User:Matthias Buchmeier/it-en-t

t' {pron} :: apocopic form of ti
t {n} :: See under T
T {letter} /ti/ :: letter: ti
tabaccaia {f} :: female equivalent of tabaccaio
tabaccaia {f} :: building where tobacco leaves are dried
tabaccaio {m} :: tobacconist
tabaccaio {m} :: tobacconist's (shop)
tabaccante {v} :: present participle of tabaccare
tabaccare {vi} :: To take snuff
tabaccheria {f} :: tobacconist's (a shop licensed to sell tobacco, but also postage stamps and various governmental items of stationary)
tabacchicoltore {m} :: tobacco grower or farmer
tabacchicoltura {f} :: tobacco growing
tabacchicultore {m} :: alternative form of tabacchicoltore
tabacchicultura {f} :: alternative form of tabacchicoltura
tabacchiera {f} :: snuffbox
tabacchificio {m} :: tobacco factory
tabacchino {m} :: tobacco worker
tabacchino {m} :: tobacconist (or tobacconist's shop)
tabacco {m} :: tobacco
tabacco {m} :: snuff (properly tabacco da fiuto)
tabacco da fiuto {m} :: snuff
tabaccologia {f} :: The science of tobacco, especially concerning the problems of addiction
tabaccone {m} :: snuff-taker
tabaccoso {adj} :: smelling of tobacco
tabacosi {f} [pathology] :: tobacco poisoning
tabagico {adj} :: tobacco (attributive)
tabagismo {m} :: tobacco smoking
tabagismo {m} [medicine] :: Chronic poisoning as a result of smoking
tabagista {mf} :: smoker (of tobacco products)
Tabarca {prop} :: Tabarca (town)
tabarchino {adj} :: Tabarchin
tabarchino {m} :: Tabarchin (dialect)
tabarin {m} :: nightclub (that has cabaret acts)
tabarro {m} :: cloak, tabard
tabe {f} /ˈ :: pus
tabe {f} :: emaciation
tabe {f} [figurative] :: degradation, corruption
tabe {f} [medicine] :: tabes
tabefatto {adj} :: corrupted, infected
tabella {f} :: table (all senses)
tabella {f} :: board
tabellare {adj} :: tabular
tabellato {adj} :: listed, tabulated
tabellazione {f} :: tabulation
tabellazione {f} :: listing
tabellazione {f} :: prospectus, table
tabellina {f} [arithmetic] :: table, multiplication table, times table
tabellino {m} :: table (of rows and columns)
tabellone {m} :: billboard
tabellone {m} :: notice board
tabellone {m} :: wall chart
tabernacolo {m} :: tabernacle
tabeticamente {adv} :: tabetically
tabetico {adj} :: tabetic
tabla {f} [music] /ˈta.bla/ :: tabla
tabloid {m} :: tabloid
tabloide {m} :: tablet, pill
taboga {m} :: toboggan
tabù {m} :: taboo
tabuato {adj} :: taboo
tabuistico {adj} :: taboo
tabuizzante {v} :: present participle of tabuizzare
tabuizzare {vt} :: to make something taboo
tabuizzare {vt} :: to prohibit for no obvious reason
tabulante {v} :: present participle of tabulare
tabula rasa {f} :: tabula rasa (all senses)
tabulare {adj} :: tabular
tabulare {vt} :: to tabulate
tabulario {m} :: archivist
tabulato {m} :: tabulation, printout
tabulatore {m} :: tabulator (person)
tabulatrice {f} :: tabulator (machine); printer (computer, especially mainframe)
tabulazione {f} :: tabulation
tabuto {m} [regional] :: coffin
tacca {f} :: notch, nick
taccagneria {f} :: meanness, stinginess
taccagno {adj} :: mean, stingy
taccamacca {f} :: oleoresin from takamaka
taccante {v} :: present participle of taccare
taccare {vt} :: to notch
taccheggiante {v} :: present participle of taccheggiare
taccheggiare {v} :: to shoplift
taccheggiatore {m} :: shoplifter
taccheggiatrice {f} :: female equivalent of taccheggiatore
taccheggio {m} :: shoplifting
tacchete {interj} :: click! clack! (clattering sound)
tacchete {interj} :: poof!
tacchete {interj} :: lo and behold!
tacchettante {v} :: present participle of tacchettare
tacchettare {vi} :: To clatter ones's heels (go click clack when walking)
tacchettio {m} :: clatter, clicking (of heels)
tacchetto {m} :: thin heel
tacchetto {m} :: stud (for soccer and rugby shoes)
tacchificio {m} :: heel factory
tacchina {f} :: feminine noun of tacchino
tacchinare {v} :: To stalk (as an unpleasant form of courtship)
tacchinella {f} :: Small turkey
Tacchini {prop} :: surname
Tacchini {prop} :: Sergio Tacchini, Italian designer
tacchino {m} /taˈkː :: turkey (bird (male) and meat)
tacchinotto {m} :: turkey poult (young turkey)
tacciabile {adj} [legal] :: chargeable (with), accusable (of)
tacciante {v} :: present participle of tacciare
tacciare {vt} :: To accuse
tacco {m} :: heel (of a shoe)
tacco {m} :: chock (to stop a wheel)
tacco a spillo {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: high heel; spike heel; stiletto heel
taccola {f} :: jackdaw
taccola {f} :: mangetout, snow pea or sugar pea
Taccola {prop} :: surname
taccolo {m} :: A little chat
taccolo {m} :: trifle
taccolo {m} :: joke
tacconare {v} :: To patch up
taccone {m} :: patch
taccone {m} :: botch
taccone {m} :: hobnail
taccuino {m} /tak.kuˈ :: notebook, notepad, pad (pad of paper)
tacente {v} :: present participle of tacere
tacer {v} :: apocopic form of tacere
tacere {vti} :: to be silent
tacere {vti} :: to dummy up
tacere {vti} :: to keep quiet
tacere {m} :: silence
tacevolmente {adv} :: silently, tacitly
tacheometria {f} :: tachymetry, tacheometry
tacheometrico {adj} :: tachymetric, tacheometric
tacheometro {m} :: tachymeter, tacheometer
tachi- {prefix} :: tachy-
tachiaritmia {f} [pathology] :: tachyarrhythmia
tachicardia {f} :: tachycardia
tachicardico {adj} :: tachycardiac
tachifagia {f} :: tachyphagia
tachifemia {f} :: tachylalia, tachylogia
tachifilassi {f} [medicine] :: tachyphylaxis
tachigrafia {f} :: tachygraphy, shorthand (writing)
tachigrafico {adj} :: tachygraphic
tachigrafo {m} :: tachograph
tachilalia {f} :: tachylalia
tachimetria {f} :: tachometry
tachimetrico {adj} :: tachymetric
tachimetro {m} :: speedometer
tachimetro {m} :: tachometer
tachimetro {m} :: tattler
tachione {m} [physics] :: tachyon
tachionico {adj} [physics] :: tachyonic
tachipessi {f} :: rapid freezing (of food products)
tachipirina {f} [medicine] :: paracetamol
tachipnea {f} :: tachypnoea, tachypnea
tachipsichico {adj} :: tachypsychic
tachipsichismo {m} :: tachypsychism, tachypsychia
tacibile {adj} :: That can be omitted; concealable
Tacina {prop} :: Tacina (river)
-tacismo {suffix} [linguistics, forming nouns, after monosyllables] /taˈt͡ʃ :: alternative form of -cismo
tacitamente {adv} :: silently
tacitamente {adv} :: secretly
tacitamente {adv} :: tacitly
tacitamento {m} :: paying-off (of creditors)
tacitamento {m} :: hushing up (of a scandal)
tacitante {v} :: present participle of tacitare
tacitare {vt} :: to hush up
tacitare {vt} :: to pay off
tacitazione {f} :: synonym of tacitamento
tacitianamente {adv} :: laconically
tacitiano {adj} :: Tacitean
tacitiano {adj} :: laconic
tacitismo {m} /ta.t͡ʃiˈ :: Tacitism
tacito {adj} :: silent
tacito {adj} :: tacit, unspoken
Tacito {prop} :: Tacitus
taciturnamente {adv} :: taciturnly, silently
taciturnità {f} :: taciturnity
taciturno {adj} :: taciturn, silent
tactismo {m} :: alternative form of tattismo
Taddeo {prop} :: Thaddaeus. [biblical character]
Taddeo {prop} :: given name
TAEG {n} :: initialism of tasso annuo effettivo globale
taekwondoka {mf} [sports] :: A person who competes at taekwondo
tafanario {m} :: backside, buttocks
tafano {m} :: horsefly
tafano {m} [figurative, by extension] :: gadfly (one who upsets the status quo)
tafazzismo {m} [humorous] /ta.fatˈt͡ :: masochism
tafettà {m} :: alternative form of taffetà
tafferia {f} :: A wooden board on which polenta is made
tafferuglio {m} :: scuffle, brawl
taffetà {m} :: taffeta
taffete {interj} :: bang!, crash!
taffete {interj} :: lo and behold!
taffettà {m} :: alternative form of taffetà
tafofobia {f} :: taphophobia
tafonomia {f} [paleontology] :: taphonomy
tafonomo {m} :: taphonomist
Tafuri {prop} :: surname
taggare {vt} [graffiti] /taɡˈɡ :: to tag (to mark with one's tag)
taggare {vt} [computing] :: to tag
taggare {vt} [social networking slang] :: to tag (mark as being in a photo, etc.)
Taggia {prop} :: Taggia (small town)
taggiasco {adj} :: Of or from Taggia
tagicco {adj} :: Tajik
tagicco {m} :: Tajik
tagico {adj} :: Tajik, Tajiki (attributive)
tagico {m} :: Tajiki (language)
tagico {m} :: Tajik (native or inhabitant of Tajikistan)
tagika {f} :: female equivalent of tagiko
Tagikistan {prop} :: Tajikistan
tagiko {adj} :: Tajik
tagiko {m} :: Tajik
tagiko {m} :: the Tajik or Tajiki language
taglia {f} :: size [of clothes, etc,.]
taglia {f} [by extension] :: size or dimensions [of an animal]
taglia {f} [archaic] :: dresswear
taglia {f} :: a reward for catching a criminal; head money
taglia {f} [archaic, derogatory] :: a heavy tax that lines the pockets of bureaucrats rather than routing that money into public services
taglia {f} [archaic] :: a due (membership fee) for a militia
taglia {f} [archaic] :: a heavy tribute imposed on the defeated country in a war, geopolitical dispute, etc
taglia {f} [archaic] :: bail for a prisoner of war
tagliabile {adj} :: cuttable
tagliabordi {m} :: lawn edger; strimmer
tagliabordo {m} :: alternative form of tagliabordi
tagliaborse {m} :: pickpocket, cutpurse
tagliaboschi {m} :: woodcutter, lumberjack
tagliacalli {m} :: Small knife used by chiropodists (to remove corns)
tagliacarte {m} :: paperknife
tagliacozzano {adj} :: Of or from Tagliacozzo
Tagliacozzo {prop} :: Tagliacozzo (small town)
tagliacque {m} :: cutwater
tagliadeficit {adj} [economics] :: That serves to reduce a budgetary deficit
tagliaerba {m} :: lawn mower
tagliaferro {m} :: A steel chisel used for cutting iron
tagliafiamma {adj} :: fire (attributive), fireproof
tagliafieno {m} :: hay cutter
Tagliafierro {prop} :: surname indigenous to the Campania region of Italy
tagliafuoco {adj} :: fire resistant, fireproof, fire (attributive)
taglialeggi {m} :: A project to rid the Italian constitution of many old laws
taglialegna {m} :: woodcutter (person)
tagliamare {m} :: cutwater
tagliamento {m} :: cut, cutting
tagliamento {m} :: cropping
Tagliamento {prop} :: Tagliamento (river)
tagliando {m} :: coupon, voucher
tagliante {v} :: present participle of tagliare
tagliantesi {v} :: present participle of tagliarsi
tagliapasta {m} :: pastry cutter
tagliapatate {m} :: potato cutter
tagliapietre {m} :: stonecutter (worker)
tagliapizza {m} :: pizza cutter
tagliapoggio {m} :: A system of small canals that prevents erosion of hilly land by rain
tagliar {v} :: apocopic form of tagliare
tagliare {v} :: to cut or slash
tagliare {v} [enology] :: to spike (to add a small amount of one substance to another)
tagliare {v} [mineralogy] :: to cleave (to break a single crystal such as a gemstone)
tagliare {vt} :: To crop (photo, etc.)
tagliarello {m} [especially in plural] :: A type of pasta composed of flat strips
tagliarete {m} [nautical] :: net cutter
tagliarino {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: narrow tagliatelle
tagliarsi {vr} :: To do oneself an injury, especially with a knife etc
tagliasfoglia {m} :: synonym of tagliapasta
tagliasiepe {f} :: hedge trimmer
tagliasigari {m} /taʎ.ʎaˈsi.ɡa.ri/ :: cigar cutter
tagliaspese {adj} [economics] :: that aims to reduce spending
tagliastracci {m} :: rag cutter / chopper
tagliata {f} :: cut (especially one made quickly, with a single blow)
tagliata {f} :: Any dish of sliced meat or fish
tagliata {f} :: barricade of cut timber
tagliata {f} :: murder, massacre
tagliatella {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: noodle (pasta)
tagliatelle all'ortica {n} :: long, flat ribbons of green-coloured pasta, originally from Emilia-Romagna, sliced from a rolled-out sheet where the main ingredient in the dough is nettle
tagliatelle paglia e fieno {n} :: A first course of a mixture of yellow and green tagliatelle traditionally with a sauce of baked ham, champignons, scalogno or shallot, sage, butter, parsley, parmesan cheese and cream
tagliatina {f} :: cut, trim
tagliatino {m} :: synonym of taglierino
tagliato {adj} [heraldry] :: Divided into two equal parts diagonally from top right to bottom left, per bend sinister
tagliatore {m} :: cutter, pruner (person or tool)
tagliatosi {v} :: past participle of tagliarsi
tagliatrice {f} :: cutter (cutting device)
tagliatura {f} :: cutting (action or piece cut off)
tagliatura {f} :: cut
tagliaunghie {m} :: nail clippers
tagliauova {m} :: egg slicer
tagliavento {m} :: nose cap (military)
tagliazolle {m} :: sod cutter
taglieggiante {v} :: present participle of taglieggiare
taglieggiare {vt} :: to exact a tribute from
taglieggiare {vt} :: to extort money from
taglieggiatore {m} :: extortionist, extortioner
tagliente {adj} /t̪äʎˈʎɛn̪ːt̪e/ :: sharp
tagliente {adj} :: cutting
tagliere {m} :: cutting board, chopping board
tagliere {m} :: breadboard
taglieria {f} :: A place where diamonds are cut
taglierina {f} :: cutter
taglierina {f} :: shears
taglierina {f} :: guillotine (for paper)
taglierina {f} :: trimmer (for photographs)
taglierini {n} :: A type of thin spaghetti made with egg pasta
taglierino {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: noodle (thinner than tagliatelle)
taglierino {m} :: cutter, clipper
taglietto {m} :: small cut, nick
taglietto {m} :: cutter
taglio {m} :: cut (also figuratively), slit, slash, incision; (figuratively) cutback, cutting
taglio {m} :: scission, break
taglio {m} :: cutting, trimming, chopping, reaping, mowing, haircut, (of fabric) length
taglio {m} :: (cutting) edge, cutting side
taglio {m} [figuratively] :: slant, tone
taglio {m} [of wines] :: blending
taglio {m} [of banknotes etc] :: denomination
taglio {m} [figuratively] :: retrenchment
taglio a spazzola {m} :: crew cut (haircut style, bristly hair)
taglio a spazzola {m} :: brush cut, buzzcut, flattop
taglio cesareo {m} :: Caesarean section, Cesarean section, C-section
taglio di capelli {m} :: haircut
tagliola {f} :: trap, snare
tagliolino {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: synonym of taglierino
tagliolo {m} :: chisel
taglione {m} :: retaliation
taglione {m} :: talion
tagliuola {f} :: alternative form of tagliola
tagliuolo {m} :: alternative form of tagliolo
tagliuzzamento {m} :: cutting (to bits or shreds)
tagliuzzante {v} :: present participle of tagliuzzare
tagliuzzare {vt} :: To chop, mince or shred
tagmema {m} [linguistics] :: tagmeme
tagmemica {f} [linguistics] :: tagmemics
tagmemico {adj} :: tagmemic
tago {m} /ˈta.ɡo/ :: The highest magistrate in ancient Thessaly
Tago {prop} :: Tagus
tagua {m} :: alternative form of pecari del Chaco
tahina {f} :: tahini
tahitiano {adj} :: Tahitian
tahitiano {m} :: Tahitian
TAI {n} :: initialism of
taicun {m} :: tycoon, shogun
Taide {prop} :: Thais
Taïde {prop} :: medieval spelling of Taide
taiga {f} :: taiga
tailandese {adj} :: Thai
tailandese {mf} :: Thai (person)
tailandese {m} [singular only] :: the Thai language
Tailandia {prop} :: alternative spelling of Thailandia
tailleur {m} :: a woman's tailored suit or trouser suit
taira {f} :: tayra
Taiwan {prop} :: Taiwan
taiwanese {adj} :: Taiwanese
taiwanese {mf} :: Taiwanese
taiwanese {ms} [singular only] :: The Taiwanese language
tajarin {n} :: A type of very thin square-shaped spaghetti, thicker than capellini and thinner than tagliatelle made of egg pasta usually served with meat sauces, a traditional cuisine of Langhe and Monferrato Piemonte
tajarin {n} :: synonym of tagliolini
tajarin {n} :: synonym of taglierini
takeaway {adj} :: takeaway (of food) to be eaten off the premises
talabalacco {m} /ˈlak.ko/ :: A sort of drum used by Saracenes
talacimanno {m} :: muezzin
talaltro {pron} :: others
talaltro {pron} :: other times, sometimes
talamico {adj} :: thalamic
talamo {m} [anatomy] :: thalamus
talamo {m} [botany] :: receptacle (part of stem)
talamo {m} :: marriage bed
Talamona {prop} :: Talamona (small town)
talamonese {adj} :: Of or from Talamona
talare {adj} :: priest's, priest (attributive)
talassemia {f} [disease] :: thalassemia
talassemico {adj} [disease] :: thalassemic
talassico {adj} :: thalassic, sea (attributive), marine
talasso- {prefix} :: thalasso-
talasso- {prefix} :: marine, ocean (attributive)
talassobiologia {f} [biology] :: marine biology
talassocrate {m} :: thalassocrat
talassocrazia {f} :: thalassocracy
talassofilia {f} :: thalassophilia
talassofobia {f} :: thalassophobia
talassografia {f} :: thalassography, oceanography
talassografico {adj} :: thalassographic, oceanographic
talassografo {m} :: thalassographer, oceanographer
talassologia {f} :: oceanography
talassologo {m} :: oceanographer
talassoterapia {f} [medicine] :: thalassotherapy
talassoterapico {adj} :: thalassotherapeutic
talbotipia {f} [photography] :: talbotype
talché {conj} :: so that
talco {m} :: talc
talco {m} :: talcum powder
talcoscisto {m} [mineralogy] /tal.koʃˈʃ :: talc schist or slate
talcoso {adj} :: talcose, talcous
tal dei tali {mf} :: such-and-such, so-and-so
tale {adj} :: such
talea {f} :: cutting, scion
talebana {f} :: female equivalent of talebano
talebanizzante {v} :: present participle of talebanizzare
talebanizzare {vt} :: to Talibanize
talebanizzato {adj} :: Talibanized
talebanizzazione {f} :: Talibanization
talebano {adj} :: Taliban, Taleban
talebano {m} :: Taliban, Taleban
tale e quale {n} :: spitting image (the exact likeness (of someone))
tale e quale {n} :: carbon copy (something exactly the same)
tale e quale {n} :: CIF
taleggio {m} :: taleggio
talentaccio {m} :: A rough-and-ready, unpolished talent
talentare {vi} [almost entirely impersonal] :: to please
talentare {vi} [almost entirely impersonal] :: to suit
talentare {vi} [almost entirely impersonal] :: to like
talentino {m} :: A young talented person
talento {m} /taˈlɛ :: talent
talento {m} :: talented person
talentone {m} :: synonym of talentaccio
talentoso {adj} :: alternative form of talentuoso
talentuoso {adj} :: talented, skillful, gifted
tale padre, tale figlio {proverb} /ˌta.le ˈpa.dre | ˌta.le ˈfiʎ.ʎo/ :: like father, like son, chip off the old block (a son will have traits similar to his father)
tale quale {adv} :: as is
Talete {prop} :: Thales
Talia {prop} [Greek god] :: Thalia
Taliani {prop} :: surname
talibano {m} :: alternative form of talebano
talidomide {f} [medicine] :: thalidomide
Taliercio {prop} :: surname
talismanico {adj} :: talismanic
talismano {m} :: talisman
talità {f} [Buddhism] :: tathata
tallente {v} :: present participle of tallire
tallero {m} :: thaler
tallero {m} :: tallero
tallico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: thallic; thallium (attributive)
Tallinn {prop} :: Tallinn (capital city)
tallio {m} [chemistry] :: thallium
tallire {vi} [botany] :: To sprout, bud or shoot
tallitura {f} :: synonym of accestimento
tallo {m} [botany] :: thallus
tallo {m} :: bud, sprout
tallofita {f} [botany] :: tallophyte
tallolio {m} :: tall oil
tallonaggio {m} :: heeling (kicking with the heel)
tallonamento {m} :: hot pursuit, chasing, shadowing
tallonamento {m} :: heeling (kicking with the heel)
tallonante {v} :: present participle of tallonare
tallonare {vt} :: to follow closely; to pursue
tallonare {vt} [rugby] :: to hit the ball with the heel in order to pass it back
tallonatore {m} [rugby] :: hooker
talloncino {m} :: voucher, coupon
talloncino {m} :: stub
tallone {m} /t̪alˈlone/ :: heel
tallone di Achille {m} :: Achilles heel
tallone di Achille {m} :: vulnerability, weakness
talloso {adj} [botany] :: thalloid
talloso {adj} [chemistry] :: thallous
talmente {adv} :: so; very
talmente {adv} :: (with da or che) enough (to)
talmente {adv} [rare] :: thus, insomuch
talmenteché {conj} :: so that
talmenteché {conj} :: somehow
talmudico {adj} :: Talmudic
talmudista {mf} :: Talmudist
talo {m} [archaic] :: knucklebones
talo {m} [skeleton] :: (colloquial) talus, talus bone
talor {adv} :: apocopic form of talora
talora {adv} :: synonym of talvolta
talpa {f} :: mole (animal or planted spy)
talpa {f} :: moleskin
talpa {f} :: excavator
talpa {m} :: moleskin (colour)
talpa senza pelo {f} :: naked mole rat, sand puppy (Heterocaphalus glaber)
talpicida {m} :: taupicide
talpicida {adj} :: taupicidal
talpone {m} :: sewer rat
talpone {m} :: couch potato
taltuza {m} :: taltuza, gopher
taluno {adj} :: some; a few
taluno {pron} :: some; a few
taluno {pron} :: somebody, someone
Talvera {prop} :: Talvera (river)
talvolta {adv} /talˈvɔl.ta/ :: sometimes, at times
tamagno {adj} /taˈmaɲ.ɲo/ :: so big
tamagno {adj} :: very big
tamanishiki {n} :: A type of rice
tamarice {f} :: tamarisk
tamarindo {m} :: tamarind (tree)
tamarindo {m} :: tamarind (fruit)
tamarisco {m} :: tamarisk (Tamarix gallica)
tamaro {m} :: black bryony (Dioscorea communis, syn. Tamus communis)
tamarro {m} [pejorative, regional, slang] :: chav (someone with low(er) culture)
tamarro {adj} [regional] :: vulgar, tasteless
Tambernicchi {prop} :: An old name for Monte Tambura, a mountain in Tuscany
Tamborini {prop} :: surname
tambuccio {m} :: alternative form of tambucio
tambucio {m} [nautical] :: companion hatch
tamburagione {f} [historical] :: (secret) denunciation
tamburaio {m} :: drum maker
tamburare {v} :: To drum, hit, beat
tamburare {v} :: To secretly denunciate
tamburata {f} :: drumming
tamburato {adj} :: beaten
tamburato {m} :: A sandwich of two structural layers with a honeycomb material in bewteen
tamburazione {f} :: synonym of tamburagione
tambureggiamento {m} :: drumming
tambureggiamento {m} :: hammering, pounding, beating
tambureggiante {v} :: present participle of tambureggiante
tambureggiante {adj} :: drumming, pounding
tambureggiare {vi} :: to drum
tambureggiare {vi} :: to hammer, pound, beat
tamburellante {v} :: present participle of tamburellare
tamburellare {vi} :: to drum or beat (make drumming sound)
tamburellista {mf} :: tamburino player
tamburello {m} [musical instruments] :: tambourine
Tamburello {prop} :: surname
Tamburi {prop} :: surname
tamburinare {v} :: synonym of tamburellare
Tamburini {prop} :: surname
tamburino {m} :: drummer (male, feminine tamburina)
tamburino {m} :: A small medieval drum
tamburlano {m} :: An old-fashioned type of clothes-dryer in the form of a drum
tamburo {m} :: drum
tamburo {m} :: brake drum
tamburo {m} [historical] :: A box into which anonymous complaints or denunciations were posted
tambussare {v} :: To beat
tambussare {v} :: To tap
tamerice {f} :: tamarisk
tamerisco {m} :: Variant of tamarisco
Tamerlano {prop} :: Tamerlane, Tamburlaine
Tamerlano {prop} :: Timur
tamia {m} :: chipmunk
Tamigi {prop} :: Thames (river)
tamigio {m} :: synonym of tamiso
Tamiri {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Thamyris
Tamisi {prop} :: medieval spelling of Tamigi
tamiso {m} [regional, Padova] :: sieve; riddle
tamiso {m} [Venice] :: A kind of net used to capture prawns and small fishes
Tammaro {prop} :: A river that flows in Campania and Molise
Tammaro {prop} :: given name
tammurriata {f} :: A dance accompanied by a tambourine
tampinante {v} :: present participle of tampinare
tampinare {vt} :: to hound
tampinare {vt} :: to harass
tamponamento {m} :: collision
tamponamento {m} :: pile-up
tamponamento {m} :: dressing (for a wound)
tamponamento {m} :: wall plug
tamponante {v} :: present participle of tamponare
tamponare {vt} [medicine] :: to plug [a wound] with a tampon, compress, etc
tamponare {vt} [by extension] :: to plug [a leak]
tamponare {vt} [figuratively] :: to provide a provisional or makeshift remedy for a critical situation; to apply a bandage to
tamponare {vt} [soccer] :: to block the offensive play of the adversary
tamponare {vt} [automotive] :: to rear-end
tamponare {vt} [chemistry] :: to buffer
tamponatura {f} :: cladding, plugging, infill
tamponatura {f} :: tamponade
tampone {m} :: plug
tampone {m} :: wad
tampone {m} :: swab
tampone {m} :: tampon
tampone {m} :: inkpad
tampone {m} :: blotter
tam-tam {m} [musical instruments] :: tam-tam
tam-tam {m} [musical instruments] :: tom-tom
tam-tam {m} :: bush telegraph, grapevine [unofficial news channel]
tamtam {m} :: Variant of tam-tam
tamurè {m} :: tamure
tana {f} :: lair, den
tana {f} :: burrow (tunnel or hole dug by a small creature, such as a rabbit, etc.)
tana {f} [figuratively] :: hideout
Tana {prop} :: obsolete form of Azov
tanaceto {m} :: common tansy (Tanacetum vulgare)
tanaceto {m} :: tansy (plant of the genus Tanacetum)
tanaglia {f} :: alternative form of tenaglia
tanagliare {v} :: To torture
tanagliare {v} :: To gripe
tanagra {f} :: tanager
Tanagro {prop} :: Tanagro (river)
Tanai {prop} :: Tanais
Tanaï {prop} :: medieval spelling of Tanai
tananai {m} :: uproar, din, pandemonium
Tanaro {prop} :: Tanaro (river)
tanato- {n} :: thanato-
Tanato {prop} [Greek god] :: Thanatos
tanatoesteta {m} :: A person (in a mortuary or funeral home) who prepares a corpse for viewing
tanatofobia {f} :: thanatophobia
tanatofobico {adj} :: thanatophobic
tanatologia {f} :: thanatology, deathlore
tanatologico {adj} :: thanatological
tanatosi {f} :: thanatosis
tanca {f} /ˈtan.ka/ :: tank (water or fuel)
tanca {f} :: jerry can
tanca {f} [Sardinia] :: An enclosed piece of land
Tancredi {prop} :: Tancred
Tancredi {prop} :: given name
tandem {m} :: tandem (all senses)
tanfanare {v} :: To beat
tanfante {v} :: present participle of tanfare
tanfare {vi} :: To pong or stink
tanfo {m} :: stink, stench, bad smell
tanga {m} :: G-string
Tanganica {prop} :: Tanganyika
tangelo {m} /ˈtan.d͡ʒe.lo/ :: tangelo (fruit)
tangente {adj} :: tangent, tangential
tangente {f} [geometry, trigonometry] :: tangent
tangente {f} [colloquial] :: cut, rake-off, kickback, bribe, backhander
tangente {f} :: share, quota
tangente {v} :: present participle of tangere
tangentista {mf} :: A person who takes bribes
tangentocrazia {f} :: A system centered on bribery
tangentoide {f} [maths] :: tangentoid
tangentopoli {m} :: The systematic use of bribery in government and the civil service
Tangentopoli {prop} :: The corrupt Italian political system that came to an end in the early 1990s
tangenza {f} :: tangency
tangenza {f} :: ceiling (maximum height that an aircraft can fly)
tangenziale {adj} :: tangential
tangenziale {f} :: ring road [British], beltway [US], bypass
tangenzialità {f} :: tangentiality
tangenzialmente {adv} :: tangentially
tangere {vt} :: To touch
tangere {vt} :: To elicit an emotional response
Tangeri {prop} /ˈtan.d͡ʒe.ri/ :: Tangeri (port city/capital)
tangerino {m} :: tangerine (fruit)
tanghera {f} :: feminine noun of tanghero
tanghero {m} /ˈtan.ɡ :: bumpkin
tanghero {adj} /tanˈɡɛ.ro/ :: tango [attributive]
tanghero {m} :: tango dancer
tangibile {adj} :: tangible
tangibilità {f} :: tangibleness
tangibilmente {adv} :: tangibly
tango {m} :: tango
tangone {m} [nautical] :: spinnaker pole
tanguto {adj} /ˈtan.ɡ :: Tangut
tanica {f} /ˈ :: jerry can
tank {m} :: tank (military and container)
tannante {v} :: present participle of tannare
tannante {adj} :: tanning
tannare {vt} :: To tan (leather)
tannato {m} [organic chemistry] :: tannate
tannicità {f} :: tannicity
tannico {adj} :: tannic
tannino {m} :: tannin
tannoformio {m} [organic compound] :: tannoform
tant' {adj} [sometimes before a vowel] :: apocopic form of tanto
tant' {pron} [sometimes before a vowel] :: apocopic form of tanto
tant' {conj} [sometimes before a vowel] :: apocopic form of tanto
tantafera {f} :: rigmarole; rant
tantalico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: tantalic
tantalio {m} [chemistry] /tanˈtaljo/ :: tantalum
tantalite {f} [mineral] :: tantalite
tantalo {m} :: ibis
Tantalo {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Tantalus
tant'è {conj} :: in fact, indeed
tantino {adj} :: A little
tantino {pron} :: A little (small amount)
tantissimo {adj} :: superlative of tanto
tanto {adj} :: so much, so many
tanto {adj} :: much, many
tanto {adj} :: such
tanto {adj} :: significant
tanto {pron} :: much
tanto {pron} :: a lot
tanto {adv} :: so much
tanto {adv} :: very
tanto {conj} :: after all
tanto {conj} :: anyways
tantoché {conj} :: so, so that (with the result that)
tanto meno {conj} :: alternative form of tantomeno
tantomeno {adv} :: even less so
tantomeno {conj} :: let alone
tanto per cambiare {phrase} [sarcastic] :: just for a change; as usual; surprise surprise
tantopiù {adj} :: more so
tanto quanto {adv} :: synonym of nè più ne meno
tantosto {adv} /tanˈtɔ :: immediately, right away
tanto va la gatta al lardo, che ci lascia lo zampino {proverb} :: You won't get away with something for ever; at some point you will leave a clue and be found out
tanto va la gatta al lardo, che ci lascia lo zampino {proverb} :: To get one's just deserts
tanto va la gatta al lardo, che ci lascia lo zampino {proverb} :: Justice always prevails
tantra {m} /ˈtan.tra/ :: tantra
tantrico {adj} /ˈtan.tri.ko/ :: tantric
tantrismo {m} /tanˈ :: Tantrism
Tanzania {prop} :: Tanzania
tanzaniana {f} :: female equivalent of tanzaniano
tanzaniano {adj} :: Tanzanian
tanzaniano {m} :: Tanzanian
tanzanite {f} [mineralogy] :: tanzanite
Tanzini {prop} :: surname
tao {m} [philosophy] /ˈta.o/ :: Tao
taoismo {m} :: Taoism
taoista {mf} :: Taoist
taoistico {adj} :: Taoist, Taoistic
Taormina {prop} :: Taormina (town)
taorminese {adj} :: Of, or from, Taormina
taorminese {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Taormina
tapina {f} :: female equivalent of tapino
tapinamente {adv} :: wretchedly, miserably
tapinità {f} :: meanness
tapino {adj} :: wretched, miserable, poor
tapino {m} :: wretch
tapioca {f} :: tapioca
tapiro {m} :: tapir
tapis roulant {m} :: treadmill
tappa {f} :: stage, leg, lap, phase, milestone
tappa {f} :: rest, stop, halt
tappabuchi {mf} [jocular] :: person who is called to substitute someone who is absent for work; fill-in
tappabuco {m} [journalism] :: short article inserted to fill a page of a newspaper; filler
tappante {v} :: present participle of tappare
tappare {vt} :: to plug, stop, cork
tappare {vt} :: to close shut
tappare {vt} :: to lock someone [in a room, etc.]
tapparella {f} :: roller blind (rolling shutter)
tapparellista {mf} :: A person who fits and repairs roller-shutters
tapparsi {v} :: reflexive of tappare
tapparsi {v} [in] :: to close or shut oneself (in)
tapparsi {v} [regional] :: [con] to put on heavy clothing
tapparsi {vi} :: to be plugged, clogged, or obstructed
tapparsi {vt} [also, figurative] :: to plug or stuff [one's ears]
tapparsi {vt} [also, figurative] :: to close [one's eyes]
tapparsi {vt} [also, figurative] :: to shut [one's mouth]
tapparsi {vt} [also, figurative] :: to plug [one's nose]
tappatrice {f} :: corking machine
tappetare {v} :: To carpet (a floor)
tappetino {m} :: mat
tappetino {m} :: mouse mat
tappetino per mouse {m} [computing] :: mouse mat, mouse pad
tappeto {m} /tapˈ :: carpet, rug, mat
tappeto {m} [sports] :: treadmill
tappeto rosso {m} :: red carpet
tappetto {m} :: small plug, small stopper
tappetto {m} :: shorty, tich, midget
tappezzante {v} :: present participle of tappezzare
tappezzare {vt} :: to paper or wallpaper
tappezzare {vt} :: to cover or upholster
tappezzare {vt} :: to drape
tappezzeria {f} :: curtains [British], drapes [US], soft furnishings
tappezzeria {f} :: The industry that manufactures such products
tappezzeria {f} :: A shop or business that sells such products
tappezziere {m} :: upholsterer
tappo {m} :: cap, cork, stopper, plug
tappo {m} :: shorty (person short in stature)
tappo {m} :: clog
tappone {m} [cycling] :: A particularly gruelling stage or leg of a race
Tapso {prop} /ˈ :: Thapsus (Carthaginian and Roman port near present-day Bakalta, Tunisia)
TAR {n} :: initialism of tribunale amministrativo regionale
tara {f} :: tare
tara {f} :: defect, vice, flaw
tara {f} [archaic] :: deficiency
tarabaralla {adv} :: more or less
tarabugio {m} /ta.raˈbu.d͡ʒo/ :: alternative form of tarabuso
tarabusino {m} :: little bittern (Ixobrychus minutus)
tarabuso {m} /ta.raˈbu.zo/ :: bittern
tarallino {m} /ta.ralˈ :: A smaller form of tarallo
tarallo {m} /taˈral.lo/ :: A snack food from southern Italy, in the form of a twist of breadstick, often covered in pepper, anise, etc. or sugar
taralluccio {m} /ta.ralˈlut.tʃo/ :: A smaller form of tarallo
tarante {v} :: present participle of tarare
tarantella {f} /taranˈtɛlːa/ :: tarantella
tarantello {m} :: A type of salami made from tuna
Tarantini {prop} :: surname
tarantino {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Taranto
tarantino {m} :: Native or inhabitant of Taranto
tarantino {m} :: Territory surrounding Taranto
tarantino {m} :: Tarantino (dialect, masculine singular)
Tarantino {prop} :: surname
tarantismo {m} :: tarantism
Taranto {prop} /ˈ :: Taranto (province)
Taranto {prop} :: Taranto (city)
Taranto {prop} :: The letter T in the Italian phonetic alphabet
tarantola {f} /taˈ :: tarantula
tarantolato {adj} :: bitten by a tarantula
tarantolato {adj} :: overexcited
tarantolino {m} :: gecko (Euleptes europaea)
tarantolismo {m} :: alternative form of tarantismo
tarare {vt} :: to tare
tarare {vt} :: to calibrate
Tarasio {prop} :: given name
tarassaco {m} :: dandelion
tarato {adj} :: tared
tarato {adj} :: calibrated
tarato {adj} :: touched (having a hereditary defect)
taratore {m} :: calibrator
taratura {f} :: tare, taring
taratura {f} :: calibration
tarbusc {m} :: "tall still fez headdress worn by Eritrean & Somali troops in the Italian army"
tarbuscio {m} /tarˈbuʃ.ʃo/ :: tarboosh
tarcagnotto {adj} :: alternative form of tracagnotto
Tarchetti {prop} :: surname
Tarchetti {prop} :: Iginio Ugo Tarchetti, Italian writer
tarchia {f} [nautical] :: spritsail
tarchiato {adj} :: stocky, dumpy
Tarcisio {prop} :: given name
tardamente {adv} [music] :: slowly
tardando {m} [music] /tarˈ :: synonym of ritardando
tardante {v} :: present participle of tardare
tardare {vi} /tarˈ :: to be late
tardare {v} [impersonal, literary] :: to seem late, said of something that is eagerly awaited
tardare {vt} [literary] :: to delay
tardezza {f} :: slowness
tardezza {f} :: dullness
tardi {adv} :: late
tardigrado {adj} :: tardigrade, sluggish
tardigrado {m} :: tardigrade, water bear
tardissimo {adv} :: Very late
tardità {f} :: slowness (literary)
tardivamente {adv} :: late, tardily
tardività {f} :: lateness, tardiness
tardivo {adj} :: late
tardivo {adj} :: belated, tardy
tardivo {adj} [pathology] :: tardive
tardizia {f} :: late-ripening fruit(s)
tardo- {prefix} :: late (relating to the final stages of a historical period)
tardo {adj} :: slow, sluggard, dull, slow-witted, dull-witted
tardo {adj} :: late, tardy
tardoantico {adj} :: relating to the final centuries of the Roman Empire; roughly corresponding to Late Antiquity
tardo di comprendonio {adj} :: dull, dull-witted, slow, slow-witted
tardogotico {adj} :: late Gothic
tardomedievale {adj} /ˈva.le/ :: late-medieval
tardona {f} :: mutton dressed as lamb
tardorinascimentale {adj} :: late Renaissance
tardoromano {adj} :: late-Roman
targa {f} :: plate, shingle (metal etc)
targa {f} :: nameplate
targa {f} :: number plate / license plate
targa {f} :: plaque
targa {f} :: signboard
targa {f} :: target (a rounded oval or rectangle shield used in medieval times)
targante {v} :: present participle of targare
targare {vt} :: To register a car (and provide with a number plate)
targato {adj} :: With the number plate, with plates
targato {adj} :: labelled
targatura {f} :: registration of a car (and provision of a number plate)
targhetta {f} :: label, tag
targhetta {f} :: sticker
targhetta {f} :: name plate (on a door)
targhettatrice {f} :: addressing / labelling machine
targone {m} :: tarragon
tarì {m} :: A small gold coin, worth a quarter of a dinar, struck by the Arabs of Sicily in the 9th century
tarida {f} [nautical] :: A freight ship used in the Middle Ages
tariffa {f} :: rate, tariff, price, charge, fare
tariffale {adj} :: tariff (attributive)
tariffante {v} :: present participle of tariffare
tariffare {vt} :: To (fix a) tariff
tariffario {adj} :: Relative to a tariff
tariffario {m} :: tariff, table of charges
tariffazione {f} :: rating (setting a rate or tariff)
tarlante {v} :: present participle of tarlare
tarlantesi {v} :: present participle of tarlarsi
tarlare {vi} :: To have woodworm
tarlare {vt} :: To infest with woodworm
tarlare {vt} :: To corrode
tarlarsi {vr} :: To have woodworm
tarlatana {f} :: tarlatan
tarlato {adj} :: worm-eaten (having woodworm)
tarlato {adj} :: moth-eaten
tarlatosi {v} :: past participle of tarlarsi
tarlatura {f} :: woodworm (the holes, dust and damage, but not the insect itself)
tarlo {m} [entomology] :: woodworm (the insect)
tarlo {m} [figuratively] :: torment
tarma {f} :: moth, clothes moth
tarmante {v} :: present participle of tarmare
tarmantesi {v} :: present participle of tarmarsi
tarmare {vi} /tarˈ :: To be ruined by moths
tarmare {vt} [of moths] :: To ruin (something) by gnawing
tarmarsi {vr} :: To be moth-eaten
tarmatosi {v} :: past participle of tarmarsi
tarmicida {f} :: moth repellent
tarmico {adj} :: moth (attributive)
Taro {prop} :: Taro (river/and/valley)
taroccamento {m} :: fake, fakery
taroccante {v} :: present participle of taroccare
taroccare {vt} [colloquial] :: To fake
taroccato {adj} [colloquial] :: fake
tarocco {m} :: tarot
tarocco {m} :: tarot card
tarozzo {m} :: wooden rung of a rope ladder
tarpante {v} :: present participle of tarpare
tarpare {vt} [also, figurative] :: to clip the wings (of)
Tarpea {prop} :: Tarpeia
tarpeo {adj} :: Tarpeian
tarpone {m} :: tarpon
Tarquinia {prop} :: Tarquinia (city)
Tarquinio {prop} :: Tarquin
Tarquinio {prop} :: Tarquinius
Tarquino {prop} :: alternative form of Tarquinio
Tarragona {prop} :: Tarragona (city)
tarsale {adj} [skeleton] :: tarsal
tarsalgia {f} [pathology] :: pain in a tarsus; tarsalgia
tarsia {f} /ˈtar.sja/ :: tarsia
tarsiare {v} /tarˈ :: to inlay
tarsio {m} /ˈtar.sjo/ :: tarsier
tarso {m} [skeleton, zoology] :: tarsus
tarso {m} [anatomy] :: tarsus, tarsal plate (of the eyelid)
Tarso {prop} :: Tarso (city)
Tartaglia {prop} :: surname
Tartaglia {prop} :: Niccolò Tartaglia, Italian mathematician
tartagliamento {m} :: stuttering, stammering
tartagliante {v} :: present participle of tartagliare
tartagliare {vi} [colloquial] /tar.taʎˈʎ :: To stutter or stammer
tartagliare {vt} [colloquial] :: To mutter
tartaglione {m} :: stutterer, stammerer
tartana {f} :: tartan
tartana {f} :: trawl (net)
tartanone {m} :: A type of fishing net similar to a sciabica
tartar {f} :: alternative spelling of tartare
tartara {f} /ˈtar.ta.ra/ :: alternative form of tartare
tartarato {m} :: alternative form of tartrato
tartare {f} /tarˈtar/ :: A tartare dish
tartareo {adj} :: Tartarean
tartareo {adj} :: infernal
tartaresco {adj} :: Tartar
tartarico {adj} :: tartaric
tartaro {adj} :: Tartar
tartaro {adj} :: tartare
tartaro {m} :: Tartar
Tartaro {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Tartarus
Tartaro {prop} :: hell
Tartaro {prop} :: Tartaro (river)
tartaruga {f} /tar.taˈru.ɡa/ :: turtle, tortoise
tartaruga {f} :: tortoiseshell (carapace of a tortoise)
tartaruga {f} [military] :: testudo (Roman military formation)
tartaruga {f} [culinary] :: type of bread roll having a pattern of criss-cross incisions
tartaruga {f} [colloquial] :: clipping of addominali a tartaruga
tartaruga del muschio {m} :: common musk turtle (Sternotherus odoratus), of the family Kinosternidae
tartarughina {f} :: Small or young turtle
tartassamento {m} :: harassment
tartassante {v} :: present participle of tartassare
tartassare {vt} :: To harass, to pester, to ill-treat, to give somebody a hard time, to squeeze
tartessico {adj} :: Tartessian
tartina {f} :: canapé
Tartini {prop} :: surname
Tartini {prop} :: Giuseppe Tartini, Italian musician and composer
tartrato {m} [organic chemistry] :: tartrate
tartuca {f} :: synonym of tartaruga
tartufaia {f} :: female equivalent of tartufaio
tartufaia {f} :: an area where truffles grow or are grown
tartufaio {m} :: truffle hunter
tartufaio {m} :: truffle seller
tartufante {v} :: present participle of tartufare
tartufare {vt} :: To garnish with truffles
tartufato {adj} :: garnished with truffles; truffles (attributive), truffle-flavoured
tartuferia {f} :: hypocrisy
tartufesco {adj} :: hypocritical
tartuficolo {adj} :: truffle-growing (attributive)
tartuficoltore {m} :: truffle grower
tartuficoltura {f} :: truffle growing
tartuficultore {m} :: alternative form of tartuficoltore
tartuficultura {f} :: alternative form of tartuficoltura
tartufigeno {adj} :: truffle-producing
tartufo {m} /tarˈ :: truffle
tartufo {m} [idiomatic] :: hypocrite; tartuffe
tartufo al cioccolato {m} :: chocolate truffle
tartufo bianco {m} [mushrooms, fungi] :: white truffle
tartufo di canna {m} :: synonym of topinambur
tartufolo {m} [Tuscany] /tarˈ :: synonym of tartufo
tartufolo {m} [Tuscany] :: synonym of topinambur
tartufo nero {m} [mushrooms, fungi] :: black truffle
tarullo {adj} :: foolish
tarvisiano {adj} :: Of, or from, Tarvisio
tarvisiano {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Tarvisio
Tarvisio {prop} :: Tarvisio (town)
tarzanello {m} [slang] :: dingleberry
tarzanino {m} :: synonym of tarzanello
tasca {f} :: pocket
Tasca {prop} :: surname
tascabile {adj} [attributive] :: pocket
tascabile {m} :: paperback, softback, pocketbook
tascapane {m} :: haversack
tascata {f} :: pocketful
taschina {f} :: Small transparent pocket for displaying postage stamps
taschino {m} :: breast pocket
Tasmania {prop} :: Tasmania (state/and/island)
tasmaniano {adj} :: Tasmanian
Taso {prop} :: Thasos
tassa {f} :: tax, duty, dues
tassabile {adj} :: taxable, chargeable
tassabilità {f} :: taxability
tassagione {f} :: alternative form of tassazione
tassametro {m} :: taximeter
tassante {v} :: present participle of tassare
tassantesi {v} :: present participle of tassarsi
tassare {vt} :: to tax
tassarsi {vr} :: To contribute
tassativamente {adv} :: peremptorily, strictly, absolutely, definitely
tassatività {f} :: peremptoriness
tassativo {adj} :: peremptory, strict, absolute, definite, imperative
tassato {adj} :: taxed, subject to duty
tassatore {m} :: taxer
tassatosi {v} :: past participle of tassarsi
tassazione {f} :: taxation
tassellante {v} :: present participle of tassellare
tassellare {vt} :: to dowel, plug
tassellare {vt} :: to cut a wedge (from)
tassellato {adj} [mathematics] :: tesselated
tassellatura {f} :: dowelling, plugging
tassellatura {f} [mathematics] :: tesselation
tassellazione {f} [mathematics] :: tesselation
tassello {m} :: plug, dowel (of wood etc)
tassello {m} :: gusset
tassello {m} :: wedge
tassema {m} [linguistics] :: taxeme
tassesco {adj} :: Characteristic of Torquato Tasso
tassì {m} /tasˈsi/ :: taxi, taxicab
tassiano {adj} :: Related to, or characteristic of Torquato Tasso
tassidermia {f} :: taxidermy
tassidermico {adj} :: taxidermic
tassidermista {mf} :: taxidermist
tassinaggio {m} :: A taxi ride
tassinaro {m} :: taxi driver, cabbie
tassista {mf} :: taxi driver, cab driver
tassista {mf} :: taxicab operator, hacker
tasso {m} /ˈtasso/ :: rate, level, percentage
tasso {m} :: badger (animal or hair)
tasso {m} :: yew
Tasso {prop} :: surname
Tasso {prop} :: Torquato Tasso, Italian writer
tasso barbasso {m} :: alternative form of tassobarbasso
tassobarbasso {m} /ˈ :: mullein, great mullein, Aaron's rod (Verbascum thapsus)
tasso del miele {m} :: honey badger
tasso di interesse {m} :: interest rate
tassodio {m} :: swamp cypress (of genus Taxodium)
tasso di sconto {m} :: discount rate
tasso naso di porco {m} :: hog badger, greater hog badger (Arctonyx collari)
tasso naso di porco {m} :: synonym of tasso porcino
Tassoni {prop} :: surname
tassonomia {f} [systematics] :: taxonomy
tassonomicamente {adv} :: taxonomically
tassonomico {adj} :: taxonomic, taxonomical
tassonomista {mf} :: taxonomist
tasso porcino {m} :: synonym of tasso naso di porco
tastamento {m} :: grope
tastamento {m} :: probe
tastante {v} :: present participle of tastare
tastare {vt} :: to feel, grope, cop a feel
tastare {vt} :: to probe
tastare il terreno {v} :: to test the waters
tastare il terreno {v} :: to dip one's toe in the water
tastare il terreno {v} :: to put out feelers
tastatore {m} :: feeler pin, tracer point
tasteggiamento {m} :: (light) touch
tasteggiante {v} :: present participle of tasteggiare
tasteggiare {vt} :: to touch lightly
tasteggiare {vt} :: to finger [a keyboard]
tasteggiatura {f} :: synonym of tasteggiamento
tastiera {f} [computing, music] :: keyboard
tastiera {f} [music] :: fingerboard
tastierina {f} [computing] :: keypad
tastierino {m} [computing] :: keypad
tastierista {mf} :: keyboard player
tastierista {mf} :: keyboardist, typist
tastino {m} :: A small key (such as the on/off key, typically on the side of a smartphone or tablet)
tasto {m} /ˈtasto/ :: (on a computer keyboard, musical instrument, device, etc.) key, button
tasto {m} :: touch, feel
tasto {m} [music] :: fret, fingerboard
tastoni {adv} :: By feel or by touch
tastoni {adv} :: gropingly
tasto telegrafico {m} :: Morse key, telegraph key
tata {f} :: governess (or any young woman looking after children)
tata {f} :: big sister
tatanai {m} :: alternative form of tananai
tataro {m} :: Tatar, Tartar (person, language (masculine only))
tataro di Crimea {m} :: Crimean Tatar
tattera {f} :: odds and ends
tattera {f} :: defect, flaw
tattica {f} :: tactics
tattica {f} :: stratagem
tattica {f} :: scheme
tatticamente {adv} :: tactically
tatticismo {m} :: The unscrupulous use of tactics, stratagems, or expedient maneuvers to further one's own ends
tatticità {f} [chemistry] :: tacticity
tattico {adj} :: tactical
tattico {adj} [chemistry] :: tactic
tattico {m} :: tactic(s)
tatticone {m} :: tactician
tatticone {m} :: old fox (person with strategic abilities)
tattile {adj} :: tactile
tattilità {f} :: tactility
tattilmente {adv} :: tactilely, tangibly
tattismo {m} [biology] :: taxis, tropism
tatto {m} :: touch (sense of)
tatto {m} :: tact
tatù {m} :: armadillo
tatuaggio {m} :: tattoo (mark on skin)
tatuante {v} :: present participle of tatuare
tatuare {v} :: to tattoo
tatuatore {m} :: tattooist, tattoo artist
tau {mf} :: tau (Greek letter)
Taumante {prop} [Greek god] :: Thaumas
taumatropio {m} :: thaumatrope
taumaturga {f} :: female equivalent of taumaturgo
taumaturgicamente {adv} :: thaumaturgically
taumaturgico {adj} :: thaumaturgical, thaumaturgic
taumaturgo {m} :: thaumaturge
tauone {m} [physics] :: tau lepton, tauon
tauonico {adj} [physics] :: tauonic
Taurasi {prop} :: Taurasi (town)
Taurasi {m} :: A fine red wine made in Campania from Aglianico grapes
Tauride {prop} :: Tauris
tauriforme {adj} :: Having the form of a bull
taurina {f} [organic compound] :: taurine
taurino {adj} :: taurine, bull (attributive), of a bull
tauro {m} [poetic] /ˈtau̯.ro/ :: bull
tauro {m} [poetic, astronomy] :: Taurus (constellation)
tauro {m} [poetic, astrology] :: Taurus (zodiac sign)
tauromachia {f} [bullfighting] :: tauromachy
tauromorfo {adj} :: synonym of tauriforme
taurotrago {m} :: eland (of the genus Taurotragus)
tautocronismo {m} [physics] /tau̯.to.kroˈ :: The property of being tautochronous
tautocronismo {m} :: synonym of isocronismo
tautocrono {adj} [physics] /tau̯ˈtɔ :: tautochronous (occupying the same time)
tautocrono {adj} :: synonym of isocrono
tautogramma {m} :: tautogram
tautologia {f} :: tautology
tautologicamente {adv} :: tautologically
tautologico {adj} :: tautological
tautologizzare {v} :: To tautologize
tautomeria {f} [chemistry] :: tautomerism
tautomero {adj} [chemistry] :: tautomeric
tautonimo {m} :: tautonym
tautosillabico {adj} :: tautosyllabic
Tav {prop} :: alternative case form of TAV (especially in newspapers)
TAV {prop} :: acronym of Treno ad Alta Velocità
TAV {prop} [specifically] :: the planned high-speed link between Italy (Turin) and France (Lyons)
tavella {f} :: A form of hollow tile
tavellato {adj} :: Made with tavella tiles
tavellone {m} :: tavella
taverna {f} /taˈvɛ :: tavern
tavernaio {m} :: taverner
tavernetta {f} :: rumpus room
taverniera {f} :: female equivalent of taverniere
taverniere {m} :: publican, landlord (tavern keeper)
Tavignano {prop} :: A river that flows in Corsica
tavola {f} [furniture] :: table
tavola {f} :: table (grid of data)
tavola {f} :: board, panel, plank, slab (thin piece of wood or other material)
tavola {f} :: plate (illustration)
tavola {f} [art] :: painting
tavola calda {f} :: diner
tavolaccio {m} :: plank-bed
tavola da surf {f} /ˈ .da ˈsurf/ :: surfboard
tavola fredda {f} :: snack bar
tavolame {m} :: planking
tavolame {m} :: lumber, timber
tavola per impasto {f} :: kneading trough
tavola periodica {f} :: periodic table
tavola pitagorica {f} [maths] :: multiplication table
Tavolara {prop} :: Tavolara (small island)
tavola reale {f} :: backgammon
tavola rotonda {f} :: round table
tavolata {f} :: table
tavolato {m} :: planking, boarding, boards (wooden flooring)
tavolato {m} :: boardwalk
tavolato {m} :: plateau
tavolella {f} :: A small table
tavoletta {f} :: small table
tavoletta {f} :: tablet, bar (especially of chocolate), cake, slab
tavoletta {f} :: toilet seat
tavoletta {f} [art] :: A painting, often consisting of several panes, executed on a tabletop
tavoliere {m} :: tableland
tavoliere {m} :: board (for boardgame)
tavolino {m} :: [item of furniture] A small table, an occasional table, a card table
tavolino {m} :: stage of a microscope
tavolino da salotto {m} [furniture] :: coffee table
tavolo {m} [furniture] :: table, board, desk
tavolo {m} [art] :: board, panel
tavolo da cena {m} [furniture] :: dinner table
tavolo da lavoro {m} :: worktable
tavolo da pranzo {m} [furniture] :: dining table
tavolone {m} :: large table
tavolone {m} :: batten (strip of wood used in construction)
tavolozza {f} :: A palette (board and range of colors)
taxi {m} /ˈtaksi/ :: taxi
taxi-girl {f} :: A nightclub hostess (paid to dance with, and entertain, customers)
taxi-girl {f} [colloquial] :: prostitute
taxista {mf} :: alternative form of tassista
taylorismo {m} [economics] :: Taylorism
tayloristico {adj} [economics] :: Taylor's, Tayloristic
tazebao {m} :: dazibao
Tazio {prop} :: given name
tazza {f} /ˈtattsa/ :: cup, mug
tazza {f} [slang] :: toilet bowl
tazzetta {f} :: A small cup
tazzetta {f} :: A variety of narcissus
tazzina {f} :: coffee cup (espresso size)
tazzone {m} :: mug (large cup)
Tbn. {n} [music] :: abbreviation of trombone
te {pron} [disjunctive, emphatic] /te/ :: you
te {pron} :: alternative form of ti
{m} :: tea
team {m} :: team (group of people)
teandria {f} :: theandry
teandrico {adj} :: theandric, theanthropic
teandrismo {m} :: theanthropism
teanina {f} :: theanine
teantropia {f} :: theanthropy
teatino {adj} :: Of or relating to Chieti or the Chieti people
teatino {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Chieti
teatrabile {adj} :: theatrical
teatrale {adj} :: theatrical, theatre (attributive), theater (attributive), stage (attributive), drama (attributive), acting
teatralità {f} :: theatricality
teatralmente {adv} :: theatrically
teatrante {mf} :: actor
teatrino {m} :: toy theatre
teatrino {m} :: puppet theatre
teatro {m} :: theatre, theater (building where plays are performed)
teatro {m} :: movie theater, cinema
teatro {m} :: drama (theatrical plays in general)
tebaico {adj} :: synonym of tebano
tebaide {f} :: hermitage
Tebaide {prop} :: Thebaid
tebaina {f} [organic compound] :: thebaine
tebaismo {m} :: opiumism
Tebaldello {prop} [rare] :: given name
Tebaldi {prop} :: surname
Tebaldo {prop} :: Theobald, Thybald
tebano {adj} :: Theban
Tebe {prop} :: Tebe (<<ancient>> Egyptian <<city>>)
Tebe {prop} :: Tebe (<<ancient>> Greek <<city>> in <<r/Boeotia>>)
Tebe {prop} :: Tebe (modern city)
-teca {suffix} :: Used to form nouns meaning a library, gallery or similar collection of things
teca {f} :: A small reliquary
tecca {f} [Tuscan, uncommon] /ˈtek.ka/ :: alternative form of teccola
tecca {f} [central Italy] :: synonym of pittima minore
tecca {f} [central Italy] :: synonym of pittima reale
teccola {f} [Tuscan] /ˈ :: spot, fleck
teccola {f} [figurative, Tuscan] :: flaw, fault
teccola {f} [Central Italy] :: synonym of voltolino
techno {m} [music] :: techno
Tecla {prop} :: Thecla, Thekla
tecnetato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: technetate
tecneto {m} [rare, chemistry] /tekˈnɛto/ :: technetium
tecnezio {m} [chemistry] /tekˈnɛttsjo/ :: technetium
tecnica {f} /ˈtɛknika/ :: technique
tecnicalità {f} :: technicality
tecnicamente {adv} :: technically
tecnicamente {adv} :: technologically
tecnicismo {m} :: technicality
tecnicismo {m} :: technical jargon, technical term
tecnicista {mf} :: technician
tecnicistico {adj} :: (excessively) technical
tecnicità {f} :: technicality, technicalness
tecnicizzante {v} :: present participle of tecnicizzare
tecnicizzare {vt} :: to technicalize
tecnicizzato {adj} :: technicalized
tecnicizzazione {f} :: technicalization
tecnico {adj} :: technical
tecnico {m} :: technician
tecnico {m} :: engineer
tecnifermione {m} [physics] :: technifermion‎
tecnigrafo {m} :: drafting machine
tecno- {prefix} :: techno-
tecnocrate {mf} :: technocrat
tecnocraticamente {adv} :: technocratically
tecnocratico {adj} :: technocratic
tecnocrazia {f} :: technocracy
tecnofibra {f} :: man-made fibre
tecnofilia {f} :: technophilia
tecnofilo {m} :: technophile
tecnofobia {f} :: technophobia
tecnofobo {m} :: technophobe
tecnologa {f} :: female equivalent of tecnologo
tecnologia {f} :: technology
tecnologia {f} :: technique
tecnologicamente {adv} :: technologically
tecnologico {adj} :: technological
tecnologizzante {v} :: present participle of tecnologizzare
tecnologizzare {vt} :: to make technological, technologize
tecnologo {m} :: technologist
tecnopatia {f} :: technopathy
tecnopatico {adj} :: technopathic
tecnopegnio {m} :: synonym of calligramma
tecnopolimero {m} :: technopolymer
tecnoscienza {f} :: technoscience
tecnostress {m} :: technostress
tecnostruttura {f} :: technostructure
tecnotronica {f} :: technotronics
tecnotronico {adj} :: technotronic
teco {prep} [archaic, literary] /ˈteko/ :: with you
tecodonte {adj} :: thecodont
tecoteca {f} :: tea house
tectonica {f} :: alternative form of tettonica
tectonico {adj} :: alternative form of tettonico
teda {f} [marriage] :: bridal torch
teda {f} [botany] :: pine
tedesca {f} :: female equivalent of tedesco
tedescamente {adv} :: Germanly
tedescante {adj} :: synonym of tedescofilo
tedescheggiante {v} :: present participle of tedescheggiare
tedescheggiare {vi} :: to Germanize
tedescheria {f} :: Boche, Kraut
Tedeschi {prop} :: Germans (the German people)
tedeschismo {m} :: Germanism
tedeschizzante {v} :: present participle of tedeschizzare
tedeschizzare {vt} :: To Germanize
tedeschizzazione {f} :: Germanization
tedesco {adj} /teˈdes.ko/ :: German; of Germany
tedesco {m} :: German language
tedesco {m} :: (male) German person
Tedesco {prop} :: surname
tedescofilia {f} :: Germanophilia
tedescofilo {adj} :: Germanophile
tedescofilo {m} :: Germanophile
tedescofobia {f} :: Germanophobia
tedescofobo {adj} :: Germanophobe
tedescofobo {m} :: Germanophobe
tedescofono {adj} :: Germanophone
tedescofono {m} :: Germanophone
tedescume {m} :: Krauts
tedeum {m} :: Te Deum
tediante {v} :: present participle of tediare
tediare {vt} [literary] /teˈ :: to bother, annoy
tediare {vt} [literary] :: to bore
tediarsi {v} /teˈ :: reflexive of tediare
tediarsi {vi} [literary] :: to be bothered or annoyed
tediarsi {vi} [literary] :: to be bored
tedio {m} /ˈtɛ.djo/ :: tedium, boredom
tediosamente {adv} :: tediously, boringly
tediosamente {adv} :: bothersomely
tediosità {f} /te.djo.ziˈta/ :: tediousness, boredom
tediosità {f} :: bother
tedioso {adj} [literary] /teˈdjo.zo/ :: tedious, boring, dull
tedioso {adj} [literary] :: bothersome
tedofora {f} :: female equivalent of tedoforo
tedoforo {m} :: torchbearer
Teduccio {prop} :: Theodosius
teff {m} :: teff
teflonante {v} :: present participle of teflonare
teflonare {vt} :: To coat with teflon
teflonato {adj} :: teflon-coated
teflonato {adj} :: non-stick
tè freddo {m} :: iced tea
tefrite {f} [geology] :: tephrite
tefromanzia {f} :: tephromancy
tega {f} :: pod (of a bean etc)
tega {f} [slang] :: penis
tega {f} :: fishbone
tegamata {f} :: pan (quantity), panful
tegame {m} /teˈɡ :: pan (for cooking; especially a frying pan)
tegamino {m} :: diminutive of tegame: small frying pan
tegenaria {f} :: funnel weaver (of genus Tegenaria)
tegghia {f} :: alternative form of teglia
Tegghiaio {prop} [rare] :: given name
teglia {f} :: tin, tray or sheet for baking
teglia {f} [by extension] :: the quantity of food contained in such tin etc
teglia {f} :: large-brimmed hat worn by some priests
tegliata {f} :: trayful
tegnente {adj} :: alternative form of tenente
tegola {f} :: tile (roofing)
tegola d'ardesia {f} :: slate (for writing on)
tegolina {f} :: synonym of fagiolino
tegolone {m} :: large (roofing) tile
tegumentale {adj} :: integumental
tegumentario {adj} :: integumental (Variant of: tegumentale)
tegumento {m} [botany] /te.ɡuˈ :: integument
Teheran {prop} :: Teheran (capital city)
Teia {prop} [Greek god] :: Theia
teicoltore {m} :: tea grower
teicoltura {f} :: tea growing
teiera {f} /teˈjɛ.ra/ :: teapot
teina {f} :: theine
teina {f} :: caffeine (when in tea)
teismo {m} :: theism
teista {mf} :: theist
teistico {adj} :: theistic
tek {m} :: teak
tela {f} :: cloth
tela {f} :: canvas
tela {f} :: curtain (theatre)
telaggio {m} :: weave, weaving
telaino {m} :: The trellis on which silkworms are bred
telaino {m} :: The frame on which honeycombs are held
telaio {m} :: loom, frame (frame in which to weave)
telaio {m} :: frame (structural element of a constructed object)
telaio {m} :: chassis, frame (the base frame of a motor vehicle)
telaio {m} :: computer case
telaio {m} :: bedstead
telaistica {m} [automotive] :: frame (of a motor vehicle)
telamone {m} :: telamon, atlas
Telamone {prop} :: Telamon
telangettasia {f} :: telangiectasia
telangiectasia {f} [pathology] :: telangiectasia
telare {v} :: To run away
telaro {m} :: alternative form of telaio
telato {adj} :: linen (attributive)
tele- {prefix} :: tele- (all senses)
tele {f} [colloquial] :: telly [UK], TV
teleabbonato {m} :: A paying subscriber to a TV company
teleacquisto {m} :: teleshopping
teleallarme {m} :: remote alarm (to warn of intruders, or to summon help)
teleangectasia {f} [pathology] :: telangiectasia
teleannunciatore {m} :: television announcer
telearma {f} [military] /te.leˈ :: guided weapon
teleascoltatore {m} :: viewer (of TV programs)
teleaudiovisivo {adj} :: teleaudiovisual
teleautografia {f} :: teleautography
teleautografo {m} :: teleautograph
telebanda {f} [computing] :: punched tape
telebomba {f} [military] :: (air-launched) guided bomb
teleborsa {f} :: ticker tape service
telecamera {f} :: television camera
telecardiologia {f} :: telecardiology
telecettore {m} :: telereceptor
telechirurgia {f} [surgery] :: telesurgery
telecinematografia {f} :: telecine (system and transmission)
telecinesi {f} :: telekinesis
telecinetico {adj} :: telekinetic
telecittà {f} :: television studios and associated buildings
telecomandante {v} :: present participle of telecomandare
telecomandare {vt} :: To operate something by remote control
telecomandato {adj} :: remote-controlled
telecomando {m} :: remote control, clicker, flipper
telecommentatore {m} :: television commentator
telecomunicare {v} :: To telecommunicate
telecomunicazione {f} :: Any particular telecommunications system
teleconferenza {f} :: teleconference
teleconsulto {m} :: teleconsultation
telecontrollante {v} :: present participle of telecontrollare
telecontrollare {vt} :: To operate by remote control
telecontrollo {m} :: remote monitoring
telecopia {f} :: telecopy, fax
telecopiatore {m} :: telecopier, fax machine
telecopiatrice {f} :: telecopier, fax machine
telecopiatura {f} :: telecopying, faxing
telecrazia {f} :: teleocracy
telecronaca {f} :: television report
telecronista {mf} :: TV commentator
telecuore {m} :: telecardiogram
telediagnosi {f} :: telediagnosis
teledialisi {f} :: teledialysis
telediastolico {adj} [anatomy] :: telediastolic
teledidattica {f} :: teledidactics
telediffondente {v} :: present participle of telediffondere
telediffondere {vt} :: To broadcast (by television)
telediffusione {f} :: radio or TV broadcasting
telediffusore {m} :: broadcaster (especially TV)
teledipendente {mf} :: couch potato (TV addict)
teledipendenza {f} :: synonym of videodipendenza
teledistribuzione {f} :: cable TV network
teledocumentazione {f} :: teledocumentation
teledramma {m} :: teleplay
teledrin {m} :: pager, beeper
teleelaborazione {f} [computing] :: teleprocessing
teleelettroencefalografia {f} :: teleelectroencephalography (remote electroencephalography)
telefax {m} :: fax (machine or document)
teleferica {f} /te.leˈfɛ.ri.ka/ :: cableway, aerial ropeway, telpher
teleferico {adj} /te.leˈfɛ.ri.ko/ :: cableway, ropeway, telpher (attributive)
teleferista {mf} :: cableway, ropeway or telpher operator
telefilm {m} :: A single episode of a television series
telefilm {m} :: television series; television serial
Telefo {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Telephus
telefonante {v} :: present participle of telefonare
telefonantesi {v} :: present participle of telefonarsi
telefonare {vit} [a] :: to telephone (someone); to make a phone call
telefonarsi {vr} :: To talk to someone on the telephone
telefonata {f} /te.le.foˈna.ta/ :: A phone call
telefonatore {m} [familiar, often jocular] /ˈ :: telephoner, phoner [male]
telefonatosi {v} :: past participle of telefonarsi
telefonatrice {f} [familiar, often jocular] /ˈtri.t͡ʃe/ :: female equivalent of telefonatore
telefonia {f} :: telephony
telefonia fissa {f} :: landline (fixed telephone communications cable)
telefonicamente {adv} :: telephonically (by means of a telephone)
telefonico {adj} [attributive] /te.leˈfɔ.ni.ko/ :: telephone, phone
telefonino {m} /te.le.foˈ :: diminutive of telefono
telefonino {m} :: mobile phone, mobile, cellphone, cellular
telefonista {mf} :: switchboard operator; telephonist
telefono {m} /teˈlɛfono/ :: telephone, phone
telefono cellulare {m} :: cellular phone, cell phone, cellular, mobile phone
teleforo {m} :: a cableway system in which material is transported by being attached to a moving cable
telefoto {f} :: telephoto (photograph taken with a telephoto lens)
telefotografia {f} :: telephotography
telefotografia {f} :: telephoto, telephotograph (photograph taken with a telephoto lens, or one transmitted by telephony)
telefotografico {adj} :: telephotographic
telegenico {adj} :: telegenic
telegestione {f} [computing] :: remote management (of a server or other device/system)
telegiornale {m} :: television news programme
telegiornalismo {m} :: television journalism
telegiornalista {mf} :: television journalist
telegiornalista {mf} :: newscaster
Telegono {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Telegonus
telegrafante {v} :: present participle of telegrafare
telegrafare {vit} :: to telegraph, cable
telegrafia {f} :: telegraphy
telegraficamente {adv} :: by telegram, telegraphically
telegraficamente {adv} :: concisely, briefly
telegrafico {adj} /te.leɡˈ :: telegraph (attributive)
telegrafico {adj} :: telegraphic
telegrafista {mf} :: telegraphist
telegrafista {mf} :: telegraph operator
telegrafo {m} :: telegraph
telegrafo {m} :: telegraph office
telegrafonico {adj} :: telegraphic
telegramma {m} :: telegram
teleguida {f} :: remote control
teleguidante {v} :: present participle of teleguidare
teleguidare {vt} :: To operate by remote control
teleguidato {adj} :: remote control (attributive)
teleguidato {adj} :: remote-controlled
teleimbonitore {m} :: television salesman / evangelist
teleimpiego {m} :: remote working
teleinformatica {f} :: teleinformatics, remote computing
telelavoratore {m} :: telecommuter, teleworker
telelavorista {mf} :: teleworker
telelavoro {m} :: telecommuting, telework
telelettura {f} :: remote reading
telelibera {f} :: private television broadcasting
telelibera {f} :: closed-circuit television
Telemaco {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Telemachus
Telemaco {prop} :: given name
telemanipolatore {m} :: telemanipulator
telemarketing {m} :: telemarketing
telemat {m} :: A public telephone that works with coins, tokens and/or magnetic cards
telematica {f} :: telematics
telematica {f} :: telecoms
telematica {f} :: data transmission
telematicamente {adv} :: telematically
telematico {adj} :: telematic
telematico {m} :: expert in telematics
telematizzante {v} :: present participle of telematizzare
telematizzare {v} :: to organize a system or service by using telematics
telemeccanica {f} :: telemechanics
telemeccanico {adj} :: telemechanical
telemedicina {f} [medicine] :: telemedicine
telemessaggio {m} :: televised message or speech
telemetraggio {m} :: rangefinding (measurement of distance using a rangefinder)
telemetrante {v} :: present participle of telemetrare
telemetrare {vt} :: to telemeter
telemetria {f} :: telemetry (all senses)
telemetrico {adj} :: telemetric
telemetrista {m} :: telemetrist (telemeter operator)
telemetrista {m} :: range finder
telemetro {m} :: rangefinder
telemisura {f} :: telemetry (system or data)
telemisurazione {f} :: telemetry (system)
telencefalo {m} :: telencephalon; endbrain; cerebrum
telenotiziario {m} :: television news (programme)
telenovela {f} :: telenovela (especially one from South America)
teleobiettivo {m} :: telephoto lens
teleologia {f} /te.le.o.loˈdʒi.a/ :: teleology
teleologico {adj} :: teleological
teleoperatore {m} :: teleoperator
teleosteo {m} :: Any ray-finned fish of the infraclass Teleostei
telepass {m} :: electronic toll collection (on Italian motorways)
telepatia {f} :: telepathy
telepaticamente {adv} :: telepathically
telepatico {adj} :: telepathic
telepedaggio {m} :: Any of several automatic toll-collecting systems that detect a car's position on a motorway
teleporto {m} :: teleport (satellite ground station)
telepredica {f} :: television preaching
telepredicatore {m} :: televangelist
telepresenza {f} :: telepresence
teleprogramma {m} :: TV programme
teleproietto {m} [military] :: guided weapon
telepromozione {f} :: plug (by a celebrity promoting a product)
telequiz {m} :: television quiz
teleradiografia {f} :: teleradiography
teleradioterapia {f} :: Remote radiotherapy
teleradiotrasmesso {adj} :: simulcasted
teleradiotrasmettente {v} :: present participle of teleradiotrasmettere
teleradiotrasmettere {vt} :: to simulcast; to broadcast by radio and television simultaneously
teleraffrescamento {m} :: district cooling
teleria {f} :: textiles, fabric
teleria {f} :: draper's (shop)
telericevente {adj} :: television receiving (attributive)
telericevere {v} :: To receive television broadcasts
telericezione {f} :: television reception
telerilevamento {m} :: remote sensing
teleripetitore {m} :: television repeater
teleripresa {f} :: telephoto or distance shot (in film)
teleripresa {f} :: televising
teleriscaldamento {m} :: district heating
teleriscaldare {v} :: To provide district heating
teleromanzo {m} :: TV miniseries
teleruttore {m} :: remote control switch
teleschermo {m} :: television screen
teleschermo {m} :: telescreen
telescopia {f} :: telescopy
telescopico {adj} :: telescopic
telescopio {m} :: telescope
telescopio solare {m} :: solar telescope
telescritto {adj} /te.lesˈ :: written by a teleprinter
telescritto {m} :: A text received and printed by means of a teleprinter
telescrivente {f} :: teleprinter
telescrivente {f} :: telex
telescrivente {f} :: news ticker
telescriventista {mf} :: teleprinter operator
telescuola {f} :: educational TV broadcasting
telesegnalazione {f} :: remote signalling
teleselettivo {adj} :: direct-dialling; STD (attributive)
teleselezione {f} :: subscriber trunk dialling (STD)
teleseminario {m} :: synonym of seminario in rete
telesina {f} :: synonym of teresina
Telesio {prop} :: surname
Telesio {prop} :: Bernardino Telesio, Italian philosopher and naturalist
telesismo {m} :: teleseism
telesoccorso {m} :: helpline (telephone help service)
telesonda {f} :: synonym of radiosonda
telesondaggio {m} :: radio sounding
telesorveglianza {f} :: telesurveillance
telespazzatura {f} [colloquial, derogatory] :: trash TV, junk TV
telespettatore {m} :: A viewer, a television watcher
telespia {f} :: telephone bug (to intercept telephone conversations)
telestampa {f} :: Transmission of newspaper articles by teleprinter
telestampante {f} :: teleprinter
telestesia {f} :: telesthesia
telestico {m} :: telesticon
teletaxe {m} :: telephone meter
teletecnico {m} :: television technician
teletermografia {f} :: telethermography
teletext {m} :: Teletext
telethon {m} :: telethon
teletrasmesso {adj} :: broadcast
teletrasmettente {v} :: present participle of teletrasmettere
teletrasmettere {vt} :: to broadcast by television; to televise
teletrasmettere {vt} :: to transmit something a distance
teletrasmettitore {m} :: television transmitter
teletrasmissione {f} :: telecast (television transmission)
teletrasmittente {adj} :: television broadcasting (attributive)
teletrasmittente {f} :: television station
teletrasportante {v} :: present participle of teletrasportare
teletrasportantesi {v} :: present participle of teletrasportarsi
teletrasportare {vti} :: To teleport (sci fi)
teletrasportarsi {vr} :: To teleport (oneself)
teletrasporto {m} :: teleportation
teletrattamento {m} [computing] :: teleprocessing
teletruffa {f} :: telesales scam
teletta {f} :: interfacing (in clothes)
teleutente {mf} :: television subscriber
televedere {v} [colloquial] :: to see on television
televendita {f} :: Product sales on television
televendita {f} :: A TV home shopping programme
televenditore {m} :: teleseller
televideo {m} :: Teletext, videotext
televisione {f} :: television
televisivo {adj} /televiˈzivo/ :: TV, television (attributive)
televisore {m} :: television set
televoto {m} :: phone voting (especially in the context of a television show)
telex {m} :: telex
telex {adj} :: telex (attributive)
telferaggio {m} :: telpherage
telico {adj} :: telic
Tellaro {prop} :: Tellaro (river)
tellina {f} [zoology] :: tellin
tellina {f} :: clam (Donax trunculus)
tellurico {adj} [chemistry, geology] :: telluric
telluridrico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: tellurhydric
tellurio {m} [chemistry] :: tellurium
telluroso {adj} [chemistry] :: tellurous
tellururo {m} :: telluride
telo {m} :: sheet, cloth, length of cloth
telocentrico {adj} [genetics] :: telocentric
telofase {f} [biology] :: telophase
telomerasi {f} [enzyme] :: telomerase
telomerico {adj} :: telomeric
telomero {m} [genetics] :: telomere
telonato {adj} :: Covered with tarpaulin
telone {m} :: A large piece of cloth
telone {m} :: tarpaulin
tema {m} /ˈtɛma/ :: theme, subject
tema {m} [linguistics] :: stem
tema {m} :: thesis
tema {f} /ˈtɛma/ :: fear
tematica {f} :: Main or basic theme
tematico {adj} :: thematic (all senses)
tematizzante {v} :: present participle of tematizzare
tematizzare {vt} :: To thematize
tematizzazione {f} :: thematization
temente {v} :: present participle of temere
tementesi {v} :: present participle of temersi
temenza {f} :: timidity, shyness
temenza {f} :: fear
temerariamente {adv} :: rashly, recklessly
temerariamente {adv} :: audaciously, daringly
temerarietà {f} :: recklessness, rashness, temerity
temerarietà {f} :: boldness, derring-do
temerario {adj} :: reckless, rash
temerario {m} :: a reckless person
temere {v} :: to fear
temere {v} :: to beware
temerità {f} :: synonym of temerarietà
temersi {vr} :: To frighten each other (or oneself)
temibile {adj} /teˈ :: frightful, frightening, formidable
temibilissimo {adj} :: superlative of temibile
temibilmente {adv} :: formidably, frightfully
temide {f} :: justice, law
Temistocle {prop} :: Themistocles
Temistocle {prop} :: given name
Temo {prop} :: Temo (river)
temolo {m} /ˈtɛ.mo.lo/ :: grayling (Thymallus thymallus)
temore {m} [obsolete] :: alternative form of timore
temoroso {adj} [obsolete] :: alternative form of timoroso
tempaccio {m} :: filthy weather, foul weather
tempaiolo {m} :: suckling pig
tempario {m} :: time chart
tempera {f} [painting] /ˈtɛ :: tempera, distemper (a water-based paint)
tempera {f} [by extension, countable] :: tempera painting
tempera {f} :: alternative form of tempra (tempering, hardening)
temperalapis {m} :: pencil sharpener
temperamatite {m} :: pencil sharpener
temperamento {m} :: temperament, disposition
temperamine {m} :: pencil sharpener
temperante {v} :: present participle of temperare
temperante {adj} :: moderate
temperantemente {adv} :: moderately
temperanza {f} :: temperance
temperanza {f} :: moderation
temperare {vt} :: to sharpen [a pencil, etc.]
temperare {vt} :: to temper [metal]
temperare {vt} :: to quench
temperarsi {v} :: reflexive of temperare
temperarsi {v} :: to hold back from fulfilling one's instincts; to discipline oneself
temperatamente {adv} :: temperately, moderately
temperativo {adj} :: temperative, attenuative, mitigative
temperato {adj} :: moderate, temperate
temperato {adj} :: tempered (steel)
temperatura {f} /temperaˈtura/ :: temperature (a measure of cold or hot, of a body or environment)
temperatura percepita {f} :: perceived temperature
temperie {f} :: climate
temperie {f} :: atmosphere
temperino {m} :: penknife
tempesta {f} :: storm, tempest
tempesta {f} :: shower (tempesta di pugni - shower of blows)
tempesta di mare {f} :: storm surge
tempesta di neve {n} :: drifter
tempesta di sabbia {f} :: sandstorm (strong wind carrying clouds of sand)
tempesta in un bicchiere d'acqua {n} :: storm in a teacup, storm in a teapot, storm in a teakettle
tempestante {v} :: present participle of tempestare
tempestare {vt} :: to rain [blows]
tempestare {vt} :: to bombard [with questions]
tempestio {m} :: hail shower
tempestivamente {adv} :: timely, forthwith
tempestività {f} :: timeliness
tempestivo {adj} :: timely, well-timed
tempestosamente {adv} :: wildly, violently, tempestuously
tempestoso {adj} :: stormy
tempia {f} [anatomy] :: temple (of the head)
tempiere {m} :: synonym of templare
tempietto {m} :: A small building, in the form of a temple, in a landscaped garden
tempificante {v} :: present participle of tempificare
tempificare {vt} :: To schedule or time
tempificazione {f} :: scheduling, timing
tempio {m} [religion] /ˈtɛm.pjo/ :: temple
tempio {m} [figurative, literary] :: temple
tempio {m} [by extension of the previous sense] :: temple, capital, seat
tempio {m} [literary] :: the sky/heaven/paradise as a temple
tempio {m} :: the firmament as a temple
tempismo {m} :: carefulness or shrewdness in choosing the correct instant to act; timing
tempista {mf} :: A person with a good sense of timing
tempista {mf} :: timekeeper (sports etc)
tempistica {f} :: time needed to complete a task
tempistica {f} :: deadline
templado {adj} :: temperate (climate)
templare {m} :: Templar
templare {adj} :: Templar [attribute]
templare {adj} :: pertaining to a temple or the Knights Templar
templaria {f} :: feminine noun of templario
templario {m} [rare] :: Templar
templario {adj} [rare] :: Templar [attribute]
templario {adj} [rare] :: pertaining to a temple or the Knights Templar
templatizzante {v} :: present participle of templatizzare
templatizzare {v} :: To templatize
templo {m} [archaic] /ˈtɛm.plo/ :: alternative form of tempio
tempo {m} /ˈtɛm.po/ :: time
tempo {m} :: time, age, period
tempo {m} :: part (of a film, show, etc.)
tempo {m} :: weather
tempo {m} [music] :: time, tempo, rhythm, beat, pulse
tempo {m} [grammar] :: tense
tempo di guerra {m} :: wartime
tempo di pace {m} :: peacetime
tempo immemorabile {m} :: time immemorial
tempo libero {m} :: free time, spare time, leisure
tempone {m} :: large amount or period of time
tempone {m} :: party, celebration, revelry
tempora {f} {p} [Roman Catholicism, historical] /ˈtɛm.po.ra/ :: Ember days: days of fasting formerly prescribed for the Wednesday, Friday and Saturday of the first week of each season
temporale {adj} [time] :: time (attributive), temporal
temporale {adj} :: worldly, temporal, secular
temporale {adj} [grammar] :: of time, temporal
temporale {adj} [anatomy] :: temporal
temporale {m} [weather] :: thunderstorm, storm, rainstorm
temporale {m} [skeleton] :: temporal, temporal bone
temporale {m} [muscle] :: temporalis, temporal muscle
temporalesco {adj} :: stormy, storm (attributive)
temporalismo {m} :: temporalism
temporalità {f} :: temporality
temporalmente {adv} :: temporally
temporaneamente {adv} :: temporarily, provisionally
temporaneità {f} :: temporariness
temporaneo {adj} :: temporary, provisional, interim, makeshift
temporaneo {adj} :: stopgap
temporeggiamento {m} :: temporizing
temporeggiante {v} :: present participle of temporeggiare
temporeggiare {vi} :: to play for time; to temporize
temporeggiare {vi} [military] :: to postpone the coup de grace to wear down the enemy
temporeggiare {vi} [archaic] :: to adapt one's behavior to the circumstances
temporeggiare {vt} :: to postpone [a problem]; to sweep under the rug
temporeggiatore {m} :: temporizer
temporeggiatrice {f} :: female equivalent of temporeggiatore
tempo restante {n} :: time remaining
temporizzante {v} :: present participle of temporizzare
temporizzare {vt} :: to time
temporizzatore {m} :: timer [device]
temporizzazione {f} :: timing
temporomandibolare {adj} [anatomy] :: temporomandibular
temporoparietale {adj} [anatomy] :: temporoparietal
temporoparietale {m} [muscle] :: temporoparietalis, temporoparietalis muscle
tempo supplementare {m} [sports] :: extra time
tempo trascorso {n} :: time elapsed
tempra {f} :: tempering, hardening
tempra {f} :: temper (effect of tempering)
tempra {f} :: constitution, temperament
temprabile {adj} :: hardenable, temperable
temprabilità {f} :: hardenability, temperability
temprante {v} :: present participle of temprare
tempranza {f} :: alternative form of temperanza
temprare {v} :: to temper
temprare {v} :: to strengthen or toughen
tempura {mf} /temˈpu.ra/ :: tempura
tempuscolo {m} :: moment (brief time period)
tempuscolo {m} [physics] :: An infinitesimal time period
temulenza {f} :: temulence
temutissimo {adj} :: superlative of temuto
temuto {adj} :: dreaded
temuto {adj} :: frightening
temutosi {v} :: past participle of temersi
tenace {adj} :: strong
tenace {adj} :: lasting
tenace {adj} :: tenacious
tenacemente {adv} :: tenaciously
tenacia {f} :: tenacity
tenacissimo {adj} :: superlative of tenace
tenacità {f} :: tenacity
tenacolo {m} /teˈna.ko.lo/ :: tenaculum
tenaglia {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: pincers, forceps
tenagliare {v} :: alternative form of tanagliare
tenalgia {f} [pathology] :: tendonalgia (pain associated with a tendon)
tenario {adj} :: infernal
tenario {m} :: A type of black marble from Laconia
Tencalla {prop} :: surname
tenda {f} :: tent
tenda {f} :: curtain, blind, shade
tenda {f} :: awning, sunshade, sunblind
tendaggio {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: curtains, drapes
tendale {m} :: marquee (large tent)
tendalino {m} :: awning
tendame {m} :: curtains, drapery
tendente {v} :: present participle of tendere
tendente {adj} :: tending (to)
tendenza {f} :: tendency, bent, inclination, proneness, propension
tendenza {f} :: trend, drift
tendenza {f} [politics] :: leaning, camp, party
tendenziale {adj} :: Related to a tendency, tendential
tendenzialmente {adv} :: tendentially, basically
tendenziosamente {adv} :: tendentiously
tendenziosità {f} :: tendentiousness
tendenzioso {adj} :: tendentious
tender {v} :: apocopic form of tendere
tendere {vt} :: to tighten
tendere {vt} :: to stretch
tendere {vt} :: to crane [the neck]
tendere {vi} :: to tend
tendere {vi} :: to draw [the bow]
tendere una mano {v} :: to help
tendere una mano {v} :: to offer help or assistance
tenderometro {m} :: tenderometer
tendibile {adj} :: tensile
tendicatena {m} :: chain stretcher
tendicinghia {m} :: belt tightener
tendicollo {m} :: collar stud
tendifilo {m} :: tension disk(s)
tendina {f} :: curtain
tendina {f} :: shutter (of a movie camera / projector)
tendine {m} [anatomy] /ˈtɛndine/ :: tendon, sinew
tendine d'Achille {m} [anatomy] :: Achilles' tendon
tendine di Achille {m} :: Achilles’ tendon
tendineo {adj} [anatomy] :: tendinous, tendon (attributive)
tendinite {f} [pathology] :: tendinitis
tendinopatia {f} [pathology] :: tendon condition; tendinopathy
tendinoso {adj} [anatomy] :: tendinous
tendiscarpe {m} :: shoe tree
tenditelo {adj} :: stretch (attributive)
tenditoio {m} :: tensioner
tenditore {m} :: turnbuckle
tenditore {m} :: expander, tightener
tendone {m} :: big top (circus tent)
tendone {m} :: marquee
tendone {m} :: door curtain
tendopoli {f} :: tent city
tenebra {f} :: darkness, gloom, night
tenebrare {v} :: To darken
tenebrare {v} :: To occlude
tenebrore {m} :: widespread darkness
tenebrosamente {adv} :: darkly, gloomily
tenebrosamente {adv} :: mysteriously
tenebrosità {f} :: darkness, dark, gloom
tenebroso {adj} :: dark, gloomy, creepy, anxiety inspiring
tenebroso {adj} :: mysterious
Tenedo {prop} :: Tenedo (island)
tenente {adj} /teˈnɛn.te/ :: tenacious
tenente {adj} :: resistant
tenente {m} :: lieutenant
tenentesi {v} :: present participle of tenersi
tenenza {f} :: lieutenancy
tener {v} :: apocopic form of tenere
teneramente {adv} :: tenderly
teneramente {adv} :: softly
tener duro {v} [idiom] :: stick to one's guns
tenere {vt} /teˈ :: to hold
tenere {v} :: to set aside; to conserve
tenere {v} :: to hold [one's spot in line, etc.]
tenere {v} :: to reserve
tenere {vt} :: to keep
tenere {vit} :: to hold up; to sustain
tenere {vt} :: continue to wear; to not remove [a garment]; to keep on [a garment]
tenere {vt} :: to take
tenere {vt} [sometimes, southern Italy] :: to have; to possess
tenere {vt} :: to treat (in a certain way)
tenere {vt} :: to have employed
tenere {vt} :: to manage
tenere {vt} :: [of a speech, lesson, etc.] to carry out
tenere {vt} :: to have over or keep (at a place)
tenere {vt} :: to hold back [an impulse, feeling, etc.]
tenere {vt} :: to look over or take care of
tenere {vt} :: to assume or take up [a behavior, attitude, etc.]
tenere {vt} :: to take up [occupy space]
tenere {vt} [familiar] :: to contain
tenere {vt} [military] :: to defend [a position, etc.] from enemy attack
tenere {vt} [journalism] :: to continue coverage of uninteresting or unpressing news, in hopes of future developments
tenere {vt} [literary] :: to consider or deem; to hold to be
tenere {vt} [archaic] :: to refrain from spending; to be stingy
tenere {vi} :: [of a glue, etc.] to stick or attach well
tenere {vi} :: to be airtight
tenere {vi} :: to seem colorable; to hold water
tenere {vi} :: to last
tenere {vi} :: (with per) to support someone's views, positions, etc
tenere {vi} :: (with per) to root (for)
tenere {vi} :: (with a) to like or love (in a non romantic way)
tenere {vi} [economics] :: [of a currency, stock market, etc.] to remain stable
tenere {vi} [rare] :: to look like
tenere a bada {vt} :: To restrain, to control, to keep in check
tenere all'oscuro {phrase} :: keep someone in the dark
tenere botta {v} :: to persist, resist
tenere conto {v} :: Variant of prendere in considerazione
tenere d'occhio {vt} [idiom] :: to keep an eye on
tenere duro {vi} [idiom] :: to resist tenaciously in difficult situations; to refuse to give up; to hold out
tenere il broncio {v} :: to sulk
tenere il muso {v} :: to sulk
tenere in cuore {v} [idiom] :: to keep [one's emotions, etc.] bottled up
tenere in equilibrio {v} :: to balance
tenere in piedi {v} [idiom] :: to keep in place; to maintain
tenere presente {vt} :: To consider, to take into account
tenere un piede in due staffe {v} :: to hold with the hare and run with the hounds
tenerezza {f} :: tenderness
tenerissimo {adj} :: superlative of tenero
tenerissimo {adj} :: very tender, very soft
tenerissimo {adj} :: very affectionate, very fond
tenerità {f} :: tenderness
tenerizzatore {m} :: tenderizer
tenero {adj} /ˈtɛ :: (also figuratively) tender, soft; delicate, kind
tenero {adj} :: cute
tenero {m} :: tender part, soft part
tenero {m} :: love
tenerona {f} :: softy (sentimental woman)
tenerone {m} :: softy (sentimental person)
tenersi {v} :: reflexive of tenere
tenersi {vr} :: to hold (oneself), lean
tenersi {vr} :: to keep (oneself), stand, stay
tenersi {vr} :: to take place, be held
tenerume {m} :: soft part
tenerume {m} :: affectations
tenerume {m} :: gristle
tenesmo {m} [pathology] :: tenesmus
tenia {f} :: tapeworm
teniasi {f} [pathology] :: taeniasis
tenibile {adj} :: tenable, defensible
teniere {m} :: stock / tiller of a crossbow
tenifugo {adj} :: taenifuge (attributive)
tenifugo {m} :: taenifuge
tenimento {m} :: estate, farm, property
teniodonte {m} :: taeniodont
tenitore {m} :: holder, keeper
Tenna {prop} :: Tenna (river)
Tennessee {prop} /ten.nesˈsi/ :: Tennessee (state)
tennis {m} :: tennis
tennis da tavolo {m} :: table tennis, ping pong
tennista {mf} [sports] :: tennis player
tennistavolista {mf} [sports] :: table tennis player
tennis tavolo {m} :: table tennis
tennistavolo {m} [sports] :: table tennis
tennistico {adj} :: tennis (attributive)
tenno {m} /ˈtɛ :: The official title of the emperor of Japan
tenno {m} :: The emperor of Japan
tenonatrice {f} :: tenoner
tenone {m} :: tenon
tenore {m} :: tone
tenore {m} :: tenor
tenore {m} :: standard
tenore di vita {m} :: standard of living
tenoreggiante {v} :: present participle of tenoreggiare
tenoreggiare {vi} [music] :: to sing tenor
tenorile {adj} [music] :: tenor
tenorino {m} [music] :: high tenor
tenorrafia {f} [surgery] :: tenorrhaphy (surgery to a tendon)
tenosinovite {f} [pathology] :: tenosynovitis
tenotomia {f} [surgery] :: tenotomy
tenotomo {m} :: tenotome
tensina {f} [biology] :: tensin
tensioattività {f} [chemistry] :: surface activity
tensioattivo {adj} :: surface-active
tensioattivo {m} :: surfactant
tensiografo {m} :: tensiograph
tensiometria {f} [physics] :: tensiometry
tensiometrico {adj} [physics] :: tensiometric
tensiometro {m} [physics] :: tensiometer
tensionale {adj} :: tensional
tensionamento {m} [physics] :: tension
tensione {f} /tenˈsjone/ :: tension, suspense
tensione {f} :: stress
tensione {f} :: pressure
tensione {f} :: voltage
tensivo {adj} :: tensive
tensore {m} [mathematics, physics] :: tensor
tensore del palato {m} [muscle] :: tensor palati, tensor veli palatini
tensore del timpano {m} [muscle] :: tensor tympani
tensore del velo palatino {m} [muscle] :: tensor veli palatini, tensor palati
tensoriale {adj} :: tensorial; tensor (attributive)
tensorialità {f} [mathematics] :: The property of being tensorial
tensostruttura {f} [architecture] :: tensile structure
tentabile {adj} :: That can be tried; triable
tentabile {ms} :: everything possible
tentacolare {adj} :: tentacular
tentacolo {m} [zoology, figuratively] :: tentacle, limb, arm
tentante {v} :: present participle of tentare
tentare {v} :: to try, to attempt
tentare {v} :: to tempt, to lure, to attract, to entice
tentare il tutto per tutto {v} :: to go for broke
tentativo {m} :: attempt, try, effort, shot, endeavour
tentato {adj} :: attempted (murder, etc)
tentato {adj} :: tempted
tentatore {adj} :: tempting
tentatore {m} :: tempter
tentatrice {f} :: temptress
tentazione {f} :: temptation
tentennamento {m} :: wavering
tentennamento {m} :: hesitation
tentennante {v} :: present participle of tentennare
tentennare {vi} :: to totter, stagger
tentennare {vi} :: to hesitate
tentennare il capo {v} :: To shake one's head
tentennatore {m} :: totterer, staggerer
tentennella {f} :: synonym of campanella
tentennio {m} :: shaking, tottering, wobbling
tentennio {m} :: hesitation, wavering, indecision
tentoni {adv} :: gropingly
tentredine {f} :: sawfly
tenuamente {adv} :: tenuously, weakly, slightly
tenue {adj} /ˈt̪ɛːnu.e/ :: soft (colour)
tenue {adj} :: feeble (voice)
tenue {adj} :: faint (sunlight)
tenue {adj} [figurative] :: slight, slender (hopes etc)
tenuemente {adv} :: slightly, faintly, weakly
tenuità {f} :: softness, thinness, tenuity, faintness
tenuta {f} :: capacity
tenuta {f} :: uniform
tenuta {f} :: manor [estate]
tenuta {f} :: attire
tenuta agricola {f} :: alternative form of azienda agricola
tenutaria {f} :: madam (of a brothel)
tenutario {m} :: keeper, manager (especially of a brothel)
tenutosi {v} :: past participle of tenersi
tenzonante {v} :: present participle of tenzonare
tenzonare {vi} [literary] /ten.tsoˈ :: To fight or combat
tenzonatore {m} :: fighter, combatant
tenzone {f} [literary] /tenˈt͡ :: dispute, disagreement, fight, strife
tenzone {f} [literary] :: battle, showdown
teo- {prefix} :: theo-
Teobaldo {prop} :: given name
teobroma {m} :: cacao (any plant of the genus Theobroma)
teobromina {f} [organic compound] :: theobromine
teocentricamente {adv} :: theocentrically
teocentrico {adj} :: theocentric
teocentrismo {m} :: theocentrism
teocratico {adj} :: theocratic
teocrazia {f} :: theocracy
teocriteo {adj} :: Theocritean
Teocrito {prop} :: given name
teodicea {f} :: theodicy
Teodo {prop} :: Teodo (town)
teodolite {m} :: theodolite
Teodora {prop} :: given name
teodoriciano {adj} :: Relating to Teodorico
Teodorico {prop} :: given name
Teodoro {prop} :: given name
Teodosia {prop} :: given name
Teodosia {prop} :: Feodosia, a city in Crimea
teodosiano {adj} :: Theodosian
Teodosio {prop} :: given name
teofagia {f} :: theophagy
teofania {f} :: theophany
teofillina {f} [organic compound] :: theophylline
Teofilo {prop} :: given name
teoforo {adj} :: theophorous
Teofrasto {prop} :: Theophrastus
teogonia {f} :: theogony
teogonico {adj} :: theogonic
teologa {f} :: female equivalent of teologo
teologale {adj} :: theological
teologalmente {adv} :: theologically
teologare {v} :: To theologize
teologastro {m} :: theologaster
teologia {f} :: theology
teologicamente {adv} :: theologically
teologico {adj} :: theological
teologismo {m} :: Any concept or precept of theology
teologizzante {v} :: present participle of teologizzare
teologizzare {vt} :: to theologize
teologo {m} :: theologian
teomorfo {adj} :: theomorphic
teonimo {m} :: theonym
teorema {m} :: theorem
teorema di Bell {n} [physics] :: Bell's theorem
teorematico {adj} :: theorematic
teoresi {f} :: theoresis
teoreticamente {adv} :: theoretically
teoretico {adj} :: theoretical
teoria {f} /teoˈri.a/ :: theory
teoria degli anelli {f} [mathematics, algebra] :: ring theory
teoria degli insiemi {f} [mathematics] :: set theory (mathematical theory of sets)
teoria dei giochi {f} [maths] :: game theory
teoria dei nodi {f} [mathematics] :: knot theory
teoricamente {adv} :: theoretically
teoricità {f} :: The property of being theoretic
teorico {adj} :: theoretical
teorico {m} :: theorist, theoretician
teorizzabile {adj} :: That can be theorized
teorizzante {v} :: present participle of teorizzare
teorizzare {vt} :: to theorize
teorizzatore {m} :: theoretician
teorizzazione {f} :: theorization, conjecture
teosofia {f} [religion] :: theosophy
teosofico {adj} :: theosophic, theosophical
teosofo {m} :: theosophist, theosopher
tepalo {m} [botany] :: tepal
tepefacente {v} :: present participle of tepefare
tepefacentesi {v} :: present participle of tepefarsi
tepefare {vt} :: to warm
tepefarsi {vr} :: To warm; to warm up
tepefattosi {v} :: past participle of tepefarsi
tepidario {m} [historical] :: tepidarium
tepidezza {f} :: Variant of tiepidezza
tepidità {f} :: Variant of tiepidità
tepido {adj} :: rare form of tiepido
tepore {m} :: warmth
teppa {f} :: mob
teppaglia {f} :: mob
teppismo {m} :: hooliganism, violence, vandalism
teppista {mf} :: thug, hoodlum, hooligan
teppistello {m} :: A young thug
teppistico {adj} :: hooligan (attributive)
tequila {f} :: tequila
tequila {f} :: peyote (mescal) cactus
Terach {prop} [Biblical character] :: Terah
teraelettronvolt {m} :: teraelectronvolt
teramano {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Teramo
teramano {adj} :: Of or relating to Teramo or the Teramo people
terametro {m} :: terametre
Teramo {prop} :: Teramo (province)
Teramo {prop} :: Teramo (capital city)
terapeuta {mf} :: therapist, therapeutist
terapeuticamente {adv} :: therapeutically
terapeutico {adj} :: therapeutic
-terapia {suffix} :: Used to form the names of therapies, many of which are two words in English
terapia {f} [medicine] :: therapy, treatment
terapico {adj} /teˈra.pi.ko/ :: therapeutic
terapista {mf} :: therapist
terapside {m} :: therapsid
terato- {prefix} :: terato-
teratogenesi {f} [teratology] /te.ra.toˈd͡ʒɛ.ne.zi/ :: teratogenesis
teratogenia {f} [teratology] /͡ʒeˈni.a/ :: synonym of teratogenesi
teratogenicità {f} :: teratogenicity
teratogeno {adj} [teratology] :: teratogenic
teratologa {f} :: teratologist (female)
teratologia {f} [teratology] :: teratology
teratologico {adj} [teratology] :: teratologic, teratological
teratologo {m} :: teratologist
teratoma {f} :: teratoma
teratospermia {f} [medicine] :: teratozoospermia
terawattora {m} :: terawatt-hour
terbio {m} [chemistry] /ˈtɛrbjo/ :: terbium
terbutilazina {f} [chemistry] :: terbuthylazine
Terdoppio {prop} :: A river that flows in Piedmont and Lombardy
terebinto {m} :: terebinth
terebra {f} :: terebra (the ovipositor of hymenopterous insects)
terebrante {v} :: present participle of terebrare
terebrante {adj} :: terebrant
terebrante {adj} :: piercing
terebrare {vt} :: to drill, bore
terebrazione {f} :: drilling, boring
teredine {f} :: teredo, shipworm (of family Teredinidae)
tereftalato {m} [organic chemistry] :: terephthalate
tereftalico {adj} :: terephthalic
Terenzio {prop} :: given name
Tereo {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Tereus
Teresa {prop} :: given name
teresiano {adj} :: Teresian, Theresian
teresina {f} :: A simplified form of poker in which the cards may not be changed
tergale {adj} :: tergal, dorsal
tergemino {adj} :: tergeminal, triplicate
tergente {v} :: present participle of tergere
tergere {vt} :: to wipe clean; to clear
tergestino {adj} :: synonym of triestino
tergicristallo {m} :: windscreen wiper, windshield wiper (of a car)
tergifari {mp} :: headlight wipers
tergilavalunotto {m} :: rear windscreen wiper
tergilunotto {m} :: car rear window wiper
tergiversante {v} :: present participle of tergiversare
tergiversare {vi} :: to hesitate; to beat around the bush; to prevaricate
tergiversare {vi} [archaic] :: to turn one's shoulders at or towards the enemy
tergiversatore {m} :: prevaricator
tergiversazione {f} :: hesitation
tergiversazione {f} :: prevarication
tergo {m} :: back
tergo {m} :: reverse (coin or medal)
teriaca {f} :: alternative form of triaca
terilene {m} :: Terylene (polyester)
terio- {prefix} :: therio-
teriologia {f} :: theriology
teriomorfismo {m} :: theriomorphism
teriomorfo {adj} :: theriomorphic
terital {m} :: Terylene
terlano {m} :: A white wine from Bolzano; the grape variety from which it is made
terlipressina {f} [medicine] :: terlipressin
termale {adj} :: thermal
termale {adj} :: spa
termalismo {m} :: hot mineral water therapy
termalismo {m} :: spa tourism
termalizzazione {f} [physics] :: thermalization
terme {f} :: spa, thermal baths, baths
Termero {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Termerus
-termia {suffix} :: -thermy
termicamente {adv} :: thermally
-termico {suffix} :: -thermic
termico {adj} :: thermic
termico {adj} :: thermal
termidoriano {adj} [historical] /ter.mi.doˈ :: Thermidorian
termidoriano {m} [historical] :: Thermidorian
termidoro {m} [historical] /ter.miˈdɔ.ro/ :: Thermidor (the eleventh month of the French Republican Calendar)
terminabile {adj} :: finishable
terminabilità {f} :: Property of being finishable
terminale {adj} :: final
terminale {adj} :: terminal
terminale {m} :: terminal (all senses)
terminalista {mf} :: terminal (VDU) operator
terminante {v} :: present participle of terminare
terminare {vt} :: to end, to finish, to terminate, kill
terminare {vi} :: to end, to come to an end, to finish
terminativo {adj} :: terminative
terminativo {adj} :: perfective
terminatore {m} :: terminator (all senses)
terminazione {f} :: end, ending
terminazione {f} :: termination
termine {m} :: end, close
termine {m} :: (time) limit, term, date, time
termine {m} :: term, word
termine {m} :: term, condition, main point
termine {m} [mathematics] :: term
terminismo {m} :: terminism
terminismo {m} :: nominalism
terminista {mf} :: synonym of nominalista
terministico {adj} :: synonym of nominalistico
terminografia {f} :: terminography
terminografo {m} :: terminographer
terminologa {f} :: female equivalent of terminologo
terminologia {f} :: terminology
terminologico {adj} :: terminological
terminologo {m} :: terminologist
termistore {m} :: thermistor
termitaio {m} :: termitarium
termite {f} /ˈtɛr.mi.te/ :: termite (white-bodied, wood-consuming insect)
termo- {prefix} :: thermo-
termoaderente {adj} :: synonym of termoadesivo
termoadesione {f} :: thermoadhesion
termoadesivo {adj} :: thermoadhesive
termoadesivo {adj} :: iron-on (attributive)
termoalino {adj} :: thermohaline
termoanestesia {f} :: thermoanesthesia
termoautonomo {adj} :: individually heated
termobalistico {adj} :: thermoballistic
termobarometro {m} :: thermobarometer
termobatterio {m} [biology] :: thermobacterium
termobilancia {f} :: thermobalance
termocauterio {m} [surgery] :: thermocautery
termocettore {m} :: thermoreceptor
termochimica {f} [chemistry] :: thermochemistry
termochimico {adj} [chemistry] :: thermochemical
termocinetica {f} [physics] :: thermokinetics
termocinetico {adj} [physics] :: thermokinetic
termoclastico {adj} [petrology] /tɛr.moˈklas.ti.ko/ :: thermoclastic
termocoagulazione {f} :: thermocoagulation
termocoibente {adj} :: thermally-insulating
termocoibenza {f} :: thermal insulation
termocompressione {f} :: thermocompression
termoconduttore {m} :: thermal conductor
termoconvertitore {m} :: thermoconverter
termoconvettore {m} :: convection heater
termoconvezione {f} :: thermal convection
termocoperta {f} :: electric blanket
termocoppia {f} [physics] :: thermocouple
termocromatico {adj} :: thermochromatic
termocromico {adj} [physics, chemistry] :: thermochromic
termoculla {f} :: incubator (for neonates)
termodesorbimento {m} :: thermodesorption
termodesorbitore {m} :: thermodesorber
termodiffusione {m} :: thermal diffusion
termodinamica {f} [physics] :: thermodynamics
termodinamicamente {adv} :: thermodynamically
termodinamico {adj} :: thermodynamic
termodistruttore {m} :: incinerator (used to burn rubbish)
termodistruzione {f} :: incineration (of rubbish)
termoelasticità {f} [physics] :: thermoelasticity
termoelastico {adj} [physics] :: thermoelastic
termoelemento {m} :: thermoelement, thermal converter
termoelettricità {f} [physics] :: thermoelectricity
termoelettrico {adj} [engineering, electricity] :: thermoelectric
termoelettrone {m} [physics] :: thermoelectron
termoelettronica {f} :: thermoelectronics
termoelettronico {adj} :: thermoelectronic
termoestesia {f} :: thermesthesia
termoestesiometro {m} :: thermesthesiometer
termofilia {f} [biology] :: thermophilia
termofilo {adj} [biology] :: thermophilic
termofilo {m} [biology] :: thermophile
termofobia {f} :: thermophobia
termoformabilità {f} :: thermoformability
termoformatura {f} :: thermoforming
termoforo {m} :: (electrical) heating pad
termogenesi {f} :: thermogenesis
termogenetico {adj} :: thermogenetic
termogenico {adj} :: thermogenic
termogenina {f} [protein] :: thermogenin
termogeno {adj} :: thermogenic
termogetto {m} :: motorjet, thermojet
termografia {f} :: thermography
termografico {adj} :: thermographic
termografo {m} :: thermograph
termogramma {m} :: thermogram
termogravimetria {f} :: thermogravimetry
termogravimetrico {adj} :: thermogravimetric
termoidraulico {adj} :: thermohydraulic
termoigrografico {adj} :: thermohygrographic
termoigrografo {m} :: thermohygrograph
termoigrometrico {adj} :: thermohygrometric
termoindurente {adj} :: thermosetting
termoindurimento {m} :: thermohardening
termoione {m} [physics] :: thermion
termoionica {f} [physics] :: thermionics
termoionico {adj} [physics] :: thermionic
termoisolante {adj} :: thermally insulating
termoisolato {adj} :: thermally-insulated
termolabile {adj} :: thermolabile
termolabilità {f} :: thermolability
termolese {adj} :: Of or from Termoli
Termoli {prop} :: Termoli (town)
termolisi {f} [chemistry, physiology] :: thermolysis
termologia {f} [physics] :: thermology
termologico {adj} :: thermological
termoluminescente {adj} :: thermoluminescent
termoluminescenza {f} :: thermoluminescence
termomagnetico {adj} :: thermomagnetic
termomagnetismo {m} :: thermomagnetism
termomanometro {m} :: thermomanometer
termomeccanico {adj} :: thermomechanical
termometria {f} :: thermometry
termometrico {adj} :: thermometric
termometro {m} :: thermometer
termonastia {f} [botany] /tɛˈti.a/ :: thermonasty
termonastico {adj} [botany] /tɛr.moˈnas.ti.ko/ :: thermonastic
termonucleare {adj} :: thermonuclear
termopila {f} :: thermopile
Termopili {prop} :: Thermopylae
termoplasticità {f} :: thermoplasticity
termoplastico {adj} :: thermoplastic
termopolio {m} :: thermopolium
termopompa {f} :: heat pump
termoreattore {m} :: thermojet (aero-engine)
termoregolare {v} :: To thermoregulate
termoregolato {adj} :: thermoregulated
termoregolatore {adj} :: thermoregulatory
termoregolazione {f} [biology] :: thermoregulation
termoresistente {adj} :: heatproof
termoretraibile {adj} :: heat-shrink
termos {m} :: thermos, vacuum flask
termosaldare {v} :: To weld using heat
termoscopio {m} :: thermoscope
termosensibile {adj} :: thermosensitive
termosensore {m} :: thermosensor
termosfera {f} :: thermosphere
termosifone {m} :: radiator (household radiator)
termostabile {adj} :: thermostable
termostabilizzare {v} :: To thermostabilize
termostabilizzazione {f} :: thermostabilization
termostatante {v} :: present participle of termostatare
termostatare {vt} :: To (control or regulate with a) thermostat
termostatico {adj} :: thermostatic
termostatistica {f} [physics] :: thermostatistics
termostato {m} :: thermostat
termostimolazione {f} :: thermostimulation
termotecnica {f} :: heating engineering
termotecnico {adj} :: heating engineering (attributive)
termotecnico {m} :: heating engineer
termoterapia {f} :: thermotherapy
termoterapico {adj} :: thermotherapeutic
termotropismo {m} :: thermotropism
termoutilizzatore {m} :: synonym of termovalorizzatore
termovalorizzatore {m} :: waste-to-energy plant
termovalorizzazione {f} :: waste-to-energy; energy-from-waste
termoventilatore {m} :: fan heater
termoventilazione {f} :: air-heating, space-heating
termovettore {adj} :: convective (describing a fluid that transports heat)
termovoltaico {adj} :: thermovoltaic, thermoelectric
ternano {adj} :: Of or relating to Terni or the Terni people
ternano {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Terni
ternario {adj} :: ternary
ternario {adj} :: three-syllable (verse)
ternario {m} :: [in classical Italian verse] A line of verse containing three syllables
ternato {adj} [botany] :: ternate
Terni {prop} :: Terni (province)
Terni {prop} :: Terni (capital city)
ternione {m} :: synonym of terno
terno {m} :: three winning numbers (in a lottery)
terno {m} :: ternion
teroldego {m} :: A variety of black grape from Trentino
teromorfico {adj} :: teramorphous
teropode {m} :: theropod
terotecnologia {f} :: terotechnology
Terpandro {prop} /terˈpan.dro/ :: Terpander (Greek poet, 712 BCE–645 BCE)
terpene {m} /terˈpɛne/ :: terpene
terpenico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: terpenic
terpenoide {m} [organic chemistry] :: terpenoid
terpina {f} [organic compound] :: terpineol (a crude mixture)
terpineolo {m} [organic compound] :: terpineol
terpolimero {m} [chemistry] :: terpolymer
terra {f} /ˈtɛr.ra/ :: ground
terra {f} [colloquial, atechnical synonym of suolo] :: soil
terra {f} [colloquial, astronomy, by extension of Terra] :: planet
Terra {prop} /ˈtɛrra/ :: [astronomy] Earth
Terra {prop} [astrology] :: The astrological element Earth that comprises the three earth signs (Toro, Vergine and Capricorno)
terra-aria {adj} [military] :: surface-to-air, ground-to-air
terra battuta {f} [tennis] :: clay court
terra bruciata {f} :: scorched earth, scorched-earth policy
Terracina {prop} :: Terracina (town/and/commune)
terracinese {adj} :: Of, or from, Terracina
terracinese {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Terracina
terracotta {f} :: terracotta
terracotta {adj} :: terracotta (colour)
terracqueo {adj} :: terraqueous
terra degli avi {n} :: fatherland (land of our ancestors)
Terra del Fuoco {prop} :: Tierra del Fuego (archipelago between Chile and Argentina)
terra di fonderia {f} :: A form of clay used to make foundry moulds
terra di frontiera {f} :: borderland
terra di frontiera {f} :: marchland
terra di nessuno {f} [military] :: no man's land
terra di Siena {f} :: sienna (clay, pigment)
terra ferma {f} :: alternative spelling of terraferma
terraferma {f} :: dry land, terra firma
terraferma {f} :: mainland (as opposed to the islands, or to Venice)
terraformante {v} :: present participle of terraformare
terraformare {vt} :: to terraform
terraformato {adj} :: terraformed
terraglia {f} :: pottery
terraglia {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: crockery, earthenware
terraglio {m} :: terrace
terraglio {m} :: embankment
Terragni {prop} :: surname
terragno {adj} :: synonym of terragnolo
terragno {adj} :: synonym of terricolo
terragnolo {adj} :: synonym of terricolo
terragnolo {adj} :: synonym of terragno
terraiolo {adj} :: terrestrial
terraiolo {m} [tennis] :: clay court specialist
terramara {f} [prehistory, chiefly in the plural] :: Any land of the terramare, Bronze Age settlements in the Po valley
terramaricola {f} :: feminine noun of terramaricolo
terramaricolo {adj} [prehistory] :: That inhabited the terramare
terramaricolo {m} [prehistory] :: An ancient inhabitant of the terramare
terrame {m} :: Empty land that is to be built on
terramicina {f} [medicine] :: Terramycin
terra natale {f} :: homeland, fatherland (country of one's birth)
terraneo {adj} :: ground level (attributive)
terra noce {f} :: alternative form of terranoce
terranoce {f} /ter.raˈno.t͡ʃe/ :: earthnut (tuber)
terranova {m} :: Newfoundland dog, Newfoundland
Terranova {prop} :: Newfoundland
terrapiattismo {m} [neologism] :: the theory that the planet Earth is flat; flat-earthism
terrapiattista {m} [neologism] :: flat-earther
terrapieno {m} :: mound, embankment, bank
terrapieno {m} [military] :: earthwork, rampart
terra promessa {f} :: Promised Land (especially when capitalised), promised land (object of one's desire)
terraqueo {adj} /terˈrakwe.o/ :: formed of land and water
terra rara {f} :: rare earth, lanthanide
terrario {m} :: terrarium
Terrasanta {prop} :: Holy Land
Terra Santa {prop} :: Holy Land
terra sigillata {f} [usually uncountable, archaeology] :: terra sigillata (type of fine, red Roman pottery)
terra terra {adj} :: low-level (all senses)
terra terra {adj} [figurative] :: mediocre, pedestrian (everyday, unexceptional)
terratetto {m} :: house (not necessarily detached)
terratico {m} :: A tax on land
terratico {m} :: A contract on agricultural land in which rent is paid in kind
terraza {f} :: balcony
terraza {f} :: terrace
terrazo {m} :: terrace
terrazo {m} :: balcony
terrazo {m} :: alternative form of terraza
terrazza {f} :: terrace
terrazza {f} :: balcony
terrazza {f} [heraldry] :: compartment
terrazzamento {m} :: terracing (a series of terraces)
terrazzante {v} :: present participle of terrazzare
terrazzare {vt} :: To terrace
terrazzatissimo {adj} :: superlative of terrazzato
terrazzato {adj} :: terraced
terrazziere {m} :: navvy
terrazzino {m} :: A small balcony
terrazzo {m} :: balcony
terrazzo {m} :: terrace
terrazzone {f} :: Large terrace or balcony
terreità {f} [rare] :: worldliness
Terre matte {prop} :: Southern Italy, especially those parts subject to frequent earthquakes
terremotare {v} :: To destroy (as if by an earthquake)
terremotato {adj} :: Signor Sisto
terremotato {m} :: earthquake victim
terremoto {m} [geology] /ter.reˈmɔ.to/ :: earthquake, quake
terremoto {m} [figuratively] :: havoc, chaos, uproar
terremoto lunare {m} :: moonquake
terrenamente {adv} :: earthly, worldly
terrenità {f} :: worldliness
terreno {adj} :: ground
terreno {adj} :: earthly, worldly, terrene, terrestrial
terreno {m} :: ground, land, terrain, country
terreno {m} :: soil
terreno {m} :: field, ground
terreno arabile {m} :: ploughland, carucate
terreno battuto {m} :: stamping ground, stomping ground
terreo {adj} [rare] /ˈtɛ :: earthy; resembling ground or soil
terreo {adj} [by extension, usually referred to the face] :: pale, ashen
terrestre {adj} /terˈrɛs.tre/ :: earthly
terrestre {adj} :: terrestrial
terrestre {adj} :: land
terrestre {m} :: terrestrial
terrestre {m} :: earthling
terrestre {m} :: earthly
terrestreità {f} :: Variant of terrestrità
terrestrità {f} :: worldliness
terrestro {adj} :: alternative form of terrestre
terribile {adj} :: terrible, terrifying, fearful
terribile {adj} :: horrible, awful, dreadful
terribile {adj} :: terrific
terribilezza {f} :: terribleness
terribilismo {m} :: terribleness
terribilità {f} :: terribleness
terribilmente {adv} :: terribly, dreadfully
terribilmente {adv} :: tremendously
terricciato {m} :: compost
terriccio {m} :: soil
terricciola {f} :: A small farm or piece of land
terricolo {adj} [botany, zoology] :: terrestrial, terricolous
terrier {m} :: terrier (dog)
terriero {adj} :: Having land attached or associated
terrificante {v} :: present participle of terrificare
terrificante {adj} :: terrifying
terrificare {vt} :: to terrify
terrigeno {adj} [geology] :: terrigenous
terrigno {adj} :: earthy
terrina {f} :: tureen
terrina {f} :: bowl
territoriale {adj} /ter.ri.toˈrja.le/ :: territorial
territorialismo {m} :: territorialism
territorialistico {adj} :: territorialistic
territorialità {f} :: territoriality
territorializzare {v} :: To territorialize
territorialmente {adv} :: territorially
territorio {m} :: territory
territorio {m} :: precinct
territorio {m} :: jurisdiction
terrona {f} :: feminine noun of terrone
terrone {m} [slang, derogatory, chiefly northern Italy] :: a Southern Italian
terronia {prop} [slang, derogatory, chiefly northern Italy, sometimes, capitalized] /terˈrɔ.nja/ :: Southern Italy
terrore {m} :: terror, fright, dread
Terrore {prop} :: Reign of Terror
terrore notturno {m} [pathology] :: synonym of pavor nocturnus
terrorismo {m} :: terrorism
terrorista {adj} :: terrorist (attributive)
terrorista {mf} :: terrorist
terroristico {adj} :: terrorist (attribute)
terrorizzante {v} :: present participle of terrorizzare
terrorizzare {vt} :: to terrify
terrorizzare {vt} :: to terrorize
terroso {adj} :: muddy
terroso {adj} :: covered with earth
terroso {adj} [chemistry] :: earth (of a metal, attributive)
terrun {m} [slang] :: A person of South Italian origin
tersannina {f} :: centaury
tersezza {f} :: clearness
Tersicore {prop} [Greek god] :: Terpsichore
tersicoreo {adj} :: terpsichorean
tersità {f} :: clearness
tersite {m} :: thersite
Tersite {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Thersites
terso {adj} :: clear
terso {adj} [oenology] :: taut
terza {f} [music] :: third (interval)
terza base {m} [sports, baseball] :: third baseman
terzafoglia {f} :: synonym of trefoglia
terzaforzismo {m} :: synonym of terzismo
terzana {f} [pathology] :: tertian fever
terza persona {f} [grammar] :: third person
terzare {v} :: alternative form of terziare
terzaria {f} :: alternative form of terzeria
terza rima {f} [poetry] /ˌtɛr.tsa ˈ :: terza rima (arrangement of triplets rhyming aba bcb cdc)
terzarolante {v} :: present participle of terzarolare
terzarolare {vt} :: [nautical] To reef (a sail)
terzarolo {m} [nautical] :: reef (in a sail)
terzavo {m} :: alternative form of terzavolo
terzavolo {m} :: synonym of trisavolo
terzera {f} :: purlin
terzeria {f} :: three-year crop rotation
terzerolo {m} :: alternative form of terzarolo
terzetto {m} :: trio composed by three vocal parts
terziante {v} :: present participle of terziare
terziare {v} :: To plough three times
terziario {adj} :: tertiary (in all senses)
terziario {m} :: Tertiary (geologic period)
terziario {m} :: tertiary (Roman Catholic member of a "third order")
terziarizzante {v} :: present participle of terziarizzare
terziarizzare {vt} :: to tertiarize (expand the tertiary sector)
terziarizzare {vt} :: to outsource
terziarizzazione {f} [economics] :: the expansion of the tertiary sector
terziarizzazione {f} :: outsourcing
terziere {m} :: A subdivision of a town into three
terzietà {f} [legal] :: The position of a judge as an independent third party with respect to the prosecution and the defence
terziglia {f} :: A group of three people (traditionally with their elbows touching)
terziglio {m} :: A card game, possibly synonymous with calabresella
terzile {m} :: tertile
terzina {f} :: tercet
terzina {f} [music] :: triplet
terzino {m} [sports] :: full-back or quarterback
terzino {m} [archaic or regional] :: a unit of measure corresponding to a third of a flask
terzino {m} [historical] :: a wood instrument intoned a minor third above the normal intonation
terzismo {m} :: A form of subcontracting
terzista {mf} :: subcontractor
terzista {adj} :: subcontracting
terzo {adj} /ˈtɛr.t͡so/ :: third
terzo {adj} :: uninvolved, neutral, third-party
terzo {m} :: third (the one in third position)
terzo {m} :: third (fraction)
terzo {m} [in the plural] :: others (other people)
terzodecimo {adj} :: synonym of tredicesimo
terzodecimo {m} :: synonym of tredicesimo
terzogenita {f} :: third-born daughter
terzogenito {adj} :: third-born
terzogenito {m} :: third-born child
terzo incomodo {m} :: third wheel
terzolo {m} :: alternative form of terzuolo
terzomondismo {m} :: Third-Worldism
terzomondista {mf} :: third world person
terzomondista {adj} :: third-world
terzomondista {adj} :: Third-Worldist
terzo mondo {m} :: Third World
terz'ultimo {adj} :: alternative spelling of terzultimo
terzultimo {adj} :: third last; last but two; third from last; third to last; antepenultimate
terzuolo {m} :: third cutting of hay
terzuolo {m} :: tercel, tiercel
terzuolo {m} :: goshawk
tesa {f} :: brim (of a hat)
tesafili {m} :: wire stretcher
tesaggio {m} :: stretching
tesante {v} :: present participle of tesare
tesare {vt} :: to stretch
tesare {vt} [nautical] :: to frap
tesatura {f} :: stretching
tesatura {f} [nautical] :: making taut
tesaurizzante {v} :: present participle of tesaurizzare
tesaurizzare {vit} :: to hoard
tesaurizzatore {m} :: hoarder, miser
tesaurizzazione {f} :: hoarding
teschio {m} :: skull
Teseo {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Theseus
tesi {f} /ˈtɛzi/ :: thesis
tesi {f} :: dissertation
tesina {f} :: essay
tesina {f} :: short thesis
Tesino {prop} :: Tesino (river)
tesissimo {adj} :: superlative of teso
tesista {mf} :: person writing a thesis
tesmoforia {f} [especially in plural] :: Thesmophoria
tesmoteta {m} :: thesmothete
teso {adj} :: taut, tight, tense, stretched
teso {adj} :: outstretched
teso {adj} :: tense, nervous, fraught, strained
teso {adj} :: (followed by a) aimed, intended
tesoreggiamento {m} :: hoarding
tesoreggiare {v} :: To hoard
tesoreggiatore {m} :: hoarder, miser
tesoreria {f} :: treasury (all senses)
tesoretto {m} [finance] :: Small amounts of revenue from sources other than taxation
tesoriere {m} :: treasurer
tesorino {m} :: Little darling, treasure (term of endearment)
tesorizzare {v} :: alternative form of tesaurizzare
tesoro {m} /teˈzɔ.ro/ :: valuable things, treasure
tesoro {m} :: term of endearment, treasure
tesoro {m} :: bless someone's cotton socks
tesoruccio {m} :: treasure (term of endearment)
Tespi {prop} :: Thespis
Tessaglia {prop} :: Thessaly
tessalico {adj} :: Thessalian
tessalo {adj} :: Thessalian
Tessalonica {prop} :: Thessalonica
tessalonicese {adj} :: Thessalonian
Tessalonicesi {prop} [biblical] :: Thessalonians
tessente {v} :: present participle of tessere
tessera {f} :: card; credit card
tessera {f} :: pass
tessera {f} :: tessera (small square piece used for making a mosaic)
tessera {f} :: domino
tesseramento {m} :: The act of joining or being signed-up for a club or society; registration or enrolment
tesseramento {m} :: A membership drive
tesserandolo {m} /tes.seˈ :: weaver
tesserante {v} :: present participle of tesserare
tesserantesi {v} :: present participle of tesserarsi
tesserare {vt} :: To enroll or register; to give a membership card to; to sign or sign on (a sportsman for a team)
tesserare {vt} [rare] :: To ration
tesserarsi {vr} :: To join; to become a member of (political party, trade union, association)
tesserato {adj} :: card-carrying (member of a political party)
tesserato {adj} :: fully paid-up (member of a society etc)
tesserato {m} :: member, card-carrying member
tesseratosi {v} :: past participle of tesserarsi
tessere {vt} :: to weave
tessere {vt} :: to plot
tessere le lodi {v} :: to praise intensely
tesserino {m} :: diminutive of tessera; small card (magnetic, identification etc)
tessile {adj} /ˈtɛ :: textile (attributive)
tessile {mf} :: textile worker
tessilsacco {m} :: garment bag (for protecting clothes while carrying them)
tessimento {m} :: synonym of tessitura
tessitore {m} :: weaver
tessitoria {f} :: weaving
tessitrice {f} :: female equivalent of tessitore
tessitura {f} :: weaving
tessitura {f} :: weaving mill
tessitura {f} [music] :: range (of a voice or an instrument)
tessutaia {f} [rare] :: female equivalent of tessutaio
tessutaio {m} [rare] :: weaver
tessutale {adj} :: tissue (attributive)
tessuto {adj} :: woven
tessuto {m} :: textile, fabric, material, stuff, cloth, weave
tessuto {m} [biology] :: tissue
tessuto adiposo {m} [anatomy] :: adipose tissue
tessuto connettivo {m} [anatomy] :: connective tissue
test {m} :: test
testa {f} /ˈtɛs.ta/ :: head, obverse
testa {f} [skeleton] :: head (of a bone)
testa {f} [rail transport, only singular, uncountable] :: head [of a train], the first car(s)
testa a testa {f} :: head to head or nip and tuck competition
testabianca {adj} :: white-headed
testabile {adj} :: testable
testabile {adj} [legal] :: bequeathable
testabilità {f} :: testability
testabruna {adj} :: Of an animal having a brown head
testabruna della Nuova Zelanda {f} :: brown creeper (Mohoua novaeseelandiae)
testa calda {f} :: hothead; firebrand
Testaccio {prop} :: Testaccio (district)
testaceo {adj} [zoology] :: testaceous
testa-coda {m} :: tailspin
testacoda {m} :: 180 degrees spin
testacroce {m} [engineering] :: crosshead
testa di cazzo {f} [vulgar slang, derogatory] :: dickhead; asshole; shithead
testa di ponte {f} [military] :: airhead (area of hostile territory that has been seized by paratroopers or helicopter-based troops)
testa di ponte {f} [military] :: bridgehead (ground on the enemy's side of a river)
testa di ponte {f} [military] :: beachhead (ground on the enemy's beach)
testamentale {adj} :: testamental, testamentary
testamentario {adj} :: testamentary
testamento {m} :: will, testament
testante {v} :: present participle of testare
testa o croce {n} :: heads or tails
testa o croce {n} :: pitch and toss
testarda {f} :: stubborn woman
testardaggine {f} :: stubbornness, obstinacy
testardamente {adv} :: stubbornly, obstinately
testardo {adj} :: stubborn, obstinate, headstrong
testardo {m} :: stubborn man, stubborn person
testare {vi} :: To be testate (to leave a will)
testare {vt} :: To test; to sample
testaroli {n} :: A kind of pasta or bread in Ligurian cuisine, cooked between hot flat terracotta disks called testi and sliced into triangular shapes; the smaller ones are eaten as crepes and the larger cooked like pasta
testarossa {n} :: ginger, red hair
testarossa {n} :: Ferrari Testarossa sports car
testata {f} :: headbutt
testata {f} :: head [of a valley, column, etc.]
testata {f} [architecture] :: the access point of a longitudinal structure; front, head
testata {f} [weaponry] :: warhead
testata {f} :: cylinder head
testata {f} :: masthead, headline [in a newspaper]
testata {f} [metonym] :: newspaper
testata {f} :: bedhead, headboard
testatico {m} :: poll tax
testatina {f} :: running headline
testatore {m} [legal] :: testator
testa vuota {f} :: airhead (silly person)
teste {mf} [legal] /ˈtɛs.te/ :: witness
teste {m} :: test
testé {adv} [archaic, literary] /tesˈte/ :: just now, just
testé {adv} [archaic, literary] :: now, right now; forthwith
testé {adv} [archaic, literary] :: shortly, soon, in a short while
testeso {adv} /tesˈte.zo/ :: obsolete form of testé
testeso {adv} :: just now, just
testeso {adv} :: now, right now; forthwith
testeso {adv} :: shortly, soon, in a short while
te stessa {pron} :: yourself, thyself
te stesso {pron} :: yourself, thyself
testicciola {f} :: The head of a small butchered animal
testicolare {adj} [anatomy] :: testicular
testicolo {m} /te.ˈsti.ko.lo/ :: testicle, testis
testiera {f} :: headboard (of a bed)
testiera {f} :: headrest
testiera {f} :: headpiece
testiera {f} :: pillow
testificante {v} :: present participle of testificare
testificare {v} :: to testify (bear witness)
testificatore {m} :: testifier
testificazione {f} :: testification, testifying, witnessing
testimone {mf} :: witness
testimone {mf} :: best man (at a wedding)
testimone {m} [sports] :: baton (in a relay race)
testimone di nozze {mf} :: (for the groom) best man, wedding witness, groomsman
testimone di nozze {mf} :: (for the bride) maid of honour, groomsmaid, wedding witness
testimone oculare {mf} :: eyewitness
testimonial {m} :: testimonial
testimonial {mf} :: Person giving a testimonial
testimoniale {adj} [legal] :: testimony, witness (attributive)
testimoniante {v} :: present participle of testimoniare
testimonianza {f} /tes.ti.moˈnjan.t͡sa/ :: deposition, testimony
testimonianza {f} :: evidence
testimonianza {f} :: proof
testimoniare {vit} [or _, with di or su or with no preposition and auxiliary with che and a verb in the indicative] /tes.ti.moˈ :: to testify
testimoniare {v} :: to give evidence
testimonio {m} [rare] /tes.tiˈmɔ.njo/ :: deposition, testimony
testimonio {m} :: witness
testina {f} :: head (of a printer or recording device etc.)
testo {m} :: text
testo {m} [literature] :: work
testo {m} :: textbook
testo {m} :: wording
testo {m} [music] :: lyrics (the words of a song)
testo {m} [cooking] :: baking tray
testo {m} [uncountable, printing, dated] :: a large size of type, standardized as 16 point
testolina {f} :: A capricious or whimsical person
testologia {f} :: textology
testone {m} :: blockhead, dunderhead
testore {m} :: alternative form of tessitore
testosterone {m} [steroid hormone] :: testosterone
testuale {adj} :: textual
testuale {adj} :: exact, word for word, verbatim
testualità {f} :: textuality
testualmente {adv} :: word for word, verbatim, exactly
testualmente {adv} :: textually
testudinato {adj} :: tortoiseshell
testudinato {adj} :: testudinate
testugginato {adj} :: alternative form of testudinato
testuggine {f} /tesˈtu.dd͡ʒ :: tortoise
testuggine {f} :: turtle
testuggineo {adj} :: tortoise (attributive)
testura {f} :: alternative form of tessitura
testurizzare {v} :: To texturize
testurizzazione {f} :: texturization
tet {mf} /tɛt/ :: teth, specifically:
tet {mf} :: The name of the Phoenician-script letter 𐤈
tet {mf} :: The name of the Hebrew-script letter ט
teta {mf} :: Greek letter theta, θ
tetania {f} [medicine] :: tetany
tetanico {adj} [disease] :: tetanic, tetanus (attributive)
tetanizzazione {f} :: tetanization
tetano {m} [disease] /ˈtɛ :: tetanus
tetanure {m} :: tetanuran
tetel {n} :: Tora hartebeest
teterrimo {adj} :: teterrimous
tetherball {m} :: tetherball
Teti {prop} [Greek god] :: Tethys
Teti {prop} [astronomy] :: A moon of Saturn
Teti {prop} [Greek god] :: Thetis
tetico {adj} /ˈtɛ.ti.ko/ :: thetic
Tetide {prop} :: Thetis
Tetide {prop} :: Tethys
tetra- {prefix} :: tetra-
tetra {m} :: tetra
tetraalogenuro {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: tetrahalide
tetrabasicità {f} :: tetrabasicity
tetrabasico {adj} :: tetrabasic
tetraborato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: tetraborate
tetraborico {adj} :: tetraboric
tetrabromoetilene {m} [organic compound] :: tetrabromoethylene
tetrabromuro {m} :: tetrabromide
tetrabromuro di carbonio {n} [organic compound] :: carbon tetrabromide, tetrabromomethane
tetracarbonile {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: tetracarbonyl
tetraciclico {adj} :: tetracyclic
tetraciclina {f} [medicine] :: tetracycline
tetraclorometano {m} [organic compound] :: tetrachloromethane
tetracloruro {m} [chemistry] /te.tra.kloˈ :: tetrachloride
tetracloruro di carbonio {n} [organic compound] :: carbon tetrachloride, tetrachloromethane
tetraconco {m} :: tetraconch
tetracordo {m} :: tetrachord
tetracromia {f} [photography] :: four-colour process
tetrade {f} :: tetrad
tetradimensionale {adj} :: four-dimensional
tetradramma {m} :: tetradrachm
tetraedricamente {adv} :: tetrahedrally
tetraedrico {adj} :: tetrahedral
tetraedrite {f} :: tetrahedrite
tetraedro {m} :: tetrahedron
tetraetile {m} :: tetraethyl
tetraetilico {adj} :: tetraethyl (attributive)
tetrafenilene {m} [organic compound] :: tetraphenylene
tetrafluoroetene {m} [organic chemistry] :: tetrafluoroethylene
tetrafluoroetilene {m} [organic chemistry] :: tetrafluoroethylene
tetrafluorometano {m} [organic compound] :: tetrafluoromethane
tetrafluoruro {m} :: tetrafluoride
tetrafluoruro di carbonio {n} [organic compound] :: carbon tetrafluoride, tetrafluoromethane
tetrafluoruro di uranio {m} [inorganic compound] :: uranium tetrafluoride
tetrafluoruro di zirconio {m} [inorganic compound] :: zirconium tetrafluoride
tetrafluoruro di zolfo {m} [inorganic compound] :: sulfur tetrafluoride
tetraggine {f} :: gloom
tetraggine {f} :: sullenness
tetraggine {f} :: blackness
tetraginia {f} [botany] :: tetragyny
tetragonale {adj} :: tetragonal
tetragonia {f} :: New Zealand spinach (of genus Tetragonia)
tetragono {adj} :: tetragonal
tetragono {adj} :: resolute, steadfast
tetragono {m} :: tetragon
tetragono {m} :: tetrahedron
tetragramma {m} :: tetragram
tetragramma {m} :: Tetragrammaton
tetragramma {m} :: A musical stave with four lines
tetraidrobiopterina {f} [biochemistry] :: tetrahydrobiopterin
tetraidrocannabinolo {m} [organic compound] :: tetrahydrocannabinol
tetraidrofolato {m} [biochemistry] :: tetrahydrofolate
tetraidrofurano {m} [organic compound] :: tetrahydrofuran
tetraidruro {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: tetrahydride
tetraiodiotironina {f} [organic compound] :: tetraiodothyronine (thyroxine)
tetraioduro {m} :: tetraiodide
tetraioduro di carbonio {n} [organic compound] :: carbon tetraiodide, tetraiodomethane
tetralina {n} [organic compound] :: tetralin
tetralineo {adj} :: four-lined
tetralogia {f} :: tetralogy
tetramente {adv} :: bleakly, dismally
tetramerico {adj} [chemistry] :: tetrameric
tetramero {adj} :: tetrameric
tetramero {adj} :: tetramerous
tetramero {m} :: tetramer
tetrametilammonio {m} [organic chemistry] :: tetramethylammonium
tetrametro {m} :: tetrameter
tetramino {m} :: tetromino
tetrammina {f} [organic chemistry] :: tetramine
tetrandria {f} [botany] :: tetrandry
tetranitrato {m} [chemistry] :: tetranitrate
tetranitruro {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: tetranitride
tetraone {m} :: grouse
tetrapak {m} :: Tetra Pak
tetraparesi {m} [pathology] :: tetraparesis, quadriplegia
tetrapilo {m} :: tetrapylon
tetrapirrolico {adj} :: tetrapyrrole (attributive)
tetrapirrolo {m} [biochemistry] :: tetrapyrrole
tetraplegia {f} :: quadriplegia
tetraplegico {adj} :: quadriplegic
tetraploide {adj} :: tetraploid
tetrapode {m} :: tetrapod
tetrapodia {f} :: tetrapody
tetrapolare {adj} :: tetrapolar
tetrarca {m} :: tetrarch
tetrarcato {m} :: tetrarchate
tetrarchia {f} :: tetrarchy
tetrarchico {adj} :: tetrarchic
tetrasillabo {adj} :: tetrasyllabic
tetrastico {adj} :: tetrastich
tetrastico {m} :: tetrastyle
tetrastilo {m} :: tetrastyle
tetrationato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: tetrathionate
tetratomico {adj} :: tetratomic
tetravalente {adj} :: tetravalent, quadrivalent
tetravalenza {f} :: tetravalency, quadrivalency
tetravalenza {f} :: tetravalence, quadrivalence
tetrazolfo {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: tetrasulfur
tetro {adj} :: gloomy, sullen
tetro {adj} :: bleak, dismal, grim
tetrodo {m} :: tetrode
tetroso {m} [carbohydrate] :: tetrose
tetrossido {m} :: tetroxide
tetrossido di diazoto {m} [inorganic compound] :: dinitrogen tetroxide
tetta {f} [colloquial] :: boob, tit, jug (slang expression for breast)
tettaiolo {adj} :: That inhabits the rooftops (traditionally describes a mouse)
tettaiolo {adj} :: solitary
tettarella {f} :: teat (for bottle-feeding infants)
tettarella {f} :: pacifier
tettina {f} :: small tit
tetto {m} :: roof
tetto {m} :: cap (artificial upper limit)
tettogenesi {f} [geology] :: tectogenesis, orogeny
tettoia {f} :: canopy
tettoia {f} :: roof (of a railway station etc)
tettoia {f} :: hovel
tettola {f} [zoology] :: wattle
tettona {f} :: woman with large breasts, buxom woman
tettonica {f} :: tectonics
tettonico {adj} [geology] :: tectonic
tettonite {f} [geology] :: tectonite
tettosilicato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: tectosilicate
tettuccio {m} :: hood, soft top (of a convertible car)
tettuccio {m} :: canopy (transparent part of an aircraft cockpit, that can be slid back)
teucrio {m} :: germander
teucro {adj} :: Trojan
teucro {m} :: Trojan
Teucro {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Teucer
Teulada {prop} :: Teulada (small town)
teurgia {f} :: theurgy
teurgico {adj} :: theurgic
teurgo {m} :: theurgist
teutone {mf} :: Teuton
teutonico {adj} :: Teutonic
tè verde {m} :: green tea
Tevere {prop} :: the river Tiber
texana {f} :: feminine noun of texano
texano {adj} :: Texan
texano {m} :: Texan
Texas {prop} /ˈtɛ.xas/ :: Texas (state)
texel {m} :: texel
texturizzare {v} :: To texturize
texturizzazione {f} :: texturization
TG {m} :: abbreviation of telegiornale
thaiboxer {mf} [sports] :: Thai boxer (Muay Thai boxer)
thai jasmine {n} :: A type of rice
thailandese {adj} :: alternative spelling of tailandese
thailandese {mf} :: alternative spelling of tailandese
Thailandia {prop} /taiˈlandja/ :: Thailand
thè {m} :: tea (Variant of: )
theta {mf} :: theta (Greek letter)
thread {m} [Internet] :: thread (series of messages)
thriller {m} :: thriller (film, book etc)
thrilling {adj} :: thrilling
thrilling {adj} :: thriller (attributive)
thrilling {m} :: thriller (film, book etc)
thrilling {m} :: thrill
throughput {m} [networking] :: throughput (rate of data transmission)
Thuban {prop} :: Thuban
ti {f} /ti/ :: letter: t; tee
ti {m} [music] :: ti (note)
ti {m} [music] :: B (note and scale)
tiade {f} :: synonym of baccante
tiamina {f} [organic compound] :: thiamine
ti amo {phrase} :: I love you (affirmation of romantic feeling)
tiara {f} :: tiara (papal crown)
tiaso {m} :: thiasus
tiazidico {adj} [medicine, organic chemistry] :: thiazidic
tiazolo {m} [organic compound] :: thiazole
Tiberiade {prop} :: Tiberias (a town in Galilee)
tiberiano {adj} :: Tiberian
tiberino {adj} :: Tiber (attributive)
Tiberio {prop} :: Tiberius
Tiberio {prop} :: given name
tibetana {f} :: female equivalent of tibetano
tibetano {adj} :: Tibetan
tibetano {m} :: Tibetan (person or language)
tibetologo {m} :: Tibetologist
tibia {f} [skeleton, zoology] :: tibia, shinbone
tibia {f} [music] :: An early wind instrument
tibiale {adj} [skeleton] :: tibial
tibicine {m} [Ancient Rome] /tiˈbi.t͡ʃ :: tibicen
tibioastragalico {adj} [anatomy] :: tibiotalar
tibiotarsico {adj} [anatomy] :: tibiotarsal
Tibisco {prop} :: The river Tisza
tibulliano {adj} :: Tibullian
Tibullo {prop} :: Tibullus
tiburio {m} [architecture] :: dome cladding
tiburte {adj} :: synonym of tiburtino
tiburtina {f} :: feminine noun of tiburtino
tiburtino {adj} /ti.burˈ :: Of or from Tivoli
tiburtino {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Tivoli
Tiburtino {prop} /ti.burˈ :: Tiburtino (district)
tic {m} :: tic, twitch
ticche {m} :: tic
ticchettante {v} :: present participle of ticchettare
ticchettare {vi} :: To tick (of a clock)
ticchettare {vi} :: To patter, tap or click
ticchettio {m} :: clicking (of a typewriter)
ticchettio {m} :: ticking (of a clock)
ticchettio {m} :: pattering (of rain)
ticchio {m} [chiefly veterinary medicine] /ˈtik.kjo/ :: tic, twitch
ticchio {m} :: whim
ticchio {m} :: speckle
ticchiolato {adj} :: speckled
ticchiolatura {f} :: scab
Tiche {prop} [Greek god] :: Tyche
ticinese {adj} :: Of, or from Ticino
ticinese {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Ticino
ticinese {m} [singular only] :: The Ticino dialect
Ticino {prop} :: A river that flows in Italy and Switzerland
Ticino {prop} :: Ticino (canton)
ticket {m} :: prescription charge
ticket {m} :: ticket stub (especially at a horserace)
tic tac {m} :: ticktock
tic tac {m} :: pitter-patter
tic tac {m} :: clickety-clack
tictac {m} :: Variant of tic tac
tidale {adj} [rare] :: tidal
Tideo {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Tydeus
Tidone {prop} :: Tidone (river)
tie' {interj} :: take that!
tiè {interj} :: alternative form of tie'
tiella {f} :: baking tin, pie dish
tientibene {m} [nautical] :: lifeline
tiepidamente {adv} :: tepidly
tiepidamente {adv} :: half-heartedly
tiepidezza {f} :: tepidness, lukewarmness, mildness
tiepidità {f} :: tepidness, lukewarmness, mildness
tiepido {adj} :: tepid, lukewarm
tiepido {adj} :: half-hearted
tiepolesco {adj} :: Tiepolesque
Tiepolo {prop} :: surname
Tiepolo {prop} :: Giambattista Tiepolo, famous Italian painter
Tieste {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Thyestes
tifa {f} :: reedmace, bulrush, cattail (Typha latifolia)
tifante {v} :: present participle of tifare
tifare {v} [per] :: to support; to root for; to be a fan of
tifernato {adj} :: Of or from Città di Castello (Roman "Tifernum")
tifico {adj} :: typhoid (attributive)
tiflite {f} [pathology] :: typhlitis
tiflo- {prefix} :: typhl-
tiflografia {f} :: typhlography
tiflografo {m} :: typhlograph
tiflologia {f} :: typhlology
tiflope {m} :: typhlopid
tifo {m} [pathology] :: typhus
tifo {m} [sports] :: (excessive) enthusiasm; hence fan
tifoide {adj} [disease] :: typhoid
tifoidea {f} :: typhoid, typhoid fever
tifoideo {adj} /ti.foi.ˈdɛ.o/ :: typhoid
tifone {m} :: typhoon
tifosa {f} :: feminine noun of tifoso
tifoseria {f} [sports] :: All the fans of a club considered as a whole
tifoseria {f} :: fandom
tifosissimo {adj} :: superlative of tifoso
tifoso {adj} :: fan (attributive)
tifoso {adj} [pathology] :: typhous, typhoid
tifoso {m} :: fan (of a sports club etc)
tiggì {m} :: television news program
tight {m} :: morning suit, morning dress
tiglio {m} :: lime, linden (tree and wood)
tiglio {m} :: fibre (of wood)
tiglioso {adj} :: fibrous
tiglioso {adj} :: tough (of meat)
tigmonastia {f} [botany] /tiɡ.mo.nasˈti.a/ :: thigmonasty
tigmonastico {adj} [botany] /tiɡ.moˈnas.ti.ko/ :: thigmonastic
tigna {f} :: ringworm
tignola {f} [entomology] :: moth, harvest mite, harvest bug
tignola della farina {f} :: alternative form of piralide della farina
tignosa {f} /tiɲˈɲ :: Any of various members of the Amanita taxonomic genus
tignosa bianca {f} [mushrooms] :: synonym of tignosa di primavera
tignosa bigia {f} :: panther cap (Amanita pantherina)
tignosa bruna {f} [mushrooms] :: synonym of tignosa bigia
tignosa di primavera {f} :: destroying angel (Amanita verna)
tignosa paglierina {f} :: false death cap (Amanita citrina)
tignosa panterina {f} [mushrooms] :: synonym of tignosa bigia
tignosa rigata {f} [mushrooms] :: synonym of tignosa bigia
tignosa verde {f} :: death cap (Amanita phalloides)
tignosa verdognola {f} [mushrooms] :: synonym of tignosa verde
tignoso {adj} :: wormy (having ringworm)
tignoso {adj} :: mean, stingy
tignoso {adj} [regional] :: stubborn
tigone {m} :: tigon
tigrare {v} :: To brindle
tigrato {adj} :: striped
tigratura {f} :: stripes
tigre {f} :: tiger (male)
tigre {f} :: tigress (female)
tigresco {adj} :: tiger (attributive), tigerlike
Tigri {prop} :: Tigris
tigrigna {f} :: Tigrinya
tigrotto {m} :: Small or young tiger
tigrotto {m} :: An adventurous child
tigurio {m} :: alternative form of tugurio
tilacino {m} :: thylacine
tilacoidale {adj} [botany] :: thylakoidal, thylakoid (attributive)
tilacoide {m} [botany] :: thylakoid
tilde {mf} :: tilde (all senses)
tilde {mf} [typography] :: tilde, squiggle
tillodonte {m} :: tillodont
tiloma {m} :: corn, callus
TIM {prop} :: initialism of Telecom Italia Mobile
Timau {prop} :: Timau
timavese {adj} :: Of or from Timau
Timavo {prop} :: Timavo (river)
timballo {m} :: timbale
timbrante {v} :: present participle of timbrare
timbrare {vt} :: to stamp
timbrare {vt} :: to postmark
timbratrice {f} :: time clock
timbratrice {f} :: stamper
timbratura {f} :: stamping, franking
timbricamente {adv} :: timbrically
timbrico {adj} :: timbric
timbrificio {m} :: rubber stamp factory
timbro {m} :: stamp (rubber, or the mark made)
timbro {m} :: postmark, cancellation
timbro {m} :: timbre,
timbro {m} :: tone
timbro {m} :: pitch
timbro {m} :: crest ((heraldry): A bearing worn, not upon the shield, but usually on a helmet)
timbro postale {m} :: postmark, cancellation
timbro postale a rullo {m} :: roller postmark
timer {m} :: timer [device]
timico {adj} [anatomy] :: thymic; thymus (attributive)
timida {f} :: female equivalent of timido
timidamente {adv} :: timidly, shyly, bashfully, fearfully
timidezza {f} :: timidity, shyness
timidina {f} [organic compound] :: thymidine
timidissimo {adj} :: superlative of timido
timidità {f} :: timidity, shyness
timido {adj} /ˈ :: shy, timid, bashful, shamefaced, self-conscious
timido {m} :: a shy or timid person
timidona {f} :: very shy woman, very timid woman
timidone {adj} :: Very shy, very timid
timidone {m} :: Such a person
timina {f} [organic compound] :: thymine
Timișoara {prop} :: Timișoara (city)
timo {m} :: thyme (plant and herb)
timo {m} :: thymus (organ)
timocratazia {f} :: timocracy
timocratico {adj} :: timocratic
timocrazia {f} :: timocracy
timolo {m} [organic compound] :: thymol
timologia {f} :: synonym of assiologia
timoma {m} [pathology] :: thymoma
timone {m} :: helm, rudder, tiller, wheel, plane
timone {m} :: shaft (of a cart)
Timone {prop} :: Timon
timone di direzione {m} :: rudder
timone di profondità {m} :: rudder
timoneggiare {v} [nautical] :: To steer
timoneggiatore {m} [nautical] :: helmsman
timonella {f} :: buggy, trap (light carriage drawn by a singe horse)
timoneria {f} :: steering (apparatus, in a motor car)
timoniera {f} [nautical] :: wheelhouse
timoniere {m} :: helmsman
timoniere {m} :: cox
timoniero {adj} :: rudder, helm (attributive)
timoniero {adj} :: steering
timorato {adj} :: conscientious
timorato di Dio {adj} :: God-fearing
timore {m} :: fear, dread, worry, alarm
timore {m} :: awe, fear
timorense {adj} :: East Timorese
timorense {mf} :: East Timorese
timorese {adj} :: Timorese
Timor Est {prop} :: East Timor
timorosamente {adv} :: fearfully, timorously
timoroso {adj} :: afraid, fearful, skittish, timorous
timosina {f} [protein] :: thymosin
Timoteo {prop} :: given name
Timoteo {prop} :: Timothy [biblical character]
Timoteo {prop} :: the Book of Timothy
Timp. {n} [music] :: abbreviation of timpano
timpa {f} :: A hill or a ravine typical of Southern Italy
timpanato {adj} :: tympanate
timpaneggiare {v} [music] :: To drum (play the drum or timpani)
timpanico {adj} :: tympanic
timpanismo {m} :: tympanites, tympany
timpanista {mf} :: timpanist
timpanite {f} :: timpanitis
timpano {m} [anatomy] /ˈ :: eardrum, tympanum
timpano {m} :: drum
timpano {m} [architecture] :: gable, tympanum
tina {f} :: alternative form of tino
Tina {prop} [colloquial] :: synonym of Concetta
tinaia {f} :: wine cellar (place for storing wine)
tinamo {m} :: tinamou
tinca {f} :: tench
tindalizzante {v} :: present participle of tindalizzare
tindalizzare {vt} :: To Tyndalize
tindalizzazione {f} :: Tyndallization
Tindaro {prop} :: Tyndareus
Tinea {prop} :: The river Tinée that flows in France
tinella {f} :: A wooden container for olives being pressed
tinello {m} :: small dining room, dinette
tingente {v} :: present participle of tingere
tingere {vt} :: to dye, paint
tingere {vt} :: to moisten
tingersi {v} :: reflexive of tingere
tingersi {vt} :: to dye
tingersi {vt} :: to add color to; to color
tingersi {vt} :: (with di) to blot or stain (with) [a color]
tingersi {v} [di] :: to take on a certain coloration (of); to turn [a color]
tingersi {v} [di] :: to be tinged (with) [an emotion]
tingersi {vi} :: (also with di) to dye one's hair [a particular color]
tingersi {vi} :: to put on makeup; to make oneself up
tingitura {f} :: dyeing
tino {m} :: vat
Tino {prop} :: Tino (island)
tinozza {f} :: tub
tinozza {f} :: washtub
tinozza {f} :: trough
tinozza da concia {f} :: vat (used for tanning)
tinta {f} :: dye
tinta {f} :: colour
tinta {f} :: paint
tintarella {f} [colloquial] /tin.taˈrɛ :: tan, suntan
tinta unica {n} :: solid, plain
tinta unica {n} :: Of just one colour; lacking a pattern
tinta unita {n} :: solid, plain
tinta unita {n} :: An article of clothing which is of a single color throughout
tinta unita {n} :: Of just one colour; lacking a pattern
tinteggiante {v} :: present participle of tinteggiare
tinteggiare {vt} :: to paint
tinteggiatore {m} :: painter (fine arts or of houses etc)
tinteggiatura {f} :: painting (of a building), paintwork
tintinnabolo {m} :: bell
tintinnabolo {m} :: The sound of bells
tintinnamento {m} :: tinkle, clink, jingle (sound of a small bell)
tintinnante {v} :: present participle of tintinnare
tintinnare {vi} :: to tinkle
tintinnare {vi} :: to clink
tintinnare {vi} :: to jingle
tintinnio {m} :: tinkle, tinkling
tintinnio {m} :: clink, clinking
tintinnio {m} :: jingle, jingling
tintinnire {v} :: To jingle, rattle
tintore {m} :: dyer (of fabric)
tintoria {f} :: dry cleaner (shop)
tintoria {f} :: dye factory
tintoriale {adj} :: dyeing (attributive)
tintorio {adj} :: dying
tintura {f} :: colouring, dye
tintura {f} :: dyeing (the process)
tintura {f} :: tincture
tinturiere {m} :: tinting or dyeing of the hair
tio- {prefix} :: thio-
tioacetale {f} [organic chemistry] :: thioacetal
tioacetammide {f} [organic compound] :: thioacetamide
tioacetone {m} [organic compound] :: thioacetone
tioacido {m} [chemistry] :: thioacid
tioalcol {m} [organic chemistry] :: thioalcohol, mercaptan
tioalcole {m} [organic chemistry] :: thioalcohol
tioaldeide {m} [organic chemistry] :: thioaldehyde
tiobarbiturico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: thiobarbituric
tiocarbammide {f} [organic compound] :: thiocarbamide
tiocarbonile {m} [organic chemistry] :: thiocarbonyl
tiocianato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: thiocyanate
tiocianico {adj} [chemistry] :: thiocyanic
tiocianina {f} [organic chemistry] :: thiacyanine
tiocianogeno {m} [organic compound] :: thiocyanogen
tioestere {m} [organic chemistry] :: thioester
tioetere {m} [organic chemistry] :: thioether
tiofene {m} [organic compound] :: thiophene
tiofenolo {m} [organic chemistry] :: thiophenol
tiogeno {adj} :: thiogenic (sulfur-producing)
tioglicolato {m} [organic chemistry] :: thioglycollate
tiolato {m} [chemistry] :: thiolate
tiolico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: thiolic
tiolo {m} [organic chemistry] :: thiol
Tione {prop} :: Tione (river)
tionitronio {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: thionitronium
tionitrosonio {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: thionitrosonium
tiorba {f} [musical instruments] :: theorbo
tiorbista {mf} [music] :: theorbist
tioredoxina {f} [protein] :: thioredoxin
tiosolfato {m} :: thiosulfate
tiosolfato di sodio {n} [inorganic compound] :: sodium thiosulfate
tiosolforico {adj} :: thiosulfuric
tiourea {f} [organic compound] :: thiourea
tiouridina {f} [organic compound] :: thiouridine
tipa {f} :: feminine noun of tipo
tipa {f} [familiar, of a woman] :: type, fellow, character, girl, woman
tipa {f} [familiar] :: girlfriend, girl
tipaccio {m} :: bad egg
-tipia {suffix} /tiˈpi.a/ :: Used to derive nouns indicating printing methods; -type
tipicamente {adv} :: typically
tipicità {f} :: typicity
tipicizzante {v} :: present participle of tipicizzare
tipicizzare {vt} :: alternative form of tipizzare
tipico {adj} /ˈti.pi.ko/ :: typical, typic, classic, local, characteristic, peculiar
tipino {m} :: guy
tipizzante {v} :: present participle of tipizzare
tipizzare {vt} :: to type [determine the characteristic type of a biological specimen]
tipizzazione {f} :: typifying, typification
tipizzazione {f} :: standardization
-tipo {suffix} :: -type
tipo- {prefix} :: typo-
tipo {adj} /ˈti.po/ :: standard, model, average, stock
tipo {adv} [colloquial] :: indicating approximation or uncertainty; like, kinda
tipo {m} :: type, standard, pattern
tipo {m} :: type, kind, sort, quality, model, style
tipo {m} [familiar] :: type, person, fellow, guy, bloke, character, chap, turn
tipo {m} :: phylum (taxonomy) A rank in the classification of organisms, below kingdom and above class
tipofono {m} [musical instrument] :: celesta
tipografia {f} :: typography, printing
tipografia {f} :: press, print shop
tipograficamente {adv} :: typographically
tipografico {adj} :: typographic, typographical
tipografico {adj} :: printing [attributive]
tipografo {m} :: typographer
tipografo {m} :: printer
tipolitografia {f} :: typolithography
tipolitografico {adj} :: typolithographic
tipologia {f} :: typology
tipologicamente {adv} :: typologically
tipologico {adj} :: typological
tipometria {f} :: typometry
tipometro {m} :: type gauge, type scale
tippante {v} :: present participle of tippare
tippare {vt} [Switzerland] :: to type (use a typewriter)
tip tap {m} :: tap dance
tip tap {m} :: tap dancing
tiptologia {f} :: typtology
tiptologia {f} :: Secret communication in prisons etc., by tapping on pipes etc
tipula {f} :: crane fly (of family Tipulidae), daddy longlegs
TIR {n} :: initialism of trasporti internazionali su strada
TIR {m} :: articulated lorry
tirabaci {m} :: kiss curl
Tirabassi {prop} :: surname
tirabozze {m} :: proof press
tirabrace {m} :: oven rake (baker's)
tirabusciò {m} :: synonym of cavatappi
tiracatena {m} :: synonym of tendicatena
tirafilo {m} :: thread puller (device in a sewing machine that pulls the thread from the bobbin)
tiraggio {m} :: draught, draft
tiraggio {m} :: draw (of a chimney etc)
tiragliere {m} :: A type of French infantry soldier
tiragraffi {m} :: cat tree, scratching post
tiralatte {m} :: breast pump
tiralinee {m} :: drawing / ruling pen
Tiralli {prop} :: medieval spelling of Tirolo (small town)
tiraloro {m} :: A goldsmith who works in gold thread
tiramento {m} :: pull, tug
tiramento {m} :: toss
tiramisù {m} [also uncountable] /ˌti.ɾa.miˈsu/ :: tiramisu (dessert)
tirammina {m} [organic compound] :: tyramine
tiramolla {m} :: hesitation
tiramolla {m} :: indecision
tiramollare {v} :: To hesitate
tiramollare {v} :: To shilly-shally, wait-and-see
tiranneggiamento {m} :: tyrannizing
tiranneggiante {v} :: present participle of tiranneggiare
tiranneggiare {vt} :: to tyrannize
tirannescamente {adv} :: tyrannically
tirannesco {adj} :: tyrannical
tirannia {f} /ti.ranˈni.a/ :: tyranny
tirannicamente {adv} :: tyrannically
tirannicida {mf} :: tyrannicide (person)
tirannicidio {m} :: tyrannicide (act)
tirannico {adj} :: tyrannical
tirannide {f} /tiˈ :: tyranny
tiranno {m} :: tyrant
tiranno {adj} :: tyrannical
tirannosauride {m} :: tyrannosaurid
tirannosauro {m} [dinosaurs] :: tyrannosaur
tirante {m} :: tie rod, brace
tirante {m} :: tie beam, guy-wire, guy rope
tirante {m} :: cam, slider, slide (zip sliding cam)
tirante {v} :: present participle of tirare
tirante di sostegno {m} [architecture] :: wire rope, stay
tiranteria {f} :: linkage (of the parts of a mechanism)
tirantesi {v} :: present participle of tirarsi
tiraolio {m} :: oil siphon
tirapiedi {mf} :: minion, hanger-on
tirapranzi {m} :: synonym of calapranzi
tiraprove {m} :: proof press
tirapugni {m} [weapons] :: brass knuckles, knuckle duster
tirar {v} :: apocopic form of tirare
tirare {v} /t̪iˈrare/ :: to pull, draw, tug, drag
tirare {v} :: to throw, shoot, toss, kick
tirare {v} :: to utter
tirare {v} [slang, vulgar] :: (of a penis) to become erect
tirare a lucido {v} :: to polish
tirare a sorte {v} :: to toss up
tirare avanti {v} :: to linger
tirare avanti {v} :: to eke out, get by
tirare avanti {v} :: to plow through; to soldier through; to get on; to keep going
tirare avanti {v} :: to remain alive while proceeding toward death; to die gradually
tirare fuori {v} [figuratively] :: to pipe up, make up
tirare fuori {v} :: to pull out
tirare la carretta {v} :: # synonym of far quadrare i conti
tirare la sfoglia {v} :: to roll the dough (to make tagliatelle)
tirare le cuoia {vi} [idiomatic] :: To bite the dust, to kick the bucket; to die
tirare le cuoia {vi} [idiomatic] :: to give up the ghost, to cease clinging to life; to die
tirare le cuoia {vi} [idiomatic, figuratively] :: To quit; to cease functioning
tirare per le lunghe {v} :: to string along
tirare su {v} :: See: it tirare su
tirare su {v} :: to bring up or raise [a child]
tirare su {v} :: to hearten; to encourage
tirare sul prezzo {v} :: to bargain
tirare sul prezzo {v} :: to haggle
tirare un pallonetto {v} :: to lob
tirar l'acqua al proprio mulino {v} [idiom] :: To do only what is in one's own interest
tirarsela {vt} [colloquial] :: to become haughty or arrogant
tirarsi {v} :: reflexive of tirare
tirarsi {v} :: to pull oneself
tirarsi indietro {vr} :: to draw back or retreat
tirarsi indietro {vr} :: to move back or withdraw
tirarsi su {vr} :: to pull oneself up
tirarsi su {vr} :: to pick oneself up
tirarsi su {vr} :: to cheer oneself up
tirassegno {m} :: target shooting
tirassegno {m} :: shooting range
tirassegno {m} :: shooting gallery
tirassegno {m} :: Variant of tiro a segno
tirastivali {m} :: bootjack
tirata {f} :: pull, plug
tirata {f} :: drag or puff (of a cigarette)
tirata {f} :: tirade
tiratardi {m} :: night bird (person awake at nights)
tiratore {m} :: shot (person)
tiratore scelto {m} :: sharpshooter, marksman
tiratosi {v} :: past participle of tirarsi
tiratrice {f} :: female equivalent of tiratore
tiratrice scelta {f} :: female equivalent of tiratore scelto
tiratrone {m} [physics] :: thyratron
tiratura {f} :: circulation (newspaper)
tiratura {f} :: edition
tiratura {f} :: run
tiravolista {mf} :: trapshooter, skeet shooter, clay pigeon shooter
tirchieria {f} :: meanness, stinginess
tirchio {adj} [colloquial] /ˈtir.kjo/ :: mean, stingy, miserly, tight-fisted
tirchio {m} [colloquial] :: miser
tirella {f} :: trace
tiremmolla {m} :: hesitation
tiremmolla {m} :: shilly-shallying, shilly-shally
tiremmolla {m} :: wait-and-see
tireocita {m} :: thyrocyte
tireopatia {f} [pathology] :: disease of the thyroid
tireosi {f} [pathology] :: thyrosis
tireostatico {adj} :: thyreostatic
tireostatico {m} [pharmacology] :: thyreostatic drug, thyreostatic agent
tireostimolante {adj} :: thyroid-stimulating
tireotossico {adj} :: thyrotoxic
tireotossicosi {f} [pathology] :: thyrotoxicosis, hyperthyroidism
tireotropina {f} [biochemistry] :: thyrotropin, thyroid-stimulating hormone
tireotropo {adj} [medicine] :: thyrotropic
Tiresia {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Tiresias
tiretto {m} [regional] :: drawer
Tirino {prop} :: Tirino (river)
Tirinto {prop} :: Tiryns
tiristore {m} [physics] :: thyristor
tiritera {f} :: spiel, rigmarole
tiritera {f} :: drivel
tiritera {f} :: hot air
tiro {m} :: pull, tug, draught
tiro {m} :: throw, cast
tiro {m} [sports] :: shooting
tiro {m} [sports] :: shot, throw
tiro {m} [of weapons] :: shot, shooting, firing, range, reach
tiro {m} [military] :: fire
tiro {m} :: trick, turn
tiro {m} [of a cigarette] :: puff
tiro {m} [of a drug] :: sniff
Tiro {prop} :: Tiro (ancient city-state)
Tiro {prop} :: Tiro (port city/capital)
tiro al piattello {m} [sports] :: skeet
tiroaritenoideo {adj} [anatomy] :: thyroarytenoid
tiroaritenoideo {m} [anatomy] :: thyroarytenoid, thyroarytenoid muscle
tiro a segno {m} :: target practice (with any of various types of gun)
tiro a volo {m} [sports] :: trapshooting, skeet shooting, clay pigeon shooting
tirocinante {mf} :: apprentice, trainee
tirocinio {m} /ti.roˈtʃi.njo/ :: apprenticeship
tirocinio {m} :: training
tirocinio {m} :: coming of age
tirocinio {m} :: internship [US]
tiro con l'arco {m} [sports] :: archery
tiroide {f} [anatomy] :: thyroid
tiroidectomia {f} [surgery] :: thyroidectomy
tiroideo {adj} /ti.roi.ˈdɛ.o/ :: thyroid (attributive), thyroidal
tiroidina {f} [organic compound] :: thyroxine
tiroidismo {m} [pathology] :: thyroidism
tiroidite {f} [medicine] :: thyroiditis
tiroiodina {f} [organic compound] :: thyroidine
tiroioideo {adj} [anatomy] :: thyrohyoid
tirolese {adj} :: Tyrolean
tirolese {mf} :: Tyrolean
tirolese {m} :: German dialect spoken in this region
Tirolo {prop} :: Tirolo (state)
Tirolo {prop} :: Tirolo (small town)
tiro mancino {m} :: machination
tiro mancino {m} :: sneaky trick
tironiano {adj} :: Tironian
tironina {f} [organic compound] :: thyronine
tiro piazzato {m} [football, rugby] :: place kick
tirosina {f} [amino acid] :: tyrosine
tirosinasi {m} [enzyme] :: tyrosinase
tiroxina {f} :: thyroxine
Tirrenia {prop} :: Tyrrhenia
tirrenico {adj} :: Tyrrhenian
tirreno {adj} :: Tyrrhenian, Tyrrhene
tirreno {m} :: Tyrrhenian, Tyrrhene
Tirreno {prop} :: short for mar Tirreno
tirso {m} :: thyrsus
Tirso {prop} :: Tirso (river)
Tirso {prop} :: given name
tirtaico {adj} :: Tyrtaean
Tirteo {prop} :: Tyrtaeus
tisana {f} :: tisane
tisana {f} :: herb tea
tisaniera {f} :: infuser (for herbal tea etc)
Tisbe {prop} :: Thisbe
Tiscali {prop} :: A mountain near Nuoro in Sardinia containing an archaeological village
Tiscali {prop} :: An Italian telecommunications company and ISP
tisi {f} [diseases] :: phthisis
tisiatra {mf} :: synonym of tisiologo
tisiatria {f} :: alternative form of tisiologia
tisichezza {f} :: consumption
tisichezza {f} :: fragility, frailty
tisico {adj} /ˈti.zi.ko/ :: consumptive
tisico {adj} :: frail
Tisifone {prop} [Greek god] :: Tisiphone
tisiologia {f} [medicine] :: phthisiology
tisiologo {m} :: phthisiologist
-tismo {suffix} [linguistics, forming nouns] /ˈ :: alternative form of -cismo
tissotropia {f} :: alternative form of tixotropia
tissotropico {adj} :: alternative form of tixotropico
tissulare {adj} [biology] :: tissue (attributive)
tissutale {adj} :: tissue (attributive)
titanato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: titanate
titanico {adj} :: titanic, colossal
titanico {adj} [chemistry] :: titanic
titanio {adj} [poetic] /tiˈta.njo/ :: of or pertaining to the Titans; Titanic
titanio {m} [chemistry] :: titanium
titanismo {m} :: Titanism
titanite {f} [mineral] :: titanite
titano {m} :: titan
Titano {prop} :: Titan
Titano {prop} [astronomy] :: A moon of Saturn
titanomachia {f} :: Titanomachy
titillamento {m} :: titillation
titillamento {m} :: tickling
titillante {v} :: present participle of titillare
titillare {vt} :: to tickle
titillare {vt} :: to titillate
titillatore {m} :: titillator
titillatorio {adj} :: titillatory
titillazione {f} :: titillation
titino {adj} :: Tito (attributive)
titino {m} :: A supporter or follower of Tito
Tito {prop} /ˈ :: Titus [biblical character]
Tito {prop} :: the Epistle to Titus
Tito {prop} :: given name
titoismo {m} :: Titoism
titoista {adj} :: Titoist
titol {m} :: apocopic form of titolo
titolaggio {m} :: title, titling
titolante {v} :: present participle of titolare
titolante {f} [chemistry] :: titrant
titolare {adj} :: appointed
titolare {adj} :: titular
titolare {mf} :: holder
titolare {mf} :: owner
titolare {mf} :: incumbent
titolare {mf} [sports] :: regular member of a team
titolare {vt} :: to title, headline
titolare {vt} [chemistry] :: to titrate
titolarità {f} :: entitlement, title
titolarità {f} :: tenure
titolato {adj} :: titled (person)
titolatrice {f} :: titler (TV, cinema)
titolatura {f} :: titling
titolazione {f} [chemistry] :: titration
titoli di coda {fp} :: closing credits
titoli di testa {fp} :: opening credits
titolista {mf} :: headline writer
titolo {m} :: title (of a book, song etc), headline (of an article), heading (of a chapter)
titolo {m} :: title, appellation (prefix or suffix added to a name)
titolo {m} :: qualification
titolo {m} :: reason, motive
titolo {m} :: name, title
titolo {m} :: right, claim
titolo {m} [finance] :: security, stock, share
titolo {m} [chemistry] :: titre
titolo {m} [sports] :: title
titolo {m} :: fineness (of a metal)
titolo {m} :: count (of textiles or clothing)
titolo {m} :: blazon (heraldic)
titolo di prim'ordine {m} :: gilt-edged security
titolo di Stato {m} :: gilt (government bond)
titolo di studio {m} :: educational qualification
titolone {m} :: streamer (big newspaper headline)
titolo spazzatura {m} [economics] :: junk bond
Titti {prop} :: Tweety
titubante {v} :: present participle of titubare
titubante {adj} :: hesitant
titubante {adj} :: undecided
titubanza {f} :: hesitation, indecision
titubare {vi} :: To hesitate
titubare {vi} [rare] :: To vacillate
titubazione {f} :: hesitation
titubazione {f} :: vacillation
ti voglio bene {phrase} :: I love you (affirmation of affection or deep caring, non romantic, to a friend, a lover, or a family member)
ti voglio tanto bene {phrase} :: I love you very much (affirmation of affection or deep caring, to a friend or a family member)
Tivoli {prop} /ˈ :: Tivoli (city)
tivù {f} /tiˈvu/ :: TV, telly [UK]
tivvù {f} /tivˈvu/ :: alternative form of tivù
tixotropia {f} :: thixotropy
tixotropico {adj} :: thixotropic
tizia {f} :: woman, girl
Tiziana {prop} :: given name, feminine noun of Tiziano
tizianesco {adj} /tit.tsjaˈne.sko/ :: Titianesque (suggesting Titian's style)
tizianesco {adj} :: Titian (attributive)
tizianesco {adj} :: titian, auburn (in color)
tiziano {adj} :: titian (in color)
Tiziano {prop} /titˈ :: given name
Tiziano {prop} :: Titian (the painter)
tizio {m} :: man, someone, guy, what's-his-name
Tizio {prop} :: Tityos
Tizio, Caio e Sempronio {m} :: Tom, Dick and Harry
tizzo {m} :: alternative form of tizzone
tizzone {m} :: firebrand, live coal
tizzone {m} :: [normally considered offensive, often considered vulgar, ethnic slur] A dark-skinned person, especially a person of, or primarily of, black African descent
Tmbn. {n} [music] :: abbreviation of tamburino
tmesi {f} [prosody] :: tmesis
to' {interj} :: take it!
to' {interj} :: there!, here you are/go!
to' {interj} :: duh!
Toante {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Thoas
toast {m} :: toast, pledge (in honour of someone)
toast {m} :: toasted sandwich
Tobia {prop} :: Tobias. [biblical character]
Tobia {prop} :: given name
toboga {m} :: toboggan
tocario {m} /toˈka.rjo/ :: Tocharian (language)
tocca {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: trimmings, touches
toccabile {adj} :: touchable
toccalapis {m} :: synonym of portalapis
toccamano {m} :: A handshake as a sign of a contract or agreement
toccamento {m} :: touch, touching (especially in a lascivious manner)
toccante {v} :: present participle of toccare
toccante {adj} :: touching
toccantesi {v} :: present participle of toccarsi
toccar {v} :: apocopic form of toccare
toccare {vt} :: to touch (to make physical contact with)
toccare con mano {v} :: To bring the hand, finger into contact with
toccare con mano {v} :: To make sure, verify, recheck, prove
toccarsi {v} :: reflexive of toccare
toccarsi {v} :: to touch oneself or one another
toccar terra {v} :: To touch down, land (of an aircraft)
toccasana {m} :: panacea, cure-all
toccata {f} :: toccata
toccato {adj} :: touched (mad)
toccatore {m} :: toucher
toccatosi {v} :: past participle of toccarsi
toccheggio {m} :: tocsin
tocchetto {m} :: diminutive of tocco
tocchetto {m} :: Italian ragout of fish or meat (tucket)
tocco {m} /ˈtokko/ :: touch
tocco {m} :: knock, rap, blow
tocco {m} :: stroke (of a clock or a brush); one o'clock
tocco {m} :: hunk, chunk
tocco {m} :: toque
tocco {m} :: (academic) mortarboard
tocco {adj} :: touched (not totally sane)
tocco {adj} :: bruised (of fruit)
tocco di Mida {m} :: Midas touch; golden touch
toccolare {v} :: To knock on a door
Toce {prop} :: Toce (river)
tocoferile {m} [organic chemistry] :: tocopheryl
tocoferolo {m} [organic compound] :: tocopherol
tocofobia {f} :: tokophobia
tocografia {f} [medicine] :: tocography
tocolisi {f} [medicine] :: tocolysis
tocolitico {adj} :: tocolytic
tocologia {f} [medicine] :: obstetrics, midwifery
tocquevilliano {adj} :: Tocquevillian
todaro {m} :: alternative form of totano
Todi {prop} :: Todi (town)
todino {adj} :: Of or from Todi
todino {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Todi
toeletta {f} :: Variant of toilette
toelettante {v} :: present participle of toelettare
toelettare {v} :: alternative form of tolettare
toelettatura {f} :: cleaning, grooming (of an animal, by itself)
tofo {m} [pathology] /ˈtɔ.fo/ :: tophus
tofo {m} [fishing] :: A kind of net
tofu {m} :: tofu
toga {f} :: toga
toga {f} :: gown, robe
toga {f} :: magistrate, judge
toga {f} :: (by extension) lawyer
togale {adj} :: toga, gown, robe (attributive)
togale {adj} :: law, lawyers (attributive)
togato {adj} :: togate, togaed (wearing or covered by a toga)
Toggenburgo {prop} :: Toggenburg (in Switzerland)
Togliatti {prop} /toʎˈʎat.ti/ :: surname
Togliatti {prop} [masculine only] :: Palmiro Togliatti (1893–1964), Italian politician
Togliatti {prop} :: Togliatti (city)
togliattiano {adj} /toʎ.ʎatˈ :: of or pertaining to Italian politician Palmiro Togliatti (1893–1964)
toglientesi {v} :: present participle of togliersi
togliere {v} /ˈtɔʎ.ʎ :: to take off, pull away
togliere {v} :: to take out
togliere {v} :: to remove, delete, exclude
togliere il terreno da sotto i piedi {v} [idiomatic] :: to take the wind out of someone's sails
togliersi {v} :: reflexive of togliere
togliersi {v} :: to get out of the way
togliersi di mezzo {v} :: to get out sb's way
togliersi un peso dallo stomaco {v} [idiomatic] :: to get off one's chest (to relieve oneself by talking to someone)
toglimento {m} :: removal
Tognazzi {prop} :: surname
Togo {prop} :: Togo (country)
togolese {adj} :: Togolese
togolese {mf} :: Togolese
toh {interj} :: An alternative spelling of to'
-toia {suffix} :: feminine noun of -toio
toilette {f} :: toilet (all senses)
toilette {f} :: makeup
toilette {f} :: dressing table
toiletteria {f} :: toiletries
-toio {suffix} :: Forms nouns, mostly derived from verbs, that are used in the execution of the verb in some way
tokaj {m} :: tokay (Hungarian wine)
Tokio {prop} :: alternative spelling of Tokyo
Tokyo {prop} /ˈtɔ.kjo/ :: Tokyo (prefecture/capital city)
tolda {f} [nautical] /ˈtolda/ :: upper deck of a ship
Toldo {prop} :: surname
tolemaico {adj} :: Ptolemaic
Tolentino {prop} :: Tolentino (city)
Tolentino {prop} :: surname
toletta {f} :: Variant of toilette
tolettare {v} :: To groom (an animal)
tolettatura {f} :: Variant of toelettatura
Tolfa {prop} :: Tolfa (small town)
tollerabile {adj} :: tolerable
tollerabilità {f} :: tolerability
tollerabilità {f} :: toleration (of one's environment)
tollerabilmente {adv} :: tolerably
tollerante {adj} :: tolerant
tollerante {v} :: present participle of tollerare
tolleranza {f} :: tolerance, toleration, allowance
tollerare {vt} :: To tolerate, to bear, to allow, to put up with
tollerazione {f} :: toleration
tollere {v} /ˈtɔlːere/ :: obsolete form of togliere
Tolomea {prop} :: Ptolomea (part of the Cocytus river)
Tolomeo {prop} :: Ptolemy
Tolone {prop} :: Toulon
Tolosa {prop} :: Tolosa (capital city)
tolstoiano {adj} :: Tolstoyan
Tolstoj {prop} :: Tolstoy
tolteco {adj} :: Toltecan
tolteco {m} :: Toltec
tolto {prep} :: except for
toltosi {v} :: past participle of togliersi
toluene {m} [organic compound] :: toluene
toluolo {m} [organic compound] :: toluene
toma {f} :: toma
tomaia {f} :: upper (of a shoe)
tomaificio {m} :: shoe upper factory
tomaio {m} :: upper (of a shoe); vamp
Tomaselli {prop} :: surname
Tomasetti {prop} :: surname
Tomasini {prop} :: surname
Tomaso {prop} :: alternative form of Tommaso
tomba {f} /ˈ :: tomb, grave
tomba {f} [figuratively] :: A very narrow and gloomy habitation or room (such as a basement or cellar)
tomba {f} [figuratively, archaic] :: underground cave or vault
tombacco {m} :: tombac, tombak (metal alloy)
tombale {adj} /tomˈba.le/ :: tomb [attributive]
tombale {adj} [figuratively] :: definitive
tombare {v} :: synonym of cadere
tombarello {m} :: A type of tuna (of genus Auxis)
tombarello {m} :: dump truck
tombarolo {m} :: tomb robber (of archaeological sites)
tombeur de femmes {m} :: lady-killer, womanizer, philanderer, casanova
tombinatura {f} :: culvert
tombino {m} :: manhole
tombino {m} :: manhole cover
tombola {f} :: bingo (when played at home)
tombola {f} :: tumble
tombola {interj} :: oops, upsadaisy (when tripping etc)
tombolante {v} :: present participle of tombolare
tombolare {vi} :: To tumble or fall (down or headlong)
tombolo {m} :: lace pillow or cushion
tombolo {m} :: a podgy person
tombolone {m} :: synonym of capitombolo
Tomei {prop} :: surname
tomento {m} [botany] :: tomentum
tomentoso {adj} [botany] :: tomentose, tomentous
-tomia {suffix} :: -tomy
tomismo {m} :: Thomism
tomista {adj} :: Thomist
tomista {mf} :: Thomist
tomistico {adj} :: Thomist
Tommaseo {prop} :: surname
Tommaseo {prop} :: Niccolò Tommaseo, Italian linguist and writer
Tommaso {prop} :: Thomas [biblical character]
Tommaso {prop} :: given name
-tomo {suffix} :: -tome (cutting instrument)
-tomo {suffix} :: -tome (section, segment)
tomo- {prefix} :: tomo-
tomo {m} :: tome, volume
tomo {m} :: an oddball, a weirdo
tomodensitometria {f} :: tomodensitometry (computed tomography)
tomografia {f} [medicine] :: tomography
tomografia computerizzata {f} :: computed tomography
tomografico {adj} [medicine] :: tomographic
tomografo {m} :: tomograph
tomogramma {m} :: tomogram
tomolo {m} [historical] /ˈ :: ancient dry measure employed in Southern Italy
tonaca {f} :: habit (monk's clothing)
tonaca {f} :: frock
tonaca avventizia {f} [anatomy] :: alternative form of tunica avventizia
tonale {adj} :: tone [attributive]
tonale {adj} :: tonal
tonalismo {m} [art] :: tonalism
tonalità {f} :: tonality, hue
tonalizzante {v} :: present participle of tonalizzare
tonalizzare {vt} :: To tone or tint the hair
tonalizzazione {f} :: toning, tinting [of the hair]
tonante {v} :: present participle of tonare
tonante {adj} :: loud, booming
tonare {vi} :: alternative form of tuonare
tonario {m} :: tonary
tonchiare {v} :: To be weeviled
tonchiato {adj} :: weeviled
Tonchino {prop} :: Tonkin
tonchio {m} :: weevil
tonchioso {adj} :: infested with weevils
tondare {v} :: synonym of arrotondare
tondare {v} :: synonym of tondere
tondeggiamento {m} :: rounding, rounding off
tondeggiante {v} :: present participle of tondeggiare
tondeggiante {adj} :: roundish
tondeggiare {vi} :: to be round or roundish
tondello {m} :: round
tondello {m} :: flan (for making coins)
tondere {v} [obsolete or literary] /ˈ :: to shave
tondere {v} [obsolete or literary, by extension] :: to prune; to mow
tondere {v} [obsolete or literary, by extension] :: to graze
tondezza {f} :: roundness
tondino {m} :: iron rod
tondino {m} :: rod
tondino {m} :: coaster (small mat under a glass)
tondino {m} :: saucer
tonditura {f} :: shave, shaving
tonditura {f} :: pruning, mowing
tondo {adj} :: round, circular
tondo {m} :: circle
tondo {m} [art] :: tondo (round picture or other work of art)
tondone {m} :: A round wooden pole used in scaffolding
tondone {m} :: A dance in which people change partners in a ring
tondone {m} :: A simple pancake
toneggiare {v} :: To thunder repeatedly or continuously
tonfano {m} :: deep part of a river
tonfante {v} :: present participle of tonfare
tonfare {vi} :: to (make a) thud
tonfare {vi} :: to (make a) splash
tonfete {interj} :: by thunder!
tonfo {m} :: thud, thump
tonfo {m} :: plonk, plop, squelch
tonfo {m} :: fall, tumble, crash, splash
Tonga {prop} :: Tonga
tongana {f} :: female equivalent of tongano
tongano {adj} :: Tongan
tongano {m} :: Tongan
tonicità {f} :: tonicity
tonico {adj} /ˈtɔ.ni.ko/ :: tonic
tonico {m} :: tonic
tonico {m} :: toner (to stimulate the skin)
tonificante {v} :: present participle of tonificare
tonificante {adj} :: invigorating, bracing
tonificare {vt} :: to tone up
tonificare {vt} :: to invigorate
tonificazione {f} :: toning up
tonificazione {f} :: invigoration
Toninelli {prop} :: surname
Tonino {prop} :: given name
Tonio {prop} :: given name
Tonisto {prop} :: surname
tonitruante {adj} :: thunderous, booming
tonnara {f} /tonˈna.ra/ :: A set of especially disposed fishing nets used to catch bluefin tuna; almadraba
tonnara {f} [by extension] :: The place where such nets are employed
tonnarella {f} /ton.naˈrɛ :: diminutive of tonnara: A permanent installation of fishing nets used to catch tuna and other fish
tonnarotto {m} /ton.naˈrɔ :: A worker in a tonnara (tuna fishing place)
tonnato {adj} :: tuna (attributive)
tonneau {m} :: barrel roll
tonneggiante {v} :: present participle of tonneggiare
tonneggiare {vt} :: [nautical] To heave, kedge or warp (move a vessel with anchors and cables)
tonneggio {m} [nautical] :: warp (cable)
tonnellaggio {m} [nautical] :: tonnage
tonnellata {f} :: (unit of weight) tonne, ton
tonnellata inglese {f} :: imperial or avoirdupois ton (2240 pounds)
tonnetto {m} :: bonito (fish)
tonnetto {m} :: tuna bottled or canned in oil
tonniera {f} /tonˈnjɛ.ra/ :: A ship equipped for tuna fishing
tonniero {n} /tonˈnjɛ.ro/ :: Of or pertaining to tuna fishing
tonnina {f} :: little tunny (Thynnus thunnina)
tonnina {f} :: tuna packed beneath oil
tonno {m} /ˈ :: tuna, specifically:
tonno {m} [ichthyology] :: any of several species of fish of the genus Thunnus
tonno {m} :: the edible flesh of the tuna
tonno albacora {m} :: synonym of tonno pinna gialla
tonno bianco {m} :: synonym of alalonga
tonno e fagioli {m} :: a cold antipasto / salad of tuna, cannellini beans and chopped onions in a light dressing
tonno indopacifico {m} :: longtail tuna (Thunnus tonggol)
tonno monaco {m} :: synonym of tonno pinna gialla
tonno obeso {m} :: bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus)
tonno pinna blu {m} :: synonym of tonno rosso
tonno pinna gialla {m} :: yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares)
tonno rosso {m} /ˌ ˈ :: Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus)
tono- {prefix} :: tono-
tono {m} :: tone (all senses)
tono {m} :: shade (of colour)
tonofilamento {m} :: tonofilament
tonometria {f} :: tonometry
tonometrico {adj} :: tonometric
tonometro {m} :: tonometer
tonotopia {f} :: tonotopy
tonotopico {adj} :: tonotopic
tonsilla {f} [anatomy] :: tonsil
tonsillare {adj} [anatomy] :: tonsillar
tonsillectomia {f} [surgery] :: tonsillectomy
tonsillite {f} [pathology] :: tonsillitis
tonsillotomia {f} [surgery] :: tonsillotomy
tonsillotomo {m} [surgery] :: tonsillotome
tonsura {f} :: tonsure
tonsurante {v} :: present participle of tonsurare
tonsurare {vt} :: To tonsure
tonta {f} :: feminine noun of tonto
tontina {f} [finance] /tonˈ :: tontine
tonto {adj} /ˈ :: stupid, silly, dumb, foolish
tonto {m} :: a fool, a stupid person
tonto {m} :: goof
tontolone {adj} :: dumb, thick, stupid
Tony {prop} :: given name
top {m} [woman's dressing, garment] :: top
topa {f} :: female mouse
topa {f} [vulgar, slang] :: pussy (female genitalia)
topaia {f} /toˈpa.i.a/ :: rathole, hovel
topaia {f} :: mouse hole
topaia {f} [figuratively] :: shack
topato {adj} :: taupe
topazio {m} :: topaz
topesco {adj} :: mousy, mouselike
topi {n} :: topi (Damaliscus lunatus jimela)
topiario {adj} :: topiary (attributive)
topica {f} :: blunder
topicida {m} :: rat poison
topico {adj} :: topical [all senses]
topinaia {f} :: synonym of topaia
topinambur {m} /to.pi.namˈbur/ :: Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus)
topinambur {m} :: Jerusalem artichoke (tuber)
topino {m} :: small or young mouse (diminutive of topo)
topino {m} :: sand martin or bank swallow, Riparia riparia
Topino {prop} :: Topino (small river)
topiramato {m} [medicine] :: topiramate
topless {m} :: The state of being topless
topless {m} :: A monokini or similar
topo- {prefix} :: topo-
topo {m} :: mouse, rat, ratton
topo {m} [by extension] :: thief; person acting suspiciously or furtively
topo arboricolo {m} :: tree rat
topo arboricolo dalla coda a pennello maggiore {m} :: large pencil-tailed tree mouse, greater pencil-tailed tree mouse
topocane {m} :: A supposed animal having characteristics of a rat and a dog - seems to be an urban legend
topo canguro {m} :: kangaroo mouse
topo dalle tasche {m} :: pocket mouse
topo d'appartamento {m} :: A thief who specialises in stealing from apartments
topo delle betulle {m} :: synonym of sicista
topofilia {f} :: topophilia
topofobia {f} :: topophobia
topografia {f} :: topography
topograficamente {adv} :: topographically
topografico {adj} :: topographic
topografo {m} :: topographer
topoisomerasi {f} [enzyme] :: topoisomerase
topolino {m} :: diminutive of topo; little or baby mouse
topolino {m} :: scamp (lively child)
topolino {m} :: tooth fairy
Topolino {prop} :: Mickey Mouse
Topolino {prop} [automotive] :: Fiat 500 "Topolino"
topologia {f} [mathematics, computing, geography] /to.po.loˈd͡ʒi.a/ :: topology
topologia {f} [linguistics] :: word positioning
topologicamente {adv} :: topologically
topologico {adj} :: topological
toponimia {f} :: toponymy
toponimico {adj} :: toponymic
toponimo {m} :: toponym
toponomastica {f} :: toponymy, toponomastics
toponomastico {adj} :: toponymic, toponomastic
topo quercino {m} :: synonym of quercino
toporagno {m} :: shrew
topos {m} :: topos
topo saltatore {m} :: jumping mouse
topo saltatore cinese {m} :: Chinese jumping mouse
topo volante {m} :: flying mouse
toppa {f} :: patch (all senses)
toppa {f} :: keyhole
toppante {v} :: present participle of toppare
toppare {vi} :: To make a big mistake; to blunder or foul up
toppata {f} :: blunder, foul-up
toppato {adj} :: piebald
toppè {m} :: toupee (hairpiece)
toppo {m} :: stump (of a felled tree etc)
toppone {m} :: reinforcement, patch (in clothing)
top ten {m} :: top ten, hit list
torà {f} :: alternative case form of Torà
Torà {f} [religion, Judaism] /toˈra/ :: Torah
torace {m} /toˈrat͡ʃe/ :: chest
torace {m} :: thorax
toracentesi {f} [medicine] :: thoracentesis
toracico {adj} [anatomy] :: thoracic, chest (attributive)
toraco- {prefix} [anatomy] :: thoraco-
toracoaddominale {adj} [anatomy] :: thoracoabdominal
toracocentesi {f} [medicine] :: thoracentesis, thoracocentesis
toracodorsale {adj} [anatomy] :: thoracodorsal
toracoepigastrico {adj} [anatomy] :: thoracoepigastric
toracolombare {adj} [anatomy] :: thoracolumbar
toracoplastica {f} [surgery] :: thoracoplasty
toracopolmonare {adj} [anatomy] :: thoracopulmonary
toracoscopia {f} [surgery] :: thoracoscopy
toracoscopio {m} :: thoracoscope
toracotomia {f} [surgery] :: thoracotomy
torba {f} /ˈ :: peat
torbamente {adv} :: alternative form of torbidamente
torbato {adj} [of whisky] :: peaty
torbicolo {adj} /torˈbi.ko.lo/ :: That lives in peat bogs or on otherwise peaty soil
torbidamente {adv} :: turbidly
torbidezza {f} :: cloudiness, turbidity
torbidiccio {adj} :: Somewhat cloudy
torbidità {f} :: turbidity
torbiditico {adj} :: turbiditic
torbido {adj} :: cloudy, muddy, turbid
torbidume {m} :: turbid or cloudy matter
torbidume {m} :: fishy situation
torbiera {f} /torˈbjɛ.ra/ :: peat bog
torbo {adj} :: alternative form of torbido
torboso {adj} /torˈbo.zo/ :: peaty
torcellano {adj} :: Of or from Torcello
Torcello {prop} :: An island in the Venice lagoon
torcente {v} :: present participle of torcere
torcente {adj} :: twisting
torcente {adj} [physics] :: torsional
torcentesi {v} :: present participle of torcersi
torcere {vt} /ˈtɔr.t͡ʃ :: to twist
torcere {vt} :: to wring
torcere {vt} :: to bend
torcersi {v} :: reflexive of torcere
torcersi {v} :: to writhe, roll about
torcersi {v} :: to bend
torcetto {m} :: A candle formed from a number of smaller ones fastened together
torcetto {m} [especially in plural] :: A type of biscuit from Piedmont
torchiante {v} :: present participle of torchiare
torchiare {vt} :: to press [olives, etc.]
torchiare {vt} :: to grill (question relentlessly)
torchiatore {m} :: A person who operates a wine or olive press
torchiatura {f} :: pressing (of olives, grapes etc)
torchietto {m} [photography] :: printing frame
torchio {m} /ˈtɔr.kjo/ :: press (for olives etc)
torcia {f} /ˈtɔr.t͡ʃa/ :: torch (flaming)
torcia elettrica {f} :: torch (UK), flashlight (US)
torciare {v} :: To twist
torciare {v} :: To tighten by means of a tie
torcibudella {m} :: Violent stomach ache
torcibudella {m} :: Strong, coarse alcoholic drink; indigestible food
torcicollo {m} :: crick (stiff neck, crick of the neck)
torcicollo {m} :: wryneck (bird)
torcigliare {v} :: alternative form of attorcigliare
torciglione {m} :: turban
torcimanno {m} :: alternative form of turcimanno
torcimento {m} :: wringing, twisting
torcimetro {m} :: twist counter (for testing yarn)
torcinaso {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: barnacle(s)
torcitoio {m} :: twisting machine
torcitore {m} :: twister
torcitore {m} :: throwster
torcitrice {f} :: twister
torcitrice {f} :: throwster
torcitrice {f} :: throwing machine (feminine only)
torcitura {f} :: pressing
torcitura {f} :: twisting, throwing (yarn)
torcolare {m} :: wine press
torcolare {v} :: To squeeze, press
torcoliere {m} :: printer (using a manual, one sheet at a time, printing press)
torcolo {m} :: synonym of torchio
torcolo {m} :: A type of cake made at Christmas in Umbria
tordaia {f} [hunting] /torˈda.ja/ :: A net for catching thrushes or other birds of similar size
tordaio {m} :: A place where thrushes are fattened for use as a lure
tordela {f} /torˈ :: mistle thrush (Turdus viscivorus)
tordela gazzina {f} :: synonym of cesena
tordella {f} /torˈdɛ :: alternative form of tordela
tordiera {f} [hunting] /torˈdjɛ.ra/ :: synonym of tordaia
Tordino {prop} :: Tordino (river)
tordo {m} :: thrush (bird)
tordo americano {m} :: mockingbird (Mimidae)
tordo bottaccio {m} :: song thrush
tordo sassello {m} :: redwing
-tore {suffix} :: Added to verbs to form masculine nouns and adjectives from verbs with the sense of "person or thing connected or involved with, belonging to, or having"; -er; -or
toreante {v} :: present participle of toreare
toreare {vi} :: To fight a bull
torello {m} :: Small or young bull
torera {f} :: female equivalent of torero
torero {m} [bullfighting] :: torero, bullfighter, toreador
toreuta {m} :: A person who makes decorative metalwork
toreutica {f} :: toreutics (toreutic art)
torianite {f} [mineral] :: thorianite
toriato {adj} :: thoriated
torico {adj} :: toric
torico {adj} :: toroidal
torii {m} :: torii
torinese {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Turin
torinese {adj} :: Of or relating to Turin or the Turin people
torinista {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the Torino football club
torinista {mf} :: Member of the Torino football club
Torino {prop} :: Torino (capital city)
Torino {prop} :: Torino (metropolitan city)
Torino {prop} :: The letter T in the Italian phonetic alphabet
-torio {suffix} :: Forms adjectives, usually from verbs; tends to indicate a relation to the action of the verb
-torio {suffix} :: Forms nouns, usually from verbs; tends to indicate a place where the action of the verb occurs
torio {m} [chemistry] /ˈtɔrjo/ :: thorium
torite {f} [mineral] :: thorite
torlakiano {adj} :: Torlakian
torlo {m} :: alternative form of tuorlo
Torlonia {prop} :: surname
torma {f} :: crowd, throng
tormalina {f} [mineralogy] /tor.maˈ :: tourmaline
tormenta {f} :: snowstorm
tormenta {f} :: blizzard
tormentante {v} :: present participle of tormentare
tormentantesi {v} :: present participle of tormentarsi
tormentare {v} :: to torment
tormentare {v} :: to bother or pester
tormentarsi {vr} :: To worry
tormentato {adj} :: tormented
tormentato {adj} :: bothered
tormentato {adj} :: worried
tormentatore {m} :: tormentor, torturer
tormentatosi {v} :: past participle of tormentarsi
tormentatrice {f} :: feminine noun of tormentatore
tormentilla {f} :: tormentil
tormentina {f} [nautical] :: storm jib
tormento {m} :: torment
tormento {m} :: agony
tormentone {m} :: obsession, preoccupation
tormentone {m} :: catchphrase
tormentone {m} :: a tiresome and boring person; a bugbear
tormentosamente {adv} :: tormentingly
tormentosamente {adv} :: painfully
tormentoso {adj} :: tormenting
tormentoso {adj} :: painful, distressing
tornaconto {m} :: advantage, personal gain, profit
tornado {m} :: tornado
tornagusto {m} :: appetiser
tornagusto {m} :: apéritif
tornante {m} :: hairpin bend, switchback
tornante {v} :: present participle of tornare
tornantesi {v} :: present participle of tornarsi
tornar {v} :: apocopic form of tornare
tornare {vi} :: to return, come back
tornarsene {vp} :: to return or turn back
tornarsi {v} :: reflexive of tornare
tornarsi {v} :: to return, come back
tornasole {m} :: litmus (substance and plant)
tornata {f} :: round
tornata {f} :: session
Tornatore {prop} :: surname
Tornatore {prop} :: Giuseppe Tornatore, Italian film director
tornatosene {v} :: past participle of tornarsene
tornatosi {v} :: past participle of tornarsi
torneamento {m} :: synonym of torneo
torneante {m} :: jouster
torneante {adj} :: jouster
torneatore {m} :: tourneyer, jouster
torneggio {m} :: synonym of tornitura
tornella {f} :: turnstile
tornello {m} :: turnstile, turnpike
tornente {v} :: present participle of tornire
torneo {m} /tor.ˈnɛ.o/ :: tournament
torneo {m} :: competition (sports)
tornese {m} :: tornesel, tornesol, Tournois (coin)
torniare {v} :: To turn (on a lathe) or throw (on a potter's wheel)
torniare {v} :: alternative form of torneare
tornimento {m} :: synonym of tornitura
tornio {m} :: lathe (machine tool used to shape a piece of material)
tornio da vasaio {m} :: throwing wheel
tornire {v} :: to lathe
tornire {v} :: to throw a pot
tornito {adj} :: shapely
tornitore {m} :: turner (lathe worker)
tornitura {f} :: turning (e.g. on a lathe)
tornitura {f} :: throwing of a pot
toro {m} :: bull
toro {m} :: Taurus
toro {m} [mathematics, geometry] :: torus
Toro {prop} :: Taurus [the constellation]
Toro {prop} :: Taurus [the star sign]
toro di Falaride {m} /ˈtɔ.ro di faˈ :: brazen bull (ancient torture device)
toroidale {adj} :: toroidal
toroide {f} [mathematics] :: toroid
torpedine {f} :: stingray
torpedine {f} [nautical] :: torpedo
torpediniera {f} :: torpedo boat
torpedo {f} :: tourer (motorcar)
torpedone {m} [dated] :: charabanc, coach
torpidamente {adv} :: torpidly
torpidezza {f} :: torpidity
torpidezza {f} :: dullness, sluggishness, torpor
torpidità {f} :: torpor, torpidity
torpido {adj} :: torpid, sluggish
torpiglia {f} :: torpedo (fish), stingray
torpore {m} :: torpor
torpore {m} :: sleep
Torquato {prop} :: given name
torr {m} [meteorology] :: torr (unit of pressure)
torracchione {m} :: keep
torraiolo {adj} :: only in colombo torraiolo
torrazzo {m} :: A large tower
torre {f} /ˈ :: tower
torre {f} [chess] :: rook, castle
Torre {prop} :: Torre (river)
Torre di Babele {prop} :: Tower of Babel
torre di comando {f} [nautical] :: conning tower
torre di Pisa {prop} :: the Leaning Tower of Pisa
torre Eiffel {n} /ˌ‿eifˈfɛl/ :: Eiffel Tower (tower in Paris)
torrefacente {v} :: present participle of torrefare
torrefare {vt} :: to roast (coffee)
torrefattore {m} :: roaster (typically of coffee beans)
torrefazione {f} /ˈt͡ :: roasting (of coffee)
torrefazione {f} :: coffee shop (that sells blends of freshly roasted coffee)
torreggiante {v} :: present participle of torreggiare
torreggiare {vi} :: to tower (over)
torrente {m} /torˈrɛn.te/ :: stream, creek, torrent
torrentello {m} :: streamlet
torrentismo {m} :: canyoning
torrentista {mf} :: canyoner
torrentizio {adj} [of a river flow] /tor.renˈtit.tsjo/ :: torrential, torrent-like, irregular
torrenziale {adj} /tor.renˈt͡sja.le/ :: torrential [rain]
torre pendente {prop} [colloquial] :: the Leaning Tower of Pisa
torretta {f} :: turret
Torricelli {prop} :: surname
Torricelli {prop} :: Evangelista Torricelli, Italian scientist
torricelliano {adj} :: Torricellian
torrido {adj} :: scorching, torrid
torriere {m} :: warden of a tower
torrigiano {m} :: synonym of torriere
torrione {m} /torˈ :: keep, large tower
torrione {m} [nautical] :: conning tower
torrione {m} :: dungeon
torrito {adj} :: alternative form of turrito
torroncino {m} :: small nougat
torrone {m} :: A form of nougat traditionally eaten at Christmas
torsello {m} :: trousseau (all senses)
torsello {m} :: pincushion
torsello {m} :: pad
torsello {m} :: driftpin
torsello {m} :: bundle
torsiometro {m} :: synonym of torcimetro
torsiometro {m} :: torsionmeter
torsionale {adj} :: torsional, torsion (attributive)
torsione {f} :: torsion
torsione {f} :: twisting
torsione {f} :: twist (gymnastics)
torso {m} :: torso
torso {m} :: A statue that is missing its head and limbs
torso {m} [botany] :: The large stem of plants such as a cabbage
torsolo {m} [botany] :: core (of an apple, pear etc)
torsolo {m} [botany] :: stalk (of a cabbage etc)
torta {f} :: pie, tart, cake or similar
torta {f} [heraldiccharge] :: roundel (of a tincture; see bisante)
torta {f} [rare] /ˈtɔr.ta/ :: The act of twisting
torta {f} [archaic] :: The result of twisting
torta al cioccolato {f} :: chocolate cake
torta della nonna {f} :: A soft flat cake made with ricotta (or custard) and flavoured with pine nuts
torta di compleanno {f} :: birthday cake
torta di zucca {f} :: pumpkin pie
tortaio {m} :: baker of cakes &c
tortamente {adv} :: crookedly
torta nuziale {f} :: wedding cake
torta quattro quarti {f} :: pound cake
tortellinatrice {f} :: A machine for making tortellini
tortellini {m} {p} :: a dish of tortellini
tortellini in brodo {n} :: a soup consisting of small, stuffed pasta in a clear broth
tortellino {m} [cooking, foods] /torˌtelˈ :: diminutive of tortello
tortellino {m} [cooking, foods] :: tortellini; small, ring-shaped pasta, stuffed with meat, cheese etc; eaten with a sauce or in a soup
tortellino {m} [cooking, in the plural] :: a dish of tortellini
tortello {m} :: A kind of ravioli
tortello {m} [heraldiccharge] :: roundel
tortellone {m} :: a larger form of tortellino
tortevolmente {adv} :: wrongfully, unfairly
tortezza {f} :: crookedness
torticcio {m} :: cable
tortiera {f} /torˈtjɛ.ra/ :: cake tin
tortiglia {f} :: multiply-twisted yarn
tortigliare {v} :: To twist
tortigliere {m} :: synonym of cercine
tortiglio {m} :: synonym of tortiglione
tortiglione {m} :: spiral
tortiglione {m} :: torse
tortiglione {m} [in the plural] :: a form of twisted pasta
tortino {m} :: pie (savoury)
torto {adj} :: twisted, bent, crooked
torto {m} :: wrong, injustice
torto marcio {m} :: dead wrong
Tortona {prop} :: Tortona (town)
tortonese {adj} :: Of or from Tortona
tortora {f} /ˈ :: turtle dove
tortora dal collare orientale {f} :: collared dove, properly the Eurasian collared dove
tortorata {f} :: a beating with a stick
tortore {m} [regional] :: stick, club
tortoreggiante {v} :: present participle of tortoreggiare
tortoreggiare {v} :: to bill and coo
tortosi {v} :: past participle of torcersi
tortrice {f} :: tortricid
tortuosamente {adv} :: tortuously, crookedly
tortuosità {f} :: crookedness, tortuosity
tortuosità {f} :: convolution
tortuoso {adj} :: winding, crooked, twisty, tortuous (road, etc)
tortuoso {adj} :: convoluted, devious (reasoning, explanation, etc)
tortura {f} [obsolete] /torˈtu.ra/ :: the act of bending or twisting
tortura {f} :: torture (intentional causing of somebody's experiencing agony)
tortura {f} [figurative] :: torment
torturante {v} :: present participle of torturare
torturantesi {v} :: present participle of torturarsi
torturare {vt} :: to torture, torment, pang
torturarsi {v} :: reflexive of torturare
torturarsi {v} :: to torment oneself
torturato {adj} :: tortured
torturato {adj} :: tormented
torturatore {m} :: torturer
torturatosi {v} :: past participle of torturarsi
torturatrice {f} :: female equivalent of torturatore
torvamente {adv} :: grimly
torvità {f} :: grimness
torvo {adj} :: grim, menacing
torzone {m} :: lay brother
torzone {m} :: An ignorant, uncouth person
tosacani {m} :: dog clipper (person)
tosacani {m} [colloquial] :: a bad barber
tosaerba {m} :: lawnmower
tosamento {m} :: shearing
tosamento {m} :: clipping, trimming
tosante {v} :: present participle of tosare
tosare {vt} :: to shear
tosare {vt} :: to clip, trim
tosasiepi {m} :: hedge trimmer or clippers
tosatore {m} :: shearer (of animals)
tosatrice {f} :: clippers (for the hair or beard)
tosatrice {f} :: shears (for sheep)
tosatura {f} :: shearing
tosatura {f} :: clipping
tosatura {f} :: trimming
toscana {f} :: feminine noun of toscano
Toscana {prop} :: Toscana (region)
toscanamente {adv} :: In a Tuscan manner
toscaneggiante {adj} :: That uses Tuscan expressions
toscaneggiante {v} :: present participle of toscaneggiare
toscaneggiare {vi} :: to use Tuscan expressions
toscanella {f} :: A wine bottle like a fiasco but without the straw jacket
toscanello {m} :: A small cigar
toscanello {m} :: A variety of small, white bean
toscanello {m} :: A purple variety of artichoke
toscaneria {f} :: The tendency to use too many Tuscan expressions
toscanesimo {m} :: Tuscanism
Toscani {prop} :: surname
toscanico {adj} [architecture] :: Tuscan
Toscanini {prop} :: surname
Toscanini {prop} :: Arturo Toscanini, Italian orchestra conductor
toscanismo {m} :: Tuscan term or idiom
toscanismo {m} :: Tuscan character or derivation (expecially of language)
toscanità {f} :: The property of being Tuscan, Tuscan spirit or essence
toscanizzante {v} :: present participle of toscanizzare
toscanizzantesi {v} :: present participle of toscanizzarsi
toscanizzare {vt} :: to Tuscanize
toscanizzarsi {v} :: reflexive of toscanizzare
toscanizzarsi {vr} :: to Tuscanize
toscanizzatosi {v} :: past participle of toscanizzarsi
toscano {adj} :: Tuscan
toscano {m} :: A Tuscan (person from Tuscany)
toscano {m} :: A strong cigar manufactured in Italy, originating from Tuscany
toscano {prop} :: The Tuscan dialect
tosco {adj} [archaic] /ˈtos.ko/ :: Tuscan
tosco {m} [archaic] :: A person from or an inhabitant of Tuscany
tosco {adj} [dated] /ˈtɔs.ko/ :: Of or pertaining to the southern part of Albania
tosco {prop} :: The Tosk variety of the Albanian language
tosco {m} [obsolete, poetic] /ˈtɔs.ko/ :: poison, harmful substance
Tosco {m} :: Tuscan
Tosco {adj} :: Tuscan
Toselli {prop} :: surname
Tosi {prop} :: surname
Toso {prop} :: surname
tosone {m} :: fleece, fur, vellum
toss- {prefix} :: alternative form of tossi-; toxi-
tosse {f} :: cough (condition that causes one to cough)
tosse asinina {f} [disease] :: whooping cough
tosse canina {f} [diseases] :: whooping cough
tossente {v} :: present participle of tossire
tosse secca {f} :: hack (dry cough)
tossi- {prefix} :: toxi-
tossialimentare {adj} :: Relating to the toxicity of food
tossicchiante {v} :: present participle of tossicchiare
tossicchiare {vi} :: To cough slightly; to clear one's throat
tossicità {f} :: toxicity
tossico- {prefix} :: Related to poison or any other harmful substance
tossico {adj} /ˈtɔ :: toxic, poisonous
tossico {m} [obsolete] :: poison
tossico {m} [medicine] :: Any substance harmful to the body
tossico {m} [slang] :: drug addict, drug abuser, junkie
tossicodipendente {adj} /to.sːi.ko.di.penˈdɛn.te/ :: drug-addicted
tossicodipendente {mf} :: drug addict, drug abuser
tossicodipendenza {f} /ˌto.sːi.ko.di.penˈdɛn.t͡sa/ :: drug addiction
tossicofarmacologia {f} /ˌˈd͡ʒi.a/ :: toxicopharmacology
tossicofarmacologico {adj} /ˈto.sːi.koˌˈlɔ.d͡ʒi.ko/ :: toxicopharmacological
tossicofilo {m} :: drug user
tossicofilo {adj} :: toxicophylic
tossicofobia {f} :: toxicophobia
tossicologa {f} :: female equivalent of tossicologo
tossicologia {f} [medicine] /ˈdʒi.a/ :: toxicology
tossicologico {adj} [medicine] /to.sːi.koˈlɔ.d͡ʒi.ko/ :: toxicological
tossicologo {m} [medicine] /to.sːiˈkɔ.lo.ɡo/ :: toxicologist
tossicoloso {adj} :: Having a persistent cough
tossicomane {mf} :: drug addict, junkie
tossicomania {f} :: toxicomania
tossicone {f} :: A heavy cough
tossicosi {f} [pathology] :: toxicosis
tossiemia {f} [pathology] :: toxemia
tossiemico {adj} :: toxemic
tossigenicità {f} :: toxigenicity
tossigenico {adj} :: toxigenic, toxinogenic
tossina {f} :: toxin
tossina botulinica {f} :: botulinum toxin
tossinfezione {f} [pathology] :: toxic infection
tossire {vi} :: to cough
tossitore {m} :: cougher
tossizeismo {m} [dated, medicine] /tos.siˈd͡ze̯ :: A theory that ascribes pellagra solely to the consumption of tainted maize
tossoide {m} /tosˈsɔi̯.de/ :: toxoid
tostacaffè {m} :: coffee roaster
tostamente {adv} :: immediately, soon
tostante {v} :: present participle of tostare
tostapane {m} :: toaster
tostare {v} :: to toast (burn lightly)
tostato {adj} :: toasted
tostatore {m} :: toaster, roaster (person)
tostatura {f} :: toasting (of bread)
tostatura {f} :: roasting (of coffee beans)
tostevolmente {adv} :: immediately, quickly
tostissimo {adj} :: superlative of tosto
tostissimo {adj} :: very tough
tostissimo {adj} :: very hard
tosto {adv} [archaic] /ˈtɔ :: at once, immediately
tosto {adj} [archaic] :: swift, rapid, hurried
tosto {adj} [literary or regional] :: hard, tough, hard-boiled
tosto {adj} [by extension, colloquial] :: difficult
tosto {adj} :: badass
Tosto {prop} :: surname
tot {adj} :: so many
tot {m} :: so much
totale {adj} :: total
totale {adj} :: absolute, unconditional, implicit
totale {m} :: total
totale {m} :: A type of film shot in which all of an environment (interior or exterior) is visible
totale {f} :: general anaesthetic
totalismo {m} :: totalism
totalistico {adj} :: totalistic
totalità {f} :: totality, entirety
totalitario {adj} :: totalitarian
totalitario {adj} :: total, complete
totalitarismo {m} :: totalitarianism
totalitaristico {adj} :: totalitarian
totalizzante {v} :: present participle of totalizzare
totalizzare {vt} :: to total
totalizzare {vt} :: to score [in sport]
totalizzatore {m} :: totalizator, tote [system at racecourses]
totalizzazione {f} :: totalization
totalmente {adv} :: totally, completely
totanara {f} :: A trap used to catch squid
totano {m} [mollusk] :: European flying squid (Todarodes sagittatus)
totano {m} :: certain wading birds (Tringa spp.)
totano {m} :: common redshank (Tringa totanus)
totano {m} :: tattlers (Tringa brevipes and Tringa incana)
totem {m} /ˈtɔ.tem/ :: totem
totemico {adj} /toˈtɛ.mi.ko/ :: totemic
totemismo {m} /to.teˈ :: totemism
totiente {f} [mathematics] /toˈtjɛnte/ :: totient
Totino {prop} :: surname
Totip {n} :: horse racing pools (gambling system)
totipotente {adj} :: totipotent
totipotenza {f} :: totipotency
totò {f} {p} [childish] /toˈtɔ/ :: spanking
Totò {prop} [Southern Italy] /toˈtɔ/ :: A diminutive of the male given name Antonio (Anthony)
Totò {prop} :: Totò (1898–1967), Neapolitan actor and comedian
Totò {prop} [Southern Italy] :: A diminutive of the male given name Salvatore (Saviour)
totocalcio {m} /to.toˈkal.t͡ʃo/ :: football pools
totonero {m} :: illegal betting on football matches
tottavilla {f} /tot.taˈ :: woodlark (Lullula arborea)
toupet {m} :: toupee, hairpiece
Tour {prop} [cycling, by ellipsis] :: The Tour de France
Tour de France {prop} [cycling] /ˌtur de ˈfrans/ :: Tour de France (annual cycling race through France)
tournée {f} :: tour
tovaglia {f} :: tablecloth, cloth
tovagliato {m} :: table linen, napery
tovaglietta {f} :: tablemat
tovagliolino {m} :: small napkin, small serviette
tovagliolino {m} :: paper napkin, paper serviette
tovagliolo {m} :: napkin, serviette
tovagliuolo {m} :: alternative form of tovagliolo
toxafene {m} [organic compound] :: toxaphene
toxocona {f} :: toxocone
toxoplasmosi {f} [disease] :: toxoplasmosis
toyotismo {m} :: Toyotism
tozzetto {m} :: diminutive of tozzo
tozzetto {m} :: biscuit in Lazio and in Umbria similar to cantuccio
Tozzi {prop} :: surname
Tozzi {prop} :: Federigo Tozzi, Italian writer
tozzo {adj} :: stocky, thickset
tozzo {adj} :: squat
tozzo {m} :: piece, morsel
Tozzo {prop} :: surname
tozzone {m} :: alternative form of torzone
Tr. {n} [music] :: abbreviation of tromba
tra- {prefix} /tra/ :: trans-
tra- {prefix} :: between, among
tra {prep} :: between
tra {prep} :: among
tra {prep} :: in (expression of time)
trabacca {f} :: pavilion
trabacca {f} :: marquee
trabaccolo {m} :: A small, two-masted sailing vessel
trabaldare {v} :: To steal
traballamento {m} :: staggering, tottering, lurching, reeling, hobble (of a person)
traballamento {m} :: wobbling (of an object)
traballante {v} :: present participle of traballare
traballante {adj} :: shaky, rocky, rickety
traballante {adj} :: trembling
traballare {vi} :: to stagger
traballare {vi} :: to tremble
traballare {vi} [figuratively, by extension] :: to be in a precarious state; to be shaky
traballare {vi} [chess, by extension] :: to be hanging
traballio {m} :: staggering, tottering, lurching, reeling (of a person)
traballio {m} :: lurching, shaking (of an object)
trabaltare {v} :: synonym of ribaltare
trabalzare {v} :: To jolt, bounce
trabalzo {m} :: jolt, bounce
trabalzone {m} :: Violent jolt, shock
trabante {m} :: halberdier
trabante {m} :: batman (military attendant)
trabattello {m} :: scaffolding tower
trabatto {m} :: Mechanical riddle composed of a series of graded sieves
trabeazione {f} [architecture] :: trabeation, entablature
trabecola {f} [anatomy] :: trabecula
trabecolare {adj} [skeleton] :: trabecular
trabecolato {adj} :: trabeculated
trabeculectomia {f} [surgery] :: trabeculectomy
trabere {vi} :: To drink alcohol excessively
trabevente {v} :: present participle of trabere
trabiccolo {m} [Tuscany, dated] /traˈbik.ko.lo/ :: A dome-shaped wooden frame, at the center of which a scaldino (or other source of heat) can be hanged
trabiccolo {m} :: contraption
trabiccolo {m} :: banger, jalopy (old car)
traboccamento {m} :: overflowing, flush
traboccante {v} :: present participle of traboccare
traboccante {adj} :: overflowing
traboccare {v} :: to overflow (from / with)
trabocchetto {m} :: trap, trap door
trabocchetto {m} :: booby trap
trabocchetto {m} :: pitfall
trabocchetto {m} :: trick question
trabocchevole {adj} :: alternative form of strabocchevole
trabocchevolmente {adv} :: overabundantly, overwhelmingly
tra breve {adv} :: soon, shortly
trabucarsi {v} :: To hole up
trabuccante {v} :: present participle of trabuccare
trabuccante {adj} :: overflowing
trabuccare {v} :: alternative form of traboccare
trabucco {m} :: A type of large fishing net suspended from the shore
trabucco {m} :: trebuchet
tracagnotto {adj} :: squat, stocky, thickset, dumpy
tracannante {v} :: present participle of tracannare
tracannare {vt} :: To gulp down, slurp or knock back or chug
tra capo e collo {adv} :: out of the blue, like a bolt from the blue, unexpectedly
traccagnotto {adj} :: alternative form of tracagnotto
traccheggiamento {m} :: procrastination
traccheggiante {v} :: present participle of traccheggiare
traccheggiare {vi} :: To procrastinate, pussyfoot or temporize
traccheggiatore {m} :: procrastinator
traccheggiatura {f} :: synonym of traccheggiamento
traccia {f} /ˈtrat.t͡ʃa/ :: trace
traccia {f} :: sign, track, footstep, trail, mark
traccia {f} :: vestige, remnant
traccia {f} :: hint, clue
traccia {f} [mathematics] :: the sum of the diagonal elements of a square matrix
traccia {f} [astronomy] :: luminositytemperature relationship between stars
traccia {f} :: sketch or blueprint
traccia {f} :: outline, plan, guideline
traccia {f} :: plot (course of a story)
traccia {f} :: chase (trench or channel for encasing)
traccia {f} [music] :: track
traccia {f} [computing] :: track (circular data storage unit)
traccia {f} [literary] :: path
traccia {f} [literary] :: line (sequence of people)
tracciabile {adj} :: traceable
tracciabilità {f} :: traceability
traccialinee {m} :: synonym of tiralinee
tracciamento {m} /trat.t͡ʃaˈ :: marking out
tracciamento {m} :: mapping out
tracciamento {m} :: plotting
tracciamento {m} :: sketching, drawing
tracciante {v} :: present participle of tracciare
tracciante {m} :: tracer (biochemistry)
tracciante {adj} :: tracer (bullet)
tracciante radioattivo {m} [physics, chemistry, medicine] :: radioactive tracer
tracciare {vt} :: to leave a mark, impression, or imprint
tracciare {vt} :: to mark out [a route, etc.]
tracciare {vt} :: to traverse [a path, road, etc.] for the first time
tracciare {vt} :: to map out, plot
tracciare {vt} :: to sketch, draw, trace, outline
tracciare {vt} :: to blueprint
tracciare {vt} :: to summarize; to outline
tracciare {vt} [computing] :: to follow someone's digital footprint, IP address information, etc
tracciato {m} :: plan, layout
tracciatore {m} :: tracer (person)
tracciatura {f} :: tracing, sketching, drawing
tracciatura {f} :: tracking
traccutato {adj} :: alternative form of trascutato
trace {adj} [literary] /ˈtra.t͡ʃe/ :: Thracian
trace {m} [historical] :: A person from or an inhabitant of Thrace
trace {m} :: The Thracian language
trace {m} [historical, Ancient Rome] :: A gladiator bearing Thracian equipment
trachea {f} [anatomy] :: trachea, windpipe
trachea {f} [botany] :: trachea
tracheale {adj} [anatomy, botany] :: tracheal
tracheide {m} :: tracheid
tracheite {f} [diseases] :: tracheitis
tracheo- {prefix} [anatomy] :: tracheo-
tracheobronchiale {adj} [anatomy] :: tracheobronchial
tracheobronchite {f} [pathology] :: tracheobronchitis
tracheoesofageo {adj} [anatomy] :: tracheoesophageal
tracheola {f} [zoology] :: tracheole
tracheomalacia {f} [pathology] :: tracheomalacia
tracheoscopia {f} [medicine] :: tracheoscopy
tracheostomia {f} [surgery] :: tracheostomy
tracheotomia {f} [surgery] :: tracheotomy
trachino {m} :: weever
trachite {f} [mineralogy] :: trachyte
trachitico {adj} :: trachytic
Tracia {prop} :: Thrace
tracico {adj} :: Thracian
tracimante {v} :: present participle of tracimare
tracimare {vi} :: To overflow; to burst its banks (of a river, etc.)
tracimazione {f} :: overflowing
tracina {f} :: weever (marine fish of the family Trachinidae)
tracio {adj} /ˈtra.t͡ʃo/ :: Thracian
tracio {m} [historical] :: A person from or an inhabitant of Thrace
tracio {m} :: The Thracian language
tracodonte {m} :: trachodont
tracolla {f} :: sling, baldric
tracolla {f} :: shoulder strap, shoulder belt, crossbelt, shoulder bag
tracollante {v} :: present participle of tracollare
tracollare {vi} :: to lose one's balance
tracollare {vi} :: to fall over
tracollo {m} :: collapse, ruin
tracoma {m} [disease] :: trachoma
tracomatoso {adj} :: trachomatous
tracoscio {m} /traˈkɔʃ.ʃo/ :: synonym of noce
tracotante {adj} :: arrogant, overbearing
tracotanza {f} :: arrogance
tracutato {adj} :: alternative form of trascutato
tradente {v} :: present participle of tradire
tradentesi {v} :: present participle of tradirsi
tradescanzia {f} :: spiderwort, tradescantia
tradeunionismo {m} :: trade unionism
tradibile {adj} :: That can be betrayed
tradigione {f} /tra.diˈd͡ʒ :: betrayal, treachery
tradimento {m} :: betrayal, treason, treachery, cheating
tradimento {m} :: adultery, infidelity
tradire {vt} :: to betray
tradire {vt} :: to reveal
tradirsi {v} :: reflexive of tradire
tradirsi {v} :: to betray oneself; to give oneself away
traditor {m} :: apocopic form of traditore
traditore {m} :: traitor
traditore {m} [by extension] :: adulterer
traditosi {v} :: past participle of tradirsi
traditrice {f} :: female equivalent of traditore
tradizionale {adj} :: traditional, customary
tradizionale {adj} :: conventional
tradizionale {adj} :: habitual, usual
tradizionalismo {m} :: traditionalism
tradizionalista {mf} :: traditionalist
tradizionalista {adj} :: traditionalist, traditionalistic
tradizionalistico {adj} :: traditionalist, traditionalistic
tradizionalmente {adv} :: traditionally, customarily
tradizionalmente {adv} :: (according to the tradition) by tradition, by custom
tradizione {f} /tra.ditˈt͡ :: tradition, custom, use, heritage
tradizione {f} [legal] :: tradition, transfer, delivery
tradizione {f} [archaic, literary] :: betrayal, treachery
tradotta {f} :: troop train
traducianesimo {m} :: traducianism
traduciano {adj} :: traducian
traduciano {m} :: traducian
traducibile {adj} :: translatable, able to be translated
traducibilità {f} :: capability of being translated
traducibilità {f} :: capability of being expressed
tradurre {vt} :: to translate
tradurre {vt} :: to transfer
tradursi {vr} :: To turn out
traduttivo {adj} :: translation (attributive)
traduttologia {f} :: Study of translation
traduttore {m} :: interpreter, translator
traduttori, traditori {proverb} :: Translators are traitors; a text can never be translated without some loss of nuance
traduttrice {f} :: female equivalent of traduttore
traduzionale {adj} :: translation (attributive)
traduzionale {adj} [biochemistry] :: translational
traduzione {f} :: translation
traduzione automatica {f} [translation studies] :: machine translation
traente {v} :: present participle of trarre
traente {adj} :: pulling
traentesi {v} :: present participle of trarsi
traenza {f} :: drawing
Traetta {prop} :: surname
trafelamento {m} :: wheezing
trafelare {v} :: To wheeze
trafelato {adj} :: out of breath, short of breath, panting
traferro {m} [physics] :: air gap (between the poles of a magnet)
trafficabile {adj} :: tradeable
trafficante {mf} :: trafficker
trafficante {mf} :: pusher (of drugs)
trafficante {mf} :: fence (dealer in stolen goods)
trafficante {mf} :: (archaic Calabrese dialect) trader
trafficante {v} :: present participle of trafficare
trafficare {v} :: to deal or trade
trafficare {v} :: to traffic (in illicit material)
trafficare {v} :: to be busy
trafficato {adj} [of a road] :: Busy with traffic
trafficatore {m} :: trafficker (typically of drugs
trafficatorio {adj} :: traffic (attributive)
traffico {m} /ˈ :: traffic
traffico {m} :: trade
traffico {m} :: activity, rush
trafficone {m} :: schemer, wheeler-dealer
trafiere {m} :: A long, sharp dagger
trafiggente {v} :: present participle of trafiggere
trafiggentesi {v} :: present participle of trafiggersi
trafiggere {vt} /traˈfid.d͡ʒ :: to pierce
trafiggere {vt} :: to produce a sharp, acute, or stabbing pain
trafiggere {vt} :: to offend harshly
trafiggersi {v} :: reflexive of trafiggere
trafiggersi {vr} :: to run oneself through (with a weapon)
trafiggersi {vr} :: to fall on one's sword
trafiggimento {m} [rare] :: synonym of trafittura
trafila {f} :: procedure, routine
trafila {f} :: die, drawplate
trafilabile {adj} :: ductile
trafilabilità {f} :: ductility
trafilante {v} :: present participle of trafilare
trafilare {vt} :: To draw (into wire)
trafilato {adj} :: drawn (into wire)
trafilato {m} :: wire or other drawn product
trafilatore {m} :: wireworker
trafilatrice {f} :: drawbench (wire drawing machine)
trafilatura {f} :: wire drawing
trafiletto {m} :: short article, paragraph
trafisso {adj} :: alternative form of trafitto
trafittivo {adj} [of a pain etc] :: piercing, stabbing
trafitto {adj} :: pierced, transfixed
trafittosi {v} :: past participle of trafiggersi
trafittura {f} :: piercing, transfixion
trafittura {f} :: (stab) wound
trafittura {f} :: (sharp) pain
traforabile {adj} :: pierceable
traforante {v} :: present participle of traforare
traforare {vt} :: to pierce
traforare {vt} :: to drill, bore
traforare {vt} :: to tunnel through
traforato {adj} :: pierced
traforatrice {f} :: boring / drilling machine
traforatrice {f} :: fretsaw (mechanical)
traforello {m} :: cheater, deceiver, rogue
traforo {m} :: drilling, boring
traforo {m} :: piercing
traforo {m} :: tunnelling
traforo {m} :: tunnel
traforo {m} :: fretwork
trafugabile {adj} :: stealable
trafugamento {m} :: purloining, stealing
trafugante {v} :: present participle of trafugare
trafugare {vt} :: To steal, to purloin
trafurello {m} :: alternative form of traforello
tragedia {f} /traˈd͡ʒɛd.ja/ :: tragedy
tragediabile {adj} :: Suitable for a tragedy (of a subject)
tragediante {mf} :: tragedian
tragediografo {m} :: tragedian (writer of tragedies)
tragedo {m} [literary] /traˈd͡ʒɛ.do/ :: One who writes tragedies
tragedo {m} [rare] :: An actor of tragedies
tragelafo {m} :: bushbuck (Tragelaphus scriptus or sylvaticus)
tragelafo del Capo {m} :: Cape bushbuck, imbabala (Tragelaphus sylvaticus)
tragelafo striato {m} :: harnessed bushbuck, kéwel, marsh buck (Tragephalus scriptus)
tragetto {m} [archaic] :: alternative spelling of tragitto
traggere {v} /ˈtrad.d͡ʒ :: obsolete form of trarre
traghettamento {m} :: ferrying
traghettante {v} :: present participle of traghettare
traghettare {vt} :: to ferry
traghettatore {m} :: ferryman
traghettatore {m} :: ferrywoman
traghettatrice {f} :: ferrywoman
traghetto {m} :: ferry
tragicamente {adv} :: tragically
tragicità {f} :: fatality, tragedy, mournfulness, sadness
tragico {adj} /ˈtra.d͡ʒi.ko/ :: tragic, tragical
tragico {m} :: tragedy
tragicomicamente {adv} :: tragicomically
tragicomico {adj} :: tragicomic
tragicommedia {f} :: tragicomedy
tragittare {v} :: alternative form of traghettare
tragitto {m} :: journey
tragitto {m} :: route, way
traglia {f} /ˈtraʎ.ʎa/ :: alternative form of draglia
traguardante {v} :: present participle of traguardare
traguardare {v} :: To sight (look at a distant object through an optical device)
traguardare {v} :: To spy
traguardo {m} :: aim
traguardo {m} :: purpose
traguardo {m} :: goal
traguardo {m} [sports] :: finish line
traguardo volante {m} [cycle racing] :: intermediate sprint
tragula {f} :: tragula
tragulario {m} :: Soldier armed with a tragula
Traiano {prop} :: Trajan
Traiano {prop} :: given name
traiettare {v} :: alternative form of traghettare
traietto {m} :: alternative form of traghetto
traietto {m} :: alternative form of tragetto
traiettoria {f} :: trajectory
tra il dire e il fare c'è di mezzo il mare {proverb} :: saying is one thing, doing is another
tra il lusco e il brusco {adv} :: At dusk
trainabile {adj} :: pullable, haulable, towable
trainante {v} :: present participle of trainare
trainante {adj} :: driving, leading
trainare {v} :: to draw or pull (a load)
trainare {v} :: to tow (a car etc)
traino {m} :: drawing or pulling (a load)
traino {m} :: towing
traino {m} :: A load that is being pulled
tra i piedi {prep} :: See: it tra piedi
tra i piedi {prep} [idiom] :: providing bother or frustration; in one's hair
tra l'altro {adv} :: moreover
tralasciabile {adj} :: omittable
tralasciante {v} :: present participle of tralasciare
tralasciare {v} :: to neglect
tralasciare {v} :: to omit
tralasciare {v} :: (with di + inf.) to forget (to do)
tralatizio {adj} :: tralaticious
tralcio {m} :: slip, shoot (of a plant)
traliccio {m} :: ticking (material)
traliccio {m} :: trellis, lattice
traliccio {m} :: pylon
tralice {adj} /traˈli.t͡ʃe/ :: only used in in tralice
tralignamento {m} :: degeneration, deterioration
tralignante {v} :: present participle of tralignare
tralignare {vit} :: to degenerate or deteriorate (especially from ancestral greatness)
trallallà {interj} :: tra-la-la
trallallero {interj} :: tra-la-la
tralucente {adj} :: translucent
tralucere {vi} [impersonal] :: To shine (light) through a translucent material
tram {m} :: tram, streetcar, trolley
trama {f} :: plot
trama {f} :: weave, texture, weft
tramaglio {m} :: trammel (net)
tramagnino {m} :: juggler, acrobat &c
tramandante {v} :: present participle of tramandare
tramandare {vt} :: to hand down
tramante {v} :: present participle of tramare
tramare {v} :: to plot, to conspire, to intrigue, to hatch
tramare {v} :: to weave
tramatore {m} :: plotter, conspirator
tramatore {m} :: weaver
trambasciante {v} :: present participle of trambasciare
trambasciare {v} /tram.baʃˈʃ :: To be overcome with anguish
trambustio {m} :: Great, continuous turmoil &c
trambusto {m} :: turmoil, fuss, ado
tramenare {v} :: To rummage
tramenare {v} :: To stir
tramendue {adj} :: synonym of ambedue
tramescolamento {m} :: intermingling
tramescolamento {m} :: mix up
tramescolare {v} :: To intermingle
tramescolare {v} :: To mix up
tramestante {v} :: present participle of tramestare
tramestare {vt} :: To turn upside-down or topsy-turvy
tramestare {vi} :: To rummage
tramestio {m} :: bustle, bustling
tramestio {m} :: hustle and bustle
tramestio {m} :: coming and going
tramettente {v} :: present participle of tramettere
tramettere {vt} :: to interpose
tramettere {vt} :: alternative form of trasmettere
tramezza {f} :: welt
tramezza {f} :: partition
tramezzabile {adj} :: partitionable
tramezzamento {m} :: partitioning
tramezzante {v} :: present participle of tramezzare
tramezzare {vt} :: To interpose
tramezzare {vt} :: To partition
tramezzatura {f} :: partitioning
tramezzino {m} /trameˈd͡ːzino/ :: A sandwich made from two or three slices of pancarrè, cut diagonally
tramezzo {m} /traˈmɛd͡ːzo/ :: partition (dividing wall)
tramezzo {m} [shoemaking] :: welt
tramite {m} :: intermediary, link
tramite {m} :: way, means, vehicle
tramite {prep} :: by means of, by, through, using, by way of
tramoggia {f} /traˈmɔd.d͡ʒa/ :: hopper
tramoggia {f} :: hopper crystal
tramontana {f} [weather] /tra.monˈ :: tramontana (a northern wind)
tramontana {f} [by extension] :: North
tramontano {adj} [archaic] /tra.monˈ :: beyond the mountains
tramontano {m} :: alternative form of tramontana
tramontante {v} :: present participle of tramontare
tramontar {v} :: apocopic form of tramontare
tramontare {vi} [of the sun, moon, stars] :: to set, go down, sink
tramontare {vi} [figuratively] :: to fade, wane
tramontare {m} [singulare tantum] :: sunset, sundown, setting
tramonto {m} [also figuratively] /traˈ :: sunset, sundown
tramonto {m} :: setting
tramonto {m} [figuratively] :: fall, decline
tramortente {v} :: present participle of tramortire
tramortimento {m} :: knockout
tramortire {vt} :: To stun or knock out
tramortito {adj} :: unconscious, stunned
trampalo {m} :: alternative form of trampolo
trampoliere {m} :: wading bird
trampoliere {m} :: stilt (wading bird)
trampoliere {m} :: stilt walker
trampolino {m} [swimming] :: springboard, diving board
trampolino {m} [idiomatic] :: stepping stone, bootstrap
trampolino elastico {m} [gymnastics] :: trampoline
trampolo {m} :: stilt (pole with footrest that allows one to stand or walk above the ground)
tramutante {v} :: present participle of tramutare
tramutantesi {v} :: present participle of tramutarsi
tramutare {v} :: to change or turn (into)
tramutarsi {vr} :: To change or turn (into)
tramutatosi {v} :: past participle of tramutarsi
tramutevolmente {adv} :: changeably
tramvia {f} :: alternative form of tranvia
tramviario {adj} :: alternative form of tranviario
trance {f} :: trance (music genre)
trancia {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: shears
trancia {f} :: slice (of cheese etc)
trancia {f} :: cutlet
tranciante {v} :: present participle of tranciare
tranciare {vt} :: To shear
tranciatore {m} :: shearer
tranciatrice {f} :: shearing machine
tranciatura {f} :: blanking, shearing, trenching (industrial processes)
trancio {m} :: slice (of cheese etc)
trancio {m} :: cutlet
tranello {m} /traˈnɛl.lo/ :: trap
tranese {adj} :: Of or from Trani
tranese {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Trani
trangugiamento {m} :: gulping
trangugiante {v} :: present participle of trangugiare
trangugiare {vt} :: to gulp or bolt down food or pound
trangugiare {v} :: to tuck in
Trani {prop} :: Trani (town)
tranne {prep} :: except, but, apart from
tranquillamente {adv} /tran.kwil.laˈmen.te/ :: calmly, peacefully
tranquillamente {adv} [familiar] :: comfortably
tranquillante {adj} :: soothing, tranquillizing
tranquillante {m} [pharmacology] :: tranquillizer
tranquillare {vt} /tran.kwilˈ :: to calm down
tranquillare {vi} [obsolete] :: to enjoy peace and serenity
tranquillare {vi} [obsolete] :: to enjoy oneself
tranquillarsi {vi} [uncommon] /tran.kwilˈ :: to calm down
tranquillato {adj} /tran.kwilˈ :: synonym of tranquillizzato
tranquillissimo {adj} :: superlative of tranquillo
tranquillità {f} /tran.kwil.liˈta/ :: calm, peace, stillness, tranquillity, calmness
tranquillizzante {v} /tran.kwil.lidˈd͡zan.te/ :: present participle of tranquillizzare
tranquillizzante {adj} :: calming
tranquillizzante {adj} :: reassuring
tranquillizzante {adj} :: tranquilizing
tranquillizzante {m} :: synonym of tranquillante
tranquillizzantesi {v} :: present participle of tranquillizzarsi
tranquillizzare {vt} /tran.kwil.lidˈd͡ :: to calm down, appease
tranquillizzare {vt} :: to tranquilize
tranquillizzare {vt} :: to reassure
tranquillizzarsi {v} /tran.kwil.lidˈd͡ :: reflexive of tranquillizzare
tranquillizzarsi {v} :: to calm down, reassure oneself
tranquillizzato {adj} /tran.kwil.lidˈd͡ :: calmed
tranquillizzato {adj} :: reassured
tranquillizzato {adj} :: tranquilized
tranquillizzatosi {v} :: past participle of tranquillizzarsi
tranquillo {adj} /tranˈkwil.lo/ :: calm, sober, tranquil
trans- {prefix} :: trans- [all senses]
trans {mf} :: transsexual
transafricano {adj} :: trans-African
transahariano {adj} :: trans-Saharan
transalpino {adj} :: transalpine
transamazzonico {adj} :: trans-Amazonian
transaminasi {f} [biochemistry] :: transaminase
transaminazione {f} [biochemistry] :: transamination
transandare {vti} /tran.sanˈ :: obsolete form of trasandare
transandarsi {v} /tran.sanˈ :: obsolete form of trasandarsi
transappenninico {adj} :: trans-Apennine
transatlantico {adj} :: transatlantic
transatlantico {m} :: ship, vessel
transattinoide {m} :: transactinide
transattivamente {adv} :: transactively (by common agreement)
transattivo {adj} :: transactive
transavanguardia {f} [art] :: transavantgarde
transazionale {adj} :: transactional
transazione {f} :: transaction
transcaratteristica {f} [maths] :: transcharacteristic
transcendentale {adj} :: transcendental (philosophy)
transcendente {v} :: present participle of transcendere
transcendere {vt} [obsolete] :: alternative form of trascendere
transcitosi {f} :: transcytosis
transcodificante {v} :: present participle of transcodificare
transcodificare {vt} :: To transcode
transcodificatore {m} :: transcoder
transcodificazione {f} :: transcoding
transcontainer {m} :: international shipping container
transcontinentale {adj} :: transcontinental
transcorrente {v} :: present participle of transcorrere
transcorrere {vit} :: alternative form of trascorrere
transcranico {adj} [anatomy] :: transcranial, transcranic
transcrivente {v} :: present participle of transcrivere
transcrivere {vt} :: alternative form of trascrivere
transculturale {adj} :: transcultural
transcutaneo {adj} :: transcutaneous
transdermale {adj} [medicine] :: transdermal
transdermico {adj} :: transdermal
transdifferenziazione {f} [biology] :: transdifferentiation
transdimensionale {adj} :: transdimensional
Transdravania {prop} :: Drava (statistical region of Slovenia)
transduzione {f} :: transduction
transeat {interj} :: so be it
transelevatore {m} :: transelevator
transenna {f} :: barrier, barricade (for crowd control)
transenna {f} [architecture] :: screen
transennante {v} :: present participle of transennare
transennare {vt} :: To block off
transepiteliale {adj} :: transepithelial
transessuale {adj} :: transsexual
transessuale {mf} :: transsexual
transessualismo {m} :: transsexualism
transessualità {f} :: transsexuality
transesterificazione {f} :: transesterification
transetto {m} [architecture] :: transept
transeunte {adj} :: transeunt, transient
transeuropeo {adj} :: trans-European
transfer {m} :: transport
transfer {m} :: transfer (tourist, e.g. airport to hotel)
transferasi {f} [enzyme] :: transferase
transfermico {adj} [physics, chemistry] :: transfermium
transferrina {f} [biochemistry] :: transferrin
transfert {m} [psychology] :: transfer
transfinito {adj} [mathematics] :: transfinite
transfluente {v} :: present participle of transfluire
transfluire {v} :: To branch out
transfobia {f} :: transphobia
transfondente {v} :: present participle of transfondere
transfondere {vt} :: Variant of trasfondere
transfrastico {adj} [linguistics] /transˈfras.ti.ko/ :: Involving more than a single sentence in a text
transfrastico {adj} [linguistics] :: Pertaining to the syntactic and semantic relations between sentences in a text
transfrontaliero {adj} :: That crosses frontiers
transfrontaliero {adj} :: multinational
transfuga {mf} [literary] :: deserter, fugitive
transfuga {mf} [politics, figurative, by extension] :: one who has left a political party with which he was previously affiliated; defector, turncoat
transgenerazionale {adj} :: transgenerational
transgenere {mf} :: A transgender person
transgenere {adj} :: transgender
transgenesi {f} :: transgenesis
transgenico {adj} :: transgenic
Transgiordania {prop} :: Transjordan
transgiordano {adj} :: Transjordanian
transgiugulare {adj} [anatomy] :: transjugular
transglutaminasi {f} [enzyme] :: transglutaminase
transgranulare {adj} :: transgranular
transiberiana {f} :: Trans-Siberian Railway
transiberiano {adj} :: Trans-Siberian
transigente {v} :: present participle of transigere
transigere {vit} /tranˈsi.d͡ʒ :: to compromise
Transilvania {prop} :: Transylvania
transilvanico {adj} :: Transylvanian
transilvano {adj} :: Transylvanian
transire {vi} [archaic] /tranˈ :: to pass
transire {vi} [archaic] :: to pass over, to die
transistor {m} :: transistor (device)
transistor {m} :: transistor radio
transistore {m} :: transistor (device)
transistorizzante {v} :: present participle of transistorizzare
transistorizzare {vt} :: to transistorize
transistorizzato {adj} :: transistorized
transistorizzazione {f} :: transistorization
transitabile {adj} :: passable, negotiable (path etc)
transitabilità {f} :: passability, passableness, negotiability
transitante {v} :: present participle of transitare
transitante {adj} :: transiting
transitare {vi} :: to pass
transitare {vi} :: to transit
transitivamente {adv} :: transitively
transitività {f} :: transitivity
transitivo {adj} :: transitive
transitivo {m} :: transitive
transito {m} /ˈ :: transit
transito {adj} /tranˈ :: past, previous
transitoriamente {adv} :: temporarily, transitorily
transitorietà {f} :: temporariness, transitoriness
transitorio {adj} :: temporary, provisional
transitorio {adj} :: transitory, fleeting
transizione {f} :: transition
translagunare {adj} :: trans-lagoon
translato {adj} /transˈlato/ :: obsolete form of traslato
translitterante {v} :: present participle of translitterare
translitterare {vt} :: To transliterate
translitterazione {f} :: transliteration
translocasi {f} [enzyme] :: translocase
translogaritmico {adj} [mathematics] :: translogarithmic
translucidità {f} :: translucency
translucido {adj} :: translucent
transmediterraneo {adj} :: trans-Mediterranean
transmembrana {adj} :: transmembrane
transmembranoso {adj} :: transmembranous
transmodulazione {f} :: transmodulation
transmurale {adj} :: transmural
transnazionale {adj} :: transnational
transnazionalità {f} :: transnationality
transnettuniano {adj} [astronomy] :: transneptunian
Transnistria {prop} :: Transnistria
transnistriano {adj} :: Transnistrian
transoceanico {adj} :: transoceanic
transonico {adj} :: transonic
transpadano {adj} :: transpadane, transpadine
transpallet {m} :: forklift (truck)
transpeptidasi {f} [enzyme] :: transpeptidase
transpersonale {adj} :: transpersonal
transpolare {adj} :: transpolar, polar
transponente {v} :: present participle of transporre
transporre {vt} :: Variant of trasporre
transrazziale {adj} :: transracial
transricevente {v} :: present participle of transricevere
transricevente {adj} :: transceiving
transricevere {v} :: to transceive
transtentoriale {adj} :: transtentorial
transtiberino {adj} /trans.ti.beˈ :: located beyond the Tiber river; Transtiberine
transumanesimo {m} :: transhumanism
transumanista {mf} :: transhumanist
transumanista {adj} :: transhumanist
transumano {adj} /tran.suˈ :: beyond human, superhuman
transumante {adj} :: transhumant
transumanza {f} /tran.suˈman.t͡sa/ :: transhumance
transumanza {f} [figuratively] :: shift, changeover, transition
transumare {v} :: to practice transhumance
transumavo {adj} :: transhumant
transuranico {adj} :: transuranic
transuretrale {adj} [anatomy] :: transurethral
transustanziante {v} :: present participle of transustanziare
transustanziantesi {v} :: present participle of transustanziarsi
transustanziare {vt} /tran.sus.tanˈt͡ :: To transubstantiate
transustanziarsi {v} /tran.sus.tanˈt͡ :: reflexive of transustanziare
transustanziarsi {v} :: To transubstantiate oneself
transustanziatosi {v} :: past participle of transustanziarsi
transustanziazione {f} [Christianity] /tran.sus.tan.t͡sjaˈt͡ :: transubstantiation
transvedente {v} :: present participle of transvedere
transvedere {v} :: obsolete form of travedere
transveggente {v} :: present participle of transvedere
tran tran {m} :: A boring, monotonous voice
tran tran {m} :: humdrum daily routine
tranvai {m} :: tram, streetcar, trolley
tranvia {f} :: tram route
tranvia {f} :: Any of the trams that run along a particular route
tranviario {adj} :: tram (attributive)
tranviere {m} :: tram driver or conductor
trapanamento {m} :: drilling, boring
trapanamento {m} [surgery] :: trepanation
trapanante {v} :: present participle of trapanare
trapanare {vt} :: to drill
trapanare {vt} :: to bore [a hole]
trapanare {vt} :: to trepan
trapanatore {m} :: driller
trapanatrice {f} :: driller (female)
trapanatura {f} :: drilling, boring
trapanatura {f} [surgery] :: trepanation
trapanazione {f} :: drilling, boring
trapanazione {f} :: trepanation
trapanese {mf} :: A native or inhabitant of Trapani
trapanese {adj} :: Of or relating to Trapani or the Trapani people
Trapanese {prop} :: surname
Trapani {prop} :: Trapani (province)
Trapani {prop} :: Trapani (capital city)
Trapani {prop} :: surname
trapano {m} /ˈ :: drill
trapano {m} :: trepan
trapassabile {adj} :: penetrable
trapassante {v} :: present participle of trapassare
trapassar {v} :: apocopic form of trapassare
trapassare {vt} :: to pass through; to pierce
trapassare {vt} [literary] :: to cross
trapassare {vt} [literary] :: to spend [time]
trapassare {vt} [rare] :: to overstep
trapassare {vt} [archaic] :: to omit
trapassare {vi} [euphemism] :: to pass away; to die
trapassare {vi} [rare] :: (typically with da or a) to inherit (from or to)
trapassato {adj} [grammar] :: In the past perfect tense
trapassato {m} [grammar] :: The past perfect tense
trapassato prossimo {m} [grammar] :: The pluperfect tense, plusquamperfect, preterpluperfect, the past perfect tense
trapassato remoto {m} [grammar] :: The past historic perfect tense, past anterior tense
trapasso {m} :: movement from one place or condition to another; transfer
trapasso {m} :: legal transfer
trapasso {m} [by extension] :: clipping of trapasso di proprietà (conveyancing)
trapasso {m} [nautical, by extension] :: clipping of trapasso di bandiera (passage of a ship from one nationality to another)
trapasso {m} [figurative, by extension] :: transitory period
trapasso {m} [literary, figurative, by extension] :: passage to the afterlife; death
trapasso {m} :: a defective gait in which a horse trots with the forelimbs and gallops with the hindquarters
trapelante {v} :: present participle of trapelare
trapelare {v} [di] :: [of light] to filter (through)
trapelare {v} [da] :: to leak (from/through)
trapelare {vi} [figurative, by extension] :: [of emotions, etc.] to show through
trapelare {vi} [figurative, by extension] :: [of a secret, etc.] to surface
trapelare {vi} [literary] :: to overflow
trapelare {vt} :: to get to know through minimal clues; to intuit
trapelare {vt} [rare] :: to tow; to tug
trapezio {m} [geometry] /traˈpɛt.t͡sjo/ :: trapezium, trapezoid
trapezio {m} [gymnastics] :: trapeze
trapezio {m} [skeleton] :: trapezium, trapezium bone
trapezio {m} [muscle] :: trapezius, trapezius muscle
trapezista {mf} :: trapeze artist
trapezoedro {m} [mathematics] :: trapezohedron
trapezoidale {adj} :: trapezoidal
trapezoide {adj} [skeleton] :: trapezoid, trapezoidal
trapezoide {m} [skeleton] :: trapezoid, trapezoid bone
trapezoide {m} [geometry] :: trapezoid
trapiantabile {adj} :: transplantable
trapiantante {v} :: present participle of trapiantare
trapiantare {vt} :: To transplant, to graft
trapiantatoio {m} :: trowel
trapiantatrice {f} :: transplanting machine
trapianto {m} [medicine] :: transplant, transplantation, graft
trapianto {m} :: transplanting, transplantation, replanting
trapiantologia {f} [surgery] :: transplant surgery
trapiantologo {m} :: transplant surgeon
tra poco {adv} :: soon, shortly, in a bit, in a little while
traponente {v} :: present participle of traporre
traporre {vt} :: to transplant
traportante {v} :: present participle of traportare
traportare {v} :: obsolete form of trasportare
trappeto {m} :: crusher, oil mill
trappista {m} :: Trappist
trappista {adj} :: Trappist (attributive)
trappola {f} /ˈ :: trap, snare, catch
trappoleria {f} :: deceit, trickery
trappolone {m} :: swindler
trapponente {v} :: present participle of trapporre
trapporre {vt} :: Variant of traporre
trapungente {v} :: present participle of trapungere
trapungere {vt} :: To prick or sting violently
trapunta {f} :: quilt
trapuntante {v} :: present participle of trapuntare
trapuntare {vt} :: to quilt
trapuntare {vt} :: to embroider
trapuntato {adj} :: quilted
trarompente {v} :: present participle of trarompere
trarompere {v} :: obsolete form of interrompere
trarre {vt} :: to draw, extract, pull
trarre {vt} :: to elicit, generalise
trarre {vt} :: to derive
trarsi {v} :: reflexive of trarre
trarsi {v} :: to get oneself out of trouble
trarupare {vi} [literary, archaic] /tra.ruˈ :: To fall from a cliff
trarupare {vi} [literary, archaic, by extension] :: To fall (from a height)
tras- {prefix} :: alternative form of trans-
trasalente {v} :: present participle of trasalire
trasalimento {m} :: start, jump (with surprise etc)
trasalire {vi} :: to jolt or jump out of sudden and intense emotion
trasandare {vt} [rare] /tra.zanˈ :: to neglect
trasandare {vt} [literary, rare] :: to omit
trasandare {vi} [archaic] :: to exceed
trasandare {vi} [rare] :: to quickly go from one subject to the other; to segue
trasandarsi {vr} [uncommon] /tra.zanˈ :: to let oneself go (to cease to care about one's appearance)
trasandatamente {adv} :: shabbily
trasandatezza {f} :: shabbiness, slovenliness
trasandato {adj} :: unkempt, scruffy
trasandato {adj} :: slipshod
trasbordante {v} :: present participle of trasbordare
trasbordare {vt} :: To transfer
trasbordare {vi} :: To change (ship, plane, train etc)
trasbordo {m} :: transfer
trascegliente {v} :: present participle of trascegliere
trascegliere {vt} :: To choose with care from a large selection
trascendentale {adj} :: transcendental
trascendentalismo {m} :: transcendentalism
trascendentalista {mf} :: transcendentalist
trascendentalistico {adj} :: transcendentalist
trascendentalità {f} :: transcendence (condition of being transcendental)
trascendente {v} :: present participle of trascendere
trascendente {adj} :: transcendent
trascendente {adj} :: transcendental (maths)
trascendenza {f} :: transcendence
trascendere {vt} :: To transcend or surpass
trascendimento {m} [philosophy] :: transcendence
trascinabile {adj} :: draggable
trascinamento {m} :: dragging (all senses)
trascinante {v} :: present participle of trascinare
trascinantesi {v} :: present participle of trascinarsi
trascinare {vt} :: to drag, pull, trail, tug
trascinare {vt} :: to carry away, sweep away
trascinarsi {v} :: reflexive of trascinare
trascinarsi {v} :: to drag oneself or shuffle about
trascinarsi {v} :: to drag, drag on
trascinatore {adj} :: pulling, dragging
trascinatore {m} :: puller, dragger
trascinatore {m} [chemistry] :: Substance added to achieve salt-effect distillation
trascinatosi {v} :: past participle of trascinarsi
trascoloramento {m} :: discolouring, discolouration
trascolorante {v} :: present participle of trascolorare
trascolorantesi {v} :: present participle of trascolorarsi
trascolorare {vi} :: to change colour
trascolorare {vi} :: to discolour
trascolorarsi {v} :: reflexive of trascolorare
trascolorarsi {v} :: to change colour
trascoloratosi {v} :: past participle of trascolorarsi
trascorrente {v} :: present participle of trascorrere
trascorrere {vt} /trasˈ :: to spend, to pass
trascorrere {vi} :: (of time) to pass, to go by, to elapse
trascorso {adj} :: past
trascorso {m} [usually, in the plural] :: past, past record, past errors
trascrittasi {f} [enzyme] :: transcriptase
trascritto {adj} :: transcribed
trascritto {adj} :: transliterated
trascrittore {m} :: transcriber, copyist
trascrivente {v} :: present participle of trascrivere
trascrivere {vt} /trasˈ :: to transcribe
trascrivere {vt} :: to transliterate
trascrizionale {adj} :: transcriptional
trascrizionalmente {adv} :: transcriptionally
trascrizione {f} :: transcription (act and result)
trascrizione {f} :: transcript
trascrizione {f} :: transliteration (act and result)
trascurabile {adj} :: negligible, minor, small, unimportant
trascurabile {adj} :: ignorable
trascurabile {adj} :: optional
trascurabilità {f} :: unimportance, pettiness, negligibility
trascurabilmente {adv} :: negligibly, insignificantly
trascurante {v} :: present participle of trascurare
trascurantesi {v} :: present participle of trascurarsi
trascurare {vt} :: to neglect, to disregard
trascurare {vt} :: to omit, to leave out
trascurarsi {v} :: reflexive of trascurare
trascurarsi {v} :: to neglect oneself
trascurataggine {f} :: negligence, neglect, carelessness
trascuratamente {adv} :: carelessly, negligently
trascuratamente {adv} :: untidily
trascuratezza {f} :: negligence, neglect, carelessness
trascurato {adj} :: slovenly
trascurato {adj} :: neglected
trascurato {adj} :: negligent
trascurato {adj} :: lax
trascuratosi {v} :: past participle of trascurarsi
trascutato {adj} :: careless, negligent
trasdotto {adj} :: transduced
trasducente {v} :: present participle of trasdurre
trasdurre {vt} [physics, genetics] :: to transduce
trasduttore {m} :: transducer
trasduzione {f} [genetics] :: transduction
trasecolante {v} :: present participle of trasecolare
trasecolare {vi} :: To be stupefied or dumbfounded
trasecolato {adj} :: astonished, dumbfounded, astounded
trasferasi {f} [enzyme] :: transferase
trasferello {m} :: transfer
trasferente {v} :: present participle of trasferire
trasferentesi {v} :: present participle of trasferirsi
trasferibile {adj} :: transferable
trasferibile {adj} :: negotiable
trasferibile {adj} :: relocatable, portable
trasferibilità {f} :: transferability
trasferibilità {f} :: negotiability (of a financial instrument)
trasferimento {m} :: transfer
trasferimento {m} :: conveyancing
trasferimento bancario {n} :: credit transfer
trasferimento bancario {n} :: A method of payment in which an amount of money (credit) is transferred directly from one account to another, in the same or different bank
trasferimento bancario {n} :: wire transfer
trasferimento bancario {n} [banking] :: A transfer of funds between banks by electronic means
trasferire {vt} :: to transfer, move, remove, shift
trasferire {vt} [legal] :: to convey, transfer
trasferirsi {v} :: reflexive of trasferire
trasferirsi {v} :: to move (house), remove
trasferitosi {v} :: past participle of trasferirsi
trasferta {f} /trasˈfɛr.ta/ :: transfer (temporary)
trasferta {f} [sports] :: away game
trasfezione {f} [medicine] :: transfection
trasfigurante {v} :: present participle of trasfigurare
trasfigurantesi {v} :: present participle of trasfigurarsi
trasfigurare {vt} :: to transfigure
trasfigurarsi {v} :: reflexive of trasfigurare
trasfigurarsi {v} :: to be transfigured
trasfigurato {adj} :: transfigured
trasfiguratosi {v} :: past participle of trasfigurarsi
trasfigurazione {f} :: transfiguration
trasfocatore {m} [photography] :: zoom lens
trasfondente {v} :: present participle of trasfondere
trasfondere {vt} :: To pour a liquid from one vessel to another
trasfondere {vt} :: To transfuse (blood)
trasfondibile {adj} :: transfusible
trasformabile {adj} :: convertible
trasformabilità {f} :: transformability
trasformante {v} :: present participle of trasformare
trasformantesi {v} :: present participle of trasformarsi
trasformare {vt} :: to change, transform, convert, turn
trasformarsi {v} :: reflexive of trasformare
trasformarsi {v} :: to turn into, change into, become, be transformed, shape up to
trasformata {f} [mathematics] :: transform
trasformativo {adj} :: transformative
trasformato {adj} :: changed, altered, transformed
trasformatore {m} :: transformer (electrical)
trasformatore {adj} :: transformational
trasformatosi {v} :: past participle of trasformarsi
trasformazionale {adj} :: transformational
trasformazionalista {mf} :: transformationalist
trasformazione {f} :: change, alteration
trasformazione {f} :: transformation
trasformazione {f} :: conversion
trasformismo {m} :: transformism
trasformista {mf} :: quick-change artist
trasformista {mf} [by extension] :: a politician who will change policies or allegiances in order to stay in office
trasformistico {adj} :: transformistic
trasformistico {adj} :: transformation (attributive)
trasfusionale {adj} [medicine] :: transfusional
trasfusione {f} [medicine] :: transfusion
trasgredente {v} :: present participle of trasgredire
trasgredire {vt} :: to transgress
trasgredire {vt} :: (with a) to disobey or contravene
trasgreditrice {f} :: female equivalent of trasgressore
trasgressione {f} /tras.ɡresˈ :: transgression, violation, trespass
trasgressività {f} :: transgression
trasgressività {f} :: infringement
trasgressivo {adj} :: transgressive
trasgressore {m} [legal] :: transgressor
Trasimeno {prop} :: Trasimeno (large lake)
traslante {v} :: present participle of traslare
traslare {vt} :: To translate (physics, mathematics)
traslare {vt} :: To transpose (from left to right)
traslare {vi} :: To transit (astronomy)
traslato {adj} /trasˈlato/ :: metaphorical, figurative
traslato {m} :: metaphor
traslatore {m} :: repeater (telecommunications)
traslatorio {adj} :: translatory
traslazionale {adj} :: translational
traslazione {f} [mathematics] :: translation (linear movement without rotation)
traslitterante {v} :: present participle of traslitterare
traslitterare {vt} :: To transliterate
traslitterato {adj} :: transliterated
traslitterazione {f} :: transliteration
traslocante {v} :: present participle of traslocare
traslocantesi {v} :: present participle of traslocarsi
traslocare {vit} :: to move, especially to move house (actually transfer possessions to new home)
traslocare {vit} :: to transfer
traslocarsi {v} :: reflexive of traslocare
traslocarsi {v} :: to be moved or transferred
traslocasi {f} [enzyme] :: translocase
traslocatore {m} :: house mover, removalist
traslocatosi {v} :: past participle of traslocarsi
traslocatrice {f} :: female equivalent of traslocatore
traslocazione {f} [genetics, ] :: translocation
trasloco {m} :: move
trasloco {m} :: transfer
traslucidità {f} :: translucence, translucency
traslucido {adj} :: translucent
traslucido {adj} :: transparent
trasmessosi {v} :: past participle of trasmettersi
trasmettente {v} :: present participle of trasmettere
trasmettentesi {v} :: present participle of trasmettersi
trasmettere {vt} /trazˈ :: to transmit, transfer, pass on, hand down, convey, communicate
trasmettere {vt} :: to send, forward
trasmettere {vt} :: to broadcast, transmit, air
trasmettersi {v} :: reflexive of trasmettere
trasmettersi {v} :: to be transmitted, be passed on, be spread
trasmettersi {v} :: to be handed down
trasmettitore {m} :: transmitter
trasmettitore {adj} :: transmitting
trasmigrante {v} :: present participle of trasmigrare
trasmigrare {vi} :: to migrate
trasmigrare {vi} :: to transmigrate
trasmigrare {vi} :: to be transmitted
trasmigrazione {f} :: transmigration
trasmissibile {adj} :: transmissible, transmitted
trasmissibile {adj} :: conveyable, transferable
trasmissibilità {f} :: transmissibility
trasmissibilità {f} :: transferability (financial)
trasmissione {f} :: transmission
trasmissione {f} :: broadcast, broadcasting, transmission, programme
trasmissione {f} :: sending, mailing
trasmissione televisiva {f} :: television program
trasmissivo {adj} :: transmitting; transmission (attributive)
trasmittanza {f} [physics, chemistry] :: transmittance
trasmittente {adj} :: transmitting
trasmittente {f} :: transmitter
trasmodante {v} :: present participle of trasmodare
trasmodare {vi} [rare] /tras.moˈ :: To go too far
trasmutabile {adj} :: transmutable
trasmutabilità {f} :: transmutability
trasmutante {v} :: present participle of trasmutare
trasmutantesi {v} :: present participle of trasmutarsi
trasmutare {vt} :: to transmute, transform
trasmutarsi {v} :: reflexive of trasmutare
trasmutarsi {v} :: to transform oneself
trasmutato {adj} :: transformed
trasmutato {adj} :: transmuted
trasmutatosi {v} :: past participle of trasmutarsi
trasmutazione {f} :: transmutation
trasognamento {m} :: daze
trasognante {v} :: present participle of trasognare
trasognare {vi} [rare] :: to daydream; to fantasize
trasognato {adj} :: dreamy, absent-minded
trasognato {adj} [literary, rare] :: spellbound
traspadano {adj} :: alternative form of transpadano
trasparente {adj} :: transparent, see-through
trasparente {adj} :: transparent, clear, sincere
trasparente {adj} :: wafer-thin
trasparenza {f} /tras.paˈrɛn.t͡sa/ :: transparency
trasparere {vi} :: obsolete form of trasparire
trasparire {vi} :: to shine through
trasparire {vi} :: to be visible
trasparvente {v} :: present participle of trasparere
traspicuo {adj} :: transparent
traspirabile {adj} :: breathable
traspirabilità {f} :: breathability
traspirante {v} :: present participle of traspirare
traspirante {adj} :: breathable
traspirare {vi} :: To perspire
traspirare {vi} :: To leak out
traspirare {vi} :: To breathe
traspirare {vt} :: To transpire
traspiratorio {adj} :: perspiratory
traspiratorio {adj} :: transpiratory
traspirazione {f} :: transpiration (botany)
traspirazione {f} :: perspiration
trasponente {v} :: present participle of trasporre
trasponibile {adj} [genetics] :: transposable
trasporre {vt} :: to transpose
trasportabile {adj} :: transportable
trasportabilità {f} :: transportability
trasportante {v} :: present participle of trasportare
trasportantesi {v} :: present participle of trasportarsi
trasportar {v} :: apocopic form of trasportare
trasportare {vt} :: to transport, carry, convey, take
trasportare {vt} :: to move, transfer
trasportare {vt} :: to drive, carry
trasportarsi {v} :: reflexive of trasportare
trasportarsi {v} :: to be transported [all senses]
trasportato {adj} :: transported, carried
trasportato {m} :: passenger
trasportatore {adj} :: transport (attributive)
trasportatore {m} :: transporter, carrier
trasportatore {m} :: haulier
trasportatore {m} :: conveyor (machine)
trasportatosi {v} :: past participle of trasportarsi
trasportistico {adj} :: transport (attributive), transportation (attributive)
trasporto {m} /trasˈpɔ :: transport, carriage, conveyance, freight, freighting, haulage
trasporto {m} :: (plural) transport, transportation, transit
trasporto {m} [figuratively] :: surge, fit, transport
trasporto {m} [music] :: transposition
trasporto ferroviario {m} :: rail transport
trasporto pubblico {m} :: public transport
traspositore {m} [music] :: transposer (person or instrument)
trasposizione {f} :: transposition
trasposizione {f} :: adaptation (artistic work for a different medium)
trasposizione {f} [chemistry] :: rearrangement (reaction)
trasposone {m} :: transposon
traspostato {adj} [biochemistry] :: transported (e.g. across a membrane)
trassato {m} :: drawee
Trastevere {prop} :: A district of Rome (rione XIII) on the west bank of the Tiber
trasteverino {adj} /tras.te.veˈ :: of or pertaining to the area of Trastevere in Rome
trastullamento {m} :: amusement
trastullante {v} :: present participle of trastullare
trastullare {vt} :: to kill time; to play around; to distract with pastimes or playthings
trastullare {vt} [rare] :: to deceive
trastullarsi {vr} :: To delight, love or enjoy
trastullarsi {vr} :: To enjoy oneself, to have fun, to have a good time
trastullatore {m} :: amuser
trastullo {m} :: game (child's etc)
trastullo {m} [childish] :: toy, plaything
trasudamento {m} :: oozing
trasudante {adj} :: exuding
trasudante {v} :: present participle of trasudare
trasudare {vit} :: To ooze, seep, sweat or wick
trasudazione {f} :: transudation
trasumanante {v} :: present participle of trasumanare
trasumanare {vi} :: To transcend human nature
trasumanazione {f} :: transhumanation
trasvalutazione {f} :: transvaluation
trasversale {adj} :: transverse, transversal, cross (attributive), oblique
trasversale {adj} :: cross-party
trasversale {adj} :: crosscutting (issue, topic etc)
trasversale {adj} [mathematics] :: transverse
trasversalismo {m} :: bipartisanship
trasversalità {f} :: The property of being cross-party
trasversalità {f} :: The property of being crosscutting
trasversalità {f} [mathematics] :: transversality
trasversalmente {adv} :: transversely, obliquely, across, crosswise
trasverso {adj} :: transverse, transversal
trasverso dell'addome {m} [muscle] :: transversus abdominis
trasversospinale {adj} [anatomy] :: transversospinal
trasvolante {v} :: present participle of trasvolare
trasvolare {vt} :: to fly over
trasvolare {vt} :: to overfly
trasvolare {vt} :: to skim over
trasvolatore {m} :: flyer (especially one who flies a long distance)
trasvolgente {v} :: present participle of trasvolgere
trasvolgere {v} :: obsolete form of travolgere
tratta {f} :: trade
tratta {f} :: draft (financial instrument)
trattabile {adj} :: negotiable, ono
trattabile {adj} :: malleable, workable
trattabile {adj} [medicine] :: soft (abdomen)
trattabile {adj} [pathology] :: treatable
trattabilità {f} :: negotiability
trattabilità {f} :: tractability
trattamento {m} :: treatment (all senses)
trattamento {m} :: service (in a restaurant etc)
trattante {v} :: present participle of trattare
trattantesi {v} :: present participle of trattarsi
trattare {vt} :: to treat, to handle, to deal with
trattare {vt} :: to handle, to transact, to negotiate, to discuss
trattare {vt} :: to deal in, to trade
trattare {vt} :: to treat, to cure, to process
trattare {vi} :: to deal, to have dealings, to associate, to discuss, to negotiate
trattare {vi} :: to be about, to deal with, to treat
trattare con sufficienza {v} :: to talk down to, to patronize
trattare dall'alto in basso {v} :: to talk down to, to patronize
trattare in malo modo {v} :: to bring down the hammer
trattario {m} :: drawee
trattarsi {v} :: reflexive of trattare
trattarsi {vr} [third person singular only] :: to be a matter of, be a question of, to be
trattarsi {vr} :: to treat oneself, do oneself, live
trattatista {mf} :: writer of a treatise
trattatistica {f} :: literature (all the papers etc published in academic journals on a subject)
trattativa {f} :: negotiation, talks, bargaining
trattato {m} :: treaty
trattato {m} :: treatise
trattatosi {v} :: past participle of trattarsi
trattazione {f} :: treatment
trattazione {f} :: treatise
tratteggiabile {adj} :: That can be sketched or outlined
tratteggiamento {m} :: tracing
tratteggiamento {m} :: outline, sketch
tratteggiante {v} :: present participle of tratteggiare
tratteggiare {vt} :: to hatch, crosshatch, shade [drawing technique]
tratteggiare {vt} :: to sketch, outline
tratteggiato {adj} :: [of a line] dashed
tratteggio {m} :: hatching (drawing technique)
tratteggio {m} :: crosshatch
trattenente {v} :: present participle of trattenere
trattenentesi {v} :: present participle of trattenersi
trattenere {vt} :: to hold [someone] (back); to restrain; to harness, especially to stop from running away
trattenere {vt} :: to confine [someone] (in/at) [a place], especially to hold in police custody
trattenere {vt} [transferred sense] :: (with a + inf.) to confine [someone] [to do something]
trattenere {vt} :: (also with da) to dissuade [someone] (from)
trattenere {vt} :: to keep to oneself; to withhold
trattenere {vt} :: to suppress [laughter, an expression, etc.]
trattenere {vt} :: to deduct
trattenere {vt} [rare] :: to entertain
trattenersi {v} :: reflexive of trattenere
trattenersi {v} :: to remain; to stay
trattenersi {v} :: (with in or [ a + inf. ]) to indulge (in); to take the time (to)
trattenersi {v} :: (with su or [ a + inf. ]) to stay (on) [a topic]
trattenersi {v} :: to check, control, or restrain oneself
trattenibile {adj} :: That can be held, restrained or suppressed
trattenimento {m} :: party
trattenimento {m} :: entertainment, treat
trattenuta {f} :: deduction
trattenutosi {v} :: past participle of trattenersi
trattino {m} :: hyphen (separating compound words)
trattino {m} :: dash (used to introduce direct speech)
trattino {m} :: cum
tratti somatici {n} :: features
tratto {adj} [followed by da] :: taken (from), based (on)
tratto {m} :: stroke, line [of a pen, etc.]
tratto {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: feature, trait, characteristic
tratto {m} :: stretch [of road, river, etc.]
tratto {m} :: part, section, piece
tratto {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: feature, lineament
tratto {m} :: time, period
tratto {m} [anatomy] :: tract
tratto {m} :: plot
tratto di corda {m} :: strappado
trattore {m} [agriculture] :: tractor
trattoria {f} /trat.toˈri.a/ :: small or simple restaurant; bistro
trattoria {f} :: factory for silk-processing
trattorista {mf} :: tractor driver
trattosi {v} :: past participle of trarsi
tratto tratto {adv} :: synonym of a tratti
trattrice {f} [mathematics] :: tractrix
trattrice {f} :: tractor
trattura {f} :: silk reeling
tratturo {m} :: sheep track
Traù {prop} :: Traù (city)
trauma {m} :: trauma
traumaticità {f} :: The property of being traumatic
traumatico {adj} :: traumatic (relating to, or caused by trauma)
traumatismo {m} :: traumatism, injury, trauma
traumatizzante {v} :: present participle of traumatizzare
traumatizzante {adj} :: traumatizing
traumatizzare {vt} :: to traumatize
traumatizzare {vt} :: to shock
traumatizzato {adj} :: traumatized
traumatizzato {adj} :: shocked
traumatologa {f} :: female equivalent of traumatologo
traumatologia {f} [surgery] :: traumatology
traumatologia {f} :: trauma ward
traumatologico {adj} :: trauma (attributive)
traumatologo {m} :: surgeon specializing in traumatology; traumatologist
Travaglia {prop} :: surname
travagliante {v} :: present participle of travagliare
travagliare {vt} /tra.vaʎˈʎ :: to trouble, afflict or torment
travagliare {vi} [poetic] :: to suffer
travagliarsi {vi} [literary] :: reflexive of travagliare
travagliarsi {vi} [literary] :: to be or get tired
travagliarsi {vi} [literary] :: to be afflicted or tormented (by)
travagliarsi {vi} [literary] :: to physically suffer
travagliatore {m} [archaic, rare] /tra.vaʎ.ʎaˈ :: tormentor (someone who torments)
travagliatrice {f} [archaic, rare] /tra.vaʎ.ʎaˈtri.t͡ʃe/ :: feminine noun of travagliatore
travaglio {m} /traˈva.ʎːo/ :: anguish, distress
travaglio {m} :: pain, suffering, plaguing
travaglio {m} :: labour (the act of a mother giving birth)
Travaglio {prop} :: surname
travalca {f} :: synonym of trapasso (defective gait)
travalcare {v} :: [of a horse] to trot with the forelimbs and gallop with the hindquarters
travalcare {v} [archaic or regional] :: alternative form of travalicare
travalicante {v} :: present participle of travalicare
travalicare {vt} :: to exceed; to go beyond
travalicare {vt} [rare or literary] :: to cross (over)
travalicare {vt} [archaic, figurative, by extension] :: to transgress
travalicare {vi} :: to exaggerate
travalicare {vi} [literary] :: (with da and in) to switch (from) [one argument] (to) [another argument]
travasabile {adj} :: That can be decanted; pourable
travasamento {m} :: decanting; pouring (out)
travasante {v} :: present participle of travasare
travasare {vt} :: to pour
travasare {vt} :: to decant (pour from one vessel to another)
travasatrice {f} :: transfer pump (in wine making)
travaso {m} :: pouring, decanting
travata {f} :: (small) girder
travatura {f} :: beam (construction)
travatura {f} :: system of beams
trave {f} [architecture] :: beam, girder, rafter
trave {f} [gymnastics] :: balance beam
travedente {v} :: present participle of travedere
travedere {v} :: to deceive oneself by seeing what is not there
travedere {v} :: alternative form of stravedere
traveggente {v} :: present participle of travedere
traveggole {fp} :: only in avere le traveggole
traversa {f} /traˈvɛ :: crossbeam, crosspiece, ledger
traversa {f} :: sleeper, tie (railway)
traversa {f} :: side road
traversa {f} [chess] :: rank
Traversa {prop} :: surname
traversabile {adj} :: That can be crossed; crossable
traversalmente {adv} :: alternative form of trasversalmente
traversante {v} :: present participle of traversare
traversare {vt} :: to cross [a river, etc.]
traversare {vt} :: to stow [an anchor, etc.]
traversata {f} :: crossing (in a ship)
traversata {f} :: flight (in an aircraft)
traversia {f} :: onshore wind
traversia {f} [in the plural] :: hardships, trials, troubles, adversities
traversina {f} :: sleeper (railroad tie)
traversina {f} [music] :: fret (on a guitar etc)
traversino {m} :: double (shot in billiards, snooker)
traversino {m} :: pillow
traversino {m} :: apron
traverso {adj} /traˈvɛ :: transversal, transverse
traverso {adj} :: oblique
traverso {m} :: width
traverso {m} [nautical] :: beam
traversone {m} [football] :: cross
travertino {m} [mineralogy] :: travertine
travestente {v} :: present participle of travestire
travestimento {m} :: disguise
travestimento {m} :: costume
travestire {vt} :: to disguise
travestire {vt} :: to dress up
travestirsi {v} :: reflexive of travestire
travestirsi {v} :: to dress up
travestitismo {m} :: transvestism
travestito {m} :: transvestite
travet {m} :: pen pusher (minor clerk)
travetto {m} :: joist, rafter
Travia {prop} :: surname
traviamento {m} :: leading astray
traviante {v} :: present participle of traviare
traviantesi {v} :: present participle of traviarsi
traviare {vt} :: to lead astray, lead someone down the garden path
traviarsi {v} :: reflexive of traviare
traviarsi {vr} :: to be led astray
traviarsi {vr} :: to go off the straight and narrow
traviato {adj} :: led astray
traviato {adj} :: corrupted
traviatosi {v} :: past participle of traviarsi
travicello {m} /tra.viˈt͡ʃɛl.lo/ :: diminutive of trave: small beam, joist or rafter
travisamento {m} :: misrepresentation, distortion
travisante {v} :: present participle of travisare
travisare {vt} :: To distort or misrepresent
travolgente {v} :: present participle of travolgere
travolgente {adj} :: overwhelming, sweeping
travolgente {adj} :: passionate, breathtaking
travolgente {adj} :: roaring, runaway
travolgere {vt} /traˈvɔl.d͡ʒ :: to sweep away
travolgere {vt} :: to run over
travolgere {vt} [figurative] :: to overwhelm
travolgimento {m} :: overwhelming, overturning
travolvente {v} :: present participle of travolvere
travolvere {v} :: obsolete form of travolgere
trazionale {adj} :: tractional
trazione {f} :: traction
trazione {f} :: drive (driven axle of a car)
trazzera {f} :: (in Sicily) A path through the fields for herding animals; a green lane
Trb. {n} [music] :: abbreviation of trombone
tre {num} /tre/ :: three
tre {m} :: three
trealberi {m} :: three-master (three-masted vessel)
trealosio {m} [carbohydrate] :: trehalose
Trebbi {prop} :: surname
trebbia {f} :: threshing (operation and season)
Trebbia {prop} :: Trebbia (river)
trebbiano {m} :: trebbiano (grape)
trebbiano {m} :: trebbiano (wine)
trebbiante {v} :: present participle of trebbiare
trebbiare {vt} :: to thresh (separate grain)
trebbiatore {m} :: thresher (person)
trebbiatrice {f} :: threshing machine
trebbiatura {f} :: threshing (action and season)
trebisonda {f} :: only in perdere la trebisonda
Trebisonda {prop} :: Trebisonda (city)
Treccani {prop} :: surname
treccare {v} /trekˈ :: to shuffle (to use expedients)
trecce d'oro {f} [rare] :: synonym of riccioli d'oro
treccia {f} /ˈtret.t͡ʃa/ :: braid
treccia {f} :: plait
treccia {f} :: tress (of hair)
treccina {f} :: small pigtail
treccina {f} :: dreadlock
trecciona {f} :: A large piece of mozzarella cheese in the form of a braid
treccione {m} :: a sort of bread (having a braided appearance) that is stuffed with ham and/or cheese
treccone {m} [Tuscan, archaic or literary] /trekˈ :: A person who retails foodstuffs
treccone {m} [Tuscan, archaic or literary, figurative] :: cheat, swindler
trecentesco {adj} :: fourteenth-century
trecentesimo {adj} :: three hundredth
trecentesimo {m} :: three hundredth
trecentista {mf} :: fourteenth-century writer or artist
trecentista {mf} :: scholar of fourteenth-century literature or art
trecento {adj} :: three hundred
trecento {num} :: three hundred
Trecento {m} :: fourteenth century (1300s)
trecentocinquanta {adj} :: three hundred and fifty
trecentocinquanta {num} :: three hundred and fifty
trecentocinquantacinque {adj} :: three hundred and fifty-five
trecentocinquantacinque {num} :: three hundred and fifty-five
trecentocinquantadue {adj} :: three hundred and fifty-two
trecentocinquantadue {num} :: three hundred and fifty-two
trecentocinquantanove {adj} :: three hundred and fifty-nine
trecentocinquantanove {num} :: three hundred and fifty-nine
trecentocinquantaquattro {adj} :: three hundred and fifty-four
trecentocinquantaquattro {num} :: three hundred and fifty-four
trecentocinquantasei {adj} :: three hundred and fifty-six
trecentocinquantasei {num} :: three hundred and fifty-six
trecentocinquantasette {adj} :: three hundred and fifty-seven
trecentocinquantasette {num} :: three hundred and fifty-seven
trecentocinquantatré {adj} :: three hundred and fifty-three
trecentocinquantatré {num} :: three hundred and fifty-three
trecentocinquantotto {adj} :: three hundred and fifty-eight
trecentocinquantotto {num} :: three hundred and fifty-eight
trecentocinquantuno {adj} :: three hundred and fifty-one
trecentocinquantuno {num} :: three hundred and fifty-one
trecentocinque {adj} :: three hundred and five
trecentocinque {num} :: three hundred and five
trecentodicianove {adj} :: three hundred and nineteen
trecentodicianove {num} :: three hundred and nineteen
trecentodiciasette {adj} :: three hundred and seventeen
trecentodiciasette {num} :: three hundred and seventeen
trecentodiciotto {adj} :: three hundred and eighteen
trecentodiciotto {num} :: three hundred and eighteen
trecentodieci {adj} :: three hundred and ten
trecentodieci {num} :: three hundred and ten
trecentododici {adj} :: three hundred and twelve
trecentododici {num} :: three hundred and twelve
trecentodue {adj} :: three hundred and two
trecentodue {num} :: three hundred and two
trecentomila {adj} :: three hundred thousand
trecentomila {num} :: three hundred thousand
trecentonovanta {adj} :: three hundred and ninety
trecentonovanta {num} :: three hundred and ninety
trecentonovantacinque {adj} :: three hundred and ninety-five
trecentonovantacinque {num} :: three hundred and ninety-five
trecentonovantadue {adj} :: three hundred and ninety-two
trecentonovantadue {num} :: three hundred and ninety-two
trecentonovantanove {adj} :: three hundred and ninety-nine
trecentonovantanove {num} :: three hundred and ninety-nine
trecentonovantaquattro {adj} :: three hundred and ninety-four
trecentonovantaquattro {num} :: three hundred and ninety-four
trecentonovantasei {adj} :: three hundred and ninety-six
trecentonovantasei {num} :: three hundred and ninety-six
trecentonovantasette {adj} :: three hundred and ninety-seven
trecentonovantasette {num} :: three hundred and ninety-seven
trecentonovantatré {adj} :: three hundred and ninety-three
trecentonovantatré {num} :: three hundred and ninety-three
trecentonovantotto {adj} :: three hundred and ninety-eight
trecentonovantotto {num} :: three hundred and ninety-eight
trecentonovantuno {adj} :: three hundred and ninety-one
trecentonovantuno {num} :: three hundred and ninety-one
trecentonove {adj} :: three hundred and nine
trecentonove {num} :: three hundred and nine
trecentootto {adj} :: three hundred and eight
trecentootto {num} :: three hundred and eight
trecentoquaranta {adj} :: three hundred and forty
trecentoquaranta {num} :: three hundred and forty
trecentoquarantacinque {adj} :: three hundred and forty-five
trecentoquarantacinque {num} :: three hundred and forty-five
trecentoquarantadue {adj} :: three hundred and forty-two
trecentoquarantadue {num} :: three hundred and forty-two
trecentoquarantaduesimo {adj} :: Three hundred and forty-second
trecentoquarantaduesimo {m} :: Three hundred and forty-second
trecentoquarantanove {adj} :: three hundred and forty-nine
trecentoquarantanove {num} :: three hundred and forty-nine
trecentoquarantaquattro {adj} :: three hundred and forty-four
trecentoquarantaquattro {num} :: three hundred and forty-four
trecentoquarantasei {adj} :: three hundred and forty-six
trecentoquarantasei {num} :: three hundred and forty-six
trecentoquarantasette {adj} :: three hundred and forty-seven
trecentoquarantasette {num} :: three hundred and forty-seven
trecentoquarantatré {adj} :: three hundred and forty-three
trecentoquarantatré {num} :: three hundred and forty-three
trecentoquarantotto {adj} :: three hundred and forty-eight
trecentoquarantotto {num} :: three hundred and forty-eight
trecentoquarantuno {adj} :: three hundred and forty-one
trecentoquarantuno {num} :: three hundred and forty-one
trecentoquattordici {adj} :: three hundred and fourteen
trecentoquattordici {num} :: three hundred and fourteen
trecentoquattro {adj} :: three hundred and four
trecentoquattro {num} :: three hundred and four
trecentoquindici {adj} :: three hundred and fifteen
trecentoquindici {num} :: three hundred and fifteen
trecentosedici {adj} :: three hundred and sixteen
trecentosedici {num} :: three hundred and sixteen
trecentosei {adj} :: three hundred and six
trecentosei {num} :: three hundred and six
trecentosessanta {adj} :: three hundred and sixty
trecentosessanta {num} :: three hundred and sixty
trecentosessantacinque {adj} :: three hundred and sixty-five
trecentosessantacinque {num} :: three hundred and sixty-five
trecentosessantadue {adj} :: three hundred and sixty-two
trecentosessantadue {num} :: three hundred and sixty-two
trecentosessantanove {adj} :: three hundred and sixty-nine
trecentosessantanove {num} :: three hundred and sixty-nine
trecentosessantaquattro {adj} :: three hundred and sixty-four
trecentosessantaquattro {num} :: three hundred and sixty-four
trecentosessantasei {adj} :: three hundred and sixty-six
trecentosessantasei {num} :: three hundred and sixty-six
trecentosessantasette {adj} :: three hundred and sixty-seven
trecentosessantasette {num} :: three hundred and sixty-seven
trecentosessantatré {adj} :: three hundred and sixty-three
trecentosessantatré {num} :: three hundred and sixty-three
trecentosessantotto {adj} :: three hundred and sixty-eight
trecentosessantotto {num} :: three hundred and sixty-eight
trecentosessantuno {adj} :: three hundred and sixty-one
trecentosessantuno {num} :: three hundred and sixty-one
trecentosettanta {adj} :: three hundred and seventy
trecentosettanta {num} :: three hundred and seventy
trecentosettantacinque {adj} :: three hundred and seventy-five
trecentosettantacinque {num} :: three hundred and seventy-five
trecentosettantadue {adj} :: three hundred and seventy-two
trecentosettantadue {num} :: three hundred and seventy-two
trecentosettantanove {adj} :: three hundred and seventy-nine
trecentosettantanove {num} :: three hundred and seventy-nine
trecentosettantaquattro {adj} :: three hundred and seventy-four
trecentosettantaquattro {num} :: three hundred and seventy-four
trecentosettantasei {adj} :: three hundred and seventy-six
trecentosettantasei {num} :: three hundred and seventy-six
trecentosettantasette {adj} :: three hundred and seventy-seven
trecentosettantasette {num} :: three hundred and seventy-seven
trecentosettantatré {adj} :: three hundred and seventy-three
trecentosettantatré {num} :: three hundred and seventy-three
trecentosettantotto {adj} :: three hundred and seventy-eight
trecentosettantotto {num} :: three hundred and seventy-eight
trecentosettantuno {adj} :: three hundred and seventy-one
trecentosettantuno {num} :: three hundred and seventy-one
trecentosette {adj} :: three hundred and seven
trecentosette {num} :: three hundred and seven
trecentotre {adj} :: three hundred and three
trecentotre {num} :: three hundred and three
trecentotré {adj} :: three hundred and three
trecentotré {num} :: three hundred and three
trecentotredici {adj} :: three hundred and thirteen
trecentotredici {num} :: three hundred and thirteen
trecentotrenta {adj} :: three hundred and thirty
trecentotrenta {num} :: three hundred and thirty
trecentotrentacinque {adj} :: three hundred and thirty-five
trecentotrentacinque {num} :: three hundred and thirty-five
trecentotrentadue {adj} :: three hundred and thirty-two
trecentotrentadue {num} :: three hundred and thirty-two
trecentotrentanove {adj} :: three hundred and thirty-nine
trecentotrentanove {num} :: three hundred and thirty-nine (number)
trecentotrentaquattro {adj} :: three hundred and thirty-four
trecentotrentaquattro {num} :: three hundred and thirty-four
trecentotrentasei {adj} :: three hundred and thirty-six
trecentotrentasei {num} :: three hundred and thirty-six
trecentotrentasette {adj} :: three hundred and thirty-seven
trecentotrentasette {num} :: three hundred and thirty-seven
trecentotrentatré {adj} :: three hundred and thirty-three
trecentotrentatré {num} :: three hundred and thirty-three
trecentotrentotto {adj} :: three hundred and thirty-eight
trecentotrentotto {num} :: three hundred and thirty-eight
trecentotrentuno {adj} :: three hundred and thirty-one
trecentotrentuno {num} :: three hundred and thirty-one
trecentottanta {adj} :: three hundred and eighty
trecentottanta {num} :: three hundred and eighty
trecentottantacinque {adj} :: three hundred and eighty-five
trecentottantacinque {num} :: three hundred and eighty-five
trecentottantadue {adj} :: three hundred and eighty-two
trecentottantadue {num} :: three hundred and eighty-two
trecentottantanove {adj} :: three hundred and eighty-nine
trecentottantanove {num} :: three hundred and eighty-nine
trecentottantaquattro {adj} :: three hundred and eighty-four
trecentottantaquattro {num} :: three hundred and eighty-four
trecentottantasei {adj} :: three hundred and eighty-six
trecentottantasei {num} :: three hundred and eighty-six
trecentottantasette {adj} :: three hundred and eighty-seven
trecentottantasette {num} :: three hundred and eighty-seven
trecentottantatré {adj} :: three hundred and eighty-three
trecentottantatré {num} :: three hundred and eighty-three
trecentottantotto {adj} :: three hundred and eighty-eight
trecentottantotto {num} :: three hundred and eighty-eight
trecentottantuno {adj} :: three hundred and eighty-one
trecentottantuno {num} :: three hundred and eighty-one
trecentotto {adj} :: three hundred and eight
trecentotto {num} :: three hundred and eight
trecentouno {adj} :: three hundred and one
trecentouno {num} :: three hundred and one
trecentoventi {adj} :: three hundred and twenty
trecentoventi {num} :: three hundred and twenty
trecentoventicinque {adj} :: three hundred and twenty-five
trecentoventicinque {num} :: three hundred and twenty-five
trecentoventidue {adj} :: three hundred and twenty-two
trecentoventidue {num} :: three hundred and twenty-two
trecentoventinove {adj} :: three hundred and twenty-nine
trecentoventinove {num} :: three hundred and twenty-nine
trecentoventiquattro {adj} :: three hundred and twenty-four
trecentoventiquattro {num} :: three hundred and twenty-four
trecentoventisei {adj} :: three hundred and twenty-six
trecentoventisei {num} :: three hundred and twenty-six
trecentoventisette {adj} :: three hundred and twenty-seven
trecentoventisette {num} :: three hundred and twenty-seven
trecentoventitré {adj} :: three hundred and twenty-three
trecentoventitré {num} :: three hundred and twenty-three
trecentoventotto {adj} :: three hundred and twenty-eight
trecentoventotto {num} :: three hundred and twenty-eight
trecentoventuno {adj} :: three hundred and twenty-one
trecentoventuno {num} :: three hundred and twenty-one
trecentuno {adj} :: three hundred and one
trecentuno {num} :: three hundred and one
tredicenne {adj} :: thirteen-year-old
tredicenne {mf} :: thirteen-year-old
tredicesima {f} :: A bonus, paid at Christmas, of a month's pay
tredicesimo {adj} :: thirteenth
tredicesimo {m} :: thirteenth (the one in thirteenth position)
tredicesimo {m} :: thirteenth (fraction)
tredici {adj} /ˈtreditʃi/ :: thirteen
tredici {num} :: thirteen
tredicimila {adj} :: thirteen thousand
tredicimila {n} :: thirteen thousand
tredicista {mf} :: pools winner
trefoglia {f} :: trefoil
trefolo {m} :: strand (of yarn)
trefolo {m} :: cable (in prestressed concrete)
tregenda {f} :: sabbat, witches' Sabbath
tregenda {f} :: pandemonium, uproar
treggia {f} :: A sort of simple sleigh used in Alpine regions to carry agricultural material
Treglia {prop} :: Treglia (town)
tregua {f} /ˈtrɛ.ɡwa/ :: truce
tregua {f} :: rest, respite
tremante {v} :: present participle of tremare
tremante {adj} :: trembling, shaking
tremar {v} :: apocopic form of tremare
tremare {vi} :: to tremble, shake, shiver, shudder
tremarella {f} :: shakes, jitters, heebie-jeebies
tre Marie {fp} :: Mary, mother of Jesus, Mary of Clopas and Mary Magdalene, present at the Crucifixion
trematoda {m} :: trematode
tremebondo {adj} :: tremulous
tremebondo {adj} :: fearful
tremendamente {adv} :: terribly, awfully, tremendously
tremendo {adj} /treˈmɛ :: terrible, awful, dreadful (all senses)
trementina {f} :: turpentine
tremila {adj} :: three thousand
tremila {num} :: three thousand
tremilacinquecento {adj} :: three thousand five hundred
tremilacinquecento {num} :: three thousand five hundred
tremilaseicento {adj} :: three thousand seven hundred
tremilaseicento {num} :: three thousand seven hundred
tremillesimo {adj} :: three-thousandth
tremillesimo {m} [ordinal numbers] :: three-thousandth
Tremiti {prop} /ˈtrɛ.mi.ti/ :: Tremiti (archipelago), north of the Gargano peninsula
tremito {m} :: shiver
tremito {m} :: tremble, shake
tremito {m} :: flicker
tremolante {v} :: present participle of tremolare
tremolante {adj} :: trembling, shaking
tremolante {adj} :: flickering
tremolante {adj} :: twinkling
tremolare {vi} :: to tremble, shake
tremolare {vi} :: to flicker [flame]
tremolare {vi} :: to twinkle [star]
tremolio {m} /tre.moˈlio̯/ :: trembling, quivering, wavering, shaking, flickering
tremolite {f} [mineral] :: tremolite
Tremonti {prop} :: surname
Tremonti {prop} :: Giulio Tremonti, Italian politician
tremore {m} :: trembling, shaking
tremore {m} :: tremor
tremoto {m} :: alternative form of terremoto
tremulo {adj} :: trembling, quivering, quavering
tremulo {m} :: flutter (electronic)
tremuoto {m} [obsolete, Dante] :: earthquake
trenaggio {m} :: haulage
trench {m} :: trench coat
trend {m} :: trend
trenetta {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: a form of pasta similar to narrow, thick tagliatelle, from Liguria
trenino {m} :: Toy train
treno {m} /ˈtrɛ.no/ :: train (connected sequence of people or things)
treno {m} :: gun carriage
treno {m} :: retinue, escort
trenodia {f} :: threnody
treno direttissimo {m} :: express train
trenta {adj} :: thirty
trenta {num} :: thirty
trentacinque {adj} :: thirty-five
trentacinque {num} :: thirty-five (number)
trentacinquenne {adj} :: thirty-five-year-old
trentacinquenne {mf} :: thirty-five-year-old
trentacinquesimo {adj} :: thirty-fifth
trentacinquesimo {m} :: thirty-fifth
trentadue {adj} :: thirty-two
trentadue {num} :: thirty-two
trentaduenne {adj} :: thirty-two-year-old
trentaduenne {mf} :: thirty-two-year-old
trentaduesimo {adj} :: thirty-second
trentaduesimo {m} :: thirty-second
trentamila {adj} :: thirty thousand
trentamila {num} :: thirty thousand
trentanove {adj} :: thirty-nine
trentanove {num} :: thirty-nine (number)
trentanovesimo {adj} :: thirty-ninth
trentanovesimo {m} :: thirty-ninth
trentaquattrenne {adj} :: thirty-four-year-old
trentaquattrenne {mf} :: thirty-four-year-old
trentaquattresimo {adj} :: thirty-fourth
trentaquattresimo {m} :: thirty-fourth
trentaquattro {adj} :: thirty-four
trentaquattro {num} :: thirty-four (number)
trentasei {adj} :: thirty-six
trentasei {num} :: thirty-six (number)
trentaseienne {adj} :: thirty-six-year-old
trentaseienne {mf} :: thirty-six-year-old
trentaseiesimo {adj} :: thirty-sixth
trentaseiesimo {m} :: thirty-sixth
trentasette {adj} :: thirty-seven
trentasette {num} :: thirty-seven (number)
trentasettenne {adj} :: thirty-seven-year-old
trentasettenne {mf} :: thirty-seven-year-old
trentasettesimo {adj} :: thirty-seventh
trentasettesimo {m} :: thirty-seventh
trentatré {adj} :: thirty-three
trentatré {num} :: thirty-three (number)
trentatreesimo {adj} :: thirty-third
trentatreesimo {m} :: thirty-third
trentatré giri {m} :: A thirty-three or 33 (record)
trentennale {adj} :: Taking place every thirty years
trentennale {adj} :: Lasting thirty years
trentennale {m} :: A thirtieth anniversary
trentenne {adj} :: thirty-year-old
trentenne {mf} :: thirty-year-old
trentennio {m} :: A period of thirty years
trentesimo {adj} :: thirtieth
trentesimo {m} :: thirtieth
Trentin {prop} :: surname
trentina {f} :: female equivalent of trentino
trentina {f} :: about thirty; thirtyish
Trentini {prop} :: surname
trentino {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Trento (town in Northern Italy)
trentino {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Trentino-Alto Adige (region in Northern Italy)
trentino {m} :: Native or inhabitant of Trento
trentino {m} :: Native or inhabitant of Trentino
Trentino {prop} :: Trentino
Trentino-Alto Adige {prop} :: Trentino-Alto Adige (region)
Trento {prop} /ˈtrɛ :: Trento (provincial capital)
Trento {prop} [rare] :: Trento (province)
trentottenne {adj} :: thirty-eight-year-old
trentottenne {mf} :: thirty-eight-year-old
trentottesimo {adj} :: thirty-eighth
trentottesimo {m} :: thirty-eighth
trentotto {adj} :: thirty-eight
trentotto {num} :: thirty-eight (number)
trentunenne {adj} :: thirty-one-year-old
trentunenne {mf} :: thirty-one-year-old
trentunesimo {adj} :: thirty-first
trentunesimo {m} :: thirty-first
trentuno {adj} :: thirty-one
trentuno {num} :: thirty-one
treonina {f} [amino acid] :: threonine
tre per due {m} :: An offer to sell three items for the price of two
trepidamente {adv} :: anxiously
trepidante {v} :: present participle of trepidare
trepidante {adj} :: anxious
trepidanza {f} :: anxiety, trepidation
trepidare {vi} :: to be anxious
trepidazione {f} /tre.pi.daˈt͡ :: anxiety, trepidation
trepidezza {f} :: anxiety, trepidation
trepidità {f} :: anxiety, trepidation
trepido {adj} :: anxious
treppiede {m} :: tripod
treppiedi {m} :: alternative form of treppiede
trequarti {m} [rugby] :: three-quarter back
trequarti {m} :: three-quarter-length jacket or coat
trequartista {mf} [football] :: attacking midfielder
Tresa {prop} :: A river that flows from Ticino to Lombardy
tresca {f} :: plot, intrigue, scam
tresca {f} :: affair (of the heart)
trescante {v} :: present participle of trescare
trescare {vi} :: to plot, intrigue
trescare {vi} :: to have a love affair
tre sette {m} :: alternative form of tresette
tresette {n} :: alternative spelling of tressette
Tresoldi {prop} :: surname
trespolo {m} /ˈtres.po.lo/ :: trestle
trespolo {m} :: perch (for birds)
trespolo {m} :: stool
tressette {m} /tresˈsɛt.te/ :: An Italian card game with many local variants
trestizia {f} /tresˈtit.t͡sja/ :: obsolete form of tristizia
tre unità {fp} :: the three unities (of classical tragedy - unity of action, place, and time)
Tre Venezie {prop} :: The historic region of north-east Italy around the Veneto
Treves {prop} :: surname
Treves {prop} :: Emilio Treves, Italian journalist and editor
Trevi {prop} :: Trevi (small town)
trevigiano {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Treviso
trevigiano {m} :: Native or inhabitant of Treviso
trevigiano {m} :: The dialect spoken in Treviso
Trevignano {prop} :: Trevignano (small town)
Treviri {prop} :: Treviri (city)
Trevisan {prop} :: surname
trevisana {f} :: radicchio from Treviso
Trevisani {prop} :: surname
trevisano {adj} :: Treviso (attributive)
Treviso {prop} /treˈvi.zo/ :: Treviso (town/and/province)
trevo {m} [nautical] /ˈtre.vo/ :: course (square sail)
Trezzini {prop} :: surname
Trgl. {n} [music] :: abbreviation of triangolo
tri- {prefix} :: tri-
triaca {f} :: theriac
triacetato {m} :: triacetate
triacetina {f} [organic compound] :: triacetin
triacontaedro {m} :: triacontahedron
triade {f} :: triad (all senses)
triadico {adj} :: triadic
trial {m} [sports] :: trials (motorcycle etc)
trialchile {m} [organic chemistry] :: trialkyl
trialchilico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: trialkyl (attributive)
triale {m} [rare, grammar] :: trial number
triammonio {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: Triammonium
triangolante {v} :: present participle of triangolare
triangolare {adj} :: triangular
triangolare {adj} [anatomy] :: triangularis
triangolare {vt} :: to triangulate
triangolarità {f} :: triangularity
triangolazione {f} :: triangulation
triangolazione {f} [sports] :: A pass between three players
triangolino {m} :: small triangle
triangolo {m} /triˈan.ɡo.lo/ :: triangle (all senses)
triangolo {m} [figuratively] :: love triangle; ménage à trois (all senses)
triangolo acutangolo {n} [geometry] :: alternative form of triangolo acuto
triangolo acuto {n} [geometry] :: acute triangle
Triangolo Australe {prop} [astronomy] :: Triangulum Australe (constellation)
Triangolo Australe {prop} [astronomy] :: Southern Triangle (constellation)
triangolo del fuoco {m} :: fire triangle
triangolo equilatero {m} [geometry] :: equilateral triangle
triangolo ottusangolo {n} [geometry] :: alternative form of triangolo ottuso
triangolo ottuso {n} [geometry] :: obtuse triangle
triangolo rettangolo {m} [geometry] /triˈan.ɡo.lo retˈtan.ɡo.lo/ :: right triangle
triarchia {f} :: triarchy
triarilico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: triaryl (attributive)
triarticolazione {f} [sociology] :: triarticulation, threefolding
Trias {m} [geology] :: Triassic
triassiale {adj} :: triaxial
triassico {m} [geology] :: Triassic, Trias
triassico {adj} :: Triassic (attributive)
triathlon {m} :: triathlon
triatleta {mf} [sports] :: triathlete
triatomico {adj} :: triatomic
triazina {f} [organic compound] :: triazine
tribadismo {m} :: tribadism
tribale {adj} :: tribal
tribalismo {m} :: tribalism
tribalità {f} :: tribality
tribalizzazione {f} :: tribalization
tribasico {adj} [chemistry] :: tribasic
tribbiante {v} :: present participle of tribbiare
tribbiare {vt} :: Variant of trebbiare
triblastico {adj} [embryology] /triˈblas.ti.ko/ :: triploblastic
tribo- {prefix} :: tribo-
tribo {m} /ˈ :: synonym of tribù
triboelettricità {f} [physics] :: triboelectricity
triboelettrico {adj} :: triboelectric
tribolamento {m} :: tribulation, suffering, affliction
tribolante {v} :: present participle of tribolare
tribolare {v} :: to suffer
tribolato {adj} :: troubled
tribolazione {f} :: tribulation, suffering, plaguing
tribolo {m} :: caltrop
tribolo {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: tribulations
tribolo {m} [heraldiccharge] :: caltrop
tribologia {f} :: tribology
tribologico {adj} :: tribological
triboluminescenza {f} [physics] :: triboluminescence
tribordo {m} [nautical] :: starboard
tribromuro {m} [chemistry] :: tribromide
tribù {f} /triˈbu/ :: tribe
tribulazione {f} :: Variant of tribolazione
tribuna {f} :: platform (for a speaker)
tribuna {f} :: gallery, stand, grandstand
tribunale {m} :: court
tribunale {m} :: judicature
tribunato {m} :: tribuneship, tribunate
tribunesco {adj} :: bombastic
tribunizio {adj} :: tribunitian
tribunizio {adj} :: bombastic
tribuno {m} :: tribune
tributante {v} :: present participle of tributare
tributare {vt} :: to pay tribute to someone
tributario {adj} :: tax (attributive), fiscal
tributario {adj} :: tributary
tributarista {mf} :: tax consultant or expert
tributo {m} :: tax
tributo {m} :: tribute
tributo {m} :: toll
tricamere {adj} :: three-roomed
tricarbossilico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: tricarboxylic
-trice {suffix} :: Used to form the feminine of nouns and adjectives ending in -tore
tricefalia {f} :: three-headedness
tricefalo {adj} :: three-headed
triceratopo {m} :: triceratops
tricheco {m} :: walrus
trichiasi {f} :: trichiasis
trichina {f} :: trichina
trichinoscopico {adj} :: trichinoscopic
trichinosi {f} :: trichinosis
triciclico {adj} :: tricyclic
triciclico {m} [pharmacology] :: tricyclic antidepressant
triciclo {m} :: tricycle
tricipite {m} [muscle] :: triceps
triclinio {m} :: triclinium
triclino {adj} :: triclinic
tricloroacetato {m} [organic chemistry] :: trichloroacetate
tricloroacetico {adj} :: trichloroacetic
tricloroetilene {m} [organic compound] :: trichloroethylene
triclorofluorometano {m} [organic compound] :: trichlorofluoromethane
triclorosilano {m} [organic compound] :: trichlorosilane
tricloruro {m} [chemistry] :: trichloride
trico- {prefix} :: tricho-
tricocito {m} :: trichocyte
tricofitosi {f} [pathology] :: trichophytosis
tricofobia {f} :: trichophobia
tricogeno {adj} :: trichogenous (producing hair)
tricologia {f} :: trichology
tricologico {adj} :: trichological
tricologo {m} :: trichologist
tricolorato {adj} :: tricoloured
tricolore {adj} :: tricolour, three-coloured
tricolore {m} :: tricolour (especially the Italian flag)
Tricolore {m} :: the Italian national flag
Tricolore {m} :: the French national flag
tricoma {m} :: trichome (all senses)
triconco {adj} [architecture] /triˈkon.ko/ :: Having three apses
triconodonte {m} :: triconodont
tricoptilosi {f} [medicine] :: trichoptilosis, split ends
tricorde {adj} :: trichord (attributive)
tricorno {m} :: tricorn, cocked hat
tricosi {f} [pathology] :: trichosis
tricot {m} :: tricot
tricotomia {f} :: trichotomy
tricottero {m} :: caddis fly (of order Trichoptera)
tricromia {f} :: trichromia (three-colour process)
tric trac {m} :: tric-trac, backgammon
tricuspidale {adj} :: tricuspid
tricuspidato {adj} :: tricuspidate
tricuspide {adj} :: tricuspid
tridattilo {adj} [zoology] :: tridactyl
tridente {m} :: trident
tridentino {adj} :: Tridentine
tridentino {adj} :: Trentino (attributive)
tridermico {adj} :: tridermic
tridimensionale {adj} :: three-dimensional
tridimensionalità {f} :: three-dimensionality
tridimite {f} [mineralogy] :: tridymite
triduo {adj} :: that lasts three days
triduo {m} :: a three-day cycle of prayers before a festival, especially before Easter
triedrico {adj} [mathematics] :: trihedral
triedro {m} [mathematics] :: trihedron
trielina {f} :: trichloroethylene
triene {m} [organic chemistry] :: triene
triennale {adj} :: triennial
triennalista {mf} :: A student undertaking a three-year course
triennalità {f} :: three-year period or duration
triennalizzante {v} :: present participle of triennalizzare
triennalizzare {vt} :: To undertake a three-year course (in a subject) (at a college etc)
trienne {adj} /triˈɛ :: three-year-old
triennio {m} :: A period of three years
trierarca {m} :: trierarch
trierarchia {f} :: trierarchy
Trieste {prop} /triˈ-ɛs.te/ :: Trieste (province)
Trieste {prop} :: Trieste (city)
triestinità {f} :: The property of being from Trieste
triestino {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Trieste
triestino {m} :: Native or inhabitant of Trieste
trietile {m} [organic compound] :: triethyl
trifase {adj} :: three-phase [attributive]
trifasico {adj} :: three-phase [attributive]
trifenilene {m} [organic compound] :: triphenylene
trifenilmetano {m} [organic compound] :: triphenylmethane
trifido {adj} /ˈ :: tripartite
trifido {adj} :: three-pointed
trifluoruro {m} :: trifluoride
trifluoruro di alluminio {m} [inorganic compound] :: aluminium trifluoride
trifluoruro di antimonio {m} [inorganic compound] :: antimony trifluoride
trifluoruro di azoto {m} [inorganic compound] :: nitrogen trifluoride
trifluoruro di boro {m} [inorganic compound] :: boron trifluoride
trifluoruro di bromo {m} [inorganic compound] :: bromine trifluoride
trifluoruro di cloro {m} [inorganic compound] :: chlorine trifluoride
trifluoruro di fosforo {m} [inorganic compound] :: phosphorus trifluoride
trifluoruro di iodio {m} [inorganic compound] :: iodine trifluoride
trifluoruro di itterbio {m} [inorganic compound] :: yterbium trifluoride
trifluoruro di ittrio {m} [inorganic compound] :: ytrium trifluoride
trifluoruro di zolfo {m} [inorganic compound] :: sulfur trifluoride
trifogliato {adj} :: trifoliate
trifoglio {m} :: clover
trifoglio {m} :: trefoil (all senses)
trifola {f} [Northern Italy] /ˈ :: synonym of tartufo
trifolare {v} [rare] /tri.foˈ :: To slice thinly and cook with olive oil, garlic and parsley
trifolare {v} [rare] :: To season using truffle
trifolato {adj} /tri.foˈ :: Sliced thinly and cooked with olive oil, garlic and parsley
Trifone {prop} :: given name
trifora {f} /ˈ :: three-light window
triforcazione {f} :: trifurcation
triforcuto {adj} :: trifurcated
triforio {m} [architecture] :: triforium
trifosfato {m} [chemistry] :: triphosphate
trigemellare {adj} :: triplet (attributive)
trigemino {adj} :: triplet(s) (attributive)
trigemino {adj} [anatomy] :: trigeminal
trigenerativo {adj} :: trigenerative
trigenerazione {f} :: trigeneration
trigesimo {adj} /triˈd͡ʒɛ :: thirtieth
trigesimo {m} :: thirtieth day (after a specified event)
triglia {f} [zoology, ichthyology] :: mullet, goatfish
triglicerico {adj} [organic chemistry] :: triglyceride (attributive)
trigliceride {m} [organic chemistry] :: triglyceride
trigliceridemia {f} [medicine] :: triglyceridemia
triglifo {m} :: triglyph
Trigno {prop} :: Trigno (river)
trigonale {adj} :: trigonal
trigone {m} :: stingray
trigonella {f} :: fenugreek
trigono {adj} :: trigonal
trigono {adj} :: triangular
trigonometria {f} [trigonometry] :: trigonometry
trigonometrico {adj} :: trigonometric
trigramma {m} :: trigraph
triidrato {m} :: trihydrate
triidruro {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: trihydride
triiodiotironina {f} [organic compound] :: triiodotyronine (thyroid hormone)
triiodotironina {f} [organic compound] :: triiodothyronine
triioduro {m} [chemistry] :: triiodide
trilaterale {adj} :: trilateral
trilatero {m} :: trilateral
trilatero {adj} :: trilateral
triliardo {num} :: a trilliard [British] or sextillion [US]
trilineare {adj} :: trilinear
trilingue {adj} :: trilingual
trilinguismo {m} :: trilingualism
trilione {num} :: trillion (million million)
trilione {num} :: million trillion (million million million)
trilite {m} :: trilith
trillante {v} :: present participle of trillare
trillare {vi} :: To ring (of a telephone, etc.)
trillare {vi} :: To trill, to sing, to warble (of birds)
trillare {vi} [music] :: To trill
Trilli {prop} :: Tinkerbell (fictional fairy)
Trillini {prop} :: surname
Trillini {prop} :: Giovanna Trillini, Italian fencer
trillo {m} :: ring (of telephone etc)
trillo {m} :: trill, warble, chirp (of birds)
trillo {m} [music] :: trill
trilobato {adj} [botany] :: trilobate
trilobato {adj} [architecture] :: trefoil (attributive)
trilobite {m} :: trilobite
trilocale {m} :: three-room flat
trilogia {f} :: trilogy
trimarano {m} :: trimaran
trimerico {adj} :: trimeric
trimero {adj} [botany] :: trimerous
trimero {m} [chemistry] :: trimer
trimestrale {adj} :: quarterly (every three months)
trimestralità {f} :: three-monthly instalment or payment
trimestralizzante {v} :: present participle of trimestralizzare
trimestralizzare {vt} :: To organize something on a quarterly (three-monthly) basis
trimestralizzazione {f} :: the organization of something on a quarterly (three-monthly) basis
trimestralmente {adv} :: quarterly, three-monthly
trimestre {m} :: quarter; three-month period, trimester
trimestre {m} [education] :: term
trimestre {m} :: quarterly payment
trimetilammina {f} [organic compound] :: trimethylamine
trimetilazione {f} [orgaic chemistry] :: trimethylation
trimetilbenzene {m} [organic compound] :: trimethylbenzene
trimetilene {m} [organic compound] /ˈlɛ.ne/ :: trimethylene, cyclopropane
trimetrico {adj} :: trimetric
trimetro {m} :: trimeter
trimillenario {adj} :: trimillennial
trimino {m} :: triomino
trimolecolare {adj} [chemistry] :: trimolecular
trimorfismo {m} [biology, mineralogy] :: trimorphism
trimorfo {adj} :: trimorphic
trimotore {adj} :: Having three engines
trimotore {m} :: A three-engined aircraft
trina {f} :: lace
trina {f} :: (plural, derogatory) frills
trinacria {f} [heraldry] :: triquetra
Trinacria {prop} [geography, obsolete] :: Sicily
Trinacria {prop} :: the flag of the autonomous region of Sicily
trinare {v} [rare] /triˈ :: To do the same thing thrice
trinare {v} [rare] :: To put three elements together
trinazione {f} [rare] /tri.natˈt͡ :: The act of doing the same thing thrice
trincante {v} :: present participle of trincare
trincare {v} :: to knock back (a drink)
trincarino {m} [nautical] :: stringer (brace)
trincata {f} :: piss-up (drinking bout)
trincatura {f} [nautical] :: gammoning
Trincavelli {prop} :: surname
trincea {f} :: trench, retrenchment (military)
trinceramento {m} :: entrenchment
trincerante {v} :: present participle of trincerare
trincerantesi {v} :: present participle of trincerarsi
trincerare {vt} :: To entrench
trincerarsi {vr} :: To entrench oneself; to dig oneself
trincerarsi {vr} :: To hide behind; to shelter behind
trincerato {adj} :: entrenched
trincerato {adj} :: sheltered
trinceratosi {v} :: past participle of trincerarsi
trincettata {f} :: cut made by a clicking knife
trincetto {m} :: cutter, clicking knife
trinchettina {f} [nautical] :: fore or topmast staysail
trinchetto {m} [nautical] :: foremast
trinchetto {m} [nautical] :: foreyard
trinchetto {m} [nautical] :: foresail
trinciaforaggi {m} :: fodder cutter
trinciante {v} :: present participle of trinciare
trinciapaglia {mf} :: straw cutter
trinciapolli {mp} :: poultry shears
trinciapollo {m} /trin.t͡ʃaˈpol.lo/ :: poultry shears
trinciare {v} :: to blank, shear, or trench [sheet metal]
trinciare {v} :: to cut up, or break into pieces
trinciato {adj} [heraldry] :: Divided into two equal parts diagonally from top left to bottom right, per bend
trinciatrice {f} :: cutter, shredder (machine)
trinciatura {f} :: cutting (up), shredding, chopping (up)
trinciatura {f} :: carving (meat)
Trinidad e Tobago {prop} :: Trinidad e Tobago (a <<country>> consisting of two main <<islands>> in the <<r/Caribbean>>)
trinidadiano {adj} :: Trinidadian
trinidadiano {n} :: Trinidadian
trinità {f} :: trinity
Trinità {prop} :: The Trinity
Trinità dei Monti {prop} :: A church in Rome famous for its stairway to Piazza di Spagna
trinitario {adj} [attributive] :: Trinity
trinitario {adj} :: trinitarian
trinitarismo {m} :: Trinitarianism
trinitrina {f} :: trinitrin, nitroglycerine
trinitrofenolo {m} [organic compound] :: trinitrophenol, picric acid
trinitroglicerina {f} [organic compound] :: (tri-)nitroglycerine
trinitrotoluene {m} [organic compound] :: trinitrotoluene
trino {adj} /ˈ :: triune
trinomiale {adj} /triˈnɔm.ja.le/ :: trinomial
trinomio {adj} [maths] /triˈnɔ :: trinomial
trinomio {m} [maths, algebra] :: trinomial
trinomio {m} [also figurative] :: trio, triad
trio {m} /ˈtri.o/ :: trio, threesome
trio {m} [music] :: trio
trio {m} :: [baby carriage system] travel system
triodo {m} :: triode
triolo {m} [organic compound] :: triol
trionfale {adj} :: triumphal
trionfale {adj} :: triumphant
trionfalismo {m} :: triumphalism
trionfalista {mf} :: triumphalist
trionfalistico {adj} :: triumphalist
trionfalmente {adv} :: triumphantly
trionfante {v} :: present participle of trionfare
trionfante {adj} :: triumphant
trionfare {vi} [but takes avere as auxiliary verb] :: to triumph, prevail, win
trionfare {vi} [but takes avere as auxiliary verb] :: to be a hit, be a great success
trionfatore {m} :: winner, victor
trionfatrice {f} :: female equivalent of trionfatore
trionfo {m} /ˈ :: triumph
trioni {mp} :: triones (seven principal stars in the constellation Ursa Major)
Trionto {prop} :: Trionto (river)
triorchidismo {m} [medicine] :: triorchidism
trioso {m} [carbohydrate] :: triose
triossano {m} [organic compound] :: trioxane
triossido {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: trioxide
triossido di alluminio {n} [inorganic compound] :: aluminium oxide, alumina
triossido di diazoto {m} [inorganic compound] :: dinitrogen trioxide
triossido di zolfo {m} [inorganic compound] :: sulfur trioxide
triotto {m} :: A type of roach (Rutilus aula)
tripala {adj} [of a propeller or rotor] :: three-bladed
tripanosoma {m} :: trypanosome
tripanosomiasi {f} :: trypanosomiasis
tripartente {v} :: present participle of tripartire
tripartire {vt} :: To divide into three
tripartitico {adj} :: tripartite
tripartitismo {m} :: three-party political system
tripartito {adj} :: tripartite
Tripartito {m} :: tripartite pact
tripartizione {f} :: division into three parts; tripartion
tripeptide {m} :: tripeptide
tripetalo {adj} [botany] :: three-petalled
triplano {m} :: triplane
tripletta {f} :: three-barreled hunting rifle
tripletta {f} :: three-seated bicycle
tripletta {f} [sports] :: hat trick
tripletta {f} [genetics] :: triplet
tripletto {m} [physics] :: triplet
triplicante {v} :: present participle of triplicare
triplicantesi {v} :: present participle of triplicarsi
triplicare {vt} :: to triple, treble, triplicate
triplicarsi {v} :: reflexive of triplicare
triplicarsi {v} :: to treble, triplicate, triple
triplicato {adj} :: tripled, trebled, triplicated
triplicatosi {v} :: past participle of triplicarsi
triplicazione {f} :: triplication
triplicazione {f} :: tripling, trebling
triplice {adj} :: triple
triplice {adj} :: triplicate
triplicista {adj} :: Supportive of the Triple Alliance
triplicità {f} :: triplicity
triplista {mf} :: triple jumper
triplo {adj} /ˈtri.plo/ :: triple, trial, treble, threefold
triploblastico {adj} [embryology] /tri.ploˈblas.ti.ko/ :: synonym of triblastico
triplofonia {f} [music] :: triplophonia
triploide {adj} [genetics] :: triploid
triploidia {f} [genetics] :: triploidy
tripode {m} :: tripod
tripodia {f} :: trimeter
tripodico {adj} :: tripodic
tripolare {adj} [physics] :: tripolar
tripolare {adj} :: tripartite
tripolare {adj} :: tripartisan
tripolarismo {m} :: tripartisanship, a three-way political system
tripoli {m} [geology] :: tripoli
Tripoli {prop} :: Tripoli (capital city)
tripolifosfato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: tripolyphosphate
tripolino {adj} :: Tripolitan
tripolino {m} :: Tripolitan (native or inhabitant of Tripoli)
Tripolitania {prop} :: Tripolitania
tripolitano {adj} :: Tripolitanian
tripolitano {m} :: Tripolitanian (native or inhabitant of Tripolitania)
triposto {adj} :: three-seater
trippa {f} /ˈ :: tripe (food)
trippa {f} [colloquial, jocular] :: paunch, belly
tripperia {f} :: tripe shop
trippino {m} :: The stomach of a pig (as a form of tripe)
trippone {m} :: a person with a paunch
tripsina {f} [enzyme] :: trypsin
triptofano {m} [amino acid] :: tryptophan
tripudiante {v} :: present participle of tripudiare
tripudiare {vi} :: to rejoice [at a triumph]
tripudio {m} :: exultation, jubilation
tripudio {m} :: blaze
trireattore {m} :: trijet
triregno {m} :: papal tiara
trireme {f} /tri.ˈrɛ.me/ :: trireme
trirettangolo {adj} [geometry] /tri.retˈtan.ɡo.lo/ :: Having three right angles
tris {m} :: prile
tris {m} [card games, poker] :: three of a kind
tris {m} :: trio (three varieties as a unit)
trisaccaride {m} [carbohydrate] :: trisaccharide
trisavola {f} /triˈ :: great-great-grandmother
trisavola {f} :: foremother, ancestor
trisavolo {m} /triˈza.vo.lo/ :: great-great-grandfather
trisavolo {m} [chiefly in the plural] :: forefather, ancestor
triscaidecafobia {f} :: triskaidekaphobia
triscele {m} /ˈtriʃ.ʃe.le/ :: triskele, triskelion
trisdrucciolo {n} [grammar, linguistics, of a word] /trisˈdrut.t͡ʃo.lo/ :: Having the stress on the fifth-to-last syllable
trisecante {v} :: present participle of trisecare
trisecare {vt} :: to trisect
trisecato {adj} :: trisected
trisettimanale {adj} :: triweekly (three times per week)
trisezionante {v} :: present participle of trisezionare
trisezionare {vt} [mathematics] :: to trisect
trisezione {f} :: trisection
trisillabico {adj} :: trisyllabic
trisillabo {m} :: trisyllable
trisma {m} [pathology] :: trismus
trismo {m} :: Variant of trisma
trisnonna {f} :: great-great-grandmother
trisnonno {m} :: great-great-grandfather
trisnonno {m} [in the plural] :: great-great-grandparents
trisodico {adj} :: trisodium
trisomia {f} :: trisomy
trisomico {adj} :: trisomic
tristamente {adv} /tris.taˈmen.te/ :: wickedly, evilly
Tristano {prop} :: given name
triste {adj} /ˈtris.te/ :: sad, unhappy, bleak
tristearato {m} [organic chemistry] :: tristearate
tristemente {adv} :: sadly
tristezza {f} :: sadness, unhappiness
tristezza {f} :: sorrow, affliction
tristezza {f} :: gloom
tristissimo {adj} :: superlative of triste
tristizia {f} [archaic] /trisˈtit.t͡sja/ :: synonym of tristezza
tristizia {f} [literary] :: wickedness, evil
tristizia {f} [literary, archaic] :: misdeed, evil deed
tristo {adj} [obsolete] /ˈ :: grieving
tristo {adj} [obsolete] :: Expressing grief: griefful
tristo {adj} [obsolete] :: grevious, griefsome
tristo {adj} :: wretched
tristo {adj} :: wicked, evil
tristo {adj} [obsolete] :: poor
tristo {adj} [obsolete] :: Growing or having grown with difficulty
tristo {adj} [obsolete] :: unpleasant, noxious
trisulco {adj} :: divided in three
tritabile {adj} :: That can be minced; choppable, crushable
tritacarne {m} :: mincer, meat mincer
tritaghiaccio {m} :: ice crusher
tritagonista {mf} /tri.ta.ɡoˈnis.ta/ :: tritagonist
tritame {m} :: shreds, crumbs
tritamento {m} :: mincing, grinding, chopping, crushing (action)
tritante {v} :: present participle of tritare
tritaossa {m} :: bone crusher
tritaprezzemolo {m} :: parsley chopper
tritare {vt} :: to chop, mince, dice, grind or crush
tritare {vt} [figurative, poetic] :: to trample sand
tritare {vt} [archaic or regional] :: to thresh
tritare {vt} [figurative, archaic] :: to analyze too closely or meticulously
tritarifiuti {m} :: garbage disposal unit
tritato {m} :: hash
tritato {adj} :: chopped, minced, ground, diced
tritatura {f} :: mincing, grinding, chopping, crushing (action or resulting material)
tritatutto {m} :: A mincer, grinder or food processor
triteismo {m} :: tritheism
triteista {mf} :: tritheist
tritello {m} :: Finely sieved bran
trito {adj} [cooking] :: chopped, crushed, minced, ground
trito {adj} :: trite, hackneyed, commonplace
trito {adj} :: [typically of clothes] threadbare, worn out
trito {adj} [literary, figuratively, by extension] :: [of a person] miserable, poor
trito {adj} [archaic] :: [of a land, road, etc.] beaten or trampled
trito {adj} [archaic, by extension] :: [of a land, road, etc.] often visited
trito {adj} [archaic] :: rapid, quick
trito {m} :: chopping
trito {m} :: chopped onion and herbs (usually for soffritto)
tritolare {v} [rare] :: to mince, chop, or crush
tritolo {m} :: trinitrotoluene
tritone {m} :: newt, triton
Tritone {prop} :: Triton
tritono {m} [music] :: tritone
trittico {m} :: triptych
trittongo {m} [linguistics] /tritˈtɔn.ɡo/ :: triphthong
tritume {m} :: shreds
triturabile {adj} :: triturable
triturante {v} :: present participle of triturare
triturare {vt} :: to reduce to tiny fragments; to grind; to triturate; to crush
trituratore {m} :: shredder
triturazione {f} :: trituration, grinding, crushing, shredding
triulosio {m} [carbohydrate] :: triulose
triumvirale {adj} :: triumviral
triumvirato {m} :: triumvirate
triunvirale {adj} :: triumviral
triunvirato {m} :: alternative form of triumvirato
triunviro {m} :: triumvir
trivalente {adj} :: trivalent
trivalente {adj} :: Having three values, or methods of operation etc
trivalenza {f} :: trivalency, trivalence
trivella {f} :: auger
trivella {f} :: drill (large, for mining or digging a well)
trivella {f} :: trepan
trivellamento {m} :: drilling, boring, sinking
trivellante {v} :: present participle of trivellare
trivellare {vt} :: to drill
trivellatore {m} :: driller
trivellatore {m} :: drill
trivellatura {f} :: drilling, boring (or the material extracted)
trivellazione {f} :: drilling
triveneto {adj} :: Of or pertaining to the Tre Venezie
Trivento {prop} :: Trivento (town)
triviale {adj} /triˈvjale/ :: coarse, crude, vulgar
trivialità {f} :: coarseness, crudeness, vulgarity
trivialmente {adv} :: vulgarly, coarsely
trivio {m} :: crossroads where three roads meet
trivio {m} :: trivium
trizio {m} [physics] :: tritium
Troade {prop} :: Troad
trobadorico {adj} :: troubadour (attributive)
Trobbiani {prop} :: surname
trocaico {adj} :: trochaic
trocantere {m} [skeleton] :: trochanter
trocanterico {adj} [skeleton] :: trochanteric
trocanterite {f} [pathology] :: trochanteritis
troccolo {m} :: A type of pasta similar to tagliatelle
trocheo {m} :: trochee
trochilia {f} :: synonym of sesia
trochilo {m} :: trochilus, scotia
troclea {f} [anatomy] :: trochlea
trocleare {adj} :: trochlear
trofeo {m} /tro.ˈfɛ.o/ :: trophy
-trofia {suffix} :: -trophy
-trofico {suffix} :: -trophic
trofico {adj} :: trophic
trofie {fp} :: A form of pasta from Liguria
trofismo {m} :: tropism
trofoblastico {adj} :: trophoblastic
trofoblasto {m} [biology] :: trophoblast
trofologia {f} :: Science of nutrition
trogliare {v} /troʎˈʎ :: to stutter, stammer
troglio {adj} /ˈtrɔʎ.ʎo/ :: stammering, stuttering
troglodita {mf} :: troglodyte
troglodita {mf} :: caveman or cavewoman
trogloditico {adj} :: troglodytic
trogloditico {adj} :: caveman (attributive)
trogloditismo {m} :: troglodytism
trogloditismo {m} :: primitiveness
trogolo {m} :: trough
trogone {m} :: trogon or quetzal
trogone splendido {m} :: resplendent quetzal
troia {f} /ˈtrɔ.ja/ :: sow (female pig)
troia {f} [vulgar, pejorative] :: slut
Troia {prop} :: Troia (ancient city)
Troia {prop} :: Troia (town)
troiaio {m} :: pigsty (all senses)
troiano {adj} :: Trojan
troiano {adj} :: Of or pertaining to Troia in Puglia
troiano {m} :: Trojan
troiano {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Troia
troiata {f} :: dirty trick
troiata {f} :: botch, bungle
troica {f} :: troika
troietta {f} :: strumpet (young woman of easy virtue)
Troilo {prop} [Greek mythology] :: Troilus
Troisi {prop} :: surname
troll {m} :: troll (grotesque person, Internet troll)
trollante {v} :: present participle of trollare
trollare {vt} [Internet] :: to troll
tromba {f} :: trumpet
tromba {f} :: horn
tromba {f} [military] :: bugler
tromba {f} :: well [in a building]
tromba {f} :: shaft
trombabile {adj} :: fuckable
tromba delle scale {f} :: stairwell, staircase
tromba di Eustachio {f} :: alternative form of tuba di Eustachio
trombamica {f} [vulgar] :: fuck buddy, fuckmate (female)
trombamico {m} [vulgar] :: fuck buddy, fuckmate (male)
trombante {v} :: present participle of trombare
trombare {vt} [figurative, vulgar] :: to fuck
trombare {vt} [figurative] :: to reject, to flunk
trombata {f} :: a fuck
tromba uterina {f} :: alternative form of tuba uterina
trombetta {f} :: Toy trumpet
Trombetta {prop} :: Italian surname
trombettiere {m} :: bugler, trumpeter
trombettiere {m} :: trumpeter finch
trombettista {mf} [music] :: trumpeter (trumpet player)
trombina {f} [enzyme] :: thrombin
trombizzare {vt} [medicine] /trom.bitˈt͡ :: To thrombose (to affect with thrombosis)
trombo- {prefix} :: thromb-, thrombo-
trombo {m} [pathology] /ˈ :: thrombus, clot
trombocita {m} :: Variant of trombocito
trombocitemia {f} [pathology] :: thrombocythemia
trombocito {m} :: thrombocyte
trombocitopenia {f} [medicine] :: thrombocytopenia
trombocitosi {f} [medicine] :: thrombocytosis
tromboembolia {f} [medicine] :: thromboembolism
tromboembolico {adj} [medicine] :: thromboembolic
tromboembolismo {m} [pathology] :: thromboembolism
tromboembolitico {adj} :: thromboembolic
tromboflebite {f} [disease] :: thrombophlebitis
trombogenesi {f} [medicine] :: thrombogenesis
trombolisi {f} [medicine] :: thrombolysis
trombolitico {adj} :: thrombolytic
trombolitico {m} [pharmacology] :: thrombolytic agent, thrombolytic drug
tromboncino {m} :: spigot-type grenade launcher; device attached to the barrel of a gun for firing smoke or similar canisters
trombone {m} [musical instruments] :: trombone
trombone {m} :: an annoying and boring person, especially if arrogant, old or moralist
trombonista {mf} [music] :: trombonist
tromboplastico {adj} [biochemistry] /trom.boˈplas.ti.ko/ :: That forms thromboplastin
tromboplastina {f} [medicine] /ˈ :: thromboplastin
trombosi {f} [pathology] /tromˈbɔ.zi/ :: thrombosis
trombotico {adj} :: thrombotic
trompe l'oeil {m} :: trompe l'oeil
Tron {prop} :: surname
Tron {prop} :: A noble family of Venice
troncabile {adj} :: breakable
troncabile {adj} [grammar] :: That can be apocopated
troncamento {m} :: severance
troncamento {m} :: truncation
troncamento {m} :: apocope
troncante {v} :: present participle of troncare
troncar {v} :: apocopic form of troncare
troncare {v} :: to break off, cut off, sever or truncate
troncare {v} :: to apocopate (grammar)
troncare {v} :: to ruin or cut short (a career etc)
troncato {adj} [heraldry] :: Divided into two equal parts horizontally, per fess
troncatura {f} :: truncation
tronchese {mf} :: wire cutters
tronchesina {f} :: nail clippers
tronchesino {m} :: nail clippers
tronchetto {m} :: half boot
tronchetto {m} :: nippers
tronco {adj} :: truncated
tronco {adj} :: cut off, mutilated
tronco {adj} :: broken, incomplete
tronco {m} [botany] :: trunk, log
tronco {m} [anatomy] :: trunk, torso
tronco {m} [figurative] :: section, branch
troncoconico {adj} :: In the form of a truncated cone
tronco encefalico {m} :: brain stem
troncone {m} :: stump
tronculare {adj} :: truncal
troneggiante {v} :: present participle of troneggiare
troneggiare {vi} :: to tower (over)
tronfiezza {f} :: conceit, conceitedness
tronfio {adj} :: self-important, conceited
tronfio {adj} :: windy, bombastic
tronfio {adj} :: snide
tronista {m} [neologism] :: The bachelor on a TV show that focuses on a competition to gain that bachelor's romantic interest
trono {m} /ˈtrɔ.no/ :: throne
trono {m} :: obsolete form of tuono
Tronto {prop} :: Tronto (river)
tronzo {adj} :: blunt, dull
troodontide {m} :: troodontid
Tropea {prop} :: surname
tropeolo {m} :: tropaeolum, nasturtium
-tropia {suffix} :: -tropy
tropicale {adj} :: tropical
tropicalizzante {v} :: present participle of tropicalizzare
tropicalizzare {vt} :: to tropicalize
tropicalizzazione {f} :: tropicalization
-tropico {suffix} :: -tropic
-tropico {suffix} :: -trophic
tropico {m} :: tropic
Tropico del Cancro {prop} [geography] :: Tropic of Cancer
Tropico del Capricorno {prop} [geography] :: Tropic of Capricorn
tropina {f} :: tropine
-tropismo {suffix} :: -tropism
tropismo {m} [biology] :: tropism
-tropo {suffix} :: -trope (nouns)
-tropo {suffix} :: -tropic (adjectives)
tropo {m} :: trope
tropo {m} :: figure of speech
tropoelastina {f} [biochemistry] :: tropoelastin
tropofilo {adj} [botany] :: tropophilous
tropologia {f} :: tropology
tropologico {adj} :: tropological
troponina {f} [protein] :: troponin
troposfera {f} :: troposphere
troposferico {adj} :: tropospheric
troppi galli nel pollaio {phrase} :: too many cooks spoil the broth
troppo {adj} /ˈtrɔppo/ :: too much
troppo {adj} :: too many
troppo {pron} :: too much, too many
troppo {adv} :: too much, too long, too far
troppo cotto {adj} :: (of food) overdone
troppopieno {m} :: overflow (of water)
troscia {f} [obsolete] :: puddle; rivulet
trota {f} /ˈtrɔ.ta/ :: trout
trota salmonata {f} :: salmon trout, rainbow trout
troticoltore {m} :: trout breeder
troticoltura {f} :: trout rearing
trotinatura {f} :: trout colouration (of horses)
trotino {adj} :: trout-coloured (of horses)
trotskista {adj} :: Trotskyist
trotskista {m} :: Trotskyite
Trotta {prop} :: surname
trottabile {adj} :: trottable
trottante {v} :: present participle of trottare
trottare {vi} :: To trot (along)
trottata {f} :: trot
trottatoio {m} :: trotting track
trottatore {m} :: trotter (horse racing)
trotterellante {v} :: present participle of trotterellare
trotterellare {vi} :: To trot (also of a horse), to jog, to toddle
trotterellio {m} :: trot (A gait of a person faster than a walk)
trotto {m} :: trot
trottola {f} :: spinning top
trottola {f} [chiefly in the plural] :: a type of pasta supposedly in the shape of a top
trottolante {v} :: present participle of trottolare
trottolare {vi} :: to spin [like a top]
trottolare {vi} :: to rush or whirl about
trottolino {m} :: lively child
trottolino {m} :: toddler, trot
trotzista {adj} :: alternative form of trotskista
trotzkismo {m} :: alternative form of trotskismo
trotzkista {adj} :: alternative form of trotskista
troupe {f} :: troupe, company (theatrical)
trovabile {adj} :: findable
trovadore {m} /tro.vaˈ :: alternative form of trovatore
trovadorico {adj} :: troubadour (attributive)
trovante {v} :: present participle of trovare
trovantesi {v} :: present participle of trovarsi
trovar {v} :: apocopic form of trovare
trovare {v} /troˈ :: to find
trovare {v} [familiar] :: to visit [a friend, relative, etc.]
trovare {v} :: to contact or get hold of [someone]
trovare {v} :: to come by; to come across
trovare {v} :: (also with che + subj.) to think; to believe
trovare {v} :: to think up
trovare {v} [archaic] :: to compose poetry
trovarobe {mf} :: property master (in a theatre)
trovarsi {v} :: reflexive of trovare
trovarsi {v} :: (with in, con, or a) to be, be situated, lie
trovarsi {v} :: to happen to, find oneself
trovarsi {v} :: (with con) to agree or get along (with)
trovarsi {v} :: to meet [someone]
trovata {f} :: solution or quick fix used to get out of a difficult situation; expedient
trovata {f} :: stroke of genius, brainwave
trovata {f} :: joke, gag
trovatella {f} :: foundling
trovatello {m} :: foundling
trovato {m} :: discovery
trovato {m} :: invention
trovator {m} :: apocopic form of trovatore
trovatore {m} [rare] /tro.vaˈ :: One who finds, especially one who discovers (something); finder
trovatore {m} :: troubadour
trovatosi {v} :: past participle of trovarsi
trovatrice {f} [rare] /tro.vaˈtri.t͡ʃe/ :: feminine noun of trovatore
trovero {m} /troˈvɛ.ro/ :: alternative form of troviero
troviero {m} /troˈvjɛ.ro/ :: trouvère
trozkismo {m} :: alternative form of trotskismo
trozza {f} [nautical] :: parrel, gooseneck
truccabile {adj} :: That can be rigged, loaded or fixed
truccante {v} :: present participle of truccare
truccantesi {v} :: present participle of truccarsi
truccare {vt} :: to fix or rig
truccare {vt} :: to change the appearance or function of something in order to deceive others; to tamper with
truccare {vt} :: to temporarily improve the physical appearance [of someone]; to make up
truccare {vt} :: to make [someone] look different; to disguise
truccarsi {vit} :: reflexive of truccare
truccarsi {vit} :: to make oneself up; to put makeup on; to rouge
truccarsi {vit} :: to disguise oneself
truccatore {m} :: make-up artist
truccatosi {v} :: past participle of truccarsi
truccatrice {f} :: female equivalent of truccatore
truccatura {f} :: making up
truccatura {f} [automobiles] :: souping up
trucchetto {m} :: trick, gimmick
trucco {m} :: makeup (cosmetic)
trucco {m} :: trick, sham
trucco {m} [cinema] :: effect
trucco del mestiere {m} :: trick of the trade
truce {adj} :: grim, menacing
truce {adj} :: cruel
trucemente {adv} :: threateningly, grimly
trucemente {adv} :: cruelly
trucemente {adv} :: fiercely
trucidante {v} :: present participle of trucidare
trucidare {vt} :: To massacre or slay
truciolare {adj} :: chipboard (attributive), particleboard (attributive)
truciolare {m} :: chipboard, particleboard
truciolatrice {f} :: shredder
truciolo {m} :: swarf
truciolo {m} :: shaving (of metal etc)
truciolo {m} :: chip (of wood etc)
truculento {adj} :: truculent, grim, cruel
truculento {adj} :: gruesome
truculenza {f} :: truculence
truffa {f} :: fraud, swindle, scam
truffaldino {adj} :: swindling, dishonest
truffaldino {m} :: swindler
truffante {v} :: present participle of truffare
truffare {vt} :: to swindle, deceive, cheat or dupe
truffatore {m} /truf.fa.ˈ :: cheat, swindler, fraudster
truffatrice {f} :: female equivalent of truffatore
truglio {m} :: A form of plea bargaining once used in Naples
truismo {m} :: truism
trullo {m} /ˈtrullo/ :: A type of conical stone-roofed house in Apulia (especially in Alberobello)
trumpiano {adj} :: Trumpian
trumpismo {m} :: Trumpism
trumpista {mf} :: Trumpist
truna {f} :: snow cave
truogolo {m} :: Variant of trogolo
truono {m} /ˈtrwɔ.no/ :: obsolete form of tuono
Trupiano {prop} :: surname
truppa {f} :: troop (of soldiers)
truppa {f} :: troops (especially in plural)
truppa {f} :: group, band (of people)
truschino {m} :: scriber, marking gauge, scratch gauge
Trussardi {prop} :: surname
Trussardi {prop} :: Nicola Trussardi, Italian designer
trust {m} :: trust (group of people)
truzzo {m} :: Working class, antisocial youth, UK: chav
tsaconico {adj} :: Tsakonian / Tsaconian
tsavorite {f} [mineralogy] :: tsavorite
tse-tse {adj} :: only in mosca tse-tse
t-shirt {m} :: T-shirt (typically printed with seemingly random English words)
tsunami {m} :: tsunami
tu {pron} /t̪u/ :: you (singular); thou
tua {adj} [possessive] :: yours (second person, singular, feminine)
tua {pron} [possessive] :: your (second person, singular, feminine)
tuareg {mf} :: Tuareg
tuba {f} [musical instruments] :: tuba
tuba {f} :: top hat
tuba {f} [anatomy] :: tube
tuba di Eustachio {f} [anatomy] :: Eustachian tube
tuba di Falloppio {f} [anatomy] :: Fallopian tube
tubante {v} :: present participle of tubare
tubare {vi} :: to coo
tubare {vi} :: to bill and coo
tubarico {adj} [anatomy] :: tubal
tubatura {f} :: piping
tubatura {f} [in the plural] :: pipes
tuba uditiva {f} :: alternative form of tuba di Eustachio
tuba uterina {f} :: alternative form of tuba di Falloppio
tuba wagneriana {f} [musical instrument] :: Wagner tuba
tubazione {f} :: tubing, piping, pipes
tuberale {f} :: Any truffle of the family Tuberaceae
tuberale {adj} :: tuberal
tubercolare {adj} [botany, anatomy] :: tubercular, tuberculate
tubercolare {adj} [disease] :: tubercular
tubercolato {adj} :: tuberculate
tubercolina {f} [medicine] :: tuberculin
tubercolo {m} :: tubercle, nodule
tubercolosario {m} [medicine] :: TB sanatorium
tubercolosi {f} [diseases] :: tuberculosis
tubercoloso {adj} :: tuberculous, tubercular
tubercolotico {adj} :: tuberculotic
tubero {m} :: tuber
tuberosità {f} :: tuberosity
tuberoso {adj} [botany] :: tuberous
tubettificio {m} :: tube factory
tubetto {m} :: tube (of toothpaste, etc.)
tubicine {m} [literary, Ancient Rome] /tuˈbi.t͡ʃ :: A trumpeter
tubicino {m} :: small tube, small pipe, tubule
tubicolo {adj} :: tube/pipe-production (attributive)
tubiforme {adj} :: tube-like, tubiform
tubino {m} :: bowler (hat)
tubino {m} :: tube dress
tubista {mf} :: tube / pipe maker, layer or fitter
tubista {mf} :: plumber
tubo {m} :: tube
tubo {m} :: pipe
tubo di scappamento {n} :: exhaust pipe, tailpipe
tubo di scarico {n} :: flue
tubo di scarico {n} :: exhaust pipe, tailpipe
tubolare {adj} :: tubular
tubolare {m} :: tubeless tyre / tubeless tire
tubolo {m} :: Variant of tubulo
tuboloso {adj} :: tubulous (Variant of: tubuloso)
tubo neurale {m} [anatomy] :: neural tube
tubulare {adj} [botany] :: Composed of tubules
tubulare {adj} :: Variant of tubolare
tubulo {m} [anatomy, botany] :: tubule
tubulopatia {f} [pathology] :: tubulopathy
tubuloso {adj} :: tubulous
tucano {adj} :: Tucanoan
tucano {m} :: toucan
Tucidide {prop} :: Thucydides
tucidideo {adj} :: Thucydidean
tucul {m} :: tukul
tudertino {adj} :: Of or from Todi
tufaceo {adj} :: tufaceous
tuffante {v} :: present participle of tuffare
tuffantesi {v} :: present participle of tuffarsi
tuffare {vt} :: to plunge or dip
tuffare {vt} [by extension] :: to nuzzle or sink
tuffarsi {v} :: reflexive of tuffare
tuffarsi {v} :: to dive; to plunge into
tuffarsi {v} [figurative] :: to throw oneself, enter
tuffatore {m} [sports] :: diver
tuffatosi {v} :: past participle of tuffarsi
tuffatrice {f} [sports] :: diver
tuffetto {m} :: dabchick or little grebe
tuffista {mf} [sports] :: diver
tuffistica {f} [sports] :: diving (competitive)
tuffo {m} [also, figurative] :: dive, plunge
tuffo {m} [in the plural, sport] :: diving
tuffo al cuore {m} [idiom] :: skipped heartbeat (strong emotion) or tug at one's heartstrings
tuffolo {m} :: grebe
tufo {m} /ˈ :: tuff
tufoso {adj} :: tufaceous
tuga {f} [nautical] :: deckhouse
tugurio {m} /tuˈɡurio/ :: hovel, shanty
tugurio {m} :: slum
tugurio {m} :: shack
tuia {f} :: arbor vitae (of genus Thuja)
tuiene {m} [organic compound] :: thujene
tulio {m} [chemistry] /ˈtuljo/ :: thulium
Tulio {prop} :: Tully (Cicero)
Tulïo {prop} :: medieval spelling of Tulio
tulipano {m} :: tulip
Tullio {prop} :: Tullius
Tullio {prop} :: Tully, Cicero
Tullo {prop} :: given name
tumarone {m} :: A Sicilian cheese, made from pasteurized sheep's milk and flavoured with peppercorns or chili flakes
tumefacente {v} :: present participle of tumefare
tumefacentesi {v} :: present participle of tumefarsi
tumefare {vt} :: to swell
tumefarsi {vr} :: To swell (up)
tumefatto {adj} :: swollen
tumefattosi {v} :: past participle of tumefarsi
tumefazione {f} :: swelling
tumescenza {f} :: tumescence
tumidezza {f} :: swollenness, tumidity
tumidità {f} :: swollenness, tumidity
tumido {adj} :: swollen
tumolo {m} :: alternative form of tumulo
tumorale {adj} [oncology] :: tumoral, tumorous
tumore {m} [oncology] :: tumour, tumor
tumorectomia {f} [surgery] :: tumorectomy
tumorigeno {adj} :: tumorigenic
tumorosità {f} :: swelling
tumoroso {adj} :: swollen, inflated
tumulante {v} :: present participle of tumulare
tumulare {v} :: to bury or inter
tumulazione {f} :: burial
tumulo {m} :: mound
tumulo {m} :: tumulus, barrow
tumulo {m} :: tomb, grave
tumulto {m} :: commotion, uproar
tumulto {m} :: turmoil, tumult
tumulto {m} :: riot
tumulto {m} :: trouble
tumultuante {v} :: present participle of tumultuare
tumultuare {vi} :: to riot
tumultuosamente {adv} :: tumultuously
tumultuosità {f} :: turbulence, riotousness
tumultuoso {adj} :: tumultuous
tumultuoso {adj} :: turbulent
tundra {f} /ˈtun.dra/ :: tundra
tungstato {m} [inorganic chemistry] :: tungstate
tungsteno {m} [chemistry] /tuŋɡˈstɛno/ :: tungsten
tungstico {adj} [inorganic chemistry] :: tungstic
tunica {f} [clothing, anatomy, botany] :: tunic
tunica avventizia {f} [anatomy] :: tunica externa (outermost layer of a blood vessel)
tunica ragoidea {f} :: synonym of uvea
Tunisi {prop} :: Tunisi (capital city)
Tunisia {prop} :: Tunisia (country)
tunisina {f} :: female equivalent of tunisino
tunisino {adj} :: Tunisian
tunisino {m} :: Tunisian
tunnel {m} /ˈt̪un.nel/ :: tunnel
tunsteno {m} :: alternative form of tungsteno
tuo {adj} :: [possessive adjective] your (informal form)
tuo {pron} :: yours
tuonante {v} :: present participle of tuonare
tuonare {vi} [impersonal] :: to thunder
tuonare {vi} :: to boom
tuonare {vi} :: [of a voice] to resonate strongly; to roar
tuonare {vit} :: to speak loudly and vehemently; to yell
tuono {m} /ˈtu̯ɔno/ :: thunder
tuono {m} [by extension] :: a loud roaring noise; thunder, rumble
tuorlo {m} :: yolk, egg yolk
tupaia {f} :: treeshrew
-tura {suffix} :: -ing; -tion; -ure
-tura {suffix} :: Added to form nouns of mass or collection
-tura {suffix} :: Added to verbs form nouns relating to their action
tura {f} :: cofferdam
turabottiglie {f} :: machine used to put corks or other stoppers into bottles
turacciolo {m} :: cork, stopper
Turais {prop} :: another name of the star Aspidiske
turanico {adj} :: Turan
Turano {prop} :: A river that flows in Lazio and Abruzzo
turante {v} :: present participle of turare
turantesi {v} :: present participle of turarsi
turapori {m} :: filler (stucco)
turapori {m} :: size (material)
turare {vt} :: to stop, plug [a hole]
turare {vt} :: to cork, stopper [a bottle]
turarsi {v} :: reflexive of turare
turarsi {v} :: to be blocked, sealed
turarsi {v} :: to be blocked up
Turati {prop} :: surname
Turati {prop} :: Filippo Turati, Italian politician
turato {adj} :: blocked, blocked up
turatosi {v} :: past participle of turarsi
turba {f} :: crowd, throng
turba {f} :: mob
turbabile {adj} :: That can be disturbed or upset
turbabilità {f} :: Property of what can be disturbed or upset
turbamento {m} :: disturbance, breach
turbamento {m} :: anxiety, upsetting
turbante {v} :: present participle of turbare
turbante {m} :: turban
turbantesi {v} :: present participle of turbarsi
turbare {v} :: to disturb, to trouble, to haunt
turbarsi {vr} :: to be upset, disturbed or troubled
turbativa {f} [legal] :: nuisance, disturbance, rigging
turbato {adj} :: upset, troubled
turbatosi {v} :: past participle of turbarsi
turbazione {f} [rare] /tur.batˈt͡ :: disturbance, worry, upset
turbazione {f} [rare, archaic] :: turmoil, confusion
turbazione {f} [rare, rare] :: wrath, indignation
turbellario {m} :: turbellarian
turbina {f} [automotive, electricity] :: turbine
turbinante {v} :: present participle of turbinare
turbinare {vi} :: To gust, whirl or eddy
turbinato {m} [skeleton] :: turbinate, turbinate bone, nasal concha
turbinio {m} :: whirl, whirling, eddying
turbinio {m} :: gust, windflaw
turbinosamente {adv} :: in a whirling or whirly manner
turbinosamente {adv} :: confusedly
turbinoso {adj} :: whirling, whirlwind, swirling, whirly
turbinoso {adj} :: confused, frantic
turboalbero {m} :: turboshaft (engine)
turboalternatore {m} :: turboalternator
turbocisterna {f} [nautical] :: turbine-driven tanker
turbocompresso {adj} :: turbocharged
turbocompressore {m} :: turbocharger
turbodiesel {m} :: turbodiesel
turbodinamo {m} :: turbodynamo, turbogenerator
turboelettrico {adj} :: turboelectric
turboelica {f} :: turboprop (engine)
turbogeneratore {m} :: turbogenerator
turbogetto {m} :: turbojet (engine)
turbolento {adj} :: turbulent
turbolenza {f} [aviation, meteorology] :: turbulence
turbolenza {f} :: boisterousness
turbolenza {f} :: upheaval
turbolenza {f} [aviation] :: wake (the turbulent air left behind a flying aircraft)
turbolocomotiva {f} :: turbine locomotive or engine
turbomacchina {f} :: turbomachinery
turbomacchina {f} :: turbine (engine)
turbomotore {m} [automotive, electricity] :: turbine (engine)
turbomotrice {f} :: turbine (engine)
turbonave {f} :: turbine steamship
turbopompa {f} :: turbopump (centrifugal pump)
turbopropulsore {m} :: turboprop
turboreattore {m} :: turbojet (engine)
turbotreno {m} :: turbotrain
turboventilatore {m} :: turbofan
turboventola {m} :: turbofan (engine)
turbulento {adj} :: alternative form of turbolento
turbulenza {f} :: Variant of turbolenza
turca {f} :: female equivalent of turco
turcasso {m} :: quiver
turchese {adj} :: turquoise (colour)
turchese {f} :: turquoise (gem)
turchese {m} :: turquoise (colour)
Turchetta {prop} :: surname
Turchi {prop} :: surname
Turchia {prop} [country] /turˈki.a/ :: Turkey
turchinetto {m} :: blueing (laundry aid)
turchino {adj} :: Deep blue
Turci {prop} :: surname
turcico {adj} :: Turkic
turcimanno {m} :: dragoman
turcimanno {m} :: procurer, go-between
turco {adj} :: Turkish
turco {m} :: Turk
turco {m} [uncountable] :: the Turkish language
turcomanno {adj} :: Turkman, Turkoman
Turenna {prop} :: Touraine
turfa {f} [archaic] /ˈtur.fa/ :: peat
turfa {f} [archaic] :: peat bog
turficolo {adj} /turˈfi.ko.lo/ :: synonym of torbicolo
turfofilo {adj} /turˈfɔ.fi.lo/ :: synonym of torbicolo
turgere {v} /ˈtur.d͡ʒ :: to swell
turgescente {adj} :: turgescent
turgescenza {f} :: turgor, turgescence
turgidezza {f} :: turgidity, swollenness
turgidità {f} :: turgidity, swollenness
turgido {adj} :: turgid, swollen
turgore {m} :: turgidity, turgidness
turgore {m} :: turgor
Turgovia {prop} :: Turgovia (canton)
turibolo {m} /tuˈ :: thurible, censer
turiferario {m} :: thurifer
Turingia {prop} :: Thuringia
turione {m} [botany] :: turion
turismo {m} :: tourism
turista {mf} :: tourist
turisticamente {adv} :: As a tourist
turistico {adj} /tuˈris.ti.ko/ :: tourist (attribute), touristy or touristic, holiday (attribute), tour (attribute)
turkmena {f} :: Turkmen (female)
Turkmenistan {prop} :: Turkmenistan (country)
turkmeno {adj} :: Turkmen
turkmeno {m} :: Turkmen
turkmeno {m} :: the Turkmen language
turlupinante {v} :: present participle of turlupinare
turlupinare {vt} :: To cheat, trick, guile, beguile or deceive
turlupinatore {m} :: cheat, swindler
turlupinatura {f} :: cheating, swindling, swindle
turnazione {f} :: shift pattern (in an industry)
turnista {mf} :: shift worker
turnista {mf} [music] :: session musician
turno {m} :: turn
turno {m} :: shift
turno {m} :: duty, guard
turoniano {m} :: Turonian
turpe {adj} :: filthy
turpe {adj} :: foul, vile
turpe {adj} :: repugnant
turpemente {adv} :: foully, shamefully
turpemente {adv} :: improperly, indecently
turpemente {adv} :: filthily, disgustingly
turpiloquio {m} :: obscenity (foul or obscene language)
turpità {f} :: filthiness
turpità {f} :: turpitude
turpitudine {f} :: filthiness
turpitudine {f} :: turpitude
turricolato {adj} :: turriculate, turriculated
turricona {f} :: turricone
Turrini {prop} :: surname
turrito {adj} :: towered, turreted
tursiope {m} :: bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)
TUS {n} [economics] :: initialism of Tasso Ufficiale di Sconto
tuscanese {adj} :: Of, or from, Tuscania
tuscanese {m} :: A native or inhabitant of Tuscania
Tuscania {prop} :: Tuscania (town)
tuscanico {adj} :: Tuscan
Tuscia {prop} /ˈtuʃ.ʃa/ :: Tuscia (historic region)
Tusciano {prop} :: Tusciano (small river)
Tuscolano {prop} :: Tuscolano (district)
tussor {m} :: tussar
TUT {n} :: initialism of Tariffa Urbana a Tempo
tuta {f} :: sweatsuit, tracksuit, jumpsuit
tuta {f} :: overalls, coveralls, boiler suit
tuta da paracadutista {n} :: jumpsuit
tuta da subacqueo {f} :: wetsuit
tutela {f} [legal] /tuˈtɛ.la/ :: guardianship
tutela {f} :: protection
tutelabile {adj} :: protectable, defendable
tutelante {v} :: present participle of tutelare
tutelantesi {v} :: present participle of tutelarsi
tutelare {adj} :: tutelary
tutelare {vt} :: to protect, defend
tutelarsi {v} :: reflexive of tutelare
tutelarsi {v} :: to protect oneself
tutelatosi {v} :: past participle of tutelarsi
tutina {f} :: playsuit (for babies)
Tutino {prop} :: surname
tutolo {m} :: corncob
tutoraggio {m} :: tutorship
tutorato {m} :: tutoring, mentoring
tutorato {m} [legal] :: guardianship
tutore {m} /tu.ˈ :: guardian
tutore {m} :: protector, defender
tutore {m} :: tutor, teacher, mentor, pygmalion
tutore {m} :: stake
tutoria {f} [legal] :: guardianship
tutoriale {adj} :: tutorial
tutorio {adj} :: tutorial
tutt' {adj} [sometimes before a vowel] :: apocopic form of tutta
tutt' {adj} [sometimes before a vowel] :: apocopic form of tutto
tutt' {pron} [sometimes before a vowel] :: apocopic form of tutta
tutt' {pron} [sometimes before a vowel] :: apocopic form of tutto
tutt {adj} :: apocopic form of tutto
tutt'al più {prep} :: at most, at worst
tutt'altro {adj} :: anything but
tuttavia {conj} :: but, still
tuttavia {conj} :: nevertheless, however
tuttavolta {conj} [dated] :: nevertheless, yet
tuttavolta {adv} [dated] :: always, continually
tutt'e {pron} :: alternative form of tutti e
tutt'e {adj} :: alternative form of tutti e
tutte le strade portano a Roma {proverb} :: all roads lead to Rome (different paths can take to the same goal)
tutte quante {f} :: everyone, all and sundry (female)
tutte quante {f} :: everything (feminine)
tutti {pron} :: all; everybody, everyone
tutti e {pron} :: (followed by a cardinal number) all (of them)
tutti e {adj} :: (followed by a cardinal number) all of
tutti i giorni {adv} :: daily (all days)
Tutti i Santi {prop} :: All Saints' Day
tutti quanti {m} :: everyone, all and sundry
tutti quanti {m} :: everything
tutto {adj} :: all
tutto {pron} :: everything, all
tutto {pron} :: anything
tutto {adv} :: entirely, quite
tutto {adv} :: all over
tutto {m} :: whole
tutto bene {interj} :: all very well, well and good
tuttoché {conj} :: though, although
tuttoché {conj} :: albeit
tutto chiacchere {adj} :: all talk
tutto d'un colpo {adv} [idiom] :: suddenly, all of a sudden, out of the blue
tutto d'un colpo {adv} [idiom] :: cold turkey
tutto d'un tratto {adv} :: all at once
tutto è bene ciò che finisce bene {proverb} :: alternative form of tutto è bene quel che finisce bene
tutto è bene quel che finisce bene {proverb} :: all's well that ends well
tuttofare {mf} :: handyman, handywoman
tuttofare {mf} :: man Friday, girl Friday
tuttofare {mf} :: right-hand man, right-hand woman
tutto fumo e niente arrosto {adj} :: all talk and no action
tutto fumo e niente arrosto {adj} [idiomatic] :: all sizzle and no steak
tutto fumo e niente arrosto {adj} :: A thing or person which fails to measure up to its description or advanced promotion
tuttologo {m} :: oracle, know-it-all
tutto lungo {prep} :: all along
tutto orecchie {adj} :: all ears (listening intensely or awaiting explanation)
tuttopunto {adj} [of a flintlock gun] :: fully-cocked
tutto qua {phrase} :: that's all
tuttora {adv} :: still
tutto sommato {adv} :: all things considered, all in all, after all
tutt'ossa {adj} :: gaunt
tutt'ossa {adj} :: haggard, drawn and emaciated
tutt'ossa {adj} :: scraggy, scrawny, skinny
tuttotondo {adj} :: only in a tuttotondo
tutù {m} :: tutu
Tuvalu {prop} :: Tuvalu
tuzia {f} :: tutty
tuziorismo {m} :: tutiorism, rigorism
tuziorista {adj} :: tutiorist, rigorist
tuzioristico {adj} :: tutiorist, rigorist
Tuzzolino {prop} :: surname
TV {f} [colloquial] /tiˈvu/ :: television
TVB {phrase} :: abbreviation of ti voglio bene
TV spazzatura {f} [colloquial, derogatory] :: alternative form of telespazzatura
TVTB {phrase} :: initialism of Ti voglio tanto bene
TV verità {f} :: alternative spelling of TV-verità
TV-verità {f} :: reality television
twittante {v} :: present participle of twittare
twittare {vi} :: To twitter (microblog)
twittata {f} :: tweet (posting on Twitter)
tzigano {adj} :: tzigane