: A shitter, a pooper, one who defecates
poeper {m} [Belgium] :: See met de poepers zitten
poepgat {n} [Netherlands] :: anus, butthole
poepie {noun} :: alternative form of poepje
poepie {noun} :: sweetie, cutie (term of endearment, typically for young children or animals)
poepluier {m} [Netherlands] :: A soiled nappy, a soiled diaper (nappy/diaper containing excrement)
poepseks {m} [Netherlands] :: poop sex (scatological sexual activity)
Poerem {prop} {n} :: alternative form of Poerim
Poeriem {prop} {n} :: alternative form of Poerim
Poerim {prop} {n} [Judaism] :: Purim
poes {f} :: A female cat
poes {f} :: A cat of either sex
poes {f} [vulgar] :: A vagina
poes {f} [derogatory] :: A woman or girl
poeslief {adj} :: very friendly, nice or sweet
poeslief {adj} :: acting very nicely, but insincerely
poespas {m} :: fuss, ado, hubbub
poespas {m} [obsolete] :: mash, stew
poet {m} :: loot, stolen money
poëtaster {m} :: poetaster
poëtisch {adj} :: poetic (related to poetry)
poetsen {v} :: to clean, shine
poetsen {v} :: to brush (teeth)
poetsvrouw {f} :: female cleaner, charlady
poetsvrouwtje {noun} :: diminutive of poetsvrouw
poëzie {f} :: poetry
pofadder {f} {m} :: puffadder, African adder, viper of the genus Bitis
poffertje {noun} [chiefly plural] :: A small Dutch puffed pancake, a baby pancake
pogen {v} :: to attempt
poging {f} :: attempt
Pohnpeiaans {adj} :: Pohnpeian, in, from or otherwise relating to the island state Pohnpei, the former Ponape, in Micronesia, or its people
Pohnpeiaans {adj} :: Pohnpeian, in or otherwise relating to the (Micronesian) Pohnepian language
Pohnpeiaans {prop} :: The Pohnpeian (Micronesian) language
pointe {f} {m} [comedy] :: punchline
pointer {m} [programming] :: pointer
pointilleren {vit} :: to paint in the pointillé technique
pointillisme {n} [art] :: pointillism
pok {m} :: pock, pimple
pokdalig {adj} :: pockmarked
poker {n} :: poker (card game)
poker {m} :: somebody who pokes a fire
pokeraar {m} :: A poker player
pokeren {vi} :: to play poker
pokken {c} :: smallpox
pokkenweer {n} [Netherlands] :: nasty weather, terrible weather
pol {m} :: a bundle of plants, with the soil it stands on or that hangs from it
pol {m} [Belgium] :: a hand
Pol {prop} :: given name
polariseren {v} :: to polarize
polariseren {v} [figuratively] :: (said of a situation etc.) to polarize; to cause to have two extremes
polariteit {f} :: polarity
polariteit {f} [grammar, Semitic languages] :: gender polarity, the phenomenon of some numerals (3 to 10) having endings resembling those of the opposite grammatical gender
polder {m} [geography] :: polder (land reclaimed from a body of water by means of dykes)
polderen {vi} [politics] :: to compromise, to engage in consensus politics
poldermodel {n} :: polder model; a form of economic decision making by consensus, including the government and the social partners, that is the trade unions and employers' organisations
poldermolen {m} :: polder windmill, used to pump water out of a polder
polemiek {f} :: A polemic
polemisch {adj} :: polemic
polemist {m} :: A polemicist
polemiste {f} :: female equivalent of polemist
Polen {prop} {n} :: Poland
policor {adj} [colloquial, derogatory, Netherlands] :: politically correct
polijsten {v} :: to polish
polikliniek {f} :: An outpatient clinic
polikliniekje {noun} :: diminutive of polikliniek
polis {f} :: insurance policy
polis {f} :: insurance plan
polis {f} [historical] :: A polis; an ancient, especially Ancient Greek, city state or city
politica {f} :: female politician
politicologie {f} :: political science
politicoloog {m} :: political scientist
politicus {m} :: politician
politie {f} :: police
politie {f} [obsolete] :: policy, governance
politieagent {m} :: police officer
politieagent {m} :: spy
politieagente {f} :: female equivalent of politieagent
politieauto {m} :: police car
politiebureau {n} :: police station
politiegeweld {n} :: police violence
politiehelikopter {m} :: police helicopter
politiehond {m} :: A police dog
politiek {f} :: politics
politiek {adj} :: political
politiek correct {adj} [derogatory] :: politically correct
politiek-correcte {mf} [usually plural] :: Person who is politically correct
politieke economie {f} :: political economy
politiekeling {m} [historical, pejorative, mainly used by the NSB] :: political opponent [of fascism, national socialism]
politiekeling {m} [slang] :: political animal, political junkie (someone enthusiastically interested in politics or a political fanatic)
politieker {m} [Belgium, colloquial] :: politician
politieman {m} :: policeman
politiestaat {m} :: A police state
politiewagen {m} :: police car
politoer {f} {n} [chiefly uncountable] :: French polish (polishing agent containing shellack)
politoer {f} {n} [archaic, uncountable] :: gloss, shine
politoeren {vti} :: to varnish with French polish
pollen {n} :: pollen
pollen {v} [computing] :: to poll, to periodically check the status of a device or variable
pollenzone {f} :: A pollen zone (stratigraphic zone based on the analysis of pollen cores, corresponding to a subperiod of the Holocene or late Pleistocene)
pollepel {m} :: [Netherlands] wooden spoon, a rather shallow spoon used to stir food while cooking
pollepel {m} :: [Belgium] ladle, a large deep spoon used to serve soup and other food
poller {m} :: a retractable road bollard
polonium {n} :: polonium
pols {m} :: A wrist
pols {m} :: short for polsslag: pulse
polsband {m} :: wristband: mostly used in the diminutive
polsbandje {noun} :: wristband
polsbreuk {f} :: fracture of one's wrist
polsen {v} :: To ask with tact
polshorloge {n} :: wristwatch
polsslag {m} :: pulse (felt at the wrist artery)
polsslagader {f} :: radial artery
polsstok {m} :: A vaulting pole
polsstokspringen {n} :: pole vault, pole-vaulting
poltergeest {m} :: poltergeist
poly- {prefix} :: poly-
polyfoon {adj} [music] :: polyphonic, contrapuntal
polyfoon {adj} [literature] :: polyphonic, containing the perspectives of many protagonists
polyfyletisch {noun} [taxonomy] :: polyphyletic
polygaam {adj} :: polygamous
polygamie {f} :: polygamy
polyglot {mf} :: A polyglot, one who has mastered several languages
polyglot {mf} :: A publication with an original texts along with translations in several languages; especially of a version of the Bible
polyglot {adj} [rare] :: polyglot
polyglotte {f} :: A female polyglot, a woman who has command of multiple languages
polyglotte {f} {m} :: alternative form of polyglot
polyglottisch {adj} :: polyglot, polyglottic
polygoon {m} [geometry] :: polygon
polygoon {m} [computing] :: polygon
polymeer {n} [chemistry] :: polymer
Polynesië {prop} :: Polynesia
Polynesisch {adj} :: Polynesian
polynomiaal {adj} :: polynomial
polynoom {n} {m} :: polynomial
polynoom {adj} :: polynomial
polytheïsme {n} :: polytheism
pomerans {f} :: Felt or leather tip of a cue
pomerans {f} :: Fruit of the bitter orange
pomerans {f} :: bitter orange tree
pomp {f} :: pump (device for moving liquid or gas)
pompelmoes {f} {m} :: pomelo (fruit of the tree Citrus maxima)
pompen {vti} :: to pump
pompen {vti} [slang, vulgar] :: to fuck, to bang
pompoen {m} :: pumpkin
pompstation {n} :: filling station, petrol station (UK), gas station (US)
pon {m} :: nightgown, nightdress
pond {n} :: unit of mass, often broadly similar to 500 grams
pond {n} :: metric pound (500 grams)
pond {n} [imperial units] :: pound (453.6 grams)
pond {n} [historical] :: pound, any of several local units, with a range between 420 and 500 grammes, divided into 16 historical ounces
pond {n} [historical, Dutch metric system] :: kilogram
pond {n} :: one of several monetary units
pond {n} :: British pound, pound sterling (currency)
pond {n} :: Egyptian pound
pond {n} [historical] :: Flemish pound
ponem {n} {m} [colloquial, chiefly Netherlands] :: face
ponjaard {m} :: poniard
pons {m} :: punch (tool for punching or drilling holes)
pons {m} :: obsolete form of punch
pont {c} :: ferry, ferryboat
pontificaal {adj} [Roman Catholicism] :: pontifical
pontificaal {adj} [figuratively] :: pompous
pony {m} :: pony, small horse
pony {m} [by extension] :: hairstyle with a fringe/bangs
pony'tje {noun} :: diminutive of pony
pooier {m} :: male pimp
pooierbak {m} [colloquial] :: a pimpmobile, a pimped up car
pook {m} :: poker (stick to kindle the fire in a fireplace)
pook {m} :: gearstick
pool {c} :: magnetic pole (especially of the Earth and other celestial bodies)
pool {c} :: electrical pole (e.g. of a battery)
pool {c} [figuratively] :: an opposing side of a principle or a doctrine
pool {m} :: a gambling venture such as a football pool
pool {m} :: the stake involved in such a venture
pool {m} :: an arrangement where people pool in money to share one resource such as a carpool
pool {m} [sports] :: pool
pool {c} :: the pile (upstanding usually fine hair) on certain fabrics, velvet or carpeting
Pool {m} :: A Pole
poolbeer {m} [rare] :: polar bear
pooldag {m} :: polar day
poollicht {n} [astronomy] :: aurora
poolnacht {f} :: polar night
Pools {adj} :: Polish
Pools {prop} {n} :: Polish (language)
Poolse {f} :: Pole (female)
poolster {f} :: pole star
Poolster {prop} {f} :: Polaris
poolvos {m} :: arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus)
poort {f} {m} :: gate
Poort {prop} :: surname
poorter {m} [historical] :: A citizen of a city during the Ancien Regime, a burgher
poortgebouw {n} :: gatehouse, gate building
poortwachter {m} :: gatekeeper, one who guards a gate
poos {f} :: undefined period of time, an indefinite period
poos {f} [colloquial, hyperbolic] :: eternity
poos {f} [dated, now only in fixed expressions or limited contexts] :: pause, interruption
poot {m} :: limb (arm or leg) of an animal (sometimes human)
poot {m} :: [colloquial] leg or foot
poot {m} :: [colloquial] hand
poot {m} :: leg of an object, e.g. furniture
poot {m} [vulgar, derogatory] :: homosexual man
pootafdruk {m} :: A paw print
pootjebaden {vi} :: to paddle, to wet one's feet in water either by wading or by dabbling while seated
pop {f} {m} :: doll
pop {f} {m} :: cocoon, pupa
pop {f} {m} [colloquial] :: guilder
pop {f} :: pop, pop music
popelen {v} :: to long for, yearn; to be eager to
popelen {v} :: to quiver
popelen {v} :: to flutter
popeye {m} :: a short, strong man
popgroep {mf} :: A pop group, a pop band
popiejopie {adj} [slang, pejorative, often in compounds] :: Trying excessively to come across as popular and ordinary
popiejopie {adj} [slang, pejorative, often in compounds] :: Related to ordinary people; plebeian, familiar, colloquial, vulgar, popular
Popie Jopie {prop} {m} [slang, derogatory] :: An irreverent nickname for Pope John Paul II
popmuziek {f} :: pop music
poppen {v} [obsolete] :: To play with puppets
poppen {v} :: To play (games etc.) in general
poppen {v} :: To court and/or have sex
poppen {v} :: To show off
poppen {v} :: To make or provide (a) puppet(s) etc
poppen {v} :: To make the sound of a coot
poppen {v} [figuratively] :: To stammer
poppenhuis {n} :: dollhouse
poppenhuisje {noun} :: diminutive of poppenhuis
poppenkast {f} [literally] :: A portable puppet theatre and puppets for use in it
poppenkast {f} :: A puppet-show, notably of the Punch and Judy type
poppenkast {f} [figuratively] :: A bad, excessive or hilarious 'show', pointlessly theatrical conduct
poppenkasterij {f} :: clamor, theatrical misconduct
poppenspeelster {m} :: female puppeteer
poppenspel {n} :: A puppet show
poppenspeler {m} :: puppeteer
popster {f} {m} :: pop star
populair {adj} :: popular
populariteit {f} :: Popularity
populatie {f} :: A population, notably used in:
populatie {f} [biology] :: quantified presence of organisms on a territory
populatie {f} [statistics] :: any mass from which a sample can be drawn
populier {m} :: A poplar, tree of the genus Populus
populisme {n} [politics] :: populism, any dualistic ideology that contrasts a homogeneous people with an elite
populisme {n} [literature] :: a French literary movement focusing on the common people
populisme {n} [politics] :: populism, the American left-leaning ideology that supported trade unionism and sought monetary stimulus by means of free silver
populist {n} :: populist (advocate or supporter of political populism, asserting that elites are out of touch with the common people)
populist {n} [pejorative] :: demagogue
populistisch {adj} :: populist, pertaining to populism
populistisch {adj} :: populist, pertaining to American populism or the Populist Party
porem {n} [colloquial] :: face
porie {f} :: pore (on the surface of skin)
porknokker {m} [slang, Suriname] :: A smallscale, one-man open pit gold mining operation
porno {f} :: porn
porno {adj} [Netherlands, slang] :: hot, attractive, sexy
pornograaf {m} :: pornographer
pornografe {f} :: female pornographer
pornografisch {adj} :: pornographic
pornografisch {adj} :: [by extension] lewd, obscene
porren {v} :: to prod, prick, poke
porrie {adj} :: rotten
porrie {f} {m} :: waste of a bulb nursery
porrie {f} {m} :: power
porrie {f} {m} :: force
porselein {n} :: The hard, translucent ceramic porcelain
porselein {n} :: A piece or set made of that material
port {m} {n} :: postage
port {m} :: (a glass of) port, port wine, Porto
portaal {n} [architecture] :: portal
porte-brisée {f} :: double-leaf door
portefeuille {m} :: wallet
portefeuille {m} :: portfolio (post, set of responsibilities)
portemonnaie {f} :: superseded spelling of portemonnee
portemonnee {m} :: wallet
portemonnee {m} :: purse, coin purse
portie {f} [food, drinks] :: serving, helping
portie {f} :: portion, part, amount
portiek {f} :: portico
portier {m} :: doorman, gatekeeper, porter, doorkeeper
portier {n} :: door of a vehicle, especially of a car or a coach
portierraam {n} :: A window of a car door
portierraampje {noun} :: diminutive of portierraam
Port Moresby {prop} {n} :: Port Moresby (capital city)
porto {m} :: the postage due for having a letter or package transported and delivered by a postal service
portret {n} :: portrait
portretteren {v} :: to draw a portrait for, to portray
Portugal {prop} {n} :: Portugal (country)
Portugees {adj} :: Portuguese
Portugees {m} :: A Portuguese man
Portugees {prop} {n} :: Portuguese (language)
Portugese {f} :: A Portuguese woman
Portugese waterhond {m} :: Portuguese Water Dog
pose {f} :: stance or pose
poseren {v} :: to pose
positie {f} :: position, posture
positie {f} [military] :: position
positie {f} :: post, position, rank
positie {f} :: the state of pregnancy
positief {adj} :: positive
positief {m} :: positive form of an adjective
positief {n} :: positive of an image
positiejurk {f} :: A maternity dress; a dress designed to be worn by pregnant women during the later stages of pregnancy
positiejurkje {noun} :: diminutive of positiejurk
positiekleding {f} :: maternity clothing, clothing designed to be worn by women in the later stages of pregnancy
positivisme {n} [philosophy] :: positivism
positivisme {n} [colloquial, low prestige] :: positivity
positron {n} [physics] :: positron
posologie {f} :: posology
post- {prefix} :: post-
post {f} {m} :: Mail
post {f} {m} :: A mail office, a post office
post {f} {m} :: A location or station, where a soldier is supposed to be; position
post {f} {m} :: A post, a position, an office
Post {prop} :: surname
postadres {n} :: postal address
postament {n} :: pedestal of a pillar or statue
postapocalyptisch {adj} [fiction] :: postapocalyptic (after a future cataclysm)
postbezorger {m} :: One who delivers mail
postbode {m} :: postperson, mailperson (a person who delivers the mail)
postbus {f} :: A post office box, a postal box
postbus {f} [rare] :: synonym of brievenbus
postcode {m} :: A postcode, a postal code
postdienst {f} :: postal service, postal system
postduif {f} :: A homing pigeon, domesticated dove used as message courier
posten {v} :: to post, to mail
posten {v} :: to post, place sentinels etc
posten {v} [Internet] :: to post, to send, to publish online
poster {m} :: One who sets out posts, such as sentinels
poster {m} :: A poster, an large sheet of printed paper that is hung vertically (e.g. on a wall)
poster {m} :: A billboard or placard to be posted on a public or private place
poster {m} :: A poster, one who posts messages on-line
posterij {f} :: post office
posterij {f} :: a postal system or organization
posthoorn {m} :: A post horn
posthuum {adj} :: superseded spelling of postuum
postimpressionisme {n} [arts] :: postimpressionism
postkaart {f} [now, chiefly Belgium] :: postcard, especially one with a picture
postkantoor {n} :: post office
postkoets {f} [historical] :: A mailcoach, a stage-coach
Postma {prop} :: surname
postmodernisme {n} [culture, art, science] :: postmodernism
postnataal {adj} :: postnatal
postorder {mf} :: mail order
postorderbedrijf {n} :: mail order company
postscriptum {n} :: post scriptum
poststuk {n} :: postal article, mail item
posttraumatisch {adj} :: posttraumatic
postulant {m} [religion] :: postulant
postuleren {v} :: to postulate
postuum {adj} :: posthumous, after death
postuum {adv} :: posthumously, after death
postzak {m} :: A mailbag (large bag for transporting mail in large quantities)
postzegel {m} :: A stamp, a postage stamp
postzegelverzamelaar {m} :: stamp collector, philatelist
postzegelverzameling {f} :: postage stamp collection
pot {m} :: jar, pot
pot {m} [Belgium] :: cooking pot
pot {m} [Netherlands, vulgar] :: loo, crapper (toilet)
pot {f} [pejorative] :: dyke (lesbian)
potas {f} {m} :: potash
potasch {f} {m} :: spelling before 1946/47 for potas (potash)
potboef {m} [obsolete] :: scoundrel, rogue, knave
potboef {m} [obsolete] :: pillory
poten {v} :: to set, plant, place a young plant or large seed individually in soil or other substrate where it can grow; sow
poten {v} :: to release young fish or - eggs to regulate the population for fishers' benefit
potenrammer {m} :: gay basher, somebody who engages in homophobic violence
potent {adj} :: [of males] capable of procreation, potent
potentaat {m} :: potentate, person in power
potentie {f} :: potency, strength
potentie {f} :: potential, unrealised ability
potentie {f} :: capability of procreation
potentie {f} :: power, might, capability
potentie {f} [obsolete, mathematics] :: power
potentieel {n} :: potential
potentieel {adj} :: potential
potentieel {adv} :: potentially
potig {adj} :: rugged, vigorous, robust
potjeslatijn {n} [medicine, now, historical] :: Latin used to label jars and bottles, originally to avoid confusion about the contents, but later as a form of jargon
potjeslatijn {n} :: Dog Latin, macaronic Latin
potlood {n} :: A pencil
potlood {n} :: Graphite
potlood {n} [especially] :: Graphite powder
potloodrok {m} :: pencil skirt
potloodventer {m} [somewhat, humorous] :: A male flasher, an exhibitionist who suddenly exposes his phallus
potloodventer {m} [literally, dated, rare, now, humorous] :: A pencil vendor
potplant {f} :: A pot plant, a potted plant
potplantje {noun} :: diminutive of potplant
potpourri {m} :: several songs strung together (medley)
potpourri {m} :: A mixture of dried fragrant plant material, often in a decorative bowl, used to scent a room
potpourri {m} :: A number of varied literary articles
potsierlijk {adj} :: ludicrous, absurd
pottecaree {m} [Brabantian] :: pots and pans
pottecaree {m} :: ornamental, stylish pot [for plants, flowers]
pottekestamp {m} [Brabantian] :: bad soccer game
potten {v} :: (snooker, pool, billiards, etc.) to pot: i.e. to knock a ball into a pocket
pottenstamper {m} :: rough, unskilled soccer player
potteus {adj} [colloquial] :: lesbian
potverdorie {interj} :: dang, darned
potvis {m} :: sperm whale, Physeter catodon (syn. Physeter macrocephalus)
potvis {m} :: sperm whale, any member of the family Physeteridae, including the above and several prehistoric species
pover {adj} :: poor, needy
pover {adj} :: meagre, unimpressive
Praag {prop} {n} :: Praag (capital city)
Praags {adj} :: of, from or related to the Czech capital Prague
praal {m} :: pomp
praal {m} :: beautiful object
praalgraf {n} :: An decorative grave or funerary monument (e.g. a large statue), a mausoleum
praalhans {m} :: boaster, braggart
praalwagen {m} :: parade car, float
praalziek {adj} :: ostentatious, showy
praat {m} [uncountable] :: talk, talking
praatbarak {f} [Belgium, pejorative] :: an official body that is perceived as all talk and no action
praatbarak {f} [Belgium, pejorative] :: any meeting that is expected to be all talk and no action
praatgroep {f} {m} :: discussion group, support group
praatgroepje {noun} :: diminutive of praatgroep
praatje {noun} :: small talk
praatprogramma {n} [television] :: talk show
praatziek {adj} :: loquacious, garrulous
pracht {f} :: splendor (US), splendour (UK)
prachtig {adj} :: splendid, marvelous
prachtkever {m} :: buprestid
prachtvoorbeeld {n} :: great example, very illustrative example
practicum {n} :: practicum (college course)
pragmatisch {adj} :: pragmatic
prairial {noun} [historical] :: Prairial
prairie {f} :: prairie
prairiehond {m} [zoology] :: The burrowing rodent prairie dog, of the genus Cynomys
prairiewolf {m} :: prairie wolf, coyote, Canis latrans
prakken {vt} :: to mash
prakkeseren {v} :: alternative form of prakkiseren
prakkezeren {v} :: alternative form of prakkiseren
prakkiseren {vi} :: to ponder, to mull, to ruminate
prakkizeren {v} :: alternative spelling of prakkiseren
praksel {n} :: mash (something mashed to a pulplike state, especially food)
praktijk {f} :: practice
praktijk {f} [uncountable] :: application of theory
praktijk {f} [countable] :: doing(s) of something
praktijk {f} [countable] :: clientèle (lawyer or doctor)
praktisch {adj} :: practical
praktisch {adv} :: practically, virtually (almost always)
praktiseren {vt} :: to carry out, to perform, to bring into practice
praktiseren {vti} :: to operate as a matter of profession
praktiseren {vti} :: to observe (a tradition or religion), to practise
pralen {vi} :: to shine, to radiate
pralen {v} [inergative] :: to display, to show off [with the intention of making a wealthy or successful impression]
praline {f} :: filled chocolate (small piece of confectionery made from chocolate)
pram {m} [colloquial, vulgar] :: A boob, a tit
pram {m} [obsolete] :: A breast of a breastfeeding woman or a teat of a suckling female
prangen {v} :: to press, to squeeze
praseodymium {n} :: praseodymium
prat {adj} :: (used with op) focused, bent, fixated
prat {adj} [obsolete] :: proud, haughty, arrogant
prat {f} :: A pride, arrogance
prat {f} :: the act of pouting or sulking
pratatief {adj} [archaic] :: talkative
praten {vi} :: to talk
praten als Brugman {v} [idiomatic] :: To talk vigorously, to try hard to convince
prater {m} :: A person who talks or likes to talk
precair {adj} :: precarious
precariaat {n} :: precariat
precedent {n} :: precedent
precies {adj} :: exact, precise
precies {adj} :: accurate, careful
precies {adv} :: exactly, precisely
precies {adv} [Belgium] :: seemingly
precisie {f} :: accuracy, precision
precolumbiaans {adj} :: pre-Columbian
precursor {m} :: precursor, forerunner
predestinatie {f} [theology] :: predestination
predicaat {n} [logic] :: predicate
predicaat {n} [grammar] :: predicate
predicaat {n} [formal] :: label, name
predicatenlogica {f} :: predicate logic
predikant {m} :: preacher, minister (used in the Dutch Protestant church)
prediken {v} :: to preach
prediker {m} [religion] :: preacher
Prediker {prop} :: Ecclesiastes (book of the Bible)
prediking {f} :: preaching
predikstoel {m} [formal] :: rare form of preekstoel
preek {f} :: sermon
preek {f} :: lecture (spoken lesson, also in a negative sense)
preekgestoelte {n} :: pulpit
preekstoel {m} :: pulpit
prefix {n} {m} :: prefix
prefix {adj} [obsolete] :: fixed, predetermined
pregnant {adj} :: poignant, incisive
pregnant {adj} :: meaningful, polysemic
pregnant {adj} [obsolete] :: important
prehistorie {f} :: prehistory
prehistorisch {adj} :: prehistorical
prei {m} :: leek, Allium ampeloprasum (syn. Allium porrum) (stem vegetable)
preispelling {f} [colloquial] :: Sometimes the official (green) and sometimes the alternative (white) spelling. Like the colours of a leek
preken {vit} :: to preach
preken {vi} :: to sermonise, to lecture (to criticise verbally)
prelaat {m} :: prelate
prematuur {adj} :: premature
premie {f} :: A prize, a reward
premie {f} :: A premium, money paid for e.g. an insurance
premie {f} :: A bounty, a reward for killing or capturing a suspect, convict or animal at large
premiejager {m} :: bounty hunter
premiejager {m} :: Some kind of stock market speculator who sells early;
premier {m} :: prime minister
premierschap {n} :: premiership
premonstratenzer {m} :: [chiefly plural] Premonstratensian
premonstratenzer {adj} :: Premonstratensian
prenataal {adj} :: antenatal, prenatal
prent {f} {m} :: A print, a printed picture
prent {f} {m} [colloquial] :: A fine
prent {f} {m} :: film, movie
prentenboek {n} :: picture book
preparaat {n} :: A preparation (preserved specimen, prepared sample)
prepareren {v} :: to prepare
presenning {f} :: tarpaulin
presentatie {f} :: presentation
presentator {m} :: announcer, host
presentatrice {f} :: (female) presenter, master of ceremonies, emcee, compere, host
presentatrice {f} :: (female) presenter, bearer
presenteren {v} :: To present
presenteren {v} :: To show; to present
presenteren {v} :: To host (a show)
president {m} :: president
presidentschap {n} :: A presidency
presidentsverkiezing {f} :: presidential election
presiderend {adj} :: presiding
preskop {m} [Belgium] :: head cheese, brawn
pressiegroep {f} {m} [chiefly Netherlands] :: pressure group
prestatie {f} :: feat, accomplishment, achievement
prestatie {f} :: performance
presteren {v} :: to perform
prestige {n} :: prestige
prestigieus {adj} :: prestigious
pret {f} :: fun
pretpakket {n} [Netherlands, pejorative] :: Any curriculum in secondary education with no or relatively mathematics and science subjects; currently the nickname of the profiel cultuur en maatschappij curriculum
pretpakket {n} :: A recreational boxset containing various items
pretpark {n} :: amusement park
pretparkje {noun} :: diminutive of pretpark
prettig {adj} :: merry, enjoyable
prettige kerstdagen {phrase} :: Merry Christmas
prettig kerstfeest {phrase} :: Merry Christmas
preuts {adj} :: prudish, exaggeratedly proper, modest
preuts {adj} [Belgium] :: proud, haughty
preuts {adj} [obsolete] :: bold, daring; courageous
preuts {adj} [obsolete] :: vivid, lively, fiery, elated
preuts {adj} [obsolete] :: unchaste, immodest
preuts {adj} [archaic] :: noble, righteous
preutsheid {f} :: prudeness
prevalentie {f} :: prevalence, supremacy
prevelen {v} :: to mumble
preventie {f} :: prevention, preemption
preventief {adj} :: preventive, preventing, preemptive
priapisme {n} [medicine] :: priapism
prieel {n} :: open, roofed gazebo
prieel {n} [uncommon] :: pleasant region
prieelvogel {m} :: bower bird, any bird of the family Ptilonorhynchidae
priegelen {v} :: to fiddle around (with precision, i.e. something small and intricate)
priem {m} :: bodkin, awl
priem {m} :: punch, piercer
priem {m} :: squeezing mandrel
priemgetal {n} :: prime number (natural number, only divisible by 1 and itself)
priester {m} [religion] :: priest, clergyman, religious officiant
priestercelibaat {n} [Roman Catholicism] :: priestly celibacy
priesteres {f} :: priestess
priesterlijk {adj} :: priestly
priesterschap {f} :: priesthood (referring to priests as a whole)
priesterschap {n} [Roman Catholicism] :: one of the three major orders of the Roman Catholic Church - the priestly order
prietpraat {m} :: babble, idle chatter
prijken {v} :: to be noticeable, to be easily seen, to be on display
prijken {v} :: to show off [+ met (object)]
prijs {m} :: price, fare, charge
prijs {m} :: price, price tag, price ticket
prijs {m} :: prize, award, trophy
prijs {m} :: reward, prize
prijs {m} :: praise, act of praising
prijsgeven {v} :: to abandon, to give up something
prijsgeven {v} :: to disclose, to reveal something
prijsindex {m} [economics] :: price index
prijskaartje {n} :: price tag
prijsschieten {n} :: A shooting game in which a prize is awarded to the best performer(s)
prijsschieten {n} :: An occasion where people (often haphazardly) gang up to engage in uncharitable criticism
prijsschip {n} :: A ship that has been appropriated as loot
prijsstabiliteit {f} [economics] :: price stability
prijsvechter {m} :: A prizefighter
prijsvechter {m} :: A business that competes by offering relatively low prices
prijzen {vt} :: to praise
prijzen {vt} :: to price
prik {f} :: sting, prick (sting or bite from a bug, etc.)
prik {f} :: small pointy object, prong
prik {f} :: goad, prod
prik {f} :: lamprey, fish of the order Petromyzontiformes
prik {f} [medicine, colloquial] :: injection, jab, shot
prik {m} [uncountable] :: fizz, carbonation
prikbord {n} :: notice board
prikkel {m} :: stimulus
prikkel {m} :: impulse, prickle
prikkel {m} :: incentive, encouragement
prikkelbaar {adj} :: irritable
prikkelbaarheid {f} :: irritability
prikkeldraad {m} [chiefly uncountable, also, countable] :: barbed wire
prikkeldraad {m} [uncountable] :: A pain stimulus created by twisting the skin of the arm in two different directions
prikkelen {v} :: to prick, prod
prikkelen {v} :: to sting, burn
prikkelen {v} :: to urge, provoke
prikkelen {v} :: to irritate, bother
prikkeling {f} :: stimulation
prikken {vt} :: to sting, to prick
prikken {vt} :: to poke
prikkie {noun} [colloquial, Netherlands] :: A small amount of money
priklimonade {f} [Netherlands] :: fizzy drink, soft drink, soda (carbonated sweet drink)
prikwater {n} :: carbonated water, soda water
pril {adj} :: early
pril {adj} :: young, premature
pril {adj} [events] :: premature
prima {adj} :: excellent, fine
primaat {m} [religion] :: primate, high-ranking clergyman
primaat {m} :: primate, any member of the order Primates
primaat {n} :: primacy, being first
primaatschap {n} :: primacy (as ecclesiastical office)
primair {adj} :: primary
primaire sector {m} [economy] :: primary sector (raw resources sector)
primeren {vti} :: to have priority, to prevail (over)
primeur {f} :: A first, the first instance of an occurrence
primitief {adj} :: primitive
principaal {adj} [formal] :: principal, main
principaal {m} [obsolete] :: superior, leader
principaal {m} [historical] :: executive of the Dutch East India Company
principaal {n} [obsolete] :: original of an artwork [especially of paintings]
principaal {n} [obsolete, chiefly law] :: main matter, central issue
principe {n} :: principle
principieel {adj} :: fundamental
principieel {adv} :: fundamentally
prins {m} :: prince
Prins {prop} :: surname
prinsbisdom {n} :: prince-bishopric; the bishopric of a prince bishop
prins-bisschop {m} :: prince-bishop
prinsdom {n} :: principality (sovereign state)
prinselijk {adj} :: princely
prinsenvlag {f} :: the Prince’s Flag
prinses {f} :: princess
prins-gemaal {m} :: prince consort
prinsheerlijk {adv} :: very comfortably, delightfully
prinsheerlijk {adj} :: very comfortable, delightful
Prinsjesdag {m} :: the third Tuesday of September, when the Dutch monarch rides ceremoniously in a golden (i.e. gilded) coach to the Staten-Generaal to hold the troonrede ('throne speech'), announcing government policy and budget priorities for the coming parliamentary session
printen {v} :: to print
printer {m} :: A printer (electronic device for printing papers or three-dimentional objects)
printplaat {f} [electronics] :: printed circuit board
prioriseren {vti} [proscribed] :: to prioritise
prioriteit {f} :: priority
prioriteren {vti} [prescribed] :: to prioritise
prioritiseren {vti} [proscribed] :: to prioritise
Priscilla {prop} {f} :: Priscilla (Biblical character from Acts)
Priscilla {prop} {f} :: given name
prise {f} [Belgium] :: electrical plug
prisoen {m} {n} [obsolete] :: prison, dungeon
prisoen {m} {n} [obsolete] :: imprisonment
privaat {adj} :: private, personal
privaat {n} :: A privy, an outhouse
privaat {n} [by extension] :: A toilet
privacy {f} :: privacy
privatiseren {vt} :: to privatise [UK, Australia], privatize [North America]
privatiseren {vi} [obsolete] :: to live as a private civilian (not holding office or serving in the military), often without an occupation
privatisering {f} :: privatisation [UK, Australia], privatization [North America]
privé {adj} :: private
privébrief {m} :: private (unofficial) piece of correspondence
privéchauffeur {m} :: chauffeur: person employed to drive someone's private car
privécorrespondentie {c} :: private correspondence
privéles {f} :: private lesson
privéles {f} :: private tutoring
privé-post {c} :: private mail
privépost {c} :: private mail
pro-actief {adj} :: proactive
proactief {adj} :: proactive
proband {mf} [genetics, genealogy] :: proband (subject of a genealogical study)
probandus {m} :: A male proband (man who is subject of a genealogical study)
probandus {m} :: alternative form of proband
probeersel {n} :: Something that has been or is being tried out or the result thereof; a test, an attempt, a practice
probeerseltje {noun} :: diminutive of probeersel
proberen {v} :: to try, to attempt
probleem {n} :: problem
probleemjongere {m} :: troubled youth, problem youth
probleemkind {n} [literally] :: A problem child, troubled and/or troublesome youngster
probleemkind {n} [figuratively] :: A weak spot, source of grave/regular worries
problematiek {f} :: collectively referring to all the problems concerning a certain issue in a certain field
problematiek {adj} [now, uncommon] :: problematic
problematisch {adj} :: problematic
procedé {n} :: process, procedure
procederen {vi} :: To procede, start/follow a procedure, operate
procederen {vi} :: To litigate, resort to a legal procedure
procedure {f} :: procedure
procent {n} :: percent
proces {n} :: process
proces {n} [legal] :: trial; lawsuit
processie {f} :: procession (a group of people or thing moving along in an orderly manner)
processierups {f} :: processionary caterpillar, caterpillar of the family Thaumetopoeidae
processievlinder {m} :: processionary moth, butterfly of the family Thaumetopoeidae
processor {m} [computing] :: A microprocessor
proces-verbaal {n} :: complaint, law enforcement account or report
proclamatie {f} :: proclamation
proclamatie {f} [Belgium] :: announcement of school results
proclameren {v} :: to proclaim
procreatie {f} :: The process procreation in which an organism reproduces by gendering offspring
Procrustes {prop} {m} :: Procrustes (legendary Attic highwayman and misshaper of members)
procrustesbed {n} :: procrustean bed
producent {m} :: producer
producer {m} :: producer
produceren {v} :: to produce
product {n} :: product
productie {f} :: production
productief {adj} :: productive
productiefactor {m} [economics] :: factor of production
productieketen {f} :: supply chain
produkt {n} :: superseded spelling of product
produktie {f} :: superseded spelling of productie
produktief {adj} :: superseded spelling of productief
proef {f} :: test, experiment
proefballon {m} :: A trial balloon, a balloon used as a probe or to carry some test - or experimental device
proefballon {m} [figuratively] :: (often in the diminutive: proefballonnetje) A trial balloon, feeler, kite, to test reactions
proefdier {n} :: laboratory animal (animal subject to animal testing)
proefkonijn {n} [literally] :: a rabbit used for animal testing
proefkonijn {n} [colloquial] :: guinea pig (test subject)
proefschrift {n} :: thesis, dissertation
proefstand {m} :: test bench
proeksel {n} [dialectal, Groningen, Drenthe] :: goop, gunk, slush
proesten {v} :: to produce a throaty wheezy noise in the throat while trying to hold back from bursting out laughing
proesten {v} :: to sneeze
proeven {vt} :: to taste (something)
proeven {vt} :: to test by tasting
proeven {vt} :: to experience, taste, try
proeven {vt} [obsolete] :: To (provide) prove (for)
prof. {noun} :: abbreviation of professor
prof {m} :: professor
prof {m} :: (Flemish) doctor, physician
prof {m} :: professional
profeet {m} :: prophet, a messenger chosen by God
profeet {m} :: soothsayer, one who predicts the future
professie {f} :: profession, occupation (line of work)
professie {f} :: profession, avowal (declaration of belief)
professional {m} :: a professional practicioner of a trade, métier..
professional {m} :: an expert in a (professional) field
professioneel {adj} :: professional (relating to one's profession or work; in accordance with the demands and duties of one's profession)
professor {m} :: professor
profeteren {v} :: to prophesy
profetes {f} :: female prophet
profetisch {adj} :: prophetic
proficiat {interj} :: congratulations!
profiel {n} :: profile (such as an online profile)
profiel {n} :: profile (view from the side)
profiel {n} :: tread on a tyre or the sole of a shoe
profijt {n} [chiefly uncountable] :: profit
profijtelijk {adj} :: profitable, advantageous
profiteren {v} :: to profit, to benefit
profiteur {m} :: profiteer
proflecteren {v} :: To do for someone else what you cannot do for yourself
profvoetbal {n} :: professional association football
prognosticeren {v} :: to forecast, to predict, to prognosticate
programma {n} :: literally, a program
programma {n} :: a show, especially a t.v show (television program)
programmablad {n} :: A program guide, usually a weekly
programmagids {m} :: A programme guide
programmatuur {f} [computing] :: software
programmeerbaar {adj} :: programmable
programmeertaal {f} :: A programming language
programmeren {v} :: to program
programmeur {m} :: programmer
progressief {adj} :: progressive, pertaining to or favouring left-leaning, emancipatory or innovative politics, pertaining to or supporting progressivism
progressief {adj} :: progressive, pertaining to progress
progressief {adj} :: progressive, which progresses (e.g. becomes increasingly severe)
progressief {adj} :: progressive, placing proportionally higher burdens in relation to a quantity (e.g. income, wealth), often in relations to taxes or rates
progressief {adj} :: progressive, pertaining to subsequent elements
project {n} :: project (planned endeavor)
projecteren {v} :: to project
projectiel {n} :: A projectile
projectielbraken {n} :: forceful vomiting
projectontwikkelaar {m} :: project developer
proletariaat {n} :: the proletariat, the working class
proletariër {m} :: proletarian
proletaries {adj} [obsolete] :: nonstandard spelling of proletarisch
proletarisch {adj} :: proletarian
proletariseren {vi} :: to become a proletarian
proletariseren {vt} :: to cause to become a proletarian
prolongatie {f} :: prolongation, lengthening (especially the extension of a bank loan)
prolongeren {v} :: to prolong, lengthen, extend
proloog {m} :: prologue
proloog {m} :: first leg of a multi-stage cycling race like the Tour de France
promenade {f} :: promenade
promethium {n} :: promethium
promille {n} :: permille
prominent {adj} :: prominent
promotie {f} :: promotion
promovenda {f} :: female doctoral student or candidate
promovendus {m} :: doctoral student, doctoral candidate
promoveren {vi} :: to graduate
promoveren {vt} :: to promote
prompt {adv} :: immediately, promptly
prompt {adj} :: quick, immediate
prompt {m} [computing] :: prompt
Pronk {prop} :: surname
pronken {v} [inergative] :: to display, to show off [with the intention of making an impression]
pronker {m} :: A show-off
pronker {m} [historical] :: A dandy
pronkstilleven {n} :: still-life, often of a larger size, depicting valuable objects, sometimes including food items and animals
pronkstuk {n} :: showpiece, centerpiece
pronkstuk {n} [figuratively] :: prize, gem, jewel
pronkziek {adj} :: ostentatious, showy
pronomen {n} [grammar] :: pronoun
prononceren {v} :: to pronounce
prooi {f} :: prey, catch
prooidier {n} :: prey (animal which typically serves as food for carnivores or flesh-eating plants)
proosdij {f} [Christianity] :: A provosty, a provostship, a provostry; the office or remit of a provost/
proosdij {f} [Christianity] :: The residence of a provost
proost {interj} :: cheers (toast when drinking)
proost {m} [Roman Catholicism] :: provost
prop- {prefix} [hydrocarbon chain prefix] :: prop-
prop {f} {m} :: A swab, plug made of paper, cloth, slime or some other suitable material
prop {f} {m} :: A piece of paper or similar which has been crumpled into a ball-like shape, usually though not necessarily with the intent of throwing it away. → A wad of paper. Usually used in the diminutive form propje. Often the material is assumed to be paper or unimportant, but it can be specified: propje papier (paper), propje plastic (plastic), propje huishoudfolie (household plastic foil), propje aluminiumfolie (aluminium foil), propje keukenpapier (kitchen paper), propje toiletpapier (toilet paper), propje gekleurd papier (coloured paper), propje crêpepapier (crepe paper) and so on
prop {f} {m} :: An embolism. Often used in the diminutive form propje. The substance of the embolism can be indicated: bloedpropje (blood clot), vetpropje (fatty substance), cholesterolpropje (cholesterol). Note however that the last two terms are also used as derogatory words for someone who eats too much, especially fatty food
propaan {n} [organic compound] :: propane
propadieen {n} :: propadiene
propaganda {f} :: propaganda
propagandistisch {adj} :: propagandistic, propagandist
propageren {v} :: to propagate
propanon {n} [organic compound] :: propanone
propeen {n} [organic compound] :: propene
propeller {m} :: A propeller
propellertje {noun} :: diminutive of propeller
proper {adj} [chiefly Belgium] :: clean
prophylactisch {adj} [medical] :: prophylactic, serving to prevent or protect against an undesired effect or disease
proportioneel {adj} :: proportional, equal
proppen {v} :: to stuff, to pack
propvol {adj} :: completely full, abrim
propyl {n} [organic chemistry] :: propyl
propylon {n} :: propylon, monumental gate with pillars leading to the courtyard of a Greek or other ancient temple or palace
propyn {n} [organic compound] :: propyne
prosodie {f} :: prosody (linguistics; poetic metre)
prosopagnosie {f} :: prosopagnosia
prostaat {m} :: prostate
prostaatkanker {m} :: prostate cancer
prostituee {f} :: prostitute
prostitutie {f} :: prostitution, offering sex for payment
prostitutie {f} [figuratively] :: any scandalous abuse for profit
prot. {noun} :: abbreviation of protestants
prot {m} [chiefly Belgium] :: fart
protactinium {n} :: protactinium
protagonist {m} :: protagonist, main character
protasis {f} :: protasis, dependent clause of a conditional sentence
protectionisme {n} :: protectionism
protectionist {m} :: protectionist
protector {m} :: A protector, guardian, regent etc
protector {m} [rare] :: Title of certain orphanage governors
protectoraat {n} :: protectorate
protegeren {v} :: to protect
proteïne {f} [nutrition, biochemistry] :: protein
protesis {f} [linguistics] :: alternative spelling of prothesis
protest {n} :: protest (occasion to express dissatisfaction)
protest {n} :: protest (expression of disagreement)
protestant {m} :: Protestant (a modern Christian denomination not belonging to the Catholic or Orthodox traditions)
protestantisme {n} [Christianity] :: Protestantism
protesteren {vi} :: to protest, to demonstrate
proteststem {f} :: protest vote (vote cast in order to express dissatisfaction)
prothese {f} [literally] :: The act of artificially replacing a body part
prothese {f} [metonymy] :: A prosthesis, the artificial replacement for a body part
prothese {f} [linguistics] :: The addition of sound(s) at the beginning of a word after blurring of its semantics
protheticus {m} [medicine] :: prosthetician, one who fits prostheses
protium {n} :: protium
protocol {n} :: protocol (collection of rules and procedures)
protocol {n} :: protocol (book containing official documents)
protocol {n} :: protocol (official record of minutes or agreements)
protocollair {adj} :: protocollary, pertaining or according to protocol
protofascist {m} :: protofascist
Proto-Germaans {prop} {n} :: Proto-Germanic
Proto-Germaans {adj} :: Proto-Germanic
Proto-Indo-Europees {prop} {n} :: Proto-Indo-European
Proto-Indo-Europees {adj} :: Proto-Indo-European
protomartelaar {m} :: protomartyr
protomartelares {f} :: protomartyress; female equivalent of protomartelaar
proton {n} [physics] :: proton
Proto-Semitisch {prop} {n} :: Proto-Semitic
Proto-Semitisch {adj} :: Proto-Semitic
prov. {noun} :: abbreviation of provincie
prove {f} :: A gift out of love
prove {f} :: A life-long maintenance
provenier {m} [historical] :: Someone who had bought lifelong lodging at an institute of residence
proviand {f} {n} :: food supplies, edible provision, in particular when travelling
provider {m} :: An Internet or telephone provider
provinciaal {adj} :: provincial
provincie {f} :: province
provincie {f} :: countryside, hinterland
provinciegrens {f} :: provincial border
provinciehoofdstad {f} :: provincial capital
provinciehuis {n} :: The seat of a provincial government
provinciehuis {n} [uncommon] :: A provincial, rural house
provinciestad {f} :: A (relatively small) provincial city or town, not being part of a large conurbation
provinciestadje {noun} :: diminutive of provinciestad
provisorisch {adj} :: provisional, makeshift
Provo {prop} {c} :: A Dutch counterculture movement of the 1960s
provocatie {f} :: provocation
provoceren {vti} :: to provoke, to challenge
Provoost {prop} :: surname
proza {n} :: prose
pruik {f} :: wig, peruke
pruikentijd {prop} {m} [Netherlands, colloquial, pejorative or humorous] :: the 18th century, the Enlightenment, particularly in reference to the Netherlands
pruim {f} {m} :: A plum tree, one of certain trees of the genus Prunus, especially Prunus domestica
pruim {f} {m} :: A plum (fruit from a plum tree)
pruim {f} {m} :: A quid (piece of chewing tobacco)
pruim {f} {m} [somewhat, vulgar] :: vulva
pruimelaar {m} [Belgium] :: plum tree
pruimen {vti} :: to chew tobacco
pruimen {vt} :: to (like to) eat, to have taste for
pruimer {m} :: One who chews tobacco
Pruisen {prop} {n} :: Prussia
Pruisisch {adj} :: Prussian
prul {n} :: a useless or worthless thing; [in the plural:] junk, trinket, trifle
prul {n} [pejorative] :: turd, loser, a useless or unpleasant man
prul {n} [diminutive, hypocoristic] :: a nickname or an affectionate term for a child, in particular a girl
prullaria {f} [collective] :: trinkets, trifles
prullarium {n} [chiefly plural] :: trinket, bauble, trifle
prullenbak {m} :: waste bin, wastebasket (often specifically wastepaper basket)
prullenmand {m} :: wastebasket (often specifically wastepaper basket)
prut {interj} :: Sound of a thick, almost-solid substance
prut {interj} :: cheers
prut {f} :: Any substance with a thick, gooey or almost-solid consistency, such as:
prut {f} :: gunk, mud
prut {f} :: slush (of snow)
prut {f} :: mash, stew, porridge
prut {f} :: grounds (in coffee) or any other thick residue
prutsen {v} :: to mess around, fiddle around
prutsen {v} :: to bungle
prutser {m} :: botcher (clumsy or incompetent worker; a bungler)
prutswerk {n} :: The act or result of messing around; a bungle, a poor job, a messed-up result
pruttelen {v} :: to simmer, cook slowly over low heat
pruttelen {v} [engine etc...] :: to make a low repeating noise, hum, purr
P.S. {noun} :: post scriptum
PS {noun} :: initialism of post scriptum
psalm {m} [music] :: psalm
pseudo- {noun} :: pseudo-
pseudoniem {n} :: pseudonym
pseudowetenschap {n} :: pseudoscience, pseudoscholarship
psittacose {f} :: psittacosis, disease caused by Chlamydophila psittaci
psyche {f} :: psyche, soul, spirit
psychedelisch {adj} :: psychedelic
psychiater {m} :: psychiatrist (doctor specializing in psychiatry)
psychiatrie {f} :: psychiatry
psychiatrisch {adj} :: psychiatric
psychisch {adj} :: psychical, mental
psycho- {prefix} :: psycho-
psychokinese {f} :: [less common] psychokinesis
psychologe {f} :: female psychologist
psychologie {f} :: psychology
psychologisch {adj} :: psychological
psycholoog {m} :: psychologist (male or female expert in the field of psychology)
psychometrie {f} :: psychometry
psychonaut {m} :: psychonaut (psychedelic-drug user)
psychoot {m} :: psychotic, a person afflicted with psychosis
psychopaat {m} :: psychopath
psychose {f} [psychology] :: psychosis
psychotherapeut {m} :: psychotherapist
psychotherapeute {f} :: female psychotherapist
psychotherapie {f} :: psychotherapy
psychotisch {adj} :: psychotic (pertaining to psychosis)
pterosauriër {m} :: pterosaur, member of the order Pterosauria
pterosaurus {m} :: pterosaur, member of the order Pterosauria
PTT {prop} {f} [Netherlands, historical] :: Initialism of PTT (Nederland)
puber {mf} :: a pubescent child
puberaal {adj} :: Pertaining to puberty; pubescent, pubertal
puberaal {adj} [derogatory] :: Resembling teenage behaviour; immature
puberen {v} :: to come into puberty
puberteit {f} :: puberty
publicatie {f} :: publication (something that has been published)
publicatie {f} :: publication (the act of publishing)
publiceren {vt} :: to publish
publiceren {vt} [obsolete] :: to proclaim, to announce
publiciteit {f} :: publicity
publiciteitsagent {m} :: publicist
publiek {n} :: audience
publiek {adj} :: public
publiekrecht {n} [legal] :: public law
pudding {m} :: A pudding, dessert of the custard-type
puf {m} [uncountable] :: wish; desire
puf {m} :: belly wind
puffen {v} :: to puff, blow out (hot air, such as the chugging of a steam engine)
puffertje {n} [Netherlands, colloquial] :: inhaler, puffer (medical inhalation device)
pugilisme {n} [rare] :: pugilism, boxing, fistfighting
pugilist {m} :: pugilist, boxer, fistfighter
pugiliste {f} [rare] :: female equivalent of pugilist
pugilistiek {f} :: pugilism, boxing, fistfighting
pugilistisch {adj} :: pugilistic, pertaining to boxing
puimsteen {m} [uncountable, countable] :: pumice
puin {n} :: rubble, debris, wreckage; also as recycled building material
puin {n} [usually, in the plural] :: ruins
puinhoop {m} [literally] :: A pile of rubble; a ruin
puinhoop {m} [figuratively] :: A terrible mess, anything in a disastrous state; a rotten job or result
puinzooi {f} :: a mess, a pile of rubbish, a disaster
puist {f} {m} :: pimple, boil, pustule
puit {m} [archaic, dialectal] :: A frog
puitebloot {adj} [Holland] :: starkers, completely naked, au naturel
pukkel {m} :: mole, spot, pimple, mark on the skin
pul {f} :: tankard
pul {f} :: duckling, usual in the diminutive
pulken {vt} [intranstive] :: to pick [with one's hand or fingers]
pulmonair {adj} :: pulmonary
puls {m} :: A pulse (e.g. of a shock, heartbeat or sonar)
pulsar {c} [astronomy] :: pulsar
pulsen {v} [slang] :: to violently dispossess, to loot, to destroy property and environment, of Jews in particular
pulskor {f} :: An electronic pulse trawl
pulver {n} :: powder
pummel {m} [derogatory] :: bumpkin (unsophisticated person, usually male)
Pun. {prop} :: abbreviation of Punisch
punani {c} [slang] :: The female genitalia
punch {m} :: punch (beverage)
puncteren {v} :: to puncture
Punjabi {adj} :: Punjabi, of, pertaining to, descended from the people or culture of the Punjab, or written in the Punjabi language
Punjabi {m} :: Punjabi (person)
Punjabi {prop} {n} :: Punjabi (language)
punk {m} [music] :: punk, punk rock (rock genre)
punk {m} [uncommon, music] :: a punk (member of the punk subculture, fan of punk rock)
punker {m} [music] :: A punk (fan of punk rock, member of the punk subculture); [by extension] anyone with a mohawk or a similar distinct hairstyle
punkrock {m} [music] :: punk, punk rock (rock genre)
punt {n} :: point
punt {n} :: A position, place, or spot
punt {n} :: A moment in time
punt {n} :: A central idea, argument, or opinion of a discussion or presentation
punt {n} :: A tally of worth or score (such as in a game)
punt {n} :: A mark, note, or grade (as in for a class)
punt {n} [geometry] :: geometric point
punt {m} :: The terminal point of something
punt {m} :: dot
punt {m} :: full stop, period
punt {m} :: A pointy slice of a cake, pie or pizza
puntbaard {m} :: pointed beard
puntdak {n} :: a pyramid-shaped roof
puntdak {n} :: a gable roof
puntenslijper {m} :: pencil sharpener
puntgaaf {adj} :: undamaged
puntgevel {m} [architecture] :: gable
puntig {adj} :: Pointed, pointy, spiky
puntkomma {f} :: semicolon (punctuation mark ';')
puntmuts {mf} :: A pointed cap
puntschoen {m} :: pointy shoe
puntstuk {n} [rail] :: frog
puntzak {m} :: A pointed, conical bag, usually made of paper
pupil {f} :: pupil (aperture of the eye)
pupil {m} [chiefly sports] :: minor, generally a prepubescent child over the age of 5
pupil {m} :: favoured student, protégé
pupil {m} :: institutionalised pupil (one who receives an upbringing or education in an institution)
pupil {m} [archaic] :: orphan
puree {f} :: puree
purgeermiddel {n} :: A purgative
purist {m} :: purist
Purmerend {prop} {n} :: Purmerend (town/and/municipality)
purper {n} :: purple, especially a reddish hue of purple (colour)
purper {n} [historical, uncountable, with definite article] :: The purple, imperial or royal power, in particular in relation to the Roman Empire
purper {adj} [chiefly Belgium] :: purple
purper {adj} [Netherlands] :: reddish purple
purperreiger {m} :: purple heron, Ardea purpurea
purperslak {f} :: dog whelk, Nucella lapillus
pus {n} {m} :: pus (whitish-yellow bodily substance)
pushback {m} :: the pushing back of a plane by a pushback tractor to help it manoeuver
pushback {m} :: the pushing back of refugees and migrants
put {m} :: pit, well
put {m} :: drain
putjesschepper {m} :: One who empties cesspits
putlucht {f} :: A foul smell, a smell of or resembling that in a sewer
putlucht {f} [literally, dated] :: The smell of a pit or well
putsch {m} :: A putsch, a coup d'état
putschist {m} :: A putschist
putten {v} :: to extract, to derive
putten {v} [golf] :: to putt
Putten {prop} :: Putten (village/and/municipality)
putter {m} :: A European goldfinch, Carduelis carduelis
putter {m} [golf] :: A putter, a golf club used to putt
puur {adj} :: pure
puur {adj} :: neat, free from contaminants; unadulterated, undiluted
puzzel {f} :: puzzle (game in which things must be put together)
puzzel {f} [figuratively] :: riddle, intellectual challenge
puzzelen {vi} :: to (try to) work out a puzzle
puzzeltje {noun} :: diminutive of puzzel
PvdA {prop} {f} :: initialism of Partij van de Arbeid; Labour Party, a left-wing social-democratic party in the Netherlands
PvdD {prop} {f} :: initialism of Partij voor de Dieren; Party for the Animals, an animal rights political party in the Netherlands
PVV {prop} :: Party for Freedom, a conservative populist political party in the Netherlands
pycnisch {adj} :: alternative spelling of pyknisch
pygmee {m} :: A pygmy (member of an African tribe of short people)
pygmee {m} :: A pygmy animal, a dwarf animal
pygmee {m} [derogatory, uncommon] :: An insignificant person, a pygmy
pyjama {m} :: pyjamas, a matching set of light material trousers and vest for wearing to bed and sleeping in
pyknisch {adj} :: short and stocky in figure, mesomorphic
Pyreneeën {prop} {p} :: Pyrenees
pyriet {n} :: pyrite, iron disulfide
pyrietziekte {f} :: pyrite disease (when pyrite, a form of iron sulphide, oxidises into iron sulphate its volume increases, causing fossils to crumble)
pyro- {prefix} :: pyro
pyromaan {m} :: pyromaniac
pyromanie {f} :: pyromania
pyroop {m} [countable] :: A pyrope, a dark red garnet (gemstone)
pyroop {n} :: Pyrope (substance)
pyrrhusoverwinning {m} :: alternative spelling of pyrrusoverwinning
pyrrusoverwinning {f} :: Pyrrhic victory
python {m} :: python, constrictor of the family Pythonidae
pyxis {f} [Roman Catholicism] :: A small box for storing consecrated hosts, e.g. in a tabernacle or for travel when tending to the sick