User:Matthias Buchmeier/it-en-b

b {mf} :: See under B
B {letter} /bi/ :: letter: bi
ba {interj} :: bah!
ba {interj} :: oh well!
Baal {prop} :: Baal
baare {v} [obsolete] /baˈ :: to be still with the mouth hanging open
baare {v} [obsolete, figurative] :: to be amazed, dumbfounded
babà {m} :: rum baba
babaco {m} /ˈ :: babaco (Vasconcellea × heilbornii)
babaco {m} :: babaco (fruit)
babaco {m} /baˈba.ko/ :: babassu (Attalea speciosa)
babao {m} :: alternative form of babau
babassu {m} :: babassu
Babati {prop} :: surname
Babato {prop} :: surname
babau {m} :: ogre
babau {m} :: bogeyman
babbaccio {adj} :: stupid
babbaccione {m} :: stupid person
babbagigi {m} /ba.baˈdʒi.dʒi/ :: chufa, tiger nut (Cyperus esculentus)
babbaleo {adj} :: foolish
babbalocco {m} :: fool, idiot
babbana {f} [Tuscany] /babˈ :: dupe, fool
babbana {f} :: Muggle, muggle (non-magical person)
babbano {adj} [Tuscany] /babˈ :: stupid, foolish
babbano {m} [Tuscany] :: dupe, fool
babbano {m} :: Muggle, muggle (non-magical person)
babbea {f} :: female equivalent of babbeo
babbeo {adj} /bab.ˈbɛ.o/ :: foolish, idiotic
babbeo {m} :: fool, idiot, moron, booby, simpleton, mug, knucklehead, dunderhead, jackass, jerk, tube, nincompoops, fop, imbecile, fuckwit
babbino {m} :: daddy
babbione {adj} :: foolish, stupid
babbione {m} :: blockhead (foolish person)
babbo {m} [regional, Central Italy, familiar] /ˈ :: dad, daddy
Babbo {prop} :: surname
babbomorto {m} :: A debt, incurred by a son, that will be repaid out of the inheritance when his father dies
Babbo Natale {prop} /ˈˈta.le/ :: Father Christmas, Santa Claus
babbuasso {adj} :: foolish, idiotic (person)
babbuccia {f} /babˈbut.t͡ʃa/ :: slipper (Turkish style)
babbuccia {f} :: bootee (for baby)
babbucciaio {m} :: slipper seller
babbuina {f} :: female equivalent of babbuino
babbuino {m} :: baboon (mammal)
babele {f} :: chaos, confusion
Babele {prop} :: Babel, Babylon
babelicamente {adv} :: chaotically, confusedly, uproariously
babelico {adj} :: Babelic
babelonia {f} :: alternative form of babilonia
babesiosi {m} :: babesiosis
Babila {prop} :: given name
babilonese {adj} :: Babylonian
babilonese {m} :: The Babylonian language
babilonia {f} :: synonym of babele
Babilonia {prop} /ba.biˈlɔ.nja/ :: Babylon
babilonico {adj} :: Babylonian
babilonico {adj} :: chaotic, confused
babirussa {m} :: babiroussa
babismo {m} :: Babism
babla {f} /ˈba.bla/ :: bablah
babordo {m} [nautical] :: port, larboard (left side of a ship)
babuino {m} :: alternative form of babbuino
Babuino {prop} :: One of the talking statues of Rome
babuvismo {m} :: Babeufism
baby {m} /ˈ :: child, baby, neonate
baby {m} :: a small shot of whisky
baby {m} :: tripod for a film camera
baby {adj} :: For use by young children
baby {adj} :: Very young
babycalciatore {m} :: A very young football player
babycampione {m} :: A child who practices sport at an advanced level
babyconsumatore {m} :: A young child considered commercially as a consumer
babycriminale {mf} :: A young child criminal, especially one exploited by adults
babycriminalità {f} :: child criminality, especially the exploitation by adults of child criminals
babydelinquente {mf} :: synonym of babycriminale
babydelinquenza {f} :: synonym of babycriminalità
baby-doll {m} :: baby doll nightie
baby gang {m} :: A group of children used by a criminal organization to carry out petty theft
baby parking {m} :: childcare (place where young children are supervised while away from their parents)
baby-pensionato {m} :: A young pensioner (one who has taken early retirement)
babypensione {f} :: A pension received after early retirement
baby-sitter {mf} :: A babysitter
babysitter {mf} :: A babysitter
babysitteraggio {m} :: baby-sitting
babyspacciatore {m} :: A drug dealer who cannot be prosecuted because of his young age
bacante {v} :: present participle of bacare
bacantesi {v} :: present participle of bacarsi
bacare {vt} :: to corrupt or warp
bacare {vi} :: to become worm-eaten
bacaro {m} :: A simple restaurant or wine bar, typical of Venice
bacarozzo {m} :: bug
bacarsi {v} :: reflexive of bacare
bacarsi {vr} :: to become worm-eaten
bacato {adj} :: worm-eaten, wormy, rotten
bacca {f} /ˈbakka/ :: berry
baccagliante {v} :: present participle of baccagliare
baccagliare {vit} :: to quarrel or argue noisily
baccalà {m} :: salt cod, stockfish
baccalà {m} [figuratively] :: a foolish person
baccalare {m} :: synonym of baccelliere
baccalare {m} :: smart aleck
baccalaureato {m} :: baccalaureate (degree, or person with such a degree)
baccanale {adj} :: bacchanalian, Bacchanalian
baccanale {m} :: Bacchanalia
baccanale {m} :: bacchanal
baccano {m} :: row, din (lots of noise)
baccano {m} :: shout
baccante {f} :: Maenad (especially when capitalised)
baccante {f} :: nymphomaniac
baccante {adj} :: flooded with unbridled passion
baccara {f} :: wild ginger
baccarà {m} [card games] /bak.kaˈra/ :: baccarat
baccellierato {m} :: batchelor's degree
baccelliere {m} :: batchelor
baccello {m} [botany] /batˈt͡ʃɛl.lo/ :: pod, hull, husk, shell
baccello {m} :: broad bean
baccheo {m} :: bacchius
baccherina {f} :: ploughman's-spikenard (Inula conyzae, now Pentanema conyzae)
bacchetta {f} :: rod, stick
bacchetta {f} :: drumstick
bacchetta {f} [music] :: baton (stick of a conductor)
bacchetta {f} [firearms] :: ramrod, gun-stick, rod for stuffing the muzzleloader with ammunition,
bacchetta {f} :: chopstick
bacchetta {f} :: pointer
bacchetta magica {f} :: wand, magic wand
bacchettante {v} :: present participle of bacchettare
bacchettare {vt} :: to beat with a rod
bacchettare {vt} :: to sell at a very low price
bacchettata {f} :: A blow with a rod
bacchettona {f} :: prude, prig
bacchettona {f} :: religious zealot or fanatic
bacchettona {f} :: bigot
bacchettone {m} :: prude, prig
bacchettone {m} :: religious zealot or fanatic
bacchettone {m} :: bigot
bacchettone {m} :: stick in the mud
bacchiante {v} :: present participle of bacchiare
bacchiare {vt} /bakˈ :: to knock down [fruit from a tree]
bacchiare {vt} [figurative, by extension] :: to beat; to thrash
bacchiare {vtt} [Tuscany] :: to undersell
bacchiatore {m} [agriculture] /bak.kjaˈ :: One who harvests fruits or nuts by beating a tree with a stick
bacchiatura {f} :: The harvesting of fruits or nuts by beating a tree with a stick
bacchico {adj} :: bacchic
Bacchiglione {prop} :: Bacchiglione (river)
bacchio {m} /ˈbak.kjo/ :: A thick, long stick used to knock down fruit from certain trees
baccifero {adj} /batˈt͡ʃ :: bacciferous, producing berries
bacciforme {adj} :: bacciform
Baccio {prop} :: given name
bacco {m} :: wine
bacco {m} :: drunkenness
Bacco {prop} :: Bacchus
bacedifo {m} :: A type of language game in which the consonants and vowels of a phrase are progressively changed
bacetto {m} :: little kiss, peck
bacheca {f} /baˈkɛ.ka/ :: notice board, bulletin board
bacheca {f} :: showcase
bachelite {f} :: Bakelite
bacherozzo {m} :: maggot, worm
bacherozzo {m} :: cockroach
bachiano {adj} [music] :: Bach (attributive)
bachicoltore {m} :: sericulturist (silkworm farmer)
bachicoltura {f} :: The rearing of silkworms; silkworm farming
bachicultore {m} :: sericulturist (silkworm farmer)
bachicultura {f} :: sericulture
Bachisio {prop} :: given name, typical of Sardinia
baciamano {m} :: A kiss on the hand as a sign of respect
baciante {v} :: present participle of baciare
baciantesi {v} :: present participle of baciarsi
baciapile {mf} /ba.t͡ʃaˈpi.le/ :: religionist, sanctimonious
baciare {vt} :: To kiss
baciarsi {v} :: reflexive of baciare
baciarsi {vr} :: to kiss each other, kiss one other, kiss oneself
baciasca {f} :: A steel pan once used for washing dishes
baciatore {m} [rare] :: kisser
baciatosi {v} :: past participle of baciarsi
baciatrice {f} [rare] :: kisser (female)
baciccia {mf} [colloquial] :: A person from Genoa
baciccia {mf} [slang] :: A fat person
Baciccia {prop} :: given name
bacile {m} :: washbasin
bacile {m} :: bowl (for washing)
bacillare {adj} :: bacillary
bacillariofita {f} :: diatom (of class Bacillariophyceae)
bacilliforme {adj} :: bacilliform, rod-shaped
bacillo {m} [biology] :: bacillus
bacillofobia {f} :: bacillophobia (fear of "germs")
bacillosi {f} [pathology] /ba.t͡ʃilˈlɔ.zi/ :: bacillosis
bacinella {f} :: basin, bowl
bacinetto {m} [anatomy] :: renal pelvis
bacinetto {m} :: bascinet
bacino {m} [rare] /baˈt͡ʃ :: bowl
bacino {m} [skeleton] :: pelvis
bacino {m} [geography] :: basin, drainage basin, catchment basin
bacino {m} [geology] :: field (e.g. of coal)
bacino {m} [nautical] :: dock
bacino {m} :: diminutive of bacio: little kiss
bacino fluviale {m} :: synonym of bacino idrografico
bacino idrico {m} :: reservoir
bacino idrografico {m} :: river basin, drainage basin
bacino imbrifero {m} :: catchment basin, drainage basin
bacio {m} /ˈba.tʃo/ :: kiss
bacio {adj} /baˈt͡ʃi.o/ :: shady
bacio {m} :: shade
bacio appassionato {m} :: snog
bacio d'aria {m} :: air kiss
bacione {m} :: big kiss
backgammon {m} :: backgammon
backstage {m} /bɛkˈsteidʒ/ :: backstage
backup {m} [computing] /beˈkap/ :: backup
baco {m} :: maggot, worm
baco {m} :: flaw
baco {m} :: bug (in a computer program)
baco da seta {m} :: silkworm (Bombyx mori)
Bacoli {prop} :: Bacoli (coastal town)
bacolo {m} [literary, archaic] /ˈba.ko.lo/ :: stick, cane
bacolo {m} [literary, archaic, rare] :: crook or crosier of a bishop
Bacolo {prop} :: given name
bacologia {f} :: sericulture (silkworm rearing)
bacologico {adj} :: sericultural
bacologo {m} :: sericulturist
bacon {m} /bɛkon/ :: bacon
Bacone {prop} :: Bacon (philosopher)
baconiano {adj} :: Baconian
Bacosi {prop} :: surname
bacterio {m} :: alternative form of batterio
bacteriofago {m} :: alternative form of batteriofago
bacteriofobia {f} :: bacteriophobia (fear of "germs" and microbes)
bacteriologia {f} :: alternative form of batteriologia
bacucco {m} :: dotard
bacucco {adj} :: gaga
bada {f} /ˈba.da/ :: expectation, waiting
bada {mf} :: rhinoceros
badaluccare {vi} [obsolete] /ba.da.lukˈ :: To keep an enemy in check through skirmishes
badaluccare {vi} [obsolete] :: to dillydally, to waste time
badalucco {m} [obsolete] /ba.daˈluk.ko/ :: skirmish
badalucco {m} [obsolete] :: game, pastime
badante {mf} :: elderly carer, carer, care worker, caregiver
badantesi {v} :: present participle of badarsi
badare {v} [a] /baˈ :: to look after or mind
badare {v} [a] :: to take care of
badare {v} [a] :: to pay attention
badare ai fatti propri {v} :: to mind one's own business
badarsi {v} :: reflexive of badare
badarsi {vr} :: to take care of oneself; to protect oneself
badatosi {v} :: past participle of badarsi
baderna {f} [nautical] :: puddening
badessa {f} /baˈ :: abbess
badia {f} /baˈdi.a/ :: abbey
badia {f} [figurative] :: abundance; well-being
badiale {adj} :: abbatial
badiale {adj} :: thriving, prosperous, fat
badialmente {adv} :: prosperously
badialmente {adv} :: exaggeratedly
badilante {m} :: navvy
badilata {f} :: shovelful, spadeful
badilata {f} :: blow with a shovel or spade
badile {m} :: shovel
badioto {n} :: Badiot (dialect)
badioto {adj} :: Badiot (attributive)
badminton {m} :: badminton
Badoer {prop} :: surname
Badoer {prop} :: A noble family of Venice
Badoglio {prop} :: surname
Badoglio {prop} :: Pietro Badoglio, Italian general and prime minister
baffetti {mp} :: Clipped moustache (for instance, Hitler's)
baffetti {mp} :: hair on a woman's lip
baffo {m} :: whisker (of an animal)
baffo {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: moustache
baffone {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: Big moustache
baffone {m} :: Man with a big moustache
baffone {m} :: handlebar moustache
baffuto {adj} :: moustached
baffuto {adj} :: whiskered (of an animal)
bafomettico {adj} :: Baphometic
bagagliaio {m} :: boot [British], trunk [US] (of a car)
bagagliaio {m} :: luggage van [British], baggage car [US] (of a train)
bagagliaio {m} :: left-luggage office
bagaglio {m} :: luggage, baggage
bagaglio culturale {m} :: background
bagaglione {m} :: A soldier who was in charge of baggage, supplies etc
bagala {f} /ˈba.ɡ :: alternative form of baggala
bagarinaggio {m} :: ticket touting, scalping
bagarino {m} :: ticket tout, scalper
bagarino {m} [dated] :: reseller
bagarre {f} /baˈɡar/ :: heated discussion, row
bagarre {f} :: turmoil, bustle
bagarre {f} [cycling] :: decisive leg of a cycling race
bagascia {f} [derogatory] :: whore, harlot, trollop
bagatella {f} :: alternative form of bagattella
bagattella {f} :: trifle (small, unimportant thing)
bagattella {f} [music] :: bagatelle (all senses)
bagatto {m} :: magician (in Tarot cards)
Bagdad {prop} :: Bagdad (capital city)
baggala {f} /ˈbaɡ.ɡ :: baggala
baggiana {f} /badˈd͡ʒ :: Variety of fava with large seeds
baggianata {f} :: nonsense, gibberish, tosh
baggiano {adj} :: stupid, foolish
Baggio {prop} :: surname
baggiolo {m} [architecture] :: support (for a lintel etc)
bagherese {adj} :: Of, or from, Bagheria
bagherese {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Bagheria
Bagheria {prop} /ba.ɡeˈri.a/ :: A town and comune in the metropolitan city of Palermo
baghetta {f} :: clock (embroidery on stockings)
bagigi {m} {p} [Northern Italy, especially Venetian] /baˈdʒi.dʒi/ :: peanuts
bagitto {n} :: A Judeo-Italian dialect spoken by members of a Jewish community in and around Livorno
baglio {m} [nautical] :: beam (transverse, of a ship)
Baglioni {prop} :: surname
Baglioni {prop} :: A noble family from Perugia
baglior {m} :: apocopic form of bagliore
bagliore {m} :: glow
bagliore {m} :: glare, dazzle
bagliore {m} :: flash or ray (of light)
baglivo {m} :: obsolete form of balivo
bagnabile {adj} :: wettable
bagnabilità {f} :: wettability
bagna cauda {f} /ˌbaɲ.ɲa ˈkau.da/ :: bagna cauda (dip made from anchovies, olive oil and garlic)
bagna càuda {f} :: alternative spelling of bagna cauda
Bagnacavallo {prop} :: Bagnacavallo (small town)
bagnante {v} :: present participle of bagnare
bagnante {mf} :: swimmer
bagnante {mf} :: bather
bagnantesi {v} :: present participle of bagnarsi
bagnare {vt} :: to wet, soak or water something
bagnare {vt} :: to flow through, wash or bathe somewhere
bagnare {vt} :: to drink to, toast something or someone
bagnarola {f} :: bathtub
bagnarola {f} :: banger, wreck, jalopy (old car)
bagnarsi {v} :: reflexive of bagnare
bagnarsi {vr} :: to bathe
bagnarsi {vr} :: to get wet, soaked or drenched
bagnarsi {vr} [chiefly of a baby] :: to wet oneself
bagnasciuga {m} :: foreshore
bagnasciuga {m} :: water's edge
bagnato {adj} /baɲˈɲato/ :: wet, moist
bagnato {m} :: damp ground or wet ground; wet
bagnatosi {v} :: past participle of bagnarsi
bagnatura {f} :: bathing
bagnatura {f} :: wetting
bagnetto {m} :: Little bath (for a baby)
bagnetto {m} :: (in Piemonte) Any of several sauces made with parsley, tomato etc
bagnina {f} :: female equivalent of bagnino
bagnino {m} :: lifeguard (male)
bagnino {m} :: bathing attendant (male)
bagno {m} /ˈbaɲ.ɲo/ :: bath
bagno {m} :: swim, bathe
bagno {m} :: bathroom
bagno di folla {m} :: adulation of a crowd
bagno di folla {m} :: walkabout
bagno di folla {m} :: public stroll
bagno di sangue {m} :: bloodbath
bagnolese {adj} :: Of or from Bagnolo in Piano
bagnolese {adj} :: Of or from Bagnoli
Bagnoli {prop} :: Bagnoli (coastal district)
bagnolo {m} /baɲ.ˈɲɔ.lo/ :: vessel in which quicklime and water are mixed to make slaked lime
Bagnolo in Piano {prop} :: Bagnolo in Piano (small town)
bagnomaria {m} /ˌbaɲ.ɲo.maˈri.a/ :: bain-marie
Bagnoregio {prop} :: Bagnoregio (small town)
bagnoschiuma {m} :: bubble bath, foam bath
bagno turco {m} :: Turkish bath
bagola {f} :: (edible) berry
bagola {f} :: chatter, gossip
bagolaro {m} :: The nettle tree or hackberry (of genus Celtis)
bagolone {m} :: chatterbox
bagolone {m} :: braggart
bagordante {v} :: present participle of bagordare
bagordare {vi} :: To carouse
bagordo {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: merrymaking
bagua {m} :: bagua
bagula {f} :: alternative form of bugola
bah {interj} /ˈba/ :: Indicates astonishment, resignation and despise; usually used after noticing or hearing something you don't like or you don't know what to think about, to avoid commenting or giving an answer to a question
bahaismo {m} :: Bahá'í (religion)
Bahamas {prop} :: Bahamas (archipelago/and/country)
bahamense {adj} :: Bahamian
bahamense {mf} :: Bahamian
bahiano {adj} :: Bahian
Bahrain {prop} :: Bahrain (country)
bahreinita {adj} :: Bahraini
baia {f} [uncommon] /ˈba.ja/ :: mockery, teasing
baia {f} [uncommon] :: trifle, whiffle, bagatelle
baia {f} :: A washtub for clothes, formerly used on ships
baia {f} [geography] :: bay (body of water)
Baia {prop} :: Baiae
baiadera {f} :: bayadere (all senses)
baicolo {m} :: A type of biscuit from Venice
bailamme {m} :: uproar, hullabaloo
bailo {m} /ˈbaj.lo/ :: title and function borne by an envoy of the Most Serene Republic of Venice
baio {adj} :: bay (horse colour)
baiocco {m} [historical] :: bajocco (coin used in the Papal States)
baiocco {m} [slang] :: dough (money)
baionetta {f} :: bayonet
baionettata {f} :: bayonet thrust or wound
baipassante {v} :: present participle of baipassare
baipassare {v} :: alternative form of bypassare
baironiano {adj} :: alternative form of byroniano
baita {f} /ˈba.i.ta/ :: refuge (hut in the mountains)
baito {m} :: synonym of bivacco
Baiulo {prop} :: given name
baiuvaro {adj} :: Bavarian
Bajamonti {prop} :: surname
Bajamonti {prop} :: Antonio Bajamonti, Italian politician
Bajardi {prop} :: surname
bajour {m} :: shade
bakuniano {adj} :: Relating to, characteristic of, or supporting Michail Bakunin
bakuniniano {adj} :: alternative form of bakuniano
Balaclava {prop} :: Balaklava
balalaica {f} :: balalaika
balandra {f} [watercraft, historical] /baˈlan.dra/ :: bilander
balanino {m} :: nut weevil, (of family Curculionidae)
balanite {f} [pathology] :: balanitis
balanopostite {f} [pathology] :: balanoposthitis
balascio {m} [mineralogy] :: balas (form of spinel)
balausta {f} :: pomegranate flower
balausta {f} :: pomegranate (fruit)
balaustra {f} :: parapet
balaustra {f} :: balustrade
balaustra {f} :: rail
balaustrata {f} :: parapet (with a balustrade on top of a wall, surmounted by a moulding)
balaustrino {m} :: bow compass (pair of compasses connected with a metal spring)
balaustro {m} [architecture] :: baluster, each of the pillars in a balustrade
balbare {v} /balˈ :: to stutter or stammer
balbettamento {m} :: stuttering, stammering
balbettamento {m} :: stutter, stammer
balbettante {v} :: present participle of balbettare
balbettante {adj} :: stuttering, stammering
balbettare {vit} :: to stammer
balbettare {vi} :: [of a baby] to babble
balbettare {vi} [figuratively] :: [of a science, philosophy, etc.] to emerge; to be nascent
balbettare {vi} [nautical] :: to luff (shake)
balbettare {vt} :: to speak a little bit of [a foreign language]
balbettio {m} :: stammering
balbettio {m} :: babbling
Balbi {prop} :: surname
Balbina {prop} :: given name
Balbino {prop} :: given name
balbo {adj} /ˈ :: stammering, stuttering
Balbo {prop} :: surname
balbuzie {f} :: stammer, stutter
balbuziente {adj} :: stammering
balbuziente {adj} :: mumbling
balbuziente {mf} :: stammerer
balbuziente {mf} :: mumbler
Balcani {prop} :: the Balkans
balcanico {adj} :: Balkan
balcanizzante {v} :: present participle of balcanizzare
balcanizzare {vt} :: to fragment, Balkanize
balcanizzazione {f} :: Balkanization
balcano {adj} :: Balkan
balco {m} [obsolete] /ˈbal.ko/ :: balcony
balco {m} [obsolete] :: scaffold
balconata {f} :: balcony
balconata {f} :: circle
balconata {f} :: mezzanine
balconata {f} :: dress circle
balconcino {m} :: A small balcony
balcone {m} /balˈ :: balcony
Baldacca {prop} :: Baghdad
baldacchino {m} :: canopy
baldacchino {m} :: baldaquin
baldamente {adv} :: boldly, self-confidently
baldanza {f} :: boldness, daring, self-confidence
baldanzosamente {adv} :: self-confidently
baldanzosamente {adv} :: audaciously, boldly
baldanzoso {adj} :: self-confident
baldanzoso {adj} :: audacious, bold
Baldassarre {prop} [Biblical character] :: Balthazar
Baldassarre {prop} :: given name
baldo {n} :: A type of rice
baldo {adj} :: bold, self-confident, brave, fearless, doughty
baldoria {f} :: merrymaking, revelry, frolic, spree, binge, jag, riot
baldosa {f} :: bandurria
Baldovino {prop} /bal.doˈ :: given name
baldracca {f} [vulgar, slang] :: whore
baldracca {f} [vulgar, slang] :: prostitute, trollop, strumpet
Baleari {prop} :: Baleari (autonomous community/and/province)
balearico {adj} :: Balearic
balena {f} /baˈ :: whale
balenamento {m} :: flashing
balenante {v} :: present participle of balenare
balenare {vi} /ba.leˈ :: to lighten
balenare {vi} :: to flash
baleneria {f} :: whaling
balengo {adj} :: strange, bizarre (person)
baleniera {f} :: whaler (whaling ship)
baleniere {m} :: whaler
baleniero {adj} :: whale or whaling (attributive)
balenio {m} :: continuous flashing
balenio {m} :: blaze
baleno {m} /baˈ :: flash
balenottera {f} :: rorqual
balenottero {m} :: whale calf (young whale)
balera {f} :: dance hall (often outdoors)
balestra {f} /baˈlɛs.tra/ :: crossbow
balestra {f} :: leaf spring
balestriera {f} :: loophole
balestro {m} :: Large crossbow
balestruccio {m} :: housemartin
balì {m} :: bailiff
balia {f} :: wet nurse
balia {f} :: birds from the family Muscicapidae
balia {f} :: power, mercy
balia {f} [historical] :: in medieval times, a judiciary with broad powers, typically created in emergency situations
balìa {f} :: medieval spelling of balia
baliaggio {m} :: alternative form of baliato
baliatico {m} :: wet-nursing
baliato {m} :: bailiwick
balilla {m} :: a member of a Fascist paramilitary youth movement in the time of Benito Mussolini
balilla {n} :: A type of rice
balinese {adj} :: Balinese
balinese {mf} :: Balinese person
balinese {m} [singular only] :: Balinese language
balipedio {m} [military] :: experimental artillery range
balista {f} :: ballista
balistica {f} :: ballistics
balisticamente {adv} :: ballistically
balistico {adj} :: ballistic
balistite {f} :: ballistite
balivo {m} :: bailiff
balla {f} :: large bundle, torsello, bale, reap
balla {f} :: falsehood, lie, malarkey
balla {f} [vulgar, especially, in plural] :: testicle, bollock
Balla {prop} :: surname
Balla {prop} :: Giacomo Balla, Italian painter
ballabile {adj} :: danceable
ballabile {m} :: dance number (tune or song that can be danced to)
ballabilità {f} :: danceability
ballante {v} :: present participle of ballare
ballare {vi} :: to dance
ballare {vi} :: to fidget
ballare {vi} :: to totter, wobble, shake
ballare {vt} :: to dance or perform a particular dance
ballarella {f} :: A type of dance (a form of saltarella) from around Pescara
ballata {f} :: ballad
ballatoio {m} /bal.laˈ :: balcony, gallery (promenade extending along the wall of a building, often external)
ballatoio {m} :: landing (at top of stairs)
ballatoio {m} :: perch, swing (for birds)
ballerina {f} :: dancer, ballet dancer
ballerina {f} :: pump [shoe]
ballerina {f} :: wagtail
ballerina bianca {f} :: white wagtail
ballerina gialla {f} :: grey wagtail
ballerino {adj} :: dancing
ballerino {adj} :: unstable
ballerino {m} :: dancer, ballet dancer (male) hoofer
balletto {m} :: diminutive of ballo; short dance
balletto {m} :: ballet
balletto {m} :: ballet music
balletto {m} :: dance troupe; corps de ballet
ballo {m} :: dance, ball
ballo in maschera {m} :: masked ball
ballonzolante {v} :: present participle of ballonzolare
ballonzolare {vi} :: To skip or bounce along
ballota {f} :: black horehound (Ballota nigra)
ballotta {f} [regional, Tuscany] /balˈlɔt.ta/ :: boiled chestnut
ballotta {f} :: ballot (ball used for vote-casting)
ballotta {f} :: shot, ball (ancient type of projectile)
ballottaggio {m} :: runoff, second ballot
ballottare {vt} [rare] :: to jolt or toss around
ballottare {vt} [rare] :: to repeatedly move from one place to another
ballottare {vt} [archaic] :: to vote again
ballottata {f} :: ballottade / ballotade
balma {f} :: cavern
balneabile {adj} :: Suitable, and safe, for bathing (of a beach etc)
balneabilità {f} :: swimming permit
balneabilità {f} :: balneability
balneare {adj} :: bathing (attributive)
balneazione {f} :: bathing
balneoterapia {f} :: balneotherapy
balneoterapico {adj} :: balneotherapeutic
baloccamento {m} :: dawdling
baloccante {v} :: present participle of baloccare
baloccantesi {v} :: present participle of baloccarsi
baloccare {vt} :: To distract or amuse
baloccarsi {v} :: reflexive of baloccare
baloccarsi {vr} :: to amuse oneself
baloccarsi {vr} :: to fritter away one's time
baloccatosi {v} :: past participle of baloccarsi
balocco {m} [childish] /baˈlɔk.ko/ :: toy, plaything
balordaggine {f} :: stupidity, foolishness
balordamente {adv} :: foolishly, stupidly
balordo {adj} /baˈ :: silly, foolish, daft
balordo {adj} :: unreliable
balordone {m} :: megrims, staggers
balossata {f} [Switzerland] :: stupidity
balosso {adj} [Switzerland] :: stupid, foolish, harebrained
Balotelli {prop} :: surname
balsamario {m} :: unguentarium
balsamico {adj} :: balmy
balsamico {adj} :: balsamic
balsamina {f} /bal.saˈ :: garden balsam (plant), Impatiens balsamina
balsamina {f} [botany, by extension] :: the genus Impatiens
balsamo {m} /ˈ :: balsam, salve
balsamo {m} :: balm
balteo {m} :: baldric
baltico {adj} :: Baltic (sea etc, language group and people)
Baltico {prop} :: Baltic (sea)
Baltimora {prop} :: Baltimora (largest city)
baltoslavo {adj} :: Balto-Slavic
baluardo {m} :: bulwark, rampart
baluba {mf} [regional, Northern Italy, pejorative] :: baluba
baluci {mf} :: Balochi (person, language)
baluci {adj} :: Balochi (attributive)
baluginante {v} :: present participle of baluginare
baluginare {vi} :: to flash or flicker
baluginare {v} [a] :: to come to mind rapidly and confusedly
baluginio {m} :: glimmer, flicker
balza {f} :: crag, cliff ledge
balza {f} :: frill, flounce, ruche, ruching
balzacchiana {f} :: alternative form of balzachiana
balzacchiano {adj} /bal.dzakˈ :: alternative form of balzachiano
balzacchiano {m} :: alternative form of balzachiano
balzachiana {f} :: Balzacian (follower of Honoré de Balzac)
balzachiano {adj} /bal.dzaˈ :: Balzacian (of or pertaining to Honoré de Balzac or his writings)
balzachiano {m} :: Balzacian (follower of Honoré de Balzac)
balzanamente {adv} :: queerly, oddly
balzano {adj} :: (of a horse) Having white "socks"
balzano {adj} :: queer, odd, daft
balzante {v} :: present participle of balzare
balzare {vi} :: to jump, skip or leap
balzare {vi} [rare] :: to bounce back
balzare {vi} :: (with a) to be glaring or readily noticeable (to)
balzare {vi} :: [of a heart] to palpitate or throb
balzare {vt} :: to swing or hurl
balzellante {v} :: present participle of balzellare
balzellare {vi} :: To skip or hop along
balzellare {vt} :: to lie in ambush for
balzellare {vt} [by extension] :: to wait expectantly for [someone]
balzello {m} :: impost (heavy tax)
balzello {m} :: a small leap, a caper
balzelloni {adv} :: skippingly, hoppingly
balzo {m} :: leap, jump
balzo {m} :: crag, cliff
balzo {m} [nautical] :: boatswain's chair
bamba {f} [obsolete] :: doll
bamba {f} [slang, uncountable] :: cocaine
bamba {adj} [dialectal, Milan] :: stupid, fool, idiot
bamba {f} :: A Latin-American dance
bambacione {m} :: naive or ingenuous person
bambagia {f} :: cotton wool
bambagino {adj} :: cotton wool (attributive)
bambagiona {f} :: Yorkshire fog (Holcus lanatus)
bambagioso {adj} :: cotton wool (attributive)
bambagioso {adj} :: fluffy
bambara {f} :: A card game similar to primiera
bambara {f} :: Bambara (language)
Bamberga {prop} :: Bamberga (town)
bambina {f} :: feminine noun of bambino
bambina {f} [colloquial] :: babe
bambinaia {f} :: nursemaid (for a child)
bambinaia {f} :: nanny
bambinaio {m} :: A man who looks after children (male nanny)
bambinata {f} :: childishness (childish action or remark)
bambineggiante {v} :: present participle of bambineggiare
bambineggiare {vi} [rare] :: to be childish in one's behavior; to act childishly
bambinello {m} :: baby Jesus (in a Nativity scene etc)
bambinescamente {adv} :: childishly
bambinesco {adj} :: childish, puerile
bambinizzazione {f} :: the act or practice of living like a kid or being a kid at heart
bambino {m} /bamˈ :: child, baby, toddler, tot (of unspecified sex)
bambino {m} :: (baby) boy, young boy
bambino {m} [cat] :: Breed of short hairless cats
Bambino {prop} :: The baby Jesus
Bambino Gesù {prop} :: Christ child, baby Jesus, Jesus child
bambinone {m} :: A big baby
bambinone {m} :: mummy's boy
bambino soldato {m} :: child soldier
bambo {adj} /ˈ :: naive, foolish
bambo {m} :: child
bambocciante {m} [arts] :: bambocciante
bambocciata {f} [arts] :: A bambocciante painting
bamboccio {m} :: A chubby child, baby face
bamboccio {m} :: A rag doll
bamboccio {m} :: A simpleton
Bamboccio {prop} :: Nickname of Pieter van Laer
bambocciona {f} :: female equivalent of bamboccione
bamboccione {m} [colloquial, derogatory] :: A bachelor who lives with his parents
bamboccione {m} :: baby face
bambola {f} /ˈ :: doll, dolly (toy in the form of a human)
bambola {f} [figuratively] :: doll (young attractive woman)
bambola di pezza {f} :: rag doll
bamboleggiamento {m} :: childish behaviour
bamboleggiante {v} :: present participle of bamboleggiare
bamboleggiare {vi} :: to be childish
bambolificio {m} :: doll factory
bambolina {f} :: A small and pretty young woman
bambolo {m} [humorous or literary] /ˈ :: synonym of bambino
bambolo {m} :: young attractive man
bambolona {f} :: A beautiful and showy woman
bambolotto {m} :: doll (male)
bambolotto {m} :: chubby baby
bambù {m} :: bamboo
bambù {m} [colloquial] :: opium pipe
bambusaia {f} :: bamboo plantation
bamia {f} :: okra (Abelmoschus esculentus), gumbo
banale {adj} :: banal, cliché, trite
banale {adj} :: (not important) trivial, unimportant, mere, ordinary, common
banale {adj} [of person] :: dull, uninteresting
banale {adj} :: (mathematics) said of a solution of a problem that is trivial, e.g. when variables are all zero
banalissimo {adj} :: superlative of banale
banalissimo {adj} :: very trivial, very banal
banalissimo {adj} :: very common, very ordinary
banalità {f} :: banality, triteness
banalità {f} :: truism
banalizzante {v} :: present participle of banalizzare
banalizzare {vt} :: to trivialize
banalizzazione {f} :: trivialization
banalmente {adv} :: trivially, banally
banana {f} :: banana (fruit)
banana {m} :: banana (color)
banana {adj} :: banana
bananeto {m} :: banana plantation
bananicoltore {m} :: banana farmer
bananicoltura {f} :: banana farming
bananiera {f} [nautical] :: banana boat
banano {m} :: banana (plant)
banato {m} :: banate
Banato {prop} [geography] :: Banat
banca {f} /ˈban.ka/ :: bank (financial institution)
bancabile {adj} :: bankable
bancabilità {f} :: bankability
Banca Centrale Europea {prop} :: European Central Bank
banca d'affari {f} :: merchant bank
banca dati {f} [computing] :: database
banca di investimento {f} :: investment bank
Banca d'Italia {prop} :: The central bank of Italy
bancale {m} :: A long bench with a back
bancale {m} :: pallet
bancale {m} :: ramp (used for loading and unloading)
bancante {v} :: present participle of bancare
bancare {vt} :: to deposit cash in a bank (over the counter)
bancare {vt} :: to lay a bet
bancare {vi} :: to give odds (of)
bancarella {f} :: stall, stand (in a market etc)
bancarellista {mf} :: stallholder (market trader)
bancaria {f} :: female equivalent of bancario
bancario {adj} :: bank (attributive)
bancario {m} :: bank employee
bancarotta {f} :: bankruptcy
bancarottiere {m} :: bankrupt (person)
bancassicurazione {f} :: insurance from a bank
banchettante {v} :: present participle of banchettare
banchettare {vi} :: To feast
banchetto {m} :: feast, banquet
banchiere {m} :: banker (all senses)
banchiero {m} :: alternative form of banchiere
banchina {f} :: quay, wharf
banchina {f} :: berm, shoulder, verge
banchina {f} :: footpath
banchisa {f} :: ice pack
banchisa {f} :: pack ice (in polar waters)
banco {m} :: desk
banco {m} :: counter (in a bank, etc.)
banco {m} :: bench, table
banco {m} :: stall (selling goods)
banco {m} :: dock (in a court)
banco {m} :: shoal (of sand)
banco {m} :: floe (of ice)
banco {m} :: bank (institution to place or borrow money)
banco {m} :: bank (of fog, clouds, sand)
banco {m} :: school (of fishes)
banco {m} :: pawnshop (banco dei pegni)
banco {m} :: reef (of corals)
Banco {prop} :: Banquo
banco alimentare {m} :: food bank
bancocrazia {f} [colloquial] :: bankocracy
banco di pesci {m} :: shoal, school (of fish)
banco di sabbia {m} :: A shoal, sandbank or sandbar creating a shallow
bancogiro {m} :: credit transfer
bancogiro {m} [banking] :: A transfer of funds between banks
bancomat {m} [banking] :: (device with cash withdrawal) ATM, ABM, autoteller, bank machine, cash machine, cash point, cash dispenser
bancomat {m} [banking] :: The magnetic card used to access an ATM
bancomat {m} [banking] :: automated teller machine
bancone {m} :: counter (flat surface in a shop etc)
banconiere {m} :: barman, barista
banconiere {m} :: shop assistant
banconista {mf} :: barman, barista
banconista {mf} :: shop assistant
banconota {f} :: banknote
banconota funeraria {f} :: joss paper
Bancopoli {prop} :: A banking scandal that occurred in Italy in 2005–2006
bancoposta {m} :: post office bank
banda {f} :: side
banda {f} :: tape or strip
banda {f} [heraldiccharge] :: bend
banda {f} :: band (in all senses)
banda {f} :: gang or group
banda larga {f} [telecommunications] :: broadband
bandana {f} :: bandana
bandato {adj} :: banded
bandato {adj} [heraldry] :: bendy
bandeggiamento {m} [genetics] :: band (of a differentially stained chromosome)
bandeggio {m} [genetics] :: banding (differential staining of chromosomes)
bandella {f} :: strap
bandella {f} :: flap
bandella {f} :: hinge (of a door)
Bandello {prop} :: surname
Bandello {prop} :: Matteo Bandello, Italian writer
bandente {v} :: present participle of bandire
banderella {f} :: alternative form of benderella
banderuola {f} [meteorology] :: weathercock, weather vane, wind vane
banderuola {f} [nautical] :: pennant
banderuola {f} :: turncoat, traitor, about-face
bandiera {f} :: flag
bandiera in derno {f} :: distress flag
bandieraio {m} :: flag maker
bandierina {f} :: small flag
bandierina {f} [soccer] :: corner flag
bandierina {f} :: divider (piece of card)
bandierina {f} [motor racing] :: checkered flag
bandinella {f} :: roller towel
bandire {v} :: to announce
bandire {v} :: to ban
bandire {v} :: to banish
bandire {v} :: to dispense
bandista {mf} :: bandsman, bandswoman
bandistico {adj} :: band (attributive, of a marching band)
bandita {f} :: reserve, area in which hunting, fishing, pasturing, or similar is legally prohibited
banditescamente {adv} :: criminally, in the manner of a bandit
banditesco {adj} :: bandit (attributive)
banditesco {adj} :: criminal
banditismo {m} :: brigandage, banditry
bandito {m} :: bandit, outlaw
banditore {m} :: auctioneer
banditrice {f} :: female equivalent of banditore
bando {m} :: announcement, notice, call
bando {m} :: banishment
bando {m} :: ban
bandoliera {f} :: bandoleer
bandolo {m} :: end (of a skein)
bandolo {m} :: key (of a problem)
bandone {m} :: sheet metal
bandone {m} :: roller blind
bandoneonista {m} [music] :: bandoneon player
bangio {m} [musical instruments] :: banjo
Bangkok {prop} :: Bangkok (capital city)
bangladese {mf} :: Bangladeshi
bangladese {adj} :: Bangladeshi
Bangladesh {prop} :: Bangladesh (country)
bang sonico {m} :: sonic boom
banjar {f} :: Banjar (language)
banjo {m} [musical instruments] :: banjo
bannalità {f} :: due that peasants owed their lords in France until the 18th century
bannante {v} :: present participle of bannare
bannare {vt} [Internet] :: To ban (an abusive user)
bano {m} :: ban (title used in eastern Europe)
bansigo {m} [nautical] :: bosun's chair
bantu {adj} :: Bantu
bantu {mf} :: Bantu
baobab {m} :: baobab (tree)
bar {m} :: bar (place serving drinks)
bar {m} :: café
bara {f} /ˈba.ra/ :: bier (litter to transport the corpse of a dead person)
bara {f} :: coffin (box in which a person is buried)
bara {f} [obsolete] :: litter, stretcher
bara {f} [religion] :: A carriage used to transport a saint's relics
bara {f} :: An animal-drawn carriage typical of Tuscany and Liguria
barabba {m} :: rogue, scoundrel
Barabba {prop} [Christianity] /baˈ :: Barabbas
baracane {m} :: alternative form of barracano
baracca {f} :: hut, hovel
baracca {f} :: shack, shanty
baracca {f} :: junk (piece of rubbish)
Baracca {prop} :: surname
Baracca {prop} :: Francesco Baracca, Italian military aviator
baraccamento {m} :: encampment, camp (military)
baraccante {v} :: present participle of baraccare
baraccare {vi} :: To revel
baraccare {vt} :: To accommodate in shed, huts etc
baraccato {adj} :: That lives in a shanty town, squatter camp or temporary housing
baraccato {m} :: A person who lives in a shanty town etc
baracchino {m} :: hut (in the mountains, used by the military)
baracchino {m} :: kiosk or stall
baracchino {m} :: CB radio (set)
baracconata {f} [figuratively, derogatory] :: circus (spectacle of low quality)
baraccone {m} :: booth or stall (at a fair)
baraccone {m} :: caravan (for circus people)
baracconista {mf} :: Owner of a booth at a fair
baraccopoli {f} /ba.rakˈkɔ :: shantytown, slum
baraggia {f} :: moorland of Piedmont
barante {v} :: present participle of barare
baraonda {f} :: chaos
barare {vi} :: to cheat
barasinga {m} :: barasingha
baratro {m} /ˈ :: precipice, chasm, abyss
baràtro {m} :: medieval spelling of baratro
barattante {v} :: present participle of barattare
barattare {vt} :: to barter (for)
barattare {vt} :: to swap (for)
barattato {adj} :: bartered
barattato {adj} :: swapped, exchanged
barattazione {f} :: barter, swap
baratteria {f} :: fraud, deception
barattiere {m} :: swindler
barattiere {m} :: embezzler
baratto {m} :: barter
baratto {m} :: exchange
baratto {m} :: swap
barattolino {m} :: Little jar
barattolo {m} /baˈrattolo/ :: pot, jar
barattolo {m} :: can, tin
barba {f} :: beard
barba {f} [botany] :: root, rootlet
barba {f} [zoology] :: barb
barba {f} [colloquial] :: bore, drag, yawn (an event or action which is boring)
barba {m} [Northern Italy, Switzerland] :: uncle, protestant priest
barbabietola {f} :: beetroot
barbabietola {f} :: beet
barbabietola da zucchero {f} :: sugar beet
barbablù {m} :: monster, ogre
Barbablù {prop} :: Bluebeard
barbacane {m} :: barbican
barbacane {m} :: buttress
barbadiano {adj} :: Barbadian
barba di due giorni {m} :: stubble (short, coarse hair on the face)
barba di frate {f} :: barilla plant, Soda inermis (syn. Salsola soda) (succulent shrub native to the Mediterranean Basin)
barbadoregno {adj} :: Barbadian
Barbados {prop} :: Barbados (island/and/country)
barbaforte {m} :: horseradish (Plant Armoracia rusticana)
barbagianni {m} :: barn owl
barbagliare {v} /bar.baˈʎ :: To sparkle, shine
barbaglio {m} :: dazzle, dazzling
barbaglio {m} :: flashing
Barbanera {prop} :: Blackbeard
barbara {f} :: feminine noun of barbaro
Barbara {prop} :: given name
barbaramente {adv} :: barbarically, barbarously
barbaramente {adv} :: cruelly
barbaresco {adj} [literary] /bar.baˈre.sko/ :: barbaric
barbaresco {adj} :: Berber
barbaresco {m} [usually uncountable] :: Barbaresco (red wine)
Barbaresco {prop} /bar.baˈre.sko/ :: Barbaresco (town)
barbaricamente {adv} :: barbarically
Barbariccia {prop} :: A fictional devil in the Divine Comedy
barbaricino {adj} :: Of or relating to the Barbagia, a mountain area of inner Sardinia
barbarico {adj} :: barbarian
barbarico {adj} :: barbaric
barbarie {f} :: barbarism
barbarie {f} :: barbarity
Barbarigo {prop} :: surname
Barbarigo {prop} :: A noble family of Venice
barbarismo {m} :: barbarism
barbarità {f} :: cruelty
barbarizzante {v} :: present participle of barbarizzare
barbarizzare {vt} :: to barbarize
barbarizzazione {f} :: barbarisation
barbaro {adj} :: barbaric, barbarous
barbaro {adj} :: barbarian
barbaro {adj} :: appalling
barbaro {m} :: barbarian
barbarossiano {adj} :: Relating to Federico Barbarossa
barbascia {f} /barˈbaʃ.ʃa/ :: noble yarrow (Achillea nobilis)
barbasso {m} :: great mullein / common mullein (Verbascum thapsus)
barbassoro {m} :: vavasour
barbassoro {m} :: bigwig
barbata {f} :: all the roots of a plant
barbata {f} :: shoot or cutting of a vine
barbatella {f} :: shoot or cutting of a vine
barbato {adj} [botany] :: barbate
barbatrucco {m} :: trick (an ingenious method for solving a problem)
barbazzale {m} :: curb chain, curb strap
barbazzale {m} :: wattle (of a goat)
barbera {m} :: A grape variety from Piedmont
barbera {m} :: A dry red wine made from these grapes
Barberia {prop} :: Barbary
Barberini {prop} :: surname
Barberini {prop} :: A noble family from Rome
barbetismo {m} :: barbetism
barbetta {f} :: painter (rope)
barbicaia {f} /bar.biˈka.ja/ :: A group of ground level roots
barbicamento {m} :: rooting
barbicante {v} :: present participle of barbicare
barbicare {vi} :: To put forth roots
barbicare {vi} :: To take root
barbicazione {f} :: rooting
barbiere {m} /barˈbjɛ.re/ :: barber
barbieria {f} /bar.bjeˈria̯/ :: barbershop, barber's
barbificante {v} :: present participle of barbificare
barbificare {vi} :: to take root
barbiglio {m} :: barb
barbiglio {m} :: barbel
barbiglio {m} :: wattle
barbino {adj} :: poor, ghastly
barbio {m} :: barbel (fish)
barbito {m} [musical instruments] :: barbitos
barbitonsore {m} :: barber
barbiturico {adj} :: barbituric
barbiturico {m} [organic chemistry, pharmacology] :: barbiturate
barbiturismo {m} :: barbiturate poisoning
barbo {m} :: barbel (freshwater fish of the family Cyprinidae)
barbogio {adj} :: senile
barbogio {adj} :: decrepit
barbogio {adj} :: bonkers
barbona {f} :: female equivalent of barbone
barboncino {m} :: poodle
barboncino {m} :: French poodle
barbone {m} :: augmentative of barba
barbone {m} [by extension] :: vagrant
barbone {m} [zoology] :: poodle
barbosamente {adv} :: boringly
barboso {adj} [colloquial] :: boring
barbottina {f} :: slip (liquid clay)
barbudano {adj} :: Barbudan
barbudo {n} :: A supporter of Fidel Castro
barbugliamento {m} :: mumbling, spluttering
barbugliante {v} :: present participle of barbugliare
barbugliare {vi} :: to mumble
barbugliare {vi} :: to splutter
barbuglione {m} :: mumbler
barbuglione {m} :: splutterer
barbuta {f} [military, historical] /barˈbu.ta/ :: A type of crestless helmet: barbute
barbuta {f} [military, historical, by extension] :: A soldier wearing such a helmet
barbuto {adj} :: bearded
barca {f} /ˈbar.ka/ :: boat
barca {f} :: skiff
barca {f} :: sheaf
barca {f} [figurative] :: heaps (a large quantity)
barca a motore {f} :: motorboat
barca a remi {f} [sports, rowing, nautical, watercraft] :: rowboat, rowing boat
barca a vela {f} :: sailboat, sailing boat
barcaccia {f} :: tub (poor quality boat)
barcaccia {f} :: box (in a theatre)
barcaccia {f} [nautical] :: longboat
Barcaccia {prop} :: surname
barca da pesca {f} :: fishing boat
barcagno {m} /barˈkaɲ.ɲo/ :: A type of stationary boat
barcaiolo {m} /bar.ka.ˈjɔ.lo/ :: boatman
barcaiuolo {m} :: alternative spelling of barcaiolo
barcamenante {v} :: present participle of barcamenarsi
barcamenantesi {v} :: present participle of barcamenarsi
barcamenarsi {vri} :: (with con, in, tra, or [ per + inf. ]) to get by or manage in a difficult situation
barcamenatosi {v} :: past participle of barcamenarsi
barcana {f} [geology] :: barchan, barkhan
barcareccio {m} [nautical] :: fleet (of small boats)
barcarizzo {m} [nautical] :: accommodation ladder
barcarola {f} :: barcarole
barcarolo {m} [regional] :: alternative spelling of barcaiolo
barcaruolo {m} :: alternative form of barcaiolo
barcata {f} :: boatful
barcata {f} :: loads, pile
Barcella {prop} :: surname
Barcellona {prop} :: Barcellona (capital city)
Barcellona {prop} :: Barcellona (province)
barcellonese {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Barcelona
barcellonese {mf} :: Native or inhabitant of Barcelona
barchessa {f} :: A type of barn for the storage of grain
barchessa {f} :: An outbuilding on a farm
barcheta {f} [nautical] :: A larger type of gondola with no decoration, driven by two rowers, used for passenger transport
barchetta {f} :: little boat
barchetta {f} :: toy boat
barchetta {f} :: small plastic container (for fast food etc)
barchetta {f} [nautical] :: a simple gondola used as a ferry
barchetta {f} :: a type of car bodywork, and the namesake to a Fiat car model
barchetto {m} :: Small boat
barchino {m} :: a small, flat-bottomed rowing boat, rather like a punt, used especially for hunting in marshes
barcollamento {m} :: staggering, swaying, tottering
barcollante {v} :: present participle of barcollare
barcollare {vi} [also, figurative] :: to stagger or totter
barcollio {m} :: staggering
barcollio {m} :: tottering
barcolloni {adv} :: staggeringly
barcone {m} :: barge, lighter, scow
barcone {m} :: pontoon
barda {f} :: A saddle without saddlebow
barda {f} :: bard
bardante {v} :: present participle of bardare
bardantesi {v} :: present participle of bardarsi
bardare {vt} :: to harness
bardare {vt} :: to dress up
bardarsi {v} :: reflexive of bardare
bardarsi {vr} :: to dress up
bardassa {mf} [literary, pejorative] :: young prostitute (of either sex)
bardassa {mf} [literary, pejorative] :: brat, kid (of either sex)
bardatosi {v} :: past participle of bardarsi
bardatura {f} :: harness (for a horse)
bardatura {f} :: finery
bardella {f} :: A type of wooden saddle
bardiglio {m} :: A form of marble
bardito {adj} /barˈ :: bardic
bardito {m} [historical] :: A Germanic war chant
bardo {m} /ˈ :: bard (ancient Celtic poet and singer)
bardo {m} [by extension] :: poet
bardolino {m} :: Bardolino (wine)
Bardolino {prop} :: Bardolino (the town)
Bardolino {m} :: Bardolino (the wine)
bardosso {adv} :: only in a bardosso
bardotto {m} :: hinny (hybrid of a male horse and a female donkey)
bardotto {m} :: errand boy
bardotto {m} :: apprentice
barella {f} :: stretcher (for the injured)
barellante {v} :: present participle of barellare
barellante {mf} :: stretcher-bearer
barellare {vt} :: To bear (a person) on a stretcher
barellare {vt} :: To carry (material) in a barrow
barellare {vi} :: To stagger, sway or totter
barellata {f} :: barrowful, barrowload
barellato {adj} :: carried on a stretcher
barellato {m} :: person carried on a stretcher
barelliera {f} :: female equivalent of barelliere
barelliere {m} :: stretcher-bearer
barena {f} /baˈ :: bank, sandbank
barena {f} /baˈrɛ.na/ :: alternative form of bareno
barenatrice {f} :: boring machine
barenatura {f} :: boring
bareno {m} /baˈrɛ.no/ :: boring bar, borer (tool used for drilling)
baresano {adj} :: synonym of barese
barese {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Bari
barese {adj} :: Of or relating to Bari or the Bari people
Barese {prop} :: surname
Baresi {prop} :: surname
bargagno {m} /barˈɡaɲ.ɲo/ :: dredge
bargello {m} /barˈdʒɛl.lo/ :: Police or military chief in medieval Italian comuni
bargello {m} :: Medieval police or military headquarters
bargello {m} [sewing] :: [embroidery] A type of needlepoint embroidery consisting of upright flat stitches laid in a pattern to create zigzag or flamelike motifs, or similar motifs created in quilts
bargiglio {m} :: wattle (of a bird)
bari- {prefix} :: bary- (forms terms relating to weight)
Bari {prop} :: Bari (city/and/province)
Bari {prop} :: The letter B in the Italian phonetic alphabet
bariatrico {adj} [pathology] :: bariatric
baricentrico {adj} :: barycentric
baricentro {m} [physics] :: centre of gravity, centre of mass, barycenter / barycentre
barico {adj} :: pressure (attributive)
barico {adj} :: weight (attributive)
barico {adj} [chemistry] :: baric
bariglione {m} :: a large barrel used to preserve pickled fish
barilaio {m} :: cooper
barile {m} :: barrel
barile {m} :: cask
bariletto {m} :: keg (small barrel)
Barillaro {prop} :: surname
barilotto {m} :: keg
barilotto {m} :: bullseye (in target shooting or archery)
barilotto {m} :: a tub of lard (a fat person)
barimetria {f} :: barymetry (calculation of the size and weight of animals)
bario {m} [chemistry] /ˈbarjo/ :: barium
bariogenesi {f} [physics, astronomy] :: baryogenesis
barione {m} [physics] :: baryon
barionico {adj} :: baryon (attributive)
barisfera {f} :: barysphere
barisferico {adj} :: baryspheric
barista {mf} :: barman [male], barmaid [female], bartender [North American], barista
barite {f} [mineral] :: barite
baritina {f} [dated] :: alternative form of barite
baritonale {adj} :: baritone (attributive)
baritono {m} :: baritone (all senses)
baritono {adj} :: baritone
baritono {adj} :: barytone
Barletta {prop} :: Barletta (small town)
Barletta-Andria-Trani {prop} :: Barletta-Andria-Trani (province) that includes the three towns of Barletta, Andria and Trani
barlume {m} :: glimmer (all senses)
barma {f} :: cavern or rock shelter
barn {m} [nuclear physics] /ˈbarn/ :: barn (unit of surface area)
Barnaba {prop} [Biblical character] :: Barnabas
Barnaba {prop} :: given name
barnabita {m} :: Barnabite (member of the religious order of St Barnabas)
barnabotto {m} :: Any of a group of impoverished noblemen who lived around the Campo San Barnaba in Venice in the latter days of the Venetian Republic
Barni {prop} :: Barni (village)
baro- {prefix} :: baro-
baro {m} /ˈ :: cardsharp
baro {m} :: cheat
baroccamente {adv} :: baroquely
baroccheggiante {adj} :: typical of the baroque style
barocchetto {m} :: rococo (style)
barocchismo {m} :: A tendency to favour/use the baroque style
barocchizzato {adj} :: In Baroque style
barocciaio {m} :: carter, waggoner, carman
baroccio {m} :: cart
baroccio {m} :: cartload
barocco {adj} :: baroque
barocco {m} :: baroque or Baroque
baroccume {m} :: Lesser or second-rate baroque (style)
barocettore {m} [anatomy] :: baroceptor, pressoreceptor
barociclonometro {m} :: barocyclonometer
Baroffio {prop} :: surname
barografico {adj} :: barographic
barografo {m} [meteorology] :: barograph
barogramma {m} :: barogram
barolo {m} [usually uncountable] /baˈrɔ.lo/ :: Barolo (red wine made from Nebbiolo grapes)
Barolo {prop} /baˈrɔ.lo/ :: Barolo (town)
barometria {f} :: barometry
barometrico {adj} :: barometric
barometro {m} [meteorology] /ba.ˈ :: barometer
barometro aneroide {m} [meteorology] :: aneroid barometer
baronaggio {m} :: Variant of baronia
baronale {adj} :: baronial
baronata {f} :: roguery, knavery
baronato {m} :: Variant of baronia
barone {m} :: baron
barone {m} [colloquial] :: top brass (especially in plural)
baronescamente {adv} :: baronially
baronesco {adj} :: baronial
baronessa {f} :: baroness
baronetto {m} :: baronet
baronia {f} :: barony
baronia {f} :: baronage
baropatia {f} :: baropathy
baroscopico {adj} :: baroscopic
baroscopio {m} :: baroscope
barotermografo {m} :: barothermograph
Barozzi {prop} :: surname
Barozzi {prop} :: An aristocratic family from Venice
barra {f} :: rod, bar, slat
barra {f} :: helm, tiller
barra {f} :: stroke, slash ('/' symbol)
barra {f} :: tray (computer)
barra {f} [zoology, horse anatomy] :: bar (Bars are the inward folds of the wall of a horse hoof)
barracano {m} :: burnous
barracano {m} :: haick (north africa outer garment consisting of a large piece of white cloth)
Barracco {prop} :: surname
barracellare {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the barracello
barracello {m} :: A private police force in rural Sardinia
barracuda {m} :: barracuda
barra degli strumenti {f} [graphical user interface] :: toolbar
barra di controllo {f} :: stick (control column)
barra inversa {f} [typography] :: backslash
barramina {f} :: drill bit
barrante {v} :: present participle of barrare
barrare {vt} :: to cross out or strike through
barrato {adj} :: crossed out, struck through
barré {adj} [music] :: barred (having the fingers placed across several strings of an instrument)
barrente {v} :: present participle of barrire
barretta {f} :: diminutive of barra
barretta {f} :: small bar [of chocolate, etc.]
barricadiero {adj} :: revolutionary
barricante {v} :: present participle of barricare
barricare {vt} :: To barricade
barricarsi {v} :: reflexive of barricare
barricarsi {v} [in, dentro, sotto] :: to close or shut oneself (in/under)
barricarsi {vi} :: (with in or dietro a) to take on a closed or withdrawn attitude; to withdraw; to retreat
barricata {f} :: barricade
barriera {f} :: barrier, turnpike
barriera {f} :: reef
barriera {f} :: wall
barriera {f} :: tollgate, tollroad, toll bridge
barriera acustica {f} :: sound barrier (structure)
barriera antirumore {f} :: sound barrier (structure)
barriera corallina {f} :: coral reef
barriera del suono {f} [physics] :: sound barrier
barriera di pedaggio {f} :: toll
barriera di pedaggio {f} [Internet] :: paywall
barriera di protezione {f} :: guardrail
barriera pagamento pedaggio {n} :: tollgate, tollroad, toll bridge
barriera pagamento pedaggio {n} :: A barrier across a toll road or toll bridge that is lifted when the toll is paid
barriera pagamento pedaggio {n} :: A gate or bar set across a road to stop carriages, animals, and sometimes people, until a toll is paid; a tollgate
barrique {f} :: barrique (oak barrel of about 200 litre capacity, for storing wine)
barrire {vi} :: To trumpet (like an elephant)
barrito {m} :: trumpet, trumpeting (call of an elephant)
barro {m} [uncountable] /ˈ :: A clay used to make pottery
barro {m} :: A piece of pottery made from this clay
barro {m} [nautical] :: boom
barrocciaio {m} :: carter, waggoner, carman
barrocciata {f} :: cartload
barroccino {m} :: gig
barroccino {m} :: handcart
barroccio {m} :: cart
Barsanti {prop} :: surname
Barsanti {prop} :: Eugenio Barsanti, Italian inventor
Barsimeo {prop} :: given name
bar-tabaccheria {m} :: A bar or coffee bar that also sells tobacco, stamps etc
Bartoli {prop} :: surname
Bartolomeo {prop} :: Bartholomew [biblical character]
Bartolomeo {prop} :: given name
Baruc {prop} :: Baruch
baruffa {f} :: scuffle, brawl, tiff
baruffante {v} :: present participle of baruffare
baruffare {vi} :: to brawl
baruffare {vi} :: to quarrel, squabble
barulla {f} :: A temporary support used in the construction of a brick arch
barzelletta {f} :: joke (amusing story)
barzelletta {f} [music] :: a 15th century dance song composed of loose septenaries and octosyllables
barzellettiere {m} :: joke-teller
Barzini {prop} :: surname
barzoi {m} :: borzoi
barzotto {adj} [dialectal] :: alternative form of bazzotto
barzotto {adj} [slang, vulgar] :: [of a penis] partly erect
Basadonna {prop} :: surname
basagliano {adj} :: Basaglian (of or pertaining to Franco Basaglia)
basale {adj} :: basal [all senses]
basalmente {adv} :: basally
basaltico {adj} :: basaltic
basalto {m} [mineralogy] :: basalt
basamento {m} :: base (of a structure)
basamento {m} :: bed, base plate
basamento {m} [geology] :: basement (mass of rock underlying sedimentary cover)
basante {v} :: present participle of basare
basantesi {v} :: present participle of basarsi
basare {vt} :: to base, ground, found
basarsi {v} :: reflexive of basare
basarsi {vr} :: to be based or founded on
basarsi {vr} :: to base oneself on
basarsi {vr} :: to rely
basarsi {vr} :: to depend
basarsi su {v} :: to rely on
basatosi {v} :: past participle of basarsi
bas-bleu {f} :: bluestocking
basca {f} :: female equivalent of basco
baschina {f} :: basque (garment)
baschira {f} :: feminine noun of baschiro
baschiro {adj} :: Bashkir
baschiro {m} :: Bashkir (person; in plural, the people)
baschiro {m} :: the Bashkir language
basciante {v} :: present participle of basciare
basciare {v} :: obsolete form of baciare
basco {adj} :: Basque
basco {m} :: Basque (person, male)
basco {m} :: beret
basco {m} [singular only] :: Basque (language)
bascula {f} :: weighbridge
basculante {v} :: present participle of basculare
basculante {adj} :: horizontally pivoted
basculare {v} :: To tilt
basculla {f} :: bascule
base {f} :: base, alkaline
base {f} :: basis
base {f} [figuratively] :: mainstay
base aerea {m} :: airbase
base aerea {m} :: A military airport, providing housing and support for aircraft and personnel
baseball {m} :: baseball
basente {v} :: present participle of basire
Basento {prop} :: Basento (river)
basetta {f} [usually, in the plural] :: sideburns, sideboard
basettino {m} :: bearded tit or reedling
basettone {m} :: muttonchops (long side-whiskers)
basettone {m} :: sideburns
basettone {m} :: sidewhiskers
basic {m} [computing] :: BASIC
BASIC {m} [computing] :: BASIC
basicamente {adv} :: basically, fundamentally
basicità {f} :: basicity
basico {adj} :: basic (all senses)
basico {adj} :: fundamental
basico {adj} :: base, low (language etc)
basico {adj} :: alkaline
basidiomicete {m} :: basidiomycete
basidiospora {f} [botany] :: basidiospore
basifilo {adj} [botany] :: basophilic
basilare {adj} :: basic, fundamental
basilarità {f} :: fundamentality
Basilea {prop} :: Basilea (city)
basilese {adj} :: of or from Basel
basilese {mf} :: Basler
basiliano {adj} :: Basilian
basilica {f} :: basilica
basilica {f} :: church
basilicale {adj} :: basilica [attributive]
Basilicata {prop} :: Basilicata (region)
basilico {m} /baˈ :: basil (Ocimum basilicum) (herb)
Basilio {prop} :: given name
basilisco {m} :: basilisk, a mythical snake-like dragon
basilisco {m} :: basilisk, a lizard of the genus Basiliscus
Basiluzzo {prop} :: One of the Lipari Islands, in the Tyrrhenian Sea
basire {vi} :: to swoon, faint
basire {vi} :: to be astonished, flabbergasted, gobsmacked
basista {mf} :: insider, accomplice
basito {adj} :: stunned, stupefied, shocked
basket {m} :: basketball
basmati {n} :: A type of rice
Basodino {prop} :: A mountain in Ticino on the border with Italy
basofilia {f} :: basophilia
basofilo {adj} :: basophilic
basofobia {f} :: basophobia (fear of having a fall whilst walking)
basolo {m} :: A slab of rock or stone used for road surfacing
bassa {f} :: plain, lowlands
Bassa Austria {prop} :: Bassa Austria (state)
bassacorte {f} /bas.saˈkor.te/ :: poultry-yard
bassa forza {f} :: rank and file
bassa marea {f} :: low tide
bassamente {adv} :: basely, vilely
bassanese {adj} :: Of or from Bassano del Grappa
bassanese {mf} :: Native or inhabitant of Bassano del Grappa
bassano {adj} :: relating to Bass Rock
Bassano del Grappa {prop} :: A town near Vicenza in the Veneto
bassante {v} :: present participle of bassare
bassare {v} :: to lower
bassarisco {m} [zoology] /bas.saˈris.ko/ :: A component of the Bassariscus taxonomic genus
Bassa Sassonia {prop} :: Lower Saxony
bassetta {f} :: An early card game that used only low-value cards
bassetto {m} [colloquial] :: shrimp (small person)
bassetto {m} [musical instruments] :: basset horn (properly corno di bassetto)
bassezza {f} :: shallowness, lowness, shortness
bassezza {f} :: baseness
bassezza {f} :: base action
Bassi {prop} :: surname
Bassiano {prop} :: given name
bassilico {m} :: alternative form of basilico
bassissimo {adj} :: superlative of basso
bassissimo {adj} :: very low
bassissimo {adj} :: very short (in height)
bassissimo {adj} :: very narrow or thin
bassissimo {adj} [of water] :: very shallow
bassissimo {adj} [of light] :: very faint
bassissimo {adj} [of position] :: very low, lower, lowered
bassissimo {adj} [figuratively] :: very base
bassista {mf} [music] :: bassist (person who plays the bass)
basso {adj} :: low
basso {adj} :: short (in height)
basso {adj} :: narrow, thin
basso {adj} [of water] :: shallow
basso {adj} [of light] :: faint
basso {adj} [of position] :: low, lower, lowered
basso {adj} [figuratively] :: base
basso {adv} :: low
basso {m} :: bottom, lower part
basso {m} [music] :: bass (all senses); bass guitar
basso {m} [music] :: basso
Basso {prop} :: surname
bassobollente {adj} :: low(er) boiling point (attributive)
bassofondente {adj} :: low-melting, fusible (alloy, glass, etc)
bassofondo {m} :: shallow, shoal
bassofondo {m} :: slum
bassofondo {m} :: A seedy part of a city
bassofondo {m} :: hollow (in a mechanical part)
bassopiano {m} :: low-lying plane
bassorilievo {m} [sculpture] :: bas-relief
bassotto {m} /basˈsɔ :: dachshund, sausage dog
bassotto {adj} :: squat
bassotuba {m} [musical instruments] :: tuba
bassoventre {m} :: The lower abdomen
bassoventre {m} [colloquial] :: The genitals
basta {interj} :: enough!
basta che {conj} :: synonym of purché
bastagio {m} /basˈta.d͡ʒo/ :: porter (person who carries luggage)
bastante {v} :: present participle of bastare
bastante {adj} :: sufficient
bastantemente {adv} :: sufficiently
bastarda {f} :: bastard (female)
bastardaggine {f} :: bastardy, illegitimacy
bastardata {f} :: dirty trick
bastardella {f} :: A type of bowl-shaped serving dish with handles
bastardina {f} :: diminutive of bastarda
bastardina {f} :: [female] mongrel, pooch
bastardino {m} :: diminutive of bastardo
bastardino {m} :: mongrel, mutt, pooch
bastardo {adj} :: bastard
bastardo {m} :: bastard (male)
bastare {vi} :: to be enough
bastare {vi} :: to be able
bastare {vi} :: to last; to keep
bastare {v} [impersonal] :: to suffice
bastaso {m} [regional, Northern Italy] /basˈta.zo/ :: alternative form of bastagio
bastente {v} :: present participle of bastire
basterna {f} :: kind of cart used by Romans
basterna {f} [literary] :: any kind of cart
bastevole {adj} :: sufficient, enough
bastevolmente {adv} :: enough, sufficiently
bastia {f} :: bastion (small fort surrounded by a moat and/or embankment)
bastian {m} :: only in bastian contrario
bastian contrario {m} :: A person who contradicts intentionally and deliberately, for reasons uncorrelated to the current issue or just for the sake of being an opponent
Bastiglia {prop} :: Bastille
bastimento {m} :: ship, vessel
bastingaggio {m} [nautical] :: bulwark
bastionante {v} :: present participle of bastionare
bastionare {vt} :: To rampart
bastionata {f} :: ramparts
bastionata {f} :: fortification
bastionato {adj} :: bastioned
bastione {m} :: bastion
bastione {m} [in the plural] :: battlements
bastire {v} :: To build, construct
basto {m} :: load
basto {m} :: burden
basto {m} :: packsaddle (A saddle designed to secure and carry goods on the back of an animal)
bastonabile {adj} :: That can be beaten or deserves to be beaten
bastonante {v} :: present participle of bastonare
bastonare {vt} :: to beat or thrash [with a stick, etc.]
bastonare {vt} [familiar, figurative, by extension] :: to maltreat
bastonare {vt} [figurative, by extension] :: to defeat badly
bastonarsi {v} :: reflexive of bastonare
bastonarsi {v} [reciprocal] :: to beat one another, especially with a stick, club, cane, etc
bastonata {f} [also, figuratively] :: blow (act of striking; damaging occurrence)
bastonata {f} :: thrashing; flogging
bastonata {f} :: cane
bastonatore {m} :: beater
bastonatura {f} :: beating, spanking, hiding
bastoncellare {adj} :: rod-shaped
bastoncello {m} [anatomy] :: rod cell
bastoncello {m} :: small stick or rod
bastoncello {m} :: sub (long sandwich)
bastoncello {m} :: slat of a fan
bastoncini di Palmina {n} :: A dish with fried strings of a mixture of boiled potato purée, eggs, salt, breadcrumb
bastoncino {m} :: diminutive of bastone
bastoncino {m} :: rod
bastoncino {m} :: chopsticks
bastone {m} /basˈtone/ :: stick, cane, staff, pole
bastone da cammino {m} :: walking stick
bastone da passeggio {m} :: walking stick
bastone da sci {n} :: ski pole
bastone da sci {n} :: A slender stick used by skiers in both hands to improve speed and balance
bastone di comando {n} :: baton, truncheon
bastone di comando {n} :: A baton, or military staff of command, now especially the stick carried by a police officer
bastone di comando {n} :: A staff or truncheon, used for various purposes; as, the baton of a field marshal
bastone per ciechi {m} :: cane (for blind people)
batacchio {m} /baˈtak.kjo/ :: clapper (of a bell)
batacchio {m} :: knocker (on a door)
batacchio {m} :: dick, cock, prick
Bataglia {prop} :: surname
batata {f} /baˈta.ta/ :: sweet potato
batavo {adj} :: Batavian
batavo {m} :: Batavian
batea {f} :: pan (wide receptacle used in gold washing)
bati- {prefix} :: bathy-
batida {f} :: batida
batigrafia {f} :: bathygraphy
batigrafico {adj} :: bathygraphic
batik {m} :: batik
batimetria {f} :: bathymetry
batimetrico {adj} :: bathymetric
batimetro {m} :: sounding, fathoming (of deep water)
batinauta {mf} :: bathynaut (explorer of the deep sea)
batiscafo {m} [nautical] :: bathyscaphe
batisfera {f} [nautical] :: bathysphere
batista {f} :: batiste (fabric)
batisteo {m} :: Variant of battistero
batmotropo {adj} [physiology] :: bathmotropic
bato- {prefix} :: batho-
bato {m} [historical] /ˈ :: bath (unit of liquid measure)
batocchio {m} :: stick
batocchio {m} :: clapper (of a bell)
batocchio {m} :: white stick (of a blind person)
batola {f} /ˈ :: flap (of a pocket)
batolite {f} :: batholith
batometria {f} :: bathymetry
batometro {m} :: bathometer
batosta {f} :: blow (physical or metaphorical)
batrace {m} :: batrachian
batracomiomachia {f} :: petty, insignificant or futile quarrel
battage {m} :: buildup campaign
battage {m} :: hype
battaglia {f} :: battle, fight
Battaglia {prop} :: surname
battagliante {v} :: present participle of battagliare
battagliare {vi} :: To fight or battle
battagliero {adj} :: warlike, bellicose
battagliero {adj} :: aggressive
battaglio {m} :: clapper (of a bell)
battaglio {m} :: knocker (on a door)
battaglio {m} :: dick, cock, prick
battagliola {f} [nautical] :: guard rail
battaglione {m} [military] :: battalion
battana {f} [nautical] :: flat-bottomed pinnace
battellaggio {m} [nautical] :: ferrying of people between ship and shore
Battelli {prop} :: surname
battelliere {m} [nautical] :: boatman
battello {m} /batˈtɛl.lo/ :: boat
battello {m} :: dinghy
battello a pale {m} [nautical] :: paddleboat
battello da carico {m} [nautical] :: cargo boat
battello pneumatico {m} :: rubber dinghy
battente {v} /batˈtɛn.te/ :: present participle of battere
battente {adj} [of rain] :: heavy
battente {adj} [archaic, of a heart] :: beating, palpitating
battente {m} :: shutter (of a window)
battente {m} :: sash (of a window)
battente {m} :: leaf (panel of a double door)
battente {m} :: knocker (device used for knocking on a door)
battente {m} :: hammer (part of a clock)
battente {m} :: A bundle of paper sheets used to beat time
battente {m} :: A part of a loom
battentesi {v} :: present participle of battersi
batter {v} :: apocopic form of battere
battere {vt} /ˈbatːere/ :: to beat, patrol, batter, strike or hit
battere {vt} [by extension] :: to beat (move with pulsation)
battere {vit} [by extension] :: to tresh (separate grain)
battere {vt} :: to defeat, to overcome, to beat
battere {vt} :: to strike [a time]
battere {vt} :: to type
battere {vt} [by extension] :: to input the price [of an item] into a cash register
battere {vt} :: [of a body part] to hit repeatedly
battere {vt} :: to stub (jam or hit a body part)
battere {vt} :: to frequent or hang out at [a place]
battere {vt} :: to mint; to coin
battere {vt} :: to prostitute
battere {vt} :: to award in an auction
battere {vt} :: to compact a snowpack
battere {vt} [hunting] :: to beat (strike to drive out game)
battere {vt} [by extension] :: to chase (prey)
battere {vt} [by extension] :: [of a police force] to patrol; to scour
battere {vt} [card games] :: to play [a card]
battere {vt} [card games] :: in the game of baccarà, to reveal [the cards]
battere {vt} [sports] :: to serve
battere {vt} [music] :: to mark the tempo (of a musical composition)
battere {vi} :: (with contro, in, or su) to bump (into); (with con) to bump into something (with)
battere {vi} :: (with su or contro) to fall (on/over) violently; to hit
battere {vi} :: (also with su) [of a light source, especially the sun] to illuminate; to shine
battere {vi} :: to knock
battere {vi} :: (with su) to insist; to hammer
battere bandiera {v} [idiom, nautical] :: (followed by adjective of ethnicity) [of a boat] to be registered (with a certain country)
battere cassa {v} [idiom] :: to beg or ask for money
battere cinque {v} :: synonym of dare il cinque
battere il capo nel muro {v} [idiom] :: to beat one's head against a stone wall
battere il cinque {v} :: synonym of dare il cinque
battere il ferro finché è caldo {v} [idiomatic] :: to strike while the iron is hot
battere il marciapiede {v} [idiom] :: to walk the streets; to prostitute
battere il naso {v} [idiom, also, figurative] :: to run into; to bump into
battere in ritirata {v} [idiom] :: to retreat oneself hurriedly; to beat a retreat; to flee
battere i piedi {v} :: to stamp the ground; to feel or express great anger
battere i tacchi {v} [idiom] :: to run away; to flee
battere la fiacca {v} [idiom, familiar] :: to move slowly ahead
battere la grancassa {v} [idiom] :: to advertise loudly; to spread the news widely
battere la testa nel muro {v} :: synonym of battere il capo nel muro
battere le ali {v} :: See: it battere ali
battere le ali {v} :: to get famous or become renown; to make it
battere moneta {v} :: to coin, mint
battere un cinque {v} :: synonym of dare il cinque
batteria {f} :: battery
batteria {f} [music] :: drums, percussion
batteria {f} [sports] :: heat
battericamente {adv} :: bacterially
battericida {adj} :: bactericide
battericida {m} :: bactericidal
batterico {adj} :: bacterial
batteriemia {f} [disease] :: bacteremia
batterio {m} :: bacterium
batterioclorina {f} :: bacteriochlorin
batteriofago {m} :: bacteriophage
batteriofita {f} :: prokaryote
batteriolisi {f} [biology] :: bacteriolysis
batteriologia {f} :: bacteriology
batteriologicamente {adv} :: bacteriologically
batteriologico {adj} :: bacteriological
batteriologo {m} :: bacteriologist
batterioscopia {f} [biology] :: bacterioscopy
batteriostasi {f} [microbiology] :: bacteriostasis
batteriostatico {adj} :: bacteriostatic
batteriostatico {m} [pharmacology] :: bacteriostatic agent, bacteriostatic drug
batterioterapia {f} :: bacteriotherapy
batterioterapico {adj} :: bacteriotherapeutic
batterista {mf} :: drummer, percussionist
batterizzazione {f} :: bacterialization
batteroide {m} [microbiology] :: bacteroid
battersi {v} :: reflexive of battere
battersi {v} [also, figurative] :: to fight; to battle
battersi {v} [archaic] :: to flog
battesimale {adj} :: baptismal
battesimo {m} :: baptism, christening
battesimo del fuoco {m} :: baptism of fire
battesimo di sangue {m} :: martyrdom
battetosi {v} :: past participle of battersi
battezzanda {f} /bat.tetˈt͡san.da/ :: feminine noun of battezzando
battezzando {adj} /bat.tetˈt͡ :: That is to be baptized
battezzando {m} :: One who is to be baptized
battezzante {v} :: present participle of battezzare
battezzare {vt} :: to baptize or christen
battezzare {vt} :: to name or nickname
battezzarsi {vi} :: reflexive of battezzare
battezzarsi {vi} :: to receive a baptism; to be baptized
battezzarsi {vi} :: to misuse a name, title, etc
battezzatoio {m} :: baptistry
battezzatoio {m} :: font
battezzatore {m} :: baptizer
battezziere {m} :: alternative form of battezzatore
battibaleno {m} :: only in in un battibaleno
battibeccante {v} :: present participle of battibeccare
battibeccantesi {v} :: present participle of battibeccarsi
battibeccare {vi} :: To bicker or squabble
battibeccarsi {v} :: reflexive of battibeccare
battibeccarsi {vr} :: to bicker, squabble
battibeccatosi {v} :: past participle of battibeccarsi
battibecco {m} :: squabble
battibile {adj} :: beatable
battibuglio {m} :: brawl
battibuglio {m} :: altercation
batticalcagno {m} :: kick plate (in a car)
batticarne {m} :: meat mallet, tenderizer
batticoda {f} :: wagtail (bird)
batticore {m} :: alternative spelling of batticuore
batticuore {m} :: palpitations; sudden increase of heart rate due to physical activity, fear or another strong emotion
batticuore {m} [figurative, by extension] :: anxiety, trepidation
battifiacca {mf} :: lazybones
battifiacca {mf} :: slacker
battifianco {m} :: stable rail
battigia {f} :: water's edge
battigia {f} :: strand
battigia {f} :: beach
battilana {m} :: wool carder
battilardo {m} :: chopping board
battilegno {m} /bat.tiˈleɲ.ɲo/ :: synonym of picchio rosso maggiore
battilocchio {m} /bat.tiˈlɔk.kjo/ :: synonym of battiloglio
battilocchio {m} :: A type of cap or bonnet in use in the 18th century
battiloglia {f} /bat.tiˈlɔ.ʎa/ :: synonym of battiloglio
battiloglia {f} :: A type of cap or bonnet in use in the 18th century
battiloglio {m} /bat.tiˈlɔ.ʎo/ :: A type of cap or bonnet in use in the 18th century
battiloro {m} :: gold-beater
battimano {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: applause, clapping
battimano {m} [ballet] :: battement
battimazza {m} :: assistant blacksmith
battimento {m} :: beating
battimento {m} [physics] :: beat (effect of two waves of different frequencies)
battino {m} :: beater (person who drives game)
Battipaglia {prop} :: Battipaglia (town)
battipagliese {adj} :: Of, or from, Battipaglia
battipagliese {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Battipaglia
battipalo {m} :: piledriver (machine or operator)
battipalo {m} :: ram
battipanni {m} :: carpet beater
battipista {m} :: snowmobile
battiscopa {m} :: skirting, skirting board, baseboard
battismo {f} :: The Baptist movement
battista {mf} :: Baptist
battista {adj} :: Baptist
Battista {prop} :: given name, shortened from Giovanni Battista (John the Baptist)
battistero {m} [architecture] /bat.tisˈtɛ.ro/ :: baptistry, baptistery
Battistero di San Giovanni Battista {prop} :: Florence baptistery also known as the Baptistery of Saint John, its octagonal baptistery stands in both the Piazza del Duomo and the Piazza San Giovanni, across from Florence Cathedral and the Campanile di Giotto
Battisti {prop} :: surname
battistrada {m} [automotive] :: tread (of a tyre)
battistrada {m} [also, sports] :: pace setter, leader
battistrada {mf} [sports] :: pace setter, leader
battitacco {m} :: trouser lining (near the bottom of the leg)
battitappeto {m} :: carpet sweeper
battito {m} :: beat, beating, throb
battito {m} [music, somewhat rare] :: baton
battito cardiaco {m} :: synonym of battito del cuore
battito del cuore {m} :: heartbeat
battito di ciglia {m} :: blink
battitoia {f} :: planer
battitoio {m} /bat.tiˈ :: shutter (of a window)
battitoio {m} :: sash (of a window)
battitoio {m} :: leaf (panel of a double door)
battitore {m} :: batsman (cricket)
battitore {m} :: batter (baseball)
battitore {m} :: beater (game shooting)
battitore {m} :: auctioneer
battitore libero {m} :: freelancer
battitore libero {m} :: maverick
battitrice {f} :: threshing machine
battitura {f} :: typing
battitura {f} :: beating
battola {f} /ˈ :: rattle (football etc)
battola {f} [figurative] :: An overly talkative and boring person
battola {f} [figurative] :: excessive talkativeness
battologia {f} :: battology
battona {f} :: streetwalker, hooker, whore
battona {f} :: prostitute, trollop, strumpet
battriano {adj} :: Bactrian
battuta {f} :: witty remark, joke
battuta {f} :: hit, blow
battuta {f} [by extension] :: mark left by a hit or a blow; bruise
battuta {f} :: flap (of a bird wing)
battuta {f} :: stroke (movement of an oar through water)
battuta {f} :: splash of a river on the bank
battuta {f} :: point or line at which two window shutters meet
battuta {f} [music] :: bar
battuta {f} [theatre] :: cue
battuta {f} [hunting] :: beat, beating
battuta {f} [figurative, by extension] :: organized police action to hunt down a criminal; patrolling; scouring
battuta {f} [sports] :: service
battuta {f} [sports, cricket, baseball] :: batting
battuta {f} [typing] :: character
battuta {f} :: stroke [of a pen, etc.]
battutaccia {f} :: vulgar, offensive or very sharp remark
battuta d'arresto {f} :: stop, standstill
battutina {f} :: Little knock or blow
battutina {f} :: A little joke
battutina {f} :: A remark or wisecrack
battuto {adj} :: beaten, struck
battuto {adj} :: defeated, overcome, beaten
battuto {adj} [of metal] :: wrought, beaten
battuto {adj} [of road] :: busy, beaten
battuto {adj} [of coin] :: coined, minted
battuto {m} [cooking] :: chopped herbs, chopped vegetables
battuto {m} :: clay court
battutosi {v} :: past participle of battersi
batuffoletto {m} :: small ball (of cotton etc)
batuffolino {m} :: small ball (of cotton etc)
batuffolo {m} :: flock, ball (of cotton etc)
bau {interj} :: bow wow (sound of a dog barking)
bau bau {interj} :: bow wow!
baudelairiano {adj} /bod.leˈ :: Baudelairean (of or pertaining to Charles Baudelaire or his works)
baule {m} /baˈu.le/ :: trunk (luggage)
baule {m} :: trunk or boot (of a car)
baule {m} [furniture] :: case
bauleria {f} :: luggage (collection of suitcases etc)
bauletto {m} :: travelling case
bauletto {m} :: vanity case
bautta {f} :: domino (half mask)
bautta {f} :: eyemask
bauxite {f} [mineral] :: bauxite
bauxitico {adj} [mineral] :: bauxite (attributive), of bauxite
bava {f} :: dribble
bava {f} :: foam
bava {f} :: slime
bava {f} :: burr (small piece of material left on an edge after a cutting operation)
bavaglino {m} :: bib
bavaglio {m} :: gag (device to restrain speech)
bavarese {adj} :: Bavarian
bavarese {mf} :: Bavarian (person)
bavarese {m} :: Bavarian dialect of the German language
bavarese {f} :: bavaroise (drink; creamy dessert)
bavaro {adj} :: Bavarian
bavatura {f} :: burr (piece of material)
bavella {f} :: floss silk
bavero {m} :: collar, lapel
bavetta {f} :: dribble of molten metal
bavetta {f} :: bib
bavetta {f} :: mudguard
bavetta {f} [pasta, in the plural] :: a type of spaghetti
bavetta {f} [meat] :: flank steak
Baviera {prop} /baˈvjeːra/ :: Baviera (state)
bavosa {f} :: blenny
bavoso {adj} :: dribbling
bavoso {adj} :: drooling
baza {f} :: African cuckoo-hawk, African baza (Aviceda cuculoides)
bazar {m} :: bazaar
bazza {f} :: protruding chin
bazza {f} [by extension] :: chin
bazza {f} [rare] :: luck
bazzana {f} :: wash leather
bazzecola {f} :: trifle, bagatelle
Bazzi {prop} :: surname
bazzicante {v} :: present participle of bazzicare
bazzicare {v} :: to hang out or hang about with or at
bazzone {m} :: A person who has a protruding chin
bazzotto {adj} /badˈdzɔtto/ :: soft-boiled (of an egg)
B&B {m} /ˌbi em ˈbi/ :: bed and breakfast (guesthouse)
b.c. {n} [music] :: initialism of basso continuo
BCE {prop} :: initialism of Banca Centrale Europea
{interj} :: alternative form of beh
beach volley {m} :: beach volleyball
beante {v} :: present participle of beare
beantesi {v} :: present participle of bearsi
beare {vt} :: To make someone happy
bearnese {adj} :: béarnaise (sauce)
bearsi {v} :: reflexive of beare
bearsi {vr} :: to delight, revel, relish, bask (in)
beat {adj} :: beat (50s US literary and 70s UK music scenes)
beat {m} :: beat (rhythm accompanying music)
beata ignoranza {n} :: ignorance is bliss, willful ignorance
beatamente {adv} :: happily
beatificabile {adj} :: That can be beatified
beatificante {v} :: present participle of beatificare
beatificare {vt} :: to beatify
beatificato {adj} :: beatified
beatificazione {f} :: beatification
beatitudine {f} :: beatitude
beatitudine {f} :: bliss
beato {adj} :: blessed
beato {adj} :: lucky
beatore {m} /bea̯ˈ :: One that gives bliss [male]
beatosi {v} :: past participle of bearsi
beato te {interj} :: lucky you!
beatrice {adj} /bea̯ˈtri.t͡ʃe/ :: that gives bliss; blissening
beatrice {f} :: female equivalent of beatore
beatrice {f} :: A woman who is a source of inspiration for a poet or artist; muse
Beatrice {prop} /be.aˈtri.tʃe/ :: given name
bebè {m} :: baby, infant
beccabile {adj} :: catchable
beccaccia {f} :: woodcock, properly the Eurasian woodcock
beccaccino {m} :: common snipe (Gallinago gallinago)
beccafico {m} :: garden warbler, fig-eater
beccaio {m} :: butcher
beccamorto {m} :: gravedigger
beccante {v} :: present participle of beccare
beccantesi {v} :: present participle of beccarsi
beccapesci {m} :: sandwich tern
beccare {vt} :: to peck
beccare {vt} [by extension, humorous] :: to eat
beccare {vt} [by extension] :: [of an insect, etc.] to sting or bite
beccare {vt} :: to provoke
beccare {vt} :: to heckle
beccare {vt} [figurative, familiar] :: to nab, to catch
beccare {vt} [figurative] :: to get, pick up
beccare {vi} [familiar] :: to lose (fail to win)
Beccaria {prop} :: surname most famously, that of Cesare Beccaria
beccarsi {v} :: reflexive of beccare
beccarsi {vr} :: to peck one another [of birds]
beccarsi {vr} :: to squabble
beccata {f} :: peck
beccatello {m} :: bracket, corbel
beccatello {m} :: hook, peg
beccatoio {m} :: feeding trough in a birdcage
beccatosi {v} :: past participle of beccarsi
beccatura {f} :: peck
beccatura {f} :: pecking
beccheggiante {v} :: present participle of beccheggiare
beccheggiare {vi} :: to pitch (move so that the front goes up and down)
beccheggio {m} :: pitching (of a ship or aircraft)
beccheria {f} :: butchershop
Beccheria {prop} :: surname a form of Beccaria
becchettante {v} :: present participle of becchettare
becchettantesi {v} :: present participle of becchettarsi
becchettare {vt} :: to peck rapidly at
becchettare {vt} :: to tease
becchettarsi {v} :: reflexive of becchettare
becchettarsi {vr} :: to peck at each other
becchettarsi {vr} :: to squabble, quarrel
becchettatosi {v} :: past participle of becchettarsi
becchime {m} :: birdseed
becchino {m} :: gravedigger, cemetery worker
becco {m} :: beak, bill (of a bird)
becco {m} :: burner
becco {m} :: cuckold
becco {m} :: billygoat
becco a scarpa {m} /ˈbek.ko a :: shoebill
becco Bunsen {n} :: Bunsen burner, Bunsenbrenner
becco Bunsen {n} [science] :: a small laboratory gas burner whose air supply may be controlled with an adjustable hole
beccolungo {adj} :: long-billed
beccorosso {adj} :: red-billed
beccucchiare {vt} /bek.kukˈ :: To peck (e.g. food) around in small quantities
beccuccio {m} :: lip (of a jug etc)
beccuccio {m} :: spout (of a teapot etc)
beceramente {adv} :: boorishly
becero {adj} :: boorish
becero {m} :: boor
becher {m} [chemistry] :: beaker
bechico {adj} [medicine] :: antitussive
Beciuania {prop} :: Bechuanaland
beciuano {adj} :: Bechuana (attributive)
Beda {prop} :: Bede
bed and breakfast {m} /ˌbɛd em ˈbrɛkfast/ :: bed and breakfast (guesthouse)
bedano {m} :: A narrow-bladed chisel, used mostly for making mortises
Bedretto {prop} :: Bedretto (village)
beduina {f} :: feminine noun of beduino
beduino {adj} :: bedouin
beduino {m} :: bedouin
beè {mf} :: baa (sound of a sheep)
beethoveniana {f} :: feminine noun of beethoveniano
beethoveniano {adj} /ˈ :: Beethovenian, Beethoven (attributive)
beethoveniano {m} :: Beethovenian (admirer of the composer or his works)
befana {f} [slang] :: a crone or old hag
Befana {prop} [popular] :: Epiphany
Befana {prop} :: The old woman who (in legend) brings presents to children at Epiphany
beffa {f} :: joke, prank
Beffa {prop} :: surname
beffante {v} :: present participle of beffare
beffantesi {v} :: present participle of beffarsi
beffardamente {adv} :: mockingly, sneeringly
beffardo {adj} :: mocking, sneering, derisory
beffare {vt} :: To mock; to make a fool of
beffarsi {vt} :: To scoff (at)
beffatore {adj} :: scoffing, mocking
beffatore {m} :: scoffer, mocker
beffatosi {v} :: past participle of beffarsi
beffeggiamento {m} :: mocking
beffeggiamento {m} :: jeering
beffeggiante {v} :: present participle of beffeggiare
beffeggiare {vt} :: To laugh at or mock
beffeggiatore {m} :: mocker, scoffer
bega {f} /ˈbɛ.ɡa/ :: quarrel, dispute
bega {f} [by extension] :: A troubled situation
begardo {m} :: Beghard
begare {v} /beˈɡ :: to quarrel
beghina {f} [historical] :: Beguine
beghina {f} [colloquial, derogatory] :: bigot
beghinaggio {m} :: Beguinage
beghinaggio {m} :: religionism
beghino {m} [historical] :: Beguin, Beghard
beghino {m} [colloquial, derogatory] :: bigot
begliuomini {mp} :: balsam (plant)
begonia {f} :: begonia
beh {interj} /ˈbɛ/ :: well (used at the start of a sentence)
behaviorismo {m} [psychology] :: behaviourism
behaviorista {mf} :: behaviourist
behavioristico {adj} :: behaviouristic
belante {v} :: present participle of belare
belare {vi} :: to bleat (both senses)
belare {vi} [figuratively, by extension] :: to sing in a whiny or mushy tone
belare {vt} :: to recite annoyingly or affectedly slowly
belato {m} :: bleating
Belbo {prop} :: Belbo (river)
bel bocconcino {n} [slang, offensive] :: a bit of skirt, a bit of totty, a piece of ass
belcantistico {adj} :: bel canto (attributive)
belcanto {m} [music] :: bel canto
Belfiore {prop} :: Belfiore (small town)
belga {adj} :: Belgian (from or native to Belgium)
belga {adj} :: Belgian (pertaining to Belgium)
belga {mf} :: Belgian
belgico {adj} :: Belgic, Belgian
Belgio {prop} /ˈbɛl.d͡ʒo/ :: Belgio (country)
Belgrado {prop} :: Belgrado (capital city)
Belice {prop} :: Belice (river)
Belisario {prop} :: Belisarius (a general of the Byzantine Empire)
Belize {prop} :: Belize (country)
beliziano {adj} :: Belizean
bell' {adj} [sometimes before a vowel] :: apocopic form of bella
bell' {adj} [sometimes before a vowel] :: apocopic form of bello
bella {f} /ˈbɛ :: beauty, belle (beautiful woman)
bella {f} :: sweetheart
bella {f} :: fair copy (final draft of a piece of writing)
bella {f} :: showdown (deciding match)
bella {f} :: a Renaissance-style ceramic plate decorated with portraits of young women
bella di notte {f} :: four o'clock flower, marvel of Peru (Mirabilis jalapa)
belladonna {f} /ˌbɛl.laˈdɔ :: deadly nightshade, belladonna (Atropa belladonna)
bella figura {f} :: "fine appearance or impression";
bella forza {interj} [jocular, colloquial, sarcastic] :: big deal, so what
bellamente {adv} :: conveniently, happily
bellamente {adv} :: nicely
bellamente {adv} :: quietly, calmly, comfortably
bella scoperta {interj} :: (ironic) What a surprise! Who would have guessed it?
Bellatrix {prop} :: Bellatrix, the third brightest star in the constellation of Orion
bellavista {f} :: panorama
bellavista {f} :: belvedere
Bellerofonte {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Bellerophon
Belletini {prop} :: surname, meaning beautiful little-ones
belletta {f} :: slime, mud
belletto {m} :: rouge, make-up
bellezza {f} :: beauty
bellezza {f} :: loveliness (of a woman)
bellezza {f} :: handsomeness (of a man)
bellezza acqua e sapone {f} [idiom] :: natural (rather than artificial) beauty
bellezza al bagno {f} :: bathing beauty
bellicismo {m} :: warmongering
bellicista {adj} :: warmongering
bellicista {mf} :: warmonger
bellico {adj} :: war [attributive]
bellicosamente {adv} :: belligerently, combatively
bellicosissimo {adj} :: superlative of bellicoso
bellicosità {f} :: bellicosity, combativeness
bellicoso {adj} :: warlike, bellicose, belligerent, combative
belligerante {adj} :: belligerent
belligeranza {f} :: belligerence
belligero {adj} :: belligerent
belligero {adj} :: bellicose
bellimbusto {m} /bel.limˈ :: dandy, flop
Bellini {prop} :: surname
Bellini {m} :: Bellini (cocktail)
bellino {adj} :: pretty, attractive, sweet
Bellinzona {prop} /bel.linˈ :: Bellinzona (town), capital of the Ticino canton
Bellinzona {prop} :: Bellinzona (district)
bellissimo {adj} /belˈ :: superlative of bello
bello {adj} /ˈbɛl.lo/ :: nice, fair, fine, pleasant; beautiful (of the weather etc.)
bello {adj} :: good-looking, handsome; beautiful (of a person)
bello {adj} :: considerable (quantity)
bello {adj} :: good
bello {m} :: beauty
bello {m} [weather] :: fair-weather
bello {m} [colloquial] :: man, fella
Bellò {prop} :: surname
Bellocchio {prop} :: Italian surname
belloccio {adj} :: good-looking, attractive
bellona {f} :: stunner (stunning person)
bellone {m} :: stunner (stunning person)
bellospirito {m} :: wit, wag (witty person)
bellospirito {m} :: nice person, pleasing person, popular person, cute person, amusing person, funny person
Bellucci {prop} :: surname
Bellucci {prop} :: Monica Bellucci, Italian actress
belluino {adj} :: bestial, brutal
belluino {adj} :: animal (attributive)
bellunese {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Belluno
bellunese {adj} :: Of or relating to Belluno or the Belluno people
Belluno {prop} :: Belluno (province)
Belluno {prop} :: Belluno (town)
belluria {f} [chiefly ironic] /belˈlu.rja/ :: artificial (rather than natural) beauty
belluria {f} [literary, in the plural] :: showy or tacky elegance
belo {m} /ˈbɛ.lo/ :: bleat (cry of a sheep or a goat)
belone- {prefix} :: belone- (forms terms relating to needles)
belonefobia {f} :: fear of needles
bel paese {prop} [mainly literary, sometimes capitalized] /ˌbɛl paˈ :: Italy
belpaese {prop} :: alternative spelling of bel paese
Bel Paese {m} :: Bel Paese (cheese)
beltà {f} [literary] /belˈta/ :: beauty
beltà {f} [literary] :: A beautiful person or thing
beluci {mf} :: alternative form of baluci
beluci {adj} :: alternative form of baluci
belva {f} :: beast (all senses)
belvedere {m} [architecture] /ˌbɛl.veˈ :: belvedere (raised structure offering a pleasant view of the surrounding area)
belvedere {adj} :: Having good visibility (used especially of tourist coaches)
Belzebù {prop} :: Beelzebub
Bembo {prop} :: surname
Bembo {prop} :: A noble family of Venice
bemolle {m} [music] :: bemol, flat (the symbol)
ben- {prefix} :: alternative form of bene-, good, well
ben {adv} :: apocopic form of bene
benaccetto {adj} :: welcome, appreciated
benaccetto {adj} :: pleasant
benacense {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Lake Garda
Benaco {n} :: Lake Garda
benallevato {adj} :: well-bred (well brought-up)
benaltrismo {m} :: the tendency to discredit an attempt to face a problem by pointing to other more serious issues; whataboutism
ben altro {pron} :: other (more important) things (to do)
benamato {adj} :: alternative form of beneamato
benarrivato {interj} :: welcome!
benarrivato {m} :: welcome
benaugurante {adj} :: auspicious (being a good omen)
benauguratamente {adv} :: auspiciously
benaugurato {adj} :: auspicious
benavere {vi} :: To achieve peace or serenity
benche {conj} :: alternative form of benché
benché {conj} :: although, though
benché {conj} :: albeit
ben cotto {adj} :: (of food) well done (cooked through)
benda {f} /ˈbɛn.da/ :: bandage
benda {f} :: blindfold
bendaggio {m} :: bandaging
bendaggio {m} :: bandage
bendante {v} :: present participle of bendare
bendantesi {v} :: present participle of bendarsi
bendare {vt} :: to bandage
bendare {vt} :: to blindfold
bendarsi {vi} :: reflexive of bendare
bendarsi {vi} :: to bandage oneself
bendarsi {vi} :: to blindfold oneself
bendato {adj} :: bandaged
bendato {adj} :: blindfolded
bendatosi {v} :: past participle of bendarsi
bendatura {f} :: bandaging
bendatura {f} :: dressing
benderella {f} :: bandage (narrow strip)
benderella {f} [anatomy] :: ligament
bendidio {m} :: good thing
ben disposto {adj} :: alternative spelling of bendisposto
bendisposto {adj} :: well-disposed (towards)
bendone {m} :: mitre band
ben dotato {adj} [colloquial] :: well hung, having a large penis
bene- {prefix} :: good, well
bene {adj} /ˈbene/ :: upper-class, posh, high
bene {adv} :: well, nicely, OK, right
bene {adv} :: properly, correctly, rightly
bene {adv} :: thoroughly, carefully
bene {adv} :: as much as, as many as
bene {interj} :: good!; fine!
bene {m} :: good
bene {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: goods, property, possessions, belongings, assets
bene {m} :: sake, good
bene {m} :: happiness
bene {m} :: sweetheart, darling, love, bless someone's cotton socks
bene {m} :: asset
beneaccetto {adj} :: alternative form of benaccetto
beneamato {adj} [literary] :: beloved
beneaugurante {adj} :: alternative form of benaugurante
beneavere {vi} :: Variant of benavere
Benedetta {prop} :: given name
Benedetti {prop} :: surname
benedettino {adj} :: Benedictine
benedettino {m} :: Benedictine (all senses)
benedetto {adj} :: blessed
benedetto {adj} :: holy
Benedetto {prop} :: given name
benedicente {v} :: present participle of benedire
benedicente {adj} :: blessing (attributive)
benedicenza {f} :: praise
benedicere {vt} :: alternative form of benedire
benedicite {m} :: grace (prayer said before a meal)
benedire {vt} :: to bless
benedire {vt} :: to consecrate
benedizionale {m} :: benedictional (book of benedictions)
benedizione {f} :: blessing
benedizione {f} :: benediction
benedizione {f} :: consecration
beneducato {adj} :: well-mannered
bene educato {adj} :: alternative spelling of beneducato
benefacente {v} :: present participle of benefare
benefare {vi} [obsolete] :: to do good (works)
benefatto {m} [obsolete] :: good works
benefatto {m} :: benefice
benefattore {m} :: benefactor
benefattrice {f} :: female equivalent of benefattore
beneficamente {adv} :: beneficently
beneficante {v} :: present participle of beneficare
beneficare {vt} :: to benefit, to aid
beneficato {adj} :: benefit, aid (attributive)
beneficatore {m} :: benefactor
beneficente {adj} :: beneficial
beneficente {adj} :: beneficent
beneficenza {f} :: charity, beneficence
beneficiale {adj} :: Of or pertaining to an ecclesiastical benefice
beneficiante {v} :: present participle of beneficiare
beneficiare {vi} :: to benefit, to profit
beneficiaria {f} :: feminine noun of beneficiario
beneficiario {adj} :: beneficiary
beneficiario {m} :: beneficiary
beneficiario {m} :: benefice
beneficiario {m} :: payee
beneficiario {m} :: annuitant
beneficiato {adj} :: beneficed (receiving a benefice)
beneficienza {f} :: Variant of beneficenza
beneficio {m} :: benefit
beneficio {m} :: profit, gain
benefico {adj} :: beneficial, salutary, benign
benefico {adj} :: beneficent, charitable
benefit {m} :: benefit, advantage
benefizio {m} :: alternative form of beneficio
beneinformato {adj} :: Variant of beninformato
beneintenzionato {adj} :: Variant of benintenzionato
beneinteso {adj} :: alternative form of beninteso
benemerente {adj} :: meritorious
benemerenza {f} :: merit
Benemerita {prop} :: The Carabinieri (national-level gendarmerie of Italy)
benemeritamente {adv} :: meritoriously
benemeritare {vi} :: alternative form of benmeritare
benemerito {adj} :: meritorious
benenanza {f} /be.neˈnan.t͡sa/ :: alternative form of beninanza
beneplacito {m} :: consent, approval, permission
benessere {m} :: well-being, wellness, health, fitness, welfare, affluence
benestante {adj} :: well-to-do, well-off
benestante {mf} :: A well-to-do or well-off person
benestare {m} :: approval
benestarista {mf} :: tester, checker (person, industrial)
beneventana {f} :: A female native or inhabitant of Benevento
beneventano {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Benevento
beneventano {adj} :: Of or relating to Benevento or the Benevento people
Benevento {prop} :: Benevento (province)
Benevento {prop} :: Benevento (capital city)
benevolente {adj} :: benevolent
benevolente {adj} :: well-disposed
benevolentemente {adv} :: benevolently
benevolenza {f} :: benevolence, mercy
benevolmente {adv} :: benevolently
benevolo {adj} /beˈnɛ.vo.lo/ :: benevolent
ben fatto {adj} :: alternative spelling of benfatto
benfatto {adj} :: good
benfatto {adj} :: well-made
Bengala {prop} :: Bengal
bengalese {adj} :: Bangladeshi
bengalese {mf} :: Bangladeshi
bengalese {m} [singular only] :: Bengali
bengali {m} :: Bengali (language)
bengalino {m} :: avadavat (of genus Amandava)
Bengasi {prop} :: Bengasi (port city)
bengodi {m} :: An imagined land of plenty
beniamina {f} :: female equivalent of beniamino
beniamino {m} :: favorite
beniamino {m} :: teacher's pet
beniamino {m} :: mollycoddle
Beniamino {prop} :: Benjamin. [biblical character]
Beniamino {prop} :: given name
beni culturali {n} :: cultural heritage
beniculturali {n} :: alternative form of beni culturali
benignamente {adv} :: benignly
benignamente {adv} :: kindly
Benigni {prop} :: surname
Benigni {prop} :: Roberto Benigni, Italian actor
benignità {f} :: kindness, benignity
benigno {adj} :: benign
benigno {adj} :: kindly
benigno {adj} [oncology] :: benign
Benigno {prop} :: given name
Benin {prop} :: Benin (country)
beninanza {f} /be.niˈnan.t͡sa/ :: goodness, benignity
beninese {adj} :: Beninese
beninese {mf} :: Beninese
beninformato {adj} :: well-informed
benino {adv} :: quite well; well enough
benintenzionatamente {adv} :: well-meaningly
ben intenzionato {adj} :: alternative spelling of benintenzionato
benintenzionato {adj} :: well-meaning
ben inteso {adv} :: alternative spelling of beninteso
beninteso {adv} :: certainly, of course
beninteso che {conj} :: provided that
benissimo {adv} /beˈ :: superlative of bene: very well
Benito {prop} :: given name borrowed from Spanish Benito
benmeritante {v} :: present participle of benmeritare
benmeritare {vi} :: to be worthy (of)
benmeritare {vi} :: to be meritorious
benna {f} :: bucket, grab
ben nato {adj} :: alternative spelling of bennato
bennato {adj} :: well-born
benone {adv} :: (augmentative of bene) [colloquial] very well
benparlante {mf} :: well-spoken person
ben pensante {adj} :: alternative spelling of benpensante
ben pensante {mf} :: alternative spelling of benpensante
benpensante {mf} :: conformist, orthodox
benpensante {adj} :: conformist, orthodox
benpensante {adj} :: self-righteous
benpensatismo {m} :: conformity
benpensatismo {m} :: orthodoxy
benportante {adj} :: sprightly
ben riuscito {adj} :: successful
benservito {m} :: reference (on leaving employment)
bensì {conj} :: but, rather
bensì {conj} :: on the contrary
bensone {m} :: A type of doughnut from Modena
bentonico {adj} :: benthic
bentonite {f} [mineral] :: bentonite
ben tornato {adj} :: alternative spelling of bentornato
ben tornato {m} :: alternative spelling of bentornato
bentornato {adj} :: welcome back
bentornato {m} :: A person whose return is welcomed
bentos {m} :: benthos, benthic
bentrovato {adv} :: nice to see you
Benussi {prop} :: surname
Benussi {prop} :: Vittorio Benussi, Italian psychologist
ben venuto {adj} :: alternative spelling of benvenuto
ben venuto {m} :: alternative spelling of benvenuto
benvenuto {adj} /ben.veˈ :: welcome
benvenuto {m} :: welcome
Benvenuto {prop} :: given name
ben visto {adj} :: alternative spelling of benvisto
benvisto {adj} :: well-thought-of
benvolere {vt} :: to respect or appreciate
benvoluto {adj} :: well-liked, popular
benvoluto {adj} :: loved
benzaldeide {f} [organic compound] :: benzaldehyde
benzedrina {f} :: benzedrine
benzendiolo {m} [organic chemistry] :: benzenediol
benzene {m} [organic compound] /benˈd͡zɛ.ne/ :: benzene
benzenico {adj} :: benzene (attributive)
benzenolo {m} [organic chemistry] :: benzenol
benzensolfonico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: benzenesulfonic
benzidinico {adj} :: benzidinic
benzile {m} [organic chemistry] :: benzyl
benzilico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: benzylic
benzina {f} :: petrol, gasoline
benzinaia {f} :: female equivalent of benzinaio
benzinaio {m} :: pump attendant, petrol pump attendant
benzinaio {m} :: filling station, petrol station [British], gas station [US]
benzoato {m} [organic chemistry] :: benzoate
benzoato di sodio {m} :: sodium benzoate
benzochinone {m} [organic compound] :: benzoquinone
benzodiazepina {f} :: benzodiazepine
benzoe {m} :: benzoin
benzoico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: benzoic
benzoile {m} [organic chemistry] :: benzoyl
benzoino {m} :: benzoin
benzolo {m} [organic chemistry] :: benzol
benzopirano {m} [organic compound] :: benzopyran
benzopirene {m} [organic compound] :: benzopyrene
benzotriazolo {m} [organic compound] :: benzotriazole
beone {m} :: boozer (heavy drinker)
beone {m} :: binge drinker
beone {m} :: winesop, wino
beota {adj} :: Boeotian
beota {adj} :: (figurative) Person with lack of discretion and slow-witted (due to the fame that the inhabitants of Boeotia had in Attica)
beota {mf} :: Boeotian
beotico {adj} :: Boeotian
Beozia {prop} :: Boeotia
Beppe {prop} /ˈbɛ :: A diminutive of the male given name Giuseppe
Beppino {prop} :: given name
bepridile {f} :: bepridil
beqquadro {m} :: alternative form of bequadro
bequadro {m} [music] /beˈkwa.dro/ :: The natural symbol ()
Berardo {prop} /beˈ :: given name, alternative form of Bernardo
berberide {f} [botany] /berˈbɛ :: Any member of the Berberis taxonomic genus
berbero {adj} :: Berber
berbero {m} :: Berber (people)
berbero {m} [singular only] :: Berber (language)
berbice {m} :: sheep
berchelio {m} /berˈkɛljo/ :: alternative form of berkelio
berciante {v} :: present participle of berciare
berciare {vi} /berˈt͡ʃ :: To yell or bawl
bere {vit} /ˈ :: to drink
Berengario {prop} :: surname
Berengario {prop} :: given name, Berengar
Berenice {prop} :: given name
beretta {f} :: A brand of rifle produced by the company Beretta
bergamasca {f} :: female equivalent of bergamasco
bergamasco {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Bergamo
bergamasco {adj} :: Of or relating to Bergamo or the Bergamo people
Bergamo {prop} /ˈbɛrɡamo/ :: Bergamo (city/and/province)
bergamotta {f} :: A type of pear, Pyrus persica
bergamotto {m} /ber.ɡaˈmɔ :: bergamot
bergmaniano {adj} :: Bergmanian
Bergoglio {prop} /berˈɡɔʎʎo/ :: Bergoglio (village) near Alessandria
Bergoglio {prop} :: surname derived from the placename
bergomense {adj} :: synonym of bergamasco
berico {adj} :: Of or from Vicenza
berico {m} :: Native or inhabitant of Vicenza
berillio {m} [chemistry] /beˈril.ljo/ :: beryllium
berilliosi {f} [pathology] :: berylliosis
berillo {m} /be.ˈrilː.o/ :: beryl
beritense {adj} :: Berytian
beritense {mf} :: Berytian
Berito {prop} :: Berytus
berkelio {m} [chemistry] /berˈkɛljo/ :: berkelium
berlic {m} :: Variant of berlicche
berlicche {m} :: The Devil
berlina {f} :: sedan
berlina {f} :: limousine
berlina {f} :: berlin (carriage)
berlinese {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Berlin
berlinese {mf} :: Berlinese, Berliner (native or inhabitant of Berlin)
berlingozzo {m} :: Berliner (doughnut)
berlingueriano {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Enrico Berlinguer
Berlino {prop} :: Berlino (caplc)
Berlino {prop} :: Berlino (state)
berlusco {adj} :: doubly shady or sinister
Berlusconi {prop} /ber.luˈ :: surname
Berlusconi {prop} [masculine only] :: Silvio Berlusconi (Italian politician and businessman)
berlusconiana {f} :: feminine noun of berlusconiano
berlusconiano {adj} :: Berlusconian (of or pertaining to Silvio Berlusconi)
berlusconiano {m} [politics] :: A supporter of the policies of Silvio Berlusconi
berlusconismo {m} [politics] :: Berlusconism (Berlusconi's policies)
berlusconizzante {v} :: present participle of berlusconizzare
berlusconizzare {vt} [politics] :: To adopt the strategies or policies of Silvio Berlusconi to characterize something; to Berlusconize
berlusconizzazione {f} [politics] :: The process of being dominated by, or characterized by Silvio Berlusconi
bermuda {mp} :: Bermuda shorts
Bermude {prop} :: Bermuda
Berna {prop} /ˈberna/ :: Berna (capital city)
Berna {prop} :: Berna (canton)
Bernadetta {prop} :: given name
bernarda {f} [vulgar] :: female genitalia
Bernarda {prop} /berˈnar.da/ :: given name, feminine noun of Bernardo
Bernardi {prop} /berˈnar.di/ :: surname
Bernardina {prop} /ber.narˈ :: given name, feminine noun of Bernardino
Bernardini {prop} :: surname
bernardino {m} :: Bernardine
Bernardino {prop} /ber.narˈ :: given name
Bernardo {prop} /berˈ :: given name
bernesco {adj} :: burlesque
bernesco {adj} :: satirical
bernese {adj} :: Bernese
bernese {mf} :: Bernese
Bernetti {prop} :: surname
Bernina {prop} :: A mountain range in the Alps
Bernini {prop} :: surname
Bernini {prop} :: Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Italian sculptor and artist
bernoccolo {m} :: bump (pimple etc)
bernoccolo {m} :: flair, bent (disposition)
bernoccolo {m} :: bonk
bernoccoluto {adj} :: bumpy, lumpy
Berrè {prop} :: surname
berretta {f} :: cap
berretta {f} :: biretta
berrettaia {f} :: female equivalent of berrettaio
berrettaio {m} :: cap (beret) maker or seller
berrettificio {m} :: cap factory
berrettino {m} :: cap, beret
berrettino {adj} :: light grey; ashen
berretto {m} :: beanie
berretto {m} :: [generically] cap
berretto a sonagli {m} :: fool's cap
berretto da notte {m} :: nightcap
berretto frigio {m} :: Phrygian cap
Bersabea {prop} :: obsolete form of Beersheba
bersagliante {v} :: present participle of bersagliare
bersagliare {vt} /ber.saʎˈʎ :: To bombard
bersagliera {f} :: An energetic and decisive woman
bersagliere {m} /bersaʎˈʎɛre/ :: rifleman, bersagliere (in some Italian regiments)
bersaglieresco {adj} :: bold, resolute
bersaglio {m} /berˈsaʎ.ʎo/ :: target
Bersani {prop} :: surname
Bersani {prop} :: Pier Luigi Bersani, Italian politician
Bersani {prop} :: Samuele Bersani, Italian singer
bersaniano {adj} :: Of or relating to Pier Luigi Bersani
bersela {v} :: to naively believe in something unlikely; to be "taken in"
bersi {vr} :: An intensive variant of bere, to drink
bersò {m} :: arbour, bower
berta {f} :: shearwater
berta {f} :: pile driver
berta {f} :: prank, hoax
berta minore {f} :: Manx shearwater
berta minore mediterranea {f} :: yelkouan shearwater (Puffinus yelkouan)
bertesca {f} :: brattice, bretèche
bertinottiano {adj} :: Bertinottian (pertaining to Italian politician Fausto Bertinotti)
bertinottismo {m} :: Any of the political principles of Fausto Bertinotti
Berto {prop} /ˈbɛ :: given name
bertola {f} /ˈbɛ :: heron
bertola bianca {f} :: synonym of airone bianco maggiore
bertola cenerina {f} :: synonym of airone cenerino
bertoldo {m} :: wily peasant
bertoldo {m} :: simpleton
Bertoldo {prop} :: Berthold, Bertolt
Bertoli {prop} :: surname
Bertolucci {prop} :: surname
Bertolucci {prop} :: Bernardo Bertolucci, Italian film director
bertone {m} [nautical] :: A large, three-masted, square-rigged ship used in the Mediterranean in the 16th and 17th centuries
Bertoni {prop} :: surname
bertuccia {f} /berˈtut.t͡ʃa/ :: Barbary ape (Macaca sylvanus)
bertuccia {f} :: An ugly and unpleasant woman
beruzzo {m} :: A meal, taken in the fields, by agricultural workers
berzaglio {m} :: obsolete form of bersaglio
besciamella {f} /be.ʃaˈmɛ :: béchamel sauce
Bessarione {prop} :: given name
besseliano {adj} :: Besselian
bessera {f} /besˈsɛ.ra/ :: coral drops (Bessera elegans)
besso {adj} :: foolish
bestemmia {f} /besˈtem.mja/ :: curse
bestemmia {f} :: blasphemy
bestemmiante {v} :: present participle of bestemmiare
bestemmiare {v} /bes.temˈ :: to blaspheme, specifically:
bestemmiare {vt} :: To speak of, or address, with impious irreverence; to revile impiously (anything sacred)
bestemmiare {vi} :: To commit blasphemy
bestemmiare {vt} [by extension] :: To curse
bestemmiare {vi} [by extension] :: To curse, swear
bestemmiare {vt} [figurative] :: To calumniate, revile
bestemmiatore {m} :: swearer
bestemmiatore {m} :: blasphemer
bestemmiatrice {f} :: feminine noun of bestemmiatore
bestemmiona {f} [rare] /bes.temˈ :: feminine noun of bestemmione: a heavy blasphemer [female]
bestemmiona {f} [colloquial] :: synonym of bestemmione
bestemmione {m} [rare] /bes.temˈ :: A heavy blasphemer [male]
bestemmione {m} [colloquial] :: A great blasphemy
bestia {f} /ˈbestja/ :: beast
bestiaccia {f} :: evil, nasty or ugly beast
bestiaccia {f} :: wicked person
bestiaccia {f} :: tough person
bestia da soma {f} :: beast of burden, pack animal
bestia da tiro {f} :: draught animal, draft animal
bestiale {adj} :: animal (attributive)
bestiale {adj} :: beastly
bestiale {adj} :: bestial
bestialità {f} :: brutishness, bestiality, brutality
bestialità {f} :: nonsense
bestialitade {f} :: medieval spelling of bestialità
bestialmente {adv} :: bestially, brutally, cruelly
bestiame {m} :: cattle and sheep etc. considered as an agricultural commodity
bestiame {m} :: stock, livestock
bestiario {m} :: bestiary
bestiola {f} :: Little animal or beast, creature
bestiolina {f} :: A little animal
bestione {m} :: beast (brutal person)
bestiuola {f} :: alternative spelling of bestiola
best seller {m} :: bestseller
bet {f} /bɛt/ :: beth
bet {f} :: The name of the Phoenician-script letter 𐤁
bet {f} :: The name of the Hebrew script letter ב
beta {f} /ˈbɛ.ta/ :: The name of the Greek script letter Β/β; beta
beta {f} [computing] :: beta (software version)
beta {f} :: alternative form of bieta; beet
betabloccante {adj} :: beta blocking
betabloccante {m} [pharmaceutical drug] :: beta blocker
betacismo {m} [linguistics] /be.taˈt͡ʃ :: betacism
betamimetico {adj} :: betamimetic
betamimetico {m} [pharmacology] :: betamimetic
betatrone {m} [physics] :: betatron
betel {n} :: betel leaf, Piper betle
Betelgeuse {prop} :: Betelgeuse
betlemita {adj} /be.tleˈmi.ta/ :: Bethlehemi, of or pertaining to the city of Bethlehem
betlemita {mf} :: Bethlehemi, an inhabitant of Bethlehem
Betlemme {prop} /beˈtlɛ :: Betlemme (city)
beton {m} :: concrete
betonaggio {m} :: concrete mixing, laying or pouring
betonica {f} :: betony, woundwort (Stachys officinalis)
betoniera {f} :: cement mixer, concrete mixer
betonista {m} :: concrete-mixer operator
Betsabea {prop} :: Bathsheba (biblical figure)
Betta {prop} :: given name, diminutive of Elisabetta
Bettin {prop} :: surname
Bettina {prop} :: given name
Bettino {prop} :: given name: diminutive of Benedetto
bettola {f} /ˈ :: tavern
bettola {f} :: dive, joint (seedy bar)
bettoliere {m} :: innkeeper, publican
bettolina {f} :: barge (for cargo)
Bettona {prop} :: Bettona (town)
bettonese {adj} :: Of, or from, Bettona
bettonese {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Bettona
Bettoni {prop} :: surname
bettonica {f} :: betony, woundwort (variant of betonica)
betulla {f} :: birch
beuta {f} [chemistry] :: Erlenmeyer flask, conical flask
bevace {adj} :: bibulous (literary usage)
bevacità {f} :: bibulousness
Bevagna {prop} :: Bevagna (town)
bevanate {adj} :: Of, or from, Bevagna
bevanate {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Bevagna
bevanda {f} :: beverage, drink
bevanda alcolica {f} :: alcoholic beverage
bevatrone {m} [physics] :: bevatron
beventesi {v} :: present participle of bersi
beveraggio {m} :: bran mash (animal feed)
beveraggio {m} :: potion (magic)
beveratoio {m} :: alternative form of abbeveratoio
beverino {m} :: drinking-trough (for a bird)
beverone {m} :: mash, swill (for animals)
bevibile {adj} :: drinkable
bevicchiare {vt} /be.vikˈ :: To drink little by little with reluctance
bevicchiare {vi} [ironic] :: To drink often or excessively
Bevilacqua {prop} :: Bevilacqua (small town)
Bevilacqua {prop} :: surname
bevimento {m} [obsolete] :: drinking
bevitore {m} :: drinker, binge drinker
bevitrice {f} :: female equivalent of bevitore
bevizione {f} [obsolete] :: drinking
bevone {m} :: alternative form of beone
bevuta {f} :: Heavy drinking
bevuta {f} :: A drunken party
bevutosi {v} :: past participle of bersi
bezoar {m} :: bezoar
bezzo {m} :: An old silver Venetian coin worth half a soldo
bezzo {m} [in the plural] :: money
Bhutan {prop} :: Bhutan (country)
bhutanese {adj} :: Bhutanese
bhutanese {mf} :: Bhutanese
bi- {prefix} :: bi-
bi- {prefix} :: di-
bi {f} /bi/ :: letter: b; bee
biacca {f} [usually uncountable] /ˈbjak.ka/ :: white lead, ceruse
biacco {m} :: rat snake, chicken snake (of genus Elaphe)
biacco {m} :: racer (snake of the genus Coluber)
biada {f} :: fodder (food for horses and other animals)
biadante {v} :: present participle of biadare
biadare {vt} :: To fodder (animals)
biadesivo {adj} :: double-sided (adhesive tape)
Biagi {prop} :: surname
Biagio {prop} :: given name
Biagiotti {prop} :: surname
Biagiotti {prop} :: Laura Biagiotti, Italian designer
bialbero {adj} :: twin-cam
bianca {f} :: feminine noun of bianco; white woman
bianca {f} [snooker] :: cue ball (more fully bilia bianca)
Bianca {prop} /ˈbjan.ka/ :: given name
Biancaneve {prop} :: Snow White
biancastro {adj} /bjanˈkas.tro/ :: whitish
biancazzurro {adj} :: white and pale blue
biancheggiamento {m} :: whitening
biancheggiamento {m} :: bleaching
biancheggiante {v} /bjan.kedˈd͡ʒan.te/ :: present participle of biancheggiare
biancheggiante {adj} :: whitish
biancheggiare {vi} :: to be white
biancheggiare {vi} :: to turn white
bianchente {v} :: present participle of bianchire
biancheria {f} :: underwear, undergarments, lingerie
biancheria {f} :: linen, sheets
biancheria da letto {f} :: bedlinen, bedclothes
biancheria intima {f} :: underwear, sleepwear
biancheria intima {f} :: intimates
bianchettante {v} :: present participle of bianchettare
bianchettare {vt} :: To correct using correction fluid
bianchetto {adj} :: diminutive of bianco
bianchetto {m} :: ceruse or similar whitening agent or makeup
bianchetto {m} :: correction fluid
bianchetto {m} :: (not usual) singular of bianchetti
bianchezza {f} :: whiteness
Bianchi {prop} :: Bianchi (small town)
Bianchi {prop} :: surname
bianchiccio {adj} /bjanˈkit.t͡ʃo/ :: whitish, off-white
Bianchini {prop} :: surname
bianchino {m} :: glass of white wine
bianchire {vt} :: to whiten
bianchissimo {adj} :: superlative of bianco
biancicante {v} /bjan.t͡ʃiˈkan.te/ :: present participle of biancicare
biancicante {adj} [literary] :: whitish
biancicare {vi} [literary] /bjan.t͡ʃiˈ :: To be white; to be whitish
bianco {adj} /ˈbjaŋko/ :: white (bright and colourless)
bianco {m} :: white (the color of snow or milk)
bianco {m} :: blank
bianco {m} :: linen
bianco {m} :: white man, white person
Bianco {prop} :: given name especially popular in Tuscany
biancoblu {adj} :: white and blue
biancoceleste {adj} :: white and sky-blue
biancoceleste {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the S.S. Lazio, the Italian football team based in Rome
biancoceleste {adj} :: Of or pertaining to any other sporting team wearing a white and sky-blue shirt
biancoceleste {mf} :: A S.S. Lazio player or supporter
biancoceleste {mf} :: A player or supporter of any sporting club wearing a white and sky-blue shirt
bianco dell'uovo {m} :: egg white
bianco d'uovo {m} :: egg white
biancomangiare {m} :: blancmange
biancone {m} :: short-toed eagle or harrier eagle
biancone {m} :: Any species within the subfamily Circaetinae (snake eagle)
biancone {m} :: Circaetus gallicus (short-toed snake eagle)
bianconero {adj} :: black and white
bianconero {adj} :: Pertaining to the Juventus football club of Turin
bianconero {adj} :: Pertaining to Partizan football club of Belgrade, Serbia
bianconero {adj} :: Pertaining to any other sporting team wearing a black and white shirt
bianconiglio {m} [usually, in fairy tales] /bjaŋ.koˈniʎ.ʎo/ :: white rabbit
biancore {m} :: whiteness
biancorosso {adj} :: white and red
biancoscudato {m} :: A footballer who is a member of Calcio Padova
biancosegno {m} :: A signed, blank document
biancoso {adj} [literary, archaic] /bjanˈko.zo/ :: white
biancoso {adj} [literary, archaic] :: whitish
biancospino {m} :: hawthorn (Crataegus laevigata, syn. Crataegus oxycantha)
biancoverde {adj} :: white and green
biancovestito {adj} :: dressed in white
Bianore {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Bianor, another name of Ocnus
Bianore {prop} :: given name
Biasca {prop} :: Biasca (small town)
biascia {f} /ˈbjaʃ.ʃa/ :: drool
biasciare {vt} /bjaʃˈʃ :: alternative form of biascicare
biascicamento {m} :: chewing, chomping
biascicamento {m} :: mumbling, muttering
biascicante {v} :: present participle of biascicare
biascicare {vt} /bjaʃ.ʃiˈ :: to eat slowly and loudly
biascicare {vt} :: to mumble
biascicare {vt} :: to say indistinctly; to slur
biasimabile {adj} :: blameworthy, contemptible
biasimante {v} :: present participle of biasimare
biasimantesi {v} :: present participle of biasimarsi
biasimare {vt} :: to blame
biasimarsi {v} :: reflexive of biasimare
biasimarsi {v} :: to blame oneself
biasimatosi {v} :: past participle of biasimarsi
biasimevole {adj} :: blameworthy
biasimevolmente {adv} :: blameworthily
biasimo {m} :: blame
biasimo {m} :: fault
biasmante {v} :: present participle of biasmare
biasmare {v} :: alternative form of biasimare
biassiale {adj} :: biaxial
biathlon {m} :: biathlon
biatleta {mf} :: biathlete
biatomico {adj} [chemistry, physics] :: diatomic
biauricolare {adj} :: binaural
biavo {adj} :: sky blue
bibace {adj} [literary] :: bibulous
bibagno {adj} :: Having two bathrooms
bibasico {adj} [chemistry] :: dibasic
bibbia {f} /ˈbib.bja/ :: alternative case form of Bibbia
bibbia {f} :: bible (exemplar of the Bible)
bibbia {f} [header] :: Figurative meanings:
bibbia {f} :: A literary work or author of fundamental importance
bibbia {f} :: dogma (authoritative principle)
bibbia {f} [uncommon] :: A verbose text or speech
Bibbia {prop} :: Bible
biberon {m} :: feeding bottle, bottle, baby feeder
Bibione {prop} :: Bibione (small coastal resort)
bibionese {adj} :: Of or from Bibione
bibita {f} /ˈ :: soft drink, non-alcoholic drink
biblicamente {adv} :: biblically
biblico {adj} :: biblical
biblio- {prefix} :: biblio-
bibliobus {m} :: mobile library
bibliofagia {f} :: bibliophagy
bibliofago {m} :: bookworm (all senses)
bibliofilia {f} :: bibliophilia
bibliofilo {m} :: bibliophile
bibliografia {f} :: bibliography
bibliograficamente {adv} :: bibliographically
bibliografico {adj} :: bibliographic
bibliografo {m} :: bibliographer
biblioiatrica {f} :: book restoration and conservation
bibliolatria {f} :: bibliolatry
bibliologia {f} :: bibliology
bibliologo {m} {m} :: bibliologist
bibliomane {mf} :: bibliomaniac
bibliomania {f} :: bibliomania
bibliomanzia {f} :: bibliomancy
bibliometrica {f} :: bibliometrics
bibliometrico {adj} :: bibliometric
bibliopola {mf} /bib.ljoˈpɔ.la/ :: bookseller
biblioteca {f} :: library
biblioteca {f} :: bookcase
bibliotecaria {f} :: female equivalent of bibliotecario
bibliotecario {m} :: librarian
biblioteconomia {f} :: librarianship, library science
biblioteconomista {mf} :: librarian (student of librarianship)
biblista {mf} :: biblist (a Biblical scholar)
bibulo {adj} :: absorbent
bibulo {adj} :: bibulous (fond of drinking)
bica {f} :: haystack (or pile of sheaves)
bicamerale {adj} :: bicameral (two-chamber)
bicameralismo {m} :: bicameralism
bicamere {adj} :: two-room (attributive)
bicarbonato {m} :: bicarbonate
bicarbonato di sodio {m} [inorganic compound] :: sodium bicarbonate
bicchier {m} :: apocopic form of bicchiere
bicchierata {f} /bik.kjeˈra.ta/ :: glass, glassful
bicchierata {f} :: drink
bicchiere {m} /bikˈkjɛ.re/ :: glass (drinking vessel), cup, tumbler (glass without stem)
bicchiere {m} :: glass (quantity)
bicchiere {m} [chemistry] :: beaker (laboratory vessel)
bicchierino {m} :: diminutive of bicchiere; small glass (of liquid)
bicefalo {adj} :: two-headed, bicephalous
bicentenario {m} :: bicentenary
bicentennale {adj} :: bicentennial, bicentenary
bichini {m} :: alternative spelling of bikini
bici {f} /ˈbitʃi/ :: clipping of bicicletta; bike, pushbike
bicicletta {f} /bit͡ʃiˈkletːa/ :: bicycle
biciclettare {v} [neologism] :: to bicycle
biciclettata {f} /bi.t͡ʃi.kleˈtːa.ta/ :: bicycle ride
biciclo {m} :: velocipede, penny-farthing (or any old-fashioned bicycle)
bicilindrico {adj} :: two-cylinder (attributive)
bicipite {adj} /biˈt͡ʃi.pi.te/ :: two-headed
bicipite {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: biceps
bicloruro {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: bichloride
bicocca {f} /biˈkɔk.ka/ :: fort
bicocca {f} :: hovel
bicocca {f} :: shack
bicolano {adj} :: Bicol / Bikol (attributive)
bicolano {m} :: Bicolano (language)
bicolore {adj} :: bicolour, two-tone
biconcavo {adj} :: biconcave
bicondizionale {adj} [mathematics] :: biconditional
biconico {adj} :: biconical
biconsonantico {adj} :: biconsonantal
biconvesso {adj} :: biconvex
bicordo {m} [music] :: A bichord
bicorne {adj} :: two-horned
bicorno {m} :: A two-peaked hat, once worn by the Carabinieri
bicorno {m} [mathematics] :: bicorn
bicornuto {adj} :: two-horned
bicromatico {adj} :: dichromatic
bicromato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: bichromate
bicromato {adj} [photography] :: bichromate (attributive)
bicromia {f} :: Variant of dicromia
biculturale {adj} :: bicultural
biculturalismo {m} :: biculturalism
bicupola {f} [mathematics] :: bicupola
bicuspidale {adj} :: bicuspid
bicuspide {adj} :: bicuspid
bidè {m} :: bidet
bidella {f} :: female equivalent of bidello
bidello {m} /biˈdɛl.lo/ :: caretaker, janitor
bidente {m} :: pitchfork
Bidente {prop} :: Bidente (river)
bideriva {adj} [of an aircraft's tailplane] :: twin-tail (having two vertical fins)
bidimensionale {adj} :: two-dimensional
bidimensionalità {f} :: bidimensionality, two-dimensionality
bidirezionale {adj} :: bidirectional
bidonante {v} :: present participle of bidonare
bidonare {vt} :: to let down, leave in the lurch
bidonare {vt} :: to swindle, cheat
bidonata {f} :: swindle
bidone {m} :: drum (container)
bidone dei rifiuti {m} :: trash can, rubbish bin
bidone dell'immondizia {n} :: garbage can
bidone dell'immondizia {n} :: A receptacle, usually roughly cylindrical and wider at the top than at the bottom, which serves as a place to discard waste materials
bidonista {mf} :: swindler, cheat
bidonvia {f} :: cablecar
bidonville {f} /bi.donˈvil/ :: shantytown, slum
biecamente {adv} :: sullenly
biecamente {adv} :: askance
biechissimo {adj} :: superlative of bieco
bieco {adj} :: sinister, sullen, baleful
biella {f} /ˈbjɛlla/ :: connecting rod
Biella {prop} :: Biella (city/and/province)
biellese {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Biella
biellese {mf} :: Native or inhabitant of Biella
bielletta {f} :: rod, billet
bielorussa {f} :: feminine noun of bielorusso
Bielorussia {prop} :: Bielorussia (country)
bielorusso {adj} :: Belarusian
bielorusso {m} :: Belarusian
bielorusso {m} :: the Belarusian language
bieltate {f} /bjelˈta.te/ :: obsolete form of beltà
Bienna {prop} :: obsolete form of Bienne
biennale {adj} :: biennial (every two years)
biennale {f} :: A celebration or exhibition held every two years
biennalista {mf} :: a student studying a two-year course
biennalizzante {v} :: present participle of biennalizzare
biennalizzare {vt} :: to study a two-year course (or to take an exam in the second year)
biennalmente {adv} :: biennially (every two years)
bienne {adj} [literary] /biˈɛ :: two-year-old
bienne {adj} [botany] :: biennial
biennio {m} /ˈbjɛn.njo/ :: A period of two years
bierre {mf} :: A member of the Brigate Rosse
bieta {f} /ˈbjɛ.ta/ :: synonym of bietola
bieticolo {adj} :: beet-farming (especially sugar-beet) (attributive)
bieticoltore {m} :: beet farmer
bieticoltura {f} :: beet farming
bietola {f} /ˈbjɛ :: Beta vulgaris; beet
bietolone {m} :: orach (of genus Atriplex)
bietolone {m} :: simpleton, fool
bietta {f} /ˈbjet.ta/ :: spline
bietta {f} :: wedge
bifacciale {adj} :: bifacial
bifamiliare {adj} :: semi-detached (houses)
bifamiliare {f} :: Such a house
bifamiliare {f} :: duplex
bifase {adj} :: two-phase (attributive)
bifasico {adj} :: biphasic
bifenile {m} [organic compound] :: biphenyl
Biferno {prop} :: Biferno (river)
biffa {f} :: A telltale (device for indicating cracks in a wall)
bifido {adj} :: bifurcated
bifilare {adj} :: two-wire (electrical cabling etc)
bifocale {adj} :: bifocal
bifolca {f} :: female equivalent of bifolco
bifolcheria {f} /bi.fol.keˈria̯/ :: rude or impolite act
bifolco {m} /biˈfol.ko/ :: bumpkin, yokel
bifora {f} /ˈ :: mullioned window
biforcamento {m} :: bifurcation
biforcante {v} :: present participle of biforcare
biforcantesi {v} :: present participle of biforcarsi
biforcare {vt} :: to divide something into two branches; to bifurcate
biforcare {v} :: to fork
biforcarsi {v} :: reflexive of biforcare
biforcarsi {vr} :: to divide into two branches
biforcarsi {vr} :: to fork
biforcarsi {vr} :: to branch
biforcatosi {v} :: past participle of biforcarsi
biforcatura {f} :: bifurcation, fork, forking, branch
biforcazione {f} :: bifurcation, fork, forking, branch, prong, crotch
biforcuto {adj} :: forked
bifosfonato {m} [organic chemistry] :: bisphosphonate
bifronte {adj} :: bifront, two-faced (all senses)
bifunzionale {adj} :: bifunctional
big {m} :: star (entertainment)
big {m} :: big shot, big noise
biga {f} [historical] :: chariot (two-wheeled)
biga {f} [baking] :: pre-ferment sponge, similar to poolish (bread starter)
bigama {f} :: female equivalent of bigamo
bigamia {f} :: bigamy
bigamo {adj} :: bigamous
bigamo {m} :: bigamist
bigattiera {f} :: silkworm nursery
bigattiere {m} :: silkworm breeder
bigatto {m} :: silkworm
bigeminismo {m} :: bigeminy
bigemino {adj} :: bigeminal
bigemino {adj} :: twin
bigettivo {adj} :: alternative form of biiettivo
bigezione {f} :: Variant of biiezione
bighellante {v} :: present participle of bighellare
bighellare {vi} :: to wander or saunter aimlessly
bighellare {vi} :: to loiter, loaf, bum around idle, laze, lounge
bighellonante {v} :: present participle of bighellonare
bighellonare {vi} :: to loaf around
bighellonare {vi} :: to dawdle
bighellone {mf} :: loafer, loiterer
bigia {f} :: warbler
bigia grossa {f} :: Orphean warbler
bigiante {v} :: present participle of bigiare
bigia padovana {f} :: barred warbler
bigiare {vt} [regional, northern Italian] :: to play truant, play hookey
bigiarella {f} :: lesser whitethroat
bigio {adj} /ˈbi.dʒo/ :: ash gray
bigio {adj} :: dun
bigiotteria {f} :: costume jewelry
bigiotteria {f} :: costume jeweler's; costume jewelry store
bigiotto {m} :: alternative form of bigiotteria
biglia {f} :: alternative form of bilia
bigliardino {m} :: alternative form of biliardino
bigliardo {m} :: Variant of biliardo
bigliettaia {f} :: female equivalent of bigliettaio
bigliettaio {m} :: ticket inspector
bigliettaio {m} :: clerk in a ticket office
bigliettazione {f} :: ticketing
biglietteria {f} :: ticket office
biglietteria {f} :: booking office
biglietteria {f} :: box office
bigliettino {m} :: card (birthday, Christmas etc)
biglietto {m} /biʎˈʎ :: ticket
biglietto {m} :: card
biglietto {m} :: note, slip
biglietto {m} [heraldiccharge] :: billet
biglietto {m} :: note, banknote, bill
biglietto d'auguri {m} :: greeting card
biglietto da visita {m} :: business card
biglietto da visita {m} [figuratively] :: speciality, forte, asset
biglietto di auguri {m} :: Variant of biglietto d'auguri
bigliettone {m} :: A high-value banknote
biglione {m} :: alternative form of bilione
bigloboso {adj} :: having the shape of two globes or globules
bigloboso {adj} :: synonym of didimo
Big Mac {m} :: Big Mac
bignami {m} :: student study guide; book summary
bignami {m} [by extension] :: summary
Bignami {prop} :: surname
bignamino {m} :: handbook, manual, vademecum
Bignardi {prop} :: surname
bignè {m} /biɲˈɲɛ/ :: beignet, fritter
bignè {m} :: puff (pastry)
bignè {m} :: cream puff
bigodino {m} :: curler, roller (in the hair)
bigofono {m} [musical instruments] :: bigophone
bigolaro {m} :: a device through which bigoli are extruded
bigoli {m} :: bigoli
bigoncia {f} :: A wooden tub for collecting, then pressing grapes
bigoncio {m} :: tub
bigoressia {f} [pathology] :: bigorexia
bigottamente {adv} :: bigotedly
bigotteria {f} :: Excessive devoutness
bigotteria {f} :: bigotry
bigottismo {m} :: bigotry
bigotto {adj} /biˈɡɔ :: Over-devout; bigoted
bigotto {m} :: bigot (religious)
bigudino {m} :: alternative form of bigodino
biidrato {m} [chemistry] :: dihydrate
biiettivo {adj} [mathematics] :: bijective
biiezione {f} [mathematics] :: bijection
bijouteria {f} :: synonym of gioielliere
bike {f} :: motorbike, motorcycle
biker {mf} [cycling] :: mountain biker
biker {mf} :: biker (motorcyclist)
bikini {m} :: bikini
Bila {prop} [Biblical character] :: Bilhah
bilabiale {adj} [phonetics] /bi.laˈbja.le/ :: bilabial (articulated with both lips)
bilabiale {f} [phonetics] :: A bilabial speech sound
bilabiato {adj} [botany] :: bilabiate
bilama {adj} :: double-bladed (knife)
bilaminare {adj} :: bilaminar
bilaminato {adj} :: laminated on both sides
bilancia {f} :: balance, scales, scale (device for weighing)
bilancia {f} [economics] :: balance (see also bilancio)
Bilancia {prop} [zodiac constellations, astrology, astronomy] /biˈlantʃa/ :: Libra (constellation)
Bilancia {prop} [astrology] :: Libra (star sign)
bilancia commerciale {f} [economics] :: balance of trade
bilancia dei pagamenti {f} [economics] :: balance of payments
bilanciamento {m} :: balance, balancing
bilanciamento {m} :: equilibrium
bilanciamento {m} :: trim (of a ship etc)
bilanciante {v} :: present participle of bilanciare
bilanciantesi {v} :: present participle of bilanciarsi
bilanciare {vt} :: to balance
bilanciarsi {v} :: reflexive of bilanciare
bilanciarsi {vr} :: to balance, balance out
bilanciatamente {adv} :: in a balanced manner
bilanciatamente {adv} :: in equilibrium
bilanciato {adj} :: balanced
bilanciatosi {v} :: past participle of bilanciarsi
bilanciere {m} :: balance wheel (in a watch)
bilanciere {m} :: compensator (in a machine)
bilanciere {m} :: barbell
bilancio {m} :: balance (list of credits and debits), balance sheet, budget
bilancio {m} :: assessment, result, outcome
bilancio {m} :: toll
bilancio delle vittime {m} :: death toll
bilandro {m} [watercraft, historical] :: alternative form of balandra
bilaterale {adj} :: bilateral
bilateralismo {m} :: bilateralism
bilateralità {f} :: The quality or state of being bilateral
bilateralmente {adv} :: bilaterally
bilatero {adj} :: bilateral
bile {f} [physiology] /ˈbile/ :: bile
bile {f} :: anger
bilharziosi {f} [medicine] :: bilharzia, schistosomiasis
bilia {f} [billiards, snooker] :: billiard/snooker ball
bilia {f} :: marble (small glass sphere)
bilia {f} :: glass ball
bilia bianca {f} [snooker] :: cue ball (white ball)
biliardaia {f} /bi.ljarˈda.ja/ :: feminine noun of biliardaio
biliardaio {m} /bi.ljarˈ :: A pool table maker
biliardaio {m} :: A pool table seller
biliardino {m} :: Small billiard table or snooker table
biliardino {m} :: pinball
biliardo {m} [games, sports] :: billiards, pool
biliardo {num} [number] :: a thousand trillion (thousand million million)
biliare {adj} :: biliary, bilious
bilico {m} :: balance, equilibrium
bilineare {adj} :: bilinear
bilingue {adj} :: bilingual
bilinguismo {m} :: bilingualism
bilinguità {f} :: bilinguality
bilione {num} :: billion
bilionesimo {adj} :: billionth (UK), trillionth (US)
biliosamente {adv} :: irascibly, biliously
bilioso {adj} :: bilious
bilirubina {f} [physiology] :: bilirubin
bilirubinemia {f} [medicine] :: bilirubinemia
biliverdina {f} [biochemistry] :: biliverdin
billetta {f} :: billet (metal)
bilobato {adj} [botany] :: bilobate
bilocale {m} :: two-room apartment
bilocazione {f} :: bilocation
biltà {f} /bilˈta/ :: obsolete form of beltà
biltade {f} /bilˈ :: obsolete form of beltà
biltate {f} /bilˈta.te/ :: obsolete form of beltà
bilux {mp} [Switzerland] :: flashing, blinking, winking
biluxante {v} :: present participle of biluxare
biluxare {vi} [Switzerland] :: to wink, blink or flash
bimane {adj} [tennis] :: two-handed (holding the racket with both hands)
bimano {adj} :: bimanous, two-handed
bimba {f} :: child; baby (female)
bimbaminkia {f} [neologism, colloquial, pejorative Internet slang, vulgar] /ˌbim.baˈmiŋ.kja/ :: A preteen or teenager, specifically one regarded as stupid, immature and annoying
bimbetta {f} :: female equivalent of bimbetto
bimbetto {m} :: toddler
bimbo {m} :: child, baby (male)
bimbominkia {m} [neologism, colloquial, pejorative Internet slang, vulgar] /ˌbim.boˈmiŋ.kja/ :: A preteen or teenager, specifically one regarded as stupid, immature and annoying
bimembre {adj} :: two-limbed
bimensile {adj} :: fortnightly, twice-monthly
bimensilmente {adv} :: fortnightly
bimestrale {adj} :: bimonthly (every two months)
bimestrale {adj} :: two-month (attributive), bimestrial
bimestralità {f} :: Property of being bimonthly
bimestralità {f} :: Property of being bimestrial
bimestre {m} :: two months
bimetallico {adj} :: bimetallic
bimetallico {adj} :: bimetal (attributive)
bimetallismo {m} :: bimetallism
bimetallo {m} :: bimetal
bimillenario {adj} :: bimillennial
bimolecolare {adj} [chemistry, physics] :: bimolecular
bimotore {adj} :: twin-engined
bimotore {m} :: A twin-engined vehicle (especially an aircraft)
bin- {prefix} :: alternative form of bi- [sometimes used before a vowel]
Binaghi {prop} :: surname
binante {v} :: present participle of binare
binare {vt} :: to repeat (do something twice)
binare {vt} :: to double
binario {adj} :: binary
binario {m} [railway] :: line, track, platform
binario {m} :: rail, railway, railroad
binarismo {m} [linguistics] :: binarism
binato {adj} /biˈ :: paired, matched
binato {adj} :: Made up of two distinct elements
binato {adj} [obsolete] :: twin
binatoio {m} :: doubler (textile machine)
binatrice {f} :: plying or twisting machine (for yarn)
binatura {f} :: plying or twisting (of threads of yarn prior to spinning)
binaurale {adj} :: binaural (involving both ears)
binazionale {adj} :: binational
binazione {f} :: doubling
binda {f} :: jack (tool)
bindella {f} :: A steel rib that holds the two barrels of a hunting rifle together and forms a line of sight
bindello {m} :: A tape or ribbon used to hermetically seal food packaging
bindello {m} :: An embossed tape, that accompanies material being shipped, that records its weight
binder {m} :: a mixture of bitumen and gravel etc. used in roadbuilding
bindolante {v} :: present participle of bindolare
bindolare {vt} :: To trick or take in
bindoleria {f} :: cheat, fraud, swindle
bindolo {m} :: water wheel
bindolo {m} :: winder
bindolo {m} [figurative] :: trick, chicanery
bingo {m} :: bingo (game)
bingo {interj} :: bingo!
bino {adj} /ˈ :: double
binoccolo {m} :: alternative form of binocolo
binocolo {m} :: binoculars
binocolo {m} :: opera glasses
binocolo {m} :: spyglass
binoculare {adj} :: binocular
binomiale {adj} [maths] :: binomial
binomio {adj} [maths] /biˈnɔ :: binomial
binomio {m} [maths, algebra] :: binomial
binomio {m} :: duo
binormale {m} [maths] :: binormal
binubo {m} :: a person who has been married twice
binucleato {adj} :: binuclear
-bio {suffix} :: organism
bio- {prefix} :: bio- (life)
bioaccumulo {m} :: bioaccumulation
bioacustica {f} [biology, physics] :: bioacoustics
bioacustico {adj} [biology, physics] :: bioacoustic
bioagricoltore {m} :: ecological farmer
bioagricoltura {f} :: bioagriculture (ecological agriculture)
bioalimento {m} :: organic food
bioarchitettura {f} [architecture] :: bioarchitecture (ecological architecture)
bioastronautica {f} [medicine] :: bioastronautics (study of medical and physiological problems of space flight)
bioastronautico {adj} :: bioastronautical
bioattivazione {f} :: bioactivation
bioattivo {adj} :: bioactive
biobibliografia {f} :: biobibliography / bio-bibliography (biographical and bibliographical data of a person)
biobibliografico {adj} :: biobibliographic
biocarburante {m} :: biofuel
biocatalitico {adj} :: biocatalytic
biocatalizzatore {m} :: biocatalyst
bioccolo {m} :: ball of cotton or wool
bioccupato {adj} :: Having two jobs
biocenologia {f} :: biocoenology
biocenosi {f} [biology] :: biocenosis
biocentrismo {m} :: biocentrism
biochimica {f} :: biochemistry
biochimica {f} :: female equivalent of biochimico
biochimicamente {adv} :: biochemically
biochimico {adj} :: biochemical
biochimico {m} :: biochemist
biochimismo {m} :: synonym of biochimica
biocida {adj} :: biocide (attributive)
bioclastico {adj} [geology] :: bioclastic
bioclimatico {adj} :: bioclimatic
bioclimatologia {f} :: bioclimatology
biocombustibile {m} :: biofuel
biocompatibile {adj} :: biocompatible
biocompatibilità {f} :: biocompatibility
bioconiugato {adj} :: bioconjugated
biocostruzione {f} :: bioconstruction
bioculare {adj} :: Variant of binoculare
bioculturale {adj} :: biocultural
biodegradabile {adj} :: biodegradable
biodegradabilità {f} :: biodegradability
biodegradante {v} :: present participle of biodegradare
biodegradantesi {v} :: present participle of biodegradarsi
biodegradare {vt} :: To biodegrade
biodegradarsi {v} :: reflexive of biodegradare
biodegradarsi {vr} :: to biodegrade
biodegradatosi {v} :: past participle of biodegradarsi
biodegradazione {f} [biology] :: biodegradation
biodinamica {f} :: biodynamics
biodinamico {adj} :: biodynamic
biodinamico {adj} [agriculture] :: organic
biodiritto {m} [legal] :: The aspects of law that apply to biotechnology etc
biodisponibile {adj} :: bioavailable
biodisponibilità {f} [pharmacology] :: bioavailability
biodiversità {f} :: biodiversity
biodo {m} /ˈ :: simplestem bur-reed (Sparganium erectum)
bioecologia {f} :: bioecology
bioeconomia {f} :: bioeconomics
bioeconomico {adj} :: bioeconomic
bioedilizia {f} :: green building (the trade)
bioelettricità {f} [biology, physics] :: bioelectricity
bioelettrico {adj} :: bioelectrical
bioelettronica {f} :: bioelectronics
bioenergetica {f} :: bioenergetics
bioenergetico {adj} :: bioenergetic
bioenergia {f} :: bioenergy
bioequivalente {adj} :: bioequivalent
bioequivalenza {f} :: bioequivalence
bioerma {m} :: Variant of bioherma
bioestetica {f} :: bioaesthetics
bioetanolo {m} :: bioethanol
bioetica {f} :: bioethics
bioetico {adj} :: bioethical
biofabbrica {f} :: A company or factory that makes biological control agents (especially one that breeds insects and other pathogens)
biofarmaceutica {f} :: biopharmaceutics
biofattore {m} :: biofactor
biofeedback {m} :: biofeedback
biofilia {f} :: biophilia
biofilo {m} :: biophile
biofilosofia {f} :: biophilosophy
biofisica {f} [biology, physics] :: biophysics
biofisico {m} :: biophysicist
biofisico {adj} :: biophysical
bioflavonoide {m} :: bioflavonoid
biofobia {f} :: biophobia
biofotogenesi {f} :: biophotogenesis
biofotolisi {f} [biochemistry] :: biophotolysis
biogas {n} :: biogas
biogenesi {f} :: biogenesis
biogenetica {f} :: biogenetics
biogenetico {adj} :: biogenetic
biogenia {f} :: biogeny
biogenico {adj} :: biogenic
biogeno {adj} [biochemistry, geology] :: biogenic
biogeochimico {adj} [ecology, chemistry] :: biogeochimical
biogeodinamica {f} :: biogeodynamics
biogeografia {f} [biology, geography] :: biogeography
biogeografico {adj} [biology, geography] :: biogeographic
Bioggio {prop} :: Bioggio (small town)
biografa {f} :: female equivalent of biografo
biografante {v} :: present participle of biografare
biografare {vt} :: to biographize
biografato {m} :: biographee
biografia {f} :: biography
biograficamente {adv} :: biographically
biografico {adj} :: biographical
biografietta {f} :: biographette
biografo {m} :: biographer
bioherma {m} [geology] :: bioherm
bioidrogeno {m} :: biohydrogen
bioindicatore {m} :: bioindicator
bioinformatica {f} [biology, computing] :: bioinformatics
bioinformatico {adj} :: bioinformatic
bioingegnere {m} :: bioengineer
bioingegneria {f} :: bioengineering
bioinorganico {adj} [biochemistry] :: bioinorganic
biolca {f} :: A regional unit of area approximately equal to a third of a hectare
bioliquido {m} :: bioliquid
biolistico {adj} :: biolistic
biologa {f} :: female equivalent of biologo
biologia {f} /bioloˈdʒi.a/ :: biology
biologia marina {f} [biology] :: marine biology
biologicamente {adv} :: biologically
biologicamente {adv} :: organically
biologico {adj} :: biological
biologico {adj} :: organic
biologismo {m} :: biologism
biologo {m} :: biologist
bioluminescente {adj} :: bioluminescent
bioluminescenza {f} [biology, chemistry] :: bioluminescence, foxfire
bioma {m} [ecology] :: biome
biomanipolazione {f} :: biomanipulation
biomarcatore {m} :: biomarker
biomassa {f} :: biomass
biomatematica {f} [biology, mathematics] :: biomathematics
biomatematico {adj} :: biomathematical
biomateriale {m} :: biomaterial
biomeccanica {f} :: biomechanics
biomeccanico {adj} :: biomechanical
biomedicale {adj} :: biomedical
biomedicina {f} [biology, medicine] :: biomedicine
biomedico {adj} :: biomedical
biometano {m} :: biomethane
biometeorologia {f} :: biometeorology
biometeorologico {adj} :: biometeorological
biometria {f} :: biometrics
biometrico {adj} :: biometric
biometrista {mf} :: biometrician
biomicroscopia {f} :: biomicroscopy, cytology
biomimesi {f} :: biomimicry
biomimetica {f} [biology] :: biomimicry
biomimetico {adj} :: biomimetic
biomimica {f} [biology] :: biomimicry
biomineralogia {f} [biology, mineralogy] :: biomineralogy
biomolecola {f} [biochemistry] :: biomolecule
biomolecolare {adj} :: biomolecular
biomorfo {adj} :: biomorphic
biomorfologia {m} :: biomorphology
biomorfologico {adj} :: biomorphological
bionda {f} :: blonde, blonde woman, woman with blonde hair
biondastro {adj} :: blondish (somewhat blond)
biondeggiante {v} :: present participle of biondeggiare
biondeggiante {adj} :: yellowing (turning yellow or golden)
biondeggiare {vi} :: To turn yellow or golden (of corn etc)
biondella {f} :: centaury
biondella {f} :: knapweed
biondezza {f} :: blondness
biondiccio {adj} :: greying (hair)
biondina {f} :: blonde (girl)
biondino {m} :: young blond man
biondissimo {adj} :: superlative of biondo
biondo {adj} :: blond (man, man's hair), blonde (woman, woman's hair), fair-haired
biondo {m} :: blond, blond man, man with blond hair
biondo platino {adj} :: platinum blond
biondo rame {adj} :: auburn
bionica {f} :: bionics
bionico {adj} :: bionic
bionomia {f} :: bionomics, ecology
bio-ossidazione {f} [biochemistry] :: bio-oxidation (bacterial oxidation)
bioparco {m} :: A zoo that pays especial attention to the needs of the animals and their environment
bioparco {m} :: Originally, a zoo whose main function was entertainment of the public rather than conservation etc
biopatia {f} :: biopathy
biopirateria {f} :: biopiracy
bioplastica {f} :: bioplastic
biopolimero {m} [biochemistry] :: biopolymer
biopolitica {f} :: biopolitics
bioproteina {f} :: biological protein; bioprotein
biopsia {f} [medicine] :: biopsy
bioptico {adj} :: biopsic / bioptic
biorario {adj} :: two-hourly
bioreattore {m} :: bioreactor
bioregionalismo {m} :: bioregionalism
bioregione {f} /bi.o.reˈd͡ʒ :: bioregion
biorisanamento {m} [ecology] :: bioremediation
biorisorsa {f} [biology] :: bioresource
bioritmico {adj} :: biorhythmic
bioritmo {m} :: biorhythm
biorizzazione {f} :: biorization
biosatellite {f} :: biosatellite
bioscia {f} [regional] :: soft snow
bioscia {f} [regional] :: slops, swill, dishwater
bioscienza {f} [biology] :: bioscience
bioscopia {f} [medicine] :: bioscopy
biosensore {m} :: biosensor
biosfera {f} :: biosphere
biosferico {adj} :: biospherical
-biosi {suffix} [biology] :: -biosis
biosintesi {f} [biochemistry] :: biosynthesis
biosintetico {adj} :: biosynthetic
biosintetizzante {v} :: present participle of biosintetizzare
biosintetizzare {vt} [biochemistry] :: to biosynthesize
biosintetizzato {adj} [biochemistry] :: biosynthesized; biosynthetic
biosistema {m} :: ecosystem
biosociologia {f} :: biosociology
biosostenibile {adj} :: biosustainable
biospeleologia {f} :: biospeleology
biossidazione {f} :: alternative form of bio-ossidazione
biossido {m} :: dioxide
biossido di carbonio {n} :: carbon dioxide
biostatistica {f} :: biostatistics
biostatistico {adj} :: biostatistical
biostratigrafia {f} :: biostratigraphy
biostratigrafico {adj} :: biostratigraphical
biot {m} :: biot
biotecnica {f} :: biotechnics
biotecnico {adj} :: biotechnical, biotechnological, biotech
biotecnico {m} :: biotechnologist
biotecnologa {f} :: female equivalent of biotecnologo
biotecnologia {f} [biology] :: biotechnology
biotecnologico {adj} :: biotechnological, biotech
biotecnologo {m} :: biotechnologist
bioteologia {f} :: biotheology
bioterapeuta {mf} :: biotherapist
bioterapia {f} :: biotherapy
bioterrorismo {m} :: bioterrorism
bioterrorista {mf} :: bioterrorist
biotestamento {m} :: living will
-biotico {suffix} :: -biotic
biotico {adj} :: biotic
biotina {f} :: biotin
biotipo {m} [biology] :: biotype
biotipologia {f} :: biotypology
biotite {f} [mineral] :: biotite
biotopo {m} [ecology] :: biotope
biotossina {f} :: biotoxin
biotrasformazione {f} [biochemistry] :: biotransformation
biottico {adj} :: bioptic (having two (groups of) lenses in parallel)
biotto {adj} /ˈbjɔ :: naked
bioturbazione {f} :: bioturbation
bioumorale {adj} :: biohumoral
biova {f} :: A roundish loaf (of bread)
biovetro {m} :: bioglass (biocompatible, glasslike material used in implants etc)
biovulare {adj} :: dizygotic
biovulari {adj} :: biovular
bipala {adj} :: two-bladed
biparo {adj} :: biparous
bipartente {v} :: present participle of bipartire
bipartentesi {v} :: present participle of bipartirsi
bipartibile {adj} :: divisible into two
bipartire {vt} :: to divide in two
bipartirsi {v} :: reflexive of bipartire
bipartirsi {vr} :: to divide into two
bipartisan {adj} :: bipartisan
bipartitico {adj} :: two-party (attributive)
bipartitismo {m} [politics] :: two-party system
bipartito {adj} :: Divided into two
bipartito {adj} :: two-party (attributive)
bipartitosi {v} :: past participle of bipartirsi
bipartizione {f} :: division into two parts
bipartizione {f} :: split (in a political party)
bipasso {adj} :: Describing an electrical socket that can accommodate two pins
bipede {adj} :: bipedal
bipede {mf} :: biped
bipennato {adj} [botany] :: bipinnate
bipiede {m} :: bipod (to support a firearm)
bipiramidale {adj} :: bipyramidal
bipiramide {f} :: bipyramid
biplano {adj} :: two-winged
biplano {m} :: biplane
bipode {m} :: bipod (to support a firearm)
bipolare {adj} :: bipolar
bipolarismo {m} [politics] :: two-coalition system, two-party system
bipolarista {mf} :: a supporter of two-party politics
bipolarità {f} :: bipolarity
bipolarizzazione {f} :: bipolarization
bipolarone {m} [physics] :: bipolaron
bipolo {m} :: dipole
biposto {adj} :: two-seater (attributive)
biqquadro {m} :: alternative form of bequadro
biquotidiano {adj} :: twice daily
biradicale {m} [organic chemistry] :: biradical
biradicale {adj} [organic chemistry] :: biradical
birba {f} :: rascal, rogue
birbantaggine {f} :: roguery, knavery
birbante {mf} :: rascal, rogue
birbantella {f} :: rascal, ruffian
birbanteria {f} :: roguery, knavery
birbantescamente {adv} :: rogueishly
birbantescamente {adv} :: impudently
birbantesco {adj} :: rogueish, rascally
birbantesco {adj} :: impudent
birbo {m} [colloquial, dated] :: scoundrel, rascal
birbonata {f} :: naughty trick
birboncello {adj} :: roguish
birboncello {adj} :: mischievous
birbone {adj} :: naughty
birbone {adj} :: wicked
birbone {adj} :: mischief
birboneria {f} :: roguery, knavery
birboneria {f} :: mischief
birbonescamente {adv} :: roguishly
birbonesco {adj} :: roguish, rascally
bircio {adj} :: short-sighted; crosseyed
bireattore {m} :: twin-engine jet
bireme {f} /bi.ˈrɛ.me/ :: bireme
biribissi {m} :: A game of chance using numbered counters
biribissi {m} :: top (toy)
birichina {f} :: female equivalent of birichino
birichinamente {adv} :: mischievously, impishly
birichinamente {adv} :: slyly
birichinata {f} :: prank, practical joke
birichineria {f} :: mischief, impishness
birichino {adj} :: mischievous, impish
birichino {adj} :: sly
birichino {adj} :: naughty
birichino {m} :: rascal, imp (mischievious person)
birichino {m} :: pickle
birifrangente {adj} :: birefringent
birifrangenza {f} [physics] :: birefringence
birifrazione {f} [physics] :: birefringence
birignao {m} :: affected tone or way of speaking
birillo {m} :: pin
birillo {m} :: ninepin, skittle
birillo {m} [in the plural, games] :: ninepins, skittles
birillo {m} :: cone
birmana {f} :: feminine noun of birmano
Birmania {prop} /birˈma.nja/ :: Burma
birmano {adj} :: Burmese
birmano {m} :: Burmese
birmano {m} :: the Burmese language
biro {f} :: ballpoint pen, biro
birocciaio {m} :: carter
biroccino {m} :: gig
biroccio {m} :: cart
biroccio {m} :: cartload
birotore {adj} :: two-, twin- or tandem-rotor
birra {f} /ˈbir.ra/ :: beer
birra {f} :: beer, glass of beer
birracchio {m} :: yearling bull (uncastrated one-year-old male calf)
birraia {f} :: female equivalent of birraio
birra inglese {f} :: bitter (type of beer popular in Britain)
birraio {m} :: brewer
birraio {m} :: beer seller
birrario {adj} :: beer (attributive)
birreria {f} :: beer bar, beer parlour, alehouse (pub or bar where beer is sold)
birreria {f} :: brewery
birretta {f} :: diminutive of birra
birretta {f} [colloquial] :: beer
birrificazione {f} :: brewing (of beer)
birrificio {m} /bir.riˈfi.t͡ʃo/ :: brewery
bis- {prefix} /bis/ :: alternative form of bi-; bis-; di-
bis- {prefix} :: great-
bis- {prefix} :: Used with adjectives or verbs to denote a generic pejorative connotation
bis {m} /bis/ :: encore
bis {m} :: repetition
bis {m} :: duo (two varieties as a unit)
bis {adj} :: additional
bisaccaride {m} :: Variant of disaccaride
bisaccia {f} :: knapsack, haversack
bisaccia {f} :: pannier, saddlebag
bisacuto {adj} :: double-edged (blade)
Bisagno {prop} :: A river that flows through Genua
bisantato {adj} [heraldry] :: bezanty, bezanted
bisante {m} :: bezant (all senses)
bisante {m} [heraldiccharge] :: bezant or plate
bisantino {adj} :: Variant of bizantino
bisantino {m} :: Variant of bizantino
Bisanzio {prop} :: Byzantium
bisarca {f} :: car transporter, auto carrier, autorack
bisarcavolo {m} /bi.zarˈka.vo.lo/ :: great-great-great-grandfather
bisarcavolo {m} :: great-great-great-grandparent
bisarcavolo {m} [by extension] :: distant ancestor
bisarchista {mf} :: car transporter driver
bisava {f} /biˈ :: great-grandmother
bisavo {m} /biˈza.vo/ :: great-grandfather
bisavo {m} [in the plural] :: forefathers
bisavola {f} /biˈ :: great-grandmother
bisavolo {m} /biˈza.vo.lo/ :: great-grandfather
bisavolo {m} [in the plural] :: forefathers
bisbeticamente {adv} :: crabbily
bisbetico {adj} /bisˈbɛ.ti.ko/ :: ill-tempered, crabby, scold
bisbetico {m} :: A quirky or temperamental person [male]
bisbigliamento {m} :: A soft whispering
bisbigliante {v} :: present participle of bisbigliare
bisbigliare {vit} /bis.biʎˈʎ :: to whisper
bisbigliatore {adj} :: whispering
bisbigliatore {adj} :: slanderous
bisbigliatore {m} :: whisperer
bisbigliatore {m} :: slanderer
bisbiglio {m} :: whisper, murmur, susurration
bisbiglio {m} :: rumour, whisper, tittle-tattle
bisbiglio {m} [literary] :: rustling, a sound similar to the movement of leaves
bisbiglione {m} :: slanderer
bisbiglione {m} :: gossip
bisboccia {f} :: binge, spree, jag, riot
bisbocciante {v} :: present participle of bisbocciare
bisbocciare {vi} :: to make merry
bisbocciare {vi} :: to go on a spree
bisboccione {m} :: merrymaker
bisca {f} :: gambling house, gambling den
Biscaglia {prop} :: Biscay
biscaglina {f} [nautical] :: rope ladder
biscaiolo {m} :: gambler (who frequents gambling dens)
biscazza {f} :: alternative form of bisca
biscazziere {m} :: Manager of a gambling den
biscazziere {m} :: scorer (in billiards)
Bisceglie {prop} :: Bisceglie (town)
biscegliese {adj} :: Of, or from, Bisceglie
biscegliese {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Bisceglie
bischera {f} :: female equivalent of bischero
bischeraggine {f} :: stupidity, idiocy
bischerata {f} [regional] :: stupid thing, rubbish, foolishness, stupidity
bischerello {m} :: Wooden stopper (for a flask or bottle)
bischero {m} :: fool, idiot
bischero {m} :: peg (on a stringed instrument)
bischero {m} :: prick (fool, and penis)
biscia {f} :: snake (non-poisonous, such as the grass snake)
biscione {m} [heraldiccharge] /biʃˈʃ :: A heraldic device consisting of a large snake devouring a person
biscondola {f} :: sun trap
biscottante {v} :: present participle of biscottare
biscottare {vt} :: to bake (in an oven in order to remove moisture and make crisp or crunchy)
biscottato {adj} :: toasted
biscotteria {f} :: biscuit factory or shop
biscotteria {f} :: assortment of biscuits
biscottiera {f} :: biscuit barrel, biscuit tin [British], cookie jar [US]
biscottiere {m} :: biscuit maker (person)
biscottiero {adj} :: biscuit making (attributive)
biscottificio {m} :: biscuit factory
biscottino {m} :: diminutive of biscotto; small biscuit
biscottino {m} :: A small connecting rod in part of a car
biscotto {m} /biˈskɔ :: biscuit, cookie
biscotto {m} [sports slang, uncountable] :: tactical play between two people (or two teams) aimed to wrong or evict a third person (or a third team)
biscroma {f} [music] :: demisemiquaver [British], thirty-second note [US]
biscugina {f} :: female equivalent of biscugino
biscugino {m} :: second cousin
biscuit {m} :: biscuit (white earthenware)
biscuit {m} :: wafer [for ice cream]
bisdosso {adv} :: Used only in the term a bisdosso
bisdrucciolo {adj} [linguistics, of a word] /bisˈdrut.t͡ʃo.lo/ :: Having the stress on the fourth from last syllable
bisecante {v} :: present participle of bisecare
bisecante {adj} [mathematics] :: bisecant (attrivutive)
bisecante {f} [mathematics] :: bisecant
bisecare {vt} :: to bisect
bisecato {adj} :: bisected
bisecolare {adj} :: bicentennial (attributive)
bisellante {v} :: present participle of bisellare
bisellare {vt} :: To chamfer
bisello {m} :: chamfer
bisello {m} :: round
bisemico {adj} [linguistics] :: bisemic
bisenso {m} :: Any word that has two different meanings
Bisenzio {prop} :: Bisenzio (river)
Bisenzo {prop} :: alternative form of Bisenzio
Biserta {prop} :: Biserta (city)
bisessuale {adj} :: bisexual
bisessuale {mf} :: bisexual
bisessualità {f} :: bisexuality
bisessuato {adj} :: bisexual
bisestile {adj} :: bissextile, leap (attributive)
bisesto {adj} :: bissextile, leap
bisesto {m} :: leap day
bisettimanale {adj} :: twice-weekly
bisettimanalmente {adv} :: twice-weekly
bisettore {adj} [mathematics] :: bisecting (plane)
bisettrice {f} [geometry] :: bisector
bisex {adj} :: bisexual
bisex {adj} :: unisex (suitable for either sex)
bisezione {f} [geometry] :: bisection
bisfenoide {m} :: bisphenoid
bisfenolo {m} [organic compound] :: bisphenol
bisfosfato {m} :: bisphosphate
bisgenero {m} :: husband of a granddaughter or niece
Bisiacaria {prop} :: A region of Friuli-Venezia Giulia corresponding to the southern part of the province of Gorizia
bisiacco {n} :: Bisiac
bisiacco {adj} :: Bisiac
bisiaco {adj} :: of or from Bisiacaria
bisillabico {adj} :: bisyllabic
bisillabo {adj} :: disyllabic
bisillabo {m} :: disyllable
bislaccamente {adv} :: oddly, strangely, weirdly
bislaccheria {f} :: oddness, strangeness, weirdness
bislacco {adj} :: odd, strange, weird
bislama {m} :: Bislama
bisleale {adj} :: Very disloyal
bislingua {f} :: The plant butcher's broom, Ruscus aculeatus
bislungamente {adv} :: in an oblong manner
bislungo {adj} :: oblong
bislungo {m} :: tray
bismalva {f} :: marshmallow
Bismarck {prop} :: Bismarck
bismarckiano {adj} :: Bismarckian
bismutinite {f} [mineral] :: bismuthinite
bismuto {m} [chemistry] /biˈ :: bismuth
bisnipote {mf} :: great-grandchild (great-grandson or great-granddaughter)
bisnipote {mf} :: great-nephew or great-niece
bisnonna {f} :: great-grandmother
bisnonno {m} :: great-grandfather
bisnonno {m} [in the plural] :: great-grandparents
bisogna {f} :: thing, matter, affair
bisogna {f} :: necessity, requirement, need
bisognante {v} :: present participle of bisognare
bisognare {vi} [impersonal] :: to be necessary, to have to, must, should, ought to
bisognatario {m} :: guarantor (of a financial instrument)
bisognevole {adj} :: needy
bisognevole {adj} :: in need (of)
bisognevole {adj} :: necessary
bisognino {m} :: urination or defecation (euphemistically)
bisogno {m} /biˈzoɲ.ɲo/ :: need
bisogno fisiologico {m} :: synonym of bisogno impellente
bisogno impellente {m} :: call of nature
bisognosa {f} :: poor woman
bisognosamente {adv} :: needily
bisognosamente {adv} :: needfully
bisognoso {adj} :: in need (of)
bisognoso {adj} :: needy, poor
bisognoso {m} :: poor person
bisogno urgente {m} :: synonym of bisogno impellente
bisolfato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: bisulfate
bisolfito {m} :: bisulfite
bisolfito di sodio {m} [inorganic compound] :: sodium bisulfite
bisolfuro {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: bisulfide
bisonico {adj} :: supersonic (more specifically, having twice the speed of sound)
bisonte {m} :: bison
bisostituito {adj} [chemistry] :: disubstituted
bispensiero {m} :: doublethink
bispettro {m} [mathematics] :: bispectrum
bissante {v} :: present participle of bissare
bissare {vt} :: To give an encore
bissare {vt} :: To repeat
bissino {adj} :: Fine linen (attributive)
bissinosi {f} /bis.siˈnɔ.zi/ :: byssinosis
bisso {m} :: A fine linen
bissona {f} [nautical] :: A Venetian ceremonial rowing boat, having eight rowers, used only in processions
bistabile {adj} :: bistable
bistabilità {f} :: bistability
bistecca {f} [regional] :: steak (beef)
bistecca {f} [regional] :: steak (with no bone)
bistecchiera {f} :: steak grill, steak pan
bistentare {vi} [obsolete] /bis.tenˈ :: To suffer greatly
bistentare {vi} [obsolete] :: To wait, to loiter
bistento {m} /bisˈtɛ :: anxious or worried expectation
bisticciamento {m} :: quarrel, row, altercation, tiff, squabble
bisticciante {v} :: present participle of bisticciare
bisticciantesi {v} :: present participle of bisticciarsi
bisticciare {vi} :: To bicker or quarrel
bisticciarsi {v} :: reflexive of bisticciare
bisticciarsi {vr} :: to bicker, quarrel
bisticciatosi {v} :: past participle of bisticciarsi
bisticcio {m} :: quarrel, squabble
bisticcio {m} :: pun, play on words
bisticcio di parole {m} :: alternative form of gioco di parole
bistondo {adj} /bisˈ :: roundish
bistorta {f} :: bistort (Persicaria bistorta)
bistorto {adj} :: Irregularly twisted or crooked
bistrante {v} :: present participle of bistrare
bistrare {vt} :: to make up using bistre cosmetic
bistrattante {v} :: present participle of bistrattare
bistrattare {vt} :: To mistreat or ill-treat
bistrattato {adj} :: mistreated, ill-treated
bistro {m} :: bistre
bistrot {m} :: bistro
bisturi {m} [surgery] /ˈbis.tu.ri/ :: scalpel, bistoury, lancet
bisulce {adj} :: alternative form of bisulco
bisulco {adj} :: divided in two
bisulco {adj} :: cloven (hoof)
bisunto {adj} :: very greasy
Bitinia {prop} :: Bithynia
bitonale {adj} [music] :: bitonal [all senses]
bitonalità {f} [music] :: bitonality
bitontina {f} :: feminine noun of bitontino
bitontino {adj} :: Of, or from, Bitonto
bitontino {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Bitonto
Bitonto {prop} :: Bitonto (town)
bitorzolo {m} :: bump, lump, bonk (on the body)
bitorzolo {m} :: botch
bitorzoluto {adj} :: gnarled, knotted (tree)
bitorzoluto {adj} :: warty (face)
bitroncato {adj} [mathematics] :: bitruncated
bitta {f} [nautical] :: bollard, kevel, cleat. bitt
bitter {m} :: bitters
bitto {m} :: bitto
bitumante {v} :: present participle of bitumare
bitumare {vt} :: to bituminize
bitumatrice {f} :: bitumen spreader (machine)
bitumatura {f} :: bituminization
bitumazione {f} :: bituminization
bitume {m} :: bitumen, tar
bituminante {v} :: present participle of bituminare
bituminare {vt} :: To bituminize
bituminoso {adj} :: bituminous
bitumizzazione {f} :: bitumization
biturbo {adj} :: Having twin turbochargers
biturgense {adj} :: Of or from Sansepolcro
biunivocità {f} [mathematics] /͡ʃiˈta/ :: bijection
biunivoco {adj} /bi.uˈni.vo.ko/ :: biunivocal, bijective
bivaccante {v} :: present participle of bivaccare
bivaccare {vi} :: to bivouac
bivaccare {vi} :: to bed down
bivacco {m} :: bivouac
bivalente {adj} :: bivalent
bivalente {adj} [chemistry] :: divalent
bivalenza {f} :: bivalence
bivalve {m} :: bivalve
bivero {m} [obsolete] :: beaver
bivio {m} /ˈbivjo/ :: fork (in the road)
bivio {m} [figurative, by extension] :: crossroads
bivoltino {adj} :: bivoltine
Bivona {prop} :: A comune of Agrigento, in Sicily
Bixio {prop} :: surname
Bixio {prop} :: Nino Bixio, Italian patriot
biyori {n} :: A type of rice
bizantineggiante {v} :: present participle of bizantineggiare
bizantineggiare {vi} [arts] :: to paint in the Byzantine style
bizantineggiare {vi} :: to split hairs, be pedantic
bizantineria {f} :: Byzantism
bizantinismo {m} :: Byzantism, Byzantinism
bizantino {adj} :: Byzantine
bizantino {adj} :: pedantic
bizza {f} :: tantrum
bizza {f} [rare] :: bigot
bizza {f} [rare] :: spinster
bizzarramente {adv} :: bizarrely
bizzarria {f} :: oddness, eccentricity
bizzarria {f} :: oddity, curiosity
bizzarro {adj} /bid.ˈ :: odd, queer, eccentric, bizarre, weird
bizzarro {adj} :: frisky (horse)
bizzeffe {n} /bidˈdzɛf.fe/ :: only used in a bizzeffe
bizzosamente {adv} :: capriciously
bizzoso {adj} :: capricious, whimsical
Bizzozero {prop} :: A district of Varese in Lombardy
blachernioto {adj} :: Blachernae (attributive)
blaga {f} /ˈbla.ɡa/ :: boasting, bragging
blairismo {m} :: Blairism
blanco {m} [football] :: A Real Madrid football player (in plural - the team)
blandamente {adv} :: mildly, gently, softly
blandente {v} :: present participle of blandire
blandire {vt} :: to coax, blandish, or cajole
blandire {vt} :: to mitigate [a pain, punishment, etc.]; to relieve; to soothe
blandire {vt} [literary] :: to caress
blandizia {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: blandishment
blando {adj} :: mild
blando {adj} :: weak
blando {adj} :: bland
blanquiste {m} :: Blanquist
blasé {adj} :: blasé
blasfema {f} :: feminine noun of blasfemo
blasfemare {v} /blas.feˈ :: synonym of bestemmiare
blasfemia {f} :: blasphemy
blasfemo {adj} :: blasphemous
blasfemo {m} :: blasphemer
Blasi {prop} :: surname
blasonario {m} [heraldry] :: armorial
blasonato {adj} :: armigerous; noble
blasonato {adj} [sports] :: that has won many trophies
blasonatura {f} :: blazon (formal description of a coat-of-arms)
blasone {m} :: coat of arms, escutcheon, blazon
blasonista {mf} :: blazoner, heraldist
blastare {vt} [neologism] /blasˈ :: to destroy
blastare {vt} [neologism, figurative] :: to criticize heavily
-blastico {suffix} :: -blastic
-blasto {suffix} :: -blast
blastocisti {f} [biology] :: blastocyst
blastocistico {adj} :: blastocystic
blastoderma {m} [embryology] :: blastoderm
blastogenesi {f} :: blastogenesis
blastoma {m} [oncology] :: blastoma
blastomero {m} [embryology] :: blastomere
blastomicete {m} :: blastomycete (fungus of genus Blastomyces)
blaterante {v} :: present participle of blaterare
blaterare {vi} :: to blather, blab, blurt or smatter
blaterazione {f} :: chatter, drivel, nonsense
blaterone {m} :: blatherer, chatterer
blatta {f} [entomology] /ˈbla.tːa/ :: cockroach
blaugrana {m} :: Barcelona football club, or any of its players
blefarite {f} [pathology] :: blepharitis
blefaroplastica {f} [surgery] :: blepharoplasty
blefaroptosi {f} :: blepharoptosis
blefarospasmo {m} [physiology] :: blepharospasm
bleffante {v} :: present participle of bleffare
bleffare {v} :: alternative form of bluffare
blenda {f} [mineral] :: zinc blende, sphalerite
bleniese {adj} :: Of or from Blenio
Blenio {prop} :: Blenio (small town/and/district)
blennide {m} [ichthyology] /ˈblɛ :: Any member of the Blenniidae taxonomic family
blennidi {m} {p} :: The Blenniidae taxonomic family
blennio {m} /ˈblɛn.njo/ :: The Blennius taxonomic genus
blennio {m} [ichthyology] :: Any member of the Blennius taxonomic genus
bleno- {prefix} :: Used to form terms relating to pus or mucus
blenorragia {f} :: blennorrhea
blenorragia {f} :: gonorrhea
blenorrea {f} [disease] :: gonorrhea
blesbok {m} /ˈblɛs.bok/ :: blesbuck (Damaliscus pygargus phillipsi)
blesità {f} :: lisp, lisping
bleso {adj} /ˈblɛ.zo/ :: having a lisp, sibilant
blinda {f} [military] /ˈblin.da/ :: armour
blindaggio {m} :: armour, armour plating
blindante {v} :: present participle of blindare
blindare {vt} /blinˈ :: To armour, to armor
blindatissimo {adj} :: superlative of blindato
blindato {adj} :: armoured, armored
blindato {adj} :: bulletproof
blindato {adj} :: unmodifiable, unalterable, fixed
blindato {m} :: armoured vehicle, armored vehicle
blindatura {f} :: armour, armour-plating
blindatura {f} :: locking in, setting in stone
blitz {m} :: blitz
bloccabile {adj} :: blockable
bloccabile {adj} :: isolatable
bloccaggio {m} /blokˈkad.d͡ʒo/ :: blockage
bloccaggio {m} :: blocking
bloccaggio {m} :: wheel nut (of a bicycle)
bloccante {v} :: present participle of bloccare
bloccante {m} :: blocker (of various types)
bloccantesi {v} :: present participle of bloccarsi
bloccardo {m} :: A member of a political bloc
bloccardo {adj} :: Relating to, or associated with, a political bloc
bloccare {vt} :: to block, block up, block off
bloccare {vt} :: to isolate
bloccare {vt} :: to stop, immobilize, paralyze, handcuff
bloccare {vt} :: to hold up
bloccare {vt} :: to sit on
bloccare {vt} :: to freeze [prices, employment, etc.]
bloccare {vt} :: to blockade
bloccare {vt} [sports] :: to stop [a ball, adversary, etc.]
bloccare {vt} [soccer] :: to interject a soccer ball from the goal with the hands
bloccare {vt} [rugby] :: to tackle
bloccarsi {v} :: reflexive of bloccare
bloccarsi {v} :: to stop working, jam, freeze, stick
bloccarsi {v} [figurative, by extension] :: to choke (perform badly)
bloccarsi {v} :: to suddenly stop
bloccasterzo {m} :: steering lock
bloccatosi {v} :: past participle of bloccarsi
blocchetto {m} :: book (convenient collection of small paper items, such as stamps)
blocchetto {m} :: notebook
blocchetto {m} :: small cube or block
blocchiera {f} :: A machine that makes concrete blocks for construction
blocchista {mf} :: wholesaler
blocco {m} :: block (in all senses)
blocco {m} :: notebook, writing pad
blocco {m} :: bloc, coalition
blocco {m} :: blockade
blocco {m} :: freeze (pay etc)
blocco {m} :: crash (computer)
blocco {m} :: pile
bloc-notes {m} :: notebook, notepad, jotter, memo pad
blog {m} [Internet] :: blog
bloggante {v} :: present participle of bloggare
bloggare {vi} :: To blog (contribute to a blog)
blogger {mf} [Internet] :: blogger
blogghista {mf} :: alternative spelling of bloggista
bloggista {mf} :: blogger
bloggistico {adj} :: blog or blogger (attributive)
blogosfera {f} [Internet] :: blogosphere
blogosferico {adj} :: blogosphere (attributive)
blomstrandina {f} [mineral] :: blomstrandine
blonda {f} /ˈblon.da/ :: A type of fine lace
blu {adj} /blu/ :: blue
blu {m} :: the colour blue
bluastro {adj} :: bluish
blucerchiato {adj} /blu.t͡ʃerˈ :: Pertaining to the Sampdoria association football team of Genoa
blu cobalto {m} :: cobalt blue
blue-jeans {mp} :: jeans
blues {m} [music] :: blues
bluetooth {m} [networking] /bluˈtut/ :: Bluetooth (personal area wireless network)
bluette {m} :: A colour between an intense sky blue and an electric blue
bluette {adj} :: Describing such a colour
bluffante {v} :: present participle of bluffare
bluffare {vi} :: to bluff
bluffatore {m} :: bluffer
bluffatrice {f} :: bluffer (female)
blumo {m} :: ingot
blu oltremare {m} :: ultramarine (blue colour)
blusa {f} :: blouse
blusa {f} :: smock (of a painter)
blusa {f} :: overall (of a worker)
blusante {adj} :: loose-fitting (of clothes)
blusotto {m} :: jerkin
bo {interj} :: alternative spelling of boh
boa {m} :: boa (snake)
boa {m} :: boa (scarf)
boa {f} :: buoy
Boaga {prop} :: surname
Boaga {prop} :: Giovanni Boaga, Italian mathematician
boario {adj} :: cattle (attributive); bovine
boaro {m} :: cowherd
boato {m} :: rumble, roar, boom
boato sonico {m} :: sonic boom
bob {m} :: bobsleigh / bobsled
bobbiese {adj} :: Of or from Bobbio
Bobbio {prop} :: Bobbio (small town)
bobbista {mf} :: bobsleigh / bobsled rider
bobina {f} :: reel, bobbin, spool
bobina {f} :: electrical coil
bobinante {v} :: present participle of bobinare
bobinare {vt} :: To wind (thread)
bobinatore {m} :: winder (person)
bobinatrice {f} :: female equivalent of bobinatore
bobinatrice {f} :: winding machine or frame
bobinatura {f} :: winding (of an electrical coil etc)
Boboli {prop} /ˈbɔ :: A park in Florence, Italy directly behind the Pitti Palace
bocca {f} :: mouth [all senses]
Bocca {prop} :: surname
boccaccescamente {adv} :: licentiously
boccaccesco {adj} /bok.katˈtʃe.sko/ :: Boccaccian (pertaining to or reminiscing Giovanni Boccaccio and his works)
boccaccesco {adj} [by extension] :: licentious, indecent, lascivious
boccaccia {f} :: grimace
boccaccia mia fammi tacere {phrase} :: don't make me talk!
Boccaccio {prop} :: surname
Boccaccio {prop} :: Giovanni Boccaccio, Italian writer and poet
bocca da fuoco {f} :: Any of various weapons made out of a metal tube, closed at one end, which launches a projectile in a given direction and at a set distance (e.g. a bombard, cannon, supergun, etc.)
bocca d'oro {f} :: meagre (a fish, Argyrosomus regius)
boccaglio {m} :: nozzle
boccaglio {m} :: mouthpiece (of a respirator etc)
boccaglio {m} :: snorkel
boccale {m} :: jug
boccale {m} :: mug
boccale {m} :: pannikin
boccale {m} :: tankard
boccale {m} :: stein
boccale {m} :: vessel
boccale {m} :: glass
boccale {adj} :: oral
boccalone {m} :: dupe (credulous person)
boccanera {m} [fish] /bok.kaˈne.ra/ :: blackmouth catshark (Galeus melastomus)
boccaporto {m} [nautical] :: hatchway
boccascena {m} :: proscenium
bocca spinosa {f} [fish] :: bristlemouth (Gonostoma denudatum)
boccata {f} :: mouthful
boccata {f} :: puff [of smoke]
boccata {f} :: breath [of air]
boccata {f} :: drag [on a cigarette]
boccetta {f} :: small bottle; phial, cruet
boccettina {f} :: small phial
boccettina {f} :: very small bottle
boccheggiante {v} :: present participle of boccheggiare
boccheggiante {adj} :: gasping for breath; panting
boccheggiante {adj} :: dying
boccheggiante {adj} [figurative, by extension] :: in grave difficulty; struggling
boccheggiare {vi} :: to fight for breath; to gasp; to pant
boccheggiare {vi} :: to be dying; to draw in one's last breaths
boccheggiare {vi} [figurative, by extension] :: to find oneself in grave difficulty; to struggle
bocchello {m} :: outlet (for water)
Boccherini {prop} :: surname
Boccherini {prop} :: Luigi Boccherini, Italian composer
bocchetta {f} :: phial
bocchetta {f} :: small bottle
bocchettone {m} :: pipe union
bocchino {m} [dated] /bokˈ :: a small and pleasantly shaped mouth
bocchino {m} [slang, vulgar] :: blowjob
bocchino {m} :: the mouthpiece of a pipe
bocchino {m} :: cigarette holder
bocchino {m} :: the mouthpiece of a wind instrument
bocchino {m} :: a metal strip that fastens the barrel of a rifle together with the foremost-end of the stock, where a bayonet can be fixed
boccia {f} :: bowl, bowling ball
boccia {f} :: flagon, decanter
bocciante {v} :: present participle of bocciare
bocciarda {f} :: bush hammer
bocciare {vt} :: to reject
bocciare {vt} :: to fail, flunk (someone)
bocciare {vt} :: to vote down
bocciato {adj} :: rejected
bocciato {adj} :: failed
bocciatura {f} :: the state or fact of being rejected
bocciatura {f} :: fail (failing grade)
bocciatura {f} :: fail (unsuccessful try or result)
bocciatura {f} :: electoral loss
bocciatura {f} :: lack of support for the passage of a law
bocciatura {f} [familiar] :: car crash
boccino {m} :: jack (in bowls)
boccio {m} :: bud
bocciodromo {m} :: Place where bowls (bocce) is played
bocciofila {f} :: bowls club
bocciofilo {m} :: bowls player
bocciolo {m} /bot.ˈtʃɔ.lo/ :: bud (of a plant)
bocciolo {m} :: cam (of an engine)
boccione {m} :: water cooler bottle
boccione {m} :: flagon
Boccioni {prop} :: surname
Boccioni {prop} :: Umberto Boccioni, Italian painter
boccista {mf} [sports] :: bowls player
bocciuolo {m} [botany] :: blossom, bud (on trees)
bocciuolo {m} :: cam (in an engine)
bocco {m} [Tuscany] /ˈbɔk.ko/ :: simpleton, dupe
boccola {f} :: buckle
boccolo {m} :: curl, ringlet
bocconcino {m} :: diminutive of boccone; nibble (typically used to refer to a tasty dish)
bocconcino {m} [by extension] :: pretty and sensual person
boccone {m} :: mouthful
boccone {m} :: morsel, nibble (A small quantity of something, especially of food)
boccone del prete {m} :: parson's nose
bocconi {adv} :: face downwards; prone
bocconiana {f} /bok.koˈ :: feminine equivalent of bocconiano
bocconiano {adj} /bok.koˈ :: Relating to, or graduated from, Bocconi University in Milan
bocconiano {m} :: A student at, or graduate from, Bocconi University
bocconotto {m} :: A type of pastry from Abruzzo and surrounding regions
boccuccia {f} /bokˈkut.t͡ʃa/ :: a fussy eater
boccuccia {f} [figurative] :: fastidiousness, fussiness, disdainfulness, used in the phrase fare boccuccia or fare boccucce
boce {f} /ˈbo.t͡ʃe/ :: alternative form of voce
Bocelli {prop} :: surname
Bocelli {prop} :: Andrea Bocelli, Italian singer
bocervo {m} /boˈt͡ʃɛr.vo/ :: blue bull (Boselaphus tragocamelus)
bocia {m} [Alpini military slang] /ˈbɔ.t͡ʃa/ :: boy, rookie
bodino {m} :: alternative form of budino
Bodoni {prop} :: surname
Bodoni {prop} :: Giambattista Bodoni, Italian printer and typographer
Bodoni {prop} [typography] :: A typeface originally designed by this man
bodoniano {adj} :: Bodoni (attributive)
bodriere {m} :: alternative form of budriere
body {m} :: A leotard
boema {f} :: female equivalent of boemo
Boemia {prop} :: Bohemia
boemio {m} [obsolete] :: bohemium
boemo {m} :: Bohemian (native or resident of Bohemia)
boemo {prop} :: Bohemian (dialect)
boemo {adj} :: Bohemian (of, or relating to Bohemia or its language)
Boemondo {prop} :: given name
boero {adj} :: Boer
boero {m} :: Boer
Boezio {prop} :: surname
Boezio {prop} :: Severino Boezio, Roman philosopher
bofonchiante {v} :: present participle of bofonchiare
bofonchiare {vi} :: to grumble
boga {f} /ˈbɔ.ɡa/ :: boxfish (Ostraciidae)
bogliente {adj} :: obsolete form of bollente
Bogotà {prop} :: Bogotà (capital city)
boh {interj} /ˈbo/ :: Used to express doubt or indecision; dunno
bohemien {adj} :: Bohemian (lifestyle)
bohemien {mf} :: Bohemian (person with such a lifestyle)
bohrato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: bohrate
bohriano {adj} [physics] :: Bohrian (of or pertaining to Nils Bohr)
bohriato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: bohriate
bohrio {m} [chemistry] /ˈbɔ(h).rjo/ :: bohrium
boia {f} :: executioner
boia {f} :: hangman (word game)
boia {f} :: villain, scoundrel
boiacca {f} :: grout
Boiana {prop} :: The river Bojana that flows between Albania and Montenegro
boiardo {m} :: boyar
boiardo {m} :: bureaucrat, mandarin
Boiardo {prop} :: surname
boiaro {m} [historical] :: alternative form of boiardo
boiata {f} :: dirty trick
boiata {f} :: rubbish
boicottaggio {m} :: boycott
boicottante {v} :: present participle of boicottare
boicottare {vt} :: to boycott
boicottare {vt} :: to sabotage
boicottatore {m} :: boycotter
Boitani {prop} :: surname
Boite {prop} :: Boite (river)
Boito {prop} :: surname
Boito {prop} :: Arrigo Boito, Italian writer
Bojano {prop} :: Bojano (town)
Boldù {prop} :: surname
Bolena {prop} :: Boleyn
bolgetta {f} :: (small) briefcase
bolgia {f} :: a mob or crowd (of people in a confined space)
bolgia {f} :: bedlam
bolgia {f} :: a bag, a pouch, especially one which opens longways
bolgia {f} :: a ditch, hole in the ground
bolide {m} [astronomy] :: meteor
bolide {m} [automotive] :: racing car
bolina {f} [nautical] :: bowline
bolivano {adj} :: Bolivian
Bolivia {prop} :: Bolivia (country)
boliviana {f} :: feminine noun of boliviano
bolivianite {f} :: synonym of ametrino
boliviano {adj} :: Bolivian
boliviano {m} :: Bolivian
boliviano {m} :: Boliviano
bolla {f} :: bubble; blister
bolla {f} :: bull (e.g. Papal); seal
bolla {f} :: bill; note (paper money)
bollante {v} :: present participle of bollare
bollare {vt} /bolˈ :: to stamp, mark, brand, etc
bollare {vt} [figurative, by extension] :: to brand; to damn; to label
bollare {vt} [familiar] :: to reject
bollare {vt} [familiar] :: to steal
bollatrice {f} :: stamping machine
bollatura {f} :: sealing, stamping
bollatura {f} :: branding
bollazione {f} :: stamping
bollente {adj} :: boiling, hot
bolletta {f} :: receipt
bolletta {f} :: bill (for a utility etc.)
bollettario {m} :: A counterfoil or stub book
bollettazione {f} :: posting of a bill
bollettino {m} :: bulletin
bollettino {m} :: list, form, note (various commercial documents)
bollicina {f} :: (small) bubble
bollicina {f} :: pustule, papule
bollilatte {m} :: milk-boiler
bollino {m} :: coupon
bollino {m} :: trading stamp
bollire {vti} /bolˈ :: to boil, brew
bollito {adj} :: boiled
bollito {m} :: Boiled meat
bollitore {m} :: boiler, still
bollitore {m} :: kettle
bollitore {m} :: milk saucepan
bollitura {f} :: boiling
bollitura {f} :: The liquid in which something has been cooked; broth
bollizione {f} :: boiling
bollo {m} /ˈbol.lo/ :: stamp
bollo {m} :: seal
bollo {m} :: brand
bollo annullatore {m} :: cancellation stamp (printed on stamps to make them invalid)
bollo postale {m} :: postmark
bollor {m} :: apocopic form of bollore
bollore {m} :: boil, boiling
bollore {m} [in the plural] :: ebullience, ardour
bolloso {adj} [pathology] :: bullous
bolloso {adj} [botany] :: bullate
bollywoodiano {adj} :: Bollywood (attributive)
bolo {m} :: bolus
bolo {m} :: cud
Bologna {prop} /boˈloɲɲa/ :: Bologna (province)
Bologna {prop} :: Bologna (city)
Bologna {prop} :: The letter B in the Italian phonetic alphabet
bolognese {mf} :: native or inhabitant of Bologna
bolognese {adj} :: of, or relating to Bologna or its inhabitants; Bolognese
bolognese {adj} [of a pasta sauce] :: Bolognese
bolognini {n} :: A currency used during the Renaissance in Venice, Italy. One bolognini is equal to 1/100 of one ducat
bolognino {m} :: bolognino
bolometrico {adj} :: bolometric
bolometro {m} [physics] :: bolometer
bolsaggine {f} :: heaves (horse disease)
bolscevica {f} :: female equivalent of bolscevico
bolscevico {adj} :: Bolshevik
bolscevico {m} :: Bolshevik
bolscevismo {m} :: Bolshevism
Bolsena {prop} :: Bolsena (small town)
bolso {adj} [of a horse] :: Having difficulty breathing
bolso {adj} [figuratively] :: pompous, inconclusive, unsuccessful, ineffectual, vague, vain
bolzanino {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Bolzano
bolzanino {m} :: Native or resident of Bolzano
Bolzano {prop} :: Bolzano (provincial capital)
bolzone {m} :: battering ram
bolzone {m} :: heavy punch
bolzone {m} [nautical] :: camber
boma {m} [nautical] :: boom
bomba {f} :: bomb
bomba a grappolo {f} :: cluster bomb
bomba a mano {f} :: hand grenade
bomba antiuomo {f} :: anti-personnel shell
bomba a orologeria {f} :: time bomb [also figuratively]
bomba a tempo {f} :: time bomb [also figuratively]
bomba atomica {f} :: an atomic bomb
bomba d'acqua {f} [meteorology] :: cloudbust
bombaggio {m} :: swelling (especially of food containers)
bombante {v} :: present participle of bombare
bombarda {f} :: bombard
bombardamento {m} :: bombardment
bombardante {adj} :: bombarding
bombardare {vt} :: to bombard, to bomb, to fire
bombardiere {m} :: bomber (military aircraft)
bombardiere {m} :: bombardier
bombardino {m} :: alternative form of flicorno
bombardone {m} [musical instruments] :: bombardon, bass tuba
bombare {vt} :: to crown (make convex)
bombare {vt} [slang, vulgar] :: to fuck, screw, bang
bombarolo {m} :: bomber
bombastico {adj} [neologism] :: bombastic
bombato {adj} :: rounded, convex
bombatura {f} :: convexity, roundness, camber
bombé {adj} :: rounded
bomber {m} :: graffiti artist
bomber {m} :: goal scorer (football)
bomber {m} :: bomber jacket
bombetta {f} :: bowler hat, bowler, derby
bombetta {f} [especially in plural] :: pork involtini stuffed with cheese
bombetta pugliese {f} :: Slices of pork, wrapped around provolone and roasted on a skewer
bombice {m} :: silkworm
Bombieri {prop} :: surname
Bombieri {prop} :: Enrico Bombieri, Italian mathematician
bombino {m} :: diminutive of bombo
bombo {m} :: bumblebee
bombo {m} [literary] :: buzzing
bombola {f} /ˈ :: gas cylinder
bombola {f} :: tank
bomboletta {f} :: diminutive of bombola
bomboletta {f} :: Small cylinder (of compressed gas)
bomboletta {f} :: spray can
bombolo {m} [colloquial] :: A short, fat man
bombolone {m} :: doughnut / donut (filled)
bombolone {m} :: container of compressed or liquefied gas
bomboniera {f} /bom.bonˈjɛ.ra/ :: A small but elaborate gift, often including sugared almonds, given to guests at a wedding; favor [US]
Bompiani {prop} :: surname
Bompiani {prop} :: Valentino Bompiani, Italian writer
bompresso {m} [nautical] :: bowsprit
bonaccia {f} [nautical] :: dead calm (flat sea)
bonaccia {f} :: lull
bonaccione {adj} :: good-natured
bonango {m} [music] /boˈnan.ɡo/ :: bonang
Bonanno {prop} :: surname
bonanotte {interj} :: Variant of buonanotte
bonapartismo {m} :: Bonapartism
bonapartista {adj} :: Bonapartist
bonariamente {adv} :: kindly, friendly
bonarietà {f} :: good nature, kindliness, affability
bonario {adj} :: good-natured, kindly, affable
Bonatti {prop} :: surname most notably that of Guido Bonatti
Bonaventura {prop} :: surname
bonazza {f} :: looker (attractive young lady)
boncinello {m} :: device in the shape of a stirrup used to close with a bolt
bonderizzante {v} :: present participle of bonderizzare
bonderizzare {vt} :: To bonderize (treat steel with a phosphate coat)
bonderizzazione {f} :: bonderization
bondiola {f} :: A type of large, boiled sausage
Bondumier {prop} :: surname
bonelliano {adj} :: Relating to, or characteristic of the publications of Sergio Bonelli Editore (publisher of comic books)
bonet {m} /buˈnɛt/ :: A traditional Piedmontese pudding prepared with cocoa and amaretti
bongiorno {interj} :: Variant of buongiorno
Bongiorno {prop} :: surname
Bongiorno {prop} :: Mike Bongiorno, Italian television host
bongo {m} /ˈbɔn.ɡo/ :: bongo (Tragelaphus eurycerus)
bongo {m} :: bongo (Afro-Cuban percussion instrument)
bonifacino {n} :: A dialect of Ligurian spoken in parts of Corsica
bonifacino {adj} :: Relating to that dialect
Bonifacio {prop} /boniˈfaːtʃo/ :: given name
Bonifacio {prop} :: A city in Corse-du-Sud department, Corsica, France
Bonifazio {prop} :: given name
bonifica {f} :: reclamation
bonificabile {adj} :: reclaimable
bonificamento {m} :: reclaiming, draining
bonificamento {m} :: reclamation, drainage
bonificante {v} :: present participle of bonificare
bonificare {vt} :: to reclaim
bonificare {vt} :: to clear mines
bonificare {vt} :: to provide a discount to
bonificatore {m} :: reclaimer
bonificazione {f} :: reclamation
bonifico {m} :: wire transfer, credit transfer
bonifico {m} [banking] :: A transfer of funds between banks
Bonino {prop} :: surname
Bonino {prop} :: Emma Bonino, Italian politician
Bonito {prop} :: Bonito (comune)
bonizese {adj} :: synonym of poggibonsese
bono {adj} :: alternative form of buono
bonobo {m} :: bonobo, Pan paniscus
Bonolis {prop} :: surname
Bonolis {prop} :: Paolo Bonolis, Italian anchorman and comedian
bonomia {f} :: bonhomie, affability, geniality
Bonomo {prop} :: surname
Bonoso {prop} :: given name
bontà {f} :: goodness
bontà {f} :: kindness
bontade {f} :: alternative form of bontà
bontate {f} :: alternative form of bontà
bontebok {n} :: bontebok (Damaliscus pygargus)
Bontempelli {prop} :: surname
bonto {m} /ˈbɔ :: synonym of inia
bon ton {m} :: sophistication, fashionability
Bonturo {prop} [rare] :: given name
bonus {m} :: A bonus (all senses)
bonus-malus {m} :: no-claim bonus
bonzo {m} :: bonze (Buddhist monk)
bookmaker {m} :: bookmaker (betting)
booleano {adj} :: Boolean
boom {m} :: A boom (sound)
boom {m} :: A boom, rapid expansion
boom {m} :: A boom (crane)
boom sonico {m} [acoustics] :: sonic boom
bootabile {adj} [computing] :: bootable
bootante {v} :: present participle of bootare
bootare {vt} [computing] :: To boot or bootstrap
Boote {prop} [astronomy] :: Boötes (boreal sky constellation called bear-guard or herdsman)
bora {f} :: bora (north-eastern wind)
borace {m} :: borax
boracifero {adj} :: boraciferous
boragine {f} /boˈra.dʒ :: alternative form of borragine
borano {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: borane
borato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: borate
borbogliamento {m} :: gurgling
borbogliamento {m} :: grumbling (sound)
borbogliante {v} :: present participle of borbogliare
borbogliare {vi} :: to gurgle
borbogliare {vi} :: to grumble, mutter, rumble
borboglio {m} :: gurgle
borboglio {m} :: murmur
borboglio {m} :: rumbling, grumbling (sound)
Borbone {prop} :: Bourbon
borbonico {adj} :: Bourbon (attributive)
borbonico {adj} :: backward, out of date
borborigmo {m} [physiology] :: borborygmus
borbottamento {m} :: grumbling, mumbling, muttering, rumbling
borbottante {v} :: present participle of borbottare
borbottare {vti} :: To mutter
borbottare {vi} :: To grumble or grouse
borbottare {vi} :: To rumble
borbottio {m} :: grumble, mumble, rumble
borbottio {m} :: peep
borbottone {m} :: grumbler
borbottone {m} :: mutterer
borchia {f} :: stud
borchia {f} :: boss
borchia {f} :: nail (in upholstery)
borchia {f} :: hubcap
borchia {f} :: socket
borchiato {adj} :: studded
bordame {m} [nautical] :: foot of a sail
bordante {v} :: present participle of bordare
bordare {vt} :: to hem, border, edge
bordare {vt} :: to delimit or hem in
bordare {vt} :: to bead
bordare {vt} :: to adjust a sail by tensioning the fabric
bordare {vi} :: to work excessively
bordata {f} [nautical] :: tack
bordata {f} [nautical] :: broadside
bordatino {m} :: synonym of rigatino (first two senses)
bordatino {m} [Tuscany] :: polenta with bacon
bordatino {m} [Tuscany] :: corn porridge with finely chopped black cabbage
bordato {m} [somewhat rare] :: cotton fabric
bordatore {m} :: beader (person)
bordatrice {f} :: beading machine
bordatura {f} :: edging
bordatura {f} :: beading, rim
bordatura {f} [nautical] :: plank
bordeaux {adj} :: burgundy, maroon (colour)
bordeaux {m} :: burgundy, maroon (colour)
bordeaux {m} :: Bordeaux (wine)
bordeaux {m} [organic chemistry] :: Any of several azo dyes having this colour
bordeggiante {v} :: present participle of bordeggiare
bordeggiare {vi} [nautical] :: to tack
bordeggiare {v} :: to border
bordello {m} :: brothel
bordello {m} :: great chaos or confusion
bordello {m} :: a large quantity
bordino {m} :: border, margin
bordino {m} :: flange
bordo {m} /ˈ :: edge, border, margin, hem, rim
bordo {m} [nautical] :: side, board
bordocampo {m} :: sideline, touchline (area around a football pitch)
bordolese {adj} :: From Bordeaux
bordonato {adj} [heraldry] :: decorated with a pilgrim's staff
bordone {m} :: staff, especially one with a curved handle as used by pilgrims
bordone {m} [music] :: drone, bourdon (sustained sound)
bordura {f} :: border, hem, fringe
bordura {f} [heraldiccharge] :: bordure
borea {m} /ˈbɔ.re.a/ :: A cold, northerly wind
boreale {adj} :: boreal, borealis
borgata {f} :: outskirt, suburb
borgata {f} :: small village, hamlet
borgataro {m} :: suburbanite
borghese {adj} :: middle-class, bourgeois
borghese {adj} :: civilian
borghese {mf} :: middle-class person, bourgeois
borghese {mf} :: civilian
Borghese {prop} :: surname
borghesia {f} /bor.ɡeˈzi.a/ :: middle classes
borghesia {f} :: bourgeoisie
borghesissimo {adj} :: superlative of borghese
borghesuccio {m} :: petit bourgeois
borghetto {m} :: hamlet (very small village)
borghetto {m} :: shanty town (collection of shacks)
Borgia {prop} :: surname
Borgia {prop} :: A noble family from Spain
borgo {m} :: village, hamlet
borgo {m} :: district
borgo {m} :: suburb
borgo {m} :: borough
borgogna {m} :: Burgundy (wine)
Borgogna {prop} :: Burgundy
borgognona {f} :: Burgundy-style wine bottle
borgognone {adj} :: Burgundian
borgognone {m} :: Burgundian
borgomastro {m} :: burgomaster
Borgo Vodice {prop} :: A part of Sabaudia in the province of Latina in Lazio
boria {f} /ˈbɔr.ja/ :: conceit, arrogance, swagger
boriante {v} :: present participle of boriarsi
boriantesi {v} :: present participle of boriarsi
boriarsi {vr} :: to brag, boast
boriatosi {v} :: past participle of boriarsi
borico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: boric
borio {m} [uncountable, chemistry] /ˈbɔ.rjo/ :: alternative spelling of bohrio - bohrium
boriosa {f} :: haughty or bumptious woman
boriosamente {adv} :: haughtily, arrogantly, conceitedly
boriosità {f} :: conceit, arrogance, haughtiness
borioso {adj} :: haughty, bumptious
borioso {m} :: haughty or bumptious person
Boris {prop} :: given name
borlanda {f} :: vinasse, waste liquor
borlengo {m} :: A type of crepe (pancake) from Modena
borlotto {m} :: kidney bean
Bormida {prop} :: Bormida (township)
Bormida {prop} :: Bormida (river)
bormidese {adj} :: Of or from Bormida
bormino {adj} :: Of or from Bormio
Bormio {prop} :: Bormio (small town)
Bornio {prop} :: Bornio (small region)
bornitura {f} :: burnishing
boro {m} [chemistry] /ˈbɔ.ro/ :: boron
boroidruro {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: borohydride
borosa {f} [nautical] :: reef line
borosilicato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: borosilicate
borotalco {m} :: talcum powder (perfumed talc + boric acid)
borra {f} :: waste
borra {f} :: cotton
borraccia {f} :: water bottle, canteen (for cyclists, soldiers etc)
borraccina {f} :: stonecrop
borracina {f} :: moss
borraggine {f} :: alternative spelling of borragine
borraggio {m} :: tamping
borraggio {m} :: wad (material used in tamping)
borragine {f} [spices and herbs] /borˈra.dʒ :: borage
Borrani {prop} :: surname
Borrani {prop} :: Odoardo Borrani, Italian painter
borrante {v} :: present participle of borrare
borrare {v} :: To tamp
Borromeo {prop} :: surname, notably of the 16th century Italian saint, Carlo Borromeo
Borromini {prop} :: surname
Borromini {prop} :: Francesco Borromini, Italian architect
Borroni {prop} :: surname
borsa {f} :: bag, handbag, purse, briefcase
borsa {f} :: scholarship, bursary
borsa {f} :: stock market
borsa {f} [by extension] :: market, exchange
borsa {f} [anatomy] :: bursa
borsa {f} [zoology] :: pouch
borsa {f} [ecclesiastical] :: burse
borsa {f} :: sporran (bag attached on kilt front side)
borsa dell'acqua calda {f} :: hot water bottle
borsa di studio {f} [education] :: scholarship, bursary, stipend
borsaia {f} :: female equivalent of borsaio
borsaio {m} :: bag maker
borsaio {m} :: bag seller
borsaiola {f} :: (female) pickpocket, purse-snatcher
borsaiolo {m} :: pickpocket, purse-snatcher, cutpurse
borsa nera {f} :: black market
borsanera {f} :: black market
borsanerista {mf} :: black marketeer
borsanese {adj} :: Of or from Borsano
Borsano {prop} :: Borsano (small town)
borsaro {m} :: only in borsaro nero
borsaro nero {m} :: synonym of borsanerista
borsata {f} :: bagful
borsata {f} :: blow with a handbag or bag
borseggiante {v} :: present participle of borseggiare
borseggiare {vt} :: to pickpocket
borseggiare {vt} :: to mug
borseggiatore {m} /bor.sed.d͡ʒa.ˈtoː.re/ :: pickpocket, cutpurse
borseggiatore {m} :: mugger
borseggiatrice {f} :: female equivalent of borseggiatore
borseggio {m} :: pickpocketing
Borsella {prop} :: medieval spelling of Bruxelles
borsellino {m} :: purse (small bag for money)
Borsellino {prop} :: surname
borsello {m} :: handbag (for men); manbag
borsetta {f} :: handbag [British], purse [US]
borsettaia {f} :: female equivalent of borsettaio
borsettaio {m} :: handbag maker
borsettaio {m} :: handbag seller
borsetteria {f} :: handbag (and luggage) shop
borsettiere {m} :: handbag maker or seller
borsettificio {m} :: handbag factory
borsetto {m} :: Man's handbag; man-bag
Borsiere {prop} [rare] :: surname
borsista {mf} :: speculator (on the stock exchange)
borsista {mf} :: student having a scholarship
borsistico {adj} [rare] :: purse (attributive)
borsistico {adj} :: stocks (attributive)
borsite {f} [diseases] :: bursitis
borsone {m} :: augmentative of borsa
borsone {m} :: carryall, holdall, grip
Bortolo {prop} :: given name
boruro {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: boride
Borzomì {prop} :: surname
boscaglia {f} :: brush, scrub, thicket
boscaiolo {m} /bo.ska.ˈjɔ.lo/ :: woodcutter
boscaiolo {m} :: forester
boscaiuolo {m} :: alternative form of boscaiolo
boscato {adj} :: wooded
boschereccio {adj} :: woodland (attributive)
boschetto {m} :: copse, grove
boschetto {m} :: shrubbery
boschivo {adj} :: woody, wooded
boschivo {adj} :: woodland (attributive)
boscimana {f} :: Bushwoman
boscimano {m} :: Bushman
bosco {m} /ˈbɔs.ko/ :: wood (wooded area)
bosco ceduo {m} :: coppice, copse
Boscoducale {prop} :: obsolete form of 's-Hertogenbosch
boscosità {f} :: density of woodland
boscoso {adj} :: woody, wooded
bosega {f} [Venice] /ˈbo.ze.ɡa/ :: thicklip grey mullet (Chelon labrosus)
bosenova {f} [physics] :: bosenova
Bosforo {prop} :: The Bosporus
Bosio {prop} :: surname
Bosio {prop} :: Ferdinando Bosio, Italian patriot
Bosnia {prop} /ˈbɔz.nja/ :: Bosnia
bosniaca {f} :: female equivalent of bosniaco
bosniaco {adj} /bozˈni.a.ko/ :: Bosnian
bosniaco {m} :: Bosnian (male)
bosniaco {m} :: The Bosnian language
bosniaco-erzegovese {adj} /bosˈnia̯.ko‿er.d͡ze.ɡoˈve.ze/ :: synonym of bosniaco-erzegovino
bosniaco-erzegovese {mf} :: synonym of bosniaco-erzegovino
bosniaco-erzegovina {f} :: feminine noun of bosniaco-erzegovino
bosniaco-erzegovino {adj} /bosˈnia̯.ko‿er.d͡zeˈɡɔ :: of or pertaining to Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bosniac-Herzegovinian
bosniaco-erzegovino {m} :: An inhabitant of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnia ed Erzegovina {prop} :: Bosnia ed Erzegovina (country)
Bosnia-Erzegovina {prop} :: Bosnia-Erzegovina (country)
bosone {m} [physics] :: boson
bosone di gauge {m} [physics] :: gauge boson
bosone di Higgs {m} [physics] :: Higgs boson
bosone vettore {m} [physics] :: vector boson
bosone W {m} [physics] :: W boson
bosone Z {m} [physics] :: Z boson
bosonico {adj} :: bosonic
boss {m} :: boss (leader of a business, company or criminal organization)
Bossi {prop} :: surname
bosso {m} :: box (the tree)
bosso {m} :: (singular only) boxwood
bossolo {m} :: shell casing
bossolo {m} :: cartridge
bossolo {m} :: box
bossolo {m} [regional, Tuscany] :: box tree
bostoniano {adj} :: Bostonian
bostoniano {m} :: Bostonian
bostrice {m} [botany] /ˈbɔs.tri.t͡ʃe/ :: bostryx (helicoid cyme)
Bosurgi {prop} :: surname
Bot {n} :: initialism of Buono ordinario del tesoro - a type of government security
botanica {f} :: botany
botanica {f} :: female equivalent of botanico
botanicamente {adv} :: botanically
botanico {adj} :: botanical, botanic
botanico {m} :: botanist
Botnia {prop} :: Bothnia
botola {f} :: trapdoor
botola {f} :: hatch
botolo {m} /ˈbɔtolo/ :: small, often snarly dog
botro {m} [regional] :: ditch; a steep deep valley exposed to erosion
Botswana {prop} :: Botswana (country)
botswaniana {f} :: female equivalent of botswaniano
botswaniano {adj} :: Botswanan
botswaniano {m} :: Botswanan
botswano {adj} :: Botswanan
botta {f} /ˈbɔtta/ :: blow, hit, shock, knock, attack
Botta {prop} :: surname
bottaccio {m} :: millpond
bottaccio {m} :: earthenware pot
bottaccione {m} :: A large lake held in place by a natural dam
botta di culo {n} :: synonym of colpo di fortuna
bottaia {f} :: barrel cellar, wine cellar
bottaio {m} :: cooper
bottale {m} [tannage] :: drum (rotating, cylindrical device), tumbler
bottame {m} :: barrels, casks
bottarga {f} :: A Mediterranean dish of cured fish roe
bottarga {f} :: botargo
bottarga {f} :: salted mullet roe
Bottaro {prop} :: An island near Lipari
Bottaro {prop} :: surname
botta segreta {f} :: A secret attack (that supposedly defeats any opponent)
botta segreta {f} :: A clever move
bottatrice {f} :: burbot
bottazzo {m} [nautical] :: The outer, non-watertight hull of a submarine; saddle tank
botte {f} :: barrel
botte {f} :: cask
bottega {f} :: shop, store, business
bottega {f} :: workshop, studio
bottega {f} [familiar] :: fly (opening of trousers/pants or underpants)
bottega del maniscalco {f} :: farriery
bottegaia {f} :: female equivalent of bottegaio
bottegaio {m} /bot.teˈɡ :: shopkeeper, storekeeper
botteghino {m} :: box office
botteghino {m} :: kiosk selling lottery tickets etc
botteguccia {f} :: diminutive of bottega
botteguccia {f} :: small shop, small store
botticella {f} /bot.tiˈt͡ʃɛ :: diminutive of botte: cask, kilderkin (small barrel)
botticella {f} [Rome] :: A traditional horse-drawn carriage
Botticelli {prop} :: surname
Botticelli {prop} :: Sandro Botticelli, Italian painter
botticelliano {adj} :: Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of the work of Sandro Botticelli
bottiglia {f} /botˈtiʎ.ʎa/ :: bottle
bottiglia di Leida {f} [electrical engineering, historical] :: Leyden jar (glass jar used to accumulate static electricity)
bottigliata {f} :: blow with a bottle
bottiglieria {f} :: wine shop
bottiglieria {f} :: cellar (for wine)
Bottigliero {prop} :: surname
bottiglietta {f} :: Small bottle (e.g. of ink)
bottiglione {m} :: Large bottle
bottinaggio {m} :: gathering, collecting (nectar, pollen)
bottinaio {m} :: cesspit cleaner
bottinante {v} :: present participle of bottinare
bottinare {vi} [of bees] :: to gather or collect (pollen, nectar)
bottinatrice {f} :: worker bee
bottinatura {f} :: gathering, collecting (of nectar etc)
bottino {m} :: booty, loot
bottino {m} :: cesspit
bottino {m} :: swag
botto {m} :: crack (sharp blow)
bottonaia {f} :: female equivalent of bottonaio
bottonaio {m} :: button maker
bottonaio {m} :: button seller
bottonato {adj} [heraldry] :: botonny, bottonny
bottoncino {m} :: small button
bottone {m} :: button
bottone {m} [botany] :: bud
bottoni {n} :: A type of button-shaped pasta of a dough of flour, eggs and salt filled with stuffings similar to ravioli and served with various kind of sauces
bottoniera {f} :: control panel
bottoniero {adj} :: button (attributive)
bottonificio {m} :: button factory
botuligeno {adj} :: botulogenic
botulinico {adj} :: botulinic
botulino {m} [biology] :: botulin
botulismo {m} [pathology] :: botulism (medical condition)
boutade {f} :: witticism, wisecrack
boutique {f} :: boutique (shop)
Bova {prop} :: surname
bovarismo {m} [psychology] :: bovarysm, bovarism (anxiety to escape from an unsatisfactory condition)
bovaro {m} :: herdsman
bovaro {m} :: drover
bovaro {m} :: cowboy
bovaro {m} :: buttero
bovaro {m} [astronomy] :: Boote
bove {m} :: ox
bovide {m} :: bovid
bovinamente {adv} :: in a bovine manner
bovindo {m} :: bay window, bow window
bovino {adj} :: bovine
bovino {m} :: bovine, (plural) cattle
bovista gigantea {f} :: giant puffball (Langermannia gigantea)
bovolo {m} :: spiral
bowling {m} :: ten-pin bowling
bowling {m} :: bowling alley
box {m} :: horsebox
box {m} :: garage, lock-up (for a car)
box {m} [motor racing] :: pit
box {m} :: playpen
boxante {v} :: present participle of boxare
boxare {vi} :: to box (fight in a ring)
boxe {f} :: boxing
boxer {m} :: boxer shorts
boxeur {mf} :: boxer (participant in boxing)
boy {m} :: a male ballet dancer
boy {m} :: a bellboy [in a hotel]
boyscout {mf} /boi̯sˈkau̯t/ :: boy scout
bozza {f} /ˈbɔttsa/ :: bump
bozza {f} :: draft or proof (of a document)
bozzago {m} :: buzzard
bozzato {m} :: ashlar
bozzello {m} [nautical] :: block (of block and tackle)
bozzello {m} :: winch
bozzettista {mf} :: sketch writer (for radio, TV etc)
bozzettista {mf} :: commercial artist
bozzettistica {f} :: literary sketch writing
bozzetto {m} :: sketch (all senses)
bozzetto {m} :: skit
bozzetto {m} :: scale model
bozzima {f} :: chicken feed (mash, etc., for chickens)
bozzo {m} :: bump, sting, bite
bozzo {m} :: swelling
bozzo {m} :: bonk
bozzolo {m} :: cocoon
bozzoloso {adj} :: knotty, lumpy
BR {prop} :: initialism of Brigate Rosse (Red Brigades)
Brabante {prop} :: Brabant
braca {f} :: trouser leg
braca {f} [in the plural] :: trousers, pants, breeches
braca {f} :: harness
bracalone {m} :: slovenly person
bracare {v} /braˈ :: to be nosy
braccante {v} :: present participle of braccare
braccare {vt} :: To stalk or hunt
braccetto {m} :: only in a braccetto
bracchetto {m} :: beagle (dog)
bracchiere {m} :: whipper-in (hunting kennel assistant)
bracciale {m} :: bracelet
braccialetto {m} :: small bracelet, armlet
braccialetto {m} :: wristlet
Bracciano {prop} :: A hilltop town near Rome
bracciantale {adj} :: agricultural (labour)
bracciantato {m} :: agricultural labourer
bracciante {m} :: agricultural labourer; field hand; hired hand
bracciante {v} :: present participle of bracciare
bracciantile {adj} :: agricultural labourer (attributive)
bracciare {vt} [nautical] :: to brace
bracciata {f} [swimming] :: stroke
bracciata {f} :: armful
bracciere {m} :: A gentleman who holds his arm out for a lady to hold on to whilst walking
braccino {m} /bratˈt͡ʃ :: diminutive of braccio
braccio {m} [anatomy] /ˈbrat.t͡ʃo/ :: arm
braccio {m} [unit of measure, nautical] :: fathom
braccio {m} [geography] :: branch, arm of the sea
braccio {m} [mechanics] :: arm (of crane etc.)
braccio {m} :: branch (of candleholder etc.)
braccio armato {m} :: armed wing
braccio armato {m} :: arm (the arm of the law)
braccio d'acqua {n} :: a body of water
braccio d'acqua {n} :: arm
braccio della legge {m} :: the long arm of the law
braccio della morte {m} :: death row
braccio destro {m} :: (male) right-hand man, man Friday
braccio destro {m} :: (female) right-hand woman, girl Friday
braccio di ferro {m} :: confrontation
braccio di ferro {m} :: arm wrestling
braccio di mare {m} :: straight
braccio di mare {m} :: channel
braccio di mare {m} :: inlet
braccio di terra {m} :: isthmus
bracciolo {m} /bratˈt͡ʃɔ.lo/ :: armrest, rest
bracciolo {m} :: armband
braccio mobile {m} :: jib
bracco {m} :: hound, gundog, bloodhound
bracco {m} :: sleuth
Braccobaldo {prop} :: Huckleberry Hound (cartoon character)
bracconaggio {m} :: poaching (taking game or fish illegally)
bracconiere {m} /brak.konˈjɛ.re/ :: (game) A poacher
brace {f} [chiefly in the plural] /ˈbra.t͡ʃe/ :: embers
bracere {m} :: brazier
bracheazione {f} :: alternative form of brachiazione
brachetta {f} :: flies / fly (in the front of trousers)
brachetta {f} [in the plural] :: knickers (women's or child's)
brachetto {m} :: A variety of grape grown in the provinces of Asti and Alessandria in Piedmont
brachetto {m} :: A slightly sparkling, slightly sweet red wine made from these grapes
brachi- {prefix} :: brachy-
brachiale {adj} [anatomy] :: brachial
brachialgia {f} [medicine] :: brachial neuralgia
brachiazione {f} [biology] :: brachiation
brachiblasto {m} [botany] :: brachioblast
brachicardia {f} :: bradycardia
brachicefalia {f} :: brachycephaly
brachicefalo {adj} :: brachycephalic
brachicefalo {m} :: brachycephaly
brachicefalo {m} :: brachycephalic (person)
brachico {adj} :: brachial
brachigrafia {f} :: shorthand
brachilogia {f} :: brachylogy
brachilogicamente {adv} :: brachyologically
brachilogico {adj} :: brachyological (abbreviated)
brachimorfo {adj} :: brachymorphic
brachiopode {m} :: brachiopod
brachioradiale {adj} :: brachioradial
brachiosauro {m} :: brachiosaurus
brachipnea {f} :: bradypnea
brachistocrona {f} [mathematics] /brakiˈstɔkrona/ :: brachistochrone
brachitipo {m} :: brachytype
brachiure {m} :: crab of the infraorder Brachyura
braciere {m} :: brazier
braciola {f} [meats] :: chop
braciola {f} [meats] :: steak (with no bone)
Bradano {prop} :: Bradano (river)
bradicardia {f} :: bradycardia
bradicardico {adj} :: bradycardic
bradichinina {f} [biochemistry] :: bradykinin
bradicinesia {f} [pathology] :: bradykinesia
bradipnea {f} [pathology] :: bradypnea
bradipo {m} :: sloth (animal)
bradisismico {adj} :: bradyseismic
bradisismo {m} :: bradyseism
brado {adj} :: wild
brado {adj} :: untamed
brado {adj} :: unconstrained, unfettered, unhindered
brado {adj} :: free
braga {f} :: alternative form of braca
Bragadin {prop} :: surname
Bragadin {prop} :: A noble family of Venice
Bragaglia {prop} :: surname
bragagna {f} [northern Italy] /braˈɡaɲ.ɲa/ :: A type of fishing net
bragagna {f} [by extension, northern Italy] :: A type of fishing boat
Braganza {prop} /braˈɡan.tsa/ :: Braganza (district)
Braganza {prop} :: Braganza (city)
braghetta {f} :: Variant of brachetta
bragia {f} :: embers
brago {m} :: mud
bragozzo {m} [watercraft] :: Small fishing boat (in parts of the Adriatic)
brahmanesimo {m} :: Brahmanism, Brahminism
brahmanico {adj} :: Brahmanic
brahmano {m} :: Brahman, Brahmin
braida {f} :: lawn, field (in a town)
braidense {adj} :: Of or from Brera
bralette {mf} :: bralette
brama {f} :: longing, yearning
bramabile {adj} :: desirable, covetable
bramangiere {m} :: alternative form of biancomangiare
bramante {v} :: present participle of bramare
Bramante {prop} :: surname
Bramante {prop} :: Donato Bramante, Italian architect
bramantesco {adj} :: Relating to Bramante
Bramaputra {prop} :: Brahmaputra
bramare {vt} :: to long for, to yearn for
bramare {vt} :: to covet
brambilla {m} :: A typification of middle-class businessmen as found in Milan and Lombardy
Brambilla {prop} :: surname
bramente {v} :: present participle of bramire
bramino {m} :: Brahmin
bramire {v} :: to bell (of a deer etc)
bramire {v} :: to roar (of a bear etc)
bramito {m} :: bell (sound of a deer)
bramito {m} :: roar (of a bear)
bramma {f} :: A semi-finished slab of steel
bramosamente {adv} :: yearningly, longingly, eagerly
bramosia {f} :: longing, yearning, craving, greed
bramosità {f} :: longing, yearning, craving, greed
bramoso {adj} :: longing, yearning, eager, greedy
branca {f} /ˈbran.ka/ :: claw (of a cat etc)
branca {f} :: talon (of a bird)
branca {f} :: branch (of knowledge etc)
branca {f} [anatomy] :: branch
branca {f} [in the plural] :: clutches
Branca {prop} :: given name
Brancaccio {prop} :: surname
brancardo {m} :: sill (of a car door)
brancare {v} :: Dialectal form of abbrancare
brancata {f} :: handful
branchia {f} /ˈbran.kja/ :: gill
branchiale {adj} :: branchial
branchiato {adj} :: branchiate
branchiostegale {adj} :: branchiostegal
brancicante {v} :: present participle of brancicare
brancicare {vt} :: To paw
brancicare {vi} :: To fumble
Branciforte {prop} :: surname
branco {m} :: flock [of sheep]
branco {m} :: pack [of wolves or dogs]
branco {m} :: gang [of people]
brancolamento {m} :: groping
brancolante {v} :: present participle of brancolare
brancolare {vi} :: to grope
brand {m} :: brand (product symbol)
branda {f} :: camp bed, cot
branda {f} :: hammock
Branda {prop} :: given name
Branda {prop} :: given name
Brandeburgo {prop} :: Brandenburg
brandeggiabile {adj} :: traversable
brandeggiante {v} :: present participle of brandeggiare
brandeggiare {vt} :: To traverse
brandeggio {m} :: traverse
brandello {m} :: shred, rag, piece
brandente {v} :: present participle of brandire
brandina {f} :: cot
brandina {f} :: Simple folding bed on a metal frame, used by campers
brandire {vt} :: To brandish or wave
brandistocco {m} :: ranseur
brando {m} [poetic] :: sword
brando {m} :: a type of dance
brano {m} :: piece, slip, rag, particle
brano {m} :: passage (of text or music)
branzino {m} :: European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax)
brasante {v} :: present participle of brasare
brasare {vt} :: to braise meat
brasato {adj} :: braised (meat)
brasato {m} :: A dish of braised beef (or sometimes veal)
brasatura {f} :: brazing
brasatura {f} :: soldering
brasatura {f} :: the preparation of a dish (usually meat) by braising (to braise)
brasca {f} [obsolete] :: cabbage
brasile {m} :: brazilwood
Brasile {prop} :: Brasile (country)
Brasilia {prop} :: Brasilia (municipality/capital city)
brasiliana {f} :: female equivalent of brasiliano
brasiliano {adj} :: Brazilian
brasiliano {m} :: Brazilian
brassaggio {m} :: brewing (process of making beer)
brattante {v} :: present participle of brattare
brattare {vi} [nautical] :: to scull
brattea {f} [botany] :: bract
bratteato {adj} :: bracteate
bratteiforme {adj} [botany] :: bractiform
bratteola {f} [botany] :: A small bract on the peduncle of certain flowers
bratto {m} :: sculling
bravaccio {m} :: bully
bravaccio {m} :: braggart
bravamente {adv} :: boldly, defiantly
bravante {v} :: present participle of bravare
bravare {v} :: To be arrogant or defiant
bravata {f} :: mischief, prank
bravata {f} :: braggadocio, braggart
bravata {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: bravado
bravata {f} :: A false show of courage; stunt
bravazzo {m} :: alternative form of bravaccio
braveria {f} :: boldness, effrontery
bravino {adj} :: so-so, passable (in doing something)
bravissimo {adj} :: superlative of bravo
bravissimo {adj} :: very good
bravo {adj} /ˈbravo/ :: (used before the noun) good, well-behaved
bravo {adj} :: good, skilful, capable, clever, fine
bravo {adj} :: good, obedient
bravo {adj} [obsolete] :: brave, bold
bravo {adj} [obsolete, of animals] :: wild, untamed
bravo {adj} [obsolete, of places] :: harsh
bravo {interj} :: well done!, good show!
bravo {interj} [theatre] :: bravo!
brav'uomo {m} :: a good man
bravura {f} :: skill
bravura {f} :: cleverness
bravura {f} :: virtuosity
Brazza {prop} :: Brazza (island)
break {m} :: break (intermission or brief suspension of activity)
break {interj} :: break! (boxing)
breccia {f} /ˈbrettʃa/ :: breach, break, gap
breccia {f} :: breakthrough
breccia {f} :: road metal (crushed stone)
breccia {f} [geology] :: breccia
brecciame {m} :: road metal (crushed stone etc.)
brecciolino {m} :: gravel (for roadmaking)
breccioso {adj} :: gravelly
brecco {m} [Tuscany] /ˈbrek.ko/ :: synonym of erba da spazzola
brechtiano {adj} :: Brechtian
brefeldina {f} :: brefeldin
brefotrofio {m} :: orphanage (for abandoned children)
Bregaglia {prop} :: Bregaglia (small town)
bregagliotto {adj} :: From, or relating to Val Bregaglia
Breggia {prop} :: Breggia (small town)
Brema {prop} :: Brema (capital city)
Brema {prop} :: Brema (state)
brembano {adj} :: Relating to the river Brembo, its valley or surroundings
Brembo {prop} :: Brembo (river)
breme {m} :: bream (of genus Abramis)
Brendano {prop} :: given name
Brendola {prop} :: Brendola (small town)
brendolano {adj} :: Of or from Brendola
brenna {f} [literary] /ˈ :: nag (useless horse)
Brenna {prop} :: surname
Brennero {prop} :: Brenner
Brenno {prop} :: Brennus (Gaulish chieftain)
Brenno {prop} :: given name
brenta {f} :: keg (for wine)
Brenta {prop} :: A river that flows through Trentino and Veneto
Brenta {prop} :: Brenta (small town)
brentolo {m} [mostly in the plural] :: common heather, ling (Calluna vulgaris)
bresaola {f} :: bresaola
Brescello {prop} :: Brescello (town)
Brescia {prop} /ˈbreʃːa/ :: Brescia (province)
Brescia {prop} :: Brescia (capital city)
bresciana {f} :: female equivalent of bresciano
Bresciani {prop} :: surname
bresciano {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Brescia
bresciano {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Brescia
Breslavia {prop} :: Breslavia (city)
Bressanone {prop} :: Bressanone (town)
Bretagna {prop} :: Brittany
bretella {f} /breˈtɛ :: strap (on a bra etc)
bretella {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: braces [British], suspenders [US]
bretella {f} :: joint, link, connection
bretella {f} :: junction (of roads)
bretellina {f} :: strap (on a bra or dress)
bretone {adj} /ˈbrɛ :: Breton
bretone {mf} :: Breton (person)
bretone {m} :: Breton (language)
breve {adj} /ˈbrɛ.ve/ :: brief, short
breve {adv} :: briefly
breve {m} [music] :: breve
breve {m} :: brief (short news report)
brevemente {adv} :: shortly, briefly, in brief, concisely
brevettabile {adj} :: patentable
brevettabilità {f} :: patentability
brevettante {v} :: present participle of brevettare
brevettare {vt} :: To patent
brevettato {adj} :: patented, patent (attributive) proprietary
brevettato {adj} [figuratively] :: tried and true, tested, well-established
brevettazione {f} :: patenting
brevetto {m} :: patent (of a new invention)
brevettuale {adj} :: patent (attributive)
breviante {v} :: present participle of breviare
breviare {vt} :: Variant of abbreviare
breviario {m} :: breviary
breviazione {f} :: Variant of abbreviazione
brevilineo {adj} :: short-limbed
breviloquente {adj} :: concise
breviloquenza {f} :: conciseness
brevissimo {adj} :: Very short
brevità {f} :: shortness, brevity, concision
brezza {f} /ˈbred.d͡za/ :: breeze
brianteo {adj} :: Of or from Brianza
Brianza {prop} :: Brianza
brianzolo {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Brianza
brianzolo {m} :: Native or resident of Brianza
Briareo {prop} :: Briareus / Briareos
Brïareo {prop} :: medieval spelling of Briareo
bric {m} :: alternative form of bricco
bric-a-brac {m} :: bric-a-brac
bricchetta {f} :: briquette / briquet
bricchetto {m} :: small pot or jug
Briccialdi {prop} :: surname
bricco {m} :: jug (vessel)
bricco {m} :: hill, crag, ridgeside
briccola {f} [Venice] /ˈ :: Any of a group of piles used to mark the navigable channels through the lagoon
briccola {f} [Piedmont] :: A type of lever used to lift loads (especially water from a well)
briccola {f} [obsolete] :: A type of military siege engine similar to a catapult (a mangano)
bricconaggine {f} :: roguery, knavery
bricconata {f} :: dirty trick
bricconcella {f} /brik.konˈt͡ʃɛ :: female equivalent of bricconcello
bricconcello {m} /brik.konˈt͡ʃɛl.lo/ :: rascal (young rogue)
briccone {m} /brikˈ :: rascal
bricconeria {f} :: roguery, knavery
bricconescamente {adv} :: roguishly
bricconesco {adj} :: roguish, rascally
Brichese {prop} :: surname
briciola {f} :: crumb (of bread etc)
briciola {f} :: scrap
briciola {f} :: trifle
briciolo {m} :: bit (small part)
briciolo {m} :: grain
brida {f} :: clamp (type used on a lathe)
bridge {m} [card games] :: bridge (card game)
bridgista {mf} :: bridge player
bridgistico {adj} :: bridge (card game, attributive)
briefing {m} /ˈbri.finɡ/ :: briefing
brievemente {adv} :: medieval spelling of brevemente
briga {f} :: trouble, bother
Briga {prop} :: Any of several Italian or French alpine communes
brigadiere {m} [military ranks] :: brigadier
brigadiere {m} [military ranks] :: sergeant (police etc)
brigadiere generale {m} [military ranks] :: brigadier general, brigadier
brigantaggio {m} :: brigandage, banditry
brigante {m} :: brigand, bandit
brigante {m} :: rascal
brigante {v} :: present participle of brigare
brigantescamente {adv} :: in the manner of a brigand
brigantesco {adj} :: brigandish
brigantessa {f} :: female equivalent of brigante
brigantino {m} :: brig, brigantine
brigare {vi} :: to intrigue
brigasco {m} :: A dialect of Ligurian spoken in the Maritime Alps
brigasco {adj} :: Relating to that dialect
brigata {f} :: group, party
brigata {f} [military] :: brigade
Brigate Rosse {prop} :: Red Brigades
brigatismo {m} :: Terrorism, especially that of the Red Brigades
brigatista {mf} :: a terrorist, especially one belonging to the Red Brigades
brigatistico {adj} :: terrorist (attributive, especially of or pertaining to the Red Brigades)
brighella {mf} :: loafer, loiterer
Brigida {prop} :: Bridget
brigidino {m} [desserts] :: A very thin, crispy aniseed wafer produced in the Pistoia area
brigidino {m} :: synonym of emblema
brigidino {m} :: synonym of nastro
brigidino {m} :: synonym of coccarda
brigidino {m} :: synonym of distintivo
Brigitta {prop} :: Bridget
briglia {f} :: rein
briglia {f} :: bridle
brigoso {adj} :: quarrelsome
brillamento {m} :: brilliance, resplendence
brillamento {m} :: explosion (in a mine)
brillamento solare {m} [astronomy] :: solar flare
brillantante {v} :: present participle of brillantare
brillantante {m} :: rinse aid
brillantare {v} :: to polish or buff
brillantare {v} :: to cut or facet (gemstones)
brillantare {v} :: to ice or frost (dust with sugar)
brillantatura {f} :: cutting or faceting (gemstones)
brillantatura {f} :: polishing, buffing
brillantatura {f} :: icing, frosting (dusting with sugar)
brillante {adj} :: bright, brilliant
brillante {m} :: A diamond
brillantemente {adv} :: brilliantly, successfully, with flying colors, smartly
brillantezza {f} :: shine, polish, burnishing, gloss
brillantezza {f} :: brilliance
brillantezza {f} :: brio, vivacity
brillantina {f} :: brilliantine
brillantissimo {adj} :: superlative of brillante
brillantissimo {adj} :: very brilliant
brillantissimo {adj} :: very bright, very shining
brillanza {f} [physics] :: luminance
brillare {vi} :: to shine, to glisten, to sparkle or twinkle
brillare {vi} :: to go off or explode
brillare {vt} :: To set off or explode
brillare {vt} :: To husk (rice)
brillatoio {m} :: polisher (husking machine)
brillatoio {m} :: rice mill
brillatura {f} :: polishing, husking (of grain)
brillio {m} :: sparkle, glitter
brillio {m} :: sparkling, glittering
brillo {adj} :: tipsy, drunk
brina {f} /ˈ :: frost, especially hoarfrost
brinamento {m} [physics] :: deposition (opposite of sublimation)
brinante {v} :: present participle of brinare
brinare {vi} :: To be frosty
brinare {vt} :: To cover with frost
brinare {vt} :: To frost (give a frosty appearance)
brinata {f} :: frost, hoarfrost
brincello {m} :: Variant of brandello
brindante {v} :: present participle of brindare
brindare {vi} :: to make a toast
brindello {m} :: Variant of brandello
brindisi {m} :: toast, salute
Brindisi {prop} /ˈbrin.di.zi/ :: Brindisi (city/and/province)
brindisina {f} :: feminine equivalent of brindisino
brindisino {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Brindisi
brindisino {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Brindisi
brindisino {m} :: The dialect of Sicilian spoken in Brindisi
brinoso {adj} :: frosty
brio- {prefix} :: bryo-
brio {m} :: vivacity, liveliness
brioche {f} /briˈɔʃ/ :: A croissant, Danish pastry, or other sweet bun
briofita {f} :: bryophyte
briografia {f} :: bryology
briologia {f} :: bryology
brionia {f} :: bryony
briosamente {adv} :: lively
brioscia {f} :: brioche
briosità {f} :: vivacity, liveliness
brioso {adj} :: brisk
brioso {adj} :: lively
briozoo {m} :: bryozoan
brisa {f} [mushrooms] :: penny bun, porcino or cep (Boletus edulis)
brisato {adj} [heraldry] :: debruised; broken (of a chevron)
briscola {f} [card games] /ˈbriskola/ :: a type of card game
briscola {f} :: [card games, in the plural] trumps
briscola {f} :: [card games] trump card
briscola {f} [colloquial, jocular] :: knock, blow, slap
briscola di seme {f} [of card games] :: trump
briscolone {m} :: high trump card
briscolone {m} :: a card game similar to briscola
Brisgovia {prop} :: Breisgau
Brissago {prop} :: Brissago (small town)
brissinese {adj} :: Of or from Bressanone
brisura {f} :: brisure
Britannia {prop} [archaic] :: Great Britain, Britain
Britannia {prop} :: Britain (Roman province)
Britannia {prop} :: Britannia (female personification of Britain)
britannica {f} :: female equivalent of britannico
britannicità {f} :: Britishness
britannico {adj} :: British, Britannic
britannico {m} :: British (or UK) citizen, Briton
britanno {adj} :: Brittanic (of the ancient Britons)
britanno {adj} [by extension] :: English
britanno {m} :: Briton (member of ancient people)
brit milà {m} :: brit milah, bris
brividante {adj} [literary] /bri.viˈdan.te/ :: flickering with light
brividio {m} [literary] /bri.viˈdi.o/ :: An intense, prolonged shiver
brividio {m} [literary, figuratively] :: flickering (of lights)
brivido {m} /ˈ :: shiver, shudder
brividoso {adj} [literary] /bri.viˈdo.zo/ :: that shivers; shivering, shivery, shiversome
brividoso {adj} [literary] :: that causes shivering
Brizio {prop} :: given name
brizzolato {adj} :: greying, grey-haired
brizzolato {adj} :: grizzled
brizzolatura {f} :: grizzling, greying
brocardo {n} :: An ancient legal maxim (or saying), concise and clear, mostly of latin tradition, for example: lex dura, sed lex
brocca {f} /ˈbrɔk.ka/ :: jug
brocca {f} :: pitcher
brocca {f} :: ewer
brocca {f} :: vessel
broccante {v} :: present participle of broccare
broccardo {n} :: alternative spelling of brocardo
broccare {vt} :: To brocade
broccatello {m} :: brocatel, brocatelle
broccato {m} :: brocade (fabric)
brocchetta {f} :: A type of nail used for tacking material to wood
brocchiere {m} :: buckler
broccia {f} :: broach
brocciante {v} :: present participle of brocciare
brocciare {vt} :: To broach
brocciatrice {f} :: broaching machine
brocciatura {f} :: broaching
broccio {m} [obsolete] /ˈbrɔt.t͡ʃo/ :: A spear-like weapon
broccio {m} :: A wooden spindle
brocciolo {m} /ˈbrɔt.t͡ʃo.lo/ :: synonym of scazzone
brocco {m} :: nag (worn-out horse)
broccolante {v} :: present participle of broccolare
broccolare {v} [colloquial] :: To flirt, chat up, attempt to hook up
broccolo {m} /ˈbrɔk.̚ko.lo/ :: broccoli
broccolo {m} [figuratively] :: stupid person
broche {f} [mushrooms] :: sheathed woodtuft (Kuehneromyces mutabilis (synonym: Pholiota mutabilis))
broda {f} :: dishwater
brodaglia {f} :: dishwater
brodaio {m} /broˈ :: A soup seller
brodetto {m} :: a fish stew; the Italian equivalent of bouillabaisse
brodetto {m} :: a broth used as a basis for other sauces
brodino {m} :: light soup
brodino {m} [by extension] :: dishwater
brodo {m} :: broth; clear soup
brodoso {adj} :: watery, thin (soup etc)
Broggini {prop} :: surname
Broggini {prop} :: Luigi Broggini, Italian sculptor
brogliaccio {m} :: daybook
brogliaccio {m} :: notebook
brogliante {v} :: present participle of brogliare
brogliare {vi} :: To intrigue
broglio {m} :: intrigue, fraud, rigging, stuffing
broker {m} :: broker (commercial mediator)
brokeraggio {m} :: brokerage
broletto {m} [historical] :: walled garden
broletto {m} [Northern Italy, chiefly Lombardy] :: town hall
brollo {adj} :: alternative form of brullo
brolo {m} :: small vegetable garden
bromato {adj} :: bromated
bromato {m} [chemistry] :: bromate
bromatologia {f} /bromatoloˈd͡ʒia/ :: bromatology; food science
bromatologo {m} :: dietician
bromico {adj} :: bromic
bromidrico {adj} :: hydrobromic
bromidrosi {f} :: bromhidrosis
brominato {adj} [chemistry] :: brominated
bromismo {m} :: bromism (bromide intoxication)
bromito {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: bromite
bromo {m} [chemistry] /ˈbrɔmo/ :: bromine
bromocresolo {m} [organic compound] :: bromocresol
bromografo {m} [photography] :: bromograph, contact printer
bromolio {m} [photography] :: bromoil process
bromometano {m} [organic compound] :: bromomethane
bromopnea {f} :: halitosis
bromurato {adj} :: brominated
bromurazione {f} :: bromination
bromuro {m} :: bromide
bromuro di acetile {m} [organic compound] :: acetyl bromide
bromuro di etile {m} [organic compound] :: ethyl bromide, bromoethane
bromuro di idrogeno {m} [inorganic compound] :: hydrogen bromide
bromuro di litio {m} [inorganic compound] :: lithium bromide
bromuro di magnesio {m} [inorganic compound] :: magnesium bromide
bromuro di metile {m} [organic compound] :: methyl bromide, bromomethane
bromuro di metilene {m} [organic compound] :: methylene bromide, dibromomethane
bromuro di piombo {m} [inorganic compound] :: lead bromide
bromuro di potassio {m} [inorganic compound] :: potassium bromide
bromuro di sodio {m} [inorganic compound] :: sodium bromide
bromuro di vinile {m} [organic compound] :: vinyl bromide
bronchiale {adj} [anatomy] :: bronchial
bronchiectasia {f} [medicine] :: bronchiectasis
bronchiettasia {f} :: Variant of bronchiectasia
bronchiolite {f} [disease] :: bronchiolitis
bronchiolo {m} [anatomy] :: bronchiole
bronchite {f} :: [pathology] bronchitis
bronchitico {adj} :: bronchitic
bronchitico {m} :: bronchitic (person)
broncio {m} /ˈbron.t͡ʃo/ :: sulk, pout
broncio {adj} :: sulky, sulking
bronco- {prefix} [anatomy] :: broncho-
bronco {m} [literary] /ˈbron.ko/ :: A thorny branch
bronco {m} [anatomy] :: bronchus, bronchial tube
broncoalveolare {adj} [anatomy] :: bronchoalveolar
broncoalveolite {f} [pathology] :: bronchoalveolitis
broncocostrittivo {adj} [pathology] :: bronchoconstrictive
broncocostrizione {f} [pathology] :: bronchoconstriction
broncodilatatore {m} [pharmacology] :: bronchodilator
broncodilatazione {f} [medicine] :: bronchodilation, bronchodilatation
broncogeno {adj} :: bronchogenic
broncografia {f} [medicine] :: bronchography
broncogramma {m} [medicine] :: bronchogram
broncolitico {adj} :: broncholytic
broncolitico {m} [pharmacology] :: broncholytic agent, broncholytic drug
broncomalacia {f} [pathology] :: bronchomalacia
broncone {m} :: Large branch with many spikes or prongs
broncoostruzione {f} [pathology] :: bronchoobstruction / broncho-obstruction
broncopatia {f} [pathology] :: bronchopathy
broncopleurite {f} [pathology] :: bronchopleurisy
broncopneumonico {adj} [anatomy] :: bronchopneumonic
broncopolmonare {adj} [anatomy] :: bronchopulmonary
broncopolmonite {f} [diseases] :: bronchopneumonia, bronchial pneumonia
broncoprotettivo {adj} :: bronchoprotective
broncorragia {f} [pathology] :: bronchorrhea
broncoscopia {f} [medicine] :: bronchoscopy
broncoscopico {adj} [medicine] :: bronchoscopic
broncoscopio {m} [medicine] :: bronchoscope
broncospasmo {m} [pathology] :: bronchospasm, bronchial spasm
broncospastico {adj} [pathology] :: bronchospastic
broncostenosi {f} [pathology] :: bronchostenosis
broncotomia {f} [surgery] :: bronchotomy
brontofobia {f} :: brontophobia
brontolamento {m} :: grumbling, muttering, mumbling
brontolamento {m} :: rumbling, growling
brontolante {v} :: present participle of brontolare
brontolare {v} :: to mutter or mumble
brontolare {v} :: to grumble
brontolio {m} /bron.toˈli.o/ :: mumbling
brontolio {m} :: muttering
brontolio {m} :: grumbling
brontolio {m} :: rumbling
brontolio {m} :: peep
Brontolo {prop} :: Grumpy (Disney character)
brontolona {f} :: female equivalent of brontolone
brontolone {adj} :: grumbling
brontolone {m} :: grumbler
brontosauro {m} :: brontosaurus
bronzante {v} :: present participle of bronzare
bronzare {vt} :: To bronze
bronzatura {f} :: bronzing
bronzeo {adj} :: bronze (attributive)
bronzetto {m} :: bronze statuette
bronzina {f} :: bushing (mechanics, especially one made of brass)
bronzina {f} :: small cowbell (especially one made of brass)
bronzista {mf} :: bronze worker
bronzo {m} /ˈbron.d͡zo/ :: bronze (metal or object)
Bronzolo {prop} :: Bronzolo (small town)
bronzolotto {adj} :: Of or from Bronzolo
Broschi {prop} :: surname
broscia {f} [in Tuscany] /ˈbrɔʃ.ʃa/ :: insipid and thin soup
broscia {f} :: vinasse, waste liquor
brossura {f} :: paperback
browniano {adj} :: Brownian
browser {m} [computing] :: browser (software)
brozzola {f} :: A kind of shuttle used in weaving
brr {interj} :: brr
brucante {v} :: present participle of brucare
brucare {vt} :: To graze, to browse on, to nibble
brucatura {f} :: cropping, nibbling
brucatura {f} :: browsing, grazing
brucellosi {f} [pathology] :: brucellosis, bangs
bruciabile {adj} :: burnable
bruciacchiante {v} :: present participle of bruciacchiare
bruciacchiare {vt} /bru.t͡ʃakˈ :: To singe, to scorch
bruciacchiarsi {v} /bru.t͡ʃakˈ :: reflexive of bruciacchiare
bruciacchiarsi {vr} :: to burn [of food]
bruciacchiatura {f} /bru.t͡ʃak.kjaˈtu.ra/ :: scorching, singeing, searing
bruciacchiatura {f} :: scorch (mark)
bruciaferro {m} [siderurgy] /bru.t͡ʃaˈfɛ :: A worker who cuts metal using a cutting torch
bruciamento {m} :: burning
bruciante {v} :: present participle of bruciare
bruciante {adj} :: burning (especially with emotion etc)
bruciantesi {v} :: present participle of bruciarsi
bruciapelo {m} :: Machine for heat-treating cotton fabric
bruciaprofumi {m} :: perfume or incense burner
bruciare {vit} :: to burn
bruciare {vt} :: to sear
bruciare {v} [slang] :: to scupper
bruciarsi {v} :: reflexive of bruciare
bruciarsi {vr} :: to burn oneself
bruciarsi {vr} :: to be burnt, burn
bruciarsi {vr} :: to spoil one's chances, burn out
bruciarsi i ponti alle spalle {v} :: to burn one's bridges
bruciata {f} :: synonym of caldarrosta
bruciaticcio {adj} :: Slightly burnt
bruciaticcio {m} :: Burnt remains
bruciaticcio {m} :: A burnt smell
bruciato {adj} :: burnt
bruciatore {m} :: burner
bruciatosi {v} :: past participle of bruciarsi
bruciatura {f} :: burning
bruciatura {f} :: burn
brucina {f} :: brucine
bruciore {m} /bruˈt͡ʃ :: burning (sensation)
bruco {m} :: grub, caterpillar
brucola {f} :: Allen screw
brucola {f} :: Allen key
brufolo {m} :: pimple, spot, zit
brufoloso {adj} :: pimply, spotty
Bruggia {prop} :: medieval spelling of Bruges
brughiera {f} :: heath, moor
Brugnaro {prop} :: surname
brugo {m} :: common heather, ling (Calluna vulgaris)
brugola {f} :: Allen key, hex key
bruire {v} :: to gurgle
brulé {adj} :: burnt
brulè {adj} :: alternative form of brulé
brûlé {adj} :: mulled
brulicame {m} :: swarm
brulicante {v} :: present participle of brulicare
brulicante {adj} :: swarming or teeming (with)
brulicare {vi} :: to swarm, teem
brulichio {m} :: swarming
brulichio {m} [figuratively] :: whirl, seething, teeming
brullo {adj} :: barren
brullo {adj} :: bleak
brulotto {m} [nautical] :: fireship
bruma {f} :: mist, haze
bruma {f} :: shipworm
brumaio {m} [historical] /bruˈ :: Brumaire (the second month of the French Republican Calendar)
brumale {adj} :: brumal
brumale {m} [rare] :: synonym of brumaio
brumazione {f} :: hibernation
brumeggio {m} [fishing] /bruˈmed.d͡ʒo/ :: A mixture of foods used as bait
brumoso {adj} :: misty
bruna {f} :: feminine noun of bruno
Bruna {prop} :: given name, feminine form of Bruno
Bruna {prop} :: Bruna (river)
brunastro {adj} :: brownish
brunch {m} :: brunch
Brunei {prop} :: Brunei
Brunelda {prop} [rare] /bruˈnel.da/ :: given name, alternative form of Brunilde
Brunelleschi {prop} :: surname
Brunelleschi {prop} :: Filippo Brunelleschi, Italian architect
brunello {m} :: Any of several dark red wines
Brunello {prop} :: surname
brunente {v} :: present participle of brunire
brunetta {f} :: brunette
Brunetto {prop} :: given name
bruniccio {adj} :: of a dull or pale brown colour
brunice {f} :: live (glowing) coal
brunicense {adj} :: Of or from Brunico
Brunico {prop} :: Brunico (town)
Brunilda {prop} [rare] /bruˈnil.da/ :: given name, alternative form of Brunilde
Brunilde {prop} [Germanic mythology] /bruˈ :: Brunhild (valkyrie)
Brunilde {prop} [rare] :: given name
Brunildo {prop} [rare] /bruˈ :: given name, masculine of Brunilda
brunire {vt} :: to burnish, to polish
brunitoio {m} :: burnisher
brunitore {m} :: burnisher, polisher (person)
brunitrice {f} :: burnisher, polisher (machine)
brunitura {f} :: burnishing, polishing
bruno {adj} :: (dark) brown
bruno {m} :: a dark-haired person
Bruno {prop} :: given name
Bruno {prop} :: surname
brusca {f} :: scrubbing brush
bruscamente {adv} :: abruptly, suddenly, sharply
bruscandolo {m} [Venetian] /brusˈ :: shoot (emerging stem of a plant)
bruscandolo {m} [Venetian, uncommon] :: The shoot of a butcher's broom plant
bruscandolo {m} [Venetian] :: The shoot of a hop plant
bruscante {v} :: present participle of bruscare
Bruscantini {prop} :: surname
Bruscantini {prop} :: Sesto Bruscantini, Italian singer
bruscare {vt} :: to clean with a scrubbing brush
bruscare {vt} :: [regional] to toast
bruschetta {f} /brusˈket.ta/ :: bruschetta (Italian bread topped with garlic and tomatoes)
bruschetta {f} [Tuscany] :: A soup consisting of olive oil, boiled cavolo nero and toasted garlic bread
bruschetta {f} :: diminutive of brusca: a light twig
bruschetta {f} [in the plural] :: A game similar to the sortition by drawing straws, in which the one who picks the longest (or shortest) stick wins
bruschezza {f} :: brusqueness, abruptness
bruschinante {v} :: present participle of bruschinare
bruschinare {vt} :: To brush or groom (a horse etc)
bruschino {m} :: horse brush
bruschino {m} :: scrubbing brush
brusciato {adj} :: alternative form of bruciato
bruscitti {n} :: A dish of finely chopped beef cooked with fennel seeds and wine
brusco {adj} :: abrupt, sudden, brusque
bruscolino {m} :: diminutive of bruscolo
bruscolino {m} [in the plural] :: peanuts
bruscolo {m} :: speck (small particle)
brusio {m} :: hubbub, buzz
brussellese {adj} /brus.selˈ :: Of, from, or relating to Brussels (the capital of Belgium); Brusselian
brussellese {mf} :: A Brusselian; a native or inhabitant of Brussels
brustolare {v} [archaic, regional] :: synonym of abbrustolire
brustolino {m} :: Salted, toasted pumpkin seed eaten as a snack
brustullo {m} :: Roasted and salted pumpkinseed eaten as a snack food
brutale {adj} :: rough, brutal
brutalismo {m} :: brutalism, Brutalism
brutalità {f} :: brutality
brutalizzante {v} :: present participle of brutalizzare
brutalizzare {vt} :: to brutalize
brutalizzazione {f} :: brutalization
brutalmente {adv} :: brutally
bruto {adj} :: brute
bruto {m} :: brute
Bruto {prop} :: Brutus
brutta {f} :: rough copy
brutta {f} :: first draft
bruttamente {adv} :: uglily, badly, nastily
bruttante {v} :: present participle of bruttare
bruttare {vt} :: To sully, soil or dirty
bruttezza {f} :: ugliness
bruttino {adj} :: plain, homely
bruttissimo {adj} :: Very bad or ugly
brutto {adj} :: ugly, bad, nasty
brutto {m} :: ugly person
brutto muso {m} [colloquial] :: ugly mug (ugly face)
bruttura {f} :: ugly thing, eyesore
bruttura {f} :: meanness, mean act
bruxante {v} :: present participle of bruxare
bruxare {vi} :: To brux (grind the teeth)
Bruxelles {prop} /brukˈsɛl/ :: Bruxelles (capital city)
bruxellese {adj} [rare] :: alternative form of brussellese
bruxellese {mf} [rare] :: alternative form of brussellese
bruxismo {m} :: bruxing (grinding the teeth)
bu {m} :: A unit of length equal to 1.818 metres ()
bu {m} :: A unit or area equal to 3.306 metres2 ()
bu {m} :: A tenth (decimal) ()
bua {f} [baby talk] :: pain, discomfort
buaggine {f} :: stupidity, foolishness
buare {v} [neologism] :: to boo
bubalo {m} :: hartebeast
bubbola {f} :: lie, story
bubbola {f} :: trifle
bubboliera {f} :: Animal's collar fitted with bells
bubbolina {f} [mushrooms] /bub.boˈ :: grisette (Amanita vaginata)
bubbolo {m} :: A bell on an animal's collar; especially a sleigh bell
bubbone {m} :: swelling, bubo
bubbonico {adj} :: bubonic
buca {f} :: hole
buca {f} :: pit
buca {f} [snooker] :: pocket
buca delle lettere {f} :: post box
buca delle lettere {f} :: mailbox
bucalettere {f} [Switzerland] :: letterbox, mailbox
bucaneve {m} :: snowdrop
bucaniere {m} :: buccaneer
bucante {v} :: present participle of bucare
bucantesi {v} :: present participle of bucarsi
bucare {v} :: to pierce
bucare {v} :: to punch (a ticket)
bucare {v} :: to puncture
Bucarest {prop} :: Bucarest (capital city)
bucarsi {v} :: reflexive of bucare
bucarsi {vr} :: to puncture [of a tyre]
bucarsi {vr} :: to prick [one's finger, etc.]
bucarsi {vr} :: to get a hole in
bucarsi {vr} :: to shoot up [to inject a drug]
bucatini all'amatriciana {n} :: A dish of bucatini from Amatrice Lazio region Italy with a sauce of pelati, guanciale, pecorino cheese, salt, olive oil, chili pepper, white wine
bucatino {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: a type of thick hollow spaghetti
bucato {adj} :: with holes, pierced, perforated, hollow
bucato {m} :: washing, laundry
bucatosi {v} :: past participle of bucarsi
bucatura {f} :: hole, piercing
bucatura {f} :: puncture
bucatura {f} :: prick
bucazio {m} /buˈkat.t͡sjo/ :: A month of the Delphic calendar, covering roughly from the second half of August to the first half of September
buccale {adj} [anatomy] :: buccal
Buccari {prop} :: Buccari (town)
buccellato {m} :: Either of two traditional cakes from either Lucca or Sicily
bucchero {m} /ˈ :: A type of odorous clay
bucchero {m} [by extension] :: A vase or other object made from this clay
bucchero {m} :: A piece of bucchero pottery
buccia {f} /ˈbuttʃa/ :: skin, peel, husk, bur [of fruit, etc.]
buccia {f} :: pod [of peas, etc.]
buccia {f} :: rind [of cheese]
buccina {f} [musical instruments] :: buccina
buccinatore {m} [muscle] :: buccinator
buccofaringeo {adj} [anatomy] :: buccopharyngeal
buccola {f} :: earring
buccola {f} :: lock, curl (of hair)
buccolo {m} :: lock, curl (of hair)
bucefalo {m} [colloquial] :: nag, hack (old or broken-down horse)
Bucefalo {prop} :: Bucephalus
bucherame {m} :: A type of translucent fabric once used to make veils
bucherellante {v} :: present participle of bucherellare
bucherellare {vt} :: To riddle (with holes)
bucherellato {adj} :: riddled (with holes)
buchetto {m} :: A small hole
buchino {m} :: A small hole
bucintoro {m} :: bucentaur
bucintoro {m} [Venice] :: the state barge of Venice; used in the sposalizio ceremony
buco {m} :: hole
buco {m} :: gap
buco {m} :: aperture
buco {m} :: hovel
buco bianco {m} [astrophysics] :: white hole
buco coronale {m} [astronomy] :: coronal hole
buco del culo {m} :: asshole, jerk
buco della serratura {m} :: keyhole
buco dell'ozono {m} :: ozone hole
buco di trama {m} :: an inconsistency within a storyline; plot hole
bucolicamente {adv} :: bucolically
bucolico {adj} :: bucolic
buco nero {m} [astronomy, figuratively] :: black hole
Bucovina {prop} :: Bukovina
bucranio {m} :: bucranium
Budapest {prop} :: Budapest (capital city)
Budda {prop} /ˈbud.da/ :: Buddha
Budda {m} :: Buddha
Buddha {m} :: alternative spelling of Budda
buddhismo {m} :: alternative spelling of buddismo
buddhista {adj} :: alternative spelling of buddista
buddhista {mf} :: alternative spelling of buddista
buddhistico {adj} :: alternative spelling of buddistico
buddismo {m} [religion] :: Buddhism
buddista {adj} :: Buddhist
buddista {mf} :: Buddhist
buddistico {adj} :: Buddhistic
budello {m} [chiefly in the plural] /buˈdɛl.lo/ :: intestines, bowels, guts
budello {m} [also uncountable] :: gut (material)
budello {m} [figuratively] :: thin tube
budello {m} [figuratively] :: alleyway
budget {m} /ˈbadd͡ʒet/ :: a budget
budgetario {adj} :: budgetary
budino {m} :: pudding
budriere {m} :: baldrick
Budua {prop} :: Budua (town)
bue {m} :: ox (bovine)
buen retiro {m} /ˌbwen reˈ :: a secluded, restful location
buen retiro {m} [by extension] :: love nest
bue tibetano {m} :: yak
bufala {f} :: female equivalent of bufalo
bufala {f} :: hoax, canard, whopper
bufala {f} :: blunder
bufala {f} :: buffalo mozzarella
bufala {f} [familiar] :: poorly done thing; piece of crap
bufalino {adj} :: buffalo (attributive)
bufalo {m} :: buffalo
bufante {v} :: present participle of bufare
bufare {v} [impersonal] :: To blizzard
bufera {f} /buˈfɛ.ra/ :: storm
bufera {f} :: squall
bufera di neve {f} :: snowstorm
bufera di neve {f} :: blizzard
buffamente {adv} :: funnily, comically, amusingly
buffamente {adv} :: strangely, oddly
buffante {v} :: present participle of buffare
buffare {vi} :: to blow hard
buffare {vt} :: to huff (in draughts)
buffata {f} :: gust, puff (of wind)
buffatore {m} :: glassblower, gaffer
buffè {m} :: alternative form of buffet
buffer {m} [computing] :: buffer
bufferizzante {v} :: present participle of bufferizzare
bufferizzare {vt} [computing] :: to buffer
buffet {m} [furniture] :: sideboard
buffet {m} :: buffet, refreshment bar
buffetteria {f} :: buffet service
buffetteria {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: the leather accoutrementss of a soldier
buffetto {m} :: flick, chuck, cuff (light blow)
buffetto {m} :: tweak
buffissimo {adj} :: Very funny, very comical, very amusing
buffo {adj} /ˈ :: funny, comical, amusing
buffo {adj} :: strange, odd, goofy
buffo {adj} :: whimsical
buffo {adj} :: playful
buffo {m} :: gust (of wind)
buffo {m} :: puff (of smoke)
buffo {m} [Romanesco, chiefly in the plural] :: debt
buffona {f} :: female equivalent of buffone
buffonaggine {f} :: foolery, tomfoolery, clowning
buffonata {f} :: prank
buffonata {f} :: jest
buffone {m} /bufˈ :: clown, buffoon, joker, fool
buffone di corte {m} :: court jester, jester, joker
buffoneggiante {v} :: present participle of buffoneggiare
buffoneggiare {vi} :: to fool about, to play the fool
buffoneria {f} :: buffoonery
buffonescamente {adv} :: comically, in jest
buffonesco {adj} :: clownish, comical
bufolo {m} :: Variant of bufalo
buftalmo {m} :: oxeye (of the genus Buphthalum)
buftalmo {m} [pathology] :: buphthalmos
buganvillea {f} :: bougainvillea
buggerante {v} :: present participle of buggerare
buggerare {v} :: To swindle or cheat
buggerare {v} :: To bugger (have anal intercourse with)
buggerato {adj} :: riddled (with holes)
buggeratura {f} :: trick, cheat, swindle
bugia {f} /buˈd͡ʒi.a/ :: lie, untruth
bugia {f} [chiefly in the plural, Northern Italy, mainly Piedmont] :: type of dessert in the form of fritters dusted with sugar, eaten during Carnival time; similar to angel wings
bugia {f} :: candleholder
Bugia {prop} :: obsolete form of Béjaïa
bugia pietosa {f} :: white lie
bugiarda {f} :: female equivalent of bugiardo
bugiardaggine {f} :: lying, untruthfulness, deceitfulness
bugiardamente {adv} [archaic] /bu.d͡ʒar.daˈmen.te/ :: untruthfully, falsely, deceitfully
bugiarderia {f} :: lying (especially repeatedly or on a large scale)
bugiardino {m} [medicine, colloquial] /bu.d͡ʒarˈ :: package insert (instructions packed with a prescribed medicine etc., listing its composition, properties and risks etc.)
bugiardo {adj} :: lying, false, deceitful, untruthful
bugiardo {m} :: liar
bugigattolo {m} :: boxroom, cubbyhole (small room, especially one without windows)
bugio {adj} /ˈbu.d͡ʒo/ :: hollow
bugliolo {m} [nautical] :: bucket (wooden, with ropes attached)
buglione {m} [obsolete] :: broth, soup
buglione {m} :: riffraff, crowd
bugna {f} [archaic] /ˈbuɲ.ɲa/ :: A wickerwork basket
bugna {f} [architecture] :: boss
bugna {f} [nautical] :: clew (sail corner)
bugnante {v} :: present participle of bugnare
bugnare {vt} :: To ashlar
bugnato {m} :: ashlar work
bugnato {m} :: rustication
bugnatura {f} :: rustication
bugno {m} :: A type of beehive
bugno {m} :: sugarbag
bugnola {f} [Tuscany] /ˈbuɲ.ɲ :: A straw and wickerwork basket for carrying fruit, grain etc
bugnola {f} [Tuscany] :: A blacksmith's toolbox
bugnola {f} [Tuscany, historical] :: A seat of the Accademia della Crusca scholars
bugnola {f} [Tuscany, by extension] :: chair, pulpit
bugola {f} :: bugle (plant of genus Ajuga)
buio {adj} :: dark (contrary of luminous)
buio {m} :: darkness, dark
buio pesto {m} :: pitch-darkness, Cimmerian darkness
bulbare {adj} [anatomy] :: bulbar
bulbicoltore {m} :: bulb grower
bulbicoltura {f} :: bulb growing
bulbifero {adj} :: bulbiferous
bulbiforme {adj} :: bulbiform
bulbillo {m} [botany] :: bulbil
bulbo {m} :: bulb
bulbo {m} :: ball, globe
bulbo {m} :: light bulb, light globe
bulbo {m} :: breakwater ((nautical) a low bulkhead across the forecastle deck of a ship)
bulbocastano {m} /bul.boˈ :: great pignut, earthnut (Bunium bulbocastanum)
bulbo di prua {m} [nautical] :: breakwater (at the prow of a ship)
bulbo oculare {m} [anatomy] :: eyeball
bulboso {adj} [botany] :: bulbous (growing from or producing bulbs)
bulè {f} :: boule (council of citizens in Ancient Greece)
buleuterio {m} :: bouleuterion
bulgara {f} :: female equivalent of bulgaro
Bulgaria {prop} /bulɡaˈri.a/ :: Bulgaria (country)
bulgaro {adj} /ˈbul.ɡ :: Bulgarian
bulgaro {m} :: Bulgarian (person)
bulgaro {m} :: Bulgarian (language)
Bulicame {prop} :: alternative form of Bullicame
Bulicame {n} :: hotspring
Bulicame {n} [figuratively] :: whirl, seething, teeming, tumult
bulicante {v} :: present participle of bulicare
bulicare {v} :: to boil (especially of thermal waters)
bulicare {v} [figurative] :: to swarm
bulimia {f} :: bulimia, binge eating disorder
bulimica {f} :: female equivalent of bulimico
bulimico {adj} :: bulimic
bulimico {m} :: A bulimic
bulinante {v} :: present participle of bulinare
bulinare {vt} :: To engrave
bulinatore {m} :: engraver, chiseller
bulinatura {f} :: engraving, chiselling
bulino {m} :: burin, graver (engraving tool)
bulletta {f} :: tack, nail
bulletta {f} :: hobnail
bullettante {v} :: present participle of bullettare
bullettare {vt} :: To tack
Bullicame {prop} :: A thermal spring near Viterbo
bullionismo {m} :: bullionism
bullionista {m} :: bullionist
bullismo {m} :: bullying
bullizzare {vt} [chiefly journalism] :: to bully
bullo {m} /ˈbul.lo/ :: tough, tough guy, bully, guy
bullonante {v} :: present participle of bullonare
bullonare {vt} :: to bolt
bullonatrice {f} :: bolting machine
bullonatura {f} :: bolting
bullone {m} :: bolt
bulloneria {f} :: The manufacture of bolts
bulloneria {f} :: An assortment of bolts
bulo {m} :: alternative form of bullo
Bulzoni {prop} :: surname
Bulzoni {prop} :: An Italian publishing house
buna {f} /ˈ :: Buna rubber
bunga bunga {f} /ˈbun.ɡa ˈbun.ɡa/ :: the activities occurring during orgiastic parties involving the Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi
bunga bunga {f} [transferred sense] :: orgy
bungaro {m} :: krait (snake of the genus Bungarus)
bunkeraggio {m} [nautical] :: bunkering (refuelling of ships)
buon {adj} :: apocopic form of buono
buonacristiana {f} :: Williams pear
buonafede {f} :: honesty
buona fortuna {interj} :: synonym of in bocca al lupo
buona giornata {phrase} :: have a nice day
buonagrazia {f} :: kindness, courtesy
buona lana {f} :: (idiomatic, dated) slyboots, rogue
buonalana {f} :: scoundrel, rogue, rascal
buonamano {m} [obsolete or Northern Italy] /ˌbwɔ.naˈ :: tip (sum of money)
buonamente {adv} /bwo.naˈmen.te/ :: well
buonanima {f} :: A dead person
buon anno {phrase} :: happy New Year!
buona notte {interj} :: alternative spelling of buonanotte
buonanotte {interj} /ˌbwɔ.naˈnɔ.tːe/ :: good night
buonanotte {f} [substantival use of the interjection] :: an instance or circumstance in which one says good night
buona Pasqua {phrase} :: happy Easter
buon appetito {interj} /ˌbwɔn ap.peˈ :: bon appétit, enjoy your meal
buona sera {interj} :: alternative spelling of buonasera
buonasera {interj} [regional] /ˌbwɔnaˈseːra/ :: good afternoon
buonasera {interj} :: good evening
Buonauro {prop} :: surname
buonavoglia {f} :: willingness
buona volontà {f} :: goodwill (favorably disposed attitude toward someone or something)
buon compleanno {interj} :: happy birthday
buoncostume {m} :: public morality
buondì {interj} :: good day, hello
buone feste {interj} :: Happy Holidays
buon giorno {interj} /ˌbwɔn ˈdʒorno/ :: alternative spelling of buongiorno
buongiorno {interj} /ˈbwɔnd͡ʒorno/ :: good day
buongiorno {interj} :: good morning
buongiorno {interj} :: good afternoon [very early afternoon]
buongiorno {interj} [by extension] :: hello
buongoverno {m} :: good government
buongrado {m} :: Only ever used in the expression di buongrado
buongustaia {f} :: female equivalent of buongustaio
buongustaio {m} :: gourmet, gourmand
buongustaio {m} [by extension] :: person with refined tastes
buongusto {m} :: (good) taste
buongusto {m} :: (good) manners
buonismo {m} :: do-goodism
buonissimo {adj} :: superlative of buono - Better than good
buonista {adj} :: do-gooding, do-goody
buonista {mf} :: do-gooder
buon Natale {phrase} /ˌbwɔn naˈta.le/ :: Merry Christmas!
buon Natale e felice anno nuovo {phrase} /ˌbwɔn naˈta.le e‿f.feˈli.tʃe ˌ ˈnwɔ.vo/ :: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
buono {adj} /ˈbwɔ.no/ :: good
buono {adj} :: fair
buono {m} :: coupon, voucher
buono {m} :: bill, bond (financial)
buono a nulla {m} :: good-for-nothing, ne'er-do-well
buono a nulla {m} :: A scoundrel, rogue, rascal or unprincipled, deceitful, and unreliable person
buono a nulla {m} :: A mean, worthless fellow; a rascal; a villain; a person without honour or virtue
buonora {f} :: Only ever used in the expressions alla buonora, di buonora
buon pomeriggio {phrase} :: good afternoon
buonsenso {m} :: common sense
buonsenso {m} :: good sense, mother wit, native wit
buontempo {m} :: good time
buontempone {adj} :: happy-go-lucky
buonumore {m} :: good mood, good temper, good cheer, high spirits
buonuomo {m} :: good-natured or easy-going man
buonuomo {m} :: simpleton
buonuomo {m} :: "my good man", "my good fellow"
buonuscita {f} :: severance payment, golden handshake
buonvolere {m} [rare] :: loyalty
Buoso {prop} [rare] :: given name
buprestide {m} :: buprestid
buralista {m} [Switzerland] :: post office manager
buranello {adj} :: Of or from Burano
buranello {m} :: Native or inhabitant of Burano
buranello {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: A soft, S-shaped biscuit eaten with dessert wine
Burano {prop} :: An island in the Venetian lagoon
burattante {v} :: present participle of burattare
burattare {vt} :: To sieve or sift
burattatura {f} :: sieving, sifting, tumbling, rumbling, tumble finishing
burattinaia {f} :: female equivalent of burattinaio
burattinaio {m} :: puppeteer, puppet master, puppetman
burattinata {f} :: puppet show
burattinata {f} :: tomfoolery
burattinesco {adj} :: puppet-like
burattinesco {adj} :: foolish
burattino {m} :: puppet
buratto {m} [agriculture] :: sifter
burazzo {m} :: duster (or similar cloth)
burba {f} :: rookie, sprog (raw recruit)
burba {f} :: fool
burbanza {f} /burˈban.t͡sa/ :: haughtiness, arrogance
burbanzosamente {adv} :: haughtily, arrogantly
burbanzoso {adj} /bur.banˈt͡so.zo/ :: haughty, snooty, arrogant
burberamente {adv} :: grumpily, gruffly
burbero {adj} /ˈ :: surly, gruff, brassy
burbero {m} :: curmudgeon
Burcardo {prop} :: surname
burchiello {m} [nautical] :: barge
burchio {m} [nautical] :: barge
bure {f} :: beam of a plough
burella {f} :: dungeon
burella {f} :: dark, underground corridor
burella {f} [heraldiccharge] :: narrow band
buretta {f} [chemistry] :: burette
burga {f} :: A kind of basket filled with stones and used to prevent the erosion of rivers banks
Burgio {prop} :: A comune of Agrigento, in Sicily
burgraviato {m} :: burgravate (rank and jurisdiction of a burgrave)
burgravio {m} :: burgrave
burgundo {adj} :: Burgundian
buriana {f} :: Brief storm
buricco {m} :: donkey (small size donkey)
buricco {m} :: dress (16th century long dress)
burino {adj} :: boorish, loutish
burino {m} :: peasant, yokel
burino {m} :: boor, lout
burkinabè {adj} :: Burkinabe, Burkinabè
burkinabè {mf} :: Burkinabe, Burkinabè
Burkina Faso {prop} :: Burkina Faso (country)
burkinese {adj} :: Burkinese
burla {f} :: trick, prank, frolic, joke
burlante {v} :: present participle of burlare
burlantesi {v} :: present participle of burlarsi
burlare {vt} :: to make fun of, frolic
burlarsi {v} :: reflexive of burlare
burlarsi {vr} :: to make fun of
burlarsi {vr} :: to tease
burlatosi {v} :: past participle of burlarsi
burlescamente {adv} :: jestingly
burlescamente {adv} :: in the manner of burlesque
burlesco {adj} :: jesting
burlesco {adj} [attributive] :: burlesque
burletta {f} :: joke
burletta {f} :: trick
burletto {m} :: pad placed on the head to support loads
burlevole {adj} :: playful, jesting
burlevolmente {adv} :: playfully, jestingly
burlone {m} :: joker
burnus {m} /burˈnus/ :: burnoose
burnus {m} :: barracano, haick
burocrate {m} /buˈrɔk.ra.te/ :: bureaucrat
burocratese {m} :: bureaucratese, officialese
burocraticamente {adv} :: bureaucratically
burocratico {adj} :: bureaucratic
burocratismo {m} :: a bureaucratic attitude
burocratizzante {v} :: present participle of burocratizzare
burocratizzare {vt} :: to bureaucratize
burocratizzazione {f} :: bureaucratization
burocrazia {f} :: bureaucracy
burotica {f} :: office automation: automation, using informatic equipment, of common administrative tasks
burraco {m} :: A partnership card game involving combinations and sequences of cards
burraio {m} :: butter maker / churner
burrasca {f} [weather, especially, nautical] :: storm, squall
burrasca {f} [by extension] :: trouble
burrascosamente {adv} :: stormily
burrascoso {adj} :: stormy
burrata {f} [usually uncountable] /burˈra.ta/ :: burrata (cheese similar to creamy mozzarella)
burrato {adj} :: rare form of imburrato
burriera {f} :: butter dish
burrificante {v} :: present participle of burrificare
burrificare {vt} :: to churn [cream, to make butter]
burrificazione {f} :: churning (butter-making)
burrificio {m} :: butter factory
burrificio {m} :: dairy (place where butter is made)
burro {m} /ˈ :: butter
burrocacao {m} :: lip salve
burro di arachidi {n} :: peanut butter
burro di karité {m} :: shea butter
burrona {f} :: butter pear
burrona {f} :: a ripe and juicy peach
burrone {m} :: ravine, gorge
burroso {adj} :: buttery
burtoniano {adj} :: Burtonian
burundese {adj} :: Burundian
burundese {mf} :: Burundian
Burundi {prop} :: Burundi
buscante {v} :: present participle of buscare
buscantesi {v} :: present participle of buscarsi
buscare {vt} :: to procure, obtain, get
buscarle {v} :: to be hit
buscarsi {v} :: reflexive of buscare
buscarsi {vr} :: to get something bad
Buscate {prop} :: Buscate (small town)
buscatese {adj} :: Of or from Buscate
buscatosi {v} :: past participle of buscarsi
buscemese {adj} :: Of or from Buscemi
buscemese {mf} :: Native or inhabitant of Buscemi
Buscemi {prop} /buʃˈʃɛ.mi/ :: Buscemi (small town in the province of Syracuse)
Buscemi {prop} :: a surname, especially of Italian ancestry
Buscetta {prop} :: surname
Buscetta {prop} :: Tommaso Buscetta, Italian mobster
buscherare {vt} [regional, familiar] :: to deceive
busecca {f} [Northern Italy, chiefly Milan] /buˈzek.ka/ :: tripe (food)
busecchia {f} [Tuscan] /buˈzek.kja/ :: An animal's gut or intestine used as a casing for sausages, etc
Busento {prop} :: Busento (river)
busiata {n} :: synonym of busiata trapanese
busiata trapanese {f} :: A type of thick hollow twisted sticks of pasta (half way between bucatini and fusilli) specific of Trapani in Sicily
busiata trapanese {f} :: synonym of busiate
busiata trapanese {f} :: synonym of busiata
busiate {n} :: synonym of busiate trapanesi
busillis {m} :: problem, enigma
business {m} /ˈbiznis/ :: business (commercial enterprise)
Busiride {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Busiris
Busoni {prop} :: surname
bussante {v} :: present participle of bussare
bussare {vi} :: to knock
bussatoio {m} :: knocker
Bussento {prop} :: Bussento (river)
bussina {f} :: buxine
bussola {f} /ˈ :: compass [navigation instrument]
bussola {f} :: bush [mechanical part]
bussola {f} :: sedan chair
bussola {f} :: revolving door
bussola {f} :: ballot box
bussola {m} :: A type of ring-shaped breadstick from Burano
bussolo {m} [regional] :: alternative form of bossolo
bussolotto {m} :: box
bussolotto {m} :: tin / can
bussolotto {m} :: dice shaker
busta {f} :: envelope
busta {f} [philately] :: cover
bustaia {f} :: corsetière (woman who makes and fits corsets etc)
busta paga {f} :: payslip
busta paga {f} :: paycheck, wage, salary, pay
busta primo giorno di emissione {f} :: first day cover
bustarella {f} [colloquial, colloquial] :: bribe (especially an envelope stuffed with money)
bustese {adj} :: Of or from Busto Arsizio
bustina {f} :: envelope (small)
bustina {f} :: sachet
bustina {f} :: forage cap
bustino {m} :: corset (etc)
busto {m} [obsolete] /ˈ :: tomb, grave
busto {m} [by extension, obsolete] :: cadaver, corpse
busto {m} [sculpture] :: bust
busto {m} [by extension, anatomy] :: torso
busto {m} [by extension] :: corset, girdle
Busto Arsizio {prop} :: Busto Arsizio (town)
bustocco {adj} :: Of or from Busto Arsizio
bustrofedico {adj} :: boustrophedon
butano {m} :: butane
butanoico {adj} :: butanoic
butanolo {m} [organic compound] :: butanol
butilato {adj} [organic chemistry] :: butylated
butile {m} [organic chemistry] :: butyl (radical)
butilico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: butyl (attributive)
butirrato {m} [organic chemistry] :: butyrate
butirrico {adj} :: butyric
butirro {n} [gastronomy] :: butter
butirroso {adj} :: buttery
buttaffuori {m} :: Variant of buttafuori
buttafuoco {m} :: linstock
buttafuori {m} /but.tafˈwɔ.ri/ :: bouncer, chucker-out
buttafuori {m} [nautical] :: bumpkin
buttante {v} :: present participle of buttare
buttantesi {v} :: present participle of buttarsi
buttar {v} :: apocopic form of buttare
buttare {vt} :: to throw, toss, fling, chuck, to sling
buttare {vt} :: to spout, spurt, pour, discharge
buttare {vt} :: to throw about, waste
buttare {vt} :: to put out, sprout, shoot
buttare {vt} :: to beat in
buttare {vi} :: to turn
buttare {vi} [familiar] :: to shape
buttare all'aria {v} :: to rummage, jumble
buttare a terra {v} :: To drop or fell (someone) (hit someone to the ground)
buttare a terra {v} :: To humiliate or demoralize (someone)
buttare giù {v} :: to level, raze, demolish, destroy, scrape
buttare giù {v} :: to gulp down, knock back (e.g., a drink)
buttare il bambino con l'acqua sporca {v} :: to throw the baby out with the bathwater
buttare il bambino con l'acqua sporca {v} [idiomatic] :: To discard, especially inadvertently, something valuable while in the process of removing or rejecting something unwanted
buttare via {vt} :: To throw away, to throw out, to discard
buttarsi {v} :: reflexive of buttare
buttarsi {v} :: to throw oneself, jump, plunge
buttarsi {v} :: to throw oneself into, take to
buttarsi {v} :: to fall upon, swoop down on
buttarsi a capofitto {v} :: to charge full speed ahead
buttasella {m} [military] :: saddle-up (order to saddle horses)
buttata {f} :: sprouting (of plants)
buttatosi {v} :: past participle of buttarsi
butterante {v} :: present participle of butterare
butterare {vt} :: To pockmark or pit
butterato {adj} :: pockmarked, pitted
butteratura {f} :: pockmark
buttero {m} :: A scar left on the skin as a result of smallpox etc
buttero {m} :: Each of the small grooves on a thimble
buttero {m} :: (in the Maremma) A shepherd on horseback
buttero {m} :: cowboy
buttero {m} :: herdman
buttero {m} :: drover
buvette {f} :: cafeteria in the Italian parliament
buvette {f} :: bar (in a theatre etc)
buyout {m} :: buyout
buzzagro {m} :: buzzard (Buteo buteo)
buzzicona {f} :: sloven
buzzicone {m} :: slob
buzzo {m} /ˈbud.dzo/ :: belly, paunch, especially an animal's
buzzonaglia {f} :: The waste-products of tuna processing
buzzurra {f} /budˈd͡zur.ra/ :: feminine noun of buzzurro
buzzurro {adj} /budˈd͡ :: rude, impolite, coarse
buzzurro {m} :: boor
buzzurro {m} :: yokel, hick, country bumpkin
buzzurro {m} :: hillbilly
bwana {m} :: bwana
bypass {m} :: bypass
bypassante {v} :: present participle of bypassare
bypassare {vt} :: to bypass
byroniano {adj} :: Byronian
byronismo {m} :: Byronism
byte {m} [computing] :: byte