User:Matthias Buchmeier/cmn-en-o

混子 {n} /hùnzi/ :: layabout; deadbeat; slacker; idle person up to no good
{def} /hún/ :: sound of spouting
{def} /hún/ :: muddy
{def} /hún/ :: muddled
{def} /hún/ :: whole
{def} /hún/ :: totally
{def} /hún/ :: flourishing, vigorous
{def} /hún/ :: still
{def} /hún/ :: name of several rivers
{def} /hún/ :: abbreviation of 吐谷渾
{def} /hún/ :: surname
{def} /渾/ :: large
{def} /渾/ :: to mix
{def} /渾/ :: simple; plain
{def} /渾/ :: pure
{def} /渾/ :: abbreviation of 渾天
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /渾/ :: abbreviation of 渾天儀
{def} /gǔn/ :: only used in 渾渾
{def} /gǔn/ :: to fall
渾蛋 {def} SEE: 混蛋 ::
渾敦 {def} SEE: 混沌 ::
渾沌 {def} SEE: 混沌 ::
渾厚 {adj} [of voice] /húnhòu/ :: deep and solid
渾厚 {adj} [of character] /húnhòu/ :: simple and honest; [of calligraphy] bold and vigorous
渾渾 {adj} [literary] /húnhún/ :: ignorant
渾渾 {adj} [literary] /húnhún/ :: simple and honest
渾渾 {adj} [literary] /渾渾/ :: large
渾渾 {def} SEE: 滾滾 ::
渾渾 {adj} [literary] /渾渾/ :: numerous and disorderly
渾渾噩噩 {idiom} [ideophonic, literary] /húnhún'è'è/ :: solemn and dignified; unaffected and decent
渾渾噩噩 {idiom} [ideophonic] /húnhún'è'è/ :: ignorant and muddleheaded; muddling along; living in a state of naïveté and ignorance
渾家 {n} [archaic] /húnjiā/ :: wife
渾侖 {def} SEE: 渾淪 ::
渾淪 {adj} /húnlún/ :: complete; whole
渾淪 {n} [obsolete] /渾lún/ :: alternative form of 混沌
渾淪 {adj} /渾lún/ :: unclear; vague
渾淪 {adj} /渾lún/ :: simple; plain
渾名 {n} /渾míng/ :: nickname; alias; sobriquet
渾樸 {adj} [of character, style, custom, etc.] /hún朴/ :: simple and natural
渾球 {def} SEE: 混球 ::
渾然 {adj} /húnrán/ :: integrated; unified
渾然 {adv} /húnrán/ :: completely; totally; wholly
渾然一體 {idiom} /húnrán一tǐ/ :: to be one integrated mass; to be a unified entity
渾身 {n} /húnshēn/ :: the whole body; from every pore of the body
渾身解數 {idiom} /húnshēnxièshù,húnshēnjiěshù,1nb/ :: all of one's skill; everything within one's power
渾水 {n} /húnshuǐ/ :: muddy water
渾水 {n} [figurative] /húnshuǐ/ :: chaotic situation (that no one would like to involve themselves in)
渾水摸魚 {idiom} /húnshuǐmōyú/ :: to take advantage of a crisis for personal gain; to fish in troubled waters
渾天綾 {prop} /Húntiānlíng/ :: the Red Armillary Sash, one of the weapons of Nezha (哪吒)
渾天儀 {n} /渾tiānyí/ :: armillary sphere
渾象 {n} /húnxiàng/ :: armillary sphere
渾儀 {n} /húnyí/ :: armillary sphere
渾圓 {adj} /húnyuán/ :: perfectly round; round as a ball
渾濁 {adj} /húnzhuó/ :: turbid; murky; muddy
{def} /hún,hùn/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /hún,hùn/ :: [obsolete] bare
{def} /hún/ :: only used in 餛飩
餛飩 {n} /húntun,húndun,1nb/ :: wonton (Chinese dumpling stuffed with meat or seafood and vegetables)
餛飩麪 {def} SEE: 餛飩麵 ::
餛飩麵 {n} /húntunmiàn,húndunmiàn,1nb/ :: wonton noodles (a common Cantonese dish)
{def} SEE: ::
馄饨 {def} SEE: 餛飩 ::
馄饨面 {def} SEE: 餛飩麵 ::
{def} [religion, folklore] /hún/ :: the Hun and po, the soul which goes to heaven, as opposed to the 魄, which goes down to the earth with the body at death
{def} /hún/ :: soul; spirit
{def} /hún/ :: mood
{def} /hún/ :: the lofty spirit of a nation or people
魂不附体 {def} SEE: 魂不附體 ::
魂不附體 {idiom} /hún 不 fù tǐ/ :: to be so scared or shocked that one practically leaps out of one's skin
魂断 {def} SEE: 魂斷 ::
魂斷 {v} /húnduàn/ :: to be very sad or excited
魂斷 {v} /húnduàn/ :: to die
魂飛魄散 {idiom} /húnfēipòsàn/ :: to be frightened stiff, spooked out of one's mind, terror-stricken
魂飛天外 {idiom} /hún fēi tiān wài/ :: to practically leap out of one's skin (with shock or surprise)
魂飞魄散 {def} SEE: 魂飛魄散 ::
魂飞天外 {def} SEE: 魂飛天外 ::
魂克 {n} /húnkè/ :: funk (music genre)
魂灵 {def} SEE: 魂靈 ::
魂靈 {n} /húnlíng/ :: soul; spirit
魂夢 {v} [archaic] /húnmèng/ :: to dream
魂梦 {def} SEE: 魂夢 ::
魂魄 {n} /húnpò/ :: hun and po
魂魄 {n} /húnpò/ :: soul; psyche
{def} /hún/ :: [obsolete] a type of grey squirrel
{def} /gùn/ :: large, round eyes
{def} /hǔn,huàn/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /hùn/ :: [obsolete] to humiliate
{def} /hùn/ :: [obsolete] whole
{def} /hùn/ :: only used in 倱伅
倱伅 {prop} /Hùndùn/ :: alternative form of 混沌
倱伅 {prop} [Chinese mythology] /Hùndùn/ :: a worthless son of 帝鴻氏; one of the Sixiong (四凶) or "Four Fiends" later banished by Emperor Shun
{def} /hùn/ :: pigsty
{def} /hùn/ :: privy (place for defecation and urination)
{def} /hùn/ :: pigsty
{def} /hùn/ :: toilet
{def} /hùn/ :: mixed; muddled; impure
{def} /hùn/ :: confused; turbid
溷浊 {def} SEE: 混濁 ::
溷濁 {def} SEE: 混濁 ::
{def} /hùn/ :: fire; flame
{def} /hùn/ :: (appearance of) fire
諢號 {n} /hùnhào/ :: nickname; alias; sobriquet
諢名 {n} /hùnmíng/ :: nickname; alias; sobriquet
{def} SEE: ::
诨号 {def} SEE: 諢號 ::
诨名 {def} SEE: 諢名 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /huó/ :: [obsolete] unstrained wine
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /huó/ :: [obsolete] generous
{def} /guā,huá/ :: shoulder blade, scapula
{def} [literary] /huó/ :: to meet
{def} /huó/ :: to live; to exist
{def} /huó/ :: life; existence
{def} /huó/ :: to make live; to provide food for
{def} /huó/ :: having life; live
{def} /huó/ :: lively
{def} /huó/ :: flexible; movable
{def} /huó/ :: flexible; adaptable; fluid
{def} /huó/ :: job; work
{def} [colloquial] /huó/ :: sexual intercourse
{def} /guō,kuò,1nb/ :: [obsolete] only used in 活活
活蹦乱跳 {def} SEE: 活蹦亂跳 ::
活蹦亂跳 {adj} /huóbèngluàntiào/ :: alive and kicking
活不見人死不見屍 {v} /huó 不 jiàn rén sǐ 不 jiàn shī/ :: [of people] to be missing; to have disappeared
活不见人死不见尸 {def} SEE: 活不見人死不見屍 ::
活存 {n} [banking] /huócún/ :: abbreviation of 活期存款
活到老,学到老 {def} SEE: 活到老,學到老 ::
活到老,學到老 {phrase} /huó dào lǎo, xué dào lǎo/ :: live and learn; it is never too late to learn
活得不耐烦 {def} SEE: 活得不耐煩 ::
活得不耐煩 {idiom} [colloquial, literally] /huó de 不nàifán/ :: to be tired of living
活得不耐煩 {idiom} [colloquial, pejorative] /huó de 不nàifán/ :: to ask for trouble; to court death
活地图 {def} SEE: 活地圖 ::
活地圖 {n} [figurative] /huódìtú/ :: a person who is familiar with the geography of an area
活动 {def} SEE: 活動 ::
活动度 {def} SEE: 活動度 ::
活动范围 {def} SEE: 活動範圍 ::
活动分子 {def} SEE: 活動分子 ::
活动家 {def} SEE: 活動家 ::
活動 {v} /huódòng,tl/ :: to move about; to exercise
活動 {v} /huódòng,tl/ :: to maneuver; to wangle
活動 {n} [uncountable] /huódòng,tl/ :: activity (condition in which things are happening)
活動 {n} [countable] /huódòng,tl/ :: activity (a thing that is done); event (Classifier: m:項)
活動 {n} [countable, uncountable, advertising] /huódòng,tl/ :: promotion; campaign; event (Classifier: m:項)
活動 {adj} /huódòng,tl/ :: shaky; unstable
活動 {adj} /huódòng,tl/ :: flexible; movable
活動度 {n} /huódòngdù/ :: range of motion
活動範圍 {n} /huódòng fànwéi/ :: range of motion
活動分子 {n} /huódòng fènzǐ/ :: activist
活動家 {n} /huódòngjiā/ :: activist (one who is politically active)
活儿 {def} SEE: 活兒 ::
活兒 {n} /huór/ :: erhua form of []
活兒 {n} /huór/ :: job; task
活兒 {n} [colloquial] /huór/ :: sexual intercourse
活法 {n} /huófǎ,er/ :: one's way of living the life; one's approach to life
活法 {n} /huófǎ,er/ :: flexible approach
活該 {v} [colloquial] /huógāi/ :: to serve someone right, to have gotten what's coming to one
活该 {def} SEE: 活該 ::
活化 {v} [chemistry] /huóhuà/ :: to activate (an atom, a molecule, etc.)
活化 {v} [in general] /huóhuà/ :: to activate; to make active or flexible
活化能 {n} [chemistry] /huóhuànéng/ :: activation energy
活化石 {n} /huóhuàshí/ :: living fossil
活活 {adv} /huóhuó/ :: while still alive
活活 {adv} /huóhuó/ :: simply; totally
活活 {adj} [literary] /guōguō,kuòkuò,1nb/ :: The sound or appearance of running water
活活 {adj} [literary] /guōguō,kuòkuò,1nb/ :: muddy; or the sound of walking in muddy water
活火山 {n} [geology] /huóhuǒshān/ :: active volcano
活检 {def} SEE: 活檢 ::
活檢 {v} [pathology] /huójiǎn/ :: to biopsy
活檢 {n} [pathology] /huójiǎn/ :: biopsy
活結 {n} /huójié/ :: knot that can be undone by a pull; slipknot
活结 {def} SEE: 活結 ::
活结巴 {def} SEE: 活結巴 ::
活结它 {def} SEE: 活結它 ::
活结头 {def} SEE: 活結頭 ::
活剧 {def} SEE: 活劇 ::
活劇 {n} /huójù/ :: living drama; real but dramatic event
活雷鋒 {n} /huóléifēng,er/ :: selfless, modest and dedicated person
活雷锋 {def} SEE: 活雷鋒 ::
活力 {n} /huólì/ :: energy; vitality; vigor
活龍坪 {prop} /Huólóngpíng/ :: (~ 鄉) 活龍坪 (township)
活龙坪 {def} SEE: 活龍坪 ::
活路 {n} /huólù/ :: passable road; unblocked passage
活路 {n} /huólù/ :: means of subsistence; livelihood
活路 {n} /huólù/ :: feasible method; way out
活路 {n} /huólu,huólù,1nb/ :: physical work
活路 {n} [Sichuanese] /huólu,huólù,1nb/ :: job; work
活埋 {v} /huómái/ :: to bury alive
活命 {v} /huómìng/ :: to eke out an existence; to scrape a living
活命 {v} /huómìng/ :: to save a life; to rescue someone
活命 {n} /huómìng/ :: life; survival
活泼 {def} SEE: 活潑 ::
活潑 {adj} [of personality] /huópō,tl/ :: lively; vivacious
活潑 {adj} [of artistic style] /huópō,tl/ :: vivid
活潑 {adj} /huópō,tl/ :: flexible; not stiff
活潑 {adj} [literary] /huópō,tl/ :: wealthy; well-off; rich
活潑 {adj} [chemistry] /huópō,tl/ :: reactive; active; labile
活菩萨 {def} SEE: 活菩薩 ::
活菩薩 {n} [figurative, sometimes, ironic] /huópúsà,tl/ :: a kind-hearted, merciful and helpful person
活期 {adj} [banking, attributive] /huó期/ :: current; demand
活期存款 {n} [banking] /huó期 cúnkuǎn/ :: demand deposit
活气 {def} SEE: 活氣 ::
活氣 {n} /huóqì/ :: energy; vitality; vigor
活錢 {n} [colloquial] /huóqián,er/ :: ready money; cash
活錢 {n} [colloquial] /huóqián,er/ :: extra income
活钱 {def} SEE: 活錢 ::
活人 {n} /huórén/ :: living person
活人 {v} [literary] /huórén/ :: to revive a person; to bring someone else alive
活塞 {n} [mechanics] /huósāi,er/ :: piston
活塞运动 {def} SEE: 活塞運動 ::
活塞運動 {n} [physics] /huósāi yùndòng/ :: piston motion
活塞運動 {n} [figurative, slang] /huósāi yùndòng/ :: sexual intercourse or (male) masturbation
活生生 {adj} /huóshēngshēng/ :: real; living; alive
活生生 {adj} /huóshēngshēng/ :: lively; vivid
活生生 {adv} /huóshēngshēng/ :: while still alive
活受罪 {v} [idiomatic] /huóshòuzuì/ :: to suffer a living hell; to go through sheer hell (usually in exaggerations to express reluctance or intolerability)
活水 {n} /huóshuǐ/ :: flowing water; running water (as opposed to stagnant water)
活狲 {def} SEE: 活猻 ::
活体 {def} SEE: 活體 ::
活体穿刺 {def} SEE: 活體穿刺 ::
活體 {n} [usually, medicine] /huótǐ/ :: living body; living person
活體穿刺 {n} [medicine] /huótǐ chuāncì/ :: biopsy
活物 {n} /huówù/ :: living thing; living creature
活物 {n} [biology] /huówù/ :: organism; living being; lifeform (Classifier: 個)
活物 {n} /huówù/ :: living person (Classifier: 個)
活物 {v} [literary] /huówù/ :: to rescue others
活现 {def} SEE: 活現 ::
活現 {adj} /huóxiàn/ :: vivid
活像 {v} /huóxiàng/ :: to be the spitting image of
活性 {adj} [attributive] /huóxìng/ :: active; activated
活性 {n} [chemistry] /huóxìng/ :: activity
活性炭 {n} [chemistry] /huóxìngtàn/ :: activated carbon; activated charcoal
活血 {v} [TCM] /huó血/ :: to improve the blood circulation
活血止痛散 {n} /huóxuè zhǐtòng sǎn/ :: A greyish-brown powder used in traditional Chinese medicine "to activate blood circulation, eliminate stasis, promote the subsidence of swelling and alleviate pain in the treatment of traumatic injuries with ecchymosis, swelling and pain"
活要見人,死要見屍 {phrase} /huó yào jiàn rén, sǐ yào jiàn shī/ :: [we] want to see the person if he/she is alive, and [we] want to see the body if he/she is dead
活要见人,死要见尸 {def} SEE: 活要見人,死要見屍 ::
活頁 {adj} /huóyè/ :: loose-leaf
活页 {def} SEE: 活頁 ::
活用 {v} /huóyòng/ :: to flexibly put to use; to apply flexibly; to have multiple uses
活用 {v} /huóyòng/ :: to inflect; to conjugate
活跃 {def} SEE: 活躍 ::
活跃分子 {def} SEE: 活躍分子 ::
活躍 {adj} /huóyuè/ :: brisk; active; dynamic; lively
活躍 {vi} /huóyuè/ :: to be active; to be dynamic; to be lively
活躍 {vt} /huóyuè/ :: to liven up; to enliven; to animate; to invigorate
活躍分子 {n} /huóyuè fènzǐ/ :: activist
活着 {def} SEE: 活著 ::
活著 {v} /huózhe/ :: to be alive; to be living
活著 {n} [chess] /huózhāo,er/ :: clever move
活著 {n} /huózhāo,er/ :: clever and flexible tactic; ingenious plan
活捉 {v} [literary] /huózhuō/ :: to capture alive
活字 {n} /huózì/ :: movable type
活字典 {n} /huózìdiǎn/ :: walking dictionary
活字印刷 {n} /huózì yìnshuā/ :: movable type
活字印刷术 {def} SEE: 活字印刷術 ::
活字印刷術 {n} /huózì yìnshuāshù/ :: movable type
{def} /kuò/ :: [obsolete] alternative name for 麋舌草
{def} /huǒ/ :: holmium
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /huǒ/ :: companion, colleague
{def} /huǒ/ :: group of such people
{def} /huǒ/ :: classifier for groups of people
{def} /huǒ/ :: jointly
{def} /huǒ/ :: meal; food
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /huǒ/ :: surname
伙伴 {n} /huǒbàn/ :: partner; companion; mate; comrade
伙伴儿 {def} SEE: 伙伴兒 ::
伙伴兒 {n} /huǒbànr/ :: erhua form of mate; partner
伙計 {def} SEE: 夥計 ::
伙記 {def} SEE: 夥記 ::
伙计 {def} SEE: 夥計 ::
伙记 {def} SEE: 夥記 ::
伙食 {n} /huǒshí/ :: mess; communal meals served in the workplace or at a school canteen; food
伙同 {v} /huǒtóng/ :: to be in league with; to be in collusion with
伙子 {n} [dated or regional, usually in terms of address] /huǒzi/ :: young man
伙子 {classifier} /huǒzi/ :: Used for groups of people: gang
{def} /huǒ,er/ :: companion, partner, assistant
夥伴 {def} SEE: 伙伴 ::
夥伴兒 {def} SEE: 伙伴兒 ::
夥計 {n} [dated, colloquial] /huǒjì,tl/ :: shop assistant; sales rep
夥計 {n} [colloquial] /huǒjì,tl/ :: partner; associate; mate; buddy
夥計 {n} [Mainland China Hokkien] /huǒjì,tl/ :: employee; staff member
夥計 {n} [Taiwanese Hokkien] /huǒjì,tl/ :: mistress
夥記 {n} [dated, colloquial] /huǒjì/ :: shop assistant, sales rep
夥記 {n} [colloquial] /huǒjì/ :: partner, associate; mate, buddy
夥記 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /huǒjì/ :: waiter
夥同 {def} SEE: 伙同 ::
夥子 {def} SEE: 伙子 ::
{def} /huǒ/ :: name of an ancient river in Beijing
{def} /huǒ/ :: used in 漷縣
{def} /huò/ :: only used in 泧漷
{def} /kuò/ :: name of an ancient river in Shandong province
漷嘴 {def} SEE: 嘓嘴 ::
{def} /huǒ/ :: fire; flame
{def} /huǒ/ :: fire (as a disaster); inferno
{def} /huǒ/ :: red; fiery; bright; brilliant
{def} /huǒ/ :: to burn down
{def} /huǒ/ :: light; torch
{def} [dialectal] /huǒ/ :: light; lamp
{def} /huǒ/ :: anger; rage; wrath
{def} /huǒ/ :: to become enraged
{def} /huǒ/ :: angry; furious
{def} [TCM] /huǒ/ :: internal heat
{def} /huǒ/ :: firearm; ammunition; weapon
{def} /huǒ/ :: war; warfare
{def} /huǒ/ :: thriving; brisk
{def} /huǒ/ :: urgent; pressing
{def} [neologism] /huǒ/ :: to become popular; to go viral
{def} [Cantonese] /huǒ/ :: watt (unit of power)
{def} /huǒ/ :: abbreviation of 火星
火𬘡 {def} SEE: 火絪 ::
火把 {n} /huǒbǎ/ :: torch (stick with a flame on one end)
火伴 {n} /huǒbàn/ :: alternative form of 伙伴
火暴 {adj} /huǒbào/ :: alternative form of 火爆
火爆 {adj} [of temper] /huǒbào/ :: fiery; irritable; irascible; bad-tempered
火爆 {adj} /huǒbào/ :: popular
火爆 {adj} /huǒbào/ :: flourishing; prosperous
火併 {v} /huǒbìng/ :: to fight among one's own group or faction
火并 {def} SEE: 火併 ::
火不思 {n} [musical instrument] /huǒ不sī/ :: komuz, a string instrument used in Central Asian music
火柴 {n} /huǒchái/ :: match (for lighting candles, cigars, etc.) (Classifier: m:根c:枝)
火柴盒 {n} /huǒcháihé,er/ :: matchbox
火車 {n} /huǒchē,er/ :: train (Classifier: m:列c:架m:節m,c:班m:趟)
火車 {n} [historical] /huǒchē,er/ :: combat chariot carrying equipment for attack by fire
火車 {n} [Buddhism] /huǒchē,er/ :: fiery chariot that sends a sinner to hell
火車 {prop} [Hong Kong, colloquial] /huǒchē,er/ :: East Rail line
火車道 {n} /huǒchēdào,er/ :: railroad track; railway track
火車票 {n} /huǒchēpiào/ :: train ticket
火車頭 {n} /huǒchētóu/ :: train engine; locomotive
火車頭 {n} [Taiwanese Hokkien and Hakka] /huǒchētóu/ :: train station
火車站 {n} /huǒchēzhàn/ :: railway station; train station
火车 {def} SEE: 火車 ::
火车𰉣 {def} SEE: 火車墿 ::
火车虫 {def} SEE: 火車蟲 ::
火车道 {def} SEE: 火車道 ::
火车飞 {def} SEE: 火車飛 ::
火车路 {def} SEE: 火車路 ::
火车票 {def} SEE: 火車票 ::
火车头 {def} SEE: 火車頭 ::
火车站 {def} SEE: 火車站 ::
火成 {adj} /huǒchéng/ :: igneous
火成岩 {n} /huǒchéngyán/ :: igneous rock
火铳 {def} SEE: 火銃 ::
火葱 {def} SEE: 火蔥 ::
火蔥 {n} /huǒcōng/ :: shallot (Allium ascalonium)
火大 {v} /huǒdà,er/ :: to get into a bad temper; to become angry
火大 {adj} /huǒdà,er/ :: angry
火大 {interj} [Xiamen Hokkien] /huǒdà,er/ :: nonsense!; absurd!
火德 {n} [archaic] /huǒdé/ :: the ability to make fire
火德 {n} [archaic] /huǒdé/ :: the virtue of fire (one of the five elements that determined who was to become a ruler)
火德星君 {prop} [Chinese mythology] /huǒdé xīngjūn/ :: the god of fire
火电 {def} SEE: 火電 ::
火電 {n} /huǒdiàn/ :: fossil fuel energy
火毒 {n} [Chinese medicine] /huǒdú/ :: an infection caused by a burn or scald
火儿 {def} SEE: 火兒 ::
火兒 {v} /huǒr/ :: erhua form of to become angry
火兒 {n} /huǒr/ :: erhua form of fire
火風 {n} [literary] /huǒfēng/ :: hot wind; [figurative] poor interpersonal relationship
火風 {n} [Buddhism] /huǒfēng/ :: fire and wind (two of the four great elements)
火风 {def} SEE: 火風 ::
火凤 {def} SEE: 火鳳 ::
火鳳 {n} [literary, poetic] /huǒfèng/ :: fenghuang; Chinese phoenix
火攻 {n} /huǒgōng/ :: fire attack (using fire as a weapon against enemy personnel and installations)
火鉤子 {n} /huǒgōuzi/ :: firestick, poker
火钩子 {def} SEE: 火鉤子 ::
火罐 {n} [TCM] /huǒguàn,er/ :: cupping glass; cupping jar
火光 {n} /huǒguāng/ :: light from fire; firelight; flame; blaze
火滚 {def} SEE: 火滾 ::
火鍋 {n} [Chinese-style] /huǒguō,er/ :: hot pot
火鍋 {n} [Western-style] /huǒguō,er/ :: fondue
火鍋兒 {n} /huǒguōr/ :: erhua form of hotpot
火锅 {def} SEE: 火鍋 ::
火锅儿 {def} SEE: 火鍋兒 ::
火锅子 {def} SEE: 火鍋子 ::
火海 {n} /huǒhǎi/ :: a sea of flames, a sheet of flames
火鶴 {n} /huǒhè/ :: flamingo lily
火鹤 {def} SEE: 火鶴 ::
火紅 {adj} /huǒhóng/ :: flaming; red as fire
火紅 {adj} /huǒhóng/ :: fiery (color)
火紅 {adj} [figurative] /huǒhóng/ :: thriving; brisk; prosperous
火红 {def} SEE: 火紅 ::
火候 {n} [cooking] /huǒhòu,tl/ :: heat control; duration and degree of heating
火候 {n} [education, figurative] /huǒhòu,tl/ :: level of scholarship
火候 {n} [figurative] /huǒhòu,tl/ :: crucial moment; opportunity
火狐 {n} /huǒhú/ :: red fox (Classifier: m:隻)
火狐 {n} /huǒhú/ :: red panda (Classifier: m:隻)
火花 {n} /huǒhuā,er/ :: spark
火花 {n} /huǒhuā,er/ :: picture on a matchbox; match-box design
火花 {n} [figurative] /huǒhuā,er/ :: chemistry (of the romantic kind, between two people)
火花 {n} [figurative] /huǒhuā,er/ :: vital force; life force
火花塞 {n} /huǒhuāsāi/ :: spark plug
火化 {v} /huǒhuà/ :: to cremate; to incinerate
火化 {n} /huǒhuà/ :: cremation; incineration
火患 {n} [literary or Malaysia, Singapore] /huǒhuàn/ :: fire (as a disaster); inferno
火患 {n} /huǒhuàn/ :: fire hazard
火机 {def} SEE: 火機 ::
火雞 {n} /huǒjī/ :: turkey (Meleagris)
火雞 {n} /huǒjī/ :: cassowary (Casuarius)
火雞 {n} [Xiamen, &, Zhangzhou Hokkien, figurative] /huǒjī/ :: busybody; meddler
火雞 {n} [Xiamen, Quanzhou, &, Zhangzhou Hokkien] /huǒjī/ :: soldering tool
火雞 {n} [Guangxi Cantonese] /huǒjī/ :: lighter
火雞 {adj} [Xiamen, &, Zhangzhou Hokkien, figurative] /huǒjī/ :: meddlesome
火鷄 {def} SEE: 火雞 ::
火鸡 {def} SEE: 火雞 ::
火急 {adj} /huǒjí/ :: pressing; urgent (like a fire emergency)
火夹 {def} SEE: 火夾 ::
火碱 {def} SEE: 火鹼 ::
火鹼 {n} [inorganic compound, colloquial] /huǒjiǎn/ :: alternative name for 氫氧化鈉
火箭 {n} /huǒjiàn/ :: rocket
火箭彈 {n} /huǒjiàndàn/ :: rocket projectile
火箭炮 {n} /huǒjiànpào/ :: rocket gun; bazooka
火箭弹 {def} SEE: 火箭彈 ::
火箭筒 {n} /huǒjiàntǒng/ :: rocket launcher
火箭筒 {n} /huǒjiàntǒng/ :: bazooka
火绞 {def} SEE: 火絞 ::
火警 {n} /huǒjǐng/ :: fire alarm
火警 {n} /huǒjǐng/ :: fire (as a disaster)
火镜子 {def} SEE: 火鏡子 ::
火酒 {n} /huǒjiǔ/ :: synonym of 燒酒
火酒 {n} /huǒjiǔ/ :: synonym of 酒精
火具 {n} /huǒjù/ :: fire weapon
火具 {n} /huǒjù/ :: firefighting equipment
火炬 {n} /huǒjù/ :: torch (stick with a flame on one end)
火筷子 {n} /huǒkuàizi/ :: fire tongs
火筷子 {n} /huǒkuàizi/ :: hair curling tongs
火辣 {adj} /huǒlà/ :: extremely hot; scorching; burning
火辣 {adj} /huǒlà/ :: sexy; hot; provocative
火辣辣 {adj} [of temperature] /huǒlàlà/ :: extremely hot; scorching; [of pain] burning
火辣辣 {adj} [of personality] /huǒlàlà/ :: bold and resolute; [of criticism] sharp
火辣辣 {adj} [of relationship] /huǒlàlà/ :: sexy; hot
火力 {n} /huǒlì/ :: heating power; thermal power
火力 {n} /huǒlì/ :: firepower; power of a firearm
火力 {n} [of the human body] /huǒlì/ :: ability to withstand the cold
火鐮 {n} /huǒlián/ :: fire striker
火镰 {def} SEE: 火鐮 ::
火龍 {n} [Chinese mythology] /huǒlóng/ :: fiery dragon
火龍 {n} [figuratively] /huǒlóng/ :: procession of lanterns or torches
火龍 {prop} /huǒlóng/ :: (~ 村) 火龍 (village)
火龍 {prop} /huǒlóng/ :: (~ 村) 火龍 (village)
火龍果 {n} /huǒlóngguǒ/ :: dragon fruit (fruit, cacti)
火龙 {def} SEE: 火龍 ::
火龙果 {def} SEE: 火龍果 ::
火龙火马 {def} SEE: 火龍火馬 ::
火炉 {def} SEE: 火爐 ::
火爐 {n} /huǒlú/ :: stove
火輪 {n} /huǒlún/ :: wheel-like fire; wheel on fire
火輪 {n} [literary] /huǒlún/ :: sun
火輪 {n} /huǒlún/ :: abbreviation of 火輪船
火輪 {n} /huǒlún/ :: abbreviation of 火輪車
火輪車 {n} /huǒlúnchē/ :: alternative name for 火車
火輪船 {n} [dated] /huǒlúnchuán/ :: steamship; steamboat
火轮 {def} SEE: 火輪 ::
火轮车 {def} SEE: 火輪車 ::
火轮船 {def} SEE: 火輪船 ::
火麻 {n} /huǒmá/ :: hemp
火麻仁 {n} /huǒmárén,er/ :: seed kernel of the hemp or cannabis. (An herb used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat insomnia, menstrual pain, asthma, mania and itchy skin.)
火冒三丈 {idiom} /huǒmàosānzhàng/ :: to fly into a rage; to flare up; to lose one's temper
火媒 {def} SEE: 火煤 ::
火煤 {n} /huǒméi,er/ :: kindling
火棉 {n} [organic compound] /huǒmián/ :: nitrocellulose (containing relatively much nitrogen)
火苗 {n} /huǒmiáo,er/ :: tongue of flame
火暝虫 {def} SEE: 火暝蟲 ::
火鸟 {def} SEE: 火鳥 ::
火奴魯魯 {prop} /Huǒnúlǔlǔ/ :: alternative name for 檀香山
火奴鲁鲁 {def} SEE: 火奴魯魯 ::
火炮 {n} /huǒpào/ :: cannon; gun
火炮 {n} [military] /huǒpào/ :: artillery
火炮 {n} /huǒpào/ :: firecracker
火砲 {def} SEE: 火炮 ::
火盆 {n} /huǒpén/ :: brazier
火拼 {v} /huǒpīn/ :: synonym of 火併
火器 {n} [weaponry] /huǒqì/ :: firearm (Classifier: m:架)
火气 {def} SEE: 火氣 ::
火气头 {def} SEE: 火氣頭 ::
火氣 {n} [TCM] /huǒqì,tl/ :: internal heat
火氣 {n} /huǒqì,tl/ :: temper; rage
火氣 {n} /huǒqì,tl/ :: cold-resistant capacity
火鉗 {n} /huǒqián/ :: fire tongs
火钳 {def} SEE: 火鉗 ::
火枪 {def} SEE: 火槍 ::
火枪手 {def} SEE: 火槍手 ::
火槍 {n} /huǒqiāng/ :: fire lance; fire spear
火槍 {n} /huǒqiāng/ :: firearm
火槍 {n} /huǒqiāng/ :: flintlock
火槍手 {n} /huǒqiāngshǒu/ :: gunman; musketeer
火情 {n} /huǒqíng/ :: situation of a fire disaster
火热 {def} SEE: 火熱 ::
火熱 {adj} /huǒrè/ :: burning hot
火熱 {adj} /huǒrè/ :: fierce; intense
火熱 {adj} /huǒrè/ :: fiery; ardent
火熱 {adj} /huǒrè/ :: intimate; close; affectionate
火絨 {n} /huǒróng/ :: tinder (made from Chinese mugwort)
火绒 {def} SEE: 火絨 ::
火山 {n} /huǒshān/ :: volcano (Classifier: 座)
火山岛 {def} SEE: 火山島 ::
火山島 {n} /huǒshāndǎo/ :: volcanic island
火山地震 {n} /huǒshān dìzhèn/ :: volcanic earthquake
火山豆 {n} /huǒshāndòu/ :: macadamia
火山豆 {n} /huǒshāndòu/ :: macadamia nut
火山灰 {n} [geology] /huǒshānhuī/ :: volcanic ash
火山口 {n} [geology] /huǒshānkǒu,er/ :: crater
火山学 {def} SEE: 火山學 ::
火山学家 {def} SEE: 火山學家 ::
火山學 {n} /huǒshānxué/ :: volcanology
火山學家 {n} /huǒshānxuéjiā/ :: volcanologist
火山岩 {n} [geology] /huǒshānyán/ :: volcanic rock
火闪 {def} SEE: 火閃 ::
火上加油 {idiom} /huǒshàngjiāyóu/ :: to add fuel to the fire (to worsen a conflict)
火上浇油 {def} SEE: 火上澆油 ::
火上澆油 {idiom} /huǒshàngjiāoyóu/ :: to add fuel to the fire (to worsen a conflict)
火烧 {def} SEE: 火燒 ::
火烧埔 {def} SEE: 火燒埔 ::
火烧车 {def} SEE: 火燒車 ::
火烧岛 {def} SEE: 火燒島 ::
火烧儿 {def} SEE: 火燒兒 ::
火烧坪 {def} SEE: 火燒坪 ::
火烧屿 {def} SEE: 火燒嶼 ::
火烧云 {def} SEE: 火燒雲 ::
火燒 {v} /huǒshāo/ :: to burn; to destroy with a fire
火燒 {n} /huǒshao,er/ :: baked wheaten cake; baked bun
火燒 {n} [Min Nan] /huǒshao,er/ :: fire (as a disaster); conflagration
火燒島 {prop} [historical] /Huǒshāo Dǎo/ :: former name of 綠島: Green Island, Taiwan
火燒兒 {n} /huǒshāor/ :: erhua form of []
火燒坪 {prop} /Huǒshāopíng/ :: (~ 鄉) 火燒坪 (township)
火燒嶼 {prop} [historical] /Huǒshāo Yǔ/ :: alternative name for 火燒島
火燒雲 {n} /huǒshāoyún/ :: morning or evening glow; afterglow
火舌 {n} /huǒshé/ :: tongues of fire
火神 {n} /huǒshén/ :: god of fire
火石 {n} /huǒshí/ :: flint (Classifier: m:塊)
火势 {def} SEE: 火勢 ::
火勢 {n} /huǒshì/ :: intensity of fire
火柿子 {n} [Tianjin] /huǒshìzi/ :: tomato
火鼠 {n} [Chinese mythology] /huǒshǔ/ :: fire rat or mouse (a mythological creature)
火鼠 {n} [Taiwan Min Nan] /huǒshǔ/ :: squirrel
火树银花 {def} SEE: 火樹銀花 ::
火樹銀花 {idiom} /huǒshùyínhuā/ :: magnificently illuminated with brilliant lights or fireworks
火水山 {prop} /Huǒshuǐshān/ :: 火水山 (city)
火速 {adv} /huǒsù/ :: at top speed
火炭 {n} /huǒtàn/ :: burning charcoal
火炭 {prop} /Huǒtàn/ :: 火炭 (area)
火塘 {n} [dialect] /huǒtáng/ :: firepit (indoor)
火头 {def} SEE: 火頭 ::
火头军 {def} SEE: 火頭軍 ::
火头上 {def} SEE: 火頭上 ::
火頭 {n} [colloquial] /huǒtóu,er/ :: flame
火頭 {n} [colloquial] /huǒtóu,er/ :: duration and degree (of heating, cooking, smelting, etc.)
火頭 {n} [colloquial] /huǒtóu,er/ :: anger; temper
火頭 {n} [colloquial] /huǒtóu,er/ :: owner of the house where a fire started
火頭 {n} [colloquial] /huǒtóu,er/ :: person responsible for starting a fire
火頭軍 {n} [dated] /huǒtóujūn/ :: army cook
火頭軍 {n} /huǒtóujūn/ :: cook (of a canteen)
火頭上 {n} [colloquial] /huǒtóushàng,tl/ :: at the height of anger
火腿 {n} /huǒtuǐ/ :: ham; sausage
火腿肠 {def} SEE: 火腿腸 ::
火腿腸 {n} /huǒtuǐcháng,er/ :: A specific type of ham sausage, which is long and thin
火網 {n} [military] /huǒwǎng/ :: network of fire; fire net
火网 {def} SEE: 火網 ::
火卫二 {def} SEE: 火衛二 ::
火卫一 {def} SEE: 火衛一 ::
火衛二 {prop} [astronomy] /Huǒwèi'èr/ :: Deimos
火衛一 {prop} [astronomy] /Huǒwèi一/ :: Phobos
火险 {def} SEE: 火險 ::
火險 {n} /huǒxiǎn/ :: fire insurance
火線 {n} /huǒxiàn/ :: live wire; hot wire
火線 {n} [computing] /huǒxiàn/ :: FireWire
火線 {n} [military] /huǒxiàn/ :: front line; front (in a war)
火线 {def} SEE: 火線 ::
火星 {prop} [astronomy] /Huǒxīng/ :: Mars
火星 {v} [neologism, slang] /Huǒxīng/ :: to be outdated and unaware; to not know something that everyone else knows
火星 {n} /huǒxīng,er/ :: spark of fire
火星人 {n} /huǒxīngrén/ :: Martian
火星人 {n} [figurative, slang, pejorative] /huǒxīngrén/ :: one out of touch with reality or with the latest news and trends
火星帖 {n} [neologism, slang] /huǒxīngtiě/ :: extremely old Internet post
火星文 {n} [Internet] /huǒxīngwén/ :: Martian language, a style of writing in which Chinese-language text is represented by a variety of scripts and symbols, popular among some young people
火星子 {n} [colloquial] /huǒxīngzi/ :: spark of fire
火刑 {n} /huǒxíng/ :: execution by fire; burning at the stake; auto da fe
火烌窑 {def} SEE: 火烌窯 ::
火烌窑仔 {def} SEE: 火烌窯仔 ::
火烟 {def} SEE: 火煙 ::
火烟船 {def} SEE: 火煙船 ::
火炎虫 {def} SEE: 火炎蟲 ::
火焰 {n} /huǒyàn/ :: flame
火焰虫 {def} SEE: 火焰蟲 ::
火焰喷射器 {def} SEE: 火焰噴射器 ::
火焰噴射器 {n} /huǒyàn pēnshèqì/ :: flamethrower
火燄 {def} SEE: 火焰 ::
火曜 {n} [classical, archaic] /huǒyào/ :: planet Mars
火曜日 {n} [classical] /huǒyàorì/ :: Tuesday
火药 {def} SEE: 火藥 ::
火药铳 {def} SEE: 火藥銃 ::
火药桶 {def} SEE: 火藥桶 ::
火药味 {def} SEE: 火藥味 ::
火藥 {n} /huǒyào/ :: gunpowder
火藥 {n} [dialectal Hakka, dialectal Wu] /huǒyào/ :: match (for lighting candles, cigars, etc.)
火藥桶 {n} /huǒyàotǒng/ :: powder keg (barrel containing gunpowder)
火藥桶 {n} [figurative] /huǒyàotǒng/ :: powder keg; tinderbox; danger spot
火藥味 {n} [literally] /huǒyàowèi,er/ :: smell of gunpowder
火藥味 {n} [figurative] /huǒyàowèi,er/ :: vibes of hostility and combativeness; hostile atmosphere; a gunpowder smell in the air
火印 {n} /huǒyìn/ :: brand (identifying mark burnt on livestock or implements)
火萤 {def} SEE: 火螢 ::
火萤虫 {def} SEE: 火螢蟲 ::
火油 {n} [regional] /huǒyóu/ :: kerosene; paraffin
火油 {n} [Taiwanese Hakka, Quanzhou, &, Taiwanese Hokkien] /huǒyóu/ :: peanut oil
火災 {n} /huǒzāi/ :: fire (as a disaster); conflagration
火灾 {def} SEE: 火災 ::
火葬 {v} /huǒzàng/ :: to cremate; to incinerate
火葬 {n} /huǒzàng/ :: cremation; incineration
火葬場 {n} /huǒzàng場/ :: crematorium; crematory
火葬场 {def} SEE: 火葬場 ::
火中取栗 {idiom} /huǒzhōngqǔlì/ :: to pull someone's chestnuts out of the fire; to be someone's cat's-paw
火种 {def} SEE: 火種 ::
火種 {n} /huǒzhǒng/ :: tinder; source of a fire
火種 {n} [figurative] /huǒzhǒng/ :: spark (for a revolution); tinder (for)
火烛 {def} SEE: 火燭 ::
火烛车 {def} SEE: 火燭車 ::
火燭 {n} /huǒzhú/ :: lights (collectively)
火燭 {n} /huǒzhú/ :: candlelight
火燭 {n} /huǒzhú/ :: things that easily catch on fire
火燭 {n} [Cantonese] /huǒzhú/ :: fire (as a disaster); conflagration
火燭 {v} /huǒzhú/ :: to illuminate with fire
火燭 {v} [Cantonese] /huǒzhú/ :: to be on fire
火主 {n} /huǒzhǔ/ :: owner of the house where a fire started
火主 {n} /huǒzhǔ/ :: person responsible for starting a fire
火字边 {def} SEE: 火字邊 ::
火字邊 {n} /huǒzìbiān/ :: the Chinese character component
火字旁 {n} /huǒzìpáng/ :: the Chinese character component
{def} [literary] /huò/ :: glistening; twinkling
{def} /huò,yù/ :: cyclone, whirlwind
{def} /huò,yù/ :: (same as ) a mythical creature which supposedly hurts humans by casting sand out of its mouth
{def} /huò,yù/ :: ghost
{def} /hù,huò/ :: to vomit, to throw up
{def} /huò/ :: An interjection expressing surprise or admiration: oh; wow
{def} /huò/ :: Sound of laughter
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /huò/ :: confused; puzzled
{def} /huò/ :: to confuse; to delude
惑乱 {def} SEE: 惑亂 ::
惑亂 {v} /huòluàn/ :: to puzzle; to confuse; to befuddle
惑星 {n} [astronomy, rare] /huòxīng/ :: synonym of 行星 (Classifier: m:顆)
惑志 {n} [literary] /huòzhì/ :: suspicion; doubt
{def} /huò/ :: or; either ... or ... (used to list alternatives)
{def} /huò/ :: perhaps; maybe (mostly found in news headlines)
{def} /huò/ :: occasionally; sometimes
{def} /huò/ :: if; assuming; should ..
{def} [logic, computing] /huò/ :: OR; inclusive or
{def} /huò/ :: particle used in negative sentences to reinforce the negative tone
{def} /huò/ :: [obsolete] some; someone; something
{def} /yù/ :: [obsolete] original form of
{def} /yù/ :: [obsolete] original form of
或称 {def} SEE: 或稱 ::
或稱 {adj} /huòchēng/ :: also called, also known as, AKA
或多或少 {idiom} /huòduōhuòshǎo/ :: more or less (approximately)
或非 {n} [logic] /huòfēi/ :: NOR
或非門 {n} [electronics] /huòfēimén/ :: NOR gate
或非门 {def} SEE: 或非門 ::
或許 {adv} /huòxǔ/ :: perhaps; maybe
或門 {n} [electronics] /huòmén/ :: OR gate
或门 {def} SEE: 或門 ::
或然 {adj} /huòrán/ :: probable
或然率 {n} /huòránlǜ/ :: probability; odds
或是 {adv} /huòshì/ :: may be; perhaps is
或是 {conj} /huòshì/ :: either
或謂 {v} [literary] /huòwèi/ :: someone says; some say
或谓 {def} SEE: 或謂 ::
或许 {def} SEE: 或許 ::
或曰 {v} [literary] /huòyuē/ :: someone says; some say; it is said
或则 {def} SEE: 或則 ::
或則 {conj} /huòzé/ :: or, either ... or
或閘 {n} [electronics] /huòzhá/ :: OR gate
或闸 {def} SEE: 或閘 ::
或者 {conj} /huòzhě/ :: or
或者 {adv} /huòzhě/ :: perhaps; maybe
或者 {n} [classical] /huòzhě/ :: some people
{def} /huō/ :: to shovel coal, ore, etc. from one place to another
{def} /huō/ :: to flip one's hands over
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [Hakka] /huō/ :: to beat up somebody
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /huò/ :: sound of water
濩落 {v} /huòluò/ :: to fall low
{def} /huò/ :: only used in 瀖水
{def} /huò/ :: only used in 瀖水
{def} /huò/ :: to soak, macerate
{def} /huò/ :: to catch
{def} /huò/ :: to obtain; to get; to receive; to win
{def} /huò/ :: to harvest
獲得 {v} /huòdé/ :: to obtain; to acquire; to get; to win; to achieve; to receive; to garner
獲得感 {n} /huòdégǎn/ :: sense of gain
獲救 {v} /huòjiù/ :: to rescue
獲救 {v} /huòjiù/ :: to be rescued
獲客 {v} [business] /huòkè/ :: to acquire a customer
獲利 {v} /huòlì/ :: to obtain profit
獲批 {v} [of a project or proposal] /huòpī/ :: to gain approval; to be approved
獲聘 {v} /huò聘/ :: to be employed (by a company)
獲取 {v} /huòqǔ/ :: to get; to gain; to acquire; to draw; to obtain
獲勝 {v} /huòshèng/ :: to be victorious; to win; to triumph
獲勝者 {n} /huòshèngzhě/ :: victor; winner
獲釋 {v} /huòshì/ :: to be released (from prison, etc.); to be freed
獲悉 {v} /huòxī/ :: to learn of; to be informed; to find out
獲益 {v} /huòyì/ :: to benefit; to gain; to profit
獲益匪淺 {idiom} /huòyìfěiqiǎn/ :: to benefit greatly
獲益良多 {idiom} /huòyìliángduō/ :: to benefit greatly
獲致 {v} [formal] /huòzhì/ :: to obtain; to acquire; to get; to win; to achieve; to receive
獲准 {v} /huòzhǔn/ :: to gain approval; to obtain permission
獲罪 {v} /huòzuì/ :: to offend the law; to commit a crime
獲罪 {v} /huòzuì/ :: to be punished for a crime
{def} [literary] /huò/ :: to blind (eyes)
矐睒 {n} [literary] /huòshǎn/ :: lightning
{def} /kè/ :: solid, hard
{def} [onomatopoeia] /huò/ :: sound of a whip
{def} SEE: ::
祸本 {def} SEE: 禍本 ::
祸不单行 {def} SEE: 禍不單行 ::
祸福 {def} SEE: 禍福 ::
祸根 {def} SEE: 禍根 ::
祸国殃民 {def} SEE: 禍國殃民 ::
祸害 {def} SEE: 禍害 ::
祸患 {def} SEE: 禍患 ::
祸祸 {def} SEE: 禍禍 ::
祸乱 {def} SEE: 禍亂 ::
祸起萧墙 {def} SEE: 禍起蕭牆 ::
祸事 {def} SEE: 禍事 ::
祸首 {def} SEE: 禍首 ::
祸水 {def} SEE: 禍水 ::
祸祟 {def} SEE: 禍祟 ::
祸胎 {def} SEE: 禍胎 ::
祸息 {def} SEE: 禍息 ::
祸心 {def} SEE: 禍心 ::
祸殃 {def} SEE: 禍殃 ::
祸在目前 {def} SEE: 禍在目前 ::
{def} /huò/ :: disaster; misfortune; calamity
{def} /huò/ :: to bring disaster upon
禍本 {n} [literary] /huòběn/ :: root of the trouble; cause of the ruin
禍不單行 {idiom} /huò不dānxíng/ :: misfortunes never come singly; it never rains but it pours
禍福 {n} /huòfú/ :: good fortune and misfortune; good times and hard times; happiness and suffering
禍根 {n} /huògēn,er/ :: root of the trouble; cause of the ruin
禍國殃民 {idiom} /huòguóyāngmín/ :: to bring disaster to both the country and the people
禍害 {n} /huòhài,tl/ :: disaster; calamity; catastrophe (Classifier: 場次種)
禍害 {v} /huòhài,tl/ :: to harm; to wreck; to damage
禍患 {n} /huòhuàn/ :: disaster; calamity; catastrophe (Classifier: 場次種)
禍禍 {v} [dialectal Mandarin] /huòhuo/ :: to ruin; to abuse
禍禍 {v} [Beijing] /huòhuo/ :: to rape
禍亂 {n} /huòluàn/ :: disastrous disorder; turmoil; social upheaval
禍起蕭牆 {v} /huòqǐxiāoqiáng/ :: to suffer from internal conflicts [especially civil wars]
禍事 {n} /huòshì/ :: disaster; calamity; catastrophe (Classifier: 場次種)
禍首 {n} /huòshǒu/ :: chief criminal; main culprit; primary offender; ringleader
禍水 {n} [figurative] /huòshuǐ/ :: charming beauty, as a source of calamity; femme fatale
禍水 {n} [figurative, in general] /huòshuǐ/ :: person or thing that causes great trouble or suffering; scourge; vicious power; bane
禍祟 {n} [literary] /huòsuì/ :: calamity brought on by the curse of evil spirits
禍胎 {n} /huòtāi/ :: root of the trouble; cause of the ruin  
禍心 {n} /huòxīn/ :: evil intent
禍殃 {n} /huòyāng/ :: disaster; calamity; catastrophe (Classifier: 場次種)
禍在目前 {idiom} /huò zài mùqián/ :: disaster is upon us; disaster is imminent
{def} /huò/ :: to harvest; to cut grain; to reap
{def} [Min Dong, usually of a child] /wò/ :: well-behaved; obedient; nice; untroublesome
{def} [Min Dong] /wò/ :: shrewd, clever
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
获得 {def} SEE: 獲得 ::
获得感 {def} SEE: 獲得感 ::
获救 {def} SEE: 獲救 ::
获客 {def} SEE: 獲客 ::
获利 {def} SEE: 獲利 ::
获批 {def} SEE: 獲批 ::
获聘 {def} SEE: 獲聘 ::
获取 {def} SEE: 獲取 ::
获胜 {def} SEE: 獲勝 ::
获胜者 {def} SEE: 獲勝者 ::
获释 {def} SEE: 獲釋 ::
获悉 {def} SEE: 獲悉 ::
获益 {def} SEE: 獲益 ::
获益匪浅 {def} SEE: 獲益匪淺 ::
获益良多 {def} SEE: 獲益良多 ::
获致 {def} SEE: 獲致 ::
获准 {def} SEE: 獲准 ::
获罪 {def} SEE: 獲罪 ::
{def} /huò/ :: [historical dictionaries] to measure; to calculate
{def} /wò/ :: [historical dictionaries] type of plant
{def} [literary] /huò/ :: leaves of pulse plants
藿香 {n} [TCM] /huòxiāng/ :: wrinkled giant hyssop (Agastache rugosa)
{def} /huò/ :: Clipping of 尺蠖 or 蚇蠖: inchworm
{def} /yuè/ :: only used in 蠖略
{def} /huò/ :: goods; commodities; products
{def} [derogatory] /huò/ :: used to refer to a person
{def} [Min Nan] /huò/ :: thing; stuff
貨比三家不吃虧 {proverb} /huòbǐsānjiā bù chīkuī/ :: if you compare the price of something at three different locations, you'll never be ripped off
貨幣 {n} [economics, finance] /huòbì/ :: money (or other item used to facilitate transactions); currency (Classifier: m:種)
貨幣市場 {n} [finance] /huòbì shì場/ :: money market
貨幣學 {n} /huòbìxué/ :: numismatics
貨幣政策 {n} [economics] /huòbì zhèngcè/ :: monetary policy
貨幣主義 {n} /huòbìzhǔyì/ :: monetarism
貨倉 {n} /huòcāng/ :: warehouse; storehouse
貨車 {n} /huòchē,er/ :: truck; van
貨車 {n} /huòchē,er/ :: freight train; goods train
貨車 {n} /huòchē,er/ :: goods wagon
貨船 {n} /huòchuán/ :: cargo ship
貨存 {n} /huòcún/ :: synonym of 庫存
貨到付款 {n} /huòdào fùkuǎn/ :: cash on delivery; COD
貨底 {n} /huòdǐ/ :: remaining stock of merchandise (sometimes including substandard merchandise)
貨櫃 {n} /huòguì/ :: counter; worktop
貨櫃 {n} /huòguì/ :: shipping container
貨架 {n} /huòjià/ :: shelf for goods; store shelf
貨款 {n} /huòkuǎn/ :: money for buying or selling goods; payment for goods
貨郎 {n} [dated] /huòláng/ :: itinerant peddler; street vendor
貨賂 {n} [archaic] /huòlù/ :: one's property
貨賂 {n} [archaic] /huòlù/ :: bribe
貨品 {n} /huòpǐn/ :: goods; cargo
貨品 {n} /huòpǐn/ :: type of goods
貨色 {n} /huòsè/ :: quality or kind of goods; specification
貨色 {n} [figurative, derogatory] /huòsè/ :: (the rubbish) kind; sort; stuff
貨攤 {n} /huòtān,er/ :: stall; booth
貨梯 {n} /huòtī/ :: freight elevator
貨頭 {n} /huòtóu/ :: goods; stuff
貨頭 {n} [Min Nan] /huòtóu/ :: newly made or released merchandise
貨物 {n} /huòwù/ :: goods; commodities; merchandise
貨物 {n} /huòwù/ :: freight; cargo
貨物列車 {n} /huòwù lièchē/ :: freight train; goods train
貨源 {n} /huòyuán/ :: sources of goods; supply of goods
貨棧 {n} /huòzhàn/ :: warehouse
貨真價實 {idiom} /huòzhēnjiàshí/ :: high quality at a decent price; genuine goods at fair prices
貨殖 {v} [archaic] /huòzhí/ :: to make a fortune; to profit
貨殖 {v} [archaic] /huòzhí/ :: to engage in commerce; to do business
貨殖 {n} [archaic] /huòzhí/ :: merchant; businessperson; entrepreneur
貨殖 {n} [archaic] /huòzhí/ :: usurer
{def} SEE: ::
货Van {def} SEE: 貨Van ::
货比三家不吃亏 {def} SEE: 貨比三家不吃虧 ::
货币 {def} SEE: 貨幣 ::
货币市场 {def} SEE: 貨幣市場 ::
货币学 {def} SEE: 貨幣學 ::
货币政策 {def} SEE: 貨幣政策 ::
货币主义 {def} SEE: 貨幣主義 ::
货仓 {def} SEE: 貨倉 ::
货草 {def} SEE: 貨草 ::
货车 {def} SEE: 貨車 ::
货船 {def} SEE: 貨船 ::
货存 {def} SEE: 貨存 ::
货到付款 {def} SEE: 貨到付款 ::
货底 {def} SEE: 貨底 ::
货范 {def} SEE: 貨範 ::
货柜 {def} SEE: 貨櫃 ::
货架 {def} SEE: 貨架 ::
货款 {def} SEE: 貨款 ::
货郎 {def} SEE: 貨郎 ::
货赂 {def} SEE: 貨賂 ::
货品 {def} SEE: 貨品 ::
货色 {def} SEE: 貨色 ::
货摊 {def} SEE: 貨攤 ::
货梯 {def} SEE: 貨梯 ::
货头 {def} SEE: 貨頭 ::
货头货尾 {def} SEE: 貨頭貨尾 ::
货尾 {def} SEE: 貨尾 ::
货物 {def} SEE: 貨物 ::
货物列车 {def} SEE: 貨物列車 ::
货源 {def} SEE: 貨源 ::
货栈 {def} SEE: 貨棧 ::
货真价实 {def} SEE: 貨真價實 ::
货殖 {def} SEE: 貨殖 ::
{def} /huò/ :: [obsolete] cauldron (for food)
{def} /huò/ :: [obsolete] cauldron (for execution by boiling)
{def} [Cantonese] /huò/ :: wok
{def} [Cantonese] /huò/ :: problem; trouble; blame
{def} [Cantonese] /huò/ :: classifier for the amount of food in a wok
{def} [Cantonese] /huò/ :: classifier for occurrences of problems, conflicts, fights, etc.
鑊氣 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /huòqì/ :: the flavour imparted by cooking food in a wok; wok hei
{def} SEE: ::
镬铲 {def} SEE: 鑊鏟 ::
镬气 {def} SEE: 鑊氣 ::
镬头 {def} SEE: 鑊頭 ::
镬仔 {def} SEE: 鑊仔 ::
{def} [dialectal, obsolete] /huò/ :: the sound produced to scare someone after emerging from hiding
{def} [dialectal, obsolete] /shǎn/ :: to suddenly emerge after hiding
{def} [literary] /huò,wò,1nb/ :: red pigment
{def} /huò/ :: quickly, suddenly
{def} /huò/ :: surname
霍巴特 {prop} /Huòbātè/ :: 霍巴特 (city/capital city)
霍巴特 {prop} /Huòbātè/ :: Hobart (English surname)
霍尔木兹海峡 {def} SEE: 霍爾木茲海峽 ::
霍爾木茲海峽 {prop} [mainland China, Hong Kong] /Huò'ěrmùzīhǎixiá/ :: Strait of Hormuz
霍霍 {interj} /huòhuò/ :: the sound made by sharpening a knife
霍霍 {adj} /huòhuò/ :: sparkling
霍金 {prop} /Huòjīn/ :: Hawking (surname)
霍林郭勒 {prop} /Huòlínguōlè/ :: (~ 市) 霍林郭勒 (county-level city)
霍乱 {def} SEE: 霍亂 ::
霍亂 {n} [TCM] /huòluàn/ :: any acute gastroenteritis with symptoms such as severe vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal pain
霍亂 {adj} [literary, figurative] /huòluàn/ :: distraught with anxiety
霍亂 {n} /huòluàn/ :: (~ 病) [disease] cholera (a severe diarrhoeal disease)
霍姆斯 {prop} /Huòmǔsī/ :: Homs
霍姆斯 {adj} [attributive] /Huòmǔsī/ :: Homsi
霍納 {prop} /Huònà/ :: Horner
霍纳 {def} SEE: 霍納 ::
霍尼亞拉 {n} /Huòníyàlā/ :: 霍尼亞拉 (city/capital city)
霍尼亚拉 {def} SEE: 霍尼亞拉 ::
霍閃 {n} [literary or dialectal, including, Beijing Mandarin, Jilu Mandarin, Zhongyuan Mandarin, Jianghuai Mandarin, Southwestern Mandarin, Gan, Jin, Wu] /huòshǎn/ :: lightning; flash of lightning
霍闪 {def} SEE: 霍閃 ::
霍州 {prop} /Huòzhōu/ :: (~ 市) 霍州 (city)
{def} /hù/ :: a mystus catfish, of the genus Mystus
{def} /jī/ :: [obsolete] base for supporting the object above
{def} /qí/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /qí/ :: surname
丌官 {prop} /Jīguān/ :: surname Jiguan
{def} SEE: ::
乩童 {n} /jītóng/ :: spirit medium
{def} SEE: ::
击败 {def} SEE: 擊敗 ::
击毙 {def} SEE: 擊斃 ::
击出 {def} SEE: 擊出 ::
击倒 {def} SEE: 擊倒 ::
击发 {def} SEE: 擊發 ::
击缶 {def} SEE: 擊缶 ::
击鼓 {def} SEE: 擊鼓 ::
击剑 {def} SEE: 擊劍 ::
击溃 {def} SEE: 擊潰 ::
击落 {def} SEE: 擊落 ::
击破 {def} SEE: 擊破 ::
击伤 {def} SEE: 擊傷 ::
击水 {def} SEE: 擊水 ::
击柝 {def} SEE: 擊柝 ::
击掌 {def} SEE: 擊掌 ::
{def} /jī/ :: used in 剞劂
{def} /jī/ :: to rob
剞𠜾 {def} SEE: 剞劂 ::
剞劂 {n} [literary] /jījué/ :: carving knife; sculpting knife
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
叽咕 {def} SEE: 嘰咕 ::
叽叽趷趷 {def} SEE: 嘰嘰趷趷 ::
叽叽乞乞 {def} SEE: 嘰嘰乞乞 ::
叽哩呱啦 {def} SEE: 嘰哩呱啦 ::
叽哩咕噜 {def} SEE: 嘰哩咕嚕 ::
叽里咕噜 {def} SEE: 嘰里咕嚕 ::
𠸄咭唎 {def} SEE: 英吉利 ::
咭數 {def} SEE: 卡數 ::
咭数 {def} SEE: 卡數 ::
咭纸 {def} SEE: 咭紙 ::
{def} /唧/ :: to spurt; to squirt; to pump
{def} SEE: ::
唧咕 {def} SEE: 嘰咕 ::
唧唧 {n} /唧唧/ :: sighing
唧唧 {n} /唧唧/ :: praising
唧唧 {n} /唧唧/ :: chirping
唧哝 {def} SEE: 唧噥 ::
唧噥 {v} /jīnong/ :: to mutter; to whisper
唧筒 {n} [dated] /唧tǒng/ :: pump (device for moving liquid or gas)
唧筒座 {prop} [constellation] /Jītǒngzuò/ :: Antlia
唧哇乱叫 {def} SEE: 唧哇亂叫 ::
唧哇亂叫 {v} /jīwāluànjiào/ :: to scream, to screech, often in pain, excitement or protest
{def} SEE: ::
喞筒 {def} SEE: 唧筒 ::
{def} /jī/ :: to eat a little
{def} /jī/ :: to sigh
{def} /jī/ :: An onomatopoeia
嘰咕 {v} /jīgu,jīgū,1nb/ :: to talk in a low voice; to whisper
嘰咕 {v} /jīgu,jīgū,1nb/ :: to mutter; to mumble
嘰咕 {v} /jīgu,jīgū,1nb/ :: to grumble; to mumble complaints
嘰咕 {v} [of liquid] /jīgu,jīgū,1nb/ :: to drip; to squelch
嘰嘰乞乞 {def} SEE: 嘰嘰趷趷 ::
嘰哩呱啦 {adv} [onomatopoeia] /jīliguālā/ :: The sound of people clamouring, speaking indistinctly or speaking an unintelligible language
嘰哩咕嚕 {adj} [of speech] /jīligūlū/ :: mumbling; unclear; unintelligible
嘰哩咕嚕 {adj} [of one's stomach] /jīligūlū/ :: growling; rumbling
嘰里咕嚕 {def} SEE: 嘰哩咕嚕 ::
{def} /圾/ :: only used in 垃圾
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jié/ :: clod
{def} /jī/ :: [obsolete] foot of a wall; foundation
{def} /jī/ :: base of any building; foundations; basis
{def} [figurative] /jī/ :: basis; foundation; base
{def} /jī/ :: [obsolete] to lay a foundation
{def} /jī/ :: cardinal; basic; capital; fundamental
{def} [chemistry] /jī/ :: radical; group
{def} /jī/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /jī/ :: abbreviation of 基隆
{def} [neologism, slang] /jī/ :: gay; homosexual
{def} /jī/ :: surname
基本 {n} /jīběn/ :: basis; root; fundament
基本 {adj} /jīběn/ :: basic; fundamental; elementary; rudimentary
基本 {adj} /jīběn/ :: important; essential; main
基本 {adv} /jīběn/ :: overall; on the whole; generally; more or less; in the main
基本点 {def} SEE: 基本點 ::
基本點 {n} /jīběndiǎn/ :: basic point; key element
基本法 {n} [legal] /jīběnfǎ/ :: basic law
基本功 {n} [martial arts] /jīběngōng/ :: basic skills; essential skills; basics
基本功 {n} [in general] /jīběngōng/ :: basic skills; fundamental knowledge
基本款 {n} /jīběnkuǎn/ :: basic style; base model; basic pattern
基本粒子 {n} [physics] /jīběn lìzǐ/ :: elementary particle
基本區 {n} [computing, colloquial] /jīběnqū/ :: CJK Unified Ideographs (Unicode block) (Unicode block)
基本区 {def} SEE: 基本區 ::
基本上 {adv} /jīběnshàng,tl/ :: basically; on the whole; overall; generally; in the main
基本相互作用 {n} [physics] /jīběn xiānghù zuòyòng/ :: fundamental interaction
基布兹 {def} SEE: 基布茲 ::
基布茲 {n} /jībùzī/ :: kibbutz
基层 {def} SEE: 基層 ::
基层民主 {def} SEE: 基層民主 ::
基层医疗 {def} SEE: 基層醫療 ::
基層 {n} /jīcéng/ :: basic level; grassroots unit
基層民主 {n} /jīcéng mínzhǔ/ :: grassroots democracy
基層醫療 {n} [healthcare] /jīcéng yīliáo/ :: primary care; primary healthcare
基础 {def} SEE: 基礎 ::
基础代谢 {def} SEE: 基礎代謝 ::
基础代谢率 {def} SEE: 基礎代謝率 ::
基础教育 {def} SEE: 基礎教育 ::
基础科学 {def} SEE: 基礎科學 ::
基础设施 {def} SEE: 基礎設施 ::
基础研究 {def} SEE: 基礎研究 ::
基礎 {n} [literally] /jīchǔ/ :: foundation; base (of a structure)
基礎 {n} [figuratively] /jīchǔ/ :: foundation; basis (that which offers support for an endeavour)
基礎 {n} [economics] /jīchǔ/ :: socio-economic base; economic foundation
基礎 {adj} /jīchǔ/ :: basic; fundamental; elementary; rudimentary
基礎代謝 {n} [physiology] /jīchǔ dàixiè/ :: basic metabolism
基礎代謝率 {n} /jīchǔdàixièlǜ/ :: basal metabolic rate
基礎教育 {n} [education] /jīchǔ jiàoyù/ :: basic education
基礎科學 {n} /jīchǔ kēxué/ :: basic sciences
基礎設施 {n} /jīchǔ shèshī/ :: infrastructure
基礎研究 {n} /jīchǔ yán究/ :: basic research
基底 {n} /jīdǐ/ :: basis; foundation
基底 {n} /jīdǐ/ :: background colour
基底层 {def} SEE: 基底層 ::
基底層 {n} [anatomy] /jīdǐcéng/ :: stratum basale
基底核 {n} [neuroanatomy] /jīdǐhé/ :: basal ganglia
基底膜 {n} [anatomy, histology] /jīdǐ膜/ :: basement membrane
基底細胞 {n} [cytology] /jīdǐxìbāo/ :: basal cell
基底细胞 {def} SEE: 基底細胞 ::
基地 {n} /jīdì/ :: base (place or structure)
基地組織 {prop} /Jīdì Zǔzhī,tl/ :: al-Qaeda
基地组织 {def} SEE: 基地組織 ::
基点 {def} SEE: 基點 ::
基點 {n} /jīdiǎn/ :: main point; crux; central point
基點 {n} /jīdiǎn/ :: starting point
基點 {n} [finance] /jīdiǎn/ :: basis point
基點 {n} /jīdiǎn/ :: centre (place where some function or activity occurs)
基甸 {prop} /Jīdiàn/ :: Gideon
基調 {n} [music] /jīdiào/ :: main key; keynote
基調 {n} [figurative] /jīdiào/ :: keynote; basic tone; basic theme
基调 {def} SEE: 基調 ::
基督 {prop} /Jīdū/ :: Christ
基督城 {prop} /Jīdūchéng/ :: 基督城 (city)
基督复临安息日会 {def} SEE: 基督復臨安息日會 ::
基督復臨安息日會 {prop} [Protestantism] /Jīdūfùlín'ān息rìhuì/ :: Seventh-day Adventist Church
基督教 {prop} /Jīdūjiào/ :: Christianity
基督教 {prop} [in particular] /Jīdūjiào/ :: Protestantism
基督教徒 {n} /Jīdūjiàotú/ :: alternative name for 基督徒
基督論 {n} /jīdūlùn/ :: Christology
基督论 {def} SEE: 基督論 ::
基督徒 {n} /Jīdūtú/ :: Christian
基督新教 {prop} [Christianity] /Jīdūxīnjiào/ :: Protestantism (Protestant Christian denomination)
基多 {prop} /Jīduō/ :: 基多 (capital)
基尔 {def} SEE: 基爾 ::
基尔吉兹 {def} SEE: 基爾吉茲 ::
基尔特 {def} SEE: 基爾特 ::
基爾 {prop} /Jī'ěr/ :: Kiel
基爾吉茲 {prop} [obsolete] /Jī'ěrjízī/ :: alternative form of 吉爾吉斯
基爾特 {n} [dated] /jī'ěrtè/ :: guild
基輔 {prop} /Jīfǔ/ :: 基輔 (city/capital city)
基輔羅斯 {prop} [historical] /Jīfǔ Luósī/ :: Kievan Rus
基辅 {def} SEE: 基輔 ::
基辅罗斯 {def} SEE: 基輔羅斯 ::
基干 {def} SEE: 基幹 ::
基幹 {n} /jīgàn/ :: core; backbone; key
基极 {def} SEE: 基極 ::
基極 {n} [electronics] /jījí/ :: base
基加利 {prop} /Jījiālì/ :: 基加利 (capital)
基价 {def} SEE: 基價 ::
基價 {n} /jījià/ :: base price
基建 {n} /jījiàn/ :: capital construction; infrastructure
基脚 {def} SEE: 基腳 ::
基金 {n} /jījīn/ :: fund
基金公司 {n} [finance] /jījīn gōngsī/ :: fund company
基金公司 {n} [finance] /jījīn gōngsī/ :: fund house
基金会 {def} SEE: 基金會 ::
基金會 {n} /jījīnhuì/ :: foundation; institution established through donations
基佬 {n} [neologism, colloquial] /jīlǎo,er/ :: gay guy, sodomite
基里巴斯 {prop} [Mainland China] /Jīlǐbāsī/ :: Kiribati
基里巴斯語 {prop} [Mainland China] /Jīlǐbāsīyǔ/ :: the Gilbertese language
基里巴斯语 {def} SEE: 基里巴斯語 ::
基里尔 {def} SEE: 基里爾 ::
基里尔字母 {def} SEE: 基里爾字母 ::
基里爾 {prop} /Jīlǐ'ěr/ :: Kirill (a Russian male given name)
基里爾字母 {n} /Jīlǐ'ěr zìmǔ/ :: Cyrillic alphabet; Cyrillic letter(s); Cyrillic
基隆 {prop} /Jīlóng/ :: (~ 市) 基隆 (city)
基隆 {prop} /Jīlóng/ :: (~ 嶼) Keelung Islet (islet administered by Keelung city, Taiwan)
基隆河 {prop} /Jīlónghé/ :: Keelung River (river in Taiwan)
基路伯 {n} [Protestantism] /jīlùbó/ :: cherub
基馬爾 {prop} /Jīmǎ'ěr/ :: Kemal
基馬爾主義 {n} /Jīmǎ'ěrzhǔyì/ :: Kemalism
基马尔 {def} SEE: 基馬爾 ::
基马尔主义 {def} SEE: 基馬爾主義 ::
基尼 {prop} /Jīní/ :: Gini (surname)
基尼係數 {n} [statistics, economics] /Jīní xìshù/ :: Gini coefficient
基尼系數 {def} SEE: 基尼係數 ::
基尼系数 {def} SEE: 基尼係數 ::
基諾 {n} /jīnuò/ :: keno
基諾 {n} /jīnuò/ :: Jino (ethnic group in China)
基諾族 {n} /jīnuòzú/ :: Jino people (ethnic group in China)
基诺 {def} SEE: 基諾 ::
基诺族 {def} SEE: 基諾族 ::
基片 {n} [physics] /jīpiàn/ :: substrate; base plate
基片 {n} [neologism, slang] /jīpiàn,jīpiān,er/ :: gay film; gay porn
基情 {n} [neologism, jocular] /jīqíng/ :: (overly) intimate relationship between males; gay affection
基情四射 {idiom} [neologism, humorous] /jīqíngsìshè/ :: to radiate gay affection in all directions; gayish; overly brotherly love emanating from the scene
基色 {n} /jīsè/ :: primary color
基石 {n} /jīshí/ :: foundation stone; cornerstone
基數 {n} /jīshù/ :: cardinal number
基数 {def} SEE: 基數 ::
基斯流月 {prop} /Jīsīliúyuè/ :: Kislev
基围虾 {def} SEE: 基圍蝦 ::
基圍蝦 {n} /jīwéixiā/ :: greasyback shrimp; sand shrimp (Metapenaeus ensis)
基希訥烏 {prop} /Jīxīnèwū/ :: 基希訥烏 (city/capital city)
基希讷乌 {def} SEE: 基希訥烏 ::
基線 {n} /jīxiàn/ :: baseline
基线 {def} SEE: 基線 ::
基辛格 {prop} /Jīxīngé/ :: Kissinger
基岩 {n} [geology, mining, construction, engineering] /jīyán/ :: bedrock
基业 {def} SEE: 基業 ::
基業 {n} /jīyè/ :: foundation; base
基業 {n} [specifically] /jīyè/ :: state power
基業 {n} [archaic] /jīyè/ :: estate or livelihood that has been passed down in a family
基因 {n} [genetics] /jīyīn/ :: gene
基因 {n} [dated] /jīyīn/ :: cause; basic cause
基因表達 {n} [biochemistry] /jīyīn biǎodá/ :: gene expression
基因改造 {n} /jīyīn gǎizào/ :: genetic modification
基因工程 {n} /jīyīn gōngchéng/ :: genetic engineering
基因库 {def} SEE: 基因庫 ::
基因庫 {n} [medicine] /jīyīnkù/ :: gene bank
基因庫 {n} [genetics] /jīyīnkù/ :: gene pool
基因体 {def} SEE: 基因體 ::
基因体学 {def} SEE: 基因體學 ::
基因體 {n} /jīyīntǐ/ :: genome
基因體學 {n} [biology] /jīyīntǐxué/ :: genomics
基因突变 {def} SEE: 基因突變 ::
基因突變 {n} [genetics] /jīyīn 突biàn/ :: gene mutation; genetic mutation
基因型 {n} [genetics, evolutionary theory] /jīyīnxíng/ :: genotype
基因学 {def} SEE: 基因學 ::
基因學 {n} /jīyīnxué/ :: alternative name for 遺傳學
基因轉變 {n} /jīyīn zhuǎnbiàn/ :: genetic modification
基因转变 {def} SEE: 基因轉變 ::
基因組 {n} [Mainland China] /jīyīnzǔ/ :: genome
基因組學 {n} [biology] /jīyīnzǔxué/ :: genomics
基因组 {def} SEE: 基因組 ::
基因组学 {def} SEE: 基因組學 ::
基音 {n} [music] /jīyīn/ :: fundamental tone; fundamental frequency
基友 {n} [neologism, slang] /jīyǒu/ :: gay friend
基友 {n} [neologism, slang] /jīyǒu/ :: good friend [often one who is over-intimate]; close friend; buddy (of a man)
基於 {conj} /jīyú/ :: because of; on the basis of; in view of; on account of
基于 {def} SEE: 基於 ::
基站 {n} [computing, networking] /jīzhàn/ :: base station
基質 {n} [geology] /jī质/ :: geological matrix; groundmass
基質 {n} [biology] /jī质/ :: matrix; stroma
基質 {n} [chemistry] /jī质/ :: matrix
基質 {n} [anatomy] /jī质/ :: ground substance
基质 {def} SEE: 基質 ::
基准 {def} SEE: 基準 ::
基准点 {def} SEE: 基準點 ::
基準 {n} /jīzhǔn/ :: benchmark; standard; reference
基準點 {n} /jīzhǔndiǎn/ :: point of reference; reference point
基座 {n} /jīzuò,er/ :: pedestal; base; foundation
{def} [literary] /jī/ :: mud brick; adobe
{def} /jī,yí/ :: beauty
{def} /jī,yí/ :: imperial concubine
{def} /jī,yí/ :: surname used by the ruling family of the House of Zhou
{def} [neologism, slang] /jī,yí/ :: synonym of 基 with a feminine connotation
姬路 {prop} /Jīlù/ :: (~ 市) 姬路 (city)
姬友 {n} [neologism] /jīyǒu/ :: lesbian friend
姬友 {n} [neologism] /jīyǒu/ :: good friend; close friend; buddy (of a woman)
{def} /jié/ :: [obsolete] few; little
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jí/ :: [obsolete] female cicada with patterns
{def} [Classical, Cantonese, Hakka or Min] /jī/ :: clogs; wooden shoes
嵇琴 {n} /jīqín/ :: a music instrument played by Ji Kang
嵇琴 {n} /jīqín/ :: a type of traditional Chinese plucked instrument, reportedly invented by Ji Kang
{def} /jǐ/ :: how much; how many
{def} [of number, time, date] /jǐ/ :: what; which
{def} /jǐ/ :: a few; some; several
{def} [of numeral amounts] /jǐ/ :: some; something; odd
{def} [Cantonese] /jǐ/ :: quite; rather; really; very; pretty
{def} /jī/ :: [obsolete] fine; slight; minute
{def} /jī/ :: [obsolete] dangerous
{def} /jī/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /jī/ :: [obsolete] symptom of a trend; omen
{def} /jī/ :: almost; nearly
{def} /jī/ :: [obsolete] to be near; to reach; to attain; to achieve
{def} /jì/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /jì/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
幾曾 {adv} [literary, used in a rhetorical question to indicate negation] /jǐcéng/ :: when (did you ever ...); never before
幾點 {adv} /jǐdiǎn/ :: (at) what time (o'clock)
幾點了 {phrase} /jǐ diǎn le/ :: what time is it?
幾點鐘 {adv} /jǐdiǎnzhōng/ :: (at) what time (o'clock)
幾丁質 {n} /jīdīng质/ :: chitin
幾多 {adj} [literary or Cantonese, Hakka, Min Bei] /jǐduō/ :: how many; how much
幾多 {adj} [Cantonese] /jǐduō/ :: a lot; so much
幾多 {adv} [Min Bei, Xiang] /jǐduō/ :: how; what; so; such
幾番 {adv} [literary] /jǐfān/ :: several times; multiple times
幾分 {adv} /jǐfēn,jǐfèn/ :: somewhat, a bit
幾分 {adv} /jǐfēn,jǐfèn/ :: how much; how many parts?; what percentage?
幾個 {determiner} /jǐgè,tl/ :: a few; several; some; a handful
幾個 {adv} /jǐgè,tl/ :: how many
幾號 {n} [slang] /jǐhào/ :: heroin (powerful and addictive drug)
幾何 {adv} [literary] /jǐhé,er/ :: how much; how many
幾何 {n} [mathematics] /jǐhé,er/ :: geometry
幾何分佈 {n} [statistics] /jǐhéfēnbù/ :: geometric distribution
幾何分布 {def} SEE: 幾何分佈 ::
幾何光學 {n} [physics] /jǐhé guāngxué/ :: geometrical optics (the study of light propagation as geometrical constructs, such as rays, instead of waves or photons)
幾何級數 {n} [mathematics] /jǐhéjíshù/ :: geometric series
幾何級數 {adv} [figuratively] /jǐhéjíshù/ :: exponentially
幾何平均數 {n} [mathematics] /jǐhé píngjūnshù/ :: geometric mean
幾何學 {n} /jǐhéxué/ :: geometry
幾乎 {adv} /jīhū/ :: almost; nearly; all but
幾乎 {adv} /jīhū/ :: practically
幾許 {adv} [literary] /jǐxǔ/ :: how much; how many
幾家歡樂幾家愁 {proverb} /jǐ jiā huānlè jǐ jiā chóu/ :: Some are more fortunate than others
幾經 {adv} [literary] /jǐjīng/ :: many times; time and again; several times
幾落 {def} SEE: 幾若 ::
幾率 {n} [chiefly Mainland China] /jīlǜ/ :: probability; odds
幾內亞 {prop} /Jǐnèiyà,Jīnèiyà,Jǐnèiyǎ,Jīnèiyǎ,1nb/ :: 幾內亞 (country)
幾內亞比紹 {prop} [Mainland China] /Jǐnèi亞 Bǐshào/ :: 幾內亞比紹 (country)
幾內亞比索 {prop} [Taiwan] /Jǐnèi亞 Bǐsuǒ/ :: Guinea-Bissau
幾年 {n} /jǐnián/ :: a few years
幾年 {n} /jǐnián/ :: for the past few years
幾年 {n} /jǐnián/ :: how many years?
幾日 {n} [chiefly Cantonese, Hakka, Min Nan] /jǐrì/ :: several days; a few days
幾日 {n} [chiefly Cantonese, Hakka, Min Nan] /jǐrì/ :: how many days?
幾十 {n} /jǐshí/ :: (several) dozens, tens
幾時 {adv} /jǐshí/ :: when; what time
幾時 {adv} /jǐshí/ :: always; in anytime
幾時 {adv} /jǐshí/ :: how long (did it take)
幾歲 {pron} /jǐsuì/ :: how old
幾天 {n} /jǐtiān/ :: several days; a few days
幾天 {n} /jǐtiān/ :: how many days?
幾維鳥 {n} /jīwéiniǎo/ :: kiwi (bird)
幾位 {phrase} /jǐwèi/ :: how many people?
幾位 {phrase} /jǐwèi/ :: dear everyone; ladies and gentlemen
{def} /擊/ :: to strike; to hit; to beat
{def} /擊/ :: to stab; to pierce
{def} /擊/ :: to attack; to fight
{def} /擊/ :: to come into contact with
擊敗 {v} /擊bài/ :: to defeat; to vanquish; to overpower
擊斃 {v} /击bì/ :: to shoot dead
擊出 {v} /击chū/ :: to hit, to strike
擊倒 {v} /击dǎo/ :: to beat down; to knock down
擊發 {v} /击fā/ :: to pull the trigger (of a gun)
擊缶 {v} /击fǒu/ :: to beat time with a clay or pottery percussion instrument
擊鼓 {v} /击gǔ/ :: to beat a drum
擊潰 {v} /擊kuì/ :: to rout; to put to flight; to defeat; to smash
擊劍 {n} [sports] /擊jiàn/ :: fencing
擊落 {v} /击luò/ :: to shoot down (an airplane, etc.)
擊破 {v} /擊pò/ :: to destroy; to defeat; to break up; to rout
擊傷 {v} /击shāng/ :: to wound; to injure (with a weapon)
擊水 {v} [literary, literally] /击shuǐ/ :: to strike water
擊水 {v} [literary, figuratively] /击shuǐ/ :: to row; to stroke
擊水 {v} [literary, figuratively] /击shuǐ/ :: to swim
擊柝 {v} [literary] /击tuò/ :: to beat the watchman's clapper (during night patrol)
擊掌 {v} /击zhǎng/ :: to clap one's hands
擊掌 {v} /击zhǎng/ :: to clap each other's hands; to high five
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jī,jǐ,2nb/ :: alternative form of
{def} /jī,jǐ,2nb/ :: [obsolete] alder
{def} /jī,jǐ,2nb/ :: surname
{def} /wèi/ :: [obsolete] chopping board
机变 {def} SEE: 機變 ::
机不可失,时不再来 {def} SEE: 機不可失,時不再來 ::
机仓 {def} SEE: 機艙 ::
机舱 {def} SEE: 機艙 ::
机长 {def} SEE: 機長 ::
机场 {def} SEE: 機場 ::
机车 {def} SEE: 機車 ::
机床 {def} SEE: 機床 ::
机电 {def} SEE: 機電 ::
机顶盒 {def} SEE: 機頂盒 ::
机动 {def} SEE: 機動 ::
机动车 {def} SEE: 機動車 ::
机动权 {def} SEE: 機動權 ::
机动游戏 {def} SEE: 機動遊戲 ::
机读 {def} SEE: 機讀 ::
机翻 {def} SEE: 機翻 ::
机房 {def} SEE: 機房 ::
机耕 {def} SEE: 機耕 ::
机工 {def} SEE: 機工 ::
机构 {def} SEE: 機構 ::
机关 {def} SEE: 機關 ::
机关报 {def} SEE: 機關報 ::
机关铳 {def} SEE: 機關銃 ::
机关刊物 {def} SEE: 機關刊物 ::
机关炮 {def} SEE: 機關炮 ::
机关枪 {def} SEE: 機關槍 ::
机管局 {def} SEE: 機管局 ::
机会 {def} SEE: 機會 ::
机会成本 {def} SEE: 機會成本 ::
机会率 {def} SEE: 機會率 ::
机会性感染 {def} SEE: 機會性感染 ::
机会主义 {def} SEE: 機會主義 ::
机件 {def} SEE: 機件 ::
机经 {def} SEE: 機經 ::
机井 {def} SEE: 機井 ::
机警 {def} SEE: 機警 ::
机具 {def} SEE: 機具 ::
机考 {def} SEE: 機考 ::
机库 {def} SEE: 機庫 ::
机理 {def} SEE: 機理 ::
机伶 {def} SEE: 機靈 ::
机灵 {def} SEE: 機靈 ::
机灵鬼 {def} SEE: 機靈鬼 ::
机率 {def} SEE: 機率 ::
机密 {def} SEE: 機密 ::
机敏 {def} SEE: 機敏 ::
机模 {def} SEE: 機模 ::
机谋 {def} SEE: 機謀 ::
机谋不密 {def} SEE: 機謀不密 ::
机能 {def} SEE: 機能 ::
机票 {def} SEE: 機票 ::
机铺 {def} SEE: 機舖 ::
机器 {def} SEE: 機器 ::
机器翻译 {def} SEE: 機器翻譯 ::
机器匠 {def} SEE: 機器匠 ::
机器脚踏车 {def} SEE: 機器腳踏車 ::
机器佬 {def} SEE: 機器佬 ::
机器曲 {def} SEE: 機器曲 ::
机器人 {def} SEE: 機器人 ::
机器学习 {def} SEE: 機器學習 ::
机枪 {def} SEE: 機槍 ::
机巧 {def} SEE: 機巧 ::
机群 {def} SEE: 機群 ::
机身 {def} SEE: 機身 ::
机师 {def} SEE: 機師 ::
机司 {def} SEE: 機司 ::
机踏车 {def} SEE: 機踏車 ::
机体 {def} SEE: 機體 ::
机头 {def} SEE: 機頭 ::
机位 {def} SEE: 機位 ::
机务 {def} SEE: 機務 ::
机务段 {def} SEE: 機務段 ::
机洗 {def} SEE: 機洗 ::
机箱 {def} SEE: 機箱 ::
机械 {def} SEE: 機械 ::
机械翻译 {def} SEE: 機械翻譯 ::
机械工 {def} SEE: 機械工 ::
机械工程 {def} SEE: 機械工程 ::
机械工人 {def} SEE: 機械工人 ::
机械化 {def} SEE: 機械化 ::
机械化骑兵 {def} SEE: 機械化騎兵 ::
机械化装甲部队 {def} SEE: 機械化裝甲部隊 ::
机械键盘 {def} SEE: 機械鍵盤 ::
机械论 {def} SEE: 機械論 ::
机械能 {def} SEE: 機械能 ::
机械人 {def} SEE: 機械人 ::
机械师 {def} SEE: 機械師 ::
机械唯物论 {def} SEE: 機械唯物論 ::
机械唯物主义 {def} SEE: 機械唯物主義 ::
机心 {def} SEE: 機心 ::
机型 {def} SEE: 機型 ::
机修 {def} SEE: 機修 ::
机要 {def} SEE: 機要 ::
机宜 {def} SEE: 機宜 ::
机翼 {def} SEE: 機翼 ::
机译 {def} SEE: 機譯 ::
机油 {def} SEE: 機油 ::
机遇 {def} SEE: 機遇 ::
机缘 {def} SEE: 機緣 ::
机运 {def} SEE: 機運 ::
机载 {def} SEE: 機載 ::
机震 {def} SEE: 機震 ::
机制 {def} SEE: 機制 ::
机制 {def} SEE: 機製 ::
机智 {def} SEE: 機智 ::
机种 {def} SEE: 機種 ::
机杼 {def} SEE: 機杼 ::
机子 {def} SEE: 機子 ::
机组 {def} SEE: 機組 ::
机组人员 {def} SEE: 機組人員 ::
{def} /jī/ :: weaving machine; spinning machine
{def} /jī/ :: machine; apparatus; device
{def} [mostly in compounds] /jī/ :: abbreviation of *飛機
{def} [mostly in compounds] /jī/ :: abbreviation of *手機
{def} /jī/ :: mechanism; process
{def} /jī/ :: cause; reason
{def} /jī/ :: secret; confidential (affair)
{def} /jī/ :: opportunity; chance; crucial point
{def} /jī/ :: plan; idea
{def} /jī/ :: flexible; quick-witted
{def} /jī/ :: organic
機變 {v} [literary] /jībiàn/ :: to be nimble; to be adaptable to the circumstances
機變 {v} [literary] /jībiàn/ :: to be able to resort to plotting and trickery
機不可失,時不再來 {proverb} /jī不kěshī, shí不zàilái/ :: Opportunity seldom knocks twice.
機倉 {def} SEE: 機艙 ::
機艙 {n} /jīcāng/ :: cabin (of a ship, plane and etc.)
機場 {n} /jī場/ :: airport; airfield
機場 {n} [slang] /jī場/ :: service provider for Shadowsocks or similar software to circumvent Internet censorship
機長 {n} /jīzhǎng/ :: pilot of an airplane; captain of an airplane
機車 {n} /jīchē/ :: train engine car
機車 {n} [Taiwan] /jīchē/ :: scooter; motorcycle
機車 {adj} [Taiwan] /jīchē/ :: hard to get along with
機床 {n} [mechanical engineering] /jīchuáng/ :: machine tool
機牀 {def} SEE: 機床 ::
機電 {n} /jīdiàn/ :: mechanical and electrical equipment
機頂盒 {n} /jīdǐnghé/ :: set-top box
機動 {adj} [attributive] /jīdòng/ :: machine-driven; mobile; motorized
機動 {adj} /jīdòng/ :: flexible; adaptable
機動 {v} [military] /jīdòng/ :: to maneuver; to make a planned tactical movement of forces
機動車 {n} /jīdòngchē/ :: motor vehicle (Classifier: 輛)
機動權 {n} /jīdòngquán/ :: independent decision-making power
機動遊戲 {n} /jīdòng yóuxì/ :: amusement park ride
機讀 {v} /jīdú/ :: to read with a machine
機翻 {n} /jīfān/ :: machine translation
機房 {n} /jīfáng/ :: machine room; computer room
機耕 {v} /jīgēng/ :: to plough with a tractor
機工 {n} /jīgōng/ :: mechanic; machinist
機構 {n} /jīgòu/ :: mechanism (mechanical structure, and its function) (Classifier: 所)
機構 {n} /jīgòu/ :: organisation; agency; authority (a group of people or legal entities with purpose and rules); institution (Classifier: 所)
機關 {n} /jīguān/ :: government organization; institution; institute; organ; agency; body; authority (Classifier: m:個)
機關 {n} /jīguān/ :: mechanism (Classifier: m:個)
機關 {n} [figurative] /jīguān/ :: scheme; intrigue
機關 {adj} [attributive] /jīguān/ :: machine-operated
機關報 {n} /jīguānbào/ :: official newspaper (of a political party, a government, etc.)
機關刊物 {n} /jīguān kānwù/ :: official publication (of a party, a government, etc.)
機關炮 {n} /jīguānpào/ :: machine cannon; rapid-fire cannon
機關砲 {def} SEE: 機關炮 ::
機關槍 {n} /jīguānqiāng/ :: machine gun
機關鎗 {def} SEE: 機關槍 ::
機管局 {prop} [Hong Kong] /Jīguǎnjú/ :: short fo 香港機場管理局 (Airport Authority Hong Kong)
機會 {n} /jīhuì,tl/ :: opportunity; chance
機會成本 {n} [economics] /jīhuì chéngběn/ :: opportunity cost
機會率 {n} [mathematics] /jīhuìlǜ/ :: probability
機會性感染 {n} [medicine] /jīhuì xìng gǎnrǎn/ :: opportunistic infection
機會主義 {n} /jīhuìzhǔyì/ :: opportunism
機件 {n} /jījiàn/ :: part; component (of a machine)
機經 {n} [education] /jījīng/ :: summary of past exam questions
機井 {n} /jījǐng/ :: motor-pumped well
機警 {adj} /jījǐng/ :: alert; sharp-witted; vigilant
機具 {n} /jījù/ :: machines and tools
機考 {n} /jīkǎo/ :: computer-based test
機庫 {n} /jīkù/ :: hangar
機理 {n} /jīlǐ/ :: mechanism (natural or established process by which something takes place or is brought about)
機伶 {def} SEE: 機靈 ::
機靈 {adj} /jīling,jīlíng,1nb/ :: quick on one's feet; quick-witted; sharp; smart
機靈鬼 {n} [jocular, colloquial] /jīlingguǐ/ :: clever and quick-witted person; smart child
機率 {n} [chiefly Taiwan, Hong Kong] /jīlǜ/ :: probability; odds
機密 {adj} /jīmì/ :: classified; confidential; secret
機密 {n} /jīmì/ :: top secret
機敏 {adj} /jīmǐn/ :: quick-witted; alert
機模 {n} [neologism, slang] /jīmó/ :: phone model
機謀 {n} [formal] /jīmóu/ :: stratagem; artifice; scheme
機謀不密 {adj} [literary] /jīmóu 不mì/ :: one's scheme is not kept secret
機能 {n} /jīnéng/ :: function (in cells, tissues, nerves, organs, etc.)
機票 {n} /jīpiào/ :: airline ticket; plane ticket (Classifier: m,c:張)
機鋪 {def} SEE: 機舖 ::
機器 {n} /jīqì,tl/ :: machine (Classifier: m:臺m:部m:架m:個)
機器 {n} [regional] /jīqì,tl/ :: sewing machine
機器翻譯 {n} /jīqì fānyì/ :: machine translation
機器腳踏車 {n} [dialectal] /jīqì jiǎotàchē/ :: motorcycle; motorbike
機器人 {n} [chiefly Mainland China, Taiwan] /jīqìrén,er/ :: robot
機器學習 {n} /jīqì xuéxí/ :: machine learning
機槍 {n} /jīqiāng/ :: machine gun
機巧 {adj} /jīqiǎo/ :: adroit; skilful; ingenious
機群 {n} /jīqún/ :: group of airplanes
機身 {n} /jīshēn/ :: fuselage
機師 {n} /jīshī/ :: engineer
機師 {n} [dialectal] /jīshī/ :: pilot; aviator
機踏車 {n} [Taiwan] /jītàchē/ :: motorcycle; motorbike
機體 {n} /jītǐ/ :: organism
機體 {n} /jītǐ/ :: body (of a machine)
機頭 {n} /jītóu/ :: nose (of an aircraft)
機位 {n} /jīwèi/ :: seat on an airplane
機務 {n} /jīwù/ :: machine operation and maintenance
機務段 {n} /jīwùduàn/ :: locomotive maintenance section; locomotive depot
機洗 {v} /jīxǐ/ :: to machine wash
機洗 {adj} [attributive] /jīxǐ/ :: machine-washable
機箱 {n} /jīxiāng/ :: computer case
機械 {n} /jīxiè/ :: machine; machinery
機械 {adj} /jīxiè/ :: mechanical
機械 {adj} [figuratively] /jīxiè/ :: stiff; inflexible
機械翻譯 {n} /jīxiè fānyì/ :: machine translation
機械工 {n} /jīxiègōng/ :: mechanic
機械工程 {n} [engineering] /jīxiè gōngchéng/ :: mechanical engineering
機械工人 {n} /jīxiè gōngrén/ :: mechanic
機械化 {n} /jīxièhuà/ :: mechanization (the use of machinery to replace human or animal labour)
機械化 {v} /jīxièhuà/ :: to mechanize
機械化騎兵 {n} /jīxièhuà qíbīng/ :: mechanized cavalry
機械化裝甲部隊 {n} /jīxièhuà zhuāngjiǎ bùduì/ :: mechanized cavalry
機械鍵盤 {n} /jīxiè jiànpán/ :: mechanical keyboard
機械論 {n} [philosophy] /jīxièlùn/ :: mechanism
機械能 {n} [physics] /jīxiènéng/ :: mechanical energy
機械人 {n} [chiefly Hong Kong] /jīxièrén/ :: robot
機械師 {n} /jīxièshī/ :: mechanic; machinist
機械唯物論 {n} [philosophy] /jīxiè wéiwùlùn/ :: synonym of 機械唯物主義
機械唯物主義 {n} [philosophy] /jīxiè wéiwù zhǔyì/ :: mechanical materialism
機心 {n} [literary] /jīxīn/ :: diabolical scheme; cunning idea
機型 {n} /jīxíng/ :: aircraft model
機型 {n} /jīxíng/ :: machine model
機型 {n} /jīxíng/ :: mobile phone model
機修 {n} /jīxiū/ :: machine maintenance or repair
機要 {adj} [attributive] /jīyào/ :: confidential; secret
機宜 {n} /jīyí/ :: principles of action; guidelines
機翼 {n} /jīyì/ :: aircraft wing
機譯 {n} /jīyì/ :: machine translation
機油 {n} /jīyóu,er/ :: machine oil; engine oil
機遇 {n} /jīyù/ :: favorable circumstances; opportunity
機緣 {n} /jīyuán/ :: good luck; lucky chance
機緣 {n} [Buddhism] /jīyuán/ :: predestined situation
機運 {n} /jīyùn/ :: opportunity; chance; lucky chance
機運 {n} /jīyùn/ :: fate
機載 {adj} /jīzài/ :: airborne; air-launched
機震 {v} [slang] /jīzhèn/ :: to have sex on an airplane
機制 {n} /jīzhì/ :: mechanism (natural or established process by which something takes place or is brought about)
機制 {n} /jīzhì/ :: system; structure; organization
機制 {adj} [attributive] /jīzhì/ :: machine-made; machine-processed
機智 {adj} /jīzhì/ :: quick-witted; resourceful
機製 {def} SEE: 機制 ::
機製 {adj} [attributive] /jīzhì/ :: machine-made
機種 {n} /jīzhǒng/ :: (machine) model, type of device
機杼 {n} [literary] /jīzhù/ :: loom
機杼 {n} /jīzhù/ :: conception (of a piece of writing)
機子 {n} [colloquial] /jīzi/ :: machine; device
機子 {n} [specifically] /jīzi/ :: telephone set
機子 {n} [specifically] /jīzi/ :: loom
機子 {n} [specifically] /jīzi/ :: computer
機子 {n} [Jilu Mandarin, Jin, Xiang, specifically] /jīzi/ :: sewing machine
機子 {n} [colloquial] /jīzi/ :: gun trigger
機組 {n} /jīzǔ/ :: flight crew; aircrew
機組 {n} /jīzǔ/ :: unit; device
機組人員 {n} /jīzǔ rényuán/ :: flight crew; cabin crew; aircrew
{def} /lǐ/ :: [obsolete] ship; boat
{def} /lǐ/ :: [obsolete] net for catching birds and beasts
{def} /jī/ :: to hit against; to collide with; to strike
{def} [of water currents] /jī/ :: to swash; to surge; to dash
{def} /jī/ :: rapid; acute; fierce; strong
{def} /jī/ :: drastic; radical; extreme
{def} /jī/ :: to excite; to arouse; to incite
{def} /jī/ :: resounding; reverberating; aroused
{def} [Cantonese] /jī/ :: brilliant; great; cool
{def} /jī/ :: to restrain; to check
{def} /jī/ :: to chill (something by dipping it in cold water)
{def} /jī/ :: to fall ill from getting wet
{def} /jī/ :: violently; fiercely; quickly
{def} [Cantonese] /jī/ :: to infuriate; to piss off
{def} /jī/ :: surname
{def} /jiào/ :: (of water) turbulent
{def} /jiào/ :: half-covered
{def} /jiào/ :: long
{def} /jiào/ :: bright
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiào/ :: alternative form of
激昂 {adj} /jī'áng/ :: roused; impassioned
激变 {def} SEE: 激變 ::
激變 {v} /jībiàn/ :: to change drastically
激波 {n} [Mainland China, physics] /jībō/ :: shock wave
激刺 {v} [literary] /jīcì/ :: to provoke; to reprimand; to ridicule
激刺 {v} [literary] /jīcì/ :: to stimulate; to prompt; to excite
激盪 {v} /jīdàng/ :: to rage; to dash; to surge
激荡 {def} SEE: 激盪 ::
激蕩 {def} SEE: 激盪 ::
激动 {def} SEE: 激動 ::
激動 {v} /jīdòng/ :: to become excited; to be emotional
激動 {v} /jīdòng/ :: to excite; to stir; to agitate
激動 {adj} /jīdòng/ :: excited; emotional; nervous
激发 {def} SEE: 激發 ::
激發 {v} /jīfā/ :: to arouse; to excite; to stimulate; to set off
激發 {v} [physics] /jīfā/ :: to excite
激發 {n} /jīfā/ :: arousal; excitement; stimulation
激發 {n} [physics] /jīfā/ :: excitation
激奋 {def} SEE: 激奮 ::
激奮 {v} /jīfèn/ :: to rouse somebody to action
激忿 {def} SEE: 激憤 ::
激愤 {def} SEE: 激憤 ::
激憤 {adj} /jīfèn/ :: wrathful; indignant
激光 {n} /jīguāng/ :: laser
激光笔 {def} SEE: 激光筆 ::
激光筆 {n} /jīguāngbǐ/ :: laser pointer
激光唱片 {n} /jīguāng chàngpiàn,jīguāng chàngpiān,er/ :: compact disc
激光打印机 {def} SEE: 激光打印機 ::
激光打印機 {n} [computer hardware, printing] /jīguāng dǎyìnjī/ :: laser printer
激光器 {n} /jīguāngqì/ :: laser
激光視盤 {n} /jīguāng shìpán/ :: laser disc
激光视盘 {def} SEE: 激光視盤 ::
激光束 {n} /jīguāngshù/ :: laser beam
激化 {vti} /jīhuà/ :: to intensify; to deepen (of a conflict)
激化 {n} /jīhuà/ :: intensification; deepening (of a conflict)
激活 {v} /jīhuó/ :: to activate
激将 {def} SEE: 激將 ::
激將 {v} /jījiàng/ :: to goad someone into action by the means of reverse psychology, as by ridicule, sarcasm, etc
激进 {def} SEE: 激進 ::
激进分子 {def} SEE: 激進分子 ::
激进主义 {def} SEE: 激進主義 ::
激進 {adj} /jījìn/ :: extreme; extremist; radical
激進分子 {n} /jījìn fènzǐ/ :: radicalist; radical; radical militant
激進主義 {n} [politics] /jījìn zhǔyì/ :: radicalism
激励 {def} SEE: 激勵 ::
激勵 {v} /jīlì/ :: to encourage; to motivate
激勵 {v} [literary] /jīlì/ :: to reprimand; to slam; to rebuke; to denounce
激厉 {def} SEE: 激厲 ::
激厲 {def} SEE: 激勵 ::
激烈 {adj} /jīliè/ :: intense; acute; sharp; fierce; spirited; strong; violent; harsh
激烈 {adj} /jīliè/ :: roused; impassioned
激伶 {def} SEE: 激靈 ::
激灵 {def} SEE: 激靈 ::
激靈 {n} [dialectal] /jīling/ :: a sudden shiver
激靈 {v} [dialectal] /jīling/ :: to shiver suddenly
激流 {n} /jīliú/ :: swift current; torrent; rapids; rip current; rip tide
激流岛 {def} SEE: 激流島 ::
激流島 {prop} /Jīliúdǎo/ :: 激流島 (island)
激論 {n} /jīlùn/ :: radical statement; radical opinion
激论 {def} SEE: 激論 ::
激酶 {n} [enzyme] /jīméi/ :: kinase
激怒 {v} /jīnù/ :: to anger, to enrage
激派头 {def} SEE: 激派頭 ::
激起 {v} /jīqǐ/ :: to arouse; to evoke; to cause; to stir up; to provoke
激气 {def} SEE: 激氣 ::
激气头 {def} SEE: 激氣頭 ::
激切 {adj} [literary] /jīqiè/ :: impassioned; vehement
激情 {n} /jīqíng/ :: passion; fervor; enthusiasm
激情戲 {n} /jīqíngxì/ :: love scene; sex scene
激情戏 {def} SEE: 激情戲 ::
激賞 {v} /jīshǎng/ :: to be full of admiration
激赏 {def} SEE: 激賞 ::
激素 {n} [physiology] /jīsù/ :: hormone
激素替代疗法 {def} SEE: 激素替代療法 ::
激素替代療法 {n} [medicine] /jīsù tìdài liáofǎ/ :: hormone replacement therapy
激素替代治疗 {def} SEE: 激素替代治療 ::
激素替代治療 {n} [medicine] /jīsù tìdài zhìliáo/ :: hormone replacement therapy
激凸 {adj} /jī凸/ :: protruding; bulging (of intimate body parts, such as nipples or male genitalia, visible through clothing)
激突 {v} /jī突/ :: to charge; to assault
激突 {n} [slang] /jī突/ :: camel toe
激突 {n} [slang] /jī突/ :: male camel toe; moose knuckle
激吻 {v} /jīwěn/ :: to kiss passionately
激扬 {def} SEE: 激揚 ::
激揚 {v} /jīyáng/ :: to boost (morale), to urge
激揚 {v} /jīyáng/ :: See 激濁揚清
激揚 {adj} /jīyáng/ :: excited, inspiring
激躁 {adj} [medicine, of bowel] /jīzào/ :: irritable
激增 {v} /jīzēng/ :: to increase rapidly
激战 {def} SEE: 激戰 ::
激戰 {n} /jīzhàn/ :: fierce fighting; fierce battle
激戰 {v} /jīzhàn/ :: to fight fiercely
{def} /yī/ :: [historical dictionaries] castrated male bovine
{def} /yī/ :: [historical dictionaries] Name of a kind of bovine
{def} /yī/ :: [historical dictionaries] alternative form of
犄角 {v} [literary, military] /jījiǎo/ :: to divide one's military forces into two separate groups so that one can attack on two different fronts
犄角 {n} [colloquial] /jījiǎo,tl/ :: corner (where two sides meet)
犄角 {n} [colloquial] /jījiǎo,tl/ :: nook
犄角 {n} /jījiao/ :: horn (of an animal)
犄角旮旯 {n} [dialectal, colloquial] /jījiǎogālá,er/ :: every nook and corner; every nook and cranny
犄角之势 {def} SEE: 犄角之勢 ::
犄角之勢 {idiom} /jījiǎo zhī shì/ :: to divide one's military forces into two separate groups so that one can attack on two different fronts
犄角之勢 {idiom} /jījiǎo zhī shì/ :: double-pronged attack; double-sided attack
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jī/ :: imperfect pearl
{def} /jī/ :: an ancient astronomical instrument
畸变 {def} SEE: 畸變 ::
畸變 {v} /jībiàn/ :: to change to an abnormal state; to mutate
畸變 {n} /jībiàn/ :: abnormal change; mutation
畸變 {n} [telecommunications] /jībiàn/ :: aberration; distortion
畸角 {n} /jījiǎo,er/ :: alternative form of 犄角
畸胎 {n} [medicine] /jītāi/ :: fetal anomaly
畸胎瘤 {n} [disease] /jītāiliú/ :: teratoma
畸形 {adj} [medical sign] /jīxíng/ :: physically deformed; malformed
畸形 {adj} /jīxíng/ :: deformed; abnormal; lopsided
畸形 {n} [medical sign] /jīxíng/ :: physical deformity; malformation
畸形 {n} [figurative] /jīxíng/ :: lopsidedness; imbalance; abnormality
畸形秀 {n} /jīxíngxiù/ :: freak show
畸形足 {n} [medicine] /jīxíngzú/ :: clubfoot
{def} /jī/ :: imperial domain; area near the capital
畿甸 {n} [literary] /jīdiàn/ :: area surrounding the royal capital
畿輔 {n} [literary] /jīfǔ/ :: area surrounding the royal capital
畿辅 {def} SEE: 畿輔 ::
{def} SEE: ::
矶法 {def} SEE: 磯法 ::
{def} /jī/ :: [obsolete] [of waves] to pound against a rock
{def} /jī/ :: [obsolete] [figurative] to enrage; to offend
{def} /jī/ :: rock or rocky beach jutting out of the water
磯法 {prop} [Protestantism] /Jīfǎ/ :: Cephas (the apostle Peter)
{def} SEE: ::
积财 {def} SEE: 積財 ::
积储 {def} SEE: 積儲 ::
积攒 {def} SEE: 積攢 ::
积存 {def} SEE: 積存 ::
积德 {def} SEE: 積德 ::
积淀 {def} SEE: 積澱 ::
积非成是 {def} SEE: 積非成是 ::
积分 {def} SEE: 積分 ::
积谷防饥 {def} SEE: 積穀防饑 ::
积极 {def} SEE: 積極 ::
积极的 {def} SEE: 積極的 ::
积极分子 {def} SEE: 積極分子 ::
积极性 {def} SEE: 積極性 ::
积聚 {def} SEE: 積聚 ::
积囥 {def} SEE: 積囥 ::
积累 {def} SEE: 積累 ::
积木 {def} SEE: 積木 ::
积年 {def} SEE: 積年 ::
积弱 {def} SEE: 積弱 ::
积善 {def} SEE: 積善 ::
积善之家,必有余庆 {def} SEE: 積善之家,必有餘慶 ::
积少成多 {def} SEE: 積少成多 ::
积食 {def} SEE: 積食 ::
积水 {def} SEE: 積水 ::
积体电路 {def} SEE: 積體電路 ::
积恶 {def} SEE: 積惡 ::
积习 {def} SEE: 積習 ::
积习难改 {def} SEE: 積習難改 ::
积效 {def} SEE: 積效 ::
积蓄 {def} SEE: 積蓄 ::
积雪 {def} SEE: 積雪 ::
积雪草 {def} SEE: 積雪草 ::
积逊 {def} SEE: 積遜 ::
积压 {def} SEE: 積壓 ::
积阳 {def} SEE: 積陽 ::
积雨云 {def} SEE: 積雨雲 ::
积玉桥 {def} SEE: 積玉橋 ::
积郁 {def} SEE: 積鬱 ::
积怨 {def} SEE: 積怨 ::
积云 {def} SEE: 積雲 ::
积重难返 {def} SEE: 積重難返 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [classical] /jī/ :: a length of periodic time, usually one year; alternative form of *期
{def} /jī/ :: to examine; to investigate; to check
{def} /jī/ :: to delay; to procrastinate
{def} /jī/ :: to recriminate; to argue; to dispute
{def} /qǐ/ :: to kowtow; to bow to the ground
稽察 {def} SEE: 稽查 ::
稽查 {v} /jīchá/ :: to check (on illegal activities)
稽查 {n} /jīchá/ :: customs officer
稽古 {v} [literary] /jīgǔ/ :: to learn from the ancients
稽核 {v} /jīhé/ :: to audit; to examine
稽考 {v} [literary] /jīkǎo/ :: to ascertain; to verify
稽留 {v} /jīliú/ :: to delay
稽留 {v} /jīliú/ :: to detain
稽留流产 {def} SEE: 稽留流產 ::
稽留流產 {n} [medicine] /jīliú liúchǎn/ :: missed abortion; delayed miscarriage; early fetal demise; silent miscarriage
稽首 {v} /qǐshǒu/ :: qishou, ritual showing the highest degree of homage and respect (to kneel, put one's hands crossed on the ground, bow, and rest the forehead upon the hands)
稽疑 {v} [literary] /jīyí/ :: to resolve doubt through divination
稽疑 {v} [literary] /jīyí/ :: to ascertain; to verify
{def} /jī/ :: to store up crops; to store cereal crops
{def} /jī/ :: to accumulate; to amass; to store; to gather
{def} /jī/ :: to hold in store; to store up (for future use); to be latent
{def} /jī/ :: to stagnate; to become stagnant
{def} /jī/ :: to add up; to sum up to
{def} /jī/ :: accumulated goods
{def} [TCM] /jī/ :: indigestion
{def} [mathematics] /jī/ :: product (in a multiplication)
{def} /jī/ :: long-standing; long
{def} /jī/ :: habitual; inveterate
{def} /jī/ :: sixtieth (60th) tetragram of the Taixuanjing; "accumulation" (𝍁)
積財 {v} [literary] /jīcái/ :: to accumulate wealth
積財 {n} [literary] /jīcái/ :: accumulated wealth
積儲 {v} /jī储/ :: to store up; to lay up; to stockpile
積儲 {n} /jī储/ :: stockpile; supply; reserve
積攢 {v} [colloquial] /jīzǎn/ :: to collect bit by bit; to save
積存 {v} /jīcún/ :: to store up; to lay up; to stockpile
積存 {n} /jīcún/ :: stockpile; supply; reserve
積德 {v} /jīdé/ :: to accumulate merit; to do good when possible
積澱 {v} [usually of skills, experiences, culture, wisdom, etc.] /jīdiàn/ :: to accumulate; to cumulate
積澱 {n} /jīdiàn/ :: deposits accumulated over long periods; precipitate
積澱 {n} [figurative] /jīdiàn/ :: valuable experience; accumulated wisdom; accumulation (of culture, experiences, etc.)
積惡 {v} /jī'è/ :: to commit many acts of evil
積非成是 {idiom} /jīfēichéngshì/ :: mistakes have become so habitual that they are instead regarded as right
積分 {n} [calculus] /jīfēn/ :: integral calculus; integration
積分 {n} [calculus] /jīfēn/ :: integral
積分 {n} /jīfēn/ :: total points, aggregate score
積穀防飢 {def} SEE: 積穀防饑 ::
積穀防饑 {idiom} /jīgǔfángjī/ :: to save for a rainy day
積極 {adj} /jījí/ :: positive; dynamic; energetic
積極 {adj} /jījí/ :: active
積極 {adv} /jījí/ :: positively; dynamically; energetically
積極 {adv} /jījí/ :: actively
積極分子 {n} /jījí fènzǐ/ :: activist
積極分子 {n} /jījí fènzǐ/ :: one who is eager in doing something; one who is active in doing something
積極分子 {n} [not used in Mainland] /jījí fènzǐ/ :: one who is politically active as a citizen
積極性 {n} /jījíxìng/ :: enthusiasm; zeal
積聚 {v} /jījù/ :: to accumulate; to gather; to build up; to clock up
積累 {v} /jīlěi/ :: to accumulate; to gather; to build up; to clock up; to amass
積累 {adj} /jīlěi/ :: accumulated; accumulative
積累 {n} [economics] /jīlěi/ :: accumulation
積木 {n} /jīmù/ :: building block (children's toy)
積年 {v} /jīnián/ :: to have accumulated over many years; to be pending for many years
積年 {n} /jīnián/ :: old and experienced person
積年 {n} /jīnián/ :: number of years; year count
積弱 {v} /jīruò/ :: to get weaker over time; to degenerate; to decline
積弱 {n} /jīruò/ :: long-standing weakness
積善 {v} [literary] /jīshàn/ :: to do good deeds
積善之家,必有餘慶 {proverb} /jīshàn zhī jiā, bì yǒu yúqìng/ :: people who do good deeds will have good fortune in the future
積少成多 {idiom} /jīshǎochéngduō/ :: to accumulate little by little; many small things add to something great
積食 {v} [dialectal] /jīshí/ :: to suffer from indigestion
積水 {v} [of water] /jīshuǐ/ :: to collect water; to accumulate
積水 {v} [medicine] /jīshuǐ/ :: to form an oedema or effusion
積水 {n} /jīshuǐ/ :: collected water; pool of water
積體電路 {n} [Taiwan, electronics] /jītǐ diànlù/ :: integrated circuit
積習 {n} /jīxí/ :: habit; long-standing practice
積習 {v} [literary] /jīxí/ :: to be skillful; to be adept
積習難改 {idiom} /jīxínángǎi/ :: established habits are difficult to change
積效 {n} /jīxiào/ :: cumulative effect
積蓄 {v} /jīxù/ :: to save; to put aside
積蓄 {n} /jīxù/ :: savings
積雪 {n} /jīxuě/ :: accumulated snow; fallen snow; snow mantle
積雪草 {n} /jīxuěcǎo/ :: Asiatic pennywort (Centella asiatica)
積遜 {prop} [Hong Kong] /Jīxùn/ :: Jackson (English surname and given name)
積壓 {v} [literally] /jīyā/ :: to keep long in stock; to overstock; to accumulate
積壓 {v} [figuratively] /jīyā/ :: to suppress; to inhibit
積陽 {n} [literary] /jīyáng/ :: sunlight; sun
積雨雲 {n} [meteorology] /jīyǔyún/ :: cumulonimbus
積玉橋 {prop} /Jīyùqiáo/ :: (~ 街道) 積玉橋 (subdistrict)
積鬱 {v} /jīyù/ :: to accumulate in the mind (of worries, resentment, etc.)
積鬱 {n} /jīyù/ :: negative feelings; pent-up frustrations that have long accumulated in the mind
積怨 {n} /jīyuàn/ :: accumulated rancor; piled-up grievances
積雲 {n} [meteorology] /jīyún/ :: cumulus
積重難返 {idiom} /jīzhòngnánfǎn/ :: established bad habits or practices are difficult to change or get rid of
{def} SEE: ::
笄官 {def} SEE: 亓官 ::
{def} /jī/ :: boji, a tool for removing chaff
{def} /jī/ :: dustpan
箕关 {def} SEE: 箕關 ::
箕關 {n} [archaic] /Jī Guān/ :: Ji Pass (west of present day Jiyuan and south of present day Mount Wangwu)
箕面 {prop} /Jīmiàn/ :: (~ 市) 箕面 (city)
箕山 {prop} /Jī Shān/ :: Mount Ji (southeast of present day Dengfeng)
箕宿 {prop} [Chinese astronomy] /Jīxiù/ :: Winnowing Basket Mansion (one of Twenty-Eight Mansions)
箕帚 {n} [archaic] /jīzhǒu/ :: dustpan and broom
箕帚 {n} [archaic] /jīzhǒu/ :: consort; concubine; wife
{def} /緝,2nc/ :: to seize; to arrest
{def} /緝,2nc/ :: [obsolete] to weave hempen thread
{def} /緝,2nc/ :: [obsolete] to hem clothing
{def} /qī/ :: to sew in close stitches
緝辦 {v} /jībàn/ :: to arrest and punish
緝捕 {v} /緝bǔ/ :: to seize; to arrest; to apprehend
緝查 {v} /jīchá/ :: to search; to raid (in order to find evidence)
緝毒 {v} /緝dú/ :: to investigate drug smuggling and smugglers
緝毒犬 {n} /jīdúquǎn/ :: sniffer dog
緝獲 {v} [literary] /qìhuò/ :: to catch; to capture; to seize
緝拿 {v} /緝ná/ :: to seize; to arrest; to apprehend
緝私 {v} /緝sī/ :: to seize smugglers or smuggled goods; to suppress smuggling
{def} /績/ :: to spin hemp into thread
{def} /績/ :: achievement; accomplishment
績點 {n} /績diǎn/ :: grade point
績效 {n} /绩xiào/ :: achievement; effect; result
績效管理 {n} /绩xiào guǎnlǐ/ :: performance management
{def} SEE: ::
绩点 {def} SEE: 績點 ::
绩效 {def} SEE: 績效 ::
绩效管理 {def} SEE: 績效管理 ::
{def} SEE: ::
缉办 {def} SEE: 緝辦 ::
缉捕 {def} SEE: 緝捕 ::
缉查 {def} SEE: 緝查 ::
缉毒 {def} SEE: 緝毒 ::
缉毒犬 {def} SEE: 緝毒犬 ::
缉获 {def} SEE: 緝獲 ::
缉掠 {def} SEE: 緝掠 ::
缉拿 {def} SEE: 緝拿 ::
缉私 {def} SEE: 緝私 ::
{def} SEE: ::
羁绊 {def} SEE: 羈絆 ::
羁跤 {def} SEE: 羈跤 ::
羁客 {def} SEE: 羈客 ::
羁勒 {def} SEE: 羈勒 ::
羁留 {def} SEE: 羈留 ::
羁留病房 {def} SEE: 羈留病房 ::
羁旅 {def} SEE: 羈旅 ::
羁縻 {def} SEE: 羈縻 ::
羁束 {def} SEE: 羈束 ::
羁押 {def} SEE: 羈押 ::
{def} /jī/ :: bridle, halter
{def} /jī/ :: to restrain; to hold; to control
{def} /jī/ :: to stay; to remain
羈絆 {n} [formal] /jībàn/ :: trammels; fetters; yoke
羈絆 {v} [formal] /jībàn/ :: to be bound; to be tied up
羈客 {n} [literary] /jīkè/ :: visitor; stranger; guest
羈勒 {v} [formal] /jīlè/ :: to tie; to bind up; to fetter
羈留 {v} [literary] /jīliú/ :: to stop over (in a place away from home)
羈留 {v} /jīliú/ :: to keep in custody; to detain
羈留病房 {n} /jīliú bìngfáng/ :: custodial ward
羈旅 {v} [formal] /jīlǚ/ :: to stay long in a strange place; to live in a strange land
羈縻 {v} [literary] /jīmí/ :: to win over
羈縻 {v} [literary] /jīmí/ :: to control; to bridle; to curb
羈縻 {v} [literary] /jīmí/ :: to detain; to take into custody
羈縻 {v} [literary] /jīmí/ :: to keep (vassal states, etc.) under control
羈束 {n} [literary] /jīshù/ :: to restrict; to restrain
羈押 {v} [formal] /jīyā/ :: to detain; to imprison; to take into custody
{def} /jī/ :: muscle; flesh
{def} [literary] /jī/ :: skin
肌氨酸 {n} [chiefly Mainland China, amino acid] /jī'ānsuān/ :: sarcosine
肌胺酸 {n} [Taiwan, amino acid] /jī胺suān/ :: sarcosine
肌醇 {n} [carbohydrate] /jīchún/ :: inositol
肌电图 {def} SEE: 肌電圖 ::
肌電圖 {n} /jīdiàntú/ :: electromyogram (EMG)
肌动蛋白 {def} SEE: 肌動蛋白 ::
肌動蛋白 {n} [biochemistry] /jīdòngdànbái/ :: actin
肌肤 {def} SEE: 肌膚 ::
肌肤之亲 {def} SEE: 肌膚之親 ::
肌膚 {n} [literally] /jīfū/ :: human skin and muscle; skin
肌膚 {n} [figuratively] /jīfū/ :: close physical relationship
肌膚之親 {idiom} /jīfūzhīqīn/ :: intimacy between man and woman arising from close skin-to-skin contact, especially sexual intercourse
肌苷 {n} [chemistry] /jīgān/ :: inosine
肌酐 {n} [organic compound, biochemistry] /jīgān/ :: abbreviation of 肌酸酐
肌骨 {n} /jīgǔ/ :: muscles and bones; muscles and the skeleton
肌骨系統 {n} /jīgǔ xìtǒng/ :: musculoskeletal system
肌骨系统 {def} SEE: 肌骨系統 ::
肌腱 {n} [anatomy] /jījiàn/ :: tendon; sinew
肌腱炎 {n} [pathology] /jījiànyán/ :: tendinitis
肌浆网 {def} SEE: 肌漿網 ::
肌漿網 {n} [anatomy] /jījiāngwǎng/ :: sarcoplasmic reticulum
肌節 {n} /jījié/ :: sarcomere
肌节 {def} SEE: 肌節 ::
肌理 {n} [literary] /jīlǐ/ :: skin texture
肌力 {n} /jīlì/ :: muscle strength
肌瘤 {n} [oncology] /jīliú/ :: myoma
肌無力 {n} [medicine] /jīwúlì/ :: myasthenia; muscle weakness
肌膜 {n} [anatomy] /jī膜/ :: sarcolemma
肌內膜 {n} [anatomy] /jīnèi膜/ :: endomysium
肌内膜 {def} SEE: 肌內膜 ::
肌凝蛋白 {n} [biochemistry] /jīníngdànbái/ :: myosin
肌纤维 {def} SEE: 肌纖維 ::
肌纤维膜 {def} SEE: 肌纖維膜 ::
肌肉 {n} [anatomy] /jīròu/ :: muscle
肌肉記憶 {n} /jīròu jìyì/ :: muscle memory
肌肉记忆 {def} SEE: 肌肉記憶 ::
肌肉男 {n} /jīròunán/ :: muscleman (man with developed muscles)
肌肉系統 {n} /jīròu xìtǒng/ :: muscular system
肌肉系统 {def} SEE: 肌肉系統 ::
肌肉注射 {n} [medicine] /jīròu zhùshè/ :: intramuscular injection
肌束 {n} [anatomy] /jīshù/ :: muscle fascicle
肌束膜 {n} [anatomy] /jīshù膜/ :: perimysium
肌酸 {n} [amino acid] /jīsuān/ :: creatine
肌酸酐 {n} [organic compound, biochemistry] /jīsuāngān/ :: creatinine
肌体 {def} SEE: 肌體 ::
肌體 {n} /jītǐ/ :: human body; organism
肌痛 {n} [medicine] /jītòng/ :: myalgia
肌外膜 {n} [anatomy] /jīwài膜/ :: epimysium
肌萎縮性脊髓側索硬化症 {n} [disease] /jī萎suōxìng jǐsuǐcèsuǒ yìnghuàzhèng/ :: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症 {def} SEE: 肌萎縮性脊髓側索硬化症 ::
肌无力 {def} SEE: 肌無力 ::
肌細胞 {n} [anatomy] /jīxìbāo/ :: myocyte; muscle cell
肌细胞 {def} SEE: 肌細胞 ::
肌纖維 {n} [anatomy] /jīxiānwéi/ :: muscle fiber
肌纖維膜 {n} [anatomy] /jīxiānwéi膜/ :: sarcolemma
肌小節 {n} /jīxiǎojié/ :: sarcomere
肌小节 {def} SEE: 肌小節 ::
肌炎 {n} [disease] /jīyán/ :: myositis; muscle inflammation
肌原纤维 {def} SEE: 肌原纖維 ::
肌原纖維 {n} [anatomy] /jīyuánxiānwéi/ :: myofibril
肌質網 {n} [anatomy] /jī质wǎng/ :: sarcoplasmic reticulum
肌质网 {def} SEE: 肌質網 ::
{def} SEE: ::
虀粉 {v} [archaic] /jīfěn/ :: to grind into powder
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jī/ :: only used in 密虮
虮子 {def} SEE: 蟣子 ::
蛣䖦 {n} [literary] /jiéqū/ :: a kind of insect that eats into wood
蛣𧌑 {def} SEE: 蛣䖦 ::
蛣蟩 {def} SEE: 孑孓 ::
{def} /jī,jì/ :: only used in 襞襀
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jī/ :: to ridicule; to jeer; to mock
{def} [literary] /jī/ :: to interrogate
{def} [literary] /jī/ :: to exhort; to admonish
譏嘲 {v} /jīcháo/ :: to ridicule; to satirize; to mock
譏刺 {v} /jīcì/ :: to ridicule; to satirize; to mock
譏諷 {v} /jī諷/ :: to satirize; to ridicule
譏誚 {v} [literary] /jīqiào/ :: to deride; to mock
譏笑 {v} /jīxiào/ :: to laugh at; to tease; to sneer; to ridicule; to jeer
{def} SEE: ::
讥嘲 {def} SEE: 譏嘲 ::
讥刺 {def} SEE: 譏刺 ::
讥讽 {def} SEE: 譏諷 ::
讥诮 {def} SEE: 譏誚 ::
讥笑 {def} SEE: 譏笑 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
赍恨 {def} SEE: 齎恨 ::
{def} /迹/ :: mark; track; trace
跡地 {n} /跡dì/ :: slash in forestland; emptied forestland
跡象 {n} /跡xiàng/ :: sign; indication; mark; indicator
{def} SEE: ::
跻身 {def} SEE: 躋身 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [literary] /jī/ :: to ascend; to go up; to rise
{def} [literary] /jī/ :: high; steep
躋身 {v} /jīshēn/ :: to join the ranks of; to rise (in ranking)
{def} SEE: ::
迹地 {def} SEE: 跡地 ::
迹象 {def} SEE: 跡象 ::
{def} /jī/ :: to rise up
{def} /jī/ :: rainbow
{def} /jī/ :: to fall
{def} /jī/ :: chicken; fowl; poultry
{def} /jī/ :: 10th of the Chinese zodiac animals (rooster)
{def} /jī/ :: domestic fowl
{def} [slang] /jī/ :: female prostitute
{def} [slang] /jī/ :: penis
{def} [Cantonese] /jī/ :: whistle
{def} [Xiamen, Quanzhou, Zhangzhou Hokkien] /jī/ :: trigger (of a gun)
雞鵤 {def} SEE: 雞角 ::
雞㙡 {n} /jīzōng/ :: Macrolepiota albuminosa
雞𣚺 {def} SEE: 雞項 ::
雞巴 {n} [colloquial, vulgar] /jība/ :: cock; penis; dick
雞巴 {n} [colloquial, vulgar] /jība/ :: nothing; fuck all; my ass; my arse
雞巴 {adv} [colloquial, vulgar] /jība/ :: fucking
雞巴都笑爆了 {phrase} [neologism, Internet slang] /jībā dōu xiào bào le/ :: laughing my dick off; LMDO
雞巴毛 {n} [vulgar] /jībamáo,er/ :: male pubic hair
雞幫 {def} SEE: 雞膀 ::
雞包仔 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /jībāozǎi/ :: small steamed chicken bun (a common dim sum dish)
雞包仔 {n} [Cantonese, slang] /jībāozǎi/ :: flat-chested woman; small breasted girl
雞腸 {n} /jīcháng/ :: chicken intestines
雞腸 {n} [Cantonese, figurative] /jīcháng/ :: foreign language written in the Latin alphabet, especially English
雞翅 {n} /jīchì/ :: chicken wing
雞樅 {def} SEE: 雞㙡 ::
雞蛋 {n} /jīdàn/ :: chicken egg
雞蛋 {n} [regional] /jīdàn/ :: goose egg; a score of zero
雞蛋羹 {n} /jīdàngēng/ :: Chinese steamed eggs; water egg
雞蛋果 {n} /jīdànguǒ/ :: passion fruit
雞蛋果子 {def} SEE: 雞蛋餜子 ::
雞蛋餜子 {n} [regional, including, Dandong] /jīdàn guǒzi/ :: alternative name for 煎餅餜子
雞蛋卷 {n} /jīdànjuǎn/ :: egg roll (an egg-based, flute-shaped pastry with typically yellowish, flaky crust)
雞蛋捲 {def} SEE: 雞蛋卷 ::
雞蛋裏挑骨頭 {def} SEE: 雞蛋裡挑骨頭 ::
雞蛋裡挑骨頭 {idiom} /jīdàn li tiāo gǔtou,jīdàn lǐ tiāo gútou,1nb/ :: to nitpick
雞蛋仔 {n} /jīdànzǎi/ :: egg waffle (popular Hong Kong street food)
雞丁 {n} /jīdīng,er/ :: chicken cubes; chicken meat cut into cubes
雞凍 {n} /jīdòng/ :: chicken jelly
雞凍 {adj} [neologism, Internet slang, humorous] /jīdòng/ :: alternative form of 激動
雞豆 {n} /jīdòu/ :: chickpea
雞兒 {n} [Central Plains Mandarin, Lanyin Mandarin, Jin] /jī'ér/ :: chicken
雞兒 {n} [Southwestern Mandarin, Zhejiang Wu] /jī'ér/ :: chick
雞兒 {n} [chiefly Central Plains Mandarin, Southwestern Mandarin, Jin] /jī'ér/ :: boy's penis
雞兒 {n} [Sichuanese, derogatory] /jī'ér/ :: male genitalia
雞飛蛋打 {idiom} [figurative] /jīfēidàndǎ/ :: everything is lost; a dead loss
雞粉 {n} /jīfěn/ :: chicken powder (seasoning in Asian cuisine)
雞肝 {n} /jīgān,er/ :: chicken liver
雞公 {n} [Cantonese, Hakka, Min, Xiang, dialectal Mandarin] /jīgōng/ :: rooster; cock
雞骨 {n} /jīgǔ/ :: chicken bone
雞骨 {n} [literary, figuratively] /jīgǔ/ :: skinny, bony body; gaunt figure
雞骨支床 {idiom} /jīgǔzhīchuáng/ :: very thin; gaunt; emaciated
雞骨支牀 {def} SEE: 雞骨支床 ::
雞冠 {n} /jīguān/ :: cockscomb (crest of a rooster)
雞冠花 {n} [botany] /jīguànhuā/ :: cockscomb (Celosia cristata)
雞冠頭 {n} /jīguāntóu/ :: mohawk (hairstyle)
雞冠子 {n} /jīguānzi/ :: cockscomb (the crest of a rooster)
雞紅 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /jīhóng/ :: chicken blood tofu
雞雞 {n} [childish, colloquial] /jījī,tl/ :: cock; penis; dick (especially of a boy)
雞奸 {def} SEE: 雞姦 ::
雞姦 {n} /jījiān/ :: sodomy; anal sex; buggery
雞腳 {n} /jījiǎo/ :: chicken feet (Classifier: c:隻)
雞街 {prop} /Jījiē/ :: (~ 鎮) 雞街 (town)
雞街 {prop} /Jījiē/ :: (~ 鎮) 雞街 (town)
雞精 {n} /jījīng/ :: chicken salt
雞塊 {n} /jīkuài,er/ :: piece of chicken meat
雞塊 {n} /jīkuài,er/ :: chicken nugget
雞肋 {n} /jīlèi,jīlè,1nb/ :: chicken ribs
雞肋 {n} [figurative] /jīlèi,jīlè,1nb/ :: things of little value or interest, yet pitiable if given up or thrown away
雞柳 {n} /jīliǔ/ :: chicken fillet
雞籠 {n} /jīlóng/ :: chicken coop; henhouse
雞籠 {def} SEE: 雞罱 ::
雞籠 {n} [chiefly historical, still common in Min Nan] /Jīlóng/ :: alternative name for 基隆
雞卵 {n} [literary or Hakka, Min, dialectal Wu] /jīluǎn/ :: chicken egg
雞毛 {n} /jīmáo/ :: chicken feather
雞毛撢帚 {def} SEE: 雞毛撣帚 ::
雞毛撢子 {def} SEE: 雞毛撣子 ::
雞毛撣子 {n} /jīmáo dǎnzi/ :: feather duster
雞毛當令箭 {idiom} /jīmáo dàng lìngjiàn/ :: to treat one's superior's casual remarks as an order and to make a big fuss about it
雞毛蒜皮 {idiom} /jīmáosuànpí/ :: trivial matters
雞毛帚 {n} [dialectal] /jīmáozhǒu/ :: feather duster
雞鳴 {v} [literary, of a rooster] /jīmíng/ :: to crow
雞鳴 {n} [literary] /jīmíng/ :: cockcrow; dawn
雞鳴 {n} [literary, historical] /jīmíng/ :: a kind of spear
雞鳴 {prop} /jīmíng/ :: (~ 鄉) 雞鳴 (township)
雞鳴狗盜 {idiom} /jīmínggǒudào/ :: lowly skills; skills of little worth
雞鳴狗盜 {idiom} /jīmínggǒudào/ :: people with lowly skills
雞鳴狗盜 {idiom} /jīmínggǒudào/ :: base and despicable
雞內金 {n} [TCM] /jīnèijīn/ :: chicken gizzard membrane
雞排 {n} /jīpái/ :: chicken cutlet; chicken schnitzel
雞皮 {n} /jīpí/ :: chicken skin
雞皮 {n} [figurative, literary] /jīpí/ :: wrinkled and loose skin of the elderly
雞皮 {n} [Cantonese] /jīpí/ :: goosebumps
雞皮疙 {n} /jīpígē/ :: abbreviation of 雞皮疙瘩
雞皮疙瘩 {n} /jīpí gēda/ :: goosebumps
雞皮鶴髮 {idiom} [said of the aged] /jīpíhè髮/ :: with shriveled skin and white hair
雞婆 {n} [Zhongyuan Mandarin, Jianghuai Mandarin, Southwestern Mandarin, dialectal Cantonese, Gan, dialectal Hakka, Hui, dialectal Wu, Xiang] /jīpó/ :: hen
雞婆 {n} [dialectal Cantonese, dialectal Hakka] /jīpó/ :: procuress
雞婆 {n} [dialectal] /jīpó/ :: prostitute
雞婆 {n} [slang, originally, Taiwanese Min Nan *家婆] /jīpó/ :: nosy person; busybody
雞犬不驚 {idiom} [of an army] /jīquǎn不jīng/ :: well-disciplined and not injuring the people in the least
雞犬不寧 {idiom} /jīquǎn不níng/ :: (raising such a fearful din that) everyone is nervous; great disturbance or turmoil
雞犬升天 {idiom} /jīquǎnshēngtiān/ :: When a man gets to the top, all his friends and relations get there with him. / to ride on somebody else's success
雞肉 {n} /jīròu/ :: chicken (meat)
雞湯 {n} /jītāng/ :: chicken soup
雞湯 {n} /jītāng/ :: synonym of 心靈雞湯
雞湯文 {n} [neologism, slang] /jītāngwén/ :: inspirational article (often implying little real content)
雞蛇 {n} /jīshé/ :: cockatrice (legendary creature)
雞舍 {n} /jīshè/ :: fowlhouse; henhouse
雞腎 {n} /jīshèn/ :: chicken kidney
雞虱 {def} SEE: 雞蝨 ::
雞蝨 {n} /jīshī/ :: chicken louse
雞塒 {n} [literary or Teochew] /jīshí/ :: chicken coop; henhouse; roost
雞屎果 {n} [regional] /jīshǐguǒ/ :: guava
雞黍 {n} /jīshǔ/ :: home cooking used to receive guests
雞同鴨講 {idiom} /jītóngyājiǎng/ :: mutually unintelligible; unable to understand one another; talking about two different things; getting one's wires crossed
雞頭 {n} /jītóu/ :: chicken head
雞頭 {n} /jītóu/ :: foxnut (Euryale ferox)
雞頭 {n} [Cantonese, Teochew, colloquial] /jītóu/ :: bawd; procurer for prostitutes
雞頭 {n} [Zhangzhou Hokkien] /jītóu/ :: glans penis
雞頭 {n} [dialectal Cantonese, Hainanese, Leizhou Min, Singapore Hokkien] /jītóu/ :: (uncastrated adult) rooster
雞頭 {adj} [Hokkien] /jītóu/ :: fond of the limelight; fond of attention
雞頭米 {n} /jītóumǐ/ :: seed of Euryale ferox (a seed used in traditional Chinese medicine)
雞腿 {n} /jītuǐ,er/ :: chicken leg; drumstick
雞腿 {n} [neologism, slang, humorous] /jītuǐ,er/ :: A token of reward or appreciation for a person's hard work; brownie points
雞豚 {n} [literary] /jītún/ :: chickens and suckling pigs
雞豚 {n} [literary] /jītún/ :: triffling items within an ordinary person's household
雞尾 {n} /jīwěi/ :: cocktail
雞尾酒 {n} /jīwěijiǔ/ :: cocktail
雞尾酒會 {n} /jīwěijiǔhuì/ :: cocktail party
雞瘟 {n} /jīwēn/ :: contagious epidemic of chicken
雞瘟 {n} /jīwēn/ :: chicken pest
雞窩 {n} /jīwō/ :: chicken coop; henhouse; roost
雞西 {prop} /Jīxī/ :: (~ 市) 雞西 (prefecture-level city)
雞胸 {n} /jīxiōng/ :: chicken breast (the anatomical part)
雞胸 {n} [figurative] /jīxiōng/ :: pigeon chest (pectus carinatum)
雞胸肉 {n} /jīxiōngròu,er/ :: chicken breast (meat)
雞血 {n} /jī血/ :: chicken blood
雞血藤 {n} [TCM] /jī血téng/ :: stem of the millettia (herb used in to improve blood circulation)
雞鴨魚肉 {idiom} /jīyāyúròu/ :: chicken, duck, fish and (other) meat; the various types or sources of meat in a meal
雞眼 {n} /jīyǎn,er/ :: chicken's eye(s)
雞眼 {n} [diseases] /jīyǎn,er/ :: corn; clavus (callus on the toes or fingers)
雞院 {n} [colloquial, slang] /jīyuàn/ :: brothel; whorehouse
雞雜 {n} /jīzá,er/ :: chicken giblets
雞仔 {n} [dialectal Mandarin, Cantonese, dialectal Hakka, Min] /jīzǎi/ :: chick; young chicken
雞仔 {n} [Hakka, Min Dong, Min Nan] /jīzǎi/ :: chicken
雞仔 {n} [Zhangzhou Hokkien] /jīzǎi/ :: female prostitute
雞仔餅 {n} /jīzǎibǐng/ :: a type of chewy biscuit made with lard and originating in Guangzhou
雞仔餅 {n} [Hong Kong, slang] /jīzǎibǐng/ :: station sergeant
雞賊 {adj} [Beijing] /jīzéi,er/ :: cheap; stingy; cunning
雞爪 {n} /jīzhuǎ,jīzhǎo,1nb/ :: chicken feet
雞爪子 {n} /jīzhuǎzi/ :: chicken feet
雞肫 {n} /jīzhūn/ :: chicken gizzard
雞子 {n} /jīzǐ/ :: chick; little chicken
雞子 {n} [literary or colloquial] /jīzǐ,er/ :: chicken's egg
雞子 {n} [Cantonese] /jīzǐ,er/ :: rooster's testicle
雞子 {n} [dialectal] /jīzi/ :: chicken
雞子 {n} [Jiaoliao Mandarin, including, Muping, Changhai] /jīzi/ :: male genitalia; penis
雞子兒 {n} /jīzǐr/ :: erhua form of chicken egg
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jī/ :: hunger; starving
{def} [fossil word or archaic] /jī/ :: famine
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jī/ :: alternative form of
飢不擇食 {idiom} [figurative] /jī不zéshí/ :: to be not choosy when one is hungry or when matters are urgent
飢腸 {n} [literary] /jīcháng/ :: hungry stomach
飢腸轆轆 {idiom} /jīchánglùlù/ :: one's stomach rumbles with hunger
飢餓 {n} /jī'è/ :: hunger; starvation
飢餓 {adj} [formal] /jī'è/ :: hungry; starving
飢餓線 {n} /jī'èxiàn/ :: the verge of starvation
飢寒 {n} /jīhán/ :: hunger and cold
飢寒交迫 {adj} [idiomatic] /jīhánjiāopò/ :: cold and hungry at the same time
飢寒交迫 {adj} [idiomatic, figuratively] /jīhánjiāopò/ :: extremely impoverished
飢荒 {def} SEE: 饑荒 ::
飢饉 {def} SEE: 饑饉 ::
飢渴 {adj} /jīkě/ :: hungry and thirsty
飢渴 {adj} [figurative] /jīkě/ :: ardent; eager
飢渴 {adj} [figurative] /jīkě/ :: having a very strong desire to engage in sexual activities
飢民 {n} /jīmín/ :: famine victim or refugee
飢餒 {adj} [literary] /jī'něi/ :: hungry
飢色 {n} [literary] /jīsè/ :: complexion of a malnourished person; hungry look
{def} /jī/ :: crop failure; famine; a year in which harvest is poor
{def} /jī/ :: alternative form of
饑腸 {def} SEE: 飢腸 ::
饑腸轆轆 {def} SEE: 飢腸轆轆 ::
饑餓 {def} SEE: 飢餓 ::
饑寒 {def} SEE: 飢寒 ::
饑荒 {n} [literally] /jīhuāng,tl/ :: famine; crop failure
饑荒 {n} [figurative] /jīhuāng,tl/ :: (financial) difficulty; trouble; debt
饑饉 {n} [literary] /jījǐn/ :: famine
饑饉荐臻 {def} SEE: 饑饉薦臻 ::
饑饉薦臻 {idiom} /jījǐnjiànzhēn/ :: famine occurring year after year
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
饥不择食 {def} SEE: 飢不擇食 ::
饥肠 {def} SEE: 飢腸 ::
饥肠辘辘 {def} SEE: 飢腸轆轆 ::
饥饿 {def} SEE: 飢餓 ::
饥饿线 {def} SEE: 飢餓線 ::
饥寒 {def} SEE: 飢寒 ::
饥寒交迫 {def} SEE: 飢寒交迫 ::
饥荒 {def} SEE: 饑荒 ::
饥馑 {def} SEE: 饑饉 ::
饥馑荐臻 {def} SEE: 饑饉薦臻 ::
饥渴 {def} SEE: 飢渴 ::
饥民 {def} SEE: 飢民 ::
饥馁 {def} SEE: 飢餒 ::
饥色 {def} SEE: 飢色 ::
鰿 {def} /jī,jì,jí/ :: [obsolete] small cowrie shell
鰿 {def} /jī,jì,jí/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} SEE: ::
鳮巴 {def} SEE: 雞巴 ::
{def} SEE: ::
鷄嫲 {def} SEE: 雞嫲 ::
鷄巴 {def} SEE: 雞巴 ::
鷄蛋 {def} SEE: 雞蛋 ::
鷄蛋羹 {def} SEE: 雞蛋羹 ::
鷄蛋裏挑骨頭 {def} SEE: 雞蛋裡挑骨頭 ::
鷄兒 {def} SEE: 雞兒 ::
鷄胲 {def} SEE: 雞胲 ::
鷄冠 {def} SEE: 雞冠 ::
鷄髻 {def} SEE: 雞髻 ::
鷄姦 {def} SEE: 雞姦 ::
鷄姧 {def} SEE: 雞姦 ::
鷄囝 {def} SEE: 雞囝 ::
鷄角 {def} SEE: 雞角 ::
鷄角髻 {def} SEE: 雞角髻 ::
鷄角髻花 {def} SEE: 雞角髻花 ::
鷄毛 {def} SEE: 雞毛 ::
鷄毛蒜皮 {def} SEE: 雞毛蒜皮 ::
鷄肉 {def} SEE: 雞肉 ::
鷄仔 {def} SEE: 雞仔 ::
鷄仔餅 {def} SEE: 雞仔餅 ::
鷄仔炮 {def} SEE: 雞仔炮 ::
鷄指 {def} SEE: 雞指 ::
{def} /jí/ :: [obsolete] a bird similar to a raven but pale
𫔌鸡 {def} SEE: 鏾雞 ::
𬮴鸡 {def} SEE: 闇雞 ::
{def} SEE: ::
鸡嫲 {def} SEE: 雞嫲 ::
鸡𭎂 {def} SEE: 雞㙡 ::
鸡𣚺 {def} SEE: 雞𣚺 ::
鸡𫢪 {def} SEE: 雞僆 ::
鸡𧉟 {def} SEE: 雞𧉟 ::
鸡庵 {def} SEE: 雞庵 ::
鸡巴 {def} SEE: 雞巴 ::
鸡巴都笑爆了 {def} SEE: 雞巴都笑爆了 ::
鸡巴毛 {def} SEE: 雞巴毛 ::
鸡欛子 {def} SEE: 雞欛子 ::
鸡帮 {def} SEE: 雞幫 ::
鸡膀 {def} SEE: 雞膀 ::
鸡包仔 {def} SEE: 雞包仔 ::
鸡髀 {def} SEE: 雞髀 ::
鸡髀菇 {def} SEE: 雞髀菇 ::
鸡肠 {def} SEE: 雞腸 ::
鸡肠带儿 {def} SEE: 雞腸帶兒 ::
鸡肠字 {def} SEE: 雞腸字 ::
鸡翅 {def} SEE: 雞翅 ::
鸡虫 {def} SEE: 雞蟲 ::
鸡橱 {def} SEE: 雞櫥 ::
鸡春 {def} SEE: 雞春 ::
鸡枞 {def} SEE: 雞樅 ::
鸡噉脚 {def} SEE: 雞噉腳 ::
鸡旦 {def} SEE: 雞蛋 ::
鸡蛋 {def} SEE: 雞蛋 ::
鸡蛋糕 {def} SEE: 雞蛋糕 ::
鸡蛋羹 {def} SEE: 雞蛋羹 ::
鸡蛋果 {def} SEE: 雞蛋果 ::
鸡蛋果子 {def} SEE: 雞蛋果子 ::
鸡蛋馃子 {def} SEE: 雞蛋餜子 ::
鸡蛋卷 {def} SEE: 雞蛋卷 ::
鸡蛋里挑骨头 {def} SEE: 雞蛋裡挑骨頭 ::
鸡蛋仔 {def} SEE: 雞蛋仔 ::
鸡丁 {def} SEE: 雞丁 ::
鸡冻 {def} SEE: 雞凍 ::
鸡窦 {def} SEE: 雞竇 ::
鸡豆 {def} SEE: 雞豆 ::
鸡儿 {def} SEE: 雞兒 ::
鸡飞蛋打 {def} SEE: 雞飛蛋打 ::
鸡粉 {def} SEE: 雞粉 ::
鸡腹内 {def} SEE: 雞腹內 ::
鸡胲 {def} SEE: 雞胲 ::
鸡𬂁肝 {def} SEE: 雞𬂁肝 ::
鸡肝 {def} SEE: 雞肝 ::
鸡𬂁肝儿 {def} SEE: 雞𬂁肝兒 ::
鸡膏 {def} SEE: 雞膏 ::
鸡咯咯 {def} SEE: 雞咯咯 ::
鸡公 {def} SEE: 雞公 ::
鸡公子 {def} SEE: 雞公子 ::
鸡骨 {def} SEE: 雞骨 ::
鸡骨癀 {def} SEE: 雞骨癀 ::
鸡骨支床 {def} SEE: 雞骨支床 ::
鸡关 {def} SEE: 雞關 ::
鸡冠 {def} SEE: 雞冠 ::
鸡冠冠 {def} SEE: 雞冠冠 ::
鸡冠花 {def} SEE: 雞冠花 ::
鸡冠头 {def} SEE: 雞冠頭 ::
鸡冠子 {def} SEE: 雞冠子 ::
𬅫鸡胿 {def} SEE: 歕雞胿 ::
鸡胿 {def} SEE: 雞胿 ::
鸡棍儿 {def} SEE: 雞棍兒 ::
鸡红 {def} SEE: 雞紅 ::
鸡鸡 {def} SEE: 雞雞 ::
鸡髻 {def} SEE: 雞髻 ::
鸡髻花 {def} SEE: 雞髻花 ::
鸡奸 {def} SEE: 雞姦 ::
鸡囝 {def} SEE: 雞囝 ::
鸡跤 {def} SEE: 雞跤 ::
鸡跤爪 {def} SEE: 雞跤爪 ::
鸡脚 {def} SEE: 雞腳 ::
鸡脚爪子 {def} SEE: 雞腳爪子 ::
鸡角 {def} SEE: 雞角 ::
鸡角刺 {def} SEE: 雞角刺 ::
鸡角髻 {def} SEE: 雞角髻 ::
鸡角髻花 {def} SEE: 雞角髻花 ::
鸡角性 {def} SEE: 雞角性 ::
鸡角仔 {def} SEE: 雞角仔 ::
鸡角仔车 {def} SEE: 雞角仔車 ::
鸡角仔声 {def} SEE: 雞角仔聲 ::
鸡角指 {def} SEE: 雞角指 ::
鸡街 {def} SEE: 雞街 ::
鸡精 {def} SEE: 雞精 ::
鸡块 {def} SEE: 雞塊 ::
鸡罱 {def} SEE: 雞罱 ::
鸡牢 {def} SEE: 雞牢 ::
鸡肋 {def} SEE: 雞肋 ::
鸡柳 {def} SEE: 雞柳 ::
鸡笼 {def} SEE: 雞籠 ::
鸡笼笼 {def} SEE: 雞籠籠 ::
鸡卵 {def} SEE: 雞卵 ::
鸡卵冰 {def} SEE: 雞卵冰 ::
鸡卵糕 {def} SEE: 雞卵糕 ::
鸡卵果 {def} SEE: 雞卵果 ::
鸡卵壳膜 {def} SEE: 雞卵殼膜 ::
鸡卵面 {def} SEE: 雞卵面 ::
鸡卵清 {def} SEE: 雞卵清 ::
鸡卵仁 {def} SEE: 雞卵仁 ::
鸡卵形 {def} SEE: 雞卵形 ::
鸡毛 {def} SEE: 雞毛 ::
鸡毛掸帚 {def} SEE: 雞毛撣帚 ::
鸡毛掸子 {def} SEE: 雞毛撣子 ::
鸡毛当令箭 {def} SEE: 雞毛當令箭 ::
鸡毛扫 {def} SEE: 雞毛掃 ::
鸡毛掃 {def} SEE: 雞毛掃 ::
鸡毛蒜皮 {def} SEE: 雞毛蒜皮 ::
鸡毛筅 {def} SEE: 雞毛筅 ::
鸡毛鸭血 {def} SEE: 雞毛鴨血 ::
鸡毛眼 {def} SEE: 雞毛眼 ::
鸡毛帚 {def} SEE: 雞毛帚 ::
鸡毛帚子 {def} SEE: 雞毛帚子 ::
鸡蒙眼 {def} SEE: 雞蒙眼 ::
鸡眠 {def} SEE: 雞眠 ::
鸡鸣 {def} SEE: 雞鳴 ::
鸡鸣狗盗 {def} SEE: 雞鳴狗盜 ::
鸡摸 {def} SEE: 雞摸 ::
鸡摸眼 {def} SEE: 雞摸眼 ::
鸡母 {def} SEE: 雞母 ::
鸡母皮 {def} SEE: 雞母皮 ::
鸡母指 {def} SEE: 雞母指 ::
鸡乸 {def} SEE: 雞乸 ::
鸡那粉 {def} SEE: 雞那粉 ::
鸡内金 {def} SEE: 雞內金 ::
鸡鸟 {def} SEE: 雞鳥 ::
鸡尿膏 {def} SEE: 雞尿膏 ::
鸡排 {def} SEE: 雞排 ::
鸡嫲皮 {def} SEE: 雞嫲皮 ::
鸡皮 {def} SEE: 雞皮 ::
鸡皮疙 {def} SEE: 雞皮疙 ::
鸡皮疙瘩 {def} SEE: 雞皮疙瘩 ::
鸡皮鹤发 {def} SEE: 雞皮鶴髮 ::
鸡皮绉 {def} SEE: 雞皮縐 ::
鸡皮子疙瘩 {def} SEE: 雞皮子疙瘩 ::
鸡婆 {def} SEE: 雞婆 ::
鸡气 {def} SEE: 雞氣 ::
鸡犬不惊 {def} SEE: 雞犬不驚 ::
鸡犬不宁 {def} SEE: 雞犬不寧 ::
鸡犬升天 {def} SEE: 雞犬升天 ::
鸡肉 {def} SEE: 雞肉 ::
鸡舌红 {def} SEE: 雞舌紅 ::
鸡蛇 {def} SEE: 雞蛇 ::
鸡舍 {def} SEE: 雞舍 ::
鸡肾 {def} SEE: 雞腎 ::
鸡虱 {def} SEE: 雞蝨 ::
鸡埘 {def} SEE: 雞塒 ::
鸡食放光虫——心知肚明 {def} SEE: 雞食放光蟲——心知肚明 ::
鸡屎果 {def} SEE: 雞屎果 ::
鸡屎落涂,也有三寸烟 {def} SEE: 雞屎落塗,也有三寸煙 ::
鸡屎藤 {def} SEE: 雞屎藤 ::
鸡士 {def} SEE: 雞士 ::
鸡黍 {def} SEE: 雞黍 ::
鸡丝鲂 {def} SEE: 雞絲魴 ::
鸡宿 {def} SEE: 雞宿 ::
鸡孙 {def} SEE: 雞孫 ::
鸡汤 {def} SEE: 雞湯 ::
鸡汤文 {def} SEE: 雞湯文 ::
鸡桃 {def} SEE: 雞桃 ::
鸡桃仔 {def} SEE: 雞桃仔 ::
鸡同鸭讲 {def} SEE: 雞同鴨講 ::
鸡头 {def} SEE: 雞頭 ::
鸡头米 {def} SEE: 雞頭米 ::
鸡腿 {def} SEE: 雞腿 ::
鸡豚 {def} SEE: 雞豚 ::
鸡豚仔 {def} SEE: 雞豚仔 ::
鸡娃儿 {def} SEE: 雞娃兒 ::
鸡娃子 {def} SEE: 雞娃子 ::
鸡忘记 {def} SEE: 雞忘記 ::
鸡尾 {def} SEE: 雞尾 ::
鸡尾酒 {def} SEE: 雞尾酒 ::
鸡尾酒会 {def} SEE: 雞尾酒會 ::
鸡瘟 {def} SEE: 雞瘟 ::
鸡翁 {def} SEE: 雞翁 ::
鸡窝 {def} SEE: 雞窩 ::
鸡窝窝 {def} SEE: 雞窩窩 ::
鸡西 {def} SEE: 雞西 ::
鸡胘 {def} SEE: 雞胘 ::
鸡胘膜 {def} SEE: 雞胘膜 ::
鸡项 {def} SEE: 雞項 ::
鸡形 {def} SEE: 雞形 ::
鸡胸 {def} SEE: 雞胸 ::
鸡胸肉 {def} SEE: 雞胸肉 ::
鸡雄 {def} SEE: 雞雄 ::
鸡岫 {def} SEE: 雞岫 ::
鸡血 {def} SEE: 雞血 ::
鸡血衁儿 {def} SEE: 雞血衁兒 ::
鸡血藤 {def} SEE: 雞血藤 ::
鸡鸭 {def} SEE: 雞鴨 ::
鸡鸭鱼肉 {def} SEE: 雞鴨魚肉 ::
鸡眼 {def} SEE: 雞眼 ::
鸡翼 {def} SEE: 雞翼 ::
鸡翼骨 {def} SEE: 雞翼骨 ::
鸡院 {def} SEE: 雞院 ::
鸡杂 {def} SEE: 雞雜 ::
鸡灾 {def} SEE: 雞災 ::
鸡𫢪仔 {def} SEE: 雞僆仔 ::
鸡仔 {def} SEE: 雞仔 ::
鸡仔饼 {def} SEE: 雞仔餅 ::
鸡仔囝 {def} SEE: 雞仔囝 ::
鸡仔眠 {def} SEE: 雞仔眠 ::
鸡仔目 {def} SEE: 雞仔目 ::
鸡仔炮 {def} SEE: 雞仔炮 ::
鸡崽崽 {def} SEE: 雞崽崽 ::
鸡崽子 {def} SEE: 雞崽子 ::
鸡贼 {def} SEE: 雞賊 ::
鸡爪 {def} SEE: 雞爪 ::
鸡爪爪 {def} SEE: 雞爪爪 ::
鸡爪子 {def} SEE: 雞爪子 ::
鸡罩 {def} SEE: 雞罩 ::
鸡罩罩 {def} SEE: 雞罩罩 ::
鸡指 {def} SEE: 雞指 ::
鸡喌 {def} SEE: 雞喌 ::
鸡喌喌 {def} SEE: 雞喌喌 ::
鸡肫 {def} SEE: 雞肫 ::
鸡啄唔断 {def} SEE: 雞啄唔斷 ::
鸡子 {def} SEE: 雞子 ::
鸡子儿 {def} SEE: 雞子兒 ::
{def} /jī/ :: bring; carry
齎恨 {v} /jīhèn/ :: to have a gnawing regret
{def} [literary] /jī/ :: to break or smash into pieces; to pulverize
{def} [literary] /jī/ :: finely chopped ginger, garlic, etc
齏粉 {n} [archaic] /jīfěn/ :: fine powder
齏粉 {n} [figurative] /jīfěn/ :: remnant of something completely destroyed
齏臼 {n} /jījiù/ :: mortar used to pound spice
齏臼 {n} /jījiù/ :: Ci (poetry)
{def} SEE: ::
齑粉 {def} SEE: 齏粉 ::
齑臼 {def} SEE: 齏臼 ::
{def} /jí,yì/ :: with purpose
{def} /jí,yì/ :: with ambition
{def} /jí,yì/ :: with the determination and courage to get ahead
{def} /jí/ :: clamour, noise
{def} /léi/ :: [historical dictionaries] Ancient form of 雷
{def} [obsolete] /léi/ :: porphin
{def} /jì/ :: tired, weary
{def} /niǎn/ :: whetstone
{def} [dialectal] /kā/ :: corner; nook; crack; opening; cleft
{def} [Sichuanese] /kā/ :: to jam into; to stop up; to stuff
{def} /jí/ :: to discharge
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jí/ :: to sprinkle
{def} /jí/ :: to wink
{def} /jí/ :: to shed tears
{def} /shēn/ :: numerous
{def} /shēn/ :: many horses traveling in a line
{def} /jí/ :: lush (trees)
{def} /jí/ :: a kind of black small bird
{def} /jí/ :: wagtail
{def} /jí/ :: [obsolete] urgently
{def} /qì/ :: [obsolete] repeatedly
亟待 {v} [formal] /jídài/ :: to wait urgently; to need urgently
亟亟 {adj} [literary] /jíjí/ :: urgent
亟盼 {v} /jípàn/ :: to earnestly hope
{def} SEE: ::
亼合 {def} SEE: 集合 ::
{def} /jí/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /jí/ :: used in personal names quick-witted; clever
{def} /jí/ :: surname
{def} /jí/ :: used in 伋伋
{def} /fān/ :: [obsolete] changing
伋伋 {adj} [literary] /jíjí/ :: deceptive
{def} [literary] /jí/ :: strong; robust
佶屈聱牙 {idiom} [of a text] /jíqū'áoyá/ :: difficult to read and understand
{def} /jí/ :: many people
{def} /jí,jì,2n/ :: [obsolete] to come near to eat
{def} /jí,jì,2n/ :: [obsolete] to approach; to come near; to be near
{def} /jí,jì,2n/ :: [obsolete] to ascend; to go up; to assume office
{def} /jí,jì,2n/ :: [obsolete] prompted by the occasion
{def} /jí,jì,2n/ :: [obsolete] though; although
{def} /jí,jì,2n/ :: [obsolete] if; assuming
{def} /jí,jì,2n/ :: [obsolete] even if; even though
{def} /jí,jì,2n/ :: [obsolete] then
{def} /jí,jì,2n/ :: [obsolete] while
{def} /jí,jì,2n/ :: [obsolete] as soon as
{def} /jí,jì,2n/ :: namely; that is; to be the same as; i.e.
{def} /jí,jì,2n/ :: [obsolete] promptly; quickly; immediately; at once
{def} /jí,jì,2n/ :: [obsolete] at present; today
{def} /jí,jì,2n/ :: surname
即便 {conj} /jíbiàn/ :: even if; even though
即便 {adv} [literary] /jíbiàn/ :: immediately
即插即用 {phrase} [computing] /jíchājíyòng/ :: plug and play
即爾 {def} SEE: 遮爾 ::
即将 {def} SEE: 即將 ::
即將 {adv} /jíjiāng/ :: about to; on the point of; going to; soon; at hand; around the corner
即今 {n} [literary] /jíjīn/ :: nowadays; these days; now
即可 {v} /jíkě/ :: to be able to; to be sufficient; to be available
即刻 {adv} /jíkè/ :: at once; immediately
即令 {conj} /jílìng/ :: even though; even if
即码 {def} SEE: 即碼 ::
即碼 {def} SEE: 這馬 ::
即墨 {prop} /Jímò/ :: surname
即墨 {prop} /Jímò/ :: (~ 區) 即墨 (district)
即墨 {prop} [historical] /Jímò/ :: an ancient place located southeast of modern-day Pingdu, Shandong province, China
即呢 {def} SEE: 遮爾 ::
即日 {n} [formal] /jírì/ :: on that day; on the same day
即日 {n} [formal] /jírì/ :: in the next few days
即日 {n} [formal] /jírì/ :: in the past few days; recently
即溶咖啡 {n} /jíróng kāfēi/ :: instant coffee
即时 {def} SEE: 即時 ::
即时通信 {def} SEE: 即時通信 ::
即时通讯 {def} SEE: 即時通訊 ::
即时新闻 {def} SEE: 即時新聞 ::
即時 {adv} [formal] /jíshí/ :: immediately; at once
即時通信 {n} [communication, computing] /jíshí tōngxìn/ :: instant messaging
即時通訊 {n} [communication, computing] /jíshí tōngxùn/ :: instant messaging
即時新聞 {n} /jíshí xīnwén/ :: breaking news
即食 {adj} [food] /jíshí/ :: instant
即食面 {def} SEE: 即食麵 ::
即食麪 {def} SEE: 即食麵 ::
即食麵 {n} [chiefly Cantonese, Hakka] /jíshímiàn/ :: instant noodles (a mass of precooked noodles)
即使 {conj} /jíshǐ/ :: even though; even if
即世 {v} [literary] /jíshì/ :: to pass away; to die
即世 {adj} [literary] /jíshì/ :: crafty; cunning; sly; tricky; treacherous
即世 {n} [literary] /jíshì/ :: contemporary times; modernity; this day and age
即事 {v} [literary] /jíshì/ :: to perform one's work; to be at one's duty; to take part in an activity
即事 {v} /jíshì/ :: to describe events or surroundings at a particular location
即是 {v} [literary] /jíshì/ :: is precisely; is none other than
即死 {v} [literary] /jísǐ/ :: to die at once
即速 {adv} [literary] /jísù/ :: immediately
即为 {def} SEE: 即為 ::
即為 {v} /jíwéi/ :: to be (considered to be); to mean
即位 {v} /jíwèi/ :: to take up a new post; to assume a new position
即位 {v} /jíwèi/ :: to ascend the throne
即席 {v} [literary] /jíxí/ :: to take one's seat
即席 {adv} /jíxí/ :: impromptu; extempore; off the cuff
即系 {def} SEE: 即係 ::
即系话 {def} SEE: 即係話 ::
即兴 {def} SEE: 即興 ::
即興 {v} /jíxìng/ :: to improvise; to extemporise
即夜 {n} [literary] /jíyè/ :: that night
即以其人之道,还治其人之身 {def} SEE: 即以其人之道,還治其人之身 ::
即以其人之道,還治其人之身 {idiom} /jí yǐ qí rén zhī dào, huán zhì qí rén zhī shēn/ :: synonym of 以其人之道,還治其人之身
即早 {adv} /jízǎo/ :: as soon as possible
即阵 {def} SEE: 即陣 ::
即陣 {def} SEE: 這陣 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jí/ :: to reach; to extend to
{def} /jí/ :: to catch up to; to reach the level of
{def} /jí/ :: to be in time for; in time
{def} /jí/ :: and; as well as
{def} /jí/ :: surname
及第 {v} [archaic] /jídì/ :: to pass an imperial examination
及耳 {classifier} /jí'ěr/ :: gill (liquid volume unit)
及格 {v} /jígé/ :: to meet the minimum standard; to pass (a test, exam, etc.)
及格線 {n} /jígéxiàn/ :: passing score (of a test)
及格线 {def} SEE: 及格線 ::
及笄 {v} /jíjī/ :: to reach marriageable age (of girls who have just turned fifteen)
及己 {n} /jíjǐ/ :: Chloranthus serratus
及齡 {v} /jílíng/ :: to reach a required age; to be of the right age
及龄 {def} SEE: 及齡 ::
及时 {def} SEE: 及時 ::
及時 {adj} /jíshí/ :: prompt; timely
及時 {adv} /jíshí/ :: promptly; timely
及物 {v} [grammar, of a verb] /jíwù/ :: to able to be followed by an object; to be transitive
及物 {adj} [grammar, attributive] /jíwù/ :: transitive
及物动词 {def} SEE: 及物動詞 ::
及物動詞 {n} [part of speech] /jíwù dòngcí/ :: transitive verb
及物性 {n} [grammar] /jíwùxìng/ :: transitivity
及早 {adv} /jízǎo/ :: as soon as possible; at an early date; before it is too late
及閘 {n} [electronics] /jízhá/ :: AND gate
及闸 {def} SEE: 及閘 ::
及至 {conj} /jízhì/ :: until
{def} /jí/ :: auspicious; lucky
{def} /jí/ :: good
{def} [Cantonese, euphemistic] /jí/ :: empty
{def} /jí/ :: abbreviation of 吉林
{def} /jí/ :: surname
吉阿吉阿語 {prop} /Jí'ā-Jí'āyǔ/ :: the Cia-Cia language
吉阿吉阿语 {def} SEE: 吉阿吉阿語 ::
吉安 {prop} /Jí'ān/ :: (~ 市) 吉安 (prefecture-level city)
吉安 {prop} /Jí'ān/ :: (~ 鄉) 吉安 (rural township)
吉貝 {n} /jíbèi/ :: Ceiba pentandra
吉貝 {n} /jíbèi/ :: alternative form of 古貝
吉貝 {prop} /jíbèi/ :: (~ 村) 吉貝 (rural village)
吉贝 {def} SEE: 吉貝 ::
吉卜賽 {adj} /Jíbǔsài/ :: Romani; Gypsy
吉卜賽人 {n} /jíbǔsàirén/ :: Romani people; Gypsy
吉卜赛 {def} SEE: 吉卜賽 ::
吉卜赛人 {def} SEE: 吉卜賽人 ::
吉布地 {prop} [Taiwan] /Jíbùdì/ :: 吉布地 (country)
吉布地 {prop} [Taiwan] /Jíbùdì/ :: 吉布地 (capital city)
吉布提 {prop} [Mainland China] /Jíbùtí/ :: 吉布提 (country)
吉布提 {prop} [Mainland China] /Jíbùtí/ :: 吉布提 (capital city)
吉川 {prop} /Jíchuān/ :: (~ 市) 吉川 (city)
吉达 {def} SEE: 吉達 ::
吉達 {prop} /Jídá/ :: Jeddah
吉打 {prop} /Jídǎ/ :: 吉打 (state)
吉大 {prop} /Jídà/ :: abbreviation of
吉大港 {prop} /Jídàgǎng/ :: Chittagong
吉胆岛 {def} SEE: 吉膽島 ::
吉膽島 {prop} /Jídǎndǎo/ :: 吉膽島 (island)
吉尔吉斯 {def} SEE: 吉爾吉斯 ::
吉尔吉斯人 {def} SEE: 吉爾吉斯人 ::
吉尔吉斯斯坦 {def} SEE: 吉爾吉斯斯坦 ::
吉尔吉斯语 {def} SEE: 吉爾吉斯語 ::
吉尔摩 {def} SEE: 吉爾摩 ::
吉爾吉斯 {n} /Jí'ěrjísī/ :: (~ 人) Kyrgyz (people or person)
吉爾吉斯 {n} [historical] /Jí'ěrjísī/ :: Yenisei Kirghiz
吉爾吉斯 {prop} [Taiwan] /Jí'ěrjísī/ :: Kyrgyzstan
吉爾吉斯人 {n} /jí'ěrjísīrén/ :: Kyrgyz (person, people)
吉爾吉斯斯坦 {prop} [Mainland China] /Jí'ěrjísīsītǎn/ :: Kyrgyzstan
吉爾吉斯語 {n} /jí'ěrjísīyǔ/ :: Kyrgyz language
吉爾摩 {prop} /Jí'ěrmó/ :: Gilmore; Gilmour: an English surname
吉呷 {prop} /Jígā/ :: (~ 鄉) 吉呷 (township)
吉格代加依 {prop} /Jígédàijiāyī/ :: (~ 村) 吉格代加依 (village)
吉佳利 {prop} /Jíjiālì/ :: Kigali
吉兰丹 {def} SEE: 吉蘭丹 ::
吉蘭丹 {prop} /Jílándān/ :: (~ 州) 吉蘭丹 (state)
吉朗 {prop} /Jílǎng/ :: (~ 市) 吉朗 (city)
吉乐饼 {def} SEE: 吉樂餅 ::
吉樂餅 {n} /jílèbǐng/ :: synonym of 可樂餅
吉礼 {def} SEE: 吉禮 ::
吉禮 {v} [literary] /jílǐ/ :: to offer sacrifices (to gods, one's ancestors, etc.)
吉禮 {n} [literary] /jílǐ/ :: wedding
吉禮 {n} [literary] /jílǐ/ :: items needed for a wedding
吉里巴斯 {prop} [Taiwan] /Jílǐbāsī/ :: Kiribati
吉里巴斯語 {prop} [Taiwan] /Jílǐbāsīyǔ/ :: the Gilbertese language
吉里巴斯语 {def} SEE: 吉里巴斯語 ::
吉利 {adj} /jílì,tl/ :: auspicious; lucky; fortunate; propitious
吉利 {prop} /jílì,tl/ :: (~ 區) 吉利 (district)
吉利丁 {n} /jílìdīng/ :: gelatin
吉利吉斯 {n} [historical] /Jílìjísī/ :: Yenisei Kirghiz
吉利吉斯人 {n} [historic] /Jílìjísī rén/ :: Alternative name for 柯尔克孜人
吉列 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /jíliè/ :: cutlet
吉林 {prop} /Jílín/ :: (~ 省) 吉林 (province)
吉林 {prop} /Jílín/ :: (~ 市) 吉林 (prefecture-level city)
吉隆坡 {prop} /Jílóngpō/ :: (~ 聯邦直轄區) 吉隆坡 (capital city/and/largest city)
吉魯巴 {n} [dance] /jílǔbā/ :: jitterbug
吉鲁巴 {def} SEE: 吉魯巴 ::
吉米 {n} /jímǐ/ :: gigameter
吉米 {prop} /jímǐ/ :: Jimmy
吉米 {prop} /jímǐ/ :: (~ 鎮) zh:吉米镇 (town in Ganluo, Sichuan province, China)
吉蔑 {prop} [historical, archaic] /Jímiè/ :: Khmer
吉姆 {prop} /Jímǔ/ :: Jim
吉木萨尔 {def} SEE: 吉木薩爾 ::
吉木薩爾 {prop} /Jímùsà'ěr/ :: (~ 縣) 吉木薩爾 (county)
吉尼斯 {prop} /Jínísī/ :: Guinness
吉鋪 {n} [Cantonese] /jípù/ :: empty shop
吉铺 {def} SEE: 吉鋪 ::
吉普 {n} /jípǔ/ :: jeep (Classifier: m:輛c:架)
吉普車 {n} /jípǔchē/ :: jeep (Classifier: m:輛c:架)
吉普车 {def} SEE: 吉普車 ::
吉普賽 {adj} /Jípǔsài/ :: Romani; Gypsy
吉普賽人 {n} /jípǔsàirén/ :: Romani people; Gypsy
吉普赛 {def} SEE: 吉普賽 ::
吉普赛人 {def} SEE: 吉普賽人 ::
吉舖 {def} SEE: 吉鋪 ::
吉期 {n} /jí期/ :: wedding day
吉庆 {def} SEE: 吉慶 ::
吉慶 {adj} /jíqìng/ :: auspicious; propitious
吉慶 {n} /jíqìng/ :: auspicious occasion; happy occasion
吉慶 {n} /jíqìng/ :: (~ 卦) The combination 一上一中三下 in the Lingqijing
吉仁 {prop} /Jírén/ :: (~ 里) 吉仁 (urban village)
吉日 {n} [literary] /jírì/ :: first day of a lunar month
吉日 {n} /jírì/ :: auspicious day
吉萨 {def} SEE: 吉薩 ::
吉薩 {prop} /Jísà/ :: Giza
吉事 {n} /jíshì/ :: lucky thing
吉士 {n} [Mainland] /jíshì/ :: cheese
吉士 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /jíshì/ :: alternative name for 吉士打
吉士 {n} [literary] /jíshì/ :: virtuous person
吉士 {n} [literary, laudatory] /jíshì/ :: man
吉士 {n} [Ming and Qing dynasties] /jíshì/ :: abbreviation of 庶吉士
吉士打 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /jíshìdǎ/ :: custard
吉士粉 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /jíshìfěn/ :: custard powder
吉士酱 {def} SEE: 吉士醬 ::
吉士醬 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /jíshìjiàng/ :: custard sauce
吉首 {prop} /Jíshǒu/ :: (~ 市) 吉首 (city)
吉他 {n} [musical instrument] /jítā,tl/ :: guitar
吉他手 {n} /jítāshǒu/ :: guitarist
吉它 {def} SEE: 吉他 ::
吉田 {prop} /Jítián/ :: A Japanese surname: Yoshida
吉田 {prop} /Jítián/ :: (~ 町) 吉田 (town)
吉娃娃 {n} [chiefly Mandarin] /jíwáwa/ :: Chihuahua (dog)
吉屋 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /jíwū/ :: empty house or room; vacant room
吉祥 {adj} /jíxiáng/ :: lucky; auspicious; propitious
吉祥 {prop} /jíxiáng/ :: (~ 里) 吉祥 (urban village)
吉祥物 {n} /jíxiángwù/ :: mascot (object of luck)
吉凶 {n} /jíxiōng/ :: good or bad luck
吉亞 {prop} /Jí亚/ :: (~ 鄉) 吉亞 (township)
吉亚 {def} SEE: 吉亞 ::
吉言 {n} /jíyán/ :: lucky words; auspicious speech
吉野川 {prop} /Jíyěchuān/ :: (~ 市) 吉野川 (city)
吉仪 {def} SEE: 吉儀 ::
吉儀 {n} /jíyí/ :: small gift of thanks given by the family of the deceased to those who attend a funeral
吉兆 {n} /jízhào/ :: good omen; auspicious sign
吉孜哈克 {n} [music] /jízīhākè/ :: ghijek (Central Asian musical instrument)
{def} /jí/ :: to fire earth into brick
{def} /jí/ :: to hate
{def} /jí/ :: to envy; to be jealous
{def} /jí/ :: to hate; to resent
嫉妒 {v} /jídù/ :: to be jealous; to envy; to be envious
嫉恨 {v} /jíhèn/ :: to envy and hate; to hate out of jealousy; to resent
嫉視 {v} [literary] /jíshì/ :: to look at with hatred or envy
嫉视 {def} SEE: 嫉視 ::
嫉賢 {n} [archaic] /jíxián/ :: to be jealous toward someone of talent
嫉贤 {def} SEE: 嫉賢 ::
岌岌 {adj} [literary] /jíjí/ :: precarious
岌岌 {adj} [literary] /jíjí/ :: lofty
岌岌可危 {idiom} /jíjíkě危/ :: extremely dangerous; extremely precarious
岌头 {def} SEE: 岌頭 ::
{def} /jí,jǐ/ :: mountain ridge
{def} /jí,jǐ/ :: crista
{def} /jí/ :: rapid; quick
{def} /jí/ :: rapidly; quickly
{def} /jí/ :: urgent; pressing; critical
{def} /jí/ :: urgency; emergency
{def} /jí/ :: to hurry; to hasten
{def} /jí/ :: to be eager to help
{def} /jí/ :: irascible; hot-tempered
{def} /jí/ :: to get angry; to take offense; to be ruffled
{def} /jí/ :: to be anxious; to worry; to be worried
急巴巴 {adj} [colloquial] /jíbābā/ :: impatient; eager
急板 {n} [music] /jíbǎn/ :: presto
急变 {def} SEE: 急變 ::
急變 {n} /jíbiàn/ :: emergency; crisis
急病 {n} [medicine] /jíbìng/ :: sudden illness; acute disease
急步 {v} [formal] /jíbù/ :: to walk quickly; to run
急步 {n} [formal] /jíbù/ :: quick step; fast steps
急刹 {def} SEE: 急剎 ::
急剎 {v} /jíshā/ :: to slam on the brakes
急匆匆 {adj} /jícōngcōng/ :: hasty; hurried; in a hurry; in a rush
急促 {adj} /jícù/ :: hurried; rapid; hasty; laboured
急促 {adj} [of time] /jícù/ :: pressing; short
急待 {v} /jídài/ :: to require urgently
急待 {adv} [archaic] /jídài/ :: in such a hurry that one cannot wait
急冻 {def} SEE: 急凍 ::
急冻食品 {def} SEE: 急凍食品 ::
急凍 {v} [chiefly Cantonese] /jídòng/ :: to freeze (especially food)
急凍食品 {n} /jídòng shípǐn/ :: frozen food
急讀 {v} [Chinese linguistics] /jídú/ :: to contract two syllables into one syllable
急读 {def} SEE: 急讀 ::
急風暴雨 {idiom} /jífēngbàoyǔ/ :: hurricane; violent storms; tempests
急风暴雨 {def} SEE: 急風暴雨 ::
急腹症 {n} [medicine] /jífùzhèng/ :: acute abdomen
急功近利 {idiom} /jígōngjìnlì/ :: seek quick success and instant benefits
急聒 {v} [literary] /jí聒/ :: to argue; to quarrel
急行 {v} [literary] /jíxíng/ :: to walk hurriedly
急行 {v} [literary] /jíxíng/ :: to start doing something immediately
急行军 {def} SEE: 急行軍 ::
急行軍 {v} /jíxíngjūn/ :: to make a rapid march
急会诊 {def} SEE: 急會診 ::
急會診 {n} [medicine] /jíhuìzhěn/ :: urgent specialist consult (requested by another specialty)
急急 {adj} [literary] /jíjí/ :: eager; impatient; in a hurry
急急 {adj} [literary] /jíjí/ :: urgent; pressing
急急 {adj} [literary] /jíjí/ :: rapid; quick
急急 {adv} [literary] /jíjí/ :: hurriedly; hastily
急急脚 {def} SEE: 急急腳 ::
急急如律令 {phrase} [Taoism] /jí jí rú lǜlìng/ :: An incantation used to ward off evil spirits
急计 {def} SEE: 急計 ::
急件 {n} /jíjiàn/ :: urgent document or dispatch
急脚递 {def} SEE: 急腳遞 ::
急腳遞 {n} [historical] /jíjiǎodì/ :: a method of fast document delivery used in the Northern Song dynasty
急进 {def} SEE: 急進 ::
急进派 {def} SEE: 急進派 ::
急進 {v} /jíjìn/ :: to advance rapidly
急進 {v} [literary, of an official] /jíjìn/ :: to urgently seek promotion
急進 {adj} /jíjìn/ :: radical; extreme
急進派 {n} /jíjìnpài/ :: radicals, extremist
急就 {v} [literary] /jíjiù/ :: to achieve in a short period of time
急救 {v} [medicine] /jíjiù/ :: to provide emergency medical treatment
急救 {v} [literary] /jíjiù/ :: to conduct an emergency rescue
急救 {n} [medicine] /jíjiù/ :: first aid; emergency treatment
急救包 {n} /jíjiùbāo/ :: first aid kit
急救車 {n} /jíjiùchē/ :: ambulance
急救车 {def} SEE: 急救車 ::
急救法 {n} /jíjiùfǎ/ :: first-aid method; first-aid technique
急救箱 {n} /jíjiùxiāng/ :: first aid kit
急救药箱 {def} SEE: 急救藥箱 ::
急救藥箱 {n} /jíjiù yàoxiāng/ :: first aid kit
急剧 {def} SEE: 急劇 ::
急劇 {adj} /jíjù/ :: rapid; sudden; sharp
急遽 {adv} [literary] /jíjù/ :: rapidly; suddenly; sharply
急口令 {n} /jíkǒulìng,er/ :: tongue-twister
急令 {v} [literary] /jílìng/ :: to issue emergency instructions; to quickly issue orders
急流 {n} /jíliú/ :: rapid stream; rapid; torrent
急流勇退 {idiom} /jíliúyǒngtuì/ :: withdrawing (receding, drawing back) while ahead (often so as to avoid disaster, etc.)
急忙 {adv} /jímáng/ :: hurriedly; hastily
急难 {def} SEE: 急難 ::
急難 {v} [literary] /jínàn/ :: to assist during a crisis
急難 {n} /jínàn/ :: crisis
急尿 {n} [symptom] /jíniào/ :: urinary urgency
急尿 {v} [Cantonese] /jíniào/ :: to need to urinate
急迫 {adj} /jípò/ :: urgent; pressing; critical
急迫 {adj} /jípò/ :: hurried and brief
急起直追 {idiom} /jíqǐzhízhuī/ :: to rouse oneself immediately and catch up
急切 {adj} /jíqiè/ :: eager; impatient; in a hurry
急切 {adj} /jíqiè/ :: urgent; pressing
急且 {adj} [literary] /jíqiě/ :: hurried; hasty; all of a sudden
急烧 {def} SEE: 急燒 ::
急事 {n} /jíshì,er/ :: urgent matter
急速 {adv} /jísù/ :: quickly; rapidly
急湍 {n} [literary] /jítuān/ :: rapid stream; rapid; torrent
急务 {def} SEE: 急務 ::
急務 {n} /jíwù/ :: urgent business; pressing task
急袭 {def} SEE: 急襲 ::
急襲 {v} /jíxí/ :: to make a surprise attack
急先鋒 {n} /jíxiānfēng/ :: shock force; daring vanguard
急先锋 {def} SEE: 急先鋒 ::
急相 {n} /jíxiàng/ :: anxious expression
急性 {adj} [medicine] /jíxìng/ :: acute
急性 {adj} /jíxìng/ :: synonym of 急性子
急性病 {n} /jíxìngbìng/ :: acute disease
急性病 {n} [figuratively] /jíxìngbìng/ :: impetuosity
急性子 {adj} /jíxìngzi/ :: impatient; impetuous; quick-tempered
急性子 {n} /jíxìngzi/ :: hothead; impatient person
急需 {v} /jíxū/ :: to urgently need
急需 {n} /jíxū/ :: urgent need
急須 {def} SEE: 急需 ::
急須 {n} /jíxū/ :: a kind of pot for brewing tea or heating alcohol used in ancient China
急须 {def} SEE: 急須 ::
急要 {v} /jíyào/ :: to need something urgently
急要 {adj} [literary] /jíyào/ :: (urgently) important; vital; critical; serious; crucial
急用 {v} /jíyòng/ :: to need something urgently
急於 {v} /jíyú/ :: to be anxious; to be impatient
急於求成 {idiom} /jíyúqiúchéng/ :: to be too eager for success or accomplishments
急于 {def} SEE: 急於 ::
急于求成 {def} SEE: 急於求成 ::
急躁 {adj} /jízào/ :: irritable; irascible; bad-tempered
急躁 {adj} /jízào/ :: rash; impetuous; impatient
急診 {v} /jízhěn/ :: to seek emergency medical treatment
急診 {n} /jízhěn/ :: emergency department; emergency room
急診科 {n} /jízhěnkē/ :: emergency department
急診室 {n} /jízhěn室/ :: emergency department; emergency room; A&E; accident and emergency
急诊 {def} SEE: 急診 ::
急诊科 {def} SEE: 急診科 ::
急诊室 {def} SEE: 急診室 ::
急症 {n} [medicine] /jízhèng/ :: emergency case; urgent case
急症室 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /jízhèng室/ :: emergency room
急中生智 {idiom} /jízhōngshēngzhì/ :: to suddenly come up with a solution in an emergency
急驟 {adj} /jí骤/ :: sudden and drastic; hurried
急骤 {def} SEE: 急驟 ::
急轉彎 {v} [of path] /jízhuǎnwān,er/ :: to curve sharply
急轉彎 {v} [figurative] /jízhuǎnwān,er/ :: to make a sudden change
急轉直下 {idiom} /jízhuǎnzhíxià/ :: to suddenly and rapidly worsen or deteriorate; to take a turn for the worse
急转弯 {def} SEE: 急轉彎 ::
急转直下 {def} SEE: 急轉直下 ::
{def} /jí/ :: to store up (weapons)
{def} /jí/ :: to draw back; to fold back
{def} /jí/ :: to stop; to put an end to
戢鱗 {n} [literary, of fish] /jílín/ :: to stop swimming
戢鱗 {n} [literary] /jílín/ :: to harbor ambition and bide one's time
戢鳞 {def} SEE: 戢鱗 ::
{def} SEE: ::
擮调 {def} SEE: 擮調 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jí/ :: [historical dictionaries] wooden rack on donkey
{def} /jí/ :: [historical dictionaries] to insert
极差 {def} SEE: 極差 ::
极盛 {def} SEE: 極盛 ::
极大 {def} SEE: 極大 ::
极大值 {def} SEE: 極大值 ::
极道 {def} SEE: 極道 ::
极地 {def} SEE: 極地 ::
极点 {def} SEE: 極點 ::
极东 {def} SEE: 極東 ::
极度 {def} SEE: 極度 ::
极端 {def} SEE: 極端 ::
极端化 {def} SEE: 極端化 ::
极端民族主义 {def} SEE: 極端民族主義 ::
极端主义 {def} SEE: 極端主義 ::
极高 {def} SEE: 極高 ::
极光 {def} SEE: 極光 ::
极好 {def} SEE: 極好 ::
极化 {def} SEE: 極化 ::
极加 {def} SEE: 極加 ::
极简主义 {def} SEE: 極簡主義 ::
极客 {def} SEE: 極客 ::
极乐 {def} SEE: 極樂 ::
极乐鸟 {def} SEE: 極樂鳥 ::
极乐世界 {def} SEE: 極樂世界 ::
极乐仔 {def} SEE: 極樂仔 ::
极了 {def} SEE: 極了 ::
极力 {def} SEE: 極力 ::
极力子 {def} SEE: 極力子 ::
极你济 {def} SEE: 極你濟 ::
极品 {def} SEE: 極品 ::
极其 {def} SEE: 極其 ::
极权 {def} SEE: 極權 ::
极权主义 {def} SEE: 極權主義 ::
极少 {def} SEE: 極少 ::
极少数 {def} SEE: 極少數 ::
极是 {def} SEE: 極是 ::
极死 {def} SEE: 極死 ::
极体 {def} SEE: 極體 ::
极为 {def} SEE: 極為 ::
极限 {def} SEE: 極限 ::
极限运动 {def} SEE: 極限運動 ::
极小 {def} SEE: 極小 ::
极小值 {def} SEE: 極小值 ::
极刑 {def} SEE: 極刑 ::
极性 {def} SEE: 極性 ::
极性共价键 {def} SEE: 極性共價鍵 ::
极性键 {def} SEE: 極性鍵 ::
极阳 {def} SEE: 極陽 ::
极夜 {def} SEE: 極夜 ::
极右 {def} SEE: 極右 ::
极值 {def} SEE: 極值 ::
极值点 {def} SEE: 極值點 ::
极致 {def} SEE: 極致 ::
极轴 {def} SEE: 極軸 ::
极昼 {def} SEE: 極晝 ::
极左 {def} SEE: 極左 ::
极坐标 {def} SEE: 極坐標 ::
{def} /jí/ :: jujube tree
{def} /jí/ :: thorns, brambles
棘层 {def} SEE: 棘層 ::
棘層 {n} [anatomy] /jícéng/ :: stratum spinosum
棘龍 {n} /jílóng/ :: Spinosaurus (genus)
棘龙 {def} SEE: 棘龍 ::
棘皮动物 {def} SEE: 棘皮動物 ::
棘皮動物 {n} [zoology] /jípí dòngwù/ :: echinoderm
棘上肌 {n} [anatomy] /jíshàngjī/ :: supraspinatus
棘手 {adj} [literally] /jíshǒu/ :: thorny
棘手 {adj} [figuratively] /jíshǒu/ :: difficult to handle; thorny; troublesome; knotty; prickly
{def} /jí/ :: oar, paddle
{def} /jí/ :: [obsolete] ridgepole; ridgepiece
{def} /jí/ :: [obsolete] highest position; top rank
{def} /jí/ :: [obsolete] throne; seat of state
{def} /jí/ :: [obsolete] highest point; top; peak
{def} /jí/ :: extremity; limit; end; utmost point
{def} /jí/ :: extreme; of the highest degree; utmost; furthest; final
{def} /jí/ :: extremely; exceedingly; very
{def} /jí/ :: [obsolete] highest norm; highest standard
{def} [geography, physics] /jí/ :: pole
{def} [astronomy] /jí/ :: Polaris
{def} /jí/ :: quindecillion(1048)
{def} /jí/ :: [obsolete] to reach (the limit or standard)
{def} /jí/ :: [obsolete] to exhaust; to do one's utmost
{def} /jí/ :: [obsolete] to study deeply; to examine deeply
{def} /jí/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /jí/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /jí/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /qì/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
極差 {n} [statistics] /jíchā/ :: range
極差 {adj} /jíchà/ :: extremely bad; terrible
極盛 {adj} [formal] /jíshèng/ :: most flourishing; prime; greatest
極大 {adj} /jídà/ :: extremely big; enormous
極大 {n} /jídà/ :: maximum
極大值 {n} [mathematics] /jídàzhí/ :: maximum (e.g. of a function)
極道 {n} /jídào/ :: the Japanese yakuza
極地 {n} [geography] /jídì/ :: polar region
極點 {n} /jídiǎn/ :: extreme point; limit
極點 {n} [figuratively] /jídiǎn/ :: extreme
極東 {prop} /Jídōng/ :: Far East (East and Southeast Asia)
極度 {adv} /jídù/ :: extremely; exceedingly; to the utmost; wildly; desperately
極度 {n} /jídù/ :: extreme point; limit
極端 {n} /jíduān/ :: extreme
極端 {adj} /jíduān/ :: extreme
極端 {adv} /jíduān/ :: extremely
極端化 {v} /jíduānhuà/ :: to extremize
極端民族主義 {n} /jíduān mínzúzhǔyì/ :: ultranationalism
極端主義 {n} /jíduānzhǔyì/ :: extremism (extreme ideas or actions)
極高 {adj} /jígāo/ :: sky-high; very high
極光 {n} /jíguāng/ :: aurora; polar lights
極好 {adj} /jíhǎo/ :: excellent; fabulous; superb
極化 {n} [electromagnetics] /jíhuà/ :: polarization
極化 {v} [electromagnetics] /jíhuà/ :: to polarize
極簡主義 {n} /jíjiǎn zhǔyì/ :: minimalism
極客 {n} [neologism, slang] /jíkè/ :: geek
極樂 {n} [Buddhism] /jílè/ :: bliss; paradise
極樂鳥 {n} /jílèniǎo/ :: bird of paradise
極樂世界 {n} [Buddhism] /jílè shìjiè/ :: sukhavati; Western paradise
極樂世界 {n} [figurative] /jílè shìjiè/ :: paradise
極了 {postp} /jíle/ :: extremely
極力 {adv} /jílì/ :: sparing no effort; at all costs; doing one's utmost
極品 {n} /jípǐn/ :: best quality or highest grade goods
極品 {n} /jípǐn/ :: highest official rank
極品 {n} [neologism, ironic] /jípǐn/ :: person with an unpleasantly distinctive personality; piece of work; jerk; pain in the arse
極其 {adv} /jíqí/ :: extremely; very
極權 {n} /jíquán/ :: totalitarian power
極權主義 {n} /jíquánzhǔyì/ :: totalitarianism
極少 {adj} /jíshǎo/ :: extremely few
極少數 {adj} /jíshǎoshù/ :: extremely few; tiny minority; a handful
極是 {adj} /jíshì/ :: very correct
極是 {adv} /jíshì/ :: indeed
極體 {n} [biology] /jítǐ/ :: polar body
極為 {adv} /jíwéi/ :: extremely; exceedingly
極限 {n} /jíxiàn/ :: limit; maximum
極限 {n} [mathematics] /jíxiàn/ :: limit
極限運動 {n} /jíxiànyùndòng/ :: extreme sport
極小 {adj} /jíxiǎo/ :: minimal
極小 {adj} /jíxiǎo/ :: extremely small; minute
極小 {n} /jíxiǎo/ :: minimum
極小值 {n} [mathematics] /jíxiǎozhí/ :: minimum (e.g. of a function)
極刑 {n} /jíxíng/ :: capital punishment; death penalty
極性 {n} [physics, chemistry] /jíxìng/ :: polarity
極性共價鍵 {n} [physical chemistry] /jíxìng gòngjiàjiàn/ :: polar covalent bond
極性鍵 {n} [physical chemistry] /jíxìngjiàn/ :: abbreviation of 極性共價鍵
極陽 {n} /jíyáng/ :: the tenth of the ten heavenly stems (*癸) in the tenth month of the lunar calendar
極陽 {n} [literary] /jíyáng/ :: sun
極陽 {n} [literary] /jíyáng/ :: monarch; emperor
極夜 {n} /jíyè/ :: polar night
極右 {adj} /jíyòu/ :: far right, ultraright
極值 {n} [mathematics] /jízhí/ :: extreme value; extremum
極值點 {n} [mathematics] /jízhídiǎn/ :: extreme point; extremum
極致 {n} /jízhì/ :: peak; pinnacle; extreme; ultimate achievement
極軸 {n} [mathematics] /jízhóu,er/ :: polar axis
極晝 {n} /jízhòu/ :: midnight sun
極左 {adj} /jízuǒ/ :: far left, ultraleft
極坐標 {n} [mathematics] /jízuòbiāo/ :: polar coordinates
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jí/ :: to put to death
{def} /jí/ :: to imprison for life
{def} /jí/ :: to draw water from a well
{def} /jí/ :: to imbibe; to take in; to absorb
{def} /jí/ :: [obsolete] to guide; to assist
{def} /jí/ :: [obsolete] to nominate; to recommend a person
{def} /jí/ :: only used in 汲汲
{def} /jí/ :: surname
汲汲 {adj} [ideophonic, literary] /jíjí/ :: eager (for); intent (on); hurried
汲汲 {adj} [ideophonic, literary] /jíjí/ :: anxious; uneasy; worried
汲汲 {adj} [ideophonic, literary] /jíjí/ :: deferential; cautious
汲汲 {adj} [ideophonic, literary] /jíjí/ :: alternative form of 岌岌
汲汲 {adj} [ideophonic, literary] /jíjí/ :: devious; treacherous
汲汲 {v} [literary] /jíjí/ :: to strive one's hardest to seek
汲取 {v} [literally, figuratively] /jíqǔ/ :: to draw; to derive (from a lesson, experience, etc.)
汲水 {v} /jíshuǐ/ :: to draw water
{def} /jí/ :: used in 湒湒
{def} /jí/ :: gentle and mild-mannered; sweet-tempered
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jí/ :: a peaceful and tranquil river
{def} /jí/ :: many
{def} /jí/ :: used in 濈濈
{def} /jí/ :: used in 濈然
{def} /shà/ :: only used in 𣹱濈
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jí/ :: [obsolete] a kind of animal
{def} /jí/ :: swift; quick
{def} /jí/ :: strong; forceful
{def} /jí/ :: illness; disease; sickness
{def} /jí/ :: to ache; to be painful
{def} /jí/ :: to hate; to loathe
疾病 {n} /jíbìng/ :: disease; illness
疾病头 {def} SEE: 疾病頭 ::
疾步 {n} [literary] /jíbù/ :: quick step; fast steps
疾馳 {v} [literary] /jíchí/ :: to speed along; to run at great speed
疾驰 {def} SEE: 疾馳 ::
疾風 {n} /jífēng/ :: gale; strong blast of wind
疾風 {n} /jífēng/ :: force 7 wind
疾風勁草 {idiom} /jífēngjìngcǎo/ :: only the toughest grass can stand strong winds
疾風勁草 {idiom} [figuratively] /jífēngjìngcǎo/ :: to show one's true colors after a stern test
疾風知勁草 {idiom} /jífēngzhījìngcǎo/ :: only the toughest grass can stand strong winds
疾風知勁草 {idiom} [figuratively] /jífēngzhījìngcǎo/ :: to show one's true colors after a stern test
疾风 {def} SEE: 疾風 ::
疾风劲草 {def} SEE: 疾風勁草 ::
疾风知劲草 {def} SEE: 疾風知勁草 ::
疾行 {v} [literary] /jíxíng/ :: to race; to go as fast as one can
疾患 {n} [formal] /jíhuàn/ :: ailment; disease
疾控 {v} [usually, attributive] /jíkòng/ :: to prevent and control diseases
疾苦 {n} /jíkǔ/ :: sufferings (of people); hardships; pain and difficulties
疾忙 {adv} [literary] /jímáng/ :: hurriedly; hastily
疾視 {v} [classical] /jíshì/ :: to glower; to glare
疾视 {def} SEE: 疾視 ::
疾首 {v} [literary] /jíshǒu/ :: to have a headache due to extreme infuriation; to hate bitterly
疾走 {v} /jízǒu/ :: to dash; to sprint; to scamper; to scurry; to run quickly
瘠薄 {adj} /jíbó/ :: barren (not producing vegetation); infertile
瘠薄 {adj} [literary] /jíbó/ :: meager; scanty; negligible
瘠薄 {n} [literary] /jíbó/ :: barren land; infertile field
瘠薄 {n} [literary] /jíbó/ :: impoverished region
瘠薄 {n} [literary] /jíbó/ :: impoverished residents
瘠田 {n} /jítián/ :: barren land; infertile land
{def} SEE: ::
秸秆 {def} SEE: 秸稈 ::
秸稈 {n} /jiēgǎn/ :: straw
{def} /jí/ :: box for storing books
{def} /jí/ :: to carry
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jí/ :: books
笈多 {prop} [historical] /Jíduō/ :: Gupta (empire)
笈多王朝 {prop} /Jíduō Wángcháo/ :: Gupta Empire
箿 {def} /jí/ :: to weave the rim or edge of bamboo wares
{def} /jí/ :: record; register; list
{def} /jí/ :: hometown
{def} /jí/ :: census
{def} /jí/ :: surname
籍貫 {n} /jíguàn/ :: place of origin or birth; one's native country or region
籍贯 {def} SEE: 籍貫 ::
籍沒 {v} [archaic] /jímò/ :: to register wealthy families (in order for the government to collect revenue if needed)
籍没 {def} SEE: 籍沒 ::
{def} /jí/ :: level; rank; class
{def} /jí/ :: grade
{def} /jí/ :: [obsolete] classifier for human heads
級別 {n} /jíbié/ :: level; rank; grade; ranking
級會 {n} [education] /jíhuì/ :: class meeting
級任 {n} /jírèn/ :: (~ 老師) [chiefly Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, dated in Mainland, education] class teacher; form master (at the primary and secondary level)
級數 {n} [mathematics] /jíshù,er/ :: series
{def} SEE: ::
级别 {def} SEE: 級別 ::
级会 {def} SEE: 級會 ::
级任 {def} SEE: 級任 ::
级声 {def} SEE: 級聲 ::
级数 {def} SEE: 級數 ::
{def} /jí,jiè/ :: to plough
{def} [anatomy] /jǐ,jí,1n/ :: spine; backbone
{def} [of terrain, rooms, etc.] /jǐ,jí,1n/ :: ridgeline; ridge; spine; ridge beam
{def} [of books, knives, etc.] /jǐ,jí,1n/ :: spine
{def} /jǐ,jí,1n/ :: surname
脊背 {n} /jǐbèi/ :: back (of a human being or any other vertebrate)
脊椎 {n} /jǐzhuī,jízhuī,1nb/ :: spine; backbone
脊椎 {n} /jǐzhuī,jízhuī,1nb/ :: vertebra
脊椎动物 {def} SEE: 脊椎動物 ::
脊椎動物 {n} /jǐzhuī dòngwù/ :: vertebrate
脊椎骨 {n} /jǐzhuīgǔ/ :: vertebra
脊椎腔 {n} [chiefly Taiwan, anatomy] /jǐzhuīqiāng/ :: spinal canal
脊椎炎 {n} [diseases] /jǐzhuīyán/ :: spondylitis
脊骨 {n} /jǐgǔ/ :: backbone
脊灰 {n} [disease] /jǐhuī/ :: abbreviation of 脊髓灰質炎
脊灰炎 {n} [disease] /jǐhuīyán/ :: abbreviation of 脊髓灰質炎
脊梁 {def} SEE: 脊樑 ::
脊梁骨 {def} SEE: 脊樑骨 ::
脊樑 {n} [anatomy, colloquial] /jǐliang,jǐliáng,jíliáng,3tl/ :: backbone; spine
脊樑 {n} [figurative] /jǐliang,jǐliáng,jíliáng,3tl/ :: backbone; mainstay; core
脊樑 {n} [Mandarin, colloquial] /jǐliang,jǐliáng,jíniang,jíning,1nb/ :: back (rear of the body)
脊樑骨 {n} [anatomy] /jǐlianggǔ,jǐliánggǔ,2nb/ :: spine; vertebra; backbone
脊樑骨 {n} [figurative] /jǐlianggǔ,jǐliánggǔ,2nb/ :: backbone; courage; ambition
脊樑骨 {n} [figurative] /jǐlianggǔ,jǐliánggǔ,2nb/ :: backbone; mainstay; core
脊神經 {n} [neuroanatomy] /jǐshénjīng/ :: spinal nerve
脊神经 {def} SEE: 脊神經 ::
脊髓 {n} /jǐsuǐ,jísuǐ,2nb/ :: spinal cord
脊髓灰質炎 {n} [disease] /jǐsuǐ huī质yán/ :: poliomyelitis; polio
脊髓灰质炎 {def} SEE: 脊髓灰質炎 ::
脊索 {n} /jǐsuǒ/ :: notochord
脊索动物 {def} SEE: 脊索動物 ::
脊索動物 {n} [zoology] /jǐsuǒ dòngwù/ :: chordate
脊医 {def} SEE: 脊醫 ::
脊醫 {n} /jǐyī/ :: chiropractor
脊柱 {n} [anatomy] /jǐzhù/ :: vertebral column; spinal column; backbone; spine
脊柱侧弯 {def} SEE: 脊柱側彎 ::
脊柱側彎 {n} [diseases] /jǐzhù cèwān/ :: scoliosis
脊柱裂 {n} [pathology] /jǐzhùliè/ :: spina bifida
脊柱炎 {n} [diseases] /jǐzhùyán/ :: spondylitis
{def} /jí/ :: only used in 蒺藜
蒺蔾 {def} SEE: 蒺藜 ::
蒺藜 {n} /jílí/ :: caltrop; starthistle
蒺藜 {n} /jílí/ :: barbed object
{def} /jí/ :: Houttuynia cordata (an herb used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat boils and to reduce "damp-heat")
蕺菜 {n} /jícài/ :: Houttuynia cordata (an herb used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat boils and to reduce "damp-heat")
{def} /jiè/ :: pad, mat
{def} /jiè/ :: to pave
{def} /jiè/ :: to lean on
{def} /jiè/ :: to rely on
{def} /jiè/ :: even if
{def} /jí/ :: messy, in disorder
{def} /jí/ :: tax
{def} /jí/ :: to pay tribute
{def} /jí/ :: to tie
{def} /jí/ :: to bully
{def} /jí/ :: to take good care of
{def} /jí/ :: to record
{def} /jí/ :: alternative form of
{def} /jí/ :: surname
藉端 {v} /jièduān/ :: to find an excuse
藉故 {v} /jiègù/ :: to find an excuse
藉口 {n} /jièkǒu/ :: excuse; pretext
藉口 {v} /jièkǒu/ :: to use as an excuse
藉以 {conj} /jièyǐ/ :: so as to, for the purpose of, in order to
藉由 {conj} /jièyóu/ :: relying on, through
藉著 {prep} /jièzhe/ :: by means of; by; through
{def} /jí/ :: only used in 蝍蛆
{def} /jí/ :: [historical dictionaries] winged insect
蝍蛆 {n} [literary] /jíjū,jiéjū/ :: alternative name for 蜈蚣
蝍蛆 {n} [literary] /jíjū,jiéjū/ :: alternative name for 蟋蟀
{def} /jí/ :: only used in 螏蟍
{def} [literary] /jí/ :: collar
{def} [literary] /jí/ :: to walk with small steps
{def} /jí/ :: to gather up; to collect
{def} /jí/ :: to edit; to compile
{def} /jí/ :: classifier for parts or volumes of a book or other literary work
輯錄 {v} /jílù/ :: to compile (into a book, etc.)
輯佚 {v} /jíyì/ :: to compile lost texts
輯佚 {n} /jíyì/ :: compilation of lost texts (often in book titles)
輯逸 {def} SEE: 輯佚 ::
{def} SEE: ::
辑录 {def} SEE: 輯錄 ::
辑佚 {def} SEE: 輯佚 ::
辑逸 {def} SEE: 輯逸 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jí/ :: to collect; to gather
{def} /jí/ :: collection; set
{def} /jí/ :: episode
集安 {prop} /Jí'ān/ :: (~ 市) 集安 (city)
集兵練卒 {v} [archaic] /jí bīng liàn zú/ :: to gather and train an army
集兵练卒 {def} SEE: 集兵練卒 ::
集成 {v} /jíchéng/ :: to collect; to compile
集成 {v} [electronics] /jíchéng/ :: to integrate
集成 {n} /jíchéng/ :: collection; compilation
集成电路 {def} SEE: 集成電路 ::
集成電路 {n} [Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, electronics] /jíchéng diànlù/ :: integrated circuit
集成显卡 {def} SEE: 集成顯卡 ::
集成顯卡 {n} [computing] /jíchéng xiǎnkǎ/ :: integrated graphics card
集萃 {v} /jícuì/ :: to gather together
集大成 {v} /jídàchéng/ :: to be a comprehensive expression of, to be an agglomeration of, to epitomise
集合 {vti} /jíhé/ :: to assemble; to gather
集合 {n} [set theory] /jíhé/ :: set
集合管 {n} [anatomy] /jíhéguǎn/ :: collecting duct
集合論 {n} /jíhélùn/ :: set theory
集合论 {def} SEE: 集合論 ::
集合名詞 {n} /jíhé míngcí/ :: collective noun
集合名词 {def} SEE: 集合名詞 ::
集会 {def} SEE: 集會 ::
集会自由 {def} SEE: 集會自由 ::
集會 {v} /jíhuì/ :: to assemble; to meet; to gather
集會 {v} /jíhuì/ :: to gather for a meeting
集會自由 {n} /jíhuì zìyóu/ :: freedom of assembly
集集 {prop} /Jíjí/ :: (~ 鎮) 集集 (urban township)
集結 {v} /jíjié/ :: to concentrate (troops); to assemble; to build up; to mass; to accumulate
集結 {n} /jíjié/ :: Buddhist councils
集结 {def} SEE: 集結 ::
集解 {n} /jíjiě/ :: collected commentaries (often used in book titles)
集錦 {n} /jíjǐn/ :: collection of choice specimens (usually used in book titles); collection of the best of something
集锦 {def} SEE: 集錦 ::
集聚 {vi} /jíjù/ :: to gather; to congregate
集聚 {vt} /jíjù/ :: to amass; to gather
集刊 {n} /jíkān/ :: collected papers
集录 {def} SEE: 集錄 ::
集錄 {v} /jílù/ :: to collect and compile
集美 {prop} /Jíměi/ :: (~ 區) 集美 (district)
集尿管 {n} [anatomy] /jíniàoguǎn/ :: collecting duct
集权 {def} SEE: 集權 ::
集權 {v} /jíquán/ :: to centralize power; to run a dictatorship; to practice totalitarianism
集群 {v} /jíqún/ :: to gather together; to assemble
集群 {n} /jíqún/ :: cluster; clan; group; colony
集日 {n} /jírì/ :: market day
集事 {v} [literary] /jíshì/ :: to accomplish a task; to succeed; to complete a mission
集市 {n} /jíshì/ :: country fair; open-air market
集释 {def} SEE: 集釋 ::
集釋 {n} /jíshì/ :: collected commentaries (often used in book titles)
集束 {adj} [attributive] /jíshù/ :: cluster; bundled up
集水 {v} /jíshuǐ/ :: to catch water; to collect water
集思广益 {def} SEE: 集思廣益 ::
集思廣益 {idiom} /jísīguǎngyì/ :: pool the wisdom of the group
集体 {def} SEE: 集體 ::
集体福利 {def} SEE: 集體福利 ::
集体户 {def} SEE: 集體戶 ::
集体户口 {def} SEE: 集體戶口 ::
集体化 {def} SEE: 集體化 ::
集体回忆 {def} SEE: 集體回憶 ::
集体婚礼 {def} SEE: 集體婚禮 ::
集体记忆 {def} SEE: 集體記憶 ::
集体经济 {def} SEE: 集體經濟 ::
集体农庄 {def} SEE: 集體農莊 ::
集体所有制 {def} SEE: 集體所有制 ::
集体舞 {def} SEE: 集體舞 ::
集体照 {def} SEE: 集體照 ::
集体主义 {def} SEE: 集體主義 ::
集體 {n} /jítǐ/ :: group; collective; team; community (Classifier: m:個)
集體 {adj} [attributive] /jítǐ/ :: collective; communal; social
集體福利 {n} /jítǐ fúlì/ :: collective welfare
集體戶 {n} /jítǐhù/ :: collective household
集體戶口 {n} /jítǐ hùkǒu/ :: collective registered residence
集體化 {n} /jítǐhuà/ :: collectivization (the act of collectivizing)
集體化 {v} /jítǐhuà/ :: to collectivize
集體回憶 {n} [sociology] /jítǐ huíyì/ :: collective memory
集體婚禮 {n} /jítǐ hūnlǐ/ :: group wedding
集體記憶 {n} [sociology] /jítǐ jìyì/ :: collective memory
集體經濟 {n} [economics] /jítǐ jīngjì/ :: collective economy
集體農莊 {n} /jítǐ nóngzhuāng/ :: kolkhoz, collective farm
集體所有制 {n} /jítǐ #suǒyǒuzhì/ :: collective ownership (lower form of socialist ownership under which major means of production and its products are owned collectively by a collective of laborers)
集體舞 {n} /jítǐwǔ/ :: group dancing; group dance
集體照 {n} /jítǐzhào/ :: group photo
集體主義 {n} /jítǐzhǔyì/ :: collectivism
集团 {def} SEE: 集團 ::
集团军 {def} SEE: 集團軍 ::
集團 {n} [business] /jítuán/ :: group (commercial organization); conglomerate; corporation
集團 {n} /jítuán/ :: circle (group of people with shared interests); community; clique; ring; bloc
集團軍 {n} [military] /jítuánjūn/ :: group army
集賢 {prop} /Jíxián/ :: (~ 縣) 集賢 (county)
集贤 {def} SEE: 集賢 ::
集显 {def} SEE: 集顯 ::
集顯 {n} /jíxiǎn/ :: abbreviation of 集成顯卡
集線器 {n} /jíxiànqì/ :: hub (computer networking device)
集线器 {def} SEE: 集線器 ::
集选区 {def} SEE: 集選區 ::
集選區 {n} [Singapore, politics] /jíxuǎnqū/ :: group representation constituency
集訓 {v} /jíxùn/ :: to assemble for training
集训 {def} SEE: 集訓 ::
集約 {adj} [attributive] /jíyuē/ :: intensive
集約化 {v} /jíyuēhuà/ :: to intensify
集腋成裘 {idiom} /jí腋chéngqiú/ :: many small contributions add up to something big; many a mickle makes a muckle
集邮 {def} SEE: 集郵 ::
集郵 {v} /jíyóu/ :: to collect stamps (as a hobby)
集郵 {n} /jíyóu/ :: stamp collecting; philately
集约 {def} SEE: 集約 ::
集约化 {def} SEE: 集約化 ::
集韵 {def} SEE: 集韻 ::
集韻 {prop} /Jíyùn/ :: Jiyun (a rime dictionary)
集鎮 {n} /jízhèn/ :: town
集镇 {def} SEE: 集鎮 ::
集中 {v} /jízhōng/ :: to concentrate; to focus
集中 {v} /jízhōng/ :: to bring together; to assemble; to converge
集中 {v} /jízhōng/ :: to centralise
集中 {adj} /jízhōng/ :: centralised
集中趨勢度量 {n} [statistics, probability] /jízhōng qūshì dùliàng/ :: measure of central tendency
集中趋势度量 {def} SEE: 集中趨勢度量 ::
集中營 {n} /jízhōngyíng/ :: concentration camp
集中营 {def} SEE: 集中營 ::
集注 {n} /jízhù/ :: collected commentaries; variorum (usually used in book titles)
集注 {v} /jízhù/ :: to focus; to concentrate on
集装箱 {def} SEE: 集裝箱 ::
集裝箱 {n} [Mainland] /jízhuāngxiāng/ :: shipping container
集資 {v} /jízī/ :: to raise funds; to collect money; to accumulate funds
集资 {def} SEE: 集資 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jí/ :: Used in componds below
鶺鴒 {n} /jílíng/ :: wagtail
鶺趒 {def} SEE: 𪁎趒 ::
{def} SEE: ::
鹡鸰 {def} SEE: 鶺鴒 ::
鹡趒 {def} SEE: 鶺趒 ::
{def} /jǐ,jí,1n/ :: to hold
{def} /jī,jǐ,2nb/ :: [obsolete] stool; chair
{def} /jī,jǐ,2nb/ :: long narrow table; bench
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: 𠘧 ::
{def} /jī,jǐ,2nb/ :: small table
几案 {n} [literary] /jī'àn/ :: a kind of long, narrow table
几案 {n} [literary] /jī'àn/ :: table; desk
几曾 {def} SEE: 幾曾 ::
几点 {def} SEE: 幾點 ::
几点了 {def} SEE: 幾點了 ::
几点钟 {def} SEE: 幾點鐘 ::
几钿 {def} SEE: 幾鈿 ::
几丁质 {def} SEE: 幾丁質 ::
几多 {def} SEE: 幾多 ::
几多钱 {def} SEE: 幾多錢 ::
几多银 {def} SEE: 幾多銀 ::
几番 {def} SEE: 幾番 ::
几分 {def} SEE: 幾分 ::
几个 {def} SEE: 幾個 ::
几哈 {def} SEE: 幾哈 ::
几好 {def} SEE: 幾好 ::
几号 {def} SEE: 幾號 ::
几何 {def} SEE: 幾何 ::
几何分布 {def} SEE: 幾何分佈 ::
几何光学 {def} SEE: 幾何光學 ::
几何级数 {def} SEE: 幾何級數 ::
几何平均数 {def} SEE: 幾何平均數 ::
几何学 {def} SEE: 幾何學 ::
几乎 {def} SEE: 幾乎 ::
几化 {def} SEE: 幾化 ::
几家欢乐几家愁 {def} SEE: 幾家歡樂幾家愁 ::
几解 {def} SEE: 幾解 ::
几经 {def} SEE: 幾經 ::
几久 {def} SEE: 幾久 ::
几镭 {def} SEE: 幾鐳 ::
几落 {def} SEE: 幾若 ::
几率 {def} SEE: 幾率 ::
几耐 {def} SEE: 幾耐 ::
几内亚 {def} SEE: 幾內亞 ::
几内亚比绍 {def} SEE: 幾內亞比紹 ::
几内亚比索 {def} SEE: 幾內亞比索 ::
几年 {def} SEE: 幾年 ::
几钱 {def} SEE: 幾錢 ::
几日 {def} SEE: 幾日 ::
几若 {def} SEE: 幾若 ::
几生修到 {def} SEE: 幾生修到 ::
几十 {def} SEE: 幾十 ::
几时 {def} SEE: 幾時 ::
几岁 {def} SEE: 幾歲 ::
几天 {def} SEE: 幾天 ::
几维鸟 {def} SEE: 幾維鳥 ::
几位 {def} SEE: 幾位 ::
几下 {def} SEE: 幾下 ::
几许 {def} SEE: 幾許 ::
{def} /jǐ/ :: self; oneself
{def} /jǐ/ :: personal; private
{def} /jǐ/ :: the sixth of the ten heavenly stems
{def} /jǐ/ :: surname
己丑 {n} /jǐchǒu/ :: The twenty-sixth term of the Chinese sexagenary cycle, sometimes glossed as "Earth Ox" from its associated terms in the Chinese elements and zodiac
己醇 {n} [organic compound] /jǐchún/ :: hexanol
己二酸 {n} [organic compound] /jǐ'èrsuān/ :: adipic acid; hexanedioic acid
己二烯 {n} [organic compound] /jǐ'èrxī/ :: hexadiene
己方 {n} /jǐfāng/ :: one's own party; one's own side
己炔 {n} [organic compound] /jǐquē/ :: hexyne
己亥 {n} /jǐhài/ :: The thirty-sixth term of the Chinese sexagenary cycle, sometimes glossed as "Earth Pig" from its associated terms in the Chinese elements and zodiac
己基 {n} [organic chemistry] /jǐjī/ :: hexyl
己見 {n} /jǐjiàn/ :: own's own views
己见 {def} SEE: 己見 ::
己立立人,己达达人 {def} SEE: 己立立人,己達達人 ::
己立立人,己達達人 {proverb} /jǐ lì lì rén, jǐ dá dá rén/ :: live and let live
己卯 {n} /jǐmǎo/ :: The sixteenth term of the Chinese sexagenary cycle, sometimes glossed as "Earth Rabbit" from its associated terms in the Chinese elements and zodiac
己醛 {n} [organic compound] /jǐquán/ :: hexanal; hexanaldehyde
己任 {n} [formal] /jǐrèn/ :: one's duty
己巳 {n} /jǐsì/ :: The sixth term of the Chinese sexagenary cycle, sometimes glossed as "Earth Snake" from its associated terms in the Chinese elements and zodiac
己酸 {n} [fatty acid] /jǐsuān/ :: hexanoic acid; caproic acid
己所不欲,勿施於人 {idiom} /jǐsuǒ不yù wùshīyúrén/ :: Do not do unto others what you would not like others to do unto yourself.
己所不欲,勿施于人 {def} SEE: 己所不欲,勿施於人 ::
己糖 {n} [biochemistry] /jǐtáng/ :: hexose
己糖激酶 {n} [biochemistry] /jǐtángjīméi/ :: hexokinase
己酮 {n} [organic compound] /jǐtóng/ :: hexanone
己烷 {n} [organic compound] /jǐwán/ :: hexane
己未 {n} /jǐwèi/ :: The fifty-sixth term of the Chinese sexagenary cycle, sometimes glossed as "Earth Goat" from its associated terms in the Chinese elements and zodiac
己烯 {n} [organic compound] /jǐxī/ :: hexene
己酉 {n} /jǐyǒu/ :: The forty-sixth term of the Chinese sexagenary cycle, sometimes glossed as "Earth Rooster" from its associated terms in the Chinese elements and zodiac
{def} /jǐ/ :: halberd with crescent blade used in ancient China
戟門 {prop} /Jǐmén/ :: (~ 村) 戟門 (village)
戟门 {def} SEE: 戟門 ::
{def} SEE: ::
挤逼 {def} SEE: 擠逼 ::
挤痘 {def} SEE: 擠痘 ::
挤兑 {def} SEE: 擠兌 ::
挤对 {def} SEE: 擠對 ::
挤咕 {def} SEE: 擠咕 ::
挤喉音 {def} SEE: 擠喉音 ::
挤满 {def} SEE: 擠滿 ::
挤奶 {def} SEE: 擠奶 ::
挤奶机 {def} SEE: 擠奶機 ::
挤迫 {def} SEE: 擠逼 ::
挤塞 {def} SEE: 擠塞 ::
挤提 {def} SEE: 擠提 ::
挤压 {def} SEE: 擠壓 ::
挤眼 {def} SEE: 擠眼 ::
挤拥 {def} SEE: 擠擁 ::
掎角 {v} [literary] /jǐjiǎo/ :: to divide one's military forces into two separate groups so that one can attack on two different fronts
掎角之势 {def} SEE: 掎角之勢 ::
掎角之勢 {idiom} /jījiǎo zhī shì/ :: to divide one's military forces into two separate groups so that one can attack on two different fronts
{def} /jǐ/ :: to crowd together tightly; to squeeze
{def} /jǐ/ :: to squeeze one's way in; to cram in
{def} /jǐ/ :: to wring; to use pressure to extract
{def} [Cantonese] /jǐ/ :: to place; to put
擠逼 {def} SEE: 擠迫 ::
擠痘 {v} /jǐdòu/ :: to squeeze a pimple; to pop pimples
擠兌 {v} /jǐduì/ :: to have a bank run
擠兌 {v} /jǐduì/ :: alternative form of 擠對
擠兌 {n} /jǐduì/ :: bank run
擠對 {v} [colloquial] /jǐduì,tl/ :: to mock; to bully
擠咕 {v} [dialectal] /jǐgu/ :: to wink; to blink
擠喉音 {n} [phonetics] /jǐhóuyīn/ :: ejective consonant
擠滿 {v} /jǐmǎn/ :: to be packed with; to be swarmed with
擠奶 {v} /jǐnǎi/ :: to milk (of animals)
擠奶機 {n} /jǐnǎijī/ :: milking machine
擠塞 {v} [Hong Kong] /jǐsài/ :: to be congested
擠提 {n} /jǐtí/ :: bank run
擠壓 {v} /jǐyā/ :: to press; to squeeze; to crush
擠眼 {v} /jǐyǎn/ :: to wink
擠擁 {adj} [literary or Cantonese] /jǐ擁/ :: crowded; congested; packed
{def} /jǐ/ :: (~ 水) alternative form of
{def} /jǐ/ :: An ancient place
{def} /jǐ/ :: [obsolete] to filter
{def} /jǐ/ :: [obsolete] to squeeze
{def} /jì/ :: to cross a river; to ferry
{def} /jì/ :: to help; to aid; to relieve
{def} /jì/ :: to be of help; useful
{def} /jǐ/ :: (~ 水) Ji River
{def} /jǐ/ :: used in 濟濟
濟北 {prop} [archaic] /Jǐběi/ :: Kingdom of Jibei (northeast of present day Pingyin County, Shandong)
濟慈 {prop} /Jìcí/ :: Keats
濟濟 {adj} [of people] /jǐjǐ/ :: many
濟濟 {adj} /jǐjǐ/ :: beautiful
濟郡 {prop} [archaic] /Jǐ Jùn/ :: Jiyang Commandery (centered around present day Dingtao County, Shandong province)
濟南 {prop} /Jǐnán/ :: (~ 市) 濟南 (prefecture-level city/and/sub-provincial city/provincial capital)
濟寧 {prop} /Jǐníng/ :: (~ 市) 濟寧 (city)
濟農 {n} /jìnóng/ :: Jinong
濟貧 {v} [literary] /jìpín/ :: to help the poor
濟世 {v} [literary] /jìshì/ :: to benefit mankind; to save the world
濟事 {v} /jìshì/ :: to be of help or use (usually used in the negative)
濟事 {v} [literary] /jìshì/ :: to accomplish a task; to succeed; to complete a mission
濟水 {prop} /Jǐ Shuǐ/ :: the Ji River
濟物浦 {prop} [historical] /Jìwùpǔ/ :: Chemulpo (a historical name of Incheon)
濟陰 {prop} [archaic] /Jǐyīn/ :: Jiyin Commandery (near present day Dingtao County)
濟源 {prop} /Jìyuán/ :: (~ 市) 濟源 (city)
濟州 {prop} [historical] /Jìzhōu/ :: 濟州 (ancient prefecture)
濟州 {prop} [historical] /Jìzhōu/ :: 濟州 (ancient prefecture)
濟州 {prop} [historical] /Jìzhōu/ :: 濟州 (ancient prefecture)
濟州 {prop} /Jìzhōu/ :: (~ 島) 濟州 (island)
濟州 {prop} /Jìzhōu/ :: (~ 道) 濟州 (province)
濟州 {prop} /Jìzhōu/ :: (~ 市) 濟州 (capital city)
濟州島 {prop} /Jìzhōu Dǎo/ :: Jeju Island
濟州道 {prop} /Jìzhōudào/ :: Jeju Province (officially the Jeju Special Autonomous Province), South Korea
濟州語 {n} /jìzhōuyǔ/ :: Jeju language
{def} /jǐ/ :: [obsolete] a kind of animal
{def} /jǐ,qí/ :: eggs of a louse
{def} /jǐ,qí/ :: foam above wine
蟣子 {n} /jǐzi/ :: egg of a louse; nit
{def} /jǐ/ :: greenfish, of the genus Girella
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jǐ/ :: muntjac (species of deer)
麂羚 {n} /jǐlíng/ :: duiker
麂子 {n} [colloquial] /jǐzi/ :: muntjac
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jì/ :: [obsolete] short-statured cattle
{def} /jì/ :: birthmark
{def} /qí/ :: only used in 䓫萊主山
{def} /jì/ :: luxuriant grass, grass growing densely
{def} /jì/ :: horses traveling in line order and swiftly
{def} /jì/ :: sparse hair on a knot on the top of the head
{def} /jì/ :: hair dressed without ornaments
{def} /jì/ :: ramie
{def} /jì/ :: linen sackcloth
{def} /jì/ :: to twist and join (cords)
{def} /jì/ :: to continue
{def} /jì/ :: to order the arrest of
{def} /jì/ :: to capture
{def} /jì/ :: to gnaw, to bite
{def} /jì/ :: well-arranged teeth
{def} [literary] /jì/ :: alternative form of
{def} [historical] /jì/ :: performer, especially female entertainers whose profession involved singing and dancing, in ancient China
{def} /jì/ :: [obsolete] companion
{def} /qí/ :: only used in 伎伎
{def} /zhì/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /qì/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of 𢺵
伎倆 {n} [literary] /jìliǎng,tl/ :: skill; ability; talent
伎倆 {n} /jìliǎng,tl/ :: underhanded trick; dishonest tactic; ploy; scheme; ruse
伎俩 {def} SEE: 伎倆 ::
伎女 {n} [historical, obsolete] /jìnǚ/ :: female performing artist trained in music and/or dance (particularly in the court entertainments of China's dynastic period)
伎巧 {def} SEE: 技巧 ::
{def} [Buddhism] /jì/ :: abbreviation of 偈陀
{def} [Cantonese] /jì/ :: talk; chat; conversation
{def} [literary] /jié/ :: fast
{def} [literary] /jié/ :: brave
{def} /jié/ :: only used in 偈偈
{def} /qì/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
偈頌 {n} [Buddhism] /jìsòng/ :: hymn, the metrical part of a sūtra
偈陀 {n} [Buddhism] /jìtuó/ :: Buddhist hymn; gatha
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jì/ :: to look forward to; to hope for; to wish
{def} /jì/ :: alternative name for 河北
冀魯官話 {prop} /Jì-Lǔ Guānhuà/ :: Jilu Mandarin
冀鲁官话 {def} SEE: 冀魯官話 ::
冀望 {v} [literary] /jìwàng/ :: to hope for; to long for
冀州 {prop} /Jìzhōu/ :: (~ 市) 冀州 (city)
冀州 {prop} /Jìzhōu/ :: Ji Province (one of the Nine Provinces of ancient China)
{def} SEE: ::
剂量 {def} SEE: 劑量 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jì/ :: [obsolete] to trim; to prune
{def} /jì/ :: to adjust; to make up (a concoction); to concoct
{def} [historical] /jì/ :: contract for trading
{def} /jì/ :: small piece of dough; dough which has been kneaded
{def} [TCM] /jì/ :: medicinal preparation; concoction
{def} /jì/ :: pharmaceutical preparation; medicament
{def} /jì/ :: dose; dosage
{def} [chemistry] /jì/ :: agent; reagent
{def} /jì/ :: classifier for doses of medicine
劑量 {n} /jìliàng,tl/ :: dose; dosage
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jì/ :: hard soil
{def} /jī/ :: pottery
{def} /jì,xì/ :: to paint the roof
{def} /jì,xì/ :: to fetch
{def} /jì,xì/ :: have a rest ; take a break
{def} [classical] /jì/ :: female entertainer
{def} /jì/ :: prostitute
{def} /jī/ :: Used in 妓姕
妓館 {n} [literary] /jìguǎn/ :: brothel; whorehouse
妓馆 {def} SEE: 妓館 ::
妓男 {n} /jìnán/ :: male prostitute
妓女 {n} [pejorative] /jìnǚ/ :: female prostitute
妓女 {n} [historical, obsolete] /jìnǚ/ :: female performer (particularly in the court entertainments of China's dynastic period)
妓女间 {def} SEE: 妓女間 ::
妓院 {n} /jìyuàn/ :: brothel; whorehouse
妓者 {n} /jìzhě/ :: prostitute
妓者 {n} [neologism, pejorative] /jìzhě/ :: reporter; journalist
{def} /jì/ :: youngest brother
{def} /jì/ :: surname
{def} [figurative] /jì/ :: end of a series
{def} /jì/ :: quarter of a year
{def} /jì/ :: season of the year
季胺 {n} [organic chemistry] /jì胺/ :: quaternary ammonium
季春 {n} [literary] /jìchūn/ :: last month of spring
季店 {prop} /Jìdiàn/ :: (~ 鄉) 季店 (township)
季冬 {n} /Jìdōng/ :: last month of winter (the twelfth month of the Chinese lunar calendar)
季度 {n} /jìdù/ :: quarter (of a year), three-month period
季風 {n} /jìfēng/ :: monsoon
季风 {def} SEE: 季風 ::
季候 {n} [dialectal] /jìhòu/ :: season (of the year)
季候風 {n} /jìhòufēng/ :: monsoon
季候风 {def} SEE: 季候風 ::
季節 {n} /jìjié/ :: season (of the year) (Classifier: 個)
季節工 {n} /jìjiégōng/ :: seasonal worker
季節性 {n} /jìjiéxìng/ :: seasonality
季節性 {adj} /jìjiéxìng/ :: seasonal (used as an attributive)
季节 {def} SEE: 季節 ::
季节工 {def} SEE: 季節工 ::
季节性 {def} SEE: 季節性 ::
季军 {def} SEE: 季軍 ::
季軍 {n} /jìjūn/ :: third place (in a contest)
季刊 {n} /jìkān/ :: quarterly publication (Classifier: 本)
季陵沟 {def} SEE: 季陵溝 ::
季陵溝 {prop} /Jìlínggōu/ :: (~ 村) 季陵溝 (village)
季秋 {n} [literary] /jìqiū/ :: last month of autumn
季世 {n} [literary] /jìshì/ :: last phase (of an age); last reign (of a dynasty)
季夏 {n} [literary] /jìxià/ :: last month of summer
季月 {n} /jìyuè/ :: the last month of a season: the 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th months of the Chinese lunar calendar
季子 {n} [dated] /jìzǐ/ :: youngest son; baby son
季子 {n} [dialectal] /jìzi/ :: two or three months
季佐 {prop} /Jìzuǒ/ :: The Chinese style name of Sun Kuang
{def} /寂/ :: still; silent; quiet
{def} /寂/ :: lonely
寂静 {def} SEE: 寂靜 ::
寂靜 {adj} /寂jìng/ :: quiet; tranquil; still
寂寥 {adj} /寂liáo/ :: quiet; tranquil; still
寂寥 {adj} /寂liáo/ :: open; spacious; empty; void
寂寥 {adj} /寂liáo/ :: lonely; lonesome; solitary; desolate
寂寞 {adj} /寂mò/ :: lonely; lonesome; solitary; desolate
寂寞 {adj} /寂mò/ :: quiet; still
寂然 {adj} [literary] /寂rán/ :: quiet; tranquil; still
{def} /jì/ :: to entrust (with a task)
{def} /jì/ :: to depend on; to adhere to
{def} /jì/ :: to live away from home
{def} /jì/ :: to place (temporarily); to put; to deposit
{def} /jì/ :: to express or convey (one's feelings) through a medium, such as the thing one describes, composes or paints
{def} /jì/ :: to transmit (an item) on behalf of another person; to send (now chiefly through mails); to post
{def} /jì/ :: to use temporarily; to borrow
{def} /jì/ :: to grant; to gift; to bestow
{def} [historical] /jì/ :: government official in charge of translating from and into the speech of non-Chinese ethnic groups in China's east (Dongyi)
{def} [historical] /jì/ :: to send criminals into exile to the remote areas in the east, as a form of punishment
{def} [of a relative] /jì/ :: not biological; adopted
{def} [historical] /jì/ :: an alternate name used for the Dongyi tribes during the Ming Dynasty
寄存 {v} /jìcún/ :: to deposit; to leave with; to check
寄存器 {n} [computing] /jìcúnqì/ :: register
寄放 {v} /jìfàng/ :: to leave with; to leave in the care of
寄居 {v} /jìjū/ :: to live away from home
寄居蟹 {n} /jìjūxiè/ :: hermit crab
寄人篱下 {def} SEE: 寄人籬下 ::
寄人籬下 {idiom} /jìrénlíxià/ :: to depend on others, thus not being self-reliant
寄乳 {v} [literary] /jìrǔ/ :: to place in the care of someone (a child, animal, etc.); to foster; to place in foster care
寄生 {v} /jìshēng/ :: to live as a parasite; to be parasitic
寄生 {v} [figurative] /jìshēng/ :: to live off of others; to live by taking advantage of others
寄生 {n} [ecology] /jìshēng/ :: parasitism
寄生 {n} [Taiwanese Hokkien] /jìshēng/ :: hermit crab
寄生虫 {def} SEE: 寄生蟲 ::
寄生虫学 {def} SEE: 寄生蟲學 ::
寄生蟲 {n} [biology] /jìshēngchóng,er/ :: parasite
寄生蟲學 {n} [biology] /jìshēngchóngxué,er/ :: parasitology
寄生物 {n} [biology] /jìshēngwù/ :: parasite
寄生蟹 {n} /jìshēngxiè/ :: hermit crab
寄食 {v} /jìshí/ :: to depend on someone for a living; to sponge off someone
寄书 {def} SEE: 寄書 ::
寄書 {v} [archaic] /jìshū/ :: to send a letter
寄宿 {v} /jìsù/ :: to live in rented accommodation; to lodge; to board
寄宿舍 {n} /jìsùshè/ :: boarding house; dormitory
寄宿生 {n} /jìsùshēng/ :: resident student; boarder
寄宿学校 {def} SEE: 寄宿學校 ::
寄宿學校 {n} /jìsù xuéxiào/ :: boarding school; residential college
寄托 {def} SEE: 寄託 ::
寄託 {v} /jìtuō/ :: to entrust to the care of; to have someone look after someone
寄託 {v} /jìtuō/ :: to place one's hopes on (or other feelings)
寄望 {v} /jìwàng/ :: to place hopes on
寄銷 {v} /jìxiāo/ :: to dispatch; to consign
寄銷人 {n} /jìxiāorén/ :: consignor
寄销 {def} SEE: 寄銷 ::
寄销人 {def} SEE: 寄銷人 ::
寄信 {v} /jìxìn/ :: to post a letter; to mail
寄养 {def} SEE: 寄養 ::
寄养家庭 {def} SEE: 寄養家庭 ::
寄養 {v} /jìyǎng/ :: to place in the care of someone (a child, animal, etc.); to foster; to place in foster care
寄養家庭 {n} /jìyǎng jiātíng/ :: foster family; foster home
寄意 {v} [literary] /jìyì/ :: to send one's regards
寄与 {def} SEE: 寄與 ::
寄予 {v} /jìyǔ/ :: to place (hope, importance, etc.)​ on
寄予 {v} /jìyǔ/ :: to show (concern, sympathy, etc.); to give
寄與 {def} SEE: 寄予 ::
寄寓 {v} [literary] /jìyù/ :: to temporarily reside in; to live away from home
寄寓 {v} [literary, figurative] /jìyù/ :: to place (one's hope, emotions, etc.) in
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jì/ :: pig head
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jì/ :: to be jealous of
{def} /jì/ :: to fear; to dread
{def} /jì/ :: to avoid or abstain from
{def} /jì/ :: taboo
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jì/ :: surname
忌辰 {n} /jìchén/ :: anniversary of a death
忌惮 {def} SEE: 忌憚 ::
忌憚 {n} [literary] /jìdàn/ :: fear (which prevents one from doing something)
忌妒 {v} /jìdù,tl/ :: to be jealous; to envy; to be envious
忌恨 {v} /jìhèn/ :: to envy and hate; to hate out of jealousy; to resent
忌諱 {v} /jìhuì,tl/ :: to avoid like a plague; to consider as taboo
忌諱 {n} /jìhuì,tl/ :: taboo
忌諱 {n} [regional, euphemistic] /jìhuì,tl/ :: vinegar
忌讳 {def} SEE: 忌諱 ::
忌口 {v} /jìkǒu,er/ :: to avoid certain food (because of illness or other reasons)
忌铺 {def} SEE: 忌鋪 ::
忌日 {n} /jìrì/ :: anniversary of a death
忌日 {n} /jìrì/ :: date on which certain things should be avoided
忌嘴 {v} /jìzuǐ/ :: to avoid certain food (as when one is ill); to be on a diet
{def} /jì/ :: skill; ability; talent; artistry; technique
{def} /jì/ :: ingenuity; creativity; inventiveness
{def} /jì/ :: [obsolete] singing and dancing, or one who is skilled in singing and dancing; actor or actress
{def} /jì/ :: [obsolete] craftsman; artisan
技法 {n} /jìfǎ/ :: methods and techniques
技工 {n} /jìgōng/ :: abbreviation of 技術工人
技工 {n} /jìgōng/ :: mechanic; technician
技工移民 {n} /jìgōng yímín/ :: skilled migration
技工移民 {n} /jìgōng yímín/ :: skilled migrant
技倆 {def} SEE: 伎倆 ::
技俩 {def} SEE: 伎倆 ::
技掚 {def} SEE: 伎倆 ::
技能 {n} /jìnéng/ :: occupational skill; technical ability
技巧 {n} /jìqiǎo/ :: technique or skill (in arts, sports, etc.)
技巧 {n} /jìqiǎo/ :: acrobatic gymnastics
技巧运动 {def} SEE: 技巧運動 ::
技巧運動 {n} [sports] /jìqiǎo yùndòng/ :: acrobatic gymnastics
技师 {def} SEE: 技師 ::
技師 {n} /jìshī/ :: technician; technical expert; engineer
技師 {n} [euphemism] /jìshī/ :: escort (sex worker)
技士 {n} /jìshì/ :: technician
技术 {def} SEE: 技術 ::
技术分析 {def} SEE: 技術分析 ::
技术改造 {def} SEE: 技術改造 ::
技术革命 {def} SEE: 技術革命 ::
技术革新 {def} SEE: 技術革新 ::
技术含量 {def} SEE: 技術含量 ::
技术科学 {def} SEE: 技術科學 ::
技术密集 {def} SEE: 技術密集 ::
技术密集型 {def} SEE: 技術密集型 ::
技术人员 {def} SEE: 技術人員 ::
技术市场 {def} SEE: 技術市場 ::
技术性 {def} SEE: 技術性 ::
技术学校 {def} SEE: 技術學校 ::
技术移民 {def} SEE: 技術移民 ::
技术员 {def} SEE: 技術員 ::
技术支援 {def} SEE: 技術支援 ::
技术转让 {def} SEE: 技術轉讓 ::
技術 {n} /jìshù/ :: technology
技術 {n} /jìshù/ :: technique; skill; ability
技術分析 {n} [finance] /jìshùfēnxī/ :: technical analysis
技術改造 {n} /jìshù gǎizào/ :: technological transformation; technical reform
技術革命 {n} /jìshù gémìng/ :: technological revolution
技術革新 {n} /jìshù géxīn/ :: technological innovation
技術含量 {n} /jìshù hánliàng,tl3/ :: “technical content” [the higher the “technical content” in something, the higher the amount of technical expertise needed]
技術科學 {n} /jìshù kēxué/ :: technical science
技術密集 {adj} [attributive] /jìshù mìjí/ :: technology-intensive
技術密集型 {adj} [attributive] /jìshù mìjíxíng/ :: technology-intensive
技術人員 {n} /jìshù rényuán/ :: technician; technical personnel; technical staff
技術市場 {n} /jìshù shì场/ :: technology market
技術性 {n} /jìshùxìng/ :: technical nature
技術性 {adj} [attributive] /jìshùxìng/ :: technical
技術學校 {n} /jìshù xuéxiào/ :: technical school
技術移民 {n} /jìshù yímín/ :: skilled migration
技術移民 {n} /jìshù yímín/ :: skilled migrant
技術員 {n} /jìshùyuán/ :: technician
技術支援 {n} /jìshù zhīyuán/ :: technical support
技術轉讓 {n} /jìshù zhuǎnràng/ :: technology transfer
技校 {n} /jìxiào/ :: technical school
技痒 {def} SEE: 技癢 ::
技癢 {v} /jìyǎng/ :: to itch to exercise one's skill
技艺 {def} SEE: 技藝 ::
技藝 {n} /jìyì/ :: skill; art; artistry
技职 {def} SEE: 技職 ::
技職 {adj} [attributive] /jìzhí/ :: technical and vocational
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jì/ :: when food becomes stuck in the throat
{def} /jì/ :: already
{def} /jì/ :: de facto
{def} /jì/ :: since
{def} /jì/ :: then
{def} /jì/ :: both . . . (and...)
{def} /jì/ :: as well as
既成 {adj} /jìchéng/ :: completed; established; accomplished
既成事实 {def} SEE: 既成事實 ::
既成事實 {n} /jìchéng shìshí/ :: established fact; accomplished fact; fait accompli
既得 {adj} [attributive] /jìdé/ :: vested
既得利益 {n} /jìdé lìyì/ :: vested interest
既定 {v} /jìdìng/ :: to have already been established; to be fixed; to be set
既定 {adj} [attributive] /jìdìng/ :: established; fixed; set
既而 {adv} [literary] /jì'ér/ :: afterwards; later; subsequently
既濟 {n} /jìjì/ :: the sixty-third hexagram of the I Ching, known as already fording
既济 {def} SEE: 既濟 ::
既经 {def} SEE: 既經 ::
既然 {conj} /jìrán/ :: since; as; now that
既生瑜,何生亮 {idiom} /jì shēng Yú, hé shēng Liàng/ :: used to lament the fact that there is someone better than you who is outshining you at every turn; to bemoan a new contender
既是 {conj} [literary] /jìshì/ :: since; as; being that
既視感 {n} /jìshìgǎn/ :: déjà vu
既視感 {n} /jìshìgǎn/ :: visual resemblance
既视感 {def} SEE: 既視感 ::
既往 {n} /jìwǎng/ :: the past
既往 {n} /jìwǎng/ :: that which happened in the past; mistakes in the past
既往不咎 {idiom} /jìwǎng不jiù/ :: to let bygones be bygones
既……也…… {adj} /jì...yě.../ :: both ... and (also) ..
既以 {adv} [archaic] /jìyǐ/ :: since one has already; seeing as one has already
既有 {v} /jìyǒu/ :: to originally have
既有 {adj} [attributive] /jìyǒu/ :: existing; established
既有今日,何必当初 {def} SEE: 既有今日,何必當初 ::
既有今日,何必當初 {idiom} /jìyǒu jīnrì hébì dāngchū/ :: to regret one's past behaviour
既……又…… {adj} /jì...yòu.../ :: both ... and (also) ..
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jì/ :: [historical dictionaries] initial appearance of sunrise
{def} /jì/ :: [alternative form 臮] and
{def} /jì/ :: to attain; to reach
{def} /jì/ :: surname
暨大 {prop} /Jìdà/ :: abbreviation of
暨今 {adv} [literary] /jìjīn/ :: up to now; so far; to date; to this day
{def} SEE: ::
檕梅 {n} /jìméi/ :: synonym of 山楂
{def} /jì/ :: [obsolete] Used in 枸檵
{def} /jì/ :: Loropetalum chinense
檵木 {n} /jìmù/ :: Chinese fringe flower (Loropetalum chinense)
洎今 {adv} [literary] /jìjīn/ :: up to now; so far; to date; to this day
{def} SEE: ::
济北 {def} SEE: 濟北 ::
济慈 {def} SEE: 濟慈 ::
济济 {def} SEE: 濟濟 ::
济囝饿死爸 {def} SEE: 濟囝餓死爸 ::
济郡 {def} SEE: 濟郡 ::
济弥满 {def} SEE: 濟彌滿 ::
济南 {def} SEE: 濟南 ::
济宁 {def} SEE: 濟寧 ::
济农 {def} SEE: 濟農 ::
济贫 {def} SEE: 濟貧 ::
济世 {def} SEE: 濟世 ::
济事 {def} SEE: 濟事 ::
济手 {def} SEE: 濟手 ::
济水 {def} SEE: 濟水 ::
济物浦 {def} SEE: 濟物浦 ::
济阴 {def} SEE: 濟陰 ::
济源 {def} SEE: 濟源 ::
济州 {def} SEE: 濟州 ::
济州岛 {def} SEE: 濟州島 ::
济州道 {def} SEE: 濟州道 ::
济州语 {def} SEE: 濟州語 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jì/ :: used in 瀱汋
{def} /jì/ :: bubbling up or gushing forth of spring water
{def} /jì,zhì,qì/ :: prolonged fever
{def} /jì,zhì,qì/ :: chronic malaria
瘈疭 {def} SEE: 瘈瘲 ::
瘈瘲 {n} [traditional Chinese medicine] /chìzòng,qìzòng,1nb/ :: incessant spasms or convulsions, resembling epilepsy, that affect the hands and feet of infants and young children
{def} /jí,jì/ :: [obsolete] ill; sick
{def} /jí,jì/ :: [obsolete] stunted; short and thin
瞡瞡 {adj} [literary] /guīguī/ :: lacking in knowledge and experience
{def} /jì/ :: to make offerings to; to sacrifice to; to worship
{def} /jì/ :: a ceremony where one offers sacrifices to one's ancestors
{def} /Zhài/ :: (~ 國) Zhai (a state during the Spring and Autumn period (:zh:祭國))
{def} /Zhài/ :: surname
祭拜 {v} /jìbài/ :: to worship
祭典 {n} /jìdiǎn/ :: sacrificial ceremony
祭典 {n} /jìdiǎn/ :: religious festival
祭奠 {v} /jìdiàn/ :: to hold a memorial ceremony for
祭奠 {v} /jìdiàn/ :: to commemorate
祭奠 {n} /jìdiàn/ :: memorial ceremony
祭奠 {n} /jìdiàn/ :: sacrificial rites
祭吊 {def} SEE: 祭弔 ::
祭弔 {v} [literary] /jìdiào/ :: to hold a memorial ceremony to offer condolences
祭告 {v} [literary] /jìgào/ :: to perform a sacrificial announcement
祭海 {v} [archaic] /jìhǎi/ :: to offer tributes to the sea deities
祭巾 {n} [Catholicism] /jìjīn/ :: square hat worn by Catholic priests in China during the late Ming and the Qing dynasty
祭酒 {v} /jìjiǔ/ :: to offer the alcoholic drink to the deity or the deceased
祭酒 {n} [archaic] /jìjiǔ/ :: attendant in charge of alcohol offerings (a low level secretarial position)
祭孔 {v} /jìkǒng/ :: to commemorate Confucius (in a ceremony); to worship Confucius
祭礼 {def} SEE: 祭禮 ::
祭禮 {n} [literary] /jìlǐ/ :: sacrificial rites
祭禮 {n} [literary] /jìlǐ/ :: sacrificial offering
祭披 {n} [Christianity] /jìpī/ :: chasuble
祭品 {n} /jìpǐn/ :: sacrificial offering
祭器 {n} /jìqì/ :: sacrificial vessel
祭日 {n} [literary] /jìrì/ :: day of a memorial ceremony
祭神如神在 {idiom} /jì shén rú shén zài/ :: describes someone who is very devout
祭司 {n} /jìsī/ :: priest (Classifier: 位)
祭祀 {v} /jìsì/ :: to offer sacrifices (to gods, one's ancestors, etc.)
祭臺 {n} /jìtái/ :: sacrificial altar
祭台 {def} SEE: 祭臺 ::
祭坛 {def} SEE: 祭壇 ::
祭壇 {n} [religion] /jìtán/ :: altar
祭天 {n} [archaic, historical] /jìtiān/ :: to offer sacrifices to heaven
祭文 {n} /jìwén/ :: funeral oration; memorial address
祭物 {n} /jìwù/ :: sacrifice (objects offered to a god)
祭献 {def} SEE: 祭獻 ::
祭獻 {n} [literary] /jìxiàn/ :: offering; sacrifice
祭獻 {v} [literary] /jìxiàn/ :: to offer sacrifices (to gods, one's ancestors, etc.)
祭灶 {v} [dated] /jìzào/ :: to offer sacrifices to the kitchen god (on the 23rd or 24th of the 12th lunar month)
祭祖 {v} /jìzǔ/ :: to offer sacrifices to one's ancestors; to participate in ancestral sacrifices
祭祖 {v} [anthropology, religion] /jìzǔ/ :: to participate in ancestor worship
{def} /jì/ :: foxtail millet (Setaria italica)
{def} /jì/ :: God of cereals
{def} /jì/ :: † minister of agriculture
{def} /jì,jǐ/ :: record; annal; historical account
{def} /jì,jǐ/ :: century
{def} /jì,jǐ/ :: surname
紀綱 {n} [literary] /jìgāng/ :: rule; law
紀綱 {n} [Min Nan] /jìgāng/ :: convention; general rule; what is normal
紀檢 {v} [officialese] /jìjiǎn/ :: to inspect discipline (of a party, group, etc.)
紀檢委 {n} [politics] /jìjiǎnwěi/ :: commission for discipline inspection
紀錄 {n} /jìlù/ :: record (the most extreme known value of some achievement)
紀錄 {n} /jìlù/ :: documentation; record (of newsworthy material); documentary
紀錄 {n} /jìlù/ :: alternative form of 記錄
紀錄 {n} /jìlù/ :: alternative form of 記錄
紀錄 {v} /jìlù/ :: alternative form of 記錄
紀錄片 {n} /jìlùpiàn,jìlùpiān,er/ :: documentary (documentary film)
紀律 {n} /jìlǜ/ :: discipline
紀律部隊 {n} [Hong Kong] /jìlǜ bùduì/ :: Hong Kong Disciplined Services
紀律檢查委員會 {n} /jìlǜ jiǎnchá wěiyuánhuì/ :: Commission for Discipline Inspection
紀律性 {n} /jìlǜxìng/ :: sense of discipline
紀南 {prop} /Jìnán/ :: (~ 鎮) 紀南 (town)
紀南 {prop} /Jìnán/ :: 紀南 (the <<ancient capital>> of the former State of Chu in modern <

>, <<c/China>>)

紀年 {n} /jìnián/ :: chronological record of events; annal; chronicle
紀年 {n} /jìnián/ :: year numbering system
紀年 {v} /jìnián/ :: to record chronologically
紀念 {v} /jìniàn/ :: to commemorate; to mark; to remember
紀念 {n} /jìniàn/ :: souvenir; memento; keepsake (Classifier: m:件m:個)
紀念碑 {n} /jìniànbēi/ :: monument; memorial tablet
紀念幣 {n} /jìniànbì/ :: commemorative coin
紀念冊 {n} /jìniàncè/ :: autograph book; souvenir album
紀念館 {n} /jìniànguǎn,er/ :: memorial hall; commemorative museum
紀念品 {n} /jìniànpǐn/ :: souvenir; memento; keepsake (Classifier: m:件m:個)
紀念日 {n} /jìniànrì/ :: commemoration day; memorial day
紀念塔 {n} /jìniàntǎ/ :: memorial tower; monument
紀念堂 {n} /jìniàntáng/ :: memorial hall
紀念章 {n} /jìniànzhāng,er/ :: memorial badge; souvenir badge (Classifier: m:枚)
紀實 {v} /jìshí/ :: to record events as they happen
紀實 {n} /jìshí/ :: record of actual events
紀事 {v} /jìshì/ :: to chronicle; to record historical events
紀事 {n} /jìshì/ :: chronicle; historical events
紀述 {n} /jìshù/ :: objective reporting
紀委 {n} [politics] /jìwěi/ :: commission for discipline inspection
紀要 {n} /jìyào/ :: summary; minutes
紀元 {n} /jìyuán/ :: the beginning of an era or reign
紀元 {n} /jìyuán/ :: era; time; period; epoch
紀元前 {n} /jìyuánqián/ :: BC (before Christ)
紀之川 {prop} /Jìzhīchuān/ :: (~ 市) 紀之川 (city)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jì/ :: to tie, to fasten, to button up
{def} /xì/ :: to connect; to link
{def} /xì/ :: to arrest; to imprison
{def} /xì/ :: to be concerned about
繫詞 {def} SEE: 系詞 ::
繫帶 {n} [anatomy] /jìdài/ :: frenulum
繫馬 {v} [archaic] /xìmǎ/ :: to fasten one's horse (to a hitching post etc.)
繫命 {v} [literary] /xìmìng/ :: to tie one's fate to
繫念 {v} [literary] /xìniàn/ :: to be anxious about; to worry about; to feel concerned about
繫上 {v} /jìshang/ :: to fasten; to tie up
繫獄 {v} [literary] /xìyù/ :: to be imprisoned
{def} /jì/ :: to continue; to maintain; to carry on; to follow
{def} /jì/ :: to inherit; to succeed
繼承 {v} /jìchéng/ :: to inherit; to succeed; to fall heir to
繼承 {v} /jìchéng/ :: to carry on (a culture, or someone else's work); to follow (in another's footsteps)
繼承人 {n} /jìchéngrén/ :: heir; successor; inheritor
繼電器 {n} [electricity, electronics] /jìdiànqì/ :: relay
繼而 {conj} [formal] /jì'ér/ :: then; afterwards
繼發性 {n} [medicine, usually, attributive] /jìfāxìng/ :: secondariness
繼父 {n} /jìfù/ :: stepfather
繼晷焚膏 {idiom} /jìguǐféngāo/ :: synonym of 焚膏繼晷
繼母 {n} /jìmǔ/ :: stepmother
繼女 {n} /jìnǚ/ :: stepdaughter
繼任 {v} /jìrèn/ :: to succeed somebody in a post or job
繼任 {n} /jìrèn/ :: successor
繼往開來 {v} /jìwǎngkāilái/ :: to carry on predecessors' work and open up a new path for posterity
繼位 {v} /jìwèi/ :: to succeed the throne
繼續 {v} /jìxù/ :: to continue; to persist
繼續 {n} /jìxù/ :: continuation
繼續教育 {n} /jìxù jiàoyù/ :: further education; continuing education
繼子 {n} /jìzǐ/ :: adopted son
繼子 {n} /jìzǐ/ :: stepson
{def} SEE: ::
纪纲 {def} SEE: 紀綱 ::
纪检 {def} SEE: 紀檢 ::
纪检委 {def} SEE: 紀檢委 ::
纪录 {def} SEE: 紀錄 ::
纪录片 {def} SEE: 紀錄片 ::
纪律 {def} SEE: 紀律 ::
纪律部队 {def} SEE: 紀律部隊 ::
纪律检查委员会 {def} SEE: 紀律檢查委員會 ::
纪律性 {def} SEE: 紀律性 ::
纪南 {def} SEE: 紀南 ::
纪年 {def} SEE: 紀年 ::
纪念 {def} SEE: 紀念 ::
纪念碑 {def} SEE: 紀念碑 ::
纪念币 {def} SEE: 紀念幣 ::
纪念册 {def} SEE: 紀念冊 ::
纪念馆 {def} SEE: 紀念館 ::
纪念品 {def} SEE: 紀念品 ::
纪念日 {def} SEE: 紀念日 ::
纪念塔 {def} SEE: 紀念塔 ::
纪念堂 {def} SEE: 紀念堂 ::
纪念章 {def} SEE: 紀念章 ::
纪实 {def} SEE: 紀實 ::
纪事 {def} SEE: 紀事 ::
纪述 {def} SEE: 紀述 ::
纪委 {def} SEE: 紀委 ::
纪要 {def} SEE: 紀要 ::
纪元 {def} SEE: 紀元 ::
纪元前 {def} SEE: 紀元前 ::
纪之川 {def} SEE: 紀之川 ::
{def} SEE: ::
继承 {def} SEE: 繼承 ::
继承人 {def} SEE: 繼承人 ::
继电器 {def} SEE: 繼電器 ::
继而 {def} SEE: 繼而 ::
继发性 {def} SEE: 繼發性 ::
继父 {def} SEE: 繼父 ::
继晷焚膏 {def} SEE: 繼晷焚膏 ::
继母 {def} SEE: 繼母 ::
继女 {def} SEE: 繼女 ::
继任 {def} SEE: 繼任 ::
继往开来 {def} SEE: 繼往開來 ::
继位 {def} SEE: 繼位 ::
继续 {def} SEE: 繼續 ::
继续教育 {def} SEE: 繼續教育 ::
继子 {def} SEE: 繼子 ::
{def} /jì/ :: fishnet
{def} /jì/ :: rug, mat, carpet, or other woolen textile
罽宾 {def} SEE: 罽賓 ::
罽賓 {prop} [historical] /Jìbīn/ :: {uncertain meaning}
罽賓 {prop} /Jìbīn/ :: Kashmir
罽賓 {prop} /Jìbīn/ :: Kabul (the river and the geographic region nearby)
罽賓 {prop} /Jìbīn/ :: Capisa
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jì/ :: [obsolete] and
{def} [chiefly archaic] /jì/ :: water chestnut (Trapa spp.)
{def} SEE: ::
荠菜 {def} SEE: 薺菜 ::
{def} SEE: ::
蓟国 {def} SEE: 薊國 ::
薊國 {prop} /Jìguó/ :: The state of Ji in ancient China
{def} /jì/ :: shepherd's purse
{def} /qí/ :: only used in 荸薺 and its regional synonyms
{def} /cí/ :: alternative form of
薺菜 {n} /jìcài/ :: shepherd's purse
{def} /jì/ :: only used in 蘮蒘
蘮蒘 {n} /jìrú/ :: [obsolete] a celery-like plant which produces edible seeds
{def} /jì/ :: [obsolete] a kind of grass
覬覦 {v} [literary] /jìyú/ :: to covet; to eye greedily
覬覦 {n} [literary] /jìyú/ :: presumptuous desire or attempt
{def} SEE: ::
觊觎 {def} SEE: 覬覦 ::
{def} /jì/ :: to calculate; to count
{def} /jì/ :: to amount to
{def} [usually in the negative] /jì/ :: to consider; to be concerned with
{def} /jì/ :: to plan; to plot
{def} /jì/ :: plan; plot; scheme
{def} [Cantonese] /jì/ :: way to deal with something
{def} /jì/ :: stratagem
{def} /jì/ :: gauge
計步器 {n} /jìbùqì/ :: pedometer
計測 {v} /jìcè/ :: to measure; to gauge
計策 {n} /jìcè/ :: plan; stratagem
計程 {adj} [attributive] /jìchéng/ :: calculated by mileage
計程表 {n} /jìchéngbiǎo/ :: taximeter
計程車 {n} [chiefly Taiwan] /jìchéngchē/ :: taxi; cab
計程器 {n} /jìchéngqì/ :: taximeter
計分 {v} /jìfēn/ :: to calculate the score
計劃 {v} /jìhuà/ :: to plan
計劃 {n} /jìhuà/ :: plan (Classifier: m:個m:項)
計劃 {n} /jìhuà/ :: project; program; proposal (Classifier: m:個m:項)
計劃經濟 {n} [economics, politics] /jìhuà jīngjì/ :: planned economy
計劃免疫 {n} [immunology] /jìhuà miǎnyì/ :: planned immunization
計劃生育 {n} /jìhuà shēngyù/ :: family planning, specifically the one-child policy of PRC
計劃外 {adj} [attributive] /jìhuàwài/ :: unplanned; unscheduled
計畫 {def} SEE: 計劃 ::
計價器 {n} /jìjiàqì/ :: taximeter
計件 {v} /jìjiàn/ :: to reckon by the price
計件工資 {n} /jìjiàn gōngzī/ :: piece rate
計將安出 {idiom} /jì jiāng ān chū/ :: where (or how) will one come up with a plan
計較 {v} /jìjiào,jìjiǎo,1nb/ :: to bother about; to fuss over
計較 {v} /jìjiào,jìjiǎo,1nb/ :: to argue; to bicker
計較 {v} /jìjiào,jìjiǎo,1nb/ :: to think over
計較 {v} /jìjiào,jìjiǎo,1nb/ :: to discuss in detail
計量 {v} /jìliàng,jìliáng,1nb/ :: to measure; to calculate; to estimate
計量 {n} /jìliàng,jìliáng,1nb/ :: measurement
計量表 {n} /jìliàngbiǎo,jìliángbiǎo,1nb/ :: meter (measuring device)
計量經濟學 {n} /jìliàng jīngjìxué/ :: econometrics
計量器 {n} /jìliàngqì,jìliángqì,1nb/ :: meter (measuring device)
計略 {n} [literary] /jìlüè/ :: stratagem; resourcefulness
計謀 {n} /jìmóu/ :: scheme; plan; stratagem; plot
計謀 {v} [literary] /jìmóu/ :: to consider carefully; to contemplate; to deliberate
計票 {v} /jìpiào/ :: to count the votes
計日而待 {idiom} /jìrì'érdài/ :: to be not a long way off
計上心來 {idiom} /jìshàngxīnlái/ :: a stratagem comes to mind
計生 {n} /jìshēng/ :: planned childbirth; birth control; family planning
計時 {v} /jìshí/ :: to time; to measure time; to reckon by time
計時工資 {n} /jìshí gōngzī/ :: hourly wage; wage rate per hour
計時器 {n} /jìshíqì/ :: timer (device used to measure time)
計時器 {n} /jìshíqì/ :: chronometer; chronoscope
計時炸彈 {n} /jìshí zhàdàn/ :: time bomb
計數 {v} /jìshù/ :: to count; to tally; to reckon
計數 {vi} [Cantonese] /jìshù/ :: to calculate
計數 {v} [Cantonese] /jìshù/ :: to get even
計數 {vt} /jìshǔ/ :: to calculate
計數器 {n} /jìshùqì,jìshǔqì,1nb/ :: number counter
計順 {prop} /Jìshùn/ :: (~ 市) Quezon City
計算 {v} /jìsuàn/ :: to calculate; to compute
計算 {v} /jìsuàn/ :: to consider
計算 {v} /jìsuàn/ :: to plan; to scheme; to plot
計算 {n} [computing] /jìsuàn/ :: computing; computation
計算尺 {n} /jìsuànchǐ/ :: slide rule; slipstick
計算機 {n} [chiefly Mainland] /jìsuànjī/ :: computer
計算機 {n} [chiefly Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia] /jìsuànjī/ :: calculator
計算機編程 {n} [Mainland, programming] /jìsuànjī biānchéng/ :: computer programming
計算機程式 {n} [computing] /jìsuànjī chéngshì/ :: computer program
計算機程序 {n} [Mainland China, computing] /jìsuànjī chéngxù/ :: computer program
計算機翻譯 {n} /jìsuànjī fānyì/ :: machine translation
計算機工程 {n} /jìsuànjī gōngchéng/ :: computer engineering
計算機化 {v} /jìsuànjīhuà/ :: to computerize
計算機化 {n} /jìsuànjīhuà/ :: computerization
計算機科學 {n} [chiefly Mainland] /jìsuànjī kēxué/ :: computer science
計算機科學家 {n} /jìsuànjī kēxuéjiā/ :: computer scientist
計算機網絡 {n} [computing] /jìsuànjī wǎngluò/ :: computer network
計算機系統結構 {n} /jìsuànjī xìtǒng jiégòu/ :: computer architecture
計算機語言 {n} /jìsuànjī yǔyán/ :: computer language
計算器 {n} /jìsuànqì/ :: calculator
計算器 {n} /jìsuànqì/ :: calculating machine
計算器 {n} /jìsuànqì/ :: abacus
計算器 {n} /jìsuànqì/ :: any calculating device
計算語言學 {n} /jìsuàn yǔyánxué/ :: computational linguistics
計息 {v} /jì息/ :: to calculate interest according to the interest rate and time
計議 {v} [literary] /jìyì/ :: to deliberate; to talk over; to consult
計有 {v} /jìyǒu/ :: to amount to (a number); to be
𫧃記 {def} SEE: 𣍐記 ::
{def} /jì/ :: to record; to mark; to note
{def} /jì/ :: to keep in mind; remember
{def} /jì/ :: record; chronicle
{def} /jì/ :: birthmark
{def} [Hong Kong, Taiwan] /jì/ :: a suffix for restaurants, stores, etc
記不得 {v} /jì不dé,tl2/ :: to be unable to remember; to forget
記不住 {v} /jì不zhù,tl2/ :: to be unable to remember
記池 {def} SEE: 記持 ::
記錯 {v} /jìcuò/ :: to misremember; to remember wrong
𫧃記得 {def} SEE: 𣍐記得 ::
記得 {v} /jìde/ :: to remember; to recall from memory
記法 {n} /jìfǎ/ :: notation
記法 {n} /jìfǎ/ :: mnemonics
記挂 {def} SEE: 記掛 ::
記掛 {v} [dialectal] /jìguà/ :: to be concerned about; to keep thinking about; to miss
記罣 {def} SEE: 記掛 ::
記過 {v} /jìguò/ :: to record a demerit
記號 {n} /jìhào,tl/ :: notation; mark; note
記號 {n} /jìhào,tl/ :: seal
記號 {n} /jìhào,tl/ :: sign
記號 {n} /jìhào,tl/ :: ideogram
記號筆 {n} /jìhàobǐ,er/ :: marker pen; marker
記恨 {v} /jìhèn/ :: to bear a grudge
記牢 {v} /jìláo/ :: to commit to memory firmly
記錄 {v} /jìlù/ :: to record; to take down; to take notes; to keep minutes; to document
記錄 {n} /jìlù/ :: written records; notes; minutes (of a meeting); documentation
記錄 {n} /jìlù/ :: recordkeeper
記錄 {n} /jìlù/ :: alternative form of 紀錄
記錄 {n} /jìlù/ :: alternative form of 紀錄
記錄片 {n} /jìlùpiàn,jìlùpiān,er/ :: alternative form of 紀錄片
記念 {def} SEE: 紀念 ::
記念品 {def} SEE: 紀念品 ::
記譜法 {n} /jìpǔfǎ/ :: musical notation
記起 {v} /jìqǐ/ :: to recall; to recollect
記取 {v} /jìqǔ/ :: to remember; to bear in mind
記認 {v} /jìrèn/ :: to identify; to recognize
記認 {n} [literary, Min Nan] /jìrèn/ :: mark; sign; note; notation; indication
記入 {v} /jìrù/ :: to log (something) into; to post; to fill in; to enter
記實 {v} /jìshí/ :: alternative form of 紀實
記實 {v} [Cantonese] /jìshí/ :: to remember
記事 {v} /jìshì,er/ :: to keep a record of events
記事 {v} /jìshì,er/ :: to start to form memories after one's infancy
記事 {n} /jìshì,er/ :: record; chronicle (Classifier: 個)
記事本 {n} /jìshìběn,er/ :: notepad; notebook
記述 {v} /jìshù/ :: to describe, to write an account of events
記述 {n} /jìshù/ :: description
記誦 {v} /jìsòng/ :: to learn by heart; to recite from memory
記心 {v} [literary] /jìxīn/ :: to take it to heart
記性 {n} /jìxìng,er/ :: memory (ability to remember things)
記性兒 {n} /jìxingr/ :: erhua form of memory
記敘 {v} /jìxù/ :: to narrate
記敘文 {n} /jìxùwén/ :: narrative (systematic recitation of an event)
記要 {def} SEE: 紀要 ::
記憶 {v} /jìyì/ :: to remember; to recall
記憶 {n} /jìyì/ :: memory; recollection
記憶棒 {n} [computer hardware] /jìyìbàng/ :: memory stick
記憶合金 {n} /jìyì héjīn/ :: shape memory alloy
記憶化 {n} [computing] /jìyìhuà/ :: memoization
記憶化 {v} [computing] /jìyìhuà/ :: to memoize
記憶卡 {n} [computer hardware] /jìyìkǎ/ :: memory card
記憶力 {n} /jìyìlì/ :: the ability to remember; memory (as opposed to what is remembered)
記憶缺失 {n} [pathology] /jìyì quēshī/ :: amnesia
記憶術 {n} /jìyìshù/ :: mnemonics
記憶體 {n} [computing] /jìyìtǐ/ :: memory; storage
記憶體 {n} [Cantonese, computer hardware] /jìyìtǐ/ :: flash drive; thumb drive
記憶體盤 {n} [computer hardware] /jìyìtǐpán/ :: memory disk
記憶條 {n} [computer hardware] /jìyìtiáo/ :: memory stick
記憶猶新 {idiom} /jìyìyóuxīn/ :: to remain fresh in one's memory; to remember vividly
記憶枕 {n} /jìyìzhěn/ :: memory foam pillow
記載 {v} /jì載/ :: to record (a series of events); to put down in writing; to write down
記載 {n} /jì載/ :: record; written account
記帳 {v} /jìzhàng/ :: to keep accounts
記帳 {v} /jìzhàng/ :: to charge to an account
記賬 {def} SEE: 記帳 ::
記者 {n} /jìzhě/ :: reporter; journalist; professional writer; press (Classifier: m:個m:名m:位)
記者會 {n} /jìzhěhuì/ :: press conference
記者招待會 {n} /jìzhězhāodàihuì/ :: press conference
記住 {v} /jìzhù/ :: to remember, to bear in mind, to memorize
記著 {v} /jìzhe/ :: to memorise, to remember
{def} SEE: ::
计步器 {def} SEE: 計步器 ::
计测 {def} SEE: 計測 ::
计策 {def} SEE: 計策 ::
计程 {def} SEE: 計程 ::
计程表 {def} SEE: 計程表 ::
计程车 {def} SEE: 計程車 ::
计程器 {def} SEE: 計程器 ::
计分 {def} SEE: 計分 ::
计划 {def} SEE: 計劃 ::
计划经济 {def} SEE: 計劃經濟 ::
计划免疫 {def} SEE: 計劃免疫 ::
计划生育 {def} SEE: 計劃生育 ::
计划外 {def} SEE: 計劃外 ::
计画 {def} SEE: 計畫 ::
计计埋埋 {def} SEE: 計計埋埋 ::
计价器 {def} SEE: 計價器 ::
计件 {def} SEE: 計件 ::
计件工资 {def} SEE: 計件工資 ::
计将安出 {def} SEE: 計將安出 ::
计较 {def} SEE: 計較 ::
计量 {def} SEE: 計量 ::
计量表 {def} SEE: 計量表 ::
计量经济学 {def} SEE: 計量經濟學 ::
计量器 {def} SEE: 計量器 ::
计略 {def} SEE: 計略 ::
计谋 {def} SEE: 計謀 ::
计票 {def} SEE: 計票 ::
计日而待 {def} SEE: 計日而待 ::
计上心来 {def} SEE: 計上心來 ::
计生 {def} SEE: 計生 ::
计时 {def} SEE: 計時 ::
计时工资 {def} SEE: 計時工資 ::
计时器 {def} SEE: 計時器 ::
计时炸弹 {def} SEE: 計時炸彈 ::
计数 {def} SEE: 計數 ::
计数机 {def} SEE: 計數機 ::
计数器 {def} SEE: 計數器 ::
计顺 {def} SEE: 計順 ::
计算 {def} SEE: 計算 ::
计算尺 {def} SEE: 計算尺 ::
计算机 {def} SEE: 計算機 ::
计算机编程 {def} SEE: 計算機編程 ::
计算机程式 {def} SEE: 計算機程式 ::
计算机程序 {def} SEE: 計算機程序 ::
计算机翻译 {def} SEE: 計算機翻譯 ::
计算机工程 {def} SEE: 計算機工程 ::
计算机化 {def} SEE: 計算機化 ::
计算机科学 {def} SEE: 計算機科學 ::
计算机科学家 {def} SEE: 計算機科學家 ::
计算机网络 {def} SEE: 計算機網絡 ::
计算机系统结构 {def} SEE: 計算機系統結構 ::
计算机语言 {def} SEE: 計算機語言 ::
计算器 {def} SEE: 計算器 ::
计算语言学 {def} SEE: 計算語言學 ::
计息 {def} SEE: 計息 ::
计议 {def} SEE: 計議 ::
计有 {def} SEE: 計有 ::
计仔 {def} SEE: 計仔 ::
计智 {def} SEE: 計智 ::
{def} SEE: ::
记不得 {def} SEE: 記不得 ::
记不住 {def} SEE: 記不住 ::
记持 {def} SEE: 記持 ::
记池 {def} SEE: 記池 ::
记错 {def} SEE: 記錯 ::
记得 {def} SEE: 記得 ::
记法 {def} SEE: 記法 ::
记挂 {def} SEE: 記掛 ::
记罣 {def} SEE: 記掛 ::
记过 {def} SEE: 記過 ::
记号 {def} SEE: 記號 ::
记号笔 {def} SEE: 記號筆 ::
记恨 {def} SEE: 記恨 ::
记牢 {def} SEE: 記牢 ::
记录 {def} SEE: 記錄 ::
记录片 {def} SEE: 記錄片 ::
记念 {def} SEE: 記念 ::
记念品 {def} SEE: 記念品 ::
记谱法 {def} SEE: 記譜法 ::
记起 {def} SEE: 記起 ::
记取 {def} SEE: 記取 ::
记认 {def} SEE: 記認 ::
记入 {def} SEE: 記入 ::
记实 {def} SEE: 記實 ::
记事 {def} SEE: 記事 ::
记事本 {def} SEE: 記事本 ::
记示 {def} SEE: 記示 ::
记述 {def} SEE: 記述 ::
记蟀 {def} SEE: 記蟀 ::
记诵 {def} SEE: 記誦 ::
记心 {def} SEE: 記心 ::
记性 {def} SEE: 記性 ::
记性儿 {def} SEE: 記性兒 ::
记叙 {def} SEE: 記敘 ::
记叙文 {def} SEE: 記敘文 ::
记要 {def} SEE: 紀要 ::
记忆 {def} SEE: 記憶 ::
记忆棒 {def} SEE: 記憶棒 ::
记忆合金 {def} SEE: 記憶合金 ::
记忆化 {def} SEE: 記憶化 ::
记忆卡 {def} SEE: 記憶卡 ::
记忆力 {def} SEE: 記憶力 ::
记忆缺失 {def} SEE: 記憶缺失 ::
记忆术 {def} SEE: 記憶術 ::
记忆体 {def} SEE: 記憶體 ::
记忆体盘 {def} SEE: 記憶體盤 ::
记忆条 {def} SEE: 記憶條 ::
记忆犹新 {def} SEE: 記憶猶新 ::
记忆枕 {def} SEE: 記憶枕 ::
记载 {def} SEE: 記載 ::
记帐 {def} SEE: 記帳 ::
记者 {def} SEE: 記者 ::
记者会 {def} SEE: 記者會 ::
记者招待会 {def} SEE: 記者招待會 ::
记着 {def} SEE: 記著 ::
记住 {def} SEE: 記住 ::
{def} SEE: ::
际遇 {def} SEE: 際遇 ::
{def} /jì/ :: border; boundary; juncture
{def} /jì/ :: between
{def} /jì/ :: moment
{def} /jì/ :: to associate
{def} /jì/ :: to be on the occasion of
{def} /jì/ :: to be one's lot
際遇 {n} [literary] /jìyù/ :: circumstances; opportunity; fate; luck
{def} SEE: ::
霁雾 {def} SEE: 霽霧 ::
{def} [literary] /jì/ :: to clear up after rain
{def} /jì/ :: to cease being angry
{def} /jì/ :: bright; sunny
霽霧 {n} [literary] /jìwù/ :: dissipating mist
{def} /qí/ :: to ride (a horse, bike, etc.)
{def} /qí/ :: to sit astride
{def} [vulgar] /qí/ :: to ride; to mount (someone in sex)
{def} /騎/ :: horse or vehicle that one rides on
{def} /騎/ :: mounted soldier
{def} [literary] /騎/ :: classifier for soldiers or warhorses
{def} /騎/ :: surname
騎兵 {n} /qíbīng/ :: cavalry
騎兵 {n} [slang] /qíbīng/ :: pornography censored through pixelation
騎車 {v} /qíchē/ :: to cycle (to ride a bicycle)
騎都尉 {n} [archaic] /騎dūwèi/ :: captain of the cavalry
騎都尉 {n} [archaic] /騎dūwèi/ :: a non-imperial nobility title of Qing dynasty
騎縫 {n} /qífèng/ :: junction of the edges of two sheets of paper
騎虎難下 {idiom} [figurative] /qíhǔnánxià/ :: to get into a situation where both proceeding forward and backing down are difficult
騎劫 {v} /qíjié/ :: hijack
騎龍 {prop} /Qílóng/ :: (~ 村) 騎龍 (village)
騎樓 {n} [architecture] /qílóu,er/ :: qilou (a style of architecture commonly found in southern China and Taiwan, where the first floor is composed of commercial shops with the street-facing part turned into a veranda for pedestrians, and the second floor and above are used as living spaces)
騎樓 {n} /qílóu,er/ :: balcony; terrace; patio
騎驢找馬 {idiom} [figurative, colloquial] /qílǘzhǎomǎ/ :: to settle for what one has for the moment (e.g. job, girlfriend, etc.) while actively looking for something better
騎馬 {v} /qímǎ/ :: to ride a horse; to be on horseback
騎槍 {n} /qíqiāng/ :: carbine
騎牆 {v} /qíqiáng/ :: to sit on the fence
騎射 {v} /qíshè/ :: to ride horses and practice archery
騎師 {n} /qíshī/ :: horserider
騎師 {n} /qíshī/ :: jockey
騎師 {n} /qíshī/ :: equestrian
騎士 {n} [historical] /qíshì/ :: knight; European nobility
騎士 {n} [Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore] /qíshì/ :: motorcyclist; bike or scooter rider
騎士 {n} [literary, historical] /jìshì/ :: horseman; cavalryman
騎手 {n} /qíshǒu/ :: horseback rider
騎手 {n} /qíshǒu/ :: jockey
騎手 {n} /qíshǒu/ :: takeout food delivery rider
騎術 {n} /qíshù/ :: equestrian skills; equestrianism; horsemanship; equitation
{def} /jì/ :: horse which can go 1000 li in a day; good horse
{def} [figurative] /jì/ :: proficient person
驥足 {n} /jìzú/ :: great talent
驥足 {n} /jìzú/ :: talented person
{def} SEE: ::
骥足 {def} SEE: 驥足 ::
{def} /jì/ :: hair worn in a bun or coil; topknot
髻网 {def} SEE: 髻網 ::
{def} /jì/ :: to dissect
{def} /jì/ :: to observe and analyse
{def} /jì/ :: dissection
{def} /jì/ :: anatomy
{def} /cǐ/ :: a kind of fish
{def} /jì/ :: mullet (fish)
{def} /jì/ :: [obsolete] mandarin fish
{def} /jì/ :: Carassius auratus, crucian carp
鯽魚 {n} /jìyú/ :: crucian carp
{def} /jì/ :: [obsolete] finless porpoise
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
鲫鱼 {def} SEE: 鯽魚 ::
{def} /jì/ :: only used in 鵋䳢
鵋䳢 {n} [literary] /jìqí/ :: owl
鵋鶀 {def} SEE: 鵋䳢 ::
齌怒 {v} /jìnù/ :: to suddenly become extremely angry
{def} /jiā/ :: good, auspicious
{def} /jiā/ :: beautiful
{def} /jiā/ :: of quality
佳宾 {def} SEE: 佳賓 ::
佳賓 {n} /jiābīn/ :: honoured guest; guest of honour
佳處 {n} [literary] /jiāchù/ :: good place; good environment
佳處 {n} [literary] /jiāchù/ :: place with beautiful scenery
佳处 {def} SEE: 佳處 ::
佳得乐 {def} SEE: 佳得樂 ::
佳得樂 {prop} /Jiādélè/ :: Gatorade
佳冬 {prop} /Jiādōng/ :: (~ 鄉) 佳冬 (rural township)
佳話 {n} /jiāhuà/ :: story on everybody's lips; much-told tale
佳话 {def} SEE: 佳話 ::
佳績 {n} /jiā绩/ :: outstanding achievement; great results
佳绩 {def} SEE: 佳績 ::
佳佳 {def} SEE: 家家 ::
佳節 {n} /jiājié/ :: festival; carnival; happy festival time
佳节 {def} SEE: 佳節 ::
佳境 {n} /jiājìng/ :: scenic spot; lovely landscape
佳境 {n} /jiājìng/ :: consummate state; the most pleasurable or enjoyable part
佳句 {n} [literature] /jiājù/ :: beautiful line of verse
佳麗 {adj} [literary] /jiālì/ :: beautiful; pretty
佳麗 {n} [literary] /jiālì/ :: babe; beauty; belle; beauty queen
佳麗 {n} /jiālì/ :: (~ 卦) The combination 三上三中四下 in the Lingqijing
佳里 {prop} /Jiālǐ/ :: (~ 區) 佳里 (district)
佳丽 {def} SEE: 佳麗 ::
佳林 {prop} /Jiālín/ :: (~ 社區) 佳林 (residential community)
佳美 {adj} /jiāměi/ :: pleasant
佳美 {adj} /jiāměi/ :: beautiful
佳美 {adj} /jiāměi/ :: caramel (color)
佳美 {prop} /jiāměi/ :: (Toyota) Camry
佳木 {prop} /Jiāmù/ :: (~ 鎮) 佳木 (town)
佳木斯 {prop} /Jiāmùsī/ :: (~ 市) 佳木斯 (city)
佳能 {prop} /Jiānéng/ :: Canon (Japanese corporation)
佳品 {n} /jiāpǐn/ :: excellent product; good item
佳期 {n} /jiā期/ :: wedding day; nuptial day
佳期 {n} [literary] /jiā期/ :: period of courtship
佳期 {n} [literary] /jiā期/ :: date of a rendezvous with a beautiful woman
佳人 {n} /jiārén/ :: beautiful woman
佳人 {n} [literary] /jiārén/ :: good person (of upright character)
佳人薄命 {idiom} /jiārénbómìng/ :: a fair lady's destiny is thin indeed; whom the gods love die young
佳士 {n} [literary] /jiāshì/ :: man of fine moral conduct or scholarship
佳味 {n} /jiāwèi/ :: delicious food; flavourful food
佳肴 {def} SEE: 佳餚 ::
佳餚 {n} [literary] /jiāyáo/ :: delicious dish; delicacy; excellent menu
佳音 {n} [literary] /jiāyīn/ :: good news
佳作 {n} /jiāzuò/ :: excellent work; masterpiece; masterwork
{def} /jiā/ :: stubborn, obstinate, intransigent
傢伙 {def} SEE: 家伙 ::
傢夥 {def} SEE: 家伙 ::
傢俱 {def} SEE: 家具 ::
傢具 {def} SEE: 家具 ::
傢什 {def} SEE: 家什 ::
傢俬 {def} SEE: 家私 ::
傢俬花 {def} SEE: 家私花 ::
{def} /jiā/ :: to put on top of another object
{def} /jiā/ :: to add; to put in
{def} /jiā/ :: to increase; to raise
{def} /jiā/ :: to impose; to foist; to grant
{def} /jiā/ :: placed after a monosyllabic adverb to indicate an increase in the degree; more
{def} [arithmetic] /jiā/ :: to add
{def} /jiā/ :: abbreviation of 加拿大
{def} /jiā/ :: surname
加百列 {prop} /Jiābǎiliè/ :: Gabriel (name)
加百列 {prop} [Protestantism] /Jiābǎiliè/ :: Gabriel (archangel)
加班 {v} /jiābān,er/ :: to work overtime; to work late
加班加点 {def} SEE: 加班加點 ::
加班加點 {v} /jiābānjiādiǎn/ :: work extra hours
加俾額爾 {prop} [Catholicism] /Jiābǐ'é'ěr/ :: Gabriel (archangel)
加俾额尔 {def} SEE: 加俾額爾 ::
加倍 {v} /jiābèi/ :: to double; to redouble
加币 {def} SEE: 加幣 ::
加幣 {n} /jiābì/ :: Canadian dollar
加鞭 {v} [literary] /jiābiān/ :: to whip a horse with one's riding crop (in order to make it go faster)
加补 {def} SEE: 加補 ::
加菜 {v} /jiācài/ :: to add a dish
加餐 {v} /jiācān/ :: to have a snack
加餐 {n} /jiācān/ :: snack; extra meal
加仓 {def} SEE: 加倉 ::
加倉 {v} [trading] /jiācāng/ :: to increase one's position
加長 {v} /jiācháng/ :: to add length; to lengthen
加長轎車 {n} /jiācháng jiàochē/ :: limousine
加长 {def} SEE: 加長 ::
加长轿车 {def} SEE: 加長轎車 ::
加成 {v} [organic chemistry, of multiple molecules or entities] /jiāchéng/ :: to combine to form a single molecule
加成反应 {def} SEE: 加成反應 ::
加成反應 {n} [organic chemistry] /jiāchéng fǎnyìng/ :: addition reaction
加持 {n} [Buddhism] /jiāchí/ :: adhiṣṭhāna; initiations or blessings
加答儿 {def} SEE: 加答兒 ::
加答兒 {n} [medicine, dated] /jiādá'ěr/ :: catarrh; mucous membrane inflammation
加大 {v} /jiādà/ :: to increase; to raise
加大 {v} /jiādà/ :: to enlarge
加大码 {def} SEE: 加大碼 ::
加得 {prop} [Catholicism] /Jiādé/ :: Gad
加德满都 {def} SEE: 加德滿都 ::
加德滿都 {prop} /Jiādémǎndū/ :: 加德滿都 (capital city)
加的夫 {prop} /Jiādífū/ :: 加的夫 (city/and/county/caplc)
加蒂諾 {prop} /Jiādìnuò/ :: (~ 市) Gatineau
加蒂诺 {def} SEE: 加蒂諾 ::
加点 {def} SEE: 加點 ::
加點 {v} /jiādiǎn/ :: to work extra hours; to work outside the scheduled hours; to do overtime
加多 {v} /jiāduō/ :: to add; to augment; to increase; to raise
加多加多 {n} /jiāduōjiāduō/ :: gado-gado
加尔各答 {def} SEE: 加爾各答 ::
加尔文 {def} SEE: 加爾文 ::
加尔文主义 {def} SEE: 加爾文主義 ::
加尔文宗 {def} SEE: 加爾文宗 ::
加爾各答 {prop} /Jiā'ěrgèdá/ :: 加爾各答 (capital city)
加爾文 {prop} /Jiā'ěrwén/ :: Calvin
加爾文主義 {n} /Jiā'ěrwénzhǔyì/ :: Calvinism
加爾文宗 {n} [Protestantism] /jiā'ěrwénzōng/ :: Calvinism; Calvinists
加法 {n} [arithmetic] /jiāfǎ/ :: addition
加分 {v} /jiāfēn/ :: to add points or marks
加分 {n} /jiāfēn/ :: extra credit; bonus point (on a test)
加分項 {n} /jiāfēnxiàng/ :: something that adds points or values to a person or thing; bonus item
加分项 {def} SEE: 加分項 ::
加俸 {v} /jiāfèng/ :: to raise one's pay
加格达奇 {def} SEE: 加格達奇 ::
加格達奇 {prop} /Jiāgédáqí/ :: (~ 區) 加格達奇 (district)
加工 {v} /jiāgōng/ :: to process (to perform mechanical or chemical operations)
加工 {v} /jiāgōng/ :: to polish (to improve; to refine)
加工 {n} /jiāgōng/ :: processing (of a mechanical or chemical nature)
加工 {n} /jiāgōng/ :: working (of machinery)
加工 {adj} [attributive] /jiāgōng/ :: processed
加工厂 {def} SEE: 加工廠 ::
加工廠 {n} /jiāgōngchǎng/ :: processing plant
加工品 {n} /jiāgōngpǐn/ :: product; processed product
加工业 {def} SEE: 加工業 ::
加工業 {n} /jiāgōngyè/ :: manufacturing industry; processing industry
加古川 {prop} /Jiāgǔchuān/ :: (~ 市) 加古川 (city)
加固 {v} /jiāgù/ :: to reinforce; to strengthen; to consolidate
加冠 {v} [archaic] /jiāguān/ :: to perform a capping ceremony (coming of age ceremony for a young man at 20 years of age)
加冠礼 {def} SEE: 加冠禮 ::
加冠禮 {n} [archaic] /jiāguānlǐ/ :: capping ceremony (coming-of-age ceremony for a young man at 20 years of age)
加国 {def} SEE: 加國 ::
加國 {prop} /Jiāguó/ :: abbreviation of 加拿大
加害 {v} /jiāhài/ :: to do harm (to someone); to injure; to frame (someone)
加號 {n} /jiāhào,er/ :: plus sign (+)
加号 {def} SEE: 加號 ::
加賀 {prop} /Jiāhè/ :: (~ 市) 加賀 (city)
加贺 {def} SEE: 加賀 ::
加护 {def} SEE: 加護 ::
加护病房 {def} SEE: 加護病房 ::
加護 {v} [Buddhism, of a god] /jiāhù/ :: to watch over; to protect
加護 {v} [obsolete] /jiāhù/ :: to take special care of; to protect
加護病房 {n} /jiāhù bìngfáng/ :: intensive care unit; ICU
加花 {v} [music] /jiāhuā/ :: to ornament a melody
加花 {n} [music] /jiāhuā/ :: ornamentation (of a melody)
加话 {def} SEE: 加話 ::
加急 {adj} [attributive] /jiājí/ :: urgent (of a telegram, etc.)
加价 {def} SEE: 加價 ::
加價 {v} /jiājià,er/ :: to increase price
加减 {def} SEE: 加減 ::
加减乘除 {def} SEE: 加減乘除 ::
加減 {v} [literal] /jiājiǎn/ :: to increase or decrease; to add or subtract
加減 {v} [figurative] /jiājiǎn/ :: to adjust
加減 {adv} [Hakka, Hokkien] /jiājiǎn/ :: somewhat; to some extent; more or less
加減 {adv} [Xiamen, Zhangzhou, &, Taiwan Hokkien] /jiājiǎn/ :: casually; carelessly
加減乘除 {n} /jiājiǎn chéngchú/ :: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division; arithmetic operations
加強 {v} /jiāqiáng/ :: to strengthen; to reinforce; to improve
加強 {v} [wine] /jiāqiáng/ :: to fortify (to add spirits to wine to increase the alcohol content)
加紧 {def} SEE: 加緊 ::
加緊 {v} /jiājǐn/ :: to proceed in a hastier manner; to press forward
加勁 {v} /jiā勁,er/ :: to increase efforts; to make greater effort; to work harder
加劲 {def} SEE: 加勁 ::
加剧 {def} SEE: 加劇 ::
加劇 {v} /jiājù/ :: to intensify; to become more serious; to get worse
加課 {v} /jiākè/ :: to add classes
加课 {def} SEE: 加課 ::
加快 {vti} /jiākuài/ :: to accelerate; to speed up; to expedite; to hasten; to quicken
加快 {v} /jiākuài/ :: to exchange a slow train ticket for a fast one
加拉加斯 {prop} /Jiālājiāsī/ :: 加拉加斯 (capital)
加拉太 {prop} [Protestantism or secular] /Jiālātài/ :: Galatia
加拉太书 {def} SEE: 加拉太書 ::
加拉太書 {prop} [Protestantism] /Jiālātàishū/ :: Book of Galatians
加勒比海 {prop} /Jiālèbǐ Hǎi/ :: Caribbean Sea
加哩 {n} /jiālǐ/ :: alternative name for 咖哩
加里肋亞 {prop} [Catholicism] /Jiālǐlèiyà,Jiālǐlèyà,Jiālǐlèiyǎ,Jiālǐlèyǎ,1nb/ :: Galilee
加里肋亚 {def} SEE: 加里肋亞 ::
加里曼丹 {prop} /Jiālǐmàndān/ :: 加里曼丹 (region)
加里曼丹 {prop} /Jiālǐmàndān/ :: (~ 島) Borneo; Kalimantan (island)
加里曼丹岛 {def} SEE: 加里曼丹島 ::
加里曼丹島 {prop} /Jiālǐmàndān Dǎo/ :: Borneo; Kalimantan (island)
加里宁格勒 {def} SEE: 加里寧格勒 ::
加里寧格勒 {prop} /Jiālǐnínggélè/ :: Kaliningrad
加利福尼亞 {prop} /Jiālìfúní亞/ :: (~ 州) 加利福尼亞 (state)
加利福尼亚 {def} SEE: 加利福尼亞 ::
加利利 {prop} [Protestantism or secular] /Jiālìlì/ :: Galilee
加利利 {prop} /Jiālìlì/ :: (~ 海) Sea of Galilee
加利利海 {prop} /Jiālìlì Hǎi/ :: Sea of Galilee
加利略 {prop} /Jiālìlüè/ :: Galileo
加利西亞 {prop} /Jiālìxī亞/ :: 加利西亞 (autonomous community)
加利西亞 {prop} /Jiālìxī亞/ :: Galicia, Central Europe
加利西亞語 {prop} /Jiālìxī亚yǔ/ :: Galician (language)
加利西亚 {def} SEE: 加利西亞 ::
加利西亚语 {def} SEE: 加利西亞語 ::
加辘仔 {def} SEE: 加轆仔 ::
加略山 {prop} /Jiālüè Shān/ :: Calvary
加仑 {def} SEE: 加侖 ::
加侖 {classifier} /jiālún/ :: gallon (volume unit)
加茂 {prop} /Jiāmào/ :: (~ 鎮) 加茂 (town)
加茂 {prop} /Jiāmào/ :: (~ 市) 加茂 (city)
加盟 {v} [of a country, company, etc.] /jiāméng/ :: to join (an organisation); to become a member
加密 {v} [computing] /jiāmì/ :: to encrypt
加密 {v} /jiāmì/ :: to increase frequency
加密貨幣 {n} /jiāmì huòbì/ :: cryptocurrency
加密货币 {def} SEE: 加密貨幣 ::
加冕 {v} /jiāmiǎn/ :: to crown; to invest as monarch
加冕 {n} /jiāmiǎn/ :: coronation
加拿大 {prop} /Jiānádà/ :: 加拿大 (country)
加拿大加式足球联盟 {def} SEE: 加拿大加式足球聯盟 ::
加拿大加式足球聯盟 {prop} /Jiānádà Jiāshìzúqiú Liánméng/ :: Canadian Football League
加拿大馬鹿 {n} /Jiānádà mǎlù/ :: wapiti; American elk
加拿大马鹿 {def} SEE: 加拿大馬鹿 ::
加拿大人 {n} /Jiānádàrén/ :: a Canadian person
加拿大式足球 {n} /Jiānádàshì zúqiú/ :: Canadian football
加拿大英語 {n} /jiānádà yīngyǔ/ :: Canadian English
加拿大英语 {def} SEE: 加拿大英語 ::
加拿大元 {n} /Jiānádà yuán/ :: Canadian dollar
加納 {prop} /Jiānà/ :: [Mainland China] 加納 (country)
加纳 {def} SEE: 加納 ::
加那利群岛 {def} SEE: 加那利群島 ::
加那利群島 {prop} /Jiānàlì Qúndǎo/ :: 加那利群島 (archipelago/and/autonomous community)
加农 {def} SEE: 加農 ::
加农炮 {def} SEE: 加農炮 ::
加農 {n} /jiānóng/ :: cannon (artillery piece)
加農炮 {n} /jiānóngpào/ :: cannon
加農砲 {def} SEE: 加農炮 ::
加彭 {prop} [Taiwan] /Jiāpéng/ :: Gabon
加蓬 {prop} [Mainland China] /Jiāpéng/ :: Gabon
加强 {def} SEE: 加強 ::
加权 {def} SEE: 加權 ::
加权平均数 {def} SEE: 加權平均數 ::
加权图 {def} SEE: 加權圖 ::
加權 {v} [statistics] /jiāquán/ :: to weight
加權平均數 {n} [mathematics] /jiāquán píngjūnshù/ :: weighted average
加權圖 {n} [graph theory] /jiāquántú/ :: weighted graph
加热 {def} SEE: 加熱 ::
加热器 {def} SEE: 加熱器 ::
加熱 {v} /jiārè/ :: to heat up; to apply heat to
加熱器 {n} /jiārèqì/ :: heater (device that produces and radiates heat)
加入 {v} /jiārù/ :: to add in; to mix into; to put in
加入 {v} /jiārù/ :: to join; to become a member of; to accede to
加入 {v} /jiārù/ :: to take part in; to participate in; to join in
加萨 {def} SEE: 加薩 ::
加薩 {prop} /Jiāsà/ :: 加薩 (city)
加塞儿 {def} SEE: 加塞兒 ::
加塞兒 {v} [dialectal, northern China] /jiāsāir/ :: to cut in line; to jump the queue
加沙 {prop} /Jiāshā/ :: 加沙 (city)
加沙地带 {def} SEE: 加沙地帶 ::
加沙地帶 {prop} /Jiāshā dìdài/ :: Gaza Strip
加沙走廊 {prop} /Jiāshā Zǒuláng/ :: Gaza Strip
加上 {conj} /jiāshàng/ :: in addition; plus
加上 {v} /jiāshàng/ :: to add
加深 {v} /jiāshēn/ :: to deepen
加省 {prop} [dated] /Jiāxǐng/ :: 加省 (state)
加湿器 {def} SEE: 加濕器 ::
加溼器 {def} SEE: 加濕器 ::
加濕器 {n} /jiāshīqì/ :: humidifier
加时赛 {def} SEE: 加時賽 ::
加時賽 {n} [sport] /jiāshísài/ :: overtime; extra time
加數 {n} /jiāshù/ :: addend (term added to another)
加数 {def} SEE: 加數 ::
加速 {vti} /jiāsù/ :: to accelerate; to speed up; to expedite; to hasten; to quicken
加速度 {n} /jiāsùdù/ :: acceleration (amount)
加速度 {n} [physics] /jiāsùdù/ :: acceleration
加速度 {adv} /jiāsùdù/ :: acceleratively; quickeningly
加速器 {n} [physics] /jiāsùqì/ :: accelerator
加速器 {n} [computing] /jiāsùqì/ :: accelerator
加速主义 {def} SEE: 加速主義 ::
加速主義 {n} [social theory] /jiāsùzhǔyì/ :: accelerationism
加泰 {prop} /Jiātài/ :: 加泰 (autonomous community)
加泰隆尼亞 {prop} [chiefly Taiwan] /Jiātàilóngní亚/ :: 加泰隆尼亞 (autonomous community)
加泰隆尼亞語 {n} [Taiwan] /jiātàilóngní亚yǔ/ :: Catalan language
加泰隆尼亚 {def} SEE: 加泰隆尼亞 ::
加泰隆尼亚语 {def} SEE: 加泰隆尼亞語 ::
加泰羅尼亞 {prop} [Mainland China, Hong Kong] /Jiātàiluóní亚/ :: 加泰羅尼亞 (autonomous community)
加泰羅尼亞語 {n} [Mainland, Hong Kong] /jiātàiluóní亚yǔ/ :: Catalan language
加泰罗尼亚 {def} SEE: 加泰羅尼亞 ::
加泰罗尼亚语 {def} SEE: 加泰羅尼亞語 ::
加泰語 {n} /jiātàiyǔ/ :: Catalan language
加泰语 {def} SEE: 加泰語 ::
加藤 {prop} /Jiāténg/ :: A Japanese surname: Katō
加添 {v} /jiātiān/ :: to add; to augment; to increase; to raise
加甜 {v} /jiātián/ :: to sweeten
加温 {def} SEE: 加溫 ::
加溫 {v} /jiāwēn/ :: to heat up; to increase the temperature
加息 {v} /jiā息/ :: to raise the interest rate
加西 {prop} /Jiāxī/ :: (~ 市) 加西 (city)
加薪 {v} /jiāxīn/ :: to raise someone's salary; to grant a pay rise
加刑 {v} [literary] /jiāxíng/ :: to carry out punishment
加須 {prop} /Jiāxū/ :: (~ 市) 加須 (city)
加须 {def} SEE: 加須 ::
加压 {def} SEE: 加壓 ::
加壓 {v} /jiāyā/ :: to raise pressure; to apply pressure; to pressurize
加押 {v} /jiāyā/ :: to increase deposits; to raise deposits
加央 {prop} /Jiāyāng/ :: 加央 (capital)
加央 {n} /Jiāyāng/ :: alternative name for 咖央
加倻 {def} SEE: 伽倻 ::
加一 {v} /jiā一/ :: to add ten percent
加一 {v} /jiā一/ :: to add one more
加一 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /jiā一/ :: ten percent service charge
加一秒 {v} [neologism, Internet slang] /jiā一miǎo/ :: to prolong Jiang Zemin's life by one second, usually by taking it from one's own (in Moha culture)
加依 {prop} /Jiāyī/ :: (~ 鄉) 加依 (township)
加依提勒克 {prop} /Jiāyītílèkè/ :: (~ 鄉) 加依提勒克 (township)
加以 {conj} /jiāyǐ/ :: in addition; moreover; further
加以 {conj} /jiāyǐ/ :: for the additional reason of
加以 {v} [auxiliary, before a polysyllabic verb to connect with that which was previously mentioned] /jiāyǐ/ :: to undergo; to treat; to initiate
加音 {prop} [Catholicism] /Jiāyīn/ :: Cain (the first son of Adam)
加影 {prop} /Jiāyǐng/ :: 加影 (city)
加油 {v} /jiāyóu,er/ :: to refuel
加油 {v} /jiāyóu,er/ :: to oil; to lubricate
加油 {v} /jiāyóu,er/ :: to accelerate; to hit the gas
加油 {v} /jiāyóu,er/ :: to make extra effort; to work hard
加油 {v} /jiāyóu,er/ :: to cheer someone on
加油 {interj} /jiāyóu,er/ :: come on!; go for it!; go!
加油站 {n} /jiāyóuzhàn/ :: filling station, gas station, petrol station, service station
加元 {n} /jiāyuán/ :: abbreviation of 加拿大元
加載 {v} [computing] /jiāzài,jiāzǎi,1nb/ :: to load (a page, etc.)
加载 {def} SEE: 加載 ::
加增 {v} /jiāzēng/ :: to increase; to add
加增 {n} /jiāzēng/ :: increase
加之 {conj} /jiāzhī/ :: in addition; moreover; further
加值 {v} /jiāzhí/ :: to add value
加值 {v} /jiāzhí/ :: to top up (a smartcard, etc.)
加纸 {def} SEE: 加紙 ::
加重 {v} /jiāzhòng/ :: to increase weight
加重 {v} /jiāzhòng/ :: to make worse; to aggravate
加州 {prop} /Jiāzhōu/ :: short fo 加利福尼亞^州 (State of California)
加注 {v} [poker] /jiāzhù/ :: to raise (to increase the size of an existing bet)
加装 {def} SEE: 加裝 ::
加裝 {v} /jiāzhuāng/ :: to install (an additional part)
加租 {v} /jiāzū/ :: to increase rent; to raise rent
{def} [obsolete, abbreviation] /jiālún/ :: gallon
{def} /jiā/ :: excellent, good
{def} /jiā/ :: joyful
{def} /jiā/ :: auspicious
{def} /jiā/ :: to praise, commend
嘉宝 {def} SEE: 嘉寶 ::
嘉寶 {prop} /Jiābǎo/ :: (~ 里) 嘉寶 (urban village/and/former rural village)
嘉宾 {def} SEE: 嘉賓 ::
嘉賓 {n} [honorific] /jiābīn/ :: guest; guest of honour
嘉賓 {n} [figurative, humorous, now, rare] /jiābīn/ :: sparrow
嘉德殿 {prop} [historical] /Jiādé Diàn/ :: Jiade Hall; one of the halls within Changle Palace (長樂宮), in Luoyang
嘉德門 {prop} [archaic] /Jiādémén/ :: one of the gates of Changle Palace (長樂宮), in Luoyang
嘉德门 {def} SEE: 嘉德門 ::
嘉定 {prop} /Jiādìng/ :: (~ 鎮) Jiading, a former town and current subdistrict of Shanghai, China
嘉定 {prop} /Jiādìng/ :: (~ 區) Jiading, the district of Shanghai surrounding the former town
嘉定 {prop} /Jiādìng/ :: (~ 區) Jiading, a district of Kaohsiung, Taiwan
嘉定 {prop} /Jiādìng/ :: (~ 府) [historical] Jiading, a former name of Leshan (樂山), Sichuan
嘉定 {prop} [historical] /Jiādìng/ :: Gia Định, a former name of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
嘉定 {prop} /Jiādìng/ :: (~ 省) [historical] Gia Định, a former province of Vietnam around Ho Chi Minh City
嘉定三屠 {prop} /Jiādìng Sān Tú/ :: Three Massacres in Jiading
嘉禾 {n} [literary] /jiāhé/ :: thriving grain
嘉禾 {prop} /jiāhé/ :: (~ 縣) 嘉禾 (county)
嘉許 {v} /jiāxǔ/ :: to praise; to laud; to compliment
嘉奖 {def} SEE: 嘉獎 ::
嘉獎 {v} /jiājiǎng/ :: to cite; to award; to give out a citation
嘉獎 {n} /jiājiǎng/ :: citation; award; commendation
嘉莱 {def} SEE: 嘉萊 ::
嘉萊 {prop} /Jiālái/ :: (~ 省) 嘉萊 (province)
嘉陵 {prop} /Jiālíng/ :: (~ 江) The Jialing River in Sichuan, whose confluence with the Yangtze is the site of Chongqing
嘉陵江 {prop} /Jiālíng Jiāng/ :: Jialing River
嘉麻 {prop} /Jiāmá/ :: (~ 市) 嘉麻 (city)
嘉勉 {v} [formal] /jiāmiǎn/ :: to praise and encourage
嘉木 {n} [archaic] /jiāmù/ :: high-quality timber
嘉年 {n} [literary] /jiānián/ :: prosperous year
嘉年华 {def} SEE: 嘉年華 ::
嘉年華 {n} [regional] /jiāniánhuá/ :: carnival
嘉庆 {def} SEE: 嘉慶 ::
嘉慶 {prop} /Jiāqìng/ :: (~ 帝) Jiaqing Emperor, a Qing dynasty emperor
嘉慶 {prop} /Jiāqìng/ :: era name for the period that this emperor ruled (1796–1820)
嘉戎 {def} SEE: 嘉絨 ::
嘉絨 {n} /jiāróng/ :: (~ 人) Rgyalrong people, an unrecognised ethnic group in Sichuan province, China
嘉絨 {n} /jiāróng/ :: (~ 語) Rgyalrong language
嘉絨語 {n} /Jiāróngyǔ/ :: rGyalrong language
嘉绒 {def} SEE: 嘉絨 ::
嘉绒语 {def} SEE: 嘉絨語 ::
嘉世 {n} [literary] /jiāshì/ :: heyday; golden age
嘉兴 {def} SEE: 嘉興 ::
嘉興 {prop} /Jiāxīng/ :: Jiaxing (in Zhejiang)
嘉许 {def} SEE: 嘉許 ::
嘉言 {n} /jiāyán/ :: good words; fine words
嘉言善行 {idiom} /jiāyánshànxíng,jiāyánshànxìng,1nb/ :: fine words and deeds
嘉言懿行 {idiom} /jiāyányìxíng,jiāyányìxìng,1nb/ :: wise words and noble deeds
嘉殽 {n} [literary] /jiāyáo/ :: delicious dish; delicacy; excellent menu
嘉肴 {def} SEE: 嘉殽 ::
嘉义 {def} SEE: 嘉義 ::
嘉義 {prop} /Jiāyì/ :: (~ 市) Chiayi (a city located in the plains of southwestern Taiwan)
嘉義 {prop} /Jiāyì/ :: (~ 縣) Chiayi (a county surrounding Chiayi City)
嘉荫 {def} SEE: 嘉蔭 ::
嘉蔭 {prop} /Jiāyīn/ :: (~ 縣) 嘉蔭 (county)
嘉应 {def} SEE: 嘉應 ::
嘉應 {n} /jiāyìng/ :: auspicious sign
嘉應 {prop} /jiāyìng/ :: (~ 州) [historical] 嘉應 (former prefecture)
嘉魚 {prop} /Jiāyú/ :: (~ 縣) 嘉魚 (county)
嘉鱼 {def} SEE: 嘉魚 ::
嘉峪关 {def} SEE: 嘉峪關 ::
嘉峪關 {prop} /Jiāyùguān/ :: Jiayu Pass (pass in Gansu province)
嘉峪關 {prop} /Jiāyùguān/ :: (~ 市) 嘉峪關 (prefecture-level city)
{def} SEE: ::
夹band {def} SEE: 夾band ::
夹岸 {def} SEE: 夾岸 ::
夹袄 {def} SEE: 夾襖 ::
夹板 {def} SEE: 夾板 ::
夹层 {def} SEE: 夾層 ::
夹带 {def} SEE: 夾帶 ::
夹道 {def} SEE: 夾道 ::
夹缝 {def} SEE: 夾縫 ::
夹缝中求生存 {def} SEE: 夾縫中求生存 ::
夹辅 {def} SEE: 夾輔 ::
夹公仔机 {def} SEE: 夾公仔機 ::
夹攻 {def} SEE: 夾攻 ::
夹谷 {def} SEE: 夾谷 ::
夹河 {def} SEE: 夾河 ::
夹击 {def} SEE: 夾擊 ::
夹挤 {def} SEE: 夾擠 ::
夹脚拖 {def} SEE: 夾腳拖 ::
夹角 {def} SEE: 夾角 ::
夹具 {def} SEE: 夾具 ::
夹克 {def} SEE: 夾克 ::
夹克衫 {def} SEE: 夾克衫 ::
夹钳 {def} SEE: 夾鉗 ::
夹裘 {def} SEE: 夾裘 ::
夹塞儿 {def} SEE: 夾塞兒 ::
夹生 {def} SEE: 夾生 ::
夹生饭 {def} SEE: 夾生飯 ::
夹手夹脚 {def} SEE: 夾手夾腳 ::
夹双仔 {def} SEE: 夾雙仔 ::
夹娃娃 {def} SEE: 夾娃娃 ::
夹娃娃机 {def} SEE: 夾娃娃機 ::
夹万 {def} SEE: 夾萬 ::
夹心 {def} SEE: 夾心 ::
夹衣 {def} SEE: 夾衣 ::
夹硬 {def} SEE: 夾硬 ::
夹杂 {def} SEE: 夾雜 ::
夹仔 {def} SEE: 夾仔 ::
夹肢窝 {def} SEE: 夾肢窩 ::
夹竹桃 {def} SEE: 夾竹桃 ::
夹壮 {def} SEE: 夾壯 ::
夹子 {def} SEE: 夾子 ::
{def} /夾/ :: to squeeze between; to pinch; to clamp; to hold between
{def} /夾/ :: to carry under one's arm
{def} /夾/ :: to place in between; to be located between; to be wedged between
{def} /夾/ :: on or from both sides
{def} /夾/ :: [obsolete] to support; to assist
{def} /夾/ :: to mix; to intermingle; to intersperse
{def} /夾/ :: clip; clamp
{def} /夾/ :: folder; wallet
{def} /夾/ :: [obsolete] torture device used to squeeze the ankles
{def} /夾/ :: [obsolete] wharf by a river
{def} /夾/ :: [obsolete] abbreviation of 夾室
{def} /夾/ :: [obsolete] abbreviation of 夾鐘
{def} /jiá/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /jiá/ :: double-layered; lined
{def} /jiá/ :: surname
{def} /gā,jiá,1nb/ :: only used in 夾肢窩
{def} /jiā,jiá,jià,1nb/ :: only used in 夾竹桃
{def} /xié/ :: [obsolete] to perambulate; to inspect on foot
{def} /xié/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /xiá/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
夾岸 {n} [archaic] /夾'àn/ :: both sides of a river or stream
夾襖 {n} /jiá'ǎo/ :: lined (Chinese) jacket (Classifier: m:件)
夾板 {n} /夾bǎn/ :: boards for pressing something or holding things together
夾板 {n} [medicine] /夾bǎn/ :: splint
夾層 {n} /夾céng/ :: double layer
夾層 {n} [medicine] /夾céng/ :: dissection (of a blood vessel)
夾帶 {v} /夾dài/ :: to carry secretly; to smuggle
夾道 {n} /夹dào/ :: a narrow street; passageway between walls
夾道 {v} /夹dào/ :: to line both sides of the street
夾縫 {n} /夹fèng/ :: narrow space between two adjacent things; crack; crevice
夾縫中求生存 {idiom} /夾fèng zhōng qiú shēngcún/ :: to try to remain neutral without succumbing to pressure from either side
夾輔 {n} [literary] /夹fǔ/ :: to assist (especially a ruler in matters of governance)
夾攻 {v} /夾gōng/ :: to launch an attack from more than one side; to sandwich in the enemy; to launch a converging attack; to launch a pincer attack
夾谷 {prop} /夹gǔ/ :: surname
夾河 {prop} /夹hé/ :: (~ 鎮) 夾河 (town)
夾擊 {v} /夾擊/ :: to launch an attack from more than one side; to sandwich in the enemy; to launch a converging attack; to launch a pincer attack
夾擠 {v} [chiefly Taiwan] /夹jǐ/ :: to be squeezed from both sides; [anatomy] to be impinged
夾腳拖 {n} /夹jiǎotuō/ :: flip-flops; thongs
夾角 {n} [geometry] /夹jiǎo,er/ :: included angle
夾具 {v} /夹jù/ :: clamp; clamping apparatus; jig; fixture
夾克 {n} /夾kè,er/ :: jacket
夾克衫 {n} /夾kèshān,er/ :: synonym of 夾克
夾鉗 {n} /夹qián/ :: clamp, vice
夾塞兒 {def} SEE: 加塞兒 ::
夾生 {adj} [of food] /夾shēng,,jiàsheng,3nb/ :: half-cooked
夾生 {adj} [of a job] /夾shēng,,jiàsheng,3nb/ :: not well done
夾生 {adj} /夾shēng,,jiàsheng,3nb/ :: not quite assimilated
夾生飯 {n} /夹shengfàn/ :: half-cooked rice
夾生飯 {n} [figurative] /夹shengfàn/ :: half-finished task or half-solved issue, which is difficult to complete or resolve fully because it was not done properly the first time
夾娃娃 {v} /jiāwáwa/ :: to play a claw clane
夾娃娃機 {n} /jiāwáwajī/ :: claw crane; toy crane
夾心 {adj} [attributive] /夹xīn/ :: filled; stuffed (of foodstuffs)
夾衣 {n} /jiáyī/ :: layered clothing
夾雜 {v} /夹zá/ :: to be mixed up with; to be mingled with; to be tangled up with
夾肢窩 {n} [chiefly Mandarin, Xiang, Wu, colloquial] /gāzhiwō,jiázhīwō,1nb/ :: armpit
夾竹桃 {n} /jiāzhútáo,jiázhútáo,jiàzhútáo,1nb/ :: oleander
夾竹桃 {n} /jiāzhútáo,jiázhútáo,jiàzhútáo,1nb/ :: alternative name for 鳳仙花
夾壯 {n} /夹zhuàng/ :: Mandarin with a Zhuang accent
夾子 {n} /夹zi/ :: clip; tongs; peg; clamp
夾子 {n} /夹zi/ :: folder; wallet
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiā,jia/ :: home
{def} /jiā,jia/ :: house
{def} /jiā,jia/ :: family; household
{def} [polite, for family member] /jiā,jia/ :: my
{def} /jiā,jia/ :: domesticated; domestic
{def} /jiā,jia/ :: Classifier for families, businesses and companies
{def} /jiā,jia/ :: school of thought; philosophical school
{def} /jiā,jia/ :: [obsolete] fief of ministers or senior officials
{def} /jiā,jia/ :: Suffix denoting a person with a certain occupation or social standing. -er
{def} /jiā,jia/ :: Suffix denoting specialist in a certain activity or field. -ist; -er
{def} /jiā,jia/ :: Suffix used after a noun to specify a type of person
{def} /jiā,jia/ :: surname
{def} /gū/ :: only used in 大家
家八哥 {n} /jiābāgē/ :: common myna; Indian myna (Acridotheres tristis)
家暴 {n} /jiābào/ :: domestic violence
家暴 {v} /jiābào/ :: to carry out domestic violence
家財 {n} /jiācái/ :: family property
家財萬貫 {idiom} /jiācáiwànguàn/ :: to be from a very affluent family; to have a very rich family
家财 {def} SEE: 家財 ::
家财万贯 {def} SEE: 家財萬貫 ::
家蚕 {def} SEE: 家蠶 ::
家蠶 {n} /jiācán/ :: domestic silkworm (Bombyx mori)
家藏 {n} [literary] /jiācáng/ :: valuables kept within the family
家产 {def} SEE: 家產 ::
家產 {n} /jiāchǎn/ :: family property
家常 {n} /jiācháng,er/ :: daily trivial affairs within a family
家常 {n} /jiācháng,er/ :: small talk; chit-chat
家常便飯 {idiom} /jiāchángbiànfàn/ :: homely food; simple home-style meal
家常便飯 {idiom} [figurative] /jiāchángbiànfàn/ :: common occurrence; usual practice; routine
家常便饭 {def} SEE: 家常便飯 ::
家常菜 {n} /jiāchángcài/ :: home cooking
家常飯 {n} /jiāchángfàn/ :: synonym of 家常便飯
家常饭 {def} SEE: 家常飯 ::
家長 {n} /jiāzhǎng/ :: head of a household; family head; patriarch
家長 {n} /jiāzhǎng/ :: parent(s) or guardian of a minor (especially a student)
家長黨 {n} [transgender slang] /jiāzhǎngdǎng/ :: trans youth with parental support
家長會 {n} /jiāzhǎnghuì/ :: parents' meeting (at school); parents' evening; parent-teacher conference
家长 {def} SEE: 家長 ::
家长党 {def} SEE: 家長黨 ::
家长会 {def} SEE: 家長會 ::
家臣 {n} [archaic] /jiāchén/ :: counselor to a king or feudal warlord
家臣 {n} [archaic] /jiāchén/ :: vassal
家丑 {def} SEE: 家醜 ::
家丑不可外扬 {def} SEE: 家醜不可外揚 ::
家醜 {n} /jiāchǒu/ :: skeleton in the closet; family skeleton; family scandal (that family members try to keep secret)
家醜不可外揚 {proverb} /jiāchǒu 不kě wàiyáng/ :: what happens in the family stays in the family; don't wash your dirty linen in public
家畜 {n} /jiāchù/ :: livestock; domesticated animal; domestic cattle
家传 {def} SEE: 家傳 ::
家传户晓 {def} SEE: 家傳戶曉 ::
家傳 {v} /jiāchuán/ :: to hand down in a family; to pass down from generation to generation
家傳 {n} /jiāzhuàn/ :: record of the deeds of past family members; family biography
家傳戶曉 {idiom} /jiāchuánhùxiǎo/ :: known to every household; ubiquitously known; widespread; extremely well-known
家慈 {n} [humble] /jiācí/ :: my mother
家祠 {n} /jiācí/ :: ancestral shrine; ancestral hall; ancestral temple; lineage temple
家当 {def} SEE: 家當 ::
家當 {n} /jiādàng,tl/ :: family belongings; family property
家當 {n} [figuratively] /jiādàng,tl/ :: livelihood
家道 {n} [literary] /jiādào/ :: family financial situation
家道中落 {idiom} /jiādào zhōngluò/ :: the family fortunes has declined; the family fortunes are at a [[low] ebb
家底 {n} /jiādǐ,er/ :: family property accumulated over a long period of time
家电 {def} SEE: 家電 ::
家電 {n} /jiādiàn/ :: electrical home appliance; electrical household appliance
家丁 {n} [literary, historical] /jiādīng/ :: servant of a wealthy family
家督 {n} [literary] /jiādū/ :: eldest son
家法 {n} [archaic] /jiāfǎ/ :: rod or stick for punishing servants or younger family members
家法 {n} [archaic] /jiāfǎ/ :: domestic discipline
家法 {n} [archaic] /jiāfǎ/ :: way of doing something that is passed down generation to generation in a family; family custom or tradition
家紡 {n} /jiāfǎng/ :: home textiles
家纺 {def} SEE: 家紡 ::
家訪 {v} [of a teacher] /jiāfǎng/ :: to pay a home visit, especially: to pay a visit to a student's home and have a talk to his or her parents
家访 {def} SEE: 家訪 ::
家風 {n} /jiāfēng/ :: family tradition; family principles; family trait
家风 {def} SEE: 家風 ::
家父 {n} [humble] /jiāfù/ :: my father
家規 {n} /jiāguī/ :: family disciplines; family rules
家规 {def} SEE: 家規 ::
家和萬事興 {proverb} /jiā hé wànshì xīng/ :: harmony in the family leads to prosperity in all undertakings
家和万事兴 {def} SEE: 家和萬事興 ::
家后 {def} SEE: 家後 ::
家戶 {n} /jiāhù/ :: door
家戶 {n} /jiāhù/ :: family; household
家户 {def} SEE: 家戶 ::
家贿 {def} SEE: 家賄 ::
家伙 {n} [colloquial] /jiāhuo/ :: tool; utensil; weapon
家伙 {n} [colloquial] /jiāhuo/ :: fellow; guy; chap
家伙 {n} [colloquial] /jiāhuo/ :: domesticated animal; livestock
家伙 {n} [colloquial] /jiāhuo/ :: time [instance or occurrence]
家伙 {n} [dialectal] /jiāhuo/ :: thing
家己侬 {def} SEE: 家己儂 ::
家己儂 {def} SEE: 家己人 ::
家伎 {n} [archaic] /jiājì/ :: a sing-song girl who has been brought up within a family
家家 {n} /jiājiā/ :: every family
家家 {n} [Southwestern Mandarin, including, Chengdu, Chongqing, Renshou, Wuhan, Yichang, Suizhou, Yongshan] /jiājiā/ :: maternal grandmother
家家 {n} [Southwestern Mandarin, including, Hanyuan, Tongzi] /jiājiā/ :: maternal grandfather
家家 {n} [dialectal Mandarin, including, Yanhe, Nanchuan, Hong'an] /jiājiā/ :: maternal grandparents
家家 {suffix} [dialectal Mandarin] /jiājiā/ :: Used after a noun to specify a type of person
家家戶戶 {n} /jiājiāhùhù,er/ :: every household; every family
家家户户 {def} SEE: 家家戶戶 ::
家家酒 {n} [Taiwan] /jiājiājiǔ/ :: house; play house (children's game)
家家有本难念的经 {def} SEE: 家家有本難念的經 ::
家家有本難唸的經 {def} SEE: 家家有本難念的經 ::
家家有本難念的經 {proverb} /jiājiā yǒu běn nán niàn de jīng/ :: every family has a (sad or unpleasant) story; every family goes through its own problems
家将 {def} SEE: 家將 ::
家將 {n} [archaic] /jiājiàng/ :: an armed guard in the employ of a wealthy and influential family
家教 {n} /jiājiào/ :: family education; upbringing
家教 {n} /jiājiào/ :: private tutor
家姐 {n} [honorific] /jiājiě/ :: my elder sister
家姐 {n} [Cantonese] /jiājiě/ :: elder sister
家境 {n} /jiājìng/ :: family financial situation; family monetary circumstances
家俱 {def} SEE: 家具 ::
家居 {n} /jiājū/ :: home; residence
家居 {v} /jiājū/ :: to stay at home; to be unemployed
家具 {n} /jiājù/ :: furniture (Classifier: m:件m:套)
家眷 {v} /jiājuàn/ :: wife and children; one's family
家眷 {v} /jiājuàn/ :: wife
家君 {n} [humble] /jiājūn/ :: my father
家課 {n} [chiefly Hong Kong, Chiayi] /jiākè/ :: homework
家课 {def} SEE: 家課 ::
家口 {n} /jiākǒu/ :: number of people in a family
家老 {n} /jiālǎo/ :: senior in one's household
家乐福 {def} SEE: 家樂福 ::
家樂福 {prop} /Jiālèfú/ :: Carrefour (French multinational retailer)
家裏 {def} SEE: 家裡 ::
家裏人 {def} SEE: 家裡人 ::
家裡 {n} /jiālǐ/ :: home, family
家裡 {n} [figurative] /jiālǐ/ :: one's own group, one's own system
家裡 {n} [dated or regional] /jiālǐ/ :: wife [humble, about own wife]
家裡的 {n} [colloquial] /jiālǐde/ :: wife
家裡蹲大學 {n} [slang] /jiālǐdūn dàxué/ :: Name of a spurious university, typically used in situations where an actual university (qualification) is lacking
家裡人 {n} /jiālǐrén,tl2/ :: people in one's family; family members
家裡有礦 {idiom} [slang, neologism] /jiālǐyǒukuàng/ :: from a rich family
家里 {def} SEE: 家裡 ::
家里的 {def} SEE: 家裡的 ::
家里蹲大学 {def} SEE: 家裡蹲大學 ::
家里人 {def} SEE: 家裡人 ::
家里有矿 {def} SEE: 家裡有礦 ::
家乱 {def} SEE: 家亂 ::
家亂 {n} [literary] /jiāluàn/ :: family dispute
家猫 {def} SEE: 家貓 ::
家貓 {n} /jiāmāo/ :: domestic cat; housecat
家門 {n} [literally] /jiāmén/ :: gate of one's house
家門 {n} [figurative] /jiāmén/ :: family; clan; household
家門 {n} [figurative] /jiāmén/ :: family background; personal history
家门 {def} SEE: 家門 ::
家庙 {def} SEE: 家廟 ::
家廟 {n} /jiāmiào/ :: ancestral shrine; ancestral hall; ancestral temple; lineage temple
家母 {n} [humble] /jiāmǔ/ :: my mother
家内 {def} SEE: 家內 ::
家内人 {def} SEE: 家內人 ::
家牛 {n} /jiāniú/ :: cattle
家奴 {n} [archaic] /jiānú/ :: a house servant
家貧 {adj} [literary] /jiāpín/ :: to come from a poor family
家贫 {def} SEE: 家貧 ::
家破人亡 {idiom} /jiāpòrénwáng/ :: family members have died and are dispersed
家仆 {def} SEE: 家僕 ::
家僕 {n} [archaic] /jiāpú/ :: domestic servant; houseboy; manservant
家譜 {n} /jiāpǔ/ :: genealogy; family tree
家谱 {def} SEE: 家譜 ::
家禽 {n} /jiāqín/ :: domestic fowls; poultry (Classifier: m:隻)
家雀儿 {def} SEE: 家雀兒 ::
家雀兒 {n} [dialectal Mandarin] /jiāqiǎor/ :: sparrow
家人 {n} /jiārén/ :: one's family or family members
家人 {n} [archaic] /jiārén/ :: 37th hexagram of the I Ching ()
家人 {n} [archaic] /jiārén/ :: ordinary people; commoner; plebeian; civilian; everyday person; person of humble birth
家人 {n} [archaic] /jiārén/ :: domestic servant
家婶 {def} SEE: 家嬸 ::
家声 {def} SEE: 家聲 ::
家生 {n} [literary] /jiāshēng/ :: household furniture
家生 {n} [literary] /jiāshēng/ :: any of various weapons such as swords and spears
家生 {n} [literary, historical] /jiāshēng/ :: child of a slave or servant who still works at the master's house
家聲 {n} [literary] /jiāshēng/ :: family reputation
家什 {n} [colloquial] /jiāshi,jiāshí,1nb/ :: items used in the household; utensils or furniture
家史 {n} /jiāshǐ/ :: family history
家世 {n} [formal] /jiāshì/ :: one's descent; one's origin; one's family background
家事 {n} /jiāshì/ :: family matters
家事 {n} /jiāshì/ :: housework
家事 {n} /jiāshì/ :: family finances
家事法庭 {n} [legal] /jiāshì fǎtíng/ :: family court
家室 {n} /jiā室/ :: family; household
家室 {n} /jiā室/ :: family members; dependents
家室 {n} /jiā室/ :: residence; home
家室 {n} /jiā室/ :: married couple; husband and wife
家室 {n} /jiā室/ :: wife
家书 {def} SEE: 家書 ::
家书抵万金 {def} SEE: 家書抵萬金 ::
家書 {n} /jiāshū/ :: letter to or from one's family or home
家書抵萬金 {proverb} /jiāshū dǐ wàn jīn/ :: A letter from home is worth ten thousand pieces of gold
家属 {def} SEE: 家屬 ::
家屬 {n} /jiāshǔ/ :: family member; dependent
家鼠 {n} /jiāshǔ,er/ :: house mouse (Mus musculus)
家鼠 {n} /jiāshǔ,er/ :: rat (Rattus), especially house rat (Rattus rattus) and brown rat (Rattus norvegicus)
家私 {n} /jiāsī/ :: family property
家庭 {n} /jiātíng/ :: family; household (Classifier: 戶個)
家庭暴力 {n} /jiātíng bàolì/ :: domestic violence
家庭病床 {n} [mainland] /jiātíng bìngchuáng/ :: hospital bed set up at home; home sickbed
家庭成员 {def} SEE: 家庭成員 ::
家庭成員 {n} /jiātíng chéngyuán/ :: family member
家庭法 {n} /jiātíngfǎ/ :: family law
家庭服务员 {def} SEE: 家庭服務員 ::
家庭服務員 {n} /jiātíng fúwùyuán/ :: home attendant; human services worker; family service officer
家庭福利 {n} /jiātíng fúlì/ :: family benefits
家庭妇女 {def} SEE: 家庭婦女 ::
家庭婦女 {n} /jiātíng fùnǚ/ :: housewife
家庭管理 {n} /jiātíng guǎnlǐ/ :: household management
家庭寄养 {def} SEE: 家庭寄養 ::
家庭寄養 {n} /jiātíng jìyǎng/ :: foster care
家庭教师 {def} SEE: 家庭教師 ::
家庭教師 {n} /jiātíng jiàoshī/ :: private teacher; tutor
家庭教育 {n} /jiātíng jiàoyù/ :: upbringing; parenting
家庭經濟 {n} /jiātíng jīngjì/ :: household economy; family economics
家庭经济 {def} SEE: 家庭經濟 ::
家庭剧院 {def} SEE: 家庭劇院 ::
家庭劇院 {n} /jiātíng yǐngyuàn/ :: home cinema (Classifier: m:套)
家庭农场 {def} SEE: 家庭農場 ::
家庭農場 {n} [agriculture] /jiātíng nóng场/ :: family farm
家庭团圆 {def} SEE: 家庭團圓 ::
家庭團圓 {n} /jiātíng tuányuán/ :: family reunion
家庭托儿所 {def} SEE: 家庭托兒所 ::
家庭托兒所 {n} /jiātíng tuō'érsuǒ/ :: home nursery; family day care
家庭医生 {def} SEE: 家庭醫生 ::
家庭医师 {def} SEE: 家庭醫師 ::
家庭医学 {def} SEE: 家庭醫學 ::
家庭醫生 {n} /jiātíng yīshēng/ :: family doctor; general practitioner
家庭醫師 {n} /jiātíng yīshī/ :: family doctor
家庭醫學 {n} /jiātíng yīxué/ :: family medicine
家庭影院 {n} /jiātíng yǐngyuàn/ :: home cinema (Classifier: m:套)
家庭制度 {n} /jiātíng zhìdù/ :: institution of the family
家庭主妇 {def} SEE: 家庭主婦 ::
家庭主婦 {n} /jiātíng zhǔfù/ :: housewife
家庭主义 {def} SEE: 家庭主義 ::
家庭主義 {n} /jiātíngzhǔyì/ :: familism
家庭作业 {def} SEE: 家庭作業 ::
家庭作業 {n} /jiātíng zuòyè/ :: homework
家僮 {n} [archaic] /jiātóng,er/ :: young male house servant
家徒四壁 {idiom} [figurative] /jiātúsìbì/ :: very poor; wretched
家屋 {n} [literary] /jiāwū/ :: house; residence
家务 {def} SEE: 家務 ::
家务劳动 {def} SEE: 家務勞動 ::
家務 {n} /jiāwù/ :: household duties; chores; housework
家務勞動 {n} /jiāwù láodòng/ :: household duties; chores; housework
家系 {n} /jiāxì/ :: family tree; family line
家下 {adv} /jiāxià,tl/ :: at home; in the family
家下 {n} [Xuzhou Mandarin, Yangjiang Cantonese] /jiāxià,tl/ :: wife
家乡 {def} SEE: 家鄉 ::
家乡菜 {def} SEE: 家鄉菜 ::
家乡话 {def} SEE: 家鄉話 ::
家鄉 {n} /jiāxiāng/ :: hometown; native land
家鄉菜 {n} /jiāxiāngcài/ :: dishes from one's hometown; local dish; home cooking
家鄉話 {n} /jiāxiānghuà/ :: the variety of Chinese spoken in one's hometown; the variety of Chinese someone grew up speaking
家小 {n} [literary] /jiāxiǎo/ :: wife and children
家信 {n} /jiāxìn/ :: letter to or from one's family
家訓 {n} /jiāxùn/ :: family motto
家训 {def} SEE: 家訓 ::
家鴨 {n} /jiāyā/ :: domestic duck (the domesticated variety of mallard)
家鸭 {def} SEE: 家鴨 ::
家严 {def} SEE: 家嚴 ::
家嚴 {n} [humble] /jiāyán/ :: my father
家燕 {n} /jiāyàn/ :: barn swallow
家养 {def} SEE: 家養 ::
家養 {adj} /jiāyǎng/ :: domestic (animals); home reared (attributive)
家业 {def} SEE: 家業 ::
家業 {n} /jiāyè/ :: family business (handed down from one's ancestors)
家業 {n} /jiāyè/ :: family property
家医 {def} SEE: 家醫 ::
家醫 {n} /jiāyī/ :: abbreviation of 家庭醫生  
家醫 {n} /jiāyī/ :: abbreviation of 家庭醫學
家蝇 {def} SEE: 家蠅 ::
家蠅 {n} /jiāyíng/ :: housefly
家用 {n} /jiāyòng/ :: living expenses; housekeeping money
家用 {adj} [attributive] /jiāyòng/ :: for use in a house or home; domestic; home
家用电器 {def} SEE: 家用電器 ::
家用電器 {n} /jiāyòng diànqì/ :: electrical home appliances; electrical household appliance
家幽灵蛛 {def} SEE: 家幽靈蛛 ::
家幽靈蛛 {n} /jiāyōulíngzhū/ :: daddy long-legs spider
家喻戶曉 {idiom} /jiāyùhùxiǎo/ :: known to every household; ubiquitously known; widespread; extremely well-known
家喻户晓 {def} SEE: 家喻戶曉 ::
家园 {def} SEE: 家園 ::
家園 {n} [literally] /jiāyuán/ :: garden in one's home
家園 {n} [literally, figuratively] /jiāyuán/ :: home
家園 {n} [literally, figuratively] /jiāyuán/ :: homeland
家运 {def} SEE: 家運 ::
家賊 {n} /jiāzéi/ :: thief within a house or family
家賊 {n} /jiāzéi/ :: undiscovered traitor
家賊 {n} [Northeastern Mandarin] /jiāzéi/ :: sparrow
家贼 {def} SEE: 家賊 ::
家阵 {def} SEE: 家陣 ::
家政 {n} /jiāzhèng/ :: housekeeping
家中 {n} /jiāzhōng/ :: one's home; one's family
家猪 {def} SEE: 家豬 ::
家豬 {n} /jiāzhū/ :: domestic pig; pig
家主 {n} [literary] /jiāzhǔ/ :: the master of a household
家貲 {n} [archaic] /jiāzī/ :: a family's financial assets
家資 {n} /jiāzī/ :: family property
家赀 {def} SEE: 家貲 ::
家资 {def} SEE: 家資 ::
家子 {n} [colloquial] /jiāzi/ :: household; family
家族 {n} /jiāzú/ :: family; household; clan
家族史 {n} /jiāzúshǐ/ :: family history
{def} /jiā/ :: cangue scaffold
枷车藤 {def} SEE: 枷車藤 ::
枷担 {def} SEE: 枷擔 ::
枷示 {v} [literary] /jiāshì/ :: to put before the public in a cangue
枷鎖 {n} [literally] /jiāsuǒ/ :: cangue and lock; stocks and chains (Classifier: 把)
枷鎖 {n} [figuratively] /jiāsuǒ/ :: constraints; fetters; shackles; restrictions
枷锁 {def} SEE: 枷鎖 ::
{def} SEE: ::
浃渫 {def} SEE: 浹渫 ::
{def} /xiá,jiá,1nb/ :: only used in 浹渫
浹渫 {adj} [literary, of water] /xiádié,jiádié,jiáxiè,1nb/ :: flowing; gushing
{def} /jiā/ :: powerful cattle
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiā/ :: mythical ape
{def} /jiā/ :: an ornament attached to a woman's hairpin
{def} /jiā/ :: scab (Classifier: m:塊m:個)
笳声 {def} SEE: 笳聲 ::
笳聲 {n} /jiāshēng/ :: sound of a reed whistle
{def} /qié/ :: eggplant; aubergine
{def} [Cantonese] /qié/ :: abbreviation of 番茄
{def} /jiā/ :: [obsolete] lotus stem
{def} [historical] /jiā/ :: (state)
茄萣 {prop} /Jiādìng,Qiédìng/ :: (~ 區) 茄萣 (district)
茄苳 {n} /jiādōng,qiédōng/ :: Bischofia javanica
茄紅素 {n} [organic compound] /qiéhóngsù/ :: lycopene
茄红素 {def} SEE: 茄紅素 ::
茄克 {def} SEE: 夾克 ::
茄泥 {n} /qiéní/ :: mashed eggplant; steamed eggplant; toasted eggplant
茄泥糨糊 {n} /qiéní jiànghu/ :: baba ganoush
茄汁 {n} /qiézhī/ :: tomato juice
茄汁 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /qiézhī/ :: ketchup
茄子 {n} /qiézi/ :: eggplant; aubergine (Classifier: m:根m,c:條m,c:個m,c:隻)
茄子 {interj} [chiefly Mandarin, when taking a photograph] /qiézi/ :: cheese!
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiā/ :: reed plant
葭莩 {n} [literary] /jiāfú/ :: thin membrane in reed
葭莩 {n} [literary, figurative] /jiāfú/ :: distanced relative
葭月 {prop} [archaic] /Jiāyuè/ :: The eleventh month of the Chinese lunar calendar
{def} /jiā/ :: only used in 袈裟
袈裟 {n} [Buddhism] /jiāshā/ :: Kasaya (clothing) (the robes of fully ordained Buddhist monks and nuns)
{def} /jiā/ :: boar; male pig
{def} [in general] /jiā/ :: pig
豭马 {def} SEE: 豭馬 ::
{def} /jiā/ :: [obsolete] only used in 貑羆
{def} /jiā/ :: used in 跏趺
{def} /jiā/ :: [obsolete] to walk with feet pointing inwards
跏趺 {v} /jiāfū/ :: to sit in the lotus position
{def} /tù/ :: [historical dictionaries] crafty
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiā/ :: used in transcriptions of foreign words
{def} /xiè/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
迦得 {prop} [Protestantism] /Jiādé/ :: Gad
迦拉达 {def} SEE: 迦拉達 ::
迦拉达书 {def} SEE: 迦拉達書 ::
迦拉達 {prop} [Catholicism] /Jiālādá/ :: Galatia
迦拉達書 {prop} [Catholicism] /Jiālādáshū/ :: Book of Galatians
迦梨 {prop} [Hinduism] /Jiālí/ :: Kali, a goddess in Hinduism
迦楼罗 {def} SEE: 迦樓羅 ::
迦樓羅 {n} [Buddhism, mythology] /jiālóuluó/ :: garuda (mythological winged being)
迦納 {prop} [Taiwan] /Jiānà/ :: Ghana
迦纳 {def} SEE: 迦納 ::
迦南 {prop} /Jiānán/ :: Canaan
迦南犬 {n} /Jiānán quǎn/ :: Canaan Dog (breed of dog from Israel)
迦腻色伽 {def} SEE: 迦膩色伽 ::
迦膩色伽 {prop} /Jiānìsèqié/ :: (~ 王) Kanishka, emperor of the Kushan dynasty (reign c. 127−150 CE)
迦毗羅衛 {prop} /Jiāpíluówèi/ :: 迦毗羅衛 (<<ancient>> lost <<city>> in <<r/South Asia>>)
迦毗罗卫 {def} SEE: 迦毗羅衛 ::
迦太基 {prop} /Jiātàijī/ :: Carthage
{def} /jiā/ :: gallium
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiā/ :: [obsolete] only used in 鴐鵝
{def} /jiā/ :: buck
{def} /jiā/ :: stag
{def} [Min Nan] /jiá/ :: to close (the eyes)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: 𥍉 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /yà/ :: Used in 㛼䀹
恝視 {n} [literary] /jiáshì/ :: to treat with nonchalance; to disregard; to neglect
恝视 {def} SEE: 恝視 ::
恝置 {adj} /jiázhì/ :: carefree; indifferent; inattentive; heedless
{def} /jiá/ :: lance
{def} /jiá/ :: tap or strike lightly
戛納 {prop} /Gānà,Jiánà,1nb/ :: 戛納 (city)
戛纳 {def} SEE: 戛納 ::
戛然而止 {idiom} [especially of a sound] /jiárán'érzhǐ/ :: to stop abruptly
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /xié/ :: to clasp under the arm; to hold under the armpit
{def} /xié/ :: to coerce; to force obedience
{def} /xié/ :: to harbor (resentment, etc.)
{def} /xié/ :: to carry
挾持 {v} /挾chí/ :: to hold somebody under duress; to seize; to hijack; to take hostage
挾帶 {v} /xiédài/ :: to carry (on one's person)  
挾恨 {v} [literary] /挾hèn/ :: to resent; to harbor intense hatred
挾勢 {v} /xiéshì/ :: to rely on one's positional power or influence
挾太山以超北海 {def} SEE: 挾泰山以超北海 ::
挾泰山以超北海 {idiom} [figuratively] /xié tàishān yǐ chāo běihǎi/ :: to do something impossible; to be a mere fantasy
挾天子以令諸侯 {phrase} /xié tiānzǐ yǐ lìng zhūhóu/ :: to control the emperor to command the nobles
挾天子以令諸侯 {phrase} [figuratively] /xié tiānzǐ yǐ lìng zhūhóu/ :: to assume de facto control of the de jure legitimate government; to be the power behind the throne; to be the éminence grise
挾嫌 {v} /挾xián/ :: to harbor resentment; to bear a grudge
挾制 {v} /挾zhì/ :: to take advantage of somebody's weakness to enforce obedience; to force somebody to do one's bidding
{def} /jiā/ :: chopstick
{def} /xiá,jiǎ/ :: small boat
{def} SEE: ::
荚果 {def} SEE: 莢果 ::
{def} /jiá/ :: pods of leguminous plants
{def} /jiá/ :: pods
莢果 {n} /jiáguǒ/ :: pod, legume
{def} SEE: ::
蛱蝶 {def} SEE: 蛺蝶 ::
{def} /jiá/ :: used in 蛺蝶
蛺蝶 {n} [traditional sense] /jiádié/ :: butterfly
蛺蝶 {n} [zoology] /jiádié/ :: Nymphalidae (a family of butterflies)
{def} /jiá/ :: lined garment
{def} /jiá/ :: alternative form of
{def} /jié,jiá,1nb/ :: [obsolete] overlapping collar
{def} /qiā/ :: only used in 袷袢
袷袢 {n} /qiāpàn/ :: chapan (robe worn by Uyghur and Tajik people)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [of swords] /jiá/ :: the hilt
鋏子 {n} /jiázi/ :: tongs
{def} SEE: ::
铗仔 {def} SEE: 鋏仔 ::
铗子 {def} SEE: 鋏子 ::
{def} [anatomy] /jiá/ :: cheek
頰骨 {n} [skeleton] /jiágǔ/ :: cheekbone
{def} SEE: ::
颊骨 {def} SEE: 頰骨 ::
{def} /hé/ :: only used in 餄餎
餄餎 {n} /héle/ :: a type of Chinese noodle made from buckwheat flour
餄餎麵 {n} /héle miàn/ :: a type of Chinese noodle made from buckwheat flour
{def} /jiá/ :: [obsolete] cuckoo
{def} /jiá/ :: A surname.
{def} /jiǎ/ :: to lend; to borrow; to loan
{def} [archaic, historical, politics] /jiǎ/ :: acting
{def} /jiǎ/ :: to make use of
{def} /jiǎ/ :: to disguise; to fake; to pretend
{def} /jiǎ/ :: forged; artificial
{def} /jiǎ/ :: falsehood; deception
{def} /jiǎ/ :: if; assuming
{def} /jià/ :: vacation
{def} /gé,jiǎ/ :: [obsolete] Same as 格
假扮 {v} /jiǎbàn/ :: to disguise oneself as
假币 {def} SEE: 假幣 ::
假幣 {n} /jiǎbì/ :: counterfeit money
假單胞菌 {n} /jiǎdānbāo菌/ :: (~ 屬) Pseudomonas
假唱 {n} /jiǎchàng/ :: lip-syncing
假唱 {v} /jiǎchàng/ :: to lip-sync
假鈔 {n} /jiǎchāo/ :: counterfeit bills; counterfeit notes; counterfeit banknotes
假钞 {def} SEE: 假鈔 ::
假称 {def} SEE: 假稱 ::
假稱 {v} /jiǎchēng/ :: to falsely claim; to pretend
假痴不癫 {def} SEE: 假痴不癲 ::
假痴不癲 {idiom} /jiǎchī不diān/ :: to hide behind the mask of a fool, a madman, etc. to create confusion about one's true intentions
假癡不癲 {def} SEE: 假痴不癲 ::
假齿 {def} SEE: 假齒 ::
假丑恶 {def} SEE: 假醜惡 ::
假醜惡 {adj} /jiǎ-chǒu-è/ :: fake, ugly and evil
假醜惡 {n} /jiǎ-chǒu-è/ :: the fake, ugly and evil acts in the society; the dark sides of society
假大空 {n} /jiǎdàkōng/ :: lies, big and empty words
假单胞菌 {def} SEE: 假單胞菌 ::
假道 {v} [literary] /jiǎdào/ :: to go by way of; to go via
假道伐虢 {idiom} [figurative] /jiǎdào伐guó/ :: to make peace with a smaller enemy and use it as a springboard to attack another common enemy, before turning on the first
假等义 {def} SEE: 假等義 ::
假等義 {n} [linguistics, translation studies, lexicography] /jiǎděngyì/ :: false friend; faux ami
假定 {v} /jiǎdìng/ :: to assume; to suppose; to presume
假定 {n} /jiǎdìng/ :: hypothesis
假发 {def} SEE: 假髮 ::
假髮 {n} /jiǎ髮/ :: wig (Classifier: m:副)
假分數 {n} /jiǎfēnshù/ :: improper fraction
假分数 {def} SEE: 假分數 ::
假戆 {def} SEE: 假戇 ::
假花 {n} /jiǎhuā/ :: artificial flower(s)
假話 {n} /jiǎhuà/ :: lie; misstatement
假话 {def} SEE: 假話 ::
假喙齿 {def} SEE: 假喙齒 ::
假貨 {n} /jiǎhuò/ :: fake products; counterfeit goods
假货 {def} SEE: 假貨 ::
假雞巴 {n} [vulgar] /jiǎjība/ :: dildo
假鸡巴 {def} SEE: 假雞巴 ::
假結婚 {n} /jiǎjiéhūn/ :: sham marriage
假睫毛 {n} [cosmetics] /jiǎjiémáo/ :: false eyelash, falsie
假结婚 {def} SEE: 假結婚 ::
假借 {v} /jiǎjiè/ :: to make use of; to be under the guise of
假借 {v} [archaic] /jiǎjiè/ :: to countenance; to tolerate; to allow; to indulge
假借 {n} [in Chinese character classification] /jiǎjiè/ :: Chinese characters that are "borrowed" to write another homophonous or near-homophonous morpheme
假空假气 {def} SEE: 假空假氣 ::
假连翘 {def} SEE: 假連翹 ::
假連翹 {n} /jiǎliánqiào/ :: golden dewdrop
假令 {conj} [literary] /jiǎlìng/ :: if; in case
假冒 {v} /jiǎmào,er/ :: to pass oneself off as; to impersonate
假冒 {v} /jiǎmào,er/ :: to counterfeit
假冒 {adj} /jiǎmào,er/ :: fake; counterfeit
假冒伪劣 {def} SEE: 假冒偽劣 ::
假冒偽劣 {idiom} /jiǎmào伪liè,er/ :: fake, forged, counterfeit and poor-quality; counterfeit and shoddy [generally speaking]
假寐 {v} [literary] /jiǎmèi/ :: to take a nap
假面 {n} /jiǎmiàn/ :: mask
假面 {n} /jiǎmiàn/ :: facade; false front
假面具 {n} /jiǎmiànjù/ :: mask
假面具 {n} /jiǎmiànjù/ :: facade; false front
假面剧 {def} SEE: 假面劇 ::
假面劇 {n} [theater] /jiǎmiànjù/ :: masque
假面舞会 {def} SEE: 假面舞會 ::
假面舞會 {n} /jiǎmiàn wǔhuì/ :: masked ball
假名 {n} /jiǎmíng/ :: pseudonym; false or fictitious name
假名 {v} [archaic] /jiǎmíng/ :: to do something under a false premise
假名 {n} /jiǎmíng/ :: Japanese kana
假朋友 {n} [linguistics, translation studies, lexicography] /jiǎpéngyou,jiǎpéngyǒu,1nb/ :: false friend; faux ami
假朋友 {n} /jiǎpéngyou,jiǎpéngyǒu,1nb/ :: See: zh 朋友
假期 {n} /jià期/ :: holiday (non-working period); vacation
假日 {n} /jiàrì/ :: holiday (non-working day)
假如 {conj} /jiǎrú/ :: if; in case; supposing
假若 {def} SEE: 敢若 ::
假若 {conj} /jiǎruò/ :: if; supposing
假山 {n} /jiǎshān/ :: rockery; rock garden
假設 {v} /jiǎshè/ :: to presuppose; to hypothesise; to assert
假設 {n} /jiǎshè/ :: hypothesis; presupposition; assertion; assumption
假設 {conj} /jiǎshè/ :: if; supposing
假设 {def} SEE: 假設 ::
假声 {def} SEE: 假聲 ::
假聲 {n} /jiǎshēng/ :: falsetto
假圣人 {def} SEE: 假聖人 ::
假使 {conj} /jiǎshǐ/ :: if; in case
假释 {def} SEE: 假釋 ::
假釋 {v} /jiǎshì/ :: to release on parole
假手於人 {idiom} /jiǎshǒuyúrén/ :: to rely on or make use of others to get something done or accomplish one's own goals
假手于人 {def} SEE: 假手於人 ::
假摔 {v} [sport] /jiǎshuāi/ :: to do a fake dive
假說 {n} /jiǎshuō/ :: hypothesis
假说 {def} SEE: 假說 ::
假死 {n} [medicine] /jiǎsǐ/ :: false death; suspended animation
假死 {v} [usually of animals] /jiǎsǐ/ :: to play dead
假体 {def} SEE: 假體 ::
假體 {n} [medicine] /jiǎtǐ/ :: prosthesis; prosthetic implant
假条 {def} SEE: 假條 ::
假條 {n} /jiàtiáo,er/ :: application for leave; leave permit
假托 {v} /jiǎtuō/ :: to pretend to speak on another's behalf
假相 {n} /jiǎxiàng/ :: false impression; façade
假想 {v} /jiǎxiǎng/ :: to imagine; to suppose
假想 {n} /jiǎxiǎng/ :: imagination
假想敌 {def} SEE: 假想敵 ::
假想敵 {n} [military and figuratively] /jiǎxiǎngdí/ :: imaginary enemy; virtual opposing force
假象 {n} /jiǎxiàng/ :: false impression; façade
假象牙 {n} [dated] /jiǎxiàngyá/ :: alternative name for 賽璐珞
假小子 {n} [colloquial] /jiǎxiǎozi/ :: tomboy (girl who acts like a boy)
假笑 {v} /jiǎxiào/ :: to smile in an affected manner; to give a fake smile
假惺惺 {adj} [ideophonic] /jiǎxīngxīng/ :: unctuous; hypocritical; insincere
假性 {adj} [attributive] /jiǎxìng/ :: false; pseudo-
假牙 {n} /jiǎyá/ :: denture; false teeth
假牙膏 {n} /jiǎyágāo/ :: denture cream
假阳性 {def} SEE: 假陽性 ::
假陽性 {n} /jiǎyángxìng/ :: false positive
假意 {n} /jiǎyì/ :: insincerity; hypocrisy
假意 {v} /jiǎyì/ :: to pretend
假阴茎 {def} SEE: 假陰莖 ::
假阴性 {def} SEE: 假陰性 ::
假陰莖 {n} /jiǎyīnjīng/ :: dildo
假陰性 {n} /jiǎyīnxìng/ :: false negative
假音 {n} /jiǎyīn/ :: falsetto
假银纸 {def} SEE: 假銀紙 ::
假婴 {def} SEE: 假嬰 ::
假友 {n} [linguistics, translation studies, lexicography] /jiǎyǒu/ :: false friend; faux ami
假造 {v} /jiǎzào/ :: to forge; to counterfeit (e.g. a document)
假造 {v} /jiǎzào/ :: to make up; to concoct; to invent; to fabricate
假帐 {def} SEE: 假帳 ::
假帳 {n} /jiǎzhàng/ :: false account; false accounting; accounting fraud
假正經 {adj} /jiǎzhèngjing/ :: pretending to be serious or morally decent; hypocritical; sanctimonious; prudish
假正经 {def} SEE: 假正經 ::
假肢 {n} [medicine] /jiǎzhī/ :: artificial limb; prosthetic device; prosthesis
假指甲 {n} /jiǎzhǐjia,jiǎ#zhǐjiǎ,jiǎzhījia,1nb/ :: artificial nails (as a fashion accessory or aid in playing a stringed instrument); nail extensions
假装 {def} SEE: 假裝 ::
假裝 {v} /jiǎzhuāng/ :: to pretend; to make believe; to feign
假作 {v} [literary] /jiǎzuò/ :: to pretend; to feign
{def} /jiǎ/ :: [obsolete] original form of
{def} /xiá/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /xiá/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /xiá/ :: surname
{def} /jiǎ/ :: to reach, to arrive
{def} /jiǎ/ :: to come
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiǎ/ :: surname
{def} [archaic] /jiǎ/ :: A type of pomelo, whose fruit is as big as a basin, has a thick peel, and resembles the trifoliate orange on the inside. The wood from the tree can be used to make beds and tables
{def} /jiā/ :: [obsolete] an implement for leashing a dog
{def} /jiā/ :: alternative form of
{def} /jiǎ/ :: The Manchurian catalpa, Catalpa bungei
{def} SEE: ::
槚如树 {def} SEE: 檟如樹 ::
{def} /jiǎ/ :: tea
{def} /jiǎ/ :: Catalpa bungei or Manchurian catalpa
檟如樹 {n} /jiǎrúshù/ :: alternative name for 腰果
{def} /jiǎ/ :: armor
{def} /jiǎ/ :: shell
{def} /jiǎ/ :: nail (plate at the end of fingers and toes)
{def} /jiǎ/ :: the first of the ten heavenly stems
{def} /jiǎ/ :: number one; first; A
{def} /jiǎ/ :: surname
{def} [Taiwan] /jiǎ/ :: unit of land (area) measure, equivalent to 2,934 坪 or 0.97 hectares, roughly 2.1 acres
甲氨蝶呤 {n} [pharmaceutical drug] /jiǎ'āndiélìng/ :: methotrexate
甲胺 {n} [organic compound] /jiǎ胺/ :: methylamine; methanamine
甲板 {n} /jiǎbǎn/ :: deck (of a ship)
甲板 {n} /jiǎbǎn/ :: armor plate (of an armored car)
甲苯 {n} [organic compound] /jiǎběn/ :: toluene; methylbenzene
甲必丹 {n} [historical] /jiǎbìdān/ :: Kapitan Cina (a title given to leaders of overseas Chinese enclaves in Southeast Asia)
甲兵 {n} [archaic] /jiǎbīng/ :: armor-clad soldiers; army; troops
甲猜 {n} /jiǎcāi/ :: synonym of 凹唇薑
甲辰 {n} /jiǎchén/ :: The forty-first term of the Chinese sexagenary cycle, sometimes glossed as "Wood Dragon" from its associated terms in the Chinese elements and zodiac
甲虫 {def} SEE: 甲蟲 ::
甲蟲 {n} /jiǎchóng/ :: beetle
甲醇 {n} [organic compound] /jiǎchún/ :: methanol
甲方 {n} /jiǎfāng/ :: First Party; Party A (e.g. of a contract)
甲斐 {prop} /Jiǎfěi/ :: (~ 市) 甲斐 (city)
甲斐 {prop} /Jiǎfěi/ :: Kai (a Japanese surname)
甲府 {prop} /Jiǎfǔ/ :: (~ 市) 甲府 (city)
甲肝 {n} /jiǎgān/ :: abbreviation of 甲型肝炎
甲功 {n} [medicine] /jiǎgōng/ :: short fo 甲狀腺功能 (thyroid function)
甲沟炎 {def} SEE: 甲溝炎 ::
甲溝炎 {n} [disease] /jiǎgōuyán/ :: paronychia
甲骨 {n} /jiǎgǔ/ :: tortoise shell; turtle shell (Classifier: m:片m:塊)
甲骨 {n} /jiǎgǔ/ :: oracle bone (Classifier: m:片m:塊)
甲骨文 {n} [paleography, historiography] /jiǎgǔwén/ :: oracle bone script
甲骨文 {prop} [computing] /jiǎgǔwén/ :: Oracle Corporation
甲賀 {prop} /Jiǎhè/ :: (~ 市) 甲賀 (city)
甲贺 {def} SEE: 甲賀 ::
甲基 {n} [organic chemistry] /jiǎjī/ :: methyl group
甲基安非他命 {n} [organic compound] /jiǎjī'ānfēitāmìng/ :: methamphetamine
甲基苯丙胺 {n} [organic compound] /jiǎjī běnbǐng胺/ :: methamphetamine
甲基橙 {n} [organic compound] /jiǎjīchéng/ :: methyl orange
甲基紅 {n} [organic compound] /jiǎjīhóng/ :: methyl red
甲基红 {def} SEE: 甲基紅 ::
甲基化 {n} [organic chemistry] /jiǎjīhuà/ :: methylation
甲基磺酰胺 {n} [Mainland China, Hong Kong, organic compound] /jiǎjī huángxiān胺/ :: methanesulfonamide (CH3SO2NH2)
甲基綠 {n} [organic compound] /jiǎjīlǜ/ :: methyl green
甲基绿 {def} SEE: 甲基綠 ::
甲基紫 {n} [organic compound] /jiǎjīzǐ/ :: methyl violet
甲减 {def} SEE: 甲減 ::
甲減 {n} [medicine] /jiǎjiǎn/ :: short fo 甲狀腺功能減退症 (hypothyroidism)
甲亢 {n} [medicine] /jiǎkàng/ :: hyperthyroidism
甲壳 {def} SEE: 甲殼 ::
甲壳虫 {def} SEE: 甲殼蟲 ::
甲壳动物 {def} SEE: 甲殼動物 ::
甲殼 {n} /jiǎ殼/ :: shell; carapace; crust (hard protective covering)
甲殼蟲 {n} /jiǎ殼chóng/ :: beetle
甲殼蟲 {prop} /jiǎ殼chóng/ :: (~ 樂隊) alternative name for 披頭四
甲殼蟲 {prop} [Mainland] /jiǎ殼chóng/ :: Beetle (car)
甲殼動物 {n} /jiǎ殼 dòngwù/ :: crustacean
甲流 {n} /jiǎliú/ :: abbreviation of 甲型流感
甲硫氨酸 {n} [chiefly Mainland China, amino acid] /jiǎliú'ānsuān/ :: methionine
甲硫胺酸 {n} [Taiwan, amino acid] /jiǎliú胺suān/ :: methionine
甲醚 {n} [organic compound] /jiǎmí/ :: methyl ether
甲米 {prop} /Jiǎmǐ/ :: (~ 鎮) 甲米 (town)
甲米 {prop} /Jiǎmǐ/ :: (~ 府) 甲米 (province)
甲萬 {def} SEE: 夾萬 ::
甲硼烷 {n} [inorganic compound] /jiǎpéngwán/ :: borane
甲亲像 {def} SEE: 甲親像 ::
甲戌 {n} /jiǎxū/ :: The eleventh term of the Chinese sexagenary cycle, sometimes glossed as "Wood Dog" from its associated terms in the Chinese elements and zodiac
甲醛 {n} [organic compound] /jiǎquán/ :: formaldehyde
甲申 {n} /jiǎshēn/ :: The twenty-first term of the Chinese sexagenary cycle, sometimes glossed as "Wood Monkey" from its associated terms in the Chinese elements and zodiac
甲士 {n} [archaic] /jiǎshì/ :: soldiers clad in armor
甲士 {n} [archaic] /jiǎshì/ :: soldiers (in general)
甲酸 {n} [fatty acid] /jiǎsuān/ :: methanoic acid; formic acid
甲酸鈉 {n} [organic compound] /jiǎsuānnà/ :: sodium formate
甲酸钠 {def} SEE: 甲酸鈉 ::
甲胎蛋白 {n} [protein] /jiǎtāidànbái/ :: alpha-fetoprotein
甲烷 {n} [organic compound] /jiǎwán/ :: methane
甲万 {def} SEE: 甲萬 ::
甲午 {n} /jiǎwǔ/ :: The thirty-first term of the Chinese sexagenary cycle, sometimes glossed as "Wood Horse" from its associated terms in the Chinese elements and zodiac
甲午战争 {def} SEE: 甲午戰爭 ::
甲午戰爭 {prop} /Jiǎwǔ Zhànzhēng/ :: the First Sino-Japanese War (1894–1895, conflict between China and Japan primarily over influence in Korea)
甲西 {prop} /Jiǎxī/ :: (~ 鎮) 甲西 (town)
甲醯胺 {n} [Taiwan, organic compound] /jiǎxī胺/ :: formamide
甲仙 {prop} /Jiǎxiān/ :: (~ 區) 甲仙 (district)
甲酰胺 {n} [mainland China, Hong Kong, organic compound] /jiǎxiān胺/ :: formamide
甲癣 {def} SEE: 甲癬 ::
甲癬 {n} /jiǎ癣/ :: onychomycosis; ringworm of the nails
甲型肝炎 {n} /jiǎxíng gānyán/ :: hepatitis A
甲型胎儿蛋白 {def} SEE: 甲型胎兒蛋白 ::
甲型胎兒蛋白 {n} [protein] /jiǎxíng tāi'ér dànbái/ :: alpha-fetoprotein
甲氧西林 {n} [pharmaceutical drug] /jiǎyǎngxīlín/ :: methicillin
甲乙丙丁 {idiom} /jiǎyǐbǐngdīng/ :: jia, yi, bing and ding (the first four heavenly stems)
甲乙丙丁 {idiom} [figurative] /jiǎyǐbǐngdīng/ :: sequence or outline of a matter
甲乙醚 {n} [organic compound] /jiǎyǐmí/ :: methoxyethane
甲寅 {n} /jiǎyín/ :: The fifty-first term of the Chinese sexagenary cycle, sometimes glossed as "Wood Tiger" from its associated terms in the Chinese elements and zodiac
甲油 {n} /jiǎyóu/ :: nail polish
甲魚 {n} /jiǎyú,jiàyú,1nb/ :: soft-shell turtle
甲鱼 {def} SEE: 甲魚 ::
甲着 {def} SEE: 甲著 ::
甲真菌病 {n} /jiǎzhēn菌bìng/ :: onychomycosis; ringworm of the nails
甲种胎儿蛋白 {def} SEE: 甲種胎兒蛋白 ::
甲種胎兒蛋白 {n} [protein] /jiǎzhǒng tāi'ér dànbái/ :: alpha-fetoprotein
甲州 {prop} /Jiǎzhōu/ :: (~ 市) 甲州 (city)
甲冑 {def} SEE: 甲胄 ::
甲胄 {n} [literary] /jiǎzhòu/ :: body armour and helmet
甲状 {def} SEE: 甲狀 ::
甲状旁腺 {def} SEE: 甲狀旁腺 ::
甲状软骨 {def} SEE: 甲狀軟骨 ::
甲状腺 {def} SEE: 甲狀腺 ::
甲状腺癌 {def} SEE: 甲狀腺癌 ::
甲状腺机能亢进 {def} SEE: 甲狀腺機能亢進 ::
甲状腺素 {def} SEE: 甲狀腺素 ::
甲状腺肿 {def} SEE: 甲狀腺腫 ::
甲狀 {adj} [anatomy, attributive] /jiǎzhuàng/ :: armour-shaped; relating to the thyroid gland
甲狀旁腺 {n} [anatomy] /jiǎzhuàngpángxiàn/ :: parathyroid gland
甲狀軟骨 {n} [anatomy] /jiǎzhuàng ruǎngǔ/ :: thyroid cartilage
甲狀腺 {n} [anatomy] /jiǎzhuàngxiàn/ :: thyroid gland
甲狀腺癌 {n} [disease] /jiǎzhuàngxiàn癌/ :: thyroid cancer
甲狀腺機能亢進 {n} [medicine] /jiǎzhuàngxiàn jīnéng kàngjìn/ :: hyperthyroidism
甲狀腺素 {n} [hormone] /jiǎzhuàngxiànsù/ :: thyroxine
甲狀腺腫 {n} [medicine] /jiǎzhuàngxiànzhǒng/ :: goitre
甲子 {n} /jiǎzǐ/ :: The first term of the Chinese sexagenary cycle, sometimes glossed as "Wood Rat" from its associated terms in the Chinese elements and zodiac
甲子 {n} /jiǎzǐ/ :: A full or completed set of the sexagenary cycle
{def} /jiǎo/ :: to correct; to rectify; to straighten out
{def} /jiǎo/ :: to pretend; to falsify; to fake; to forge
{def} /jiǎo/ :: to be pretentious; to be artificial with manners, emotions, etc
{def} /jiǎo/ :: strong; powerful
{def} /jiǎo/ :: surname
矯健 {adj} /jiǎojiàn/ :: strong and vigorous; healthy; robust
矯捷 {adj} /jiǎojié/ :: vigorous and nimble; athletic
矯情 {v} [literary] /jiǎoqíng/ :: to be deliberately unconventional; to act in an affected fashion; to be pretentious
矯情 {v} [literary] /jiǎoqíng/ :: to cover up the truth
矯情 {v} [Mandarin, colloquial] /jiáoqing,jiǎoqing/ :: to be stubborn; to be headstrong; to be wilful
矯情 {v} [Mandarin, colloquial] /jiáoqing,jiǎoqing/ :: to act in an affected fashion; to be pretentious
矯情 {v} [Mandarin, colloquial] /jiáoqing,jiǎoqing/ :: to be argumentative; to use sophistry
矯揉造作 {idiom} /jiǎoróuzàozuò/ :: affected; artificial; fakey
矯飾 {v} /jiǎoshì/ :: to feign in order to conceal something; to dissemble
矯枉過正 {idiom} /jiǎowǎngguòzhèng/ :: to overcorrect; to hypercorrect; to overcompensate
矯形 {v} [medicine] /jiǎoxíng/ :: to correct a deformity
矯詔 {n} [archaic] /jiǎozhào/ :: a forged imperial edict
矯正 {v} /jiǎozhèng/ :: to correct; to rectify
矯治 {v} /jiǎozhì/ :: to correct and cure; to treat by correcting (the defect)
矯姿 {v} /jiǎozī/ :: to correct one's posture
{def} /jiǎo/ :: to twist; to wring
{def} /jiǎo/ :: to wind; to intertwine; to grind
{def} /jiǎo/ :: classifier for skeins of wools or thread
{def} /xiáo/ :: [obsolete] [historical] sash used to tie a dead body
{def} /xiáo/ :: [obsolete] greenish-yellow
絞腸痧 {n} [TCM] /jiǎochángshā/ :: dry cholera
絞腸痧 {n} [dialectal] /jiǎochángshā/ :: cholera
絞腸痧 {n} [dialectal] /jiǎochángshā/ :: appendicitis
絞車 {n} /jiǎochē/ :: winch (machine)
絞股藍 {n} /jiǎogǔlán/ :: Gynostemma pentaphyllum (an adaptogenic herb used in Chinese herbology to improve "qi" energy)
絞架 {n} /jiǎojià/ :: gallows
絞盡腦汁 {idiom} /jiǎojìnnǎozhī,er/ :: to rack one's brain
絞盤 {n} /jiǎopán/ :: capstan
絞肉機 {n} /jiǎoròujī/ :: meatgrinder, mincer (device for cutting meat)
絞殺 {v} /jiǎoshā/ :: to strangle; to hang; to garrotte
絞紗 {n} /jiǎoshā/ :: skein; hank
絞絲 {n} /jiǎosī/ :: skein; hank
絞絲底 {n} /jiǎosīdǐ/ :: the Chinese character component [as a bottom component]
絞絲旁 {n} /jiǎosīpáng,er/ :: the Chinese character component
絞死 {v} /jiǎosǐ/ :: to kill by hanging
絞索 {v} /jiǎosuǒ/ :: noose
絞痛 {n} [symptom] /jiǎotòng/ :: sharp and intense pain; griping pain; angina (pectoris or abdominis); colic
絞刑 {v} /jiǎoxíng/ :: to execute by hanging
絞刑場 {n} /jiǎoxíng场/ :: gallows field (where criminals are hung); execution ground
絞刑架 {n} /jiǎoxíngjià/ :: gallows, gibbet, hanging post (wooden framework on which persons are put to death by hanging)
絞縊 {v} /jiǎoyì/ :: to hang oneself; to be hanged
{def} /jiǎo/ :: [obsolete] to wind; to entwine
{def} /jiǎo/ :: to hand over (under compulsion); to pay
{def} /jiǎo/ :: to make someone hand over; to disarm; to capture (weapons)
{def} [dialectal] /jiǎo/ :: to cooperate; to partner up
{def} /jiǎo/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /zhuó/ :: [obsolete] raw silk thread
{def} /zhuó/ :: [obsolete] raw silk string attached on an arrow
{def} /hé/ :: [obsolete] collar lining
{def} /jiào/ :: [obsolete] to tangle; to intertwine
繳費 {v} /jiǎofèi/ :: to pay a fee
繳付 {v} /jiǎofù/ :: to pay for
繳還 {v} /jiǎohuán/ :: to give back; to return (something)
繳獲 {v} /jiǎohuò/ :: to capture; to seize
繳交 {v} /jiǎojiāo/ :: to hand in (fee, etc.); to hand over
繳納 {v} /jiǎonà/ :: to submit a payment (for something mandatory such as taxes, utility fees or fines)
繳槍 {v} /jiǎoqiāng/ :: to lay down one's gun; to surrender one's arms
繳稅 {v} /jiǎoshuì/ :: to pay taxes
繳械 {v} /jiǎoxiè/ :: to disarm
繳械 {v} /jiǎoxiè/ :: to surrender one's weapons; to lay down one's firearms
繳租 {v} /jiǎozū/ :: to pay rent
{def} /jiǎ/ :: shoulder, shoulder blade
胛骨 {n} [anatomy] /jiǎgǔ/ :: scapula; shoulder blade
胛脊后 {def} SEE: 胛脊後 ::
{def} SEE: ::
贾伯斯 {def} SEE: 賈伯斯 ::
贾湖 {def} SEE: 賈湖 ::
贾祸 {def} SEE: 賈禍 ::
贾家店 {def} SEE: 賈家店 ::
{def} [chemical element] /jiǎ/ :: potassium
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /gé,hé/ :: only used in 鉀鑪
{def} /jiǎo/ :: [obsolete] scissors
{def} [colloquial] /jiǎo/ :: to cut with scissors
{def} /jiǎo/ :: to ream
{def} /jiǎo/ :: hinge (Classifier: c:個)
鉸刀 {n} [literary or Hakka, Min] /jiǎodāo/ :: scissors (Classifier: mn:枝)
鉸刀 {n} /jiǎodāo/ :: reamer
鉸剪 {n} [chiefly Cantonese, Min Nan] /jiǎojiǎn/ :: scissors (Classifier: c:把mn:枝)
鉸鏈 {n} /jiǎoliàn/ :: hinge (device for the pivoting of a door)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiǎo/ :: stuffed dumplings
{def} [Teochew] /jiǎo/ :: wonton
餃餌 {n} /jiǎo'ěr/ :: alternative form of 餃子
餃子 {n} /jiǎozi/ :: Chinese crescent-shaped dumpling; jiaozi
餃子 {n} [dialectal] /jiǎozi/ :: wonton (Chinese dumpling stuffed with meat or seafood and vegetables)
餃子耳 {n} [disease, colloquial] /jiǎozi'ěr/ :: cauliflower ear
餃子館 {n} /jiǎoziguǎn/ :: dumpling restaurant
餃子皮 {n} /jiǎozipí/ :: dumpling wrapper; (Chinese) dumpling skin
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiè/ :: good
{def} [literary] /jiè/ :: servant
价川 {prop} /Jièchuān/ :: (~ 市) 价川 (city)
价电子 {def} SEE: 價電子 ::
价钿 {def} SEE: 價鈿 ::
价儿 {def} SEE: 價兒 ::
价格 {def} SEE: 價格 ::
价格标签 {def} SEE: 價格標籤 ::
价格歧视 {def} SEE: 價格歧視 ::
价格体系 {def} SEE: 價格體系 ::
价格战 {def} SEE: 價格戰 ::
价跤 {def} SEE: 價跤 ::
价廉 {def} SEE: 價廉 ::
价廉物美 {def} SEE: 價廉物美 ::
价码 {def} SEE: 價碼 ::
价码儿 {def} SEE: 價碼兒 ::
价目 {def} SEE: 價目 ::
价目表 {def} SEE: 價目表 ::
价钱 {def} SEE: 價錢 ::
价声 {def} SEE: 價聲 ::
价数 {def} SEE: 價數 ::
价位 {def} SEE: 價位 ::
价值 {def} SEE: 價值 ::
价值观 {def} SEE: 價值觀 ::
价值连城 {def} SEE: 價值連城 ::
价值判断 {def} SEE: 價值判斷 ::
价值下注 {def} SEE: 價值下注 ::
价直 {def} SEE: 價直 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jià,er/ :: price; cost
{def} /jià,er/ :: value; worth
{def} [chemistry] /jià,er/ :: valence; valency
價電子 {n} [physical chemistry] /jiàdiàzǐ/ :: valence electron
價兒 {n} /jiàr/ :: erhua form of []
價格 {n} /jiàgé/ :: price (amount of money needed to pay for something) (Classifier: 個)
價格標籤 {n} /jiàgé biāoqiān/ :: price tag (the tag or sticker attached to a product, displaying its price)
價格歧視 {n} /jiàgé qíshì/ :: price discrimination
價格體系 {n} /jiàgé tǐxì/ :: pricing system
價格戰 {n} /jiàgézhàn/ :: price war
價廉 {adj} /jiàlián/ :: cheap; inexpensive; low-cost
價廉物美 {idiom} [literary, of goods or service] /jiàliánwùměi/ :: inexpensive and of high quality
價碼 {n} [chiefly Mandarin, colloquial] /jiàmǎ,er/ :: (marked) price
價碼兒 {n} /jiàmǎr/ :: erhua form of price
價目 {n} /jiàmù/ :: marked price
價目表 {n} /jiàmùbiǎo,er/ :: price list; menu
價錢 {n} /jiàqián,tl/ :: price (amount of money needed to pay for something) (Classifier: 個)
價位 {n} /jiàwèi/ :: price
價位 {n} [chemistry] /jiàwèi/ :: valence
價值 {n} /jiàzhí/ :: value (Classifier: m:個)
價值 {n} /jiàzhí/ :: worth (Classifier: m:個)
價值 {adj} [Xiamen, Zhangzhou Hokkien] /jiàzhí/ :: worthwhile
價值觀 {n} /jiàzhíguān/ :: value system; values (held by an individual or society)
價值連城 {idiom} /jiàzhíliánchéng/ :: highly precious; invaluable; priceless
價值判斷 {n} [philosophy] /jiàzhí pànduàn/ :: value judgment
價值下注 {v} [poker] /jiàzhí xiàzhù/ :: to value bet
價直 {n} [classical] /jiàzhí/ :: alternative form of 價值
{def} [of a woman] /jià/ :: to marry; to become married to
{def} /jià/ :: to give a daughter in marriage; to marry off
{def} [figurative] /jià/ :: to transfer; to shift (harm, charge, etc.); to put the (blame) on another person
嫁祸 {def} SEE: 嫁禍 ::
嫁祸于人 {def} SEE: 嫁禍於人 ::
嫁禍 {v} [literary] /jiàhuò/ :: to pass the blame or scourge on to others
嫁禍於人 {idiom} /jiàhuòyúrén/ :: to shift the blame on others; to pass the buck
嫁雞隨雞,嫁狗隨狗 {phrase} /jià jī suí jī, jià gǒu suí gǒu/ :: Once a woman has attached herself to a man, she should be faithful to him regardless of all circumstances
嫁鸡随鸡,嫁狗随狗 {def} SEE: 嫁雞隨雞,嫁狗隨狗 ::
嫁接 {v} [botany] /jiàjiē/ :: to graft (a branch to a rootstock)
嫁女 {v} /jiànǚ/ :: to marry off a daughter
嫁女餅 {n} /jiànǚbǐng/ :: marry girl cake (traditional Chinese pastry once used as a ceremonial cake as a wedding gift)
嫁女饼 {def} SEE: 嫁女餅 ::
嫁娶 {v} /jiàqǔ/ :: to marry; to wed (generally speaking)
嫁人 {v} [of a woman] /jiàrén/ :: to get married
嫁衣 {n} /jiàyī/ :: wedding dress
嫁妆 {def} SEE: 嫁妝 ::
嫁妝 {n} /jiàzhuāng,tl/ :: dowry; trousseau
嫁粧 {def} SEE: 嫁妝 ::
嫁装 {def} SEE: 嫁裝 ::
嫁裝 {def} SEE: 嫁妝 ::
{def} /jià/ :: rack, stand, prop
{def} /jià/ :: to prop up
{def} /jià/ :: classifier for planes, large vehicles, radios, etc
{def} [Cantonese] /jià/ :: classifier for vehicles
架不住 {v} [colloquial] /jià不zhù/ :: to be unable to withstand
架不住 {v} [colloquial] /jià不zhù/ :: to be no match for; to be unable to compete with
架撑 {def} SEE: 架撐 ::
架得住 {v} [colloquial] /jiàdezhù/ :: to be able to withstand
架豆 {n} /jiàdòu/ :: common bean; kidney bean
架构 {def} SEE: 架構 ::
架構 {v} /jiàgòu/ :: to construct; to build
架構 {n} /jiàgòu/ :: architecture; framework; structure
架鍋山 {prop} /Jiàguōshān/ :: (~ 村) 架鍋山 (village)
架锅山 {def} SEE: 架鍋山 ::
架空 {v} /jiàkōng/ :: to build on stilts
架空 {v} /jiàkōng/ :: to make a figurehead
架空 {v} /jiàkōng/ :: to fabricate; to make up
架空 {v} /jiàkōng/ :: to be unfounded; to be impractical
架佬 {def} SEE: 㗎佬 ::
架利吉打 {prop} /Jiàlìjídǎ/ :: Kolkata
架妹 {def} SEE: 㗎妹 ::
架桥 {def} SEE: 架橋 ::
架橋 {v} /jiàqiáo/ :: to build a bridge
架設 {v} /jiàshè/ :: to erect (powerlines, bridge, etc.)
架设 {def} SEE: 架設 ::
架势 {def} SEE: 架勢 ::
架勢 {n} [colloquial] /jiàshi,jiàshì,1nb/ :: posture; stance; manner
架勢 {n} [colloquial] /jiàshi,jiàshì,1nb/ :: situation; circumstances
架勢 {adj} [Cantonese] /jiàshi,jiàshì,1nb/ :: impressive; splendid; extravagant
架式 {def} SEE: 架勢 ::
架子 {n} /jiàzi/ :: frame
架子 {n} /jiàzi/ :: rack; shelf
架子 {n} /jiàzi/ :: airs; arrogance
架子鼓 {n} [musical instrument] /jiàzigǔ/ :: drum kit
{def} /jià/ :: a frame, stand, rack
{def} /jià/ :: framework, scaffold
{def} /jià/ :: to lay on a frame
{def} /jià/ :: to put up
稼穑 {def} SEE: 稼穡 ::
稼穡 {n} /jiàsè/ :: farming; agriculture
{def} /jià/ :: to drive; to sail; to fly
{def} /jià/ :: giddyup (interjection)
{def} [historical] /jià/ :: cart; carriage
{def} [historical] /jià/ :: emperor's carriage
{def} [figurative] /jià/ :: emperor
駕崩 {v} [euphemism] /jiàbēng/ :: to die (of a king, emperor, monarch, etc.)
駕車 {v} /jiàchē/ :: to drive (an oxcart, a carriage, etc.)
駕車 {v} /jiàchē/ :: to drive (a vehicle)
駕到 {v} [archaic, used of gods and royal persons] /jiàdào/ :: to come; to arrive
駕鶴西去 {idiom} [euphemistic] /jiàhèxīqù/ :: to pass away
駕鶴西游 {def} SEE: 駕鶴西遊 ::
駕鶴西遊 {idiom} [euphemistic] /jiàhèxīyóu/ :: to pass away
駕臨 {v} [honorific] /jiàlín/ :: to come to (a place); to arrive; to grace someone with one's presence
駕輕就熟 {idiom} /jiàqīngjiù熟/ :: to perform a job with great ease; (to deem a task) a piece of cake; (to go for) a hay ride
駕駛 {v} /jiàshǐ/ :: to drive (a vehicle, tank, etc.); to pilot (a plane, ship, etc.)
駕駛艙 {n} /jiàshǐcāng/ :: cockpit (in an aircraft)
駕駛學校 {n} /jiàshǐ xuéxiào/ :: driving school
駕駛儀 {n} /jiàshǐyí/ :: driving device; pilot
駕駛員 {n} /jiàshǐyuán/ :: driver; pilot
駕駛證 {n} [chiefly Mainland China] /jiàshǐzhèng,er/ :: driving licence
駕駛執照 {n} /jiàshǐ zhízhào/ :: driver's licence; driving licence
駕校 {n} /jiàxiào/ :: short fo 駕駛學校 (driving school)
駕御 {def} SEE: 駕馭 ::
駕馭 {v} /jiàyù/ :: to drive; to rein; to steer (a horse, cart, etc.)
駕馭 {v} /jiàyù/ :: to control; to gain control of; to master; to dominate
駕照 {n} /jiàzhào/ :: driver's license
駕證 {n} [chiefly Mainland China] /jiàzhèng/ :: driving licence; driver's licence
{def} SEE: ::
驾崩 {def} SEE: 駕崩 ::
驾车 {def} SEE: 駕車 ::
驾到 {def} SEE: 駕到 ::
驾鹤西去 {def} SEE: 駕鶴西去 ::
驾鹤西游 {def} SEE: 駕鶴西遊 ::
驾临 {def} SEE: 駕臨 ::
驾轻就熟 {def} SEE: 駕輕就熟 ::
驾驶 {def} SEE: 駕駛 ::
驾驶舱 {def} SEE: 駕駛艙 ::
驾驶学校 {def} SEE: 駕駛學校 ::
驾驶仪 {def} SEE: 駕駛儀 ::
驾驶员 {def} SEE: 駕駛員 ::
驾驶员儿 {def} SEE: 駕駛員兒 ::
驾驶证 {def} SEE: 駕駛證 ::
驾驶执照 {def} SEE: 駕駛執照 ::
驾校 {def} SEE: 駕校 ::
驾御 {def} SEE: 駕馭 ::
驾驭 {def} SEE: 駕馭 ::
驾照 {def} SEE: 駕照 ::
驾证 {def} SEE: 駕證 ::
{def} /jiān/ :: to do two or more things simultaneously; to hold two or more posts at the same time
{def} /jiān/ :: double
兼愛 {n} [Chinese philosophy, Mohism] /jiān'ài/ :: universal love
兼爱 {def} SEE: 兼愛 ::
兼備 {v} /jiānbèi/ :: to have both
兼备 {def} SEE: 兼備 ::
兼併 {v} /jiānbìng/ :: to annex (territory, a country, etc.)
兼併 {v} [finance] /jiānbìng/ :: to acquire and merge; to amalgamate; to take over (a company); to carry out mergers and acquisitions
兼并 {def} SEE: 兼併 ::
兼差 {v} /jiānchāi/ :: to hold two or more posts concurrently; to moonlight
兼差 {n} /jiānchāi/ :: side job
兼程 {v} /jiānchéng/ :: to travel at twice the normal speed; to hasten on one's journey
兼顧 {v} /jiāngù/ :: to give consideration to (or take account of) two or more things; to focus on, deal with, or worry about two things at the same time
兼顾 {def} SEE: 兼顧 ::
兼管 {v} /jiānguǎn/ :: to concurrently be in charge of; to also manage (other matters)
兼具 {v} /jiānjù/ :: to combine; to have both
兼課 {v} [education] /jiānkè/ :: to teach part-time
兼课 {def} SEE: 兼課 ::
兼任 {v} /jiānrèn/ :: to hold several jobs at once
兼任 {v} /jiānrèn/ :: to have a part-time job
兼任 {n} /jiānrèn/ :: concurrent job; moonlighting
兼任 {n} /jiānrèn/ :: part-time work; part-time job
兼容 {v} /jiānróng/ :: to accept; to accommodate (two things at the same time); to be compatible
兼容性 {n} /jiānróngxìng/ :: compatibility
兼势 {def} SEE: 兼勢 ::
兼收並蓄 {idiom} /jiānshōubìngxù/ :: incorporate things of a diverse nature
兼收并蓄 {def} SEE: 兼收並蓄 ::
兼祧 {n} [historical] /jiāntiāo/ :: a practice in which a man succeeds both his father's and uncle's lines when his uncle has no male heir, and is allowed to marry one wife each for each line
兼听则明 {def} SEE: 兼聽則明 ::
兼听则明,偏听则蔽 {def} SEE: 兼聽則明,偏聽則蔽 ::
兼听则明,偏信则暗 {def} SEE: 兼聽則明,偏信則暗 ::
兼聽則明 {idiom} /jiāntīngzémíng/ :: Listen to both/all sides and you will be enlightened
兼聽則明,偏聽則蔽 {proverb} /jiāntīng zé míng, piāntīng zé bì/ :: Listen to both sides and you will be enlightened, heed only one side and you will be benighted
兼聽則明,偏信則暗 {proverb} /jiāntīng zé míng, piānxìn zé àn/ :: Listen to both sides and you will be enlightened, heed only one side and you will be benighted
兼修 {v} /jiānxiū/ :: to study or improve on two things concurrently
兼旬 {n} [literary] /jiānxún/ :: twenty days
兼业 {def} SEE: 兼業 ::
兼業 {v} /jiānyè/ :: to engage in multiple businesses or works simultaneously
兼用 {v} /jiānyòng/ :: to use together
兼用 {v} /jiānyòng/ :: to be used together
兼之 {conj} [literary] /jiānzhī/ :: furthermore; in addition; moreover; besides
兼职 {def} SEE: 兼職 ::
兼職 {v} /jiānzhí/ :: to hold several jobs at once
兼職 {v} /jiānzhí/ :: to have a part-time job
兼職 {n} /jiānzhí/ :: concurrent job; moonlighting
兼職 {n} /jiānzhí/ :: part-time work; part-time job
{def} /jiān/ :: will; determination; aspiration; ambition
{def} /jiān/ :: to advance; to move forward
{def} /jiān/ :: to enter; to go into; to come into
{def} /jiān/ :: [used after a verb] into; in
{def} /jiān/ :: to receive; to admit; to recruit
{def} /jiān/ :: to give, to offer [advice]
{def} /jiān/ :: to eat; to drink
{def} /jiān/ :: alternative form of
{def} SEE: ::
坚疕 {def} SEE: 堅疕 ::
坚壁 {def} SEE: 堅壁 ::
坚不可摧 {def} SEE: 堅不可摧 ::
坚称 {def} SEE: 堅稱 ::
坚持 {def} SEE: 堅持 ::
坚持不懈 {def} SEE: 堅持不懈 ::
坚定 {def} SEE: 堅定 ::
坚定不移 {def} SEE: 堅定不移 ::
坚固 {def} SEE: 堅固 ::
坚果 {def} SEE: 堅果 ::
坚果酱 {def} SEE: 堅果醬 ::
坚甲利兵 {def} SEE: 堅甲利兵 ::
坚江 {def} SEE: 堅江 ::
坚决 {def} SEE: 堅決 ::
坚苦 {def} SEE: 堅苦 ::
坚牢 {def} SEE: 堅牢 ::
坚弥地城 {def} SEE: 堅尼地城 ::
坚木 {def} SEE: 堅木 ::
坚尼地 {def} SEE: 堅尼地 ::
坚尼地城 {def} SEE: 堅尼地城 ::
坚强 {def} SEE: 堅強 ::
坚忍 {def} SEE: 堅忍 ::
坚韧 {def} SEE: 堅韌 ::
坚韧不拔 {def} SEE: 堅韌不拔 ::
坚如磐石 {def} SEE: 堅如磐石 ::
坚实 {def} SEE: 堅實 ::
坚守 {def} SEE: 堅守 ::
坚挺 {def} SEE: 堅挺 ::
坚信 {def} SEE: 堅信 ::
坚信礼 {def} SEE: 堅信禮 ::
坚毅 {def} SEE: 堅毅 ::
坚硬 {def} SEE: 堅硬 ::
坚贞 {def} SEE: 堅貞 ::
坚贞不屈 {def} SEE: 堅貞不屈 ::
坚振 {def} SEE: 堅振 ::
坚振礼 {def} SEE: 堅振禮 ::
坚执 {def} SEE: 堅執 ::
{def} /jiān/ :: hard
{def} /jiān/ :: strong; firm
{def} /jiān/ :: resolute
{def} /jiān/ :: 72nd tetragram of the Taixuanjing; "hardness" (𝍍)
堅壁 {v} [archaic] /jiānbì/ :: to fortify one's position
堅不可摧 {idiom} /jiānbùkěcuī/ :: extremely firm; indestructible; impregnable
堅稱 {v} /jiānchēng/ :: to insist; to claim
堅持 {v} /jiānchí/ :: to insist on; to persist with; to keep on (doing something); to stick to; to stick with; to persevere
堅持不懈 {idiom} /jiānchí不xiè/ :: to persevere; to keep going until the end
堅定 {adj} /jiāndìng/ :: firm; steady; staunch; resolute; determined
堅定 {v} /jiāndìng/ :: to make firm; to steady; to strengthen
堅定不移 {idiom} /jiāndìng不yí/ :: resolute; unswerving
堅固 {adj} /jiāngù/ :: firm and solid; rigid; stable
堅果 {n} /jiānguǒ/ :: nut (Classifier: m:顆m:個c:粒)
堅果醬 {n} /jiānguǒjiàng/ :: nut butter
堅甲利兵 {idiom} /jiānjiǎlìbīng/ :: military strength
堅江 {prop} /Jiānjiāng/ :: (~ 省) 堅江 (province)
堅強 {adj} /jiānqiáng/ :: staunch; strong
堅決 {adj} /jiānjué/ :: firm; resolute; determined
堅苦 {adj} /jiānkǔ/ :: hardworking and persevering
堅牢 {adj} /jiānláo/ :: strong; robust
堅彌地城 {def} SEE: 堅尼地城 ::
堅木 {n} /jiānmù/ :: hardwood
堅尼地 {prop} /Jiānnídì/ :: Arthur Kennedy (governor) (British governor)
堅尼地城 {prop} /Jiānnídìchéng/ :: 堅尼地城 (area)
堅忍 {adj} /jiānrěn/ :: steadfast and persevering
堅韌 {adj} /jiānrèn/ :: tough and tensile
堅韌 {adj} /jiānrèn/ :: firm and tenacious
堅韌不拔 {idiom} /jiānrèn不bá/ :: firm and indomitable; persistent and dauntless; persevere in tenacious efforts
堅如磐石 {idiom} /jiānrúpánshí/ :: extremely firm or solid
堅實 {adj} [of a thing] /jiānshí/ :: firm; solid; sturdy; substantial; robust
堅實 {adj} [of a person] /jiānshí/ :: strong; powerful
堅守 {v} /jiānshǒu/ :: to hole up in a place; to dig in and refuse to give up; to fight until the end without giving up; to vigorously defend oneself without giving up; to uphold
堅挺 {adj} /jiāntǐng/ :: financially strong
堅挺 {adj} /jiāntǐng/ :: firm and upright
堅信 {v} /jiānxìn/ :: to firmly believe; to be certain
堅信禮 {n} [Christianity] /jiānxìnlǐ/ :: confirmation
堅毅 {adj} [of character] /jiānyì/ :: firm and persistent; strong
堅硬 {adj} /jiānyìng/ :: hard; solid
堅貞 {adj} /jiānzhēn/ :: faithful; loyal; constant
堅貞 {adj} /jiānzhēn/ :: chaste
堅貞不屈 {idiom} /jiānzhēn不qū/ :: faithful and unyielding
堅振 {n} [Christianity] /jiānzhèn/ :: confirmation
堅振禮 {n} [Christianity] /jiānzhènlǐ/ :: confirmation
堅執 {v} [literary] /jiānzhí/ :: to insist on; to persist in
㚻奸 {def} SEE: 雞姦 ::
{def} /jiān,gān/ :: to offend; to conflict
{def} /jiān,gān/ :: to stage an armed rebellion or steal
{def} /jiān,gān/ :: evil; wicked; treacherous
{def} /jiān,gān/ :: self-seeking; wily
{def} /jiān,gān/ :: evildoer; treacherous person
{def} /jiān,gān/ :: traitor; betrayer
{def} /jiān,gān/ :: to commit adultery
{def} /jiān,gān/ :: to rape
奸臣 {n} [historical] /jiānchén/ :: an evil government minister
奸臣 {adj} [Hakka] /jiānchén/ :: crafty and treacherous
奸夫 {def} SEE: 姦夫 ::
奸猾 {adj} /jiānhuá/ :: treacherous; crafty; deceitful
奸計 {n} [literary] /jiānjì/ :: dastardly plan; evil plot
奸计 {def} SEE: 奸計 ::
奸民 {n} /jiānmín/ :: person who breaks the law and does not live by honest labor
奸恁娘 {def} SEE: 姦恁娘 ::
奸佞 {def} SEE: 姦佞 ::
奸情 {def} SEE: 姦情 ::
奸人 {def} SEE: 姦人 ::
奸杀 {def} SEE: 姦殺 ::
奸商 {n} /jiānshāng/ :: profiteer; unscrupulous businessman
奸通 {def} SEE: 姦通 ::
奸汙 {def} SEE: 姦污 ::
奸污 {def} SEE: 姦污 ::
奸細 {n} [literary] /jiānxì,tl/ :: treacherous person
奸細 {n} /jiānxì,tl/ :: spy; enemy agent; mole
奸细 {def} SEE: 奸細 ::
奸险 {def} SEE: 奸險 ::
奸險 {adj} /jiānxiǎn/ :: wicked and crafty; treacherous; malicious
奸笑 {v} /jiānxiào/ :: to give a sinister smile; to grin villainously
奸邪 {n} [literary] /jiānxié/ :: a treacherous and sinister person
奸邪 {n} [literary] /jiānxié/ :: treachery; wickedness
奸雄 {n} [literary] /jiānxióng/ :: an intelligent person who is capable of using cunning and deceit
奸淫 {def} SEE: 姦淫 ::
奸賊 {n} /jiānzéi/ :: conspirator; traitor
奸贼 {def} SEE: 奸賊 ::
奸詐 {def} SEE: 姦詐 ::
奸诈 {def} SEE: 姦詐 ::
㚻姦 {def} SEE: 雞姦 ::
{def} /jiān/ :: evil; wicked; treacherous
{def} /jiān/ :: evildoer; treacherous person
{def} /jiān/ :: to stage an armed rebellion or to steal
{def} /jiān/ :: traitor; betrayer
{def} /jiān/ :: to commit adultery
{def} /jiān/ :: extramarital affair; adultery
{def} /jiān/ :: to rape
{def} [Xiamen, Zhangzhou, &, Taiwanese Min Nan, vulgar] /jiān/ :: to fuck (alternative form: )
姦臣 {def} SEE: 奸臣 ::
姦夫 {n} /jiānfū/ :: male adulterer
姦佞 {adj} /jiānnìng/ :: crafty and fawning
姦佞 {n} /jiānnìng/ :: scheming sycophant
姦情 {adj} /jiānqíng/ :: adulterous
姦情 {n} /jiānqíng/ :: adultery
姦人 {n} /jiānrén/ :: bad person; scoundrel; evildoer; malefactor
姦殺 {v} /jiānshā/ :: to rape and murder
姦通 {v} /jiāntōng/ :: to commit adultery
姦汙 {def} SEE: 姦污 ::
姦污 {v} /jiānwū/ :: to sexually violate; to rape; to molest
姦細 {def} SEE: 奸細 ::
姦邪 {def} SEE: 奸邪 ::
姦雄 {def} SEE: 奸雄 ::
姦淫 {v} /jiānyín/ :: to fornicate
姦淫 {v} /jiānyín/ :: to rape
姦詐 {adj} /jiānzhà/ :: treacherous; devious; crafty
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiān/ :: sharp; having a sharp tip; pointy
{def} /jiān/ :: acute
{def} /jiān/ :: shrewd
尖笔甩 {def} SEE: 尖筆甩 ::
尖筆甩 {def} SEE: 尖不甩 ::
尖兵 {n} /jiānbīng/ :: vanguard; trailblazer; pathbreaker; pioneer
尖兵 {n} [military] /jiānbīng/ :: point
尖頂 {n} /jiāndǐng/ :: top; tip; pinnacle
尖顶 {def} SEE: 尖頂 ::
尖东 {def} SEE: 尖東 ::
尖東 {prop} /Jiāndōng/ :: East Tsim Sha Tsui (the eastern part of Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong)
尖端 {n} /jiānduān/ :: pointed end
尖端 {n} /jiānduān/ :: highest peak; acme
尖端 {adj} /jiānduān/ :: most advanced; most sophisticated; cutting-edge
尖儿 {def} SEE: 尖兒 ::
尖兒 {n} /jiānr/ :: tip; end; top
尖兒 {n} [card games] /jiānr/ :: ace
尖峯 {def} SEE: 尖峰 ::
尖峰 {n} /jiānfēng/ :: peak; top; summit
尖果 {n} [Beijing Mandarin, colloquial] /jiānguǒ,er/ :: beautiful girl
尖喙夹仔 {def} SEE: 尖喙夾仔 ::
尖尖 {adj} /jiānjiān/ :: pointed; sharp
尖角 {n} /jiānjiǎo/ :: sharp angle; sharp corner
尖角 {n} /jiānjiǎo/ :: horn; antler
尖叫 {v} /jiānjiào/ :: to scream; to shriek
尖晶石 {n} [mineral] /jiānjīngshí/ :: spinel
尖刻 {adj} /jiānkè/ :: acrimonious; caustic; biting
尖口鉗 {n} /jiānkǒuqián/ :: needlenose pliers
尖口钳 {def} SEE: 尖口鉗 ::
尖括號 {n} /jiān括hào,er/ :: angle brackets
尖括号 {def} SEE: 尖括號 ::
尖利 {adj} [of a blade] /jiānlì/ :: sharp; sharp-edged; keen
尖利 {adj} [of thinking, vision, etc.] /jiānlì/ :: sharp; acute; keen
尖利 {adj} /jiānlì/ :: shrill; piercing
尖厉 {def} SEE: 尖厲 ::
尖厲 {adj} /jiānlì/ :: shrill; piercing
尖鹿 {prop} /Jiānlù/ :: (~ 里) 尖鹿 (urban village)
尖米圆 {def} SEE: 尖米圓 ::
尖米圓 {def} SEE: 粘米圓 ::
尖蜜拉 {n} /jiānmìlā/ :: alternative name for 榴蓮蜜
尖喷 {def} SEE: 尖噴 ::
尖噴 {prop} /Jiānpēn/ :: (~ 府) 尖噴 (province)
尖噴 {prop} /Jiānpēn/ :: (~ 市) 尖噴 (town)
尖銳 {adj} [of a blade] /jiānruì/ :: sharp; sharp-edged; keen
尖銳 {adj} [of thinking, vision, etc.] /jiānruì/ :: sharp; acute; keen
尖銳 {adj} /jiānruì/ :: intense; fierce; strong
尖銳 {adj} /jiānruì/ :: incisive; penetrating
尖銳 {adj} /jiānruì/ :: shrill; piercing
尖銳 {adj} /jiānruì/ :: acute (of an illness)
尖銳化 {v} /jiānruìhuà/ :: to intensify; to become more acute
尖銳溼疣 {def} SEE: 尖銳濕疣 ::
尖銳濕疣 {n} /jiānruì shīyóu/ :: genital wart
尖锐 {def} SEE: 尖銳 ::
尖锐化 {def} SEE: 尖銳化 ::
尖锐湿疣 {def} SEE: 尖銳濕疣 ::
尖沙咀 {prop} /Jiānshāzuǐ/ :: Tsim Sha Tsui (urban area in southern Kowloon, Hong Kong)
尖沙嘴 {def} SEE: 尖沙咀 ::
尖山 {prop} /Jiānshān/ :: (~ 鎮) 尖山 (town)
尖石 {prop} /Jiānshí/ :: (~ 鄉) 尖石 (mountain indigenous township)
尖鼠 {n} /jiānshǔ,er/ :: (~ 科) shrew (Soricidae)
尖酸 {adj} /jiānsuān/ :: acrid; caustic; bitter; sarcastic
尖酸刻薄 {idiom} /jiānsuānkèbó/ :: acrid and unsympathetic; sharp and unkind; merciless; pitiless
尖孙 {def} SEE: 尖孫 ::
尖孫 {n} [Beijing, colloquial] /jiānsūn,er/ :: hot guy; handsome guy
尖塔 {n} /jiāntǎ/ :: steeple, spire (tapering architectural structure)
尖塔 {n} /jiāntǎ/ :: minaret
尖头馒 {def} SEE: 尖頭饅 ::
尖头鳗 {def} SEE: 尖頭鰻 ::
尖头银鱼 {def} SEE: 尖頭銀魚 ::
尖頭饅 {def} SEE: 尖頭鰻 ::
尖頭鰻 {n} [humorous, dated] /jiāntóumán/ :: gentleman
尖頭銀魚 {n} /jiāntóuyínyú/ :: a kind of icefish (Salanx ariakensis)
尖团 {def} SEE: 尖團 ::
尖团音 {def} SEE: 尖團音 ::
尖團 {n} /jiāntuán/ :: (~ 音) [Chinese phonetics] the alveolar ("sharp") and alveolo-palatal ("round") series consonants (z /ts/, c /tsʰ/, s /s/ before /i/ or /y/; and j /tɕ/, q /tɕʰ/, x /ɕ/ in Mandarin)
尖團 {n} [literary] /jiāntuán/ :: crab
尖團音 {n} /jiāntuányīn/ :: the alveolar and alveolo-palatal series consonants (z /ts/, c /tsʰ/, s /s/; and j /tɕ/, q /tɕʰ/, x /ɕ/ in Mandarin)
尖牙 {n} /jiānyá/ :: canine tooth; cuspid
尖牙 {n} /jiānyá/ :: tusk
尖音符 {n} [orthography] /jiānyīnfú/ :: acute accent
尖竹汶 {prop} /Jiānzhúwèn,Jiānzhúwén,2nb/ :: (~ 府) 尖竹汶 (province)
尖竹汶 {prop} /Jiānzhúwèn,Jiānzhúwén,2nb/ :: (~ 市) 尖竹汶 (town)
尖子 {n} [diminutive] /jiānzi/ :: tip; edge; end
尖子 {n} [figurative] /jiānzi/ :: best of the best; crème de la crème; cream of the crop
尖子 {n} [regional, card games] /jiānzi/ :: ace
尖子生 {n} /jiānzishēng/ :: top student
尖嘴鉗 {n} /jiānzuǐqián/ :: needlenose pliers
尖嘴钳 {def} SEE: 尖嘴鉗 ::
{def} /jiān,qiān/ :: even, level
{def} /jiān,qiān/ :: surname
{def} /zhì/ :: Used in 解廌
{def} SEE: ::
戋戋 {def} SEE: 戔戔 ::
{def} /jiān/ :: only used in 戔戔
戔戔 {adj} [literary] /jiānjiān/ :: small; tiny
{def} /jiān/ :: box
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiān/ :: casket
{def} /jiān/ :: a wooden wedge
{def} /jiān/ :: slender wooden stick
{def} /jiān/ :: a dougong
{def} SEE: ::
歼敌 {def} SEE: 殲敵 ::
歼击 {def} SEE: 殲擊 ::
歼灭 {def} SEE: 殲滅 ::
歼灭战 {def} SEE: 殲滅戰 ::
{def} /jiān/ :: annihilate, wipe out, kill off
殲敵 {v} /jiāndí/ :: to annihilate the enemy
殲擊 {v} /jiān擊/ :: to attack and annihilate; to attack and wipe out
殲滅 {v} /jiānmiè/ :: to annihilate; to eradicate
殲滅戰 {n} /jiānmièzhàn/ :: war of annihilation; battle of annihilation
{def} /qiǎn/ :: shallow; not deep
{def} /qiǎn/ :: superficial; surface; minimal; insignificant
{def} /qiǎn/ :: simple; easy-to-understand
{def} /qiǎn/ :: not intimate; distant
{def} [of colours] /qiǎn/ :: light; pale
{def} [of time] /qiǎn/ :: short; not long
{def} [of level] /qiǎn/ :: slight; light
{def} /jiān/ :: [obsolete] only used in 淺淺
淺白 {adj} /qiǎnbái/ :: simple, easy to understand
淺薄 {adj} /qiǎnbó/ :: superficial; shallow; skin-deep
淺表 {n} [anatomy] /qiǎnbiǎo/ :: superficial layer of an epithelium, such as the skin
淺表 {n} [figurative] /qiǎnbiǎo/ :: superficial level; shallow level
淺表性 {n} [medicine, usually, attributive] /qiǎnbiǎoxìng/ :: superficiality
淺淡 {adj} [of colour] /qiǎndàn/ :: pale; [of degree] slight
淺海 {n} /qiǎnhǎi/ :: shallow sea
淺紅 {n} /qiǎnhóng/ :: pale red colour
淺化 {v} /qiǎnhuà/ :: to simplify (things to make them easy to understand)
淺淺 {def} SEE: 濺濺 ::
淺見 {n} /qiǎnjiàn/ :: superficial view
淺見 {n} [humble] /qiǎnjiàn/ :: humble opinion
淺近 {adj} /qiǎnjìn/ :: simple; plain; easy to understand
淺井 {n} /qiǎnjǐng/ :: shallow well
淺拷貝 {n} [programming] /qiǎnkǎobèi/ :: shallow copy
淺陋 {adj} [of knowledge, experience, etc.] /qiǎnlòu/ :: meager; mean; shallow
淺色 {n} /qiǎnsè/ :: light color
淺水 {n} /qiǎnshuǐ/ :: shallow water
淺水區 {n} /qiǎnshuǐqū/ :: shallow-water area
淺水灣 {prop} /Qiǎnshuǐwān/ :: 淺水灣 (bay)
淺灘 {n} /qiǎntān/ :: shoal
淺談 {v} /qiǎntán/ :: to briefly discuss
淺談 {n} /qiǎntán/ :: brief discussion (usually in titles of books or articles)
淺文理 {n} /qiǎnwénlǐ/ :: Easy Wen-li
淺析 {v} /qiǎnxī/ :: to do a brief analysis; to perform an elementary or coarse analysis
淺狹 {adj} [literary] /qiǎnxiá/ :: narrow
淺狹 {adj} [literary] /qiǎnxiá/ :: narrow minded
淺顯 {adj} /qiǎnxiǎn/ :: plain; clear; obvious; simple
淺笑 {v} /qiǎnxiào/ :: to smile
淺笑 {n} /qiǎnxiào/ :: smile
淺易 {adj} /qiǎnyì/ :: simple and easy to understand
淺紫 {n} /qiǎnzǐ/ :: pale pinkish purple
湔雪 {v} /jiānxuě/ :: to redress (a deep grievance); to wipe out (a disgrace)
湔雪前恥 {idiom} /jiānxuěqiánchǐ/ :: to wash away a humiliation
湔雪前耻 {def} SEE: 湔雪前恥 ::
{def} SEE: ::
溅溅 {def} SEE: 濺濺 ::
溅尿 {def} SEE: 濺尿 ::
{def} /jiàn/ :: [obsolete] Qiantang River
{def} /jiàn/ :: [obsolete] to advance gradually
{def} /jiàn/ :: [obsolete] gradual process
{def} /jiàn/ :: [obsolete] [of an illness] to aggravate; to worsen
{def} /jiàn/ :: [obsolete] to dredge; to open a path
{def} /jiàn/ :: [obsolete] omen
{def} /jiàn/ :: [obsolete] condition; prerequisite
{def} /jiàn/ :: [obsolete] sequence; order
{def} /jiàn/ :: gradually
{def} /jiàn/ :: [obsolete] just when
{def} /jiàn/ :: [obsolete] immediately; soon after
{def} /jiàn/ :: [obsolete] when; until
{def} /jiàn/ :: 53rd hexagram of the I Ching
{def} /jiàn/ :: surname
{def} /漸/ :: [obsolete] to flow into
{def} /漸/ :: [obsolete] to bedew
{def} /漸/ :: [obsolete] to soak
{def} /漸/ :: [obsolete] to moisten
{def} /漸/ :: [obsolete] to influence
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /漸/ :: [obsolete] to cheat
漸變 {v} /jiànbiàn/ :: to change gradually
漸次 {adv} /jiàncì/ :: gradually; little by little; step by step; progressively
漸凍人 {n} [colloquial] /jiàndòngrén/ :: person with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
漸凍人症 {n} [disease, colloquial] /jiàndòngrénzhèng/ :: alternative name for 肌萎縮性脊髓側索硬化症
漸凍症 {n} [disease, colloquial] /jiàndòngzhèng/ :: alternative name for 肌萎縮性脊髓側索硬化症
漸漸 {adv} /jiànjiàn/ :: gradually; little by little; step by step; progressively
漸近 {v} [literary] /jiànjìn/ :: to gradually become close to; to approach
漸近線 {n} [mathematics] /jiànjìnxiàn/ :: asymptote
漸進 {v} /jiànjìn/ :: to make gradual progress; to advance gradually
漸慢 {adv} [music] /jiànmàn/ :: ritardando
漸染 {v} [literary] /漸rǎn/ :: to be imperceptibly influenced
漸入佳境 {idiom} /jiànrùjiājìng/ :: to start doing well; to be getting better
漸逝 {adj} /jiànshì/ :: evanescent; gradually disappearing
{def} /jiàn,zàn,jiān/ :: sprinkle, spray
{def} /jiàn,zàn,jiān/ :: spill, splash
濺濺 {n} [onomatopoeia] /jiānjiān,jiànjiàn,1nb/ :: sound of flowing water
濺濺 {n} /jiānjiān,jiànjiàn,1nb/ :: appearance of fast flowing water
濺濺 {n} /jiānjiān,jiànjiàn,1nb/ :: appearance of liquid splashing out
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiān/ :: to pan fry
{def} /jiān/ :: to sauté
煎䭔 {def} SEE: 煎堆 ::
煎熬 {v} [literary, literally] /jiān'áo/ :: to fry and boil; to cook by boiling
煎熬 {v} [literary] /jiān'áo/ :: to produce (something) by prolonged heating; to decoct; to smelt; to refine; to manufacture
煎熬 {v} [figurative] /jiān'áo/ :: to torment; to inflict mental suffering (on someone); [of one's heart] to be deeply worried; to be in great distress
煎敖 {def} SEE: 煎熬 ::
煎餅 {n} /jiānbǐng,tl/ :: jianbing (thin, fried egg Chinese pancake similar to a crepe); flatbread (e.g. roti canai); fried pancake (e.g. bánh xèo)
煎餅果子 {def} SEE: 煎餅餜子 ::
煎餅餜子 {n} /jiānbǐng guǒzi/ :: jianbing served with youtiao inside, a street-vendor food in areas around Tianjin
煎饼 {def} SEE: 煎餅 ::
煎饼果子 {def} SEE: 煎餅果子 ::
煎饼馃子 {def} SEE: 煎餅餜子 ::
煎茶 {v} /jiānchá/ :: to make tea; to brew tea
煎炒 {v} [literary] /jiānchǎo/ :: to fry (in oil)
煎蚝饼 {def} SEE: 煎蠔餅 ::
煎蛋 {n} /jiāndàn/ :: fried egg
煎蛋 {v} /jiāndàn/ :: to fry an egg
煎蛋餅 {n} /jiāndànbǐng/ :: omelette
煎蛋饼 {def} SEE: 煎蛋餅 ::
煎堆 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /jiānduī/ :: jian dui; sesame ball
煎鍋 {n} /jiānguō/ :: frying pan
煎锅 {def} SEE: 煎鍋 ::
煎酿三宝 {def} SEE: 煎釀三寶 ::
煎釀三寶 {n} /jiānniàng sānbǎo/ :: three stuffed treasures (a common Cantonese street snack, traditionally consisting of eggplants, tofu and bell peppers stuffed with dace fish paste and fried)
煎盘 {def} SEE: 煎盤 ::
煎蕊 {n} [chiefly Malaysia, Singapore] /jiānruǐ/ :: cendol
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiān/ :: bullock; ox
{def} /jiān/ :: [obsolete] to castrate
{def} /qián/ :: only used in 犍為
犍牛 {n} /jiānniú/ :: bullock; ox
犍陀羅 {prop} /Jiāntuóluó/ :: Gandhara
犍陀罗 {def} SEE: 犍陀羅 ::
犍为 {def} SEE: 犍為 ::
犍為 {prop} /Qiánwéi/ :: (~ 縣) 犍為 (county)
犍爲 {def} SEE: 犍為 ::
{def} /jiān,yā,yàn/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /jiān,yín,qián,lín/ :: jadestone similar to 瑊玏
踎监 {def} SEE: 踎監 ::
{def} SEE: ::
监仓 {def} SEE: 監倉 ::
监测 {def} SEE: 監測 ::
监察 {def} SEE: 監察 ::
监督 {def} SEE: 監督 ::
监趸 {def} SEE: 監躉 ::
监犯 {def} SEE: 監犯 ::
监房 {def} SEE: 監房 ::
监工 {def} SEE: 監工 ::
监管 {def} SEE: 監管 ::
监管架构 {def} SEE: 監管架構 ::
监护 {def} SEE: 監護 ::
监护病房 {def} SEE: 監護病房 ::
监护工 {def} SEE: 監護工 ::
监护权 {def} SEE: 監護權 ::
监护人 {def} SEE: 監護人 ::
监护仪 {def} SEE: 監護儀 ::
监禁 {def} SEE: 監禁 ::
监考 {def} SEE: 監考 ::
监控 {def} SEE: 監控 ::
监牢 {def} SEE: 監牢 ::
监利 {def} SEE: 監利 ::
监牧 {def} SEE: 監牧 ::
监票 {def} SEE: 監票 ::
监囚 {def} SEE: 監囚 ::
监视 {def} SEE: 監視 ::
监视器 {def} SEE: 監視器 ::
监守 {def} SEE: 監守 ::
监守自盗 {def} SEE: 監守自盜 ::
监押 {def} SEE: 監押 ::
监狱 {def} SEE: 監獄 ::
监狱长 {def} SEE: 監獄長 ::
监制 {def} SEE: 監製 ::
{def} /jiān/ :: to supervise; to oversee
{def} [historical] /jiān/ :: proctor; supervisor
{def} /jiān/ :: to control; to take charge; to direct
{def} [historical, of crown prince or senior statesman] /jiān/ :: to act for the monarch
{def} [historical] /jiān/ :: dukes or princes under an emperor
{def} /jiān/ :: [obsolete] to imprison; to incarcerate
{def} /jiān/ :: prison; jail
{def} /jiān/ :: [obsolete] to command; to lead
{def} /jiàn/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /jiàn/ :: [obsolete] to reflect; to see; to view
{def} /jiàn/ :: [obsolete] to use for reference; to draw lessons from
{def} [historical] /jiàn/ :: supervisor; overseer
{def} [historical] /jiàn/ :: imperial office
{def} [historical] /jiàn/ :: eunuch
監測 {v} /jiāncè/ :: to monitor (usually with a device)
監察 {v} /jiānchá/ :: to supervise; to monitor
監察 {n} /jiānchá/ :: supervision; monitoring
監督 {v} /jiāndū/ :: to supervise; to superintend; to oversee; to regulate
監督 {v} [Wiktionary and WMF jargon] /jiāndū/ :: to oversight (to suppress content in a way that removes or minimizes its visibility or viewability)
監督 {n} /jiāndū/ :: supervision; oversight; regulation
監督 {n} /jiāndū/ :: supervisor; overseer
監督 {n} [ACG] /jiāndū/ :: director
監犯 {n} [archaic or Cantonese, Min Dong, Xiamen, &, Zhangzhou Hokkien, Hainanese] /jiānfàn/ :: prisoner
監房 {n} /jiānfáng/ :: prison cell
監房 {n} [by extension] /jiānfáng/ :: prison; jail
監工 {v} /jiāngōng/ :: to supervise work; to oversee
監工 {n} /jiāngōng/ :: supervisor; overseer; foreman
監管 {v} /jiānguǎn/ :: to supervise (someone); to regulate (an industry); to oversee
監管架構 {n} /jiānguǎn jiàgòu/ :: regulatory framework
監護 {v} /jiānhù/ :: to watch closely and protect
監護 {v} [legal] /jiānhù/ :: to act as guardian
監護 {v} [medicine] /jiānhù/ :: to observe and nurse; to monitor
監護病房 {n} /jiānhù bìngfáng/ :: intensive care unit; ICU
監護工 {n} [Taiwan] /jiānhùgōng/ :: caretaker; in-house nurse
監護權 {n} [legal] /jiānhùquán/ :: custody (parental responsibility of a child)
監護人 {n} /jiānhùrén/ :: guardian; custodian
監護儀 {n} /jiānhùyí/ :: monitor (device used to monitor a patient)
監禁 {v} /jiānjìn/ :: to imprison; to confine; to take into custody
監禁 {n} /jiānjìn/ :: imprisonment; confinement; custody
監考 {v} /jiānkǎo/ :: to proctor an exam; to invigilate
監考 {n} /jiānkǎo/ :: proctor; invigilator
監控 {v} /jiānkòng/ :: to monitor; to supervise; to keep under surveillance
監牢 {n} /jiānláo/ :: prison; jail
監利 {prop} /Jiànlì,Jiānlì,1nb/ :: (~ 縣) 監利 (county)
監牧 {n} /jiānmù/ :: shepherd
監牧 {n} /jiānmù/ :: Tang dynasty official responsible for animal husbandry
監牧 {n} /jiānmù/ :: pastor (in charge of a Christian parish)
監票 {v} /jiānpiào/ :: to monitor the counting of votes in an election
監視 {v} /jiānshì/ :: to monitor; to run surveillance; to keep tabs on; to scrutinise
監視器 {n} /jiānshìqì/ :: monitor; video surveillance
監守 {v} /jiānshǒu/ :: to have custody of; to guard; to take care of
監守自盜 {idiom} /jiānshǒuzìdào/ :: to steal money or property one guards; to embezzle
監押 {v} /jiānyā/ :: to imprison; to confine; to take into custody
監押 {v} /jiānyā/ :: to escort a prisoner
監押 {n} [archaic] /jiānyā/ :: official in charge of escort duties
監獄 {n} /jiānyù/ :: prison; jail (Classifier: m,c:座c:間)
監獄長 {n} /jiānyùzhǎng/ :: jail warden
監製 {n} /jiānzhì/ :: (film) producer
監製 {n} /jiānzhì/ :: supervisor
監製 {v} /jiānzhì/ :: to supervise production
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiān/ :: annotation; commentary
{def} /jiān/ :: stationery
{def} /jiān/ :: letter; correspondence
{def} /jiān/ :: note; memo
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiān/ :: surname
緘默 {adj} /jiānmò/ :: silent; reticent
緘默症 {n} /jiānmòzhèng/ :: mutism
縑帛 {n} [archaic] /jiānbó/ :: fine silk
{def} SEE: ::
缄默 {def} SEE: 緘默 ::
缄默症 {def} SEE: 緘默症 ::
{def} SEE: ::
缣帛 {def} SEE: 縑帛 ::
{def} /jiān/ :: shoulders
{def} /jiān/ :: to shoulder
{def} /jiān/ :: to bear
肩膀 {n} [anatomy] /jiānbǎng,er/ :: shoulder
肩膀 {n} [anatomy] /jiānbǎng,er/ :: shoulders (upper part of the back and the arms)
肩膀 {n} [figurative] /jiānbǎng,er/ :: dependence; reliance; support
肩膀儿 {def} SEE: 肩膀兒 ::
肩膀兒 {n} /jiānbǎngr/ :: erhua form of shoulder
肩膀头 {def} SEE: 肩膀頭 ::
肩膊 {n} [literary] /jiānbó/ :: shoulder
肩不能挑擔,手不能提籃 {idiom} [figuratively] /jiān 不néng tiāodàn, shǒu 不néng tílán/ :: to lack physical strength and be incapable of manual labor
肩不能挑担,手不能提篮 {def} SEE: 肩不能挑擔,手不能提籃 ::
肩不能挑,手不能提 {idiom} [figuratively] /jiān 不néng tiāo, shǒu 不néng tí/ :: synonym of 肩不能挑擔,手不能提籃
肩部 {n} /jiānbù/ :: shoulder area
肩峰 {n} [anatomy] /jiānfēng/ :: acromion
肩負 {v} /jiānfù/ :: to take on; to undertake; to shoulder; to bear
肩负 {def} SEE: 肩負 ::
肩胛 {n} [anatomy] /jiānjiǎ/ :: shoulder
肩胛 {n} [anatomy] /jiānjiǎ/ :: scapula
肩胛骨 {n} [skeleton] /jiānjiǎgǔ/ :: shoulder blade; scapula
肩胛舌骨肌 {n} [anatomy] /jiānjiǎ shégǔ jī/ :: omohyoid
肩胛头 {def} SEE: 肩胛頭 ::
肩挑 {v} /jiāntiǎo/ :: to shoulder; to carry on the shoulder
肩头 {def} SEE: 肩頭 ::
肩頭 {adj} [formal] /jiāntóu/ :: on the shoulders
肩頭 {n} [dialectal] /jiāntóu/ :: shoulders
肩托 {n} /jiāntuō/ :: shoulder rest for a violin or viola
肩窝 {def} SEE: 肩窩 ::
肩窩 {n} [anatomy] /jiānwō,er/ :: pseudosutural fovea; fovea found between the shoulder and the clavicle
肩袖 {n} [anatomy] /jiānxiù/ :: rotator cuff
肩衣 {n} [Catholicism] /jiānyī/ :: mozzetta
肩章 {n} /jiānzhāng/ :: shoulder loop; shoulder strap
肩章 {n} /jiānzhāng/ :: epaulet (shoulder decoration)
肩周炎 {n} [disease] /jiānzhōuyán/ :: frozen shoulder; adhesive capsulitis; scapulohumeral periarthritis
{def} SEE: ::
艰巨 {def} SEE: 艱巨 ::
艰钜 {def} SEE: 艱巨 ::
艰苦 {def} SEE: 艱苦 ::
艰苦奋斗 {def} SEE: 艱苦奮鬥 ::
艰苦钱 {def} SEE: 艱苦錢 ::
艰苦性 {def} SEE: 艱苦性 ::
艰苦卓绝 {def} SEE: 艱苦卓絕 ::
艰难 {def} SEE: 艱難 ::
艰难竭蹶 {def} SEE: 艱難竭蹶 ::
艰难困苦 {def} SEE: 艱難困苦 ::
艰难曲折 {def} SEE: 艱難曲折 ::
艰难险阻 {def} SEE: 艱難險阻 ::
艰涩 {def} SEE: 艱澀 ::
艰深 {def} SEE: 艱深 ::
艰危 {def} SEE: 艱危 ::
艰险 {def} SEE: 艱險 ::
艰辛 {def} SEE: 艱辛 ::
{def} /jiān/ :: difficult; hard
{def} /jiān/ :: [obsolete] hardship; suffering
{def} /jiān/ :: [obsolete] disaster
{def} /jiān/ :: [obsolete] dangerous
{def} /jiān/ :: [obsolete] parent's death
艱巨 {adj} /jiānjù/ :: arduous; onerous; formidable
艱鉅 {def} SEE: 艱巨 ::
艱苦 {adj} /jiānkǔ/ :: arduous; laborious; hard
艱苦 {n} /jiānkǔ/ :: toil; hard work; suffering
艱苦 {v} [Xiamen, Quanzhou, Taiwanese Hokkien] /jiānkǔ/ :: to fall ill; to be ill
艱苦奮鬥 {idiom} /jiānkǔfèndòu/ :: to struggle through difficult times; to work hard and push through despite hardship
艱苦性 {n} /jiānkǔxìng/ :: arduous nature; strenuous nature
艱苦卓絕 {idiom} /jiānkǔzhuójué/ :: extremely hard and bitter
艱難 {adj} /jiānnán/ :: hard; difficult; challenging
艱難竭蹶 {idiom} /jiānnánjiéjué/ :: hardship and destitution
艱難困苦 {idiom} /jiānnánkùnkǔ/ :: difficulties and hardships
艱難曲折 {idiom} /jiānnánqūzhé/ :: arduous and tortuous; full of difficulties and reverses
艱難險阻 {idiom} /jiānnánxiǎnzǔ/ :: difficulties and dangers
艱澀 {adj} [of literary writing, music, etc.] /jiānsè/ :: hard to understand; obscure; pedantic; inkhorn; abstruse
艱深 {adj} /jiānshēn/ :: difficult to understand; abstruse
艱危 {adj} /jiān危/ :: in difficulty and danger
艱險 {adj} /jiānxiǎn/ :: difficult and dangerous
艱險 {n} /jiānxiǎn/ :: hardships and perils
艱辛 {adj} /jiānxīn/ :: difficult; arduous
{def} /jiān/ :: a variety of grass
{def} /jiān/ :: surname
{def} /jiān/ :: Suga (a Japanese surname)
{def} /jiān/ :: [obsolete] alternative name for 蘭草
{def} /jiān/ :: [obsolete] cogon grass
{def} /jiān/ :: [obsolete] three-year-old pig
{def} /jiān/ :: [obsolete] large pig
{def} /jiān/ :: [obsolete] beast
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiān/ :: within a definite time period or place
{def} /jiān/ :: among; between
{def} /jiān/ :: a moment; a little while; instant
{def} /jiān/ :: room; chamber
{def} /jiān/ :: section of a room; lateral space between two pairs of pillars
{def} /jiān/ :: classifier for smallest units of housing, such as rooms and shopfronts
{def} [chiefly Cantonese] /jiān/ :: classifier for buildings in general, including schools, banks, cinemas, hospitals, shops, factories
{def} /jiān/ :: surname
{def} /jiàn/ :: opening; gap; break
{def} /jiàn/ :: estrangement; alienation; hostility
{def} /jiàn/ :: spy; secret agent
{def} /jiàn/ :: to keep away from; to keep apart
{def} /jiàn/ :: to separate; to partition
{def} /jiàn/ :: to alternate; to do something alternately
{def} /jiàn/ :: to be mixed up with; to be intermingled
{def} /jiàn/ :: to sow discord
{def} /jiàn/ :: to blame; to reproach
{def} /jiàn/ :: intermittently; sometimes
{def} /jiàn/ :: in secret; clandestinely
{def} /jiǎn/ :: [obsolete] Variant pronunciation of the classifier sense
{def} /jiǎn/ :: [obsolete] used in place names
間冰期 {n} /jiānbīng期/ :: interglacial period
間充質 {n} [anatomy] /jiānchōng质/ :: mesenchyme
間諜 {n} /jiàndié/ :: spy; secret agent
間諜活動 {n} /jiàndié huódòng/ :: espionage
間斷 {v} /jiànduàn,jiānduàn,2nb/ :: to suspend; to discontinue; to interrupt
間隔 {v} /jiàngé,jiāngé,2nb/ :: to divide; to separate; to leave a gap of (a length of time or distance); to be separated by
間隔 {n} /jiàngé,jiāngé,2nb/ :: interval; intermission; gap; distance
間隔號 {n} /jiàngéhào/ :: partition sign; interpunct (used to separate the day from the month, or separate the parts of a person's name)
間隔年 {n} /jiàngénián/ :: gap year
間行 {v} [archaic] /jiànxíng/ :: to take a shortcut; to cut corners; to do something in secret
間或 {adv} /jiànhuò/ :: sometimes; occasionally; now and then
間架 {n} /jiānjià/ :: framework of a house
間架 {n} /jiānjià/ :: form of a Chinese character
間架 {n} /jiānjià/ :: structure of an essay
間接 {adj} /jiànjiē/ :: indirect
間接賓語 {n} /jiànjiē bīnyǔ/ :: indirect object
間接格 {n} [grammar] /jiànjiēgé/ :: oblique case; objective case
間接經驗 {n} /jiànjiē jīngyàn/ :: indirect experience
間接引語 {n} /jiānjiē yǐnyǔ/ :: reported speech (a form of speech used to express what another has said)
間距 {n} /jiānjù/ :: spacing; distance between objects
間苗 {v} [agriculture] /jiànmiáo/ :: to thin out seedlings or young shoots
間腦 {n} [anatomy] /jiānnǎo/ :: diencephalon
間皮瘤 {n} /jiānpíliú/ :: mesothelioma
間期 {n} [biology] /jiān期/ :: interphase
間期 {n} [cardiology] /jiān期/ :: interval
間隙 {n} /jiànxì/ :: gap, interval, break
間歇 {v} /jiànxiē/ :: to intermit; to stop in the middle of something
間歇 {n} /jiànxiē/ :: intermittence; intermission; blank; interim
間歇泉 {n} [planetology, geology, volcanology] /jiànxiēquán/ :: geyser
間歇熱 {n} /jiànxiērè/ :: intermittent fever
間歇性 {n} /jiànxiēxìng/ :: intermittentness; intermittency
間雜 {v} /jiànzá/ :: to be intermingled; to be mixed
間質 {n} [biology] /jiān質,2a/ :: interstitium; mesenchyme
間質瘤 {n} [disease] /jiān质liú/ :: stromal tumour
間奏 {n} /jiānzòu/ :: (~ 曲) [music] intermezzo; interlude
{def} SEE: ::
间冰期 {def} SEE: 間冰期 ::
间充质 {def} SEE: 間充質 ::
间底查某 {def} SEE: 間底查某 ::
间谍 {def} SEE: 間諜 ::
间谍活动 {def} SEE: 間諜活動 ::
间断 {def} SEE: 間斷 ::
间房 {def} SEE: 間房 ::
间格 {def} SEE: 間格 ::
间隔 {def} SEE: 間隔 ::
间隔号 {def} SEE: 間隔號 ::
间隔年 {def} SEE: 間隔年 ::
间行 {def} SEE: 間行 ::
间或 {def} SEE: 間或 ::
间架 {def} SEE: 間架 ::
间接 {def} SEE: 間接 ::
间接宾语 {def} SEE: 間接賓語 ::
间接格 {def} SEE: 間接格 ::
间接经验 {def} SEE: 間接經驗 ::
间接引语 {def} SEE: 間接引語 ::
间距 {def} SEE: 間距 ::
间苗 {def} SEE: 間苗 ::
间脑 {def} SEE: 間腦 ::
间皮瘤 {def} SEE: 間皮瘤 ::
间缺 {def} SEE: 閒缺 ::
间唔时 {def} SEE: 間唔時 ::
间唔中 {def} SEE: 間唔中 ::
间隙 {def} SEE: 間隙 ::
间歇 {def} SEE: 間歇 ::
间歇泉 {def} SEE: 間歇泉 ::
间歇热 {def} SEE: 間歇熱 ::
间歇性 {def} SEE: 間歇性 ::
间杂 {def} SEE: 間雜 ::
间仔 {def} SEE: 間仔 ::
间仔查某 {def} SEE: 間仔查某 ::
间仔底 {def} SEE: 間仔底 ::
间质 {def} SEE: 間質 ::
间质瘤 {def} SEE: 間質瘤 ::
间中 {def} SEE: 間中 ::
间奏 {def} SEE: 間奏 ::
{def} /jiān/ :: [obsolete] dry leather
{def} /jiān/ :: [obsolete] a component of the liuma (*流馬)
{def} /jiān/ :: only used in 犁靬
{def} /qián,jiān,1nb/ :: only used in 驪靬
{def} /kān,jiān,1nb/ :: [obsolete] bag for holding a bow
{def} /kān,jiān,1nb/ :: [obsolete] bag for holding arrows
{def} /hàn/ :: [obsolete] horse tack
{def} /hàn/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiān/ :: [obsolete] black horse with yellow back
鰹鳥 {n} [zoology] /jiānniǎo/ :: sulid, any member of the Sulidae taxonomic family
{def} SEE: ::
鲣鸟 {def} SEE: 鰹鳥 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /yán,jiān/ :: [obsolete] [traditional sense] Chinese pond heron
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /yán,jiān/ :: bittern, and certain other few species of heron
{def} /jiān/ :: only used in 鶗鵳
{def} [Chinese mythology] /jiān/ :: the jian, a mythical bird with one eye and one wing
鶼鶼 {n} [Chinese mythology] /jiānjiān/ :: alternative name for 比翼鳥
鶼鶼 {n} [figurative] /jiānjiān/ :: devoted couple; loving couple
{def} SEE: ::
鹣鹣 {def} SEE: 鶼鶼 ::
{def} /jiān/ :: [obsolete] very strong deer
{def} /jiǎn,xiàn/ :: to stammer
{def} /jiǎn/ :: [obsolete] snack
{def} /jiǎn/ :: [obsolete] supplementary dishes
{def} /jiǎn/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /jiǎn/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /jiǎn/ :: [obsolete] poor crop or harvest
{def} /jiǎn/ :: [obsolete] to regret, to be sorry
{def} /jiǎn/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
䮿 {def} SEE: ::
䮿 {def} /jiǎn/ :: slow, weak, feeble
䮿 {def} /jiǎn/ :: a vicious horse
䮿 {def} /jiǎn/ :: a feeble donkey
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /wàn/ :: the knee bones, the carpus of the knee
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiǎn/ :: [obsolete] (of black skin) to crack or chap
{def} /jiǎn/ :: [obsolete] black skin
{def} /jiǎn/ :: (same as ) to gnaw, to bite
{def} /jiǎn/ :: to hold in the mouth
𧺤俭 {def} SEE: 𧺤儉 ::
{def} SEE: ::
俭肠凹肚 {def} SEE: 儉腸凹肚 ::
俭朴 {def} SEE: 儉樸 ::
俭钱 {def} SEE: 儉錢 ::
俭省 {def} SEE: 儉省 ::
俭约 {def} SEE: 儉約 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiǎn/ :: frugal; thrifty
{def} /jiǎn/ :: [obsolete] modest; moderate; temperate
{def} /jiǎn/ :: [obsolete] lacking; insufficient
{def} /jiǎn/ :: [obsolete] poor harvest
{def} /jiǎn/ :: surname
儉樸 {adj} /jiǎn朴/ :: thrifty and simple
儉省 {adj} /jiǎnshěng/ :: frugal; thrifty; economical
儉約 {adj} /jiǎnyuē/ :: brief and concise
儉約 {adj} /jiǎnyuē/ :: frugal; thrifty; economical
{def} SEE: ::
减八度 {def} SEE: 減八度 ::
减仓 {def} SEE: 減倉 ::
减产 {def} SEE: 減產 ::
减持 {def} SEE: 減持 ::
减充血剂 {def} SEE: 減充血劑 ::
减除 {def} SEE: 減除 ::
减低 {def} SEE: 減低 ::
减二度 {def} SEE: 減二度 ::
减法 {def} SEE: 減法 ::
减肥 {def} SEE: 減肥 ::
减肥餐 {def} SEE: 減肥餐 ::
减函数 {def} SEE: 減函數 ::
减号 {def} SEE: 減號 ::
减缓 {def} SEE: 減緩 ::
减价 {def} SEE: 減價 ::
减六度 {def} SEE: 減六度 ::
减慢 {def} SEE: 減慢 ::
减免 {def} SEE: 減免 ::
减免税收 {def} SEE: 減免稅收 ::
减排 {def} SEE: 減排 ::
减七度 {def} SEE: 減七度 ::
减轻 {def} SEE: 減輕 ::
减人工 {def} SEE: 減人工 ::
减弱 {def} SEE: 減弱 ::
减三度 {def} SEE: 減三度 ::
减杀 {def} SEE: 減殺 ::
减少 {def} SEE: 減少 ::
减省 {def} SEE: 減省 ::
减数 {def} SEE: 減數 ::
减数分裂 {def} SEE: 減數分裂 ::
减税 {def} SEE: 減稅 ::
减四度 {def} SEE: 減四度 ::
减速 {def} SEE: 減速 ::
减速带 {def} SEE: 減速帶 ::
减速度 {def} SEE: 減速度 ::
减缩 {def} SEE: 減縮 ::
减退 {def} SEE: 減退 ::
减五度 {def} SEE: 減五度 ::
减息 {def} SEE: 減息 ::
减小 {def} SEE: 減小 ::
减薪 {def} SEE: 減薪 ::
减刑 {def} SEE: 減刑 ::
减压 {def} SEE: 減壓 ::
减押 {def} SEE: 減押 ::
减员 {def} SEE: 減員 ::
减震 {def} SEE: 減震 ::
减震器 {def} SEE: 減震器 ::
减租 {def} SEE: 減租 ::
减租减息 {def} SEE: 減租減息 ::
{def} /jiǎn/ :: to cut (paper, etc.)
剪報 {v} /jiǎnbào/ :: to clip out from a newspaper
剪報 {n} /jiǎnbào/ :: newspaper clipping; newspaper cutting
剪报 {def} SEE: 剪報 ::
剪裁 {v} /jiǎncái/ :: to tailor (clothes); to trim; to prune; to crop
剪彩 {v} /jiǎncǎi/ :: to cut the ribbon (at a launch, opening ceremony, etc.)
剪綵 {def} SEE: 剪彩 ::
剪草机 {def} SEE: 剪草機 ::
剪草機 {n} /jiǎncǎojī/ :: lawnmower
剪虫 {def} SEE: 剪蟲 ::
剪出 {v} /jiǎnchū/ :: to cut out; to sever
剪除 {v} /jiǎnchú/ :: to wipe out; to annihilate; to eliminate; to eradicate; to exterminate
剪刀 {n} /jiǎndāo/ :: scissors (Classifier: 把)
剪刀差 {n} [economics] /jiǎndāochā/ :: price scissors
剪刀石头布 {def} SEE: 剪刀石頭布 ::
剪刀石頭布 {prop} /jiǎndāo shítou bù/ :: rock paper scissors (game)
剪断 {def} SEE: 剪斷 ::
剪斷 {v} /jiǎnduàn/ :: to shear off; to cut off
剪发 {def} SEE: 剪髮 ::
剪髮 {v} /jiǎn髮/ :: to have a haircut
剪輯 {n} /jiǎnjí/ :: film montage; film editing
剪輯 {n} /jiǎnjí/ :: editing and rearrangement
剪輯 {v} /jiǎnjí/ :: to edit (films)
剪辑 {def} SEE: 剪輯 ::
剪接 {v} /jiǎnjiē/ :: to cut and edit film
剪绺 {def} SEE: 剪綹 ::
剪绺仔 {def} SEE: 剪綹仔 ::
剪脑壳 {def} SEE: 剪腦殼 ::
剪票 {v} /jiǎnpiào/ :: to punch a ticket
剪鉗 {n} /jiǎnqián/ :: wire cutter
剪钳 {def} SEE: 剪鉗 ::
剪绒 {def} SEE: 剪絨 ::
剪绒花 {def} SEE: 剪絨花 ::
剪绒仔花 {def} SEE: 剪絨仔花 ::
剪貼 {n} /jiǎntiē/ :: cutting out (as school children's activity)
剪貼 {v} /jiǎntiē/ :: to clip and paste (something out of a newspaper, etc.) in a scrapbook or on cards
剪貼板 {n} /jiǎntiē bǎn/ :: clipboard
剪贴 {def} SEE: 剪貼 ::
剪贴板 {def} SEE: 剪貼板 ::
剪头 {def} SEE: 剪頭 ::
剪头的 {def} SEE: 剪頭的 ::
剪头毛 {def} SEE: 剪頭毛 ::
剪影 {n} /jiǎnyǐng/ :: papercutting silhouette
剪影 {n} [figurative] /jiǎnyǐng/ :: sketch; outline; album
剪鱼 {def} SEE: 剪魚 ::
剪鱼仔 {def} SEE: 剪魚仔 ::
剪仔龟 {def} SEE: 剪仔龜 ::
剪枝 {v} /jiǎnzhī/ :: to prune; to lop; to trim (branches, etc.)
剪紙 {n} /jiǎnzhǐ/ :: jianzhi (Chinese paper cutting)
剪紙 {n} /jiǎnzhǐ/ :: papercutting (paper designs by other cultures)
剪纸 {def} SEE: 剪紙 ::
剪子 {n} /jiǎnzi/ :: scissors
{def} [Min] /jiǎn/ :: son
{def} [Min] /jiǎn/ :: child
{def} [Min] /jiǎn/ :: baby, infant
{def} [Min] /jiǎn/ :: Diminutive suffix attached to nouns, equivalent to Mandarin 子
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [Min] /jiǎn/ :: Diminutive suffix attached to classifiers
囝儿 {def} SEE: 囝兒 ::
囝孙 {def} SEE: 囝孫 ::
囝孙袋 {def} SEE: 囝孫袋 ::
囝孙桶 {def} SEE: 囝孫桶 ::
囝新妇 {def} SEE: 囝新婦 ::
囝仔 {def} SEE: 囡仔 ::
囝仔穿大人衫——大袭 {def} SEE: 囝仔穿大人衫——大襲 ::
囝仔穿大人衫——大襲 {def} SEE: 囡仔穿大人衫——大軀 ::
囝仔歌 {def} SEE: 囡仔歌 ::
囝仔款 {def} SEE: 囡仔款 ::
囝仔人 {def} SEE: 囡仔人 ::
囝仔头 {def} SEE: 囝仔頭 ::
囝仔頭 {def} SEE: 囡仔頭 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kǎn/ :: only used in 堿坷
堿坷 {def} SEE: 坎坷 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
拣啊拣,拣着一个卖龙眼 {def} SEE: 揀啊揀,揀著一個賣龍眼 ::
拣课 {def} SEE: 揀課 ::
拣食 {def} SEE: 揀食 ::
拣选 {def} SEE: 揀選 ::
拣饮择食 {def} SEE: 揀飲擇食 ::
{def} SEE: ::
捡回命 {def} SEE: 撿回命 ::
捡破烂 {def} SEE: 撿破爛 ::
捡拾 {def} SEE: 撿拾 ::
{def} [literary or regional] /jiǎn/ :: to choose; to pick
{def} /jiǎn/ :: [obsolete] to get; to obtain
{def} /jiǎn/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
揀啊揀,揀著一个賣龍眼 {def} SEE: 揀啊揀,揀著一個賣龍眼 ::
揀食 {adj} /jiǎnshí/ :: picky about what one eats
揀選 {v} /jiǎnxuǎn/ :: to select; to pick
{def} /jiǎn/ :: to pick up; to collect
{def} /jiǎn/ :: [obsolete] to put in order
{def} [dialectal Hakka] /jiǎn/ :: to take; to get
撿回命 {v} [idiom, emphatic] /jiǎnhuí mìng/ :: to serendipitously survive; to live past a life-threatening event
撿破爛 {v} /jiǎn pòlàn,er/ :: to pick odds and ends from refuse heaps; to be a waste picker
撿拾 {v} /jiǎnshí/ :: to pick up; to collect; to gather; to find
{def} /jiǎn,lán/ :: [obsolete] sunshower
{def} /jiǎn,lán/ :: [obsolete] to dry something in the shade
{def} SEE: ::
枧水 {def} SEE: 鹼水 ::
枧水粽 {def} SEE: 鹼水粽 ::
{def} /jiǎn/ :: letter; invitation
{def} /jiǎn/ :: abbreviation of 柬埔寨
{def} /jiǎn/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
柬埔寨 {prop} /Jiǎnpǔzhài/ :: Cambodia
柬埔寨人 {n} /jiǎnpǔzhàirén/ :: Cambodian (person, people)
柬国 {def} SEE: 柬國 ::
柬國 {prop} [colloquial] /Jiǎnguó/ :: abbreviation of 柬埔寨
柬文 {n} /jiǎnwén/ :: (written) Khmer language
梘水 {def} SEE: 鹼水 ::
梘水粽 {def} SEE: 鹼水粽 ::
{def} SEE: ::
检波 {def} SEE: 檢波 ::
检波器 {def} SEE: 檢波器 ::
检采 {def} SEE: 檢采 ::
检测 {def} SEE: 檢測 ::
检察 {def} SEE: 檢察 ::
检察长 {def} SEE: 檢察長 ::
检察官 {def} SEE: 檢察官 ::
检察厅 {def} SEE: 檢察廳 ::
检察院 {def} SEE: 檢察院 ::
检查 {def} SEE: 檢查 ::
检查点 {def} SEE: 檢查點 ::
检查员 {def} SEE: 檢查員 ::
检查站 {def} SEE: 檢查站 ::
检点 {def} SEE: 檢點 ::
检定 {def} SEE: 檢定 ::
检附 {def} SEE: 檢附 ::
检举 {def} SEE: 檢舉 ::
检控 {def} SEE: 檢控 ::
检控官 {def} SEE: 檢控官 ::
检流计 {def} SEE: 檢流計 ::
检录 {def} SEE: 檢錄 ::
检票 {def} SEE: 檢票 ::
检视 {def} SEE: 檢視 ::
检束 {def} SEE: 檢束 ::
检索 {def} SEE: 檢索 ::
检讨 {def} SEE: 檢討 ::
检体 {def} SEE: 檢體 ::
检修 {def} SEE: 檢修 ::
检验 {def} SEE: 檢驗 ::
检疫 {def} SEE: 檢疫 ::
检阅 {def} SEE: 檢閱 ::
检字 {def} SEE: 檢字 ::
{def} /jiǎn/ :: to keep oneself in check
{def} /jiǎn/ :: to check; to examine; to inspect
檢波 {v} [electronics] /jiǎnbō/ :: to detect; to demodulate
檢波器 {n} /jiǎnbōqì/ :: detector
檢測 {v} /jiǎncè/ :: to test; to inspect (products, instruments, devices, etc.)
檢察 {v} /jiǎnchá/ :: to inspect; to check; to examine
檢察長 {n} /jiǎncházhǎng/ :: procurator-general
檢察官 {n} /jiǎncháguān/ :: public prosecutor; the prosecution (in a court case)
檢察廳 {n} [obsolete or referring to Japanese/Korean departments] /jiǎnchátīng/ :: the public prosecutor's office
檢察院 {n} [law] /jiǎncháyuàn/ :: procuratorate
檢查 {v} /jiǎnchá/ :: to check; to examine; to inspect
檢查 {v} /jiǎnchá/ :: to examine one's mistakes
檢查 {v} [medicine] /jiǎnchá/ :: to examine; to test
檢查 {n} /jiǎnchá/ :: written self-criticism; letter of self-criticism
檢查點 {n} [biochemistry, computing, security] /jiǎnchádiǎn/ :: checkpoint
檢查員 {n} /jiǎncháyuán/ :: inspector
檢查員 {n} /jiǎncháyuán/ :: checker
檢查站 {n} /jiǎncházhàn/ :: checkpoint (on a road or at a border)
檢點 {v} /jiǎndiǎn/ :: to do a careful and thorough check
檢點 {v} /jiǎndiǎn/ :: to be cautious (about one's speech and behavior)
檢定 {n} /jiǎndìng/ :: verification; calibration; appraisal
檢附 {v} [Taiwanese Mandarin] /jiǎnfù/ :: to be attached (document)
檢舉 {v} /jiǎnjǔ/ :: to inform against; to report an offense to the authorities
檢控 {v} [chiefly Hong Kong] /jiǎnkòng/ :: to prosecute
檢控官 {n} /jiǎnkòngguān/ :: prosecutor; procurator
檢流計 {n} /jiǎnliújì/ :: galvanometer
檢錄 {n} /jiǎnlù/ :: roll call (e.g. at athletic events)
檢錄 {v} /jiǎnlù/ :: to call the roll of the contestants in athletic events
檢票 {v} /jiǎnpiào/ :: to check tickets; to carry out ticket inspection
檢視 {v} /jiǎnshì/ :: to inspect; to examine; to see
檢束 {v} [literary] /jiǎnshù/ :: to restrain; to regulate (one's behavior)
檢索 {v} /jiǎnsuǒ/ :: to retrieve; to search; to look up
檢討 {v} /jiǎntǎo/ :: to criticise oneself
檢討 {v} /jiǎntǎo/ :: to examine; to review
檢討 {n} /jiǎntǎo/ :: self-criticism (as a written text)
檢體 {v} [medicine] /jiǎntǐ/ :: to perform a physical examination
檢體 {n} [medicine, Taiwan] /jiǎntǐ/ :: specimen
檢修 {v} /jiǎnxiū/ :: to examine and repair; to overhaul; to service
檢驗 {v} /jiǎnyàn/ :: to test; to examine; to inspect
檢疫 {v} /jiǎnyì/ :: to quarantine
檢疫 {n} /jiǎnyì/ :: quarantine
檢閱 {v} [military] /jiǎnyuè/ :: to inspect (troops)
檢閱 {v} /jiǎnyuè/ :: to leaf through; to browse through
檢閱 {v} /jiǎnyuè/ :: to censor
檢字 {v} /jiǎnzì/ :: to look up a word (in a dictionary)
檢字 {v} /jiǎnzì/ :: to pick up a type (in a manual type setting for print)
檢字 {n} /jiǎnzì/ :: character index (in a Chinese character dictionary); word index (in a non-Chinese-language dictionary)
{def} /jiǎn/ :: to decrease; to subtract; to diminish
{def} [arithmetic] /jiǎn/ :: to subtract
{def} /jiǎn/ :: 55th tetragram of the Taixuanjing; "diminishment" (𝌼)
減八度 {n} [music] /jiǎnbādù/ :: diminished octave
減倉 {v} [trading] /jiǎncāng/ :: to decrease one's position
減產 {v} /jiǎnchǎn/ :: to decrease production; to reduce output
減持 {v} /jiǎnchí/ :: to decrease shareholding
減充血劑 {n} [medicine] /jiǎnchōng血jì/ :: decongestant
減除 {v} /jiǎnchú/ :: to deduct
減低 {vti} /jiǎndī/ :: to lower; to reduce; to cut
減二度 {n} [music] /jiǎn'èrdù/ :: diminished second
減法 {n} [arithmetic] /jiǎnfǎ/ :: subtraction
減肥 {v} /jiǎnféi/ :: to lose weight
減肥餐 {n} /jiǎnféicān/ :: weight-loss meal; dietetic meal
減函數 {n} [math] /jiǎnhánshù/ :: decreasing function
減號 {n} /jiǎnhào,er/ :: minus sign ()
減緩 {v} /jiǎnhuǎn/ :: to slow down; to retard
減價 {v} /jiǎnjià/ :: to mark down, to reduce the price of
減六度 {n} [music] /jiǎnliùdù/ :: diminished sixth
減慢 {v} /jiǎnmàn/ :: to slow down; to decelerate
減免 {v} /jiǎnmiǎn/ :: to mitigate or annul (punishments)
減免 {v} /jiǎnmiǎn/ :: to lower or forgive (fee, tax, debt, etc.); to waive; to reduce or remit
減免稅收 {n} /jiǎnmiǎn shuìshōu/ :: tax relief
減排 {v} [of pollution] /jiǎnpái/ :: to reduce discharge
減七度 {n} [music] /jiǎnqīdù/ :: diminished seventh
減輕 {v} /jiǎnqīng/ :: to lighten; to ease; to alleviate; to lessen; to relieve
減弱 {vi} /jiǎnruò/ :: to weaken; to abate
減三度 {n} [music] /jiǎnsāndù/ :: diminished third
減殺 {v} /jiǎnshà/ :: to weaken; to reduce
減少 {v} /jiǎnshǎo/ :: to reduce; to decrease; to cut; to minimise
減省 {v} /jiǎnshěng/ :: to reduce waste; to economize
減數 {n} /jiǎnshù/ :: subtrahend (a number to be subtracted from another)
減數分裂 {n} [biology] /jiǎnshù fēnliè,er/ :: meiosis
減稅 {v} /jiǎnshuì/ :: to reduce tax; to implement a tax cut
減四度 {n} [music] /jiǎnsìdù/ :: diminished fourth
減縮 {v} /jiǎnsuō/ :: to reduce; to cut down; to retrench
減速 {v} /jiǎnsù/ :: to slow down; to decelerate
減速帶 {n} /jiǎnsùdài/ :: speed bump
減速度 {n} [physics] /jiǎnsùdù/ :: deceleration (amount)
減退 {v} /jiǎntuì/ :: to ebb; to go down; to decline; to abate
減五度 {n} [music] /jiǎnwǔdù/ :: diminished fifth
減息 {v} /jiǎn息/ :: to lower the interest rate
減小 {v} /jiǎnxiǎo/ :: to reduce (impact); to lessen; to decrease; to abate; to diminish
減薪 {v} /jiǎnxīn/ :: to cut someone's pay; to reduce someone's salary
減刑 {v} [law] /jiǎnxíng/ :: to mitigate a sentence; to lower a penalty
減壓 {v} /jiǎnyā/ :: to decompress; to adjust to normal atmospheric pressure after being exposed to high pressure
減壓 {v} /jiǎnyā/ :: to relieve stress
減押 {v} /jiǎnyā/ :: to reduce deposits
減員 {n} /jiǎnyuán/ :: depletion of numbers (in the armed forces, etc.)
減震 {v} /jiǎnzhèn/ :: to absorb shock; to damp
減震 {n} /jiǎnzhèn/ :: shock absorption; damping
減震器 {n} /jiǎnzhènqì/ :: shock absorber (device which absorbs shocks)
減租 {v} /jiǎnzū/ :: to recude rent; to cut rent
減租減息 {idiom} /jiǎnzūjiǎn息/ :: to reduce rent and interest; to reduce rent and lower the interest rate
{def} /jiǎn/ :: name of a river in Jingmen, Hubei province
{def} /jiǎn/ :: to fall; to fall over; to fall down
{def} /jiǎn/ :: to collapse; to fall in
{def} SEE: ::
睑缘炎 {def} SEE: 瞼緣炎 ::
{def} /jiǎn/ :: eyelid
瞼緣炎 {n} [disease] /jiǎnyuányán/ :: blepharitis
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
碱厂 {def} SEE: 鹼廠 ::
碱化 {def} SEE: 鹼化 ::
碱基 {def} SEE: 鹼基 ::
碱基对 {def} SEE: 鹼基對 ::
碱金属 {def} SEE: 鹼金屬 ::
碱式碳酸铜 {def} SEE: 鹼式碳酸銅 ::
碱式盐 {def} SEE: 鹼式鹽 ::
碱水 {def} SEE: 鹼水 ::
碱水粽 {def} SEE: 鹼水粽 ::
碱土 {def} SEE: 鹼土 ::
碱土金属 {def} SEE: 鹼土金屬 ::
碱性 {def} SEE: 鹼性 ::
碱中毒 {def} SEE: 鹼中毒 ::
碱粽 {def} SEE: 鹼粽 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
简报 {def} SEE: 簡報 ::
简本 {def} SEE: 簡本 ::
简便 {def} SEE: 簡便 ::
简帛 {def} SEE: 簡帛 ::
简帛书 {def} SEE: 簡帛書 ::
简帛学 {def} SEE: 簡帛學 ::
简册 {def} SEE: 簡冊 ::
简称 {def} SEE: 簡稱 ::
简单 {def} SEE: 簡單 ::
简单粗暴 {def} SEE: 簡單粗暴 ::
简单机械 {def} SEE: 簡單機械 ::
简单明了 {def} SEE: 簡單明瞭 ::
简牍 {def} SEE: 簡牘 ::
简短 {def} SEE: 簡短 ::
简而言之 {def} SEE: 簡而言之 ::
简繁 {def} SEE: 簡繁 ::
简化 {def} SEE: 簡化 ::
简化字 {def} SEE: 簡化字 ::
简捷 {def} SEE: 簡捷 ::
简洁 {def} SEE: 簡潔 ::
简介 {def} SEE: 簡介 ::
简括 {def} SEE: 簡括 ::
简历 {def} SEE: 簡歷 ::
简炼 {def} SEE: 簡鍊 ::
简练 {def} SEE: 簡練 ::
简陋 {def} SEE: 簡陋 ::
简略 {def} SEE: 簡略 ::
简慢 {def} SEE: 簡慢 ::
简明 {def} SEE: 簡明 ::
简明扼要 {def} SEE: 簡明扼要 ::
简朴 {def} SEE: 簡樸 ::
简拼 {def} SEE: 簡拼 ::
简坡 {def} SEE: 簡坡 ::
简谱 {def} SEE: 簡譜 ::
简若 {def} SEE: 簡若 ::
简市 {def} SEE: 簡市 ::
简素 {def} SEE: 簡素 ::
简缩 {def} SEE: 簡縮 ::
简体 {def} SEE: 簡體 ::
简体中文 {def} SEE: 簡體中文 ::
简体字 {def} SEE: 簡體字 ::
简谐运动 {def} SEE: 簡諧運動 ::
简谐振动 {def} SEE: 簡諧振動 ::
简写 {def} SEE: 簡寫 ::
简讯 {def} SEE: 簡訊 ::
简言之 {def} SEE: 簡言之 ::
简阳 {def} SEE: 簡陽 ::
简要 {def} SEE: 簡要 ::
简易 {def} SEE: 簡易 ::
简约 {def} SEE: 簡約 ::
简则 {def} SEE: 簡則 ::
简章 {def} SEE: 簡章 ::
简直 {def} SEE: 簡直 ::
简中 {def} SEE: 簡中 ::
简字 {def} SEE: 簡字 ::
{def} /jiǎn/ :: bamboo slip
{def} /jiǎn/ :: letter; epistle
{def} /jiǎn/ :: simple; uncomplicated
{def} /jiǎn/ :: terse; succinct; pithy; concise; brief; to the point
{def} /jiǎn/ :: to simplify
{def} /jiǎn/ :: to treat coldly; to give the cold-shoulder; to neglect
{def} /jiǎn/ :: to select; to choose; to pick
{def} /jiǎn/ :: surname Jian
{def} /jiǎn/ :: Jane (name)
簡報 {n} /jiǎnbào/ :: presentation (to an audience); briefing; bulletin; report
簡本 {n} /jiǎnběn/ :: abridged version; abridged edition
簡便 {adj} /jiǎnbiàn/ :: handy
簡帛 {n} [historiography] /jiǎnbó/ :: bamboo and wooden slips and silk manuscripts
簡帛書 {n} [historiography] /jiǎnbóshū/ :: bamboo and wooden slips and silk manuscripts
簡帛學 {n} [historiography] /jiǎnbóxué/ :: bamboo and silk manuscript studies
簡冊 {n} [historiography] /jiǎncè/ :: bound bamboo-strip book
簡冊 {n} /jiǎncè/ :: books (in general)
簡單 {adj} /jiǎndān/ :: simple; uncomplicated; easy
簡單 {adj} [chiefly in the negative] /jiǎndān/ :: commonplace; ordinary
簡單 {adj} /jiǎndān/ :: sloppy; careless; skimpy; negligent; casual; oversimplified
簡單粗暴 {idiom} /jiǎndān cūbào/ :: simple and crude; straightforward and domineering
簡單機械 {n} [physics] /jiǎndān jīxiè/ :: simple machine
簡單明瞭 {idiom} /jiǎndānmíngliǎo/ :: clear and simple; in simple terms
簡稱 {n} /jiǎnchēng/ :: abbreviated name; short form
簡稱 {v} /jiǎnchēng/ :: to be called something for short
簡牘 {n} [historical, archaic] /jiǎndú/ :: bamboo and wooden slips
簡牘 {n} [literary] /jiǎndú/ :: letters; correspondence
簡短 {adj} /jiǎnduǎn/ :: [of writing or speech] short; curt; concise; succinct; brief; terse
簡而言之 {adv} /jiǎn'éryánzhī/ :: in brief; in short; to put it in a nutshell; basically
簡繁 {n} [often, attributive] /jiǎnfán/ :: Simplified and Traditional Chinese
簡化 {v} /jiǎnhuà/ :: to simplify
簡化字 {prop} /jiǎnhuàzì/ :: Simplified Chinese
簡捷 {adj} /jiǎnjié/ :: simple and fast; easy and quick; simple and convenient; simple and direct
簡潔 {adj} /jiǎnjié/ :: terse; succinct; pithy; concise; brief; to the point
簡介 {n} /jiǎnjiè/ :: brief introduction; overview; profile; about (a company, etc.)
簡括 {adj} /jiǎn括/ :: compendious; brief but comprehensive
簡歷 {n} /jiǎnlì/ :: curriculum vitae; résumé; resume (Classifier: 份張)
簡煉 {def} SEE: 簡鍊 ::
簡練 {adj} /jiǎnliàn/ :: terse; succinct; pithy; concise; brief; to the point
簡鍊 {def} SEE: 簡練 ::
簡陋 {adj} /jiǎnlòu/ :: simple and crude; humble; rough; poor (of accommodations)
簡略 {adj} /jiǎnlüè/ :: simple; brief
簡慢 {v} /jiǎnmàn/ :: to treat coldly; to give the cold-shoulder; to neglect
簡明 {adj} /jiǎnmíng/ :: succinct; concise; brief; to the point; simple and clear
簡明扼要 {idiom} [of speech or writing] /jiǎnmíng èyào/ :: brief, clear and to the point; concise; succinct
簡拼 {n} /jiǎnpīn/ :: "simple pinyin", an input method for Chinese that allows for abbreviated pinyin syllables, using the initial or first letter
簡坡 {prop} /Jiǎnpō/ :: (~ 村) 簡坡 (village)
簡樸 {adj} [of a way of life, clothing, language, etc.] /jiǎn樸/ :: simple; plain; unadorned
簡譜 {n} /jiǎnpǔ/ :: numbered musical notation (widely used in the Chinese speaking world)
簡若 {def} SEE: 敢若 ::
簡市 {prop} /Jiǎnshì/ :: (~ 村) 簡市 (village)
簡素 {n} /jiǎnsù/ :: bamboo tablets and silk manuscripts
簡素 {adj} /jiǎnsù/ :: simple and plain
簡縮 {v} /jiǎnsuō/ :: to condense; to simplify; to reduce
簡縮 {adj} /jiǎnsuō/ :: simple; uncomplicated
簡體 {n} /jiǎntǐ/ :: Simplified Chinese
簡體中文 {n} /jiǎntǐ zhōngwén/ :: Simplified Chinese
簡體字 {prop} /jiǎntǐzì/ :: Simplified Chinese (characters)
簡諧運動 {n} [physics] /jiǎnxiéyùndòng/ :: simple harmonic motion
簡諧振動 {n} [physics] /jiǎnxiézhèndòng/ :: simple harmonic motion
簡寫 {v} /jiǎnxiě/ :: to abbreviate
簡寫 {v} /jiǎnxiě/ :: to write the simplified form of a Chinese character
簡寫 {v} /jiǎnxiě/ :: to simplify a book for beginners
簡寫 {n} /jiǎnxiě/ :: abbreviation; abbreviated form; shortening
簡寫 {n} /jiǎnxiě/ :: simplified form of a Chinese character
簡寫 {n} /jiǎnxiě/ :: simplified book for beginners
簡訊 {n} /jiǎnxùn/ :: news in brief; newsletter
簡訊 {n} [chiefly Taiwan, Singapore] /jiǎnxùn/ :: text message; SMS
簡言之 {adv} /jiǎnyánzhī/ :: in brief; in short; to put it in a nutshell; basically
簡陽 {prop} /Jiǎnyáng/ :: (~ 市) 簡陽 (county-level city)
簡約 {adj} /jiǎnyuē/ :: minimal; concise; simple
簡要 {adj} /jiǎnyào/ :: brief; concise; summary
簡要 {adv} /jiǎnyào/ :: briefly; in a concise manner; summarily
簡易 {adj} /jiǎnyì/ :: simple and easy
簡易 {adj} [of a structure, facility, etc.] /jiǎnyì/ :: simple and crude; unsophisticated
簡則 {n} /jiǎnzé/ :: general regulations
簡章 {n} /jiǎnzhāng/ :: general regulations; briefing; procedure
簡直 {adv} [chiefly in exaggerations] /jiǎnzhí/ :: simply; really; utterly; at all
簡直 {adv} [Northeastern Mandarin, Jilu Mandarin] /jiǎnzhí/ :: straight; ahead
簡直 {adj} [literary] /jiǎnzhí/ :: honest; straightforward
簡中 {n} /jiǎnzhōng/ :: abbreviation of 簡體中文
簡字 {prop} /jiǎnzì/ :: Simplified Chinese
簡字 {prop} /jiǎnzì/ :: a system of simplified phonetic symbols created by Lao Naixuan in the late Qing
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiǎn/ :: cocoon
{def} /jiǎn/ :: synonym of 趼
繭綢 {n} /jiǎnchóu/ :: pongee
繭子 {n} [regional, colloquial] /jiǎnzi/ :: silkworm cocoon
繭子 {n} /jiǎnzi/ :: callus
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiǎn/ :: surname
翦滅 {v} /jiǎnmiè/ :: to annihilate; to wipe out
翦灭 {def} SEE: 翦滅 ::
{def} SEE: ::
茧绸 {def} SEE: 繭綢 ::
茧壳儿 {def} SEE: 繭殼兒 ::
茧子 {def} SEE: 繭子 ::
{def} /jiǎn/ :: [obsolete] a kind of grass
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
譾陋 {n} [literary, of knowledge, experience, etc.] /jiǎnlòu/ :: meager; mean; shallow
{def} SEE: ::
谫陋 {def} SEE: 譾陋 ::
趼子 {n} /jiǎnzi/ :: callus
{def} [literary] /jiǎn,qiān/ :: lame; crippled
{def} [literary] /jiǎn,qiān/ :: difficult; hard; unlucky
{def} [literary] /jiǎn,qiān/ :: dull; stupid; dumb
{def} [literary] /jiǎn,qiān/ :: arrogant; haughty
{def} [literary] /jiǎn,qiān/ :: lame donkey or inferior horse
{def} [literary] /jiǎn,qiān/ :: stutter
{def} [literary] /jiǎn,qiān/ :: Sentence-initial particle
{def} /jiǎn,qiān/ :: 39th hexagram of the I Ching
{def} /jiǎn,qiān/ :: surname
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /wàn/ :: a kind of decoration on a horse's head
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [historical] /jiàn/ :: iron protection for wheel axle
{def} [historical] /jiǎn,jiàn/ :: a weapon similar to a mace, used in ancient China
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiǎn/ :: sodium carbonate
{def} [chemistry] /jiǎn/ :: (soluble) alkali
{def} [chemistry, chiefly Mainland] /jiǎn/ :: base (soluble or not)
{def} [dialectal] /jiǎn/ :: soap
鹼廠 {prop} /Jiǎnchǎng/ :: (~ 村) 鹼廠 (village)
鹼化 {v} /jiǎnhuà/ :: to alkalise
鹼化 {n} /jiǎnhuà/ :: alkalization
鹼基 {n} [chemistry, chiefly Hong Kong, Taiwan] /jiǎnjī/ :: base
鹼基 {n} [specifically] /jiǎnjī/ :: nucleobase
鹼基對 {n} /jiǎnjīduì/ :: base pair
鹼金屬 {n} [inorganic chemistry] /jiǎnjīnshǔ/ :: an alkali metal
鹼式碳酸銅 {n} /jiǎnshì tànsuāntóng/ :: basic copper carbonate, malachite
鹼式鹽 {n} [chemistry] /jiǎnshìyán/ :: alkali salt
鹼水 {n} [cooking] /jiǎnshuǐ/ :: lye water; alkaline water
鹼水 {n} [Cantonese] /jiǎnshuǐ/ :: soap water
鹼水粽 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /jiǎnshuǐzòng/ :: lye water zongzi (a Chinese dessert, sometimes filled with a sweet paste)
鹼土 {n} /jiǎntǔ/ :: alkaline soil
鹼土金屬 {n} [inorganic chemistry] /jiǎntǔ jīnshǔ/ :: alkaline earth metal
鹼性 {n} /jiǎnxìng/ :: alkalinity, basicity
鹼中毒 {n} [medicine] /jiǎnzhòngdú/ :: alkalosis
鹼粽 {n} /jiǎnzòng/ :: alkaline zongzi (a Chinese dessert, sometimes filled with a sweet paste)
{def} /jiān/ :: castration
{def} /jiān/ :: to pare
{def} /jiān/ :: to scrape
{def} /jiān/ :: to sharpen to a point
{def} /jiàn/ :: [historical dictionaries] to turn over; to collapse
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiàn/ :: (same as ) congee, rice gruel
{def} /jiàn/ :: (same as ) thick congee or porridge
{def} /jiǎn,zǎn/ :: [obsolete] [Min] tasteless; insipid; dull
{def} /jiǎn,zǎn/ :: [obsolete] to taste; to try
{def} /qiàn/ :: panicled millet (Panicum miliaceum)
{def} /qiàn/ :: congee, porridge, rice gruel
{def} /qiàn/ :: ripening of a paddy or rice, a harvest
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiàn/ :: document; letter
{def} /jiàn/ :: item; component
{def} /jiàn/ :: classifier for things which can be numerically counted, such as pieces of luggage, clothes, events
件件 {n} /jiànjiàn/ :: every piece; every item; every object; everything
{def} /cún/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /jiàn/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /jiàn/ :: thin
{def} /jiàn/ :: strong; robust; vigorous
{def} /jiàn/ :: healthy; in good health
{def} /jiàn/ :: adeptly; energetically
{def} /jiàn/ :: surname
健保 {n} [chiefly Taiwan] /jiànbǎo/ :: abbreviation of 健康保險
健步 {v} /jiànbù/ :: to walk with vigorous strides
健步如飛 {idiom} /jiànbùrúfēi/ :: to walk as quickly as flying
健步如飞 {def} SEE: 健步如飛 ::
健步丸 {n} /jiànbùwán/ :: A brown pill used in traditional Chinese medicine "to replenish the liver and kidney and strengthen the tendons and bones in the treatment of deficiency syndrome of the liver and the kidney marked by aching and limpness of the loins and knees and weakness in the legs, causing difficulty in walking"
健丛 {def} SEE: 健叢 ::
健斗 {def} SEE: 健鬥 ::
健鬥 {v} /jiàndòu/ :: to be good at fighting (typically hand-to-hand combat)
健儿 {def} SEE: 健兒 ::
健兒 {n} /jiàn'ér/ :: valiant fighter
健兒 {n} /jiàn'ér/ :: good athlete
健行 {v} [Taiwan] /jiànxíng/ :: to hike
健将 {def} SEE: 健將 ::
健將 {n} [archaic] /jiànjiàng/ :: fierce and tough military general
健將 {n} /jiànjiàng/ :: fierce competitor (in sports etc.); topnotch player; master sportsman
健康 {adj} /jiànkāng/ :: healthy
健康 {adj} /jiànkāng/ :: sound
健康 {n} /jiànkāng/ :: health
健康保险 {def} SEE: 健康保險 ::
健康保險 {n} /jiànkāng bǎoxiǎn/ :: health insurance
健康食品 {n} /jiànkāng shípǐn/ :: health food
健力士 {prop} /Jiànlìshì/ :: Guinness
健美 {adj} /jiànměi/ :: strong and handsome; vigorous and graceful
健美 {n} /jiànměi/ :: bodybuilding
健民咽喉片 {n} [TCM] /jiànmín yānhóu piàn/ :: A sugar-coated or film-coated tablet used in traditional Chinese medicine "to soothe sore throat, to nourish yin, to promote the production of body fluids, and to counteract toxicity and quench fire in the treatment of painful swelling of the throat, aphonia and upper respiratory tract inflammation"
健那綠 {n} [organic compound] /jiànnàlǜ/ :: Janus Green B
健那绿 {def} SEE: 健那綠 ::
健脾 {v} [TCM] /jiànpí/ :: to tonify the spleen
健全 {adj} [of a person] /jiànquán/ :: healthy; sound; able-bodied
健全 {adj} [of knowledge, organisation, etc.] /jiànquán/ :: perfectly complete; comprehensive; broad
健全 {v} /jiànquán/ :: to make complete, perfect or comprehensive; to strengthen; to refine
健全人 {n} /jiànquánrén/ :: able-bodied person
健身 {v} /jiànshēn/ :: to keep fit; to exercise; to work out
健身操 {n} /jiànshēncāo/ :: physical exercise; aerobics
健身法 {n} /jiànshēnfǎ/ :: workout (exercise to keep fit)
健身房 {n} /jiànshēnfáng/ :: gymnasium; gym (place providing facilities for physical exercise) (Classifier: 間)
健身中心 {n} /jiànshēn zhōngxīn/ :: fitness center; gym
健碩 {adj} /jiànshuò/ :: well-built; strong and muscular; sturdy
健硕 {def} SEE: 健碩 ::
健談 {v} /jiàntán/ :: to be a good talker; to be a brilliant conversationalist
健谈 {def} SEE: 健談 ::
健忘 {adj} /jiànwàng/ :: forgetful; absent-minded
健忘症 {n} [pathology] /jiànwàngzhèng/ :: amnesia
健旺 {adj} /jiànwàng/ :: healthy and full of energy; vigorous; sprightly
健在 {adj} [of a person of advanced age] /jiànzài/ :: to be still living and in good health; to be alive and kicking
健壮 {def} SEE: 健壯 ::
健壯 {adj} /jiànzhuàng/ :: burly; well-built; strong and healthy; robust
{def} /jiàn/ :: assume, usurp
僭建 {v} [Hong Kong] /jiànjiàn/ :: to add structures to a house illegally; to do unauthorised building works
僭权 {def} SEE: 僭權 ::
僭越 {v} [literary] /jiànyuè/ :: to overstep one's authority; to usurp
僭主 {n} /jiànzhǔ/ :: tyrant; usurper
{def} SEE: ::
剑拔弩张 {def} SEE: 劍拔弩張 ::
剑齿虎 {def} SEE: 劍齒虎 ::
剑胆琴心 {def} SEE: 劍膽琴心 ::
剑道 {def} SEE: 劍道 ::
剑阁 {def} SEE: 劍閣 ::
剑击 {def} SEE: 劍擊 ::
剑客 {def} SEE: 劍客 ::
剑兰 {def} SEE: 劍蘭 ::
剑履 {def} SEE: 劍履 ::
剑麻 {def} SEE: 劍麻 ::
剑桥 {def} SEE: 劍橋 ::
剑桥春天 {def} SEE: 劍橋春天 ::
剑鞘 {def} SEE: 劍鞘 ::
剑士 {def} SEE: 劍士 ::
剑术 {def} SEE: 劍術 ::
剑突 {def} SEE: 劍突 ::
剑侠 {def} SEE: 劍俠 ::
剑鱼 {def} SEE: 劍魚 ::
剑鱼座 {def} SEE: 劍魚座 ::
剑仔 {def} SEE: 劍仔 ::
剑指 {def} SEE: 劍指 ::
剑走偏锋 {def} SEE: 劍走偏鋒 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiàn/ :: sword; dagger; sabre
{def} /jiàn/ :: surname
劍拔弩張 {idiom} /jiànbánǔzhāng/ :: tense situation; ready to fight
劍齒虎 {n} /jiànchǐhǔ/ :: sabre-toothed tiger (Classifier: 隻)
劍膽琴心 {idiom} /jiàndǎnqínxīn/ :: to have the courage of a warrior and the soul of a musician; to temper force with humanity
劍道 {n} /jiàndào/ :: kendo
劍閣 {prop} /Jiàngé/ :: Jiange County (in Guangyuan, Sichuan)
劍閣 {prop} [archaic] /Jiàngé/ :: the footpaths that wind through Jianmen Pass (in Jiange County, Sichuan)
劍擊 {n} [chiefly Cantonese, sports] /jiàn击/ :: fencing
劍客 {n} /jiànkè/ :: swordsman
劍蘭 {n} /jiànlán/ :: gladiolus; sword lily
劍履 {adv} [archaic] /jiànlǚ/ :: wearing one's straight sword and shoes (when at court)
劍麻 {n} /jiànmá/ :: sisal (Agave sisalana)
劍橋 {prop} /Jiànqiáo,er/ :: (~ 市) Cambridge (city in England or the US)
劍橋 {prop} /Jiànqiáo,er/ :: (~ 大學) University of Cambridge
劍橋春天 {prop} /Jiànqiáo Chūntiān/ :: (~ 社區) 劍橋春天 (community)
劍鞘 {n} /jiànqiào/ :: scabbard; sheath of a sword
劍士 {n} /jiànshì/ :: swordsman
劍術 {n} /jiànshù/ :: fencing; swordplay
劍突 {n} [anatomy] /jiàn突/ :: xiphoid process; xiphisternum
劍俠 {n} /jiànxiá/ :: knight-errant; chivalrous swordsman (in old novels)
劍魚 {n} /jiànyú/ :: swordfish
劍魚座 {prop} [constellation] /Jiànyúzuò/ :: Dorado
劍指 {n} [classical Chinese dance] /jiànzhǐ/ :: a hand gesture, typically reserved for portraying characters proficient in the martial arts, in which the index fingers and middle fingers are pointed together, while the thumbs are pressed to the ring fingers and little fingers
劍走偏鋒 {idiom} [martial arts] /jiànzǒupiānfēng/ :: to use a sword with fast, flexible and unexpected movements
劍走偏鋒 {idiom} [figuratively] /jiànzǒupiānfēng/ :: to break the normal procedure and find a new or different solution in order to be unexpected and novelty
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiàn/ :: to build; to construct; to erect
{def} /jiàn/ :: to establish; to found
{def} /jiàn/ :: to propose; to suggest
建安 {prop} /Jiàn'ān/ :: the Jian'an era (Chinese era name from the reign of Emperor Xian of Han, 196–220)
建材 {n} /jiàncái/ :: building material
建昌 {prop} [historical] /Jiànchāng/ :: Jianchang, a former name of Xichang, a city in southern Sichuan, China
建昌 {prop} /Jiànchāng/ :: 建昌 (county)
建成 {v} /jiànchéng/ :: to establish; to build; to construct; to erect
建成环境 {def} SEE: 建成環境 ::
建成環境 {n} /jiànchéng huánjìng/ :: built environment
建党 {def} SEE: 建黨 ::
建党节 {def} SEE: 建黨節 ::
建檔 {v} /jiàn档/ :: to put on file; to record; to archive
建黨 {v} /jiàndǎng/ :: to found a political party
建黨節 {prop} [Mainland] /Jiàndǎngjié/ :: Day of the Founding of the Party, July 1, in the PRC in rememberance of the formation of the Chinese Communist Party in July 1921
建档 {def} SEE: 建檔 ::
建德 {prop} /jiàndé/ :: the Jiande era (572-578), a Chinese era name from the reign of Emperor Wu of Northern Zhou
建德 {v} [literary] /jiàndé/ :: to establish virtue
建东 {def} SEE: 建東 ::
建東 {prop} /Jiàndōng/ :: (~ 村) 建東 (village)
建都 {v} /jiàndū/ :: to found a capital
建都 {v} /jiàndū/ :: to establish a city as a capital
建都 {prop} [historical] /jiàndū/ :: Jiandu, a former name of Xichang (西昌), a city in southern Sichuan, China
建房 {v} /jiànfáng/ :: to build a house
建房互助会 {def} SEE: 建房互助會 ::
建房互助會 {n} /jiànfáng hùzhùhuì/ :: building society
建构 {def} SEE: 建構 ::
建構 {v} /jiàngòu/ :: to build (something abstract); to construct; to set up
建鼓 {n} /jiàngǔ/ :: jiangu (large barrel drum mounted on a pole, used in yayue (Chinese court ritual music))
建国 {def} SEE: 建國 ::
建國 {v} /jiànguó/ :: to found a country; to establish a nation-state; to build a nation
建國 {prop} [chiefly Mainland] /jiànguó/ :: the foundation of the People's Republic of China in 1949
建行 {prop} /Jiànháng/ :: short fo 中國^建設^銀行 (China Construction Bank)
建交 {v} /jiànjiāo/ :: to establish diplomatic relations with
建军 {def} SEE: 建軍 ::
建军节 {def} SEE: 建軍節 ::
建軍 {v} /jiànjūn/ :: to found (*建立) an army
建軍 {v} /jiànjūn/ :: to build up (*建設) the army
建軍節 {prop} /Jiànjūnjié/ :: Armed Forces Day (China) (public holiday in China on August 1, commemorating the Nanchang Uprising in 1927)
建康 {prop} [historical] /Jiànkāng/ :: Jiankang, capital city of the Eastern Wu (229–265 and 266–280 CE), the Jin dynasty (317–420 CE) and the Southern Dynasties (420–552 and 557–589 CE), situated in present-day Nanjing, China
建立 {v} /jiànlì/ :: to found; to set up; to establish
建立者 {n} /jiànlìzhě/ :: founder
建瓴高屋 {idiom} /jiànlínggāowū/ :: synonym of 高屋建瓴
建模 {v} /jiànmó/ :: to build a model
建南 {prop} /Jiànnán/ :: (~ 鎮) 建南 (town)
建宁 {def} SEE: 建寧 ::
建寧 {prop} [historical] /Jiànníng/ :: Jianning (first era name of the reign of Emperor Ling of Han: 168–172 CE)
建寧 {prop} /Jiànníng/ :: (~ 郡) [historical] 建寧 (former commandery)
建寧 {prop} /Jiànníng/ :: (~ 府) [historical] 建寧 (former prefecture)
建寧 {prop} /Jiànníng/ :: (~ 路) [historical] 建寧 (former lu)
建寧 {prop} /Jiànníng/ :: (~ 縣) 建寧 (county)
建瓯 {def} SEE: 建甌 ::
建瓯话 {def} SEE: 建甌話 ::
建甌 {prop} /Jiàn'ōu/ :: (~ 市) 建甌 (county-level city)
建甌話 {prop} /Jiàn'ōuhuà/ :: the Jian'ou dialect of Min Bei Chinese
建坪 {prop} /Jiànpíng/ :: alternative form of 建平
建平 {prop} /Jiànpíng/ :: (~ 鄉) 建平 (township)
建群 {v} [slang, neologism] /jiànqún/ :: to create a group (on WeChat, QQ, etc.)
建設 {v} /jiànshè/ :: to build; to construct; to establish; to set up
建設 {v} [figurative] /jiànshè/ :: to contribute
建設 {v} [Mainland China, figurative] /jiànshè/ :: to develop; to build; to establish; to set up
建設 {v} [classical] /jiànshè/ :: to display; to set out; to decorate; to furnish
建設 {prop} /jiànshè/ :: (~ 街道) 建設 (subdistrict)
建設 {prop} /jiànshè/ :: (~ 鎮) 建設 (town)
建設 {prop} /jiànshè/ :: (~ 村) 建設 (village)
建設性 {n} /jiànshèxìng/ :: constructiveness
建设 {def} SEE: 建設 ::
建设性 {def} SEE: 建設性 ::
建始 {prop} /Jiànshǐ/ :: (~ 縣) 建始 (county)
建市 {v} /jiànshì/ :: to found a city
建树 {def} SEE: 建樹 ::
建樹 {v} /jiànshù/ :: to contribute
建樹 {v} /jiànshù/ :: to establish; to found
建樹 {n} /jiànshù/ :: contribution
建物 {n} /jiànwù/ :: building, structure, construction, edifice
建校 {v} /jiànxiào/ :: to found a school
建新 {prop} /Jiànxīn/ :: (~ 村) 建新 (village)
建新 {prop} /Jiànxīn/ :: (~ 村) 建新 (village)
建言 {v} /jiànyán/ :: to offer a suggestion
建阳 {def} SEE: 建陽 ::
建陽 {prop} /Jiànyáng/ :: (~ 區) 建陽 (district)
建陽 {prop} /Jiànyáng/ :: the Chinese style name of Ding Yuan
建业 {def} SEE: 建業 ::
建業 {prop} [historical] /Jiànyè/ :: alternative name for 建康
建邺 {def} SEE: 建鄴 ::
建鄴 {def} SEE: 建業 ::
建議 {v} /jiànyì/ :: to suggest; to recommend; to propose; to advise
建議 {n} /jiànyì/ :: suggestion; recommendation; proposal (Classifier: 條項)
建议 {def} SEE: 建議 ::
建有 {v} /jiànyǒu/ :: to be built with
建造 {v} /jiànzào/ :: to build; to construct
建章 {n} [archaic] /jiànzhāng/ :: a palace
建章 {prop} [archaic] /jiànzhāng/ :: Jianzhang Hall (the name of a palace hall in ancient Chang'an)
建章殿 {n} [archaic] /jiànzhāngdiàn/ :: a palace
建章殿 {prop} [archaic] /jiànzhāngdiàn/ :: Jianzhang Hall (the name of a palace hall in ancient Chang'an)
建制 {n} /jiànzhì/ :: organizational system or structure
建制派 {n} [Hong Kong, Macau] /jiànzhìpài/ :: pro-Beijing camp; pro-establishment camp
建治家后 {def} SEE: 建治家後 ::
建置 {v} /jiànzhì/ :: to found; to set up; to establish
建置 {n} /jiànzhì/ :: facility; installation
建置 {n} /jiànzhì/ :: organisation; agency; authority (a group of people or legal entities with purpose and rules); institution
建州 {prop} [historic] /Jiànzhōu/ :: an administrative division in many dynasties of Imperial China
建州 {prop} [historic] /Jiànzhōu/ :: the Jianzhou Jurchens, a subgroup of Jurchens
建築 {v} /jiàn築/ :: to build; to construct; to erect (of buildings and structures)
建築 {n} [countable] /jiàn築/ :: building; structure; edifice (Classifier: 座)
建築 {n} [uncountable] /jiàn築/ :: construction; building
建築 {n} [countable, uncountable] /jiàn築/ :: architecture (Classifier: 座)
建築材料 {n} /jiàn筑 cáiliào/ :: building material
建築房屋互助協會 {n} /jiàn筑 fángwū hùzhù xiéhuì/ :: building society
建築工地 {n} /jiàn筑 gōngdì/ :: construction site; building site
建築面積 {n} /jiàn筑 miànjī/ :: floor area
建築群 {n} /jiàn筑qún/ :: building complex
建築師 {n} /jiàn築shī/ :: architect
建築物 {n} [countable] /jiàn築wù/ :: building; structure; edifice (Classifier: 座)
建築學 {n} /jiàn築xué/ :: architecture
建築業 {n} /jiàn筑yè/ :: building industry
建筑 {def} SEE: 建築 ::
建筑材料 {def} SEE: 建築材料 ::
建筑房屋互助协会 {def} SEE: 建築房屋互助協會 ::
建筑工地 {def} SEE: 建築工地 ::
建筑面积 {def} SEE: 建築面積 ::
建筑群 {def} SEE: 建築群 ::
建筑师 {def} SEE: 建築師 ::
建筑物 {def} SEE: 建築物 ::
建筑学 {def} SEE: 建築學 ::
建筑业 {def} SEE: 建築業 ::
建字旁 {n} /jiànzìpáng/ :: the Chinese character component
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiàn/ :: fence
{def} SEE: ::
槛车 {def} SEE: 檻車 ::
槛门 {def} SEE: 檻門 ::
槛门窗 {def} SEE: 檻門窗 ::
槛门囝 {def} SEE: 檻門囝 ::
{def} /jiàn/ :: fence
{def} /jiàn/ :: cage (for animal or prisoner)
{def} /jiàn/ :: railing
{def} /jiàn/ :: alternative form of
{def} /kǎn,er/ :: doorsill
檻車 {n} [archaic] /jiànjū/ :: a wagon, with bars or fencing on all for sides, used for transporting animals or prisoners
{def} /jiàn,er/ :: the shuttlecock used in jianzi sport
毽钱 {def} SEE: 毽錢 ::
毽子 {n} /jiànzi/ :: jianzi (traditional Chinese sport in which players try to keep a weighted shuttlecock in the air with their bodies)
{def} SEE: ::
涧池 {def} SEE: 澗池 ::
涧口 {def} SEE: 澗口 ::
{def} SEE: ::
渐变 {def} SEE: 漸變 ::
渐次 {def} SEE: 漸次 ::
渐冻人 {def} SEE: 漸凍人 ::
渐冻人症 {def} SEE: 漸凍人症 ::
渐冻症 {def} SEE: 漸凍症 ::
渐渐 {def} SEE: 漸漸 ::
渐近 {def} SEE: 漸近 ::
渐近线 {def} SEE: 漸近線 ::
渐进 {def} SEE: 漸進 ::
渐慢 {def} SEE: 漸慢 ::
渐染 {def} SEE: 漸染 ::
渐入佳境 {def} SEE: 漸入佳境 ::
渐逝 {def} SEE: 漸逝 ::
{def} /jiàn/ :: brook between mountains; mountain stream
{def} /jiàn/ :: a numeral that refers to 1036 or others
澗池 {prop} /Jiànchí/ :: (~ 鄉) 澗池 (township)
澗口 {prop} /Jiànkǒu/ :: (~ 鄉) 澗口 (township)
{def} /jiàn/ :: to arrive (of water)
{def} /jiàn/ :: [obsolete] to prop up obliquely
{def} /jiàn/ :: [obsolete] to keep off water using mud and stone
{def} [archery, weapons] /jiàn/ :: arrow (Classifier: 支)
{def} /jiàn/ :: type of bamboo
箭靶 {n} /jiànbǎ/ :: target for archery
箭靶子 {n} /jiànbǎzi/ :: target for archery
箭步 {n} /jiànbù/ :: big, rapid stride
箭鏃 {n} /jiàncù/ :: arrowhead
箭杆 {def} SEE: 箭桿 ::
箭桿 {n} /jiàngān/ :: arrow shaft
箭匠 {n} /jiànjiàng/ :: arrowmaker
箭牌 {n} [mahjong] /jiànpái/ :: dragon tile
箭矢 {n} [weapons] /jiànshǐ/ :: arrow (Classifier: 支)
箭头 {def} SEE: 箭頭 ::
箭头键 {def} SEE: 箭頭鍵 ::
箭頭 {n} /jiàntóu/ :: arrowhead
箭頭 {n} /jiàntóu/ :: arrow (symbol)
箭頭鍵 {n} [computing] /jiàntóujiàn/ :: arrow key; cursor key
箭魚 {n} /jiànyú/ :: swordfish
箭鱼 {def} SEE: 箭魚 ::
箭在弦上,不得不发 {def} SEE: 箭在弦上,不得不發 ::
箭在弦上,不得不發 {idiom} /jiàn zài xián shàng, 不dé不 fā/ :: there's no turning back now!
箭竹 {n} /jiànzhú/ :: bamboo
箭镞 {def} SEE: 箭鏃 ::
糋豆干 {def} SEE: 糋豆乾 ::
糋鸡 {def} SEE: 糋雞 ::
糋扩 {def} SEE: 糋擴 ::
{def} /jiàn/ :: tendons
腱膜 {n} [anatomy] /jiàn膜/ :: aponeurosis
腱鞘 {n} [anatomy] /jiànqiào/ :: tendon sheath
腱鞘炎 {n} [disease] /jiànqiàoyán/ :: tenosynovitis
腱索 {n} [anatomy] /jiànsuǒ/ :: chordae tendineae
腱炎 {n} [pathology] /jiànyán/ :: tendinitis
腱子 {n} /jiànzi/ :: shank
腱子肉 {n} /jiànziròu/ :: shank (pork, beef, etc.)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
舰长 {def} SEE: 艦長 ::
舰船 {def} SEE: 艦船 ::
舰队 {def} SEE: 艦隊 ::
舰娘 {def} SEE: 艦娘 ::
舰艇 {def} SEE: 艦艇 ::
舰载 {def} SEE: 艦載 ::
{def} /jiàn/ :: warship
艦長 {n} /jiànzhǎng/ :: captain, especially of a warship
艦船 {n} /jiànchuán/ :: naval warships and commercial, seagoing vessels
艦隊 {n} /jiànduì/ :: fleet of naval vessels
艦娘 {n} [neologism, slang, ACG] /jiànniáng/ :: shipgirl
艦艇 {n} [nautical] /jiàntǐng/ :: warship; naval vessel
艦載 {adj} [attributive] /jiànzài/ :: carrier-borne; ship-based
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiàn/ :: straw mat
{def} /jiàn/ :: fodder grass
{def} /jiàn/ :: repeatedly
{def} /jiàn/ :: [historical dictionaries] to gather
{def} /jiàn/ :: alternative form of
荐椎 {def} SEE: 薦椎 ::
荐骨 {def} SEE: 薦骨 ::
荐举 {def} SEE: 薦舉 ::
荐优 {def} SEE: 薦優 ::
荐臻 {def} SEE: 薦臻 ::
{def} /jiàn/ :: offer, present
{def} /jiàn/ :: recommend
{def} [anatomy] /jiàn/ :: alternative name for 骶
薦椎 {n} [anatomy] /jiànzhuī/ :: sacral vertebra
薦骨 {n} [anatomy] /jiàngǔ/ :: alternative name for 骶骨
薦舉 {v} /jiànjǔ/ :: to propose somebody for an office; to recommend; to nominate
薦優 {v} /jiànyōu/ :: to recommend the excellent
薦臻 {v} [literary] /jiànzhēn/ :: to come one after another; to occur in succession
{def} /chán,jiàn/ :: only used in 螹胡
{def} /jiàn/ :: to see
{def} /jiàn/ :: to meet; to see
{def} /jiàn/ :: to see; to refer to; vide
{def} /jiàn/ :: to appear; to seem
{def} /jiàn/ :: opinion, idea, view
{def} /jiàn/ :: [obsolete] (to have something done) by (someone or something)
{def} /jiàn/ :: (~ 母) [Chinese linguistics] the Middle Chinese initial of
{def} /xiàn/ :: [obsolete] original form of
見愛 {v} [archaic] /jiàn'ài/ :: to cherish; to take good care of
見報 {v} /jiànbào/ :: to appear or be published in the newspapers
見背 {v} [literary, of one's parents or elders] /jiànbèi/ :: to pass away
見不得人 {adj} /jiàn不dérén/ :: shameful and cannot be revealed
見長 {v} /jiàncháng/ :: to be good at; to excel at; to be one's forte
見長 {v} /jiànzhǎng/ :: to grow
見長 {v} /jiànzhǎng/ :: to improve
見到 {v} /jiàndào/ :: to see
見得 {v} [used in the negative and in questions] /jiàndé/ :: to seem
見底 {v} [of a figure or price] /jiàndǐ/ :: to reach its lowest
見地 {n} /jiàndì/ :: insight; judgement; opinion
見地 {n} [literary] /jiàndì/ :: existing land
見頂 {v} [of a figure or price] /jiàndǐng/ :: to peak; to reach its highest
見多識廣 {idiom} /jiànduō识guǎng/ :: experienced and knowledgeable
見風轉舵 {idiom} /jiànfēngzhuǎnduò/ :: synonym of 看風使舵
見附 {prop} /Jiànfù/ :: (~ 市) 見附 (city)
見怪 {v} [literary] /jiànguài/ :: to see something strange
見怪 {v} /jiànguài/ :: to take offence (at the speaker's behaviour); to mind
見怪不怪 {idiom} /jiànguài不guài/ :: to keep one's calm in the face of the unexpected; to not wonder at strange sights
見光死 {v} [slang, of a cyber relationship] /jiànguāngsǐ/ :: to be killed by the cold, harsh light of reality when the two meet in real life
見鬼 {v} [literally] /jiànguǐ/ :: to see ghost
見鬼 {v} [figurative] /jiànguǐ/ :: to have bad luck; to be ridiculous; to be absurd; to be funny
見鬼 {v} /jiànguǐ/ :: to go to hell [as an expression of anger]
見紅 {v} [euphemistic, usually of a woman] /jiànhóng/ :: to bleed [especially during intercourse, menstrual periods, or prior to delivery]
見惠 {v} [archaic] /jiànhuì/ :: to accept a gift with thanks
見機 {v} [literary] /jiànjī/ :: to spot an opportunity (and act on it)
見駕 {v} [archaic] /jiànjià/ :: to have an audience with the emperor
見解 {n} /jiànjiě/ :: opinion; view; understanding
見利忘義 {idiom} /jiàn lì wàng yì/ :: to forget one's principles whenever tempted by the prospect of personal gain
見諒 {v} [polite form] /jiànliàng/ :: please excuse (me); lit. "please have (me) forgiven" or "please let me be forgiven"
見馬克思 {idiom} [Communism, euphemistic] /jiàn Mǎkèsī/ :: to die
見面 {v} /jiànmiàn/ :: to meet; to see
見面會 {n} /jiànmiànhuì/ :: meeting (of a celebrity with his or her fans, or with the media)
見面禮 {n} /jiànmiànlǐ/ :: present given upon first meeting
見面三分情 {proverb} /jiàn miàn sān fēn qíng/ :: It's harder to be cold and detached when you look someone in the eyes
見棄 {v} [literary] /jiànqì/ :: to be abandoned
見錢眼開 {adj} [idiomatic, colloquial, pejorative] /jiànqiányǎnkāi/ :: greedy for money
見人說人話,見鬼說鬼話 {proverb} [figurative] /jiàn rén shuō rénhuà, jiàn guǐ shuō guǐhuà/ :: to be flexible and know what to say in different situations and to different people; [derogatory] to be crafty and two-faced
見仁見智 {idiom} /jiànrénjiànzhì/ :: different people have different views; opinions differ
見上 {v} /jiànshàng/ :: see above; vide supra
見識 {v} /jiàn識,tl/ :: to broaden one's knowledge
見識 {n} /jiàn識,tl/ :: knowledge; experience
見識 {n} [literary] /jiàn識,tl/ :: level at military arts; skills at martial arts
見樹不見林 {idiom} /jiànshù不jiànlín/ :: synonym of 只見樹木,不見森林
見說 {v} [archaic] /jiànshuō/ :: to see it said; to hear it said
見死不救 {idiom} /jiànsǐ不jiù/ :: to neglect a dying person and not rescue him or her
見死不救 {idiom} [figuratively] /jiànsǐ不jiù/ :: to neglect a person in danger and not assist him or her
見所未見 {idiom} [of something] /jiànsuǒwèijiàn/ :: to see something one has never seen before; rare; unprecedented
見天 {adv} [chiefly Mandarin, Jin, colloquial] /jiàntiān,er/ :: every day
見天日 {v} [literary] /jiàn tiānrì/ :: to see the light of day
見外 {v} /jiànwài/ :: to be overly polite with someone; to stand on ceremony; to treat someone like a stranger; to regard someone as an outsider
見微知著 {idiom} /jiàn微zhīzhù/ :: to be able to tell the truth or general trend from a tiny phenomenon or early signs
見微知著 {idiom} /jiàn微zhīzhù/ :: see the forest for the trees
見聞 {n} /jiànwén/ :: what one has seen and heard; personal experience; knowledge; information
見五姑娘 {v} [idiomatic, slang] /jiàn wǔ gūniang/ :: to jack off
見伍姑娘 {v} [idiomatic, slang] /jiàn Wǔ gūniang/ :: to jack off
見習 {v} /jiànxí/ :: to learn on the job; to be on probation; to undertake a traineeship or internship
見習生 {n} /jiànxíshēng/ :: apprentice; trainee
見習醫生 {n} /jiànxí yīshēng/ :: medical intern; medical doctor in training; house officer
見習醫師 {n} /jiànxí yīshī/ :: medical intern; medical doctor in training; house officer
見下 {v} /jiànxià/ :: see below; vide infra
見效 {v} /jiànxiào/ :: to produce an effect; to have a desired result
見笑 {v} [humble] /jiànxiào/ :: to incur ridicule through one's poor performance
見笑 {v} /jiànxiào/ :: to mock; to ridicule; to laugh at
見笑 {v} [Min Nan] /jiànxiào/ :: to be ashamed
見笑 {v} [Min Nan] /jiànxiào/ :: to be shy
見信如面 {idiom} /jiànxìnrúmiàn/ :: Seeing your letter is like seeing you in person; when reading your letter, I feel as if we are talking face to face. (used in the beginning of a letter)
見閻王 {v} [figuratively] /jiàn Yánwáng/ :: to die
見疑 {v} [literary] /jiànyí/ :: to be suspected by
見疑 {v} [literary] /jiànyí/ :: to suspect; to be suspicious of
見異思遷 {idiom} /jiànyìsīqiān/ :: to change one's mind the moment one sees something new
見義勇為 {idiom} /jiànyìyǒngwéi/ :: to act bravely for a just cause
見原 {v} [archaic] /jiànyuán/ :: to forgive
見在 {adj} [archaic] /xiànzài/ :: present; existing
見在 {adv} [archaic] /xiànzài/ :: alternative form of 現在
見在 {n} [archaic] /xiànzài/ :: alternative form of 現在
見在 {v} [archaic] /xiànzài/ :: alternative form of 現在
見責 {v} [archaic] /jiànzé/ :: to find fault with; to rebuke
見者易,學者難 {proverb} /jiànzhě yì, xuézhě nán/ :: easier said than done
見證 {v} /jiànzhèng/ :: to bear witness; to witness
見證 {n} /jiànzhèng/ :: witness; evidence; testimony
見證人 {n} /jiànzhèngrén/ :: witness (one who has a personal knowledge of something)
見狀 {v} /jiànzhuàng/ :: upon seeing this, ...; in response, ..
見字如面 {idiom} /jiànzìrúmiàn/ :: Seeing the handwriting in your letter is like seeing you in person; When reading your letter, I feel as if we are talking face to face. (used in the beginning of a letter)
{def} SEE: ::
见爱 {def} SEE: 見愛 ::
见摆 {def} SEE: 見擺 ::
见报 {def} SEE: 見報 ::
见背 {def} SEE: 見背 ::
见本 {def} SEE: 見本 ::
见不得人 {def} SEE: 見不得人 ::
见步行步 {def} SEE: 見步行步 ::
见长 {def} SEE: 見長 ::
见到 {def} SEE: 見到 ::
见得 {def} SEE: 見得 ::
见底 {def} SEE: 見底 ::
见地 {def} SEE: 見地 ::
见顶 {def} SEE: 見頂 ::
见多识广 {def} SEE: 見多識廣 ::
见风转舵 {def} SEE: 見風轉舵 ::
见附 {def} SEE: 見附 ::
见工 {def} SEE: 見工 ::
见怪 {def} SEE: 見怪 ::
见怪不怪 {def} SEE: 見怪不怪 ::
见光卯 {def} SEE: 見光卯 ::
见光死 {def} SEE: 見光死 ::
见鬼 {def} SEE: 見鬼 ::
见红 {def} SEE: 見紅 ::
见惠 {def} SEE: 見惠 ::
见机 {def} SEE: 見機 ::
见驾 {def} SEE: 見駕 ::
见解 {def} SEE: 見解 ::
见利忘义 {def} SEE: 見利忘義 ::
见谅 {def} SEE: 見諒 ::
见马克思 {def} SEE: 見馬克思 ::
见面 {def} SEE: 見面 ::
见面会 {def} SEE: 見面會 ::
见面礼 {def} SEE: 見面禮 ::
见面三分情 {def} SEE: 見面三分情 ::
见弃 {def} SEE: 見棄 ::
见钱眼开 {def} SEE: 見錢眼開 ::
见人说人话,见鬼说鬼话 {def} SEE: 見人說人話,見鬼說鬼話 ::
见仁见智 {def} SEE: 見仁見智 ::
见若 {def} SEE: 見若 ::
见上 {def} SEE: 見上 ::
见识 {def} SEE: 見識 ::
见树不见林 {def} SEE: 見樹不見林 ::
见说 {def} SEE: 見說 ::
见死 {def} SEE: 見死 ::
见死不救 {def} SEE: 見死不救 ::
见所未见 {def} SEE: 見所未見 ::
见天 {def} SEE: 見天 ::
见天日 {def} SEE: 見天日 ::
见外 {def} SEE: 見外 ::
见微知著 {def} SEE: 見微知著 ::
见闻 {def} SEE: 見聞 ::
见五姑娘 {def} SEE: 見五姑娘 ::
见伍姑娘 {def} SEE: 見伍姑娘 ::
见习 {def} SEE: 見習 ::
见习生 {def} SEE: 見習生 ::
见习医生 {def} SEE: 見習醫生 ::
见习医师 {def} SEE: 見習醫師 ::
见下 {def} SEE: 見下 ::
见效 {def} SEE: 見效 ::
𫧃见笑 {def} SEE: 𣍐見笑 ::
见笑 {def} SEE: 見笑 ::
见笑草 {def} SEE: 見笑草 ::
见笑花 {def} SEE: 見笑花 ::
𫧃见笑死 {def} SEE: 𣍐見笑死 ::
见信如面 {def} SEE: 見信如面 ::
见牙唔见眼 {def} SEE: 見牙唔見眼 ::
见阎王 {def} SEE: 見閻王 ::
见疑 {def} SEE: 見疑 ::
见义勇为 {def} SEE: 見義勇為 ::
见异思迁 {def} SEE: 見異思遷 ::
见原 {def} SEE: 見原 ::
见在 {def} SEE: 見在 ::
见责 {def} SEE: 見責 ::
见者易,学者难 {def} SEE: 見者易,學者難 ::
见真 {def} SEE: 見真 ::
见证 {def} SEE: 見證 ::
见证人 {def} SEE: 見證人 ::
见状 {def} SEE: 見狀 ::
见字如面 {def} SEE: 見字如面 ::
{def} /jiàn/ :: to remonstrate; to admonish
諫訓 {v} [literary] /jiànxùn/ :: to exhort; to admonish; to advise
諫言 {n} [literary] /jiànyán/ :: forthright exhortation
諫言 {v} [literary] /jiànyán/ :: to provide forthright counsel
諫議 {n} [historical] /jiànyì/ :: short fo 諫議大夫 (imperial advisor)
諫議 {v} [literary] /jiànyì/ :: to remonstrate tactfully (with a monarch, superior, etc.); to exhort; to admonish; to plead for rectification
諫議大夫 {n} [historical] /jiànyì dàfū/ :: imperial advisor
諫早 {prop} /Jiànzǎo/ :: (~ 市) 諫早 (city)
{def} SEE: ::
谏训 {def} SEE: 諫訓 ::
谏言 {def} SEE: 諫言 ::
谏议 {def} SEE: 諫議 ::
谏议大夫 {def} SEE: 諫議大夫 ::
谏早 {def} SEE: 諫早 ::
{def} SEE: ::
谮气 {def} SEE: 譖氣 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiàn/ :: cheap; inexpensive
{def} /jiàn/ :: lowly; low-ranking; poor; plebeian
{def} /jiàn/ :: bad; inferior; poor
{def} /jiàn/ :: mean; base; despicable; obnoxious
{def} [humble] /jiàn/ :: my
{def} [Min] /jiàn/ :: naughty; restless
{def} /jiàn/ :: to look down upon; to despise
{def} /jiàn/ :: to hate; to detest
{def} /jiàn/ :: surname
賤骨頭 {n} [derogatory, offensive] /jiàngǔtou,jiàngútou,1nb/ :: one who has no respect or sense of shame for oneself; miserable wretch; worthless bastard
賤骨頭 {n} [pejorative or humorous, offensive] /jiàngǔtou,jiàngútou,1nb/ :: one who willingly puts oneself through difficulty and hardship
賤貨 {n} [vulgar, offensive] /jiànhuò/ :: nasty person; bitch; bastard
賤降 {n} [literary, humble] /jiànjiàng/ :: birthday
賤賣 {v} /jiànmài/ :: to sell at a low price
賤民 {n} [historical] /jiànmín/ :: person of the lowest social status
賤民 {n} /jiànmín/ :: Dalit (a member of the lowest caste in the traditional Indian caste system)
賤妾 {pron} [archaic] /jiànqiè/ :: a personal pronoun used by women in ancient times
賤人 {n} [vulgar, offensive] /jiànrén/ :: nasty person; bitch; bastard
賤人 {n} [archaic] /jiànrén/ :: plebeian; lowly person; inferior person; petty person
賤視 {v} /jiànshì/ :: to view as lowly; to look down on
{def} SEE: ::
贱骨头 {def} SEE: 賤骨頭 ::
贱货 {def} SEE: 賤貨 ::
贱降 {def} SEE: 賤降 ::
贱卖 {def} SEE: 賤賣 ::
贱民 {def} SEE: 賤民 ::
贱妾 {def} SEE: 賤妾 ::
贱人 {def} SEE: 賤人 ::
贱视 {def} SEE: 賤視 ::
{def} SEE: ::
践行 {def} SEE: 踐行 ::
践踏 {def} SEE: 踐踏 ::
践言 {def} SEE: 踐言 ::
践约 {def} SEE: 踐約 ::
{def} /jiàn/ :: to trample; to tread upon; to walk on
{def} /jiàn/ :: to ascend (to the throne); to inherit
{def} /jiàn/ :: to implement; to carry out; to fulfil
{def} /jiàn/ :: to follow; to abide by
{def} /jiàn/ :: to experience
{def} /jiàn/ :: orderly; well-organised
踐行 {v} [literary] /jiànxíng/ :: to carry out; to put into practice
踐踏 {v} [literally] /jiàntà/ :: to trample (on)
踐踏 {v} [figuratively] /jiàntà/ :: to do damage to; to ravage (dignity, sovereignty, etc.); to ruin
踐言 {v} /jiànyán/ :: to keep one's promise or word
踐約 {v} /jiànyuē/ :: to keep a promise; to keep an appointment
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
鉴别 {def} SEE: 鑑別 ::
鉴别诊断 {def} SEE: 鑑別診斷 ::
鉴定 {def} SEE: 鑑定 ::
鉴戒 {def} SEE: 鑒戒 ::
鉴赏 {def} SEE: 鑑賞 ::
鉴赏家 {def} SEE: 鑑賞家 ::
鉴识 {def} SEE: 鑑識 ::
鉴于 {def} SEE: 鑒於 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiàn/ :: [obsolete] door bolt, lock bolt
{def} /jiàn/ :: key (in electronic devices)
{def} /jiàn/ :: to type
{def} [chemistry] /jiàn/ :: bond
鍵長 {n} [physical chemistry] /jiàncháng/ :: bond length
鍵程 {n} /jiànchéng/ :: travel (of a keyboard key)
鍵級 {n} [physical chemistry] /jiànjí/ :: bond order
鍵角 {n} [physical chemistry] /jiànjiǎo,er/ :: bond angle
鍵帽 {n} /jiànmào/ :: keycap
鍵能 {n} [physical chemistry] /jiànnéng/ :: bond energy
鍵盤 {n} [computing] /jiànpán/ :: keyboard
鍵盤 {n} [music] /jiànpán/ :: keyboard
鍵盤樂器 {n} /jiànpán yuèqì/ :: keyboard instrument
鍵盤膜 {n} /jiànpán膜/ :: keyboard cover, usually made of silicone rubber, used for protecting the keyboard from dust or liquid
鍵盤貼 {n} /jiànpántiē/ :: keyboard sticker
鍵盤俠 {n} [neologism, slang] /jiànpánxiá/ :: keyboard warrior; internet troll
鍵盤戰士 {n} [neologism, slang] /jiànpán zhànshì/ :: keyboard warrior
鍵入 {v} [computing] /jiànrù/ :: to key in; to input
鍵位 {n} /jiànwèi/ :: position/location of keys on a keyboard; keyboard layout
{def} SEE: ::
鑑別 {v} /jiànbié/ :: to differentiate; to distinguish; to discriminate
鑑別診斷 {n} [medicine] /jiànbié zhěnduàn/ :: differential diagnosis; differential
鑑定 {v} /jiàndìng/ :: to appraise
鑑定 {v} /jiàndìng/ :: to identify
鑑定 {v} /jiàndìng/ :: to evaluate
鑑定 {n} /jiàndìng/ :: appraisal
鑑定 {n} /jiàndìng/ :: identification
鑑定 {n} /jiàndìng/ :: evaluation
鑑戒 {v} /jiànjiè/ :: to take as a lesson; to serve as a warning
鑑賞 {v} /jiànshǎng/ :: to appreciate
鑑賞家 {n} /jiànshǎngjiā/ :: connoisseur; arbiter of taste
鑑識 {v} /jiàn識/ :: to closely examine; to perform a forensic examination; to appraise
鑑識 {adj} [Taiwanese Mandarin, of criminal investigations] /jiàn識/ :: forensic
鑑識 {n} [Taiwanese Mandarin, of criminal investigations] /jiàn識/ :: forensics
鑑於 {def} SEE: 鑒於 ::
{def} /jiàn/ :: mirror
{def} /jiàn/ :: to inspect, to examine
{def} /jiàn/ :: reflect
{def} /jiàn/ :: evaluate, access
鑒別 {def} SEE: 鑑別 ::
鑒別診斷 {def} SEE: 鑑別診斷 ::
鑒定 {def} SEE: 鑑定 ::
鑒戒 {def} SEE: 鑑戒 ::
鑒賞 {def} SEE: 鑑賞 ::
鑒賞家 {def} SEE: 鑑賞家 ::
鑒識 {def} SEE: 鑑識 ::
鑒於 {prep} /jiànyú/ :: in light of; since
{def} SEE: ::
键长 {def} SEE: 鍵長 ::
键程 {def} SEE: 鍵程 ::
键级 {def} SEE: 鍵級 ::
键角 {def} SEE: 鍵角 ::
键帽 {def} SEE: 鍵帽 ::
键能 {def} SEE: 鍵能 ::
键盘 {def} SEE: 鍵盤 ::
键盘乐器 {def} SEE: 鍵盤樂器 ::
键盘膜 {def} SEE: 鍵盤膜 ::
键盘贴 {def} SEE: 鍵盤貼 ::
键盘侠 {def} SEE: 鍵盤俠 ::
键盘战士 {def} SEE: 鍵盤戰士 ::
键入 {def} SEE: 鍵入 ::
键位 {def} SEE: 鍵位 ::
{def} /xián/ :: not busy; idle
{def} /xián/ :: vacant; unoccupied; unused
{def} /xián/ :: leisurely and carefree
{def} /xián/ :: trivial; unimportant
{def} /xián/ :: unrelated to one's proper business; extraneous; belonging to others
{def} /xián/ :: relaxed; peaceful; tranquil; calm
{def} /xián/ :: leisure; spare time; free time
{def} [gambling] /xián/ :: player (instead of banker)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /xián/ :: surname
閒常 {adv} [dialectal] /xiáncháng/ :: usually; generally; as a rule
閒盪 {v} /xiándàng/ :: to saunter; to stroll around; to hang around
閒蕩 {def} SEE: 閒盪 ::
閒飯 {n} /xiánfàn/ :: unearned livelihood
閒工夫 {n} /xiángōngfu,er/ :: spare time; leisure
閒逛 {v} /xiánguàng/ :: to saunter; to stroll around; to hang around
閒行 {def} SEE: 間行 ::
閒行 {v} [archaic] /xiánxíng/ :: to walk around aimlessly
閒話 {v} [literary] /xiánhuà/ :: to talk casually; to chat
閒話 {n} /xiánhuà/ :: words of little importance; casual words; digression
閒話 {n} /xiánhuà/ :: gossip; rumour; word on the street
閒話 {n} [Wu] /xiánhuà/ :: words; speech; language; dialect
閒晃 {v} /xiánhuàng/ :: to hang about; to hang around
閒家 {n} [card games, gambling] /xiánjiā,tl/ :: player [as opposed to the banker]
閒空 {n} /xiánkòng/ :: free time; leisure; spare time
閒口 {n} [literary] /xiánkǒu/ :: idle talk; gossip
閒適 {adj} [literary] /xiánshì/ :: leisurely and comfortable
閒聊 {v} /xiánliáo/ :: to chat
閒錢 {n} [colloquial] /xiánqián/ :: spare cash
閒缺 {n} [archaic] /jiànquē/ :: small opening; hole
閒人 {n} /xiánrén/ :: idle person
閒人 {n} /xiánrén/ :: unconcerned or irrelevant person
閒日 {n} [literary] /xiánrì/ :: day when one is free; leisure day
閒日 {n} [Hong Kong] /xiánrì/ :: weekday
閒散 {adj} /xiánsǎn/ :: free and leisurely; at leisure
閒散 {adj} [attributive] /xiánsǎn/ :: idle (personnel, resources, etc.); unused
閒時 {n} /xiánshí/ :: free time; leisure; spare time
閒事 {n} /xiánshì,er/ :: other people's business
閒事 {n} /xiánshì,er/ :: unimportant matter; trivial matter
閒談 {v} /xiántán/ :: to chat
閒田 {n} /xiántián/ :: uncultivated land
閒田 {n} [archaic] /xiántián/ :: leftover land following an enfeoffment
閒暇 {n} /xiánxiá/ :: free time; leisure; spare time
閒職 {n} /xiánzhí/ :: sinecure
閒置 {v} /xiánzhì/ :: to leave unused; to let someone lie idle; to set aside
閒住 {v} [archaic] /xiánzhù/ :: to live out one's days in idle boredom
{def} /jiàn/ :: to give a farewell party; to see off; to send off
{def} /jiàn/ :: to preserve fruits in honey or syrup
餞別 {v} /jiànbié/ :: to give a farewell dinner
餞行 {v} /jiànxíng/ :: to give a farewell dinner
{def} SEE: ::
饯别 {def} SEE: 餞別 ::
饯行 {def} SEE: 餞行 ::
{def} /jiàn/ :: [obsolete] a kind of fish
{def} /jiàn/ :: [obsolete] salted dried fish
{def} /jiāng/ :: [obsolete] to fall down
{def} /jiāng/ :: stiff; rigid
{def} /jiāng/ :: motionless; inflexible
{def} /jiāng/ :: deadlocked
僵持 {v} /jiāngchí/ :: to refuse to budge (of two parties); to be locked in a stalemate; to be in a standoff; to be deadlocked
僵持不下 {idiom} /jiāngchí不xià/ :: to be in a deadlock with both sides unyielding
僵化 {v} /jiānghuà/ :: to solidify; to become rigid or stiff
僵化 {v} [figuratively, of opinions, thoughts, etc.] /jiānghuà/ :: to become fixed, unchangeable or inflexible
僵局 {n} /jiāngjú/ :: deadlock; impasse; stalemate
僵尸 {def} SEE: 殭屍 ::
僵尸粉 {def} SEE: 殭屍粉 ::
僵尸网络 {def} SEE: 殭屍網絡 ::
僵屍 {def} SEE: 殭屍 ::
僵硬 {adj} [symptom] /jiāngyìng/ :: stiff; rigid
僵硬 {adj} /jiāngyìng/ :: stiff; inflexible; unalterable
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiāng/ :: surname
姜嫲 {def} SEE: 薑嫲 ::
姜饼 {def} SEE: 薑餅 ::
姜醋 {def} SEE: 薑醋 ::
姜酊 {def} SEE: 薑酊 ::
姜还是老的辣 {def} SEE: 薑還是老的辣 ::
姜巷 {prop} /Jiāngxiàng/ :: (~ 村) 姜巷 (village)
姜花 {def} SEE: 薑花 ::
姜黃 {n} /jiānghuáng/ :: Dioscorea panthaica
姜黄 {def} SEE: 薑黃 ::
姜黄 {def} SEE: 姜黃 ::
姜黄素 {def} SEE: 薑黃素 ::
姜活 {def} SEE: 薑活 ::
姜母 {def} SEE: 薑母 ::
姜母鸭 {def} SEE: 薑母鴨 ::
姜乸 {def} SEE: 薑乸 ::
姜太公釣魚——願者上鉤 {idiom} [xiehouyu] /Jiāngtàigōng diàoyú, yuàn zhě shànggōu/ :: like the fish rising to Grand Duke Jiang's hookless and baitless line; a willing victim letting himself be caught of his own will
姜太公钓鱼——愿者上钩 {def} SEE: 姜太公釣魚——願者上鉤 ::
姜堰 {prop} /Jiāngyàn/ :: (~ 區) 姜堰 (district)
姜嫄 {prop} [Chinese mythology] /Jiāngyuán/ :: Jiang Yuan, consort to legendary Emperor Ku and the mother of Emperor Houji
姜汁撞奶 {def} SEE: 薑汁撞奶 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
将兵 {def} SEE: 將兵 ::
将次 {def} SEE: 將次 ::
将错就错 {def} SEE: 將錯就錯 ::
将官 {def} SEE: 將官 ::
将计就计 {def} SEE: 將計就計 ::
将近 {def} SEE: 將近 ::
将就 {def} SEE: 將就 ::
将军 {def} SEE: 將軍 ::
将军澳 {def} SEE: 將軍澳 ::
将军肚 {def} SEE: 將軍肚 ::
将军山 {def} SEE: 將軍山 ::
将来 {def} SEE: 將來 ::
将来时 {def} SEE: 將來時 ::
将来时态 {def} SEE: 將來時態 ::
将来时制 {def} SEE: 將來時制 ::
将乐 {def} SEE: 將樂 ::
将离 {def} SEE: 將離 ::
将吏 {def} SEE: 將吏 ::
将临期 {def} SEE: 將臨期 ::
将领 {def} SEE: 將領 ::
将令 {def} SEE: 將令 ::
将牌 {def} SEE: 將牌 ::
将棋 {def} SEE: 將棋 ::
将士 {def} SEE: 將士 ::
将帅 {def} SEE: 將帥 ::
将死 {def} SEE: 將死 ::
将谓 {def} SEE: 將謂 ::
将校 {def} SEE: 將校 ::
将心比心 {def} SEE: 將心比心 ::
将信将疑 {def} SEE: 將信將疑 ::
将星 {def} SEE: 將星 ::
将样 {def} SEE: 將樣 ::
将要 {def} SEE: 將要 ::
将印 {def} SEE: 將印 ::
将欲 {def} SEE: 將欲 ::
将指 {def} SEE: 將指 ::
{def} /jiāng/ :: will; going to
{def} /jiāng/ :: [obsolete] soon; in the near future
{def} /jiāng/ :: [obsolete] nearly; almost
{def} /jiāng/ :: 78th tetragram of the Taixuanjing; "on the verge" (𝍓)
{def} /jiāng/ :: [obsolete] just; just now
{def} /jiāng/ :: [obsolete] certainly; surely
{def} /jiāng/ :: [obsolete] to take; to hold; to fetch
{def} /jiāng/ :: [obsolete] by; by means of; with
{def} /jiāng/ :: [obsolete] also; half ... half ...; or
{def} /jiāng/ :: [obsolete] if; in the case that ..
{def} /jiāng/ :: Particle introducing the object of the verb, used in the same fashion as *把 but more formal
{def} /jiāng/ :: [obsolete] to support; to assist
{def} /jiāng/ :: [obsolete] to advance; to go
{def} /jiāng/ :: [obsolete] to take orders; to follow
{def} /jiāng/ :: [obsolete] to see off; to send off
{def} /jiāng/ :: [obsolete] to take along; to bring
{def} /jiāng/ :: [obsolete] to use; to utilise
{def} /jiāng/ :: [obsolete] to handle; to deal with
{def} /jiāng/ :: [obsolete] to eat; to have
{def} /jiāng/ :: [obsolete] to lead; to guide
{def} /jiāng/ :: [obsolete] to submit to; to be obedient to
{def} /jiāng/ :: [obsolete] to provide for
{def} /jiāng/ :: [obsolete] to recuperate; to maintain; to take care of one's health
{def} /jiāng/ :: [obsolete] to express; to convey
{def} [dialectal] /jiāng/ :: to incite someone to action
{def} [dialectal, of animals] /jiāng/ :: to bear (an offspring); to give birth
{def} [chess] /jiāng/ :: to check
{def} [obsolete or dialectal] /jiāng/ :: Particle placed after the verb and before a resultative phrase (*進來, *起來, *進去 etc.)
{def} /jiàng/ :: [obsolete] to command; to lead
{def} [military ranks] /jiàng/ :: general
{def} /jiàng/ :: high-ranking military officer
{def} [Chinese chess] /jiàng/ :: general; king (on the black side)
{def} [figurative] /jiàng/ :: dab hand (at something); capable person
{def} /qiāng/ :: [obsolete] to ask; to request; to invite
{def} /qiāng/ :: [obsolete] used in 將將
將兵 {v} [literary] /jiàngbīng/ :: to lead an army
將次 {v} [archaic] /jiāngcì/ :: about to; getting close to
將錯就錯 {idiom} /jiāngcuòjiùcuò/ :: to continue doing a thing that has been done incorrectly while adapting to the error made
將官 {n} [military ranks] /jiàngguān/ :: general
將計就計 {idiom} /jiāng jì jiù jì/ :: to turn somebody's trick against him; to beat somebody at his own game
將近 {v} /jiāngjìn/ :: to approach; to come near to; to be close to
將就 {v} /jiāngjiu,jiāngjiù,1nb/ :: to make do with; to accept reluctantly
將軍 {n} [military] /jiāngjūn,tl/ :: general (military rank)
將軍 {n} [literary] /jiāngjūn,tl/ :: alternative name for 硫黃
將軍 {n} [literary] /jiāngjūn,tl/ :: alternative name for 大黃
將軍 {n} [historical] /jiāngjūn,tl/ :: shogun (supreme generalissimo of feudal Japan)
將軍 {v} [chess, xiangqi] /jiāngjūn,tl/ :: to check
將軍 {v} /jiāngjūn,tl/ :: to put someone on the spot
將軍 {interj} [chess, xiangqi] /jiāngjūn,tl/ :: check
將軍 {prop} /jiāngjūn,tl/ :: (~ 村) 將軍 (rural village)
將軍 {prop} /jiāngjūn,tl/ :: surname
將軍澳 {prop} /Jiāngjūn'ào/ :: 將軍澳 (place)
將軍肚 {n} [humorous] /jiāngjūndù,er/ :: beer belly
將軍山 {prop} /Jiāngjūnshān/ :: (~ 村) 將軍山 (village)
將軍山 {prop} /Jiāngjūnshān/ :: (~ 村) 將軍山 (village)
將來 {n} /jiānglái/ :: future
將來時 {n} [grammar] /jiàngláishí/ :: future tense
將來時態 {n} [grammar] /jiànglái shítài/ :: future tense
將來時制 {n} [grammar] /jiànglái shízhì/ :: future tense
將樂 {prop} /Jiānglè/ :: (~ 縣) 將樂 (county)
將離 {n} /jiānglí/ :: alternative name for 芍藥
將吏 {n} [archaic] /jiànglì/ :: military and civilians
將臨期 {n} /jiānglín期/ :: Advent (season before Christmas)
將領 {n} /jiànglǐng/ :: high-ranking military officer; commander-in-chief; high-ranking commander
將領 {v} [literary] /jiànglǐng/ :: to lead; to command
將令 {n} [literary] /jiànglìng/ :: an military order from a general
將牌 {n} [mahjong] /jiàngpái/ :: eye; two identical tiles which are an essential part of a legal winning hand
將棋 {n} /jiàngqí/ :: shogi (Japanese chess)
將棋 {n} /jiàngqí/ :: janggi (Korean chess)
將士 {n} [archaic, military] /jiàngshì/ :: officers and enlisted
將帥 {n} /jiàngshuài/ :: high-ranking military officer; commander-in-chief; high-ranking commander
將死 {v} [chess, xiangqi] /jiāngsǐ/ :: to checkmate
將死 {v} [literary] /jiāngsǐ/ :: See: zh 將 + 死
將謂 {v} [archaic] /jiāngwèi/ :: to mistakenly believe
將謂 {v} [archaic] /jiāngwèi/ :: to believe
將校 {n} [literary] /jiàngxiào/ :: a military officer
將心比心 {idiom} /jiāngxīnbǐxīn/ :: to put oneself in someone's shoes
將信將疑 {idiom} /jiāngxìnjiāngyí/ :: to take with a pinch of salt; to be doubtful; to be not quite convinced
將星 {prop} [Chinese astrology] /Jiàng Xīng/ :: General Star
將要 {adv} /jiāngyào/ :: be going to; will; shall
將印 {n} [archaic] /jiàngyìn/ :: the official seal of a military general
將欲 {adv} [literary] /jiāngyù/ :: will; about to
將指 {n} [Classical] /jiàngzhǐ/ :: middle finger
將指 {n} [Classical] /jiàngzhǐ/ :: big toe
{def} SEE: ::
橿鳥 {n} /jiāngniǎo,er/ :: Eurasian jay (Garrulus glandarius)
橿鸟 {def} SEE: 橿鳥 ::
橿原 {prop} /Jiāngyuán/ :: (~ 市) 橿原 (city)
{def} SEE: ::
殭屍 {n} /jiāngshī/ :: stiffened corpse; corpse
殭屍 {n} [mythological creature] /jiāngshī/ :: jiangshi (Chinesehoppingvampire, ghost, or zombie)
殭屍 {n} [figurative] /jiāngshī/ :: walking dead; alive but torpid thing
殭屍粉 {n} [Internet] /jiāngshīfěn/ :: ghost follower; fake follower
殭屍網絡 {n} [computer security] /jiāngshī wǎngluò/ :: botnet
{def} /jiāng/ :: Yangtze River
{def} [by extension] /jiāng/ :: river
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiāng/ :: surname Jiang (mainland China), Chiang (Taiwan), Kong (Hong Kong)
江岸 {n} /jiāng'àn/ :: river bank; riverside
江岸 {prop} /jiāng'àn/ :: (~ 區) 江岸 (district), part of Hankou
江北 {n} /Jiāngběi/ :: areas north of the lower reaches of the Yangtze (Chang Jiang), especially areas close to the north shore of the Yangtze in Anhui and Jiangsu provinces
江北 {n} /Jiāngběi/ :: north of Chang Jiang
江边 {def} SEE: 江邊 ::
江邊 {n} /jiāngbiān/ :: riverside; bank
江表 {prop} /Jiāngbiǎo/ :: area south of the Yangtze River
江別 {prop} /Jiāngbié/ :: (~ 市) 江別 (city)
江别 {def} SEE: 江別 ::
江达 {def} SEE: 江達 ::
江達 {prop} /Jiāngdá/ :: (~ 縣) 江達 (county)
江东 {def} SEE: 江東 ::
江東 {prop} [literary] /Jiāngdōng/ :: the south bank of the Yangtze River between Wuhu and Nanjing; [in general] area south of the lower reaches of the Yangtze
江都 {prop} [archaic] /Jiāngdū/ :: Jiangdu (present day Yangzhou)
江翻海沸 {idiom} [literary] /jiāngfānhǎifèi/ :: startlingly turbulent and chaotic (describing a loud sound); thunderous (noise)
江海 {n} /jiānghǎi/ :: river and ocean; the vastness of rivers and seas
江海 {prop} /jiānghǎi/ :: (~ 區) 江海 (district)
江汉 {def} SEE: 江漢 ::
江漢 {prop} /Jiānghàn/ :: (~ 區) 江漢 (district), part of Hankou
江河 {n} /jiānghé/ :: the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers
江河 {n} /jiānghé/ :: rivers (in general)
江河湖海 {idiom} /jiānghéhúhǎi/ :: rivers, lakes and seas [in general]; bodies of water
江河日下 {idiom} /jiānghé rìxià/ :: to worsen by the day; to get worse with each passing day
江湖 {n} [literally] /jiānghú,tl/ :: rivers and lakes
江湖 {n} [figuratively] /jiānghú,tl/ :: all corners of the country; (around) the whole country
江湖 {n} [figuratively] /jiānghú,tl/ :: wandering life; private and plebian domain beyond the control of the government; underworld
江湖 {n} [figuratively] /jiānghú,tl/ :: place of residence of a hermit; reclusive place
江湖 {n} [figuratively] /jiānghú,tl/ :: vagrant; itinerant (entertainer, quack doctor, swindler etc.)
江湖 {n} [figuratively] /jiānghú,tl/ :: old experienced person; man of experience
江湖騙子 {n} /jiānghú piànzi/ :: charlatan; swindler; itinerant con-man
江湖骗子 {def} SEE: 江湖騙子 ::
江戶 {prop} [historical] /Jiānghù/ :: Edo (former name of Tokyo)
江戶川 {prop} /Jiānghùchuān/ :: 江戶川 (river)
江戶川 {prop} /Jiānghùchuān/ :: (~ 區) 江戶川 (one of 23 <<special wards>> in <<pref/Tokyo>>, <<c/Japan>>)
江戶川 {prop} /Jiānghùchuān/ :: Edogawa (a Japanese surname)
江戶幕府 {prop} [historical] /Jiānghù Mùfǔ/ :: Tokugawa shogunate
江户 {def} SEE: 江戶 ::
江户川 {def} SEE: 江戶川 ::
江户幕府 {def} SEE: 江戶幕府 ::
江华 {def} SEE: 江華 ::
江华瑶族自治县 {def} SEE: 江華瑤族自治縣 ::
江華 {prop} /Jiānghuá/ :: (~ 瑤族自治縣) 江華 (county)
江華 {prop} /Jiānghuá/ :: (~ 郡) 江華 (county)
江華 {prop} /Jiānghuá/ :: (~ 島) 江華 (island)
江華瑤族自治縣 {prop} /Jiānghuá Yáozú Zìzhìxiàn/ :: 江華瑤族自治縣 (county)
江淮 {prop} /Jiānghuái/ :: Jianghuai (the plain between the Yangtze and Huai Rivers, in the modern provinces of Anhui and Jiangsu, China)
江淮官話 {n} /Jiānghuái guānhuà/ :: Lower Yangtze Mandarin (Jiang-Huai Mandarin, a major branch of Mandarin Chinese)
江淮官话 {def} SEE: 江淮官話 ::
江淮戲 {prop} /Jiānghuáixì/ :: An archaic name for a form of local Chinese opera from the Shanghai area, more generally known as Huaiju (淮劇) in modern times
江淮戏 {def} SEE: 江淮戲 ::
江界 {prop} /Jiāngjiè/ :: (~ 市) 江界 (city)
江津 {prop} /Jiāngjīn/ :: (~ 區) 江津 (district)
江津 {prop} /Jiāngjīn/ :: (~ 市) 江津 (city)
江口 {n} [literary] /jiāngkǒu/ :: synonym of 河口: river mouth
江口 {prop} /jiāngkǒu/ :: (~ 縣) 江口 (county)
江郎才盡 {idiom} [figurative] /jiānglángcáijìn/ :: to have used up one's creative powers; to have writer's block
江郎才尽 {def} SEE: 江郎才盡 ::
江离 {def} SEE: 江離 ::
江蓠 {def} SEE: 江蘺 ::
江蘺 {def} SEE: 江離 ::
江離 {n} [literary] /jiānglí/ :: synonym of 蘼蕪
江離 {n} /jiānglí/ :: Gracilaria lemaneiformis
江陵 {prop} /Jiānglíng/ :: (~ 縣) 江陵 (county)
江陵 {prop} [archaic] /Jiānglíng/ :: alternative name for 荊州
江陵 {prop} /Jiānglíng/ :: (~ 市) 江陵 (city)
江門 {prop} /Jiāngmén/ :: (~ 市) 江門 (city)
江门 {def} SEE: 江門 ::
江米 {n} [regional] /jiāngmǐ/ :: glutinous rice
江米酒 {n} /jiāngmǐjiǔ/ :: alternative name for 酒釀
江面 {n} /jiāngmiàn,er/ :: surface of a (big) river
江南 {prop} /Jiāngnán/ :: 江南 (region)
江南 {prop} /Jiāngnán/ :: 江南 (neighborhood)
江南 {prop} /Jiāngnán/ :: (~ 區) 江南 (district)
江南 {prop} /Jiāngnán/ :: (~ 市) 江南 (city)
江南 {prop} /Jiāngnán/ :: (~ 鄉) 江南 (township)
江宁 {def} SEE: 江寧 ::
江寧 {prop} [archaic] /Jiāngníng/ :: an old name for Nanjing (南京)
江畔 {n} /jiāngpàn/ :: river bank; riverside
江山 {n} /jiāngshān/ :: rivers and mountains; the land; a landscape
江山 {n} [figurative] /jiāngshān/ :: the country; the state power
江山 {prop} /jiāngshān/ :: (~ 市) 江山 (county-level city)
江山易改,本性难移 {def} SEE: 江山易改,本性難移 ::
江山易改,本性難移 {proverb} /jiāngshān yì gǎi, běnxìng nán yí/ :: a leopard can't change its spots
江山永固 {idiom} [archaic] /jiāngshānyǒnggù/ :: a statement to wish one's country perpetual stability
江水 {n} /jiāngshuǐ/ :: water of the Yangtze
江水 {n} /jiāngshuǐ/ :: water of a river
江苏 {def} SEE: 江蘇 ::
江蘇 {prop} /Jiāngsū/ :: (~ 省) 江蘇 (province)
江滩 {def} SEE: 江灘 ::
江灘 {n} /jiāngtān/ :: riverside; river bank
江田岛 {def} SEE: 江田島 ::
江田島 {prop} /Jiāngtiándǎo/ :: (~ 市) 江田島 (city)
江豚 {n} /jiāngtún/ :: finless porpoise
江湾 {def} SEE: 江灣 ::
江灣 {prop} /Jiāngwān/ :: (~ 鎮) 江灣 (town)
江西 {prop} /Jiāngxī/ :: (~ 省) 江西 (province)
江西 {prop} [historical] /Jiāngxī/ :: region to the north of Yangtze River; sometimes includes the Central Plains (as opposed to 江東)
江西話 {n} /jiāngxīhuà/ :: the Gan language/dialect, a group of Chinese varieties spoken as the native language by many people in the Jiangxi province of China
江西话 {def} SEE: 江西話 ::
江夏 {prop} /Jiāngxià/ :: (~ 區) 江夏 (district)
江心坡 {prop} /Jiāngxīnpō/ :: Jiangxinpo (an area in Kachin State, Myanmar, located between the N'Mai River and Mali River Rivers, west of the Gaoligong Mountains of Yunnan, China)
江珧 {n} /jiāngyáo/ :: pen shell (Atrina pectinata)
江珧柱 {n} /jiāngyáozhù/ :: conpoy
江瑤柱 {def} SEE: 江珧柱 ::
江瑶珠 {def} SEE: 江瑤珠 ::
江瑶柱 {def} SEE: 江瑤柱 ::
江阴 {def} SEE: 江陰 ::
江陰 {prop} /Jiāngyīn/ :: (~ 市) 江陰 (city)
江油 {prop} /Jiāngyóu/ :: (~ 市) 江油 (city)
江右 {prop} /Jiāngyòu/ :: former name of 江西
江鱼仔 {def} SEE: 江魚仔 ::
江原道 {prop} /Jiāngyuán Dào/ :: 江原道 (province)
江原道 {prop} /Jiāngyuán Dào/ :: 江原道 (province)
江源 {prop} /Jiāngyuán/ :: (~ 村) 江源 (village)
江浙 {prop} /Jiāng-Zhè/ :: Jiangsu and Zhejiang
江浙沪 {def} SEE: 江浙滬 ::
江浙滬 {prop} /Jiāng-Zhè-Hù/ :: Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai
江猪子 {def} SEE: 江豬子 ::
江渚 {n} [literary] /jiāngzhǔ/ :: sand barge in the middle of a river, or near the bank of a river
江孜 {prop} /Jiāngzī/ :: (~ 縣) 江孜 (county)
江左 {prop} [chiefly historical] /Jiāngzuǒ/ :: alternative name for 江東
{def} SEE: 漿 ::
浆果 {def} SEE: 漿果 ::
浆糊 {def} SEE: 糨糊 ::
浆寄生 {def} SEE: 漿寄生 ::
浆膜 {def} SEE: 漿膜 ::
浆溪店 {def} SEE: 漿溪店 ::
浆细胞 {def} SEE: 漿細胞 ::
漿 {def} /jiāng/ :: thick fluid
漿 {def} /jiāng/ :: starch
漿 {def} /jiāng/ :: broth
漿 {def} /jiāng/ :: plasm
漿 {def} [dialectal] /jiāng/ :: soy milk
漿 {def} /jiàng/ :: Same as 糨
漿果 {n} /jiāngguǒ/ :: berry
漿糊 {def} SEE: 糨糊 ::
漿膜 {n} [anatomy] /jiāng膜,er/ :: serous membrane
漿溪店 {prop} /Jiāngxīdiàn/ :: (~ 村) 漿溪店 (village)
漿細胞 {n} [immunology] /jiāngxìbāo/ :: plasma cell
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiāng/ :: boundary, border, frontier
疆場 {n} /jiāng場/ :: battlefield
疆场 {def} SEE: 疆場 ::
疆独 {def} SEE: 疆獨 ::
疆獨 {prop} /Jiāngdú/ :: Xinjiang independence movement
疆界 {n} /jiāngjiè/ :: border; boundary
疆理 {n} [literary] /jiānglǐ/ :: to divide and govern
疆理 {n} [literary] /jiānglǐ/ :: boundary
疆理 {n} [literary] /jiānglǐ/ :: territory; domain
疆土 {n} /jiāngtǔ/ :: territory of a country
疆埸 {n} [obsolete] /jiāngyì/ :: border
疆埸 {n} [obsolete] /jiāngyì/ :: boundary path dividing fields
疆埸 {n} [obsolete] /jiāngyì/ :: battlefield
疆域 {n} /jiāngyù/ :: territory; domain; reach; frontier
{def} /jiāng/ :: gravel, small stones
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
缰绳 {def} SEE: 韁繩 ::
{def} /jiāng/ :: only used in 茳芏
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiāng/ :: ginger
薑餅 {n} /jiāngbǐng/ :: gingerbread
薑醋 {n} /jiāngcù/ :: synonym of 豬腳薑
薑酊 {n} /jiāngdīng/ :: A pale yellow tincture used in traditional Chinese medicine as a stomachic and carminative. It is prepared from ginger extract with an ethanol content of 80%—88%
薑還是老的辣 {phrase} /jiāng háishì lǎode là/ :: The older the person is, the more experienced (wiser or more treacherous) they are
薑花 {n} /jiānghuā/ :: ginger lily; garland flower
薑黃 {n} /jiānghuáng/ :: turmeric (Curcuma longa)
薑黃 {adj} /jiānghuáng/ :: ginger yellow; ginger-coloured
薑黃素 {n} [organic compound] /jiānghuángsù/ :: curcumin
薑活 {n} /jiānghuó/ :: rhizome of the Notopterygium (An herb used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat "wind-cold" symptoms.)
薑母 {n} [chiefly Min Nan, specifically] /jiāngmǔ/ :: old ginger; mature ginger
薑母 {n} [Min Dong, Puxian Min, Hainanese, in general] /jiāngmǔ/ :: ginger
薑母鴨 {n} /jiāngmǔyā/ :: ginger duck stew (a dish from southern Fujian and Taiwan)
薑汁撞奶 {n} /jiāngzhī zhuàng nǎi/ :: ginger milk curd; ginger milk pudding (a Cantonese dessert)
{def} SEE: ::
螀蜍 {def} SEE: 螿蜍 ::
{def} /jiāng/ :: only used in 寒螿
{def} /jiāng/ :: cowpea
豇豆 {n} /jiāngdòu/ :: cowpea; black-eyed pea
{def} /jiāng,gāng,1nb/ :: bridle
{def} /jiāng,gāng,1nb/ :: reins
韁繩 {n} /jiāngshéng,tl/ :: reins; halter
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /qiǎng/ :: [obsolete] to compel
{def} /qiǎng/ :: [obsolete] valiant
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiǎng/ :: only used in 㔝勥
{def} SEE: ::
奖杯 {def} SEE: 獎盃 ::
奖惩 {def} SEE: 獎懲 ::
奖金 {def} SEE: 獎金 ::
奖励 {def} SEE: 獎勵 ::
奖牌 {def} SEE: 獎牌 ::
奖品 {def} SEE: 獎品 ::
奖旗 {def} SEE: 獎旗 ::
奖券 {def} SEE: 獎券 ::
奖赏 {def} SEE: 獎賞 ::
奖项 {def} SEE: 獎項 ::
奖学金 {def} SEE: 獎學金 ::
奖挹 {def} SEE: 獎挹 ::
奖章 {def} SEE: 獎章 ::
奖状 {def} SEE: 獎狀 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
奬贘 {def} SEE: 獎賞 ::
{def} SEE: ::
桨轮 {def} SEE: 槳輪 ::
{def} /jiǎng/ :: oar, paddle
槳輪 {n} /jiǎnglún/ :: paddle wheel
{def} /jiàng/ :: to filter off water to get dried, rinsed rice
{def} /jiǎng/ :: to reward someone with something as encouragement; to award
{def} /jiǎng/ :: reward; prize
{def} /jiǎng/ :: prize money
獎杯 {def} SEE: 獎盃 ::
獎盃 {n} /jiǎngbēi/ :: trophy; trophy cup
獎懲 {n} /jiǎngchéng/ :: rewards and punishments; rewards and penalties
獎金 {n} /jiǎngjīn/ :: money award; premium; bonus
獎勵 {n} /jiǎnglì/ :: reward; incentive
獎勵 {v} /jiǎnglì/ :: to reward; to give as incentive or encouragement
獎牌 {n} /jiǎngpái,er/ :: medal
獎品 {n} /jiǎngpǐn/ :: prize; award
獎旗 {n} /jiǎngqí/ :: silk banner
獎券 {n} /jiǎng券,er/ :: lottery ticket; lottery
獎賞 {v} /jiǎngshǎng/ :: to award; to reward
獎賞 {n} /jiǎngshǎng/ :: award; prize; reward
獎項 {n} /jiǎngxiàng/ :: prize; award (usually as a category)
獎學金 {n} /jiǎngxuéjīn/ :: scholarship; stipend
獎挹 {v} /jiǎngyì/ :: to reward and promote
獎章 {n} /jiǎngzhāng/ :: medal; decoration
獎狀 {n} /jiǎngzhuàng/ :: certificate (of merit, or as a prize, degree, diploma, etc.) (Classifier: m:張m:份)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
蒋畈 {def} SEE: 蔣畈 ::
蒋匪军 {def} SEE: 蔣匪軍 ::
蒋湖 {def} SEE: 蔣湖 ::
蒋集 {def} SEE: 蔣集 ::
蒋家冲 {def} SEE: 蔣家沖 ::
蒋家堰 {def} SEE: 蔣家堰 ::
蒋讲 {def} SEE: 蔣講 ::
蒋样 {def} SEE: 蔣樣 ::
{def} /jiǎng/ :: (Warring States-era state)
{def} /jiǎng/ :: surname
{def} /jiǎng/ :: alternative form of
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiāng,jiǎng,1nb/ :: Manchurian wild rice (Zizania latifolia)
蔣畈 {prop} /Jiǎngfàn/ :: (~ 村) 蔣畈 (village)
蔣匪軍 {n} [Taiwan, historical] /jiǎngfěijūn/ :: the "Chiang Kai-shek bandit army"
蔣湖 {prop} /Jiǎnghú/ :: (~ 村) 蔣湖 (village)
蔣集 {prop} /Jiǎngjí/ :: (~ 鎮) 蔣集 (town)
蔣家沖 {prop} /Jiǎngjiāchōng/ :: (~ 村) 蔣家沖 (village)
蔣家堰 {prop} /Jiǎngjiāyàn/ :: (~ 鎮) 蔣家堰 (town)
{def} [obsolete or dialectal Mandarin, Cantonese, Hakka, Min, Wu, Xiang] /jiǎng/ :: to say; to talk; to speak; to talk
{def} /jiǎng/ :: to tell; to inform
{def} /jiǎng/ :: to speak (a language)
{def} /jiǎng/ :: to explain; to lecture
{def} /jiǎng/ :: to discuss; to negotiate
{def} /jiǎng/ :: to emphasise; to pay attention to; to take into account
{def} /jiǎng/ :: speech; lecture
{def} /jiǎng/ :: classifier for lectures
講不聽 {phrase} /jiǎng不tīng/ :: not heeding someone's words
講唱 {v} /jiǎngchàng/ :: to chant and expound (religious scriptures)
講唱 {v} /jiǎngchàng/ :: to tell a tale in alternating sections of sung verse and recited prose
講錯 {v} /jiǎngcuò/ :: to misspeak; to say something wrong/incorrect
講大話 {v} [chiefly Cantonese] /jiǎngdàhuà/ :: to tell a lie; to lie
講到 {v} /jiǎngdào/ :: to talk of or about; to mention
講道 {v} /jiǎngdào/ :: to preach; to sermonize; to evangelize
講道理 {v} /jiǎng dàolǐ/ :: to talk sense; to speak sensibly; to talk reason
講道理 {adv} [slang, neologism] /jiǎng dàolǐ/ :: to be honest; frankly
講電話 {v} /jiǎng diànhuà/ :: to chat over the telephone
講法 {n} /jiǎngfǎ/ :: way of saying something; wording; version
講法 {n} /jiǎngfǎ/ :: explanation; view; opinion
講稿 {n} /jiǎnggǎo,er/ :: draft of a speech
講稿 {n} /jiǎnggǎo,er/ :: lecture notes
講和 {v} /jiǎnghé/ :: to make peace; to settle a dispute; to become reconciled
講話 {v} /jiǎnghuà/ :: to talk; to speak
講話 {v} /jiǎnghuà/ :: to make a speech; to give an address or talk
講話 {n} /jiǎnghuà/ :: speech; address; talk
講話 {n} [in book titles] /jiǎnghuà/ :: guide; introduction
講價 {v} /jiǎngjià,er/ :: to bargain; to haggle
講解 {v} /jiǎngjiě/ :: to explain; to explicate; to expound; to narrate
講解員 {n} /jiǎngjiěyuán/ :: host; guide; commentator; narrator
講經臺 {n} [Islam] /jiǎngjīngtái/ :: minbar
講經台 {def} SEE: 講經臺 ::
講究 {n} /jiǎngjiū,jiǎngjiù,1nb/ :: something worth researching or looking into; special requirements
講究 {adj} [of a person] /jiǎngjiu/ :: particular; fastidious
講究 {adj} [of a style] /jiǎngjiu/ :: exquisite
講究 {v} /jiǎngjiu/ :: to pay special attention to; to be particular about
講課 {v} /jiǎngkè/ :: to teach; to lecture
講理 {v} /jiǎnglǐ/ :: to reason with somebody; to argue; to talk sense with someone
講理 {v} /jiǎnglǐ/ :: to discuss the merits of an argument
講禮 {v} [literary] /jiǎnglǐ/ :: to exchange courtesies; to exchange pleasantries
講禮貌 {v} /jiǎng lǐmào/ :: to promote good manners; to strive for courtesy; to be polite
講美 {prop} /Jiǎngměi/ :: (~ 村) 講美 (rural village)
講明 {v} /jiǎngmíng/ :: to explain; to make clear; to clarify
講排場 {v} /jiǎngpái場/ :: to show off; to be ostentatious; to go in for ostentation and extravagance
講評 {v} /jiǎngpíng/ :: to comment on; to appraise
講求 {v} /jiǎngqiú/ :: to be particular about; to strive for; to stress
講師 {n} /jiǎngshī/ :: lecturer
講授 {v} /jiǎngshòu/ :: to lecture; to instruct; to teach
講書 {v} [literary] /jiǎngshū/ :: to teach; to lecture
講述 {v} /jiǎngshù/ :: to narrate; to tell; to relate
講臺 {n} /jiǎngtái,er/ :: lectern; rostrum; pulpit (for public speaking)
講臺 {n} /jiǎngtái,er/ :: teacher's desk in a classroom (behind which the teacher stands or sits to give classes)
講台 {def} SEE: 講臺 ::
講壇 {n} /jiǎngtán/ :: platform; pulpit; rostrum
講堂 {n} /jiǎngtáng/ :: classroom; lecture room (Classifier: m:間)
講堂 {n} /jiǎngtáng/ :: lecture theatre; lecture hall; auditorium (Classifier: m:間)
講席 {n} [archaic] /jiǎngxí/ :: seat for a scholar or monk give lectures
講習 {v} /jiǎngxí/ :: to lecture and study
講習班 {n} /jiǎngxíbān/ :: study group; short-term course; seminar
講學 {v} /jiǎngxué/ :: to lecture; to give lectures
講學 {v} [literary] /jiǎngxué/ :: to explain and study
講學 {n} [historical] /jiǎngxué/ :: school established by a county during the Northern dynasties
講演 {v} /jiǎngyǎn/ :: to lecture; to give a lecture; to give a speech
講演 {n} /jiǎngyǎn/ :: lecture; speech
講耶穌 {v} [Cantonese] /jiǎng Yēsū/ :: to preach, to talk about Jesus
講義 {n} /jiǎngyì/ :: teaching materials; printouts
講義 {v} [archaic] /jiǎngyì/ :: to expound the classics
講員 {n} /jiǎngyuán/ :: speaker (one who makes a speech to an audience)
講者 {n} /jiǎngzhě/ :: speaker
講真 {adv} [chiefly Cantonese] /jiǎngzhēn/ :: in fact; actually; truthfully; honestly
講桌 {n} /jiǎngzhuō,er/ :: lectern
講座 {n} /jiǎngzuò/ :: seminar; lecture
講座 {n} /jiǎngzuò/ :: course; series of lessons
講座 {n} [archaic] /jiǎngzuò/ :: seat for a scholar or monk give lectures
{def} SEE: ::
讲波佬 {def} SEE: 講波佬 ::
讲不听 {def} SEE: 講不聽 ::
讲唱 {def} SEE: 講唱 ::
讲穿 {def} SEE: 講穿 ::
讲错 {def} SEE: 講錯 ::
讲大话 {def} SEE: 講大話 ::
讲到 {def} SEE: 講到 ::
讲道 {def} SEE: 講道 ::
讲道理 {def} SEE: 講道理 ::
讲电话 {def} SEE: 講電話 ::
讲法 {def} SEE: 講法 ::
讲稿 {def} SEE: 講稿 ::
讲古 {def} SEE: 講古 ::
讲和 {def} SEE: 講和 ::
讲话 {def} SEE: 講話 ::
讲假 {def} SEE: 講假 ::
讲价 {def} SEE: 講價 ::
讲解 {def} SEE: 講解 ::
讲解员 {def} SEE: 講解員 ::
讲经台 {def} SEE: 講經臺 ::
讲究 {def} SEE: 講究 ::
讲开又讲 {def} SEE: 講開又講 ::
讲课 {def} SEE: 講課 ::
讲空 {def} SEE: 講空 ::
讲理 {def} SEE: 講理 ::
讲礼 {def} SEE: 講禮 ::
讲礼貌 {def} SEE: 講禮貌 ::
讲美 {def} SEE: 講美 ::
讲梦话 {def} SEE: 講夢話 ::
讲明 {def} SEE: 講明 ::
讲排场 {def} SEE: 講排場 ::
讲骗话 {def} SEE: 講騙話 ::
讲评 {def} SEE: 講評 ::
讲起 {def} SEE: 講起 ::
讲求 {def} SEE: 講求 ::
讲师 {def} SEE: 講師 ::
讲授 {def} SEE: 講授 ::
讲书 {def} SEE: 講書 ::
讲述 {def} SEE: 講述 ::
讲耍笑 {def} SEE: 講耍笑 ::
讲台 {def} SEE: 講臺 ::
讲坛 {def} SEE: 講壇 ::
讲堂 {def} SEE: 講堂 ::
讲唔定 {def} SEE: 講唔定 ::
讲唔听 {def} SEE: 講唔聽 ::
讲习 {def} SEE: 講習 ::
讲习班 {def} SEE: 講習班 ::
讲席 {def} SEE: 講席 ::
讲笑 {def} SEE: 講笑 ::
讲㖸 {def} SEE: 講㖸 ::
讲学 {def} SEE: 講學 ::
讲演 {def} SEE: 講演 ::
讲耶稣 {def} SEE: 講耶穌 ::
讲嘢 {def} SEE: 講嘢 ::
讲义 {def} SEE: 講義 ::
讲员 {def} SEE: 講員 ::
讲者 {def} SEE: 講者 ::
讲真 {def} SEE: 講真 ::
讲桌 {def} SEE: 講桌 ::
讲座 {def} SEE: 講座 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiàng/ :: craftsman, artisan
{def} /jiàng/ :: workman
{def} /jiàng/ :: carpenter
匠气 {def} SEE: 匠氣 ::
匠氣 {n} /jiàngqì/ :: unimaginative craftsmanship
匠人 {n} /jiàngrén/ :: craftsman; artisan
匠人 {n} [paleontology, anthropology] /jiàngrén/ :: Homo ergaster
匠石 {n} [literary, figurative] /jiàngshí/ :: master craftsman
匠心 {n} /jiàngxīn/ :: craftsmanship; ingenuity
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /qiáng/ :: strong; powerful; energetic
{def} /qiáng/ :: to strengthen
{def} /qiáng/ :: staunch; strong-willed
{def} /qiáng/ :: brutal; forceful
{def} /qiáng/ :: capable; of a high level
{def} /qiáng/ :: superior; better
{def} /qiáng/ :: slightly more than; plus
{def} /qiáng/ :: final contestants in a competition; finalist
{def} /qiǎng/ :: to force; to compel; to coerce
{def} /qiǎng/ :: to strive
{def} /jiàng/ :: [obsolete] hard; stiff
{def} /jiàng/ :: stubborn; obstinate
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiàng/ :: surname
強葆 {def} SEE: 襁褓 ::
強暴 {adj} /qiángbào/ :: violent
強暴 {v} /qiángbào/ :: to rape (force sexual intercourse upon someone)
強暴 {n} /qiángbào/ :: violence; brutality; force
強暴 {n} /qiángbào/ :: ferocious adversary
強逼 {v} /qiǎngbī/ :: to compel; to force
強賓不壓主 {proverb} /qiáng bīn bù yā zhǔ/ :: A guest should never try to put himself in a superior position to his host
強兵 {n} /qiángbīng/ :: powerful army
強兵 {v} /qiángbīng/ :: to increase the military force; to build up military power
強不知以為知 {idiom} /qiǎng 不zhī yǐwéi zhī/ :: to pretend to know something that one does not know
強盛 {adj} /qiángshèng/ :: rich and powerful; strong and prosperous (of a nation, or people)
強盛 {n} /qiángshèng/ :: (~ 卦) The combination 三上三中三下 in the Lingqijing
強詞奪理 {idiom} /qiǎngcíduólǐ/ :: to use lame arguments and perverted logic; shoving false arguments down people's throats; sophistry
強大 {adj} /qiángdà/ :: powerful; strong
強盜 {n} /qiángdào/ :: robber
強盜 {v} /qiángdào/ :: to rob
強敵 {n} /qiángdí/ :: powerful enemy; formidable foe; strong opponent
強點 {n} /qiángdiǎn/ :: strong point
強電解質 {n} [physical chemistry] /qiángdiànjiě质/ :: strong electrolyte
強調 {v} /qiángdiào/ :: to stress; to emphasise
強度 {n} /qiángdù/ :: intensity; strength
強度 {n} [engineering] /qiángdù/ :: ultimate tensile strength
強風 {n} /qiángfēng/ :: gale (meteorology: a very strong wind)
強扶 {v} [literary] /qiángfú/ :: to forcefully prop up or support
強告化 {n} [dialectal] /qiǎnggàohuà/ :: beggar bully (beggar who takes money or food by force)
強弓硬弩 {idiom} /qiáng gōng yìng nǔ/ :: strong and sturdy bows and crossbows
強骨 {v} /qiánggǔ/ :: to strength one's bones
強骨 {n} [Quanzhou, &, Xiamen Hokkien] /qiánggǔ/ :: proud and unyielding character
強固 {adj} /qiánggù/ :: strong; solid
強國 {n} /qiángguó/ :: powerful nation; powerful country; power
強國 {n} /qiángguó/ :: tyrannical state
強國 {n} [chiefly Hong Kong Cantonese, sarcastic] /qiángguó/ :: People's Republic of China; China
強國 {v} /qiángguó/ :: to make one's country more powerful
強國人 {n} [chiefly Hong Kong, sarcastic] /qiángguórén/ :: mainlander
強悍 {adj} /qiánghàn/ :: valiant and fierce
強行 {adv} /強xíng/ :: in a forceful way; forcibly
強行 {v} /強xíng/ :: to force (something to happen)
強橫 {adj} /qiánghèng/ :: arrogant and unreasonable
強化 {v} /qiánghuà/ :: to strengthen; to fortify
強化 {v} [wine] /qiánghuà/ :: to fortify (to add spirits to wine to increase the alcohol content)
強化 {v} [food] /qiánghuà/ :: to fortify (to increase the nutritional value of food by adding ingredients)
強記 {v} /qiángjì/ :: to have a good memory
強記 {v} /qiǎngjì,qiángjì,1nb/ :: to force oneself to memorise; to learn by rote
強加 {v} /qiángjiā,qiǎngjiā,1nb/ :: to force upon; to impose
強奸 {def} SEE: 強姦 ::
強奸犯 {def} SEE: 強姦犯 ::
強姦 {v} /qiángjiān/ :: to rape (force sexual intercourse upon someone)
強姦犯 {n} [law] /qiángjiānfàn/ :: rapist
強健 {adj} /qiángjiàn/ :: strong and healthy
強健 {v} /qiángjiàn/ :: to strengthen; to make healthy; to build up
強強滾 {adj} [Taiwan] /qiángqiánggǔn/ :: ardent; turbulent
強勁 {adj} /qiángjìng/ :: powerful
強軍 {n} /qiángjūn/ :: strong army; powerful army
強軍 {v} /qiángjūn/ :: to strengthen the armed force; to build up military power
強力 {adj} /qiánglì/ :: strong; powerful
強力 {n} /qiánglì/ :: strength (of body or mind)
強力 {n} /qiánglì/ :: power; force; might
強力 {v} [literary] /qiánglì/ :: to make an effort; to strive; to endeavor; to work hard
強烈 {adj} /qiángliè/ :: intense; strong
強烈 {adj} /qiángliè/ :: distinct; sharp
強龍不壓地頭蛇 {proverb} /qiáng lóng 不 yā dìtóushé/ :: Even a powerful person cannot defeat a local bully
強弩之末 {idiom} [metaphor] /qiángnǔzhīmò/ :: exhausted strength; spent force
強碰 {v} [Taiwan] /qiángpèng/ :: to mix (alcoholic drinks or drugs)
強碰 {v} [Taiwan] /qiángpèng/ :: to encounter; to find something unexpectedly
強迫 {v} /qiǎngpò,qiángpò,1nb/ :: to coerce; to force; to compel
強迫振動 {n} [physics] /強pò zhèndòng/ :: forced vibration (oscillating motion driven by external and periodical source)
強迫症 {n} /qiǎngpòzhèng,qiángpòzhèng,2nb/ :: obsessive-compulsive disorder, OCD
強求 {v} /qiǎngqiú,qiángqiú,2nb/ :: to force (someone) to (do something); to insist on; to impose; to make peremptory demands
強權 {n} [politics] /qiángquán/ :: power; might
強權 {n} [politics] /qiángquán/ :: superpower
強權政治 {n} [politics] /qiángquán zhèngzhì,tl/ :: power politics
強人 {n} /qiángrén/ :: strong man; person who is competent and achieves the impossible
強人 {n} /qiángrén/ :: bandit
強人所難 {idiom} /qiǎngrénsuǒnán/ :: to force someone to do something he or she not wish to do or is unable to do
強忍 {v} /qiǎngrěn/ :: to endure with great difficulty; to resist strenuously
強弱 {adj} /qiángruò/ :: powerful and feeble; strong and weak
強弱 {n} /qiángruò/ :: strength and weakness
強弱 {n} /qiángruò/ :: intensity; strength
強勢 {n} /qiángshì/ :: strong momentum; strong force; strong rising tendency
強勢 {n} /qiángshì/ :: strength; strong position
強勢 {n} [linguistics] /qiángshì/ :: emphasis
強勢 {adj} /qiángshì/ :: strong; powerful
強勢 {adj} [linguistics] /qiángshì/ :: emphatic
強手 {n} /qiángshǒu/ :: expert; master
強徒 {n} /qiángtú/ :: robber; bandit; brigand
強相互作用 {n} [physics] /qiáng xiānghù zuòyòng/ :: strong interaction
強項 {n} [sports] /qiángxiàng/ :: strong suit; forte; strong point (of an athlete or a team)
強項 {adj} [literary] /qiángxiàng/ :: indomitable; resolute and unbending; upright and unyielding
強心 {v} [medicine] /qiángxīn/ :: to strengthen the function (contractility) of the heart; to be inotropic
強心苷 {n} [pharmaceutical drug] /qiángxīngān/ :: cardiac glycoside
強心劑 {n} [pharmacology] /qiángxīnjì/ :: inotropic agent; cardiotonic
強心劑 {n} [figurative] /qiángxīnjì/ :: shot in the arm; boost; stimulus
強心針 {n} [medicine] /qiángxīnzhēn/ :: injection of inotropic agents (to increase cardiac output)
強心針 {n} [figurative] /qiángxīnzhēn/ :: shot in the arm; energy or morale booster
強壓 {n} /qiángyā/ :: strong pressure
強壓 {v} /qiángyā/ :: to suppress; to stifle
強顏 {v} /qiǎngyán/ :: to reluctantly feign happiness; to assume a joyous mood reluctantly
強顏 {v} /jiàngyán/ :: to have no sense of shame
強要 {def} SEE: 強欲 ::
強硬 {adj} /qiángyìng/ :: strong; tough; unyielding
強硬派 {n} [politics] /qiángyìngpài/ :: hardliner; hawk
強有力 {adj} /qiángyǒulì/ :: strong; powerful
強佔 {v} /qiángzhàn/ :: to forcibly occupy; to seize
強占 {def} SEE: 強佔 ::
強者 {n} /qiángzhě/ :: the strong; those who are strong; a powerhouse
強震 {n} /qiángzhèn/ :: strong shock; severe earthquake
強直 {adj} [medicine, of joint, muscle, etc.] /qiángzhí/ :: rigid; stiff (due to pathologies)
強直 {adj} [literary] /qiángzhí/ :: firm and honest
強直 {n} [medicine] /qiángzhí/ :: rigidity
強直性脊椎炎 {n} [diseases] /qiángzhíxìng jǐzhuīyán/ :: ankylosing spondylitis
強直性脊柱炎 {n} [diseases] /qiángzhíxìng jǐzhùyán/ :: ankylosing spondylitis
強制 {v} /強zhì/ :: to enforce; to force; to compel; to coerce
強制 {adj} [attributive] /強zhì/ :: forceful; coercive
強制 {adv} /強zhì/ :: forcibly
強制 {n} /強zhì/ :: compulsion
強制拘留 {n} [legal] /qiángzhì jūliú/ :: mandatory detention
強制性 {adj} [attributive] /qiángzhìxìng,qiǎngzhìxìng,2nb/ :: compulsory; mandatory
強制性 {adj} [attributive] /qiángzhìxìng,qiǎngzhìxìng,2nb/ :: compulsive
強制性 {n} /qiángzhìxìng,qiǎngzhìxìng,2nb/ :: compulsory nature; mandatory nature
強制性 {n} /qiángzhìxìng,qiǎngzhìxìng,2nb/ :: compulsiveness
強制性挖鼻綜合症 {n} [psychiatry] /qiángzhìxìng wābí zōnghézhèng,qiǎngzhìxìng wābí zònghézhèng,2nb/ :: rhinotillexomania
強壯 {adj} /qiángzhuàng/ :: strong; sturdy
強子 {n} [physics] /qiángzǐ/ :: hadron
{def} [archaic] /qiáng/ :: alternative form of
{def} /qiáng/ :: 36th tetragram of the Taixuanjing; "strength" (𝌩)
{def} /qiáng/ :: surname
{def} /jiàng/ :: stubborn
糨糊 {n} /jiànghu/ :: paste; starch
{def} /jiàng/ :: crimson (a kind of deep red)
絳唇 {def} SEE: 絳脣 ::
絳脣 {n} [archaic] /jiàngchún/ :: crimson lips; red lips
絳河 {n} [literary] /jiànghé/ :: Milky Way
絳河 {prop} /jiànghé/ :: A legendary river of the South China Sea
絳帳 {prop} /Jiàngzhàng/ :: (~ 鎮) 絳帳 (town)
絳州 {prop} /Jiàngzhōu/ :: (~ 市) 絳州 (city)
{def} SEE: ::
绛唇 {def} SEE: 絳脣 ::
绛脣 {def} SEE: 絳脣 ::
绛河 {def} SEE: 絳河 ::
绛帐 {def} SEE: 絳帳 ::
绛州 {def} SEE: 絳州 ::
{def} SEE: ::
酱菜 {def} SEE: 醬菜 ::
酱豆腐 {def} SEE: 醬豆腐 ::
酱瓜 {def} SEE: 醬瓜 ::
酱瓜仔 {def} SEE: 醬瓜仔 ::
酱料 {def} SEE: 醬料 ::
酱婶儿 {def} SEE: 醬嬸兒 ::
酱油 {def} SEE: 醬油 ::
酱紫 {def} SEE: 醬紫 ::
醤油 {def} SEE: 醬油 ::
{def} /jiàng/ :: any jam-like or paste-like food
{def} /jiàng/ :: thick sauce
{def} /jiàng/ :: to add soy sauce
{def} [ACG, internet slang] /jiàng/ :: -chan
醬菜 {n} /jiàngcài/ :: vegetables pickled in sauces (especially soy sauce)
醬豆腐 {n} /jiàngdòufu/ :: fermented tofu
醬瓜 {n} /jiàngguā/ :: pickled cucumber
醬料 {n} /jiàngliào,er/ :: condiments and flavourings [in general]; sauces
醬嬸兒 {pron} [Internet slang] /jiàngshěnr/ :: pronunciation spelling of 樣式兒样式儿 (“this way; like this”)
醬油 {n} /jiàngyóu/ :: soy sauce
醬紫 {n} /jiàngzǐ/ :: (~ 色) dark reddish purple
醬紫 {pron} [Mandarin, Internet slang, cute-sounding] /jiàngzǐ/ :: pronunciation spelling of 這樣子
{def} /jiàng/ :: to fall; to drop; to descend; to come down
{def} [honorific] /jiàng/ :: to visit; to honor with one's presence
{def} /jiàng/ :: to bestow; to confer
{def} /jiàng/ :: to reduce; to decrease; to lower
{def} [music] /jiàng/ :: flat ()
{def} /jiàng/ :: to be born
{def} [Hakka] /jiàng/ :: to give birth
{def} /jiàng/ :: surname
{def} /xiáng/ :: to surrender; to capitulate; to give in
{def} /xiáng/ :: to subdue; to vanquish
降C大調 {n} /jiàngsēi dàdiào,py/ :: C-flat major
降C大调 {def} SEE: 降C大調 ::
降半旗 {v} /jiàngbànqí/ :: to fly a flag at half-mast
降冰片烷 {n} [organic compound] /jiàngbīngpiànwán/ :: norbornane
降冰片烯 {n} [organic compound] /jiàngbīngpiànxī/ :: norbornene
降塵 {n} /jiàngchén/ :: dust which has fallen from the air
降塵 {v} /jiàngchén/ :: to make dust in the air fall to the ground
降尘 {def} SEE: 降塵 ::
降低 {vti} /jiàngdī/ :: to reduce; to lower; to cut down; to drop
降調 {v} [music] /jiàngdiào/ :: to lower the key
降調 {v} /jiàngdiào/ :: to transfer (someone) by moving them to a lower rank; to demote
降調 {n} [phonetics] /jiàngdiào/ :: falling tone
降调 {def} SEE: 降調 ::
降伏 {v} /xiángfú/ :: to tame; to subdue
降幅 {n} /jiàngfú/ :: extent of decrease
降服 {vi} /xiángfú/ :: to submit; to yield
降服 {vt} /xiángfú/ :: to subdue
降服 {n} [archaic] /jiàngfú/ :: mourning garment of a lower level
降服 {v} [literary] /jiàngfú/ :: to take off one's court dress and ask for forgiveness
降格 {v} /jiànggé,er/ :: to lower one's standard or status
降號 {n} [music] /jiànghào/ :: flat (sign)
降号 {def} SEE: 降號 ::
降火 {v} [TCM] /jiànghuǒ/ :: to decrease internal heat
降級 {v} /jiàngjí/ :: to reduce to a lower rank; to demote
降級 {v} /jiàngjí/ :: to send (a student) to a lower grade
降级 {def} SEE: 降級 ::
降价 {def} SEE: 降價 ::
降價 {v} /jiàngjià,er/ :: to reduce price; to bring down the price
降将 {def} SEE: 降將 ::
降將 {n} [military] /xiángjiàng/ :: surrendered enemy general
降結腸 {n} [anatomy] /jiàngjiécháng/ :: descending colon
降结肠 {def} SEE: 降結腸 ::
降解 {v} /jiàngjiě/ :: to degrade; to decompose; to break down; to deteriorate chemically
降解能力 {n} /jiàngjiě nénglì/ :: degradability
降解性 {n} /jiàngjiěxìng/ :: degradability
降俫仔 {def} SEE: 降倈仔 ::
降临 {def} SEE: 降臨 ::
降临节 {def} SEE: 降臨節 ::
降臨 {v} /jiànglín/ :: to befall; to descend upon; to arrive; to come
降臨節 {n} /jiànglínjié/ :: Advent (season before Christmas)
降落 {v} /jiàngluò/ :: to descend (of an aircraft, satellite, etc.)
降落伞 {def} SEE: 降落傘 ::
降落傘 {n} /jiàngluòsǎn/ :: parachute
降冪 {n} [mathematics] /jiàngmì/ :: descending powers
降幂 {def} SEE: 降冪 ::
降旗 {v} /jiàngqí/ :: to lower a flag
降神 {v} [literary] /jiàngshén/ :: to conjure the spirits
降生 {v} [especially of an important figure, such as a founder of a religion] /jiàngshēng/ :: to be born
降世 {v} [especially of an important figure] /jiàngshì/ :: to descend to earth; to be born
降水 {n} [meteorology] /jiàngshuǐ/ :: precipitation; fallen rain (and snow)
降水量 {n} [meteorology] /jiàngshuǐliàng/ :: precipitation; rainfall
降順 {v} [literary] /xiángshùn/ :: to yield and pledge allegiance to
降顺 {def} SEE: 降順 ::
降糖丸 {n} /jiàngtáng wán/ :: A black lustrous pill used in traditional Chinese medicine "to nourish qi and yin, to promote the production of body fluids and quench thirst, in the treatment of diabetes"
降温 {def} SEE: 降溫 ::
降溫 {v} /jiàngwēn/ :: to have a drop in temperature, or to lower the temperature; to become cooler
降溫 {v} [figurative, of interest, activity, etc.] /jiàngwēn/ :: to decline; to cool down
降息 {v} /jiàng息/ :: to lower the interest rate
降下 {v} /jiàngxià/ :: to fall; to descend; to drop
降香 {n} /jiàngxiāng/ :: Wood of the Dalbergia odorifera (a herb used in traditional Chinese medicine)
降薪 {v} /jiàngxīn/ :: to cut someone's pay; to reduce someone's salary
降雪 {n} /jiàngxuě/ :: snowfall, snow
降雪 {v} /jiàngxuě/ :: to snow
降压 {def} SEE: 降壓 ::
降压药 {def} SEE: 降壓藥 ::
降壓 {v} /jiàngyā/ :: to reduce the pressure
降壓 {v} [physics] /jiàngyā/ :: to reduce the voltage
降壓 {v} [medicine] /jiàngyā/ :: to bring down the pressure, especially blood pressure
降壓藥 {n} [pharmaceutical drug] /jiàngyāyào/ :: antihypertensive medication
降雨 {v} [formal] /jiàngyǔ/ :: to rain
降雨 {n} /jiàngyǔ/ :: rainfall
降雨量 {n} /jiàngyǔliàng/ :: rainfall; precipitation
降噪 {v} /jiàngzào/ :: to reduce noise in audio
降詔 {v} [literary] /jiàngzhào/ :: to issue an imperial edict
降诏 {def} SEE: 降詔 ::
降职 {def} SEE: 降職 ::
降職 {v} /jiàngzhí/ :: to demote (to a lower rank)
降旨 {v} [archaic] /jiàngzhǐ/ :: to issue an imperial decree
降至 {v} /jiàngzhì/ :: to fall to; to reduce to; to drop to
{def} /jiāo/ :: to intersect; to cross
{def} /jiāo/ :: in a manner suggestive of crossing; at the same time; at the same place; forming reflexive verbs
{def} /jiāo/ :: to hand over; to turn in; to submit
{def} /jiāo/ :: to make (friends)
{def} /jiāo/ :: 16th tetragram of the Taixuanjing; "contact" (𝌕)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [obsolete] /jiāo/ :: alternative form of
交白卷 {v} /jiāo báijuàn,er/ :: to submit a blank exam paper
交白卷 {v} [figurative] /jiāo báijuàn,er/ :: to fail to accomplish a task; to not produce any results
交班 {v} /jiāobān/ :: to hand over to the next shift
交棒 {v} /jiāobàng/ :: to pass the stick
交棒 {v} [metaphor] /jiāobàng/ :: to transfer authority or responsibility
交保 {v} [legal] /jiāobǎo/ :: to release on bail
交杯酒 {n} /jiāobēijiǔ/ :: formal exchange of cups of wine between bride and groom as a traditional wedding ceremony
交臂失之 {idiom} /jiāobìshīzhī/ :: to narrowly miss a golden opportunity (to meet someone etc.)
交兵 {v} [literary] /jiāobīng/ :: to wage war; to engage in battle
交叉 {v} /jiāochā/ :: to intersect; to cross; to crisscross
交叉 {v} /jiāochā/ :: to overlap
交叉 {v} /jiāochā/ :: to alternate; to stagger
交叉 {adj} [attributive] /jiāochā/ :: interdisciplinary
交叉 {adj} [attributive] /jiāochā/ :: intersectional
交叉 {n} [Cantonese] /jiāochā/ :: cross (Classifier: 個)
交叉点 {def} SEE: 交叉點 ::
交叉點 {n} /jiāochādiǎn/ :: junction; intersection; point of intersection; crossroads
交叉感染 {n} /jiāochā gǎnrǎn/ :: cross-infection
交叉口 {n} /jiāochākǒu/ :: intersection (point where two lines cross)
交叉四 {n} /jiāochāsì/ :: the Chinese character component
交叉相乘 {v} [mathematics] /jiāochā xiāngchéng/ :: to cross-multiply
交叉性 {n} /jiāochāxìng/ :: intersectionality
交差 {v} /jiāochāi/ :: to report to the leadership after accomplishing a task; to report on what one has done in line of duty
交出 {v} /jiāochū/ :: to hand over; to surrender
交出 {v} /jiāochū/ :: to pay; to expend
交錯 {v} /jiāocuò/ :: to interlock; to crisscross
交錯縱橫 {idiom} /jiāocuò zònghéng/ :: alternative form of 縱橫交錯
交错 {def} SEE: 交錯 ::
交错纵横 {def} SEE: 交錯縱橫 ::
交大 {prop} /Jiāodà/ :: short fo 交通大学 (Jiaotong University)
交代 {v} /jiāodài,tl/ :: to hand over
交代 {v} /jiāodài,tl/ :: to explain; to brief; to make clear; to tell about
交代 {v} /jiāodài,tl/ :: to ask (someone to do something); to order
交代 {v} /jiāodài,tl/ :: to confess
交代 {v} [jocular] /jiāodài,tl/ :: to finish; to complete
交带 {def} SEE: 交帶 ::
交待 {def} SEE: 交代 ::
交待 {v} [literary] /jiāodài/ :: to receive (a visitor); to admit (allow somebody to enter)
交道 {n} /jiāodào/ :: social communication; social intercourse
交底 {v} /jiāodǐ/ :: to tell somebody what one's real intentions are; to put one's cards on the table
交点 {def} SEE: 交點 ::
交點 {n} /jiāodiǎn/ :: meeting point; point of intersection
交钉 {def} SEE: 交釘 ::
交惡 {v} /jiāowù/ :: to become hostile with one another
交費 {v} /jiāofèi/ :: to pay
交費 {n} /jiāofèi/ :: pay, payment
交费 {def} SEE: 交費 ::
交鋒 {v} [literally] /jiāofēng/ :: to cross swords
交鋒 {v} [figuratively] /jiāofēng/ :: to engage in combat; to fight; to wage war
交鋒 {v} [figuratively] /jiāofēng/ :: to engage in a contest or debate
交锋 {def} SEE: 交鋒 ::
交付 {v} /jiāofù/ :: to pay
交付 {v} /jiāofù/ :: to hand over; to deliver
交感 {v} [obsolete] /jiāogǎn/ :: to respond to each other; to interact
交感 {v} [obsolete] /jiāogǎn/ :: to have sexual intercourse
交感干 {def} SEE: 交感幹 ::
交感幹 {n} [anatomy] /jiāogǎngàn/ :: sympathetic trunk
交感神經 {n} [neurology] /jiāogǎn shénjīng/ :: sympathetic nerve(s)
交感神經幹 {n} [anatomy] /jiāogǎnshénjīnggàn/ :: sympathetic trunk
交感神经 {def} SEE: 交感神經 ::
交感神经干 {def} SEE: 交感神經幹 ::
交割 {v} [finance] /jiāogē/ :: to settle a transaction (when the seller delivers the goods and the buyer makes the payment)
交公 {v} /jiāogōng/ :: to hand over to the collective or the state
交工 {v} /jiāogōng/ :: to hand over a completed project
交媾 {v} /jiāogòu/ :: to have sexual intercourse; to copulate
交关 {def} SEE: 交關 ::
交關 {adv} [Wu] /jiāoguān/ :: very; quite; seriously; tremendously; terribly; extremely
交關 {adj} /jiāoguān/ :: related
交關 {adj} [Wu] /jiāoguān/ :: many
交關 {adj} [Cantonese] /jiāoguān/ :: to a high degree; serious; unbearable; terrible
交關 {v} [literary, Min Nan, Hakka] /jiāoguān/ :: to do business
交關 {v} [literary] /jiāoguān/ :: to be connected
交關 {v} [literary] /jiāoguān/ :: to conspire; to collude
交關 {v} [literary] /jiāoguān/ :: to mingle; to intertwine
交規 {n} /jiāoguī/ :: abbreviation of 交通規則
交规 {def} SEE: 交規 ::
交还 {def} SEE: 交還 ::
交還 {v} /jiāohuán/ :: to hand back; to return (something)
交行 {prop} /Jiāoháng/ :: short fo 交通銀行 (Bank of Communications)
交好 {v} /jiāohǎo/ :: to be on friendly terms
交合 {v} /jiāohé/ :: to link together; to connect
交合 {v} [euphemistic] /jiāohé/ :: to have sexual intercourse; to copulate
交厚 {adj} [literary] /jiāohòu/ :: deeply fond of each other; prizing each other's friendship
交互 {adv} /jiāohù/ :: each other; mutually
交互 {adv} /jiāohù/ :: alternately; in turn
交互 {v} /jiāohù/ :: to interact with each other
交互手淫 {n} /jiāohù shǒuyín/ :: mutual masturbation
交欢 {def} SEE: 交歡 ::
交歡 {v} /jiāohuān/ :: to make friends; to be friends
交歡 {v} /jiāohuān/ :: to have sexual intercourse
交换 {def} SEE: 交換 ::
交换环 {def} SEE: 交換環 ::
交换机 {def} SEE: 交換機 ::
交换价值 {def} SEE: 交換價值 ::
交换律 {def} SEE: 交換律 ::
交换生 {def} SEE: 交換生 ::
交换性 {def} SEE: 交換性 ::
交換 {v} /jiāohuàn/ :: to exchange; to swap
交換 {v} /jiāohuàn/ :: to barter; to trade; to exchange (goods)
交換環 {n} [algebra, ring theory] /jiāohuànhuán/ :: commutative ring
交換機 {n} /jiāohuànjī/ :: switchboard, telephone exchange
交換價值 {n} [economics] /jiāohuàn jiàzhí/ :: exchange value
交換律 {n} [mathematics] /jiāohuànlǜ/ :: commutative law
交換生 {n} /jiāohuànshēng/ :: exchange student
交換性 {n} [mathematics, logic] /jiāohuànxìng/ :: commutativity
交輝 {v} [literary] /jiāohuī/ :: several different light sources intermingle and reflect off of each other
交辉 {def} SEE: 交輝 ::
交会 {def} SEE: 交會 ::
交匯 {v} /jiāohuì/ :: to flow together
交匯 {v} /jiāohuì/ :: to act as a confluence
交匯 {v} /jiāohuì/ :: to cooperate
交會 {v} [formal] /jiāohuì/ :: to meet; to converge; to rendezvous with
交汇 {def} SEE: 交匯 ::
交火 {v} /jiāohuǒ/ :: to exchange fire
交貨 {v} /jiāohuò/ :: to deliver goods
交货 {def} SEE: 交貨 ::
交集 {v} [of different feelings or things] /jiāojí/ :: to be mixed; to occur simultaneously
交集 {n} /jiāojí/ :: intersection; crossing paths
交集 {n} [math] /jiāojí/ :: intersection
交际 {def} SEE: 交際 ::
交际花 {def} SEE: 交際花 ::
交际能力 {def} SEE: 交際能力 ::
交际舞 {def} SEE: 交際舞 ::
交际语 {def} SEE: 交際語 ::
交際 {v} /jiāojì/ :: to socialize
交際 {n} /jiāojì/ :: communication; association; social intercourse
交際花 {n} /jiāojìhuā/ :: social butterfly
交際能力 {n} [sociolinguistics] /jiāojì nénglì/ :: communicative competence
交際舞 {n} /jiāojìwǔ/ :: ballroom; ballroom dancing
交際語 {n} [linguistics] /jiāojìyǔ/ :: common language; lingua franca
交加 {v} [literary, often of unfavourable things] /jiāojiā/ :: to occur simultaneously
交接 {v} /jiāojiē/ :: to link; to connect; to join
交接 {v} /jiāojiē/ :: to make friends with; to establish a connection with; to associate with
交接 {v} /jiāojiē/ :: to transfer; to hand over; to settle (transfer money or property)
交接 {v} /jiāojiē/ :: to alternate; to occur one after another
交接 {v} /jiāojiē/ :: to copulate; to have sexual intercourse
交结 {def} SEE: 交結 ::
交界 {v} /jiāojiè/ :: to share borders with; to border on
交界性 {n} [medicine] /jiāojièxìng/ :: being of a borderline nature
交警 {n} /jiāojǐng/ :: abbreviation of 交通警察
交卷 {v} /jiāojuàn/ :: [literally] to hand in one's exam paper
交卷 {v} /jiāojuàn/ :: [by extension] to complete a task
交絕 {v} /jiāojué/ :: to sever ties with someone
交绝 {def} SEE: 交絕 ::
交口 {adv} [literary] /jiāokǒu,er/ :: with one voice; unanimously
交口 {n} /jiāokǒu,er/ :: (street) intersection
交口 {v} [literary] /jiāokǒu,er/ :: to chat; to talk
交懔恂 {def} SEE: 交懍恂 ::
交流 {v} /jiāoliú/ :: to exchange; to interchange; to communicate
交流 {v} [of rivers, body fluids] /jiāoliú/ :: to converge and flow; to interflow; to flow together
交流道 {n} /jiāoliú dào/ :: (highway) interchange
交流电 {def} SEE: 交流電 ::
交流電 {n} [physics] /jiāoliúdiàn/ :: alternating current
交流学者 {def} SEE: 交流學者 ::
交流學者 {n} /jiāoliú xuézhě/ :: visiting scholar
交馬 {v} [archaic] /jiāomǎ/ :: to engage in a duel on horseback
交马 {def} SEE: 交馬 ::
交納 {v} /jiāonà/ :: to pay (taxes or dues to the state or an organization)
交纳 {def} SEE: 交納 ::
交配 {v} /jiāopèi/ :: to mate; to copulate
交朋友 {v} /jiāo péngyou,jiāo péngyǒu,1nb/ :: to make friends
交朋友 {v} /jiāo péngyou,jiāo péngyǒu,1nb/ :: to go steady
交聘 {v} [literary, of two or more states] /jiāopìn/ :: to exchange diplomatic missions
交情 {n} /jiāoqíng,tl/ :: friendship; friendly relations
交融 {v} /jiāoróng/ :: to blend; to mix
交涉 {v} /jiāoshè/ :: to negotiate; to discuss how to resolve issues with another party; to make representations
交涉 {n} /jiāoshè/ :: negotiations; discussions held with another party in order to resolve issues; representations
交手 {v} /jiāoshǒu/ :: to engage in hand-to-hand combat
交售 {v} [of peasants] /jiāoshòu/ :: to sell (agricultural and sideline products) to the state according to the policy
交水费 {def} SEE: 交水費 ::
交稅 {v} /jiāoshuì/ :: to pay taxes
交税 {def} SEE: 交稅 ::
交談 {v} /jiāotán/ :: to talk; to discuss; to converse
交谈 {def} SEE: 交談 ::
交替 {v} /jiāotì/ :: to supersede; to replace
交替 {v} /jiāotì/ :: to alternate; to occur one after another
交通 {n} /jiāotōng/ :: transportation; transport; traffic
交通 {n} /jiāotōng/ :: communications; liaison
交通 {v} [literary] /jiāotōng/ :: to collude with
交通 {v} [literary] /jiāotōng/ :: to go through without obstructions
交通岛 {def} SEE: 交通島 ::
交通島 {n} /jiāotōngdǎo/ :: traffic island
交通灯 {def} SEE: 交通燈 ::
交通燈 {n} /jiāotōngdēng/ :: traffic light
交通工具 {n} /jiāotōng gōngjù/ :: mode of transport
交通規則 {n} /jiāotōng guīzé/ :: traffic regulations; traffic rules
交通规则 {def} SEE: 交通規則 ::
交通壕 {n} [military] /jiāotōngháo/ :: communication trench
交通警察 {n} /jiāotōng jǐngchá/ :: traffic police
交通圈 {n} [chiefly Malaysia, Singapore] /jiāotōngquān/ :: traffic circle; roundabout
交通事故 {n} /jiāotōng shìgù,tl/ :: road accident; traffic accident
交通線 {n} /jiāotōngxiàn/ :: communication line; traffic lines
交通线 {def} SEE: 交通線 ::
交通信號 {n} /jiāotōng xìnhào,er/ :: traffic signal; traffic light
交通信号 {def} SEE: 交通信號 ::
交通支 {def} SEE: 交通枝 ::
交通枝 {n} [anatomy] /jiāotōngzhī/ :: ramus communicans
交通錐 {n} /jiāotōngzhuī/ :: traffic cone
交通锥 {def} SEE: 交通錐 ::
交通阻塞 {n} /jiāotōng zǔsè/ :: traffic jam
交头接耳 {def} SEE: 交頭接耳 ::
交頭接耳 {idiom} /jiāotóujiē'ěr/ :: to speak in each other's ears; to whisper to each other
交托 {def} SEE: 交託 ::
交託 {v} /jiāotuō/ :: to entrust
交往 {v} /jiāowǎng/ :: to have contact (with someone); to socialize; to associate
交往 {v} /jiāowǎng/ :: to date; to go out with someone
交往 {n} /jiāowǎng/ :: contact; socialization; association
交尾 {n} [of animals] /jiāowěi/ :: mating; copulation
交尾 {v} [of animals] /jiāowěi/ :: to copulate; to mate
交恶 {def} SEE: 交惡 ::
交响 {def} SEE: 交響 ::
交响乐 {def} SEE: 交響樂 ::
交响乐团 {def} SEE: 交響樂團 ::
交响曲 {def} SEE: 交響曲 ::
交响诗 {def} SEE: 交響詩 ::
交響 {n} /jiāoxiǎng/ :: symphony
交響樂 {n} /jiāoxiǎngyuè/ :: symphony; symphonic music
交響樂團 {n} /jiāoxiǎngyuètuán/ :: symphony orchestra
交響曲 {n} /jiāoxiǎngqǔ/ :: symphony (piece of orchestral music)
交響詩 {n} [music] /jiāoxiǎngshī/ :: symphonic poem
交心 {v} /jiāoxīn/ :: to lay one's heart bare; to open one's heart to
交鑰匙 {v} /jiāo yàoshi/ :: to hand in the key
交鑰匙 {adj} /jiāo yàoshi/ :: turnkey
交钥匙 {def} SEE: 交鑰匙 ::
交野 {prop} /Jiāoyě/ :: (~ 市) 交野 (city)
交誼 {n} /jiāo誼/ :: friendship; communion; association
交誼舞 {n} /jiāo誼wǔ/ :: ballroom dance
交椅 {n} /jiāoyǐ/ :: ancient folding chair
交椅 {n} /jiāoyǐ/ :: armchair
交易 {v} /jiāoyì/ :: to trade; to transact; to make a business deal
交易 {n} [countable] /jiāoyì/ :: trade; transaction; business deal (Classifier: m:筆)
交易 {n} [uncountable] /jiāoyì/ :: trading; trade
交易量 {n} [finance, business] /jiāoyìliàng/ :: business volume; trading turnover
交易所 {n} /jiāoyìsuǒ/ :: stock exchange
交谊 {def} SEE: 交誼 ::
交谊舞 {def} SEE: 交誼舞 ::
交游 {def} SEE: 交遊 ::
交遊 {v} /jiāoyóu/ :: to make friends; to form a companionship
交遊 {v} /jiāoyóu/ :: to have contact (with someone); to socialize; to associate
交遊 {n} [literary] /jiāoyóu/ :: friend; companion
交友 {v} /jiāoyǒu/ :: to make friends
交战 {def} SEE: 交戰 ::
交战国 {def} SEE: 交戰國 ::
交戰 {v} /jiāozhàn/ :: to engage in combat; to fight; to wage war
交戰國 {n} /jiāozhànguó/ :: country at war; belligerent state
交帐 {def} SEE: 交帳 ::
交帳 {v} /jiāozhàng/ :: to settle accounts
交帳 {v} [figurative] /jiāozhàng/ :: to settle accounts, to render an account
交織 {v} /jiāozhī/ :: to interweave
交織 {v} /jiāozhī/ :: to intertwine
交织 {def} SEE: 交織 ::
交趾 {prop} /Jiāozhǐ/ :: (~ 郡) [historical] Jiaozhi (the ancient Chinese commandery in northern Vietnam first established under the Han dynasty)
交趾 {prop} [historical] /Jiāozhǐ/ :: Jiaozhi (a generic term for the lands south of the Five Ridges (Dayu, Qitian, Dupang, Mengzhu, and Yuecheng) in Liangguang, essentially comprising North Vietnam)
交趾支那 {prop} /Jiāozhǐ-Zhīnà/ :: Cochinchina
交阯 {def} SEE: 交趾 ::
交州 {prop} [historical] /Jiāozhōu/ :: 交州 (province)
交租 {v} /jiāozū/ :: to pay rent
{def} /jiāo/ :: clever
{def} /jiāo/ :: alert in the mind
{def} /jiāo/ :: used in 僬僥
{def} /qiáo/ :: tall; lofty
{def} /qiáo/ :: [obsolete] section on the shaft of a spear near the spearhead for hanging a feather
{def} /qiáo/ :: surname
{def} /qiáo/ :: to pretend; to feign; to disguise
{def} [archaic, derogatory] /qiáo/ :: bad; vile; crafty; fake; stupid; cowardly; useless
{def} [archaic] /qiáo/ :: headstrong and easily angered
{def} /jiāo,qiáo/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /jiǎo,qiáo/ :: only used in 喬詰
{def} [Hokkien, Taiwanese Mandarin] /qiáo/ :: to discuss; to negotiate; to coordinate
{def} /Qiáo/ :: Joel (English given name)
喬巴山 {prop} /Qiáobāshān/ :: (~ 市) Choibalsan
喬幫主 {prop} [neologism, slang] /Qiáo Bāngzhǔ/ :: Steve Jobs (co-founder of Apple Inc.)
喬幫主 {prop} [neologism, slang] /Qiáo Bāngzhǔ/ :: Michael Jordan (American former professional basketball player)
喬布斯 {prop} [Mainland, Hong Kong, Macau] /Qiáobùsī/ :: Jobs (surname)
喬丹 {prop} /Qiáodān/ :: 喬丹 (small town/county seat)
喬丹 {prop} /Qiáodān/ :: Jordan (an English unisex given name)
喬丹 {prop} /Qiáodān/ :: Jordan (an English surname)
喬戈里峰 {prop} /Qiáogēlǐ Fēng/ :: K2 Peak (the second highest mountain on earth)
喬家坪 {prop} /Qiáojiāpíng/ :: (~ 村) 喬家坪 (village)
喬勒潘 {prop} /Qiáolèpān/ :: (~ 鄉) 喬勒潘 (township)
喬麥 {n} /qiáomài/ :: buckwheat
喬木 {n} /qiáomù/ :: tree, especially one with a tall, stout trunk
喬遷 {v} [figurative] /qiáoqiān/ :: to move to a better place; to move to a new house or get a promotion
喬遷宴 {n} /qiáoqiānyàn/ :: house warming (celebration)
喬遷之喜 {idiom} /qiáoqiānzhīxǐ/ :: happy occasion of moving into a new house; house warming (celebration)
喬遷之喜 {idiom} /qiáoqiānzhīxǐ/ :: promotion (celebration)
喬叟 {prop} /Qiáosǒu/ :: Chaucer
喬治 {prop} /Qiáozhì/ :: George
喬治敦 {prop} /Qiáozhìdūn/ :: Georgetown (city, state, etc.)
喬治市 {prop} /Qiáozhìshì/ :: 喬治市 (city/state capital)
喬治亞 {prop} [Taiwan] /Qiáozhì亞/ :: 喬治亞 (country)
喬治亞 {prop} /Qiáozhì亞/ :: (~ 州) [Taiwan] 喬治亞 (state)
喬治亞語 {prop} [Taiwan] /Qiáozhì亞yǔ/ :: the Georgian language
喬妝 {def} SEE: 喬裝 ::
喬裝 {v} /qiáozhuāng/ :: to disguise
喬裝 {v} /qiáozhuāng/ :: to pretend; to feign
喬梓 {def} SEE: 橋梓 ::
{def} /jiāo/ :: beautiful appearance
{def} /xiáo/ :: lewd
姣好 {adj} [formal, of face] /姣hǎo/ :: beautiful and charming
{def} SEE: ::
娇嗔 {def} SEE: 嬌嗔 ::
娇宠 {def} SEE: 嬌寵 ::
娇喘 {def} SEE: 嬌喘 ::
娇滴滴 {def} SEE: 嬌滴滴 ::
娇儿 {def} SEE: 嬌兒 ::
娇惯 {def} SEE: 嬌慣 ::
娇憨 {def} SEE: 嬌憨 ::
娇好 {def} SEE: 嬌好 ::
娇黄 {def} SEE: 嬌黃 ::
娇客 {def} SEE: 嬌客 ::
娇美 {def} SEE: 嬌美 ::
娇媚 {def} SEE: 嬌媚 ::
娇嫩 {def} SEE: 嬌嫩 ::
娇女 {def} SEE: 嬌女 ::
娇妻 {def} SEE: 嬌妻 ::
娇气 {def} SEE: 嬌氣 ::
娇娆 {def} SEE: 嬌嬈 ::
娇柔 {def} SEE: 嬌柔 ::
娇弱 {def} SEE: 嬌弱 ::
娇声 {def} SEE: 嬌聲 ::
娇生惯养 {def} SEE: 嬌生慣養 ::
娇态 {def} SEE: 嬌態 ::
娇小 {def} SEE: 嬌小 ::
娇羞 {def} SEE: 嬌羞 ::
娇艳 {def} SEE: 嬌豔 ::
娇养 {def} SEE: 嬌養 ::
娇逸 {def} SEE: 嬌逸 ::
娇纵 {def} SEE: 嬌縱 ::
{def} /jiāo/ :: pampered; spoiled
{def} /jiāo/ :: seductive and loveable
{def} /jiāo/ :: tender; delicate
嬌嗔 {v} [of a girl] /jiāochēn/ :: to grumble in a flirtatious manner; to pout playfully; to protest coquettishly
嬌寵 {v} /jiāochǒng/ :: to spoil; to indulge
嬌喘 {n} /jiāochuǎn/ :: faint breathing; cries or moaning in bed during lovemaking
嬌滴滴 {adj} /jiāodīdī/ :: cute; sweet; charming
嬌兒 {n} /jiāo'ér/ :: a darling son, beloved son
嬌慣 {v} /jiāoguàn/ :: to pamper; to coddle; to spoil
嬌憨 {adj} /jiāohān/ :: lovely and innocent
嬌好 {adj} [especially of a woman's appearance] /jiāohǎo/ :: charming; attractive
嬌黃 {adj} [of plants] /jiāohuáng/ :: yellow and tender
嬌客 {n} /jiāokè/ :: son-in-law (used by the wife's family)
嬌客 {n} /jiāokè/ :: pampered person
嬌美 {adj} /jiāoměi/ :: tender and beautiful; charming
嬌媚 {adj} /jiāomèi/ :: flirtatious; coquettish
嬌媚 {adj} /jiāomèi/ :: sweet and charming; graceful
嬌嫩 {adj} /jiāonèn/ :: tender and lovely
嬌嫩 {adj} /jiāonèn/ :: delicate; fragile
嬌女 {n} /jiāonǚ/ :: beloved daughter; favorite daughter
嬌妻 {n} /jiāoqī/ :: pretty young wife
嬌氣 {adj} /jiāoqì,tl/ :: dainty; fragile; weak
嬌嬈 {adj} /jiāoráo/ :: enchantingly beautiful
嬌柔 {adj} /jiāoróu/ :: gentle and demure
嬌弱 {adj} /jiāoruò/ :: delicate
嬌生慣養 {idiom} /jiāoshēngguànyǎng/ :: having been indulged and spoiled since childhood
嬌聲 {n} /jiāoshēng/ :: coquettish voice
嬌態 {n} /jiāotài/ :: coquettishness; feminine charms; lascivious pose
嬌小 {adj} /jiāoxiǎo/ :: petite; dainty
嬌羞 {adj} [of a girl] /jiāoxiū/ :: shy and lovable; bashful; coy
嬌艷 {def} SEE: 嬌豔 ::
嬌豔 {adj} /jiāoyàn/ :: delicate and charming; tender and beautiful
嬌養 {v} /jiāoyǎng/ :: to pamper (a child); to spoil
嬌逸 {adj} [literary, of a young male] /jiāoyì/ :: pretty; handsome
嬌縱 {v} /jiāozòng/ :: to indulge (a child); to spoil; to pamper
{def} /jiāo/ :: alternative form of
憍陳如 {prop} /Jiāochénrú/ :: Kaundinya, 13th ruler of Funan
{def} /jiāo/ :: to teach; to instruct
{def} /jiào/ :: to provide guidance; to instruct
{def} [obsolete or Min Nan] /jiào/ :: to tell (someone to do something); to let; to instruct
{def} /jiào/ :: etiquette; rules; customs
{def} /jiào/ :: religion; faith; religious teachings
{def} /jiào/ :: surname
教案 {n} [education] /jiào'àn/ :: teaching plan; lesson plan
教案 {n} [history] /jiào'àn/ :: missionary case (an incident involving foreign missionaries)
教本 {n} /jiàoběn/ :: textbook (Classifier: 本)
教鞭 {n} /jiàobiān/ :: (teacher's) pointer
教鞭 {n} /jiàobiān/ :: teaching career
教材 {n} /jiàocái/ :: teaching materials
教材 {n} /jiàocái/ :: textbook (Classifier: m:本)
教参 {def} SEE: 教參 ::
教參 {n} [education] /jiàocān/ :: short fo 教學參考材料 (reference material used in teaching)
教册 {def} SEE: 教冊 ::
教册仔 {def} SEE: 教冊仔 ::
教長 {n} [Islam] /jiāozhǎng,jiàozhǎng/ :: imam; mullah
教长 {def} SEE: 教長 ::
教程 {n} /jiàochéng/ :: course (especially in a publication title)
教导 {def} SEE: 教導 ::
教导所 {def} SEE: 教導所 ::
教導 {v} /jiàodǎo/ :: to instruct; to teach; to guide
教導 {n} /jiàodǎo/ :: instruction; teaching; guidance
教導所 {n} /jiàodǎosuǒ,er/ :: correctional facility
教法 {n} /jiàofǎ/ :: teaching methods
教法 {n} /jiàofǎ/ :: teachings; doctrine
教法 {n} /jiàofǎ/ :: religious law
教坊 {prop} [archaic] /jiàofāng/ :: Royal Academy (the ministry in charge of music and dance at court)
教坊 {n} [archaic] /jiàofāng/ :: brothel
教父 {n} [Christianity] /jiàofù/ :: godfather
教父 {n} [Christianity] /jiàofù/ :: Church Father
教父母 {n} /jiàofùmǔ/ :: godparent
教改 {n} /jiàogǎi/ :: short fo 教育改革 (education reform)
教工 {n} /jiàogōng/ :: teaching and administrative staff; faculty
教官 {n} /jiàoguān/ :: instructor (typically in an army or a military school); military instructor
教規 {n} [religion] /jiàoguī/ :: canon
教规 {def} SEE: 教規 ::
教化 {v} /jiàohuà/ :: to educate; to teach good manners; to civilize; to enlighten by education; to shape the mind through education
教化 {def} SEE: 叫化 ::
教化 {n} /jiàohuà/ :: enlightenment; civilisation; education
教坏 {def} SEE: 教壞 ::
教壞 {v} /jiāohuài/ :: to teach bad things (and lead astray)
教皇 {n} /jiàohuáng/ :: pope; pontiff
教皇国 {def} SEE: 教皇國 ::
教皇國 {prop} [historical] /Jiàohuángguó/ :: Papal States
教誨 {v} [formal] /jiàohuì/ :: to teach; to instruct
教会 {def} SEE: 教會 ::
教会拉丁语 {def} SEE: 教會拉丁語 ::
教会罗马字 {def} SEE: 教會羅馬字 ::
教會 {n} [Christianity] /jiàohuì/ :: church
教會拉丁語 {n} /jiàohuì lādīngyǔ/ :: Ecclesiastical Latin
教會羅馬字 {prop} /Jiàohuì Luómǎzì/ :: Church Romanization; Pe̍h-ōe-jī (an orthography for Hokkien)
教诲 {def} SEE: 教誨 ::
教戒 {v} [literary] /jiàojiè/ :: to exhort; to admonish
教誡 {def} SEE: 教戒 ::
教诫 {def} SEE: 教戒 ::
教局 {n} /jiàojú/ :: abbreviation of 教育局
教具 {n} /jiàojù/ :: teaching aids; educational materials
教科 {n} /jiàokē/ :: subject; course; discipline
教科书 {def} SEE: 教科書 ::
教科书式 {def} SEE: 教科書式 ::
教科書 {n} /jiàokēshū/ :: textbook (Classifier: 本)
教科書式 {adj} [slang, neologism, attributive] /jiàokēshūshì/ :: textbook-example
教科文 {n} /jiàokēwén/ :: short fo 教育科學文化 (education, science and culture)
教課 {v} /jiāokè/ :: to teach (classes)
教课 {def} SEE: 教課 ::
教理 {n} [literary, education] /jiàolǐ/ :: teaching concept
教理 {n} [literary, religion] /jiàolǐ/ :: doctrine; dogma
教練 {n} /jiàoliàn/ :: coach; instructor
教練 {v} /jiàoliàn/ :: to coach; to instruct
教練機 {n} /jiàoliànjī/ :: trainer aircraft
教練員 {n} /jiàoliànyuán,er/ :: coach; trainer
教练 {def} SEE: 教練 ::
教练机 {def} SEE: 教練機 ::
教练员 {def} SEE: 教練員 ::
教齡 {n} /jiàolíng/ :: length of service as a teacher; the number of years a person has been teaching
教龄 {def} SEE: 教齡 ::
教羅 {prop} /Jiàoluó/ :: abbreviation of 教會羅馬字
教罗 {def} SEE: 教羅 ::
教民 {v} [literary] /jiàomín/ :: to educate the people
教民 {n} /jiàomín/ :: believer in a religion (especially Christianity)
教名 {n} [religion] /jiàomíng/ :: Christian name
教母 {n} [Christianity] /jiàomǔ/ :: godmother
教區 {n} /jiàoqū/ :: diocese
教區 {n} /jiàoqū/ :: parish
教派 {n} /jiàopài/ :: religious sect
教区 {def} SEE: 教區 ::
教权主义 {def} SEE: 教權主義 ::
教權主義 {n} /jiàoquánzhǔyì/ :: clericalism, inquisitionism
教师 {def} SEE: 教師 ::
教师节 {def} SEE: 教師節 ::
教師 {n} /jiàoshī/ :: teacher; instructor
教師節 {prop} /Jiàoshījié/ :: Teachers' Day (Sept. 10th in Mainland China and Confucius' birthday Sept. 28th in Taiwan)
教识 {def} SEE: 教識 ::
教士 {n} /jiàoshì/ :: clergyperson
教室 {n} /jiào室/ :: classroom (Classifier: 間)
教授 {n} /jiàoshòu,er/ :: professor
教授 {v} /jiàoshòu,er/ :: to teach; to instruct
教书 {def} SEE: 教書 ::
教书佬 {def} SEE: 教書佬 ::
教書 {v} /jiāoshū/ :: to teach (especially in a school)
教唆 {v} /jiàosuō/ :: to instigate; to abet; to egg on
教唆犯 {n} /jiàosuōfàn/ :: abettor; instigator
教堂 {n} /jiàotáng/ :: ecclesiastical building, especially a church or chapel
教条 {def} SEE: 教條 ::
教条主义 {def} SEE: 教條主義 ::
教条主义者 {def} SEE: 教條主義者 ::
教條 {n} /jiàotiáo/ :: dogma; doctrine; tenet; creed
教條 {n} [archaic] /jiàotiáo/ :: law; decree; ordinance; regulation; order
教條主義 {n} /jiàotiáozhǔyì/ :: dogmatism; doctrinairism
教條主義者 {n} /jiàotiáozhǔyìzhě/ :: doctrinaire; dogmatist
教廷 {n} /jiàotíng/ :: Vatican; Holy See
教头 {def} SEE: 教頭 ::
教頭 {n} /jiàotóu/ :: trainer; coach; instructor
教頭 {n} [archaic, Song dynasty] /jiàotóu/ :: martial arts instructor
教徒 {n} /jiàotú/ :: believer (of a religion); follower
教务 {def} SEE: 教務 ::
教务处 {def} SEE: 教務處 ::
教務 {n} /jiàowù,tl/ :: school affairs; educational administration
教務處 {n} /jiàowùchù/ :: office of academic affairs
教习 {def} SEE: 教習 ::
教習 {n} [dated] /jiàoxí/ :: teacher; instructor
教習 {v} [literary] /jiàoxí/ :: to teach; to coach
教学 {def} SEE: 教學 ::
教学班 {def} SEE: 教學班 ::
教学大纲 {def} SEE: 教學大綱 ::
教学法 {def} SEE: 教學法 ::
教学相长 {def} SEE: 教學相長 ::
教学仔 {def} SEE: 教學仔 ::
教学仔仙 {def} SEE: 教學仔仙 ::
教學 {n} /jiàoxué/ :: teaching; education; instruction
教學 {v} /jiāoxué,jiàoxué,1nb/ :: to teach (especially in a school)
教學班 {n} /jiàoxuébān/ :: teaching class; class
教學大綱 {n} [education] /jiàoxué dàgāng/ :: syllabus (summary of topics)
教學法 {n} [education] /jiàoxuéfǎ/ :: teaching method; pedagogy
教學相長 {idiom} /jiàoxuéxiāngzhǎng/ :: both the teacher and the student can learn from each other and grow together
教訓 {v} /jiàoxùn,tl/ :: to chide; to lecture; to teach somebody a lesson
教訓 {v} /jiàoxùn,tl/ :: to train; to educate
教訓 {v} /jiàoxùn,tl/ :: to instruct; to teach; to guide
教訓 {n} /jiàoxùn,tl/ :: lesson; moral; lecture
教训 {def} SEE: 教訓 ::
教研 {n} /jiàoyán/ :: teaching and research
教研室 {n} /jiàoyán室/ :: teaching and research section
教养 {def} SEE: 教養 ::
教養 {v} /jiàoyǎng/ :: to nurture; educate; culture
教養 {n} /jiàoyǎng/ :: (a good) upbringing; one's level of politeness and civility
教义 {def} SEE: 教義 ::
教益 {n} [formal] /jiàoyì/ :: benefit (gained from education, somebody's wisdom, etc.); enlightenment
教義 {n} /jiàoyì/ :: religious doctrine; teachings; creed; dogma
教友 {n} /jiàoyǒu/ :: fellow believer; member of a church [ community
教育 {n} /jiàoyù,tl/ :: education; instruction; schooling
教育 {v} /jiàoyù,tl/ :: to educate; to enlighten; to inculcate
教育部 {n} /jiàoyùbù,tl2/ :: ministry of education
教育会 {def} SEE: 教育會 ::
教育會 {n} /jiàoyùhuì/ :: educational association
教育机构 {def} SEE: 教育機構 ::
教育機構 {n} /jiàoyù jīgòu/ :: educational institution
教育家 {n} /jiàoyùjiā/ :: educator; educationalist
教育界 {n} /jiàoyùjiè/ :: educational circles
教育局 {n} /jiàoyùjú/ :: education bureau
教育社会学 {def} SEE: 教育社會學 ::
教育社會學 {n} [education, sociology] /jiàoyù shèhuìxué/ :: sociology of education
教育学 {def} SEE: 教育學 ::
教育学士 {def} SEE: 教育學士 ::
教育學 {n} /jiàoyùxué,tl2/ :: pedagogy; education
教育學士 {n} /jiàoyù xuéshì/ :: Bachelor of Education; B.Ed.
教育者 {n} /jiàoyùzhě/ :: educator
教諭 {v} [literary] /jiàoyù/ :: to admonish; to reprimand; to discipline
教諭 {v} [literary] /jiàoyù/ :: to teach; to instruct
教諭 {n} [literary, historical, from the Song to the Qing dynasties] /jiàoyù/ :: instructor
教諭 {n} [literary, religion] /jiàoyù/ :: commission; directive
教谕 {def} SEE: 教諭 ::
教员 {def} SEE: 教員 ::
教員 {n} /jiàoyuán/ :: teacher; educator; instructor
教正 {v} [polite] /jiàozhèng/ :: to give comments and criticisms (used when presenting somebody with a piece of one's work)
教职 {def} SEE: 教職 ::
教职员 {def} SEE: 教職員 ::
教職 {n} /jiàozhí/ :: teaching (as a profession)
教職員 {n} /jiàozhíyuán/ :: teaching and administrative staff
教主 {n} /jiàozhǔ/ :: founder of a religion; head of a religious sect
教宗 {n} /jiàozōng/ :: pope; pontiff
教宗座駕 {n} [Catholicism] /jiàozōng zuòjià/ :: Popemobile
教宗座驾 {def} SEE: 教宗座駕 ::
{def} [originally] /jiāo/ :: Sichuan pepper
{def} /jiāo/ :: any similar plants and spices, such as pepper and chili
{def} /jiāo/ :: summit
{def} /jiāo/ :: surname
椒房 {prop} [archaic] /Jiāofáng/ :: Pepper Residence
椒盐 {def} SEE: 椒鹽 ::
椒盐豆腐 {def} SEE: 椒鹽豆腐 ::
椒鹽 {n} /jiāoyán/ :: condiment made of roast prickly ash and salt; spiced salt
椒鹽豆腐 {n} /jiāoyán dòufu/ :: tofu with spiced salt
椒园 {def} SEE: 椒園 ::
椒園 {prop} /Jiāoyuán/ :: (~ 鎮) 椒園 (town)
{def} SEE: ::
浇灌 {def} SEE: 澆灌 ::
浇花 {def} SEE: 澆花 ::
浇灭 {def} SEE: 澆滅 ::
浇水 {def} SEE: 澆水 ::
浇注 {def} SEE: 澆注 ::
浇铸 {def} SEE: 澆鑄 ::
{def} /qiū/ :: small pond, pool
{def} /qiū/ :: puddle
{def} /qiū/ :: cool, cold
{def} /jiǎo/ :: low-lying
{def} /jiāo/ :: to pour liquid
{def} /jiāo/ :: to irrigate (using a waterwheel)
{def} /jiāo/ :: to water
{def} /jiāo/ :: to cast (molten metal)
{def} /jiāo/ :: to mold
澆灌 {v} /jiāoguàn/ :: to irrigate; to water
澆灌 {v} /jiāoguàn/ :: to pour
澆花 {v} /jiāohuā/ :: to water flowers
澆滅 {v} /jiāomiè/ :: to douse a fire
澆水 {v} /jiāoshuǐ/ :: to water plants; to water crops; to irrigate
澆注 {v} /jiāozhù/ :: to pour (melted metal, cement mixed with water, etc.) into a mold
澆注 {v} /jiāozhù/ :: to devote (one's energies, etc.) to
澆鑄 {v} /jiāozhù/ :: to cast (to shape metal)
{def} /jiāo/ :: burned; scorched
{def} /jiāo/ :: coke (solid fuel)
{def} /jiāo/ :: anxious; vexed
{def} [TCM] /jiāo/ :: burner
{def} /jiāo/ :: surname
{def} [physics] /jiāo/ :: abbreviation of 焦耳
焦半径 {def} SEE: 焦半徑 ::
焦半徑 {n} [geometry] /jiāobànjìng/ :: focal radius
焦岱 {prop} /Jiāodài/ :: (~ 鎮) 焦岱 (town)
焦点 {def} SEE: 焦點 ::
焦點 {n} [mathematics] /jiāodiǎn/ :: focus (Classifier: m:個)
焦點 {n} [physics] /jiāodiǎn/ :: focal point (Classifier: m:個)
焦點 {n} [figurative] /jiāodiǎn/ :: point (of an argument, debate, etc.); crux; focal point; focus (Classifier: m:個)
焦耳 {classifier} [physics] /jiāo'ěr/ :: joule (energy unit)
焦黑 {adj} /jiāohēi/ :: burned black
焦化 {v} [chemistry] /jiāohuà/ :: to coke; to convert into coke
焦穫 {prop} [historical] /Jiāohuò/ :: Jiaohuo Lake, a body of water between the Jing and Wei Rivers in the northwest of present-day Jingyang County, Shaanxi Province
焦获 {def} SEE: 焦穫 ::
焦急 {adj} /jiāojí/ :: anxious; worried
焦家庄 {def} SEE: 焦家莊 ::
焦家莊 {prop} /Jiāojiāzhuāng/ :: (~ 鄉) 焦家莊 (township)
焦痂 {n} /jiāojiā/ :: eschar
焦距 {n} [science] /jiāojù/ :: focal distance; focal length
焦磷酸 {n} [chemistry] /jiāolínsuān/ :: pyrophosphoric acid
焦慮 {adj} /jiāolǜ/ :: anxious; worried
焦慮症 {n} /jiāolǜzhèng/ :: anxiety disorder
焦虑 {def} SEE: 焦慮 ::
焦虑症 {def} SEE: 焦慮症 ::
焦煤 {n} /jiāoméi/ :: coking coal
焦切 {adj} [literary] /jiāoqiè/ :: deeply worried; very anxious
焦山河 {prop} /Jiāoshānhé/ :: (~ 社區) 焦山河 (residential community)
焦尸 {def} SEE: 焦屍 ::
焦屍 {n} /jiāoshī/ :: burnt corpse
焦思 {v} [obsolete] /jiāosī/ :: to deliberate anxiously
焦炭 {n} /jiāotàn/ :: coke (coal product)
焦碳 {def} SEE: 焦炭 ::
焦糖 {n} /jiāotáng/ :: caramel
焦糖奶油 {n} /jiāotáng nǎiyóu/ :: crème brûlée
焦头烂额 {def} SEE: 焦頭爛額 ::
焦頭爛額 {idiom} [literally] /jiāotóulàn'é/ :: to be scorched by the flames
焦頭爛額 {idiom} [figurative] /jiāotóulàn'é/ :: in a sorry plight; hard-pressed; overwrought; in trouble; overwhelmed
焦土 {n} [literally] /jiāotǔ/ :: scorched earth
焦土 {n} [figuratively] /jiāotǔ/ :: ravages of war
焦味 {n} /jiāowèi/ :: smell of burning
焦弦 {n} [geometry] /jiāoxián/ :: focal cord
焦心 {v} /jiāoxīn/ :: to feel terribly worried or anxious
焦亞硫酸鈉 {n} [inorganic compound] /jiāo亚liúsuānnà/ :: sodium metabisulfite
焦亚硫酸钠 {def} SEE: 焦亞硫酸鈉 ::
焦油 {n} /jiāoyóu/ :: tar (substance)
焦噪 {def} SEE: 焦躁 ::
焦燥 {def} SEE: 焦躁 ::
焦燥 {adj} [literary or Min Nan] /jiāozào/ :: dry
焦躁 {adj} /jiāozào/ :: fretful; impatient
焦灼 {adj} [literary] /jiāozhuó/ :: extremely worried; very anxious
焦作 {prop} /Jiāozuò/ :: (~ 市) 焦作 (prefecture-level city)
{def} SEE: ::
矫健 {def} SEE: 矯健 ::
矫捷 {def} SEE: 矯捷 ::
矫情 {def} SEE: 矯情 ::
矫揉造作 {def} SEE: 矯揉造作 ::
矫饰 {def} SEE: 矯飾 ::
矫枉过正 {def} SEE: 矯枉過正 ::
矫形 {def} SEE: 矯形 ::
矫诏 {def} SEE: 矯詔 ::
矫正 {def} SEE: 矯正 ::
矫治 {def} SEE: 矯治 ::
矫姿 {def} SEE: 矯姿 ::
{def} /jiāo/ :: shoal rock; reef
礁湖 {n} /jiāohú/ :: lagoon (shallow body of water)
礁石 {n} /jiāoshí/ :: reef; submerged rock
礁溪 {prop} /Jiāoxī/ :: (~ 鄉) 礁溪 (rural township)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /xiáo/ :: acrotarsium
{def} /xiáo/ :: sound
{def} /xiáo/ :: tibia
胶布 {def} SEE: 膠布 ::
胶擦 {def} SEE: 膠擦 ::
胶彩 {def} SEE: 膠彩 ::
胶带 {def} SEE: 膠帶 ::
胶袋 {def} SEE: 膠袋 ::
胶东 {def} SEE: 膠東 ::
胶盒 {def} SEE: 膠盒 ::
胶痕 {def} SEE: 膠痕 ::
胶化 {def} SEE: 膠化 ::
胶卷 {def} SEE: 膠卷 ::
胶棉 {def} SEE: 膠棉 ::
胶膜 {def} SEE: 膠膜 ::
胶姆糖 {def} SEE: 膠姆糖 ::
胶木 {def} SEE: 膠木 ::
胶南 {def} SEE: 膠南 ::
胶囊 {def} SEE: 膠囊 ::
胶囊酒店 {def} SEE: 膠囊酒店 ::
胶囊旅馆 {def} SEE: 膠囊旅館 ::
胶粘剂 {def} SEE: 膠粘劑 ::
胶皮 {def} SEE: 膠皮 ::
胶片 {def} SEE: 膠片 ::
胶漆 {def} SEE: 膠漆 ::
胶球 {def} SEE: 膠球 ::
胶乳 {def} SEE: 膠乳 ::
胶水 {def} SEE: 膠水 ::
胶体 {def} SEE: 膠體 ::
胶体化学 {def} SEE: 膠體化學 ::
胶鞋 {def} SEE: 膠鞋 ::
胶原 {def} SEE: 膠原 ::
胶原蛋白 {def} SEE: 膠原蛋白 ::
胶原质 {def} SEE: 膠原質 ::
胶着 {def} SEE: 膠著 ::
胶纸 {def} SEE: 膠紙 ::
胶纸渍 {def} SEE: 膠紙漬 ::
胶质 {def} SEE: 膠質 ::
胶质细胞 {def} SEE: 膠質細胞 ::
胶州 {def} SEE: 膠州 ::
胶柱鼓瑟 {def} SEE: 膠柱鼓瑟 ::
胶状 {def} SEE: 膠狀 ::
胶子 {def} SEE: 膠子 ::
胶樽 {def} SEE: 膠樽 ::
{def} /jiāo/ :: glue; adhesive; gum; resin
{def} /jiāo/ :: rubber (substance)
{def} /jiāo/ :: to glue; to adhere
{def} /jiāo/ :: sticky; gluey
{def} [Cantonese] /jiāo/ :: plastic
{def} [Hong Kong, internet slang] /jiāo/ :: stupid, foolish
膠布 {n} /jiāobù/ :: rubberized fabric
膠布 {n} [colloquial] /jiāobù/ :: adhesive plaster
膠布 {n} [Cantonese] /jiāobù/ :: band-aid; adhesive bandage
膠彩 {n} /jiāocǎi/ :: A style of glue-based painting developed in Taiwan, based on Japanese nihonga
膠帶 {n} /jiāodài/ :: sticky tape; adhesive tape; masking tape
膠袋 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /jiāodài/ :: plastic bag
膠東 {prop} /Jiāodōng/ :: (~ 半島) 膠東 (peninsula)
膠東 {prop} /Jiāodōng/ :: (~ 街道) 膠東 (county-level city/Jiaozhou)
膠痕 {n} /jiāohén/ :: residue of adhesive tape
膠化 {n} /jiāohuà/ :: gelatinisation
膠卷 {n} /jiāojuǎn/ :: film (the medium used in photography)
膠捲 {def} SEE: 膠卷 ::
膠棉 {n} [organic compound] /jiāomián/ :: nitrocellulose (containing relatively little nitrogen)
膠膜 {n} /jiāo膜/ :: plastic film
膠姆糖 {n} /jiāomǔtáng/ :: gum
膠木 {n} /jiāomù/ :: Bakelite
膠南 {prop} /Jiāonán/ :: (~ 市) [historical] 膠南 (former city)
膠囊 {n} /jiāonáng/ :: capsule (containing medicine)
膠囊酒店 {n} /jiāonáng jiǔdiàn/ :: capsule hotel; pod hotel
膠囊旅館 {n} /jiāonáng lǚguǎn/ :: capsule hotel; pod hotel
膠粘劑 {n} /jiāoniánjì,jiāozhānjì/ :: adhesive
膠皮 {n} /jiāopí/ :: rubber (material)
膠片 {n} /jiāopiàn/ :: film; fiche
膠漆 {n} /jiāoqī/ :: glue and lacquer
膠漆 {n} [figurative] /jiāoqī/ :: deep relationship; inseparable bonding
膠球 {n} [physics] /jiāoqiú/ :: glueball
膠乳 {n} /jiāorǔ/ :: latex (emulsion)
膠束 {n} [chemistry] /jiāoshù/ :: micelle
膠水 {n} /jiāoshuǐ/ :: glue
膠體 {n} [chemistry] /jiāotǐ/ :: colloid
膠體化學 {n} [chemistry] /jiāotǐ huàxué/ :: colloidal chemistry
膠鞋 {n} /jiāoxié/ :: rubber overshoes; galoshes; rubbers
膠鞋 {n} /jiāoxié/ :: rubber-soled shoes; tennis shoes; sneakers
膠原 {n} [biochemistry] /jiāoyuán/ :: collagen
膠原蛋白 {n} [biochemistry] /jiāoyuán dànbái/ :: collagen
膠原質 {n} [biochemistry] /jiāoyuán质/ :: synonym of 膠原蛋白
膠着 {def} SEE: 膠著 ::
膠紙 {n} /jiāozhǐ/ :: gummed paper
膠紙 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /jiāozhǐ/ :: tape; adhesive tape; sticky tape; Scotch tape (Classifier: c:卷c:張c:塊)
膠質 {adj} /jiāo質/ :: gelatinous; jelly/glue-like; gluey
膠質細胞 {n} [anatomy] /jiāo质 xìbāo/ :: glial cell; glia
膠州 {prop} /Jiāozhōu/ :: (~ 市) 膠州 (city)
膠柱鼓瑟 {idiom} /jiāozhùgǔsè/ :: to stubbornly stick to old ways
膠著 {v} /jiāozhuó/ :: to stick onto
膠著 {v} [figuratively] /jiāozhuó/ :: to reach a deadlock; to be deadlocked; to be at a stalemate
膠狀 {adj} /jiāozhuàng/ :: gelatinous; jelly/glue-like; gluey
膠子 {n} [particle] /jiāozǐ/ :: gluon
{def} /jiāo/ :: only used in 秦艽
{def} /qiú/ :: wild
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /qiú/ :: mat grass in the lairs of beasts and birds
{def} SEE: 𦫶 ::
{def} /jiāo/ :: dry feed
{def} /jiāo/ :: Oenanthe javanica
{def} /jiāo/ :: cable made from bamboo or reed
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiāo/ :: wild rice (Zizania aquatica)
茭白 {n} /jiāobái/ :: alternative name for 菰
茭米 {n} /jiāomǐ/ :: fruit of Zizania aquatica
茭南 {prop} /Jiāonán/ :: (~ 村) 茭南 (village)
{def} SEE: ::
荞麦 {def} SEE: 蕎麥 ::
荞麦面 {def} SEE: 蕎麥麵 ::
荞麦面条 {def} SEE: 蕎麥麵條 ::
{def} /菽/ :: beans and peas, collectively
菽粟 {n} [dated] /shūsù/ :: beans and grain
菽粟 {n} [dated, figurative] /shūsù/ :: food
{def} /jiāo/ :: [obsolete] unsoaked hemp
{def} /jiāo/ :: [obsolete] abaca
{def} /jiāo/ :: banana; plantain (any plant in Musaceae, especially the edible fruit) (Classifier: m:根m:串m:把c:條c:梳mn:弓)
{def} /jiāo/ :: surname
{def} /qiáo/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} SEE: 𣟼 ::
{def} /qiáo/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
蕉城 {prop} /Jiāochéng/ :: (~ 區) Jiaocheng
蕉萃 {def} SEE: 憔悴 ::
蕉岭 {def} SEE: 蕉嶺 ::
蕉嶺 {prop} /Jiāolǐng/ :: (~ 縣) 蕉嶺 (county)
蕉扇 {n} /jiāoshàn/ :: cattail leaf fan (made from a whole Chinese fan palm leaf)
蕉葉 {n} /jiāoyè/ :: banana leaf
蕉叶 {def} SEE: 蕉葉 ::
{def} /jiāo/ :: (~ 龍) [Chinese mythology] mythical flood dragon
{def} /jiāo/ :: [obsolete] aquatic reptile, including the soft-shelled turtle and the alligator
{def} /jiāo/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
蛟河 {prop} /Jiāohé/ :: (~ 市) 蛟河 (city)
蛟龍 {n} /jiāolóng/ :: jiaolong (an aquatic dragon in Chinese mythology)
蛟龙 {def} SEE: 蛟龍 ::
蛟水 {n} [literary] /jiāoshuǐ/ :: flood
{def} /xiāo,jiāo,1nb/ :: [obsolete] otter or any animal resembling one
{def} /jiāo/ :: tumble; fall
跤车 {def} SEE: 跤車 ::
跤档 {def} SEE: 跤檔 ::
跤叠蜷 {def} SEE: 跤疊蜷 ::
跤风 {def} SEE: 跤風 ::
跤缝 {def} SEE: 跤縫 ::
跤后靪 {def} SEE: 跤後靪 ::
跤后肚 {def} SEE: 跤後肚 ::
跤后肚肉 {def} SEE: 跤後肚肉 ::
跤后卵 {def} SEE: 跤後卵 ::
跤环 {def} SEE: 跤環 ::
跤迹 {def} SEE: 跤跡 ::
跤迹底 {def} SEE: 跤跡底 ::
跤跔间 {def} SEE: 跤跔間 ::
跤盘 {def} SEE: 跤盤 ::
跤梢间仔 {def} SEE: 跤梢間仔 ::
跤数 {def} SEE: 跤數 ::
跤踏车 {def} SEE: 跤踏車 ::
跤坛 {def} SEE: 跤壇 ::
跤壇 {n} /jiāotán/ :: wrestling circles
跤头 {def} SEE: 跤頭 ::
跤头趺 {def} SEE: 跤頭趺 ::
跤头趺骨 {def} SEE: 跤頭趺骨 ::
跤头碗 {def} SEE: 跤頭碗 ::
跤头腕 {def} SEE: 跤頭腕 ::
跤頭碗 {def} SEE: 跤頭腕 ::
跤尫仔 {def} SEE: 跤尪仔 ::
跤鱼 {def} SEE: 跤魚 ::
跤掌头仔 {def} SEE: 跤掌頭仔 ::
跤坠气 {def} SEE: 跤墜氣 ::
{def} /jiāo/ :: suburbs; outskirts; open spaces
郊祭 {n} [literary, archaic] /jiāojì/ :: to offer sacrifices to heaven and earth outside the city (of an emperor or king)
郊狼 {n} /jiāoláng/ :: coyote (Canis latrans, a species of canine native to North America)
郊區 {n} [countable] /jiāoqū/ :: suburb; [uncountable] outskirts
郊区 {def} SEE: 郊區 ::
郊祀 {v} [literary, archaic] /jiāosì/ :: to offer sacrifices to heaven and earth outside the city (of an emperor)
郊外 {n} /jiāowài/ :: the outskirts of a city; the suburbs
郊县 {def} SEE: 郊縣 ::
郊縣 {n} /jiāoxiàn/ :: suburban county
郊野 {n} /jiāoyě/ :: open country; countryside
郊野公园 {def} SEE: 郊野公園 ::
郊野公園 {n} [Hong Kong] /jiāoyěgōngyuán/ :: country park
郊游 {def} SEE: 郊遊 ::
郊遊 {n} /jiāoyóu/ :: outing; excursion (especially to the countryside)
{def} [likely obsolete] /jiāo/ :: large horse
{def} /jiāo/ :: haughty; arrogant
驕傲 {adj} /jiāo'ào/ :: arrogant; conceited
驕傲 {adj} /jiāo'ào/ :: proud; gratified
驕傲 {n} /jiāo'ào/ :: source of pride
驕驁 {adj} [literary] /jiāo'ào/ :: alternative form of 驕傲
驕驁 {adj} [literary] /jiāo'ào/ :: wild; intractable; stubborn
驕驁 {adj} [literary, of horses] /jiāoyào/ :: galloping
驕兵必敗 {idiom} /jiāobīngbìbài/ :: the conceited army which underestimates its opponent is bound to lose
驕驄 {n} [literary] /jiāocōng/ :: fine horse; steed
驕固 {adj} [literary] /jiāogù/ :: arrogant and stubborn; imperious and obstinate
驕矜 {adj} [literary] /jiāojīn/ :: self-important; conceited; haughty
驕橫 {adj} /jiāohèng/ :: arrogant and imperious; overbearing
驕慢 {adj} /jiāomàn/ :: arrogant and impertinent; haughty
驕氣 {n} /jiāoqì,tl/ :: arrogance; overbearing airs
驕人 {n} /jiāorén/ :: successful flatterer
驕人 {n} /jiāorén/ :: the proud
驕人 {v} /jiāorén/ :: to regard someone with disdain; to turn up one's nose at someone; to show contempt for others
驕人 {v} /jiāorén/ :: to make someone feel proud; to be worth of pride
驕人 {v} /jiāorén/ :: to try to impress people; to show off
驕奢淫佚 {def} SEE: 驕奢淫逸 ::
驕奢淫逸 {idiom} /jiāoshēyínyì/ :: extravagant and dissipated; decadent
驕陽 {n} [literary] /jiāoyáng/ :: blazing sun
驕盈 {adj} /jiāoyíng/ :: arrogant and self-satisfied
驕躁 {adj} /jiāozào/ :: arrogant and impulsive
驕縱 {adj} /jiāozòng/ :: arrogant and wilful
{def} SEE: ::
骄骜 {def} SEE: 驕驁 ::
骄傲 {def} SEE: 驕傲 ::
骄兵必败 {def} SEE: 驕兵必敗 ::
骄骢 {def} SEE: 驕驄 ::
骄固 {def} SEE: 驕固 ::
骄矜 {def} SEE: 驕矜 ::
骄横 {def} SEE: 驕橫 ::
骄慢 {def} SEE: 驕慢 ::
骄气 {def} SEE: 驕氣 ::
骄人 {def} SEE: 驕人 ::
骄奢淫佚 {def} SEE: 驕奢淫佚 ::
骄奢淫逸 {def} SEE: 驕奢淫逸 ::
骄阳 {def} SEE: 驕陽 ::
骄盈 {def} SEE: 驕盈 ::
骄躁 {def} SEE: 驕躁 ::
骄纵 {def} SEE: 驕縱 ::
{def} [literary or in compounds] /jiāo/ :: shark (scaleless cartilaginous fish)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /xiāo/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /jiāo/ :: only used in 鵁鶄
{def} /jiāo/ :: a kind of heron with a red head
{def} /xiāo/ :: a kind of bird
{def} /xiāo/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
鷦鷯 {n} /jiāoliáo/ :: wren; tailorbird
鷦鷯一枝 {idiom} /jiāoliáo 一zhī/ :: any humble position
鷦鶯 {n} /jiāoyīng/ :: wren warbler
{def} /jiāo/ :: [obsolete] a kind of pheasant with a long tail, probably the Reeves's pheasant (Syrmaticus reevesii)
{def} SEE: ::
鹪鹩 {def} SEE: 鷦鷯 ::
鹪鹩一枝 {def} SEE: 鷦鷯一枝 ::
鹪莺 {def} SEE: 鷦鶯 ::
{def} /jiáo,jué,jiào/ :: to chew; to masticate; to crunch
嚼勁 {n} /jiáo勁,er/ :: chewiness
嚼劲 {def} SEE: 嚼勁 ::
嚼舌 {v} /jiáoshé/ :: to gossip; to tittle-tattle
嚼舌 {v} /jiáoshé/ :: to squabble
嚼舌头 {def} SEE: 嚼舌頭 ::
嚼舌頭 {v} /jiáo shétou/ :: to gossip; to tittle-tattle
嚼舌頭 {v} /jiáo shétou/ :: to squabble
{def} /xiāo/ :: to make decoction of salt
{def} /jiǎo/ :: outstanding
{def} /jiǎo/ :: handsome; beautiful; good-looking
{def} /jiǎo/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /jiǎo/ :: surname
{def} /xiáo/ :: [obsolete] *效. (Jiyun)
{def} /xiáo/ :: [obsolete] *像. (Jiyun)
佼佼 {adj} [literary] /jiǎojiǎo/ :: outstanding; exceptional
佼佼者 {n} /jiǎojiǎozhě/ :: outstanding figure
{def} SEE: ::
侥险 {def} SEE: 僥險 ::
侥心 {def} SEE: 僥心 ::
侥倖 {def} SEE: 僥幸 ::
侥幸 {def} SEE: 僥幸 ::
侥幸钱 {def} SEE: 僥幸錢 ::
{def} /jiǎo/ :: lucky
{def} /jiǎo/ :: by chance; by luck
{def} /yáo/ :: only used in 僬僥
{def} /jiāo/ :: [obsolete] fake
僥倖 {def} SEE: 僥幸 ::
僥幸 {adj} /jiǎoxìng/ :: lucky; by fluke or chance
僥幸 {v} /jiǎoxìng/ :: to try one's luck
{def} SEE: ::
儌倖 {def} SEE: 僥幸 ::
{def} SEE: ::
徼幸 {def} SEE: 僥幸 ::
{def} SEE: ::
挢中哥 {def} SEE: 撟中哥 ::
挢中指 {def} SEE: 撟中指 ::
{def} SEE: ::
搅拌 {def} SEE: 攪拌 ::
搅拌机 {def} SEE: 攪拌機 ::
搅拌器 {def} SEE: 攪拌器 ::
搅吵 {def} SEE: 攪吵 ::
搅掂 {def} SEE: 攪掂 ::
搅动 {def} SEE: 攪動 ::
搅和 {def} SEE: 攪和 ::
搅浑 {def} SEE: 攪渾 ::
搅绞 {def} SEE: 攪絞 ::
搅乱 {def} SEE: 攪亂 ::
搅扰 {def} SEE: 攪擾 ::
搅屎棍 {def} SEE: 攪屎棍 ::
搅匀 {def} SEE: 攪勻 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiǎo/ :: [obsolete] bright
曒日 {n} [literary] /jiǎorì/ :: sun; bright sun
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /cháo/ :: name of a lake in Anhui province
{def} /jiǎo/ :: sound of stirring
{def} /jiǎo/ :: [historical dictionaries] to burn wood in ancient times as an offering to heaven
{def} /yào/ :: pan-fry
{def} /yào/ :: sauté
{def} /jiǎo/ :: to colour by smoke
{def} /jiǎo/ :: sly; cunning; treacherous
狡辩 {def} SEE: 狡辯 ::
狡辯 {v} /jiǎobiàn/ :: to quibble; to indulge in sophistry
狡滑 {def} SEE: 狡猾 ::
狡狯 {def} SEE: 狡獪 ::
狡猾 {adj} /jiǎohuá/ :: crafty; cunning; sly; tricky; treacherous
狡計 {n} /jiǎojì/ :: crafty trick; clever scheme
狡计 {def} SEE: 狡計 ::
狡獪 {adj} [literary] /jiǎokuài/ :: sly; treacherous; tricky; crafty
狡賴 {v} /jiǎolài/ :: to deny by resorting to sophistry
狡赖 {def} SEE: 狡賴 ::
狡兔三窟 {idiom} /jiǎotùsānkū/ :: A sly individual has more than one plan to fall back on
狡黠 {adj} [literary] /jiǎoxiá/ :: cunning; sly
狡詐 {adj} /jiǎozhà/ :: cunning; deceitful
狡诈 {def} SEE: 狡詐 ::
{def} /jiǎo/ :: white
{def} /jiǎo/ :: bright, brilliant
{def} /jiǎo/ :: clear
皎洁 {def} SEE: 皎潔 ::
皎潔 {adj} [of moonlight etc.] /jiǎojié/ :: bright; luminous; shining clean
皎日 {n} [literary] /jiǎorì/ :: bright sun
皎月 {n} [literary] /jiǎoyuè/ :: bright moon
{def} [literary, of jade] /jiǎo/ :: bright; white
{def} [literary] /jiǎo/ :: bright, clear
{def} /jiǎo/ :: surname
{def} /jiǎo/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
皦皦 {adj} [literary] /jiǎojiǎo/ :: bright and white; clear
皦皦 {adj} [literary] /jiǎojiǎo/ :: clean
皦皦 {adj} [literary] /jiǎojiǎo/ :: synonym of 佼佼
皦日 {n} [literary] /jiǎorì/ :: bright sun
{def} [literary] /jiǎo,xiáo,jiáo,1nb/ :: bamboo rope
{def} /jiǎo,xiáo,jiáo,1nb/ :: [obsolete] [musical instrument] a kind of paixiao
{def} /jiào,jiǎo,1nb/ :: alternative form of
筊杯 {n} /jiǎobēi/ :: moon blocks
{def} SEE: ::
绞肠痧 {def} SEE: 絞腸痧 ::
绞车 {def} SEE: 絞車 ::
绞股蓝 {def} SEE: 絞股藍 ::
绞架 {def} SEE: 絞架 ::
绞尽脑汁 {def} SEE: 絞盡腦汁 ::
绞螺仔风 {def} SEE: 絞螺仔風 ::
绞米 {def} SEE: 絞米 ::
绞盘 {def} SEE: 絞盤 ::
绞肉机 {def} SEE: 絞肉機 ::
绞杀 {def} SEE: 絞殺 ::
绞纱 {def} SEE: 絞紗 ::
绞丝 {def} SEE: 絞絲 ::
绞丝底 {def} SEE: 絞絲底 ::
绞丝旁 {def} SEE: 絞絲旁 ::
绞死 {def} SEE: 絞死 ::
绞索 {def} SEE: 絞索 ::
绞痛 {def} SEE: 絞痛 ::
绞刑 {def} SEE: 絞刑 ::
绞刑场 {def} SEE: 絞刑場 ::
绞刑架 {def} SEE: 絞刑架 ::
绞缢 {def} SEE: 絞縊 ::
{def} SEE: ::
缴伴 {def} SEE: 繳伴 ::
缴本 {def} SEE: 繳本 ::
缴场 {def} SEE: 繳場 ::
缴东 {def} SEE: 繳東 ::
缴费 {def} SEE: 繳費 ::
缴付 {def} SEE: 繳付 ::
缴鬼 {def} SEE: 繳鬼 ::
缴棍 {def} SEE: 繳棍 ::
缴还 {def} SEE: 繳還 ::
缴获 {def} SEE: 繳獲 ::
缴间 {def} SEE: 繳間 ::
缴交 {def} SEE: 繳交 ::
缴跤 {def} SEE: 繳跤 ::
缴窟 {def} SEE: 繳窟 ::
缴纳 {def} SEE: 繳納 ::
缴枪 {def} SEE: 繳槍 ::
缴税 {def} SEE: 繳稅 ::
缴头 {def} SEE: 繳頭 ::
缴仙 {def} SEE: 繳仙 ::
缴械 {def} SEE: 繳械 ::
缴岫 {def} SEE: 繳岫 ::
缴注 {def} SEE: 繳注 ::
缴租 {def} SEE: 繳租 ::
{def} SEE: ::
脚巴丫子 {def} SEE: 腳巴丫子 ::
脚板 {def} SEE: 腳板 ::
脚板底 {def} SEE: 腳板底 ::
脚板子 {def} SEE: 腳板子 ::
脚背 {def} SEE: 腳背 ::
脚本 {def} SEE: 腳本 ::
脚本家 {def} SEE: 腳本家 ::
脚本语言 {def} SEE: 腳本語言 ::
脚步 {def} SEE: 腳步 ::
脚刹车 {def} SEE: 腳剎車 ::
脚车 {def} SEE: 腳車 ::
脚船 {def} SEE: 腳船 ::
脚蹬子 {def} SEE: 腳蹬子 ::
脚凳 {def} SEE: 腳凳 ::
脚底 {def} SEE: 腳底 ::
脚底板 {def} SEE: 腳底板 ::
脚底抹油 {def} SEE: 腳底抹油 ::
脚垫 {def} SEE: 腳墊 ::
脚法 {def} SEE: 腳法 ::
脚夫 {def} SEE: 腳夫 ::
脚根 {def} SEE: 腳跟 ::
脚跟 {def} SEE: 腳跟 ::
脚骨 {def} SEE: 腳骨 ::
脚瓜 {def} SEE: 腳瓜 ::
脚瓜囊 {def} SEE: 腳瓜囊 ::
脚后跟 {def} SEE: 腳後跟 ::
脚踝 {def} SEE: 腳踝 ::
脚迹 {def} SEE: 腳跡 ::
脚甲 {def} SEE: 腳甲 ::
脚架 {def} SEE: 腳架 ::
脚尖 {def} SEE: 腳尖 ::
脚尖尖 {def} SEE: 腳尖尖 ::
脚胶 {def} SEE: 腳膠 ::
脚脚 {def} SEE: 腳腳 ::
脚戒 {def} SEE: 腳戒 ::
脚力 {def} SEE: 腳力 ::
脚链 {def} SEE: 腳鏈 ::
脚镣 {def} SEE: 腳鐐 ::
脚毛 {def} SEE: 腳毛 ::
脚门 {def} SEE: 腳門 ::
脚面 {def} SEE: 腳面 ::
脚面子 {def} SEE: 腳面子 ::
脚目珠 {def} SEE: 腳目珠 ::
脚目珠仁 {def} SEE: 腳目珠仁 ::
脚盘 {def} SEE: 腳盤 ::
脚盆 {def} SEE: 腳盆 ::
脚盆族 {def} SEE: 腳盆族 ::
脚气 {def} SEE: 腳氣 ::
脚气病 {def} SEE: 腳氣病 ::
脚球 {def} SEE: 腳球 ::
脚色 {def} SEE: 腳色 ::
脚手架 {def} SEE: 腳手架 ::
脚踏 {def} SEE: 腳踏 ::
脚踏车 {def} SEE: 腳踏車 ::
脚踏两条船 {def} SEE: 腳踏兩條船 ::
脚踏实地 {def} SEE: 腳踏實地 ::
脚腕 {def} SEE: 腳腕 ::
脚腕子 {def} SEE: 腳腕子 ::
脚膝头 {def} SEE: 腳膝頭 ::
脚𣍰下 {def} SEE: 腳脥下 ::
脚下 {def} SEE: 腳下 ::
脚癣 {def} SEE: 腳癬 ::
脚胁下 {def} SEE: 腳脅下 ::
脚心 {def} SEE: 腳心 ::
脚丫子 {def} SEE: 腳丫子 ::
脚眼 {def} SEE: 腳眼 ::
脚印 {def} SEE: 腳印 ::
脚印儿 {def} SEE: 腳印兒 ::
脚印子 {def} SEE: 腳印子 ::
脚鱼 {def} SEE: 腳魚 ::
脚掌 {def} SEE: 腳掌 ::
脚爪 {def} SEE: 腳爪 ::
脚踭 {def} SEE: 腳踭 ::
脚指 {def} SEE: 腳指 ::
脚指甲 {def} SEE: 腳指甲 ::
脚趾 {def} SEE: 腳趾 ::
脚趾公 {def} SEE: 腳趾公 ::
脚趾甲 {def} SEE: 腳趾甲 ::
脚趾目 {def} SEE: 腳趾目 ::
脚趾头 {def} SEE: 腳趾頭 ::
脚趾尾 {def} SEE: 腳趾尾 ::
脚猪 {def} SEE: 腳豬 ::
脚注 {def} SEE: 腳註 ::
脚镯 {def} SEE: 腳鐲 ::
脚踪 {def} SEE: 腳蹤 ::
{def} [anatomy] /jiǎo,jué/ :: foot (Classifier: m,c:隻m,c:雙)
{def} /jiǎo,jué/ :: base; leg; foundation
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiǎo,jué/ :: alternative form of
腳巴丫子 {n} [dialectal Mandarin, colloquial] /jiǎobayāzi,1n/ :: foot
腳板 {n} /jiǎobǎn/ :: sole of the foot
腳板 {n} [dialectal] /jiǎobǎn/ :: foot
腳背 {n} /jiǎobèi/ :: instep (part of the foot)
腳本 {n} /jiǎoběn/ :: script (for a drama)
腳本 {n} [computing] /jiǎoběn/ :: script
腳本家 {n} /jiǎoběnjiā/ :: screenwriter
腳本語言 {n} [programming] /jiǎoběn yǔyán/ :: scripting language
腳步 {n} /jiǎobù/ :: footstep; pace (act or movement of making steps)
腳步 {n} /jiǎobù/ :: step (distance covered by a step)
腳步 {n} [figurative] /jiǎobù/ :: footprints (of forerunners)
腳步 {n} [figurative] /jiǎobù/ :: standpoint; position
腳剎車 {n} /jiǎoshāchē/ :: foot brake
腳車 {n} [regional] /jiǎochē/ :: bicycle; bike
腳船 {n} /jiǎochuán/ :: small boat
腳船 {n} /jiǎochuán/ :: barge
腳蹬子 {n} /jiǎodēngzi/ :: pedal, treadle
腳凳 {n} /jiǎodèng/ :: footstool; footrest
腳底 {n} /jiǎodǐ/ :: sole of the foot
腳底板 {n} [colloquial] /jiǎodǐbǎn,er/ :: sole of the foot
腳底抹油 {idiom} /jiǎodǐmǒyóu/ :: to cut and run; to quickly remove oneself from an undesirable situation
腳墊 {n} /jiǎodiàn,er/ :: foot pad
腳墊 {n} /jiǎodiàn,er/ :: floor mat (e.g. in front of a car seat)
腳法 {n} [sports] /jiǎofǎ/ :: footwork (in football, boxing, etc.)
腳夫 {n} [archaic] /jiǎofū/ :: porter
腳夫 {n} [archaic] /jiǎofū/ :: one who hires out his donkey or horse to riders and leads or follows it on foot
腳根 {def} SEE: 腳跟 ::
腳跟 {n} /jiǎogēn/ :: heel (of the foot)
腳跟 {n} [figurative] /jiǎogēn/ :: position; stance
腳骨 {n} /jiǎogǔ/ :: bones of the foot
腳骨 {n} [Cantonese] /jiǎogǔ/ :: shank
腳骨 {n} [Wu] /jiǎogǔ/ :: foot
腳後跟 {n} [anatomy, colloquial] /jiǎohòugēn,tl2/ :: heel
腳踝 {n} /jiǎohuái/ :: ankle (joint between foot and leg)
腳跡 {n} /jiǎo跡/ :: footprint; footmark; track
腳架 {n} /jiǎojià/ :: (camera) tripod
腳架 {n} /jiǎojià/ :: stand or mount
腳尖 {n} /jiǎojiān,er/ :: tiptoe
腳戒 {n} /jiǎojiè/ :: toe ring
腳力 {n} /jiǎolì/ :: strength of one's legs
腳力 {n} [archaic] /jiǎolì/ :: porter
腳力 {n} [archaic] /jiǎolì/ :: payment for a porter
腳鏈 {n} /jiǎoliàn,er/ :: anklet
腳鐐 {n} /jiǎo鐐/ :: fetters; leg irons
腳毛 {n} /jiǎomáo/ :: leg hair
腳門 {def} SEE: 角門 ::
腳面 {n} /jiǎomiàn,er/ :: instep; top of the foot
腳面子 {n} [dialectal] /jiǎomiànzi/ :: instep; top of the foot
腳盆 {n} /jiǎopén,er/ :: foot basin; basin for washing one's feet
腳盆族 {n} [derogatory, uncommon] /jiǎopénzú/ :: the Japanese people
腳氣 {n} [disease] /jiǎoqì/ :: athlete's foot
腳氣 {n} /jiǎoqì/ :: (~ 病) [disease] beriberi
腳氣 {n} [Hakka] /jiǎoqì/ :: strength of one's legs
腳氣病 {n} [disease] /jiǎoqìbìng/ :: beriberi
腳球 {n} [dialectal] /jiǎoqiú,er/ :: football; soccer
腳色 {n} /juésè,jiǎosè/ :: alternative form of 角色*
腳色 {n} [Min Dong] /juésè,jiǎosè/ :: one's physical health, physique
腳色 {n} [Min Dong] /juésè,jiǎosè/ :: skill, ability
腳手架 {n} /jiǎoshǒujià/ :: scaffolding
腳踏 {n} /jiǎotà/ :: pedal
腳踏車 {n} [regional] /jiǎotàchē/ :: bicycle (Classifier: 輛)
腳踏兩條船 {idiom} /jiǎo tà liǎng tiáo chuán/ :: to have a foot in both camps
腳踏兩條船 {idiom} /jiǎo tà liǎng tiáo chuán/ :: to have two dates at the same time
腳踏實地 {idiom} /jiǎotàshídì/ :: to have one's feet on the ground; to be realistic and steady
腳腕 {n} /jiǎowàn/ :: ankle
腳腕子 {n} /jiǎowànzi/ :: ankle (joint between foot and leg)
腳下 {n} /jiǎoxià/ :: underfoot
腳下 {n} /jiǎoxià/ :: foot
腳下 {n} /jiǎoxià/ :: foot of a mountain
腳下 {n} [literary] /jiǎoxià/ :: now
腳下 {n} [literary] /jiǎoxià/ :: shoe
腳下 {n} [literary] /jiǎoxià/ :: imperial residence
腳癬 {n} /jiǎo癬/ :: athlete's foot
腳脥下 {def} SEE: 腳脅下 ::
腳心 {n} /jiǎoxīn/ :: underside of the arch of the foot
腳丫子 {n} [dialectal, colloquial] /jiǎoyāzi/ :: foot
腳印 {n} /jiǎoyìn,er/ :: footprint; footmark; track
腳印兒 {n} /jiǎoyìnr/ :: erhua form of footprint
腳魚 {n} [dialectal] /jiǎoyú/ :: soft-shell turtle
腳掌 {n} /jiǎozhǎng,er/ :: sole of the foot
腳爪 {n} [dialectal, chiefly Wu] /jiǎozhǎo/ :: claw; paw; talon
腳爪 {def} SEE: 跤爪 ::
腳爪 {n} [Wu] /jiǎozhǎo/ :: pig's feet; pig's trotters
腳指 {def} SEE: 腳趾 ::
腳指甲 {def} SEE: 腳趾甲 ::
腳趾 {n} /jiǎozhǐ/ :: toe (Classifier: m:根)
腳趾甲 {n} /jiǎozhǐjia,jiǎozhǐjiǎ,1nb/ :: toenail
腳趾頭 {n} /jiǎozhǐtóu,tl/ :: toe (Classifier: m:根)
腳注 {def} SEE: 腳註 ::
腳註 {n} /jiǎozhù/ :: footnote
腳鐲 {n} /jiǎozhuó/ :: anklet; ankle bangle
腳踪 {def} SEE: 腳蹤 ::
腳蹤 {n} /jiǎozōng/ :: footstep; footprint; track
{def} /jiǎo/ :: insect
{def} /jiǎo/ :: surname
{def} /jiǎo,jué/ :: horn; antler
{def} /jiǎo,jué/ :: point
{def} [mathematics] /jiǎo,jué/ :: angle; corner
{def} [geography] /jiǎo,jué/ :: cape; point; headland
{def} [numismatics] /jiǎo,jué/ :: one tenth of a yuan or dollar
{def} /jiǎo,jué/ :: role; part; character
{def} /jiǎo,jué/ :: actor; actress
{def} [music] /jiǎo,jué/ :: bugle; horn
{def} [music] /jiǎo,jué/ :: third note in the Chinese pentatonic scale, or mi
{def} /jiǎo,jué/ :: to contend; to compete; to challenge
{def} /jiǎo,jué/ :: (~ 宿) [Chinese astronomy] Horn (Chinese constellation) (one of Twenty-Eight Mansions)
{def} /jiǎo,jué/ :: surname
{def} /lù/ :: [obsolete] only used in 角里
角鴟 {n} /jiǎochī/ :: true owl (of the Strigidae family)
角鸱 {def} SEE: 角鴟 ::
角尺 {n} /jiǎochǐ/ :: carpenter's square
角齿 {def} SEE: 角齒 ::
角蛋白 {n} [biochemistry] /jiǎodànbái/ :: keratin
角动量 {def} SEE: 角動量 ::
角動量 {n} [physics] /jiǎodòngliàng/ :: angular momentum
角斗 {def} SEE: 角鬥 ::
角斗士 {def} SEE: 角鬥士 ::
角鬥 {v} /juédòu,jiǎodòu,2nb/ :: to wrestle
角鬥士 {n} /jiǎodòu shì/ :: gladiator
角度 {n} [geometry] /jiǎodù/ :: angle
角度 {n} [figurative] /jiǎodù/ :: perspective; point of view; angle
角分 {n} /jiǎofēn/ :: arcminute
角加速度 {n} [physics] /jiǎojiāsùdù/ :: angular acceleration
角鯨 {n} /jiǎojīng/ :: narwhal
角鲸 {def} SEE: 角鯨 ::
角里 {prop} /Lùlǐ,Jiǎolǐ/ :: A placename in Jiangsu province
角里 {prop} /Lùlǐ,Jiǎolǐ/ :: surname
角力 {v} /juélì/ :: to have a trial of strength; to wrestle
角砾岩 {def} SEE: 角礫岩 ::
角礫岩 {n} [petrology] /jiǎolìyán/ :: breccia
角落 {n} /jiǎoluò/ :: an (internal) corner, a nook
角落 {n} [figuratively] /jiǎoluò/ :: a remote area, an area away from the centre, a corner
角落头 {def} SEE: 角落頭 ::
角馬 {n} [literally] /jiǎomǎ,juémǎ,2nb/ :: horned horse (metaphor for losing one's true features or an impossible occurrence)
角馬 {n} /jiǎomǎ,juémǎ,2nb/ :: wildebeest; gnu (genus Connochaetes)
角马 {def} SEE: 角馬 ::
角門 {n} /jiǎomén/ :: side gate (of a building)
角门 {def} SEE: 角門 ::
角秒 {n} /jiǎomiǎo/ :: arcsecond
角膜 {n} /jiǎo膜/ :: cornea
角膜炎 {n} /jiǎo膜yán/ :: keratitis
角孽 {def} SEE: 角逆 ::
角平分線 {n} /jiǎo píngfēnxiàn/ :: angle bisector
角平分线 {def} SEE: 角平分線 ::
角球 {n} [in football] /jiǎoqiú,er/ :: corner kick
角球 {n} [in hockey] /jiǎoqiú,er/ :: corner hit
角色 {n} /juésè,jiǎosè,1nb/ :: character (in a story, video game, etc.); role (in a play, film, etc.) (Classifier: 個)
角色 {n} [figuratively] /juésè,jiǎosè,1nb/ :: function; role; part (Classifier: 個)
角色扮演 {n} /juésè bànyǎn,jiǎosè bànyǎn,1nb/ :: role-playing
角色扮演 {n} /juésè bànyǎn,jiǎosè bànyǎn,1nb/ :: cosplay
角鯊烯 {n} [organic compound] /jiǎoshāxī/ :: squalene
角鲨烯 {def} SEE: 角鯊烯 ::
角閃石 {n} [mineral] /jiǎoshǎnshí/ :: amphibole
角闪石 {def} SEE: 角閃石 ::
角黍 {n} [literary or dialectal Min Dong] /jiǎoshǔ,juéshǔ,2nb/ :: zongzi (sticky rice dumpling, originally made with glutinous millet instead of glutinous rice)
角栓 {n} [medicine] /jiǎoshuān/ :: microcomedo
角宿 {prop} [Chinese astronomy] /Jiǎoxiù,Juéxiù,1nb/ :: Horn (Chinese constellation) (one of Twenty-Eight Mansions)
角宿一 {prop} [star] /Jiǎoxiù一,Juéxiù一,1nb/ :: Spica
角速度 {n} [physics] /jiǎosùdù/ :: angular velocity
角田 {prop} /Jiǎotián/ :: (~ 市) 角田 (city)
角蜥 {n} /jiǎoxī/ :: horned lizard
角鱼 {def} SEE: 角魚 ::
角質 {n} [botany] /jiǎo质/ :: cutin
角質層 {n} [anatomy] /jiǎo质céng/ :: stratum corneum
角质 {def} SEE: 角質 ::
角质层 {def} SEE: 角質層 ::
角逐 {v} /juézhú,jiǎozhú,2nb/ :: to contend; to compete; to enter into rivalry
角柱 {n} [architecture] /jiǎozhù/ :: corner column
角柱 {n} [geometry] /jiǎozhù/ :: prism
角錐 {n} [geometry] /jiǎozhuī/ :: pyramid (solid with triangular lateral faces and a polygonal base)
角錐體 {n} /jiǎozhuītǐ/ :: pyramid
角锥 {def} SEE: 角錐 ::
角锥体 {def} SEE: 角錐體 ::
角子 {n} /jiǎozi/ :: jiao (mao) coin (one tenth of a yuan)
角子机 {def} SEE: 角子機 ::
角子機 {n} /jiǎozijī/ :: slot machine
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jué/ :: straw sandals
{def} /jiǎo/ :: see 蹻蹻 and 蹻勇
{def} /jiào,jiǎo,2nb/ :: to compare
{def} /jiào,jiǎo,2nb/ :: comparatively; relatively; more
{def} /jiào,jiǎo,2nb/ :: preposition introducing the object of comparison
{def} /jiào,jiǎo,2nb/ :: obvious; clear
{def} /jué/ :: [obsolete] horizontal beam on both sides of a carriage; [by extension] carriage
{def} /jué/ :: [obsolete] straight
{def} /jué/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /xiào/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
較勁 {v} [colloquial] /jiào勁,er/ :: to compete against each other; to have a contest
較勁 {v} [colloquial] /jiào勁,er/ :: to set oneself against; to be defiant; to oppose
較勁 {v} [colloquial] /jiào勁,er/ :: to redouble one's efforts; to exert oneself
較量 {v} /jiàoliàng/ :: to have a trial of strength or skill; to have a contest; to compete with
較量 {v} /jiàoliàng/ :: to argue; to dispute; to quibble
較為 {adv} /jiàowéi,jiǎowéi,1nb/ :: comparatively; relatively; fairly; quite
較早 {adj} /jiàozǎo/ :: earlier
較早 {adv} [Min Nan, Hakka] /jiàozǎo/ :: earlier
較早 {n} [Min Nan, Hakka] /jiàozǎo/ :: olden days
較真 {v} [colloquial] /jiàozhēn,er/ :: to take a matter to heart; to take something too seriously
較真 {adj} [colloquial] /jiàozhēn,er/ :: earnest; conscientious
較真兒 {v} /jiàozhēnr/ :: erhua form of to take a matter to heart; to take something too seriously
{def} SEE: ::
铰刀 {def} SEE: 鉸刀 ::
铰刀剪 {def} SEE: 鉸刀剪 ::
铰刀囝 {def} SEE: 鉸刀囝 ::
铰剪 {def} SEE: 鉸剪 ::
铰链 {def} SEE: 鉸鏈 ::
铰撵 {def} SEE: 鉸攆 ::
铰票 {def} SEE: 鉸票 ::
铰头毛 {def} SEE: 鉸頭毛 ::
铰头鬃 {def} SEE: 鉸頭鬃 ::
{def} SEE: ::
饺饵 {def} SEE: 餃餌 ::
饺子 {def} SEE: 餃子 ::
饺子耳 {def} SEE: 餃子耳 ::
饺子馆 {def} SEE: 餃子館 ::
饺子皮 {def} SEE: 餃子皮 ::
{def} /jiào/ :: to be called
{def} /jiào/ :: to call; to name
{def} /jiào/ :: to call (someone)
{def} /jiào/ :: to cry; to shout
{def} /jiào/ :: to hail; to greet
{def} /jiào/ :: to ask; to order
{def} /jiào/ :: to hire; to call (a taxi); to order (in a restaurant, in a shop)
{def} [dialectal] /jiào/ :: to cry; to weep
{def} /jiào/ :: used in a passive sentence to introduce the agent; by
叫囂 {v} [derogatory] /jiàoxiāo/ :: to clamor; to raise a hue and cry
叫板 {v} /jiàobǎn/ :: to signal the musicians (in Chinese opera, by prolonging a spoken word before attacking a song)​
叫板 {v} [colloquial] /jiàobǎn/ :: to challenge
叫車 {v} /jiàochē/ :: to call a car; to flag down a taxi
叫车 {def} SEE: 叫車 ::
叫床 {v} /jiàochuáng/ :: to shout or moan in bed during lovemaking
叫床 {v} [Mainland China] /jiàochuáng/ :: to give somebody a wake-up call (at a hotel)
叫床 {n} /jiàochuáng/ :: cries or moaning in bed during lovemaking
叫牀 {def} SEE: 叫床 ::
叫春 {v} /jiàochūn/ :: to meow when in heat; to caterwaul
叫道 {v} /jiàodào/ :: to call; to shout
叫喊 {v} /jiàohǎn/ :: to shout; to yell
叫好 {v} /jiàohǎo,er/ :: to applaud; to shout praises [such as "well done" or "bravo"]
叫好不叫座 {idiom} /jiào hǎo 不 jiào zuò,er/ :: describes a movie or play that receives critical acclaim but poor sales at the box office
叫好又叫座 {idiom} /jiào hǎo yòu jiào zuò/ :: both a critical and box office success
叫胡 {def} SEE: 叫糊 ::
叫花子 {n} [chiefly Mandarin, Jin, colloquial] /jiàohuāzi/ :: beggar
叫化 {n} [dialectal] /jiàohuā/ :: beggar
叫化 {v} /jiàohuā/ :: to beg
叫化子 {def} SEE: 叫花子 ::
叫唤 {def} SEE: 叫喚 ::
叫喚 {v} /jiàohuàn,tl/ :: to cry out; to call out; to summon
叫雞 {n} [dialectal Mandarin, Xiang] /jiàojī/ :: rooster (especially one that crows in the morning)
叫雞 {n} [Sichuanese, figurative] /jiàojī/ :: someone who is competent and worthy of respect
叫雞 {n} [Xiang, figurative] /jiàojī/ :: someone who likes to yell
叫雞 {n} [Xiang, figurative] /jiàojī/ :: lecherous man; lecher; pervert
叫雞 {v} /jiàojī/ :: to visit a female prostitute
叫鸡 {def} SEE: 叫雞 ::
叫鸡公 {def} SEE: 叫雞公 ::
叫鸡鸡 {def} SEE: 叫雞雞 ::
叫鸡子 {def} SEE: 叫雞子 ::
叫价 {def} SEE: 叫價 ::
叫價 {v} /jiàojià,er/ :: to quote; to bid (in an auction)
叫叫儿 {def} SEE: 叫叫兒 ::
叫勁 {def} SEE: 較勁 ::
叫劲 {def} SEE: 叫勁 ::
叫苦 {v} /jiàokǔ/ :: to complain of hardship or suffering; to moan and groan
叫苦不迭 {idiom} /jiàokǔ不dié/ :: to complain of one's suffering endlessly
叫苦连天 {def} SEE: 叫苦連天 ::
叫苦連天 {idiom} /jiàokǔ liántiān/ :: to be full of complaints; to complain to high heaven; to complain bitterly
叫驢 {n} [dialectal Mandarin, Jin] /jiàolǘ/ :: male donkey
叫驴 {def} SEE: 叫驢 ::
叫驴子 {def} SEE: 叫驢子 ::
叫罵 {v} /jiàomà/ :: to shout curses
叫骂 {def} SEE: 叫罵 ::
叫卖 {def} SEE: 叫賣 ::
叫賣 {v} /jiàomài/ :: to hawk (wares); to peddle
叫牌 {v} /jiàopái/ :: to bid; to make a bid (at bridge and other card games)
叫屈 {v} /jiàoqū/ :: to complain of an injustice; to air one's grievances
叫嚷 {v} /jiàorǎng/ :: to shout; to yell
叫声 {def} SEE: 叫聲 ::
叫聲 {n} /jiàoshēng/ :: the sound of shouting
叫聲 {n} /jiàoshēng/ :: the sound produced by animals
叫兽 {def} SEE: 叫獸 ::
叫獸 {n} [neologism, ironic] /jiàoshòu,er/ :: scholar who publicly tells untruth, due to ignorance, personal interests or governmental associations
叫天天不应,叫地地不灵 {def} SEE: 叫天天不應,叫地地不靈 ::
叫天天不應,叫地地不靈 {idiom} /jiào tiān tiān 不 yìng, jiào dì dì 不 líng/ :: to be up the creek without a paddle; to be without any aid
叫响 {def} SEE: 叫響 ::
叫響 {v} [colloquial] /jiàoxiǎng/ :: to win applause; to win success
叫嚣 {def} SEE: 叫囂 ::
叫醒 {v} /jiàoxǐng/ :: to wake somebody up; to rouse someone from their sleep; to awaken
叫早 {v} [Mainland China] /jiàozǎo/ :: to give somebody a wake-up call (at a hotel)
叫阵 {def} SEE: 叫陣 ::
叫陣 {v} /jiàozhèn/ :: to challenge an opponent to a fight when two armies meet
叫作 {v} /jiàozuò/ :: to be known as; to be called
叫做 {v} /jiàozuò/ :: to be known as; to be called
叫座 {v} [literary, of a drama, performers, etc.] /jiàozuò/ :: to attract audiences
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiào/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} [musical instrument] /jiào/ :: ancient wind instrument similar to an ocarina
{def} [dialectal] /jiào/ :: contraction of 只要
{def} /jiào,jiáo,2nb/ :: alternative form of
{def} /jiào,jiáo,2nb/ :: living animals, including humans
{def} /jiào,jiáo,2nb/ :: alternative form of
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiāo/ :: anxious
噍吧哖 {prop} [historical] /Jiāopānián/ :: Tapani (now Yujing District, Tainan)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiāo/ :: [historical dictionaries] disorder
{def} /jiāo/ :: [historical dictionaries] anger
{def} SEE: ::
敎會 {def} SEE: 教會 ::
敎識 {def} SEE: 教識 ::
{def} [Cantonese] /jiào/ :: branching river
滘西洲 {prop} /Jiàoxīzhōu/ :: 滘西洲 (island)
{def} /jiào/ :: name of a river
{def} /jiào/ :: alternative form of used in 東漖 a place name in Guangzhou
{def} /jiào/ :: [obsolete] [of water] to exhaust; to finish
{def} SEE: 𤃭 ::
{def} /qiáo/ :: (~ 水) name of an ancient river
{def} [divination] /jiào/ :: moon blocks (divination device)
{def} /jiào,zào/ :: pit; cellar
{def} /jiào,zào/ :: to store in a cellar
窖肥 {v} /jiàoféi/ :: to make compost
窖肥 {n} /jiàoféi/ :: wet compost; waterlogged compost
{def} /jiào/ :: Chinese onion (Allium chinense)
藠头 {def} SEE: 藠頭 ::
藠头骨 {def} SEE: 藠頭骨 ::
藠頭 {n} [colloquial] /jiàotou/ :: Chinese onion (Allium chinense)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jué/ :: [obsolete] to wake up from sleep
{def} /jué/ :: to become aware; to dawn on; to awaken to
{def} /jué/ :: to feel; to think
{def} /jué/ :: sense; sensation; feeling
{def} /jué/ :: surname
{def} /jiào/ :: sleep; going to bed; nap
{def} /jiào/ :: classifier for periods of sleep
覺察 {v} /juéchá/ :: to sense; to detect; to become aware of; to perceive
覺得 {v} /juéde/ :: to think (that); to believe (that); to be of the opinion that
覺得 {v} /juéde/ :: to feel; to sense; to have a feeling that
覺覺 {n} [colloquial, childish] /jiàojiao/ :: sleep
覺書 {n} /juéshū/ :: memorandum; reminder
覺悟 {v} /juéwù,tl/ :: to become aware; to realise; to awaken
覺悟 {n} /juéwù,tl/ :: awareness; consciousness; realisation; awakening
覺悟 {n} [Buddhism] /juéwù,tl/ :: enlightenment
覺悟性 {n} /juéwùxìng/ :: consciousness; awareness (the state of being conscious or aware)
覺醒 {v} /juéxǐng/ :: to come to realise; to awaken to a truth; to have something dawn upon one; to become aware
覺醒 {v} [transgender slang, specifically] /juéxǐng/ :: to come to realise oneself is a transgender person
覺著 {v} [colloquial] /juézhe/ :: to think (that); to believe (that); to be of the opinion that
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiào/ :: bamboo carriage
{def} /jiào/ :: sedan chair; palanquin
轎車 {n} /jiàochē/ :: horse-drawn carriage
轎車 {n} /jiàochē/ :: motor carriage
轎車 {n} /jiàochē/ :: sedan
轎車 {n} [Min Dong] /jiàochē/ :: stroller; baby carriage; pram; perambulator
轎工 {n} /jiàogōng/ :: sedan chair carrier
轎子 {n} /jiàozi/ :: sedan chair; palanquin (Classifier: 架頂)
轿 {def} SEE: ::
轿车 {def} SEE: 轎車 ::
轿工 {def} SEE: 轎工 ::
轿子 {def} SEE: 轎子 ::
{def} SEE: ::
较等 {def} SEE: 較等 ::
较飞 {def} SEE: 較飛 ::
较紧 {def} SEE: 較緊 ::
较劲 {def} SEE: 較勁 ::
较量 {def} SEE: 較量 ::
较猛 {def} SEE: 較猛 ::
较亲像 {def} SEE: 較親像 ::
较停 {def} SEE: 較停 ::
较为 {def} SEE: 較為 ::
较像 {def} SEE: 較像 ::
较像是 {def} SEE: 較像是 ::
较早 {def} SEE: 較早 ::
较真 {def} SEE: 較真 ::
较真儿 {def} SEE: 較真兒 ::
{def} /酵/ :: yeast
{def} /酵/ :: to yeast
{def} [Xiamen, &, Zhangzhou Hokkien] /酵/ :: dough with yeast
酵母 {n} /酵mǔ/ :: yeast; leaven
酵素 {n} [dated] /酵sù/ :: enzyme
酵子 {n} [dialectal] /酵zǐ/ :: leavening dough
{def} /shà/ :: [obsolete] [of fish or waterbird] to eat
{def} /shà/ :: [obsolete] See the compounds
{def} /jié/ :: [obsolete] talkative; talking endlessly
{def} /dié/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /tì/ :: [historical dictionaries] alternative form of
啑血 {n} [literary] /diéxuè,jiéxiě,1nb/ :: alternative form of 喋血
{def} [literary] /jiē,juē,2nb/ :: sigh; alas
{def} /jiè/ :: only used in 咄嗟
嗟夫 {interj} [literary] /jiēfú/ :: alas; alack (placed sentence-initially)
嗟乎 {interj} [literary] /jiēhū/ :: alas; alack (placed sentence-initially)
嗟來之食 {idiom} /jiēláizhīshí/ :: food handed out in contempt; contemptuous handout
嗟来之食 {def} SEE: 嗟來之食 ::
嗟叹 {def} SEE: 嗟嘆 ::
嗟嘆 {v} [literary] /jiētàn/ :: to sigh (with regret); to lament; to exclaim
嗟歎 {def} SEE: 嗟嘆 ::
嗟怨 {v} [archaic] /jiēyuàn/ :: to grumble with dissatisfaction; to complain
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jié/ :: to rub; to wipe
{def} /jiē/ :: to come near to; to be close to; to come into contact
{def} /jiē/ :: to receive
{def} /jiē/ :: to catch
{def} /jiē/ :: to continue
{def} /jiē/ :: to take over
{def} /jiē/ :: to connect
{def} /jiē/ :: to pick up the phone
{def} /jiē/ :: to meet, greet and welcome (someone); to pick up (a person)
{def} /jiē/ :: surname Jie
接班 {v} /jiēbān,er/ :: to take one's turn on duty
接班 {v} /jiēbān,er/ :: to succeed or relieve someone's position
接班人 {n} /jiēbānrén/ :: one who takes over the previous generation or person's task; successor
接棒人 {n} /jiēbàngrén/ :: one who takes over the previous generation or person's task; successor
接報 {v} [of the police, fire brigade, etc.] /jiēbào/ :: to receive a call or report
接报 {def} SEE: 接報 ::
接駁 {v} [chiefly Taiwan, Hong Kong] /jiēbó/ :: to transfer passengers between two places; to shuttle
接駁 {v} [Cantonese] /jiēbó/ :: to connect
接駁車 {n} [Taiwan] /jiēbóchē/ :: shuttle bus
接驳 {def} SEE: 接駁 ::
接驳车 {def} SEE: 接駁車 ::
接單 {v} /jiēdān,er/ :: to accept an order (to make food, manufacture goods, etc.)
接产 {def} SEE: 接產 ::
接產 {v} /jiēchǎn/ :: to deliver a newborn child; to practice midwifery
接触 {def} SEE: 接觸 ::
接触感应 {def} SEE: 接觸感應 ::
接觸 {v} /jiēchù/ :: to go near; to touch
接觸 {v} /jiēchù/ :: to make contact with; to get in touch with; to come into contact
接觸 {v} /jiēchù/ :: to enter into combat; to engage
接觸感應 {n} [paranormal] /jiēchùgǎnyìng/ :: paranormal ability to discover information about an object's past, and especially about its past owners, merely by touching it
接待 {v} /jiēdài/ :: to receive (a visitor); to admit (to allow somebody to enter)
接待處 {n} /jiēdàichù/ :: reception, front desk
接待处 {def} SEE: 接待處 ::
接待室 {n} /jiēdài室/ :: reception room, waiting room
接单 {def} SEE: 接單 ::
接到 {v} /jiēdào/ :: to receive (e.g. letters, news)
接地 {v} [electronics] /jiēdì/ :: to make a ground connection
接地气 {def} SEE: 接地氣 ::
接地氣 {adj} [neologism, colloquial, especially of someone in authority] /jiē dìqì,er/ :: earthy and sincere; close to the people; down-to-earth; affable; relatable
接地氣 {adj} [neologism, colloquial, of someone's language ability] /jiē dìqì,er/ :: idiomatic; fluent
接地線 {n} /jiēdìxiàn/ :: earth wire
接地线 {def} SEE: 接地線 ::
接点 {def} SEE: 接點 ::
接點 {n} [electricity] /jiēdiǎn/ :: contact
接电话 {def} SEE: 接電話 ::
接電話 {v} /jiē diànhuà/ :: to answer the telephone; to pick up the phone
接二连三 {def} SEE: 接二連三 ::
接二連三 {idiom} /jiē'èrliánsān/ :: one after another
接風 {v} /jiēfēng/ :: to give a welcome dinner for a visiting guest
接风 {def} SEE: 接風 ::
接縫 {n} /jiēfèng/ :: seam; join; joining; juncture
接缝 {def} SEE: 接縫 ::
接骨 {v} /jiēgǔ/ :: to set a bone
接骨草 {n} /jiēgǔcǎo/ :: Chinese elder
接骨木 {n} [botany] /jiēgǔmù/ :: Sambucus williamsii
接官 {prop} /Jiēguān/ :: (~ 鄉) 接官 (township)
接管 {v} /jiēguǎn/ :: to take over (control or management of); to assume control of
接軌 {v} [railway] /jiēguǐ/ :: to join up the track
接軌 {v} [figurative] /jiēguǐ/ :: to integrate (with)
接轨 {def} SEE: 接軌 ::
接合 {n} [mechanics] /jiēhé/ :: joint
接合 {v} [usually of mechanics] /jiēhé/ :: to connect; to join; to assemble
接后 {def} SEE: 接後 ::
接后岫 {def} SEE: 接後岫 ::
接話 {v} /jiēhuà/ :: to continue a conversation
接话 {def} SEE: 接話 ::
接活 {v} /jiēhuó/ :: to accept work; to take on jobs
接獲 {v} /jiēhuò/ :: to receive (a call, a report, etc.)
接获 {def} SEE: 接獲 ::
接机 {def} SEE: 接機 ::
接機 {v} /jiējī/ :: to pick someone up from the airport; to meet someone at the airport
接濟 {v} /jiējì/ :: to give material assistance to; to give financial help to
接济 {def} SEE: 接濟 ::
接見 {v} /jiējiàn/ :: to receive (a guest); to grant an interview (with a reporter)
接见 {def} SEE: 接見 ::
接界 {v} /jiējiè/ :: to share borders with; to border on
接近 {v} /jiējìn/ :: to get close to
接近 {v} /jiējìn/ :: to approach
接近 {v} /jiējìn/ :: to be on intimate terms with
接近 {adj} /jiējìn/ :: near; close
接近 {adj} /jiējìn/ :: intimate; close
接客 {v} /jiēkè/ :: to receive a guest
接客 {v} [of a prostitute] /jiēkè/ :: to receive a client; to receive patrons
接口 {n} /jiēkǒu/ :: interface
接口 {n} /jiēkǒu/ :: gateway
接口 {n} /jiēkǒu/ :: port
接口 {n} /jiēkǒu/ :: connector
接力 {v} /jiēlì/ :: to work by relays
接连 {def} SEE: 接連 ::
接连不断 {def} SEE: 接連不斷 ::
接連 {adv} /jiēlián/ :: on end; in a row; in succession
接連 {v} /jiēlián/ :: to link; to join; to connect
接連不斷 {idiom} /jiēlián不duàn/ :: continuously; in rapid succession
接龍 {v} /jiēlóng/ :: to build a sequence (of words in a game, of dominoes, etc.)
接龙 {def} SEE: 接龍 ::
接木 {v} [botany] /jiēmù/ :: to graft (a branch to a rootstock)
接納 {v} /jiēnà/ :: to admit (into an organization); to accept (a suggestion, as a member, etc.)
接纳 {def} SEE: 接納 ::
接洽 {v} [formal] /jiēqià/ :: to raise an issue with; to consult with
接亲 {def} SEE: 接親 ::
接親 {v} [of the groom or his family] /jiēqīn/ :: to go to the bride's house to pick up the bride on the wedding day
接球 {v} [sport] /jiēqiú,er/ :: to catch a ball
接壤 {v} /jiērǎng/ :: to share borders with; to border on
接任 {v} /jiērèn/ :: to take over as; to succeed as (a role)
接入 {v} /jiērù/ :: to join up with; to connect with; to access
接生 {v} /jiēshēng/ :: to deliver a newborn child; to practice midwifery
接生婆 {n} [colloquial] /jiēshēngpó,er/ :: midwife (female only)
接生员 {def} SEE: 接生員 ::
接生員 {n} /jiēshēngyuán/ :: midwife
接事 {v} [literary] /jiēshì/ :: to take over a job
接收 {v} /jiēshōu/ :: to receive (signal, post, present)
接收 {v} /jiēshōu/ :: to take over (property)
接收 {v} /jiēshōu/ :: to admit (new students)
接手 {v} /jiēshǒu,er/ :: to take over (a task, a case, etc.)
接手 {v} /jiēshǒu,er/ :: to accept something from someone else
接手 {n} [sports] /jiēshǒu,er/ :: catcher
接手 {n} /jiēshou/ :: a table (or other place) to put things
接手 {n} /jiēshou/ :: helper; assistant
接受 {v} /jiēshòu/ :: to accept (treatment, gift, punishment, etc.); to receive (education, honours, invitation, interview, etc.); to take (criticism)
接受處 {n} /jiēshòuchù/ :: reception, front desk
接受处 {def} SEE: 接受處 ::
接受方 {n} /jiēshòufāng/ :: mail recipient; addressee; consignee
接受方 {n} /jiēshòufāng/ :: audience (of an advertisement, media information, artwork, etc.)
接受者 {n} /jiēshòuzhě/ :: mail recipient; addressee; consignee
接受者 {n} /jiēshòuzhě/ :: audience (of an advertisement, media information, artwork, etc.)
接送 {v} /jiēsòng/ :: to pick up and drop off; to greet and send off; to shuttle
接送机 {def} SEE: 接送機 ::
接送機 {n} /jiēsòngjī/ :: to pick up and drop off (someone) at the airport
接送區 {n} /jiēsòngqū/ :: pick-up and drop-off area; kiss and ride
接送区 {def} SEE: 接送區 ::
接替 {v} /jiētì/ :: to take over; to replace
接听 {def} SEE: 接聽 ::
接聽 {v} /jiētīng/ :: to answer; to pick up (a phone)
接通 {v} /jiētōng/ :: to get a connection; to connect; to put through; to get through
接头 {def} SEE: 接頭 ::
接头人 {def} SEE: 接頭人 ::
接頭 {v} /jiētóu/ :: to join two objects together with a joint
接頭 {v} /jiētóu/ :: to establish contact (especially under clandestine circumstances)
接頭 {v} [slang, regional] /jiētóu/ :: to be familiar with; to be aware of
接頭 {n} /jiētóu/ :: joint (object used to join two long objects together)
接頭人 {n} /jiētóurén/ :: a contact, especially an underground agent responsible for contacting other agents
接吻 {v} /jiēwěn/ :: to kiss (each other)
接吻 {v} /jiēwěn/ :: to receive kiss
接下來 {adj} /jiē xiàlai/ :: over the next; over the following
接下來 {conj} /jiē xiàlai/ :: then; next; after that
接下來 {v} /jiē xiàlai/ :: to accept; to take
接下来 {def} SEE: 接下來 ::
接線 {v} [electronics] /jiēxiàn/ :: to connect with a wire; to connect with a lead
接線 {v} /jiēxiàn/ :: to work a telephone switchboard
接線 {n} /jiēxiàn/ :: lead wire
接線板 {n} /jiēxiànbǎn,er/ :: power strip; power board
接線員 {n} /jiēxiànyuán,er/ :: operator (person who works at the switchboard of a telephone exchange)
接线 {def} SEE: 接線 ::
接线板 {def} SEE: 接線板 ::
接线员 {def} SEE: 接線員 ::
接續 {v} /jiēxù/ :: to continue; to follow
接续 {def} SEE: 接續 ::
接应 {def} SEE: 接應 ::
接應 {v} [literary] /jiēyìng/ :: to meet up with; to rendezvous with
接應 {v} [literary] /jiēyìng/ :: to respond to; to support
接载 {def} SEE: 接載 ::
接战 {def} SEE: 接戰 ::
接戰 {v} [literary] /jiēzhàn/ :: to engage in battle
接着 {def} SEE: 接著 ::
接診 {v} /jiēzhěn/ :: to attend to a patient
接診室 {n} /jiēzhěn室/ :: consulting room (in a hospital or clinic)
接诊 {def} SEE: 接診 ::
接诊室 {def} SEE: 接診室 ::
接枝 {v} [botany] /jiēzhī/ :: to graft (a branch to a rootstock)
接旨 {v} [archaic] /jiēzhǐ/ :: to receive a royal or imperial edict
接种 {def} SEE: 接種 ::
接種 {v} /jiēzhòng/ :: to vaccinate
接種 {n} /jiēzhòng/ :: vaccination
接踵 {v} [literary] /jiēzhǒng/ :: to follow the heels of (one another); to follow one another
接踵而來 {idiom} /jiēzhǒng'érlái/ :: synonym of 接踵而至
接踵而来 {def} SEE: 接踵而來 ::
接踵而至 {idiom} /jiēzhǒng'érzhì/ :: to follow each other and arrive successively; to be unceasing
接住 {v} /jiēzhù/ :: to catch; to receive
接著 {v} /jiēzhe/ :: to receive (with one's hands or a container)
接著 {v} /jiēzhe/ :: to follow; to carry on
接著 {conj} /jiēzhe/ :: then; next; and then
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiē/ :: to raise
{def} /jiē/ :: to uncover; to unveil; to lift up
{def} /jiē/ :: to expose; to reveal
{def} /jiē/ :: to tear off; to take off
{def} /jiē/ :: surname
{def} /jiē/ :: used in place names
{def} /qì/ :: to lift up one’s clothes
{def} /hé/ :: [historical dictionaries] to block up
揭穿 {v} /jiēchuān/ :: to expose; to lay bare; to show up
揭谛揭谛波罗揭谛波罗僧揭谛菩提萨婆诃 {def} SEE: 揭諦揭諦波羅揭諦波羅僧揭諦菩提薩婆訶 ::
揭短 {v} /jiēduǎn/ :: to rake up somebody's faults, shortcomings, or weaknesses
揭发 {def} SEE: 揭發 ::
揭發 {v} /jiēfā/ :: to expose; to bring to light
揭竿而起 {idiom} [metaphor] /jiēgān'érqǐ/ :: to rise in revolt
揭开 {def} SEE: 揭開 ::
揭開 {v} [literally, figuratively] /jiēkāi/ :: to uncover; to open; to lift (a curtain)
揭露 {v} /jiēlù/ :: to expose; to uncover; to reveal; to unmask
揭祕 {def} SEE: 揭秘 ::
揭秘 {v} /jiēmì/ :: to reveal a secret; to demystify (often in book or article titles)
揭幕 {v} /jiēmù/ :: to unveil (a monument, etc.); to inaugurate
揭牌 {v} /jiēpái/ :: to remove the red cloth covering the brand sign, signifying the opening of a business
揭破 {v} /jiēpò/ :: to expose; to unmask
揭示 {v} /jiēshì/ :: to make public; to announce
揭示 {v} /jiēshì/ :: to show; to reveal; to bring to light
揭示板 {n} /jiēshìbǎn/ :: bulletin board
揭头 {def} SEE: 揭頭 ::
揭西 {prop} /Jiēxī/ :: (~ 縣) 揭西 (county)
揭晓 {def} SEE: 揭曉 ::
揭曉 {v} /jiēxiǎo/ :: to reveal; to announce; to publish
揭曉 {v} /jiēxiǎo/ :: to be revealed; to be announced
揭阳 {def} SEE: 揭陽 ::
揭陽 {prop} /Jiēyáng/ :: (~ 市) 揭陽 (prefecture-level city)
{def} /jiē/ :: to graft
{def} SEE: ::
疖子 {def} SEE: 癤子 ::
{def} /jié,jiē/ :: pimple; sore; boil
癤子 {n} [diseases] /jiēzi/ :: furuncle; boil
{def} [literary] /jiē/ :: all; every; everybody
皆大欢喜 {def} SEE: 皆大歡喜 ::
皆大歡喜 {idiom} /jiēdàhuānxǐ/ :: to everyone's delight and satisfaction; everyone is happy
皆是 {v} [literary] /jiēshì/ :: all are
皆因 {conj} /jiēyīn/ :: all because; simply because
皆知 {adv} /jiēzhī/ :: everyone knows; as known by all
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jié/ :: knot; node
{def} /jié/ :: joint
{def} /jié/ :: segment
{def} /jié/ :: link
{def} /jié/ :: backbone; integrity; drive; spirit; ambition
{def} /jié/ :: circumstances; details; particulars
{def} /jié/ :: time period; season; division of time
{def} /jié/ :: festival; celebration; holiday; - Day
{def} /jié/ :: etiquette; formality
{def} [historical] /jié/ :: abbreviation of 符節
{def} [music] /jié/ :: beat; rhythm
{def} [unit of speed] /jié/ :: knot
{def} /jié/ :: classifier for segments, such as batteries, lessons, train carriages, paragraphs, etc
{def} /jié/ :: 60th hexagram of the I Ching
{def} /jié/ :: to constrain; to limit; to control
{def} /jié/ :: to save; to use sparingly
{def} /jié/ :: surname
節哀 {v} [literary] /jié'āi/ :: to restrain one's grief (often used to console family of a deceased person)
節哀順變 {idiom} /jié'āishùnbiàn/ :: to restrain one's grief and accept fate (used to console family of a deceased person); my condolences; rest in peace
節操 {n} /jiécāo/ :: moral integrity; principles
節操 {n} [neologism, slang] /jiécāo/ :: sense of shame; sense of decency; chastity
節點 {n} /jiédiǎn/ :: node
節電 {v} /jiédiàn/ :: to save electricity
節度使 {n} [historical] /jiédùshǐ/ :: jiedushi (regional military governor in China during the Tang dynasty and the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period)
節骨眼 {n} [colloquial] /jiéguyǎn,jiégǔyǎn,er/ :: critical juncture; crucial moment
節瓜 {n} /jiéguā/ :: hairy gourd; fuzzy melon (Benincasa hispida var. chieh-qua)
節後 {n} /jiéhòu/ :: season and climate
節儉 {adj} /jiéjiǎn/ :: frugal; thrifty; economical
節減 {v} /jiéjiǎn/ :: to reduce; to decrease
節減 {v} /jiéjiǎn/ :: to save; to economize
節節 {adv} /jiéjié/ :: one after another; step by step; little by little; successively; steadily
節節敗退 {idiom} [of an army] /jiéjiébàituì/ :: to lose battles one after another and retreat in defeat
節節敗退 {idiom} [figuratively] /jiéjiébàituì/ :: to lose (competitions) successively
節勞 {v} [literary] /jiéláo/ :: to not overwork; to take it easy
節樂 {v} [literary] /jiélè/ :: to moderate pleasure; to limit enjoyment; to practice self-restraint
節令 {n} /jiélìng/ :: climate and other natural phenomena of a season
節錄 {n} /jiélù/ :: extract; excerpt
節錄 {v} /jiélù/ :: to extract; to excerpt
節律 {n} /jiélǜ/ :: rhythm; rhythmic beats
節目 {n} /jiémù/ :: program; show
節目 {n} /jiémù/ :: plan
節目單 {n} /jiémùdān/ :: program; schedule (list of performances, shows, activities, etc.)
節目組 {n} /jiémùzǔ/ :: the crew for putting together a program; program crew; television crew
節能 {v} /jiénéng/ :: to save energy; to conserve energy (i.e. electricity)
節能燈 {n} /jiénéngdēng/ :: compact fluorescent lamp
節拍 {n} [music] /jiépāi/ :: beat; meter; rhythm
節拍器 {n} [music] /jiépāiqì/ :: metronome
節氣 {n} /jiéqì,tl/ :: solar term in the Chinese lunar calendar
節氣 {n} [literary] /jiéqì,tl/ :: season and climate
節氣 {n} [literary] /jiéqì,tl/ :: integrity; moral principles
節慶 {n} /jiéqìng/ :: festival
節日 {n} /jiérì/ :: holiday; day off
節日 {n} /jiérì/ :: festival
節省 {v} /jiéshěng/ :: to save; to cut down
節省 {adj} /jiéshěng/ :: frugal; thrifty; economical
節食 {v} /jiéshí/ :: to go on a diet
節食 {n} /jiéshí/ :: temperance in eating; dieting
節水 {v} /jiéshuǐ/ :: to save water; to conserve water
節外生枝 {idiom} /jiéwàishēngzhī/ :: new issues or troubles crop up from an already-existing problem
節限 {n} [literary] /jiéxiàn/ :: limit; restriction
節孝 {n} /jiéxiào/ :: chastity and filial piety
節孝坊 {n} [historical] /jiéxiàofāng/ :: arch to the chaste and faithful widows (in feudal China)
節選 {v} /jiéxuǎn/ :: to excerpt (from a text, film, etc.); to extract; to select
節選 {n} /jiéxuǎn/ :: excerpt (from a text, film, etc.); extract; selection; clip
節約 {v} /jiéyuē/ :: to economise; to conserve (resources)
節約 {adj} /jiéyuē/ :: frugal; thrifty; economical
節誼 {def} SEE: 節義 ::
節義 {n} /jiéyì/ :: moral integrity and justice
節餘 {n} /jiéyú/ :: surplus, saving
節育 {v} /jiéyù/ :: to practice contraception
節育 {n} /jiéyù/ :: birth control
節鉞 {n} [archaic] /jiéyuè/ :: tally and battle-axe (tokens of authority that were given to military generals by the emperor)
節肢動物 {n} /jiézhī dòngwù,tl/ :: arthropod
節制 {v} /jiézhì/ :: to check; to moderate; to control; to limit; to abstain
節制 {v} [literary] /jiézhì/ :: to command (an army)
節制 {n} /jiézhì/ :: restraint; self-control; abstinence
節子 {n} /jiézi/ :: knot (in wood)
節子板 {n} /jiézibǎn,er/ :: a type of percussion instrument
節奏 {n} [music] /jiézòu/ :: rhythm
節奏 {n} [metaphorically] /jiézòu/ :: pace; tempo pulse; beat
節奏布魯斯 {n} /jiézòu bùlǔsī/ :: rhythm and blues
節奏感 {n} /jiézòugǎn/ :: sense of tempo; sense or feelings of rhythm
節奏吉他 {n} [music] /jiézòu jítā/ :: rhythm guitar
節奏口技 {n} /jiézòu kǒujì/ :: beatbox; beatboxing
節足動物 {n} /jiézú dòngwù,tl/ :: alternative name for 節肢動物
{def} /jié,jiē/ :: knot; tie
{def} /jié,jiē/ :: to solidify
{def} /jié,jiē/ :: to end; to finish
{def} /jié,jiē/ :: to bind; to join; to connect
{def} /jié,jiē/ :: to bear (fruit)
{def} [dialectal] /jié,jiē/ :: stammering, stuttering
結案 {v} /jié'àn/ :: to conclude a (legal) case
結巴 {v} /jiēba/ :: to stutter; to stammer
結巴 {n} /jiēba/ :: stuttering person; stammering person
結疤 {v} /jiébā/ :: to form a scab; to become scarred (of a wound)
結拜 {v} /jiébài/ :: to become sworn brothers or sisters
結拜兄弟 {n} /jiébài xiōngdì/ :: sworn brothers or sisters
結伴 {v} /jiébàn/ :: to go with (someone); to form companionships
結冰 {vi} /jiébīng/ :: to freeze
結彩 {v} /jiécǎi/ :: to adorn or decorate with festoons
結綵 {def} SEE: 結彩 ::
結草 {v} [literary] /jiécǎo/ :: to repay a debt (of kindness etc.)
結草銜環 {idiom} /jiécǎo xiánhuán/ :: to repay a debt (of kindness etc.)
結腸 {n} [anatomy] /jiécháng/ :: colon
結腸癌 {n} [disease] /jiécháng癌/ :: colon cancer
結腸帶 {n} [anatomy] /jiéchángdài/ :: taenia coli
結腸袋 {n} [anatomy] /jiéchángdài/ :: haustrum
結腸鏡 {n} [medicine] /jiéchángjìng/ :: colonoscope
結腸鏡 {n} /jiéchángjìng/ :: (~ 檢查) [medicine] colonoscopy
結腸炎 {n} /jiéchángyán/ :: colitis
結城 {prop} /Jiéchéng/ :: (~ 市) 結城 (city)
結城 {prop} /Jiéchéng/ :: Yūki (a Japanese surname)
結成 {v} /jiéchéng/ :: to form; to unite to become
結仇 {v} /jiéchóu/ :: to start a feud; to become enemies
結存 {n} [accounting] /jiécún/ :: balance (list accounting for debits and credits)
結黨 {v} [literary] /jiédǎng/ :: to form a faction
結黨營私 {idiom} /jiédǎngyíngsī/ :: to form cliques to pursue private gain
結締組織 {n} [histology] /jiédì zǔzhī/ :: connective tissue
結隊 {v} /jiéduì/ :: to gather in force; to troop
結隊 {v} /jiéduì/ :: to form a team; to organize a team; to team up
結搆 {v} [archaic] /jiégòu/ :: to collude with
結構 {n} /jiégòu/ :: structure; construction
結構 {v} [archaic] /jiégòu/ :: to collude with; to collaborate with
結構生物學 {n} [chemistry, biology] /jiégòu shēngwùxué/ :: structural biology
結構式 {n} [chemistry] /jiégòushì/ :: structural formula
結構體 {n} [computing, programming] /jiégòutǐ/ :: struct
結構異構 {n} [chemistry] /jiégòuyìgòu/ :: structural isomerism
結構域 {n} [biochemistry] /jiégòuyù/ :: structural domain (of proteins); protein domain
結構主義 {n} [biology, linguistics, psychology, mathematics] /jiégòuzhǔyì/ :: structuralism
結果 {n} /jiéguǒ/ :: result (Classifier: 個)
結果 {n} [obsolete] /jiéguǒ/ :: style of dress
結果 {adv} /jiéguǒ/ :: finally; in the end; as a result; to end up being
結果 {v} /jiéguǒ/ :: to kill; to finish off
結果 {v} [obsolete] /jiéguǒ/ :: to dress up; to deck out; to make up
結果 {v} /jiēguǒ,jiéguǒ,2nb/ :: to bear fruit
結好 {v} [literary] /jiéhǎo/ :: to get on someone's good side; to get close to
結合 {v} /jiéhé/ :: to combine; to fuse; to link; to integrate
結合 {v} /jiéhé/ :: to balance; to strike a balance; to keep in equilibrium
結合 {v} /jiéhé/ :: to be joined in wedlock
結合 {n} /jiéhé/ :: combination; fusion; link; integration
結合 {n} /jiéhé/ :: union; marriage
結合律 {n} [mathematics] /jiéhélǜ/ :: associative law
結合能 {n} [physics] /jiéhénéng/ :: binding energy
結合性 {n} [mathematics, logic] /jiéhéxìng/ :: associativity; [attributive] associative
結核 {n} [pathology] /jiéhé,er/ :: tubercle
結核 {n} /jiéhé,er/ :: (~ 病) [disease] tuberculosis
結核 {n} [mineralogy] /jiéhé,er/ :: nodule
結核病 {n} [disease] /jiéhébìng/ :: tuberculosis
結核桿菌 {n} /jiéhégǎn菌,er/ :: Mycobacterium tuberculosis (causative agent of tuberculosis)
結喉 {n} [anatomy] /jiéhóu/ :: Adam's apple (the lump in the throat)
結婚 {vi} /jiéhūn/ :: to get married; to marry
結婚紀念日 {n} /jiéhūn jìniànrì/ :: wedding anniversary
結婚戒指 {n} /jiéhūn jièzhi,jiéhūn jièzhǐ,1nb/ :: wedding ring; wedding band
結婚證 {n} /jiéhūnzhèng,er/ :: marriage certificate
結婚指環 {n} /jiéhūn zhǐhuán/ :: wedding ring; wedding band
結夥 {v} [chiefly pejorative] /jiéhuǒ/ :: to join together; to team up; to gang up
結集 {v} /jiéjí/ :: to concentrate (troops)
結集 {v} /jiéjí/ :: to anthologise; to compile
結痂 {v} /jiéjiā/ :: to form a scab; to crust (of a wound)
結跏趺坐 {n} [Buddhism] /jiéjiā fūzuò/ :: lotus position
結跏趺坐 {v} [Buddhism] /jiéjiā fūzuò/ :: to sit in the lotus position
結交 {v} /jiéjiāo/ :: to make friends with; to establish a connection with; to associate with
結節 {n} [medicine] /jiéjié/ :: nodule
結節病 {n} [disease] /jiéjiébìng/ :: sarcoidosis
結結巴巴 {adj} /jiējiebābā/ :: tongue-tied; stuttering; stammering
結界 {n} [Buddhism] /jiéjiè/ :: boundary, restricted area
結界 {n} [Buddhism] /jiéjiè/ :: a gloss for the Sanskrit term sīmābandha
結金蘭 {idiom} /jiéjīnlán/ :: to become sworn brothers (or sisters); to adopt each other as sworn brothers; to become true confederates and blood brothers (forever); to enter into a masonic bond with each other; to swear eternal friendship; to take an oath of brotherhood; to be close friends
結晶 {v} /jiéjīng/ :: to crystallize; to form crystals
結晶 {n} /jiéjīng/ :: crystal
結晶 {n} [figurative] /jiéjīng/ :: crystallization (of something); fruit (of labour); cherished product
結晶化 {n} /jiéjīnghuà/ :: crystallisation
結晶化 {v} /jiéjīnghuà/ :: to crystallise
結晶水 {n} /jiéjīngshuǐ/ :: water of crystallization
結晶體 {n} [physics, chemistry] /jiéjīngtǐ/ :: crystal
結局 {n} /jiéjú/ :: final result; outcome; conclusion
結局 {n} /jiéjú/ :: ending; dénouement; the last act of a play
結絕 {n} [literary] /jiéjué/ :: to break off; to cut off; to sever
結絕 {n} [literary] /jiéjué/ :: to conclude a (legal) case
結絕 {n} [literary] /jiéjué/ :: to finish; to conclude; to wind up; to settle
結塊 {v} /jiékuài,er/ :: to agglomerate; to form a lump; to cake
結了 {v} [colloquial, of something unresolved] /jiéle/ :: to be settled (with a specific method); to end
結縭 {v} /jiélí/ :: to marry, to tie the bridal veil
結連 {v} [literary] /jiélián/ :: to be in cahoots with; to collude with; to join with
結論 {n} /jiélùn/ :: conclusion; verdict
結論 {n} [logic] /jiélùn/ :: conclusion (of a syllogism)
結盟 {v} /jiéméng/ :: to ally; to form an alliance
結膜 {n} [anatomy] /jié膜,er/ :: conjunctiva
結膜炎 {n} [disease] /jié膜yán,er/ :: conjunctivitis
結末 {n} [obsolete, dialectal] /jiémò/ :: ending
結末 {adv} [obsolete, dialectal] /jiémò/ :: finally
結幕 {n} /jiémù/ :: last act; final act
結幕 {n} [figuratively] /jiémù/ :: final result; grand finale
結納 {v} [literary] /jiénà/ :: to make friends; to establish a relationship
結親 {v} /jiéqīn/ :: to become related by marriage (of two families)
結親 {v} /jiéqīn/ :: to marry; to get married
結清 {v} /jiéqīng/ :: to settle (account, debt, etc.); to settle up
結球甘藍 {n} /jiéqiú gānlán/ :: cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata)
結舌 {v} /jiéshé/ :: to be tongue-tied; to be at a loss for words
結社 {v} /jiéshè/ :: to form an association
結社自由 {n} /jiéshè zìyóu/ :: freedom of association
結繩 {v} /jiéshéng/ :: to tie knots as a way of keeping records
結實 {adj} [of an object] /jiēshi/ :: sturdy; robust; durable; safe
結實 {adj} [of a person] /jiēshi/ :: strong; brawny; muscular; buff
結實 {v} /jiéshí/ :: to bear fruit
結石 {n} [medicine] /jiéshí/ :: calculus; stone
結石寶寶 {n} [neologism] /jiéshí bǎobao/ :: child who is a victim of the 2008 Chinese milk scandal and suffered from kidney damage
結識 {v} /jié識/ :: to get to know someone; to make (friends)
結束 {vti} /jiéshù/ :: to end; to conclude; to terminate; to finish; to bring to an end; to come to an end; to put an end to
結束 {v} [archaic] /jiéshù/ :: to dress up; to deck out; to make up
結束 {v} [archaic] /jiéshù/ :: to pack up (for a journey)
結束語 {n} /jiéshùyǔ/ :: concluding remarks; conclusion
結算 {v} [business] /jiésuàn/ :: to settle a bill
結算 {v} [finance] /jiésuàn/ :: to settle a transaction
結算 {v} [banking] /jiésuàn/ :: to close an account
結體 {n} [Chinese calligraphy] /jiétǐ/ :: structure of a Chinese character
結託 {v} [literary] /jiétuō/ :: to make friends and allies
結尾 {n} /jiéwěi/ :: ending, conclusion
結尾 {n} [music] /jiéwěi/ :: coda
結項 {v} /jiéxiàng/ :: to complete a project
結業 {v} /jiéyè/ :: to complete a course of study
結業 {v} /jiéyè/ :: to cease trading; to stop operating
結義 {v} /jiéyì/ :: to make a solemn pact
結營 {v} [literary] /jiéyíng/ :: to make camp (military)
結餘 {n} /jiéyú/ :: cash surplus; surplus; balance
結語 {n} /jiéyǔ/ :: concluding remarks; conclusion
結緣 {v} /jiéyuán/ :: to form ties (of affection, friendship, etc.); to become attached to
結怨 {v} /jiéyuàn/ :: to contract enmity; to incur hatred; to arouse ill will or dislike
結紮 {v} /jiézā,jiézhá,jiézhā,1nb/ :: to tie up; to bundle up
結紮 {v} [medicine] /jiézā,jiézhá,jiézhā,1nb/ :: to ligate (a structure); [specifically] to ligate the vasa deferentia or the Fallopian tubes for birth control
結扎 {def} SEE: 結紮 ::
結帳 {def} SEE: 結賬 ::
結賬 {v} /jiézhàng/ :: to pay a bill; to settle an account
結直腸 {n} [anatomy] /jiézhícháng/ :: colon and rectum
結直腸癌 {n} [diseases] /jiézhícháng癌/ :: colorectal cancer
結子 {v} /jiézǐ/ :: to bear seeds (of a plant)
結子 {n} /jiézi/ :: knot (on a rope or string)
{def} /jiē/ :: [obsolete] a kind of insect
𰥛街 {def} SEE: 瞓街 ::
{def} /jiē/ :: street (Classifier: m,c:條)
{def} /jiē/ :: market; fair
街边 {def} SEE: 街邊 ::
街邊 {n} /jiēbiān,er/ :: side of a street; roadside
街道 {n} /jiēdào/ :: street; road (Classifier: 條)
街道 {n} /jiēdào/ :: subdistrict; residential district (Classifier: 個)
街灯 {def} SEE: 街燈 ::
街燈 {n} /jiēdēng/ :: streetlight; streetlamp (lamps set along a street)
街顶 {def} SEE: 街頂 ::
街坊 {n} /jiēfang,jiēfāng,1nb/ :: neighbour; neighbourhood
街河市 {prop} /Jiēhéshì/ :: (~ 鎮) 街河市 (town)
街机 {def} SEE: 街機 ::
街機 {n} /jiējī/ :: arcade game
街機 {n} /jiējī/ :: cellphone that many people in the streets own
街角 {n} /jiējiǎo/ :: street corner
街井 {n} /jiējǐng/ :: fire hydrant
街景 {n} /jiējǐng/ :: street scene
街口 {n} /jiēkǒu/ :: street entrance
街路 {n} /jiēlù/ :: street; road; avenue
街路顶 {def} SEE: 街路頂 ::
街女 {n} /jiēnǚ/ :: alternative name for 站街女
街區 {n} /jiēqū/ :: relatively small area formed by several streets
街區 {n} /jiēqū/ :: block (distance from one street to another)
街拍 {v} /jiēpāi/ :: to photograph on the streets
街拍 {n} /jiēpāi/ :: street photography; street snap
街区 {def} SEE: 街區 ::
街上 {n} /jiēshang/ :: on the street
街市 {n} /jiēshì/ :: street where many stores are located; downtown area
街市 {n} [Cantonese] /jiēshì/ :: food market; street market; wet market
街談巷議 {idiom} /jiētánxiàngyì/ :: town talk; street gossip
街谈巷议 {def} SEE: 街談巷議 ::
街头 {def} SEE: 街頭 ::
街头采访 {def} SEE: 街頭採訪 ::
街头艺人 {def} SEE: 街頭藝人 ::
街头艺术 {def} SEE: 街頭藝術 ::
街頭 {n} /jiētóu,tl/ :: streets; street corner; neighbourhood
街頭採訪 {n} /jiētóu cǎifǎng/ :: vox populi; vox pop
街頭藝人 {n} /jiētóu yìrén/ :: street performer; busker
街頭藝術 {n} [art] /jiētóu yìshù/ :: street art
街舞 {n} /jiēwǔ/ :: street dance
街子 {n} [dialectal] /jiēzi/ :: marketplace; market
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
阶层 {def} SEE: 階層 ::
阶乘 {def} SEE: 階乘 ::
阶段 {def} SEE: 階段 ::
阶段性 {def} SEE: 階段性 ::
阶级 {def} SEE: 階級 ::
阶级斗争 {def} SEE: 階級鬥爭 ::
阶级社会 {def} SEE: 階級社會 ::
阶级性 {def} SEE: 階級性 ::
阶梯 {def} SEE: 階梯 ::
阶梯教室 {def} SEE: 階梯教室 ::
阶下 {def} SEE: 階下 ::
阶下囚 {def} SEE: 階下囚 ::
阶砖 {def} SEE: 階磚 ::
{def} /jiē/ :: stair; step
{def} [figurative] /jiē/ :: rank; degree; level; seniority; order of precedence
{def} [figurative] /jiē/ :: phase; stage (serially-ordered division of time, level of completion, etc.)
{def} [music] /jiē/ :: scale
{def} [mathematics] /jiē/ :: order; degree (quantity signifying various concepts in mathematics, chiefly integer-valued)
{def} [graph theory] /jiē/ :: the number of vertices in a graph
{def} /jiē/ :: surname
階層 {n} /jiēcéng/ :: hierarchy
階層 {n} /jiēcéng/ :: social stratum; class; level
階乘 {n} [combinatorics] /jiēchéng/ :: factorial
階段 {n} /jiēduàn/ :: phase; stage (Classifier: 個)
階段 {n} /jiēduàn/ :: level (Classifier: 個)
階段性 {n} /jiēduànxìng/ :: periodicity
階段性 {adj} [attributive] /jiēduànxìng/ :: periodic; interim; step-by-step
階級 {n} /jiējí/ :: step (on a flight of stairs)
階級 {n} /jiējí/ :: class, rank, order
階級 {n} /jiējí/ :: class (social division based on socio-economic status)
階級鬥爭 {n} [communism] /jiējí dòuzhēng/ :: class struggle
階級社會 {n} /jiējí shèhuì/ :: class society
階級性 {n} /jiējíxìng/ :: class nature; class character
階梯 {n} /jiētī/ :: flight of steps
階梯 {n} /jiētī/ :: ladder to success
階梯教室 {n} /jiētī jiào室/ :: lecture theatre; lecture hall
階下 {n} /jiēxià/ :: at the foot of the steps; at the base of the steps
階下囚 {n} /jiēxiàqiú/ :: prisoner
{def} /jiē/ :: [obsolete] male quail
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /qià/ :: [obsolete] to strip the skin of the face
{def} /qià/ :: alternative form of
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /xiān/ :: surname
{def} /jié/ :: clean, pure, clear (usually used for names)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [literary] /jiù/ :: to take up permanent residence
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jié/ :: a kind of fish grown in freshwater with a flat body and orange- or blue-colored pattern
{def} [literary] /jié/ :: alternative form of
{def} /jié/ :: only used in 倢伃
{def} /qiè/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
倢伃 {def} SEE: 婕妤 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jié/ :: outstanding; remarkable
{def} /jié/ :: hero
{def} /jié/ :: surname
傑出 {adj} /jiéchū/ :: outstanding; eminent; remarkable; brilliant
傑斐遜 {prop} /Jiéfěixùn/ :: Jefferson
傑斐遜城 {prop} /Jiéfěixùn Chéng/ :: 傑斐遜城 (city/state capital)
傑克 {prop} /Jiékè/ :: Jack (English given name)
傑克南瓜燈 {n} /jiékè-nánguādēng/ :: jack-o'-lantern
傑克森 {prop} [Taiwan] /Jiékèsēn/ :: Jackson (English surname and given name)
傑克蘇 {n} /Jiékè Sū/ :: Gary Stu
傑克遜 {prop} [Mainland] /Jiékèxùn/ :: Jackson (English surname and given name)
傑克遜維爾 {prop} /Jiékèxùnwéi'ěr/ :: Jacksonville
傑西卡 {prop} /Jiéxīkǎ/ :: Jessica
傑作 {n} /jiézuò/ :: masterpiece; masterwork
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jié/ :: to coerce; to compel
{def} /jié/ :: to rob
{def} [Buddhism] /jié/ :: disaster; calamity; catastrophe
劫持 {v} /jiéchí/ :: to kidnap; to hijack; to abduct
劫盗 {def} SEE: 劫盜 ::
劫盜 {v} /jiédào/ :: to steal; to rob
劫盜 {n} /jiédào/ :: a robber
劫夺 {def} SEE: 劫奪 ::
劫奪 {v} /jiéduó/ :: to seize (a person or his property) by force
劫匪 {n} /jiéfěi/ :: bandit; robber
劫富濟貧 {idiom} /jiéfùjìpín/ :: to rob the rich to aid the poor
劫富济贫 {def} SEE: 劫富濟貧 ::
劫机 {def} SEE: 劫機 ::
劫機 {n} /jiéjī/ :: aircraft hijacking, skyjacking
劫监 {def} SEE: 劫監 ::
劫掠 {v} /jiélüè/ :: to plunder; to loot
劫难 {def} SEE: 劫難 ::
劫難 {n} /jiénàn/ :: disaster; calamity; catastrophe (Classifier: 場次種)
劫迁 {def} SEE: 劫遷 ::
劫遷 {v} [literary] /jiéqiān/ :: to kidnap and forcibly relocate
劫囚 {v} /jiéqiú/ :: to break a prisoner out of jail; to take a prisoner away from legal custody
劫色 {v} /jiésè/ :: to harass sexually
劫數 {n} [Buddhism] /jiéshù/ :: predestined fate; inexorable doom
劫数 {def} SEE: 劫數 ::
劫營 {v} [literary] /jiéyíng/ :: to raid an enemy camp
劫营 {def} SEE: 劫營 ::
劫狱 {def} SEE: 劫獄 ::
劫獄 {v} /jiéyù/ :: to break into a jail and release prisoners
劫寨 {v} [archaic] /jiézhài/ :: to raid (an enemy) stronghold; to attack an enemy's camp
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [Cantonese] /jiē/ :: suitcase
喼顿 {def} SEE: 喼頓 ::
{def} /jié/ :: used in 婕妤
{def} /jié/ :: Used in female personal names
{def} /jié/ :: [obsolete] beautiful
婕妤 {n} [historical] /jiéyú/ :: jieyu; "favoured beauty" (a title given to a concubine)
{def} /jié/ :: alone
{def} /jié/ :: left-over; remaining
孑孑 {adj} [literary, ideophonic] /jiéjié/ :: outstanding; prominent; conspicuous
孑孑 {adj} [literary, ideophonic] /jiéjié/ :: tiny; minute
孑孑 {adj} [literary, ideophonic] /jiéjié/ :: alone; lonely
孑孒 {def} SEE: 孑孓 ::
孑孓 {n} /jiéjué/ :: mosquito larva
孑孓 {adj} [ideophonic, obsolete, of an animal's body] /jiéjué/ :: bending and stretching
孑立 {v} [literary] /jiélì/ :: to be alone; to stand in isolation
孑然 {adj} /jiérán/ :: solitary; lonely; alone
孑然一身 {idiom} /jiérán一shēn/ :: all alone in the world, with no relatives or friends; solitary
孑遺 {n} [literary] /jiéyí/ :: survivor; remnant population
孑遺 {n} [literary] /jiéyí/ :: remnant; leftover; remainder; rump; relict
孑遺 {adj} [chiefly ecology] /jiéyí/ :: relictual; surviving; remaining
孑遗 {def} SEE: 孑遺 ::
{def} /jié,er/ :: to cut off; to sever
{def} /jié,er/ :: to bar; to stop; to obstruct; to block
{def} /jié,er/ :: to close; to end
{def} /jié,er/ :: section
{def} /jié,er/ :: classifier for sections or lengths of objects
{def} /jié,er/ :: neat; well-ordered; orderly
{def} /jié,er/ :: alternative form of
截查 {v} /jiéchá/ :: to intercept and check; to block and check
截断 {def} SEE: 截斷 ::
截斷 {v} /jiéduàn/ :: to cut off; to sever
截斷 {v} /jiéduàn/ :: to obstruct; to intercept
截斷 {v} /jiéduàn/ :: to break off; to discontinue
截稿 {v} /jiégǎo,er/ :: to stop accepting contributions or manuscripts (at a certain time)
截痕 {n} [geometry] /jiéhén/ :: section
截胡 {v} [mahjong] /jiéhú/ :: to complete one's hand with a discarded tile, which other player(s) further from the player who discarded the tile (in terms of playing order) also attempt to use to complete their own hand(s) simultaneously
截胡 {v} [figuratively] /jiéhú/ :: to intercept and seize
截獲 {v} /jiéhuò/ :: to intercept and capture
截获 {def} SEE: 截獲 ::
截距 {n} [geometry] /jiéjù/ :: intercept
截路 {v} [literary] /jiélù/ :: to block someone's path
截面 {n} [mathematics, physics] /jiémiàn,er/ :: section; cross section
截屏 {v} /jiépíng,er/ :: to take a screenshot; to screenshot
截屏 {n} /jiépíng,er/ :: screenshot
截取 {v} /jiéqǔ/ :: to cut off (a section of something); to extract
截拳道 {n} /jiéquándào/ :: Jeet Kune Do, Jeet Kun Do, JKD ("Way of the Intercepting Fist")
截然 {adv} /jiérán/ :: completely; sharply; starkly
截然不同 {idiom} /jiérán不tóng/ :: to be completely different; to be poles apart
截瘫 {def} SEE: 截癱 ::
截癱 {n} /jiétān/ :: paraplegia
截癱 {adj} /jiétān/ :: paraplegic
截图 {def} SEE: 截圖 ::
截圖 {v} /jiétú/ :: to take a screenshot; to do a screen capture
截圖 {n} /jiétú/ :: screenshot; screen capture
截肢 {v} [medicine] /jiézhī/ :: to amputate
截肢 {n} [medicine] /jiézhī/ :: amputation
截止 {v} /jiézhǐ/ :: to end; to terminate; to cut off; to close; to stop
截止日期 {n} /jiézhǐ rì期/ :: due date; deadline
截至 {v} /jiézhì/ :: to be no later than; up to (a specified time); by
截住 {v} [literary] /jiézhù/ :: to block; to obstruct
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jié/ :: Used in 拮据
拮据 {adj} /jiéjū/ :: short of money; in straitened circumstances
拮据 {adj} [literary] /jiéjū/ :: diligent
拮据 {adv} [literary] /jiéjū/ :: diligently
拮抗 {v} [pharmacology] /jiékàng/ :: to antagonise
{def} /jié/ :: to win; to be victorious; to succeed
{def} /jié/ :: quick; fast; rapid; swift; nimble; agile
{def} [Min Nan] /jié/ :: frequent
{def} /jié/ :: [obsolete] spoils of war
{def} /jié/ :: [obsolete] to reach
{def} /qiè/ :: only used in 捷捷
{def} /chā/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
捷報 {n} /jiébào/ :: news of victory; report of a success
捷报 {def} SEE: 捷報 ::
捷径 {def} SEE: 捷徑 ::
捷徑 {n} [literally] /jiéjìng/ :: shortcut (alternative route)
捷徑 {n} [figuratively] /jiéjìng/ :: shortcut (accelerated way of achieving something)
捷克 {prop} /Jiékè/ :: Czech Republic; Czechia
捷克共和国 {def} SEE: 捷克共和國 ::
捷克共和國 {prop} /Jiékè Gònghéguó/ :: Czech Republic
捷克人 {n} /jiékèrén/ :: Czech (person)
捷克斯洛伐克 {prop} [history] /Jiékèsīluò伐kè/ :: Czechoslovakia
捷克語 {prop} /Jiékèyǔ/ :: the Czech language
捷克语 {def} SEE: 捷克語 ::
捷书 {def} SEE: 捷書 ::
捷書 {n} [archaic] /jiéshū/ :: an official dispatch reporting the news of a victory in battle
捷泳 {n} [chiefly Taiwan] /jiéyǒng/ :: freestyle; front crawl
捷运 {def} SEE: 捷運 ::
捷運 {n} [chiefly Taiwan] /jiéyùn/ :: metro; subway
捷足先登 {idiom} /jiézúxiāndēng/ :: to take the first step; to act early on; the early bird gets the worm
{def} SEE: ::
擷取 {v} [computing] /xiéqǔ,jiéqǔ/ :: to capture
擷取 {v} [literary] /xiéqǔ,jiéqǔ/ :: to gather; to pick; to pluck
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jié/ :: used in personal names
杰出 {def} SEE: 傑出 ::
杰斐逊 {def} SEE: 傑斐遜 ::
杰斐逊城 {def} SEE: 傑斐遜城 ::
杰克 {def} SEE: 傑克 ::
杰克南瓜灯 {def} SEE: 傑克南瓜燈 ::
杰克森 {def} SEE: 傑克森 ::
杰克苏 {def} SEE: 傑克蘇 ::
杰克逊 {def} SEE: 傑克遜 ::
杰克逊维尔 {def} SEE: 傑克遜維爾 ::
杰西卡 {def} SEE: 傑西卡 ::
杰作 {def} SEE: 傑作 ::
{def} SEE: ::
栉比 {def} SEE: 櫛比 ::
栉水母 {def} SEE: 櫛水母 ::
{def} /jié/ :: chicken roost
{def} /jié/ :: Jie of Xia, an ancient emperor
桀骜 {def} SEE: 桀驁 ::
桀骜不驯 {def} SEE: 桀驁不馴 ::
桀驁 {adj} /jié驁/ :: tyrannical and haughty
桀驁不馴 {idiom} /jié'ào不馴/ :: wild; intractable; stubborn; obstinate and unruly
桀口话 {def} SEE: 桀口話 ::
桀紂 {prop} /jiézhòu/ :: King Jie of Xia and King Zhou of Shang (the last king of the Xia Dynasty and the last king of the Shang Dynasty, both of whom were notorious tyrants)
桀紂 {n} [figurative, chiefly archaic] /jiézhòu/ :: tyrannical rulers; tyrants
桀纣 {def} SEE: 桀紂 ::
{def} /jié/ :: used in 桔梗
{def} /jié/ :: used in 桔槔
{def} /jié/ :: [obsolete] to suspend with a well sweep
{def} /jú/ :: alternative form of
{def} /xié/ :: only used in 桔柣
桔槔 {n} /jiégāo/ :: well sweep
桔梗 {n} [TCM] /jiégěng/ :: root of the balloon flower (Platycodon grandiflorus)
桔井 {prop} /Jújǐng/ :: (~ 省) 桔井 (province)
桔井 {prop} /Jújǐng/ :: (~ 市) 桔井 (city/provincial capital)
桔子 {def} SEE: 橘子 ::
{def} /jié/ :: tablet
{def} /jié/ :: a signpost
{def} /jié/ :: support beam
{def} /jié/ :: perch for fowls to roost on
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jí/ :: [obsolete] Name of a body of water
洁白 {def} SEE: 潔白 ::
洁净 {def} SEE: 潔淨 ::
洁癖 {def} SEE: 潔癖 ::
洁牙士 {def} SEE: 潔牙士 ::
{def} [Cantonese] /jié/ :: alternative form of *杰
{def} /jié/ :: clean; pure
{def} /jié/ :: to clean; to purify
潔白 {adj} /jiébái/ :: purely white
潔白 {adj} [figurative, of morals] /jiébái/ :: pure; clean; untarnished
潔淨 {adj} /jiéjìng/ :: clean
潔癖 {n} /jié癖/ :: obsessive-compulsive tendency towards cleanliness; mysophobia
潔牙士 {n} /jiéyáshì/ :: dental hygienist
{def} [Cantonese] /zhì/ :: to squeeze
{def} [Cantonese] /zhì/ :: eject
{def} [Cantonese] /zhì/ :: to spray
{def} /jié,qì,hé,gē/ :: [obsolete] only used in 犵狫
{def} /jié/ :: eyelash
睫毛 {n} /jiémáo/ :: eyelash
睫毛膏 {n} /jiémáogāo/ :: mascara
睫状肌 {def} SEE: 睫狀肌 ::
睫状体 {def} SEE: 睫狀體 ::
睫狀肌 {n} [anatomy] /jiézhuàngjī/ :: ciliary muscle
睫狀體 {n} [anatomy] /jiézhuàngtǐ/ :: ciliary body
{def} /jié/ :: large stone with inscriptions
碣石 {n} /jiéshí/ :: stone tablet
碣石 {prop} /Jiéshí/ :: (~ 鎮) 碣石 (town)
{def} /jié/ :: to shoulder
{def} /jié/ :: to dry up; to drain
{def} /jié/ :: to exhaust; to use up
竭誠 {adv} /jiéchéng/ :: wholeheartedly; with all one's heart
竭诚 {def} SEE: 竭誠 ::
竭盡 {v} /jiéjìn/ :: to exhaust; to use up (one's energy, etc.)
竭盡全力 {idiom} /jiéjìnquánlì/ :: to do all one can; to do one's utmost; to spare no effort; to go all-out
竭尽 {def} SEE: 竭盡 ::
竭尽全力 {def} SEE: 竭盡全力 ::
竭蹶 {adj} [literary] /jiéjué/ :: destitute; impoverished
竭力 {v} /jiélì/ :: to strive; to try one's hardest; to do one's utmost
竭慮 {v} [literary] /jiélǜ/ :: to ponder deeply; to meditate on; to ruminate on; to muse on
竭虑 {def} SEE: 竭慮 ::
竭泽而渔 {def} SEE: 竭澤而漁 ::
竭澤而漁 {idiom} /jiézé'éryú/ :: to kill the goose that lays the golden egg; to extract everything available at the moment at the sacrifice of long-term benefits
{def} /xié,jié/ :: [obsolete] to be clean; to be pure
{def} /xié,jié/ :: [obsolete] to wash
{def} /xié,jié/ :: [obsolete] to regulate
{def} /xié,jié/ :: [obsolete] marking line
{def} SEE: ::
结案 {def} SEE: 結案 ::
结巴 {def} SEE: 結巴 ::
结疤 {def} SEE: 結疤 ::
结拜 {def} SEE: 結拜 ::
结拜兄弟 {def} SEE: 結拜兄弟 ::
结伴 {def} SEE: 結伴 ::
结冰 {def} SEE: 結冰 ::
结彩 {def} SEE: 結彩 ::
结草 {def} SEE: 結草 ::
结草衔环 {def} SEE: 結草銜環 ::
结肠 {def} SEE: 結腸 ::
结肠癌 {def} SEE: 結腸癌 ::
结肠带 {def} SEE: 結腸帶 ::
结肠袋 {def} SEE: 結腸袋 ::
结肠镜 {def} SEE: 結腸鏡 ::
结肠炎 {def} SEE: 結腸炎 ::
结城 {def} SEE: 結城 ::
结成 {def} SEE: 結成 ::
结仇 {def} SEE: 結仇 ::
结存 {def} SEE: 結存 ::
结党 {def} SEE: 結黨 ::
结党营私 {def} SEE: 結黨營私 ::
结缔组织 {def} SEE: 結締組織 ::
结队 {def} SEE: 結隊 ::
结搆 {def} SEE: 結搆 ::
结构 {def} SEE: 結構 ::
结构生物学 {def} SEE: 結構生物學 ::
结构式 {def} SEE: 結構式 ::
结构体 {def} SEE: 結構體 ::
结构异构 {def} SEE: 結構異構 ::
结构域 {def} SEE: 結構域 ::
结构主义 {def} SEE: 結構主義 ::
结棍 {def} SEE: 結棍 ::
结果 {def} SEE: 結果 ::
结好 {def} SEE: 結好 ::
结合 {def} SEE: 結合 ::
结合律 {def} SEE: 結合律 ::
结合能 {def} SEE: 結合能 ::
结合性 {def} SEE: 結合性 ::
结核 {def} SEE: 結核 ::
结核病 {def} SEE: 結核病 ::
结核杆菌 {def} SEE: 結核桿菌 ::
结喉 {def} SEE: 結喉 ::
结汇 {def} SEE: 結匯 ::
结婚 {def} SEE: 結婚 ::
结婚纪念日 {def} SEE: 結婚紀念日 ::
结婚戒指 {def} SEE: 結婚戒指 ::
结婚证 {def} SEE: 結婚證 ::
结婚指环 {def} SEE: 結婚指環 ::
结伙 {def} SEE: 結夥 ::
结集 {def} SEE: 結集 ::
结痂 {def} SEE: 結痂 ::
结跏趺坐 {def} SEE: 結跏趺坐 ::
结囝 {def} SEE: 結囝 ::
结交 {def} SEE: 結交 ::
结结巴巴 {def} SEE: 結結巴巴 ::
结节 {def} SEE: 結節 ::
结节病 {def} SEE: 結節病 ::
结界 {def} SEE: 結界 ::
结金兰 {def} SEE: 結金蘭 ::
结晶 {def} SEE: 結晶 ::
结晶化 {def} SEE: 結晶化 ::
结晶水 {def} SEE: 結晶水 ::
结晶体 {def} SEE: 結晶體 ::
结局 {def} SEE: 結局 ::
结绝 {def} SEE: 結絕 ::
结块 {def} SEE: 結塊 ::
结了 {def} SEE: 結了 ::
结缡 {def} SEE: 結縭 ::
结连 {def} SEE: 結連 ::
结论 {def} SEE: 結論 ::
结盟 {def} SEE: 結盟 ::
结膜 {def} SEE: 結膜 ::
结膜炎 {def} SEE: 結膜炎 ::
结末 {def} SEE: 結末 ::
结幕 {def} SEE: 結幕 ::
结纳 {def} SEE: 結納 ::
结亲 {def} SEE: 結親 ::
结清 {def} SEE: 結清 ::
结球甘蓝 {def} SEE: 結球甘藍 ::
结舌 {def} SEE: 結舌 ::
结社 {def} SEE: 結社 ::
结社自由 {def} SEE: 結社自由 ::
结绳 {def} SEE: 結繩 ::
结实 {def} SEE: 結實 ::
结石 {def} SEE: 結石 ::
结石宝宝 {def} SEE: 結石寶寶 ::
结识 {def} SEE: 結識 ::
结食 {def} SEE: 結食 ::
结数 {def} SEE: 結數 ::
结束 {def} SEE: 結束 ::
结束语 {def} SEE: 結束語 ::
结霜 {def} SEE: 結霜 ::
结算 {def} SEE: 結算 ::
结他 {def} SEE: 結他 ::
结体 {def} SEE: 結體 ::
结托 {def} SEE: 結託 ::
结尾 {def} SEE: 結尾 ::
结项 {def} SEE: 結項 ::
结业 {def} SEE: 結業 ::
结义 {def} SEE: 結義 ::
结营 {def} SEE: 結營 ::
结余 {def} SEE: 結餘 ::
结语 {def} SEE: 結語 ::
结冤仇 {def} SEE: 結冤仇 ::
结缘 {def} SEE: 結緣 ::
结怨 {def} SEE: 結怨 ::
结扎 {def} SEE: 結紮 ::
结帐 {def} SEE: 結帳 ::
结账 {def} SEE: 結賬 ::
结直肠 {def} SEE: 結直腸 ::
结直肠癌 {def} SEE: 結直腸癌 ::
结蛛 {def} SEE: 結蛛 ::
结子 {def} SEE: 結子 ::
{def} /jié/ :: castrated buck caprid; wether
{def} /jié/ :: Jie people (a small, extinct tribe that once lived in North China)
羯鼓 {n} /jiégǔ/ :: a small Chinese double-headed drum struck with two wooden sticks, adopted from the Central Asian region of Kucha during the Tang Dynasty
羯胡 {prop} [historical] /Jiéhú/ :: Jie people (an ancient tribe in northern China)
羯胡 {prop} [historical] /Jiéhú/ :: any non-Han tribe in northern China
羯胡人 {n} [historical] /jiéhúrén/ :: Jie people
羯磨 {n} [archaic] /jiémó/ :: karma
羯羊 {n} /jiéyáng/ :: wether; castrated male sheep
{def} SEE: ::
节哀 {def} SEE: 節哀 ::
节哀顺变 {def} SEE: 節哀順變 ::
节操 {def} SEE: 節操 ::
节点 {def} SEE: 節點 ::
节电 {def} SEE: 節電 ::
节度使 {def} SEE: 節度使 ::
节骨眼 {def} SEE: 節骨眼 ::
节瓜 {def} SEE: 節瓜 ::
节后 {def} SEE: 節後 ::
节钺 {def} SEE: 節鉞 ::
节俭 {def} SEE: 節儉 ::
节减 {def} SEE: 節減 ::
节节 {def} SEE: 節節 ::
节节败退 {def} SEE: 節節敗退 ::
节劳 {def} SEE: 節勞 ::
节乐 {def} SEE: 節樂 ::
节令 {def} SEE: 節令 ::
节录 {def} SEE: 節錄 ::
节律 {def} SEE: 節律 ::
节脉 {def} SEE: 節脈 ::
节目 {def} SEE: 節目 ::
节目单 {def} SEE: 節目單 ::
节目组 {def} SEE: 節目組 ::
节能 {def} SEE: 節能 ::
节能灯 {def} SEE: 節能燈 ::
节拍 {def} SEE: 節拍 ::
节拍器 {def} SEE: 節拍器 ::
节气 {def} SEE: 節氣 ::
节庆 {def} SEE: 節慶 ::
节日 {def} SEE: 節日 ::
节省 {def} SEE: 節省 ::
节食 {def} SEE: 節食 ::
节水 {def} SEE: 節水 ::
节外生枝 {def} SEE: 節外生枝 ::
节限 {def} SEE: 節限 ::
节孝 {def} SEE: 節孝 ::
节孝坊 {def} SEE: 節孝坊 ::
节选 {def} SEE: 節選 ::
节义 {def} SEE: 節義 ::
节谊 {def} SEE: 節義 ::
节余 {def} SEE: 節餘 ::
节育 {def} SEE: 節育 ::
节约 {def} SEE: 節約 ::
节肢动物 {def} SEE: 節肢動物 ::
节制 {def} SEE: 節制 ::
节子 {def} SEE: 節子 ::
节子板 {def} SEE: 節子板 ::
节奏 {def} SEE: 節奏 ::
节奏布鲁斯 {def} SEE: 節奏布魯斯 ::
节奏感 {def} SEE: 節奏感 ::
节奏吉他 {def} SEE: 節奏吉他 ::
节奏口技 {def} SEE: 節奏口技 ::
节足动物 {def} SEE: 節足動物 ::
{def} /jié/ :: [obsolete] grass curtain
{def} [literary or Min] /jié/ :: swimming crab
{def} /jié/ :: [obsolete] a kind of ocean crab
{def} /jié/ :: [obsolete] small green cicada
詰難 {v} [literary] /jiénàn/ :: to censure; to blame; interrogate
詰屈 {adj} [ideophonic] /jiéqū/ :: bending; twisting
詰屈聱牙 {def} SEE: 佶屈聱牙 ::
詰屈謷牙 {def} SEE: 佶屈聱牙 ::
詰問 {v} [literary] /jiéwèn/ :: to interrogate; to cross examine
詰責 {n} [literary] /jiézé/ :: to question; to call to account  
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
诘难 {def} SEE: 詰難 ::
诘屈聱牙 {def} SEE: 詰屈聱牙 ::
诘屈謷牙 {def} SEE: 詰屈謷牙 ::
诘问 {def} SEE: 詰問 ::
诘责 {def} SEE: 詰責 ::
頡頏 {v} [literary] /xiéháng/ :: to fly up and down
頡頏 {v} [literary, figurative] /xiéháng/ :: to be equally matched; to rival each other
頡頏 {v} /xiéháng/ :: alternative form of 拮抗
{def} SEE: ::
颉颃 {def} SEE: 頡頏 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiě/ :: elder sister
{def} /jiě/ :: woman; lady; madame
{def} [dialectal] /jiě/ :: mother
{def} [archaic] /jù/ :: alternative form of
姐弟恋 {def} SEE: 姐弟戀 ::
姐弟戀 {n} /jiědìliàn/ :: a love relationship in which the female is older than the male
姐夫 {n} /jiěfu,jiěfū,1nb/ :: brother-in-law (elder sister's husband)
姐姐 {n} /jiějie,jiějié,1nb/ :: elder sister; big sister (Classifier: 個位)
姐姐 {n} /jiějie,jiějié,1nb/ :: Term of address for a female not much older than oneself
姐姐 {n} [archaic] /jiějie,jiějié,1nb/ :: female servant
姐姐 {n} [Hong Kong Cantonese] /jiějie,jiějié,1nb/ :: female domestic helper
姐控 {n} [ACG] /jiěkòng/ :: siscon (to an elder sister)
姐妹 {n} /jiěmèi/ :: elder sister and younger sister; sisters
姐妹城 {n} /jiěmèichéng/ :: sister city
姐妹城市 {n} /jiěmèi chéngshì/ :: sister city
姐妹花 {n} /jiěmèihuā,er/ :: pair of pretty sisters
姐妹市 {n} /jiěmèishì/ :: sister city
姐妹淘 {n} [chiefly Taiwan] /jiěmèitāo/ :: alternative form of 姊妹淘
姐们 {def} SEE: 姐們 ::
姐們 {n} [colloquial] /jiěmen,er/ :: close female friend; sisters
姐們 {n} [colloquial] /jiěmen,er/ :: girl; woman
姐係 {def} SEE: 啫係 ::
姐系 {def} SEE: 姐係 ::
姐仔妈 {def} SEE: 姐仔媽 ::
姐丈 {n} /jiězhàng/ :: brother-in-law (elder sister's husband)
{def} /jiě/ :: to loosen; to unfasten; to untie
{def} /jiě/ :: to explain
{def} /jiě/ :: to excrete
{def} /jiě/ :: to remove; to eliminate
{def} /jiě/ :: to divide; to break up; to split; to separate
{def} /jiě/ :: to dissolve
{def} /jiě/ :: to solve
{def} /jiě/ :: to understand
{def} /jiě/ :: solution (to a problem)
{def} [mathematics] /jiě/ :: solution of an equation
{def} /jiě/ :: 40th hexagram of the I Ching
{def} /jiè/ :: to introduce scholar to imperial palace
{def} /jiè/ :: to send under escort
{def} /jiè/ :: to mortgage
{def} /jiè/ :: to exchange (money)
{def} /xiè/ :: beast's name
{def} /xiè/ :: local authorities
{def} /xiè/ :: skill of acrobatics
{def} /xiè/ :: Ancient placename.
{def} /xiè/ :: alternative form of
{def} /xiè/ :: surname
{def} /hài/ :: used in 解州
解表药 {def} SEE: 解表藥 ::
解表藥 {n} /jiěbiǎoyào/ :: Superfices-syndrome relieving materia medica in traditional Chinese medicine. This term refers to herbs and other medicinal substances that are used to relieve "external" symptoms, such as chills and running nose (which are also known as "wind-cold" symptoms)
解嘲 {v} /jiěcháo/ :: to try to explain things away when ridiculed
解愁 {v} /jiěchóu/ :: to relieve one's worries
解除 {v} /jiěchú/ :: to remove; to get rid of; to relieve; to lift
解除 {v} /jiěchú/ :: to cancel (an agreement); to terminate (a contract)
解答 {v} /jiědá/ :: to answer
解大手 {v} [Mainland China] /jiě dàshǒu,er/ :: to take a dump; to defecate
解大手儿 {def} SEE: 解大手兒 ::
解大手兒 {v} [Mainland China] /jiě dàshǒur/ ::  erhua form of to defecate
解調 {v} /jiětiáo/ :: to demodulate
解調器 {n} /jiětiáoqì/ :: demodulator (any device that demodulates a signal)
解调 {def} SEE: 解調 ::
解调器 {def} SEE: 解調器 ::
解冻 {def} SEE: 解凍 ::
解凍 {v} /jiědòng/ :: to thaw; to defrost
解凍 {v} /jiědòng/ :: to relax restrictions; to unfreeze (of funds, assets, etc.)
解凍 {v} /jiědòng/ :: to relax; to thaw (of relations, repression, etc.)
解讀 {v} /jiědú/ :: to understand by breaking something down; to decipher; to decode; to decrypt
解讀 {n} /jiědú/ :: understanding or interpretation of a written text
解毒 {v} /jiědú/ :: to detoxify
解毒 {v} [TCM] /jiědú/ :: to relieve fever
解毒药 {def} SEE: 解毒藥 ::
解毒藥 {n} /jiědúyào/ :: antidote
解渎 {def} SEE: 解瀆 ::
解渎亭侯 {def} SEE: 解瀆亭侯 ::
解瀆 {prop} [archaic] /Jiědú/ :: Jiedu Ting (near present day Anguo)
解瀆亭侯 {prop} /Jiědú Tínghóu/ :: Marquis of Jiedu Ting (Liu Chang, father to the Emperor Ling of Han)
解读 {def} SEE: 解讀 ::
解餓 {v} /jiě'è/ :: to allay one's hunger; to satisfy one's hunger
解饿 {def} SEE: 解餓 ::
解乏 {v} /jiěfá/ :: to refresh oneself
解放 {v} /jiěfàng/ :: to liberate; to emancipate; to free
解放 {v} /jiěfàng/ :: to be liberated; to be emancipated; to be freed
解放 {n} /jiěfàng/ :: liberation; emancipation
解放 {prop} /jiěfàng/ :: [mainland China] War of Liberation (1946-1955)
解放 {prop} /jiěfàng/ :: [mainland China] Liberation of China (1955)
解放 {prop} /jiěfàng/ :: [mainland China] Founding of the People's Republic of China (October 1, 1949)
解放 {prop} /jiěfàng/ :: (~ 社區) 解放 (residential community)
解放军 {def} SEE: 解放軍 ::
解放軍 {n} [non-idiomatic] /jiěfàngjūn/ :: army mobilised for the purpose of liberating a political entity
解放軍 {n} /jiěfàngjūn/ :: member of such an army
解放軍 {prop} /jiěfàngjūn/ :: the People's Liberation Army
解放路 {prop} /Jiěfànglù/ :: (~ 社區) 解放路 (residential community)
解放區 {n} /jiěfàngqū/ :: liberated area
解放区 {def} SEE: 解放區 ::
解放神学 {def} SEE: 解放神學 ::
解放神學 {n} [Christianity] /jiěfàngshénxué/ :: liberation theology
解放鞋 {n} /jiěfàngxié/ :: liberation shoes (type of army-green, rubber-sole, laced canvas shoes worn by PLA officers)
解放战争 {def} SEE: 解放戰爭 ::
解放戰爭 {prop} [Mainland China] /Jiěfàng Zhànzhēng/ :: Chinese Communist Revolution
解构 {def} SEE: 解構 ::
解构主义 {def} SEE: 解構主義 ::
解構 {def} SEE: 邂逅 ::
解構 {v} /jiěgòu/ :: to deconstruct; to break down
解構主義 {n} [philosophy, literature] /jiěgòu zhǔyì/ :: deconstruction
解構主義 {n} [architecture] /jiěgòu zhǔyì/ :: deconstructivism
解僱 {v} /jiěgù/ :: to terminate someone's employment; to discharge; to dismiss; to fire; to sack
解雇 {def} SEE: 解僱 ::
解和 {v} [literary] /jiěhé/ :: to become reconciled; to make peace
解恨 {v} /jiěhèn/ :: to vent one's hatred
解惑 {v} /jiěhuò/ :: to dispel a doubt; to clear up confusion
解家冲 {def} SEE: 解家沖 ::
解家沖 {prop} /Xièjiāchōng/ :: (~ 村) 解家沖 (village)
解廌 {def} SEE: 獬豸 ::
解禁 {v} /jiějìn/ :: to lift a ban
解經 {v} /jiějīng/ :: to interpret the doctrine of classic texts; to provide an exegesis
解经 {def} SEE: 解經 ::
解救 {v} /jiějiù/ :: to rescue; to help out of difficulties
解决 {def} SEE: 解決 ::
解決 {v} /jiějué/ :: to solve; to resolve; to settle
解決 {v} /jiějué/ :: to kill off; to murder
解決 {v} /jiějué/ :: to wipe out; to eliminate; to annihilate
解开 {def} SEE: 解開 ::
解開 {v} /jiěkāi/ :: to untie; to undo
解渴 {v} /jiěkě/ :: to quench one's thirst; to assuage one's thirst
解渴 {v} [figurative] /jiěkě/ :: to be satisfying and beneficial; to be useful
解困 {v} /jiěkùn/ :: to resolve difficulties; to solve a predicament
解离 {def} SEE: 解離 ::
解離 {v} [chemistry, physics or psychology] /jiělí/ :: to dissociate
解良 {prop} [archaic] /Xièliáng/ :: Xieliang County, Hedong Commandery
解鈴還須繫鈴人 {idiom} /jiě líng hái xū xì líng rén/ :: The only one who can fix the problem is the one who created the problem
解铃还须系铃人 {def} SEE: 解鈴還須繫鈴人 ::
解码 {def} SEE: 解碼 ::
解码器 {def} SEE: 解碼器 ::
解碼 {v} /jiěmǎ/ :: to decode; to decipher
解碼器 {n} /jiěmǎqì/ :: decoder
解悶 {v} [literary] /jiěmèn/ :: to get rid of one's sorrows; to forget about one's troubles
解闷 {def} SEE: 解悶 ::
解夢 {v} /jiěmèng/ :: to decipher a dream; to interpret a dream
解梦 {def} SEE: 解夢 ::
解密 {v} /jiěmì/ :: to declassify
解密 {v} [computing] /jiěmì/ :: to decode; to decrypt
解密 {v} [figurative] /jiěmì/ :: to decipher; to solve; to explain
解难 {def} SEE: 解難 ::
解難 {v} /jiěnán/ :: to overcome a difficulty; to solve a problem
解難 {v} /jiěnàn/ :: to resolve a disaster; to remove a danger
解囊 {v} /jiěnáng/ :: to give financial assistance; to dig deep and donate
解耦 {v} /jiě'ǒu/ :: to decouple
解耦 {n} /jiě'ǒu/ :: decoupling
解聘 {v} /jiě聘/ :: to dismiss an employee (usually at the expiration of a contract)
解剖 {v} /jiě剖/ :: to dissect
解剖 {v} /jiě剖/ :: to observe and analyse
解剖 {n} /jiě剖/ :: dissection
解剖 {n} /jiě剖/ :: anatomy
解剖刀 {n} /jiě剖dāo/ :: scalpel
解剖学 {def} SEE: 解剖學 ::
解剖學 {n} [biology, medicine] /jiě剖xué/ :: anatomy
解气 {def} SEE: 解氣 ::
解氣 {v} /jiěqì/ :: to vent one's anger; to vent one's spleen
解氣 {adj} /jiěqì/ :: carefree; relieved; untroubled
解热 {def} SEE: 解熱 ::
解熱 {v} /jiěrè/ :: to relieve (summer) heat
解熱 {v} [medicine] /jiěrè/ :: to allay a fever
解任 {v} /jiěrèn/ :: to dismiss; to discharge
解散 {v} [of a gathered group of people] /jiěsàn/ :: to disperse; to scatter about; to dismiss
解散 {v} /jiěsàn/ :: to dissolve (parliament, a company, etc.); to disband (an organisation); to break up (a group)
解散 {n} [government, politics] /jiěsàn/ :: dissolution
解骚 {def} SEE: 解騷 ::
解释 {def} SEE: 解釋 ::
解释器 {def} SEE: 解釋器 ::
解释学 {def} SEE: 解釋學 ::
解釋 {v} /jiěshì/ :: to explain; to elucidate
解釋 {v} /jiěshì/ :: to analyse; to interpret; to expound
解釋 {v} [archaic] /jiěshì/ :: to remove; to clear; to eliminate; to dispel
解釋 {n} /jiěshì/ :: explanation
解釋 {n} /jiěshì/ :: analysis; interpretation
解釋器 {n} [computing] /jiěshìqì/ :: interpreter
解釋學 {n} /jiěshìxué/ :: hermeneutics
解手 {v} [euphemistic, colloquial] /jiěshǒu,er/ :: to relieve oneself; to defecate or urinate
解手 {v} [archaic] /jiěshǒu,er/ :: to part; to become separated
解手 {n} [archaic] /jiěshǒu,er/ :: way to relieve a crisis
解手纸 {def} SEE: 解手紙 ::
解數 {n} /xièshù,jiěshù,1nb/ :: martial arts technique
解數 {n} /xièshù,jiěshù,1nb/ :: art; skill; competence
解暑 {v} /jiěshǔ/ :: to resolve summer heat
解数 {def} SEE: 解數 ::
解說 {v} /jiěshuō/ :: to explain; to comment; to narrate
解說員 {n} /jiěshuōyuán/ :: commentator (of a sports game); guide (of a tour)
解说 {def} SEE: 解說 ::
解说员 {def} SEE: 解說員 ::
解溲 {v} [euphemistic, literary] /jiěsōu/ :: to relieve oneself; to defecate or urinate
解鎖 {v} [chiefly computing or telecommunications] /jiěsuǒ/ :: to unlock
解锁 {def} SEE: 解鎖 ::
解題 {v} /jiětí/ :: to solve exam questions or exercise problems
解題 {v} /jiětí/ :: to comprehend or describe a title
解題 {v} /jiětí/ :: to describe a book
解题 {def} SEE: 解題 ::
解体 {def} SEE: 解體 ::
解體 {v} /jiětǐ/ :: to disintegrate; to break up
解脫 {v} /jiětuō/ :: to free oneself; to extricate oneself; to relieve
解脫 {v} /jiětuō/ :: to avoid responsibility
解脫 {n} [Buddhism] /jiětuō/ :: moksha
解脱 {def} SEE: 解脫 ::
解围 {def} SEE: 解圍 ::
解圍 {v} /jiěwéi/ :: to force an enemy to raise a siege; to rescue somebody from a siege
解圍 {v} /jiěwéi/ :: to help somebody out of a predicament; to save somebody from embarrassment
解圍 {v} [literary] /jiěwéi/ :: to break out of an encirclement (by an enemy force)
解析 {v} /jiěxī/ :: to analyze; to dissect; to deconstruct; to review
解析度 {n} /jiěxīdù/ :: resolution (of image, display device, etc)
解析幾何 {n} /jiěxī jǐhé,er/ :: analytic geometry
解析几何 {def} SEE: 解析幾何 ::
解析力学 {def} SEE: 解析力學 ::
解析力學 {n} /jiěxī lìxué/ :: analytical mechanics
解析学 {def} SEE: 解析學 ::
解析學 {n} [mathematics, rare] /jiěxīxué/ :: analysis (subject)
解像 {n} /jiěxiàng/ :: resolution
解像度 {n} /jiěxiàngdù/ :: image resolution
解小手 {v} [Mainland China] /jiě xiǎoshǒu,er/ :: to take a leak; to urinate
解压 {def} SEE: 解壓 ::
解壓 {v} /jiěyā/ :: to relieve one's stress
解壓 {v} [computing] /jiěyā/ :: to uncompress
解严 {def} SEE: 解嚴 ::
解嚴 {v} /jiěyán/ :: to lift a curfew; to lift martial law
解約 {v} /jiěyuē/ :: to cancel a contract
解药 {def} SEE: 解藥 ::
解藥 {n} /jiěyào/ :: antidote
解疑 {v} /jiěyí/ :: to get rid of doubts and misgivings
解疑 {v} /jiěyí/ :: to answer a difficult question
解譯 {v} /jiěyì/ :: to decipher; to interpret; to decode
解译 {def} SEE: 解譯 ::
解忧 {def} SEE: 解憂 ::
解憂 {v} /jiěyōu/ :: to get rid of anxiety
解元 {n} [historical] /jièyuán/ :: in the imperial examination system, the juren who ranked first in provincial exam
解约 {def} SEE: 解約 ::
解职 {def} SEE: 解職 ::
解職 {v} /jiězhí/ :: to dismiss (from office); to discharge; to sack
解州 {prop} [archaic] /Hàizhōu/ :: Haizhou (ancient city located in modern-day Yanhu District, Yuncheng City, Shanxi Province, China)
解縱 {v} [archaic] /jiězòng/ :: to set free
解纵 {def} SEE: 解縱 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiè/ :: alone, solitary
{def} /jiè/ :: to live alone
{def} /jiè/ :: use a hairpin to set and dress the hair
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiè/ :: only used in 䲸雀
{def} /jiè/ :: [obsolete] original form of or 契
{def} /jiè/ :: [historical dictionaries] weed
{def} /jiè/ :: to lie between
{def} /jiè/ :: to relate two things; to connect; to link; to introduce
{def} /jiè/ :: to assist; to help
{def} /jiè/ :: to hang; to suspend
{def} /jiè/ :: to rely on; to depend on
{def} /jiè/ :: firm; persistent; unswerving
{def} /jiè/ :: such; like this; this kind of
{def} /jiè/ :: original form of
{def} /jiè/ :: iota; tiny bit. alternative form of
{def} /jiè/ :: classifier for people or copper coins
{def} /jiè/ :: seashell; shell
{def} /jiè/ :: to wear armour
{def} [Min Dong] /jiè/ :: again; re-
{def} [loanword, Taiwan] /jiè/ :: zepto- (SI unit prefix)
介白素 {n} [Taiwan, biochemistry] /jièbáisù/ :: interleukin
介詞 {n} [part of speech] /jiècí/ :: preposition; adposition
介詞短語 {n} /jiècí duǎnyǔ/ :: prepositional phrase
介词 {def} SEE: 介詞 ::
介词短语 {def} SEE: 介詞短語 ::
介乎 {v} [Hong Kong] /jièhū/ :: to be situated between
介怀 {def} SEE: 介懷 ::
介懷 {v} /jièhuái/ :: to mind; to be concerned about; to take offence
介壳 {def} SEE: 介殼 ::
介殼 {n} /jiè殼/ :: shell (of insects, crustaceans, shellfish)
介面 {def} SEE: 界面 ::
介入 {v} /jièrù/ :: to intervene; to get involved
介入 {adj} [medicine, attributive] /jièrù/ :: interventional
介紹 {v} /jièshào,tl/ :: to introduce
介紹 {v} /jièshào,tl/ :: to recommend
介紹 {v} /jièshào,tl/ :: to explain; to brief
介紹 {v} [Philippines Hokkien] /jièshào,tl/ :: to introduce a possible romantic partner
介紹人 {n} /jièshàorén/ :: one who introduces or recommends someone; a sponsor, intermediary or go-between
介紹人 {n} /jièshàorén/ :: matchmaker
介紹所 {n} /jièshàosuǒ,er/ :: agency; service agency
介紹信 {n} /jièshàoxìn/ :: letter of introduction
介绍 {def} SEE: 介紹 ::
介绍人 {def} SEE: 介紹人 ::
介绍所 {def} SEE: 介紹所 ::
介绍信 {def} SEE: 介紹信 ::
介壽 {prop} /Jièshòu/ :: (~ 里) 介壽 (urban village)
介寿 {def} SEE: 介壽 ::
介係詞 {def} SEE: 介系詞 ::
介系詞 {n} [chiefly Taiwan, part of speech] /jièxìcí/ :: preposition; adposition
介系词 {def} SEE: 介系詞 ::
介休 {prop} /Jièxiū/ :: (~ 市) 介休 (county-level city)
介意 {v} /jièyì/ :: to take offense; to mind
介音 {n} [phonetics] /jièyīn/ :: glide, semivowel
介於 {v} /jièyú/ :: to be situated between
介于 {def} SEE: 介於 ::
介質 {n} [physics] /jiè质/ :: medium
介質 {n} [electrical engineering] /jiè质/ :: insulating substance
介質 {n} [biochemistry] /jiè质/ :: mediator
介质 {def} SEE: 介質 ::
介冑 {def} SEE: 介胄 ::
介胄 {n} [literary] /jièzhòu/ :: body armour and helmet
介胄 {n} [literary, figuratively] /jièzhòu/ :: armoured guards; armoured soldiers
介子 {n} [physics] /jièzǐ/ :: meson
{def} /jiè/ :: to lend
{def} /jiè/ :: to borrow
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiè/ :: to make use of; by means of; to take advantage of (an opportunity)
借單 {n} /jièdān/ :: loan receipt; IOU
借出 {v} /jièchū/ :: to lend (to allow to be used temporarily)
借詞 {n} [linguistics] /jiècí/ :: loanword; borrowing
借词 {def} SEE: 借詞 ::
借代 {n} [figure of speech] /jièdài/ :: rhetorical devices such as metonymy, antonomasia and synecdoche
借貸 {n} /jièdài/ :: debit and credit side (on a balance sheet, etc.)
借貸 {v} /jièdài/ :: to borrow or lend money
借贷 {def} SEE: 借貸 ::
借单 {def} SEE: 借單 ::
借刀杀人 {def} SEE: 借刀殺人 ::
借刀殺人 {idiom} /jièdāoshārén/ :: to get someone else to do one's dirty work; to attack someone using the strength of another
借地 {v} /jièdì/ :: to borrow a piece of land
借端 {def} SEE: 藉端 ::
借方 {n} /jièfāng/ :: borrower
借方 {n} [accounting] /jièfāng/ :: debit side of a balance sheet (borrower)
借古諷今 {idiom} /jiègǔ讽jīn/ :: to satirize the present by referencing historical events or figures
借古讽今 {def} SEE: 借古諷今 ::
借故 {def} SEE: 藉故 ::
借光 {interj} /jièguāng/ :: excuse me (when enquiring)
借光 {interj} /jièguāng/ :: excuse me; please (make a way)
借光 {v} /jièguāng/ :: to benefit from reflected glory
借過 {interj} [colloquial, polite] /jièguò/ :: excuse me; can I get through; please move out of the way
借过 {def} SEE: 借過 ::
借还书处 {def} SEE: 借還書處 ::
借還書處 {n} /jièhuánshūchù/ :: circulation desk
借記 {n} /jièjì/ :: debit
借记 {def} SEE: 借記 ::
借鉴 {def} SEE: 借鑑 ::
借鑑 {v} /jièjiàn/ :: to use for reference; to make use of; to draw from; to borrow from; to learn from
借鑒 {def} SEE: 借鑑 ::
借景 {n} /jièjǐng/ :: borrowed scenery
借鏡 {v} /jièjìng/ :: to use the experience from others as reference; to draw lessons from
借镜 {def} SEE: 借鏡 ::
借酒浇愁 {def} SEE: 借酒澆愁 ::
借酒澆愁 {v} /jièjiǔjiāochóu/ :: to drown one's sorrows
借據 {n} /jièjù/ :: loan receipt; IOU
借据 {def} SEE: 借據 ::
借壳 {def} SEE: 借殼 ::
借殼 {v} [finance] /jièké/ :: to borrow or acquire a shell
借口 {def} SEE: 藉口 ::
借款 {n} /jièkuǎn/ :: loan (of money)
借款 {v} /jièkuǎn/ :: to loan or borrow money
借聋耳陈只耳 {def} SEE: 借聾耳陳隻耳 ::
借錢 {v} /jièqián/ :: to lend money
借錢 {v} /jièqián/ :: to borrow money
借钱 {def} SEE: 借錢 ::
借券 {n} /jièquàn/ :: loan receipt; IOU
借入 {v} /jièrù/ :: to borrow into
借尸还魂 {def} SEE: 借屍還魂 ::
借屍還魂 {idiom} [figurative] /jièshīhuánhún/ :: a discarded or discredited idea returns in another guise
借书卡 {def} SEE: 借書卡 ::
借書卡 {n} /jièshūkǎ/ :: library card
借宿 {v} /jièsù/ :: to put someone up for the night
借条 {def} SEE: 借條 ::
借條 {n} /jiètiáo/ :: loan receipt; IOU
借問 {v} [humble] /jièwèn/ :: to ask; may I ask ...?
借问 {def} SEE: 借問 ::
借问声 {def} SEE: 借問聲 ::
借約 {n} /jièyuē/ :: loan receipt; IOU
借以 {conj} /jièyǐ/ :: so as to, for the purpose of, in order to
借譯 {v} [linguistics, translation studies] /jièyì/ :: to calque
借譯 {n} [linguistics, translation studies] /jièyì/ :: loan translation; calque
借译 {def} SEE: 借譯 ::
借用 {v} /jièyòng/ :: to borrow (e.g. an object, a word, etc.)
借用 {v} /jièyòng/ :: to use something for another purpose
借用語 {n} [rare] /jièyòngyǔ/ :: loanword; borrowing
借用语 {def} SEE: 借用語 ::
借由 {def} SEE: 藉由 ::
借与 {def} SEE: 借與 ::
借與 {v} [literary] /jièyǔ/ :: to loan
借约 {def} SEE: 借約 ::
借閱 {v} /jièyuè/ :: to borrow (a book from the library)
借閱證 {n} /jièyuèzhèng/ :: library card
借阅 {def} SEE: 借閱 ::
借阅证 {def} SEE: 借閱證 ::
借债 {def} SEE: 借債 ::
借債 {v} /jièzhài/ :: to borrow money
借着 {def} SEE: 藉著 ::
借支 {v} /jièzhī/ :: to ask for an advance on one's pay
借住 {v} /jièzhù/ :: to put someone up for the night
借助 {v} /jièzhù/ :: to have the aid of; to draw support from
借字 {n} [linguistics] /jièzì/ :: phonetic loan character; word that takes another's meaning
借字 {v} /jièzì/ :: to use one character interchangeably for phonetically related characters
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [Classical] /jiè/ :: to arrive; to reach; to come or go to a particular destination; to be at a location or moment
{def} /jiè/ :: classifier for times, terms, graduation classes, periodically convened events, etc
屆滿 {n} /jièmǎn/ :: expiration (of one's term in office etc.)
屆滿 {v} /jièmǎn/ :: to expire (of one's term in office etc.)
屆時 {adv} /jièshí/ :: when the appointed time comes; at the appointed time
{def} SEE: ::
届满 {def} SEE: 屆滿 ::
届时 {def} SEE: 屆時 ::
{def} /jiè/ :: the name of a mountain
{def} /jiè/ :: the space between two mountains
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiè/ :: to warn, caution, admonish
{def} /jiè/ :: to forbid
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiè/ :: to guard against
戒備 {v} /jièbèi/ :: to take precautions against; to guard against
戒备 {def} SEE: 戒備 ::
戒飭 {v} /jièchì/ :: to exhort; to admonish; to advise
戒饬 {def} SEE: 戒飭 ::
戒除 {v} /jièchú/ :: to abstain, to drop/stop, to give up (a bad habit)
戒毒 {v} /jièdú/ :: to abstain from narcotics; to detoxify from drugs; to treat drug addiction
戒毒所 {n} /jièdúsuǒ,er/ :: addiction treatment centre; drug rehabilitation centre
戒賭 {v} /jièdǔ/ :: to give up gambling; to abstain from gambling
戒赌 {def} SEE: 戒賭 ::
戒断 {def} SEE: 戒斷 ::
戒断症状 {def} SEE: 戒斷症狀 ::
戒斷 {v} /jièduàn/ :: to stop drinking alcohol or taking an addictive drug
戒斷症狀 {n} [medicine] /jièduàn zhèngzhuàng/ :: withdrawal symptom
戒規 {n} [Buddhism] /jièguī/ :: religious discipline; religious precept; commandment
戒规 {def} SEE: 戒規 ::
戒行 {n} [Buddhism] /jièxíng/ :: to adhere strictly to religious precepts
戒酒 {v} /jièjiǔ/ :: to give up drinking; to refrain from drinking alcohol
戒口 {v} [chiefly Cantonese] /jièkǒu,er/ :: to follow a diet for health reasons; to avoid certain food
戒口 {v} [literary] /jièkǒu,er/ :: to speak cautiously
戒律 {n} /jièlǜ/ :: religious discipline; religious precept; commandment
戒心 {n} /jièxīn/ :: wariness; vigilance
戒烟 {def} SEE: 戒煙 ::
戒煙 {v} /jièyān/ :: to give up smoking; to quit smoking
戒菸 {def} SEE: 戒煙 ::
戒严 {def} SEE: 戒嚴 ::
戒严令 {def} SEE: 戒嚴令 ::
戒嚴 {v} /jièyán/ :: to impose martial law
戒嚴 {v} /jièyán/ :: to rope off an area
戒嚴令 {n} /jièyánlìng/ :: martial law; curfew order
戒瘾 {def} SEE: 戒癮 ::
戒癮 {v} /jièyǐn/ :: to overcome an addiction
戒指 {n} /jièzhi,jièzhǐ,1nb/ :: finger ring; ring (Classifier: m,c:隻m:枚)
{def} [literary] /jiè/ :: bullock
{def} [literary] /jiè/ :: to castrate
{def} /jiè/ :: large jade tablet used by officials at court to indicate their ranks
{def} /jiè/ :: boundary
{def} /jiè/ :: domain; realm; zone; area
{def} /jiè/ :: circle; world; industry
{def} [taxonomy] /jiè/ :: kingdom
界碑 {n} /jièbēi/ :: boundary marker; boundary stone
界別 {n} /jièbié/ :: division
界別 {n} /jièbié/ :: taxonomic kingdom
界別 {n} [politics] /jièbié/ :: section of members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference representing a particular interest group (also translated “circle” or “constituency”)
界別 {n} [chiefly Hong Kong] /jièbié/ :: sector of the economy
界别 {def} SEE: 界別 ::
界定 {v} /jièdìng/ :: to delimit; to demarcate
界定 {v} /jièdìng/ :: to define
界分 {n} [literary] /jièfèn/ :: border; boundary
界河 {n} /jièhé/ :: boundary river (between two countries or regions)
界江 {n} /jièjiāng/ :: (large) boundary river (between two countries or regions)
界口 {n} [literary] /jièkǒu/ :: boundary; border
界面 {n} /jièmiàn/ :: interface
界面活性剂 {def} SEE: 界面活性劑 ::
界面活性劑 {n} /jièmiànhuóxìngjì/ :: surfactant
界牌 {n} /jièpái/ :: boundary marker
界牌垭 {def} SEE: 界牌埡 ::
界牌埡 {prop} /Jièpáiyà/ :: (~ 村) 界牌埡 (village)
界牌集 {prop} /Jièpáijí/ :: (~ 鎮) 界牌集 (town)
界桥 {def} SEE: 界橋 ::
界橋 {prop} [archaic] /Jièqiáo/ :: Jieqiao; Jie Bridge
界首 {prop} /Jièshǒu/ :: (~ 市) 界首 (county-level city)
界外球 {n} [football] /jièwàiqiú/ :: throw-in
界線 {n} [literally, figuratively] /jièxiàn/ :: limits; bounds; dividing line
界線 {n} /jièxiàn/ :: edge; brim; verge; margin
界线 {def} SEE: 界線 ::
界限 {n} [literally] /jièxiàn/ :: boundary; limit; divide; scope
界限 {n} [figuratively] /jièxiàn/ :: limit; limitation
界音符號 {n} /jièyīn fúhào/ :: synonym of 隔音符號
界音符号 {def} SEE: 界音符號 ::
界址 {n} /jièzhǐ/ :: frontier
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiè/ :: scabies
疥疮 {def} SEE: 疥瘡 ::
疥瘡 {n} /jièchuāng/ :: scabies
疥蛤蟆 {n} /jièháma/ :: toad
疥癣 {def} SEE: 疥癬 ::
疥癬 {n} [pathology] /jiè癣/ :: scabies
{def} /jiē/ :: Classical Chinese. Tertian malaria: malaria that causes a fever every three days (Plasmodium vivax infection). Modern Chinese [間日瘧]
{def} /jiè,xiè/ :: [historical dictionaries] old clothes
{def} /jiè,xiè/ :: [obsolete] to wash clothes
{def} /jiè/ :: child's garment
褯子 {n} /jièzi/ :: nappy; diaper
{def} /jiè/ :: to warn; to admonish
{def} /jiè/ :: to take precautions; to guard against
{def} [religion] /jiè/ :: commandments
誡律 {def} SEE: 戒律 ::
誡命 {n} /jièmìng/ :: commandment
{def} SEE: ::
诫律 {def} SEE: 誡律 ::
诫命 {def} SEE: 誡命 ::
{def} [Cantonese] /jiè/ :: to cut with a blade
{def} [dialectal] /gà,jiá,jiè,xiè/ :: joint between bones
骱边 {def} SEE: 骱邊 ::
骱边骨 {def} SEE: 骱邊骨 ::
骱沟 {def} SEE: 骱溝 ::
{def} /jīn,er/ :: now; at present; current
{def} [literary] /jīn,er/ :: modern times
{def} /jīn,er/ :: [obsolete] this
{def} /jīn,er/ :: [obsolete] thus; promptly
{def} /jīn,er/ :: [obsolete] if
{def} /jīn,er/ :: surname
今本 {n} /jīnběn/ :: contemporary book; contemporary version or edition of a text
今晨 {n} /jīnchén/ :: this morning
今兹 {def} SEE: 今茲 ::
今次 {adv} [chiefly Cantonese] /jīncì/ :: this time
今儿 {def} SEE: 今兒 ::
今儿个 {def} SEE: 今兒個 ::
今兒 {adv} [dialectal Mandarin] /jīnr/ :: today
今兒個 {adv} [Mandarin, colloquial] /jīnrgè,tl/ :: today
今番 {n} [literary] /jīnfān/ :: this time
今非昔比 {idiom} /jīnfēi昔bǐ/ :: the present cannot compare with the past; times have changed
今夫 {conj} /jīnfú/ :: [obsolete] Sentence-initial particle which introduces a topic
今个 {def} SEE: 今個 ::
今古 {n} [literary] /jīngǔ/ :: from ancient times until the present
今后 {def} SEE: 今後 ::
今後 {n} /jīnhòu/ :: from now on; henceforth; hereafter
今季 {n} /jīnjì/ :: this season
今年 {n} /jīnnián/ :: this year
今人 {n} /jīnrén/ :: modern people; contemporaries
今日 {n} /jīnrì/ :: today; now
今日 {n} /jīnrì/ :: nowadays
今日份 {n} [neologism, slang] /jīnrìfèn/ :: today's share (of); today's portion (of)
今日事,今日毕 {def} SEE: 今日事,今日畢 ::
今日事,今日畢 {proverb} /jīnrì shì, jīnrì bì/ :: don't put off until tomorrow what can be done today
今上 {n} [historical or humorous] /jīnshàng/ :: the current emperor
今生 {n} /jīnshēng/ :: this present life
今生今世 {idiom} /jīnshēngjīnshì/ :: in this lifetime; for the rest of one's life
今时今日 {def} SEE: 今時今日 ::
今时唔同往日 {def} SEE: 今時唔同往日 ::
今世 {n} /jīnshì/ :: this lifetime
今世 {n} /jīnshì/ :: contemporary times; modernity; this day and age
今市 {prop} /Jīnshì/ :: (~ 市) 今市 (city)
今天 {n} /jīntiān/ :: today
今天 {n} /jīntiān/ :: nowadays
今天晚上 {n} /jīntiān wǎnshang/ :: tonight
今晚 {n} /jīnwǎn/ :: tonight; this evening
今文 {n} [writing, paleography] /jīnwén/ :: alternative name for 隸書
今文 {n} /jīnwén/ :: Han dynasty Confucian classics written in clerical script
今夕 {n} [literary] /jīnxī/ :: tonight; this evening
今昔 {n} [classical] /jīn昔/ :: last night
今昔 {n} [literary] /jīn昔/ :: the present and the past
今下 {n} [literary or Hakka, dialectal Min Bei] /jīnxià/ :: the present; now
今宵 {n} [literary] /jīnxiāo/ :: tonight
今夜 {n} [literary or dialectal] /jīnyè/ :: tonight
今义 {def} SEE: 今義 ::
今義 {n} /jīnyì/ :: contemporary meaning; modern meaning
今譯 {n} /jīnyì/ :: modern translation; translation into the modern language
今译 {def} SEE: 今譯 ::
今音 {n} [phonology] /jīnyīn/ :: modern pronunciation of Chinese characters
今音 {n} [phonology] /jīnyīn/ :: Sui-Tang dynasty pronunciation of Chinese characters as represented by rime dictionaries such as Qieyun and Guangyun, as opposed to Zhou-Qin dynasty pronunciation as represented by Shijing rhymes and Shuowen phonetic series
今月 {n} [literary] /jīnyuè/ :: this month
今匀 {def} SEE: 今勻 ::
今仔载 {def} SEE: 今仔載 ::
今仔早 {def} SEE: 今仔載 ::
今早 {n} /jīnzǎo,er/ :: this morning
今朝 {n} [Cantonese] /jīnzhāo/ :: this morning
今朝 {n} [literary or regional] /jīnzhāo/ :: today; now; at the present time
今朝有酒今朝醉 {idiom} /jīnzhāo yǒu jiǔ jīnzhāo zuì/ :: describes someone with attitude of instant gratification; describes someone who never thinks about the future; here today, gone tomorrow; live for the now
今这下 {def} SEE: 今這下 ::
今治 {prop} /Jīnzhì/ :: (~ 市) 今治 (city)
今茲 {n} [Classical] /jīnzī/ :: now
今茲 {n} [Classical] /jīnzī/ :: this year
今字 {n} /jīnzì/ :: contemporary form of a Chinese character
{def} /jīn,qín/ :: only used in 嶜崟
{def} /jīn/ :: a square item of cloth; towel; kerchief
{def} [historical] /jīn/ :: piece of clothing worn on the head in China
巾帼 {def} SEE: 巾幗 ::
巾帼不让须眉 {def} SEE: 巾幗不讓鬚眉 ::
巾帼英雄 {def} SEE: 巾幗英雄 ::
巾幗 {n} [historical] /jīnguó/ :: woman's headdress
巾幗 {n} [metonymic] /jīnguó/ :: woman; women
巾幗不讓鬚眉 {idiom} [of a woman] /jīnguó不ràngxūméi/ :: to not be worse than men; to not be inferior to men; to be as good as men
巾幗英雄 {idiom} /jīnguóyīngxióng/ :: heroine
{def} /jīn/ :: catty, a unit of weight
{def} [Mainland] /jīn/ :: catty or jin, a traditional unit of weight, equal to 0.5 kilograms
{def} [Hong Kong] /jīn/ :: catty or kan, a traditional unit of weight, legally defined as equal to 0.60478982 kilograms (*公斤 or sometimes approximated as 500 grams)
{def} [Taiwan] /jīn/ :: catty, a traditional unit of weight, equal to 0.6 kilograms, also equal to 16 taels
{def} /jīn/ :: axe; ax
{def} /jīn/ :: keen; shrewd
{def} /jīn/ :: only used in 斤斤
斤斤 {adj} [literary] /jīnjīn/ :: overcautious
斤斤 {v} [literary] /jīnjīn/ :: to perceive
斤斤計較 {idiom} /jīnjīnjìjiào/ :: to fuss over minor matters; to split hairs
斤斤计较 {def} SEE: 斤斤計較 ::
斤斤較量 {idiom} /jīnjīn jiàoliàng/ :: to dispute over minor matters
斤斤较量 {def} SEE: 斤斤較量 ::
斤两 {def} SEE: 斤兩 ::
斤兩 {n} /jīnliǎng/ :: weight
斤兩 {n} [figurative] /jīnliǎng/ :: weight; importance
{def} /jīn/ :: ferry crossing; ford
{def} [figurative] /jīn/ :: key post
{def} /jīn/ :: abbreviation of 天津