User:Matthias Buchmeier/cmn-en-v

数值分析 {def} SEE: 數值分析 ::
数值积分 {def} SEE: 數值積分 ::
数轴 {def} SEE: 數軸 ::
数珠 {def} SEE: 數珠 ::
数子 {def} SEE: 數子 ::
数字 {def} SEE: 數字 ::
数字电视 {def} SEE: 數字電視 ::
数字管 {def} SEE: 數字管 ::
数字化 {def} SEE: 數字化 ::
数字人文 {def} SEE: 數字人文 ::
数字图书馆 {def} SEE: 數字圖書館 ::
数字信号处理 {def} SEE: 數字信號處理 ::
数字足迹 {def} SEE: 數字足跡 ::
数组 {def} SEE: 數組 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
术后 {def} SEE: 術後 ::
术前 {def} SEE: 術前 ::
术士 {def} SEE: 術士 ::
术业有专攻 {def} SEE: 術業有專攻 ::
术语 {def} SEE: 術語 ::
术语表 {def} SEE: 術語表 ::
术语学 {def} SEE: 術語學 ::
术仔 {def} SEE: 術仔 ::
术中指 {def} SEE: 術中指 ::
{def} /shù/ :: to bind; to tie up
{def} /shù/ :: to control; to restrain
{def} /shù/ :: end
{def} /shù/ :: bunch; bundle; bale
{def} /shù/ :: classifier for objects in bunches or bundles, such as bouquets of flowers
{def} /shù/ :: surname
束发 {def} SEE: 束髮 ::
束发冠 {def} SEE: 束髮冠 ::
束发金冠 {def} SEE: 束髮金冠 ::
束髮 {v} [literary] /shù髮/ :: to bind the hair
束髮 {v} [literary] /shù髮/ :: to reach boyhood
束髮冠 {n} [archaic] /shù髮guān/ :: a cap made out of braided gold and silk, with long pheasant feathers on either side
束髮金冠 {n} [archaic] /shù髮 jīnguān/ :: a cap made out of braided gold and silk, with long pheasant feathers on either side
束縛 {v} /shù縛/ :: to bind; to tie up
束縛 {v} /shù縛/ :: to restrict; to constrain
束缚 {def} SEE: 束縛 ::
束手 {v} /shùshǒu/ :: to be helpless; to have one's hands tied
束手待斃 {idiom} /shùshǒu dàibì/ :: to fold one's hands and helplessly await death; to give oneself up for dead
束手待毙 {def} SEE: 束手待斃 ::
束手就擒 {idiom} /shùshǒujiùqín/ :: to have one's hands tied and wait to be captured
束手無策 {idiom} /shùshǒuwúcè/ :: to be at a loss what to do; to feel helpless in the face of some difficulty
束手无策 {def} SEE: 束手無策 ::
束胸 {v} /shùxiōng/ :: to bind one's chest
束胸 {n} /shùxiōng/ :: binder (clothing item for binding the chest)
束腰 {v} /shùyāo/ :: to girdle the waist
束腰 {adj} [attributive] /shùyāo/ :: waist-contracting
束腰 {n} /shùyāo/ :: girdle
束之高閣 {idiom} /shùzhīgāogé/ :: tied up in a bundle on a high shelf; to put something on the back burner
束之高阁 {def} SEE: 束之高閣 ::
束支 {n} [cardiology] /shùzhī/ :: bundle
束装 {def} SEE: 束裝 ::
束裝 {v} [literary] /shùzhuāng/ :: to pack up (for a journey)
{def} SEE: ::
树杈 {def} SEE: 樹杈 ::
树杈子 {def} SEE: 樹杈子 ::
树丛 {def} SEE: 樹叢 ::
树大有枯枝 {def} SEE: 樹大有枯枝 ::
树大招风 {def} SEE: 樹大招風 ::
树袋熊 {def} SEE: 樹袋熊 ::
树倒猢狲散 {def} SEE: 樹倒猢猻散 ::
树倒活狲散 {def} SEE: 樹倒活猻散 ::
树灯 {def} SEE: 樹燈 ::
树敌 {def} SEE: 樹敵 ::
树洞 {def} SEE: 樹洞 ::
树洞贴 {def} SEE: 樹洞貼 ::
树蔸 {def} SEE: 樹蔸 ::
树墩 {def} SEE: 樹墩 ::
树桠 {def} SEE: 樹椏 ::
树恩 {def} SEE: 樹恩 ::
树干 {def} SEE: 樹幹 ::
树圪杈 {def} SEE: 樹圪杈 ::
树葛 {def} SEE: 樹葛 ::
树蛤 {def} SEE: 樹蛤 ::
树根 {def} SEE: 樹根 ::
树根子 {def} SEE: 樹根子 ::
树功 {def} SEE: 樹功 ::
树功立业 {def} SEE: 樹功立業 ::
树冠 {def} SEE: 樹冠 ::
树花 {def} SEE: 樹花 ::
树胶 {def} SEE: 樹膠 ::
树胶圈 {def} SEE: 樹膠圈 ::
树懒 {def} SEE: 樹懶 ::
树篱 {def} SEE: 樹籬 ::
树篱迷宫 {def} SEE: 樹籬迷宮 ::
树立 {def} SEE: 樹立 ::
树林 {def} SEE: 樹林 ::
树林子 {def} SEE: 樹林子 ::
树轮 {def} SEE: 樹輪 ::
树轮年代学 {def} SEE: 樹輪年代學 ::
树络 {def} SEE: 樹絡 ::
树猫 {def} SEE: 樹貓 ::
树莓 {def} SEE: 樹莓 ::
树苗 {def} SEE: 樹苗 ::
树苗苗 {def} SEE: 樹苗苗 ::
树木 {def} SEE: 樹木 ::
树木年代学 {def} SEE: 樹木年代學 ::
树奶 {def} SEE: 樹奶 ::
树奶擦 {def} SEE: 樹奶擦 ::
树奶带 {def} SEE: 樹奶帶 ::
树奶箍 {def} SEE: 樹奶箍 ::
树奶箍仔 {def} SEE: 樹奶箍仔 ::
树奶环 {def} SEE: 樹奶環 ::
树奶糖 {def} SEE: 樹奶糖 ::
树奶条 {def} SEE: 樹奶條 ::
树奶鞋 {def} SEE: 樹奶鞋 ::
树奶印 {def} SEE: 樹奶印 ::
树皮 {def} SEE: 樹皮 ::
树人 {def} SEE: 樹人 ::
树乳 {def} SEE: 樹乳 ::
树乳仔 {def} SEE: 樹乳仔 ::
树箬 {def} SEE: 樹箬 ::
树上开花 {def} SEE: 樹上開花 ::
树梢 {def} SEE: 樹梢 ::
树梢子 {def} SEE: 樹梢子 ::
树身 {def} SEE: 樹身 ::
树身子 {def} SEE: 樹身子 ::
树薯 {def} SEE: 樹薯 ::
树筒 {def} SEE: 樹筒 ::
树头 {def} SEE: 樹頭 ::
树头徛予在,毋惊树尾做风台 {def} SEE: 樹頭徛予在,毋驚樹尾做風颱 ::
树突 {def} SEE: 樹突 ::
树蛙 {def} SEE: 樹蛙 ::
树尾 {def} SEE: 樹尾 ::
树尾顶 {def} SEE: 樹尾頂 ::
树尾溜 {def} SEE: 樹尾溜 ::
树新风 {def} SEE: 樹新風 ::
树熊 {def} SEE: 樹熊 ::
树熊猴 {def} SEE: 樹熊猴 ::
树丫 {def} SEE: 樹丫 ::
树叶 {def} SEE: 樹葉 ::
树叶儿 {def} SEE: 樹葉兒 ::
树叶仔 {def} SEE: 樹葉仔 ::
树叶子 {def} SEE: 樹葉子 ::
树液 {def} SEE: 樹液 ::
树荫 {def} SEE: 樹蔭 ::
树阴 {def} SEE: 樹陰 ::
树影 {def} SEE: 樹影 ::
树欲静而风不止 {def} SEE: 樹欲靜而風不止 ::
树栽 {def} SEE: 樹栽 ::
树仔 {def} SEE: 樹仔 ::
树葬 {def} SEE: 樹葬 ::
树枝 {def} SEE: 樹枝 ::
树枝子 {def} SEE: 樹枝子 ::
树汁 {def} SEE: 樹汁 ::
树脂 {def} SEE: 樹脂 ::
树桩 {def} SEE: 樹樁 ::
树状图 {def} SEE: 樹狀圖 ::
树子 {def} SEE: 樹子 ::
树子林林 {def} SEE: 樹子林林 ::
树子叶叶 {def} SEE: 樹子葉葉 ::
{def} /shù/ :: [obsolete] to plant; to place upright; to cultivate
{def} /shù/ :: [obsolete] to set up; to establish
{def} /shù/ :: tree (Classifier: m:棵m:株c:樖mn:叢h:頭)
{def} /shù/ :: plant
{def} [graph theory] /shù/ :: tree
{def} /shù/ :: surname
樹杈 {n} /shù杈/ :: tree fork; crotch (of a tree)
樹杈子 {n} /shù杈zi/ :: tree fork; crotch (of a tree)
樹叢 {n} /shùcóng/ :: thicket; grove; undergrowth
樹欉 {def} SEE: 樹叢 ::
樹大有枯枝 {idiom} /shùdàyǒukūzhī/ :: there will always bad people be among a community
樹大招風 {idiom} [metaphor] /shùdàzhāofēng/ :: prominence invites trouble
樹袋熊 {n} /shùdàixióng/ :: koala (a tree-dwelling marsupial that resembles a small bear)
樹倒猢猻散 {proverb} [figurative] /shù dǎo húsūn sàn/ :: When a leader loses power, his/her followers become disorganized
樹燈 {n} /shùdēng/ :: tree lights (Christmas tree lights, etc.)
樹敵 {v} /shùdí/ :: to make an enemy of somebody; to set others against oneself; to antagonize
樹洞 {n} /shùdòng/ :: tree hollow
樹洞貼 {n} [neologism, slang] /shùdòngtiē/ :: anonymous post online in which the author shares something personal and private
樹墩 {n} /shùdūn/ :: tree stump
樹椏 {def} SEE: 樹丫 ::
樹恩 {v} [archaic] /shù'ēn/ :: to bestow favors; to serve as a benefactor
樹幹 {n} /shùgàn/ :: tree trunk
樹榦 {def} SEE: 樹幹 ::
樹根 {n} /shùgēn/ :: root (of a tree)
樹功 {v} [literary] /shùgōng/ :: to do great deeds; to accomplish great things and establish oneself; to make a name for oneself
樹功立業 {idiom} /shùgōng lìyè/ :: to do great deeds; to accomplish great things and establish oneself; to make a name for oneself
樹冠 {n} /shùguān/ :: tree canopy
樹花 {n} /shùhuā/ :: a fungus that grows on trees and is eaten as food in Bai cuisine
樹膠 {n} /shùjiāo/ :: tree resin; gum; caoutchouc
樹膠 {n} [Cantonese] /shùjiāo/ :: rubber
樹膠圈 {n} [chiefly Malaysia, Singapore] /shùjiāoquān/ :: rubber band; elastic band
樹懶 {n} /shùlǎn/ :: sloth (mammal)
樹籬 {n} /shùlí/ :: hedge (fence of shrubs)
樹籬迷宮 {n} /shùlí mígōng/ :: hedge maze
樹立 {v} /shùlì/ :: to build (e.g. an image, reputation, etc.); to foster (e.g. confidence); to set up (e.g. a model)
樹林 {n} /shùlín/ :: forest; woods; grove
樹林 {prop} /shùlín/ :: (~ 區) 樹林 (district)
樹林 {prop} /shùlín/ :: (~ 市) 樹林 (city)
樹林 {prop} /shùlín/ :: A Japanese surname: Kibayashi
樹輪 {n} /shùlún/ :: tree ring
樹輪年代學 {n} /shùlún niándàixué/ :: dendrochronology
樹莓 {n} /shùméi/ :: raspberry
樹苗 {n} /shùmiáo/ :: sapling
樹苗苗 {n} [Jin, childish in Mandarin] /shùmiáomiao/ :: sapling
樹木 {n} /shùmù/ :: tree
樹木 {v} [Classical] /shùmù/ :: to plant trees
樹木年代學 {n} /shùmù niándàixué/ :: dendrochronology
樹皮 {n} /shùpí/ :: bark (of a tree) (Classifier: m,c:塊)
樹皮 {n} /shùpí/ :: tree lungwort (Lobaria pulmonaria, as eaten in Bai cuisine)
樹人 {v} [literary] /shùrén/ :: to cultivate the young
樹乳 {def} SEE: 樹奶 ::
樹上開花 {idiom} /shùshàngkāihuā/ :: to deck the tree with false blossoms; to make something of no value appear valuable
樹梢 {n} /shùshāo/ :: tip of a tree; treetop
樹葉 {n} /shùyè,er/ :: leaf of a tree
樹薯 {n} /shùshǔ/ :: cassava (Manihot esculenta)
樹頭 {n} [literary or Min Nan] /shùtóu/ :: top of a tree; branches of a tree
樹頭 {n} [Hakka, Min Nan] /shùtóu/ :: root (of a tree)
樹頭 {n} [Cantonese, Min Nan] /shùtóu/ :: tree stump
樹頭 {prop} /shùtóu/ :: (~ 村) 樹頭 (village)
樹突 {n} /shù突/ :: dendrite (projection of a nerve cell)
樹突狀細胞 {n} [histology] /shù突zhuàng xìbāo/ :: dendritic cell
樹蛙 {n} /shùwā/ :: tree frog
樹新風 {v} [officialese] /shù xīnfēng/ :: to set a new and positive atmosphere
樹熊 {n} [chiefly Hong Kong] /shùxióng/ :: koala (Classifier: c:隻)
樹熊猴 {n} /shùxiónghóu/ :: potto (Perodicticus potto)
樹丫 {n} /shùyā/ :: tree fork; crotch (of a tree)  
樹液 {n} /shù液/ :: tree sap
樹蔭 {n} /shùyìn,shùyīn,2nb/ :: shade of a tree
樹陰 {n} /shùyīn/ :: shade of a tree
樹影 {n} /shùyǐng/ :: shadow of a tree
樹欲靜而風不止 {proverb} /shù yù jìng ér fēng bù zhǐ/ :: The objective laws often go counter to man's desires
樹葬 {n} /shùzàng/ :: tree burial
樹枝 {n} /shùzhī/ :: tree branch; twig (Classifier: 根枝)
樹汁 {n} /shùzhī/ :: sap (of a tree)
樹脂 {n} /shù脂/ :: resin; gum
樹樁 {n} /shùzhuāng,er/ :: tree stump
樹狀圖 {n} /shùzhuàngtú/ :: treemap chart
{def} /shù/ :: name of a river in Shandong
{def} /shù,sòu/ :: to gargle; to rinse
{def} /shù,sòu/ :: to wash; to scour
漱口 {v} /shùkǒu/ :: to rinse the mouth; to gargle
漱口杯 {n} /shùkǒubēi/ :: glass or mug for mouth-rinsing or tooth-cleaning; tooth glass or mug
漱口剂 {def} SEE: 漱口劑 ::
漱口劑 {n} /shùkǒujì/ :: gargle; mouthwash
漱口水 {n} /shùkǒushuǐ/ :: mouthwash
漱口盂 {n} /shùkǒuyú/ :: mouth cleansing cup
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /shù/ :: timely rain
{def} /shù/ :: ditch; drain; narrow waterway
{def} /shù/ :: place where water stays
{def} SEE: ::
竖笛 {def} SEE: 豎笛 ::
竖钩 {def} SEE: 豎鉤 ::
竖立 {def} SEE: 豎立 ::
竖琴 {def} SEE: 豎琴 ::
竖儒 {def} SEE: 豎儒 ::
竖提 {def} SEE: 豎提 ::
竖线 {def} SEE: 豎線 ::
竖心边 {def} SEE: 豎心邊 ::
竖心底 {def} SEE: 豎心底 ::
竖心旁 {def} SEE: 豎心旁 ::
竖折 {def} SEE: 豎折 ::
竖折弯钩 {def} SEE: 豎折彎鉤 ::
竖直 {def} SEE: 豎直 ::
竖中指 {def} SEE: 豎中指 ::
竖子 {def} SEE: 豎子 ::
竖子不足与谋 {def} SEE: 豎子不足與謀 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /xiāo/ :: only used in 翛翛
{def} /shū/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
腧穴 {n} [TCM] /shù穴/ :: pressure point; acupoint  
{def} /shù/ :: type of grass
{def} /shù/ :: used in 蒁藥
{def} /shù/ :: art; craft; skill; technique
{def} /shù/ :: method; tactics
{def} /shù/ :: abbreviation of 手術
術後 {n} [surgery] /shùhòu/ :: postoperative
術前 {n} [surgery] /shùqián/ :: preoperative
術士 {n} [archaic] /shùshì/ :: Confucian scholar
術士 {n} [archaic] /shùshì/ :: Daoist magician
術業有專攻 {idiom} /shù yè yǒu zhuāngōng/ :: to possess a knowledge of a special skill
術語 {n} /shùyǔ/ :: technical term; terminology
術語表 {n} /shùyǔbiǎo/ :: glossary
術語學 {n} /shùyǔxué/ :: terminology [as a field of study]
{def} /shù/ :: to erect; to make vertical
{def} /shù/ :: vertical; upright
{def} [Chinese calligraphy] /shù/ :: a vertical stroke ()
{def} /shù/ :: perpendicular
{def} [historical] /shù/ :: attendant; boy servant
{def} /shù/ :: name of a god
{def} /shù/ :: surname
豎笛 {n} [Mainland China, musical instrument] /shùdí/ :: recorder (musical instrument)
豎笛 {n} [Taiwan, musical instrument] /shùdí/ :: clarinet
豎鉤 {n} /shùgōu/ :: vertical stroke with a hook (in Chinese characters)
豎立 {v} /shùlì/ :: to set upright; to erect; to stand
豎琴 {n} /shùqín/ :: harp (Classifier: m:架)
豎儒 {n} [literary, derogatory] /shùrú/ :: mediocre scholar
豎儒 {pron} [literary, humble, self-deprecating] /shùrú/ :: I
豎提 {n} /shùtí/ :: A stroke in Chinese characters: 𠄌
豎線 {n} [typography] /shùxiàn/ :: vertical bar
豎心邊 {n} [dialectal, regional] /shùxīnbiān/ :: the Chinese character component
豎心底 {n} /shùxīndǐ/ :: the Chinese character component
豎心旁 {n} /shùxīnpáng,er/ :: the Chinese character component
豎折 {n} /shùzhé/ :: downwards-starting right angle character stroke
豎折彎鉤 {n} /shùzhéwāngōu/ :: , downwards-starting right angle followed by a bending stroke with a hook character stroke
豎直 {adj} /shùzhí/ :: vertical; upright; erect
豎直 {v} /shùzhí/ :: to set upright
豎中指 {v} /shù zhōngzhǐ/ :: to give the middle finger
豎子 {n} [literary] /shùzǐ/ :: small child
豎子 {n} [literary] /shùzǐ/ :: child servant
豎子 {n} [literary] /shùzǐ/ :: person who is weak and incompetent; childish buffoon
豎子不足與謀 {idiom} [archaic] /shùzǐ 不zú yùmóu/ :: This childish buffoon is not qualified to participate in strategic planning!
豎子不足與謀 {idiom} [archaic] /shùzǐ 不zú yùmóu/ :: You childish buffoons are not qualified to participate in strategic planning!
{def} /shù/ :: to follow; to adhere to; to observe; to obey; to go by
{def} /shù/ :: to state; to narrate; to relate; to recount
{def} /shù/ :: to inherit and transmit; to expound and impart (theories put forth by the predecessors)
{def} /shù/ :: works; writings; account; recount
{def} /shù/ :: surname
述而不作 {idiom} [literary] /shù'ér不zuò/ :: to refrain from unwarranted innovations; to resist the temptation to speculate
述評 {v} /shùpíng/ :: to write a review; to write a commentary
述評 {n} /shùpíng/ :: review; commentary
述评 {def} SEE: 述評 ::
述說 {v} /shùshuō/ :: to state; to recount; to narrate
述说 {def} SEE: 述說 ::
述語 {n} [grammar] /shùyǔ/ :: predicate
述语 {def} SEE: 述語 ::
述职 {def} SEE: 述職 ::
述職 {v} /shùzhí/ :: to report on one's work
{def} /shù/ :: [obsolete] long needle
{def} /shù/ :: [obsolete] to pierce; to prick
{def} /shù/ :: surname
{def} /xù,shù,1nb/ :: [obsolete] to guide
{def} /shù/ :: [obsolete] kingfisher
{def} /shuā,er/ :: brush (tool)
{def} /shuā,er/ :: to brush; to scrub; to clean with a brush
{def} /shuā,er/ :: to paint with a brush
{def} [colloquial] /shuā,er/ :: to eliminate
{def} [neologism, colloquial] /shuā,er/ :: to browse through (updates on social media etc.); to flip through
{def} [dialectal] /shuà/ :: to pick; to choose
刷白 {adj} /shuàbái,shuābái,1nb/ :: white; pale
刷机 {def} SEE: 刷機 ::
刷機 {v} [computing, colloquial] /shuājī/ :: to flash a ROM onto an Android device
刷剧 {def} SEE: 刷劇 ::
刷劇 {v} [slang, neologism] /shuājù/ :: to binge-watch
刷卡 {v} /shuākǎ/ :: to swipe a card (through a reading device)
刷卡 {v} /shuākǎ/ :: to pay by credit card
刷脸 {def} SEE: 刷臉 ::
刷臉 {v} /shuāliǎn/ :: to scan one's face (e.g. in a facial recognition system)
刷屏 {v} [Internet] /shuāpíng/ :: to flood a message board
刷刷 {n} /shuāshuā/ :: An onomatopoeia
刷題 {v} [neologism, slang] /shuātí/ :: to do a large number of exam questions (especially recent ones)
刷题 {def} SEE: 刷題 ::
刷碗 {v} /shuāwǎn/ :: to wash the dishes; to do the dishes
刷尾負鼠 {n} /shuāwěi fùshǔ/ :: brushtail possum
刷尾负鼠 {def} SEE: 刷尾負鼠 ::
刷新 {v} [literally] /shuāxīn/ :: to repaint; to renovate; to refurbish
刷新 {v} [figurative] /shuāxīn/ :: to refresh (memory, etc.); to write a new page; to break (a record)
刷新 {v} [computing] /shuāxīn/ :: to refresh
刷牙 {v} /shuāyá/ :: to brush one's teeth; to clean one's teeth
刷夜 {v} /shuāyè/ :: to stay out or stay up all night
刷印 {v} [dated] /shuāyìn/ :: to print (to produce one or more copies of a text or image on a surface by machine)
刷子 {n} /shuāzi/ :: brush (implement with a handle)
刷子 {n} [obsolete, colloquial] /shuāzi/ :: fool; idiot
{def} /shū/ :: a small kind of tuna or sturgeon
{def} /shuǎ/ :: to frolic; to play; to amuse oneself
{def} /shuǎ/ :: to perform; to play with; to fiddle with; to flourish; to wield
{def} /shuǎ/ :: to show off; to display; to act
{def} /shuǎ/ :: to trick; to fool
{def} /shuǎ/ :: to gamble
{def} /shuǎ/ :: surname
耍宝 {def} SEE: 耍寶 ::
耍寶 {v} [colloquial, derogatory] /shuǎbǎo,er/ :: to show off; to display with ostentation or pride
耍寶 {v} [colloquial] /shuǎbǎo,er/ :: to put on a show to amuse others; to be playful
耍笔杆 {def} SEE: 耍筆桿 ::
耍筆桿 {v} [usually, derogatory] /shuǎ#bǐgǎn/ :: to wield the pen; to be skilled in literary tricks
耍單 {v} [dialectal] /shuǎdān,er/ :: to wear little on a cold day; to dress skimpily even though it is cold outside to look cute
耍單 {v} [dialectal] /shuǎdān,er/ :: to be single; to be without a partner
耍单 {def} SEE: 耍單 ::
耍刀 {v} /shuǎdāo/ :: to flourish a sword; to give a performance of swordplay
耍花枪 {def} SEE: 耍花槍 ::
耍花槍 {v} [idiomatic] /shuǎhuāqiāng/ :: to play tricks
耍花腔 {v} [colloquial] /shuǎhuāqiāng/ :: to cheat by glib talk; to speak guilefully
耍花招 {v} /shuǎ huāzhāo/ :: to trick; to dupe; to cheat
耍花招 {v} /shuǎ huāzhāo/ :: to show off some special skill
耍滑 {v} /shuǎhuá/ :: to try to shirk work or responsibility; to act in a slick way
耍滑头 {def} SEE: 耍滑頭 ::
耍滑頭 {v} /shuǎhuátóu/ :: to try to shirk work or responsibility; to act in a slick way
耍货 {def} SEE: 耍貨 ::
耍奸 {v} /shuǎjiān/ :: to try to shirk work or responsibility; to act in a slick way
耍賴 {v} /shuǎlài/ :: to act shamelessly; to be perverse
耍賴皮 {v} /shuǎ làipí/ :: to act shamelessly; to be perverse  
耍赖 {def} SEE: 耍賴 ::
耍赖皮 {def} SEE: 耍賴皮 ::
耍流氓 {v} /shuǎ liúmáng/ :: to behave like a hooligan; to act in a dirty or indecent manner
耍無賴 {v} [colloquial] /shuǎ wúlài/ :: to act shamelessly; to be perverse; to play the devil or hooliganism
耍闹 {def} SEE: 耍鬧 ::
耍鬧 {v} /shuǎnào/ :: to have horseplay
耍脾气 {def} SEE: 耍脾氣 ::
耍脾氣 {v} /shuǎ píqi/ :: to lose one's temper; to get into a huff; to throw a tantrum
耍錢 {v} [regional, colloquial] /shuǎqián/ :: to gamble
耍钱 {def} SEE: 耍錢 ::
耍枪 {def} SEE: 耍槍 ::
耍槍 {v} /shuǎqiāng/ :: to flourish a qiang (spear); to give a martial arts performance with a qiang (spear)
耍狮 {def} SEE: 耍獅 ::
耍狮子 {def} SEE: 耍獅子 ::
耍獅 {v} /shuǎshī/ :: to perform lion dance (traditional Chinese dance where performers mimic a lion's movements in a lion costume)
耍獅子 {v} /shuǎshīzi/ :: to perform a lion dance (traditional Chinese dance where performers mimic a lion's movements in a lion costume)
耍帅 {def} SEE: 耍帥 ::
耍帥 {v} [colloquial] /shuǎshuài/ :: to try to look cool; to try to impress; to show off
耍态度 {def} SEE: 耍態度 ::
耍態度 {v} [colloquial] /shuǎ tàidù/ :: to get angry; to lose one's temper
耍无赖 {def} SEE: 耍無賴 ::
耍笑 {v} /shuǎxiào/ :: to joke; to have fun
耍笑 {v} /shuǎxiào/ :: to make fun of; to play a joke on
耍嘴皮 {v} [derogatory] /shuǎ zuǐpí/ :: to be a smooth talker; to be a slick talker
耍嘴皮 {v} /shuǎ zuǐpí/ :: to be all talk and no action
耍嘴皮子 {v} [derogatory] /shuǎ zuǐpízi/ :: to be a smooth talker; to be a slick talker
耍嘴皮子 {v} /shuǎ zuǐpízi/ :: to be all talk and no action
{def} /shuāi/ :: to fall; to stumble; to trip
摔打 {v} /shuāidǎ/ :: to beat; to knock
摔打 {v} /shuāidǎ/ :: to rough it; to temper oneself
摔倒 {v} /shuāidǎo/ :: to fall over; to fall down; to have a fall
摔倒 {v} /shuāidǎo/ :: to throw
摔交 {def} SEE: 摔跤 ::
摔跤 {v} /shuāijiāo/ :: to fall down; to be tripped over; to trip and fall
摔跤 {v} [sport] /shuāijiāo/ :: to wrestle
摔跤 {v} [figurative] /shuāijiāo/ :: to trip up; to suffer a setback
摔跤 {n} [sport] /shuāijiāo/ :: wrestling
摔角 {n} /shuāijiǎo/ :: Shuai jiao (form of Chinese wrestling)
摔栊仔子 {def} SEE: 摔櫳仔子 ::
摔落 {v} /shuāiluò/ :: to fall; to drop
{def} /shuāi/ :: to grow weak; to decrease in strength; to decline
{def} [Min Nan, Taiwanese Hakka] /shuāi/ :: to have bad luck
{def} [Cantonese, Hakka] /shuāi/ :: bad; detestable; awful
{def} [Cantonese] /shuāi/ :: to make a grave mistake
{def} [Cantonese] /shuāi/ :: to do (wrongdoing)
{def} /cuī/ :: [obsolete] to reduce; to decrease in order
{def} /cuī/ :: alternative form of
衰敗 {v} /shuāibài/ :: to decline; to wane; to be at a low ebb
衰败 {def} SEE: 衰敗 ::
衰变 {def} SEE: 衰變 ::
衰變 {v} [physics, of a nucleus] /shuāibiàn/ :: to decay
衰减 {def} SEE: 衰減 ::
衰減 {v} /shuāijiǎn/ :: to attenuate
衰竭 {v} [of physiological functions, organs, etc.] /shuāijié/ :: to fail; to prostrate
衰竭 {v} [of resources, etc.] /shuāijié/ :: to be exhausted
衰老 {adj} /shuāilǎo/ :: senile
衰老 {v} /shuāilǎo/ :: to become senile
衰老 {n} /shuāilǎo/ :: senility
衰乱 {def} SEE: 衰亂 ::
衰亂 {v} [literary] /shuāiluàn/ :: to decline into chaos
衰落 {v} [of plants and flowers] /shuāiluò/ :: to whither
衰落 {v} [figuratively] /shuāiluò/ :: to decline; to go downhill; to be on the wane; to fall; to decay
衰弱 {v} /shuāiruò/ :: to fall away; to waste away; to weaken
衰弱 {adj} /shuāiruò/ :: feeble; weak; faint
衰神 {n} [humorous] /shuāishén,suīshén/ :: god of bad luck; jinx
衰神 {n} [Cantonese] /shuāishén,suīshén/ :: unlucky or untrustworthy person
衰退 {v} /shuāituì/ :: to decline; to fail
衰退 {n} [economics, business, finance] /shuāituì/ :: recession; depression; slump
衰亡 {v} /shuāiwáng/ :: to become feeble and die; to decline and fall; to wither away
衰微 {v} [literary] /shuāi微/ :: to decline; to wane; to weaken
衰微 {adj} [literary] /shuāi微/ :: in decline; waning; weakened
衰微 {n} /shuāi微/ :: (~ 卦) The combination 二上四中一下 in the Lingqijing
{def} [Mandarin, Hokkien, Wu] /shuǎi/ :: to toss; to throw; to fling
{def} [Mandarin] /shuǎi/ :: to throw away; to discard
{def} [Mandarin] /shuǎi/ :: to brush off; to abandon
{def} [Mandarin] /shuǎi/ :: to swing
{def} [dialectal Mandarin] /shuǎi/ :: to take off; to remove
{def} [dialectal Mandarin] /shuǎi/ :: to heed; to take notice of
{def} [dialectal Mandarin, of insects, fish, etc.] /shuǎi/ :: to lay (eggs)
{def} [Beijing] /shuǎi/ :: to play (cards)
{def} [Beijing] /shuǎi/ :: abbreviation of 甩賣
{def} [Beijing] /shuǎi/ :: to scold
{def} [Sichuan] /shuǎi/ :: perturbed; uneasy
{def} [Cantonese] /shuǎi/ :: to come loose; to come off
{def} [Wu] /shuǎi/ :: to strike; to box (about the ears)
{def} [Wu] /shuǎi/ :: to shake off; to escape
{def} [Wu] /shuǎi/ :: to wave; to rock
{def} [Hokkien] /shuǎi/ :: to sprinkle; to spray
甩掉 {v} /shuǎidiào/ :: to throw away; to cast off; to shake off; to fling off
甩动 {def} SEE: 甩動 ::
甩動 {v} /shuǎidòng/ :: to shake; to fling one's arm; to lash; to swing
甩鍋 {v} [neologism, metaphor] /shuǎiguō/ :: to blame others
甩锅 {def} SEE: 甩鍋 ::
甩閒話 {v} [Beijing Mandarin] /shuǎi xiánhuà/ :: to complain; to complain by insinuating; to insinuate
甩卖 {def} SEE: 甩賣 ::
甩賣 {n} /shuǎimài/ :: markdown; sale; reduced prices
甩賣 {v} /shuǎimài/ :: to sell at cheap prices
甩手 {v} /shuǎishǒu/ :: to swing one's arms
甩手 {v} /shuǎishǒu/ :: to refuse to do; to wash one's hands of
甩头发 {def} SEE: 甩頭髮 ::
甩尾 {v} [chiefly Taiwan, of a vehicle] /shuǎiwěi/ :: to drift (due to low friction, or as a technique in car racing)
甩闲话 {def} SEE: 甩閒話 ::
{def} SEE: ::
帅屄 {def} SEE: 帥屄 ::
帅逼 {def} SEE: 帥逼 ::
帅呆 {def} SEE: 帥呆 ::
帅哥 {def} SEE: 帥哥 ::
帅锅 {def} SEE: 帥鍋 ::
帅气 {def} SEE: 帥氣 ::
帅先 {def} SEE: 帥先 ::
{def} /shuài/ :: [obsolete] [military] to command; to lead (and give orders to); to designate
{def} /shuài/ :: [obsolete] to lead; to guide
{def} /shuài/ :: (to be a) role model; example
{def} /shuài/ :: to follow; to adhere to
{def} /shuài/ :: rapid; sharp; sudden
{def} /shuài/ :: commander-in-chief; marshal
{def} /shuài/ :: officialdom; senior officials
{def} [of a person or a thing] /shuài/ :: leader; guider; leading factor
{def} [Chinese chess] /shuài/ :: marshal; the chief piece (on the red side)
{def} [colloquial, of men] /shuài/ :: handsome; good-looking; hot
{def} [colloquial] /shuài/ :: elegant; beautiful; splendid; impressive
{def} /shuài/ :: surname
帥屄 {n} [vulgar, slang] /shuàibī/ :: handsome man
帥逼 {def} SEE: 帥屄 ::
帥呆 {adj} [slang] /shuàidāi/ :: handsome; gorgeous
帥哥 {n} [colloquial] /shuàigē,er/ :: handsome man; handsome boy
帥鍋 {n} [slang] /shuàiguō/ :: alternative form of 帥哥
帥氣 {adj} /shuàiqì,tl/ :: handsome; dashing
帥氣 {n} /shuàiqì,tl/ :: handsomeness
帥先 {v} [archaic] /shuàixiān/ :: to stand in front; to be a role model
{def} /shuài/ :: cricket
{def} /shuān/ :: to bind
{def} /shuān/ :: alternative form of *栓
拴束 {v} [literary] /shuānshù/ :: to tie; to fasten; to bind
拴束 {v} [literary] /shuānshù/ :: to make ready; to prepare (horses etc.)
{def} /shuān/ :: wooden peg, post or stick
栓剂 {def} SEE: 栓劑 ::
栓劑 {n} [medicine] /shuānjì/ :: suppository
栓皮 {n} [forestry] /shuānpí/ :: cork
栓塞 {v} [disease] /shuānsè/ :: to be affected by embolism; to be blocked by an embolus; to be embolised
栓子 {n} [medicine] /shuānzi/ :: embolus
{def} /shuān/ :: bolt; latch; crossbar
{def} /shuān/ :: to bolt; to latch
{def} [Cantonese, dialectal Hakka] /shuān/ :: to close; to switch off; to turn off
閂門 {v} /shuānmén/ :: to latch the door; to bolt the door
閂門 {v} [Cantonese] /shuānmén/ :: to close the door
閂門 {v} [Cantonese] /shuānmén/ :: to close shop; to close for business; to close for the night
閂門 {v} [Cantonese] /shuānmén/ :: to close down; to go bankrupt
閂鎖 {n} [Taiwan, computing, electronics] /shuānsuǒ/ :: flip-flop; latch
{def} SEE: ::
闩门 {def} SEE: 閂門 ::
闩门大吉 {def} SEE: 閂門大吉 ::
闩锁 {def} SEE: 閂鎖 ::
{def} /shuàn/ :: to rinse clean
{def} /shuàn/ :: to cook or boil in juice
涮鍋 {v} /shuànguō/ :: to have hot-pot
涮鍋 {n} /shuànguō/ :: hot-pot
涮鍋子 {n} /shuànguōzi/ :: hot pot (communal meal in China)
涮锅 {def} SEE: 涮鍋 ::
涮锅子 {def} SEE: 涮鍋子 ::
涮涮鍋 {n} /shuànshuànguō/ :: shabu-shabu
涮涮锅 {def} SEE: 涮涮鍋 ::
{def} SEE: ::
双𨱑 {def} SEE: 雙鐄 ::
双棒儿 {def} SEE: 雙棒兒 ::
双孢蘑菇 {def} SEE: 雙孢蘑菇 ::
双胞胎 {def} SEE: 雙胞胎 ::
双保险 {def} SEE: 雙保險 ::
双臂 {def} SEE: 雙臂 ::
双边 {def} SEE: 雙邊 ::
双标 {def} SEE: 雙標 ::
双标图 {def} SEE: 雙標圖 ::
双槽门 {def} SEE: 雙槽門 ::
双层 {def} SEE: 雙層 ::
双层巴士 {def} SEE: 雙層巴士 ::
双层床 {def} SEE: 雙層床 ::
双层公共汽车 {def} SEE: 雙層公共汽車 ::
双车道 {def} SEE: 雙車道 ::
双城 {def} SEE: 雙城 ::
双城子 {def} SEE: 雙城子 ::
双成 {def} SEE: 雙成 ::
双床 {def} SEE: 雙床 ::
双唇 {def} SEE: 雙脣 ::
双唇音 {def} SEE: 雙脣音 ::
双打 {def} SEE: 雙打 ::
双刀 {def} SEE: 雙刀 ::
双墩 {def} SEE: 雙墩 ::
双鹅 {def} SEE: 雙鵝 ::
双耳刀 {def} SEE: 雙耳刀 ::
双耳旁 {def} SEE: 雙耳旁 ::
双方 {def} SEE: 雙方 ::
双非 {def} SEE: 雙非 ::
双飞 {def} SEE: 雙飛 ::
双酚 {def} SEE: 雙酚 ::
双酚A {def} SEE: 雙酚A ::
双丰收 {def} SEE: 雙豐收 ::
双峰 {def} SEE: 雙峰 ::
双峰骆驼 {def} SEE: 雙峰駱駝 ::
双峰塔 {def} SEE: 雙峰塔 ::
双峰驼 {def} SEE: 雙峰駝 ::
双岗 {def} SEE: 雙崗 ::
双杠 {def} SEE: 雙杠 ::
双港 {def} SEE: 雙港 ::
双圪棱棱眼 {def} SEE: 雙圪棱棱眼 ::
双沟 {def} SEE: 雙溝 ::
双关 {def} SEE: 雙關 ::
双关语 {def} SEE: 雙關語 ::
双管 {def} SEE: 雙管 ::
双管齐下 {def} SEE: 雙管齊下 ::
双规 {def} SEE: 雙規 ::
双炔失碳酯 {def} SEE: 雙炔失碳酯 ::
双国籍 {def} SEE: 雙國籍 ::
双河 {def} SEE: 雙河 ::
双河城 {def} SEE: 雙河城 ::
双蝴蝶 {def} SEE: 雙蝴蝶 ::
双沪 {def} SEE: 雙滬 ::
双簧 {def} SEE: 雙簧 ::
双簧管 {def} SEE: 雙簧管 ::
双黄蛋 {def} SEE: 雙黃蛋 ::
双击 {def} SEE: 雙擊 ::
双及物动词 {def} SEE: 雙及物動詞 ::
双髻鲨 {def} SEE: 雙髻鯊 ::
双肩 {def} SEE: 雙肩 ::
双键 {def} SEE: 雙鍵 ::
双脚 {def} SEE: 雙腳 ::
双脚架 {def} SEE: 雙腳架 ::
双节棍 {def} SEE: 雙節棍 ::
双解 {def} SEE: 雙解 ::
双晶 {def} SEE: 雙晶 ::
双精度 {def} SEE: 雙精度 ::
双圹 {def} SEE: 雙壙 ::
双鲤 {def} SEE: 雙鯉 ::
双鲤鱼 {def} SEE: 雙鯉魚 ::
双立人 {def} SEE: 雙立人 ::
双立人儿 {def} SEE: 雙立人兒 ::
双辽 {def} SEE: 雙遼 ::
双流 {def} SEE: 雙流 ::
双硫键 {def} SEE: 雙硫鍵 ::
双柳 {def} SEE: 雙柳 ::
双六 {def} SEE: 雙六 ::
双龙 {def} SEE: 雙龍 ::
双陆 {def} SEE: 雙陸 ::
双陆棋 {def} SEE: 雙陸棋 ::
双螺旋 {def} SEE: 雙螺旋 ::
双氯芬酸 {def} SEE: 雙氯芬酸 ::
双马尾 {def} SEE: 雙馬尾 ::
双面 {def} SEE: 雙面 ::
双面刀鬼 {def} SEE: 雙面刀鬼 ::
双庙 {def} SEE: 雙廟 ::
双名法 {def} SEE: 雙名法 ::
双眸 {def} SEE: 雙眸 ::
双牛仔布 {def} SEE: 雙牛仔布 ::
双排车 {def} SEE: 雙排車 ::
双排轮滑鞋 {def} SEE: 雙排輪滑鞋 ::
双拼 {def} SEE: 雙拼 ::
双坪 {def} SEE: 雙坪 ::
双徛人 {def} SEE: 雙徛人 ::
双歧杆菌 {def} SEE: 雙歧桿菌 ::
双企人 {def} SEE: 雙企人 ::
双桥 {def} SEE: 雙橋 ::
双亲 {def} SEE: 雙親 ::
双清 {def} SEE: 雙清 ::
双曲 {def} SEE: 雙曲 ::
双曲函数 {def} SEE: 雙曲函數 ::
双曲面 {def} SEE: 雙曲面 ::
双曲线 {def} SEE: 雙曲線 ::
双全 {def} SEE: 雙全 ::
双人 {def} SEE: 雙人 ::
双人床 {def} SEE: 雙人床 ::
双人房 {def} SEE: 雙人房 ::
双人滑 {def} SEE: 雙人滑 ::
双人间 {def} SEE: 雙人間 ::
双人爿 {def} SEE: 雙人爿 ::
双人旁 {def} SEE: 雙人旁 ::
双刃剑 {def} SEE: 雙刃劍 ::
双色球 {def} SEE: 雙色球 ::
双闪 {def} SEE: 雙閃 ::
双商 {def} SEE: 雙商 ::
双射 {def} SEE: 雙射 ::
双声 {def} SEE: 雙聲 ::
双生 {def} SEE: 雙生 ::
双生的 {def} SEE: 雙生的 ::
双生儿 {def} SEE: 雙生兒 ::
双生囝 {def} SEE: 雙生囝 ::
双生生 {def} SEE: 雙生生 ::
双生仔 {def} SEE: 雙生仔 ::
双生仔囝 {def} SEE: 雙生仔囝 ::
双生子 {def} SEE: 雙生子 ::
双失 {def} SEE: 雙失 ::
双失禁 {def} SEE: 雙失禁 ::
双十暴动 {def} SEE: 雙十暴動 ::
双十节 {def} SEE: 雙十節 ::
双十一 {def} SEE: 雙十一 ::
双式词 {def} SEE: 雙式詞 ::
双手 {def} SEE: 雙手 ::
双手合十 {def} SEE: 雙手合十 ::
双数 {def} SEE: 雙數 ::
双双 {def} SEE: 雙雙 ::
双双儿 {def} SEE: 雙雙兒 ::
双水 {def} SEE: 雙水 ::
双宿双飞 {def} SEE: 雙宿雙飛 ::
双胎 {def} SEE: 雙胎 ::
双台 {def} SEE: 雙臺 ::
双糖 {def} SEE: 雙糖 ::
双体船 {def} SEE: 雙體船 ::
双祧 {def} SEE: 雙祧 ::
双跳 {def} SEE: 雙跳 ::
双筒望远镜 {def} SEE: 雙筒望遠鏡 ::
双头 {def} SEE: 雙頭 ::
双腿 {def} SEE: 雙腿 ::
双湾 {def} SEE: 雙灣 ::
双亡 {def} SEE: 雙亡 ::
双五节 {def} SEE: 雙五節 ::
双溪 {def} SEE: 雙溪 ::
双溪大年 {def} SEE: 雙溪大年 ::
双溪毛糯 {def} SEE: 雙溪毛糯 ::
双喜 {def} SEE: 雙喜 ::
双下巴 {def} SEE: 雙下巴 ::
双乡 {def} SEE: 雙鄉 ::
双相 {def} SEE: 雙相 ::
双相情感障碍 {def} SEE: 雙相情感障礙 ::
双相障碍 {def} SEE: 雙相障礙 ::
双响 {def} SEE: 雙響 ::
双响儿炮 {def} SEE: 雙響兒炮 ::
双响炮 {def} SEE: 雙響炮 ::
双向 {def} SEE: 雙向 ::
双向情感障碍 {def} SEE: 雙向情感障礙 ::
双兴 {def} SEE: 雙興 ::
双星 {def} SEE: 雙星 ::
双姓 {def} SEE: 雙姓 ::
双性恋 {def} SEE: 雙性戀 ::
双休 {def} SEE: 雙休 ::
双休日 {def} SEE: 雙休日 ::
双学位 {def} SEE: 雙學位 ::
双鸭山 {def} SEE: 雙鴨山 ::
双眼 {def} SEE: 雙眼 ::
双眼皮 {def} SEE: 雙眼皮 ::
双眼皮儿 {def} SEE: 雙眼皮兒 ::
双阳 {def} SEE: 雙陽 ::
双氧水 {def} SEE: 雙氧水 ::
双一流 {def} SEE: 雙一流 ::
双翼机 {def} SEE: 雙翼機 ::
双阴茎 {def} SEE: 雙陰莖 ::
双音 {def} SEE: 雙音 ::
双音节 {def} SEE: 雙音節 ::
双音节词 {def} SEE: 雙音節詞 ::
双引号 {def} SEE: 雙引號 ::
双鹰国 {def} SEE: 雙鷹國 ::
双赢 {def} SEE: 雙贏 ::
双鱼 {def} SEE: 雙魚 ::
双鱼座 {def} SEE: 雙魚座 ::
双语 {def} SEE: 雙語 ::
双语词典 {def} SEE: 雙語詞典 ::
双元音 {def} SEE: 雙元音 ::
双月刊 {def} SEE: 雙月刊 ::
双寨 {def} SEE: 雙寨 ::
双折射 {def} SEE: 雙折射 ::
双职工 {def} SEE: 雙職工 ::
双重 {def} SEE: 雙重 ::
双重标准 {def} SEE: 雙重標準 ::
双重国籍 {def} SEE: 雙重國籍 ::
双重间谍 {def} SEE: 雙重間諜 ::
双重解散 {def} SEE: 雙重解散 ::
双周 {def} SEE: 雙週 ::
双竹 {def} SEE: 雙竹 ::
双子 {def} SEE: 雙子 ::
双子宫 {def} SEE: 雙子宮 ::
双子塔 {def} SEE: 雙子塔 ::
双子座 {def} SEE: 雙子座 ::
{def} /shuāng/ :: widow
孀妇 {def} SEE: 孀婦 ::
孀婦 {n} [literary] /shuāngfù/ :: widow
孀妻 {n} [literary] /shuāngqī/ :: widow
{def} /shuāng,shuàng,2nb/ :: two; double; twin
{def} [of an integer] /shuāng,shuàng,2nb/ :: even (divisible by two)
{def} /shuāng,shuàng,2nb/ :: double; two-fold; twice
{def} [dialectal] /shuāng,shuàng,2nb/ :: twins
{def} /shuāng,shuàng,2nb/ :: classifier for a pair of objects
{def} /shuāng,shuàng,2nb/ :: surname Shuang
雙棒兒 {n} [dialectal Mandarin] /shuāngbàngr,shuàngbàngr/ :: twins
雙棒兒 {n} [dialectal Mandarin] /shuāngbàngr,shuàngbàngr/ :: twin popsicles
雙孢蘑菇 {n} /shuāngbāo mógu/ :: button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus)
雙胞胎 {n} /shuāngbāotāi/ :: twins
雙保險 {n} /shuāngbǎoxiǎn/ :: double security; double safety; belt and braces
雙臂 {n} /shuāngbì/ :: arms
雙邊 {adj} [attributive] /shuāngbiān/ :: bilateral; involving both sides
雙標 {n} /shuāngbiāo/ :: abbreviation of 雙重標準
雙標 {v} [neologism, slang] /shuāngbiāo/ :: to apply double standards
雙標圖 {n} [statistics] /shuāngbiāotú/ :: biplot
雙槽門 {prop} /Shuāngcáomén/ :: (~ 村) 雙槽門 (village)
雙層 {adj} [attributive] /shuāngcéng/ :: double-tiered; double-decked
雙層 {n} /shuāngcéng/ :: two tiers; two layers; two decks
雙層巴士 {n} /shuāngcéng bāshì/ :: double-decker
雙層床 {n} /shuāngcéngchuáng/ :: bunkbed
雙層牀 {def} SEE: 雙層床 ::
雙層公共汽車 {n} /shuāngcéng gōnggòngqìchē/ :: double-decker
雙車道 {n} /shuāngchēdào/ :: double-lane road
雙城 {prop} /Shuāngchéng/ :: (~ 市) 雙城 (city)
雙城子 {prop} /Shuāngchéngzi/ :: 雙城子 (city)
雙成 {prop} [archaic] /Shuāngchéng/ :: Shuangcheng (the name of the Queen Mother of the West's celestial servant girl of the otherworld, according to Daoist lore)
雙床 {n} /shuāngchuáng/ :: twin bed
雙牀 {def} SEE: 雙床 ::
雙唇 {def} SEE: 雙脣 ::
雙唇音 {def} SEE: 雙脣音 ::
雙脣 {n} [anatomy] /shuāngchún/ :: (two) lips
雙脣音 {n} [phonetics] /shuāngchúnyīn/ :: bilabial
雙打 {n} [sports] /shuāngdǎ/ :: doubles
雙刀 {n} /shuāngdāo/ :: shuangdao; double broadsword
雙墩 {prop} /Shuāngdūn/ :: (~ 村) 雙墩 (village)
雙耳刀 {n} /shuāng'ěrdāo,er/ :: the Chinese character component [on either side of the character]
雙耳旁 {n} /shuāng'ěrpáng,er/ :: the Chinese character component [on either side of the character]
雙方 {n} /shuāngfāng/ :: both sides; both parties; two parties
雙方 {adj} /shuāngfāng/ :: bilateral
雙非 {n} [Hong Kong] /shuāngfēi/ :: a pair of parents who are both Mainlanders, and/or their children (anchor babies)
雙飛 {v} [of male and female birds] /shuāngfēi/ :: to fly in pairs
雙飛 {v} /shuāngfēi/ :: to fly to (a destination) and back, especially for travel
雙飛 {v} [slang] /shuāngfēi/ :: to have a threesome that involves one male and two females
雙酚 {n} [organic compound] /shuāngfēn/ :: bisphenol
雙酚A {n} [organic compound] /shuāngfēn-ēi,py/ :: bisphenol A
雙峯駝 {def} SEE: 雙峰駝 ::
雙峰 {n} /shuāngfēng/ :: two mountains; twin peaks; double humps
雙峰 {n} [figurative] /shuāngfēng/ :: breasts (with a prominent cleavage)
雙峰 {prop} /shuāngfēng/ :: (~ 縣) 雙峰 (county)
雙峰駱駝 {n} /shuāngfēng luòtuo/ :: Bactrian camel
雙峰塔 {prop} /Shuāngfēngtǎ/ :: Petronas Towers (in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
雙峰駝 {n} /shuāngfēngtuó/ :: Bactrian camel
雙豐收 {v} [chiefly figurative] /shuāngfēngshōu/ :: to reap a double bumper harvest [of the things mentioned precedingly]
雙崗 {prop} /Shuānggǎng/ :: (~ 村) 雙崗 (village)
雙杠 {def} SEE: 雙槓 ::
雙港 {prop} /Shuānggǎng/ :: (~ 鎮) 雙港 (town)
雙槓 {n} [gymnastics] /shuānggàng/ :: parallel bars
雙溝 {prop} /Shuānggōu/ :: (~ 鎮) 雙溝 (town)
雙關 {n} [figure of speech] /shuāngguān/ :: pun; play on words
雙關語 {n} /shuāngguānyǔ/ :: pun, play on words, double entendre, a phrase with a double meaning, ambiguity
雙管 {n} [musical instrument] /shuāngguǎn/ :: an instrument composed of two Guan (instrument)s side-by-side
雙管齊下 {idiom} /shuāngguǎnqíxià/ :: to use a two-pronged approach; to work along both lines simultaneously
雙規 {v} [Mainland China, politics, of members of the Communist Party] /shuāngguī/ :: to be subject to investigation at a designated time and place
雙規 {n} [Mainland China] /shuāngguī/ :: shuanggui
雙炔失碳酯 {n} /shuāngquēshītànzhǐ/ :: anordrin
雙國籍 {n} /shuāngguójí/ :: dual citizenship
雙河 {prop} /Shuānghé/ :: (~ 鎮) 雙河 (town)
雙河 {prop} /Shuānghé/ :: (~ 鄉) 雙河 (township)
雙河 {prop} /Shuānghé/ :: (~ 社區) 雙河 (residential community)
雙河 {prop} /Shuānghé/ :: (~ 村) 雙河 (village)
雙河城 {prop} /Shuānghéchéng/ :: Song Kwae (historical name and nickname for the Thai city Phitsanulok)
雙蝴蝶 {n} /shuānghúdié/ :: Tripterospermum chinense
雙滬 {prop} /Shuānghù/ :: (~ 社區) 雙滬 (residential community)
雙簧 {n} /shuānghuáng,er/ :: shuanghuang, a two-man act with one singing or speaking while the other acts out the story
雙簧 {n} [music] /shuānghuáng,er/ :: double reed
雙簧 {n} [figurative] /shuānghuáng,er/ :: two people acting in collusion, where one person plays second fiddle to the other
雙簧管 {n} /shuānghuángguǎn/ :: oboe
雙鐄 {def} SEE: 雙簧 ::
雙黃蛋 {n} /shuānghuángdàn,er/ :: egg that has two yolks
雙擊 {v} [computing] /shuāng击/ :: to double-click
雙及物動詞 {n} /shuāngjíwùdòngcí/ :: ditransitive verb
雙髻鯊 {n} /shuāngjìshā/ :: hammerhead shark
雙髻鯊 {n} [Quanzhou, &, Xiamen Hokkien] /shuāngjìshā/ :: scalloped hammerhead (Sphyrna lewini)
雙肩 {n} /shuāngjiān/ :: shoulders
雙鍵 {n} [physical chemistry] /shuāngjiàn/ :: double bond
雙腳 {n} /shuāngjiǎo/ :: both feet
雙腳架 {n} /shuāngjiǎojià/ :: bipod
雙節棍 {n} /shuāngjiégùn/ :: nunchaku; nunchuck
雙解 {v} [typically of a dictionary] /shuāngjiě/ :: to have definitions in two languages
雙晶 {n} [crystallography] /shuāngjīng/ :: twin crystal
雙精度 {n} [computing] /shuāngjīngdù/ :: double precision
雙鯉 {n} [literary] /shuānglǐ/ :: abbreviation of 雙鯉魚
雙鯉魚 {n} [literary, figurative] /shuānglǐyú/ :: letter; epistle
雙立人 {n} /shuānglìrén,er/ :: the Chinese character component
雙立人兒 {n} /shuānglìrénr/ :: the Chinese character component
雙遼 {prop} /Shuāngliáo/ :: (~ 市) 雙遼 (city)
雙流 {prop} /Shuāngliú/ :: (~ 區) 雙流 (district/and/former county)
雙硫鍵 {n} [organic chemistry] /shuāngliújiàn/ :: disulfide bond
雙柳 {prop} /Shuāngliǔ/ :: (~ 街道) 雙柳 (subdistrict)
雙六 {n} [board games] /shuāngliù/ :: sugoroku (a Japanese board game with dice like backgammon)
雙陸 {n} [board games] /shuānglù/ :: sugoroku (a Japanese board game with dice like backgammon)
雙陸棋 {n} /shuānglùqí/ :: backgammon
雙龍 {n} [literally] /shuānglóng/ :: pair of dragons; two dragons
雙龍 {n} [figuratively, literary] /shuānglóng/ :: two renowned individuals (especially brothers)
雙龍 {prop} /shuānglóng/ :: (~ 鎮) 雙龍 (town)
雙螺旋 {n} /shuāngluóxuán/ :: double helix
雙氯芬酸 {n} [pharmaceutical drug] /shuānglǜfēnsuān/ :: diclofenac
雙馬尾 {n} /shuāngmǎwěi/ :: pigtails; twintails (hairstyle)
雙面 {adj} /shuāngmiàn/ :: two-sided; double-sided
雙廟 {prop} /Shuāngmiào/ :: (~ 村) 雙廟 (village)
雙名法 {n} [biology, taxonomy] /shuāngmíngfǎ/ :: binomial nomenclature
雙眸 {n} [poetic] /shuāngmóu/ :: pair of eyes
雙牛仔布 {n} /shuāngniúzǎibù/ :: double denim
雙排車 {n} /shuāngpáichē/ :: songthaew
雙排輪滑鞋 {n} /shuāngpái lúnhuáxié/ :: quad skate
雙拼 {n} /shuāngpīn/ :: "double pinyin", an input method for Chinese that uses complete toneless pinyin syllables, with one key for the initial and one key for the rime
雙坪 {prop} /Shuāngpíng/ :: (~ 村) 雙坪 (village)
雙歧桿菌 {n} /shuāngqígǎn菌/ :: Bifidobacterium
雙橋 {prop} /Shuāngqiáo/ :: (~ 村) 雙橋 (village)
雙親 {n} /shuāngqīn/ :: (both) parents
雙清 {n} [musical instrument] /shuāngqīng/ :: a long-necked fretted plucked lute used during the Qing Dynasty
雙清 {prop} /shuāngqīng/ :: (~ 區) 雙清 (district)
雙曲 {adj} [attributive, mathematics] /shuāngqū/ :: hyperbolic
雙曲函數 {n} [mathematics] /shuāngqū hánshù/ :: hyperbolic function
雙曲面 {n} /shuāngqūmiàn/ :: hyperboloid
雙曲線 {n} /shuāngqūxiàn/ :: hyperbola (geometric curve)
雙全 {adj} /shuāngquán/ :: both present; both possessed (by someone)
雙人 {adj} [attributive] /shuāngrén/ :: two-person; double
雙人床 {n} /shuāngrénchuáng/ :: double bed
雙人房 {n} /shuāngrénfáng/ :: double room
雙人滑 {n} /shuāngrénhuá/ :: pair skating
雙人間 {n} /shuāngrénjiān/ :: double room (in a hotel)
雙人旁 {n} /shuāngrénpáng,er/ :: the Chinese character component
雙刃劍 {n} /shuāngrènjiàn/ :: double-edged sword
雙色球 {n} /shuāngsèqiú,er/ :: Double Colour Ball (Chinese welfare lottery)
雙閃 {n} [colloquial] /shuāngshǎn/ :: hazard warning lights
雙商 {n} [neologism] /shuāngshāng/ :: the two quotients, i.e. intelligence quotient and emotional quotient (emotional intelligence)
雙射 {n} [mathematics] /shuāngshè/ :: bijection
雙生 {adj} [attributive] /shuāngshēng,er/ :: twin
雙生 {n} [dialectal] /shuāngshēng,er/ :: twins
雙生兒 {n} [dialectal Mandarin, dialectal Jin, dialectal Wu] /shuàngshengr,1nb/ :: twins
雙生子 {n} /shuāngshēngzǐ/ :: twins
雙聲 {n} [figure of speech] /shuāngshēng/ :: alliteration or alliterative compound (adjacent syllables having the same initial)
雙失 {n} /shuāngshī/ :: double loss
雙失禁 {v} [medicine] /shuāngshījìn/ :: to be doubly incontinent
雙十暴動 {prop} /Shuāngshí Bàodòng/ :: Hong Kong 1956 riots
雙十節 {prop} /Shuāngshíjié/ :: Double Tenth Day (National Day of the Republic of China)
雙十一 {prop} /Shuāngshíyī/ :: alternative name for 光棍節
雙式詞 {n} [linguistics] /shuāngshìcí/ :: doublet
雙手 {n} /shuāngshǒu/ :: both hands
雙手合十 {v} [Buddhism] /shuāngshǒu héshí/ :: to put the palms together before one (usually as a Buddhist greeting)
雙數 {n} /shuāngshù,er/ :: even number
雙數 {n} [grammar] /shuāngshù,er/ :: dual number
雙雙 {adv} /shuāngshuāng/ :: in pairs; two by two
雙雙 {adv} /shuāngshuāng/ :: both; together
雙雙 {n} [dialectal Mandarin] /shuāngshuāng/ :: twins
雙水 {prop} /Shuāngshuǐ/ :: (~ 鎮) 雙水 (town)
雙宿雙飛 {idiom} [of a pair of lovers] /shuāngsùshuāngfēi/ :: to be intimate and inseparable; to live in each other's pockets
雙臺 {prop} /Shuāngtái/ :: (~ 鄉) 雙臺 (township)
雙糖 {n} [carbohydrate] /shuāngtáng/ :: disaccharide
雙醣 {def} SEE: 雙糖 ::
雙體船 {n} /shuāngtǐchuán/ :: catamaran
雙祧 {n} [historical] /shuāngtiāo/ :: a practice in which a man succeeds both his father's and uncle's lines when his uncle has no male heir, and is allowed to marry one wife each for each line
雙跳 {n} /shuāngtiào/ :: hazard lights
雙筒望遠鏡 {n} /shuāngtǒng wàngyuǎnjìng/ :: binoculars (hand-held device for looking at a distance)
雙腿 {n} /shuāngtuǐ/ :: both legs
雙灣 {prop} /Shuāngwān/ :: (~ 鎮) 雙灣 (town)
雙亡 {v} [of two people] /shuāngwáng/ :: to have passed away
雙五節 {prop} /Shuāngwǔjié/ :: alternative name for 端午節
雙溪 {n} [in Malay placenames] /shuāngxī/ :: river
雙溪 {prop} /shuāngxī/ :: (~ 區) 雙溪 (district)
雙溪大年 {prop} /Shuāngxī Dànián/ :: 雙溪大年 (city)
雙溪毛糯 {prop} /Shuāngxī Máonuò/ :: 雙溪毛糯 (city)
雙喜 {n} /shuāngxǐ/ :: double happiness
雙喜 {prop} /shuāngxǐ/ :: (~ 街道) 雙喜 (subdistrict)
雙下巴 {n} [anatomy] /shuāngxiàba/ :: double chin
雙相 {adj} [attributive] /shuāngxiàng/ :: biphasic; bipolar
雙相 {n} [disease, colloquial] /shuāngxiàng/ :: abbreviation of 雙相情感障礙
雙相情感障礙 {n} [disease] /shuāngxiàng qínggǎn zhàng'ài/ :: bipolar disorder; manic depression
雙相障礙 {n} [disease] /shuāngxiàng zhàng'ài/ :: bipolar disorder; manic depression
雙鄉 {prop} /Shuāngxiāng/ :: (~ 村) 雙鄉 (village)
雙響 {n} /shuāngxiǎng,er/ :: double-bang firecracker (which goes off twice, once on the ground, then again louder in the air)
雙響兒炮 {n} /shuāngxiǎngrpào/ :: double-bang firecracker (which goes off twice, once on the ground, then again louder in the air)
雙響炮 {n} /shuāngxiǎngpào/ :: double-bang firecracker (which goes off twice, once on the ground, then again louder in the air)
雙向 {n} /shuāngxiàng/ :: both directions
雙向 {adj} [attributive] /shuāngxiàng/ :: two-way; bidirectional; bilateral
雙向情感障礙 {n} [disease] /shuāngxiàng qínggǎn zhàng'ài/ :: alternative name for 雙相情感障礙
雙星 {n} [astronomy] /shuāngxīng,er/ :: binary star; double star; diaster
雙星 {n} [mythology] /shuāngxīng,er/ :: Altair and Vega
雙興 {prop} /Shuāngxīng/ :: (~ 里) 雙興 (urban village)
雙姓 {n} /shuāngxìng/ :: double surname
雙性戀 {n} /shuāngxìngliàn/ :: bisexuality
雙性戀 {adj} /shuāngxìngliàn/ :: bisexual
雙休 {n} /shuāngxiū/ :: two rest days in one week
雙休日 {n} /shuāngxiūrì/ :: two rest days in one week
雙學位 {n} [education] /shuāngxuéwèi/ :: double degree
雙鴨山 {prop} /Shuāngyāshān/ :: (~ 市) 雙鴨山 (city)
雙眼 {n} /shuāngyǎn/ :: eyes; pair of eyes
雙眼皮 {n} /shuāngyǎnpí,er/ :: double eyelids
雙眼皮兒 {n} /shuāngyǎnpír/ :: erhua form of double eyelids
雙陽 {prop} /Shuāngyáng/ :: (~ 區) Shuangyang District, Changchun, Jilin, China
雙陽 {prop} /Shuāngyáng/ :: (~ 鄉) 雙陽 (township)
雙氧水 {n} [inorganic compound] /shuāngyǎngshuǐ,er/ :: hydrogen peroxide
雙一流 {prop} /Shuāngyīliú/ :: Double First Class University Plan
雙翼機 {n} /shuāngyìjī/ :: biplane
雙陰莖 {n} /shuāngyīnjīng/ :: diphallia; diphallasparatus; diphallic terata; diphallus; penile duplication (PD)
雙音 {n} [music] /shuāngyīn/ :: double stop
雙音節 {adj} /shuāngyīnjié/ :: disyllabic
雙音節詞 {n} /shuāngyīnjiécí/ :: disyllable
雙引號 {n} /shuāngyǐnhào/ :: double quotes (『 』 and “ ”)
雙鷹國 {prop} [obsolete] /Shuāngyīngguó/ :: Austria
雙贏 {v} /shuāngyíng/ :: to be beneficial for both sides
雙影 {n} [symptom] /shuāngyǐng/ :: diplopia
雙魚 {prop} /Shuāngyú/ :: Pisces (star sign)
雙魚座 {n} /shuāngyúzuò/ :: Pisces
雙語 {n} /shuāngyǔ/ :: two different languages
雙語詞典 {n} /shuāngyǔ cídiǎn/ :: bilingual dictionary; translation dictionary
雙元音 {n} [linguistics] /shuāngyuányīn/ :: diphthong
雙月刊 {n} /shuāngyuèkān/ :: bimonthly publication (Classifier: 本份)
雙寨 {prop} /Shuāngzhài/ :: (~ 村) 雙寨 (village)
雙折射 {n} [physics] /shuāngzhéshè/ :: birefringence
雙職工 {n} /shuāngzhígōng/ :: working couple; husband and wife both at work
雙重 {adj} [attributive] /shuāngchóng/ :: double; twofold; dual
雙重標準 {n} /shuāngchóng biāozhǔn/ :: double standard
雙重國籍 {n} /shuāngchóng guójí/ :: dual citizenship
雙重間諜 {n} /shuāngchóng jiàndié/ :: double agent
雙重解散 {n} /shuāngchóng jiěsàn/ :: double dissolution
雙週 {n} /shuāngzhōu/ :: every second and fourth week of each month
雙竹 {prop} /Shuāngzhú/ :: (~ 林場) 雙竹 (forestry area)
雙子 {n} [dialectal] /shuāngzǐ/ :: twins
雙子 {prop} [astronomy, astrology] /shuāngzǐ/ :: Gemini
雙子宮 {prop} /Shuāngzǐgōng/ :: Gemini
雙子塔 {prop} /Shuāngzǐtǎ/ :: Twin Towers (two main buildings of the World Trade Center)
雙子塔 {prop} /Shuāngzǐtǎ/ :: Petronas Towers
雙子座 {prop} [astronomy] /Shuāngzǐzuò/ :: Gemini
{def} /shuāng/ :: frost
{def} [medicine] /shuāng/ :: cream
霜蟾 {n} /shuāngchán/ :: moon
霜橱 {def} SEE: 霜櫥 ::
霜冻 {def} SEE: 霜凍 ::
霜凍 {n} /shuāngdòng/ :: frost (the condition of being frozen)
霜柜 {def} SEE: 霜櫃 ::
霜害 {n} [agriculture] /shuānghài/ :: frost damage; freeze injury
霜降 {prop} /Shuāngjiàng/ :: The 18th of the 24 solar terms around 23 or 24 October, when hoarfrost descends and is likely to bring the first film of ice
霜露 {n} /shuānglù/ :: frost and dew
霜露 {n} [figuratively] /shuānglù/ :: difficulties and hardships
霜淇淋 {n} /shuāngqílín/ :: soft serve; soft ice cream
霜颸 {n} /shuāngsī/ :: autumn wind
霜飔 {def} SEE: 霜颸 ::
霜天 {n} /shuāngtiān/ :: frosty weather
霜条 {def} SEE: 霜條 ::
霜雪 {adj} [literary] /shuāngxuě/ :: bright and shiny (of a sword blade etc.)
霜雪 {n} /shuāngxuě/ :: frost and snow
霜月 {prop} [historical] /Shuāngyuè/ :: Frimaire
{def} /shuāng/ :: horse
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /shuāng/ :: only used in 鷫鷞
{def} /shuǎng/ :: only used in *鷞鳩
{def} /shuāng/ :: synonym of 鷫鸘, which is a variant of 鷫鷞
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /shuǎng/ :: ugly, repulsive
𫧃爽 {def} SEE: 𣍐爽 ::
{def} /shuǎng/ :: bright; clear
{def} /shuǎng/ :: frank; straightforward
{def} /shuǎng/ :: refreshing; pleasurable; invigorating
{def} /shuǎng/ :: happy; cheerful; joyful
{def} [of health] /shuǎng/ :: well; to feel well
{def} /shuǎng/ :: to deviate; to make mistake; to miss
{def} /shuǎng/ :: to violate; to breach; to break
爽脆 {adj} [of food] /shuǎngcuì/ :: crisp
爽脆 {adj} [of voice] /shuǎngcuì/ :: sharp and clear
爽脆 {adj} [of person] /shuǎngcuì/ :: straightforward; forthright
爽肤水 {def} SEE: 爽膚水 ::
爽膚水 {n} /shuǎngfūshuǐ,er/ :: skin toner; astringent
爽口 {adj} /shuǎngkǒu/ :: having refreshing and tasty flavor
爽快 {adj} /shuǎngkuài,tl/ :: refreshed
爽快 {adj} /shuǎngkuài,tl/ :: frank; open; straightforward
爽快 {adj} [Min Nan] /shuǎngkuài,tl/ :: happy; comfortable; relaxing
爽快 {adv} /shuǎngkuài,tl/ :: readily
爽朗 {adj} [of weather] /shuǎnglǎng/ :: bright and clear
爽朗 {adj} [of personality] /shuǎnglǎng/ :: candid; frank and open
爽利 {adj} /shuǎnglì/ :: brisk and neat; efficient and able
爽然 {adj} /shuǎngrán/ :: dejected and lost
爽然 {adj} /shuǎngrán/ :: refreshed and relaxed
爽然 {adj} /shuǎngrán/ :: open and clear
爽然若失 {idiom} /shuǎngránruòshī/ :: to feel dejected and lost
爽身粉 {n} /shuǎngshēnfěn/ :: talcum powder; baby powder
爽神 {adj} [literary, Min Nan] /shuǎngshén/ :: uninhibited; carefree; happy
爽約 {v} /shuǎngyuē/ :: to fail to keep an appointment; to break an appointment
爽约 {def} SEE: 爽約 ::
爽直 {adj} /shuǎngzhí/ :: straightforward; candid; frank
{def} /shuǎng/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /shuàng/ :: to kill; to murder
{def} /shuàng/ :: to hurt
{def} SEE: ::
捝窗 {def} SEE: 挩窗 ::
捝枋 {def} SEE: 挩枋 ::
捝链 {def} SEE: 挩鏈 ::
捝链仔 {def} SEE: 挩鏈仔 ::
{def} SEE: ::
谁个 {def} SEE: 誰個 ::
谁家 {def} SEE: 誰家 ::
谁们 {def} SEE: 誰們 ::
谁人 {def} SEE: 誰人 ::
谁是谁非 {def} SEE: 誰是誰非 ::
谁谁 {def} SEE: 誰誰 ::
谁说不是呢 {def} SEE: 誰說不是呢 ::
谁仔 {def} SEE: 誰仔 ::
谁知道 {def} SEE: 誰知道 ::
𬲕水 {def} SEE: 䭕水 ::
𬇙水 {def} SEE: 浿水 ::
{def} /shuǐ/ :: water (Classifier: 瓶滴池盆杯)
{def} /shuǐ/ :: liquid; potion; juice
{def} [colloquial, mainly, Singapore, Malaysia] /shuǐ/ :: synonym of 飲料
{def} /shuǐ/ :: [archaic] river
{def} /shuǐ/ :: body of water
{def} /shuǐ/ :: waterway
{def} /shuǐ/ :: flood
{def} /shuǐ/ :: additional cost or income
{def} [Cantonese] /shuǐ/ :: money
{def} [Hong Kong Cantonese] /shuǐ/ :: hundred dollars (Classifier: 嚿)
{def} [colloquial] /shuǐ/ :: lacking substance or power; worthless
{def} [colloquial] /shuǐ/ :: Classifier for the number of times clothing was washed
{def} /shuǐ/ :: Sui people
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /shuǐ/ :: surname
水巴 {n} /shuǐbā/ :: ferry
水坝 {def} SEE: 水壩 ::
水壩 {n} /shuǐbà/ :: dam (structure placed across a flowing body of water to stop the flow)
水杯 {n} /shuǐbēi/ :: glass (for holding water); tumbler (Classifier: m:個)
水杯 {n} /shuǐbēi/ :: water bottle (Classifier: m:隻)
水杯 {n} /shuǐbēi/ :: thermos; vacuum flask (Classifier: m:隻)
水泵 {n} /shuǐbèng/ :: water pump
水笔 {def} SEE: 水筆 ::
水筆 {n} /shuǐbǐ,er/ :: stiff-haired writing brush or watercolor paintbrush
水筆 {n} [dialectal Mandarin, Cantonese, Gan, dialectal Hakka, Jin, Pinghua, Quanzhou Hokkien, Hainanese, Leizhou Min, Xiang] /shuǐbǐ,er/ :: fountain pen
水筆 {n} [dialectal Mandarin, Hakka, Min Bei, Min Dong, Xiamen, Zhangzhou, Taiwanese Min Nan] /shuǐbǐ,er/ :: writing brush; inkbrush
水筆 {n} /shuǐbǐ,er/ :: gel pen
水表 {def} SEE: 水錶 ::
水錶 {n} /shuǐbiǎo/ :: water meter
水鱉 {n} /shuǐbiē/ :: frogbit (Hydrocharis dubia)
水鱉 {n} /shuǐbiē/ :: marine turtle
水鱉 {n} [Quanzhou, &, Zhangzhou Hokkien] /shuǐbiē/ :: military water bottle
水鱉子 {n} /shuǐbiēzi/ :: apus
水鳖 {def} SEE: 水鱉 ::
水鳖子 {def} SEE: 水鱉子 ::
水鼈 {def} SEE: 水鱉 ::
水鼈子 {def} SEE: 水鱉子 ::
水兵 {n} /shuǐbīng/ :: sailor; seaman; marine; navy service personnel
水拨 {def} SEE: 水撥 ::
水波 {n} /shuǐbō/ :: wave; ripple
水玻璃 {n} /shuǐbōli/ :: glass water (solution of sodium silicate in water)
水布垭 {def} SEE: 水布埡 ::
水布埡 {prop} /Shuǐbùyà/ :: (~ 鎮) 水布埡 (town)
水彩 {n} /shuǐcǎi/ :: watercolour (pigment)
水彩画 {def} SEE: 水彩畫 ::
水彩畫 {n} /shuǐcǎihuà,er/ :: watercolor painting, aquarelle
水菜 {n} /shuǐcài/ :: vegetable grown in water
水菜 {n} [dialectal] /shuǐcài/ :: fresh vegetables
水菜 {n} [Wu] /shuǐcài/ :: clam (as food)
水槽 {n} /shuǐcáo/ :: sink
水槽 {n} /shuǐcáo/ :: tank
水槽 {n} /shuǐcáo/ :: gutter
水草 {n} [literally] /shuǐcǎo/ :: water and grass
水草 {n} /shuǐcǎo/ :: water plant; aquatic plants
水草 {n} [Malaysia, Singapore] /shuǐcǎo/ :: drinking straw
水虿 {def} SEE: 水蠆 ::
水蠆 {n} /shuǐchài/ :: the nymph or naiad of a dragonfly or damselfly
水产 {def} SEE: 水產 ::
水产店 {def} SEE: 水產店 ::
水产品 {def} SEE: 水產品 ::
水产养殖 {def} SEE: 水產養殖 ::
水產 {n} /shuǐchǎn/ :: aquatic product; seafood
水產店 {n} /shuǐchǎndiàn/ :: seafood store; fishmonger's
水產品 {n} /shuǐchǎnpǐn/ :: aquatic product; seafood
水產養殖 {n} /shuǐchǎn yǎngzhí/ :: aquaculture
水車 {n} /shuǐchē/ :: water wheel
水車 {n} /shuǐchē/ :: water cart
水車 {n} /shuǐchē/ :: water wagon
水车 {def} SEE: 水車 ::
水城 {n} /shuǐchéng/ :: waterside city
水城 {prop} /shuǐchéng/ :: (~ 縣) 水城 (county)
水成岩 {n} [rock] /shuǐchéngyán/ :: aqueous rock
水程 {n} /shuǐchéng/ :: journey by boat or ship; voyage distance
水池 {n} /shuǐchí/ :: pool (small and deep collection of water); pond
水池 {n} /shuǐchí/ :: sink; washbasin
水螅 {n} /shuǐxī/ :: hydra (any of several small freshwater polyps of the genus Hydra and related genera)
水到渠成 {idiom} /shuǐdàoqúchéng/ :: to achieve something without effort; effortless; something which comes naturally
水稻 {n} /shuǐdào/ :: rice (planted in a water-logged paddy)
水道 {n} /shuǐdào/ :: canal; ditch
水道 {n} /shuǐdào/ :: water course; waterway
水道 {n} /shuǐdào/ :: lane in swimming pool
水道 {n} [literary] /shuǐdào/ :: urethra
水道 {n} [Taiwanese Min Nan and Hakka] /shuǐdào/ :: water supply
水道头 {def} SEE: 水道頭 ::
水灯 {def} SEE: 水燈 ::
水灯节 {def} SEE: 水燈節 ::
水灯罩 {def} SEE: 水燈罩 ::
水燈 {n} /shuǐdēng/ :: lantern set afloat in rivers to guide lost souls to the afterlife
水燈節 {n} /shuǐdēngjié/ :: Loi Krathong (Siamese festival)
水滴 {n} /shuǐdī/ :: drop of water
水滴石穿 {proverb} /shuǐdīshíchuān/ :: little strokes fell great oaks
水底 {n} /shuǐdǐ/ :: bottom or bed of a body of water
水点儿 {def} SEE: 水點兒 ::
水点子 {def} SEE: 水點子 ::
水淀 {n} /shuǐdiàn/ :: shallow lake
水电 {def} SEE: 水電 ::
水电费 {def} SEE: 水電費 ::
水电站 {def} SEE: 水電站 ::
水電 {n} /shuǐdiàn/ :: water and electricity
水電 {n} /shuǐdiàn/ :: hydroelectric power; hydroelectricity
水電費 {n} /shuǐdiànfèi/ :: water bill and electricity bill; utility bill
水電站 {n} /shuǐdiànzhàn/ :: hydroelectric power station
水貂 {n} /shuǐdiāo/ :: mink
水东 {def} SEE: 水東 ::
水東 {prop} /Shuǐdōng/ :: (~ 村) 水東 (village)
水都 {n} /shuǐdū/ :: city of water
水都 {n} /shuǐdū/ :: Venice
水痘 {n} /shuǐdòu/ :: chicken pox
水痘子 {n} [Lanyin Mandarin, including, Dungan] /shuǐdòuzi/ :: chicken pox
水碓 {n} /shuǐduì/ :: tool that uses water power for husking rice with a mortar and pestle
水碓 {prop} /shuǐduì/ :: (~ 里) 水碓 (urban village)
水肺 {n} /shuǐfèi/ :: scuba
水費 {n} /shuǐfèi/ :: water bill
水费 {def} SEE: 水費 ::
水分 {n} /shuǐfèn/ :: moisture content
水分 {n} [figuratively] /shuǐfèn/ :: exaggeration; overstatement; padding
水粉 {n} [cosmetics] /shuǐfěn/ :: liquid powder
水粉 {n} [regional] /shuǐfěn/ :: soaked bean noodle
水夫 {n} /shuǐfū/ :: boatman; seaman
水浮莲 {def} SEE: 水浮蓮 ::
水浮蓮 {n} /shuǐfúlián/ :: common water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes)
水缸 {n} /shuǐgāng/ :: water vat
水沟 {def} SEE: 水溝 ::
水溝 {n} /shuǐgōu/ :: ditch; trench
水瓜 {n} /shuǐguā/ :: loofah
水瓜柳 {n} /shuǐguāliǔ/ :: caper (pungent grayish green flower bud of the European and Oriental caper Capparis spinosa, which is pickled and eaten, or a plant of the genus Capparis, also called caper bush, caper tree)
水怪 {n} /shuǐguài/ :: water ghost; sea monster
水管 {n} /shuǐguǎn,er/ :: water pipe; hose
水罐 {n} /shuǐguàn/ :: jug
水光 {n} /shuǐguāng/ :: light reflected by water surface, shimmering waters
水龜 {n} /shuǐguī/ :: terrapin
水龟 {def} SEE: 水龜 ::
水鬼 {n} /shuǐguǐ/ :: sea monster; water goblin
水鬼 {n} /shuǐguǐ/ :: drowning ghost; ghost of someone who drowned
水鬼 {n} /shuǐguǐ/ :: talented swimmer
水鬼 {n} /shuǐguǐ/ :: diving personnel or frogman sent by the enemy to perform scouting or sabotage
水柜 {def} SEE: 水櫃 ::
水櫃 {n} /shuǐguì/ :: water tank
水櫃 {n} [dialectal] /shuǐguì/ :: cistern; reservoir
水櫃 {n} [dated] /shuǐguì/ :: counter (in a shop)
水涡 {def} SEE: 水渦 ::
水渦 {n} /shuǐwō/ :: water eddy
水過鴨背 {idiom} /shuǐguòyābèi/ :: like water off a duck's back
水果 {n} /shuǐguǒ,er/ :: fruit (a juicy or fleshy one, like an apple or banana)
水果儿 {def} SEE: 水果兒 ::
水果兒 {n} /shuǐguǒr/ :: erhua form of []
水果湖 {prop} /Shuǐguǒhú/ :: (~ 街道) 水果湖 (subdistrict)
水果酒 {n} /shuǐguǒjiǔ/ :: fruit wine
水果奶昔 {n} /shuǐguǒ #nǎixī/ :: smoothie
水果色拉 {n} /shuǐguǒ sèlā/ :: fruit salad
水果沙拉 {n} /shuǐguǒ shālā/ :: fruit salad
水菓 {def} SEE: 水果 ::
水过鸭背 {def} SEE: 水過鴨背 ::
水害 {n} /shuǐhài/ :: flood damage
水旱 {n} /shuǐhàn/ :: floods and droughts
水荷莲 {def} SEE: 水荷蓮 ::
水红 {def} SEE: 水紅 ::
水红色 {def} SEE: 水紅色 ::
水壶 {def} SEE: 水壺 ::
水壺 {n} /shuǐhú/ :: kettle; pitcher
水壺 {n} /shuǐhú/ :: water bottle
水葫芦 {def} SEE: 水葫蘆 ::
水葫蘆 {n} /shuǐhúlu/ :: common water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes)
水浒传 {def} SEE: 水滸傳 ::
水滸傳 {prop} /Shuǐhǔzhuàn/ :: Water Margin, one of China's Four Great Classical Novels
水虎魚 {n} /shuǐhǔyú/ :: piranha
水虎鱼 {def} SEE: 水虎魚 ::
水戶 {prop} /Shuǐhù/ :: Mito
水户 {def} SEE: 水戶 ::
水花 {n} /shuǐhuā,er/ :: splash; spray
水花 {n} [dialect] /shuǐhuā,er/ :: water bloom
水花 {n} [dialect] /shuǐhuā,er/ :: chicken pox; water pox
水华 {def} SEE: 水華 ::
水華 {n} [ecology] /shuǐhuá/ :: water bloom; algal bloom
水患 {n} /shuǐhuàn/ :: flood; inundation
水荒 {n} /shuǐhuāng/ :: serious water shortage
水火 {n} [literally] /shuǐhuǒ/ :: fire and water
水火 {n} [figurative] /shuǐhuǒ/ :: opposites; diametrically opposing things
水火 {n} [figurative] /shuǐhuǒ/ :: extreme misery; state of severe suffering
水火不容 {idiom} /shuǐhuǒ不róng/ :: to be incompatible
水貨 {n} /shuǐhuò/ :: smuggled goods (especially those smuggled over water)
水貨 {n} /shuǐhuò/ :: parallel imports; grey products
水貨 {n} [Quanzhou, &, Xiamen Hokkien] /shuǐhuò/ :: female prostitute
水货 {def} SEE: 水貨 ::
水雞 {n} [literary or dialectal] /shuǐjī/ :: frog
水雞 {n} /shuǐjī/ :: alternative name for 秧雞
水雞 {n} /shuǐjī/ :: alternative name for 蜑家
水雞 {n} [Wenzhou Wu] /shuǐjī/ :: duck
水雞 {n} [Cantonese] /shuǐjī/ :: a person caught in the rain and soaked through
水雞 {n} [Cantonese] /shuǐjī/ :: bong made with a coarse bamboo pipe
水雞 {n} [Cantonese, dated] /shuǐjī/ :: ship's prostitute
水雞 {n} [southern Taiwanese Min Nan] /shuǐjī/ :: female genitals
水鷄 {def} SEE: 水雞 ::
水鸡 {def} SEE: 水雞 ::
水鸡泅 {def} SEE: 水雞泅 ::
水鸡仔泅 {def} SEE: 水雞仔泅 ::
水餃 {n} /shuǐjiǎo,er/ :: boiled dumpling (Classifier: 粒)
水笕 {def} SEE: 水筧 ::
水筧 {n} /shuǐjiǎn/ :: bamboo water pipe
水姜 {def} SEE: 水薑 ::
水胶 {def} SEE: 水膠 ::
水脚 {def} SEE: 水腳 ::
水腳 {n} [archaic] /shuǐjiǎo/ :: expense for transporting something by water
水腳 {n} [Cantonese] /shuǐjiǎo/ :: travel expenses; expenses on a trip
水腳 {n} [Cantonese] /shuǐjiǎo/ :: shipping expense (often for luggage)
水腳 {n} [literary] /shuǐjiǎo/ :: bottom of a body of water
水铰剪 {def} SEE: 水鉸剪 ::
水饺 {def} SEE: 水餃 ::
水饺子 {def} SEE: 水餃子 ::
水解 {n} [chemistry] /shuǐjiě/ :: hydrolysis
水解 {v} [chemistry] /shuǐjiě/ :: to hydrolyse
水盡鵝飛 {idiom} /shuǐjìn'éfēi/ :: affection severed
水锦 {def} SEE: 水錦 ::
水尽鹅飞 {def} SEE: 水盡鵝飛 ::
水晶 {n} /shuǐjīng/ :: crystal
水晶 {n} /shuǐjīng/ :: quartz
水晶 {n} [Changtai Hokkien, weather] /shuǐjīng/ :: hail
水晶粉 {n} /shuǐjīngfěn/ :: A type of transparent vermicelli. It can be made from potatoes or sweet potatoes depending on region
水晶粉 {n} /shuǐjīngfěn/ :: Edible crystalline jelly
水晶粉 {n} /shuǐjīngfěn/ :: A product made from high-quality quartz, used as raw material in industry or as a cosmetic product
水晶宫 {def} SEE: 水晶宮 ::
水晶宮 {prop} [Chinese mythology] /Shuǐjīnggōng/ :: Crystal Palace, a palace inhabited by the dragon-king of the seas
水晶宮 {prop} [Chinese mythology] /Shuǐjīnggōng/ :: palace in the Moon
水晶宮 {prop} /Shuǐjīnggōng/ :: The Crystal Palace (plate-glass structure originally built in London)
水晶宮 {prop} /Shuǐjīnggōng/ :: 水晶宮 (area)
水晶宮 {prop} [soccer] /Shuǐjīnggōng/ :: Crystal Palace F.C
水晶球 {n} /shuǐjīngqiú/ :: crystal ball
水晶石 {n} /shuǐjīngshí/ :: crystal stone; rock crystal
水晶树 {def} SEE: 水晶樹 ::
水晶樹 {n} /shuǐjīngshù/ :: The "crystal tree", a variety of the Chinese pistachio (Pistacia chinensis) that grows at the grave of Confucius in Qufu, China
水晶体 {def} SEE: 水晶體 ::
水晶體 {n} [anatomy] /shuǐjīngtǐ/ :: alternative name for 晶狀體
水晶粽 {n} /shuǐjīngzòng/ :: crystal zongzi
水井 {n} /shuǐjǐng/ :: well (for collecting water) (Classifier: m:口m:眼)
水井坪 {prop} /Shuǐjǐngpíng/ :: (~ 村) 水井坪 (village)
水景 {n} /shuǐjǐng/ :: water view; waterscape
水警 {n} /shuǐjǐng/ :: water police; coast guard
水警 {n} /shuǐjǐng/ :: officer of a water police squad; officer of a coast guard
水酒费 {def} SEE: 水酒費 ::
水酒钱 {def} SEE: 水酒錢 ::
水军 {def} SEE: 水軍 ::
水軍 {n} [literary] /shuǐjūn/ :: navy; army which fights from boats on the water
水軍 {n} /shuǐjūn/ :: abbreviation of 網絡水軍
水可載舟,亦可覆舟 {proverb} /shuǐ kě zài zhōu, yì kě fù zhōu/ :: alternative form of 水能載舟,亦能覆舟
水可载舟,亦可覆舟 {def} SEE: 水可載舟,亦可覆舟 ::
水客 {n} /shuǐkè/ :: one who engages in parallel imports (水貨)
水客 {n} [especially] /shuǐkè/ :: one who engages in parallel import of goods from Hong Kong or Macau to China, usually to or via Shenzhen
水坑 {n} /shuǐkēng/ :: puddle (a small pool of water)
水口 {n} [archaic] /shuǐkǒu/ :: water outlet
水口 {n} [archaic] /shuǐkǒu/ :: water crossing
水库 {def} SEE: 水庫 ::
水庫 {n} /shuǐkù/ :: (water) reservoir
水鲲 {def} SEE: 水鯤 ::
水雷 {n} [military] /shuǐléi/ :: underwater mine
水冷 {n} /shuǐlěng/ :: water cooling; liquid cooling
水里 {prop} /Shuǐlǐ/ :: (~ 鄉) 水里 (rural township)
水利 {n} /shuǐlì/ :: management of water as a resource, including conservation and irrigation
水利 {n} /shuǐlì/ :: hydraulic engineering
水利工程 {n} /shuǐlì gōngchéng/ :: hydraulic engineering
水力 {n} /shuǐlì/ :: waterpower; hydraulic power
水力 {n} /shuǐlì/ :: freight; freightage
水力 {n} /shuǐlì/ :: water conservation
水力 {n} /shuǐlì/ :: irrigation works
水力劈裂 {n} [oil industry] /shuǐlì pīliè/ :: hydraulic fracturing
水力学 {def} SEE: 水力學 ::
水力學 {n} /shuǐlìxué/ :: hydraulics
水力压裂 {def} SEE: 水力壓裂 ::
水力壓裂 {n} [oil industry] /shuǐlì yāliè/ :: hydraulic fracturing
水立方 {prop} /Shuǐlìfāng/ :: Beijing National Aquatics Center
水量 {n} /shuǐliàng/ :: volume of water; quantity of flow
水疗 {def} SEE: 水療 ::
水疗法 {def} SEE: 水療法 ::
水療 {n} [medicine] /shuǐliáo/ :: hydrotherapy
水療法 {n} [medicine] /shuǐliáofǎ/ :: hydrotherapy
水林 {prop} /Shuǐlín/ :: (~ 鄉) 水林 (rural township)
水灵 {def} SEE: 水靈 ::
水羚 {n} /shuǐlíng/ :: waterbuck (African species of antelope)
水靈 {adj} [dialect] /shuǐlíng,tl/ :: fresh and juicy (of fruit, greens, etc.)
水靈 {adj} [dialect] /shuǐlíng,tl/ :: bright and beautiful; radiant and vivacious (of appearance)
水流 {n} /shuǐliú/ :: river; stream
水流 {n} /shuǐliú/ :: current; flow (of water)
水流尸 {def} SEE: 水流屍 ::
水陸 {n} [formal] /shuǐlù/ :: water and land routes; water and land transportation
水陸 {n} [formal] /shuǐlù/ :: delicacies from land and sea
水陸 {n} [formal] /shuǐlù/ :: navy and army
水陸畢陳 {idiom} /shuǐlù bì chén/ :: to set out a full spread of delicacies from land and sea
水陸道場 {n} [Buddhism] /shuǐlù dào场/ :: Liberation Rite of Water and Land
水龍 {n} /shuǐlóng/ :: hose (flexible tube)
水龍 {n} /shuǐlóng/ :: water pump; fire engine
水龍 {n} /shuǐlóng/ :: water primrose (Ludwigia adscendens)
水龍 {n} [literary] /shuǐlóng/ :: warship
水龍帶 {n} /shuǐlóngdài/ :: hose (flexible tube)
水龍捲 {n} /shuǐlóngjuǎn/ :: waterspout
水龍頭 {n} /shuǐlóngtóu/ :: tap; faucet
水龍頭 {n} [Malaysia Hokkien] /shuǐlóngtóu/ :: hydrant
水龙 {def} SEE: 水龍 ::
水龙车 {def} SEE: 水龍車 ::
水龙带 {def} SEE: 水龍帶 ::
水龙卷 {def} SEE: 水龍捲 ::
水龙头 {def} SEE: 水龍頭 ::
水路 {n} /shuǐlù/ :: seaway; waterway; watercourse
水路 {n} /shuǐlù/ :: channel
水路 {n} /shuǐlù/ :: canal
水陆 {def} SEE: 水陸 ::
水陆毕陈 {def} SEE: 水陸畢陳 ::
水陆道场 {def} SEE: 水陸道場 ::
水鹿 {n} /shuǐlù/ :: sambar (Cervus unicolor)
水輪 {n} /shuǐlún/ :: water wheel; millwheel
水輪機 {n} /shuǐlúnjī/ :: water turbine
水轮 {def} SEE: 水輪 ::
水轮机 {def} SEE: 水輪機 ::
水落 {v} [of the water level] /shuǐluò/ :: to lower
水落石出 {idiom} /shuǐluòshíchū/ :: the water recedes and the rocks appear
水落石出 {idiom} [figurative] /shuǐluòshíchū/ :: truth being revealed
水馬 {n} [literary] /shuǐmǎ/ :: water strider
水馬 {n} /shuǐmǎ/ :: water-filled barrier
水马 {def} SEE: 水馬 ::
水毛仔 {n} [Hailu Hakka] :: drizzle; light rain
水煤气 {def} SEE: 水煤氣 ::
水煤氣 {n} /shuǐméiqì/ :: water gas
水門 {n} /shuǐmén/ :: water valve; floodgate; sluice (passage for water)
水門 {n} [Luoyang Mandarin] /shuǐmén/ :: female genitalia; vulva
水門 {n} [Xinzhou Jin] /shuǐmén/ :: vulva of a female farm animal
水門 {prop} /shuǐmén/ :: Watergate
水門汀 {n} [Northeastern Mandarin, Jianghuai Mandarin, Southwestern Mandarin, Wu] /shuǐméntīng/ :: cement
水门 {def} SEE: 水門 ::
水门汀 {def} SEE: 水門汀 ::
水靡 {def} SEE: 媠靡 ::
水米不进 {def} SEE: 水米不進 ::
水米不進 {v} /shuǐmǐ不jìn/ :: to have not eaten or drunk anything for a long time
水密 {n} /shuǐmì/ :: watertightness
水蜜桃 {n} /shuǐmìtáo,er/ :: white peach
水面 {n} /shuǐmiàn/ :: surface of the water
水面 {n} /shuǐmiàn/ :: area of a body of water
水墨 {n} /shuǐmò/ :: ink painting without color
水墨画 {def} SEE: 水墨畫 ::
水墨畫 {n} [painting] /shuǐmòhuà,er/ :: ink wash painting
水母 {n} /shuǐmǔ/ :: jellyfish (Classifier: 隻條)
水脑症 {def} SEE: 水腦症 ::
水腦症 {n} [medicine] /shuǐnǎozhèng/ :: hydrocephalus
水能 {n} /shuǐnéng/ :: hydroelectric power
水能載舟,亦能覆舟 {proverb} /shuǐ néng zài zhōu, yì néng fù zhōu/ :: If something is used correctly, it will be of benefit. If used incorrectly, it will do harm; X is a good servant but a bad master
水能载舟,亦能覆舟 {def} SEE: 水能載舟,亦能覆舟 ::
水泥 {n} /shuǐní/ :: cement (Classifier: m:袋m:車)
水泥 {n} [literary] /shuǐní/ :: mud
水泥森林 {n} [figurative] /shuǐní sēnlín/ :: concrete jungle
水逆 {n} [astrology] /shuǐnì/ :: the retrograde motion of Mercury, or the bad luck it brings; or, bad luck in general
水逆 {v} [astrology] /shuǐnì/ :: to have bad luck due to the retrograde motion of Mercury; or, to have bad luck in general
水鳥 {n} /shuǐniǎo,er/ :: waterbird, waterfowl
水鸟 {def} SEE: 水鳥 ::
水牛 {n} /shuǐniú/ :: buffalo; water buffalo
水牛 {n} [Quanzhou, &, Xiamen Hokkien] /shuǐniú/ :: someone that drinks a lot of water
水牛城 {prop} /Shuǐniúchéng/ :: 水牛城 (city)
水牛儿 {def} SEE: 水牛兒 ::
水牛兒 {n} [dialectal] /shuǐniúr,shuǐniūr,1nb/ :: land snail
水泡 {n} /shuǐpào,er/ :: bubble (Classifier: 個)
水泡 {n} [Cantonese] /shuǐpào,er/ :: lifebuoy (Classifier: 個)
水泡 {n} /shuǐpào,er/ :: alternative form of 水疱
水炮 {n} /shuǐpào/ :: water cannon
水疱 {n} /shuǐpào/ :: blister (Classifier: 個)
水皰 {def} SEE: 水疱 ::
水砲 {def} SEE: 水炮 ::
水漂 {n} /shuǐpiāo,er/ :: ducks and drakes
水瓢 {n} /shuǐpiáo/ :: water ladle; dipper
水坪 {prop} /Shuǐpíng/ :: (~ 鎮) 水坪 (town)
水平 {adj} [attributive] /shuǐpíng/ :: horizontal; level
水平 {n} /shuǐpíng/ :: standard; level; proficiency; quality; skill
水平管 {n} /shuǐpíngguǎn/ :: spirit level
水平器 {n} /shuǐpíngqì/ :: spirit level
水平思考 {n} /shuǐpíng sīkǎo/ :: lateral thinking
水平線 {n} /shuǐpíngxiàn/ :: horizontal line; level line
水平線 {n} [figurative] /shuǐpíngxiàn/ :: level; standard
水平线 {def} SEE: 水平線 ::
水平仪 {def} SEE: 水平儀 ::
水平儀 {n} /shuǐpíngyí/ :: spirit level; surveyor's level
水瓶 {n} /shuǐpíng,er/ :: water bottle
水瓶座 {n} /shuǐpíngzuò/ :: Aquarius
水气 {def} SEE: 水氣 ::
水氣 {n} /shuǐqì/ :: water vapour; steam
水氣 {n} /shuǐqì/ :: moisture; dampness
水汽 {n} /shuǐqì/ :: vapour; water vapour
水芹 {n} /shuǐqín/ :: water dropwort; water celery (Oenanthe javanica)
水青冈 {def} SEE: 水青岡 ::
水青岡 {n} /shuǐqīnggāng/ :: beech
水情 {n} /shuǐqíng/ :: water regime; flood regime; situation of a flood
水球 {n} /shuǐqiú,er/ :: water polo
水渠 {n} /shuǐqú/ :: canal; aqueduct
水圈 {n} /shuǐquān,er/ :: hydrosphere
水溶性 {adj} /shuǐróngxìng/ :: water-soluble
水溶性維生素 {n} /shuǐróngxìng wéishēngsù/ :: water-soluble vitamin
水溶性维生素 {def} SEE: 水溶性維生素 ::
水溶液 {n} /shuǐróng液/ :: aqueous solution
水杉 {n} /shuǐshān/ :: dawn redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides)
水上 {adj} [attributive] /shuǐshàng/ :: on water; aquatic; maritime; overwater
水上 {prop} /shuǐshàng/ :: (~ 鄉) 水上 (rural township)
水上飛機 {n} /shuǐshàng fēijī/ :: seaplane
水上飞机 {def} SEE: 水上飛機 ::
水上警察 {n} /shuǐshàng jǐngchá/ :: water police; coast guard
水上警察 {n} /shuǐshàng jǐngchá/ :: officer of a water police squad; officer of a coast guard
水上乐园 {def} SEE: 水上樂園 ::
水上樂園 {n} /shuǐshàngyuèyuán/ :: water park
水上摩托車 {n} /shuǐshàng mótuōchē,shuǐshàng mótuóchē,1nb/ :: jetski
水上摩托车 {def} SEE: 水上摩托車 ::
水上人 {n} /shuǐshàngrén/ :: people who live upon the water, such as the Tanka
水蛇 {n} /shuǐshé/ :: water snake
水蛇 {n} [Shanghai] /shuǐshé/ :: snake
水蛇春咁长 {def} SEE: 水蛇春咁長 ::
水蛇座 {prop} [constellation] /Shuǐshézuò/ :: Hydrus
水深 {n} /shuǐshēn/ :: depth of water; depth (of a water body)
水深 {phrase} [figuratively] /shuǐ shēn/ :: having hidden goings-on; having shady plots
水深火热 {def} SEE: 水深火熱 ::
水深火熱 {idiom} /shuǐshēnhuǒrè/ :: to be in deep distress; to be in deep water
水神 {n} /shuǐshén/ :: water god
水生 {adj} [attributive, biology] /shuǐshēng/ :: aquatic (living in water)
水生 {n} [Teochew] /shuǐshēng/ :: oyster
水生植物 {n} /shuǐshēng zhíwù/ :: aquatic plant
水师 {def} SEE: 水師 ::
水師 {n} [dated] /shuǐshī/ :: navy
水虱 {def} SEE: 水蝨 ::
水蝨 {n} /shuǐshī/ :: beach louse
水势 {def} SEE: 水勢 ::
水勢 {n} /shuǐshì/ :: flow of water; strength of water (e.g. tide, flood, etc.)
水勢 {n} /shuǐshì/ :: water potential
水市 {prop} /Shuǐshì/ :: (~ 鎮) 水市 (town)
水手 {n} /shuǐshǒu/ :: sailor, mariner
水手服 {n} [literally] /shuǐshǒufú/ :: sailor uniform
水手服 {n} [chiefly ACG] /shuǐshǒufú/ :: seifuku; a similar uniform as worn by Japanese schoolgirls
水书 {def} SEE: 水書 ::
水書 {n} /shuǐshū/ :: Sui script (used to write the Sui language)
水栓 {n} /shuǐshuān/ :: water faucet
水苏 {def} SEE: 水蘇 ::
水蘇 {n} /shuǐsū/ :: Stachys japonica
水素 {n} [rare, chiefly Taiwan Min Nan] /shuǐsù/ :: hydrogen
水塔 {n} /shuǐtǎ/ :: water tower
水塔 {prop} /shuǐtǎ/ :: (~ 街道) 水塔 (subdistrict)
水獭 {def} SEE: 水獺 ::
水獺 {n} /shuǐ獺/ :: otter
水塘 {n} /shuǐtáng/ :: pool (small and deep collection of water); pond
水体 {def} SEE: 水體 ::
水體 {n} /shuǐtǐ/ :: body of water
水天一色 {idiom} /shuǐtiān一sè/ :: the water and the sky merge in one color
水田 {n} /shuǐtián/ :: rice paddy
水汀 {n} [Wu] /shuǐtīng/ :: synonym of 熱水汀
水桶 {n} /shuǐtǒng/ :: bucket
水头 {def} SEE: 水頭 ::
水頭 {n} /shuǐtóu/ :: water conservancy head
水頭 {n} /shuǐtóu/ :: flood peak; peak of flow
水頭 {n} [Cantonese] /shuǐtóu/ :: money
水土 {n} /shuǐtǔ/ :: water and soil
水土 {n} /shuǐtǔ/ :: natural environment; climate
水土不服 {idiom} /shuǐtǔbùfú/ :: to be unaccustomed to a new place; to not be acclimatised
水土流失 {n} /shuǐtǔ liúshī/ :: soil erosion
水豚 {n} /shuǐtún/ :: capybara
水洼 {def} SEE: 水窪 ::
水窪 {n} /shuǐwā/ :: puddle (a small pool of water)
水汪汪 {adj} /shuǐwāngwāng/ :: watery; waterlogged
水汪汪 {adj} [of eyes] /shuǐwāngwāng/ :: sparkling; limpid; bright and intelligent
水尾 {n} [literary or Hakka, Min Nan] /shuǐwěi/ :: downstream regions of a river
水尾 {n} [Cantonese] /shuǐwěi/ :: leftover goods
水尾 {prop} [dated] /shuǐwěi/ :: former name of Ruisui, Hualien, prior to Japanese rule
水位 {n} /shuǐwèi/ :: water level
水温 {def} SEE: 水溫 ::
水溫 {n} /shuǐwēn/ :: water temperature
水文 {n} /shuǐwén/ :: hydrology
水文 {n} [literary] /shuǐwén/ :: alternative form of 水紋
水文学 {def} SEE: 水文學 ::
水文學 {n} /shuǐwénxué/ :: hydrology (science related to water)
水紋 {n} /shuǐwén/ :: wave; ripples
水纹 {def} SEE: 水紋 ::
水蓊 {n} [Singapore, Malaysia, dated in Hong Kong, Guangdong] /shuǐwěng/ :: wax apple
水蕹菜 {n} /shuǐ蕹cài/ :: water spinach grown in paddy fields and ponds
水汙染 {def} SEE: 水污染 ::
水污染 {n} /shuǐwūrǎn/ :: water pollution
水席 {n} /shuǐxí/ :: The Water Banquet, a set banquet of 8 cold and 16 hot dishes served in 6 courses, a hallmark of Luoyang cuisine
水洗 {v} [especially of clothes] /shuǐxǐ/ :: to rinse; to wash with water
水系 {n} /shuǐxì/ :: water system; river system
水系 {adj} [attributive] /shuǐxì/ :: waterborne; aquatic
水峡口 {def} SEE: 水峽口 ::
水峽口 {prop} /Shuǐxiákǒu/ :: (~ 村) 水峽口 (village)
水下 {adj} [attributive] /shuǐxià/ :: underwater
水仙 {n} /shuǐxiān/ :: paperwhite; Chinese sacred lily (Narcissus tazetta)
水仙 {n} /shuǐxiān/ :: (~ 屬) narcissus (any of several bulbous flowering plants of the genus Narcissus)
水仙 {n} /shuǐxiān/ :: (~ 茶) Shui Hsien tea (a kind of oolong tea)
水仙尊王 {prop} [religion] /Shuǐxiān Zūnwáng/ :: The King of the Water Immortals, usually reckoned as a form of Yu the Great
水仙尊王 {prop} [religion] /Shuǐxiān Zūnwáng/ :: The Kings of the Water Immortals, usually reckoned as including Yu the Great, Qu Yuan, Wu Zixu, Xiang Yu, and Lu Ban or Han Zhuo's son Ao
水線 {n} /shuǐxiàn/ :: waterline
水線 {n} /shuǐxiàn/ :: shoreline
水線 {n} [Hong Kong Cantonese] /shuǐxiàn/ :: earth wire
水线 {def} SEE: 水線 ::
水乡 {def} SEE: 水鄉 ::
水箱 {n} /shuǐxiāng/ :: water tank
水鄉 {n} /shuǐxiāng/ :: water village; water town
水鞋 {n} /shuǐxié/ :: rainboot
水泄不通 {def} SEE: 水洩不通 ::
水洩不通 {idiom} /shuǐxiè不tōng/ :: densely packed; extremely crowded; impenetrable
水星 {prop} /Shuǐxīng/ :: Mercury (planet)
水星臺 {prop} /Shuǐxīngtái/ :: (~ 村) 水星臺 (village)
水星台 {def} SEE: 水星臺 ::
水刑 {n} /shuǐxíng/ :: waterboarding; Chinese water torture
水性 {n} /shuǐxìng/ :: swimming ability
水性 {n} /shuǐxìng/ :: characteristics of a body of water
水性 {adj} /shuǐxìng/ :: aqueous; water-based
水性杨花 {def} SEE: 水性楊花 ::
水性楊花 {idiom} [of a woman] /shuǐxìngyánghuā/ :: frivolous; fickle; lascivious
水性楊花 {n} /shuǐxìngyánghuā/ :: An aquatic plant, Ottelia acuminata var. crispa, endemic to Southern China and consumed as food
水熊 {n} /shuǐxióng/ :: water bear
水熊虫 {def} SEE: 水熊蟲 ::
水熊蟲 {n} /shuǐxióngchóng/ :: synonym of 水熊
水鏽 {n} /shuǐxiù/ :: scale; incrustation
水鏽 {n} /shuǐxiù/ :: watermark (in water vessels)
水锈 {def} SEE: 水鏽 ::
水鴨 {n} /shuǐyā/ :: teal (bird)
水鸭 {def} SEE: 水鴨 ::
水烟 {def} SEE: 水煙 ::
水烟袋 {def} SEE: 水煙袋 ::
水煙 {n} /shuǐyān/ :: shredded tobacco for water pipes
水煙 {n} [literary] /shuǐyān/ :: mist and clouds on water
水煙袋 {n} /shuǐyāndài/ :: hookah; water pipe; water bong
水菸袋 {def} SEE: 水煙袋 ::
水杨酸 {def} SEE: 水楊酸 ::
水楊酸 {n} [organic compound] /shuǐyángsuān/ :: salicylic acid
水曜 {n} [classical, archaic] /shuǐyào/ :: planet Mercury
水曜日 {n} [classical] /shuǐyàorì/ :: Wednesday
水蚁 {def} SEE: 水蟻 ::
水蚁仔 {def} SEE: 水蟻仔 ::
水蟻 {n} /shuǐyǐ/ :: winged ant
水銀 {n} /shuǐyín/ :: mercury; quicksilver
水銀 {n} [poetic] /shuǐyín/ :: moon
水銀 {n} [poetic] /shuǐyín/ :: glob; drop of water
水銀中毒 {n} /shuǐyínzhòngdú/ :: mercury poisoning
水銀柱 {n} /shuǐyínzhù,er/ :: mercury column (in a thermometer)
水银 {def} SEE: 水銀 ::
水银中毒 {def} SEE: 水銀中毒 ::
水银柱 {def} SEE: 水銀柱 ::
水印 {n} /shuǐyìn/ :: watermark
水英 {n} /shuǐyīng/ :: alternative name for 水芹
水泳 {v} [rare] /shuǐyǒng/ :: to swim
水泳 {n} [rare] /shuǐyǒng/ :: swimming
水魚 {n} [Cantonese, Pinghua, Liuzhou Mandarin, Changsha Xiang] /shuǐyú/ :: soft-shell turtle
水魚 {n} [Cantonese, figurative] /shuǐyú/ :: gullible person; victim of a fraud
𬲕水鱼 {def} SEE: 䭕水魚 ::
水鱼 {def} SEE: 水魚 ::
水俁 {prop} /Shuǐyǔ/ :: (~ 市) 水俁 (city)
水俁病 {n} [disease] /shuǐyǔbìng/ :: Minamata disease
水俣 {def} SEE: 水俁 ::
水俣病 {def} SEE: 水俁病 ::
水語 {n} /shuǐyǔ/ :: Sui language
水语 {def} SEE: 水語 ::
水域 {n} /shuǐyù/ :: body of water; waters
水浴 {n} /shuǐyù/ :: water bath
水原 {prop} /Shuǐyuán/ :: (~ 市) 水原 (city)
水源 {n} /shuǐyuán/ :: source of a river; headwaters; headspring; fountainhead
水源 {n} /shuǐyuán/ :: water source; water supply
水源 {prop} /shuǐyuán/ :: (~ 鎮) 水源 (town)
水源 {prop} /shuǐyuán/ :: (~ 鄉) [historical] 水源 (township)
水源 {prop} /shuǐyuán/ :: (~ 里) 水源 (urban village)
水月 {n} [literary] /shuǐyuè/ :: water and the Moon
水月 {n} [literary] /shuǐyuè/ :: the Moon reflected in water (as a symbol of purity, or illusion)
水月寺 {prop} /Shuǐyuèsì/ :: (~ 鎮) 水月寺 (town)
水运 {def} SEE: 水運 ::
水運 {n} /shuǐyùn/ :: water transportation; waterborne transport
水災 {n} /shuǐzāi/ :: flood
水灾 {def} SEE: 水災 ::
水葬 {v} /shuǐzàng/ :: to bury at sea
水葬 {n} /shuǐzàng/ :: burial at sea
水藻 {n} /shuǐzǎo/ :: algae
水蚤 {n} /shuǐzǎo/ :: water flea (Daphnia)
水泽 {def} SEE: 水澤 ::
水澤 {n} /shuǐzé/ :: wetlands; region of rivers, lakes, and marshes
水閘 {n} /shuǐzhá/ :: sluice; water gate
水闸 {def} SEE: 水閘 ::
水战 {def} SEE: 水戰 ::
水戰 {n} /shuǐzhàn/ :: battle on water; naval warfare
水涨船高 {def} SEE: 水漲船高 ::
水漲船高 {proverb} /shuǐ zhǎng chuán gāo/ :: A rising tide lifts all boats
水圳 {n} /shuǐ圳/ :: irrigation canal
水蒸包 {n} /shuǐzhēngbāo/ :: steamed bun
水蒸气 {def} SEE: 水蒸氣 ::
水蒸氣 {n} /shuǐzhēngqì/ :: steam; water vapor
水蜘蛛 {n} /shuǐzhīzhū/ :: water spider; diving bell spider (Argyroneta aquatica)
水蜘蛛 {n} /shuǐzhīzhū/ :: water strider (family Gerridae)
水蛭 {n} /shuǐzhì/ :: leech (class Hirudinea)
水質 {n} /shuǐ质/ :: water quality
水质 {def} SEE: 水質 ::
水中 {n} /shuǐzhōng/ :: in water; under water
水中毒 {n} /shuǐzhòngdú/ :: water intoxication
水中捞月 {def} SEE: 水中撈月 ::
水中撈月 {idiom} [figurative] /shuǐzhōng-lāoyuè/ :: to make a hopeless, futile or vain effort at doing something; to ask for the moon
水肿 {def} SEE: 水腫 ::
水腫 {n} [medical sign] /shuǐzhǒng/ :: edema; dropsy
水珠 {n} /shuǐzhū,er/ :: drop of water
水珠 {n} [Chinese mythology] /shuǐzhū,er/ :: a kind of precious pearl that can attract springwater
水煮蛋 {n} /shuǐzhǔdàn/ :: boiled egg
水煮肉 {n} /shuǐzhǔròu/ :: boiled meat, a kind of Sichuanese cuisine
水柱 {n} /shuǐzhù/ :: column of water
水撰头 {def} SEE: 水撰頭 ::
水准 {def} SEE: 水準 ::
水准器 {def} SEE: 水準器 ::
水準 {n} [surveying] /shuǐzhǔn/ :: water level; level
水準 {n} /shuǐzhǔn/ :: level; standard
水準器 {n} /shuǐzhǔnqì/ :: synonym of 水平儀
水資源 {n} /shuǐzīyuán/ :: water resources
水资源 {def} SEE: 水資源 ::
水族 {n} /shuǐzú/ :: aquatic animals
水族 {n} /shuǐzú/ :: Sui people (ethnic group in Guizhou, China)
水族館 {n} /shuǐzúguǎn/ :: (a house of) aquarium
水族馆 {def} SEE: 水族館 ::
{def} /shuǐ/ :: radical form of
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /shuì/ :: (same as ) wine poured in a libation
{def} /shuì/ :: to have a little drink or a few drinks
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /shuì/ :: to sleep
{def} [of bed, room] /shuì/ :: to sleep; to have the capacity for
{def} [colloquial] /shuì/ :: to sleep with (somebody) (have sexual intercourse with)
睡飽 {v} /shuìbǎo/ :: to get enough sleep
睡饱 {def} SEE: 睡飽 ::
睡不着 {def} SEE: 睡不著 ::
睡不著 {v} /shuì不zháo,tl2/ :: to be unable to sleep
睡菜 {n} /shuìcài/ :: bogbean; buckbean (Menyanthes trifoliata)
睡袋 {n} /shuìdài/ :: sleeping bag
睡得着 {def} SEE: 睡得著 ::
睡得著 {v} /shuìdezháo/ :: to be able to sleep
睡房 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /shuìfáng/ :: bedroom
睡公主 {prop} /Shuìgōngzhǔ/ :: Sleeping Beauty (story and main character)
睡過頭 {v} /shuìguòtóu/ :: to oversleep; to sleep in
睡过头 {def} SEE: 睡過頭 ::
睡后收入 {def} SEE: 睡後收入 ::
睡後收入 {n} [neologism] /shuìhòu shōurù/ :: “after-sleep income”, the type of income earned without spending any time or energy; passive income
睡覺 {v} /shuìjiào/ :: to sleep; to go to bed
睡覺 {v} [euphemistic] /shuìjiào/ :: to sleep with each other; to have sexual intercourse
睡觉 {def} SEE: 睡覺 ::
睡裤 {def} SEE: 睡褲 ::
睡褲 {n} /shuìkù/ :: pyjama trousers
睡懒觉 {def} SEE: 睡懶覺 ::
睡懶覺 {v} /shuìlǎnjiào/ :: to sleep in
睡莲 {def} SEE: 睡蓮 ::
睡蓮 {n} /shuìlián/ :: water lily
睡美人 {prop} /Shuìměirén/ :: Sleeping Beauty (story and main character)
睡夢 {n} /shuìmèng/ :: dream
睡夢 {v} [dialectal Cantonese, Pinghua] /shuìmèng/ :: to dream
睡梦 {def} SEE: 睡夢 ::
睡眠 {n} /shuìmián/ :: sleep
睡眠 {v} /shuìmián/ :: to sleep
睡眠不足 {n} /shuìmián 不zú/ :: lack of sleep; inadequate sleep
睡眠呼吸暂停 {def} SEE: 睡眠呼吸暫停 ::
睡眠呼吸暫停 {n} [pathology] /shuìmián hūxī 暫tíng/ :: sleep apnea
睡眠瘫痪症 {def} SEE: 睡眠癱瘓症 ::
睡眠癱瘓症 {n} /shuìmián tānhuànzhèng/ :: sleep paralysis
睡袍 {n} /shuìpáo,er/ :: nightgown; nightdress; nightie
睡鋪 {n} /shuìpù/ :: bed
睡鋪 {n} /shuìpù/ :: couchette; bed on a train or bus
睡铺 {def} SEE: 睡鋪 ::
睡鼠 {n} /shuìshǔ/ :: dormouse
睡午覺 {v} /shuìwǔjiào/ :: to take an afternoon nap; to take a nap after lunch
睡午觉 {def} SEE: 睡午覺 ::
睡乡 {def} SEE: 睡鄉 ::
睡鄉 {n} /shuìxiāng/ :: land of dreams; dreamland; slumberland; dreamworld; dream
睡衣 {n} /shuìyī/ :: pyjamas; pajamas (Classifier: m,c:件m,c:套)
睡椅 {n} /shuìyǐ/ :: chaise longue
睡椅 {n} /shuìyǐ/ :: couch
睡意 {n} /shuìyì/ :: (feeling of) sleepiness; somnolence
睡着 {def} SEE: 睡著 ::
睡著 {v} /shuìzháo/ :: to fall asleep
睡姿 {n} /shuìzī/ :: sleeping posture; sleeping position
{def} [Cantonese, dialectal Hakka] /fèn/ :: to sleep
{def} [Cantonese] /fèn/ :: to lie down; to recline
瞓着 {def} SEE: 瞓著 ::
瞓着覺 {def} SEE: 瞓著覺 ::
{def} /shuì/ :: tax; revenue; duty
稅表 {n} /shuìbiǎo/ :: tax forms
稅單 {n} /shuìdān/ :: tax receipt; tax bill; tax return
稅費 {n} /shuìfèi/ :: taxes and fees
稅關 {n} [historical] /shuìguān/ :: customs (government department); customhouse
稅級 {n} /shuìjí/ :: tax bracket
稅金 {n} /shuìjīn/ :: tax money; tax payment
稅局 {n} /shuìjú/ :: tax bureau; tax department; tax office
稅捐 {n} /shuìjuān/ :: taxes and levies
稅款 {n} /shuìkuǎn/ :: tax money; tax payment
稅吏 {n} /shuìlì/ :: tax collector
稅率 {n} /shuìlǜ/ :: tax rate
稅票 {n} /shuìpiào/ :: tax receipt (Classifier: 張)
稅收 {n} /shuìshōu/ :: tax revenue; taxation
稅收減除 {n} /shuìshōu jiǎnchú/ :: tax relief
稅收減免 {n} /shuìshōu jiǎnmiǎn/ :: tax relief
稅收學 {n} /shuìshōuxué/ :: taxation (as a field of study)
稅務 {n} /shuìwù,tl/ :: taxation services; tax administration
稅務機關 {n} /shuìwù jīguān/ :: tax authorities; tax office
稅務局 {n} /shuìwùjú/ :: tax bureau; tax department; tax office
稅制 {n} /shuìzhì/ :: taxation system
{def} SEE: ::
税表 {def} SEE: 稅表 ::
税单 {def} SEE: 稅單 ::
税费 {def} SEE: 稅費 ::
税关 {def} SEE: 稅關 ::
税级 {def} SEE: 稅級 ::
税金 {def} SEE: 稅金 ::
税局 {def} SEE: 稅局 ::
税捐 {def} SEE: 稅捐 ::
税款 {def} SEE: 稅款 ::
税吏 {def} SEE: 稅吏 ::
税率 {def} SEE: 稅率 ::
税票 {def} SEE: 稅票 ::
税收 {def} SEE: 稅收 ::
税收减除 {def} SEE: 稅收減除 ::
税收减免 {def} SEE: 稅收減免 ::
税收学 {def} SEE: 稅收學 ::
税务 {def} SEE: 稅務 ::
税务机关 {def} SEE: 稅務機關 ::
税务局 {def} SEE: 稅務局 ::
税制 {def} SEE: 稅制 ::
{def} /tuì,shuì,2nb/ :: to shed
{def} /tuì,shuì,2nb/ :: to change
{def} /tuì,shuì,2nb/ :: to die
{def} /tuì,shuì,2nb/ :: exuvia
{def} /tuì,shuì,2nb/ :: fossil
{def} /yuè/ :: only used in 蚴蜕
蛻變 {v} /tuìbiàn,shuìbiàn,1nb/ :: to transform (into something bad); to transmute; to change qualitatively
蛻變 {v} [physics, of a nucleus] /tuìbiàn,shuìbiàn,1nb/ :: to decay
蛻化 {v} [of insects] /tuìhuà/ :: to molt; to shed; to slough; to exuviate
蛻化 {v} [figurative] /tuìhuà/ :: to deteriorate; to degenerate; to atrophy
蛻皮 {v} /tuìpí/ :: to shed skin; to cast off an old skin or shell
{def} /shuō/ :: to say; to speak
{def} /shuō/ :: to explain
{def} /shuō/ :: to refer to
{def} /shuō/ :: to discuss
{def} /shuō/ :: to introduce; to bring parties together
{def} /shuō/ :: to criticize; to scold; to upbraid
{def} /shuō/ :: to perform
{def} /shuō/ :: theory; explanation
{def} /shuì/ :: to persuade; to canvass; to lobby
{def} [Quanzhou Hokkien] /shuì/ :: to swindle; to defraud; to cheat out of
{def} /yuè/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /tuō/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
說白 {n} [opera] /shuōbái/ :: spoken parts of a Chinese opera
說白了 {adv} [colloquial] /shuōbáile/ :: bluntly; put it simply; to be frank
說不定 {v} /shuō不dìng,tl2/ :: to be unable to say for certain
說不定 {adv} /shuō不dìng,tl2/ :: perhaps; maybe
說不過去 {adj} [idiomatic] /shuōbuguòqù/ :: to be unable to explain away; cannot justify morally
說不清 {v} /shuō不qīng,tl2/ :: to be unable to speak clearly
說不清 {v} /shuō不qīng,tl2/ :: to speak unclearly
說不上 {v} /shuōbushàng/ :: to be unable to describe; to be unable to say
說不上 {v} /shuōbushàng/ :: to not rise to the level of
說不準 {v} /shuōbuzhǔn/ :: to be unable to speak about with confidence
說不準 {adv} /shuōbuzhǔn/ :: maybe; possibly
說曹操,曹操到 {proverb} [idiomatic] /shuō Cáo Cāo, Cáo Cāo dào/ :: speak of the devil, and he shall appear
說唱 {n} /shuōchàng/ :: traditional Chinese storytelling
說唱 {n} [chiefly mainland China] /shuōchàng/ :: rap; hip hop
說唱家 {n} /shuōchàngjiā/ :: rapper
說出 {v} /shuōchū/ :: to speak out, to declare (one's view)
說出 {v} /shuōchū/ :: to disclose
說出 {v} /shuōchū/ :: to pronounce, to utter
說穿 {v} /shuōchuān/ :: to tell what something really is; to reveal; to disclose
說詞 {n} [literary] /shuōcí/ :: explanation; excuse; plea; pretext; justification
說辭 {n} /shuōcí/ :: excuse; pretext
說大話 {v} /shuōdàhuà/ :: to brag; to boast; to talk big
說到 {v} /shuōdào/ :: to mention; to touch on (a topic); to refer to (in speech)
說到 {prep} /shuōdào/ :: as for; as to
說到底 {adv} /shuōdàodǐ/ :: in the final analysis; in the end; all in all; at bottom; fundamentally; basically
說道 {v} [formal] /shuōdào/ :: to say; to speak; to talk
說得過去 {adj} /shuōdeguòqù,tl/ :: passable; acceptable
說得來 {v} /shuōdelái/ :: to get along well
說得來 {v} /shuōdelái/ :: to be able to speak (a language, or on a topic)
說的是 {interj} [colloquial] /shuō de shì/ :: indeed; you said it!; that's it!
說定 {v} /shuōdìng/ :: to agree on; to settle on
說都不會話了 {phrase} /shuō dōu 不huì huà le/ :: A self-reference demonstration of 不會不会
說法 {n} /shuōfǎ,tl/ :: way of saying something; wording; version
說法 {n} /shuōfǎ,tl/ :: explanation; view; opinion
說法 {v} /shuōfǎ/ :: to expound the teachings of Buddhism
說服 {v} /shuōfú,shuìfú,1nb/ :: to persuade; to talk around; to convince
說服力 {adj} /shuōfúlì,shuìfúlì,1nb/ :: persuasiveness; persuasion
說好 {v} /shuōhǎo/ :: to come to an agreement
說合 {v} /shuōhé,tl/ :: to act as go-between; to act as the middleman; to play matchmaker
說合 {v} /shuōhé,tl/ :: to discuss; to talk over
說合 {v} /shuōhé,tl/ :: to settle a quarrel
說和 {v} /shuōhé,tl/ :: to settle a quarrel
說話 {v} /shuōhuà/ :: to speak; to talk
說話 {v} /shuōhuà/ :: to chat
說話 {v} /shuōhuà/ :: to scold; to berate
說話 {adv} [dialectal] /shuōhuà/ :: an instant
說話 {n} [archaic or dialectal] /shuōhuà/ :: words; what one says
說話 {n} [archaic, Tang and Song dynasties] /shuōhuà/ :: a genre of traditional storytelling
說謊 {v} /shuōhuǎng/ :: to tell a lie; to lie
說謊者 {n} /shuōhuǎngzhě/ :: liar (one who tells lies)
說教 {v} /shuōjiào/ :: to preach; to sermonize; to evangelize
說解 {v} [literary] /shuōjiě/ :: to explain; to illustrate; to elucidate
說客 {n} [historical] /shuìkè,shuōkè/ :: itinerant political adviser
說客 {n} /shuìkè,shuōkè/ :: one who talks to try to persuade others; persuasive talker; lobbyist
說客 {n} /shuìkè,shuōkè/ :: person sent to win somebody over or enlist his support through persuasion
說來 {adv} /shuōlái/ :: having brought this up; come to speak of it
說來話長 {idiom} /shuōláihuàcháng/ :: it's a long story
說了算 {v} /shuōlesuàn/ :: to have the final say; to have the last word; to be in charge
說理 {v} /shuōlǐ/ :: to argue; to reason things out
說理 {v} /shuōlǐ/ :: to listen to reason; to be reasonable (usually used in the negative)
說漏嘴 {v} /shuō lòuzuǐ/ :: to have a slip of the tongue; to let slip an inadvertent remark
說媒 {n} /shuōméi/ :: matchmaking
說媒 {v} /shuōméi/ :: to act as a go-between for a betrothal
說夢話 {v} /shuō mènghuà/ :: to talk in one's sleep; to sleeptalk
說夢話 {v} [figuratively] /shuō mènghuà/ :: to talk about nonsense things; to say preposterous things
說明 {v} /shuōmíng/ :: to explain; to account for; to illustrate; to specify
說明 {v} /shuōmíng/ :: to show; to indicate; to mean; to prove
說明 {n} /shuōmíng/ :: explanation; instruction; direction; account; note
說明會 {n} /shuōmínghuì/ :: information meeting, press conference
說明書 {n} /shuōmíngshū/ :: manual; directions; instructions
說明書 {n} /shuōmíngshū/ :: synopsis (of a play or film)
說明文 {n} /shuōmíngwén/ :: expository writing
說破 {v} /shuōpò/ :: to lay bare (secrets, unspoken truth); to reveal
說起 {v} /shuōqǐ/ :: to bring up (an issue); to raise (a subject); to mention
說親 {v} /shuōqīn/ :: to act as matchmaker
說清楚 {v} /shuō qīngchu,shuō qīngchǔ,1nb/ :: to make something clear
說情 {v} /shuōqíng/ :: to plead mercy for somebody; to intercede on someone's behalf
說三道四 {v} /shuōsāndàosì/ :: to gossip, to make irresponsible remarks
說三道四 {v} /shuōsāndàosì/ :: to criticize, to carp
說實話 {adv} /shuōshíhuà/ :: seriously; honestly  
說實在的 {adv} /shuō shízài de/ :: seriously; honestly
說時遲,那時快 {idiom} /shuō shí chí, nà shí kuài/ :: before you know it; immediately; presto
說誓 {v} [literary] /shuōshì/ :: to promise; to swear; to vow
說書 {v} /shuōshū/ :: to tell a story (in the folk art of pingshu―“storytelling”)
說完 {v} /shuōwán/ :: to finish speaking
說完 {adv} /shuōwán/ :: after one said something; after one's words
說文 {prop} /Shuōwén/ :: abbreviation of 說文解字
說文解字 {prop} /Shuōwén Jiězì/ :: Shuowen Jiezi (early 2nd-century Chinese dictionary from the Han dynasty)
說項 {v} /shuōxiàng/ :: to put in a good word or plead for (someone); to intercede for
說笑 {v} /shuōxiào/ :: to chat and laugh
說笑 {v} /shuōxiào/ :: to crack jokes; to joke
說學逗唱 {idiom} /shuōxuédòuchàng/ :: narration, imitation, joking and singing (the four basic techniques of xiangsheng)
說苑 {prop} /Shuōyuàn/ :: Shuo Yuan (a collection of stories and anecdotes compiled by Confucian scholar Liu Xiang in the Western Han dynasty)
說真的 {adv} /shuōzhēnde/ :: seriously; honestly
{def} SEE: ::
説法 {def} SEE: 說法 ::
{def} /shǔn/ :: to suck (with one's mouth)
吮吸 {v} /shǔnxī/ :: to suck (with one's mouth)
{def} /xún/ :: to stroke
{def} /xún/ :: to obey
{def} /chǔn,shǔn/ :: [obsolete] rich; wealthy
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /shùn/ :: to wink; to blink
{def} /shùn/ :: instant
瞬間 {adj} /shùnjiān/ :: momentary
瞬間 {adj} /shùnjiān/ :: transient
瞬間 {adv} /shùnjiān/ :: in a flash; in the twinkling of an eye
瞬間 {n} /shùnjiān/ :: moment; flash; instant
瞬間移動 {n} /shùnjiān yídòng/ :: teleportation
瞬间 {def} SEE: 瞬間 ::
瞬间移动 {def} SEE: 瞬間移動 ::
瞬膜 {n} /shùn膜/ :: nictitating membrane
瞬时 {def} SEE: 瞬時 ::
瞬时速度 {def} SEE: 瞬時速度 ::
瞬時 {n} /shùnshí/ :: instant; moment
瞬時 {adj} [physics] /shùnshí/ :: instantaneous
瞬時速度 {n} [physics] /shùnshí sùdù/ :: instantaneous velocity
瞬息 {n} /shùn息/ :: twinkling; flash
瞬息萬變 {idiom} /shùn息wànbiàn/ :: myriad changes occur in an instant; rapid substantial change
瞬息万变 {def} SEE: 瞬息萬變 ::
瞬移 {v} /shùnyí/ :: abbreviation of 瞬間移動
{def} /shùn/ :: Emperor Shun, legendary ruler of ancient China
{def} /shùn/ :: Hibiscus syriacus
{def} /shùn/ :: surname
舜华 {def} SEE: 舜華 ::
舜華 {n} [literary] /shùnhuá,shùnhuā,1nb/ :: hibiscus
舜陵 {prop} /Shùnlíng/ :: (~ 街道) 舜陵 (subdistrict)
{def} /shùn/ :: to follow; to go along with
{def} /shùn/ :: to obey; to submit to
{def} /shùn/ :: smooth; successful
{def} /shùn/ :: to make smooth
{def} [colloquial] /shùn/ :: to bring (something extra) back while one was at it; to pilfer
{def} /shùn/ :: cisgender
{def} [chemistry] /shùn/ :: cis-
順便 {adv} /shùnbiàn/ :: incidentally; conveniently; in passing
順變 {v} [literary] /shùnbiàn/ :: to adapt to or accept changes; to be accommodating
順鉑 {n} [pharmaceutical drug] /shùnbó/ :: cisplatin
順差 {n} /shùnchā/ :: (trade or budget) surplus
順產 {v} [obstetrics] /shùnchǎn/ :: to have a natural and successful birth; to have an uncomplicated vaginal delivery
順昌 {prop} /Shùnchāng/ :: (~ 縣) 順昌 (county)
順暢 {adj} /shùnchàng/ :: smooth and easy; unhindered
順川 {prop} /Shùnchuān/ :: (~ 市) 順川 (city)
順次 {adv} /shùncì/ :: in order; in proper sequence
順從 {v} /shùncóng/ :: to submit to; to yield to; to obey
順大流 {v} /shùndàliú/ :: synonym of 隨大流
順帶 {adv} /shùndài/ :: in addition to what one is already doing without much extra effort
順當 {adj} /shùndang/ :: smoothly; without much difficulty
順導 {v} /shùndǎo/ :: to guide or steer in its proper course
順道 {adv} /shùndào,er/ :: on one's way; at the same time
順德 {prop} /Shùndé/ :: (~ 區) 順德 (district)
順耳 {adj} /shùn'ěr/ :: pleasing to the ear
順反異構 {n} [chemistry] /shùn-fǎn yìgòu/ :: cis-trans isomerism
順風 {v} /shùnfēng/ :: to go with the wind; to follow the direction of the wind
順風 {n} /shùnfēng/ :: favorable wind; tail wind
順風車 {n} /shùnfēngchē/ :: hitchhike
順風耳 {prop} [religion, mythology] /Shùnfēng'ěr/ :: Shunfeng'er, a far-hearing god or benevolent demon usually found as a door god and guardian of Mazu
順風耳 {n} [figuratively] /Shùnfēng'ěr/ :: "Radar-ears": any person with a good sense of hearing
順風順水 {idiom} /shùnfēngshùnshuǐ/ :: smooth; without obstacles or difficulties
順服 {v} /shùnfú/ :: to obey; to be obedient; to be docile
順化 {prop} /Shùnhuà/ :: Hue (city, province of Vietnam)
順化牛肉粉 {n} /Shùnhuà niúròufěn/ :: bún bò Huế (Vietnamese dish)
順境 {n} /shùnjìng/ :: favourable circumstances
順口 {v} /shùnkǒu/ :: to read smoothly
順口 {v} /shùnkǒu/ :: to blurt out (without thinking)
順口 {v} /shùnkǒu/ :: to suit to suit one's taste; to one's taste (of food)
順口 {v} /shùnkǒu/ :: to rhyme
順適 {v} [literary] /shùnshì/ :: to be composed; to be casual
順適 {v} [literary] /shùnshì/ :: to be smooth; to be unhindered
順理 {v} [literary] /shùnlǐ/ :: to be logical; to be rational
順理成章 {idiom} /shùnlǐchéngzhāng/ :: to be clearly structured (of a written text)
順理成章 {idiom} /shùnlǐchéngzhāng/ :: to follow as a matter of course; to be logical or rational (of an outcome)
順利 {adj} /shùnlì/ :: smooth; without difficulty; favorable
順流 {v} /shùnliú/ :: to go with the current; to follow the direction of the current; to go downstream
順路 {adv} /shùnlù/ :: on one's way; at the same time; conveniently; on the way; in passing
順民 {n} [derogatory] /shùnmín/ :: docile citizens under a new regime or alien rulers
順民 {v} [archaic] /shùnmín/ :: to submit to the will of the people
順拿臘 {prop} /Shùnnálà/ :: (~ 省) [dated] 順拿臘 (state)
順諾拿 {prop} /Shùnnuòná/ :: (~ 省) [dated] 順諾拿 (state)
順其自然 {idiom} /shùnqízìrán/ :: to let it be; to let nature take its course; que sera sera
順時針 {adj} /shùnshízhēn/ :: clockwise
順勢 {v} /shùnshì/ :: to seize an opportunity; to take advantage of a favorable situation
順勢 {adv} /shùnshì/ :: conveniently; in passing
順勢療法 {n} /shùnshì liáofǎ/ :: homeopathy
順式 {adj} [chemistry] /shùnshì/ :: cis
順手 {adv} /shùnshǒu,er/ :: easily; without trouble; without any extra effort
順手 {adv} /shùnshǒu,er/ :: while one is at it; in passing; at one's own convenience
順手 {adj} /shùnshǒu,er/ :: handy; convenient; easy to use
順手 {n} [dialectal Mandarin, dialectal Gan, Huizhou, Min Bei, Wu, dialectal Xiang] /shùnshǒu,er/ :: right hand
順手牽羊 {idiom} [figurative] /shùnshǒuqiānyáng/ :: to steal something under the cover of an emergency; to take advantage of a crisis for personal gain
順水 {adj} /shùnshuǐ/ :: downstream; with the stream
順水推舟 {idiom} /shùnshuǐtuīzhōu/ :: to do something with the prevailing climate or tendency; to take advantage of the situation
順藤摸瓜 {idiom} /shùnténgmōguā/ :: to follow the clues to get to the bottom of a matter or to thoroughly inquire into a matter
順天 {adj} [literary] /shùntiān/ :: in accord with the ways of heaven
順位 {n} /shùnwèi/ :: rank; order
順我者昌,逆我者嫖娼 {phrase} [neologism, sarcastic] /shùn wǒ zhě chāng, nì wǒ zhě piáochāng/ :: Powerful people or organizations (especially an Orwellian government) tend to frame and defame anyone opposing them
順我者昌,逆我者亡 {idiom} /shùn wǒ zhě chāng, nì wǒ zhě wáng/ :: those who submit will prosper; those who resist will perish
順我者生,逆我者死 {idiom} /shùn wǒ zhě shēng, nì wǒ zhě sǐ/ :: you're either with me or you're against me; it's my way or the highway
順心 {adj} /shùnxīn/ :: satisfactory; pleasing
順心 {v} [literary] /shùnxīn/ :: to follow innate disposition
順心 {v} [literary] /shùnxīn/ :: to be as one wishes; to be satisfactory
順性別 {adj} [attributive] /shùnxìngbié/ :: cisgender
順性別男性 {n} /shùnxìngbié nánxìng/ :: cis man
順性別女性 {n} /shùnxìngbié nǚxìng/ :: cis woman
順性別者 {n} /shùnxìngbiézhě/ :: cisgender person
順序 {n} /shùnxù/ :: sequence; order
順序 {adv} /shùnxù/ :: in sequence; in order
順序 {adj} [literary] /shùnxù/ :: suitable; harmonious
順序 {adj} [literary] /shùnxù/ :: smooth; without difficulty; well
順序 {adj} [literary] /shùnxù/ :: lucky; fortunate
順延 {v} /shùnyán/ :: to postpone
順眼 {adj} /shùnyǎn/ :: easy on the eye; having acceptable looks
順義 {prop} /Shùnyì/ :: (~ 區) 順義 (district)
順應 {v} /shùnyìng,tl/ :: to comply with (the general trend, people's will); to conform to (the rules); to adapt to
順治 {prop} /Shùnzhì/ :: (~ 帝) Shunzhi Emperor (the third Emperor of the Qing dynasty, and the first Qing emperor to rule over China proper)
順治 {prop} /Shùnzhì/ :: era name for the period that this emperor ruled (1643–1661)
順子 {n} [poker, mahjong] /shùnzi/ :: straight; cards or mahjong tiles in sequence
順嘴 {v} /shùnzuǐ,er/ :: to read smoothly
順嘴 {v} /shùnzuǐ,er/ :: to say offhandedly
順嘴 {v} [dialectal] /shùnzuǐ,er/ :: to suit one's taste
順嘴兒 {v} /shùnzuǐr/ :: erhua form of 順嘴
{def} SEE: ::
顺便 {def} SEE: 順便 ::
顺变 {def} SEE: 順變 ::
顺铂 {def} SEE: 順鉑 ::
顺差 {def} SEE: 順差 ::
顺产 {def} SEE: 順產 ::
顺昌 {def} SEE: 順昌 ::
顺畅 {def} SEE: 順暢 ::
顺趁 {def} SEE: 順趁 ::
顺川 {def} SEE: 順川 ::
顺次 {def} SEE: 順次 ::
顺从 {def} SEE: 順從 ::
顺大流 {def} SEE: 順大流 ::
顺带 {def} SEE: 順帶 ::
顺当 {def} SEE: 順當 ::
顺导 {def} SEE: 順導 ::
顺道 {def} SEE: 順道 ::
顺德 {def} SEE: 順德 ::
顺耳 {def} SEE: 順耳 ::
顺反异构 {def} SEE: 順反異構 ::
顺风 {def} SEE: 順風 ::
顺风车 {def} SEE: 順風車 ::
顺风耳 {def} SEE: 順風耳 ::
顺风顺水 {def} SEE: 順風順水 ::
顺服 {def} SEE: 順服 ::
顺化 {def} SEE: 順化 ::
顺化牛肉粉 {def} SEE: 順化牛肉粉 ::
顺境 {def} SEE: 順境 ::
顺口 {def} SEE: 順口 ::
顺理 {def} SEE: 順理 ::
顺理成章 {def} SEE: 順理成章 ::
顺利 {def} SEE: 順利 ::
顺溜 {def} SEE: 順溜 ::
顺流 {def} SEE: 順流 ::
顺路 {def} SEE: 順路 ::
顺民 {def} SEE: 順民 ::
顺目 {def} SEE: 順目 ::
顺拿腊 {def} SEE: 順拿臘 ::
顺诺拿 {def} SEE: 順諾拿 ::
顺其自然 {def} SEE: 順其自然 ::
顺时针 {def} SEE: 順時針 ::
顺势 {def} SEE: 順勢 ::
顺势疗法 {def} SEE: 順勢療法 ::
顺式 {def} SEE: 順式 ::
顺适 {def} SEE: 順適 ::
顺手 {def} SEE: 順手 ::
顺手牵羊 {def} SEE: 順手牽羊 ::
顺水 {def} SEE: 順水 ::
顺水推舟 {def} SEE: 順水推舟 ::
顺摊 {def} SEE: 順攤 ::
顺藤摸瓜 {def} SEE: 順藤摸瓜 ::
顺天 {def} SEE: 順天 ::
顺位 {def} SEE: 順位 ::
顺我者昌,逆我者嫖娼 {def} SEE: 順我者昌,逆我者嫖娼 ::
顺我者昌,逆我者亡 {def} SEE: 順我者昌,逆我者亡 ::
顺我者生,逆我者死 {def} SEE: 順我者生,逆我者死 ::
顺孝娶 {def} SEE: 順孝娶 ::
顺绁 {def} SEE: 順紲 ::
顺心 {def} SEE: 順心 ::
顺性别 {def} SEE: 順性別 ::
顺性别男性 {def} SEE: 順性別男性 ::
顺性别女性 {def} SEE: 順性別女性 ::
顺性别者 {def} SEE: 順性別者 ::
顺序 {def} SEE: 順序 ::
顺延 {def} SEE: 順延 ::
顺眼 {def} SEE: 順眼 ::
顺义 {def} SEE: 順義 ::
顺应 {def} SEE: 順應 ::
顺月 {def} SEE: 順月 ::
顺治 {def} SEE: 順治 ::
顺子 {def} SEE: 順子 ::
顺嘴 {def} SEE: 順嘴 ::
顺嘴儿 {def} SEE: 順嘴兒 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /shuō/ :: to taste
{def} /yuè/ :: only used in 銅哾魚, an alternative name of 魚 /-/
{def} SEE: ::
说白 {def} SEE: 說白 ::
说白了 {def} SEE: 說白了 ::
说不定 {def} SEE: 說不定 ::
说不过去 {def} SEE: 說不過去 ::
说不清 {def} SEE: 說不清 ::
说不上 {def} SEE: 說不上 ::
说不准 {def} SEE: 說不準 ::
说曹操,曹操到 {def} SEE: 說曹操,曹操到 ::
说唱 {def} SEE: 說唱 ::
说唱家 {def} SEE: 說唱家 ::
说出 {def} SEE: 說出 ::
说穿 {def} SEE: 說穿 ::
说词 {def} SEE: 說詞 ::
说辞 {def} SEE: 說辭 ::
说大话 {def} SEE: 說大話 ::
说到 {def} SEE: 說到 ::
说到底 {def} SEE: 說到底 ::
说道 {def} SEE: 說道 ::
说得过去 {def} SEE: 說得過去 ::
说得来 {def} SEE: 說得來 ::
说的是 {def} SEE: 說的是 ::
说定 {def} SEE: 說定 ::
说都不会话了 {def} SEE: 說都不會話了 ::
说法 {def} SEE: 說法 ::
说服 {def} SEE: 說服 ::
说服力 {def} SEE: 說服力 ::
说好 {def} SEE: 說好 ::
说合 {def} SEE: 說合 ::
说合人 {def} SEE: 說合人 ::
说和 {def} SEE: 說和 ::
说话 {def} SEE: 說話 ::
说谎 {def} SEE: 說謊 ::
说谎者 {def} SEE: 說謊者 ::
说教 {def} SEE: 說教 ::
说解 {def} SEE: 說解 ::
说客 {def} SEE: 說客 ::
说来 {def} SEE: 說來 ::
说来话长 {def} SEE: 說來話長 ::
说了算 {def} SEE: 說了算 ::
说理 {def} SEE: 說理 ::
说漏嘴 {def} SEE: 說漏嘴 ::
说媒 {def} SEE: 說媒 ::
说梦话 {def} SEE: 說夢話 ::
说明 {def} SEE: 說明 ::
说明会 {def} SEE: 說明會 ::
说明书 {def} SEE: 說明書 ::
说明文 {def} SEE: 說明文 ::
说骗 {def} SEE: 說騙 ::
说破 {def} SEE: 說破 ::
说起 {def} SEE: 說起 ::
说亲 {def} SEE: 說親 ::
说清楚 {def} SEE: 說清楚 ::
说情 {def} SEE: 說情 ::
说三道四 {def} SEE: 說三道四 ::
说实话 {def} SEE: 說實話 ::
说实在的 {def} SEE: 說實在的 ::
说时迟,那时快 {def} SEE: 說時遲,那時快 ::
说誓 {def} SEE: 說誓 ::
说书 {def} SEE: 說書 ::
说完 {def} SEE: 說完 ::
说文 {def} SEE: 說文 ::
说文解字 {def} SEE: 說文解字 ::
说项 {def} SEE: 說項 ::
说笑 {def} SEE: 說笑 ::
说学逗唱 {def} SEE: 說學逗唱 ::
说苑 {def} SEE: 說苑 ::
说真的 {def} SEE: 說真的 ::
{def} [literary or dialectal] /嗍/ :: to suck
嗍风机 {def} SEE: 嗍風機 ::
嗍栱 {def} SEE: 嗍管 ::
{def} /shuò/ :: new moon
{def} /shuò/ :: the first day of the lunar month
{def} [literary] /shuò/ :: north
{def} /shuò/ :: [obsolete] early morning
{def} /shuò/ :: [obsolete] beginning
朔吹 {n} [literary] /shuòchuì/ :: north wind
朔方 {n} [literary] /shuòfāng/ :: north
朔風 {n} [literary] /shuòfēng/ :: north wind
朔风 {def} SEE: 朔風 ::
朔漠 {n} /shuòmò/ :: northern deserts of China
朔日 {n} /shuòrì/ :: first day of a month in the lunar calendar
朔望 {n} [literary] /shuòwàng/ :: the first and 15th days of the lunar month
朔望 {n} [astronomy] /shuòwàng/ :: syzygy
朔雪 {n} /shuòxuě/ :: snow in the north
朔月 {n} /shuòyuè/ :: new moon
朔月 {n} /shuòyuè/ :: the first day of the lunar month
朔州 {prop} /Shuòzhōu/ :: (~ 市) 朔州 (prefecture-level city)
朔庄 {def} SEE: 朔莊 ::
朔莊 {prop} /Shuòzhuāng/ :: (~ 省) 朔莊 (province)
朔莊 {prop} /Shuòzhuāng/ :: (~ 市) 朔莊 (city/provincial capital)
{def} /shuò/ :: a type of long lance
{def} /shuò,sòu/ :: to suck in
{def} /shuò,sòu/ :: inhale
{def} SEE: ::
烁𬊶 {def} SEE: 爍爁 ::
{def} /shuò,luò/ :: to glisten; to glimmer
{def} /shuò,luò/ :: bright; brilliant
{def} /shuò,luò/ :: hot
{def} /shuò,luò/ :: to roast; to broil
{def} /shuò,luò/ :: alternative form of
{def} /què,shuò,xī/ :: [obsolete] to be startled
{def} /què,shuò,xī/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} SEE: ::
硕博连读 {def} SEE: 碩博連讀 ::
硕大 {def} SEE: 碩大 ::
硕大无朋 {def} SEE: 碩大無朋 ::
硕导 {def} SEE: 碩導 ::
硕果 {def} SEE: 碩果 ::
硕果仅存 {def} SEE: 碩果僅存 ::
硕人 {def} SEE: 碩人 ::
硕士 {def} SEE: 碩士 ::
硕士论文 {def} SEE: 碩士論文 ::
硕士生 {def} SEE: 碩士生 ::
硕士学位 {def} SEE: 碩士學位 ::
{def} SEE: ::
蒴果 {n} [botany] /shuòguǒ/ :: capsule
{def} /shuò/ :: to melt by heat
{def} /shuò/ :: to weaken
{def} /shuò/ :: fine; glorious
{def} /shuò/ :: alternative form of
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
丝氨酸 {def} SEE: 絲氨酸 ::
丝胺酸 {def} SEE: 絲胺酸 ::
丝绸 {def} SEE: 絲綢 ::
丝绸之路 {def} SEE: 絲綢之路 ::
丝打 {def} SEE: 絲打 ::
丝带 {def} SEE: 絲帶 ::
丝丁鱼 {def} SEE: 絲丁魚 ::
丝瓜 {def} SEE: 絲瓜 ::
丝瓜络 {def} SEE: 絲瓜絡 ::
丝光袜子 {def} SEE: 絲光襪子 ::
丝毫 {def} SEE: 絲毫 ::
丝绞边 {def} SEE: 絲絞邊 ::
丝路 {def} SEE: 絲路 ::
丝满 {def} SEE: 絲滿 ::
丝棉被 {def} SEE: 絲棉被 ::
丝球体 {def} SEE: 絲球體 ::
丝绒 {def} SEE: 絲絨 ::
丝丝 {def} SEE: 絲絲 ::
丝袜 {def} SEE: 絲襪 ::
丝袜奶茶 {def} SEE: 絲襪奶茶 ::
丝袜子 {def} SEE: 絲襪子 ::
丝弦 {def} SEE: 絲弦 ::
丝线 {def} SEE: 絲線 ::
丝仔爿 {def} SEE: 絲仔爿 ::
丝仔袜 {def} SEE: 絲仔襪 ::
丝织 {def} SEE: 絲織 ::
丝织品 {def} SEE: 絲織品 ::
丝制 {def} SEE: 絲製 ::
丝质 {def} SEE: 絲質 ::
丝竹 {def} SEE: 絲竹 ::
丝字爿 {def} SEE: 絲字爿 ::
丝字旁 {def} SEE: 絲字旁 ::
{def} /sī/ :: only used in 傢俬
{def} [literary] /sī/ :: ice floe
{def} SEE: ::
厮打 {def} SEE: 廝打 ::
厮斗 {def} SEE: 廝鬥 ::
厮混 {def} SEE: 廝混 ::
厮杀 {def} SEE: 廝殺 ::
厮守 {def} SEE: 廝守 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /sī/ :: to take charge of; to control; to manage
{def} /sī/ :: officer; official
{def} /sī/ :: surname
司長 {n} /sīzhǎng/ :: bureau chief; department head
司长 {def} SEE: 司長 ::
司的克 {n} [dated] /sīdíkè/ :: walking stick
司鐸 {n} [literary, historical] /sīduó/ :: one who is in charge of striking the duo (a large bell with a dull sound)
司鐸 {n} [literary, figurative] /sīduó/ :: one who manages culture and education
司鐸 {prop} [historical] /sīduó/ :: a palace in Lu (state) in the Spring and Autumn period
司鐸 {prop} /sīduó/ :: surname
司鐸 {n} [Catholicism] /sīduó/ :: priest
司铎 {def} SEE: 司鐸 ::
司法 {n} [government, legal] /sīfǎ/ :: administration of justice; judiciary; judicature
司法部 {n} /sīfǎbù/ :: ministry of justice; justice department
司法部長 {n} /sīfǎ bùzhǎng/ :: minister of justice; judicial minister
司法部長 {n} /sīfǎ bùzhǎng/ :: attorney general
司法部长 {def} SEE: 司法部長 ::
司法覆核 {n} [law] /sīfǎfùhé/ :: judicial review
司法权 {def} SEE: 司法權 ::
司法權 {n} /sīfǎquán/ :: jurisdiction; judicial power; judicial authority
司鼓 {n} /sīgǔ/ :: the lead percussionist in Beijing opera, who plays a small drum called bangu and a clapper called paiban
司华力肠 {def} SEE: 司華力腸 ::
司華力腸 {n} /sīhuálìcháng/ :: alternative form of 思華力腸
司机 {def} SEE: 司機 ::
司机生 {def} SEE: 司機生 ::
司機 {n} /sījī/ :: driver; chauffeur
司空 {n} [historical] /sīkōng/ :: Minister of Works (one of the three most important official posts during the Han Dynasty)
司空 {prop} /sīkōng/ :: surname
司空見慣 {idiom} /sīkōngjiànguàn/ :: a common occurrence
司空见惯 {def} SEE: 司空見慣 ::
司空掾曹 {n} [archaic] /sīkōng yuàn cáo/ :: Assistant to Excellency of Works
司寇 {n} [historical] /sīkòu,Sīkòu/ :: A minister of the Zhou kingdom who oversaw most of the judicial system
司寇 {prop} /sīkòu,Sīkòu/ :: surname
司库 {def} SEE: 司庫 ::
司庫 {v} [literary] /sīkù/ :: to manage financial affairs
司庫 {n} /sīkù/ :: treasurer
司隶 {def} SEE: 司隸 ::
司隶校尉 {def} SEE: 司隸校尉 ::
司隸 {n} [historical] /sīlì/ :: position title: in charge of law enforcement and public works
司隸校尉 {n} [historical] /sīlì xiàowèi/ :: Colonel Director of Retainers
司令 {n} /sīlìng/ :: field marshal; supreme commander of an army
司令部 {n} /sīlìngbù/ :: headquarters; military command centre
司令部 {n} /sīlìngbù/ :: headquarters (of any non-military organization)
司令官 {n} /sīlìngguān/ :: commanding officer; commander
司令员 {def} SEE: 司令員 ::
司令員 {n} /sīlìngyuán/ :: commander; commanding officer
司炉 {def} SEE: 司爐 ::
司爐 {n} /sīlú/ :: stoker
司馬 {n} [archaic] /sīmǎ/ :: Grand Marshal (an important official post during the Han Dynasty)
司馬 {n} [archaic] /sīmǎ/ :: Major (a low-level position within a commandery; the person in this position handled military affairs within the commandery)
司馬 {prop} /sīmǎ/ :: surname Sima
司馬祭酒 {n} [archaic] /sīmǎ jìjiǔ/ :: major in charge of wine offerings (a low level secretarial position)
司馬晉 {prop} /Sīmǎ Jìn/ :: the Western Jin dynasty (265–316) and the Eastern Jin dynasty (317–420)  
司馬昭之心 {idiom} /Sīmǎ Zhāo zhī xīn/ :: evil ambitions that are transparent to everyone. abbreviation of 司馬昭之心,路人皆知
司馬昭之心——路人皆知 {idiom} /Sīmǎ Zhāo zhī xīn, lùrén jiē zhī/ :: one's evil ambitions are apparent to everyone
司馬昭之心,路人皆知 {def} SEE: 司馬昭之心——路人皆知 ::
司马 {def} SEE: 司馬 ::
司马祭酒 {def} SEE: 司馬祭酒 ::
司马晋 {def} SEE: 司馬晉 ::
司马昭之心 {def} SEE: 司馬昭之心 ::
司马昭之心——路人皆知 {def} SEE: 司馬昭之心——路人皆知 ::
司马昭之心,路人皆知 {def} SEE: 司馬昭之心——路人皆知 ::
司南 {n} [archaic] /sīnán/ :: a type of ancient Chinese compass which points to the south
司农 {def} SEE: 司農 ::
司農 {n} [archaic] /sīnóng/ :: Minister of Finance
司前 {prop} /Sīqián/ :: (~ 鎮) 司前 (town)
司前 {prop} /Sīqián/ :: (~ 鎮) 司前 (town)
司琴 {n} /sīqín/ :: pianist or organist (for a religious service)
司事 {n} [historical] /sīshì/ :: construction official; agricultural official
司事 {n} /sīshì/ :: handler of miscellaneous affairs
司事 {n} [Christianity] /sīshì/ :: usher
司事 {n} [Christianity] /sīshì/ :: sexton
司书 {def} SEE: 司書 ::
司書 {n} [old] /sīshū/ :: copyist; clerk
司提反 {prop} [Protestantism] /Sītífǎn/ :: Stephen
司徒 {n} [historical] /sītú/ :: Minister over the Masses (one of the three most important official posts during the Han Dynasty)
司徒 {prop} /sītú/ :: surname
司仪 {def} SEE: 司儀 ::
司儀 {n} /sīyí/ :: master of ceremonies; MC; emcee
{def} SEE: ::
咝尿 {def} SEE: 噝尿 ::
咝音 {def} SEE: 噝音 ::
{def} /sī/ :: neighing of a horse
{def} /sī/ :: husky throated; gravel voiced
{def} [of birds; insects] /sī/ :: mournful murmur; whimpering
{def} [, onomatopoeia, of various sounds] /sī/ :: eg. sound of paper being shredded; sobbing
嘶啞 {adj} [of voice] /sīyǎ/ :: hoarse; husky; having a frog in one's throat
嘶風 {v} [literary] /sīfēng/ :: to snort loudly (of a horse)
嘶风 {def} SEE: 嘶風 ::
嘶喊 {v} [literary] /sīhǎn/ :: (of a horse) to whinny or neigh very loudly
嘶喊 {v} [literary] /sīhǎn/ :: to shout or yell with all one's might
嘶叫 {v} /sījiào/ :: to cry out; to shout
嘶嘶 {n} /sīsī/ :: hiss; fizz
嘶哑 {def} SEE: 嘶啞 ::
噝音 {n} [phonetics] /sīyīn/ :: sibilant
{def} /sī/ :: alternative form of
{def} /sī/ :: servant
{def} /sī/ :: A lightly insulting term used to refer to someone
{def} /sī/ :: mutually
廝打 {v} /sīdǎ/ :: to come to blows; to exchange blows; to wrestle; to grapple; to tussle
廝鬥 {v} [literary] /sīdòu/ :: to fight
廝混 {v} /sīhùn/ :: to hang out with somebody; to play around with somebody; to mix with somebody
廝混 {v} /sīhùn/ :: to mix (things together)
廝殺 {v} /sīshā/ :: to engage in combat; to engage in killing
廝守 {v} /sīshǒu/ :: to look after each other; to care for each other
{def} /sī/ :: to think; to cogitate
{def} /sī/ :: thought; thinking; idea
{def} /sī/ :: to miss; to yearn for
{def} /sī/ :: to hope; to wish
{def} /sī/ :: [obsolete] to lament; to grieve for
{def} /sī/ :: feeling; mood
{def} /sī/ :: [obsolete] meaningless sentence-initial particle
{def} /sī/ :: [obsolete] meaningless sentence-medial particle
{def} /sī/ :: [obsolete] sentence-final interjectional particle
{def} /sī/ :: surname
{def} /sī,sì,2nb/ :: [obsolete] thought; feeling; mood
{def} /sāi/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
思变 {def} SEE: 思變 ::
思變 {v} /sībiàn/ :: to think of change; to desire change
思辨 {v} /sībiàn/ :: to analyse at an intellectual level; to engage in critical thinking
思辩 {def} SEE: 思辯 ::
思辯 {v} /sībiàn/ :: alternative form of 思辨
思潮 {n} /sīcháo/ :: ideological trend
思潮 {n} /sīcháo/ :: way of thinking (particular to a period in history)
思春 {v} [usually of a young girl] /sīchūn/ :: to have thoughts of love
思春期 {n} /sīchūn期/ :: puberty
思服 {v} [archaic] /sīfú,sībì/ :: to miss; to think of; to yearn for; to reminisce
思高本 {n} [biblical, Christianity] /sīgāoběn/ :: Studium Biblicum Version
思古 {v} [literary] /sīgǔ/ :: to be nostalgic for antiquity
思過 {v} /sīguò/ :: to reflect on one's faults in the past
思过 {def} SEE: 思過 ::
思华力肠 {def} SEE: 思華力腸 ::
思華力腸 {n} /sīhuálìcháng/ :: cervelat
思家 {v} [literary] /sījiā/ :: to be homesick
思覺失調 {v} [neologism, Hong Kong] /sījuéshītiáo/ :: to be psychotic; to be schizophrenic
思覺失調 {n} [neologism, Hong Kong, disease] /sījuéshītiáo/ :: psychosis
思覺失調 {n} /sījuéshītiáo/ :: (~ 症) [neologism, Taiwan, Hong Kong, disease] schizophrenia
思覺失調症 {n} [neologism, disease, official in Taiwan, also used in Hong Kong] /sījuéshītiáozhèng/ :: schizophrenia
思觉失调 {def} SEE: 思覺失調 ::
思觉失调症 {def} SEE: 思覺失調症 ::
思考 {v} /sīkǎo/ :: to think over; to ponder on
思考題 {n} /sīkǎotí/ :: question (to reflect on)
思考题 {def} SEE: 思考題 ::
思來想去 {idiom} /sīláixiǎngqù/ :: to think about over and over; to wonder or ponder about something
思来想去 {def} SEE: 思來想去 ::
思力 {n} [literary] /sīlì/ :: thinking ability; power of thought; intellect
思量 {v} /sīliáng,tl/ :: to reckon; to consider; to turn over in one's mind; to speculate
思量 {v} [literary] /sīliáng,tl/ :: to miss; to long for
思路 {n} /sīlù/ :: reasoning; rationale; mentality
思路 {n} /sīlù/ :: train of thought; thinking
思慮 {v} /sīlǜ/ :: to think over; to consider; to contemplate; to deliberate
思虑 {def} SEE: 思慮 ::
思茅 {prop} /Sīmáo/ :: (~ 區) Simao District, Pu'er, Yunnan, China
思茅 {prop} /Sīmáo/ :: (~ 鎮) Simao Town, Simao District
思茅 {prop} /Sīmáo/ :: (~ 市) Former name of 普洱
思密达 {def} SEE: 思密達 ::
思密達 {particle} [ethnic slur, neologism, slang, humorous] /sīmìdá/ :: A meaningless sentence-final particle used in declarative sentences that gives the sentence a Korean-language flavour
思密達 {n} [ethnic slur, neologism, slang, humorous] /sīmìdá/ :: Korean person
思密達 {n} [pharmaceutical drug] /sīmìdá/ :: montmorillonite (brand name Smecta)
思明 {prop} /Sīmíng/ :: (~ 州) [historical] Siming (a former name of Xiamen, Fujian, China, during its occupation by Southern Ming forces in the 1650s)
思明 {prop} /Sīmíng/ :: (~ 州) [historical] Siming Prefecture (the hinterland controled from Southern Ming Xiamen)
思明 {prop} /Sīmíng/ :: (~ 縣) [historical] Siming County (the county of Fujian around Xiamen under Republican rule)
思明 {prop} /Sīmíng/ :: (~ 區) Siming District (urban district of Xiamen, Fujian, China)
思明 {prop} /Sīmíng/ :: (~ 街道) [historical] Siming Subdistrict (a former subdistrict of Siming District)
思謀 {v} /sīmóu/ :: to think; to consider
思谋 {def} SEE: 思謀 ::
思慕 {v} /sīmù/ :: to miss; to think of; to yearn for; to reminisce
思慕 {v} /sīmù/ :: to admire; to look up to
思念 {v} /sīniàn/ :: to miss; to think of; to yearn for; to reminisce
思前想后 {def} SEE: 思前想後 ::
思前想後 {idiom} /sīqiánxiǎnghòu/ :: to deliberate over something for too long causing one to hesitate
思索 {v} /sīsuǒ/ :: to think deeply; to ponder
思惟 {def} SEE: 思維 ::
思維 {v} /sīwéi/ :: to reflect on; to ponder over; to consider
思維 {n} /sīwéi/ :: thought; thinking
思维 {def} SEE: 思維 ::
思乡 {def} SEE: 思鄉 ::
思鄉 {v} /sīxiāng/ :: to miss one's hometown; to be homesick
思想 {n} /sīxiǎng/ :: idea; intention; thought
思想 {n} /sīxiǎng/ :: ideology; philosophy; thought; concept (often political); teachings; thinking; principles
思想 {v} /sīxiǎng/ :: to think about; to consider
思想改造 {n} /sīxiǎng gǎizào/ :: ideological remoulding; thought reform
思想家 {n} /sīxiǎngjiā/ :: thinker (intellectual)
思想界 {n} /sīxiǎngjiè/ :: intellectual climate
思想库 {def} SEE: 思想庫 ::
思想庫 {n} /sīxiǎngkù/ :: think tank; brains trust; brain trust
思想体系 {def} SEE: 思想體系 ::
思想體系 {n} [sociology, politics] /sīxiǎng tǐxì/ :: ideology
思想性 {n} /sīxiǎngxìng/ :: ideological content
思想意識 {n} [sociology, politics] /sīxiǎng yì識,tl/ :: ideology
思想意识 {def} SEE: 思想意識 ::
思想者 {n} /sīxiǎngzhě/ :: thinker (one who spends time thinking)
思想准备 {def} SEE: 思想準備 ::
思想準備 {n} /sīxiǎng zhǔnbèi/ :: mental preparation (as opposed to material preparation)
思緒 {n} /sīxù/ :: train of thought; thinking
思緒 {n} /sīxù/ :: feeling; mood
思绪 {def} SEE: 思緒 ::
思疑 {v} [literary] /sīyí/ :: to doubt; to suspect; to speculate; to surmise
思議 {v} /sīyì/ :: to imagine and comprehend
思议 {def} SEE: 思議 ::
{def} /sī/ :: to shred; to tear
{def} /sī/ :: to fight
撕巴 {v} [Northeastern Mandarin] /sība/ :: to rip; to tear
撕屄 {v} [neologism, slang, vulgar or moderately vulgar] /sībī/ :: to have a cat fight; to have a bitch fight
撕逼 {def} SEE: 撕屄 ::
撕扯 {v} /sīchě/ :: to tear up; to tear into pieces
撕扯 {v} [by extension] /sīchě/ :: to brawl while tearing at each other's clothing
撕成 {v} /sīchéng/ :: to tear into
撕毀 {v} /sīhuǐ/ :: to tear up; to tear to shreds
撕毁 {def} SEE: 撕毀 ::
撕裂 {v} /sīliè/ :: to rip; to tear
撕票 {v} /sīpiào,er/ :: to tear a ticket (upon entrance)
撕票 {v} [figurative] /sīpiào,er/ :: to kill a hostage held for ransom
撕破 {v} /sīpò/ :: to rip; to tear
撕破脸 {def} SEE: 撕破臉 ::
撕破脸皮 {def} SEE: 撕破臉皮 ::
撕破臉 {v} /sīpòliǎn/ :: to have no consideration for someone's feelings
撕破臉皮 {v} /sīpòliǎnpí/ :: to have no consideration for someone's feelings
{def} /sī/ :: [obsolete] to lop off
{def} /sī/ :: [obsolete] this; thus; such
{def} /sī/ :: [obsolete] emphatic particle
{def} /sī/ :: surname
斯巴达 {def} SEE: 斯巴達 ::
斯巴達 {prop} /Sībādá/ :: Sparta
斯大林 {prop} /Sīdàlín/ :: Stalin
斯大林主义 {def} SEE: 斯大林主義 ::
斯大林主義 {n} /sīdàlínzhǔyì/ :: Stalinism (Communist philosophies espoused by Josef Stalin)
斯德哥尔摩 {def} SEE: 斯德哥爾摩 ::
斯德哥尔摩症候群 {def} SEE: 斯德哥爾摩症候群 ::
斯德哥尔摩综合征 {def} SEE: 斯德哥爾摩綜合徵 ::
斯德哥尔摩综合症 {def} SEE: 斯德哥爾摩綜合症 ::
斯德哥爾摩 {prop} /Sīdégē'ěrmó/ :: 斯德哥爾摩 (city/capital city)
斯德哥爾摩綜合徵 {n} [Mainland China] /sīdégē'ěrmó综hézhēng/ :: Stockholm syndrome
斯德哥爾摩綜合症 {n} [Hong Kong] /sīdégē'ěrmó 综hézhèng/ :: Stockholm syndrome
斯德哥爾摩症候群 {n} [Taiwan] /sīdégē'ěrmó zhènghòuqún/ :: Stockholm syndrome
斯德望 {prop} [Catholicism] /Sīdéwàng/ :: Stephen
斯蒂芬 {prop} /Sīdìfēn/ :: Stephen; Steven
斯芬克斯 {n} /sīfēnkèsī/ :: sphinx
斯高沙 {prop} /Sīgāoshā/ :: (~ 省) [chiefly Canada] Nova Scotia
斯海尔托亨博斯 {def} SEE: 斯海爾托亨博斯 ::
斯海爾托亨博斯 {prop} /Sīhǎi'ěrtuōhēngbósī/ :: 's-Hertogenbosch
斯加里野 {prop} /Sījiālǐyě/ :: Sicily
斯家場 {prop} /Sījiā场/ :: (~ 鎮) 斯家場 (town)
斯家场 {def} SEE: 斯家場 ::
斯堪的納維亞 {prop} /Sīkāndínàwéi亚/ :: Scandinavia
斯堪的納維亞半島 {prop} /Sīkāndínàwéi亞 Bàndǎo/ :: Scandinavian Peninsula
斯堪的纳维亚 {def} SEE: 斯堪的納維亞 ::
斯堪的纳维亚半岛 {def} SEE: 斯堪的納維亞半島 ::
斯堪的那維亞半島 {prop} /Sīkāndìnàwéi亚 Bàndǎo/ :: Scandinavian Peninsula
斯堪的那维亚半岛 {def} SEE: 斯堪的那維亞半島 ::
斯科普里 {prop} [Mainland China] /Sīkēpǔlǐ/ :: 斯科普里 (city/capital city)
斯科普耶 {prop} [Taiwan] /Sīkēpǔyē/ :: 斯科普耶 (city/capital city)
斯拉夫 {n} /Sīlāfū/ :: Slav
斯拉夫 {adj} /Sīlāfū/ :: Slavic
斯拉夫人 {n} /sīlāfūrén/ :: Slav; Slavic person; Slavic people
斯拉夫語 {n} /sīlāfūyǔ/ :: Slavic; Slavonic language(s)
斯拉夫语 {def} SEE: 斯拉夫語 ::
斯拉夫族 {n} /sīlāfūzú/ :: Slavic people
斯勒格 {classifier} /sīlègé/ :: slug (unit of weight)
斯里巴加湾 {def} SEE: 斯里巴加灣 ::
斯里巴加灣 {prop} [Mainland Chinese] /Sīlǐ Bājiāwān/ :: 斯里巴加灣 (capital city)
斯里巴卡旺 {prop} [Taiwan] /Sīlǐ Bākǎwàng/ :: 斯里巴卡旺 (capital city)
斯里賈亞瓦德納普拉科特 {prop} /Sīlǐ Jiǎ亞wǎdénàpǔlā Kētè/ :: 斯里賈亞瓦德納普拉科特 (administrative capital of Sri Lanka)
斯里賈亞瓦德納普拉科提 {prop} /Sīlǐ Jiǎ亞wǎdénàpǔlā Kētí/ :: alternative name for 斯里賈亞瓦德納普拉科特
斯里贾亚瓦德纳普拉科特 {def} SEE: 斯里賈亞瓦德納普拉科特 ::
斯里贾亚瓦德纳普拉科提 {def} SEE: 斯里賈亞瓦德納普拉科提 ::
斯里兰卡 {def} SEE: 斯里蘭卡 ::
斯里蘭卡 {prop} /Sīlǐlánkǎ/ :: Sri Lanka
𬮿斯林 {def} SEE: 隑斯林 ::
斯洛伐克 {prop} /Sīluò伐kè/ :: Slovakia
斯洛伐克人 {n} /sīluò伐kè rén/ :: Slovak (person)
斯洛伐克語 {prop} /Sīluò伐kèyǔ/ :: Slovak (language)
斯洛伐克语 {def} SEE: 斯洛伐克語 ::
斯洛維尼亞 {prop} [Taiwan, Hong Kong] /Sīluòwéiní亞/ :: 斯洛維尼亞 (country)
斯洛维尼亚 {def} SEE: 斯洛維尼亞 ::
斯洛文尼亞 {prop} [Mainland China] /Sīluòwénní亞/ :: Slovenia
斯洛文尼亞人 {n} /sīluòwénní亚rén/ :: Slovene, Slovenian (person, people)
斯洛文尼亞語 {n} /sīluòwénní亞yǔ/ :: the Slovene language
斯洛文尼亚 {def} SEE: 斯洛文尼亞 ::
斯洛文尼亚人 {def} SEE: 斯洛文尼亞人 ::
斯洛文尼亚语 {def} SEE: 斯洛文尼亞語 ::
斯諾登 {prop} /Sīnuòdēng/ :: Snowdon
斯諾克 {n} /sīnuòkè/ :: snooker (game)
斯诺登 {def} SEE: 斯諾登 ::
斯诺克 {def} SEE: 斯諾克 ::
斯普林菲尔德 {def} SEE: 斯普林菲爾德 ::
斯普林菲爾德 {prop} /Sīpǔlínfēi'ěrdé/ :: Springfield (placename)
斯普特尼克 {n} /sīpǔtèníkè/ :: sputnik (a Soviet unmanned space satellite)
斯人 {pron} [Classical] /sīrén/ :: that person
斯人 {n} [Classical] /sīrén/ :: common people
斯石英 {n} [mineral] /sīshíyīng/ :: stishovite
斯斯文文 {adj} [more emphatic] /sīsīwénwén/ :: synonym of 斯文
斯坦 {suffix} /sītǎn/ :: -stan (element frequently found in country and region names of Central Asia)
斯坦利 {prop} /Sītǎnlì/ :: Stanley
斯特拉斯堡 {prop} [Mainland China, Hong Kong] /Sītèlāsībǎo/ :: 斯特拉斯堡 (capital city)
斯图加特 {def} SEE: 斯圖加特 ::
斯圖加特 {prop} /Sītújiātè/ :: 斯圖加特 (caplc)
斯托克城 {prop} /Sītuōkè Chéng/ :: alternative name for 特伦特河畔斯托克
斯瓦尔巴 {def} SEE: 斯瓦爾巴 ::
斯瓦爾巴 {prop} /Sīwǎ'ěrbā/ :: Svalbard
斯瓦希里語 {n} /sīwǎxīlǐyǔ/ :: Swahili language
斯瓦希里语 {def} SEE: 斯瓦希里語 ::
斯旺西 {prop} /Sīwàngxī/ :: Swansea
斯威士兰 {def} SEE: 斯威士蘭 ::
斯威士蘭 {prop} [Mainland China] /Sīwēishìlán/ :: Swaziland
斯文 {adj} /sīwén/ :: gentle; refined; courteous; polite; feminine
斯文 {n} [literary] /sīwén/ :: scholar; literati
斯文 {n} [literary] /sīwén/ :: elegance; refinement
斯文 {n} /sīwén/ :: See: zh
斯文 {n} [literary] /sīwén/ :: this text
斯須 {n} [literary] /sīxū/ :: a little while; a moment
斯须 {def} SEE: 斯須 ::
斯也克 {prop} /Sīyěkè/ :: (~ 鄉) 斯也克 (township)
{def} /sī/ :: wooden tray
{def} /sī/ :: used in 榹桃
{def} /sī/ :: to drain dry; to dry up
{def} /sī/ :: to be exhausted; to finish
{def} /sī/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /sī/ :: self; personal; private
{def} /sī/ :: selfish
{def} [Classical, humble] /sī/ :: first-person singular pronoun: I; me
{def} /sī/ :: illegal or secret goods
{def} /sī/ :: stealthily; secretly
{def} [internet slang] /sī/ :: to PM, to DM (from 私聊 /-/)
私奔 {v} /sībēn/ :: to elope (run away secretly for the purpose of getting married with one's intended spouse)
私弊 {n} /sībì/ :: fraudulent practices; malpractices; irregularities; embezzlement
私財 {v} [literary] /sīcái/ :: to privately accumulate wealth
私財 {n} [literary] /sīcái/ :: privately accumulated wealth
私财 {def} SEE: 私財 ::
私藏 {v} [literary] /sīcáng/ :: to privately hide away; to discreetly hide away
私藏 {n} [literary] /sīcáng,sīzàng,2nb/ :: personal property
私产 {def} SEE: 私產 ::
私產 {n} /sīchǎn/ :: private property
私娼 {n} /sīchāng/ :: unlicensed prostitute; unregistered sex worker
私仇 {n} /sīchóu/ :: personal grudge
私讎 {n} [archaic] /sīchóu/ :: personal grudge
私雠 {def} SEE: 私讎 ::
私處 {n} [euphemistic] /sīchù/ :: private parts
私处 {def} SEE: 私處 ::
私闖 {v} /sīchuǎng/ :: to break into (a house); to enter without permission
私闯 {def} SEE: 私闖 ::
私戳 {v} [chiefly Internet, slang, neologism] /sīchuō/ :: to send a private message; to poke
私党 {def} SEE: 私黨 ::
私黨 {n} /sīdǎng/ :: personal clique or faction
私底下 {adv} /sīdǐxià,sīdǐxie,tl/ :: privately; secretly; behind one's back
私邸 {n} /sīdǐ/ :: private residence (usually of a prime minister, president, etc.)
私第 {n} [literary] /sīdì/ :: private home; private residence
私法 {n} [law] /sīfǎ/ :: private law
私房 {n} /sīfáng/ :: private house; privately-owned home
私房 {n} /sīfang/ :: personal savings; secret stash of money
私房 {adj} /sīfang/ :: confidential; private
私房菜 {n} /sīfángcài/ :: dish cooked in a private kitchen (operating out of someone's home)
私房話 {n} /sīfánghuà/ :: confidential talk among close friends
私房话 {def} SEE: 私房話 ::
私房錢 {n} /sīfángqián/ :: secret purse; secret stash of money (not known to other members of the family)
私房钱 {def} SEE: 私房錢 ::
私訪 {v} /sīfǎng/ :: [of officials] to travel incognito in order to get in touch with the public for its opinions, views; to make an inspection trip incognito
私访 {def} SEE: 私訪 ::
私愤 {def} SEE: 私憤 ::
私憤 {n} /sīfèn/ :: personal spite
私伽钱 {def} SEE: 私伽錢 ::
私孩子 {n} [dialectal] /sīháizi/ :: illegitimate child (usually a boy); bastard child; child born out of wedlock
私話 {n} /sīhuà/ :: private words; message not told to other people
私话 {def} SEE: 私話 ::
私会 {def} SEE: 私會 ::
私會 {v} [literary] /sīhuì/ :: to rendezvous with one's lover; to have a secret date
私貨 {n} /sīhuò/ :: smuggled goods; contraband goods
私貨 {n} [literary] /sīhuò/ :: private property
私货 {def} SEE: 私貨 ::
私己 {n} [Cantonese] /sījǐ/ :: private money; personal money
私己 {adj} [Cantonese, referring to money] /sījǐ/ :: private; personal
私己钱 {def} SEE: 私己錢 ::
私傢 {def} SEE: 私家 ::
私家 {adj} [attributive] /sījiā,tl/ :: private; not open to public
私家 {n} [literary] /sījiā,tl/ :: private residence
私家車 {n} /sījiāchē/ :: private car
私家车 {def} SEE: 私家車 ::
私家侦探 {def} SEE: 私家偵探 ::
私家偵探 {n} /sījiā zhēntàn/ :: private detective
私見 {n} /sījiàn/ :: personal opinion
私見 {n} /sījiàn/ :: bias; prejudice
私见 {def} SEE: 私見 ::
私交 {n} /sījiāo/ :: personal relationships; personal friendship
私教 {n} /sījiào/ :: private teacher
私教 {n} /sījiào/ :: personal trainer
私教 {n} [literary] /sījiào/ :: private instructions
私了 {v} /sīliǎo/ :: to settle (a matter) privately without involving authorities
私利 {n} /sīlì/ :: personal gain
私立 {v} /sīlì/ :: to be run privately
私立 {adj} [attributive] /sīlì/ :: private (of an institution)
私立学校 {def} SEE: 私立學校 ::
私立學校 {n} /sīlì xuéxiào/ :: private school
私聊 {v} /sīliáo/ :: to chat privately (especially in a chat software)
私掠 {v} /sīlüè/ :: to privateer
私掠許可證 {n} [nautical, historical] /sīlüè xǔkězhèng/ :: letter of marque (official commission from a government authorizing someone to seize the property or people of another nation)
私掠许可证 {def} SEE: 私掠許可證 ::
私密 {adj} /sīmì/ :: private and personal
私密 {n} /sīmì/ :: privacy
私祕 {def} SEE: 私秘 ::
私秘 {adj} /sīmì/ :: private and personal
私秘 {n} /sīmì/ :: privacy
私囊 {n} /sīnáng/ :: private purse; one's own pocket
私念 {n} /sīniàn/ :: selfish motives or ideas
私奇话 {def} SEE: 私奇話 ::
私奇钱 {def} SEE: 私奇錢 ::
私企 {n} /sī企/ :: abbreviation of 私營企業
私情 {n} /sīqíng/ :: personal relationship
私情 {n} /sīqíng/ :: love affair (between a man and a woman)
私曲 {n} [archaic] /sīqū/ :: biased and unfair
私权 {def} SEE: 私權 ::
私權 {n} /sīquán/ :: private rights
私人 {adj} [attributive] /sīrén/ :: private (as opposed to public); personal
私人 {adj} /sīrén/ :: concerning one's private life; personal
私人 {n} /sīrén/ :: personal friend or relative; confidant
私人部門 {n} /sīrén bùmén/ :: private sector
私人部门 {def} SEE: 私人部門 ::
私人教練 {n} /sīrén jiàoliàn/ :: personal trainer
私人教练 {def} SEE: 私人教練 ::
私人經濟 {n} /sīrén jīngjì/ :: private economy; private sector of the economy
私人经济 {def} SEE: 私人經濟 ::
私人条例草案 {def} SEE: 私人條例草案 ::
私人條例草案 {n} [legal] /sīrén tiáolì cǎo'àn/ :: private member's bill
私人侦探 {def} SEE: 私人偵探 ::
私人偵探 {n} /sīrén zhēntàn/ :: private detective
私設 {v} /sīshè/ :: to establish without authorization
私設 {adj} /sīshè/ :: private
私设 {def} SEE: 私設 ::
私生 {v} /sīshēng/ :: to give birth to a child out of wedlock
私生 {adj} [of a child] /sīshēng/ :: born out of wedlock; illegitimate
私生飯 {n} /sīshēngfàn/ :: sasaeng fan
私生饭 {def} SEE: 私生飯 ::
私生活 {n} /sīshēnghuó/ :: private life; personal life
私生子 {n} /sīshēngzǐ/ :: illegitimate child (usually a boy); bastard child; child born out of wedlock
私事 {n} /sīshì,er/ :: private matter; private concern; private business
私书 {def} SEE: 私書 ::
私書 {n} [literary] /sīshū/ :: private correspondence
私塾 {n} [historical] /sīshú/ :: traditional Chinese private school where classical literature and Confucianism used to be taught
私通 {v} /sītōng/ :: to have secret communication with
私通 {v} /sītōng/ :: to commit adultery
私吞 {v} /sītūn/ :: to misappropriate; to embezzle
私物 {n} /sīwù/ :: private property; belongings; possessions  
私下 {adv} /sīxià/ :: in secret; in private; surreptitiously; behind someone's back; privately; on the sly
私下 {adv} /sīxià/ :: without appropriate procedure
私下裡 {adv} /sīxiàlǐ/ :: in secret; in private; surreptitiously; behind someone's back; privately; on the sly
私下里 {def} SEE: 私下裡 ::
私相授受 {idiom} /sīxiāngshòushòu/ :: to make underhand dealings among one another
私校 {n} /sīxiào/ :: abbreviation of 私立學校
私亵 {def} SEE: 私褻 ::
私褻 {n} [literary] /sīxiè/ :: contemptuousness; flippancy; irreverence
私褻 {adj} [literary] /sīxiè/ :: sexually indecent; sexually obscene; salacious
私心 {n} /sīxīn/ :: selfish motive; selfishness
私心 {n} /sīxīn/ :: inner world; inner thoughts
私信 {n} [chiefly Internet] /sīxìn/ :: private message
私信 {v} [chiefly Internet] /sīxìn/ :: to send a private message to
私刑 {n} /sīxíng/ :: lynching
私蓄 {n} /sīxù/ :: personal or private savings; secret purse; secret stash of money (not known to other members of the family)
私学 {def} SEE: 私學 ::
私學 {n} [archaic, historical] /sīxué/ :: private schools
私訊 {n} [chiefly Taiwan, Hong Kong] /sīxùn/ :: private message
私訊 {v} [chiefly Taiwan, Hong Kong] /sīxùn/ :: to send a private message to
私讯 {def} SEE: 私訊 ::
私烟 {def} SEE: 私煙 ::
私煙 {n} /sīyān/ :: illicit cigarettes; cigarettes smuggled from abroad without domestic duty paid
私菸 {def} SEE: 私煙 ::
私盐 {def} SEE: 私鹽 ::
私鹽 {n} /sīyán/ :: illegal salt
私鑰 {n} [cryptography] /sīyào/ :: private key
私钥 {def} SEE: 私鑰 ::
私意 {n} [literary] /sīyì/ :: one's own mind; one's own personal views; personal agenda
私議 {v} [literary] /sīyì/ :: to privately discuss a matter with someone
私议 {def} SEE: 私議 ::
私隐 {def} SEE: 私隱 ::
私隐权 {def} SEE: 私隱權 ::
私隱 {n} [chiefly literary or Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore] /sīyǐn/ :: privacy
私隱權 {n} [chiefly Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore] /sīyǐnquán/ :: right to privacy
私營 {adj} [attributive] /sīyíng/ :: private; privately owned or operated
私營經濟 {n} /sīyíng jīngjì/ :: private economy; private sector of the economy
私營企業 {n} /sīyíng 企yè/ :: private enterprise; private company
私营 {def} SEE: 私營 ::
私营经济 {def} SEE: 私營經濟 ::
私营企业 {def} SEE: 私營企業 ::
私有 {v} /sīyǒu/ :: to be privately owned; to be private
私有 {adj} [attributive] /sīyǒu/ :: privately owned; private
私有財產 {n} /sīyǒu cáichǎn/ :: private property
私有财产 {def} SEE: 私有財產 ::
私有化 {v} /sīyǒuhuà/ :: to privatise
私有化 {n} /sīyǒuhuà/ :: privatisation
私有物 {n} /sīyǒuwù/ :: private property; belongings; possessions
私有制 {n} /sīyǒuzhì/ :: private ownership
私語 {v} [literary] /sīyǔ/ :: to whisper; to talk in hushed tones
私語 {n} /sīyǔ/ :: secret talk; confidences
私语 {def} SEE: 私語 ::
私慾 {n} /sīyù/ :: selfish desire
私欲 {def} SEE: 私慾 ::
私运 {def} SEE: 私運 ::
私運 {v} /sīyùn/ :: to smuggle
私宅 {n} /sīzhái/ :: private home; private residence
私衷 {n} [literary] /sīzhōng/ :: one's own mind; one's own personal views; personal agenda  
私自 {adv} /sīzì/ :: privately; secretly; without permission
{def} /sīzìpáng/ :: Radical form of , also known as 絲字旁
{def} /sī/ :: silk
{def} /sī/ :: items made from woven silk
{def} /sī/ :: silk-like object; fine thread; thin strip; thin shred
{def} /sī/ :: trace; speck; tinge
{def} [music] /sī/ :: string instrument
{def} [Buddhism, obsolete] /sī/ :: the number 10–4
絲氨酸 {n} [chiefly Mainland China, amino acid] /sī'ānsuān/ :: serine
絲胺酸 {n} [Taiwan, amino acid] /sī胺suān/ :: serine
絲綢 {n} /sīchóu/ :: silk (as cloth or fabric)
絲綢之路 {prop} /Sīchóu zhī Lù/ :: Silk Road
絲帶 {n} /sīdài/ :: silk ribbon
絲瓜 {n} /sīguā/ :: loofah
絲瓜 {n} [Cantonese] /sīguā/ :: specifically the Chinese okra (Luffa acutangula)
絲瓜絡 {n} /sīguāluò/ :: towel gourd sponge; loofah
絲毫 {adv} /sīháo/ :: in the slightest amount or degree
絲路 {prop} /Sīlù/ :: Silk Road
絲滿 {prop} /Sīmǎn/ :: (~ 市) 絲滿 (city)
絲球體 {n} [anatomy] /sīqiútǐ/ :: glomerulus
絲絨 {n} /sīróng/ :: velvet
絲絲 {adj} /sīsī/ :: filamentous; in fine strings
絲襪 {n} /sīwà/ :: pantyhose; stockings
絲襪奶茶 {n} /sīwà nǎichá/ :: “pantyhose milk tea”; Hong Kong-style milk tea
絲弦 {n} /sīxián/ :: silk string (for a musical instrument)
絲弦 {n} /sīxián/ :: Hebei provincial opera
絲線 {n} /sīxiàn/ :: thread; silk yarn
絲魚川 {prop} /Sīyúchuān/ :: (~ 市) 絲魚川 (city)
絲織 {n} /sīzhī/ :: silk weaving
絲織品 {n} /sīzhīpǐn/ :: silk fabric
絲織品 {n} /sīzhīpǐn/ :: silk knit goods
絲製 {adj} [attributive] /sīzhì/ :: silk (made of silk)
絲質 {n} /sī质/ :: silk (texture, or quality of silk)
絲竹 {n} /sīzhú/ :: music
絲竹 {n} /sīzhú/ :: traditional stringed and woodwind instruments
絲字旁 {n} /sīzìpáng/ :: the Chinese character component
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /sī/ :: only used in 罘罳
{def} /sī/ :: only used in 菟蕬
{def} /sī/ :: [obsolete] a kind of aquatic plant
{def} /sī/ :: only used in 委虒
{def} /tí/ :: only used in 虒奚
{def} /zhì/ :: only used in 柴虒
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /sī/ :: only used in 蜤螽
{def} /sī/ :: only used in 蛅蟖
{def} /sī/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /sì/ :: to peek
{def} /sōng/ :: iron implement
{def} /sī/ :: strontium
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /sī/ :: [obsolete] name of a horse
{def} /sī/ :: [obsolete] [horse] walk
{def} /sī/ :: only used in 鷺鷥
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /sī,tí/ :: [obsolete] large field mouse
{def} /sī,tí/ :: [obsolete] Siberian weasel
{def} /sǐ/ :: to die; death; dead
{def} /sǐ/ :: [obsolete] [transitive] to die for the sake of; to sacrifice oneself for; to die together with someone
{def} /sǐ/ :: inactive
{def} [only in compounds] /sǐ/ :: deadly; fatal; killing; to the death
{def} [colloquial or Teochew] /sǐ/ :: very; bloody; totally
{def} [offensive] /sǐ/ :: damned; damn
{def} [slang, offensive] /sǐ/ :: to disappear; to go; (as in "where the hell did ... go")
{def} [Cantonese] /sǐ/ :: persistently; stubbornly
{def} [Cantonese] /sǐ/ :: awful
死板 {adj} /sǐbǎn/ :: stiff; unanimated; dull; lifeless; sluggish
死板 {adj} /sǐbǎn/ :: stiff and awkward; inflexible; mechanical; wooden; rigid; inflexible
死別 {v} /sǐbié/ :: to be parted by death; to part forever; to part never to see each other again
死别 {def} SEE: 死別 ::
死不瞑目 {idiom} /sǐ不míngmù/ :: to die with a grievance or regret
死纏爛打 {idiom} /sǐchánlàndǎ/ :: to persistently pursue one's love (despite multiple rejections); undeterred chasing; obsession
死缠烂打 {def} SEE: 死纏爛打 ::
死产 {def} SEE: 死產 ::
死產 {n} /sǐchǎn/ :: stillbirth
死撐 {v} [colloquial] /sǐchēng/ :: to refuse to admit fault or error; to insist on standing for something that is obviously wrong
死撐 {v} [colloquial] /sǐchēng/ :: to force oneself to endure pain, hardship, etc
死撑 {def} SEE: 死撐 ::
死蠢 {n} [Cantonese] /sǐchǔn/ :: fool, idiot
死党 {def} SEE: 死黨 ::
死黨 {n} [politics] /sǐdǎng/ :: diehard reactionary clique
死黨 {n} [slang] /sǐdǎng/ :: diehard followers; inseparable sidekick; best friends; ride or die
死敌 {def} SEE: 死敵 ::
死敵 {n} /sǐdí/ :: mortal enemy
死敵 {v} [archaic] /sǐdí/ :: to die at the hand of the enemy, to be killed in action, to die fighting
死地 {n} /sǐdì/ :: fatal position; deathtrap
死掉 {v} [colloquial] /sǐdiào/ :: to die
死定 {v} /sǐdìng/ :: to be doomed; to be screwed; to be toast
死讀書 {v} /sǐdúshū/ :: to learn by rote; to study mechanically
死讀書 {v} /sǐdúshū/ :: to devote oneself to learning; to only think about studying
死读 {def} SEE: 死讀 ::
死读书 {def} SEE: 死讀書 ::
死对揭 {def} SEE: 死對揭 ::
死对头 {def} SEE: 死對頭 ::
死對頭 {n} /sǐduìtou/ :: archenemy; nemesis
死而后已 {def} SEE: 死而後已 ::
死而後已 {idiom} /sǐ'érhòuyǐ/ :: until one's dying day; not giving up until death
死疙瘩儿 {def} SEE: 死疙瘩兒 ::
死光 {n} /sǐguāng/ :: death ray
死光 {v} /sǐguāng/ :: to die out; to all die
死鬼 {n} [humorous, offensive] /sǐguǐ/ :: devil
死鬼 {adj} [Cantonese, attributive, of a person, derogatory] /sǐguǐ/ :: dead
死海 {prop} /Sǐhǎi/ :: Dead Sea
死海古卷 {prop} /Sǐhǎigǔjuǎn/ :: Dead Sea Scrolls
死巷 {n} /sǐxiàng/ :: blind alley; dead end; cul-de-sac
死巷巷儿 {def} SEE: 死巷巷兒 ::
死后 {def} SEE: 死後 ::
死後 {n} /sǐhòu/ :: after death
死胡同 {def} SEE: 死衚衕 ::
死衚衕 {n} [literally] /sǐhútòng,tl/ :: blind alley
死衚衕 {n} [figurative] /sǐhútòng,tl/ :: dead end; cul-de-sac
死灰复燃 {def} SEE: 死灰復燃 ::
死灰復燃 {idiom} /sǐhuīfùrán/ :: renascent; to resurge
死会 {def} SEE: 死會 ::
死會 {n} [Taiwan] /sǐhuì/ :: A term from Rotating savings and credit association in Taiwan
死會 {adj} [Taiwan] /sǐhuì/ :: married, engaged or in a stable romantic relationship; taken; unavailable
死活 {n} /sǐhuó/ :: life or death; fate
死活 {adv} [used in negative sentences] /sǐhuó/ :: simply; anyway; would (not) do something no matter what
死火 {v} [of, vehicle] /sǐhuǒ,er/ :: to stall; to stop working
死火 {interj} [Cantonese] /sǐhuǒ,er/ :: oh no; what bad luck
死火灯 {def} SEE: 死火燈 ::
死火山 {n} /sǐhuǒshān/ :: extinct volcano (Classifier: m:個m:座)
死货 {def} SEE: 死貨 ::
死机 {def} SEE: 死機 ::
死機 {v} /sǐjī/ :: to crash; to freeze (of computers, phones, etc.)
死雞撑飯蓋 {def} SEE: 死雞撐飯蓋 ::
死鸡撑饭盖 {def} SEE: 死雞撐飯蓋 ::
死寂 {adj} /sǐ寂/ :: extremely still and silent
死忌 {n} /sǐjì/ :: death anniversary
死記 {v} /sǐjì/ :: to memorise without understanding; to learn by rote; to cram
死記硬背 {idiom} /sǐjì yìngbèi/ :: to memorise without understanding; to learn by rote; to cram
死记 {def} SEE: 死記 ::
死记硬背 {def} SEE: 死記硬背 ::
死夹它 {def} SEE: 死夾它 ::
死夾它 {def} SEE: 死疙瘩 ::
死角 {n} [military or figuratively] /sǐjiǎo/ :: gap in coverage; gap in protection or defenses; neglected or overlooked area; dead end
死節 {v} [literary] /sǐjié/ :: to die for the sake of honour or duty; to die and preserve one's integrity; to become a martyr
死結 {n} /sǐjié,er/ :: encased knot; fast knot
死結 {n} [figurative] /sǐjié,er/ :: an issue that defies solution; impasse; intractable problem
死结 {def} SEE: 死結 ::
死节 {def} SEE: 死節 ::
死絕 {v} /sǐjué/ :: to die out; to be exterminated; to become extinct
死绝 {def} SEE: 死絕 ::
死开 {def} SEE: 死開 ::
死磕 {v} /sǐkē/ :: to fight to the death
死库水 {def} SEE: 死庫水 ::
死庫水 {n} [ACG] /sǐkùshuǐ/ :: sukumizu
死……烂…… {def} SEE: 死……爛…… ::
死了 {postp} [colloquial] /sǐle/ :: extremely; very
死力 {v} [literary] /sǐlì/ :: to put in effort of such magnitude that one's life is put at risk
死力 {n} [literary] /sǐlì/ :: effort of such magnitude that one's life is put at risk
死灵 {def} SEE: 死靈 ::
死靈 {n} /sǐlíng/ :: souls of the dead
死路 {n} /sǐlù/ :: blind alley; dead end; cul-de-sac
死路 {n} /sǐlù/ :: road to ruin; road to destruction
死啰 {def} SEE: 死囉 ::
死馬當活馬醫 {idiom} /sǐmǎ dāng huómǎ yī/ :: to keep trying everything in a desperate situation; to resort to desperate measures in desperate times
死马当活马医 {def} SEE: 死馬當活馬醫 ::
死面 {def} SEE: 死麵 ::
死面饼 {def} SEE: 死麵餅 ::
死麪 {def} SEE: 死麵 ::
死麪餅 {def} SEE: 死麵餅 ::
死麵 {n} /sǐmiàn/ :: unleavened dough
死麵餅 {n} /sǐmiànbǐng/ :: unleavened flatbread
死滅 {v} /sǐmiè/ :: to die out
死灭 {def} SEE: 死滅 ::
死命 {adv} [literary] /sǐmìng/ :: as if one's life depended on it
死命 {n} [literary] /sǐmìng/ :: fate of death; death sentence
死無對證 {idiom} /sǐwúduìzhèng/ :: to be unable to know the truth as the person who could testify has died
死無葬身之地 {idiom} /sǐ wú zàngshēn zhī dì/ :: to die a horrible or tragic death
死难 {def} SEE: 死難 ::
死難 {v} /sǐnàn/ :: to die in an accident; to sacrifice; to die for a just cause
死牛一便颈 {def} SEE: 死牛一便頸 ::
死拼 {v} /sǐpīn/ :: to go to great lengths to accomplish something as if one's life depended on it
死期 {n} /sǐ期/ :: date of death
死棋 {n} /sǐqí/ :: dead piece in a game of chess
死棋 {n} /sǐqí/ :: hopeless case; stupid move
死乞白賴 {idiom} [colloquial] /sǐqibáilài/ :: to continuously pester someone; pesteringly; annoyingly
死乞白赖 {def} SEE: 死乞白賴 ::
死气沉沉 {def} SEE: 死氣沉沉 ::
死氣沉沉 {idiom} /sǐqìchénchén/ :: lifeless; spiritless; lacking vitality or vigour
死錢 {n} /sǐqián,er/ :: dead money
死錢 {n} /sǐqián,er/ :: fixed income
死钱 {def} SEE: 死錢 ::
死翘翘 {def} SEE: 死翹翹 ::
死翹翹 {v} [colloquial, humorous] /sǐqiàoqiào,er/ :: to die; to croak
死囚 {n} /sǐqiú/ :: convict sentenced to death; convict awaiting execution
死球 {n} [ball games] /sǐqiú/ :: dead ball
死去 {v} [colloquial] /sǐqù/ :: to die; to pass away; to go to one's death
死人 {n} /sǐrén/ :: dead person (Classifier: 個)
死人 {n} /sǐrén/ :: corpse (Classifier: 個)
死人 {n} [colloquial, slightly, vulgar, often, jocular] /sǐrén/ :: unpleasant person; bastard; son of a bitch (Classifier: 個)
死人 {v} [of a person] /sǐrén/ :: to die
死人 {v} [usually in exaggerations] /sǐrén/ :: to make people die; to be dangerous
死人 {adj} [Cantonese, vulgar] /sǐrén/ :: damn; wretched; stupid; goddamn
死人 {adj} [Cantonese] /sǐrén/ :: awful
死人 {adv} [analysable as 死 + 人] /sǐrén/ :: to death; to be ... enough to make people die, an intensifying suffix; an augmented form of "adj. + 人" phrases (usually expressing frustration, discomfort, surprise)
死人骨头 {def} SEE: 死人骨頭 ::
死人间 {def} SEE: 死人間 ::
死伤 {def} SEE: 死傷 ::
死伤者 {def} SEE: 死傷者 ::
死傷 {n} /sǐshāng/ :: casualties; dead and injured
死傷者 {n} /sǐshāngzhě/ :: casualties
死神 {n} /sǐshén/ :: god of death; Grim Reaper
死神 {n} [figurative] /sǐshén/ :: death
死生 {n} [literary] /sǐshēng/ :: life and death
死生有命,富貴在天 {phrase} /sǐshēng yǒu mìng, fùguì zài tiān/ :: alternative form of 生死有命,富貴在天
死生有命,富贵在天 {def} SEE: 死生有命,富貴在天 ::
死尸 {def} SEE: 死屍 ::
死屍 {n} /sǐshī/ :: dead body (of a person); corpse (Classifier: m,c:具c:條mn:個)
死士 {n} [literary] /sǐshì/ :: man of sacrifice
死守 {v} /sǐshǒu/ :: to defend to the death; to make a last-ditch defense
死守 {v} /sǐshǒu/ :: to cling stubbornly to old practices
死水 {n} /sǐshuǐ/ :: stagnant water; backwater
死死 {adv} /sǐsǐ/ :: firmly; tightly
死死 {adv} /sǐsǐ/ :: firmly; resolutely
死死地气 {def} SEE: 死死地氣 ::
死胎 {n} /sǐtāi/ :: stillbirth
死体 {def} SEE: 死體 ::
死娃儿 {def} SEE: 私娃兒 ::
死亡 {v} [formal] /sǐwáng/ :: to die
死亡率 {n} /sǐwánglǜ/ :: death rate
死亡人數 {n} /sǐwáng rénshù/ :: death toll
死亡人数 {def} SEE: 死亡人數 ::
死亡線 {n} /sǐwángxiàn/ :: verge of death; jaws of death
死亡线 {def} SEE: 死亡線 ::
死亡学 {def} SEE: 死亡學 ::
死亡學 {n} /sǐwángxué/ :: thanatology
死亡證明書 {n} /sǐwáng zhèngmíngshū/ :: death certificate
死亡證書 {n} /sǐwáng zhèngshū/ :: death certificate
死亡证明书 {def} SEE: 死亡證明書 ::
死亡证书 {def} SEE: 死亡證書 ::
死无对证 {def} SEE: 死無對證 ::
死无葬身之地 {def} SEE: 死無葬身之地 ::
死物 {n} /sǐwù/ :: inanimate object; non-living thing
死線 {n} /sǐxiàn/ :: deadline
死线 {def} SEE: 死線 ::
死相 {n} [mild insult] /sǐxiàng/ :: hated person (literally "corpse face")
死相 {n} [literally] /sǐxiàng/ :: face of a deceased person
死心 {v} /sǐxīn/ :: to give up on; to drop
死心 {n} [literary] /sǐxīn/ :: willingness and determination to serve till death
死心塌地 {idiom} /sǐxīntādì/ :: to be hell-bent on; to be dead set on (following someone)
死心踏地 {def} SEE: 死心塌地 ::
死心眼 {adj} [colloquial] /sǐxīnyǎn,er/ :: stubborn; bull-headed; headstrong
死心眼 {n} [colloquial] /sǐxīnyǎn,er/ :: stubborn person
死信 {n} /sǐxìn/ :: news of someone's death
死信 {n} /sǐxìn/ :: dead letter
死刑 {n} /sǐxíng/ :: the death penalty; capital punishment
死性不改 {phrase} /sǐxìng不gǎi/ :: old habits die hard
死穴 {n} /sǐ穴/ :: weak spot (which can cause death when struck); fatal weakness
死循环 {def} SEE: 死循環 ::
死循環 {n} /sǐxúnhuán/ :: infinite loop
死訊 {n} /sǐxùn/ :: news of someone's death
死讯 {def} SEE: 死訊 ::
死亦瞑目 {idiom} /sǐyìmíngmù/ :: to die without any regrets
死因 {n} /sǐyīn/ :: cause of death
死硬 {adj} /sǐyìng/ :: stiff; inflexible
死硬 {adj} /sǐyìng/ :: very obstinate; die-hard
死有余辜 {def} SEE: 死有餘辜 ::
死有餘辜 {idiom} /sǐyǒuyúgū/ :: to be so gravely sinful that even death of the person is insufficient to pay for his or her crimes
死有重於泰山,輕於鴻毛 {proverb} /sǐ yǒu zhòng yú Tàishān, qīng yú hóngmáo/ :: Some deaths are more weighty than Mount Tai, while others are lighter (and less significant) than a wild goose feather
死有重于泰山,轻于鸿毛 {def} SEE: 死有重於泰山,輕於鴻毛 ::
死於非命 {idiom} /sǐyúfēimìng/ :: to die unnaturally; to die of accidents, murder or suicide
死于非命 {def} SEE: 死於非命 ::
死魚眼 {n} /sǐyúyǎn/ :: dull, lifeless eyes
死鱼眼 {def} SEE: 死魚眼 ::
死語 {n} [linguistics] /sǐyǔ/ :: dead language
死語言 {n} [linguistics] /sǐyǔyán/ :: dead language
死语 {def} SEE: 死語 ::
死语言 {def} SEE: 死語言 ::
死愿 {def} SEE: 死願 ::
死願 {n} [neologism, rare] /sǐyuàn/ :: death wish
死宅 {n} [neologism, slang, derogatory] /sǐzhái/ :: one who is incorrigibly homebound and has an obsessive interest in games, movies, anime, manga, etc
死战 {def} SEE: 死戰 ::
死戰 {v} /sǐzhàn/ :: to fight to the death; to have a life-and-death fight
死仗 {n} /sǐzhàng/ :: tough battle
死者 {n} /sǐzhě/ :: the dead; the deceased; the departed
死者數 {n} /sǐzhěshù/ :: death toll
死者数 {def} SEE: 死者數 ::
死忠 {adj} [attributive] /sǐzhōng/ :: die-hard
死忠粉 {n} [neologism, slang] /sǐzhōngfěn/ :: diehard fan
死状 {def} SEE: 死狀 ::
死狀 {n} /sǐzhuàng/ :: appearance of a dead person at the death scene
死罪 {n} /sǐzuì/ :: capital crime; capital offense
死罪 {interj} [archaic] /sǐzuì/ :: may I die for committing such a grievous offense; forgive me for such a serious error
{def} /yí/ :: a tribe of indigenous people in South China
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /sì/ :: [obsolete] one-year-old cattle
{def} /sì/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /sì/ :: to be like; to be similar to; to resemble
{def} /sì/ :: Used in conjunction with another adjective in a comparison that the first object/person is in a better position than the second
{def} /sì/ :: as if; it seems that..
{def} /sì/ :: [obsolete] to give; to present
{def} /sì/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /sì/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /似/ :: only used in 似的
似曾相識 {idiom} /sìcéngxiāng识/ :: to seem to have met before; déjà vu
似曾相识 {def} SEE: 似曾相識 ::
似的 {particle} /似de/ :: seems as if; rather like
似乎 {adv} /sìhū,tl/ :: as if; seemingly
似然 {n} [statistics] /sìrán/ :: likelihood
似是而非 {idiom} /sìshì'érfēi/ :: seemingly so, but not really; appears right, but in fact wrong; specious
似水流年 {idiom} /sìshuǐliúnián/ :: years passing by quickly, like the water stream; time flies
似笑非笑 {idiom} /sìxiàofēixiào/ :: to give a faint or forced smile
似样 {def} SEE: 似樣 ::
{def} /sì/ :: to complete, to finish
{def} /sì/ :: a kind of bovine-like animal; Some say it is a female rhinoceros
{def} /sì/ :: to connect
{def} /sì/ :: to inherit
{def} /sì/ :: descendancy
{def} /sì/ :: an heir
嗣后 {def} SEE: 嗣後 ::
嗣後 {adv} [literary] /sìhòu/ :: henceforth; subsequently; afterwards
嗣子 {n} [historical] /sìzǐ/ :: son of a wife (as opposed to son of a concubine); heir
{def} /sì/ :: four
{def} [music] /sì/ :: la (musical note)
{def} [printing] /sì/ :: English; The size of type between 小四 (little 4) and 小三 (little 3), standardized as 14 point
四胞胎 {n} /sìbāotāi/ :: quadruplets
四壁 {n} [literary] /sìbì/ :: four walls (of a room); from every direction
四边 {def} SEE: 四邊 ::
四边形 {def} SEE: 四邊形 ::
四邊 {n} /sìbiān/ :: all four directions
四邊 {n} /sìbiān/ :: all four sides (of a rectangular object)
四邊形 {n} [geometry] /sìbiānxíng/ :: quadrilateral
四不像 {n} [colloquial] /sì不xiàng/ :: Père David's deer
四處 {adv} /sìchù/ :: everywhere, in all directions
四處漂泊 {idiom} /sìchùpiāobó/ :: to rove; to wander around; to roam around
四处 {def} SEE: 四處 ::
四处漂泊 {def} SEE: 四處漂泊 ::
四川 {prop} /Sìchuān/ :: (~ 省) 四川 (province)
四川話 {prop} /Sìchuānhuà/ :: Sichuanese (a group of Southwestern Mandarin dialects)
四川话 {def} SEE: 四川話 ::
四大 {n} [Taoism] /sìdà/ :: "Four Greats" (Tao, heaven, earth and man)
四大 {n} [Buddhism] /sìdà/ :: "Four Great Elements" (earth, water, fire and air)
四大 {n} [business, accounting] /sìdà/ :: The four largest global auditing firms, comprising Deloitte, Ernst & Young, KPMG, and PricewaterhouseCoopers
四大名著 {prop} /Sìdàmíngzhù/ :: the Four Classic Novels of Chinese literature: the Romance of the Three Kingdoms by Luo Guanzhong, the Water Margin by Shi Nai'an, the Journey to the West by Wu Cheng'en, and the Dream of the Red Chamber by Cao Xueqin
四大奇书 {def} SEE: 四大奇書 ::
四大奇書 {prop} /Sìdàqíshū/ :: Four Great Masterworks of Chinese literature, namely Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Journey to the West, Water Margin and The Plum in the Golden Vase
四大天王 {n} [Buddhism] /sìdàtiānwáng/ :: Four Heavenly Kings, the four guardian gods who protect each of the four cardinal directions; the Lokapala
四大天王 {n} [colloquial] /sìdàtiānwáng/ :: a group of four prominent individuals
四德 {n} [literary] /sìdé/ :: the "four womanly virtues" (according to traditional Chinese culture, i.e. wifely ethics, wifely speech, wifely manners/appearance, and wifely work)
四德 {n} [literary] /sìdé/ :: See: zh []
四等 {n} [Chinese phonetics] /sìděng/ :: synonym of 四呼
四等 {n} [Chinese phonetics] /sìděng/ :: the "four divisions" of a rime table
四等 {n} [Chinese phonetics] /sìděng/ :: the fourth division of a rime table
四点 {def} SEE: 四點 ::
四点底 {def} SEE: 四點底 ::
四点火 {def} SEE: 四點火 ::
四點 {n} /sìdiǎn/ :: four o'clock
四點底 {n} /sìdiǎndǐ/ :: the Chinese character component
四點火 {n} /sìdiǎnhuǒ/ :: the Chinese character component
四都 {prop} /Sìdū/ :: (~ 鎮) 四都 (town)
四都 {prop} /Sìdū/ :: (~ 鎮) 四都 (town)
四都 {prop} /Sìdū/ :: (~ 鎮) 四都 (town)
四都 {prop} /Sìdū/ :: (~ 鎮) 四都 (town)
四都 {prop} /Sìdū/ :: (~ 鎮) 四都 (town)
四渎 {def} SEE: 四瀆 ::
四瀆 {prop} [archaic] /Sì Dú/ :: the Yangtze, Huai River, Yellow River and Ji River
四方 {n} /sìfāng/ :: the four directions (north, south, east and west)
四方 {n} /sìfāng/ :: everywhere; far and wide
四方 {adj} [attributive] /sìfāng/ :: square; cube; cubic
四方八面 {idiom} /sìfāngbāmiàn/ :: synonym of 四面八方
四方帽 {n} /sìfāngmào/ :: graduation cap; square academic cap
四分 {n} /sìfēn/ :: one-quarter; 1/4; one fourth
四分位數 {n} [mathematics] /sìfēnwèishù,er/ :: quartile
四分位数 {def} SEE: 四分位數 ::
四分卫 {def} SEE: 四分衛 ::
四分衛 {n} [sports, American football] /sìfēnwèi/ :: quarterback
四分五裂 {idiom} /sìfēnwǔliè/ :: to be rent by disunity; to disintegrate
四分音符 {n} [music] /sìfēn yīnfú/ :: crotchet; quarter note
四風 {n} /sìfēng/ :: the four social evils of formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism and extravagance
四风 {def} SEE: 四風 ::
四伏 {v} [literary] /sìfú/ :: to lurk on every side
四氟化碳 {n} [organic compound] /sìfúhuàtàn/ :: carbon tetrafluoride; tetrafluoromethane
四氟乙烯 {n} [organic compound] /sìfúyǐxī/ :: tetrafluoroethylene; tetrafluoroethene
四港 {prop} /Sìgǎng/ :: (~ 村) 四港 (village)
四格 {n} /sìgé/ :: abbreviation of 四格漫畫 4-koma
四格漫画 {def} SEE: 四格漫畫 ::
四格漫畫 {n} /sìgé mànhuà/ :: 4-koma manga
四个现代化 {def} SEE: 四個現代化 ::
四個現代化 {prop} /Sì ge Xiàndàihuà/ :: Four Modernizations (development ideology of the Communist Party of China)
四更 {n} [archaic] /sìgēng/ :: fourth watch (between 1:00am and 3:00am)
四姑娘山 {prop} /Sì Gūniáng Shān/ :: Mount Siguniang
四股弦 {def} SEE: 四股絃 ::
四股絃 {n} /sìgǔxián/ :: A variety of Chinese opera native to Hebei province which uses the sihu as the leading instrument
四国 {def} SEE: 四國 ::
四国中央 {def} SEE: 四國中央 ::
四國 {prop} /Sìguó/ :: Shikoku (the fourth largest island of Japan)
四國中央 {prop} /Sìguózhōngyāng/ :: (~ 市) 四國中央 (city)
四海 {n} [literary, figurative] /sìhǎi/ :: the world; the whole world
四海为家 {def} SEE: 四海為家 ::
四海為家 {idiom} /sìhǎiwéijiā/ :: to make one's home wherever one is; to consider the entire country, or world, to be one's own; to live a wandering life
四海一家 {idiom} /sìhǎi 一jiā/ :: the world is a big family
四海之內皆兄弟 {proverb} /sìhǎi zhī nèi jiē xiōngdì/ :: all men are brothers
四海之内皆兄弟 {def} SEE: 四海之內皆兄弟 ::
四號 {n} [slang] /sìhào/ :: heroin
四號電池 {n} [Taiwan] /sìhào diànchí/ :: AAA battery
四号 {def} SEE: 四號 ::
四号电池 {def} SEE: 四號電池 ::
四合院 {n} /sìhéyuàn/ :: siheyuan; Chinese courtyard residence; Chinese quadrangle
四弘誓愿 {def} SEE: 四弘誓願 ::
四弘誓願 {n} [Buddhism] /sìhóngshìyuàn/ :: the Bodhisattva vows
四呼 {n} [Chinese phonetics] /sìhū/ :: the traditional classification of finals based on the medial
四湖 {prop} /Sìhú/ :: (~ 鄉) 四湖 (rural township)
四胡 {n} /sìhú/ :: sihu (a bowed string instrument with two pairs of strings used in Chinese folk music)
四化 {prop} /Sìhuà/ :: Four Modernizations (development ideology of the Communist Party of China)
四环霉素 {def} SEE: 四環黴素 ::
四环素 {def} SEE: 四環素 ::
四环素牙 {def} SEE: 四環素牙 ::
四環黴素 {n} /sìhuánméisù/ :: tetracycline
四環素 {n} /sìhuánsù/ :: tetracycline
四環素 {n} /sìhuánsù/ :: (~ 類) tetracyclines (a class of antibiotics)
四環素牙 {n} /sìhuánsùyá/ :: tetracycline-stained teeth (teeth permanently discoloured due to tetracycline use in utero or in early childhood)
四会 {def} SEE: 四會 ::
四會 {prop} /Sìhuì/ :: (~ 市) Sihui, a county-level city in Guangdong, China, administered as part of Zhaoqing
四級 {adj} [attributive] /sìjí/ :: forth-degree; level-four; forth-class
四級結構 {n} [biochemistry] /sìjí jiégòu/ :: quaternary structure
四级 {def} SEE: 四級 ::
四季 {n} /sìjì/ :: the four seasons
四季豆 {n} /sìjìdòu/ :: green bean
四季青 {n} /sìjìqīng/ :: leaf of the Chinese holly (An herb used in traditional Chinese medicine to "clear heat and toxics"
四強 {n} /sìqiáng/ :: semifinalists; last four; final four
四跤妈 {def} SEE: 四跤媽 ::
四跤鱼 {def} SEE: 四跤魚 ::
四脚蛇 {def} SEE: 四腳蛇 ::
四脚仔 {def} SEE: 四腳仔 ::
四腳蛇 {n} /sìjiǎoshé/ :: lizard; gecko
四腳仔 {n} [Taiwanese Min Nan] /sìjiǎozǎi/ :: frog
四腳仔 {n} [Taiwan, dated, figurative, offensive] /sìjiǎozǎi/ :: Japanese people
四角 {n} /sìjiǎo/ :: four angles; four corners
四角 {n} /sìjiǎo/ :: abbreviation of 四角形
四角號碼 {n} /sìjiǎohàomǎ/ :: Four-Corner code
四角号码 {def} SEE: 四角號碼 ::
四角裤 {def} SEE: 四角褲 ::
四角褲 {n} /sìjiǎokù/ :: boxer shorts; boxers
四角帽 {n} [Christianity] /sìjiǎomào/ :: biretta
四角形 {n} /sìjiǎoxíng/ :: quadrangle; alternative name for 四邊形
四角錐 {n} [geometry] /sìjiǎozhuī/ :: quadrangular pyramid
四角锥 {def} SEE: 四角錐 ::
四街道 {prop} /Sìjiēdào/ :: (~ 市) 四街道 (city)
四界 {adv} [Min Nan] /sìjiè/ :: everywhere; all over; all over the place
四界 {n} [literary] /sìjiè/ :: boundary
四界 {n} [Zhangzhou Hokkien] /sìjiè/ :: field; farmland
四界 {n} [Buddhism] /sìjiè/ :: Mahābhūta#Four primary elements
四境 {n} [archaic, literary] /sìjìng/ :: the four borders (around a kingdom)
四旧 {def} SEE: 四舊 ::
四舊 {prop} [historical] /Sìjiù/ :: the Four Olds (four traditional aspects of Chinese culture targeted for destruction during China's Cultural Revolution)
四君子 {prop} /Sì Jūnzǐ/ :: Four Gentleman; four plants (chrysanthemum, bamboo, orchid, and plum blossom) that are often depicted in traditional Chinese, Korean, and Japanese ink-and-brush painting
四君子丸 {n} /sìjūnzǐ wán/ :: A brown pill used in traditional Chinese medicine "to replenish qi and invigorate the spleen in the treatment of deficiency of qi of the spleen and stomach marked by anorexia and loose bowels"
四库全书 {def} SEE: 四庫全書 ::
四庫全書 {prop} /Sìkù Quánshū/ :: Siku Quanshu (the largest collection of books in Chinese history)
四块半 {def} SEE: 四塊半 ::
四棱豆 {def} SEE: 四稜豆 ::
四稜豆 {n} /sìléngdòu,er/ :: winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus)
四里棚 {prop} /Sìlǐpéng/ :: (~ 街道) 四里棚 (subdistrict)
四两拨千斤 {def} SEE: 四兩撥千斤 ::
四兩撥千斤 {idiom} /sìliǎngbōqiānjīn/ :: a huge return for a very small investment; a big payoff for a small effort
四邻八舍 {def} SEE: 四鄰八舍 ::
四鄰八舍 {idiom} /sìlínbāshè/ :: all the neighbors; the neighbors all around
四岭 {def} SEE: 四嶺 ::
四嶺 {prop} /Sìlǐng/ :: (~ 村) 四嶺 (village)
四六儿不懂 {def} SEE: 四六兒不懂 ::
四六兒不懂 {idiom} [Northeastern Mandarin] /sìliùr 不dǒng/ :: to be completely ignorant (of rules, customs, etc.)
四路裏 {def} SEE: 四路裡 ::
四路里 {def} SEE: 四路裡 ::
四輪 {n} /sìlún/ :: four wheels
四輪 {adj} [attributive] /sìlún/ :: four-wheel
四輪摩托車 {n} /sìlún mótuōchē/ :: quad bike
四輪驅動 {n} /sìlún qūdòng/ :: four-wheel drive (vehicle)
四轮 {def} SEE: 四輪 ::
四轮摩托车 {def} SEE: 四輪摩托車 ::
四轮驱动 {def} SEE: 四輪驅動 ::
四氯化碳 {n} [organic compound] /sìlǜhuàtàn/ :: carbon tetrachloride; tetrachloromethane
四码子 {def} SEE: 四碼子 ::
四面 {n} /sìmiàn/ :: four directions; all sides; all around
四面八方 {idiom} /sìmiànbāfāng/ :: in all directions; all around; far and wide
四面楚歌 {idiom} /sìmiànchǔgē/ :: facing hostility, difficulty, or frustration on all sides
四面佛 {prop} [Buddhism] /Sìmiànfó/ :: Phra Phrom (Thai representation of the Hindu god Brahma)
四面受敌 {def} SEE: 四面受敵 ::
四面受敵 {idiom} /sìmiànshòudí/ :: to be under attack from every direction
四面臺 {n} /sìmiàntái/ :: A four-sided stage for performing
四面台 {def} SEE: 四面臺 ::
四面体 {def} SEE: 四面體 ::
四面體 {n} [geometry] /sìmiàntǐ/ :: tetrahedron
四萬十 {prop} /Sìwànshí/ :: (~ 市) 四萬十 (city)
四拇指头 {def} SEE: 四拇指頭 ::
四逆湯 {n} /sìnìtāng/ :: A brownish-yellow liquid used in traditional Chinese medicine "to dispel cold and cause restoration from collapse in the treatment of collapse with cold sweat, cold limbs, diarrhea with fluid stool containing undigested food, and scarcely perceptible pulse"
四逆汤 {def} SEE: 四逆湯 ::
四平 {prop} /Sìpíng/ :: (~ 市) 四平 (prefecture-level city)
四平八稳 {def} SEE: 四平八穩 ::
四平八穩 {idiom} /sìpíngbāwěn/ :: completely stable and safe
四起 {v} [literary] /sìqǐ/ :: to spring up from every direction
四强 {def} SEE: 四強 ::
四氢呋喃 {def} SEE: 四氫呋喃 ::
四氫呋喃 {n} [organic compound] /sìqīngfūnán/ :: tetrahydrofuran
四驅車 {n} /sìqūchē,er/ :: four-wheel drive
四驱车 {def} SEE: 四驅車 ::
四人帮 {def} SEE: 四人幫 ::
四人幫 {prop} /sìrénbāng/ :: the Gang of Four, a leftist political faction composed of four Chinese Communist Party officials that came to prominence during the Chinese Cultural Revolution
四人邦 {def} SEE: 四人幫 ::
四日市 {prop} /Sìrìshì/ :: (~ 市) 四日市 (city)
四散 {v} /sìsàn/ :: to scatter in all directions; to disperse
四散 {adv} [Min Nan] /sìsàn/ :: carelessly; casually; at random
四散来 {def} SEE: 四散來 ::
四色菊 {prop} /Sìsèjú/ :: (~ 府) 四色菊 (province)
四捨五入 {n} [arithmetic] /sìshěwǔrù/ :: rounding to the closest number (0.4 being rounded down, 0.5 being rounded up); rounding off
四射 {v} [literary, usually in compounds] /sìshè/ :: to radiate in all directions
四舍五入 {def} SEE: 四捨五入 ::
四神湯 {n} /sìshéntāng/ :: a medicinal soup made with Chinese yam, foxnut seeds, lotus seeds and Wolfiporia cocos (syn. Wolfiporia extensa)
四神汤 {def} SEE: 四神湯 ::
四神丸 {n} /sìshén wán/ :: A brown pill used in traditional Chinese medicine "to warm the kidney and the spleen and check diarrhea in the treatment of diminished function of the spleen and the kidney with cold manifestations, marked by diarrhea occurring before dawn daily or loose stools with abdominal pain, aching in the loins and cold limbs"
四声 {def} SEE: 四聲 ::
四生 {n} [Buddhism] /sìshēng/ :: four ways of birth
四聲 {n} [Chinese phonetics, poetry] /sìshēng/ :: the four tones of Middle Chinese (traditional tone classes also used for modern varieties of Chinese)
四聲 {n} [linguistics] /sìshēng/ :: the four tones of Modern Standard Chinese (Mandarin)
四聲 {n} /sìshēng/ :: fourth tone; alternative name for 去聲
四圣谛 {def} SEE: 四聖諦 ::
四聖諦 {n} [Buddhism] /sì shèngdì/ :: Four Noble Truths
四十 {num} /sìshí/ :: forty; 40
四十八 {num} /sìshíbā/ :: forty-eight; 48
四十埠 {prop} /Sìshíbù/ :: (~ 社區) 四十埠 (residential community)
四十二 {num} /sìshí'èr/ :: forty-two; 42
四十九 {num} /sìshíjiǔ/ :: forty-nine; 49
四十六 {num} /sìshíliù/ :: forty-six; 46
四十年代 {n} /sìshí niándài/ :: forties
四十七 {num} /sìshíqī/ :: forty-seven; 47
四十三 {num} /sìshísān/ :: forty-three; 43
四十四 {num} /sìshísì/ :: forty-four; 44
四十五 {num} /sìshíwǔ/ :: forty-five; 45
四十一 {num} /sìshí一/ :: forty-one; 41
四时 {def} SEE: 四時 ::
四時 {n} /sìshí/ :: the four seasons
四世三公 {n} [archaic] /sìshìsāngōng/ :: occupying the highest civil posts for four generations (a reference to Yuan Shao's family)
四世同堂 {idiom} /sìshìtóngtáng/ :: four generations under one roof
四势 {def} SEE: 四勢 ::
四书 {def} SEE: 四書 ::
四书五经 {def} SEE: 四書五經 ::
四书学 {def} SEE: 四書學 ::
四叔 {n} /sì叔/ :: fourth eldest among one's father's younger brothers
四叔 {prop} [colloquial] /sì叔/ :: Billionaire businessman Lee Shau-kee, so nicknamed in the popular press because he was his father's fourth child
四書 {prop} /Sìshū/ :: the Four Books (Chinese classic texts illustrating the core value and belief systems in Confucianism)
四書五經 {prop} /Sìshūwǔjīng/ :: Four Books and Five Classics
四書學 {n} /sìshūxué/ :: study of the Four Books (Chinese classic texts illustrating the core value and belief systems in Confucianism)
四臺嘴 {prop} /Sìtáizuǐ/ :: (~ 鄉) 四臺嘴 (township)
四台嘴 {def} SEE: 四臺嘴 ::
四体 {def} SEE: 四體 ::
四体船 {def} SEE: 四體船 ::
四體 {n} [formal] /sìtǐ/ :: four limbs of a human; arms and legs
四體船 {n} /sìtǐchuán/ :: quadmaran
四天王 {n} [Buddhism] /sìtiānwáng/ :: synonym of 四大天王
四条 {def} SEE: 四條 ::
四条畷 {def} SEE: 四條畷 ::
四條 {n} [card games] /sìtiáo/ :: four of a kind
四條畷 {prop} /Sìtiáo畷/ :: (~ 市) 四條畷 (city)
四通八达 {def} SEE: 四通八達 ::
四通八達 {idiom} /sìtōngbādá/ :: to extend in all directions; to open out on all sides; to be accessible from all sides
四万十 {def} SEE: 四萬十 ::
四網頭 {n} /sìwǎngtóu/ :: the Chinese character component
四网头 {def} SEE: 四網頭 ::
四围 {def} SEE: 四圍 ::
四圍 {n} [literary] /sìwéi/ :: on all four sides
四維 {n} /sìwéi/ :: the four social bonds (propriety, justice, integrity, and honour)
四維 {n} [literary] /sìwéi/ :: the southeastern, southwestern, northeastern and northwestern corners
四維 {n} [literary, by extension] /sìwéi/ :: the four directions; all directions
四維 {adj} [attributive] /sìwéi/ :: four-dimensional
四維速度 {n} [physics] /sìwéi sùdù/ :: four-velocity
四维 {def} SEE: 四維 ::
四维速度 {def} SEE: 四維速度 ::
四味土木香散 {n} /sìwèi tǔmùxiāng sǎn/ :: A yellowish-white powder used in traditional Mongolian medicine "to cure exterior syndromes in epidemic diseases in the treatment of epidemic diseases at the early stage with chills, fever, headache, cough, sore throat and chest pain"
四溪 {prop} /Sìxī/ :: (~ 村) 四溪 (village)
四下 {n} [literary] /sìxià/ :: on all four sides; (all) around; everywhere
四下裡 {n} [literary] /sìxià lǐ/ :: on all four sides; (all) around; everywhere
四下里 {def} SEE: 四下裡 ::
四弦琴 {n} /sìxiánqín/ :: tetrachord
四县 {def} SEE: 四縣 ::
四县话 {def} SEE: 四縣話 ::
四县腔 {def} SEE: 四縣腔 ::
四線 {n} [often, attributive] /sìxiàn/ :: fourth line; fourth tier
四縣 {n} /sìxiàn/ :: (~ 腔) Sixian dialect of Hakka
四縣 {prop} [historical] /sìxiàn/ :: Sixian (four counties)
四縣話 {n} /sìxiànhuà/ :: Sixian dialect of Hakka Chinese
四縣腔 {n} /sìxiànqiāng/ :: alternative name for 四縣話
四线 {def} SEE: 四線 ::
四乡 {def} SEE: 四鄉 ::
四鄉 {n} /sìxiāng/ :: countryside around a town; nearby village
四小龍 {prop} /Sìxiǎolóng/ :: Four Little Dragons, the East Asian economies of Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore and Hong Kong
四小龙 {def} SEE: 四小龍 ::
四旬期 {prop} [Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy] /Sìxún期/ :: Lent
四眼儿 {def} SEE: 四眼兒 ::
四眼龟 {def} SEE: 四眼龜 ::
四眼田雞 {n} [figurative, colloquial, humorous or pejorative] /sìyǎn tiánjī,er/ :: bespectacled person; someone who wears glasses, especially a young person; four-eyes
四眼田鸡 {def} SEE: 四眼田雞 ::
四氧化三鉛 {n} [inorganic compound] /sìyǎnghuàsānqiān/ :: lead(II,IV) oxide; red lead
四氧化三铅 {def} SEE: 四氧化三鉛 ::
四氧化三鐵 {n} [inorganic compound] /sìyǎnghuàsāntiě/ :: iron(II,III) oxide
四氧化三铁 {def} SEE: 四氧化三鐵 ::
四夷 {n} [chiefly historical] /sìyí/ :: the four barbarian tribes on the borders
四夷 {n} [Buddhism] /sìyí/ :: synonym of 夷戒
四夷 {n} [Buddhism] /sìyí/ :: synonym of 波羅夷
四乙基鉛 {n} [organic compound] /sìyǐjīqiān/ :: tetraethyl lead
四乙基铅 {def} SEE: 四乙基鉛 ::
四艺 {def} SEE: 四藝 ::
四藝 {n} /sìyì/ :: the Four Arts, i.e. 琴棋書畫
四邑 {prop} /Sìyì/ :: Siyi; Four Counties (a region in Jiangmen, Guangdong, China)
四邑話 {n} /sìyìhuà/ :: Siyi dialect (a branch of Cantonese)
四邑话 {def} SEE: 四邑話 ::
四元數 {n} [mathematics] /sìyuánshù/ :: quaternion
四元数 {def} SEE: 四元數 ::
四月 {n} /sìyuè/ :: April
四月 {n} /sìyuè/ :: The modern name for the fourth month of the Chinese lunar calendar
四月份 {prop} /Sìyuèfèn,tl/ :: synonym of 四月
四月间 {def} SEE: 四月間 ::
四月间子 {def} SEE: 四月間子 ::
四斋蒸鹅心 {def} SEE: 四齋蒸鵝心 ::
四齋蒸鵝心 {phrase} [ACG, internet slang, humorous, euphemistic] /sì zhāi zhēng é xīn/ :: alternative form of 死宅噁心/死宅恶心 disguised as a legitimate name for a dish
四診 {n} [TCM] /sìzhěn/ :: four methods of diagnosis
四诊 {def} SEE: 四診 ::
四正丸 {n} /sìzhèng wán/ :: A dark brown honeyed pill used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat vomiting, anorexia, abdominal distention, diarrhea. It is typically administered with a ginger decoction or boiled water
四肢 {n} /sìzhī/ :: one's four limbs; hands and feet; extremities
四肢发达,头脑简单 {def} SEE: 四肢發達,頭腦簡單 ::
四肢發達,頭腦簡單 {phrase} /sìzhī fādá, tóunǎo jiǎndān/ :: Used to ridicule someone who is athletic or physically strong but wanting in intelligence
四指拇儿 {def} SEE: 四指拇兒 ::
四指脑 {def} SEE: 四指腦 ::
四众人 {def} SEE: 四眾人 ::
四衆人 {def} SEE: 四眾人 ::
四重奏 {n} [music] /sìchóngzòu/ :: quartet
四周 {def} SEE: 四週 ::
四周围 {def} SEE: 四周圍 ::
四周圍 {n} /sìzhōuwéi/ :: surroundings; all around  
四週 {n} /sìzhōu/ :: surroundings; all around
四字母詞 {n} /sìzìmǔcí/ :: Tetragrammaton
四字母詞 {n} [uncommon] /sìzìmǔcí/ :: four-letter word
四字母词 {def} SEE: 四字母詞 ::
四字头 {def} SEE: 四字頭 ::
四字頭 {n} /sìzìtóu/ :: the Chinese character component
{def} /sì/ :: wife of elder brother
{def} [chiefly historical] /sì/ :: surname
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [Dungan] /sì/ :: temple; monastery; mosque
{def} /sì/ :: government court; office (Used before Han dynasty)
{def} /shì/ :: archaic form of 近侍 referring to eunuchs
寺庙 {def} SEE: 寺廟 ::
寺廟 {n} /sìmiào/ :: temple
寺坪 {prop} /Sìpíng/ :: (~ 鎮) 寺坪 (town)
寺人 {n} [literary, historical] /sìrén/ :: eunuch of a palace or court; imperial eunuch
寺僧 {n} /sìsēng/ :: temple monk
寺院 {n} /sìyuàn/ :: Buddhist temple
寺院 {n} /sìyuàn/ :: monastery
{def} /sì/ :: sixth of twelve earthly branches (十二支)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /sì/ :: snake () of Chinese zodiac
巳时 {def} SEE: 巳時 ::
巳時 {n} [literary] /sìshí/ :: the hours of the snake (9:00am to 11:00am)
巳月 {prop} [archaic] /Sìyuè/ :: The fourth month of the Chinese lunar calendar
{def} /sì/ :: ladle
{def} /sì/ :: a stream which leaves the main branch then later returns
{def} /sì/ :: stagnant water
汜水 {prop} /Sìshuǐ/ :: Sishui Town (administered by Xingyang, Henan)
汜水关 {def} SEE: 汜水關 ::
汜水關 {prop} [archaic] /Sìshuǐ Guān/ :: Sishui Pass
{def} [literary] /sì/ :: nasal mucus
{def} /sì/ :: (river)
泗水 {prop} /Sìshuǐ/ :: 泗水 (river)
泗水 {prop} /Sìshuǐ/ :: (~ 縣) 泗水 (county)
泗水 {prop} /Sìshuǐ/ :: (~ 市) 泗水 (city/provincial capital)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /sì/ :: river bank
{def} /sì/ :: water's edge
{def} /sì/ :: water draining from a flood gate or sluice
{def} /sì/ :: to stop or obstruct water
{def} /sì/ :: [obsolete] four-year-old cattle
{def} /sì/ :: [obsolete] fierce cattle
{def} /sì/ :: to sacrifice; to worship
{def} [Shang dynasty] /sì/ :: year
祀奉 {v} /sìfèng/ :: to worship
祀譜 {n} [archaic, historical] /sìpǔ/ :: sacrificial sequence
祀谱 {def} SEE: 祀譜 ::
祀神 {v} [literary] /sìshén/ :: to offer sacrifices to the gods
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /sì/ :: hamper, wicker basket
{def} [archaic] /sì/ :: plowshare
{def} /sì/ :: impudent; undisciplined
{def} /sì/ :: shop; store; stall
{def} [financial] /sì/ :: alternative form of *四 (used in official documents or checks to avoid forgery)
肆行 {v} /sìxíng/ :: to act recklessly
肆無忌憚 {idiom} /sìwújìdàn/ :: brazen; unbridled; wanton; unscrupulous
肆虐 {v} /sìnüè/ :: to wreak havoc; to devastate
肆无忌惮 {def} SEE: 肆無忌憚 ::
肆意 {adv} /sìyì/ :: wantonly; recklessly; wilfully
肆州 {prop} [historical] /Sìzhōu/ :: 肆州 (prefecture)
{def} /sì/ :: happy, carefree
{def} /sì/ :: soft, fine, newly sprouted grass
{def} /sì/ :: [obsolete] a kind of animal
{def} /sì/ :: only used in 貄貓
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /sì/ :: to feed; to rear
飼槽 {n} /sìcáo/ :: feeding trough
飼料 {n} /sìliào/ :: feed (for livestock); fodder; forage
飼養 {v} /sìyǎng/ :: to rear; to raise (an animal)
飼養場 {n} /sìyǎng場/ :: feed lot; dry lot; farm
飼育 {v} /sìyù/ :: to breed; to raise; to rear (animals)
{def} SEE: ::
饲槽 {def} SEE: 飼槽 ::
饲料 {def} SEE: 飼料 ::
饲奶 {def} SEE: 飼奶 ::
饲养 {def} SEE: 飼養 ::
饲养场 {def} SEE: 飼養場 ::
饲育 {def} SEE: 飼育 ::
{def} SEE: ::
饴糖 {def} SEE: 飴糖 ::
{def} /sì/ :: a vehicle drawn by four horses
{def} /sì/ :: a horse
{def} /sì/ :: to drive; to ride
{def} [archaic] /sì/ :: classifier for vehicles drawn by four horses
{def} [archaic] /sì/ :: classifier for horses
{def} /sì/ :: surname
駟馬 {n} [literary] /sìmǎ/ :: team of four horses (usually pulling a single carriage)
駟馬難追 {idiom} /sìmǎnánzhuī/ :: words cannot be taken back once they are spoken
{def} SEE: ::
驷马 {def} SEE: 駟馬 ::
驷马难追 {def} SEE: 駟馬難追 ::
𠌖倯 {adj} [obsolete, offensive, of a person] /qióngsōng/ :: disgusting
{def} /sōng/ :: lazy
{def} /sōng/ :: foolish
{def} [Min Nan] /sōng/ :: tacky
{def} /sōng/ :: icicle
{def} /sōng/ :: alternative form of
崧山 {def} SEE: 嵩山 ::
崧子 {def} SEE: 松子 ::
{def} /sōng/ :: high, lofty
嵩山 {prop} /Sōng Shān/ :: Mount Song
{def} /sōng/ :: pine tree
{def} /sōng/ :: fir tree
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /sōng/ :: surname
松安 {prop} /Sōng'ān/ :: (~ 街道) 松安 (subdistrict)
松阪 {prop} /Sōngbǎn/ :: (~ 市) 松阪 (city)
松北 {prop} /Sōngběi/ :: (~ 區) 松北 (district)
松北 {prop} /Sōngběi/ :: (~ 街道) 松北 (subdistrict)
松本 {prop} /Sōngběn/ :: A Japanese surname: Matsumoto
松本 {prop} /Sōngběn/ :: (~ 市) 松本 (city)
松饼 {def} SEE: 鬆餅 ::
松柏 {n} /sōngbǎi/ :: pine and cypress
松柏 {n} /sōngbǎi/ :: chaste and integrity
松柏 {prop} /sōngbǎi/ :: (~ 鎮) 松柏 (town)
松柏 {prop} /sōngbǎi/ :: (~ 村) 松柏 (village)
松材線蟲 {n} /sōngcáixiànchóng/ :: Bursaphelenchus xylophilus
松材线虫 {def} SEE: 松材線蟲 ::
松濤 {n} [literary] /sōng涛/ :: the soughing of the wind in the pines
松弛 {def} SEE: 鬆弛 ::
松脆 {def} SEE: 鬆脆 ::
松动 {def} SEE: 鬆動 ::
松桠婆 {def} SEE: 松椏婆 ::
松果 {n} /sōngguǒ/ :: pine cone
松果儿 {def} SEE: 松果兒 ::
松果体 {def} SEE: 松果體 ::
松果體 {n} [anatomy] /sōngguǒtǐ,er/ :: pineal gland
松果腺 {n} [anatomy] /sōngguǒxiàn/ :: pineal gland
松戶 {prop} /Sōnghù/ :: (~ 市) 松戶 (city)
松户 {def} SEE: 松戶 ::
松花 {n} /sōnghuā,er/ :: pine pollen
松花 {n} /sōnghuā,er/ :: abbreviation of 松花蛋
松花蛋 {n} /sōnghuādàn/ :: century egg; thousand-year egg; thousand-year-old egg
松花江 {prop} /Sōnghuā Jiāng/ :: 松花江 (river)
松基 {prop} /Sōngjī/ :: (~ 里) 松基 (urban village)
松江 {prop} /Sōngjiāng/ :: (~ 區) 松江 (district)
松江 {prop} /Sōngjiāng/ :: Song River, various minor rivers in China
松江 {prop} /Sōngjiāng/ :: Various minor towns and villages named Songjiang in China
松江 {prop} [historical] /Sōngjiāng/ :: (~ 省) 松江 (former province)
松江 {prop} /Sōngjiāng/ :: (~ 市) 松江 (capital city)
松江鱸 {n} /sōngjiānglú/ :: Trachidermus fasciatus
松江鲈 {def} SEE: 松江鱸 ::
松節油 {n} /sōngjiéyóu/ :: turpentine
松节油 {def} SEE: 松節油 ::
松紧 {def} SEE: 鬆緊 ::
松紧带 {def} SEE: 鬆緊帶 ::
松劲 {def} SEE: 鬆勁 ::
松菌 {n} /sōng菌/ :: matsutake mushroom
松蕈 {n} /sōngxùn/ :: matsutake mushroom
松开 {def} SEE: 鬆開 ::
松口 {def} SEE: 鬆口 ::
松口气 {def} SEE: 鬆口氣 ::
松快 {def} SEE: 鬆快 ::
松林 {prop} /Sōnglín/ :: (~ 市) 松林 (city)
松露 {n} /sōnglù/ :: truffle (strong-smelling, underground fungus)
松萝 {def} SEE: 松蘿 ::
松蘿 {n} /sōngluó/ :: beard lichen (genus Usnea)
松毛儿 {def} SEE: 松毛兒 ::
松毛须 {def} SEE: 松毛鬚 ::
松明 {n} /sōngmíng/ :: pine torch
松明子 {n} /sōngmíngzǐ/ :: pine torch
松木 {n} /sōngmù/ :: pine wood
松木坪 {prop} /Sōngmùpíng/ :: (~ 鎮) 松木坪 (town)
松浦 {prop} /Sōngpǔ/ :: (~ 市) 松浦 (city)
松浦 {prop} /Sōngpǔ/ :: (~ 街道) 松浦 (subdistrict)
松气 {def} SEE: 鬆氣 ::
松球 {n} /sōngqiú,er/ :: pinecone
松人 {def} SEE: 鬆人 ::
松茸 {n} /sōngróng/ :: matsutake mushroom
松软 {def} SEE: 鬆軟 ::
松软干酪 {def} SEE: 鬆軟乾酪 ::
松散 {def} SEE: 鬆散 ::
松山 {prop} /Sōngshān/ :: (~ 市) 松山 (city)
松山 {prop} /Sōngshān/ :: (~ 區) 松山 (district)
松狮犬 {def} SEE: 鬆獅犬 ::
松手 {def} SEE: 鬆手 ::
松鼠 {n} /sōngshǔ,er/ :: squirrel (Classifier: m,c:隻)
松鼠狗 {n} [Hong Kong] /sōngshǔgǒu/ :: Pomeranian (a dog breed)
松树 {def} SEE: 松樹 ::
松树坳 {def} SEE: 松樹坳 ::
松树湾 {def} SEE: 松樹灣 ::
松樹 {n} /sōngshù/ :: pine tree
松樹坳 {prop} /Sōngshù'ào/ :: (~ 村) 松樹坳 (village)
松樹灣 {prop} /Sōngshùwān/ :: (~ 村) 松樹灣 (village)
松塔 {n} /sōngtǎ,er/ :: pine cone
松塔餅 {n} /sōngtǎbǐng/ :: puff pastry
松塔饼 {def} SEE: 松塔餅 ::
松塔儿 {def} SEE: 松塔兒 ::
松塔兒 {n} /sōngtǎr/ :: erhua form of []
松涛 {def} SEE: 松濤 ::
松田 {prop} /Sōngtián/ :: A Japanese surname: Matsuda
松溪 {prop} /Sōngxī/ :: (~ 縣) 松溪 (county)
松溪 {prop} /Sōngxī/ :: (~ 村) 松溪 (village)
松香 {n} /sōngxiāng/ :: rosin
松祥 {prop} /Sōngxiáng/ :: (~ 街道) 松祥 (subdistrict)
松懈 {def} SEE: 鬆懈 ::
松烟 {def} SEE: 松煙 ::
松烟墨 {def} SEE: 松煙墨 ::
松煙 {n} /sōngyān/ :: pine soot
松煙墨 {n} /sōngyānmò/ :: Chinese ink or ink stick made from pine soot
松油 {n} /sōngyóu/ :: pine oil
松魚 {n} /sōngyú/ :: alternative name for 鱅魚
松鱼 {def} SEE: 松魚 ::
松原 {prop} /Sōngyuán/ :: (~ 市) 松原 (county-level city)
松原 {prop} /Sōngyuán/ :: (~ 市) 松原 (city)
松針 {n} /sōngzhēn/ :: pine needle
松针 {def} SEE: 松針 ::
松脂 {n} /sōng脂/ :: pine resin
松脂岩 {n} [geology] /sōng脂yán/ :: pitchstone
松脂油 {n} /sōng脂yóu/ :: turpentine
松竹梅 {n} /sōngzhúméi/ :: pine, bamboo and plum, the three plants which do not wither in winter; the Three Friends of Winter; symbols of resilience and perseverance
松滋 {prop} /Sōngzī/ :: (~ 市) 松滋 (county-level city) (in southwest Hubei province)
松滋 {prop} [archaic] /Sōngzī/ :: Songzi County (in present day Huoqiu County, Anhui)
松滋 {prop} /Sōngzī/ :: (~ 縣) [historical] 松滋 (county) (in southwest Hubei province)
松子 {n} /sōngzǐ/ :: pine nut
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
檧垂 {def} SEE: 蠶垂 ::
{def} [onomatopoeic] /sōng/ :: sound of water
{def} /sōng/ :: synonym of 白菜
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /sōng/ :: loose (not fixed in place tightly)
{def} /sōng/ :: to loosen; to relax
{def} /sōng/ :: useless
{def} /sōng/ :: dried minced meat
{def} [Cantonese] /sōng/ :: to leave
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /sòng/ :: only used in *𩭩鬆
鬆餅 {n} /sōngbǐng/ :: muffin
鬆餅 {n} /sōngbǐng/ :: pancake
鬆餅 {n} /sōngbǐng/ :: puff pastry
鬆餅 {n} /sōngbǐng/ :: waffle
鬆弛 {adj} /sōngchí/ :: limp; flabby; slack
鬆弛 {adj} /sōngchí/ :: lax; relaxed; sluggish
鬆弛 {v} /sōngchí/ :: to relax (one's muscles, nerves, etc.)
鬆脆 {adj} [of food] /sōngcuì/ :: flaky and crispy
鬆動 {v} /sōngdòng/ :: to become less crowded
鬆動 {v} /sōngdòng/ :: to not hard up
鬆動 {v} /sōngdòng/ :: to become flexible; to show flexibility; to relax
鬆動 {adj} /sōngdòng/ :: not crowded; spacious
鬆緊 {n} /sōngjǐn/ :: degree of tightness
鬆緊 {n} /sōngjǐn/ :: elasticity
鬆緊帶 {n} /sōngjǐndài/ :: elastic cord; elastic braid
鬆勁 {v} /sōng勁/ :: to relax one's efforts; to slacken off
鬆開 {v} /sōngkāi/ :: to release; to untie; to loosen; to get untied; to come loose
鬆口 {v} /sōngkǒu/ :: to relax one's bite
鬆口 {v} [figuratively] /sōngkǒu/ :: to loosen up; to stop insisting
鬆口氣 {v} /sōngkǒuqì,er/ :: to relax after a load has been taken off one's mind
鬆快 {adj} /sōngkuai/ :: relieved
鬆快 {adj} /sōngkuai/ :: spacious
鬆氣 {v} /sōngqì/ :: to relax one's efforts
鬆軟 {adj} /sōngruǎn/ :: soft; weak; spongy; loose (of solid matter)
鬆軟 {adj} /sōngruǎn/ :: not set; runny (of liquid)
鬆軟 {adj} /sōngruǎn/ :: weak (of a person's physical condition)
鬆軟乾酪 {n} /sōngruǎn gān酪/ :: cottage cheese
鬆散 {adj} /sōngsǎn/ :: loosely organized
鬆散 {adj} /sōngsǎn/ :: inattentive; absent-minded
鬆散 {vt} /sōngsǎn/ :: to relax; to ease; to slacken
鬆獅犬 {n} /sōngshīquǎn/ :: Chow Chow
鬆手 {v} /sōngshǒu/ :: to loosen one's grip; to let go
鬆懈 {vt} /sōngxiè/ :: to relax; to ease; to slacken
鬆懈 {adj} /sōngxiè/ :: lax; slack
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /sǒng/ :: to hold; to grasp
{def} /sǒng/ :: to detain
{def} /sǒng/ :: to uphold
{def} [dialectal] /sǒng/ :: to push
{def} /sǒng/ :: to stand upright
{def} /sǒng/ :: to shirk
{def} /sǒng/ :: to raise up
{def} /sǒng/ :: only used in 傱傱
傱钱 {def} SEE: 傱錢 ::
{def} /sǒng/ :: used in 巃嵷
{def} /sǒng/ :: used in 嵱嵷
{def} SEE: ::
怂逼 {def} SEE: 慫逼 ::
怂恿 {def} SEE: 慫恿 ::
{def} /sǒng/ :: [obsolete] to fear
{def} /sǒng/ :: used in 慫恿
{def} /sóng/ :: alternative form of
慫逼 {adj} [slang] /sǒngbī/ :: weak; insipid; not strong
慫恿 {v} /sǒngyǒng/ :: to instigate; to incite; to provoke
慫慂 {def} SEE: 慫恿 ::
楤木 {n} /sǒngmù/ :: Chinese angelica tree (Aralia chinensis)
{def} SEE: ::
耸动 {def} SEE: 聳動 ::
耸肩 {def} SEE: 聳肩 ::
耸立 {def} SEE: 聳立 ::
耸人听闻 {def} SEE: 聳人聽聞 ::
耸势 {def} SEE: 聳勢 ::
耸峙 {def} SEE: 聳峙 ::
{def} /sǒng/ :: [obsolete] deaf
{def} /sǒng/ :: urge on
{def} /sǒng/ :: rise up; raise up
{def} /sǒng/ :: erect
{def} /sǒng/ :: to reward
{def} /sǒng/ :: to scare; to frighten
{def} /sǒng/ :: lofty
聳動 {v} /sǒngdòng/ :: to raise (one's shoulders); to shrug
聳動 {v} /sǒngdòng/ :: to stir up; to rouse
聳肩 {v} /sǒngjiān/ :: to shrug one's shoulders
聳立 {v} /sǒnglì/ :: to stand aloft; to tower; to soar upward
聳人聽聞 {idiom} /sǒngréntīngwén/ :: deliberately exaggerating so as to create a sensation
聳峙 {v} /sǒngzhì/ :: to stand aloft; to tower; to soar upward
{def} /sǒng/ :: to use a riding whip to keep a horse walking fast
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /sòng/ :: (~ 朝) A former dynasty in China, reigning from the end of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms to the beginning of the Yuan
{def} /sòng/ :: (former empire), occupying the eastern half of modern China
{def} /sòng/ :: The era of Chinese history during which the dynasty reigned
{def} /sòng/ :: surname, listed 118th in the Baijiaxing
{def} /sòng/ :: (former duchy/and/kingdom), occupying an area southeast of the Yellow River during the Warring States period
{def} /sòng/ :: A Chinese constellation, considered a part of the Left Wall of the Heavenly Market Enclosure
宋埠 {prop} /Sòngbù,Sòngfù,2nb/ :: (~ 鎮) 宋埠 (town)
宋陈 {def} SEE: 宋陳 ::
宋詞 {n} /Sòngcí/ :: ci of the Song dynasty
宋词 {def} SEE: 宋詞 ::
宋代 {prop} /Sòngdài/ :: the Song dynasty (960-1279) (960-1279)
宋干節 {n} /sònggānjié/ :: Songkran Festival
宋干节 {def} SEE: 宋干節 ::
宋卡 {prop} /Sòngkǎ/ :: 宋卡 (city)
宋洛 {prop} /Sòngluò/ :: (~ 鄉) 宋洛 (township)
宋洛 {prop} /Sòngluò/ :: (~ 社區) 宋洛 (residential community)
宋洛 {prop} /Sòngluò/ :: (~ 村) 宋洛 (village)
宋明理学 {def} SEE: 宋明理學 ::
宋明理學 {prop} [philosophy] /Sòng-Míng Lǐxué/ :: Neo-Confucianism
宋內志賀菌 {n} /Sòngnèi zhìhè菌/ :: Shigella sonnei
宋内志贺菌 {def} SEE: 宋內志賀菌 ::
宋平 {prop} [historical] /Sòngpíng/ :: Songping; Tong Binh (former imperial Chinese and Vietnamese settlement located within present-day Hanoi, Vietnam)
宋坡 {prop} /Sòngpō/ :: (~ 村) 宋坡 (village)
宋儒 {n} /sòngrú/ :: Neo-Confucianists of the Song dynasty (as typified by the Cheng–Zhu school)
宋体 {def} SEE: 宋體 ::
宋体字 {def} SEE: 宋體字 ::
宋體 {n} /sòngtǐ/ :: Song typeface; Chinese serif typeface
宋體字 {n} /sòngtǐzì/ :: Song typeface character [style]
宋音 {n} /sòngyīn/ :: Japanese approximation of Chinese character pronunciations during the Song dynasty
宋元 {prop} /Sòng-Yuán/ :: the Song (960–1279) and Yuan dynasties (1271–1368)
宋朝 {prop} /Sòngcháo/ :: the Song dynasty
宋州 {prop} [historical] /Sòngzhōu/ :: Songzhou, a short-lived prefecture of Tang China in present-day northern Vietnam
{def} /sòng/ :: to accuse
{def} /sòng/ :: to argue; to dispute
{def} /sòng/ :: to litigate
{def} /sòng/ :: sixth hexagram of the I Ching
訟棍 {n} [derogatory] /sònggùn/ :: pettifogger; barrator
訟事 {n} [legal] /sòngshì/ :: lawsuit
{def} /sòng/ :: to read aloud
{def} /sòng/ :: to recount
{def} /sòng/ :: to recite; to chant
誦讀 {v} /sòngdú/ :: to read aloud; to chant
誦習 {v} [literary] /sòngxí/ :: to study by reading out aloud
{def} SEE: ::
讼棍 {def} SEE: 訟棍 ::
讼事 {def} SEE: 訟事 ::
{def} SEE: ::
诵读 {def} SEE: 誦讀 ::
诵习 {def} SEE: 誦習 ::
{def} /sòng/ :: to see someone off
{def} /sòng/ :: to send; to dispatch; to deliver
{def} /sòng/ :: to give; to offer; to gift
{def} /sòng/ :: to lose; to sacrifice
送办 {def} SEE: 送辦 ::
送辦 {v} [Taiwan] /sòngbàn/ :: to be subjected to a police investigation
送報 {v} /sòngbào/ :: to deliver newspapers
送報員 {n} /sòngbàoyuán/ :: newsboy
送報員 {n} /sòngbàoyuán/ :: messenger
送报 {def} SEE: 送報 ::
送报员 {def} SEE: 送報員 ::
送別 {v} /sòngbié/ :: to see someone off; to farewell
送別 {v} /sòngbié/ :: to pay one's last respects; to attend a burial
送别 {def} SEE: 送別 ::
送餐 {v} /sòngcān/ :: to deliver a meal
送分題 {n} [colloquial] /sòngfēntí/ :: very easy question (in a test)
送分题 {def} SEE: 送分題 ::
送还 {def} SEE: 送還 ::
送還 {v} [literary] /sònghuán/ :: to return something
送行 {v} /sòngxíng/ :: to see off
送行 {v} /sòngxíng/ :: to give a farewell dinner
送話器 {n} /sònghuàqì/ :: telephone transmitter
送话器 {def} SEE: 送話器 ::
送貨 {v} /sònghuò/ :: to deliver goods
送貨 {n} /sònghuò/ :: (~ 卦) The combination 三上二中一下 in the Lingqijing
送货 {def} SEE: 送貨 ::
送机 {def} SEE: 送機 ::
送機 {v} /sòngjī/ :: to take someone to the airport; to see someone off at the airport
送假名 {n} /sòngjiǎmíng/ :: okurigana (kana written after kanji)
送嫁妈 {def} SEE: 送嫁媽 ::
送交 {v} /sòngjiāo/ :: to hand over; to deliver; to give over
送酒 {v} [archaic] /sòngjiǔ/ :: to offer wine (to a guest)
送君千里,終須一別 {proverb} /sòng jūn qiān lǐ, zhōng xū 一 bié/ :: It is time for us to part company
送君千里,终须一别 {def} SEE: 送君千里,終須一別 ::
送礼 {def} SEE: 送禮 ::
送禮 {v} /sònglǐ/ :: to give a gift
送命 {v} /sòngmìng/ :: to lose one's life; to get killed; to go to one's doom
送命題 {n} [colloquial] /sòngmìngtí/ :: brutal question
送命题 {def} SEE: 送命題 ::
送气 {def} SEE: 送氣 ::
送气音 {def} SEE: 送氣音 ::
送氣 {v} [phonetics] /sòngqì,er/ :: to aspirate
送氣 {adj} [phonetics] /sòngqì,er/ :: aspirated
送氣音 {n} [phonetics] /sòngqìyīn/ :: aspirated sound; aspirate
送情 {v} [literary] /sòngqíng/ :: to cast a longing glance; to exchange flirtatious glances
送秋波 {v} [of a woman] /sòngqiūbō,er/ :: to make eyes at a man; to cast coquettish glances at someone
送秋波 {v} /sòngqiūbō,er/ :: to wink at someone; to signal that one is approachable
送人 {v} /sòngrén/ :: to send somebody off; to see somebody off
送人 {v} /sòngrén/ :: to give away (something) to other people
送上門 {v} /sòngshàngmén,er/ :: to deliver to the door
送上門 {v} [figurative] /sòngshàngmén,er/ :: to land in one's lap; to be obtained without effort
送上门 {def} SEE: 送上門 ::
送书 {def} SEE: 送書 ::
送書 {v} [archaic] /sòngshū/ :: to send a letter
送死 {v} /sòngsǐ/ :: to court death
送死 {v} [archaic] /sòngsǐ/ :: to arrange the funeral of one's parents
送温暖 {def} SEE: 送溫暖 ::
送溫暖 {v} [officialese] /sòng wēnnuǎn/ :: to send help (to the needy); to provide assistance (to those in financial difficulty)
送溫暖 {v} [euphemistic, ironic, slang, of the police] /sòng wēnnuǎn/ :: to pay a visit (to someone) at their house
送瘟神 {v} /sòngwēnshén/ :: to get rid of somebody or something undesirable
送信 {v} /sòngxìn,er/ :: to send word
送信 {v} /sòngxìn,er/ :: to deliver a letter
送驗 {v} /sòngyàn/ :: to send for testing
送医 {def} SEE: 送醫 ::
送醫 {v} /sòngyī/ :: to be taken to hospital or medical centre; to send to hospital
送院 {v} /sòngyuàn/ :: to send to hospital; to be sent to hospital
送葬 {v} /sòngzàng/ :: to attend a burial; to take part in a funeral procession
送中 {v} /sòngzhōng/ :: to extradite to mainland China
送終 {v} /sòngzhōng/ :: to attend upon a dying senior family member, or arrange and attend someone's funeral to pay one's last respects
送终 {def} SEE: 送終 ::
{def} /sòng/ :: to laud, acclaim
{def} /sòng/ :: hymn
{def} /sòng/ :: ode
頌詞 {n} /sòngcí/ :: eulogy, panegyric, ode
頌禱 {v} [literary] /sòngdǎo/ :: to praise and bless
頌禱 {n} /sòngdǎo/ :: prayer of praise; laud
頌歌 {n} /sònggē/ :: song; ode; carol
頌古非今 {idiom} /sònggǔfēijīn/ :: to eulogize the past and belittle the present
頌揚 {v} /sòngyáng/ :: to sing praises; to laud; to extol; to eulogize
頌讚 {v} /sòngzàn/ :: to extol; to praise
頌讚 {n} [literally, figuratively] /sòngzàn/ :: tribute (article, song, etc.)
頌贊 {def} SEE: 頌讚 ::
{def} SEE: ::
颂词 {def} SEE: 頌詞 ::
颂祷 {def} SEE: 頌禱 ::
颂歌 {def} SEE: 頌歌 ::
颂古非今 {def} SEE: 頌古非今 ::
颂扬 {def} SEE: 頌揚 ::
颂赞 {def} SEE: 頌讚 ::
{def} [Cantonese] /sòng/ :: a dish served to accompany rice or other staple food
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /sōu/ :: to collect
{def} /sōu/ :: to seek for
{def} /sōu/ :: to search; to seek
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /sōu/ :: spring hunt, alternative form of
搜捕 {v} /sōubǔ/ :: to seek and arrest; to begin the search (for a criminal)
搜查 {v} /sōuchá/ :: to search; to raid (in order to find evidence)
搜查證 {n} /sōucházhèng/ :: search warrant
搜查证 {def} SEE: 搜查證 ::
搜刮 {v} /sōuguā/ :: to extort; to plunder; to expropriate; to fleece
搜集 {def} SEE: 蒐集 ::
搜集 {v} /sōují/ :: to collect; to gather
搜救 {n} /sōujiù/ :: search and rescue
搜括 {def} SEE: 搜刮 ::
搜羅 {v} /sōuluó/ :: to seek and invite (men of ability, specialists, etc.)
搜羅 {v} /sōuluó/ :: to collect (rare stamps, antiques, etc.)
搜羅 {v} /sōuluó/ :: to scrape the bottom of the barrel (for money, materials, etc.)
搜罗 {def} SEE: 搜羅 ::
搜身 {v} /sōushēn/ :: to search a person; to make a body search; to frisk
搜索 {v} /sōusuǒ/ :: to search; to look for
搜索机 {def} SEE: 搜索機 ::
搜索機 {n} [computing] /sōusuǒjī/ :: search engine
搜索枯肠 {def} SEE: 搜索枯腸 ::
搜索枯腸 {idiom} /sōusuǒkūcháng/ :: to rack one's brain; to think extremely hard
搜索引擎 {n} [computing] /sōusuǒ yǐnqíng/ :: search engine
搜尋 {v} /sōuxún/ :: to search (for); to look for; to hunt for; to seek
搜尋引擎 {n} [computing] /sōuxún yǐnqíng/ :: search engine
搜寻 {def} SEE: 搜尋 ::
搜寻引擎 {def} SEE: 搜尋引擎 ::
搜證 {def} SEE: 蒐證 ::
搜证 {def} SEE: 蒐證 ::
{def} /sōu/ :: only used in 獶獀
{def} /sōu/ :: alternative form of
{def} /sōu/ :: alternative form of
{def} /艘/ :: classifier for boats, ships, vessels
{def} /艘/ :: ship
{def} /sōu/ :: madder
{def} /sōu/ :: hunt in spring or autumn
{def} /sōu/ :: review troops
{def} /sōu/ :: conceal
{def} /sōu/ :: gather
{def} /sōu/ :: seek, alternative form of
蒐集 {v} /sōují/ :: to gather; to collect
蒐狩 {n} [literary] /sōushòu/ :: hunting
蒐證 {v} /sōuzhèng/ :: to collect evidence
蒐证 {def} SEE: 蒐證 ::
{def} /sōu/ :: used in 蠼螋
{def} /sōu/ :: only in 鄋瞞
鄋瞒 {def} SEE: 鄋瞞 ::
鄋瞞 {prop} [historical] /sōumán/ :: an ancient state during the Spring and Autumn period in modern-day Shandong
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /sōu/ :: sound of wind
{def} /sōu/ :: to blow (as of wind)
颼颼 {adv} /sōusōu/ :: Onomatopoeia for the rapid passage of wind
颼颼 {adv} /sōusōu/ :: Onomatopoeia for rain
颼颼 {adv} /sōusōu/ :: Onomatopoeia for the sound of rapid movement
{def} SEE: ::
飕声 {def} SEE: 颼聲 ::
飕飕 {def} SEE: 颼颼 ::
餿臭 {adj} /sōuchòu/ :: reeking; putrid
餿主意 {n} [idiomatic] /sōuzhǔyì,sōuzhúyì,tl/ :: weird, unreliable and often somewhat amusing advice or suggestion; lousy idea
{def} SEE: 餿 ::
馊臭 {def} SEE: 餿臭 ::
馊主意 {def} SEE: 餿主意 ::
{def} /sōu/ :: [obsolete] a very large horse
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /sōu,sǒu/ :: big and tall (said of a horse)
{def} /sōu,sǒu/ :: (same as ) a walking horse
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /sōu,sǒu/ :: to use a riding whip to keep a horse walking fast
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /sǒu/ :: [obsolete] old man; old gentleman
{def} /sǒu/ :: [obsolete] [honorific] Term of address for an elderly man: sir
嗾使 {v} /sǒushǐ/ :: to prompt (someone to do something bad); to incite; to instigate
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /sǒu/ :: blind person
{def} SEE: ::
薮猫 {def} SEE: 藪貓 ::
薮犬 {def} SEE: 藪犬 ::
薮泽 {def} SEE: 藪澤 ::
{def} /sǒu/ :: shallow lake overgrown with wild plants
{def} /sǒu/ :: gathering place
藪貓 {n} /sǒumāo/ :: serval (Leptailurus serval, species of wild cat found in Africa)
藪貓 {n} /sǒumāo/ :: (~ 屬) Leptailurus
藪犬 {n} /sǒuquǎn/ :: bush dog
藪澤 {n} /sǒuzé/ :: lake or marsh overgrown with aquatic plants
藪澤 {n} /sǒuzé/ :: place where people and things gather
{def} /sòu,shù,sù/ :: to cough
{def} /sòu/ :: to cough
{def} /sòu/ :: to expectorate
{def} /sū/ :: only used in 嚕囌
{def} /sū/ :: to revive; to resuscitate; to regain consciousness
甦醒 {v} /sūxǐng/ :: to wake up; to regain consciousness; to come to; to awaken
甦醒 {v} /sūxǐng/ :: to recover; to revive
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /sū/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /sū/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /sū/ :: used in transcriptions of foreign words
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
苏阿糖 {def} SEE: 蘇阿糖 ::
苏氨酸 {def} SEE: 蘇氨酸 ::
苏胺酸 {def} SEE: 蘇胺酸 ::
苏澳 {def} SEE: 蘇澳 ::
苏北 {def} SEE: 蘇北 ::
苏北人 {def} SEE: 蘇北人 ::
苏必利尔湖 {def} SEE: 蘇必利爾湖 ::
苏波呵 {def} SEE: 蘇波呵 ::
苏菜 {def} SEE: 蘇菜 ::
苏打 {def} SEE: 蘇打 ::
苏打粉 {def} SEE: 蘇打粉 ::
苏打水 {def} SEE: 蘇打水 ::
苏大 {def} SEE: 蘇大 ::
苏丹 {def} SEE: 蘇丹 ::
苏丹红 {def} SEE: 蘇丹紅 ::
苏笛 {def} SEE: 蘇笛 ::
苏东 {def} SEE: 蘇東 ::
苏独 {def} SEE: 蘇獨 ::
苏俄 {def} SEE: 蘇俄 ::
苏尔奈 {def} SEE: 蘇爾奈 ::
苏枋 {def} SEE: 蘇枋 ::
苏枋木 {def} SEE: 蘇枋木 ::
苏菲 {def} SEE: 蘇菲 ::
苏菲派 {def} SEE: 蘇菲派 ::
苏非 {def} SEE: 蘇非 ::
苏非主义 {def} SEE: 蘇非主義 ::
苏格拉底 {def} SEE: 蘇格拉底 ::
苏格兰 {def} SEE: 蘇格蘭 ::
苏格兰场 {def} SEE: 蘇格蘭場 ::
苏格兰盖尔语 {def} SEE: 蘇格蘭蓋爾語 ::
苏格兰裙 {def} SEE: 蘇格蘭裙 ::
苏格兰人 {def} SEE: 蘇格蘭人 ::
苏格兰王国 {def} SEE: 蘇格蘭王國 ::
苏格兰英语 {def} SEE: 蘇格蘭英語 ::
苏梗 {def} SEE: 蘇梗 ::
苏共 {def} SEE: 蘇共 ::
苏古 {def} SEE: 蘇古 ::
苏古笃 {def} SEE: 蘇古篤 ::
苏杭 {def} SEE: 蘇杭 ::
苏合香 {def} SEE: 蘇合香 ::
苏活 {def} SEE: 蘇活 ::
苏家垱 {def} SEE: 蘇家壋 ::
苏军 {def} SEE: 蘇軍 ::
苏拉 {def} SEE: 蘇拉 ::
苏拉特 {def} SEE: 蘇拉特 ::
苏拉威西 {def} SEE: 蘇拉威西 ::
苏黎世 {def} SEE: 蘇黎世 ::
苏黎士 {def} SEE: 蘇黎士 ::
苏里南 {def} SEE: 蘇里南 ::
苏利南 {def} SEE: 蘇利南 ::
苏力菌 {def} SEE: 蘇力菌 ::
苏联 {def} SEE: 蘇聯 ::
苏联文 {def} SEE: 蘇聯文 ::
苏联语 {def} SEE: 蘇聯語 ::
苏锣 {def} SEE: 蘇鑼 ::
苏梅 {def} SEE: 蘇梅 ::
苏梅酱 {def} SEE: 蘇梅醬 ::
苏美尔 {def} SEE: 蘇美爾 ::
苏美尔语 {def} SEE: 蘇美爾語 ::
苏门答腊 {def} SEE: 蘇門答臘 ::
苏木 {def} SEE: 蘇木 ::
苏木精 {def} SEE: 蘇木精 ::
苏南 {def} SEE: 蘇南 ::
苏区 {def} SEE: 蘇區 ::
苏珊娜 {def} SEE: 蘇珊娜 ::
苏糖 {def} SEE: 蘇糖 ::
苏铁 {def} SEE: 蘇鐵 ::
苏瓦 {def} SEE: 蘇瓦 ::
苏维埃 {def} SEE: 蘇維埃 ::
苏维埃联盟 {def} SEE: 蘇維埃聯盟 ::
苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟 {def} SEE: 蘇維埃社會主義共和國聯盟 ::
苏我 {def} SEE: 蘇我 ::
苏虾 {def} SEE: 蘇蝦 ::
苏虾仔 {def} SEE: 蘇蝦仔 ::
苏醒 {def} SEE: 蘇醒 ::
苏叶 {def} SEE: 蘇葉 ::
苏伊士 {def} SEE: 蘇伊士 ::
苏伊士运河 {def} SEE: 蘇伊士運河 ::
苏衣糖 {def} SEE: 蘇衣糖 ::
苏州 {def} SEE: 蘇州 ::
苏州过后冇艇搭 {def} SEE: 蘇州過後冇艇搭 ::
苏州过后无艇搭 {def} SEE: 蘇州過後冇艇搭 ::
苏州河 {def} SEE: 蘇州河 ::
苏州话 {def} SEE: 蘇州話 ::
苏州码子 {def} SEE: 蘇州碼子 ::
苏州屎 {def} SEE: 蘇州屎 ::
苏州闲话 {def} SEE: 蘇州閒話 ::
苏子 {def} SEE: 蘇子 ::
{def} /sū/ :: perilla (Perilla frutescens)
{def} /sū/ :: [obsolete] firewood
{def} /sū/ :: [obsolete] to reap grass
{def} /sū/ :: [obsolete] to take; to get
{def} /sū/ :: tassel
{def} /sū/ :: abbreviation of 江蘇
{def} /sū/ :: abbreviation of 蘇州
{def} /sū/ :: abbreviation of 蘇維埃
{def} /sū/ :: abbreviation of 蘇聯
{def} /sū/ :: abbreviation of 蘇格蘭
{def} /sū/ :: alternative form of
{def} /sū/ :: surname
{def} /Sū/ :: Sue (a diminutive of Susan and of related English female given names)
{def} /Sū/ :: [fandom slang, usually, derogatory] abbreviation of 瑪麗蘇
蘇阿糖 {n} /sū'ātáng/ :: alternative name for 蘇糖
蘇阿醣 {def} SEE: 蘇阿糖 ::
蘇氨酸 {n} [chiefly Mainland China, amino acid] /sū'ānsuān/ :: threonine
蘇胺酸 {n} [Taiwan, amino acid] /sū胺suān/ :: threonine
蘇澳 {prop} /Sū'ào/ :: (~ 鎮) 蘇澳 (urban township)
蘇澳 {prop} /Sū'ào/ :: (~ 鎮) 蘇澳 (town)
蘇北 {n} /Sūběi/ :: Northern Jiangsu
蘇北人 {n} /sūběirén/ :: person from Northern Jiangsu (traditionally discriminated against in other areas)
蘇必利爾湖 {prop} /Sūbìlì'ěr Hú/ :: Lake Superior
蘇波呵 {interj} /sūbōhē/ :: alternative form of 娑婆訶 [Buddhism, Hinduism] svaha (said during oblation)
蘇菜 {n} /sūcài/ :: Jiangsu cuisine
蘇打 {n} /sū打/ :: soda; sodium carbonate
蘇打粉 {n} /sū打fěn/ :: baking soda
蘇打水 {n} /sū打shuǐ/ :: soda water
蘇大 {prop} /Sūdà/ :: abbreviation of
蘇丹 {n} /sūdān/ :: sultan
蘇丹 {prop} /sūdān/ :: Sudan
蘇丹紅 {n} [organic compound] /sūdānhóng/ :: Sudan Red
蘇笛 {n} /sūdí/ :: Suzhou flute
蘇東 {n} [Malaysia, Singapore] /sūdōng/ :: cuttlefish (as well as similar animals, such as squid and octopus)
蘇東 {adj} [Malaysia, Singapore, figurative] /sūdōng/ :: muddled; confused; befuddled
蘇獨 {prop} /Sūdú/ :: Scottish independence movement
蘇俄 {prop} /Sū俄/ :: Soviet Russia
蘇爾奈 {n} /sū'ěrnài/ :: shawm; surnay (a musical instrument used in Xinjiang)
蘇枋 {n} /sūfāng/ :: (~ 木) sappanwood
蘇枋木 {n} /sūfāngmù/ :: sappanwood
蘇菲 {prop} /Sūfēi/ :: Sufi
蘇菲派 {prop} [Islam] /Sūfēipài/ :: Sufism
蘇非 {prop} /Sūfēi/ :: Sufi
蘇非主義 {prop} /Sūfēizhǔyì/ :: Sufism
蘇格拉底 {prop} /Sūgélādǐ/ :: Socrates (Ancient Greek philosopher and surname)
蘇格蘭 {prop} /Sūgélán/ :: Scotland
蘇格蘭場 {prop} /Sūgélán场/ :: Scotland Yard
蘇格蘭蓋爾語 {n} /sūgélángài'ěryǔ/ :: Scottish Gaelic
蘇格蘭裙 {n} /sūgélánqún/ :: kilt (a traditional Scottish garment)
蘇格蘭人 {n} /sūgélánrén/ :: Scot; Scottish person
蘇格蘭王國 {prop} /Sūgélán Wángguó/ :: Kingdom of Scotland
蘇格蘭英語 {n} /sūgélán yīngyǔ/ :: Scottish English (variety of English)
蘇梗 {n} /sūgěng/ :: stalk or stem of the Perilla (A substance used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat "wind-cold" symptoms.)
蘇共 {prop} /sūgòng/ :: Communist Party of the Soviet Union
蘇古 {n} [Singapore, Malaysia] /sūgǔ/ :: one quarter
蘇古篤 {n} [musical instrument] /sūgǔdǔ/ :: A traditional plucked lute of the Naxi people, originating from the huobusi (火不思)
蘇杭 {prop} /Sūháng/ :: Suhang (abbreviation for the region encompassing the eastern Chinese cities of Suzhou and Hangzhou)
蘇合香 {n} [TCM] /sūhéxiāng/ :: storax; the resinous exudate of the oriental sweetgum (Liquidambar orientalis)
蘇活 {prop} /Sūhuó/ :: Soho
蘇家壋 {prop} /Sūjiādàng/ :: (~ 鄉) 蘇家壋 (township)
蘇軍 {n} /Sūjūn/ :: the Soviet Army
蘇拉 {n} [Manchu] /sūlā/ :: servant
蘇拉 {n} [Islam] /sūlā/ :: sura, surah (chapter of the Qur'an)
蘇拉特 {prop} /Sūlātè/ :: 蘇拉特 (large city)
蘇拉威西 {prop} /Sūlāwēixī/ :: (~ 島) Sulawesi
蘇黎世 {prop} /Sūlíshì/ :: 蘇黎世 (city)
蘇黎士 {prop} /Sūlíshì/ :: alternative name for 蘇黎世
蘇里南 {prop} [Mainland China] /Sūlǐnán/ :: 蘇里南 (country)
蘇利南 {prop} [Taiwan] /Sūlìnán/ :: Suriname
蘇力菌 {n} /sūlì菌/ :: Bacillus thuringiensis
蘇聯 {prop} /Sūlián/ :: Soviet Union; USSR
蘇聯 {prop} [by extension, colloquial] /Sūlián/ :: Russia (at any point of its history)
蘇聯文 {prop} [colloquial] /Sūliányǔwén/ :: Russian language; synonym of 蘇聯語 (official national federal language of the Soviet Union)
蘇聯文 {prop} [by restriction] /Sūliányǔwén/ :: written Russian
蘇聯語 {prop} [colloquial] /Sūliányǔ/ :: Russian language (official national federal language of the Soviet Union)
蘇聯語 {prop} [by restriction] /Sūliányǔ/ :: spoken Russian
蘇鑼 {n} [musical instrument] /sūluó/ :: a Chinese gong originating in the area of Suzhou
蘇梅 {prop} /Sūméi/ :: (~ 島) 蘇梅 (island)
蘇梅醬 {n} /sūméijiàng/ :: plum sauce
蘇美爾 {prop} /Sūměi'ěr/ :: Sumer
蘇美爾語 {n} /sūměi'ěryǔ/ :: Sumerian (language spoken in ancient Sumer)
蘇門答臘 {prop} /Sūméndálà/ :: (~ 島) Sumatra, the largest island of Indonesia
蘇木 {n} /sūmù/ :: abbreviation of 蘇枋木
蘇木 {n} /sūmù/ :: Sum (country subdivision) (level of administrative division in Mongolia, Russia and China)
蘇木精 {n} [organic chemistry] /sūmùjīng/ :: hematoxylin
蘇南 {n} /Sūnán/ :: Sunan, a subregion of the Jiangnan region of China, comprising the portion of Jiangsu province including the cities of Wuxi, Suzhou, and Changzhou
蘇區 {n} [historical] /sūqū/ :: Soviet area
蘇珊娜 {prop} /Sūshānnà/ :: Susannah (English name)
蘇葉 {n} /sūyè/ :: Leaf of the Perilla (An herb used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat "wind-cold" symptoms.)
蘇糖 {n} [carbohydrate] /sūtáng/ :: threose
蘇醣 {def} SEE: 蘇糖 ::
蘇鐵 {n} /sūtiě/ :: sago palm (Cycas revoluta)​
蘇瓦 {prop} /Sūwǎ/ :: 蘇瓦 (city/capital city)
蘇維埃 {n} /sūwéi'āi/ :: Soviet (council)
蘇維埃聯盟 {prop} /Sūwéi'āi Liánméng/ :: Soviet Union (USSR)
蘇維埃社會主義共和國聯盟 {prop} /Sūwéi'āi Shèhuìzhǔyì Gònghéguó Liánméng/ :: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (the Soviet Union, 1922-1991)
蘇我 {prop} [historical] /Sūwǒ/ :: Soga (a Japanese surname)
蘇醒 {def} SEE: 甦醒 ::
蘇伊士 {prop} /Sūyīshì/ :: Suez
蘇伊士運河 {prop} /Sūyīshì yùnhé/ :: Suez Canal
蘇衣糖 {n} /sūyītáng/ :: alternative name for 蘇糖
蘇衣醣 {def} SEE: 蘇衣糖 ::
蘇州 {prop} /Sūzhōu/ :: (~ 市) 蘇州 (prefecture-level city)
蘇州 {prop} [historical] /Sūzhōu/ :: 蘇州 (a <<former>> imperial <<prefecture>> in modern <

>, <<c/China>>, surrounding the city)

蘇州過後無艇搭 {def} SEE: 蘇州過後冇艇搭 ::
蘇州河 {prop} /Sūzhōu Hé/ :: Wusong River; Suzhou Creek (river in China)
蘇州話 {n} /sūzhōuhuà/ :: Suzhounese, the Wu dialect spoken around the city of Suzhou in China
蘇州碼子 {n} /Sūzhōu mǎzi/ :: Suzhou numeral
蘇州閑話 {def} SEE: 蘇州閒話 ::
蘇子 {n} /sūzi/ :: Seed of the Perilla (An herb used in traditional Chinese medicine.)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [archaic] /sū/ :: butter
{def} /sū/ :: [obsolete] alcohol
{def} /sū/ :: flaky pastry; shortbread
{def} /sū/ :: crispy; flaky
{def} /sū/ :: weak; limp
{def} /sū/ :: soft; satiny
酥镖 {def} SEE: 酥鏢 ::
酥餅 {n} /sūbǐng/ :: crispy cookie
酥饼 {def} SEE: 酥餅 ::
酥脆 {adj} /sūcuì/ :: crunchy; crispy
酥皮 {n} /sūpí/ :: flaky pastry
酥皮 {n} /sūpí/ :: puff pastry
酥皮鴨 {n} [literally] /sūpíyā/ :: crispy skin duck
酥皮鴨 {n} /sūpíyā/ :: a kind of hybrid Echeveria plant, often quoted as “Echeveria supia
酥皮鸭 {def} SEE: 酥皮鴨 ::
酥軟 {adj} [of a limb, food, etc.] /sūruǎn/ :: weak; limp; soft
酥软 {def} SEE: 酥軟 ::
酥烧 {def} SEE: 酥燒 ::
酥胸 {n} [formal, poetic] /sūxiōng/ :: soft, white and smooth breasts (of a woman)
酥油 {n} /sūyóu/ :: butter, especially yak butter in Tibetan or Mongolian culture; ghee
酥油茶 {n} /sūyóuchá/ :: butter tea (Tibetan or Mongolian drink)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /sú/ :: vulgar; unrefined; common; popular; vernacular
{def} [Hokkien] /sú/ :: cheap; inexpensive
{def} /sú/ :: custom; practice; habit
{def} [Buddhism] /sú/ :: those of the secular world; non-monks
俗𮮆 {def} SEE: 俗麭 ::
俗不可耐 {idiom} /sú不kěnài/ :: unbearably vulgar
俗塵 {n} [literary] /súchén/ :: affairs of the secular masses
俗尘 {def} SEE: 俗塵 ::
俗称 {def} SEE: 俗稱 ::
俗稱 {v} /súchēng/ :: to be commonly known as
俗稱 {n} /súchēng/ :: ordinary name; popular name; common name
俗骨 {n} [literary] /súgǔ/ :: mortal endowments
俗骨 {n} [literary, figurative] /súgǔ/ :: mortal
俗骨 {n} [literary] /súgǔ/ :: vulgar disposition; distasteful temperament
俗話 {n} /súhuà,er/ :: common saying; proverb
俗話說 {phrase} /súhuàshuō/ :: as the saying goes
俗话 {def} SEE: 俗話 ::
俗话说 {def} SEE: 俗話說 ::
俗家 {n} [Buddhism, used by a monk or a nun] /sújiā/ :: my parents' home
俗家 {n} /sújiā/ :: layperson; layman
俗見 {n} /sújiàn/ :: laymen's opinion
俗见 {def} SEE: 俗見 ::
俗辣 {n} [Taiwan Mandarin] /súlà/ :: coward
俗乐 {def} SEE: 俗樂 ::
俗樂 {n} [music] /súyuè/ :: folk music; popular music
俗例 {n} /súlì/ :: custom; cultural practice; tradition
俗例 {n} /súlì/ :: convention
俗吏 {n} [archaic] /súlì/ :: ordinary, crass or petty official
俗卖 {def} SEE: 俗賣 ::
俗賣 {v} [Taiwan] /súmài/ :: to sell at a very low price; to be discounted
俗名 {n} /súmíng/ :: popular name; local name; vernacular name
俗气 {def} SEE: 俗氣 ::
俗氣 {adj} /súqì,tl/ :: vulgar; in poor taste
俗曲 {n} [archaic] /súqǔ/ :: folk song
俗人 {n} /súrén/ :: vulgar person; philistine; person with poor taste
俗人 {n} /súrén/ :: ordinary person; worldling
俗人 {n} [Buddhism, Taoism] /súrén/ :: laity
俗尚 {n} /súshàng/ :: popular customs
俗世 {n} /súshì/ :: the common world; the vulgar world
俗世 {n} /súshì/ :: the secular world
俗套 {n} /sútào/ :: conventional pattern; convention
俗物 {n} /súwù/ :: vulgar thing; uncouth thing or person
俗艳 {def} SEE: 俗豔 ::
俗諺 {n} /súyàn/ :: proverb; popular saying
俗谚 {def} SEE: 俗諺 ::
俗豔 {adj} /súyàn/ :: gaudy
俗語 {n} /súyǔ/ :: folk saying; adage
俗语 {def} SEE: 俗語 ::
俗语话 {def} SEE: 俗語話 ::
俗子 {n} [literary] /súzǐ/ :: ordinary person
俗字 {n} /súzì/ :: Chinese character variant that is widespread but not orthodox
俗字譜 {n} [music] /súzìpǔ/ :: the "popular notation", a form of Gongche notation first appearing in the Song Dynasty
俗字谱 {def} SEE: 俗字譜 ::
{def} /sù/ :: only used in 傗㑉
{def} /sù/ :: only used in 㒔㑛
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /sù/ :: local government post in ancient times
{def} SEE: 宿 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [literary] /sù/ :: to face; to; towards
{def} [literary] /sù/ :: usual; ordinary
{def} /sù/ :: [obsolete] to observe; to abide by
{def} /sù/ :: only used in 傈僳
{def} [anatomy] /sù/ :: bird's crop
嗉囊 {n} [anatomy] /sùnáng/ :: crop; craw
嗉子 {n} /sùzi/ :: crop (of a bird)
嗉子 {n} [Beijing] /sùzi/ :: tin or porcelain alcohol flask with large bottom and thin and long neck
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /sù,suò,2nb/ :: to mould; to model
{def} /sù,suò,2nb/ :: plastic
塑化剂 {def} SEE: 塑化劑 ::
塑化劑 {n} /sùhuàjì/ :: plasticiser
塑建 {v} /sùjiàn/ :: to build; to construct
塑胶 {def} SEE: 塑膠 ::
塑胶袋 {def} SEE: 塑膠袋 ::
塑胶袋仔 {def} SEE: 塑膠袋仔 ::
塑胶络仔 {def} SEE: 塑膠絡仔 ::
塑膠 {n} /sùjiāo/ :: synthetic resin; plastic cement [used as flooring material, etc.]
塑膠 {n} [regional, including, Taiwan, Guangdong, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore] /sùjiāo/ :: plastic (material)
塑膠 {v} [Taiwan, neologism, slang] /sùjiāo/ :: to ignore someone; to not pay attention to someone (as if he/she is made of plastic)
塑膠袋 {n} [chiefly Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore] /sùjiāodài/ :: plastic bag
塑料 {n} /sùliào,suòliào,2nb/ :: plastic (material)
塑料 {adj} [figuratively] /sùliào,suòliào,2nb/ :: poor-quality; substandard; mediocre
塑料 {adj} [figuratively] /sùliào,suòliào,2nb/ :: fake; insincere
塑料布 {n} /sùliàobù/ :: plastic cloth; plastic sheet
塑料袋 {n} /sùliàodài,suòliàodài,2nb/ :: plastic bag
塑料花 {n} /sùliàohuā/ :: plastic flower
塑料姐妹花 {n} [neologism, slang] /sùliào jiěmèihuā/ :: women who claim to be BFFs but actually do not act in the best interest of each other
塑料普通話 {n} [regional] /sùliào pǔtōnghuà/ :: substandard Mandarin, particularly that spoken in Hunan province
塑料普通话 {def} SEE: 塑料普通話 ::
塑身 {v} /sùshēn/ :: to achieve a slimmer, more toned and contoured physical appearance
塑身 {n} /sùshēn/ :: body contouring; body sculpting
塑身衣 {n} /sùshēnyī/ :: shapewear
塑像 {v} /sùxiàng/ :: to mold a statue
塑像 {n} /sùxiàng/ :: statue
塑性 {n} [physics] /sùxìng/ :: plasticity
塑造 {v} [literally] /sùzào/ :: to model; to mold (a statue)
塑造 {v} [figuratively] /sùzào/ :: to portray (the image of); to create
{def} /sù/ :: early morning
{def} /sù/ :: early
{def} /sù/ :: old; past
{def} /sù/ :: since old days
夙昔 {n} [literary] /sù昔/ :: eve; the night before
夙昔 {n} [literary] /sù昔/ :: former times; the olden days
夙昔 {n} [literary] /sù昔/ :: morning and night; day and night; all the time
夙兴夜寐 {def} SEE: 夙興夜寐 ::
夙興夜寐 {idiom} /sùxīngyèmèi/ :: to work hard night and day; to burn the candle at both ends
夙夜 {n} /sùyè/ :: morning and night; day and night
夙夜 {adv} /sùyè/ :: always; all the time
夙夜在公 {idiom} /sùyèzàigōng/ :: attentively carry out official business at all times
夙緣 {n} [literary] /sùyuán/ :: fate inherited from a previous incarnation
夙缘 {def} SEE: 夙緣 ::
夙怨 {def} SEE: 宿怨 ::
夙愿 {def} SEE: 宿願 ::
夙願 {def} SEE: 宿願 ::
夙志 {n} /sùzhì/ :: long-standing ambition
宿 {def} /sù,xiǔ/ :: to stay overnight; to lodge
宿 {def} /sù,xiǔ/ :: to reside; to live; to dwell
宿 {def} /sù,xiǔ/ :: lodge; lodging station; residence
宿 {def} /sù,xiǔ/ :: perching bird; resting bird
宿 {def} /sù,xiǔ/ :: to keep watch at night; to be on night duty
宿 {def} /sù,xiǔ/ :: night; nighttime
宿 {def} /sù,xiǔ/ :: classifier for the number of nights
宿 {def} /sù,xiǔ/ :: to be content with
宿 {def} /sù,xiǔ/ :: to stay; to stay behind; to delay; to stop over; to be stationed
宿 {def} /sù,xiǔ/ :: (from) last night; the previous night; overnight
宿 {def} /sù,xiǔ/ :: (from) last year; spanning two years
宿 {def} /sù,xiǔ/ :: the past; former times
宿 {def} /sù,xiǔ/ :: old; longstanding
宿 {def} /sù,xiǔ/ :: big; great; considerable
宿 {def} /sù,xiǔ/ :: old and experienced; skilful; master
宿 {def} /sù,xiǔ/ :: renowned person; someone of high standing
宿 {def} /sù,xiǔ/ :: alternative form of
宿 {def} /sù,xiǔ/ :: predestined; preordained
宿 {def} /sù,xiǔ/ :: in advance; beforehand
宿 {def} /sù,xiǔ/ :: alternative form of
宿 {def} /sù,xiǔ/ :: alternative form of
宿 {def} /sù,xiǔ/ :: alternative form of
宿 {def} /sù,xiǔ/ :: (~ 國) [historical] The name of an ancient state located in modern-day Dongping County in Shandong province
宿 {def} /sù,xiǔ/ :: (~ 州) [historical] The name of an ancient prefecture during the Tang dynasty, located in modern-day Suzhou city in Anhui province
宿 {def} /sù,xiǔ/ :: (~ 縣) [historical] The name of an abolished county, now the Suzhou city in Anhui province
宿 {def} /sù,xiǔ/ :: abbreviation of 宿州
宿 {def} /sù,xiǔ/ :: surname
宿 {def} [Chinese astronomy] /xiù/ :: constellation; “Twenty-Eight Mansions” of the zodiac
宿 {def} /sù/ :: only used in 宿宿
宿 {def} /Qī/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
宿便 {n} [medicine] /sùbiàn/ :: impacted stool
宿敌 {def} SEE: 宿敵 ::
宿敵 {n} /sùdí/ :: old enemy
宿疾 {n} /sùjí/ :: chronic ailment
宿疾 {n} /sùjí/ :: persistent malpractice
宿将 {def} SEE: 宿將 ::
宿將 {n} /sùjiàng/ :: veteran general
宿毛 {prop} /Sùmáo/ :: (~ 市) 宿毛 (city)
宿命 {n} [Buddhism] /sùmìng/ :: destiny; fate; fatality; karma
宿命論 {n} /sùmìnglùn/ :: fatalism; predestination
宿命论 {def} SEE: 宿命論 ::
宿迁 {def} SEE: 宿遷 ::
宿遷 {prop} /Sùqiān/ :: (~ 市) 宿遷 (prefecture-level city)
宿舍 {n} /sùshè/ :: dormitory; living quarters (Classifier: 間)
宿舍楼 {def} SEE: 宿舍樓 ::
宿舍樓 {prop} /sùshèlóu/ :: dormitory building
宿生 {n} /sùshēng/ :: resident of a hall (at a university)
宿宿 {v} [obsolete] /sùsù/ :: to stay for two nights
宿宿 {adj} [obsolete] /sùsù/ :: walking slowly in small steps
宿題 {n} /sùtí/ :: homework; assignment
宿题 {def} SEE: 宿題 ::
宿务 {def} SEE: 宿務 ::
宿務 {prop} /Sùwù/ :: (~ 省) 宿務 (province)
宿務 {prop} /Sùwù/ :: (~ 市) 宿務 (city)
宿雾 {def} SEE: 宿霧 ::
宿雾语 {def} SEE: 宿霧語 ::
宿霧 {prop} /Sùwù/ :: (~ 省) 宿霧 (province)
宿霧 {prop} /Sùwù/ :: (~ 市) 宿霧 (city)
宿霧語 {n} /Sùwùyǔ/ :: the Cebuano language
宿營 {v} /sùyíng/ :: to camp, to lodge
宿營 {n} /sùyíng/ :: camp
宿營地 {n} /sùyíngdì/ :: campsite
宿营 {def} SEE: 宿營 ::
宿营地 {def} SEE: 宿營地 ::
宿緣 {n} [Buddhism] /sùyuán/ :: predestined cause; preordained relationship
宿缘 {def} SEE: 宿緣 ::
宿怨 {n} /sùyuàn/ :: grudges; old scores
宿愿 {def} SEE: 宿願 ::
宿願 {n} /sùyuàn/ :: long-cherished wish
宿志 {def} SEE: 夙志 ::
宿州 {prop} /Sùzhōu/ :: (~ 市) 宿州 (prefecture-level city)
宿主 {n} [biology] /sùzhǔ/ :: host
宿醉 {v} /sùzuì/ :: to have a hangover (from drinking)
{def} /sù/ :: guileless, sincere, honest
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /sè,sù,1nb/ :: [obsolete] fearful
{def} SEE: ::
泝源 {def} SEE: 溯源 ::
{def} /sù/ :: to go upstream; go against a current
{def} /sù/ :: to trace back; to recall
溯源 {v} /sùyuán/ :: to trace back to the source
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /sù/ :: appliance used to fetch (scoop up) water while in a boat
{def} /suò/ :: ancient name of Suohe River in Henan province
{def} /sù/ :: [obsolete] [of water] deep and clear
{def} /sù/ :: [obsolete] rapid; swift
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /sù/ :: surname
{def} /sù/ :: name of a river
{def} /sù/ :: [historical dictionaries] jade with defects
{def} /sù/ :: [historical dictionaries] jade carver; jade sculptor
{def} /sù/ :: surname
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /sù/ :: to flutter
{def} /sù/ :: Used in 簌簌
簌簌 {adj} [onomatopoeia, of leaves, snowflakes] /sùsù/ :: describes a rustling sound
簌簌 {adj} [ideophonic, of tears, snowflakes] /sùsù/ :: streaming down
簌簌 {adj} [ideophonic, of limbs of the body, fingers, etc.] /sùsù/ :: trembling
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /sù/ :: foxtail millet (Setaria italica)
{def} /sù/ :: grains in general
{def} [Cantonese] /sù/ :: abbreviation of *粟米
{def} [Min] /sù/ :: paddy; unhulled rice
{def} /sù/ :: surname
粟帛 {n} [literary] /sùbó/ :: grains and silks (daily necessities)
粟飯 {n} [literary] /sùfàn/ :: millet; foxtail millet (Setaria italica)
粟饭 {def} SEE: 粟飯 ::
粟粉 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /sùfěn/ :: cornflour; cornstarch
粟米 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /sùmǐ/ :: maize; corn
粟米 {n} [regional] /sùmǐ/ :: foxtail millet (Setaria italica)
粟米 {n} [literary] /sùmǐ/ :: grain; cereal
粟米 {n} /sùmǐ/ :: method used to calculate the amount of a trade
粟米片 {n} /sùmǐpiàn/ :: corn flakes
粟鸟 {def} SEE: 粟鳥 ::
粟鸟仔 {def} SEE: 粟鳥仔 ::
粟特 {prop} /Sùtè/ :: Sogdiana
粟特人 {n} /sùtèrén/ :: Sogdian person
粟仔鸟 {def} SEE: 粟仔鳥 ::
粟子 {n} [dialectal] /sùzi/ :: foxtail millet (plant or unhulled grain)
粟子 {n} [Jiangxi Hakka, Suzhou Wu] /sùzi/ :: sorghum
{def} /sù/ :: [obsolete] white silk
{def} /sù/ :: [obsolete] silk or paper used for writing
{def} /sù/ :: plain; white
{def} /sù/ :: vegetarian (food)
{def} /sù/ :: formerly
{def} /sù/ :: normally
{def} /sù/ :: element
{def} [mathematics] /sù/ :: prime
素不相識 {idiom} /sù不xiāng识/ :: to not know one another before; to be strangers to one another
素不相识 {def} SEE: 素不相識 ::
素材 {n} /sùcái/ :: source material (for works of art, literature, etc.)
素菜 {n} /sùcài/ :: vegetable dish; vegetarian dish
素菜館 {n} /sùcàiguǎn/ :: vegetarian restaurant
素菜馆 {def} SEE: 素菜館 ::
素餐 {v} [literary] /sùcān/ :: to eat without working
素餐 {v} /sùcān/ :: to maintain a vegetarian diet
素餐 {n} /sùcān/ :: vegetarian foods (Classifier: m:頓)
素常 {adv} [literary] /sùcháng/ :: usually; habitually; ordinarily
素常时 {def} SEE: 素常時 ::
素淡 {adj} [of colour] /sùdàn/ :: plain and tasteful; elegant
素淡 {adj} [of food] /sùdàn/ :: light; mild; not greasy or strongly flavoured
素服 {n} /sùfú/ :: plain white clothes (especially as mourning apparel)
素雞 {n} /sùjī/ :: imitation chicken (made from beancurd)
素鸡 {def} SEE: 素雞 ::
素净 {def} SEE: 素淨 ::
素淨 {adj} /sùjing,sùjìng,1nb/ :: plain and neat; quiet
素可泰 {prop} /Sùkětài/ :: (~ 府) 素可泰 (province)
素可泰 {prop} /Sùkětài/ :: (~ 市) 素可泰 (city)
素可泰 {prop} /Sùkětài/ :: (~ 王國) [historical] 素可泰 (kingdom)
素來 {adv} [literary] /sùlái/ :: usually; always
素来 {def} SEE: 素來 ::
素里 {prop} /Sùlǐ/ :: (~ 市) Surrey
素面 {n} /sùmiàn/ :: face without makeup; unadorned face
素面朝天 {idiom} [literary, historical] /sùmiàncháotiān/ :: to present oneself to the emperor without any makeup
素面朝天 {idiom} [figurative, of a woman] /sùmiàncháotiān/ :: to wear no makeup; to show one's natural features; to present oneself just as one is
素描 {n} /sùmiáo/ :: sketch
素描 {v} /sùmiáo/ :: to sketch
素描本 {n} /sùmiáoběn/ :: sketchbook; visual diary
素女 {prop} /Sùnǚ/ :: "Plain Girl," a goddess from Chinese mythology, supposedly contemporaneous with the Yellow Emperor
素女 {prop} /Sùnǚ/ :: Chang'e
素女 {prop} /Sùnǚ/ :: a mythical fairy maiden in the Milky Way galaxy
素朴 {def} SEE: 素樸 ::
素樸 {adj} /sù朴/ :: simple and unadorned; plain and simple
素樸 {adj} /sù朴/ :: rudimentary; unsophisticated; undeveloped
素人 {n} /sùrén/ :: commoner; layman; amateur
素日 {adv} [literary] /sùrì/ :: usually; generally
素日 {n} [literary] /sùrì/ :: days past; long ago
素日 {n} [literary] /sùrì/ :: sun; bright sun
素色 {n} /sùsè/ :: white (colour)
素食 {n} /sùshí/ :: vegetarian foods
素食 {v} /sùshí/ :: to maintain a vegetarian diet
素食者 {n} /sùshízhě/ :: vegetarian
素食主义 {def} SEE: 素食主義 ::
素食主义者 {def} SEE: 素食主義者 ::
素食主義 {n} /sùshízhǔyì/ :: vegetarianism
素食主義者 {n} /sùshízhǔyìzhě/ :: vegetarian
素數 {n} [number theory] /sùshù/ :: prime number
素数 {def} SEE: 素數 ::
素王 {n} [literary, historical] /sùwáng/ :: uncrowned king
素王 {prop} /sùwáng/ :: Confucius
素未謀面 {idiom} /sùwèimóumiàn/ :: to have never met before
素未谋面 {def} SEE: 素未謀面 ::
素席 {n} /sùxí/ :: vegetarian feast
素心 {n} [literary] /sùxīn/ :: one’s initial intention; original idea; true feelings; aspiration; purpose; goal
素心 {adj} [literary] /sùxīn/ :: pure-minded
素馨 {n} /sùxīn,1nb/ :: Spanish jasmine, Jasminum grandiflorum
素性 {n} /sùxìng/ :: disposition; temperament
素雅 {adj} /sùyǎ/ :: simple but elegant; plain and in good taste
素顏 {n} /sùyán/ :: face without makeup
素顏照 {n} /sùyánzhào/ :: no-makeup photo
素颜 {def} SEE: 素顏 ::
素颜照 {def} SEE: 素顏照 ::
素宴 {n} /sùyàn/ :: vegetarian feast
素养 {def} SEE: 素養 ::
素養 {n} /sùyǎng/ :: personal accomplishment; attainment; self-control; self-cultivation
素油 {n} /sùyóu/ :: vegetable oil
素有 {v} /sùyǒu/ :: to have always had
素愿 {def} SEE: 宿願 ::
素願 {def} SEE: 宿願 ::
素月 {n} [literary] /sùyuè/ :: bright and clear moon
素知 {v} [archaic] /sùzhī/ :: to be well acquainted with; to know quite well
素志 {def} SEE: 夙志 ::
素質 {n} /sù質/ :: inner quality; innate quality
素質 {n} /sù質/ :: calibre; quality
素質 {n} /sù質/ :: personal accomplishment; attainment; self-control; self-cultivation
素質 {n} /sù質/ :: character; nature; intrinsic quality; essence
素質 {n} [classical] /sù質/ :: white material; white texture
素質 {n} [classical] /sù質/ :: white complexion; pale complexion
素質教育 {n} [education] /sù质 jiàoyù/ :: all-around education; quality-oriented education
素质 {def} SEE: 素質 ::
素质教育 {def} SEE: 素質教育 ::
素著 {adj} [archaic] /sùzhù/ :: clear; apparent; obvious
{v} /suō/ :: to shorten, to contract, to draw in, to reduce, to shrink
{adj} [dialectal Hakka] /suō/ :: timid; cowardly
縮編 {v} /suōbiān/ :: to reduce the staff (of troops, government organs, etc.)
縮短 {v} /suōduǎn/ :: to shorten; to decrease in length; to decrease in distance
縮宮素 {n} [hormone] /suōgōngsù/ :: oxytocin
縮合 {v} [chemistry] /suōhé/ :: to condense (of molecules to join with simultaneous loss of water)
縮合 {n} [chemistry] /suōhé/ :: condensation
縮合反應 {n} [organic chemistry] /suōhéfǎnyìng/ :: condensation reaction
縮混 {v} /suōhùn/ :: to create a mixdown
縮混 {n} /suōhùn/ :: mixdown
縮減 {v} /suōjiǎn/ :: to keep down (costs); to reduce (expenses); to cut
縮緊 {v} /suōjǐn/ :: to tighten
縮略 {v} /suōlüè/ :: to contract; to abbreviate
縮略詞 {n} /suōlüècí/ :: acronym; abbreviation; shortening
縮略圖 {n} [computing] /suōlüètú/ :: thumbnail
縮略語 {n} /suōlüèyǔ/ :: abbreviated word; acronym
縮砂密 {n} /sùshāmì,suōshāmì,1nb/ :: Amomum villosum var. xanthioides
縮手 {v} /suōshǒu/ :: to draw back one's hand
縮手 {v} /suōshǒu/ :: to shrink from doing something
縮手縮腳 {idiom} /suōshǒusuōjiǎo/ :: to curl up one's limbs (due to the cold)
縮手縮腳 {idiom} [figurative] /suōshǒusuōjiǎo/ :: to be overcautious and constrained
縮水 {v} /suōshuǐ/ :: to shrink in the wash
縮水 {v} /suōshuǐ/ :: to shrink; to contract (of profits, quantities, scales, etc.)
縮水 {v} /suōshuǐ/ :: to become dehydrated
縮頭烏龜 {n} [figurative] /suōtóu wūguī/ :: cowardly person; coward; ostrich
縮小 {v} /suōxiǎo/ :: to shrink; to decrease in size
縮寫 {n} [linguistics] /suōxiě/ :: abbreviation (shortened or contracted form of a word or phrase)
縮寫 {n} [linguistics] /suōxiě/ :: contraction (process whereby one or more sounds of a word are lost or reduced)
縮寫 {n} [linguistics] /suōxiě/ :: contraction (word with omitted letters replaced by an apostrophe); contracted form
縮陽 {n} [psychology] /suōyáng/ :: koro; genital retraction syndrome
縮印 {v} /suōyìn/ :: to reprint books in a reduced format
縮影 {n} /suōyǐng/ :: epitome; miniature; microcosm
{def} SEE: ::
肃北 {def} SEE: 肅北 ::
肃北蒙古族自治县 {def} SEE: 肅北蒙古族自治縣 ::
肃反 {def} SEE: 肅反 ::
肃反运动 {def} SEE: 肅反運動 ::
肃静 {def} SEE: 肅靜 ::
肃立 {def} SEE: 肅立 ::
肃穆 {def} SEE: 肅穆 ::
肃清 {def} SEE: 肅清 ::
肃然 {def} SEE: 肅然 ::
肃杀 {def} SEE: 肅殺 ::
肃慎 {def} SEE: 肅慎 ::
肃霜 {def} SEE: 肅霜 ::
肃爽 {def} SEE: 肅爽 ::
肃州 {def} SEE: 肅州 ::
{def} /sù/ :: pay respects
{def} /sù/ :: reverently
{def} /sù/ :: surname
肅北 {prop} /Sùběi/ :: (~ 蒙古族自治縣) 肅北 (county)
肅北蒙古族自治縣 {prop} /Sùběi Měnggǔzú Zìzhìxiàn,Sùběi Ménggǔzú Zìzhìxiàn,1nb/ :: 肅北蒙古族自治縣 (county)
肅反 {v} [communism] /sùfǎn/ :: to eliminate counterrevolutionaries; to purge counterrevolutionary elements
肅反 {n} [communism] /sùfǎn/ :: elimination of counterrevolutionaries; purge of counterrevolutionary elements
肅反運動 {n} [communism] /sùfǎn yùndòng/ :: campaign to eliminate counterrevolutionaries
肅靜 {n} /sùjìng/ :: solemn silence
肅立 {v} /sùlì/ :: to stand as a mark of respect
肅穆 {adj} /sùmù/ :: solemn and quiet; solemn and respectful
肅穆 {adj} /sùmù/ :: respectful and congenial
肅清 {v} /sùqīng/ :: to eliminate; to mop up
肅清 {v} [politics] /sùqīng/ :: to purge
肅清 {prop} [history] /sùqīng/ :: Sook Ching (a systematic purge of perceived hostile elements among the Chinese in Singapore by the Japanese military during the Japanese occupation of Singapore and Malaya from 18 February to 4 March 1942)
肅清 {adj} [archaic, of a country] /sùqīng/ :: at peace and free of corruption
肅清 {adj} [archaic] /sùqīng/ :: sober; calm
肅然 {adv} /sùrán/ :: in a respectful or solemn manner
肅然 {adj} /sùrán/ :: respectful; solemn
肅殺 {adj} /sùshā/ :: harsh and desolate
肅愼 {def} SEE: 肅慎 ::
肅慎 {prop} [historical] /Sùshèn/ :: Sushen (ancient people in Northeastern Asia)
肅霜 {def} SEE: 驌驦 ::
肅爽 {def} SEE: 驌驦 ::
肅州 {prop} /Sùzhōu/ :: (~ 區) 肅州 (district)
肅州 {prop} /Sùzhōu/ :: (~ 鎮) 肅州 (town)
蔌蔌 {adj} [literary] /sùsù/ :: crude and coarse
蔌蔌 {adj} [literary, onomatopoeia] /sùsù/ :: the heaving of high winds
蔌蔌 {adj} [literary, onomatopoeia] /sùsù/ :: streams or fountains flowing
蔌蔌 {adj} [literary, onomatopoeia] /sùsù/ :: flowers falling
{def} /suò/ :: [obsolete] a kind of insect
{def} /sù/ :: to tell; to relate; to inform
{def} /sù/ :: to vent; to pour out
{def} /sù/ :: to accuse; to charge; to indict
訴告 {v} [literary] /sùgào/ :: to tell; to give an account of (one's suffering, grievance, etc.)
訴告 {v} [formal] /sùgào/ :: to sue; to accuse
訴苦 {v} /sùkǔ/ :: to vent one's grievances; to air one's sufferings
訴求 {v} /sùqiú/ :: to appeal; to demand (an answer)
訴求 {n} /sùqiú/ :: requirement; demand; claim; appeal; (marketing) message
訴說 {v} [literary] /sùshuō/ :: to explain; to relate; to recount; to tell
訴訟 {v} /sùsòng/ :: to file a lawsuit; to litigate; to sue
訴諸 {v} [literary] /sùzhū/ :: to appeal (to a reason, principle, etc.)
訴諸 {v} [literary] /sùzhū/ :: to resort to (a method, course of action, etc.)
訴狀 {n} [law, dated] /sùzhuàng/ :: plaint; indictment
訴追 {n} [legal] /sùzhuī/ :: to prosecute
{def} /sù/ :: to rise; to raise
{def} SEE: ::
诉告 {def} SEE: 訴告 ::
诉苦 {def} SEE: 訴苦 ::
诉求 {def} SEE: 訴求 ::
诉说 {def} SEE: 訴說 ::
诉讼 {def} SEE: 訴訟 ::
诉诸 {def} SEE: 訴諸 ::
诉状 {def} SEE: 訴狀 ::
诉追 {def} SEE: 訴追 ::
{def} SEE: ::
蹜蹜 {def} SEE: 宿宿 ::
{def} /sù/ :: speedy; quick; fast
{def} /sù/ :: quickly; speedily
{def} /sù/ :: speed
{def} /sù/ :: to invite
{def} /sù/ :: to incur
{def} /sù/ :: surname
速查 {v} /sùchá/ :: to quickly look up; to check or investigate urgently
速查 {adj} [attributive] /sùchá/ :: being used for quick reference
速成 {v} [now, chiefly attributive] /sùchéng/ :: to achieve (a learning goal) in a short period of time; to be accelerated; to be crash; to be quick; to be instant
速成 {n} /sùchéng/ :: abbreviation of 速成輸入法
速成班 {n} /sùchéngbān,er/ :: crash course
速成輸入法 {n} /sùchéng shūrùfǎ/ :: a variant of Cangjie where the user enters only the first and last elements of a character's code
速成输入法 {def} SEE: 速成輸入法 ::
速冻 {def} SEE: 速凍 ::
速冻食品 {def} SEE: 速凍食品 ::
速凍 {v} /sùdòng/ :: to quick-freeze
速凍食品 {n} /sùdòng shípǐn/ :: frozen food
速度 {n} [physics] /sùdù,tl/ :: velocity
速度 {n} [in general] /sùdù,tl/ :: speed; rate; pace
速度計 {n} /sùdùjì/ :: speedometer
速度计 {def} SEE: 速度計 ::
速匯 {n} [business, finance] /sùhuì/ :: express remittance; money transfer
速汇 {def} SEE: 速匯 ::
速記 {n} /sùjì/ :: shorthand
速记 {def} SEE: 速記 ::
速决 {def} SEE: 速決 ::
速决战 {def} SEE: 速決戰 ::
速決 {v} /sùjué/ :: to swiftly resolve; to make a quick decision
速決戰 {n} /sùjuézhàn/ :: war of quick decision; battle of quick decision
速克达 {def} SEE: 速克達 ::
速克達 {n} /sùkèdá/ :: scooter (motor-scooter)
速率 {n} [physics] /sùlǜ/ :: speed
速溶 {v} /sùróng/ :: to be able to dissolve quickly; to be instant
速溶咖啡 {n} /sùróng kāfēi/ :: instant coffee
速删 {def} SEE: 速刪 ::
速刪 {n} [WMF] /sùshān/ :: abbreviation of 快速刪除
速刪 {v} [WMF] /sùshān/ :: abbreviation of 快速刪除
速射 {adj} [attributive] /sùshè/ :: rapid-fire
速勝 {v} /sùshèng/ :: to win quickly; to attain quick victory
速胜 {def} SEE: 速勝 ::
速食 {n} /sùshí/ :: fast food
速食面 {def} SEE: 速食麵 ::
速食麪 {def} SEE: 速食麵 ::
速食麵 {n} [chiefly Taiwan] /sùshímiàn/ :: instant noodle (a mass of precooked noodles)
速速 {adv} /sùsù/ :: quickly; in all haste
速速 {adj} [literary] /sùsù/ :: quick; rapid
速速 {adj} [literary] /sùsù/ :: alternative form of 蔌蔌
速速 {adj} [literary] /sùsù/ :: estranged, alienated
速写 {def} SEE: 速寫 ::
速寫 {n} /sùxiě/ :: sketch
速寫 {n} /sùxiě/ :: literary sketch
速战速决 {def} SEE: 速戰速決 ::
速戰速決 {idiom} /sùzhànsùjué/ :: to take prompt action to achieve a quick victory; to adopt a blitzkrieg strategy
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /sù/ :: name of a famous horse
驌驦 {n} [literary] /sùshuāng/ :: good horse
{def} SEE: ::
骕骦 {def} SEE: 驌驦 ::
{def} /sù/ :: [obsolete] Name of a kind of bird, clipping of 鷫鷞
鷫鷞 {n} /sùshuāng/ :: a kind of wild goose-like bird
鷫鷞 {n} /sùshuāng/ :: a kind of bird from the west in Chinese mythology
鷫鷞 {n} /sùshuāng/ :: alternative form of 驌驦
鷫鸘 {def} SEE: 鷫鷞 ::
{def} SEE: ::
鹔𮭪 {def} SEE: 鷫鷞 ::
鹔鹴 {def} SEE: 鷫鸘 ::
狻猊 {n} [archaic] /suānní/ :: lion
狻猊 {n} [Chinese mythology] /suānní/ :: mythological creature which is said to be a hybrid of lion and dragon, likes to sit down and is one of the nine sons of the dragon
{def} /suān/ :: to ache; to be sore
痠疼 {def} SEE: 酸疼 ::
痠痛 {def} SEE: 酸痛 ::
{def} /suān/ :: sour; tart
{def} [chemistry] /suān/ :: acid
{def} [Siyi Cantonese] /suān/ :: vinegar
{def} /suān/ :: sick at heart; grieved; sad
{def} /suān/ :: alternative form of
{def} /suān/ :: stingy; miserly
{def} /suān/ :: narrow-minded; pedantic
{def} /suān/ :: spoiled; rancid
{def} /suān/ :: to satirize; to ridicule
{def} [internet slang] /suān/ :: jealous; envious
{def} /suān/ :: surname
酸不溜丟 {n} [colloquial, of taste] /suānbuliūdiū/ :: too sour; unpleasantly sour
酸不溜丟 {n} [colloquial, in one's mind] /suānbuliūdiū/ :: a bit envious; jealous
酸不溜丢 {def} SEE: 酸不溜丟 ::
酸菜 {n} [Northern, Northeastern China] /suāncài/ :: a variety of Chinese pickle made by fermenting salt-cured napa cabbage
酸菜 {n} [Southern China] /suāncài/ :: any variety of pickled mustard greens
酸橙 {n} /suānchéng/ :: lime (fruit)
酸臭 {adj} /suānchòu/ :: stinking; foul (of body odor, vomit, etc.)
酸臭 {n} /suānchòu/ :: body odor (from sweating, etc.)
酸楚 {adj} /suānchǔ/ :: grieved; distressed; miserable
酸醋 {n} [literary or regional] /suāncù/ :: vinegar
酸彈 {n} /suāndàn/ :: acid bomb
酸豆 {n} /suāndòu/ :: tamarind
酸豆 {n} /suāndòu/ :: pickled caper
酸度 {n} /suāndù/ :: acidity
酸酐 {n} [chemistry] /suāngān/ :: anhydride; acid anhydride
酸化 {n} /suānhuà/ :: acidification
酸化 {v} /suānhuà/ :: to acidify; to acidize
酸记记 {def} SEE: 酸記記 ::
酸浆 {def} SEE: 酸漿 ::
酸漿 {n} /suānjiāng/ :: bladder cherry, Physalis alkekengi
酸辣湯 {n} /suānlàtāng/ :: hot and sour soup
酸辣汤 {def} SEE: 酸辣湯 ::
酸溜姑 {def} SEE: 酸鰡姑 ::
酸溜溜 {adj} [colloquial, expressive, of taste or smell] /suānliūliū/ :: sour; acidy; vinegary
酸溜溜 {adj} [colloquial, expressive, of the body] /suānliūliū/ :: aching; sore
酸溜溜 {adj} [colloquial, expressive, in one's mind] /suānliūliū/ :: a bit envious or sad; jealous
酸溜溜 {adj} [colloquial, expressive, of one's words or a writing] /suānliūliū/ :: pedantic; bookish
酸鰡姑 {def} SEE: 旋鰡鼓 ::
酸梅 {n} /suānméi/ :: smoked plum
酸梅湯 {n} /suānméitāng/ :: suanmeitang or sour prune drink (traditional Chinese beverage made from sour plums)
酸梅汤 {def} SEE: 酸梅湯 ::
酸民 {n} [chiefly Taiwan, neologism, slang] /suānmín/ :: hater; troll
酸模 {n} /suānmó/ :: sorrel
酸奶 {n} [mainland China] /suānnǎi/ :: yogurt; yoghurt
酸奶 {n} [Taiwan] /suānnǎi/ :: sour cream
酸奶油 {n} /suānnǎiyóu/ :: sour cream
酸凝酪 {n} /suānníng酪/ :: yogurt; yoghurt
酸牛奶 {n} /suānniúnǎi/ :: yogurt; yoghurt
酸葡萄 {n} /suānpútao/ :: sour grapes
酸軟 {adj} /suānruǎn/ :: aching and limp
酸软 {def} SEE: 酸軟 ::
酸式盐 {def} SEE: 酸式鹽 ::
酸式鹽 {n} [chemistry] /suānshìyán/ :: acid salt
酸素 {n} [rare, chiefly Taiwan Min Nan] /suānsù/ :: oxygen
酸素 {n} [Taiwanese Min Nan] /suānsù/ :: oxygen mask
酸弹 {def} SEE: 酸彈 ::
酸疼 {adj} /suānténg/ :: sore; aching
酸甜 {adj} /suāntián/ :: sour and sweet
酸甜苦辣 {idiom} /suāntiánkǔlà/ :: sour, sweet, bitter and spicy; all kinds of flavours
酸甜苦辣 {idiom} [figurative] /suāntiánkǔlà/ :: the joys and sorrows of life; the sweets and bitters of life
酸甜苦辣咸 {def} SEE: 酸甜苦辣鹹 ::
酸甜苦辣鹹 {idiom} /suāntiánkǔlàxián/ :: synonym of 酸甜苦辣
酸痛 {adj} /suāntòng/ :: sore; aching
酸味 {n} /suānwèi,er/ :: sour odour or taste
酸味 {n} [figurative] /suānwèi,er/ :: jealousy; enviousness
酸味 {n} [figurative] /suānwèi,er/ :: acerbity; bitterness
酸心 {adj} /suānxīn/ :: sad; grieved
酸性 {n} /suānxìng/ :: acidity
酸性雨 {n} /suānxìngyǔ/ :: acid rain
酸雨 {n} /suānyǔ/ :: acid rain
酸枣 {def} SEE: 酸棗 ::
酸枣仁 {def} SEE: 酸棗仁 ::
酸棗 {n} /suānzǎo/ :: a variety of jujube (Ziziphus jujuba var. spinosa)
酸棗 {prop} [archaic] /suānzǎo/ :: Suanzao (southwest of present day Yanjin County, Henan)
酸棗仁 {n} /suānzǎorén/ :: seed of the Ziziphus spinosa (An herb used in traditional Chinese medicine to calm the mind, promote sleep, treat hypertension, palpitation and poor memory; also used as a "yin" tonic.)
酸枝 {n} /suānzhī/ :: Dalbergia
酸中毒 {n} [pathology] /suānzhòngdú/ :: acidosis
酸子 {n} /suānzǐ/ :: tamarind
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /suàn/ :: an ancient device for working with numbers
{def} /suàn/ :: count, calculate, figure
{def} /suàn/ :: to count; to calculate; to figure
{def} /suàn/ :: to plan; to arrange; to design
{def} /suàn/ :: to guess; to estimate; to approximate
{def} /suàn/ :: to regard as; to consider
{def} /suàn/ :: to count; to be of significance
{def} /suàn/ :: to let it pass; to give up
{def} /suàn/ :: finally; eventually
算尺 {n} /suànchǐ/ :: slide rule; slipstick (Classifier: 把)
算筹 {def} SEE: 算籌 ::
算籌 {n} [mathematics] /suànchóu/ :: counting rod
算籌 {v} [Xiamen, &, Zhangzhou Hokkien] /suànchóu/ :: to calculate; to reckon
算錯 {v} /suàncuò/ :: to miscalculate; to calculate incorrectly
算错 {def} SEE: 算錯 ::
算得 {v} /suàndé/ :: to regard as; to be regarded as; to count as; to qualify as  
算得上 {v} /suàndeshàng/ :: can be counted as; may be regarded as; can be considered
算额 {def} SEE: 算額 ::
算法 {n} [computing, mathematics] /suànfǎ/ :: algorithm
算符 {n} [physics, quantum mechanics] /suànfú/ :: operator
算卦 {v} /suànguà/ :: to tell someone's fortune; to divine (usually using the eight divinatory trigrams of the Book of Changes)
算𫧃和 {def} SEE: 算𣍐和 ::
算会和 {def} SEE: 算會和 ::
算計 {v} /suànjì,tl/ :: to calculate; to reckon
算計 {v} /suànjì,tl/ :: to plan; to scheme; to plot
算計 {v} /suànjì,tl/ :: to consider; to think about; to take into consideration; to ponder; to think over
算計 {v} /suànjì,tl/ :: to guess; to surmise; to conjecture
算计 {def} SEE: 算計 ::
算了 {phrase} [colloquial] /suànle/ :: forget it; forget about it; drop it; leave it at that; let it pass; let it be; leave it be
算袂和 {def} SEE: 算𣍐和 ::
算命 {v} /suànmìng/ :: to tell someone's fortune
算命家 {n} /suànmìngjiā/ :: fortuneteller
算命先生 {n} /suànmìng xiānsheng/ :: fortuneteller
算哪根葱 {def} SEE: 算哪根蔥 ::
算哪根蔥 {phrase} [Internet slang] /suàn nǎ gēn cōng,suàn něi gēn cōng/ :: Who does [someone] think [someone] is? / [Someone] is nobody
算牌 {v} /suànpái/ :: to count cards
算牌 {n} /suànpái/ :: card counting
算盘 {def} SEE: 算盤 ::
算盘珠 {def} SEE: 算盤珠 ::
算盘子 {def} SEE: 算盤子 ::
算盘子儿 {def} SEE: 算盤子兒 ::
算盤 {n} [mathematics] /suànpán,tl/ :: abacus
算盤 {n} [figurative] /suànpán,tl/ :: plan; plan of action; master plan
算盤珠 {n} /suànpánzhū,er/ :: abacus bead
算盤珠 {n} [figurative] /suànpánzhū,er/ :: one easily manipulated by others
算盤子 {n} /suànpánzǐ,er/ :: abacus bead
算盤子 {n} /suànpánzǐ,er/ :: Glochidion puberum, especially its fruit
算盤子 {n} [Guangxi, dialectal Gan] /suànpánzǐ,er/ :: Adam's apple (lump in the throat)
算盤子 {n} /suànpánzǐ,er/ :: Name of a Hakka dish made from yam
算盤子兒 {n} /suànpánzǐr,tl2/ :: erhua form of abacus bead
算是 {v} /suànshì/ :: to consider to be
算是 {adv} /suànshì/ :: sort of; kind of
算是 {adv} /suànshì/ :: at last
算數 {v} /suànshù/ :: to count; to matter; to hold
算數 {v} [Cantonese] /suànshù/ :: to forget it; to let it be; to leave it be
算数 {def} SEE: 算數 ::
算术 {def} SEE: 算術 ::
算术平均 {def} SEE: 算術平均 ::
算术平均数 {def} SEE: 算術平均數 ::
算术平均值 {def} SEE: 算術平均值 ::
算術 {n} /suànshù/ :: arithmetic
算術平均 {n} [mathematics] /suànshù píngjūn,er/ :: arithmetic mean
算術平均數 {n} [mathematics] /suànshù píngjūnshù/ :: arithmetic mean
算術平均值 {n} /suànshù píngjūnzhí/ :: arithmetic mean
算无盘 {def} SEE: 算無盤 ::
算学 {def} SEE: 算學 ::
算學 {n} [dated] /suànxué/ :: mathematics
算學 {n} [dated or Min Dong] /suànxué/ :: arithmetic
算则 {def} SEE: 算則 ::
算則 {n} [Taiwan, mathematics] /suànzé/ :: rules in calculation; algorithm
算帐 {def} SEE: 算帳 ::
算帳 {v} /suànzhàng/ :: to do accounts; to balance the books; to make out the bills
算帳 {v} /suànzhàng/ :: to square; to settle accounts (with somebody); to get even
算賬 {def} SEE: 算帳 ::
算账 {def} SEE: 算帳 ::
算珠 {n} /suànzhū/ :: abacus bead
算子 {n} [mathematics] /suànzǐ/ :: counting rod
算子 {n} [mathematics] /suànzǐ/ :: abacus
算子 {n} [mathematics] /suànzǐ/ :: operator
算作 {v} /suànzuò/ :: to regard as; to be regarded as; to count as; to qualify as
{def} /suàn/ :: garlic
蒜瓣 {n} /suànbàn,er/ :: clove of garlic
蒜毫 {n} /suànháo/ :: rachis of the garlic; garlic pedicel
蒜苗 {n} /suànmiáo,er/ :: tender rachis of the garlic
蒜泥 {n} /suànní/ :: mashed garlic
蒜绒 {def} SEE: 蒜絨 ::
蒜蓉 {n} /suànróng,er/ :: minced garlic
蒜蓉包 {n} /suànróngbāo/ :: garlic bread
蒜薹 {n} /suàntái,er/ :: rachis of the garlic; garlic pedicel
蒜头 {def} SEE: 蒜頭 ::
蒜頭 {n} /suàntóu,er/ :: head/bulb of garlic
蒜香 {adj} [attributive] /suànxiāng/ :: flavoured with garlic
{def} /suī/ :: [historical dictionaries] of going, slow
{def} /suī/ :: alternative form of
{def} /suī/ :: only used in 浽溦
{def} /něi/ :: only used in 溾浽
{def} /suī/ :: only used in 滖灖
{def} /suī/ :: name of a river
{def} [literary] /suī,huī,guì,wèi,xié/ :: deep (a deep look)
{def} /suī,huī,guì,wèi,xié/ :: evil look of deep-set eyes
{def} /Suī/ :: surname
綏芬河 {prop} /綏fēnhé,cap/ :: 綏芬河 (river)
綏芬河 {prop} /綏fēnhé,cap/ :: (~ 市) 綏芬河 (county-level city)
綏和 {prop} /綏hé,cap/ :: (~ 市) 綏和 (city)
綏化 {prop} /綏huà,cap/ :: (~ 市) 綏化 (prefecture-level city)
綏靖 {v} /綏jìng/ :: to pacify; to appease
綏靖主義 {n} /綏jìngzhǔyì/ :: appeasement
綏稜 {prop} /綏léng,cap/ :: (~ 縣) 綏稜 (county)
綏寧 {v} /綏níng/ :: to pacify; to stabilize
綏寧 {prop} /綏níng/ :: (~ 縣) Suining (a county in Shaoyang, Hunan)
綏寧 {prop} /綏níng/ :: (~ 省) [historical] 綏寧 (province)
綏寧 {prop} [historical] /綏níng/ :: Suining (a district of Songping in Chinese Vietnam)
綏遠 {prop} /綏yuǎn,cap/ :: (~ 省) 綏遠 (former province)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /suī/ :: only used in 胡荽
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /suī/ :: [obsolete] stamen and gynoecium
{def} SEE: ::
虽败犹荣 {def} SEE: 雖敗猶榮 ::
虽然 {def} SEE: 雖然 ::
虽说 {def} SEE: 雖說 ::
虽罔 {def} SEE: 雖罔 ::
虽罔仔 {def} SEE: 雖罔仔 ::
虽则 {def} SEE: 雖則 ::
{def} /suī,suí,2nb/ :: although; even if; despite
{def} /suī/ :: [obsolete] lizard-like reptile
{def} /suī/ :: [historical dictionaries] to push
{def} [chiefly Taiwan, slang] /suī/ :: alternative form of
雖敗猶榮 {idiom} /suībàiyóuróng/ :: to experience a glorious defeat; to feel honored despite having been defeated
雖然 {conj} /suīrán,suírán,2nb/ :: although
雖然 {conj} [Classical] /suīrán,suírán,2nb/ :: although so; despite this; nevertheless; that being said
雖說 {conj} [colloquial] /suīshuō/ :: although
雖説 {def} SEE: 雖說 ::
雖則 {conj} /suīzé/ :: even if; even though
{def} SEE: ::
绥芬河 {def} SEE: 綏芬河 ::
绥和 {def} SEE: 綏和 ::
绥化 {def} SEE: 綏化 ::
绥靖 {def} SEE: 綏靖 ::
绥靖主义 {def} SEE: 綏靖主義 ::
绥棱 {def} SEE: 綏稜 ::
绥宁 {def} SEE: 綏寧 ::
绥远 {def} SEE: 綏遠 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /suì/ :: to fulfill; to satisfy
{def} /suì/ :: to comply; to follow along
{def} /suì/ :: to complete; to succeed
{def} /suì/ :: then; consequently; thereupon
{def} /suì/ :: [obsolete] to proceed; to head for
{def} /suì/ :: [obsolete] to recommend; to promote
{def} /suì/ :: [obsolete] to grow; to rear
遂古 {def} SEE: 邃古 ::
遂宁 {def} SEE: 遂寧 ::
遂寧 {prop} /Suìníng/ :: (~ 市) 遂寧 (prefecture-level city)
遂溪 {prop} /Suìxī/ :: (~ 縣) 遂溪 (county)
遂心 {v} /suìxīn/ :: to be after one's own heart; to be to one's liking; to be satisfied
遂愿 {def} SEE: 遂願 ::
遂願 {v} /suìyuàn/ :: to have one's wishes fulfilled
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /suí/ :: (~ 朝) Sui dynasty
{def} /suí/ :: surname
隋代 {prop} /Suídài/ :: the Sui dynasty (581-617) (581-617)
隋圜 {def} SEE: 橢圓 ::
隋唐 {prop} /Suí-Táng/ :: the Sui and Tang dynasties (581–618 and 618–907 respectively)
隋朝 {prop} /Suícháo/ :: the Sui dynasty
{def} SEE: ::
随笔 {def} SEE: 隨筆 ::
随便 {def} SEE: 隨便 ::
随波逐流 {def} SEE: 隨波逐流 ::
随常 {def} SEE: 隨常 ::
随处 {def} SEE: 隨處 ::
随从 {def} SEE: 隨從 ::
随大溜 {def} SEE: 隨大溜 ::
随大流 {def} SEE: 隨大流 ::
随地 {def} SEE: 隨地 ::
随行 {def} SEE: 隨行 ::
随和 {def} SEE: 隨和 ::
随后 {def} SEE: 隨後 ::
随机 {def} SEE: 隨機 ::
随机变量 {def} SEE: 隨機變量 ::
随机变数 {def} SEE: 隨機變數 ::
随机分析 {def} SEE: 隨機分析 ::
随机过程 {def} SEE: 隨機過程 ::
随机数 {def} SEE: 隨機數 ::
随机应变 {def} SEE: 隨機應變 ::
随即 {def} SEE: 隨即 ::
随驾 {def} SEE: 隨駕 ::
随口 {def} SEE: 隨口 ::
随人 {def} SEE: 隨人 ::
随煞 {def} SEE: 隨煞 ::
随身 {def} SEE: 隨身 ::
随身碟 {def} SEE: 隨身碟 ::
随身听 {def} SEE: 隨身聽 ::
随声附和 {def} SEE: 隨聲附和 ::
随时 {def} SEE: 隨時 ::
随时随地 {def} SEE: 隨時隨地 ::
随手 {def} SEE: 隨手 ::
随随 {def} SEE: 隨隨 ::
随随便便 {def} SEE: 隨隨便便 ::
随同 {def} SEE: 隨同 ::
随想 {def} SEE: 隨想 ::
随想曲 {def} SEE: 隨想曲 ::
随心 {def} SEE: 隨心 ::
随心所欲 {def} SEE: 隨心所欲 ::
随兴 {def} SEE: 隨興 ::
随性 {def} SEE: 隨性 ::
随意 {def} SEE: 隨意 ::
随遇而安 {def} SEE: 隨遇而安 ::
随遇平衡 {def} SEE: 隨遇平衡 ::
随员 {def} SEE: 隨員 ::
随缘 {def} SEE: 隨緣 ::
随在 {def} SEE: 隨在 ::
随葬 {def} SEE: 隨葬 ::
随葬品 {def} SEE: 隨葬品 ::
随着 {def} SEE: 隨著 ::
随之而来 {def} SEE: 隨之而來 ::
随州 {def} SEE: 隨州 ::
{def} /suí/ :: to follow
{def} /suí/ :: to listen to; to submit
{def} /suí/ :: to accompany
{def} [Northern Mandarin, of a person] /suí/ :: to resemble (a parent in appearance)
{def} [colloquial] /suí/ :: to chip in by giving one's portion of gift money, payment, red packet, etc. (e.g. when others get married)
{def} /suí/ :: subsequently; then
{def} /suí/ :: 17th hexagram of the I Ching; "following"
{def} /suí/ :: (~ 縣) (county)
隨筆 {n} /suíbǐ/ :: informal essay; casual literary notes
隨筆 {n} /suíbǐ/ :: jottings; notes
隨便 {adj} /suíbiàn,er/ :: casual; informal
隨便 {adj} /suíbiàn,er/ :: random; careless; undisciplined; disorganised
隨便 {adj} [colloquial] /suíbiàn,er/ :: easy (receptive to sexual advances)
隨便 {v} /suíbiàn,er/ :: to do as one likes; to be up to (the other person)
隨便 {adv} /suíbiàn,er/ :: casually; without restraint or goal; as one pleases; at random
隨便 {conj} /suíbiàn,er/ :: no matter (what, how, etc.); regardless of; whether
隨波逐流 {idiom} [derogatory] /suíbōzhúliú/ :: to go with the flow; to swim with the tide; to act or behave the same way as the majority of others
隨常 {adj} /suícháng/ :: usual; common; ordinary
隨處 {adv} /suíchù/ :: everywhere; anywhere
隨從 {v} /suícóng/ :: to accompany (a senior person); to follow; to attend
隨從 {n} /suí從,tl/ :: entourage; attendant
隨大溜 {v} [colloquial] /suídàliù,er/ :: synonym of 隨大流
隨大流 {v} /suídàliú/ :: to follow others; to follow the majority; to go with the general trend
隨地 {adv} /suídì/ :: anywhere; everywhere
隨行 {v} [literary] /suíxíng/ :: to accompany; to go along with, or follow someone
隨和 {adj} /suíhé,tl/ :: amiable; obliging; easygoing; friendly; nice
隨和 {prop} /suíhé,tl/ :: zh:随侯珠 and zh:和氏璧 (famous treasure of the state of Sui during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods)
隨和 {v} /suíhè/ :: to parrot
隨和 {n} /suíhè/ :: parroter
隨後 {adv} /suíhòu/ :: immediately afterward; right afterward; soon after
隨機 {v} /suíjī/ :: to change according to the situation
隨機 {v} /suíjī/ :: to happen randomly; to change in a random way
隨機 {adj} /suíjī/ :: random; haphazard; by chance
隨機 {adj} [attributive, mathematics, probability theory] /suíjī/ :: stochastic
隨機變量 {n} [statistics] /suíjī biànliàng/ :: random variable
隨機變數 {n} [Taiwan, statistics] /suíjī biànshù/ :: random variable
隨機分析 {n} [mathematics] /suíjī fēnxī/ :: stochastic calculus
隨機過程 {n} [mathematics, probability theory] /suíjī guòchéng/ :: stochastic process
隨機數 {n} /suíjīshù/ :: random number (any of a sequence of random numbers)
隨機應變 {idiom} /suíjīyìngbiàn/ :: to adjust to changing circumstance; to act according to circumstances
隨即 {adv} /suíjí/ :: immediately afterwards; presently
隨駕 {v} [archaic] /suíjià/ :: to accompany the emperor on a journey
隨口 {adv} [of speech] /suíkǒu/ :: without thinking it through; casually
隨身 {adj} [attributive] /suíshēn/ :: on one's person
隨身 {adj} [attributive, ] /suíshēn/ :: nearby; available; on-hand; personal
隨身碟 {n} [Taiwan] /suíshēndié/ :: flash drive
隨身聽 {n} /suíshēntīng/ :: walkman
隨聲附和 {idiom} /suíshēngfùhè/ :: parrot others; echo what others say
隨時 {adv} /suíshí/ :: at any time; whenever necessary
隨時 {adv} [Min Nan] /suíshí/ :: immediately; at once
隨時隨地 {idiom} /suíshísuídì/ :: at any given time and in any given place
隨手 {adv} /suíshǒu/ :: conveniently; without extra trouble; at one's convenience; while doing it; in passing
隨手 {adv} /suíshǒu/ :: immediately
隨隨便便 {adj} /suísuíbiànbiàn/ :: careless; rather casual; lax
隨同 {v} /suítóng/ :: to be in company with; to be accompanying
隨想 {n} /suíxiǎng/ :: random thoughts [often used in book titles]
隨想曲 {n} [music] /suíxiǎngqǔ/ :: capriccio; caprice
隨心 {v} /suíxīn/ :: to follow one's inclinations
隨心 {v} /suíxīn/ :: to find something satisfactory; to be gratified
隨心所欲 {idiom} /suíxīnsuǒyù/ :: to act solely upon one's will
隨興 {v} /suíxìng/ :: to go at one's pleasure; to act on impulse
隨性 {adj} /suíxìng/ :: following one's mood or heart; spontaneous
隨意 {adv} /suíyì/ :: at will; as one pleases
隨意 {adv} /suíyì/ :: without permission
隨意 {adj} /suíyì/ :: optional
隨意 {adj} /suíyì/ :: voluntary
隨意 {adj} /suíyì/ :: casual
隨遇而安 {idiom} /suíyù'ér'ān/ :: to feel at home wherever one is; to accept the circumstances with good will
隨遇平衡 {n} [physics] /suíyù pínghéng/ :: neutral equilibrium
隨員 {n} /suíyuán/ :: attaché (diplomatic officer)
隨緣 {v} /suíyuán/ :: to accord with conditions; to follow destiny; to let things run their natural course
隨葬 {v} /suízàng/ :: to bury with the dead
隨葬品 {n} /suízàngpǐn/ :: burial object
隨着 {def} SEE: 隨著 ::
隨之而來 {idiom} /suízhī'érlái/ :: in the train of …; that follows …; that comes with …; consequent
隨州 {prop} /Suízhōu/ :: (~ 市) 隨州 (prefecture-level city)
隨著 {prep} /suízhe/ :: along with; following; in the wake of
{def} /suǐ/ :: mashed beans
{def} /suǐ/ :: sugared cakes
{def} SEE: ::
巂州 {prop} /Xīzhōu/ :: 巂州 (ancient state), located in what is now southern Sichuan
{def} /suǐ/ :: slippery, smooth
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /suǐ/ :: bone marrow
{def} /suǐ/ :: essence; substance
髓核 {n} [anatomy] /suǐhé/ :: nucleus pulposus
髓腔 {n} [anatomy] /suǐqiāng/ :: medullary cavity
髓鞘 {n} [neuroanatomy] /suǐqiào,er/ :: myelin sheath
髓質 {n} [anatomy] /suǐ质/ :: medulla
髓质 {def} SEE: 髓質 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /suì/ :: (ancient form of ) a year, age, the harvest
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
𫝛岁 {def} SEE: 𫝛歲 ::
{def} SEE: ::
岁不我与 {def} SEE: 歲不我與 ::
岁差 {def} SEE: 歲差 ::
岁寒 {def} SEE: 歲寒 ::
岁寒三友 {def} SEE: 歲寒三友 ::
岁荒 {def} SEE: 歲荒 ::
岁入 {def} SEE: 歲入 ::
岁声 {def} SEE: 歲聲 ::
岁时 {def} SEE: 歲時 ::
岁收 {def} SEE: 歲收 ::
岁寿 {def} SEE: 歲壽 ::
岁数 {def} SEE: 歲數 ::
岁头 {def} SEE: 歲頭 ::
岁物 {def} SEE: 歲物 ::
岁星 {def} SEE: 歲星 ::
岁月 {def} SEE: 歲月 ::
岁月不饶人 {def} SEE: 歲月不饒人 ::
岁月如梭 {def} SEE: 歲月如梭 ::
岁子 {def} SEE: 歲子 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /suì/ :: in ancient times, referring to multicolored feathers tied to a type of flag, which is inserted onboard a vehicle
{def} [literary] /suì/ :: Jupiter (planet)
{def} /suì/ :: year
{def} /suì/ :: Tai Sui, the god representing each of these years
{def} [literary] /suì/ :: age
{def} [literary] /suì/ :: time; period
{def} [literary] /suì/ :: crop harvests of the year
{def} /suì/ :: classifier for time
{def} /suì/ :: classifier for age (of a person or animal)
歲不我與 {idiom} /suì不wǒyǔ/ :: to have missed an opportunity; time and tide wait for no man
歲差 {n} [astronomy] /suìchā/ :: precession of the equinoxes
歲寒 {n} [literary] /suìhán/ :: the cold months; winter
歲寒三友 {idiom} /suìhánsānyǒu/ :: three friends of winter (pine, bamboo and plum blossom)
歲荒 {v} [archaic] /suìhuāng/ :: to suffer a bad crop year; to suffer a famine year
歲入 {n} /suìrù/ :: annual revenue; yearly income
歲時 {n} /suìshí/ :: all year long
歲時 {n} /suìshí/ :: (a period of) time; years
歲時 {n} /suìshí/ :: season (of the year)
歲收 {n} /suìshōu/ :: annual revenue; yearly income
歲數 {n} /suìshu,er/ :: age (of a person)
歲物 {n} [literary] /suìwù/ :: vegetation; plants; greenery
歲物 {n} [literary] /suìwù/ :: crop (anything that is planted for its yield)
歲星 {prop} [historical astronomy] /Suìxīng/ :: Jupiter
歲月 {n} /suìyuè,tl/ :: years; passing of time; time
歲月不饒人 {idiom} /suìyuè 不 ráorén/ :: used for lamenting the passage of time
歲月如梭 {idiom} /suìyuèrúsuō/ :: time flies
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tuàn/ :: name of a river
{def} /suì/ :: flintstone
{def} /suì/ :: beacon fire; signal fire
{def} /suì/ :: torch
燧石 {n} /suìshí/ :: flint
{def} /suì/ :: shining
{def} /suì/ :: pure
{def} /suì/ :: clear
{def} /suì/ :: to see
{def} /suì/ :: 37th tetragram of the Taixuanjing; "purity" (𝌪)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /suì/ :: shattered; fragmented; shredded
{def} /suì/ :: small pieces; bits; fragments
{def} /suì/ :: to shatter; to fragment; to shred
{def} /suì/ :: talkative
碎冰船 {n} /suìbīngchuán/ :: iceboat, icebreaker
碎冰錐 {n} /suìbīngzhuī/ :: icepick
碎冰锥 {def} SEE: 碎冰錐 ::
碎层云 {def} SEE: 碎層雲 ::
碎層雲 {n} [meteorology] /suìcéngyún/ :: stratus fractus
碎覺 {v} [Internet slang] /suìjiào/ :: alternative form of 睡覺
碎金 {n} [literary, figurative] /suìjīn/ :: concise and refined piece of literature
碎金 {n} [literary, figurative] /suìjīn/ :: yellow chrysanthemum petals
碎金 {n} /suìjīn/ :: loose change
碎觉 {def} SEE: 碎覺 ::
碎料 {n} /suìliào,er/ :: piece(s) of scrap
碎料 {n} [Cantonese] /suìliào,er/ :: trivial matter
碎末 {n} /suìmò/ :: fragment; particle; piece; scrap; crumb
碎片 {n} /suìpiàn/ :: splinter; fragment; piece; tatter
碎屏 {n} /suìpíng/ :: cracked screen [of technology]
碎钱 {def} SEE: 碎錢 ::
碎肉 {n} /suìròu/ :: mince (finely chopped meat)
碎肉器 {n} /suìròuqì/ :: masticator, meatgrinder (device for cutting meat)
碎葉 {prop} /Suìyè/ :: Suyab
碎尸 {def} SEE: 碎屍 ::
碎屍 {v} /suìshī/ :: to dismember a corpse; to cut up a corpse into small pieces
碎屍 {n} /suìshī/ :: dismembered body
碎石 {n} /suìshí/ :: rubble
碎碎唸 {def} SEE: 碎碎念 ::
碎碎念 {v} /suìsuìniàn/ :: to keep harping on about; to grind about; to nag
碎屑 {n} /suìxiè/ :: fragment; particle; piece; scrap; crumb
碎叶 {def} SEE: 碎葉 ::
碎音 {n} [music] /suìyīn/ :: acciaccatura
碎银 {def} SEE: 碎銀 ::
碎玉 {n} [literary] /suìyù/ :: shards of jade
碎玉 {n} [literary, figurative] /suìyù/ :: pearly white teeth (resembling shards of white jade)
碎紙機 {n} /suìzhǐjī/ :: shredder
碎纸 {def} SEE: 碎紙 ::
碎纸机 {def} SEE: 碎紙機 ::
{def} /suì/ :: disaster brought by evil spirits
{def} /suì/ :: evil spirit; evil influence
{def} /suì/ :: to haunt; to cause mischief
{def} /suì/ :: sneaky; furtive; secretive
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /suì,er/ :: ear of grain
{def} /suì,er/ :: tassel
{def} /suì,er/ :: [obsolete] snuff of a candle
{def} [abbreviation] /suì,er/ :: Guangzhou
{def} /suì,er/ :: surname
穗城 {prop} [literary] /Suìchéng/ :: "Rice City", a nickname of Guangzhou (廣州)
穗子 {n} /suìzi/ :: ear of grain
穗子 {n} /suìzi/ :: tassel
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /suì/ :: deep; remote
{def} /suì/ :: profound; detailed
邃古 {n} /suìgǔ/ :: remote antiquity
{def} /suì/ :: used in personal names
{def} /suì/ :: tunnel; underground passage
隧道 {n} /suìdào/ :: tunnel
{def} SEE: ::
孙儿 {def} SEE: 孫兒 ::
孙儿媳妇儿 {def} SEE: 孫兒媳婦兒 ::
孙家畈 {def} SEE: 孫家畈 ::
孙囝 {def} SEE: 孫囝 ::
孙郎 {def} SEE: 孫郎 ::
孙女 {def} SEE: 孫女 ::
孙女儿 {def} SEE: 孫女兒 ::
孙女婿 {def} SEE: 孫女婿 ::
孙女子 {def} SEE: 孫女子 ::
孙王营 {def} SEE: 孫王營 ::
孙吴 {def} SEE: 孫吳 ::
孙武子 {def} SEE: 孫武子 ::
孙悟空 {def} SEE: 孫悟空 ::
孙媳妇 {def} SEE: 孫媳婦 ::
孙媳妇儿 {def} SEE: 孫媳婦兒 ::
孙新妇 {def} SEE: 孫新婦 ::
孙婿 {def} SEE: 孫婿 ::
孙婿仔 {def} SEE: 孫婿仔 ::
孙堰 {def} SEE: 孫堰 ::
孙仔 {def} SEE: 孫仔 ::
孙子 {def} SEE: 孫子 ::
孙子兵法 {def} SEE: 孫子兵法 ::
{def} /sūn/ :: grandchild (Classifier: c:個c:粒)
{def} [literary or dialectal] /sūn/ :: grandson (Classifier: c:個c:粒)
{def} [chiefly Min] /sūn/ :: fraternal nephew
{def} /sūn/ :: descendant
{def} /sūn/ :: surname listed third in the Baijiaxing
孫兒 {n} /sūn'ér/ :: grandson (son's son)
孫家畈 {prop} /Sūnjiāfàn/ :: (~ 村) 孫家畈 (village)
孫郎 {prop} /Sūn láng/ :: Sun Ce
孫郎 {prop} /Sūn láng/ :: Sun Quan
孫女 {n} /sūnnǚ,er/ :: granddaughter (one's son's daughter)
孫女兒 {n} /sūnnǚr/ :: erhua form of granddaughter (one's son's daughter)
孫女婿 {n} /sūnnǚxù,tl/ :: grandson-in-law (granddaughter's husband)
孫王營 {prop} /Sūnwángyíng/ :: (~ 村) 孫王營 (village)
孫吳 {prop} /Sūn Wú/ :: Eastern Wu (229–280)
孫吳 {prop} /Sūnwú/ :: (~ 縣) 孫吳 (county)
孫武子 {prop} /Sūn Wǔzǐ/ :: Sun Tzu (military general, strategist and philosopher of the Spring and Autumn period (544 BC - 496 BC))
孫悟空 {prop} /Sūn Wùkōng/ :: Sun Wukong (Monkey King)
孫悟空 {prop} /Sūn Wùkōng/ :: Goku (Dragon Ball)
孫媳婦 {n} /sūnxífu,er/ :: granddaughter-in-law (grandson's wife)
孫媳婦兒 {n} /sūnxífur/ :: erhua form of granddaughter (one's son's daughter)
孫堰 {prop} /Sūnyàn/ :: (~ 村) 孫堰 (village)
孫子 {n} /sūnzi/ :: grandson (son's son)
孫子 {n} /sūnzi/ :: grandchild
孫子 {n} [dialectal Mandarin, pejorative, vulgar] /sūnzi/ :: bastard
孫子 {adj} [Beijing Mandarin] /sūnzi/ :: timid; cowardly
孫子 {adj} [Beijing Mandarin, of one's behaviour] /sūnzi/ :: disgusting; revolting
孫子 {n} [literary] /sūnzǐ/ :: posterity; descendants
孫子 {prop} /Sūnzǐ/ :: Sun Tzu (military general, strategist and philosopher of the Spring and Autumn period (544 BC - 496 BC))
孫子 {def} SEE: 荀子 ::
孫子 {prop} /Sūnzǐ/ :: The Art of War
孫子兵法 {prop} /Sūnzǐbīngfǎ/ :: The Art of War
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /sūn/ :: used in 猢猻
{def} /sūn/ :: used in 猴猻
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
损荡 {def} SEE: 損蕩 ::
损管 {def} SEE: 損管 ::
损害 {def} SEE: 損害 ::
损害管制 {def} SEE: 損害管制 ::
损耗 {def} SEE: 損耗 ::
损坏 {def} SEE: 損壞 ::
损毁 {def} SEE: 損毀 ::
损人不利己 {def} SEE: 損人不利己 ::
损人利己 {def} SEE: 損人利己 ::
损伤 {def} SEE: 損傷 ::
损身仔 {def} SEE: 損身仔 ::
损失 {def} SEE: 損失 ::
损益 {def} SEE: 損益 ::
损益表 {def} SEE: 損益表 ::
损友 {def} SEE: 損友 ::
{def} /sǔn/ :: to reduce; to decrease; to cut; to diminish
{def} /sǔn/ :: to harm; to cause destruction to; to damage
{def} /sǔn/ :: to lose; to forfeit
{def} /sǔn/ :: loss; decrease; reduction
{def} [colloquial] /sǔn/ :: to make sarcastic remarks; to mock
{def} [colloquial, chiefly of remarks] /sǔn/ :: acrimonious; caustic; biting
損管 {n} [nautical, public relations] /sǔnguǎn/ :: damage control
損害 {v} /sǔnhài/ :: to harm; to cause destruction to; to mar; to sully; to damage (e.g. someone's reputation)
損害管制 {n} [nautical, public relations] /sǔnhài guǎnzhì/ :: damage control
損耗 {v} /sǔnhào,tl/ :: to cause wear and tear; to waste
損耗 {n} /sǔnhào,tl/ :: loss; wear and tear; wastage
損壞 {v} /sǔnhuài/ :: to damage; to cause destruction to; to harm
損毀 {v} /sǔnhuǐ/ :: to damage; to cause destruction to; to harm  
損人不利己 {idiom} /sǔn rén 不 lì jǐ/ :: to harm others without gaining anything in the process
損人不利己 {idiom} /sǔn rén 不 lì jǐ/ :: to cut off one's nose to spite one's face
損人利己 {v} /sǔnrénlìjǐ/ :: to benefit oneself at others' expense
損傷 {v} /sǔnshāng/ :: to harm; to damage
損傷 {v} /sǔnshāng/ :: to injure; to impair
損傷 {n} /sǔnshāng/ :: harm; damage
損傷 {n} /sǔnshāng/ :: injury; impairment
損傷 {n} /sǔnshāng/ :: loss
損失 {v} /sǔnshī/ :: to lose; to suffer losses
損失 {n} /sǔnshī/ :: loss
損益 {v} [literary] /sǔnyì/ :: to increase and decrease; to modify
損益 {n} [accounting] /sǔnyì/ :: profit and loss
損益表 {n} [accounting] /sǔnyìbiǎo/ :: income statement
損友 {n} /sǔnyǒu/ :: bad friend
損友 {n} [neologism] /sǔnyǒu/ :: teasing friend; close friends who rag on each other
{def} /sǔn/ :: mortise and tenon
{def} /sǔn/ :: fit into
榫头 {def} SEE: 榫頭 ::
榫頭 {n} [woodworking] /sǔntou/ :: tenon
榫眼 {n} [woodworking] /sǔnyǎn/ :: mortise
{def} SEE: ::
笋干 {def} SEE: 筍乾 ::
笋龟 {def} SEE: 筍龜 ::
笋仔 {def} SEE: 筍仔 ::
笋子 {def} SEE: 筍子 ::
{def} /sǔn/ :: bamboo shoot
{def} /sǔn/ :: tender; young
筍乾 {n} /sǔngān,er/ :: dried bamboo shoots
筍乾 {n} /sǔngān,er/ :: dried and fermented bamboo shoots; menma
筍子 {n} [dialectal] /sǔnzi/ :: bamboo shoot
{def} /sǔn/ :: falcon
{def} /suō/ :: used in 傞傞
{def} /suō/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
傞傞 {adj} [literary] /suōsuō/ :: Appearance of dancing
{def} /suō/ :: to incite; to instigate
唆使 {v} /suōshǐ/ :: to instigate; to abet; to incite
{def} /suō/ :: used in 哆嗦
{def} /suō/ :: used in 囉嗦
{def} /suō/ :: used in 嗦嗦
{def} [Guangxi Mandarin] /suō/ :: to eat (rice noodles, luosifen, etc.)
娑羅 {def} SEE: 桫欏 ::
娑羅樹 {n} /suōluóshù/ :: sal; shala (Shorea robusta)
娑罗 {def} SEE: 桫欏 ::
娑罗树 {def} SEE: 娑羅樹 ::
娑婆 {n} [Buddhism] /suōpó/ :: world of endurance; outside world; this world (which is full of suffering)
娑婆訶 {interj} [Buddhism, Hinduism] /suōpóhē/ :: svaha (said during oblation)
娑婆诃 {def} SEE: 娑婆訶 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /suō/ :: to stroke; to caress; to fondle
{def} /shā/ :: only used in 挓挲
{def} /sā/ :: only used in 摩挲
{def} /suō/ :: abbreviation of 桫欏
桫椤 {def} SEE: 桫欏 ::
桫欏 {n} /suōluó/ :: (~ 樹) [Buddhism] sal tree; shala tree (Shorea robusta)
桫欏 {n} /suōluó/ :: spinulose tree fern (Cyathea spinulosa)
{def} /suō/ :: weaver's shuttle
{def} /suō/ :: go to and fro
{def} /suō/ :: classifier for shuttles of threads
{def} /xùn/ :: Populus euphratica
{def} /xùn/ :: lush
梭标 {def} SEE: 梭標 ::
梭標 {def} SEE: 梭鏢 ::
梭鏢 {n} /suōbiāo/ :: spear
梭镖 {def} SEE: 梭鏢 ::
梭哈 {n} [card games] /suōhā/ :: five-card stud; poker
梭梭 {n} /suōsuō,xùnxùn/ :: saxaul (Haloxylon ammodendron)
梭梭 {adj} [literary, ideophonic] /suōsuō/ :: moving back and forth like the shuttle; frequent
梭魚 {n} /suōyú/ :: barracuda
梭鱼 {def} SEE: 梭魚 ::
梭子 {n} [weaving] /suōzi/ :: shuttle
梭子 {n} /suōzi/ :: cartridge clip
梭子蟹 {n} /suōzixiè/ :: swimming crab
梭子魚 {n} /suōziyú/ :: barracuda
梭子鱼 {def} SEE: 梭子魚 ::
{def} SEE: ::
簑衣 {def} SEE: 蓑衣 ::
{def} SEE: ::
缩编 {def} SEE: 縮編 ::
缩短 {def} SEE: 縮短 ::
缩宫素 {def} SEE: 縮宮素 ::
缩骨遮 {def} SEE: 縮骨遮 ::
缩合 {def} SEE: 縮合 ::
缩合反应 {def} SEE: 縮合反應 ::
缩混 {def} SEE: 縮混 ::
缩减 {def} SEE: 縮減 ::
缩紧 {def} SEE: 縮緊 ::
缩略 {def} SEE: 縮略 ::
缩略词 {def} SEE: 縮略詞 ::
缩略图 {def} SEE: 縮略圖 ::
缩略语 {def} SEE: 縮略語 ::
缩沙 {def} SEE: 縮沙 ::
缩砂密 {def} SEE: 縮砂密 ::
缩手 {def} SEE: 縮手 ::
缩手缩脚 {def} SEE: 縮手縮腳 ::
缩水 {def} SEE: 縮水 ::
缩头乌龟 {def} SEE: 縮頭烏龜 ::
缩小 {def} SEE: 縮小 ::
缩写 {def} SEE: 縮寫 ::
缩阳 {def} SEE: 縮陽 ::
缩印 {def} SEE: 縮印 ::
缩影 {def} SEE: 縮影 ::
{def} [organic chemistry] /suō,zuī,2nb/ :: carboxyl
{def} /zuī/ :: woollens; wool fabric
羧基 {n} [organic chemistry] /suōjī/ :: carboxyl
羧酸 {n} [organic chemistry] /suōsuān,zuīsuān,2nb/ :: carboxylic acid
蓑笠 {n} /suōlì/ :: raincoat and bamboo hat
蓑衣 {n} [historical] /suōyī/ :: raincoat woven from straw or palm-bark (worn by peasants in ancient China)
蓑衣草 {n} /suōyīcǎo/ :: alternative name for 金髮草
蓑衣草 {n} /suōyīcǎo/ :: alternative name for 獐牙菜
蓑衣草 {n} /suōyīcǎo/ :: alternative name for 香絲草
{def} [regional, archaic] /suō/ :: to loiter, to wander about (especially to waste time)
{def} [Min Nan] /suō/ :: slow; sluggish
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /suǒ,suò/ :: coarse crumbs of barley
{def} /suǒ,suò/ :: unrefined or unpolished wheat
{def} SEE: ::
唢呐 {def} SEE: 嗩吶 ::
{def} /suǒ/ :: only used in 嗩吶
嗩吶 {n} [musical instrument] /suǒnà/ :: suona (traditional Chinese woodwind instrument)
嗩吶 {n} [musical instrument] /suǒnà/ :: zurna (traditional Anatolian woodwind instrument)
{def} [in compounds] /suǒ/ :: place; location
{def} [in compounds] /suǒ/ :: establishment for a particular function
{def} /suǒ/ :: abbreviation of 研究所
{def} /suǒ/ :: classifier for buildings, schools, hospitals, etc
{def} /suǒ/ :: Prefix attached to verbs to form noun phrases, indicating the patient of the verb, similar to a passive participle
{def} /suǒ/ :: Used in the construction ……所…… to form the passive voice
所長 {n} /suǒzhǎng/ :: chief, head of an institute, etc
所長 {n} /suǒcháng/ :: one's forte; strength; strong point
所长 {def} SEE: 所長 ::
所得 {n} /suǒdé/ :: what one has gained (money, goods, knowledge, fruits of labour, etc.); one's gains; what one acquires
所得 {n} [specifically, finance, accounting, business] /suǒdé/ :: income
所得稅 {n} /suǒdéshuì/ :: income tax
所得税 {def} SEE: 所得稅 ::
所多玛 {def} SEE: 所多瑪 ::
所多瑪 {prop} [Protestantism, biblical] /Suǒduōmǎ/ :: Sodom
所费 {def} SEE: 所費 ::
所及 {n} /suǒjí/ :: that which is reached (by one's capabilities etc.)
所見 {n} [literary] /suǒjiàn/ :: that which one can see
所見 {n} [literary] /suǒjiàn/ :: view; opinion
所見即所得 {phrase} [computing] /suǒjiàn jí suǒdé/ :: what you see is what you get; WYSIWYG
所見略同 {idiom} [literary] /suǒjiànlüètóng/ :: to hold similar views
所见 {def} SEE: 所見 ::
所见即所得 {def} SEE: 所見即所得 ::
所见略同 {def} SEE: 所見略同 ::
所叻 {prop} /Suǒlè/ :: 所叻 (city)
所料 {n} [literary] /suǒliào/ :: what one anticipates; expectation
所羅巴伯 {prop} [Protestantism] /Suǒluóbābó/ :: Zerubbabel
所羅門 {prop} [Protestantism] /Suǒluómén/ :: Solomon
所羅門羣島 {def} SEE: 所羅門群島 ::
所羅門群島 {prop} [Mainland China] /Suǒluómén Qúndǎo/ :: Solomon Islands
所羅門智訓 {prop} /Suǒluómén Zhìxùn/ :: Wisdom of Solomon
所罗巴伯 {def} SEE: 所羅巴伯 ::
所罗门 {def} SEE: 所羅門 ::
所罗门群岛 {def} SEE: 所羅門群島 ::
所罗门智训 {def} SEE: 所羅門智訓 ::
所属 {def} SEE: 所屬 ::
所屬 {adj} /suǒshǔ/ :: belonging to
所为 {def} SEE: 所為 ::
所為 {n} /suǒwéi/ :: what one does; behaviour; actions
所為 {n} /suǒwèi/ :: cause; reason
所謂 {adj} [attributive] /suǒwèi/ :: so-called
所謂 {adj} [attributive, literary] /suǒwèi/ :: what is known as
所谓 {def} SEE: 所謂 ::
所向 {n} /suǒxiàng/ :: where something is directed
所向 {n} /suǒxiàng/ :: whereabouts; where somebody has gone or is going
所向無敵 {idiom} /suǒxiàngwúdí/ :: all-conquering; invincible wherever one goes
所向无敌 {def} SEE: 所向無敵 ::
所幸 {adv} [formal] /suǒxìng/ :: luckily; fortunately
所需 {n} /suǒxū/ :: that which is needed; what is required; necessity
所宜 {adj} [archaic] /suǒyí/ :: appropriate; fitting
所以 {conj} /suǒyǐ/ :: therefore; so; consequently
所以 {conj} /suǒyǐ/ :: Used in the first part of a sentence to indicate a reason that will be explained in the second part of the sentence
所以 {pron} [literary] /suǒyǐ/ :: the means (literally, "what one uses") by which; how
所以 {pron} [literary] /suǒyǐ/ :: the manner in which; how
所以 {pron} [literary] /suǒyǐ/ :: the reason why; why
所以 {n} [literary] /suǒyǐ/ :: proper behaviour; manners
所以呢 {phrase} /suǒyǐ ne/ :: So what?
所以然 {n} /suǒyǐrán/ :: why something is so; reason (Classifier: m:個)
所有 {adj} /suǒyǒu/ :: all
所有 {n} /suǒyǒu/ :: possessions
所有 {v} /suǒyǒu/ :: to own; to possess
所有格 {n} /suǒyǒugé/ :: possessive case, genitive case
所有权 {def} SEE: 所有權 ::
所有權 {n} /suǒyǒuquán/ :: property rights; ownership
所有人 {n} /suǒyǒurén/ :: each person; everybody; per person
所有人 {n} /suǒyǒurén/ :: owner; proprietor; possessor
所有物 {n} /suǒyǒuwù/ :: belongings; possessions
所有者 {n} /suǒyǒuzhě/ :: owner; proprietor; possessor
所有制 {n} /suǒyǒuzhì/ :: system of ownership; ownership
所有主 {n} /suǒyǒuzhǔ/ :: owner; possessor; proprietor
所在 {n} /suǒzài/ :: place; location
所在 {n} /suǒzài/ :: whereabouts
所在地 {n} /suǒzàidì/ :: location; site
所泽 {def} SEE: 所澤 ::
所澤 {prop} /Suǒzé/ :: (~ 市) 所澤 (city)
所知 {n} [literary] /suǒzhī/ :: what is known; what one knows; knowledge
所知 {n} [literary] /suǒzhī/ :: acquaintance (person with whom one is acquainted)
所指 {n} [linguistics] /suǒzhǐ/ :: signified
所致 {v} /suǒzhì/ :: to be caused by
所作所为 {def} SEE: 所作所為 ::
所作所為 {idiom} /suǒzuòsuǒwéi/ :: everything one does
摵仔面 {def} SEE: 摵仔麵 ::
{def} /suǒ/ :: name of an ancient river
{def} SEE: ::
琐罗亚斯德 {def} SEE: 瑣羅亞斯德 ::
琐罗亚斯德教 {def} SEE: 瑣羅亞斯德教 ::
琐事 {def} SEE: 瑣事 ::
琐碎 {def} SEE: 瑣碎 ::
琐细 {def} SEE: 瑣細 ::
琐屑 {def} SEE: 瑣屑 ::
{def} /suǒ/ :: petty; trivial; insignificant
{def} /suǒ/ :: low; base
{def} /suǒ/ :: [obsolete] original form of
{def} /suǒ/ :: [obsolete] chain-like pattern
{def} /suǒ/ :: [historical dictionaries] sound of jade; fragments of jade
{def} /suǒ/ :: surname
瑣羅亞斯德 {prop} /Suǒluó亚sīdé/ :: Zoroaster
瑣羅亞斯德教 {prop} [religion] /Suǒluóyàsīdéjiào/ :: Zoroastrianism
瑣事 {n} /suǒshì,er/ :: trivial things; trifling matter
瑣碎 {adj} /suǒsuì/ :: trivial; inconsequential; trifling
瑣細 {adj} /suǒxì/ :: trifling; trivial
瑣屑 {adj} [literary] /suǒxiè/ :: trivial; inconsequential; trifling
{def} /suǒ/ :: rope; cable
{def} [Teochew] /suǒ/ :: to climb; to clamber
{def} /suǒ/ :: to search; to inquire into
{def} /suǒ/ :: to request; to demand
{def} /Suǒ/ :: surname
索布語 {prop} /Suǒbùyǔ/ :: Sorbian (language)
索布语 {def} SEE: 索布語 ::
索带 {def} SEE: 索帶 ::
索帶 {n} /suǒdài/ :: cable tie
索道 {n} /suǒdào/ :: cableway; ropeway
索尔 {def} SEE: 索爾 ::
索爾 {n} /suǒ'ěr/ :: sol (currency)
索爾 {prop} /suǒ'ěr/ :: Thor
索爾 {prop} /suǒ'ěr/ :: Saul (name)
索爾 {prop} /suǒ'ěr/ :: Sol (name)
索爾 {prop} [rare] /suǒ'ěr/ :: alternative name for 首爾
索菲亞 {prop} /Suǒfēi亚/ :: 索菲亞 (capital)
索菲亞 {prop} /Suǒfēi亚/ :: Sophia; Sofia (name)
索菲亚 {def} SEE: 索菲亞 ::
索菲娅 {def} SEE: 索菲婭 ::
索菲婭 {prop} /Suǒfēiyà/ :: Sofia; Sophia (a female given name)
索非亞 {prop} /Suǒfēi亞/ :: 索非亞 (city/capital city)
索非亚 {def} SEE: 索非亞 ::
索福尼亞 {prop} [Catholicism] /Suǒfúní亞/ :: Zephaniah (prophet)
索福尼亞 {prop} [Catholicism] /Suǒfúní亞/ :: Zephaniah (book of the Bible)
索福尼亚 {def} SEE: 索福尼亞 ::
索河 {prop} /Suǒhé/ :: (~ 街道) 索河 (subdistrict)
索河 {prop} /Suǒhé/ :: (~ 鎮) [historical] 索河 (town)
索賄 {v} /suǒhuì/ :: to solicit a bribe
索贿 {def} SEE: 索賄 ::
索居 {v} /suǒjū/ :: to isolate oneself from the crowd and live alone
索伦 {def} SEE: 索倫 ::
索倫 {prop} /Suǒlún/ :: of the Solon people
索羅門羣島 {def} SEE: 索羅門群島 ::
索羅門群島 {prop} [Taiwan] /Suǒluómén Qúndǎo/ :: Solomon Islands
索羅亞斯德教 {def} SEE: 瑣羅亞斯德教 ::
索罗门群岛 {def} SEE: 索羅門群島 ::
索罗亚斯德教 {def} SEE: 索羅亞斯德教 ::
索馬里 {prop} [Mainland China] /Suǒmǎlǐ/ :: Somalia
索馬里蘭 {prop} [Mainland China] /Suǒmǎlǐlán/ :: Somaliland
索馬利蘭 {prop} [Taiwan] /Suǒmǎlìlán/ :: Somaliland
索馬利亞 {prop} [Taiwan] /Suǒmǎlì亞/ :: Somalia
索马里 {def} SEE: 索馬里 ::
索马里兰 {def} SEE: 索馬里蘭 ::
索马利兰 {def} SEE: 索馬利蘭 ::
索马利亚 {def} SEE: 索馬利亞 ::
索面 {def} SEE: 索麵 ::
索麪 {def} SEE: 索麵 ::
索寞 {adj} [literary or Min Dong] /suǒmò/ :: crestfallen; downcast; in low spirits
索寞 {adj} [literary or Min Dong] /suǒmò/ :: lonely; lonesome; solitary; desolate
索尼 {prop} /Suǒní/ :: Sony, a Japanese company known for consumer electronics
索諾拉 {prop} /Suǒnuòlā/ :: (~ 州) 索諾拉 (state)
索诺拉 {def} SEE: 索諾拉 ::
索賠 {v} /suǒpéi/ :: to ask for compensation; to claim damages
索赔 {def} SEE: 索賠 ::
索契 {prop} /Suǒqì/ :: Sochi
索求 {v} /suǒqiú/ :: to seek; to ask for; to demand
索取 {v} /suǒqǔ/ :: to ask for; to demand
索然 {adj} [Classical] /suǒrán/ :: crying
索然 {adj} [Classical] /suǒrán/ :: scattered
索然 {adj} [literary] /suǒrán/ :: dull; uninteresting; insipid
索然寡味 {idiom} /suǒránguǎwèi/ :: synonym of 索然無味
索然無味 {idiom} /suǒránwúwèi/ :: bored; unenthused
索然無味 {idiom} /suǒránwúwèi/ :: dull; boring; tedious
索然无味 {def} SEE: 索然無味 ::
索吻 {v} /suǒwěn/ :: to ask for a kiss; to demand a kiss
索性 {adv} /suǒxìng,suóxing/ :: might as well; simply; just
索要 {v} /suǒyāo/ :: to demand; to ask for
索引 {n} /suǒyǐn/ :: index
索子 {n} [mahjong] /suǒzi/ :: bamboo tile
{def} /suǒ/ :: lock (something used for fastening) (Classifier: m,c:把)
{def} /suǒ/ :: to lock
鎖匙 {n} [dialectal] /suǒshí,tl/ :: key (Classifier: c:條c:抽)
鎖匙 {n} [Min Dong] /suǒshí,tl/ :: lock
鎖存器 {n} [chiefly Mainland and Hong Kong, computing, electronics] /suǒcúnqì/ :: flip-flop; latch
鎖定 {v} /suǒdìng/ :: to lock (a computer file, computer by password protection, etc.)
鎖定 {v} /suǒdìng/ :: to lock into place; to lock in; to secure; to fix
鎖定 {v} /suǒdìng/ :: to focus attention on; to target
鎖肛痔 {n} [TCM] /suǒgāngzhì/ :: A disease characterised by haematochezia, worsening constipation (as if the anus is locked), and abnormal stools. Equivalent to colorectal cancer
鎖骨 {n} [skeleton] /suǒgǔ/ :: clavicle; collarbone
鎖骨下動脈 {n} [anatomy] /suǒgǔxiàdòngmài/ :: subclavian artery
鎖喉 {v} /suǒhóu/ :: to use a chokehold
鎖匠 {n} /suǒjiàng,tl/ :: locksmith (one who practices locksmithing)
鎖匠 {n} /suǒjiàng,tl/ :: locksmithing (science and art of making and defeating locks)
鎖孔 {n} /suǒkǒng/ :: keyhole
鎖鐮 {n} /suǒlián/ :: kusarigama, chain sickle
鎖鏈 {n} /suǒliàn,er/ :: chain, especially one with a lock to secure an object
鎖門 {v} /suǒmén/ :: to lock the door; to lock the doors
鎖上 {v} /suǒshàng/ :: to lock
鎖死 {v} [computing] /suǒsǐ/ :: to deadlock
鎖死 {v} [of car wheels] /suǒsǐ/ :: to lock up (seize)
鎖死 {v} /suǒsǐ/ :: See: zh
鎖頭 {n} [regional] /suǒtóu,tl/ :: lock (device) (Classifier: mn-t:個)
鎖眼 {n} /suǒyǎn/ :: a keyhole
鎖陽 {n} /suǒyáng/ :: Cynomorium songaricum
鎖鑰 {n} [literally] /suǒ鑰/ :: lock and key
鎖鑰 {n} [figurative] /suǒ鑰/ :: key (to something)
鎖鑰 {n} [figurative] /suǒ鑰/ :: strategic gateway (to an important center or a major city)
鎖子 {n} [regional] /suǒzi/ :: lock
鎖子 {n} /suǒzi/ :: chain (part of armor)
鎖子鎧甲 {n} /suǒzi kǎijiǎ/ :: coat of mail
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
锁IP {def} SEE: 鎖IP ::
锁匙 {def} SEE: 鎖匙 ::
锁匙佬 {def} SEE: 鎖匙佬 ::
锁存器 {def} SEE: 鎖存器 ::
锁定 {def} SEE: 鎖定 ::
锁肛痔 {def} SEE: 鎖肛痔 ::
锁骨 {def} SEE: 鎖骨 ::
锁骨下动脉 {def} SEE: 鎖骨下動脈 ::
锁管 {def} SEE: 鎖管 ::
锁管仔 {def} SEE: 鎖管仔 ::
锁喉 {def} SEE: 鎖喉 ::
锁匠 {def} SEE: 鎖匠 ::
锁孔 {def} SEE: 鎖孔 ::
锁镰 {def} SEE: 鎖鐮 ::
锁链 {def} SEE: 鎖鏈 ::
锁门 {def} SEE: 鎖門 ::
锁上 {def} SEE: 鎖上 ::
锁死 {def} SEE: 鎖死 ::
锁头 {def} SEE: 鎖頭 ::
锁眼 {def} SEE: 鎖眼 ::
锁阳 {def} SEE: 鎖陽 ::
锁钥 {def} SEE: 鎖鑰 ::
锁子 {def} SEE: 鎖子 ::
锁子铠甲 {def} SEE: 鎖子鎧甲 ::
{def} [chiefly Mandarin, Jin, Xiang, dialectal Wu] /tā,tuō/ :: he; him; she; her (originally gender-neutral; nowadays usually referring to males)
{def} /tā,tuō/ :: A dummy pronoun
{def} /tā,tuō/ :: other; another
{def} /tā,tuō/ :: surname
他动词 {def} SEE: 他動詞 ::
他動詞 {n} [grammar] /tādòngcí/ :: transitive verb
他方 {n} /tāfāng/ :: another side; the other hand
他国 {def} SEE: 他國 ::
他國 {n} /tāguó/ :: another country; foreign country
他加祿語 {prop} /Tājiālùyǔ/ :: the Tagalog language
他加禄语 {def} SEE: 他加祿語 ::
他家 {n} /tājiā/ :: other people's homes, somebody else's home
他家 {pron} [dialectal, Wuhan] /tājiā/ :: he, she, they
他库西 {def} SEE: 他庫西 ::
他俩 {def} SEE: 他倆 ::
他俩个 {def} SEE: 他倆個 ::
他律 {v} /tālǜ/ :: be be disciplined by others
他律 {n} /tālǜ/ :: heteronomy
他律 {n} /tālǜ/ :: discipline by others
他妈 {def} SEE: 他媽 ::
他妈的 {def} SEE: 他媽的 ::
他妈哥池 {def} SEE: 他媽哥池 ::
他媽 {phrase} [vulgar] /tāmā/ :: synonym of 他媽的
他媽的 {phrase} [Mandarin, vulgar] /tāmāde/ :: fuck; fucking; up yours
他媽哥池 {n} [Hong Kong] /tāmāgēchí/ :: Tamagotchi
他们 {def} SEE: 他們 ::
他们俩 {def} SEE: 他們倆 ::
他們 {pron} [chiefly Mandarin, Jin, Changsha Xiang] /tāmen/ :: they; them
他們倆 {pron} /tāmen liǎ/ :: the two of them; those two people
他喵的 {phrase} [mainland, slang, euphemistic] /tāmiāode/ :: alternative form of 他媽的
他奶奶的 {phrase} [vulgar] /tā nǎinai de/ :: synonym of 他媽的
他人 {n} /tārén/ :: another person; other people; others
他日 {n} [literary] /tārì/ :: another day in the future
他日 {n} [literary] /tārì/ :: on another day in the past
他杀 {def} SEE: 他殺 ::
他殺 {v} [legal] /tāshā/ :: to commit homicide
他殺 {n} [legal] /tāshā/ :: homicide
他事 {n} [literary] /tāshì/ :: some other thing; some other matter; an unrelated matter
他他米 {def} SEE: 榻榻米 ::
他佻 {def} SEE: 他條 ::
他条 {def} SEE: 他條 ::
他汀 {n} [pharmaceutical drug] /tātīng,tādīng,2nb/ :: statin
他乡 {def} SEE: 他鄉 ::
他鄉 {n} /tāxiāng/ :: foreign land, away from one's native place
他心 {n} [literary] /tāxīn/ :: ulterior motives
他意 {n} /tāyì/ :: other intention; other motive
他意 {n} /tāyì/ :: ulterior motive
他用 {n} /tāyòng/ :: other uses; other purposes
他朝君体也相同 {def} SEE: 他朝君體也相同 ::
他朝君體也相同 {idiom} [chiefly Hong Kong] /tāzhāo jūntǐ yě xiāngtóng/ :: you will suffer the same fate
他者 {n} /tāzhě/ :: other person; other people; others
{def} /tā/ :: to collapse; to fall down
{def} /tā/ :: to sink; to droop
{def} /tā/ :: to calm down; to settle down
塌鼻子 {n} /tābízi/ :: snub nose; pug nose
塌菜 {n} /tācài/ :: Brassica rapa subsp. narinosa (syns. Brassica narinosa, Brasica rapa var. narinosa, Brassica rapa var. rosularis), an edible green vegetable known variously in English as tatsoi, spinach mustard, spoon mustard, or rosette bok choy
塌方 {v} /tāfāng/ :: to cave in; to collapse
塌棵菜 {n} /tākēcài/ :: tatsoi (Brassica rapa subsp. narinosa)
塌实 {def} SEE: 塌實 ::
塌實 {adj} /tāshi/ :: firm; steady; sure
塌實 {adj} [of one's mind] /tāshi/ :: at ease; free from anxiety; not tense
塌树 {def} SEE: 塌樹 ::
塌塌米 {def} SEE: 榻榻米 ::
塌臺 {v} [figuratively] /tātái/ :: to fall from power; to collapse
塌台 {def} SEE: 塌臺 ::
塌头 {def} SEE: 塌頭 ::
塌陷 {v} /tāxiàn/ :: to cave in; to collapse
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tā/ :: she, her
她们 {def} SEE: 她們 ::
她們 {pron} [human, female only] /tāmen/ :: they; them
{def} /tā/ :: third-person singular pronoun for inanimate objects; it
{def} [chiefly simplified Chinese] /tā/ :: third-person singular pronoun for animals; it
{def} [obsolete] /tā/ :: general third-person singular pronoun; he; she; they (singular); it
{def} /tā/ :: A dummy pronoun
{def} /tā/ :: crooked; evil
{def} /tā/ :: surname
{def} /tuō/ :: used in 它它藉藉
{def} /tuō/ :: alternative form of
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /yí/ :: only used in 它它
它们 {def} SEE: 它們 ::
它们 {def} SEE: 牠們 ::
它們 {pron} [inanimate] /tāmen/ :: they; them
它它针 {def} SEE: 它它針 ::
{def} [animal] /tā/ :: it
牠們 {pron} [animal] /tāmen/ :: they; them
{def} [deity] /tā/ :: He; Him
祂们 {def} SEE: 祂們 ::
祂們 {pron} [of deities] /tāmen/ :: they, them
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tǎ/ :: tower
{def} /tǎ/ :: pagoda
{def} /tǎ/ :: spire
{def} /tǎ/ :: tall building
{def} [Taiwan] /tǎ/ :: tart
塔崩 {n} [organic compound] /tǎbēng/ :: tabun
塔城 {prop} /Tǎchéng/ :: (~ 地區) 塔城 (prefecture)
塔城 {prop} /Tǎchéng/ :: (~ 市) 塔城 (county-level city)
塔尔巴哈台 {def} SEE: 塔爾巴哈臺 ::
塔尔萨 {def} SEE: 塔爾薩 ::
塔爾巴哈臺 {prop} [historical] /Tǎ'ěrbāhātái/ :: Tacheng
塔爾巴哈台 {def} SEE: 塔爾巴哈臺 ::
塔爾薩 {prop} [Mainland China, Hong Kong] /Tǎ'ěrsà/ :: Tulsa
塔畈 {prop} /Tǎfàn/ :: (~ 村) 塔畈 (village)
塔夫綢 {n} /tǎfūchóu/ :: taffeta
塔夫绸 {def} SEE: 塔夫綢 ::
塔格糖 {n} [carbohydrate] /tǎgétáng/ :: tagatose
塔格醣 {def} SEE: 塔格糖 ::
塔吉克 {adj} /Tǎjíkè/ :: Tajik
塔吉克 {prop} [Taiwan, Hong Kong] /Tǎjíkè/ :: Tajikistan
塔吉克人 {n} /tǎjíkèrén/ :: Tajik (person, people)
塔吉克斯坦 {prop} [Mainland China] /Tǎjíkèsītǎn/ :: Tajikistan
塔吉克語 {n} /tǎjíkèyǔ/ :: the Tajik language
塔吉克語 {n} /tǎjíkèyǔ/ :: the Sarikoli language
塔吉克语 {def} SEE: 塔吉克語 ::
塔吉克族 {n} /tǎjíkèzú/ :: Tajik people
塔吉克族 {n} /tǎjíkèzú/ :: Tajiks of Xinjiang
塔卡 {n} /tǎkǎ/ :: taka (currency of Bangladesh)
塔可 {n} /tǎkě/ :: taco
塔克拉玛干 {def} SEE: 塔克拉瑪干 ::
塔克拉瑪干 {prop} /Tǎkèlāmǎgān/ :: (~ 沙漠) the Taklamakan Desert, located primarily in southern Xinjiang, China
塔拉 {n} /tǎlā/ :: tala (currency of Samoa)
塔拉 {n} /tǎlā/ :: tala (rhythmic pattern in Indian music)
塔拉 {n} [only used in placenames] /tǎlā/ :: grassland
塔拉 {n} /tǎlā/ :: tara (Caesalpinia spinosa; a plant)
塔拉 {prop} /tǎlā/ :: Tala (various place names)
塔拉 {prop} /tǎlā/ :: Tara (various place names)
塔拉 {prop} /tǎlā/ :: 塔拉 (town)
塔拉哈西 {prop} /Tǎlāhāxī/ :: 塔拉哈西 (city/state capital)
塔拉赫西 {prop} /Tǎlāhèxī/ :: 塔拉赫西 (city/state capital)
塔里木 {prop} /Tǎlǐmù/ :: (~ 盆地) Tarim Basin
塔里木 {prop} /Tǎlǐmù/ :: (~ 河) 塔里木 (river)
塔里木 {prop} /Tǎlǐmù/ :: (~ 市) zh:塔里木市
塔里木 {prop} /Tǎlǐmù/ :: (~ 鄉) 塔里木 (township)
塔里木 {prop} /Tǎlǐmù/ :: (~ 鄉) 塔里木 (township)
塔里木 {prop} /Tǎlǐmù/ :: (~ 鄉) 塔里木 (township)
塔里木河 {prop} /Tǎlǐmù Hé/ :: Tarim River
塔里木盆地 {prop} /Tǎlǐmù péndì/ :: the Tarim Basin
塔利班 {prop} /Tǎlìbān/ :: Taliban
塔林 {prop} /tǎlín/ :: 塔林 (city/capital city)
塔林 {n} /tǎlín/ :: pagoda forest (collection of mausoleums of monks)
塔楼 {def} SEE: 塔樓 ::
塔樓 {n} /tǎlóu/ :: tower (structure)
塔路 {prop} /Tǎlù/ :: (~ 村) 塔路 (village)
塔羅牌 {n} /tǎluópái/ :: tarot
塔羅糖 {n} [carbohydrate] /tǎluótáng/ :: talose
塔羅醣 {def} SEE: 塔羅糖 ::
塔罗牌 {def} SEE: 塔羅牌 ::
塔罗糖 {def} SEE: 塔羅糖 ::
塔玛拉 {def} SEE: 塔瑪拉 ::
塔瑪拉 {prop} /Tǎmǎlā/ :: Tamara
塔門 {prop} /Tǎmén/ :: Tap Mun; Grass Island (an island in the New Territories, Hong Kong)
塔门 {def} SEE: 塔門 ::
塔木德 {n} [Judaism] /tǎmùdé/ :: Talmud
塔納赫 {prop} [Judaism] /Tǎnàhè/ :: Tanakh
塔纳赫 {def} SEE: 塔納赫 ::
塔那那利佛 {prop} /Tǎnànàlìfó/ :: 塔那那利佛 (city/capital city)
塔帕丘拉 {prop} /Tǎpàqiūlā/ :: 塔帕丘拉 (city)
塔帕斯 {n} /tǎpàsī/ :: tapas (variety of Spanish small food items or snacks)
塔婆 {n} [Buddhism] /tǎpó/ :: stupa; pagoda
塔什干 {prop} /Tǎshígān/ :: 塔什干 (city/capital city)
塔什库尔干 {def} SEE: 塔什庫爾干 ::
塔什库尔干塔吉克自治县 {def} SEE: 塔什庫爾干塔吉克自治縣 ::
塔什庫爾干 {prop} /Tǎshíkù'ěrgān/ :: (~ 塔吉克自治縣) 塔什庫爾干 (county)
塔什庫爾干 {prop} /Tǎshíkù'ěrgān/ :: (~ 鎮) 塔什庫爾干 (town)
塔什庫爾干塔吉克自治縣 {prop} /Tǎshíkù'ěrgān Tǎjíkè Zìzhìxiàn/ :: 塔什庫爾干塔吉克自治縣 (autonomous county)
塔斯馬尼亞 {prop} /Tǎsīmǎníyà/ :: (~ 州) 塔斯馬尼亞 (state)
塔斯马尼亚 {def} SEE: 塔斯馬尼亞 ::
塔斯曼尼亚 {def} SEE: 塔斯曼尼亞 ::
塔塔儿 {def} SEE: 塔塔兒 ::
塔塔儿人 {def} SEE: 塔塔兒人 ::
塔塔兒 {adj} /tǎtǎr/ :: Tatar
塔塔兒人 {n} /tǎtǎrrén/ :: Tatar (person)
塔塔尔族 {def} SEE: 塔塔爾族 ::
塔塔爾族 {n} /tǎtǎ'ěr zú/ :: Tatar people
塔臺 {n} /tǎtái/ :: control tower
塔台 {def} SEE: 塔臺 ::
塔提讓 {prop} /Tǎtíràng/ :: (~ 鎮) 塔提讓 (town)
塔提讓 {prop} /Tǎtíràng/ :: (~ 村) 塔提讓 (village)
塔提让 {def} SEE: 塔提讓 ::
塔希提 {prop} /Tǎxītí/ :: 塔希提 (island)
塔仔山 {prop} /Tǎzǎishān/ :: A hill in Phnom Penh, on which the Wat Phnom stands
塔中 {prop} /Tǎzhōng/ :: (~ 鎮) 塔中 (town)
塔州 {prop} /Tǎzhōu/ :: short fo 塔斯馬尼亞州 (塔州 (state))
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /獺/ :: otter
{def} /tǎ/ :: common sole
{def} /tà/ :: only used in 佻㒓
{def} /tà/ :: to prostrate
{def} /tà/ :: to make obeisance, to concede or submit willingly
{def} SEE: ::
䂿脚 {def} SEE: 䂿腳 ::
{def} /tà/ :: [obsolete] flat-bottom crock; jug; pitcher; vase
{def} /tà/ :: (corrupted form of ) sound of flowing water
{def} /tà/ :: [obsolete] the sound of drums
{def} /tà/ :: noises
{def} /tà/ :: disorderly or confused sound of drums
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tàn/ :: only used in 傝儑
{def} /tà/ :: only used in 傝𠎷
{def} /tuò/ :: to open up; to develop; to expand
{def} /tuò/ :: to stretch
{def} /tuò/ :: to push open
{def} /tuò/ :: surname
{def} /tà/ :: to make rubbings on something (e.g. inscriptions)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tuō/ :: alternative form of
拓拔 {def} SEE: 拓跋 ::
拓跋 {prop} [historical] /Tuòbá/ :: Tuoba (Xianbei clan in ancient China)
拓跋 {prop} /Tuòbá/ :: surname
拓本 {n} /tàběn/ :: rubbing (of an inscription)
拓地 {v} [literary] /tuòdì/ :: to expand territory
拓地 {v} [literary] /tuòdì/ :: to cultivate land
拓都 {n} [obsolete] /tuòdōu/ :: community; society
拓荒 {v} [agriculture, literally] /tuòhuāng/ :: to reclaim wasteland; to open up land (for agriculture)
拓荒 {v} [figurative] /tuòhuāng/ :: to explore in a new field
拓荒者 {n} /tuòhuāngzhě/ :: pioneer
拓宽 {def} SEE: 拓寬 ::
拓寬 {v} [literally and figuratively] /tuòkuān/ :: to widen; to broaden
拓蓝纸 {def} SEE: 拓藍紙 ::
拓片 {n} /tàpiàn/ :: rubbing (of an inscription)
拓扑 {def} SEE: 拓撲 ::
拓扑空间 {def} SEE: 拓撲空間 ::
拓扑学 {def} SEE: 拓撲學 ::
拓撲 {n} [mathematics] /tuòpū,tuòpǔ,2nb/ :: topology
拓撲 {n} [mathematics] /tuòpū,tuòpǔ,2nb/ :: abbreviation of 拓撲空間
拓撲 {n} [computing] /tuòpū,tuòpǔ,2nb/ :: topology
拓撲空間 {n} [topology] /tuòpū kōngjiān,tuòpǔ kōngjiān,2nb/ :: topological space
拓撲學 {n} [mathematics] /tuòpūxué,tuòpǔxué,2nb/ :: topology
拓涂机 {def} SEE: 拓塗機 ::
拓銷 {v} /tuòxiāo/ :: to widely open the market
拓销 {def} SEE: 拓銷 ::
拓印 {v} /tàyìn/ :: to make a stone rubbing
拓印 {n} /tàyìn/ :: stone rubbing
拓印图 {def} SEE: 拓印圖 ::
拓印圖 {n} /tàyìntú/ :: rubbing (of an inscription)
拓展 {v} /tuòzhǎn/ :: to expand; to develop
拓殖 {v} /tuòzhí/ :: to colonise
{def} SEE: ::
挞车 {def} SEE: 撻車 ::
挞订 {def} SEE: 撻訂 ::
挞伐 {def} SEE: 撻伐 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tà/ :: to flog
{def} /tà/ :: to chastise
{def} /tà/ :: brave
{def} /tà,tǎ,2nb/ :: tart (pastry)
撻伐 {v} [literary] /tà伐/ :: to send troops to suppress; to go on a punitive expedition
撻伐 {v} [figurative] /tà伐/ :: to criticise; to condemn
{def} /tà/ :: cot, couch, bed
榻榻米 {n} /tàtàmǐ/ :: tatami (straw matting in Japanese houses)
{def} /tà/ :: only used in 毾㲪
毾㲪 {n} [historical] /tàdēng/ :: a kind of blanket
{def} /tà/ :: to boil over
{def} /tà/ :: used in 涾𣵺
{def} /tà/ :: slippery, smooth
{def} /tà/ :: to pile up, to heap up
{def} /tà/ :: permissive and open-minded
{def} /tà/ :: to make use of personnel without having discretion (recognising the difference between good and evil people)
{def} /tà/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /tà/ :: [obsolete] dogs eating
{def} /tà/ :: [obsolete] dogs biting people
{def} /dá/ :: small lamb
{def} /tà/ :: to talk quickly
{def} /tà,tā/ :: to step on; to trample; to tread on
{def} /tà,tā/ :: to investigate onsite
{def} [Cantonese, dialectal Hakka] /tà,tā/ :: Used before a number to indicate time, where the number is what the minute hand is pointing to on an analog clock
踏板 {n} /tàbǎn/ :: pedal (of a car)
踏布机 {def} SEE: 踏布機 ::
踏步 {v} /tàbù/ :: to march in place; to mark time
踏歌 {v} /tàgē/ :: to sing and dance at once
踏话头 {def} SEE: 踏話頭 ::
踏破鐵鞋 {idiom} /tàpò tiěxié/ :: to search high and low
踏破鐵鞋無覓處 {idiom} [xiehouyu] /tàpò tiěxié wú mìchù/ :: One will search high and low only to find it when one least expects to
踏破鐵鞋無覓處,得來全不費工夫 {idiom} [xiehouyu] /tàpò tiěxié wú mìchù, délái quán 不 fèigōngfu/ :: One will search high and low only to find it when one least expects to
踏破铁鞋 {def} SEE: 踏破鐵鞋 ::
踏破铁鞋无觅处 {def} SEE: 踏破鐵鞋無覓處 ::
踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费工夫 {def} SEE: 踏破鐵鞋無覓處,得來全不費工夫 ::
踏青 {v} /tàqīng/ :: to go on an outing to the green countryside during spring
踏入 {v} /tàrù/ :: to step into; to set foot in
踏上 {v} /tàshàng/ :: to step on
踏上征途 {idiom} /tàshàngzhēngtú/ :: to embark on the journey; to embark on the road; first step
踏实 {def} SEE: 踏實 ::
踏實 {adj} /tāshi,tàshí,1nb/ :: firm; steady; sure; dependable
踏實 {adj} [of one's mind] /tāshi,tàshí,1nb/ :: at ease; free from anxiety; not tense
踏實 {adj} /tāshi,tàshí,1nb/ :: workable; practical; feasible
踏實 {v} [literary] /tāshi,tàshí,1nb/ :: to walk steadily
踏踏实实 {def} SEE: 踏踏實實 ::
踏踏實實 {adv} /tātāshíshí,tātāshīshī,tl3/ :: Emphatic form of 踏實
踏足 {v} /tàzú/ :: to set foot (in, on)
{def} /tà/ :: alternative form of
{def} /tà/ :: to kick
{def} /tà/ :: to stumble; to slip; to fall down
{def} /dā/ :: only used in 蹓躂
{def} /dá,tà,tì/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /tā/ :: only used in 邋遢, etc
{def} /tà/ :: to cover; to wrap
{def} /tà/ :: metal cap; metal sleeve
{def} [Cantonese] /tà/ :: to lock
{def} [Cantonese] /tà/ :: to handcuff (and arrest)
{def} [Cantonese] /tà/ :: (metal) lock
{def} /tà,hé/ :: alternative form of only used in 鑉鑪
{def} [obsolete] /hé/ :: glucinum; beryllium
{def} /tà/ :: door
{def} /tà/ :: gate
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tāi/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /tāi/ :: fetus; unborn child
{def} /tāi/ :: source, origin
{def} /tāi/ :: to bring up, to rear
{def} /tāi/ :: pearl in shell
{def} /tāi/ :: roughcast
{def} /tāi/ :: padding
{def} /tāi/ :: tongue coating; fur
{def} /tāi/ :: to escape
{def} /tāi/ :: alternative form of
{def} /tāi/ :: tyre (tire)
胎斑 {n} /tāibān/ :: Mongolian spot
胎蛋白 {n} [protein] /tāidànbái/ :: fetoprotein
胎动 {def} SEE: 胎動 ::
胎動 {v} [obstetrics, of the fetus] /tāidòng/ :: to move (perceptibly) in utero
胎儿 {def} SEE: 胎兒 ::
胎儿蛋白 {def} SEE: 胎兒蛋白 ::
胎兒 {n} /tāi'ér/ :: fetus
胎兒蛋白 {n} [protein] /tāi'ér dànbái/ :: fetoprotein
胎发 {def} SEE: 胎髮 ::
胎髮 {n} /tāi髮/ :: fetal hair; lanugo
胎粪 {def} SEE: 胎糞 ::
胎糞 {n} /tāifèn/ :: meconium
胎記 {n} /tāijì/ :: birthmark (a mark on the skin formed before birth)
胎记 {def} SEE: 胎記 ::
胎教 {v} /tāijiào/ :: to practice antenatal education (i.e. to do things deemed beneficial to the development of a baby in utero, such as playing calming music, talking and reading stories to the foetus, and maintaining a general healthy and mindful mentality in the expectant mother)
胎毛 {n} /tāimáo/ :: fetal hair; lanugo
胎膜 {n} [medicine] /tāi膜,er/ :: foetal membrane
胎內 {prop} /Tāinèi/ :: (~ 市) 胎內 (city)
胎内 {def} SEE: 胎內 ::
胎盘 {def} SEE: 胎盤 ::
胎盤 {n} [anatomy] /tāipán/ :: placenta
胎气 {def} SEE: 胎氣 ::
胎氣 {n} [TCM] /tāiqì/ :: symptoms, such as oedema, nausea and vomiting, when experienced during pregnancy
胎氣 {def} SEE: 呔氣 ::
胎氣 {n} [TCM] /tāiqì/ :: nourishing aether for the foetus; peaceful atmosphere that a foetus has
胎生 {adj} [zoology, attributive] /tāishēng/ :: viviparous
胎死腹中 {idiom} /tāisǐfùzhōng/ :: fetus dies in the belly; stillbirth; stillborn
胎死腹中 {idiom} [figurative] /tāisǐfùzhōng/ :: plans or projects failed or were cancelled before being tried
胎位 {n} [obstetrics] /tāiwèi/ :: fetal lie, presentation and position
胎位不正 {v} [obstetrics] /tāiwèi 不zhèng/ :: to have fetal malposition or malpresentation
胎心 {n} [medicine] /tāixīn/ :: fetal heartbeat
胎压 {def} SEE: 胎壓 ::
胎壓 {n} /tāiyā/ :: tire pressure
胎衣 {n} /tāiyī/ :: synonym of 胞衣
胎痣 {n} /tāizhì/ :: birthmark; mole (dark spot on the skin)
{def} /tái/ :: tower; lookout
{def} /tái/ :: stage; platform
{def} /tái/ :: support; stand; base
{def} /tái/ :: station; broadcasting station
{def} /tái/ :: Suffix for terms of address conveying respect for the addressee
{def} /tái/ :: abbreviation of 臺灣/台灣/台湾
{def} /tái/ :: abbreviation of 臺語/台語/台语
{def} /tái/ :: classifier for machines, vehicles or electronic devices
{def} /tái/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /tái/ :: surname
臺巴子 {n} [derogatory] /táibāzi/ :: Taiwanese people
臺版 {n} /táibǎn/ :: Taiwan edition
臺北 {prop} /Táiběi/ :: (~ 市) Taipei (capital and special municipality of Taiwan, Republic of China)
臺北 {prop} /Táiběi/ :: (~ 縣) [historical] Taipei County (former county in Taiwan, now called New Taipei)
臺北人 {n} /táiběirén/ :: a person who is native to Taipei
臺本 {n} /táiběn,er/ :: script of a play with stage directions
臺幣 {n} /táibì/ :: Taiwan dollar (usually New Taiwan dollar)
臺標 {n} /táibiāo/ :: television station logo
臺標 {n} /táibiāo/ :: short fo 臺灣標準 (Taiwanese standard)
臺布 {def} SEE: 檯布 ::
臺步 {n} /táibù/ :: theatrical stage walk
臺車 {n} /táichē/ :: handcar
臺詞 {n} /táicí,er/ :: lines (of an actor or performer)
臺大 {prop} /Táidà/ :: short fo ^國立臺灣^大學 (National Taiwan University)
臺地 {n} /táidì/ :: tableland; mesa; plateau
臺東 {prop} /Táidōng/ :: (~ 縣) 臺東 (county)
臺東 {prop} /Táidōng/ :: (~ 市) 臺東 (city)
臺毒 {n} [neologism, derogatory, slang] /táidú/ :: alternative form of 臺獨
臺獨 {prop} /Táidú/ :: Taiwan Independence Movement
臺兒莊 {def} SEE: 台兒莊 ::
臺風 {n} /táifēng,tl/ :: stage presence; stage demeanour
臺甫 {n} [dated, polite] /táifǔ/ :: your courtesy name (used to ask for the name of the person to whom one is speaking)
臺海 {prop} /Táihǎi/ :: alternative name for 臺灣海峽: Taiwan Strait
臺基 {n} [architecture] /táijī/ :: stylobate
臺階 {n} /táijiē,er/ :: step (on a flight of stairs) (Classifier: m:級m:階)
臺階 {n} [figurative] /táijiē,er/ :: level (Classifier: 個)
臺階 {n} [figurative] /táijiē,er/ :: way out of an awkward situation (Classifier: m:個m:級)
臺斤 {n} [Taiwan] /táijīn/ :: Taiwanese catty, a traditional unit of weight, equal to 0.6 kilograms or 16 taels
臺劇 {n} /táijù/ :: Taiwanese TV drama (Classifier: m:部)
臺羅 {n} /Táiluó/ :: Taiwanese Romanization System (Min Nan romanization system)
臺盟 {prop} /Táiméng/ :: Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League
臺面 {def} SEE: 檯面 ::
臺南 {prop} /Táinán/ :: (~ 市) Tainan (special municipality in southern Taiwan)
臺南 {prop} /Táinán/ :: (~ 市) [historical] Tainan City (former provincial city, now part of the special municipality)
臺南 {prop} /Táinán/ :: (~ 縣) [historical] Tainan County (former county, now part of the special municipality)
臺澎金馬 {prop} /Tái-Péng-Jīn-Mǎ/ :: Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu; “free area of the Republic of China”
臺球 {def} SEE: 檯球 ::
臺山 {prop} /Táishān/ :: (~ 市) 臺山 (county-level city/and/former county)
臺山 {prop} /Táishān/ :: (~ 列島) 臺山 (archipelago)
臺山 {prop} /Táishān/ :: (~ 村) 臺山 (village)
臺山 {prop} /Táishān/ :: 臺山 (area)
臺山話 {n} /Táishānhuà/ :: Toisanese; Taishanese; Hoisanese (Yue Chinese dialect spoken in Taishan)
臺商 {n} /táishāng/ :: Taiwan merchants; Taiwanese business
臺式機 {def} SEE: 檯式機 ::
臺頭 {prop} /Táitóu/ :: (~ 社區) 臺頭 (residential community)
臺灣 {prop} /Táiwān/ :: (~ 島) Taiwan (island)
臺灣 {prop} /Táiwān/ :: (~ 省) Taiwan Province (administrative division in both the Republic of China and People's Republic of China)
臺灣 {prop} /Táiwān/ :: (~ 海峽) Taiwan Strait
臺灣 {prop} [colloquial] /Táiwān/ :: alternative name for 中華民國
臺灣當局 {prop} /Táiwān dāngjú/ :: Name used by Government of the People's Republic of China for Government of the Republic of China
臺灣光復節 {prop} /Táiwān Guāngfùjié/ :: Retrocession Day, commemorating the end of Japanese rule over Taiwan
臺灣海峽 {prop} /Táiwān Hǎixiá/ :: Taiwan Strait
臺灣海棗 {n} /Táiwān hǎizǎo/ :: the mountain date palm (Phoenix loureiroi)
臺灣話 {prop} /táiwānhuà/ :: any language commonly spoken in Taiwan (including Mandarin, Hokkien, Hakka and Formosan languages)
臺灣話 {prop} /táiwānhuà/ :: Taiwanese; Taiwanese Hokkien (variety of Min Nan spoken in Taiwan)
臺灣環頸雉 {prop} /Táiwān Huánjǐngzhì/ :: Formosan ring-necked pheasant
臺灣黃楊 {n} /Táiwān huángyáng/ :: Buxus microphylla
臺灣閩南語 {n} /táiwān闽nányǔ/ :: Taiwanese Hokkien; Taiwanese
臺灣人 {n} /táiwānrén/ :: person from Taiwan; Taiwanese people
臺文 {n} /táiwén/ :: written Taiwanese Hokkien
臺西 {prop} /Táixī/ :: (~ 鄉) 臺西 (rural township)
臺語 {n} /táiyǔ/ :: any language commonly spoken in Taiwan (including Mandarin, Hokkien, Hakka and Formosan languages)
臺語 {n} [specifically] /táiyǔ/ :: Taiwanese; Taiwanese Hokkien (variety of Min Nan spoken in Taiwan)
臺語 {n} /táiyǔ/ :: Tai language; member of the Tai language family
臺中 {prop} /Táizhōng/ :: (~ 市) Taichung (special municipality of Taiwan)
臺中 {prop} /Táizhōng/ :: (~ 市) [historical] Taichung City (former provincial city of Taiwan)
臺中 {prop} /Táizhōng/ :: (~ 縣) [historical] 臺中 (former county)
臺鐘 {def} SEE: 檯鐘 ::
臺柱 {n} /táizhù/ :: key actors/actresses in a troupe
臺柱 {n} [figuratively] /táizhù/ :: leading light; mainstay; pillar of support
臺柱子 {n} /táizhùzi/ :: key actors/actresses in a troupe
臺柱子 {n} [figuratively] /táizhùzi/ :: leading light; mainstay; pillar of support
臺資 {n} /táizī/ :: Taiwan capital; Taiwan investment
臺子 {def} SEE: 檯子 ::
{def} /tái/ :: moss; lichen
{def} /tāi/ :: tongue coating; fur
苔麩 {n} /táifū/ :: teff (Eragrostis tef)
苔麸 {def} SEE: 苔麩 ::
苔蘚 {n} /táixiǎn/ :: moss (plants of the division Bryophyta)
苔蘚蟲 {n} /táixiǎnchóng/ :: bryozoan
苔蘚植物 {n} /táixiǎn zhíwù/ :: bryophyte
苔蘚植物門 {prop} [taxonomy] /Táixiǎnzhíwù Mén/ :: Bryophyta
苔菉 {prop} /Táilù/ :: (~ 鎮) 苔菉 (town)
苔菉 {prop} /Táilù/ :: (~ 村) 苔菉 (village)
苔藓 {def} SEE: 苔蘚 ::
苔藓虫 {def} SEE: 苔蘚蟲 ::
苔藓植物 {def} SEE: 苔蘚植物 ::
苔藓植物门 {def} SEE: 苔蘚植物門 ::
苔原 {n} /táiyuán/ :: tundra (flat treeless arctic region)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tái/ :: [obsolete] sunrise
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tái/ :: [obsolete] servant of the lowest grade
{def} /tái/ :: [historical dictionaries] [derogatory] peasant; farmer
{def} /tái/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /tái/ :: [historical dictionaries] to match; to fit
{def} /tái/ :: [historical dictionaries] alternative form of
{def} /tài/ :: only used in 儓儗
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /yí/ :: [obsolete] original form of
{def} /yí/ :: [obsolete] I, me
{def} /yí/ :: [obsolete] what
{def} /yí/ :: surname
{def} /tāi/ :: used in place names
{def} /tái/ :: only used in 三台
{def} /tái/ :: historical placename in modern Shandong
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tái/ :: [obsolete] [polite, honorific] used to address another person or to describe the actions of another person
{def} /sì/ :: alternative form of
{def} /sì/ :: alternative form of
台巴子 {def} SEE: 臺巴子 ::
台版 {def} SEE: 臺版 ::
台北 {def} SEE: 臺北 ::
台北人 {def} SEE: 臺北人 ::
台本 {def} SEE: 臺本 ::
台币 {def} SEE: 臺幣 ::
台幣 {def} SEE: 臺幣 ::
台标 {def} SEE: 臺標 ::
台標 {def} SEE: 臺標 ::
台布 {def} SEE: 檯布 ::
台步 {def} SEE: 臺步 ::
台車 {def} SEE: 臺車 ::
台车 {def} SEE: 臺車 ::
台城 {prop} /Táichéng/ :: (~ 街道) 台城 (subdistrict)
台秤 {def} SEE: 檯秤 ::
台詞 {def} SEE: 臺詞 ::
台词 {def} SEE: 臺詞 ::
台大 {def} SEE: 臺大 ::
台灯 {def} SEE: 檯燈 ::
台地 {def} SEE: 臺地 ::
台电 {def} SEE: 臺電 ::
台電 {def} SEE: 臺電 ::
台东 {def} SEE: 臺東 ::
台東 {def} SEE: 臺東 ::
台毒 {def} SEE: 臺毒 ::
台独 {def} SEE: 臺獨 ::
台獨 {def} SEE: 臺獨 ::
台儿庄 {def} SEE: 臺兒莊 ::
台兒莊 {prop} /Tái'érzhuāng/ :: (~ 區) 台兒莊 (district)
台風 {def} SEE: 臺風 ::
台風 {def} SEE: 颱風 ::
台风 {def} SEE: 颱風 ::
台风 {def} SEE: 臺風 ::
台甫 {def} SEE: 臺甫 ::
台海 {def} SEE: 臺海 ::
台基 {def} SEE: 臺基 ::
台吉 {n} [historical] /táijí/ :: Taiji (Mongol title) (the title of the nobility among the Mongols from the 16th century)
𨅝台脚 {def} SEE: 𨅝檯腳 ::
台脚 {def} SEE: 檯腳 ::
𨅝台腳 {def} SEE: 𨅝檯腳 ::
台腳 {def} SEE: 檯腳 ::
台阶 {def} SEE: 臺階 ::
台階 {def} SEE: 臺階 ::
台斤 {def} SEE: 臺斤 ::
台剧 {def} SEE: 臺劇 ::
台劇 {def} SEE: 臺劇 ::
台羅 {def} SEE: 臺羅 ::
台罗 {def} SEE: 臺羅 ::
台盟 {def} SEE: 臺盟 ::
台面 {def} SEE: 檯面 ::
台南 {def} SEE: 臺南 ::
台澎金馬 {def} SEE: 臺澎金馬 ::
台澎金马 {def} SEE: 臺澎金馬 ::
台球 {def} SEE: 檯球 ::
台山 {def} SEE: 臺山 ::
台山話 {def} SEE: 臺山話 ::
台山话 {def} SEE: 臺山話 ::
台商 {def} SEE: 臺商 ::
台式机 {def} SEE: 檯式機 ::
台式機 {def} SEE: 檯式機 ::
台头 {def} SEE: 臺頭 ::
台湾 {def} SEE: 臺灣 ::
台湾当局 {def} SEE: 臺灣當局 ::
台湾光复节 {def} SEE: 臺灣光復節 ::
台湾海峡 {def} SEE: 臺灣海峽 ::
台湾海枣 {def} SEE: 臺灣海棗 ::
台湾话 {def} SEE: 臺灣話 ::
台湾环颈雉 {def} SEE: 臺灣環頸雉 ::
台湾黄杨 {def} SEE: 臺灣黃楊 ::
台湾闽南语 {def} SEE: 臺灣閩南語 ::
台湾人 {def} SEE: 臺灣人 ::
台湾头 {def} SEE: 臺灣頭 ::
台湾尾 {def} SEE: 臺灣尾 ::
台湾仔 {def} SEE: 臺灣仔 ::
台灣 {def} SEE: 臺灣 ::
台灣當局 {def} SEE: 臺灣當局 ::
台灣光復節 {def} SEE: 臺灣光復節 ::
台灣海峽 {def} SEE: 臺灣海峽 ::
台灣話 {def} SEE: 臺灣話 ::
台灣環頸雉 {def} SEE: 臺灣環頸雉 ::
台灣黃楊 {def} SEE: 臺灣黃楊 ::
台灣閩南語 {def} SEE: 臺灣閩南語 ::
台灣人 {def} SEE: 臺灣人 ::
台灣頭 {def} SEE: 臺灣頭 ::
台灣尾 {def} SEE: 臺灣尾 ::
台灣仔 {def} SEE: 臺灣仔 ::
台文 {def} SEE: 臺文 ::
台窝湾 {def} SEE: 臺窩灣 ::
台窩灣 {def} SEE: 臺窩灣 ::
台西 {def} SEE: 臺西 ::
台語 {def} SEE: 臺語 ::
台语 {def} SEE: 臺語 ::
台员 {def} SEE: 臺員 ::
台員 {def} SEE: 臺員 ::
台圆 {def} SEE: 臺圓 ::
台圓 {def} SEE: 臺圓 ::
台中 {def} SEE: 臺中 ::
台中指 {def} SEE: 臺中指 ::
台钟 {def} SEE: 檯鐘 ::
台州 {prop} /Tāizhōu,Táizhōu,1nb/ :: (~ 市) 台州 (prefecture-level city)
台柱 {def} SEE: 臺柱 ::
台柱子 {def} SEE: 臺柱子 ::
台資 {def} SEE: 臺資 ::
台资 {def} SEE: 臺資 ::
台子 {def} SEE: 檯子 ::
{def} /tái/ :: [obsolete] servant or slave women (Chinese bronze inscriptions)
{def} /tái/ :: to lift; to heave
{def} [of many people] /tái/ :: to carry
{def} /tái/ :: to bicker
{def} /tái/ :: classifier for things carried by several people
抬杠 {def} SEE: 抬槓 ::
抬槓 {v} [dated] /táigàng/ :: to carry on poles, especially a coffin (together with somebody else)
抬槓 {v} [figurative, colloquial] /táigàng/ :: to argue for the sake of arguing or for no reason; to bicker
抬高 {v} /táigāo/ :: to lift up; to raise (e.g. an arm)
抬高 {v} [usually, pejorative] /táigāo/ :: to raise (e.g. a price); to elevate (e.g. oneself)
抬价 {def} SEE: 抬價 ::
抬價 {v} /táijià/ :: to force up commodity prices
抬举 {def} SEE: 抬舉 ::
抬舉 {v} /táijǔ,tl/ :: to praise, recommend or promote out of good favour
抬头 {def} SEE: 抬頭 ::
抬头不见低头见 {def} SEE: 抬頭不見低頭見 ::
抬頭 {v} /táitóu/ :: to look up; to raise one's head
抬頭 {v} [figurative] /táitóu/ :: to gain ground; to take hold (again)
抬頭 {v} [figurative, in traditional letters] /táitóu/ :: to leave a space for, or to write on a new line, the name of or words related to a revered person
抬頭 {n} /táitóu/ :: space on bills or receipts for writing the name of the payee or buyer
抬頭不見低頭見 {idiom} [colloquial] /táitóu 不jiàn dītóu jiàn/ :: to meet often
{def} SEE: ::
擡槓 {def} SEE: 抬槓 ::
擡舉 {def} SEE: 抬舉 ::
擡頭 {def} SEE: 抬頭 ::
{def} [obsolete] /tái/ :: daylight; sunlight
{def} [obsolete] /yǐng/ :: big, great, vast, large, high
{def} /tái/ :: table; desk (Classifier: c:張)
檯布 {n} /táibù/ :: tablecloth
檯布 {n} [Cantonese, dated in Guangzhou] /táibù/ :: rag; wiping cloth; cleaning cloth (especially for wiping tables)
檯秤 {n} /táichèng/ :: platform scales; platform balance
檯秤 {n} [dialect] /táichèng/ :: counter scale
檯燈 {n} /táidēng/ :: desk lamp; table lamp; reading lamp (Classifier: m:盞)
檯腳 {n} /táijiǎo,er/ :: foot of a table or platform
檯面 {n} /táimiàn,er/ :: tabletop; on the table
檯面 {n} [figurative] /táimiàn,er/ :: open display; public occasion
檯面 {n} [gambling] /táimiàn,er/ :: all the money on a gambling table
檯球 {n} /táiqiú,er/ :: billiards (a cue sport)
檯球 {n} /táiqiú,er/ :: billiard ball
檯球 {n} [regional, dated] /táiqiú,er/ :: table tennis; ping pong
檯式機 {n} [Mainland, computing] /táishìjī/ :: desktop computer; desktop
檯鐘 {n} [dialect] /táizhōng/ :: desk clock
檯子 {n} /táizi/ :: platform; stage
檯子 {n} [colloquial] /táizi/ :: table for pool, ping pong, etc
檯子 {n} [chiefly Wu] /táizi/ :: table
{def} /tái/ :: soot
{def} /tái/ :: black
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tái/ :: sedge (Carex)
{def} /tái/ :: Brassica rapa
{def} /tái/ :: rachis of an inflorescence (of garlics, garlic chives, rapeseeds, etc.)
{def} /tái/ :: trample
跆拳道 {n} /táiquándào/ :: taekwondo
{def} /tái/ :: [obsolete] a state in what is now Wugong County, Shaanxi Province
{def} /tái/ :: A surname.
{def} /tái/ :: typhoon
颱風 {n} /táifēng,tl/ :: typhoon (Classifier: m,c:場m,c:個)
駘盪 {def} SEE: 駘蕩 ::
駘蕩 {adj} [literary, of wind] /dàidàng/ :: refreshing
駘蕩 {adj} [literary, of a person] /dàidàng/ :: loose; untrammeled
{def} /tái/ :: mackerel
{def} /tái/ :: old person
{def} /yí/ :: pufferfish; blowfish
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} :: An ancient state
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tài/ :: too; so (modifying adjectives; often used with 了 at the end of the sentence for emphasis)
{def} [usually in negative sentences] /tài/ :: very; quite
{def} /tài/ :: most; utmost
{def} /tài/ :: highest; greatest
{def} /tài/ :: senior; noble
{def} /tài/ :: wife; Miss; Mrs
{def} /tài/ :: abbreviation of 太湖
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tài/ :: abbreviation of 太平洋
太阿 {n} [literary] /tài'ē/ :: a sword
太阿 {n} [literary] /tài'ē/ :: power; authority
太阿 {prop} /tài'ē/ :: Tai'e (the name of an ancient sword, referenced in the Records of the Grand Historian)
太阿倒持 {idiom} /Tài'ē dàochí/ :: to surrender one's power to another at one's own peril
太安 {def} SEE: 泰安 ::
太白 {prop} [literary] /Tàibái/ :: Venus (second planet in our solar system)
太白 {prop} [historical] /Tàibái/ :: alternative name for
太白 {prop} /Tàibái/ :: (~ 縣) 太白 (county)
太白 {prop} /Tàibái/ :: (~ 市) 太白 (city)
太白 {prop} /Tàibái/ :: (~ 山) Mount Taibai
太白粉 {n} /tàibáifěn/ :: potato starch; cornstarch
太白星 {prop} /Tàibáixīng/ :: [Chinese star] Venus
太保 {n} [historical, pre-Qin] /tàibǎo/ :: chief court advisor
太保 {n} [historical] /tàibǎo/ :: Grand Guardian (title for a very high official in imperial China)
太保 {n} [literary] /tàibǎo/ :: temple attendant
太保 {n} [literary, honorific] /tàibǎo/ :: servant
太保 {n} [literary] /tàibǎo/ :: hooligan; hoodlum; juvenile delinquent
太保 {prop} /tàibǎo/ :: (~ 市) 太保 (city)
太宝湖 {def} SEE: 太寶湖 ::
太寶湖 {prop} /Tàibǎohú/ :: (~ 村) 太寶湖 (village)
太仓 {def} SEE: 太倉 ::
太倉 {prop} /Tàicāng/ :: (~ 市) 太倉 (city)
太常 {n} [archaic] /tàicháng/ :: position title: Minister of Ceremonies
太常卿 {n} [archaic] /tàicháng qīng/ :: position title: Minister of Ceremonies
太常寺 {prop} [historical] /Tàichángsì/ :: Court of Imperial Sacrifices
太帝 {prop} [Chinese mythology] /Tàidì/ :: the Primordial Divinity
太妃 {n} [historical] /tàifēi/ :: imperial concubine of the late emperor
太妃 {n} /tàifēi/ :: (~ 糖) toffee (candy)
太妃糖 {n} /tàifēitáng/ :: toffee (candy)
太傅 {n} [historical] /tàifù/ :: Grand Tutor (title for a very high official in imperial China)
太公 {n} [dialectal] /tàigōng/ :: great-grandfather
太公 {n} [literary] /tàigōng/ :: grand duke
太公 {n} [Zhangzhou Hokkien] /tàigōng/ :: father of an official
太公分猪肉 {def} SEE: 太公分豬肉 ::
太公分猪肉——人人有份 {def} SEE: 太公分豬肉——人人有份 ::
太公分豬肉 {n} /tàigōngfēnzhūròu/ :: a tradition in the Pearl River Delta in which a male elder distributes pork to all male members in his patriarchal clan after rites of ancestral worship during major festivals
太古 {n} [often, attributive] /tàigǔ/ :: remote antiquity; immemorial
太古代 {prop} [geology] /Tàigǔdài/ :: the Archean eon
太古宙 {prop} /Tàigǔzhòu/ :: the Archaean eon
太鼓 {n} [musical instruments] /tàigǔ/ :: taiko drums
太過 {adv} /tàiguò/ :: excessively; too (much)
太過 {adj} /tàiguò/ :: excessive; too much; undue; overboard
太国 {def} SEE: 泰國 ::
太过 {def} SEE: 太過 ::
太行山 {prop} /Tàiháng Shān/ :: Taihang Mountains, a mountain range running down the eastern edge of the Loess Plateau in the Henan, Shanxi, and Hebei provinces of China
太和 {prop} /Tàihé/ :: 太和 (area)
太和 {prop} /Tàihé/ :: (~ 縣) 太和 (county)
太和 {prop} /Tàihé/ :: (~ 區) 太和 (district)
太和 {prop} /Tàihé/ :: (~ 鎮) zh:太和镇 (one of several towns in China)
太和 {prop} /Tàihé/ :: (~ 鎮) 太和 (town)
太和 {prop} /Tàihé/ :: (~ 鄉) 太和 (township)
太和 {prop} [historical] /Tàihé/ :: several era names
太和 {prop} /Tàihé/ :: 227–233
太和 {prop} /Tàihé/ :: 328–330
太和 {prop} /Tàihé/ :: 344–346
太和 {prop} /Tàihé/ :: 366–371
太和 {prop} /Tàihé/ :: 477–499
太和 {prop} /Tàihé/ :: 827–835
太和殿 {prop} /Tàihédiàn/ :: Hall of Supreme Harmony
太赫兹 {def} SEE: 太赫茲 ::
太赫茲 {n} /tàihèzī/ :: terahertz
太后 {n} /tàihòu/ :: empress dowager
太湖 {prop} /Tàihú/ :: Lake Tai, a large freshwater lake west of Shanghai in eastern China
太湖 {prop} /Tàihú/ :: (~ 縣) Taihu County, in Anhui province, China
太湖港 {prop} /Tàihúgǎng/ :: (~ 農場) 太湖港 (farm)
太皇太后 {n} /tài huáng tàihòu/ :: grand empress dowager
太极 {def} SEE: 太極 ::
太极旗 {def} SEE: 太極旗 ::
太极拳 {def} SEE: 太極拳 ::
太极图 {def} SEE: 太極圖 ::
太極 {n} /tàijí/ :: taiji ("The Absolute"; the condition as it existed before the creation of the world)
太極 {n} /tàijí/ :: tai chi; taiji
太極旗 {prop} /Tàijíqí/ :: Taegeukgi, the official flag of South Korea
太極拳 {n} /tàijíquán/ :: tai chi, taijiquan, shadowboxing
太極圖 {n} /tàijítú/ :: the taiji symbol; the yin-yang symbol
太甲 {prop} /Tài Jiǎ/ :: Tai Jia (a Shang Dynasty King of China)
太监 {def} SEE: 太監 ::
太監 {n} [historical, Ming and Qing dynasties] /tàijiàn,tl/ :: eunuch of a palace or court; imperial eunuch
太君 {n} [historical] /tàijūn,tl/ :: title for the mother of an official in imperial China
太君 {n} [honorific] /tàijūn,tl/ :: term of address for mother of the person the speaker is addressing
太君 {n} [historical] /tàijūn,tl/ :: term of address for Japanese officials in Japan-occupied regions of China during the Second Sino-Japanese War
太康 {prop} [historical] /Tàikāng/ :: Tai Kang (third king of the Xia dynasty)
太康 {prop} [historical] /Tàikāng/ :: Chinese era name from the reign of Emperor Wu of Jin (280–289) or Emperor Daozong of Liao (1075–1084)
太康 {prop} /Tàikāng/ :: (~ 縣) Taikang County, Henan, China
太空 {n} /tàikōng/ :: outer space
太空船 {n} /tàikōngchuán/ :: spacecraft; spaceship
太空科学 {def} SEE: 太空科學 ::
太空科學 {n} [Taiwan, Hong Kong] /tàikōng kēxué/ :: space science
太空旅行 {n} /tàikōng lǚxíng/ :: space travel
太空人 {n} /tàikōngrén/ :: astronaut; cosmonaut; taikonaut
太空人 {n} [chiefly Hong Kong Cantonese] /tàikōngrén/ :: man who remains in Hong Kong for work or business while wife and children live abroad
太空梭 {n} [Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore] /tàikōngsuō/ :: Space Shuttle
太空探索 {n} /tàikōng tànsuǒ/ :: space exploration
太空站 {n} /tàikōngzhàn/ :: space station
太牢 {n} [archaic] /tàiláo/ :: the three premium quality sacrificial animals (cow, sheep and pig) which were used as ritual offerings
太魯閣 {prop} /Tàilǔgé/ :: (~ 國家公園) Taroko National Park
太魯閣 {prop} /Tàilǔgé/ :: (~ 峽) Taroko Gorge, the landmark gorge of the national park above
太魯閣 {n} /Tàilǔgé/ :: (~ 族) Truku people, an ethnic group in Taiwan
太魯閣族 {n} /tàilǔgézú/ :: Taroko people, an ethnic group in Taiwan
太鲁阁 {def} SEE: 太魯閣 ::
太鲁阁族 {def} SEE: 太魯閣族 ::
太妈 {def} SEE: 太媽 ::
太麻里 {prop} /Tàimálǐ/ :: (~ 鄉) 太麻里 (rural township)
太庙 {def} SEE: 太廟 ::
太廟 {n} [archaic] /tàimiào/ :: the ancestral temple of the emperor; Imperial Ancestral Temple
太平 {adj} /tàipíng/ :: peaceful and tranquil
太平 {n} /tàipíng/ :: peace and tranquility
太平 {prop} /tàipíng/ :: (~ 區) Various Taiping districts, towns, townships, mountains, and islands in China, Taiwan, and Malaysia
太平 {prop} [historical] /tàipíng/ :: The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, a 19th-century rebel group in southern, central, and eastern China
太平 {prop} [historical] /tàipíng/ :: Various Taiping regnal eras of different rulers throughout Chinese history
太平 {prop} /tàipíng/ :: (~ 府) [historical] The Taiping Prefecture west of Nanjing during the Ming and Qing dynasties
太平 {prop} /tàipíng/ :: (~ 省) 太平 (province)
太平 {prop} /tàipíng/ :: (~ 市) 太平 (city)
太平 {prop} /tàipíng/ :: (~ 區) 太平 (district)
太平 {prop} /tàipíng/ :: (~ 鎮) 太平 (town)
太平 {prop} /tàipíng/ :: (~ 鎮) 太平 (town)
太平 {prop} /tàipíng/ :: (~ 鎮) 太平 (town)
太平 {prop} /tàipíng/ :: (~ 鎮) 太平 (town)
太平 {prop} /tàipíng/ :: (~ 鎮) 太平 (town)
太平 {prop} /tàipíng/ :: (~ 里) 太平 (urban village)
太平 {prop} /tàipíng/ :: (~ 村) 太平 (village)
太平岛 {def} SEE: 太平島 ::
太平島 {prop} /Tàipíngdǎo/ :: Taiping Island; Itu Aba (the largest of the naturally occurring Spratly Islands)
太平道 {prop} /Tàipíngdào/ :: Dao of Great Peace, a school of Daoism founded by Zhang Jue (died 184), which was based on a text called the Classic of Great Peace
太平店 {prop} /Tàipíngdiàn/ :: (~ 鎮) 太平店 (town)
太平公主 {prop} /Tàipíng Gōngzhǔ/ :: Princess Taiping (665-773), a princess of the Tang Dynasty
太平公主 {n} [slang] /Tàipíng Gōngzhǔ/ :: flat-chested woman
太平間 {n} /tàipíngjiān/ :: morgue; mortuary
太平间 {def} SEE: 太平間 ::
太平經 {prop} /Tàipíngjīng/ :: Taipingjing
太平经 {def} SEE: 太平經 ::
太平門 {n} /tàipíngmén/ :: emergency exit
太平门 {def} SEE: 太平門 ::
太平山 {prop} /Tàipíngshān/ :: Victoria Peak (the highest hill on Hong Kong Island)
太平紳士 {n} /tàipíng shēnshì/ :: Justice of the Peace
太平绅士 {def} SEE: 太平紳士 ::
太平梯 {n} /tàipíngtī/ :: fire escape
太平天囯 {def} SEE: 太平天國 ::
太平天国 {def} SEE: 太平天國 ::
太平天國 {prop} [historical] /Tàipíng Tiānguó/ :: Taiping Heavenly Kingdom
太平溪 {prop} /Tàipíngxī/ :: (~ 鎮) 太平溪 (town)
太平溪 {prop} /Tàipíngxī/ :: (~ 村) 太平溪 (village)
太平洋 {prop} /Tàipíngyáng/ :: the Pacific Ocean
太平御覽 {prop} /Tàipíng Yùlǎn/ :: Taiping Yulan, ancient Chinese encyclopedia, compiled 977-983
太平御览 {def} SEE: 太平御覽 ::
太婆 {n} [literary] /tàipó/ :: paternal grandmother
太婆 {n} [dialectal] /tàipó/ :: great-grandmother
太婆 {n} [dialectal Mandarin, including, Henan, Sichuan, honorific] /tàipó/ :: elderly lady
太婆 {n} [Changsha Xiang] /tàipó/ :: female brothel keeper; bawd; procurer
太仆 {def} SEE: 太僕 ::
太僕 {n} [archaic] /tàipú/ :: Minister Coachman
太亲翁 {def} SEE: 太親翁 ::
太山 {def} SEE: 泰山 ::
太上 {adv} [archaic] /tàishàng/ :: first; firstly; above all; first and foremost
太上感应篇 {def} SEE: 太上感應篇 ::
太上感應篇 {prop} /Tàishàng Gǎnyìng Piān/ :: Chapters on Action and Response According to the Most High (a famous Daoist text written in the Song Dynasty)
太上皇 {n} [historical] /tàishànghuáng/ :: reigning emperor's father, especially one who abdicated in favour of his son
太上皇 {n} [figurative] /tàishànghuáng/ :: overlord
太甚 {adj} /tàishèn/ :: excessive; too much; undue; overboard
太师 {def} SEE: 太師 ::
太师椅 {def} SEE: 太師椅 ::
太師 {n} [historical] /tàishī/ :: Grand Preceptor (title for a very high official in imperial China)
太師椅 {n} /tàishīyǐ/ :: Grand Preceptor armchair (a traditional wooden armchair with a wide seat)
太石 {prop} /Tàishí/ :: (~ 村) 太石 (village)
太史 {n} [historical] /tàishǐ/ :: Court Astronomer
太史 {n} [historical] /tàishǐ/ :: Imperial Historian
太史 {prop} /tàishǐ/ :: surname
太史公 {prop} [honorific] /Tàishǐgōng/ :: Sima Qian (Chinese historian, ca. 145 BCE–ca. 90 BCE)
太史公 {prop} [rare, honorific] /Tàishǐgōng/ :: Sima Tan (father of Sima Qian)
太史令 {n} [archaic] /tàishǐ lìng/ :: Court Astronomer
太守 {n} [historical] /tàishǒu/ :: Grand Administrator or governor, the official overseeing a commandery (*郡) in imperial China between the Han and Tang dynasties
太叔 {prop} /Tài叔/ :: surname
太岁 {def} SEE: 太歲 ::
太岁头上动土 {def} SEE: 太歲頭上動土 ::
太歲 {prop} [astronomy, astrology] /Tàisuì/ :: the twelve or (later) sixty stars considered to oppose Jupiter during its roughly twelve year orbital cycle
太歲 {prop} [mythology, religion] /Tàisuì/ :: the twelve or sixty gods personifying these stars and considered to control each year of the cycle, [particularly] the god of the current year
太歲頭上動土 {idiom} /tàisuì tóushàng dòngtǔ/ :: to beard the lion; to offend or provoke the most powerful; to provoke somebody far superior in power or strength
太太 {n} [formal] /tàitai/ :: wife
太太 {n} /tàitai/ :: madam
太太 {n} [dialectal Mandarin, Wu] /tàitai/ :: great-grandmother
太太 {n} [Hakka] /tàitai/ :: great-great-grandparent
太田 {prop} /Tàitián/ :: A Japanese surname: Ōta
太田 {prop} /Tàitián/ :: (~ 市) 太田 (city)
太尉 {n} [archaic] /tàiwèi/ :: position title: Grand Marshal (one of the three most important official posts during the Han Dynasty)
太息 {v} [literary] /tài息/ :: to sigh (with regret); to heave a sigh
太玄 {n} /tàixuán/ :: esoteric truths
太玄 {prop} /tàixuán/ :: abbreviation of 太玄經
太玄經 {prop} /Tàixuánjīng/ :: the Taixuanjing
太玄经 {def} SEE: 太玄經 ::
太学 {def} SEE: 太學 ::
太学生 {def} SEE: 太學生 ::
太學 {n} [historical] /tàixué/ :: taixue (highest ranking educational institute in ancient China from the Han dynasty to the Sui dynasty)
太學生 {n} [historical] /tàixuéshēng/ :: student of the Taixue (Imperial Academy)
太阳 {def} SEE: 太陽 ::
太阳边 {def} SEE: 太陽邊 ::
太阳床 {def} SEE: 太陽床 ::
太阳岛 {def} SEE: 太陽島 ::
太阳灯 {def} SEE: 太陽燈 ::
太阳地 {def} SEE: 太陽地 ::
太阳电池 {def} SEE: 太陽電池 ::
太阳风 {def} SEE: 太陽風 ::
太阳佛 {def} SEE: 太陽佛 ::
太阳光 {def} SEE: 太陽光 ::
太阳河 {def} SEE: 太陽河 ::
太阳花 {def} SEE: 太陽花 ::
太阳节 {def} SEE: 太陽節 ::
太阳镜 {def} SEE: 太陽鏡 ::
太阳帽 {def} SEE: 太陽帽 ::
太阳能 {def} SEE: 太陽能 ::
太阳能板 {def} SEE: 太陽能板 ::
太阳能电池 {def} SEE: 太陽能電池 ::
太阳能电池板 {def} SEE: 太陽能電池板 ::
太阳旗 {def} SEE: 太陽旗 ::
太阳日 {def} SEE: 太陽日 ::
太阳伞 {def} SEE: 太陽傘 ::
太阳神 {def} SEE: 太陽神 ::
太阳系 {def} SEE: 太陽系 ::
太阳系仪 {def} SEE: 太陽系儀 ::
太阳穴 {def} SEE: 太陽穴 ::
太阳眼镜 {def} SEE: 太陽眼鏡 ::
太阳爷 {def} SEE: 太陽爺 ::
太阳雨 {def} SEE: 太陽雨 ::
太阳质量 {def} SEE: 太陽質量 ::
太陽 {n} /tàiyáng,tl/ :: sun; the Sun
太陽 {n} /tàiyáng,tl/ :: sunshine; sunlight
太陽 {n} [Southwestern Mandarin, Guangxi Cantonese, Gan, Min Bei, Leizhou Min] /tàiyáng,tl/ :: temple (on the head)
太陽 {n} [I Ching] /tàiyáng,tl/ :: greater yang ()
太陽床 {n} /tàiyángchuáng/ :: tanning bed; sunbed
太陽島 {prop} /Tàiyángdǎo/ :: (~ 街道) 太陽島 (subdistrict)
太陽燈 {n} /tàiyángdēng/ :: sunlamp
太陽地 {n} /tàiyángdì,er/ :: sunny spot; place where the sun shines
太陽電池 {n} /tàiyáng diànchí/ :: alternative name for 太陽能電池
太陽風 {n} /tàiyángfēng/ :: solar wind
太陽佛 {n} [Wenzhou Wu] :: sun
太陽光 {n} /tàiyángguāng/ :: sunlight; sunbeam
太陽河 {prop} /Tàiyánghé/ :: (~ 鄉) 太陽河 (township)
太陽花 {n} /tàiyánghuā/ :: sunflower
太陽節 {prop} /Tàiyángjié/ :: Day of the Sun
太陽鏡 {n} /tàiyángjìng/ :: sunglasses (Classifier: m,c:副)
太陽帽 {n} /tàiyángmào/ :: baseball cap
太陽能 {n} /tàiyángnéng/ :: solar energy
太陽能板 {n} /tàiyángnéngbǎn/ :: solar panel
太陽能電池 {n} /tàiyángnéng diànchí/ :: solar battery; solar cell
太陽能電池板 {n} /tàiyángnéng diànchíbǎn/ :: solar panel
太陽旗 {n} /tàiyángqí/ :: flag of the Sun (usually referring to the flag of Japan)
太陽日 {n} [astronomy] /tàiyángrì/ :: solar day
太陽傘 {n} /tàiyángsǎn/ :: parasol
太陽神 {n} /tàiyángshén/ :: sun god
太陽系 {prop} [astronomy] /Tàiyángxì/ :: Solar System
太陽系儀 {n} /tàiyángxìyí/ :: orrery
太陽穴 {n} [anatomy] /tàiyáng穴/ :: temple (also an acupuncture point in TCM)
太陽眼鏡 {n} /tàiyáng yǎnjìng,er/ :: sunglasses (Classifier: m,c:副)
太陽爺 {n} [dialectal Mandarin] /tàiyángyé/ :: sun
太陽雨 {n} /tàiyángyǔ/ :: sun shower
太陽質量 {n} [astronomy] /tàiyáng 质liàng/ :: solar mass (unit)
太爷 {def} SEE: 太爺 ::
太爷爷 {def} SEE: 太爺爺 ::
太爺 {n} /tàiyé/ :: paternal grandfather
太爺 {n} /tàiyé/ :: head of the house (used by servants)
太爺 {n} /tàiyé/ :: district magistrate
太爺 {n} [dialectal] /tàiyé/ :: great-grandfather
太爺爺 {n} [regional] /tàiyéye/ :: great-grandfather
太液 {prop} /Tài液/ :: (~ 池) [literary] Taiye ponds (commonly located inside of the imperial compound)
太液池 {prop} /Tài液chí/ :: Taiye Lake, one of several artificial lakes located in the imperial Chinese gardens of Chang'an and Beijing
太医 {def} SEE: 太醫 ::
太醫 {n} [archaic] /tàiyī/ :: imperial physician
太醫 {n} [dialect] /tàiyī/ :: doctor; medical man
太阴 {def} SEE: 太陰 ::
太阴月 {def} SEE: 太陰月 ::
太陰 {adj} /tàiyīn/ :: lunar
太陰 {n} [literary or dialectal] /tàiyīn/ :: the moon (largest natural satellite of planet Earth)
太陰月 {n} /tàiyīnyuè/ :: lunar month
太元 {prop} /Tàiyuán/ :: the Taiyuan era (376 - 397), a Chinese era name from the reign of Emperor Xiaowu of Jin
太原 {prop} /Tàiyuán/ :: (~ 市) 太原 (prefecture-level city/provincial capital)
太原 {prop} /Tàiyuán/ :: (~ 省) 太原 (province)
太原 {prop} /Tàiyuán/ :: (~ 市) 太原 (city)
太原話 {n} /tàiyuánhuà/ :: the Taiyuan dialect of Jin
太原话 {def} SEE: 太原話 ::
太宰府 {prop} /Tàizǎifǔ/ :: (~ 市) 太宰府 (city)
太真 {prop} /Tàizhēn/ :: Yang Guifei's (719 -756) pseudonym
太中大夫 {n} [archaic] /tàizhōng dàfū/ :: position title: chief counselor
太子 {n} /tàizǐ/ :: crown prince
太子 {prop} /tàizǐ/ :: (~ 鎮) 太子 (town)
太子参 {def} SEE: 太子參 ::
太子參 {n} /tàizǐshēn/ :: root of the false starwort, Pseudostellaria heterophylla (An adaptogenic herb used in traditional Chinese medicine to improve "yin" and "qi" energies, and to treat "dryness" of the lungs.)
太子城 {prop} /Tàizǐchéng/ :: (~ 村) 太子城 (village)
太子党 {def} SEE: 太子黨 ::
太子黨 {prop} /Tàizǐdǎng/ :: Crown Prince Party; The Princelings; the children of the People's Republic of China's communist elites
太子港 {prop} /Tàizǐgǎng/ :: 太子港 (capital city)
太字節 {n} /tàizìjié/ :: terabyte
太字节 {def} SEE: 太字節 ::
太宗 {prop} /Tàizōng/ :: A temple name used for Chinese emperors, Vietnamese emperors, or Korean monarchs
太祖 {prop} /Tàizǔ/ :: Founding Ancestor (temple name used for Chinese emperors who founded a particular dynasty, or Korean monarchs who founded the Goryeo and Joseon dynasties)
太祖 {prop} [slang, neologism] /Tàizǔ/ :: a nickname of Mao Zedong
{def} SEE: ::
态度 {def} SEE: 態度 ::
态射 {def} SEE: 態射 ::
态势 {def} SEE: 態勢 ::
{def} /tài/ :: condition; state
{def} /tài/ :: form; shape
{def} /tài/ :: manner; bearing; attitude
{def} /tài/ :: situation; posture
{def} [grammar] /tài/ :: voice; diathesis
態度 {n} /tàidù,tl/ :: attitude; behavior; manner; outlook
態射 {n} [mathematics] /tàishè/ :: morphism (structure-preserving map)
態勢 {n} /tàishì/ :: state; situation
態勢 {n} /tàishì/ :: posture
{def} /tài/ :: to rinse; to wash away
{def} /tài/ :: to discard; to eliminate through competition or selection
汰旧换新 {def} SEE: 汰舊換新 ::
汰舊換新 {idiom} /tàijiùhuànxīn/ :: to eliminate the old and replace them with the new
{def} /tài/ :: big; large
{def} /tài/ :: great; extensive
{def} /tài/ :: extreme; greatest
{def} /tài/ :: exalted; honourable; superior
{def} /tài/ :: good; excellent
{def} /tài/ :: safe; peaceful; stable
{def} /tài/ :: excessively; overly
{def} /tài/ :: 11th hexagram of the I Ching
{def} /tài/ :: abbreviation of 泰國
{def} /tài/ :: surname
泰安 {prop} /Tài'ān/ :: (~ 市) 泰安 (city)
泰安 {prop} /Tài'ān/ :: (~ 鄉) 泰安 (mountain indigenous township)
泰安 {prop} /Tài'ān/ :: (~ 村) 泰安 (village)
泰北 {prop} /Tàiběi/ :: Northern Thailand
泰昌 {prop} /Tàichāng/ :: (~ 縣) ancient county in modern-day Chongqing
泰傭 {n} /tàiyōng/ :: Thai domestic worker; Thai maid (in other countries)
泰达 {def} SEE: 泰達 ::
泰達 {prop} [colloquial] /Tàidá/ :: Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area (TEDA)
泰迪熊 {n} /tàidíxióng/ :: teddy bear
泰斗 {n} /tàidǒu/ :: eminent scholar; famous musician; renowned artist
泰恩河畔紐卡素 {prop} /Tài'ēn Hépàn Niǔkǎsù/ :: Newcastle upon Tyne
泰恩河畔纽卡素 {def} SEE: 泰恩河畔紐卡素 ::
泰尔 {def} SEE: 泰爾 ::
泰爾 {prop} /Tài'ěr/ :: Tyre
泰戈尔 {def} SEE: 泰戈爾 ::
泰戈爾 {prop} /Tàigē'ěr/ :: Tagore
泰国 {def} SEE: 泰國 ::
泰国话 {def} SEE: 泰國話 ::
泰国人 {def} SEE: 泰國人 ::
泰国湾 {def} SEE: 泰國灣 ::
泰國 {prop} /Tàiguó/ :: Thailand
泰國話 {n} [colloquial] /tàiguóhuà/ :: Thai language
泰國人 {n} /tàiguórén/ :: Thai (person)
泰國灣 {prop} /Tàiguówān/ :: Gulf of Thailand
泰姬陵 {prop} /Tàijīlíng/ :: Taj Mahal
泰加林 {n} /tàijiālín/ :: taiga (subarctic zone of coniferous forest)
泰京 {prop} [Thailand] /Tàijīng/ :: 泰京 (city/capital city)
泰剧 {def} SEE: 泰劇 ::
泰劇 {n} /tàijù/ :: Thai TV drama (Classifier: m:部)
泰卡雞 {n} [zoology] /tàikǎjī/ :: takahē
泰卡鸡 {def} SEE: 泰卡雞 ::
泰勒明 {n} [musical instrument] /tàilèmíng/ :: theremin
泰勒明电子琴 {def} SEE: 泰勒明電子琴 ::
泰勒明電子琴 {n} [musical instruments] /tàilèmíng diànzǐqín/ :: theremin
泰卢固语 {def} SEE: 泰盧固語 ::
泰盧固語 {prop} /Tàilúgùyǔ/ :: Telugu
泰米尔 {def} SEE: 泰米爾 ::
泰米尔纳德 {def} SEE: 泰米爾納德 ::
泰米尔文 {def} SEE: 泰米爾文 ::
泰米尔语 {def} SEE: 泰米爾語 ::
泰米爾 {prop} [Mainland China, Hong Kong] /Tàimǐ'ěr/ :: Tamil (ethnic group)
泰米爾納德 {prop} /Tàimǐ'ěr Nàdé/ :: (~ 邦) [chiefly Mainland, Hong Kong] 泰米爾納德 (state)
泰米爾文 {prop} [Mainland China, Hong Kong] /Tàimǐ'ěrwén/ :: Tamil (language)
泰米爾語 {prop} [Mainland China, Hong Kong] /Tàimǐ'ěryǔ/ :: Tamil (language)
泰南 {prop} /Tàinán/ :: Southern Thailand
泰宁 {def} SEE: 泰寧 ::
泰寧 {prop} /Tàiníng/ :: (~ 縣) 泰寧 (county)
泰諾 {prop} /Tàinuò/ :: Tylenol
泰诺 {def} SEE: 泰諾 ::
泰平 {def} SEE: 太平 ::
泰拳 {n} /tàiquán/ :: Muay Thai
泰然 {adj} /tàirán/ :: calm; composed
泰然處之 {idiom} /tàiránchǔzhī/ :: to take things calmly; to handle the situation calmly
泰然处之 {def} SEE: 泰然處之 ::
泰然自若 {idiom} /tàiránzìruò/ :: being calm and composed even under the most stubborn and difficult of situations
泰山 {prop} /Tàishān/ :: 泰山 (mountain)
泰山 {prop} /Tàishān/ :: (~ 區) 泰山 (district)
泰山 {prop} /Tàishān/ :: Tarzan (fictional character in the novel Tarzan of the Apes)
泰山 {n} [figurative] /Tàishān/ :: something of great weight or importance
泰山 {n} [figurative] /Tàishān/ :: father-in-law
泰式 {adj} [attributive] /tàishì/ :: Thai-style
泰坦 {prop} /Tàitǎn/ :: (~ 族) [Greek god] Titan
泰坦尼克 {prop} /Tàitǎnníkè,er/ :: (~ 號) [Mainland China] Titanic (ship)
泰王国 {def} SEE: 泰王國 ::
泰王國 {prop} /Tàiwángguó/ :: Kingdom of Thailand (official name of Thailand)
泰文 {n} /tàiwén/ :: Thai language
泰武 {prop} /Tàiwǔ/ :: (~ 鄉) 泰武 (mountain indigenous township)
泰晤士河 {prop} /Tàiwùshì Hé/ :: River Thames
泰西 {prop} [dated] /Tàixī/ :: Western world
泰兴 {def} SEE: 泰興 ::
泰興 {prop} /Tàixīng/ :: (~ 市) 泰興 (city)
泰雅 {prop} /Tàiyǎ/ :: (~ 族) Atayal (a Taiwanese aborigine ethnic group)
泰雅人 {n} /tàiyǎrén/ :: Atayal people
泰雅語 {prop} /Tàiyǎyǔ/ :: Atayal language
泰雅语 {def} SEE: 泰雅語 ::
泰雅族 {n} /tàiyǎzú/ :: Atayal people (ethnic group in Taiwan)
泰一 {n} [archaic] /tài一/ :: celestial ruler; the most honourable god of the heaven
泰佣 {def} SEE: 泰傭 ::
泰語 {n} /tàiyǔ/ :: Thai language
泰语 {def} SEE: 泰語 ::
泰州 {prop} /Tàizhōu/ :: (~ 市) 泰州 (city)
泰銖 {n} /tàizhū/ :: Thai baht
泰铢 {def} SEE: 泰銖 ::
泰字底 {n} /tàizìdǐ/ :: the Chinese character component
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tài/ :: water
{def} /tài/ :: only used in 燤焥
{def} [organic compound] /tài/ :: peptide
肽鍵 {n} [biochemistry] /tàijiàn/ :: peptide bond
肽键 {def} SEE: 肽鍵 ::
{def} /tài/ :: ship travelling
{def} [organic compound] /tài/ :: phthalein
酞嗪 {n} [organic compound] /tàiqín/ :: phthalazine
{def} [chemical element] /tài/ :: titanium
{def} SEE: ::
坍縮 {v} [of a celestial body] /tānsuō/ :: to shrink
坍缩 {def} SEE: 坍縮 ::
坍塌 {v} /tāntā/ :: to collapse
{def} [Beijing Mandarin, Northeastern Mandarin, polite] /tān/ :: he; she; him; her
{def} SEE: 𪜶 ::
{def} [suburban Beijing Mandarin] /tān/ :: they
{def} SEE: ::
摊大手板 {def} SEE: 攤大手板 ::
摊贩 {def} SEE: 攤販 ::
摊开 {def} SEE: 攤開 ::
摊牌 {def} SEE: 攤牌 ::
摊派 {def} SEE: 攤派 ::
摊售 {def} SEE: 攤售 ::
摊位 {def} SEE: 攤位 ::
摊销 {def} SEE: 攤銷 ::
摊仔 {def} SEE: 攤仔 ::
摊子 {def} SEE: 攤子 ::
{def} /tān/ :: to spread something out; to lay out
{def} /tān/ :: stand, stall or table where goods are exhibited and sold
{def} [Cantonese] /tān/ :: to lie down
{def} [Min Nan] /tān/ :: classifier for work, business, meals
{def} /nàn/ :: [obsolete] to press
攤販 {n} /tānfàn/ :: street peddler; stall keeper
攤開 {v} /tānkāi/ :: to spread out; to unfold
攤牌 {v} /tānpái/ :: to show one's cards (to other players); to lay one's cards on the table
攤牌 {v} [figurative] /tānpái/ :: to have a showdown
攤派 {v} /tānpài/ :: to apportion (expenses, work, etc.)
攤售 {v} /tānshòu/ :: to set up a stall and sell
攤位 {v} /tānwèi/ :: vendor's stand; booth; stall
攤銷 {v} /tānxiāo/ :: to amortise
攤子 {n} /tānzi/ :: booth, stall, stand
{def} SEE: ::
滩簧 {def} SEE: 灘簧 ::
滩涂 {def} SEE: 灘塗 ::
{def} /tān/ :: shoal
{def} /tān/ :: beach
{def} /tān/ :: classifier for liquid or paste spread over a surface
灘簧 {n} [music] /tānhuáng/ :: tanhuang, a style of regional opera native to the Yangtze River region, popular during the Qing Dynasty
灘塗 {n} /tāntú/ :: intertidal zone; mudflat
𨅬瘫 {def} SEE: 躝癱 ::
{def} SEE: ::
瘫痪 {def} SEE: 癱瘓 ::
瘫软 {def} SEE: 癱軟 ::
瘫子 {def} SEE: 癱子 ::
{def} /tān/ :: paralysis, palsy, numbness
癱瘓 {v} [medicine] /tānhuàn/ :: to suffer from paralysis; to be paralyzed
癱瘓 {v} [figurative] /tānhuàn/ :: to be unable to function or move
癱瘓 {n} [medicine] /tānhuàn/ :: paralysis
癱瘓 {n} [figurative] /tānhuàn/ :: malfunction; collapse; crash; complete dysfunction
癱軟 {v} /tānruǎn/ :: to become weak and limp (of arms, legs, etc.)
癱子 {n} /tānzi/ :: person suffering from paralysis; paralysed person; paralytic
{def} /tān/ :: the look of tongue sticking
{def} /rán/ :: only used in 舚舑
{def} /tān/ :: greedy
{def} /tān/ :: to be fond of; to be preoccupied with; to do sth excessively
貪杯 {v} /tānbēi/ :: to drink to excess; to binge-drink
貪杯 {v} /tānbēi/ :: to be excessively fond of drinking; to have a predilection for alcohol
貪便宜 {v} /tān piányi/ :: to be anxious to get things on the cheap; to be keen on gaining petty advantages
貪財 {v} /tāncái/ :: to be greedy for money; to be a money-grubber
貪饞 {adj} /tānchán/ :: fond of eating; gluttonous
貪饞 {adj} /tānchán/ :: insatiable; avid
貪吃 {adj} [especially of a child] /tānchī/ :: fond of eating; gluttonous; voracious
貪得無厭 {adj} [idiomatic] /tāndéwúyàn/ :: greedy, avaricious
貪多嚼不爛 {idiom} /tān duō jiáo 不 làn/ :: bite off more than one can chew
貪腐 {n} /tānfǔ/ :: bribery and corruption
貪官 {n} /tānguān/ :: greedy mandarin
貪官 {n} /tānguān/ :: corrupt official
貪官汙吏 {def} SEE: 貪官污吏 ::
貪官污吏 {idiom} /tānguān-wūlì/ :: corrupt official
貪酒 {v} /tānjiǔ/ :: to drink to excess; to binge-drink
貪酒 {v} /tānjiǔ/ :: to be excessively fond of drinking; to have a predilection for alcohol
貪婪 {adj} /tānlán/ :: rapacious; avaricious; greedy; avid
貪利 {v} [literary] /tānlì/ :: to seek wealth; to covet riches
貪吏 {n} /tānlì/ :: corrupt official
貪戀 {v} /tānliàn/ :: to be reluctant to part with; to hate to leave; to cling to
貪吝 {adj} /tānlìn/ :: avaricious and miserly
貪錢 {v} /tānqián/ :: to be preoccupied with money; to care for little else but money
貪求 {v} /tānqiú/ :: to covet
貪生怕死 {idiom} [derogatory] /tānshēngpàsǐ/ :: to cravenly cling to life and fear death; to be cowardly and afraid of death
貪睡 {v} /tānshuì/ :: to habitually sleep too much; to be a lover of sleep
貪圖 {v} /tāntú/ :: to covet
貪玩 {v} /tānwán,er/ :: to be preoccupied with having fun; to only desire to have a good time
貪汙 {def} SEE: 貪污 ::
貪污 {v} /tānwū/ :: to embezzle; to be corrupt
貪污 {n} /tānwū/ :: corruption; graft
貪心 {adj} /tānxīn/ :: greedy
貪心 {n} /tānxīn/ :: greed; avarice; rapacity
貪心不足 {idiom} /tānxīn不zú/ :: greedy and never satisfied
貪欲 {n} /tānyù/ :: avarice; rapacity
貪贓 {v} /tānzāng/ :: to take bribes; to practice graft
貪嘴 {adj} /tānzuǐ/ :: fond of eating; gluttonous
{def} SEE: ::
贪杯 {def} SEE: 貪杯 ::
贪便宜 {def} SEE: 貪便宜 ::
贪财 {def} SEE: 貪財 ::
贪馋 {def} SEE: 貪饞 ::
贪吃 {def} SEE: 貪吃 ::
贪得无厌 {def} SEE: 貪得無厭 ::
贪多嚼不烂 {def} SEE: 貪多嚼不爛 ::
贪腐 {def} SEE: 貪腐 ::
贪官 {def} SEE: 貪官 ::
贪官污吏 {def} SEE: 貪官污吏 ::
贪靓 {def} SEE: 貪靚 ::
贪酒 {def} SEE: 貪酒 ::
贪婪 {def} SEE: 貪婪 ::
贪利 {def} SEE: 貪利 ::
贪吏 {def} SEE: 貪吏 ::
贪恋 {def} SEE: 貪戀 ::
贪吝 {def} SEE: 貪吝 ::
贪眠 {def} SEE: 貪眠 ::
贪钱 {def} SEE: 貪錢 ::
贪求 {def} SEE: 貪求 ::
贪生怕死 {def} SEE: 貪生怕死 ::
贪食 {def} SEE: 貪食 ::
贪睡 {def} SEE: 貪睡 ::
贪图 {def} SEE: 貪圖 ::
贪玩 {def} SEE: 貪玩 ::
贪污 {def} SEE: 貪污 ::
贪心 {def} SEE: 貪心 ::
贪心不足 {def} SEE: 貪心不足 ::
贪新忘旧 {def} SEE: 貪新忘舊 ::
贪欲 {def} SEE: 貪欲 ::
贪赃 {def} SEE: 貪贓 ::
贪字得个贫 {def} SEE: 貪字得個貧 ::
贪嘴 {def} SEE: 貪嘴 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
坛场 {def} SEE: 壇場 ::
坛坛罐罐 {def} SEE: 罈罈罐罐 ::
坛子 {def} SEE: 罈子 ::
{def} /tán/ :: altar (Classifier: 座)
壇場 {n} /tán場/ :: altar; mandala
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
弹拨 {def} SEE: 彈撥 ::
弹拨尔 {def} SEE: 彈撥爾 ::
弹仓 {def} SEE: 彈倉 ::
弹窗 {def} SEE: 彈窗 ::
弹床 {def} SEE: 彈床 ::
弹词 {def} SEE: 彈詞 ::
弹道 {def} SEE: 彈道 ::
弹道导弹 {def} SEE: 彈道導彈 ::
弹道飞弹 {def} SEE: 彈道飛彈 ::
弹道学 {def} SEE: 彈道學 ::
弹弓 {def} SEE: 彈弓 ::
弹弓指 {def} SEE: 彈弓指 ::
弹冠相庆 {def} SEE: 彈冠相慶 ::
弹劾 {def} SEE: 彈劾 ::
弹簧 {def} SEE: 彈簧 ::
弹簧插座 {def} SEE: 彈簧插座 ::
弹簧秤 {def} SEE: 彈簧秤 ::
弹簧床 {def} SEE: 彈簧床 ::
弹簧单高跷 {def} SEE: 彈簧單高蹺 ::
弹簧刀 {def} SEE: 彈簧刀 ::
弹簧垫圈 {def} SEE: 彈簧墊圈 ::
弹簧垫子 {def} SEE: 彈簧墊子 ::
弹簧钢 {def} SEE: 彈簧鋼 ::
弹簧铰链 {def} SEE: 彈簧鉸鏈 ::
弹簧门 {def} SEE: 彈簧門 ::
弹簧圈 {def} SEE: 彈簧圈 ::
弹簧锁 {def} SEE: 彈簧鎖 ::
弹尽粮绝 {def} SEE: 彈盡糧絕 ::
弹开 {def} SEE: 彈開 ::
弹壳 {def} SEE: 彈殼 ::
弹坑 {def} SEE: 彈坑 ::
弹力 {def} SEE: 彈力 ::
弹幕 {def} SEE: 彈幕 ::
弹片 {def} SEE: 彈片 ::
弹票 {def} SEE: 彈票 ::
弹琴 {def} SEE: 彈琴 ::
弹舌音 {def} SEE: 彈舌音 ::
弹膛 {def} SEE: 彈膛 ::
弹跳 {def} SEE: 彈跳 ::
弹头 {def} SEE: 彈頭 ::
弹涂鱼 {def} SEE: 彈塗魚 ::
弹丸 {def} SEE: 彈丸 ::
弹丸礁 {def} SEE: 彈丸礁 ::
弹丸之地 {def} SEE: 彈丸之地 ::
弹匣 {def} SEE: 彈匣 ::
弹性 {def} SEE: 彈性 ::
弹性蛋白 {def} SEE: 彈性蛋白 ::
弹性放假 {def} SEE: 彈性放假 ::
弹性能 {def} SEE: 彈性能 ::
弹性碰撞 {def} SEE: 彈性碰撞 ::
弹性软骨 {def} SEE: 彈性軟骨 ::
弹性势能 {def} SEE: 彈性勢能 ::
弹性休假 {def} SEE: 彈性休假 ::
弹休 {def} SEE: 彈休 ::
弹压 {def} SEE: 彈壓 ::
弹牙 {def} SEE: 彈牙 ::
弹药 {def} SEE: 彈藥 ::
弹药库 {def} SEE: 彈藥庫 ::
弹音 {def} SEE: 彈音 ::
弹指 {def} SEE: 彈指 ::
弹珠 {def} SEE: 彈珠 ::
弹珠机 {def} SEE: 彈珠機 ::
弹子 {def} SEE: 彈子 ::
弹奏 {def} SEE: 彈奏 ::
{def} SEE: ::
昙花 {def} SEE: 曇花 ::
昙花一现 {def} SEE: 曇花一現 ::
昙昙 {def} SEE: 曇曇 ::
{def} /tán/ :: [obsolete] cloudy; overcast
{def} /tán/ :: only used in 曇花
曇花 {n} /tánhuā/ :: abbreviation of 優曇婆羅花
曇花 {n} /tánhuā/ :: Dutchman's pipe cactus; queen of the night (Epiphyllum oxypetalum)
曇花一現 {idiom} /tánhuā一xiàn/ :: like a flash in the pan; ephemeral; short-lived; not long-term
曇曇 {adj} /tántán/ :: cloudy; overcast
{def} /tán/ :: pond
{def} /tán/ :: Name of several kind of plants, including:
{def} /tán/ :: 紫檀
{def} /tán/ :: 青檀
{def} /tán/ :: 黃檀
{def} /tán/ :: abbreviation of 旃檀, also known as 檀香
{def} /tán/ :: purple-red
{def} /tán/ :: surname
檀板 {n} [music] /tánbǎn/ :: hardwood clappers
檀岛 {def} SEE: 檀島 ::
檀島 {prop} /Tándǎo/ :: alternative name for 檀香山
檀君 {prop} /Tánjūn/ :: Dangun
檀木 {n} /tánmù/ :: sandalwood (any of various tropical trees of the genus Santalum)
檀那 {v} [Buddhism] /tánnà/ :: to donate; to give alms
檀那 {n} [Buddhism] /tánnà/ :: donor; benefactor (of a monastery)
檀施 {n} [Buddhism] /tánshī/ :: dana
檀施 {n} [Buddhism, used by monks and priests, respectful] /tánshī/ :: almsgiver; benefactor; patron
檀溪 {prop} /Tánxī/ :: (~ 街道) 檀溪 (subdistrict)
檀香 {n} /tánxiāng/ :: sandalwood (the aromatic heartwood of the tropical trees of the genus Santalum)
檀香山 {prop} /Tánxiāng Shān/ :: 檀香山 (city)
檀信 {n} [Buddhism] /tánxìn/ :: devotee; follower; worshiper; believer
{def} /tán/ :: (~ 水) Liu River
{def} /tán/ :: deep pool; lake
{def} [dialectal] /tán/ :: pit
{def} /tán/ :: deep; profound
{def} /tán/ :: (~ 州) Tan Prefecture (Hunan)
{def} /tán/ :: surname
{def} /yǐn/ :: only used in 潭濼
{def} /xún/ :: waterside
{def} /dàn/ :: sound of hitting water
潭城 {prop} /Tánchéng/ :: (~ 鎮) 潭城 (town)
潭祉 {n} /tánzhǐ/ :: great happiness
潭州 {prop} [historical] /Tánzhōu/ :: Tan Prefecture
潭州 {prop} [historical] /Tánzhōu/ :: Tanzhou, a former name of 長沙, a city in Hunan, China
{def} /tán/ :: phlegm; sputum
痰罐 {n} /tánguàn/ :: spittoon
痰盒 {n} /tánhé,er/ :: spittoon
痰壶 {def} SEE: 痰壺 ::
痰桶 {n} /tántǒng/ :: spittoon
痰盂 {n} /tányú/ :: spittoon
{def} /tán/ :: an earthenware jar, a jug
罈罈罐罐 {idiom} /tántánguànguàn/ :: pots and pans; household items
罈子 {n} /tánzi/ :: earthenware jug with a large belly and small opening at the top
{def} SEE: ::
罎子 {def} SEE: 罈子 ::
{def} /tán/ :: to talk; to converse
{def} /tán/ :: to discuss; to chat
{def} /tán/ :: [obsolete] remark; conversation
{def} /tán/ :: [obsolete] to praise
{def} /tán/ :: surname
談兵 {v} [literary] /tánbīng/ :: to discuss military tactics
談不上 {v} /tánbúshàng/ :: to be far from; to be nothing near; much less; out of the question
談到 {v} /tándào/ :: to speak about; to talk about; to discuss; to mention; to raise; to refer to
談得來 {v} /tándélái/ :: to get along well
談何 {v} /tánhé/ :: how can one talk about ...? what is the point of talking about ...?
談何容易 {phrase} [chiefly obsolete] /tánhéróngyì/ :: it is no easy matter to give good advices (especially to one's superior); to speak is difficult
談何容易 {idiom} /tánhéróngyì/ :: easier said than done
談虎色變 {idiom} /tánhǔsèbiàn/ :: to become scared when a particular thing is mentioned
談話 {v} /tánhuà/ :: to discuss; to chat; to have a talk
談話 {n} /tánhuà/ :: discussion; chat (Classifier: m:次)
談話 {n} /tánhuà/ :: formal presentation; statement (Classifier: m:次)
談婚論嫁 {idiom} /tánhūnlùnjià/ :: to talk about marriage, to think about getting married
談及 {v} /tánjí/ :: to speak about; to talk about; to discuss
談戀愛 {v} /tánliàn'ài/ :: to go out with; to be dating; to be in love
談論 {v} /tánlùn/ :: to discuss; to talk about
談判 {n} /tánpàn/ :: negotiation; talks
談判 {v} /tánpàn/ :: to negotiate
談起 {v} /tánqǐ/ :: to speak about; to talk about; to mention; to raise; to refer to
談情說愛 {idiom} /tánqíngshuō'ài/ :: for talk of love and romance to fill one's conversation; to be courting; to be dating
談談 {v} /tántán/ :: to have a chat; to discuss; to talk with someone
談天 {v} /tántiān,er/ :: to chat
談吐 {n} /tántǔ/ :: way of talking; conversational style
談妥 {v} /tántuǒ/ :: to resolve something through consultation
談羨 {n} [obsolete] /tánxiàn/ :: to express admiration or envy
談笑 {v} /tánxiào/ :: to go on talking and laughing
談笑風生 {idiom} /tánxiàofēngshēng/ :: to talk in a jovial mood; to joke together; to talk cheerfully and wittily
談笑自若 {idiom} /tánxiào zìruò/ :: to go on talking and laughing as if nothing had happened
談心 {v} /tánxīn/ :: to have a heart-to-heart talk
談議 {v} [literary] /tányì/ :: to talk and discuss; to critique and discuss
談資 {n} /tánzī/ :: topic of conversation; gossip; something that people like to chat about
{def} /tán/ :: alternative form of
{def} /tán/ :: surname
譚公 {prop} [religion] /Tángōng/ :: Tam Kung (a deity worshipped in Hong Kong and Macau)
譚家 {prop} /Tánjiā/ :: (~ 鎮) 譚家 (town)
譚家灣 {prop} /Tánjiāwān/ :: (~ 鎮) 譚家灣 (town)
譚山 {prop} /Tánshān/ :: (~ 鎮) 譚山 (town)
{def} SEE: ::
谈兵 {def} SEE: 談兵 ::
谈不上 {def} SEE: 談不上 ::
谈茶 {def} SEE: 談茶 ::
谈到 {def} SEE: 談到 ::
谈得来 {def} SEE: 談得來 ::
谈何 {def} SEE: 談何 ::
谈何容易 {def} SEE: 談何容易 ::
谈虎色变 {def} SEE: 談虎色變 ::
谈话 {def} SEE: 談話 ::
谈婚论嫁 {def} SEE: 談婚論嫁 ::
谈及 {def} SEE: 談及 ::
谈恋爱 {def} SEE: 談戀愛 ::
谈论 {def} SEE: 談論 ::
谈判 {def} SEE: 談判 ::
谈起 {def} SEE: 談起 ::
谈情说爱 {def} SEE: 談情說愛 ::
谈谈 {def} SEE: 談談 ::
谈天 {def} SEE: 談天 ::
谈吐 {def} SEE: 談吐 ::
谈妥 {def} SEE: 談妥 ::
谈羡 {def} SEE: 談羨 ::
谈笑 {def} SEE: 談笑 ::
谈笑风生 {def} SEE: 談笑風生 ::
谈笑自若 {def} SEE: 談笑自若 ::
谈心 {def} SEE: 談心 ::
谈议 {def} SEE: 談議 ::
谈资 {def} SEE: 談資 ::
{def} SEE: ::
谭公 {def} SEE: 譚公 ::
谭家 {def} SEE: 譚家 ::
谭家湾 {def} SEE: 譚家灣 ::
谭山 {def} SEE: 譚山 ::
{def} /tán/ :: only used in 貙貚
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tán/ :: only used in 鸛鷤
{def} /tí/ :: only used in 鷤䳏
鷤䳏 {n} /tíguì/ :: alternative form of 鶗鴃
{def} [of mulberry fruit] /dǎn/ :: blackness
{def} /dǎn/ :: unclean
{def} /dǎn/ :: genitalia
{def} /黮/ :: used in 黮闇
{def} /黮/ :: used in 黯黮
{def} /shèn/ :: alternative form of
{def} /zhèn/ :: [historical dictionaries] dirt; filth
{def} /tǎn/ :: flat; level; wide
{def} /tǎn/ :: [obsolete] calm; open-hearted; at ease
{def} /tǎn/ :: honest; frank
{def} /tǎn/ :: [obsolete] to reveal; to expose
{def} /tǎn/ :: Used in the transliteration of foreign words
{def} /tǎn/ :: surname
坦白 {adj} /tǎnbái/ :: honest; candid
坦白 {v} /tǎnbái/ :: to own up; confess
坦承 {v} /tǎnchéng/ :: to (frankly) admit; to avow; to confess
坦誠 {adj} /tǎnchéng/ :: frank and sincere
坦诚 {def} SEE: 坦誠 ::
坦荡 {def} SEE: 坦蕩 ::
坦蕩 {adj} /tǎndàng/ :: broad and level (of roads, fields, plains, etc.)
坦蕩 {adj} /tǎndàng/ :: magnanimous
坦干依喀湖 {prop} /Tǎngānyīkā Hú/ :: Lake Tanganyika
坦克 {n} /tǎnkè,er/ :: tank (armoured fighting vehicle) (Classifier: m:輛)
坦克 {n} [slang, derogatory, offensive] /tǎnkè,er/ :: fat girl
坦克車 {n} /tǎnkèchē/ :: alternative name for 坦克
坦克车 {def} SEE: 坦克車 ::
坦克手 {n} [military] /tǎnkèshǒu/ :: tankman
坦率 {adj} /tǎnshuài/ :: frank; down-to-earth
坦率 {adj} [archaic] /tǎnshuài/ :: rude; impolite; rough
坦米尔 {def} SEE: 坦米爾 ::
坦米尔文 {def} SEE: 坦米爾文 ::
坦米尔语 {def} SEE: 坦米爾語 ::
坦米爾 {prop} [Taiwan] /Tǎnmǐ'ěr/ :: Tamil (ethnic group)
坦米爾文 {prop} [Taiwan] /Tǎnmǐ'ěrwén/ :: the Tamil language
坦米爾語 {prop} [Taiwan] /Tǎnmǐ'ěryǔ/ :: Tamil (language)
坦佩谷 {prop} /Tǎnpèigǔ/ :: Vale of Tempe
坦皮科 {prop} /Tǎnpíkē/ :: 坦皮科 (city)
坦平 {adj} [literary, of a person's demeanor] /tǎnpíng/ :: frank and unaffected
坦平 {adj} [literary, of land, ground, etc.] /tǎnpíng/ :: level; even; smooth
坦然 {adj} /tǎnrán/ :: calm; undisturbed; unperturbed; at ease
坦桑宝石 {def} SEE: 坦桑寶石 ::
坦桑寶石 {n} /tǎnsāng bǎoshí/ :: alternative name for 坦桑石
坦桑尼亞 {prop} [Mainland China, Hong Kong] /Tǎnsāngní亞/ :: Tanzania
坦桑尼亚 {def} SEE: 坦桑尼亞 ::
坦桑石 {n} /tǎnsāngshí/ :: tanzanite
坦尚尼亞 {prop} [Taiwan] /Tǎnshàngní亞/ :: Tanzania
坦尚尼亚 {def} SEE: 坦尚尼亞 ::
坦途 {n} /tǎntú/ :: level road
坦途 {n} [figuratively] /tǎntú/ :: smooth sailing
坦言 {v} /tǎnyán/ :: to speak candidly; to honestly express one's thoughts; to confess
坦言 {n} /tǎnyán/ :: candid words; honest words
{def} /tǎn/ :: only used in 忐忑
{def} /kěng/ :: [obsolete] only used in 忐忑
忐忑 {adj} /tǎntè/ :: perturbed; nervous; uneasy; fidgety
忐忑 {adj} [obsolete] /kěngdǎo/ :: sincere
忐忑不安 {idiom} /tǎntè不'ān/ :: nervous; uneasy
憳忒 {def} SEE: 忐忑 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tǎn/ :: rug; carpet; blanket
毯子 {n} /tǎnzi/ :: blanket (Classifier: 條)
{def} /tǎn/ :: bare; to strip oneself naked to the waist
{def} /tǎn/ :: to give unprincipled support; to shield
{def} /zhàn/ :: [obsolete] original form of
袒护 {def} SEE: 袒護 ::
袒護 {v} /tǎnhù/ :: to shield; to alibi; to protect
袒護 {v} [pejorative] /tǎnhù/ :: to make excuses for someone
袒露 {v} /tǎnlù/ :: to expose; to uncover
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /zhàn/ :: unadorned but elegant
{def} /tǎn/ :: tantalum
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /yǐ/ :: [historical dictionaries] {uncertain meaning}
叹词 {def} SEE: 嘆詞 ::
叹服 {def} SEE: 嘆服 ::
叹号 {def} SEE: 嘆號 ::
叹气 {def} SEE: 嘆氣 ::
叹惋 {def} SEE: 嘆惋 ::
叹为观止 {def} SEE: 嘆為觀止 ::
叹为听止 {def} SEE: 嘆為聽止 ::
叹息 {def} SEE: 嘆息 ::
叹惜 {def} SEE: 嘆惜 ::
{def} [grammar] /tàn/ :: abbreviation of 嘆詞
{def} /tàn/ :: to sigh
{def} /tàn/ :: to chant
{def} /tàn/ :: to praise
{def} [Cantonese] /tàn/ :: to enjoy
嘆詞 {n} [part of speech] /tàncí/ :: interjection; exclamation
嘆服 {v} /tànfú/ :: to gasp in admiration
嘆號 {n} /tànhào,er/ :: exclamation mark ()
嘆氣 {v} /tànqì,er/ :: to sigh (with regret); to heave a sigh
嘆惋 {v} [literary] /tàn惋/ :: to sigh with regret
嘆為觀止 {idiom} /tànwéiguānzhǐ/ :: to gasp in amazement; to acclaim as the peak of perfection
嘆為聽止 {idiom} /tànwéitīngzhǐ/ :: to gasp in amazement (upon hearing a piece of music); to acclaim as the peak of perfection
嘆息 {v} /tàn息/ :: to sigh (with regret); to heave a sigh
嘆惜 {v} [literary] /tàn惜/ :: to sigh with regret; to lament
{def} /tàn/ :: to find; to locate
{def} /tàn/ :: to search; to grope for
{def} /tàn/ :: to visit
探班 {v} /tànbān,er/ :: to pay a visit to someone while they are working; to check on someone at work
探病 {v} /tànbìng/ :: to visit a sick person or patient
探测 {def} SEE: 探測 ::
探测器 {def} SEE: 探測器 ::
探測 {v} /tàncè/ :: to probe; to take readings; to explore; to survey
探測 {n} /tàncè/ :: exploration
探測器 {n} /tàncèqì/ :: probe; detector
探查 {v} /tànchá/ :: to probe into; to look into; to examine
探查术 {def} SEE: 探查術 ::
探查術 {n} [surgery] /tàncháshù/ :: exploratory surgery
探訪 {v} /tànfǎng/ :: to seek out by inquiry or search
探訪 {v} /tànfǎng/ :: to visit; to pay a visit
探访 {def} SEE: 探訪 ::
探風 {v} /tànfēng/ :: to enquire about something; to make enquiries; to fish for information
探风 {def} SEE: 探風 ::
探戈 {n} /tàngē/ :: (~ 舞) tango
探戈舞 {n} /tàngēwǔ/ :: tango
探海 {v} /tànhǎi/ :: to explore, survey or patrol the sea
探海 {n} [classical Chinese dance] /tànhǎi/ :: A kongzhi pose in which the dancer raises his back leg to point it upwards while lowering his torso until it is parallel to the ground
探海灯 {def} SEE: 探海燈 ::
探海燈 {n} /tànhǎidēng/ :: searchlight
探花 {n} [historical] /tànhuā/ :: tanhua; person who came third in the palace examination of the imperial examination system, below zhuangyuan and bangyan
探监 {def} SEE: 探監 ::
探監 {v} /tànjiān/ :: to visit a prisoner
探究 {v} /tàn究/ :: to investigate; to delve into
探勘 {n} /tànkān/ :: exploration; prospecting; survey
探看 {v} [literary] /tànkàn/ :: to scout out; to reconoiter
探空 {v} [only in compounds] /tànkōng/ :: to carry out measurements of, in, or related to the sky
探路 {v} /tànlù/ :: to explore the way
探馬 {n} [archaic] /tànmǎ/ :: a scout on horseback
探马 {def} SEE: 探馬 ::
探明 {v} /tànmíng/ :: to find out; to pry into
探明 {v} /tànmíng/ :: to prospect for (something) and obtain a clear result; to ascertain
探囊 {v} [literary] /tànnáng/ :: to take something from one's pocket
探囊 {v} [literary, figurative] /tànnáng/ :: to be extremely easy
探囊取物 {idiom} /tànnáng qǔ wù/ :: within one's grasp; extremely easy; like taking candy from a baby
探亲 {def} SEE: 探親 ::
探親 {v} /tànqīn/ :: to visit one's relatives or spouse (especially by travelling a long distance)
探求 {v} /tànqiú/ :: to seek; to search for; to pursue; to investigate
探身 {v} /tànshēn/ :: to lean forward; to lean out of a window or door; to stretch out
探勝 {v} /tànshèng/ :: to explore sights (or other nice things); to make an excursion to scenic spots
探胜 {def} SEE: 探勝 ::
探視 {v} /tànshì/ :: to visit (of someone in hospital or prison, or a child of divorced parents)
探視 {v} /tànshì/ :: to look inquiringly
探視權 {n} /tànshìquán/ :: contact, visitation or access rights (to a child, or divorced parents)
探视 {def} SEE: 探視 ::
探视权 {def} SEE: 探視權 ::
探索 {v} /tànsuǒ/ :: to explore; to probe
探索 {v} [literary] /tànsuǒ/ :: to search; to raid (in order to find evidence)
探討 {v} /tàntǎo/ :: to inquire into; to probe into; to investigate; to discuss
探讨 {def} SEE: 探討 ::
探听 {def} SEE: 探聽 ::
探聽 {v} /tàntīng/ :: to snoop around; to pry into; to make inquires about
探头 {def} SEE: 探頭 ::
探头探脑 {def} SEE: 探頭探腦 ::
探頭 {v} /tàntóu,er/ :: to pop one's head in; to crane one's neck
探頭 {n} [electronics] /tàntóu,er/ :: probe (on a detector etc.)
探頭探腦 {idiom} /tàntóutànnǎo/ :: to pop one's head in and look about
探望 {v} /tànwàng/ :: to visit (someone who cannot be easily seen)
探望 {v} /tànwàng/ :: to look about
探問 {v} /tànwèn/ :: to make cautious inquiries about
探問 {v} /tànwèn/ :: to inquire after; to visit
探问 {def} SEE: 探問 ::
探析 {v} /tànxī/ :: to investigate and analyze
探险 {def} SEE: 探險 ::
探險 {v} /tànxiǎn/ :: to explore
探尋 {v} /tànxún/ :: to prospect for; to search for
探寻 {def} SEE: 探尋 ::
探詢 {v} /tànxún/ :: to make cautious inquiries about
探询 {def} SEE: 探詢 ::
探源 {v} /tànyuán/ :: to trace the source (of something); the explore an origin
探照灯 {def} SEE: 探照燈 ::
探照燈 {n} /tànzhàodēng/ :: searchlight
探針 {n} /tànzhēn/ :: probing pin; probe
探针 {def} SEE: 探針 ::
探知 {v} [literary] /tànzhī/ :: to find out something after checking into a matter
探子 {n} [obsolete] /tànzi/ :: scout; runner; someone (in the military) who is sent out to find information
探子 {n} /tànzi/ :: a kind of thin tube used to extract samples of food grains, etc
{def} /tàn/ :: alternative form of 嘆*
{def} /tàn/ :: one of 24 literary genres from the Zhou dynasty
{def} /tàn/ :: surname
歎詞 {def} SEE: 嘆詞 ::
歎服 {def} SEE: 嘆服 ::
歎號 {def} SEE: 嘆號 ::
歎氣 {def} SEE: 嘆氣 ::
歎為觀止 {def} SEE: 嘆為觀止 ::
歎為聽止 {def} SEE: 嘆為聽止 ::
歎息 {def} SEE: 嘆息 ::
歎惜 {def} SEE: 嘆惜 ::
{def} /tàn/ :: [obsolete] large body of water
{def} /tàn/ :: charcoal
{def} /tàn/ :: charcoal fire
{def} /tàn/ :: coal
{def} /tàn/ :: coal-like substance
{def} /tàn/ :: alternative form of
{def} [ACG, Internet, slang] /tàn/ :: -tan
炭笔 {def} SEE: 炭筆 ::
炭筆 {n} /tànbǐ/ :: charcoal (stick used for drawing)
炭化 {v} /tànhuà/ :: to carbonize
炭画 {def} SEE: 炭畫 ::
炭畫 {n} /tànhuà,er/ :: charcoal drawing
炭火 {n} /tànhuǒ/ :: charcoal fire
炭疽 {n} /tànjū/ :: (~ 病) [disease] anthrax
炭疽 {n} /tànjū/ :: (~ 病) [botany] anthracnose; canker
炭疽病 {n} /tànjūbìng/ :: anthrax
炭疽杆菌 {def} SEE: 炭疽桿菌 ::
炭疽桿菌 {n} /tànjūgǎn菌/ :: Bacillus anthracis (causative agent of anthrax)
炭疽热 {def} SEE: 炭疽熱 ::
炭疽熱 {n} [disease] /tànjūrè/ :: anthrax
炭疽症 {n} [pulmonology] /tànjūzhèng/ :: anthrax
炭矿 {def} SEE: 炭礦 ::
炭盆 {n} /tànpén/ :: (charcoal) brazier
炭气 {def} SEE: 炭氣 ::
炭氣 {n} /tànqì/ :: carbon dioxide
炭氣 {n} /tànqì/ :: carbonation
炭氣 {adj} /tànqì/ :: carbonated
炭酸气 {def} SEE: 炭酸氣 ::
炭酸氣 {def} SEE: 碳酸氣 ::
炭窑 {def} SEE: 炭窯 ::
炭窯 {n} /tànyáo/ :: charcoal kiln
{def} [chemistry] /tàn/ :: carbon
{def} [ecology] /tàn/ :: carbon emissions (in the context of global warming and climate change)
碳60 {n} [chemistry] /tàn-liùshí/ :: buckminsterfullerene
碳70 {n} [chemistry] /tàn-qīshí/ :: C70 fullerene
碳銨 {n} [inorganic compound] /tàn铵/ :: ammonium carbonate
碳铵 {def} SEE: 碳銨 ::
碳鋼 {n} /tàngāng/ :: carbon steel
碳钢 {def} SEE: 碳鋼 ::
碳化 {v} /tànhuà/ :: to carbonize
碳化鈣 {n} [inorganic compound] /tànhuàgài/ :: calcium carbide
碳化钙 {def} SEE: 碳化鈣 ::
碳化硅 {n} [Mainland, inorganic compound] /tànhuàguī/ :: silicon carbide
碳納米管 {n} [chemistry] /tànnàmǐguǎn,er/ :: carbon nanotube
碳纳米管 {def} SEE: 碳納米管 ::
碳排放交易 {n} /tàn páifàng jiāoyì/ :: carbon emissions trading; emissions trading
碳排放权交易 {def} SEE: 碳排放權交易 ::
碳排放權交易 {n} /tàn páifàngquán jiāoyì/ :: carbon emissions trading; emissions trading
碳氢化合物 {def} SEE: 碳氫化合物 ::
碳氫化合物 {n} /tàn-qīng huàhéwù/ :: hydrocarbon
碳水化合物 {n} /tànshuǐ huàhéwù/ :: carbohydrate
碳稅 {n} /tànshuì/ :: carbon tax
碳税 {def} SEE: 碳稅 ::
碳酸 {n} [inorganic compound] /tànsuān/ :: carbonic acid
碳酸銨 {n} [inorganic compound] /tànsuān铵/ :: ammonium carbonate
碳酸铵 {def} SEE: 碳酸銨 ::
碳酸鋇 {n} [inorganic compound] /tànsuānbèi/ :: barium carbonate
碳酸钡 {def} SEE: 碳酸鋇 ::
碳酸鈣 {n} [inorganic compound] /tànsuāngài/ :: calcium carbonate
碳酸钙 {def} SEE: 碳酸鈣 ::
碳酸酐酶 {n} [biochemistry] /tànsuāngānméi/ :: carbonic anhydrase
碳酸鉀 {n} [inorganic compound] /tànsuānjiǎ/ :: potassium carbonate
碳酸钾 {def} SEE: 碳酸鉀 ::
碳酸鋰 {n} [inorganic compound] /tànsuānlǐ/ :: lithium carbonate
碳酸锂 {def} SEE: 碳酸鋰 ::
碳酸鎂 {n} [inorganic compound] /tànsuānměi/ :: magnesium carbonate
碳酸镁 {def} SEE: 碳酸鎂 ::
碳酸鈉 {n} [inorganic compound] /tànsuānnà/ :: sodium carbonate
碳酸钠 {def} SEE: 碳酸鈉 ::
碳酸气 {def} SEE: 碳酸氣 ::
碳酸氣 {n} /tànsuānqì/ :: carbon dioxide
碳酸氢铵 {def} SEE: 碳酸氫銨 ::
碳酸氢钙 {def} SEE: 碳酸氫鈣 ::
碳酸氢钾 {def} SEE: 碳酸氫鉀 ::
碳酸氢钠 {def} SEE: 碳酸氫鈉 ::
碳酸氢盐 {def} SEE: 碳酸氫鹽 ::
碳酸氫銨 {n} [inorganic compound] /tànsuānqīng铵/ :: ammonium bicarbonate
碳酸氫鈣 {n} [inorganic compound] /tànsuānqīnggài/ :: calcium bicarbonate; calcium hydrogen carbonate
碳酸氫鉀 {n} [inorganic compound] /tànsuānqīngjiǎ/ :: potassium bicarbonate
碳酸氫鈉 {n} [inorganic compound] /tànsuānqīngnà/ :: sodium bicarbonate
碳酸氫鹽 {n} /tànsuān qīng yán/ :: hydrogen carbonate
碳酸水 {n} /tànsuānshuǐ,er/ :: carbonated water
碳酸盐 {def} SEE: 碳酸鹽 ::
碳酸鹽 {n} [inorganic chemistry] /tànsuānyán/ :: carbonate
碳酸銀 {n} [inorganic compound] /tànsuānyín/ :: silver carbonate
碳酸银 {def} SEE: 碳酸銀 ::
碳酸酯 {n} [chemistry] /tànsuānzhǐ/ :: carbonate ester
碳醯氯 {n} [Taiwan, organic compound] /tànxīlǜ/ :: phosgene; carbonyl chloride
碳酰氯 {n} [mainland China, Hong Kong, organic compound] /tànxiānlǜ/ :: phosgene; carbonyl chloride
碳紙 {n} /tànzhǐ/ :: carbon paper
碳纸 {def} SEE: 碳紙 ::
碳足跡 {n} /tànzú跡/ :: carbon footprint
碳足迹 {def} SEE: 碳足跡 ::
碳足印 {n} /tànzúyìn/ :: carbon footprint
{def} /tàn,tǎn/ :: [obsolete] to pay for atonement
{def} /tàn,tǎn/ :: [obsolete] money for atonement
{def} [Buddhism] /賧/ :: to offer to; to present to
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tàn/ :: [obsolete] river
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [Cantonese] /tāng/ :: to kill (an animal); to slaughter; to butcher
{def} [Cantonese] /tāng/ :: to cut up
劏房 {n} /tāngfáng/ :: subdivided flat (a ubiquitous kind of rental housing present in Hong Kong)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
汤包 {def} SEE: 湯包 ::
汤菜 {def} SEE: 湯菜 ::
汤匙 {def} SEE: 湯匙 ::
汤池 {def} SEE: 湯池 ::
汤底 {def} SEE: 湯底 ::
汤儿 {def} SEE: 湯兒 ::
汤房 {def} SEE: 湯房 ::
汤沟 {def} SEE: 湯溝 ::
汤罐 {def} SEE: 湯罐 ::
汤锅 {def} SEE: 湯鍋 ::
汤河 {def} SEE: 湯河 ::
汤加 {def} SEE: 湯加 ::
汤加语 {def} SEE: 湯加語 ::
汤块 {def} SEE: 湯塊 ::
汤力水 {def} SEE: 湯力水 ::
汤料 {def} SEE: 湯料 ::
汤面 {def} SEE: 湯麵 ::
汤姆 {def} SEE: 湯姆 ::
汤姆历险记 {def} SEE: 湯姆歷險記 ::
汤婆 {def} SEE: 湯婆 ::
汤婆子 {def} SEE: 湯婆子 ::
汤泉 {def} SEE: 湯泉 ::
汤勺 {def} SEE: 湯勺 ::
汤水 {def} SEE: 湯水 ::
汤斯维尔 {def} SEE: 湯斯維爾 ::
汤汤 {def} SEE: 湯湯 ::
汤头 {def} SEE: 湯頭 ::
汤团 {def} SEE: 湯糰 ::
汤湾 {def} SEE: 湯灣 ::
汤武 {def} SEE: 湯武 ::
汤逊湖 {def} SEE: 湯遜湖 ::
汤药 {def} SEE: 湯藥 ::
汤峪 {def} SEE: 湯峪 ::
汤元 {def} SEE: 湯元 ::
汤圆 {def} SEE: 湯圓 ::
汤圆儿 {def} SEE: 湯圓兒 ::
汤泽 {def} SEE: 湯澤 ::
{def} [chemistry] /tāng,tàn,2nb/ :: carbonyl
羰基 {n} [chemistry] /tāngjī,tànjī,2nb/ :: carbonyl
{def} /tāng/ :: only used in 蛈蝪
{def} /tàng/ :: to take a journey
{def} /tàng/ :: time; occasion
{def} /tàng/ :: classifier for journeys or occasions
{def} /tāng/ :: alternative form of
{def} /zhēng/ :: used in *週趟
{def} [ideophonic] /zhēng/ :: jumping; leaping
{def} /zhèng/ :: only used in *週趟
{def} /chéng/ :: only used in *週趟
趟门 {def} SEE: 趟門 ::
趟水 {v} /tāngshuǐ/ :: to wade through water
{def} /tāng/ :: to tread through mud or water; to ford; to wade
{def} /tāng/ :: to trample
蹚水 {v} /tāngshuǐ/ :: to wade through water
{def} /tāng/ :: a type of small copper drum
{def} [onomatopoeia] /tāng/ :: drum or gong sound
{def} /táng/ :: to bore hole
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /táng/ :: Used in female names
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /táng/ :: a place in modern-day Luhe, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China
{def} /táng/ :: (ancient form of ) a hall
{def} /táng/ :: an office, a reception room
{def} /táng/ :: a court of justice
{def} /táng/ :: only used in 傏𠊲
{def} /táng/ :: [obsolete] to exaggerate; to boast
{def} /táng/ :: [obsolete] exaggerative; boastful
{def} /táng/ :: [obsolete] vast; wide; extensive
{def} /táng/ :: [obsolete] road inside temple
{def} /táng/ :: [obsolete] in vain; to no avail
{def} /táng/ :: 50th tetragram of the Taixuanjing; "vastness, emptiness, pointlessness" (𝌷)
{def} /táng/ :: (~ 朝) Tang Dynasty
{def} [figurative] /táng/ :: China
{def} /táng/ :: surname
唐晡囝 {def} SEE: 丈夫囝 ::
唐餔 {def} SEE: 丈夫 ::
唐餐 {n} /tángcān/ :: Chinese cuisine; Chinese food
唐餐館 {n} /tángcānguǎn/ :: Chinese restaurant
唐餐馆 {def} SEE: 唐餐館 ::
唐冲 {def} SEE: 唐沖 ::
唐沖 {prop} /Tángchōng/ :: (~ 村) 唐沖 (village)
唐村 {prop} /Tángcūn/ :: (~ 鎮) 唐村 (town)
唐代 {prop} /Tángdài/ :: the Tang dynasty (618-907)
唐棣 {n} /tángdì/ :: alternative form of 棠棣
唐店 {prop} /Tángdiàn/ :: (~ 村) 唐店 (village)
唐妃 {prop} /Táng Fēi/ :: Consort Tang (spouse of the Prince of Hongnong)
唐古拉 {prop} /Tánggǔlā/ :: (~ 鎮) 唐古拉 (town)
唐古拉山 {prop} /Tánggǔlā Shān/ :: Tanggula Mountains
唐巷 {prop} /Tángxiàng/ :: (~ 村) 唐巷 (village)
唐話 {n} [dated or colloquial] /tánghuà/ :: Chinese language
唐话 {def} SEE: 唐話 ::
唐家墩 {prop} /Tángjiādūn/ :: (~ 街道) 唐家墩 (subdistrict)
唐津 {prop} /Tángjīn/ :: (~ 市) 唐津 (city)
唐津 {prop} /Tángjīn/ :: (~ 市) 唐津 (city)
唐捐 {v} /tángjuān/ :: to be wasted
唐卡 {n} [Buddhism] /tángkǎ/ :: thangka
唐老鴨 {prop} /Tánglǎoyā/ :: Donald Duck (Disney character)
唐老鸭 {def} SEE: 唐老鴨 ::
唐楼 {def} SEE: 唐樓 ::
唐樓 {n} /tánglóu/ :: tong lau (tenement buildings in Southern China and Taiwan)
唐猊 {n} [archaic] /tángní/ :: legendary animal renowned for its ferocity and thick hide which was used for making armor
唐猊鎧甲 {n} [archaic] /tángní kǎijiǎ/ :: armor made from the hide of the legendary animal tangni which was renowned for its ferocity and thick hide
唐猊铠甲 {def} SEE: 唐猊鎧甲 ::
唐努乌梁海 {def} SEE: 唐努烏梁海 ::
唐努烏梁海 {prop} /Tángnǔ Wūliánghǎi/ :: Tannu Uriankhai (historic region of the Mongol Empire and the Qing dynasty)
唐人 {n} /tángrén/ :: someone from the Tang Dynasty
唐人 {n} [by extension] /tángrén/ :: Chinese people in general
唐人話 {n} [dated or overseas] /tángrénhuà/ :: Chinese language
唐人話 {n} [Singapore, Malaysia] /tángrénhuà/ :: Mandarin
唐人话 {def} SEE: 唐人話 ::
唐人街 {n} /tángrénjiē/ :: Chinatown
唐人铺 {def} SEE: 唐人鋪 ::
唐人舖 {def} SEE: 唐人鋪 ::
唐三彩 {n} /tángsāncǎi/ :: sancai pottery
唐僧 {prop} /Tángsēng/ :: Xuanzang (Chinese Buddhist monk in the Tang Dynasty)
唐僧 {prop} /Tángsēng/ :: Xuanzang (Journey to the West) (central character in the novel Journey to the West)
唐僧肉 {n} [figurative] /tángsēngròu/ :: something highly attractive that every person wants a share of; something that is much coveted; a big bonus or benefit that is pursued at any cost
唐山 {prop} [overseas, dated] /Tángshān/ :: China
唐山 {prop} [Taiwan, dated] /Tángshān/ :: mainland China
唐山 {prop} /Tángshān/ :: 唐山 (hill)
唐山 {prop} /Tángshān/ :: (~ 市) 唐山 (prefecture-level city)
唐山人 {n} /tángshānrén/ :: native of Tangshan; resident of Tangshan
唐山人 {n} [Taiwan, chiefly Min Nan, dated] /tángshānrén/ :: mainlander
唐山人 {n} [Philippines, Min Nan, used by the older generation, but still widely understood] /tángshānrén/ :: mainlander
唐詩 {n} /Tángshī/ :: Tang poetry
唐诗 {def} SEE: 唐詩 ::
唐氏綜合症 {n} /Tángshì 綜hézhèng/ :: Down syndrome
唐氏症 {n} /Tángshìzhèng/ :: Down syndrome
唐氏综合症 {def} SEE: 唐氏綜合症 ::
唐宋 {prop} /Tángsòng/ :: the Tang and Song dynasties
唐宋变革 {def} SEE: 唐宋變革 ::
唐宋變革 {prop} [historiography] /Tángsòng Biàngé/ :: the Tang-Song Transition
唐宋元明清 {prop} /Táng-Sòng-Yuán-Míng-Qīng/ :: the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties in Chinese history
唐突 {adj} [of an act] /táng突/ :: blunt; offensive; presumptuous
唐突 {v} [literary] /táng突/ :: to offend
唐县 {def} SEE: 唐縣 ::
唐縣 {prop} /Tángxiàn/ :: (~ 鎮) 唐縣 (town)
唐扬 {def} SEE: 唐揚 ::
唐揚 {n} /tángyáng/ :: karaage
唐音 {n} /tángyīn/ :: Tang reading of Chinese characters in Japanese, Tō-on
唐虞 {prop} [Chinese mythology] /Táng-Yú/ :: Emperors Emperor Yao and Emperor Shun (legendary rulers of ancient China)
唐虞 {prop} [Chinese mythology] /Táng-Yú/ :: the reign of Emperors Emperor Yao and Emperor Shun
唐朝 {prop} /Tángcháo/ :: the Tang dynasty
唐州 {prop} /Tángzhōu/ :: Tangzhou (the ancient name for present day Tanghe County, Henan Province)
唐庄 {def} SEE: 唐莊 ::
唐莊 {prop} /Tángzhuāng/ :: (~ 村) 唐莊 (village)
唐装 {def} SEE: 唐裝 ::
唐裝 {n} /tángzhuāng/ :: the clothing of Tang dynasty
唐裝 {n} /tángzhuāng/ :: a tangzhuang jacket (see tangzhuang)
{def} /táng/ :: main room of a house
{def} [historical] /táng/ :: courtroom in a yamen
{def} /táng/ :: room for a specific purpose
{def} /táng/ :: hall; chamber; large room
{def} /táng/ :: shop; store (in traditional store names)
{def} /táng/ :: class; lesson
{def} /táng/ :: of the same paternal grandfather or great-grandfather
{def} [honorific] /táng/ :: mother
{def} /táng/ :: classifier for sets of furniture
{def} /táng/ :: classifier for classes or lessons
{def} /táng/ :: classifier for court sessions
{def} /táng/ :: classifier for scenes or murals
{def} /táng/ :: surname
堂弟 {n} /tángdì/ :: paternal cousin (father's brother's son younger than oneself)
堂弟妇 {def} SEE: 堂弟婦 ::
堂弟婦 {n} /tángdìfù/ :: paternal cousin's wife (wife of father's brother's son younger than oneself)
堂而皇之 {idiom} /táng'érhuángzhī/ :: open and dignified; just and forceful
堂而皇之 {idiom} [derogatory] /táng'érhuángzhī/ :: overt and blatant
堂哥 {n} /tánggē/ :: paternal cousin (father's brother's son older than oneself)
堂姑 {n} /tánggū/ :: cousin-aunt (father's *堂姐 or *堂妹; paternal grandfather's brother's daughter)
堂鼓 {n} /tánggǔ/ :: tanggu (medium-sized double-headed barrel drum played with two sticks used in traditional Chinese music)
堂皇 {adj} /tánghuáng/ :: grand; stately; magnificent
堂皇 {n} /tánghuáng/ :: large palace
堂姐 {n} /tángjiě/ :: paternal cousin (father's brother's daughter older than oneself)
堂姐夫 {n} /tángjiěfū/ :: paternal cousin's husband (husband of father's brother's daughter older than oneself)
堂舅 {n} /tángjiù/ :: cousin-uncle (mother's *堂哥 or *堂弟; maternal grandfather's brother's son)
堂課 {n} [Hong Kong] /tángkè/ :: classwork
堂课 {def} SEE: 堂課 ::
堂妹 {n} /tángmèi/ :: paternal cousin (father's brother's daughter younger than oneself)
堂妹夫 {n} /tángmèifū/ :: paternal cousin's husband (husband of father's brother's daughter younger than oneself)
堂區 {n} [Christianity] /tángqū/ :: parish
堂区 {def} SEE: 堂區 ::
堂嫂 {n} /tángsǎo/ :: paternal cousin's wife (wife of father's brother's son older than oneself)
堂上 {n} /tángshàng/ :: (in the) courtroom; (atop the) hall
堂上 {n} [literary, honorific] /tángshàng/ :: parents
堂上 {n} [historical] /tángshàng/ :: judge; magistrate
堂食 {v} /tángshí/ :: to eat inside the restaurant
堂堂 {adj} [literary] /tángtáng/ :: imposing; magnificent; majestic; stately
堂堂 {adj} [literary] /tángtáng/ :: grave; solemn; dignified
堂堂 {adj} [literary] /tángtáng/ :: powerful; strong
堂堂 {adj} [literary] /tángtáng/ :: ambitious
堂堂正正 {idiom} /tángtángzhèngzhèng/ :: just and dignified; upright and frank; aboveboard
堂屋 {n} /tángwū/ :: main room in a traditional Chinese house (typically used for performing sacrifices and receiving guests)
堂下 {n} [archaic] /tángxià/ :: at the base of the stairs leading into a room or hall
堂兄 {n} /tángxiōng/ :: cousin (father's brother's son older than oneself)
堂兄弟 {n} /tángxiōngdì/ :: cousin (father's brother's son)
堂姨 {n} /tángyí/ :: cousin-aunt (mother's *堂姐 or *堂妹; maternal grandfather's brother's daughter)
堂姨 {n} [Cantonese] /tángyí/ :: especially one who is younger than one's mother
堂姊 {n} /tángzǐ,tángjiě/ :: paternal cousin (father's brother's daughter older than oneself)
堂姊妹 {n} /tángzǐmèi,tángjiěmèi,1nc/ :: cousin (father's brother's daughter)
堂子 {n} /tángzi/ :: imperial sacrificial temple (in the Qing Dynasty)
堂子 {n} [dialectal] /tángzi/ :: brothel
{def} /táng/ :: pond
{def} /táng/ :: tank
{def} /táng/ :: dike, embankment
塘坳 {n} /táng'ào,táng'āo,1nb/ :: a hollow in the ground; a cavity; depression
塘坳 {n} [geography] /táng'ào,táng'āo,1nb/ :: pond; pool; low area with water
塘鵝 {n} /táng'é/ :: gannet, booby
塘鹅 {def} SEE: 塘鵝 ::
塘畈 {prop} /Tángfàn/ :: (~ 村) 塘畈 (village)
塘福 {prop} /Tángfú/ :: Tong Fuk (a place on Lantau Island, Hong Kong)
塘沽 {prop} /Tánggū/ :: (~ 區) [historical] 塘沽 (district)
塘泥 {n} /tángní/ :: pond sludge
塘厦 {def} SEE: 塘廈 ::
塘廈 {prop} /Tángxià/ :: (~ 鎮) 塘廈 (town)
塘堰 {n} /tángyàn/ :: irrigation pond or dam
塘中 {prop} [historical] /Tángzhōng/ :: Đàng Trong
搪瓷 {n} /tángcí/ :: vitreous enamel
搪塞 {v} /tángsè/ :: to do a perfunctory job; to go through the motions; to dodge; to evade
{def} /táng/ :: crabapple tree
{def} /táng/ :: wild plum
棠棣 {n} /tángdì/ :: Prunus japonica
棠棣 {n} [literary, figurative] /tángdì/ :: brothers
棠棣 {prop} /tángdì/ :: (~ 鎮) 棠棣 (town)
溏稀 {adj} [medicine, of stools] /tángxī/ :: loose; ill-formed
溏心蛋 {n} /tángxīndàn/ :: soft-boiled egg, especially one with a runny yolk
{def} /táng/ :: stream, creek, brook, rivulet, rill
{def} /táng/ :: sugar
{def} /táng/ :: candy; sweets
{def} [organic chemistry] /táng/ :: saccharide; carbohydrate
{def} /táng/ :: [obsolete] to preserve food in alcohol or alcohol dregs
{def} [transgender slang, figurative] /táng/ :: HRT (hormone replacement therapy) drugs, espcially pills
糖胺聚糖 {n} [biochemistry] /táng胺jùtáng/ :: glycosaminoglycan
糖包 {n} /tángbāo/ :: steamed dumpling stuffed with sugar
糖包 {n} /tángbāo/ :: sugar packet
糖厂 {def} SEE: 糖廠 ::
糖廠 {n} /tángchǎng/ :: sugar refinery
糖醇 {n} [carbohydrate] /tángchún/ :: sugar alcohol
糖醋 {adj} [cooking] /tángcù/ :: sweet-and-sour
糖胆 {def} SEE: 糖膽 ::
糖彈 {n} /tángdàn/ :: abbreviation of 糖衣炮彈
糖蛋白 {def} SEE: 醣蛋白 ::
糖冬瓜 {n} /tángdōngguā/ :: winter melon candy
糖冬瓜 {n} /tángdōngguā/ :: a paste mixed from winter melon and sugar
糖分 {n} /tángfèn/ :: sugar; sugar content
糖粉 {n} /tángfěn/ :: powdered sugar
糖份 {def} SEE: 糖分 ::
糖苷 {n} [organic chemistry] /tánggān/ :: glycoside
糖苷鍵 {n} [biochemistry] /tánggānjiàn/ :: glycosidic bond
糖苷键 {def} SEE: 糖苷鍵 ::
糖果 {n} /tángguǒ/ :: sweets; candy; lollies; confectionery (Classifier: m:顆c:粒)
糖葫芦 {def} SEE: 糖葫蘆 ::
糖葫蘆 {n} /tánghúlu/ :: candied fruits on a bamboo skewer
糖化 {n} /tánghuà/ :: saccharification
糖化 {v} /tánghuà/ :: to saccharify
糖画 {def} SEE: 糖畫 ::
糖畫 {n} /tánghuà,er/ :: sugar painting (a traditional Chinese form of folk art using hot, liquid sugar to create figures)
糖浆 {def} SEE: 糖漿 ::
糖漿 {n} /tángjiāng/ :: syrup (thick, sweet liquid)
糖漿 {n} /tángjiāng/ :: syrup (liquid containing medicine)
糖酵解 {n} [biochemistry] /táng酵jiě/ :: glycolysis
糖精 {n} /tángjīng/ :: saccharine, sweetener
糖类 {def} SEE: 糖類 ::
糖類 {n} [carbohydrate] /tánglèi/ :: saccharides; carbohydrates
糖蜜 {n} /tángmì/ :: molasses
糖尿 {n} [disease] /tángniào/ :: glycosuria
糖尿 {n} [disease] /tángniào/ :: abbreviation of 糖尿病
糖尿病 {n} [disease] /tángniàobìng/ :: diabetes mellitus; diabetes
糖皮質激素 {n} [biochemistry] /tángpí質jīsù/ :: glucocorticoid
糖皮質素 {n} [biochemistry] /tángpí质sù/ :: glucocorticoid
糖皮质激素 {def} SEE: 糖皮質激素 ::
糖皮质素 {def} SEE: 糖皮質素 ::
糖人 {n} /tángrén,er/ :: sugar people; brownish figurines made of sugar
糖色 {n} /tángshǎi,tángsè,1nb/ :: half-burnt brown sugar used to colour meat
糖色 {n} /tángshǎi,tángsè,1nb/ :: the dark brown colour of half-burnt brown sugar
糖食 {n} /tángshí/ :: confection; sweet foods in general
糖霜 {n} /tángshuāng/ :: icing; frosting
糖霜 {n} [Zhejiang, &, Wuxi Wu] /tángshuāng/ :: white sugar
糖霜 {n} [Hokkien, Min Zhong] /tángshuāng/ :: rock candy; rock sugar
糖水 {n} /tángshuǐ/ :: sugar water; sugar solution
糖水 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /tángshuǐ/ :: tong sui (a type of Chinese dessert)
糖酸 {n} [organic chemistry] /tángsuān/ :: sugar acid
糖蒜 {n} /tángsuàn/ :: sweetened garlic
糖弹 {def} SEE: 糖彈 ::
糖衣 {n} /tángyī/ :: sugar coating
糖衣炮彈 {idiom} /tángyī pàodàn/ :: “Sugar-coated bullets (of the bourgeoisie)”, an expression used by Mao Zedong to refer to the method of using a deceptive image to rope in and corrupt the enemy
糖衣炮弹 {def} SEE: 糖衣炮彈 ::
糖衣砲彈 {def} SEE: 糖衣炮彈 ::
糖异生 {def} SEE: 糖異生 ::
糖異生 {n} [Mainland China, biochemistry] /tángyìshēng/ :: gluconeogenesis
糖原 {n} [carbohydrate] /tángyuán/ :: glycogen
糖原病 {n} [disease] /tángyuánbìng/ :: glycogen storage disease; glycogenosis
糖脂 {n} [biochemistry] /tángzhī/ :: glycolipid
糖質新生 {n} [Taiwan] /táng质xīnshēng/ :: gluconeogenesis
糖质新生 {def} SEE: 糖質新生 ::
膛線 {n} /tángxiàn/ :: rifling
膛线 {def} SEE: 膛線 ::
{def} /táng/ :: only used in 蓎蒙
蓎蒙 {n} /tángméng/ :: dodder
{def} /tāng/ :: only used in 蓫薚
螳臂当车 {def} SEE: 螳臂當車 ::
螳臂當車 {idiom} [figurative] /tángbìdāngchē,tángbìdǎngchē,1nb/ :: to overrate oneself and attempt something impossible
螳臂挡车 {def} SEE: 螳臂當車 ::
螳臂擋車 {def} SEE: 螳臂當車 ::
螳螂 {n} /tángláng/ :: praying mantis (Classifier: 隻)
螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后 {def} SEE: 螳螂捕蟬,黃雀在後 ::
螳螂捕蟬,黃雀在後 {idiom} /tángláng bǔ chán, huángquè zài hòu/ :: to pursue a narrow gain while neglecting a greater danger
{def} /táng/ :: red
{def} /táng/ :: crimson
{def} /táng/ :: to fall flat; to fall on the face
{def} SEE: ::
醣醇 {def} SEE: 糖醇 ::
醣醋 {def} SEE: 糖醋 ::
醣蛋白 {n} [biochemistry] /tángdànbái/ :: glycoprotein
醣苷 {def} SEE: 糖苷 ::
醣酵解 {def} SEE: 糖酵解 ::
醣類 {def} SEE: 糖類 ::
醣尿 {def} SEE: 糖尿 ::
醣尿病 {def} SEE: 糖尿病 ::
醣皮質激素 {def} SEE: 糖皮質激素 ::
醣皮質素 {def} SEE: 糖皮質素 ::
醣酸 {def} SEE: 糖酸 ::
醣原 {def} SEE: 糖原 ::
醣原病 {def} SEE: 糖原病 ::
醣質新生 {def} SEE: 糖質新生 ::
{def} SEE: ::
餳澀 {adj} [literary, ideophonic] /xíngsè/ :: bleary-eyed; having half-open and dull eyes
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
饧人 {def} SEE: 餳人 ::
饧涩 {def} SEE: 餳澀 ::
{def} /táng/ :: only used in 鶶鷵
鶶鷵 {n} /tángtú/ :: a kind of bird with pale feathers
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tǎng/ :: if; supposing; in case
{def} /cháng/ :: only used in 倘佯
倘或 {conj} [literary] /tǎnghuò/ :: if
倘來之物 {idiom} /tǎngláizhīwù/ :: unexpected or undeserved gain; windfall
倘来之物 {def} SEE: 倘來之物 ::
倘然 {conj} [literary] /tǎngrán/ :: if; in case; supposing that
倘若 {conj} [formal] /tǎngruò/ :: if; supposing that
倘使 {conj} [literary] /tǎngshǐ/ :: if; in case
倘佯 {def} SEE: 徜徉 ::
{def} /tǎng/ :: straight; linear; undeviating
{def} /tǎng/ :: appearance of being long
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tǎng/ :: true; genuine; real; actual
{def} SEE: ::
傥来之物 {def} SEE: 儻來之物 ::
{def} /tǎng/ :: if; supposing; in case
儻來之物 {def} SEE: 倘來之物 ::
{def} /tǎng/ :: storehouse of money
{def} /tǎng/ :: national money
{def} /nú/ :: alternative form of
{def} /nú/ :: one's offspring
{def} /nú/ :: one's wife and offspring
{def} /tǎng/ :: to drip; to trickle; to flow down
{def} /tǎng/ :: alternative form of
{def} [dialectal] /tǎng/ :: classifier for blood over a surface
{def} /chàng/ :: [historical dictionaries] large wave
{def} /chǎng/ :: [obsolete] only used in 淌游
淌游 {adj} [literary, of water] /chǎngyóu/ :: wavy
{def} /tǎng/ :: to lie down, to recline
躺枪 {def} SEE: 躺槍 ::
躺槍 {v} [neologism, slang] /tǎngqiāng/ :: to get shot even when one is lying down; to be undeservingly unfortunate (and be the unintentional target of criticism)
躺卧 {def} SEE: 躺臥 ::
躺臥 {v} /tǎngwò/ :: to lie down
躺下 {v} /tǎngxià,tl/ :: to lie down
躺椅 {n} /tǎngyǐ/ :: reclining lounge chair
躺椅 {n} /tǎngyǐ/ :: deck chair
躺椅 {n} /tǎngyǐ/ :: chaise longue
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
烫瓷 {def} SEE: 燙瓷 ::
烫斗 {def} SEE: 燙斗 ::
烫发 {def} SEE: 燙髮 ::
烫金 {def} SEE: 燙金 ::
烫面饺 {def} SEE: 燙麵餃 ::
烫衫 {def} SEE: 燙衫 ::
烫衫板 {def} SEE: 燙衫板 ::
烫伤 {def} SEE: 燙傷 ::
烫手 {def} SEE: 燙手 ::
烫手山芋 {def} SEE: 燙手山芋 ::
烫头 {def} SEE: 燙頭 ::
烫衣 {def} SEE: 燙衣 ::
烫衣板 {def} SEE: 燙衣板 ::
{def} /tàng/ :: hot (because of high temperature)
{def} /tàng/ :: to warm; to heat something up (using hot water or fire)
{def} /tàng/ :: to burn; to injure (with high temperature)
{def} [cooking] /tàng/ :: to blanch
{def} [chiefly Cantonese] /tàng/ :: to iron
燙斗 {n} [dialectal] /tàngdǒu/ :: iron (for pressing clothes)
燙髮 {v} /tàng髮/ :: to perm
燙金 {n} [printing] /tàngjīn/ :: gild; bronze
燙傷 {n} [medicine] /tàngshāng/ :: scald; burn
燙傷 {v} /tàngshāng/ :: to scald
燙手 {v} /tàngshǒu/ :: to scald one's hand
燙手 {adj} /tàngshǒu/ :: hot to touch
燙手 {adj} /tàngshǒu/ :: thorny; intractable
燙手山芋 {idiom} /tàngshǒu shānyù/ :: hot potato (awkward or delicate problem)
燙頭 {v} /tàngtóu/ :: to perm
燙衣 {v} /tàngyī/ :: to iron clothes
燙衣板 {n} /tàngyībǎn/ :: ironing board (a long board on which one can iron)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tāo/ :: to take out
{def} /tāo/ :: to fish out (from a bag or pocket)
{def} /tāo/ :: to dig
{def} [Min Dong] /tāo/ :: to take
掏空 {v} [literally] /tāokōng/ :: to hollow out; to empty out
掏空 {v} [figuratively] /tāokōng/ :: to use up; to exhaust (one's energy); to rack one's brain
掏空 {v} [figurative, finance] /tāokōng/ :: to engage in tunneling
掏錢 {v} [colloquial] /tāoqián/ :: to fork out (money reluctantly); to cough up (money); to pay
掏钱 {def} SEE: 掏錢 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tāo/ :: to knock
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tāo/ :: to flood; to inundate; to overflow
{def} /tāo/ :: rushing water; torrent
滔滔 {adv} [of water] /tāotāo/ :: overflowingly
滔滔 {adv} [speaking] /tāotāo/ :: incessantly
滔滔不絕 {idiom} [of talking] /tāotāo不jué/ :: endless; talking nineteen to the dozen
滔滔不绝 {def} SEE: 滔滔不絕 ::
滔天 {adj} [of waves, water] /tāotiān/ :: billowing; huge
滔天 {adj} [of crime, disaster] /tāotiān/ :: severe; great; heinous
滔天大罪 {idiom} /tāotiāndàzuì/ :: towering crimes; heinous crime; atrocities
絛蟲 {n} /tāochóng/ :: tapeworm; cestode
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
縧蟲 {def} SEE: 絛蟲 ::
{def} SEE: ::
绦虫 {def} SEE: 絛蟲 ::
{def} /tāo,táo/ :: only used in 蝮蜪 ("locust larva")
{def} [literary] /tāo/ :: sheath; scabbard; bow case
{def} [figuratively] /tāo/ :: to hide; to conceal
{def} /tāo/ :: art of war; military strategies
韜光 {v} /tāoguāng/ :: to hide one's talents
韜光養晦 {idiom} /tāoguāngyǎnghuì/ :: to hide one's talents, and bide one's time for the right opportunity
韜略 {n} /tāolüè/ :: military strategy
{def} SEE: ::
韬光 {def} SEE: 韜光 ::
韬光养晦 {def} SEE: 韜光養晦 ::
韬略 {def} SEE: 韜略 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tāo/ :: gluttonous, greedy, covetous
饕客 {n} /tāokè/ :: gourmand; gourmet
饕餮 {n} [Chinese mythology] /tāotiè/ :: taotie (legendary gluttonous animal)
饕餮 {n} /tāotiè/ :: (~ 紋) taotie (stylized design frequently found on ancient bronzes)
饕餮 {n} [figurative] /tāotiè/ :: gourmand; glutton; voracious eater
饕餮 {n} [figurative] /tāotiè/ :: fierce and greedy person
{def} /tāo/ :: [obsolete] livestock animals with no offspring
{def} /táo/ :: wind, storm
{def} /táo/ :: sound of the wind
{def} /táo/ :: [obsolete] original form of
{def} /yáo/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /táo,er/ :: peach tree
{def} /táo,er/ :: peach (fruit)
{def} /táo,er/ :: peach-shaped object
{def} /táo,er/ :: birthday
{def} [Xiamen, &, Zhangzhou Hokkien] /táo,er/ :: immature poultry or livestock
{def} /táo,er/ :: abbreviation of 核桃
{def} /táo,er/ :: surname
桃駁李 {n} /táobólǐ/ :: nectarine
桃驳梨 {def} SEE: 桃駁梨 ::
桃驳李 {def} SEE: 桃駁李 ::
桃儿 {def} SEE: 桃兒 ::
桃兒 {n} /táor/ :: erhua form of peach
桃尔豆 {def} SEE: 桃爾豆 ::
桃爾豆 {n} /táo'ěrdòu/ :: chickpea
桃紅 {adj} /táohóng/ :: pink
桃紅葡萄酒 {n} /táohóng pútáojiǔ/ :: rosé wine
桃红 {def} SEE: 桃紅 ::
桃红葡萄酒 {def} SEE: 桃紅葡萄酒 ::
桃红色 {def} SEE: 桃紅色 ::
桃花 {n} /táohuā,er/ :: peach blossom
桃花 {n} [figurative] /táohuā,er/ :: luck in love affairs; luck in love
桃花癫 {def} SEE: 桃花癲 ::
桃花癲 {n} [colloquial] /táohuādiān,er/ :: mania or hypomania; manic phase of bipolar disorder
桃花山 {prop} /Táohuāshān/ :: (~ 鎮) 桃花山 (town)
桃花石 {n} /táohuāshí/ :: peach blossom stone (a pink-coloured mineral produced in Hunan)
桃花石 {prop} [obsolete] /táohuāshí/ :: Name of China used by people in Central Asia in the 13th century
桃花坞 {def} SEE: 桃花塢 ::
桃花塢 {prop} /Táohuāwù/ :: Taohuawu (an area in Suzhou, famous for New Year woodblock printing)
桃花塢 {prop} /Táohuāwù/ :: (~ 街道) 桃花塢 (subdistrict)
桃花心木 {n} /táohuāxīnmù/ :: mahogany
桃花汛 {n} /táohuāxùn/ :: spring flood (in Yellow River area)
桃花源 {n} /táohuāyuán/ :: synonym of 世外桃源
桃花运 {def} SEE: 桃花運 ::
桃花運 {n} [figurative, especially of a man] /táohuāyùn,er/ :: luck in love affairs; luck in love
桃金娘 {n} /táojīnniáng/ :: rose myrtle (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa)
桃李 {n} [literal, Classical] /táolǐ/ :: peaches and plums
桃李 {n} [Classical] /táolǐ/ :: peach flowers and plum flowers
桃李 {n} [figurative] /táolǐ/ :: all the pupils of a teacher over their lifetime
桃李满门 {def} SEE: 桃李滿門 ::
桃李滿門 {idiom} [of a teacher] /táolǐmǎnmén/ :: to have a great number of pupils (usually over a long period of time)
桃坪 {prop} /Táopíng/ :: (~ 村) 桃坪 (village)
桃仁 {n} /táorén/ :: Seed kernel of peach (An herb used in traditional Chinese medicine.)
桃色 {n} /táosè,er/ :: peach colour; pink colour
桃色 {n} [figurative] /táosè,er/ :: illicit love; gossip; sex
桃葉 {n} /táoyè/ :: lover
桃酥 {n} /táosū/ :: a type of sou (pastry), like a cookie
桃太郎 {prop} /Táotàiláng,er/ :: Momotarō, a hero of Japanese folklore
桃太郎 {n} [figurative] /Táotàiláng,er/ :: Japanese people
桃夭 {v} [literary] /táoyāo/ :: to get married
桃叶 {def} SEE: 桃葉 ::
桃园 {def} SEE: 桃園 ::
桃园结义 {def} SEE: 桃園結義 ::
桃园三结义 {def} SEE: 桃園三結義 ::
桃園 {n} /táoyuán/ :: peach garden
桃園 {prop} /táoyuán/ :: (~ 市) 桃園 (city/and/former county)
桃園 {prop} /táoyuán/ :: (~ 區) 桃園 (district)
桃園 {n} /táoyuán/ :: misspelling of 桃源
桃園結義 {idiom} /táoyuán-jiéyì/ :: to become sworn brothers
桃園三結義 {idiom} /táoyuán sān jiéyì/ :: to become sworn brothers
桃園三結義 {idiom} /táoyuán sān jiéyì/ :: to join forces
桃源 {n} /táoyuán/ :: abbreviation of 桃花源
桃源 {prop} /táoyuán/ :: (~ 區) 桃源 (district)
桃源 {prop} /táoyuán/ :: (~ 縣) 桃源 (county)
桃源 {prop} /táoyuán/ :: (~ 鄉) 桃源 (township)
桃月 {prop} [archaic] /Táoyuè/ :: The third month of the Chinese lunar calendar
桃子 {n} /táozi/ :: peach
桃子 {n} [Wuhan Mandarin, playing card] /táozi/ :: spade ()
檮杌 {n} [Chinese mythology] /táowù/ :: taowu (a mythical creature)
檮杌 {prop} /táowù/ :: Taowu (a compilation of historical annals of Chu (state), now lost)
檮余 {prop} [historical] /Chóutú/ :: (~ 山) A Xiongnu name of a mountain
洮南 {prop} /Táonán/ :: (~ 市) 洮南 (city)
洮汰 {def} SEE: 淘汰 ::
{def} /táo/ :: to pan; to wash in a sieve
{def} [dialectal] /táo/ :: to search for goods in an old market
{def} /táo/ :: to be polluted by impurities from below ground
{def} /táo/ :: to expend; to consume; to use up; to spend
{def} [dialectal] /táo/ :: naughty; mischievous
{def} /táo/ :: surname
淘金 {v} /táojīn/ :: to pan for gold
淘金 {v} [figurative] /táojīn/ :: to try to make high profits; to try to strike rich
淘金热 {def} SEE: 淘金熱 ::
淘金熱 {n} /táojīnrè/ :: gold rush
淘井 {v} /táojǐng/ :: to clean a well of mud
淘米 {v} /táomǐ/ :: to rinse rice; to wash rice
淘气 {def} SEE: 淘氣 ::
淘气包 {def} SEE: 淘氣包 ::
淘气鬼 {def} SEE: 淘氣鬼 ::
淘氣 {adj} [colloquial] /táoqì/ :: naughty; mischievous
淘氣 {v} [dialectal] /táoqì/ :: to get angry
淘氣包 {n} /táoqìbāo/ :: little rascal; naughty child
淘氣鬼 {n} /táoqíguǐ/ :: mischievous imp; regular little mischief
淘神 {adj} [colloquial] /táoshén/ :: troublesome; bothersome
淘汰 {v} [literal] /táotài/ :: to rinse; to wash away
淘汰 {v} [figurative] /táotài/ :: to eliminate (something bad or unsuitable); to weed out; to make (something) fall into disuse
淘汰 {v} [sport] /táotài/ :: to eliminate (a team or player); to knock out
淘汰賽 {n} /táotàisài/ :: knockout competition; elimination competition
淘汰赛 {def} SEE: 淘汰賽 ::
{def} /táo,tao/ :: a kind of grass
{def} /táo,tao/ :: used in 葡萄
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /táo/ :: to escape; to run away
{def} /táo/ :: to evade; to abscond; to dodge
{def} /táo/ :: 49th tetragram of the Taixuanjing; "flight" (𝌶)
逃奔 {v} /táobèn/ :: to run away; to flee; to escape
逃避 {v} /táobì/ :: to shirk from; to avoid; to evade; to escape from
逃兵 {n} [military] /táobīng,er/ :: deserter
逃兵 {n} [figurative] /táobīng,er/ :: one who flinches from their duty or post (in face of adversity)
逃出 {v} /táochū/ :: to break out; to escape; to evade
逃窜 {def} SEE: 逃竄 ::
逃竄 {v} [of the enemy, rebels, etc.] /táocuàn/ :: to flee
逃遁 {v} /táodùn/ :: to flee; to escape; to evade
逃犯 {n} /táofàn/ :: escaped criminal; criminal at large; outlaw; fugitive
逃荒 {v} /táohuāng/ :: to flee from famine; to escape from famine
逃婚 {v} /táohūn/ :: to run away from home to escape an impending (involuntary) marriage
逃課 {v} /táokè/ :: to cut school; to ditch class; to play truant
逃课 {def} SEE: 逃課 ::
逃离 {def} SEE: 逃離 ::
逃離 {v} /táolí/ :: to run away; to escape; to flee
逃命 {v} /táomìng/ :: to flee for one's life
逃难 {def} SEE: 逃難 ::
逃難 {v} /táonàn/ :: to flee from an area in order to avoid disaster
逃匿 {v} /táonì/ :: to escape and hide; to go into hiding
逃跑 {v} /táopǎo/ :: to run away; to flee; to escape
逃票 {v} /táopiào/ :: to steal a ride; to engage in ticket evasion
逃生 {v} /táoshēng/ :: to flee for one's life
逃生梯 {n} /táoshēngtī/ :: fire escape
逃稅 {v} /táoshuì/ :: to evade taxation; to commit tax evasion
逃税 {def} SEE: 逃稅 ::
逃死 {v} [literary] /táosǐ/ :: to flee and escape death
逃脫 {v} /táotuō/ :: to run away; to flee
逃脫 {v} [figurative] /táotuō/ :: to get away; to evade (from)
逃脱 {def} SEE: 逃脫 ::
逃亡 {v} /táowáng/ :: to flee; to go in exile
逃学 {def} SEE: 逃學 ::
逃學 {v} /táoxué/ :: to cut school; to ditch class; to play truant
逃逸 {v} /táoyì/ :: to run away; to abscond; to escape; to flee
逃隐 {def} SEE: 逃隱 ::
逃隱 {v} [literary] /táoyǐn/ :: to escape and hide
逃狱 {def} SEE: 逃獄 ::
逃獄 {v} /táoyù/ :: to escape from prison
逃债 {def} SEE: 逃債 ::
逃債 {v} /táozhài/ :: to dodge a creditor; to avoid a debt
逃之夭夭 {v} [humorous] /táozhīyāoyāo/ :: to flee; to take to one's heels
逃走 {v} /táozǒu/ :: to run away; to flee; to escape
逃罪 {v} /táozuì/ :: to escape punishment
{def} /táo/ :: pottery; ceramics
{def} /táo/ :: to make pottery
{def} /táo/ :: to cultivate; to educate; to mould
{def} /táo/ :: contented; happy
{def} /táo/ :: surname
{def} /yáo/ :: used in 皋陶
{def} /yáo/ :: used in 陶陶
{def} /yáo/ :: alternative form of
{def} /dào/ :: only used in 陶陶
陶場 {prop} /Táo场/ :: (~ 村) 陶場 (village)
陶场 {def} SEE: 陶場 ::
陶城 {prop} /Táochéng/ :: (~ 鎮) 陶城 (town)
陶瓷 {n} /táocí/ :: ceramics
陶瓷工 {n} /táocígōng/ :: potter
陶瓷器 {n} /táocíqì/ :: chinaware; porcelain; pottery
陶笛 {n} /táodí/ :: ocarina
陶店 {prop} /Táodiàn/ :: (~ 鄉) 陶店 (town)
陶港 {prop} /Táogǎng/ :: (~ 鎮) 陶港 (town)
陶公 {prop} /Táogōng/ :: (~ 府) 陶公 (province)
陶公 {prop} /Táogōng/ :: (~ 市) 陶公 (city)
陶工 {n} /táogōng/ :: potter
陶工旋盘 {def} SEE: 陶工旋盤 ::
陶工旋盤 {n} /táogōng xuánpán/ :: potter's wheel
陶恭祖 {prop} /Táo Gōngzǔ/ :: Tao Qian (132 - 194)
陶管 {n} /táoguǎn/ :: ceramic pipe
陶家河 {prop} /Táojiāhé/ :: (~ 鄉) 陶家河 (township)
陶家岭 {def} SEE: 陶家嶺 ::
陶家嶺 {prop} /Táojiālǐng/ :: (~ 村) 陶家嶺 (village)
陶鈞 {n} /táojūn/ :: potter's wheel
陶钧 {def} SEE: 陶鈞 ::
陶刘 {def} SEE: 陶劉 ::
陶劉 {prop} /Táoliú/ :: (~ 村) 陶劉 (village)
陶輪 {n} /táolún/ :: potter's wheel
陶轮 {def} SEE: 陶輪 ::
陶器 {n} /táoqì/ :: pottery; earthenware
陶斯 {prop} /Táosī/ :: the Taos people
陶斯 {prop} /Táosī/ :: the Taos language
陶斯 {prop} /Táosī/ :: the pueblo of the Taos Indians in New Mexico
陶斯 {prop} /Táosī/ :: the town of Taos (near Taos Pueblo, New Mexico)
陶塑 {n} /táosù/ :: pottery figure
陶塑 {v} [figurative, chiefly religion] /táosù/ :: to mould
陶土 {n} /táotǔ/ :: potter's clay; kaolin; china clay
陶文 {n} /táowén/ :: pottery inscription
陶冶 {v} /táoyě/ :: to make pottery and smelt metal
陶冶 {v} /táoyě/ :: to cultivate; to train; to mould someone's character
陶艺 {def} SEE: 陶藝 ::
陶藝 {n} /táoyì/ :: ceramic art; ceramics
陶藝 {n} /táoyì/ :: ceramic product
陶造 {v} [chiefly religion] /táozào/ :: to mould (a person); to cultivate (someone); to train
陶真 {n} [music] /táozhēn/ :: a kind of recital and singing performance to the accompaniment of drums or pipa, popular mainly during the Song Dynasty
陶醉 {v} /táozuì/ :: be intoxicated (with success, etc.); to revel in; to be enchanted by; to be engulfed in
{def} /táo/ :: pellet drum
鞀鼓 {n} /táogǔ/ :: pellet drum
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /táo/ :: [obsolete] three-year-old horse
{def} /táo/ :: [obsolete] four-year-old horse
{def} /táo/ :: only used in 騊駼
騊駼 {n} /táotú/ :: a kind of horse
{def} SEE: ::
鼗鼓 {def} SEE: 鞀鼓 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tǎo/ :: only used in 䵚黍
䵚秫 {def} SEE: 䵚黍 ::
䵚黍 {n} [Shanxi, Shaanxi] /tǎoshǔ/ :: sorghum
{def} /tǎo/ :: to discuss
{def} /tǎo/ :: to ask for; to beg
{def} /tǎo/ :: to demand
{def} /tǎo/ :: to dun
{def} /tǎo/ :: to marry
{def} [Min Dong] /tǎo/ :: to look for
討伐 {v} /tǎo伐/ :: to subdue by sending armed forces; to wage a punitive expedition; to send troops to suppress
討飯 {v} /tǎofàn/ :: to beg for food
討海 {v} /tǎohǎi/ :: to make one's living from the sea
討海 {v} [Min Dong, Min Nan] /tǎohǎi/ :: to catch fish; to fish
討海人 {n} [Taiwan] /tǎohǎirén/ :: fisherman; someone who makes a living from the sea
討好 {v} /tǎohǎo/ :: to ingratiate oneself with; to please; to court; to curry favour with
討好 {v} [usually in the negative] /tǎohǎo/ :: to be rewarded with a good result; to have one's labour rewarded
討回公道 {idiom} /tǎohuígōngdào/ :: to seek justice; to get a fair outcome
討價 {v} /tǎojià/ :: to bargain; to haggle
討價還價 {idiom} /tǎojiàhuánjià/ :: to negotiate back and forth; to bargain; to haggle
討教 {v} /tǎojiào/ :: to ask for advice
討論 {v} /tǎolùn/ :: to discuss; to talk over
討論 {v} [literary, of texts] /tǎolùn/ :: to edit critically; to examine and rectify a text
討論 {v} [literary] /tǎolùn/ :: to study; to investigate; to research
討論會 {n} /tǎolùnhuì/ :: colloquium; symposium; discussion forum
討逆 {v} [literary] /tǎonì/ :: to go after rebels
討巧 {v} /tǎoqiǎo/ :: to act artfully to get what one wants; to get the best for oneself at the least expense; to choose the easy way out
討人嫌 {adj} /tǎorénxián/ :: unpleasant; disagreeable
討喜 {adj} /tǎoxǐ/ :: pleasant; pleasurable; agreeable; enjoyable
討嫌 {adj} /tǎoxián/ :: disagreeable; troublesome; annoying
討厭 {adj} /tǎoyàn/ :: annoying; troublesome; repulsive; disagreeable; uncouth
討厭 {adj} [chiefly women's speech, colloquial] /tǎoyàn/ :: Expresses petulance, frustration or annoyance
討厭 {v} /tǎoyàn/ :: to dislike; to loathe; to hate; to despise
討賊 {v} [literary] /tǎozéi/ :: to launch a punitive expedition against rebels or bandits
討債 {v} /tǎozhài/ :: to demand the payment of one's debt; to demand repayment
討債 {v} [Taiwanese Hokkien] /tǎozhài/ :: to waste; to squander
討帳 {def} SEE: 討賬 ::
討賬 {v} /tǎozhàng/ :: to demand the payment of one's debt; to demand repayment
{def} SEE: ::
讨趁 {def} SEE: 討趁 ::
讨吃吃 {def} SEE: 討吃吃 ::
讨吃子 {def} SEE: 討吃子 ::
讨伐 {def} SEE: 討伐 ::
讨饭 {def} SEE: 討飯 ::
讨功 {def} SEE: 討功 ::
讨海 {def} SEE: 討海 ::
讨海人 {def} SEE: 討海人 ::
讨好 {def} SEE: 討好 ::
讨回公道 {def} SEE: 討回公道 ::
讨价 {def} SEE: 討價 ::
讨价还价 {def} SEE: 討價還價 ::
讨教 {def} SEE: 討教 ::
讨口子 {def} SEE: 討口子 ::
讨掠 {def} SEE: 討掠 ::
讨论 {def} SEE: 討論 ::
讨论会 {def} SEE: 討論會 ::
讨米 {def} SEE: 討米 ::
讨逆 {def} SEE: 討逆 ::
讨皮疼 {def} SEE: 討皮疼 ::
讨钱 {def} SEE: 討錢 ::
讨巧 {def} SEE: 討巧 ::
讨人嫌 {def} SEE: 討人嫌 ::
讨食 {def} SEE: 討食 ::
讨添 {def} SEE: 討添 ::
讨喜 {def} SEE: 討喜 ::
讨嫌 {def} SEE: 討嫌 ::
讨厌 {def} SEE: 討厭 ::
讨鱼船 {def} SEE: 討魚船 ::
讨鱼人 {def} SEE: 討魚人 ::
讨贼 {def} SEE: 討賊 ::
讨债 {def} SEE: 討債 ::
讨债囝 {def} SEE: 討債囝 ::
讨帐 {def} SEE: 討帳 ::
讨账 {def} SEE: 討賬 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tào,er/ :: to cover with
{def} /tào,er/ :: case; cover; wrapper; envelope
{def} /tào,er/ :: to overlap
{def} /tào,er/ :: set; suit
{def} /tào,er/ :: knot
{def} /tào,er/ :: to harness
{def} /tào,er/ :: harness
{def} /tào,er/ :: trick; trap
{def} /tào,er/ :: classifier for a set of objects (books, furniture, rooms, etc)
{def} [colloquial] /tào,er/ :: condom
{def} /tǎo/ :: [obsolete] long
套餐 {n} /tàocān/ :: set meal; combo
套餐 {n} /tàocān/ :: package (product or service combination); plan (e.g. for a cellphone subscription)
套儿 {def} SEE: 套兒 ::
套兒 {n} /tàor/ :: erhua form of cap; lid; cover
套兒 {n} /tàor/ :: erhua form of loop of a rope
套兒 {n} /tàor/ :: erhua form of scheme; ploy; snare
套兒 {n} /tàor/ :: erhua form of condom
套房 {n} /tàofáng/ :: suite (set of rooms)
套房 {n} /tàofáng/ :: inner room
套房 {n} /tàofáng/ :: apartment, flat
套服 {n} /tàofú/ :: suit; outfit; ensemble
套購 {v} /tàogòu/ :: to fraudulently purchase (state-controlled commodities); to illegally buy up
套购 {def} SEE: 套購 ::
套話 {n} /tàohuà/ :: convention; protocol; formalities
套話 {n} /tàohuà/ :: formulaic language; stereotyped expressions
套話 {n} /tàohuà/ :: polite, conventional verbal exchange
套話 {v} /tàohuà/ :: to coax a secret from (or out of) someone; to trick someone into telling the truth
套话 {def} SEE: 套話 ::
套間 {n} /tàojiān/ :: inner room
套間 {n} /tàojiān/ :: apartment; flat
套间 {def} SEE: 套間 ::
套接字 {n} [Mainland] /tàojiēzì/ :: socket (computing interprocess communication channel)
套近乎 {v} [pejorative] /tàojìnhū,tl/ :: to worm one's way into being friends with somebody; to cotton up; to chum up
套牢 {v} [finance] /tàoláo/ :: to have capital held up or hung up; to be trapped in a stock market
套利 {n} [finance] /tàolì/ :: arbitrage
套路 {n} [martial arts] /tàolù,tl/ :: sequence of movements
套路 {n} [figurative] /tàolù,tl/ :: pattern; routine
套路 {n} [figurative, pejorative] /tàolù,tl/ :: trick; strategy; setup; trap
套路貸 {n} [Mainland] /tàolùdài/ :: a kind of fraud which is masked under a seemingly loan; the fraud is designed to be impossible for the "debtor" to pay back and thus designed for the "creditor" to possess the "debtor"'s property
套路贷 {def} SEE: 套路貸 ::
套牌 {v} /tàopái/ :: to misuse other's number plate
套色 {n} [printing] /tàoshǎi/ :: chromatography; color process
套衫 {n} /tàoshān/ :: pullover (Classifier: m:件)
套數 {n} [music] /tàoshù/ :: sequence of songs, dramatic or non-dramatic, with one rhyme and a common set of melodies
套數 {n} [martial arts] /tàoshù/ :: series of tricks and skills in wushu, etc
套數 {n} /tàoshù/ :: conventional or stereotyped remark
套数 {def} SEE: 套數 ::
套索 {n} /tàosuǒ/ :: lasso; noose
套套 {n} [colloquial, Jin] /tàotao,er/ :: methods; ways
套套 {n} [colloquial] /tàotao,er/ :: old rules; conventions
套套 {n} [colloquial] /tàotao,er/ :: alternative name for 避孕套
套套逻辑 {def} SEE: 套套邏輯 ::
套套邏輯 {n} [logic] /tàotao luóji,tàotao luójí,1nb/ :: tautology
套筒 {n} /tàotǒng/ :: (mechanical) sleeve; muff
套头衫 {def} SEE: 套頭衫 ::
套頭衫 {n} /tàotóushān/ :: pullover; hoodie (or any such clothing that is pulled over the head) (Classifier: 件)
套娃 {n} /tàowá/ :: synonym of 俄羅斯套娃
套娃 {n} [neologism, Internet slang, figurative, humorous] /tàowá/ :: recursion; nesting
套戏 {def} SEE: 套戲 ::
套鞋 {n} /tàoxié/ :: galoshes, overshoes
套用 {v} /tàoyòng/ :: to apply mechanically; to use indiscriminately
套語 {n} /tàoyǔ/ :: polite formula; conventionality
套语 {def} SEE: 套語 ::
套装 {def} SEE: 套裝 ::
套装旅游 {def} SEE: 套裝旅遊 ::
套装软件 {def} SEE: 套裝軟件 ::
套装软体 {def} SEE: 套裝軟體 ::
套裝 {n} /tàozhuāng/ :: suit; outfit; ensemble
套裝旅遊 {n} /tàozhuāng lǚyóu/ :: package tour
套裝軟件 {n} /tàozhuāng ruǎnjiàn/ :: package software
套裝軟體 {n} [Taiwan] /tàozhuāng ruǎntǐ/ :: package software
{def} /tè/ :: only used in 忐忑
{def} /dǎo/ :: [obsolete] only used in 忐忑
{def} /tè/ :: to change
{def} /tè/ :: to err
{def} [dialectal] /tuī,tè,tēi,1nb/ :: to an excessive degree; too
忒拜 {prop} [chiefly historical] /Tèbài/ :: Thebes (historical location in Greece)
忒修斯 {prop} /Tèxiūsī/ :: Theseus
{def} /tè/ :: [obsolete] bull; ox
{def} /tè/ :: [obsolete] cattle
{def} /tè/ :: [obsolete] [of animals, especially bull] male
{def} /tè/ :: [obsolete] one domestic animal
{def} /tè/ :: [obsolete] three-year-old animal
{def} [literary] /tè/ :: single; alone; by oneself
{def} /tè/ :: [obsolete] single-handed; by oneself
{def} /tè/ :: [obsolete] match; mate; spouse
{def} /tè/ :: [obsolete] to stand tall
{def} /tè/ :: special; unique; distinguished
{def} [literary] /tè/ :: only; just
{def} /tè/ :: specially; intentionally
{def} [colloquial] /tè/ :: especially; outstandingly
{def} /tè/ :: [obsolete] in vain
{def} /tè/ :: [obsolete] unexpectedly; yet
{def} /tè/ :: abbreviation of 特務
{def} [Mainland] /tè/ :: abbreviation of 特克斯
{def} /tè/ :: surname
特本克蒙 {prop} /Tèběnkèméng/ :: (~ 省) 特本克蒙 (province)
特笔 {def} SEE: 特筆 ::
特筆 {n} [literary] /tèbǐ/ :: unique style of writing or drawing
特筆 {v} [literary] /tèbǐ/ :: to purposely put down in writing
特別 {adj} /tèbié/ :: special
特別 {adv} /tèbié/ :: especially; particularly
特別 {adv} /tèbié/ :: specially; purposely
特別行政區 {n} /tèbié xíngzhèngqū/ :: special administrative region
特別市 {n} /tèbiéshì/ :: special city (level of administrative division in certain countries, such as North Korea and South Korea)
特别 {def} SEE: 特別 ::
特别行政区 {def} SEE: 特別行政區 ::
特别市 {def} SEE: 特別市 ::
特产 {def} SEE: 特產 ::
特產 {n} /tèchǎn/ :: local specialty (especially food)
特長 {n} /tècháng/ :: personal strength; special ability; strong points; what one is skilled in; specialty; forte
特長生 {n} /tèchángshēng/ :: student exceptionally gifted in arts, sports, etc
特长 {def} SEE: 特長 ::
特长生 {def} SEE: 特長生 ::
特称 {def} SEE: 特稱 ::
特稱 {adj} [logic] /tèchēng/ :: existential; pertaining to the existential quantifier
特出 {adj} /tèchū/ :: outstanding; prominent; extraordinary
特此 {adv} [literary] /tècǐ/ :: hereby
特大 {adj} /tèdà/ :: of an exceptionally large size or scale; extra large; mega-; catastrophic
特等 {adj} /tèděng/ :: special grade or class; top grade
特等奖 {def} SEE: 特等獎 ::
特等獎 {n} /tèděngjiǎng/ :: special prize (as in a competition)
特底甫 {n} [dated] /tèdǐfǔ/ :: representative; member of parliament
特地 {adv} /tèdì/ :: specially; purposely
特点 {def} SEE: 特點 ::
特點 {n} /tèdiǎn/ :: characteristic; trait; feature
特定 {adj} [attributive] /tèdìng/ :: specific; particular; certain; designated; special
特多龍 {n} /tèduōlóng/ :: alternative name for 聚酯
特多龙 {def} SEE: 特多龍 ::
特發性 {n} [medicine, often, attributive] /tèfāxìng/ :: idiopathicity; essentiality
特氟龍 {n} [Mainland China, Hong Kong, organic compound] /tèfúlóng/ :: Teflon; PTFE; polytetrafluoroethylene
特氟龙 {def} SEE: 特氟龍 ::
特稿 {n} /tègǎo/ :: special report or published contribution
特供 {v} /tègōng/ :: to specially supply
特工 {n} /tègōng/ :: secret service
特工 {n} /tègōng/ :: agent (of a secret service)
特古西加尔巴 {def} SEE: 特古西加爾巴 ::
特古西加爾巴 {prop} [Mainland China] /Tègǔxījiā'ěrbā/ :: 特古西加爾巴 (city/capital city)
特許 {v} /tèxǔ/ :: to specially permit
特化 {v} /tèhuà/ :: to specialize
特化 {n} /tèhuà/ :: specialization
特惠 {adj} /tèhuì/ :: specially preferential; specially discounted
特急 {adj} /tèjí/ :: extra urgent; emergency
特急 {adj} /tèjí/ :: extremely worried
特級 {adj} [attributive] /tèjí/ :: top quality; superior grade; superfine
特级 {def} SEE: 特級 ::
特輯 {n} /tèjí/ :: special number (or issue) of a periodical
特輯 {n} /tèjí/ :: special collection of short films
特辑 {def} SEE: 特輯 ::
特集 {n} /tèjí/ :: special program, edition or collection
特技 {n} /tèjì/ :: stunt
特技 {n} [film, television, cinematography] /tèjì/ :: special effect
特价 {def} SEE: 特價 ::
特價 {n} /tèjià/ :: special offer; bargain price
特教 {n} /tèjiào/ :: abbreviation of 特殊教育; special ed
特进 {def} SEE: 特進 ::
特進 {n} [historical] /tèjìn/ :: an honorary title in ancient China
特警 {n} /tèjǐng/ :: SWAT; riot police
特警 {n} /tèjǐng/ :: SWAT officer; officer of the riot police
特刊 {n} /tèkān/ :: special issue or number; special
特克斯 {classifier} /tèkèsī/ :: tex (unit)
特克斯 {prop} /tèkèsī/ :: (~ 縣) 特克斯 (county)
特克斯 {prop} /tèkèsī/ :: (~ 群島) Turks Islands
特克斯和凯科斯群岛 {def} SEE: 特克斯和凱科斯群島 ::
特克斯和凱科斯群島 {prop} /Tèkèsī hé Kǎikēsī qúndǎo/ :: Turks and Caicos Islands
特克斯与凯科斯群岛 {def} SEE: 特克斯與凱科斯群島 ::
特克斯與凱科斯群島 {prop} /Tèkèsī Yǔ Kǎikēsīqúndǎo/ :: Turks and Caicos Islands
特快 {n} /tèkuài/ :: express train; express; special express
特困 {adj} [attributive] /tèkùn/ :: poverty-stricken; especially impoverished; destitute
特拉华 {def} SEE: 特拉華 ::
特拉華 {prop} /Tèlāhuá/ :: (~ 州) [Mainland China, Hong Kong] 特拉華 (state)
特拉維夫 {prop} /Tèlāwéifū/ :: 特拉維夫 (city)
特拉维夫 {def} SEE: 特拉維夫 ::
特來 {v} [literary] /tèlái/ :: to especially come
特来 {def} SEE: 特來 ::
特朗普 {prop} /Tèlǎngpǔ/ :: Trump
特雷門 {n} [musical instruments] /tèléimén/ :: theremin
特雷门 {def} SEE: 特雷門 ::
特楞古特 {n} [collective, historical] /Télénggǔtè/ :: Telengits (people)
特例 {n} /tèlì/ :: special case; exception
特立独行 {def} SEE: 特立獨行 ::
特立獨行 {idiom} /tèlìdúxíng/ :: independent in mind and action; unconventional and strong-minded
特立尼达和多巴哥 {def} SEE: 特立尼達和多巴哥 ::
特立尼達和多巴哥 {prop} /Tèlìnídá hé Duōbāgē/ :: 特立尼達和多巴哥 (a <<country>> consisting of two main <<islands>> in the <<r/Caribbean>>)
特令 {v} [literary] /tèlìng/ :: to especially order; to especially command
特魯多 {prop} [chiefly Mainland] /Tèlǔduō/ :: Trudeau
特鲁多 {def} SEE: 特魯多 ::
特伦顿 {def} SEE: 特倫頓 ::
特伦甘纳 {def} SEE: 特倫甘納 ::
特伦特河畔斯托克 {def} SEE: 特倫特河畔斯托克 ::
特倫頓 {prop} /Tèlúndùn/ :: 特倫頓 (city/state capital)
特倫甘納 {prop} /Tèlúngānnà/ :: (~ 邦) 特倫甘納 (state)
特倫特河畔斯托克 {prop} /Tèlúntèhé-Pàn Sītuōkè/ :: Stoke-on-Trent
特洛伊 {prop} /Tèluòyī/ :: Troy (ancient city)
特洛伊木馬 {prop} /Tèluòyī Mùmǎ/ :: Trojan horse (epic wooden horse)
特洛伊木馬 {n} /Tèluòyī Mùmǎ/ :: Trojan horse (figurative senses)
特洛伊木馬 {n} /Tèluòyī Mùmǎ/ :: Trojan horse (malicious computer program)
特洛伊木马 {def} SEE: 特洛伊木馬 ::
特麼 {phrase} [Internet slang, euphemistic] /tème/ :: alternative form of 他媽
特卖 {def} SEE: 特賣 ::
特賣 {v} /tèmài/ :: to sell at a discount; to sell at a bargain price; to be on sale
特么 {def} SEE: 特麼 ::
特命 {v} /tèmìng/ :: to appoint or dictate specially
特牛 {n} [literary] /tèniú/ :: one bull or cow
特牛 {n} [literary] /tèniú/ :: bull
特區 {n} /tèqū/ :: special zone
特區 {n} /tèqū/ :: special administrative zone or region (within a country)
特派 {v} /tèpài/ :: to specially appoint someone (for a task)
特派员 {def} SEE: 特派員 ::
特派員 {n} /tèpàiyuán/ :: special correspondent; special commissioner
特批 {v} /tèpī/ :: to specially approve
特遣 {v} /tèqiǎn/ :: to send a special envoy; to especially send
特勤 {n} /tèqín/ :: special duty (e.g. extra security or traffic control on special occasions)
特勤 {n} /tèqín/ :: person on special duty
特勤 {n} [historical] /tèqín/ :: prince in the Turkic and Uyghur Khaganates
特磬 {n} [musical instruments] /tèqìng/ :: A type of Chinese sounding stone (qing) used primarily in ritual/ceremonial music. It is a single thin piece of limestone or jade cut in an L-shape, hung from a frame, and struck with a wooden mallet
特区 {def} SEE: 特區 ::
特权 {def} SEE: 特權 ::
特權 {n} /tèquán/ :: privilege; prerogative
特色 {n} /tèsè/ :: something special; characteristic; distinguishing quality; feature; specialty; trait
特設 {v} /tèshè/ :: to specially set up; to create specially (for the purpose of ...)
特设 {def} SEE: 特設 ::
特赦 {v} [law] /tèshè/ :: to grant a special pardon
特赦 {n} [law] /tèshè/ :: pardon; clemency
特甚 {adj} /tèshèn/ :: excessive; too much; undue; overboard
特使 {n} /tèshǐ/ :: special envoy; special ambassador
特首 {n} /tèshǒu/ :: Chief Executive (of China's Special Administrative Regions)
特殊 {adj} /tèshū/ :: special; exceptional
特殊化 {v} /tèshūhuà/ :: to become special
特殊化 {v} /tèshūhuà/ :: to become privileged
特殊教育 {n} /tèshū jiàoyù/ :: special education
特殊效果 {n} [film, television, cinematography] /tèshū xiàoguǒ/ :: special effect
特殊性 {n} /tèshūxìng/ :: specialness
特斯拉 {classifier} [physics] /tèsīlā/ :: tesla (unit)
特斯拉 {prop} /tèsīlā/ :: Tesla
特斯拉線圈 {n} /Tèsīlā xiànquān/ :: Tesla coil
特斯拉线圈 {def} SEE: 特斯拉線圈 ::
特务 {def} SEE: 特務 ::
特務 {n} /tèwù/ :: operative; secret agent
特效 {n} /tèxiào/ :: special efficacy; high effectiveness
特效 {n} [film, television, cinematography] /tèxiào/ :: special effect
特效药 {def} SEE: 特效藥 ::
特效藥 {n} /tèxiàoyào,er/ :: highly effective medication; powerful medicine; miracle drug; magic pill
特写 {def} SEE: 特寫 ::
特寫 {n} /tèxiě/ :: feature article; feature story; feature
特寫 {n} /tèxiě/ :: film close-up
特性 {n} /tèxìng/ :: special property, characteristic or trait; peculiarity
特许 {def} SEE: 特許 ::
特訓 {v} /tèxùn/ :: to undergo special training; to train specifically (for)
特训 {def} SEE: 特訓 ::
特約 {v} [often, attributive] /tèyuē/ :: to engage by special arrangement
特邀 {adj} /tèyāo/ :: specially invited (guest for a program)
特异 {def} SEE: 特異 ::
特异功能 {def} SEE: 特異功能 ::
特异性 {def} SEE: 特異性 ::
特意 {adv} /tèyì/ :: specially; purposely
特異 {adj} /tèyì/ :: exceptionally good
特異 {adj} /tèyì/ :: unique; special
特異功能 {n} /tèyì gōngnéng/ :: supernatural ability
特異性 {n} /tèyìxìng/ :: specificity; singularity
特異性 {adj} /tèyìxìng/ :: specific; peculiar
特艺七彩 {def} SEE: 特藝七彩 ::
特藝七彩 {n} /tèyìqīcǎi/ :: Technicolor
特飲 {n} /tèyǐn/ :: special drink
特饮 {def} SEE: 特飲 ::
特有 {v} /tèyǒu/ :: to be peculiar to; to be specific to; to be characteristic of; to be exclusive to
特有 {adj} [attributive] /tèyǒu/ :: peculiar; specific; characteristic; exclusive
特约 {def} SEE: 特約 ::
特征 {def} SEE: 特徵 ::
特征空间 {def} SEE: 特徵空間 ::
特征向量 {def} SEE: 特徵向量 ::
特征值 {def} SEE: 特徵值 ::
特徵 {n} /tèzhēng/ :: distinguishing feature; characteristic; property; trait
特徵 {adj} [science, attributive] /tèzhēng/ :: eigen-; characteristic; intrinsic
特徵空間 {n} [linear algebra] /tèzhēng kōngjiān/ :: eigenspace
特徵向量 {n} [linear algebra] /tèzhēng xiàngliàng/ :: eigenvector
特徵值 {n} [linear algebra] /tèzhēngzhí/ :: eigenvalue
特指 {v} /tèzhǐ/ :: to refer in particular to; to refer specifically to
特制 {def} SEE: 特製 ::
特製 {v} /tèzhì/ :: to manufacture for a special purpose
特質 {n} /tè質/ :: special qualities; characteristics
特质 {def} SEE: 特質 ::
特鐘 {n} [musical instruments] /tèzhōng/ :: A single large bronze bell hung in a frame and used primarily in ceremonial/ritual music
特钟 {def} SEE: 特鐘 ::
特种 {def} SEE: 特種 ::
特种兵 {def} SEE: 特種兵 ::
特种部队 {def} SEE: 特種部隊 ::
特种工艺 {def} SEE: 特種工藝 ::
特种警察 {def} SEE: 特種警察 ::
特种军 {def} SEE: 特種軍 ::
特种邮票 {def} SEE: 特種郵票 ::
特種 {adj} [attributive] /tèzhǒng/ :: of a particular kind; special type
特種兵 {n} /tèzhǒngbīng,er/ :: commando; special forces soldier
特種部隊 {n} /tèzhǒng bùduì/ :: special forces
特種工藝 {n} /tèzhǒng gōngyì/ :: special craft; specialty handicrafts
特種警察 {n} /tèzhǒng jǐngchá/ :: SWAT; riot police
特種警察 {n} /tèzhǒng jǐngchá/ :: SWAT officer; officer of the riot police
特種軍 {n} [military] /tèzhǒngjūn/ :: special forces
特種郵票 {n} [philately] /tèzhǒng yóupiào/ :: special stamp
特准 {v} /tèzhǔn/ :: to grant special permission; to allow (as an exception)
{def} /de,te,tè/ :: only used in 肋脦
{def} [Putian Min] /tè/ :: oyster
{def} [mythology] /téng/ :: only used in 螣蛇
螣蛇 {n} [mythological creature] /téngshé/ :: teng (mythology), a kind of flying serpent or dragon
{def} /tè/ :: [obsolete] a pest insect which destroys rice seedlings
{def} /tè/ :: terbium
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /dài/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /téng/ :: only used in 倰儯
{def} /téng/ :: (ancient state)
{def} /téng/ :: water bursting forth
滕茶 {def} SEE: 斟茶 ::
滕王閣 {prop} /Téngwánggé/ :: Pavilion of Prince Teng
滕王阁 {def} SEE: 滕王閣 ::
滕县 {def} SEE: 滕縣 ::
滕縣 {prop} [archaic] /Téng Xiàn/ :: Teng County (present day Tengzhou)
滕州 {prop} /Téngzhōu/ :: (~ 市) 滕州 (city)
{def} /téng/ :: painful; aching; sore
{def} /téng/ :: to be fond of; to love
疼愛 {v} /téng'ài/ :: to cherish; to love dearly
疼爱 {def} SEE: 疼愛 ::
疼顧 {v} /ténggù/ :: to love and care for
疼顾 {def} SEE: 疼顧 ::
疼痛 {adj} [symptom] /téngtòng/ :: painful; sore
疼痛 {adj} /téngtòng/ :: sad; sorrowful
疼痛 {n} /téngtòng/ :: pain; ache
疼惜 {v} /téng惜/ :: to love dearly and have pity for
{def} /téng/ :: [obsolete] utensil made of bamboo
{def} /téng/ :: alternative form of
{def} /téng/ :: surname
籐條 {def} SEE: 藤條 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
腾冲 {def} SEE: 騰衝 ::
腾出 {def} SEE: 騰出 ::
腾达 {def} SEE: 騰達 ::
腾飞 {def} SEE: 騰飛 ::
腾贵 {def} SEE: 騰貴 ::
腾空 {def} SEE: 騰空 ::
腾空而起 {def} SEE: 騰空而起 ::
𨅬藤 {def} SEE: 躝藤 ::
{def} /téng/ :: vine
{def} /téng/ :: cane; rattan
{def} /téng/ :: surname Teng
藤菜 {n} [regional] /téngcài/ :: Malabar spinach (Basella alba)
藤菜 {n} [regional] /téngcài/ :: water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica)
藤床 {n} /téngchuáng/ :: bed woven from rattan
藤冈 {def} SEE: 藤岡 ::
藤岡 {prop} /Ténggāng/ :: (~ 市) 藤岡 (city)
藤壶 {def} SEE: 藤壺 ::
藤壺 {n} /ténghú/ :: barnacle (crustacean)
藤井 {prop} /Téngjǐng/ :: A Japanese surname: Fujii
藤井寺 {prop} /Téngjǐngsì/ :: (~ 市) 藤井寺 (city)
藤萝 {def} SEE: 藤蘿 ::
藤蘿 {n} /téngluó/ :: Chinese wisteria
藤蔓 {n} /téngmàn,téngwàn,1nb/ :: vine
藤田 {prop} /Téngtián/ :: A Japanese surname: Fujita
藤条 {def} SEE: 藤條 ::
藤條 {n} /téngtiáo/ :: rattan
藤县 {def} SEE: 藤縣 ::
藤縣 {prop} /Téngxiàn/ :: 藤縣 (county)
藤原 {prop} /Téngyuán/ :: A Japanese surname: Fujiwara; Fujihara
藤泽 {def} SEE: 藤澤 ::
藤澤 {prop} /Téngzé/ :: (~ 市) 藤澤 (city)
藤枝 {prop} /Téngzhī/ :: (~ 市) 藤枝 (city)
{def} SEE: ::
誊清 {def} SEE: 謄清 ::
誊写 {def} SEE: 謄寫 ::
謄清 {v} /téngqīng/ :: to make a clean copy of; to transcribe
謄寫 {v} /téngxiě/ :: to copy by hand; to transcribe
{def} /téng/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /téng/ :: to gallop; to run; to prance
{def} /téng/ :: to soar; to rise
騰衝 {prop} /Téngchōng/ :: (~ 市) 騰衝 (county-level city)
騰出 {v} /téngchū/ :: to make vacant
騰達 {v} [literary] /téngdá/ :: to roar; to rise up
騰達 {v} [literary] /téngdá/ :: to rise to power and position
騰飛 {v} /téngfēi/ :: to soar; to fly upwards rapidly
騰飛 {v} [figurative] /téngfēi/ :: to advance or develop quickly; to make rapid progress
騰貴 {v} /téngguì/ :: to skyrocket; to soar
騰空 {v} /téngkōng/ :: to soar into the air
騰空 {v} /téngkōng/ :: to empty (house, room, etc.)
騰空而起 {idiom} /téngkōng'érqǐ/ :: to rise in the world by sheer effort and persistence
{def} /téng/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /tī,tì,2nb/ :: to pick meat from bones
{def} /tī,tì,2nb/ :: to pick (with a pointed instrument); to scrape
{def} /tī,tì,2nb/ :: to pick out; to weed out
{def} [Cantonese] /tī,tì,2nb/ :: tick; checkmark
{def} /tī,tì,2nb/ :: alternative form of
剔除 {v} /tīchú/ :: to reject; to get rid of; to remove
剔手边 {def} SEE: 剔手邊 ::
剔手邊 {n} [Cantonese] /tīshǒubiān/ :: the Chinese character component
剔牙 {v} /tīyá/ :: to pick one's teeth
{def} /tī/ :: ladder; steps; stairs (Classifier: c:條c:堂)
{def} /tī/ :: ladder-shaped object
{def} /tī/ :: to climb
{def} /tī/ :: to lean against
梯度 {n} /tīdù/ :: gradient
梯队 {def} SEE: 梯隊 ::
梯隊 {n} [military] /tīduì/ :: echelon formation
梯隊 {n} /tīduì/ :: group of persons of one level or grade in an organization, kept for use if needed; echelon; division; tier
梯恩梯 {n} [organic compound, colloquial] /tī'ēntī/ :: TNT
梯級 {n} /tījí/ :: step (of a ladder)
梯級 {n} /tījí/ :: system of dams; cascade dams
梯级 {def} SEE: 梯級 ::
梯己 {def} SEE: 體己 ::
梯皮 {n} /tīpí/ :: teepee
梯田 {n} [agriculture] /tītián/ :: terraced fields; terrace
梯形 {n} [geometry] /tīxíng/ :: trapezoid (US); trapezium (UK) (a quadrilateral with two parallel sides)
梯子 {n} /tīzi/ :: ladder (Classifier: m:架)
梯子 {n} [Internet slang] /tīzi/ :: tools used to circumvent internet censorship
{def} /tī/ :: to kick
{def} [Internet] /tī/ :: to kick
踢館 {v} [martial arts] /tīguǎn/ :: to openly challenge another master at their martial arts club and demand a fair fight
踢館 {v} [figurative, in general] /tīguǎn/ :: to openly challenge someone renowned; to challenge someone to a competition (as an outsider); to throw down the gauntlet
踢馆 {def} SEE: 踢館 ::
踢毽子 {v} /tī jiànzi/ :: to play jianzi; to kick the jianzi
踢皮球 {v} [literal] /tī píqiú,er/ :: to kick a ball around
踢皮球 {v} [figurative] /tī píqiú,er/ :: to avoid responsibility and pass it off to each other
踢球 {v} /tīqiú,er/ :: to kick a ball around
踢球 {v} /tīqiú,er/ :: to play soccer
踢球 {v} [archaic] /tīqiú,er/ :: to play cuju
踢死兔 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /tīsǐtù/ :: tuxedo
踢腿 {v} /tītuǐ/ :: to kick
{def} /銻/ :: antimony
{def} /tí/ :: only used in 鎕銻
銻鍋 {n} [dialectal] /tīguō/ :: aluminium cooking pot
{def} SEE: ::
锑锅 {def} SEE: 銻鍋 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tī/ :: only used in 鸊鷉
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tí/ :: cakes and biscuits
{def} /tí/ :: lagging
{def} /tí/ :: slow to move
{def} /tí/ :: tardy
{def} /tí/ :: to cry loudly; to wail
{def} [dialectal, by extension] /tí/ :: to cry; to weep
{def} [of birds or beasts] /tí/ :: to call; to cry; to howl
啼𫛞 {def} SEE: 啼鴃 ::
啼飢號寒 {idiom} /tíjīháohán/ :: to cry out in hunger and cold; to be poverty-stricken
啼饥号寒 {def} SEE: 啼飢號寒 ::
啼叫 {v} /tíjiào/ :: to screech; to crow (of birds)
啼叫 {v} /tíjiào/ :: to cry; to wail (of children)
啼鴃 {def} SEE: 鶗鴃 ::
啼哭 {v} /tíkū/ :: to cry loudly; to wail
啼鳴 {v} [of birds, insects, etc.] /tímíng/ :: to call; to chirp  
啼鸣 {def} SEE: 啼鳴 ::
啼笑皆非 {idiom} /tíxiàojiēfēi/ :: to be so ridiculous that it is both saddening and provokes laughter at the same time
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /dì/ :: [historical dictionaries] god of the toilet
{def} /dì/ :: [historical dictionaries] only used in 點媂
{def} /tí/ :: [historical dictionaries] Character used in women's names
{def} /tí/ :: to carry; to lift
{def} /tí/ :: to raise; to increase
{def} /tí/ :: to mention; to nominate
{def} /tí/ :: to point out; to put forward
{def} [Chinese calligraphy] /tí/ :: a rising stroke ()
{def} /dī,tí,1nb/ :: only used in 提防
{def} /chí/ :: alternative form of
{def} /chí/ :: surname
{def} /shí/ :: only used in 朱提
{def} /dǐ/ :: to throw
{def} /dǐ/ :: to sever
提阿非羅 {prop} [Protestantism] /Tí'āfēiluó/ :: Theophilus
提阿非罗 {def} SEE: 提阿非羅 ::
提案 {n} /tí'àn/ :: proposal; motion
提拔 {v} /tíbá,tl/ :: to promote; to advocate on behalf of someone
提包 {n} /tíbāo/ :: handbag; bag
提備 {v} [archaic] /dībèi/ :: to prepare for
提備 {v} [archaic] /dībèi/ :: to guard against
提备 {def} SEE: 提備 ::
提比里斯 {prop} [Taiwan] /Tíbǐlǐsī/ :: 提比里斯 (city/capital city)
提比略 {prop} /Tíbǐlüè/ :: Tiberius
提笔 {def} SEE: 提筆 ::
提笔忘字 {def} SEE: 提筆忘字 ::
提筆 {v} /tíbǐ/ :: to take up one's pen; to start to write
提筆忘字 {idiom} /tíbǐwàngzì/ :: to forget how to write Chinese characters; to suffer from character amnesia
提庇留 {prop} /Tíbìliú/ :: Tiberius
提別月 {prop} /Tíbiéyuè/ :: Tevet
提别月 {def} SEE: 提別月 ::
提兵 {v} [archaic] /tíbīng/ :: to lead an army
提單 {n} /tídān/ :: bill of lading
提倡 {v} /tíchàng/ :: to advocate; to recommend; to encourage
提唱 {def} SEE: 提倡 ::
提車 {v} /tíchē/ :: to pick up a car (such as at a car shop, car rental place, etc.)
提车 {def} SEE: 提車 ::
提成 {v} [mathematics] /tíchéng/ :: to deduct a percentage (from a sum of money, etc.)
提成 {n} /tíchéng/ :: deduction; cut; commission
提出 {v} /tíchū/ :: to put forward; to put forth; to raise; to bring up; to ask (a question); to make (an application, suggestion, criticism, etc.); to come up with
提出 {v} /tíchū/ :: to draw; to withdraw (from a bank)
提出严正交涉 {def} SEE: 提出嚴正交涉 ::
提出嚴正交涉 {phrase} [officialese] /tíchū yánzhèng jiāoshè/ :: A phrase for expressing diplomatic discontent
提純 {v} /tíchún/ :: to purify; to refine
提纯 {def} SEE: 提純 ::
提詞 {n} [theater] /tící/ :: prompt
提词 {def} SEE: 提詞 ::
提辞 {def} SEE: 提詞 ::
提辭 {def} SEE: 提詞 ::
提单 {def} SEE: 提單 ::
提刀 {v} [literary] /tídāo/ :: to carry a sword
提到 {v} /tídào/ :: to mention
提灯 {def} SEE: 提燈 ::
提燈 {v} /tídēng/ :: to carry lanterns during the Lantern Festival
提燈 {v} [Min Nan] /tídēng/ :: to hang a lantern on two sides of a sedan chair to lead the way of the bridal sedan chair
提燈 {n} /tídēng/ :: lantern
提调 {def} SEE: 提調 ::
提督 {n} [historical] /tídū/ :: provincial military commander (in imperial China)
提多 {prop} [Protestantism] /Tíduō/ :: Titus
提多书 {def} SEE: 提多書 ::
提多書 {prop} [Protestantism] /Tíduōshū/ :: Titus (book of the Bible)
提額 {v} [finance, banking] /tí'é/ :: to raise one's line of credit
提額 {n} [finance, banking] /tí'é/ :: credit line raise
提额 {def} SEE: 提額 ::
提法 {n} /tífǎ,er/ :: way something is put; wording; formulation
提防 {v} /dīfang,tífáng,1nb/ :: to take precautions against; to watch out for
提封 {adj} /tífēng/ :: in total
提封 {n} /tífēng/ :: territory
提綱 {n} /tígāng/ :: outline; summary
提纲 {def} SEE: 提綱 ::
提睪肌 {n} [anatomy] /tígāojī/ :: cremaster
提睾肌 {def} SEE: 提睪肌 ::
提高 {v} /tígāo/ :: to raise; to improve; to heighten; to enhance; to increase
提高 {adj} [attributive] /tígāo/ :: advanced
提高班 {n} [education] /tígāobān/ :: advanced class
提供 {v} /tígōng,tígòng,2nb/ :: to provide; to offer; to supply
提供商 {n} [business, finance] /tígōngshāng/ :: provider; supplier
提壶 {def} SEE: 提壺 ::
提壺 {n} /tíhú/ :: alternative form of 鵜鶘
提胡 {n} /tíhú/ :: tihu (a variety of two-stringed vertical fiddle in the huqin family used as a supporting instrument in Chaozhou music, similar to the Cantonese gaohu)
提婚 {v} /tíhūn/ :: to propose marriage
提貨 {v} /tíhuò/ :: to take delivery of goods
提貨單 {n} /tíhuòdān/ :: bill of lading
提货 {def} SEE: 提貨 ::
提货单 {def} SEE: 提貨單 ::
提及 {v} /tíjí/ :: to mention; to raise; to refer to
提級 {v} /tíjí/ :: to raise the quality grade of a product
提級 {v} /tíjí/ :: to promote to a higher position
提级 {def} SEE: 提級 ::
提价 {def} SEE: 提價 ::
提價 {v} /tíjià,er/ :: to raise prices; to increase the price
提交 {v} /tíjiāo/ :: to submit; to hand over
提康德羅加 {prop} /Tíkāngdéluójiā/ :: Ticonderoga
提康德罗加 {def} SEE: 提康德羅加 ::
提控 {v} [literary] /tíkòng/ :: to control; to contain; to dominate
提控 {v} [literary] /tíkòng/ :: to be in charge of; to manage
提控 {n} [literary, Song, Yuan] /tíkòng/ :: honorific title for an official
提控 {n} [literary] /tíkòng/ :: instrument of torture; implement of punishment
提款 {v} [banking] /tíkuǎn/ :: to withdraw money from a bank account or payment platform
提款 {v} /tíkuǎn/ :: alternative form of 題款
提款 {n} /tíkuǎn/ :: alternative form of 題款
提款机 {def} SEE: 提款機 ::
提款機 {n} [banking] /tíkuǎnjī/ :: automated teller machine
提款機 {n} [figurative] /tíkuǎnjī/ :: person regarded as a free, convenient and reliable source of money; ATM
提款卡 {n} /tíkuǎnkǎ/ :: ATM card
提拉米苏 {def} SEE: 提拉米蘇 ::
提拉米蘇 {n} /tílāmǐsū/ :: tiramisu
提篮 {def} SEE: 提籃 ::
提籃 {n} /tílán,er/ :: hand-basket; basket with handle
提炼 {def} SEE: 提煉 ::
提煉 {v} /tíliàn/ :: to extract and purify; to refine
提梁 {n} /tíliáng/ :: handle (of a basket, etc.); straps (of a handbag, etc.); loop handle
提名 {v} /tímíng/ :: to nominate
提名 {n} /tímíng/ :: nomination
提摩太 {prop} [Protestantism] /Tímótài/ :: Timothy
提摩太后书 {def} SEE: 提摩太後書 ::
提摩太後書 {prop} [Protestantism] /Tímótài Hòushū/ :: 2 Timothy
提摩太前书 {def} SEE: 提摩太前書 ::
提摩太前書 {prop} [Protestantism] /Tímótài Qiánshū/ :: 1 Timothy
提婆 {n} [Buddhism, Hinduism] /típó/ :: deva, a god in Hinduism and some Buddhist sects
提婆 {prop} [Buddhism] /típó/ :: Aryadeva (disciple of Nagarjuna)
提起 {v} /tíqǐ/ :: to lift; to raise; to heave
提起 {v} /tíqǐ/ :: to mention; to raise; to refer to
提起 {v} /tíqǐ/ :: to cheer up; to uplift; to stimulate
提起 {v} /tíqǐ/ :: to put forward; to pose; to raise
提前 {v} /tíqián/ :: to shift to an earlier date
提前 {adv} /tíqián/ :: in advance; earlier
提挈 {v} /tíqiè/ :: to lead; to take with one; to marshal
提挈 {v} /tíqiè/ :: to guide and support; to give guidance and help to
提亲 {def} SEE: 提親 ::
提親 {v} /tíqīn/ :: to propose a marriage alliance
提琴 {n} [musical instruments] /tíqín/ :: violin family of musical instruments (Classifier: m:把)
提琴 {n} [musical instruments] /tíqín/ :: tiqin, one of several bowed string instruments in the huqin family, used in traditional Chinese music (Classifier: m:把)
提取 {v} /tíqǔ/ :: to draw; to withdraw (from a bank)
提取 {v} /tíqǔ/ :: to pick up; to collect
提取 {v} /tíqǔ/ :: to extract
提删 {def} SEE: 提刪 ::
提刪 {v} [Wiktionary] /tíshān/ :: to nominate (pages) for deletion
提神 {v} /tíshén/ :: to refresh oneself; to perk oneself up
提神 {v} /tíshén/ :: to be cautious; to be vigilant; to watch out
提审 {def} SEE: 提審 ::
提審 {v} /tíshěn/ :: to bring a prisoner before the court; to bring somebody in custody to trial; to fetch a detainee for interrogation
提審 {v} /tíshěn/ :: to review a case tried by a lower court
提升 {v} /tíshēng/ :: to promote (to a higher position); to exalt; to upgrade
提升 {v} /tíshēng/ :: to boost; to improve; to advance
提升 {v} /tíshēng/ :: to lift up; to elevate (to a higher position)
提昇 {def} SEE: 提升 ::
提陞 {def} SEE: 提升 ::
提示 {v} /tíshì/ :: to point out; to draw attention to; to prompt; to remind
提示 {n} /tíshì/ :: reminder; notice; hint; cue; prompt
提手 {n} /tíshǒu,er/ :: handle
提手旁 {n} /tíshǒupáng,er/ :: the Chinese character component
提斯利月 {prop} /Tísīlìyuè/ :: Tishrei
提速 {v} /tísù/ :: to pick up speed; to speed up
提坦 {prop} /Títǎn/ :: (~ 族) [Greek god] Titan
提头 {def} SEE: 提頭 ::
提頭 {v} [literary] /títóu/ :: to raise one's head
提頭 {v} [literary] /títóu/ :: to carry (or lift up) someone's (severed head)
提土旁 {n} /títǔpáng/ :: The Chinese character component
提臀 {v} /títún/ :: to lift the buttocks
提問 {v} /tíwèn/ :: to ask a question; to pose a question
提問 {n} /tíwèn/ :: question; query
提问 {def} SEE: 提問 ::
提现 {def} SEE: 提現 ::
提現 {v} /tíxiàn/ :: to withdraw funds
提線木偶 {n} /tíxiàn mù'ǒu/ :: marionette
提线木偶 {def} SEE: 提線木偶 ::
提箱 {n} /tíxiāng/ :: suitcase
提携 {def} SEE: 提攜 ::
提攜 {v} /tí携/ :: to lead (a child) by the hand
提攜 {v} /tí携/ :: to guide and support; to give guidance and help to
提心 {v} /tíxīn/ :: to worry; to be anxious
提心吊胆 {def} SEE: 提心吊膽 ::
提心吊膽 {idiom} /tíxīndiàodǎn/ :: to be on tenterhooks
提心吊膽 {idiom} /tíxīndiàodǎn/ :: to be scared or jittery; to be cautious and anxious
提心吊膽 {idiom} /tíxīndiàodǎn/ :: to be in constant fear
提心弔膽 {def} SEE: 提心吊膽 ::
提醒 {v} /tíxǐng/ :: to remind
提醒 {v} /tíxǐng/ :: to warn; to caution
提选 {def} SEE: 提選 ::
提選 {v} /tíxuǎn/ :: to select; to choose
提要 {n} /tíyào/ :: summary; abstract
提要 {v} /tíyào/ :: to extract the main points (for discussion)
提意見 {v} /tí yìjiàn,tl/ :: to give one's opinion; to give feedback
提意见 {def} SEE: 提意見 ::
提議 {n} /tíyì/ :: suggestion; proposal
提議 {v} /tíyì/ :: to suggest; to propose
提议 {def} SEE: 提議 ::
提喻 {n} /tíyù/ :: synecdoche (figure of speech that uses the name of a part of something to represent the whole)
提喻法 {n} /tíyùfǎ/ :: synecdoche (figure of speech that uses the name of a part of something to represent the whole)
提早 {v} /tízǎo/ :: to do something in advance; to perform ahead of schedule; to do sooner than planned
提子 {n} [Cantonese] /tízi/ :: grape (Classifier: 粒搊)
提子 {n} [non-Cantonese] /tízi/ :: a kind of grape originated in United States, which is larger than ordinary grapes (Classifier: 粒)
提子 {v} [Go] /tízǐ/ :: to capture stones
提子干 {def} SEE: 提子乾 ::
提字器 {n} /tízìqì/ :: teleprompter
{def} /tí/ :: to grind rice with a pestle
{def} /tí/ :: to rinse rice with water
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tí/ :: only used in 蝭蟧
{def} /tí,er/ :: hoof
{def} /tí,er/ :: leg of pork
{def} [derogatory] /tí,er/ :: wench
{def} [literary] /dì/ :: to kick
蹄膀 {n} /tíbǎng,típang/ :: upper part of a leg of pork
蹄叉腐疽 {n} [pathology] /tíchāfǔjū/ :: thrush (oral candidiasis)
蹄骨 {n} /tígǔ/ :: coffin bone; pedal bone
蹄兔 {n} /títù/ :: hyrax
蹄子 {n} /tízi/ :: hoof (tip of a toe of an ungulate such as a horse, ox or deer)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tí/ :: only used in 醍醐
{def} /tǐ/ :: fairly clear, pink or light red alcohol
醍醐 {n} [literary] /tíhú/ :: clarified butter; ghee
醍醐 {n} [literary, figurative, Buddhism] /tíhú/ :: the essence of Buddhism
醍醐 {n} [literary, figurative] /tíhú/ :: good alcohol; fine liquor
醍醐灌頂 {idiom} [Buddhism] /tíhúguàndǐng/ :: to enlighten someone with wisdom for achieving nirvana
醍醐灌頂 {idiom} [figurative] /tíhúguàndǐng/ :: to inspire someone with insightful words
醍醐灌顶 {def} SEE: 醍醐灌頂 ::
{def} /tí/ :: [obsolete] forehead
{def} /tí/ :: title
{def} /tí/ :: question, quiz, problem
{def} /tí/ :: classifier for questions
{def} /tí/ :: to sign; to write; to inscribe
{def} /tí/ :: alternative form of
{def} /dì/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /dì/ :: [historical dictionaries] alternative form of
題跋 {n} /tíbá/ :: preface and postscript
題跋 {n} /tíbá/ :: short comments, annotations, etc. on a scroll of painting or calligraphy; colophon
題材 {n} /tícái/ :: subject matter; theme
題詞 {v} /tící/ :: to write a few words of encouragement, appreciation, or commemoration
題詞 {n} /tící/ :: inscription; dedication
題詞 {n} /tící/ :: foreword
題記 {n} /tíjì/ :: preface
題解 {n} /tíjiě/ :: explanatory notes on the title or background of a book
題解 {n} /tíjiě/ :: key to exercises or problems
題刻 {v} /tíkè/ :: to engrave a stone with Chinese characters
題庫 {n} /tíkù/ :: question bank
題款 {v} /tíkuǎn/ :: to write a dedication to the recipient of a book, painting, scroll, etc
題款 {n} /tíkuǎn/ :: written dedication to the recipient of a book, painting, scroll, etc
題名 {v} /tímíng/ :: to sign one's name; to autograph
題名 {n} /tímíng/ :: autograph
題目 {n} /tímù/ :: subject; title; theme; category; area of interest; topic (Classifier: m:個)
題目 {n} /tímù/ :: exam question; exercise problem (Classifier: m:個m:道)
題目 {n} [Classical] /tímù/ :: excuse; pretext
題目 {n} [Classical] /tímù/ :: name (of a thing); designation; title; appellation
題目 {v} [Classical] /tímù/ :: to judge; to assess
題詩 {v} /tíshī/ :: to write or inscribe an (improvised) poem; to write verses (on something)
題外話 {n} /tíwàihuà/ :: words not related to the current discussion; digression
題主 {n} [Internet] /tízhǔ/ :: one who asks a question on a Q&A site; original poster (OP); questioner
題字 {v} /tízì/ :: to write words of commemoration (on an autograph album, etc.)
題字 {n} /tízì/ :: inscription; autograph
{def} SEE: ::
题跋 {def} SEE: 題跋 ::
题材 {def} SEE: 題材 ::
题词 {def} SEE: 題詞 ::
题记 {def} SEE: 題記 ::
题解 {def} SEE: 題解 ::
题刻 {def} SEE: 題刻 ::
题库 {def} SEE: 題庫 ::
题款 {def} SEE: 題款 ::
题名 {def} SEE: 題名 ::
题目 {def} SEE: 題目 ::
题诗 {def} SEE: 題詩 ::
题外话 {def} SEE: 題外話 ::
题主 {def} SEE: 題主 ::
题字 {def} SEE: 題字 ::
{def} /tí/ :: only used in 駃騠
{def} SEE: ::
鮷魚 {n} /tíyú/ :: anchovy
鮷鱼 {def} SEE: 鮷魚 ::
{def} /tí/ :: anchovy
鯷魚 {n} /tíyú/ :: anchovy
{def} /tí/ :: only used in 鵜鶘
鵜鶘 {n} /tíhú/ :: pelican (Pelecanidae)
鵜鴃 {def} SEE: 鶗鴃 ::
{def} /tí/ :: only used in 鶗鴃
{def} /chí/ :: only used in *鶗鵳
鶗鴂 {def} SEE: 鶗鴃 ::
鶗鴃 {n} [literary] /tíguì,tíguī,tíjué/ :: cuckoo
{def} /tí/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} SEE: ::
鹈𫛞 {def} SEE: 鵜鴃 ::
鹈鹕 {def} SEE: 鵜鶘 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /bèn/ :: alternative form of
{def} /bèn/ :: Used in 体夫.
{def} /cuì/ :: [historical dictionaries] name of prison
体裁 {def} SEE: 體裁 ::
体彩 {def} SEE: 體彩 ::
体操 {def} SEE: 體操 ::
体操运动员 {def} SEE: 體操運動員 ::
体察 {def} SEE: 體察 ::
体长 {def} SEE: 體長 ::
体斥 {def} SEE: 體斥 ::
体臭 {def} SEE: 體臭 ::
体罚 {def} SEE: 體罰 ::
体高 {def} SEE: 體高 ::
体格 {def} SEE: 體格 ::
体格检查 {def} SEE: 體格檢查 ::
体号 {def} SEE: 體號 ::
体会 {def} SEE: 體會 ::
体积 {def} SEE: 體積 ::
体己 {def} SEE: 體己 ::
体己钱 {def} SEE: 體己錢 ::
体检 {def} SEE: 體檢 ::
体例 {def} SEE: 體例 ::
体力 {def} SEE: 體力 ::
体力活 {def} SEE: 體力活 ::
体力劳动 {def} SEE: 體力勞動 ::
体谅 {def} SEE: 體諒 ::
体马 {def} SEE: 體馬 ::
体毛 {def} SEE: 體毛 ::
体貌 {def} SEE: 體貌 ::
体面 {def} SEE: 體面 ::
体内 {def} SEE: 體內 ::
体能 {def} SEE: 體能 ::
体魄 {def} SEE: 體魄 ::
体弱 {def} SEE: 體弱 ::
体势 {def} SEE: 體勢 ::
体式 {def} SEE: 體式 ::
体态 {def} SEE: 體態 ::
体坛 {def} SEE: 體壇 ::
体贴 {def} SEE: 體貼 ::
体贴入微 {def} SEE: 體貼入微 ::
体统 {def} SEE: 體統 ::
体外 {def} SEE: 體外 ::
体外人工受精 {def} SEE: 體外人工受精 ::
体外射精 {def} SEE: 體外射精 ::
体外受精 {def} SEE: 體外受精 ::
体外授精 {def} SEE: 體外授精 ::
体位 {def} SEE: 體位 ::
体味 {def} SEE: 體味 ::
体温 {def} SEE: 體溫 ::
体温表 {def} SEE: 體溫錶 ::
体温计 {def} SEE: 體溫計 ::
体无完肤 {def} SEE: 體無完膚 ::
体悟 {def} SEE: 體悟 ::
体系 {def} SEE: 體系 ::
体细胞 {def} SEE: 體細胞 ::
体现 {def} SEE: 體現 ::
体香剂 {def} SEE: 體香劑 ::
体型 {def} SEE: 體型 ::
体形 {def} SEE: 體形 ::
体性 {def} SEE: 體性 ::
体虚 {def} SEE: 體虛 ::
体恤 {def} SEE: 體恤 ::
体恤衫 {def} SEE: 體恤衫 ::
体循环 {def} SEE: 體循環 ::
体言 {def} SEE: 體言 ::
体验 {def} SEE: 體驗 ::
体验馆 {def} SEE: 體驗館 ::
体验课 {def} SEE: 體驗課 ::
体液 {def} SEE: 體液 ::
体液免疫 {def} SEE: 體液免疫 ::
体抑素 {def} SEE: 體抑素 ::
体育 {def} SEE: 體育 ::
体育场 {def} SEE: 體育場 ::
体育馆 {def} SEE: 體育館 ::
体育精神 {def} SEE: 體育精神 ::
体育舞蹈 {def} SEE: 體育舞蹈 ::
体育运动 {def} SEE: 體育運動 ::
体征 {def} SEE: 體徵 ::
体制 {def} SEE: 體制 ::
体质 {def} SEE: 體質 ::
体重 {def} SEE: 體重 ::
体重秤 {def} SEE: 體重秤 ::
{def} /tǐ/ :: [obsolete] to wipe off tears and nasal mucus
{def} /tì/ :: [obsolete] to wipe; to clean
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tǐ,tī/ :: body
{def} /tǐ,tī/ :: part of the body
{def} /tǐ,tī/ :: state of a substance
{def} /tǐ,tī/ :: whole entity
{def} /tǐ,tī/ :: form; structure
{def} [literature] /tǐ,tī/ :: style; form; genre; structure
{def} /tǐ,tī/ :: style of calligraphy
{def} /tǐ,tī/ :: typeface
{def} /tǐ,tī/ :: three-dimensional object
{def} /tǐ,tī/ :: principle
{def} [mainland China, grammar] /tǐ,tī/ :: aspect of a verb
{def} /tǐ,tī/ :: to do or experience personally
{def} /tǐ,tī/ :: to put oneself in someone else's position
{def} /tǐ,tī/ :: surname
體裁 {n} /tǐcái/ :: literary genre; style; form
體彩 {n} /tǐcǎi/ :: sport lottery tickets
體操 {n} /tǐcāo/ :: gymnastics
體操運動員 {n} /tǐcāo yùndòngyuán/ :: gymnast
體察 {v} /tǐchá/ :: to experience and observe
體長 {n} /tǐcháng/ :: body length; length of an animal
體臭 {n} /tǐchòu/ :: body odour
體臭 {n} /tǐxiù/ :: special smell given off by the body
體罰 {v} /tǐfá/ :: to mete out corporal punishment; to torture
體罰 {n} /tǐfá/ :: corporal punishment; torture
體高 {n} /tǐgāo/ :: height (of a person)
體格 {n} /tǐgé/ :: one's physical health or state
體格 {n} /tǐgé/ :: one's build or physique
體格檢查 {n} /tǐgé jiǎnchá/ :: physical examination; health check-up
體會 {n} /tǐhuì/ :: understanding; realisation
體會 {v} /tǐhuì/ :: to come to understand; to realise; to know through learning or by experience
體積 {n} /tǐjī/ :: volume; bulk
體己 {adj} /tīji,tǐjǐ,2tl/ :: intimate; close; bosom
體己 {adv} /tīji,tǐjǐ,2tl/ :: in person; personally; in private
體己 {n} /tīji,tǐjǐ,2tl/ :: private savings of family members
體己錢 {n} /tījiqián/ :: private savings
體檢 {n} /tǐjiǎn/ :: physical examination; health check-up
體例 {n} /tǐlì/ :: stylistic rules and layout; style
體力 {n} /tǐlì/ :: physical strength; physical power; energy
體力活 {n} /tǐlìhuó,er/ :: manual labour; something physically exhausting
體力勞動 {n} /tǐlì láodòng/ :: manual labor
體諒 {v} /tǐliàng/ :: to empathize with; to show understanding for; to make allowances for
體馬 {prop} [Singapore, soccer] /Tǐ-Mǎ/ :: Atlético Madrid
體毛 {n} [anatomy] /tǐmáo/ :: body hair
體貌 {n} /tǐmào/ :: general physical appearance; physical features
體面 {adj} /tǐmiàn/ :: honorable; creditable; decent
體面 {adj} /tǐmiàn/ :: presentable; adorable
體面 {adj} /tǐmiàn/ :: courteous; polite
體面 {n} /tǐmiàn/ :: dignity; face
體面 {n} /tǐmiàn/ :: appearance; exterior; look
體面 {n} /tǐmiàn/ :: courtesy; politeness; manners
體無完膚 {idiom} /tǐwúwánfū/ :: cuts and bruises all over; severely injured
體無完膚 {idiom} [metaphor] /tǐwúwánfū/ :: completely refuted; scathingly criticised; to be picked to pieces
體內 {adj} [attributive] /tǐnèi/ :: inside the body; in vivo
體能 {n} /tǐnéng/ :: physical strength; stamina
體魄 {n} [formal] /tǐpò/ :: physique
體弱 {adj} /tǐruò/ :: frail
體勢 {n} [literary] /tǐshì/ :: form and the momentum it generates
體勢 {n} [Chinese calligraphy] /tǐshì/ :: character structure and momentum
體勢 {n} [Quanzhou, &, Xiamen Hokkien] /tǐshì/ :: posture; appearance (of someone)
體式 {n} [writing] /tǐshì/ :: form of characters or letters
體式 {n} [formal, literature] /tǐshì/ :: form of literary works
體態 {n} /tǐtài/ :: posture; carriage; figure; physique
體壇 {n} /tǐtán/ :: sports world; sporting circles
體貼 {v} /tǐtiē/ :: to show consideration for; to be thoughtful of
體貼 {adj} /tǐtiē/ :: considerate; thoughtful
體貼入微 {idiom} /tǐtiērù微/ :: to be extremely considerate towards someone; to be very considerate and thoughtful; to look after with meticulous care
體統 {n} /tǐtǒng/ :: decorum; propriety; decency
體外 {n} [attributive] /tǐwài/ :: outside the body; in vitro
體外人工受精 {n} [medicine] /tǐwài réngōng shòujīng/ :: in vitro fertilization
體外射精 {n} /tǐwài shèjīng/ :: coitus interruptus
體外受精 {n} /tǐwài shòujīng/ :: in vitro fertilization
體外授精 {n} [medicine] /tǐwài shòujīng/ :: in vitro fertilization
體位 {n} /tǐwèi/ :: position
體味 {v} /tǐwèi/ :: to appreciate; to savor
體味 {n} /tǐwèi/ :: body odour (pleasant or unpleasant)
體温 {def} SEE: 體溫 ::
體温表 {def} SEE: 體溫錶 ::
體温錶 {def} SEE: 體溫錶 ::
體温計 {def} SEE: 體溫計 ::
體溫 {n} /tǐwēn/ :: body temperature
體溫表 {def} SEE: 體溫錶 ::
體溫錶 {n} /tǐwēnbiǎo,er/ :: thermometer (for measuring body temperature) (Classifier: m:支)
體溫計 {n} /tǐwēnjì/ :: thermometer (for measuring body temperature)
體悟 {v} /tǐwù/ :: to experience; to realize; to understand; to comprehend; to recognize
體系 {n} /tǐxì/ :: system
體細胞 {n} [cytology] /tǐxìbāo/ :: somatic cell
體現 {v} /tǐxiàn/ :: to embody; to realise; to reflect; to incarnate
體香劑 {n} /tǐxiāngjì/ :: deodorant (odor-controlling cosmetic for the underarm)
體型 {n} /tǐxíng/ :: figure, type of build (body)
體形 {n} /tǐxíng,er/ :: form, shape
體形 {n} /tǐxíng,er/ :: a person's figure
體性 {n} [literary] /tǐxìng/ :: physical appearance and disposition (of a person)
體性 {n} [literary, literature] /tǐxìng/ :: form and style of writing
體恤 {v} /tǐxù/ :: to empathise with; to show understanding for; to make allowances for
體恤 {n} /tǐxù/ :: T-shirt (Classifier: 件)
體恤衫 {n} /tǐxùshān/ :: T-shirt
體循環 {n} [physiology] /tǐxúnhuán/ :: systemic circulation
體言 {n} /tǐyán/ :: uninflected/indeclinable word, indeclinable nominal (in Japanese or Korean)
體驗 {v} /tǐyàn/ :: to learn through experience
體驗館 {n} /tǐyànguǎn/ :: experience site
體驗課 {n} [education] /tǐyànkè/ :: trial class; trial lesson
體液 {n} /tǐ液/ :: bodily fluid; biological fluid
體液免疫 {n} [immunology] /tǐ液 miǎnyì/ :: humoral immunity
體抑素 {n} [biochemistry] /tǐyìsù/ :: somatostatin; growth hormone-inhibiting hormone; GHIH
體育 {n} /tǐyù,tl/ :: physical education
體育 {n} [by extension] /tǐyù,tl/ :: sports
體育場 {n} /tǐyù場/ :: stadium
體育館 {n} /tǐyùguǎn/ :: gymnasium; gym (venue used for sports and competitions) (Classifier: m:座)
體育精神 {n} /tǐyù jīngshén/ :: sportsmanship; the good attitude and behavior displayed by players of a game
體育舞蹈 {n} /tǐyù wǔ蹈/ :: dancesport
體育運動 {n} /tǐyù yùndòng/ :: sports
體徵 {n} [medicine] /tǐzhēng/ :: sign
體制 {n} /tǐzhì/ :: system; structure; organization; regime
體制 {n} /tǐzhì/ :: literary genre; style; form
體質 {n} /tǐ質/ :: physique; constitution
體重 {n} /tǐzhòng/ :: body weight
體重秤 {n} /tǐzhòngchèng/ :: bathroom scales
{def} /tì/ :: (standard form of ) to sneeze
{def} /tì/ :: a running of the nose
{def} /tì/ :: used in compounds
{def} /zhōu/ :: [obsolete] contrary; different
{def} /diào/ :: only used in 倜𠍩
倜傥 {def} SEE: 倜儻 ::
倜儻 {adj} [literary, ideophonic] /tìtǎng/ :: unrestrained and elegant; unconventional and tasteful
{def} /tì/ :: to shave
剃刀 {n} /tìdāo/ :: razor (Classifier: m,c:把)
剃度 {v} /tìdù/ :: to tonsure
剃光头 {def} SEE: 剃光頭 ::
剃光頭 {v} /tìguāngtóu/ :: to shave the whole head clean; to shave one's head
剃光頭 {v} [figurative, jocular] /tìguāngtóu/ :: to make someone suffer a humiliating defeat; to win a game where the opponent scores zero
剃头 {def} SEE: 剃頭 ::
剃头刀 {def} SEE: 剃頭刀 ::
剃头的 {def} SEE: 剃頭的 ::
剃头店 {def} SEE: 剃頭店 ::
剃頭 {v} /tìtóu/ :: to have one's hair shaved
剃頭 {v} /tìtóu/ :: to have one's haircut; to have a haircut
剃頭刀 {n} [Taiwan or Min Nan] /tìtóudāo/ :: razor (shaving knife)
剃须 {def} SEE: 剃鬚 ::
剃须刀 {def} SEE: 剃鬚刀 ::
剃鬚刀 {n} /tìxūdāo,er/ :: razor; shaver
{def} /tì/ :: to sneeze
嚏喷 {def} SEE: 嚏噴 ::
嚏噴 {n} [colloquial] /tìpen,tìpēn,tìfen,1nb/ :: sneeze
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
屉抽 {def} SEE: 屜抽 ::
屉柜 {def} SEE: 屜櫃 ::
屉仔 {def} SEE: 屜仔 ::
屉桌 {def} SEE: 屜桌 ::
屉子 {def} SEE: 屜子 ::
{def} /tì/ :: drawer
{def} /tì/ :: tray
{def} /tì/ :: pad
{def} /tì/ :: screen
屜子 {n} /tìzi/ :: one of a set of removable trays (in furniture or a utensil)
屜子 {n} [dialectal] /tìzi/ :: drawer
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tì/ :: to love and respect one's elder brothers
{def} [chiefly in compounds, of the mind] /tì/ :: peaceful; at ease
{def} /tì/ :: alert; watchful; cautious; careful
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tì/ :: to substitute for; to displace
{def} /tì/ :: for; in place of
{def} /tì/ :: to decline; to go downhill; to be on the wane; to fall; to decay
替班 {v} /tìbān/ :: to take someone's shift
替班 {n} /tìbān/ :: someone who takes someone's shift
替代 {v} /tìdài/ :: to substitute for; to displace
替代品 {n} /tìdàipǐn/ :: alternative; substitute
替代燃料 {n} /tìdài ránliào/ :: alternative fuel
替代医学 {def} SEE: 替代醫學 ::
替代醫學 {n} /tìdài yīxué/ :: alternative medicine
替换 {def} SEE: 替換 ::
替換 {v} /tìhuàn/ :: to replace; to substitute for; to switch
替角 {n} /tìjué,tìjiǎo,er/ :: understudy; substitute
替角儿 {def} SEE: 替角兒 ::
替角兒 {n} /tìjuér,tìjiǎor/ :: erhua form of []
替考 {v} /tìkǎo/ :: to take an exam for someone else  
替枪 {def} SEE: 替槍 ::
替身 {n} /tìshēn,er/ :: scapegoat
替身 {n} /tìshēn,er/ :: body double; stand-in
替死鬼 {n} /tìsǐguǐ/ :: scapegoat (someone punished for someone else's errors)
替天行道 {idiom} /tìtiānxíngdào/ :: to enforce justice for the heavens
替罪 {v} /tìzuì/ :: to take the rap for somebody
替罪羊 {n} /tìzuìyáng/ :: scapegoat, whipping boy
{def} /tì/ :: [obsolete] tear (from the eyes)
{def} /tì/ :: nasal mucus; snot; snivel
涕零 {v} [literary] /tìlíng/ :: to shed tears; to weep; [originally, of tears] to flow down
涕泣 {v} [literary] /tìqì/ :: to weep; to sob; to wail
涕泗 {n} [literary] /tìsì/ :: tears and mucus
涕泗横流 {def} SEE: 涕泗橫流 ::
涕泗橫流 {idiom} /tìsì héngliú/ :: tears and mucus coming out sideways; to weep uncontrollably
涕泗滂沱 {idiom} /tìsìpāngtuó,tìsìpángtuó,2nb/ :: to weep profusely
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tì/ :: to weed
{def} /錫/ :: tin; stannum
{def} /xī,xí,cì,sì/ :: alternative form of
錫安 {prop} /錫'ān,cap/ :: Zion
錫安主義 {n} /錫'ān-zhǔyì,cap/ :: Zionism
錫伯 {prop} /錫bó,cap/ :: (~ 人) Sibe people - a Tungusic people living in Northern China
錫伯族 {n} /錫bózú/ :: Sibe people
錫箔 {n} /錫bó/ :: tinfoil; paper coated with thin layer of tin (formerly used as funeral offerings)
錫礦 {n} /錫kuàng/ :: tin mine
錫江 {prop} /Xījiāng/ :: (~ 市) 錫江 (city/provincial capital)
錫匠 {n} /xījiàng,tl/ :: tinsmith
錫金 {prop} /錫jīn,cap/ :: (~ 邦) 錫金 (state)
錫金 {prop} /錫jīn,cap/ :: [historical] (~ 王國) 錫金 (former country)
錫克 {n} /錫kè/ :: Sikh
錫克教 {n} /錫kèjiào/ :: Sikhism
錫鑞 {n} /xílà/ :: pewter (alloy of tin and lead)
錫蘭 {prop} /錫lán/ :: Ceylon (old name for Sri Lanka)
錫林郭勒 {prop} /Xīlínguōlè/ :: (~ 盟) 錫林郭勒 (league)
錫林郭勒盟 {prop} /Xīlínguōlè Méng/ :: Xilingol League, Inner Mongolia
錫林浩特 {prop} /錫línhàotè,cap/ :: (~ 市) 錫林浩特 (county-level city)
錫器 {n} /錫qì/ :: tin object; tinware
錫人 {n} [archaic] /錫rén/ :: a tin figure shaped like a man buried together with a dead person during ancient times
錫石 {n} /錫shí/ :: cassiterite
錫塔爾琴 {n} /xītǎ'ěrqín/ :: sitar
錫塔琴 {n} /錫tǎqín/ :: sitar
錫杖 {n} /錫zhàng/ :: Buddhist abbot's staff
錫紙 {n} /錫zhǐ/ :: aluminium foil
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [literary] /dí,dì,tì,1nb/ :: alternative form of
髢髢 {n} [dialectal] /dídí/ :: wig
{def} SEE: ::
倎儅 {def} SEE: 典當 ::
{def} SEE: ::
兲朝 {def} SEE: 天朝 ::
{def} /tiān,er/ :: sky; heavens; heavenly; celestial
{def} [mythology or religion] /tiān,er/ :: heaven as the abode of the gods or the blessed departed; heavenly
{def} [mythology or religion] /tiān,er/ :: Heaven as an impersonal deity, often translated as God
{def} /tiān,er/ :: top; overhead
{def} /tiān,er/ :: weather; climate
{def} /tiān,er/ :: day (24 hours)
{def} /tiān,er/ :: [obsolete] day (as opposed to night)
{def} /tiān,er/ :: [obsolete] season
{def} /tiān,er/ :: nature
{def} /tiān,er/ :: natural; innate
天啊 {interj} /tiān a/ :: oh my God; my God; my goodness
天安 {prop} /Tiān'ān/ :: (~ 市) 天安 (city)
天安 {prop} [historical] /Tiān'ān/ :: Chinese era name (466–467)
天安門 {prop} /Tiān'ānmén/ :: 天安門 (gate)
天安門 {n} [mainland China, humorous, slang] /Tiān'ānmén/ :: Flies in front of trousers, pants, etc
天安門廣場 {prop} /Tiān'ānmén Guǎng場/ :: 天安門廣場 (plaza)
天安门 {def} SEE: 天安門 ::
天安门广场 {def} SEE: 天安門廣場 ::
天宝 {def} SEE: 天寶 ::
天寶 {prop} /Tiānbǎo/ :: (~ 鄉) 天寶 (township)
天貝 {n} /tiānbèi/ :: tempeh
天贝 {def} SEE: 天貝 ::
天边 {def} SEE: 天邊 ::
天邊 {n} /tiānbiān/ :: horizon
天邊 {n} [figurative] /tiānbiān/ :: ends of the earth; the remotest place
天变地异 {def} SEE: 天變地異 ::
天變地異 {n} /tiānbiàndìyì/ :: an extraordinary natural occurrence: a catastrophe, a calamity
天兵 {n} /tiānbīng/ :: imperial troops
天兵 {n} /tiānbīng/ :: invincible army
天兵 {n} /tiānbīng/ :: army of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom
天兵天将 {def} SEE: 天兵天將 ::
天兵天將 {n} /tiānbīngtiānjūn/ :: soldiers and generals of Heaven; army of Heaven
天兵天將 {n} [figurative] /tiānbīngtiānjūn/ :: superior army
天不從人願 {proverb} /tiān bù cóng rén yuàn/ :: Heaven does not abide by the wishes of people
天不从人愿 {def} SEE: 天不從人願 ::
天不假年 {idiom} /tiān不jiǎnián/ :: (someone) did not have a long life
天才 {n} /tiāncái/ :: talent; gift; genius
天才 {n} /tiāncái/ :: talented or gifted person; genius
天财票 {def} SEE: 天財票 ::
天菜 {n} [neologism, slang] /tiāncài/ :: perfect ideal partner; someone who is exactly one's type (usually considered physically attractive)
天草 {prop} /Tiāncǎo/ :: (~ 市) 天草 (city)
天差渊 {def} SEE: 天差淵 ::
天常 {n} [archaic] /tiāncháng/ :: the natural order of things; the natural hierarchy of human relationships
天長地久 {idiom} /tiānchángdìjiǔ/ :: enduring as the universe; everlasting and unchanging
天長日久 {idiom} /tiānchángrìjiǔ/ :: after a considerable period of time
天长地久 {def} SEE: 天長地久 ::
天长日久 {def} SEE: 天長日久 ::
天城体 {def} SEE: 天城體 ::
天城體 {n} /tiānchéngtǐ/ :: Devanagari
天城文 {n} /tiānchéngwén/ :: Devanagari (an abugida alphabet of India and Nepal)
天秤 {n} /tiānchèng,tiānpíng,1nb/ :: scale; balance (measurement device)
天秤座 {prop} /Tiānchèngzuò,Tiānpíngzuò,1nb/ :: Libra (astrological sign)
天池 {n} [literary] /tiānchí/ :: ocean; sea
天池 {n} /tiānchí/ :: lake (especially one on a mountain or hill or formed by a volcano; often used in toponynms)
天池垭 {def} SEE: 天池埡 ::
天池埡 {prop} /Tiānchíyà/ :: (~ 林場) 天池埡 (forestry area)
天窗 {n} /tiānchuāng,er/ :: skylight; hatchway
天窗儿 {def} SEE: 天窗兒 ::
天窗兒 {n} /tiānchuāngr/ :: erhua form of skylight
天賜 {n} [archaic] /tiān賜/ :: a gift from the heavens
天赐 {def} SEE: 天賜 ::
天摧地塌 {idiom} /tiāncuīdìtā/ :: a great commotion
天大 {adj} [attributive] /tiāndà/ :: extremely big; massive; huge
天大 {prop} /Tiāndà/ :: short fo 天津^大學 (Tianjin University)
天道 {n} [literary, philosophy] /tiāndào,tl/ :: laws of nature; laws of heaven
天道 {n} [regional] /tiāndào,tl/ :: weather
天灯 {def} SEE: 天燈 ::
天燈 {n} /tiāndēng,er/ :: alternative name for 月亮
天燈 {n} /tiāndēng,er/ :: lantern hanging on a pole; high-hanging lantern
天燈 {n} /tiāndēng,er/ :: sky lantern (miniature hot-air balloon used during festivals)
天等 {prop} /Tiānděng/ :: (~ 縣) 天等 (county)
天敌 {def} SEE: 天敵 ::
天敵 {n} /tiāndí/ :: predator; natural enemy (for an animal); archenemy
天底 {n} [astronomy] /tiāndǐ/ :: nadir
天底下 {adv} /tiāndǐxia/ :: in this world; under the sun
天地 {n} [literally] /tiāndì/ :: sky and ground; heaven and earth
天地 {n} [figurative] /tiāndì/ :: world; the vast earth; universe
天地 {n} [figurative, literary] /tiāndì/ :: two opposing things; contrasting items
天地 {n} [figurative] /tiāndì/ :: scope; field; area; realm; sphere; range
天地 {n} [figurative, now, dialectal] /tiāndì/ :: situation; plight; predicament
天地間 {n} [archaic] /tiāndìjiān/ :: in all the world; in this world
天地间 {def} SEE: 天地間 ::
天地君亲师 {def} SEE: 天地君親師 ::
天地君親師 {n} /tiān dì jūn qīn shī/ :: things to be respected according to Confucian thought
天帝 {prop} [archaic, Chinese mythology] /tiāndì/ :: Deity of Heaven; Emperor of Heaven; Celestial Ruler
天頂 {n} /tiāndǐng/ :: zenith
天顶 {def} SEE: 天頂 ::
天冬 {n} /tiāndōng/ :: alternative name for 天門冬
天冬氨酸 {n} [chiefly Mainland China, amino acid] /tiāndōng'ānsuān/ :: aspartic acid
天冬胺酸 {n} [Taiwan, amino acid] /tiāndōng胺suān/ :: aspartic acid
天冬醯胺 {n} [Taiwan, amino acid] /tiāndōngxī胺/ :: asparagine
天冬酰胺 {n} [Mainland China, Hong Kong, amino acid] /tiāndōngxiān胺/ :: asparagine
天度 {prop} /Tiāndù/ :: (~ 鎮) 天度 (town)
天峨 {prop} /Tiān'é/ :: (~ 縣) 天峨 (county)
天额 {def} SEE: 天額 ::
天鵝 {n} /tiān'é/ :: swan
天鵝 {prop} /tiān'é/ :: (~ 鎮) 天鵝 (town)
天鵝絨 {n} /tiān'éróng/ :: velvet
天鵝洲 {prop} /Tiān'ézhōu/ :: (~ 經濟技術開發區) 天鵝洲 (economic and technological development zone)
天鵝座 {prop} [constellation] /Tiān'ézuò/ :: Cygnus
天鹅 {def} SEE: 天鵝 ::
天鹅绒 {def} SEE: 天鵝絨 ::
天鹅洲 {def} SEE: 天鵝洲 ::
天鹅座 {def} SEE: 天鵝座 ::
天儿 {def} SEE: 天兒 ::
天兒 {n} /tiānr/ :: erhua form of period of time in a day
天兒 {n} /tiānr/ :: erhua form of weather
天方 {prop} [obsolete] /Tiānfāng/ :: Mecca; [in general] Arabia; Arabic countries in the Middle East
天方夜譚 {idiom} [figurative] /tiānfāngyètán/ :: cock-and-bull story; fantasy story; absurd idea; nonsense
天方夜谭 {def} SEE: 天方夜譚 ::
天房 {def} SEE: 天篷 ::
天房 {prop} [Islam] /Tiānfáng/ :: the Kaaba (small and nearly cubical stone building in Mecca, holiest place of Islam)
天妃 {prop} [religion] /Tiānfēi/ :: "Heavenly Concubine" or "Consort", an epithet of the Fujianese sea goddess Mazu (媽祖 /-/)
天分 {n} /tiānfèn/ :: natural gift; talent; innate aptitude
天份 {def} SEE: 天分 ::
天風 {n} [archaic] /tiānfēng/ :: wind
天风 {def} SEE: 天風 ::
天麩羅 {n} /tiānfūluó/ :: tempura
天麸罗 {def} SEE: 天麩羅 ::
天妇罗 {def} SEE: 天婦羅 ::
天婦羅 {n} /tiānfùluó/ :: tempura
天富羅 {n} /tiānfùluó/ :: tempura
天富罗 {def} SEE: 天富羅 ::
天父 {n} [Christianity] /tiānfù/ :: Heavenly Father
天父 {n} /tiānfù/ :: Son of Heaven; emperor
天賦 {n} /tiānfù/ :: natural gift; talent; innate aptitude
天賦 {v} /tiānfù/ :: to be born with; to be innate or inborn
天赋 {def} SEE: 天賦 ::
天干 {n} /tiāngān/ :: heavenly stem: one of the ten terms used in East Asian cultures to represent
天干 {n} [historical or astrology] /tiāngān/ :: A day of the traditional ten-day week
天干 {n} [mythology] /tiāngān/ :: One of the ten suns thought to appear in succession on its appointed day of the traditional week
天干 {n} [historical religion] /tiāngān/ :: The ancestor venerated with a ritual on the appointed day of the traditional week
天干 {n} [formal] /tiāngān/ :: An ordinal, used in similar contexts to Roman numerals in English numbering and outlining
天干 {n} /tiāngān/ :: The set of ten heavenly stems as a whole
天罡 {n} [Chinese astronomy, Taoism] /tiāngāng/ :: Big Dipper
天罡 {n} [Chinese astronomy] /tiāngāng/ :: handle of the Big Dipper
天罡 {n} [Taoism] /tiāngāng/ :: Name for a heavenly spirit. According to Daoist religious texts, there are 36 in all
天高地厚 {idiom} /tiāngāodìhòu/ :: profound; deep (of kindness)
天高地厚 {idiom} /tiāngāodìhòu/ :: complexity of things
天高皇帝远 {def} SEE: 天高皇帝遠 ::
天高皇帝遠 {idiom} /tiān gāo huángdì yuǎn/ :: describes remote areas beyond the control of a central government
天鴿座 {prop} [constellation] /Tiāngēzuò/ :: Columba
天鸽座 {def} SEE: 天鴿座 ::
天公 {n} [literary, Chinese mythology, Chinese folk religion, Taoism] /tiāngōng/ :: the Jade Emperor
天公 {n} [literary or dialectal] /tiāngōng/ :: the heavens; weather
天公地道 {idiom} /tiāngōngdìdào/ :: absolutely fair and reasonable; right and proper
天宫 {def} SEE: 天宮 ::
天宫图 {def} SEE: 天宮圖 ::
天宮 {prop} /Tiāngōng/ :: temple in heaven or heavenly palace (e.g. of the Jade Emperor - 玉皇 Yù Huáng or 玉帝 Yù Dì)
天宮 {prop} /Tiāngōng/ :: Tiangong (the name of the first Chinese space station, Tiangong-1 - 天宮一號 Tiāngōng yī hào)
天宮圖 {n} /tiāngōngtú/ :: horoscope
天工 {n} [literary] /tiāngōng/ :: work of nature
天弓 {n} [Chinese astronomy] /tiāngōng/ :: alternative name for 弧矢
天弓 {n} [literary or Hakka, dialectal Cantonese] /tiāngōng/ :: rainbow (Classifier: 條)
天狗 {n} [Chinese mythology] /tiāngǒu/ :: tiangou
天狗 {n} [Japanese mythology, Shinto, folklore] /tiāngǒu/ :: tengu
天狗热 {def} SEE: 天狗熱 ::
天狗食月 {n} [dialectal] /tiāngǒu shíyuè/ :: lunar eclipse
天关 {def} SEE: 天關 ::
天關 {prop} [astronomy] /Tiānguān/ :: Celestial Gate (an asterism within the Net constellation)
天光 {n} /tiānguāng/ :: sunlight
天光 {n} /tiānguāng/ :: colour of the sky
天光 {n} /tiānguāng/ :: dawn; daybreak
天光 {n} /tiānguāng/ :: morning; daytime
天光 {n} [Liancheng Hakka, Huizhou, Hainanese, Wenzhou Wu] /tiānguāng/ :: breakfast
天晷 {n} [literary] /tiānguǐ/ :: sun
天国 {def} SEE: 天國 ::
天國 {n} /tiānguó/ :: Kingdom of Heaven; paradise; heaven
天國 {prop} /tiānguó/ :: the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom
天旱 {n} /tiānhàn/ :: drought
天汉 {def} SEE: 天漢 ::
天漢 {n} [literary] /tiānhàn/ :: Milky Way
天漢 {n} [historical] /tiānhàn/ :: One of the era names of the Emperor Wu of Han, used from 100 BCE to 97 BCE
天杭 {n} [literary, obsolete] /tiānháng/ :: the Milky Way
天行健,君子以自強不息 {proverb} /tiān xíng jiàn, jūnzǐ yǐ zìqiángbù息/ :: Just as the celestial bodies never run out of energy to orbit round and round, so should we always strive to better ourselves
天行健,君子以自强不息 {def} SEE: 天行健,君子以自強不息 ::
天鶴座 {prop} [constellation] /Tiānhèzuò/ :: Grus
天和 {n} [mahjong] /tiānhú/ :: heavenly hand; a winning hand drawn by the dealer at the beginning of the game
天河 {n} [colloquial] /tiānhé/ :: Milky Way
天河 {prop} /tiānhé/ :: (~ 區) 天河 (district)
天鹤座 {def} SEE: 天鶴座 ::
天黑 {n} /tiānhēi/ :: deepening dusk; dusk
天黑 {n} /tiānhēi/ :: dark; darkness
天黑 {v} /tiānhēi/ :: to get dark
天虹 {n} [literary or dialectal] /tiānhóng/ :: rainbow
天候 {n} [meteorology] /tiānhòu/ :: weather
天后 {prop} [religion, Chinese mythology] /Tiānhòu/ :: epithet of the Fujianese sea goddess Mazu (*媽祖)
天后 {prop} [historical] /Tiānhòu/ :: regnal name of Wu Zetian
天后 {prop} /Tiānhòu/ :: 天后 (area)
天后 {n} [literary] /Tiānhòu/ :: emperor
天后 {n} [figurative] /Tiānhòu/ :: influential woman
天后宫 {def} SEE: 天后宮 ::
天后宮 {n} [religion] /tiānhòugōng/ :: temple of the sea goddess Mazu
天后庙 {def} SEE: 天后廟 ::
天后廟 {n} [religion] /tiānhòumiào/ :: temple of the sea goddess Mazu
天胡荽 {n} /tiānhúsuī/ :: Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides
天花 {n} /tiānhuā,er/ :: ceiling (short for 天花板)
天花 {n} [Buddhism] /tiānhuā,er/ :: flower of the sky; divine flower, stated in the Lotus Sutra as of four kinds, two white and two red
天花 {n} [literary, poetic] /tiānhuā,er/ :: snowflake; snow
天花 {n} [diseases] /tiānhuā,er/ :: smallpox; variola
天花板 {n} /tiānhuābǎn/ :: ceiling
天花板 {n} [figurative] /tiānhuābǎn/ :: ceiling; upper limit
天花板 {n} [Jin, anatomy] /tiānhuābǎn/ :: palate; upper jaw; maxilla
天花粉 {n} /tiānhuāfěn/ :: Root of the Trichosanthes (a herb used in traditional Chinese medicine to clear "lung heat", expel pus, and reduce phlegm.)
天花乱坠 {def} SEE: 天花亂墜 ::
天花亂墜 {idiom} [pejorative] /tiānhuāluànzhuì/ :: wild boast about something; extravagant embellishments; hype
天皇 {n} [figurative] /tiānhuáng/ :: king of heaven; heavenly sovereign; emperor
天皇 {n} /tiānhuáng/ :: emperor or empress (regnant) of Japan
天昏地暗 {idiom} /tiānhūndì'àn/ :: dark all round; gloom
天昏地暗 {idiom} /tiānhūndì'àn/ :: state of chaos and despair
天昏地暗 {idiom} /tiānhūndì'àn/ :: to an extreme degree; like hell
天火 {n} /tiānhuǒ/ :: fire caused by lightning or other natural phenomena
天火 {n} [Puxian Min, astronomy] /tiānhuǒ/ :: meteor; shooting star
天机 {def} SEE: 天機 ::
天机不可泄漏 {def} SEE: 天機不可洩漏 ::
天機 {n} /tiānjī/ :: mystery only known to Heaven; God's design; inscrutable twist of fate
天機 {n} [figurative] /tiānjī/ :: top secret
天機不可洩漏 {idiom} /tiānjī 不kě xièlòu/ :: it's a secret
天际 {def} SEE: 天際 ::
天际线 {def} SEE: 天際線 ::
天際 {n} [literary] /tiānjì/ :: horizon; edge of the sky
天際線 {n} /tiānjìxiàn/ :: skyline
天价 {def} SEE: 天價 ::
天價 {n} /tiānjià,er/ :: exorbitant price
天箭座 {prop} [constellation] /Tiānjiànzuò/ :: Sagitta
天江 {n} [historical] /tiānjiāng/ :: Name of a star
天江 {n} [literary] /tiānjiāng/ :: Milky Way
天驕 {n} /tiānjiāo/ :: abbreviation of 天之驕子
天骄 {def} SEE: 天驕 ::
天戒 {n} [literary] /tiānjiè/ :: warning from the Heavens
天戒 {n} [literary] /tiānjiè/ :: natural aversion to alcohol
天界 {n} /tiānjiè/ :: heaven (the abode of God or the gods)
天津 {prop} /Tiānjīn/ :: (~ 市) 天津 (direct-administered municipality/and/major city)
天津 {prop} /Tiānjīn/ :: the Milky Way
天津 {prop} /Tiānjīn/ :: abbreviation of 天津橋
天津 {prop} [Chinese constellation] /Tiānjīn/ :: Celestial Ford (Galaxy's ferry, a bridge across the Milky Way; an asterism within the Girl (Chinese constellation))
天津 {prop} /Tiānjīn/ :: (~ 社區) 天津 (community)
天津冬菜 {n} /Tiānjīn dōngcài/ :: Tianjin preserved vegetable
天津話 {n} /tiānjīnhuà/ :: Tianjin dialect
天津话 {def} SEE: 天津話 ::
天津四 {prop} [star] /Tiānjīnsì/ :: Deneb
天經地義 {idiom} /tiānjīngdìyì/ :: conforming to the traditional Chinese notion of the rules of heaven and the principles of Earth; that which is taken as a matter of course; proper practice or convention; time-honoured principle
天经地义 {def} SEE: 天經地義 ::
天井 {n} /tiānjǐng/ :: courtyard; patio
天井 {n} /tiānjǐng/ :: atrium
天井 {prop} /tiānjǐng/ :: (~ 村) 天井 (village)
天景 {n} [literary] /tiānjǐng/ :: weather
天景 {prop} /tiānjǐng/ :: (~ 村) 天景 (village)
天九 {n} /tiānjiǔ/ :: Tien Gow (a kind of Chinese domino)
天开 {def} SEE: 天開 ::
天可汗 {prop} [historical] /Tiān Kèhán/ :: Khan of Heaven
天坑 {n} /tiānkēng/ :: sinkhole
天空 {n} /tiānkōng/ :: sky; heavens; firmament
天空 {adj} [literary, of the sky] /tiānkōng/ :: open and vast
天籁 {def} SEE: 天籟 ::
天籟 {n} [literary] /tiānlài/ :: sounds of nature
天蓝 {def} SEE: 天藍 ::
天蓝色 {def} SEE: 天藍色 ::
天藍 {n} /tiānlán/ :: sky blue; azure
天藍色 {n} /tiānlánsè/ :: sky blue; azure
天狼 {prop} /Tiānláng/ :: alternative name for 天狼星
天狼星 {prop} [star] /Tiānlángxīng/ :: Sirius; Dog Star
天理 {n} /tiānlǐ/ :: rules of nature; laws of nature; natural law
天理 {n} [in common usage] /tiānlǐ/ :: justice; fairness
天理 {n} [Chinese philosophy] /tiānlǐ/ :: heavenly principle
天理 {prop} /tiānlǐ/ :: (~ 市) 天理 (city)
天理难容 {def} SEE: 天理難容 ::
天理難容 {idiom} /tiānlǐnánróng/ :: providence would not forgive (something); Heaven will not tolerate (if something happens or does not happen)
天良 {n} /tiānliáng/ :: conscience
天亮 {v} /tiānliàng/ :: to break (of dawn)
天灵 {def} SEE: 天靈 ::
天灵盖 {def} SEE: 天靈蓋 ::
天灵灵,地灵灵 {def} SEE: 天靈靈,地靈靈 ::
天靈 {n} /tiānlíng,tl/ :: top of the head; crown of the head
天靈蓋 {n} [colloquial] /tiānlínggài,er/ :: top of the head; crown of the head
天靈靈,地靈靈 {idiom} /tiān líng líng, dì líng líng/ :: a spell said by a wizard or shaman (similar to abracadabra)
天靈靈,地靈靈 {idiom} [literally] /tiān líng líng, dì líng líng/ :: spirit of sky and spirit of land
天龍 {n} /tiānlóng/ :: dragon of the sky; heaven dragon
天龍人 {n} [Taiwan, Internet, slang, ironic] /tiānlóngrén/ :: one who resides in Taipei; high-class Taipei residents; snobby arrogant elites
天龍座 {prop} [constellation] /Tiānlóngzuò/ :: Draco
天龙 {def} SEE: 天龍 ::
天龙人 {def} SEE: 天龍人 ::
天龙座 {def} SEE: 天龍座 ::
天炉座 {def} SEE: 天爐座 ::
天爐座 {prop} [constellation] /Tiānlúzuò/ :: Fornax
天祿 {n} /tiānlù/ :: name of a kind of legendary beast
天禄 {def} SEE: 天祿 ::
天伦 {def} SEE: 天倫 ::
天伦之乐 {def} SEE: 天倫之樂 ::
天倫 {n} /tiānlún/ :: natural bonds and ethical relationships (esp. in a family), family bonds
天倫之樂 {idiom} /tiānlúnzhīlè/ :: the pleasure of heavenly agreement; the happiness of family unions (especially for an elderly person); one's natural desire for family life to one's heart's content; domestic bliss; the joy of family life
天羅地網 {idiom} [figuratively] /tiānluódìwǎng/ :: far-flung network; inescapable net (Classifier: m:張)
天罗板 {def} SEE: 天羅板 ::
天罗地网 {def} SEE: 天羅地網 ::
天妈 {def} SEE: 天媽 ::
天媽 {prop} [religion] /Tiānmā/ :: "Heavenly Mother", an epithet of the Fujianese sea goddess Mazu (媽祖 /-/)
天麻 {n} /tiānmá/ :: Rhizome of the Gastrodia elata (a herb in traditional Chinese medicine to treat depression, epilepsy and migraine.)
天馬 {n} [literary, laudatory] /tiānmǎ/ :: fine horse
天馬 {n} [literary, Chinese mythology] /tiānmǎ/ :: mythical horse ridden by the Celestial Emperor
天馬 {n} [literary, Chinese mythology] /tiānmǎ/ :: white dog-like beast with a black head, which flies when it sees people
天馬 {n} [literary, Chinese astronomy] /tiānmǎ/ :: a star in the Legs (Chinese constellation) mansion
天馬 {n} [literary] /tiānmǎ/ :: praying mantis
天馬 {prop} /tiānmǎ/ :: (~ 街道) 天馬 (subdistrict)
天馬行空 {idiom} [figurative, of literary composition, life, etc.] /tiānmǎxíngkōng/ :: powerful and unrestrained in style; bold and imaginative; abounding with novel ideas
天馬行空 {idiom} [figurative] /tiānmǎxíngkōng/ :: progressing swiftly; unrestricted and developing rapidly
天馬行空 {idiom} [figurative, pejorative] /tiānmǎxíngkōng/ :: speaking in a roundabout, irrelevant or exaggerated way; empty and impracticable talk
天马 {def} SEE: 天馬 ::
天马行空 {def} SEE: 天馬行空 ::
天猫座 {def} SEE: 天貓座 ::
天貓座 {prop} [constellation] /Tiānmāozuò/ :: Lynx
天門 {n} [Chinese mythology] /tiānmén/ :: gate to the Heavenly Palace
天門 {n} [historical] /tiānmén/ :: gate to the imperial palace
天門 {n} [anatomy] /tiānmén/ :: centre of the forehead
天門 {n} /tiānmén/ :: abbreviation of 天門冬
天門 {prop} /tiānmén/ :: (~ 市) 天門 (county-level city/sub-prefecture-level city)
天門冬 {n} /tiānméndōng/ :: root of the Chinese asparagus (Asparagus cochinchinensis)
天門冬氨酸 {n} [chiefly Mainland China, amino acid] /tiānméndōng'ānsuān/ :: alternative name for 天冬氨酸
天門冬胺酸 {n} [Taiwan, amino acid] /tiānméndōng胺suān/ :: alternative name for 天冬胺酸
天门 {def} SEE: 天門 ::
天门冬 {def} SEE: 天門冬 ::
天门冬氨酸 {def} SEE: 天門冬氨酸 ::
天门冬胺酸 {def} SEE: 天門冬胺酸 ::
天猛公 {n} /tiānměnggōng/ :: Temenggung (old Malay title of nobility)
天明 {v} /tiānmíng/ :: to break (of dawn)
天命 {n} /tiānmìng/ :: the myriad of things in nature which make up the law of nature or natural law
天命 {n} /tiānmìng/ :: the will of heaven
天命 {n} /tiānmìng/ :: the Mandate of Heaven
天命 {n} /tiānmìng/ :: one's fate or destiny
天命 {n} /tiānmìng/ :: one's nature or natural instincts
天命 {n} /tiānmìng/ :: one's innate skills or gifts
天命 {n} /tiānmìng/ :: one's life span or life expectancy
天命 {prop} /tiānmìng/ :: the first era name of the Qing Dynasty
天無絕人之路 {proverb} /tiān wú jué rén zhī lù/ :: Heaven never bars one's way
天魔 {n} /tiānmó/ :: demon; evil spirit
天幕 {n} /tiānmù/ :: canopy of the heavens
天幕 {n} /tiānmù/ :: backdrop of a stage
天目 {n} [TCM] /tiānmù/ :: third eye (speculative invisible eye providing perception)
天拿水 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /tiānnáshuǐ/ :: paint or lacquer thinner
天哪 {interj} /tiān na/ :: oh my God!; good Lord!; oh dear!; goodness gracious!
天南地北 {idiom} /tiānnándìběi/ :: very distant
天南地北 {idiom} [of conversation] /tiānnándìběi/ :: free; without topic
天南星 {n} /tiānnánxīng/ :: Rhizome of the Arisaema (An herb used in traditional Chinese medicine.)
天年 {n} /tiānnián/ :: natural span of life; one's allotted span
天年 {n} [dialect] /tiānnián/ :: year's harvest
天年 {n} [dialect] /tiānnián/ :: age; era; times
天牛 {n} /tiānniú/ :: longhorn beetle; longicorn
天女 {n} /tiānnǚ/ :: heavenly maid; celestial maiden
天棚 {n} /tiānpéng/ :: awning
天棚 {n} /tiānpéng/ :: ceiling
天蓬元帅 {def} SEE: 天蓬元帥 ::
天蓬元帥 {prop} /Tiānpéng yuánshuài/ :: Marshal Tianpeng, title held by Zhu Bajie (豬八戒) before he was banished from heaven
天平 {n} /tiānpíng/ :: balance; scales (device for weighing goods or substances)
天平 {n} [Hokkien] /tiānpíng/ :: forehead; brow
天气 {def} SEE: 天氣 ::
天气图 {def} SEE: 天氣圖 ::
天气预报 {def} SEE: 天氣預報 ::
天气预告 {def} SEE: 天氣預告 ::
天氣 {n} /tiānqì,tl/ :: weather
天氣 {n} [literary] /tiānqì,tl/ :: light and clear air
天氣 {n} [literary] /tiānqì,tl/ :: air
天氣 {n} [literary] /tiānqì,tl/ :: destiny; fate
天氣 {n} [dialectal] /tiānqì,tl/ :: the day (as an approximate time); time of the day
天氣 {n} [dialectal] /tiānqì,tl/ :: period of time
天氣 {n} [Jin] /tiānqì,tl/ :: hazy weather before rain
天氣 {n} [Xining Mandarin] /tiānqì,tl/ :: sun
天氣圖 {n} [meteorology] /tiānqìtú/ :: weather map
天氣預報 {n} [meteorology, countable] /tiānqì yùbào/ :: weather forecast
天氣預報 {n} [meteorology, uncountable] /tiānqì yùbào/ :: weather forecasting
天氣預告 {n} /tiānqì yùgào/ :: weather forecast
天譴 {n} /tiānqiǎn/ :: the wrath of heaven
天谴 {def} SEE: 天譴 ::
天堑 {def} SEE: 天塹 ::
天塹 {n} /tiānqiàn,Tiānqiàn/ :: natural moat
天塹 {prop} /tiānqiàn,Tiānqiàn/ :: Heavenly Barrier (in reference to the Yangtze)
天桥 {def} SEE: 天橋 ::
天橋 {n} /tiānqiáo,er/ :: overline bridge; platform bridge; overhead walkway
天橋 {n} [Sichuanese, Hunan Tuhua] /tiānqiáo,er/ :: rainbow
天橋 {prop} /tiānqiáo,er/ :: (~ 區) Tianqiao District (district in Jinan, Shandong province, China)
天橋 {prop} /tiānqiáo,er/ :: 天橋 (area)
天橋 {prop} /tiānqiáo,er/ :: (~ 村) 天橋 (village)
天琴 {n} [musical instrument] /tiānqín/ :: A traditional fretless plucked lute of the Zhuang people, with soundbox usually made from a gourd
天琴座 {prop} [constellation] /Tiānqínzuò/ :: Lyra
天青 {adj} /tiānqīng/ :: reddish black
天晴 {n} [literary or dialectal] /tiānqíng/ :: sunny day; clear weather; fine weather
天庆 {def} SEE: 天慶 ::
天慶 {n} [literary] /tiānqìng/ :: celestial blessings; heavenly grace
天穹 {n} /tiān穹/ :: vault of Heaven; sky dome
天球 {n} /tiānqiú,er/ :: celestial sphere
天然 {adj} /tiānrán/ :: natural (produced by nature)
天然林 {n} /tiānránlín/ :: natural forest; ancient woodland
天然煤气 {def} SEE: 天然煤氣 ::
天然煤氣 {n} /tiānrán méiqì/ :: natural gas
天然气 {def} SEE: 天然氣 ::
天然氣 {n} /tiānránqì/ :: natural gas
天然資源 {n} /tiānrán zīyuán/ :: natural resource
天然资源 {def} SEE: 天然資源 ::
天壤之別 {idiom} /tiānrǎngzhībié/ :: to be poles apart; to be like night and day; to be a world of difference between them
天壤之别 {def} SEE: 天壤之別 ::
天人 {n} [literary] /tiānrén/ :: Heaven and Man
天人 {n} [literary] /tiānrén/ :: celestial being; god
天人 {n} [literary] /tiānrén/ :: man of great talent
天人 {n} [literary] /tiānrén/ :: woman of great beauty
天人合一 {idiom} /tiānrénhé一/ :: Heaven and Man are one
天日 {n} /tiānrì/ :: the sky and the sun
天日 {n} [figurative] /tiānrì/ :: light; bright prospects
天日 {n} [figurative] /tiānrì/ :: monarch; monarchial power or law
天日 {n} [dialectal Cantonese, including, Xinyi] /tiānrì/ :: tomorrow
天若有情天亦老 {idiom} /tiān ruò yǒuqíng tiān yì lǎo/ :: If Heaven had feelings, Heaven too would grow old. (Things are sad and bleak and there is no justice in the world.)
天色 {n} /tiānsè/ :: color of the sky
天色 {n} /tiānsè/ :: time of day
天色 {n} /tiānsè/ :: weather
天山 {prop} /tiānshān/ :: Tian Shan
天上 {n} /tiānshàng,tl/ :: in the sky; the heavens
天上掉餡餅 {idiom} [figurative] /tiānshàng diào xiànbǐng/ :: to have something fall into one's lap
天上掉馅饼 {def} SEE: 天上掉餡餅 ::
天上雷公,地上海陸豐 {idiom} /tiānshàng léigōng, dìshàng Hǎilùfēng/ :: people from Hailufeng are valiant and fierce
天上雷公,地上海陆丰 {def} SEE: 天上雷公,地上海陸豐 ::
天上雷公,地下海陸豐 {idiom} /tiānshàng léigōng, dìxià Hǎilùfēng/ :: synonym of 天上雷公,地上海陸豐
天上雷公,地下海陆丰 {def} SEE: 天上雷公,地下海陸豐 ::
天上人間 {idiom} [literally] /tiānshàng rénjiān/ :: heaven and earth
天上人間 {idiom} [figuratively, idiomatic, of two things being compared] /tiānshàng rénjiān/ :: exhibiting significant differences
天上人间 {def} SEE: 天上人間 ::
天神 {n} /tiānshén/ :: god; godhead; divinity
天生 {adj} [attributive] /tiānshēng/ :: innate; inborn; inherent; natural; intrinsic
天生 {adv} /tiānshēng/ :: innately; inherently; naturally; intrinsically
天生麗質 {idiom} [of a female] /tiānshēnglì质/ :: to be a natural beauty; to be smart and beautiful
天生丽质 {def} SEE: 天生麗質 ::
天生我才必有用 {def} SEE: 天生我材必有用 ::
天生我材必有用 {proverb} /tiān shēng wǒ cái bì yǒu yòng/ :: Everybody has something that they were born to be good at; if you search hard enough, you will find your niche in life; everyone is put on this Earth to achieve something
天生一对 {def} SEE: 天生一對 ::
天生一對 {idiom} /tiānshēng一duì/ :: a couple who were made for each other; a perfectly matching pair
天时 {def} SEE: 天時 ::
天时地利人和 {def} SEE: 天時地利人和 ::
天時 {n} /tiānshí/ :: weather; climate
天時 {n} /tiānshí/ :: timeliness
天時地利人和 {idiom} /tiānshí dìlì rénhé/ :: conditions required for success; knock on wood; if everything goes according to plan; with a little luck; everything goes right
天使 {n} /tiānshǐ/ :: angel
天使 {n} [archaic] /tiānshǐ/ :: emissary of the emperor
天使岛 {def} SEE: 天使島 ::
天使島 {prop} /Tiānshǐdǎo/ :: 天使島 (island)
天使輪 {n} [finance] /tiānshǐlún/ :: angel round (of investment)
天使轮 {def} SEE: 天使輪 ::
天使用戶 {n} /tiānshǐ yònghù/ :: angel user (earliest user and supporter of a product)
天使用户 {def} SEE: 天使用戶 ::
天书 {def} SEE: 天書 ::
天書 {n} [archaic] /tiānshū/ :: imperial edict
天書 {n} [archaic] /tiānshū/ :: book that has come from the heavens or immortal spirits
天書 {n} [metaphorically] /tiānshū/ :: incomprehensible or undecipherable text; nonsense; gobbledygook
天數 {n} /tiānshù/ :: number of days
天數 {n} [archaic] /tiānshù/ :: fate ordained by the heavens; fate of heaven; predestination
天数 {def} SEE: 天數 ::
天水 {prop} /Tiānshuǐ/ :: Tianshui, a city in southeastern Gansu in China
天水 {prop} /Tiānshuǐ/ :: Tianshui commandery in ancient China
天水围 {def} SEE: 天水圍 ::
天水圍 {prop} /Tiānshuǐwéi/ :: 天水圍 (place)
天粟馬角 {idiom} /tiānsùmǎjiǎo/ :: unfeasibility
天粟马角 {def} SEE: 天粟馬角 ::
天臺 {n} /tiāntái/ :: rooftop
天臺山 {prop} /Tiāntái Shān/ :: Mount Tiantai:
天臺山 {prop} /Tiāntái Shān/ :: A mountain in Penghu, Taiwan
天臺山 {prop} /Tiāntái Shān/ :: 天臺山 (mountain)
天臺山 {prop} /Tiāntái Shān/ :: A mountain in Baoji, Shaanxi
天臺山 {prop} /Tiāntái Shān/ :: A mountain in Anshun, Guizhou
天臺山 {prop} /Tiāntái Shān/ :: A mountain in Rizhao, Shandong
天臺山 {prop} /Tiāntái Shān/ :: A mountain in Xinyang, Henan
天臺山 {prop} /Tiāntái Shān/ :: A mountain in Xingtai, Hebei
天臺山 {prop} /Tiāntái Shān/ :: A mountain in Changzhi, Shanxi
天臺山 {prop} /Tiāntái Shān/ :: A mountain in Hong'an, Hubei
天台 {prop} /Tiāntāi,Tiāntái,1nb/ :: alternative name for 天台山
天台 {prop} /Tiāntāi,Tiāntái,1nb/ :: Tiantai County, Zhejiang
天台 {def} SEE: 天臺 ::
天台 {prop} [Buddhism] /Tiāntāi,Tiāntái,1nb/ :: Tiantai (a school of Mahayana Buddhism that stresses the Lotus Sutra)
天台山 {def} SEE: 天臺山 ::
天台山 {prop} /Tiāntāi Shān,Tiāntái Shān,1nb/ :: Mount Tiantai (a mountain in Zhejiang, important in East Asian Buddhism)
天坛 {def} SEE: 天壇 ::
天坛座 {def} SEE: 天壇座 ::
天壇 {prop} /tiāntán/ :: the Temple of Heaven
天壇座 {prop} [constellation] /Tiāntánzuò/ :: Ara
天堂 {n} [religion] /tiāntáng/ :: heaven
天堂 {n} /tiāntáng/ :: paradise
天堂 {prop} /tiāntáng/ :: (~ 鎮) 天堂 (town)
天堂椒 {n} /tiāntángjiāo/ :: grains of paradise
天堂鳥 {n} /tiāntángniǎo/ :: bird of paradise (bird)
天堂鸟 {def} SEE: 天堂鳥 ::
天梯 {n} /tiāntī/ :: stairway to heaven
天梯 {n} [figurative] /tiāntī/ :: high mountain road
天梯 {n} /tiāntī/ :: tall ladder on high buildings or structures
天体 {def} SEE: 天體 ::
天体物理学 {def} SEE: 天體物理學 ::
天体营 {def} SEE: 天體營 ::
天體 {n} [astronomy] /tiāntǐ/ :: celestial body
天體物理學 {n} /tiāntǐ wùlǐxué/ :: astrophysics
天體營 {n} /tiāntǐyíng/ :: place for nude sunbathing
天體營 {n} /tiāntǐyíng/ :: nude beach
天天 {adv} /tiāntiān,er/ :: everyday; day by day
天天 {adj} [Hakka] /tiāntiān,er/ :: naive; innocent
天天 {adj} [Min Nan] /tiāntiān,er/ :: careless; indifferent
天天 {v} [Min Nan] /tiāntiān,er/ :: to be indulgent; to play; to spend money extravagantly
天天儿 {def} SEE: 天天兒 ::
天天兒 {n} /tiāntiānr/ :: erhua form of everyday; day by day
天庭 {n} /tiāntíng/ :: middle of the forehead
天童 {prop} /Tiāntóng/ :: (~ 市) 天童 (city)
天兔座 {prop} [constellation] /Tiāntùzuò/ :: Lepus
天团 {def} SEE: 天團 ::
天團 {n} [neologism, slang] /tiāntuán/ :: distinguished group or band
天外飛來一筆 {idiom} /tiānwài fēi lái 一bǐ/ :: to insert a sentence into a place where it is completely unrelated to what came before or after it; to say or do something out of left field
天外飞来一笔 {def} SEE: 天外飛來一筆 ::
天亡 {v} [archaic] /tiānwáng/ :: to be doomed to extinction by heaven
天王 {n} [chiefly historical] /tiānwáng/ :: the son of heaven; emperor
天王 {n} /tiānwáng/ :: Name for deities in the Chinese folk religion or some religions
天王 {n} /tiānwáng/ :: one who is extraordinary or excellent; king; master; superstar; idol
天王 {prop} [historical] /tiānwáng/ :: Heavenly King (the title for Hong Xiuquan, the head of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom)
天王 {prop} /tiānwáng/ :: (~ 村) 天王 (village)
天王星 {prop} /Tiānwángxīng/ :: Uranus (planet)
天網 {n} /tiānwǎng/ :: the Heaven's net (from which nothing sinful can escape); net of justice, natural law
天網 {n} [literary, figurative] /tiānwǎng/ :: rule by the Imperial court
天網 {n} [literary, figurative] /tiānwǎng/ :: laws of the nation
天網恢恢 {idiom} /tiānwǎnghuīhuī/ :: natural law
天網恢恢,疏而不漏 {proverb} /tiānwǎnghuīhuī, shū'ér不lòu/ :: lawbreakers will always be arrested and punished
天网 {def} SEE: 天網 ::
天网恢恢 {def} SEE: 天網恢恢 ::
天网恢恢,疏而不漏 {def} SEE: 天網恢恢,疏而不漏 ::
天威 {n} [literary] /tiānwēi/ :: heavenly force; heaven-like majesty; heavenly might
天文 {n} /tiānwén/ :: astronomy
天文 {n} [literary] /tiānwén/ :: celestial objects (stars, moon etc.); the heavens
天文單位 {n} [astronomy] /tiānwén dānwèi/ :: astronomical unit
天文单位 {def} SEE: 天文單位 ::
天文点 {def} SEE: 天文點 ::
天文點 {prop} /Tiānwéndiǎn/ :: 天文點 (outpost)
天文館 {n} /tiānwénguǎn/ :: planetarium
天文馆 {def} SEE: 天文館 ::
天文生 {n} [literary, historical] /tiānwénshēng/ :: official in charge of observing celestial phenomena and reckoning dates
天文生 {n} [literary, historical] /tiānwénshēng/ :: person who practices divination, selects dates and uses feng shui
天文數字 {n} /tiānwén shùzì/ :: astronomical number; a very large number
天文数字 {def} SEE: 天文數字 ::
天文臺 {n} /tiānwéntái/ :: observatory (place where celestial bodies are observed)
天文台 {def} SEE: 天文臺 ::
天文物理学 {def} SEE: 天文物理學 ::
天文物理學 {n} /tiānwén wùlǐxué/ :: astrophysics
天文学 {def} SEE: 天文學 ::
天文学家 {def} SEE: 天文學家 ::
天文學 {n} /tiānwénxué/ :: astronomy
天文學家 {n} /tiānwénxuéjiā/ :: astronomer
天乌 {def} SEE: 天烏 ::
天无绝人之路 {def} SEE: 天無絕人之路 ::
天下 {n} [literary, figurative] /tiānxià/ :: the world; everything under the sky; all under heaven
天下 {n} [literary, lofty] /tiānxià/ :: China; the Chinese nation
天下 {n} [literary, figurative] /tiānxià/ :: state power; domination
天下本無事,庸人自擾之 {idiom} /tiānxià běn wúshì, yōngrén zì rǎo zhī/ :: to bring angst or trouble on oneself; to try to fix something that was not broken in the first place
天下本无事,庸人自扰之 {def} SEE: 天下本無事,庸人自擾之 ::
天下大乱 {def} SEE: 天下大亂 ::
天下大亂 {idiom} /tiānxiàdàluàn/ :: the world is in chaos
天下第一 {idiom} /tiānxiàdì一/ :: number one in the world; peerless; unequaled
天下父母心 {idiom} /tiānxià fùmǔ xīn/ :: the love of a parent
天下归心 {def} SEE: 天下歸心 ::
天下歸心 {idiom} /tiānxiàguīxīn/ :: to win over the support and trust of the entire nation
天下沒有白吃的午餐 {proverb} /tiānxià méiyǒu báichī de wǔcān/ :: there's no such thing as a free lunch
天下沒有不散的宴席 {proverb} /tiānxià méiyǒu 不sàn de yànxí/ :: All good things come to an end
天下没有白吃的午餐 {def} SEE: 天下沒有白吃的午餐 ::
天下没有不散的宴席 {def} SEE: 天下沒有不散的宴席 ::
天下無敵 {idiom} /tiānxiàwúdí/ :: invincible; unbeatable; having no match
天下無雙 {idiom} /tiānxiàwúshuāng/ :: unique; unparalleled; singular
天下太平 {idiom} /tiānxiàtàipíng/ :: peace reigns under heaven; the world or the country is at peace
天下为公 {def} SEE: 天下為公 ::
天下為公 {idiom} /tiānxiàwéigōng/ :: the world belongs to the people; a public and common spirit rules all under the sky; the whole world as one community
天下无敌 {def} SEE: 天下無敵 ::
天下无双 {def} SEE: 天下無雙 ::
天下兴亡,匹夫有责 {def} SEE: 天下興亡,匹夫有責 ::
天下興亡,匹夫有責 {proverb} /tiānxià xīngwáng, pǐfū yǒuzé/ :: whether a nation stands or falls depends on ordinary citizens
天下一統 {n} [literary] /tiānxià 一tǒng/ :: unification of China
天下一统 {def} SEE: 天下一統 ::
天仙 {n} [Chinese mythology] /tiānxiān/ :: goddess
天仙 {n} [figurative] /tiānxiān/ :: beautiful young maiden; beauty
天仙子 {n} /tiānxiānzǐ/ :: henbane (Hyoscyamus niger)
天仙子 {n} [poetry] /tiānxiānzǐ/ :: name of a cipai (tune pattern)
天险 {def} SEE: 天險 ::
天險 {n} /tiānxiǎn/ :: natural barrier
天綫 {def} SEE: 天線 ::
天線 {n} /tiānxiàn/ :: antenna
天线 {def} SEE: 天線 ::
天香 {n} [literary] /tiānxiāng/ :: heavenly aroma
天香 {n} [literary] /tiānxiāng/ :: daytime fragrance
天香 {n} [literary] /tiānxiāng/ :: sacrificial incense
天香 {n} [literary] /tiānxiāng/ :: peony
天香国色 {def} SEE: 天香國色 ::
天香國色 {idiom} [figurative] /tiānxiāng guósè/ :: outstanding beauty
天香國色 {idiom} [figurative] /tiānxiāng guósè/ :: peony
天象 {n} /tiānxiàng/ :: astronomical phenomena; celestial phenomena
天象 {n} /tiānxiàng/ :: meteorological phenomena
天象仪 {def} SEE: 天象儀 ::
天象儀 {n} /tiānxiàngyí/ :: planetarium
天蝎 {def} SEE: 天蠍 ::
天蝎座 {def} SEE: 天蠍座 ::
天蠍 {prop} /Tiānxiē/ :: Scorpio; Scorpius
天蠍座 {prop} [astronomy] /Tiānxiēzuò/ :: Scorpio, Scorpius
天邪鬼 {n} /tiānxiéguǐ/ :: amanojaku
天心 {n} [literary] /tiānxīn/ :: will of heaven
天心人意 {idiom} /tiānxīn rényì/ :: the will of heaven and the desire of men
天星 {n} [literary or dialectal] /tiānxīng/ :: star (in the sky)
天星 {prop} /tiānxīng/ :: (~ 鎮) 天星 (town)
天星 {prop} /tiānxīng/ :: (~ 鎮) 天星 (town)
天星 {prop} /tiānxīng/ :: (~ 鄉) 天星 (township)
天性 {n} /tiānxìng/ :: nature (of a species, organism, etc.); innate disposition; temperament
天序 {n} [literary] /tiānxù/ :: lineage of the emperor; royal bloodline
天序 {n} [literary] /tiānxù/ :: divine order; natural order
天旋地轉 {idiom} /tiānxuándìzhuǎn/ :: to feel as if the sky and earth were spinning round; to feel very dizzy
天旋地轉 {idiom} /tiānxuándìzhuǎn/ :: the world is turned upside down (as the result of major political turmoil)
天旋地转 {def} SEE: 天旋地轉 ::
天涯 {n} [literary] /tiānyá/ :: far corners of the world; distant lands
天涯海角 {idiom} /tiānyá hǎijiǎo/ :: far ends of heaven; ends of the world; remote place
天涯海角 {idiom} /tiānyá hǎijiǎo/ :: separated worlds apart
天涯海角 {n} /tiānyá hǎijiǎo/ :: Tianya Haijiao, a beach in Hainan
天涯何處無芳草 {proverb} /tiānyá héchù wú fāngcǎo/ :: No need to be overly attached to one person or location, everything has something about it that is endearing
天涯何處無芳草 {proverb} [of lost love] /tiānyá héchù wú fāngcǎo/ :: there are plenty more fish in the sea
天涯何处无芳草 {def} SEE: 天涯何處無芳草 ::
天涯若比邻 {def} SEE: 天涯若比鄰 ::
天涯若比鄰 {idiom} /tiānyá ruò bǐlín/ :: to feel a closeness to a friend or loved one despite being separated by a great distance
天演 {n} [dated] /tiānyǎn/ :: evolution
天眼 {n} [Buddhism] /tiānyǎn/ :: divine eye
天燕座 {prop} [constellation] /Tiānyànzuò/ :: Apus
天阳 {def} SEE: 天陽 ::
天陽 {n} [literary] /tiānyáng/ :: sun
天要下雨,娘要嫁人 {phrase} [often, humorous] /tiān yào xiàyǔ, niáng yào jiàrén/ :: Used to describe a situation that is now beyond redemption
天衣無縫 {idiom} /tiānyīwúfèng/ :: flawless; seamless
天意 {n} /tiānyì/ :: will of heaven; providence
天意 {n} /tiānyì/ :: will of the emperor
天鷹座 {prop} [constellation] /Tiānyīngzuò/ :: Aquila
天鹰座 {def} SEE: 天鷹座 ::
天有不测风云 {def} SEE: 天有不測風雲 ::
天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福 {def} SEE: 天有不測風雲,人有旦夕禍福 ::
天有不測風雲 {proverb} /tiānyǒu不cèfēngyún/ :: short fo 天有不測風雲,人有旦夕禍福 (Disasters and misfortunes are unpredictable)
天有不測風雲,人有旦夕禍福 {proverb} /tiānyǒu不cèfēngyún, rényǒudàn夕huòfú/ :: Disasters and misfortunes are unpredictable; One's fortune is as unpredictable as the weather
天宇 {n} [literary] /tiānyǔ/ :: sky
天宇 {n} [literary] /tiānyǔ/ :: heaven
天宇 {n} [literary] /tiānyǔ/ :: the world; everything under the sky; all under heaven
天淵 {n} [literary] /tiānyuān/ :: poles apart; distance between two poles
天淵之別 {idiom} /tiānyuānzhībié/ :: as far apart as heaven from earth; poles or worlds apart
天渊 {def} SEE: 天淵 ::
天渊之别 {def} SEE: 天淵之別 ::
天元 {prop} /Tiānyuán/ :: (~ 鄉) 天元 (township)
天运 {def} SEE: 天運 ::
天運 {n} [archaic] /tiānyùn/ :: heavenly ordained fate; fate ordained by heaven
天災 {n} /tiānzāi/ :: natural disaster; act of God (Classifier: 場次種)
天災人禍 {idiom} /tiānzāirénhuò/ :: natural disasters and man-made calamities; catastrophes
天灾 {def} SEE: 天災 ::
天灾人祸 {def} SEE: 天災人禍 ::
天葬 {n} /tiānzàng/ :: sky burial
天造地設 {idiom} /tiānzàodìshè/ :: created by nature; heavenly
天造地设 {def} SEE: 天造地設 ::
天择 {def} SEE: 天擇 ::
天擇 {n} /tiānzé/ :: natural selection
天朝 {prop} [historical] /Tiāncháo/ :: the Celestial Empire; China
天朝 {prop} [internet slang, sometimes, sarcastic, self-deprecating] /Tiāncháo/ :: China, especially mainland China or the People's Republic of China
天照大神 {prop} [Japanese mythology, Shinto] /Tiānzhào Dàshén/ :: Amaterasu, the Japanese sun goddess
天真 {adj} /tiānzhēn/ :: naive; innocent; artless
天真烂漫 {def} SEE: 天真爛漫 ::
天真爛漫 {idiom} /tiānzhēnlànmàn/ :: innocent and unaffected; simple and artless
天真無邪 {idiom} /tiānzhēnwúxié/ :: pure and innocent
天真无邪 {def} SEE: 天真無邪 ::
天之驕子 {n} /tiān zhī jiāozǐ/ :: designation of Xiongnu
天之驕子 {n} /tiān zhī jiāozǐ/ :: influential people
天之骄子 {def} SEE: 天之驕子 ::
天知地知,你知我知 {idiom} /tiān zhī dì zhī, nǐ zhī wǒ zhī/ :: This secret is only known by you and me
天职 {def} SEE: 天職 ::
天職 {n} /tiānzhí/ :: calling; vocation (occupation for which a person is suited); mission in life
天職 {n} /tiānzhí/ :: one's duty
天職 {n} [archaic] /tiānzhí/ :: duty endowed by the Heavens
天中節 {prop} /Tiānzhōngjié/ :: alternative name for 端午節
天中節 {prop} [Taoism] /Tiānzhōngjié/ :: first day of the Chinese lunar calendar
天中节 {def} SEE: 天中節 ::
天珠 {n} /tiānzhū/ :: dzi bead (Tibetan stone bead)
天竹 {n} /tiānzhú/ :: nandina
天竹黃 {n} /tiānzhúhuáng/ :: Dried secretion of the bamboo (An herb used in traditional Chinese medicine.)
天竹黄 {def} SEE: 天竹黃 ::
天竺 {prop} /Tiānzhú/ :: (~ 國) [archaic] India or Nepal
天竺 {prop} /Tiānzhú/ :: (~ 地區) Shunyi District (an area in Shunyi District, Beijing, China)
天竺牡丹 {n} /tiānzhú mǔdān/ :: dahlia
天竺鼠 {n} /tiānzhúshǔ/ :: guinea pig
天主 {prop} [chiefly Catholicism] /Tiānzhǔ/ :: the Lord of Heaven; God
天主羔羊 {n} [Catholicism] /Tiānzhǔ Gāoyáng/ :: Lamb of God
天主教 {prop} /Tiānzhǔjiào/ :: Catholicism
天主教会 {def} SEE: 天主教會 ::
天主教會 {prop} /Tiānzhǔ Jiàohuì/ :: the Catholic Church
天主教徒 {n} /Tiānzhǔjiàotú/ :: Catholic; follower of Catholicism
天主經 {prop} [Catholicism] /Tiānzhǔjīng/ :: Lord's Prayer; Our Father
天主经 {def} SEE: 天主經 ::
天主圣三 {def} SEE: 天主聖三 ::
天主聖三 {n} [Catholic] /Tiānzhǔshèngsān/ :: Trinity
天主子 {prop} [Catholicism] /Tiānzhǔzǐ/ :: Son of God
天助我也 {phrase} /tiān zhù wǒ yě/ :: The heavens are helping me! How lucky am I! (said when one receives unexpected help, or when the situation changes to become favourable to the speaker)
天助自助 {proverb} /tiānzhùzìzhù/ :: heaven helps those who help themselves
天助自助者 {proverb} /tiānzhùzìzhùzhě/ :: heaven helps those who help themselves
天姿 {n} /tiānzī/ :: natural beauty (without the help of makeup)
天資 {n} [literary] /tiānzī/ :: natural gift; talent; innate aptitude
天资 {def} SEE: 天資 ::
天子 {n} /tiānzǐ/ :: Son of Heaven; emperor
天字第一號 {idiom} /tiān zì dì-yī hào/ :: the first; the foremost
天字第一号 {def} SEE: 天字第一號 ::
天足 {n} /tiānzú/ :: feet that have not undergone footbinding
天作之合 {idiom} /tiānzuòzhīhé/ :: heaven-made couple
{def} /tiān/ :: to add; to increase
{def} /tiān/ :: to give birth to (a baby)
{def} [Cantonese] /tiān/ :: again; more
{def} [Cantonese] /tiān/ :: Modal particle expressing emphasis
{def} [Taishanese] /tiān/ :: need to (do something); have to
添补 {def} SEE: 添補 ::
添補 {v} /tiānbǔ,tiānbu/ :: to replenish; to get more; to add
添丁 {v} [dated] /tiāndīng/ :: to have a baby (especially a boy) born into the family
添堵 {v} /tiāndǔ/ :: to worsen the degree of congestion
添堵 {v} [colloquial] /tiāndǔ/ :: to add to one's stress level; to be annoying
添饭 {def} SEE: 添飯 ::
添福添壽 {idiom} /tiānfútiānshòu/ :: increase one's luck and lengthen one's life
添福添寿 {def} SEE: 添福添壽 ::
添加 {v} /tiānjiā/ :: to add; to augment; to increase; to raise
添加剂 {def} SEE: 添加劑 ::
添加劑 {n} /tiānjiājì/ :: additive
添乱 {def} SEE: 添亂 ::
添亂 {v} [colloquial] /tiānluàn/ :: to give (someone) more trouble; to add to the disarray
添麻烦 {def} SEE: 添麻煩 ::
添麻煩 {v} /tiānmáfan/ :: to cause trouble; to inconvenience; to bother; to impose
添油加醋 {idiom} [figurative] /tiānyóujiācù/ :: to add color and emphasis to (a narration); to exaggerate
添置 {v} /tiānzhì/ :: to add to one's possession; to acquire
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tián/ :: only used in 䡘䡘
䡘䡘 {adj} [literary, ideophonic] /tiántián/ :: Describes the sound of many chariots
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tián/ :: to fill in words or numbers into a form or sheet of paper
{def} /tián/ :: to fill up (gap; hole; vacancy; shortcoming)
{def} [archaic] /tián/ :: sound of drum beating
填報 {v} /tiánbào/ :: to fill in and submit (a form)
填报 {def} SEE: 填報 ::
填表 {v} /tiánbiǎo/ :: to fill in a form
填补 {def} SEE: 填補 ::
填補 {v} /tiánbǔ/ :: to fill (a gap, blank, deficiency, vacancy, etc.); to fill in
填充 {v} /tiánchōng/ :: to pad
填充 {n} /tiánchōng/ :: padding
填充物 {n} /tiánchōngwù/ :: infill; filling; filler; packing
填詞 {v} /tiáncí/ :: to compose a poem (to a given tune); to put words to written piece of music
填词 {def} SEE: 填詞 ::
填发 {def} SEE: 填發 ::
填發 {v} /tiánfā/ :: to fill in and issue (an official document, certificate, etc.)
填房 {n} /tiánfáng,tl/ :: second wife of a widower
填房 {v} /tiánfáng,tl/ :: to marry a widower
填海 {v} /tiánhǎi/ :: to fill up the ocean
填海 {v} /tiánhǎi/ :: to reclaim land
填海造地 {v} /tiánhǎizàodì/ :: to reclaim land
填海造陸 {v} /tiánhǎizàolù/ :: to reclaim land
填海造陆 {def} SEE: 填海造陸 ::
填坑 {v} /tiánkēng/ :: to fill up a pit
填坑 {v} [computing, Internet slang] /tiánkēng/ :: to amend a defect; to fix a bug
填坑 {v} [neologism, by extension, internet slang] /tiánkēng/ :: (of a creator/author) to produce sequels of an existing franchise; to start working on a follow-up of a previous piece of creative work
填坑 {v} [neologism, chiefly ACG] /tiánkēng/ :: to read/watch/play the sequel or remaining episode/installments of a creative work or franchise
填空 {v} /tiánkòng/ :: to fill a vacant position; to fill a vacancy
填空 {v} /tiánkòng/ :: to fill in the blanks (in a testpaper)
填空題 {n} /tiánkòngtí/ :: fill-in-the-blank question
填空题 {def} SEE: 填空題 ::
填料 {n} /tiánliào/ :: packing material
填满 {def} SEE: 填滿 ::
填滿 {v} /tiánmǎn/ :: to fill in; to cram
填平 {v} /tiánpíng/ :: to fill something (e.g. a hole) so that its surface becomes flat
填塞 {v} /tiánsè,tiánsāi/ :: to fill up; to cram; to stuff
填食 {v} /tiánshí/ :: to force-feed
填写 {def} SEE: 填寫 ::
填寫 {v} /tiánxiě/ :: [of a form] to fill in; to complete
填鴨 {v} /tiányā/ :: to force-feed a duck
填鴨 {n} /tiányā/ :: force-fed duck
填鸭 {def} SEE: 填鴨 ::
填字 {v} /tiánzì/ :: to fill in words
填字游戏 {def} SEE: 填字遊戲 ::
填字遊戲 {n} /tiánzì yóuxì/ :: crossword
{def} /tián/ :: quiet; calm; tranquil; peaceful
{def} /tián/ :: simple and contented; indifferent to fame or gain
{def} /tián/ :: unperturbed; indifferent; not caring of
恬不知恥 {idiom} /tián不zhīchǐ/ :: to have no sense of shame
恬不知耻 {def} SEE: 恬不知恥 ::
恬淡 {adj} /tiándàn/ :: indifferent to fame or gain
恬淡 {adj} /tiándàn/ :: peaceful; quiet; tranquil
恬静 {def} SEE: 恬靜 ::
恬靜 {adj} /tiánjìng/ :: quiet; silent; peaceful; tranquil
恬謐 {adj} [literary] /tiánmì/ :: quiet; peaceful; tranquil; serene
恬谧 {def} SEE: 恬謐 ::
恬然 {adj} /tiánrán/ :: unperturbed; calm; nonchalant
恬逸 {n} [literary] /tiányì/ :: tranquil and comfortable
{def} [literary] /tián/ :: smoothly flowing, placid (water)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tián/ :: sweet
{def} /tián/ :: sweetness
{def} [figurative] /tián/ :: pleasant; comfortable; happy
{def} [figurative, of sleep] /tián/ :: sound
甜白酒 {n} [regional] /tiánbáijiǔ/ :: alternative name for 酒釀
甜不辣 {n} /tián不là/ :: tempura (though Taiwanese tempura is more a variant of oden)
甜菜 {n} /tiáncài/ :: sugar beet
甜菜 {n} /tiáncài/ :: abbreviation of 甜菜根
甜菜 {n} [Huizhou] /tiáncài/ :: spinach
甜菜根 {n} /tiáncàigēn,er/ :: beetroot
甜菜碱 {def} SEE: 甜菜鹼 ::
甜菜鹼 {n} [organic compound] /tiáncàijiǎn/ :: betaine; trimethylglycine
甜草根儿 {def} SEE: 甜草根兒 ::
甜点 {def} SEE: 甜點 ::
甜點 {n} /tiándiǎn/ :: sweet snacks; sweets; dessert
甜豆 {n} /tiándòu/ :: snap pea; sugar snap pea
甜度 {n} /tiándù/ :: degree of sweetness
甜瓜 {n} /tiánguā/ :: melon
甜瓜 {n} /tiánguā/ :: muskmelon
甜酱 {def} SEE: 甜醬 ::
甜椒 {n} /tiánjiāo/ :: bell pepper; sweet pepper; capsicum
甜酒 {n} /tiánjiǔ/ :: jiuniang
甜酒 {n} /tiánjiǔ/ :: sweet liquor
甜酒 {n} [Hakka] /tiánjiǔ/ :: vinegar
甜酒酿 {def} SEE: 甜酒釀 ::
甜菊 {n} /tiánjú/ :: stevia
甜美 {adj} [of taste] /tiánměi/ :: deliciously sweet
甜美 {adj} [figurative, of life] /tiánměi/ :: happy; pleasant; [of voice, appearance, etc.] sweet
甜蜜 {adj} /tiánmì/ :: sweet; sweet-tasting
甜蜜 {adj} [figurative] /tiánmì/ :: happy; sweet; loving
甜面酱 {def} SEE: 甜麵醬 ::
甜麪醬 {def} SEE: 甜麵醬 ::
甜麵醬 {n} /tiánmiànjiàng/ :: sweet bean sauce, a Chinese condiment
甜腻 {def} SEE: 甜膩 ::
甜膩 {adj} /tiánnì/ :: sweet and greasy
甜膩 {adj} /tiánnì/ :: sweet and delicate
甜尿 {n} /tiánniào/ :: sweet urine
甜尿 {n} [Cantonese, Teochew, Malaysia Hokkien] /tiánniào/ :: abbreviation of 甜尿病
甜品 {n} /tiánpǐn/ :: sweet snacks; sweets
甜润 {def} SEE: 甜潤 ::
甜潤 {adj} [of a voice, air, etc.] /tiánrùn/ :: sweet and pleasant
甜湯 {n} /tiántāng/ :: sweet soup
甜食 {n} /tiánshí,er/ :: sweet food; sweets; dessert
甜薯 {n} /tiánshǔ/ :: sweet potato
甜薯 {n} /tiánshǔ/ :: Dioscorea esculenta (yam)
甜藷 {def} SEE: 甜薯 ::
甜水海 {prop} /Tiánshuǐhǎi/ :: 甜水海 (lake)
甜酸 {adj} [cooking] /tiánsuān/ :: sweet-and-sour
甜酸酱 {def} SEE: 甜酸醬 ::
甜酸醬 {n} /tiánsuānjiàng/ :: sweet-and-sour sauce
甜酸苦辣 {idiom} /tiánsuānkǔlà/ :: synonym of 酸甜苦辣
甜汤 {def} SEE: 甜湯 ::
甜甜圈 {n} /tiántiánquān,er/ :: doughnut
甜筒 {n} /tiántǒng/ :: ice-cream cone; waffle cone
甜头 {def} SEE: 甜頭 ::
甜頭 {n} /tiántou,er/ :: sweet taste; pleasant flavour
甜頭 {n} [figurative] /tiántou,er/ :: good; benefit
甜味 {n} /tiánwèi,er/ :: sweetness
甜味剂 {def} SEE: 甜味劑 ::
甜味劑 {n} /tiánwèijì/ :: sweetener (food additive)
甜心 {n} /tiánxīn/ :: sweetheart; darling
甜心 {v} [literary] /tiánxīn/ :: to be perfectly happy to do something
甜言 {n} /tiányán/ :: sweet words; fine talk
甜言蜜語 {idiom} /tiányánmìyǔ/ :: sweet words and honeyed phrases; cajolery
甜言蜜语 {def} SEE: 甜言蜜語 ::
甜玉竹 {n} /tiányùzhú/ :: root of the Polygonatum macropodium. (An herb used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat yin deficiency.)
𫓴田 {def} SEE: 鉾田 ::
{def} /tián/ :: farmland
{def} /tián/ :: field (area rich in mineral reserves)
{def} /tián/ :: [alternative form 佃] to till land; to cultivate
{def} /tián/ :: [alternative form 佃] to hunt
{def} /tián/ :: surname
田边 {def} SEE: 田邊 ::
田邊 {prop} /Tiánbiān/ :: (~ 市) 田邊 (city)
田塍 {n} [literary or Min] /tiánchéng/ :: dyke
田冲 {def} SEE: 田沖 ::
田沖 {prop} /Tiánchōng/ :: (~ 村) 田沖 (village)
田川 {prop} /Tiánchuān/ :: (~ 市) 田川 (city)
田村 {prop} /Tiáncūn/ :: (~ 市) 田村 (city)
田地 {n} /tiándì/ :: agricultural field; cropland; farmland
田地 {n} [colloquial] /tiándì/ :: adverse or disadvantageous state or situation
田店 {prop} /Tiándiàn/ :: (~ 鎮) 田店 (town)
田調 {n} /tiándiào/ :: abbreviation of 田野調查
田调 {def} SEE: 田調 ::
田东 {def} SEE: 田東 ::
田東 {prop} /Tiándōng/ :: (~ 縣) 田東 (county)
田東 {prop} /Tiándōng/ :: (~ 村) 田東 (village)
田二河 {prop} /Tián'èrhé/ :: (~ 鎮) 田二河 (town)
田凫 {def} SEE: 田鳧 ::
田鳧 {n} /tiánfú/ :: lapwing (bird belonging to the subfamily Vanellinae)
田賦 {n} /tiánfù/ :: land tax
田赋 {def} SEE: 田賦 ::
田埂 {n} /tiángěng/ :: embankment or footpath between paddy fields; ridge between fields
田戶 {prop} /Tiánhù/ :: (~ 村) 田戶 (village)
田户 {def} SEE: 田戶 ::
田黃 {prop} /Tiánhuáng/ :: (~ 鎮) 田黃 (town)
田黄 {def} SEE: 田黃 ::
田雞 {n} /tiánjī/ :: frog (amphibian); more specifically the Chinese edible frog (Hoplobatrachus rugulosus) (Classifier: 隻)
田雞 {n} [figurative, colloquial, humorous or pejorative] /tiánjī/ :: abbreviation of 四眼田雞
田雞過河——各有各撐 {def} SEE: 田雞過河——各有各𨅝 ::
田雞腿 {n} /tiánjītuǐ,er/ :: frog legs
田鷄 {def} SEE: 田雞 ::
田鸡 {def} SEE: 田雞 ::
田鸡过河——各有各𨅝 {def} SEE: 田雞過河——各有各𨅝 ::
田鸡过河——各有各撑 {def} SEE: 田雞過河——各有各𨅝 ::
田鸡腿 {def} SEE: 田雞腿 ::
田間 {n} /tiánjiān/ :: field; farm
田間 {n} /tiánjiān/ :: the countryside; the country; rural area
田间 {def} SEE: 田間 ::
田径 {def} SEE: 田徑 ::
田径场 {def} SEE: 田徑場 ::
田徑 {n} [sports] /tiánjìng/ :: track and field
田徑場 {n} /tiánjìng场/ :: track field; athletic field; track and field stadium
田坎 {n} /tiánkǎn/ :: embankment or footpath between paddy fields; ridge between fields
田里 {n} [archaic] /tiánlǐ/ :: one's hometown; where one grew up
田寮 {prop} /Tiánliáo/ :: (~ 區) 田寮 (district)
田林 {prop} /Tiánlín/ :: (~ 縣) 田林 (county)
田垄 {def} SEE: 田壟 ::
田壟 {n} /tiánlǒng/ :: embankment or footpath between paddy fields; ridge between fields
田庐 {def} SEE: 田廬 ::
田廬 {n} /tiánlú/ :: farmhouse
田螺 {n} /tiánluó/ :: river snail (a generic term referring to freshwater snails)
田納西 {prop} /Tiánnàxī/ :: (~ 州) 田納西 (state)
田纳西 {def} SEE: 田納西 ::
田七 {n} /tiánqī/ :: Panax notoginseng
田墘 {prop} /Tiánqián/ :: (~ 社區) 田墘 (residential community)
田侨 {def} SEE: 田僑 ::
田侨仔 {def} SEE: 田僑仔 ::
田鳝 {def} SEE: 田鱔 ::
田舍 {n} /tiánshè/ :: farmhouse
田鼠 {n} /tiánshǔ/ :: vole
田臺 {prop} /Tiántái/ :: (~ 村) 田臺 (village)
田台 {def} SEE: 田臺 ::
田湾 {def} SEE: 田灣 ::
田灣 {prop} /Tiánwān/ :: (~ 村) 田灣 (village)
田灣 {prop} /Tiánwān/ :: Tin Wan (a place at the south of Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong)
田尾 {prop} /Tiánwěi/ :: (~ 鄉) 田尾 (rural township)
田洋 {prop} /Tiányáng/ :: Tianyang, a dormant volcano on southern China's Leizhou Peninsula
田洋 {prop} /Tiányáng/ :: (~ 村) Tianyang, a nearby village
田阳 {def} SEE: 田陽 ::
田陽 {prop} /Tiányáng/ :: (~ 區) 田陽 (district)
田野 {n} /tiányě/ :: field; open country; open land
田野 {n} /tiányě/ :: the countryside; the country; rural area
田野調查 {n} /tiányě diàochá/ :: field work
田野调查 {def} SEE: 田野調查 ::
田野工作 {n} /tiányě gōngzuò/ :: field work
田婴 {def} SEE: 田嬰 ::
田原 {prop} /Tiányuán/ :: (~ 市) 田原 (city)
田园 {def} SEE: 田園 ::
田园洞 {def} SEE: 田園洞 ::
田園 {adj} /tiányuán/ :: country; rural
田園 {adj} /tiányuán/ :: idyllic
田園 {n} /tiányuán/ :: the countryside; the country; rural area
田園洞 {prop} /Tiányuán Dòng/ :: Tianyuan Cave near Beijing, China
田中 {prop} /Tiánzhōng/ :: Tanaka (a Japanese surname)
田主 {n} /tiánzhǔ/ :: landowner
田庄 {def} SEE: 田莊 ::
田莊 {n} /tiánzhuāng/ :: country estate
田字格 {n} /tiánzìgé/ :: grid or table shaped like the character
田字脸 {def} SEE: 田字臉 ::
田字臉 {n} /tiánzìliǎn/ :: face shaped like the character ; square face
田字面 {n} /tiánzìmiàn/ :: face shaped like the character ; square face
{def} /tián/ :: to till land; to cultivate
{def} /tián/ :: to hunt
畋䰻 {def} SEE: 畋漁 ::
畋渔 {def} SEE: 畋漁 ::
畋漁 {v} [literary] /tiányú/ :: to hunt and fish
畋漁 {v} [literary, figurative] /tiányú/ :: to read widely
{def} /tián/ :: Used in Japanese personal names
{def} /tián/ :: [obsolete] sound of falling rocks
{def} /tián/ :: beet
菾菜 {def} SEE: 甜菜 ::
{def} /tián/ :: used in 闐闐
{def} /tián/ :: [alternative form 填] to fill up
{def} /tián/ :: Used in place names
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tiàn/ :: [historical dictionaries] to lick
{def} /tiàn/ :: [historical dictionaries] woven mat
{def} /tiàn/ :: [historical dictionaries] green bamboo sheath
{def} SEE: 西 ::
{def} /tiàn/ :: [historical dictionaries] unilluminated
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
䩄觍 {def} SEE: 靦覥 ::
{def} [literary] /tiǎn/ :: to shame
{def} [literary, self-deprecating] /tiǎn/ :: ashamedly; with disgrace
{def} [Hokkien] /tiǎn/ :: alternative form of *忝
{def} [Hakka] /tiǎn/ :: tired
殄滅 {v} [literary] /tiǎnmiè/ ::  to annihilate; to wipe out
殄灭 {def} SEE: 殄滅 ::
{def} /tiǎn/ :: only used in 淟涊
{def} /tiǎn/ :: prosperous
{def} /tiǎn/ :: good
{def} /tiǎn/ :: protruding
{def} /tiǎn/ :: to lick
{def} [figurative, slang] /tiǎn/ :: to suck up to (someone); to brownnose
舔肛 {v} /tiǎngāng/ :: to perform anilingus
舔屏 {v} [neologism, slang] /tiǎnpíng/ :: to “lick the screen” when a person sees something very interesting, moving, sweet, etc. on the computer screen, in the same way a dog licks to express affection
舔阴 {def} SEE: 舔陰 ::
舔陰 {n} /tiǎnyīn/ :: cunnilingus
舔陰 {v} /tiǎnyīn/ :: to orally stimulate a woman's vulva or clitoris
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tiǎn/ :: [obsolete] to gain; to obtain (by deception)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tiǎn/ :: alternative form of
{def} /tiàn/ :: (standard form of ) (same as ) a builder's frame for measuring
{def} /tiàn/ :: juniper
{def} /tiàn/ :: a poker (for stirring fires)
{def} /tiàn/ :: a cylinder-shaped part on the old style of wooden doors
{def} /zhèn/ :: gem used as an ear plug
{def} /zhèn/ :: a jade earring
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tiāo/ :: frivolous
{def} /tiāo/ :: [obsolete] to steal
{def} /tiāo/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of *挑
{def} /tiáo/ :: [obsolete] (walking) alone
{def} /tiáo/ :: [obsolete] graceful; elegant
{def} /tiào/ :: [obsolete] light; quick
{def} /diǎo/ :: [obsolete] to hang; to suspend
{def} /diǎo/ :: [obsolete] far
{def} /yáo/ :: [obsolete] to delay
{def} /dào/ :: [obsolete] arrogant
{def} /zhào/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of *肇
{def} /zhào/ :: Sisoridae, Asiatic catfishes
{def} /zhào/ :: long
{def} /zhào/ :: of space or time
{def} /zhào/ :: profitable
{def} /zhào/ :: excelling
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tiáo/ :: only used in 䖺䗤
{def} /tiáo,diāo/ :: hairy
{def} /tiáo,diāo/ :: to let one's hair to grow
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /diāo/ :: a kind of small bird
{def} /chāo/ :: sound of birds
{def} /tiáo/ :: tail of a bird with feathers that stick up
{def} /xiāo/ :: plumage
岧𫶇 {def} SEE: 岧嵽 ::
岧嵽 {adj} [literary] /tiáodì/ :: high; lofty
{def} SEE: ::
岹𫶇 {def} SEE: 岹嵽 ::
岹嵽 {def} SEE: 岧嵽 ::
{def} SEE: ::
条不二直 {def} SEE: 條不二直 ::
条畅 {def} SEE: 條暢 ::
条春 {def} SEE: 條春 ::
条分缕析 {def} SEE: 條分縷析 ::
条幅 {def} SEE: 條幅 ::
𩩍条骨 {def} SEE: 𩩍條骨 ::
条件 {def} SEE: 條件 ::
条件反射 {def} SEE: 條件反射 ::
条件概率 {def} SEE: 條件概率 ::
条款 {def} SEE: 條款 ::
条理 {def} SEE: 條理 ::
条例 {def} SEE: 條例 ::
条令 {def} SEE: 條令 ::
条码 {def} SEE: 條碼 ::
条码枪 {def} SEE: 條碼槍 ::
条码扫描器 {def} SEE: 條碼掃描器 ::
条码扫瞄器 {def} SEE: 條碼掃描器 ::
条毛 {def} SEE: 條毛 ::
条目 {def} SEE: 條目 ::
条撚 {def} SEE: 條撚 ::
条条大路通罗马 {def} SEE: 條條大路通羅馬 ::
条文 {def} SEE: 條文 ::
条纹 {def} SEE: 條紋 ::
条形 {def} SEE: 條形 ::
条形码 {def} SEE: 條形碼 ::
条形码阅读器 {def} SEE: 條形碼閱讀器 ::
条形图 {def} SEE: 條形圖 ::
条约 {def} SEE: 條約 ::
条支 {def} SEE: 條支 ::
条枝 {def} SEE: 條支 ::
条直 {def} SEE: 條直 ::
条状图 {def} SEE: 條狀圖 ::
条桌 {def} SEE: 條桌 ::
条子 {def} SEE: 條子 ::
{def} /tiáo,er/ :: strip; slip
{def} /tiáo,er/ :: twig; branch
{def} [of law or treaty] /tiáo,er/ :: item; article; clause; condition
{def} /tiáo,er/ :: informal note
{def} /tiáo,er/ :: classifier for long and thin objects or animals
{def} /tiáo,er/ :: classifier for something that can be listed item by item, such as reasons, (pieces of) news, messages, advices, etc
{def} [Hakka, Min Nan] /tiáo,er/ :: classifier for songs
{def} [Cantonese, Hakka, Min Nan] /tiáo,er/ :: classifier for lives
{def} [Cantonese, often, derogatory] /tiáo,er/ :: classifier for people
條暢 {adj} [literary] /tiáochàng/ :: orderly and logical (of writing)
條暢 {adj} [literary] /tiáochàng/ :: prosperous; flourishing
條分縷析 {idiom} /tiáofēnlǚxī/ :: to make a careful and detailed analysis; to analyze thoroughly point by point
條幅 {n} /tiáofú/ :: vertically-hung scroll (for painting or calligraphy); wall scroll
條件 {n} /tiáojiàn/ :: condition; term
條件 {n} /tiáojiàn/ :: circumstances; conditions; situation
條件 {n} /tiáojiàn/ :: requirement; prerequisite
條件 {n} [of a person] /tiáojiàn/ :: financial status; wealth
條件 {adj} [attributive] /tiáojiàn/ :: conditional
條件反射 {n} /tiáojiàn fǎnshè/ :: conditioned reflex; conditioned response
條件概率 {n} [mathematics] /tiáojiàn gàilǜ/ :: conditional probability
條款 {n} /tiáokuǎn/ :: term; condition; clause; provision; item
條理 {n} /tiáolǐ/ :: proper arrangement; presentation
條理 {n} /tiáolǐ/ :: orderliness
條理 {n} /tiáolǐ/ :: logic; reasoning
條例 {n} /tiáolì/ :: rules; regulations; ordinances
條例 {n} /tiáolì/ :: code of conduct
條令 {n} [military] /tiáolìng/ :: regulations
條碼 {n} /tiáomǎ/ :: barcode
條碼槍 {n} /tiáomǎqiāng/ :: barcode reader; barcode scanner
條碼掃描器 {n} /tiáomǎ sǎomiáoqì/ :: barcode reader; barcode scanner
條目 {n} /tiáomù/ :: item on a list
條目 {n} /tiáomù/ :: entry in a dictionary
條條大路通羅馬 {proverb} /tiáotiáo dàlù tōng Luómǎ/ :: all roads lead to Rome
條文 {n} /tiáowén/ :: article; clause; text; explanatory note
條紋 {n} /tiáowén/ :: stripe
條形 {adj} [attributive] /tiáoxíng/ :: bar-type; strip-type
條形碼 {n} /tiáoxíngmǎ,er/ :: barcode
條形碼閱讀器 {n} /tiáoxíngmǎ yuèdúqì/ :: barcode reader; barcode scanner
條形圖 {n} [statistics] /tiáoxíngtú/ :: bar chart
條約 {n} /tiáoyuē/ :: pact; treaty
條支 {prop} [historical] /Tiáozhī/ :: name of an ancient state or region in Western Asia attested in Chinese historiography (ca. 1st–3rd century)
條枝 {def} SEE: 條支 ::
條直 {adj} [literary] /tiáozhí/ :: straight
條直 {adj} [literary] /tiáozhí/ :: unimpeded
條直 {adj} [literary or Min Nan] /tiáozhí/ :: straightforward
條直 {adj} [literary] /tiáozhí/ :: arranged
條直 {adj} [Min Nan] /tiáozhí/ :: frank, down-to-earth
條直 {v} [Min Nan] /tiáozhí/ :: to settle (a matter)
條狀圖 {n} [statistics] /tiáozhuàngtú/ :: bar chart; bar graph
條桌 {n} /tiáozhuō/ :: rectangular table
條子 {n} /tiáozi/ :: strip (of cloth, paper, etc.)
條子 {n} /tiáozi/ :: brief note
條子 {n} [slang, argot] /tiáozi/ :: police; cop
條子 {n} [mahjong] /tiáozi/ :: bamboo tile
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
笤帚 {n} /tiáozhou/ :: whiskbroom
笤帚 {n} [dialectal] /tiáozhou/ :: (large) broom
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tiáo/ :: far
{def} /tiáo/ :: distant
迢迢 {adj} [literary] /tiáotiáo/ :: far away; distant
迢迢 {adj} [literary, of time] /tiáotiáo/ :: long
迢遙 {adj} [literary] /tiáoyáo/ :: faraway; distant; remote
迢遥 {def} SEE: 迢遙 ::
髫年 {n} [literary] /tiáonián/ :: childhood
{def} /tiáo/ :: Korean sharpbelly (a type of fish) (Hemiculter leucisculus)
{def} /tiáo/ :: chub
{def} SEE: ::
鲦鱼 {def} SEE: 鰷魚 ::
齠齔 {v} /tiáochèn/ :: to lose one's milk teeth and grow permanent or adult teeth
齠年 {n} [literary] /tiáonián/ :: childhood
{def} SEE: ::
龆龀 {def} SEE: 齠齔 ::
龆年 {def} SEE: 齠年 ::
{def} /tiāo,tiǎo/ :: to provoke; to incite
{def} /tiāo,tiǎo/ :: to bring something into the open; to make public
{def} /tiāo,tiǎo/ :: to pick; to select; to choose
{def} /tiāo,tiǎo/ :: to carry (something) on a shoulder pole
挑拨 {def} SEE: 挑撥 ::
挑拨离间 {def} SEE: 挑撥離間 ::
挑撥 {v} /tiǎobō/ :: to incite disharmony; to stir up conflict
挑撥離間 {idiom} /tiǎobōlíjiàn/ :: to incite one person from another; to drive a wedge between; to foment disunity and dissension; to sow discord
挑刺 {v} /tiāocì,er/ :: to find faults in others; to nitpick; to carp
挑刺儿 {def} SEE: 挑刺兒 ::
挑刺兒 {v} /tiāocìr/ :: erhua form of []
挑錯 {v} /tiāocuò,er/ :: to find fault (with); to nitpick
挑错 {def} SEE: 挑錯 ::
挑灯 {def} SEE: 挑燈 ::
挑灯夜战 {def} SEE: 挑燈夜戰 ::
挑燈 {v} /tiǎodēng/ :: to raise the wick of an oil lamp
挑燈 {v} /tiǎodēng/ :: to hang a lantern from a pole
挑燈 {v} [Quanzhou, &, Xiamen Hokkien] /tiǎodēng/ :: to hang a lantern on two sides of a sedan chair to lead the way of the bridal sedan chair
挑燈 {n} [Quanzhou, &, Xiamen Hokkien] /tiǎodēng/ :: lantern
挑燈夜戰 {idiom} /tiǎodēngyèzhàn/ :: to work late into the night; to burn the midnight oil
挑动 {def} SEE: 挑動 ::
挑動 {v} /tiǎodòng/ :: to lift up (elevate to a higher position)
挑動 {v} /tiǎodòng/ :: to give rise to; to lead to; to touch off; to arouse
挑動 {v} /tiǎodòng/ :: to provoke; to stir up; to incite
挑斗 {def} SEE: 挑逗 ::
挑鬥 {def} SEE: 挑逗 ::
挑逗 {v} /tiǎodòu/ :: to tease; to provoke
挑逗 {v} /tiǎodòu/ :: to flirt; to make out with; to philander with
挑夫 {n} [old] /tiāofū/ :: porter (carrying luggage on a shoulder pole)
挑鉤 {v} /tiǎogōu,er/ :: to tick using a check mark ()
挑鉤兒 {v} /tiǎogōur/ :: erhua form of to tick using a check mark
挑钩 {def} SEE: 挑鉤 ::
挑钩儿 {def} SEE: 挑鉤兒 ::
挑机 {def} SEE: 挑機 ::
挑拣 {def} SEE: 挑揀 ::
挑揀 {v} /tiāojiǎn/ :: to pick; to choose; to select
挑起 {v} /tiāoqǐ/ :: to carry on a shoulder pole
挑起 {v} /tiǎoqǐ/ :: to provoke; to stir up; to instigate; to incite
挑食 {v} /tiāoshí/ :: to be picky about food
挑事 {v} /tiǎoshì,er/ :: to stir up trouble; to provoke; to rock the boat
挑手边 {def} SEE: 挑手邊 ::
挑唆 {v} /tiǎosuō/ :: to incite; to abet; to instigate
挑剔 {adj} /tiāoti,tiāotī,tiāotì,1nb/ :: nitpicky; captious
挑剔 {adj} /tiāoti,tiāotī,tiāotì,1nb/ :: choosy; fussy
挑剔 {v} /tiāoti,tiāotī,tiāotì,1nb/ :: to nitpick; to find fault
挑剔 {v} /tiāoti,tiāotī,tiāotì,1nb/ :: to be choosy; to be fussy
挑衅 {def} SEE: 挑釁 ::
挑釁 {v} /tiǎoxìn/ :: to provoke
挑选 {def} SEE: 挑選 ::
挑選 {v} /tiāoxuǎn/ :: to select; to choose
挑战 {def} SEE: 挑戰 ::
挑战性 {def} SEE: 挑戰性 ::
挑战者深渊 {def} SEE: 挑戰者深淵 ::
挑戰 {v} [literally] /tiǎozhàn/ :: to challenge (to a fight); to throw down the gauntlet
挑戰 {v} [figuratively] /tiǎozhàn/ :: to challenge (invite someone to take part in a contest)
挑戰 {v} [figuratively] /tiǎozhàn/ :: to challenge (put demands on)
挑戰 {v} [figuratively] /tiǎozhàn/ :: to challenge (dispute the validity of something)
挑戰 {n} /tiǎozhàn/ :: challenge; difficulty
挑戰性 {n} /tiǎozhànxìng/ :: something's challenging nature
挑戰者深淵 {prop} /Tiǎozhànzhě Shēnyuān/ :: Challenger Deep (a point in the Mariana Trench, known as the deepest point in the world's oceans, in the ocean territory of the Federated States of Micronesia)
{def} /tǒu/ :: used in 斢㪹
{def} /tǒu/ :: alternative form of
{def} [dialect] /tiǎo/ :: to exchange
{def} /tiǎo/ :: Used in 窈窕
{def} /tiào/ :: to cast sidelong glances
{def} /tiào/ :: [alternative form 覜] to gaze afar; to look from a distance眺望
{def} /tiào/ :: to look at; to gaze
{def} [archaic, Buddhism] /tiào/ :: to examine; to investigate
{def} /tiào/ :: [historical dictionaries] to avoid
眺望 {v} /tiàowàng/ :: to look off into the distance from a high place
{def} SEE: ::
粜米 {def} SEE: 糶米 ::
{def} /tiào/ :: to sell (grain)
{def} /tiào/ :: [obsolete] to sell
{def} /diào/ :: surname
糶米 {v} [literary or dialectal] /tiàomǐ/ :: to sell rice
{def} /dào,diào,tiào/ :: [obsolete] five-colored silk
{def} /dào,diào,tiào/ :: [obsolete] long; threadlike
{def} /dào,diào,tiào/ :: [obsolete] fine silk
{def} /tiào/ :: to jump; to leap; to hop
{def} /tiào/ :: to pass over; to skip; to bypass
{def} /tiào/ :: to beat; to palpitate; to pulsate
{def} /tiào/ :: to jump (into or from) so as to result in death
跳板 {n} [literally, figuratively] /tiàobǎn/ :: springboard; diving board; gangplank
跳槽 {v} [archaic, original meaning, of a beast of burden] /tiàocáo,er/ :: to rush to snatch food in the feeding trough of another animal; to jump from one's manger
跳槽 {v} [figurative, common in Ming/Qing-era novels, especially of a brothel client] /tiàocáo,er/ :: to abandon the old for the new in love relationships
跳槽 {v} [figurative, main modern meaning] /tiàocáo,er/ :: to change to a better job; to move from one job or career to another voluntarily
跳車 {v} /tiàochē/ :: to jump out of a moving car
跳车 {def} SEE: 跳車 ::
跳虫 {def} SEE: 跳蟲 ::
跳蟲 {n} /tiàochóng/ :: springtail; snow flea
跳出 {v} /tiàochū/ :: to jump out of; to free oneself from; to quit
跳出 {v} /tiàochū/ :: to appear suddenly
跳出 {v} /tiàochū/ :: to display (from within software)
跳达 {def} SEE: 跳達 ::
跳蛋 {n} /tiàodàn/ :: love egg; egg-shaped vibrator
跳动 {def} SEE: 跳動 ::
跳動 {v} /tiàodòng/ :: to beat; to pulsate; to throb
跳動 {v} /tiàodòng/ :: to caper; to skip
跳房子 {n} /tiào fángzi/ :: hopscotch
跳房子 {v} /tiào fángzi/ :: to play hopscotch
跳飛機 {v} /tiào fēijī/ :: to jump out of an airplane
跳飛機 {v} /tiào fēijī/ :: to arrive in another country by plane
跳飛機 {v} /tiào fēijī/ :: to work abroad illegally
跳飛機 {v} [dialectal] /tiào fēijī/ :: to play hopscotch
跳飛機 {n} [dialectal] /tiào fēijī/ :: hopscotch
跳飞机 {def} SEE: 跳飛機 ::
跳杆 {def} SEE: 跳桿 ::
跳桿 {n} /tiàogān/ :: pogo stick
跳高 {v} /tiàogāo/ :: to do high jump
跳高 {n} [sport] /tiàogāo/ :: high jump
跳格 {n} [dialectal] /tiàogé,er/ :: hopscotch
跳格 {v} [dialectal] /tiàogé,er/ :: to play hopscotch
跳格子 {n} /tiào gézi/ :: hopscotch
跳格子 {v} /tiào gézi/ :: to play hopscotch
跳過 {v} /tiàoguò/ :: to jump over; to jump across
跳過 {v} /tiàoguò/ :: to skip (a turn, an activity, a webpage, etc.)
跳过 {def} SEE: 跳過 ::
跳海 {v} /tiàohǎi/ :: to jump into the sea; to dive into the sea
跳海 {v} /tiàohǎi/ :: to commit suicide by jumping into the sea
跳海 {v} [Liuzhou Mandarin] /tiàohǎi/ :: to play hopscotch
跳海 {n} [Liuzhou Mandarin] /tiàohǎi/ :: hopscotch
跳行 {v} /tiàoháng/ :: to skip a line (in reading and transcribing)
跳行 {v} /tiàoháng/ :: to start a new paragraph
跳行 {v} /tiàoháng/ :: to change one's profession, occupation, or trade
跳河 {v} /tiàohé/ :: to commit suicide by jumping into a river
跳級 {v} [of a student] /tiàojí/ :: to skip a year; to skip a grade
跳級 {v} /tiàojí/ :: to jump a rank
跳级 {def} SEE: 跳級 ::
跳間 {n} /tiàojiān/ :: hopscotch
跳間 {v} /tiàojiān/ :: to play hopscotch
跳间 {def} SEE: 跳間 ::
跳跤顿地 {def} SEE: 跳跤頓地 ::
跳跤顿蹄 {def} SEE: 跳跤頓蹄 ::
跳脚 {def} SEE: 跳腳 ::
跳腳 {v} /tiàojiǎo/ :: to stomp the floor with anger or anxiety
跳腳 {v} [figurative] /tiàojiǎo/ :: to become very angry and anxious; hopping mad
跳进黄河洗不清 {def} SEE: 跳進黃河洗不清 ::
跳進黃河洗不清 {idiom} /tiào jìn Huáng Hé xǐ 不 qīng/ :: to have a wrongful accusation that is unable to be got rid of
跳井 {v} /tiàojǐng/ :: to drown oneself in a well
跳梁 {def} SEE: 跳樑 ::
跳梁小丑 {def} SEE: 跳樑小丑 ::
跳樑 {adj} /tiàoliáng/ :: base; mean; bossy; domineering
跳樑 {adj} /tiàoliáng/ :: bouncing and vivacious
跳樑 {v} /tiàoliáng/ :: to revolt; to rebel; to defy the authorities
跳樑 {v} /tiàoliáng/ :: to leap
跳樑小丑 {idiom} /tiàoliángxiǎochǒu/ :: a buffoon who performs antics; a contemptible rebel; a clumsy mischief-maker
跳踉 {def} SEE: 跳樑 ::
跳羚 {n} /tiàolíng/ :: springbok (African species of antelope)
跳楼 {def} SEE: 跳樓 ::
跳楼机 {def} SEE: 跳樓機 ::
跳樓 {v} /tiàolóu/ :: to commit suicide by jumping from a building; to jump to one's death
跳樓 {v} [figurative] /tiàolóu/ :: to make drastic price cuts
跳樓機 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /tiàolóujī/ :: drop tower; big drop
跳馬 {n} [gymnastics] /tiàomǎ/ :: vault
跳马 {def} SEE: 跳馬 ::
跳皮筋 {n} /tiào píjīn,er/ :: Chinese jump rope
跳棋 {n} /tiàoqí/ :: Chinese checkers
跳棋 {n} /tiàoqí/ :: checkers; draughts
跳桥 {def} SEE: 跳橋 ::
跳橋 {v} /tiàoqiáo/ :: to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge
跳伞 {def} SEE: 跳傘 ::
跳傘 {n} /tiàosǎn/ :: parachuting
跳傘 {n} /tiàosǎn/ :: skydiving
跳傘 {v} /tiàosǎn/ :: to parachute
跳傘 {v} /tiàosǎn/ :: to skydive
跳神 {n} /tiàoshén/ :: sorcerer's dance in a trance
跳繩 {n} /tiàoshéng/ :: jump rope; skip rope
跳繩 {v} /tiàoshéng/ :: to play jump rope
跳绳 {def} SEE: 跳繩 ::
跳虱 {def} SEE: 跳蝨 ::
跳蝨 {n} [chiefly Cantonese, Wu] /tiàoshī/ :: flea
跳鼠 {n} /tiàoshǔ/ :: jerboa (Classifier: m,c:隻)
跳水 {v} /tiàoshuǐ/ :: to dive; to jump into water
跳水 {v} /tiàoshuǐ/ :: to decrease speedily
跳水 {v} [Sichuan, Quanzhou, &, Zhangzhou Hokkien] /tiàoshuǐ/ :: to commit suicide by jumping into a body of water
跳水 {n} /tiàoshuǐ/ :: diving (jumping into water)
跳臺 {n} /tiàotái/ :: diving tower; diving platform
跳台 {def} SEE: 跳臺 ::
跳天顿地 {def} SEE: 跳天頓地 ::
跳舞 {v} /tiàowǔ/ :: to dance
跳舞机 {def} SEE: 跳舞機 ::
跳舞機 {n} /tiàowǔjī/ :: dance machine; dance pad
跳箱 {n} [sports] /tiàoxiāng/ :: vaulting box; box horse; jumping box
跳箱 {n} [sports] /tiàoxiāng/ :: box vaulting
跳鱼 {def} SEE: 跳魚 ::
跳远 {def} SEE: 跳遠 ::
跳遠 {v} [athletics] /tiàoyuǎn/ :: to do long jump
跳遠 {n} [athletics] /tiàoyuǎn/ :: long jump
跳跃 {def} SEE: 跳躍 ::
跳躍 {v} /tiàoyuè/ :: to jump; to prance; to leap
跳蚤 {n} /tiàozao,tiàozǎo,1nb/ :: flea
跳蚤市場 {n} /tiàozao shìchǎng,tiàozǎo shìchǎng,tiàozǎo shìcháng,1nb/ :: flea market
跳蚤市场 {def} SEE: 跳蚤市場 ::
跳閘 {v} [of a circuit breaker] /tiàozhá/ :: to trip
跳闸 {def} SEE: 跳閘 ::
跳轉 {v} [Internet] /tiàozhuǎn/ :: to jump (to a new webpage)
跳转 {def} SEE: 跳轉 ::
{def} /tiē/ :: to be submissive; to be obedient; to be docile
{def} /tiē/ :: stable
{def} /tiē/ :: Same as 貼
{def} /tiē/ :: surname
{def} /tiě/ :: note; invitation; identity card
{def} /tiě/ :: classifier for doses of herbal medicine
{def} /tiè/ :: copybook
帖木儿 {def} SEE: 帖木兒 ::
帖木兒 {prop} /Tiēmù'ér,Tièmù'ér,Tiěmù'ér,1nb/ :: Timur; Tamerlane
帖撒羅尼迦 {prop} [Protestantism] /Tiěsāluóníjiā/ :: Thessalonica
帖撒羅尼迦後書 {prop} [Protestantism] /Tiěsāluóníjiā Hòushū/ :: 2 Thessalonians
帖撒羅尼迦前書 {prop} [Protestantism] /Tiěsāluóníjiā Qiánshū/ :: 1 Thessalonians
帖撒罗尼迦 {def} SEE: 帖撒羅尼迦 ::
帖撒罗尼迦后书 {def} SEE: 帖撒羅尼迦後書 ::
帖撒罗尼迦前书 {def} SEE: 帖撒羅尼迦前書 ::
帖子 {n} /tiězi/ :: card; invitation
帖子 {n} [Internet] /tiězi/ :: message; post
{def} [organic compound] /tiē/ :: terpene
{def} /tiē/ :: to paste to; to stick on
{def} /tiē/ :: to be attached to
貼吧 {prop} /Tiēbā/ :: Baidu Tieba, a Chinese communication platform
貼吧 {n} /Tiēbā/ :: a subforum on that website
貼補 {v} /tiēbǔ/ :: to subsidize (one's relatives or friends); to help out financially
貼補 {v} /tiēbǔ/ :: to use stored material or savings to cover daily needs or expenses
貼換 {v} [old] /tiēhuàn/ :: to trade something in for
貼己 {adj} /tiējǐ/ :: intimate; close; bosom
貼金 {v} /tiējīn/ :: to cover (a surface) with gold foil; to gild
貼金 {v} [figurative] /tiējīn/ :: to touch up; to prettify; to glorify
貼近 {v} /tiējìn/ :: to press close to; to nestle up against
貼膜 {v} /tiē膜,er/ :: to cover (mobile phone, car windows, etc.) with a protective layer of film; to laminate
貼片 {n} /tiēpiàn/ :: medicinal patch
貼切 {adj} /tiēqiè/ :: apt; suitable; appropriate; proper (of words)
貼身 {adj} [of clothing etc.] /tiēshēn/ :: nicely fitting; fitting well
貼身 {adj} [attributive] /tiēshēn/ :: body-hugging; close-fitting; next to the skin
貼身 {adj} [attributive] /tiēshēn/ :: constantly accompanying; personal
貼身 {adj} /tiēshēn/ :: intimate; close
貼士 {n} /tiēshì/ :: tip; helpful hint; small piece of practical advice
貼士 {n} /tiēshì/ :: tip; inside story
貼士 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /tiēshì/ :: tip; gratuities
貼題 {adj} /tiētí/ :: relevant; pertinent; to the point
貼息 {n} /tiē息/ :: banking
貼息 {n} /tiē息/ :: interest so deducted; discount
貼息 {n} /tiē息/ :: paying interest in the form of a deduction when selling a bill of exchange, etc
貼心 {adj} /tiēxīn/ :: intimate; close
貼心 {adj} /tiēxīn/ :: caring; considerate; thoughtful
貼紙 {n} /tiēzhǐ/ :: sticker (adhesive label or decal)
{def} SEE: ::
贴吧 {def} SEE: 貼吧 ::
贴本 {def} SEE: 貼本 ::
贴补 {def} SEE: 貼補 ::
贴地 {def} SEE: 貼地 ::
贴换 {def} SEE: 貼換 ::
贴己 {def} SEE: 貼己 ::
贴金 {def} SEE: 貼金 ::
贴近 {def} SEE: 貼近 ::
贴膜 {def} SEE: 貼膜 ::
贴片 {def} SEE: 貼片 ::
贴切 {def} SEE: 貼切 ::
贴身 {def} SEE: 貼身 ::
贴士 {def} SEE: 貼士 ::
贴手㬹 {def} SEE: 貼手㬹 ::
贴题 {def} SEE: 貼題 ::
贴息 {def} SEE: 貼息 ::
贴心 {def} SEE: 貼心 ::
贴纸 {def} SEE: 貼紙 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tiě/ :: treacherous; cunning
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tiě/ :: iron (Fe)
{def} /tiě/ :: railway
{def} /tiě/ :: arms; weapon
{def} /tiě/ :: strong; solid; firm
{def} /tiě/ :: ironclad; hard
{def} /tiě/ :: intimate
{def} /tiě/ :: ruthless
{def} /tiě/ :: surname
鐵T {n} [LGBT, slang] /tiě-tì,tiě-tī,py/ :: stone butch
鐵板 {n} /tiěbǎn/ :: iron panel, hot iron plate for fast grilling, (Japanese) teppan
鐵板燒 {n} /tiěbǎnshāo/ :: teppanyaki (a Japanese style of cooking)
鐵板一塊 {idiom} [figuratively] /tiěbǎn一kuài/ :: a monolithic whole
鐵棒 {n} /tiěbàng/ :: iron bar; iron rod
鐵包金 {n} /tiěbāojīn/ :: root of the lineate supplejack (an herb used in traditional Chinese medicine to improve blood circulation)
鐵筆 {n} /tiěbǐ/ :: cutting tool used in carving seals, etc
鐵筆 {n} /tiěbǐ/ :: stylus for cutting stencils; stencil pen
鐵筆 {n} [Min Nan] /tiěbǐ/ :: fountain pen
鐵鞭 {n} /tiěbiān/ :: an iron whip; a chain whip
鐵餅 {n} /tiěbǐng/ :: discus throw
鐵齒 {adj} [Min Nan, Taiwan Mandarin] /tiěchǐ/ :: firm in speech; obstinate; opinionated; argumentative
鐵齒 {adj} [Mainland] /tiěchǐ/ :: eloquent; persuasive in speech
鐵窗 {n} /tiěchuāng/ :: window with iron grating
鐵窗 {n} /tiěchuāng/ :: prison bar
鐵鎚 {n} [archaic] /tiěchuí/ :: an iron mallet (an ancient weapon)
鐵打 {adj} /tiědǎ/ :: made from iron
鐵打 {adj} [figurative] /tiědǎ/ :: unshakeable; firm; unwavering
鐵道 {n} /tiědào/ :: railroad; railway (the actual physical road)
鐵定 {adj} /tiědìng/ :: ironclad; fixed; unalterable
鐵定 {adv} /tiědìng/ :: certainly; surely
鐵爾麥 {n} /tiě'ěrmài/ :: terme (a type of lyrical poetry of the Kazakh people)
鐵飯碗 {n} [literally] /tiěfànwǎn,er/ :: iron rice bowl
鐵飯碗 {n} [figurative] /tiěfànwǎn,er/ :: secure job; job for life; job security
鐵肺 {n} /tiěfèi/ :: iron lungs
鐵粉 {n} /tiěfěn/ :: iron powder
鐵粉 {n} [slang] /tiěfěn/ :: passionate fan
鐵氟龍 {n} [Taiwan, organic compound] /tiěfúlóng/ :: Teflon; PTFE; polytetrafluoroethylene
鐵干里克 {prop} /Tiěgānlǐkè/ :: (~ 鎮) 鐵干里克 (town)
鐵桿 {n} /tiěgǎn,er/ :: iron club
鐵桿 {n} [figurative] /tiěgǎn,er/ :: persistent or headstrong person
鐵桿 {adj} [attributive, of a fan] /tiěgǎn,er/ :: loyal and reliable; diehard
鐵桿 {adj} [attributive, of a traitor] /tiěgǎn,er/ :: out-and-out; diehard
鐵桿粉絲 {n} /tiěgǎn fěnsī,er/ :: die-hard fan; stan
鐵公雞 {n} [xiehouyu, figurative] /tiěgōngjī/ :: cheapskate; scrooge (Classifier: m,c:個)
鐵礦 {n} /tiěkuàng/ :: iron ore
鐵礦 {n} /tiěkuàng/ :: iron mine
鐵礦石 {n} /tiěkuàngshí/ :: iron ore
鐵骨錚錚 {idiom} /tiěgǔzhēngzhēng/ :: [of character] firm and unyielding, staunch and virile
鐵觀音 {n} /tiěguānyīn/ :: Tieguanyin tea (a variety of oolong tea)
鐵軌 {n} /tiěguǐ/ :: rail (metal bar that makes the track of a railroad); track
鐵櫃 {n} /tiěguì/ :: safe; strongbox (made of iron)
鐵鍋 {n} /tiěguō/ :: iron cooking pot
鐵騎 {n} [literary] /tiě騎/ :: armoured warhorse
鐵騎 {n} [literary] /tiě騎/ :: valiant cavalry
鐵甲 {n} /tiějiǎ/ :: armor; mail
鐵甲 {n} [military] /tiějiǎ/ :: armor for vessels, vehicles, etc
鐵甲 {n} [Xiamen, &, Zhangzhou Hokkien] /tiějiǎ/ :: gwelly ; torpedo scad (Megalaspis cordyla)
鐵甲 {prop} /tiějiǎ/ :: (~ 村) 鐵甲 (village)
鐵甲車 {n} /tiějiǎchē/ :: armoured car; armoured vehicle
鐵甲車 {n} [Hokkien, Leizhou Min, military] /tiějiǎchē/ :: tank
鐵匠 {n} /tiějiàng,tl/ :: blacksmith (person who forges iron)
鐵匠鋪 {n} /tiějiàngpù/ :: blacksmith shop
鐵匠舖 {def} SEE: 鐵匠鋪 ::
鐵勒 {prop} /Tiělè/ :: Tiele
鐵驪 {n} [literary] /tiělí/ :: black horse
鐵驪 {prop} /tiělí/ :: (~ 縣) [historical] Tieli (name used before 1956)
鐵力 {prop} /Tiělì/ :: (~ 市) 鐵力 (city)
鐵蓮花 {n} /tiěliánhuā/ :: brass knuckles
鐵鏈子 {n} /tiěliànzi/ :: iron chain
鐵嶺 {prop} /Tiělǐng/ :: (~ 市) 鐵嶺 (city)
鐵衖 {prop} /Tiělòng/ :: (~ 村) 鐵衖 (village)
鐵爐 {prop} /Tiělú/ :: (~ 鄉) 鐵爐 (township)
鐵路 {n} /tiělù/ :: railroad; railway (Classifier: 條)
鐵律 {n} /tiělǜ/ :: iron law; iron discipline; iron rule
鐵馬 {n} [literary] /tiěmǎ/ :: armoured warhorse
鐵馬 {n} [literary] /tiěmǎ/ :: valiant cavalry
鐵馬 {n} [literary] /tiěmǎ/ :: metal chimes hanging from eaves
鐵馬 {n} [chiefly Taiwan, dated in Xiamen, Quanzhou] /tiěmǎ/ :: bicycle (Classifier: mn:臺)
鐵馬 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /tiěmǎ/ :: mills barrier; crowd control barrier
鐵馬 {n} [Hong Kong] /tiěmǎ/ :: police motorbike
鐵門 {n} /tiěmén/ :: iron gate; grille
鐵門關 {prop} /Tiěménguān/ :: Iron Gate Pass
鐵面 {n} /tiěmiàn/ :: iron mask, especially one used as a defensive armour
鐵面 {n} [figurative] /tiěmiàn/ :: strictly impartial or upright person
鐵面無私 {idiom} /tiěmiànwúsī/ :: strictly impartial and incorruptible
鐵廟 {prop} /Tiěmiào/ :: (~ 村) 鐵廟 (village)
鐵廟溝 {prop} /Tiěmiàogōu/ :: (~ 村) 鐵廟溝 (village)
鐵幕 {n} /tiěmù/ :: Iron Curtain
鐵木里克 {prop} /Tiěmùlǐkè/ :: (~ 鄉) 鐵木里克 (township)
鐵木真 {prop} /Tiěmùzhēn/ :: Temüjin (given name of Genghis Khan)
鐵鳥 {n} [dialectal] /tiěniǎo,er/ :: airplane; aircraft
鐵鳥兒 {n} /tiěniǎor/ :: erhua form of []
鐵牛 {n} /tiěniú/ :: tractor (farm vehicle)
鐵牛 {n} /tiěniú/ :: iron ox (thrown into rivers in ancient times as a ritual for warding off floods)
鐵皮 {n} /tiěpí/ :: iron sheet
鐵皮屋 {n} [Hong Kong] /tiěpíwū/ :: metal hut; metal shack
鐵票 {n} [politics] /tiěpiào/ :: iron vote
鐵器 {n} /tiěqì/ :: ironware
鐵器時代 {prop} [archaeology] /Tiěqì Shídài/ :: the Iron Age
鐵鍬 {n} /tiěqiāo/ :: spade; shovel
鐵橋 {prop} /Tiěqiáo/ :: (~ 鎮) 鐵橋 (town)
鐵撬 {n} /tiěqiào/ :: crowbar
鐵青 {adj} /tiěqīng/ :: livid (with rage)
鐵氰化鉀 {n} [inorganic compound] /tiěqínghuàjiǎ/ :: potassium ferricyanide
鐵拳 {n} /tiěquán/ :: iron fist
鐵熱克 {prop} /Tiěrèkè/ :: (~ 村) 鐵熱克 (village)
鐵熱木 {prop} /Tiěrèmù/ :: (~ 鎮) 鐵熱木 (town)
鐵人 {n} /tiěrén/ :: someone with exceptional physical and mental strength
鐵人三項 {n} /tiěrén sān xiàng/ :: triathlon
鐵山 {prop} /Tiěshān/ :: (~ 區) 鐵山 (district)
鐵石心腸 {idiom} /tiěshíxīncháng/ :: stone-hearted; unmoved
鐵樹 {n} /tiěshù/ :: Cycas revoluta, the king sago palm
鐵水 {n} /tiěshuǐ/ :: molten iron
鐵絲 {n} /tiěsī/ :: iron wire
鐵絲網 {n} /tiěsīwǎng/ :: wire netting; chicken wire
鐵絲網 {n} [military] /tiěsīwǎng/ :: barbed wire; wire entanglement
鐵四指 {n} /tiěsìzhǐ/ :: brass knuckles
鐵鎖 {n} /tiěsuǒ/ :: carabiner; karabiner
鐵鎖 {n} /tiěsuǒ/ :: iron lock of any kind
鐵塔 {n} /tiětǎ/ :: iron tower
鐵蹄 {n} /tiětí/ :: iron heel
鐵蹄 {n} [figurative] /tiětí/ :: oppression of the people; iron fist
鐵銅 {prop} /Tiětóng/ :: (~ 鄉) 鐵銅 (township)
鐵桶 {n} /tiětǒng/ :: an iron barrel
鐵頭功 {n} [martial arts] /tiětóugōng/ :: iron head (one of the traditional Shaolin fighting arts)
鐵頭功 {n} [in general] /tiětóugōng/ :: headbutt
鐵腕 {n} [figurative] /tiěwàn/ :: iron fist
鐵甕城 {prop} /Tiě Wèngchéng/ :: Tie Wengcheng (sub-city of Zhenjiang built by Wu Sunquan during the Three Kingdoms period)
鐵鍁 {n} /tiěxiān/ :: iron shovel; spade
鐵莧菜 {n} [TCM] /tiěxiàncài/ :: Asian copperleaf
鐵心 {v} /tiěxīn/ :: to be unshakable in one's determination
鐵心 {n} [electricity] /tiěxīn/ :: iron core
鐵心石腸 {idiom} /tiěxīnshícháng/ :: synonym of 鐵石心腸
鐵銹 {def} SEE: 鐵鏽 ::
鐵鏽 {n} /tiěxiù/ :: rust of iron
鐵血主義 {n} /tiě血zhǔyì/ :: blood-and-iron policy
鐵閘 {n} /tiězhá/ :: metal gate (Classifier: m,c:道)
鐵砧 {n} /tiězhēn/ :: anvil
鐵針 {n} /tiězhēn/ :: iron needle (Classifier: m:枚)
鐵證 {n} /tiězhèng/ :: solid evidence; irrefutable evidence
鐵證如山 {idiom} /tiězhèngrúshān/ :: a mountain of solid evidence; irrefutable
鐵製品 {n} /tiězhìpǐn/ :: ironware; ironwork
鐵質 {n} /tiě质/ :: iron (usually as a nutrient)
鐵嘴 {prop} /Tiězuǐ/ :: (~ 村) 鐵嘴 (village)
{def} SEE: ::
铁𰉣 {def} SEE: 鐵墿 ::
铁T {def} SEE: 鐵T ::
铁板 {def} SEE: 鐵板 ::
铁板烧 {def} SEE: 鐵板燒 ::
铁板一块 {def} SEE: 鐵板一塊 ::
铁棒 {def} SEE: 鐵棒 ::
铁包金 {def} SEE: 鐵包金 ::
铁笔 {def} SEE: 鐵筆 ::
铁笔水 {def} SEE: 鐵筆水 ::
铁鞭 {def} SEE: 鐵鞭 ::
铁饼 {def} SEE: 鐵餅 ::
铁齿 {def} SEE: 鐵齒 ::
铁窗 {def} SEE: 鐵窗 ::
铁鎚 {def} SEE: 鐵鎚 ::
铁锤 {def} SEE: 鐵錘 ::
铁打 {def} SEE: 鐵打 ::
铁道 {def} SEE: 鐵道 ::
铁钉仔锤 {def} SEE: 鐵釘仔錘 ::
铁定 {def} SEE: 鐵定 ::
铁尔麦 {def} SEE: 鐵爾麥 ::
铁饭碗 {def} SEE: 鐵飯碗 ::
铁肺 {def} SEE: 鐵肺 ::
铁粉 {def} SEE: 鐵粉 ::
铁氟龙 {def} SEE: 鐵氟龍 ::
铁干里克 {def} SEE: 鐵干里克 ::
铁干证 {def} SEE: 鐵乾證 ::
铁杆 {def} SEE: 鐵桿 ::
铁杆粉丝 {def} SEE: 鐵桿粉絲 ::
铁公鸡 {def} SEE: 鐵公雞 ::
铁牯牛 {def} SEE: 鐵牯牛 ::
铁骨铮铮 {def} SEE: 鐵骨錚錚 ::
铁观音 {def} SEE: 鐵觀音 ::
铁轨 {def} SEE: 鐵軌 ::
铁柜 {def} SEE: 鐵櫃 ::
铁锅 {def} SEE: 鐵鍋 ::
铁苋菜 {def} SEE: 鐵莧菜 ::
铁甲 {def} SEE: 鐵甲 ::
铁甲车 {def} SEE: 鐵甲車 ::
铁匠 {def} SEE: 鐵匠 ::
铁匠铺 {def} SEE: 鐵匠鋪 ::
铁金龟 {def} SEE: 鐵金龜 ::
铁矿 {def} SEE: 鐵礦 ::
铁矿石 {def} SEE: 鐵礦石 ::
铁勒 {def} SEE: 鐵勒 ::
铁骊 {def} SEE: 鐵驪 ::
铁力 {def} SEE: 鐵力 ::
铁莲花 {def} SEE: 鐵蓮花 ::
铁链子 {def} SEE: 鐵鏈子 ::
铁岭 {def} SEE: 鐵嶺 ::
铁衖 {def} SEE: 鐵衖 ::
铁炉 {def} SEE: 鐵爐 ::
铁路 {def} SEE: 鐵路 ::
铁律 {def} SEE: 鐵律 ::
铁马 {def} SEE: 鐵馬 ::
铁帽 {def} SEE: 鐵帽 ::
铁门 {def} SEE: 鐵門 ::
铁门关 {def} SEE: 鐵門關 ::
铁面 {def} SEE: 鐵面 ::
铁面无私 {def} SEE: 鐵面無私 ::
铁庙 {def} SEE: 鐵廟 ::
铁庙沟 {def} SEE: 鐵廟溝 ::
铁幕 {def} SEE: 鐵幕 ::
铁木里克 {def} SEE: 鐵木里克 ::
铁木真 {def} SEE: 鐵木真 ::
铁鸟 {def} SEE: 鐵鳥 ::
铁鸟儿 {def} SEE: 鐵鳥兒 ::
铁牛 {def} SEE: 鐵牛 ::
铁皮 {def} SEE: 鐵皮 ::
铁皮屋 {def} SEE: 鐵皮屋 ::
铁票 {def} SEE: 鐵票 ::
铁骑 {def} SEE: 鐵騎 ::
铁器 {def} SEE: 鐵器 ::
铁器时代 {def} SEE: 鐵器時代 ::
铁锹 {def} SEE: 鐵鍬 ::
铁桥 {def} SEE: 鐵橋 ::
铁撬 {def} SEE: 鐵撬 ::
铁青 {def} SEE: 鐵青 ::
铁氰化钾 {def} SEE: 鐵氰化鉀 ::
铁拳 {def} SEE: 鐵拳 ::
铁热克 {def} SEE: 鐵熱克 ::
铁热木 {def} SEE: 鐵熱木 ::
铁人 {def} SEE: 鐵人 ::
铁人三项 {def} SEE: 鐵人三項 ::
铁山 {def} SEE: 鐵山 ::
铁鉎 {def} SEE: 鐵鉎 ::
铁石心肠 {def} SEE: 鐵石心腸 ::
铁屎 {def} SEE: 鐵屎 ::
铁手 {def} SEE: 鐵手 ::
铁树 {def} SEE: 鐵樹 ::
铁水 {def} SEE: 鐵水 ::
铁丝 {def} SEE: 鐵絲 ::
铁丝网 {def} SEE: 鐵絲網 ::
铁四指 {def} SEE: 鐵四指 ::
铁锁 {def} SEE: 鐵鎖 ::
铁塔 {def} SEE: 鐵塔 ::
铁蹄 {def} SEE: 鐵蹄 ::
铁通 {def} SEE: 鐵通 ::
铁铜 {def} SEE: 鐵銅 ::
铁桶 {def} SEE: 鐵桶 ::
铁头 {def} SEE: 鐵頭 ::
铁头功 {def} SEE: 鐵頭功 ::
铁涂 {def} SEE: 鐵塗 ::
铁腕 {def} SEE: 鐵腕 ::
铁瓮城 {def} SEE: 鐵甕城 ::
铁锨 {def} SEE: 鐵鍁 ::
铁线 {def} SEE: 鐵線 ::
铁线仔 {def} SEE: 鐵線仔 ::
铁心 {def} SEE: 鐵心 ::
铁心石肠 {def} SEE: 鐵心石腸 ::
铁锈 {def} SEE: 鐵鏽 ::
铁血主义 {def} SEE: 鐵血主義 ::
铁仔 {def} SEE: 鐵仔 ::
铁闸 {def} SEE: 鐵閘 ::
铁砧 {def} SEE: 鐵砧 ::
铁砧子 {def} SEE: 鐵砧子 ::
铁针 {def} SEE: 鐵針 ::
铁证 {def} SEE: 鐵證 ::
铁证如山 {def} SEE: 鐵證如山 ::
铁枝 {def} SEE: 鐵枝 ::
铁枝路 {def} SEE: 鐵枝路 ::
铁制品 {def} SEE: 鐵製品 ::
铁质 {def} SEE: 鐵質 ::
铁嘴 {def} SEE: 鐵嘴 ::
{def} /tiě/ :: black horse
{def} /tiè/ :: a kind of cake
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tiè/ :: a kind of herb medicine
䵿 {def} /tiè/ :: a silent drum
䵿 {def} /tiè/ :: spacious
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tiě/ :: only used in 蛈蝪
{def} /tiè/ :: only used in 饕餮
{def} SEE: ::
厅长 {def} SEE: 廳長 ::
厅堂 {def} SEE: 廳堂 ::
厅头 {def} SEE: 廳頭 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /yǐn/ :: [obsolete] laughing
{def} /yǐn/ :: [obsolete] having a big mouth
听不懂 {def} SEE: 聽不懂 ::
听不见 {def} SEE: 聽不見 ::
听出耳油 {def} SEE: 聽出耳油 ::
听从 {def} SEE: 聽從 ::
听错 {def} SEE: 聽錯 ::
听呾 {def} SEE: 聽呾 ::
听得懂 {def} SEE: 聽得懂 ::
听得见 {def} SEE: 聽得見 ::
听懂 {def} SEE: 聽懂 ::
听而不闻 {def} SEE: 聽而不聞 ::
听返嚟 {def} SEE: 聽返嚟 ::
听候 {def} SEE: 聽候 ::
听话 {def} SEE: 聽話 ::
听喙 {def} SEE: 聽喙 ::
听见 {def} SEE: 聽見 ::
听见话 {def} SEE: 聽見話 ::
听讲 {def} SEE: 聽講 ::
听教 {def} SEE: 聽教 ::
听觉 {def} SEE: 聽覺 ::
听觉系统 {def} SEE: 聽覺系統 ::
听课 {def} SEE: 聽課 ::
听来 {def} SEE: 聽來 ::
听了风就是雨 {def} SEE: 聽了風就是雨 ::
听力 {def} SEE: 聽力 ::
听聆 {def} SEE: 聽聆 ::
听令 {def} SEE: 聽令 ::
听命 {def} SEE: 聽命 ::
听牌 {def} SEE: 聽牌 ::
听凭 {def} SEE: 聽憑 ::
听凭尊便 {def} SEE: 聽憑尊便 ::
听起来 {def} SEE: 聽起來 ::
听取 {def} SEE: 聽取 ::
听任 {def} SEE: 聽任 ::
听日 {def} SEE: 聽日 ::
听审 {def} SEE: 聽審 ::
听书 {def} SEE: 聽書 ::
听说 {def} SEE: 聽說 ::
听说读写 {def} SEE: 聽說讀寫 ::
听天安命 {def} SEE: 聽天安命 ::
听天命 {def} SEE: 聽天命 ::
听天任命 {def} SEE: 聽天任命 ::
听天委命 {def} SEE: 聽天委命 ::
听天由命 {def} SEE: 聽天由命 ::
听筒 {def} SEE: 聽筒 ::
听晚 {def} SEE: 聽晚 ::
听晚黑 {def} SEE: 聽晚黑 ::
听闻 {def} SEE: 聽聞 ::
听唔明 {def} SEE: 聽唔明 ::
听无 {def} SEE: 聽無 ::
听写 {def} SEE: 聽寫 ::
听信 {def} SEE: 聽信 ::
听荧 {def} SEE: 聽熒 ::
听莹 {def} SEE: 聽瑩 ::
听营 {def} SEE: 聽營 ::
听有 {def} SEE: 聽有 ::
听狱 {def} SEE: 聽獄 ::
听障 {def} SEE: 聽障 ::
听朝 {def} SEE: 聽朝 ::
听朝早 {def} SEE: 聽朝早 ::
听者 {def} SEE: 聽者 ::
听着 {def} SEE: 聽著 ::
听诊 {def} SEE: 聽診 ::
听诊器 {def} SEE: 聽診器 ::
听政 {def} SEE: 聽政 ::
听证 {def} SEE: 聽證 ::
听证会 {def} SEE: 聽證會 ::
听之任之 {def} SEE: 聽之任之 ::
听众 {def} SEE: 聽眾 ::
听子 {def} SEE: 聽子 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tīng/ :: hall; large room
廳長 {n} /tīngzhǎng/ :: head of a certain government department (*廳) (Classifier: m,c:位m,c:個)
廳長 {n} [Cantonese] /tīngzhǎng/ :: someone who sleeps in the living room (Classifier: c:個)
廳堂 {n} /tīngtáng/ :: hall (for holding meetings, concerts, receiving guests, etc.)
廳堂 {n} /tīngtáng/ :: department in a large government organization (such as a ministry); office
廳堂 {n} /tīngtáng/ :: government department at a provincial level
{def} /tīng/ :: small bedside table or stand
{def} /tīng/ :: islet; shore
{def} /tīng,tìng/ :: only used in *汀瀅
{def} /dìng/ :: only used in *汀濘
汀葭 {n} [literary] /tīngjiā/ :: reed near water
汀角 {prop} /Tīngjiǎo/ :: 汀角 (area)
汀九 {prop} /Tīngjiǔ/ :: 汀九 (area)
汀滢 {def} SEE: 汀瀅 ::
汀瀅 {n} [literary] /tīngyíng/ :: small river
汀瀅 {adj} [literary, of a river] /tīngyíng/ :: clear; limpid
汀洲 {n} /tīngzhōu/ :: level islet
汀祖 {prop} /Tīngzǔ/ :: (~ 鎮) 汀祖 (town)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tīng/ :: to listen; to hear; to listen to (radio, etc.)
{def} /tīng/ :: to obey; to heed
{def} /tīng/ :: to allow; to let
{def} [Wenzhou Wu] /tīng/ :: to smell
{def} [Cantonese] /tīng/ :: to pick up the phone
{def} /tīng/ :: can; tin
{def} /tīng/ :: classifier for canned drinks
{def} [Cantonese] /tīng/ :: tomorrow
{def} /聽/ :: [obsolete] to handle (matters of state); to administer
{def} /聽/ :: to adjudicate
{def} /聽/ :: to allow
{def} [mahjong] /tìng/ :: to need (one or more particular tiles) to complete a hand to win
聽不懂 {v} /tīng不dǒng,tl2/ :: to not understand (when listening)
聽不見 {v} /tīng不jiàn/ :: not to be able to hear; can't hear; inaudible
聽從 {v} /tīngcóng/ :: to comply with; to heed; to obey
聽錯 {v} /tīngcuò/ :: to mishear
聽得懂 {v} /tīngdedǒng/ :: to listen (to) and understand; to understand; to catch (what is said)
聽得見 {v} /tīngdejiàn/ :: to be able to be heard; to be audible
聽懂 {v} /tīngdǒng/ :: to understand by listening
聽而不聞 {idiom} /tīng'ér不wén/ :: to hear but not pay attention or care; to turn a deaf ear; to be indifferent
聽候 {v} [literary, Min Nan] /tīnghòu/ :: to wait for (a decision, settlement, etc. from higher authorities)
聽話 {v} /tīnghuà/ :: to obey; to behave
聽話 {v} /tīnghuà/ :: to await a reply or instructions
聽話 {v} /tīnghuà/ :: to heed advice
聽話 {adj} /tīnghuà/ :: obedient; good; compliant; well-disciplined
聽見 {v} /tīngjiàn,tl/ :: to hear
聽講 {v} /tīngjiǎng/ :: to attend a lecture; to listen to a talk
聽教 {v} /tīngjiào/ :: to accept what one is taught; to benefit from advice; to receive instruction; to learn; to study
聽覺 {n} /tīngjué/ :: sense of hearing; audition; auditory sense
聽覺系統 {n} /tīngjué xìtǒng/ :: auditory system
聽課 {v} /tīngkè/ :: to attend a class; to be attentive in class
聽來 {v} /tīnglái/ :: to sound (old, foreign, exciting, right, etc.), to ring (true), to sound as if (i.e. to give the listener an impression), to hear from somewhere
聽了風就是雨 {idiom} /tīng le fēng jiù shì yǔ/ :: to easily believe in hearsay; to overreact to rumors
聽力 {n} /tīnglì/ :: listening skill; aural comprehension
聽力 {n} /tīnglì/ :: hearing; listening ability
聽令 {v} /tīnglìng/ :: to take orders
聽命 {v} /tīngmìng/ :: to obey orders; to follow commands
聽命 {v} /聽mìng/ :: to resign oneself to fate; to submit to the will of heaven
聽牌 {v} [mahjong] /tìngpái/ :: to be one tile away from completing a hand
聽憑 {v} /聽píng/ :: to allow; to let somebody do as he or she pleases
聽憑尊便 {idiom} /聽píngzūnbiàn/ :: according to your preference; it's up to you; do as you like; have it your way
聽起來 {v} /tīngqǐlai/ :: to sound like
聽取 {v} /tīngqǔ/ :: to listen to; to hear (an opinion, report, etc.)
聽任 {v} /聽rèn/ :: to allow; to let somebody do as he or she pleases
聽審 {v} [law] /tīngshěn/ :: to wait for a trial
聽書 {v} /tīngshū/ :: to listen to stories; to listen to performance of pingshu (storytelling)
聽書 {v} [Cantonese] /tīngshū/ :: to listen to the teacher in class
聽說 {v} [literally] /tīngshuō/ :: to listen and speak
聽說 {v} /tīngshuō/ :: to hear it said that; to hear tell
聽說 {v} [colloquial] /tīngshuō/ :: to be obedient
聽說 {n} /tīngshuō/ :: hearsay
聽說讀寫 {idiom} /tīngshuōdúxiě/ :: listening, speaking, reading and writing; various aspects of learning a foreign language
聽説 {def} SEE: 聽說 ::
聽天安命 {idiom} /聽tiān'ānmìng/ :: synonym of 聽天由命
聽天命 {v} /聽tiānmìng/ :: synonym of 聽天由命
聽天任命 {idiom} /聽tiānrènmìng/ :: synonym of 聽天由命
聽天委命 {idiom} /聽tiānwěimìng/ :: synonym of 聽天由命
聽天由命 {idiom} /聽tiānyóumìng/ :: to resign oneself to fate; to be reconciled to one's lot
聽筒 {n} /tīngtǒng/ :: telephone receiver
聽筒 {n} /tīngtǒng/ :: stethoscope
聽聞 {v} [chiefly Cantonese] /tīngwén/ :: to hear about
聽聞 {n} [literary] /tīngwén/ :: news that one has heard
聽寫 {v} /tīngxiě/ :: to dictate; to do dictation
聽信 {v} [archaic] /tīngxìn/ :: to listen to and believe
聽熒 {adj} [literary] /tīngyǐng/ :: perplexed; confused
聽營 {def} SEE: 聽熒 ::
聽瑩 {def} SEE: 聽熒 ::
聽獄 {v} [literary] /聽yù/ :: to hear lawsuits
聽障 {n} /tīngzhàng/ :: hearing loss; hearing impairment
聽者 {n} [literary] /tīngzhě/ :: listener; audience
聽診 {v} /tīngzhěn/ :: to auscultate
聽診器 {n} /tīngzhěnqì/ :: stethoscope
聽政 {v} [literary, historical] /聽zhèng/ :: to handle matters of state
聽證 {v} /tīngzhèng/ :: to hear evidence
聽證會 {n} /tīngzhènghuì/ :: hearing (proceeding at which discussions are heard)
聽之任之 {idiom} /聽zhīrènzhī/ :: to let matters drift; to allow something to continue or develop
聽眾 {n} /tīngzhòng/ :: listeners; audience
聽子 {n} /tīngzi/ :: tin; can
{def} /tīng/ :: only used in 艼熒
{def} /dǐng/ :: only used in 茗艼
{def} [palaeontology] /tíng/ :: fusulinid (extinct single-celled organisms in the order Fusulinida)
{def} /tíng/ :: a kind of fish
{def} /tíng/ :: sheatfish
{def} /tǐng/ :: whole-fish paste (a paste made from a whole fish)
{def} /tíng/ :: [obsolete] inn
{def} /tíng/ :: pavilion
{def} /tíng/ :: kiosk
{def} /tíng/ :: erect
{def} [archaic] /tíng/ :: checkpoint, similar to modern roadside stations in Japan
{def} [archaic] /tíng/ :: Ting, an area of 10×10 li
亭長 {n} [archaic] /tíngzhǎng/ :: district leader
亭长 {def} SEE: 亭長 ::
亭当 {def} SEE: 亭當 ::
亭當 {def} SEE: 停當 ::
亭侯 {n} /tínghóu/ :: Ting Marquis, a rank of nobility during the Han Dynasty
亭臺 {n} /tíngtái/ :: pavilions and terraces [and similar structures in general]
亭臺樓閣 {idiom} /tíngtáilóugé/ :: pavilions, terraces and towers [in general]; traditional Chinese architecture
亭台 {def} SEE: 亭臺 ::
亭台楼阁 {def} SEE: 亭臺樓閣 ::
亭亭 {adj} /tíngtíng/ :: towering; standing straight; standing upright
亭亭 {adj} /tíngtíng/ :: far; distant
亭亭 {adj} /tíngtíng/ :: with a beautiful appearance
亭亭 {adj} /tíngtíng/ :: lofty; unsullied
亭亭玉立 {adj} [of a woman] /tíngtíng yùlì/ :: slender and elegant
亭亭玉立 {adj} [of plants] /tíngtíng yùlì/ :: tall and straight
亭曈 {n} [literary] /tíngtóng/ :: rising sun
亭午 {n} [literary] /tíngwǔ/ :: noon
亭子 {n} /tíngzi/ :: pavilion (public resting place)
亭子 {n} /tíngzi/ :: kiosk (freestanding booth)
亭子間 {n} [dialectal] /tíngzijiān/ :: small, dark back room over a kitchen; garret
亭子间 {def} SEE: 亭子間 ::
{def} /tíng/ :: to stop; to halt
{def} /tíng/ :: to park (a car)
停播 {v} /tíng播/ :: to stop broadcasting
停搏 {v} [medicine, of heart] /tíngbó/ :: to arrest; to stop beating or miss a beat
停泊 {v} /tíngbó/ :: to berth; to anchor; to moor
停泊岛 {def} SEE: 停泊島 ::
停泊島 {prop} /Tíngbó Dǎo/ :: Perhentian Islands
停步 {v} /tíngbù/ :: to stop walking; to halt
停产 {def} SEE: 停產 ::
停產 {v} /tíngchǎn/ :: to stop production
停車 {v} /tíngchē/ :: to park a vehicle
停車 {v} /tíngchē/ :: to stop a vehicle; to pull up
停車 {v} /tíngchē/ :: to stop a machine
停車場 {n} /tíngchē場/ :: car park; parking lot (Classifier: 座)
停車場 {n} [Taiwanese Min Nan, dated] /tíngchē場/ :: railway station; railway stop
停車處 {n} /tíngchēchù/ :: parking (space)
停車房 {n} /tíngchēfáng/ :: garage [especially one that is room-like]
停車費 {n} /tíngchēfèi/ :: parking fee
停車位 {n} /tíngchēwèi/ :: parking space
停车 {def} SEE: 停車 ::
停车场 {def} SEE: 停車場 ::
停车处 {def} SEE: 停車處 ::
停车房 {def} SEE: 停車房 ::
停车费 {def} SEE: 停車費 ::
停车位 {def} SEE: 停車位 ::
停当 {def} SEE: 停當 ::
停當 {adj} /tíngdàng/ :: appropriate; fitting; proper
停當 {adj} [literary] /tíngdàng/ :: comfortable; cozy; snug
停當 {adj} [literary] /tíngdàng/ :: competent; capable
停當 {v} [literary] /tíngdàng/ :: to arrange; to lay out
停电 {def} SEE: 停電 ::
停電 {n} /tíngdiàn/ :: blackout (a large-scale power failure)
停電 {v} /tíngdiàn/ :: to lose power (due to a blackout)
停頓 {n} /tíngdùn/ :: pause
停頓 {v} /tíngdùn/ :: to pause
停顿 {def} SEE: 停頓 ::
停放 {v} /tíngfàng/ :: to park
停放 {v} /tíngfàng/ :: to place
停服 {v} /tíngfú/ :: to halt or end service
停更 {v} [internet slang] /tínggēng/ :: to cease updates permanently
停工 {v} /tínggōng/ :: to stop work; to shut down
停航 {v} /tíngháng/ :: to suspend (air, shipping) service
停火 {n} /tínghuǒ/ :: ceasefire (in warfare, an agreed end to hostilities for a specific purpose)
停机 {def} SEE: 停機 ::
停机坪 {def} SEE: 停機坪 ::
停機 {v} /tíngjī/ :: (of a machine) to stop
停機 {v} /tíngjī/ :: to shut down
停機 {v} /tíngjī/ :: to park an airplane
停機 {v} /tíngjī/ :: to finish shooting (a TV program, etc.)
停機 {v} /tíngjī/ :: to suspend a phone line
停機 {v} /tíngjī/ :: (of a prepaid mobile phone) to be out of credit
停機坪 {n} /tíngjīpíng/ :: airport apron
停建 {v} /tíngjiàn/ :: to stop construction; to suspend the construction of
停經 {n} /tíngjīng/ :: stoppage of menstruation during pregnancy
停經 {n} /tíngjīng/ :: menopause
停经 {def} SEE: 停經 ::
停刊 {v} /tíngkān/ :: to suspend publication (of)
停靠 {v} /tíngkào/ :: to stop at (of vehicles); to berth
停課 {v} /tíngkè/ :: to suspend classes
停课 {def} SEE: 停課 ::
停灵 {def} SEE: 停靈 ::
停靈 {v} /tínglíng/ :: to keep a coffin in a temporary location before burial
停留 {v} /tíngliú/ :: to stay; to remain
停留 {v} /tíngliú/ :: to stagnate; to bog down; to be at a standstill; to be held up
停权 {def} SEE: 停權 ::
停權 {n} /tíngquán/ :: block (e.g. on an Internet forum)
停賽 {v} /tíngsài/ :: to suspend an athlete or a game
停赛 {def} SEE: 停賽 ::
停尸房 {def} SEE: 停屍房 ::
停尸间 {def} SEE: 停屍間 ::
停屍房 {n} /tíngshīfáng/ :: morgue; mortuary
停屍間 {n} /tíngshījiān/ :: morgue, mortuary
停手 {v} /tíngshǒu/ :: to stop [what one is doing]
停息 {v} /tíng息/ :: to stop; to cease
停下 {v} /tíngxià/ :: to stop (cause (something) to cease moving)
停下來 {v} /tíngxiàlái,tl/ :: to stop
停下来 {def} SEE: 停下來 ::
停歇 {v} /tíngxiē/ :: to stop doing business; to close down
停歇 {v} /tíngxiē/ :: to stop for a rest
停歇 {v} /tíngxiē/ :: to stop; to cease
停学 {def} SEE: 停學 ::
停學 {v} /tíngxué/ :: to drop out of school
停药 {def} SEE: 停藥 ::
停药症状 {def} SEE: 停藥症狀 ::
停藥 {n} [medicine] /tíngyào/ :: to stop taking medication; to discontinue drug use
停藥症狀 {n} [medicine] /tíngyào zhèngzhuàng/ :: withdrawal symptom
停业 {def} SEE: 停業 ::
停業 {v} /tíngyè/ :: to stop doing business
停業 {v} /tíngyè/ :: to close a business; to go out of business
停用 {v} /tíngyòng/ :: to stop the use of; to terminate (account, etc.)
停运 {def} SEE: 停運 ::
停運 {v} [of a train service] /tíngyùn/ :: to be suspended/cancelled
停战 {def} SEE: 停戰 ::
停戰 {n} /tíngzhàn/ :: to stop fighting; to suspend hostilities; to cease combat operations; to sign an armistice; to agree to a cease-fire; to call a truce
停职 {def} SEE: 停職 ::
停職 {v} /tíngzhí/ :: to suspend from office
停止 {vti} /tíngzhǐ/ :: to stop; to suspend
停止綫 {def} SEE: 停止線 ::
停止線 {n} [driving] /tíngzhǐxiàn/ :: stop line
停止线 {def} SEE: 停止線 ::
停滞 {def} SEE: 停滯 ::
停滞不前 {def} SEE: 停滯不前 ::
停滞性通货膨胀 {def} SEE: 停滯性通貨膨脹 ::
停滯 {v} /tíngzhì/ :: to stagnate; to bog down; to be at a standstill; to be held up
停滯不前 {idiom} /tíngzhì不qián/ :: to cease developing and be unable to progress; stagnant
停滯性通貨膨脹 {n} /tíngzhìxìng tōnghuòpéngzhàng/ :: stagflation
停住 {v} /tíngzhù/ :: to stop; to come to a stop; to halt; to come to a halt; to cease
{def} /tíng/ :: used in compounds
{def} /tíng/ :: courtyard
{def} /tíng/ :: front yard
{def} /tíng/ :: big hall
{def} /tíng/ :: law court
{def} /tíng/ :: middle of the forehead
庭审 {def} SEE: 庭審 ::
庭審 {n} [legal] /tíngshěn/ :: court hearing
庭外 {adj} /tíngwài/ :: out-of-court
庭园 {def} SEE: 庭園 ::
庭園 {n} /tíngyuán/ :: flower garden (Classifier: m:個m:座)
庭院 {n} /tíngyuàn,er/ :: courtyard
庭柱 {n} [literary] /tíngzhù/ :: a pillar or post which holds up the main beam of a room
{def} [historical] /tíng/ :: palace courtyard; court of a feudal lord
{def} [historical] /tíng/ :: government; governmental office
{def} /tíng/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
廷布 {prop} /Tíngbù/ :: [Mainland China] 廷布 (capital city)
廷臣 {n} /tíngchén/ :: courtier (attendant at a royal court)
廷尉 {n} [historical] /tíngwèi/ :: A minister of the Han dynasty (variously translated) who headed most of the judicial system
{def} /chéng,tīng/ :: to bump
{def} /tíng/ :: Pyrus ussuriensis (Manchurian pear) tree
{def} /tíng/ :: spindle
{def} /tíng/ :: bamboo or wooden pole
筳篅 {n} /tíngchuán/ :: synonym of 筳篿
筳篿 {n} [historical] /tíngzhuān/ :: a method of divination, using bamboo sticks and blades of grass, used in the State of Chu
葶苈子 {def} SEE: 葶藶子 ::
葶藶子 {n} /tínglìzǐ/ :: seed of the Lepidium (A seed used in traditional Chinese medicine.)
{def} /tíng/ :: only used in 蝏䗒
{def} /tíng/ :: thunderbolt
{def} /tíng/ :: [obsolete] spotted rat
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /dǐng/ :: only used in 䵺墥
{def} /tǐng/ :: [obsolete] long; level; straight
{def} /tǐng/ :: [obsolete] lying straight
{def} /tǐng/ :: [obsolete] to replace
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tǐng/ :: to stick out; to straighten up
{def} /tǐng/ :: to endure; to stand
{def} [colloquial] /tǐng/ :: quite; rather; pretty
{def} [colloquial, regional] /tǐng/ :: very
{def} [colloquial] /tǐng/ :: support
挺拔 {adj} /tǐngbá/ :: tall and straight
挺拔 {adj} /tǐngbá/ :: forceful; powerful
挺而走险 {def} SEE: 挺而走險 ::
挺而走險 {def} SEE: 鋌而走險 ::
挺进 {def} SEE: 挺進 ::
挺進 {v} /tǐngjìn/ :: to boldly drive on; to press onward; to push forward
挺举 {def} SEE: 挺舉 ::
挺舉 {v} /tǐngjǔ/ :: to clean and jerk (weightlifting technique)
挺立 {v} /tǐnglì/ :: to stand upright; to stand firm
挺矛 {v} [archaic] /tǐngmáo/ :: to raise one's lance
挺身 {v} [literary] /tǐngshēn/ :: to stand upright (as a way of showing that one will not back down)
挺身而出 {idiom} /tǐngshēn'érchū/ :: to step forward bravely in an unjust or perilous situation
挺直 {adj} /tǐngzhí/ :: erect; straight
挺直 {v} /tǐngzhí/ :: to straighten up (one's body); to hold erect
{def} /tǐng/ :: a club
{def} /tǐng/ :: a stalk
{def} /tǐng/ :: straight
{def} /tǐng/ :: only used in 汫涏
{def} /tǐng/ :: (appearance of) fire
{def} [archaic] /tǐng/ :: jade tablet held by officials at court, used to take notes, or for ceremonial purposes (similar to *笏)
{def} /tǐng/ :: small boat; dugout; punt
艇仔边 {def} SEE: 艇仔邊 ::
艇仔粥 {n} /tǐngzǎizhōu/ :: sampan congee; boat congee (a type of Cantonese congee whose basic ingredients include fish, lean meat, youtiao, peanuts, and Welsh onion)
艇字边 {def} SEE: 艇字邊 ::
{def} /tōng/ :: An onomatopoeia
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tóng/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /tóng/ :: [obsolete] a kind of wild animal
{def} /tōng,tòng,2er/ :: to pass through; to travel through; to go through; or, to allow passage
{def} [telephony] /tōng,tòng,2er/ :: to get through
{def} /tōng,tòng,2er/ :: classifier for phone calls, talks, criticisms, etc
{def} /tōng,tòng,2er/ :: classifier for actions
{def} /tōng,tòng,2er/ :: to make sense; logical
{def} /tōng,tòng,2er/ :: expert
{def} [of Chinese characters] /tōng,tòng,2er/ :: to be etymologically related to and carry a similar meaning to
{def} [Min Nan] /tōng,tòng,2er/ :: can; may
通宝 {def} SEE: 通寶 ::
通寶 {n} [archaic] /tōngbǎo/ :: tongbao, an inscription used for Cash (Chinese coin) in China, Japan, Korea and Vietnam (from 8th century until 20th century)
通報 {v} /tōngbào/ :: to circulate a notice
通報 {v} /tōngbào/ :: to notify; to inform
通報 {n} /tōngbào/ :: communique; notification; circular
通報 {n} /tōngbào/ :: bulletin; publication; journal
通报 {def} SEE: 通報 ::
通变 {def} SEE: 通變 ::
通變 {v} [literary] /tōngbiàn/ :: to understand the laws of change
通變 {v} [literary] /tōngbiàn/ :: to be flexible (when dealing with matters); to accommodate to circumstances
通病 {n} /tōngbìng/ :: common failing; common fault
通才 {n} /tōngcái/ :: all-rounder; polymath
通菜 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /tōngcài/ :: water spinach
通草 {n} /tōngcǎo/ :: rice-paper plant (Tetrapanax) (An herb used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat typhoid and to promote lactation.)
通常 {adj} /tōngcháng/ :: regular; usual; normal
通常 {adv} /tōngcháng/ :: usually; normally; generally; ordinarily
通暢 {adj} /tōngchàng/ :: unobstructed; smooth and clear
通畅 {def} SEE: 通暢 ::
通車 {v} /tōngchē/ :: to be open to traffic; to have transport service
通車 {v} [Taiwan] /tōngchē/ :: to commute
通車 {n} /tōngchē/ :: through train or bus; express
通车 {def} SEE: 通車 ::
通彻 {def} SEE: 通徹 ::
通徹 {v} /tōngchè/ :: to understand thoroughly
通称 {def} SEE: 通稱 ::
通稱 {v} /tōngchēng/ :: to be generally known as; to be typically called
通稱 {n} /tōngchēng/ :: generic name; general term
通城 {prop} /Tōngchéng/ :: (~ 縣) 通城 (county)
通城 {prop} /Tōngchéng/ :: (~ 鎮) 通城 (town)
通达 {def} SEE: 通達 ::
通達 {v} /tōngdá/ :: to understand things; to be sensible or be reasonable
通道 {n} /tōngdào/ :: passageway; thoroughfare; route
通道 {n} [communication] /tōngdào/ :: channel
通道 {n} [computer graphics] /tōngdào/ :: channel
通道 {prop} /tōngdào/ :: (~ 縣) 通道 (county)
通敌 {def} SEE: 通敵 ::
通敌者 {def} SEE: 通敵者 ::
通敵 {v} /tōngdí/ :: to cooperate with an enemy
通敵者 {n} /tōngdízhě/ :: collaborator (a person who cooperates with an enemy)
通典 {prop} /Tōngdiǎn/ :: Tongdian, a Tang-dynasty encyclopedia
通电 {def} SEE: 通電 ::
通電 {v} /tōngdiàn/ :: to set up an electric circuit; to electrify; to energize
通電 {v} /tōngdiàn/ :: to publish an open telegram (making known one's political views)
通電 {n} /tōngdiàn/ :: circular or open telegram
通牒 {n} /tōngdié/ :: diplomatic note
通顶 {def} SEE: 通頂 ::
通讀 {v} /tōngdú/ :: to read through (a text)
通讀 {v} /tōngdú/ :: to understand what one reads; to comprehend (a text)
通读 {def} SEE: 通讀 ::
通粉 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /tōngfěn/ :: abbreviation of 通心粉
通風 {v} /tōngfēng/ :: to ventilate; to let in fresh air
通風 {v} /tōngfēng/ :: to be well-ventilated
通風 {v} [figurative] /tōngfēng/ :: to divulge information; to tip somebody off
通風報信 {idiom} /tōngfēngbàoxìn/ :: to secretly pass on information to others; to tip somebody off
通风 {def} SEE: 通風 ::
通风报信 {def} SEE: 通風報信 ::
通告 {v} /tōnggào/ :: to give notice; to announce
通告 {n} /tōnggào/ :: notification; announcement; notice
通告 {n} [Taiwan, show business] /tōnggào/ :: on call; work shift; activities
通古斯 {prop} /Tōnggǔsī/ :: Tungusic
通关 {def} SEE: 通關 ::
通关机 {def} SEE: 通關機 ::
通觀 {v} /tōngguān/ :: to take an overall view; to look at from all sides
通观 {def} SEE: 通觀 ::
通關 {v} /tōngguān/ :: to go through customs; to pass through customs
通關 {v} [game] /tōngguān/ :: to clear a level; to go through to the next level
通關機 {n} [Taiwan] /tōngguānjī/ :: turnstile (rotating mechanical device)
通過 {prep} /tōngguò/ :: via; by; by means of; through
通過 {v} /tōngguò/ :: to pass (a measure or bill in parliament)
通過 {v} /tōngguò/ :: to pass by; to pass through
通過 {v} /tōngguò/ :: to pass (a test)
通国 {def} SEE: 通國 ::
通國 {n} /tōngguó/ :: the whole country
通过 {def} SEE: 通過 ::
通海口 {prop} /Tōnghǎikǒu/ :: (~ 鎮) 通海口 (town)
通航 {v} /tōngháng/ :: to be open to navigation or air traffic
通航权 {def} SEE: 通航權 ::
通航權 {n} /tōnghángquán/ :: right of navigation; right of way
通行 {v} [road transport] /tōngxíng/ :: to pass through (any line of transport); to transit
通行 {v} /tōngxíng/ :: to be generally accepted (of currency, writing systems, etc.); to be of current or standard use
通行費 {n} /tōngxíngfèi/ :: toll (fee for using roads and bridges)
通行费 {def} SEE: 通行費 ::
通行証 {def} SEE: 通行證 ::
通行證 {n} /tōngxíngzhèng,er/ :: pass; permit (to pass through a certain chokepoint)
通行證 {n} [figuratively] /tōngxíngzhèng,er/ :: prerequisite to a possible outcome
通行证 {def} SEE: 通行證 ::
通紅 {adj} /tōnghóng/ :: very red; flushed; red through and through; florid
通红 {def} SEE: 通紅 ::
通化 {prop} /Tōnghuà/ :: (~ 市) 通化 (prefecture-level city)
通話 {v} /tōnghuà/ :: to talk over the telephone; to have a voice chat (via software)
通話 {v} /tōnghuà/ :: to converse
通话 {def} SEE: 通話 ::
通怀 {def} SEE: 通懷 ::
通怀仔 {def} SEE: 通懷仔 ::
通惠 {prop} /Tōnghuì/ :: (~ 社區) 通惠 (residential community)
通婚 {v} /tōnghūn/ :: to intermarry; to become related by marriage
通貨 {n} [economics] /tōnghuò/ :: currency; exchange of goods
通貨 {n} [literary] /tōnghuò/ :: circulated goods
通貨 {v} [literary] /tōnghuò/ :: to exchange goods
通貨緊縮 {n} [economics] /tōnghuò jǐnsuō/ :: deflation
通貨膨脹 {n} [economics] /tōnghuò péngzhàng/ :: inflation
通货 {def} SEE: 通貨 ::
通货紧缩 {def} SEE: 通貨緊縮 ::
通货膨胀 {def} SEE: 通貨膨脹 ::
通緝 {v} /tōng緝/ :: to order the arrest for a criminal at large; to list as wanted
通緝令 {n} /tōngjīlìng/ :: arrest warrant
通缉 {def} SEE: 通緝 ::
通缉令 {def} SEE: 通緝令 ::
通計 {prop} /Tōngjì/ :: (~ 縣) [historical] Tongji County, a county of the Former Shu Kingdom equivalent to the modern county-level city of Shifang in Sichuan
通计 {def} SEE: 通計 ::
通家 {n} [literary] /tōngjiā/ :: longstanding friendship between two families; generations of family friendship
通家 {n} [literary] /tōngjiā/ :: expert; master; professional
通家 {n} [literary] /tōngjiā/ :: relation by marriage; affinity
通家 {n} [literary] /tōngjiā/ :: entire family; whole family
通假 {n} [linguistics] /tōngjiǎ/ :: use of a Chinese character interchangeably for a phonetically related character
通假字 {n} [linguistics] /tōngjiǎzì/ :: phonetic loan character; word that takes another's meaning
通奸 {def} SEE: 通姦 ::
通姦 {v} /tōngjiān/ :: to commit adultery
通鉴 {def} SEE: 通鑑 ::
通鑑 {prop} /Tōngjiàn/ :: short fo 資治通鑑 (the Comprehensive Mirror in Aid of Governance)
通今 {v} [literary] /tōngjīn/ :: to be familiar with the knowledge of today
通考 {v} /tōngkǎo/ :: to do a comprehensive textual research
通考 {n} [historical] /tōngkǎo/ :: a class of ancient Chinese historical records, encompassing works which comprehensively describe the history of Chinese decrees and regulations
通考 {n} /tōngkǎo/ :: alternative name for 文獻通考
通考 {n} [modern] /tōngkǎo/ :: a universal or general school/district examination
通例 {n} /tōnglì/ :: general rule; usual practice
通例 {n} /tōnglì/ :: universal law
通力 {v} [literary] /tōnglì/ :: to make a concerted effort; to cooperate; to work collaboratively
通力合作 {idiom} /tōnglìhézuò/ :: to work together; to make a concerted effort to do a task
通梁 {prop} /Tōngliáng/ :: (~ 村) 通梁 (rural village)
通量 {n} [physics] /tōngliàng/ :: flux
通量 {n} [biology] /tōngliàng/ :: throughput
通辽 {def} SEE: 通遼 ::
通遼 {prop} /Tōngliáo/ :: (~ 市) 通遼 (city)
通灵 {def} SEE: 通靈 ::
通灵学 {def} SEE: 通靈學 ::
通靈 {v} /tōnglíng/ :: to possess supernatural powers
通靈學 {n} /tōnglíngxué/ :: parapsychology
通令 {v} /tōnglìng/ :: to issue a circular or general order
通令 {n} /tōnglìng/ :: circular or general order
通路 {n} /tōnglù/ :: thoroughfare; passageway; route
通路 {n} /tōnglù/ :: way, channel
通路 {n} /tōnglù/ :: access
通論 {n} [literary] /tōnglùn/ :: well-rounded argument
通論 {n} /tōnglùn/ :: general introduction (often used in book titles)
通论 {def} SEE: 通論 ::
通名 {v} [archaic] /tōngmíng/ :: to report one's surname and given name; to formally introduce oneself
通明 {adj} /tōngmíng/ :: brightly lit; well-illuminated
通年 {adv} /tōngnián/ :: throughout the year; all year
通盘 {def} SEE: 通盤 ::
通盤 {adj} /tōngpán/ :: overall; all-around; comprehensive
通盤 {n} [Hakka] /tōngpán/ :: all; everything; whole; entirety
通膨 {n} [economics] /tōngpéng/ :: inflation
通篇 {n} /tōngpiān/ :: entire length of a piece of writing
通票 {n} /tōngpiào/ :: through ticket
通鋪 {n} /tōngpù/ :: bunk in which there are many beds
通铺 {def} SEE: 通鋪 ::
通气 {def} SEE: 通氣 ::
通氣 {v} /tōngqì/ :: to ventilate; to aerate
通氣 {v} /tōngqì/ :: to disclose information; to keep the other informed
通氣 {n} /tōngqì/ :: ventilation; aeration
通勤 {v} /tōngqín/ :: to commute to work
通情达理 {def} SEE: 通情達理 ::
通情達理 {idiom} /tōngqíngdálǐ/ :: acting with or showing good sense; sensible; fair and reasonable
通渠 {v} /tōngqú/ :: to unclog a drain
通衢 {n} /tōngqú/ :: major thoroughfare
通融 {v} /tōngróng/ :: to bend the rules; to be considerate
通融 {v} /tōngróng/ :: to accommodate someone with a short-term loan (of money or an item)
通儒 {n} /tōngrú/ :: learned scholar
通杀 {def} SEE: 通殺 ::
通殺 {v} /tōngshā/ :: to kill all
通殺 {v} [gambling] /tōngshā/ :: to take all; to take everything on the table; to make a straight kill
通山 {prop} /Tōngshān/ :: (~ 縣) 通山 (county)
通商 {v} /tōngshāng/ :: to have trade relations (of nations, regions, etc.)
通商港 {n} /tōngshānggǎng/ :: treaty port; trading port
通商口岸 {n} /tōngshāng kǒu'àn/ :: treaty port; trading port
通神 {v} [literally] /tōngshén/ :: to be connected to the gods
通神 {v} [figuratively] /tōngshén/ :: to be wealthy and powerful
通胜 {def} SEE: 通勝 ::
通識 {n} /tōng识/ :: general knowledge; common knowledge
通识 {def} SEE: 通識 ::
通史 {n} [historiography] /tōngshǐ/ :: general history (covering a particular period of time) (Classifier: m:部)
通事 {n} [archaic, historical] /tōngshì/ :: translator; interpreter; linguist
通事官 {n} [archaic] /tōngshìguān/ :: translator; interpreter
通书 {def} SEE: 通書 ::
通書 {n} /tōngshū/ :: almanac
通書 {n} [dated] /tōngshū/ :: notice from the bridegroom's family to the bride's on the wedding date
通順 {adj} [of writing] /tōngshùn/ :: clear and coherent; smooth
通顺 {def} SEE: 通順 ::
通司 {n} [archaic] /tōngsī/ :: translator; interpreter
通俗 {adj} /tōngsú/ :: understandable and enjoyed by the general public; popular; common
通俗拉丁語 {n} /tōngsú lādīngyǔ/ :: Vulgar Latin
通俗拉丁语 {def} SEE: 通俗拉丁語 ::
通俗文化 {n} /tōngsú wénhuà/ :: popular culture; pop culture
通俗易懂 {idiom} /tōngsúyìdǒng/ :: easy to understand; accessible
通宿 {adv} /tōngxiǔ/ :: all night; whole night
通縮 {n} [economics] /tōngsuō/ :: deflation
通算 {v} [obsolete] /tōngsuàn/ :: to count everything; to add up to
通缩 {def} SEE: 通縮 ::
通体 {def} SEE: 通體 ::
通體 {n} /tōngtǐ/ :: whole body; entire body
通天河 {prop} /Tōngtiān Hé/ :: Tongtian River
通通 {adv} /tōngtōng/ :: all; entirely; completely; fully; totally
通同 {v} /tōngtóng/ :: to collude; to act in complicity
通透 {adj} /tōngtòu/ :: penetrating; incisive
通透 {adj} /tōngtòu/ :: bright and well-ventilated
通透 {adj} [Min Nan] /tōngtòu/ :: unimpeded; unblocked
通途 {n} [literary] /tōngtú/ :: thoroughfare
通往 {v} /tōngwǎng/ :: to lead to (a place)
通問 {v} [literary] /tōngwèn/ :: to exchange greetings
通问 {def} SEE: 通問 ::
通向 {v} /tōngxiàng/ :: to go through to; to lead to
通項 {n} [mathematics] /tōngxiàng/ :: general term (of a sequence)
通项 {def} SEE: 通項 ::
通宵 {n} /tōngxiāo/ :: whole night; all night
通宵达旦 {def} SEE: 通宵達旦 ::
通宵達旦 {idiom} /tōngxiāodádàn/ :: all the night until daybreak
通晓 {def} SEE: 通曉 ::
通曉 {v} /tōngxiǎo/ :: to thoroughly understand; to be well versed in; to be proficient in; to know through and through
通心 {adj} /tōngxīn/ :: hollow in the centre
通心 {adj} /tōngxīn/ :: sensible; reasonable
通心粉 {n} /tōngxīnfěn/ :: macaroni (a type of pasta)
通信 {v} /tōngxìn/ :: to correspond (communicate by exchanging letters); to communicate
通信 {v} /tōngxìn/ :: to transmit (signal, messages, etc.)
通信社 {n} /tōngxìnshè/ :: news agency
通信员 {def} SEE: 通信員 ::
通信員 {n} /tōngxìnyuán/ :: messenger (in the army, government body, etc.)
通性 {n} [grammar] /tōngxìng/ :: common gender
通宣理肺丸 {n} /tōngxuān lǐfèi wán/ :: A blackish-brown pill used in traditional Chinese medicine "to induce diaphoresis, dispel cold and relieve cough"
通訊 {n} /tōngxùn/ :: news report; story; coverage; press (Classifier: m,c:篇m,c:則)
通訊 {n} /tōngxùn/ :: news in brief; newsletter (Classifier: m,c:篇m,c:則)
通訊 {v} [dated] /tōngxùn/ :: to send a message by letter or telegram; to communicate (within a system, in media, etc.)
通訊地址 {n} /tōngxùn dìzhǐ/ :: postal address
通訊錄 {n} /tōngxùnlù/ :: address book
通訊社 {n} /tōngxùnshè/ :: news agency
通訊網 {n} /tōngxùnwǎng/ :: communication network
通訊衛星 {n} /tōngxùn wèixīng/ :: communications satellite
通訊員 {n} /tōngxùnyuán/ :: correspondent; reporter
通讯 {def} SEE: 通訊 ::
通讯地址 {def} SEE: 通訊地址 ::
通讯录 {def} SEE: 通訊錄 ::
通讯社 {def} SEE: 通訊社 ::
通讯网 {def} SEE: 通訊網 ::
通讯卫星 {def} SEE: 通訊衛星 ::
通讯员 {def} SEE: 通訊員 ::
通夜 {n} /tōngyè/ :: all night; whole night
通譯 {v} [dated] /tōngyì/ :: to translate; to interpret
通譯 {n} [dated] /tōngyì/ :: translator; interpreter
通译 {def} SEE: 通譯 ::
通用 {v} /tōngyòng/ :: to be in common use
通用 {adj} [attributive] /tōngyòng/ :: interchangeable
通用拼音 {n} /tōngyòng pīnyīn/ :: Tongyong Pinyin (a romanization system for Mandarin Chinese used in Taiwan (the ROC))
通用語 {n} [linguistics] /tōngyòngyǔ/ :: common language; lingua franca
通用语 {def} SEE: 通用語 ::
通则 {def} SEE: 通則 ::
通則 {n} /tōngzé/ :: general rule; convention
通胀 {def} SEE: 通脹 ::
通脹 {n} /tōngzhàng/ :: currency inflation
通知 {v} /tōngzhī/ :: to notify; to inform
通知 {n} /tōngzhī/ :: notification; announcement; notice
通知單 {n} /tōngzhīdān/ :: letter of notice
通知单 {def} SEE: 通知單 ::
通知书 {def} SEE: 通知書 ::
通知書 {n} /tōngzhīshū/ :: notice (document providing news or information)
通州 {prop} /Tōngzhōu/ :: (~ 區) 通州 (district)
通州 {prop} /Tōngzhōu/ :: (~ 區) Tongzhou District, Nantong (district in Nantong, Jiangsu province, China)
通州 {prop} [historical] /Tōngzhōu/ :: Tongzhou (several ancient placenames)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tóng/ :: sadness
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [archaic] /tóng/ :: not a real father or a nature father (as distinct from foster father), stepfather
{def} /tóng/ :: name of a horse
{def} /tóng/ :: a young horse
{def} /tóng/ :: only used in 䳋渠
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tōng/ :: [obsolete] a kind of bird
{def} /tóng/ :: a kind of water bird
{def} /tóng,zhōng,2nb/ :: [obsolete] a kind of turtle
{def} /tóng/ :: alternative form of
{def} /tóng/ :: surname
{def} SEE: ::
仝房头 {def} SEE: 仝房頭 ::
仝岁 {def} SEE: 仝歲 ::
仝字匀 {def} SEE: 仝字勻 ::
{def} /tóng/ :: surname
{def} /tóng/ :: [obsolete] boy
{def} /tóng/ :: [obsolete] servant
{def} [historical] /tóng/ :: page; boy servant
{def} /tóng/ :: [obsolete] ignorant
{def} /tóng/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /tóng/ :: surname
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [obsolete] /zhuàng/ :: (~ 族) alternative name for 壯
僮語 {n} [obsolete] /zhuàngyǔ/ :: old name for 壯語
僮语 {def} SEE: 僮語 ::
僮子 {n} [literary] /tóngzǐ/ :: child (a person who has not yet reached adulthood)
僮族 {n} [obsolete] /zhuàngzú/ :: old name for 壯族
{def} /tóng/ :: same; identical
{def} /tóng/ :: together; with each other
{def} /tóng/ :: with (indicating accompaniment or relationship)
{def} /tóng/ :: and; as well as
{def} /tóng/ :: used to show comparison
{def} [Cantonese] /tóng/ :: for
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /tóng/ :: surname
同安 {prop} /Tóng'ān/ :: (~ 區) 同安 (district)
同安 {prop} /Tóng'ān/ :: (~ 縣) [historical] Tong'an (a county including present-day Xiamen, Kinmen and part of Longhai)
同案犯 {n} [legal] /tóng'ànfàn/ :: accomplice; accessory
同班 {v} /tóngbān/ :: to be in the same class
同班 {n} /tóngbān/ :: classmate
同班同学 {def} SEE: 同班同學 ::
同班同學 {n} /tóngbān tóngxué/ :: classmate (in the same class)
同伴 {n} /tóngbàn/ :: companion; mate; comrade; partner
同胞 {n} /tóngbāo/ :: offspring born from the same parents; siblings
同胞 {n} /tóngbāo/ :: fellow countryman; compatriot
同胞兄弟 {n} /tóngbāo xiōngdì/ :: brother born of the same parents
同北庙 {def} SEE: 同北廟 ::
同北廟 {prop} /Tóngběimiào/ :: (~ 村) 同北廟 (village)
同輩 {v} /tóngbèi/ :: to be of the same generation
同輩 {n} /tóngbèi/ :: someone of the same generation
同輩 {n} /tóngbèi/ :: someone of a similar age; peer
同辈 {def} SEE: 同輩 ::
同比 {adj} /tóngbǐ/ :: over the same period; year-on-year
同病相怜 {def} SEE: 同病相憐 ::
同病相憐 {idiom} /tóngbìngxiānglián/ :: in the same boat; fellow sufferers sympathise with each other; misery loves company
同步 {adj} /tóngbù/ :: synchronous; synchronic
同步 {v} /tóngbù/ :: to synchronize
同步 {v} /tóngbù/ :: to keep pace
同步 {n} /tóngbù/ :: synchronization
同步加速器 {n} [physics] /tóngbù jiāsùqì/ :: synchrotron
同侪 {def} SEE: 同儕 ::
同儕 {n} /tóngchái/ :: person of the same generation, class or social group, peer
同仇 {def} SEE: 同讎 ::
同仇敌忾 {def} SEE: 同讎敵愾 ::
同仇敵愾 {def} SEE: 同讎敵愾 ::
同讎 {n} [literary] /tóngchóu/ :: common enemy
同讎敵愾 {idiom} /tóngchóudíkài/ :: anger against a common enemy
同传 {def} SEE: 同傳 ::
同傳 {n} /tóngchuán/ :: abbreviation of 同聲傳譯
同窗 {v} /tóngchuāng/ :: to study in the same school or class
同窗 {n} /tóngchuāng/ :: schoolmate; classmate
同床异梦 {def} SEE: 同床異夢 ::
同床異夢 {idiom} [of a married couple] /tóngchuángyìmèng/ :: to not get along; to be in discord
同床異夢 {idiom} [figurative, of people who live or work together] /tóngchuángyìmèng/ :: to have different opinions and plans
同党 {def} SEE: 同黨 ::
同黨 {n} /tóngdǎng/ :: fellow party member; colleague
同黨 {n} /tóngdǎng/ :: accomplice; co-conspirator
同等 {adj} [attributive] /tóngděng/ :: of the same class; rank; on a par with
同調 {n} [music] /tóngdiào,er/ :: same tune
同調 {n} [linguistics] /tóngdiào,er/ :: same tone
同調 {n} [figurative] /tóngdiào,er/ :: people with the same interests
同調 {n} [mathematics] /tóngdiào,er/ :: homology
同调 {def} SEE: 同調 ::
同犯 {n} [legal] /tóngfàn/ :: accomplice; accessory
同房 {adj} /tóngfáng/ :: of the same branch of the family
同房 {v} [euphemistic, chiefly of husband and wife] /tóngfáng/ :: to sleep together; to have sex
同房 {v} /tóngfáng/ :: to live in the same room
同分异构 {def} SEE: 同分異構 ::
同分异构体 {def} SEE: 同分異構體 ::
同分異構 {n} [chemistry] /tóngfēnyìgòu/ :: isomerism
同分異構體 {n} [chemistry] /tóngfēnyìgòutǐ/ :: isomer
同夫 {n} [neologism] /tóngfū/ :: merkin: husband of a lesbian (whom the lesbian has married usually out of societal pressure)
同福 {prop} /Tóngfú/ :: (~ 社區) 同福 (community)
同父异母 {def} SEE: 同父異母 ::
同父異母 {adj} /tóngfù yìmǔ/ :: born of the same father but a different mother
同甘共苦 {idiom} /tónggāngòngkǔ/ :: to share the joys and sorrows [usually emphasising the “sorrow” part]
同感 {n} /tónggǎn/ :: same feeling; similar impression; common feeling
同庚 {v} [dated] /tónggēng/ :: to be the same age
同工 {adj} [literary] /tónggōng/ :: equally exquisite
同工 {adj} /tónggōng/ :: equally skilled
同工 {v} /tónggōng/ :: to work together
同工 {n} /tónggōng/ :: equal work
同工 {n} /tónggōng/ :: fellow worker; colabourer; coworker
同工 {n} [Christianity] /tónggōng/ :: worker in the church; church staff (often refers to pastors and administrative staff, but may also include elders and deacons)
同工同酬 {idiom} /tónggōngtóngchóu/ :: equal pay for equal work
同构 {def} SEE: 同構 ::
同構 {v} [mathematics] /tónggòu/ :: to be isomorphic
同鼓 {n} [music] /tónggǔ/ :: a kind of tanggu, popular in the south Jiangsu area
同觀福音 {prop} [Christianity] /Tóngguān Fúyīn/ :: Synoptic Gospels
同观福音 {def} SEE: 同觀福音 ::
同归 {def} SEE: 同歸 ::
同归于尽 {def} SEE: 同歸於盡 ::
同歸 {v} [literary] /tóngguī/ :: to return together
同歸於盡 {idiom} /tóngguīyújìn/ :: to perish together with one's foe
同行 {v} /tóngháng/ :: to be of the same trade or occupation
同行 {n} /tóngháng/ :: person of the same trade or occupation
同行 {v} [literary] /tóngxíng/ :: to travel together
同好 {n} /tónghào/ :: people with similar interests
同花 {n} [card games] /tónghuā/ :: flush
同花大順 {n} [card games] /tónghuā dàshùn/ :: royal flush
同花大顺 {def} SEE: 同花大順 ::
同花順 {n} [card games] /tónghuāshùn/ :: straight flush
同花顺 {def} SEE: 同花順 ::
同化 {v} /tónghuà/ :: to assimilate
同化作用 {n} [biochemistry] /tónghuà zuòyòng/ :: anabolism
同化作用 {n} [biology] /tónghuà zuòyòng/ :: assimilation
同化作用 {n} /tónghuà zuòyòng/ :: assimilation (of cultures)
同婚 {n} [neologism, slang] /tónghūn/ :: same-sex marriage
同伙 {def} SEE: 同夥 ::
同夥 {v} /tónghuǒ/ :: to collude; to gang up
同夥 {n} /tónghuǒ/ :: partner; accomplice
同或門 {n} [electronics] /tónghuòmén/ :: XNOR gate
同或门 {def} SEE: 同或門 ::
同級 {v} /tóngjí/ :: to be on the same level; to rank equally
同级 {def} SEE: 同級 ::
同濟 {prop} /tóngjì/ :: (~ 大學) Tongji University (in Shanghai)
同濟 {prop} /tóngjì/ :: (~ 醫學院) Tongji Medical College (in Wuhan)
同濟 {prop} /tóngjì/ :: (~ 醫院) zh:同濟醫院 (in several cities)
同濟 {v} [Classical] /tóngjì/ :: to cross a body of water in the same boat
同济 {def} SEE: 同濟 ::
同江 {prop} /Tóngjiāng/ :: (~ 市) 同江 (city)
同界角 {n} [geometry] /tóngjièjiǎo,er/ :: coterminal angle
同进士出身 {def} SEE: 同進士出身 ::
同進士出身 {n} [historical] /tóng jìnshì chūshēng/ :: one of the graduates ranking third class in the court exam of the imperial examination system
同居 {v} /tóngjū/ :: to live together; to cohabitate; to cohabit
同居 {n} /tóngjū/ :: living together; coresidence
同款 {def} SEE: 仝款 ::
同款 {def} SEE: 𫝛款 ::
同款 {n} /tóngkuǎn/ :: two items of the same style
同乐 {def} SEE: 同樂 ::
同樂 {v} /tónglè/ :: to have fun together
同类 {def} SEE: 同類 ::
同类项 {def} SEE: 同類項 ::
同類 {adj} /tónglèi/ :: similar
同類 {n} /tónglèi/ :: same type; same kind
同類項 {n} [mathematics] /tónglèixiàng/ :: like terms
同理 {n} /tónglǐ/ :: similar logic
同理心 {n} /tónglǐxīn/ :: empathy
同僚 {n} /tóngliáo/ :: colleague; coworker
同列 {adj} [literary] /tóngliè/ :: of the same rank or status
同列 {n} [literary] /tóngliè/ :: colleague
同齡 {v} /tónglíng/ :: to be the same age
同齡人 {n} /tónglíngrén/ :: person of the same age; one's peer or contemporary; age-mate
同龄 {def} SEE: 同齡 ::
同龄人 {def} SEE: 同齡人 ::
同流合汙 {def} SEE: 同流合污 ::
同流合污 {idiom} /tóngliúhéwū/ :: to commit evil deeds together with the contemptible and evil people
同路 {v} /tónglù/ :: to go the same way; to be on the same path
同路人 {n} /tónglùrén/ :: fellow traveller
同卵 {adj} /tóngluǎn/ :: identical; monozygotic (of twins)
同門 {v} [literary] /tóngmén/ :: to study under the same teacher
同門 {n} [literary] /tóngmén/ :: fellow disciple; classmate
同門 {n} [Min Nan] /tóngmén/ :: husbands of sisters
同门 {def} SEE: 同門 ::
同门的 {def} SEE: 同門的 ::
同盟 {v} /tóngméng/ :: to form an alliance or league
同盟 {n} /tóngméng/ :: alliance; league
同盟国 {def} SEE: 同盟國 ::
同盟國 {n} /tóngméngguó/ :: ally; allied nation
同盟國 {prop} [historical] /tóngméngguó/ :: Central Powers (in the First World War)
同盟國 {prop} [historical] /tóngméngguó/ :: Allies (in the Second World War)
同盟会 {def} SEE: 同盟會 ::
同盟會 {n} /tóngménghuì/ :: united league; united allegiance society
同盟會 {prop} [specifically] /tóngménghuì/ :: Chinese United League (Tongmenghui)
同盟军 {def} SEE: 同盟軍 ::
同盟軍 {n} [military or figuratively] /tóngméngjūn/ :: allied forces
同盟者 {n} /tóngméngzhě/ :: ally
同名 {v} /tóngmíng/ :: to bear the same name
同名 {adj} [attributive] /tóngmíng/ :: of the same name; homonymous
同謀 {n} [legal] /tóngmóu/ :: accomplice; accessory
同謀 {v} /tóngmóu/ :: to conspire
同謀犯 {n} [legal] /tóngmóufàn/ :: accomplice; accessory
同谋 {def} SEE: 同謀 ::
同谋犯 {def} SEE: 同謀犯 ::
同母异父 {def} SEE: 同母異父 ::
同母異父 {adj} /tóngmǔ yìfù/ :: born of the same mother but a different father
同奈 {prop} /Tóngnài/ :: (~ 省) 同奈 (province)
同年 {adj} [attributive] /tóngnián/ :: of the same age
同年 {adj} [attributive] /tóngnián/ :: of the same year
同年 {v} /tóngnián/ :: to be the same age
同年 {v} /tóngnián/ :: to be the same year
同年 {n} [dated] /tóngnián/ :: candidates who passed the imperial examination in the same year
同年而語 {idiom} /tóngnián'éryǔ/ :: to mention things on equal terms
同年而语 {def} SEE: 同年而語 ::
同年人 {n} /tóngniánrén/ :: a person who's in the same age range as you; peer
同袍 {n} /tóngpáo/ :: fellow soldier
同袍 {n} [literary] /tóngpáo/ :: comrade; companion; colleague; friend
同袍 {n} [literary, used between a couple] /tóngpáo/ :: one's own spouse
同袍 {n} [literary] /tóngpáo/ :: brother
同胚 {v} [mathematics] /tóngpēi/ :: to be homeomorphic; to be topologically isomorphic
同妻 {n} [neologism] /tóngqī/ :: wife of a gay man (whom the gay man has married usually out of societal pressure)
同期 {n} /tóng期/ :: corresponding period; same time
同期 {n} /tóng期/ :: the same term (in school, etc.)
同期 {n} /tóng期/ :: synchronism
同期 {adj} /tóng期/ :: synchronous, concurrent
同齐 {def} SEE: 同齊 ::
同前 {n} /tóngqián/ :: ditto; idem
同侨 {def} SEE: 同僑 ::
同僑 {n} /tóngqiáo/ :: fellow expatriate
同衾 {adj} [literary, figuratively] /tóngqīn/ :: intimate; close
同衾 {v} [literary, figuratively] /tóngqīn/ :: to become husband and wife
同情 {v} /tóngqíng/ :: to sympathize; to empathize; to commiserate
同情心 {n} /tóngqíngxīn/ :: sympathetic feeling; sympathy
同庆 {def} SEE: 同慶 ::
同慶 {v} /tóngqìng/ :: to celebrate together; to rejoice everywhere
同人 {n} /tóngrén/ :: the thirteenth hexagram of the I Ching, known as "Concording People": ☰☲
同人 {n} /tóngrén/ :: colleague; fellow worker, person of the same belief or conviction; coterie
同人 {n} /tóngrén/ :: fan-made creations; doujin (articles, pictures, music or games recreated by fans of a particular work)
同人 {n} [neologism, slang] /tóngrén/ :: homosexual person
同人小說 {n} /tóngrén xiǎoshuō/ :: fan fiction
同人小说 {def} SEE: 同人小說 ::
同人志 {def} SEE: 同人誌 ::
同人誌 {n} [neologism] /tóngrénzhì/ :: doujinshi
同仁 {n} /tóngrén/ :: colleague; fellow worker or person of the same belief or conviction
同仁 {prop} /tóngrén/ :: (~ 縣) Tongren County
同日 {n} /tóngrì/ :: the same day
同日而語 {idiom} /tóngrì'éryǔ/ :: to mention things on equal terms
同日而语 {def} SEE: 同日而語 ::
同上 {v} /tóngshàng/ :: to be the same as above; ditto
同社 {n} [literary] /tóngshè/ :: people from the same village, town, city or province
同社 {n} [literary] /tóngshè/ :: members of the same association
同社 {n} [literary] /tóngshè/ :: schoolmate; classmate
同舍 {n} [archaic] /tóngshè/ :: two people who live or work together in the same government district
同舍 {n} [archaic] /tóngshè/ :: an associate
同声 {def} SEE: 同聲 ::
同声传译 {def} SEE: 同聲傳譯 ::
同生 {n} [literary] /tóngshēng/ :: to be born at the same time
同生 {n} [literary] /tóngshēng/ :: to be offspring of the same parents
同生 {adj} [attributive] /tóngshēng/ :: contemporaneous
同生共死 {idiom} /tóngshēnggòngsǐ/ :: live and die together
同生死 {v} /tóngshēngsǐ/ :: to live and die together
同聲 {adv} [literary] /tóngshēng/ :: in a unanimous voice
同聲傳譯 {n} [translation studies] /tóngshēng chuányì/ :: simultaneous interpretation
同时 {def} SEE: 同時 ::
同時 {adj} /tóngshí/ :: simultaneous; at the same time
同時 {adv} /tóngshí/ :: simultaneously
同事 {n} /tóngshì/ :: coworker; colleague
同是天涯沦落人 {def} SEE: 同是天涯淪落人 ::
同是天涯淪落人 {proverb} /tóng shì tiānyá lúnluòrén/ :: Those who have the same misfortune sympathize with each other
同宿 {n} /tóngsù/ :: chummage
同宿 {v} /tóngsù/ :: to stay at the same place together
同素异形体 {def} SEE: 同素異形體 ::
同素異形體 {n} [chemistry] /tóngsùyìxíngtǐ/ :: allotrope
同岁 {def} SEE: 同歲 ::
同歲 {v} /tóngsuì/ :: to be the same age
同歲 {n} [dated] /tóngsuì/ :: candidates who passed the imperial examinations in the same year
同塔 {prop} /Tóngtǎ/ :: (~ 省) 同塔 (province)
同臺 {n} /tóngtái/ :: same stage
同臺 {v} /tóngtái/ :: to appear on the same stage
同臺競技 {idiom} /tóngtáijìngjì/ :: to compete on the same stage
同台 {def} SEE: 同臺 ::
同台竞技 {def} SEE: 同臺競技 ::
同态 {def} SEE: 同態 ::
同態 {v} [mathematics] /tóngtài/ :: to be homomorphic
同位 {n} [linguistics] /tóngwèi/ :: apposition
同位角 {n} [geometry] /tóngwèijiǎo/ :: corresponding angle
同位素 {n} /tóngwèisù/ :: isotope (atoms of the same element having a different number of neutrons)
同位异音 {def} SEE: 同位異音 ::
同位異音 {n} [phonology] /tóngwèiyìyīn/ :: allophone
同位音 {n} [phonology] /tóngwèiyīn/ :: allophone
同位語 {n} [grammar] /tóngwèiyǔ/ :: appositive
同位语 {def} SEE: 同位語 ::
同文 {v} /tóngwén/ :: to use the same writing system
同文同种 {def} SEE: 同文同種 ::
同文同種 {v} /tóngwéntóngzhǒng/ :: to share the same language and be of the same ethnicity
同屋 {n} /tóngwū/ :: roommate
同屋 {v} /tóngwū/ :: to share a room
同席 {v} /tóngxí/ :: to share the same mat or seat (with); to sit with
同乡 {def} SEE: 同鄉 ::
同乡会 {def} SEE: 同鄉會 ::
同鄉 {n} /tóngxiāng,er/ :: people from the same village, town, city or province
同鄉會 {n} /tóngxiānghuì/ :: association or club of people from the same region living elsewhere
同心 {v} /tóngxīn/ :: to be of one mind; to be with one heart
同心 {v} [mathematics] /tóngxīn/ :: to be concentric
同心 {adj} /tóngxīn/ :: of one mind
同心 {prop} /tóngxīn/ :: (~ 縣) 同心 (county)
同心 {prop} /tóngxīn/ :: (~ 村) 同心 (village)
同心 {prop} /tóngxīn/ :: (~ 村) 同心 (village)
同心結 {n} /tóngxīnjié/ :: lovers' knot
同心结 {def} SEE: 同心結 ::
同心同德 {idiom} /tóngxīntóngdé/ :: of one heart and one mind
同心协力 {def} SEE: 同心協力 ::
同心協力 {idiom} /tóngxīnxiélì/ :: to join forces; to work together toward a common goal
同心圆 {def} SEE: 同心圓 ::
同心圓 {n} /tóngxīnyuán/ :: concentric circles
同兴 {def} SEE: 同興 ::
同興 {prop} /Tóngxīng/ :: (~ 社區) 同興 (community)
同形 {adj} /tóngxíng/ :: having the same shape
同姓 {v} /tóngxìng,er/ :: to have the same surname
同性 {adj} /tóngxìng/ :: same-sex
同性 {adj} /tóngxìng/ :: having the same nature
同性愛 {n} /tóngxìng'ài/ :: homosexuality
同性爱 {def} SEE: 同性愛 ::
同性婚姻 {n} /tóngxìng hūnyīn/ :: same-sex marriage
同性恋 {def} SEE: 同性戀 ::
同性恋爱 {def} SEE: 同性戀愛 ::
同性恋者 {def} SEE: 同性戀者 ::
同性戀 {n} [uncountable] /tóngxìngliàn/ :: homosexuality
同性戀 {n} [countable] /tóngxìngliàn/ :: homosexual
同性戀 {adj} /tóngxìngliàn/ :: homosexual
同性戀愛 {n} /tóngxìng liàn'ài/ :: synonym of 同性戀
同性戀者 {n} /tóngxìngliànzhě/ :: homosexual person; gay; lesbian
同学 {def} SEE: 同學 ::
同学会 {def} SEE: 同學會 ::
同学仔 {def} SEE: 同學仔 ::
同學 {n} /tóngxué/ :: schoolmate; classmate
同學 {n} /tóngxué/ :: a term of address for a student
同學 {v} /tóngxué/ :: to study in the same school or class
同學會 {n} [education] /tóngxuéhuì/ :: student association; alumni
同言線 {n} [linguistics] /tóngyánxiàn/ :: isogloss
同言线 {def} SEE: 同言線 ::
同砚 {def} SEE: 同硯 ::
同硯 {n} [literary] /tóngyàn/ :: classmate; schoolmate
同样 {def} SEE: 同樣 ::
同樣 {adj} /tóngyàng/ :: same; identical
同业 {def} SEE: 同業 ::
同业公会 {def} SEE: 同業公會 ::
同業 {n} /tóngyè/ :: the same trade or business
同業 {n} /tóngyè/ :: persons of same trade/business
同業 {n} /tóngyè/ :: colleagues
同業公會 {n} /tóngyè gōnghuì/ :: guild; trade council; trade association
同一 {adj} /tóng一/ :: same; identical
同一个 {def} SEE: 同一個 ::
同……一个饼印 {def} SEE: 同……一個餅印 ::
同一個 {adj} /tóng一ge/ :: same
同一個 {n} /tóng一ge/ :: same one
同一律 {n} [logic] /tóng一lǜ/ :: law of identity
同一性 {n} /tóngyīxìng/ :: identity; identicalness
同义 {def} SEE: 同義 ::
同义词 {def} SEE: 同義詞 ::
同异 {def} SEE: 同異 ::
同意 {v} /tóngyì/ :: to agree; to consent; to concur
同意书 {def} SEE: 同意書 ::
同意書 {n} /tóngyìshū/ :: consent form
同異 {n} /tóngyì/ :: similarities and differences
同益 {prop} /Tóngyì/ :: (~ 村) 同益 (village)
同義 {adj} /tóngyì/ :: synonymous
同義 {v} /tóngyì/ :: to share the same meaning; to be synonymous
同義詞 {n} /tóngyìcí/ :: synonym
同音 {n} /tóngyīn/ :: unison
同音 {n} /tóngyīn/ :: homophone
同音詞 {n} /tóngyīncí/ :: homophonic word(s), homophone(s)
同音词 {def} SEE: 同音詞 ::
同音字 {n} /tóngyīnzì/ :: homophonic character(s), homophone(s)
同寅 {n} [dated] /tóngyín/ :: colleague; fellow official
同寅 {v} [dated] /tóngyín/ :: to be the same age
同余 {def} SEE: 同餘 ::
同餘 {v} [abstract algebra] /tóngyú/ :: to be congruent
同源 {v} [of rivers, words, etc.] /tóngyuán/ :: to be from the same source; [linguistics] to be cognate
同源詞 {n} [linguistics] /tóngyuáncí/ :: cognate
同源词 {def} SEE: 同源詞 ::
同載 {v} [archaic] /tóngzǎi/ :: to ride in the same vehicle or boat
同载 {def} SEE: 同載 ::
同在 {v} /tóngzài/ :: to be with
同志 {n} /tóngzhì/ :: someone sharing similar interests or aspirations; kindred spirit
同志 {n} /tóngzhì/ :: fellow member of a political party
同志 {n} [communism] /tóngzhì/ :: comrade (Classifier: 個位名)
同志 {n} [neologism, gay slang] /tóngzhì/ :: homosexual; gay (Classifier: 個位名)
同志 {n} [neologism, gay slang] /tóngzhì/ :: person of a non-mainstream sexuality or gender identity; LGBTI person; queer (Classifier: 個位名)
同志 {adj} [neologism, attributive] /tóngzhì/ :: homosexual; gay
同志 {adj} [neologism, attributive] /tóngzhì/ :: pertaining to non-mainstream sexuality or gender identity; queer; LGBTI
同志婚姻 {n} /tóngzhì hūnyīn/ :: gay marriage
同志们 {def} SEE: 同志們 ::
同志們 {n} /tóngzhìmen/ :: plural of 同志: comrades
同治 {prop} [historical] /Tóngzhì/ :: (~ 帝) Tongzhi Emperor (Qing dynasty emperor)
同治 {prop} [historical] /Tóngzhì/ :: era name for the period that this emperor ruled (1862–1875)
同質 {adj} /tóng质/ :: homogeneous
同質化 {n} /tóng质huà/ :: homogenization
同质 {def} SEE: 同質 ::
同质化 {def} SEE: 同質化 ::
同中书门下平章事 {def} SEE: 同中書門下平章事 ::
同中書門下平章事 {n} /tóng zhōngshū ménxià píngzhāngshì/ :: An honorary chancellor designation
同种 {def} SEE: 同種 ::
同種 {v} /tóngzhǒng/ :: to be of the same ethnicity
同種 {v} /tóngzhǒng/ :: to be of the same species