User:Matthias Buchmeier/cs-en-p

pa- {prefix} :: pseudo-
pábitel {m anim} [rare] :: a person seemingly uncouth but at the same time dreamer not distinguishing between fantasy and reality, looking for beauty in everyday life
pacička {f} :: diminutive of packa
pacient {m} :: patient
pacientka {f} :: female patient
pacifický {adj} :: Pacific (related to the Pacific Ocean)
Pacifik {prop} {m} :: the Pacific, the Pacific Ocean
pacifismus {m} :: pacifism
packa {f} :: paw (soft foot of an animal)
pač {conj} [colloquial] :: as, since, because
páčidlo {n} :: crowbar
páčidlo {n} :: jemmy, jimmy
páčit {v impf} :: to lever, prise
páčit {v impf} :: to prise, winkle out
páčka {f} :: diminutive of páka
pád {m} :: fall (move to a lower position)
pád {m} :: descent (into a lower status or condition)
pád {m} [grammar] :: case
padací mříž {f} :: portcullis
padák {m} :: parachute
padák {m} [colloquial] :: firing (the dismissal of someone from a job)
padat {v impf} :: to fall
pade {n} [colloquial] :: fifty korunas (50 units of Czech currency)
padělat {v} :: to counterfeit, to forge, to falsify
padělatel {m} :: counterfeiter, forger
padělek {m} :: forgery (result)
padesát {num} :: fifty (50)
padesát čtyři {num} :: fifty-four (54)
padesát devět {num} :: fifty-nine (59)
padesát dva {num} :: fifty-two (52)
padesátiletý {adj} :: fifty-year-old
padesátina {f} :: fiftieth (one of fifty equal parts of a whole)
padesátiprocentní {adj} :: fifty-percent, 50%
padesátka {f} :: fifty
padesátník {m} :: quinquagenarian
padesátník {m} :: coin with the value of 50 Czech halers
padesát pět {num} :: fifty-five (55)
padesát sedm {num} :: fifty-seven (57)
padesát šest {num} :: fifty-six (56)
padesát tři {num} :: fifty-three (53)
padesátý {adj} :: fiftieth
padišáh {m} :: Padishah
pádišáh {m} :: Padishah
pádlo {n} :: paddle (oar not fastened to the vessel)
padlý na hlavu {adj} [colloquial] :: crazy, nuts
padnout {v pf} :: to fit (of clothing)
padnout {v pf} :: to fall (to die, especially in battle)
padoucnice {f} [pathology] :: epilepsy
padouch {m} :: villain
paedopsychologie {f} :: rare spelling of pedopsychologie
Pagetova choroba {f} :: Paget's disease
pagoda {f} [architecture] :: pagoda
pahorek {m} :: hill
pahorkatina {f} :: upland (specifically an area with a moderately hilly relief with a dominant altitude of 50 to 150 m)
pahýl {m} :: stub (something blunted, stunted, or cut short)
pach {m} :: smell, scent, odor, odour (sensation, pleasant or unpleasant)
páchat {v impf} :: to perpetrate
pachatel {m anim} :: perpetrator, offender
pachatelka {f} :: female perpetrator, offender
páchnout {v impf} :: to reek
pacholátko {n} :: diminutive of pachole
Pája {prop} {m} :: A pet form of the male given name Pavel
Pája {prop} {m} :: A pet form of the female given names Pavla and Pavlína
pajcka {f} [colloquial] :: fifty Czech crowns
páječka {noun} :: soldering iron
pájet {v impf} :: To solder
pájka {f} :: Solder
pájka {f} :: A soldering iron
pajzl {m} [vulgar] :: pub
pak {pron} :: then
páka {f} :: lever
pakáž {f} [derogatory] :: mob, rabble, lot
Pákistán {prop} {m inan} :: Pakistan
Pakistánec {m} :: Pakistani
Pákistánec {m anim} :: Pakistani (person)
Pákistánka {f} :: female Pakistani
pákistánský {adj} :: Pakistani, of Pakistan, Pakistan's
paklíč {m} :: picklock, lock pick (device designed to pick locks)
pakliže {conj} :: if
pakobylka {f} :: stick insect, phasmid (certain species)
pakostnice {f} [pathology] :: gout
pakovat {v impf} [colloquial] :: to pack
pakt {m} :: pact
pakůň {m} :: wildebeest, gnu (animal of genus Connochaetes)
pal {interj} :: fire! (a signal to shoot)
palác {m} :: palace
palačinka {f} :: pancake, crêpe
palanda {noun} :: bunk bed
Palanga {prop} {f} :: Palanga (coastal town)
Palau {prop} :: Palau
palauský {adj} :: Palau, of Palau
palba {f} :: fire, firing, shooting
palcát {m} :: mace (weapon)
palčivý {adj} :: burning
palec {m inan} :: thumb
palec {m inan} :: big toe
palec {m inan} :: inch
pálení {n} :: burn, burning (process)
pálení {n} :: burn (feeling)
pálení žáhy {n} :: heartburn, pyrosis
paleocén {m} :: Paleocene (geological period)
paleogén {m} :: Paleogene
paleolit {m} :: Paleolithic (a period that lasted from two and a half million years ago to 10,000 BC; the Old Stone Age)
paleontolog {m} :: paleontologist
paleontologie {f} :: paleontology
paleontoložka {f} :: female paleontologist
paleozoikum {n} :: Paleozoic
Palestina {prop} {f} :: Palestine
Palestinec {m} :: Palestinian
Palestinka {f} :: female Palestinian
palestinský {adj} :: Palestinian
paleta {f} :: palette (a thin board on which a painter lays and mixes colours)
paleta {f} :: palette (the range of colors in a given work or item or body of work.)
paleta {f} [computing, graphical user interface] :: palette (a visual selection of colours, tools, commands, etc.)
paleta {f} :: pallet (a portable platform for transporting goods)
paleta {f} [colloquial] :: an expensive bill
paleta {f} [colloquial, obsolete] :: an official voucher, certificate
paleťák {m inan} [colloquial] :: pallet truck
paletový {adj} [relational] :: pallet
paletový vozík {m} :: pallet truck
paliativní {adj} :: palliative
palice {f} :: mallet (tool)
palice {f} :: spadix (botany)
palice {f} [colloquial] :: head
pálící {adj} :: burning
palička na maso {f} :: tenderizer
palimpsest {noun} :: palimpsest
palindrom {m} :: palindrome (a word, phrase, number or any other sequence of units which has the property of reading the same forwards as it does backwards)
palírna {f} [colloquial] :: distillery
palist {m inan} [botany] :: stipule
pálit {vt impf} :: to burn (to cause to be consumed by fire)
pálit {v impf} :: to fire, to shoot at
palivo {n} :: fuel
pálivý {adj} :: hot, spicy
pálka {f} [baseball, softball] :: bat
pálka {f} [table tennis] :: racket
palma {f} :: palm (tropical tree)
palmitan {m} :: palmitate (any salt or ester of palmitic acid)
palmitát {m} :: palmitate (any salt or ester of palmitic acid)
palmovník {m anim} :: any bird from genus Ptiliogonys, Phainoptila or Phainopepla
palmový {adj} [relational] :: palm
Palmýra {prop} :: Palmyra
palmýrský {adj} :: Palmyrene
palouček {m} :: diminutive of palouk
palouk {m inan} :: A small, unimpressive meadow
palpace {f} :: palpation (act of feeling or pushing on various parts of a patient’s body)
palpitace {f} :: palpitation
palpovat {v impf} :: palpate
paluba {f} [nautical] :: deck
palubní deska {f} :: dashboard
památka {f} :: monument (any enduring memorable object, regardless whether manmade or natural)
památník {m} :: memorial
památník {m} :: monument
pamatovat {v impf} :: to remember (to recall)
paměť {f} :: memory
paměť jako slon {f} [simile] :: huge memory
paměťový {adj} [relational] :: memory
pamflet {m} :: lampoon (short literary work blaming some person, group, organization or idea)
pampa {f} :: pampa (any of the large, grassy plains of temperate South America)
pampeliška {f} :: dandelion
pamudrc {m} [archaic] :: pseudophilosopher, philosophaster
pan- {prefix} :: pan-
Pan {prop} {m} :: Pan
pán {m anim} :: Mr
pán {m anim} :: man, gentleman
pán {m anim} :: master (someone who has control over something or someone)
pán {m anim} :: master (owner of an animal or slave)
pán {m anim} :: lord
panáček {m} :: puppet
panáček {m} :: figure (symbolic drawing of a man)
panáček {m} [archaic] :: priest
Panáček {prop} {m} :: A surname
panák {m} :: figurine
panák {m} [colloquial] :: shot (of alcohol)
Panama {prop} {f} :: Panama (country)
Panaman {m} :: Panamanian
Panamec {m} :: Panamanian (person)
panamský {adj} :: Panama, Panamanian
Panamský průplav {prop} {m} :: Panama Canal
pánbíček {m} :: diminutive of pánbůh
pančelka {f} [slang] :: female teacher
pančovat {v impf} :: to spoil a drink by diluting or mixing it with other liquid; to adulterate
panda {f} :: panda
panda červená {f} :: red panda
panda velká {f} :: giant panda
pandeismus {m} :: pandeism
pandemický {adj} :: pandemic
pandemie {f} :: pandemic
panděro {n} [colloquial] :: belly
Pandořina skříňka {f} :: Pandora's box
Paňdžáb {prop} {m} :: Paňdžáb (state)
Paňdžáb {prop} {m} :: Paňdžáb (province)
paňdžábský {adj} :: Punjabi
paňdžábština {f} :: Punjabi (language)
panelák {m} :: apartment building made from prefabricated concrete panels
panel nabídek {m} [graphical user interface] :: menu bar
panel nástrojů {m} :: toolbar
panenka {f} :: doll, puppet
panenka {f} :: diminutive of panna
panenka {f} :: pork tenderloin
panenka {f} :: mannikir (bird)
panenko svatokopecká {interj} [dated] :: An expletive used for emphasis, invoking Panna Marie Svatokopecká
panenská blána {f} :: hymen
panenská plavba {f} :: maiden voyage
panenský {adj} [relational] :: virgin, maiden
panenství {n} :: virginity
pánev {f} [cookware] :: frying pan
pánev {f} [anatomy] :: pelvis
pánev {f} [geomorphology] :: basin
pánev {f} [metallurgy] :: TODO
pánevní {adj} :: pelvic
pánevní dno {n} :: pelvic floor
pánev wok {m} :: wok (large round pan)
pangermanismus {m} :: Pan-Germanism
pangermánský {adj} :: Pan-German
panchart {m} :: bastard (person born to unmarried parents)
panchart {m} :: bastard (objectionable person)
paní {f} :: Mrs
paní {f} :: woman, lady
paní {f} :: wife
panic {m} :: male virgin
panický {adj} [relational] :: virgin
panický {adj} :: panic
panika {f} :: panic
panikář {m} :: alarmist
panikařit {v impf} :: to panic
panikářský {adj} :: alarmist
panikářství {n} :: alarmism
Pankrác {prop} {m} :: given name
pankreas {m} [anatomy] :: pancreas
pankreatický {adj} :: pancreatic
pankreatin {m} :: pancreatin
pankreatitida {m} :: pancreatitis
panna {f} :: virgin
panna {f} :: doll (especially a big one)
panna {f} :: mannequin (model of a human body)
panna {f} :: head (side of a coin)
Panna Marie Svatokopecká {prop} {f} [singulare tantum] :: picture of Madonna, founded in Svatý Kopeček in 1632; a Palladium (protective image) (protective image) of Moravia
panoptikum {m} :: wax museum, waxworks
panovačný {adj} :: bossy
panova flétna {f} :: pan flute
panovat {v impf} :: to rule
panovnice {f} :: female monarch, sovereign
panovník {m anim} :: monarch (the ruler of an absolute monarchy or the head of state of a constitutional monarchy)
pansexualita {f} :: pansexuality
pánský {adj} :: gentlemen's, male
panslavismus {m} :: Pan-Slavism
pant {m} :: hinge
pantatíček {m} :: diminutive of pantáta
pantatík {m} :: diminutive of pantáta
panteismus {m} :: pantheism
panteista {m} :: pantheist
panteistický {adj} :: pantheistic
panter {m} :: panther
panteří {adj} [relational] :: panther, panther's
pantofel {m} :: slipper
pantograf {m} :: pantograph (mechanical drawing aid)
pantograf {m} :: pantograph (device that collects electric current from overhead lines)
pantomima {f} :: pantomime, mime (form of acting without words)
pánvička {f} :: diminutive of pánev
pánvička {f} [anatomy] :: renal pelvis
papája {f} :: papaya (fruit)
papaláš {m} [colloquial, usually, derogatory] :: big cheese (important person within an organisation)
papat {v} [childish] :: to eat
papež {m} :: pope (bishop of Rome)
papežský {adj} :: papal
papežství {f} :: papacy
papežštější {adj} :: comparative of papežský
papežštější než papež {adj} [idiom] :: more Catholic than the Pope
papilární {adj} :: papillary
papilom {m} :: papilloma
papilomatóza {f} :: papillomatosis (presence of paillomas)
papilomavir {m} :: papillomavirus
papiňák {m} [colloquial] :: pressure cooker
papinkat {v} :: diminutive of papat
Papinův hrnec {m} :: pressure cooker
papír {m} :: paper
papírek {m} :: diminutive of papír
papírna {f} :: paper mill
papírnictví {n} :: stationer's
papírový {adj} :: paper
papouch {m anim} [colloquial] :: parrot
papouščí {adj} [relational] :: parrot, parrot's
papoušek {m} :: parrot
papoušíček {m anim} :: any parrot from the genus Forpus
papoušík {m anim} :: lovebird
papouškovat {v impf} :: to parrot
paprika {f} :: paprika (powder used as a spice)
paprika {f} :: pepper (fruit of the capsicum)
paprikáš {m} :: paprikash (dish)
paprsek {m} :: ray (beam of light)
Papuán {m} :: Papuan (person)
Papuánec {m anim} :: Papuan (person)
Papuánka {f} :: female Papuan
Papua-Nová Guinea {prop} {f} :: Papua New Guinea
papuánský {adj} :: Papuan
papuče {f} :: slipper
papuchalk {m} :: A puffin
papyrový {adj} :: papyrus
pár {m} :: pair, couple
pára {f} :: vapor
pára {f} :: steam
parabola {f} [geometry] :: parabola
parabolický {adj} :: parabolic (of, or pertaining to, or in the shape of a parabola or paraboloid)
parabolický {adj} :: parabolic (of or pertaining to a parable)
paracetamol {m} [pharmaceutical drug] :: paracetamol, acetaminophen
paráda {f} :: parade
paráda {f} :: great, awesome, neat, cool
paradentóza {f} :: periodontitis
paradigma {n} :: paradigm (system of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices)
paradox {m} :: paradox
paradoxně {adv} :: paradoxically
paradoxní {adj} :: paradoxical
paragon {m} :: A receipt, sales slip
paragraf {m} :: section (part of a legal document, marked using section sign: §)
Paraguay {prop} {m} :: Paraguay (country)
Paraguayec {m} :: Paraguayan
paraguayský {adj} :: Paraguayan
parakeratóza {f} :: parakeratosis (retention of nuclei in the stratum corneum layer of skin)
paralaxa {f} :: parallax
paralelní {adj} :: parallel (all senses but the geometrical one)
paralelní obvod {m} :: parallel circuit
paralogismus {m} :: paralogism
paralympiáda {f} :: Paralympics, Paralympic Games
parametr {m} [programming] :: parameter
paramilitantní {adj} :: paramilitary
paranasální dutina {f} [anatomy] :: paranasal sinus
paranazální dutina {f} [anatomy] :: paranasal sinus
paranoia {f} :: paranoia
paranoidní {adj} :: paranoid
paranoik {m} :: paranoid, paranoiac (person suffering from paranoia)
paranormální {adj} :: paranormal
para ořech {m} :: (nut) brazil nut
parapet {m inan} :: windowsill, parapet
paraple {n} [colloquial] :: umbrella
paraplegie {f} :: paraplegia
paraplegik {noun} :: paraplegic
parapsycholog {m} :: parapsychologist
parapsychologie {f} :: parapsychology
parasympatická nervová soustava {f} :: parasympathetic nervous system
parasympatikus {m} :: parasympathetic nervous system
parašutista {m} :: parachutist
párátko {n} :: toothpick
paraván {m} :: folding screen
parazit {m} :: parasite
parazitární {adj} :: parasitic
parazitický {adj} :: parasitic
parazitismus {m} :: parasitism
parazitní {adj} :: parasitic (drawing upon another organism for sustenance)
parazitolog {m} :: parasitologist
parazitologie {f} :: parasitology
parazitóza {f} :: parasitosis
parcela {f} :: parcel (division of land)
parciální {adj} :: partial
parciální derivace {f} [calculus] :: partial derivative
parčík {m} :: diminutive of park
pardál {m} :: leopard (a large wild cat with a spotted coat, Panthera pardus)
pardálí {adj} [relational] :: leopard, leopard's
pardálice {f} :: female leopard
pardon {interj} :: sorry, I'm sorry, I beg your pardon, I apologize
Pardubice {prop} {fp} :: Pardubice (city) that lies on the river Elbe, 65 miles east of Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic
Pardubicko {prop} {n} :: Pardubice region
pardubický {adj} :: Pardubice (when used attributively)
páreček {m} :: diminutive of párek
párek {m} :: sausage (small, uncooked)
párek {m} :: pair; diminutive of pár
parenchym {m} :: parenchyma
parestesie {f} :: paresthesia
parestézie {f} :: paresthesia
Paretovo rozdělení {n} [statistics] :: Pareto distribution
Paretův princip {m} :: Pareto principle
paréza {f} :: paresis (incomplete paralysis)
parfém {m} :: perfume (substance)
parfumerie {f} :: perfumery (shop selling perfumes)
parchant {m} :: bastard (person born to unmarried parents)
parchant {m} :: bastard (objectionable person)
parchantek {m} :: diminutive of parchant
Parkinsonova choroba {f} :: Parkinson's disease
Parkinsonova nemoc {f} :: Parkinson's disease
parkovat {v impf} :: to park (a vehicle)
parkoviště {n} :: parking lot
párkrát {adv} :: a couple of times
parkur {m} :: Showjumping
parlament {m} :: parliament
parlamentní {adj} :: parliamentary
parma {f} :: barbel (freshwater fish of the genus Barbus)
parmazán {m} :: alternative form of parmezán
Parmenidés {prop} {m} :: Parmenides
parmezán {m} :: parmesan
parmice {f} :: mullet (fish)
parní {adj} :: steam (when used attributively)
parníček {m} :: diminutive of parník
parník {m} :: steamboat, steamship
parní stroj {m} :: steam engine
parno {n} :: heat
parodie {f} :: parody
parodista {m} :: parodist
parodontitida {f} :: periodontitis
parodontologie {f} [dentistry] :: periodontics
parodontóza {f} :: periodontitis
parodovat {v impf} :: to parody
paroh {m} :: antler
paroháč {m} [colloquial] :: cuckold (man with unfaithful wife)
parostroj {m inan} [archaic] :: steam engine
parotitida {f} :: parotitis (inflammation of parotid gland)
paroxetin {m} :: paroxetine
paroxysmální {adj} :: paroxysmal
parsek {m} :: parsec
part {m} :: part (the melody played or sung by a particular instrument, voice, or group of instruments or voices, within a polyphonic piece)
parta {f} :: team, gang, outfit, crew (of workers)
parta {f} :: group, gang, bunch, batch, crew, set (of friends, tourists etc)
partaj {f} [colloquial] :: political party
participium {n} :: participle
partikulární {adj} :: particular
partikule {f} [grammar] :: particle
partitura {f} [music] :: score
partizán {m} :: alternative spelling of partyzán
partner {m} :: partner
partnerka {f} :: female partner
partnerský {adj} [relational] :: partner
partnerství {n} :: partnership
party {f} :: party (gathering of usually invited guests for entertainment, fun and socializing)
párty {f} :: party (social gathering for fun)
partyzán {m} :: partisan (member of a body of detached light troops)
partyzánský {adj} :: partisan
paruka {f} :: wig
parukářka {f} :: A female wigmaker
parůžek {m inan} :: diminutive of paroh
Párvatí {prop} {f} :: Parvati (Hindu goddess)
paryba {f} :: cartilaginous fish (any member of taxonomic class Chondrichthyes, which have skeletons made of cartilage rather than bone)
pařát {m} :: a bird's claw, talon, pounce
pařát {m} [colloquial] :: hand
pařátek {m} :: diminutive of pařát
pařba {f} [colloquial] :: carousal, drinking party
pařez {m} :: stump (remains of a tree that has been cut off)
Paříž {prop} {f} :: Paříž (caplc)
Pařížan {m} :: Parisian
Pařížanka {f} :: female Parisian
pařížský {adj} :: Parisian, Paris
pas {m inan} :: alternative form of pás
pas {m inan} :: passport
pás {m} :: belt
pás {m} :: waist (part of human body)
pasáček {m} :: diminutive of pasák
pasák {m} :: pimp (prostitution solicitor)
pasák {m} :: herdsman
pasát {m} :: trade wind
pasáž {f} :: passage (paragraph or section of text or music with particular meaning)
pasažér {m} :: passenger (one who rides in a vehicle but is not the driver or part of the operating crew)
pascal {m} :: pascal (unit of pressure and stress)
Pascalův trojúhelník {m} :: Pascal's triangle
pásek {m} [inanimate] :: belt (clothing)
pásek {m} [animate] :: dandy, a young man wearing eccentric dress and having eccentric behaviour
paseka {f} :: clearing, glade (area of land within a wood or forest devoid of trees)
pasiáns {m} :: solitaire (game)
pasivita {f} :: passivity
pasivní {adj} :: passive
pasivní kouření {n} :: passive smoking (inhalation of smoke from somebody else's tobacco)
pasivnost {f} :: passivity
pasivum {n} [accounting] :: liability
pasivum {n} [grammar] :: passive voice
páska {f} :: tape, band, ribbon, strip
páska přes oko {f} :: eye patch
pásmo {n} :: zone, area, range
pásmo {n} :: tape measure
paso doble {n} :: paso doble (dance)
Pasov {prop} {m} :: Pasov (city)
pasování {n} :: (printing) register
pasovat {v p-i} [imperfective] :: to fit (clothes or shoes)
pasovat {v p-i} [imperfective] :: to register (in printing, to adjust so as to be properly aligned)
pasovat {v p-i} [perfective, imperfective] :: to knight (to confer knighthood upon)
pásovec {m} :: armadillo (burrowing mammal covered with bony, jointed, protective plates)
pásovník {m anim} :: any bird from genus Poephila
pásový opar {m} [pathology] :: herpes zoster, shingles
past {f} :: trap (a device designed to catch and sometimes kill animals)
pást {v impf} :: to graze, to pasture
pasta {f} :: paste
pasťák {m} [colloquial] :: reformatory, reform school (prison-like institution for young offenders)
pastelka {f} :: colored pencil
pasterizace {f} :: pasteurization
pasterizovat {v} :: to pasteurize
pastevec {m} :: herdsman
pastička {f} :: diminutive of past
pastinák {m} :: parsnip (biennial plant, Pastinaca sativa, related to the carrot)
pastiňák {m} :: alternative form of pastinák
pastorek {m anim} :: stepson
pastorek {m inan} :: pinion (gear in a gear drive train)
Pastorek {prop} {m} :: A Czech surname
pastorkyně {f} :: stepdaughter
pastva {f} :: grazing
pastvina {f} :: pasture (land on which cattle can be kept for feeding)
pastýř {m} :: shepherd, herdsman
pastýřka {f} :: female shepherd, herdswoman
pastýřka {f} :: shepherd's wife
paša {m} :: pasha (high-ranking Turkish military officer, especially as a commander or regional governor)
pašalik {m} :: pashalik (the jurisdiction or the territory of a pasha)
pašerák {m} :: smuggler
pašije {fp} :: passion (play, musical composition or narration commemorating the suffering of Jesus)
pašovat {v impf} :: to smuggle
paštička {f} :: diminutive of paštika
paštika {f} :: pâté (food mixture containing meat)
pat {m} [chess] :: stalemate
pat {m} :: stalemate (blocked situation)
pata {f} :: heel
páťák {m} [colloquial] :: a fifth grader
patálie {f} [colloquial] :: trouble, mess, problem
páteční {adj} [relational] :: Friday
pátek {m inan} :: Friday
patent {m} :: patent (declaration issued by a government to an inventor)
patentka {f} :: snap fastener
patentní {adj} :: patent
páter {m} :: priest, father
paternalismus {m} :: paternalism
paternalista {m} :: paternalist
paternalistický {adj} :: paternalistic
paternální {adj} [biology, sociology] :: paternal
páternoster {m} :: paternoster (lift)
páteř {f} :: spine, backbone
páteřní {adj} :: spinal
páteřní kanál {m} :: spinal canal
patch {m} [colloquial] :: patch (file that describes changes to be made to a computer file or files)
patice {f} :: socket (opening for a plug)
patizon {m} :: pattypan, pattypan squash, white squash
patka {f} :: diminutive of pata
patkový {adj} [relational] :: serif
patnáct {num} :: fifteen (15)
patnáctiletý {adj} :: fifteen-year-old
patnáctiprocentní {adj} :: fifteen-percent, 15%
patnáctkrát {adv} :: fifteen times
patnáctý {adj} :: fifteenth
patník {m} :: a rock or concrete marker, usually a cuboid, denoting important areas/points
patník {m} :: a component attached to the bottom of a shoe heel
patofyziologie {f} :: pathophysiology (physiological processes associated with disease or injury)
patogen {m} :: pathogen
patogeneze {f} :: pathogenesis
patogenní {adj} :: pathogenic, disease-causing, (able to cause disease)
patolízal {m} :: sycophant
patolízalský {adj} :: sycophantic
patolog {m} :: pathologist
patologicky {adv} :: pathologically
patologický {adj} :: pathological
patologie {f} [medicine] :: pathology
patoložka {f} :: female pathologist
patos {m} :: pathos
patový {adj} :: stalemate (when used attributively)
Patras {prop} {m} :: Patras (city)
pátrat {v impf} :: to search, look for
patriarchální {adj} :: patriarchal
patriarchát {m} :: patriarchy
patriciát {m} :: patriciate
Patricie {prop} {f} :: given name
patricij {m} :: patrician (member of Roman aristocracy)
Patrik {prop} {m} :: given name
patriot {m} :: patriot
patriotický {adj} :: patriotic
patriotismus {m} :: patriotism
patriotistický {adj} :: alternative form of patriotický
patrně {adv} :: apparently (seemingly)
patro {n} :: floor, storey
patro {n} [anatomy] :: palate (roof of the mouth)
patrona {f} :: cartridge, shell
patronát {m} :: patronage, sponsorship
patřičný {adj} :: proper, due, appropriate
patřit {v impf} :: to belong (to have its proper place)
patřit {v impf} :: (followed by k) to belong (to be a part of a group)
patřit {v impf} :: to belong (to be the property of)
patřit {v impf} :: to serve somebody right
pa tuan ťin {m} :: Ba Duan Jin
pátý {adj} :: fifth
pátý pád {m} :: vocative case
pauza {f} :: break, pause
pauza {f} [music] :: rest
pauzírák {m inan} [colloquial] :: tracing paper
pauzírovací papír {m inan} :: tracing paper
páv {m} :: peacock
pavěda {f} :: pseudoscience
pavědecký {adj} :: pseudoscientific
Pavel {prop} {m} :: given name
paví {adj} [relational] :: peacock
pavián {m} :: baboon
paviání {adj} [relational] :: baboon, baboon's
pávice {f} :: peahen
pavilon {m inan} [architecture] :: pavilion
Pavla {prop} {f} :: given name
Pavlíček {prop} {m} :: given name
Pavlička {prop} {f} :: given name
Pavlík {prop} {m} :: given name
Pavlína {prop} {f} :: given name
Pavlínka {prop} {f} :: given name
pavouček {m} :: diminutive of pavouk
pavoučí {adj} [relational] :: spider
pavouk {m anim} :: spider
pavoukovec {m} :: arachnid
pavučina {f} :: web, spiderweb
pavučinka {f} :: diminutive of pavučina
pazneht {m} :: hoof
pazneht {m} [mildly, vulgar] :: human hand or leg
pazour {m} [colloquial] :: claws or paw
pazour {m} [colloquial] :: hand
pazourek {m} :: diminutive of pazour
pazourek {m} :: flint (hard, fine-grained quartz that fractures conchoidally and generates sparks when struck)
pažba {f} :: butt, stock, buttstock
paždí {n} :: synonym of rámě
paždí {n} [botany] :: axil
paže {f} :: arm (portion of the upper limb)
pažitka {f} :: chive
pažní {adj} [relational] :: arm
{n} :: letter: p
pec {f} :: oven, furnace
pec {f} :: furnace (device that heats materials being processed in a factory)
pécéčko {n} [colloquial] :: PC (personal computer)
pecen {m} :: loaf
péci {v impf} :: alternative form of péct
pecivál {m} [colloquial] :: homebody
pecka {f} [botany] :: stone, kernel (of a fruit)
pecka {f} [printing, slang] :: hickie
peckovice {f} :: drupe, stone fruit
peckovina {f} :: stone fruit
péct {v impf} :: to bake
péct {v impf} :: to roast
pečárka {f} :: Agaricus (genus of fungi in the family Agaricaceae), including champignon
pečárka císařská {noun} :: prince, Agaricus augustus (species of fungi in the family Agaricaceae)
pečárka dvouvýtrusá {noun} :: button mushroom, Agaricus bisporus (species of fungi in the family Agaricaceae)
pečárka dvouvýtrusná {noun} :: button mushroom, Agaricus bisporus (species of fungi in the family Agaricaceae)
pečárka lesní {noun} :: Agaricus silvaticus (species of fungi in the family Agaricaceae)
pečárka ovčí {noun} :: horse mushroom, Agaricus arvensis (species of fungi in the family Agaricaceae)
pečárka polní {noun} :: [British] field mushroom, [American] meadow mushroom, Agaricus campestris (species of fungi in the family Agaricaceae)
pečárka zápašná {noun} :: yellow-staining mushroom, yellow-stainer, Agaricus xanthodermus (species of fungi in the family Agaricaceae)
pečárkotvaré {f} [plurale tantum] :: Agaricales (order of fungi)
pečárkovité {f} [plurale tantum] :: Agaricaceae (family of fungi)
péče {f} :: care (looking after people)
pečeně {f} :: roasted meat
pečení {n} :: baking
pečený {adj} :: baked (cooked by baking)
pečený {adj} :: roast (having been cooked by roasting)
pečeť {f} :: seal
pečínka {f} :: diminutive of pečeně
pečivo {n} :: pastries
péčko {n} :: letter p
péčko {n} [slang] :: methamphetamine
péčko {n} [slang] :: porn
pečlivě {adv} :: carefully
pečlivost {f} :: carefulness, meticulousness, fastidiousness
pečlivý {adj} :: careful (meticulous)
pečovat {v impf} :: to care (to look after)
pedagogický {adj} :: pedagogical (of, or relating to pedagogy)
pedagogika {noun} :: pedagogy
pedál {m} :: pedal
pedant {m} :: pedant (person who is overly concerned with formal rules and trivial points of learning)
pedantický {adj} :: pedantic
pedantský {adj} :: pedantic
pederast {m} :: pederast
pederastie {f} :: pederasty
pediatr {m} :: pediatrician
pediatrický {adj} :: pediatric
pediatrie {f} [medicine] :: pediatrics
pedikér {m} :: pedicurist
pedikérka {f} :: female pedicurist
pedikúra {f} :: pedicure
pedofil {m} :: pedophile
pedofilie {f} :: pedophilia
pedometr {m} :: pedometer
pedopsycholog {m} :: child psychologist
pedopsychologie {f} :: paedopsychology (child psychology)
pedosféra {f} :: pedosphere
Pegas {prop} {m} :: Pegasus (mythological horse)
pech {m} [colloquial] :: bad luck
pěchava {f} :: Any grass of the genus Sesleria, certain moor grass
pěchota {f} :: infantry
peja {m anim} :: shining parrot
pejorativně {adv} :: pejoratively
pejorativněji {adv} :: comparative of pejorativně
pejorativní {adj} :: pejorative
pejorativum {n} :: pejorative
pejsánek {m} :: diminutive of pes
pejsek {m} :: diminutive of pes, synonym of psík
pekáček {m} :: diminutive of pekáč
pekárna {f} :: bakery
pekař {m} :: baker
pekařka {f} :: female baker
pekařství {n} :: bakery, baker's, baker's shop
pekelný {adj} :: hell, hell's, infernal
Pekiňan {m} :: person from Beijing
Peking {prop} {m} :: Peking (direct-administered municipality/capital city)
peklíčko {n} :: diminutive of peklo
peklo {n} :: hell
pěkně {adv} :: nicely
pěkně {interj} :: nice
pěkný {adj} :: nice
pěkný {adj} :: pretty
pektin {m} [carbohydrate] :: pectin
pelargonie {f} :: geranium, pelargonium (genus Pelargonium)
pelargónie {f} :: geranium (the common name for flowering plants of the genus Pelargonium)
pelášit {v impf} [colloquial] :: to run
pelech {m inan} :: den, lair (of an animal)
pelech {m inan} :: bed (place for sleeping)
pelikán {m anim} :: pelican
Pelikán {prop} {m} :: A Czech surname
pelikání {adj} [relational] :: pelican, pelican's
pelíšek {m inan} :: diminutive of pelech
pelíškovat {v impf} [colloquial] :: to sleep
Peloponés {prop} {m} :: Peloponés (region)
Peloponésan {m} :: Peloponnesian (person)
peloponéský {adj} :: Peloponnese, Peloponnesian
peloton {m} :: peloton
peluň {f} {m inan} [archaic] :: artemisia (plant)
pelyň {m inan} [rare, archaic] :: alternative form of peluň
pelyněk {m} :: artemisia
pelyněk černobýl {m} :: mugwort, common wormwood, Artemisia vulgaris
pelyněk pravý {m} :: wormwood, Artemisia absinthium
pemfigus {m} :: pemphigus (autoimmune skin disease)
pemza {f} :: pumice
pemza {f} :: holystone
peň {m} [literary or dialectal] :: trunk (part of a tree)
pěna {f} :: foam
penále {n} :: fine (penalty)
penalta {f} [soccer] :: penalty kick (direct free kick from the penalty spot, taken after a defensive foul in the penalty box)
pěnčák {m anim} :: some birds from genus Macrosphenidae
pendler {m anim} :: commuter to a foreign country
pendlovky {fp} :: pendulum clock in a long windowed case
Penelopa {prop} {f} :: Penelope
peněz jako želez {noun} [simile] :: a lot of money
penězokaz {m anim} :: counterfeiter of money
peněženka {f} :: wallet, billfold, purse (a small bag for carrying money)
peněžní {adj} :: monetary
peněžní trh {m} :: money market
pěnice {f} :: warbler (bird of the Sylviidae family)
penicilin {m} :: penicillin
penicilín {m} :: penicillin
penilní {adj} :: penile (having to do with the penis)
penis {m} [anatomy] :: penis
peníz {m inan} :: coin
peníz {m inan} [archaic, colloquial] :: sum (quantity of money)
peníze {m inan} :: money
penízovka {f} :: Callistosporium (genus of fungi in the family Tricholomataceae)
penízovka {f} :: Collybia (genus of fungi in the family Tricholomataceae)
penízovka {f} :: Flammulina (genus of fungi in the family Physalacriaceae)
penízovka {f} :: Gymnopus (genus of fungi in the family Omphalotaceae)
penízovka {f} :: Pseudobaeospora (genus of fungi in the family Tricholomataceae)
penízovka {f} :: Rhodocollybia (genus of fungi in the family Omphalotaceae)
penízovka {f} :: Strobilurus (genus of fungi in the family Physalacriaceae)
penízovka {f} :: Tephrocybe (genus of fungi in the family Lyophyllaceae)
penízovka sametonohá {noun} :: velvet foot, winter mushroom, Flammulina velutipes (species of fungi in the family Physalacriaceae)
pěnkava {f} :: chaffinch
pěnkava {f} :: Fringilla
pěnkavák {m anim} :: snowfinch
pěnkava obecná {f} :: chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs)
pěnkavčí {adj} [relational] :: chaffinch, chaffinch's
pěnkaví {adj} [relational] :: chaffinch, chaffinch's
pěnkavka {f} :: diminutive of pěnkava
pěnkavka {f} :: any bird from genus Camarhynchus
pěnobeton {m} :: foam concrete
pěnovitý {adj} :: scummy, foamy, foamlike
Pensylvánie {prop} {f} :: Pensylvánie (state)
pentan {m} [organic compound] :: pentane (C5H12)
pentilka {f} :: mechanical pencil with very thin lead
penze {f} :: pension (retirement benefit)
penzijní fond {m} :: pension fund
penzista {m} :: pensioner
Pepa {prop} {m} :: given name
Pepa {prop} {f} :: given name
Pepíček {prop} {m} :: given name, a pet form of Josef
Pepík {prop} {m} :: given name, a pet form of Josef
pepř {m inan} :: pepper, a plant of the family Piperaceae
pepř {m inan} :: pepper, a spice prepared from the fermented, dried, unripe berries of this plant
pepř černý {m} :: black pepper
pepřenka {f} :: pepper shaker
pepsin {m} [enzyme] :: pepsin
peptický vřed {m} :: peptic ulcer
peptid {m} [organic chemistry] :: peptide
peptidergní {adj} :: peptidergic
peptidová vazba {f} :: peptide bond
perepel {m anim} :: buttonquail
perestrojka {f} :: perestroika
perfekcionismus {m} :: perfectionism (an unwillingness to settle for anything less than perfection)
perfekcionista {m} :: perfectionist (person who does not settle for anything that is not perfect)
perfekcionistický {adj} :: perfectionist, perfectionistic
perfektní {adj} :: perfect
pergamen {m} :: parchment (material)
pergola {f} :: pergola
periferie {f} :: periphery
periferie {f} :: peripheral
periférie {f} :: periphery
periférie {f} :: peripheral
periferní {adj} :: peripheral
periferní nervová soustava {f} :: peripheral nervous system
periferní vidění {n} :: peripheral vision
perihélium {n} :: perihelion
perikard {m} :: pericardium
perikarditida {f} :: pericarditis
Perikles {prop} {m} :: Pericles
Periklés {prop} {m} :: Pericles
perineální {adj} [medicine] :: perineal
perineum {n} :: perineum
perioda {f} :: period, circle
perioda {f} :: menstrual period
periodicita {f} :: periodicity
periodická tabulka {f} [chemistry] :: periodic table
periodický {adj} :: periodic
periodikum {n} :: periodical (publication that appears at fixed intervals)
peristaltický {adj} :: peristaltic (of or pertaining to peristalsis)
peristaltika {f} :: peristalsis
peritonitida {f} :: peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum)
perivaskulární {adj} :: perivascular
perkelt {m} :: goulash-like Hungarian dish
perkutánní {adj} :: percutaneous
perla {f} :: pearl (rounded shelly concretion produced by certain mollusks)
perleť {f} :: nacre (pearly substance on the interior of shells)
perlička {f} :: diminutive of perla
perlivý {adj} :: sparkling, fizzy (of a beverage)
perlokuční {adj} :: perlocutionary
perlorodka {f} :: pearl shellfish (any shellfish creating pearls)
perlorodka {f} :: Margaritifera (genus of freshwater mussels)
perlový {adj} [relational] :: pearl
perm {m} :: Permian (geological period)
permanentně {adv} :: permanently
permanentně {adv} :: all the time, permanently, constantly
permanentní {adj} :: permanent
permeabilita {f} [physics] :: permeability (quantitative measure of the degree of magnetization of a material in the presence of an applied magnetic field)
permitivita {f} [physics] :: permittivity
permutace {f} [mathematics] :: permutation (ordering of a finite set of distinct elements)
perník {m} :: gingerbread
perník {m} [slang] :: meth, methamphetamine
perný {adj} :: busy
pero {n} :: feather
pero {n} :: pen (writing instrument)
péro {n} :: alternative form of pero
péro {n} [vulgar] :: penis
perón {m} [colloquial] :: platform (in a station)
perorální {adj} :: oral (of a drug, administered through mouth)
peroxid {m} :: peroxide
peroxid vodíku {m} [inorganic compound] :: hydrogen peroxide
perpetum mobile {n} :: alternative spelling of perpetuum mobile
perpetuum mobile {n} :: perpetual motion machine
Persefona {prop} {f} [Greek mythology] :: Persephone
persistentní {adj} :: persistent
perský {adj} :: Persian
personál {m} :: staff (employees of a business)
personalista {m} :: human resources specialist, HR specialist
personalistika {f} :: human resource management
personální {adj} :: human resources (when used attributively)
personifikace {f} [figure of speech] :: personification
perspektiva {f} :: perspective
perspektivní {adj} :: having future; likely to stay or grow
perspektivní {adj} :: perspective
perspirace {f} :: perspiration
Peršan {m anim} :: Persian (person)
Peru {prop} {n} :: Peru (country)
Peruánec {m anim} :: Peruvian
Peruánka {f} :: female Peruvian
peruánský {adj} :: Peruvian
pervitin {m} :: methamphetamine
perzekuce {f} :: persecution
perzekuovat {v} :: alternative spelling of perzekvovat
perzekvovat {v pf} :: to persecute
peřej {m} :: (often plural) rapid (rough section of a river or stream)
peřeje {fp} :: rapids
peří {n} :: plumage
peříčko {n} :: diminutive of péro
peřina {f} :: duvet (filled with down)
peřinka {f} :: diminutive of peřina
pes {m anim} [mammals] :: dog
pes {m anim} :: male dog
pes {m anim} :: scoundrel, bad person
pesimismus {m} :: pessimism
pesimista {m} :: pessimist
pesimistický {adj} :: pessimistic
pesimistka {f} :: female pessimist
pes, který štěká, nekouše {proverb} :: barking dogs seldom bite
peso {n} :: peso (any of multiple currencies)
pěst {f} :: fist
pěstička {f} :: diminutive of pěst
pestík {m} :: carpel
pestík {m} :: pistil
pěstoun {m} :: foster parent, foster carer
pěstovat {vt impf} :: to grow (to cause to become bigger, especially plants)
pestrobarevný {adj} :: colorful (possessing prominent and varied colors)
pestrý {adj} :: variegated, varied
pěšák {m} :: infantryman, foot soldier (a soldier employed in an infantry role)
Péšávar {prop} {m} :: Péšávar (capital)
pěšec {m} [chess] :: pawn
pěší {adj} :: on-foot
pěší {adj} [relational] :: infantry
pěšina {f} :: path, a way created by people's or animals' walking
pěšinka {f} :: part, a line dividing a person's hair
pěšinka {f} :: diminutive of pěšina (=path)
pěší zóna {f} :: pedestrian zone
pěšky {adv} :: on foot, by foot
pět {num} :: five
pět {v impf} [dated] :: to sing
peta- {prefix} :: peta-
Peťa {prop} {m} :: A pet form of the male given name Petr
Peťa {prop} {m} :: A pet form of the male given name Petra
Péťa {prop} {m} :: A pet form of the male given name Petr
petabajt {m} :: petabyte
petabyte {m} :: petabyte
petajoule {m} :: petajoule
petanque {m} :: pétanque
pětibába {f} [colloquial] :: five hundred Czech crowns
pětiboj {m} :: pentathlon
pětibojař {m} :: pentathlete
pětibojařka {f} :: female pentathlete
petice {f} :: petition (formal, written request made to an official person or organized body, often containing many signatures)
pětikilo {n} [colloquial] :: five hundred Czech crowns
pětikoruna {f} :: five-crown coin or banknote
pětiletý {adj} :: five-year
pětiletý {adj} :: five-year-old
pětiletý plán {m} :: five-year plan
pětimocný {adj} [chemistry] :: pentavalent
pětina {f} :: fifth (one of five equal parts of a whole)
pětiprocentní {adj} :: five-percent, 5%
pětistěn {m} :: pentahedron
pětistý {adj} :: five-hundredth
pětiúhelník {m} [geometry] :: pentagon
pětka {f} :: five (digit or figure)
pětka {f} [colloquial] :: ten korunas
pětka {f} [rugby] :: try (type of scoring play worth five points)
pětkrát {adv} :: five times
Petr {prop} {m} :: given name
Petra {prop} {f} :: given name
Petriho miska {f} :: Petri dish
Petriho síť {f} :: Petri net
petrklíč {m} :: primrose
Petrohrad {prop} {m} :: Petrohrad (federal city)
Petrohraďan {m} :: person from Saint Petersburg
petrolej {m} :: kerosene
petrolejka {f} :: kerosene lamp
Petruška {prop} {f} :: A pet form of female given names Petra and Petruše
petržel {f} :: parsley
Petříček {prop} {m} :: given name
Petřík {prop} {m} :: given name
pět set {num} :: five hundred
Peťulka {prop} {m} :: given name, a pet form of Petr
Peťulka {prop} {m} :: given name, a pet form of Petra
petunie {f} :: petunia (genus Petunia)
petúnie {f} :: petunia (genus Petunia)
pěvec {m anim} :: perching bird
pěvec {m anim} :: scrub robin
pěvec {m anim} [archaic] :: singer
pěvkyně {f} :: female singer
pevná linka {f} :: landline (telephone)
pevnina {f} :: continent
pevninský {adj} :: continental
pevnost {f} :: A fort, fortress or citadel
pevnost {f} :: Strength, firmness, steadiness, stability
pevnost {f} [physics] :: Strength
pevnůstka {f} :: diminutive of pevnost
pevný {adj} :: firm
pevný bod {m} [mathematics] :: fixed point, fixpoint
pevný disk {m} :: hard disk, hard drive
pevný jako skála {adj} [simile] :: very firm
pevný odkaz {m} :: hard link
pěvuška {f} :: accentor
pexeso {n} :: a memory game where pairs of tiles are to be matched
PF {phrase} :: pour féliciter (New Year's congratulation, in Czech and Slovak only)
PhDr. {noun} :: abbreviation of philosophiae doctor
Phobos {prop} {m inan} :: [astronomy] Phobos, the bigger of the two natural satellites of Mars
pchin-jin {m} :: Pinyin
Pchjongjang {prop} {m} :: Pchjongjang (capital city)
{n} :: pi (Greek letter)
{n} :: pi (the ratio of the circumference of a Euclidean circle to its diameter)
{n} :: [feminine] abbreviation of paní
pianino {n} :: upright piano
piastr {m} :: piastre (Ottoman or Middle Eastern currency)
Picasso {prop} {m} :: Pablo Picasso, Spanish artist
picat {v impf} [colloquial] :: to shoot
píce {f} :: fodder (food for animals)
pícnina {f} :: forage
picnout {v pf} [colloquial] :: to shoot (to fire a shot)
piča {f} [vulgar] :: cunt, pussy (female genitalia)
piča {f} [vulgar, pejorative] :: bitch (despisable woman)
piča {f} [vulgar] :: fucker, bitch (something difficult)
piča {f} [vulgar] :: the fuck, fuck (as an intensifier, an expression of displeasure)
píča {f} [taboo slang, vulgar] :: cunt, pussy, twat
píča {f} [derogatory] :: a woman, a cunt (derogatory term for a woman)
pička {f} :: diminutive of piča
pičovina {f} [regional] :: alternative form of píčovina
píčovina {f} [vulgar] :: bullshit
pičus {m} [vulgar] :: dick (objectionable person)
píčus {m} [vulgar, pejorative] :: prick, fucker (an extremely unpleasant man)
píď {f} :: span (unit of length)
pidimužík {m} :: dwarf, midget, manikin
pidlooký {adj} :: cross-eyed
piedestal {m} :: pedestal
pietismus {m} :: pietism
piezoelektrický {adj} :: piezoelectric
piezoelektřina {f} :: piezoelectricity (capacity of crystal to generate electricity)
piglovat {v impf} [archaic, colloquial] :: to iron (to pass an iron over in order to remove creases)
piha {f} :: freckle
píchat {v impf} :: imperfective form of píchnout
píchat {v impf} [mildly, vulgar] :: to fuck
píchnout {v pf} :: to sting
piják {m} :: drunkard, tippler, boozer
piják {m} :: blotter (blotting paper)
pijan {m} [colloquial] :: drinker, drunkard
pijatika {f} [colloquial] :: carousal, drinking party
pijavice {f} :: leech (aquatic blood-sucking annelid)
pijavice {f} :: leech (a person who derives profit from others, in a parasitic fashion)
pijavka {f} :: leech (aquatic blood-sucking annelid)
pijavka {f} :: leech (a person who derives profit from others, in a parasitic fashion)
pika {noun} :: obsolete form of píka
pika {noun} :: American pika, Ochotona princeps (species within the family Ochotonidae)
píka {f} :: pike (weapon)
pikador {m} [bullfighting] :: picador
pikador {m} [dialectal, South of Bohemia] :: hot dog
pikantní {adj} :: spicy
pikat {v impf} :: To be the player who tries to find the others in the game of hide and seek
pikat {v impf} :: it
piko- {prefix} :: pico-
piko {n} [slang] :: crystal meth
pikofarad {m} :: picofarad
pikola {f} [musical instruments] :: piccolo (musical instrument)
pikosekunda {f} :: picosecond
pikový {adj} :: spades (of the suit of spades)
piky {fp} [plurale tantum, cards] :: spades
pila {f} :: saw
pilaf {m} :: pilaf
pilař {m anim} :: sawyer
Pilát {prop} {m} :: Pilate
píle {f} :: diligence
pilina {f} :: sawdust (chiefly in plural)
piliny {noun} :: sawdust
pilíř {m inan} :: pillar
pilíř {m anim} [rugby] :: prop (a player of the front row, supporting the hooker in the scrum)
pilka {f} :: diminutive of pila
pilně {adv} :: diligently
pilnější {adj} :: comparative of pilný
pilníček {m} :: diminutive of pilník
pilník {m} :: file (abrasive tool)
pilnost {f} :: diligence, industry, industriousness
pilný {adj} :: hardworking, diligent, industrious
pilný jako mravenec {adj} [simile] :: busy as a bee
pilný jako včelka {adj} [simile] :: busy as a bee
pilot {m} :: pilot (controller of aircraft)
pilovat {v impf} :: To file (smooth, grind or cut something using a file)
pilovat {v impf} :: To refine, polish (speech, style, performance etc.)
pilulka {f} :: pill (small portion of a drug or drugs to be taken orally)
pinda {f} [colloquial] :: pussy (female genitalia)
pinďa {m} [colloquial] :: dick (penis)
pindat {v} :: to prattle, blether, drivel
pindík {m} [inanimate, colloquial] :: penis
pindík {m} [animate, colloquial] :: midget, manikin, shorty (small person)
pindík {m} [animate, colloquial] :: pawn (chess piece)
pinďour {m} [colloquial] :: pawn (chess piece)
pinďour {m} [colloquial] :: dick (penis)
pinďour {m} [colloquial] :: midget, manikin, shorty (small person)
pinďourek {m} :: diminutive of pinďour
pinec {m} [colloquial] :: ping pong
pingl {m} [colloquial, animate] :: waiter (male attendant who serves customers in a restaurant, cafe or similar)
pingl {m} [colloquial, inanimate] :: bundle (A package wrapped or tied up for carrying)
pingo {n} :: pingo
ping-pong {m} :: ping pong, table tennis
pinie {f} :: stone pine
piniový ořech {m} :: pine nut
pinjin {m} :: Pinyin
pinta {f} :: pint (unit of volume)
pinyin {m} :: Pinyin
pinzeta {f} :: tweezers
pinzetka {f} :: diminutive of pinzeta
pionýr {m} :: pioneer (child in soviet bloc)
pionýrka {f} :: female pioneer (child in soviet bloc)
pípa {f} :: tap, spigot
pipeta {f} :: pipette (small glass tube used for transferring liquid)
pipina {f} [colloquial] :: pussy (female genitalia)
pipinka {f} [colloquial] :: pussy (female genitalia)
pipka {f} :: pipe (smoking tool)
pipka {f} :: hen (female chicken)
pipka {f} :: plain girl
pipka {f} :: pussy (female genitalia)
pípnout {v pf} :: (speak or make a sound) To peep
pípnutí {n} :: peep (quiet sound, particularly one from a baby bird)
piraňa {f} :: piranha
pirát {m} :: pirate
pirátský {adj} :: pirate (when used attributively)
pirátství {n} :: piracy (robbery at sea)
Pireus {prop} {m} :: Piraeus (city in Greece, part of Athens urban area)
pírko {n} :: diminutive of péro
pisánský {adj} :: Pisa, Pisan
písčina {f} :: sand (beach or other expanse of sand)
písčitý {adj} :: sandy
Písečan {m} :: person from Písek
písečná bouře {f} :: sandstorm (strong wind carrying clouds of sand)
písečný {adj} [relational] :: sand
písek {m} :: sand (finely ground rock)
Písek {prop} {m} :: A town in the South Bohemian Region of the Czech Republic, located on the river Otava. Known among others as the place with the oldest bridge in the Czech Republic
píseň {f} :: song
písíčko {n} [colloquial] :: PC (personal computer)
pisík {m anim} :: sandpiper
pisila {f} :: stilt
pískání {n} :: whistling
pískání {n} :: wheezing
pískat {v impf} :: to whistle
pískat {v impf} :: to wheeze
piskoř {m anim} :: weather loach, weatherfish (loach of the genus Misgurnus)
pískot {m} :: whistle, whistling, whistles
pískot {m} :: wheeze
pískovec {m} :: sandstone
pískoviště {n} :: sandbox
pískový {adj} [relational] :: sand
písmeno {n} :: letter (of the alphabet)
písmo {n} :: font
písmolijec {m} :: type-founder
písmolijna {f} :: type foundry
písnička {f} :: song (musical composition with lyrics for voice or voices)
pisoár {m} :: urinal
píst {m} :: piston
pistácie {f} :: pistachio
pistáciový {adj} :: pistachio (made from or related to pistachios)
pistole {f} :: pistol
pistolka {f} :: diminutive of pistole
pistolník {m} :: gunslinger (person expert at the quick draw)
pístový {adj} :: piston
piškot {m} :: sponge, sponge cake, ladyfinger
piškotový {adj} :: Related to sponge cake or sponge cake dough
piškvorky {fp} :: gomoku
píšťala {f} :: whistle (device used to make a whistling sound)
píšťalička {f} :: diminutive of píšťala
píšťalka {f} :: whistle (device used to make a whistling sound)
pištec {m anim} :: pitohui
píštěl {f} :: fistula
pít {v impf} :: to drink (to take in liquid)
pít {v impf} :: to drink (to take in alcoholic beverage)
pití {n} :: drinking (the act of drinking)
pití {n} :: drink, beverage
pitíčko {n} :: diminutive of pití
pít jako duha {v} [simile] :: to drink alcohol a lot
pitka {f} :: drinking party
pitná voda {f} :: drinking water
pitný {adj} :: potable, drinkable
pitomec {m} :: idiot, moron, nitwit
pitomeček {m} :: diminutive of pitomec
pitomina {f} [colloquial] :: rubbish, nonsense
pitomost {f} :: stupidity, foolishness (characteristics)
pitomost {f} :: nonsense, rubbish (remark etc)
pitomost {f} :: blunder, boob
pitomý {adj} [colloquial] :: stupid, dumb, daft
pitomý {adj} [colloquial] :: annoying (affair, matter)
pitoreskní {adj} :: picturesque
pittsburský {adj} :: Pittsburgh
pitva {f} :: dissection
pitvat {v impf} :: to dissect (to study a dead animal's anatomy by cutting it apart)
pivař {m} [colloquial] :: beer drinker
pivečko {n} :: diminutive of pivo
pivíčko {n} :: diminutive of pivo
pivko {n} :: diminutive of pivo
pivní {adj} :: beer
pivní sýr {m inan} :: Weisslacker (a pungent, mild soft cow cheese)
pivo {n} :: beer
pivoňka {f} :: peony (Paeonia genus of flowering plants)
pivovar {m} :: brewery
pizda {f} [vulgar] :: pussy, cunt (female genitalia)
pizda {f} [vulgar, pejorative] :: pussy, cunt (insult)
pizza {f} :: pizza
pizzerie {f} :: pizzeria, pizza parlor (US)
pižlat {v impf} [colloquial] :: to cut (with a knife etc)
pižlat {v impf} [colloquial] :: to file (with a file)
pižmo {n} :: musk (greasy secretion with powerful odour)
pižmoň {m} :: musk ox (an arctic mammal)
plac {m inan} [colloquial] :: place
plac {m inan} [obsolete] :: square, town square
plácačka {f} :: fly swatter
plácat {v impf} :: to slap, smack, clap
plácat {v impf} :: to blether
placebo {n} :: placebo (dummy medicine containing no active ingredients)
placenta {f} :: placenta
placentální {adj} :: placental
placentární {adj} :: placental
placený {adj} :: paid
placička {f} :: diminutive of placka
placka {f} :: flat cake usually made from potatoes
pláč {m} :: weeping, crying
plačka {f} :: weeper
plačka {f} [dialectal] :: weeping
plagiát {m} :: plagiarism (work resulting from plagiarism)
plagiátor {m} :: plagiarist
plagiátorství {n} :: plagiarism (action or activity)
plagiátství {n} :: plagiarism (action or activity)
plachetka {f} :: diminutive of plachta
plachetnice {f} :: sailboat
pláchnout {v pf} [colloquial] :: to flee, to run away
plachost {f} :: shyness
plachta {f} :: sail
plachtění {n} :: sailing (motion across water)
plachtit {v impf} :: to glide, soar, sail, float
plachý {adj} :: shy
plak {m} :: plaque (on teeth)
plakat {v impf} :: to weep, to cry
plakát {m} :: poster, bill (advertisement to be posted on a pole or wall)
plakát {m} :: poster (picture of celebrity etc., to be posted on a wall)
plakátek {m} :: diminutive of plakát
plakat nad rozlitým mlékem {v impf} [idiomatic] :: to cry over spilt milk
plamen {m} :: flame (part of fire)
plameňák {m} :: flamingo (bird)
plamenomet {m} :: flamethrower
plamínek {m} :: diminutive of plamen
plán {m} :: plan (drawing showing technical details of an artifact)
plán {m} :: plan (set of intended actions aimed at a goal)
pláň {f} :: plain
plán B {m} :: plan B, fallback, backup plan, contingency plan
plánek {m} :: diminutive of plán
plané neštovice {fp} [pathology] :: chickenpox
planeta {f} :: planet
planetárium {n} :: planetarium
planetární {adj} :: planetary
planetární jádro {n} :: planetary core
planetka {f} :: minor planet
planina {f} :: plain
plánovač {m} :: planner (person)
plánovač tras {m} :: route planner
plánované rodičovství {n} :: planned parenthood
plánování {n} :: planning
plánovaný {adj} :: planned
plánovat {v impf} :: to plan
planš {f} [fencing] :: piste (the field of play of a fencing match)
plantáž {f} :: plantation
planý {adj} :: wild (of plants, not cultivated)
planý {adj} :: vain, idle (effecting no purpose)
planý poplach {m} :: false alarm (trigger of an unfounded response)
plast {m} :: plastic
plást {m} :: honeycomb (structure of hexagonal cells made by bees primarily of wax)
plastelína {f} :: modeling clay (US), plasticine (UK)
plástev {f} :: honeycomb (structure of hexagonal cells made by bees primarily of wax)
plastická chirurgie {f} :: plastic surgery
plastický {adj} :: plastic
plastový {adj} :: plastic (made of plastic)
Plášil {prop} {m} :: A Czech surname
plašit {vt impf} :: rouse, startle, frighten, shoo (animals)
plašit {vi impf} [colloquial] :: panic (person)
plášť {m} :: cloak
pláštěnka {f} :: raincoat
pláštík {m} :: diminutive of plášť
plat {m} :: salary
plát {vi impf} :: to burn brightly (about a fire)
plát {m} :: A sheet, plate or slab
platan {m} :: plane tree, any tree of genus Platanus
platba {f} :: payment
plátce {m} :: payer
platební {adj} [relational] :: payment
platební bilance {f} :: balance of payments (measure of the flow of money into and out of a country)
platební neschopnost {f} :: insolvency
platební schopnost {f} :: solvency
plátek {m} :: slice
plátěný {adj} :: linen
platforma {f} :: platform (hardware, operating system, application or environment on top of which applications are built or on which applications depend)
platina {f} :: platinum
platit {v impf} :: to pay (to give money)
platit {v impf} :: to hold (to be true)
platit jako mourovatý {v} [simile] :: to pay a lot
platná číslice {f} :: significant digit
plátno {n} :: canvas (type of coarse cloth)
plátno {n} :: canvas (piece of cloth on which you paint)
plátno {n} :: linen (material)
platnost {f} :: validity
platný {adj} :: valid
platný jako mrtvému zimník {adj} [simile] :: not helpful at all
Platón {prop} {m} :: Plato
platonický {adj} :: platonic (not sexual)
platonik {m} :: Platonist (follower of Plato)
platónovec {m} :: Platonist (follower of Plato)
platonský {adj} :: Platonic (of or relating to the ancient Greek philosopher Plato or his philosophies)
platónský {adj} :: Platonic (of or relating to the ancient Greek philosopher Plato or his philosophies)
platový {adj} [relational] :: salary
platýs {m anim} :: flatfish
plausibilní {adj} :: plausible (without obvious refutation)
plauzibilní {adj} :: alternative spelling of plausibilní
plavák {noun} :: dun horse
plavání {n} :: swimming (activity)
plavat {v impf} :: to swim
plavba {f} :: voyage (by ship)
plavčík {m} :: lifeguard (attendant at a body of water)
plavčík {m} :: To do: certain rank on a ship
plavec {m anim} :: swimmer
plavecký {adj} [relational] :: swimming
plavečák {m} [colloquial] :: swimming pool
plavidlo {n} :: watercraft
plavit {v impf} :: to sail [to ride in a boat]
plavit {v impf} :: to float, run or raft (logs of wood)
plavit {v impf} :: to swim (horse or horses)
plavky {fp} :: swimsuit
plavkyně {f} :: female swimmer
plavoun {m} [archaic] :: capybara
plavovláska {f} :: female blonde
plaz {m anim} :: reptile
plazí {adj} :: reptile, reptile's, reptilian
plazit {v impf} :: to crawl, to grovel
plazma {n} :: plasma (state of matter consisting of partially ionized gas)
plazma {f} :: plasma (clear component of blood or lymph containing fibrin)
plazmid {m} :: plasmid
plazmový {adj} :: plasma (when used atributively)
pláž {f} :: beach
plážový {adj} [relational] :: beach
plážový volejbal {m} :: beach volleyball (outdoor variant of volleyball played on sand)
plebej {m} :: plebeian (one of the plebs, or common people of ancient Rome, in distinction from patrician)
plebej {m} :: commoner
plebejec {m} :: plebeian (one of the plebs, or common people of ancient Rome, in distinction from patrician)
plebejec {m} :: commoner
plebejský {adj} :: plebeian (of or pertaining to the Roman plebs, or common people)
plebejský {adj} :: plebeian (of or pertaining to the common people)
plebiscit {m} :: plebiscite
plebs {m} :: plebs, commoners
plech {m} :: sheet metal
plech {m} :: baking pan
plechovka {f} :: tin can (container)
pleistocén {m} [geology] :: Pleistocene
plejáda {f} :: myriad, multitude
plemenitba {f} :: breeding
plemeno {n} [zoology] :: breed
plen {m} :: plundering, looting (act of stealing or confiscating assets by an army from unarmed enemy citizens in time of war)
plen {m} :: loot, plunder, booty (assets taken by an army from unarmed enemy citizens in time of war)
plena {f} :: diaper [US], nappy [UK]
plenární {adj} :: plenary
plenka {f} :: diaper [US], nappy [UK]
pleonasmus {m} [figure of speech] :: pleonasm
pleonastický {adj} :: pleonastic
ples {m} :: ball (formal dance)
pleskot {m inan} :: patter (sound)
plesnivět {v impf} :: to mildew
plesnivý {adj} :: moldy
plést {v impf} :: to braid, to plait
plést {v impf} :: to knit
plést {v impf} [, used with si] :: to confuse, to confound
plést {v impf} :: to meddle
pleš {f} :: bald area of a person's scalp
plešatost {f} :: baldness
plešatý {adj} :: bald (having no hair)
pleška {f} :: diminutive of pleš
plešoun {m} [colloquial] :: baldy, bald man, bald guy
pleť {f} :: complexion (quality, colour, or appearance of the skin on the face)
pleť {f} :: skin (outer protective layer of the body of a human but not any animal)
pleteň {f} :: plexus
pletení {n} :: knitting
pletichář {m} :: schemer (he who plots secret, devious plans)
pletivo {n} :: plant tissue
pleurální {adj} :: pleural
pleva {f} :: chaff
plevel {m} :: weed (unwanted plant)
plch {m} :: dormouse
plíce {f} :: lung
plíce {fp} :: lungs
plicní {adj} :: pulmonary, lung
plicní sklípek {noun} [anatomy] :: alveolus, pulmonary alveolus
plika {f} :: certain kind of fold
pliocén {m} [geology] :: Pliocene
plíseň {f} :: mold (US), mould (UK) (woolly or furry growth of tiny fungi)
plískanice {f} :: sleet
plískavice {f} :: some sort of bad weather
plískavice {f} :: some genera of the Delphinidae family
plíšť {f} [archaic] :: sleet
plít {v impf} :: to weed
plíva {f} [dialectal] :: alternative form of pleva
plivanec {m} :: spit (saliva, especially when expectorated)
plivat {v impf} :: to spit (to expectorate)
plivátko {n} :: spittoon (receptacle for spit)
plivnout {v pf} :: to spit (to expectorate)
plivnutí {n} :: spit (an instance of spitting)
plkat {v} :: to prattle, blether, drivel
plná moc {f} :: power of attorney
plná penze {f} :: full board (hotel rate)
plně {adv} :: fully
plnicí pero {n} :: fountain pen
plnící pero {n} :: fountain pen
plnit {v impf} :: to fill
plnit {v impf} :: to fulfill (object: promise)
plnit {v impf} :: to fulfill (object: requirement)
plnoletost {f} :: age (time of life when one attains full person rights)
plnoletý {adj} :: of age (old enough to be considered an adult, in law, or by society generally)
plnost {f} :: fullness
plnoštíhlý {adj} :: full-figured, chubby, plump
plnotextový {adj} :: full text, full-text (when used attributively)
plnovýznamové sloveso {n} :: full verb
plnovýznamový {adj} :: Having sense of its own
-plný {suffix} :: -ful
plný {adj} :: full
PLO {noun} :: abbreviation of protiletadlová obrana (=antiaircraft defence)
plod {m} :: fruit
plod {m} :: fetus
plodina {f} :: crop
plodit {v impf} :: to beget
plodnice {f} [mycology] :: sporocarp
plodnost {f} :: fertility
plodný {adj} :: fertile
plodový {adj} :: fetal, foetal
plocha {f} :: area (measure of squared distance)
plocha {f} :: desktop (on-screen background)
plochý {adj} :: flat, plane
Ploješť {prop} {f} :: Ploješť (city)
plomba {f} :: filling (substance such as amalgam used to fill a cavity in a tooth)
plomba {f} :: seal
ploska {f} :: sole (bottom of the foot)
plošina {f} [landforms] :: plateau
plošina {f} :: platform (public transport)
plošinka {f} :: diminutive of plošina
ploška {f} :: diminutive of plocha
plot {m} :: fence
ploténka {f} :: disc (intervertebral disc)
plotice {f} :: roach (fish)
plout {v impf} :: to sail
plout {v impf} :: to float
ploutev {f} :: fin
ploutvička {f} :: diminutive of ploutev
ploutvonožec {m} :: pinniped
plovárna {f} :: lido (public outdoor swimming pool and surrounding facilities)
plst {f} :: felt (cloth made of matted fibres of wool)
plsť {f} :: alternative form of plst
plsťák {m} [colloquial] :: felt hat
plť {f} [archaic] :: raft
plůdek {m} :: diminutive of plod
pluh {m} :: plough
plucha {f} [botany] :: lemma (lowermost of two bracts enclosing the grass floret)
pluk {m} [military] :: regiment
plukovník {m} :: colonel
plurál {m} [grammar] :: plural (that form of a word which expresses or denotes more than one)
pluralismus {m} :: pluralism
pluralista {m} :: pluralist
pluralistický {adj} :: pluralistic
plus {conj} :: plus
plus {m} :: plus
plůtek {m} :: diminutive of plot
Pluto {prop} {m} [Greek mythology, Roman mythology, animate] :: Pluto (god)
Pluto {prop} {m} [astronomy, inanimate] :: Pluto (dwarf planet)
plutokracie {f} :: plutocracy
plutokrat {m} :: plutocrat
plutokratický {adj} :: plutocratic
plutonium {n} :: plutonium
plyn {m inan} :: gas
plynárna {f} :: gasworks
plynatost {f} :: flatulence
plynně {adv} :: fluently (in a fluent manner, as expressing oneself easily, especially in a foreign language)
plynný {adj} :: made of gas
plynný {adj} [linguistics] :: fluent
plynobeton {m} :: gas concrete
plynout {v} [logic] :: to follow
plynovod {m} :: gas pipeline
plynový {adj} [relational] :: gas
plynule {adv} :: fluently (in a fluent manner, as expressing oneself easily, especially in a foreign language)
plynule {adv} :: fluently (in a fluent manner, as having graceful movements)
plynuleji {adv} :: comparative of plynule
plynulý {adj} [linguistics] :: fluent
plyš {m} :: plush (textile fabric)
plytký {adj} :: shallow
plýtvat {v} :: to waste
Plzeň {prop} {f} :: Plzeň (city)
Plzeňák {m} [colloquial] :: person from Pilsen
Plzeňan {m} :: person from Pilsen
Plzeňanka {f} :: female from Pilsen
Plzeňsko {prop} {n} :: Plzeň region
plzeňský {adj} :: Pilsen (when used attributively)
plž {m anim} :: gastropod
plží {adj} [relational] :: gastropod, gastropod's
PND {noun} [anatomy] :: abbreviation of paranazální dutina
pneumatické kladivo {n} :: (US) jackhammer, (UK) pneumatic drill
pneumatika {f} :: tire (US), tyre (UK)
pneumokonióza {f} :: pneumoconiosis (disease of the lungs)
pneumolog {m} :: pneumologist, pulmonologist
pneumologický {adj} :: pneumological, pulmonological
pneumologie {f} :: pneumology, pulmonology
pneumonie {f} [pathology] :: pneumonia
pneumonitida {f} :: pneumonitis (inflammation)
pneumothorax {m} :: pneumothorax
pneumotorax {m} :: pneumothorax
po- {prefix} :: Perfective aspect, as in požádat ask
po- {prefix} :: After, as in pozdě late, from po
po- {prefix} :: place names
po {prep} :: after
pobádat {v impf} :: (k + dative case) to encourage
poběhlice {f} :: tramp, floozie (promiscuous woman)
pobídka {f} :: incentive
po bitvě je každý generál {proverb} :: twenty-twenty hindsight, hindsight is 20/20
poblíž {adv} :: nearby
poblíž {prep} :: near
pobočka {f} :: branch (office of an organization with several locations)
pobočník {m} [military] :: adjutant
pobřeží {n} :: coast
Pobřeží slonoviny {prop} {n} :: Pobřeží slonoviny (country)
pobřišnice {f} [anatomy] :: peritoneum
pobývat {v impf} :: To live, stay somewhere, especially temporarily
pocení {n} :: verbal noun of potit
pocestný {m} :: traveler, traveller
pocit {m} :: feeling
pocítit {v pf} :: to experience (to observe or undergo)
pociťovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of pocítit
pocit sounáležitosti {m} :: esprit de corps
poctivě {adv} :: fairly (in a fair manner)
poctivě {adv} :: honestly (in an honest manner)
poctivec {m} :: honest person
poctivost {f} :: honesty
poctivý {adj} :: honest, fair, square
poctivý {adj} [archaic] :: virgin (of an unmarried woman)
poctivý {adj} [archaic] :: true (of a married woman)
počasí {n} :: weather
počáteční {adj} :: initial
počáteční stav {m} :: initial state
počátek {m} :: origin (of a coordinate system)
počátek {m} :: beginning
počešťování {n} :: the process of incorporating foreign words into the Czech language
počet {m} :: count, number (quantity)
počet {m} :: calculus (formal system for symbol manipulation)
početí {n} :: conception
početný {adj} :: numerous
počít {v pf} :: to conceive (to become pregnant)
počítač {m inan} :: computer
počítačová bezpečnost {f} :: computer security
počítačová hra {f} [computer games] :: computer game
počítačová síť {f} :: computer network
počítačová tomografie {f} :: computed tomography
počítačové vidění {n} [artificial intelligence] :: computer vision
počítačový {adj} [relational] :: computer
počitadlo {n} :: abacus (calculating table or frame)
počitadlo {n} :: counter
počítadlo {n} :: alternative form of počitadlo
počítat {v impf} :: to count (to determine the number)
počítat {v impf} :: to calculate
počítat {vr impf} [se] :: to number, total
počítat {v impf} :: (with the preposition s) to reckon, count on, assume, expect
počitatelný {adj} [grammar] :: countable
počitek {m} :: sensation (something sensed)
počitkový {adj} :: sensational
počkat {v pf} :: to wait
počtář {m} :: counter (one who counts, or reckons up)
počtvrté {adv} :: fourth time
pod- {prefix} :: A Czech prefix, akin to under- and sub-
pod {prep} :: below
podadresář {m} :: subdirectory, subfolder
podání {n} :: delivery (of a drug)
podání {n} [sports] :: service
podání ruky {n} :: handshake (grasping of hands by two people)
podařit {v pf} :: to manage (to succeed in an attempt)
podat {v pf} :: to hand, give
podat {v pf} :: to submit, hand in [a request, etc.]
podat {v pf} :: to give
podat {v pf} [sports] :: to serve
podat {v pf} :: to administer [object: medicine]
podávat {v} :: imperfective form of podat
podběl {m} :: coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara)
podbřišek {m} :: hypogastrium
podcenit {v pf} :: to underestimate
podčeleď {f} [taxonomy] :: subfamily
poddanství {n} :: bondage
poddaný {m} :: subject (citizen in a monarchy)
poddruh {m} :: subspecies
pode- {prefix} :: under-
poděděný {adj} :: inherited
podědit {v pf} :: to inherit
poděkovat {v pf} :: to thank
podél {prep} :: along
podělaný {adj} [vulgar] :: scared
podělaný {adj} [vulgar] :: fucking (generic intensifier)
podělat {v pf} [vulgar] :: to shit oneself
podělat {v pf} [vulgar] :: to fuck up
podélný {adj} :: longitudinal, lengthwise (in the long direction of an oblong object)
podélný řez {m} :: longitudinal section
podepisovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of podepsat
podepřít {v pf} :: to support, prop, corroborate or underpin
podepsaný {adj} :: signed (having a signature, endorsed)
podepsat {v pf} :: to sign
podezírat {v impf} :: to suspect (to believe someone to be guilty without proof)
podezíravý {adj} :: suspicious (distrustful)
podezíravý {adj} :: suspicious (expressing suspicion)
podezřelý {m} :: suspect
podezřelý {adj} :: suspect
podezření {n} :: suspicion
podezřívat {v impf} :: to suspect
podezřívavý {adj} :: suspicious (distrustful)
podezřívavý {adj} :: suspicious (expressing suspicion)
podfinancovat {v pf} :: to underfinance
podformule {f} :: subformula
Podgorica {prop} {f} :: Podgorica (capital city)
podgraf {m} :: subgraph
podgrupa {f} [algebra] :: subgroup
podhodnotit {v pf} :: to undervalue, to underestimate
podhůří {n} :: foothills
podchlazení {n} :: verbal noun of podchladit
podchlazení {n} [pathology] :: hypothermia
podchod {m} :: pedestrian underpass
podíl {m} [arithmetic] :: quotient
podíl {m} [finance] :: share
podílet {v} :: to participate, take part, be involved, contribute
pódium {n} :: podium
podívaná {f} :: spectacle, pageant
podívat {v pf} :: to look (to try to see)
podívat {v pf} :: to have a look
podivín {m} :: a weirdo, oddball
podivně {adv} :: strangely, curiously
podivný {adj} :: strange, peculiar
podivný atraktor {m} [physics] :: strange attractor
podjazykový nerv {m} [neuroanatomy] :: hypoglossal nerve
podkapitola {f} :: subchapter
Podkarpatská Rus {prop} {f} :: Carpathian Ruthenia
podkategorie {f} :: subcategory
podklad {m} :: foundation, base
podkova {f} :: horseshoe
podkovat {v pf} :: to shoe (horse etc)
podkožní {adj} :: subcutaneous
podkroví {n} :: garret
podlaha {f} :: floor
podlahář {m} :: floor layer
podlaží {n} :: storey, story, floor, level
podle {prep} :: according to
podle {prep} :: after (in allusion to, in imitation of; following or referencing)
podlehnout {v pf} :: to succumb (to a force or a desire)
podle mě {phrase} :: in my view, I think
podle mého mínění {phrase} :: in my opinion
podle mého názoru {phrase} :: in my opinion
podlézavý {adj} :: servile
podlitina {f} :: bruise
podlouhlý {adj} :: oblong
podložka {f} :: base, pad, mat (a thing put under another thing, for example as a support or to prevent wear)
podložka {f} :: washer (flat disk)
podlý {adj} :: mean, foul, wicked
podmáslí {n} :: buttermilk
podmět {m} [grammar] :: subject
podmínka {f} [logic] :: condition
podmínka {f} :: term (of a contract)
podmínka {f} :: requirement
podmínka {f} :: prerequisite
podminovat {v pf} :: to mine (fill with mines)
podmnožina {f} [set theory] :: subset
podmořský {adj} :: undersea, submarine
podmořský příkop {m} :: oceanic trench
podnadpis {m} :: subheading
podnájem {m} :: subtenancy
podnájem {m} :: rent (for subtenancy)
podnájemník {m anim} :: subtenant
podnebí {n} :: climate
podnební {adj} [relational] :: climate, climatic
podněcovat {v impf} :: to encourage, stimulate, urge
podněcovat {v impf} :: to incite, stir up
Podněstří {prop} {n} :: Transnistria
podnět {m} :: stimulus
podnik {m} :: business, enterprise
podnik {m} :: undertaking, enterprise
podnikání {n} :: business
podnikat {v impf} :: to undertake
podnikat {v impf} :: to own and run a business
podnikatel {m anim} :: entrepreneur
podnikatelka {f} :: female entrepreneur
podnikatelský {adj} [relational] :: business
podnikatelský záměr {m} :: business plan
podniknout {v pf} :: to undertake, to take
podniková rada {f} :: works council
podnikový {adj} [relational] :: business
podnikový {adj} [relational] :: corporate
podnikový dluhopis {m} :: corporate bond
podnítit {v pf} :: to stimulate
pod nulou {adv} :: sub-zero
podoba {f} :: form
podoba {f} :: semblance, appearance, look
podobat {v impf} :: to resemble
podobenství {n} :: parable
podobizna {f} :: portrait
podobně {adv} :: similarly, likewise (in a similar manner)
podobnost {f} :: similarity, resemblance
podobný {adj} :: similar
pododrůda {f} :: subvariety
podojit {v pf} :: to milk
podpálit {v pf} :: to ignite
podpalubí {n} :: hold (The cargo area of a ship or aircraft)
podpantoflák {m} [slang] :: a man who is whipped — controlled by his partner to an unreasonable degree
pod pantoflem {adv} :: henpecked
podpatek {m} :: heel (part of shoe)
podpaždí {n} :: alternative form of podpaží
podpaží {n} [anatomy] :: armpit
podpažní {adj} :: (anatomy) axillary
podpažní jamka {f} :: armpit
podpěra {f} :: support, prop, rest
podpírat {v impf} :: to support (keep from falling)
podpis {m} :: signature, autograph
podplácet {v impf} :: to bribe
podplatit {v pf} :: to bribe (to give a bribe)
podplukovník {m} [military] :: lieutenant colonel
podpora {f} :: support
podpora v nezaměstnanosti {f} :: unemployment benefit
podporovaný {adj} :: supported (having supporters)
podporovaný {adj} :: supported (helped or aided)
podporovat {v impf} :: to support
podpořit {v pf} :: to support
podprda {f} [colloquial] :: bra
podprogram {m} [programming] :: subprogram
podprsenka {f} :: bra, brassiere
podpůrný {adj} :: support
podraz {m} :: dirty trick
podrážděně {adv} :: irritatedly
podráždění {n} :: irritation
podrážděný {adj} :: irritated
podrážet {v impf} :: to knock something down (from underneath) or to trip somebody
podrážet {v impf} :: to double-cross
podrážet {v impf} :: to resole
podrážka {f} :: sole (bottom of shoe)
podrobit {v pf} :: to conquer (acquire total power over something, usually by force)
podrobit {v pf} :: to put through (enforce something on somebody)
podrobit {vr pf} :: to comply with, to undergo, to yield
podrobit {v pf} :: to cover with crumbs
podrobnost {f} :: detail
podrobný {adj} :: detailed
podrod {m} :: subgenus
podrost {m} :: underbrush, understory
podruhé {adv} :: second time
podřadit {v impf} :: to gear down
podřetězec {m} :: substring
podřídit {v pf} :: to subordinate
podřízený {adj} :: subordinate
podstata {f} :: essence, essential, substance (fundamental ingredient; essential part of anything)
podstata {f} :: foundation (that upon which anything is founded)
podstatně {adv} :: substantially, significantly, considerably
podstatné jméno {n} [grammar] :: noun
podstatné jméno slovesné {n} :: verbal noun
podstatný {adj} :: substantial
podstatný {adj} :: relevant
podstavec {m} :: pedestal (the base or foot of a column, statue, vase, lamp, or the like)
podstoupit {v pf} :: to undergo
podstránka {f} :: subpage (web page that is subordinate to another)
podstupovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of podstoupit
podsvětí {n} :: underworld
podsvětní {adj} :: stygian, underworld
podšálek {m} :: saucer (small shallow dish)
podšít {v pf} :: to line (cover the inner surface of clothes with some other cloth)
podšitý {adj} [uncomparable, about clothes] :: lined
podšitý {adj} :: cunning, sly
podtext {m} :: subtext
podtrhnout {v pf} :: to underline, to underscore
podtrhnutí {n} :: underline (line placed underneath a piece of text in order to provide emphasis)
podtržení {n} :: underline (line placed underneath a piece of text in order to provide emphasis)
podtržítko {n} :: underscore (character)
podtřída {f} :: subclass
poduška {f} :: cushion
podvádět {v impf} :: imperfective form of podvést
podvečer {m} :: early evening, late afternoon
podvědomě {adv} :: subconsciously
podvědomí {n} :: subconscious, subconsciousness
podvědomý {adj} :: subconscious
podvěsek mozkový {m} :: pituitary gland
podvést {v pf} :: to cheat
podvod {m} :: fraud, deception
podvodní {adj} :: underwater
podvodník {m} :: deceiver, swindler, cheater
podvodný {adj} :: fraudulent
podvozek {m} :: chassis (base frame of a motor vehicle)
podvrh {m} :: forgery (result)
podvůdek {m} :: diminutive of podvod
podvýbor {m} :: subcommittee
podvýraz {m} :: subexpression
podvýživa {f} :: malnutrition
podzemní {adj} :: underground, subterranean
podzemní dráha {f} :: subway (underground railway)
podzim {m inan} :: autumn (UK), fall (US)
podzimní {adj} [relational] :: autumn
podzvukový {adj} [of a speed] :: subsonic
podžebří {n} :: hypochondrium
poetický {adj} :: poetic
poezie {f} :: poetry
pofidérní {adj} :: shady, untrustworthy
pohádat {v pf} :: to argue, quarrel
pohádka {f} :: fairy tale
pohádkový {adj} :: fairy-tale
pohan {m} :: pagan
pohan {m} :: Gentile
pohánět {v impf} :: to drive, propel, power (machine)
pohánět {v impf} :: to urge, drive
pohanka {f} :: buckwheat
pohanský {adj} :: pagan
pohanství {n} :: paganism
pohanstvo {n} :: pagans, pagandom
pohár {m} :: cup (trophy)
pohár {m} :: cup (contest)
pohárek {m} :: diminutive of pohár
pohlaví {n} :: sex (one of the categories male or female)
pohlavně {adv} :: sexually
pohlavní {adj} :: sexual
pohlavní akt {m} :: sexual intercourse
pohlavní buňka {f} :: sex cell, gamete
pohlavní styk {m} :: sexual intercourse
pohlavní úd {m} :: penis
pohlavní výběr {m} :: sexual selection
pohlavnost {f} :: sexuality
pohlazení {n} :: stroke (act of stroking)
pohlcený {adj} :: absorbed
pohled {m inan} :: look (facial expression)
pohled {m inan} :: look, glance, gaze, stare
pohled {m inan} :: viewpoint, angle, perspective (opinion)
pohled {m inan} :: postcard
pohlednice {f} :: postcard
pohledný {adj} :: handsome (of a man)
pohltit {v pf} :: to swallow, devour
pohltit {v pf} :: to absorb
pohnojit {v pf} :: to fertilize
pohnojit {v pf} [colloquial] :: to botch, to mess up
pohnout {vt pf} :: to move
pohnout {v pf} :: to move
pohnout {v pf} :: to vary, range
pohnout {v pf} :: to mingle, socialize (with a specified group)
pohnutka {f} :: motive (incentive to act)
pohoda {f} :: ease
pohodář {m} [colloquial] :: easygoing person
pohodička {f} :: diminutive of pohoda
pohodlí {n} :: comfort (contentment, ease)
pohodlně {adv} :: comfortably, comfortable
pohodlný {adj} :: comfortable
pohon {m} :: drive, propulsion, traction
pohoří {n} :: mountain range
pohostinnost {f} :: hospitality
pohostinný {adj} :: hospitable (cordial and generous towards guests)
pohostinství {n} :: catering, hospitality
pohotovost {f} :: emergency, emergency department
pohotovostní {adj} [relational] :: emergency
pohotovostní plán {m} :: contingency plan
pohovka {f} :: couch, sofa
pohrabáč {m} :: poker (metal rod, generally of wrought iron, for adjusting the burning logs or coals in a fire)
pohraničí {n} :: frontier, borderland
pohraničí {n} :: Sudetenland, Czech borderland
pohrdání {n} :: verbal noun of pohrdat
pohrdání {n} :: contempt, scorn, disdain
pohrdat {v impf} :: to scorn, despise
pohrdavý {adj} :: scornful
pohroma {f} :: disaster
pohrudnice {f} [anatomy] :: pleura
pohrudnice {f} :: parietal pleura
pohřbít {v pf} :: to bury (to inter a corpse)
pohřbívat {v impf} :: imperfective form of pohřbít
pohřeb {m} :: funeral
pohřební {adj} :: funeral (relating to the ceremony)
pohřešovaný {adj} [of people] :: missing
pohřešovaný {m} :: missing person
pohyb {m} :: motion, movement
pohyblivý {adj} :: moving, mobile (capable of being moved)
pohybovat {v impf} :: to move
pocházet {v impf} :: to stem, originate
pocházet {v impf} :: to date (from some time in the past)
pochcat {v pf} :: to piss oneself (to wet oneself)
pochlebování {n} :: flattery
pochlebovat {v impf} :: to flatter
pochmurný {adj} :: gloomy
pochod {m} :: march (way of walking)
pochod {m} :: march (song)
pochod {m} :: process
pochodeň {f} :: torch (stick with a flame)
pochodovat {v impf} :: to march (to walk with long, regular strides)
pochop {m} :: catchpole, beadle
pochop {m} :: stumble, purler
pochopení {n} :: verbal noun of pochopit
pochopení {n} :: understanding
pochopení {n} :: comprehension
pochopit {v pf} :: to understand, to grasp
pochopitelně {adv} :: understandably
pochopitelnost {f} :: comprehensibility
pochopitelný {adj} :: understandable (of behavior, reaction)
pochopitelný {adj} :: intelligible, comprehensible, understandable (of subject-matter)
pochovat {v pf} :: to bury
pochovat {v pf} :: to cradle, hug, nurse (a child in one's arms)
pochva {f} :: scabbard
pochva {f} :: vagina
pochyba {f} :: doubt
pochybení {n} :: error, mistake, slip
pochybený {adj} :: flawed
pochybit {v pf} :: to make a mistake, to err
pochybnost {f} :: doubt
pochybný {adj} :: doubtful, dubious
pochybovat {v impf} :: to doubt
pochybující {adj} :: doubting, doubtful, dubious
Poissonovo rozdělení {n} :: Poisson distribution
pojednání {n} :: treatise
pojednat {v pf} :: to deal with (to handle verbally or in some form of artistic expression), to treat (to handle a subject in writing or speaking)
pojednávat {v impf} :: imperfective form of pojednat
pojem {m} :: concept
pojem {m} :: term (word or phrase)
pojetí {n} :: conception
pojezdová dráha {f} :: taxiway
pojistit {v pf} :: to insure
pojistka {f} :: safety (on a weapon)
pojistka {f} :: fuse (device preventing the overloading of an electrical circuit)
pojistka {f} [colloquial] :: circuit breaker
pojistka {f} :: policy (contract of insurance)
pojistná smlouva {f} :: insurance contract
pojištěnec {m} :: insured, insured person, policyholder
pojištění {n} :: verbal noun of pojistit
pojištění {n} :: insurance (indemnity)
pojištěný {adj} :: insured
pojišťovatel {m} :: insurer
pojišťovna {f} :: insurance (corporation)
pojit {v impf} :: to unite
pojivová tkáň {f} :: connective tissue
pojížděčka {f} [colloquial] :: taxiway
pojmenovaná roura {f} :: named pipe
pojmenovaný {adj} :: named
pojmenovat {v pf} :: to name (to give a name to)
pojmová mapa {f} :: concept map
pokálet {v pf} :: to defecate, to shit
pokání {n} :: repentance
pokavaď {conj} [colloquial] :: if
pokazit {vt pf} :: to break, to break down (to cause to stop functioning)
pokazit {v pf} :: to break, to break down (to stop functioning)
pokaždé {adv} :: each time, every time
pokažený {adj} :: broken (not working properly)
pokec {m} :: chat (informal conversation)
poker {m} :: poker
poklad {m} :: treasure
pokladna {f} :: cash register (machine that deals with sales transactions, and has a drawer in which cash can be kept)
pokladna {f} :: cash desk (place in a restaurant, bar, or shop where a customer can pay the bill)
pokladna {f} :: treasury
pokladnička {f} :: diminutive of pokladna
pokladniční poukázka {f} :: treasury bill
pokladník {m anim} :: treasurer
poklepání {n} :: verbal noun of poklepat
poklepání {n} [computing] :: double-click
poklepání {n} :: a tap
poklepat {v pf} :: to double-click
poklepat {v pf} :: to tap
pokles {m} :: decrease
poklice {f} :: lid, pot lid
poklička {f} :: lid, pot lid
poklona {f} :: compliment
poklopec {noun} :: flies (on trousers)
pokoj {m inan} :: room
pokoj {m inan} :: peace
pokojíček {m} :: diminutive of pokoj
pokojík {m} :: diminutive of pokoj
pokojný {adj} :: peaceful
pokojská {f} :: chambermaid
pokolení {n} :: generation
pokora {f} :: humility
pokorný {adj} :: humble
Pokorný {prop} {m} :: A Czech surname
pokořit {v pf} :: to humble
pokoušet {v impf} :: to tempt
pokoušet {v impf} :: to try, to attempt
pokožka {f} :: skin (the outer protective layer of the body of any animal, including of a human)
pokožka {f} [anatomy] :: epidermis (skin's outer layer in animals)
pokožka {f} [botany] :: epidermis (plant's outer layer)
pokračování {n} :: continuation (act or state of continuing)
pokračovat {v impf} :: to continue (to prolong)
pokračovat {v impf} :: to continue (to resume)
pokraj {m inan} :: edge, periphery
pokrčit rameny {v pf} [idiomatic] :: to shrug
pokrevní {adj} :: birth, biological (related by birth)
pokrm {m} :: dish, meal
pokročilý {adj} :: advanced
pokrok {m} :: progress (of civilization)
pokrokový {adj} :: progressive
pokropit {v pf} :: to sprinkle (to cover an object by sprinkling a liquid substance on to it)
pokrýt {v pf} :: To cover
pokrytec {m} :: hypocrite
pokrytecký {adj} :: hypocritical
pokrytectví {n} :: hypocrisy
pokrytí {n} :: coverage
pokrytkyně {f} :: female hypocrite
pokrývač {m} :: roofer
pokrývka hlavy {f} :: headgear, headwear, headdress
pokřovník {m anim} :: New Zealand wren
pokud {conj} :: if
pokud {adv} :: as far as
pokud jde o {phrase} :: as for
pokud možno {phrase} :: if possible, where possible, as far as possible
pokus {m inan} :: attempt, try
pokus {m inan} :: experiment
pokusit {v pf} :: to try, to attempt
pokusný {adj} :: experimental
pokusný králík {m} :: guinea pig (a living experimental subject)
pokušení {n} :: temptation
pokuta {f} :: fine (payment or fee)
pokutové území {noun} [soccer] :: penalty box
pokyn {m inan} :: direction, instruction
pokyn {m inan} :: directive, guideline
pokyn {m inan} :: order
pól {m} :: pole (extreme of an axis)
polabština {f} :: Polabian (language)
polák {m anim} :: diving duck
polák {m anim} :: scaup
polák {m anim} :: pochard (from the genus Aythya)
Polák {m anim} :: Pole (person)
Polák {prop} {m} :: A surname of Czech origin
polámat {vt pf} :: to break
polámat {v pf} :: to get broken
polarita {f} :: polarity
polarizace {f} :: polarization
polarizátor {m} :: polarizer (device that produces polarized light)
polarizovat {v impf} :: to polarize
Polárka {prop} {f} :: Pole Star
polární {adj} :: polar
polární kruh {m} :: polar circle
polární medvěd {m} :: polar bear
polární záře {f} :: aurora (an atmospheric phenomenon)
polda {m} [colloquial] :: cop (police officer or prison guard)
Polda {prop} {m} :: A pet form of the male given name Leopold
pole {n} [agriculture] :: field
pole {n} [physics] :: field
pole {n} [algebra] :: field
pole {n} [computing] :: field
pole {n} [programming] :: array
poledne {n} :: midday, noon
polední {adj} [relational] :: midday
polednice {f} :: Lady Midday, Pscipolnitsa
poledník {m} [geography] :: meridian
polehčující okolnost {f} :: mitigating circumstance, extenuating circumstance
polekat {v pf} :: to scare (to frighten)
polemický {adj} :: polemical, polemic
poleno {n} :: log
polepšovna {f} :: reformatory, reform school (prison-like institution for young offenders)
polévka {f} :: soup
polévková lžíce {f} :: tablespoon (a large spoon, used for eating food)
polévková lžíce {f} :: tablespoon (a unit of measure)
polibek {m} :: kiss
políbit {v pf} :: to kiss (to touch with the lips)
policajt {m} [colloquial] :: cop (police officer or prison guard)
police {f} :: shelf (structure)
policejní {adj} [relational] :: police
policejní akademie {f} :: police academy
policejní sbor {m} :: police force
policejní stanice {f} :: police station (building of police force)
policie {f} :: police
policista {m anim} :: policeman
policistka {f} :: policewoman
políčko {n} :: diminutive of pole
poliklinika {f} :: health center providing ambulant care
polinóza {f} :: pollinosis
poliomyelitida {f} :: poliomyelitis (infection by the poliovirus)
polis {f} :: polis (ancient Greek city-state)
pólista {m} :: polo player
poliš {m} [colloquial] :: cop (police officer or prison guard)
politická korektnost {f} :: political correctness
politická strana {f} :: political party
politické riziko {n} :: political risk
politicky {adv} :: politically
politický {adj} :: political
politicky korektní {adj} [idiomatic] :: politically correct
politický vězeň {m} :: political prisoner
politička {f} :: female politician
politik {m anim} :: politician
politika {f} :: politics
politika {f} :: policy
politizace {f} :: politicization
politizovat {v} :: to politicize
politolog {m} :: political scientist
politologie {f} :: political science
politoložka {f} :: female political scientist
politováníhodný {adj} :: regrettable
polívčička {m} :: diminutive of polévka
polízanice {f} [colloquial] :: pickle, trouble
polka {f} :: polka
Polka {f} :: female Pole (female Polish person)
polknout {vi pf} :: to swallow
polňačka {f} [colloquial] :: dirt road or country road
polní {adj} [relational] :: field
polní cesta {f} :: dirt road or country road
polníček {m} :: mâche, corn salad
polní maršál {m} :: field marshal (miliary rank)
polo- {prefix} :: half; semi-
polo {adv} :: half
polo {n} :: polo (a ball game played on horseback)
pólo {n} :: polo (a ball game where two teams of players on horseback use long-handled mallets to propel the ball along the ground and into their opponent's goal)
polobůh {m} :: demigod
poločas {m} :: half time
poločas {m} :: half-life
poločas rozpadu {m} [physics] :: half-life
pologrupa {f} :: semigroup
poloha {f} :: location, position
poloha {f} :: position (arrangement of body)
polohová izomerie {f} :: position isomerism
polojasno {n} :: mildly cloudy sky
polokošile {f} :: polo shirt
polokoule {f} :: hemisphere (half of the Earth)
polokřížová vazba {f} :: English bond
poloměr {m} :: radius (length)
polonéza {f} :: polonaise (stately Polish dance in triple time and moderate tempo)
polonismus {m} :: Polonism (word or other feature originating in the Polish language that has been borrowed by another language)
polonistika {f} :: Polish studies
poloostrov {m} :: peninsula
polopaticky {adv} :: In a dumbed-down form
polopatický {adj} :: dumbed-down
polopenze {f} :: half board (hotel rate)
polopoušť {f} :: semidesert
polopravda {f} :: half-truth (deceptive statement)
poloprostor {m} [geometry] :: half-space
polopřímka {f} [geometry] :: ray, half-line
polorovina {f} [geometry] :: half-plane
polosamohláska {f} :: semivowel
polosyrový {adj} :: (meal) half-raw, rare
polotón {m} :: halftone (reprographic technique)
polo tričko {n} :: polo shirt
polotričko {n} :: polo shirt
polotriko {n} :: polo shirt
polovice {f} :: half (one of two equal parts into which something may be divided)
polovina {f} :: half (one of two equal parts into which something may be divided)
polovodič {m} :: semiconductor
polovojenský {adj} :: paramilitary
položit {v pf} :: To lay, put
položit kabel {v} [colloquial] :: to defecate
položka {f} :: item
Polsko {prop} {n} :: Poland
polský {adj} :: Polish
polštář {m} :: pillow
polštář {m} :: cushion
polštářek {m inan} :: diminutive of polštář
polštářek {m inan} :: cushion
polštářek {m inan} :: ink-pad
polština {f} :: Polish (language)
poluce {f} :: nocturnal emission
polyandrie {f} :: polyandry
polyedr {m} :: polyhedron
polyedrální {adj} :: polyhedral
polyedrický {adj} :: polyhedral
polyedrický {adj} :: polyhedrosis
polyedróza {f} :: polyhedrosis
polyester {m} [organic chemistry] :: polyester
polyethylen {m} [organic compound] :: polyethylene
polyetylen {m} [organic compound] :: polyethylene
polyetylén {m} [organic compound] :: polyethylene
polygamie {f} :: polygamy (polygyny; having more than one wifes)
polygamie {f} :: polygamy (the having of a plurality of socially bonded sexual partners at the same time)
polyglot {m} :: (person) A polyglot
polygon {m} :: polygon (plane figure bounded by straight edges)
polygrafický {adj} :: Related to printing
polygrafie {f} :: printing (printing business)
polygynie {f} :: polygyny
polygynní {adj} :: polygynous (having more than one female as wife or mate)
polyhistor {m} :: polymath, polyhistor
polykalický {adj} :: polycalic
polykarbonát {m} :: polycarbonate
polykat {v impf} :: To gulp, swallow
polylingvní {adj} :: multilingual
polymer {m} :: polymer
polymerizace {f} :: polymerization
polymorfizmus {m} :: polymorphism (ability to assume different forms or shapes)
polymorfonukleární {adj} :: polymorphonuclear
Polynésan {m} :: Polynesian (person from Polynesia)
Polynésie {prop} {f} :: Polynesia
polynéský {adj} :: Polynesian (of, from, or pertaining to Polynesia)
polynom {m} [algebra] :: polynomial
polynomický {adj} :: polynomial
polynukleární {adj} [biology] :: polynuclear (having multiple nuclei)
polyoxyethylensorbitanmonopalmitát {m inan} :: polyoxyethylensorbitanmonopalmitate (emulgator marked as E434)
polyp {m} [biology] :: polyp
polyp {m} [medicine] :: polyp
polypí {adj} [relational] :: polyp, polyp's (of certain aquatic animals)
polypropylen {m} :: polypropylene
polysacharid {m} [biochemistry] :: polysaccharide
polysémie {f} [semantics] :: polysemy
polysémní {adj} :: polysemic
polysomnografie {f} :: polysomnography
polystyren {m} [organic chemistry] :: polystyrene
polytechnika {f} :: polytechnic
polyteismus {m} :: polytheism
polyteista {m} :: polytheist
polyteistický {adj} :: polytheistic
polyuretan {m} [organic chemistry] :: polyurethane
polyvinylchlorid {m} :: polyvinyl chloride
pomáda {f} :: pomade
pomáhat {v impf} :: imperfective form of pomoct
pomaleji {adv} :: comparative of pomalu
pomalejší {adj} :: comparative of pomalý
pomalost {f} :: slowness
pomalu {adv} :: slowly
pomalý {adj} :: slow
pomazánka {f} :: spread (food put on bread)
pomazat {vt pf} :: to spread, smear
pomazat {vt pf} :: to anoint
po mém soudu {phrase} :: in my view, in my opinion, I think
poměr {m} :: ratio (number)
poměr {m} :: relationship, nexus
poměr {m} :: affair (adulterous relationship)
pomeranč {m} :: orange (fruit)
pomerančovník {m} :: orange (tree)
pomerančový {adj} :: orange (made from or related to oranges)
pomerančový džus {adj} :: orange juice
poměrně {adv} :: relatively
poměrová proměnná {f} [statistics] :: ratio variable
poměrová veličina {f} [statistics] :: ratio variable
poměrový {adj} [relational] :: ratio
pometlo {n} :: broom
pomezí {n} :: frontier
pomezní čára {f} :: sideline, touchline
pomlázka {f} :: a braided whip made out of pussy willow twigs, used during traditional Czech Easter celebration
pomlázka {f} :: the reward (usually Easter eggs) received for the Easter whipping
pomlázka {f} :: Easter Monday celebration as a whole
pomlčka {f} [typography] :: dash (any of the various dash symbols including en dash and em dash)
pomlouvat {v impf} :: imperfective form of pomluvit
pomluva {f} :: slander, defamation
pomluvit {v pf} :: to slander, to defame, to backbite
pomněnka {f} :: forget-me-not
po mně potopa {phrase} :: Used to indicate indifference to events that will happen when the speaker is no longer responsible for or affected by them
pomníček {m} :: diminutive of pomník
pomník {m} :: memorial
pomník {m} :: monument
pomnít {v pf} [literary, archaic] :: to recall, to keep in mind
pomoc {f} :: help, aid, assistance
pomoc {interj} :: help! (cry of distress)
pomoci {v pf} :: alternative form of pomoct
pomocí {prep} :: with the help of
pomocné sloveso {n} [grammar] :: auxiliary verb, helping verb
pomocník {m} :: helper
pomocný {adj} :: auxiliary, helping
pomoct {v pf} :: to help
Pomořansko {prop} {n} :: Pomerania
Pomořany {prop} {mp} :: Pomerania
pomsta {f} :: revenge
pomstít {vt pf} :: to take revenge, to retaliate
pomstychtivý {adj} :: vindictive
pomůcka {f} :: aid (something that helps)
pomysl {m inan} [literary] :: fiction, invention, fabrication
pomyslný {adj} :: imaginary
pomyšlení {n} :: thought
ponákupní {adj} :: postpurchase
po nás potopa {phrase} :: Used to indicate indifference to events that will happen when the speaker is no longer responsible for of affected by them
ponaučení {n} :: lesson (something learned)
ponaučení {n} :: lesson (something that serves as a warning or encouragement)
pondělí {n} :: Monday
pondělní {adj} [relational] :: Monday
ponechat {v pf} :: to retain (to keep in possession or use)
ponechat {v pf} :: to leave (to not take away with oneself but leave as available for others)
ponechat si {v pf} :: reflexive of ponechat
ponechat stranou {v} :: to leave aside (to leave outside of consideration; to ignore)
ponechávat {v impf} :: imperfective form of ponechat
poněkud {adv} :: somewhat
ponětí {n} :: acquaintance, knowledge, understanding, clue, idea
poněvadž {conj} :: as, since, because
poník {m} :: (horse) A pony
ponížení {n} :: verbal noun of ponížit
ponížení {n} :: humiliation
ponížený {adj} :: humiliated
ponížit {v pf} :: to humiliate
ponk {m} :: workbench
ponor {m} :: The depth between the water line and the bottom of a vessel's hull, the draught
ponorka {f} :: submarine, sub
ponorka {f} [colloquial] :: cabin fever
ponorkový {adj} [relational] :: submarine
ponořený {adj} :: immersed
ponořit {v pf} :: to plunge, immerse, dip
ponořit {v pf} :: to submerge, dive
ponořit {v pf} :: to immerse, be engrossed
ponožka {f} :: sock (knitted or woven covering for the foot)
ponrava {f} :: larva of a cockchafer
ponurý {adj} :: gloomy
poočku {adv} :: furtively (when describing the way of watching somebody or something)
poočku {adv} :: once in a while; not very carefully (when describing the way of watching somebody or something)
pookřát {v pf} :: to recuperate, liven
pootevřený {adj} :: ajar
popálenina {f} :: burn (a physical injury caused by heat or caustic chemicals)
popálit {v pf} :: to burn (injure somebody with heat or chemicals)
popálit {v pf} :: to burn (injure oneself with heat or chemicals)
popáté {adv} :: fifth time
popcorn {m} :: popcorn
popel {m} :: ash
popelář {m} :: garbage man, bin man
popelín {m} :: poplin
Popelka {prop} {f} :: Cinderella (fairytale and its main character)
popelnice {f} :: trash can, garbage can, dustbin
popelník {m} :: ashtray
popěvek {m} :: song, tune, air
popínavý {adj} [botany] :: voluble
popírat {v impf} :: imperfective form of popřít
popiratelný {adj} :: alternative spelling of popíratelný
popíratelný {adj} :: contradictable, deniable
popis {m} :: description
popisek {m} :: caption (a title or brief explanation attached to an illustration or cartoon)
popisná statistika {f} :: descriptive statistics
popisný {adj} :: descriptive
popisovač {m} :: descriptor
popisovač {m} :: marker pen
popisovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of popsat
popkorn {m} :: popcorn
poplach {m} :: alarm (summons, disturbance, etc.)
poplašný {adj} [relational] :: alarm
poplatek {m} :: fee
poplatník {m} :: payer, especially in the phase daňový poplatník
popleta {m} :: scatterbrain
poplicnice {f} [anatomy] :: visceral pleura
poporodní {adj} :: postpartum, postnatal
popozítří {adv} :: day after the day after tomorrow
popperiánský {adj} :: Popperian
popperovec {m} :: Popperian (proponent of Karl Popper's philosophy)
popperovský {adj} :: Popperian (of or relating to the philosophy of philosopher Karl R. Popper)
poprask {m} :: fuss
poprava {f} :: execution (putting to death)
popravčí {m} :: executioner
popravčí {adj} [relational] :: execution, executioner
popravdě řečeno {phrase} :: truth be told, to be honest, actually
popravit {v pf} :: to execute (to kill)
poprchávat {v impf} :: to rain lightly, to drizzle
poprosit {v pf} :: perfective form of prosit
poprsí {n} :: bosom
poprsí {n} :: bust
poprvé {adv} :: for the first time
popř. {adv} :: abbreviation of popřípadě
popředí {n} :: forefront, fore
popředí {n} :: foreground
popřít {v pf} :: to deny (the truth of a statement)
popsaný {adj} :: described
popsat {v pf} :: to describe (to represent in words)
popsatelný {adj} :: describable
poptávka {f} [economics] :: demand
poptávkový {adj} :: demand
populace {f} :: population
populační {adj} [relational] :: population
populační genetika {f} :: population genetics
populační průměr {m} :: population mean
popularita {f} :: popularity
popularizace {f} :: popularization
popularizační {adj} :: popularization
popularizátor {m} :: popularizer
popularizovat {v impf} :: to popularize
populární {adj} :: popular
populismus {m} :: An appeal by a politician to current popular opinions, especially when they are inaccurate or morally questionable
populista {m} :: populist
populistický {adj} :: populist
populizmus {m} :: An appeal by a politician to current popular opinions, especially when they are inaccurate or morally questionable
pór {m} :: pore
pór {m} [rare] :: leek
porada {f} :: meeting (to exchange information and come to a solution)
poradce {m} :: advisor
poradenský {adj} :: consulting (when used attributively)
poradenský {adj} :: counseling (when used attributively)
poradenství {n} :: counseling
poradenství {n} :: consulting
poradit {v pf} :: to advise
poradkyně {f} :: female advisor, counselor
poradní {adj} :: advisory
poradní sbor {m} :: advisory committee
poranění {n} :: verbal noun of poranit
poranění {n} :: injury
poranit {v pf} :: to hurt, injure (physically)
porazit {v pf} :: to defeat (to overcome)
porazit {v pf} :: to slaughter
porazitelný {adj} :: beatable, vincible, defeatable
poraženecký {adj} :: defeatist
poraženectví {n} :: defeatism
poražený {adj} :: defeated
porážka {f} :: defeat
porce {f} :: serving, portion
porcelán {m} :: china, porcelain
pórek {m} :: leek
pórek {m} :: diminutive of pór
porfyrie {f} :: porphyria (abnormality of porphyrin metabolism)
porno {n} [colloquial] :: porn, porno
pornograf {m} :: pornographer
pornografický {adj} :: pornographic
pornografie {f} :: pornography
pórobeton {m} :: aerated autoclaved concrete, autoclaved cellular concrete
porod {m} :: birth, delivery (process of childbearing)
porodit {vt pf} :: to give birth
porodní {adj} [relational] :: birth, natal
porodní bába {f} :: A midwife
porodnice {f} :: maternity hospital
porodnické oddělení {n} :: maternity, maternity ward
porodnictví {n} :: obstetrics
porodnost {f} :: birth rate, birthrate
porost {m} :: vegetation
porota {f} :: jury
porotce {m anim} :: juror
porotkyně {f} :: female juror
porovnání {n} :: comparison (the act of comparing)
porovnání {n} :: comparison (evaluation of the similarities and differences of things)
porovnat {v pf} :: to compare
porovnávat {v impf} :: imperfective form of porovnat
porozumění {n} :: verbal noun of porozumět
porozumění {n} :: comprehension
porozumění {n} :: understanding
porozumět {v pf} :: to understand
portál {m inan} :: portal (grandiose and often lavish entrance)
portmonka {f} [archaic, colloquial] :: wallet, billfold, purse (a small bag for carrying money)
portorický {adj} :: Puerto Rican (pertaining to Puerto Rico)
Portorico {prop} {n} :: Puerto Rico
Portoričan {m} :: Puerto Rican (person)
Portoričanka {f} :: female Puerto Rican
Portorikánec {m} :: Puerto Rican
portorikánský {adj} :: Puerto Rican
Portoriko {prop} {n} :: Puerto Rico
portrét {m inan} :: portrait
portské {n} :: port (fortified wine)
Portugalec {m anim} :: Portuguese (person)
Portugalka {f} :: female Portuguese
Portugalsko {prop} {n} :: Portugalsko (country)
portugalský {adj} :: Portuguese
portugalština {f} :: Portuguese (language)
po ruce {adv} :: handy (within reach)
poručík {m} :: lieutenant
porucha {f} [medicine] :: disorder (physical or psychical malfunction)
porucha {f} :: failure, malfunction
porucha osobnosti {f} [psychiatry] :: personality disorder
poruchovost {f} :: failure rate
poruchový {adj} :: Having high failure rate
Porúří {prop} {n} :: Ruhr area
porušení {n} :: breach, violation
porušit {v pf} :: to break, to violate (of rules)
porušování {n} :: violation, breach, abuse, infringement, breaking
porušovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of porušit
Porýní {prop} {n} :: Rhineland
Porýní-Falc {prop} {m} :: Rhineland-Palatinate
poryv {m} :: gust
pór zahradní {m} :: leek
pořad {m} :: program (U.S.), programme (U.K.) (presentation that is broadcast on radio or television)
pořad {m} :: agenda (list of matters to be taken up, as at a meeting)
pořád {adv} :: (forever) always
pořadač {m} :: binder
pořádaný {adj} :: organized
pořádat {v impf} :: to organize (of an event like conference)
pořadatel {m} :: host (person or organisation responsible for running an event)
pořádek {m} :: order
pořadí {n} :: order
pořad jednání {m} :: agenda, order of the day
pořádný {adj} :: proper (complete or thorough)
pořadová číslovka {f} :: alternative form of řadová číslovka
pořadová proměnná {f} :: ordinal variable (statistics)
pořadový {adj} :: ordinal
pořád ta samá písnička {phrase} :: same old story
posadit {v pf} :: to sit down
posádka {f} :: crew (of a ship)
posedlost {f} :: obsession
posedlý {adj} :: obsessed
posednout {v pf} :: to possess (to take control of someone's body or mind)
Poseidon {prop} {m} :: Poseidon
Poseidón {prop} {m} :: Poseidon
posel {m} :: messenger
poselkyně {f} :: female messenger
poselství {n} :: message
posera {m} :: coward
poseroutka {m} :: coward
poschodí {n} :: floor, storey
posílat {v impf} :: to send
posílit {v pf} :: to strengthen
posilka {f} [colloquial] :: gym (sporting facility specialized for lifting weights and exercise)
posilovna {f} :: gym (sporting facility specialized for lifting weights and exercise)
poskok {m anim} :: A dogsbody, gofer
poskok {m anim} :: Any springtail belonging to genera Isotoma (Isotomidae), Anurophorus, Folsomia, or Agrenia
poskok {m inan} :: hop, skip
poskytnout {v pf} :: to provide (to give what is needed or desired)
poskytovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of poskytnout
poskytovatel {m} :: provider
poslanec {m anim} :: representative (US), Member of Parliament (UK)
poslanecká sněmovna {f} :: The lower house in the Czech Republic
poslanecký {adj} :: Related to poslanec or poslanci
poslání {n} :: verbal noun of poslat
poslání {n} :: mission
poslankyně {f} :: female representative (US), Member of Parliament (UK)
poslat {v pf} :: to send
posledně {adv} :: last time
poslední {adj} :: last (final)
poslední kapka {f} [idiom] :: last straw
poslední vůle {f} :: testament, will
poslechnout {v pf} :: to listen
poslíček {m} :: diminutive of posel
poslouchat {v impf} :: to listen (to)
poslouchat {v impf} :: to obey
posloupnost {f} [mathematics] :: progression, sequence
posluchač {m} :: listener (someone who listens, especially to a speech or a broadcast)
posluchač {m} :: university student
posluchárna {f} :: lecture hall (a room in a university with many seats and a pitched floor, used to hold lectures)
poslušnost {f} :: obedience
poslušný {adj} :: obedient
poslušný {adj} :: submissive, docile, pliable
posměch {m} :: ridicule, derision
po směru hodinových ručiček {adv} :: Clockwise
posměšek {m} :: A jeer, sneer, gibe
posmívat {v impf} :: To sneer or jeer at, to mock, tease, taunt
posmrtí {n} [uncountable, obsolete, rare] :: afterlife
posmrtná maska {f} :: death mask
posmrtně {adv} :: posthumously
posmrtný {adj} :: posthumous
pospíchat {v} :: to hurry
posrat {v pf} [vulgar] :: to fuck up
posrat {v pf} [vulgar] :: to shit oneself
post- {prefix} :: post-
postarat {v pf} :: to take care
postava {f} :: character (being in a story)
postava {f} :: figure (human figure; shape of human body)
postavení {n} :: position (status or rank)
postavení mimo hru {n} [sports, dated] :: offside
postavit {v pf} :: to stand, put
postavit {v pf} :: to stand up, set upright
postavit {v pf} :: to build
postavit {vi pf} :: to stand up
postavit {v pf} :: to defy, oppose
postavit {v pf} :: to put (a question etc in a specific manner)
postel {f} :: bed (to sleep on)
postgraduální {adj} :: postgraduate
postihnout {v pf} :: to affect, to afflict (to infect or harm)
postihovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of postihnout
postit {v impf} :: to fast
postižení {n} :: disability
postižený {adj} :: disabled (having a physical disability)
postkomunistický {adj} :: postcommunist
postmoderní {adj} :: postmodern
postnatální {adj} :: postnatal
postoj {m} :: stance (the way of holding a body)
postoj {m} :: stance (point of view)
postoupit {v pf} :: to advance, move forward
postoupit {v pf} :: to progress, proceed
postoupit {v pf} :: to be promoted (in rank)
postoupit {v pf} :: to yield, transfer, hand over
postrádat {v impf} :: to lack
postradatelný {adj} :: dispensable
postrašit {v pf} :: to scare (to frighten)
postroj {m} :: harness (for an animal)
postříkat {v pf} :: to splatter, to splash (to disperse a fluid suddenly)
postříkat {v pf} :: to sprinkle (to cover an object by sprinkling a liquid substance on to it)
postsovětský {adj} :: post-Soviet
posttraumatický {adj} :: posttraumatic
postulát {m} :: postulate
postup {m} :: procedure (particular method for performing a task)
postup {m} :: promotion (in rank)
postup {m} :: advancement, progress
Postupim {prop} {f} :: Potsdam
postupně {adv} :: gradually (in gradual manner)
postupný {adj} :: gradual (proceeding by steps or small degrees)
postýlka {f} :: diminutive of postel
posun {m} :: shift (act of shifting)
posun {m} :: shunting
posun paradigmatu {m} :: paradigm shift
posuv {m} :: shift (act of shifting)
posuvník {m} :: scroll bar
posuzovat {v impf} :: to judge, assess
posvátný {adj} :: holy, sacred
posypat {v pf} :: to sprinkle (solid substance)
pošetilost {f} :: foolishness
pošetilý {adj} :: foolish (lacking good sense or judgement)
pošetka {f} :: sleeve (protective jacket or case, especially for a record)
pošetka {f} :: kit violin
poševní {adj} :: vaginal
poškodit {v pf} :: to damage, harm
poškození {n} :: damage, harm
poškozovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of poškodit
pošlapat {v pf} :: trample on
pošpinit {v pf} :: to denigrate, libel, smear
pošta {f} :: post office
pošta {f} :: mail (parcels and letters)
pošťák {m} :: postman
poštěváček {m} [anatomy] :: clitoris
poštolčí {adj} [relational] :: kestrel, kestrel's
poštolka {f} :: kestrel
poštolka obecná {f} :: kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)
poštolka pestrá {f} :: American kestrel
poštovné {n} :: postage (the charge for posting an item)
poštovní {adj} :: postal
poštovní schránka {f} :: mailbox (US), post box, postbox (UK)
poštovní směrovací číslo {n} :: A postcode
poštovní známka {f} :: postage stamp
pot {m} :: sweat
potápčí {adj} [relational] :: grebe, grebe's
potápěč {m} :: diver (person who dives)
potápěčka {f} :: female diver
potápka {f} :: grebe
potáplice {f} :: loon (bird of order Gaviiformes)
potaš {f} :: potash (the water-soluble part of the ash formed by burning plant material)
potaš {f} [chemistry] :: potash (an impure form of potassium carbonate)
potažmo {adv} :: consequently
poté {adv} :: afterwards, subsequently
potence {f} :: potency
potenciál {m} :: potential
potenciální {adj} :: potential (existing in possibility, not in actuality)
potencionální {adj} :: potential
potenční množina {f} [set theory] :: power set
potentát {m} [archaic] :: ruler, monarch, potentate
potentát {m} [colloquial] :: big shot, potentate
potentní {adj} :: potent
potentočkovat {v pf} [colloquial] :: to shit
potentovat {v pf} [colloquial] :: to shit
potěrání {noun} :: scutching
potěšení {n} :: pleasure (state of being pleased)
potěšit {v pf} :: to please (to make happy)
potěš koště {phrase} [colloquial] :: that sucks, that's bad
potichu {adv} :: quietly
potit {vr impf} :: to sweat (to emit sweat)
potíž {f} :: difficulty, problem
potížista {m} :: troublemaker
potkan {m} :: Norway rat, brown rat
potkaní {adj} [relational] :: Norway rat, Norway rat's
potkat {v pf} :: to meet, to encounter
potlačit {v pf} :: to suppress
potlačit {v pf} :: to stifle, to repress
potlačovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of potlačit
potlesk {m} :: applause
potní {adj} :: sweat
potní žláza {f} :: sweat gland
potočnice {f} :: Watercress
potok {m} :: stream
potom {adv} :: afterwards, subsequently
potomek {m} :: descendant (one who is the progeny of someone)
potomstvo {n} :: offspring, descendants, posterity, progeny
potopa {f} :: flood
potopit {vt pf} :: to sink (to cause (for instance ship) to sink)
potopit {v pf} :: to sink
potopit {v pf} :: to dive (to swim under water)
potrat {m} :: miscarriage, abortion
potrat {m} :: induced abortion, abortion
potratit {v pf} :: to miscarry (to abort a foetus, usually without intent to do so; to experience a miscarriage), to abort (to cause a premature termination)
potrava {f} :: food
potravina {f} :: a piece of food
potravina {f} :: foodstuff
potravní {adj} [relational] :: food
potravní řetězec {m} :: food chain (a feeding relationship between species)
potrefená husa se vždycky ozve {proverb} :: the person who has the qualities implied or stated in a derogatory hint made by another one will complain of being insulted, regardless of whether the hint was directed towards them, (close to) if the shoe fits, wear it
potrestat {v pf} :: to punish
potrhaný {adj} :: ragged, tattered (clothes, paper etc)
potrhat {v pf} :: to tear, rip
potrhat {v pf} :: to savage, maul
potrhlec {m} :: crackpot (eccentric, crazy or foolish person)
potrhlík {m} :: crackpot (eccentric, crazy or foolish person)
potroublý {adj} :: stupid
potrvat {v} :: to take, to last
potřeba {f} :: need
potřebný {adj} :: necessary, needed
potřebný {adj} :: poor, in need
potřebovat {v impf} :: to need
potřebuji mapu {phrase} :: I need a map
potřebuji plán města {phrase} :: I need a city map
potřebuji průvodce {phrase} :: I need a guide
potřetí {adv} :: third time
potůček {m} :: diminutive of potok: brooklet
potvora {f} [derogatory, offensive] :: bitch, hussy (with the meaning of: A despicable or disagreeable, aggressive person, typically a woman)
potvrdit {v pf} :: to confirm (of a statement)
potvrdit {v pf} :: to attest (to affirm to be correct, true, or genuine)
potvrzení {n} :: verbal noun of potvrdit
potvrzení {n} :: confirmation
potvrzovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of potvrdit
potvůrka {f} :: diminutive of potvora
potyčka {f} :: skirmish (brief battle between small groups)
potyčka {f} :: quarrel, argument
pouhý {adj} :: mere
poukaz {m} :: A coupon, voucher, token
poulit {v impf} :: to goggle (to open the eyes widely)
pour féliciter {phrase} :: A New Year's congratulation. "Happy new year!"
poustevna {f} :: hermitage
poustevník {m} :: hermit
poušť {f} :: desert
pouštět větry {v impf} :: to break wind, to fart
pouť {f} :: pilgrimage
pouť {f} :: in the Czech Republic, annual event typically featuring carousels, serving for entertainment
poutat {v impf} :: to bind
poutko {n} :: hanging loop, tab (strip attached to a coat, tea towel etc for hanging it)
poutko {n} :: Diminutive form of pouto
poutník {m} :: pilgrim
pouto {n} :: bond, tie
pouto {n} :: handcuff
pouto {n} :: fetter
pouzdro {n} :: sheath, scabbard
pouzdro {n} :: (engineering) box
pouze {adv} :: only
použít {v pf} :: to use
použitelnost {f} :: usability
použitelný {adj} :: usable
použití {n} :: verbal noun of použít
použití {n} :: use
použitý {adj} :: used
použitý {adj} :: used (that has or have previously been owned by someone else)
používání {n} :: use, application
používat {v impf} :: imperfective form of použít
povaha {f} :: nature (essential characteristics)
povaleč {m anim} :: idler, loafer
poválečný {adj} :: post-war
považovat {v impf} :: to consider, deem
povečeřet {v pf} :: to have supper or dinner (evening meal, of any size)
povědět {v pf} :: to say
povel {m inan} :: command
pověra {f} :: superstition
pověrčivý {adj} :: superstitious
pověřit {v pf} :: to charge (to assign a duty to)
pověsit {v pf} :: to hang (to place on a hook), to hang up (to put up to hang)
pověst {f} :: legend (story)
pověst {f} :: reputation
povětrnost {f} [archaic] :: weather
povětrnostní {adj} :: weather
povětří {n} [archaic] :: air, atmosphere
povídat {v} :: to chat (be engaged in informal conversation)
povídavý {adj} :: loquacioustalkative, chatty
povídka {f} :: short story
povidla {n} :: plum stew
povinnost {f} :: duty (moral or legal obligation)
povinný {adj} :: compulsory, mandatory, obligatory
povlak na polštář {m} :: pillowcase
povodeň {f} :: flood
povodí {n} :: drainage basin of a river or a lake
povolání {n} :: verbal noun of povolat
povolání {n} :: profession (an occupation in which one has a professed expertise in a particular area; a job, especially one requiring a high level of skill or training), occupation
povolání {n} :: vocation, calling
povolat {v pf} :: to draft, to conscript
povolávat {v impf} :: imperfective form of povolat
povolební {adj} :: post-election, postelection
povolení {n} :: verbal noun of povolit
povolení {n} :: permit
povolení {n} :: permission
povolený {adj} :: permitted
povolený {adj} :: loosened
povolit {v pf} :: to permit
povolit {v pf} :: to loosen
povrch {m} :: surface
povrchní {adj} :: superficial (lacking substance)
povrchový {adj} [relational] :: surface
povstalec {m} :: insurgent, rebel
povstání {n} :: verbal noun of povstat
povstání {n} :: rebellion, insurrection
povyk {m} :: racket, row, uproar, turmoil
povyk {m} :: fuss, ado
povykovat {v impf} :: to shout, yell, make a racket
povýšení {n} :: verbal noun of povýšit
povýšení {n} :: promotion (advancing in rank)
povýšení {n} :: exaltation
povýšený {adj} :: haughty, lofty
povýšený {adj} :: promoted
povýšit {v pf} :: to promote, to up
povzbudit {v pf} :: to encourage (to emotionally support)
povzbuzení {n} :: encouragement
povzbuzovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of povzbudit
povznášející {adj} :: uplifting
povznést {v pf} :: to uplift
póza {f} :: pose
pozadí {n} :: background (part of picture)
pozadí {n} :: background (relevant information)
pozdě {adv} :: late
pozdě bycha honit {proverb} :: what's done is done
později {adv} :: later (more late)
pozdní {adj} :: late (at the end of a period)
pozdrav {m} :: greeting, salutation
pozdravovat {v impf} :: to give regards
pozdravovat {v impf} :: to greet
pozdvižení {n} :: turmoil, upheaval, commotion
pozemek {m} :: plot, lot (of land)
pozemský {adj} :: earthly
pozemský {adj} :: terrestrial
pozemšťan {m anim} [especially, science fiction] :: Earthling
pozice {f} :: position
pozitiv {m} [grammar] :: positive
pozitivismus {m} [philosophy] :: positivism
pozitivista {m} :: positivist
pozitivistický {adj} :: positivist, positivistic
pozitivizmus {m} :: alternative spelling of pozitivismus
pozitivně {adv} :: positively
pozitivní {adj} :: positive (characterized by affirmation, constructiveness, or influence for the better; favourable)
pozitivum {n} :: pro (advantage)
pozitron {m} :: positron
pozitronová emisní tomografie {f} :: positron emission tomography
pozitronový {adj} [relational] :: positron
pozítří {adv} :: on the day after tomorrow
pozměnit {v pf} :: to amend, to modify
pozn. {noun} :: abbreviation of poznámka: n.b.
poznamenat {v pf} :: to remark
poznamenat {v pf} :: to note
poznamenat {v pf} :: to comment
poznámka {f} :: note, remark, comment
poznámka na okraj {f} :: marginal note, side note
poznámka pod čarou {f} :: footnote (comment at the bottom of a printed page)
poznámkový {adj} [relational] :: note
poznámkový blok {m} :: notepad, notebook
poznámkový blok {m} :: Notepad (software application)
poznámky k vydání {noun} :: release notes
Poznaň {prop} {f} :: Poznaň (city)
poznání {n} :: knowledge
poznat {v pf} :: to recognize
poznat {v pf} [literary] :: to experience
poznatek {m} :: piece of knowledge, finding, insight
poznatelnost {f} :: knowability
poznatelný {adj} :: knowable
poznávací {adj} :: cognitive
poznávat {v impf} :: imperfective form of poznat
pozor {m inan} :: attention
pozor {interj} :: warning; attention
pozor, kluzká podlaha {phrase} :: caution - slippery when wet
pozornost {f} :: attention (mental focus)
pozorný {adj} :: attentive
pozorování {n} :: observation
pozorovaný {adj} :: observed
pozorovat {v impf} :: to observe, to watch
pozorovat {v impf} :: to watch out (for)
pozorovatel {m} :: observer (taking notice)
pozorovatelný {adj} :: observable
pozoruhodný {adj} :: remarkable
pozoun {m} :: trombone
pozpátku {adv} :: backwards (in the opposite direction of usual)
pozůstatek {m} :: remnant
pozůstatek {m} :: vestige
pozvání {n} :: invitation
pozvánka {f} :: invitation, invitation card
pozvat {v pf} :: to invite
pozvolný {adj} :: gradual
požádat {v pf} :: to ask
požadavek {m} :: requirement
požadovaný {adj} :: required
požadovat {v impf} :: to require
požár {m} :: fire (destructive and undesirable occurrence of fire)
požární {adj} [relational] :: firefighting
požárník {m} :: firefighter, fireman
požární sbor {m} :: fire brigade
požehnání {n} :: blessing
požehnaný {adj} :: blessed (having divine aid, or protection, or other blessing)
požehnat {v pf} :: to bless
požitek {m} :: relish
poživatelný {adj} :: edible, comestible
poživatina {f} :: edible, eatable, comestible
pra- {prefix} :: great- (removed by one generation from)
pra- {prefix} :: fore- (ancestor)
pra- {prefix} :: primaeval, primary
pra- {prefix} [linguistics] :: proto-
pra- {prefix} :: very, extremely (intensifying the meaning of the original adjective)
prabába {f} :: great-grandmother (mother of one's grandparent)
prababička {f} :: great-grandmother
pracák {m} [colloquial] :: employment office (a government employment agency)
pracant {m anim} [colloquial] :: hard worker
práce {f} :: work
práce jako na kostele {m} [simile] :: a lot of work to do
práce kvapná, málo platná {proverb} :: haste makes waste
prácička {f} :: diminutive of práce
pracka {f} :: paw (soft foot of an animal)
pracka {f} [colloquial] :: hand
pracně {adv} :: laboriously
pracnost {f} :: laboriousness
pracný {adj} :: laborious
pracovat {v impf} :: to work
pracoviště {n} :: workplace
pracovitý {adj} :: diligent, industrious, hardworking
pracovna {f} :: study (room in a house intended for reading and writing)
pracovní {adj} [relational] :: work, working, employment
pracovnice {f} :: female worker
pracovní den {m} :: working day (day of a week in which work is done)
pracovník {m anim} :: male worker
pracovní síla {f} :: A hand, labourer, worker
pracovní síly {f} :: plural of pracovní síla
pracovní smlouva {f} :: employment contract
pracovní týden {m} :: workweek (US), working week (UK)
pračeština {f} :: Proto-Czech
pračka {f} :: washing machine, washer
pradávný {adj} :: ancient
praděd {m} :: great-grandfather (father of grandparent)
pradědeček {m anim} :: great-grandfather
pradědek {m} [archaic] :: great-grandfather
prádelna {f} :: laundry (place)
pradlena {f} :: washer, washerwoman
prádlo {n} :: laundry (things to be laundered)
pragermánský {adj} :: Proto-Germanic
pragermánština {f} :: Proto-Germanic
pragmatický {adj} :: pragmatic
pragmatika {f} [linguistics] :: pragmatics
pragmatismus {m} :: pragmatism
pragocentrismus {m} :: Pragocentrism (concentration of power in Prague)
práh {m} :: threshold
Praha {prop} {f} :: Praha (capital city)
prahorní {adj} :: Archaean
prahory {fp} :: Archean
prahování {n} :: thresholding
prach {m} :: dust
pracháč {m} [colloquial] :: moneybags (rich person)
prachař {m} [colloquial] :: moneybags (rich person)
prachatý {adj} [colloquial] :: rich, wealthy
prachovka {f} :: duster or feather duster
prachový {adj} :: dust
prachsakra {interj} :: darn
prachy {mp} [colloquial] :: dough, money
praindoevropský {adj} :: Proto-Indo-European
praindoevropština {f} :: Proto-Indo-European
prajazyk {m} :: proto-language
prak {m} :: sling (weapon)
prakticky {adv} :: in practice
prakticky {adv} :: virtually, basically, almost, practically
praktický {adj} :: practical (of a person)
praktický lékař {m} [medicine] :: general practitioner
praktičnost {f} :: practicality
praktika {noun} :: practice
prakůň {m anim} :: Any of the genera Hyracotherium (syn. Eohippus) or Hipparion of extinct equid mammals
prales {m} :: old growth forest, primeval forest
pralesnička {f} :: dart frog
prám {m} :: raft
pramalý {adj} :: scant
pramáti {f} [literary] :: female progenitor, ancestress
pramáti {f} [literary] :: matriarch
pramen {m} :: spring (where water emerges from the ground)
pramen {m} :: source
pramen {m} :: strand, ply, wisp
pramenitá voda {f} :: springwater
pramička {f} :: diminutive of pramice
pránajáma {f} :: pranayama
pranepatrný {adj} :: tiny, insignificant
praní {n} :: washing, laundering
praní špinavých peněz {n} :: money laundering (act of obscuring the origin of money that has been obtained illegally)
pranostika {f} :: dubious prognostication, especially weather lore
pranýř {m} :: a kind of punishment through public exposition, often by being tied to a column
praotec {m} [literary] :: forefather, progenitor
praotec {m} [literary] :: patriarch
prapodivný {adj} :: very strange, bizarre
prapor {m} :: banner
prapor {m} [military] :: battalion
prapor {m} [ornithology] :: vane
praporčík {m} :: warrant officer
praporčík {m} :: ensign
praporek {m} :: diminutive of prapor
praporek {m} :: flag (sport)
praprababička {f} :: great-great-grandmother
prapradědeček {m} :: great-great-grandfather
prapraprababička {f} :: great-great-great-grandmother
praprapradědeček {m} :: great-great-great-grandfather
prapředek {m} :: ancient ancestor
prarodič {m} :: grandparent
prasátko {n} :: diminutive of prase
prasátko {n} :: piglet
prasátko {n} :: piggy bank
prasátko {n} [sport] :: In tennis etc., a ball's unexpected change of direction as a result of touching the net, which ends within bounds if left alone. In table tennis also a ball's unexpected change of direction as a result of falling precisely on the table's edge.
prasátko {n} :: A spot of light on a surface as a result of reflection from a glazy surface such as the face of a wristwatch
prasátko {n} [sports] :: jack (for bowls or pétanque)
prase {n} :: pig
prase {n} [offensive] :: pig (person who does disgusting things)
prasečí {adj} [relational] :: pig, pig's
praseodym {m} :: praseodymium
prasit {v} [colloquial] :: to make something worse, disgusting, dirty
práskač {m} :: snitch, rat (informer)
práskat {v impf} :: to crack
práskat {v impf} :: to slam
práskat {v impf} [colloquial] :: to tell on, to rat on
prasklina {f} :: crack (thin space opened in a previously solid material)
prasknout {v impf} :: to burst, to rupture
prásknout {v pf} :: to crack
prásknout {v pf} :: to slam
prásknout {v pf} [colloquial] :: to tell on, to rat out
prásknout do bot {v} [colloquial] :: to flee, to run away
prasknutí {n} :: burst (instance or act of bursting)
praslovanský {adj} :: Proto-Slavic
praslovanština {f} :: Proto-Slavic, Common Slavonic
prasnice {f} :: sow (female pig)
prastarý {adj} :: ancient
prastrýc {m} :: great-uncle
prašan {m} :: powder, powder snow
prášek {m} :: powder
prášek {m} :: pill (small portion of a drug or drugs to be taken orally)
prášek do pečiva {m} :: baking powder
prašivec {m} :: one suffering from scabies
prašivec {m} :: bastard, scumbag
prašivina {f} :: scabies
práškový {adj} :: powder
prašule {fp} [colloquial] :: money
prašulky {fp} :: diminutive of prašule
prát {v impf} :: to wash, to launder
prát {v impf} :: to fight
prateta {f} :: A great-aunt
pratetička {f} :: diminutive of prateta
pratur {m} :: aurochs (an extinct European mammal, Bos primigenius)
pravačka {f} :: female righty, right-hander
pravačka {f} :: right hand
pravák {m} :: righty, right-hander
pravák {m} [colloquial] :: some mushrooms of the genus Boletus with a trama that does not change colour after being cut, especially Boletus edulis, Boletus retuculatus, Boletus pinophilus, Boletus separans and Boletus aereus
pravda {f} :: truth
pravděpodobně {adv} :: probably (in all likelihood)
pravděpodobnost {f} :: probability
pravděpodobnostní algoritmus {m} :: probabilistic algorithm
pravděpodobný {adj} :: probable
pravdivost {f} :: truth (property of a statement)
pravdivostní {adj} :: truth
pravdivostní hodnota {f} :: truth value
pravdivostní tabulka {f} :: truth table
pravdivý {adj} :: true, truthful (of a statement)
pravdoláskař {m anim} [usually, pejorative] :: Someone who optimistically (and or naively) believes that truth and love must prevail over lies and hatred, translatable perhaps as a "love-'n'-truthnik"
pravdoláskař {m anim} [usually, pejorative] :: An adherent, sympathizer or a proponent of Václav Havel or his political style
pravdomluvnost {f} :: truthfulness, veracity
pravdomluvný {adj} :: truthful (always telling the truth)
právě {adv} :: just, exactly
právě {adv} :: just now
pravěk {m} :: prehistory
pravěký {adj} :: prehistoric, primeval
právě tehdy, když {conj} :: if and only if
pravice {f} :: right hand
pravice {f} :: right (politicians and parties)
pravicový {adj} :: right-wing
pravičák {m} :: rightist, right-winger (supporter of the political right)
pravidelně {adv} :: regularly (with constant frequency or pattern)
pravidelné sloveso {n} :: regular verb
pravidelnost {f} :: regularity
pravidelný {adj} :: regular (with constant frequency)
pravidelný {adj} :: regular (grammar)
pravidla silničního provozu {noun} :: Highway Code (generally, not specific to a particular country)
pravidlo {n} :: rule (regulation)
pravit {v p-i} :: to say
pravítko {n} :: ruler (measuring and drawing device)
právní {adj} :: legal (relating to the law)
právnická osoba {f} :: legal person
právnička {f} :: female lawyer
právník {m} :: lawyer
pravnučka {f} :: great-granddaughter (the daughter of someone's grandchild)
pravnuk {m} :: great-grandson (son of a grandchild)
právo {n} :: law
právo {n} :: right
pravobok {m} :: starboard (right hand side of a vessel)
pravomoc {f} :: authority
pravopis {m inan} :: spelling
pravopis {m inan} :: orthography
právoplatný {adj} :: rightful
Pravoslav {prop} {m} :: given name
pravost {f} :: genuineness
pravoúhelník {m} :: rectangle
pravoúhlý {adj} :: right, rectangular
pravověrný {adj} :: orthodox
pravý {adj} :: right (of direction)
pravý {adj} :: right (of angle)
pravý {adj} :: true, genuine
pravý {adj} :: right, proper
pravý rváček {phrase} [rugby] :: openside flanker
pravý rváček {phrase} [rugby] :: position of openside flanker
pravý úhel {m} :: right angle
praxe {f} :: practice (actual operation or experiment, in contrast to theory)
praxe {f} :: practicum (college course)
prázdná množina {f} [set theory] :: empty set
prázdniny {fp} :: vacation (US), holiday (UK) (from school)
prázdnota {f} :: emptiness
prázdný {adj} :: empty
prázdný sud nejvíce duní {proverb} :: empty vessels make the most sound
prazvláštní {adj} :: very strange, bizarre
Pražačka {f} :: female Prague citizen or native
pražádný {pron} :: none at all
Pražák {m} [colloquial] :: Praguer, Prague citizen, Praguian
Pražan {m} :: Praguer, Prague citizen, Praguian
Pražanda {f} [colloquial] :: female Prague citizen or native
Pražanka {f} :: female Prague citizen or native
pražec {m} [rail transport] :: tie, railroad tie
pražec {m} :: fret (on a string instrument)
pražený {adj} :: roasted
pražit {v impf} :: to roast (to process by drying through exposure to sun or artificial heat)
pražský {adj} [relational] :: Prague
prcat {v impf} [mildly, vulgar] :: to screw, fuck
prcek {m} [colloquial] :: kid (child)
prcek {m} [colloquial] :: midget, manikin, shorty (small person)
prča {f} [colloquial] :: fun
prd {m} [vulgar] :: fart
prdel {f} [vulgar] :: ass (buttocks)
prdel {f} [vulgar] :: fun
prdel {f} [vulgar] :: remote place
prdelka {f} [diminutive] :: ass, arse
prdelka {f} [vulgar] :: piece of ass (an attractive woman)
prdelka {f} :: (hypocoristic) little butt (affectionate name commonly used to address small children)
prdelolezec {m} [mildly, vulgar] :: ass-licker, brown noser, suck-up
prdět {v impf} [vulgar] :: to fart
prdět {v impf} [vulgar] :: to not care
prdět do hlíny {v impf} [colloquial] :: to be dead
prdýlka {f} :: diminutive of prdel
precedens {n} :: precedent (past act used as example)
precedent {m} :: precedent (past act used as example)
predátor {m} :: predator
predikát {m} :: predicate (in logic, statement that may be true or false depending on the values of its variables)
predikátová logika {f} :: predicate logic
predikátový {adj} [relational] :: predicate
predikátový počet {m} :: predicate calculus
predispozice {f} :: predisposition
prednison {m} :: prednisone
prednizon {m} :: prednisone
preeklampsie {f} :: preeclampsia
prefekt {m} :: prefect
preference {f} :: preference (selection of one thing or person over others)
preferovat {v impf} :: to prefer
prefix {m inan} :: prefix
pregraduální {adj} :: pregraduate
prekancerózní {adj} :: precancerous (of or pertaining to growth that is likely to develop into cancer)
prelát {m} :: prelate (clergyman of high rank and authority)
premedikace {f} :: premedication
premenstruační {adj} :: premenstrual
premenstruační syndrom {m} :: premenstrual syndrome
premiér {m} :: prime minister
premiéra {f} [theater] :: premiere (of a play or performance)
premiéra {f} :: opening night
premiérka {f} :: diminutive of premiéra
premiérka {f} :: female prime minister
premisa {f} [logic] :: premise
prenatální {adj} :: prenatal
prepozice {f} :: preposition
preprocesor {m} [programming] :: preprocessor
prérie {f} :: prairie
prérijní {adj} :: prairie (when used attributively)
pres {m} [colloquial] :: press (device used to apply pressure)
presbyopie {f} :: presbyopia
presbyterián {m} :: Presbyterian
presbyteriánský {adj} :: Presbyterian
president {m} :: alternative spelling of prezident
prestiž {f} :: prestige
prestižní {adj} :: prestigious
presymptomatický {adj} :: presymptomatic
prevalence {f} [epidemiology] :: prevalence
prevence {f} :: prevention
preventivní {adj} :: preventive
prevét {noun} [architecture, chiefly historical] :: a lavatory, privy, or loo, especially one located in a purpose-built bay or recess of a mediæval or Renaissance château or castle
prevét {noun} [vulgar, strongly derogatory] :: a dishonourable, perfidious, or duplicitous man; also, one who is habitually abusive, spiteful, or smug
prevít {noun} :: alternative form of prevét
prezent {m} [colloquial, archaic] :: gift, present
prezentace {f} :: presentation (presenting to an audience)
prezentační {adj} :: presentation
prezentovat {v impf} :: to present
prezervativ {noun} :: condom
prezident {m anim} :: president
prezidentka {f} :: president (female)
prezidentský {adj} :: presidential
prha {f} :: arnica
prchat {v impf} :: to flee, to escape
prchavost {f} [physics, chemistry] :: volatility
prchavý {adj} :: fleeting, ephemeral
prchavý {adj} [physics, chemistry] :: volatile
prchnout {v pf} :: to flee, to escape
prima {adj} [colloquial] :: nice, great
prima {interj} :: nice
primárky {fp} :: primary, primaries, primary election
primární {adj} :: primary
primární klíč {m} [databases] :: primary key
primární péče {f} [medicine] :: primary care
primární trh {m} :: primary market
primář {m} :: chief physician, head physician
primářka {f} :: female chief physician, head physician
primát {m} :: primate (mammal)
primát {m} :: primacy
primatolog {m} :: primatologist
primatologie {f} :: primatology
primatoložka {f} :: female primatologist
primátor {m} :: mayor of a capital
primátorka {f} :: female mayor of a capital
primitivní {adj} :: primitive
princ {m} :: prince (descendant of a monarch)
princezna {f} :: princess (daughter of a monarch)
princeznička {f} :: diminutive of princezna
princip {m} :: principle (rule of action)
princip {m} :: principle (rule or law of nature)
princip neurčitosti {m} :: uncertainty principle
priorita {f} :: priority (importance)
priorita {f} :: priority (goal)
prioritizace {f} :: prioritization
prioritní {adj} :: priority
priorizace {f} :: prioritization
Priština {prop} {f} :: Priština (caplc)
privát {m} [colloquial] :: private apartment
privatizace {f} :: privatization
privatizátor {m} :: privatizer
privatizovat {v} :: to privatize (to release government control to private industry)
privátní {adj} :: private
privilegium {n} :: privilege (peculiar benefit, advantage, or favor)
prkenice {f} [colloquial] :: wallet, billfold, purse (a small bag for carrying money)
prkénko {n} :: chopping board
prkénko {n} :: (wooden) toilet seat
prkno {n} :: (wooden) plank, (wooden) board
prkotina {f} :: little thing, trifle (a detail or thing of little importance or worth)
pro- {prefix} :: A Czech prefix, related in some senses to "through"
pro {prep} :: for
pro {n} :: pro [advantage]
proaktivita {f} :: proactivity
proaktivně {adv} :: proactively
proaktivní {adj} :: proactive, anticipatory
pro a proti {n} {p} :: pros and cons
probádat {v pf} :: to explore
probátní {adj} [obsolete] :: time-tested, well-tried, proven; sound
proběhnout {v pf} :: to run through
proběhnout {v pf} :: to take place, to be done, to occur, to happen, to be carried out
probíhat {v impf} :: to run through
probíhat {v impf} :: to take place, to be done, to occur, to happen, to be carried out
problém {m inan} :: problem
problematický {adj} :: problematic
problematika {f} :: subject, subject area
proboha {interj} :: for God's sake
probudit {vt pf} :: to wake up
probudit {v pf} :: to wake up, to awake
probuzený {adj} :: awake (conscious)
procedura {f} [programming] :: procedure
procedurální {adj} :: procedural
procentil {m} :: percentile
procentní {adj} :: percentage
procento {n} :: percent
proces {m} :: process
procesí {n} :: procession
procesní právo {n} [legal] :: procedural law
procesor {m} [computing] :: processor
procestovat {vt pf} :: to travel (to travel through)
procvičování {n} :: practice (repetition of an activity to improve skill)
proč {adv} :: why
pročíst {v pf} :: to peruse (to read completely)
prodat {v pf} :: to sell
prodavač {m anim} :: shop assistant
prodavačka {f} :: female shop assistant
prodávat {v impf} :: imperfective form of prodat
prodej {m} :: sale
prodejce {m} :: vendor
prodejkyně {f} :: female dealer, vendor
prodejna {f} :: shop
prodejný {adj} :: salable, sellable
prodleva {f} :: delay
prodloužená mícha {f} :: medulla oblongata
prodloužení {n} :: extension, lengthening
prodloužit {v pf} :: to prolong (to make longer, both physically and in time)
prodloužit {v pf} :: to lengthen
prodlužka {f} :: alternative form of prodlužovačka
prodlužovačka {f} :: extension cord
prodlužování {n} :: extension, lengthening
prodlužovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of prodloužit
pro dobrotu na žebrotu {proverb} :: Tentative: Who extensively shares his property out of compassion ends up broke
produkce {f} :: production
produkovat {v} :: to produce (film, music)
produktivita {f} :: productivity
produktivní {adj} :: productive
proenzym {m} :: proenzyme
profes {m} :: professed monk
profese {f} :: profession (an occupation in which one has a professed expertise in a particular area; a job, especially one requiring a high level of skill or training)
profesionál {m} :: professional (a person who earns his living from a specified activity)
profesionalismus {m} :: professionalism
profesionální {adj} :: professional
profesor {m} :: professor
profesorka {f} :: female professor
profík {m} [colloquial] :: pro (professional)
profil {m} :: profile (side view of a head)
progesteron {m} :: progesterone
prognóza {f} :: forecast (estimation of a future state; used in economics, not in weather forecast)
prognóza {f} [medicine] :: prognosis (a forecast of the future course of a disease or disorder)
program {m} :: program (set of activities)
program {m} :: program (for theater or TV)
program {m} [computing] :: program
program {m} :: agenda (of a meeting)
programátor {m} :: programmer (one who designs software)
programátor {m} :: programmer (device that installs a software program into some other machine)
programátorka {f} :: female programmer
programátorský {adj} :: programmer
programovací {adj} :: programming
programovací jazyk {m} :: programming language
programování {n} :: verbal noun of programovat
programování {n} [computing] :: programming
programovat {v impf} :: to program
programovatelnost {f} :: programmability
programovatelný {adj} :: programmable
progresivní {adj} :: progressive (increasing in rate as the taxable amount increases)
prohlásit {v pf} :: to declare, pronounce, announce, state
prohlášení {n} :: declaration (written or oral indication of a fact, opinion, or belief)
prohlédnout {vrt pf} [si] :: to look through something, see something over, have a look at, skim through something
prohlédnout {vt pf} :: to peruse (to look over casually), to skim
prohlédnout {vt pf} :: to examine, scrutinise
prohlédnout {vt pf} :: to sightsee
prohlédnout {vi pf} :: to see the light
prohlédnout {vt pf} :: to see through
prohlédnout {vi pf} :: to brighten up (sky, room, house etc)
prohlídka {f} :: examination, inspection
prohlížeč {m} [Internet] :: browser
prohlubeň {f} :: depression (area that is lower than its surroundings)
prohnaný {adj} :: sly
prohodit {v pf} :: to swap
prohodit {v pf} :: to throw through
prohra {f} :: loss
prohraný {adj} :: lost (not won)
prohrát {v pf} :: to lose
prohrát kontumačně {phrase} [transitive, intransitive] :: to forfeit (a sports match etc.)
prohrávat {v impf} :: imperfective form of prohrát
procházet {v impf} :: imperfective form of projít
procházka {f} :: stroll, walk (trip made by walking)
Procházka {prop} {m} :: A Czech surname
procházka růžovou zahradou {f} :: walk in the park (something easy or pleasant)
projednávat {v impf} :: imperfective form of projednat
pro jedno kvítí slunce nesvítí {proverb} :: When your beloved woman has broken your heart and left you, you will still fall in love again with another one
projekce {f} :: projection
projekce {f} [psychology] :: projection
projekt {m} :: project (planned endeavor)
projektil {m} :: projectile (to be fired from a weapon)
projektor {m} :: projector
projektový {adj} :: project
projet {v pf} :: to drive through, ride through
projet {v pf} :: to tour, drive around
projet {v pf} :: to take a ride
projet {vt pf} [colloquial] :: to lose
projev {m inan} :: manifestation
projevovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of projevit
projímadlo {n} :: laxative
projít {v pf} :: to go for a walk
projížďka {f} :: drive, ride
prokaryotický {adj} :: prokaryotic
prokázat {v pf} :: to demonstrate, to show, to prove
prokazatelný {adj} :: demonstrable (able to be demonstrated)
Prokeš {prop} {m} :: A surname
prokinetikum {n} :: prokinetic
proklad {m} :: interleaf
prokládání {n} :: interlace
prokládat {v impf} :: to interlay
prokládat {v impf} :: to lard, lace (speech)
prokládat {v impf} [typography] :: to space out, lead
proklatě {interj} :: darn
proklatý {adj} :: cursed
proklatý {adj} [colloquial] :: damned
prokletí {n} :: curse (supernatural detriment)
prokletý {adj} :: cursed
prokletý {adj} [colloquial] :: damned, bloody
proklínat {vt impf} :: to curse
proklít {vt pf} :: to curse
prokluz {m} ::  a slip (an act or instance of slipping)
Prokop {prop} {m} :: given name
prokrastinace {f} :: procrastination
prokrvení {n} :: blood flow, blood supply
proktitida {f} :: proctitis (inflammation of the anus and the lining of the rectum)
proláklina {f} :: depression (area that is lower than its surroundings)
proletariát {m} :: proletariat
proletář {m} :: proletarian
proletářský {adj} :: proletarian
prolhaný {adj} :: lying, dishonest, mendacious
prolog {m} :: prologue
prolomit {v pf} :: to break, breach, burst
prolomit ledy {v pf} :: to break the ice
proložit {v pf} :: perfective form of prokládat
promarnit {v pf} :: to waste (time, opportunity etc)
proměna {f} :: metamorphosis
proměna {f} :: transformation
proměna {f} :: shapeshifting
promenáda {f} :: esplanade
proměnit {v pf} :: to turn (change fundamentally)
proměnit {v pf} :: to transform
proměnit {v pf} :: to metamorphose
proměnlivý {adj} :: variable
proměnná {f} [mathematics, computing] :: variable
proměnný {adj} :: variable
proměňovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of proměnit
prométheovský {adj} :: Promethean (of or pertaining to Prometheus)
Prométheus {prop} {m} :: Prometheus (titan)
pro mě za mě {phrase} :: for all I care, as far as I'm concerned
pro mě za mě {phrase} :: I don't care, whatever
promile {n} :: per mille, per mil, permille
promiň {interj} :: sorry! excuse me! [informal singular]
prominout {v pf} :: to forgive
promiňte {interj} :: sorry! excuse me! [plural or formal singular]
promítání {n} :: projection
promluva {f} :: utterance
promoce {f} :: graduation (action or process of graduating and receiving a diploma for completing a course of study)
promoce {f} :: graduation (commencement ceremony)
promočený {adj} :: soaked, drenched
promovat {v impf} :: to graduate (to be recognized by a school or university as having completed the requirements of a degree studied at the institution)
promrhat {vt pf} :: to waste, squander
promulgace {f} :: promulgation
promyelocytární {adj} :: promyelocytic
promyslet {v pf} :: to think over, to ponder
promyšlený {adj} :: thought-out, thought out
proň {contraction} :: contraction of pro + něj
pronájem {m} :: rental
pronajímatel {m anim} :: landlord
pronajmout {v pf} :: to rent
pronásledovat {v impf} :: to chase, to pursue
proniknout {v pf} :: to infiltrate (to surreptitiously penetrate, enter or gain access)
proniknout {v pf} :: to penetrate
proniknutelný {adj} :: penetrable
pronomen {n} :: pronoun
propadat {v impf} :: imperfective form of propadnout
propadliště {n} :: trapdoor (stage, gallows)
propadnout {v pf} :: to fall through something
propadnout {v pf} :: to fall through
propadnout {v pf} :: to flop (film etc)
propadnout {v pf} :: to fail (at an examination etc)
propadnout {v pf} [legal] :: to lapse
propagace {f} [marketing] :: promotion
propagační {adj} :: promotional
propaganda {f} :: propaganda
propagátor {m} :: promoter
propagátorka {f} :: female promoter
propagovat {v impf} :: to promote (to attempt to popularize or sell)
propan {m} [organic compound] :: propane (C3H8)
propast {f} :: abyss (bottomless or unfathomed depth)
propedeutika {f} :: propaedeutic
propíchnout {v} :: to pierce, to puncture
propiska {f} :: ballpoint pen, biro (UK)
propiska {f} :: (ex-USSR) propiska, registration
propisovací tužka {f} :: ballpoint pen
propisovačka {f} :: ballpoint pen
proplatit {v pf} :: to cash, redeem (cheque etc)
propojení {n} :: verbal noun of propojit
propojení {n} :: interconnection, connection, link
propojit {v pf} :: to interconnect, connect, link
propojovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of propojit
propouštět {v impf} :: to let through, leak
propouštět {v impf} :: to lay off, dismiss, sack
proprietární {adj} :: proprietary
proprium {n} :: proper noun
propuknout {v} :: to break, to break out, to erupt
propustit {v pf} :: to let through (water etc)
propustit {v pf} :: to lay off, dismiss, sack
propustit {v pf} :: to discharge, release
propustka {f} :: pass, permit (for entering or leaving a place)
propustka {f} :: (document) furlough
propustnost {f} [networking] :: throughput
proroctví {n} :: prophecy
prorok {m anim} :: prophet
prorokyně {f} :: female prophet
proruský {adj} :: pro-Russian
prořeknout {v pf} :: to let the cat out of the bag
prořezat {v pf} :: to prune (trim a tree or shrub)
prořezat {v pf} :: to coppice (cut down some small trees in a wooded area to make it less dense)
prořezat {v pf} :: to cut through
prořezávání {n} :: pruning (action of pruning)
prořezávání {n} [computer science] :: pruning
prosadit {vt pf} :: to enforce
prosadit {v pf} :: to do
prosazovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of prosázet
prosazovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of prosadit
prosba {f} :: request (informal act of requesting)
prosím {interj} :: please
prosím {interj} :: you're welcome
prosím {interj} :: sorry? (used to ask someone to repeat)
prosincový {adj} [relational] :: December
prosinec {m inan} :: December
prosit {v impf} :: to ask for
prosit {v impf} :: to beg
proslulost {f} :: fame (state of being well-known and spoken of)
proslulý {adj} :: famous (well known), renowned
proso {n} :: panicum, panicgrass, any member of the genus Panicum
proso {n} :: millet (grain)
prosodie {m} :: alternative form of prozódie
prosopagnosie {f} :: prosopagnosia
prospěch {m} :: profit, benefit
prosperita {f} :: prosperity
prosperovat {v} :: to prosper
prospěšný {adj} :: beneficial
prospět {vt pf} :: to benefit
prosťáček {m} :: simpleton
prostaglandin {m} :: prostaglandin
prostata {f} [anatomy] :: prostate, prostate gland
prostatický {adj} :: prostatic, prostate
prostatitida {f} :: prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate)
prostě {adv} :: simply (in a simple manner)
prostě {adv} :: just, simply
Prostějov {prop} {m inan} :: A city in the eastern part of the Czech Republic
prostěradlo {n} :: bed sheet, sheet
prosté zobrazení {n} [set theory] :: injection
prostičký {adj} :: diminutive of prostý: very simple
prostinký {adj} :: diminutive of prostý: very simple
prostírání {n} :: place mat
prostituce {f} :: prostitution
prostitut {m} :: male prostitute
prostitutka {f} :: prostitute
prostopášný {adj} :: dissipated
prostor {m} [geometry] :: space
prostoročas {m} :: spacetime
prostorová složitost {f} :: space complexity
prostorový {adj} :: spatial
prostorový úhel {m} :: solid angle
prostota {f} :: simplicity
prostředek {m} :: means
prostředek {m} :: middle
prostředí {n} :: environment
prostřední {adj} :: middle (being in the middle or in-between)
prostředníček {m} [inanimate] :: middle finger
prostředníček {m} [animate] :: diminutive of prostředník
prostředník {m} [inanimate] :: middle finger
prostředník {m} [animate] :: intermediary (an agent acting as a mediator between sides that may disagree)
prostřít {v pf} :: to set (to arrange with dishes and cutlery)
prostudovat {v pf} :: to peruse (to examine or consider with care)
prostůrek {m} :: diminutive of prostor
prostý {adj} :: simple
prostý {adj} [formal] :: free of [followed by the genitive case]
prostý {adj} [mathematics] :: injective
prostydlý {adj} :: chilly
protagonista {m} :: protagonist (main character in a work)
protagonistka {f} :: female protagonist (main character in a work)
Prótagorás {prop} {m} :: Protagoras
protáhnout {v pf} :: to get through
protáhnout {v pf} :: to stretch
protáhnout {v pf} :: to extend
protahovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of protáhnout
protaktinium {n} :: protactinium
proteáza {f} :: protease
protein {m inan} :: protein
proteinový {adj} [relational] :: protein
protějšek {m} :: counterpart
protektorát {m} :: protectorate
protéovský {adj} [rare] :: protean
proterozoikum {n} :: Proterozoic
protest {m} :: protest
protestant {m} :: Protestant (person)
protestantismus {m} :: Protestantism
protestantský {adj} :: Protestant (when used attributively)
protestantství {n} :: Protestantism (Protestant Christian religion)
protestní {adj} :: protest (when used attributively)
protestovat {v impf} :: to protest (to object to)
protetický {adj} :: prosthetic
protéza {f} :: prosthesis
protěž {f} :: edelweiss (Leontopodium alpinum)
protěž {f} :: any plant of genus Gnaphalium, with unclear mapping to the word cudweed
protěž alpská {f} :: edelweiss (Leontopodium alpinum)
proti- {prefix} :: anti-, counter-, opposite
proti {n} :: con (disadvantage)
proti {prep} :: against (in a contrary direction)
proti {prep} :: opposite (facing, or across from)
protiamerický {adj} :: anti-American
protiargument {m} :: counterargument
protiatomový {adj} :: antinuclear (serving as protection from nuclear devices)
protiatomový kryt {m} :: fallout shelter
protibolestivý {adj} :: analgesic
protibritský {adj} :: anti-British
protičeský {adj} :: anti-Czech
protičínský {adj} :: anti-Chinese
protidemokratický {adj} :: antidemocratic
protifašisticky {adv} :: in an antifascist way
protifašistický {adj} :: antifascist
proti gustu žádný dišputát {proverb} :: there's no accounting for taste
protihorečnatý {adj} :: antipyretic
protihráč {m} :: opponent
protichůdný {adj} :: opposite, contradictory
protiimigrační {adj} :: anti-immigration
protiitalský {adj} :: anti-Italian
protijaderný {adj} :: antinuclear (opposed to the use of nuclear weapons or nuclear energy)
protijaponský {adj} :: anti-Japanese
protijed {m} :: antidote (remedy to counteract the effects of poison)
protiklad {m} :: opposite
protiklad {m} :: contrast (difference)
protikladný {adj} :: opposite, contrary, contradictory, antagonistic
protiklady se přitahují {proverb} :: opposites attract
protikorozní {adj} :: anticorrosive, antirust
protilátka {f} :: antibody
protilátka {f} :: antidote
protiletadlové dělo {n} :: anti-aircraft gun
protiletadlový {adj} :: anti-aircraft
protimonopolní {adj} :: antitrust
protiněmecký {adj} :: anti-German
protinflační {adj} :: anti-inflation
protiplísňový {adj} :: antifungal
protipól {m} :: antipole
protipól {m} :: counterpart (somebody or something with corresponding functions or characteristics)
protipožární {adj} :: against fire
protiprávní {adj} :: illegal
protipříklad {m} [logic] :: counterexample
protirakouský {adj} :: anti-Austrian
protireformace {f} :: Counter-Reformation
protiruský {adj} :: anti-Russian
protiřečící {adj} [, used with si] :: self-contradictory
protiřečit {v} [, used with si] :: to contradict
protiřímský {adj} :: anti-Roman
protisměr {m} :: opposite direction
proti směru hodinových ručiček {adv} :: Anticlockwise
protispamový {adj} :: antispam
protisrbský {adj} :: anti-Serb, anti-Serbian
protistresový {adj} :: antistress
protiústavní {adj} :: unconstitutional
protiva {m} :: nuisance, pain (disliked person)
protiva {f} :: opposite
protiváha {f} :: counterbalance (a weight that is put in opposition to an equal weight)
protiválečný {adj} :: antiwar, anti-war
protivirový {adj} :: antiviral
protivit {v} :: to go against, to be against, to be contrary to
protivit {v} :: to oppose, to defy, to disobey
protivit {v} :: to hate, to resent, to abhor (with subject and object reversed)
protivládní {adj} :: antigovernment
protivník {m anim} :: adversary
protivný {adj} :: mean, annoying
protizánětlivý {adj} :: anti-inflammatory
protizávaží {n} :: counterbalance (a weight that is put in opposition to an equal weight)
protižidovský {adj} :: anti-Semitic, anti-Jewish
protnout {v pf} :: to cut through
protnout {v pf} :: to intersect, to cross
proto {adv} :: therefore; that is why
protokol {m} :: protocol
protokolární {adj} :: protocol
proton {m} :: proton
protonová pumpa {f} :: proton pump
protoplazma {f} [cytology] :: protoplasm
prototyp {m} :: prototype
protože {conj} :: because
protriptylin {m} :: protriptyline
proud {m} :: current
proud {m} [electricity] :: current
proudění {n} :: verbal noun of proudit
proudění {n} :: flow
proudit {vi} :: to flow
proudit {vt} :: to smoke thouroughly (to preserve or prepare food for consumption by treating with smoke)
proustovský {adj} :: Proustian
Prouza {prop} {m} :: A Czech surname
proužek {m} :: diminutive of pruh
proužkovaný {adj} :: striped, barred
provádět {v impf} :: imperfective form of provést
provaz {m} :: rope, cord
provázek {m} :: string, cord, twine
provázet {v impf} :: to guide
provaziště {n} [theater] :: fly system
provazník {m} :: ropemaker, roper
provazový žebřík {m} :: rope ladder
provedení {n} :: verbal noun of provést
provedení {n} :: execution (act, manner, or style of executing)
provedení {n} :: version, variant (specific form or variation of something)
proveditelně {adv} :: feasibly
proveditelnost {f} :: feasibility
proveditelný {adj} :: feasible
Provence {prop} {f} :: Provence
Provensálec {m} :: Provençal (inhabitant of Provence)
provensálský {adj} :: Provençal
proverbiální {adj} :: proverbial
prověřovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of prověřit
provést {v pf} :: to guide (to serve as a guide person)
provést {v pf} :: to implement
proviantní důstojník {m} :: quartermaster (an officer whose duty is to provide quarters, provisions, storage, clothing, fuel, stationery, and transportation for a regiment or other body of troops, and superintend the supplies)
provincie {f} :: province (an area outside Italy which is administered by a Roman governor)
provincie {f} :: province (an administrative subdivision of certain countries)
provincie {f} :: province (an area under the jurisdiction of an archbishop, typically comprising a number of adjacent dioceses)
provinit {v} :: to be guilty of, to become guilty of
provisorium {n} :: alternative form of provizorium
provize {f} :: commission (fee)
provizorium {n} :: provisional solution, stopgap
provizórium {n} :: alternative form of provizorium
provizorně {adv} :: temporarily, not permanently
provizorní {adj} :: provisional, stopgap
provokace {f} :: provocation
provoz {m} :: operation
provoz {m} :: traffic
provozovat {v impf} :: to run; to operate (to control or manage, be in charge of)
provozovat {v impf} :: to practice (the ongoing pursuit of a craft or profession)
provozovatel {m} :: operator (one who operates)
provzdušnění {n} :: aeration
provzdušnit {v pf} :: to aerate
proximální {adj} :: proximal (closer to the point of attachment or observation)
próza {f} :: prose
prozaický {adj} :: prosaic (pertaining to or having the characteristics of prose)
prozatím {adv} :: for the time being
prozatímní {adj} :: provisional
prozíravost {f} :: foresight
prozíravý {adj} :: foresightful
prozkoumat {v pf} :: to explore
prozkoumat {v pf} :: to peruse (to examine or consider with care)
prozkoumatelný {adj} :: explorable
prozkoušet {v pf} :: to examine thoroughly (to test skills or qualifications of someone)
prozodie {m} :: alternative form of prozódie
prozódie {f} :: prosody
prozrazovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of prozradit
Prozřetelnost {prop} {f} :: Providence
prozřít {v} :: to see the light (to gain an understanding of something previously not understood, especially in a sudden insight)
prozvonit {v pf} :: to flash (to initiate a phone call and stop it before the call is picked, to inform the receiver of something without having to pay for the call)
prožitek {m} :: experience
prožluklý {adj} [colloquial] :: damned
prs {m inan} :: breast (female organ)
prsatka {f} [colloquial] :: woman with full breasts
prskavka {f} :: sparkler (firework)
prsní {adj} [relational] :: breast, pectoral
prso {n} [colloquial] :: breast, tit
prst {m inan} :: finger
prst {m inan} :: toe
prsť {f} :: soil
prsten {m inan} :: ring (worn around the finger)
prstenec {m} [astronomy] :: ring
prsteníček {m inan} :: ring finger
prsteník {m inan} :: ring finger
prstíček {m} :: diminutive of prst
prstík {m} :: diminutive of prst
prstní {adj} :: finger
prstoklad {m inan} [music] :: fingering
prstový {adj} :: finger
prstýnek {m} :: diminutive of prsten
pršet {v impf} :: to rain
prší {n} :: Mau Mau (card game)
prť {f} :: cattle terraces
prtě {n} :: tot, nipper, small kid, tiddler
prů- {prefix} :: through
průběh {m} :: course (of events)
prudit {v} [colloquial] :: to annoy, to bother
prudký {adj} :: violent, vigorous, fierce
prudký {adj} :: steep, abrupt (slope)
prudký {adj} :: sharp, abrupt (bend)
prudký {adj} :: swift (movement)
průdušinka {f} [anatomy] :: bronchiole
průduška {f} :: bronchus
průduškový {adj} :: bronchial
průdušnice {f} :: trachea
pruh {m inan} :: strip (long, thin piece of a bigger item)
pruh {m inan} :: stripe (a long, straight region of a single colour)
pruh {m inan} :: lane (a lengthwise division of roadway intended for a single line of vehicles)
průhlednost {f} :: transparence, transparency
průhledný {adj} :: transparent
průjem {m} :: diarrhea
průkaz {m} :: card, pass, permit, licence
průkazka {m} :: card, pass, permit
průkazný {adj} :: conclusive, probative (decisive)
průkaz totožnosti {m} :: identity card, ID card
průklep {m} :: carbon copy
průkopník {m} :: pioneer (one who goes before)
průliv {m} :: strait (narrow channel of water)
průlom {m} :: breakthrough
průměr {m} :: diameter
průměr {m} :: average, mean
průměrnost {n} :: mediocrity
průměrný {adj} :: average
průměrný {adj} :: mediocre
průmysl {m} [business, economics] :: industry
průmyslník {m} :: industrialist
průmyslová špionáž {f} :: industrial espionage
průmyslový {adj} :: industrial
průnik {m} [set theory] :: intersection
průplav {m} :: canal (waterway)
průřez {m} :: cross section (in geometry, design etc)
Prus {m} :: Prussian (person)
průsečík {m} [geometry] :: intersection (the point or set of points common to two geometrical objects)
průsek {m} [algebra] :: meet
průser {m} [vulgar] :: trouble, shit
Prusko {prop} {n} :: Prussia
pruský {adj} :: Prussian
průsmyk {m} :: mountain pass, pass
průsvitný {adj} :: translucent
Prušák {m} :: Prussian
Prušan {m} :: Prussian
průšvih {m} :: trouble
prut {m} :: rod
průtrž mračen {f} :: cloudburst or heavy rain
průvan {m} :: draft, draught (current of air)
průvodce {m} :: guide (someone who guides)
průvodce {m} :: guide (document, book)
průvodce {m} [computing] :: wizard (program or script used to simplify complex operations)
průvodčí {m} :: conductor (on a train)
průvodkyně {f} :: female guide
průvodní dopis {m} :: cover letter (a letter or written communication that serves to introduce an accompanying document; especially, a letter that introduces a résumé or curriculum vitae)
průzkum {m} :: exploration
průzkumnice {f} :: female explorer
průzkumník {m} :: explorer
průzkum trhu {m} :: market research
průzkum veřejného mínění {m} :: opinion poll, public opinion poll
průzračnost {f} :: transparence, transparency
průzračný {adj} :: transparent
pružina {f} :: spring (device made of flexible material)
pružnost {f} :: elasticity
pružný {adj} :: elastic
prvek {m inan} [chemistry] :: element
prvek {m inan} [set theory] :: element
prvňáček {m} :: diminutive of prvňák
prvňák {m} [colloquial] :: a first grader
prvně {adv} :: first (before anything else)
první {adj} :: first
první osoba {f} :: first person
první pád {m} [grammar] :: nominative, nominative case
první pomoc {f} :: first aid
první svátek vánoční {m} :: Christmas Day
první světová válka {f} :: World War I
prvočíselný {adj} [relational] :: prime number
prvočíselný rozklad {m} :: prime factorization
prvočíslo {n} :: prime number
prvohorní {adj} :: Paleozoic
prvohory {fp} :: Paleozoic
prvok {m} :: protozoan
prvomučednice {f} :: protomartyress
prvomučedník {m} :: protomartyr
prvorozený {adj} :: firstborn
prvosenka {f} :: primrose
prvosenka jarní {f} :: cowslip
prvosenka vyšší {f} :: oxlip
prvotisk {m} :: incunabulum, incunable (book, single sheet, or image that was printed before the year 1501 in Europe)
prvotní {adj} :: primal, primordial, original
prvotní hřích {m} :: original sin
prvovolič {m anim} :: first-time voter
prvý {adj} [dated] :: first
prý {adv} :: allegedly
pryč {adv} :: away
pryskyřice {f} :: resin (a viscous hydrocarbon secretion of many plants, particularly coniferous trees)
pryskyřník {m} :: buttercup (herb of the genus Ranunculus)
pryšec {m inan} :: spurge (any plant of the genus Euphorbia)
prýštit {v impf} :: To gush, stream, well
pryž {f} :: rubber (material)
prznit {v impf} :: to rape
prznit {v impf} :: to spoil, to corrupt
prznitel {m} :: rapist
prznitel {m} :: corrupter
přádelník {m anim} :: a lot of birds from family Ploceidae, such as from genuses Amblyospiza, Anomalospiza, Histurgops, Plocepasser and Pseudonigrita
přání {n} :: wish
přáníčko {n} :: diminutive of přání
přání otcem myšlenky {proverb} :: the wish is father to the thought
přát {vt impf} :: to wish
přát {v impf} [, used with si] :: to wish, long for, hope for
přátelský {adj} :: friendly
přátelství {n} :: friendship
pře- {prefix} :: re- (attempt differently)
pře- {prefix} :: over- (excessively)
pře- {prefix} :: out- (surpassing, exceeding; to surpass, to exceed)
pře- {prefix} :: mis-
pře- {prefix} :: very
pře {f} :: dispute
přeběhnout {v pf} :: to run over, run across
přeběhnout {v pf} :: to defect
přeborník {m} :: champion, titleholder
přebytečný {adj} :: superfluous
přebytek {m} :: surplus (that which remains when use or need is satisfied, or when a limit is reached)
přece {adv} :: indicates annoyance, forcing agreement with the statement which it modifies
přece {adv} :: yet, in spite of that
přecenit {v pf} :: to overestimate
přecitlivělost {f} :: hypersensitivity
přecitlivělý {adj} :: hypersensitive
přecitlivělý {adj} :: brittle (emotionally fragile, easily offended)
přečin {m inan} :: misdemeanor
přečíst {v pf} :: to read
přečíst {v pf} :: to peruse (to read completely)
před- {prefix} :: Before something; akin to pre-
před- {prefix} :: Forms adjectives referring to places
před {prep} :: before (in time)
před {prep} :: before (in sequence)
před {prep} :: before, in front of
předák {m} :: foreman (leader of a work crew)
předák {m} [transport, historical] :: the first raft in a row of rafts fastened together
předák {m} [rare] :: person in the front
předání {n} :: handover
předat {v pf} :: to hand over
předat {v pf} :: to transmit
předávat {v impf} :: imperfective form of předat
předávkování {n} :: overdosage
předávkovat {v pf} :: to overdose
předávkovat {v pf} :: to overdose
předběžně {adv} :: preliminarily
předběžný {adj} :: preliminary
předčasná ejakulace {f} :: premature ejaculation
předčasnost {f} :: prematureness
předčasný {adj} :: premature
předčasný porod {m} :: premature birth
přede- {prefix} :: alternative form of před-; before something; akin to pre-
předefinovat {v pf} :: to redefine
předehra {f} :: prelude
předehra {f} :: foreplay
předejít {v pf} [with dative] :: to prevent
předejít {v pf} :: to precede
předek {m} :: ancestor
předek {m} :: front (side)
předěl {m inan} :: divide
předem {adv} :: in advance, beforehand
předepsat {v pf} [medicine] :: to prescribe
předevčírem {adv} :: day before yesterday
především {adv} :: above all
předformátovaný {adj} :: preformatted
před heřmánkem smekni, před bezinkou klekni {proverb} :: The proverb expresses the awareness of high healing powers of camomile (Matricaria recutita) and even higher ones of black elder (Sambucus nigra)
předhoz {m inan} [rugby] :: knock-on
předhoz {m inan} [rugby] :: forward pass
předchozí {adj} :: previous
předchůdce {m} :: predecessor, precursor
předchůdkyně {f} :: female predecessor
předkožka {f} [anatomy] :: foreskin, prepuce
předkus {m} :: overbite (malocclusion, in which the upper teeth extend over the lower ones)
Předlitavsko {prop} {n} :: Cisleithania
předloha {f} :: template
předloktí {n} :: forearm
předložit {v pf} :: to submit, produce, furnish, present, adduce, provide
předložka {f} :: preposition
předmanželský {adj} :: premarital
předmenstruační {adj} :: premenstrual
předměstí {n} :: suburb
předměstský {adj} :: suburban
předmět {m inan} :: object (thing)
předmět {m inan} [grammar] :: object (noun phrase which is an internal complement of a verb phrase or a prepositional phrase)
předmět {m inan} :: subject (area of study)
předmět {m inan} :: subject (of a mail)
předmluva {f} :: preface
předmluva {f} :: foreword
přednášející {m} :: lecturer (person who gives lectures)
přednášet {v impf} :: to lecture (to teach)
před naším letopočtem {phrase} :: before Common Era
přednáška {f} :: lecture
předně {adv} :: first of all, in the first place, to begin with
přední {adj} :: front
přední {adj} :: premier
přední mozek {m} :: prosencephalon, forebrain
přední sklo {n} :: windscreen, windshield
přednost {f} :: priority
přednost {f} :: advantage
předohruď {f} :: prothorax
předpis {m inan} [medicine] :: prescription (written order)
předplacený {adj} :: prepaid
předpojatost {f} :: bias (partiality)
předpoklad {m} :: assumption, supposition
předpoklad {m} [logic] :: premise
předpokládaný {adj} :: expected
předpokládat {v impf} :: to assume, to suppose
předpona {f} [grammar] :: prefix
předposlední {adj} :: penultimate (next-to-last in a sequence)
předpotopní {adj} :: antediluvian
předpověď {f} :: forecast
předpovědět {v pf} :: to predict (to state, or make something known in advance)
předpověď počasí {f} :: weather forecast
předpovídat {v impf} :: imperfective form of předpovědět
předpředevčírem {adv} :: day before the day before yesterday
předseda {m anim} :: chairman
předsedkyně {f} :: chairwoman (female chairperson)
předsíň {f} [anatomy] :: atrium (of a heart)
předsíň {f} :: anteroom, antechamber, hall, hallway
předsíňka {f} :: diminutive of předsíň
předsíňohlemýžďový nerv {m} [neuroanatomy] :: vestibulocochlear nerve
představa {f} :: image (mental picture)
představení {n} :: verbal noun of představit
představení {n} [theatre] :: performance
představení {n} :: introduction [of a person]
představenstvo {n} :: board of directors
představit {vt pf} :: to introduce (someone to someone else)
představit {v pf} :: to introduce oneself
představit {v pf} [, used with si] :: to imagine
představitel {m} :: representative, official
představitel {m} :: actor (a theatrical or film performer)
představitelný {adj} :: imaginable, conceivable, thinkable
představivost {f} :: imagination
představovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of představit
představovat {v impf} :: to present, to pose, to be, to constitute
představovat {v impf} :: to play (to act as the indicated role, especially in a performance)
předstihovat {v impf} :: to exceed, to surpass
předstírání {n} :: pretense (US), pretence (UK)
předstírat {v impf} :: to pretend
předstojná žláza {f} :: prostate gland, prostate
předsudek {m} :: prejudice
předškolní {adj} :: preschool
předtím {adv} :: previously
předtucha {f} :: premonition
předurčení {n} :: verbal noun of předurčit
předurčení {n} :: predestination
předurčit {v} :: to predestine
předuspořádání {n} :: preorder
předvádět {v impf} :: imperfective form of předvést
předvádět {v impf} :: to show off
předválečný {adj} :: antebellum, prewar
předvečer {m} :: eve
předvedení {n} :: A demonstration of something
předvídaný {adj} :: predicted, foreseen
předvídat {v impf} :: to predict, to foresee
předvídatelnost {f} :: predictability
předvídatelný {adj} :: predictable
předvídavost {f} :: foresight
předvolání {n} :: verbal noun of předvolat
předvolání {n} [legal] :: summons
předvolat {v pf} [legal] :: to summon
předvyplnit {v pf} :: to prefill, to pre-fill
předznamenání {n} :: key signature
přefiknout {v pf} [colloquial] :: to cut something
přefiknout {v pf} [mildly, vulgar] :: to fuck
přeformátovat {v pf} [computing] :: to reformat
přeformulování {f} :: reformulation (act of formulating anew)
přeformulovat {v pf} :: to reformulate
přehánění {n} :: exaggeration
přehánět {v impf} :: imperfective form of přehnat
přehánět {v impf} :: to exaggerate
přeháňka {f} :: shower (brief fall of rain)
přehazovačka {f} :: derailleur
přehazovačka {f} :: combover
přehláska {f} :: umlaut
přehlasovat {v pf} :: to outvote
přehled {m} :: overview
přehlédnout {v pf} :: to overlook, to miss (to miss or omit in looking)
přehlédnutí {n} :: oversight (omission)
přehledný {adj} :: clear, lucid, well-arranged
přehledný {adj} :: synoptic
přehlídka {f} :: show (exhibition)
přehlídka {f} :: parade
přehlížet {v impf} :: to overlook, to disregard
přehlušit {v pf} :: to drown out
přehnaný {adj} :: exaggerated
přehnat {v pf} :: to overdo
přehnout {v pf} :: to fold
přehrada {f} :: dam
přehrávač {m} :: player (audio device)
přehřátí {n} [pathology] :: hyperthermia
přecházet {v impf} :: imperfective form of přejít
přechod {m inan} :: transition (process of change)
přechod {m inan} :: checkpoint
přechod {m inan} :: gradient
přechod {m inan} :: menopause
přechodná mozková příhoda {f} :: transient ischemic attack
přechodně {adv} :: temporarily, not permanently
přechodník {m inan} [grammar] :: transgressive
přechodný {adj} :: transitional
přechodný {adj} [linguistics] :: transitive
přechod pro chodce {m} :: pedestrian crossing, crosswalk, zebra crossing
přechytračit {v pf} :: to outfox
přeinstalovat {v pf} :: to reinstall
přejaté slovo {n} :: loanword (word taken from another language)
přejet {v pf} :: to run over (to drive over, causing injury or death)
přejet {v pf} :: to get across (to move from one side of something to the other), to cross
přejezd {m inan} :: crossing, crossover
přejídání {n} :: overeating
přejít {v pf} :: to cross (to go from one side of something to the other)
přejmenovat {v pf} :: to rename
překazit {v pf} :: to thwart
překážet {v impf} :: to hinder, to impede (to keep back)
překážka {f} :: obstacle
překážka {f} :: impediment, hindrance
překážka {f} [golf] ::   hazard
překážkář {m} :: hurdler
překážkářka {f} :: female hurdler
překážkový běh {m} :: hurdling (track and field running event or discipline)
překlad {m} :: translation
překlad {m} [programming] :: compilation
překlad {m} [architecture] :: lintel
překladač {m inan} :: translator
překladač {m inan} [programming] :: compiler
překládat {v impf} :: imperfective form of přeložit
překladatel {m anim} :: translator (person)
překladatelka {f} :: female translator
překlep {m} :: typo (spelling error)
překlepnout {v pf} :: To typo
překližka {f} :: plywood (construction material made of three or more layers of wood veneer glued together)
překonat {v pf} :: to overcome, to surmount
překonat {v pf} :: to excel, to outdo, to surpass
překonatelný {adj} :: surmountable
překonávat {v impf} :: imperfective form of překonat
překrásný {adj} :: very beautiful
překročit {vt pf} :: to exceed (to go beyond the limits of something)
překročit {vt pf} :: to step over (something)
překročit {vt pf} :: to cross (to go from one side of (something) to the other), to traverse (to travel across, often under difficult conditions)
překročit {vt pf} :: to break (to do that which is forbidden by a rule or rules)
překročit svůj stín {phrase} [idiom] :: punch above one's weight
překroutit {v pf} :: to twist off or twist too much
překroutit {v pf} :: to twist (to distort the truth or meaning)
překrývat {v impf} :: to overlap (to have an area, range, character or function in common)
překřtít {v pf} :: to rechristen, to rename
překvapení {n} :: surprise
překvapený {adj} :: surprised
překvapit {v pf} :: to surprise (to cause to feel surprise)
překvapit {v pf} :: to surprise (to do something to a person that they are not expecting)
překvapivě {adv} :: surprisingly
překvapivý {adj} :: surprising, startling
překvapující {adj} :: surprising
přelétnout {v pf} :: to fly over
přelétnout {vt pf} :: to peruse (to look over casually), to skim
přelíčení {n} :: trial (appearance at judicial court)
přelidnění {n} :: verbal noun of přelidnit
přelidnění {n} :: overpopulation
přelom {m} :: turn
přelom {m} :: breakthrough
přeložit {v pf} :: to translate (from one language to another)
přeložit {v pf} :: to fold
přeložitelný {adj} :: translatable
přelud {m inan} :: delusion, illusion, mirage
přelud {m inan} :: hallucination
přelud {m inan} :: phantom, apparition
Přema {prop} {m} :: A pet form of the male given name Přemysl
Přemek {prop} {m} :: A pet form of the male given name Přemysl
přeměna {f} :: conversion
přeměna {f} :: transformation
přeměnit {v} :: to change, to transform, to convert
přeměnit {v} :: to turn (change fundamentally)
přeměřit {v pf} :: to remeasure
přemet {m inan} :: handspring
přemístění {n} :: transfer, displacement, dislocation, relocation
přemítat {v impf} :: To muse, ruminate, contemplate
přemoci {v pf} :: to overpower
přemoct {v pf} :: alternative form of přemoci
přemrštěný {adj} :: exorbitant
Přemysl {prop} {m} :: given name
Přemyslovec {m} :: Premyslid, Przemyslid, Přemyslid (member of a dynasty tracing to Přemysl)
přemýšlet {v} :: to think, to ponder, to contemplate (to go over in one's head)
přemýšlet {v} :: to think (to communicate to oneself in one's mind, to try to find a solution to a problem)
přenádherný {adj} :: very beautiful
přenašeč {m} :: vector (carrier of a disease-causing agent)
přenášet {v impf} :: imperfective form of přenést
přenést {vt pf} :: to carry over, to transfer
přenést {v pf} :: to do
přenést {v pf} :: to delegate (duty, responsibility etc.)
přenos {m} :: transfer
přenos {m} :: transmission (act of transmitting)
přenosnost {f} :: portability
přenosný {adj} :: portable
přenosný {adj} :: communicable (of a disease, able to be transmitted between people or species)
přenosová rychlost {f} :: bitrate
přenosová soustava {f} :: power transmission system
přepadnout {v pf} :: to fall over
přepadnout {v pf} :: to attack
přepálit {v pf} :: to prepare with fire
přepálit {v pf} :: to divide with fire
přepálit {v pf} :: to destroy with to much fire
přepážka {f} [anatomy] :: septum
přepážka {f} :: counter (in bank, post office, etc)
přepěkný {adj} :: very pretty
přepínač {m} :: switch (command line notation in computing)
přepínač {m} [computing, networking] :: switch
přepočítat {v} :: to recalculate
přepočítat {v} :: to convert
přepočítat {v} :: to miscalculate
přepona {f} :: hypotenuse
přeposlat {v pf} :: to forward
přepracovaný {adj} :: overworked
přepracovat {v pf} :: to overwork
přepracovat {vt pf} :: TODO
přeprava {f} :: transport (of persons or goods)
přepravení {n} :: transportation (act of transporting)
přepsat {v pf} :: To copy, rewrite, retype
přepsat {v pf} [linguistics] :: To transcribe or transliterate
přepsat {v pf} :: To rewrite or redraft
přepsat {v pf} [legal] :: To transfer (property)
přepsat {v pf} :: To make a slip of the pen
přepych {m} :: luxury
přepychový {adj} :: luxurious
Přerov {prop} {m inan} :: Přerov (town), lying on the Bečva river
Přerovsko {prop} {n} :: Přerov region
přerozdělění {n} :: redistribution
přerozdělit {v pf} :: to redistribute, to reallocate
přerozdělování {n} :: redistribution
přerušení {n} :: verbal noun of přerušit
přerušení {n} :: interruption
přerušení {n} :: interrupt
přerušit {v pf} :: to interrupt
přerušovaná soulož {f} :: coitus interruptus
přerušovaný {adj} :: intermittent
přeřeknutí {n} :: slip of the tongue
přeříznout {v pf} :: to cut, to cut off (with a knife, saw or similar sharp object)
přeříznout {v pf} [mildly, vulgar] :: to fuck
přes- {prefix} :: over-
přes- {prefix} :: trans-
přes {prep} :: across
přes {prep} :: via (by way of; passing through)
přes {prep} :: despite, in spite of
přesčas {m} :: overtime (working time outside of one's regular hours)
přesčas {adv} :: overtime
přeskočit {v pf} :: To skip.(to omit or disregard intermediate items or stages)
přeskočit {v pf} :: To jump over something, to vault
přeskok {m} :: (sport) A vault
přeslen {m inan} [botany] :: whorl
přeslen {m inan} :: spindle whorl
přeslička {f} :: horsetail (plant)
přeslička {f} :: diminutive of přeslice
přesměrování {n} :: verbal noun of přesměrovat
přesměrování {n} :: redirect, redirection
přesměrovat {v pf} :: to redirect
přesmyčka {f} :: anagram
přesně {adv} :: exactly
přesnost {f} :: precision
přesnost {f} :: accuracy
přesný {adj} :: precise
přesný {adj} :: accurate (of a person, description, and a variety of things)
přestat {v pf} :: to stop, desist, cease
přestát {v pf} :: to endure, withstand
přestávat {v impf} :: to stop, desist, cease
přestávat {v impf} :: to tail away
přestavba {f} :: reconstruction, conversion, rebuilding
přestávka {f} :: break, pause
přestěhovat {v pf} :: to move, to relocate (to change residence)
přesto {adv} :: yet, still, nevertheless, in spite of that
přestoupení {n} :: verbal noun of přestoupit
přestoupení {n} :: conversion (to another religion)
přestoupení {n} :: transfer (to another sports team etc)
přestoupení {n} :: violation (of a law)
přestoupit {vt pf} :: to transgress
přestože {conj} :: although
přes tu chvíli {adv} [obsolete] :: every now and then
přestup {m} :: changing (from one train, bus etc to another)
přestup {m} :: conversion (to another religion)
přestup {m} :: transfer (to another sports team etc)
přestupek {m} :: transgression
přestupný den {m} :: leap day
přestupný rok {m} :: leap year
přesvědčení {n} :: verbal noun of přesvědčit
přesvědčení {n} :: conviction (firmly held belief)
přesvědčit {v pf} :: to convince
přesvědčivost {f} :: persuasiveness, convincingness
přesvědčivý {adj} :: convincing, persuasive
přesvědčovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of přesvědčit
přesycení {n} :: supersaturation
přesycený {adj} :: supersaturated
přesýpací {adj} :: Measuring time by a trickle of material from an upper bulb to a lower one - only used in the expression přesýpací hodiny (hourglas)
přesýpací hodiny {noun} :: hourglass
přetavit {vt pf} :: to recast, remelt (by heating)
přetížení {n} :: overload
přetížený {adj} :: overloaded
přetížit {v pf} :: to overload (to load excessively)
přetížit {v pf} [programming] :: to overload (to create different functions for the same name)
přetrhnout {v pf} :: to break (a rope-like object, not a stick)
přetrvávat {v impf} :: imperfective form of přetrvat
přetvářka {f} :: pretense (US), pretence (UK)
převážit {v pf} :: to outweigh
převážně {adv} :: mostly
převážně {adv} :: predominantly
převažovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of převážit
převažující {adj} :: predominant, prevalent
převést {vt pf} :: to convert (of currencies)
převést {vt pf} :: to convert (of units like meter)
převést {vt pf} :: to transfer (of money)
převést {vt pf} :: to transfer (of rights)
převézt {vt pf} :: To transport, transfer
převézt {vt pf} :: To trick, take somebody in
převézt {v pf} :: To be transported or transferred
převládající {adj} :: dominant, prevalent
převládat {v impf} :: to prevail
převlaka {f} :: isthmus (narrow strip of land, bordered on both sides by water, and connecting two larger landmasse)
převlek {m} :: disguise
převléknout {v pf} :: to change (to replace one's clothing)
převod {m} :: conversion
převod {m} :: transfer (of money)
převod {m} :: transfer (of rights)
převod {m} :: (mechanics) gear
převodník {m} :: converter
převodovka {f} :: transmission, gearbox
převor {m} :: prior (high-ranking member of a monastery)
převrat {m inan} :: radical change, revolution, overthrow
převrátit {v pf} :: to upset, to knock over
převrátit {v pf} :: to turn over, to invert
převratný {adj} :: revolutionary
převtělení {n} :: reincarnation
převzít {v pf} :: take over
převzít {v pf} :: adopt (a behavior)
přezdívat {v impf} :: to nickname
přezdívka {f} :: nickname, nick, moniker, byname, sobriquet
přezkoumání {n} :: review, verification, reappraisal, reconsideration
přezkoumat {v pf} :: to examine, check over, scrutinize
přezkoušet {v pf} :: to re-examine
přezkoušet {v pf} :: to examine (to test skills or qualifications of someone)
přezkušovat {v impf} :: to re-examine
přezrálý {adj} :: overripe
přežít {vi pf} :: to survive
přežít {vt pf} :: to survive
přežití {n} :: survival
přežvýkat {v pf} :: To chew, munch, ruminate
přežvýkavec {m} :: ruminant
přežvykovat {v impf} :: To chew, munch, ruminate
při- {prefix} :: A prefix, usually expressing the idea of something getting closer to something else
při- {prefix} :: Forms adjectives referring to places
při {prep} :: at, during
při {prep} :: into, around
při {prep} :: by, with
pří- {prefix} :: A Czech prefix
příbalový leták {m} :: patient information leaflet, PIL, package leaflet
příběh {m inan} :: story (account of events)
přibírat {v impf} :: to put on weight
přibít {v pf} :: to nail (to fasten)
přiblblý {adj} :: stupid
přiblížení {n} :: approximation
přiblížit {v pf} :: to approach, to come closer to
přiblížit {v pf} :: to zoom in
přibližně {adv} :: approximately
přibližný {adj} :: approximate
přibližovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of přiblížit
příbor {m} :: cutlery
Příbram {prop} {f} :: Příbram (city), located on the Litavka river and the foothills of Brdy, 60 kilometers south-west of Prague
příbramský {adj} :: Příbram (when used attributively)
přibrat {v pf} :: to put on weight
příbuznost {f} :: kinship
příbuzný {adj} :: related to, akin
příbuzný {m} :: relative, relation (someone in the same family)
příčestí {n} [grammar] :: participle
příčestí minulé {n} :: past participle
příčestí přítomné {n} :: present participle
příčina {f} :: cause (source of an event or action)
přičinlivý {adj} :: diligent, industrious, hardworking
příčinnost {f} :: causality
příčinný {adj} :: causal
přičíst {v pf} :: to add (to add a number to another one)
přičíst {v pf} :: to attribute
příčit {v} :: to go against, to be against, to be contrary to
příčit {v} :: to hate, to resent, to abhor (with subject and object reversed)
příčka {f} :: rung (of a ladder)
příčná flétna {f} :: transverse flute
příčný {adj} :: transverse
příčný řez {m} :: cross section
příčný tračník {m} :: transverse colon
příď {f} :: (boat, ship) bow, prow
přidat {v pf} :: to add
přídatný {adj} :: accessory
přídatný {adj} :: additive
přídatný nerv {m} [neuroanatomy] :: accessory nerve
přidávat {v impf} :: imperfective form of přidat
přídavek {m} :: encore
přídavné jméno {n} [grammar] :: adjective
přídavný {adj} :: additional
příděl {m} :: ration
přihlásit {v pf} :: to apply (to submit oneself as a candidate)
přihlásit {v pf} :: to log in
přihláška {f} :: application (request)
přihlouplý {adj} :: dumb, stupid
příhoda {f} :: event
příhoda {f} :: incident
přihotovit {v pf} [archaic] :: to prepare
příhrada {f} :: member (component of a load-bearing structure)
příhradový {adj} :: Related to příhrada
příhradový nosník {m} :: truss (framework of beams)
přihrávka dopředu {noun} [rugby] :: forward pass
přicházet {v impf} :: imperfective form of přijít
příchod {m} :: coming
příchozí {adj} :: incoming
příchuť {f} :: flavor, flavoring
přijatelnost {f} :: acceptability
přijatelný {adj} :: acceptable
přijatelný {adj} :: plausible (without obvious refutation)
příjem {m} :: income
příjem {m} :: reception (of radio or similar signals)
příjem {m} [sports] :: reception (of a serve)
příjemce {m} :: recipient, receiver (person)
příjemce {m} :: consignee
příjemný {adj} :: pleasant, agreeable
přijet {v pf} :: to come (by vehicle)
přijetí {n} :: acceptance
přijetí {n} :: reception (reaction)
příjezd {m inan} :: arrival (the act of arriving, but only in relation to wheeled vehicles)
příjezdový {adj} [relational] :: access
příjice {f} :: syphilis
přijímací pohovor {m} :: interview (a formal meeting, in person, for the assessment of a candidate or applicant)
přijímač {m} :: receiver (electronic device)
přijímání {n} :: reception, receiving
přijímání {n} :: adoption
přijímání {n} :: Communion
přijímat {v impf} :: imperfective form of přijmout
přijít {v pf} :: to come (by foot)
přijít draze {phrase} :: take its toll
přijít na buben {phrase} [idiom, colloquial, of a person or company] :: go bankrupt, lose all money. Compare go bust
příjmení {n} :: surname, family name
přijmout {v pf} :: to accept
přijmout {v pf} :: to receive
příjmový {adj} :: income, revenue
příkaz {m inan} :: command, order
přikázání {n} :: commandment
přikázat {v pf} :: to command, to order
přikazovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of přikázat
příkazový {adj} [relational] :: command, order
příkazový řádek {m} :: command line
příklad {m} :: example
příkladný {adj} :: exemplary, exemplative, illustrative
příkop {m} :: trench (ditch or hole)
příkrov {m} [geology] :: nappe
příkrý {adj} :: steep
přikrýt {v pf} :: to cover
příkře {adv} :: steeply
přilba {f} :: helmet
přilba {f} :: hard hat
přilba {f} [heraldry] :: helmet, helm
přilehlý {adj} :: adjacent
přilepit {v} :: to glue, to stick
přílet {m} :: arrival (arrival of a plane)
přiletět {v pf} :: to arrive (by plane)
příležitost {f} :: occasion, opportunity
příležitost dělá zloděje {proverb} :: opportunity makes a thief
příležitostně {adv} :: occasionally
příležitostný {adj} :: occasional
přílipka {f} :: limpet
příliš {adv} :: too (more or less than held optimal)
přílišný {adj} :: excessive
přilít {v pf} :: to add liquid by pouring
přilít olej do ohně {v pf} [idiomatic] :: to add fuel to fire
příliv {m} :: high tide
příliv {m} :: flow (rising movement of the tide)
příloha {f} :: appendix (of text)
příloha {f} [computing] :: attachment
příloha {f} :: side dish
přiložit {v pf} [computing] :: to attach
přiměřený {adj} :: adequate
přiměřený {adj} :: appropriate
příměří {n} :: armistice
přimět {vt pf} :: to make (somebody do something), force (somebody to do something)
přímka {f} [geometry] :: line (infinite, straight one-dimensional figure)
přimluvit {v pf} :: to intercede
přímo {adv} :: directly
přímočarý {adj} :: straightforward
přímořský {adj} :: Coastal, maritime, seaside
přímý {adj} :: straight (not crooked or bent)
přímý {adj} :: direct
přímý kop {m} [sport] :: free kick
přímý marketing {m} :: direct marketing
přímý úhel {m} :: straight angle
přinášet {v impf} :: imperfective form of přinést
přinejhorším {adv} :: at worst
přinejlepším {adv} :: at best
přinejmenším {adv} :: at least (at the least; at a minimum or lower limit)
přinést {v pf} :: to bring (by foot an object)
přínos {m} :: contribution
přinutit {vt pf} :: to force, compel (somebody to do something)
případ {m inan} :: case (one of several similar instances or events)
případ {m inan} [legal] :: case (a legal proceeding, lawsuit)
připadat {v impf} :: imperfective form of připadnout
případně {adv} :: possibly, if applicable, if needed
případně {adv} [rare or literary] :: appropriately
připadnout {v pf} :: to strike (to seem, to appear)
případný {adj} :: possible, any, any arising, if any
případný {adj} [rare or literary] :: appropriate, fitting, apt
případová studie {f} :: case study
případ použití {m} :: use case
připálit {v pf} :: to singe, to burn
připalovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of připálit
připevnit {v pf} :: to fasten, to attach
připínáček {m} :: thumbtack
připisovat {v impf} :: to attribute, to ascribe
přípitek {m} :: toast (salutation)
příplatek {m} :: surcharge (an addition of extra charge on the agreed or stated price)
připodobnit {v pf} :: to liken
připojení {n} :: connection
připojený {adj} :: attached, annexed, connected
připojit {v pf} :: attach
připojit {v pf} :: connect
připojovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of připojit
připomenout {v pf} :: to remind
připomínač {m} [software] :: reminder
připomínat {v impf} :: imperfective form of připomenout
připomínat {v impf} :: to resemble
připomínka {f} :: reminder
připomínka {f} :: remark (expression, in speech or writing, of something remarked or noticed)
přípona {f} [grammar] :: derivational suffix
přípona {f} [computing] :: extension (of a file name)
přípona souboru {f} :: file extension, filename extension
připoutat {v pf} :: to fasten, attach
připoutat {v pf} :: to buckle up
připoutávat {v impf} :: imperfective form of připoutat
příprava {f} :: preparation
připravenost {f} :: preparedness
připravenost {f} :: readiness
připravený {adj} :: ready, prepared
připravit {v pf} :: to prepare
připravit {v pf} :: to get ready
připravit se, pozor, start {phrase} :: on your mark, get set, go!
připravit se, pozor, teď {phrase} :: ready, steady, go
připravovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of připravit
připustit {v pf} :: to admit, to concede
připustit {v pf} :: to allow
přípustný {adj} :: admissible
příroda {f} :: nature
příroda {f} :: outdoors
příroďák {m} [slang] :: biology classes
přírodní {adj} :: natural (relating to nature)
přírodní pohroma {f} :: natural disaster
přírodní věda {f} :: natural science
přírodní výběr {m} :: natural selection
přírodní zákon {m} :: physical law
přírodní zdroj {m} :: natural resource
přírodopis {m} :: biology classes
přírodovědec {m} :: natural scientist (a physicist, a chemist, a biologist, and similar)
přírodozpyt {m} [archaic] :: natural science
přirovnání {n} [figure of speech] :: simile
přirovnat {v pf} :: to compare
přirozeně {adv} :: naturally
přirozené číslo {n} [mathematics] :: natural number
přirozené právo {n} :: natural law
přirození {n} :: genitals, genitalia (sex organs)
přirozený {adj} :: natural
přirozený jazyk {m} :: natural language
příruba {f} :: flange
příručka {f} :: manual
přiřadit {v pf} :: to assign
přiřazení {n} [computing] :: assignment
přísada {f} :: ingredient
přísaha {f} :: oath
přísahat {v impf} :: to swear (to take an oath)
přiskřípnout {v pf} :: to squeeze, pinch
přiskřípnout {v pf} :: to give somebody a good grilling
příslovce {n} [grammar] :: adverb
příslovečné určení {n} :: adverbial
příslovečný {adj} :: proverbial
příslovečný {adj} :: adverbial
přísloví {n} :: proverb, saying
přísluní {n} :: perihelion
příslušenství {n} :: accessories
příslušník {m anim} :: a person who is part of a certain group, a member
příslušník {m anim} [dated] :: short for a member of Veřejné bezpečnosti (Public Security)
příslušný {adj} :: relevant, in question, concerned
příslušný {adj} :: appropriate, corresponding
příslušný {adj} :: competent (having jurisdiction or authority over a particular issue or question)
přísně {adv} :: strictly
přísně {adv} :: harshly
přísně vzato {phrase} :: strictly speaking
přísnost {f} :: strictness, stringency
přísný {adj} :: strict (governed or governing by exact rules)
přísný {adj} :: severe
přispění {n} :: contribution (act of contributing)
přispění {n} :: assistance, help, aid
přispět {v} :: to contribute
příspěvek {m} :: contribution
příspěvek {m} :: subscription, fee, due
příst {v impf} :: to spin
příst {v impf} :: to purr
přistání {n} :: verbal noun of přistát
přistání {n} :: landing (coming to earth, as of an airplane)
přistát {v pf} :: to land (to arrive at land, especially a shore, or a dock, from a body of water)
přistát {v pf} :: to land (to descend to a surface from the air)
přístav {m} :: port, harbour, haven
přistávací {adj} :: landing
přistávací dráha {f} :: runway (section for landing or take-off)
přístavek {m} [grammar] :: apposition
přístaviště {n} :: wharf, quay
přístavní město {n} :: port (town or city with a dock or harbour)
přistěhovalec {m} :: immigrant
přistěhovalectví {n} :: immigration
přistoupit {v pf} :: to access
přístroj {m} :: instrument (measuring one)
přístup {m} :: access
přístup {m} :: approach
přístup {m} :: attitude
přístupný {adj} :: approachable (of person)
přístupný {adj} :: todo (of terrain)
přistupovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of přistoupit
přísudek {m} [grammar] :: predicate
přisvojit {v pf} :: to appropriate (to take to oneself)
příšera {f} :: monster
příšerka {f} :: diminutive of příšera
příšerný {adj} :: terrible
příště {adv} :: next time
příští {adj} :: next
příštipkář {m} :: cobbler
příštítné tělísko {n} :: parathyroid gland
přít {v impf} :: to dispute
přitáhnout {v pf} :: to attract
přitahovat {v impf} :: to attract
přitažlivost {f} :: attractiveness, attractivity
přitažlivost {f} :: gravitation
přitažlivý {adj} :: attractive
přítel {m anim} :: friend
přítel {m anim} :: boyfriend, lover
přítelíček {m} :: diminutive of přítel
přítelka {f} [archaic] :: female friend
přítelkyně {f} :: girlfriend (female partner in a romantic relationship)
přítelkyně {f} :: girl friend (female friend)
přítok {m} :: tributary (a river that flows into a larger river or other body of water)
přítok {m} :: influx, inflow
přitom {adv} :: at the same time
přitom {adv} :: yet
přítomen {adj} :: present
přítomnost {f} :: present (current time)
přítomnost {f} :: presence
přítomný {adj} :: present (current)
přítomný {adj} [grammar] :: present
přítomný {adj} :: present (in vicinity)
přítomný čas {m} :: present tense
příušnice {f} [anatomy] :: parotid gland
příušnice {noun} [pathology] :: mumps, parotitis
příušní žláza {f} [anatomy] :: parotid gland
přivázat {v pf} :: to tie (to attach or fasten with string)
přívěs {m} :: trailer (unpowered vehicle)
přívěsek {m} :: pendant
přivést {v pf} :: to bring (by foot a person)
přívětivý {adj} :: pleasant, affable, amiable
přívětivý {adj} :: (weather) pleasant, favourable, mild
přivézt {v pf} :: to bring (by transport an object or a person)
přívlastek {m} [grammar] :: attribute, modifier
přivlastňovací {adj} [grammar] :: possessive
přivodit {v pf} :: to bring about
přívrženec {m} :: adherent
přivý {adj} [archaic] :: argumentative, quarrelsome
příze {f} :: yarn (fiber strand for knitting or weaving)
přízemí {n} :: ground floor
přízemní {adj} :: ground, ground-level
přízemní {adj} :: petty, narrow-minded, small-minded
přízeň {f} :: favor (goodwill)
příznak {m} :: symptom
přiznat {v pf} :: to admit, to acknowledge
přiznat {v pf} :: to give, to grant
přiznat {v pf} :: to admit guilt, to plead guilty, to confess
přiznávat {v impf} :: imperfective form of přiznat
příznivě {adv} :: favorably
příznivec {m anim} :: adherent, supporter
příznivkyně {f} :: female adherent, supporter
příznivý {adj} :: favorable
přizpůsobení {n} :: adaptation
přizpůsobení {n} :: customization
přizpůsobený {adj} :: adapted
přizpůsobený {adj} :: adjusted, tailored, customized
přizpůsobit {v pf} :: to adapt
přizpůsobivost {f} :: adaptability
přizpůsobivý {adj} :: adaptive, adaptable
přizpůsobovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of přizpůsobit
přízrak {m} :: phantom
přízvuk {m} :: stress
přízvuk {m} :: accent (modulation of the voice in speaking; the manner of speaking or pronouncing)
příživník {m anim} :: parasite, scrounger
př. n. l. {phrase} :: abbreviation of před naším letopočtem: BCE
psací písmo {n} :: cursive (writing style)
psací stroj {m} :: typewriter (machine)
psací stůl {m} :: desk (table for writing and reading)
psaní {n} :: writing (process)
psaní {n} :: letter (written message)
psaníčko {n} :: diminutive of psaní
psaný {adj} :: written (of, relating or characteristic of writing)
psát {v impf} :: to write
psát jako datel {phrase} [simile] :: to hunt and peck (literally: to typewrite as a woodpecker)
PSČ {noun} :: initialism of poštovní směrovací číslo: postal code
pseudo- {prefix} :: pseudo-
pseudoargument {m} :: fallacious argument, incorrect argument
pseudoefedrin {m} [pharmaceutical drug] :: pseudoephedrine
pseudofilozof {m} :: pseudophilosopher
pseudofilozofie {f} :: pseudophilosophy
pseudokód {m} :: pseudocode
pseudonáhodný {adj} :: pseudorandom
pseudonym {m} :: pseudonym
pseudověda {f} :: pseudoscience
pseudovědecký {adj} :: pseudoscientific
psí {adj} [relational] :: dog, canine
psí {n} :: psi (Greek letter)
psice {f} :: bitch, she-dog (female dog)
psíček {m} :: diminutive of pes
psí dečka {f} :: spat (covering worn over a shoe)
psík {m} :: diminutive of pes, synonym of pejsek
psina {f} [colloquial] :: fun
psinec {m inan} :: kennel, a facility at which dogs are reared or boarded
psí počasí {n} :: bad weather
psírna {f} [rare] :: kennel, a facility at which dogs are reared or boarded
psi štěkají a karavana jde dál {proverb} :: the dogs bark, but the caravan goes on, haters gonna hate
psi štěkají, ale karavana jde dál {proverb} :: the dogs bark, but the caravan goes on, haters gonna hate
psoriáza {f} :: psoriasis (facial skin disease)
psota {f} :: misery
psota {f} :: bad weather
psoun {m} :: prairie dog
psovitý {adj} :: canine
psovod {m anim} :: dog handler
pstruh {m} :: trout
psýcha {f} :: psyche, soul, spirit
Psýché {prop} {f} :: Psyche (Greco-Roman goddess)
psychedelický {adj} :: psychedelic
psychedelikum {n} :: psychedelic
psychiatr {m} :: psychiatrist
psychiatrický {adj} :: psychiatric (of, or relating to, psychiatry)
psychiatrie {f} :: psychiatry
psychický {adj} :: psychical
psycho- {prefix} :: psycho-
psychoanalytický {adj} :: psychoanalytic
psychoanalytik {m} :: psychoanalyst
psychoanalýza {f} :: psychoanalysis
psychofarmakologický {adj} :: psychopharmacological
psychofarmakologie {f} :: psychopharmacology
psychofarmakum {n} :: psychoactive drug, psychiatric medicine
psychogenní {adj} :: psychogenic
psycholog {m anim} :: male psychologist
psychologický {adj} :: psychological
psychologie {f} :: psychology
psychologie osobnosti {f} :: personality psychology
psycholožka {f} :: female psychologist
psychometrie {f} :: psychometrics
psychomotorický {adj} :: psychomotor
psychopatologie {f} :: psychopathology
psychosociální {adj} :: psychosocial
psychosomatický {adj} :: psychosomatic
psychoterapeut {m} :: psychotherapist
psychoterapeutický {adj} :: psychotherapeutic (of or pertaining to psychotherapy)
psychoterapie {f} :: psychotherapy
psychotropní {adj} :: psychotropic
psychouš {m} [colloquial] :: shrink, psychologist or psychiatrist
psychouš {m} [colloquial] :: psycho
psychóza {f} :: psychosis
psyllium {n} :: psyllium
pšenice {f} :: wheat, any member of the genus Triticum
pšouk {m} :: fart
pšoukat {v impf} :: to fart
pštros {m} :: ostrich
pštrosí {adj} [relational] :: ostrich, ostrich's
pštrosice {f} :: female ostrich
ptactvo {n} :: birds
ptáčátko {n} :: diminutive of ptáče: chick, fledgling (young bird)
ptáče {n} :: chick (young bird)
ptáček {m} :: diminutive of pták: birdie (bird, birdling)
ptačí {adj} [relational] :: bird, bird's, avian
ptačí chřipka {f} :: avian influenza
ptačinec {m} :: chickweed (Stellaria gen. et spp.)
ptačinec žabinec {m} :: common chickweed
ptačí perspektiva {f} :: bird's-eye view
pták {m anim} :: bird
pták {m anim} [colloquial] :: cock (penis)
ptakopravec {m} :: augur
ptakopysk {m} :: platypus
ptát {v impf} :: to ask (to request an answer)
Ptolemaios {prop} {m} :: Ptolemy
Ptolemaiovec {m} :: any member of Ptolemaic dynasty, usually carrying the name Ptolemy
ptolemaiovský {adj} :: Ptolemaic
{prop} {m} :: Pooh (fictional bear)
puberta {f} :: puberty
puberťák {m} :: teenager, adolescent
pubertální {adj} :: teenage, pubescent, adolescent
pubescentní {adj} :: pubescent
publicista {m} :: publicist (a journalist, often a commentator)
publicistka {f} :: female publicist (a journalist, often a commentator)
publikace {f} :: publication, book, work (literary production)
publikování {n} :: publication (the act of publishing printed or other matter)
publikovat {v pf} :: to publish (to issue a publication)
publikovat {v pf} :: to publish (To issue something, usually printed work, for sale and distribution)
publikovatelný {adj} :: publishable
publikum {n} :: audience (a group of people within hearing, especially a group of people listening to a performance, speech etc.)
pucovat {v impf} [colloquial] :: to clean
puč {m} :: coup, coup d’état, putsch
pučet {v impf} :: to bud (to form buds)
pučista {m} :: putschist, coup participant
pud {m} :: instinct, drive
půda {f} :: earth, land, soil
půda {f} :: grounds, land
půda {f} :: attic, garret, loft
pudit {v impf} :: to impel, to drive, to motivate
pudl {noun} :: poodle
půdní {adj} [relational] :: soil
půdorys {m inan} :: plan view (a two-dimensional drawing of an object or of its horizontal cross section as seen from above)
půdorys {m inan} [architecture] :: floor plan
pudřenka {f} :: face powder box
puchýř {m} :: blister
půjčit {vt pf} :: to lend
půjčit {v pf} [, used with si] :: to borrow
půjčka {f} :: loan
půjčovat {v impf} :: imperfective form of půjčit
puk {m} :: puck
puknout {v impf} :: to burst, to crack, to rupture
půl- {prefix} :: mid-
půl- {prefix} :: half-; semi-
půl {f} :: half
půla {f} [rare] :: alternative form of půle
půle {f} :: half (one of two equal parts of something)
pulec {m} :: tadpole
půlení {n} :: verbal noun of půlit
půlení {n} :: bisection
půlhodina {f} :: half an hour, half-hour
půlit {v impf} :: to halve (divide into halves)
půlka {f} :: half (one of two equal parts of something)
půlka {f} [colloquial] :: cheek (buttock)
půllitr {m} :: half a litre
půllitr {m} :: half-litre container
půlmaraton {m} :: half-marathon, half marathon
půlměsíc {m} :: half-moon
půlměsíc {m} :: crescent (Islamic symbol)
půlměsíček {m} :: diminutive of půlměsíc
pulmonální {adj} [medicine] :: pulmonary
pulmonární {adj} :: pulmonary, lung
půlnoc {f} :: midnight
půlnoční {adj} [relational] :: midnight
pulovr {m} :: pullover (a sweater that must be put on by pulling it over the head)
pulpa {f} [anatomy] :: pulp (tissue of spleen)
půlprocentní {adj} :: half a percent, half-percent, 0.5%
půlroční {adj} :: six-month, half-year
puls {m inan} :: alternative form of pulz
pulsovat {v impf} :: alternative form of pulzovat
pult {m} :: counter
pult {m} :: shelf
půltón {m} :: semitone, halftone
pulz {m inan} :: pulse (beat of heart)
pulzar {m} :: pulsar
pulzní oxymetrie {f} [medicine] :: pulse oximetry
pulzovat {v impf} :: to pulsate
puma {f} :: cougar, puma
puma {f} :: bomb
pumí {adj} [relational] :: puma, puma's
pumpa {f} :: pump (device for moving liquid or gas)
pumpička {f} :: diminutive of pumpa
pumpovat {v impf} :: to pump
punc {m} :: hallmark
punčocha {f} :: stocking
punitivní {adj} :: punitive
punkt {m} [archaic] :: point, dot
punkt {m} :: period, full stop (diacritic mark)
puntičkář {m} :: precisionist (one who values precision)
pupeční {adj} [relational] :: navel
pupeční šňůra {f} [anatomy] :: umbilical cord
pupek {m} :: navel
pupek {m} [colloquial] :: belly
pupen {m} :: bud (a newly formed leaf or flower that has not yet unfolded)
pupenec {m} :: button (botany: a bud)
pupík {m} :: alternative form of pupek
pupila {f} :: pupil (hole in the iris in the eye)
pupínek {m inan} :: pimple, spot
pupkáč {m} :: fatso, butterball
purismus {m} :: purism
purista {m} :: purist
puritán {m} :: Puritan
puritán {m} :: puritan
puritánský {adj} :: Puritan
puritánský {adj} :: puritan
purkmistr {m} [historical] :: mayor
purpurový {adj} :: magenta
pusa {f} :: mouth
pusa {f} :: kiss
pusinka {f} :: diminutive of pusa
působit {vi impf} :: to work (to act as intended)
působit {vt impf} :: to cause
působit {v impf} :: to act (to have an effect on)
působivost {f} :: impressiveness
působivý {adj} :: impressive
půst {m} :: fast
pustina {f} :: wasteland
pustina {f} [archaic] :: desert
pustit {v pf} :: to drop
pustit z hlavy {v} [idiomatic] :: to forget about it, to never mind
pustota {f} :: barrenness, desolation
pustý {adj} :: deserted
puška {f} :: rifle
puška {f} [by extension] :: gun (any firearm resembling a rifle)
puštík {m anim} :: an owl from the genus Strix
půtka {f} :: skirmish (brief battle between small groups)
půtka {f} :: quarrel, argument
putna {adv} :: Indifference or unimportance
putyčka {f} :: diminutive of putyka
putyka {f} [colloquial, derogatory] :: pub
půvab {m} :: charm
původ {m} :: origin
původ {m} :: extraction, descent
původce {m} :: originator
původně {adv} :: originally
původně {adv} :: initially
původní {adj} :: original
puzzle {m} :: jigsaw puzzle
Pygmej {m} :: Pygmy, pygmy (member of one of various Ancient Equatorial African tribal peoples, notable for their very short stature)
pygmejský {adj} :: Pygmy, pygmy
pych {m inan} :: theft of crops or livestock
pych {m inan} [rare] :: splendor
pýcha {f} :: pride
pýcha předchází pád {proverb} :: pride comes before a fall
pýchavka {f} :: puffball (Calvatia and Lycoperdon, two genera of fungi from the family Agaricaceae)
pýchavka hruškovitá {noun} :: pear-shaped puffball, stump puffball, Lycoperdon pyriforme (species of fungi in the family Agaricaceae)
pýchavka obecná {phrase} :: common puffball, devil's snuff-box, Lycoperdon perlatum (species of fungi in the family Agaricaceae)
pýchavka obrovská {phrase} :: giant puffball, Calvatia gigantea (species of fungi in the family Agaricaceae)
pýchavka palicovitá {noun} :: pestle puffball, longstemmed puffball, Lycoperdon excipuliforme (species of fungi in the family Agaricaceae)
pyj {m} :: penis
pykat {v impf} :: to pay, suffer (for some bad deed)
pyl {m} :: pollen
pýr {m inan} :: couch grass
pyramida {f} :: pyramid
pyramidový {adj} :: pyramid, pyramidal
Pyreneje {prop} {fp} :: Pyrenees (mountain range)
pyrenejský {adj} :: Pyrenean
Pyrenejský poloostrov {prop} {m} :: Iberian Peninsula
pyrolýza {f} :: pyrolysis (decomposition of a material or compound due to heat where there is no oxygen or other reagents)
pyróza {f} :: pyrosis
Pyrrhovo vítězství {n} :: Pyrrhic victory
pyrura {m anim} :: a parrot from a genus Pyrrhura
pyšný {adj} [derogatory] :: Proud, haughty, lofty, swaggering
pyšný jako páv {adj} [simile] :: proud as a peacock
pytel {m} :: bag (flexible container)
Pythagoras {prop} {m} :: Pythagoras
pythagoreismus {m} :: Pythagoreanism
pythagorejec {m} :: Pythagorean
pythagorejský {adj} :: Pythagorean
pythagorejství {n} :: Pythagoreanism
Pythagorova věta {f} :: Pythagorean theorem
pythagorovec {m} :: Pythagorean
pytláctví {n} :: poaching
pytlačit {v} :: to poach (to take game or fish illegally)
pytlák {m} :: poacher (a person who trespasses in order to take game illegally)
pyžamo {f} :: pajamas (US), pyjamas (UK)