User:Matthias Buchmeier/ru-en-c

в- {prefix} :: in, into (describing an action of moving inside of something or moving deeper into something)
в. {m inan} :: abbreviation of век
в. {m inan} :: abbreviation of вольт
в. {m inan} :: abbreviation of восток
в {prep} :: (location) in, at, on [+ prep]
в {prep} :: (direction) to, into [+ acc]
в {prep} :: (time) at, in, on [+ acc]
в {prep} :: per
в {m inan} :: V, volt
В. {m inan} :: east
В {m inan} :: abbreviation of восток
Ваагн {prop} {m anim} [Armenian mythology] :: Vahagn (god)
Ваагн {prop} {m anim} :: given name
Вавилон {prop} :: Вавилон (ancient capital)
вавилонский {adj} [relational] :: Babylon; Babylonian
вавилонянин {noun} [historical] :: Babylonian
вага {noun} :: balance, scale, weighing machine
вага {noun} [carriages] :: splinter bar
вага {noun} :: whiffletree
вага {noun} :: crowbar, lever
Вагаршапат {prop} :: Вагаршапат (city)
вагина {noun} :: vagina
вагинальный {adj} :: vaginal
вагинальный секс {noun} :: vaginal sex
вагнеровский {adj} :: Wagnerian
вагон {noun} :: railway car, coach, railway carriage
вагонетка {noun} :: tram, trolley, carriage, waggon, minecart (vehicle for material)
вагонный {adj} [relational] :: railway carriage
вагоновожатый {noun} :: tram driver
вагон-ресторан {noun} :: diner, dining car (on a train)
вагончик {noun} :: diminutive of вагон: (small) carriage; trailer, caravan
Вадим {prop} :: given name
-вадить {affix} :: Combining form used to form prefixed perfective verbs with the approximate meaning "to teach"
Вадуц {prop} :: Вадуц (capital city)
важнее {adv} :: comparative of важный
важнее {adv} :: comparative of важно
важнейший {adj} :: superlative of важный: the most important; very important; major, paramount, chief, key
важничать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to put on airs
важно {adv} :: importantly
важно {adv} :: grandly
важность {noun} :: importance, significance; relevance
важный {adj} :: weighty, important
ваза {noun} :: vase, bowl
вазелин {noun} :: vaseline
вазочка {noun} :: diminutive of ваза: a small vase
Вайк {prop} :: Вайк (town)
Вайоминг {prop} :: Вайоминг (state)
Вайоц-Дзор {prop} :: Вайоц-Дзор (province)
вайшья {noun} :: Vaisya, Vaishya
вайя {noun} [botany] :: frond
вакансия {noun} :: vacancy
вакантный {adj} :: vacant, unoccupied [of a position or post]
Вакканай {prop} :: Вакканай (city)
вакса {noun} :: shoe polish
вакуум {noun} :: vacuum
вакуумный {adj} [relational] :: vacuum
вакуф {noun} [Islam] :: waqf (inalienable endowment for charity)
вакханалия {noun} :: Bacchanalia (a feast in honor of Bacchus)
вакханалия {noun} :: a drunken feast, orgy
вакцина {noun} :: vaccine
вакцина {noun} [pathology] :: cowpox
вакцинация {noun} :: vaccination
вакцинировать {v both} :: to vaccinate
вакцинный {adj} [relational] :: vaccine; vaccinal
вал {noun} :: billow, roller
вал {noun} :: barrage fire
вал {noun} :: rampart
вал {noun} :: shaft, axle
вал {noun} :: gross output
валенок {noun} :: one of a pair of traditional Russian felt boots, {s} valenok, {p} valenki
валенок {noun} :: clumsy or stupid person
Валентин {prop} :: given name
Валентина {prop} :: given name
валентность {noun} :: valency
валентный {adj} [chemistry, linguistics] :: valent
Валерий {prop} :: given name
Валерия {prop} :: given name
валерьянка {noun} :: valerian, tincture of valerian; valerian drops
валет {noun} [card games] :: jack (playing card)
валец {noun} :: roller
валидол {noun} :: menthyl isovalerate, validolum (a vasodilatory, sedative and antiemetic drug common in Russia)
валик {noun} :: roller, cylinder, platen
валик {noun} :: bolster
валить {v impf} :: to knock down, to kill (e.g. of a disease killing people or animals)
валить {vt impf} [colloquial] :: to heap up
валить {v impf} :: to cut, to fell (trees), to make someone fall, to throw down (on the ground)
валить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to push the blame or responsibility on someone else
валить {v impf} :: to throng [e.g. of people]
валить {v impf} :: to fall heavily [e.g. of snow]
валить {v impf} :: to belch [e.g. of smoke]
валить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to go away, to scram
валиться {v impf} :: to fall (down), to drop, to collapse
валиться {v impf} :: to overturn, to topple (down)
валиться {v impf} :: to come falling down, to roll down
валиться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to die in great numbers
валка {noun} :: felling [of trees, etc.]
валка {noun} :: felting (production of felt, of production of objects, e.g. shoes, out of felt)
валкий {adj} :: unsteady, unstable, easily tilting, tending to fall to the side [of a boat, car, gait, etc.]
валкий {adj} [colloquial] :: jolting, causing shakiness or unsteadiness [of a road]
валлаби {m inan} :: wallaby
Валлетта {prop} :: Валлетта (capital city)
валлийский {adj} :: Welsh
валлонский {adj} :: Walloon
валлонский {noun} :: Walloon (Romance language)
валовой {adj} :: gross (total before any deductions)
валок {noun} :: cylinder, roller
валторна {noun} :: French horn
валун {noun} :: boulder
Валь-д'Уаз {prop} :: Валь-д'Уаз (department)
вальдшнеп {noun} :: woodcock, night peck
валькирия {noun} :: Valkyrie
вальс {noun} :: waltz
вальцевать {v impf} :: to form sheet metal on a rollforming machine
вальцовка {noun} :: rollforming (metal industry)
вальяжный {adj} :: imposing; impressive
валюта {noun} :: currency (money or other item used to facilitate transactions)
валюта {noun} [specifically] :: foreign currency
валютная проститутка {noun} [colloquial] :: high-dollar prostitute
валютный {adj} [relational] :: currency; monetary
валяние {noun} :: (of broadcloth) fulling, milling
валять {v impf} :: to lay or drag on the floor or ground
валять {v impf} :: to roll (something) [в + prepositional, in flour, bread crumbs, etc., thereby covering the object]
валять {v impf} :: to roll (something) [into some form], to shape by rolling
валять {v impf} :: to knead
валять {v impf} :: to felt, to make out of felt
валять {v impf} [low colloquial] :: to do (something) quickly, to carelessly and haphazardly; to churn out (a book), to dash off (a painting), to slap together (a proposal), etc
валять {v impf} [colloquial] :: [only imperative]
валять дурака {v impf} :: See: ru валять дурак
валять дурака {v impf} :: to fool around
валяться {vi impf} :: to roll around, to roll from side to side; to wallow
валяться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to lie about [idly or as a result of being sick; regularly, periodically or for some amount of time]
валяться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to lie about [in disorder], to be strewn carelessly
вампир {noun} :: vampire (mythological creature, also figuratively)
вампир {noun} :: vampire bat
ван {noun} [historical] :: king (in Ancient China); prince (in the Chinese Empire)
ван {noun} [mythology] :: one of the Vanir
Ванадзор {prop} :: Ванадзор (capital city)
ванадий {noun} :: vanadium
вандал {noun} :: Vandal (member of a Germanic tribe)
вандал {noun} [figuratively] :: vandal, barbarian
вандализм {noun} :: vandalism
вандализм {noun} :: indifference to the arts, lack of taste
вандализм {noun} [figurative] :: immoral action
ванилин {noun} :: vanillin
ваниль {noun} :: vanilla
Ванкувер {noun} :: Ванкувер (city)
Ванкувер {noun} :: Ванкувер (city)
ванна {noun} :: bath
ванна {noun} :: bathtub
ванная {noun} :: bathroom
ванночка {noun} :: diminutive of ванна: small bathtub
ванночка {noun} :: cuvette (laboratory vessel)
ванный {adj} [relational] :: bath, bathroom
вантуз {noun} :: plunger (device for removing blockages by suction)
Вануату {prop} {f inan} {n inan} :: Вануату (archipelago/and/country)
Ваня {prop} {m anim} :: given name
вар {noun} :: tar, pitch
вар {noun} :: cobbler's wax
вар {noun} [colloquial] :: boiling water
варан {noun} :: varan, monitor lizard
варвар {noun} :: barbarian
Варвара {prop} :: given name
варваризм {noun} [linguistics] :: barbarism (error in language use)
варварка {noun} :: female barbarian
варварски {adv} :: barbarously
варварски {adv} :: barbarically
варварский {adj} :: barbarian, barbaric
варварский {adj} :: barbarous
варварство {noun} :: barbarism, barbarity, barbarianism
варган {noun} :: Jew's harp
Варденис {prop} :: Варденис (town)
варево {noun} [colloquial] :: broth, slop, liquid food, cooking
варежка {noun} :: mitten
варежка {noun} [rude] :: mouth, yap, trap
варение {noun} :: process of cooking by boiling
вареник {noun} :: a varenik/varenyk; a single vareniki/varenyky dumpling
варенье {noun} :: jam, varenye, murabba (food; usually not as thick as джем, and with whole pieces of fruit or berry)
варёное яйцо {noun} :: boiled egg
варёный {adj} :: boiled, cooked by boiling [of a food]
вариант {noun} :: variant, reading, version, choice
вариация {noun} :: variation (related but distinct thing)
вариация {noun} [music] :: variation (a musical technique based on an altered repetition of a theme)
варить {v impf} :: to cook, to boil
варить {v impf} :: to brew (beer)
варить {v impf} :: to found, to weld
вариться {v impf} :: to be boiling/cooking
варка {noun} :: process of cooking by boiling
Варна {prop} :: Варна (city)
Варшава {prop} :: Варшава (capital city)
варшавский {adj} [relational] :: Warsaw
варшавянин {noun} :: Varsovian
варьете {n inan} :: variety show, vaudeville
варьировать {vi both} :: to vary
варьироваться {v impf} :: to vary
варяг {noun} [historical] :: Varangian, Viking
варяг {noun} [modern use] :: an outsider or foreigner brought in to lead or help an organization or company, e.g. local bodies of state administration or a sports team
Варяжское море {noun} [historical] :: Варяжское море (former name of the Baltic Sea, a <<sea>> in <<r/Northern Europe>>)
васаби {n inan} :: wasabi
василёк {noun} [plant] :: cornflower
Василий {prop} :: given name
Василиса {prop} :: given name
васильевский {adj} [relational] :: Vasilevsky (name or place)
васильковый {adj} [relational] :: blue bonnet, cornflower
васильковый {adj} :: bright blue, cornflower blue
васисдас {noun} [obsolete] :: [colloquial] small inspection window
вассал {noun} :: vassal
Вася {prop} {m anim} :: given name
вата {noun} :: absorbent cotton, cotton wool, wadding, batting
вата {noun} :: [cloth] drugstore cotton
вата {noun} :: glass wool
ватага {noun} [slang] :: gang (big, noisy group of people)
ватер {noun} [colloquial] :: water closet, lavatory
ватер {noun} [technical] :: spinning machine in which the threads are continuously pulled through the rollers, twisting and winding
ватерпас {noun} [very rare] :: level, water level, spirit level
ватерполист {noun} :: water polo player
ватерполо {n inan} [sports] :: water polo (a water sport)
Ватикан {prop} :: Ватикан (city-state)
ватка {noun} [colloquial] :: piece of absorbent cotton
ватка {noun} [rare] :: endearing diminutive of вата
ватман {noun} :: Vatmen paper (high-quality drawing paper)
ватник {noun} [inanimate] :: quilted jacket
ватник {noun} [animate, pejorative, neologism] :: sovok, over-zealous extremely patriotic Russian person, the term was popularised by VKontakte and LIVEJOURNAL and the Russian opposition in general
ватный {adj} [relational] :: cotton wool, batting; wadded, quilted
ватный {adj} [of limbs] :: powerless
ватрушка {noun} :: vatrushka (a sort of small, round cottage cheese-filled pastry)
ватрушка {noun} :: a round, inflatable snow saucer
ватт {noun} :: watt
ватт {noun} [usually plural] :: mudflat
-ватый {suffix} :: -ish, rather, a bit too (attenuates adjectives)
-вать {suffix} :: Used to derive imperfective verbs from perfective verbs whose unprefixed stem consists of a single syllable ending in a vowel. Also sometimes formed from class-1 verbs in -еть, which can also form imperfectives using -ивать
вау {interj} :: wow (excitement)
ваучер {noun} :: voucher (a piece of paper that entitles the holder to a discount, or that can be exchanged for goods and services)
вафельница {noun} :: waffle iron (a cooking appliance used to make waffles)
вафля {noun} :: waffle, wafer
вафля {noun} [disparaging] :: snot, spit
вафля {noun} [vulgar, criminal jargon] :: cum, jizz, ejaculate
вафля {noun} [vulgar] :: mythical flying dick; by extension, any flying object with an elongated shape, such as a Zeppelin
вахмистр {noun} [historical, military] :: wachtmeister (a non-commissioned officer (NCO))
вахта {noun} :: watch, shift, duty, vigil
вахта {noun} :: buckbean
вахтенный {adj} [relational, nautical] :: watch
вахтенный {noun} [nautical] :: guard, watchman, sailor on duty
вахтер {noun} [nautical] :: storekeeper (landlord of a ship's property)
вахтер {noun} [dated] :: senior watchman at an institution
вахтёр {noun} :: porter, janitor, watchman
ваххабизм {noun} :: Wahhabism (branch of Sunni Islam)
ваш {pron} [possessive] :: your, yours [2nd-person singular formal or 2nd-person plural]
ваше благородие {noun} :: your excellency, your honor (literally, your nobleness)
ваше здоровье {interj} :: cheers! (toast when drinking)
Вашингтон {prop} :: Вашингтон (city)
Вашингтон {prop} :: Вашингтон (state)
вашингтонец {noun} :: Washingtonian (inhabitant of Washington, D.C. or Washington state)
вашингтонский {adj} [relational] :: Washington; Washingtonian
ваш покорный слуга {m anim} [stilted, literary or journalistic] :: I (literally: your humble servant)
вашскобродие {noun} [dated, low colloquial, nonstandard, historical] :: Your Honour (form of address)
ваще {adv} [slang] :: same as вообще
ваяние {noun} :: sculpture (art)
ваять {v impf} :: to sculpt
ваять {v impf} [figurative, jocular] :: to produce, to make something
вбегать {v impf} :: to come running in, to come rushing in, to run (into)
вбежать {v pf} :: to come running in, to come rushing in, to run (into)
вбивать {v impf} :: to drive in, to hammer in (also figuratively)
вбирать {v impf} :: to absorb, to imbibe
вбирать {v impf} :: to suck in, to drink in
вбирать {v impf} :: to inhale
вбить {v pf} :: to drive in, to hammer in (also figuratively)
вблизи {adv} :: around, nearby
вблизи {prep} :: around, near (+ genitive case)
вбок {adv} :: sideways, to the side
вброс {noun} :: throw-in (throw of the ball back into play)
вброс {noun} [colloquial, media, Internet] :: publicizing some (often dubious) information in order to create a sensation; making a sensational post in the social media to achieve some effect; clickbaiting
вброс {noun} [colloquial, neologism] :: stuffing the ballot box
вв. {m inan} :: abbreviation of века [genitive singular]
вв. {m inan} :: abbreviation of веков [genitive plural]
вв {m inanp} :: centuries
вваливать {v impf} :: to heave (into)
вваливаться {v impf} :: to tumble (in, into)
вваливаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to barge (into), to burst (into)
вваливаться {v impf} :: to become hollow/sunken
ввалить {v pf} :: to heave (into)
ввалиться {v pf} :: to tumble (in, into)
ввалиться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to barge (into), to burst (into)
ввалиться {v pf} :: to become hollow/sunken
введение {noun} :: bringing in, leading in
введение {noun} :: preamble, preface, introduction, lead-in
ввезти {v pf} :: to bring in, to import
ввергать {v impf} [literary] :: to bring [в + accusative, into something dangerous, unpleasant, or severe]
ввергнуть {v pf} [literary] :: to bring [в + accusative, into something dangerous, unpleasant, or severe]
вверить {v pf} :: to trust (with), to entrust (with)
вверх {adv} :: upwards
вверх дном {adv} :: upside down, topsy-turvy (of objects, not humans or animals)
вверх дном {adv} :: at sixes and sevens (in a state of confusion)
вверх ногами {adv} :: upside down, head over heels
вверху {adv} :: above, overhead (in a higher place)
вверять {v impf} :: to trust (with), to entrust (with)
ввести {v pf} :: to introduce
ввести {v pf} :: to bring in, to usher in
ввести {v pf} :: to input
ввечеру {adv} :: in the eve, in the evening
ввиду {prep} :: in view of
ввод {noun} :: lead-in
ввод {noun} :: input, bringing in
ввод {noun} :: key enter
вводить {v impf} :: to introduce
вводить {v impf} :: to bring in, to usher in
вводить {v impf} :: to input
вводн. {n inan} :: abbreviation of вводное слово
вводн. {n inan} :: abbreviation of вводное словосочетание
вводное слово {noun} :: parenthetical word, parenthesis
вводный {adj} :: introductory
вводный {adj} [relational] :: entrance
вводный {adj} :: parenthetic
ввоз {noun} :: import
ввоз {noun} :: importation
ввозить {v impf} :: to bring in, to import
вволю {adv} [colloquial] :: (in) plenty, as much as is wanted, a lot
ВВП {m inan} :: GDP; gross domestic product
ВВС {f inanp} :: air force
ввысь {adv} :: upward, skyward (toward an upper level)
ввязать {v pf} :: to knit in
ввязать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to mix up, to draw in
ввязать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to get stuck, to get caught (e.g. in a sticky substance)
ввязать {v impf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to get involved in something unpleasant or reprehensible
ввязаться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to meddle (in), to get involved (in), to put one's oar in
ввязнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to get stuck, to get caught (e.g. in a sticky substance)
ввязнуть {v pf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to get involved in something unpleasant or reprehensible
ввязывать {v impf} :: to knit in
ввязывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to mix up, to draw in
ввязываться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to meddle (in), to get involved (in), to put one's oar in
вгибать {v impf} :: to bend inwards
вглубь {adv} :: into the depths
вглядеться {v pf} :: to peer (at, into)
вглядываться {v impf} :: to peer into, to look or observe narrowly
вгонять {v impf} :: to herd (cattle, etc.) into
вгонять {v impf} [colloquial] :: to hammer in, to force in
в горошек {adv} :: polka-dot
в гостях хорошо, а дома лучше {proverb} :: there's no place like home
вгрызаться {v impf} :: to get/sink one's teeth (into)
вгрызаться {v impf} :: to go deep (into), to bone up (on)
вгрызться {v pf} :: to get/sink one's teeth (into)
вгрызться {v pf} :: to go deep (into), to bone up (on)
вдаваться {v impf} :: to jut out (into)
вдаваться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to go (into)
вдавить {v pf} :: to press (into)
вдавиться {v pf} :: to press oneself into (something)
вдавливать {v impf} :: to press (into)
вдавливаться {v impf} :: to press oneself into (something)
вдалеке {adv} :: in the distance, afar (at a great distance)
вдали {adv} :: in the distance, afar (at a great distance)
вдаль {adv} :: into the distance, long way off
в дальнейшем {adv} :: from now on
в дальнейшем {adv} :: later on
в дальнейшем {adv} :: hereinafter
в данный момент {adv} :: at the moment, at the present time (right now)
вдаться {v pf} :: to jut out (into)
вдаться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to go (into)
в два счёта {adv} :: quickly (literally, "in two counts")
вдвое {adv} :: twice
вдвое {adv} :: in half
вдвоём {adv} :: two (together), both (together)
вдвойне {adv} :: doubly, twice as much
в двух шагах {prep} :: a stone's throw away (implying a concrete entity being situated very close)
в действительности {adv} :: as a matter of fact, in reality, in fact, in practical situations, in actuality, in actual fact, actually
ВДНХ {prop} {f inan} :: initialism of выставка достижений народного хозяйства: VDNKh (USSR, all-Soviet Union exhibition centre), now called Всероссийский выставочный центр (ВВЦ - vɛ-vɛ-cé)
ВДНХ {prop} {f inan} :: Name of the corresponding Metro station in Moscow
вдобавок {adv} :: in addition, on top of everything (also; as well)
вдова {noun} :: widow
вдовец {noun} :: widower
вдоволь {adv} :: in plenty, in abundance
вдоволь {adv} :: to one's heart's content
вдовство {noun} :: widowhood
вдогонку {adv} [colloquial] :: after (in pursuit of)
в долгах как в шелках {phrase} :: deep in debt [literally: (clad) in debts like in silk (clothes)]
вдоль {prep} :: along
в домашних условиях {adv} :: at home, on your own
вдох {noun} :: inhalation, breath (in)
вдохновение {noun} :: inspiration
вдохновенно {adv} :: inspiredly, with inspiration
вдохновенный {adj} :: inspired, full of inspiration
вдохновитель {noun} :: inspirer
вдохновить {v pf} :: to inspire, to mastermind
вдохновлять {v impf} :: to inspire, to mastermind
вдохнуть {v pf} :: to inhale, to breathe in
вдребезги {adv} :: to pieces, into smithereens
вдруг {adv} :: suddenly, all of a sudden
вдруг {adv} :: what if
вдуматься {v pf} :: to consider, to think over, to ponder (over)
вдумчивость {noun} :: thoughtfulness
вдумчивый {adj} :: serious, profound, thoughtful, penetrating
вдумываться {v impf} :: to consider, to think over, to ponder (over)
вдыхать {v impf} :: to inhale, to breathe in
веб {noun} [computing] :: web, in the sense of the Internet's World Wide Web
веблица {noun} [dialectal] :: a kind of a worm
веб-сайт {noun} [computing] :: web site
веб-страница {noun} [computing] :: web page
веверица {noun} [obsolete] :: squirrel (mammal)
вегетарианец {noun} :: vegetarian
вегетарианство {noun} :: vegetarianism (practice of following a vegetarian diet)
вегетативный {adj} :: vegetative, autonomic
ведать {v impf} [archaic or poetic] :: to know (be certain or sure about something)
ведать {v impf} [literary] :: to govern, to manage, to control
ведение {noun} :: knowledge, lore
ведение {noun} :: authority, charge, competence
ведение {noun} :: directing, leadership
ведение {noun} :: management, managing
ведение {noun} :: conducting
ведёрко {noun} :: endearing diminutive of ведро: small bucket, small pail
ведёрко {noun} [colloquial] :: flashing light [e.g. on a police car]
Веди {prop} {m inan} :: Веди (town)
ведомо {pred} [dated] :: it is known
ведомость {noun} :: list, register, roll
ведомость {noun} [in plural] :: gazette, bulletin
ведомственный {adj} :: departmental, bureaucratic, institutional
ведомственный {adj} [figurative, rare] :: narrow, bureaucratic
ведомство {noun} :: institution, office
ведомый {adj} :: supporting
ведомый {adj} :: driven
ведомый {adj} [relational] :: slave [mechanism]
ведомый {noun} [inanimate] :: supporting aircraft
ведомый {noun} [animate] :: second wingman
ведомый {adj} [dated] :: known, familiar
ведро {noun} :: bucket, pail
ведро {noun} :: vedro; an ancient Russian measure of liquids equal to 12.3 liters (1/40 бочки)
ведущая {noun} [radio, television] :: female host, anchorwoman, narrator
ведущий {noun} :: host, anchor, narrator
ведущий {adj} :: leading, main, head
ведущий {adj} :: driving (e.g. wheel)
Веды {noun} :: Vedas
ведь {interj} :: after all
ведь {interj} :: indeed, surely
ведь {interj} :: why, well
ведь {interj} :: then, you know, you see
ведь {interj} :: isn’t it?
ведь {conj} :: as, because
ведьма {noun} :: witch
ведьма {noun} [colloquial, pejorative] :: hag, shrew, beldam, harridan, vixen
ведьма {noun} :: Old Maid (card game)
ведьмак {noun} [mythology] :: male witch, warlock, vedmak
веер {noun} :: hand-held fan
веерообразный {adj} [botany] :: diadromous
веерообразный {adj} :: fan-shaped
вежа {noun} [obsolete] :: tent; kibitka [usually of old nomadic tribes]
вежа {noun} [obsolete] :: tower [in Russia of 9-13th c.]
вежда {noun} [obsolete] :: eyelid
вежливо {adv} :: politely, civilly
вежливо {adv} :: blandly
вежливо {adv} :: correctly
вежливо {adv} :: gracefully
вежливо {adv} :: obligingly
вежливость {noun} :: politeness (act of being polite)
вежливый {adj} :: courteous, civil, polite
везде {adv} :: everywhere
везде {adv} :: anywhere
везде {adv} :: throughout
вездесущий {adj} :: omnipresent, ubiquitous
вездеход {noun} :: (large) ATV, (large) all-terrain vehicle, landrover, rover, cross-country vehicle, go-anywhere vehicle, four-wheel drive
везение {noun} :: luck, good luck
везти {v impf} :: to convey, to carry (by vehicle), to deliver, to transport
везти {v impf} [impersonal verb] :: to be lucky, to have luck, to work out for, to succeed, to be successful (+ dative case)
Везувий {prop} :: Vesuvius
везучий {adj} :: lucky
век {noun} :: century
век {noun} :: age
век {noun} :: lifetime
век живи — век учись {proverb} :: it's never too late to mend; you're never too old to learn, live and learn
веко {noun} [anatomy] :: eyelid
вековечный {adj} :: everlasting, eternal
вековой {adj} :: centuries-old, age-old, ancient
вексель {noun} [finance] :: bill of credit, bill of exchange, promissory note
вексельный {adj} [relational] :: bill of credit, bill of exchange, promissory note
вексиллология {noun} :: vexillology
вектор {noun} [mathematics] :: vector (a directed quantity)
вектор {noun} [biology] :: vector (a DNA molecule)
векторный {adj} [relational] :: vector; vectoral
векторный {adj} :: vector-valued
векша {noun} [regional] :: squirrel (mammal)
велегласный {adj} [literary, dated] :: loud, loud-voiced, public
веление {noun} :: order, decree, injunction, behest
велеть {v both} :: to order (to do something), to enjoin, to command
велик {noun} [colloquial] :: bicycle, bike
великан {noun} :: giant
Великая Армения {prop} [historical] :: Greater Armenia
великая княгиня {noun} :: grand princess, grand duchess
великая княжна {noun} :: daughter of a grand prince or grand duchess; princess
Великая Отечественная война {prop} [history] :: Great Patriotic War (1941–1945)
великий {adj} :: large, big
великий {adj} [short form only] :: too big; larger than necessary
великий {adj} :: great, outstanding
великий и могучий {noun} [idiomatic, poetic] :: the Russian language
великий и могучий {noun} [jocular, euphemistic] :: Russian profanities
великий князь {noun} :: grand prince, grand duke
Великобритания {noun} :: Великобритания (country)
Великобритания {noun} :: Великобритания (island)
великоватый {adj} :: little too big (of clothes or shoes)
великодушие {noun} :: magnanimity; generosity
великодушно {adv} :: magnanimously, generously
великодушный {adj} :: magnanimous, generous
великое княжество {noun} :: grand principality, grand duchy
Великое княжество Московское {prop} [historical] :: Grand Duchy of Moscow
великолепие {noun} :: splendour, magnificence
великолепно {adv} :: magnificently, marvelously, splendidly
великолепный {adj} :: magnificent, splendid, excellent, grand, elegant
великолепный {adj} :: gorgeous
великомученик {noun} [Eastern Orthodoxy] :: great martyr
великомученица {noun} :: great martyress; female equivalent of великомученик
великороссийский {adj} [historical] :: Great Russian (of or pertaining to Great Russia)
Великороссия {prop} {f} :: Great Russia
великорусский {adj} [historical] :: Great Russian (of or pertaining to Great Russians, the language of Great Russia, as opposed to Little Russia, White Russia, etc.)
величаво {adv} :: majestically
величавый {adj} :: august, majestic, imposing, stately
величать {v impf} [colloquial, jocular] :: to call
величать {v impf} :: to celebrate (with a ceremony or a song)
величать {v impf} :: to style (honorifics)
величественно {adv} :: grandly, augustly, sublimely
величественный {adj} :: grand, august, sublime
величество {noun} :: majesty (the quality of being impressive and great)
величие {noun} :: grandeur; greatness
величина {noun} :: size, magnitude (dimensions or magnitude of a thing)
величина {noun} :: quantity, amount
величина {noun} :: value
величина {noun} :: celebrity, coryphaeus, luminary
величина {noun} [physics, mathematics] :: quantity
Веллингтон {prop} :: Веллингтон (capital city)
велоконюшня {noun} [sport] :: cycling team
велосипед {noun} :: bicycle, bike
велосипедист {noun} :: cyclist
велосипедистка {noun} :: cyclist (female)
велосипедный {adj} [relational] :: bicycle
велоспорт {noun} :: cycling, biking
вельвет {noun} :: velveteen
вельветовый {adj} [relational] :: velvet
Вельзевул {prop} :: Beelzebub
вельможа {m anim} :: grandee; magnate; alderman
велюр {noun} :: velour
велярный {adj} :: velar
вена {noun} [anatomy] :: vein
Вена {prop} :: Вена (caplc)
венгерец {noun} [dated] :: a Hungarian person
венгерка {noun} :: Hungarian woman, Hungarian girl
венгерка {noun} :: a particular Romani dance
венгерка {noun} :: hussar jacket
венгерский {adj} :: Hungarian
венгр {noun} :: Hungarian
Венгрия {prop} :: Венгрия (country)
Венера {prop} :: Venus (planet)
Венера {prop} :: Venus (Roman god)
венерический {adj} :: venereal, sexually transmitted
венеролог {noun} :: venereologist
Венесуэла {prop} :: Венесуэла (country)
венесуэльский {adj} :: Venezuelan
венетский {adj} :: Venetian
венетский {noun} :: Venetian (language)
венец {noun} :: Viennese
венец {noun} :: crown
венец {noun} :: wreath, garland
венец {noun} [astronomy] :: corona
венец {noun} [religion] :: halo
венец {noun} [construction] :: row of beams
венецианский {adj} [relational] :: Venice; Venetian
Венеция {prop} :: Венеция (city)
вензаболевание {noun} :: venereal disease
вензель {noun} :: monogram
Вениамин {prop} :: given name
веник {noun} :: broom, besom
венка {noun} :: female Viennese
вено {noun} [historical] :: bride-price
венозный {adj} :: venous
венок {noun} :: wreath, garland
венокол {noun} [colloquial] :: IV drug user, mainliner, hype
венский {adj} :: Viennese
вентерь {noun} :: fyke net
вентерь {noun} :: hoop net
вентиль {noun} :: valve
вентилятор {noun} :: ventilator
вентилятор {noun} :: fan
вентиляционный {adj} [relational] :: ventilation, vent
вентиляция {noun} :: ventilation
Вентимилья {prop} :: Вентимилья (city)
венчание {noun} :: wedding (marriage ceremony)
венчание {noun} :: coronation
венчать {v both} :: to crown (for kingdom)
венчать {v both} :: to place a wreath/garland on someone's head, to crown
венчать {v both} :: to crown; to be the crowning achievement (of)
венчать {v both} :: (building) to crown, to top
венчать {v impf} :: to marry (in church)
венчаться {v both} :: to be crowned (for kingdom)
венчаться {v both} :: to be crowned (with)
венчаться {v impf} :: to be married (in church), to get married (in church)
венчик {noun} :: diminutive of венец
венчик {noun} [botany] :: corolla
венчик {noun} [cooking] :: whisk
венчик {noun} [church] :: funeral headband
вепрь {noun} :: (wild) boar
вепс {noun} :: Veps
вепсский {adj} :: Veps
вепсский {noun} :: Veps (language)
вера {noun} :: faith, belief, trust
вера {noun} :: religion
Вера {prop} :: given name
веранда {noun} :: verandah
верба {noun} :: pussy willow
вербальный {adj} :: verbal
верблюд {noun} :: camel
верблюжий {adj} [relational] :: camel
вербовать {v impf} :: to enlist, to recruit, to hire
вербовка {noun} :: recruitment
-вергнуть {affix} :: Combining form used to form prefixed perfective verbs with the approximate meanings "to throw" or "to overthrow"
вердикт {noun} :: verdict
веред {noun} :: anbury
вереница {noun} :: file, chain, row, line, procession
вереск {noun} :: heather
веретено {noun} :: spindle
веретено {noun} :: anchor shank
веретенообразный {adj} :: fusiform, spindle-shaped
верещать {v impf} :: to squeal (to scream a high-pitched squeal)
верещать {v impf} :: to chirp
верёвка {noun} :: rope, line
верёвочка {noun} :: diminutive of верёвка: (small) rope
верёвочный {adj} [relational] :: rope
верзила {m anim} [colloquial] :: a big fellow; spindlelegs; maypole; a lanky man
вериги {noun} :: chains, fetters (worn by ascetics as an act of penance)
верить {v impf} :: to believe, to trust [with dative]
верить {v impf} :: to believe in, to have faith [в + accusative]
вериться {v impf} [impersonal, imperfective only] :: to be believed
вериться {v impf} [impersonal, imperfective only] :: to believe (+ dative)
Вермахт {prop} [history] :: Wehrmacht
вермишель {noun} :: vermicelli
Вермонт {prop} :: Вермонт (state)
вермут {noun} :: vermouth
вернее {adv} :: comparative of верный
вернее {adv} :: comparative of верно
вернисаж {noun} :: vernissage (private viewing of an exhibition before it opens to the public)
верно {adv} :: right, correctly, faithfully, loyally
верно {adv} :: devotedly, constantly
верно {pred} :: it is true
верно {particle} [colloquial] :: probably, I suppose, most likely
верно {particle} [colloquial] :: indeed, that's right
верноподданный {adj} :: loyal
верноподданный {noun} :: loyalist, loyal subject
верность {noun} :: faithfulness, fidelity, loyalty
верность {noun} :: chastity
верность {noun} :: correctness, accuracy, truth
вернуть {v pf} :: to return, to give back
вернуться {v pf} :: to return, to come back (from)
вернуться {v pf} :: to revert (to)
верный {adj} :: true, faithful, loyal
верный {adj} :: true, right, correct
верование {noun} :: faith, belief, creed
веровать {v impf} :: to believe (in, especially to believe in God)
вероисповедание {noun} :: religion (especially a particular religion)
вероломный {adj} :: perfidious, treacherous
вероломный {adj} [rare, figurative, colloquial, pejorative] :: straight; overly straight actions or words
вероломство {noun} :: perfidy, treachery (the act of violating faith or allegiance)
Верона {prop} :: Верона (city)
Вероника {prop} :: given name
вероучение {noun} [literary, religion] :: creed, doctrine
вероятие {noun} [archaic] :: probability, likelihood
вероятнее {adv} :: comparative of вероятный
вероятнее {adv} :: comparative of вероятно
вероятнее всего {adv} :: most likely, most probably, the chances are better than even
вероятно {adv} [hedge] :: possibly, perhaps
вероятностный {adj} :: probabilistic
вероятность {noun} :: probability, likelihood
вероятный {adj} :: probable, likely
Версаль {prop} :: Версаль (city/commune/and/prefecture)
версификатор {noun} :: versifier
версификация {noun} :: versification
версия {noun} :: version
верста {noun} [dated] :: verst (unit of length equal to 1,066.8 m), used in many expressions
верста {noun} [dated] :: milestone
верста {noun} [colloquial] :: kilometre
верстак {noun} :: workbench
верстальщик {noun} [printing] :: person who lays out pages
верстать {v impf} [printing] :: to lay out (a page)
вертел {noun} :: spit, skewer
вертеп {noun} [dated] :: cave, hideout
вертеп {noun} [, somewhat, dated, figuratively] :: den, lair [especially of criminals]
вертеп {noun} [somewhat, dated, figuratively] :: slum
вертеп {noun} [dated, Ukraine] :: large box for puppets displaying nativity scenes or comic scenes
вертеп {noun} [dated, figurative] :: performance of such puppets
вертеть {v impf} :: to turn, to twist, to twirl, to spin
вертеть на хую {v impf} [vulgar, taboo slang, idiom] :: to not care; to be indifferent; to despise; to not give a fuck
вертеться {v impf} :: to turn around, to revolve, to spin
вертикаль {noun} :: vertical, vertical line
вертикаль {noun} [chess] :: file
вертикально {adv} :: vertically (in a vertical direction or position)
вертикальный {adj} :: vertical (being perpendicular with the surface of the Earth)
вертихвостка {noun} [disparagingly] :: flirt, coquette (a flirtatious woman)
вертишейка {noun} :: wryneck
вертлуг {noun} :: trochanter
вертлужная впадина {noun} :: acetabulum (Anatomy: bony cup that receives the head of the thigh bone)
вертлужный {adj} [relational] :: trochanter; acetabular
вертолёт {noun} :: helicopter
вертолётик {noun} :: endearing diminutive of вертолёт
вертолётный {adj} [relational] :: helicopter
вертун {noun} [colloquial, animate] :: a restless, fidgety person, fidget
вертун {noun} [inanimate] :: peavy; cant hook; pivot
вертухай {noun} [slang, derogatory] :: turnkey, jailer, prison guard
вертухай {noun} [derogatory] :: militiaman, policeman
вертухай {noun} :: employee of the "State Vehicle Inspection" / "State Patrol" (ГАИ, or Государственная автомобильная инспекция)
вертушка {noun} :: revolving door, turnstile
вертушка {noun} :: revolving stand
вертушка {noun} [engineering] :: rotator
вертушка {noun} [colloquial] :: turntable
вертушка {noun} [colloquial] :: government switchboard telephone
вертушка {noun} [colloquial, animate] :: (of a person, esp. a child) fidget
вертушка {noun} [colloquial] :: helicopter
верующий {noun} :: believer, a religious person
верфь {noun} :: shipyard
верх {noun} :: top, upper part, roof, dome, height
верх {noun} [figuratively] :: summit, apex
верх {noun} :: the highest degree of something
верх {noun} :: right side (of clothing, fabric), shoe upper, boot top
верх {noun} :: hood, top, soft top, rag top of a carriage or convertible automobile
верх {noun} :: cap, cover, outside, shell (clothing, as opposed to a lining)
верхнелужицкий {adj} [relational] :: Upper Sorbian
верхненемецкий {adj} [relational] :: High German
Верхние Альпы {prop} :: Верхние Альпы (department)
верхний {adj} :: upper
верхний кварк {noun} :: up quark
верховенство {noun} [literary] :: supremacy, domination
верховный {adj} :: supreme, high (dominant)
верховный суд {noun} :: supreme court (court of law representing the highest legal authority within a jurisdiction)
верховой {adj} [relational] :: horseback riding
верховой {adj} :: located upriver
верховой {adj} :: going along the surface
верховой {noun} :: horse rider, horseman
верховье {noun} :: upper reaches, river head
верхом {adv} :: on horseback
верхом {adv} :: along the top, on high ground
верхом {adv} [colloquial] :: to the brim, brim-full
Верхоянск {prop} :: Верхоянск (town)
верхушка {noun} :: top, crest, summit, apex
верша {noun} :: fish-trap
вершина {noun} :: peak, top, summit
вершина {noun} :: acme, height
вершина {noun} :: vertex, apex
вершитель {noun} [literary, dated] :: executor, administrator
вершить {v impf} [literary] :: to manage, to control, to direct, to do, to accomplish
вершок {noun} :: an old Russian unit of length approximately equal to 4.445 centimeters or 1/16 of an arshin
вес {noun} :: weight
вес {noun} :: influence, authority, importance
вес {noun} :: hanging position, suspended position, balanced position; mostly in the expression на весу (suspended)
веселее {adv} :: comparative of весёлый
веселее {adv} :: comparative of весело
веселеть {v impf} :: to cheer up, to become merry/cheerful
веселить {v impf} :: to amuse, to give joy, to gladden
веселить {v impf} :: to exhilarate, to rejoice
веселиться {v impf} :: to have fun, to rejoice
весело {adv} :: merrily, cheerfully
весело {pred} :: one is happy, cheerful, convivial, hilarious, merry, bright, jolly, gleeful, lighthearted
весело {pred} :: it is funny
веселье {noun} :: joy, fun, merriment
весельчак {noun} [colloquial] :: merry fellow, humourist
весеннее равноденствие {noun} :: vernal equinox
весенний {adj} [relational] :: spring [season]
весенний {adj} :: springlike
весёленький {adj} [colloquial] :: endearing diminutive of весёлый
Весёлого Рождества {interj} :: Merry Christmas
весёлость {noun} :: cheerfulness, merriment
весёлый {adj} :: merry, cheerful, happy, convivial, hilarious, bright, jolly, gleeful, lighthearted
весёлый {adj} :: funny
весить {v impf} :: to weigh (to have a certain weight)
веский {adj} :: weighty, heavy
веский {adj} [figurative] :: substantial, significant, serious
веский {adj} [figurative] :: convincing, persuasive [of an argument or reason]
веско {adv} :: in a weighty manner
веско {adv} :: significantly, substantially
веско {adv} :: convincingly, persuasively
весло {noun} :: oar, paddle, scull
весло {noun} [criminal slang] :: spoon
весло {noun} [slang] :: rifle, especially a sniper rifle (which looks like an oar)
веслоногий {adj} :: having legs like oars
весна {noun} :: spring (season)
вес нетто {noun} :: net weight
веснушка {noun} :: freckle
веснушчатый {adj} :: freckled (having freckles)
веснянка {noun} [ethnography] :: spring song, vesnianky (Eastern Slavic ritual song and dance)
веснянка {noun} [entomology] :: stonefly, Plecoptera
веснянка {noun} [botany] :: spring draba, shadflower, nailwort, whitlowgrass, Draba verna
весовой {adj} [relational] :: weight
весовой {adj} :: by weight
весомый {adj} :: ponderable, heavy
весомый {adj} :: weighty, influential
весомый {adj} :: considerable, substantial
вест {noun} [nautical, meteorology] :: west
вест {noun} :: west wind
Веста {prop} [animate] :: Vesta (Roman god)
Веста {prop} [inanimate] :: Vesta (asteroid)
вестгот {noun} :: Visigoth
вестерн {noun} :: Western (film)
вести {v impf} :: to lead, to preside over, to chair
вести {v impf} :: to drive
вестибюль {noun} :: lobby, foyer
вести себя {v impf} :: to behave
вести себя, как слон в посудной лавке {v impf} [simile] :: to act like a bull in a china shop
вестись {v impf} :: to be in progress, to be underway
вестись {v impf} [impersonal] :: to be conducted, to be carried on, to be observed
вестись {v impf} [colloquial] :: to yield, to succumb, to give in (to somebody's) lies, to provocation, etc
-вестить {affix} :: Combining form used to form prefixed perfective verbs, with the approximate meaning "to announce"
вестник {noun} :: messenger, herald
вестник {noun} :: bulletin
вестовой {adj} [dated] :: news-bearing
вестовой {noun} [military] :: orderly
весточка {noun} :: diminutive of весть
весть {noun} :: news, piece of news, message; tidings
весть {noun} [in the plural] :: news (presentation of news, e.g. on television)
весы {noun} :: scales, balance
Весы {prop} [constellation] :: Libra (a constellation of the zodiac in the shape of a set of scales)
Весы {prop} [astrology] :: Libra (the zodiac sign for the scales, covering September 23–October 22)
весь {pron} :: all, the whole, the whole of
весь {pron} :: everything, all
весь {pron} :: everybody, everyone
весь {noun} [dated, rare] :: village
весь день {adv} :: all day (the entire day)
весьма {adv} :: very, highly
вет {noun} [slang] :: vet (veterinarian)
ветвистый {adj} :: branchy; boughy
-ветвить {affix} :: Combining form used to form prefixed perfective verbs with the approximate meaning of "to branch"
ветвиться {v impf} :: to branch out, to ramify
ветврач {noun} [colloquial] :: vet
ветвь {noun} :: branch, bough, limb (woody part of a tree arising from the trunk and usually dividing)
ветер {noun} [meteorology] :: wind
ветер {noun} [plural only] :: the wind(s), flatus
ветер {noun} [figurative] :: the wave of change [usually in the phrase ветер перемен]
ветеран {noun} :: veteran (person with long experience)
ветеран {noun} :: veteran (person who has served in the armed forces, especially an old soldier who has seen long service)
ветеринар {noun} :: veterinarian or veterinary surgeon, vet [colloquial]
ветеринарный {adj} :: veterinary
ветерок {noun} :: diminutive of ветер: wind, breeze
ветка {noun} :: small branch, twig
ветка {noun} :: line, branch line, sideline
ветка {noun} :: thread [in a discussion forum]
Ветка {prop} :: Ветка (town)
ветла {noun} :: white willow
ветлужанин {noun} :: citizen of Vetluga
вето {n inan} :: veto (a political right, an invocation of that right)
веточка {noun} :: diminutive of ветка: a small branch, twig
ветошь {noun} :: rag (piece of cloth)
ветр {noun} [old poetic] :: alternative form of ветер
ветреница {noun} :: anemone (any plant of genus anemone)
ветреница {noun} :: frivolous, light-headed woman
ветреный {adj} :: windy [of the weather]
ветреный {adj} [figurative] :: flighty, not serious [of a person or behavior]
-ветрить {affix} :: Combining form used to form prefixed perfective verbs with meanings related to do something with the wind
ветровка {noun} :: windbreaker, windcheater, anorak
ветровое стекло {noun} :: windshield
ветровой {adj} [relational] :: wind
ветродвигатель {noun} :: windmill
ветросиловой {adj} :: wind-powered
ветроуказатель {noun} :: windsock
ветряная мельница {noun} :: windmill (machinery)
ветряной {adj} [relational] :: wind
ветфельдшер {noun} :: veterinary assistant, veterinary paramedic
ветхий {adj} [dated] :: ancient, old
ветхий {adj} :: old, dilapidated, shabby, ramshackle, decrepit, rickety
Ветхий Завет {prop} :: Old Testament
ветхозаветный {adj} [relational] :: Old Testament, vetero-testamentary
ветхозаветный {adj} :: antiquated
ветчина {noun} :: ham
ветшать {v impf} :: to decay; to dilapidate; to become decrepit
ветютень {noun} :: ringdove, wood pigeon
веха {noun} :: milestone, landmark
вехотка {noun} [regional] :: bath sponge
вечать {v impf} [dialectal] :: to cry, to shout
вече {noun} [historical, political] :: veche (a popular assembly in medieval Slavic countries)
вечер {noun} :: evening (after 8 PM)
вечер {noun} :: tonight, this evening
вечер {noun} [formal] :: party, social gathering, soiree
вечереть {v impf} [impersonal] :: to darken, to become dark; to become twilight
вечереть {v impf} [old poetic] :: to approach evening [of the day]
вечеринка {noun} :: soirée, evening party
вечерком {adv} :: in the evening
вечерний {adj} :: evening
вечерня {noun} [religion] :: vespers, evensong
вечерок {noun} :: diminutive of вечер
вечером {adv} :: in the evening
вечеря {noun} [obsolete] :: supper
вечно {adv} :: always, for ever, eternally
вечно {adv} :: perpetually, everlastingly
вечнозелёный {adj} :: evergreen
вечность {noun} :: eternity
вечный {adj} :: eternal, everlasting
вечный {adj} :: perpetual
вечный огонь {noun} :: eternal flame (flame which burns eternally in memory of somebody or something)
вешалка {noun} :: coat hanger, peg (device used to hang up coats, shirts, etc)
вешалка {noun} :: tab (on clothes)
вешание {noun} :: hanging (action)
вешать {v impf} :: to hang, to hang up
вешать {v impf} :: to hang (execute)
вешаться {v impf} :: to hang oneself
вещание {noun} :: broadcasting
вещать {v impf} :: to broadcast (to transmit a message or signal via radio waves or electronic means)
вещать {v impf} [obsolete] :: to prophesy, foretell
вещать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to lay down the law, to play the oracle
вещдок {noun} :: material evidence, physical evidence, real evidence, exhibit
вещевой {adj} [relational] :: thing, object, goods
вещественное число {noun} :: real number
вещественный {adj} :: corporeal, real, substantial
вещество {noun} :: substance, material, matter
вещий {adj} :: prophetic, oracular
вещица {noun} :: diminutive of вещь: a small thing
вещичка {noun} :: diminutive of вещь: a small thing
вещмешок {noun} :: holdall; rucksack, backpack (especially military)
вещь {noun} :: thing, object
вещь {noun} :: things, belongings, goods, stuff
веялка {noun} :: winnower, winnow
веяние {noun} :: winnowing
веяние {noun} :: waft; breathing, blowing (of the wind)
веяние {noun} :: trend, tendency; current
веять {vi impf} :: to blow gently
веять {vi impf} :: to wave, to flutter
веять {vt impf} :: to winnow (grain)
вёдро {noun} [dialectal] :: fair and warm weather [in the summer]
в ёлочку {adv} :: in herringbone pattern
вёрстка {noun} [printing] :: page layout
вёрстка {noun} [printing] :: page proof
вжать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to press down [в + accusative, into something]
вжаться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to strongly press oneself, to shrink down [в accusative, into something]
в живых {adv} :: alive (having life)
вжимать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to press down [в + accusative, into something]
вжиматься {v impf} [colloquial] :: to strongly press oneself, to shrink down [в accusative, into something]
в жопе {adv} :: See: ru в жопа
в жопе {adv} [vulgar] :: fucked (in trouble; lit.: "in the ass")
вз- {prefix} [used with verbs] :: upwards, up
вз- {prefix} [used with verbs] :: returning, re-
взад {adv} [colloquial] :: back
взад-вперёд {adv} :: back and forth, to and fro
взаимно {adv} :: mutually
взаимно {adv} :: me too (e.g. I'm glad to meet you too)
взаимно {adv} :: the same to you (the same wishes)
взаимность {noun} :: reciprocity, mutuality
взаимный {adj} :: mutual
взаимо- {prefix} :: co- (together, mutually, jointly)
взаимовлияние {noun} :: mutual influence
взаимовыгодный {adj} :: mutually beneficial, mutually advantageous
взаимодействие {noun} :: interaction, interplay
взаимодействие {noun} :: cooperation, coordination
взаимодействовать {v impf} :: to interact, to act reciprocally, to cooperate
взаимозависимость {noun} :: interdependency
взаимозамена {noun} :: interchange, interchanging
взаимозаменяемость {noun} :: interchangeability
взаимозаменяемый {adj} :: interchangeable
взаимоисключающий {adj} :: mutually exclusive
взаимоотношение {noun} :: mutual relation, correlation, interrelation
взаимоотношение {noun} [usually plural] :: rapport
взаимопомощь {noun} :: mutual assistance
взаимопонимание {noun} :: mutual / common understanding, consensus
взаимопонимание {noun} :: rapport (a relationship of mutual trust and respect)
взаимопроникновение {noun} :: interpenetration, interaction [of cultures, technologies, etc.], mutual influence
взаимосвязанный {adj} :: interconnected, interrelated, relative
взаимосвязь {noun} :: interconnection
взаимосвязь {noun} :: correlation, interdependence
взаймы {adv} :: on loan, on credit
в заключение {adv} :: in conclusion (as a conclusion)
взамен {adv} :: in exchange (as an exchange or replacement; to reciprocate)
взамен {prep} :: against (in exchange for) (на (na) + accusative case)
взахлёб {adv} [colloquial] :: avidly, excitedly, to the fullest, with gusto
взбалмошный {adj} [colloquial] :: unbalanced, extravagant, whimsical, crotchety
взбалтывать {v impf} :: to shake up
взбегать {v impf} :: to run up (to run in an upward direction, e.g. up a hill)
взбежать {v pf} :: to run up (to run in an upward direction, e.g. up a hill)
взбесить {v pf} :: to madden, to infuriate, to exasperate
взбеситься {v pf} :: to become rabid
взбеситься {v pf} :: to rage, to be furious, to get/fly into a rage, to fly off the handle, to blow one's top
взбивалка {noun} :: whisk, beater (a kitchen implement for mixing)
взбивать {v impf} :: to beat up, to fluff, to whip, to whisk (e.g. cream)
взбираться {v impf} :: to climb up, to clamber up
взбить {v pf} :: to beat up, to fluff, to whip, to whisk (e.g. cream)
взболтать {v pf} :: to shake up
взбредать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to climb with difficulty [на + accusative]
взбрести {v impf} [colloquial] :: to climb with difficulty [на + accusative]
взбрык {noun} [colloquial] :: (a show of) restiveness
взбудоражить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to agitate, to disturb, to excite
взбунтовать {v pf} :: to incite to rebellion/mutiny, to incite to revolt
взбунтоваться {v pf} :: to revolt, to mutiny
взбунтоваться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to rebel (against), to protest (against)
взбунтоваться {v pf} [poetic] :: to rise in waves, to surge, to billow
взваливать {v impf} :: to load (on to), to lift (on to)
взваливать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to burden (with)
взвалить {v pf} :: to load (on to), to lift (on to)
взвалить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to burden (with)
взвесить {v pf} :: to weigh (to determine the weight of an object)
взвесить {v pf} :: to weigh (to consider a subject)
взвести {v pf} [rare] :: to lead (someone/something) [на + accusative, up something]
взвести {v pf} :: to lift up, to cock (a trigger)
взвести {v pf} [literary] :: to direct (one's eyes, etc.) up
взвести {v pf} :: to unfairly direct (a charge, slander, etc.) [на + accusative, against someone/something]
взвесь {noun} :: suspension, dredge
взвешивание {noun} :: weighing [of an object, idea, etc.]
взвешивание {noun} :: evaluation (action or result)
взвешивать {v impf} :: to weigh (to determine the weight of an object)
взвешивать {v impf} :: to weigh (to consider a subject)
взвиваться {v impf} :: to go up, to rise, to fly up, to soar
взвиваться {v impf} :: (horse) to rear
взвизгивать {v impf} :: to squeal, to screech, to yelp
взвизгнуть {v pf} :: to squeal, to screech, to yelp
взвинтить {v pf} :: to lift up by screwing, to screw (something) upward
взвинтить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to agitate, to upset, to excite [into a nervous state], to work up
взвинтить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to inflate, to jack up (prices)
взвинчивать {v impf} :: to lift up by screwing, to screw (something) upward
взвинчивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to agitate, to upset, to excite [into a nervous state], to work up
взвинчивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to inflate, to jack up (prices)
взвиться {v pf} :: to go up, to rise, to fly up, to soar
взвиться {v pf} :: (horse) to rear
взвод {noun} :: platoon
взвод {noun} :: (cocking) recess, notch
взводить {v impf} [rare] :: to lead (someone/something) [на + accusative, up something]
взводить {v impf} :: to lift up, to cock (a trigger)
взводить {v impf} [literary] :: to direct (one's eyes, etc.) up
взводить {v impf} :: to unfairly direct (a charge, slander, etc.) [на + accusative, against someone/something]
взволнованно {adv} :: with emotion, with agitation
взволнованный {adj} :: agitated, uneasy, disturbed, anxious [of a person, voice, or appearance]
взволнованный {adj} :: choppy, rough [of the sea]
взволновать {v pf} :: to agitate, to trouble, to excite, to stir, to disturb, to worry, to alarm, to upset
взволновать {v pf} :: to ruffle, to stir
взволноваться {v pf} :: to surge, to ripple
взволноваться {v pf} :: to become inflamed
взволноваться {v pf} :: to work oneself into a tizzy
взволноваться {v pf} :: to go off the deep end
взвошить {v pf} [dialectal] :: to raise with a lever
взвыть {v pf} :: to howl, to howl/scream with pain (laughter, delight)
взгляд {noun} :: glance, look
взгляд {noun} :: view, opinion
взглядывать {v impf} :: to glance, to give a glance, to cast a glance
взглянуть {v pf} :: to glance, to look at
взглянуть {v pf} :: to take a look
взгнести {v pf} [obsolete] :: to take upon oneself (a burden)
взгромождать {v impf} :: to load, to pile up, to heap up
взгромождаться {v impf} :: to perch, to clamber up
взгромоздить {v pf} :: to load, to pile up, to heap up
взгромоздиться {v pf} :: to perch, to clamber up
вздёргивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to hitch up, to jerk up
вздёргивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to hang, to string up
вздёргиваться {vi impf} :: to rise up, to shoot up, to spring up
вздёрнутый {adj} :: raised up [of a body part such as the nose or lips]
вздёрнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to hitch up, to jerk up
вздёрнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to hang, to string up
вздёрнуться {vi pf} :: to rise up, to shoot up, to spring up
вздёрнуться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to hang oneself, to commit suicide
вздор {noun} [colloquial] :: nonsense
вздорный {adj} :: absurd, nonsensical, foolish
вздорный {adj} :: ill-tempered, quarrelsome, cantankerous
вздорожание {noun} :: appreciation (a rise in value;—opposed to depreciation)
вздорожать {v pf} :: to rise in price, to go up
вздох {noun} :: sigh (a deep and prolonged audible inspiration or respiration of air, as when fatigued, frustrated, or grieved; the act of sighing)
вздох {noun} :: breath, breathing in
вздохнуть {v pf} :: to sigh, to take breath
вздрагивать {v impf} :: to start, to startle, to flinch, to wince
вздремнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to nap, to snooze
вздрогнуть {v pf} :: to start, to startle, to flinch, to wince
вздувать {v impf} [also, impersonal] :: to bloat, to cause to swell
вздувать {v impf} :: to blow (something) upward
вздувать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to inflate (prices)
вздуваться {vi impf} :: to swell up
вздумать {v pf} :: to decide (to), to take it into one's head
вздуматься {v pf} :: to enter someone's head, to come to someone's mind
вздуть {v pf} [also, impersonal] :: to bloat, to cause to swell
вздуть {v pf} :: to blow (something) upward
вздуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to inflate (prices)
вздуть {v pf} [perfective only, low colloquial] :: to beat up, to thrash
вздуться {vi pf} :: to swell up
вздыбить {v pf} :: to cause (a horse, etc.) to rear up
вздыбить {v pf} :: to cause (hair, etc.) to stand on end
вздыбливать {v impf} :: to cause (a horse, etc.) to rear up
вздыбливать {v impf} :: to cause (hair, etc.) to stand on end
вздымать {v impf} :: to raise
вздыматься {v impf} :: to rise, to heave
вздыхать {v impf} :: to sigh, to take breath
вздыхать {v impf} :: to long (for), to sigh (for), to pine (after, for), to yearn (after, for)
взимание {noun} :: levying, collection (of taxes, etc.)
взимать {v impf} :: to collect, to levy, to take monies (in forms of taxes, payments, duties, tariffs, and fines)
взиматься {v impf} :: to be levied, to be collected
взирать {v impf} [dated] :: to look (at), to gaze (at)
взламывать {v impf} :: to break open, to force, to burst in, to break (through)
взламывать {v impf} :: (program) to crack
взлетать {v impf} :: to fly up, to soar, to take off, to take wing
взлетать {v impf} [figurative] :: to zoom
взлететь {v pf} :: to fly up, to soar, to take off, to take wing
взлететь {v pf} [figurative] :: to zoom
взлёт {noun} :: flight, ascension, ascent
взлёт {noun} :: take-off (of airplanes)
взлёт {noun} :: rise
взлётный {adj} [relational] :: takeoff [of an airplane, etc.]
взлом {noun} :: break-in, breaking
взломать {v pf} :: to break open, to force, to burst in, to break (through)
взломать {v pf} :: (program) to crack
взломщик {noun} :: burglar, yegg, housebreaker
взломщик {noun} :: hacker
взлохматить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to tousle, to dishevel, to ruffle
взлохмачивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to tousle, to dishevel, to ruffle
взмах {noun} :: stroke, sweep (of oars, etc.), wave, flap, flapping (of wings, etc.), swing
взмахивать {v impf} :: to flap, to wave, to strike (with), to make strokes (with)
взмахнуть {v pf} :: to flap, to wave, to strike (with), to make strokes (with)
взмести {v pf} :: to fling up, to throw up, to raise (dust, snow, etc.)
взметать {v impf} :: to fling up, to throw up, to raise (dust, snow, etc.)
взметать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to toss up [in several throws]
взметнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to cock (a rifle or gun)
взметнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to flap (wings)
взметнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to rise, to rise above others
взметнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to throw up rapidly with force (as one’s hands)
взметнуть {v pf} [figurative, colloquial] :: to hike, to increase, to inflate
взметнуться {vi pf} :: to shoot up
взмётывать {v impf} :: to hurl up
взмокать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to get wet/soaked
взмокать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to be covered with sweat
взмокнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to get wet/soaked
взмокнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to be covered with sweat
взмолиться {v pf} :: to beg, to implore
взморье {noun} :: seashore, seaside, beach (sandy shore)
взмывать {v impf} :: to rocket, to soar up upwards, to shoot upwards
взмыть {v pf} :: to rocket, to soar up upwards, to shoot upwards
взнос {noun} :: payment; fee; contribution; instalment
взо- {prefix} :: alternative form of вз- [used before certain consonant clusters]
взобраться {v pf} :: to climb up, to clamber up
взойти {v pf} :: to mount, to go up, to climb, to ascend
взойти {v pf} :: to rise [of a heavenly body]
взойти {v pf} :: to come up, to sprout [of a plant]
взопреть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to sweat
взор {noun} :: look, glance, gaze
взор {noun} [antiquated] :: eyes
взор {noun} [aviation, dated] :: Vzor optical orientation device (used on the early Восток spacecraft, it used mirrors to orient the spacecraft manually using the sun in order to give the best views of the Earth)
взорвать {vt pf} :: to blow up, to detonate
взорвать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to enrage, to exasperate [also used impersonally]
взорваться {vi pf} :: to blow up, to detonate
взорваться {v pf} :: to become enraged, to become exasperated, to explode verbally
взрастить {vt pf} :: to grow, to cultivate
взрастить {vt pf} :: to bring up, to nurture
взрачный {adj} [dated or dialectal] :: beautiful
взращивать {vt impf} :: to grow, to cultivate
взращивать {vt impf} :: to bring up, to nurture
взреветь {v pf} :: to roar, to utter a roar
взросление {noun} :: maturation, growing up
взрослеть {v impf} :: to mature, to grow up
взрослый {adj} :: grown, grown-up, adult
взрослый {noun} :: grown-up, adult
взрыв {noun} :: explosion
взрыв {noun} :: blast
взрыв {noun} :: detonation
взрыв {noun} :: eruption
взрыватель {noun} [military] :: fuze
взрывать {vt impf} :: to blow up, to detonate, to blast
взрывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to enrage, to exasperate [also used impersonally]
взрывать {v impf} :: to plough up, to turn up
взрываться {vi impf} :: to blow up, to detonate
взрываться {v impf} :: to become enraged, to become exasperated, to explode verbally
взрывной {adj} [engineering] :: explosive
взрывной {adj} [colloquial] :: explosive, violent
взрывной {adj} [linguistics] :: plosive
взрывоопасный {adj} [also figurative] :: explosive
взрывчатка {noun} :: (collective) explosives, explosive material
взрывчатый {adj} :: explosive
взрыть {v pf} :: to plough up, to turn up
взъерошить {v pf} :: to tousle, to ruffle, to rumple
взывать {v impf} :: to appeal (to someone for)
взыграть {v pf} :: to start frolicking, to jump for joy
взыграть {v pf} :: to swell [of the sea, wind, a river, etc.]
взыграть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to manifest strongly [of a feeling], to swell [of pride], to leap [of the heart]
взыгрывать {v impf} :: to frolic, to jump for joy
взыгрывать {v impf} :: to swell [of the sea, wind, a river, etc.]
взыгрывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to manifest strongly [of a feeling], to swell [of pride], to leap [of the heart]
взыскание {noun} :: penalty, punishment
взыскание {noun} :: recovery, exaction
взыскатель {noun} :: creditor, claimant
взыскать {v pf} :: to exact (from, of), to recover (from)
взыскать {v pf} :: to make answer (for)
взыскивать {v impf} :: to exact (from, of), to recover (from)
взыскивать {v impf} :: to make answer (for)
взятие {noun} :: seizure, capture
взятие {noun} [chess] :: capture (Russian notation: :)
взятка {noun} :: bribe, graft, palm-oil
взятка {noun} [card games] :: trick
взяточник {noun} :: bribetaker (a person who takes bribes)
взяточничество {noun} :: corrupt practices, taking bribes
взять {v pf} :: to take
взять на откуп {v pf} [obsolete] :: to receive exclusive rights to something in exchange for money
взять на откуп {v pf} [colloquial] :: to claim, to take exclusive control over (a project, etc.)
взяться {v pf} :: to take something with hands, to take (mutually, together) (e.g. each other's hands)
взяться {v pf} :: to set about; to undertake (за + accusative case a task)
взяться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to appear, to emerge
ви {n inan} :: (English letter) V, v
виадук {noun} :: viaduct
вибратор {noun} :: vibrator (various senses)
вибрация {noun} :: vibration
вибрировать {v impf} :: to vibrate, to oscillate
вибрировать {v impf} :: to quaver
вибрировать {v impf} :: to shimmy
вибрировать {v impf} :: to thrill
вибрировать {v impf} :: to flutter
вибрировать {v impf} :: to jar
вибрировать {v impf} :: to pulsate
вибрировать {v impf} :: to chatter
вивисекция {noun} :: vivisection
вид {noun} :: look, looks, appearance, air
вид {noun} :: sight, view
вид {noun} :: kind, sort, species
вид {noun} :: form
вид {noun} [grammar] :: aspect
видать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to see [many times, frequently]; iterative of видеть
видать {v impf} :: to be seen [in the negative sentence, usually in the infinitive]
видать {pred} [colloquial] :: it seems, it looks like
видаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to see, to meet, to see each other
видение {noun} :: vision, sight
видение {noun} :: apparition, dream, ghost
видео- {prefix} :: video- (related to moving images, and especially to television)
видео {n inan} :: video
видеоблог {noun} :: videoblog, vlog (weblog using video as its primary presentation format)
видеодисплей {noun} :: video display, visual display unit
видеозапись {noun} :: video(tape) recording
видеоигра {noun} :: video game (game controlled by a software)
видеоинформация {noun} :: video information
видеокамера {noun} :: video camera
видеокассета {noun} :: videocassette
видеоклип {noun} [music] :: music video (motion picture accompanying a song)
видеомагнитофон {noun} :: video recorder, VCR
видеоматериал {noun} :: video material, video, footage
видеонаблюдение {noun} :: video surveillance
видеоплёнка {noun} :: videotape (tape used to record videos)
видеотека {noun} :: video library, videocassette library
видеотекст {noun} :: teletext
видеофильм {noun} :: video film
видеть {v impf} :: to see
видеться {v impf} :: to see each other, to meet; to date
видеться {v impf} [impersonal] :: to see, to seem
виджет {noun} [graphical user interface] :: widget
видик {noun} [colloquial] :: videotape recorder
видимо {adv} :: apparently, evidently
видимо {adv} [antiquated] :: noticeably, appreciably
видимость {noun} :: visibility
видимость {noun} :: outward appearance, semblance
видимый {adj} :: visible
виднеться {v impf} :: to be seen, to be visible
видно {adv} [colloquial] :: evidently, obviously, apparently, it looks like
видно {pred} :: it is visible, it is conspicuous
видно {pred} :: one is outstanding, one is eminent, one is prominent
видно {pred} [colloquial] :: one is stately, one is portly
видный {adj} :: visible, conspicuous
видный {adj} :: outstanding, eminent, prominent
видный {adj} :: stately, portly
видовой {adj} :: aspectual
видовой {adj} [biology] :: specific
видовой {adj} [relational] :: landscape
видоизмениться {vi pf} :: to evolve, to transform somewhat
видоизменяться {vi impf} :: to evolve, to transform somewhat
видоискатель {noun} :: viewfinder (device)
видывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to see [repeatedly or frequently]; iterative of видеть
виза {noun} :: visa
византиец {noun} :: Byzantine (native of Byzantium)
византийский {adj} [relational] :: Byzantine (relating to the Byzantine Empire)
византинизм {noun} :: Byzantism, Byzantinism
Византия {prop} :: Византия (ancient city)
визг {noun} :: scream, squeal, shriek, screech
визгливый {adj} :: shrill, screechy [of a voice or sound]
визгливый {adj} :: screechy, prone to screeching or screaming [of a person or manner]
визгнуть {v pf} :: to squeal once
визжать {v impf} :: to squeal (to scream a high-pitched squeal)
визир {noun} :: viewfinder; cursor; sighting device
визирь {noun} :: vizier
визит {noun} :: visit, call
визитёр {noun} :: visitor
визитка {noun} :: business card
визитка {noun} [obsolete] :: morning coat
визитная карточка {noun} :: business card, visiting card, calling card
визитная карточка {noun} [idiomatic] :: calling card
визитный {adj} [relational] :: visiting
визуализация {noun} :: visualization (the act of visualizing, or something visualized)
визуально {adv} :: visually
визуальный {adj} :: visual
вий {noun} [mythology] :: "viy" (a creature with gigantic eyelids and eyelashes from hell who kills by looking at people)
вика {noun} [botany] :: vetch, tare
викарий {noun} :: vicar
вики {f inan} :: wiki (collaborative website)
Викимедиа {prop} {f inan} :: Wikimedia
викинг {noun} :: Viking
Википедия {prop} :: Wikipedia
Викисловарь {prop} :: the Russian Wiktionary
виконт {noun} :: viscount (a member of the peerage above a baron but below a count or earl)
Виктор {prop} :: given name
викторина {noun} :: quiz (a test of knowledge)
Виктория {prop} :: given name
Виктория {prop} :: Виктория (state)
Виктория {prop} :: Виктория (capital city)
Виктория {prop} :: Виктория (capital city)
вилка {noun} :: fork
вилка {noun} :: electrical plug
вилла {noun} :: villa
виллан {noun} [historical] :: villein
вилок {noun} [colloquial] :: head of cabbage
вилок {noun} [low colloquial, animate] :: weak, wretched man; pussy
вилочка {noun} :: diminutive of вилка: little fork
вилы {noun} :: pitchfork
вильнуть {v pf} :: to wag
вильнуть {v pf} :: to twist, to zigzag, to make sharp turns, (river) to meander
вильнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to prevaricate, to be evasive
Вильнюс {prop} :: Вильнюс (capital city)
вильнюсский {adj} [relational] :: вильнюсский (capital)
вилять {v impf} :: to wag
вилять {v impf} :: to twist, to zigzag, to make sharp turns, (river) to meander
вилять {v impf} [colloquial] :: to prevaricate, to be evasive
вина {noun} :: guilt, fault; blame
вина {noun} [musical instruments] :: veena
Виндхук {prop} :: Виндхук (city/capital city)
винегрет {noun} :: vinaigrette, a Russian salad
винегрет {noun} [colloquial] :: a mixture, a blending
вини {noun} [colloquial] :: spades (one of the four suits of playing cards, marked with the symbol ♠)
винил {noun} :: vinyl
винительный {adj} [grammar] :: accusative
винительный падеж {noun} :: accusative case
винить {v impf} :: to accuse, to blame
винище {noun} [pejorative] :: wine
винкель {noun} [historical] :: winkel (color and letter coded patch used by Nazis to classify prisoners in concentration camps)
Виннипег {prop} :: Виннипег (capital city)
Виннипег {prop} :: Виннипег (large lake)
Виннипег {prop} :: Виннипег (river)
Винни-Пух {prop} :: Winnie-the-Pooh
винно-красный {adj} :: vinaceous, vinous
винный {adj} [relational] :: wine
вино {noun} :: wine
виновато {adv} :: guiltily
виноватый {adj} :: guilty
виновник {noun} :: culprit
виновница {noun} :: female culprit
виновность {noun} :: guilt, culpability
виновный {adj} :: culpable, guilty
виновный {noun} :: culprit
виноград {noun} [uncountable, collectively] :: grape, grapes
виноград {noun} :: vintage
виноград {noun} :: vine
виноградарство {noun} :: viticulture (agricultural practice of growing grape vines)
виноградарь {noun} :: viticulturist, winegrower
виноградина {noun} :: grape
виноградник {noun} :: vineyard
виноградный {adj} [relational] :: grape
винодел {noun} :: vintner, winemaker (manufacturer of wine)
виноделие {noun} :: winemaking (the act of making wine)
винодельня {noun} :: winery (a place where wine is made, or a company that makes wine)
винодельческий {adj} :: wine-making, wine-producing
винокур {noun} :: distiller (person who distills, especially alcoholic spirits or hard liquor by a process of distillation)
винокурня {noun} :: distillery
виноторговец {noun} :: vintner (seller of wine)
винт {noun} :: screw
винт {noun} :: propeller
винт {noun} :: vint (card game, variety of whist)
винт {noun} [slang, computing] :: hard disk (from Winchester, the codename of IBM 3340 drive)
винт {noun} [slang, drug addicts] :: methamphetamine
винтик {noun} :: diminutive of винт: (small) screw
винтик {noun} :: cog in themachine
винтить {v impf} :: to tighten or loosen (a screw)
винтить {v impf} [slang] :: to take to the police
винтить {v impf} :: to play vint
винтить {v impf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to reply evasively
винтить {v impf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to leave
винтовка {noun} :: rifle
винтовой {adj} [relational] :: screw
винтовой {adj} :: fitted with a screw
винтовой {adj} :: screw-shaped, helical
винтовой {adj} :: propeller-driven
винторез {noun} :: threading die, T-antenna
винторезный {adj} :: screw-cutting
винторогий {adj} :: spiral-horned
винцо {noun} :: diminutive of вино
винчестер {noun} :: Winchester (rifle)
винчестер {noun} [computing] :: hard disk, Winchester (disk)
виолончель {noun} :: cello
вир {noun} [obsolete, dialectal] :: whirlpool
вира {noun} [history] :: wergeld
вира {interj} [slang] :: lift!
вираж {noun} :: bend, curve
вираж {noun} [aviation] :: banking, turn, horizontal turn
вираж {noun} [photography] :: toning solution
вирама {noun} :: virama
Вирджиния {prop} :: Вирджиния (state)
виртуальный {adj} :: virtual
виртуоз {noun} :: virtuoso
виртуозно {adv} :: masterfully, in a virtuosic manner
виртуозность {noun} :: virtuosity
виртуозный {adj} :: virtuosic, masterful
вирус {noun} [medicine] :: virus (DNA/RNA causing disease)
вирус {noun} [computing] :: computer virus
вирусный {adj} [relational] :: virus
вирусный {adj} :: viral
вирусология {noun} :: virology
вис {noun} [sport] :: hang
виселица {noun} :: gallows, gibbet
виселица {noun} :: hangman (word game)
висеть {v impf} :: to hang, to be suspended
виски {n inan} {m inan} :: whiskey / whisky
Висконсин {prop} :: Висконсин (state)
Висконсин {prop} :: Висконсин (river)
висмут {noun} :: bismuth
виснуть {v impf} [colloquial] :: to droop, to hang down, to dangle
виснуть {v impf} [colloquial, pejorative] :: to hang on (to), to cling (to)
виснуть {v impf} [colloquial, computing] :: to freeze up
висок {noun} [anatomy] :: temple
високосный {adj} [relational] :: leap (referring to leap years, leap days, etc.)
високосный год {noun} :: leap year (366-day year in the Gregorian calendar)
Виссарион {prop} :: given name
висячие сады Семирамиды {prop} :: Hanging Gardens of Babylon
висячий {adj} :: hanging, suspended
витамин {noun} :: vitamin
витамин B2 {noun} :: vitamin B2
витаминный {adj} [relational] :: vitamin
витать {v impf} :: to hover (to float in the air)
витать {v impf} :: to soar (to fly aloft with little effort; to rise in thought, spirits, or imagination; to be exalted in mood)
витать {v impf} :: to dwell, to be present invisibly, to be in the air (of smell, of sensation, etc.)
витать {v impf} [obsolete] :: to dwell, to stay somewhere
витать {v impf} [obsolete] :: to greet
витебец {noun} :: citizen of Vitebsk
витеблянин {noun} :: citizen of Vitebsk
Витебск {prop} :: Витебск (capital city)
витебчанин {noun} :: citizen of Vitebsk
в итоге {conj} :: as a result (consequently)
витой {adj} :: twisted
виток {noun} :: coil
виток {noun} :: (of a spiral) turn
виток {noun} :: round, stage, phase
виток {noun} :: (at the orbit) circuit
витраж {noun} :: stained glass window
витрина {noun} :: shop window
витрина {noun} :: showcase
вить {v impf} :: to wind
вить {v impf} :: to twist, to weave
виться {v impf} :: (hair) to wave, to curl
виться {v impf} :: (plants) to twine (about, round)
виться {v impf} :: (birds, insects etc.) to hover
виться {v impf} :: (sut etc.) to eddy, to whirl
виться {v impf} :: (river, road) to wind, to meander
виться {v impf} :: (snake) to twist, to writhe
виться {v impf} :: to flutter
витютень {noun} :: alternative form of ветютень
витязь {noun} [archaic, poetic] :: hero, knight
Вифлеем {prop} :: Вифлеем (city)
вихор {noun} :: tuft, forelock, cowlick
вихревой {adj} [relational] :: vortex; vortical
вихрь {noun} :: whirlwind
вихрь {noun} :: vortex, swirl
вихрь {noun} :: eddy, twirl
вице- {prefix} :: vice- (deputy)
вице-губернатор {noun} :: vice-governor, deputy governor
вице-мэр {noun} :: vice-mayor
вице-президент {noun} :: vice president
вице-президентский {adj} :: vice-presidential
вице-президентство {noun} :: vice-presidency
вице-премьер {noun} :: deputy prime minister, vice prime minister
вице-спикер {noun} :: deputy speaker, vice-speaker
-вич {suffix} :: A surname suffix
ВИЧ {m inan} :: HIV
вич-инфекция {noun} :: alternative form of ВИЧ-инфекция
ВИЧ-инфекция {noun} :: HIV infection
вич-инфицированный {adj} :: alternative form of ВИЧ-инфицированный
вич-инфицированный {noun} :: alternative form of ВИЧ-инфицированный
ВИЧ-инфицированный {adj} :: HIV-infected
ВИЧ-инфицированный {noun} :: HIV-infected person
вишневый {adj} [dated] :: alternative form of вишнёвый
вишнёвый {adj} [relational] :: cherry
вишнёвый {adj} :: (dark) cherry [color], cherry red
вишня {noun} :: cherry, sour cherry (Prunus cerasus)
вишь {interj} [colloquial] :: see!; (just) look, listen; there; oh; now
вкалывать {v impf} :: to stick (in, into)
вкалывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to inject (to), to give a shot (of)
вкалывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to work hard, to sweat (one's guts out)
вкапывать {v impf} :: to dig in, to plant in, to dig (into), to plant (in)
вкл. {n inan} :: on, to turn on (typical caption on electric switches, "ON")
вкл. {n inan} :: inclusion
вкл. {adj} :: on, to turn on (typical caption on electric switches, "ON")
вкл. {prep} :: including
вкл. {f inan} [publishing] :: inset
вклад {noun} :: deposit (money placed in an account), account [in a bank]
вклад {noun} :: contribution (something given or offered that adds to a larger whole)
вкладка {noun} :: inset
вкладка {noun} :: insert
вкладка {noun} :: inlay
вкладка {noun} :: supplementary sheet
вкладчик {noun} :: depositor, investor
вкладывать {v impf} :: to enclose, to insert, to put in; to sheathe; to embed
вкладывать {v impf} :: to invest, to deposit
вкладывать {v impf} :: to contribute
вкладываться {v impf} :: to fit [in]
вкладываться {v impf} :: to invest [in], to buy [into]
вкладываться {v impf} [figurative] :: to be devoted [to], to devote oneself [to]
вкладыш {noun} :: bushing (type of bearing to reduce friction)
вкладыш {noun} :: insert, inset
вклинивать {vt impf} :: to insert with a wedge, to wedge [в + accusative, into something, e.g. a hole or slot]
вклинивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to insert (a word, remark, etc.) into someone's speech
вклиниваться {v impf} :: to jut out in a wedge shape
вклиниваться {v impf} :: to rush, to penetrate [в + accusative, into the middle of something]
вклиниваться {v impf} :: to interrupt, to meddle [в + accusative, in something, e.g. a conversation or relationship]
вклинить {vt pf} :: to insert with a wedge, to wedge [в + accusative, into something, e.g. a hole or slot]
вклинить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to insert (a word, remark, etc.) into someone's speech
вклиниться {v pf} :: to jut out in a wedge shape
вклиниться {v pf} :: to rush, to penetrate [в + accusative, into the middle of something]
вклиниться {v pf} :: to interrupt, to meddle [в + accusative, in something, e.g. a conversation or relationship]
включать {vt impf} :: to switch on, to power up, to enable (to put a mechanism, device or system into operation)
включать {vt impf} :: to include (to bring into as a part or member)
включаться {v impf} :: to be included in, to become part of
включаться {v impf} :: to join, to take part [в in]
включая {prep} :: including
включение {noun} :: inclusion (addition or annex to a group, set or total)
включение {noun} :: turning on, switching on
включение {noun} :: connection
включение {noun} :: powering up, starting up
включительно {adv} :: inclusive
включить {vt pf} :: to switch on, to power up, to enable (to put a mechanism, device or system into operation)
включить {vt pf} :: to include (to bring into as a part or member)
включиться {v pf} :: to be included in, to become part of
включиться {v pf} :: to join, to take part [в in]
вколотить {v pf} :: to beat in so that it enters, to slot
вколоть {v pf} :: to stick (in, into)
вколоть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to inject (to), to give a shot (of)
вконец {adv} [colloquial] :: entirely, completely, absolutely, utterly
в конце концов {adv} :: at long last, in the end, finally, ultimately
в конце концов {adv} :: after all
вкопать {v pf} :: to dig in, to plant in, to dig (into), to plant (in)
вкрадчиво {adv} :: insinuatingly, ingratiatingly
вкрадчивый {adj} :: smarmy, ingratiating, insinuating, subtle
вкрадываться {v impf} :: to steal in, to creep in, to slip in
вкрапление {noun} :: inclusion, speck, droplet
вкрапление {noun} [geology] :: dissemination, impregnation
вкрасться {v pf} :: to steal in, to creep in, to slip in
вкратце {adv} :: summarily, in a nutshell, briefly
вкривь {adv} :: haphazard; at random
вкривь {adv} :: unevenly; awry; crookedly
вкрутую {adv} :: hard-boiled
вкупе {adv} [dated] :: together, coupled
в курсе {adv} :: in the know, aware, abreast, informed
вкус {noun} :: taste (one of the sensations produced by the tongue)
вкус {noun} :: flavour, fancy
вкус {noun} :: style, manner
вкусить {v pf} [literary] :: to partake (of), to taste (of)
вкуснее {adv} :: comparative of вкусный
вкуснее {adv} :: comparative of вкусно
вкусно {adv} :: that tastes well
вкусный {adj} :: tasty (having a pleasant flavor)
вкусняшка {noun} [food] :: delicacy, titbit
вкусовой {adj} [relational] :: taste; gustatory
вкусовой {adj} [relational] :: flavor, flavoring
вкусовой {adj} :: (grossly) subjective, arbitrary, based on personal taste
вкушать {v impf} [lofty] :: to partake (of), to taste (of)
влага {noun} :: moisture
влагалище {noun} [anatomy, botany] :: vagina
влагалищный {adj} :: vaginal
влагать {v impf} [dated] :: to enclose, to insert, to put in; to sheathe; to embed
Влад {prop} {m anim} :: given name
Влад {prop} {m anim} :: given name
владать {v impf} [obsolete] :: govern, control
владелец {noun} :: owner
владелица {noun} :: female owner
владельческий {adj} [legal] :: possessory
владение {noun} :: possession, ownership
владение {noun} :: property, domain, estate
владеть {v impf} :: to own, to possess, to be master of, to be in possession of
владеть {v impf} :: to govern, to control
владеть {v impf} :: to master, to manage, to wield
Владивосток {prop} :: Владивосток (city/and/seaport/administrative center)
Владик {prop} [colloquial, diminutive] :: clipping of Владивосток
Владик {prop} [colloquiall, diminutive] :: clipping of Владикавказ
Владик {prop} [colloquiall, diminutive] :: clipping of Владислав
Владикавказ {noun} :: Владикавказ (capital city)
Владимир {prop} :: given name
Владимир {prop} :: Владимир (city/administrative center)
владимирский {adj} [relational] :: Vladimir (city in Russia)
Владислав {noun} :: given name, Vladislav
владыка {m anim} {f anim} :: sovereign, lord, arbiter, overlord (judge without control)
владыка {m anim} {f anim} [Eastern Orthodoxy, respectful] :: bishop
владычество {noun} :: power, sway, dominion
владычица {noun} [literary] :: female ruler or sovereign; mistress
влажность {noun} :: humidity (dampness, especially that of the air)
влажный {adj} :: humid, moist, damp
вламываться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to break into, to forcibly enter [в + accusative or к + dative]
влас {noun} [archaic or poetic] :: hair
властвовать {v impf} :: to rule (over), to hold sway (over), to wield power (over)
властелин {noun} :: lord (especially feudal), landowner
властитель {noun} :: ruler, arbiter, sovereign
властительница {noun} :: female ruler, arbiter, sovereign
властно {adv} :: overpoweringly
властно {adv} :: in a domineering or peremptory manner
властный {adj} :: imperious, commanding, authoritative, masterful
властолюбие {noun} :: love of power, ambition
власть {noun} :: authority, authorities, power
власть {noun} :: rule, regime
власть {noun} :: control
власть {noun} [law] :: force (legal validity)
влачить {v impf} [poetic or figuratively] :: to drag, to draw
влево {adv} :: to the left
влезать {v impf} :: to get into (something, also figurative), to climb into, to scramble into
влезать {v impf} :: to fit in, to go in
влезать {v impf} :: to meddle
влезть {v pf} :: to get into (something, also figurative), to climb into, to scramble into
влезть {v pf} :: to fit in, to go in
влезть {v pf} :: to meddle
влепить {v pf} :: to stick in, to fasten in
влепить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to slap (on), to give a smack (on)
влепить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to give, to deal/mete out (to)
влеплять {v impf} :: to stick in, to fasten in
влеплять {v impf} [colloquial] :: to slap (on), to give a smack (on)
влеплять {v impf} [colloquial] :: to give, to deal/mete out (to)
в лес дрова возить {idiom} [idiomatic] :: to do something that is not needed
влетать {v impf} :: to fly into
влетать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to run into (to enter while running), to burst into
влетать {v impf} [colloquial, impersonal] :: to get into trouble
влететь {v pf} :: to fly into
влететь {v pf} [colloquial] :: to run into (to enter while running), to burst into
влететь {v pf} [colloquial, impersonal] :: to get into trouble
влечение {noun} :: inclination
влечение {noun} :: attraction
влечь {v impf} :: to attract, to draw, to pull, to haul
влечь {v impf} :: to entail, to bring about
влечься {vi impf} :: to drag along [e.g. on the floor]
влечься {v impf} :: to move slowly or with difficulty
влечься {v impf} :: to last, to drag out [e.g. of time]
влечься {v impf} [figurative] :: to strive for, to reach for
влёгкую {adv} [colloquial] :: easily
вливание {noun} :: infusion, injection, pouring in
вливать {v impf} :: to pour in, to instill, to pour (into)
вливать {v impf} :: to instill (in, into)
вливаться {v impf} :: to flow in, to flow into
вливаться {v impf} :: to join
вливающийся {adj} :: flowing into
вливающийся {adj} :: affluent (tributary)
влипать {v impf} :: to get stuck (in)
влипать {v impf} [vernacular] :: to get caught (in), to get (into)
влипнуть {v pf} :: to get stuck (in)
влипнуть {v pf} [vernacular] :: to get caught (in), to get (into)
влить {v pf} :: to pour in, to instil, to pour (into)
влить {v pf} :: to instil (in, into)
влиться {v pf} :: to flow (in, into)
влиться {v pf} :: to join
в лицо {phrase} :: by sight
влияние {noun} :: influence, effect
влияние {noun} :: weight, credibility, power
влиятельный {adj} :: influential
влиять {v impf} [obsolete] :: to pour in
влиять {v impf} :: to influence, to have an influence
влиять {v impf} :: to affect, to govern
влиять {v impf} :: to have effect, to have action
влог {noun} :: vlog, videoblog (weblog using video as its primary presentation format)
вложение {noun} :: enclosure (something enclosed)
вложение {noun} :: attachment (file sent along with an email)
вложение {noun} :: investment
вложить {v pf} :: to enclose, to insert, to put in; to sheathe; to embed
вложить {v pf} :: to invest, to deposit
вложить {v pf} :: to contribute
вложиться {v pf} :: to fit [in]
вложиться {v pf} :: to invest [in], to buy [into]
вложиться {v pf} [figurative] :: to be devoted [to], to devote oneself [to]
вломить {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to hit hard, to wallop
вломить {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to punish
вломить {v pf} [colloquial, school] :: to give a negative mark
вломить {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to imprison [for a specified amount of time]
вломить {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to break out, to start doing (something) suddenly and forcefully
вломить {v pf} [slang] :: to place (a bet)
вломить {v pf} [slang] :: to betray
вломиться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to break into, to forcibly enter [в + accusative or к + dative]
в лучшем случае {prep} :: at best (in the most favorable of conditions)
в любви и на войне все средства хороши {proverb} :: all's fair in love and war
влюбить {v pf} :: to cause (someone) to fall in love, to enamor
влюбиться {v pf} :: to fall in love (to come to have feelings of love)
влюблённость {noun} :: love, infatuation, being in love
влюблённый {adj} :: in love, enamored (affected with love, experiencing love; of a person)
влюблённый {adj} :: (strongly) fond (of) (passionate about some hobby, profession, cause)
влюблённый {adj} :: amorous (expressing love; of a look, tone, etc.)
влюблённый {noun} :: lover
влюблять {v impf} :: to cause (someone) to fall in love, to enamor
влюбляться {v impf} :: to fall in love (to come to have feelings of love)
в любом случае {adv} :: in any case, anyway (in any way), whatsoever
влюбчивый {adj} :: amorous (referring to someone who easily falls in love)
вляпать {v pf} [colloquial, pejorative] :: to insert badly, to sloppily or inappropriately
вляпаться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to step, to plunge [into something dirty]
вляпаться {v pf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to get into trouble
вляпывать {v impf} [colloquial, pejorative] :: to insert badly, to sloppily or inappropriately
вляпываться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to step, to plunge [into something dirty]
вляпываться {v impf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to get into trouble
вм. {prep} :: abbreviation of вместо
вмазать {v pf} :: to fix with cement, to mortar, to putty, etc
вмазать {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to hit, to slap
вмазывать {v impf} :: to fix with cement, to mortar, to putty, etc
вмазывать {v impf} [low colloquial] :: to hit, to slap
вменить {v pf} :: to consider, to regard (something as something else)
вмениться {v pf} :: to be considered [в + accusative, as something, + dative, with respect to someone/something]
вменяемость {noun} :: sanity, imputability
вменяемый {adj} [law] :: sane (able to act consciously and be responsible for one's actions)
вменять {v impf} :: to consider, to regard (something as something else)
вменяться {v impf} :: to be considered [в + accusative, as something, + dative, with respect to someone/something]
в меру своего понимания {prep} [hedge] :: according to one's understanding; as far as one can understand with the data and knowledge available at the moment
вместе {adv} :: together, coupled with, along with
вместе с тем {adv} :: at the same time
вместе с тем {adv} :: moreover
вмести {v pf} :: to sweep (something) [somewhere or into something]
вместилище {noun} :: container, receptacle
вместимость {noun} :: (holding) capacity
вместимый {adj} [literary] :: able to hold, having capacity, capacious
вместительность {noun} :: capacity (ability to hold); capacity (a measure of such ability), volume
вместительность {noun} :: capaciousness, spaciousness, roominess (ability to hold a lot)
вместительный {adj} :: capacious, roomy, spacious
вместить {v pf} :: to contain
вместо {prep} :: instead of
вметать {v pf} [sewing] :: to baste, to tack
вметать {v impf} :: to sweep (something) [somewhere or into something]
вмешательство {noun} :: interference, meddling, intervention
вмешаться {v pf} :: to interfere, to intervene, to meddle
вмешиваться {v impf} :: to interfere, to intervene
вмешиваться {v impf} :: to meddle
вмещать {v impf} :: to contain
вмётывать {v impf} [sewing] :: to baste, to tack
вмётывать {v impf} :: to throw in
вмиг {adv} [colloquial] :: in an instant, in a moment, in a flash, in a twinkling, in no time
вмонтировать {v pf} :: to set into, to build in
ВМФ {m inan} :: navy
вмятина {noun} :: dent
вна {prep} :: in
внаём {adv} :: for hire, for lease
вначале {adv} :: at first, first (at the beginning)
вне- {prefix} :: extra- (outside, beyond)
вне {prep} :: out of, outside
внебрачный {adj} :: extramarital, illegitimate (taking place outside marriage)
внебюджетный {adj} :: off-budget, extrabudgetary
вневедомственный {adj} :: extradepartmental
внедорожник {noun} :: any off-road vehicle, all-terrain vehicle
внедорожник {noun} :: four-wheel drive, landrover, SUV
внедрение {noun} [geology] :: inculcation, intrusion
внедрение {noun} :: introduction (the act or process of introducing)
внедрить {v pf} :: to implant (in), to embed (in)
внедрить {v pf} :: to introduce, to adopt, to implement
внедрить {v pf} :: to inculcate (in)
внедриться {v pf} :: to become embedded (in)
внедриться {v pf} :: to penetrate
внедрять {v impf} :: to implant (in), to embed (in)
внедрять {v impf} :: to introduce, to adopt, to implement
внедрять {v impf} :: to inculcate (in)
внедряться {v impf} :: to become embedded (in)
внедряться {v impf} :: to penetrate
внезапно {adv} :: suddenly, all of a sudden
внезапность {noun} :: suddenness
внезапный {adj} :: sudden, unexpected
внеземной {adj} :: extraterrestrial
внематочный {adj} :: extrauterine
внеочередной {adj} :: extra, extraordinary, special
внеочередной {adj} :: out of order, out of turn
внесение {noun} :: bringing in, carrying in
внесение {noun} :: entry, entering, insertion
внести {v pf} :: to carry in, to bring in
внести {v pf} :: to pay in, to deposit
внести {v pf} :: to bring in / about, to cause, to introduce
внести {v pf} :: to enter, to include, to insert
внести {v pf} :: to move, to bring in, to bring / put forward, to submit, to table
внести {v pf} :: (in expressions)
внестись {v pf} :: to rush (into), to run (into)
внесудебный {adj} :: extrajudicial (carried out without legal authority)
внешне {adv} :: outwardly, externally, outside, outward, outdoors
внешнеполитический {adj} [relational] :: foreign policy
внешнеторговый {adj} [relational] :: foreign trade
внешнеэкономический {adj} :: external economic, foreign economic
внешний {adj} :: outer, exterior, outside, external
внешний {adj} :: outward
внешний {adj} :: superficial, surface
внешний {adj} [politics] :: external, foreign
внешний вид {noun} :: physical appearance (how someone or something looks from the outside)
внешность {noun} :: appearance, look (physical appearance)
внешность {noun} :: exterior, outside
ВНЖ {m inan} :: residence permit
вниз {adv} :: downwards
внизу {adv} :: below, underneath
внизу {adv} :: at the foot of, at the bottom of
вникать {v impf} :: to penetrate, to delve into, to consider carefully
вникнуть {v pf} :: to penetrate, to delve into, to consider carefully
внимание {noun} :: attention
внимание {noun} :: care, heed
внимание {noun} :: note, notice
внимание {interj} :: attention! (also military)
внимательно {adv} :: attentively, closely
внимательно {adv} :: carefully
внимательность {noun} :: attentiveness, attention (mental focus)
внимательный {adj} :: attentive, observant, observing, mindful, watchful
внимать {v impf} [literary, poetic or stilted] :: to listen (to); to hear; to hark (to); to hearken; to heed, to pay heed
вничью {adv} [sport] :: in a draw, in a tie
вновь {adv} :: again, afresh, anew
вносить {v impf} :: to carry in, to bring in
вносить {v impf} :: to pay in, to deposit
вносить {v impf} :: to bring in / about, to cause, to introduce
вносить {v impf} :: to enter, to include, to insert
вносить {v impf} :: to move, to bring in, to bring / put forward, to submit, to table
вносить {v impf} :: (in expressions)
вноситься {v impf} :: to rush (into), to run (into)
ВНП {m inan} :: GNP
внук {noun} :: grandson
внук {noun} :: (plural) grandchildren
внутренне {adv} :: internally, intrinsically
внутренне {adv} :: inwardly
внутренне {adv} :: domestically (as opposed to foreign)
внутренний {adj} :: inner, interior
внутренний {adj} [politics] :: domestic
внутренний двор {noun} :: courtyard (unroofed walled area)
внутренности {noun} :: entrails, guts, internal organs, entrails
внутренности {noun} :: insides, innards, contents
внутренность {noun} :: interior, inside
внутренность {noun} :: pl. internal organs, innards, viscera, entrails, intestines, bowels, garbage, interior
Внутренняя Монголия {noun} :: Внутренняя Монголия (autonomous region)
внутри- {prefix} :: intra-
внутри {adv} :: in or into the interior; inside
внутри {prep} :: in, inside, within [position]
внутриатомный {adj} :: intraatomic
внутривенный {adj} :: intravenous
внутриклеточный {adj} :: intracellular
внутриматочный {adj} :: intrauterine
внутримолекулярный {adj} :: intramolecular
внутримышечный {adj} :: intramuscular
внутрипартийный {adj} :: intraparty, inner-party
внутриполитический {adj} [relational] :: domestic policy
внутриполовой {adj} [biology, sex] :: intrasexual
внутрисекреторный {adj} :: incretory, endocrine
внутрь {prep} :: into, inside [direction]
внучата {noun} [colloquial] :: grandchildren
внучатая племянница {noun} :: grandniece, great-niece (nephew's or niece's daughter)
внучатный {adj} [obsolete] :: alternative form of внучатый
внучатый {adj} :: of one's grandchildren's generation; grand- [referring to generations downward, not upward]
внучатый племянник {noun} :: grandnephew, great-nephew (nephew's son)
внучка {noun} :: granddaughter
внучок {noun} :: diminutive of внук (little) grandson
внучонок {noun} :: diminutive of внучок, diminutive of внук little grandson
внучонок {noun} [in the plural] :: grandchildren
внушать {v impf} :: to arouse (fear, etc.), to instill/inspire (respect, etc.)
внушать {v impf} :: to convince, to suggest
внушение {noun} :: suggestion, infusion; hypnosis
внушение {noun} :: reprimand, reproof
внушительно {adv} :: impressively, imposingly
внушительный {adj} :: impressive
внушительный {adj} :: imposing
внушить {v pf} :: to arouse (fear, etc.), to instill/inspire (respect, etc.)
внушить {v pf} :: to convince, to suggest
внятно {adv} :: distinctly, clearly, audibly (in context of being heard)
внятный {adj} :: distinct
внять {v pf} [literary, poetic or stilted] :: to listen (to); to hear; to hark (to); to hearken; to heed, to pay heed
в/о {n inan} :: higher education
во- {prefix} :: alternative form of в- [used before certain consonant clusters]
во {prep} [location] :: in, at, on (+ prepositional case)
во {prep} [direction] :: to, into (+ accusative case)
во {prep} [time] :: at, in, on
во {particle} [colloquial] :: clipping of вот
вобла {noun} :: vobla, Caspian roach [Rutilus caspicus]
вобла {noun} [colloquial, derogatory] :: an ugly and skinny woman
во благо {prep} :: in favor of, for the sake of, for the benefit of
в обратную сторону {adv} :: in the opposite direction, about (to a reversed position)
вобрать {v pf} :: to absorb, to imbibe
вобрать {v pf} :: to suck in, to drink in
вобрать {v pf} :: to inhale
в общем {adv} :: in general, generally, all in all, on the whole, by and large
в общем {adv} :: (introductory word used to summarize the preceding statements) to sum up, in short, in a word
ВОВ {f inan} :: acronym of Великая Отечественная война: the Great Patriotic War (WW II)
Вован {prop} {m anim} :: given name: pejorative of Владимир
вовлекать {v impf} :: to involve (в + accusative, in)
вовлекать {v impf} :: to drag into, to embroil
вовлекаться {v impf} :: to get involved [в + accusative, in something]
вовлечение {noun} :: drawing in, involving, involvement
вовлечь {v pf} :: to involve (в + accusative, in)
вовлечь {v pf} :: to drag into, to embroil
вовлечься {v pf} :: to get involved [в + accusative, in something]
вовне {adv} [literary] :: outside, beyond (the limits)
во время {prep} :: during (within a given time interval)
вовремя {adv} :: in time, on time, timely
вовсе {adv} :: quite
во всё горло {adv} :: at the top of one's lungs (very loudly)
вовсю {adv} [colloquial] :: as much or strongly as one can, to one's utmost
во-вторых {adv} :: secondly, second (in the second place)
вогнать {v pf} :: to herd (cattle, etc.) into
вогнать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to hammer in, to force in
вогнутость {noun} :: concavity (the state of being concave)
вогнутый {adj} :: concave
вогнуть {v pf} :: to bend inwards
вогул {noun} [dated] :: Mansi
вода {noun} :: water
вода {noun} :: soft drink, soda
вода {noun} [Northern Russia] :: tide
вода {noun} [figuratively] :: watery prose, fluff
водевиль {noun} :: vaudeville
водила {m anim} [colloquial] :: (vehicle) driver
в одиночку {prep} :: by oneself (without company)
водитель {noun} :: driver (of a car)
водительские права {noun} [colloquial] :: driver's license (documenting permitting this person to drive)
водительский {adj} [relational] :: driver [of a vehicle]; driver's
водительское удостоверение {noun} :: driver's license/driver's licence (documenting permitting this person to drive)
водительство {noun} [literary or dated] :: leadership, command
водительство {noun} [colloquial] :: work of a driver/chauffeur
водить {v impf} :: to lead, to conduct, to guide
водить {v impf} :: to drive
водить {v impf} :: to move
водить {v impf} :: to breed
водиться {v impf} :: to associate with, to play with, to consort with
водиться {v impf} :: to be found, to live, to be
водица {noun} :: endearing diminutive of вода
водичка {noun} :: diminutive of вода: water
водка {noun} [usually, uncountable] :: vodka
водник {noun} :: water-transport worker
водное поло {noun} [sports] :: water polo (a water sport)
воднолыжник {noun} :: water skier
воднолыжный {adj} [relational] :: water skiing
водность {noun} :: water content
воднотранспортный {adj} [relational] :: water transport
водные лыжи {noun} [sports] :: water-skiing
водный {adj} [relational] :: water; aquatic
водобоязнь {noun} :: hydrophobia; rabies
водовод {noun} :: water conduit, aqueduct
водовоз {noun} :: water carrier
водовозный {adj} [relational] :: carrying or holding water
водоворот {noun} :: vortex, swirl, whirlpool
водогрей {noun} :: boiler, water heater, kettle
водогрейный {adj} [relational] :: heating water, hot water
водогрейня {noun} [colloquial] :: room for heating of water
водоём {noun} :: water reservoir, basin, pond, body of water
водоёмкий {adj} :: water-retaining
водоизмещение {noun} :: displacement
водокачка {noun} :: pumping station, water tower
водокрас {noun} :: frogbit (Hydrocharis)
водолаз {noun} :: diver, frogman, plunger
водолаз {noun} :: Newfoundland dog
водолазка {noun} [colloquial, rare] :: female diver
водолазка {noun} :: (thin) polo-neck sweater, turtleneck sweater
водолей {noun} [dated] :: someone who pours water, water pourer
водолей {noun} :: Aquarius (someone with a Aquarius star sign)
Водолей {prop} [constellation] :: Aquarius (a constellation of the zodiac in the shape of a water carrier)
Водолей {prop} [astrology] :: Aquarius (the zodiac sign for the water carrier, covering January 20–February 18)
водомерка {noun} [entomology] :: pond-skater [insect]
водомёт {noun} :: pump-jet
водомёт {noun} :: water cannon
водомёт {noun} :: fountain
водонагреватель {noun} :: water heater
водонапорный {adj} [relational] :: water pressure
водоносный {adj} :: water-bearing, aquiferous
водонька {noun} [colloquial] :: diminutive of водка
водоотвод {noun} :: drainage system, overflow pipe
водопад {noun} :: waterfall
водопой {noun} :: watering hole, pond, horse pond
водопой {noun} :: watering
водопровод {noun} :: water pipe; water-supply
водопроводная вода {noun} :: tap water
водопроводный {adj} [relational] :: water pipe
водопроводчик {noun} :: plumber
водораздел {noun} :: watershed
водород {noun} :: hydrogen
водородный {adj} [relational] :: hydrogen; hydrogenous
водородоподобный {adj} :: hydrogen-like
водоросель {noun} :: alternative form of водоросль
водоросль {noun} [usually plural] :: seaweed, algae
водосвинка {noun} :: capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris)
водосгон {noun} :: squeegee
водосгонный {adj} [relational] :: squeegee
водоснабжение {noun} :: water supply
водосодержание {noun} :: water content
водосток {noun} :: drain, gutter
водосточный {adj} [relational] :: gutter
водохранилище {noun} :: reservoir, storage pond / pool, water storage basin
водочка {noun} :: diminutive of водка: vodka
водочник {noun} :: manufacturer and/or seller of vodka, strong liquor
водочник {noun} [colloquial, rare] :: drunkard, someone who drinks a lot of vodka
водочница {noun} :: female manufacturer and/or seller of vodka, strong liquor
водочница {noun} [colloquial, rare] :: female drunkard, someone who drinks a lot of vodka
водочный {adj} [relational] :: vodka
водросль {noun} [non-standard] :: alternative form of водоросль
водружать {v impf} :: to hoist, to raise, to erect
водрузить {v pf} :: to hoist, to raise, to erect
воды Антарктики {prop} :: Antarctic Ocean
водянистый {adj} :: watery, watered-down
водянистый {adj} :: watery, wishy-washy
водянистый {adj} :: pale, watery
водяной {adj} [relational] :: water
водяной {noun} [mythology] :: vodyanoy (a water sprite in Slavic mythology)
водяной кресс {noun} :: watercress (Nasturtium officinale)
водятел {noun} [colloquial] :: unskilful driver
воевать {v impf} :: to fight, to war, to wage war, to be at war
воевода {m anim} :: voivode, governor of province, duke
воеводство {noun} :: voivodeship (the jurisdiction of a voivode)
воеводство {noun} :: voivodeship (type of province in Poland)
воедино {adv} :: together
военачальник {noun} :: commander, military leader; leader in war
военизированный {adj} :: militarized; paramilitary
военком {noun} :: military commissar
военкомат {noun} :: military commissariat (military registration and enlistment office)
военно-воздушные силы {noun} :: air force
военно-воздушный {adj} [relational] :: air force
военное искусство {noun} :: martial art (military prowess)
военное положение {noun} :: martial law
военно-морские силы {noun} :: navy (sea force)
военно-морской {adj} :: naval
военно-морской флот {noun} :: navy
военнопленный {noun} :: prisoner of war
военно-политический {adj} [relational] :: military-political, military policy
военно-промышленный {adj} :: military-industrial
военнослужащий {noun} [military] :: military man, military personnel, serviceman, soldier
военно-технический {adj} [relational] :: military technology
военно-транспортный {adj} [relational] :: military transport
военный {adj} [relational] :: war; military
военный {adj} :: martial
военный {noun} :: soldier, military man
военный корабль {noun} :: warship (type of watercraft)
военрук {noun} :: military instructor
военторг {noun} :: the Russian system of military trade
военторг {noun} :: a military shop/store of that system
военщина {noun} [collective, disapproving] :: militarists, military clique
вожак {noun} :: leader, ringleader
вожатый {noun} :: counselor (camp counselor)
вожделение {noun} :: lust, desire (strong attraction)
вожделенный {adj} :: eagerly desired, longed-for
вождение {noun} :: driving (of a vehicle)
вождь {noun} :: chief, chieftain [of a tribe]
вождь {noun} :: leader [inspiring or commanding a movement]
вождь {noun} [dated] :: captain [leading an army]
вожжа {noun} :: rein (strap or rope for guiding an animal; also figuratively; usually plural)
вожжи {noun} [also figuratively] :: reins [now usually plural]
воз- {prefix} [used with verbs] :: upwards, up
воз- {prefix} [used with verbs] :: returning, re-
воз {noun} :: cart
воз {noun} :: cartload
возбранить {v pf} [literary] :: to prohibit, to forbid
возбранять {v impf} [literary] :: to prohibit, to forbid
возбудимый {adj} :: excitable
возбудитель {noun} :: stimulant
возбудитель {noun} [medicine] :: causative agent
возбудитель {noun} [engineering] :: exciter
возбудить {v pf} :: to excite
возбудить {v pf} :: to arouse, to rouse, to provoke
возбудить {v pf} :: to stimulate
возбудить {v pf} :: to incite, to stir up, to instigate
возбудить {v pf} :: to raise, to bring, to present
возбудиться {v pf} :: to become excited, to become aroused, to be turned on
возбуждать {v impf} :: to excite
возбуждать {v impf} :: to arouse, to rouse, to provoke
возбуждать {v impf} :: to stimulate
возбуждать {v impf} :: to incite, to stir up, to instigate
возбуждать {v impf} :: to raise, to bring, to present
возбуждаться {v impf} :: to become excited, to become aroused, to be turned on
возбуждающий {adj} :: stimulating, rousing
возбуждающий {adj} :: exciting, provocative
возбуждение {noun} :: arousal
возбуждённо {adv} :: excitedly
возбуждённый {adj} :: excited (experiencing excitement) [person, crowd, etc.; normally animate]
возбуждённый {adj} :: aroused, horny
возбуждённый {adj} :: excited (expressing excitement) [speech, state, etc.; normally inanimate]
возведение {noun} :: raising, erection
возведение {noun} :: exponentiation
возвести {v pf} :: to raise, to erect
возвести {v pf} [math] :: to exponentiate, to raise to a power
возвести {v pf} :: to derive (к from something in the past)
возвести {v pf} :: to cast (an accusation)
возвестить {v pf} [lofty] :: to announce, to proclaim, to herald
возвещать {v impf} [lofty] :: to announce, to proclaim, to herald
возводить {v impf} :: to raise, to erect
возводить {v impf} [math] :: to exponentiate, to raise to a power
возводить {v impf} :: to derive (к from something in the past)
возводить {v impf} :: to cast (an accusation)
возврат {noun} :: return (act of returning)
возврат {noun} :: restitution, reimbursement
возвратить {v pf} :: to return, to give back
возвратиться {v pf} :: to return, to come back
возвратное местоимение {noun} [grammar] :: reflexive pronoun
возвратный {adj} [medicine] :: recurrent
возвратный {adj} [grammar] :: reflexive
возвратный глагол {noun} [grammar] :: reflexive verb
возвращать {v impf} :: to return, to give back
возвращаться {v impf} :: to return, to come back
возвращение {noun} :: return
возвращение {noun} :: restitution
возвысить {v pf} :: to raise (to), to elevate (to)
возвысить {v pf} :: to elevate, to ennoble
возвыситься {v pf} :: to rise
возвыситься {v pf} :: to surpass
возвышать {v impf} :: to raise (to), to elevate (to)
возвышать {v impf} :: to elevate, to ennoble
возвышаться {v impf} :: to rise
возвышаться {v impf} :: to tower (above)
возвышаться {v impf} :: to surpass
возвышение {noun} :: rise, rising
возвышение {noun} :: elevation
возвышение {noun} :: dais
возвышенность {noun} :: altitude, elevation, eminence, height, highness, hill, hummock, loftiness
возвышенный {adj} :: lofty, sublime
возглавить {v pf} :: to lead, to head, to be at head
возглавлять {v impf} :: to lead, to head, to be at head
возглас {noun} :: exclamation, cry, outcry
возгорание {noun} :: ignition, flare up
возгорать {v impf} [figurative] :: to flare up, to be inflamed with [strong feelings, etc., + instrumental]
возгораться {vi impf} :: to ignite, to flare up
возгораться {v impf} [figurative] :: to flare up, to be inflamed with [strong feelings, etc., + instrumental]
возгореть {v pf} [dated, figurative] :: to flare up, to be inflamed with [strong feelings, etc., + instrumental]
возгореться {vi pf} :: to ignite, to flare up
возгореться {v pf} [figurative] :: to flare up, to be inflamed with [strong feelings, etc., + instrumental]
воздавать {v impf} [dated or literary] :: to render, to do (something) in recognition of something
воздавать {v impf} [literary, figurative] :: to repay, to reward, to recompense [+ instrumental of thing repaid]
воздать {v pf} [dated or literary] :: to render, to do (something) in recognition of something
воздать {v pf} [literary, figurative] :: to repay, to reward, to recompense [+ instrumental of thing repaid]
воздаяние {noun} :: retribution, requital, punishment, payback, revenge (punishment inflicted in the spirit of moral outrage or personal vengeance)
воздвигать {v impf} :: to erect, to raise
воздвигнуть {v pf} :: to erect, to raise
воздевать {v impf} [literary] :: to raise (one's hands)
воздействие {noun} :: effect, influence (upon, on, over)
воздействие {noun} :: impact
воздействовать {v both} :: to affect (to influence or alter) (на + accusative case)
воздержание {noun} :: abstinence (the act or practice of abstaining)
воздержание {noun} :: celibacy (the condition or state of being celibate)
воздержанность {noun} :: abstention (the act of abstaining)
воздержанный {adj} :: abstemious, temperate
воздержаться {v pf} :: to refrain, to abstain, to keep oneself
воздержаться {v pf} :: to decline, to forbear
воздерживаться {v impf} :: to refrain, to abstain, to keep oneself
воздерживаться {v impf} :: to decline, to forbear
воздеть {v pf} [literary] :: to raise (one's hands)
воздух {noun} [usually, uncountable] :: air
воздух {noun} [figurative] :: air, atmosphere
воздух {noun} [criminal slang] :: money
воздух {noun} [religion] :: the veil for church communion vessels
воздухозаборник {noun} :: air intake (jet fighters, rockets, etc.)
воздухоочиститель {noun} :: air purifier (device used to remove contaminants from the air)
воздухоплавание {noun} :: aeronautics, aerostatics
воздушная армия {noun} [aviation, military] :: air force
воздушная трасса {noun} :: airway (flight path used by aeroplanes)
воздушно-десантный {adj} [military] :: airborne
воздушнодуговой {adj} [relational, electricity, engineering] :: air-arc (related to arc welding with the removal of metal by compressed air)
воздушное пространство {noun} :: airspace (controlled portion of atmosphere)
воздушное судно {noun} :: aircraft (machine capable of atmospheric flight)
воздушно-космический {adj} [relational] :: aerospace
воздушный {adj} [relational] :: air; aerial
воздушный {adj} :: airy
воздушный змей {noun} :: kite (flying toy on string)
воздушный мост {noun} :: airlift (the transportation of troops)
воздушный налёт {noun} :: air raid (attack on a ground target by military aircraft)
воздушный тормоз {noun} :: airbrake (jet fighter)
воздушный удар {noun} :: airstrike (attack by military aircraft)
воздушный фильтр {noun} [automobiles, tanks, engines] :: air cleaner, air filter
воздушный шар {noun} :: balloon
воззвание {noun} :: appeal (entreaty)
воззвать {v pf} :: to appeal (to someone for)
воззрение {noun} :: view, opinion, outlook
воззреть {v pf} :: to look (at), to gaze (at)
воззриться {v pf} :: to stare (at), to start staring
возить {v impf} :: to convey, to carry (by vehicle), to deliver, to transport
возиться {v impf} :: to busy oneself, to mess around, to spend time, to take trouble
возиться {v impf} :: to tinker
возлагать {v impf} [literary] :: to lay, to place (something on a certain area for memorial purposes)
возлагать {v impf} [literary] :: to assign (someone with tasks, commands, blames, hopes, or responsibilities)
возле {prep} :: beside, by, near
возлежать {v impf} [literary] :: to recline [as e.g. in Roman banquets]
возлияние {noun} [religion, also jocular] :: libation
возлияние {noun} [colloquial] :: drinking-bout
возложение {noun} [literary] :: laying, placing [for memorial purposes]
возложение {noun} [literary] :: entrusting, assigning [of tasks, responsibilities, hopes, blame, etc.]
возложить {v pf} [literary] :: to lay, to place (something on a certain area for memorial purposes)
возложить {v pf} [literary] :: to assign (someone with tasks, commands, blames, hopes, or responsibilities)
возлюбить {v pf} [poеtic, dated] :: to come to love, to fall in love
возлюбленная {noun} :: sweetheart
возлюбленный {adj} :: beloved
возлюбленный {noun} :: lover, love, sweetheart
возмездие {noun} :: retribution, requital, punishment, payback, revenge (punishment inflicted in the spirit of moral outrage or personal vengeance)
возместить {v pf} :: to reimburse
возместить {v pf} :: to compensate, to indemnify, to atone (to make reparation, compensation, or amends, for an offence or a crime)
возместить {v pf} :: to refund, to repay
возместить {v pf} :: to offset
возместить {v pf} :: to recoup
возместить {v pf} :: to replace
возместить {v pf} :: to redress
возместиться {v pf} :: to be recovered, to replaced, to repaid or recouped
возмещать {v impf} :: to reimburse
возмещать {v impf} :: to compensate, to indemnify, to atone (to make reparation, compensation, or amends, for an offence or a crime)
возмещать {v impf} :: to refund, to repay
возмещать {v impf} :: to offset
возмещать {v impf} :: to recoup
возмещать {v impf} :: to replace
возмещать {v impf} :: to redress
возмещаться {v impf} :: to be recovered, to replaced, to repaid or recouped
возмещение {noun} :: compensation, indemnification, reimbursement, refund
возмещение {noun} :: compensation, indemnity, damages
возможно {adv} [hedge] :: perhaps, possibly, as ... as possible
возможность {noun} :: opportunity, chance, potential (chance for advancement, progress or profit)
возможность {noun} :: possibility
возможный {adj} :: possible, probable (able but not certain to happen)
возмочь {v pf} [literary, dated] :: to be able to, to have the strength to, to be in a position to (do something)
возмужалость {noun} [literary] :: virile maturity
возмужалый {adj} [literary] :: mature, grown up [of a man]; virile
возмутительный {adj} :: outrageous
возмутительный {adj} [dated] :: inciting rebellion
возмутить {v pf} :: to outrage, to anger, to make indignant, to trouble
возмутиться {v pf} :: to be indignant, to be filled with indignation, to be exasperated, to be outraged
возмутиться {v pf} :: to rebel
возмущать {v impf} :: to outrage, to anger, to make indignant, to trouble
возмущаться {v impf} :: to be indignant at/with something, to be filled with indignation, to be exasperated, to be outraged
возмущаться {v impf} :: to rebel
возмущение {noun} :: indignation, resentment (anger or displeasure felt out of belief that others have engaged in wrongdoing or mistreatment)
возмущение {noun} [physics] :: disturbance
возмущённо {adv} :: indignantly
возмущённый {adj} :: outraged, perturbed, angry, indignant [experiencing anger or rage towards someone; normally of a person]
возмущённый {adj} :: outraged, perturbed, angry, indignant [expressing anger or rage; of a face, look, tone, etc.; normally inanimate]
вознаградить {v pf} :: to reward
вознаградить {v pf} :: to remunerate
вознаграждать {v impf} :: to reward
вознаграждать {v impf} :: to remunerate
вознаграждение {noun} :: reward, recompense; remuneration; payoff
вознамериваться {v impf} [dated, humorous] :: to intend (+ to), to make up one's mind (+ to), to conceive the idea (of)
вознамериться {v pf} [dated, humorous] :: to intend (+ to), to make up one's mind (+ to), to conceive the idea (of)
возненавидеть {v pf} :: to hate, to start hating
вознесение {noun} :: apotheosis, ascension (loosely, release from earthly life, ascension to heaven; death)
Вознесение {prop} :: Ascension (holiday celebrating Ascension of Jesus)
вознести {v pf} :: to raise high, to uplift
вознести {v pf} :: to exalt
вознестись {v pf} :: to rise, to tower
вознестись {v pf} [ironical] :: to become conceited/stuck-up
возникать {v impf} :: to arise, to appear, to emerge, to originate, to spring up
возникать {v impf} [slang] :: to object, to protest
возникновение {noun} :: beginnings, emergence
возникнуть {v pf} :: to arise, to appear, to emerge, to originate, to spring up
возница {m anim} {f anim} :: charioteer, coachman, wagoner (someone who drives a wagon), cart driver
возничий {noun} :: charioteer, coachman, wagoner, (cart) driver
возничий {adj} [relational] :: charioteer, coachman, wagoner, (cart) driver; charioteer's, coachman's, wagoner's, cart driver's
Возничий {prop} [constellation] :: Auriga
возносить {v impf} :: to raise high, to uplift
возносить {v impf} :: to exalt
возноситься {v impf} :: to rise, to tower
возноситься {v impf} [ironical] :: to become conceited/stuck-up
возня {noun} :: fuss, bustle, scurrying, fumbling
возня {noun} :: trouble, bother
возня {noun} :: noise, racket, romp, roughhousing
возобладать {v pf} [literary] :: to prevail [над + instrumental, over something/someone]
возобновить {v pf} :: to renew, to resume, to recommence, to revive
возобновиться {v pf} :: to recommence
возобновление {noun} :: renewal; resumption, recommencement
возобновляемый {adj} :: renewable
возобновлять {v impf} :: to renew, to resume, to recommence, to revive
возомнить {v pf} [dated, literary] :: to think, to imagine, to suspect
возомнить {v pf} :: to think too high (of oneself)
возопить {v pf} :: to start to clamour, to start to yell
возопиять {v pf} :: to start to cry out
возражать {v impf} :: to object, to mind, to protest
возражение {noun} :: objection, rejoinder, retort
возразить {v pf} :: to object, to mind, to protest
возраст {noun} :: age (whole duration of a being)
возрастание {noun} :: growth, increase, increment, rise; augmentation
возрастать {v impf} :: to grow up
возрастать {v impf} :: to increase, to rise
возрастающий {adj} :: ascending, increasing
возрастающий {adj} :: progressive, incremental
возрасти {v pf} :: to grow up
возрасти {v pf} :: to increase, to rise
возрастная группа {noun} :: age group (demographic grouping based on age)
возрастной {adj} [relational] :: age; age-related
возрастной {adj} :: age-specific
возрастной андрогенный дефицит {noun} :: andropause (male equivalent of the menopause)
возродить {v pf} :: to revive, to regenerate, to restore
возродиться {v pf} :: to revive, to be revived, to be reborn
возродиться {v pf} :: to return to life, to be restored to life
возрождать {v impf} :: to revive, to regenerate, to restore
возрождаться {v impf} :: to revive, to be revived, to be reborn
возрождаться {v impf} :: to return to life, to be restored to life
возрождение {noun} :: rebirth, renaissance, revival, reconstruction
возыметь {v pf} :: to produce (an effect), to conceive (a wish), to form (intention)
воин {noun} :: soldier, warrior, serviceman, military man
воинский {adj} :: military, martial
воинственный {adj} :: warlike, bellicose
воинство {noun} :: army, host, troops (collective)
воинствующий {adj} :: militant
воистину {adv} [lofty] :: truly, in truth, indeed, verily
воистину {adv} [lofty, parenthesis] :: indeed
Воистину воскрес {phrase} :: (Russian) Happy Easter [reply]
воитель {noun} [poetic] :: warrior
вой {noun} :: howl, wail
войлок {noun} :: felt
войлочный {adj} [relational] :: felt
война {noun} :: war, warfare
война правок {noun} :: edit war (a dispute over the content of a page on a wiki or other editable work)
война Севера и Юга {noun} :: American Civil War
войска {noun} :: troops, armed forces
войско {noun} [military] :: army, host
войско {noun} [in the plural] :: troops, forces
войсковая артиллерия {noun} :: organic artillery (artillery units that make up a permanent part of a larger nonartillery unit and provide specialized capability to the parent unit, including the соединение, the часть, and подразделение)
войсковой {adj} [relational] :: army, military
войти {v pf} :: to enter, to go in(to) (by foot), to get in(to)
войти {v pf} :: to penetrate into
войти {v pf} :: to be included in
войти {v pf} [computing] :: to login
вокал {noun} :: vocalism, singing
вокализация {noun} [linguistics, philology] :: vocalisation
вокалист {noun} :: vocalist, singer
вокалистка {noun} :: female vocalist, singer
вокальный {adj} :: vocal
вокзал {noun} [obsolete] :: park, pleasure garden
вокзал {noun} [transportation] :: station, terminal [with a building for passenger facilities]
вокзал {noun} :: train station, railroad station, railway station, depot [with a building for passenger facilities]
вокзальный {adj} [relational] :: station
вокзальчик {noun} [colloquial] :: endearing diminutive of вокзал: (little) train station, railroad station, railway station, (small) depot
воки-токи {n inan} :: walkie-talkie (portable radio)
вокруг {prep} :: round, around, about
в окружности {adv} :: around, about (circularly)
в окружности {adv} :: in circumference
вол {noun} :: ox, bullock
волан {noun} :: flounce
волан {noun} :: shuttlecock (a lightweight object used in badminton.)
волапюк {noun} :: Volapük
Волга {prop} :: Волга (a <<major river>> in <<c/Russia>>, the longest river in <<cont/Europe>>)
Волга {prop} :: Volga (mid-size Russian automobile often used as a taxi)
волгкий {adj} [dialectal] :: moist, damp, wet
волглый {adj} [dialectal] :: moist, damp, wet
волгнуть {v impf} [dialectal] :: to soak
Волгоград {prop} :: Волгоград (oblast)
Волгоград {prop} :: Волгоград (city/administrative center); formerly Stalingrad, renamed in 1961 during the de-Stalinization campaign; situated on the west bank of the Volga River
волгоградский {adj} [relational] :: Volgograd
волдырь {noun} :: blister (bubble on the skin)
волевой {adj} :: volitional
волевой {adj} :: strong-willed, resolute, determined
волевой {adj} :: authoritarian
волеизъявление {noun} :: declaration of will
волейбол {noun} [sports] :: volleyball (game)
волейбольный {adj} [relational] :: volleyball
волей-неволей {adv} :: willy nilly, perforce, nolens volens
волжанин {noun} :: native of the Volga region
волжский {adj} [relational] :: Volga
волк {noun} :: wolf
волк в овечьей шкуре {noun} [idiomatic] :: wolf in sheep's clothing (a disguised danger)
волк каждый год линяет, а всё сер бывает {proverb} :: the wolf may lose his teeth but never his nature, a leopard cannot change its spots
волкодав {noun} :: wolfhound
волколак {noun} :: werewolf
волкулак {noun} :: werewolf
волна {noun} :: wave
волна {noun} :: wavelength
волна {noun} [dialectal] :: wool of sheep or goats
волнение {noun} :: (at sea) choppiness, roughness
волнение {noun} :: excitement, tizzy
волнение {noun} :: unrest, riot, civil commotion
волнистый {adj} :: wavy, corrugated
волновать {v impf} :: to agitate, to trouble, to excite, to stir, to disturb, to worry, to alarm, to upset
волновать {v impf} :: to ruffle, to stir
волноваться {v impf} :: to worry, to be upset, to be agitated
волноваться {v impf} :: to ripple, to be rough [waves], to billow, to surge
волновая функция {noun} [quantum mechanics] :: wavefunction
волновой {adj} [relational] :: wave; undulatory
волнолом {noun} :: breakwater, groyne, pier
волнорез {noun} :: breakwater
волнующий {adj} :: exciting, stirring
волнующий {adj} :: perturbing, disturbing, nerve-racking
волнующий {adj} :: thrilling
воловий {adj} [relational] :: ox
воловня {noun} :: oxhouse
волога {noun} [obsolete] :: moisture
волога {noun} [regional, dated] :: liquid fat, liquid fatty broth or gravy
Вологда {prop} :: Вологда (city/administrative center)
вологжанин {noun} :: citizen of Vologda
вологодский {adj} [relational] :: Vologda (a city in Russia, administrative centre of Vologda oblast)
володеть {v impf} [obsolete or dialectal] :: to possess, to own
Володя {prop} {m anim} :: given name
волок {noun} :: portage (carrying of boats overland)
волокита {noun} :: a lot of fuss and trouble
волокита {noun} :: red tape
волокита {noun} [dated, colloquial] :: philander, lady's man
волокнистый {adj} :: fibrous; stringy
волокно {noun} :: fibre, filament
волокно {noun} :: grain (of wood)
волоконце {noun} :: diminutive of волокно
волонтёр {noun} :: volunteer
волос {noun} [anatomy] :: a hair
волосатый {adj} :: hairy
волосик {noun} :: endearing diminutive of волос
волосинка {noun} :: (an individual) hair
волосня {noun} [colloquial] :: thick or untidy hair
волосок {noun} :: diminutive of волос: (small) hair
волосок {noun} :: hairspring (of a watch); filament (of a bulb)
волость {noun} [historical] :: volost, district, county
волосы {noun} :: hair
волосяной {adj} [relational] :: hair; pileous
волох {noun} [obsolete] :: a member of one of the Romanic peoples, such as the Italians or Romanians
волочанин {noun} :: citizen of Vyshny Volochyok
волочильня {noun} :: drawplate
волочить {v impf} :: to drag, to trail
волочить {v impf} :: to draw
волочиться {v impf} :: to drag, to trail, to be dragged/trailed
волочиться {v impf} :: to run (after), to dangle (after), to chase (after) (esp. a woman)
волочь {v impf} [colloquial] :: to drag, to haul, to draw
волхв {noun} :: magus, mage
волхв {noun} [paganism] :: a priest
волчий {adj} :: wolfish, wolf's
волчий аппетит {noun} [colloquial] :: the appetite of a wolf
волчица {noun} :: she-wolf (animal)
волчище {noun} :: augmentative of волк
волчок {noun} :: little wolf, wolf cub: diminutive of волк (animate)
волчок {noun} :: spinning top (a toy, inanimate)
волчок {noun} :: little bittern (a bird, animate)
волчок {noun} [regional] :: water sprout, epicormic shoot (inanimate)
волчок {noun} [colloquial] :: peephole in a prison cell door
волчонок {noun} :: wolf cub
волшба {noun} [obsolete] :: magic, sorcery
волшебник {noun} :: wizard, sorcerer, magician
волшебница {noun} :: wizardess, sorceress, witch, fairy
волшебный {adj} :: magic
волшебный {adj} [figuratively] :: enchanting
волшебство {noun} [chiefly uncountable] :: magic (use of supernatural rituals, forces, etc.)
волынка {noun} :: bagpipes (musical wind instrument)
волынка {noun} [colloquial] :: dawdling, delay, procrastination, slacking
волынянин {noun} :: native of Volhynia
вольготно {adv} :: freely, freely and easily, in a relaxed manner
вольер {noun} :: open-air cage, enclosure
вольер {noun} :: aviary, volary
вольница {noun} [historical] :: community of people who escaped the harsh conditions of serfdom and settled on the outskirts of Russia, e.g. Cossacks
вольница {noun} [dated] :: strong-willed person
вольно {adv} :: freely (in a free manner)
вольно {interj} [military] :: at ease
вольнодумец {noun} [dated] :: freethinker
вольнонаёмный {adj} :: working for hire, freelance [especially of a civilian at a military institution]
вольнонаёмный {noun} :: freelancer [especially of a civilian at a military institution]
вольноопределяющийся {noun} [historical, military] :: one-year volunteer, EF
вольность {noun} :: liberty; freedom
вольный {adj} :: free
вольный {adj} :: free, available, at liberty [to do something; + infinitive]
вольный {adj} :: unrestricted
вольный {adj} [sports] :: free-style
вольный {adj} :: familiar, impudent
вольный {noun} :: free man
вольт {noun} [physics] :: volt
вольт {noun} [circus] :: circle (by riders in the circus stage)
вольт-ампер {noun} :: volt-ampere
вольфрам {noun} :: tungsten
волюнтаризм {noun} [philosophy] :: voluntarism (a doctrine that prioritizes the will over emotion or reason)
волюнтаризм {noun} [politics, management] :: arbitrariness, subjective decision making
воля {noun} :: will, willpower
воля {noun} :: power
воля {noun} :: freedom
вомбат {noun} :: wombat
вон {adv} [colloquial] :: there
вон {adv} :: off, out (away), outside, away
вон {interj} :: out, get out!
вона {noun} :: won (currency)
вонзать {v impf} :: to thrust into, to plunge into [в + accusative]
вонзаться {v impf} :: to pierce [в + accusative]
вонзить {v pf} :: to thrust into, to plunge into [в + accusative]
вонзиться {v pf} :: to pierce [в + accusative]
вонтон {noun} :: wonton
вонь {noun} :: stink, stench
вонь {noun} :: smell, smelliness, reek
вонь {noun} :: fetidness, fetor
вонь {noun} :: malodor, malodorousness
вонючий {adj} :: stinking, stinky, smelly
вонючка {noun} :: skunk
вонючка {f anim} {m anim} [colloquial] :: stinker (a person who stinks)
вонючка {f anim} {m anim} [colloquial, derogatory] :: stinker (a contemptible person)
вонять {v impf} :: to stink; to reek
вонять {v impf} [colloquial] :: to complain, to nag
воображаемый {adj} :: imaginary
воображала {m anim} {f anim} [colloquial, clidish] :: smarty-pants, nose-in-the-air, bighead
воображать {v impf} :: to imagine, to fancy
воображать {v impf} [low colloquial, imperfective only] :: to be conceited; to show off
воображение {noun} :: imagination, fancy
вообразимый {adj} :: imaginable
вообразить {v pf} :: to imagine, to fancy
вообще {adv} :: generally, in general
вообще {adv} :: always, usually
вообще {adv} :: altogether, on the whole
вообще {adv} :: at all
вообще {adv} :: [in questions] anyway
вообще-то {adv} [colloquial] :: as a matter of fact, in fact, actually, generally
воодушевить {v pf} :: to inspire; to encourage; to cheer up
воодушевление {noun} :: ardour, enthusiasm, fervour; inspiration
воодушевлять {v impf} :: to inspire; to encourage; to cheer up
вооружать {v impf} :: to arm, to equip
вооружать {v impf} :: to set against, to instigate
вооружаться {v impf} :: to arm, to provide, to furnish (oneself)
вооружение {noun} :: arming, armament
вооружение {noun} :: arm (weapon)
вооружение {noun} :: equipment, rig, requisites
вооружённые силы {noun} :: armed forces, army
вооружённый {adj} :: armed (equipped, especially with a weapon)
вооружить {v pf} :: to arm, to equip
вооружить {v pf} :: to set against, to instigate
вооружиться {v pf} :: to arm, to provide, to furnish (oneself)
воочию {adv} [literary or dated] :: with one's own eyes
воочию {adv} :: plainly, clearly
во-первых {adv} :: first, first of all, for one thing, firstly
вопить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to yell, to scream, to howl
вопиющий {adj} :: outrageous, egregious, appalling, crying
вопиять {v impf} [archaic] :: to appeal [to God for mercy, justice, vengeance, etc.]
вопиять {v impf} [archaic] :: to cry out, to yell, to scream
вопиять {v impf} [archaic] :: to lament, to wail for the dead
воплотить {v pf} :: to incarnate, to embody, to personify
воплотить {v pf} :: to realize (a dream, a project, etc.)
воплотиться {v pf} :: to be incarnated/embodied (in, by)
воплотиться {v pf} :: to ro be personified (by)
воплотиться {v pf} :: to be realized/implemented, to be put into action/practice, to come true
воплощать {v impf} :: to incarnate, to embody, to personify
воплощать {v impf} :: to realize (a dream, a project, etc.)
воплощаться {v impf} :: to be incarnated/embodied (in, by)
воплощаться {v impf} :: to ro be personified (by)
воплощаться {v impf} :: to be realized/implemented, to be put into action/practice, to come true
воплощение {noun} :: incarnation, embodiment
воплощённый {adj} [also figurative, often, ironic] :: incarnate, in the flesh
вопль {noun} :: cry, wail, howl, yell, scream (prolonged cry of distress or anguish)
вопреки {prep} [+ dative case] :: in spite of, contrary to
вопреки всему {phrase} :: against all odds (despite seemingly insurmountable opposition or probability)
вопрос {noun} :: question
вопрос {noun} :: matter, issue
вопрос {noun} :: problem
вопросик {noun} :: diminutive of вопрос
вопросительно {adv} :: interrogatively
вопросительное местоимение {noun} :: interrogative pronoun (pronoun used in a question)
вопросительный {adj} :: interrogative
вопросительный знак {noun} :: question mark (punctuation)
вопросить {v pf} [bookish] :: to inquire (of), to question
вопросный {adj} [relational] :: question
вопрошать {v impf} [bookish] :: to inquire (of), to question
вор {noun} :: thief
вор {noun} [obsolete] :: traitor, apostate, outlaw
вор {noun} :: clipping of вор в законе
вор {noun} :: vore (sexual fetish)
ворваться {v pf} :: to rush into, to burst, to enter by force, violently or hurriedly, to intrude
вор в законе {noun} :: thief in law (under the USSR, a respected, high-ranking criminal who obeys the Thieves’ Code)
воришка {noun} [colloquial, pejorative] :: petty thief
воришка {noun} [colloquial] :: young thief
ворковать {v impf} :: to coo
ворковать {v impf} :: to bill and coo
Воркута {prop} :: Воркута (city)
воробей {noun} :: sparrow
воробушек {noun} :: diminutive of воробей
воробышек {noun} :: diminutive of воробей
ворованный {adj} :: abducted, stolen
воровать {v impf} :: to steal, to pilfer
воровка {noun} :: female thief
воровка {noun} [obsolete] :: female traitor, apostate, outlaw
воровской {adj} [relational] :: thieves'; thievish
воровство {noun} :: theft, stealing, larceny
ворог {noun} [archaic or folk poetic] :: enemy, foe
ворожба {noun} [archaic] :: fortune-telling, sorcery, witchcraft
ворожея {noun} :: (female) fortune-teller, seer, soothsayer
ворожить {v impf} [dated] :: to tell fortunes, to divine
ворон {noun} :: raven
ворона {noun} :: crow (bird)
ворона {noun} :: cuckoo, gawk, gaper, loafer
Воронеж {prop} :: Воронеж (oblast)
Воронеж {prop} :: Воронеж (city/administrative center)
Воронеж {prop} :: Воронеж (left tributary)
воронежский {adj} [relational] :: Voronezh
вороний {adj} [relational] :: crow; crow's; corvine
воронка {noun} :: funnel (utensil used to guide poured liquids)
воронка {noun} :: crater; shell hole (from a shell or a bomb)
воронка {noun} [mathematics] :: whirlpool
воронко {noun} [archaic, regional] :: black horse
вороной {adj} :: black [of horses]
вороной {noun} :: black horse
воронок {noun} [colloquial, animate] :: common house martin (a type of swallow)
воронок {noun} [regional, animate] :: black-coated horse
воронок {noun} [colloquial, inanimate] :: paddy wagon (locked police car for transportation of prisoners)
вороньё {noun} [collective] :: ravens; crows
вороньё {noun} [collective, pejorative] :: greedy or vicious people; enemies
ворот {noun} :: collar (of a shirt)
ворот {noun} :: winch, windlass, wheel and axle
ворота {noun} :: gate
ворота {noun} :: goal (in many sports, e.g. soccer, an area into which the players attempt to put an object)
воротить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to bring back
воротить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to turn away
воротить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to rule, to control, to manage
воротить {v impf} [colloquial, impersonal] :: to make sick
воротить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to bring back; to give back
воротиться {v pf} [dated] :: to return
воротник {noun} :: collar
воротничок {noun} :: diminutive of воротник: collar
воротца {noun} [colloquial] :: endearing diminutive of ворота: (small) gates, wicket
воротца {noun} [colloquial] :: wicket, timber [in a game of cricket]
ворофилия {noun} :: vorarephilia
ворох {noun} :: pile, heap
ворохнуть {v pf} :: to turn over with a rake (straw, hay)
ворохнуть {v pf} :: to turn over once with a rake (straw, hay)
ворочать {v impf} :: to turn, to roll, to shift (something bulky or heavy)
ворочать {v impf} :: to move [with some purpose; + instrumental]
ворочать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to work hard, to work like a dog
ворочать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to conduct, to handle, to turn over [+ instrumental, lots of business or capital]
ворочать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to run, to have control of, to boss [+ instrumental]
ворочать {v impf} [colloquial or dated] :: to return, to bring back, to take back
ворочаться {vi impf} :: to turn, to toss and turn [of the whole body]
ворочаться {vi impf} :: to turn, to roll [of something bulky or heavy]
ворочаться {v impf} [colloquial or dated] :: to return, to come back, to go back
ворошить {v impf} :: to stir, to turning over
ворошить {v impf} :: to turn over with a rake (straw, hay)
ворошить {v impf} :: to ruffle, to tousle (hair)
ворошить {v impf} [figurative] :: to stir up (unpleasant old memories)
ворс {noun} :: nap, pile
ворсильня {noun} :: workshop for napping fabric
ворсить {v impf} :: to nap (fabric) (to form a raised pile on)
ворсовальня {noun} :: workshop for napping fabric
ворсовать {v impf} :: to nap (fabric) (to form a raised pile on)
ворстик {noun} [dialectal, Pskov, rare] :: sausage
ворчание {noun} :: grumbling
ворчание {noun} :: growling, growl
ворчать {v impf} :: to grumble, to complain, to grouse (at), to snarl (at)
ворчливо {adv} :: grumpily, grouchily
ворчливый {adj} :: grumpy, grouchy
ворчун {noun} [colloquial] :: grumbler, nag, nagger, grouch
ворюга {noun} [pejorative, low colloquial] :: thief
вос- {prefix} :: alternative form of воз- [used before a voiceless consonant]
восвояси {adv} [colloquial] :: back (to the original place, where one came from); homewards, homeward, home
восемнадцатилетие {noun} :: eighteen-year period
восемнадцатилетие {noun} :: eighteenth anniversary, eighteenth birthday
восемнадцатилетний {adj} [relational] :: eighteen-year
восемнадцатилетний {adj} :: eighteen-year-old
восемнадцатиугольник {noun} :: octadecagon
восемнадцатый {adj} :: eighteenth
восемнадцать {num} :: eighteen (18)
восемнадцатью {adv} :: 18x, eighteen times as much
восемь {num} :: eight (8)
восемьдесят {num} :: eighty (80)
восемьдесят восемь {num} :: eighty-eight (88)
восемьдесят два {num} :: eighty-two (82)
восемьдесят девять {num} :: eighty-nine (89)
восемьдесят один {num} :: eighty-one (81)
восемьдесят пять {num} :: eighty-five (85)
восемьдесят семь {num} :: eighty-seven (87)
восемьдесят три {num} :: eighty-three (83)
восемьдесят четыре {num} :: eighty-four (84)
восемьдесят шесть {num} :: eighty-six (86)
восемьсот {num} :: eight hundred (800)
восемью {adv} :: 8x, eight times as much
воск {noun} :: wax
воскликнуть {v pf} :: to exclaim, to cry
восклицание {noun} :: exclamation (loud calling or crying out; outcry)
восклицательный {adj} :: exclamatory, interjectional
восклицательный знак {noun} :: exclamation mark, exclamation point (punctuation)
восклицать {v impf} :: to exclaim, to cry
воскобойня {noun} :: wax refinery
восковой {adj} [relational] :: wax; waxen
восковой {adj} :: wax-white
воскресать {vi impf} :: to revive, to resurrect, to rise from the dead
воскресать {vi impf} :: to revive, to feel reanimated, to rise again
воскресать {v impf} :: (feelings, images etc.) to revive, to come back
воскресение {noun} :: resurrection, anastasis
воскресенье {noun} :: Sunday
воскресенье {noun} :: alternative form of воскресение
воскресить {v pf} :: to raise from the dead, to resurrect
воскресить {v pf} :: to revive, to resuscitate, to reanimate
воскресить {v pf} :: to revive, to recall, to call up, to bring back
воскреснуть {vi pf} :: to revive, to resurrect, to rise from the dead
воскреснуть {vi pf} :: to revive, to feel reanimated, to rise again
воскреснуть {v pf} :: (feelings, images etc.) to revive, to come back
воскресный {adj} [relational] :: Sunday
воскрешать {v impf} :: to raise from the dead
воскрешать {v impf} :: to revive, to resuscitate, to reanimate
воскрешать {v impf} :: to revive, to recall, to call up, to bring back
воскрешение {noun} :: resurrection; raising from the dead; revival
в основном {adv} [hedge] :: for the most part, by and large
воспаление {noun} :: inflammation (medical condition)
воспаление лёгких {noun} :: pneumonia
воспалённый {adj} :: inflamed
воспалённый {adj} [figurative] :: excited, feverish
воспалительный {adj} :: inflammatory
воспалить {v pf} :: to inflame
воспалиться {v pf} :: to become inflamed
воспалиться {v pf} [obsolete] :: to be inflamed (with, by)
воспалять {v impf} :: to inflame
воспаляться {v impf} :: to become inflamed
воспаляться {v impf} [obsolete] :: to be inflamed (with, by)
воспевать {v impf} :: to sing (of), to glorify, to celebrate
воспеть {v pf} :: to sing (of), to glorify, to celebrate
воспитание {noun} :: education, upbringing
воспитание {noun} :: training
воспитанник {noun} :: foster child; pupil; alumnus
воспитанница {noun} :: female foster child
воспитанница {noun} :: female pupil
воспитанница {noun} :: alumna
воспитанный {adj} :: well-bred, well-mannered
воспитанье {noun} :: alternative spelling of воспитание
воспитатель {noun} :: educator, (chiefly nursery/kindergarten, orphanage) teacher, mentor; tutor
воспитательница {noun} :: (female) educator
воспитательница {noun} :: governess, mentor; tutor
воспитательница {noun} :: (female) nursery/kindergarten teacher, governess
воспитательный {adj} :: educational, educative, pedagogic
воспитать {v pf} :: to bring up, to rear, to educate
воспитать {v pf} :: to educate, to train (somebody to be somebody)
воспитать {v pf} :: to foster, to cultivate
воспитывать {v impf} :: to bring up, to rear, to educate
воспитывать {v impf} :: to educate, to train (somebody to be somebody)
воспитывать {v impf} :: to foster, to cultivate
восполнение {noun} :: replenishment
восполнение {noun} :: filling of gaps
восполнить {v pf} :: to fill in, to supply
восполнить {v pf} :: to make up (for)
восполнять {v impf} :: to fill in, to supply
восполнять {v impf} :: to make up (for)
воспользоваться {v pf} :: to avail oneself (of something), to make use, to profit (from), to take advantage (of), to seize (an opportunity)
воспоминание {noun} :: memory, remembrance, recollection
воспоминание {noun} :: (plural) memoirs, reminiscences, memorials
воспрепятствовать {v pf} :: to prevent, to hinder, to thwart
воспретить {v pf} :: to forbid, to prohibit
воспрещается курить {phrase} :: no smoking
воспрещать {v impf} :: to forbid, to prohibit
восприимать {v impf} [dated or high-style] :: alternative form of воспринимать
восприимчивость {noun} :: susceptibility
восприимчивость {noun} :: receptiveness
восприимчивый {adj} :: susceptible, impressionable, quickly perceptive to
воспринимать {v impf} :: to perceive, to apprehend
воспринимать {v impf} :: to appreciate, to take in (to be aware of)
воспринять {v pf} :: to perceive, to apprehend
воспринять {v pf} :: to appreciate, to take in (to be aware of)
восприятие {noun} :: perception (conscious understanding of something)
восприять {v pf} [dated or high-style] :: alternative form of воспринять
воспроизведение {noun} :: reproduction
воспроизведение {noun} :: playback, play
воспроизвести {v pf} :: to reproduce
воспроизвести {v pf} :: to recall, to call to mind
воспроизвести {v pf} :: to repeat
воспроизвести {v pf} :: (tape recorder, VCR etc.) to play (back)
воспроизвести {v pf} :: to reprint
воспроизвестись {vi pf} [literary] :: to reproduce [in one's own kind], to multiply
воспроизвестись {v pf} [literary] :: to be produced or created anew, to be re-created, to arise again
воспроизвестись {v pf} [literary] :: to reappear in one's memory, to be reexperienced
воспроизводить {v impf} :: to reproduce
воспроизводить {v impf} :: to recall, to call to mind
воспроизводить {v impf} :: to repeat
воспроизводить {v impf} :: (tape recorder, VCR etc.) to play (back)
воспроизводить {v impf} :: to reprint
воспроизводиться {vi impf} [literary] :: to reproduce [in one's own kind], to multiply
воспроизводиться {v impf} [literary] :: to be produced or created anew, to be re-created, to arise again
воспроизводиться {v impf} [literary] :: to reappear in one's memory, to be reexperienced
воспроизводство {noun} :: reproduction (the act of making copies)
воспроизводство {noun} :: procreation, reproduction (the process by which an organism produces others of its kind)
воспротивиться {v pf} :: to oppose, to object, to resist, to stand up (against), to set one's face (against)
воспрянуть {v pf} [dated, literary] :: to jump up
воспрянуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to perk up, to become more lively
восседать {v impf} [dated, ironic] :: to sit (in state, solemnly)
воссесть {v pf} [dated, ironic] :: to sit down (on)
восславить {v pf} [poetic, biblical] :: to praise, to glorify, to make famous
восславлять {v impf} [poetic, biblical] :: to praise, to glorify, to make famous [to give praise or glory to smb.]
воссоединение {noun} :: reunion
воссоединить {v pf} :: to reunite
воссоединять {v impf} :: to reunite
воссоздавать {v impf} :: to recreate
воссоздавать {v impf} :: to reconstitute, to reconstruct, to renew
воссоздавать {v impf} :: to recall, to remember
воссоздание {noun} :: recreation, reconstruction (act of restoring)
воссоздать {v pf} :: to recreate
воссоздать {v pf} :: to reconstitute, to reconstruct, to renew
воссоздать {v pf} :: to recall, to remember
восставать {v impf} :: to revolt, to rise, to rebel
восстанавливать {v impf} :: to restore, to reestablish, to reinstate
восстанавливать {v impf} :: to recover, to recuperate
восстанавливать {v impf} :: to regain, to retrieve
восстанавливать {v impf} :: to regenerate, to reclaim
восстанавливать {v impf} :: to reconstruct, to rebuild
восстанавливать {v impf} :: to repair, to revive
восстанавливать {v impf} :: to reinstall
восстанавливать {v impf} :: to renew
восстанавливаться {v impf} :: to rehabilitate oneself, to be reinstated
восстанавливаться {v impf} :: to be restored, to recover, to restore one's health back to normal
восстание {noun} :: rebellion, uprising, revolt, insurgency
восстановительный {adj} [relational] :: restoration; reconstructive
восстановительный {adj} [chemistry] :: reducing
восстановить {v pf} :: to restore, to reestablish, to reinstate
восстановить {v pf} :: to recover, to recuperate
восстановить {v pf} :: to regain, to retrieve
восстановить {v pf} :: to regenerate, to reclaim
восстановить {v pf} :: to reconstruct, to rebuild
восстановить {v pf} :: to repair, to revive
восстановить {v pf} :: to reinstall
восстановить {v pf} :: to renew
восстановиться {v pf} :: to rehabilitate oneself, to be reinstated
восстановиться {v pf} :: to be restored, to recover, to restore one's health back to normal
восстановление {noun} :: restoration, renewal (the process of bringing an object back to its original state)
восстановление {noun} :: reinstatement
восстать {v pf} :: to revolt, to rise, to rebel
восток {noun} :: east
Восток {prop} :: the East, the Orient
востоковед {noun} :: orientalist
востоковедение {noun} :: Oriental studies
восторг {noun} :: rapture, ecstasy, delight
восторг {noun} :: admiration
восторгать {v impf} :: to delight, to enrapture, to ravish
восторгаться {v impf} :: to be delighted, to be enthusiastic, to be enraptured, to be in raptures, to be in ecstasies
восторженно {adv} :: enthusiastically, rapturously
восторженность {noun} :: enthusiasm; exaltation
восторженный {adj} :: enthusiastic, ecstatic
восторжествовать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to triumph over
восточноармянский {adj} [relational] :: Eastern Armenian
восточноармянский {noun} [linguistics] :: Eastern Armenian
восточноевропейский {adj} :: Eastern European
Восточное Самоа {prop} :: Восточное Самоа (archipelago/and/overseas territory)
Восточно-Китайское море {prop} :: East China Sea
Восточно-Сибирское море {prop} :: the East Siberian Sea
восточнославянский {adj} [linguistics] :: East Slavic (relating to the East Slavs)
восточнотиморский {adj} :: East Timorese
восточный {adj} :: east, eastern
восточный {adj} :: oriental
Восточный Тимор {prop} :: Восточный Тимор (country/and/island)
востребование {noun} :: claiming, demanding
востребованность {noun} :: demand, need
востребованность {noun} :: being in demand, importance, relevance
востребовать {v pf} :: to claim, to collect (money)
востребовать {v pf} [dated] :: to demand, to require (something to be done)
востребовать {v pf} [dated] :: to summon
востроносый {adj} :: having a pointed, narrow nose
восхваление {noun} :: praise, glorification, praising, laudation, encomium (category of oratory)
восхвалить {v pf} :: to praise, to eulogize
восхвалять {v impf} :: to praise, to eulogize
восхитительный {adj} :: amazing, delightful, admirable (causing wonder and amazement)
восхитить {v pf} :: to enrapture, to delight, to ravish
восхитить {v pf} [dated, high-style] :: to lift up
восхититься {v pf} :: to be delighted
восхититься {v pf} :: to admire
восхититься {v pf} :: to be carried away
восхищать {v impf} :: to enrapture, to delight, to ravish
восхищать {v impf} [dated, high-style] :: to lift up
восхищаться {v impf} :: to be delighted
восхищаться {v impf} :: to admire [+ instrumental case]
восхищаться {v impf} :: to be carried away
восхищение {noun} :: admiration, delight, rapture, ravishment
восхищённо {adv} :: admiringly, with admiration
восхищённый {adj} :: admiring, rapturous, ecstatic, delighted [experiencing admiration, delight or rapture; of a person]
восхищённый {adj} :: admiring, rapturous, ecstatic, delighted [expressing admiration, delight or rapture; of a face, look, tone, etc.; inanimate]
восход {noun} :: rise
восход {noun} :: sunrise
восход {noun} [dated] :: east
восходить {v impf} :: to ascend, to climb, to go up, to mount
восходить {v impf} [imperfective only] :: to go back (to a particular time)
восходящий {adj} :: rising, ascending
восхождение {noun} :: ascent, rise (act of ascending; motion upwards)
восьмая {noun} :: eighth part
восьмеро {num} :: eight (in a group together), eight of them
восьмёрка {noun} :: number eight, eight (e.g. cards), figure of eight
восьмёрка {noun} [cards] :: eight
восьмёрка {noun} :: No 8 bus, tram, etc
восьмигранник {noun} [geometry] :: octahedron
восьмидесятилетие {noun} :: eighty-year period
восьмидесятилетие {noun} :: eightieth anniversary, eightieth birthday
восьмидесятилетний {adj} [relational] :: eighty-year
восьмидесятилетний {adj} :: eighty-year-old
восьмидесятый {adj} :: eightieth
восьмилетие {noun} :: eight-year period
восьмилетие {noun} :: eighth anniversary, eighth birthday
восьмилетний {adj} [relational] :: eight-year
восьмилетний {adj} :: eight-year-old
восьмиугольник {noun} :: octagon
восьмой {adj} :: eighth
восьмушка {noun} [colloquial, now, rare] :: one eighth
вот {particle} :: here (is), this (is)
вот {particle} :: there
вот {interj} :: here, look (at it)
вот {interj} :: take it! (when offering something, casual)
вот-вот {adv} [colloquial] :: just about to; on the point of
воткнуть {v pf} :: to stick (in, into), to drive (in, into)
в открытую {adv} :: openly
вотола {noun} :: wadmal
вотум {noun} :: vote (formalised choice)
вотчина {noun} :: patrimony (also figuratively), (patrimonial) estate
вотще {adv} :: in vain, vainly
вот это да {interj} :: wow (expression of astonishment)
воцариться {v pf} [dated] :: to ascend the throne
воцариться {v pf} :: to set in, to be established
воцаряться {v impf} [dated] :: to ascend the throne
воцаряться {v impf} :: to set in, to be established
во что бы то ни стало {prep} :: at all costs (sparing no effort)
вошка {noun} :: diminutive of вошь
вошь {noun} :: louse (insect)
вояж {noun} :: voyage, trip (formal)
вояка {m anim} [usually, pejorative] :: warrior, fighter
вояка {m anim} :: fire-eater
впадать {v impf} :: (river) to fall (into), to flow (into)
впадать {v impf} :: (a condition) to fall (into), to lapse (into), to sink (into)
впадать {v impf} :: (cheeks, eyes etc.) to sink in, to become hollow/sunken
впадина {noun} :: depression, hollow, trough, scoop (area that is lower than its surroundings)
впалый {adj} :: sunken [of the cheeks, eyes, or another part of the face or body]
впасть {v pf} :: (river) to fall (into), to flow (into)
впасть {v pf} :: (a condition) to fall (into), to lapse (into), to sink (into)
впасть {v pf} :: (cheeks, eyes etc.) to sink in, to become hollow/sunken
в первую очередь {adv} :: first, in the first place, first of all, above all, of prime importance (before anything else)
впервые {adv} :: for the first time
впереди {adv} :: in front (of), ahead (of), before
вперемежку {adv} [colloquial] :: alternately, in turn
вперемешку {adv} [colloquial] :: pell-mell, in a jumble
вперемешку {adv} [colloquial] :: in all directions, every which way
вперёд {adv} :: forward
вперёд {adv} [colloquial] :: from now on
вперёд {adv} :: in advance
вперить {vt pf} [dated, high register] :: to turn, to fix [especially взгляд, взор, очи]
вперить {v pf} [figuratively, colloquial] :: to get across [idea]
вперять {vt impf} [dated, high register] :: to turn, to fix [especially взгляд, взор, очи]
вперять {v impf} [figuratively, colloquial] :: to get across [idea]
впечатление {noun} :: impression
впечатлительный {adj} :: impressionable
впечатлительный {adj} :: impressive, intense
впечатлить {v pf} :: to impress
впечатлять {v impf} :: to impress
впечатляющий {adj} :: impressive
впиваться {v impf} :: to stick (into), to pierce, to bite (into), to drive one's sting (into), to dig one's fangs (into)
впиваться {v impf} :: to fix one's eyes (on), to fix with one's eyes, to fasten one's eyes (upon), to glue one's eyes (to)
вписать {v pf} :: to enter, to insert (something to the text that is already written by writing)
вписать {v pf} :: to record (something in a diary or a journal)
вписать {v pf} :: to inscribe
вписаться {v pf} :: to blend (with), to fall in (with), to fit (into)
вписаться {v pf} :: to fit (into), to fit in (with)
вписка {noun} :: writing in, filling in [a box in a form]
вписка {noun} :: a name or other text that has been written in or added
вписка {noun} [slang] :: a place to crash, couch surfing accommodations
вписка {noun} [slang] :: an overnight house party
вписывать {v impf} :: to enter, to insert (something to the text that is already written by writing)
вписывать {v impf} :: to record (something in a diary or a journal)
вписывать {v impf} :: to inscribe
вписываться {v impf} :: to blend (with), to fall in (with), to fit (into)
вписываться {v impf} :: to fit (into), to fit in (with)
впитанный {adj} :: absorbed
впитать {v pf} :: to soak up, to soak in, to drink in, to absorb, to imbibe, to take in, to sop
впитывание {noun} :: absorption (act or process of absorbing or sucking in anything)
впитывать {v impf} :: to soak up, to soak in, to drink in, to absorb, to imbibe, to take in, to sop
впиться {v pf} :: to stick (into), to pierce, to bite (into), to drive one's sting (into), to dig one's fangs (into)
впиться {v pf} :: to fix one's eyes (on), to fix with one's eyes, to fasten one's eyes (upon), to glue one's eyes (to)
вплотную {adv} :: closely, tightly
вплотную {adv} :: seriously, in earnest
вплоть {prep} :: up to, right up to, down to
в поисках {prep} :: after (in pursuit of, seeking)
вполголоса {adv} :: sotto voce (quietly (of speech))
вползать {v impf} :: to crawl in, to crawl inside
вползать {v impf} :: to crawl up, to climb up by crawling
вползать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to climb up with difficulty
вползать {v impf} [figurative] :: to penetrate, to creep in [of fear, anxiety, etc.]
вползти {v pf} :: to crawl in, to crawl inside
вползти {v pf} :: to crawl up, to climb up by crawling
вползти {v pf} [colloquial] :: to climb up with difficulty
вползти {v pf} [figurative] :: to penetrate, to creep in [of fear, anxiety, etc.]
вполне {adv} :: quite, fully, entirely
впопад {adv} [colloquial] :: apropos, to the point, to the purpose, opportunely
впопыхах {adv} [colloquial] :: in a hurry, hurriedly, helter-skelter, hastily
впору {adv} [colloquial] :: fitting just right
впору {adv} [colloquial] :: one might as well, one can do little more than
в порядке {adv} :: in order
в порядке {adv} :: all right (in good health)
в порядке {adv} :: in good trim
в порядке {adv} :: in kilter
в последнее время {adv} :: these days (currently, at present)
в последний момент {adv} :: in the nick of time
впоследствии {adv} :: subsequently, afterwards, afterward
впоследствии {adv} :: thereafter, after
впоследствии {adv} :: at a later date
впоследствии {adv} :: in the sequel
в поте лица {adv} :: by the sweat of one's brow
вправду {adv} [colloquial] :: really, indeed
вправе {pred} :: one has a right [used predicatively with an infinitive]
вправо {adv} :: to the right
впредь {adv} :: henceforth, henceforward, from now on, in future, for the future
в придачу {adv} :: in addition, to boot, into the bargain (also; as well)
впрок {adv} :: for future use, in reserve, in store
впрок {adv} :: to one's benefit
впрок {pred} :: it is to someone's benefit, it profits
в противном случае {phrase} :: or else, otherwise
впрочем {adv} :: by the way
впрочем {adv} :: however
впрыск {noun} :: injection
впрыск {noun} [colloquial] :: injected drug
впрыскивать {v impf} :: to inject
впрыскивать {v impf} :: to spray (liquid, solution, gas, etc.) in small doses inside (something)
впрыснуть {v pf} :: to inject
впрыснуть {v pf} :: to inject once
впрыснуть {v pf} :: to spray (liquid, solution, gas, etc.) in small doses inside (something)
впрыснуть {v pf} :: to spray (a single dose of liquid, solution, gas, etc.) inside (something)
впрямую {adv} [colloquial] :: straight, frankly, like it is
впрямь {adv} [colloquial] :: really, indeed
впускать {v impf} :: to let in, to admit
впустить {v pf} :: to let in, to admit
впустую {adv} :: in vain, for nothing (without success)
враг {noun} :: enemy, foe
вражда {noun} :: enmity, hostility, animosity, antagonism (hostile or unfriendly disposition)
враждебно {adv} :: in a hostile manner, in an unfriendly manner
враждебность {noun} :: hostility, animosity, enmity
враждебный {adj} :: hostile, inimical
враждебный {adj} :: malevolent (aspiring to cause harm)
враждовать {v impf} :: to quarrel (with, with each other), to be at war, to be at loggerheads (with, with each other)
вражеский {adj} :: enemy, hostile
враз {adv} [colloquial] :: all together, simultaneously
враз {adv} [colloquial] :: immediately, at once, straight away
вразвалку {adv} [colloquial] :: in a waddling manner, shifting one's weight from one leg to the other
вразвалку {adv} [colloquial] :: sprawling, with arms and legs stretched out
вразумительный {adj} :: intelligible
вразумить {v pf} :: to convince, to enlighten
вразумлять {v impf} :: to convince, to enlighten
в рамках {prep} :: under, within [of condition]
в рамках {prep} :: in accordance with
враньё {noun} :: lies, nonsense, tall tales; vranyo
враньё {noun} :: lying
врасплох {adv} :: unawares, unexpectedly, by surprise
врассыпную {adv} :: in all directions, helter-skelter
врастать {v impf} :: to grow in, to take root, to grow (into)
врастать {v impf} :: to root itself (in)
врасти {v pf} :: to grow in, to take root, to grow (into)
врасти {v pf} :: to root itself (in)
врата {noun} [archaic or poetic] :: gate, gates
вратарь {noun} :: goalkeeper
вратарь {noun} :: goaltender
-вратить {affix} :: Combining form used to form prefixed perfective verbs, with the approximate meaning "to turn"
врать {v impf} :: to lie
врать {v impf} :: to make a mistake
врать {v impf} :: to be inaccurate
врать {v impf} :: to tell tales
врач {noun} [medicine, formal] :: therapist, not surgeon, not hospital nurse
врач {noun} :: doc, vet, medic, physician, doctor
врачебный {adj} :: medical
врачиха {noun} [colloquial] :: female doctor ("врач" is preferred for both genders)
вращать {v impf} :: to revolve, to rotate, to turn
вращаться {v impf} :: to turn, to revolve, to rotate (intransitive)
вращение {noun} :: rotation, revolution (turning around a centre)
вред {noun} :: harm, damage
вред {noun} :: detriment
вредитель {noun} :: pest; vermin
вредитель {noun} :: saboteur; wrecker; troublemaker; damage-doer
вредитель {noun} :: harmful computer program; a piece of malware
вредительство {noun} :: sabotage, wrecking; act of sabotage
вредить {v impf} :: to injure, to harm, to hurt, to damage, to cause damage
вредно {adv} :: harmfully
вредно {adv} [colloquial] :: spitefully
вредно {pred} :: it is harmful
вредность {noun} :: harmfulness
вредность {noun} :: unhealthiness
вредность {noun} [colloquial] :: bitchiness (of a character)
вредный {adj} :: harmful, bad, injurious, detrimental, unhealthy
вредный {adj} :: spiteful
вредонос {noun} [computing] :: harmful computer program, a piece of malware
вредоносный {adj} :: harmful, detrimental, deleterious (causing damage or harm)
врезать {v pf} :: to cut in, to fit in, to cut (into), to fit (into)
врезать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to hit, to paste it, to give a smack
врезать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to give a piece of one's mind, to let have it, to give the business
врезать {v impf} :: to cut in, to fit in, to cut (into), to fit (into)
врезаться {v pf} :: to run into, to cut into, to collide with
врезаться {v impf} :: to run into, to cut into, to collide with
в результате {conj} :: as a result (consequently)
в результате чего {conj} [literary] :: therefore, as a result
врезывать {v impf} :: to cut in, to fit in, to cut (into), to fit (into)
врезываться {v impf} :: to run into, to cut into, to collide with
временами {adv} :: at times, from time to time, now and then, every now and then, now and again, sometimes
временно {adv} :: temporarily
временной {adj} [relational] :: time; temporal
временный {adj} :: temporary, short term, transient
временный {adj} :: makeshift, stopgap
временщик {noun} [historical] :: favourite, minion (of a monarch)
временщик {noun} [derogatory] :: timeserver (someone temporarily and undeservedly raised to a position of authority)
временщик {noun} :: temporary inhabitant or worker
времечко {noun} :: endearing form of время: time
время {noun} :: time
время {noun} :: weather
время {noun} [grammar] :: tense
время года {noun} :: season
время от времени {adv} :: from time to time, at times, now and then, every now and then, now and again
времяпрепровождение {noun} :: pastime
вреть {v impf} [dated] :: to perspire profusely
ври больше {phrase} :: tell it to Sweeney; tell it to the marines
врио {m anim} {f anim} :: acting (temporarily assuming a position)
вровень {adv} :: flush, even, level [с with, +instrumental]
вровень {adv} :: on a par
вровень {adv} [colloquial] :: the same
вроде {prep} :: like, such as, kind of, not unlike, similar to
вроде {particle} :: as if, it seems
врождённый {adj} :: innate, inborn, indigenous
врознь {adv} :: asunder
врознь {adv} :: separately
врозь {adv} :: asunder
врозь {adv} :: separately
Вроцлав {prop} :: Вроцлав (city)
врубать {v impf} :: to insert [в + accusative, into a hole cut in something]
врубать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to switch on, to turn on
врубить {v pf} :: to insert [в + accusative, into a hole cut in something]
врубить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to switch on, to turn on
врукопашную {adv} :: hand to hand
врун {noun} :: liar
вручать {v impf} :: to hand over, to deliver, to present
вручать {v impf} [bookish] :: to entrust
вручение {noun} :: handing in, delivery; presentation (of a reward, bonus)
вручить {v pf} :: to hand over, to deliver, to present
вручить {v pf} [bookish] :: to entrust
вручную {adv} :: manually (by hand)
врываться {v impf} :: to rush into, to burst, to enter by force, to violently or hurriedly, to intrude
врываться {v impf} :: to dig oneself into
вряд {particle} [dated] :: hardly, scarcely
вряд ли {particle} :: I doubt it, (it is) unlikely, I'm afraid not
вряд ли {particle} :: hardly, scarcely
вс- {prefix} :: alternative form of вз- [used before voiceless consonants]
ВС {noun} :: armed forces; abbreviation of вооружённые силы
всадить {v pf} :: to stick (into), to thrust (into), to plunge (into)
всадить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to spend (on), to pour (into)
всадник {noun} :: horseman, equestrian, rider
всадница {noun} :: horsewoman, female rider
всаживать {v impf} :: to stick (into), to thrust (into), to plunge (into)
всаживать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to spend (on), to pour (into)
в самом деле {adv} :: really, truly, indeed, quite
всасывание {noun} :: absorption, suction (act or process of absorbing or sucking in anything)
всасывать {v impf} :: to suck in
всасывать {v impf} :: to soak up, to soak in, to absorb
в свете {prep} :: in light of, in the light of (given, considering)
в свою очередь {adv} :: in turn, in (his, her, its, their, etc.) turn
все- {prefix} :: all-, omni-, pan-
всеведущий {adj} :: omniscient
всевеликий {adj} [religion or dated] :: great, almighty
всевидящий {adj} :: all-seeing (having knowledge of all things said or done)
всевозможный {adj} :: various, of all kinds
Всеволод {prop} :: given name
все-все {pron} [colloquial] :: absolutely everyone
всевышний {noun} [religion] :: the Most High, the supreme God
всегда {adv} :: always
всегдашний {adj} [colloquial] :: customary, accustomed, wonted
всего {adv} :: in total
всего {adv} :: only, merely
всего доброго {interj} :: all the best (good luck)
всего лишь {conj} :: only, no more than
всего-навсего {adv} :: in all
всего-навсего {adv} :: only, a mere
всего наилучшего {interj} :: all the best (good luck)
всего-то {adv} :: only, no more than, a mere
всего хорошего {interj} :: all the best (good luck)
вседозволенность {noun} :: permissiveness, policy of all-permissiveness
все дороги ведут в Рим {proverb} :: all roads lead to Rome (different paths to the same goal)
всезнайка {m anim} {f anim} :: know-it-all
всезнающий {adj} :: omniscient
вселение {noun} :: settlement, accommodation [into a new residence], moving in
вселенная {noun} :: universe, the world
Вселенная {noun} :: universe
вселенский {adj} [relational] :: universe; universal
вселенский {adj} [often ironic] :: worldwide, universal
вселенский {adj} [religion] :: ecumenical
вселить {vt pf} :: to make someone occupy some space; to settle someone or something in
вселить {vt pf} [figurative] :: to imbue (confidence, fear, etc)
вселиться {v pf} :: to move in, to move (into), to install oneself (in), (illegally) to squat (in)
вселиться {v pf} :: to take root (in), to become implanted (in)
вселять {v impf} :: to settle in (somebody for a living), to take in (tenants)
вселять {v impf} :: to instill (hope, horror, etc), to imbue, to inspire
вселяться {v impf} :: to move in, to move (into), to install oneself (in), (illegally) to squat (in)
вселяться {v impf} :: to take root (in), to become implanted (in)
всемерно {adv} :: in all possible ways, in every possible way
всемерный {adj} :: all possible, every possible
всемирно {adv} :: universally
всемирный {adj} :: global, world-wide, universal
всемогущество {noun} :: omnipotence
всемогущий {adj} :: almighty, all-powerful, omnipotent
всему приходит конец {proverb} :: all good things come to an end
все наверх {interj} :: all hands on deck! (order)
всенародный {adj} :: national, nationwide
всенародный {adj} :: public
всенощная {noun} [church] :: night service (vespers and matins)
всенощная {noun} [music] :: vespers
всенощный {adj} :: all-night [especially of a religious service or vigil]
всеобщий {adj} :: universal, general
всеобъемлющий {adj} :: all-encompassing (including everything)
всеоружие {noun} :: full armor
всеохватывающий {adj} :: all-inclusive (providing all amenities, benefits or perquisites in a single package)
все права защищены {phrase} :: all rights reserved (copyright notice formula)
все права сохранены {phrase} :: all rights reserved (copyright notice formula)
Всероссийская чрезвычайная комиссия {prop} :: All-Russian Extraordinary Commission, Cheka (forerunner of the KGB)
всероссийский {adj} :: all-Russian
всерьёз {adv} :: in earnest, seriously
всесветный {adj} :: worldwide
всесильный {adj} :: almighty (unlimited in might)
всесоюзный {adj} :: all-Union (referring to the whole of the Soviet Union)
всесторонне {adv} :: comprehensively, thoroughly, holistically
всесторонний {adj} :: comprehensive, thorough, overall, detailed, all-round, holistic
всеуслышание {noun} :: only used in the expression:
всецело {adv} :: altogether, wholly, entirely, completely
всеядный {adj} :: omnivorous
всё {adv} :: always, all the time
всё {adv} :: only, just
всё {adv} [colloquial] :: only; exactly; all
всё {adv} [colloquial, predicative] :: that's it; done
всё время {adv} :: all along (duration)
всё время {adv} :: always, all the time
всё-всё {pron} [colloquial] :: absolutely everything
всё ещё {adv} :: still, yet, as yet (up to the present)
всё же {adv} :: nevertheless, still, yet, however, that said
всё равно {adv} :: it’s all the same; it doesn’t matter
всё равно {adv} :: anyway; in any case
всё равно что {adv} :: as good as (almost completely)
всё-таки {particle} :: still, all the same, nevertheless, for all that (with a tone of regret)
всё-таки {conj} :: and again, and yet, however, yet (reinforcing something)
всё хорошо, что хорошо кончается {proverb} :: all's well that ends well
вскакивать {v impf} :: (unexpectedly) to jump (up, onto, out of), to leap (on, into, onto), to get up quickly
вскакивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to rise, to swell (up), to come up [e.g. a pimple on the face, a bump on the head]
вскарабкаться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to scramble (up, upon), to clamber (up, on to)
вскарабкиваться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to scramble (up, upon), to clamber (up, on to)
вскармливать {v impf} :: to nurture (an animal); to feed and raise (an animal)
вскармливать {v impf} [folk colloquial] :: to raise, to educate (a child, etc.)
вскидывать {v impf} :: to throw up, to toss up
вскидывать {v impf} [figurative] :: to jerk up (head, hands, etc.)
вскидываться {v impf} :: (horse) to rear
вскидываться {v impf} [coloquial] :: to attack, to go (for), to jump (on)
вскинуть {v pf} :: to throw up, to toss up
вскинуть {v pf} [figurative] :: to jerk up (head, hands, etc.)
вскинуться {v pf} :: (horse) to rear
вскинуться {v pf} [coloquial] :: to attack, to go (for), to jump (on)
вскипать {v impf} :: to boil up
вскипеть {vi pf} :: to boil
вскипеть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to flare up, to fly into a rage
вскипятить {v pf} :: to boil
всклокоченный {adj} [, colloquial] :: disheveled; tousled
всколыхнуть {v pf} :: to rock, to shake, to stir
всколыхнуть {v pf} :: to stir up, to rouse
вскользь {adv} :: in passing
вскоре {adv} :: soon
вскоре {adv} :: before long
вскормить {v pf} :: to nurture (an animal); to feed and raise (an animal)
вскормить {v pf} [folk colloquial] :: to raise, to educate (a child, etc.)
вскочить {v pf} :: (unexpectedly) to jump (up, onto, out of), to leap (on, into, onto), to get up quickly
вскочить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to rise, to swell (up), to come up [e.g. a pimple on the face, a bump on the head]
вскрик {noun} :: shriek, cry
вскрикивать {v impf} :: to shout out loudly
вскрикнуть {v pf} :: to shout out loudly
вскричать {v pf} :: to shout out loudly
вскрывать {v impf} :: to open, to unseal
вскрывать {v impf} :: to reveal, to bring to light, to disclose, to uncover, to expose
вскрывать {v impf} :: to dissect, to make a postmortem, to perform an autopsy on
вскрывать {v impf} :: to burst, to cut, to open, to lance
вскрытие {noun} :: opening, unsealing
вскрытие {noun} :: autopsy, dissection (a dissection performed on a cadaver)
вскрыть {v pf} :: to open, to unseal
вскрыть {v pf} :: to reveal, to bring to light, to disclose, to uncover, to expose
вскрыть {v pf} :: to dissect, to make a postmortem, to perform an autopsy on
вскрыть {v pf} :: to burst, to cut, to open, to lance
всласть {adv} [colloquial] :: to one's heart's content
вслед {adv} :: after, right after, behind, following
вслед {prep} :: after, behind, following
вследствие {prep} :: as a consequence (of)
вслепую {adv} [colloquial] :: blind, blindly
вслух {adv} :: aloud
в случае {prep} :: in case (in the event (of))
вслушаться {v pf} :: to listen attentively (to)
вслушиваться {v impf} :: to listen attentively (to)
всматриваться {v impf} :: to scrutinize, to peer, to look carefully
всмотреться {v pf} :: to scrutinize, to peer, to look carefully
в смысле {adv} [colloquial] :: what do you mean?
всмятку {adv} :: soft-boiled
всмятку {adv} [colloquial] :: completely broken, smashed (e.g. of a car after a bad accident)
всовать {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to stuff, to cram [в + accusative, into]
в совершенстве {adv} :: to a T, to perfection, perfectly
всовывать {v impf} :: to stick, to shove [в + accusative, into]
всовывать {v impf} :: to thrust [into one's hands or a pocket]
в соответствии с {prep} :: according to (based on statement)
всосать {v pf} :: to suck in
всосать {v pf} :: to soak up, to soak in, to absorb
в состоянии {adj} :: able, in the position
вспархивать {v impf} :: to flutter out or up [of birds, butterflies, snow, sheets of paper, etc.]
вспархивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to bound up, to quickly and easily jump up
вспахать {v pf} :: to till (to plow in preparation for sowing)
вспахать {v pf} :: to turn up, to plow up, to loosen [soil, snow, etc.], leaving marks on the surface
вспахивать {v impf} :: to till (to plow in preparation for sowing)
вспахивать {v impf} :: to turn up, to plow up, to loosen [soil, snow, etc.], leaving marks on the surface
всплакнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to cry a little, to weep a little [о + prepositional, about something/someone]
всплеск {noun} :: splash
всплеск {noun} :: bump, burst, flash
всплеснуть {v pf} :: to splash
всплёскивать {v impf} :: to splash
всплывать {v impf} :: to rise to the surface, to surface
всплывать {v impf} [figurative] :: to appear, to pop up, to emerge
всплыть {v pf} :: to rise to the surface, to surface
всплыть {v pf} [figurative] :: to appear, to pop up, to emerge
всполошить {v pf} :: to agitate, to rouse, to startle, to alarm
всполошиться {v pf} :: to be thrown into a flutter, to be startled, to take alarm
вспоминать {v impf} :: to recall, to remember, to recollect, to reminisce
вспоминаться {v impf} :: to come to mind, to be recalled
вспомнить {v pf} :: to remember, to recall, to recollect
вспомниться {v pf} :: to come to mind, to be recalled
вспомогательный {adj} :: auxiliary, subsidiary
вспомогательный глагол {noun} :: auxiliary verb
вспомогательный язык {noun} :: auxiliary language
вспорхнуть {v pf} :: to flutter out or up, to flit out or up [of birds, butterflies, snow, sheets of paper, etc.]
вспорхнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to bound up, to quickly and easily jump up
вспотеть {v pf} :: to get sweaty, to perspire
вспугивать {v impf} :: to scare away, to frighten away
вспугнуть {v pf} :: to scare away, to frighten away
вспылить {v pf} :: to fire up, to flare up, to blaze up
вспыльчивый {adj} :: quick-tempered, hot-tempered (easily or quickly angered or frustrated)
вспыхивать {v impf} :: to flash (to briefly illuminate a scene)
вспыхивать {v impf} :: to blaze up, to break out (of fire), to flare up
вспыхивать {v impf} :: to blush, to flush
вспыхнуть {v pf} :: to flash (to briefly illuminate a scene)
вспыхнуть {v pf} :: to blaze up, to break out (of fire), to flare up
вспыхнуть {v pf} :: to blush, to flush
вспышка {noun} :: flash
вспышка {noun} :: outbreak
вспять {adv} :: back (to or in a previous condition or place)
в ссоре {prep} :: at loggerheads ((figuratively) unable to agree; opposing)
в ссоре {prep} :: at issue
вставать {v impf} :: to stand up, to get up, to rise
вставать {v impf} :: to rise (sun)
вставать {v impf} :: to arise, to come up (question)
вставать с петухами {idiom} :: to rise at cock-crow; to get up with the lark (wake up early)
вставить {v pf} :: to insert, to put in
вставиться {vi pf} [colloquial] :: to fit [в + accusative, into something]
вставка {noun} :: setting in, fixing; framing; mounting; insertion, inset
вставлять {v impf} :: to insert, to put in
вставляться {vi impf} [colloquial] :: to fit [в + accusative, into something]
вставной {adj} [relational] :: insert, insertion
вставной {adj} :: plug-in
вставной {adj} :: false, artificial [of a body part]
вставной зуб {noun} :: false tooth
встарь {adv} :: a long time ago, in olden times, formerly, in the olden days, of old
встать {v pf} :: to stand up, to get up, to rise
встать {v pf} :: to rise (sun)
встать {v pf} :: to arise, to come up (question)
встать {v pf} :: to stop
встраивать {v impf} :: to build in
встревать {v impf} :: to meddle/intervene in
встревоженный {adj} :: alarmed, anxious [experiencing alarm or anxiety; of a person]
встревоженный {adj} :: offended, resentful [expressing alarm or anxiety; of a look, tone, etc.]
встревоживать {v impf} :: to disturb
встревоживать {v impf} :: to worry, to trouble, to harass
встревожить {v pf} :: to disturb
встревожить {v pf} :: to worry, to trouble, to harass
встревожиться {v pf} :: to be anxious/uneasy/worried (about), to become anxious (about)
встрепенуться {v pf} :: to rouse oneself, to start, (bird) to shake its wings, to open/spread its wings
встрепенуться {v pf} :: (heart) to throb, to beat faster
встретить {v pf} :: to meet, to encounter, to come across
встретить {v pf} :: to meet, to receive, to welcome
встретиться {v pf} :: to meet (with)
встретиться {v pf} :: to come across, to run across
встретиться {v pf} :: to encounter
встретиться {v pf} :: to be found, to occur
встреча {noun} :: meeting, encounter
встреча {noun} :: date
встреча {noun} :: reception
встреча в верхах {noun} :: summit [gathering of leaders]
встречаемость {noun} :: occurrence, frequency
встречать {v impf} :: to meet, to encounter, to come across
встречать {v impf} :: to meet, to receive, to welcome
встречать {v impf} :: to celebrate
встречаться {v impf} :: to meet, to encounter, to come across (с + instrumental case)
встречаться {v impf} :: to see each other, to meet, to date
встречаться {v impf} :: to be found, to be met with, to occur, to happen
встречка {noun} [automobile slang] :: oncoming lane of traffic
встречка {noun} [automobile slang] :: traffic violation consisting of exiting into the oncoming lane of traffic
встречка {noun} [colloquial] :: financial audit of the response of contractors of an audited firm
встречный {adj} :: oncoming
встречный {adj} :: counter-, head... (coming from in front, coming from the opposite direction)
встречный {adj} :: on one’s way
встречный {noun} :: passer-by
встроенный {adj} :: built-in, integrated, embedded
встроить {v pf} :: to build (in, into)
встроить {v pf} [computing] :: to embed (in), to integrate (in)
встряска {noun} [colloquial] :: shake, shaking [transitive]
встряска {noun} [colloquial, figurative] :: emotional shock, shaking up
встряска {noun} [colloquial, figurative] :: reprimand, scolding
встряска {noun} [colloquial] :: emotional uplifting
встрять {v pf} :: to meddle/intervene in
встряхивать {v impf} :: to shake
встряхивать {v impf} :: to shake up
встряхиваться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to shake off, to remove by shaking [от + genitive, something]
встряхнуть {v pf} :: to shake
встряхнуть {v pf} :: to shake up
встряхнуться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to shake off, to remove by shaking [от + genitive, something]
встряхнуться {vi pf} [colloquial, perfective only] :: to cheer up, to shake off the blues
встряхнуться {v pf} [colloquial, perfective only] :: to have fun
вступать {v impf} :: to enter, to march into (of the troops)
вступать {v impf} :: to join (to become a member of)
вступать {v impf} :: to begin, to start, to assume
вступаться {v impf} :: to stand up for, to stick up for, to take somebody's side, to come to the defense of
вступительный {adj} :: introductory, opening, inaugural
вступительный {adj} [relational] :: entrance
вступить {v pf} :: to enter, to march into (of the troops)
вступить {v pf} :: to join, to enlist
вступить {v pf} :: to begin, to start, to assume
вступиться {v pf} :: to stand up for, to stick up for, to take somebody's side, to come to the defense of
вступление {noun} :: entry (act of entering)
вступление {noun} :: introduction, preamble, prelude
вступление {noun} :: accession, joining, entry (a coming to)
всуе {adv} [archaic or literary] :: in vain
всунуть {v pf} :: to stick, to shove [в + accusative, into]
всунуть {v pf} :: to thrust [into one's hands or a pocket]
всухомятку {adv} :: eating dry cold food without any drinks (such as tea, water, milk, etc.)
всучать {v impf} :: alternative form of всучивать
всучивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to palm off onto, to foist onto
всучить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to palm off onto, to foist onto
всхлип {noun} :: sob
всхлипнуть {v pf} :: to sob, to weep
всхлипывание {noun} :: sobbing, weeping, sobs
всхлипывать {v impf} :: to sob, to weep
всходить {v impf} :: to mount, to go up, to climb, to ascend
всходить {v impf} [of a heavenly body] :: to rise
всходить {v impf} [of plants] :: to come up, to sprout
всходы {noun} :: young growth
всыпать {v pf} :: to pour [в + accusative, into]
всыпать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to beat or scold strongly [+ dative, someone, за + accusative, for something]
всыпать {v impf} :: to pour [в + accusative, into]
всыпать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to beat or scold strongly [+ dative, someone, за + accusative, for something]
всюду {adv} [colloquial] :: everywhere, anywhere
вся {pron} [colloquial, dated] :: old neuter plural of весь in the expression "все и вся"
всякая всячина {noun} [colloquial] :: sundries, whatnot, hodgepodge
всякий {determiner} :: any, every
всякий {determiner} :: all sorts of
всякий {determiner} :: all kinds of
всякий {pron} :: anybody, anyone, everybody, everyone
всякий {pron} :: anything
всячески {adv} :: (in) everyway (in every way, however possible)
всяческий {adj} :: of every kind, of all kinds; various
всячина {noun} [colloquial] :: [normally in the expression]
вт {m inan} :: W, watt
втайне {adv} :: secretly (in secret)
вталкивать {vt impf} :: to push, to shove [в + accusative, into something, or на + accusative, onto something]
вталкивать {v impf} [low colloquial] :: to stuff, to cram, to shove [all of something or completely, in several movements; в + accusative, into something, or на + accusative, onto something]
втаскивать {v impf} :: to drag (in, into), to drag (up, on)
втащить {v pf} :: to drag (in, into), to drag (up, on)
втекать {v impf} :: to flow (into), to discharge (into)
втереть {v pf} :: to rub [в + accusative, into]
в течение {prep} :: during, within
втечь {v pf} :: to flow (into), to discharge (into)
втирать {v impf} :: to rub [в + accusative, into]
втискивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to squeeze (in, into), to cram (in, into)
втискиваться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to squeeze (in, into), to squeeze oneself (in, into)
втиснуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to squeeze (in, into), to cram (in, into)
втиснуться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to squeeze (in, into), to squeeze oneself (in, into)
втихаря {adv} [colloquial] :: on the sly (slyly, in an inconspicuous manner, so as not to be seen; secretly; stealthily)
в тихом омуте черти водятся {proverb} :: beneath a placid exterior, a person may harbor turbulent desires, still waters run deep, literally: "in a quiet pool devils dwell"
ВТО {prop} {f inan} :: initialism of Всемирная торговая организация: WTO (World Trade Organization)
в то время как {conj} :: while, whereas, when
в то же время {prep} :: at the same time (simultaneously)
в то же время {prep} [hedge] :: on the other hand, at the same time (from the different perspective)
в то же самое время {prep} :: at the same time (simultaneously)
втолкать {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to stuff, to cram, to shove [all of something or completely, in several movements; в + accusative, into something, or на + accusative, onto something]
втолкнуть {vt pf} :: to push, to shove [в + accusative, into something, or на + accusative, onto something]
втолковать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to make understand, to get across to [someone]
втолковывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to make understand, to get across to [someone]
в том числе {adv} :: including
вторая космическая скорость {noun} [astrophysics] :: escape velocity
вторая мировая война {noun} :: World War II
вторгаться {v impf} :: to invade
вторгаться {v impf} :: to intrude, to encroach, to break in, to trespass
вторгаться {v impf} :: to meddle
вторгнуться {v pf} :: to invade
вторгнуться {v pf} :: to intrude, to encroach, to break in, to trespass
вторгнуться {v pf} :: to meddle
вторжение {noun} :: invasion, intrusion
вторить {v impf} :: to echo, to repeat (an uttering or sounds)
вторить {v impf} [figuratively, colloquial] :: to second (to agree with someone's opinion or idea)
вторить {v impf} [music] :: to play or sing the second part
вторично {adv} :: a second time, for the second time
вторичный {adj} :: secondary
вторичный {adj} :: second, repeated
вторник {noun} :: Tuesday
второе {noun} :: second course (meal)
второе {noun} :: secondly, used as во-вторых
второе {noun} :: the second (in dates)
второе лицо {noun} [grammar] :: second person
второе лицо {noun} :: assistant to the top person in an organization or government
второе лицо {noun} [politics] :: prime minister
второе слагаемое {noun} :: addend (term added to another)
второй {adj} :: second
второй {adj} :: upper
второкурсник {noun} :: sophomore, second-year student
второпях {adv} [colloquial] :: in a hurry, hurriedly, hastily
второстепенный {adj} :: secondary, minor, of less importance
Вторсырьё {noun} :: recyclables
в тот же час {adv} :: alternative form of тот же час
в-третьих {adv} :: thirdly
втрое {adv} :: three times as much
втроём {adv} :: three (together)
втулка {noun} [mechanics] :: bush, plug, hub (of a wheel)
в Тулу со своим самоваром {phrase} :: to do something that is not needed
в т. ч. {prep} :: including
втыкать {v impf} :: to stick (in, into), to drive (in, into)
втягивать {v impf} :: to pull [in, into, on, up], to draw [in, into, on, up]
втягивать {v impf} :: to take in
втягивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to draw [into], to get involved [in]
втягиваться {v impf} :: to sag, to fall in
втягиваться {v impf} :: to get used, to get accustomed (to), to feel at home (with), to take (to), to develop a liking (for), to begin to enjoy
втягиваться {v impf} :: to get mixed up (in)
втянуть {v pf} :: to pull [in, into, on, up], to draw [in, into, on, up]
втянуть {v pf} :: to take in
втянуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to draw [into], to get involved [in]
втянуться {v pf} :: to sag, to fall in
втянуться {v pf} :: to get used, to get accustomed (to), to feel at home (with), to take (to), to develop a liking (for), to begin to enjoy
втянуться {v pf} :: to get mixed up (in)
вуайеризм {noun} :: voyeurism
вуаль {noun} :: veil, voile
вувузела {noun} :: vuvuzela
вуду {m inan} :: voodoo (Afro-Caribbean religion)
вуз {noun} :: acronym of высшее учебное заведение: university, college, institute
вузовский {adj} [relational] :: university
вуй {noun} :: alternative form of уй
вулкан {noun} :: volcano
вулканический {adj} :: volcanic
вулканический {adj} [figurative] :: volcanic, explosive, seething
вулканолог {noun} :: vulcanologist
вульва {noun} [anatomy] :: vulva (collectively the external female sexual organs)
вульгаризировать {v both} :: to vulgarize
вульгаризм {noun} :: vulgarism
вульгарный {adj} :: vulgar (obscene)
вундеркинд {noun} :: child prodigy, wunderkind
в упор {adv} :: point-blank (so close that a weapon may be aimed directly at its target)
вурдалак {noun} :: vampire (mythological creature)
вурдалак {noun} :: a cruel person
вход {noun} :: entrance, entry
вход воспрещён {phrase} :: no admittance
входить {v impf} :: to enter, to go in(to) (by foot), to get in(to)
входить {v impf} :: to penetrate into
входить {v impf} :: to be a part of
входной {adj} [relational] :: entrance
вхождение {noun} :: entry (to,into)
вхолостую {adv} :: in vain, for nothing
в худшем случае {prep} :: at worst (in the worst possible alternative)
в целом {adv} :: generally
в целом {adv} :: on the whole, all in all
в целом {adv} :: altogether, entirely
в целом {adv} :: in total, in toto
в целом {adv} :: in its entirety
в целом {adv} :: en masse, en bloc
в целом {adv} :: by the gross
в целости и сохранности {phrase} [idiomatic] :: safe and sound; free from danger or injury
вцепиться {v pf} :: to seize, to grasp, to clutch
вцепиться {v pf} :: to cling [of a sticky object]
вцепиться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to not let go, to get attached emotionally, to hate to be separated (from)
вцепиться {v pf} :: to bite [of hunting dogs]
вцепляться {v impf} :: to seize, to snatch (at), to catch hold (of), to clutch (at), to cling (to)
в/ч {f inan} :: abbreviation of воинская часть
в.ч. {f inan} :: abbreviation of воинская часть
вчера {adv} :: yesterday
вчера {n inan} :: yesterday
вчерашний {adj} :: yesterday's
вчерне {adv} :: in the rough, rough draft
в честь {prep} :: after, in honour of (+ genitive case)
вчетверо {adv} :: in four rows or layers, in four
вчетверо {adv} :: (by) four times [in reference to a quantity, not to occurrences]
вчетвером {adv} :: four together
в-четвёртых {adv} :: fourthly, in the fourth place
в чём дело {phrase} :: what's up?
в чём дело {phrase} :: what's the matter? what's the problem?
в чём мать родила {adv} :: stark naked, mother-naked, in the buff (completely unclothed) [lit.: like when born by mother]
вчитаться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to read carefully, to understand by reading [в + accusative]
вчитываться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to read carefully, to understand by reading [в + accusative]
ВЧК {prop} {f inan} :: Cheka, Vecheka [forerunner of the KGB]
вчувствоваться {v pf} :: to empathize
вшивый {adj} :: lousy (infested with lice)
вшивый {adj} :: lousy (remarkably bad)
вширь {adv} :: in breadth
в шоколаде {adj} [colloquial] :: well-off
въедаться {v impf} :: to penetrate into, to saturate, to impregnate
въедаться {v impf} [colloquial, also figurative] :: to penetrate deeply, to pierce
въезд {noun} :: entry, entrance (act of entering, especially when using any means of transportation)
въезд {noun} :: entry, entrance (doorway that provides a means of entering a building)
въезжать {v impf} :: to enter (by vehicle), to go in(to) (by vehicle)
въезжать {v impf} :: to move into (e.g. a new house)
въезжать {v impf} [slang] :: to understand, to get
въесться {v pf} :: to penetrate into, to saturate, to impregnate
въесться {v pf} [colloquial, also figurative] :: to penetrate deeply, to pierce
въехать {v pf} :: to enter (by vehicle), to ride in, to drive in, to go in(to) (by vehicle)
въехать {v pf} :: to move into (e.g. a new house)
въехать {v pf} [slang] :: to understand, to get
въёбывать {v impf} [vulgar] :: to work someone's ass off; to get one's ass in gear
вы- {prefix} [used with verbs] :: out, out from (describing an action of moving outside from inside)
вы- {prefix} [used with verbs] :: completion or fulfillment
вы {pron} :: you [plural or formal]
Вы {pron} :: alternative case form of вы - you (polite, {s} and {p})
выбегать {v impf} :: to run out (outside)
выбежать {v pf} :: to run out (outside)
выбивание {noun} :: beating out, knocking out, dislodging
выбивать {v impf} :: to beat out, to knock out, to dislodge
выбиваться {v impf} :: to get out, to break loose (from), to show (from under), to work loose
выбирать {v impf} :: to choose, to select, to pick out
выбирать {v impf} :: to elect
выбирать {v impf} :: to take everything out
выбирать {v impf} :: to haul in (a net), to pull up (anchor)
выбирать {v impf} :: to find (free time, etc.)
выбираться {v impf} :: to get out
выбить {v pf} :: to beat out, to knock out, to dislodge
выбиться {v pf} :: to get out, to break loose (from), to show (from under), to work loose
выбоина {noun} :: pothole
выбор {noun} :: choice (option or decision)
выбор {noun} [plural only] :: election
Выборг {prop} :: Выборг (city)
выборгский {adj} [relational] :: Vyborg (city in Russia)
выборка {noun} :: selection, excerption, sampling
выборный {adj} :: elective
выборный {adj} :: electoral, voting
выборный {noun} :: elected representative, delegate
выборочный {adj} :: selective
выборы {noun} :: election
выбранный {adj} :: chosen, selected, hand-picked
выбрасывать {v impf} :: to throw away (discard or dispose of)
выбрасывать {v impf} :: to emit, to eject
выбрасываться {v impf} :: to jump down [from somewhere]
выбрасываться {v impf} :: to throw oneself [somewhere], to be thrown [somewhere]
выбрасываться {v impf} :: to erupt [of jets of flame, streams of water, etc.]
выбрать {v pf} :: to choose, to select, to pick out
выбрать {v pf} :: to elect
выбрать {v pf} :: to take everything out
выбрать {v pf} :: to haul in (net), to pull up (anchor)
выбрать {v pf} :: to find (time, suitable moment)
выбраться {v pf} :: to get out
выбривать {v impf} :: to shave
выбрить {v pf} :: to shave
выброс {noun} :: emission, discharge, release, ejection
выбросить {v pf} :: to throw away (discard or dispose of)
выбросить {v pf} :: to emit, to eject
выброситься {v pf} :: to jump down [from somewhere]
выброситься {v pf} :: to throw oneself [somewhere], to be thrown [somewhere]
выброситься {v pf} :: to erupt [of jets of flame, streams of water, etc.]
выбывать {v impf} :: to depart
выбывать {v impf} :: to quit [из from]
выбыть {v pf} :: to depart
выбыть {v pf} :: to quit [из from]
вываливать {v impf} :: to put out, to get out, to dump
вываливать {v impf} [colloquial, ] :: to drop
вываливать {v impf} :: to pour out of
вываливать {v impf} :: to drag (through), to roll (in)
вываливаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to tumble out
вываливаться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to pour out of
вываливаться {v impf} :: to become covered (by rolling or dragging)
вывалить {v pf} :: to put out, to get out, to dump
вывалить {v pf} [colloquial, ] :: to drop
вывалить {v pf} :: to pour out of
вывалиться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to tumble out
вывалиться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to pour out of
вывалять {v pf} :: to drag (through), to roll (in)
вываляться {v pf} :: to become covered (by rolling or dragging)
выведать {v pf} :: to find out, to wangle, to ferret out, to elicit
выведение {noun} :: conclusion, consequence, eduction, illation, inference
выведение {noun} :: breeding, raising, nurturing
выведение {noun} :: removing
выведение {noun} :: launching
выведывать {v impf} :: to find out, to wangle, to ferret out, to elicit
вывезти {v pf} :: to take out (by vehicle), to remove
вывезти {v pf} :: to deliver
вывезти {v pf} :: to export
вывезти {v pf} :: to bring back
вывезти {v pf} [colloquial] :: to rescue, to save
вы верите в Бога {phrase} :: [polite] do you believe in God?
выверить {v pf} :: to verify, to proofread
выверить {v pf} :: to align, to adjust, to regulate
вывернуть {v pf} :: to unscrew
вывернуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: (an arm, a leg etc.) to twist, to wrench
вывернуть {v pf} :: to turn (inside) out
вывернуться {v pf} :: to come unscrewed
вывернуться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to slip out
вывернуться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to wriggle/get out of a difficulty/fix, to find a way out, to manage to escape scot-free
выверт {noun} [colloquial] :: twist, turn
выверт {noun} [colloquial] :: strange gesture [especially in a dance]
выверт {noun} [figurative, colloquial] :: quirk, idiosyncrasy
выверять {v impf} :: to verify, to proofread
выверять {v impf} :: to align, to adjust, to regulate
вывесить {v pf} :: to hang out, to post up, to put up
вывеска {noun} :: signboard, sign
вывести {v pf} :: to take out, to lead out, to bring out, to move out; to help out (help somebody to get off)
вывести {v pf} :: to withdraw, to call off (troops)
вывести {v pf} :: to derive, to conclude, to infer, to deduce
вывести {v pf} :: to remove
вывести {v pf} :: to extirpate, to destroy; to exterminate (pests); to remove (stains, pimples)
вывестись {v pf} :: to become extinct
вывестись {v pf} :: to go out of use, to fall into disuse
вывестись {v pf} :: to come out, to go away [of stains]
вывестись {v pf} :: to hatch
выветривать {v impf} :: to remove (odor, dampness, etc.) by airing out
выветривать {v impf} [figurative] :: to eliminate
выветривать {v impf} :: to weather, to erode
выветриваться {vi impf} :: to dissipate [due to air; of a smell, etc.]
выветриваться {vi impf} :: to weather, to erode
выветриваться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to disappear, to be forgotten [of thoughts, feelings, etc.]
выветрить {v pf} :: to remove (odor, dampness, etc.) by airing out
выветрить {v pf} [figurative] :: to eliminate
выветрить {vt pf} :: to weather, to erode
выветриться {vi pf} :: to dissipate [due to air; of a smell, etc.]
выветриться {vi pf} :: to weather, to erode
выветриться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to disappear, to be forgotten [of thoughts, feelings, etc.]
вывешивать {v impf} :: to hang out, to post up, to put up
вывёртывать {v impf} :: to unscrew
вывёртывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: (an arm, a leg etc.) to twist, to wrench
вывёртывать {v impf} :: to turn (inside) out
вывёртываться {v impf} :: to come unscrewed
вывёртываться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to slip out
вывёртываться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to wriggle/get out of a difficulty/fix, to find a way out, to manage to escape scot-free
вывих {noun} :: dislocation (of a joint)
вывихнуть {v pf} :: to dislocate, to put out (a joint)
вывод {noun} :: withdrawal
вывод {noun} :: conclusion, inference, deduction
вывод {noun} :: derivation
вывод {noun} :: outlet, leading-out wire
выводить {v impf} :: to take out, to lead out, to bring out, to move out; to help out (help somebody to get off)
выводить {v impf} :: to withdraw, to call off (troops)
выводить {v impf} :: to derive, to conclude, to infer, to deduce
выводить {v impf} :: to remove
выводить {v impf} :: to extirpate, to destroy; to exterminate (pests); to remove (stains, pimples)
выводиться {v impf} :: to become extinct
выводиться {v impf} :: to go out of use, to fall into disuse
выводиться {v impf} :: to come out, to go away [of stains]
выводиться {v impf} :: to hatch
выводок {noun} :: brood, hatch, litter
вывоз {noun} :: export, exportation, taking out (by vehicle)
вывозить {v impf} :: to take out (by vehicle), to remove
вывозить {v impf} :: to deliver
вывозить {v impf} :: to export
вывозить {v impf} :: to bring back
вывозить {v impf} [colloquial] :: to rescue, to save
вывозить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to soil, to bedraggle
выволакивать {v impf} :: to drag out
выволочь {v pf} :: to drag out
выворачивать {v impf} :: to unscrew
выворачивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: (an arm, a leg etc.) to twist, to wrench
выворачивать {v impf} :: to turn (inside) out
выворачиваться {v impf} :: to come unscrewed
выворачиваться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to slip out
выворачиваться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to wriggle/get out of a difficulty/fix, to find a way out, to manage to escape scot-free
выворотить {v pf} :: to unscrew
выворотить {v pf} [colloquial] :: (an arm, a leg etc.) to twist, to wrench
выворотить {v pf} :: to turn (inside) out
выворотиться {v impf} :: to come unscrewed
выворотиться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to slip out
выворотиться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to wriggle/get out of a difficulty/fix, to find a way out, to manage to escape scot-free
вы в порядке {phrase} :: are you OK (formal)
выгадать {v pf} :: to gain
выгадать {v pf} :: to economize, save
выгладить {v pf} :: to iron, to smooth with an iron
выглаживать {v impf} :: to iron, to smooth with an iron
выглядеть {v impf} :: to look, to appear, to seem
выглядеть {v pf} :: to find, to discover, to spy out
выглядывать {v impf} :: to look out, to peep out
выглядывать {v impf} :: to appear, to emerge, to come into view
выглянуть {v pf} :: to look out, to peep out
выглянуть {v pf} :: to appear, to emerge, to come into view
выгнать {v pf} :: to drive away, to drive out, to oust (to force someone to leave)
выгнутый {adj} :: arched, bent, curved
выговаривать {v impf} :: to articulate, to pronounce, to utter
выговаривать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to tell off, to reprimand, to lecture
выговаривать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to reserve for oneself
выговариваться {v impf} :: to say/have one's say
выговор {noun} :: reproof; reprimand; rebuke, scolding; dressing down, admonition
выговор {noun} :: pronunciation; accent
вы говорите по-английски {phrase} :: do you speak English?
вы говорите по-русски {phrase} [formal] :: do you speak Russian?
выговорить {v pf} :: to articulate, to pronounce, to utter
выговорить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to reserve for oneself, to stipulate, to set as a condition [in a contract, transaction, etc.]
выговорить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to censure, to reprimand, to rebuke
выговориться {v pf} :: to say/have one's say
выгода {noun} :: profit
выгода {noun} :: advantage
выгодно {adv} :: advantageously (in an advantageous manner)
выгодно {adv} :: it pays (to do something), it's worth
выгодный {adj} :: profitable
выгодный {adj} :: advantageous, favorable
выгодный {adj} :: paying, remunerative
выгон {noun} :: pasture (land on which cattle can be kept for feeding)
выгонять {v impf} :: to drive away, to drive out, to oust (to force someone to leave)
выгорать {v impf} :: to burn down, to burn away, to burn out, to be destroyed by fire, to be gutted
выгорать {v impf} :: to fade (in the sun)
выгорать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to pan out
выгореть {v pf} :: to burn down, to burn away, to burn out, to be destroyed by fire, to be gutted
выгореть {v pf} :: to fade (in the sun)
выгореть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to pan out
выгребать {v impf} :: to shovel out, to rake out, to remove by shoveling or raking
выгребать {v impf} :: to row, to move by rowing [of a boat]
выгрести {v pf} :: to shovel out, to rake out, to remove by shoveling or raking
выгрести {v pf} :: to row, to move by rowing [of a boat]
выгружать {v impf} :: to unload, to unlade, to unship, to disembark, to detrain
выгружать {v impf} :: to upload
выгружаться {v impf} :: to unload, to disembark, to unship, to detrain
выгрузить {v pf} :: to unload, to unlade, to unship, to disembark, to detrain
выгрузить {v pf} :: to upload
выгрузиться {v pf} :: to unload, to disembark, to unship, to detrain
выгрузка {noun} :: unloading, unshipping, disembarkation, detraining
выгрузчик {noun} :: unloader (person who unloads)
выгуливать {v impf} :: to take (a dog) for a walk
выгулять {v pf} :: to take (a dog) for a walk
выдавать {v impf} :: to give out, to pay out, to hand, to issue, to distribute
выдавать {v impf} :: to produce
выдавать {v impf} :: to deliver up, to give up, to extradite
выдавать {v impf} :: to betray, to give away
выдавать {v impf} :: to pass off as, to pose as
выдавать замуж {v impf} :: to marry off (to arrange the marriage of someone (typically of a female relative))
выдаваться {v impf} :: to protrude
выдаваться {v impf} :: to stand out
выдавить {v pf} :: to squeeze out, to press out
выдавить {v pf} :: (an expression of feeling) to force
выдавить {v pf} :: (glass etc.) to push out, to press out, to break
выдавить {v pf} :: to emboss, to stamp
выдавливать {v impf} :: to squeeze out, to press out
выдавливать {v impf} :: (an expression of feeling) to force
выдавливать {v impf} :: (glass etc.) to push out, to press out, to break
выдавливать {v impf} :: to emboss, to stamp
выдать {v pf} :: to give out, to pay out, to hand, to issue, to distribute
выдать {v pf} :: to produce
выдать {v pf} :: to deliver up, to give up, to extradite
выдать {v pf} :: to betray, to give away
выдать {v pf} :: to pass off as, to pose as
выдать замуж {v pf} :: to marry off (to arrange the marriage of someone (typically of a female relative))
выдаться {v pf} :: to protrude
выдаться {v pf} :: to stand out
выдача {noun} :: delivery; distribution, issue, issuance; giving out, serving out; payment
выдача {noun} :: ejection
выдача {noun} :: outputting
выдача {noun} :: extradition
выдача {noun} :: betrayal, disclosure
выдача {noun} :: output
выдача {noun} [computing] :: search engine results
выдающийся {adj} :: prominent, outstanding, distinguished, remarkable, notable
выдающийся {adj} :: protruding, projecting
выдвигать {v impf} :: to draw out, to move out, to pull out
выдвигать {v impf} :: to put forward, to advance, to nominate
выдвигаться {v impf} :: to move (forward)
выдвигаться {v impf} :: (drawer etc) to slide in and out, to move in and out
выдвигаться {v impf} :: to rise, to rise from the ranks, to work one's way up, to be distinguished
выдвигаться {v impf} :: to come up, to advance
выдвиженец {noun} [historical, Soviet Union] :: promoted worker
выдвиженец {noun} [politics] :: nominee
выдвижение {noun} :: promotion, advancement
выдвижение {noun} :: advance, movement forward or to a certain position
выдвижение {noun} :: telescoping
выдвинуть {v pf} :: to draw out, to move out, to pull out
выдвинуть {v pf} :: to put forward, to advance
выдвинуться {v pf} :: to move (forward)
выдвинуться {v pf} :: (drawer etc) to slide in and out, to move in and out
выдвинуться {v pf} :: to rise, to rise from the ranks, to work one's way up, to be distinguished
выдвинуться {v pf} :: to come up, to advance
выдворить {v pf} :: to evict, to expel, to deport
выдворять {v impf} :: to evict, to expel, to deport
выделать {v pf} :: to make, to manufacture
выделать {v pf} :: (leather) to dress, to curry
выделение {noun} :: apportionment
выделение {noun} :: separation
выделение {noun} :: isolation
выделение {noun} [physics, chemistry] :: release
выделение {noun} [physiology] :: secretion, excretion, discharge
выделение {noun} [polygraphy] :: setting off, emphasis
выделение {noun} [computers] :: selection, highlighting
выделить {v pf} :: to pick out, to choose, to single out
выделить {v pf} :: to allot, to mark
выделить {v pf} :: a military unit to detach, to find, to provide
выделить {v pf} :: to apportion
выделить {v pf} :: to mark out, to distinguish, to emphasize
выделить {v pf} :: text to select
выделить {v pf} [medicine] :: to secrete, to excrete, to discharge
выделить {v pf} [chemistry] :: to evolve, to educe, to isolate
выделиться {v pf} :: to stand out, to be distinguished (by), to be notable (by)
выделка {noun} :: manufacturing, production
выделка {noun} :: workmanship
выделка {noun} :: dressing [of leather]
выделывать {v impf} :: to make, to manufacture
выделывать {v impf} :: (leather) to dress, to curry
выделывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to be up (to), to do
выделываться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to act out (to express one's feelings through disruptive actions)
выделять {v impf} :: to pick out, to choose, to single out
выделять {v impf} :: to allot, to mark
выделять {v impf} :: a military unit to detach, to find, to provide
выделять {v impf} :: to apportion
выделять {v impf} :: to mark out, to distinguish, to emphasize
выделять {v impf} :: text to select
выделять {v impf} [medicine] :: to secrete, to excrete, to discharge
выделять {v impf} [chemistry] :: to evolve, to educe, to isolate
выделяться {v impf} :: to stand out, to be distinguished (by), to be notable (by)
выдержать {v pf} :: to stand, to bear, to sustain, to endure
выдержать {v pf} :: to pass exam
выдержать {v pf} :: to contain oneself, to control oneself
выдержать {v pf} :: to maintain, to keep up, to observe
выдержать {v pf} :: to age, to mature, to season
выдерживать {v impf} :: to stand, to bear, to sustain, to endure
выдерживать {v impf} :: to pass exam
выдерживать {v impf} :: to contain oneself, to control oneself
выдерживать {v impf} :: to maintain, to keep up, to observe
выдерживать {v impf} :: to age, to mature, to season
выдержка {noun} :: self-control, self-mastery, self-restrain; tenacity; endurance
выдержка {noun} :: extract, excerpt, quotation
выдержка {noun} [photography] :: exposure
выдернуть {v pf} :: to pull out
выдёргивать {v impf} :: to pull out
выдирать {v impf} :: to tear out
выдох {noun} :: exhalation, outward breath
выдохнуть {vt pf} :: to breathe out, to exhale
выдохнуться {v pf} :: to lose smell, to lose fragrance, to become flat
выдохнуться {v pf} :: to be played out, to be used up, (emotion) to spend itself, (attack) to come to nothing; to fizzle out, to be a wash-out, to peter out
выдра {noun} :: otter (the mammal)
выдра {noun} [pejorative] :: mean, ugly woman
выдрать {v pf} :: to tear out
выдумать {v pf} :: to invent, to contrive, to devise
выдумать {v pf} :: to concoct, to fabricate, to make up
выдумка {noun} :: invention, fiction; fable; fib; tale
выдумка {noun} :: contrivance
выдумка {noun} :: fabrication
выдумщик {noun} :: inventor
выдумщик {noun} [colloquial] :: fabricator, liar
выдумывать {v impf} :: to invent, to contrive, to devise
выдумывать {v impf} :: to concoct, to fabricate, to make up
выдыхать {vt impf} :: to breathe out, to exhale
выдыхаться {v impf} :: to lose smell, to lose fragrance, to become flat
выдыхаться {v impf} :: to be played out, to be used up, (emotion) to spend itself, (attack) to come to nothing; to fizzle out, to be a wash-out, to peter out
выебать {v pf} [vulgar] :: to fuck
выебать {v pf} [vulgar] :: to kick ass
выедать {v impf} :: to eat away (to erode or corrode gradually), to eat out (eat the inside)
выезд {noun} :: departure, leaving
выезд {noun} :: exit, egress; gateway
выезд {noun} :: exit road
выезд {noun} :: emigration
выездной {adj} [relational] :: exit
выездной {adj} :: riding [horse]
выездной {adj} [colloquial] :: eligible to travel abroad
выезжать {v impf} :: to exit (by vehicle)
выезжать {v impf} :: to break in (a horse)
выемка {noun} :: taking out, removing; seizure; collection
выемка {noun} :: hole, groove, cavity, depression
выемка {noun} :: recess, trough, notch
выесть {v pf} :: to eat away (to erode or corrode gradually), to eat out (eat the inside)
выехать {v pf} :: to exit (by vehicle)
выёбываться {v impf} [vulgar] :: to act out, to fuck around (to express one's feelings through disruptive actions)
выёбываться {v impf} [vulgar] :: to show off
выжать {v pf} :: to squeeze out, to press out
выжать {v pf} :: to wring (a cloth, etc.)
выжать {v pf} [figurative] :: to wring out, to get out
выжать {v pf} [sports] :: to press, to lift (a weight)
выжать {v pf} :: to step on, to press on (the clutch, etc.)
выжать {v pf} :: to remove the harvest from
выждать {v pf} :: to bide one's time, to wait (for), to wait till something is over
вы женаты {phrase} :: are you married (formal, to a man)
выжечь {v pf} :: to burn out, to burn down, to scorch
выжечь {v pf} [medicine] :: to cauterize
выживаемость {noun} :: survivability
выживаемость {noun} [biology, genetics] :: survival rate
выживание {noun} :: survival
выживать {v impf} :: to survive (continue to live)
выживать {vt impf} :: to make someone leave (apartment, work or study place) by making their stay miserable or inconvenient, to squeeze
выжигать {v impf} :: to burn out, to burn down, to scorch
выжигать {v impf} [medicine] :: to cauterize
выжидательно {adv} :: in expectation, waiting
выжидательный {adj} :: waiting, hesitating, dilatory
выжидать {v impf} :: to bide one's time, to wait (for), to wait till something is over
выжимать {v impf} :: to squeeze out, to press out
выжимать {v impf} :: to wring (a cloth, etc.)
выжимать {v impf} [figurative] :: to wring out, to get out
выжимать {v impf} [sports] :: to press, to lift (a weight)
выжимать {v impf} :: to step on, to press on (the clutch, etc.)
выжинать {v impf} :: to remove the harvest from
выжить {v pf} :: to survive (continue to live)
выжить {vt pf} :: to make someone leave (an apartment, work or study place) by making their stay miserable or inconvenient, to squeeze out
вы замужем {phrase} :: are you married (formal, to a woman)
вызванный {adj} :: generated, caused
вызванный {adj} :: aroused, renewed, touched
вызванный {adj} :: called, summoned
вызвать {v pf} :: to call, to send for
вызвать {v pf} :: to challenge, to defy
вызвать {v pf} :: to summon
вызвать {v pf} :: to arouse, to cause, to evoke, to excite
вызваться {v pf} :: to volunteer, to offer
вызволить {v pf} :: to deliver, to liberate [from captivity, bondage, or trouble]
вызволять {v impf} :: to deliver, to liberate [from captivity, bondage, or trouble]
выздоравливание {noun} :: convalescence, recovery (gradual healing)
выздоравливать {v impf} :: to recover, to convalesce (in terms of one's health by overcoming illness or trauma)
выздоравливать {v impf} [figuratively] :: to get rid of something that is unpleasant, harmful, or dangerous
выздороветь {v pf} :: to get better, to recover, to convalesce
выздоровление {noun} :: recovery, convalescence (recovery from a disease)
вызов {noun} :: call
вызов {noun} :: shot (critical or insulting comment)
вызов {noun} :: summons, subpoena
вызов {noun} :: challenge
вызов {noun} :: invitation
вызревать {v impf} :: to ripen (fruits or vegetables)
вызывание {noun} :: evocation
вызывать {v impf} :: to call, to send for
вызывать {v impf} :: to challenge, to defy
вызывать {v impf} :: to summon
вызывать {v impf} :: to arouse, to cause, to stimulate, to evoke, to call forth
вызываться {v impf} :: to volunteer, to offer
вызывающе {adv} :: defiantly, glaringly
вызывающий {adj} :: defiant
вызывающий {adj} :: provocative, aggressive
выиграть {v pf} :: to win
выиграть {v pf} :: to benefit, to gain
выигрывать {v impf} :: to win
выигрывать {v impf} :: to benefit, to gain
выигрыш {noun} :: win, winning, winnings
выигрыш {noun} :: gain, benefit
выигрыш {noun} :: prize, profit
выигрышный {adj} :: winning
выигрышный {adj} :: advantageous
выискать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to discover, (try to) to find out, to seek out, to hunt (for), to hunt out, to track down
выискивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to discover, (try to) to find out, to seek out, to hunt (for), to hunt out, to track down
выйти {v pf} :: to exit, to go out
выйти {v pf} :: to appear, to be published
выйти {v pf} :: to spend, to be used up
выйти {v pf} :: to come off, to come out
выйти {v pf} :: to come, to originate
выйти {v pf} :: to leave, to drop out
выйти {v pf} :: to look, to face, to front
выйти замуж {v pf} :: to marry, to take a husband [за + accusative]
выказать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to show, to make known
выказывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to show, to make known
выкаливать {v impf} :: to calcine, to fire (e.g. ceramics)
выкалывать {v impf} :: to puncture, to pierce
выкалывать {v impf} :: to poke out, to gouge out, to remove by poking or gouging
выкалывать {v impf} :: to draw (a tattoo, image, etc.) by piercing or poking
выкалывать {v impf} :: to cut out the middle of
выкалять {v impf} [colloquial] :: to calcine
выканючивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to obtain something by cadging or pestering someone
выкапывать {v impf} :: to dig (a hole or depression)
выкапывать {v impf} :: to dig up, to unearth
выкапывать {v impf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to dig up, to find
выкарабкаться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to clamber out [with difficulty]
выкарабкаться {v pf} [figurative, colloquial] :: to get out of a predicament, to overcome adversity
выкарабкиваться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to clamber out [with difficulty]
выкарабкиваться {v impf} [figurative, colloquial] :: to get out of a predicament, to overcome adversity
выкатить {v pf} :: to roll out, to wheel out
выкатить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to drive/come out (swiftly)
выкатиться {v pf} :: to roll out (of)
выкатиться {v pf} :: to drive/come out (swiftly)
выкатывать {v impf} :: to roll out, to wheel out
выкатывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to drive/come out (swiftly)
выкатываться {v impf} :: to roll out (of)
выкатываться {v impf} :: to drive/come out (swiftly)
выкать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to use the formal form of address, to be on formal terms with somebody
выкашливать {v impf} :: to expectorate, to cough up
выкашлять {v pf} :: to expectorate, to cough up
выкидывать {v impf} :: to throw away, to discard, to dispose of, to chuck out
выкидывать {v impf} :: to strand
выкидывать {v impf} :: to have a miscarriage, to miscarry
выкидывать {v impf} :: to hoist (a flag)
выкидывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to throw (a tantrum, a mischief)
выкидыш {noun} :: miscarriage, abortion
выкинуть {v pf} :: to throw away, to discard, to dispose of, to chuck out
выкинуть {v pf} :: to strand
выкинуть {v pf} :: to have a miscarriage, to miscarry
выкинуть {v pf} :: to hoist (a flag)
выкинуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to throw (a tantrum, a mischief)
выкипать {v impf} :: to boil away
выкипеть {v pf} :: to boil away, to evaporate
выкладка {noun} :: laying out, laying-out, spreading out, spreading-out
выкладка {noun} :: pack, outfit, kit
выкладка {noun} :: computation, calculation
выкладывать {v impf} :: to lay out, to spread out, to lay, to line, to pave
выкладывать {v impf} :: to take out
выкладывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to fork out, to cough up, to unbosom oneself (of) (money, truth, etc.)
выкладываться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to give all one has got (for), to pay an arm and a leg (for)
выкладываться {v impf} :: to exert oneself, to push oneself to the limit
выключатель {noun} :: (electric) switch
выключать {vt impf} :: to shut down, to turn off, to disable (to put a mechanism, device or system out of operation)
выключать {vt impf} :: to exclude (to omit from consideration)
выключение {noun} :: switching off
выключение {noun} :: shutdown (action of closing a computer)
выключение {noun} :: cutoff, disconnection
выключить {vt pf} :: to shut down, to turn off, to disable (to put a mechanism, device or system out of operation)
выключить {vt pf} :: to exclude (to omit from consideration)
-выкнуть {affix} :: Combining form used to form prefixed perfective verbs with the approximate meaning "get used to", "become accustomed to"
выковать {v pf} :: to forge (to shape metal)
выковыривать {v impf} :: to pick out, to pluck out, to take out, to pull out, to extract while digging up, rummaging, delving
выковырнуть {v pf} :: to pick out, to pluck out
выколоть {v pf} :: to puncture, to pierce
выколоть {v pf} :: to poke out, to gouge out, to remove by poking or gouging
выколоть {v pf} :: to draw (a tattoo, image, etc.) by piercing or poking
выколоть {v pf} :: to cut out the middle of
выкопать {v pf} :: to dig (a hole or depression)
выкопать {v pf} :: to dig up, to unearth
выкопать {v pf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to dig up, to find
выкорчёвывать {v impf} [also, figuratively] :: to eradicate, to uproot, to root out, to extirpate (to pull up by the roots)
выкрадывать {v impf} :: to take secretly from somewhere, to steal
выкраивать {v impf} :: to cut out (patterns, shapes, etc. in tissue or skin)
выкраивать {v impf} :: to shape by cutting
выкраивать {v impf} [figurative, colloquial] :: to allocate (a part of an area or room)
выкраивать {v impf} [figurative, colloquial] :: to find (a place for something)
выкраивать {v impf} [figurative] :: to have difficulty finding (the time or money to meet someone)
выкраиваться {v impf} :: to happen as a result of cutting
выкраиваться {v impf} :: to barely happen [about time, money, etc.]
выкрасить {v pf} :: to paint, to dye
выкрасть {v pf} :: to take secretly from somewhere, to steal
выкрашивать {v impf} :: to paint, to dye
выкрашивать {v impf} :: to crumble
выкрик {noun} :: cry, shout; yell
выкрикивать {v impf} :: to scream out, to yell
выкрикивать {v impf} :: to call out
выкрикнуть {v pf} :: to scream out, to yell
выкрикнуть {v pf} :: to call out
выкроить {v pf} :: to cut out (patterns, shapes, etc. in tissue or skin)
выкроить {v pf} :: to shape by cutting
выкроить {v pf} [figurative, colloquial] :: to allocate (a part of an area or room)
выкроить {v pf} [figurative, colloquial] :: to find (a place for something)
выкроить {v pf} [figurative] :: to have difficulty finding (the time or money to meet someone)
выкроиться {v pf} :: to happen as a result of cutting
выкроиться {v pf} :: to barely happen [about time, money, etc.]
выкройка {noun} :: cutting out [of patterns or shapes]
выкройка {noun} :: pattern (template for making clothes)
выкрошить {v pf} :: to crumble
выкрутасы {noun} [colloquial] :: frills, flourishes, ornaments
выкрутасы {noun} [colloquial] :: rhetorical flourishes
выкрутасы {noun} [colloquial] :: eccentricies, oddities, idosyncrasies
выкрутить {v pf} :: to twist off, to tweak off, to unscrew
выкрутить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to wring out
выкрутиться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to come unscrewed
выкрутиться {v pf} :: to extricate oneself (from), to get (out of)
выкручивать {v impf} :: to twist off, to tweak off, to unscrew
выкручивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to wring out
выкручиваться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to come unscrewed
выкручиваться {v impf} :: to extricate oneself (from), to get (out of)
выкуп {noun} :: ransom
выкуп {noun} :: redemption, redeeming
выкуп {noun} :: repurchase; buying-out
выкупать {v impf} :: to redeem
выкупать {v impf} :: to ransom, to buy out
выкупать {v impf} [slang] :: to get, to understand
выкупать {v impf} [slang] :: to understand the greatness of
выкупать {v pf} :: to bath, to bathe, to give a bath
выкупить {v pf} :: to redeem
выкупить {v pf} :: to ransom, to buy out
выкупить {v pf} [slang] :: to get, to understand
выкупить {v pf} [slang] :: to understand the greatness of
выкуривать {v impf} :: to smoke (a cigarette etc)
выкуривать {v impf} :: to smoke out (of)
выкуривать {v impf} [vernacular] :: to drive out, to get rid (of)
выкуривать {v impf} :: to distil
выкурить {v pf} :: to smoke (a cigarette etc)
выкурить {v pf} :: to smoke out (of)
выкурить {v pf} [vernacular] :: to drive out, to get rid (of)
выкурить {v pf} :: to distil
вылавливать {v impf} :: to catch, to get out, to fish out
вылазить {v impf} [low colloquial, regional] :: alternative form of вылезать
вылазить {v pf} [low colloquial, rare] :: to search around from all sides
вылазить {v pf} [low colloquial, rare] :: to visit (many places) by climbing, to climb (many places)
вылазка {noun} :: sally, sortie
вылазка {noun} :: excursion, outing
выламывать {v impf} :: to break down (a door, etc.)
выламывать {v impf} :: to knock out (a brick, etc.)
выламывать {v impf} :: to get by breaking
выламывать {v impf} [low colloquial] :: to dislocate
вылезать {v impf} :: to get out, to climb out, to get off
вылезать {v impf} :: (of hair) to fall out, to come out
вылезти {v pf} :: to get out, to climb out, to get off
вылезти {v pf} :: (of hair) to fall out, to come out
вылезть {v pf} :: to get out, to climb out, to get off
вылезть {v pf} :: (of hair) to fall out, to come out
вылепить {v pf} :: to model, to sculpture, to sculpt, to fashion, to shape, to sculp
вылет {noun} [aviation] :: takeoff
вылет {noun} :: flight departure
вылет {noun} [aviation] :: sortie
вылет {noun} [computing] :: crash
вылетать {v impf} :: to fly out, to fly (from a place)
вылетать {v impf} [computing] :: to crash
вылететь {v pf} :: to fly out, to fly (from a place)
вылететь {v pf} [computing] :: to crash
вылечивать {v impf} :: to cure, to heal
вылечиваться {vi impf} :: to be cured, to get well
вылечиваться {v impf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to get rid of
вылечить {v pf} :: to cure (of)
вылечиться {vi pf} :: to be cured, to get well
вылечиться {v pf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to get rid of
выливать {v impf} :: to pour out (liquid)
выливаться {v impf} :: to run out, to flow out, to pour out
выливаться {v impf} :: to spill over (into), to develop (into)
вылизать {v pf} :: to lick clean
вылизывать {v impf} :: to lick clean
вылитый {adj} :: the spitting image of
вылить {v pf} :: to pour out (liquid)
вылиться {v pf} :: to run out, to flow out, to pour out
вылиться {v pf} :: to spill over (into), to develop (into)
выловить {v pf} :: to catch, to get out, to fish out
выложить {v pf} :: to lay out, to spread out, to lay, to line, to pave
выложить {v pf} :: to take out
выложить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to fork out, to cough up, to unbosom oneself (of) (money, truth, etc.)
выложиться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to give all one has got (for), to pay an arm and a leg (for)
выложиться {v pf} :: to exert oneself, to push oneself to the limit
выломать {v pf} :: to break down (a door, etc.)
выломать {v pf} :: to knock out (a brick, etc.)
выломать {v pf} :: to get by breaking
выломать {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to dislocate
выломить {v pf} [low colloquial] :: alternative form of выломать
вылупить {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to open (the eyes) wide [so as to stare]
вылупиться {v pf} :: to hatch [of birds and reptiles]
вылупиться {vi pf} [low colloquial] :: to open wide [of the eyes]
вылупиться {v pf} [low colloquial, perfective only] :: to stare wide-eyed [на + accusative, at someone/something]
вылупливать {v impf} [low colloquial] :: to open (the eyes) wide [so as to stare]
вылупливаться {v impf} :: to hatch [of birds and reptiles]
вылупливаться {vi impf} [low colloquial] :: to open wide [of the eyes]
вылуплять {v impf} [low colloquial] :: to open (the eyes) wide [so as to stare]
вылупляться {v impf} :: to hatch [of birds and reptiles]
вылупляться {vi impf} [low colloquial] :: to open wide [of the eyes]
вымазать {v pf} :: to smear on, to cover by smearing
вымазать {v pf} :: to soil, to stain, to pollute
вымазать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to use up by smearing on
вымазывать {v impf} :: to smear on, to cover by smearing
вымазывать {v impf} :: to soil, to stain, to pollute
вымазывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to use up by smearing on
выманивать {v impf} :: to entice, lure
выманивать {v impf} :: to wave (someone) away
выманивать {v impf} :: to swindle someone or cheat someone out of something, to coax something out of someone
выманивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to manipulate, to wrap around one's little finger
выманить {v pf} :: to entice, lure
выманить {v pf} :: to wave (someone) away
выманить {v pf} :: to swindle someone or cheat someone out of something, to coax something out of someone
выманить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to manipulate, to wrap around one's little finger
вымащивать {v impf} :: to pave
выменивать {v impf} :: (something to something) to barter (for), to exchange (for), to swap (for)
выменять {v pf} :: (something to something) to barter (for), to exchange (for), to swap (for)
вымереть {v pf} :: to die out, to become extinct
вымереть {v pf} :: (town) to become desolate/deserted/depopulated
вымерший {adj} :: dying; disappeared (in terms of hope)
вымерший {adj} :: extinct
вымерший {adj} :: dormant (for volcanoes)
вымести {v pf} :: to sweep, (litter etc) to sweep out
выметать {v impf} :: to sweep, (litter etc) to sweep out
выметать {v pf} :: [выпустить: икру etc.]
выметать {v pf} :: to edge, to buttonhole
вымётывать {v impf} :: [икру]
вымётывать {v impf} :: to edge, to buttonhole
вымирание {noun} :: dying out, extinction
вымирать {v impf} :: to die out, to become extinct
вымирать {v impf} :: (town) to become desolate/deserted/depopulated
вы мне нравитесь {phrase} :: I like you [formal]
вымогатель {noun} :: extortionist, extortioner, blackmailer (someone who extorts)
вымогательство {noun} :: extortion, blackmail (the practice of extorting money or other property)
вымогать {v impf} :: to extort
вы можете мне помочь {phrase} :: [polite] can you help me?
вымокать {v impf} :: to get soaked, to get drenched, to get very wet
вымокать {vi impf} :: to soak, to steep; to be retted [of fibers]
вымокнуть {v pf} :: to get soaked, to get drenched, to get very wet
вымокнуть {vi pf} :: to soak, to steep; to be retted [of fibers]
вымолвить {v pf} :: to say, to utter
вымостить {v pf} :: to pave
вымпел {noun} :: pennant, pennon, pendant
вымывать {vt impf} :: to wash, to wash out, to wash up, to wash away, to eluate
вымысел {noun} :: invention, fiction, fantasy, figment
вымысел {noun} :: imagination, fancy
вымысел {noun} :: falsehood, lie, fabrication
вымыть {vt pf} :: to wash, to wash out, to wash up, to wash away, to eluate
вымышленное имя {noun} :: alias (another name; an assumed name)
вымышленный {adj} :: imaginary, fictitious
вымышлять {v impf} :: to invent, to fabricate (by creating falsehood)
вымя {noun} :: udder
вынашивать {v impf} :: (a child, an egg) to carry, to bear, to bring forth, to be pregnant with
вынашивать {v impf} :: (an idea, plans) to nurture, to hatch, to mature
вынесение {noun} :: pronouncement, pronouncing (of a decision, verdict); rendition
вынесение {noun} :: removal
вынести {v pf} :: to carry out, to take out, to bring out, to remove
вынести {v pf} :: to transfer
вынести {v pf} :: to get, to acquire
вынести {v pf} :: to submit
вынести {v pf} :: to pass, to render, to pronounce (a decision or a verdict)
вынести {v pf} :: to endure, to bear, to stand, to sustain
вынестись {v pf} :: to dart out, to fly out
вынимать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to take out, to pull out, to draw out, to extract
вынос {noun} :: carrying-out, bearing-out; carryover
вынос {noun} :: removal
выносить {v impf} :: to carry out, to take out, to bring out, to remove
выносить {v impf} :: to transfer
выносить {v impf} :: to get, to acquire
выносить {v impf} :: to submit
выносить {v impf} :: to pass, to render, to pronounce (a decision or a verdict)
выносить {v impf} :: to endure, to bear, to stand, to sustain
выносить {v pf} :: to carry, to bear, to bring forth, to be pregnant with (a child, an egg)
выносить {v pf} :: to nurture, to hatch, to mature (an idea, plans)
выносить сор из избы {v impf} [figuratively] :: to air one's dirty laundry in public, to wash one's dirty linen in public, to foul one's own nest, to tell tales out of school
выноситься {v impf} :: to dart out, to fly out
выносливость {noun} :: endurance, stamina
выносливость {noun} :: durability, sturdiness
выносливый {adj} :: hardy, sturdy, endurant
вынудить {v pf} :: to force, to compel, to oblige
вынудить {v pf} :: to extort
вынуждать {v impf} :: to force, to compel, to oblige
вынуждать {v impf} :: to extort
вынужденная посадка {noun} :: emergency landing, forced landing
вынужденно {adv} :: in a forced or coerced manner
вынужденный {adj} :: forced [to do something]
вынужденный {adj} :: forced, of necessity [action, confession, etc.]
вынуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to take out, to pull out, to draw out, to extract
выныривать {v impf} :: to come up, to come to the surface, to emerge
выныривать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to turn up
вынырнуть {v pf} :: to come up, to come to the surface, to emerge
вынырнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to turn up
выпад {noun} :: lunge
выпад {noun} :: attack
выпадать {v impf} :: to drop out, to fall out (out of something)
выпадать {v impf} :: to come out
выпадать {v impf} :: (of hair) to fall out, to come out
выпадать {v impf} :: to fall (precipitations, sediments)
выпадение {noun} :: falling out, shedding (e.g. hair, teeth)
выпадение {noun} :: fall (of rain, snow, etc.)
выпадение {noun} [medicine] :: prolapse
выпадение {noun} [linguistics] :: dropping
выпадение {noun} [linguistics] :: elision
выпаливать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to shoot, to fire
выпаливать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to blurt out
выпалить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to shoot, to fire
выпалить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to blurt out
выпалывать {v impf} :: to weed, to weed out, to pull up (weeds)
выпархивать {v impf} :: to fly out, to flutter out, to flit out [quickly and easily of birds, butterflies, etc.]
выпархивать {v impf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to flit out
выпас {noun} :: pasture (land on which cattle can be kept for feeding)
выпасать {v impf} :: to graze, to pasture, to drive cattle to pasture
выпасть {v pf} :: to drop out, to fall out
выпасть {v pf} :: to come out
выпасть {v pf} :: (of hair) to fall out, to come out
выпасть {v pf} :: to fall (precipitations, sediments)
выпекание {noun} :: baking (action of to bake)
выпекать {v impf} :: to bake (bread) in an oven
выпендриваться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to show off [one's manners, judgments, attire, etc.], while manifesting arrogance and disrespect for others
выпендриться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to show off [one's manners, judgments, attire, etc.], while manifesting arrogance and disrespect for others
выпереть {v pf} :: to bulge out, to protrude, to stick out
выпереть {v pf} :: to push out, to shove out
выпереть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to chuck/turn/drive out [of]
выпечка {noun} :: baking (action of to bake)
выпечка {noun} :: baked goods, buns and rolls
выпечь {v pf} :: to bake (bread) in an oven
выпивать {v impf} :: to drink up
выпивать {v impf} :: to drink, to hit the bottle
выпивка {noun} [countable] :: drinking session, party, booze-up
выпивка {noun} [collective, uncountable] :: drinks, booze
выпивоха {noun} [low colloquial] :: alcoholic, drunkard
выпиливать {v impf} :: to saw, to saw up, to cut out, to carve
выпилить {v pf} :: to saw, to saw up, to cut out, to carve
выпирать {v impf} :: to bulge out, to protrude, to stick out
выпирать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to be too prominent/obvious
выпирать {v impf} :: to push out, to shove out
выпирать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to chuck/turn/drive out [of]
выписать {v pf} :: to sign out
выписать {v pf} :: to subscribe [e.g. to a magazine]
выписать {v pf} :: to write, to write out, to write down
выписать {v pf} :: to copy
выписать {v pf} :: to discharge [from hospital]
выписать {v pf} :: to take out
выписать {v pf} :: to draw out, to draw
выписать {v pf} :: to draw up
выписаться {v pf} :: to document one's exit from (somewhere), to check out of [из + genitive]
выписаться {v pf} [figurative] :: to be exhausted creatively
выписка {noun} :: writing out, copying
выписка {noun} :: extract
выписка {noun} :: statement
выписка {noun} :: order, subscription
выписка {noun} :: discharge
выписка {noun} :: notice
выписывать {v impf} :: to sign out
выписывать {v impf} :: to subscribe [e.g. to a magazine]
выписывать {v impf} :: to write, to write out, to write down
выписывать {v impf} :: to copy
выписывать {v impf} :: to discharge [from hospital]
выписывать {v impf} :: to take out
выписывать {v impf} :: to draw out, to draw
выписывать {v impf} :: to draw up
выписываться {v impf} :: to document one's exit from (somewhere), to check out of [из + genitive]
выписываться {v impf} [figurative] :: to be exhausted creatively
выпить {v pf} :: to drink, to drink up
выпить {v pf} :: to have a drink
выпить {v pf} :: to take a medicine
выплавка {noun} :: smelting
выплавка {noun} :: smelted metal, melt
выплакать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to obtain by weeping, to get by dint of one's tears
выплакать {v pf} :: to sob out
выплакивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to obtain by weeping, to get by dint of one's tears
выплакивать {v impf} :: to sob out
выплата {noun} :: payout (an amount of money paid out or an act of paying out)
выплатить {v pf} :: to pay, to disburse
выплатить {v pf} :: to pay off, to pay in full
выплачивать {v impf} :: to pay, to disburse
выплачивать {v impf} :: to pay off, to pay in full
выплеск {noun} :: splash (act of splashing, or splashed liquid)
выплеск {noun} [figurative] :: ejected flame, sparks, etc
выплескать {vt pf} :: to splash out, to spill out
выплескаться {vi pf} :: to splash out, to spill out
выплеск эмоций {noun} [colloquial] :: agony (paroxysm of joy)
выплеснуть {v pf} :: to splash/spill out
выплеснуть {v pf} :: to spill out, to eject, to gush (with)
выплеснуть {v pf} :: (emotions) to vent, to give way (to)
выплеснуть {v pf} :: to pour out (on)
выплеснуться {vi pf} :: to splash out
выплеснуться {vi pf} [figurative] :: to spill out, to spill over
выплеснуться {v pf} :: to erupt [e.g. of flames]
выплеснуться {v pf} [figurative] :: to manifest rapidly [e.g. of feelings]
выплёвывать {v impf} :: to spit out
выплёскивать {v impf} :: to splash/spill out
выплёскивать {v impf} :: to spill out, to eject, to gush (with)
выплёскивать {v impf} :: (emotions) to vent, to give way (to)
выплёскивать {v impf} :: to pour out (on)
выплёскиваться {vi impf} :: to splash out, to spill out
выплёскиваться {vi impf} [figurative] :: to spill out, to spill over
выплёскиваться {v impf} :: to erupt [e.g. of flames]
выплёскиваться {v impf} [figurative] :: to manifest rapidly [e.g. of feelings]
выплывать {v impf} :: to swim out [from somewhere]
выплыть {v pf} :: to swim out [from somewhere]
выплюнуть {v pf} :: to spit out
выползать {v impf} :: to creep out, to crawl out
выползать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to drag oneself out
выползти {v pf} :: to creep out, to crawl out
выползти {v pf} [colloquial] :: to drag oneself out
выполнение {noun} :: fulfillment, realization, implementation, carrying out
выполнение {noun} :: accomplishment, realization
выполнение {noun} :: execution
выполнимый {adj} :: feasible
выполнить {v pf} :: to carry out, to fulfill
выполнить {v pf} :: to make up
выполнять {v impf} :: to carry out, to implement, to accomplish, to fulfill, to execute, to perform
выполнять {v impf} :: to create
выполоть {v pf} :: to weed, to weed out, to pull up (weeds)
выпороть {v pf} :: to flog, to flagellate
выпорхнуть {v pf} :: to fly out, to flutter out, to flit out [quickly and easily of birds, butterflies, etc.]
выпорхнуть {v pf} [colloquial, figurative] :: to flit out
выпотрошить {v pf} :: to gut, to eviscerate, to disembowel, to remove the entrails from
выпотрошить {v pf} :: to clean out, to empty the contents of
выпотрошить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to clean out, to rob
выпотрошить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to squeeze information from (someone) [by forcible interrogation, torture, etc.]
выправить {v pf} :: to straighten
выправить {v pf} :: to correct, to rectify, to straighten out
выправить {v pf} [colloquial, obsolete] :: (a document) to get, to obtain
выправка {noun} :: straightening, correcting
выправка {noun} :: deportment, bearing
выправлять {v impf} :: to straighten
выправлять {v impf} :: to correct, to rectify, to straighten out
выправлять {v impf} [colloquial, obsolete] :: (a document) to get, to obtain
выпрашивать {v impf} :: to (try to) get (out of), to ask (smb for), to solicit (smb for, smth of), to beg (smb for)
вы принимаете какие-нибудь лекарства {phrase} :: are you taking any medications? [formal]
вы принимаете какие-нибудь медикаменты {phrase} :: are you taking any medications? [formal]
выпроваживать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to send packing, to send away, to dismiss
выпроводить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to send packing, to send away, to dismiss
выпросить {v pf} :: to (try to) get (out of), to ask (smb for), to solicit (smb for, smth of), to beg (smb for)
выпрыгивать {v impf} :: to jump out, to leap out
выпрыгнуть {v pf} :: to jump out, to leap out
выпрямить {v pf} :: to straighten
выпрямиться {v pf} :: to stand up straight, to become straight; to erect oneself, to draw oneself up
выпрямлять {v impf} :: to straighten
выпрямлять {v impf} [electrical engineering] :: to rectify
выпрямляться {v impf} :: to become straight, to stand erect, to draw oneself up
выпуклость {noun} :: convexity (state of being convex)
выпуклый {adj} :: convex (curved or bowed outward like the outside of a bowl or sphere or circle)
выпуклый {adj} :: gibbous
выпуск {noun} :: issue, output
выпуск {noun} :: emission, discharge
выпуск {noun} :: part, number, installment, edition
выпуск {noun} :: graduates
выпуск {noun} :: omission, cut
выпускать {v impf} :: to let out, to let go, to release, to set free
выпускать {v impf} :: to launch, to shoot (a missile, a rocket)
выпускать {v impf} :: to deliver, to release (a film)
выпускать {v impf} :: to produce, to manufacture, to output, to turn out
выпускать {v impf} :: to issue, to publish
выпускать {v impf} :: to omit, to leave out
выпускник {noun} :: graduate (from a university), school leaver
выпускница {noun} :: female graduate (from a university), female school leaver
выпускной {adj} [relational, automotive] :: exhaust
выпускной {adj} [relational] :: graduation
выпустить {v pf} :: to let out, to let go, to release, to set free
выпустить {v pf} :: to launch, to shoot (a missile, a rocket)
выпустить {v pf} :: to deliver, to release (a film)
выпустить {v pf} :: to produce, to manufacture, to output, to turn out
выпустить {v pf} :: to issue, to publish
выпустить {v pf} :: to omit, to leave out
выпучивать {v impf} :: to make bulge out, to make a bulge (in)
выпучивать {v impf} :: to thrust out
выпучить {v pf} :: to make bulge out, to make a bulge (in)
выпучить {v pf} :: to thrust out
выпь {noun} :: bittern (bird of the family Ardeidae)
выпятить {v pf} :: to stick out, to thrust out
выпятить {v pf} :: to over-emphasize, to over-stress
выпячивать {v impf} :: to stick out, to thrust out
выпячивать {v impf} :: to over-emphasize, to over-stress
вырабатывать {v impf} :: to manufacture, to produce, to make
вырабатывать {v impf} :: to work out, to draw up, to elaborate
вырабатывать {v impf} :: to form, to cultivate
вырабатывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to make, to earn
вырабатывать {v impf} :: to use up
вырабатывать {v impf} [mining] :: to work out
выработать {v pf} :: to make, to manufacture, to produce
выработать {v pf} :: to cultivate, to develop, to form (including certain qualities pertaining to a person)
выработать {v pf} :: to exhaust, to use up (by using something to extreme or until it is not functional)
выработка {noun} :: manufacture, making
выработка {noun} :: output, production, yield
выработка {noun} :: [generally plural] [mining] excavation, mine working
выравнивание {noun} :: smoothing, levelling
выравнивание {noun} :: alignment, equalization
выравнивание {noun} :: justification (of a text)
выравнивать {v impf} :: to (make) even, to smooth out, to make level
выравнивать {v impf} :: to flatten (out)
выравнивать {v impf} :: to iron out (differences)
выравнивать {v impf} :: to align, to line up (to adjust or form to a line)
выравнивать {v impf} :: to equalize
выравнивать {v impf} :: to justify (e.g. text on a page)
выражать {v impf} :: to express, to convey (meaning)
выражаться {v impf} :: to express oneself
выражаться {v impf} :: to manifest oneself
выражаться {v impf} :: to swear, to use bad / strong language
выражение {noun} :: expression
выраженность {noun} [literary] :: distinctness, clarity
выраженность {noun} [literary] :: certainty
выраженность {noun} [literary] :: clear manifestation
выраженный {adj} :: expressed, pronounced, distinct
выразитель {noun} :: exponent, spokesman, mouthpiece
выразительно {adv} :: expressively
выразительность {noun} :: expressiveness
выразительный {adj} :: expressive (effectively conveying feeling)
выразительный {adj} :: articulate (speaking in a clear or effective manner)
выразить {v pf} :: to express, to convey (meaning)
выразиться {v pf} :: to express oneself
выразиться {v pf} :: to manifest oneself
выразиться {v pf} :: to swear, to use bad / strong language
вырастать {v impf} :: to grow, to increase
вырастать {v impf} :: to arise, to appear, to rise up, to sprout
вырасти {v pf} :: to grow, to increase
вырасти {v pf} :: to arise, to appear, to rise up, to sprout
вырастить {v pf} :: to grow, to raise, to cultivate
вырастить {v pf} :: to breed, to rear, to raise
вырастить {v pf} :: to bring up
вырастить {v pf} :: to train, to prepare, to form
выращивание {noun} :: raising (e.g. of plants), cultivation
выращивать {v impf} :: to grow, to raise, to cultivate
выращивать {v impf} :: to breed, to rear, to raise
выращивать {v impf} :: to bring up
выращивать {v impf} :: to train, to prepare, to form
вырвать {v pf} :: to pull out
вырвать {v pf} :: to tear out
вырвать {v pf} :: to snatch out [from someone's hands]
вырвать {v pf} :: to pull up (a plant)
вырвать {v pf} :: to eradicate, to extirpate, to root out
вырвать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to extort, to wring, to wrest
вырвать {v pf} [impersonal] :: to vomit
вырваться {v pf} :: to break away, to break loose, to escape
вырваться {v pf} [impersonal] :: to escape (words, sound, moan, etc.)
вырез {noun} :: cut, cutting
вырез {noun} :: cutout
вырез {noun} :: low neck, decollete
вырез {noun} [mathematics] :: excision
вырезать {v pf} :: to carve, to engrave
вырезать {v pf} :: to cut out, to excise
вырезать {v pf} :: to massacre, to slaughter, to butcher
вырезать {v impf} :: to carve, to engrave
вырезать {v impf} :: to cut out, to excise
вырезать {v impf} :: to massacre, to slaughter, to butcher
вырезка {noun} :: cutting out, engraving, carving
вырезка {noun} :: press cutting, press clipping
вырезка {noun} :: undercut, sirloin, fillet, tenderloin
вырезывать {v impf} :: to carve, to engrave
вырезывать {v impf} :: to cut out, to excise
вырисовать {v pf} :: to draw every detail (of), to draw carefully
вырисоваться {v pf} :: to come into sight/view, to loom, to appear, to come into the picture
вырисоваться {v pf} :: to become clearer
вырисоваться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to take shape, to emerge, to develop
вырисовывать {v impf} :: to draw every detail (of), to draw carefully
вырисовываться {v impf} :: to come into sight/view, to loom, to appear, to come into the picture
вырисовываться {v impf} :: to become clearer
вырисовываться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to take shape, to emerge, to develop
выровнять {v pf} :: to (make) even, to smooth out, to make level
выровнять {v pf} :: to flatten (out)
выровнять {v pf} :: to iron out (differences)
выровнять {v pf} :: to align, to line up (to adjust or form to a line)
выровнять {v pf} :: to equalize
выровнять {v pf} :: to justify (e.g. text on a page)
выродиться {vi pf} :: to degenerate
выродиться {v pf} :: to disappear, to be lost over time
выродок {noun} :: monster
выродок {noun} :: degenerate, black sheep (one is degenerate who has fallen from previous stature)
вырождаться {v impf} :: to degenerate
вырождаться {v impf} :: to disappear, to be lost over time
вырождение {noun} :: degeneration, degradation
выронить {v pf} :: to drop, to let fall (out)
вырост {noun} :: protuberance, growth
вырубать {v impf} :: to cut down, to fell
вырубать {v impf} :: to cut out
вырубать {v impf} :: (hole, window etc) to make
вырубать {v impf} :: (ore, coal) to cut, to hew
вырубать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to turn off, to switch off, to cut off
вырубить {v pf} :: to cut down, to fell
вырубить {v pf} :: to cut out
вырубить {v pf} :: (hole, window etc) to make
вырубить {v pf} :: (ore, coal) to cut, to hew
вырубить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to turn off, to switch off, to cut off
вырубка {noun} :: cutting down, felling, deforestation
вырубка {noun} :: glade, cleared space, clearing
выругаться {v pf} :: to swear, to curse, to use bad language, to call names
выруский {adj} [relational] :: Võru (relating to the city or county of Võru, Estonia)
выруский {noun} :: Võro (language)
выручать {v impf} :: to rescue, to come to somebody's help/aid/assistance
выручить {v pf} :: to rescue, to come to smb's help/aid/assistance
выручить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to make, to gain, to net, to clear
выручка {noun} :: gain; proceeds, receipts, takings; earnings
выручка {noun} :: rescue, assistance, aid, relief, help
вырывать {v impf} :: to dig out, to dig up, to unearth, to exhume
вырывать {v impf} :: to pull out
вырывать {v impf} :: to tear out
вырывать {v impf} :: to snatch out (from hands)
вырывать {v impf} :: to pull up (a plant)
вырывать {v impf} :: to eradicate, to extirpate, to root out
вырывать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to extort, to wring, to wrest
вырываться {v impf} :: to break away, to break loose, to escape
вырываться {v impf} [impersonal] :: to escape (words, sound, moan, etc.)
вырыть {v pf} :: to dig out, to dig up, to unearth, to exhume
высадить {v pf} :: to set down, to put ashore, to disembark, to land, to put off, to drop off
высадить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to smash, to break in, to break open
высадить {v pf} :: to transplant, to bed out
высадиться {v pf} :: to alight, to dismount (from on horseback or from a carriage)
высадиться {v pf} :: to disembark, to land (from a ship)
высадиться {v pf} :: to get off (from a tram or from a train)
высадка {noun} [aviation, navy] :: landing, debarkation, disembarkation
высадка {noun} :: transplanting
высаживать {v impf} :: to set down, to put ashore, to disembark, to land, to put off, to drop off
высаживать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to smash, to break in, to break open
высаживать {v impf} :: to transplant, to bed out
высаживаться {v impf} :: to alight, to dismount (from on horseback or from a carriage)
высаживаться {v impf} :: to disembark, to land (from a ship)
высаживаться {v impf} :: to get off (from a tram or from a train)
высасывать {v impf} :: to suck out
высасывать из пальца {v impf} [idiomatic] :: to think of something, to make up, to make up out of thin air, to invent [false stories, figures, etc.], to pull out of one's ass (fabricate a claim with no factual basis or evidence)
высветить {v pf} :: to highlight
высвечивать {v impf} :: to highlight
высвободить {v pf} :: to free [from], to let out [of], to disengage [from], to disentangle [from]
высвободить {v pf} :: to release, to make available
высвободиться {v pf} :: to get free from [из + genitive]
высвободиться {v pf} :: to be vacant, to be free
высвобождать {v impf} :: to free [from], to let out [of], to disengage [from], to disentangle [from]
высвобождать {v impf} :: to release, to make available
высвобождаться {v impf} :: to get free from [из + genitive]
высвобождаться {v impf} :: to be vacant, to be free
высвобождение {noun} :: release
высвобождение {noun} :: disentanglement
высевки {noun} :: bran
высекать {v impf} :: to hew, to carve, to sculpt, to cut
выселение {noun} :: eviction, resettlement; expulsion; ouster
выселить {v pf} :: to evict, to expel
выселить {v pf} :: to evacuate, to resettle
выселять {v impf} :: to evict, to expel
выселять {v impf} :: to evacuate, to resettle
высечь {v pf} :: to hew, to carve, to sculpt, to cut
высечь {v pf} :: to whip [as a punishment]
выситься {v impf} :: to tower (above), to rise (above)
выскабливать {v impf} :: to scrape, to scrub
выскабливать {v impf} :: to erase
высказать {v pf} :: to express (oneself), to say, to tell, to pronounce
высказаться {v pf} :: to express oneself, to express one's opinion
высказывание {noun} :: utterance, expression, statement, saying
высказывать {v impf} :: to express (oneself), to say, to tell, to pronounce
высказываться {v impf} :: to express oneself, to express one's opinion
выскакивать {v impf} :: to jump out, to leap out
выскакивать {v impf} :: to appear, to come up (of a sore, pimple, etc.)
выскакивать {v impf} :: to drop out, to fall out
выскальзывать {v impf} :: to slip (out)
выскользнуть {v pf} :: to slip (out)
выскочить {v pf} :: to jump out, to leap out
выскочить {v pf} :: to appear, to come up (of a sore, pimple, etc.)
выскочить {v pf} :: to drop out, to fall out
выскочка {m anim} {f anim} :: upstart, parvenu, nouveau riche, arriviste
выслать {v pf} :: to send, to dispatch, to send forward
выслать {v pf} :: to banish, to exile; to deport, to expel
выследить {v pf} :: to trail, to follow
выследить {v pf} :: to track down
выслеживание {noun} :: espial; tracing; tracking
выслеживать {v impf} :: to trail, to follow
выслуга {noun} :: long and meritorious service
выслуга {noun} :: seniority
выслуживать {v impf} :: to receive, to qualify for [through service]
выслужить {v pf} :: to receive, to qualify for [through service]
выслужить {v pf} [colloquial, perfective only] :: to serve (a length of time), to usually in a single institution
выслушать {v pf} :: to hear out, to listen (to the end)
выслушать {v pf} :: to auscultate (to practice auscultation)
выслушивание {noun} :: hearing, listening
выслушивание {noun} :: auscultation
выслушивать {v impf} :: to hear out, to listen (to the end)
выслушивать {v impf} :: to auscultate (to practice auscultation)
высматривать {v impf} :: to look out (for)
высматривать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to spy out
высмеивать {v impf} :: to ridicule, to make fun of, to deride, to scoff
высмеять {v pf} :: to ridicule, to make fun of, to deride. scoff
высморкать {v pf} :: to blow (one's nose)
высморкаться {v pf} :: to blow one's nose
высмотреть {v pf} :: to look out (for)
высмотреть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to spy out
высмотреть {v pf} :: to detect
высовывать {v impf} :: to put out, to stick out, to thrust out
высовываться {v impf} :: to lean out, to thrust oneself forward
высокий {adj} :: tall
высокий {adj} :: high-altitude
высокий {adj} :: high, great, intense
высокий {adj} :: lofty, elevated
высокий {adj} :: unselfish, noble
высокий {adj} :: high-ranking
высокий {adj} :: approving, favorable, good
высокий {adj} :: high-pitched
высоко {adv} :: high, aloft, high up
высоко {pred} :: it is high, aloft, high up
высокоблагородие {noun} [historical] :: (Your, His, Her, Their) Honour (form of address)
высоковольтный {adj} [relational] :: high voltage
высокогорный {adj} :: alpine
высококачественный {adj} :: high-quality (of very good quality)
высококвалифицированный {adj} :: highly-qualified
высококлассный {adj} :: high-quality, high-grade
высококлассный {adj} :: upscale
высоко-кучевой {adj} [relational, meteorology] :: altocumulus
высокомерие {noun} :: haughtiness, arrogance, superciliousness
высокомерно {adv} :: arrogantly (in an arrogant manner)
высокомерный {adj} :: haughty, arrogant, supercilious
высокообразованный {adj} :: Very highly educated
высокооплачиваемый {adj} :: highly paid (in terms of jobs and careers)
высокопоставленный {adj} :: high-ranking
высокопревосходительство {noun} :: Your Excellency; Majesty; Highness
высокопроизводительный {adj} :: high-performance
высокопроизводительный {adj} [relational] :: high-productivity; highly productive
высокоразвитый {adj} :: high developed
высокоскоростной {adj} :: high-speed
высоко-слоистый {adj} [relational, meteorology] :: altostratus
высокотемпературный {adj} [relational] :: high temperature
высокотехнологичный {adj} :: high-technology, high-tech
высокоточный {adj} [relational] :: high-precision
высокохудожественный {adj} :: highly artistic
высокоэффективный {adj} :: high-performance
высокоэффективный {adj} :: highly effective
высокоэффективный {adj} :: highly efficient
высосать {v pf} :: to suck out
высосать из пальца {v pf} [idiomatic] :: to think of something, to make up, to make up out of thin air, to invent [false stories, figures, etc.], to pull out of one's ass (fabricate a claim with no factual basis or evidence)
высота {noun} :: height (distance from bottom to top)
высота {noun} :: altitude, elevation
высота {noun} :: height (an area of high altitude)
высота {noun} [military] :: hill
высота над уровнем моря {noun} :: altitude, elevation, height above sea level
высотка {noun} :: hillock
высотка {noun} [colloquial] :: high-rise
высотный {adj} :: tall, high-rise
высотный {adj} :: high-altitude
высотомер {noun} :: altimeter (an apparatus for measuring altitude)
высохнуть {v pf} :: to dry up, to dry out
высохнуть {v pf} :: to wither
высохший {adj} :: dried-up, dry, shrivelled, wizened, withered
высоченный {adj} [colloquial] :: very high, very tall
высочество {noun} :: Highness
выспаться {v pf} :: to sleep in, to sleep one's fill
выспрашивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to bombard with questions
выспрашивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to find out [by asking lots of questions]
выспренний {adj} [literary] :: high-flown, grandiloquent
выспренный {adj} :: alternative form of выспренний: high-flown, grandiloquent
выспросить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to bombard with questions
выспросить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to find out [by asking lots of questions]
выставить {v pf} :: to put forward, to move out, to put outside, to bring forward, to place in front
выставить {v pf} :: to set out, to display, to present
выставить {v pf} :: to flaunt
выставить {v pf} :: to propose, to suggest
выставить {v pf} :: to put down (marks), to mark (as in school)
выставить {v pf} :: to expose
выставиться {v pf} :: to exhibit
выставиться {v pf} [colloquial] :: to show off
выставка {noun} :: exhibition, show
выставка {noun} :: exposition, display
выставлять {v impf} :: to put forward, to move out, to put outside, to bring forward, to place in front
выставлять {v impf} :: to set out, to display, to present
выставлять {v impf} :: to flaunt
выставлять {v impf} :: to propose, to suggest
выставлять {v impf} :: to put down (marks), to mark (as in school)
выставлять {v impf} :: to expose
выставляться {v impf} :: to exhibit
выставляться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to show off
выставочный {adj} [relational] :: exhibition, show
выстаивать {v impf} :: to stand (for a long time), to remain standing
выстаивать {v impf} :: to withstand, to bear (difficulty), to resist (an enemy), to survive
выстирать {v pf} :: to wash, to launder
выстлать {v pf} :: to cover completely, to cover the whole surface of; to carpet, to pave, etc
выстоять {v pf} :: to stand (for a long time), to remain standing
выстоять {v pf} :: to withstand, to bear (difficulty), to resist (an enemy), to survive
выстрадать {v pf} :: to suffer, to endure
выстрадать {v pf} :: to gain/achieve through much suffering
выстраивание {noun} :: alignment; orientation
выстраивание {noun} :: building; constructing; erecting
выстраивать {v impf} :: to build
выстраивать {v impf} :: to line up, to draw up, to form up
выстраивать {v impf} :: to arrange
выстраивать {v impf} :: (a structure, a theory) to build, to develop
выстраиваться {v impf} :: to draw up, to form, to line up
выстрел {noun} :: shot, gunshot, round (launching of a projectile)
выстрелить {v pf} :: to shoot, to fire
выстрелить {v pf} [figuratively] :: to say or speak intermittently
выстричь {v pf} :: to cut off (hair, fur, grass), to clip out, to shear
выстроить {v pf} :: to build
выстроить {v pf} :: to line up, to draw up, to form up
выстроить {v pf} :: to arrange
выстроить {v pf} :: (a structure, a theory) to build, to develop
выстроиться {v pf} :: to draw up, to form, to line up
выступ {noun} :: protrusion, protuberance, prominence, projection (anything that protrudes)
выступ {noun} [cartography] :: a panhandle
выступ {noun} :: ledge
выступать {v impf} :: to project, to protrude, to jut, to jut out, to come out, to stand out
выступать {v impf} :: to step forth, to step forward
выступать {v impf} :: to set out, to march off
выступать {v impf} :: to appear
выступать {v impf} :: to strut
выступать {v impf} :: to perform at the scene
выступить {v pf} :: to project, to protrude, to jut, to jut out, to come out, to stand out
выступить {v pf} :: to step forth, to step forward
выступить {v pf} :: to set out, to march off
выступить {v pf} :: to appear
выступить {v pf} :: to strut
выступить {v pf} :: to perform at the scene
выступление {noun} :: appearance, speech, address
выступление {noun} :: performance
выступление {noun} :: departure
высунуть {v pf} :: to put out, to stick out, to thrust out
высунуться {v pf} :: to lean out, to thrust oneself forward
высушивать {vt impf} :: to dry
высушивать {v impf} :: to roast, to toast, to parch
высушивать {v impf} [figurative, colloquial] :: to wear out, to exhaust, to torment
высушивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to harden [one's heart], to make heartless
высушиваться {vi impf} :: to dry
высушить {vt pf} :: to dry
высушить {v pf} :: to roast, to toast, to parch
высушить {v pf} [figurative, colloquial] :: to wear out, to exhaust, to torment
высушить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to harden [one's heart], to make heartless
высушиться {vi pf} :: to dry
высчитать {v pf} :: to calculate, to figure out, to reckon
высчитывать {v impf} :: to calculate, to figure out, to reckon
высшая школа {noun} :: college, higher school (institution of higher education)
высшее учебное заведение {noun} :: academy (specialized school)
высший руководитель {noun} :: Supreme Leader
высылать {v impf} :: to send, to dispatch, to send forward
высылать {v impf} :: to banish, to exile; to deport, to expel
высылка {noun} :: dispatch, sending
высылка {noun} :: exile, banishment; deportation, expulsion; renvoi
высыпать {v pf} :: to strew out, to pour out, to empty (to distribute objects or pieces of something)
высыпать {v pf} :: to pour out, to throng [of a crowd]
высыпать {v pf} :: to break out, to come out [of a rash, etc.]
высыпать {v impf} :: to strew out, to pour out, to empty (to distribute objects or pieces of something)
высыпать {v impf} :: to pour out, to throng [of a crowd]
высыпать {v impf} :: to break out, to come out [of a rash, etc.]
высыпаться {vi pf} :: to pour out, to spill out [of bulk material, objects, or pieces, not liquid]
высыпаться {vi impf} :: to pour out, to spill out [of bulk material, objects, or pieces, not liquid]
высыпаться {v impf} :: to have a good sleep, to sleep one's fill
высыхать {v impf} :: to dry up, to dry out
высыхать {v impf} :: to wither
высь {noun} :: height
высь {noun} [figurative] :: ether, the realms of fancy, the world of fantasy
высь {noun} [usually, in plural] :: summit
выталкивать {v impf} :: to push out
выталкивать {v impf} :: to chuck out
вытапливать {v impf} :: (an oven) to heat
вытапливать {v impf} :: (fat) to melt, (oil) to clarify
вытаптывать {v impf} :: to trample down, to destroy by trampling
вытаптывать {v impf} :: to clear (e.g. a path) by trampling
вытаращить {v pf} :: in expressions only
вытаскивать {v impf} :: to pull out, to drag out, to take out
вытащить {v pf} :: to take out; to pull out, to drag out
вытащить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to drag (out) [somebody against their will]
вытворить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to be up to, to do (foolish things)
вытворять {v impf} [colloquial] :: to be up to, to do (foolish things)
вытворяться {v impf} [colloquial] :: to happen, to occur (something unusual, unexpected or improper)
вытекать {v impf} :: to flow out, to escape, to run out, to drip out
вытекать {v impf} :: to have its source (from), to flow (from, out of)
вытекать {v impf} [bookish] :: to result (from), to follow (from), to ensue
вытереть {v pf} :: to wipe
вытерпеть {v pf} :: to stand, to bear, to endure, to suffer
вытеснение {noun} :: dislodgment, displacement, exclusion, extrusion, forcing out, pushing out
вытеснение {noun} :: ousting
вытеснение {noun} :: replacement
вытеснить {v pf} :: to oust, to force out, to eject, to supplant, to exclude, to dislodge
вытеснить {v pf} [chemistry, physics] :: to displace
вытеснять {v impf} :: to oust, to force out, to eject, to supplant, to exclude, to dislodge
вытеснять {v impf} [chemistry, physics] :: to displace
вытечь {v pf} :: to leak, to flow out, to run out
вытирать {v impf} :: to wipe
вытолкать {v pf} :: to chuck out
вытолкнуть {v pf} :: to push (out)
вытопить {v pf} :: (an oven) to heat
вытопить {v pf} :: (fat) to melt, (oil) to clarify
вытоптать {v pf} :: to trample down, to destroy by trampling
вытоптать {v pf} :: to clear (e.g. a path) by trampling
вытравить {v pf} :: to corrode, to etch, (spots) to remove
вытравить {v pf} :: to exterminate with poison
вытравить {v pf} [pejorative] :: to eradicate, to stamp out
вытравливать {v impf} :: alternative form of вытравлять
вытравлять {v impf} :: to corrode, to etch, (spots) to remove
вытравлять {v impf} :: to exterminate with poison
вытравлять {v impf} [pejorative] :: to eradicate, to stamp out
вытрезвитель {noun} :: drunk tank
вытряхивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to shake out, to drop, to let fall
вытряхнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to shake out, to drop, to let fall
выть {v impf} :: to howl
выть {v impf} :: to wail
вытягивать {v impf} :: to pull out, to extract, to draw out
вытягивать {v impf} :: to stretch
вытягивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to hold out, to bear, to endure, to stick
вытягиваться {v impf} :: to stretch, to stretch oneself, to extend oneself
вытяжка {noun} :: stretching
вытяжка {noun} :: pulling out
вытяжка {noun} :: drawing out
вытяжка {noun} :: extract (substance extracted from plant or animal tissue)
вытяжка {noun} [metallurgy] :: stretching out
вытяжка {noun} [colloquial] :: ventilation hatch
вытяжка {noun} [colloquial] :: extractor hood
вытянутый {adj} :: elongated
вытянутый {adj} :: outstretched
вытянуть {v pf} :: to pull out, to extract, to draw out
вытянуть {v pf} :: to stretch
вытянуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to hold out, to bear, to endure, to stick
вытянуться {v pf} :: to stretch, to stretch oneself, to extend oneself
выудить {v pf} :: to catch, to fish
выудить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to fish out, to coax out
выуживать {v impf} :: to catch, to fish
выуживать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to fish out, to coax out
выучивать {v impf} :: to learn
выучивать {v impf} :: to teach (smb smth, smth to smb, smb + to), to train (smb + to, smb in)
выучиваться {v impf} :: to learn
выучить {v pf} :: to learn [implying that an individual or a group learns about something with the help of inculcation with the intention of full accomplishment]
выучить {v pf} :: to remember, to memorize
выучиться {v pf} :: to learn
выучка {noun} :: skill
выучка {noun} :: (level of) training, teaching
выхаживать {v impf} :: to rear, to bring up
выхаживать {v impf} :: to nurse, to restore to health
выхаживать {v impf} :: to go over, to go all over, to go through
выхватить {v pf} :: to snatch out, to snap out
выхватывать {v impf} :: to snatch out, to snap out
выхлоп {noun} [automotive] :: exhaust
выхлопной {adj} [relational] :: exhaust
выход {noun} :: going out, coming out, leaving, departure, withdrawal
выход {noun} :: exit, way out, outcrop
выход {noun} :: solution, way out, outlet
выход {noun} :: yield, output
выход {noun} :: appearance, publication, release, entry, entrance
выходец {noun} :: native (of), emigrant
выходи за меня замуж {phrase} :: will you marry me? [said by a man to a woman, informal]
выходить {v impf} :: to go out, to come out, to walk out
выходить {v impf} :: to withdraw, to retire
выходить {v impf} :: to appear, to be published, to be issued
выходить {v impf} :: to turn out, to result
выходить {v impf} :: to happen, to arise, to originate
выходить {v impf} :: to spend, to use up, to run out of
выходить {v impf} :: to marry someone
выходить {v pf} :: to rear, to bring up
выходить {v pf} :: to nurse, to restore to health
выходить {v pf} :: to go over, to go all over, to go through
выходить в свет {idiom} :: to come out, to be published, to appear in print
выходить замуж {v impf} [with за + accusative case] :: to marry, to take a husband
выходка {noun} :: trick, prank
выходка {noun} :: freak, escapade, antics
выходной {adj} [relational] :: exit
выходной {adj} [relational] :: holiday, day off; festive
выходной {adj} :: free (not working), on a day off, off
выходной {adj} [relational] :: discharge; given on discharge
выходной {noun} :: day off (a day of vacation)
выходной {noun} [plural] :: weekend
выходные {noun} :: days off
выходные {noun} :: weekend (break in the working week)
выхухоль {noun} :: desman
выцвести {v pf} :: to fade
выцветать {v impf} :: to fade
выцветший {adj} :: faded
вычеркать {v pf} [colloquial] :: alternative form of вычеркнуть
вычеркнуть {v pf} :: to cross out, to strike out, to cut out, to expunge, to delete
вычесть {v pf} :: to subtract, to deduct, to take away (to remove or reduce)
вычет {noun} :: deduction, takeout
вычет {noun} [mathematics] :: residue
вычёркивать {v impf} :: to cross out, to strike out, to cut out, to expunge, to delete
вычисление {noun} [computing] :: calculation, computation, calculating, computing, reckoning (the act or process of computing)
вычислитель {noun} :: computer
вычислитель {noun} :: calculator
вычислитель {noun} [animate] :: computer specialist
вычислительная биология {noun} :: computational biology
вычислительный {adj} [relational] :: computer
вычислительный {adj} :: computing
вычислить {v pf} :: to compute
вычислить {v pf} :: to calculate
вычислить {v pf} :: to evaluate, to weigh
вычислить {v pf} [colloquial] :: to deduce
вычислять {v impf} :: to compute
вычислять {v impf} :: to calculate
вычислять {v impf} :: to evaluate, to weigh
вычислять {v impf} [colloquial] :: to deduce
вычистить {v pf} :: to clean (out, up)
вычитаемое {noun} [arithmetic] :: subtrahend (a number to be subtracted from another)
вычитание {noun} [arithmetic] :: subtraction (calculation)
вычитать {v pf} :: to find (by reading)
вычитать {v pf} :: to proofread
вычитать {v impf} :: to subtract, to deduct, to take away (to remove or reduce)
вычитывать {v impf} :: to find (by reading)
вычитывать {v impf} :: to proofread
вычищать {v impf} :: to clean (out, up)
вышагать {v pf} [colloquial] :: to pace, to measure by pacing
вышагивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to pace, to measure by pacing
вышагивать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to goosestep
вышагнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to goosestep
вышвыривать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to throw out, to fling out, to hurl out
вышвыривать {v impf} [colloquial] :: to chuck out
вышвырнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to throw out, to fling out, to hurl out
вышвырнуть {v pf} [colloquial] :: to chuck out
выше {adv} :: comparative of высокий
выше {adv} :: comparative of высоко
вышеизложенный {adj} :: above-mentioned
выше крыши {adv} :: in plenty
вышеназванный {adj} :: above-named, above-mentioned, aforesaid
вышеописанный {adj} [bureaucratic] :: above-mentioned
вышеперечисленный {adj} :: above-listed
вышесказанное {noun} :: the aforesaid, the preceding
вышесказанный {adj} :: aforesaid, preceding
вышестоящий {adj} :: of higher rank, superordinate
вышеуказанный {adj} :: above-mentioned (mentioned or named before; aforesaid)
вышеупомянутый {adj} :: above-mentioned (mentioned or named before; aforesaid)
вышибала {m anim} [colloquial] :: bouncer, gatekeeper
вышибать {v impf} :: to knock out, to break in
вышибать {v impf} :: to chuck out, to fire out, to kick out
вышибить {v pf} :: to knock out, to break in
вышибить {v pf} :: to chuck out, to fire out, to kick out
вышиванка {noun} :: vyshyvanka (traditional Ukrainian or Belarusian clothing)
вышивать {v impf} :: to embroider
вышивка {noun} :: embroidery (ornamentation, fabric)
вышина {noun} :: height
вышитый {adj} :: embroidered
вышить {v pf} :: to embroider
вышка {noun} :: tower
вышка {noun} :: control tower
вышка {noun} [colloquial] :: higher education (from высшее образование)
вышка {noun} [colloquial] :: higher mathematics, advanced maths (from высшая математика)
вышка {noun} [colloquial] :: capital punishment, death penalty (from высшая мера наказания, supreme measure of punishment)
выя {noun} [archaic] :: neck
выявить {v pf} :: to reveal, to display
выявить {v pf} :: to discover, to uncover, to bring to light, to identify, to detect
выявиться {v pf} :: to reveal itself, to stand exposed, to come to light, to manifest itself
выявление {noun} :: detection, elicitation
выявление {noun} :: revelation
выявлять {v impf} :: to reveal, to display
выявлять {v impf} :: to discover, to uncover, to bring to light, to identify, to detect
выявляться {v impf} :: to reveal itself, to stand exposed, to come to light, to manifest itself
выяснение {noun} :: clarification, elucidation, finding-out, ascertainment
выяснить {v pf} :: to clear up, to elucidate, to clarify, to find out, to ascertain
выясниться {v pf} :: to turn out, to come out, to be discovered, to become clear, to come to light
выяснять {v impf} :: to clear up, to elucidate, to clarify, to find out, to ascertain
выясняться {v impf} :: to turn out, to come out, to be discovered, to become clear, to come to light
Вьентьян {prop} :: Вьентьян (capital city)
Вьетнам {prop} :: Вьетнам (country)
вьетнамец {noun} :: Vietnamese person
вьетнамка {noun} :: female Vietnamese person
вьетнамки {noun} [colloquial] :: thongs, flip-flops (footwear)
вьетнамский {adj} :: Vietnamese
вьюга {noun} :: blizzard, snowstorm
вьюк {noun} :: bale, load
вьюк {noun} :: saddlebag
вьюн {noun} :: loach, weatherfish (fish of the genus Misgurnus)
вьюн {noun} [botany] :: bindweed, convolvulus
вьюн {noun} [colloquial] :: fidget, fidgety person
вьюн {noun} [colloquial] :: cunning, sneaky, person; dodger
вьюн {noun} [colloquial] :: sycophant, toady
вьючное животное {noun} :: beast of burden, pack animal (animal that carries or pulls heavy loads)
вьючный {adj} [relational] :: pack, burden
вьющийся {adj} :: curly [hair]
вьющийся {adj} :: climbing, twisting [plant]
вэ {n inan} :: The Cyrillic letter В, в
вэ {n inan} :: The Roman letter V, v
вэ {n inan} :: The Roman letter W, w
вэньянь {noun} :: Classical Chinese, Wenyan
в эти дни {adv} :: these days (currently, at present)
в это время {adv} :: at the time, at that time
в это время {adv} :: meanwhile, in the meantime
в яблоках {adv} [usually, of horses] :: dappled
вяжущее средство {noun} :: astringent (a substance which draws tissue together)
вяжущий {adj} :: astringent (having the effect of drawing tissue together)
вяз {noun} :: elm (tree or wood)
вязальщик {noun} :: knitter
вязальщик {noun} :: binder
вязание {noun} :: tying, binding
вязание {noun} :: knitting (action or result)
вязанка {noun} :: sheaf; bundle; truss; faggot
вязаный {adj} :: knitted, crocheted
вязать {v impf} :: to tie up, to bind
вязать {v impf} :: to knit
вязать {v impf} :: to be astringent
вязаться {v impf} :: to agree (with), to accord (with), to square (with)
вязкий {adj} :: viscous
вязкий {adj} :: glutinous, tenacious, sticky
вязкий {adj} :: oozy, boggy
вязкий {adj} :: swampy, marshy
вязкость {noun} :: viscosity
вязкость {noun} :: viscidity
вязкость {noun} :: miriness, ooziness, bogginess, marshiness, swampiness
вязкость {noun} :: viscosity, toughness, ductility
вязнуть {v impf} :: to stick
вязовый {adj} [relational] :: elm
вязь {noun} :: vyaz (Cyrillic calligraphy)
вязь {noun} :: ligature
вязь {noun} :: a type of connected writing, such as Arabic or some type of connected calligraphies
вякать {v impf} [low colloquial] :: to make noise [e.g. of a pet]
вякать {v impf} [low colloquial] :: to complain, to whimper
вякать {v impf} [low colloquial] :: to blather, to talk nonsense
вякать {v impf} [low colloquial] :: to blurt out (to say without thinking)
вякнуть {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to make noise [e.g. of a pet; once]
вякнуть {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to complain, to whimper [once]
вякнуть {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to blather, to talk nonsense [once]
вякнуть {v pf} [low colloquial] :: to blurt out (to say without thinking) [once]
вяление {noun} :: drying, dry-curing, jerking
вялить {v impf} :: to jerk (to cure (meat or fish) by cutting into strips and drying)
вяло {adv} :: sluggishly, listlessly, inertly
вялость {noun} :: sluggishness, slowness, lethargy, inactivity
вялотекущий {adj} [medicine] :: slowly progressive, sluggish, indolent
вялотекущий {adj} [humorous] :: dragged out, protracted
вялый {adj} :: withered, faded
вялый {adj} :: flabby, flaccid, limp
вялый {adj} :: sluggish, listless, languid, lethargic
вянуть {v impf} :: to wither, to shrivel, to fade, to dry up (shrivel, droop, dry up, e.g. of flowers)
Вятка {prop} :: Vyatka (former name of Kirov, a city in Russia)
Вятка {prop} :: Vyatka River (river in Kirov Oblast and Tatarstan, Russia, passing through the city of Kirov (formerly Vyatka))
вятский {adj} [relational] :: Vyatka
вяхирь {noun} :: ringdove, wood pigeon
Вячеслав {prop} :: given name