User:Matthias Buchmeier/cmn-en-p

{def} /jīn/ :: (~ 市) Tsu, Japan
{def} /jīn/ :: bodily fluid
{def} /jīn/ :: saliva
{def} /jīn/ :: sweat
{def} /jīn/ :: to moisten
津巴布韋 {prop} [Mainland China] /Jīnbābùwéi/ :: Zimbabwe
津巴布韦 {def} SEE: 津巴布韋 ::
津岛 {def} SEE: 津島 ::
津島 {prop} /Jīndǎo/ :: (~ 市) 津島 (city)
津渡 {n} [literary] /jīndù/ :: ferry crossing
津津 {adj} /jīnjīn/ :: interesting
津津 {adj} /jīnjīn/ :: overflowing
津津 {adj} /jīnjīn/ :: delicious
津津乐道 {def} SEE: 津津樂道 ::
津津樂道 {idiom} /jīnjīnlèdào/ :: to take delight in talking about; to discuss enthusiastically; to love to talk about
津津有味 {idiom} /jīnjīnyǒuwèi/ :: with great relish; with keen pleasure; with gusto
津久見 {prop} /Jīnjiǔjiàn/ :: (~ 市) 津久見 (city)
津久见 {def} SEE: 津久見 ::
津梁 {n} /jīnliáng/ :: ferry bridge; bridge and ford
津梁 {n} [formal, figurative] /jīnliáng/ :: help; aid; interim measure over some difficulty
津南 {prop} /Jīnnán/ :: (~ 區) 津南 (district)
津南 {prop} /Jīnnán/ :: (~ 新村) 津南 (new village)
津輕 {prop} /Jīnqīng/ :: (~ 市) 津輕 (city)
津轻 {def} SEE: 津輕 ::
津山 {prop} /Jīnshān/ :: (~ 市) 津山 (city)
津市 {prop} /Jīnshì/ :: (~ 市) 津市 (county-level city)
津市 {prop} /Jīnshì/ :: 津市 (city)
津貼 {n} /jīntiē/ :: subsidy; allowance
津貼 {v} /jīntiē/ :: to subsidise; to provide financial assistance
津贴 {def} SEE: 津貼 ::
津液 {n} [literary, TCM] /jīn液/ :: bodily fluid; biological fluid
津液 {n} [literary] /jīn液/ :: drop of water; liquid; fluid
津液 {n} [Min Nan] /jīn液/ :: saliva
津液 {n} [Quanzhou, &, Xiamen Hokkien] /jīn液/ :: thick soup or juice (boiled from meat, ginseng, deer antler, etc.)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [anatomy] /jīn/ :: tendon; sinew
{def} [anatomy] /jīn/ :: muscle
{def} [anatomy] /jīn/ :: vein that stands out on the skin; prominent superficial vein
{def} [by extension] /jīn/ :: anything resembling a sinew or vein, such as chopsticks
{def} /jīn/ :: surname
筋斗 {n} [regional] /jīndǒu/ :: fall
筋斗 {n} [regional] /jīndǒu/ :: somersault
筋斗 {adj} [of noodles, etc.] /jīndou/ :: chewy
筋度 {n} /jīndù/ :: elasticity of a dough (due to the presence of gluten)
筋骨 {n} /jīngǔ/ :: muscles and bones
筋骨 {n} /jīngǔ/ :: physique
筋骨 {n} /jīngǔ/ :: strength
筋骨 {n} /jīngǔ/ :: energy
筋骨 {n} /jīngǔ/ :: courage
筋力 {n} /jīnlì/ :: physical strength; physical power; energy
筋力 {n} [colloquial, of food] /jīnlì/ :: toughness; firmness; chewiness
筋膜 {n} [anatomy] /jīn膜/ :: fascia
筋疲力盡 {idiom} /jīnpílìjìn/ :: to be exhausted; to be worn out
筋疲力尽 {def} SEE: 筋疲力盡 ::
筋肉 {n} /jīnròu/ :: muscle
{def} /qín,jīn/ :: [obsolete] a kind of grass
{def} /qín,jīn/ :: [obsolete] only used in 黄菳
{def} /jīn/ :: gown
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jīn/ :: scholar
{def} /jīn/ :: front of a garment
{def} /jīn/ :: abbreviation of 連襟
{def} /jīn/ :: chest; bosom (mind; mental outlook)
襟弟 {n} /jīndì/ :: wife's younger sister's husband
襟度 {adj} [literary] /jīndù/ :: broad-minded; magnanimous; generous in spirit
襟花 {n} /jīnhuā/ :: boutonniere; buttonhole
襟怀 {def} SEE: 襟懷 ::
襟怀坦白 {def} SEE: 襟懷坦白 ::
襟懷 {n} /jīnhuái/ :: bosom, (one's) heart
襟懷坦白 {idiom} /jīnhuáitǎnbái/ :: to have largeness of mind; to be magnanimous and unselfish
襟兄 {n} /jīnxiōng/ :: wife's elder sister's husband
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jīn/ :: [obsolete] copper (Cu)
{def} /jīn/ :: metal
{def} /jīn/ :: metalware
{def} /jīn/ :: gold (Au)
{def} /jīn/ :: golden; blond
{def} [by extension] /jīn/ :: money; material wealth
{def} [historical] /jīn/ :: ancient currency unit
{def} [historical] /jīn/ :: gong or other metalware for signalling commands in the military
{def} /jīn/ :: [obsolete] [figurative] sun
{def} /jīn/ :: [obsolete] [figurative] moon
{def} /jīn/ :: [obsolete] [figurative] respectful; noble; rich
{def} /jīn/ :: [obsolete] [figurative] impregnable
{def} /jīn/ :: [obsolete] [figurative] imperial
{def} /jīn/ :: [obsolete] [figurative, of voice] beautiful; wonderful
{def} /jīn/ :: abbreviation of 金星
{def} /jīn/ :: (~ 朝) [historical] The Jurchen Jin dynasty (1115–1234)
{def} /jīn/ :: (~ 朝) [historical] synonym of 後金 the Jurchen Later Jin state (1616–1636)
{def} /jīn/ :: surname
金鞍 {n} [literary] /jīn'ān/ :: a saddle inlaid with gold; a golden saddle
金包银 {def} SEE: 金包銀‎ ::
金宝 {def} SEE: 金寶 ::
金寶 {n} [literary] /jīnbǎo/ :: treasure; loot
金币 {def} SEE: 金幣 ::
金幣 {n} /jīnbì/ :: gold coin
金毕逋 {def} SEE: 金畢逋 ::
金畢逋 {n} /jīnbìbū/ :: synonym of 金烏
金碧輝煌 {idiom} [of the furnishings and decorations of a building or structure] /jīnbìhuīhuáng/ :: magnificent, splendid and resplendent
金碧辉煌 {def} SEE: 金碧輝煌 ::
金边 {def} SEE: 金邊 ::
金边粉 {def} SEE: 金邊粉 ::
金邊 {prop} /Jīnbiān/ :: 金邊 (city/capital city)
金邊粉 {n} /jīnbiānfěn/ :: rice noodles (used in pad thai, pho, etc.)
金帛 {n} [literary] /jīnbó/ :: money and cloth goods
金箔 {n} /jīnbó/ :: gold leaf
金不换 {def} SEE: 金不換 ::
金不換 {idiom} /jīn不huàn/ :: cannot be exchanged with gold; invaluable; precious
金不換 {n} /jīn不huàn/ :: a kind of inkbrush
金不換 {n} /jīn不huàn/ :: alternative name for 三七
金不換 {n} /jīn不huàn/ :: alternative name for 羅勒
金步搖 {n} [archaic] /jīnbùyáo/ :: a type of head ornament that was inserted just beneath a hair bun, it had gold and pearls which dangled from it as one walked
金步摇 {def} SEE: 金步搖 ::
金灿灿 {def} SEE: 金燦燦 ::
金燦燦 {adj} [ideophonic] /jīncàncàn/ :: golden; golden and glittering
金槽 {n} /jīncáo/ :: gold-inlaid pipa groove
金策 {prop} /Jīncè/ :: (~ 市) 金策 (city)
金釵 {n} [literary] /jīnchāi/ :: golden hairpin
金釵 {n} [literary, figurative, by synecdoche] /jīnchāi/ :: woman
金钗 {def} SEE: 金釵 ::
金豺 {n} /jīnchái/ :: golden jackal (Canis aureus)
金蝉 {def} SEE: 金蟬 ::
金蝉脱壳 {def} SEE: 金蟬脫殼 ::
金蟬 {n} [literal] /jīnchán/ :: golden cicada
金蟬 {n} [cuisine, Shandong] /jīnchán/ :: pupa of Cryptotympana atrata
金蟬 {n} [historical] /jīnchán/ :: type of jewellery worn by women in ancient China
金蟬 {n} [historical] /jīnchán/ :: type of headdress worn by eunuchs during the Han dynasty
金蟬 {n} [metaphor] /jīnchán/ :: only used in 金蟬脫殼
金蟬脫殼 {idiom} /jīnchántuōqiào,jīnchántuōké,1nb/ :: to be able to escape from a (normally sticky) situation without other pertinent parties noticing it
金蟬脱殼 {def} SEE: 金蟬脫殼 ::
金蟾 {n} /jīnchán/ :: the Chinese Money Toad, sometimes conflated with the lunar toad
金昌 {prop} /Jīnchāng/ :: (~ 市) 金昌 (prefecture-level city)
金城 {n} [literary] /jīnchéng/ :: impregnable city
金城 {prop} /jīnchéng/ :: (~ 鎮) 金城 (urban township)
金城湯池 {idiom} /jīnchéngtāngchí/ :: firm city; strongly fortified city
金城汤池 {def} SEE: 金城湯池 ::
金川 {prop} /Jīnchuān/ :: (~ 區) 金川 (district)
金川路 {prop} /Jīnchuānlù/ :: (~ 街道) 金川路 (subdistrict)
金疮 {def} SEE: 金瘡 ::
金瘡 {n} [Chinese Medicine] /jīnchuāng/ :: a metal-inflicted wound; an incised wound
金达莱 {def} SEE: 金達萊 ::
金達萊 {n} /jīndálái/ :: Rhododendron mucronulatum
金雕 {n} /jīndiāo/ :: golden eagle
金斗瓮 {def} SEE: 金斗甕 ::
金斗瓮仔 {def} SEE: 金斗甕仔 ::
金娥 {prop} [literary] /jīn'é/ :: Chang'e (Chinese goddess of the Moon)
金娥 {n} [literary] /jīn'é/ :: the Moon
金額 {n} /jīn'é/ :: sum of money
金额 {def} SEE: 金額 ::
金发 {def} SEE: 金髮 ::
金发碧眼 {def} SEE: 金髮碧眼 ::
金髮 {n} /jīn髮/ :: blond hair
金髮碧眼 {idiom} /jīn髮bìyǎn/ :: blonde and green/blue-eyed; of Caucasian appearance; blonde
金峯路 {def} SEE: 金峰路 ::
金峰 {prop} /Jīnfēng/ :: (~ 鎮) 金峰 (town)
金峰 {prop} /Jīnfēng/ :: (~ 鄉) Jinfeng, Taitung (mountain indigenous township in Taitung, Taiwan)
金峰路 {prop} /Jīnfēnglù/ :: (~ 街道) 金峰路 (subdistrict)
金風 {n} [archaic] /jīnfēng/ :: autumn winds
金风 {def} SEE: 金風 ::
金凤 {def} SEE: 金鳳 ::
金凤花 {def} SEE: 金鳳花 ::
金鳳花 {n} /jīnfènghuā/ :: buttercup
金柑 {n} /jīngān/ :: kumquat
金刚 {def} SEE: 金剛 ::
金刚不坏之身 {def} SEE: 金剛不壞之身 ::
金刚杵 {def} SEE: 金剛杵 ::
金刚砂 {def} SEE: 金剛砂 ::
金刚石 {def} SEE: 金剛石 ::
金刚烷 {def} SEE: 金剛烷 ::
金刚鹦鹉 {def} SEE: 金剛鸚鵡 ::
金刚钻 {def} SEE: 金剛鑽 ::
金剛 {n} /jīngāng/ :: (~ 石) diamond
金剛 {n} [figuratively] /jīngāng/ :: object that is extremely hard and strong
金剛 {n} [Buddhism] /jīngāng/ :: vajra
金剛 {n} /jīngāng/ :: pupa of some insects
金剛 {prop} /jīngāng/ :: King Kong (fictional giant ape)
金剛不壞之身 {idiom} /jīngāng 不huài zhī shēn/ :: a strong and sturdy body
金剛杵 {n} [religion] /jīngāngchǔ/ :: vajra (mystical weapon in Hinduism and Buddhism); gada (mace)
金剛砂 {n} [mechanics] /jīngāngshā/ :: emery
金剛石 {n} /jīngāngshí/ :: diamond
金剛烷 {n} [organic compound] /jīngāngwán/ :: adamantane
金剛鸚鵡 {n} /jīngāng yīngwǔ/ :: macaw
金剛鑽 {n} /jīngāngzuàn/ :: diamond (mineral)
金缸城 {prop} /Jīngāngchéng/ :: (~ 村) 金缸城 (village)
金港 {prop} /Jīngǎng/ :: (~ 社區) 金港 (residential community)
金工 {n} /jīngōng/ :: metalwork
金拱門 {prop} [neologism, often, humorous] /Jīngǒngmén/ :: McDonald's; Golden Arches
金拱门 {def} SEE: 金拱門 ::
金礦 {n} /jīnkuàng/ :: gold mine
金钩 {def} SEE: 金鉤 ::
金箍棒 {n} /jīngūbàng,er/ :: Ruyi Jingu Bang (magical staff wielded by Sun Wukong in the classic novel Journey to the West)
金鼓 {n} [literary] /jīngǔ/ :: gongs and drums (used for signaling the troops in ancient warfare)
金鼓齊鳴 {idiom} /jīngǔ qí míng/ :: the gongs and drums of war sound out in unison
金鼓齐鸣 {def} SEE: 金鼓齊鳴 ::
金鼓喧天 {idiom} /jīngǔxuāntiān/ :: the clamor of gongs and drums resounded to the heavens
金瓜 {n} /jīnguā/ :: Gymnopetalum chinense
金瓜 {n} [regional, dialectal] /jīnguā/ :: pumpkin
金瓜 {n} [Hainanese] /jīnguā/ :: cucumber
金瓜 {n} [historical] /jīnguā/ :: golden mace with a gourd-shaped head
金管局 {prop} [Hong Kong] /Jīnguǎnjú/ :: short fo 香港^金融^管理^局 (Hong Kong Monetary Authority)
金冠 {n} [archaic] /jīnguān/ :: a cap which is ornamented with gold
金光 {n} /jīnguāng/ :: golden light
金光菊 {n} /jīnguāngjú/ :: cutleaf coneflower (Rudbeckia laciniata)
金龜 {n} /jīnguī/ :: golden turtle
金龜 {n} [literary] /jīnguī/ :: turtle-shaped handle on a golden seal, or the golden seal itself
金龜 {n} [literary, historical] /jīnguī/ :: golden turtle emblem worn by Tang Dynasty officials who were in the Nine-rank system
金龜 {n} [literary, figurative] /jīnguī/ :: adornments; embellishment; jewellery
金龜 {n} [Min Nan] /jīnguī/ :: scarab
金龜車 {prop} /Jīnguīchē/ :: Volkswagen Beetle
金龜婿 {n} [figurative] /jīnguīxù/ :: wealthy son-in-law or husband
金龜子 {n} /jīnguīzǐ/ :: scarab (Scarabaeus sacer)
金龜子 {n} /jīnguīzǐ/ :: (~ 科) scarab (Scarabaeidae)
金龟 {def} SEE: 金龜 ::
金龟车 {def} SEE: 金龜車 ::
金龟绿 {def} SEE: 金龜綠 ::
金龟婿 {def} SEE: 金龜婿 ::
金龟子 {def} SEE: 金龜子 ::
金匮 {def} SEE: 金匱 ::
金貴 {adj} [slang] /jīnguì/ :: extremely precious or valuable
金贵 {def} SEE: 金貴 ::
金果坪 {prop} /Jīnguǒpíng/ :: (~ 鄉) 金果坪 (township)
金海 {prop} /Jīnhǎi/ :: (~ 市) 金海 (city)
金行 {n} /jīnxíng/ :: Metal (Wu Xing) of Wu Xing (the five elements of traditional Chinese cosmology)
金行 {n} [literary] /jīnxíng/ :: autumn
金行 {prop} /jīnxíng/ :: alternative form of 晉朝
金紅石 {n} [mineral] /jīnhóngshí/ :: rutile
金红石 {def} SEE: 金紅石 ::
金湖 {prop} /Jīnhú/ :: (~ 鎮) 金湖 (urban township)
金虎 {n} [literary] /jīnhǔ/ :: west
金虎 {n} [literary, Chinese astronomy] /jīnhǔ/ :: the seven western constellations of the Twenty-Eight Mansions, White Tiger (China)
金虎 {n} [literary] /jīnhǔ/ :: Three Stars (Chinese constellation) (*參) and Hairy Head (*昴)
金虎 {n} [literary] /jīnhǔ/ :: sun
金虎 {n} [literary] /jīnhǔ/ :: abbreviation of 金虎符
金华 {def} SEE: 金華 ::
金華 {prop} /Jīnhuá/ :: (~ 市) 金華 (prefecture-level city)
金环蛇 {def} SEE: 金環蛇 ::
金環蛇 {n} /jīnhuánshé/ :: banded krait (Bungarus fasciatus)
金黃 {adj} /jīnhuáng/ :: golden yellow; golden
金黃色 {n} /jīnhuángsè/ :: golden yellow
金黃色葡萄球菌 {n} /jīnhuángsè pútaoqiú菌/ :: Staphylococcus aureus; golden staph
金黄 {def} SEE: 金黃 ::
金黄色 {def} SEE: 金黃色 ::
金黄色葡萄球菌 {def} SEE: 金黃色葡萄球菌 ::
金婚 {n} /jīnhūn/ :: gold wedding anniversary (50th wedding anniversary)
金婚式 {n} /jīnhūnshì/ :: golden anniversary
金雞 {n} /jīnjī/ :: synonym of 錦雞
金雞 {n} [Chinese mythology] /jīnjī/ :: golden rooster; [by extension] rooster that announces the dawn
金雞 {n} [historical] /jīnjī/ :: gold-headed cock on the pole used when announcing amnesty; [figuratively] amnesty
金雞 {n} [figuratively] /jīnjī/ :: sun
金雞湖 {prop} /Jīnjī Hú/ :: 金雞湖 (lake)
金雞納 {n} /jīnjīnà/ :: cinchona
金鷄 {def} SEE: 金雞 ::
金鸡 {def} SEE: 金雞 ::
金鸡湖 {def} SEE: 金雞湖 ::
金鸡纳 {def} SEE: 金雞納 ::
金家会 {def} SEE: 金家會 ::
金家會 {prop} /Jīnjiāhuì/ :: (~ 村) 金家會 (village)
金家桥 {def} SEE: 金家橋 ::
金家橋 {prop} /Jīnjiāqiáo/ :: (~ 村) 金家橋 (village)
金甲 {n} [archaic] /jīnjiǎ/ :: body armor
金价 {def} SEE: 金價 ::
金價 {n} /jīnjià/ :: price of gold; gold prices
金剑草 {def} SEE: 金劍草 ::
金奖 {def} SEE: 金獎 ::
金獎 {n} /jīnjiǎng/ :: first prize; gold medal
金匠 {n} /jīnjiàng/ :: goldsmith
金脚带 {def} SEE: 金腳帶 ::
金角湾 {def} SEE: 金角灣 ::
金角灣 {prop} /Jīnjiǎowān/ :: Golden Horn
金桔 {n} /jīnjú/ :: alternative form of 金橘
金酒 {n} [chiefly Mainland China] /jīnjiǔ/ :: gin (liquor)
金橘 {n} /jīnjú/ :: kumquat
金句 {n} /jīnjù/ :: maxim; epigram; saying
金句 {n} [Christianity] /jīnjù/ :: Bible verse (Classifier: 節)
金郡 {prop} /Jīnjùn/ :: 金郡 (county)
金卡 {n} /jīnkǎ/ :: gold card (such as credit cards, membership cards, etc.), experiencing better or more benefits after paying a larger amount
金科玉律 {idiom} /jīnkēyùlǜ/ :: a law, discipline, norm or regulation that is considered absolute and not allowed to be disputed or challenged
金锞 {def} SEE: 金錁 ::
金库 {def} SEE: 金庫 ::
金庫 {n} /jīnkù/ :: treasury; coffers
金庫 {n} /jīnkù/ :: national treasury; state treasury; exchequer; public purse; public coffers
金庫 {n} /jīnkù/ :: safe
金矿 {def} SEE: 金礦 ::
金匱 {n} [literary, chiefly poetic] /jīnguì/ :: archives; library; especially confidential archives in a monarch's inner palace
金匱 {n} [figurative, poetic] /jīnguì/ :: inner palace
金兰 {def} SEE: 金蘭 ::
金兰之交 {def} SEE: 金蘭之交 ::
金蘭 {n} [literally] /jīnlán/ :: golden orchid
金蘭 {n} [figurative] /jīnlán/ :: profound friendship; intimate relationship
金蘭 {n} [figurative] /jīnlán/ :: sworn brotherhood or sisterhood
金蘭 {prop} /jīnlán/ :: (~ 市) 金蘭 (city)
金蘭之交 {idiom} /jīnlánzhījiāo/ :: sworn brotherhood; intimate friendship
金栗兰 {def} SEE: 金栗蘭 ::
金链仔 {def} SEE: 金鏈仔 ::
金陵 {prop} [chiefly literary or poetic] /Jīnlíng/ :: synonym of 南京
金領 {adj} /jīnlǐng,er/ :: gold-collar
金領 {n} /jīnlǐng,er/ :: gold-collar worker
金领 {def} SEE: 金領 ::
金鏤衣 {n} :: misspelling of 金縷衣
金炉 {def} SEE: 金爐 ::
金炉灰 {def} SEE: 金爐灰 ::
金輪 {n} /jīnlún/ :: gold wheel
金輪 {n} [Buddhism] /jīnlún/ :: gold chakra
金輪 {n} /jīnlún/ :: wheel-shaped diamond
金輪 {n} [literary, figuratively] /jīnlún/ :: gold-decorated carriage
金輪 {n} [literary, figuratively] /jīnlún/ :: sun
金輪 {n} [literary, figuratively] /jīnlún/ :: moon
金輪 {n} /jīnlún/ :: A kind of tree peony
金輪 {prop} [historical] /jīnlún/ :: (~ 皇帝) Wu Zetian
金轮 {def} SEE: 金輪 ::
金鑼 {n} /jīnluó/ :: A kind of gong
金鑼 {n} [literary, figuratively] /jīnluó/ :: sun
金锣 {def} SEE: 金鑼 ::
金縷衣 {n} /jīnlǚyī/ :: Jade burial suit
金缕衣 {def} SEE: 金縷衣 ::
金馬 {n} /jīnmǎ/ :: gold horse
金馬 {n} [literary] /jīnmǎ/ :: imperial court or capital
金馬 {n} [literary] /jīnmǎ/ :: Hanlin Academy scholar
金馬 {prop} [historical] /jīnmǎ/ :: (~ 門) a gate in the Han dynasty where literati waited for imperial orders
金馬 {prop} [historical] /jīnmǎ/ :: (~ 署) imperial library of the Han dynasty
金馬 {prop} [historical] /jīnmǎ/ :: alternative form of 翰林院
金馬 {prop} /jīnmǎ/ :: (~ 地區) Fujian Province, Republic of China (short fo 金門馬祖 (Kinmen and Matsu))
金馬獎 {prop} /Jīnmǎjiǎng/ :: Golden Horse Awards
金馬客 {n} [literary] /jīnmǎkè/ :: alternative form of 翰林學士
金馬玉堂 {prop} [historical] /Jīnmǎ Yùtáng/ :: short fo 金馬門玉堂署
金馬玉堂 {prop} [historical] /Jīnmǎ Yùtáng/ :: alternative form of 翰林院
金馬玉堂 {n} [literary, figuratively] /Jīnmǎ Yùtáng/ :: synonym of 翰林學士
金馬玉堂 {v} [historical, figuratively] /Jīnmǎ Yùtáng/ :: to become a court official
金马 {def} SEE: 金馬 ::
金马奖 {def} SEE: 金馬獎 ::
金马客 {def} SEE: 金馬客 ::
金马玉堂 {def} SEE: 金馬玉堂 ::
金麥 {n} /jīnmài/ :: rhizome of the wild buckwheat
金麦 {def} SEE: 金麥 ::
金毛尋回犬 {n} /jīnmáoxúnhuíquǎn/ :: Golden Retriever
金毛寻回犬 {def} SEE: 金毛尋回犬 ::
金霉素 {def} SEE: 金黴素 ::
金黴素 {idiom} /jīnméisù/ :: aureomycin
金門 {prop} /Jīnmén/ :: (~ 縣) 金門 (county)
金門 {prop} /Jīnmén/ :: (~ 島) The largest island in Kinmen County
金門大橋 {prop} /Jīnmén Dàqiáo/ :: Golden Gate Bridge
金门 {def} SEE: 金門 ::
金门大桥 {def} SEE: 金門大橋 ::
金木水火土 {n} /jīnmùshuǐhuǒtǔ/ :: Wu Xing (Five Elements): metal, wood, water, fire and earth
金奈 {prop} [Mainland China] /Jīnnài/ :: 金奈 (caplc)
金奈 {prop} [Mainland China] /Jīnnài/ :: 金奈 (district)
金宁 {def} SEE: 金寧 ::
金寧 {prop} /Jīnníng/ :: (~ 鄉) 金寧 (rural township)
金牛 {n} /jīnniú/ :: alternative name for 金牛宮
金牛 {n} /jīnniú/ :: alternative name for 金牛座
金牛 {n} [Hong Kong Cantonese] /jīnniú/ :: nick name of 1,000 HKD note
金牛 {prop} /jīnniú/ :: Jinniu District, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
金牛 {prop} /jīnniú/ :: Jinniu Town, Qing County, Hebei, China
金牛宫 {def} SEE: 金牛宮 ::
金牛宮 {n} /jīnniúgōng/ :: Taurus
金牛座 {n} /jīnniúzuò/ :: Taurus
金瓯 {def} SEE: 金甌 ::
金瓯无缺 {def} SEE: 金甌無缺 ::
金甌 {n} [literary] /jīn'ōu/ :: golden chalice
金甌 {n} [literary, figurative] /jīn'ōu/ :: the country; the nation
金甌 {prop} /jīn'ōu/ :: (~ 省) 金甌 (province)
金甌 {prop} /jīn'ōu/ :: (~ 市) 金甌 (city)
金甌無缺 {idiom} [literary] /jīn'ōuwúquē/ :: a faultless golden chalice
金甌無缺 {idiom} [literary, figurative] /jīn'ōuwúquē/ :: a firm uninvaded nation
金牌 {n} /jīnpái/ :: gold medal
金牌 {n} [historical] /jīnpái/ :: abbreviation of 金字牌
金盆 {n} /jīnpén/ :: copper basin used for washing
金盆 {n} [literary, figuratively] /jīnpén/ :: sun or round moon
金盆洗手 {idiom} [figurative] /jīnpénxǐshǒu/ :: to abandon one's life as an outlaw (after having made a fortune)
金盆洗手 {idiom} [by extension] /jīnpénxǐshǒu/ :: to abandon one's decade-long career; to give up on something one does as a routine
金皮鲨 {def} SEE: 金皮鯊 ::
金坪 {prop} /Jīnpíng/ :: (~ 鄉) 金坪 (township)
金平糖 {n} /jīnpíngtáng/ :: konpeitō
金瓶梅 {prop} /Jīnpíngméi/ :: The Plum in the Golden Vase, a Ming-dynasty novel
金叵羅 {n} [literary] /jīnpǒluó/ :: golden alcohol cup
金叵罗 {def} SEE: 金叵羅 ::
金器 {n} /jīnqì/ :: goldware
金錢 {n} /jīnqián/ :: money; currency
金錢薄荷 {n} /jīnqiánbòhe,jīnqiánbòhé,1nb/ :: ground ivy
金錢豹 {n} /jīnqiánbào/ :: leopard (Panthera pardus)
金錢草 {n} /jīnqiáncǎo/ :: Lysimachia; Desmodium (herb used in traditional Chinese medicine to improve circulation and expel stones in the urinary tract)
金錢肚 {n} /jīnqiándǔ,er/ :: reticulum (used as food)
金錢至上 {proverb} /jīnqián zhìshàng/ :: money is supreme; money reigns supreme
金钱 {def} SEE: 金錢 ::
金钱薄荷 {def} SEE: 金錢薄荷 ::
金钱豹 {def} SEE: 金錢豹 ::
金钱草 {def} SEE: 金錢草 ::
金钱肚 {def} SEE: 金錢肚 ::
金钱至上 {def} SEE: 金錢至上 ::
金枪鱼 {def} SEE: 金槍魚 ::
金槍魚 {n} /jīnqiāngyú/ :: tuna, especially the longtail tuna (Thunnus tonggol)
金秋 {n} [Wuxing] /jīnqiū/ :: golden autumn
金曲 {n} /jīnqǔ/ :: hit song
金泉 {prop} /Jīnquán/ :: (~ 市) 金泉 (city)
金闕 {n} [archaic] /jīnquè/ :: the imperial palace
金阙 {def} SEE: 金闕 ::
金雀 {n} [archaic] /jīnquè/ :: a golden sparrow hairpin (the name of a hairpin worn by a woman)
金融 {n} /jīnróng/ :: finance; banking
金融寡头 {def} SEE: 金融寡頭 ::
金融寡頭 {n} /jīnróng guǎtóu/ :: financial oligarch
金融家 {n} /jīnróngjiā/ :: financier
金融卡 {n} /jīnróngkǎ/ :: ATM card
金融市場 {n} /jīnróng shì場/ :: financial market
金融市场 {def} SEE: 金融市場 ::
金融危机 {def} SEE: 金融危機 ::
金融危機 {n} /jīnróng 危jī/ :: financial crisis; economic crisis
金融学 {def} SEE: 金融學 ::
金融學 {n} /jīnróngxué/ :: finance (as an area of study)
金三角 {prop} /Jīnsānjiǎo/ :: Golden Triangle (usually refers to Southeast Asia)
金三胖 {prop} [neologism, slang, jocular, derogatory] /Jīnsānpàng/ :: Kim Jong-un
金色 {n} /jīnsè/ :: gold colour
金沙 {n} /jīnshā/ :: gold dust, especially placer gold
金沙 {prop} /jīnshā/ :: (~ 江) Jinsha River (upper reaches of the Yangtze River)
金沙 {prop} /jīnshā/ :: (~ 遺址) Jinsha (archaeological site) (archaeological site in Sichuan province, China)
金沙 {prop} /jīnshā/ :: (~ 縣) 金沙 (county)
金沙 {prop} /jīnshā/ :: (~ 鎮) 金沙 (urban township)
金沙江 {prop} /Jīnshājiāng/ :: The Jinsha River, the upper course of the Yangtze in western Sichuan
金沙萨 {def} SEE: 金沙薩 ::
金沙薩 {prop} [Mainland China] /Jīnshāsà/ :: 金沙薩 (city/capital city)
金山 {n} /jīnshān/ :: gold mine
金山 {prop} /jīnshān/ :: Numerous places, including:
金山 {prop} /jīnshān/ :: (~ 區) Jinshan District, Shanghai (formerly a county)
金山 {prop} /jīnshān/ :: (~ 區) Jinshan (a district of New Taipei, Taiwan, formerly a township of Taipei County)
金山 {prop} /jīnshān/ :: (~ 郡) [historical] Jinshan Commandery (in modern-day Sichuan)
金山 {prop} /jīnshān/ :: (~ 市) 金山 (city)
金山 {prop} [obsolete] /jīnshān/ :: alternative name for 舊金山
金湯 {n} /jīntāng/ :: abbreviation of 金城湯池
金湯力 {n} /jīntānglì/ :: gin and tonic
金社 {prop} /Jīnshè/ :: (~ 鎮) 金社 (town)
金石 {n} /jīnshí/ :: metal and stone
金石 {n} /jīnshí/ :: inscriptions on ancient bronzes and stone tablets
金石 {n} [musical instrument] /jīnshí/ :: bells and chime stones used in ancient Chinese music
金石 {n} [figurative] /jīnshí/ :: hardness and strength; adamant
金石城 {prop} [Taiwan] /Jīnshíchéng/ :: 金石城 (city/capital city)
金石学 {def} SEE: 金石學 ::
金石學 {n} /jīnshíxué/ :: epigraphy
金手指 {n} /jīnshǒuzhǐ/ :: traces on a printed circuit board; an Edge_connector
金手指 {n} /jīnshǒuzhǐ/ :: implausible plot that is beneficial to the character
金属 {def} SEE: 金屬 ::
金属键 {def} SEE: 金屬鍵 ::
金属晶体 {def} SEE: 金屬晶體 ::
金属氢 {def} SEE: 金屬氫 ::
金屬 {n} /jīnshǔ/ :: metal (shiny and opaque substance that can conduct heat and electricity) (Classifier: m:種)
金屬鍵 {n} [physical chemistry] /jīnshǔjiàn/ :: metallic bond
金屬晶體 {n} [crystallography] /jīnshǔ jīngtǐ/ :: metallic crystal
金屬氫 {n} /jīnshǔqīng/ :: metallic hydrogen
金薯 {n} /jīnshǔ/ :: sweet potato
金藷 {def} SEE: 金薯 ::
金水 {prop} /Jīnshuǐ/ :: Jinshui River, a former stream and canal in Beijing, China, during the Jin, Ming, and Qing dynasties
金丝雀 {def} SEE: 金絲雀 ::
金丝雀𬟁草 {def} SEE: 金絲雀虉草 ::
金斯敦 {prop} /Jīnsīdūn/ :: 金斯敦 (city/capital city)
金斯敦 {prop} /Jīnsīdūn/ :: 金斯敦 (city/capital city)
金斯敦 {prop} /Jīnsīdūn/ :: alternative name for 金斯頓
金絲雀 {n} /jīnsīquè/ :: canary
金絲雀虉草 {n} /jīnsīquè yìcǎo/ :: canary grass
金粟 {n} [literary] /jīnsù/ :: money and grain
金鎖 {n} [literary] /jīnsuǒ/ :: a fancy lock made from a precious metal (such as gold)
金锁 {def} SEE: 金鎖 ::
金塔 {n} /jīntǎ/ :: golden pagoda
金塔 {n} [Cantonese] /jīntǎ/ :: jar for holding the bones of a dead body
金塔 {prop} /jīntǎ/ :: (~ 縣) 金塔 (county)
金塔 {prop} [Teochew] /jīntǎ/ :: 金塔 (city/capital city)
金臺 {prop} /Jīntái/ :: (~ 村) 金臺 (village)
金台 {def} SEE: 金臺 ::
金坛 {def} SEE: 金壇 ::
金壇 {prop} /Jīntán/ :: (~ 區) 金壇 (district)
金汤 {def} SEE: 金湯 ::
金汤力 {def} SEE: 金湯力 ::
金堂 {prop} /Jīntáng/ :: (~ 村) 金堂 (village)
金天 {n} [literary] /jīntiān/ :: western sky
金天 {n} [literary] /jīntiān/ :: autumn; autumn sky
金天 {n} [literary] /jīntiān/ :: yellow sky (which ancient people regard as an auspicious sign)
金天 {prop} /jīntiān/ :: (~ 氏) [historical] synonym of 少昊
金条 {def} SEE: 金條 ::
金條 {n} /jīntiáo/ :: gold bar (Classifier: m,c:條)
金童玉女 {idiom} [Taoism] /jīntóngyùnǚ/ :: child attendants of the immortals
金童玉女 {idiom} [figurative] /jīntóngyùnǚ/ :: innocent and lovely young children
金童玉女 {idiom} [figurative] /jīntóngyùnǚ/ :: talented and good-looking couple; lovely young couple
金筒瓮仔 {def} SEE: 金筒甕仔 ::
金丸 {n} [literary] /jīnwán/ :: golden pellet
金丸 {n} [literary] /jīnwán/ :: the moon
金文 {n} [writing, paleography] /jīnwén/ :: Chinese bronze inscriptions
金文 {n} [writing, paleography] /jīnwén/ :: bronze script
金乌 {def} SEE: 金烏 ::
金乌玉兔 {def} SEE: 金烏玉兔 ::
金屋 {n} [archaic] /jīnwū/ :: golden house; luxurious residence
金屋藏娇 {def} SEE: 金屋藏嬌 ::
金屋藏嬌 {idiom} /jīnwūcángjiāo/ :: to take a concubine or wife
金屋藏嬌 {idiom} /jīnwūcángjiāo/ :: to keep a mistress in a tucked away in a luxurious house or apartment
金烏 {n} [Chinese mythology] /jīnwū/ :: the golden crow, the three-legged crow living in the sun
金烏 {n} [literary, figuratively] /jīnwū/ :: the sun
金烏玉兔 {idiom} [Chinese mythology] /jīnwūyùtù/ :: the Three-legged crow and the Moon rabbit
金烏玉兔 {idiom} [literary, figuratively] /jīnwūyùtù/ :: sun and moon; passing of time
金吾 {n} [archaic] /jīnwú/ :: ceremonial baton made of copper, which was a symbol of authority
金吾 {n} [archaic] /jīnwú/ :: position title: in charge of maintaining law and order within the capital
金禧 {n} /jīnxǐ/ :: 50th anniversary
金夏沙 {prop} [Taiwan] /Jīnxiàshā/ :: 金夏沙 (city/capital city)
金县 {def} SEE: 金縣 ::
金線 {n} /jīnxiàn/ :: gold wire; golden wire
金線 {n} /jīnxiàn/ :: gold thread
金線鰱 {n} /jīnxiànlián/ :: (~ 魚) golden threadfin bream, Nemipterus virgatus
金線魚 {n} /jīnxiànyú/ :: golden threadfin bream (Nemipterus virgatus)
金縣 {prop} /Jīnxiàn/ :: 金縣 (county)
金线 {def} SEE: 金線 ::
金线𩾃 {def} SEE: 金線鮸 ::
金线鲢 {def} SEE: 金線鰱 ::
金线鱼 {def} SEE: 金線魚 ::
金像 {n} /jīnxiàng/ :: golden statue
金像奖 {def} SEE: 金像獎 ::
金像獎 {n} [in names] /jīnxiàngjiǎng/ :: golden statue award; ... Awards
金像獎 {prop} /jīnxiàngjiǎng/ :: abbreviation of 奧斯卡金像獎
金星 {prop} /Jīnxīng/ :: Venus (planet)
金星 {n} /Jīnxīng/ :: golden star
金星 {n} /Jīnxīng/ :: star (that one sees from blows to the head, etc.)
金星果 {n} /jīnxīngguǒ,er/ :: star apple (Chrysophyllum cainito)
金星凌日 {n} /Jīnxīng líng rì/ :: transit of Venus
金星人 {n} /Jīnxīngrén/ :: Venusian
金秀 {prop} /Jīnxiù/ :: (~ 瑤族自治縣) 金秀 (autonomous county)
金鴉 {n} [literary, figuratively] /jīnyā/ :: sun
金鴉 {n} /jīnyā/ :: A kind of gemstone
金鸦 {def} SEE: 金鴉 ::
金言 {n} /jīnyán/ :: maxim, adage
金眼科,銀外科 {phrase} [medicine] /jīn yǎnkē, yín wàikē/ :: Describes the relatively relaxed lifestyle of ophthalmology and surgical doctors while having a good source of income
金眼科,银外科 {def} SEE: 金眼科,銀外科 ::
金堰 {prop} /Jīnyàn/ :: (~ 村) 金堰 (village)
金曜 {n} [classical, archaic] /jīnyào/ :: planet Venus
金曜日 {n} [classical] /jīnyàorì/ :: Friday
金鑰匙 {n} [literally] /jīnyàoshi/ :: golden key
金鑰匙 {n} [figurative] /jīnyàoshi/ :: best solution to a problem; key
金钥匙 {def} SEE: 金鑰匙 ::
金銀 {n} /jīnyín/ :: gold and silver
金銀 {prop} /jīnyín/ :: (~ 村) 金銀 (village)
金銀財寶 {n} /jīnyíncáibǎo/ :: treasures
金銀花 {n} /jīnyínhuā/ :: Japanese honeysuckle, Lonicera japonica
金銀銅鐵 {idiom} /jīnyíntóngtiě/ :: gold, silver, copper and iron; metals [in general]
金銀銅鐵錫 {idiom} /jīnyíntóngtiěxī/ :: the five metals of gold, silver, copper, iron and tin
金銀紙 {n} /jīnyínzhǐ/ :: joss paper
金银 {def} SEE: 金銀 ::
金银财宝 {def} SEE: 金銀財寶 ::
金银锭 {def} SEE: 金銀錠 ::
金银花 {def} SEE: 金銀花 ::
金银礼 {def} SEE: 金銀禮 ::
金银钱 {def} SEE: 金銀錢 ::
金银铜铁 {def} SEE: 金銀銅鐵 ::
金银铜铁锡 {def} SEE: 金銀銅鐵錫 ::
金银纸 {def} SEE: 金銀紙 ::
金樱子 {def} SEE: 金櫻子 ::
金櫻子 {n} /jīngyīngzǐ/ :: fruit of the Cherokee rose (Rosa laevigata) (a fruit used in traditional Chinese medicine)
金莺 {def} SEE: 金鶯 ::
金鶯 {n} /jīnyīng/ :: golden oriole
金友 {n} [literary] /jīnyǒu/ :: good friend; helpful friend
金魚 {n} /jīnyú/ :: goldfish (Classifier: m,c:條m,mn:尾)
金魚草 {v} /jīnyúcǎo/ :: snapdragon
金鱼 {def} SEE: 金魚 ::
金鱼草 {def} SEE: 金魚草 ::
金鱼佬 {def} SEE: 金魚佬 ::
金玉 {n} [literally] /jīnyù/ :: gold and jade
金玉 {n} [figuratively] /jīnyù/ :: treasured thing; ornate object
金玉兰 {def} SEE: 金玉蘭 ::
金玉蘭 {n} /jīnyùlán/ :: champak (Magnolia champaca)
金玉良言 {idiom} /jīnyùliángyán/ :: invaluable advice; golden saying
金玉满堂 {def} SEE: 金玉滿堂 ::
金玉滿堂 {idiom} /jīnyùmǎntáng/ :: extremely rich
金玉其外,敗絮其中 {idiom} [figurative] /jīnyù qíwài, bàixù qízhōng/ :: gilded exterior, shabby and ruined on the inside; fly in the ointment; a sugarcoated bitter pill; fair without, foul within
金玉其外,败絮其中 {def} SEE: 金玉其外,敗絮其中 ::
金元 {n} /jīnyuán/ :: US dollar
金元外交 {n} /jīnyuán wàijiāo/ :: dollar diplomacy
金𫓥仔 {def} SEE: 金釟仔 ::
金仔师 {def} SEE: 金仔師 ::
金泽 {def} SEE: 金澤 ::
金澤 {prop} /Jīnzé/ :: (~ 市) 金澤 (city)
金盏 {def} SEE: 金盞 ::
金盏草 {def} SEE: 金盞草 ::
金盞 {n} /jīnzhǎn/ :: gold wine cup (Classifier: m:把)
金盞草 {n} /jīnzhǎncǎo/ :: pot marigold
金帐汗国 {def} SEE: 金帳汗國 ::
金帳汗國 {prop} /Jīnzhànghànguó/ :: Golden Horde
金朝 {prop} /Jīncháo/ :: the Jin dynasty (1115–1234) (Jurchen dynasty) (1115-1234)
金針 {n} /jīnzhēn/ :: acupuncture needle
金針 {n} [figurative] /jīnzhēn/ :: secret; trick; key
金針 {n} /jīnzhēn/ :: daylily bud (used as an ingredient in some Chinese dishes such as hot and sour soup and moo shu pork)
金針 {n} [literary] /jīnzhēn/ :: needle or pin used in embroidery or sewing
金針菜 {n} /jīnzhēncài/ :: daylily buds (used as an ingredient in some Chinese dishes such as hot and sour soup and moo shu pork)
金針菇 {n} /jīnzhēngū/ :: enoki mushroom (a type of edible mushroom)
金针 {def} SEE: 金針 ::
金针菜 {def} SEE: 金針菜 ::
金针菇 {def} SEE: 金針菇 ::
金鉦 {n} /jīnzhēng/ :: A gong shaped like a zhong (cylindrical bell), formerly used in military processions
金鉦 {n} [literary, figuratively] /jīnzhēng/ :: sun
金钲 {def} SEE: 金鉦 ::
金枝玉葉 {idiom} /jīnzhīyùyè/ :: delicate and rare branches and leaves
金枝玉葉 {idiom} [figurative] /jīnzhīyùyè/ :: person of royal lineage; descendants of aristocracy
金枝玉叶 {def} SEE: 金枝玉葉 ::
金鐘 {prop} /Jīnzhōng/ :: 金鐘 (place)
金鐘花 {n} /jīnzhōnghuā/ :: Forsythia viridissima
金钟 {def} SEE: 金鐘 ::
金钟花 {def} SEE: 金鐘花 ::
金珠 {n} [literary] /jīnzhū/ :: gold and silver jewelry
金珠 {prop} /jīnzhū/ :: (~ 鎮) 金珠 (town)
金珠玛米 {def} SEE: 金珠瑪米 ::
金珠瑪米 {n} /jīnzhūmǎmǐ/ :: People's Liberation Army
金主 {n} /jīnzhǔ/ :: paymaster
金主 {n} /jīnzhǔ/ :: financial supporter; patron
金砖 {def} SEE: 金磚 ::
金砖国家 {def} SEE: 金磚國家 ::
金砖四国 {def} SEE: 金磚四國 ::
金砖五国 {def} SEE: 金磚五國 ::
金磚 {prop} /Jīnzhuān/ :: BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa); BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, and China)
金磚國家 {prop} /Jīnzhuānguójiā/ :: BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa); BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, and China)
金磚四國 {prop} /Jīnzhuānsìguó/ :: BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, and China)
金磚五國 {prop} /Jīnzhuānwǔguó/ :: BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa)
金貲 {n} [archaic] /jīnzī/ :: financial resources
金赀 {def} SEE: 金貲 ::
金子 {n} /jīnzi/ :: gold (especially extracted, or used as a currency)
金字边 {def} SEE: 金字邊 ::
金字邊 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /jīnzìbiān/ :: the Chinese character component
金字旁 {n} /jīnzìpáng/ :: the Chinese character component
金字塔 {n} /jīnzìtǎ,tl2/ :: pyramid (monumental building with a square or triangular base and sloping sides) (Classifier: 座)
金字招牌 {n} [figurative] /jīnzì zhāopái/ :: pompous title; vainglorious name
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jǐn/ :: [obsolete] docile cattle
{def} /jǐn/ :: [obsolete] virtuous
{def} /jǐn/ :: synonym of 美
{def} /jǐn/ :: sweet; sweet a little
{def} /jiàn/ :: illness
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
仅供参考 {def} SEE: 僅供參考 ::
仅仅 {def} SEE: 僅僅 ::
仅有 {def} SEE: 僅有 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jǐn/ :: only; merely
{def} /jǐn/ :: surname
{def} [literary] /僅/ :: nearly; almost
僅供參考 {phrase} /jǐngōngcānkǎo/ :: for reference only
僅僅 {adv} /jǐnjǐn/ :: merely; only; just
僅有 {v} /jǐnyǒu/ :: to only have; there is only
{def} /jǐn/ :: utmost; extreme; furthest
{def} /jǐn/ :: to do one's utmost; to do all one can; to do one's best
{def} /jǐn/ :: to give priority to
儘管 {conj} /jǐnguǎn,jìnguǎn,2nb/ :: even though
儘管 {conj} /jǐnguǎn,jìnguǎn,2nb/ :: despite
儘管 {adv} /jǐnguǎn,jìnguǎn,2nb/ :: always; all the time
儘管 {adv} /jǐnguǎn,jìnguǎn,2nb/ :: freely; unhesitatingly
儘管 {adv} /jǐnguǎn,jìnguǎn,2nb/ :: by all means
儘可能 {def} SEE: 盡可能 ::
儘快 {adv} /jǐnkuài,jìnkuài,2n/ :: as soon as possible; as quickly as possible
儘力 {v} [archaic] /jìnlì/ :: synonym of 盡力
儘量 {adv} /jǐnliàng,jìnliàng,2nb/ :: as much as possible; to the greatest extent; to the best of one's ability
儘數 {def} SEE: 盡數 ::
儘速 {adv} /jǐnsù,jìnsù,1nb/ :: as quickly as possible
儘興 {v} /jǐnxìng/ :: to do what one wants to one's heart's content
儘早 {adv} /jǐnzǎo,jìnzǎo,2nb/ :: as early as possible; as soon as possible
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /qín/ :: clay
堇菜 {n} /jǐncài/ :: violet (flower)
堇堇 {n} [literary] /jǐnjǐn/ :: sparse; rare; infrequent
堇青石 {n} /jǐnqīngshí/ :: cordierite
堇色 {n} /jǐnsè/ :: violet (color)
堇色 {adj} /jǐnsè/ :: violet (color)
{def} /jìn,jǐn/ :: to plaster over with mud; to build with soil
{def} /jìn,jǐn/ :: to bury
{def} /jìn/ :: to end; to finish
{def} /jìn/ :: to use up completely
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jìn/ :: all
盡管 {def} SEE: 儘管 ::
盡行 {adv} [archaic] /jìnxíng/ :: all; without exception
盡歡 {v} /jìnhuān/ :: to enjoy oneself to the full
盡皆 {adv} [literary] /jìnjiē/ :: completely
盡可能 {adv} /jìnkěnéng,jǐnkěnéng,1nb/ :: as much as possible; to the best of one's ability; doing one's utmost
盡快 {def} SEE: 儘快 ::
盡力 {v} /jìnlì/ :: to strive one's hardest; to spare no effort; to do one's utmost
盡力而為 {idiom} /jìnlì'érwéi/ :: to spare no effort in doing something
盡量 {def} SEE: 儘量 ::
盡量 {v} /jìnliàng/ :: to reach the limit
盡年 {v} /jìnnián/ :: to live out a natural life span
盡情 {adv} /jìnqíng/ :: to one's heart's content; to the fullest; without inhibition; as much as one likes
盡全力 {v} /jìnquánlì/ :: to do one's best
盡人皆知 {idiom} /jìnrénjiēzhī/ :: to be known to all; to be common knowledge
盡人力,聽天命 {idiom} /jìn rénlì, 聽 tiānmìng/ :: synonym of 盡人事,聽天命
盡人事 {v} /jìnrénshì/ :: to do what one can (to save a dying person, etc.); to do all that is humanly possible (though with little hope of success)
盡人事,聽天命 {idiom} /jìn rénshì, 聽 tiānmìng/ :: to do one's level best and leave the rest to God's will; man proposes, God disposes
盡善盡美 {idiom} /jìnshànjìnměi/ :: perfect; flawless
盡是 {v} /jìnshì/ :: to be full of; all; without exception
盡數 {adv} /jìnshù/ :: totally; wholly
盡速 {def} SEE: 儘速 ::
盡頭 {n} /jìntóu/ :: the very end
盡顯 {v} /jìnxiǎn/ :: to be fully exposed; to manifest completely
盡享 {v} /jìnxiǎng/ :: to enjoy to the fullest
盡孝 {v} /jìnxiào/ :: to observe filial piety; to take on filial duties
盡心 {v} /jìnxīn/ :: to do with all one's heart
盡心 {adv} /jìnxīn/ :: wholeheartedly
盡心竭力 {idiom} /jìnxīnjiélì/ :: to do something with all one's heart and all one's might
盡心盡力 {idiom} /jìnxīnjìnlì/ :: to spare no effort; to try one's best; to do one's utmost
盡信書不如無書 {proverb} /jìn xìn shū 不rú wú shū/ :: believing everything in books is worse than having no books at all
盡興 {v} /jìnxìng/ :: to enjoy to the fullest
盡興而歸 {idiom} /jìnxìng'érguī/ :: to return after thoroughly enjoying oneself
盡義務 {v} /jìnyìwù/ :: to fulfil duties or obligations
盡義務 {v} /jìnyìwù/ :: to work without remuneration; to do volunteer work
盡早 {def} SEE: 儘早 ::
盡責 {v} /jìnzé/ :: to fulfil one's responsibilities
盡職 {v} /jìnzhí/ :: to discharge one's duties; to be conscientious
盡忠 {v} /jìnzhōng/ :: to be utterly loyal
盡忠 {v} /jìnzhōng/ :: to be faithful unto death
盡忠職守 {idiom} /jìnzhōngzhíshǒu/ :: to be faithful and dedicated to one's duties
{def} SEE: ::
紧绷 {def} SEE: 緊繃 ::
紧逼 {def} SEE: 緊逼 ::
紧逼逼 {def} SEE: 緊逼逼 ::
紧凑 {def} SEE: 緊湊 ::
紧促 {def} SEE: 緊促 ::
紧跟 {def} SEE: 緊跟 ::
紧箍咒 {def} SEE: 緊箍咒 ::
紧急 {def} SEE: 緊急 ::
紧急掣 {def} SEE: 緊急掣 ::
紧急出口 {def} SEE: 緊急出口 ::
紧急关头 {def} SEE: 緊急關頭 ::
紧急状态 {def} SEE: 緊急狀態 ::
紧擮缓 {def} SEE: 緊擮緩 ::
紧记 {def} SEE: 緊記 ::
紧跤捷手 {def} SEE: 緊跤捷手 ::
紧跤手 {def} SEE: 緊跤手 ::
紧接 {def} SEE: 緊接 ::
紧捷快 {def} SEE: 緊捷快 ::
紧紧 {def} SEE: 緊緊 ::
紧快 {def} SEE: 緊快 ::
紧狂 {def} SEE: 緊狂 ::
紧邻 {def} SEE: 緊鄰 ::
紧锣密鼓 {def} SEE: 緊鑼密鼓 ::
紧猛 {def} SEE: 緊猛 ::
紧密 {def} SEE: 緊密 ::
紧迫 {def} SEE: 緊迫 ::
紧迫感 {def} SEE: 緊迫感 ::
紧气 {def} SEE: 緊氣 ::
紧俏 {def} SEE: 緊俏 ::
紧缺 {def} SEE: 緊缺 ::
紧身 {def} SEE: 緊身 ::
紧身儿 {def} SEE: 緊身兒 ::
紧身裤 {def} SEE: 緊身褲 ::
紧身衣 {def} SEE: 緊身衣 ::
紧手 {def} SEE: 緊手 ::
紧缩 {def} SEE: 緊縮 ::
紧贴 {def} SEE: 緊貼 ::
紧握 {def} SEE: 緊握 ::
紧性 {def} SEE: 緊性 ::
紧要 {def} SEE: 緊要 ::
紧要关头 {def} SEE: 緊要關頭 ::
紧欲 {def} SEE: 緊欲 ::
紧张 {def} SEE: 緊張 ::
紧张性 {def} SEE: 緊張性 ::
紧致 {def} SEE: 緊致 ::
{def} /jǐn/ :: tense; tight; taut; tightly
{def} /jǐn/ :: firm; secure
{def} /jǐn/ :: to tighten
{def} /jǐn/ :: strict
{def} /jǐn/ :: pressing; urgent
{def} /jǐn/ :: short of money; hard up
{def} /jǐn/ :: violent; heavy
{def} /jǐn/ :: critical; important
{def} [literary or Hokkien, Datian Min, Zhao'an Hakka, Wenzhou Wu] /jǐn/ :: quick; rapid; quickly
緊繃 {v} /jǐnbēng/ :: to be tightly bound; to be tied up forcefully
緊繃 {v} /jǐnbēng/ :: to be uptight; to have overly controlled facial expressions; nervous and uneasy
緊繃 {v} /jǐnbēng/ :: to be stressed; under pressure
緊逼 {v} /jǐnbī/ :: to press hard; to close in on
緊湊 {adj} /jǐncòu/ :: compact; tight; well-knit; terse
緊促 {adj} /jǐncù/ :: urgent; pressing; limited (of time)
緊跟 {v} [literally, figuratively] /jǐngēn/ :: to follow closely; to keep in step with
緊箍咒 {n} /jǐngūzhòu,er/ :: “band-tightening spellrecited by the monk Tang Sanzang in the classical novel Journey to the West, which causes the headband worn by Sun Wukong to contract to give Sun Wukong unbearable pain
緊箍咒 {n} [figurative] /jǐngūzhòu,er/ :: something used as a device of inhibition; spell or incantation used to control someone; something that is used to control or restrain another
緊急 {adj} /jǐnjí/ :: urgent; emergency; pressing
緊急出口 {n} /jǐnjí chūkǒu/ :: emergency exit
緊急關頭 {n} /jǐnjí guāntóu/ :: synonym of 緊要關頭
緊急狀態 {n} /jǐnjí zhuàngtài/ :: state of emergency
緊記 {v} /jǐnjì/ :: to have something seared into one's brain; to never forget; to always remember
緊接 {v} /jǐnjiē/ :: to follow closely
緊緊 {adv} /jǐnjǐn/ :: closely; firmly; tightly
緊鄰 {n} /jǐnlín/ :: close neighbor
緊鑼密鼓 {idiom} /jǐnluómìgǔ/ :: to carry out an intense publicity campaign
緊密 {adj} /jǐnmì/ :: compact; tightly packed
緊密 {adj} [of a relationship, link, etc.] /jǐnmì/ :: inseparable; close
緊迫 {adj} /jǐnpò/ :: urgent; pressing; critical
緊迫感 {n} /jǐnpògǎn/ :: sense of urgency
緊俏 {adj} /jǐnqiào/ :: popular but hard to find in the stores; flying off the shelves
緊缺 {n} /jǐnquē/ :: shortage; in short supply
緊身 {adj} /jǐnshēn,er/ :: tight-fitting; body-hugging
緊身兒 {adj} /jǐnshēnr/ :: erhua form of tight-fitting
緊身兒 {n} /jǐnshēnr/ :: close-fitting undergarment
緊身褲 {n} /jǐnshēnkù/ :: leggings
緊身衣 {n} /jǐnshēnyī/ :: tight clothing
緊身衣 {n} /jǐnshēnyī/ :: straitjacket
緊縮 {v} /jǐnsuō/ :: to reduce; to cut back (on expenses, spending, etc.); to tighten (money)
緊縮 {n} [economics] /jǐnsuō/ :: austerity
緊縮 {n} [economics] /jǐnsuō/ :: tightening
緊貼 {v} /jǐntiē/ :: to cling; to stick close to
緊握 {v} /jǐnwò/ :: to hold tight; to clench
緊要 {def} SEE: 緊欲 ::
緊要 {adj} /jǐnyào/ :: (urgently) important; vital; critical; serious; crucial
緊要關頭 {n} /jǐnyào guāntóu/ :: critical juncture; critical moment
緊張 {adj} /jǐnzhāng/ :: tense; worried; stressed; nervous; anxious
緊張 {adj} /jǐnzhāng/ :: tense (of a muscle, rope, etc.); taut
緊張 {adj} /jǐnzhāng/ :: intense; acute; fierce; pressing
緊張 {adj} /jǐnzhāng/ :: in short supply; scarce
緊張 {adj} /jǐnzhāng/ :: fast-paced
緊張 {n} /jǐnzhāng/ :: nerves; nervousness (Classifier: 陣)
緊張 {n} /jǐnzhāng/ :: tension (especially in international relations)
緊張性 {n} [often, attributive] /jǐnzhāngxìng/ :: tension; tensity
緊致 {adj} [of skin] /jǐnzhì/ :: tight [in a good way]
緊致 {adj} [topology, of space] /jǐnzhì/ :: compact
{def} SEE: ::
覲見 {v} [literary] /覲jiàn/ :: to have an audience (with a monarch, head of state, etc.)
{def} /jǐn/ :: prudent; cautious; careful; reverent
謹防 {v} /jǐnfáng/ :: to guard against; to beware of
謹賀新年 {phrase} [written language] /jǐnhèxīnnián/ :: Happy New Year
謹上 {v} /jǐnshàng/ :: to be yours truly (in closing a letter)
謹慎 {adj} /jǐnshèn/ :: cautious; careful; prudent; circumspect; wary
謹小慎微 {idiom} /jǐnxiǎoshèn微/ :: overcautious; meticulous; punctilious
謹嚴 {adj} /jǐnyán/ :: careful and precise; meticulous
謹言慎行 {idiom} /jǐnyánshènxíng/ :: to speak and act cautiously; to be discreet in word and deed
{def} SEE: ::
谨防 {def} SEE: 謹防 ::
谨贺新年 {def} SEE: 謹賀新年 ::
谨上 {def} SEE: 謹上 ::
谨慎 {def} SEE: 謹慎 ::
谨小慎微 {def} SEE: 謹小慎微 ::
谨严 {def} SEE: 謹嚴 ::
谨言慎行 {def} SEE: 謹言慎行 ::
{def} /jǐn/ :: brocade; tapestry
{def} /jǐn/ :: embroidered
{def} /jǐn/ :: bright and beautiful
錦襖 {n} [literary] /jǐn'ǎo/ :: brocade jacket
錦標 {n} [literary, literally] /jǐnbiāo/ :: banner made from brocade (awarded to winners of boat races during Tang dynasty)
錦標 {n} /jǐnbiāo/ :: prize; trophy; title; crown
錦標賽 {n} /jǐnbiāosài/ :: championship contest; championship; tournament
錦城 {prop} [colloquial or literary] /Jǐnchéng/ :: "Brocade City", a nickname of Chengdu, Sichuan
錦緞 {n} /jǐnduàn/ :: brocade (Classifier: m:匹m:疋)
錦官 {prop} [historical] /Jǐnguān/ :: (~ 城) Chengdu
錦官城 {prop} [colloquial or literary, obsolete] /Jǐnguānchéng/ :: "City of the Brocade Official", a former nickname of Chengdu, Sichuan
錦綸 {n} [chiefly Mainland] /jǐnlún/ :: alternative name for 尼龍
錦雞 {n} /jǐnjī/ :: golden pheasant
錦鷄 {def} SEE: 錦雞 ::
錦江 {prop} /Jǐnjiāng/ :: (~ 社區) 錦江 (residential community)
錦葵 {n} [botany] /jǐnkuí/ :: high mallow
錦鯉 {n} /jǐnlǐ/ :: koi
錦鯉 {n} [slang, neologism] /jǐnlǐ/ :: good luck
錦鯉 {n} [slang, neologism] /jǐnlǐ/ :: good luck charm; talisman
錦鯉 {n} [slang, neologism] /jǐnlǐ/ :: lucky person
錦囊 {n} [historical] /jǐnnáng/ :: silk brocade bag (for storing precious items)
錦囊妙計 {idiom} /jǐnnángmiàojì/ :: bag of tricks; cunning masterplan
錦袍 {n} [archaic] /jǐnpáo/ :: a brocade robe; a brocade gown
錦片前程 {idiom} /jǐnpiànqiánchéng/ :: synonym of 錦繡前程
錦普 {prop} /Jǐnpǔ/ :: (~ 市) 錦普 (city)
錦旗 {n} /jǐnqí/ :: silk banner (as an award or sign of appreciation)
錦上添花 {idiom} /jǐnshàngtiānhuā/ :: to make perfection still more perfect
錦蛇 {n} /jǐnshé/ :: Elaphe
錦蛇 {n} [Mainland, &, Malaysia Hokkien] /jǐnshé/ :: python
錦田 {prop} /Jǐntián/ :: 錦田 (place)
錦繡 {n} /jǐnxiù/ :: exquisitely brocaded silks
錦繡 {adj} /jǐnxiù/ :: as beautiful as brocade; beautiful; splendid
錦繡 {prop} /jǐnxiù/ :: (~ 村) 錦繡 (village)
錦繡河山 {idiom} /jǐnxiùhéshān/ :: land of charm and beauty; beautiful land
錦繡江山 {idiom} /jǐnxiùjiāngshān/ :: land of charm and beauty; beautiful land
錦繡前程 {idiom} /jǐnxiùqiánchéng/ :: splendid prospects; glorious future
錦繡山河 {idiom} /jǐnxiùshānhé/ :: land of charm and beauty; beautiful land
錦衣玉食 {idiom} [metaphor] /jǐnyīyùshí/ :: a life of luxury; extravagance
錦州 {prop} /Jǐnzhōu/ :: (~ 市) 錦州 (city)
{def} SEE: ::
锦袄 {def} SEE: 錦襖 ::
锦标 {def} SEE: 錦標 ::
锦标赛 {def} SEE: 錦標賽 ::
锦城 {def} SEE: 錦城 ::
锦缎 {def} SEE: 錦緞 ::
锦凤 {def} SEE: 錦鳳 ::
锦官 {def} SEE: 錦官 ::
锦官城 {def} SEE: 錦官城 ::
锦纶 {def} SEE: 錦綸 ::
锦鸡 {def} SEE: 錦雞 ::
锦江 {def} SEE: 錦江 ::
锦葵 {def} SEE: 錦葵 ::
锦鲤 {def} SEE: 錦鯉 ::
锦囊 {def} SEE: 錦囊 ::
锦囊妙计 {def} SEE: 錦囊妙計 ::
锦袍 {def} SEE: 錦袍 ::
锦片前程 {def} SEE: 錦片前程 ::
锦普 {def} SEE: 錦普 ::
锦旗 {def} SEE: 錦旗 ::
锦上添花 {def} SEE: 錦上添花 ::
锦蛇 {def} SEE: 錦蛇 ::
锦田 {def} SEE: 錦田 ::
锦绣 {def} SEE: 錦繡 ::
锦绣河山 {def} SEE: 錦繡河山 ::
锦绣江山 {def} SEE: 錦繡江山 ::
锦绣前程 {def} SEE: 錦繡前程 ::
锦绣山河 {def} SEE: 錦繡山河 ::
锦衣玉食 {def} SEE: 錦衣玉食 ::
锦议 {def} SEE: 錦議 ::
锦州 {def} SEE: 錦州 ::
{def} [fossil word] /jǐn/ :: famine
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /yín/ :: sound of a tiger
{def} /jìn/ :: weak and dull
{def} /jìn/ :: to gnash the teeth (in anger or hatred)
{def} /jìn/ :: a tongue disease (of cattle)
{def} /jìn/ :: to keep one's mouth shut, to keep quiet
{def} /jìn/ :: (variant of ) mutual, reciprocal, each other
{def} /yín/ :: (variant of 眾立) to stand (as a group); (collective) stand, stance, position
{def} /jìn/ :: to raise the head, to look up
{def} /jìn/ :: songs of a northern ethnic group in ancient China
{def} /jìn/ :: cold
{def} /jìn/ :: chilly
{def} /jìng/ :: powerful; strong
{def} /jìng/ :: vigorous; with energy; lively
{def} [Cantonese] /jìng/ :: amazing; terrific
{def} [Cantonese] /jìng/ :: very; super
{def} /勁,er/ :: vigor; energy; strength (Classifier: m:股)
{def} /勁,er/ :: air; manner; expression (Classifier: m:股)
{def} /勁,er/ :: interest; relish; gusto
勁爆 {adj} [originally, Cantonese] /jìngbào,jìnbào,1nb/ :: exciting; rousing; stimulating; energetic
勁爆大象部落 {interj} [mainland China, Internet slang, euphemistic, humorous] /jìngbào dàxiàng bùluò,jìnbào dàxiàng bùluò,1nb/ :: LMAO; ROTFLMAO
勁草 {n} /jìngcǎo/ :: tough upright grass
勁草 {n} [figuratively] /jìngcǎo/ :: a staunch character able to withstand tough test
勁敵 {n} /jìngdí/ :: powerful enemy; formidable foe; strong opponent
勁兒 {n} /勁r/ :: erhua form of vigor; energy; strength (Classifier: m:股)
勁兒 {n} /勁r/ :: erhua form of air; manner; expression (Classifier: m:股)
勁健 {adj} /勁jiàn/ :: strong and healthy; sturdy; vigorous
勁旅 {n} [formal] /jìnglǜ/ :: strong contingent; crack force
勁射 {v} [sports] /勁shè/ :: to shoot (a goal, etc.) powerfully; to give a powerful shot
勁頭 {n} [colloquial] /勁tóu,er/ :: strength; brawn
勁頭 {n} [colloquial] /勁tóu,er/ :: drive; enthusiasm; zeal
勁舞 {v} /勁wǔ/ :: to dance enthusiastically
勁舞 {n} /勁wǔ/ :: modern dance characterised by strong beats
{def} /jìn/ :: to suck
{def} /jìn/ :: to close (mouth)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jìn/ :: 56th tetragram of the Taixuanjing (𝌽)
噤若寒蝉 {def} SEE: 噤若寒蟬 ::
噤若寒蟬 {idiom} /jìnruòhánchán/ :: to remain silent out of fear; to refrain unwillingly from speaking out
{def} [regional] /jìn/ :: wife of mother's brother
{def} /xiān/ :: used in 𡝫妗
{def} /xiān/ :: [historical dictionaries] beautiful
{def} /xiān/ :: [historical dictionaries] joyous
{def} /xiān/ :: [historical dictionaries] [of a woman] frivolous
妗母 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /jìnmǔ/ :: maternal aunt (wife of mother's brother)
妗子 {n} /jìnzi/ :: co-sister-in-law (wife of wife's brother)
妗子 {n} [dialectal Mandarin] /jìnzi/ :: maternal aunt (wife of mother's brother)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
尽都 {def} SEE: 盡都 ::
尽管 {def} SEE: 儘管 ::
尽行 {def} SEE: 盡行 ::
尽欢 {def} SEE: 盡歡 ::
尽加 {def} SEE: 盡加 ::
尽皆 {def} SEE: 盡皆 ::
尽惊 {def} SEE: 盡驚 ::
尽可能 {def} SEE: 盡可能 ::
尽快 {def} SEE: 盡快 ::
尽力 {def} SEE: 盡力 ::
尽力 {def} SEE: 儘力 ::
尽力而为 {def} SEE: 盡力而為 ::
尽量 {def} SEE: 盡量 ::
尽量 {def} SEE: 儘量 ::
尽年 {def} SEE: 盡年 ::
尽情 {def} SEE: 盡情 ::
尽全力 {def} SEE: 盡全力 ::
尽人皆知 {def} SEE: 盡人皆知 ::
尽人力,听天命 {def} SEE: 盡人力,聽天命 ::
尽人事 {def} SEE: 盡人事 ::
尽人事,听天命 {def} SEE: 盡人事,聽天命 ::
尽善尽美 {def} SEE: 盡善盡美 ::
尽是 {def} SEE: 盡是 ::
尽数 {def} SEE: 盡數 ::
尽速 {def} SEE: 儘速 ::
尽头 {def} SEE: 盡頭 ::
尽头牙 {def} SEE: 盡頭牙 ::
尽显 {def} SEE: 盡顯 ::
尽享 {def} SEE: 盡享 ::
尽孝 {def} SEE: 盡孝 ::
尽心 {def} SEE: 盡心 ::
尽心竭力 {def} SEE: 盡心竭力 ::
尽心尽力 {def} SEE: 盡心盡力 ::
尽信书不如无书 {def} SEE: 盡信書不如無書 ::
尽兴 {def} SEE: 盡興 ::
尽兴 {def} SEE: 儘興 ::
尽兴而归 {def} SEE: 盡興而歸 ::
尽义务 {def} SEE: 盡義務 ::
尽早 {def} SEE: 儘早 ::
尽责 {def} SEE: 盡責 ::
尽职 {def} SEE: 盡職 ::
尽忠 {def} SEE: 盡忠 ::
尽忠职守 {def} SEE: 盡忠職守 ::
尽拄仔 {def} SEE: 盡拄仔 ::
搢紳 {n} /jìnshēn/ :: alternative form of 縉紳
搢绅 {def} SEE: 搢紳 ::
{def} /jìn/ :: to advance; to increase
{def} /jìn/ :: to promote
{def} /jìn/ :: (~ 國) Chinese feudal state of Jin (11th century BCE–376 BCE), a state of the Zhou Dynasty in northern China
{def} /jìn/ :: (~ 朝) Chinese Jin dynasty (265–420)
{def} /jìn/ :: 35th hexagram of the I Ching ()
{def} /jìn/ :: alternative name for 山西
{def} /jìn/ :: (~ 語) Jin (a variety of Chinese spoken in and around Shanxi)
{def} /jìn/ :: surname
晉安 {prop} /Jìn'ān/ :: (~ 區) Jin'an
晉昌 {prop} /Jìnchāng/ :: (~ 鎮) 晉昌 (town)
晉城 {prop} /Jìnchéng/ :: (~ 市) 晉城 (prefecture-level city)
晉代 {prop} /Jìndài/ :: the Jin dynasty (265–420) (265-420)
晉鐸 {n} [Christianity] /jìnduó/ :: ordination
晉鐸 {v} [Christianity] /jìnduó/ :: to be ordained as a priest
晉鼓 {n} /jìngǔ/ :: a large drum on a wooden stand, used in ceremonial music
晉國 {prop} /Jìnguó/ :: Jin, a major state during the middle part of the Zhou dynasty
晉級 {v} /jìnjí/ :: to be promoted; to rise in rank or level
晉見 {v} /jìnjiàn/ :: to have an audience with; to call on somebody holding high office
晉江 {prop} /Jìnjiāng/ :: 晉江 (river)
晉江 {prop} /Jìnjiāng/ :: (~ 市) 晉江 (county-level city/and/former county)
晉劇 {n} /jìnjù/ :: Jin opera (a style of Chinese opera originating in Shanxi)
晉牧 {n} [Christianity] /jìnmù/ :: consecration as a bishop
晉牧 {v} [Christianity] /jìnmù/ :: to be consecrated as a bishop
晉南 {prop} /Jìnnán/ :: southern Shanxi
晉三 {prop} /Jìnsān/ :: Shinzō (a Japanese male given name)
晉升 {v} /jìnshēng/ :: to be promoted (to a higher position); to exalt; to upgrade
晉語 {n} /Jìnyǔ/ :: Jin (a variety of Chinese spoken primarily in Shanxi province)
晉朝 {prop} /Jìncháo/ :: the Jin dynasty (265–420) (265-420)
晉職 {v} /jìnzhí/ :: to be promoted (to a higher position); to exalt; to upgrade  
晉中 {prop} /Jìnzhōng/ :: (~ 市) 晉中 (prefecture-level city)
晉州 {prop} /Jìnzhōu/ :: (~ 市) 晉州 (city)
{def} SEE: ::
晋安 {def} SEE: 晉安 ::
晋昌 {def} SEE: 晉昌 ::
晋城 {def} SEE: 晉城 ::
晋代 {def} SEE: 晉代 ::
晋铎 {def} SEE: 晉鐸 ::
晋鼓 {def} SEE: 晉鼓 ::
晋国 {def} SEE: 晉國 ::
晋级 {def} SEE: 晉級 ::
晋见 {def} SEE: 晉見 ::
晋江 {def} SEE: 晉江 ::
晋剧 {def} SEE: 晉劇 ::
晋牧 {def} SEE: 晉牧 ::
晋南 {def} SEE: 晉南 ::
晋三 {def} SEE: 晉三 ::
晋升 {def} SEE: 晉升 ::
晋语 {def} SEE: 晉語 ::
晋朝 {def} SEE: 晉朝 ::
晋职 {def} SEE: 晉職 ::
晋中 {def} SEE: 晉中 ::
晋州 {def} SEE: 晉州 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jìn/ :: to soak; to sit in water (or liquid)
{def} /jìn/ :: to immerse something in water (or liquid)
{def} /jìn,qīn,1nb/ :: used in compounds
浸大 {prop} /Jìndà/ :: short fo 香港浸會大學 (Hong Kong Baptist University)
浸漸 {n} [literary] /jìnjiàn/ :: gradually changing process
浸漸 {adv} [literary] /jìnjiàn/ :: gradually; little by little; step by step; progressively
浸渐 {def} SEE: 浸漸 ::
浸礼 {def} SEE: 浸禮 ::
浸礼宗 {def} SEE: 浸禮宗 ::
浸禮 {n} [chiefly Baptist] /jìnlǐ/ :: baptism (by immersion)
浸禮宗 {n} [Protestantism] /jìnlǐzōng/ :: Baptists
浸沒 {v} /jìnmò/ :: to submerge; to flood
浸沒 {v} [figurative] /jìnmò/ :: to be immersed in; to be filled with
浸没 {def} SEE: 浸沒 ::
浸泡 {v} /jìnpào/ :: to soak (in a liquid); to steep
浸入 {v} /jìnrù/ :: to soak into; to dip into; to immerse in
浸润 {def} SEE: 浸潤 ::
浸潤 {v} /jìnrùn/ :: to soak; to infiltrate
浸潤 {v} [medicine] /jìnrùn/ :: to infiltrate; to invade
浸潤性 {n} [medicine, often, attributive] /jìnrùnxìng/ :: invasiveness
浸湿 {def} SEE: 浸濕 ::
浸溼 {def} SEE: 浸濕 ::
浸濕 {v} /jìnshī/ :: to soak; to souse; to moisten
浸蚀 {def} SEE: 浸蝕 ::
浸蝕 {n} /jìnshí/ :: erosion
浸蝕 {v} /jìnshí/ :: to erode
浸水 {v} /jìnshuǐ/ :: to immerse or dip in water; to drench
浸水 {n} /jìnshuǐ/ :: water for irrigation
浸透 {v} /jìntòu/ :: to soak through; to saturate
浸透 {v} /jìntòu/ :: to penetrate; to permeate
浸透 {v} /jìntòu/ :: to undergo osmosis
浸咸水 {def} SEE: 浸鹹水 ::
浸尋 {def} SEE: 浸潯 ::
浸信会 {def} SEE: 浸信會 ::
浸信會 {n} /jìnxìnhuì/ :: Baptist church
浸信宗 {n} [Protestantism] /jìnxìnzōng/ :: Baptists
浸寻 {def} SEE: 浸尋 ::
浸浔 {def} SEE: 浸潯 ::
浸潯 {v} [literary] /qīnyín/ :: to imbue; to instill
浸潯 {adv} [literary] /qīnyín/ :: gradually
浸淫 {def} SEE: 浸潯 ::
浸浴 {v} /jìnyù/ :: to take a bath; to bathe
浸种 {def} SEE: 浸種 ::
浸種 {v} /jìnzhǒng/ :: to soak seeds in water (to make them germinate)
浸渍 {def} SEE: 浸漬 ::
浸漬 {v} /jìnzì/ :: to soak; to ret; to macerate
{def} /jìn/ :: [historical dictionaries] appearance of water
{def} /jìn/ :: [historical dictionaries] name of a river
{def} SEE: ::
濅浔 {def} SEE: 濅潯 ::
濅潯 {def} SEE: 浸潯 ::
{def} /jìn/ :: (~ 水) river in Hubei province, a tributary of Han River (Hubei) also known as 沙河.
{def} /jìn/ :: (~ 水) river in Shaanxi province, also known as Baima river (白馬河)
{def} [archaic] /jìn/ :: appearance of water flowing rapidly濜溳
{def} /jīn/ :: [obsolete] bodily fluids津液
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jìn/ :: cinders; ashes; embers
{def} /jìn/ :: remnants
{def} /jīn/ :: to bear; to endure
{def} /jīn/ :: to be able to withstand
{def} [usually used in the negative] /jīn/ :: to contain oneself; to restrain oneself
{def} /jīn/ :: to torment; to torture
{def} [Cantonese] /jīn/ :: durable
{def} /jīn/ :: alternative form of
{def} /jìn/ :: to prohibit; to forbid; to restrict
{def} /jìn/ :: to pin down; to restrain
{def} /jìn/ :: to block; to hinder
{def} /jìn/ :: to imprison; to detain; to take into custody
{def} /jìn/ :: to use incantation
{def} /jìn/ :: to store up; to hoard
{def} /jìn/ :: ban; prohibition; restriction; interdict
{def} /jìn/ :: taboo; banned item or thing
{def} /jìn/ :: prison; jail; confinement
{def} [historical] /jìn/ :: court; palace
{def} [historical] /jìn/ :: ritual table; wine altar
{def} /jìn/ :: sorcery; incantation; spell
禁閉 {v} /jìnbì/ :: to lock up; to put in confinement
禁闭 {def} SEE: 禁閉 ::
禁不起 {v} /jīn不qǐ/ :: to be unable to stand (tests, trials, etc.)
禁不住 {v} /jīnbuzhù,jīn不zhù,1nb/ :: to be unable to bear
禁不住 {v} /jīnbuzhù,jīn不zhù,1nb/ :: to be unable to help (from doing sth)
禁娼 {v} /jìnchāng/ :: to ban prostitution
禁毒 {v} /jìndú/ :: to fight narcotics; to ban drugs
禁賭 {v} /jìndǔ/ :: to ban gambling; to suppress gambling
禁赌 {def} SEE: 禁賭 ::
禁放 {v} /jìnfàng/ :: to ban broadcast; to prohibit transmission
禁放 {v} /jìnfàng/ :: to prohibit setting off (firecrackers, fireworks, etc.)
禁飛名單 {n} [legal, aviation] /jìnfēi míngdān/ :: no-fly list
禁飞名单 {def} SEE: 禁飛名單 ::
禁歌 {n} /jìngē/ :: censored song; forbidden song
禁錮 {v} /jìngù/ :: to imprison
禁錮 {v} [literally, figuratively] /jìngù/ :: to confine; to shackle
禁錮 {v} [archaic] /jìngù/ :: to ban a person from government service
禁锢 {def} SEE: 禁錮 ::
禁果 {n} [religion] /jìnguǒ,er/ :: forbidden fruit
禁果 {n} [figurative] /jìnguǒ,er/ :: premarital sex (usually between two teenagers)
禁行 {v} /jìnxíng/ :: no entry
禁忌 {v} /jìnjì,tl/ :: to abstain from
禁忌 {v} [medicine] /jìnjì,tl/ :: to contraindicate
禁忌 {n} /jìnjì,tl/ :: taboo
禁忌 {n} [medicine] /jìnjì,tl/ :: contraindication
禁忌症 {n} [medicine] /jìnjìzhèng/ :: alternative name for 禁忌證
禁忌證 {n} [medicine] /jìnjìzhèng/ :: contraindication
禁忌证 {def} SEE: 禁忌證 ::
禁酒 {v} /jìnjiǔ/ :: to prohibit alcoholic drinks
禁絕 {v} /jìnjué/ :: to totally prohibit; to completely ban
禁绝 {def} SEE: 禁絕 ::
禁军 {def} SEE: 禁軍 ::
禁軍 {n} [archaic] /jìnjūn/ :: an army charged with guarding the capital or the palace
禁例 {n} /jìnlì/ :: prohibitions
禁令 {n} /jìnlìng/ :: prohibition; ban
禁區 {n} /jìnqū/ :: restricted area; forbidden area
禁區 {n} /jìnqū/ :: wildlife reserve
禁區 {n} [sports, football] /jìnqū/ :: penalty area
禁片 {n} /jìnpiàn,jìnpiān,er/ :: banned film
禁品 {n} /jìnpǐn/ :: contraband; prohibited goods
禁評 {v} [internet] /jìnpíng/ :: to disallow commenting
禁评 {def} SEE: 禁評 ::
禁气 {def} SEE: 禁氣 ::
禁区 {def} SEE: 禁區 ::
禁曲 {n} /jìnqǔ/ :: banned song
禁賽 {v} /jìnsài/ :: to suspend (someone) from competition; to ban from competition
禁赛 {def} SEE: 禁賽 ::
禁省 {n} [archaic] /jìnshěng/ :: the residence of the emperor
禁食 {v} /jìnshí/ :: to fast
禁售 {v} /jìnshòu/ :: to ban the sales (of); to forbid sales (of)
禁书 {def} SEE: 禁書 ::
禁書 {n} /jìnshū/ :: banned book
禁烟 {def} SEE: 禁煙 ::
禁煙 {v} /jìnyān/ :: to ban smoking
禁煙 {v} [historical] /jìnyān/ :: to ban opium
禁言令 {n} /jìnyánlìng/ :: gag order; suppression order
禁用 {v} /jìnyòng/ :: to forbid to use; to be banned for use
禁用 {v} [computing] /jìnyòng/ :: to disable
禁渔 {def} SEE: 禁漁 ::
禁渔令 {def} SEE: 禁漁令 ::
禁渔期 {def} SEE: 禁漁期 ::
禁漁 {v} /jìnyú/ :: to prohibit fishing
禁漁令 {n} /jìnyúlìng/ :: fishing ban
禁漁期 {n} /jìnyú期/ :: closed fishing season; fishing moratorium; fishing ban
禁慾 {v} /jìnyù/ :: to be ascetic; to suppress desire; to be abstinent
禁慾 {n} /jìnyù/ :: asceticism; abstinence
禁慾主義 {n} /jìnyùzhǔyì/ :: asceticism
禁欲 {def} SEE: 禁慾 ::
禁欲主义 {def} SEE: 禁欲主義 ::
禁欲主義 {def} SEE: 禁慾主義 ::
禁苑 {n} [literary] /jìnyuàn/ :: imperial garden
禁运 {def} SEE: 禁運 ::
禁運 {v} /jìnyùn/ :: to embargo
禁指 {n} [music] /jìnzhǐ/ :: little finger (literally “forbidden finger”, as the little finger should not touch the strings during guqin playing)
禁指 {n} [Hakka] /jìnzhǐ/ :: finger ring (Classifier: h:隻)
禁止 {v} /jìnzhǐ/ :: to prohibit; to forbid
禁止反言 {n} /jìnzhǐ fǎnyán/ :: estoppel
禁止吸烟 {def} SEE: 禁止吸煙 ::
禁止吸煙 {phrase} /jìnzhǐ xīyān/ :: no smoking (phrase used in notices indicating that the smoking of cigarettes, etc., is not permitted in the surrounding area)
禁止吸菸 {def} SEE: 禁止吸煙 ::
禁制 {v} /jìnzhì/ :: to prohibit; to ban; to forbid; to restrict
禁制令 {n} [law] /jìnzhìlìn/ :: injunction
禁制品 {def} SEE: 禁製品 ::
禁製品 {n} /jìnzhìpǐn/ :: contraband; banned products
禁足 {v} /jìnzú/ :: to ground (to disallow someone, usually a minor, from going out); to gate; to confine someone at home
縉紳 {n} [literary, metonymy] /jìnshēn/ :: literati; elite; aristocrat; gentry (social stratum characterised by fine education and high status in classical Chinese society)
{def} SEE: ::
缙绅 {def} SEE: 縉紳 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jǐn/ :: Viola verecunda, a kind of violet
{def} SEE: ::
觐见 {def} SEE: 覲見 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jìn/ :: near; close
{def} /jìn/ :: intimate; close (on affectionate terms)
{def} /jìn/ :: approximately
{def} /jìn/ :: to approach
{def} [dialectal] /jìn/ :: to make a profit; to earn
近便 {adj} /jìnbiàn,tl/ :: close and convenient
近臣 {n} [archaic] /jìnchén/ :: personal attendant of a king or emperor; one of the monarch's closest ministers; favourite courtier
近處 {n} /jìnchù,er/ :: vicinity; neighborhood
近處 {adv} /jìnchù,er/ :: nearby
近处 {def} SEE: 近處 ::
近代 {n} /jìndài/ :: near-modern times; recent era
近代史 {n} /jìndàishǐ/ :: modern history
近道 {n} /jìndào,er/ :: shortcut (alternative route); short route
近东 {def} SEE: 近東 ::
近東 {prop} /Jìndōng/ :: Near East
近古 {n} [historiography] /jìngǔ/ :: recent antiquity (in Chinese history, including the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties)
近古藏語 {n} /jìngǔ zàngyǔ/ :: Classical Tibetan
近古藏语 {def} SEE: 近古藏語 ::
近海 {n} /jìnhǎi/ :: coastal waters; adjacent seas
近乎 {v} /jìnhū/ :: to be similar to; to be little short of; to be close to; to be almost
近乎 {adj} [colloquial] /jìnhu,jìnhū,1nb/ :: close (to someone): intimate; friendly
近畿 {n} [literary] /jìnjī/ :: area around the capital
近江八幡 {prop} /Jìnjiāngbāfān/ :: (~ 市) 近江八幡 (city)
近郊 {n} /jìnjiāo/ :: suburb; outlying area; outskirts
近况 {def} SEE: 近況 ::
近況 {n} /jìnkuàng/ :: recent situation; current situation; news
近來 {adv} /jìnlái/ :: recently; lately
近来 {def} SEE: 近來 ::
近理 {v} [literary] /jìnlǐ/ :: to be reasonable; to be equitable; to be rational
近利 {n} [literary] /jìnlì/ :: immediate interests
近利 {v} [literary] /jìnlì/ :: to seek wealth; to covet riches
近邻 {def} SEE: 近鄰 ::
近鄰 {n} /jìnlín/ :: next-door neighbour; close neighbour
近路 {n} /jìnlù/ :: shortcut (alternative route)
近年 {adv} /jìnnián/ :: in recent years
近年 {n} /jìnnián/ :: recent years
近旁 {n} /jìnpáng/ :: nearby; vicinity
近期 {n} /jìn期/ :: the near future; the short term
近期 {adv} /jìn期/ :: in the near future; in the short term
近期 {adj} /jìn期/ :: short-term
近前 {v} [literary] /jìnqián/ :: to advance forward
近前 {v} [literary] /jìnqián/ :: to approach
近前 {n} [literary] /jìnqián/ :: nearby; vicinity; proximity
近亲 {def} SEE: 近親 ::
近親 {n} /jìnqīn/ :: close relative
近曲小管 {n} [anatomy] /jìnqūxiǎoguǎn/ :: proximal convoluted tubule
近日 {adv} [literary] /jìnrì/ :: in recent days
近世 {n} /jìnshì/ :: synonym of 近代
近侍 {n} [archaic] /jìnshì/ :: personal servants; personal attendants
近視 {n} [pathology] /jìnshì,tl/ :: myopia; nearsightedness; shortsightedness
近視 {adj} [pathology] /jìnshì,tl/ :: myopic; near-sighted; short-sighted
近視眼 {n} [colloquial] /jìnshìyǎn,er/ :: synonym of 近視
近視眼 {n} [colloquial] /jìnshìyǎn,er/ :: myopic person; one who wears glasses
近視眼 {n} [figuratively] /jìnshìyǎn,er/ :: synonym of 短視
近视 {def} SEE: 近視 ::
近视眼 {def} SEE: 近視眼 ::
近似 {v} /jìnsì/ :: to be similar to; to be about the same as
近似 {v} /jìnsì/ :: to approximate
近似 {n} /jìnsì/ :: approximation
近似值 {n} /jìnsìzhí/ :: approximated value, approximation
近藤 {prop} /Jìnténg/ :: A Japanese surname: Kondō
近体诗 {def} SEE: 近體詩 ::
近體詩 {n} /jìntǐshī/ :: regulated verse, a style of classical Chinese poetry
近现代 {def} SEE: 近現代 ::
近现代史 {def} SEE: 近現代史 ::
近現代 {adj} [attributive] /jìnxiàndài/ :: modern and contemporary
近現代史 {n} /jìnxiàndàishǐ/ :: modern and contemporary history
近义词 {def} SEE: 近義詞 ::
近義詞 {n} [linguistics] /jìnyìcí/ :: near-synonym; parasynonym
近因 {n} /jìnyīn/ :: direct cause; immediate cause
近因 {conj} /jìnyīn/ :: [literary] directly because; directly as the result of
近音 {n} [phonetics] /jìnyīn/ :: approximant
近忧 {def} SEE: 近憂 ::
近憂 {n} /jìnyōu/ :: immediate concern
近月 {adv} /jìnyuè/ :: in recent months; in the last few months
近月 {n} /jìnyuè/ :: recent months
近在咫尺 {idiom} /jìnzàizhǐchǐ/ :: very near in distance; at one's elbow
近照 {n} /jìnzhào/ :: current or recent photograph
近朱者赤,近墨者黑 {phrase} /jìn zhū zhě chì, jìn mò zhě hēi/ :: Different environments provide different influences; who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl
近作 {n} /jìnzuò/ :: lastest work (of fiction, art, etc.)
{def} SEE: ::
进逼 {def} SEE: 進逼 ::
进兵 {def} SEE: 進兵 ::
进泊 {def} SEE: 進泊 ::
进补 {def} SEE: 進補 ::
进步 {def} SEE: 進步 ::
进步性 {def} SEE: 進步性 ::
进餐 {def} SEE: 進餐 ::
进谗 {def} SEE: 進讒 ::
进场 {def} SEE: 進場 ::
进呈 {def} SEE: 進呈 ::
进城 {def} SEE: 進城 ::
进程 {def} SEE: 進程 ::
进出 {def} SEE: 進出 ::
进出口 {def} SEE: 進出口 ::
进动 {def} SEE: 進動 ::
进度 {def} SEE: 進度 ::
进度条 {def} SEE: 進度條 ::
进而 {def} SEE: 進而 ::
进发 {def} SEE: 進發 ::
进犯 {def} SEE: 進犯 ::
进奉 {def} SEE: 進奉 ::
进宫 {def} SEE: 進宮 ::
进攻 {def} SEE: 進攻 ::
进贡 {def} SEE: 進貢 ::
进行 {def} SEE: 進行 ::
进行曲 {def} SEE: 進行曲 ::
进行性 {def} SEE: 進行性 ::
进化 {def} SEE: 進化 ::
进化论 {def} SEE: 進化論 ::
进货 {def} SEE: 進貨 ::
进击 {def} SEE: 進擊 ::
进级 {def} SEE: 晉級 ::
进价 {def} SEE: 進價 ::
进见 {def} SEE: 進見 ::
进谏 {def} SEE: 進諫 ::
进讲 {def} SEE: 進講 ::
进阶 {def} SEE: 進階 ::
进酒 {def} SEE: 進酒 ::
进酒作乐 {def} SEE: 進酒作樂 ::
进据 {def} SEE: 進據 ::
进军 {def} SEE: 進軍 ::
进军歌 {def} SEE: 進軍歌 ::
进口 {def} SEE: 進口 ::
进口货 {def} SEE: 進口貨 ::
进口量 {def} SEE: 進口量 ::
进口税 {def} SEE: 進口稅 ::
进款 {def} SEE: 進款 ::
进来 {def} SEE: 進來 ::
进料 {def} SEE: 進料 ::
进路 {def} SEE: 進路 ::
进前 {def} SEE: 進前 ::
进球 {def} SEE: 進球 ::
进取 {def} SEE: 進取 ::
进去 {def} SEE: 進去 ::
进入 {def} SEE: 進入 ::
进膳 {def} SEE: 進膳 ::
进身 {def} SEE: 進身 ::
进身之计 {def} SEE: 進身之計 ::
进食 {def} SEE: 進食 ::
进士 {def} SEE: 進士 ::
进士出身 {def} SEE: 進士出身 ::
进士及第 {def} SEE: 進士及第 ::
进水 {def} SEE: 進水 ::
进退 {def} SEE: 進退 ::
进退两难 {def} SEE: 進退兩難 ::
进退失据 {def} SEE: 進退失據 ::
进退维谷 {def} SEE: 進退維谷 ::
进位 {def} SEE: 進位 ::
进位制 {def} SEE: 進位制 ::
进献 {def} SEE: 進獻 ::
进香 {def} SEE: 進香 ::
进项 {def} SEE: 進項 ::
进修 {def} SEE: 進修 ::
进学 {def} SEE: 進學 ::
进言 {def} SEE: 進言 ::
进一步 {def} SEE: 進一步 ::
进益 {def} SEE: 進益 ::
进展 {def} SEE: 進展 ::
进占 {def} SEE: 進佔 ::
进站 {def} SEE: 進站 ::
进朝 {def} SEE: 進朝 ::
进针 {def} SEE: 進針 ::
进制 {def} SEE: 進制 ::
进驻 {def} SEE: 進駐 ::
进做 {def} SEE: 進做 ::
{def} /jìn/ :: to advance; to move forward
{def} /jìn/ :: to enter; to go into; to come into
{def} [used after a verb] /jìn/ :: into; in
{def} /jìn/ :: to receive; to admit; to recruit
{def} /jìn/ :: to give; to offer (advice)
{def} /jìn/ :: to score (a goal)
{def} /jìn/ :: to eat; to drink
{def} /jìn/ :: classifier for rows of houses within an old-style residential compound
{def} /jìn/ :: 20th tetragram of the Taixuanjing; "advance" (𝌙)
進逼 {v} /jìnbī/ :: to advance and approach (a target); to press forward
進兵 {v} [literary] /jìnbīng/ :: to launch a military advance; to go on the offensive
進泊 {v} [literary] /jìnbó/ :: to cast anchor
進補 {v} /jìnbǔ/ :: to have nutritious food or take herbal tonic to enhance one's health and strength (e.g. during winter, times of illness, etc.)
進步 {v} /jìnbù/ :: to progress; to improve
進步 {adj} /jìnbù/ :: progressive (in a political sense)
進步性 {n} /jìnbùxìng/ :: progressiveness; progressive nature
進餐 {v} [formal] /jìncān/ :: to have a meal; to dine
進讒 {v} [literary] /jìnchán/ :: to slander someone in front of their superiors
進場 {v} /jìn场/ :: to enter the scene; to go into a field or place; to march into an arena
進呈 {v} [literary] /jìnchéng/ :: to present; to offer; to donate respectfully
進城 {v} /jìnchéng/ :: to enter a city; to go to town
進程 {n} /jìnchéng/ :: process
進出 {v} /jìnchū/ :: to get in and out; to come in and out; to pass in and out
進出 {n} /jìnchū/ :: business turnover
進出口 {n} /jìnchūkǒu/ :: imports and exports
進出口 {n} /jìnchūkǒu/ :: exits and entrances
進動 {v} [physics] /jìndòng/ :: to precess
進動 {n} [physics] /jìndòng/ :: precession
進度 {n} /jìndù/ :: rate of progress; pace; tempo; degree of progress (e.g. of a project)
進度條 {n} /jìndùtiáo/ :: progress bar
進而 {conj} /jìn'ér/ :: and then; after that
進發 {v} /jìnfā/ :: to advance on; to advance toward
進犯 {v} /jìnfàn/ :: to intrude into; to invade
進奉 {v} [literary] /jìnfèng/ :: to respectfully offer something as tribute
進奉 {n} [literary] /jìnfèng/ :: tribute
進宮 {v} [historical] /jìngōng/ :: to enter the palace; to be presented at court
進宮 {v} [historical] /jìngōng/ :: to be put in prison; to be sent to jail
進攻 {v} [literally, figuratively] /jìngōng/ :: to attack (an enemy); to mount an offensive
進貢 {v} /jìngòng/ :: to offer tribute (to a suzerain or emperor); to pay tribute that a vassal owes to his suzerain
進貢 {v} /jìngòng/ :: to grease or oil somebody's palm
進行 {v} [formal] /jìnxíng/ :: to proceed with; to carry out; to conduct; to be in progress
進行 {v} /jìnxíng/ :: to advance; to march
進行曲 {n} /jìnxíngqǔ/ :: march (piece of military music)
進行性 {adj} [medicine, attributive] /jìnxíngxìng/ :: progressive
進化 {v} /jìnhuà/ :: to evolve
進化 {n} /jìnhuà/ :: evolution
進化論 {n} /jìnhuàlùn/ :: theory of evolution
進貨 {v} /jìnhuò/ :: to replenish the stock with goods
進擊 {v} /jìn击/ :: to advance; to attack
進級 {def} SEE: 晉級 ::
進價 {n} /jìnjià/ :: purchase price; buying price
進見 {v} [archaic] /jìnjiàn/ :: to pay visit to a superior; to have an audience with or call on somebody holding high office
進諫 {v} [literary] /jìnjiàn/ :: to remonstrate tactfully (with a monarch, superior, etc.); to exhort; to admonish; to plead for rectification
進講 {v} [historical] /jìnjiǎng/ :: to lecture in the presence of the emperor
進階 {v} [often, attributive] /jìnjiē/ :: to advance
進酒 {v} [literary] /jìnjiǔ/ :: to pour alcohol for somebody and then toast that person
進酒 {v} /jìnjiǔ/ :: to drink alcohol
進酒作樂 {idiom} [literary] /jìnjiǔ zuòlè/ :: to pour alcohol and toast and to seek plesure
進據 {v} [literary] /jìnjù/ :: to enter and occupy
進軍 {v} /jìnjūn/ :: to march; to advance
進軍歌 {prop} /Jìnjūngē,er/ :: Tiến quân ca, the Vietnamese national anthem
進口 {n} /jìnkǒu/ :: entrance
進口 {n} /jìnkǒu/ :: inlet
進口 {v} /jìnkǒu/ :: to enter a port
進口 {v} /jìnkǒu/ :: to import
進口貨 {n} /jìnkǒuhuò/ :: imported goods; imports
進口量 {n} /jìnkǒuliàng/ :: import volume
進口稅 {n} /jìnkǒushuì/ :: import duty
進款 {n} [colloquial, finance, accounting, business] /jìnkuǎn/ :: income; receipts
進來 {v} /jìnlái,tl/ :: to come in; to come inside; to enter
進料 {v} /jìnliào/ :: to feed (to a chemical reaction)
進路 {n} /jìnlù/ :: road
進路 {n} /jìnlù/ :: route; itinerary; way; run; path
進路 {n} /jìnlù/ :: approach (to a task); method
進前 {v} [literary] /jìnqián/ :: to advance; to step forward
進前 {v} [Min Nan] /jìnqián/ :: to do something in advance
進前 {adv} [Taiwanese Min Nan] /jìnqián/ :: previously
進球 {n} [sports] /jìnqiú,er/ :: goal (Classifier: 粒)
進球 {v} /jìnqiú,er/ :: to score a goal
進取 {v} /jìnqǔ/ :: to be eager to improve oneself; to be brave enough to try new methods
進去 {v} /jìnqù,tl/ :: to go in; to enter
進去 {v} [euphemistic] /jìnqù,tl/ :: to be put in prison; to be locked up
進去 {v} /jìnqù,jìnqu,jinqu/ :: Used after a verb to indicate the action is moving inwards, away from the speaker
進入 {v} /jìnrù/ :: to enter (a space, time, state, scope, etc.); to get into; to reach
進膳 {v} [formal] /jìnshàn/ :: to have a meal; to dine  
進身 {v} [literary] /jìnshēn/ :: to get oneself promoted (to a higher rank or position etc.)
進身之計 {n} [literary] /jìnshēn zhī jì/ :: a scheme to get oneself promoted (to a higher rank or position etc.)
進食 {v} /jìnshí/ :: to have a meal; to eat; to take food
進士 {n} [historical] /jìnshì,tl/ :: “advanced” or “entered graduate”, a scholar who had successfully passed the highest level of the Chinese imperial examinations (*殿試), usually held triennially at the imperial court
進士出身 {n} [historical] /jìnshì chūshēn/ :: one of the graduates who ranked second class in the court exam of the imperial examination system, ranking immediately after the tanhua
進士及第 {n} [historical] /jìnshì jídì/ :: graduate ranking in the top three in the court examination of the imperial examination system
進水 {v} /jìnshuǐ/ :: to have water get in; to become flooded
進退 {v} /jìntuì/ :: to advance and retreat
進退 {n} [figurative] /jìntuì/ :: sense of propriety
進退兩難 {idiom} /jìntuìliǎngnán/ :: between a rock and a hard place
進退兩難 {idiom} /jìntuìliǎngnán/ :: in a bind; in a pickle
進退兩難 {idiom} /jìntuìliǎngnán/ :: describes an awkward situation where one does not know what to do
進退失據 {idiom} /jìntuìshījù/ :: to be between a rock and a hard place
進退維谷 {idiom} /jìntuì wéi gǔ/ :: between a rock and a hard place
進位 {v} [algebra] /jìnwèi/ :: to carry (number during addition, etc.); to carry over
進位制 {n} /jìnwèizhì/ :: positional numeral system
進獻 {v} /jìnxiàn/ :: to offer (to a superior); to present; to pay (a tribute)
進香 {v} /jìnxiāng/ :: to worship by burning incense at a temple
進項 {n} [colloquial, finance, accounting, business] /jìnxiàng,tl/ :: income; receipts
進修 {v} /jìnxiū/ :: to pursue further education; to engage in advanced studies; to take a refresher course
進學 {v} [historical] /jìnxué/ :: to progress in one's studies; to pass the lowest level of civil-service examinations; to enter the prefecture school under the imperial examination system
進言 {v} [archaic] /jìnyán/ :: to make a recommendation to one's superior
進一步 {adv} /jìn一bù,tl2/ :: going a step further (in doing something)
進益 {n} [formal] /jìnyì/ :: progress (in study, etc.); [literary] improvement
進益 {n} [formal, finance, accounting, business] /jìnyì/ :: income; receipts
進展 {v} /jìnzhǎn/ :: to make headway; to make progress; to come along
進佔 {v} /jìnzhàn/ :: to dispatch troops and capture
進站 {v} /jìnzhàn/ :: to enter a station
進朝 {v} [archaic] /jìncháo/ :: to enter into the hall to attend a royal audience
進針 {v} [TCM] /jìnzhēn/ :: to press a needle into the human body according to acupunctural channels and points
進針 {v} [medicine] /jìnzhēn/ :: to insert a needle (such as when performing cannulation)
進制 {n} [chiefly in compounds] /jìnzhì/ :: abbreviation of 進位制
進駐 {v} [military] /jìnzhù/ :: to enter and garrison
鋟仔 {def} SEE: 攕仔 ::
{def} /jìn/ :: surname
{def} [literary] /jìn/ :: stingy
{def} [archaic] /jìn/ :: strap on a horse's breast
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jīng/ :: capital (city)
{def} /jīng/ :: abbreviation of 北京 after 1949
{def} /jīng/ :: abbreviation of 南京 during 1927 - 1948
{def} /jīng/ :: abbreviation of 京都 when referring Japan-related topics
{def} /jīng/ :: [obsolete] tall mound
{def} /jīng/ :: [obsolete] large barn
{def} /jīng/ :: [obsolete] large; great
{def} [obsolete] /jīng/ :: ten million, 107
{def} [obsolete] /jīng/ :: ten quadrillion, 1016
{def} [obsolete] /jīng/ :: septillion, 1024
{def} [obsolete] /jīng/ :: A hundred nonillion, 1032
京阪神 {prop} /Jīngbǎnshén/ :: Keihanshin
京菜 {n} /jīngcài/ :: Beijing cuisine
京城 {n} [literary] /jīngchéng/ :: capital city (of a country)
京城 {prop} [historical] /jīngchéng/ :: (Korea under Japanese rule) Seoul, Gyeongseong or Keijō
京丹后 {def} SEE: 京丹後 ::
京丹後 {prop} /Jīngdānhòu/ :: (~ 市) 京丹後 (city)
京調 {n} /jīngdiào/ :: vocal music styles in Peking opera
京调 {def} SEE: 京調 ::
京都 {n} [literary] /jīngdū/ :: capital city (of a country)
京都 {prop} /jīngdū/ :: (~ 市) 京都 (city)
京都 {prop} /jīngdū/ :: (~ 府) 京都 (prefecture)
京都府 {prop} /Jīngdūfǔ/ :: 京都府 (prefecture)
京二胡 {n} /jīng'èrhú/ :: jing erhu (a two-stringed bowed instrument in the huqin family similar to the erhu, used along with the jinghu in Beijing opera)
京杭大运河 {def} SEE: 京杭大運河 ::
京杭大運河 {prop} /Jīng-Háng Dàyùnhé/ :: Grand Canal (China) (from Beijing to Hangzhou)
京杭运河 {def} SEE: 京杭運河 ::
京杭運河 {prop} /Jīng-Háng Yùnhé/ :: synonym of 京杭大運河
京戲 {n} /jīngxì/ :: Beijing opera; Peking opera (Classifier: 齣)
京胡 {n} /jīnghú/ :: jinghu (bowed Chinese string instrument with two strings and with a bamboo body and neck used primarily in Beijing opera)
京沪穗 {def} SEE: 京滬穗 ::
京滬穗 {prop} /Jīng-Hù-Suì/ :: Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou
京华 {def} SEE: 京華 ::
京華 {n} /jīnghuá/ :: A nation's capital
京畿 {n} [literary] /jīngjī/ :: capital city and its surrounding area
京畿 {prop} /jīngjī/ :: (~ 道) 京畿 (province)
京畿道 {prop} /Jīngjīdào/ :: Gyeonggi Province, South Korea
京郊 {n} /jīngjiāo/ :: suburbs of the capital city
京郊 {n} [specifically] /jīngjiāo/ :: suburbs of Beijing
京津 {prop} /Jīng-Jīn/ :: Beijing and Tianjin
京津 {prop} /Jīng-Jīn/ :: Tōkyō and Ōtsu
京津沪 {def} SEE: 京津滬 ::
京津滬 {prop} /Jīng-Jīn-Hù/ :: Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai
京津冀 {prop} /Jīng-Jīn-Jì/ :: Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei (as a single region)
京京 {adj} [literary] /jīngjīng/ :: worried
京剧 {def} SEE: 京劇 ::
京劇 {n} /jīngjù/ :: Peking opera; Beijing opera
京罵 {n} /jīngmà/ :: Referring to 傻屄
京骂 {def} SEE: 京罵 ::
京派 {n} /jīngpài/ :: Beijing school of Peking opera
京派 {n} /jīngpài/ :: Beijing style; capital style
京片子 {n} [colloquial] /jīngpiànzi/ :: Beijing dialect
京腔 {n} /jīngqiāng,er/ :: the Beijing dialect, especially a heavy Beijing local accent
京腔儿 {def} SEE: 京腔兒 ::
京腔兒 {n} /jīngqiāngr/ :: erhua form of Beijing accent
京闕 {n} [archaic] /jīngquè/ :: the capital; the palace
京阙 {def} SEE: 京闕 ::
京山 {prop} /Jīngshān/ :: (~ 縣) 京山 (county)
京师 {def} SEE: 京師 ::
京師 {n} [literary] /jīngshī/ :: capital city; the capital
京斯敦 {prop} [chiefly Taiwan] /Jīngsīdūn/ :: 京斯敦 (city/capital city)
京田边 {def} SEE: 京田邊 ::
京田邊 {prop} /Jīngtiánbiān/ :: (~ 市) 京田邊 (city)
京戏 {def} SEE: 京戲 ::
京邑 {n} [literary] /jīngyì/ :: capital city (of a country)
京音 {n} /jīngyīn/ :: Beijing pronunciation
京語 {n} /jīngyǔ/ :: the Kinh language: Vietnamese (as spoken by the Kinh/Vietnamese people in China)
京语 {def} SEE: 京語 ::
京兆尹 {prop} [historical] /Jīngzhào Yǐn/ :: Jingzhao Yin; Jingzhao (historical administrative and geographic division in the eastern vicinity of Chang'an)
京兆尹 {prop} [historical] /Jīngzhào Yǐn/ :: the chief official in charge of the Jingzhao district near Chang'an
京兆尹 {prop} [historical] /Jīngzhào Yǐn/ :: name of various official positions leading the government of any capital districts
京字头 {def} SEE: 京字頭 ::
京字頭 {n} /jīngzìtóu/ :: the Chinese character component
京族 {n} /jīngzú/ :: Gin people; ethnic Vietnamese; Kinh people
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /qín,qián/ :: A kind of ancient music of northern Chinese ethnic minorities
{def} /jīng/ :: alternative form of
{def} [ideophonic] /jīng/ :: fearful; cautious
兢兢业业 {def} SEE: 兢兢業業 ::
兢兢業業 {idiom} [ideophonic] /jīngjīngyèyè/ :: cautious and conscientious; diligent and attentive
兢业 {def} SEE: 兢業 ::
兢業 {adj} [literary] /jīngyè/ :: cautious and conscientious
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jīng/ :: streams running underground
{def} /jīng/ :: flowing water
{def} /jīng/ :: alternative form of
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jīng/ :: [obsolete] sorrowful
惊避 {def} SEE: 驚避 ::
惊诧 {def} SEE: 驚詫 ::
惊场 {def} SEE: 驚場 ::
惊呆 {def} SEE: 驚呆 ::
惊动 {def} SEE: 驚動 ::
惊愕 {def} SEE: 驚愕 ::
惊耳 {def} SEE: 驚耳 ::
惊风 {def} SEE: 驚風 ::
惊伏 {def} SEE: 驚伏 ::
惊弓之鸟 {def} SEE: 驚弓之鳥 ::
惊骇 {def} SEE: 驚駭 ::
惊鸿 {def} SEE: 驚鴻 ::
惊呼 {def} SEE: 驚呼 ::
惊慌 {def} SEE: 驚慌 ::
惊慌失措 {def} SEE: 驚慌失措 ::
惊惶 {def} SEE: 驚惶 ::
惊惶失措 {def} SEE: 驚惶失措 ::
惊魂 {def} SEE: 驚魂 ::
惊魂未定 {def} SEE: 驚魂未定 ::
惊悸 {def} SEE: 驚悸 ::
惊叫 {def} SEE: 驚叫 ::
惊惧 {def} SEE: 驚懼 ::
惊厥 {def} SEE: 驚厥 ::
惊觉 {def} SEE: 驚覺 ::
惊恐 {def} SEE: 驚恐 ::
惊栗 {def} SEE: 驚慄 ::
惊栗片 {def} SEE: 驚慄片 ::
惊梦 {def} SEE: 驚夢 ::
惊某 {def} SEE: 驚某 ::
惊奇 {def} SEE: 驚奇 ::
惊青 {def} SEE: 驚青 ::
惊扰 {def} SEE: 驚擾 ::
惊人 {def} SEE: 驚人 ::
惊慑 {def} SEE: 驚懾 ::
惊生份 {def} SEE: 驚生份 ::
惊世 {def} SEE: 驚世 ::
惊输 {def} SEE: 驚輸 ::
惊死 {def} SEE: 驚死 ::
惊死侬 {def} SEE: 驚死儂 ::
惊死人 {def} SEE: 驚死人 ::
惊悚 {def} SEE: 驚悚 ::
惊悚片 {def} SEE: 驚悚片 ::
惊叹 {def} SEE: 驚嘆 ::
惊叹号 {def} SEE: 驚嘆號 ::
惊堂板 {def} SEE: 驚堂板 ::
惊堂木 {def} SEE: 驚堂木 ::
惊涛骇浪 {def} SEE: 驚濤駭浪 ::
惊天动地 {def} SEE: 驚天動地 ::
惊为天人 {def} SEE: 驚為天人 ::
惊畏 {def} SEE: 驚畏 ::
惊无艺 {def} SEE: 驚無藝 ::
惊悉 {def} SEE: 驚悉 ::
惊喜 {def} SEE: 驚喜 ::
惊吓 {def} SEE: 驚嚇 ::
惊险 {def} SEE: 驚險 ::
惊心 {def} SEE: 驚心 ::
惊心动魄 {def} SEE: 驚心動魄 ::
惊醒 {def} SEE: 驚醒 ::
惊讶 {def} SEE: 驚訝 ::
惊艳 {def} SEE: 驚豔 ::
惊疑 {def} SEE: 驚疑 ::
惊异 {def} SEE: 驚異 ::
惊蛰 {def} SEE: 驚蟄 ::
{def} /jīng/ :: banner or flag adorned with feathers
{def} /jīng/ :: to make clear
{def} /jīng/ :: to recognize; to distinguish
{def} /jīng/ :: to honor officially; to commend
旌旗 {n} [literally] /jīngqí/ :: banner; flag
旌旗 {n} [literary, figuratively] /jīngqí/ :: soldiers
旌旗蔽日 {idiom} /jīngqíbìrì/ :: Describing a vast and mighty army
{def} /jīng/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /jīng/ :: brilliant; glittering
{def} /jīng/ :: crystal; quartz
{def} /jīng/ :: [obsolete] sun
{def} /jīng/ :: Akira (a Japanese unisex given name)
晶胞 {n} [crystallography] /jīngbāo/ :: crystal cell
晶洞 {n} [geology] /jīngdòng/ :: geode
晶格 {n} [crystallography] /jīnggé,er/ :: crystal lattice
晶格能 {n} [crystallography] /jīnggénéng/ :: lattice energy
晶化 {v} /jīnghuà/ :: to crystallize
晶化 {n} /jīnghuà/ :: crystallization
晶晶 {adj} [ideophonic] /jīngjīng/ :: bright; shining
晶粒 {n} [crystallography] /jīnglì,er/ :: crystalline grain
晶粒 {n} [electronics] /jīnglì,er/ :: die (small block of semiconducting material on which a given functional circuit is fabricated)
晶盘 {def} SEE: 晶盤 ::
晶盤 {n} [literary] /jīngpán/ :: moon
晶癖 {n} [crystallography] /jīng癖/ :: crystal habit
晶片 {n} [electronics] /jīngpiàn/ :: chip; wafer
晶球 {n} /jīngqiú,er/ :: abbreviation of 水晶球
晶球 {n} [geology] /jīngqiú,er/ :: alternative name for 晶洞
晶体 {def} SEE: 晶體 ::
晶体管 {def} SEE: 晶體管 ::
晶体管收音机 {def} SEE: 晶體管收音機 ::
晶体化学 {def} SEE: 晶體化學 ::
晶体学 {def} SEE: 晶體學 ::
晶体闸流管 {def} SEE: 晶體閘流管 ::
晶體 {n} /jīngtǐ/ :: crystal
晶體管 {n} /jīngtǐguǎn/ :: transistor
晶體管收音機 {n} /jīngtǐguǎn shōuyīnjī/ :: transistor radio
晶體化學 {n} [chemistry] /jīngtǐ huàxué/ :: crystal chemistry
晶體學 {n} /jīngtǐxué/ :: crystallography
晶體閘流管 {n} [electronics] /jīngtǐzháliúguǎn/ :: thyristor
晶系 {n} [crystallography] /jīngxì/ :: crystal system
晶瑩 {adj} /jīngyíng/ :: sparkling and translucent
晶莹 {def} SEE: 晶瑩 ::
晶閘管 {n} [electronics] /jīngzháguǎn,er/ :: thyristor
晶闸管 {def} SEE: 晶閘管 ::
晶質 {adj} [chemistry] /jīng质/ :: crystalline; crystalloid
晶质 {def} SEE: 晶質 ::
晶状体 {def} SEE: 晶狀體 ::
晶狀體 {n} [ophthalmology, anatomy] /jīngzhuàngtǐ/ :: lens
晶族 {n} [crystallography] /jīngzú/ :: crystal family
{def} SEE: ::
泾河 {def} SEE: 涇河 ::
泾渭分明 {def} SEE: 涇渭分明 ::
泾县 {def} SEE: 涇縣 ::
泾阳 {def} SEE: 涇陽 ::
{def} /jīng/ :: the Jing River
涇河 {prop} /Jīnghé/ :: the Jing River
涇渭分明 {idiom} /jīngwèifēnmíng/ :: to be entirely different; to be completely distinct (right and wrong; good and bad)
涇縣 {prop} /Jīng Xiàn/ :: Jing County, Anhui
涇陽 {prop} /Jīngyáng/ :: (~ 縣) Jingyang County
{def} /jīng/ :: only used in 黄猄
{def} /jīng/ :: eyeball
{def} /jīng/ :: pupil of eye
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jīng,gēng/ :: non-glutinous rice
粳稻 {n} /粳dào/ :: japonica rice (Oryza sativa subsp. japonica); round-grained non-glutinous rice
粳米 {n} /粳mǐ/ :: husked, round-grained, non-glutinous, uncooked rice
{def} /jīng/ :: polished rice
{def} /jīng/ :: essence; energy
{def} /jīng/ :: spirit; energy; vigour
{def} /jīng/ :: seminal fluid; semen
{def} /jīng/ :: spirit; soul
{def} /jīng/ :: essence; concentrate
{def} /jīng/ :: demon; goblin
{def} [dialectal, of meat] /jīng/ :: lean
{def} /jīng/ :: fine; refined
{def} /jīng/ :: pure; unmixed
{def} /jīng/ :: concentrated; sincere
{def} /jīng/ :: clear; bright
{def} /jīng/ :: exquisite; profound
{def} /jīng/ :: extremely; very
{def} /jīng/ :: to be proficient; to be expert at
{def} /jīng/ :: to expose; to be bare
{def} /jīng/ :: smart; clever
{def} /jīng/ :: alternative form of
{def} /jīng/ :: (~ 母) [Chinese linguistics] the Middle Chinese initial of
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jìng/ :: [historical dictionaries] strong
精氨酸 {n} [chiefly Mainland China, amino acid] /jīng'ānsuān/ :: arginine
精胺酸 {n} [Taiwan, amino acid] /jīng胺suān/ :: arginine
精白米 {n} /jīngbáimǐ/ :: polished white rice
精辟 {def} SEE: 精闢 ::
精闢 {adj} /jīngpì/ :: succinctly accurate; penetrating; incisive
精兵 {n} [literary] /jīngbīng/ :: crack troops; elite troops
精彩 {adj} /jīngcǎi/ :: brilliant; splendid; outstanding; exquisite; amazing
精彩 {n} /jīngcǎi/ :: amazing things; brilliance
精采 {def} SEE: 精彩 ::
精巢 {n} /jīngcháo/ :: testicle; testis
精誠 {n} [literary] /jīngchéng/ :: absolute sincerity; good faith
精诚 {def} SEE: 精誠 ::
精虫 {def} SEE: 精蟲 ::
精虫上脑 {def} SEE: 精蟲上腦 ::
精蟲 {n} [cytology] /jīngchóng/ :: alternative name for 精子
精蟲上腦 {idiom} [of a man] /jīngchóngshàngnǎo/ :: to lose the ability to think rationally when driven by sexual impulse
精粹 {adj} /jīngcuì/ :: concise; succinct; terse
精粹 {n} /jīngcuì/ :: essence; succinctness
精打細算 {idiom} /jīngdǎxìsuàn/ :: careful calculation and strict budgeting
精打细算 {def} SEE: 精打細算 ::
精当 {def} SEE: 精當 ::
精當 {adj} /jīngdàng/ :: precise and appropriate
精到 {adj} /jīngdào/ :: careful and thorough; precise
精讀 {v} /jīngdú/ :: to read carefully and thoroughly
精讀 {n} /jīngdú/ :: intensive reading
精读 {def} SEE: 精讀 ::
精度 {n} /jīngdù/ :: precision
精分 {v} /jīngfēn/ :: abbreviation of 精神分裂
精分 {n} /jīngfēn/ :: abbreviation of 精神分裂
精干 {def} SEE: 精幹 ::
精幹 {adj} /jīnggàn/ :: small in number but highly trained; crack
精幹 {adj} /jīnggàn/ :: keen-witted and capable
精礦 {n} [mining] /jīngkuàng/ :: concentrate
精怪 {n} [mythology] /jīngguài/ :: demon
精光 {n} /jīngguāng/ :: radiance, glory
精光 {n} /jīngguāng/ :: majestic thought
精光 {n} /jīngguāng/ :: expression, spirit
精光 {n} /jīngguāng/ :: luster
精光 {n} /jīngguāng/ :: radiance in eye
精光 {adj} /jīngguāng/ :: bright and shiny
精光 {adj} /jīngguāng/ :: nothing left (money, food etc)​, all finished
精光 {adj} [Min Nan] /jīngguāng/ :: astute
精悍 {adj} [of a person] /jīnghàn/ :: shrewd and valiant; able and efficient
精悍 {adj} [of style of writing] /jīnghàn/ :: pithy and poignant
精核 {v} [literary] /jīnghé/ :: to examine carefully
精华 {def} SEE: 精華 ::
精華 {n} /jīnghuá/ :: essence; quintessence; marrow; pith; essential parts
精華 {n} [literary] /jīnghuá/ :: brilliance; splendor; radiance; glory
精济 {def} SEE: 精濟 ::
精简 {def} SEE: 精簡 ::
精簡 {v} /jīngjiǎn/ :: to simplify; to reduce; to streamline
精簡 {v} /jīngjiǎn/ :: to retrench
精簡 {adj} /jīngjiǎn/ :: concise
精紧 {def} SEE: 精緊 ::
精进 {def} SEE: 精進 ::
精進 {v} /jīngjìn/ :: to forge ahead vigorously; to dedicate oneself to progress
精矿 {def} SEE: 精礦 ::
精力 {n} /jīnglì/ :: energy; vigour; drive
精炼 {def} SEE: 精煉 ::
精炼厂 {def} SEE: 精煉廠 ::
精煉 {v} [metallurgy] /jīngliàn/ :: to refine; to purify
精煉 {adj} /jīngliàn/ :: alternative form of 精練
精煉 {adj} /jīngliàn/ :: refined; polished
精煉廠 {n} /jīngliànchǎng/ :: refinery
精練 {adj} /jīngliàn/ :: concise; succinct; terse
精練 {adj} [of an army] /jīngliàn/ :: well-trained; capable
精练 {def} SEE: 精練 ::
精鍊 {def} SEE: 精煉 ::
精良 {adj} /jīngliáng/ :: of superior quality; excellent
精灵 {def} SEE: 精靈 ::
精靈 {n} /jīnglíng/ :: any spirit or demon
精靈 {n} /jīnglíng/ :: elf
精靈 {n} [computing, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan] /jīnglíng/ :: wizard (a program routine designed to assist with a certain task)
精靈 {adj} /jīnglíng/ :: clever; smart; intelligent
精美 {adj} /jīngměi/ :: exquisite; delicate; elegant; beautiful
精密 {adj} /jīngmì/ :: precise; accurate; exact
精密度 {n} /jīngmìdù/ :: degree of precision; accuracy
精妙 {adj} /jīngmiào/ :: exquisite; fine and delicate
精明 {adj} /jīngmíng/ :: shrewd; dexterous; astute
精明 {adj} [literary] /jīngmíng/ :: honest; sincere
精明 {adj} [literary, of weather, light, eyes, etc] /jīngmíng/ :: clear and bright; clean and shiny; fine
精母細胞 {n} [cytology] /jīngmǔxìbāo/ :: spermatocyte
精母细胞 {def} SEE: 精母細胞 ::
精囊 {n} [anatomy] /jīngnáng/ :: seminal vesicle
精疲力竭 {idiom} /jīngpílìjié/ :: exhausted
精疲力盡 {idiom} /jīngpílìjìn/ :: to be exhausted; to be worn out
精疲力尽 {def} SEE: 精疲力盡 ::
精品 {n} /jīngpǐn/ :: top quality article; fine work (of art); work of art
精品 {n} /jīngpǐn/ :: rare and fine goods
精品 {n} [figuratively] /jīngpǐn/ :: high quality; excellent
精品店 {n} /jīngpǐndiàn/ :: boutique
精魄 {n} /jīngpò/ :: pure spirit; essence
精奇尼哈番 {n} [historical, archaic] /jīngqíní hāfān/ :: viscount (of Qing dynasty)
精齐 {def} SEE: 精齊 ::
精气神 {def} SEE: 精氣神 ::
精氣神 {n} [TCM] /jīngqìshén,er/ :: essence, qi (energy) and spirit, the three energies of Chinese medicine
精氣神 {n} [in general, colloquial] /jīngqìshén,er/ :: vital energy; vigour; good shape; good health
精巧 {adj} /jīngqiǎo/ :: exquisite; elaborate; fine
精确 {def} SEE: 精確 ::
精確 {adj} /jīngquè/ :: exact; accurate; precise
精肉 {n} [colloquial] /jīngròu/ :: lean meat (especially pork)
精銳 {adj} /jīngruì/ :: crack; picked; elite (troops, forces, etc.); best-quality
精锐 {def} SEE: 精銳 ::
精深 {adj} /jīngshēn/ :: profound; refined; penetrating
精神 {n} /jīngshén,er/ :: spirit; soul; will
精神 {n} [psychology] /jīngshén,er/ :: mind; mental state
精神 {n} /jīngshén,er/ :: energy; vigour; drive
精神 {n} /jīngshén,er/ :: essence; gist
精神 {adj} [attributive] /jīngshén,er/ :: spiritual; immaterial; cultural
精神 {adj} [attributive] /jīngshén,er/ :: mental; psychiatric; psychological
精神 {adj} /jīngshen,jīngshén,1nb/ :: lively; active; brisk; in good spirits; spirited; energetic
精神 {adj} [Northeastern Mandarin] /jīngshen,jīngshén,1nb/ :: pretty; handsome
精神 {adj} [Jianghuai Mandarin] /jīngshen,jīngshén,1nb/ :: cautious; alert
精神 {adj} [Jiaoliao Mandarin] /jīngshen,jīngshén,1nb/ :: shrewd
精神 {v} [Hokkien] /jīngshen,jīngshén,1nb/ :: to wake up; to be awake
精神飽滿 {idiom} /jīngshénbǎomǎn/ :: mettlesome; full of energy; bouncy; full of vigor; as fresh as paint
精神饱满 {def} SEE: 精神飽滿 ::
精神病 {n} [psychology] /jīngshénbìng/ :: mental disorder; mental illness
精神病理学 {def} SEE: 精神病理學 ::
精神病理學 {n} /jīngshén bìnglǐxué/ :: psychopathology
精神病学 {def} SEE: 精神病學 ::
精神病學 {n} /jīngshénbìngxué/ :: psychiatry
精神病院 {n} /jīngshénbìngyuàn/ :: mental hospital; mental asylum; mental institution; psychiatric hospital
精神財富 {n} /jīngshén cáifù/ :: cultural repository
精神财富 {def} SEE: 精神財富 ::
精神出軌 {v} [neologism, slang] /jīngshén chūguǐ/ :: to cheat on one's partner on an emotional level only, i.e. to have an affair without having sex with the other man or woman; to have a platonic affair
精神出轨 {def} SEE: 精神出軌 ::
精神錯亂 {v} /jīngshén cuòluàn/ :: to be mentally deranged; insane; delirious
精神錯亂 {n} [diseases] /jīngshén cuòluàn/ :: mental derangement; insanity; amentia
精神错乱 {def} SEE: 精神錯亂 ::
精神儿 {def} SEE: 精神兒 ::
精神兒 {n} /jīngshénr/ :: erhua form of spirit
精神分裂 {n} [disease, dated in Taiwan] /jīngshén fēnliè/ :: (~ 症) schizophrenia
精神分裂 {n} [disease, dated] /jīngshén fēnliè/ :: psychosis
精神分裂 {n} [colloquial, proscribed] /jīngshén fēnliè/ :: dissociative identity disorder
精神分裂 {n} [colloquial, derogatory] /jīngshén fēnliè/ :: a person who has doublethink
精神分裂 {v} [colloquial] /jīngshén fēnliè/ :: to be psychotic or schizophrenic
精神分裂 {v} [colloquial] /jīngshén fēnliè/ :: to have multiple personalities
精神分裂 {v} /jīngshén fēnliè/ :: [of an actor] to play multiple roles
精神分裂 {v} [derogatory] /jīngshén fēnliè/ :: to have doublethink; to hold self-contradictory opinions
精神分裂病 {n} [psychiatry] /jīngshén fēnlièbìng/ :: alternative name for 精神分裂症
精神分裂症 {n} [disease, now disfavoured in Taiwan] /jīngshén fēnlièzhèng/ :: schizophrenia
精神分析 {n} /jīngshén fēnxī,tl/ :: psychoanalysis
精神官能症 {n} [Taiwanese Mandarin] /jīngshén guānnéng zhèng/ :: neurosis
精神焕发 {def} SEE: 精神煥發 ::
精神煥發 {idiom} /jīngshénhuànfā/ :: in high spirits; fresh with energy; vigorous and energetic; glowing with health and vigor
精神洁癖 {def} SEE: 精神潔癖 ::
精神潔癖 {n} /jīngshén jié癖/ :: fixation on a clean psychological state and the exclusion of “uncleanelements, such as imperfection, immorality, etc.; perfectionism; obsession
精神科 {n} /jīngshénkē/ :: psychiatric department
精神疗法 {def} SEE: 精神療法 ::
精神療法 {n} /jīngshén liáofǎ/ :: psychotherapy
精神領袖 {n} [religion, politics] /jīngshén lǐngxiù/ :: Supreme Leader; spiritual leader
精神领袖 {def} SEE: 精神領袖 ::
精神失常 {n} [psychology] /jīngshén shīcháng/ :: mental disorder
精神损失费 {def} SEE: 精神損失費 ::
精神損失費 {n} [law] /jīngshénsǔnshīfèi/ :: compensation (fee) for mental anguish; compensation for mental distress
精神卫生 {def} SEE: 精神衛生 ::
精神衛生 {n} /jīngshén wèishēng/ :: mental health
精神衛生 {n} /jīngshén wèishēng/ :: mental hygiene
精神文明 {n} /jīngshén wénmíng/ :: intellectual progress (of a nation)
精神医学 {def} SEE: 精神醫學 ::
精神醫學 {n} [medicine] /jīngshén yīxué/ :: psychiatry
精神奕奕 {idiom} /jīngshényìyì/ :: in great spirits; lively; energetic
精神音乐 {def} SEE: 精神音樂 ::
精神音樂 {n} /jīngshén yīnyuè/ :: a modernized genre of Cantonese music first popularized in the 1940s, integrating Western instruments and used to accompany ballroom dance
精神綜合法 {n} [psychology] /jīngshén 綜héfǎ/ :: psychosynthesis
精神障碍 {def} SEE: 精神障礙 ::
精神障礙 {n} [disease] /jīngshén zhàng'ài/ :: mental disorder
精神支持 {n} /jīngshén zhīchí/ :: moral support
精神治疗 {def} SEE: 精神治療 ::
精神治療 {n} /jīngshén zhìliáo/ :: psychotherapy
精神综合法 {def} SEE: 精神綜合法 ::
精手 {n} [Hainanese] :: right hand
精手 {n} [Hainanese] :: right-hand side; right side
精瘦 {adj} [colloquial, of meat or a person] /jīngshòu/ :: very lean
精算 {v} /jīngsuàn/ :: to accurately calculate
精算 {v} /jīngsuàn/ :: to make actuarial calculations
精算 {n} /jīngsuàn/ :: actuarial science
精算师 {def} SEE: 精算師 ::
精算師 {n} /jīngsuànshī/ :: actuary (maker of insurance calculations)
精算学 {def} SEE: 精算學 ::
精算學 {n} /jīngsuànxué/ :: actuarial science
精髓 {n} /jīngsuǐ/ :: essence; quintessence; marrow; pith
精索 {n} [anatomy] /jīngsuǒ/ :: spermatic cord
精通 {v} /jīngtōng/ :: to have a proficiency in; to be proficient in; to master
精微 {adj} /jīng微/ :: profound and subtle
精微 {n} /jīng微/ :: mystery
精卫 {def} SEE: 精衛 ::
精卫填海 {def} SEE: 精衛填海 ::
精衛 {prop} [Chinese mythology] /Jīngwèi,jīngwèi/ :: Jingwei, the daughter of the emperor Yandi who drowned at a young age in the East Sea and assumed the shape of a bird in order to exact revenge upon the sea by filling it up with pebbles
精衛 {n} /Jīngwèi,jīngwèi/ :: abbreviation of 精神衛生
精衛 {n} /Jīngwèi,jīngwèi/ :: short fo 精神衛生中心
精衛填海 {idiom} /jīngwèitiánhǎi/ :: dogged determination
精衞 {def} SEE: 精衛 ::
精細 {adj} /jīngxì/ :: delicate; fine
精細 {adj} /jīngxì/ :: careful; attentive; meticulous
精細 {adj} /jīngxì/ :: precise; accurate; exact
精細胞 {n} [cytology] /jīngxìbāo/ :: spermatid
精細化 {v} /jīngxìhuà/ :: to refine; to elaborate; to streamline
精细 {def} SEE: 精細 ::
精细胞 {def} SEE: 精細胞 ::
精细化 {def} SEE: 精細化 ::
精心 {adj} /jīngxīn/ :: with utmost care; meticulous; painstaking
精选 {def} SEE: 精選 ::
精选集 {def} SEE: 精選集 ::
精选学校 {def} SEE: 精選學校 ::
精選 {v} /jīngxuǎn/ :: to choose carefully; to handpick; to winnow; to be carefully chosen
精選 {v} [mining] /jīngxuǎn/ :: to concentrate; to filter (to produce refined ore)
精選集 {n} /jīngxuǎnjí/ :: special collection
精選學校 {n} /jīngxuǎn xuéxiào/ :: selective school
精盐 {def} SEE: 精鹽 ::
精研 {v} [formal] /jīngyán/ :: to study carefully
精鹽 {n} /jīngyán/ :: refined table salt
精要 {adj} /jīngyāo/ :: succinct and vital; key [e.g. of a part]
精要 {n} /jīngyāo/ :: key part; summary; overview
精液 {n} /jīng液/ :: semen
精液 {n} [literary] /jīng液/ :: bodily fluid; saliva
精液 {n} [literary, figuratively] /jīng液/ :: essence; quintessence
精义 {def} SEE: 精義 ::
精益求精 {idiom} /jīngyìqiújīng/ :: to keep on improving; to constantly improve
精義 {n} /jīngyì/ :: essential ideas; quintessence; essentials
精英 {n} /jīngyīng/ :: best feature or most important part (of something); essence; quintessence
精英 {n} /jīngyīng/ :: elite; cream
精英 {adj} [Mainland China Hokkien] /jīngyīng/ :: in high spirits; full of vigor
精英 {adj} [Zhangzhou Hokkien] /jīngyīng/ :: clear-headed; sober
精英 {v} [Zhangzhou Hokkien] /jīngyīng/ :: to be good at understanding others
精英 {v} [Zhangzhou Hokkien] /jīngyīng/ :: to wake up
精英管理 {n} /jīngyīng guǎnlǐ/ :: meritocracy
精英学校 {def} SEE: 精英學校 ::
精英學校 {n} /jīngyīng xuéxiào/ :: selective school
精英政治 {n} /jīngyīng zhèngzhì/ :: meritocracy
精英主义 {def} SEE: 精英主義 ::
精英主义者 {def} SEE: 精英主義者 ::
精英主義 {n} /jīngyīngzhǔyì/ :: elitism
精英主義者 {n} /jīngyīngzhǔyìzhě/ :: elitist
精油 {n} /jīngyóu/ :: essential oil
精於 {v} /jīngyú/ :: to have a proficiency in; to be proficient in; to master
精于 {def} SEE: 精於 ::
精原細胞 {n} [cytology] /jīngyuánxìbāo/ :: spermatogonium
精原细胞 {def} SEE: 精原細胞 ::
精湛 {adj} /jīngzhàn/ :: consummate; exquisite
精制 {def} SEE: 精製 ::
精緻 {adj} /jīngzhì/ :: delicate; fine; exquisite
精致 {def} SEE: 精緻 ::
精製 {v} /jīngzhì/ :: to make with extra care; to refine
精製 {adj} [attributive] /jīngzhì/ :: refined (purified, reduced in or freed from impurities)
精忠 {prop} /Jīngzhōng/ :: (~ 里) 精忠 (urban village)
精装 {def} SEE: 精裝 ::
精装本 {def} SEE: 精裝本 ::
精裝 {adj} /jīngzhuāng/ :: clothbound; hardback; hardcover (of books)
精裝本 {n} /jīngzhuāngběn,er/ :: hardback edition
精壮 {def} SEE: 精壯 ::
精壯 {adj} /jīngzhuàng/ :: able-bodied; strong
精准 {def} SEE: 精準 ::
精準 {adj} /jīngzhǔn/ :: accurate; exact; precise; targeted
精子 {n} [cytology] /jīngzǐ/ :: sperm cell; spermatozoon
精子 {n} [proscribed] /jīngzǐ/ :: semen
精子库 {def} SEE: 精子庫 ::
精子庫 {n} /jīngzǐkù/ :: sperm bank
精子數 {n} /jīngzǐshù/ :: sperm count
精子数 {def} SEE: 精子數 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jīng/ :: [obsolete] [weaving] warp, a thread running lengthwise in a woven fabric
{def} /jīng/ :: to go through; to experience
{def} /jīng/ :: [obsolete] to control; to manage; to engage in
{def} /jīng/ :: something regarded as principal, doctrinal or classical
{def} /jīng/ :: [obsolete] norm; regulation
{def} /jīng/ :: Chinese classics
{def} /jīng/ :: sacred texts of a certain religion, often used as a suffix for the titles of religious works
{def} [TCM] /jīng/ :: blood vessel
{def} /jīng/ :: menses; menstruation
{def} /jīng/ :: abbreviation of 經度
{def} [Teochew] /jīng/ :: to weave
{def} /jīng/ :: surname
{def} /jìng/ :: [obsolete] to weave
{def} /jìng/ :: [obsolete] [weaving] to wrap; to arrange strands of thread so that they run lengthwise
{def} /jìng/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /jìng/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /jìng/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
經辦 {v} [of matters] /jīngbàn/ :: to deal with; to handle; to transact; to conduct; to process
經變 {n} [Buddhism] /jīngbiàn/ :: pictorial representation of Buddhist narratives; sutra painting
經不起 {v} /jīng不qǐ/ :: to be unable to stand up to
經藏 {n} [Buddhism] /jīngzàng/ :: sutra
經常 {adv} /jīngcháng/ :: often; regularly; frequently
經得起 {v} /jīngdeqǐ/ :: to be able to withstand; to be able to endure
經典 {n} [historical] /jīngdiǎn/ :: Chinese classics; Chinese canonical texts
經典 {n} [religion] /jīngdiǎn/ :: religious scripture
經典 {n} [by extension] /jīngdiǎn/ :: classics; masterpiece; masterwork
經典 {adj} /jīngdiǎn/ :: classic; classical; authoritative; definitive; outstanding
經典 {adj} /jīngdiǎn/ :: classic; traditional; original
經典力學 {n} [physics] /jīngdiǎn lìxué/ :: classical mechanics
經度 {n} /jīngdù/ :: longitude
經幡 {n} /jīngfān/ :: prayer flag
經方 {n} /jīngfāng/ :: Chinese classic medicinal prescriptions or preparations that have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for hundreds or thousands of years. Prescriptions consist of formulas of medicinal materials (藥材) such as herbs, minerals or other materials
經費 {n} /jīngfèi/ :: funding
經費 {n} /jīngfèi/ :: outlay; expenses
經綸 {v} [literary, literally] /jīnglún/ :: to comb and arrange silk threads
經綸 {v} [literary, figuratively] /jīnglún/ :: to manage state affairs
經綸 {n} [literary, literally] /jīnglún/ :: silk threads combed and well-arranged
經綸 {n} [figuratively] /jīnglún/ :: statecraft; statesmanship
經管 {v} /jīngguǎn/ :: to be in charge of; to manage
經過 {v} /jīngguò/ :: to pass through
經過 {v} /jīngguò/ :: to undergo
經過 {n} /jīngguò/ :: course of events; story
經過 {prep} /jīngguò/ :: via; by; by means of; through
經國 {v} [literary] /jīngguó/ :: to govern a state; to run a country; to administer state affairs
經合 {n} /jīnghé/ :: short fo 經濟合作 (economic cooperation)
經籍 {n} [literary] /jīngjí/ :: classic books; classic texts
經籍 {n} [in general] /jīngjí/ :: books
經籍 {n} [specifically] /jīngjí/ :: antique book; ancient text
經籍志 {n} [historical] /jīngjízhì/ :: monograph on bibliography (in a premodern Chinese text); bibliographic treatise
經濟 {n} /jīngjì/ :: economy
經濟 {n} /jīngjì/ :: finance
經濟 {n} /jīngjì/ :: economics
經濟 {n} /jīngjì/ :: financial condition; finances
經濟 {adj} [attributive] /jīngjì/ :: economic (relating to an economy, or to the field of economics)
經濟 {adj} [attributive] /jīngjì/ :: of economic value
經濟 {adj} /jīngjì/ :: economical (saving money or resources); thrifty; having value for money
經濟 {v} [archaic] /jīngjì/ :: to govern and benefit the people
經濟部 {n} /jīngjìbù/ :: branches of the economy
經濟部 {n} /jīngjìbù/ :: department of economics (of various organisations); ministry of economic affairs (of various governments)
經濟艙 {n} /jīngjìcāng/ :: economy class (on planes, trains, etc.)
經濟擔保 {n} [finance] /jīngjì dānbǎo/ :: financial security; assurance of support
經濟法 {n} /jīngjìfǎ/ :: economic law
經濟槓桿 {n} [economics] /jīngjì gànggān/ :: economic leverage
經濟合同 {n} [legal] /jīngjì hétóng/ :: economic contract
經濟核算 {n} [accounting] /jīngjì hésuàn/ :: economic calculation
經濟基礎 {n} /jīngjì jīchǔ/ :: See: zh 經濟 基礎 economic basis; economic base
經濟基礎 {n} [Marxism] /jīngjì jīchǔ/ :: economic basis; economic base
經濟機制 {n} [economics] /jīngjì jīzhì/ :: economic mechanism
經濟技術開發區 {n} /jīngjì jìshù kāifāqū/ :: Economic and Technological Development Zone
經濟界 {n} /jīngjìjiè/ :: economic circles
經濟開發區 {n} /jīngjì kāifāqū/ :: Economic Development Zone
經濟開發區 {n} /jīngjì kāifāqū/ :: Economic and Technological Development Zone
經濟適用房 {n} /jīngjìshìyòngfáng/ :: affordable housing; residence houses for low- and medium-wage earners
經濟適用男 {n} [neologism, slang] /jīngjìshìyòngnán/ :: “budget husband”, a mediocre man regarded as good enough husband material
經濟來源 {n} [economics] /jīngjì láiyuán/ :: financial resource; source of income
經濟林 {n} [economics] /jīngjìlín/ :: non-wood product forest (forest whose main purpose is to produce fruits, edible oils, industrial raw materials, medicinal materials, etc.)
經濟模式 {n} [economics] /jīngjì móshì/ :: economic model
經濟圈 {n} [economics] /jīngjìquān/ :: economic zone; economic region
經濟社會學 {n} [economics, sociology] /jīngjì shèhuìxué/ :: economic sociology
經濟師 {n} /jīngjìshī/ :: economist
經濟手段 {n} [economics] /jīngjì shǒuduàn/ :: economic means
經濟特區 {n} /jīngjì tèqū/ :: special economic zone
經濟體制 {n} [economics] /jīngjì tǐzhì/ :: economic system
經濟危機 {n} /jīngjì 危jī/ :: financial crisis; economic crisis
經濟物理學 {n} /jīngjì wùlǐxué/ :: econophysics
經濟效益 {n} [economics] /jīngjì xiàoyì/ :: economic benefit; economic returns
經濟學 {n} /jīngjìxué/ :: economics (as a field of study)
經濟學家 {n} /jīngjìxuéjiā/ :: economist
經濟移民 {n} /jīngjì yímín/ :: economic migrant
經濟移民 {n} /jīngjì yímín/ :: economic migration
經濟增長 {n} [economics] /jīngjì zēngzhǎng/ :: economic growth
經濟制度 {n} [economics] /jīngjì zhìdù/ :: economic system
經濟作物 {n} [agriculture] /jīngjì zuòwù/ :: cash crop; money crop
經紀 {v} /jīngjì/ :: to manage a business
經紀 {n} /jīngjì/ :: agent; manager; broker
經紀人 {n} /jīngjìrén/ :: broker; agent; manager; middleman
經建 {n} /jīngjiàn/ :: economic planning and development
經建會 {prop} [Taiwanese Mandarin] /jīngjiànhuì/ :: Council for Economic Planning and Development (CEPD)
經久 {n} /jīngjiǔ/ :: to last long
經久 {adj} /jīngjiǔ/ :: durable; prolonged
經久不息 {idiom} /jīngjiǔbùxī/ :: prolonged; constant; lasting
經絕期 {n} /jīngjué期/ :: menopause
經適房 {n} /jīngshìfáng/ :: abbreviation of 經濟適用房
經適男 {n} /jīngshìnán/ :: abbreviation of 經濟適用男
經絡 {n} [traditional Chinese medicine] /jīngluò/ :: meridian; energy channel
經絡系 {n} /jīngluòxì/ :: meridian system
經絡系統 {n} /jīngluò xìtǒng/ :: meridian system
經理 {n} /jīnglǐ/ :: manager; handler; director
經理 {v} /jīnglǐ/ :: to manage; to handle; to direct
經理人 {n} /jīnglǐrén/ :: manager; managing agent
經歷 {v} /jīnglì/ :: to go through; to experience; to undergo
經歷 {n} /jīnglì/ :: experience; one's past experience (Classifier: 段)
經脈 {n} [TCM] /jīngmài/ :: passages in the body through which vital energy circulates, regulating bodily functions
經貿 {n} /jīngmào/ :: economy and trade
經名 {n} [Islam] /jīngmíng/ :: Islamic name
經皮 {v} /jīngpí/ :: to take place through the skin; to be percutaneous
經期 {n} /jīng期/ :: menstrual period; menstruation (the time period)
經期 {n} /jīng期/ :: menstrual cycle
經紗 {n} /jīngshā/ :: warp (vertical thread in weaving)
經紗 {n} /jīngshā/ :: end
經商 {v} /jīngshāng/ :: to engage in commercial activities; to do business; to trade
經生 {v} [literary] /jīngshēng/ :: to pass through life
經生 {n} [historical] /jīngshēng/ :: copier of classical works
經生 {n} [historical] /jīngshēng/ :: classics scholar
經師 {n} [literary, Confucianism] /jīngshī/ :: Confucian classics teacher
經師 {n} [literary, Buddhism] /jīngshī/ :: master interpreter and chanter of Buddhist scripture
經史子集 {idiom} /jīngshǐzǐjí/ :: the four traditional types of Chinese classic texts; Chinese canonical texts in general
經世濟民 {idiom} /jīngshìjìmín/ :: to administer the state to relieve the suffering of the people
經事 {v} /jīngshì,er/ :: to have a lot of life experience
經手 {v} /jīngshǒu/ :: to handle; to deal with
經手人 {n} /jīngshǒurén/ :: person in charge (of a transaction, job, etc.); agent; broker
經受 {v} /jīngshòu/ :: to undergo (hardship)
經售 {v} /jīngshòu/ :: to sell on commission; to deal in; to distribute
經書 {n} /jīngshū/ :: classic books; classic texts
經書 {n} [specifically, Confucianism] /jīngshū/ :: classics
經書 {n} [specifically, Buddhism] /jīngshū/ :: scriptures
經宿不歸 {idiom} /jīng sù 不 guī/ :: to stay out all night long without returning home
經天緯地 {idiom} /jīngtiānwěidì/ :: (a talent for) managing affairs of state
經停 {v} /jīngtíng/ :: to stop over; to have a layover
經停 {n} /jīngtíng/ :: stopover; layover
經痛 {n} /jīngtòng/ :: dysmenorrhea
經文 {n} /jīngwén/ :: text from the Confucian classics
經文 {n} /jīngwén/ :: passage from religious scriptures (Classifier: m,c:段)
經綫 {def} SEE: 經線 ::
經線 {n} /jīngxiàn/ :: line of longitude
經線 {n} /jīngxiàn/ :: meridian
經線 {n} /jīngxiàn/ :: warp
經銷 {v} /jīngxiāo/ :: to sell on consignment
經銷商 {n} /jīngxiāoshāng/ :: dealer; seller; distributor; broker
經銷商 {n} /jīngxiāoshāng/ :: agency; franchise (i.e. company); retail outlet
經心 {adj} /jīngxīn/ :: to be careful; to be mindful; to be conscientious
經心 {adv} /jīngxīn/ :: wholeheartedly
經學 {v} /jīngxué/ :: to study the Confucian classics
經學 {n} /jīngxué/ :: study of the Confucian classics
經學家 {n} /jīngxuéjiā/ :: Confucian scholar
經血 {n} /jīng血/ :: menses
經驗 {n} /jīngyàn/ :: experience
經驗 {v} /jīngyàn/ :: to go through; to experience; to undergo
經驗 {adj} [attributive] /jīngyàn/ :: empirical
經驗論 {n} /jīngyànlùn/ :: empiricism
經驗貼 {n} [Internet] /jīngyàntiē/ :: online post or article in which the author shares his or her own experience (e.g. in the preparation of an exam)
經驗主義 {n} /jīngyànzhǔyì/ :: empiricism
經意 {adj} /jīngyì/ :: careful; mindful
經營 {v} /jīngyíng/ :: to run; to operate; to manage (a business, enterprise, etc.); to do business
經營模式 {n} /jīngyíng móshì/ :: business model
經由 {prep} /jīngyóu/ :: via; by; by means of; through
經援 {n} /jīngyuán/ :: economic aid
{def} SEE: ::
经办 {def} SEE: 經辦 ::
经变 {def} SEE: 經變 ::
经不起 {def} SEE: 經不起 ::
经藏 {def} SEE: 經藏 ::
经常 {def} SEE: 經常 ::
经得起 {def} SEE: 經得起 ::
经典 {def} SEE: 經典 ::
经典力学 {def} SEE: 經典力學 ::
经度 {def} SEE: 經度 ::
经幡 {def} SEE: 經幡 ::
经方 {def} SEE: 經方 ::
经费 {def} SEE: 經費 ::
经纶 {def} SEE: 經綸 ::
经管 {def} SEE: 經管 ::
经国 {def} SEE: 經國 ::
经过 {def} SEE: 經過 ::
经合 {def} SEE: 經合 ::
经籍 {def} SEE: 經籍 ::
经籍志 {def} SEE: 經籍志 ::
经济 {def} SEE: 經濟 ::
经济部 {def} SEE: 經濟部 ::
经济舱 {def} SEE: 經濟艙 ::
经济担保 {def} SEE: 經濟擔保 ::
经济法 {def} SEE: 經濟法 ::
经济杠杆 {def} SEE: 經濟槓桿 ::
经济合同 {def} SEE: 經濟合同 ::
经济核算 {def} SEE: 經濟核算 ::
经济基础 {def} SEE: 經濟基礎 ::
经济机制 {def} SEE: 經濟機制 ::
经济技术开发区 {def} SEE: 經濟技術開發區 ::
经济界 {def} SEE: 經濟界 ::
经济开发区 {def} SEE: 經濟開發區 ::
经济来源 {def} SEE: 經濟來源 ::
经济林 {def} SEE: 經濟林 ::
经济模式 {def} SEE: 經濟模式 ::
经济圈 {def} SEE: 經濟圈 ::
经济社会学 {def} SEE: 經濟社會學 ::
经济师 {def} SEE: 經濟師 ::
经济适用房 {def} SEE: 經濟適用房 ::
经济适用男 {def} SEE: 經濟適用男 ::
经济手段 {def} SEE: 經濟手段 ::
经济特区 {def} SEE: 經濟特區 ::
经济体制 {def} SEE: 經濟體制 ::
经济危机 {def} SEE: 經濟危機 ::
经济物理学 {def} SEE: 經濟物理學 ::
经济效益 {def} SEE: 經濟效益 ::
经济学 {def} SEE: 經濟學 ::
经济学家 {def} SEE: 經濟學家 ::
经济移民 {def} SEE: 經濟移民 ::
经济增长 {def} SEE: 經濟增長 ::
经济制度 {def} SEE: 經濟制度 ::
经济作物 {def} SEE: 經濟作物 ::
经纪 {def} SEE: 經紀 ::
经纪人 {def} SEE: 經紀人 ::
经建 {def} SEE: 經建 ::
经建会 {def} SEE: 經建會 ::
经久 {def} SEE: 經久 ::
经久不息 {def} SEE: 經久不息 ::
经绝期 {def} SEE: 經絕期 ::
经理 {def} SEE: 經理 ::
经理人 {def} SEE: 經理人 ::
经历 {def} SEE: 經歷 ::
经络 {def} SEE: 經絡 ::
经络系 {def} SEE: 經絡系 ::
经络系统 {def} SEE: 經絡系統 ::
经脉 {def} SEE: 經脈 ::
经贸 {def} SEE: 經貿 ::
经名 {def} SEE: 經名 ::
经皮 {def} SEE: 經皮 ::
经期 {def} SEE: 經期 ::
经纱 {def} SEE: 經紗 ::
经商 {def} SEE: 經商 ::
经生 {def} SEE: 經生 ::
经师 {def} SEE: 經師 ::
经史子集 {def} SEE: 經史子集 ::
经世济民 {def} SEE: 經世濟民 ::
经事 {def} SEE: 經事 ::
经适房 {def} SEE: 經適房 ::
经适男 {def} SEE: 經適男 ::
经手 {def} SEE: 經手 ::
经手人 {def} SEE: 經手人 ::
经受 {def} SEE: 經受 ::
经售 {def} SEE: 經售 ::
经书 {def} SEE: 經書 ::
经宿不归 {def} SEE: 經宿不歸 ::
经天纬地 {def} SEE: 經天緯地 ::
经停 {def} SEE: 經停 ::
经痛 {def} SEE: 經痛 ::
经文 {def} SEE: 經文 ::
经线 {def} SEE: 經線 ::
经销 {def} SEE: 經銷 ::
经销商 {def} SEE: 經銷商 ::
经心 {def} SEE: 經心 ::
经学 {def} SEE: 經學 ::
经学家 {def} SEE: 經學家 ::
经血 {def} SEE: 經血 ::
经验 {def} SEE: 經驗 ::
经验论 {def} SEE: 經驗論 ::
经验贴 {def} SEE: 經驗貼 ::
经验主义 {def} SEE: 經驗主義 ::
经衣 {def} SEE: 經衣 ::
经衣纸 {def} SEE: 經衣紙 ::
经已 {def} SEE: 經已 ::
经意 {def} SEE: 經意 ::
经营 {def} SEE: 經營 ::
经营模式 {def} SEE: 經營模式 ::
经由 {def} SEE: 經由 ::
经佑 {def} SEE: 經佑 ::
经援 {def} SEE: 經援 ::
{def} /jīng/ :: [obsolete] [dialectal, of meat] alternative form of
{def} [organic chemistry] /jīng/ :: nitrile
腈綸 {n} /jīnglún/ :: acrylic fiber
腈纶 {def} SEE: 腈綸 ::
{def} SEE: ::
茎茶 {def} SEE: 莖茶 ::
{def} SEE: ::
荆楚 {def} SEE: 荊楚 ::
荆豆 {def} SEE: 荊豆 ::
荆芥 {def} SEE: 荊芥 ::
荆棘 {def} SEE: 荊棘 ::
荆門 {prop} /Jīngmén/ :: (~ 市) 荆門 (prefecture-level city)
荆门 {def} SEE: 荆門 ::
荆南 {def} SEE: 荊南 ::
荆山 {def} SEE: 荊山 ::
荆条 {def} SEE: 荊條 ::
荆州 {def} SEE: 荊州 ::
{def} /jīng/ :: chaste tree; Vitex agnus-castus
{def} [historical] /jīng/ :: rod for flogging made of chaste tree twigs
{def} [humble] /jīng/ :: my wife
{def} /jīng/ :: abbreviation of 荊州
{def} /jīng/ :: abbreviation of 荊山
{def} /jīng/ :: alternative name for 楚
{def} /jīng/ :: surname
荊楚 {prop} [historical] /Jīngchǔ/ :: alternative name for 楚國 the state of Chu in ancient China
荊楚 {prop} [literary] /Jīngchǔ/ :: The territory and cultural area of the former state of Chu, roughly corresponding with present-day Hubei and Henan around the middle Yangtze River
荊豆 {n} /jīngdòu/ :: furze (Ulex europaeus)
荊芥 {n} [TCM] /jīngjiè/ :: Schizonepeta
荊棘 {n} [literally, botany] /jīngjí/ :: thistles and thorns; brambles; thorny undergrowth
荊棘 {n} [literary, figurative] /jīngjí/ :: difficult situation; dangerous circumstances
荊棘 {n} [literary, figurative] /jīngjí/ :: scheming sycophant
荊棘 {n} [literary, figurative] /jīngjí/ :: animosity; hostility; ill will; grudge
荊棘 {adj} [literary, figurative] /jīngjí/ :: chaotic; disorderly
荊門 {def} SEE: 荆門 ::
荊南 {prop} /Jīngnán/ :: Jingnan (924–963)
荊山 {prop} /Jīng Shān/ :: Mount Jing (west of Nanzhang County, Hubei)
荊條 {n} /jīngtiáo,er/ :: branch of the chaste tree (used for purposes such as basket-weaving, and in ancient times, torture)
荊州 {prop} /Jīngzhōu/ :: (~ 市) 荊州 (prefecture-level city)
荊州 {prop} /Jīngzhōu/ :: (~ 區) 荊州 (district)
荊州 {prop} /Jīngzhōu/ :: (~ 經濟技術開發區) 荊州 (economic and technological development zone)
荊州 {prop} [historical] /Jīngzhōu/ :: Jing Province (one of the Nine Provinces of ancient China)
{def} /jīng,jìng,2nb/ :: stem; stalk; something like a stalk
{def} /jīng,jìng,2nb/ :: tall and straight
{def} /jīng,jìng,2nb/ :: pillar
{def} /jīng,jìng,2nb/ :: penis
{def} /jīng,jìng,2nb/ :: handle
{def} /jīng,jìng,2nb/ :: classifier for strips or stalks of objects
{def} /yīng/ :: only used in 姚莖
莖茶 {n} /jīngchá/ :: kukicha
{def} /jīng/ :: flowering garlic chives; garlic chive flowers (Allium tuberosum)
{def} /jīng/ :: flowers
{def} /jīng/ :: Brassica
{def} [Min Nan] /jīng/ :: betel nut
菁湖 {prop} /Jīnghú/ :: (~ 里) 菁湖 (urban village)
菁菁 {adj} [literary] /jīngjīng/ :: luxuriant; exuberant; lush
菁英 {n} /jīngyīng/ :: elite; cream
{def} /jīng/ :: to fear; to be afraid
{def} [of a horse etc.] /jīng/ :: to be startled; to shy
{def} /jīng/ :: to frighten; to scare
{def} /jīng/ :: scary; frightening
{def} /jīng/ :: fearfully; I'm afraid that ..
驚避 {v} [archaic] /jīngbì/ :: to avoid someone out of fright
驚詫 {adj} /jīngchà/ :: surprised; amazed; astonished
驚濤駭浪 {idiom} /jīng涛hàilàng/ :: terrifying waves; stormy sea
驚濤駭浪 {idiom} [figuratively] /jīng涛hàilàng/ :: perilous situation
驚呆 {v} /jīngdāi/ :: to be stupefied
驚動 {v} /jīngdòng/ :: to startle; to disturb; to alarm; to alert
驚愕 {v} /jīng'è/ :: to be stunned; to be astonished; to be stupefied
驚耳 {adj} [literary] /jīng'ěr/ :: to be shocked to hear (the news etc)
驚風 {n} [medicine] /jīngfēng/ :: convulsion (of an infant or small child)
驚伏 {v} [literary] /jīngfú/ :: to prostrate oneself as a result of shock or surprise
驚弓之鳥 {idiom} /jīnggōngzhīniǎo/ :: panic-stricken person; someone who is easily frightened due to past experiences of attack or shock
驚駭 {adj} [literary] /jīnghài/ :: frightened; panic-stricken
驚嚇 {v} /jīngxià/ :: to frighten; to scare
驚嚇 {n} /jīngxià/ :: fright
驚鴻 {n} [archaic] /jīnghóng/ :: a wild goose that is flying away after having been startled (a metaphor for a graceful and elegant woman)
驚鴻 {n} [archaic] /jīnghóng/ :: a beautiful and graceful woman
驚鴻 {n} [archaic] /jīnghóng/ :: an elegant and graceful dancer
驚呼 {v} /jīnghū/ :: to cry out in alarm; to exclaim
驚慌 {adj} /jīnghuāng/ :: alarmed; scared; panicked
驚慌失措 {idiom} /jīnghuāngshīcuò/ :: to lose one's head over fear; to panic; to be thrown into a panic; to be frightened out of one's wits; to be in a state of panic
驚惶 {adj} [literary or Min Nan] /jīnghuáng/ :: alarmed; frightened; panic-stricken
驚惶失措 {idiom} /jīnghuáng shīcuò/ :: alternative form of 驚慌失措
驚魂 {n} /jīnghún/ :: state of being frightened
驚魂未定 {idiom} /jīnghúnwèidìng/ :: not yet recovered from a fright; still badly shaken; still in a state of shock
驚悸 {v} /jīngjì/ :: to shake in fear
驚叫 {v} /jīngjiào/ :: to cry in fear; to scream
驚覺 {v} [literary] /jīngjué/ :: to wake in a start; to be shocked awake
驚懼 {v} [literary] /jīngjù/ :: to be startled; to be frightened; to be afraid
驚厥 {v} /jīngjué/ :: to faint from fear
驚厥 {n} [symptom] /jīngjué/ :: convulsions
驚恐 {adj} /jīngkǒng/ :: scared; terrified; alarmed
驚恐 {n} /jīngkǒng/ :: panic; alarm
驚慄 {adj} [of films, novels, etc.] /jīnglì/ :: horror; thriller
驚慄片 {n} /jīnglìpiàn,jīnglìpiān,er/ :: thriller film
驚夢 {v} /jīngmèng/ :: to be suddenly roused from a dream
驚奇 {adj} /jīngqí/ :: surprised; astonished; amazed; shocked
驚擾 {v} /jīngrǎo/ :: to disturb; to alarm; to agitate
驚人 {adj} /jīngrén/ :: surprising; astonishing
驚世 {v} /jīngshì/ :: to astound the world
驚輸 {n} [chiefly Min Nan] /jīngshū/ :: fear of losing
驚死儂 {def} SEE: 驚死人 ::
驚悚 {adj} [usually of movies or novels] /jīngsǒng/ :: horror; thriller
驚悚片 {n} /jīngsǒngpiàn,jīngsǒngpiān,er/ :: thriller film
驚嘆 {v} /jīngtàn/ :: to exclaim with admiration; to gasp in wonder
驚嘆號 {n} /jīngtànhào,er/ :: exclamation mark ()
驚歎 {def} SEE: 驚嘆 ::
驚堂板 {n} [dated] /jīngtángbǎn/ :: wooden block used by a magistrate to strike the table in calling for attention or order
驚堂木 {n} [dated] /jīngtángmù/ :: wooden block used by a magistrate to strike the table in calling for attention or order
驚天動地 {idiom} /jīngtiāndòngdì/ :: world-shaking
驚為天人 {idiom} [figurative] /jīngwéitiānrén/ :: to find one stunning, breathtaking or heavenly
驚為天人 {idiom} [figurative] /jīngwéitiānrén/ :: to find one's skill superb, excellent, marvellous or wonderful
驚畏 {v} [literary] /jīngwèi/ :: to be shocked; to be alarmed
驚悉 {v} [formal] /jīngxī/ :: to be shocked to learn; to be surprised to know
驚喜 {v} /jīngxǐ/ :: to be pleasantly surprised
驚險 {adj} /jīngxiǎn/ :: breathtaking; thrilling; astounding
驚心 {v} [literary] /jīngxīn/ :: to be staggering; to be frightening; to be shocking
驚心 {v} [literary] /jīngxīn/ :: to be frightened; to be shocked
驚心動魄 {idiom} /jīngxīndòngpò/ :: soul-stirring; profoundly affecting
驚醒 {vi} /jīngxǐng/ :: to wake up with a start; to be roused suddenly from sleep
驚醒 {vi} [figurative] /jīngxǐng/ :: to suddenly come to realise
驚醒 {vt} /jīngxǐng/ :: to rouse; to wake someone up
驚醒 {adj} [colloquial] /jīngxing/ :: to be a light sleeper; to be sleeping lightly
驚訝 {adj} /jīngyà/ :: surprised; astonished; amazed; shocked
驚艷 {def} SEE: 驚豔 ::
驚豔 {v} /jīngyàn/ :: to exclaim in admiration for (e.g. a woman's) beauty
驚豔 {adj} [neologism] /jīngyàn/ :: stunning; phenomenal; impressive-looking
驚疑 {adj} /jīngyí/ :: surprised and bewildered
驚異 {adj} /jīngyì/ :: amazed; astonished
驚蟄 {prop} /Jīng蟄/ :: Jingzhe, the "Walking of Insect", the third of the twenty-four solar terms, around March 5th, 6th, or 7th, when nature reawakens after the winter sleep
{def} /jīng,qíng,1nb/ :: whale
{def} /jīng,qíng,1nb/ :: [obsolete] great; huge
鯨目 {n} [taxonomy] /jīngmù/ :: cetacean (order Cetacea)
鯨鯢 {n} /jīngní/ :: male and female whales
鯨鯢 {n} [figurative] /jīngní/ :: fierce enemy
鯨鯢 {n} [figurative] /jīngní/ :: pirate
鯨鯢 {n} [figurative] /jīngní/ :: innocent person who is killed
鯨鯊 {n} /jīngshā/ :: whale shark
鯨頭鸛 {n} /jīngtóuguàn/ :: shoebill, Balaeniceps rex
鯨鬚 {n} /jīngxū/ :: baleen
鯨油 {n} /jīngyóu/ :: whale oil
鯨魚 {n} /jīngyú/ :: whale
鯨魚座 {prop} [constellation] /Jīngyúzuò/ :: Cetus
{def} SEE: ::
鲸目 {def} SEE: 鯨目 ::
鲸鲵 {def} SEE: 鯨鯢 ::
鲸鲨 {def} SEE: 鯨鯊 ::
鲸头鹳 {def} SEE: 鯨頭鸛 ::
鲸须 {def} SEE: 鯨鬚 ::
鲸油 {def} SEE: 鯨油 ::
鲸鱼 {def} SEE: 鯨魚 ::
鲸鱼座 {def} SEE: 鯨魚座 ::
{def} /jìng/ :: [obsolete] a strange bird which eats snakes
{def} /jīng/ :: only used in 羌鶁
{def} /jīng/ :: [obsolete] a kind of large deer, probably sambar deer
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jǐng/ :: well (a hole sunk into the ground)
{def} /jǐng/ :: well-shaped object; mineshaft, pit
{def} /jǐng/ :: hometown
{def} /jǐng/ :: neat; tidy
{def} /jǐng/ :: 48th hexagram of the I Ching
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jǐng/ :: surname
井底之蛙 {idiom} /jǐngdǐzhīwā/ :: a person of very limited outlook and experience
井冈山 {def} SEE: 井岡山 ::
井岡山 {prop} /Jǐnggāngshān/ :: Jinggang Mountains
井岡山 {prop} /Jǐnggāngshān/ :: (~ 市) 井岡山 (county-level city)
井號 {n} /jǐnghào/ :: the hash symbol (#)
井号 {def} SEE: 井號 ::
井井 {adj} /jǐngjǐng/ :: clean
井井 {adj} /jǐngjǐng/ :: orderly
井井有条 {def} SEE: 井井有條 ::
井井有條 {idiom} /jǐngjǐngyǒutiáo/ :: neat and tidy
井口 {n} /jǐngkǒu,er/ :: mouth of a well
井盘 {def} SEE: 井盤 ::
井喷 {def} SEE: 井噴 ::
井噴 {v} [of an oil well or gas well] /jǐngpēn/ :: to blow out
井噴 {v} /jǐngpēn/ :: to increase speedily
井然 {adj} /jǐngrán/ :: neat and tidy
井然有序 {idiom} /jǐngrányǒuxù/ :: orderly; in apple-pie order
井上 {prop} /Jǐngshàng/ :: A Japanese surname: Inoue
井水 {n} /jǐngshuǐ/ :: wellwater
井水不犯河水 {idiom} /jǐngshuǐ 不fàn héshuǐ/ :: “wellwater not interfering with the river water”—two things keeping to themselves; everyone minding their own business
井宿 {prop} [Chinese astronomy] /Jǐngxiù/ :: Well Mansion (one of Twenty-Eight Mansions)
井臺 {n} /jǐngtái/ :: wellhead; raised platform around a well
井台 {def} SEE: 井臺 ::
井田 {n} [historical] /jǐngtián/ :: alternative name for 井田制度
井田 {n} [figurative] /jǐngtián/ :: farmland; fields
井田制 {n} [historical] /jǐngtiánzhì/ :: alternative name for 井田制度
井田制度 {n} [historical] /jǐngtián zhìdù/ :: well-field system (system for land distribution in ancient China)
井物 {def} SEE: 丼物 ::
井原 {prop} /Jǐngyuán/ :: (~ 市) 井原 (city)
井字過三關 {n} [Hong Kong] /jǐngzìguòsānguān/ :: tic-tac-toe
井字过三关 {def} SEE: 井字過三關 ::
井字鍵 {n} /jǐngzìjiàn/ :: hash key; pound key (#)
井字键 {def} SEE: 井字鍵 ::
井字棋 {n} /jǐngzìqí/ :: tic-tac-toe
井字游戏 {def} SEE: 井字遊戲 ::
井字遊戲 {n} [Taiwan] /jǐngzìyóuxì/ :: tic-tac-toe
{def} /jǐng/ :: to warn; to admonish
{def} /jǐng/ :: [obsolete] to take precautions
{def} /jǐng/ :: [obsolete] emergency
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jǐng/ :: to cut one's throat (Chinese ritual suicide, like seppuku in Japan)
憬悟 {v} [literary] /jǐngwù/ :: to wake up to reality; to come to see the truth
{def} /jǐng/ :: (archaic variant of ) warn
{def} /jǐng/ :: warning
{def} /jǐng/ :: to be alert
{def} /jìng/ :: (archaic variant of ) respect, honor
{def} /jìng/ :: respectfully
{def} /jǐng/ :: [obsolete] sunlight
{def} /jǐng/ :: [obsolete] sun
{def} /jǐng/ :: [obsolete] bright; luminous
{def} /jǐng/ :: [obsolete] time
{def} /jǐng/ :: scenery; view (Classifier: c:個)
{def} /jǐng/ :: conditions; situation
{def} /jǐng/ :: scene; setting; scenario
{def} /jǐng/ :: classifier for scenes of a play, drama, etc
{def} /jǐng/ :: surname
{def} /jǐng/ :: [obsolete] great; large
{def} /jǐng/ :: [obsolete] auspicious
{def} /jǐng/ :: to admire; to appreciate
{def} /jǐng/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /yǐng/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
景德鎮 {prop} /Jǐngdézhèn/ :: (~ 市) 景德鎮 (prefecture-level city)
景德镇 {def} SEE: 景德鎮 ::
景帝 {prop} /Jǐngdì/ :: Emperor Jing of Han (188 – 141 B.C.E.)
景点 {def} SEE: 景點 ::
景點 {n} /jǐngdiǎn/ :: tourist attraction, sightseeing spot
景觀 {n} /jǐngguān/ :: landscape; view
景观 {def} SEE: 景觀 ::
景洪 {prop} /Jǐnghóng/ :: (~ 市) 景洪 (county-level city)
景教 {n} [historical, religion] /jǐngjiào/ :: Nestorianism
景况 {def} SEE: 景況 ::
景況 {n} /jǐngkuàng/ :: circumstances; situation (usually of a person)
景命 {n} [literary] /jǐngmìng/ :: the Mandate of Heaven
景慕 {v} [literary] /jǐngmù/ :: to esteem; to revere; to admire
景區 {n} /jǐngqū/ :: scenic area
景區 {n} [especially, Mainland China] /jǐngqū/ :: officially designated tourist attractions
景颇 {def} SEE: 景頗 ::
景颇语 {def} SEE: 景頗語 ::
景颇族 {def} SEE: 景頗族 ::
景頗 {n} /jǐngpō/ :: (~ 族) Jingpho (an ethnic group that inhabit the Kachin Hills of Kachin State, Myanmar and Yunnan, China)
景頗語 {n} /jǐngpōyǔ/ :: the Jingpho language
景頗族 {n} /jǐng頗zú/ :: Jingpo people
景气 {def} SEE: 景氣 ::
景气循环 {def} SEE: 景氣循環 ::
景氣 {adj} [of an economy] /jǐngqì/ :: prosperous; booming
景氣 {n} [of an economy] /jǐngqì/ :: prosperity; boom
景氣 {n} [literary] /jǐngqì/ :: scene; sight; scenery; landscape; view
景氣循環 {n} [economics] /jǐngqì xúnhuán/ :: business cycle
景区 {def} SEE: 景區 ::
景色 {n} /jǐngsè/ :: scenery; landscape; view; scene (Classifier: m:個)
景山 {prop} /Jǐngshān/ :: Jingshan Park (artificial hill in Beijing)
景升 {prop} /Jǐngshēng/ :: The Chinese style name of Liu Biao (died 208)
景泰 {prop} /Jǐngtài/ :: era name for the period 1450–1456
景泰蓝 {def} SEE: 景泰藍 ::
景泰藍 {n} /jǐngtàilán/ :: cloisonne
景天 {n} /jǐngtiān/ :: (~ 科) Crassulaceae
景物 {n} /jǐngwù/ :: scenery; landscape; view; scene (Classifier: m:個)
景像 {def} SEE: 景象 ::
景象 {n} [literary] /jǐngxiàng/ :: sign; indication
景象 {n} [literary] /jǐngxiàng/ :: form; appearance
景象 {n} [literary] /jǐngxiàng/ :: view; imagery; scene; sight
景象 {n} [literary] /jǐngxiàng/ :: phenomenon
景象 {n} [literary] /jǐngxiàng/ :: circumstances; situation
景阳 {def} SEE: 景陽 ::
景陽 {prop} /Jǐngyáng/ :: (~ 鎮) 景陽 (town)
景陽 {prop} /Jǐngyáng/ :: (~ 鎮) 景陽 (town)
景陽 {prop} /Jǐngyáng/ :: (~ 鄉) 景陽 (township)
景仰 {v} /jǐngyǎng/ :: to admire; to esteem; to hold in high regard
景緻 {def} SEE: 景致 ::
景致 {n} /jǐngzhì/ :: scenery; landscape; view; scene (Classifier: m:個)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
烃基 {def} SEE: 烴基 ::
{n} [organic compound] /tīng,qīng,2nb/ :: hydrocarbon
烴基 {n} [organic chemistry] /qīngjī/ :: hydrocarbyl
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [organic compound] /jǐng/ :: hydrazine (derivative)
{def} /jǐng/ :: [obsolete] a kind of frog
{def} /jǐng/ :: to warn; to admonish
{def} /jǐng/ :: to be on the alert; to be vigilant
{def} /jǐng/ :: intuitive; sharp; alert
{def} /jǐng/ :: aphoristic; epigrammatic; witty
{def} /jǐng/ :: alarm; alert; siren
{def} /jǐng/ :: abbreviation of 警察
警報 {n} /jǐngbào/ :: alarm; warning; alert
警報器 {n} /jǐngbàoqì/ :: siren, alarm (device for making a sound alarm)
警报 {def} SEE: 警報 ::
警报器 {def} SEE: 警報器 ::
警暴 {n} /jǐngbào/ :: police violence; police brutality
警備 {v} /jǐngbèi/ :: to guard; to garrison
警備員 {n} /jǐngbèiyuán/ :: guard; guardsman; watchman
警备 {def} SEE: 警備 ::
警备员 {def} SEE: 警備員 ::
警察 {n} [uncountable] /jǐngchá/ :: police; police force
警察 {n} [countable] /jǐngchá/ :: police officer (Classifier: 名位)
警察 {v} [literary] /jǐngchá/ :: to be vigilant; to be alert; to watch out
警察 {v} [literary] /jǐngchá/ :: to examine oneself critically; to examine one's thoughts and conduct
警察 {v} [literary] /jǐngchá/ :: to supervise; to monitor
警察国家 {def} SEE: 警察國家 ::
警察國家 {n} /jǐngchá guójiā/ :: police state
警察局 {n} /jǐngchájú/ :: police station
警察署 {n} /jǐngchá署/ :: police station
警察署 {n} /jǐngchá署/ :: police service, police
警長 {n} /jǐngzhǎng/ :: police sergeant
警长 {def} SEE: 警長 ::
警車 {n} /jǐngchē/ :: police car
警车 {def} SEE: 警車 ::
警笛 {n} /jǐngdí,er/ :: police siren
警笛 {n} /jǐngdí,er/ :: alarm
警队 {def} SEE: 警隊 ::
警隊 {n} /jǐngduì/ :: police force
警方 {n} /jǐngfāng/ :: police
警匪片 {n} /jǐngfěipiàn,jǐngfěipiān,er/ :: police-and-bandit film; gangster film
警服 {n} /jǐngfú/ :: police uniform
警岗 {def} SEE: 警崗 ::
警崗 {n} [Hong Kong] /jǐnggǎng/ :: police post
警告 {n} /jǐnggào/ :: warning; caution
警告 {v} /jǐnggào/ :: to warn; to admonish
警官 {n} /jǐngguān/ :: police officer; constable
警棍 {n} /jǐnggùn/ :: police baton; truncheon
警徽 {n} /jǐnghuī/ :: police badge
警覺 {adj} /jǐngjué/ :: alert; vigilant
警覺 {v} /jǐngjué/ :: to be on guard; to be on alert
警覺 {n} /jǐngjué/ :: alertness; vigilance
警戒 {v} /jǐngjiè/ :: to be vigilant; to be alert; to watch out
警戒線 {n} /jǐngjièxiàn/ :: cordon; danger mark
警戒線 {n} /jǐngjièxiàn/ :: alert level
警戒线 {def} SEE: 警戒線 ::
警誡 {v} [literary] /jǐngjiè/ :: to warn and admonish
警诫 {def} SEE: 警誡 ::
警局 {n} /jǐngjú/ :: police department; police station
警句 {n} /jǐngjù/ :: aphorism; epigram
警觉 {def} SEE: 警覺 ::
警力 {n} /jǐnglì/ :: police force; police presence
警區 {n} /jǐngqū/ :: policeman's round; patrol; beat
警企 {n} [usually, attributive] /jǐng企/ :: police and businesses
警区 {def} SEE: 警區 ::
警犬 {n} /jǐngquǎn/ :: police dog
警世 {v} /jǐngshì/ :: to warn generations to come
警世故事 {n} /jǐngshì gùshì/ :: cautionary tale
警示 {v} /jǐngshì/ :: to warn; to alert; to caution
警署 {n} [chiefly Hong Kong] /jǐng署/ :: police station
警署 {n} [chiefly Taiwan] /jǐng署/ :: police department
警司 {n} /jǐngsī/ :: superintendent of police (in Hong Kong)
警探 {n} /jǐngtàn/ :: police detective
警惕 {v} /jǐngtì/ :: to be vigilant over; to be alert about
警惕 {n} /jǐngtì/ :: vigilance; alert
警惕性 {n} /jǐngtìxìng/ :: vigilance; alertness
警卫 {def} SEE: 警衛 ::
警卫员 {def} SEE: 警衛員 ::
警衛 {n} /jǐngwèi/ :: security guard; guard
警衛 {v} /jǐngwèi/ :: to guard against
警衛員 {n} /jǐngwèiyuán/ :: guard; sentinel
警衛員 {n} [specifically] /jǐngwèiyuán/ :: bodyguard for an official
警衞 {def} SEE: 警衛 ::
警务 {def} SEE: 警務 ::
警務 {n} /jǐngwù/ :: police affairs
警悟 {adj} /jǐngwù/ :: alert; vigilant
警悟 {adj} /jǐngwù/ :: quick-witted; astute; perceptive
警悟 {n} /jǐngwù/ :: alertness; vigilance
警衔 {def} SEE: 警銜 ::
警銜 {n} /jǐngxián/ :: police rank
警校 {n} /jǐngxiào/ :: police academy
警訊 {n} /jǐngxùn/ :: warning sign; police call
警讯 {def} SEE: 警訊 ::
警员 {def} SEE: 警員 ::
警員 {n} /jǐngyuán/ :: police officer
警員 {n} /jǐngyuán/ :: police constable (in Hong Kong)
警鐘 {n} /jǐngzhōng/ :: alarm bell; tocsin
警钟 {def} SEE: 警鐘 ::
警种 {def} SEE: 警種 ::
警種 {n} /jǐngzhǒng/ :: police classification; type of police
{def} /jǐng/ :: pitfall, trap
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /qìng/ :: cold, chilly
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jìng/ :: straight
{def} /jìng/ :: to pass
{def} [literary] /jìng/ :: strong
{def} [literary] /liàng/ :: alternative form of
{def} [literary] /liàng/ :: to search; to seek
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
净含量 {def} SEE: 淨含量 ::
净化 {def} SEE: 淨化 ::
净化器 {def} SEE: 淨化器 ::
净化饮食 {def} SEE: 淨化飲食 ::
净角 {def} SEE: 淨角 ::
净界 {def} SEE: 淨界 ::
净尽 {def} SEE: 淨盡 ::
净俐 {def} SEE: 淨俐 ::
净利 {def} SEE: 淨利 ::
净瑠璃 {def} SEE: 淨瑠璃 ::
净齐优 {def} SEE: 淨齊優 ::
净身 {def} SEE: 淨身 ::
净身出户 {def} SEE: 淨身出戶 ::
净是 {def} SEE: 淨是 ::
净水器 {def} SEE: 淨水器 ::
净土 {def} SEE: 淨土 ::
净系 {def} SEE: 淨係 ::
净值 {def} SEE: 淨值 ::
净重 {def} SEE: 淨重 ::
净赚 {def} SEE: 淨賺 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /chēng/ :: [historical dictionaries] cold; appearance of cold
凈土 {def} SEE: 淨土 ::
凈值 {def} SEE: 淨值 ::
凈重 {def} SEE: 淨重 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /qìng/ :: cool, cold
凊饭 {def} SEE: 凊飯 ::
{def} SEE: ::
劲爆 {def} SEE: 勁爆 ::
劲爆大象部落 {def} SEE: 勁爆大象部落 ::
劲草 {def} SEE: 勁草 ::
劲抽 {def} SEE: 勁抽 ::
劲敌 {def} SEE: 勁敵 ::
劲儿 {def} SEE: 勁兒 ::
劲健 {def} SEE: 勁健 ::
劲旅 {def} SEE: 勁旅 ::
劲射 {def} SEE: 勁射 ::
劲头 {def} SEE: 勁頭 ::
劲舞 {def} SEE: 勁舞 ::
{def} /jìng/ :: border; boundary; frontier
{def} /jìng/ :: place; area; region
{def} /jìng/ :: condition; situation
境地 {n} /jìngdì/ :: condition; circumstances
境地 {n} /jìngdì/ :: territory; region
境港 {prop} /Jìnggǎng/ :: (~ 市) 境港 (city)
境界 {n} /jìngjiè/ :: boundary (line marking the limits of a physical area)
境界 {n} /jìngjiè/ :: realm; state; extent reached
境况 {def} SEE: 境況 ::
境況 {n} /jìngkuàng/ :: circumstances; situation (usually economic)
境內 {n} /jìngnèi/ :: area immediately inside the border of an administrative region such a province or a country
境内 {def} SEE: 境內 ::
境外 {n} /jìngwài/ :: the area outside a province or country's borders
境域 {n} /jìngyù/ :: condition; circumstances
境域 {n} /jìngyù/ :: area; realm
境遇 {n} [usually negative] /jìngyù/ :: circumstances; situation; condition
{def} [literary, of a woman] /jìng/ :: slender; delicate
{def} [literary, of a woman] /jìng/ :: talented; gifted
{def} SEE: ::
弪度 {def} SEE: 弳度 ::
{def} [Taiwan, mathematics] /jìng/ :: radian
弳度 {n} [mathematics] /jìngdù/ :: radian
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
径道 {def} SEE: 徑道 ::
径行 {def} SEE: 徑行 ::
径行直遂 {def} SEE: 徑行直遂 ::
径迹 {def} SEE: 徑跡 ::
径情 {def} SEE: 徑情 ::
径情直遂 {def} SEE: 徑情直遂 ::
径取 {def} SEE: 逕取 ::
径矢 {def} SEE: 徑矢 ::
径庭 {def} SEE: 徑庭 ::
径廷 {def} SEE: 徑廷 ::
径须 {def} SEE: 徑須 ::
径直 {def} SEE: 徑直 ::
径自 {def} SEE: 徑自 ::
{def} /jìng/ :: path; road; way
{def} /jìng/ :: directly
{def} [geometry] /jìng/ :: diameter
徑道 {n} /jìngdào/ :: path
徑行 {adv} /jìngxíng/ :: at one's will; arbitrarily
徑行 {adv} /jìngxíng/ :: on one's own, without consulting anyone
徑行直遂 {idiom} /jìngxíngzhísuì/ :: synonym of 徑情直遂
徑跡 {n} [physics] /jìng迹/ :: track; trajectory; path
徑情 {adv} [literary] /jìngqíng/ :: at one's will; arbitrarily
徑情直遂 {idiom} /jìngqíngzhísuì/ :: (to attain success) as smoothly as one would wish
徑矢 {n} [math] /jìngshǐ/ :: radius vector
徑庭 {v} [literary] /jìngtíng/ :: to go across courtyard
徑庭 {v} [literary] /jìngtíng/ :: to be completely different
徑廷 {def} SEE: 徑庭 ::
徑須 {v} [literary] /jìngxū/ :: should (at once)
徑直 {adv} [literally, figuratively] /jìngzhí/ :: directly; direct; straight
徑自 {adv} /jìngzì/ :: on one's own, without consulting anyone
{def} /jìng/ :: to respect; to honor
{def} /jìng/ :: to present; to offer (alcohol, food, cigarettes, tea, etc.)
敬愛 {v} /jìng'ài/ :: to adore
敬愛 {adj} /jìng'ài/ :: beloved; cherished; dear
敬爱 {def} SEE: 敬愛 ::
敬拜 {v} /jìngbài/ :: to worship
敬才 {prop} /Jìngcái/ :: the style name of Hu Miao (a character in Romance of the Three Kingdoms)
敬詞 {n} /jìngcí/ :: a term used to show respect
敬詞 {n} /jìngcí/ :: polite form of address; honorific
敬詞 {n} /jìngcí/ :: polite form of a pronoun
敬词 {def} SEE: 敬詞 ::
敬辞 {def} SEE: 敬辭 ::
敬辭 {n} /jìngcí/ :: term of respect; polite expression; honorific
敬而远之 {def} SEE: 敬而遠之 ::
敬而遠之 {idiom} /jìng'ér遠zhī/ :: to stay at a respectful distance from; to give a wide berth (to)
敬奉 {v} /jìngfèng/ :: to worship piously
敬奉 {v} /jìngfèng/ :: to present respectfully; to offer respectfully
敬服 {v} /jìngfú/ :: to respect and admire
敬告 {v} [humble] /jìnggào/ :: to notify; to inform; to tell
敬酒 {v} /jìngjiǔ/ :: to propose a toast; to toast
敬酒不吃吃罚酒 {def} SEE: 敬酒不吃吃罰酒 ::
敬酒不吃吃罰酒 {idiom} /jìngjiǔ 不chī chī fájiǔ/ :: to do things the hard way (as opposed to the easy way); to be compelled to do something after initially refusing
敬老 {v} /jìnglǎo/ :: to respect the elderly
敬老院 {n} /jìnglǎoyuàn/ :: aged care facility; nursing home
敬礼 {def} SEE: 敬禮 ::
敬禮 {v} /jìnglǐ/ :: to salute
敬禮 {v} /jìnglǐ/ :: to extend one's greetings
敬禮 {n} /jìnglǐ/ :: salute
敬禮 {n} /jìnglǐ/ :: gift; present
敬禮 {interj} /jìnglǐ/ :: respectfully yours (at the end of a letter)
敬慕 {v} /jìngmù/ :: to respect and admire
敬佩 {v} /jìngpèi/ :: to admire; to hold in high esteem
敬启者 {def} SEE: 敬啟者 ::
敬啟者 {phrase} /jìngqǐzhě/ :: to whom this may concern
敬虔 {adj} /jìngqián/ :: devout; pious
敬虔主义 {def} SEE: 敬虔主義 ::
敬虔主義 {n} [Christianity] /jìngqiánzhǔyì/ :: pietism
敬請 {v} [humble] /jìngqǐng/ :: to sincerely invite or request
敬请 {def} SEE: 敬請 ::
敬順 {v} [literary] /jìngshùn/ :: to respectfully submit
敬顺 {def} SEE: 敬順 ::
敬畏 {v} /jìngwèi/ :: to revere; to hold in awe; to fear
敬賢 {v} [literary] /jìngxián/ :: to respect people of talent and ability (said of a superior)
敬賢禮士 {idiom} /jìngxiánlǐshì/ :: to respect people of talent and ability (said of a superior)
敬贤 {def} SEE: 敬賢 ::
敬贤礼士 {def} SEE: 敬賢禮士 ::
敬信 {prop} /Jìngxìn/ :: (~ 鎮) 敬信 (town)
敬仰 {v} /jìngyǎng/ :: to hold in high esteem; to revere; to venerate
敬业 {def} SEE: 敬業 ::
敬业乐群 {def} SEE: 敬業樂群 ::
敬業 {v} /jìngyè/ :: to be committed to one's work
敬業 {adj} /jìngyè/ :: professional; good (at what one does); expert; adept
敬業樂群 {idiom} /jìngyèyàoqún/ :: to be committed to one's work or studies and enjoy socializing with friends to learn from one another
敬意 {n} /jìngyì/ :: reverence; respect
敬語 {n} /jìngyǔ/ :: a term used to show respect
敬語 {n} /jìngyǔ/ :: polite form of address; honorific
敬語 {n} /jìngyǔ/ :: polite form of a pronoun
敬语 {def} SEE: 敬語 ::
敬重 {v} /jìngzhòng/ :: to revere; to honour
敬祝 {v} [honorific] /jìngzhù/ :: to sincerely wish (to express good wishes for someone)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jìng/ :: pure; clean; unspoilt
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [Cantonese] /jìng/ :: abbreviation of 淨係
淨含量 {n} /jìnghánliàng/ :: net content
淨化 {v} /jìnghuà/ :: to purify
淨化器 {n} /jìnghuàqì/ :: purifier
淨化飲食 {n} /jìnghuà yǐnshí/ :: clean eating
淨角 {n} [opera] /jìngjué/ :: painted-face role (in Chinese opera)
淨界 {n} [religion, mythology, chiefly literary or poetic] /jìngjiè/ :: purgatory
淨盡 {adj} /jìngjìn/ :: completely used up; with nothing left
淨利 {n} /jìnglì/ :: net profit
淨瑠璃 {n} /jìngliúlí/ :: Jōruri (music), a form of traditional Japanese narrative music
淨齊優 {adj} /jìng-qí-yōu/ :: clean, tidy and outstanding
淨身 {v} [obsolete, of a man] /jìngshēn/ :: to be castrated; to have one's testes cut off
淨身 {v} [usually, religion] /jìngshēn/ :: to bathe; to perform ablution
淨身 {v} /jìngshēn/ :: See 淨身出戶
淨身出戶 {idiom} [usually of a man] /jìngshēnchūhù,er/ :: to leave without taking any property after divorce; to leave a marriage with nothing (no possessions or properties)
淨是 {v} [colloquial] /jìngshì/ :: to all be; to be entirely
淨水器 {n} /jìngshuǐqì/ :: water purifier
淨土 {n} [Buddhism] /jìngtǔ/ :: pure land
淨值 {n} /jìngzhí/ :: net value
淨重 {n} /jìngzhòng/ :: net weight
淨賺 {v} /jìngzhuàn/ :: to make a net profit of
{def} /qìng/ :: cold, chilly
{def} /jìng/ :: pool in a river
{def} /jìng/ :: [obsolete] a mythical tiger-like animal that eats its own mother shortly after birth
獍枭 {def} SEE: 獍梟 ::
獍梟 {n} [literary, figurative] /jìngxiāo/ :: someone who bites the hand that feeds them; someone who does not show any respect to their parents
{def} SEE: ::
痉挛 {def} SEE: 痙攣 ::
{def} /jìng/ :: convulsions, fits
痙攣 {v} [medical sign] /jìngluán/ :: to spasm; to have sudden involuntary muscular contractions
{def} SEE: ::
竞标 {def} SEE: 競標 ::
竞猜 {def} SEE: 競猜 ::
竞渡 {def} SEE: 競渡 ::
竞行 {def} SEE: 競行 ::
竞技 {def} SEE: 競技 ::
竞技场 {def} SEE: 競技場 ::
竞技体操 {def} SEE: 競技體操 ::
竞价 {def} SEE: 競價 ::
竞卖 {def} SEE: 競賣 ::
竞拍 {def} SEE: 競拍 ::
竞赛 {def} SEE: 競賽 ::
竞速 {def} SEE: 競速 ::
竞相 {def} SEE: 競相 ::
竞秀 {def} SEE: 競秀 ::
竞选 {def} SEE: 競選 ::
竞演 {def} SEE: 競演 ::
竞业 {def} SEE: 競業 ::
竞业限制 {def} SEE: 競業限制 ::
竞争 {def} SEE: 競爭 ::
竞争力 {def} SEE: 競爭力 ::
竞争性 {def} SEE: 競爭性 ::
竞走 {def} SEE: 競走 ::
{def} /jìng/ :: to finish; to end
{def} /jìng/ :: finally, after all, at last
{def} /jìng/ :: surprisingly; unexpectedly
{def} /jìng/ :: whole; entire
竟敢 {v} /jìnggǎn/ :: to dare to
竟陵 {prop} /Jìnglíng/ :: Jingling, Hubei
竟然 {adv} /jìngrán/ :: surprisingly; unexpectedly
竟然 {adv} [archaic] /jìngrán/ :: finally
竟日 {adv} [literary] /jìngrì/ :: all day
竟是 {v} /jìngshì/ :: to turn out to be
竟夜 {adv} [literary] /jìngyè/ :: all night
竟自 {adv} [literary] /jìngzì/ :: unexpectedly; to one's surprise
{def} [literary] /jìng/ :: alternative form of
{def} [literary] /jìng/ :: See 竫言
{def} /jìng/ :: to contend; to vie; to compete
競標 {n} /jìngbiāo/ :: competitive bidding
競標 {v} /jìngbiāo/ :: to make a competitive tender; to put up for bidding
競猜 {n} /jìngcāi/ :: quiz (competition in the answering of questions)
競渡 {v} /jìngdù/ :: to have a boat race; to have a rowing competition
競渡 {v} /jìngdù/ :: to have a swimming race (to cross a river or lake)
競技 {n} /jìngjì/ :: competition (of skills); match; contest; tournament
競技場 {n} /jìngjì場/ :: arena; amphitheatre; colosseum
競技體操 {n} [sports] /jìngjì tǐcāo/ :: artistic gymnastics
競價 {n} /jìngjià/ :: price competition
競價 {n} /jìngjià/ :: bid (in an auction)
競價 {v} /jìngjià/ :: to compete on price
競價 {v} /jìngjià/ :: to bid against somebody
競賣 {n} /jìngmài/ :: sale to the highest bidder; auction (public sales event)
競拍 {v} /jìngpāi/ :: to bid in an auction
競賽 {v} /jìngsài/ :: to compete; to have a contest
競賽 {n} /jìngsài/ :: competition; contest (Classifier: m:場)
競速 {v} [sports] /jìngsù/ :: to race
競速 {n} [sports] /jìngsù/ :: racing
競相 {adv} /jìngxiāng/ :: competitively; eagerly; trying to outdo one another
競秀 {n} /jìngxiù/ :: beauty contest
競秀 {v} /jìngxiù/ :: vying to be the most beautiful; contend for beauty
競選 {v} /jìngxuǎn/ :: to run for (a position, office, etc.)
競選 {n} /jìngxuǎn/ :: political campaign
競演 {v} /jìngyǎn/ :: to compete (in a competition) by giving a stage performance; to contest; to perform
競業 {v} /jìngyè/ :: to act in competition
競業限制 {n} /jìngyè xiànzhì/ :: non-competition restriction
競爭 {v} /jìngzhēng/ :: to compete
競爭力 {n} /jìngzhēnglì/ :: competitiveness; competitive power
競爭性 {n} /jìngzhēngxìng/ :: competitiveness
競走 {n} [sports] /jìngzǒu/ :: race walking
競走 {v} [sports] /jìngzǒu/ :: to race-walk; to compete in race walking
{def} SEE: ::
胫骨 {def} SEE: 脛骨 ::
{def} /jìng/ :: shinbone
{def} /jìng/ :: lower leg
脛骨 {n} [skeleton] /jìnggǔ/ :: tibia; shinbone
{def} /jìng/ :: to quarrel
{def} /jìng/ :: to wrangle
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
迳到 {def} SEE: 逕到 ::
迳入 {def} SEE: 逕入 ::
迳自 {def} SEE: 徑自 ::
{def} /jìng/ :: [alternative form 徑*] small path
{def} /jìng/ :: to go to; to reach
{def} [literary, of water] /jìng/ :: to flow through
{def} /jìng/ :: directly
{def} [archaic] /jìng/ :: diameter
逕到 {v} [literary] /jìngdào/ :: to go straight toward; to head straight for
逕取 {v} [archaic] /jìngqǔ/ :: to make a direct assault on
逕入 {v} [literary] /jìngrù/ :: to directly enter into; to walk straight into
逕庭 {def} SEE: 徑庭 ::
逕自 {def} SEE: 徑自 ::
{def} /jìng/ :: mirror; reflecting glass (Classifier: c:塊)
{def} /jìng/ :: to mirror; to reflect
{def} /jìng/ :: to perceive; to observe clearly
{def} /jìng/ :: to use for reference; to draw lessons from
{def} /jìng/ :: clear
{def} [physics] /jìng/ :: lens; -scope
{def} /jìng/ :: spectacles; glasses
{def} /jìng/ :: surname
鏡泊湖 {prop} /Jìngpō Hú/ :: Lake Jingpo Lake, a lake on the Mudan River River in northern China
鏡花水月 {idiom} [literal] /jìnghuāshuǐyuè/ :: flowers reflected on a mirror and the moon reflected in the water
鏡花水月 {idiom} [figurative] /jìnghuāshuǐyuè/ :: fantasy, illusion, mere shadow, phantom, vision, something that is visible but having no substance
鏡花水月 {idiom} [figurative] /jìnghuāshuǐyuè/ :: the subtle and profound beauty of poems that should not be comprehended by words literally
鏡框 {n} /jìng框/ :: picture frame
鏡框 {n} /jìng框/ :: spectacles frame
鏡鸞 {v} [literary, figurative] /jìngluán/ :: to lose one's spouse
鏡面 {n} /jìngmiàn/ :: surface of mirror
鏡面反射 {n} [optics] /jìngmiàn fǎnshè/ :: specular reflection
鏡片 {n} /jìngpiàn/ :: lens
鏡頭 {n} /jìngtóu/ :: camera lens
鏡頭 {n} /jìngtóu/ :: scene; shot; frame
鏡像 {n} /jìngxiàng/ :: mirror image
鏡像 {n} [Internet] /jìngxiàng/ :: mirror
鏡象 {def} SEE: 鏡像 ::
鏡子 {n} /jìngzi/ :: mirror (Classifier: m:面)
鏡子 {n} [Mandarin, colloquial] /jìngzi/ :: glasses; spectacles (Classifier: m:副)
{def} SEE: ::
镜泊湖 {def} SEE: 鏡泊湖 ::
镜花水月 {def} SEE: 鏡花水月 ::
镜框 {def} SEE: 鏡框 ::
镜框子 {def} SEE: 鏡框子 ::
镜鸾 {def} SEE: 鏡鸞 ::
镜面 {def} SEE: 鏡面 ::
镜面反射 {def} SEE: 鏡面反射 ::
镜片 {def} SEE: 鏡片 ::
镜片子 {def} SEE: 鏡片子 ::
镜仁 {def} SEE: 鏡仁 ::
镜肉 {def} SEE: 鏡肉 ::
镜头 {def} SEE: 鏡頭 ::
镜像 {def} SEE: 鏡像 ::
镜象 {def} SEE: 鏡象 ::
镜仔 {def} SEE: 鏡仔 ::
镜子 {def} SEE: 鏡子 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
靓爆镜 {def} SEE: 靚爆鏡 ::
靓号 {def} SEE: 靚號 ::
靓丽 {def} SEE: 靚麗 ::
靓女 {def} SEE: 靚女 ::
靓仔 {def} SEE: 靚仔 ::
{def} /jìng/ :: [obsolete] stable; peaceful; tranquil
{def} /jìng/ :: [obsolete] to pacify; to stabilize
{def} /jìng/ :: [obsolete] to govern; to administer
{def} /jìng/ :: [obsolete] to plan
{def} /jìng/ :: [obsolete] to think of
{def} /jìng/ :: [obsolete] respectful; prudent
{def} /jìng/ :: surname
靖江 {prop} /Jìngjiāng/ :: (~ 市) 靖江 (city)
靖西 {prop} /Jìngxī/ :: (~ 市) 靖西 (county-level city)
靖宇 {prop} /Jìngyǔ/ :: (~ 縣) Jingyu County, Jilin, China
{def} SEE: ::
静电 {def} SEE: 靜電 ::
静冈 {def} SEE: 靜岡 ::
静观其变 {def} SEE: 靜觀其變 ::
静候 {def} SEE: 靜候 ::
静鸡鸡 {def} SEE: 靜雞雞 ::
静寂 {def} SEE: 靜寂 ::
静寂寂 {def} SEE: 靜寂寂 ::
静静 {def} SEE: 靜靜 ::
静力学 {def} SEE: 靜力學 ::
静立 {def} SEE: 靜立 ::
静脉 {def} SEE: 靜脈 ::
静脉丛 {def} SEE: 靜脈叢 ::
静脉曲张 {def} SEE: 靜脈曲張 ::
静脉血栓 {def} SEE: 靜脈血栓 ::
静脉炎 {def} SEE: 靜脈炎 ::
静脉注射 {def} SEE: 靜脈注射 ::
静谧 {def} SEE: 靜謐 ::
静寞 {def} SEE: 靜寞 ::
静漠 {def} SEE: 靜漠 ::
静默 {def} SEE: 靜默 ::
静穆 {def} SEE: 靜穆 ::
静纤毛 {def} SEE: 靜纖毛 ::
静悄悄 {def} SEE: 靜悄悄 ::
静生生 {def} SEE: 靜生生 ::
静姝 {def} SEE: 靜姝 ::
静思 {def} SEE: 靜思 ::
静态 {def} SEE: 靜態 ::
静听 {def} SEE: 靜聽 ::
静物 {def} SEE: 靜物 ::
静物画 {def} SEE: 靜物畫 ::
静息 {def} SEE: 靜息 ::
静息电位 {def} SEE: 靜息電位 ::
静心 {def} SEE: 靜心 ::
静养 {def} SEE: 靜養 ::
静音 {def} SEE: 靜音 ::
静英英 {def} SEE: 靜英英 ::
静止 {def} SEE: 靜止 ::
静注 {def} SEE: 靜注 ::
静坐 {def} SEE: 靜坐 ::
{def} /jìng/ :: [obsolete] to call in a subordinate; to invite
{def} /jìng/ :: [obsolete] to dress up; to get dressed up
{def} /jìng/ :: [obsolete] gentle and refined; fair and quiet
{def} /jìng/ :: [obsolete] bright
{def} /jìng/ :: [obsolete] beautiful; gorgeous; magnificent
{def} /jìng/ :: [obsolete] alternative name for 靜
{def} /jìng/ :: [obsolete] alternative name for 靖
{def} [regional, including, Cantonese, Hakka, Pinghua] /liàng/ :: pretty; beautiful
{def} [Cantonese, dialectal Hakka, Pinghua] /liàng/ :: good; fine
{def} [dialectal Cantonese] /liàng/ :: orderly
靚號 {n} /liànghào/ :: a (QQ, telephone, license, etc) number with a special meaning, such as "88888" (a lucky number)
靚麗 {adj} [especially of a young female] /liànglì/ :: beautiful; pretty
靚女 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /liàngnǚ/ :: beautiful woman or girl; beauty; lovely lady (Classifier: 個位)
靚女 {n} [Cantonese] /liàngnǚ/ :: Informal term of address to an adult woman
靚女 {n} [Cantonese, slang, in restaurants] /liàngnǚ/ :: plain congee
靚女 {def} SEE: 𡃁女 ::
靚女 {adj} [Cantonese, of a girl] /liàngnǚ/ :: pretty; beautiful; good-looking
靚仔 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /liàngzǎi/ :: good-looking boy; handsome man (Classifier: 個)
靚仔 {n} [Cantonese, slang] /liàngzǎi/ :: plain steamed rice (Classifier: 個碗)
靚仔 {n} [Cantonese, slang] /liàngzǎi/ :: good traffic
靚仔 {def} SEE: 𡃁仔 ::
靚仔 {adj} [Cantonese] /liàngzǎi/ :: handsome; good-looking
{def} /jìng/ :: quiet; silent; devoid of noise
{def} /jìng/ :: silent; not making a noise
{def} /jìng/ :: still; motionless
{def} /jìng/ :: gentle
靜電 {n} /jìngdiàn/ :: static electricity
靜岡 {prop} /Jìnggāng/ :: (~ 縣) 靜岡 (prefecture)
靜岡 {prop} /Jìnggāng/ :: (~ 市) 靜岡 (capital city)
靜觀其變 {idiom} /jìngguānqíbiàn/ :: wait and see; see which way the cat jumps; to delay taking action based on the outcome of something else
靜候 {v} /jìnghòu/ :: to quietly await; to quietly wait for
靜寂 {adj} /jìng寂/ :: quiet; tranquil; peaceful
靜靜 {adj} /jìngjìng/ :: quiet
靜靜 {adj} /jìngjìng/ :: calm; tranquil; peaceful
靜力學 {n} [physics] /jìnglìxué/ :: statics
靜立 {v} [literary] /jìnglì/ :: to stand as a mark of respect
靜脈 {n} [anatomy] /jìngmài/ :: vein
靜脈叢 {n} [anatomy] /jìngmàicóng/ :: venous plexus
靜脈曲張 {n} [haematology] /jìngmài qūzhāng/ :: varicose vein
靜脈血栓 {n} [haematology] /jìngmài 血shuān/ :: venous thrombosis
靜脈炎 {n} [medicine] /jìngmàiyán/ :: phlebitis
靜脈注射 {v} [medicine] /jìngmài zhùshè/ :: to inject intravenously
靜謐 {adj} [formal] /jìngmì/ :: quiet; still; tranquil
靜寞 {def} SEE: 靜漠 ::
靜漠 {adj} [literary] /jìngmò/ :: calm and unconcerned; tranquil
靜默 {v} /jìngmò/ :: to become silent
靜默 {v} /jìngmò/ :: to mourn in silence; to observe silence
靜穆 {adj} /jìngmù/ :: solemn and quiet
靜穆 {n} /jìngmù/ :: serenity
靜悄悄 {adj} [ideophonic] /jìng悄悄/ :: very quiet
靜悄悄 {adv} [ideophonic] /jìng悄悄/ :: quietly; stealthily
靜姝 {adj} [literary, of a woman] /jìngshū/ :: gentle and refined
靜思 {v} [literary] /jìngsī/ :: to contemplate; to think calmly
靜態 {n} /jìngtài/ :: static state
靜聽 {v} [literary] /jìngtīng/ :: to quietly listen to; to listen and not say anything
靜物 {n} [chiefly painting] /jìngwù/ :: still object; immobile thing
靜物畫 {n} [painting] /jìngwùhuà,er/ :: still life
靜息 {v} /jìng息/ :: to stop
靜息 {v} /jìng息/ :: to rest
靜息電位 {n} [physiology] /jìng息 diànwèi/ :: action potential
靜纖毛 {n} [anatomy] /jìngxiānmáo/ :: stereocilium
靜心 {v} /jìngxīn/ :: to have peace of mind; to meditate
靜養 {v} /jìngyǎng/ :: to rest and recuperate; to convalesce
靜音 {n} /jìngyīn/ :: mute; silent; quiet
靜音 {n} /jìngyīn/ :: tranquil sound
靜止 {v} /jìngzhǐ/ :: to be static; to be still; to be stationary
靜注 {v} [medicine] /jìngzhù/ :: abbreviation of 靜脈注射
靜坐 {v} /jìngzuò/ :: to sit quietly
靜坐 {v} /jìngzuò/ :: to sit still as a form of therapy
{def} /jiōng/ :: city outskirts; suburbs
{def} /jiōng/ :: alternative form of
{def} /jiōng/ :: alternative form of
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /shǎng/ :: variable unit of land measure
{def} /jiǒng/ :: unlined garment
{def} /jiǒng/ :: bitterly cold
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiǒng/ :: (archaic variant of ) embarrassed
{def} /jiǒng/ :: (archaic variant of ) hard-pressed
{def} /jiǒng/ :: stooped, crooked, hunchbacked
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: 冋‎ ::
{def} /jiǒng/ :: [obsolete] patterned window; a clear and bright window; shining, brightness
{def} [neologism, slang, jocular] /jiǒng/ :: an emoticon expressing surprise, shock, embarrassment, helplessness or awkwardness
囧rz {symbol} :: alternative form of Orz
囧囧 {def} SEE: 炯炯 ::
囧态 {def} SEE: 囧態 ::
囧態 {n} [neologism, slang] /jiǒngtài/ :: state of being shocking and awkward; embarrassment
囧態 {n} /jiǒngtài/ :: synonym of 窘態
{def} [literary] /jiǒng/ :: deep and vast (of water)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [literary] /jiǒng/ :: alternative form of
泂泂 {adj} [literary, of water] /jiǒngjiǒng/ :: clean and deep; deep and vast
{def} /jiǒng/ :: clear
{def} /jiǒng/ :: bright; brilliant
{def} /jiǒng/ :: clear; obvious
{def} [literary] /jiǒng/ :: flame; blaze
炯炯 {adj} [ideophonic, of eyes, etc.] /jiǒngjiǒng/ :: bright; sparkling
炯炯 {adj} [literary, ideophonic] /jiǒngjiǒng/ :: having eyes wide open; laden with anxiety and unable to sleep
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [literary] /jiǒng/ :: sunlight; sunshine
{def} [literary] /jiǒng/ :: flame; blaze
熲熲 {adj} [literary] /jiǒngjiǒng/ :: bright
熲熲 {adj} [literary, rare] /jiǒngjiǒng/ :: disturbing
{def} /xiǎo,jiǎo/ :: [obsolete] bright
{def} /pò/ :: [obsolete] to beat
{def} /jiǒng,jǔn,1nb/ :: embarrassed
{def} /jiǒng,jǔn,1nb/ :: hard-pressed
窘促 {adj} [literary] /jiǒngcù/ :: in a predicament; poverty-stricken
窘促 {adj} [literary] /jiǒngcù/ :: urgent; pressing
窘急 {adj} /jiǒngjí/ :: hard-pressed and desperate; in a difficult and urgent situation
窘急 {adj} /jiǒngjí/ :: embarrassed and worried
窘境 {n} /jiǒngjìng/ :: awkward situation; predicament
窘况 {def} SEE: 窘況 ::
窘況 {n} /jiǒngkuàng/ :: an embarrassing situation
窘困 {adj} /jiǒngkùn/ :: poverty-stricken; impoverished
窘困 {adj} /jiǒngkùn/ :: embarrassed; feeling awkward
窘迫 {adj} /jiǒngpò/ :: poverty-stricken; poor; impoverished
窘迫 {adj} /jiǒngpò/ :: embarrassed; sheepish
窘迫 {n} /jiǒngpò/ :: difficulty; distress
窘态 {def} SEE: 窘態 ::
窘態 {n} /jiǒngtài/ :: embarrassed look
{def} /jiǒng/ :: unlined light overcoat
{def} /jiǒng/ :: distant; far
{def} /jiǒng/ :: drastically different; far different
{def} [literary] /jiǒng/ :: remote place
{def} [literary] /jiǒng/ :: tall
{def} [literary] /jiǒng/ :: totally; completely
迥然 {adj} [ideophonic] /jiǒngrán/ :: widely different; poles apart
迥然不同 {idiom} /jiǒngrán不tóng/ :: to be completely different
迥异 {def} SEE: 迥異 ::
迥異 {adj} /jiǒngyì/ :: completely different
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
颎颎 {def} SEE: 熲熲 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiū/ :: [obsolete] to gather
{def} /jiū/ :: wailing of a child
{def} /jiū/ :: chirp
啾啾 {n} [onomatopoeia] /jiūjiū/ :: chirping
啾啾 {n} [onomatopoeia] /jiūjiū/ :: instrument sounds
啾啾 {n} [onomatopoeia] /jiūjiū/ :: any shrilling sound
{def} /jiū/ :: to grasp with one's hand; to pinch
揪甘心 {adj} /jiūgānxīn/ :: touched (by an act of kindness); touching
揪心 {adj} /jiūxīn/ :: anxious; worried; heartrending; agonizing
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiū/ :: vigorous bull
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /lè/ :: name of an ancient state
{def} /究/ :: to reach the end or limit; to exhaust
{def} /究/ :: to study intensively; to research
{def} /究/ :: to investigate; to scrutinise
{def} /究/ :: after all; actually; in fact
究竟 {v} [literary] /究jìng/ :: to go to the bottom of (a matter); to probe to the bottom
究竟 {v} [literary] /究jìng/ :: to finish; to be completed
究竟 {v} [literary] /究jìng/ :: to look into; to ascertain; to inquire into
究竟 {n} /究jìng/ :: result; outcome; ending; the whole story
究竟 {n} [Buddhism] /究jìng/ :: nishtha; ultimate end; culmination
究竟 {adv} /究jìng/ :: after all; in the end; all in all
究竟 {adv} /究jìng/ :: actually; exactly; are or are not
究明 {v} [literary] /究míng/ :: to prove through investigation; to find out; to ascertain
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiū/ :: to investigate; to inspect; to correct
糾察 {v} /jiūchá/ :: to picket
糾察 {n} /jiūchá/ :: picket
糾纏 {v} /jiūchán/ :: to be in a tangle; to get entangled
糾纏 {v} /jiūchán/ :: to nag; to pester; to bother
糾錯 {v} /jiūcuò,er/ :: to fix a mistake; to correct an error
糾紛 {n} /jiūfēn/ :: dispute; conflict
糾紛 {adj} [literary] /jiūfēn/ :: jumbled up; in a state of disarray; disorderly
糾紛 {v} [literary] /jiūfēn/ :: to be in a tangle; to get entangled
糾紛 {v} [literary] /jiūfēn/ :: to nag; to pester; to bother
糾風 {v} /jiūfēng/ :: to correct a negative trend
糾葛 {n} /jiūgé/ :: entanglement; dispute
糾合 {v} [literary] /jiūhé/ :: to gather together
糾集 {v} [derogatory] /jiūjí/ :: to get together; to muster
糾結 {v} /jiūjié/ :: to tangle together; to be in a knot; to be entangled with
糾結 {v} /jiūjié/ :: to be in a dilemma; to be confused as to what to do; to be in a struggle
糾結 {adj} /jiūjié/ :: confused; conflicted; at a loss
糾糾 {def} SEE: 赳赳 ::
糾偏 {v} /jiūpiān/ :: to rectify a deviation; to correct an error
糾正 {v} /jiūzhèng/ :: to correct; to make right
糾正液 {n} /jiūzhèng液/ :: correction fluid; whiteout
{def} SEE: ::
纠察 {def} SEE: 糾察 ::
纠缠 {def} SEE: 糾纏 ::
纠错 {def} SEE: 糾錯 ::
纠纷 {def} SEE: 糾紛 ::
纠风 {def} SEE: 糾風 ::
纠葛 {def} SEE: 糾葛 ::
纠合 {def} SEE: 糾合 ::
纠集 {def} SEE: 糾集 ::
纠结 {def} SEE: 糾結 ::
纠纠 {def} SEE: 糾糾 ::
纠偏 {def} SEE: 糾偏 ::
纠正 {def} SEE: 糾正 ::
纠正液 {def} SEE: 糾正液 ::
{def} /jiū/ :: used in 赳赳
{def} /jiū/ :: [obsolete] strong (of wind)
{def} /jiù/ :: [obsolete] only used in 赳螑
赳赳 {adj} [literary] /jiūjiū/ :: strong and valiant
赳赳武夫 {idiom} /jiūjiūwǔfū/ :: having the qualities of a strong and valiant warrior
赳然 {adj} [obsolete, rare] /jiūrán/ :: strong (of wind)
赳螑 {adj} [literary, of a dragon] /jiùxiù/ :: stretching one's neck and moving in a wavelike manner
{def} /jiāo/ :: only used in 轇轕
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiū/ :: bun (of hair); chignon
{def} /jiū/ :: lots (to be drawn)
{def} /jiū/ :: pigeon; dove (family Columbidae)
{def} [literary] /jiū/ :: to gather; to assemble
{def} [Cantonese, vulgar] /jiū/ :: alternative form of
鳩合 {def} SEE: 糾合 ::
鳩集 {def} SEE: 糾集 ::
鳩摩羅什 {prop} /Jiūmóluóshí/ :: Kumārajīva
鳩山 {prop} /Jiūshān/ :: (~ 町) 鳩山 (town)
鳩噏 {def} SEE: 㞗噏 ::
鳩拙 {adj} [literary] /jiūzhuó/ :: stupid; dull-witted
{def} SEE: ::
鸠合 {def} SEE: 鳩合 ::
鸠集 {def} SEE: 鳩集 ::
鸠毛 {def} SEE: 鳩毛 ::
鸠摩罗什 {def} SEE: 鳩摩羅什 ::
鸠山 {def} SEE: 鳩山 ::
鸠呜 {def} SEE: 鳩嗚 ::
鸠噏 {def} SEE: 鳩噏 ::
鸠拙 {def} SEE: 鳩拙 ::
{def} [of time] /jiǔ/ :: long
{def} /jiǔ/ :: surname
久安長治 {idiom} /jiǔ'ānchángzhì/ :: synonym of 長治久安
久安长治 {def} SEE: 久安長治 ::
久病 {n} /jiǔbìng/ :: long illness
久長 {adj} [literary or Hakka, Min Nan, ;, of time] /jiǔcháng/ :: long
久长 {def} SEE: 久長 ::
久长病 {def} SEE: 久長病 ::
久持 {v} [literary] /jiǔchí/ :: to hold out for a long time
久慈 {prop} /Jiǔcí/ :: (~ 市) 久慈 (city)
久待 {v} [literary] /jiǔdài/ :: to gather for a long period of time
久等 {v} [usually, honorific] /jiǔděng/ :: to wait for a long time
久而久之 {idiom} /jiǔ'érjiǔzhī/ :: in the course of time; over a long period of time
久合垸 {prop} /Jiǔhéyuàn/ :: (~ 鄉) 久合垸 (township)
久假不归 {def} SEE: 久假不歸 ::
久假不歸 {idiom} /jiǔjiǎ不guī/ :: to borrow something and not return it for a long time
久见 {def} SEE: 久見 ::
久久 {adv} /jiǔjiǔ/ :: for a long time; for ages
久居 {v} [literary] /jiǔjū/ :: to take up permanent residence
久闊 {v} /jiǔkuò/ :: to be long separated
久闊 {n} /jiǔkuò/ :: a long period of separation
久阔 {def} SEE: 久闊 ::
久立 {v} [literary] /jiǔlì/ :: to stand for long periods of time
久立 {v} [literary] /jiǔlì/ :: to exist for a long time
久恋 {def} SEE: 久戀 ::
久戀 {v} [archaic] /jiǔliàn/ :: to dwell in one place for a long time; to linger
久留 {v} [formal] /jiǔliú/ :: to stay for long
久留米 {prop} /Jiǔliúmǐ/ :: (~ 市) 久留米 (city)
久违 {def} SEE: 久違 ::
久違 {v} [polite] /jiǔwéi/ :: to have not met for a long time; to have not done something for a while
久喜 {prop} /Jiǔxǐ/ :: (~ 市) 久喜 (city)
久仰 {v} [polite] /jiǔyǎng/ :: to have admired for a long time
久仰大名 {idiom} /jiǔyǎngdàmíng/ :: I have been looking forward to meeting you for a long time
久要 {n} /jiǔyāo/ :: an old promise; an old engagement
久已 {adv} /jiǔyǐ/ :: for a long time; a long time ago; long ago; long since
久远 {def} SEE: 久遠 ::
久遠 {adj} /jiǔyuǎn/ :: a long time ago; far back
久之 {adv} /jiǔzhī/ :: for a long time
久坐 {adj} /jiǔzuò/ :: sedentary
久坐 {v} /jiǔzuò/ :: to sit for a long time
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiǔ/ :: nine
{def} [figurative] /jiǔ/ :: many
{def} [weather] /jiǔ/ :: each of the nine nine-day periods from the winter solstice
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [Cantonese, euphemism] /jiǔ/ :: synonym of 㞗
九层塔 {def} SEE: 九層塔 ::
九層塔 {n} /jiǔcéngtǎ/ :: basil
九道 {prop} /Jiǔdào/ :: (~ 鄉) 九道 (township)
九道河 {prop} /Jiǔdàohé/ :: (~ 村) 九道河 (village)
九点 {def} SEE: 九點 ::
九點 {n} /jiǔdiǎn/ :: nine o'clock
九鼎 {prop} [classical] /jiǔdǐng/ :: Nine Tripod Cauldrons
九鼎 {n} [figuratively, literary, of words, reputation, etc.] /jiǔdǐng/ :: great weight
九鼎 {n} [figuratively, literary] /jiǔdǐng/ :: state power
九渡河 {prop} /Jiǔdùhé/ :: (~ 村) 九渡河 (town)
九段沙 {prop} /Jiǔduànshā/ :: Jiuduansha, a collection of shoals in the Yangtze River estuary off Shanghai
九段沙 {prop} /Jiǔduànshā/ :: Short for the Jiuduansha Wetland Nature Reserve, the national protected area consisting of the Jiuduansha shoals and nearby shallows
九分散 {n} /jiǔfēn sàn/ :: A yellowish-brown powder used in traditional Chinese medicine "to activate blood circulation, remove stasis, promote the subsidence of swelling and relieve pain in the treatment of traumatic injuries with blood stasis, swelling and pain"
九宫格 {def} SEE: 九宮格 ::
九宮格 {n} /jiǔgōnggé,er/ :: a kind of paper with square grids split into nine smaller squares in a three-by-three arrangement for practising Chinese calligraphy
九宮格 {n} [figuratively] /jiǔgōnggé,er/ :: a 3×3 grid
九官鳥 {n} /jiǔguānniǎo/ :: hill myna (Gracula religiosa)
九官鸟 {def} SEE: 九官鳥 ::
九归 {def} SEE: 九歸 ::
九歸 {n} /jiǔguī/ :: rules for doing division with a one-digit divisor on the abacus
九合 {def} SEE: 糾合 ::
九河 {n} [historical] /jiǔhé/ :: the nine tributaries (or the many tributaries in the lower reaches) of the Yellow River during the rule of Yu the Great
九河 {n} [literary, by extension] /jiǔhé/ :: the Yellow River
九河 {n} [literary] /jiǔhé/ :: the Milky Way
九湖 {prop} /Jiǔhú/ :: (~ 鎮) 九湖 (town)
九湖 {prop} /Jiǔhú/ :: (~ 村) 九湖 (village)
九华山 {def} SEE: 九華山 ::
九华帐 {def} SEE: 九華帳 ::
九華山 {prop} /Jiǔhuá Shān/ :: Mount Jiuhua
九華帳 {n} [archaic] /jiǔhuázhàng/ :: multi-colored tent
九級 {adj} [attributive] /jiǔjí/ :: ninth-degree; level-nine; ninth-class
九级 {def} SEE: 九級 ::
九集 {prop} /Jiǔjí/ :: (~ 鎮) 九集 (town)
九間房 {prop} /Jiǔjiānfáng/ :: (~ 鎮) 九間房 (town)
九間房 {prop} /Jiǔjiānfáng/ :: 九間房 (commune)
九间房 {def} SEE: 九間房 ::
九江 {prop} /Jiǔjiāng/ :: (~ 市) 九江 (prefecture-level city)
九江 {prop} /Jiǔjiāng/ :: Jiujiang County (a county under the jurisdiction of Jiujiang city)
九江 {prop} [archaic] /Jiǔjiāng/ :: Jiujiang Commandery (in present day Shou County)
九九 {n} /jiǔjiǔ/ :: multiplication table; nine-nine
九九 {n} /jiǔjiǔ/ :: eighty-one; nine nines
九九 {n} [literary] /jiǔjiǔ/ :: nine nine-day periods (eighty-one days) starting from a solstice (usually the winter solstice)
九九 {n} [literary] /jiǔjiǔ/ :: last of the nine nine-day periods; ninth nine-day period
九九 {n} /jiǔjiǔ/ :: alternative name for 重陽節
九九表 {n} /jiǔjiǔbiǎo/ :: multiplication table
九九歌 {n} /jiǔjiǔgē/ :: synonym of 小九九
九九六 {n} /jiǔjiǔliù/ :: (~ 工作制) 9-to-9 workday and six-day workweek
九孔 {n} /jiǔkǒng/ :: Haliotis diversicolor, a kind of abalone
九里 {prop} /Jiǔlǐ/ :: (~ 市) 九里 (city)
九里 {prop} /Jiǔlǐ/ :: (~ 鄉) 九里 (township)
九里 {prop} /Jiǔlǐ/ :: (~ 村) 九里 (village)
九连环 {def} SEE: 九連環 ::
九連環 {n} /jiǔliánhuán/ :: baguenaudier
九流 {n} [historical, philosophy] /jiǔliú/ :: the Nine Schools of Pre-Qin Philosophy (namely, Confucianism, Daoism, School of Naturalists, Legalism, School of Names, Mohism, School of Diplomacy, School of Miscellany and Agriculturalism)
九流 {n} [archaic] /jiǔliú/ :: myriad tributaries
九龍 {n} [Chinese mythology] /jiǔlóng,Jiǔlóng/ :: nine dragons that were able to control water resources to prevent flooding
九龍 {n} [Chinese mythology] /jiǔlóng,Jiǔlóng/ :: beast ridden by immortals
九龍 {n} [literary, figurative, laudatory] /jiǔlóng,Jiǔlóng/ :: nine men from the same school or family
九龍 {prop} /jiǔlóng,Jiǔlóng/ :: 九龍 (urban area)
九龍 {prop} /jiǔlóng,Jiǔlóng/ :: (~ 江) 九龍 (river)
九龍 {prop} /jiǔlóng,Jiǔlóng/ :: (~ 縣) 九龍 (county)
九龍半島 {prop} /Jiǔlóng Bàndǎo/ :: Kowloon Peninsula
九龍城 {prop} /Jiǔlóngchéng/ :: 九龍城 (area)
九龍城 {prop} /Jiǔlóngchéng/ :: (~ 區) 九龍城 (district)
九龍城寨 {prop} /Jiǔlóngchéngzhài/ :: Kowloon Walled City
九龍江 {prop} /Jiǔlóng Jiāng/ :: 九龍江 (river)
九龍江 {prop} /Jiǔlóng Jiāng/ :: Mekong River in its lower reaches
九龍山 {prop} /Jiǔlóngshān/ :: (~ 鎮) 九龍山 (town)
九龍塘 {prop} /Jiǔlóngtáng/ :: 九龍塘 (area)
九龍灣 {prop} /Jiǔlóngwān/ :: 九龍灣 (place)
九龍寨城 {prop} /Jiǔlóngzhàichéng/ :: Kowloon Walled City
九龙 {def} SEE: 九龍 ::
九龙半岛 {def} SEE: 九龍半島 ::
九龙城 {def} SEE: 九龍城 ::
九龙城寨 {def} SEE: 九龍城寨 ::
九龙江 {def} SEE: 九龍江 ::
九龙山 {def} SEE: 九龍山 ::
九龙塘 {def} SEE: 九龍塘 ::
九龙湾 {def} SEE: 九龍灣 ::
九龙寨城 {def} SEE: 九龍寨城 ::
九牛二虎之力 {idiom} [figurative] /jiǔ niú èr hǔ zhī lì/ :: tremendous strength
九牛一毛 {idiom} /jiǔniú一máo,er/ :: a drop in the ocean
九品 {n} /jiǔpǐn/ :: nine-grade official ranking system in dynastic China
九品 {n} /jiǔpǐn/ :: official of the ninth grade (the lowest rank)
九品中正 {n} [historical] /jiǔpǐn zhōngzhèng/ :: nine-rank system (system used to categorize and classify government officials in Imperial China)
九卿 {prop} [historical] /Jiǔqīng/ :: Nine Ministers (collective name for nine high officials during various dynasties of China)
九曲十八弯 {def} SEE: 九曲十八彎 ::
九曲十八彎 {idiom} /jiǔqūshíbāwān/ :: very winding
九曲十八彎 {idiom} /jiǔqūshíbāwān/ :: much difficulty
九泉 {n} [formal] /jiǔquán/ :: grave; the nether word; the Nine Springs
九日 {n} /jiǔrì/ :: See: zh nine days; ninth day
九日 {n} [Chinese mythology] /jiǔrì/ :: nine suns (shot by Hou Yi)
九日 {n} /jiǔrì/ :: alternative form of 重陽節
九如 {prop} /Jiǔrú/ :: (~ 鄉) 九如 (rural township)
九如 {prop} /Jiǔrú/ :: (~ 里) 九如 (urban village)
九三 {prop} /Jiǔ-Sān/ :: (~ 學社) September 3 Society
九省通衢 {prop} /Jiǔshěng Tōngqú/ :: a nickname for Wuhan
九十 {num} /jiǔshí/ :: ninety; 90
九十八 {num} /jiǔshíbā/ :: ninety-eight; 98
九十二 {num} /jiǔshí'èr/ :: ninety-two; 92
九十九 {num} /jiǔshíjiǔ/ :: ninety-nine; 99
九十六 {num} /jiǔshíliù/ :: ninety-six; 96
九十七 {num} /jiǔshíqī/ :: ninety-seven; 97
九十三 {num} /jiǔshísān/ :: ninety-three; 93
九十四 {num} /jiǔshísì/ :: ninety-four; 94
九十五 {num} /jiǔshíwǔ/ :: ninety-five; 95
九十一 {num} /jiǔshí一/ :: ninety-one; 91
九世之仇 {idiom} /jiǔshìzhīchóu/ :: irreconcilable resentments (from generations of hatred since the remote past)
九死一生 {idiom} /jiǔsǐ一shēng/ :: narrow escape from death
九寺 {prop} [historical] /Jiǔsì/ :: Nine Courts
九臺 {prop} /Jiǔtái/ :: (~ 區) 九臺 (district)
九台 {def} SEE: 九臺 ::
九錫 {n} [historical] /jiǔ錫,jiǔcì/ :: nine bestowments (awards given by an emperor to his vassals)
九天 {prop} [literary] /Jiǔtiān/ :: the Ninth Heaven (the highest of heavens)
九鐵 {prop} [Hong Kong, historical] /Jiǔtiě/ :: Kowloon-Canton Railway; KCR
九铁 {def} SEE: 九鐵 ::
九头驸马 {def} SEE: 九頭駙馬 ::
九頭駙馬 {prop} /Jiǔtóu Fùmǎ/ :: A demon in the Classical Chinese novel Journey to the West
九畹遺容 {prop} /Jiǔ Wǎn Yíróng/ :: Lingering Beauty of Nine Acres, a manual for painting orchids, written by Zhou Lüjing (周履靖) in the late Ming Dynasty
九畹溪 {prop} /Jiǔwǎnxī/ :: (~ 鎮) 九畹溪 (town)
九畹遗容 {def} SEE: 九畹遺容 ::
九尾狐 {n} [Chinese mythology] /jiǔwěihú/ :: nine-tailed fox
九乌 {def} SEE: 九烏 ::
九烏 {n} [literary, figuratively] /jiǔwū/ :: nine suns
九五 {n} [archaic] /jiǔwǔ/ :: the emperor
九锡 {def} SEE: 九錫 ::
九霄云外 {def} SEE: 九霄雲外 ::
九霄雲外 {idiom} /jiǔxiāoyúnwài/ :: a high and faraway place
九一八 {prop} /Jiǔ-Yībā/ :: (~ 事變) Mukden Incident
九一八事变 {def} SEE: 九一八事變 ::
九一八事變 {prop} /Jiǔ-Yībā Shìbiàn/ :: Mukden Incident
九一散 {n} /jiǔyīsǎn/ :: A pale orange or pale pink fine powder used externally in traditional Chinese medicine "to drain pus, eradicate toxicity, eliminate dead tissue and promote the growth of new tissue in the treatment of festering sore or abscess with inadequate drainage or initial granulation"
九一一 {prop} /Jiǔ-yāo-yāo,Jiǔ-yī-yī/ :: abbreviation of 九一一事件
九一一事件 {prop} /Jiǔ-yāo-yāo Shìjiàn,Jiǔ-yī-yī Shìjiàn/ :: September 11 attacks; 9/11
九嶷山 {prop} /Jiǔyíshān/ :: (~ 瑤族鄉) 九嶷山 (Yao ethnic township)
九因歌 {n} /jiǔyīngē/ :: multiplication rhymes
九月 {n} /jiǔyuè/ :: September
九月 {n} /jiǔyuè/ :: The modern name for the ninth month of the Chinese lunar calendar
九月份 {prop} /Jiǔyuèfèn,tl/ :: synonym of 九月
九月重阳 {def} SEE: 九月重陽 ::
九寨沟 {def} SEE: 九寨溝 ::
九寨溝 {prop} /Jiǔzhàigōu/ :: Jiuzhaigou (a nature reserve and national park in Sichuan)
九寨溝 {prop} /Jiǔzhàigōu/ :: (~ 縣) Jiuzhaigou County, Sichuan
九重 {n} [archaic, Chinese mythology] /jiǔchóng/ :: the ninth and highest layer of heaven
九重 {n} [archaic] /jiǔchóng/ :: a cloistered life of seclusion within the palace walls
九重城闕 {n} [archaic] /jiǔchóng chéngquè/ :: the cloistered halls of the imperial residence
九重城阙 {def} SEE: 九重城闕 ::
九州 {prop} [historical] /Jiǔzhōu/ :: the Nine Provinces of ancient China; China
九州 {prop} /Jiǔzhōu/ :: Kyushu (the third largest island of Japan)
九族 {n} [literary] /jiǔzú/ :: nine generations of one's family (including oneself, the four generations preceding and the four generations following)
{def} /jiǔ/ :: ancient woman's personal name
{def} /jiǔ/ :: a widow who preserves her chastity after the death of her husband
{def} /jiǔ/ :: black gemstone that is poorer than jade
{def} /jiǔ/ :: alternative form of (used normally in official documents or checks to avoid forgery)
{def} /jiǔ/ :: alcoholic beverages in general; alcoholic drink
{def} /jiǔ/ :: surname
酒吧 {n} /jiǔbā/ :: bar; pub
酒保 {n} [dated] /jiǔbǎo/ :: bartender; barkeep
酒保 {n} [archaic] /jiǔbǎo/ :: seller of alcoholic beverages
酒杯 {n} /jiǔbēi/ :: alcohol drinkware
酒餅 {n} [regional] /jiǔbǐng/ :: distiller's yeast; brewer's yeast
酒饼 {def} SEE: 酒餅 ::
酒菜 {n} /jiǔcài/ :: food and drink
酒菜 {n} /jiǔcài/ :: food to go with alcoholic drink
酒测 {def} SEE: 酒測 ::
酒測 {n} /jiǔcè/ :: breathalyser test; alcohol test (as done by the police)
酒厂 {def} SEE: 酒廠 ::
酒廠 {n} /jiǔchǎng/ :: brewery; winery; distillery
酒池肉林 {idiom} /jiǔchíròulín/ :: debauched activities; excessive extravagance
酒筹 {def} SEE: 酒籌 ::
酒籌 {n} /jiǔchóu/ :: chip used during a drinking game
酒刺 {n} /jiǔcì/ :: acne
酒德 {n} /jiǔdé/ :: good manners in drinking
酒德 {n} /jiǔdé/ :: daze after drinking
酒德 {n} /jiǔdé/ :: no daze after drinking
酒颠 {def} SEE: 酒顛 ::
酒店 {n} /jiǔdiàn/ :: hotel; inn (Classifier: m:家c:間)
酒店 {n} /jiǔdiàn/ :: tavern (Classifier: m:家)
酒店 {n} /jiǔdiàn/ :: liquor store (Classifier: m:家)
酒店业 {def} SEE: 酒店業 ::
酒店業 {n} /jiǔdiànyè/ :: the hotel industry
酒饭 {def} SEE: 酒飯 ::
酒疯 {def} SEE: 酒瘋 ::
酒瘋 {n} /jiǔfēng,er/ :: silly behaviour of a person when drunk; drunken fit
酒缸 {n} /jiǔgāng/ :: large pottery container for alcohol
酒缸 {n} [Beijing, historical] /jiǔgāng/ :: a kind of alcohol shop which is also a drinking house
酒館 {n} /jiǔguǎn/ :: tavern; bar
酒馆 {def} SEE: 酒館 ::
酒鬼 {n} /jiǔguǐ/ :: drunkard; alcoholic
酒過數巡 {idiom} /jiǔguòshùxún/ :: after a few rounds of drinks
酒过数巡 {def} SEE: 酒過數巡 ::
酒酣 {adj} [literary] /jiǔhān/ :: slightly tipsy (from wine)
酒行 {n} /jiǔháng/ :: liquor store; bottle shop
酒后吐真言 {def} SEE: 酒後吐真言 ::
酒後吐真言 {idiom} [literal] /jiǔ hòu tǔ zhēnyán/ :: in wine, there is truth
酒話 {n} /jiǔhuà/ :: words said while drunk; drunken rambling
酒话 {def} SEE: 酒話 ::
酒会 {def} SEE: 酒會 ::
酒會 {n} /jiǔhuì/ :: cocktail party
酒家 {n} /jiǔjiā/ :: restaurant
酒家 {n} /jiǔjiā/ :: wine shop
酒架 {n} /jiǔjià/ :: wine rack
酒架 {n} /jiǔjià/ :: liquor rack
酒駕 {v} [legal, automotive] /jiǔjià/ :: to drink and drive; to engage in drink-driving
酒驾 {def} SEE: 酒駕 ::
酒窖 {n} /jiǔjiào/ :: wine cellar (Classifier: m:座)
酒禁 {n} /jiǔjìn/ :: alcohol ban; law or regulation on alcohol prohibition
酒精 {n} [common] /jiǔjīng/ :: alcohol; ethanol
酒精 {adj} [attributive] /jiǔjīng/ :: alcoholic (containing alcohol)
酒精灯 {def} SEE: 酒精燈 ::
酒精燈 {n} /jiǔjīngdēng/ :: alcohol burner
酒精肝 {n} [hepatology] /jiǔjīnggān/ :: alcoholic liver; alcohol liver disease
酒精中毒 {n} /jiǔjīng zhòngdú/ :: alcohol poisoning
酒局 {n} /jiǔjú/ :: drinking party; drinking gathering
酒开 {def} SEE: 酒開 ::
酒开仔 {def} SEE: 酒開仔 ::
酒客 {n} /jiǔkè/ :: drunk; drunkard
酒坑 {n} [regional] /jiǔkēng,er/ :: dimple (skin depression on the cheek)
酒坑儿 {def} SEE: 酒坑兒 ::
酒坑兒 {n} /jiǔkēngr/ :: erhua form of dimple
酒狂 {n} [literary or Min Nan] /jiǔkuáng/ :: silly behaviour of a person when drunk; drunken fit
酒狂 {n} [literary] /jiǔkuáng/ :: someone who has silly behaviour due to drunkenness
酒类 {def} SEE: 酒類 ::
酒類 {n} /jiǔlèi/ :: alcoholic drinks; liquor
酒力 {n} /jiǔlì/ :: effect of alcohol
酒帘 {def} SEE: 酒簾 ::
酒簾 {n} [literary] /jiǔlián/ :: shop sign for a liquor-selling establishment
酒量 {n} /jiǔliàng/ :: ability to hold one's liquor
酒令 {n} /jiǔlìng,er/ :: drinker's wager game; drinking game
酒楼 {def} SEE: 酒樓 ::
酒樓 {n} /jiǔlóu/ :: restaurant
酒樓 {n} /jiǔlóu/ :: liquor store; bottle shop
酒樓 {n} /jiǔlóu/ :: bar; pub
酒樓 {n} /jiǔlóu/ :: hotel
酒母 {n} /jiǔmǔ/ :: distiller's yeast; brewer's yeast; yeast for making alcoholic beverages
酒母 {n} [Teochew] /jiǔmǔ/ :: leavening agent; raising agent
酒母 {n} [literary] /jiǔmǔ/ :: woman who sells alcohol
酒酿 {def} SEE: 酒釀 ::
酒釀 {n} /jiǔniàng/ :: jiuniang
酒瓯 {def} SEE: 酒甌 ::
酒瓶 {n} /jiǔpíng/ :: bottle for any kind of alcoholic beverage
酒瓶 {n} [Xiamen, Zhangzhou] /jiǔpíng/ :: olive flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus)
酒鋪 {n} /jiǔpù/ :: liquor store; bottle shop
酒铺 {def} SEE: 酒鋪 ::
酒舖 {def} SEE: 酒鋪 ::
酒旗 {n} [literary] /jiǔqí/ :: shop sign for a liquor-selling establishment
酒旗 {prop} /jiǔqí/ :: name of a constellation
酒器 {n} /jiǔqì/ :: drinking vessel; wine cup
酒錢 {n} /jiǔqián/ :: tip; gratuity
酒錢 {n} /jiǔqián/ :: money for liquor; drinking expenses; beer money
酒钱 {def} SEE: 酒錢 ::
酒麯 {def} SEE: 酒麴 ::
酒麴 {n} /jiǔ麴/ :: distiller's yeast; brewer's yeast; yeast for making alcoholic beverages
酒曲 {def} SEE: 酒麴 ::
酒泉 {prop} /Jiǔquán/ :: (~ 市) 酒泉 (prefecture-level city)
酒肉朋友 {n} /jiǔròu péngyou,jiǔròu péngyǒu,1nb/ :: fair-weather friend (one who is friendly only to his own advantage)
酒色 {n} /jiǔsè/ :: liquor and women; sensual pleasures
酒色財氣 {idiom} /jiǔsècáiqì/ :: wine, sex, avarice and temper; the four cardinal vices
酒色财气 {def} SEE: 酒色財氣 ::
酒神 {n} [figurative] /jiǔshén/ :: bibulous person; winebibber; good drinker
酒神 {prop} [Greek mythology] /jiǔshén/ :: Bacchus; Dionysus
酒石 {n} /jiǔshí/ :: tartar
酒石酸 {n} [carboxylic acid, biochemistry] /jiǔshísuān/ :: tartaric acid
酒石酸鉀鈉 {n} [organic compound] /jiǔshísuānjiǎnà/ :: potassium sodium tartrate
酒石酸钾钠 {def} SEE: 酒石酸鉀鈉 ::
酒食 {n} [literary] /jiǔshí/ :: wine and food
酒水 {n} /jiǔshuǐ/ :: beverage; drink
酒田 {prop} /Jiǔtián/ :: (~ 市) 酒田 (city)
酒桶 {n} /jiǔtǒng/ :: alcohol barrel
酒徒 {n} /jiǔtú/ :: drunkard; alcoholic
酒托 {n} [neologism, slang] /jiǔtuō,er/ :: person (usually a female) hired by expensive bars to lure customers to the business to purchase drinks
酒望 {n} [literary] /jiǔwàng/ :: shop sign for a liquor-selling establishment
酒瓮 {def} SEE: 酒甕 ::
酒窝 {def} SEE: 酒窩 ::
酒窝儿 {def} SEE: 酒窩兒 ::
酒窩 {n} /jiǔwō,er/ :: dimple (skin depression on the cheek)
酒窩兒 {n} /jiǔwōr/ :: erhua form of dimple
酒席 {n} /jiǔxí/ :: feast; banquet
酒仙 {n} [figurative] /jiǔxiān/ :: one who loves drinking alcohol
酒献 {def} SEE: 酒獻 ::
酒星 {prop} [Chinese astronomy] /Jiǔxīng/ :: alternative name for 酒旗
酒星 {n} [literary, figurative] /Jiǔxīng/ :: someone who is good at drinking alcohol
酒筵 {n} [archaic] /jiǔyán/ :: a feast; a banquet
酒宴 {n} /jiǔyàn/ :: feast; banquet
酒肴 {def} SEE: 酒餚 ::
酒餚 {n} /jiǔyáo/ :: liquor and vegetable and meat dishes
酒靥 {def} SEE: 酒靨 ::
酒靨 {n} [formal or Hakka, Huizhou, Wu] /jiǔyè/ :: dimple (skin depression on the cheek)
酒意 {n} /jiǔyì/ :: tipsy feeling
酒瘾 {def} SEE: 酒癮 ::
酒癮 {n} /jiǔyǐn/ :: alcohol dependence; urge to drink alcohol
酒糟 {n} /jiǔzāo,er/ :: distillers' grain
酒糟鼻 {n} [dermatology] /jiǔzāobí/ :: rosacea
酒渣鼻 {n} [dermatology] /jiǔzhābí/ :: rosacea
酒盏 {def} SEE: 酒盞 ::
酒盞 {n} [literary or Min Nan] /jiǔzhǎn/ :: small wine cup
酒庄 {def} SEE: 酒莊 ::
酒莊 {n} /jiǔzhuāng/ :: winery
酒壮怂人胆 {def} SEE: 酒壯慫人膽 ::
酒壯慫人膽 {proverb} /jiǔ zhuàng sóng rén dǎn,er/ :: Alcohol emboldens a timid person
酒醉 {n} /jiǔzuì/ :: drunkenness; inebriation
酒醉 {v} /jiǔzuì/ :: to become drunk
酒醉 {adj} /jiǔzuì/ :: drunk
酒樽 {n} [literary, historical] /jiǔzūn/ :: wine container; goblet
酒樽 {n} [Cantonese, Teochew] /jiǔzūn/ :: bottle for any kind of alcoholic beverage
酒坐 {n} /jiǔzuò/ :: banquet; feast
{def} /jiǔ/ :: garlic chives; Chinese chives; Chinese leek (Allium tuberosum)
韭菜 {n} /jiǔcài/ :: garlic chives; Chinese chives (Allium tuberosum)
韭菜 {n} [mainland China, neologism, figurative, internet slang] /jiǔcài/ :: someone who can be repeatedly deceived and exploited, especially by the government or the stock market; dupe; shitizen
韭菜盒 {n} /jiǔcàihé/ :: garlic chives wrap (a type of food)
韭菜盒子 {n} /jiǔcài hézi/ :: garlic chives wrap (a type of food)
韭菜花 {n} /jiǔcàihuā,er/ :: flowering garlic chives; garlic chive flowers (Allium tuberosum)
韭葱 {def} SEE: 韭蔥 ::
韭蔥 {n} /jiǔcōng/ :: leek
{def} SEE: ::
韮菜 {def} SEE: 韭菜 ::
韮菜盒 {def} SEE: 韭菜盒 ::
韮菜盒子 {def} SEE: 韭菜盒子 ::
韮菜花 {def} SEE: 韭菜花 ::
韮崎 {prop} /Jiǔqí/ :: (~ 市) 韮崎 (city)
韮仔 {def} SEE: 韭仔 ::
韮仔花 {def} SEE: 韭仔花 ::
{def} /jiù/ :: used in place names
{def} /yǒu/ :: only used in 㶭炄
{def} /jiù,sè/ :: a kind of jade
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jiù/ :: [obsolete] cooked dry rice flour
{def} /jiù/ :: a pigeon-like bird, with a comb or crest
{def} /jú,jiù/ :: a pigeon-like bird, with a comb or crest
{def} /jú,jiù/ :: shrike, butcherbird
{def} /jiù/ :: damage, destroy
{def} [literary] /jiù/ :: to rent; to hire
{def} /jiù/ :: [obsolete] rental (the payment made to rent something)
僦椽 {n} [literary] /jiùchuán/ :: hotel; inn
僦居 {v} [literary] /jiùjū/ :: to rent a house to live in
僦居 {n} [literary] /jiùjū/ :: rented house
{def} SEE: ::
厩肥 {def} SEE: 廄肥 ::
{def} /jiù/ :: fault; defect; error; mistake
{def} /jiù/ :: calamity; misfortune
{def} /gāo/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /gāo/ :: surname
咎由自取 {idiom} /jiùyóuzìqǔ/ :: have only oneself to blame
{def} /jiù/ :: to approach; to move towards
{def} /jiù/ :: to reach; to arrive at
{def} /jiù/ :: to undertake; to engage in
{def} /jiù/ :: to succeed; to complete
{def} /jiù/ :: to comply; to follow; to accept
{def} /jiù/ :: to suffer; to be subjected to
{def} [of food] /jiù/ :: to go with
{def} /jiù/ :: with regard to; concerning
{def} /jiù/ :: even if; even though
{def} /jiù/ :: at once; right away
{def} [used for emphasis] /jiù/ :: exactly; precisely; just
{def} /jiù/ :: only; merely; just
{def} /jiù/ :: then
{def} [used to express earliness] /jiù/ :: as early as; as soon as
{def} /jiù/ :: as many as; as much as
{def} /jiù/ :: Used between two identical word to express indifference or resignation
{def} /jiù/ :: alternative form of
就餐 {v} /jiùcān/ :: to dine
就此 {conj} /jiùcǐ/ :: at this time
就此 {conj} /jiùcǐ/ :: at this place
就此 {conj} /jiùcǐ/ :: [literary] because of this
就地 {adv} /jiùdì/ :: on the spot
就讀 {v} /jiùdú/ :: to go to school; to study
就读 {def} SEE: 就讀 ::
就範 {v} /jiùfàn/ :: to submit; to give in
就范 {def} SEE: 就範 ::
就飯 {v} /jiùfàn/ :: to (eat) with the rice
就饭 {def} SEE: 就飯 ::
就活 {v} [regional, colloquial] /jiùhuo/ :: to make do (with)
就近 {adv} /jiùjìn/ :: nearby; in the neighborhood
就裏 {def} SEE: 就裡 ::
就裡 {n} [literary] /jiùlǐ/ :: inside story or information
就里 {def} SEE: 就裡 ::
就木 {v} [chiefly literary] /jiùmù/ :: to die
就那麼回事 {adj} [colloquial] /jiù nàme huí shì/ :: so-so; average; mediocre
就那么回事 {def} SEE: 就那麼回事 ::
就擒 {v} [literary] /jiùqín/ :: to be caught
就擒 {v} [literary] /jiùqín/ :: to be arrested
就擒 {v} [literary] /jiùqín/ :: to be taken prisoner
就寝 {def} SEE: 就寢 ::
就寢 {v} [formal] /jiùqǐn/ :: to go to bed; to retire for the night
就任 {v} /jiùrèn/ :: to take office; to assume office; to be inaugurated
就食 {v} [literary] /jiùshí/ :: to go elsewhere to eat
就食 {v} [literary] /jiùshí/ :: to look for employment elsewhere
就事 {v} [literary] /jiùshì/ :: to assume office
就势 {def} SEE: 就勢 ::
就勢 {v} /jiùshì/ :: to make use of momentum
就勢 {adj} [Quanzhou & Xiamen Min Nan] /jiùshì/ :: well done; well-handled (regarding a certain matter)
就是 {v} /jiùshì/ :: to be precisely; to be none other than; it is ... that
就是 {conj} /jiùshì/ :: even if (when the verb of the following part of the sentence is preceded by 也)
就是 {conj} /jiùshì/ :: even
就是 {conj} [giving emphasis] /jiùshì/ :: just; really
就是 {conj} /jiùshì/ :: like; in the same way as
就是 {interj} /jiùshì/ :: it sure is!; exactly!
就是說 {adv} /jiùshìshuō/ :: that is to say; in other words
就是说 {def} SEE: 就是說 ::
就是……也…… {adv} /jiùshì ... yě .../ :: even if ... still ..
就手 {adv} /jiùshǒu/ :: while one is at it; in passing; at one's own convenience
就衰 {v} [literary] /jiùshuāi/ :: to gradually weaken
就算 {conj} [colloquial] /jiùsuàn/ :: even if; granted that
就位 {v} /jiùwèi/ :: to take one's place
就位 {v} /jiùwèi/ :: to assume office
就我所知 {idiom} /jiùwǒsuǒzhī/ :: as far as I know; to my knowledge
就像 {v} /jiùxiàng/ :: to be just like; to be similar to; as if; as though
就緒 {v} /jiùxù/ :: to be in order; to be ready
就绪 {def} SEE: 就緒 ::
就学 {def} SEE: 就學 ::
就學 {v} /jiùxué/ :: to go to school
就要 {adv} /jiùyào/ :: about to; on the point of; going to; soon; at hand; around the corner
就业 {def} SEE: 就業 ::
就业率 {def} SEE: 就業率 ::
就业能力 {def} SEE: 就業能力 ::
就業 {v} /jiùyè/ :: to get a job; to start a career; to obtain employment
就業率 {n} /jiùyèlǜ/ :: employment rate
就業能力 {n} /jiùyè nénglì/ :: employability
就医 {def} SEE: 就醫 ::
就醫 {v} /jiùyī/ :: to seek medical help; to see a doctor; to receive medical treatment
就义 {def} SEE: 就義 ::
就義 {v} /jiùyì/ :: to die a martyr
就診 {v} /jiùzhěn/ :: to see a doctor; to seek medical help
就诊 {def} SEE: 就診 ::
就正 {v} /jiùzhèng/ :: to solicit comments (on one's writing); to submit writings to somebody for comment and correction
就正 {v} /jiùzhèng/ :: to correct oneself by receiving instruction from men of virtue or learning
就职 {def} SEE: 就職 ::
就職 {v} /jiùzhí/ :: to assume office
就中 {n} [archaic] /jiùzhōng/ :: among (which, them etc.); in (which, it etc.)
就坐 {def} SEE: 就座 ::
就座 {v} /jiùzuò,er/ :: to take a seat
{def} /jiù/ :: stable (for horses)
{def} /jiù/ :: livestock shed
廄肥 {n} /jiùféi/ :: animal manure
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
廐肥 {def} SEE: 廄肥 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jū/ :: [obsolete] to put dirt in a basket
{def} /qiú/ :: [obsolete] long and curved
{def} /jiù/ :: to aid; to support
{def} /jiù/ :: to save; to rescue
{def} [classical] /jiù/ :: to prohibit; to forbid
救兵 {n} [literally, military, figuratively] /jiùbīng/ :: reinforcement; relief force; relief troops
救出 {v} /jiùchū/ :: to rescue
救度 {v} [Buddhism, Taoism] /jiùdù/ :: to save someone from suffering
救恩 {n} /jiù'ēn/ :: salvation
救国 {def} SEE: 救國 ::
救國 {v} /jiùguó/ :: to rescue the country; to save the nation
救护 {def} SEE: 救護 ::
救护车 {def} SEE: 救護車 ::
救護 {v} /jiùhù/ :: to rescue, to administer first-aid
救護車 {n} /jiùhùchē,er/ :: ambulance (emergency vehicle)
救活 {v} /jiùhuó/ :: to save from the verge of death
救火 {v} /jiùhuǒ/ :: to fight a fire; to try to extinguish a fire
救火車 {n} /jiùhuǒchē/ :: fire engine; fire truck
救火车 {def} SEE: 救火車 ::
救急 {v} /jiùjí/ :: to provide emergency assistance
救急車 {n} [rare] /jiùjíchē/ :: ambulance
救急车 {def} SEE: 救急車 ::
救濟 {v} /jiùjì/ :: to provide emergency relief to
救濟金 {n} /jiùjìjīn/ :: relief fund; benefit; allowance; alms
救济 {def} SEE: 救濟 ::
救济金 {def} SEE: 救濟金 ::
救駕 {v} [archaic] /jiùjià/ :: to rescue the emperor; to rescue a monarch
救驾 {def} SEE: 救駕 ::
救苦 {v} [literary] /jiùkǔ/ :: to help those in need
救困扶危 {idiom} /jiù kùn fú危/ :: to come to the assistance of those in crisis
救滅 {v} [literary] /jiùmiè/ :: to extinguish; to douse; to put out
救灭 {def} SEE: 救滅 ::
救命 {v} /jiùmìng/ :: to save a life; to rescue someone
救命 {interj} /jiùmìng/ :: Help! Save me!
救命车 {def} SEE: 救命車 ::
救命稻草 {n} [figurative] /jiùmìng dàocǎo/ :: life-saving straw; straw to clutch at
救命之恩 {idiom} /jiùmìngzhī'ēn/ :: the favour of saving one's life
救难 {def} SEE: 救難 ::
救難 {v} [literary] /jiùnàn/ :: to rescue from danger; to come to the rescue
救人 {v} /jiùrén/ :: to rescue someone; to save one's life
救人如救火 {idiom} /jiù rén rú jiùhuǒ/ :: said or written by a person who is in desparate need of assistance; help me!!!; help!!!
救人如救火 {idiom} /jiù rén rú jiùhuǒ/ :: describes a situation in which a person is in desparate need of assistance
救人一命,勝造七級浮屠 {proverb} /jiùrén 一mìng shèng zào qī jí fútú/ :: saving a life is of boundless beneficence
救人一命,胜造七级浮屠 {def} SEE: 救人一命,勝造七級浮屠 ::
救伤车 {def} SEE: 救傷車 ::
救傷車 {n} [chiefly Cantonese, Singapore Hokkien] /jiùshāngchē/ :: ambulance
救生 {v} /jiùshēng/ :: to save a life
救生 {adj} [attributive] /jiùshēng/ :: life-saving
救生車 {n} /jiùshēngchē/ :: ambulance
救生車 {n} /jiùshēngchē/ :: rescue vehicle of any sort
救生车 {def} SEE: 救生車 ::
救生船 {n} /jiùshēngchuán/ :: lifeboat
救生带 {def} SEE: 救生帶 ::
救生帶 {n} /jiùshēngdài/ :: life belt
救生队 {def} SEE: 救生隊 ::
救生隊 {n} /jiùshēngduì/ :: ambulance corps
救生隊 {n} /jiùshēngduì/ :: rescue team
救生筏 {n} /jiùshēngfá/ :: life raft
救生浮袋 {n} /jiùshēng fúdài/ :: life preserver
救生器 {n} /jiùshēngqì/ :: life preserver
救生圈 {n} /jiùshēngquān/ :: life-buoy; life preserver
救生圈 {n} [slang] /jiùshēngquān/ :: fat around one's midsection; spare tire
救生設備 {n} /jiùshēng shèbèi/ :: life-saving equipment
救生设备 {def} SEE: 救生設備 ::
救生艇 {n} /jiùshēngtǐng/ :: lifeboat
救生衣 {n} /jiùshēngyī/ :: lifejacket
救生员 {def} SEE: 救生員 ::
救生員 {n} /jiùshēngyuán/ :: lifeguard; lifesaver
救世 {v} /jiùshì/ :: to save the world
救世 {v} [Internet slang, humorous] /jiùshì/ :: alternative form of 就是
救世军 {def} SEE: 救世軍 ::
救世軍 {prop} /Jiùshìjūn/ :: Salvation Army
救世主 {n} /jiùshìzhǔ/ :: saviour
救世主 {prop} [Christianity] /jiùshìzhǔ/ :: Saviour
救市 {n} [economics, finance] /jiùshì/ :: bailout; market rescue (e.g. by a central bank)
救贖 {v} [religion] /jiùshú/ :: to redeem; to atone
救贖 {n} [religion] /jiùshú/ :: redemption
救赎 {def} SEE: 救贖 ::
救死扶伤 {def} SEE: 救死扶傷 ::
救死扶傷 {idiom} /jiùsǐfúshāng/ :: to rescue the dying and treat the sick and the wounded
救亡 {v} /jiùwáng/ :: to save the nation from extinction
救亡图存 {def} SEE: 救亡圖存 ::
救亡圖存 {idiom} /jiùwángtúcún/ :: to save (a country, nation, etc.) and ensure its survival
救星 {n} /jiùxīng,er/ :: liberator; emancipator; savior
救药 {def} SEE: 救藥 ::
救藥 {v} /jiùyào/ :: to rescue; to remedy; to cure
救应 {def} SEE: 救應 ::
救應 {v} /jiùyìng/ :: to provide reinforcements; to aid and support
救援 {v} /jiùyuán/ :: to rescue; to come to someone's rescue; to come to someone's aid; to provide relief
救災 {v} /jiùzāi/ :: to provide disaster relief; to help disaster victims
救灾 {def} SEE: 救災 ::
救治 {v} /jiùzhì/ :: to rescue and treat
救主 {n} /jiùzhǔ/ :: saviour
救主 {prop} [Christianity] /jiùzhǔ/ :: Saviour
救主诞 {def} SEE: 救主誕 ::
救主圣诞 {def} SEE: 救主聖誕 ::
救助 {v} /jiùzhù/ :: to render assistance (in times of distress); to rescue; to provide relief
救助金 {n} /jiùzhùjīn/ :: allowance; alms; relief fund
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
旧案 {def} SEE: 舊案 ::
旧摆 {def} SEE: 舊擺 ::
旧版 {def} SEE: 舊版 ::
旧本 {def} SEE: 舊本 ::
旧病 {def} SEE: 舊病 ::
旧部 {def} SEE: 舊部 ::
旧臣 {def} SEE: 舊臣 ::
旧称 {def} SEE: 舊稱 ::
旧城 {def} SEE: 舊城 ::
旧底 {def} SEE: 舊底 ::
旧地 {def} SEE: 舊地 ::
旧典 {def} SEE: 舊典 ::
旧调重弹 {def} SEE: 舊調重彈 ::
旧都 {def} SEE: 舊都 ::
旧读 {def} SEE: 舊讀 ::
旧观 {def} SEE: 舊觀 ::
旧患 {def} SEE: 舊患 ::
旧货 {def} SEE: 舊貨 ::
旧货店 {def} SEE: 舊貨店 ::
旧货摊 {def} SEE: 舊貨攤 ::
旧迹 {def} SEE: 舊跡 ::
旧交 {def} SEE: 舊交 ::
旧街 {def} SEE: 舊街 ::
旧金山 {def} SEE: 舊金山 ::
旧居 {def} SEE: 舊居 ::
旧口 {def} SEE: 舊口 ::
旧例 {def} SEE: 舊例 ::
旧历 {def} SEE: 舊曆 ::
旧历年 {def} SEE: 舊曆年 ::
旧落落 {def} SEE: 舊落落 ::
旧落咆 {def} SEE: 舊落咆 ::
旧米 {def} SEE: 舊米 ::
旧年 {def} SEE: 舊年 ::
旧派 {def} SEE: 舊派 ::
旧情 {def} SEE: 舊情 ::
旧情复燃 {def} SEE: 舊情復燃 ::
旧日 {def} SEE: 舊日 ::
旧社会 {def} SEE: 舊社會 ::
旧时 {def} SEE: 舊時 ::
旧世界 {def} SEE: 舊世界 ::
旧世界猴 {def} SEE: 舊世界猴 ::
旧事 {def} SEE: 舊事 ::
旧式 {def} SEE: 舊式 ::
旧书 {def} SEE: 舊書 ::
旧司 {def} SEE: 舊司 ::
旧恶 {def} SEE: 舊惡 ::
旧物 {def} SEE: 舊物 ::
旧县 {def} SEE: 舊縣 ::
旧姓 {def} SEE: 舊姓 ::
旧业 {def} SEE: 舊業 ::
旧衣 {def} SEE: 舊衣 ::
旧译 {def} SEE: 舊譯 ::
旧友 {def} SEE: 舊友 ::
旧雨 {def} SEE: 舊雨 ::
旧雨新知 {def} SEE: 舊雨新知 ::
旧约 {def} SEE: 舊約 ::
旧约圣经 {def} SEE: 舊約聖經 ::
旧阵时 {def} SEE: 舊陣時 ::
旧址 {def} SEE: 舊址 ::
旧制 {def} SEE: 舊制 ::
旧中国 {def} SEE: 舊中國 ::
旧字体 {def} SEE: 舊字體 ::
旧字形 {def} SEE: 舊字形 ::
{def} /jiù/ :: coffin which contains a corpse
{def} /jiù/ :: coffin which contains a corpse
{def} /jiù/ :: straight grain (of wood)
{def} /jiù/ :: tallow tree
{def} /jiù/ :: chronic disease; chronic illness
{def} /jiù/ :: guilt; sorrow
{def} /jiù/ :: mortar (hollow vessel used to pound or crush ingredients)
{def} /jiù/ :: something which resembles a mortar
臼齒 {n} /jiùchǐ/ :: molar
臼齿 {def} SEE: 臼齒 ::
臼杵 {prop} /Jiùchǔ/ :: (~ 市) 臼杵 (city)
臼窠 {n} [literary] /jiùkē/ :: rut; stereotypical pattern
臼牙 {n} [dentistry] /jiùyá/ :: molar
{def} /jiù/ :: maternal uncle (mother's brother)
{def} /jiù/ :: brother-in-law (wife's brother)
{def} /jiù/ :: [obsolete] father-in-law (wife's father)
{def} /jiù/ :: [obsolete] father-in-law (husband's father)
{def} /jiù/ :: [obsolete] feudal prince of a different surname [to an emperor]
{def} /jiù/ :: [obsolete] official of a different surname [to a feudal prince]
{def} /jiù/ :: surname
舅表 {n} /jiùbiǎo/ :: cousin (mother's brother's child)
舅父 {n} /jiùfù/ :: maternal uncle (mother's brother)
舅公 {n} /jiùgōng/ :: great-uncle (brother of one's grandmother)
舅舅 {n} [colloquial] /jiùjiu/ :: maternal uncle (mother's brother)
舅妈 {def} SEE: 舅媽 ::
舅媽 {n} [colloquial] /jiùmā/ :: maternal aunt (wife of mother's brother)
舅母 {n} /jiùmǔ/ :: maternal aunt (wife of mother's brother)
舅嫂 {n} /jiùsǎo/ :: sister-in-law (wife's brother's wife)
舅爷 {def} SEE: 舅爺 ::
舅爺 {n} /jiùyé/ :: great-uncle (paternal grandmother's brother)
舅爺 {n} [dated, honorific] /jiùyé/ :: brother of one's master's paternal grandmother, mother or wife
舅爺 {n} [dialectal] /jiùyé/ :: maternal uncle (mother's brother)
舅爺 {n} /jiùye/ :: wife's brother
舅子 {n} [colloquial] /jiùzi/ :: brother-in-law (wife's brother)
{def} /jiù/ :: old; former; past
{def} /jiù/ :: old; used; worn
舊案 {n} /jiù'àn/ :: court case of long standing
舊案 {n} /jiù'àn/ :: old regulations; former practice
舊版 {n} /jiùbǎn/ :: old version; earlier edition
舊本 {n} /jiùběn/ :: ancient book; ancient version or edition of a text
舊病 {n} /jiùbìng/ :: old or chronic complaint; old illness; former affliction
舊部 {n} /jiùbù/ :: former subordinates
舊臣 {n} [literary, sometimes, humble, self-reflexive] /jiùchén/ :: old servant; old minister
舊稱 {n} /jiùchēng/ :: old name
舊稱 {v} /jiùchēng/ :: to be formerly known as
舊城 {prop} /Jiùchéng/ :: (~ 里) 舊城 (urban village)
舊地 {n} /jiùdì/ :: once-familiar place
舊典 {n} [literary] /jiùdiǎn/ :: old institution; former rules
舊典 {n} [literary] /jiùdiǎn/ :: antique book; ancient text
舊典 {n} [literary] /jiùdiǎn/ :: classical allusion
舊調重彈 {idiom} /jiùdiàochóngtán/ :: to put forward again the same old ideas
舊都 {n} /jiùdū/ :: former capital
舊讀 {n} /jiùdú/ :: old reading (of a Chinese character)
舊惡 {n} [literary] /jiù'è/ :: old grievance or wrong
舊觀 {n} /jiùguān/ :: former appearance or state
舊患 {n} /jiùhuàn/ :: old wound; chronic disease
舊貨 {n} /jiùhuò/ :: second-hand goods
舊貨店 {n} /jiùhuòdiàn/ :: thrift shop; second-hand store
舊貨攤 {n} /jiùhuòtān/ :: stall that sells second-hand goods
舊跡 {n} /jiù跡/ :: old traces; signs from the past
舊交 {n} /jiùjiāo/ :: old acquaintance; old friend
舊街 {prop} /Jiùjiē/ :: (~ 街道) 舊街 (subdistrict)
舊金山 {prop} [chiefly Mainland China, Taiwan, dated in Hong Kong] /Jiùjīnshān/ :: 舊金山 (city)
舊居 {n} /jiùjū/ :: former residence
舊口 {prop} /Jiùkǒu/ :: (~ 鎮) 舊口 (town)
舊口 {prop} /Jiùkǒu/ :: (~ 社區) 舊口 (residential community)
舊例 {n} /jiùlì/ :: outmoded rules and regulations; old practice
舊曆 {n} /jiùlì/ :: Chinese calendar
舊曆年 {n} /jiùlìnián/ :: Chinese New Year
舊年 {n} [dialectal Mandarin, Cantonese, Gan, Hakka, Min Nan, Puxian Min, Wu or literary] /jiùnián/ :: last year
舊年 {n} /jiùnián/ :: Chinese New Year
舊派 {adj} [attributive] /jiùpài/ :: old-style, ancient-style
舊情 {n} /jiùqíng/ :: past friendships
舊情 {n} /jiùqíng/ :: past love
舊情 {n} /jiùqíng/ :: past scenes
舊情復燃 {idiom} [of old love] /jiùqíngfùrán/ :: to be rekindled
舊日 {n} [literary or Cantonese] /jiùrì/ :: days of old
舊社會 {prop} [Mainland China] /Jiùshèhuì/ :: the “Old Society” (referring to the Chinese society before the establishment of the PRC)
舊時 {adv} /jiùshí/ :: in former times; in the olden days; previously
舊世界 {prop} /jiùshìjiè/ :: Old World
舊世界猴 {n} /jiùshìjièhóu/ :: Old World monkey
舊事 {n} /jiùshì/ :: old matter; former matter; past event
舊事 {n} [Internet slang] /jiùshì/ :: alternative form of 就是
舊式 {adj} [attributive] /jiùshì/ :: old-style; old-fashioned
舊書 {n} /jiùshū/ :: secondhand book
舊書 {n} /jiùshū/ :: antique book; ancient text
舊司 {prop} /Jiùsī/ :: (~ 鎮) 舊司 (town)
舊物 {n} /jiùwù/ :: past heritage
舊物 {n} /jiùwù/ :: lost territory; old territory (especially one inherited from previous generations); former territory
舊縣 {prop} /Jiùxiàn/ :: (~ 鎮) 舊縣 (town)
舊姓 {n} /jiùxìng,er/ :: old surname; maiden name
舊約 {prop} [Christianity] /Jiùyuē/ :: Old Testament
舊約聖經 {prop} [Christianity] /Jiùyuē Shèngjīng/ :: Old Testament
舊業 {n} /jiùyè/ :: one's old trade; previous profession
舊業 {n} /jiùyè/ :: trade of one's forebears
舊衣 {n} /jiùyī/ :: old clothes; used clothes
舊譯 {n} [linguistics] /jiùyì/ :: old translation of a foreign term
舊友 {n} /jiùyǒu/ :: old friend
舊雨 {n} /jiùyǔ/ :: old friends
舊雨新知 {idiom} /jiùyǔxīnzhī/ :: friends
舊址 {n} /jiùzhǐ/ :: old address; former address
舊址 {n} /jiùzhǐ/ :: site (of a former organization, building, etc.)
舊制 {n} /jiùzhì/ :: old system
舊制 {n} /jiùzhì/ :: old system of weights and measures
舊中國 {prop} [mainland China] /Jiùzhōngguó/ :: “old China” (i.e. China before the establishment of the PRC in 1949); prerevolutionary China
舊字體 {n} /jiùzìtǐ/ :: kyūjitai (traditional form of Japanese kanji used before 1947)
舊字形 {n} /jiùzìxíng/ :: the (printed) form of Chinese characters based on traditional Ming (typefaces), such as that of the Kangxi Dictionary, instead of handwritten forms
{def} /jiù/ :: [obsolete] the hilsa, Tenualosa ilisha
{def} /jiù/ :: eagle
{def} /jiù/ :: condor, vulture
鷲鳥 {n} /jiùniǎo/ :: vulture (Classifier: m:隻)
{def} SEE: ::
鹫鸟 {def} SEE: 鷲鳥 ::
{def} /jiù/ :: [obsolete] male Père David's deer
{def} /jù,jū,2nb/ :: all; together
{def} /jù,jū,2nb/ :: to accompany
{def} /jù,jū,2nb/ :: surname
俱乐部 {def} SEE: 俱樂部 ::
俱樂部 {n} /jùlèbù,er/ :: club; group; organisation
俱那卫 {def} SEE: 俱那衛 ::
俱那衛 {n} /jùnàwèi/ :: oleander
俱全 {adj} /jùquán/ :: having or provided with everything
俱有 {def} SEE: 具有 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jū/ :: to live; to dwell; to reside
{def} /jū/ :: to occupy; to rank
{def} /jū/ :: to claim
{def} /jū/ :: to stay put
{def} /jū/ :: house; residence; dwelling
{def} /jū/ :: restaurant
{def} /jū/ :: 39th tetragram of the Taixuanjing; "residence" (𝌬)
{def} /jī/ :: [obsolete] A modal particle
居安思危 {idiom} /jū'ānsī危/ :: to think of danger in times of safety; to be vigilant in peacetime
居多 {v} /jūduō/ :: to be in the majority
居高临下 {def} SEE: 居高臨下 ::
居高臨下 {idiom} /jūgāolínxià/ :: to occupy the high ground; to overlook
居高臨下 {idiom} /jūgāolínxià/ :: to be condescending; to be arrogant based on one's social position
居功 {v} /jūgōng/ :: to claim credit for oneself
居功自傲 {idiom} /jūgōngzì'ào/ :: to claim credit for oneself and become arrogant
居官 {v} [literary] /jūguān/ :: to assume office; to take up an official post
居家 {v} /jūjiā/ :: to stay at home; to live at home
居家 {adj} [attributive] /jūjiā/ :: household; living; in-home
居家 {adj} [colloquial] /jūjiā/ :: good at housekeeping; good at keeping house
居間 {adv} /jūjiān/ :: between two parties
居間調停 {idiom} /jūjiāntiáotíng/ :: to mediate between two parties; to act as mediator
居間人 {n} /jūjiānrén/ :: intermediary; mediator
居间 {def} SEE: 居間 ::
居间调停 {def} SEE: 居間調停 ::
居间人 {def} SEE: 居間人 ::
居酒屋 {n} /jūjiǔwū/ :: izakaya (Japanese bar that serves alcoholic beverages and food)
居林 {prop} /Jūlín/ :: (~ 縣) 居林 (district)
居留 {v} /jūliú/ :: to reside
居留权 {def} SEE: 居留權 ::
居留權 {n} [legal] /jūliúquán/ :: right of residence; right to abode
居留證 {n} /jūliúzhèng/ :: residence permit
居留证 {def} SEE: 居留證 ::
居銮 {def} SEE: 居鑾 ::
居鑾 {prop} /Jūluán/ :: 居鑾 (district)
居鑾 {prop} /Jūluán/ :: 居鑾 (town)
居民 {n} /jūmín/ :: resident; inhabitant
居民區 {n} /jūmínqū/ :: residential area
居民区 {def} SEE: 居民區 ::
居無定所 {idiom} /jūwúdìngsuǒ/ :: to be without a fixed residence
居品 {n} /jūpǐn/ :: furniture
居然 {adv} /jūrán/ :: unexpectedly; actually; to one's surprise
居丧 {def} SEE: 居喪 ::
居喪 {v} [archaic] /jūsāng/ :: to observe a period of mourning for one's parent
居士 {n} [Buddhism] /jūshì/ :: householder
居士 {n} /jūshì/ :: retired scholar
居室 {n} /jū室/ :: room; bedroom
居室 {n} /jū室/ :: residence; dwelling; house
居室 {v} [literary, of husband and wife] /jū室/ :: to live together
居首 {v} /jūshǒu/ :: to occupy first place; to rank first
居所 {n} /jūsuǒ/ :: residence; dwelling; habitation
居屋 {n} [Hong Kong] /jūwū/ :: public housing constructed under the Home Ownership Scheme
居无定所 {def} SEE: 居無定所 ::
居心 {v} /jūxīn/ :: to harbour (malicious) intentions
居心不良 {idiom} /jūxīn不liáng/ :: to harbor bad intentions; to be malicious
居心叵测 {def} SEE: 居心叵測 ::
居心叵測 {idiom} /jūxīnpǒcè/ :: to harbor sinister intentions difficult to guess
居於 {v} /jūyú/ :: to be in (some position); to occupy  
居于 {def} SEE: 居於 ::
居中 {v} /jūzhōng/ :: to be placed in the middle
居中 {adv} /jūzhōng/ :: (to mediate) between two parties
居中調停 {idiom} /jūzhōngtiáotíng/ :: to mediate between two parties; to act as mediator
居中调停 {def} SEE: 居中調停 ::
居中斡旋 {idiom} /jūzhōngwòxuán/ :: to mediate between disputants
居住 {v} /jūzhù/ :: to dwell; to reside; to house
居住船 {n} /jūzhùchuán/ :: houseboat
居住地 {n} /jūzhùdì/ :: residence, a place where a person lives
居住者 {n} /jūzhùzhě/ :: resident; inhabitant
{def} /jū/ :: to arrest; to detain
{def} /jū/ :: to restrain; to restrict; to constrain
{def} /jū/ :: to be inflexible
{def} /jū/ :: to limit
{def} /jū/ :: [obsolete] to stop; to prevent
{def} /jū/ :: [obsolete] cramp; spasm
{def} /jū/ :: [obsolete] beat; meter
拘捕 {v} [law] /jūbǔ/ :: to arrest
拘捕令 {n} [law] /jūbǔlìng/ :: arrest warrant
拘忌 {n} [literary] /jūjì/ :: scruple; misgiving; apprehension
拘謹 {adj} /jūjǐn/ :: reserved; overcautious
拘谨 {def} SEE: 拘謹 ::
拘禁 {v} /jūjìn/ :: to take into custody; to detain
拘礼 {def} SEE: 拘禮 ::
拘禮 {v} /jūlǐ/ :: to stand on ceremony; to be punctilious
拘留 {v} /jūliú/ :: to take into custody; to detain
拘留所 {n} /jūliúsuǒ,er/ :: jail; prison; detention centre; lockup
拘留證 {n} [legal] /jūliúzhèng/ :: detention warrant
拘留证 {def} SEE: 拘留證 ::
拘泥 {v} /jūnì/ :: to rigidly adhere to; to rely solely on; to cling to
拘泥 {adj} /jūnì/ :: stubborn; inflexible; particular
拘泥 {adj} /jūnì/ :: reserved; unnatural; constrained
拘束 {v} /jūshù/ :: to constrain
拘束 {adj} /jūshù/ :: constrained; ill at ease
拘限 {v} /jūxiàn/ :: to restrain; to constrain; to restrict
拘押 {v} /jūyā/ :: to take into custody; to detain; to arrest
拘役 {n} [legal] /jūyì/ :: criminal detention
拘住 {v} /jūzhù/ :: to seize
拘住 {v} /jūzhù/ :: to restrain
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [literary] /掬/ :: to grasp or hold with both hands
掬带 {def} SEE: 掬帶 ::
{def} /xū,jū/ :: [obsolete] to catch fish
{def} /xū,jū/ :: [obsolete] to filter water
{def} /xū,jū/ :: [obsolete] name of a county in today's Gansu province
{def} /jù/ :: to occupy; to take possession of
{def} /jù/ :: to depend on
{def} /jù/ :: evidence; base
{def} /jù/ :: according to
{def} /jǐ/ :: [obsolete] to catch; to seize
據稱 {v} /jùchēng/ :: it is said that ...; to be allegedly so
據點 {n} /jùdiǎn/ :: stronghold; foothold
據點 {n} /jùdiǎn/ :: market presence
據理力爭 {idiom} /jùlǐlìzhēng/ :: to argue vigorously on the basis of sound reason or justice
據實 {adv} /jùshí/ :: according to the facts
據守 {v} /jùshǒu/ :: to guard; to be entrenched in
據說 {v} /jùshuō/ :: it is said that; ... so they say; apparently; allegedly; reportedly
據為己有 {idiom} /jùwéijǐyǒu/ :: to appropriate something than belongs to others
據我所知 {idiom} /jùwǒsuǒzhī/ :: as far as I know; to my knowledge
據悉 {v} /jùxī/ :: it is reported that; according to reports
據有 {v} /jùyǒu/ :: to have; to own; to possess
據指 {v} /jùzhǐ/ :: to be reported (to, that); to be reputed (to)
{def} /qú/ :: [obsolete] collective term for hoe-like tools
{def} /jū/ :: The Japanese zelkova (Zelkova serrata)
{def} /jū/ :: name of a river
狙害 {v} /jūhài/ :: to do harm surreptitiously
狙击 {def} SEE: 狙擊 ::
狙击枪 {def} SEE: 狙擊槍 ::
狙击手 {def} SEE: 狙擊手 ::
狙擊 {v} /jū擊/ :: to ambush; to lie in wait
狙擊 {v} /jū擊/ :: to snipe; to shoot with a sniper rifle
狙擊槍 {n} /jū擊qiāng/ :: sniper rifle
狙擊手 {n} /jū擊shǒu/ :: sniper
狙杀 {def} SEE: 狙殺 ::
狙殺 {v} /jūshā/ :: to kill (with a sniper rifle)
{def} /jū,qú/ :: a gem worn at the girdle; pendant
{def} /jū,qú/ :: surname
琚湾 {def} SEE: 琚灣 ::
琚灣 {prop} /Jūwān/ :: (~ 鎮) 琚灣 (town)
㾓痀桥 {def} SEE: 㾓痀橋 ::
{def} /jū,jiē,2nb/ :: [obsolete] net for catching rabbits
{def} /jū,jiē,2nb/ :: [obsolete] net for catching any animal
{def} /jū,jiē,2nb/ :: [obsolete] to capture with a net
{def} /jū/ :: [obsolete] dried fowl meat
{def} /jū/ :: [obsolete] female hemp plant; seed-bearing hemp
{def} /jū/ :: [obsolete] seeds of female hemp
{def} /jū/ :: [obsolete] coarse; rough
{def} /jū/ :: [obsolete] gunny; sackcloth
{def} /jū/ :: [obsolete] gunny sack; package; cattail bag
{def} /jū/ :: [obsolete] to package
{def} /jū/ :: [obsolete] to patch; to mend
{def} /jū/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /jū/ :: surname
{def} /jǔ,jū/ :: [obsolete] grass insole; pad in shoe
{def} /chá/ :: [obsolete] floating weed; dead grass
{def} [historical] /chá/ :: A vassal state of the State of Shu during the Eastern Zhou Dynasty
{def} /zhǎ/ :: [obsolete] humic soil; dregs; dross
{def} /zhǎ/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /zū/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} [historical] /xié/ :: only used in 羊苴咩
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jū/ :: only used in 蜛蝫
裾野 {prop} /Jūyě/ :: (~ 市) 裾野 (city)
{def} /jū/ :: only used in 趑趄
{def} /qiè/ :: slanting; inclined
{def} /qie,qiè,jū,1nb/ :: only used in 趔趄
趄趄趔趔 {idiom} /qièqièlièliè,jūjūlièliè,1nb/ :: synonym of 趔趔趄趄
{def} /jū/ :: [obsolete] [of the legs and feet] to twitch because of the cold
{def} [Hokkien] /jū/ :: to bend down; to squat
{def} [Hokkien] /jū/ :: to stay
{def} /shē/ :: alternative form of now mostly used in place names
{def} /shē/ :: land near mountain
{def} /shē/ :: used in 禾輋
{def} /jū/ :: cramp used for mending broken crockery
{def} /jū/ :: to mend with cramps
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jú/ :: curium
鋦子 {n} /jūzi/ :: cramp used in mending pottery or crockery
{def} /jù/ :: saw (tool) (Classifier: m,c:把)
{def} /jù/ :: to saw
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jù/ :: to amputate
鋸齒 {n} /jùchǐ/ :: sawtooth
鋸齒波 {n} /jùchǐbō/ :: sawtooth wave
鋸鮫 {n} /jùjiāo/ :: alternative name for 鋸鯊
鋸末 {n} /jùmò/ :: sawdust
鋸鯊 {n} /jùshā/ :: sawshark
鋸屑 {n} /jùxiè/ :: sawdust
鋸子 {n} /jùzi/ :: saw (hand tool for cutting wood) (Classifier: m:把)
{def} SEE: ::
锔子 {def} SEE: 鋦子 ::
{def} /jū/ :: Used in 雎鳩
{def} /jū/ :: hold back
雎鳩 {n} [literary] /jūjiū/ :: a kind of waterbird with a dark brown upper body, white lower body and sharp talons suited to catching fish
雎鸠 {def} SEE: 雎鳩 ::
{def} /鞠/ :: to bow, bend
{def} /鞠/ :: to rear, raise, nourish
{def} /鞠/ :: ball
{def} /鞠/ :: surname
鞠躬 {v} /鞠gōng/ :: to bow; to make a bow
鞠躬 {adj} [literary] /鞠gōng/ :: discreet and scrupulous
鞠躬盡瘁 {idiom} /鞠gōngjìncuì/ :: to bend oneself to a task and exert oneself to the utmost; to spare no effort in the performance of one's duty
鞠躬盡瘁,死而後已 {idiom} /鞠 gōng jìn cuì, sǐ ér hòu yǐ/ :: to bend one's back to the task until one's dying day; to give one's all till one's heart stops beating
鞠躬尽瘁 {def} SEE: 鞠躬盡瘁 ::
鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已 {def} SEE: 鞠躬盡瘁,死而後已 ::
{def} [literary] /jū/ :: to interrogate; to question
{def} [literary] /jū/ :: criminal case
{def} [literary] /jū/ :: to exhaust
{def} [literary] /jū/ :: poverty
{def} [literary] /jū/ :: end of pool
{def} /jū/ :: foal (young horse)
{def} /jū/ :: surname
駒馳 {v} [literary, figurative, of time] /jūchí/ :: to pass
駒根 {prop} /Jūgēn/ :: (~ 市) 駒根 (city)
駒驢 {n} [obsolete] /jūlǘ/ :: foal
駒驢 {n} [dialectal Mandarin, dialectal Jin] /jūlǘ/ :: goat
駒驢 {n} [dialectal Mandarin] /jūlǘ/ :: wether (castrated buck goat)
駒子 {n} /jūzi/ :: foal
{def} SEE: ::
驹驰 {def} SEE: 駒馳 ::
驹根 {def} SEE: 駒根 ::
驹驴 {def} SEE: 駒驢 ::
驹子 {def} SEE: 駒子 ::
{def} /jū/ :: gudgeon (fish)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jū/ :: only used in 鵯鶋
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jú/ :: wild ghost
{def} /jú/ :: ghost without a head
{def} /jú/ :: demon
{def} /jú/ :: globefish, blowfish, pufferfish
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
侷促 {adj} /júcù/ :: narrow; cramped; poky
侷促 {adj} /júcù/ :: ill at ease; constrained
侷促 {adj} [dialect] /júcù/ :: short of time
侷促 {v} /júcù/ :: to feel or show constraint
侷限 {def} SEE: 局限 ::
{def} /jū/ :: [obsolete] handful, to fill both hands with something
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jū/ :: alternative form of
{def} /jú/ :: [obsolete] bent; crooked
{def} /jú/ :: [obsolete] to bend
{def} /jú/ :: to restrict; to limit
{def} /jú/ :: [obsolete] to force; to coerce
{def} /jú/ :: narrow; restricted
{def} /jú/ :: [obsolete] near; close
{def} /jú/ :: [obsolete] breadth of mind; tolerance
{def} /jú/ :: [obsolete] neighbour
{def} /jú/ :: part; component
{def} /jú/ :: arrangement; distribution; structure; organisation
{def} /jú/ :: situation; circumstances
{def} /jú/ :: event
{def} /jú/ :: office; bureau
{def} /jú/ :: shop; store
{def} /jú/ :: trap; trick
{def} /jú/ :: feast; banquet; gathering
{def} /jú/ :: chessboard
{def} /jú/ :: classifier for boardgames and ballgames
局部 {adj} [attributive] /júbù/ :: localized; isolated; local
局部 {n} /júbù/ :: part (of a whole); smaller entity (inside a larger one)
局部麻醉 {n} [anesthesiology] /júbù mázuì/ :: local anesthesia
局長 {n} /júzhǎng/ :: bureau chief; managing director
局长 {def} SEE: 局長 ::
局促 {def} SEE: 侷促 ::
局麻 {n} [medicine] /júmá/ :: abbreviation of 局部麻醉
局麻药 {def} SEE: 局麻藥 ::
局麻藥 {n} [medicine] /júmáyào/ :: local anaesthetic
局面 {n} /júmiàn/ :: aspect; phase; situation; scenario
局面 {n} /júmiàn/ :: scale; scope; extent
局面 {n} /júmiàn/ :: honour; glory; reputation
局內人 {n} [chess] /júnèirén/ :: player in a game of chess
局內人 {n} [in general] /júnèirén/ :: insider
局内人 {def} SEE: 局內人 ::
局势 {def} SEE: 局勢 ::
局勢 {n} /júshì/ :: situation; state of affairs
局外人 {n} [chess] /júwàirén,er/ :: spectator of a chess game
局外人 {n} [in general] /júwàirén,er/ :: outsider; person uninvolved in the matter
局限 {v} /júxiàn/ :: to limit; to confine
局限性 {n} /júxiànxìng/ :: limitations
局域 {n} [science, computing] /júyù/ :: local area
局域網 {n} [computing] /júyùwǎng/ :: local area network; LAN (Classifier: m:個m:片)
局域网 {def} SEE: 局域網 ::
局灶 {n} [medicine] /júzào/ :: focus (of disease)
局灶性 {n} [medicine, often, attributive] /júzàoxìng/ :: focality
局子 {n} [colloquial, slang] /júzi/ :: police station
局子 {n} [colloquial, archaic] /júzi/ :: bureau; agency
局子 {n} [Beijing] /júzi/ :: snare; trap
局子 {n} [literary] /júzǐ/ :: chess piece
{def} /jū/ :: snowshoes
{def} /jú/ :: cotoneaster
{def} /jú/ :: cedar
{def} /jú/ :: cypress
{def} /jú/ :: tangerine
橘紅 {n} /júhóng/ :: peel of the red tangerine fruit (An herb used in traditional Chinese medicine.)
橘紅 {n} /júhóng/ :: the colour orange
橘紅 {adj} /júhóng/ :: orange
橘红 {def} SEE: 橘紅 ::
橘黃 {n} /júhuáng/ :: (~ 色) orange (colour)
橘黄 {def} SEE: 橘黃 ::
橘剂 {def} SEE: 橘劑 ::
橘劑 {n} /jújì/ :: synonym of 橙劑
橘郡 {prop} /Jújùn/ :: 橘郡 (county)
橘裏橘氣 {def} SEE: 橘裡橘氣 ::
橘裡橘氣 {adj} [neologism, slang, jocular, ACG] /júlǐjúqì,tl3/ :: lesbian-acting; lesbian-looking
橘里橘气 {def} SEE: 橘裡橘氣 ::
橘皮 {n} /júpí/ :: peel of the tangerine (An herb used in traditional Chinese medicine.)
橘色 {n} /júsè/ :: orange colour
橘頌 {prop} /Júsòng/ :: (~ 社區) 橘頌 (residential community)
橘颂 {def} SEE: 橘頌 ::
橘汁 {n} /júzhī,er/ :: orange juice
橘子 {n} /júzi/ :: mandarin orange
橘子 {n} /júzi/ :: tangerine
橘子郡 {prop} /Júzǐjùn/ :: 橘子郡 (county)
橘子水 {n} /júzi shuǐ/ :: orangeade
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jú/ :: outer shore of a river at a bend
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jú/ :: Ju River in Henan province
{def} [Cantonese] /jú/ :: stuffy
{def} [chiefly Cantonese, cooking] /jú/ :: to wrap food in gauze, tin foil, or paper and cook in salt or sand in a sealed pot
{def} [Cantonese, cooking] /jú/ :: to bake
{def} [Cantonese] /jú/ :: to steep
焗炉 {def} SEE: 焗爐 ::
焗油 {n} /júyóu/ :: treatment of the hair with a cream to make it soft and shiny
焗油 {n} /júyóu/ :: hair treatment cream
{def} /jú/ :: [obsolete] a kind of cattle
{def} /jú/ :: [obsolete] [of a dog] to stare
{def} /jú/ :: [obsolete] a bird spreading its wings
{def} /jú/ :: [obsolete] a kind of ape
{def} /jú/ :: chrysanthemum
{def} [euphemistic] /jú/ :: the anus
菊池 {prop} /Júchí/ :: (~ 市) 菊池 (city)
菊川 {prop} /Júchuān/ :: (~ 市) 菊川 (city)
菊蒿 {n} /júhāo/ :: Tanacetum vulgare, tansy
菊花 {n} /júhuā,er/ :: chrysanthemum flower
菊花 {n} [slang] /júhuā,er/ :: anus; asshole
菊花茶 {n} /júhuā chá/ :: chrysanthemum flower tea
菊花門 {n} [slang] /júhuāmén,er/ :: anus
菊花门 {def} SEE: 菊花門 ::
菊花王朝 {prop} /Júhuā Wángcháo/ :: Chrysanthemum Throne
菊苣 {n} [botany] /jújù/ :: chicory (either of two plants of the Asteraceae family)
菊苣根 {n} [botany] /jújùgēn/ :: chicory (coffee substitute)
菊科 {n} /júkē/ :: Asteraceae
菊普 {n} /júpǔ/ :: (~ 茶) guk pou (a mixed Pu-erhchrysanthemum tea popular in Cantonese restaurants)
菊头蝠 {def} SEE: 菊頭蝠 ::
菊頭蝠 {n} /jútóufú/ :: horseshoe bat
菊芋 {n} /júyù/ :: Jerusalem artichoke
菊月 {prop} [archaic] /Júyuè/ :: The ninth month of the Chinese lunar calendar
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [Cantonese] /jú/ :: to suffocate
跼促 {def} SEE: 侷促 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jú/ :: [obsolete] [of a horse] to leap
{def} /jú/ :: [obsolete] [horse] leap
{def} /jú/ :: [obsolete] horse with bent back
{def} /jú/ :: shrike (kind of bird)
{def} /jú/ :: only used in 鴶鵴
{def} /jú/ :: alternative form of
{def} /jú/ :: [obsolete] a mythical beast like a giant rat with horse's hooves
{def} /zhā/ :: (same as ) unevenly-fitting teeth
{def} /zhā/ :: irregular teeth
{def} /zhā/ :: resplendent with variegated coloration; bright and colorful
{def} SEE: ::
举哀 {def} SEE: 舉哀 ::
举案齐眉 {def} SEE: 舉案齊眉 ::
举办 {def} SEE: 舉辦 ::
举报 {def} SEE: 舉報 ::
举兵 {def} SEE: 舉兵 ::
举不胜举 {def} SEE: 舉不勝舉 ::
举步 {def} SEE: 舉步 ::
举步维艰 {def} SEE: 舉步維艱 ::
举措 {def} SEE: 舉措 ::
举动 {def} SEE: 舉動 ::
举动荆棘 {def} SEE: 舉動荊棘 ::
举发 {def} SEE: 舉發 ::
举凡 {def} SEE: 舉凡 ::
举国 {def} SEE: 舉國 ::
举国上下 {def} SEE: 舉國上下 ::
举行 {def} SEE: 舉行 ::
举家 {def} SEE: 舉家 ::
举荐 {def} SEE: 舉薦 ::
举酒 {def} SEE: 舉酒 ::
举柩 {def} SEE: 舉柩 ::
举例 {def} SEE: 舉例 ::
举目 {def} SEE: 舉目 ::
举旗 {def} SEE: 舉旗 ::
举棋不定 {def} SEE: 舉棋不定 ::
举起 {def} SEE: 舉起 ::
举人 {def} SEE: 舉人 ::
举世 {def} SEE: 舉世 ::
举世混浊 {def} SEE: 舉世混濁 ::
举世闻名 {def} SEE: 舉世聞名 ::
举世无双 {def} SEE: 舉世無雙 ::
举世瞩目 {def} SEE: 舉世矚目 ::
举事 {def} SEE: 舉事 ::
举手 {def} SEE: 舉手 ::
举手投足 {def} SEE: 舉手投足 ::
举手之劳 {def} SEE: 舉手之勞 ::
举头三尺有神明 {def} SEE: 舉頭三尺有神明 ::
举孝廉 {def} SEE: 舉孝廉 ::
举业 {def} SEE: 舉業 ::
举一反三 {def} SEE: 舉一反三 ::
举义 {def} SEE: 舉義 ::
举隅 {def} SEE: 舉隅 ::
举债 {def} SEE: 舉債 ::
举证 {def} SEE: 舉證 ::
举证责任 {def} SEE: 舉證責任 ::
举止 {def} SEE: 舉止 ::
举中指 {def} SEE: 舉中指 ::
举重 {def} SEE: 舉重 ::
举重若轻 {def} SEE: 舉重若輕 ::
举箸 {def} SEE: 舉箸 ::
举字底 {def} SEE: 舉字底 ::
举足轻重 {def} SEE: 舉足輕重 ::
{def} /jǔ,zuǐ/ :: to chew; to masticate
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [Sichuan] /jǔ,zuǐ/ :: to suck
咀嚼 {v} /jǔjué/ :: to chew; to masticate
咀嚼 {v} /jǔjué/ :: to think over; to mull over; to ponder; to ruminate
咀嚼 {v} [archaic] /jǔjué/ :: to enunciate clearly
咀嚼 {v} [archaic] /jǔjué/ :: to curse; to imprecate
咀嚼肌 {n} [anatomy] /jǔjuéjī/ :: muscle of mastication
咀賴羅 {n} /jǔlàiluó/ :: a kind of plant
咀赖罗 {def} SEE: 咀賴羅 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jǔ/ :: to hoard, to hide away
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [archaic] /yǔ/ :: a kind of tree
{def} /yǔ/ :: surname
{def} SEE: ::
榉木 {def} SEE: 櫸木 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jǔ/ :: Zelkova, a genus of elm
{def} /jǔ/ :: beech
櫸木 {n} /jǔmù/ :: beech
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jǔ/ :: [obsolete] to stop; to prevent
{def} /jǔ/ :: [obsolete] to ruin; to corrupt
{def} /jǔ/ :: [obsolete] gloomy; glum; disheartened
{def} /jǔ/ :: [obsolete] to threaten; to intimidate
{def} /jū/ :: Used in names of bodies of water
{def} /jū/ :: surname
{def} /jù/ :: [obsolete] moist; damp
{def} /jiān/ :: only used in 涓沮
{def} /zǔ/ :: only used in 沮陽
沮丧 {def} SEE: 沮喪 ::
沮喪 {adj} /jǔsàng/ :: depressed; dejected; despondent
{def} /jǔ/ :: carpenter's square
{def} /jǔ/ :: square (shape)
{def} /jǔ/ :: rule; law
{def} /jǔ/ :: (~ 州) [historical] old name for 貴州 during the Yuan dynasty
矩尺 {n} /jǔchǐ/ :: carpenter's square
矩尺座 {prop} [constellation] /Jǔchǐzuò/ :: Norma
矩形 {n} [geometry, formal] /jǔxíng/ :: rectangle
矩阵 {def} SEE: 矩陣 ::
矩陣 {n} [mathematics] /jǔzhèn/ :: matrix
矩州 {prop} [historical] /Jǔzhōu/ :: Ju Prefecture, a former administrative division in what is now Guizhou, China
矩州 {prop} [historical] /Jǔzhōu/ :: Juzhou, its eponymous seat in what is now Guiyang, China
{def} /qǔ,jǔ/ :: [obsolete] skilful
{def} /qǔ,jǔ/ :: [obsolete] craftsman
{def} /jǔ/ :: to raise; to lift up
{def} /jǔ/ :: [obsolete] to recommend
{def} /jǔ/ :: action; deed
{def} /jǔ/ :: whole; entire
舉哀 {v} [archaic] /jǔ'āi/ :: to hold a funeral
舉案齊眉 {idiom} /jǔ'ànqíméi/ :: to have mutual respect between husband and wife
舉辦 {v} [of an exhibition, course, concert, etc.] /jǔbàn/ :: to hold; to conduct; to run; to host
舉報 {v} /jǔbào/ :: to report to the authorities; to inform against someone; to blow the whistle
舉兵 {v} [literary] /jǔbīng/ :: to raise an army; to dispatch troops
舉不勝舉 {idiom} /jǔbúshèngjǔ/ :: too numerous to mention one by one; too numerous to count one by one
舉步 {v} /jǔbù/ :: to stride forward
舉步維艱 {idiom} /jǔbùwéijiān/ :: difficult to move forward; difficult to make progress
舉措 {n} /jǔcuò/ :: act; measure; move; decision
舉措 {v} /jǔcuò/ :: to move; to act; to decide
舉動 {n} /jǔdòng,tl/ :: movement; move; act; activity
舉動荊棘 {idiom} /jǔdòngjīngjí/ :: every move one makes seems as difficult as walking through brambles
舉發 {v} /jǔfā/ :: to report (crime) to the authorities; to expose (wrongdoing)
舉凡 {adv} /jǔfán/ :: every; any; all; whatever
舉凡 {adv} /jǔfán/ :: such as; ranging from... to...; examples including
舉國 {n} /jǔguó/ :: the whole country; the entire nation
舉國上下 {idiom} /jǔguóshàngxià/ :: everyone in the country
舉行 {v} /jǔxíng/ :: to hold (a meeting, reception, etc.)
舉家 {n} /jǔjiā/ :: whole family
舉薦 {v} /jǔjiàn/ :: to recommend (a person)
舉酒 {v} [archaic] /jǔjiǔ/ :: to hold a cup of wine in front of someone and urge them to drink it
舉柩 {v} [archaic] /jǔjiù/ :: to transport the coffin
舉例 {v} /jǔlì/ :: to give an example
舉目 {v} [literary] /jǔmù/ :: to look up; to raise one's eyes
舉旗 {v} [literally, figuratively] /jǔqí/ :: to raise a flag; to carry a banner
舉棋不定 {idiom} /jǔqí不dìng/ :: to be hesitant on what action to take
舉起 {v} /jǔqǐ/ :: to raise; to lift
舉人 {n} [archaic, historical] /jǔrén/ :: successful candidate in the imperial examination at the provincial level
舉人 {v} [literary] /jǔrén/ :: to lift a person
舉人 {v} [literary] /jǔrén/ :: to recommend a talented person
舉世 {n} /jǔshì/ :: throughout the world; whole world
舉世混濁 {idiom} [metaphor] /jǔshì hǔnzhuó/ :: the whole world is morally corrupt
舉世無雙 {idiom} /jǔshìwúshuāng/ :: unique; unparalleled; singular
舉世聞名 {adj} /jǔshì wénmíng/ :: world-famous
舉世矚目 {idiom} /jǔshìzhǔmù/ :: to be the focus of world attention
舉事 {v} [literary] /jǔshì/ :: to carry out; to put into action
舉事 {v} [literary] /jǔshì/ :: to initiate action; to start something
舉事 {v} [literary, euphemism] /jǔshì/ :: to rise in revolt
舉手 {v} /jǔshǒu,er/ :: to raise one's hand (to do work; especially in expressions to denote something is as easy as raising one's hands)
舉手 {v} /jǔshǒu,er/ :: to put up one's hand (to signal agreement or enquiry)
舉手投足 {idiom} /jǔshǒutóuzú/ :: the way one moves; the way in which one carries oneself; how one carries oneself
舉手之勞 {idiom} /jǔshǒuzhīláo/ :: something that requires little effort; no trouble at all
舉頭三尺有神明 {proverb} /jǔtóu sān chǐ yǒu shénmíng/ :: The gods are watching, so don't think you can get away with anything
舉孝廉 {v} [archaic] /jǔ xiàolián/ :: to be recommended for an official post
舉業 {n} [historical] /jǔyè/ :: preparatory literary studies for imperial examination
舉一反三 {idiom} /jǔ一fǎnsān/ :: to learn by analogy; to infer other cases based on one instance
舉義 {v} [literary] /jǔyì/ :: to stage an uprising; to start a revolt; to rise in revolt
舉隅 {v} [literary] /jǔyú/ :: to give a part as an example
舉債 {v} /jǔzhài/ :: to borrow money
舉證 {v} /jǔzhèng/ :: to provide evidence
舉證責任 {n} [legal, epistemology] /jǔzhèng zérèn/ :: burden of proof
舉止 {n} /jǔzhǐ/ :: behaviour; action
舉止 {n} /jǔzhǐ/ :: bearing; demeanour
舉止 {v} /jǔzhǐ/ :: to behave; to act (in a certain manner)
舉重 {n} [sports] /jǔzhòng/ :: weightlifting
舉重 {v} /jǔzhòng/ :: to lift weights
舉重若輕 {idiom} /jǔzhòngruòqīng/ :: to lift something heavy as if lifting something light
舉重若輕 {idiom} [figuratively] /jǔzhòngruòqīng/ :: to handle a difficult task or situation with ease
舉箸 {v} /jǔzhù/ :: to pick up chopsticks
舉字底 {n} /jǔzìdǐ/ :: the Chinese character component 𰀁
舉足輕重 {idiom} /jǔzúqīngzhòng/ :: to play a decisive role
{def} /jǔ/ :: taro
{def} /jǔ/ :: (~ 國) Ju (state) during the Zhou dynasty
{def} /jǔ/ :: (~ 縣) Ju county in Shandong province
{def} /jǔ/ :: surname
莒光 {n} /jǔguāng/ :: the spirit of recovering a lost country following the example of Tian Dan when he recovered Ju; the spirit of building a hardworking, thrifty military to carry forward the mission of the recovery of lost territory
莒光 {prop} /jǔguāng/ :: (~ 鄉) 莒光 (rural township)
{def} /jǔ/ :: betel
蒟酱 {def} SEE: 蒟醬 ::
蒟醬 {n} /jǔjiàng/ :: alternative name for 蔞葉
蒟蒻 {n} /jǔruò/ :: konjac (foul-smelling plant grown in Asia, Amorphophallus konjac)
蒟蒻 {n} [originally] /jǔruò/ :: betel and bulrush
蒟蒻 {n} [Mainland, slang] /jǔruò/ :: inexperienced competitor in Chinese science Olympiads
{def} /jǔ,qǔ/ :: [obsolete] high and big; lofty
{def} /jù/ :: comeliness of the color white
{def} /jiē/ :: only used in 袓厲
{def} [Min Nan] /jù/ :: to slip; to slide
踽踽 {adj} [literary] /jǔjǔ/ :: walking alone
踽踽 {adj} [literary, by extension] /jǔjǔ/ :: aloof
踽踽 {adj} [literary] /jǔjǔ/ :: walking slowly
踽踽独行 {def} SEE: 踽踽獨行 ::
踽踽獨行 {idiom} /jǔjǔdúxíng/ :: to walk alone; to walk in solitude
{def} /jǔ/ :: irregular teeth
{def} /jǔ/ :: discord
齟齬 {n} [obsolete] /jǔyǔ/ :: irregular teeth; unaligned teeth
齟齬 {v} [literary] /jǔyǔ/ :: to have discord; to disagree
{def} SEE: ::
龃龉 {def} SEE: 齟齬 ::
{def} /jù/ :: delicate
{def} /jù/ :: lovely
{def} /jù/ :: beautiful
{def} /jù/ :: spoiled
{def} /jù/ :: jealous
{def} /jù/ :: to envy
{def} /jù/ :: jealousy
{def} /jù/ :: used in girl names
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
㨿 {def} SEE: ::
{def} /jù,jū/ :: (an ancient name) a kind of silver fish
{def} /jù,jū/ :: a kind of insect
{def} /jù/ :: a variety of millet
{def} /jù/ :: to stick
{def} /jù/ :: sticky, glutinous
{def} /jù/ :: swelling of the gums (of the teeth)
{def} [Cantonese, Hakka, Gan, Min Bei, vernacular] /qú/ :: he, him; she, her; it (third person singular pronoun)
佢兜侪 {def} SEE: 佢兜儕 ::
佢们 {def} SEE: 佢們 ::
{def} [literary] /jù/ :: haughty; arrogant
{def} /jù/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /jù/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
倨傲 {adj} /jù'ào/ :: haughty; arrogant; conceited
{def} /jù/ :: tool; implement
{def} /jù/ :: to possess; to have
{def} [literary] /jù/ :: to provide; to furnish
{def} [literary] /jù/ :: ability; talent
{def} [literary] /jù/ :: to state; to report; to list
{def} /jù/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /jù/ :: [obsolete] feast
{def} /jù/ :: [obsolete] in full detail
{def} /jù/ :: classifier for coffins, corpses and certain instruments
具備 {v} /jùbèi/ :: to possess; to be equipped with; to have; to be able to fulfill (conditions, requirements, etc.); to meet
具备 {def} SEE: 具備 ::
具格 {n} [grammar] /jùgé/ :: instrumental case
具結 {v} [old] /jùjié/ :: to sign an undertaking; to bind over (as surety)
具结 {def} SEE: 具結 ::
具名 {v} /jùmíng/ :: to sign one's name; to put one's name to
具体 {def} SEE: 具體 ::
具体化 {def} SEE: 具體化 ::
具体劳动 {def} SEE: 具體勞動 ::
具体名词 {def} SEE: 具體名詞 ::
具體 {adj} /jùtǐ/ :: specific; particular; concrete; exact
具體化 {v} /jùtǐhuà/ :: to embody; to materialize; to concretize; to substantiate; to particularize; to specialize
具體化 {n} /jùtǐhuà/ :: embodiment; materialization; concretization
具體化 {adj} /jùtǐhuà/ :: materialized; substantiated; concrete; specialized; specific; detailed
具體勞動 {n} [Marxism] /jùtǐ láodòng/ :: concrete labour
具體名詞 {n} /jùtǐ míngcí/ :: concrete noun
具象 {adj} /jùxiàng/ :: concrete (not abstract)
具言 {v} [archaic] /jùyán/ :: to explain in great detail
具有 {v} /jùyǒu/ :: to have; to possess
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
剧本 {def} SEE: 劇本 ::
剧变 {def} SEE: 劇變 ::
剧场 {def} SEE: 劇場 ::
剧场版 {def} SEE: 劇場版 ::
剧毒 {def} SEE: 劇毒 ::
剧集 {def} SEE: 劇集 ::
剧烈 {def} SEE: 劇烈 ::
剧名 {def} SEE: 劇名 ::
剧目 {def} SEE: 劇目 ::
剧情 {def} SEE: 劇情 ::
剧情片 {def} SEE: 劇情片 ::
剧情透露 {def} SEE: 劇情透露 ::
剧透 {def} SEE: 劇透 ::
剧团 {def} SEE: 劇團 ::
剧务 {def} SEE: 劇務 ::
剧牙 {def} SEE: 劇牙 ::
剧院 {def} SEE: 劇院 ::
剧增 {def} SEE: 劇增 ::
剧照 {def} SEE: 劇照 ::
剧中 {def} SEE: 劇中 ::
剧终 {def} SEE: 劇終 ::
剧种 {def} SEE: 劇種 ::
剧组 {def} SEE: 劇組 ::
剧作家 {def} SEE: 劇作家 ::
{def} /jù,jí,2nb/ :: [obsolete] many; diverse; numerous
{def} /jù,jí,2nb/ :: [obsolete] great; powerful
{def} /jù,jí,2nb/ :: [obsolete] severe; acute; intense
{def} /jù,jí,2nb/ :: [obsolete] hard; difficult
{def} /jù,jí,2nb/ :: [obsolete] fortress; stronghold
{def} /jù,jí,2nb/ :: [obsolete] fast; rapid
{def} /jù,jí,2nb/ :: [obsolete] to play and joke
{def} /jù,jí,2nb/ :: theatrical work; play; opera; drama (Classifier: m:部)
{def} /jù,jí,2nb/ :: 76th tetragram of the Taixuanjing; "aggravation" (𝍑)
{def} /jù,jí,2nb/ :: surname
劇本 {n} /jùběn/ :: play; drama
劇本 {n} /jùběn/ :: script (for a drama)
劇變 {v} /jùbiàn/ :: to change suddenly or violently
劇場 {n} /jù場/ :: theatre (building where performances are given); theater (Classifier: 個)
劇場版 {n} [of Japanese media] /jù场bǎn/ :: movie version (adaptation)
劇毒 {adj} /jùdú/ :: severely toxic; deadly poisonous
劇毒 {n} /jùdú/ :: severe toxin; deadly poison
劇集 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /jùjí/ :: (TV) drama series
劇烈 {adj} /jùliè/ :: intense; acute; severe
劇名 {n} /jùmíng,er/ :: name of a play or drama
劇目 {n} /jùmù/ :: theatrical program; repertoire
劇情 {n} /jùqíng/ :: story line; plot
劇情片 {n} /jùqíngpiàn,jùqíngpiān,er/ :: drama film
劇情透露 {n} /jùqíng tòulù/ :: plot spoiler
劇透 {n} /jùtòu/ :: plot spoiler
劇團 {n} /jùtuán/ :: theatrical company; troupe
劇務 {n} /jùwù/ :: stage manager
劇務 {n} /jùwù/ :: a lot of work
劇院 {n} /jùyuàn/ :: theatre (building); theater (Classifier: m:家m:座c:間)
劇增 {v} /jùzēng/ :: to dramatically increase; to rise sharply
劇照 {n} /jùzhào/ :: stage photo; still (from a movie); photo taken during a theatrical production
劇中 {n} /jùzhōng/ :: in a play; in an opera; in a drama
劇終 {v} [of a play, film, etc.] /jùzhōng/ :: to end
劇種 {n} /jùzhǒng/ :: type or genre of drama
劇組 {n} /jùzǔ/ :: cast and crew; film crew
劇作家 {n} /jùzuòjiā/ :: playwright, dramatist
{def} /jù/ :: sentence; phrase
{def} /jù/ :: classifier for sentences
{def} /gōu/ :: [obsolete] to bend; to curve
{def} /gōu/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /gōu/ :: [obsolete] to be polite and modest
{def} /gōu/ :: [obsolete] to arrest; to capture
{def} /gōu/ :: [obsolete] to examine
{def} [historical geometry] /gōu/ :: alternative form of
{def} /gōu/ :: surname
{def} /gòu/ :: used in 句當 alternative form of 勾當
{def} /gòu/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /gòu/ :: surname
{def} /qú/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
句柄 {n} [computer programming] /jùbǐng/ :: handle
句当 {def} SEE: 句當 ::
句當 {def} SEE: 勾當 ::
句点 {def} SEE: 句點 ::
句點 {n} /jùdiǎn/ :: full stop (in European languages)
句讀 {n} /jùdòu,2nb/ :: judou (traditional method of punctuation used in premodern Chinese texts)
句逗 {def} SEE: 句讀 ::
句读 {def} SEE: 句讀 ::
句法 {n} [linguistics] /jùfǎ/ :: syntax (set of rules)
句法学 {def} SEE: 句法學 ::
句法學 {n} [linguistics] /jùfǎxué/ :: syntax (study)
句股 {def} SEE: 勾股 ::
句號 {n} /jùhào,er/ :: ideographic full stop (); full stop ([[.]]); period
句號 {n} [figurative] /jùhào,er/ :: end; completion; conclusion
句号 {def} SEE: 句號 ::
句末 {n} /jùmò/ :: end of a sentence
句容 {prop} /Jùróng/ :: (~ 市) 句容 (city)
句式 {n} /jùshì/ :: sentence structure
句首 {n} /jùshǒu/ :: start of a sentence
句尾 {n} [grammar] /jùwěi/ :: end of a sentence
句吳 {prop} [historical] /Gōuwú/ :: the State of Wu (one of the states during the Western Zhou Dynasty and the Spring and Autumn period)
句吴 {def} SEE: 句吳 ::
句型 {n} [linguistics] /jùxíng/ :: sentence construction; sentence pattern
句子 {n} /jùzi/ :: sentence; phrase (Classifier: m:個)
{def} [literary] /jù/ :: dyked pond
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jù/ :: shoe footwear
{def} /jù/ :: to trample on
{def} /jù/ :: [alternative form *鉅] huge; gigantic; enormous
{def} /jù/ :: surname
{def} /jù/ :: macro-; macro
{def} /jù/ :: million; one million; mega-; mega
{def} /jù/ :: abbreviation of 巨港
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [neologism] /jù/ :: super; very
巨变 {def} SEE: 巨變 ::
巨變 {n} /jùbiàn/ :: great change
巨擘 {n} [literary] /jùbò/ :: thumb
巨擘 {n} [figurative] /jùbò/ :: authority; ace; star; expert
巨大 {adj} /jùdà/ :: enormous; gigantic; massive; huge; immense; tremendous; colossal; great
巨大無比 {idiom} /jùdàwúbǐ/ :: incomparably enormous
巨大无比 {def} SEE: 巨大無比 ::
巨蛋 {n} [literally] /jùdàn/ :: huge egg; big egg
巨蛋 {n} [figurative, chiefly Taiwan] /jùdàn/ :: domed stadium; oval-shaped stadium; sports arena
巨額 {n} /jù'é/ :: large sum or amount
巨额 {def} SEE: 巨額 ::
巨肺 {n} [slang] /jùfèi/ :: one with a powerful singing voice
巨风 {def} SEE: 颶風 ::
巨幅 {adj} [attributive, of paintings, photographs, etc.] /jùfú/ :: extremely large
巨富 {adj} [literary] /jùfù/ :: super wealthy; very rich
巨富 {n} [literary] /jùfù/ :: person of immense wealth; millionaire
巨港 {prop} /Jùgǎng/ :: 巨港 (city/provincial capital)
巨觥 {n} [archaic] /jùgōng/ :: a large cup (of wine)
巨怪 {n} [fantasy] /jùguài/ :: troll
巨环内酯 {def} SEE: 巨環內酯 ::
巨環內酯 {n} [organic compound] /jùhuán nèizhǐ/ :: macrolide
巨祸 {def} SEE: 巨禍 ::
巨禍 {n} [literary] /jùhuò/ :: massive disaster; calamity
巨集 {n} [programming, Taiwan] /jùjí/ :: macro
巨匠 {n} /jùjiàng/ :: master craftsman
巨匠 {n} [in general] /jùjiàng/ :: great master
巨爵座 {prop} [constellation] /Jùjuézuò/ :: Crater
巨款 {n} /jùkuǎn/ :: huge sum of money (Classifier: m:筆)
巨浪 {n} [literally, figuratively] /jùlàng/ :: huge swell; mighty wave
巨流 {n} /jùliú/ :: [literally] mighty current
巨流 {n} /jùliú/ :: [by extension] trend of a time
巨龍 {prop} /Jùlóng/ :: (~ 鄉) 巨龍 (township)
巨龙 {def} SEE: 巨龍 ::
巨鹿 {prop} [historical] /Jùlù/ :: Julu County, in present day Pingxiang County, Hebei
巨鹿 {prop} /Jùlù/ :: Julu County, Hebei (known as Nanyi County prior to the Sui Dynasty)
巨蟒 {n} /jùmǎng/ :: python
巨無霸 {prop} [humorous] /jùwúbà/ :: alternative form of 巨毋霸
巨無霸 {n} [figurative] /jùwúbà/ :: big or invincible person or thing; giant; colossus; monster
巨無霸 {n} [figurative, slang] /jùwúbà/ :: huge breasts, or a person with huge breasts
巨無霸 {n} [Mainland, Hong Kong] /jùwúbà/ :: Big Mac (hamburger from McDonald's)
巨萬 {n} [archaic] /jùwàn/ :: lots; a ton; a huge amount
巨平 {prop} [archaic] /Jùpíng/ :: Juping County (southwest of present day Tai'an)
巨人 {n} /jùrén/ :: giant
巨人柱 {n} /jùrénzhù/ :: saguaro
巨乳 {n} /jùrǔ/ :: large breasts
巨蛇 {n} /jùshé/ :: python
巨蛇座 {prop} [constellation] /Jùshézuò/ :: Serpens
巨石阵 {def} SEE: 巨石陣 ::
巨石陣 {prop} /Jùshízhèn/ :: Stonehenge
巨噬細胞 {n} [immunology, cytology] /jùshìxìbāo/ :: macrophage
巨噬细胞 {def} SEE: 巨噬細胞 ::
巨室 {n} [archaic] /jù室/ :: a prominent and sizable family; a large and wealthy family; a distinguished family; an aristocratic family
巨室 {n} [archaic] /jù室/ :: a large residence
巨室 {n} [archaic] /jù室/ :: a grave; a mausoleum
巨兽 {def} SEE: 巨獸 ::
巨獸 {n} /jùshòu/ :: giant animal; beast
巨水雞 {n} [zoology] /jùshuǐjī/ :: takahē
巨水鸡 {def} SEE: 巨水雞 ::
巨头 {def} SEE: 巨頭 ::
巨頭 {n} /jùtóu/ :: tycoon; prominent person; magnate
巨万 {def} SEE: 巨萬 ::
巨无霸 {def} SEE: 巨無霸 ::
巨毋霸 {prop} [humorous] /jùwúbà/ :: Juwuba (name of a fictional giant, 1st century)
巨毋霸 {n} [figurative] /jùwúbà/ :: alternative form of 巨無霸
巨蜥 {n} [zoology] /jùxī/ :: monitor lizard
巨細 {adj} /jùxì/ :: big and small
巨细 {def} SEE: 巨細 ::
巨响 {def} SEE: 巨響 ::
巨響 {n} /jùxiǎng/ :: loud sound
巨蟹座 {prop} /Jùxièzuò/ :: Cancer (star sign)
巨星 {n} [star] /jùxīng,er/ :: giant star
巨星 {n} [figurative] /jùxīng,er/ :: superstar; influential person
巨型 {adj} /jùxíng/ :: huge; giant; enormous; gigantic
巨野 {prop} /Jùyě/ :: Juye County
巨婴 {def} SEE: 巨嬰 ::
巨嬰 {n} [pejorative, neologism, slang] /jùyīng/ :: big baby
巨硬 {prop} [humorous] /Jùyìng/ :: Microsoft
巨制 {def} SEE: 巨製 ::
巨帙 {n} [figuratively] /jùzhì/ :: monumental work
巨製 {n} /jùzhì/ :: great work; monumental work; masterpiece
巨著 {n} /jùzhù/ :: monumental work (of literature)
巨資 {n} /jùzī/ :: vast sum; huge amount of money
巨资 {def} SEE: 巨資 ::
巨作 {n} /jùzuò/ :: monumental work (of literature)
{def} SEE: ::
惧内 {def} SEE: 懼內 ::
惧怕 {def} SEE: 懼怕 ::
{def} /jù/ :: to fear; to be afraid
{def} /jù/ :: to scare; to frighten
懼內 {v} [formal, of a husband] /jùnèi/ :: to be fearful of one's wife; to be henpecked
懼怕 {v} /jùpà/ :: to fear; to dread
{def} /jù/ :: to ward; to refuse; to resist
拒不 {v} /jù不/ :: to refuse to do something
拒捕 {v} /jùbǔ/ :: to resist arrest
拒敌 {def} SEE: 拒敵 ::
拒敵 {v} /jùdí/ :: to resist the enemy
拒付 {v} /jùfù/ :: to refuse payment
拒絕 {v} /jùjué/ :: to reject; to turn down; to decline; to refuse; to say no to
拒絕往來戶 {n} [banking] /jùjué wǎnglái hù/ :: bank account that has been rejected because of bad credit or too many bounced checks; dishonoured account
拒绝 {def} SEE: 拒絕 ::
拒绝往来户 {def} SEE: 拒絕往來戶 ::
拒馬 {n} [military] /jùmǎ/ :: cheval de frise
拒馬 {n} /jùmǎ/ :: barricade
拒马 {def} SEE: 拒馬 ::
拒聘 {v} /jùpìn/ :: to turn down an invitation/appointment/offer of job
拒签 {def} SEE: 拒簽 ::
拒簽 {v} /jùqiān/ :: to have one's visa application rejected
拒簽 {v} /jùqiān/ :: to refuse to sign one's name
拒收 {v} /jùshōu/ :: to refuse to accept; to reject
拒霜 {n} [literary] /jùshuāng/ :: hibiscus
拒之門外 {idiom} /jùzhīménwài/ :: to deny entry
拒之門外 {idiom} /jùzhīménwài/ :: to reject
拒之门外 {def} SEE: 拒之門外 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jū/ :: only used in 拮据
据称 {def} SEE: 據稱 ::
据点 {def} SEE: 據點 ::
据讲 {def} SEE: 據講 ::
据理力争 {def} SEE: 據理力爭 ::
据实 {def} SEE: 據實 ::
据守 {def} SEE: 據守 ::
据说 {def} SEE: 據說 ::
据为己有 {def} SEE: 據為己有 ::
据我所知 {def} SEE: 據我所知 ::
据悉 {def} SEE: 據悉 ::
据有 {def} SEE: 據有 ::
据在 {def} SEE: 據在 ::
据指 {def} SEE: 據指 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jù/ :: (the appearance of) water having many things in it
{def} /jù/ :: dried up; withered
{def} /jù/ :: (river)
{def} /jù/ :: torch
{def} /jù/ :: candle
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jù/ :: surname
{def} /jù/ :: [obsolete] a pair of oxen kept to pull the plough
{def} [literary] /jù/ :: shocked; scared; panic-stricken
{def} /qú,qū,1nb/ :: surname
瞿家湾 {def} SEE: 瞿家灣 ::
瞿家灣 {prop} /Qújiāwān/ :: (~ 鎮) 瞿家灣 (town)
{def} /jù/ :: black millet (Pennisetum glaucum)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jù/ :: to congregate
{def} /jù/ :: to pile up
{def} [chemistry] /jù/ :: poly-
{def} /jù/ :: 59th tetragram of the Taixuanjing; "massing" (𝍀)
{def} /jù/ :: surname
聚氨酯 {n} /jù'ānzhǐ/ :: polyurethane
聚宝盆 {def} SEE: 聚寶盆 ::
聚寶盆 {n} [Chinese folk religion] /jùbǎopén/ :: treasure bowl in folklore that will generate jewels
聚寶盆 {n} [figurative] /jùbǎopén/ :: treasure house; cornucopia; gold mine; place rich in natural resources
聚苯乙烯 {n} [organic compound] /jùběnyǐxī/ :: polystyrene
聚变 {def} SEE: 聚變 ::
聚變 {v} [physics] /jùbiàn/ :: to undergo (nuclear) fusion
聚丙烯 {n} /jùbǐngxī/ :: polypropylene
聚餐 {v} /jùcān/ :: to have a dinner party, or other type of communal meal
聚餐 {n} /jùcān/ :: a meal together; a picnic, a party, or a potluck
聚光 {n} /jùguāng/ :: spotlight
聚光灯 {def} SEE: 聚光燈 ::
聚光燈 {n} /jùguāngdēng/ :: spotlight
聚果榕 {n} /jùguǒróng/ :: cluster fig tree (Ficus racemosa)
聚合 {n} [chemistry] /jùhé/ :: polymerization
聚合 {v} /jùhé/ :: to get together; to assemble together; to integrate
聚合 {v} /jùhé/ :: to polymerize
聚合酶 {n} [enzyme] /jùhéméi/ :: polymerase
聚合酶鏈式反應 {n} /jùhéméi liàn shì fǎnyìng/ :: polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
聚合酶链式反应 {def} SEE: 聚合酶鏈式反應 ::
聚合体 {def} SEE: 聚合體 ::
聚合體 {n} /jùhétǐ/ :: polymer
聚合物 {n} [chemistry] /jùhéwù/ :: polymer
聚会 {def} SEE: 聚會 ::
聚會 {v} /jùhuì/ :: to gather together; to meet
聚會 {n} /jùhuì/ :: get-together; party; gathering
聚积 {def} SEE: 聚積 ::
聚積 {v} /jùjī/ :: to accumulate; to collect; to build up
聚集 {v} /jùjí/ :: to gather; to assemble; to collect
聚甲醛 {n} [inorganic compound] /jùjiǎquán/ :: paraformaldehyde
聚焦 {v} [physics] /jùjiāo/ :: to focus (light or electron beam); to bring into focus
聚焦 {v} [figurative] /jùjiāo/ :: to focus; to concentrate; to zero in on
聚腳點 {n} [Hong Kong] /jùjiǎodiǎn/ :: gathering place
聚精会神 {def} SEE: 聚精會神 ::
聚精會神 {idiom} /jùjīnghuìshén/ :: to maintain one's concentration; to stay focused; to be attentive or absorbed
聚居 {v} /jùjū/ :: to inhabit (a region)
聚居地 {n} /jùjūdì/ :: settlement; place populated by a particular ethnic group
聚居區 {n} /jùjūqū/ :: area where people of a certain ethnic group live in compact communities; ethnic enclave
聚居区 {def} SEE: 聚居區 ::
聚敛 {def} SEE: 聚斂 ::
聚斂 {v} /jù敛/ :: to amass wealth by heavy taxation; to levy heavy taxes
聚斂 {v} /jù敛/ :: to collect; to gather
聚斂 {v} /jù敛/ :: to extort the wealth of the people
聚拢 {def} SEE: 聚攏 ::
聚攏 {v} /jùlǒng/ :: to gather together
聚落 {n} /jùluò/ :: settlement; town; village
聚氯乙烯 {n} /jùlǜyǐxī/ :: polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
聚齊 {v} /jùqí/ :: to gather (at an appointed place); to assemble
聚齐 {def} SEE: 聚齊 ::
聚乳酸 {n} [organic compound] /jùrǔsuān/ :: polylactic acid; PLA
聚散 {v} /jùsàn/ :: to meet and part; to gather and disperse
聚沙 {v} /jùshā/ :: to accumulate sand grains
聚沙 {v} /jùshā/ :: to learn Buddhism
聚沙成塔 {idiom} /jùshāchéngtǎ/ :: by gathering small amounts one gets a huge quantity, many a mickle makes a muckle
聚少离多 {def} SEE: 聚少離多 ::
聚少離多 {idiom} [often of a couple] /jùshǎolíduō/ :: to be more often separated than together
聚首 {v} [formal, usually of leaders, important figures] /jùshǒu/ :: to gather; to assemble; to meet
聚四氟乙烯 {n} [organic chemistry] /jùsìfúyǐxī/ :: polytetrafluoroethylene; PTFE; Teflon
聚訟 {v} /jùsòng/ :: hold different views; be unable to reach an agreement
聚讼 {def} SEE: 聚訟 ::
聚碳酸酯 {n} [chemistry] /jùtànsuānzhǐ/ :: polycarbonate
聚头 {def} SEE: 聚頭 ::
聚頭 {v} [colloquial] /jùtóu/ :: to meet; to gather together
聚星 {n} [astronomy] /jùxīng/ :: multiple star
聚乙二醇 {n} [organic compound] /jùyǐ'èrchún/ :: polyethylene glycol; PEG
聚乙烯 {n} [organic compound] /jùyǐxī/ :: polyethylene
聚飲 {v} [literary] /jùyǐn/ :: to gather together to drink alcohol
聚饮 {def} SEE: 聚飲 ::
聚麀 {n} [literary, figurative] /jùyōu/ :: to commit incest
聚酯 {n} [chemistry] /jùzhǐ/ :: polyester
聚众 {def} SEE: 聚眾 ::
聚眾 {v} /jùzhòng/ :: to gather a crowd
{def} /jù/ :: lettuce
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /qǔ/ :: only used in 苣蕒菜
苣荬菜 {def} SEE: 苣蕒菜 ::
苣蕒菜 {n} /qǔmǎicài/ :: field milk thistle (Sonchus arvensis)
{def} /jū/ :: salted or pickled vegetables
詎料 {adv} /jùliào/ :: unexpectedly
{def} SEE: ::
讵料 {def} SEE: 詎料 ::
{def} /yú/ :: [obsolete] young wild boar
{def} /jù/ :: to be away from
{def} /jù/ :: distance
{def} /jù/ :: spur (of a cock, pheasant, etc.)
距骨 {n} [skeleton] /jùgǔ/ :: talus; anklebone
距今 {n} /jùjīn/ :: before the present, (a long time) ago
距离 {def} SEE: 距離 ::
距离产生美 {def} SEE: 距離產生美 ::
距離 {n} /jùlí/ :: distance (Classifier: 段)
距離 {v} /jùlí/ :: to be apart
距離產生美 {phrase} /jùlí chǎnshēng měi/ :: Distance makes beauty. / Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
距违 {def} SEE: 距違 ::
距違 {v} [literary] /jùwéi/ :: to resist; to defy; to oppose
{def} /jù/ :: to crouch; to squat; to sit
{def} /jù/ :: to occupy
{def} /jù/ :: [obsolete] to lean on
{def} /jù/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /jù/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /jù/ :: post chariot or horse
{def} /jù/ :: hurriedly
{def} /jù/ :: suddenly
{def} /jù/ :: to be afraid
{def} /jù/ :: surname
遽尔 {def} SEE: 遽爾 ::
遽爾 {adv} [archaic] /jù'ěr/ :: suddenly
{def} /jù/ :: Only used in names (Simplified as 钜 in mainland China)
鉅大 {def} SEE: 巨大 ::
鉅額 {def} SEE: 巨額 ::
鉅富 {def} SEE: 巨富 ::
鉅款 {def} SEE: 巨款 ::
鉅鹿 {prop} [historical] /Jùlù/ :: Julu County, in present day Pingxiang County, Hebei
鉅鹿 {prop} /Jùlù/ :: Julu County, Hebei (known as Nanyi County prior to the Sui Dynasty)
鉅野 {prop} [archaic] /Jùyě/ :: Juye County
鉅制 {def} SEE: 巨製 ::
鉅帙 {def} SEE: 巨帙 ::
鉅製 {def} SEE: 巨製 ::
鉅著 {def} SEE: 巨著 ::
鉅作 {def} SEE: 巨作 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
钜款 {def} SEE: 巨款 ::
钜鹿 {def} SEE: 鉅鹿 ::
钜野 {def} SEE: 鉅野 ::
钜著 {def} SEE: 巨著 ::
{def} SEE: ::
锯𮣶 {def} SEE: 鋸鑢 ::
锯扒 {def} SEE: 鋸扒 ::
锯齿 {def} SEE: 鋸齒 ::
锯齿波 {def} SEE: 鋸齒波 ::
锯鲛 {def} SEE: 鋸鮫 ::
锯末 {def} SEE: 鋸末 ::
锯末子 {def} SEE: 鋸末子 ::
锯木灰 {def} SEE: 鋸木灰 ::
锯木面 {def} SEE: 鋸木麵 ::
锯木屑 {def} SEE: 鋸木屑 ::
锯鲨 {def} SEE: 鋸鯊 ::
锯屑 {def} SEE: 鋸屑 ::
锯屑麸 {def} SEE: 鋸屑麩 ::
锯𮣶仔 {def} SEE: 鋸鑢仔 ::
锯仔 {def} SEE: 鋸仔 ::
锯子 {def} SEE: 鋸子 ::
{def} /jù/ :: typhoon; hurricane
颶風 {n} [in modern uses] /jùfēng/ :: hurricane
颶風 {n} [archaic] /jùfēng/ :: violent windstorm on the sea; typhoon
{def} SEE: ::
飓风 {def} SEE: 颶風 ::
{def} /jù/ :: offspring of a stallion and a female mule
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [literary] /juān/ :: beautiful; graceful
娟秀 {adj} [of physical appearance, handwriting, etc.] /juānxiù/ :: beautiful; good-looking
{def} /juān/ :: to contribute
{def} /juān/ :: to give up; to renounce
{def} /juān/ :: to remove
{def} /juān/ :: to donate
{def} /juān/ :: to spend
{def} /juān/ :: tax
{def} /juān/ :: to dissipate
{def} [Cantonese] /juān/ :: to burrow; to writhe through
{def} /yuán/ :: only used in 捐毒
捐毒 {prop} [historical] /Yuándú/ :: An ancient state in modern Xinjiang
捐精 {v} /juānjīng/ :: to donate semen
捐款 {v} /juānkuǎn/ :: to donate money; to provide financial assistance
捐款 {n} /juānkuǎn/ :: donation (of money)
捐募 {v} /juānmù/ :: to raise; to collect
捐錢 {v} /juānqián/ :: to donate money; to provide financial assistance
捐钱 {def} SEE: 捐錢 ::
捐躯 {def} SEE: 捐軀 ::
捐軀 {v} /juānqū/ :: to sacrifice one's life; to lay down one's life
捐生 {v} [literary] /juānshēng/ :: to give one's life; to sacrifice one's life
捐稅 {n} /juānshuì/ :: taxes and levies
捐税 {def} SEE: 捐稅 ::
捐献 {def} SEE: 捐獻 ::
捐獻 {v} /juānxiàn/ :: to donate
捐獻 {n} /juānxiàn/ :: donation
捐血 {v} /juān血/ :: to donate blood
捐贈 {v} /juānzèng/ :: to donate; to contribute as a gift; to present
捐赠 {def} SEE: 捐贈 ::
捐助 {v} /juānzhù/ :: to donate money; to provide financial assistance
捐資 {v} /juānzī/ :: to donate money; to provide financial assistance
捐资 {def} SEE: 捐資 ::
{def} /juān/ :: [obsolete] to reduce; to wane
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /juān/ :: [obsolete] to exploit
{def} [literary] /juān/ :: brook; stream
{def} [literary] /juān/ :: tiny; negligible
{def} [literary] /juān/ :: to choose; to select
{def} [literary] /juān/ :: to clean; to clear
涓埃 {n} [archaic] /juān'āi/ :: a speck; a tiny amount
涓流 {n} /juānliú/ :: trickle; rivulet
涓流 {n} [figurative] /juānliú/ :: minute thing; trifle
{def} /zuī/ :: [obsolete] [Cantonese, Hakka] penis (of a boy) (Classifier: c:條)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /xuān/ :: to reduce
脧鳥 {def} SEE: 䐯鳥 ::
脧鸟 {def} SEE: 脧鳥 ::
脧友 {def} SEE: 䐯鳥 ::
{def} [literary] /juān/ :: to remit; to eliminate
{def} [literary] /juān/ :: to cleanse; to make clear
{def} [literary] /juān/ :: to manifest; to display
{def} [literary] /juān/ :: julid
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /juān/ :: [historical dictionaries] engraving tool
{def} /juān/ :: to carve; to engrave
{def} /juān/ :: to engrave in one's memory; to keep in heart
{def} /juān/ :: to demote; to dismiss [of officials]
鐫刻 {v} [literary, literally, figuratively] /juānkè/ :: to engrave; to carve
鐫汰 {v} [literary] /juāntài/ :: to cut down; to reduce
{def} SEE: ::
镌刻 {def} SEE: 鐫刻 ::
镌汰 {def} SEE: 鐫汰 ::
{def} /juān/ :: only used in 杜鵑
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /juǎn,er/ :: alternative form of
{def} /juǎn,er/ :: alternative form of
{def} /juǎn,er/ :: alternative form of
{def} /juǎn,er/ :: alternative form of
{def} /juǎn,er/ :: classifier for rolled objects
{def} /juàn,er/ :: reel of books
{def} /juàn,er/ :: book; scroll
{def} /juàn,er/ :: volume; chapter; fascicle
{def} [computing] /juàn,er/ :: volume
{def} /juàn,er/ :: examination paper
{def} /juàn,er/ :: classifier for volume or chapter of books
{def} /quán/ :: [obsolete] to bend (especially of knees); to curve; to flex; original form of
{def} /quán/ :: [obsolete] honest; sincere
{def} /quán/ :: alternative form of
卷笔刀 {def} SEE: 卷筆刀 ::
卷筆刀 {def} SEE: 捲筆刀 ::
卷层云 {def} SEE: 卷層雲 ::
卷層雲 {n} [meteorology] /juǎncéngyún/ :: cirrostratus
卷尺 {def} SEE: 捲尺 ::
卷丹 {n} /juàndān/ :: tiger lily (Lilium lancifolium)
卷耳 {n} /juǎn'ěr/ :: Cerastium arvense
卷发 {def} SEE: 捲髮 ::
卷髮 {def} SEE: 捲髮 ::
卷福 {prop} [colloquial, affectionate] /Juǎn Fú/ :: Benedict Cumberbatch (English actor)
卷积云 {def} SEE: 卷積雲 ::
卷積雲 {n} [meteorology] /juǎnjīyún/ :: cirrocumulus
卷甲 {def} SEE: 捲甲 ::
卷螺仔风 {def} SEE: 捲螺仔風 ::
卷鋪蓋 {def} SEE: 捲鋪蓋 ::
卷铺盖 {def} SEE: 捲鋪蓋 ::
卷起 {def} SEE: 捲起 ::
卷入 {def} SEE: 捲入 ::
卷舌 {def} SEE: 捲舌 ::
卷舌音 {def} SEE: 捲舌音 ::
卷葉 {n} /juǎnyè/ :: curled leaf
卷葉蟲 {n} /juǎnyèchóng/ :: Diaphania pyloalis
卷首 {n} /juànshǒu/ :: introductory fascicle
卷首語 {n} /juànshǒuyǔ/ :: preface; foreword; introductory remarks; preamble; prelude
卷首语 {def} SEE: 卷首語 ::
卷舒 {v} [literary] /juǎnshū/ :: to roll up and unroll; to furl and unfurl
卷舒 {v} [literary] /juǎnshū/ :: to advance and retreat; to hide and reveal
卷舒 {v} [literary] /juǎnshū,quánshū/ :: to contract and extend
卷縮 {v} /juǎnsuō/ :: to curl up and shrink
卷縮 {v} [formal, figurative] /juǎnsuō/ :: to be constrained and held back from stretching
卷缩 {def} SEE: 卷縮 ::
卷筒 {def} SEE: 捲筒 ::
卷土重來 {def} SEE: 捲土重來 ::
卷土重来 {def} SEE: 捲土重來 ::
卷心菜 {def} SEE: 捲心菜 ::
卷烟 {def} SEE: 捲煙 ::
卷煙 {def} SEE: 捲煙 ::
卷菸 {def} SEE: 捲煙 ::
卷叶 {def} SEE: 卷葉 ::
卷叶虫 {def} SEE: 卷葉蟲 ::
卷云 {def} SEE: 卷雲 ::
卷雲 {n} [meteorology] /juǎnyún/ :: cirrus (cloud)
卷闸 {def} SEE: 捲閘 ::
卷軸 {n} /juànzhóu/ :: scroll (roll of paper with writing or pictures on it)
卷轴 {def} SEE: 卷軸 ::
卷子 {n} /juànzi/ :: examination paper
卷子 {def} SEE: 捲子 ::
卷子 {n} [historical] /juànzi/ :: hand-copied scroll
卷字头 {def} SEE: 卷字頭 ::
卷字頭 {n} /juǎnzìtóu,juànzìtóu/ :: the Chinese character component
卷宗 {n} /juànzōng/ :: folder
卷宗 {n} /juànzōng/ :: file, dossier
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /juǎn/ :: to curl; to roll up
{def} /juǎn/ :: curly; rolled up
捲筆刀 {n} [chiefly Mainland] /juǎnbǐdāo/ :: pencil sharpener
捲尺 {n} /juǎnchǐ/ :: tape measure; measuring tape (made of metal or steel)
捲髮 {v} /juǎn髮/ :: to curl the hair
捲髮 {n} /juǎn髮/ :: curly hair
捲甲 {v} [archaic] /juǎnjiǎ/ :: to withdraw one's forces
捲鋪蓋 {v} /juǎn pūgai,juǎn pūgài,1nb/ :: to pack up and leave; to pack and leave
捲鋪蓋 {v} [figurative] /juǎn pūgai,juǎn pūgài,1nb/ :: to be sent packing; to be sacked; to be fired
捲起 {v} /juǎnqǐ/ :: to roll up
捲入 {v} /juǎnrù/ :: to be drawn into; to be involved in
捲舌 {v} /juǎnshé/ :: to curl one's tongue
捲舌音 {n} [phonetics] /juǎnshéyīn/ :: retroflex consonant
捲筒 {n} /juǎntǒng/ :: reel
捲土重來 {idiom} /juǎntǔchónglái/ :: to stage a comeback after regaining one's strength
捲心菜 {n} /juǎnxīncài/ :: cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata)
捲煙 {n} /juǎnyān/ :: cigarette
捲煙 {n} /juǎnyān/ :: cigar
捲煙 {v} /juǎnyān/ :: to roll a cigarette
捲菸 {def} SEE: 捲煙 ::
捲閘 {n} /juǎnzhá/ :: roller shutter
捲子 {n} [diminutive] /juǎnzi/ :: roll; scroll
捲子 {n} /juǎnzi/ :: steamed roll; spring roll
{def} /juǎn,sào/ :: thick meat soup
{def} /juǎn/ :: only used in 菤耳
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /juàn/ :: grub (a kind of larva)
{def} /juàn/ :: second for spider
{def} /juàn/ :: a variety of spider
{def} /juàn/ :: octopus
{def} /juàn/ :: a long-legged spider
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /zhuān/ :: [historical dictionaries] A species of bird
{def} /juàn/ :: tired; weary
倦怠 {adj} /juàndài/ :: sluggish; weary; lethargic
倦怠感 {n} /juàndàigǎn/ :: lethargy, weariness, malaise
倦容 {n} /juànróng/ :: the tired look on one's face
倦厭 {v} [obsolete] /juànyàn/ :: to get tired of something; to become weary of something
倦厌 {def} SEE: 倦厭 ::
倦意 {n} /juànyì/ :: feeling of tiredness; weariness
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /juàn,quān/ :: a small iron nose ring or small stick worn in the noses of cattle; a cow's nose ring
{def} [Hakka] /juàn,quān/ :: to thread the needle
{def} [Hakka] /juàn,quān/ :: to strike with a fist
{def} /juàn/ :: used in 淃漣
{def} /juàn/ :: The name of a river
{def} [literary] /juàn/ :: rash; impetuous; impulsive
{def} [literary] /juàn/ :: reserved; overcautious
{def} [literary] /juàn/ :: upright (of character)
狷羚 {n} [zoology] /juànlíng/ :: hartebeest
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /juàn/ :: quick
{def} /juàn/ :: relatives
{def} [literary] /juàn/ :: take interest in; care for
眷愛 {v} /juàn'ài/ :: to regard with affection; to love
眷爱 {def} SEE: 眷愛 ::
眷村 {n} /juàncūn/ :: military dependents' village (community in Taiwan built in the mid-20th century to provide provisional housing for ROC soldiers and their dependents from Mainland China)
眷顧 {v} [formal] /juàngù/ :: to regard with tenderness; to be concerned about
眷顾 {def} SEE: 眷顧 ::
眷恋 {def} SEE: 眷戀 ::
眷戀 {v} /juànliàn/ :: to miss; to long for; to have a deep affection for (a place, country, person, etc.)
眷念 {v} [formal] /juànniàn/ :: to think fondly of; to feel nostalgic about
眷區 {n} /juànqū/ :: community for the families of soldiers
眷区 {def} SEE: 眷區 ::
眷属 {def} SEE: 眷屬 ::
眷屬 {n} /juànshǔ/ :: family member; relative; kin
眷屬 {n} /juànshǔ/ :: husband and wife; married couple
眷佑 {n} [literary, chiefly of a deity] /juànyòu/ :: to protect; to bless
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /juàn/ :: thin, tough silk fabric
絹帛 {n} [archaic] /juànbó/ :: silk clothing; materials made of silk
{def} SEE: ::
绢帛 {def} SEE: 絹帛 ::
{def} /Juàn/ :: a place in modern Shandong
{def} /Juàn/ :: surname
鄄城 {prop} /Juànchéng/ :: Juancheng County
{def} SEE: ::
隽永 {def} SEE: 雋永 ::
隽语 {def} SEE: 雋語 ::
{def} [literary] /juàn/ :: meaningful; thought-provoking
{def} /juàn/ :: surname
{def} [literary] /jùn/ :: alternative form of
雋永 {adj} [literary, of writing] /juànyǒng/ :: meaningful; thought-provoking
雋語 {n} /juànyǔ/ :: pithy remark; thought-provoking words; epigram
{def} /yàn/ :: type of cauldron ()
{def} /juē/ :: alternative form of
噘嘴 {def} SEE: 撅嘴 ::
{def} /juē/ :: to lift; to raise
{def} /juē/ :: to snap off
撅嘴 {v} /juēzuǐ/ :: to pout (one's lips)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /zhuō/ :: to cut to pieces
{def} /zhuō/ :: to hack
{def} /zhuō/ :: to chop or hew
{def} /zhuō/ :: to carve for ornaments
{def} /jué,pì/ :: to cut short
{def} /jué,pì/ :: to break off
{def} /jué,pì/ :: to interrupt, to drag
{def} /jué,pì/ :: to pull
{def} /jué/ :: name of a river in Hubei province
{def} /jué/ :: name of a state in ancient times
{def} SEE: ::
䦆头 {def} SEE: 钁頭 ::
{def} /jué/ :: [historical dictionaries] a backward hook
{def} /jué,juè/ :: stubborn; obstinate
倔強 {adj} /juéjiàng/ :: stubborn; obstinate; unbending; headstrong
倔犟 {def} SEE: 倔強 ::
倔起 {def} SEE: 崛起 ::
倔强 {def} SEE: 倔強 ::
{def} /jú,jué/ :: [historical dictionaries] crazy; mad
{def} /jú,jué/ :: [obsolete] a legendary headless devil; also written *獝, *䰬
{def} /jú,jué/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /yù/ :: [obsolete] cloud mists by the sun
{def} SEE: ::
决𱄾 {def} SEE: 決𩧉 ::
决不 {def} SEE: 決不 ::
决策 {def} SEE: 決策 ::
决策人 {def} SEE: 決策人 ::
决策树 {def} SEE: 決策樹 ::
决策者 {def} SEE: 決策者 ::
决雌雄 {def} SEE: 決雌雄 ::
决定 {def} SEE: 決定 ::
决定簇 {def} SEE: 決定簇 ::
决定论 {def} SEE: 決定論 ::
决定权 {def} SEE: 決定權 ::
决定性 {def} SEE: 決定性 ::
决斗 {def} SEE: 決鬥 ::
决断 {def} SEE: 決斷 ::
决断力 {def} SEE: 決斷力 ::
决计 {def} SEE: 決計 ::
决口 {def} SEE: 決口 ::
决裂 {def} SEE: 決裂 ::
决明 {def} SEE: 決明 ::
决明子 {def} SEE: 決明子 ::
决然 {def} SEE: 決然 ::
决赛 {def} SEE: 決賽 ::
决胜 {def} SEE: 決勝 ::
决死 {def} SEE: 決死 ::
决算 {def} SEE: 決算 ::
决心 {def} SEE: 決心 ::
决一胜负 {def} SEE: 決一勝負 ::
决一死战 {def} SEE: 決一死戰 ::
决意 {def} SEE: 決意 ::
决议 {def} SEE: 決議 ::
决议案 {def} SEE: 決議案 ::
决战 {def} SEE: 決戰 ::
{def} /jué/ :: scoop out
{def} /jué/ :: gouge
{def} /jué/ :: used in 剞劂
{def} /jué/ :: used in 剖劂
{def} /jué/ :: to faint; to lose consciousness
{def} /jué/ :: surname
{def} /jué/ :: [obsolete] his; her; its; their
{def} /jué/ :: only used in 突厥
噱头 {def} SEE: 噱頭 ::
噱頭 {n} [colloquial] /xuétóu,xuētóu,juétóu,1nb/ :: funny or amusing speech or acts; shenanigans; antics
{def} [literary] /kū/ :: alternative form of
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [literary] /kū/ :: to bore a hole
𡤼孒 {def} SEE: 孑孓 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jué/ :: [obsolete] missing one's left arm
{def} /jué/ :: [obsolete] short
{def} /jué/ :: used in 孑孓
{def} /jué/ :: used in 孑然一生
{def} /jué/ :: used in 煢煢孑立
{def} /jué/ :: used in 形影相吊
{def} /gǒng/ :: only used in 孑孓
{def} [literary] /juē/ :: straw sandals
{han} :: hemp sandals
{def} [literary] /jué/ :: to rise abruptly
{def} [literary] /jué/ :: towering; eminent
崛出 {adj} [literary] /juéchū/ :: outstanding; prominent
崛起 {v} [of high structures] /juéqǐ/ :: to rise abruptly; to spring up
崛起 {v} [figurative] /juéqǐ/ :: to rise to prominence; to soar
{def} /jué/ :: to choose; to select
{def} /jué/ :: to gouge; to pluck out
{def} /jué/ :: to pierce; to puncture
{def} /jué/ :: to reveal
抉择 {def} SEE: 抉擇 ::
抉擇 {v} /juézé/ :: to choose; to make a decision
{def} /jué/ :: to dig; to excavate
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [Hakka] /jué/ :: to scratch (with nails, claws)
掘地孖罅 {prop} [obsolete] /Juédìmāxià/ :: 掘地孖罅 (country)
掘井 {v} [literary] /juéjǐng/ :: to dig a well
掘矿 {def} SEE: 掘礦 ::
掘墓 {v} /juémù/ :: to dig a grave
掘墓人 {n} /juémùrén/ :: gravedigger
掘墓人 {n} [figurative] /juémùrén/ :: one that is responsible for the end of an old system or thing; gravedigger
掘头 {def} SEE: 掘頭 ::
掘头巷 {def} SEE: 掘頭巷 ::
掘头路 {def} SEE: 掘頭路 ::
掘土机 {def} SEE: 掘土機 ::
掘土機 {n} /juétǔjī/ :: excavator (vehicle, often on tracks, used to dig ditches, etc.)
{def} [of animals] /jué/ :: to grab using claws
{def} /jué/ :: to grab; to snatch; to seize
攫夺 {def} SEE: 攫奪 ::
攫奪 {v} [literary] /juéduó/ :: to pillage; to plunder; to take away by force; to snatch; to wrest; to seize
攫取 {v} /juéqǔ/ :: to seize; to grab; to capture
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jué/ :: rafter
{def} /jué/ :: Toringo crabapple (Malus toringo)
{def} [Cantonese] /jué/ :: classifier for sections
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jué/ :: [obsolete] to dredge; to dig
{def} /jué/ :: to burst; to break; to breach
{def} /jué/ :: to decide; to determine
{def} /jué/ :: to decide the outcome; to contest
{def} /jué/ :: to judge; to pronounce the verdict
{def} /jué/ :: to execute; to put to death
{def} /jué/ :: definitely; certainly
{def} /jué/ :: for worlds
{def} /xuè/ :: [obsolete] fast
決𩧉 {def} SEE: 騤𩧉 ::
決不 {adv} /jué不/ :: definitely not; by no means; under no circumstances
決策 {v} /juécè/ :: to make policy; to make a strategic decision
決策 {n} /juécè/ :: policy decision; decision of strategic importance
決策人 {n} /juécèrén/ :: policymaker; decision maker
決策樹 {n} [computing] /juécèshù/ :: decision tree
決策者 {n} /juécèzhě/ :: policymaker; decision maker
決雌雄 {v} /jué 雌xióng/ :: to compete to see who is stronger; to fight it out
決定 {v} /juédìng/ :: to decide; to make a decision
決定 {v} /juédìng/ :: to determine; to govern
決定 {n} /juédìng/ :: decision
決定簇 {n} /juédìngcù/ :: determinant (causing immunological response); epitope
決定論 {n} /juédìnglùn/ :: determinism
決定權 {n} /juédìngquán/ :: the power to make final decisions; decision-making power
決定性 {n} /juédìngxìng/ :: decisiveness; conclusiveness
決定性 {adj} [attributive] /juédìngxìng/ :: decisive; conclusive
決鬥 {v} /juédòu/ :: to duel
決鬥 {n} /juédòu/ :: decisive struggle; decisive battle
決斷 {v} /juéduàn/ :: to decide; to make a decision
決斷 {n} /juéduàn/ :: decision; judgement
決斷 {n} /juéduàn/ :: ability to decide; decisiveness
決斷 {adj} /juéduàn/ :: decisive; having the ability to make decisions quickly and effectively
決斷力 {n} /juéduànlì/ :: ability to decide; decisiveness
決計 {adv} /juéjì/ :: without fail; certainly; surely; definitely; inevitably
決計 {v} /juéjì/ :: to decide; to make up one's mind; to be determined
決口 {v} /juékǒu/ :: to burst; to be breached
決口 {n} /juékǒu/ :: breach (in the riverbank)
決裂 {v} /juéliè/ :: to break with; to break off relations with
決裂 {v} [archaic] /juéliè/ :: to divide; to cut apart; to break up; to partition; to split
決裂 {v} [archaic] /juéliè/ :: to damage; to destroy; to ruin; to vandalize; to sabotage
決明 {n} [TCM] /juémíng/ :: sicklepod; Chinese senna (Senna obtusifolia)
決明子 {n} [TCM] /juémíngzǐ/ :: seed of the sicklepod
決然 {adj} [ideophonic] /juérán/ :: resolute; determined
決然 {adv} /juérán/ :: definitely; surely
決賽 {v} /juésài/ :: to hold a final (competition)
決賽 {n} /juésài/ :: final (competition); finals (Classifier: m:場)
決勝 {v} /juéshèng/ :: to determine victory; to determine the outcome (of a game or match)
決死 {adj} [literary] /juésǐ/ :: life and death (of a struggle)
決死 {adv} [literary] /juésǐ/ :: to the death
決算 {n} /juésuàn/ :: final budget
決算 {n} [archaic] /juésuàn/ :: final plan; decisive plan
決算 {v} /juésuàn/ :: to make a final budget
決心 {n} /juéxīn/ :: determination; resolution; resoluteness
決心 {v} /juéxīn/ :: to make a decision; to be determined or resolved to do something
決一勝負 {idiom} /juéyīshèngfù/ :: to fight it out; to compete
決一死戰 {idiom} /jué一sǐzhàn/ :: to wage a life-and-death battle
決意 {v} /juéyì/ :: to decide; to make up one's mind; to be determined
決議 {n} /juéyì/ :: resolution; decision after thorough deliberation
決議 {v} /juéyì/ :: to pass a resolution
決議案 {n} /juéyì'àn/ :: resolution (statement adopted during a formal meeting)
決戰 {v} /juézhàn/ :: to engage in a decisive battle; to have a decisive engagement
決戰 {n} /juézhàn/ :: decisive battle
{def} [literary] /juān/ :: bright; luminous
{def} /yè/ :: [historical dictionaries] appearance of smoke
{def} /yuè/ :: [historical dictionaries] fire light; fire starting burning
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [archaic] /jué,jiào/ :: a torch made of bound reeds that was used for warding off evil spirits
{def} [archaic] /jué,jiào/ :: a small torch
{def} [archaic] /jué,jiào/ :: a small flame
{def} [historical] /jué/ :: jue (drinking vessel with three supporting feet)
{def} /jué/ :: feudal title or rank
{def} /jué/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
爵賞 {n} [archaic] /juéshǎng/ :: titles of nobility and rewards
爵赏 {def} SEE: 爵賞 ::
爵士 {n} /juéshì/ :: knight; sir
爵士 {n} /juéshì/ :: jazz
爵士鼓 {n} /juéshìgǔ/ :: drum kit
爵士乐 {def} SEE: 爵士樂 ::
爵士樂 {n} [music] /juéshìyuè/ :: jazz
爵士音乐 {def} SEE: 爵士音樂 ::
爵士音樂 {n} /juéshì yīnyuè/ :: jazz
爵土 {n} /juétǔ/ :: fief; feud; manor
爵位 {n} /juéwèi/ :: rank of nobility; peerage; title
{def} /jué/ :: only used in 猖獗
{def} [ancient] /jué/ :: legendary ape of Sichuan and Yunnan
{def} [literary] /jué/ :: monkeys
{def} /jué/ :: Same as 攫
{def} /jué/ :: two pieces of jade joined together
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jué/ :: skew mouth
{def} /xuè/ :: horrow wound
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /xuè/ :: large wound
矍鑠 {adj} [literary] /juéshuò/ :: old but full of energy; sprightly
矍铄 {def} SEE: 矍鑠 ::
{def} /jué/ :: [historical dictionaries] rock
{def} /jué/ :: to break off; to cut off; to sever
{def} /jué/ :: to terminate; to discontinue; to break off
{def} /jué/ :: to exhaust; to use up
{def} /jué/ :: superb; peerless; matchless
{def} /jué/ :: most; majority of
{def} /jué/ :: to the extreme; to the utmost
{def} /jué/ :: absolutely; definitely; certainly
{def} /jué/ :: to die
{def} /jué/ :: to despair; to give up hope; to be desperate
{def} [poetry] /jué/ :: jueju
{def} /jué/ :: to wither and fall
{def} /jué/ :: faraway; distant; remote
{def} [colloquial] /jué/ :: cool; awesome
{def} [colloquial] /jué/ :: extreme; excessive; too far
絕版 {v} /juébǎn/ :: to be out of print
絕屄 {adv} [vulgar, slang] /juébī/ :: absofuckinglutely
絕逼 {def} SEE: 絕屄 ::
絕筆 {v} [literary] /juébǐ/ :: to cease or stop writing
絕筆 {n} /juébǐ/ :: the last written work, calligraphy, painting, etc. produced by a person before death
絕筆 {n} /juébǐ/ :: masterpiece; ingenious work
絕壁 {n} /juébì/ :: precipice; cliff
絕不 {adv} /jué不/ :: definitely not; absolutely not; under no circumstances
絕才 {n} [literary] /juécái/ :: outstanding ability
絕才 {n} [literary] /juécái/ :: person of outstanding ability
絕唱 {n} [of poetry, etc.] /juéchàng/ :: masterpiece
絕唱 {n} /juéchàng/ :: swansong
絕塵 {adj} [literary] /juéchén/ :: having no dust
絕塵 {adj} [literary] /juéchén/ :: racing along quickly
絕塵 {v} [literary] /juéchén/ :: to transcend worldliness
絕塵 {v} [literary] /juéchén/ :: to vanish; to disappear
絕處 {n} [literary] /juéchù/ :: dire situation
絕處逢生 {idiom} /juéchùféngshēng/ :: to get saved at a critical moment; to survive a crisis; to be unexpectedly rescued from a desparate situation
絕大 {adj} [attributively] /juédà/ :: most of
絕大部分 {n} /juédàbùfèn,tl/ :: overwhelming majority; most part
絕大部份 {def} SEE: 絕大部分 ::
絕大多數 {n} /juédàduōshù/ :: absolute majority, overwhelming majority
絕代 {adj} [literary] /juédài/ :: unique among one's contemporaries; peerless
絕代 {n} [literary] /juédài/ :: remote antiquity
絕倒 {v} /juédǎo/ :: to prostrate oneself (before someone) in admiration; to greatly admire
絕倒 {v} /juédǎo/ :: to rock or fall to the side from uncontrollable laughter
絕倒 {v} [literary] /juédǎo/ :: to faint and fall to the ground due to extreme grief or anxiety; to fall to the ground and die
絕頂 {n} /juédǐng/ :: mountain peak; mountaintop; summit
絕頂 {adv} /juédǐng/ :: extremely; utterly
絕對 {adj} [attributive] /juéduì/ :: absolute (as opposed to relative); total; unconditional
絕對 {adv} /juéduì/ :: absolutely; totally; unconditionally; definitely
絕對多數 {n} /juéduì duōshù/ :: absolute majority
絕對分詞子句 {n} [grammar] /juéduì fēncí zǐjù/ :: nominative absolute
絕對零度 {n} [physics] /juéduì língdù/ :: absolute zero
絕對領域 {n} [ACG slang] /juéduì lǐngyù/ :: exposed skin of the thigh between the hem of a girl's miniskirt and her thigh-high socks
絕對温度 {def} SEE: 絕對溫度 ::
絕對溫度 {n} [physics] /juéduì wēndù/ :: absolute temperature
絕對星等 {n} [astronomy, astrophysics] /juéduì xīngděng/ :: absolute magnitude
絕對音感 {n} /juéduìyīngǎn/ :: absolute pitch; perfect pitch
絕對音樂 {n} [music] /juéduì yīnyuè/ :: absolute music
絕對真理 {n} /juéduì zhēnlǐ/ :: absolute truth
絕對值 {n} /juéduìzhí/ :: absolute value (numerical value of a real number)
絕對主義 {n} /juéduìzhǔyì/ :: absolutism
絕乏 {v} [literary] /juéfá/ :: to lack; to be deficient in; to be short of
絕非 {conj} /juéfēi/ :: is absolutely not ...
絕好 {adj} /juéhǎo/ :: most excellent; perfect; superb
絕後 {v} /juéhòu/ :: to be never repeated; to never happen again in the future
絕後 {v} /juéhòu/ :: to have no offspring
絕活 {n} /juéhuó,er/ :: unique talent; most skilled move; specialty
絕跡 {v} /jué跡/ :: to disappear; to vanish; to be stamped out
絕技 {n} /juéjì/ :: unique skill; consummate skill
絕交 {v} /juéjiāo/ :: to sever ties with someone
絕交 {v} [politics] /juéjiāo/ :: to break off relations
絕經 {v} /juéjīng/ :: to undergo menopause (the ending of menstruation)
絕經 {n} /juéjīng/ :: menopause (the ending of menstruation)
絕境 {n} /juéjìng/ :: isolated condition
絕境 {n} /juéjìng/ :: hopeless situation
絕句 {n} [poetry] /juéjù/ :: jueju
絕口 {v} [literary] /juékǒu/ :: to stop talking; to shut up
絕口不提 {idiom} /juékǒu不tí/ :: to not say a word about a particular thing
絕了 {adj} /juéliǎo/ :: awesome
絕路 {n} /juélù/ :: road to ruin; blind alley; dead end; impasse
絕路 {v} /juélù/ :: to block the way out; to leave no way out
絕倫 {adj} [formal] /juélún/ :: unsurpassed; unequalled; peerless; matchless
絕密 {adj} /juémì/ :: top-secret
絕妙 {adj} /juémiào/ :: exquisite; fantastic; splendid
絕滅 {vt} /juémiè/ :: to wipe out; to eliminate; to annihilate
絕滅 {vi} /juémiè/ :: to die out; to become extinct
絕無僅有 {idiom} /juéwújǐnyǒu/ :: only one of its kind; unique
絕配 {v} /juépèi/ :: to be perfectly matched
絕情 {v} /juéqíng/ :: to sever ties with a friend; to cut off a friendship
絕情 {adj} /juéqíng/ :: heartless; cruel
絕熱 {adj} [thermodynamics] /juérè/ :: adiabatic
絕色 {n} [literary] /juésè/ :: unrivalled beauty (of a woman)
絕色佳人 {idiom} /juésèjiārén/ :: woman of unrivalled beauty
絕色天香 {idiom} /juésètiānxiāng/ :: woman of incomparable beauty; unrivalled beauty
絕殺 {n} [chess] /juéshā/ :: brinkmate, an absolute (indefensible) threatmate
絕殺 {v} [chess, rare] /juéshā/ :: to make a move and the opponent is unable to defend themself to be checkmated in the next move. to create a brinkmate
絕少 {adj} /juéshǎo/ :: extremely few; extremely little
絕聖棄智 {idiom} /juéshèngqìzhì/ :: forsake the sages and abandon knowledge
絕食 {n} /juéshí/ :: hunger strike
絕食 {v} /juéshí/ :: to go without food; to go on a hunger strike
絕世 {adj} [literary] /juéshì/ :: unique; exceptional; unmatched
絕嗣 {v} [literary] /juésì/ :: to have no offspring; to be childless
絕望 {v} /juéwàng/ :: to despair; to give up hope; to be desperate
絕響 {n} /juéxiǎng/ :: extinct music
絕響 {n} /juéxiǎng/ :: extinct art; lost art; inimitable art
絕緒 {v} [literary] /juéxù/ :: to have no offspring; to be childless
絕纓 {v} [archaic] /juéyīng/ :: to yank off the cord which holds someone's headpiece in place
絕育 {n} [medicine] /juéyù/ :: sterilization
絕育 {v} /juéyù/ :: to sterilize; to spray
絕緣 {v} /juéyuán/ :: to insulate
絕緣 {v} /juéyuán/ :: to isolate
絕緣 {n} /juéyuán/ :: insulation
絕緣 {n} /juéyuán/ :: isolation
絕緣膠帶 {n} /juéyuán jiāodài/ :: electrical tape
絕緣體 {n} /juéyuántǐ/ :: insulation (electrical or thermal)
絕早 {adv} [literary] /juézǎo/ :: very early; first thing
絕招 {n} /juézhāo,er/ :: unique skill
絕招 {n} /juézhāo,er/ :: unexpected tricky move (as a last resort)
絕症 {n} /juézhèng/ :: terminal illness
絕種 {v} /juézhǒng/ :: to go extinct; to die out
絕子絕孫 {idiom} [often as a curse] /juézǐjuésūn/ :: to have no descendants
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
绝版 {def} SEE: 絕版 ::
绝屄 {def} SEE: 絕屄 ::
绝逼 {def} SEE: 絕逼 ::
绝笔 {def} SEE: 絕筆 ::
绝壁 {def} SEE: 絕壁 ::
绝不 {def} SEE: 絕不 ::
绝才 {def} SEE: 絕才 ::
绝唱 {def} SEE: 絕唱 ::
绝尘 {def} SEE: 絕塵 ::
绝处 {def} SEE: 絕處 ::
绝处逢生 {def} SEE: 絕處逢生 ::
绝大 {def} SEE: 絕大 ::
绝大部分 {def} SEE: 絕大部分 ::
绝大部份 {def} SEE: 絕大部份 ::
绝大多数 {def} SEE: 絕大多數 ::
绝代 {def} SEE: 絕代 ::
绝倒 {def} SEE: 絕倒 ::
绝顶 {def} SEE: 絕頂 ::
绝对 {def} SEE: 絕對 ::
绝对多数 {def} SEE: 絕對多數 ::
绝对分词子句 {def} SEE: 絕對分詞子句 ::
绝对零度 {def} SEE: 絕對零度 ::
绝对领域 {def} SEE: 絕對領域 ::
绝对温度 {def} SEE: 絕對溫度 ::
绝对星等 {def} SEE: 絕對星等 ::
绝对音感 {def} SEE: 絕對音感 ::
绝对音乐 {def} SEE: 絕對音樂 ::
绝对真理 {def} SEE: 絕對真理 ::
绝对值 {def} SEE: 絕對值 ::
绝对主义 {def} SEE: 絕對主義 ::
绝乏 {def} SEE: 絕乏 ::
绝非 {def} SEE: 絕非 ::
绝好 {def} SEE: 絕好 ::
绝后 {def} SEE: 絕後 ::
绝活 {def} SEE: 絕活 ::
绝迹 {def} SEE: 絕跡 ::
绝技 {def} SEE: 絕技 ::
绝交 {def} SEE: 絕交 ::
绝经 {def} SEE: 絕經 ::
绝境 {def} SEE: 絕境 ::
绝句 {def} SEE: 絕句 ::
绝口 {def} SEE: 絕口 ::
绝口不提 {def} SEE: 絕口不提 ::
绝了 {def} SEE: 絕了 ::
绝路 {def} SEE: 絕路 ::
绝伦 {def} SEE: 絕倫 ::
绝密 {def} SEE: 絕密 ::
绝妙 {def} SEE: 絕妙 ::
绝灭 {def} SEE: 絕滅 ::
绝配 {def} SEE: 絕配 ::
绝情 {def} SEE: 絕情 ::
绝热 {def} SEE: 絕熱 ::
绝色 {def} SEE: 絕色 ::
绝色佳人 {def} SEE: 絕色佳人 ::
绝色天香 {def} SEE: 絕色天香 ::
绝杀 {def} SEE: 絕殺 ::
绝少 {def} SEE: 絕少 ::
绝圣弃智 {def} SEE: 絕聖棄智 ::
绝食 {def} SEE: 絕食 ::
绝世 {def} SEE: 絕世 ::
绝嗣 {def} SEE: 絕嗣 ::
绝望 {def} SEE: 絕望 ::
绝无仅有 {def} SEE: 絕無僅有 ::
绝响 {def} SEE: 絕響 ::
绝绪 {def} SEE: 絕緒 ::
绝缨 {def} SEE: 絕纓 ::
绝育 {def} SEE: 絕育 ::
绝缘 {def} SEE: 絕緣 ::
绝缘胶带 {def} SEE: 絕緣膠帶 ::
绝缘体 {def} SEE: 絕緣體 ::
绝早 {def} SEE: 絕早 ::
绝招 {def} SEE: 絕招 ::
绝症 {def} SEE: 絕症 ::
绝种 {def} SEE: 絕種 ::
绝子绝孙 {def} SEE: 絕子絕孫 ::
{def} /jué/ :: alternative form of 𧮫
{def} /jué/ :: [obsolete] tongue
{def} /jué/ :: [obsolete] to cut meat
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jué/ :: [obsolete] [alternative form 𧮫] smiling appearance
蕨菜 {n} /juécài/ :: bracken fern eaten as a vegetable
蕨类 {def} SEE: 蕨類 ::
蕨類 {n} [botany] /juélèi/ :: ferns [as a class]
{def} /jué,quē/ :: only used in 蛜蚗
{def} /jué/ :: Mongolian five-toed jerboa (Siberian jerboa)
{def} /jué/ :: [obsolete] a kind of beast
{def} /jué/ :: [obsolete] mosquito larva
{def} /jué/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /蠼/ :: only used in 蠼螋
蠼螋 {n} /蠼sōu/ :: earwig
𰥛觉 {def} SEE: 瞓覺 ::
{def} SEE: ::
觉察 {def} SEE: 覺察 ::
觉得 {def} SEE: 覺得 ::
觉觉 {def} SEE: 覺覺 ::
觉觉猪 {def} SEE: 覺覺豬 ::
𰥛觉衫 {def} SEE: 瞓覺衫 ::
觉书 {def} SEE: 覺書 ::
觉悟 {def} SEE: 覺悟 ::
觉悟性 {def} SEE: 覺悟性 ::
觉醒 {def} SEE: 覺醒 ::
觉着 {def} SEE: 覺著 ::
{def} [literary] /jué/ :: dissatisfied
{def} [literary] /jué/ :: alternative form of
{def} [literary] /jué/ :: alternative form of
{def} [literary] /kuì/ :: to look forward to; to hope for
觖望 {v} [literary] /juéwàng/ :: dissatisfied; resentful
觖望 {v} [literary] /kuìwàng/ :: to look forward to; to hope for
{def} /jué/ :: to take leave of; to bid farewell
{def} /jué/ :: knack; trick of the trade
{def} /jué/ :: mnemonic chant; rhyme for remembering something
訣別 {v} /juébié/ :: to bid farewell; to part (usually with the implication that there is little likelihood of meeting again)
訣竅 {n} /juéqiào/ :: trick; knack; secret of success; key to success
{def} SEE: ::
诀别 {def} SEE: 訣別 ::
诀窍 {def} SEE: 訣竅 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jué/ :: [obsolete] large ape
{def} [literary] /jué/ :: to run fast; [especially of horse] to gallop
{def} [literary] /guì/ :: to kick with hoof
趹步 {v} [literary] /guìbù/ :: to run fast; to gallop
蹶子 {n} [of cattle, horse, etc.] /juězi/ :: kick backwards
躩步 {v} [literary] /juébù/ :: to race; to go as fast as one can
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [literary] /jué/ :: shrike
{def} /guì,guī,jué/ :: only used in 鶗鴃
{def} /jué/ :: only used in 白鷢
{def} /jué/ :: alternative form of
{def} [music] /jué/ :: third note in the Chinese pentatonic scale or mi
{def} /jué/ :: An ancient musical instrument used in the army
{def} SEE: ::
军备 {def} SEE: 軍備 ::
军备竞赛 {def} SEE: 軍備競賽 ::
军兵 {def} SEE: 軍兵 ::
军长 {def} SEE: 軍長 ::
军刀 {def} SEE: 軍刀 ::
军店 {def} SEE: 軍店 ::
军队 {def} SEE: 軍隊 ::
军阀 {def} SEE: 軍閥 ::
军阀主义 {def} SEE: 軍閥主義 ::
军法 {def} SEE: 軍法 ::
军法从事 {def} SEE: 軍法從事 ::
军方 {def} SEE: 軍方 ::
军费 {def} SEE: 軍費 ::
军服 {def} SEE: 軍服 ::
军港 {def} SEE: 軍港 ::
军歌 {def} SEE: 軍歌 ::
军功 {def} SEE: 軍功 ::
军工 {def} SEE: 軍工 ::
军工厂 {def} SEE: 軍工廠 ::
军官 {def} SEE: 軍官 ::
军国 {def} SEE: 軍國 ::
军国主义 {def} SEE: 軍國主義 ::
军号 {def} SEE: 軍號 ::
军火 {def} SEE: 軍火 ::
军机 {def} SEE: 軍機 ::
军机处 {def} SEE: 軍機處 ::
军机大臣 {def} SEE: 軍機大臣 ::
军籍 {def} SEE: 軍籍 ::
军纪 {def} SEE: 軍紀 ::
军舰 {def} SEE: 軍艦 ::
军将 {def} SEE: 軍將 ::
军阶 {def} SEE: 軍階 ::
军垦 {def} SEE: 軍墾 ::
军辣菜 {def} SEE: 軍辣菜 ::
军乐 {def} SEE: 軍樂 ::
军乐队 {def} SEE: 軍樂隊 ::
军礼 {def} SEE: 軍禮 ::
军力 {def} SEE: 軍力 ::
军吏 {def} SEE: 軍吏 ::
军粮 {def} SEE: 軍糧 ::
军令 {def} SEE: 軍令 ::
军令如山 {def} SEE: 軍令如山 ::
军令状 {def} SEE: 軍令狀 ::
军旅 {def} SEE: 軍旅 ::
军马 {def} SEE: 軍馬 ::
军帽 {def} SEE: 軍帽 ::
军门 {def} SEE: 軍門 ::
军民 {def} SEE: 軍民 ::
军民府 {def} SEE: 軍民府 ::
军旗 {def} SEE: 軍旗 ::
军器 {def} SEE: 軍器 ::
军情 {def} SEE: 軍情 ::
军区 {def} SEE: 軍區 ::
军权 {def} SEE: 軍權 ::
军人 {def} SEE: 軍人 ::
军容 {def} SEE: 軍容 ::
军山 {def} SEE: 軍山 ::
军神 {def} SEE: 軍神 ::
军师 {def} SEE: 軍師 ::
军实 {def} SEE: 軍實 ::
军事 {def} SEE: 軍事 ::
军事法庭 {def} SEE: 軍事法庭 ::
军事工业集团 {def} SEE: 軍事工業集團 ::
军事化 {def} SEE: 軍事化 ::
军事家 {def} SEE: 軍事家 ::
军事监狱 {def} SEE: 軍事監獄 ::
军事科学 {def} SEE: 軍事科學 ::
军事委员会 {def} SEE: 軍事委員會 ::
军事学 {def} SEE: 軍事學 ::
军事演习 {def} SEE: 軍事演習 ::
军势 {def} SEE: 軍勢 ::
军士 {def} SEE: 軍士 ::
军属 {def} SEE: 軍屬 ::
军统 {def} SEE: 軍統 ::
军团 {def} SEE: 軍團 ::
军团病 {def} SEE: 軍團病 ::
军威 {def} SEE: 軍威 ::
军委 {def} SEE: 軍委 ::
军务 {def} SEE: 軍務 ::
军衔 {def} SEE: 軍銜 ::
军饷 {def} SEE: 軍餉 ::
军校 {def} SEE: 軍校 ::
军械 {def} SEE: 軍械 ::
军心 {def} SEE: 軍心 ::
军需 {def} SEE: 軍需 ::
军需品 {def} SEE: 軍需品 ::
军靴 {def} SEE: 軍靴 ::
军训 {def} SEE: 軍訓 ::
军演 {def} SEE: 軍演 ::
军医 {def} SEE: 軍醫 ::
军衣 {def} SEE: 軍衣 ::
军营 {def} SEE: 軍營 ::
军用 {def} SEE: 軍用 ::
军用机场 {def} SEE: 軍用機場 ::
军用品 {def} SEE: 軍用品 ::
军用水壶 {def} SEE: 軍用水壺 ::
军邮 {def} SEE: 軍郵 ::
军政 {def} SEE: 軍政 ::
军职 {def} SEE: 軍職 ::
军制 {def} SEE: 軍制 ::
军中从事 {def} SEE: 軍中從事 ::
军种 {def} SEE: 軍種 ::
军装 {def} SEE: 軍裝 ::
军资 {def} SEE: 軍資 ::
{def} /jūn/ :: sovereign; monarch; ruler; chief; prince; lord
{def} [historical] /jūn/ :: A honorific title: lord
{def} [literary, honorific] /jūn/ :: you; your [referring to a male]
{def} /jūn/ :: A polite form of address used among couples
{def} /jūn/ :: to dominate; to reign
{def} [ACG, internet slang] /jūn/ :: -kun
{def} [ACG, internet slang] /jūn/ :: Affectionate name suffix
{def} /jūn/ :: surname
君臣 {n} [literary, historical] /jūnchén/ :: ruler and his subjects
君臣 {n} [TCM] /jūnchén/ :: main medicine and complementary medicine
君臣 {n} [literary] /jūnchén/ :: staple food and non-staple food
君达菜 {def} SEE: 君達菜 ::
君達菜 {def} SEE: 莙薘菜 ::
君度 {prop} /jūndù/ :: Cointreau (orange-flavoured liqueur)
君滚棍骨裙滚郡滑 {def} SEE: 君滾棍骨裙滾郡滑 ::
君侯 {n} [archaic] /jūnhóu/ :: member of the nobility
君侯 {pron} [archaic] /jūnhóu/ :: you (respectful way to address an official)
君津 {prop} /Jūnjīn/ :: (~ 市) 君津 (city)
君理 {prop} /Jūnlǐ/ :: Zhu Zhi's Chinese style name
君临 {def} SEE: 君臨 ::
君臨 {v} [literary] /jūnlín/ :: to reign; to rule; to dominate
君辱臣死 {proverb} [literary] /jūn辱chénsǐ/ :: If the king is disgraced, the king's servant must die
君士坦丁 {prop} /Jūnshìtǎndīng/ :: (~ 大帝) Constantine
君士坦丁堡 {prop} /Jūnshìtǎndīngbǎo/ :: Constantinople
君王 {n} /jūnwáng/ :: king; emperor; monarch; sovereign; His Majesty
君主 {n} /jūnzhǔ/ :: monarch; sovereign; king; ruler
君主国 {def} SEE: 君主國 ::
君主國 {n} /jūnzhǔguó/ :: monarchy; monarchical state
君主立宪制 {def} SEE: 君主立憲制 ::
君主立憲制 {n} /jūnzhǔ lìxiànzhì/ :: constitutional monarchy
君主制 {n} /jūnzhǔzhì/ :: monarchy (form of government with a hereditary head of state)
君主主义 {def} SEE: 君主主義 ::
君主主義 {n} /jūnzhǔzhǔyì/ :: monarchism
君主专制 {def} SEE: 君主專制 ::
君主專制 {n} /jūnzhǔ zhuānzhì/ :: autocratic monarchy; absolute monarchy
君子 {n} /jūnzǐ/ :: junzi; man of virtue; high-minded person; noble person; superior person
君子 {n} [classical] /jūnzǐ/ :: functionary; government official; office holder
君子愛財,取之有道 {proverb} /jūnzǐ'àicái, qǔzhīyǒudào/ :: A virtuous man makes his fortune in a proper way; Acquire wealth in an upright and just way
君子爱财,取之有道 {def} SEE: 君子愛財,取之有道 ::
君子報仇,十年不晚 {proverb} /jūnzǐ bàochóu, shí nián bù wǎn/ :: One should bide one's time and wait for the right opportunity to seek vengeance
君子报仇,十年不晚 {def} SEE: 君子報仇,十年不晚 ::
君子不立危墙之下 {def} SEE: 君子不立危牆之下 ::
君子不立危牆之下 {proverb} /jūnzǐ 不 lì 危qiáng zhī xià/ :: A man stays away from dangerous situations
君子动口不动手 {def} SEE: 君子動口不動手 ::
君子動口不動手 {idiom} /jūnzǐ dòngkǒu 不dòngshǒu/ :: a gentleman settles a dispute through communication instead of a fight; a gentleman uses his mouth and not his fist
君子交絕,不出惡聲 {proverb} /jūnzǐjiāojué, 不chū'èshēng/ :: when men of virtue end their friendship, they do not make malicious remarks on one another
君子交绝,不出恶声 {def} SEE: 君子交絕,不出惡聲 ::
君子协定 {def} SEE: 君子協定 ::
君子協定 {n} /jūnzǐ xiédìng/ :: gentlemen's agreement
君子一言,快馬一鞭 {proverb} /jūnzǐ 一 yán, kuài mǎ 一 biān/ :: A gentleman's word is as good as gold
君子一言,快马一鞭 {def} SEE: 君子一言,快馬一鞭 ::
君子之交淡如水 {proverb} /jūnzǐ zhī jiāo dàn rú shuǐ/ :: True friendship between two men of accomplishment need not be overly demonstrative
{def} /囷/ :: round-shaped storage bin for grain
囷囷 {adj} /囷囷/ :: spiraling
{def} /jūn/ :: equal; uniform; fair
{def} /jūn/ :: balanced
{def} /jūn/ :: all
{def} [Chinese music] /jūn/ :: key; pitch
均川 {prop} /Jūnchuān/ :: (~ 鎮) 均川 (town)
均等 {adj} /jūnděng/ :: equal; uniform
均方 {n} /jūnfāng/ :: mean square
均方差 {n} [statistics] /jūnfāngchā/ :: alternative name for 標準差
均方根 {n} [mathematics] /jūnfānggēn/ :: root mean square
均分 {v} /jūnfēn/ :: to divide equally; to share out equally
均分 {n} /jūnfēn/ :: average score; average mark; average grade
均衡 {adj} /jūnhéng/ :: balanced
均衡器 {n} /jūnhéngqì/ :: equalizer (device for altering audio frequencies)
均垸 {prop} /Jūnyuàn/ :: (~ 村) 均垸 (village)
均价 {def} SEE: 均價 ::
均價 {n} /jūnjià/ :: average price
均可 {v} /jūnkě/ :: to be able to do all things mentioned
均势 {def} SEE: 均勢 ::
均勢 {n} /jūnshì/ :: balance of power; equilibrium of forces
均摊 {def} SEE: 均攤 ::
均攤 {v} /jūntān/ :: go cahoots; share the expenses equally
均县 {def} SEE: 均縣 ::
均縣 {prop} /Jūnxiàn/ :: (~ 鎮) 均縣 (town)
均相 {adj} [of a system, mixture, etc.] /jūnxiàng/ :: homogeneous
均勻 {adj} /jūnyún/ :: equal; uniform; well-distributed; homogeneous; even
均匀 {def} SEE: 均勻 ::
均沾 {v} /jūnzhān/ :: to receive (benefits) equally
均霑 {def} SEE: 均沾 ::
均值 {n} [mathematics] /jūnzhí/ :: mean value
均值定理 {n} [mathematics] /jūnzhí dìnglǐ/ :: mean value theorem
均州路 {prop} /Jūnzhōulù/ :: (~ 街道) 均州路 (subdistrict)
{def} /jūn/ :: the name of an ancient river in Henan province
{def} SEE: ::
皲裂 {def} SEE: 皸裂 ::
皸裂 {v} [of skin] /jūnliè/ :: to chap
{n} /yún/ :: smooth hard skin of bamboo
{prop} /Jūn/ :: Jun prefecture
筠连 {def} SEE: 筠連 ::
筠連 {prop} /Jūnlián/ :: (~ 縣) 筠連 (county)
{def} /jūn/ :: species of water plant
莙荙 {def} SEE: 莙薘 ::
莙荙菜 {def} SEE: 莙薘菜 ::
莙薘 {n} /莙dá/ :: (~ 菜) chard (Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris)
莙薘菜 {n} /莙dácài/ :: chard (Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris)
{def} /jūn,jùn,jǔn,1nb/ :: general term for various kinds of organisms, including bacteria (細菌), fungus (真菌), etc
{def} /jùn/ :: mushroom
{def} /jùn/ :: surname
菌类 {def} SEE: 菌類 ::
菌類 {n} /菌lèi/ :: fungus; fungi
菌落 {n} [microbiology] /菌luò/ :: colony
菌苗 {n} [immunology] /菌miáo/ :: vaccine
菌丝 {def} SEE: 菌絲 ::
菌丝体 {def} SEE: 菌絲體 ::
菌絲 {n} [botany] /菌sī/ :: hypha
菌絲體 {n} [botany] /菌sītǐ/ :: mycelium
菌子 {n} [dialectal] /jùnzi/ :: mushroom
{def} /jūn/ :: [obsolete] millipede
{def} /jūn/ :: used in 袀服
{def} /jūn/ :: pure
{def} /jūn/ :: homogeneity, purity
{def} /jūn/ :: army; military
{def} /jūn/ :: soldiers; troops
{def} /jūn/ :: a kind of first-level administrative division during the Song Dynasty
軍備 {n} /jūnbèi/ :: armament; arms
軍備競賽 {n} /jūnbèi jìngsài/ :: arms race (a competition for military supremacy)
軍兵 {n} /jūnbīng/ :: soldiers; troops
軍長 {n} [military] /jūnzhǎng/ :: army commander; general
軍刀 {n} /jūndāo/ :: saber
軍店 {prop} /Jūndiàn/ :: (~ 鎮) 軍店 (town)
軍隊 {n} [countable, uncountable, military] /jūnduì/ :: army; troops; forces (Classifier: 支個)
軍閥 {n} /jūnfá/ :: warlord
軍閥主義 {n} /jūnfázhǔyì/ :: warlordism
軍法 {n} /jūnfǎ/ :: military law
軍法從事 {v} [idiomatic] /jūnfǎ cóngshì/ :: to take strict action according to military law
軍方 {n} /jūnfāng/ :: the military
軍費 {n} /jūnfèi/ :: military spending, military expenditures
軍服 {n} /jūnfú/ :: military uniform
軍港 {n} [military] /jūngǎng/ :: naval port
軍歌 {n} /jūngē,er/ :: army song; war song
軍功 {n} [literary, military] /jūngōng/ :: military exploits; military achievements; meritorious war service
軍工 {n} /jūngōng/ :: war industry
軍工 {n} /jūngōng/ :: military project
軍工廠 {n} /jūngōngchǎng/ :: munitions factory; arsenal  
軍官 {n} /jūnguān/ :: officer (in the military)
軍國 {n} /jūnguó/ :: military affairs and government
軍國 {n} /jūnguó/ :: military-ruled dictatorship
軍國主義 {n} /jūnguózhǔyì/ :: militarism
軍號 {n} /jūnhào,er/ :: bugle
軍火 {n} /jūnhuǒ/ :: munitions; arms and ammunition
軍機 {n} /jūnjī/ :: military aircraft
軍機 {n} /jūnjī/ :: military plan
軍機 {n} [literary] /jūnjī/ :: military secrets
軍機處 {n} [historical] /jūnjīchù/ :: Grand Council (Qing dynasty) of Qing dynasty
軍機大臣 {n} [historical] /jūnjīdàchén/ :: member of Grand Council (Qing dynasty) in Qing dynasty
軍籍 {n} /jūnjí/ :: roll or registry with the name, number, etc. of military personnel
軍籍 {n} /jūnjí/ :: military personnel
軍紀 {n} /jūnjì/ :: military discipline
軍艦 {n} /jūnjiàn/ :: warship (Classifier: 艘)
軍將 {n} [archaic] /jūnjiāng/ :: commanding general
軍階 {n} /jūnjiē/ :: military rank; grade
軍墾 {n} /jūnkěn/ :: reclamation of wasteland by an army unit
軍樂 {n} /jūnyuè/ :: military music
軍樂隊 {n} /jūnyuèduì/ :: military brass band
軍禮 {n} /jūnlǐ/ :: military salute
軍力 {n} /jūnlì/ :: military power; military strength
軍吏 {n} [archaic] /jūnlì/ :: a military officer
軍糧 {n} /jūnliáng/ :: army provisions; grain for the army
軍令 {n} /jūnlìng/ :: military order; command
軍令如山 {idiom} /jūnlìngrúshān/ :: military orders cannot be changed
軍令狀 {n} /jūnlìngzhuàng/ :: military order
軍令狀 {n} /jūnlìngzhuàng/ :: promise to get a job done, and accept severe penalties if unsuccessful
軍旅 {n} [literary] /jūnlǚ/ :: army
軍旅 {n} [literary] /jūnlǚ/ :: military matters
軍馬 {n} [literary] /jūnmǎ/ :: soldiers and horses
軍馬 {n} [literary] /jūnmǎ/ :: war horses
軍帽 {n} /jūnmào/ :: army cap; service cap
軍門 {n} [archaic] /jūnmén/ :: the entrance to an army camp
軍民 {n} [literary] /jūnmín/ :: military and civilian
軍民府 {n} [historical] /jūnmínfǔ/ :: subprefect
軍民府 {n} [historical] /jūnmínfǔ/ :: subprefectural seat
軍民府 {n} [historical] /jūnmínfǔ/ :: subprefecture
軍區 {n} /jūnqū/ :: military district; military area; geographical area of command
軍旗 {n} /jūnqí/ :: army flag; colors; ensign; military flag
軍器 {n} [literary] /jūnqì/ :: weapons (for battle)
軍情 {n} /jūnqíng/ :: military or war situation (or intelligence)
軍權 {n} [literary] /jūnquán/ :: power over the military; military leadership
軍人 {n} /jūnrén/ :: soldier; serviceman; officer serving in the armed forces
軍容 {n} /jūnróng/ :: soldier's discipline, appearance, and bearing
軍山 {prop} /Jūnshān/ :: (~ 街道) 軍山 (subdistrict)
軍神 {n} /jūnshén/ :: great military leader
軍神 {n} /jūnshén/ :: god of war
軍師 {n} [archaic] /jūnshī/ :: military adviser or counsellor
軍師 {n} [by extension, modern usage] /jūnshī/ :: someone who thinks strategically and creatively and is full of ideas
軍實 {n} [literary] /jūnshí/ :: arms and provisions
軍實 {n} [literary] /jūnshí/ :: military supplies
軍實 {n} [literary] /jūnshí/ :: that which is captured in combat
軍事 {n} /jūnshì/ :: military matters
軍事法庭 {n} [legal] /jūnshì fǎtíng/ :: military court; military tribunal; court martial
軍事工業集團 {n} /jūnshì gōngyè jítuán/ :: military industrial complex
軍事化 {v} /jūnshìhuà/ :: to militarize
軍事化 {n} /jūnshìhuà/ :: militarization
軍事家 {n} /jūnshìjiā/ :: military expert; military leader
軍事監獄 {n} /jūnshì jiānyù/ :: military prison
軍事科學 {n} [military] /jūnshì kēxué/ :: military science
軍事委員會 {n} /jūnshì wěiyuánhuì/ :: military commission; military committee
軍事學 {n} [military] /jūnshìxué/ :: military science
軍事演習 {n} /jūnshì yǎnxí/ :: military simulation; military exercise; war game
軍勢 {n} [literary] /jūnshì/ :: military might; military power
軍士 {n} /jūnshì/ :: soldier; serviceman; officer serving in the armed forces
軍士 {n} [specifically] /jūnshì/ :: non-commissioned officer
軍屬 {n} /jūnshǔ/ :: soldier's dependents; army man's family
軍統 {prop} /Jūntǒng/ :: (~ 局) Bureau of Investigation and Statistics
軍團 {n} [military] /jūntuán/ :: corps
軍團 {n} /jūntuán/ :: legion
軍團病 {n} [pulmonology] /jūntuánbìng/ :: Legionnaires' disease
軍威 {n} /jūnwēi/ :: military might; military prowess or prestige
軍委 {n} /jūnwěi/ :: abbreviation of 軍事委員會
軍務 {n} /jūnwù/ :: military affairs; military tasks
軍銜 {n} /jūnxián/ :: military rank
軍餉 {n} [old] /jūnxiǎng/ :: soldier's pay and provisions; funds and provisions for the troops
軍校 {n} /jūnxiào/ :: military school; military academy
軍械 {n} [military] /jūnxiè/ :: ordnance; munitions
軍心 {n} [literary] /jūnxīn/ :: discipline and fighting spirit of a good soldier
軍需 {n} /jūnxū/ :: military supplies; materiel
軍需 {n} [archaic] /jūnxū/ :: quartermaster
軍需品 {n} /jūnxūpǐn/ :: military supplies; materiel
軍靴 {n} /jūnxuē/ :: combat boot
軍訓 {n} /jūnxùn/ :: military training
軍訓 {n} /jūnxùn/ :: military drill
軍演 {n} /jūnyǎn/ :: abbreviation of 軍事演習
軍衣 {n} /jūnyī/ :: military uniform
軍醫 {n} /jūnyī/ :: military paramedic; medic
軍營 {n} /jūnyíng/ :: barracks; army camp
軍用 {adj} [attributive] /jūnyòng/ :: military; for military use
軍用機場 {n} /jūnyòng jī场/ :: military airport; air base
軍用品 {n} /jūnyòngpǐn/ :: military supplies; munitions
軍用水壺 {n} /jūnyòng shuǐhú/ :: military canteen; flask
軍郵 {n} /jūnyóu/ :: army postal service; army mail
軍政 {n} /jūnzhèng/ :: military government
軍政 {n} /jūnzhèng/ :: army and government
軍職 {n} /jūnzhí/ :: military appointment
軍制 {n} /jūnzhì/ :: military system
軍中從事 {n} [archaic] /jūn zhōng cóngshì/ :: position title: military aide
軍種 {n} /jūnzhǒng/ :: services (of the army, navy, air force, etc.)
軍裝 {n} /jūnzhuāng/ :: military uniform
軍資 {n} [literary] /jūnzī/ :: army supplies (includes food rations, ammunition etc)
{def} /jūn/ :: ancient unit of measure equivalent to 30 catties or 15 kilograms
{def} [polite] /jūn/ :: you; your
{def} /jūn/ :: [obsolete] potter's wheel
{def} /jūn/ :: [obsolete] tone; tune
鈞意 {n} [archaic] /jūnyì/ :: (your esteemed) opinion
{def} SEE: ::
钧意 {def} SEE: 鈞意 ::
{def} /yūn/ :: big head
{def} /yūn/ :: used in personal names
{def} /jūn/ :: the thornyhead, genus Sebastolobus
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jūn,qún/ :: general name for the hornless deer
{def} /jūn,qún/ :: to collect
{def} /jūn,qún/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
麇集 {v} [literary] /qúnjí/ :: to flock; to swarm; to cluster together; to gather; to congregate
{def} /jūn/ :: a species of roe deer
{def} /jūn/ :: muntjac deer, hornless river deer
{def} /jùn,jǔn/ :: [obsolete] a kind of large shell
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jùn/ :: valiant
{def} /jùn/ :: brave, eminent
{def} /ruǎn/ :: to cut in two, to slash
{def} /jùn/ :: accumulate, amass, to store up
{def} /jùn/ :: superior
{def} /jùn/ :: handsome
{def} /jùn/ :: refined
{def} /jùn/ :: eminent
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jùn/ :: person of outstanding talent
{def} /jùn/ :: unusually talented
{def} /jùn/ :: good-looking; pretty; beautiful; handsome
{def} /jùn/ :: surname Jun
俊才 {n} /jùncái/ :: talented person
俊才 {n} /jùncái/ :: talent
俊德 {n} [literary] /jùndé/ :: individual of outstanding ability
俊德 {n} [literary] /jùndé/ :: virtue (behaviour of a high moral standard); noble attribute
俊傑 {n} /jùnjié/ :: person of outstanding talent; hero
俊杰 {def} SEE: 俊傑 ::
俊美 {adj} [of a young male] /jùnměi/ :: pretty; handsome
俊俏 {adj} /jùnqiào/ :: attractive and smart
俊伟 {def} SEE: 俊偉 ::
俊偉 {adj} [literary, of a man] /jùnwěi/ :: tall, handsome and imposing
俊偉 {adj} [literary] /jùnwěi/ :: remarkably talented; outstanding
俊秀 {adj} /jùnxiù/ :: pretty; of delicate beauty
俊逸 {adj} [literary] /jùnyì/ :: beautiful and elegant; superior and refined
{def} /xùn,jùn/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /xùn,jùn/ :: [obsolete] a checkpoint in Dayi County, Shaanxi Province
{def} [of mountains] /jùn/ :: high; steep; towering
{def} /jùn/ :: harsh; severe
峻法 {n} /jùnfǎ/ :: severe law; harsh law
峻岭 {def} SEE: 峻嶺 ::
峻嶺 {n} [literary] /jùnlǐng/ :: lofty peaks
峻領 {def} SEE: 峻嶺 ::
峻领 {def} SEE: 峻領 ::
峻峭 {adj} [of a mountain] /jùnqiào/ :: high and steep
{def} /jùn/ :: to gather, to pick, to pluck
{def} /jùn/ :: to pick up, to collect, to tidy up
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /jùn/ :: to dredge, deepen, dig deep
{def} /jùn/ :: to dredge, unearth
{def} /jùn/ :: to enlighten, elucidate, clear up
{def} /jùn/ :: deep, profound
浚县 {def} SEE: 濬縣 ::
浚縣 {def} SEE: 濬縣 ::
{def} SEE: ::
濬縣 {prop} /Xùn Xiàn/ :: 濬縣 (county)
{def} /qū/ :: [obsolete] to discard something by burning
{def} /qū/ :: [obsolete] to fry
{def} /jùn/ :: [obsolete] to light; to ignite
{def} [literary] /jùn/ :: a type of beautiful jade
{def} [historical] /jùn/ :: overseer of agricultural slaves in the Western Zhou dynasty
{def} /jùn/ :: bailiff, landlord
{def} /jùn/ :: rustic, crude
{def} /jùn/ :: to complete; to finish
{def} /jùn/ :: [obsolete] to abdicate
竣工 {v} /jùngōng/ :: to complete a project; to finish construction
{def} /suī/ :: [obsolete] Chinese galangal (Alpinia chinensis)
{def} /jùn/ :: [obsolete] large
{def} /suǒ/ :: used in 葰人
{def} /suǒ/ :: surname
{def} /juàn/ :: [obsolete] alternative name for 鹿藿
{def} [historical] /jùn/ :: An administrative subdivision of imperial China of various status over the centuries, usually translated as commandery or prefecture
{def} /jùn/ :: surname
郡公 {n} /jùngōng/ :: duke of a commandery (*郡)
郡山 {prop} /Jùnshān/ :: (~ 市) 郡山 (city)
郡上 {prop} /Jùnshàng/ :: (~ 市) 郡上 (city)
郡守 {n} [historical] /jùnshǒu/ :: commandery administrator or governor, the official overseeing a commandery (*郡) in ancient China under the Zhou and Qin dynasties
郡王 {n} /jùnwáng/ :: prince of a commandery (*郡)
郡县 {def} SEE: 郡縣 ::
郡县制 {def} SEE: 郡縣制 ::
郡縣 {n} [archaic] /jùnxiàn/ :: prefectures and counties
郡縣制 {n} [archaic, historical] /jùnxiànzhì/ :: system of prefectures and counties
郡治 {n} /jùnzhì/ :: seat of the principal county magistrate in Imperial China
郡治安官 {n} /jùnzhì'ānguān/ :: sheriff
{def} SEE: ::
駿 {def} /jùn/ :: excellent horse; noble steed
駿馬 {n} /jùnmǎ/ :: fine horse; fine steed; fast horse
駿馬雕鞍 {n} /jùnmǎ diāo ān/ :: a gallant horse and an ornately decorated saddle
駿鷹 {n} [mythology] /jùnyīng/ :: hippogriff
{def} SEE: 駿 ::
骏马 {def} SEE: 駿馬 ::
骏马雕鞍 {def} SEE: 駿馬雕鞍 ::
骏鹰 {def} SEE: 駿鷹 ::
{def} /jùn/ :: [obsolete] short-tailed chicken
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kǎ,kā/ :: Used in onomatopoeia and transcriptions
咔戲 {n} [music] /kǎxì/ :: a type of traditional Chinese music, which uses instrument sounds to imitate human singing voices or animal sounds
咔叽 {def} SEE: 咔嘰 ::
咔嘰 {n} /kǎjī/ :: Same as 卡其
咔啉 {n} [organic compound] /kǎlín/ :: carboline
咔唑 {n} [organic compound] /kǎzuò/ :: carbazole
咔戏 {def} SEE: 咔戲 ::
{def} /kā/ :: only used in 咖啡
{def} /gā,kā,2nb/ :: only used in 咖喱
{def} /kā/ :: character; role
{def} /kā/ :: only used in 咖咖
{def} /jiā/ :: {uncertain meaning}
咖啡 {n} /kāfēi/ :: coffee (Classifier: 杯)
咖啡吧 {n} /kāfēibā/ :: coffee bar
咖啡杯 {n} /kāfēibēi/ :: coffee cup
咖啡婊 {n} [neologism, slang, derogatory] /kāfēibiǎo/ :: high-end office ladies, who typically go by their English names, constantly mix English with Chinese, dress according to the latest fashion craze, and love to take photos of themselves in fancy restaurants and cars or on expensive holidays
咖啡醇 {n} /kāfēichún/ :: cafestol
咖啡店 {n} /kāfēidiàn/ :: coffee shop; café (Classifier: m:家c:間)
咖啡豆 {n} /kāfēidòu/ :: coffee bean (Classifier: m:顆m,c:粒)
咖啡粉碎机 {def} SEE: 咖啡粉碎機 ::
咖啡粉碎機 {n} /kāfēi fěnsuìjī/ :: coffee grinder
咖啡館 {n} /kāfēiguǎn,er/ :: cafe (Classifier: m:家)
咖啡馆 {def} SEE: 咖啡館 ::
咖啡果 {n} /kāfēiguǒ/ :: coffee cherry
咖啡壶 {def} SEE: 咖啡壺 ::
咖啡壺 {n} /kāfēihú/ :: coffee pot
咖啡机 {def} SEE: 咖啡機 ::
咖啡機 {n} /kāfēijī/ :: coffeemaker, coffee machine (kitchen apparatus used to brew and filter coffee)
咖啡碱 {def} SEE: 咖啡鹼 ::
咖啡鹼 {n} /kāfēijiǎn/ :: caffeine
咖啡精 {n} /kāfēijīng/ :: instant coffee
咖啡拉花 {n} /kāfēi lāhuā/ :: latte art
咖啡镭 {def} SEE: 咖啡鐳 ::
咖啡滤压壶 {def} SEE: 咖啡濾壓壺 ::
咖啡濾壓壺 {n} /kāfēi lǜyāhú/ :: cafetière; French press; press pot; coffee plunger
咖啡色 {n} /kāfēisè/ :: the color brown; coffee color
咖啡色 {adj} /kāfēisè/ :: brown; coffee
咖啡师 {def} SEE: 咖啡師 ::
咖啡師 {n} /kāfēishī/ :: barista
咖啡室 {n} /kāfēi室/ :: coffee shop (Classifier: m:家c:間)
咖啡丝 {def} SEE: 咖啡絲 ::
咖啡絲 {n} [Malaysia, Singapore] /kāfēisī/ :: "kopi c", hot coffee with evaporated milk (sweetened)
咖啡酸 {n} [organic compound] /kāfēisuān/ :: caffeic acid
咖啡厅 {def} SEE: 咖啡廳 ::
咖啡廳 {n} /kāfēitīng/ :: cafe (Classifier: m:家)
咖啡乌 {def} SEE: 咖啡烏 ::
咖啡屋 {n} /kāfēiwū/ :: cafe (Classifier: m:家)
咖啡烏 {n} [Malaysia, Singapore] /kāfēiwū/ :: Kopi O ("black coffee"), a traditional coffee commonly served in Malaysia and Singapore
咖啡因 {n} /kāfēiyīn/ :: caffeine
咖啡桌 {n} /kāfēizhuō/ :: coffee table
咖喱 {n} /gālí,1nb/ :: curry
咖喱粉 {n} /gālífěn/ :: curry powder
咖喱雞 {n} /gālíjī/ :: chicken curry
咖喱雞 {n} [Cantonese] /gālíjī/ :: hickey; lovebite
咖喱鸡 {def} SEE: 咖喱雞 ::
咖喱魚蛋 {n} /gālí yúdàn/ :: curry fishball (popular Hong Kong street food) (Classifier: m:顆c:粒串)
咖喱鱼蛋 {def} SEE: 咖喱魚蛋 ::
咖哩 {n} [chiefly Taiwan] /kālǐ,gālǐ,gālí,1nb/ :: curry
咖哩啡 {def} SEE: 茄哩啡 ::
咖哩粉 {n} /gālīfěn/ :: curry powder
咖央 {n} /gāyāng/ :: (~ 醬) alternative name for 咖椰
咖椰 {n} /gā椰,,gāyá/ :: (~ 醬) coconut jam; kaya jam
{def} [onomatopoeia] /kà,kā,kè/ :: noise made in coughing or vomiting
{def} /kà,kā,kè/ :: Used in transliterations
喀布尔 {def} SEE: 喀布爾 ::
喀布爾 {prop} /Kābù'ěr/ :: 喀布爾 (capital city)
喀尔喀 {def} SEE: 喀爾喀 ::
喀尔曲尕 {def} SEE: 喀爾曲尕 ::
喀爾喀 {prop} [historical] /Kā'ěrkā/ :: (~ 部) Khalkha Mongols (Mongolian tribe)
喀爾曲尕 {prop} /Kā'ěrqūgǎ/ :: (~ 鄉) 喀爾曲尕 (township)
喀喇 {def} SEE: 哈喇 ::
喀喇崑崙 {prop} /Kālākūnlún,Kàlǎkūnlún/ :: (~ 山脈) Karakoram (large mountain range spanning the borders of Pakistan, India, and China)
喀喇崑崙 {prop} /Kālākūnlún,Kàlǎkūnlún/ :: (~ 山口) Karakoram Pass
喀喇昆仑 {def} SEE: 喀喇崑崙 ::
喀拉蚩 {prop} [Taiwan] /Kālāchī/ :: Karachi
喀拉喀什 {prop} /Kālākāshí/ :: (~ 鎮) 喀拉喀什 (town)
喀拉克尔 {def} SEE: 喀拉克爾 ::
喀拉克爾 {prop} /Kālākè'ěr/ :: (~ 鄉) 喀拉克爾 (township)
喀琅施塔得 {prop} /Kālángshītǎdé/ :: Kronstadt
喀勒塔吐格曼 {prop} /Kālètǎtùgémàn/ :: (~ 村) 喀勒塔吐格曼 (village)
喀麥隆 {prop} /Kāmàilóng/ :: Cameroon
喀麦隆 {def} SEE: 喀麥隆 ::
喀秋莎 {n} /kāqiūshā/ :: Katyusha (rocket launcher)
喀山 {prop} /Kāshān/ :: 喀山 (caplc)
喀什 {prop} /Kāshí,Kàshí/ :: (~ 地區) 喀什 (prefecture)
喀什 {prop} /Kāshí,Kàshí/ :: (~ 市) 喀什 (county-level city)
喀什噶尔 {def} SEE: 喀什噶爾 ::
喀什噶爾 {prop} [historical or poetic] /Kāshí噶'ěr,,Kàshígé'ěr,3nb/ :: 喀什噶爾 (city)
喀什米尔 {def} SEE: 喀什米爾 ::
喀什米爾 {prop} /Kàshímǐ'ěr/ :: alternative name for 克什米爾
喀斯特 {n} [geography] /kāsītè/ :: karst (type of land formation)
喀斯特 {prop} /kāsītè/ :: the Karst
喀土穆 {prop} /Kātǔmù/ :: 喀土穆 (capital)
喀瓦克 {prop} /Kāwǎkè/ :: (~ 鄉) 喀瓦克 (township)
{def} [Taiwan] /kǎ/ :: californium
{def} /kǎ/ :: used in transcriptions of foreign words
{def} /kǎ,qiǎ,1nc/ :: to wedge; to get stuck; to be jammed; to become tightly wedged
{def} /kǎ,qiǎ,1nc/ :: to clip; to fasten
{def} /kǎ,qiǎ,1nc/ :: to scrag; to choke
{def} [computing] /kǎ,qiǎ,1nc/ :: to freeze up; to buffer; to stop loading; to lag
{def} [computing] /kǎ,qiǎ,1nc/ :: laggy; slow; not responding
{def} /kǎ,qiǎ,1nc/ :: pin; fastener
{def} /kǎ,qiǎ,1nc/ :: checkpoint; checkpost
{def} [Gan] /kǎ,qiǎ,1nc/ :: fishbone
{def} /kǎ/ :: card (Classifier: 張)
{def} /kǎ/ :: abbreviation of 卡路里
{def} /kǎ/ :: truck; lorry
{def} /kǎ/ :: railcar
{def} /kǎ/ :: abbreviation of 卡式
卡昂 {prop} /Kǎ'áng/ :: 卡昂 (city)
卡巴 {n} /kǎbā/ :: kebab
卡巴 {n} /kǎbā/ :: kippah; skullcap; yarmulke
卡巴迪 {n} /kǎbādí/ :: kabaddi
卡巴莱 {def} SEE: 卡巴萊 ::
卡巴萊 {n} /kǎbālái/ :: cabaret (live entertainment held in a restaurant or nightclub)
卡拜 {n} [chemistry] /kǎbài/ :: carbyne
卡宾 {def} SEE: 卡賓 ::
卡宾枪 {def} SEE: 卡賓槍 ::
卡賓 {n} [organic chemistry] /kǎbīn/ :: carbene (highly reactive molecule)
卡賓 {n} /kǎbīn/ :: (~ 槍) carbine (rifle)
卡賓槍 {n} /kǎbīnqiāng/ :: carbine
卡布基諾 {n} /kǎbùjīnuò/ :: cappuccino
卡布基诺 {def} SEE: 卡布基諾 ::
卡布其諾 {n} /kǎbùqínuò/ :: cappuccino
卡布其诺 {def} SEE: 卡布其諾 ::
卡布奇諾 {n} /kǎbùqínuò/ :: cappuccino
卡布奇诺 {def} SEE: 卡布奇諾 ::
卡鈔 {v} /kǎchāo,qiǎchāo/ :: to have the banknote stucked (in ATM)
卡钞 {def} SEE: 卡鈔 ::
卡車 {n} /kǎchē/ :: truck (vehicle)
卡车 {def} SEE: 卡車 ::
卡达 {def} SEE: 卡達 ::
卡達 {prop} [Taiwan] /Kǎdá/ :: Qatar
卡带 {def} SEE: 卡帶 ::
卡帶 {n} /kǎdài/ :: cassette tape (Classifier: m:張c:餅)
卡迪夫 {prop} /Kǎdífū/ :: Cardiff
卡丁車 {n} /kǎdīngchē/ :: go-cart; kart
卡丁车 {def} SEE: 卡丁車 ::
卡頓 {v} [computing] /kǎdùn/ :: to lag
卡顿 {def} SEE: 卡頓 ::
卡尔 {def} SEE: 卡爾 ::
卡尔加里 {def} SEE: 卡爾加里 ::
卡尔卡松 {def} SEE: 卡爾卡松 ::
卡尔斯鲁厄 {def} SEE: 卡爾斯魯厄 ::
卡尔瓦多斯 {def} SEE: 卡爾瓦多斯 ::
卡爾 {prop} /Kǎ'ěr/ :: Carl; Karl (name)
卡爾加里 {prop} /Kǎ'ěrjiālǐ/ :: (~ 市) 卡爾加里 (largest city)
卡爾卡松 {prop} /Kǎ'ěrkǎsōng/ :: Carcassonne
卡爾斯魯厄 {prop} /Kǎ'ěrsīlǔ'è/ :: Karlsruhe
卡爾瓦多斯 {prop} /Kǎ'ěrwǎduōsī/ :: 卡爾瓦多斯 (department)
卡方检验 {def} SEE: 卡方檢驗 ::
卡方檢驗 {n} [mathematics] /kǎfāng jiǎnyàn/ :: chi-square test
卡几 {def} SEE: 咔嘰 ::
卡技利 {prop} [dated] /Kǎjìlì/ :: 卡技利 (largest city)
卡加利 {prop} /Kǎjiālì/ :: (~ 市) 卡加利 (largest city)
卡介苗 {n} /kǎjièmiáo,er/ :: Bacillus Calmette–Guérin (BCG) vaccine (for tuberculosis)
卡借 {v} [historical, of a landlord] /qiǎjiè/ :: to deliberately stop lending
卡壳 {def} SEE: 卡殼 ::
卡殼 {v} /卡ké/ :: to jam (of a cartridge or shell case)
卡殼 {v} /卡ké/ :: to get stuck; to be held up; to experience a temporary stoppage
卡拉OK {n} /kǎlā'ōukèi,kǎlā'ōukēi,py/ :: karaoke (a form of entertainment)
卡拉OK机 {def} SEE: 卡拉OK機 ::
卡拉OK機 {n} /kǎlā'ōukèijī,kǎlā'ōukēijī/ :: karaoke machine
卡拉OK厅 {def} SEE: 卡拉OK廳 ::
卡拉OK廳 {n} /kǎlā'ōukèi tīng,kǎlā'ōukēi tīng,py/ :: karaoke bar
卡拉布里亞 {prop} /Kǎlābùlǐyà/ :: Calabria
卡拉布里亚 {def} SEE: 卡拉布里亞 ::
卡拉季 {prop} /Kǎlājì/ :: 卡拉季 (city)
卡拉胶 {def} SEE: 卡拉膠 ::
卡拉膠 {n} /kǎlājiāo/ :: carrageenan
卡拉卡斯 {prop} /Kǎlākǎsī/ :: 卡拉卡斯 (capital)
卡拉奇 {prop} [Mainland China] /Kǎlāqí/ :: 卡拉奇 (large city)
卡里斯玛 {def} SEE: 卡里斯瑪 ::
卡里斯瑪 {n} /kǎlǐsīmǎ/ :: charisma
卡利卡特 {prop} /Kǎlìkǎtè/ :: 卡利卡特 (city)
卡利亞里 {prop} /Kǎlì亚lǐ/ :: Cagliari
卡利亚里 {def} SEE: 卡利亞里 ::
卡林頓 {prop} /Kǎlíndùn/ :: Carrington
卡林顿 {def} SEE: 卡林頓 ::
卡龍 {n} /kǎlóng/ :: (~ 琴) [musical instrument] qalon; qanun
卡龍 {prop} [Mainland] /Kǎlóng/ :: 卡龍 (commune)
卡龙 {def} SEE: 卡龍 ::
卡路里 {n} /kǎlùlǐ/ :: calorie
卡門 {prop} /Kǎmén/ :: Carmen; Carman; Karmen; Karman; Kamen
卡門線 {n} /kǎménxiàn/ :: Kármán line
卡门 {def} SEE: 卡門 ::
卡门线 {def} SEE: 卡門線 ::
卡那卡那富族 {n} /Kǎnàkǎnàfùzú/ :: Kanakanavu people, an ethnic group in Taiwan
卡尼丁 {n} [organic compound] /kǎnídīng/ :: alternative name for 肉鹼
卡帕 {n} /kǎpà/ :: kappa (Greek letter)
卡彭特 {prop} /Kǎpéngtè/ :: Carpenter (English proper name)
卡朋特 {prop} /Kǎpéngtè/ :: Carpenter (English proper name)
卡片 {n} /kǎpiàn/ :: card (Classifier: 張)
卡其 {adj} /kǎqí/ :: khaki (textile and colour)
卡其布 {n} /kǎqíbù/ :: khaki (textile)
卡其色 {n} /kǎqísè/ :: khaki (colour)
卡萨布兰卡 {def} SEE: 卡薩布蘭卡 ::
卡薩布蘭卡 {prop} /Kǎsàbùlánkǎ/ :: 卡薩布蘭卡 (city)
卡塞尔 {def} SEE: 卡塞爾 ::
卡塞爾 {prop} /Kǎsài'ěr/ :: Kassel
卡桑 {n} [Taiwan, chiefly Min Nan] /kǎsāng/ :: mother
卡桑 {prop} /Kǎsāng/ :: Cassen (French commune)
卡森城 {prop} /Kǎsēnchéng/ :: Carson City
卡士达 {def} SEE: 卡士達 ::
卡士達 {n} /kǎshìdá/ :: custard
卡式 {adj} [attributive] /kǎshì/ :: cassette (tape)
卡式机 {def} SEE: 卡式機 ::
卡式機 {n} /kǎshìjī/ :: cassette player
卡数 {def} SEE: 卡數 ::
卡司 {n} /kǎsī/ :: cast (the collective group of actors performing a play or production together)
卡斯蒂利亞 {prop} /Kǎsīdìlì亚/ :: Castile
卡斯蒂利亚 {def} SEE: 卡斯蒂利亞 ::
卡斯特里 {prop} /Kǎsītèlǐ/ :: Castries
卡斯提尔 {def} SEE: 卡斯提爾 ::
卡斯提爾 {prop} /Kǎsītí'ěr/ :: Castile
卡他 {n} [medicine] /kǎtā/ :: catarrh
卡塔尔 {def} SEE: 卡塔爾 ::
卡塔爾 {prop} [Mainland China] /Kǎtǎ'ěr/ :: Qatar
卡塔納 {n} /kǎtǎnà/ :: katana
卡塔纳 {def} SEE: 卡塔納 ::
卡塔尼亞 {prop} /Kǎtǎní亚/ :: Catania
卡塔尼亚 {def} SEE: 卡塔尼亞 ::
卡特尔 {def} SEE: 卡特爾 ::
卡特爾 {n} /kǎtè'ěr/ :: cartel
卡通 {n} /kǎtōng/ :: cartoon
卡哇伊 {adj} [slang] /kǎwāyī/ :: kawaii; cute
卡西諾 {n} /kǎxīnuò/ :: casino; gambling house (Classifier: 家間)
卡西诺 {def} SEE: 卡西諾 ::
卡宴 {prop} [Mainland] /Kǎyàn/ :: 卡宴 (city/capital city)
卡紙 {v} /卡zhǐ/ :: to have a paper jam
卡紙 {n} /kǎzhǐ/ :: card stock
卡纸 {def} SEE: 卡紙 ::
卡住 {v} /qiǎzhù,kǎzhù,1nb/ :: to become stuck; to jam; to become blocked; to seize up
卡住 {v} /qiǎzhù,kǎzhù,1nb/ :: to choke
卡祖笛 {n} /kǎzǔdí/ :: kazoo
{def} [organic compound] /kǎ/ :: isocyanide
𨅬开 {def} SEE: 躝開 ::
𰍰开 {def} SEE: 展開 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
开办 {def} SEE: 開辦 ::
开包 {def} SEE: 開包 ::
开苞 {def} SEE: 開苞 ::
开笔 {def} SEE: 開筆 ::
开辟 {def} SEE: 開闢 ::
开边 {def} SEE: 開邊 ::
开标 {def} SEE: 開標 ::
开播 {def} SEE: 開播 ::
开波 {def} SEE: 開波 ::
开埠 {def} SEE: 開埠 ::
开采 {def} SEE: 開採 ::
开仓 {def} SEE: 開倉 ::
开槽镶线 {def} SEE: 開槽鑲線 ::
开叉 {def} SEE: 開叉 ::
开衩 {def} SEE: 開衩 ::
开场 {def} SEE: 開場 ::
开场白 {def} SEE: 開場白 ::
开唱 {def} SEE: 開唱 ::
开车 {def} SEE: 開車 ::
开车的 {def} SEE: 開車的 ::
开车人 {def} SEE: 開車人 ::
开城 {def} SEE: 開城 ::
开诚布公 {def} SEE: 開誠布公 ::
开铳 {def} SEE: 開銃 ::
开出 {def} SEE: 開出 ::
开初 {def} SEE: 開初 ::
开除 {def} SEE: 開除 ::
开船 {def} SEE: 開船 ::
开创 {def} SEE: 開創 ::
开春 {def} SEE: 開春 ::
开厝 {def} SEE: 開厝 ::
开打 {def} SEE: 開打 ::
开大 {def} SEE: 開大 ::
开裆裤 {def} SEE: 開襠褲 ::
开刀 {def} SEE: 開刀 ::
开倒车 {def} SEE: 開倒車 ::
开导 {def} SEE: 開導 ::
开道 {def} SEE: 開道 ::
开底裤 {def} SEE: 開底褲 ::
开店 {def} SEE: 開店 ::
开吊 {def} SEE: 開弔 ::
开冻 {def} SEE: 開凍 ::
开动 {def} SEE: 開動 ::
开读 {def} SEE: 開讀 ::
开端 {def} SEE: 開端 ::
开恩 {def} SEE: 開恩 ::
开尔文 {def} SEE: 開爾文 ::
开发 {def} SEE: 開發 ::
开发区 {def} SEE: 開發區 ::
开发人员 {def} SEE: 開發人員 ::
开发商 {def} SEE: 開發商 ::
开发子 {def} SEE: 開發子 ::
开饭 {def} SEE: 開飯 ::
开方 {def} SEE: 開方 ::
开方子 {def} SEE: 開方子 ::
开芳宴 {def} SEE: 開芳宴 ::
开房 {def} SEE: 開房 ::
开放 {def} SEE: 開放 ::
开放存取 {def} SEE: 開放存取 ::
开放获取 {def} SEE: 開放獲取 ::
开放时间 {def} SEE: 開放時間 ::
开放式 {def} SEE: 開放式 ::
开放式关系 {def} SEE: 開放式關係 ::
开放式婚姻 {def} SEE: 開放式婚姻 ::
开放系统 {def} SEE: 開放系統 ::
开封 {def} SEE: 開封 ::
开府 {def} SEE: 開府 ::
开府仪同三司 {def} SEE: 開府儀同三司 ::
开腹 {def} SEE: 開腹 ::
开赴 {def} SEE: 開赴 ::
开根 {def} SEE: 開根 ::
开工 {def} SEE: 開工 ::
开弓 {def} SEE: 開弓 ::
开弓没有回头箭 {def} SEE: 開弓沒有回頭箭 ::
开挂 {def} SEE: 開掛 ::
开关 {def} SEE: 開關 ::
开馆 {def} SEE: 開館 ::
开罐器 {def} SEE: 開罐器 ::
开光 {def} SEE: 開光 ::
开锅 {def} SEE: 開鍋 ::
开国 {def} SEE: 開國 ::
开航 {def} SEE: 開航 ::
开合 {def} SEE: 開合 ::
开河 {def} SEE: 開河 ::
开黑 {def} SEE: 開黑 ::
开户 {def} SEE: 開戶 ::
开花 {def} SEE: 開花 ::
开花结果 {def} SEE: 開花結果 ::
开花植物 {def} SEE: 開花植物 ::
开化 {def} SEE: 開化 ::
开怀 {def} SEE: 開懷 ::
开荒 {def} SEE: 開荒 ::
开会 {def} SEE: 開會 ::
开荤 {def} SEE: 開葷 ::
开火 {def} SEE: 開火 ::
开火车 {def} SEE: 開火車 ::
开基 {def} SEE: 開基 ::
开机 {def} SEE: 開機 ::
开集 {def} SEE: 開集 ::
开价 {def} SEE: 開價 ::
开建 {def} SEE: 開建 ::
开奖 {def} SEE: 開獎 ::
开讲 {def} SEE: 開講 ::
开交 {def} SEE: 開交 ::
开跤裤 {def} SEE: 開跤褲 ::
开跤裤仔 {def} SEE: 開跤褲仔 ::
开金 {def} SEE: 開金 ::
开裾 {def} SEE: 開裾 ::
开局 {def} SEE: 開局 ::
开举 {def} SEE: 開舉 ::
开具 {def} SEE: 開具 ::
开卷 {def} SEE: 開卷 ::
开卷有益 {def} SEE: 開卷有益 ::
开掘 {def} SEE: 開掘 ::
开开 {def} SEE: 開開 ::
开开心心 {def} SEE: 開開心心 ::
开尻川裤 {def} SEE: 開尻川褲 ::
开考 {def} SEE: 開考 ::
开可 {def} SEE: 開可 ::
开课 {def} SEE: 開課 ::
开垦 {def} SEE: 開墾 ::
开坑 {def} SEE: 開坑 ::
开口 {def} SEE: 開口 ::
开口呼 {def} SEE: 開口呼 ::
开口埋口 {def} SEE: 開口埋口 ::
开裤空 {def} SEE: 開褲空 ::
开阔 {def} SEE: 開闊 ::
开朗 {def} SEE: 開朗 ::
开列 {def} SEE: 開列 ::
开裂 {def} SEE: 開裂 ::
开笼雀 {def} SEE: 開籠雀 ::
开炉 {def} SEE: 開爐 ::
开路 {def} SEE: 開路 ::
开仑 {def} SEE: 開侖 ::
开罗 {def} SEE: 開羅 ::
开锣 {def} SEE: 開鑼 ::
开绿灯 {def} SEE: 開綠燈 ::
开麦拉 {def} SEE: 開麥拉 ::
开曼群岛 {def} SEE: 開曼群島 ::
开芒 {def} SEE: 開芒 ::
开门 {def} SEE: 開門 ::
开门红 {def} SEE: 開門紅 ::
开门见山 {def} SEE: 開門見山 ::
开门七件事 {def} SEE: 開門七件事 ::
开门喜 {def} SEE: 開門喜 ::
开门揖盗 {def} SEE: 開門揖盜 ::
开萌 {def} SEE: 開萌 ::
开明 {def} SEE: 開明 ::
开幕 {def} SEE: 開幕 ::
开幕式 {def} SEE: 開幕式 ::
开年 {def} SEE: 開年 ::
开拍 {def} SEE: 開拍 ::
开盘 {def} SEE: 開盤 ::
开脾 {def} SEE: 開脾 ::
开票 {def} SEE: 開票 ::
开屏 {def} SEE: 開屏 ::
开平 {def} SEE: 開平 ::
开瓶器 {def} SEE: 開瓶器 ::
开普敦 {def} SEE: 開普敦 ::
开普勒 {def} SEE: 開普勒 ::
开启 {def} SEE: 開啟 ::
开钱 {def} SEE: 開錢 ::
开枪 {def} SEE: 開槍 ::
开腔 {def} SEE: 開腔 ::
开窍 {def} SEE: 開竅 ::
开窍药 {def} SEE: 開竅藥 ::
开区间 {def} SEE: 開區間 ::
开刃 {def} SEE: 開刃 ::
开臊 {def} SEE: 開臊 ::
开森 {def} SEE: 開森 ::
开山 {def} SEE: 開山 ::
开山刀 {def} SEE: 開山刀 ::
开山子 {def} SEE: 開山子 ::
开衫 {def} SEE: 開衫 ::
开商 {def} SEE: 開商 ::
开设 {def} SEE: 開設 ::
开声 {def} SEE: 開聲 ::
开使用 {def} SEE: 開使用 ::
开始 {def} SEE: 開始 ::
开驶 {def} SEE: 開駛 ::
开市 {def} SEE: 開市 ::
开示 {def} SEE: 開示 ::
开释 {def} SEE: 開釋 ::
开涮 {def} SEE: 開涮 ::
开水 {def} SEE: 開水 ::
开司米 {def} SEE: 開司米 ::
开撕 {def} SEE: 開撕 ::
开他敏 {def} SEE: 開他敏 ::
开拓 {def} SEE: 開拓 ::
开拓者 {def} SEE: 開拓者 ::
开台 {def} SEE: 開臺 ::
开台 {def} SEE: 開檯 ::
开台锣鼓 {def} SEE: 開臺鑼鼓 ::
开膛 {def} SEE: 開膛 ::
开膛手杰克 {def} SEE: 開膛手傑克 ::
开特 {def} SEE: 開特 ::
开题 {def} SEE: 開題 ::
开题报告 {def} SEE: 開題報告 ::
开天辟地 {def} SEE: 開天闢地 ::
开天窗 {def} SEE: 開天窗 ::
开庭 {def} SEE: 開庭 ::
开通 {def} SEE: 開通 ::
开头 {def} SEE: 開頭 ::
开头儿 {def} SEE: 開頭兒 ::
开脱 {def} SEE: 開脫 ::
开挖 {def} SEE: 開挖 ::
开外挂 {def} SEE: 開外掛 ::
开玩笑 {def} SEE: 開玩笑 ::
开胃 {def} SEE: 開胃 ::
开胃菜 {def} SEE: 開胃菜 ::
开胃酒 {def} SEE: 開胃酒 ::
开悟 {def} SEE: 開悟 ::
开先 {def} SEE: 開先 ::
开弦弓 {def} SEE: 開弦弓 ::
开销 {def} SEE: 開銷 ::
开小差 {def} SEE: 開小差 ::
开小灶 {def} SEE: 開小灶 ::
开心 {def} SEE: 開心 ::
开心果 {def} SEE: 開心果 ::
开心又一日,唔开心又一日 {def} SEE: 開心又一日,唔開心又一日 ::
开学 {def} SEE: 開學 ::
开言 {def} SEE: 開言 ::
开演 {def} SEE: 開演 ::
开眼 {def} SEE: 開眼 ::
开洋 {def} SEE: 開洋 ::
开阳 {def} SEE: 開陽 ::
开药 {def} SEE: 開藥 ::
开业 {def} SEE: 開業 ::
开夜车 {def} SEE: 開夜車 ::
开音节 {def} SEE: 開音節 ::
开用 {def} SEE: 開用 ::
开元天宝遗事 {def} SEE: 開元天寶遺事 ::
开原 {def} SEE: 開原 ::
开源 {def} SEE: 開源 ::
开远 {def} SEE: 開遠 ::
开云 {def} SEE: 開雲 ::
开仔 {def} SEE: 開仔 ::
开凿 {def} SEE: 開鑿 ::
开斋 {def} SEE: 開齋 ::
开斋节 {def} SEE: 開齋節 ::
开展 {def} SEE: 開展 ::
开战 {def} SEE: 開戰 ::
开张 {def} SEE: 開張 ::
开漳圣王 {def} SEE: 開漳聖王 ::
开仗 {def} SEE: 開仗 ::
开征 {def} SEE: 開徵 ::
开证 {def} SEE: 開證 ::
开支 {def} SEE: 開支 ::
开州 {def} SEE: 開州 ::
开桌 {def} SEE: 開桌 ::
开宗明义 {def} SEE: 開宗明義 ::
开罪 {def} SEE: 開罪 ::
{def} /kāi/ :: to wipe; to clean
{def} [Cantonese] /kāi/ :: to brush; to come into slight contact with
揩擦 {v} /kāicā/ :: to wipe; to clean
揩拭 {v} /kāishì/ :: to wipe clean
揩油 {v} /kāiyóu,kāyóu,1nb/ :: to take advantage of or seek to gain benefits through illegal means; to scrounge
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [Mainland] /kāi/ :: californium
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kāi/ :: to open; to unlatch; to unfasten
{def} /kāi/ :: to start; to turn on; to switch on
{def} /kāi/ :: to begin; to start
{def} /kāi/ :: to boil; to seethe
{def} /kāi/ :: to write out (a prescription, check, invoice, etc.)
{def} /kāi/ :: to book (a hotel room)
{def} /kāi/ :: to operate/run a business
{def} /kāi/ :: to operate; to drive (a vehicle)
{def} /kāi/ :: apart; away
{def} [Cantonese] /kāi/ :: Habitual aspect particle
{def} [physics] /kāi/ :: abbreviation of 開爾文
{def} [Chinese phonetics] /kāi/ :: abbreviation of 開口
{def} /kāi/ :: surname
{def} /kāi/ :: karat (measure of gold purity)
開辦 {v} /kāibàn/ :: to found; to set up; to establish
開包 {v} [literally] /kāibāo/ :: to open up a package or bag
開包 {v} [of a girl] /kāibāo/ :: to lose one's virginity; to be deflowered
開苞 {v} /kāibāo/ :: to deflower
開筆 {v} [dated] /kāibǐ/ :: to begin learning to write poems or essays
開筆 {v} [dated, Xiamen, &, Zhangzhou Hokkien] /kāibǐ/ :: to start practicing calligraphy for the year
開筆 {v} /kāibǐ/ :: to start writing a book or an article
開筆 {v} [Xiamen, &, Zhangzhou Hokkien] /kāibǐ/ :: to start school (of a pupil)
開辟 {def} SEE: 開闢 ::
開闢 {v} /kāipì/ :: to open up; to blaze (a trail); to get through
開闢 {v} /kāipì/ :: to establish; to set up; to found; to start
開闢 {v} /kāipì/ :: to create (the world)
開邊 {v} [literary] /kāibiān/ :: to expand the territory (of a country) by force
開標 {v} /kāibiāo/ :: to open sealed tenders
開標 {v} /kāibiāo/ :: to announce the result of bidding in an open tender
開播 {v} [agriculture] /kāi播/ :: to begin sowing
開播 {v} [of a TV station, program, etc.] /kāi播/ :: to start broadcasting
開埠 {v} /kāibù/ :: to open up a port; to open a trading port
開採 {v} /kāicǎi/ :: to mine; to extract; to exploit
開倉 {v} [trading] /kāicāng/ :: to open a position
開槽鑲線 {n} /kāicáoxiāngxiàn/ :: purfling
開叉 {v} [of hair] /kāichà,kāichā/ :: to develop split ends
開叉 {v} [Min Nan] /kāichà,kāichā/ :: to bifurcate; to fork and develop two ends
開叉 {n} [dresses, etc.] /kāichà,kāichā/ :: vent; slit
開衩 {n} /kāichà/ :: slit in an article of clothing
開場 {v} /kāi場/ :: to begin a performance
開場 {v} /kāi場/ :: to open a gambling house
開場 {n} /kāi場/ :: curtain-raiser; prelude
開場白 {n} [theatre] /kāi場bái/ :: prologue to a play
開場白 {n} [figurative] /kāi場bái/ :: opening remarks; opening words; preamble (of speeches, articles, etc.)
開唱 {v} /kāichàng/ :: to start to sing
開唱 {v} [of a singer] /kāichàng/ :: to give a concert (in a city)
開車 {v} /kāichē/ :: to drive (a vehicle)
開車 {v} /kāichē/ :: to start driving (a vehicle)
開車 {v} [Mainland, slang, neologism] /kāichē/ :: to share explicit or sexual material (by telling dirty jokes, uploading pornographic content, etc.)
開車 {v} [Mainland, slang, neologism] /kāichē/ :: [of film, TV drama, novel, etc.] to develop a sexual plot
開車的 {n} [Mandarin, Jin, colloquial] /kāichēde/ :: driver; chauffeur
開車人 {n} /kāichērén/ :: driver (person who drives a motorized vehicle, such as a car or a bus)
開城 {prop} /Kāichéng/ :: (~ 特別市) 開城 (city)
開誠布公 {idiom} /kāichéngbùgōng/ :: to wear one's heart on one's sleeve; to be frank and sincere
開出 {v} [literary] /kāichū/ :: to release; to set free; to liberate  
開初 {adv} /kāichū/ :: at first; originally; initially
開初 {n} /kāichū/ :: initial stage; beginning
開除 {v} /kāichú/ :: to fire; to sack; to discharge; to dismiss
開除 {v} /kāichú/ :: to expel (from a school)
開船 {v} /kāichuán/ :: to sail
開船 {v} /kāichuán/ :: to set sail
開創 {v} /kāichuàng/ :: to initiate; to start
開春 {v} /kāichūn,er/ :: to be the beginning of spring; to be early spring
開春 {v} /kāichūn,er/ :: to be the Chinese New Year
開枱 {def} SEE: 開檯 ::
開打 {v} /kāidǎ/ :: to start a game
開打 {v} /kāidǎ/ :: to perform acrobatic fighting
開襠褲 {n} /kāidāngkù/ :: open-crotch pants (usually for toddlers)
開刀 {v} [archaic] /kāidāo/ :: to behead; to decapitate
開刀 {v} /kāidāo/ :: to perform a (medical) operation (with the use of a scalpel or similar instrument)
開刀 {v} [figuratively] /kāidāo/ :: to make somebody the first target of an attack
開刀 {v} [figuratively] /kāidāo/ :: to fire; to sack
開倒車 {v} [literally] /kāidàochē/ :: to back a car; to reverse a vehicle; to drive backwards
開倒車 {v} [figuratively] /kāidàochē/ :: to turn back the clock; to put the clock back; to turn back the wheel of history
開導 {v} /kāidǎo/ :: to bring someone to reason; to straighten things out; to help someone see what is right or sensible; to enlighten
開道 {v} /kāidào/ :: to clear the way (e.g. for an important official)
開店 {v} /kāidiàn/ :: to open a shop; to run a store
開弔 {v} [of funerals] /kāidiào/ :: to hold a visitation
開凍 {v} /kāidòng/ :: to melt; to thaw; to unfreeze
開動 {v} /kāidòng/ :: to start; to get running; to set in motion (of vehicles, machines, etc.)
開動 {v} /kāidòng/ :: to set out; to depart; to march (of troops)
開讀 {v} [archaic] /kāidú/ :: to publicly read an imperial edict
開端 {n} /kāiduān/ :: beginning; start
開恩 {v} /kāi'ēn/ :: to bestow favour; to have mercy
開爾文 {prop} /kāi'ěrwén/ :: Kelvin (surname and given name)
開爾文 {classifier} [physics] /kāi'ěrwén/ :: kelvin (unit of temperature)
開發 {v} /kāifā/ :: to exploit (a resource)
開發 {v} /kāifā/ :: to open up (for development)
開發 {v} /kāifā/ :: to develop (real estate, the Internet, etc.)
開發區 {n} /kāifāqū/ :: development zone
開發區 {n} /kāifāqū/ :: abbreviation of 經濟開發區
開發區 {n} /kāifāqū/ :: abbreviation of 經濟技術開發區
開發人員 {n} /kāifā rényuán/ :: developer (of software, games, etc.)
開發商 {n} /kāifāshāng/ :: developer (of real estate, software, etc.)
開飯 {v} /kāifàn/ :: to serve a meal
開方 {v} [arithmetic] /kāifāng/ :: to extract a root
開方 {v} /kāifāng/ :: to write a prescription
開方 {prop} /kāifāng/ :: a minion of Duke Huan of Qi, sometimes identified as Duke Wen of Wei
開芳宴 {n} [historical] /kāifāngyàn/ :: A type of romantic dinner for a married couple, most common during the Song Dynasty – Jin dynasty (1115–1234) era
開房 {v} /kāifáng/ :: to rent a hotel room (usually for the purpose of having sex)
開放 {v} /kāifàng/ :: to open (to the public)
開放 {v} /kāifàng/ :: to lift a ban or restriction; to liberalize
開放 {v} /kāifàng/ :: to bloom (of flowers)
開放 {v} /kāifàng/ :: to be turned on; to be in operation
開放 {v} [archaic] /kāifàng/ :: to set free; to release (of prisoners)
開放 {adj} /kāifàng/ :: open
開放 {adj} /kāifàng/ :: public
開放 {adj} /kāifàng/ :: liberal; open-minded
開放存取 {n} /kāifàng cúnqǔ/ :: open access
開放獲取 {n} [Internet, publishing] /kāifàng huòqǔ/ :: open access
開放時間 {n} /kāifàng shíjiān/ :: opening hours; business hours; office hours
開放式 {adj} [attributive] /kāifàngshì/ :: open; open-door; open-end; open-ended
開放式關係 {n} /kāifàngshì guānxi/ :: open relationship
開放式婚姻 {n} /kāifàngshì hūnyīn/ :: open marriage
開放系統 {n} [physics] /kāifàng xìtǒng/ :: open system
開封 {v} /kāifēng,er/ :: to break open a seal
開封 {prop} /Kāifēng,tl/ :: (~ 市) 開封 (city)
開府 {v} [historical] /kāifǔ/ :: to be allowed to create one's own secretariat (mùfǔ)
開府儀同三司 {n} [historical] /kāifǔ yítóngsānsī/ :: an honorary title in ancient China
開腹 {adj} [attributive, medicine, of surgery] /kāifù/ :: open
開赴 {v} [of troops] /kāifù/ :: to head for; to depart for; to set out for
開根 {v} [mathematics] /kāigēn/ :: to extract a root
開工 {v} /kāigōng/ :: to begin production or manufacturing
開工 {v} /kāigōng/ :: to begin construction
開工 {v} [Cantonese] /kāigōng/ :: to start work; to go to work
開弓 {v} /kāigōng/ :: to draw a bow and arrow
開弓沒有回頭箭 {proverb} /kāigōng méiyǒu huítóu jiàn/ :: there's no turning back after you make an important decision
開掛 {v} [video games] /kāiguà/ :: abbreviation of 開外掛
開關 {n} /kāiguān/ :: switch (device for controlling supply of electricity)
開關 {v} /kāiguān/ :: to open and close; to turn on and off
開關 {v} /kāiguān/ :: to open the gate to a city
開館 {v} /kāiguǎn/ :: to open (of libraries, museums, exhibitions, etc.)
開罐器 {n} /kāiguànqì/ :: can opener; tin opener (device used to open tin cans)
開光 {v} [Buddhism] /kāiguāng/ :: to perform an eye-opening ceremony for a newly built idol; to consecrate; to bless
開光 {v} [humorous] /kāiguāng/ :: to shave one's hair or face
開鍋 {v} /kāiguō/ :: to open a cooking pot or pan (by lifting the lid)
開鍋 {v} [of something cooking in a pot] /kāiguō/ :: to start to boil
開鍋 {v} [figurative] /kāiguō/ :: to run wild; to go rowdy
開國 {v} /kāiguó/ :: to found a state, country or kingdom
開航 {v} /kāiháng/ :: to become open for navigation
開航 {v} /kāiháng/ :: to set sail
開合 {v} /kāihé/ :: to separate and come together
開合 {v} /kāihé/ :: to open and close
開合 {n} [Chinese phonetics] /kāihé/ :: 開口 and 合口; quality of being open-mouthed or closed-mouthed
開河 {v} /kāihé/ :: to open a river; to dig a canal
開河 {v} [of river] /kāihé/ :: to thaw
開黑 {v} [slang, neologism] /kāihēi/ :: to chat while playing video games
開戶 {v} /kāihù/ :: to open an account (e.g. a bank account)
開花 {v} /kāihuā/ :: to blossom; to bloom; to flower
開花 {v} [figurative] /kāihuā/ :: to burst; to split open; to break open
開花 {v} [figurative] /kāihuā/ :: to burst with joy
開花 {v} [figurative] /kāihuā/ :: to spread over; to spring up
開花結果 {idiom} [figurative] /kāihuājiēguǒ,kāihuājiéguǒ,2nb/ :: to yield positive results
開花植物 {n} /kāihuā zhíwù/ :: flowering plant
開化 {v} /kāihuà,tl/ :: to become civilized
開化 {v} [dialectal] /kāihuà,tl/ :: to thaw; unfreeze
開化 {v} /kāihuà,tl/ :: to blossom; to mature; to reach fruition
開化 {adj} /kāihuà,tl/ :: civilized
開化 {adj} /kāihuà,tl/ :: liberal; progressive; open-minded
開化 {adj} /kāihuà,tl/ :: in good spirits
開化 {prop} /kāihuà,tl/ :: (~ 縣) 開化 (county)
開懷 {v} [literary] /kāihuái/ :: to be to one's heart's content; to be light-hearted
開荒 {v} [agriculture] /kāihuāng/ :: to open up or reclaim wasteland (for agriculture)
開會 {v} /kāihuì/ :: to hold, start or attend a meeting
開葷 {v} [often, religion] /kāihūn/ :: to break a vegetarian diet; [of a baby] to start eating meat
開葷 {v} [figurative] /kāihūn/ :: to try out something novel; to experience a new thing
開火 {v} /kāihuǒ/ :: to open fire; to start shooting
開火車 {v} [literally] /kāi huǒchē,er/ :: to drive a train
開火車 {v} [neologism, figurative, slang, humorous] /kāi huǒchē,er/ :: to talk dirty
開基 {v} [literary] /kāijī/ :: to found a state, country or kingdom
開基 {v} [literary] /kāijī/ :: to initiate; to start
開機 {v} /kāijī/ :: to start a machine; to turn on a device
開機 {v} [film] /kāijī/ :: to start shooting
開集 {n} [set theory] /kāijí/ :: open set
開價 {v} /kāijià,er/ :: to make a quote; to ask for a price
開建 {v} /kāijiàn/ :: to create
開建 {v} /kāijiàn/ :: to build
開建 {v} /kāijiàn/ :: to found; to establish; to set up
開建 {prop} /kāijiàn/ :: (~ 縣) [historical] Kaijian County, a former county of Guangdong administered as part of Zhaoqing Commandery (肇慶) but since merged with Fengchuan County (封川) to form Fengkai County (封開)
開獎 {v} /kāijiǎng/ :: to draw a lottery and announce the winner
開講 {v} /kāijiǎng/ :: to begin lecturing or story-telling; to start on a story
開講 {v} [Taiwan Min Nan] /kāijiǎng/ :: to chat
開交 {v} [literary, used in the negative] /kāijiāo/ :: to conclude; to end; to finish
開金 {n} /kāijīn/ :: gold alloy
開局 {n} /kāijú/ :: opening (of a match); beginning; start
開局 {v} /kāijú/ :: to make a start; to open the game
開具 {v} /kāijù/ :: to write out (a document); to issue (a certificate)
開卷 {adj} [attributive, of examinations] /kāijuàn/ :: open-book
開卷 {v} [formal] /kāijuàn/ :: to open a book; to read
開卷 {v} /kāijuàn/ :: to keep books closed (during an examination)
開卷有益 {proverb} /kāijuànyǒuyì/ :: reading is beneficial
開掘 {v} /kāijué/ :: to dig; to unearth; to excavate
開掘 {v} [figurative] /kāijué/ :: to investigate (in an archive); to dig up (old stories); to go deep into
開開心心 {adj} /kāikāixīnxīn/ :: Emphatic form of 開心
開開心心 {adv} /kāikāixīnxīn/ :: Emphatic form of 開心
開考 {v} [of an exam or test] /kāikǎo/ :: to begin; to start
開可 {v} [Classical] /kāikě/ :: to permit; to allow
開課 {v} /kāikè/ :: to teach a course; to teach a subject
開課 {v} /kāikè/ :: to begin classes
開墾 {v} /kāikěn/ :: to cultivate; to prepare soil for planting
開坑 {v} [neologism] /kāikēng/ :: to start working on something
開坑 {v} [neologism, chiefly ACG] /kāikēng/ :: to begin reading/watching/playing an entertainment media or creative work
開坑 {v} [neologism, internet slang, of a creator, author, etc.] /kāikēng/ :: to begin creating a new franchise; to start working on a new piece of creative work
開口 {v} /kāikǒu/ :: to open one's mouth
開口 {v} /kāikǒu/ :: to start talking
開口 {v} /kāikǒu/ :: to laugh out loud
開口 {v} /kāikǒu/ :: to crack open
開口 {v} /kāikǒu/ :: to sharpen a knife
開口 {v} /kāikǒu/ :: to breach a dam
開口 {v} [literary] /kāikǒu/ :: to eat
開口 {n} [Chinese phonetics] /kāikǒu/ :: abbreviation of 開口呼
開口呼 {n} [Chinese phonetics] /kāikǒuhū/ :: class of finals that do not have a medial or do not have /i/, /u/ or /y/ as their nucleus
開闊 {adj} /kāikuò/ :: open; wide; expansive
開闊 {adj} [of a person] /kāikuò/ :: generous; magnanimous
開闊 {adj} [of a person] /kāikuò/ :: tolerant; broad-minded
開闊 {v} /kāikuò/ :: to open up; to widen; to expand
開朗 {adj} /kāilǎng/ :: open and bright
開朗 {adj} /kāilǎng/ :: open-minded; broad-minded; sanguine; optimistic; generous; liberal; progressive
開朗 {adj} /kāilǎng/ :: straightforward; candid
開列 {v} /kāiliè/ :: to list out one by one; to draw up a list
開裂 {v} /kāiliè/ :: to crack; to dehisce
開爐 {v} /kāilú/ :: to start up a furnace
開爐 {v} [Cantonese] /kāilú/ :: to start up a 爐
開路 {v} /kāilù/ :: to clear the way; to open up a path; to clear a course
開路 {v} /kāilù/ :: to lead the way
開侖 {n} /kāilún/ :: carom
開羅 {prop} /Kāiluó/ :: 開羅 (city/capital city)
開鑼 {v} [of traditional Chinese opera] /kāiluó/ :: to start the performance
開鑼 {v} [figurative] /kāiluó/ :: to begin; to start
開綠燈 {v} [colloquial] /kāi lǜdēng/ :: to give the green light; to permit or allow someone or something
開麥拉 {n} [somewhat, dated] /kāimàilā/ :: camera (especially as an interjection when shooting a film)
開曼群島 {prop} /Kāimàn Qúndǎo/ :: Cayman Islands
開門 {v} /kāimén,er/ :: to open the door
開門 {v} [figurative] /kāimén,er/ :: to open for business
開門 {v} [figurative] /kāimén,er/ :: to do things in an open-door manner
開門紅 {n} /kāiménhóng/ :: successful beginning
開門紅 {n} [figuratively, humorous] /kāiménhóng/ :: failing the first exam
開門見山 {v} /kāiménjiànshān/ :: to get right to the point
開門七件事 {idiom} /kāimén qī jiàn shì/ :: daily necessities
開門揖盜 {idiom} /kāiményīdào/ :: assist in one's own destruction
開萌 {v} [literary] /kāiméng/ :: to cause to happen
開明 {adj} /kāimíng/ :: enlightened; liberal; open-minded
開幕 {v} [of plays, cinemas, etc.] /kāimù/ :: to give the first public performance
開幕 {v} /kāimù/ :: to open or inaugurate (ceremony for a conference, new building, etc.); to open a session
開幕 {v} [archaic] /kāimù/ :: to set up an office for a commanding officer
開幕式 {n} /kāimùshì/ :: opening ceremony
開年 {v} /kāinián/ :: to begin the Lunar New Year (by doing something)
開年 {v} [figuratively, derogatory] /kāinián/ :: to beat somebody up; to celebrate one's death
開年 {n} /kāinián/ :: second day of the Lunar New Year
開年 {n} [literary] /kāinián/ :: beginning of a year
開年 {n} [literary or Wu] /kāinián/ :: next year
開區間 {n} [mathematics] /kāiqūjiān/ :: open interval
開拍 {v} /kāipāi/ :: to begin shooting (a movie, a scene, etc.)
開拍 {v} /kāipāi/ :: to start the bidding; to begin the auction
開拍 {v} [stock market] /kāipāi/ :: to start a trading session
開盤 {v} [finance] /kāipán/ :: to give the opening quotation (on the stock exchange)
開盤 {v} [chess] /kāipán/ :: to commence a new game
開盤 {v} [Mainland, real estate, stock, etc.] /kāipán/ :: to commence trading
開票 {v} /kāipiào/ :: to open ballot boxes; to count votes
開票 {v} /kāipiào/ :: to write out a receipt
開屏 {v} [of peacocks] /kāipíng/ :: to spread one's tail
開平 {prop} /Kāipíng/ :: (~ 市) 開平 (county-level city)
開平 {prop} /Kāipíng/ :: (~ 縣) [historical] Kaiping County, a former county of Guangdong, China, which was administered as part of the commandery of Zhaoqing
開瓶器 {n} /kāipíngqì/ :: bottle opener (device to open bottle)
開普敦 {prop} /Kāipǔdūn/ :: 開普敦 (city/legislative capital)
開普勒 {prop} /Kāipǔlè/ :: Kepler
開啓 {def} SEE: 開啟 ::
開啟 {v} /kāiqǐ/ :: to open (a door)
開啟 {v} /kāiqǐ/ :: to start (a machine or device)
開啟 {v} /kāiqǐ/ :: to kick off (a new era, etc.)
開槍 {v} /kāiqiāng/ :: to open fire; to shoot
開腔 {v} /kāiqiāng,er/ :: to open one's mouth to speak
開竅 {v} [TCM] /kāiqiào,er/ :: to open the body orifices
開竅 {v} [figurative] /kāiqiào,er/ :: to be enlightened; to begin to understand
開竅 {v} [figurative, of a child] /kāiqiào,er/ :: to begin to know things
開竅藥 {n} [TCM] /kāiqiàoyào/ :: medicinal substances used for resuscitation
開刃 {v} /kāirèn,er/ :: to sharpen before use (of a new knife or a new pair of scissors)
開森 {adj} [Mandarin, slang] /kāisēn/ :: alternative form of 開心
開山 {v} /kāishān/ :: to cut into a mountain (for quarrying, etc.)
開山 {v} /kāishān/ :: to unseal a closed mountain for a period of time
開山 {v} [Buddhism] /kāishān/ :: to build the first temple on a famous mountain
開山刀 {n} /kāishāndāo/ :: machete
開衫 {n} /kāishān/ :: cardigan
開商 {n} [phonology] /kāishāng/ :: open quotient
開設 {v} /kāishè/ :: to set up; to open (a shop, factory, etc.); to establish; to offer (goods, services, courses, etc.)
開聲 {v} /kāishēng/ :: to utter; to start speaking
開聲 {v} [Cantonese] /kāishēng/ :: to speak up; to give voice
開聲 {v} [Cantonese] /kāishēng/ :: to warm up one's voice
開始 {v} /kāishǐ/ :: to start; to begin; to commence
開始 {n} /kāishǐ/ :: start; beginning; commencement
開駛 {v} /kāishǐ/ :: to start to move (of a vehicle)
開市 {v} /kāishì/ :: to open for business (especially as a new store or reopening after a break)
開市 {v} /kāishì/ :: to conduct the first transaction of the day
開市 {v} [of stock market] /kāishì/ :: to open; to start trading
開示 {v} /kāishì/ :: to show clearly; to demonstrate
開示 {v} /kāishì/ :: to reveal; to show; to display
開示 {v} /kāishì/ :: to inspire; to enlighten; to stimulate
開示 {v} /kāishì/ :: to indicate; to point out
開釋 {v} /kāishì/ :: to release (especially a prisoner); to set free; to liberate
開釋 {v} [literary] /kāishì/ :: to explain; to elucidate
開涮 {v} [colloquial] /kāishuàn/ :: to make fun of; to tease
開水 {n} /kāishuǐ/ :: boiled water
開司米 {n} /kāisīmǐ/ :: cashmere
開撕 {v} [neologism, slang] /kāisī/ :: to stop sparing one's feelings and start to fight (with someone)
開他敏 {n} /kāitāmǐn/ :: ketamine
開拓 {v} [literal] /kāituò/ :: to develop; to open up; to break ground
開拓 {v} [figurative] /kāituò/ :: to break ground; to broaden; to exploit
開拓者 {n} /kāituòzhě/ :: pioneer
開臺 {v} /kāitái/ :: to begin a theatrical performance
開臺鑼鼓 {idiom} /kāitáiluógǔ/ :: beating the gongs and drums before a theatrical performance; curtain-raiser
開台 {def} SEE: 開臺 ::
開台鑼鼓 {def} SEE: 開臺鑼鼓 ::
開膛 {v} /kāitáng/ :: to cut open the chest and abdomen (of a domestic animal); to disembowel
開膛手傑克 {prop} /Kāitángshǒu Jiékè/ :: Jack the Ripper
開特 {classifier} [chemistry] /kāitè/ :: katal (unit of catalytic activity)
開題 {v} /kāití/ :: to begin a discussion on a particular topic
開題 {v} /kāití/ :: to preach
開題 {prop} /kāití/ :: Name of an ancient state
開題報告 {n} /kāití bàogào/ :: thesis proposal
開天辟地 {def} SEE: 開天闢地 ::
開天闢地 {idiom} /kāitiānpìdì/ :: creation of the world; dawn of heaven
開天闢地 {idiom} [figurative] /kāitiānpìdì/ :: heroic; first of its kind
開天窗 {v} /kāitiānchuāng/ :: to embezzle
開天窗 {v} /kāitiānchuāng/ :: to be censored
開庭 {v} /kāitíng/ :: to start a court session; to open court; to call a court to order
開通 {v} /kāitōng/ :: to remove obstacles from; to dredge; to clear
開通 {v} [of a road] /kāitōng/ :: to become open to traffic
開通 {v} /kāitōng/ :: to inspire; to enlighten
開通 {v} /kāitōng/ :: to enable; to accept; to authorize
開通 {adj} /kāitong/ :: enlightened; liberal; open-minded
開頭 {v} /kāitóu,er/ :: to start; to begin
開頭 {n} /kāitóu,er/ :: start; beginning
開頭兒 {v} /kāitóur/ :: erhua form of []
開頭兒 {n} /kāitóur/ :: erhua form of []
開脫 {v} /kāituō/ :: to absolve; to exonerate; to exculpate
開脱 {def} SEE: 開脫 ::
開挖 {v} /kāiwā/ :: to dig; to dig out; to excavate
開挖 {v} /kāiwā/ :: to start to dig; to start excavation
開外掛 {v} [video games] /kāi wàiguà/ :: to use cheating plug-ins and/or softwares
開玩笑 {v} /kāi wánxiào/ :: to joke; to kid; to make a joke; to joke around
開胃 {v} /kāiwèi/ :: to whet the appetite
開胃 {adj} /kāiwèi/ :: appetizing
開胃菜 {n} /kāiwèicài/ :: appetizer (small, light first course)
開胃酒 {n} /kāiwèijiǔ/ :: apéritif
開悟 {v} [literary] /kāiwù/ :: to inspire; to enlighten
開悟 {v} [literary] /kāiwù/ :: to comprehend; to grasp (something not easily understood); to realize
開悟 {n} [Buddhism, philosophy, psychology] /kāiwù/ :: enlightenment
開弦弓 {prop} /Kāixiángōng/ :: (~ 村) 開弦弓 (village)
開銷 {v} /kāixiāo,tl/ :: to pay expenses
開銷 {v} [Mainland China Hokkien, euphemistic] /kāixiāo,tl/ :: to frequent prostitutes
開銷 {n} /kāixiāo,tl/ :: expense
開小差 {v} [military, of soldiers] /kāi xiǎochāi/ :: to desert; to abscond from the army
開小差 {v} [figurative] /kāi xiǎochāi/ :: to be absent-minded
開小灶 {v} /kāi xiǎozào,er/ :: to cook specially (for someone); to cook better food (for someone) as a privilege
開小灶 {v} [figurative] /kāi xiǎozào,er/ :: to bestow special favours (on someone); to give preferential treatment
開心 {adj} /kāixīn/ :: happy; delighted
開心 {v} [literary] /kāixīn/ :: to open up the mind; to enlighten the mind
開心 {v} /kāixīn/ :: to make fun of (someone)
開心果 {n} /kāixīnguǒ,er/ :: pistachio (nut)
開心果 {n} [figurative] /kāixīnguǒ,er/ :: someone or something that makes people laugh, especially a lively and humorous person who keeps the group dynamic fun; barrel of laughs; life of the party
開學 {v} [of a semester] /kāixué/ :: to start school; to begin; [of a course, degree, etc.] to commence
開言 {v} [literary] /kāiyán/ :: to say something
開演 {v} [of a play, movie, etc.] /kāiyǎn/ :: to begin (to play)
開眼 {v} /kāiyǎn/ :: to broaden one's mind; to have an eye-opening experience
開眼 {v} [archaic] /kāiyǎn/ :: to open the (or one's) eyes
開洋 {v} /kāiyáng/ :: (of ship) to launch
開洋 {n} [chiefly Wu] /kāiyáng/ :: large shrimp
開陽 {prop} /Kāiyáng/ :: (~ 縣) 開陽 (county)
開陽 {prop} /Kāiyáng/ :: (~ 星) [Chinese star] Mizar (star)
開藥 {v} /kāiyào/ :: to write a prescription; to prescribe medicine
開夜車 {v} /kāiyèchē/ :: to work late into the night; to burn the midnight oil
開業 {v} [of a business] /kāiyè/ :: to start; to open for business
開業 {v} /kāiyè/ :: to open a private medical or legal practice
開音節 {n} [linguistics] /kāiyīnjié/ :: open syllable
開元天寶遺事 {prop} /Kāiyuán Tiānbǎo yíshì/ :: Anecdotes of the Emperor Xuanzong of Tang
開原 {prop} /Kāiyuán/ :: (~ 市) 開原 (city)
開源 {n} [computing] /kāiyuán/ :: open source
開遠 {prop} /Kāiyuǎn/ :: (~ 市) 開遠 (city)
開雲 {prop} [Taiwan] /Kāiyún/ :: 開雲 (city/capital city)
開鑿 {v} /kāi凿/ :: to cut; to dig; to bore; to excavate
開齋 {v} [religion] /kāizhāi/ :: to resume a meat diet
開齋 {v} [Islam] /kāizhāi/ :: to come to the end of Ramadan
開齋節 {prop} [Islam] /Kāizhāijié/ :: Eid al-Fitr
開展 {v} /kāizhǎn/ :: to launch; to conduct; to carry out; to develop; to provide
開展 {v} [of an exhibition or show] /kāizhǎn/ :: to open
開展 {adj} /kāizhǎn/ :: open-minded; broad-minded; sanguine; optimistic; generous; liberal; progressive
開戰 {v} /kāizhàn/ :: to start a war
開張 {v} /kāizhāng/ :: to open
開張 {v} [of a business] /kāizhāng/ :: to start; to open for business
開張 {v} /kāizhāng/ :: to begin doing business (during the day)
開張 {v} [figuratively] /kāizhāng/ :: to begin; to start; to develop; to launch
開漳聖王 {prop} /Kāi Zhāng Shèngwáng/ :: Chen Yuanguang
開仗 {v} /kāizhàng/ :: to start a war
開徵 {v} /kāizhēng/ :: to begin to levy or collect taxes
開證 {v} /kāizhèng/ :: to issue a letter of credit (信用證 /-/)
開支 {v} /kāizhī/ :: to pay; to spend; to expend
開支 {v} [colloquial] /kāizhī/ :: to pay wages; to receive pay
開支 {n} /kāizhī/ :: spending; expenditure; expenses (Classifier: m:筆)
開州 {prop} /Kāizhōu/ :: (~ 區) 開州 (district)
開宗明義 {idiom} /kāizōngmíngyì/ :: to make clear the main idea at the beginning in one's speech or writing
開罪 {v} [literary] /kāizuì/ :: to offend; to commit a faux pas
{def} SEE: ::
闿阳 {def} SEE: 闓陽 ::
{def} SEE: ::
凯恩斯 {def} SEE: 凱恩斯 ::
凯尔特 {def} SEE: 凱爾特 ::
凯尔特人 {def} SEE: 凱爾特人 ::
凯尔特语 {def} SEE: 凱爾特語 ::
凯尔特语族 {def} SEE: 凱爾特語族 ::
凯风 {def} SEE: 凱風 ::
凯芙拉 {def} SEE: 凱芙拉 ::
凯歌 {def} SEE: 凱歌 ::
凯里 {def} SEE: 凱里 ::
凯马 {def} SEE: 凱馬 ::
凯门鳄 {def} SEE: 凱門鱷 ::
凯末尔 {def} SEE: 凱末爾 ::
凯撒 {def} SEE: 凱撒 ::
凯撒沙律 {def} SEE: 凱撒沙律 ::
凯萨琳 {def} SEE: 凱薩琳 ::
凯文 {def} SEE: 凱文 ::
凯旋 {def} SEE: 凱旋 ::
凯旋门 {def} SEE: 凱旋門 ::
凯子 {def} SEE: 凱子 ::
{def} /kǎi/ :: music of triumph
{def} /kǎi/ :: triumph; victory
{def} /kǎi/ :: alternative form of
{def} [Taiwan, colloquial] /kǎi/ :: generous with money
{def} /kǎi/ :: surname
凱恩斯 {prop} /Kǎi'ēnsī/ :: Cairns (Australian city)
凱恩斯 {prop} /Kǎi'ēnsī/ :: Keynes (surname)
凱爾特 {adj} /kǎi'ěrtè/ :: Celtic
凱爾特人 {n} /kǎi'ěrtèrén/ :: Celt; Celtic people
凱爾特人 {n} /kǎi'ěrtèrén/ :: Boston Celtics (team in NBA)
凱爾特人 {n} /kǎi'ěrtèrén/ :: Celtic F.C. (team in Scottish Premiership)
凱爾特語 {n} /kǎi'ěrtè yǔ/ :: Celtic language
凱爾特語族 {n} /kǎi'ěrtèyǔzú/ :: Celtic languages
凱風 {n} [poetic] /kǎifēng/ :: south wind
凱芙拉 {n} /kǎifúlā/ :: Kevlar
凱歌 {n} /kǎigē/ :: song of triumph; paean
凱里 {prop} /Kǎilǐ/ :: (~ 市) 凱里 (county-level city)
凱馬 {prop} /Kǎimǎ/ :: 凱馬 (town)
凱門鱷 {n} /kǎimén'è/ :: caiman
凱末爾 {prop} /Kǎimò'ěr/ :: Kemal, especially Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
凱撒 {prop} /Kǎisā,Kǎisà/ :: Caesar
凱撒沙律 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /Kǎisā shālǜ/ :: Caesar salad
凱薩琳 {prop} /Kǎisàlín/ :: Catherine; Katherine
凱文 {prop} /Kǎiwén/ :: Kevin (a male given name)
凱旋 {v} /kǎixuán/ :: to return in triumph
凱旋門 {n} /kǎixuánmén/ :: triumphal arch; in particular, the Arc de Triomphe in Paris
凱子 {n} [slang] /kǎizi/ :: fool; idiot
凱子 {n} [chiefly Taiwan, slang] /kǎizi/ :: rich, good-looking guy
凱子 {n} [chiefly Taiwan, slang] /kǎizi/ :: gigolo
{def} SEE: ::
剀切 {def} SEE: 剴切 ::
剴切 {adj} [literary] /kǎiqiè/ :: true and pertinent; factual
剴切 {adj} [literary] /kǎiqiè/ :: earnest and sincere; sensible
{def} SEE: ::
垲垲 {def} SEE: 塏塏 ::
{def} [literary] /kǎi/ :: high and dry (of place)
塏塏 {adj} [literary] /kǎikǎi/ :: dry and barren
{def} SEE: ::
恺歌 {def} SEE: 愷歌 ::
恺悌 {def} SEE: 愷悌 ::
{def} [literary] /kǎi/ :: peaceful; harmonious
{def} [literary] /kǎi/ :: alternative form of
愷歌 {def} SEE: 凱歌 ::
愷悌 {adj} [literary, of the mind] /kǎitì/ :: happy and content; at ease; peaceful and graceful
{def} /kǎi/ :: indignant; resentful
{def} /kǎi/ :: generous; impassioned; vehement
{def} /kǎi/ :: with emotion
{def} /kǎi/ :: to rue; to be sad
慨慷 {adj} [classical] /kǎikāng/ :: impassioned; vehement; fervent
慨慷 {v} [classical] /kǎikāng/ :: to sigh (with regret); to lament; to exclaim
慨諾 {n} [literary] /kǎinuò/ :: a heartfelt promise
慨诺 {def} SEE: 慨諾 ::
慨然 {adv} /kǎirán/ :: with great emotion; full of emotion
慨叹 {def} SEE: 慨嘆 ::
慨嘆 {v} /kǎitàn/ :: to sigh with regret; to lament
慨歎 {def} SEE: 慨嘆 ::
{def} /jiē,kǎi,1nb/ :: Pistacia chinensis
{def} /jiē,kǎi,1nb/ :: upright
{def} /kǎi/ :: model; pattern
{def} /kǎi/ :: model style of Chinese writing
{def} /kǎi/ :: surname
楷模 {n} /kǎimó/ :: model; example (person or thing worthy of imitation)
楷书 {def} SEE: 楷書 ::
楷書 {n} [Chinese calligraphy] /kǎishū/ :: regular script (the newest style of Chinese calligraphy, the most common in modern writings and publications)
楷体 {def} SEE: 楷體 ::
楷體 {n} [Chinese calligraphy] /kǎitǐ/ :: regular script
{def} [organic compound] /kǎi/ :: carane
{def} [literary, rhetorical question] /qǐ/ :: how (used in rhetorical questions)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /qǐ/ :: can it be possible that
豈不 {v} /qǐ不,tl/ :: isn't that; doesn't that; hasn't that; won't that
豈不是 {phrase} /qǐ不shì/ :: wouldn't it be; isn't it
豈但 {conj} [literary] /qǐdàn/ :: not only
豈獨 {adv} [archaic] /qǐdú/ :: could it be merely that ..
豈非 {adv} [formal, used to ask a rhetorical question] /qǐfēi/ :: is it not the case that; is it none other than; is it possible that; could it be said that
豈敢 {interj} /qǐgǎn/ :: I don't deserve such praise or honor; You flatter me
豈敢 {v} [literary] /qǐgǎn/ :: how could I dare to; how dare he
豈可 {v} [literary, used in rhetorical questions] /qǐkě/ :: how can (one possibly); how is (it possible)
豈料 {adv} /qǐliào/ :: unexpectedly
豈能 {adv} [literary, used in rhetorical questions] /qǐnéng/ :: how could (one possibly); how is (it possible)  
豈是 {adv} /qǐshì/ :: Forming rhetorical questions declaring that something is not the truth
豈有此理 {adj} /qǐyǒu-#cǐlǐ/ :: preposterous; outrageous; absurd
豈有此理 {interj} /qǐyǒu-#cǐlǐ/ :: nonsense!; absurd!
豈只 {def} SEE: 豈止 ::
豈止 {adv} [used to ask a rhetorical question] /qǐzhǐ/ :: how can it stop at (this amount); way more than; far from
{def} [literary] /kǎi/ :: high-quality iron
{def} /kǎi/ :: [obsolete] armor
鎧甲 {n} /kǎijiǎ/ :: body armor (Classifier: m:副)
{def} SEE: ::
铠甲 {def} SEE: 鎧甲 ::
{def} [literary] /kǎi/ :: to open
{def} [literary] /kǎi/ :: bright; clear
{def} /kǎi/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
闓陽 {n} [literary] /kǎiyáng/ :: sun
{def} /kǎi/ :: only used in 颽風, alternative form of 凱風
颽風 {def} SEE: 凱風 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /qì/ :: alternative form of
{def} /kài,ké/ :: alternative form of
{def} /ài/ :: [historical dictionaries] belching
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kài/ :: [historical dictionaries] burning-hot, intense
{def} /kài/ :: [historical dictionaries] to burn, blaze
{def} /kài/ :: [historical dictionaries] splendid, illustrious
{def} /kān/ :: publication; periodical
{def} /kān/ :: to publish
刊本 {n} [in general] /kānběn/ :: block-printed edition; edition
刊本 {v} [literary] /kānběn/ :: to set in print
刊布 {v} [literary] /kānbù/ :: to publish
刊登 {v} /kāndēng/ :: to publish (an article in a periodical)
刊发 {def} SEE: 刊發 ::
刊發 {v} [usually of a journal, newspaper, etc.] /kānfā/ :: to publish (an article, a letter, etc.)
刊行 {v} /kānxíng/ :: to publish; to print and publish
刊刻 {v} /kānkè/ :: to engrave; to inscribe
刊刻 {v} /kānkè/ :: to publish; to print and publish
刊文 {v} [of newspaper etc.] /kānwén/ :: to publish an article
刊物 {n} /kānwù/ :: periodical; publication; journal; magazine
刊誤 {v} /kānwù/ :: to correct errors (especially in printing)
刊誤表 {n} /kānwùbiǎo/ :: errata
刊误 {def} SEE: 刊誤 ::
刊误表 {def} SEE: 刊誤表 ::
刊宪 {def} SEE: 刊憲 ::
刊憲 {v} /kānxiàn/ :: to publish in the Hong Kong Government Gazette
刊印 {v} [in general] /kānyìn/ :: to block print; to set in print; to publish
刊載 {v} /kān載/ :: to publish (in a newspaper, journal, etc.)
刊載 {v} [literary] /kān載/ :: to record
刊载 {def} SEE: 刊載 ::
{def} /kān/ :: to proofread; to compare
{def} /kān/ :: to investigate
勘测 {def} SEE: 勘測 ::
勘測 {v} /kāncè/ :: to survey; to investigate
勘察 {v} /kānchá/ :: to reconnoitre; to inspect; to investigate
勘察 {v} [geology] /kānchá/ :: to prospect (for minerals)
勘察加 {prop} /Kānchájiā/ :: (~ 半島) alternative name for 堪察加
勘查 {v} /kānchá/ :: to inspect the scene
勘定 {v} /kāndìng/ :: to check; to scrutinise; to collate
勘定 {v} /kāndìng/ :: to survey; to determine by measurement
勘乱 {def} SEE: 戡亂 ::
勘亂 {def} SEE: 戡亂 ::
勘瓯 {def} SEE: 勘甌 ::
勘甌 {def} SEE: 崁甌 ::
勘破 {v} [literary] /kānpò/ :: to see through something
勘破 {v} [literary] /kānpò/ :: to be resigned to what is inevitable
勘探 {v} [geology] /kāntàn/ :: to prospect (for minerals)
勘誤 {v} /kānwù/ :: to correct errors (especially in printing)
勘誤表 {n} /kānwùbiǎo/ :: errata
勘误 {def} SEE: 勘誤 ::
勘误表 {def} SEE: 勘誤表 ::
勘正 {v} /kānzhèng/ :: to proofread and correct
{def} /kān/ :: may; to be capable of
{def} /kān/ :: to bear; to stand; to resist
堪布 {n} [Tibetan Buddhism] /kānbù/ :: khenpo (degree for higher Buddhist studies given in Tibetan Buddhism)
堪察加 {prop} /Kānchájiā/ :: (~ 半島) Kamchatka
堪察加半岛 {def} SEE: 堪察加半島 ::
堪察加半島 {prop} /Kānchájiā Bàndǎo/ :: Kamchatka Peninsula
堪察加彼得巴甫洛夫斯克 {prop} /Kānchájiā-Bǐdébāfǔluòfūsīkè/ :: 堪察加彼得巴甫洛夫斯克 (city)
堪称 {def} SEE: 堪稱 ::
堪稱 {v} [formal] /kānchēng/ :: (it) can be called; one can call it; one can say that
堪达罕 {def} SEE: 堪達罕 ::
堪達罕 {n} [Beijing Mandarin] /kāndáhǎn,tl2/ :: moose
堪该 {def} SEE: 堪該 ::
堪能 {v} /kānnéng/ :: can; to be able to
堪能 {v} /kānnéng/ :: to be skilled in
堪培拉 {prop} /Kānpéilā/ :: 堪培拉 (city/capital city)
堪萨斯 {def} SEE: 堪薩斯 ::
堪萨斯城 {def} SEE: 堪薩斯城 ::
堪薩斯 {prop} /Kānsàsī/ :: (~ 州) 堪薩斯 (state)
堪薩斯城 {prop} /Kānsàsīchéng/ :: Kansas City
堪忧 {def} SEE: 堪憂 ::
堪憂 {adj} /kānyōu/ :: worrying; concerning
堪舆 {def} SEE: 堪輿 ::
堪舆仙 {def} SEE: 堪輿仙 ::
堪虞 {adj} /kānyú/ :: worrisome, precarious
堪輿 {n} [literary] /kānyú/ :: heaven and earth
堪輿 {n} /kānyú/ :: alternative name for 風水
{def} /kān/ :: to subjugate; to subdue; to quell
戡乱 {def} SEE: 戡亂 ::
戡乱战争 {def} SEE: 戡亂戰爭 ::
戡亂 {v} [literary] /kānluàn/ :: to suppress or put down a rebellion
戡亂戰爭 {prop} [Taiwan] /Kānluàn Zhànzhēng/ :: Chinese Communist Revolution
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kān/ :: shrine
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: 𪙊 ::
{def} [literary] /kǎn/ :: upright; outspoken; straightforward
{def} [literary] /kǎn/ :: harmonious and happy
{def} [dialectal] /kǎn/ :: to chat
侃大山 {v} [colloquial] /kǎn dàshān/ :: to chatter idly
侃价 {def} SEE: 侃價 ::
侃價 {v} /kǎnjià,er/ :: alternative form of 砍價
侃侃 {adj} /kǎnkǎn/ :: be possessed of assurance and composure
侃侃而談 {idiom} /kǎnkǎn'értán/ :: to speak frankly and in measured tones
侃侃而谈 {def} SEE: 侃侃而談 ::
侃侃而言 {idiom} /kǎnkǎn'éryán/ :: to speak frankly and in measured tones
侃爷 {def} SEE: 侃爺 ::
侃爺 {n} [dialectal] /kǎnyé/ :: tattler; big talker; idle chatter
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [Cantonese, Hakka] /kǎn/ :: to cover
{def} [Cantonese] /kǎn/ :: to cover up; to conceal; to prevent something from being discovered
{def} [Cantonese] /kǎn/ :: cover; lid
{def} [Cantonese] /kǎn/ :: to slap; to hit with the palm
{def} [Cantonese] /kǎn/ :: to raid (an illegal den)
冚家鏟 {def} SEE: 咸家鏟 ::
冚家铲 {def} SEE: 冚家鏟 ::
冚家富貴 {def} SEE: 咸家富貴 ::
冚家富贵 {def} SEE: 咸家富貴 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /qiǎn/ :: [obsolete] to open one's mouth
{def} /kǎn/ :: pit, hole
{def} /kǎn/ :: snare, trap
{def} /kǎn/ :: crisis
{def} /kǎn/ :: 6th of the 8 trigrams ()
{def} /kǎn/ :: 29th hexagram of the I Ching ()
{def} /kǎn/ :: abbreviation of 坎德拉
坎貝拉 {prop} [Singapore, Malaysia] /Kǎnbèilā/ :: 坎貝拉 (city/capital city)
坎贝拉 {def} SEE: 坎貝拉 ::
坎城 {prop} /Kǎnchéng/ :: alternative name for 戛納
坎大哈 {prop} /Kǎndàhā/ :: Kandahar
坎德拉 {classifier} [physics] /kǎndélā/ :: candela (unit of luminous activity)
坎儿井 {def} SEE: 坎兒井 ::
坎兒井 {n} [in parts of central southern Asia] /kǎnrjǐng/ :: qanat
坎肩 {n} /kǎnjiān,er/ :: waistcoat (usually Chinese-style); vest; sleeveless jacket
坎阱 {n} [literary] /kǎnjǐng/ :: trap; snare
坎坷 {adj} [of a road] /kǎnkě/ :: bumpy
坎坷 {adj} [figurative, of life] /kǎnkě/ :: hard; rough; ill-fated; unfortunate; unfavoured
坎軻 {def} SEE: 坎坷 ::
坎轲 {def} SEE: 坎軻 ::
坎离砂 {def} SEE: 坎離砂 ::
坎離砂 {n} /kǎnlíshā/ :: A blackish-brown coarse powder used in traditional Chinese medicine "to dispel wind-cold, promote blood circulation and relieve pain in the treatment of rheumatic or rheumatoid arthralgia with numbness of the limbs, and epigastric pain"
坎帕拉 {prop} /Kǎnpàlā/ :: 坎帕拉 (city/capital city)
坎土曼 {n} /kǎntǔmàn/ :: a kind of Uyghur farming tool used for digging
坎問頓 {prop} [dated] /Kǎnwèndùn/ :: 坎問頓 (city)
坎问顿 {def} SEE: 坎問頓 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
埳坷 {def} SEE: 坎坷 ::
埳軻 {def} SEE: 坎坷 ::
埳轲 {def} SEE: 埳軻 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /崁/ :: only used in 赤崁
{def} [Min Nan] /崁/ :: a cover, to cover
{def} [Singapore Hokkien] /崁/ :: to turn off (lights)
崁頂 {prop} /崁dǐng/ :: (~ 鄉) 崁頂 (rural township)
崁頂 {prop} /崁dǐng/ :: (~ 里) 崁頂 (urban village)
崁顶 {def} SEE: 崁頂 ::
崁瓯 {def} SEE: 崁甌 ::
{def} /kǎn,kè,qiǎn/ :: not satiated
歁话 {def} SEE: 歁話 ::
{def} /ē/ :: only used in 歁歞
{def} /kǎn/ :: to hack; to chop; to cut; to fell
{def} /kǎn/ :: to reduce; to weaken
{def} [dialect] /kǎn/ :: to throw in order to hit
{def} /kǎn/ :: Same as 侃 to chat
砍仓 {def} SEE: 砍倉 ::
砍倉 {v} [Mainland China, Taiwan, trading] /kǎncāng/ :: to force liquidate a position
砍柴 {v} /kǎnchái/ :: to chop firewood
砍倒 {v} /kǎndǎo/ :: to cut down
砍断 {def} SEE: 砍斷 ::
砍斷 {v} /kǎnduàn/ :: to break apart by chopping; to cut in two
砍伐 {v} /kǎn伐/ :: to fell (trees); to lop; to cut down; to hew; to deforest
砍伐 {n} /kǎn伐/ :: felling; deforestation
砍价 {def} SEE: 砍價 ::
砍價 {v} /kǎnjià,er/ :: to bargain; to haggle
砍脑壳 {def} SEE: 砍腦殼 ::
砍杀 {def} SEE: 砍殺 ::
砍杀尔 {def} SEE: 砍殺爾 ::
砍殺 {v} /kǎnshā/ :: to kill somebody with a sword or ax
砍殺爾 {n} [dated] /kǎnshā'ěr/ :: cancer
砍树 {def} SEE: 砍樹 ::
砍樹 {v} /kǎnshù/ :: to chop down trees; to chop wood
砍头 {def} SEE: 砍頭 ::
砍頭 {v} /kǎntóu/ :: to behead; to decapitate
{def} [organic compound] /kǎn/ :: camphane, bornane
莰烷 {n} [organic compound] /kǎnwán/ :: camphane
莰烯 {n} [organic compound] /kǎnxī/ :: camphene
{def} /kǎn/ :: only used in 轗軻 alternative form of 坎坷
轗軻 {def} SEE: 坎坷 ::
{def} [of a valley] /qiàn,qiān,1nb/ :: deep
{def} /qiàn,qiān,1nb/ :: grotto
{def} /qiàn,qiān,1nb/ :: to inlay
{def} /qiàn,qiān,1nb/ :: to embed; to imbed; to fix deeply and firmly
{def} /qiàn,qiān,1nb/ :: to fall into; to sink
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /qiàn,qiān,1nb/ :: precipitous; rugged
嵌頓 {v} [medicine, of prepuce, hernia etc.] /嵌dùn,,kǎndùn,3nb/ :: to be incarcerated (e.g. in paraphimosis)
嵌頓疝 {n} [medicine] /嵌dùnshàn,,kǎndùnshàn,3nb/ :: incarcerated hernia
嵌顿 {def} SEE: 嵌頓 ::
嵌顿疝 {def} SEE: 嵌頓疝 ::
嵌入 {v} /嵌rù/ :: to embed; to inlay; to implant; to let into
嵌飾 {v} [literary] /嵌shì/ :: to inlay and adorn (with precious gems etc.)
嵌饰 {def} SEE: 嵌飾 ::
嵌套 {adj} /嵌tào/ :: nested
嵌造 {v} [literary] /嵌zào/ :: to cast and inlay (a metal object)
{def} /kàn/ :: to look; to see; to watch
{def} [transitive] /kàn/ :: to read
{def} [obsolete] /kàn/ :: to observe; to check
{def} /kàn/ :: to visit; to call on
{def} /kàn/ :: to think; to feel (that)
{def} /kàn/ :: to consider; to regard as; to treat like
{def} /kàn/ :: to depend on
{def} /kàn/ :: to treat (a patient or sickness)
{def} /kàn/ :: participle indicating mood of trying
{def} /kān/ :: to look after; to take care of; to tend; to keep an eye on
看𥌚 {def} SEE: 看覓 ::
看板 {n} /kànbǎn/ :: signboard; billboard
看報 {v} /kànbào/ :: to read a newspaper
看报 {def} SEE: 看報 ::
看扁 {v} [colloquial] /kànbiǎn/ :: to underestimate; to underrate; to undervalue; to look down one's nose at
看病 {v} [of a doctor] /kànbìng/ :: to see a patient; to treat an illness
看病 {v} [of a patient] /kànbìng/ :: to see a doctor
看不得 {v} /kànbudé,tl/ :: to be unattractive or unpresentable
看不得 {v} /kànbudé,tl/ :: to be not worth seeing or reading
看不得 {v} /kànbudé,tl/ :: to be unable to bear seeing
看不懂 {v} /kàn不dǒng,tl2/ :: to not understand (when reading, viewing or watching)
看不惯 {def} SEE: 看不慣 ::
看不慣 {v} /kàn不guàn,tl2/ :: can't bear the sight of, to hate, to dislike, to disapprove
看不見 {v} /kànbujiàn/ :: to be unable to see; to be unseen; to be invisible
看不见 {def} SEE: 看不見 ::
看不来 {def} SEE: 看不來 ::
看不起 {v} /kànbuqǐ/ :: to abhor; to despise; to look down on
看不清 {v} /kàn不qīng,tl2/ :: to be unable to see clearly
看册 {def} SEE: 看冊 ::
看茶 {n} [dated] /kànchá/ :: to prepare tea for a guest
看成 {v} /kànchéng/ :: to treat as; to regard as; to take for; to think of as; to be considered as; to be regarded as; to look upon as
看出 {v} /kànchū,tl/ :: to make out; to see; to discern
看出來 {v} /kànchūlai/ :: to make out by looking; to seem clear; to be able to tell
看出来 {def} SEE: 看出來 ::
看穿 {v} /kànchuān/ :: to see through (a scheme, disguise, person, etc.)
看錯 {v} /kàncuò/ :: to misinterpret what one sees or reads
看錯 {v} /kàncuò/ :: to misjudge (a person)
看錯 {v} /kàncuò/ :: to mistake (a person for someone else)
看錯 {v} /kàncuò/ :: to misread (a document)
看错 {def} SEE: 看錯 ::
看待 {v} /kàndài/ :: to regard; to look upon; to consider; to treat
看待 {v} [literary] /kàndài/ :: to treat cordially; to entertain
看淡 {v} /kàndàn/ :: to regard (a matter, thing, etc.) as unimportant; to treat lightly
看淡 {v} [of a market, price, etc.] /kàndàn/ :: to exhibit a declining trend
看到 {v} /kàndào/ :: to catch sight of; to see
看到 {v} /kàndào/ :: to notice; to note; to be aware of
看得懂 {v} /kàndedǒng/ :: to understand (when reading)
看得見 {v} /kàndejiàn/ :: to be able to see; to be seen; to be visible
看得见 {def} SEE: 看得見 ::
看得起 {v} [colloquial] /kàndeqǐ/ :: to have a good opinion of; to think of highly
看点 {def} SEE: 看點 ::
看點 {n} /kàndiǎn/ :: place worth seeing
看點 {n} /kàndiǎn/ :: place one examines in advance to prepare for work there
看點 {n} /kàndiǎn/ :: highlight
看點 {n} /kàndiǎn/ :: viewpoint; perspective; opinion
看懂 {v} /kàndǒng/ :: to understand (when reading or looking at something)
看法 {n} /kànfǎ,er/ :: opinion; view
看房 {v} /kànfáng/ :: to inspect a residential property
看風使舵 {idiom} /kànfēngshǐduò/ :: to bend with the wind; to change one's position, attitude, behaviour, etc. depending on the situation (usually with negative connotation)
看风使舵 {def} SEE: 看風使舵 ::
看个够 {def} SEE: 看個夠 ::
看個夠 {v} /kàngegòu/ :: to see/to watch to one's heart's content
看更 {v} /kāngēng,kàngēng,2nb/ :: to perform night watch
看更 {n} /kāngēng,kàngēng,2nb/ :: nightwatchman
看更 {n} [Cantonese] /kāngēng,kàngēng,2nb/ :: watchman; guard
看顧 {v} /kàngù/ :: to look after; to take care of; to watch over
看顾 {def} SEE: 看顧 ::
看官 {n} [literary, honorific] /kànguān/ :: dear readers; dear listeners; lovely members of the audience
看管 {v} /kānguǎn/ :: to look after; to take care of
看管 {v} /kānguǎn/ :: to guard; to watch over; to keep watch
看好 {v} /kànhǎo/ :: to expect (a team, a situation, etc.) to have good prospects (of winning, gaining, etc.); to think highly of; to favour
看好 {v} /kànhǎo/ :: to be expected to have good prospects; to have a good outlook
看戲 {v} /kànxì/ :: to watch a play
看戲 {v} [chiefly literary Cantonese] /kànxì/ :: to watch a film
看戲 {v} [figurative] /kànxì/ :: to observe passively from the side; to be a bystander
看护 {def} SEE: 看護 ::
看护妇 {def} SEE: 看護婦 ::
看护士 {def} SEE: 看護士 ::
看护学 {def} SEE: 看護學 ::
看護 {v} /kānhù/ :: to nurse; to look after (the sick)
看護 {v} /kānhù/ :: to watch over
看護 {n} [dated] /kānhù/ :: nurse (person trained to provide care for the sick)
看護婦 {n} [chiefly Taiwan Min Nan] /kānhùfù/ :: nurse
看護學 {n} [chiefly Min Nan] /kānhùxué/ :: nursing
看黃 {v} [slang] /kànhuáng/ :: to watch porn
看黄 {def} SEE: 看黃 ::
看家 {v} /kānjiā/ :: to look after the house; to watch over a house
看家 {adj} [of skill, ability, etc.] /kānjiā/ :: outstanding; special
看見 {v} /kànjiàn,tl/ :: to see; to sight
看见 {def} SEE: 看見 ::
看看 {v} /kànkàn,tl/ :: to glance at; to take a quick look at; to have a look-see
看看 {v} /kànkàn,tl/ :: to examine and survey
看看 {v} /kànkàn,tl/ :: to visit or to call on
看看 {v} /kànkàn,tl/ :: to see the sights
看看 {v} /kànkàn,tl/ :: to thumb through (a book, etc.)
看看 {adv} /kànkàn,tl/ :: placed at the end of a sentence to indicate a suggestion, interchangeable with 看一下
看看 {adv} [colloquial] /kànkàn,tl/ :: pretty soon
𫧃看口 {def} SEE: 𣍐看口 ::
看來 {v} /kànlái,tl/ :: to seem as if; to appear; to look like
看来 {def} SEE: 看來 ::
看脸 {def} SEE: 看臉 ::
看臉 {v} [neologism, slang] /kànliǎn/ :: to judge people based on their looks
看脈 {v} /kànmài/ :: to take someone's pulse
看脉 {def} SEE: 看脈 ::
看門 {v} /kānmén,er/ :: to guard the entrance
看門 {v} /kānmén,er/ :: to look after the house
看門狗 {n} /kānméngǒu/ :: guard dog
看門人 {n} /kānménrén/ :: janitor; watchman; concierge
看门 {def} SEE: 看門 ::
看门狗 {def} SEE: 看門狗 ::
看门人 {def} SEE: 看門人 ::
看觅 {def} SEE: 看覓 ::
看牌 {v} [poker] /kànpái/ :: to check (to bet zero)
看破 {v} /kànpò/ :: to see through something
看破 {v} /kànpò/ :: to be resigned to what is inevitable
看齊 {v} /kànqí/ :: to keep up with; to emulate; to follow somebody's example
看齊 {v} /kànqí/ :: to dress; to come into alignment for parade formation (of troops, etc.)
看齐 {def} SEE: 看齊 ::
看起來 {v} /kànqilai/ :: to seem; to look as if
看起来 {def} SEE: 看起來 ::
看清 {v} /kànqīng/ :: to see clearly; to distinguish; to realize
看輕 {v} /kànqīng/ :: to underestimate; to look down on; to belittle; to take someone lightly
看轻 {def} SEE: 看輕 ::
看情况 {def} SEE: 看情況 ::
看情況 {phrase} /kàn qíngkuàng/ :: it depends
看球 {v} /kànqiú,er/ :: to watch a football game (or any other ball game)
看去 {v} /kànqù/ :: to look
看热闹 {def} SEE: 看熱鬧 ::
看熱鬧 {v} /kànrènao/ :: to watch the excitement; to go where the crowds are
看熱鬧 {v} /kànrènao/ :: to enjoy watching someone fail
看上 {v} /kànshàng/ :: to take a fancy to; to settle on
看上去 {v} /kànshàngqù/ :: to seem as if; to appear
看守 {v} /kānshǒu/ :: to guard; to watch over; to keep watch
看守 {n} [dated] /kānshǒu/ :: prison guard; jailer
看守 {adj} [attributive] /kānshǒu/ :: caretaker; temporary
看守 {prop} /kānshǒu/ :: (~ 社區) 看守 (residential community)
看守所 {n} /kānshǒusuǒ,er/ :: detention house; lockup
看书 {def} SEE: 看書 ::
看書 {vi} /kànshū/ :: to read books; to read
看書 {vi} /kànshū/ :: to read; to study
看似 {v} /kànsì/ :: to seem; to look as if
看臺 {n} /kàntái/ :: bleachers; stands
看台 {def} SEE: 看臺 ::
看天吃飯 {idiom} /kàntiānchīfàn/ :: one's livelihood depends on the weather
看天吃饭 {def} SEE: 看天吃飯 ::
看头 {def} SEE: 看頭 ::
看头儿 {def} SEE: 看頭兒 ::
看頭 {n} /kàntou,er/ :: qualities that make something worth seeing
看頭兒 {n} /kàntóu'ér/ :: erhua form of []
看透 {v} /kàntòu/ :: to understand thoroughly; to gain insight into; to see through (recognize someone's true motives or character)
看望 {v} /kànwàng/ :: to visit; to see (e.g. family, a patient, etc.)
看无 {def} SEE: 看無 ::
看戏 {def} SEE: 看戲 ::
看相 {v} /kànxiàng/ :: to practise physiognomy; to tell fortune by reading the subject's facial features
看相 {n} /kànxiàng/ :: appearance
看笑話 {v} /kànxiàohuà,tl/ :: to amuse oneself by watching other people make fools of themselves; to watch the fun; to have a good laugh at
看笑话 {def} SEE: 看笑話 ::
看押 {v} /kānyā/ :: to detain; to take into custody
看样子 {def} SEE: 看樣子 ::
看樣子 {v} /kànyàngzi/ :: to seem as if; to appear
看医生 {def} SEE: 看醫生 ::
看醫生 {v} /kànyīshēng/ :: to see a doctor; to consult a doctor
看怎麼說 {idiom} [colloquial] /kàn zěnme shuō/ :: it depends on how you look at it
看怎麼說 {idiom} [colloquial] /kàn zěnme shuō/ :: let's see what happens
看怎么说 {def} SEE: 看怎麼說 ::
看診 {v} [of a doctor] /kànzhěn/ :: to see a patient
看診 {v} [less common, of a patient] /kànzhěn/ :: to see a doctor
看诊 {def} SEE: 看診 ::
看中 {v} /kànzhòng/ :: to fancy; to be to one's liking; to have a preference for
看中 {v} /kànzhòng/ :: to choose; to settle for
看重 {v} /kànzhòng/ :: to value; to place importance on (something)
看庄 {def} SEE: 看莊 ::
看莊 {prop} /Kànzhuāng/ :: (~ 鎮) 看莊 (town)
看走眼 {v} /kànzǒuyǎn/ :: to judge a person or situation wrongly; to fail to identify person or things that are bad and make the mistake of trusting them
看作 {v} /kànzuò/ :: to regard as
看做 {v} /kànzuò/ :: to regard as
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kàn/ :: to please; to give pleasure
{def} /kàn/ :: pleased; happy
{def} /kàn/ :: stable
{def} /kàn/ :: outspoken and upright
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kāng/ :: peaceful, quiet
{def} /kāng/ :: happy, healthy
{def} /kāng/ :: surname
{def} [historical] /kāng/ :: surname given to people from the Central Asian country of Kangju (康居 /-/ or 康國 /-/)
{def} /kāng/ :: (historic region)
{def} [Internet slang] /kāng/ :: alternative form of
康巴 {n} /kāngbā/ :: Khamba (inhabitant of the Tibetan region of Kham)
康巴什 {prop} /Kāngbāshí/ :: (~ 區) Kangbashi District (in Ordos, Inner Mongolia, China)
康白度 {n} /kāngbódù,kāngbáidù/ :: synonym of 買辦
康拜因 {n} /kāngbàiyīn/ :: combine harvester
康保 {prop} /Kāngbǎo/ :: (~ 縣) Kangbao County, Hebei, China
康保 {prop} /Kāngbǎo/ :: (~ 鎮) Kangbao Town, Kangbao County
康采恩 {n} /kāngcǎi'ēn/ :: concern (a type of business group common in Europe)
康城 {prop} /Kāngchéng/ :: alternative name for 戛納
康城 {prop} /Kāngchéng/ :: alternative name for 卡昂
康德 {prop} /Kāngdé/ :: Kant (surname)
康德 {prop} /Kāngdé/ :: Immanuel Kant (German philosopher)
康德 {prop} /Kāngdé/ :: the Kangde era (1934 to 1945, a Chinese era name used when Puyi ruled the puppet state of Manchukuo)
康定 {prop} /Kāngdìng/ :: (~ 市) 康定 (county-level city)
康定 {prop} [historical] /Kāngdìng/ :: Kangding era of the Song dynasty (the period of time during which Emperor Renzong of Song reigned; 1040–1041)
康方言 {prop} /Kāngfāngyán/ :: Khams Tibetan
康复 {def} SEE: 康復 ::
康復 {v} /kāngfù/ :: to be recovered; to be restored to health
康国 {def} SEE: 康國 ::
康國 {prop} [historical] /Kāngguó/ :: state of Kang (a feudal state during the Western Zhou period)
康國 {prop} [historical] /Kāngguó/ :: kingdom of Kang:
康國 {prop} /Kāngguó/ :: an ancient matriarchal kingdom in Tibet, also known as 東女國
康國 {prop} [during Sui and Tang dynasties] /Kāngguó/ :: Kangju, an ancient kingdom in Central Asia
康國 {prop} [historical] /Kāngguó/ :: Kangguo (era name of Yelü Dashi from 1134 to 1143)
康回 {prop} [Chinese mythology] /Kānghuí/ :: synonym of 共工, a monster
康加鼓 {n} [music] /kāngjiāgǔ/ :: conga drum
康健 {adj} /kāngjiàn/ :: healthy
康居 {prop} [archaic, historical] /Kāngjū/ :: Kangju
康居园 {def} SEE: 康居園 ::
康居園 {prop} /Kāngjūyuán/ :: (~ 社區) 康居園 (residential community)
康康舞 {n} [dance] /kāngkāngwǔ/ :: cancan
康科德 {prop} /Kāngkēdé/ :: Concord
康克尔 {def} SEE: 康克爾 ::
康克爾 {prop} /Kāngkè'ěr/ :: (~ 鄉) 康克爾 (Kyrgyz township)
康乐 {def} SEE: 康樂 ::
康乐球 {def} SEE: 康樂球 ::
康樂 {adj} [literary] /kānglè/ :: peaceful and happy
康樂 {prop} /kānglè/ :: (~ 縣) 康樂 (county)
康樂 {prop} /kānglè/ :: (~ 鎮) 康樂 (town)
康樂球 {n} /kānglèqiú/ :: novuss; koroona
康利 {prop} /Kānglì/ :: Conley (English surname)
康利 {prop} /Kānglì/ :: Conly (English surname)
康米 {adj} [slang] /kāngmǐ/ :: communist
康米 {n} [slang] /kāngmǐ/ :: communist
康乃狄克 {prop} /Kāngnǎidíkè/ :: (~ 州) [Taiwan] 康乃狄克 (state)
康乃馨 {n} /kāngnǎixīn/ :: carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus) (flower)
康涅狄格 {prop} /Kāngnièdígé/ :: (~ 州) [Mainland China, Hong Kong] 康涅狄格 (state)
康坪 {prop} /Kāngpíng/ :: (~ 鄉) 康坪 (township)
康乾盛世 {prop} [historical] /Kāng-Qián shèngshì/ :: High Qing era (the era when the Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong Emperors reigned)
康桥 {def} SEE: 康橋 ::
康橋 {prop} [obsolete, poetic] /Kāngqiáo/ :: Cambridge
康塔塔 {n} [music] /kāngtǎtǎ/ :: cantata
康銅 {n} /kāngtóng/ :: constantan (copper-nickel alloy)
康铜 {def} SEE: 康銅 ::
康瓦尔 {def} SEE: 康瓦爾 ::
康瓦爾 {prop} [Taiwan] /Kāngwǎ'ěr/ :: Cornwall
康文署 {prop} [Hong Kong] /Kāngwén署/ :: short fo 康樂及文化事務署 (Leisure and Cultural Services Department)
康沃尔 {def} SEE: 康沃爾 ::
康沃爾 {prop} [mainland China] /Kāngwò'ěr/ :: Cornwall
康熙 {prop} /Kāngxī/ :: Kangxi (one of the emperors of the Qing dynasty)
康熙字典 {prop} /Kāngxī Zìdiǎn/ :: the Kangxi Dictionary (dictionary and cross reference of Chinese characters, first published in 1716 at the behest of the Kangxi emperor, and used to the present day)
康庄 {def} SEE: 康莊 ::
康庄大道 {def} SEE: 康莊大道 ::
康莊 {adj} /kāngzhuāng/ :: flat and wide
康莊大道 {idiom} [figuratively] /kāngzhuāngdàdào/ :: bright future
{def} /kāng/ :: used in compounds
慷国家之慨 {def} SEE: 慷國家之慨 ::
慷國家之慨 {v} /kāng guójiā zhī kǎi/ :: to be generous at the expense of the state
慷慨 {adj} /kāngkǎi/ :: impassioned; vehement; fervent
慷慨 {adj} /kāngkǎi/ :: forthright; expansive; frank and straightforward
慷慨 {adj} /kāngkǎi/ :: generous; beneficent
慷慨 {v} [classical] /kāngkǎi/ :: to sigh (with regret); to lament; to exclaim
慷慨激昂 {idiom} /kāngkǎijī'áng/ :: impassioned; vehement
慷慨解囊 {idiom} /kāngkǎijiěnáng/ :: to make generous donations; to contribute funds generously; to help someone generously with money
慷他人之慨 {idiom} /kāng tārén zhī kǎi/ :: to be generous with other people's money; to be generous at the expense of others
{def} /kāng/ :: used in compounds
槺梁 {adj} [literary] /kāngliáng/ :: empty; hollow
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kāng/ :: chaff; bran; husks
{def} /kāng/ :: spongy
糠秕 {n} /kāngbǐ/ :: chaff
糠秕 {n} [figuratively] /kāngbǐ/ :: worthless stuff
糠耳 {n} /kāng'ěr/ :: dry type earwax (one of the two types of earwax found in the Chinese people, commonly found in Southern Chinese; see Earwax#Physiology)
糠蝦 {n} /kāngxiā/ :: opossum shrimp (order Mysida)
糠虾 {def} SEE: 糠蝦 ::
糠心 {adj} /kāngxīn,er/ :: spongy in the middle
糠心儿 {def} SEE: 糠心兒 ::
糠心兒 {adj} /kāngxīnr/ :: erhua form of spongy in the middle
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kāng/ :: only used in 鮟鱇
{def} /kàng/ :: high; arrogant; haughty
{def} /kàng/ :: firm; resolute
{def} /kàng/ :: dry; arid; drought
{def} /kàng/ :: extreme; too much
{def} /kàng/ :: exceed; excessive
{def} /kàng/ :: ridge of a roof
{def} /kàng/ :: (~ 宿) Neck Mansion (one of Twenty-Eight Mansions)
{def} /kàng/ :: surname
{def} /gāng/ :: [obsolete] neck
{def} /gāng/ :: [obsolete] throat
{def} /háng/ :: Variant pronunciation of sense “neck” above
{def} /háng/ :: Variant pronunciation of sense “throat” above
{def} /háng/ :: [obsolete] carotid artery
{def} /háng/ :: [obsolete] footprint, mark, trace
亢奋 {def} SEE: 亢奮 ::
亢奮 {adj} /kàngfèn/ :: extremely excited; exhilarated
亢旱 {n} [literary] /kànghàn/ :: severe drought
亢进 {def} SEE: 亢進 ::
亢進 {adj} [medicine] /kàngjìn/ :: hyperfunctional; hyperactive
亢宿 {prop} [Chinese astronomy] /Kàngxiù/ :: Neck Mansion (one of Twenty-Eight Mansions)
亢直 {adj} /kàngzhí/ :: upright and outspoken; upright and unyielding
{def} [literary] /kàng/ :: to match; to be equal to
{def} [literary] /kàng/ :: tall; strong
{def} /kàng/ :: [obsolete] high; tall
{def} /kàng/ :: [obsolete] upright
{def} /kàng/ :: [obsolete] arrogant; haughty
{def} /kàng/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /kàng/ :: surname
{def} /gāng/ :: [obsolete] upright
{def} [historical] /kǎng/ :: A person's name
伉俪 {def} SEE: 伉儷 ::
伉儷 {n} [literary, historical] /kànglì/ :: one's legal wife
伉儷 {n} [literary, honorific] /kànglì/ :: husband and wife; married couple; harmonious couple
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [dialectal] /kàng/ :: to hide; to conceal
{def} [Taiwanese Min Nan] /kàng/ :: to put; to place
{def} [Taiwanese Min Nan] /kàng/ :: to keep; to put aside
{def} [Taiwanese Min Nan] /kàng/ :: to deposit
囥人寻 {def} SEE: 囥人尋 ::
{def} /kàng/ :: to resist, to oppose
{def} [obsolete] /kàng/ :: to raise; to lift; to elevate; to hold high
抗癌 {v} [medicine] /kàng癌/ :: to fight or prevent cancer; to be anticancer
抗癌药 {def} SEE: 抗癌藥 ::
抗癌藥 {n} [medicine] /kàng癌yào/ :: anticancer drug
抗暴 {v} /kàngbào/ :: to resist violent oppression; to resist tyranny
抗辩 {def} SEE: 抗辯 ::
抗辯 {v} /kàngbiàn/ :: to contradict
抗辯 {v} [legal] /kàngbiàn/ :: to counterplea; to demurrer
抗辯 {n} [legal] /kàngbiàn/ :: defense; plea; demurrer
抗捕 {v} /kàngbǔ/ :: to resist arrest
抗潮 {v} /kàngcháo/ :: to be moisture-resistant
抗雌激素 {n} [steroid, pharmacology] /kàng-cíjīsù/ :: antiestrogen
抗敌 {def} SEE: 抗敵 ::
抗敵 {v} /kàngdí/ :: to resist the enemy; to confront the enemy
抗敵 {v} /kàngdí/ :: to match; to equal
抗毒素 {n} [immunology] /kàngdúsù/ :: antitoxin; antivenom
抗告 {v} [law] /kànggào/ :: to appeal in court
抗旱 {v} /kànghàn/ :: to fight drought
抗旱 {adj} [attributive] /kànghàn/ :: drought-resistant
抗衡 {v} /kànghéng/ :: to contend with; to rival
抗洪 {v} /kànghóng/ :: to fight a flood; to combat flooding
抗坏血酸 {def} SEE: 抗壞血酸 ::
抗壞血酸 {n} [carboxylic acid, vitamin] /kànghuài血suān/ :: ascorbic acid
抗击 {def} SEE: 抗擊 ::
抗擊 {v} /kàng击/ :: to resist an attack; to fight back
抗拒 {v} /kàngjù/ :: to resist; to defy; to oppose
抗捐 {v} /kàngjuān/ :: to refuse to pay tax
抗捐 {n} /kàngjuān/ :: tax resistance
抗菌 {adj} /kàng菌/ :: antibacterial; antiseptic
抗菌素 {n} [pharmacology] /kàng菌sù/ :: antibiotic
抗利尿激素 {n} [hormone] /kànglìniào jīsù/ :: antidiuretic hormone (ADH); vasopressin
抗力 {n} /kànglì/ :: resistance force
抗力 {v} /kànglì/ :: to resist force
抗逆力 {n} /kàngnìlì/ :: resilience; ability to face up to adversity
抗凝 {v} [medicine] /kàngníng/ :: to prevent coagulation; to be anticoagulant
抗凝剂 {def} SEE: 抗凝劑 ::
抗凝劑 {n} [pharmaceutical drug] /kàngníngjì/ :: anticoagulant
抗疟药 {def} SEE: 抗瘧藥 ::
抗瘧藥 {n} /kàngnüèyào/ :: antimalarial; antiperiodic
抗日 {v} /kàngrì/ :: to resist Japan (during 1937-1945 war)
抗日 {adj} /kàngrì/ :: anti-Japanese (attributively)
抗日神剧 {def} SEE: 抗日神劇 ::
抗日神劇 {n} [derogatory] /kàngrìshénjù/ :: TV series about the Second Sino-Japanese War characterized by unrealistic and often ridiculous plots
抗日战争 {def} SEE: 抗日戰爭 ::
抗日戰爭 {prop} /Kàngrì Zhànzhēng/ :: Second Sino-Japanese War; War of Resistance against Japan
抗生 {n} [biology] /kàngshēng/ :: antibiosis
抗生素 {n} [pharmacology] /kàngshēngsù/ :: antibiotic
抗湿 {def} SEE: 抗濕 ::
抗濕 {v} /kàngshī/ :: to repel moisture
抗稅 {v} /kàngshuì/ :: to refuse to pay tax
抗稅 {n} /kàngshuì/ :: tax resistance
抗税 {def} SEE: 抗稅 ::
抗体 {def} SEE: 抗體 ::
抗體 {n} [immunology] /kàngtǐ/ :: antibody
抗雄激素 {n} [steroid, pharmacology] /kàng-xióngjīsù/ :: antiandrogen
抗炎 {v} [medicine] /kàngyán/ :: to be anti-inflammatory
抗炎药 {def} SEE: 抗炎藥 ::
抗炎藥 {n} [pharmaceutical drug] /kàngyányào/ :: anti-inflammatory drug
抗言 {v} /kàngyán/ :: to speak loudly
抗言 {v} /kàngyán/ :: to talk face to face
抗氧化剂 {def} SEE: 抗氧化劑 ::
抗氧化劑 {n} [chemistry] /kàngyǎnghuàjì/ :: antioxidant
抗抑郁 {def} SEE: 抗抑鬱 ::
抗抑郁药 {def} SEE: 抗抑鬱藥 ::
抗抑鬱 {n} /kàngyìyù/ :: anti-depression
抗抑鬱 {adj} [attributive] /kàngyìyù/ :: antidepressant
抗抑鬱藥 {n} /kàngyìyùyào/ :: antidepressant
抗疫 {v} /kàngyì/ :: to resist disease; to fight an epidemic
抗議 {v} /kàngyì/ :: to protest
抗議 {n} /kàngyì/ :: protest
抗議歌曲 {n} [music, politics] /kàngyì gēqǔ/ :: protest song
抗議者 {n} /kàngyìzhě/ :: protester; one who demonstrates in protests
抗议 {def} SEE: 抗議 ::
抗议歌曲 {def} SEE: 抗議歌曲 ::
抗议者 {def} SEE: 抗議者 ::
抗御 {def} SEE: 抗禦 ::
抗禦 {v} [literary] /kàngyù/ :: to resist and guard against
抗原 {n} [immunology] /kàngyuán/ :: antigen
抗战 {def} SEE: 抗戰 ::
抗戰 {n} /kàngzhàn/ :: war of resistance (especially the war against Japan from 1937-1945)
抗争 {def} SEE: 抗爭 ::
抗爭 {v} /kàngzhēng/ :: to make a stand against; to resist
抗組織胺 {n} /kàngzǔzhī胺/ :: (~ 藥) [pharmaceutical drug] antihistamine
{def} /kàng/ :: heatable brick bed
{def} [dialectal] /kàng/ :: to bake or dry by the heat of a fire
{def} /kàng/ :: to toast
{def} /hāng/ :: [obsolete] to open
炕肉饭 {def} SEE: 炕肉飯 ::
{def} /kàng,gǎng/ :: [obsolete] a kind of ape which can be trained
{def} /kàng,gǎng/ :: [obsolete] fierce dog
{def} /kàng,gǎng/ :: [obsolete] hedgehog
{def} /kàng,gǎng/ :: [obsolete] ferocity; fierceness
{def} [chemical element] /kàng/ :: scandium
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [anatomy] /kāo/ :: end of spine; tailbone (coccyx) or sacrum
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [anatomy] /kāo/ :: buttocks
尻川后 {def} SEE: 尻川後 ::
尻川门 {def} SEE: 尻川門 ::
尻川头 {def} SEE: 尻川頭 ::
尻骨 {n} /kāogǔ/ :: coccyx; tailbone at the end of the spine
尻脊 {def} SEE: 胛脊 ::
尻脊骿 {def} SEE: 胛脊𩩍 ::
尻門子 {n} [dialectal Mandarin] /kāoménzi/ :: anus
尻门子 {def} SEE: 尻門子 ::
{def} /kǎo,kào/ :: big head
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kǎo/ :: [historical dictionaries] the look of air which is to be released
{def} /kǎo/ :: to interrogate, chiefly by torture; to extract confession
{def} /kǎo/ :: to beat up; to flog; to torture
{def} /kǎo/ :: Clipping of 拷貝
拷貝 {v} [of film, documents, etc.] /kǎobèi/ :: to copy; to make a copy of
拷貝 {n} [of film, documents, etc] /kǎobèi/ :: copy; replica; print (Classifier: m:份m:張)
拷贝 {def} SEE: 拷貝 ::
拷綢 {n} /kǎochóu/ :: gambiered Guangdong silk (a rust-colored variety of summer silk)
拷绸 {def} SEE: 拷綢 ::
拷打 {v} /kǎodǎ/ :: to beat (to obtain confessions); to torture
拷花 {v} /kǎohuā/ :: to emboss
拷拍 {n} [music] /kǎopāi/ :: a kind of rhythmic pattern in Chaozhou music
拷紗 {n} /kǎoshā/ :: gambiered Guangdong gauze
拷纱 {def} SEE: 拷紗 ::
拷問 {v} /kǎowèn/ :: to torture and interrogate
拷问 {def} SEE: 拷問 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kǎo/ :: mangrove
栲栳 {n} /kǎolǎo/ :: round-bottomed container made of willow or bamboo strips
栲栳 {adj} [literary] /kǎolǎo/ :: resembling such a container
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kǎo/ :: [historical dictionaries] [of water] to dry up
{def} [Min Nan] /kǎo/ :: thick; viscous
{def} [Min Nan] /kǎo/ :: to dry (a body of water)
{def} [Min Nan] /kǎo/ :: [of a tide] to ebb; to go out
{def} [Min Nan] /kǎo/ :: crowded; dense
{def} /kào/ :: carriage; animal-drawn cart
{def} /kǎo/ :: to roast; to bake; to toast
{def} /kǎo/ :: to dry using fire
{def} /kǎo/ :: to heat oneself up
烤餅 {n} /kǎobǐng/ :: any baked or pan-fried flat flour-based food, e.g. pancake, scone
烤饼 {def} SEE: 烤餅 ::
烤麩 {n} /kǎofū/ :: a spongy variety of fried wheat gluten used in Chinese cuisine
烤麸 {def} SEE: 烤麩 ::
烤雞 {n} /kǎojī/ :: roast chicken; grilled chicken
烤鸡 {def} SEE: 烤雞 ::
烤架 {n} /kǎojià/ :: grill
烤宽面条 {def} SEE: 烤寬麵條 ::
烤寬麪條 {def} SEE: 烤寬麵條 ::
烤寬麵條 {n} /kǎokuān miàntiáo/ :: lasagna
烤炉 {def} SEE: 烤爐 ::
烤爐 {n} /kǎolú/ :: [Mandarin] oven (Classifier: 隻)
烤馬鈴薯 {n} /kǎomǎlíngshǔ/ :: baked potato
烤马铃薯 {def} SEE: 烤馬鈴薯 ::
烤面包 {def} SEE: 烤麵包 ::
烤面包机 {def} SEE: 烤麵包機 ::
烤面饼 {def} SEE: 烤麵餅 ::
烤麪包 {def} SEE: 烤麵包 ::
烤麪包機 {def} SEE: 烤麵包機 ::
烤麵包 {n} /kǎomiànbāo/ :: toast
烤麵包機 {n} /kǎomiànbāojī/ :: toaster
烤麵餅 {n} /kǎomiànbǐng/ :: crumpet
烤排骨 {n} /kǎopáigǔ/ :: galbi; kalbi
烤排骨 {n} /kǎopáigǔ/ :: roast rib
烤肉 {n} /kǎoròu/ :: roast (meat); barbecue
烤肉叉 {n} /kǎoròuchā/ :: spit; skewer
烤肉串 {n} /kǎoròu chuàn/ :: kebab
烤肉酱 {def} SEE: 烤肉醬 ::
烤肉醬 {n} /kǎoròujiàng/ :: barbecue sauce
烤土豆 {n} /kǎotǔdòu/ :: baked potato
烤箱 {n} /kǎoxiāng/ :: oven (for cooking)
烤鴨 {n} /kǎoyā/ :: roast duck
烤鴨 {v} [Mandarin, neologism, slang, colloquial] /kǎoyā/ :: to take the IELTS test
烤鸭 {def} SEE: 烤鴨 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kǎo/ :: to examine; to check
{def} /kǎo/ :: [obsolete] to consider
{def} /kǎo/ :: to study; to investigate
{def} /kǎo/ :: to test; to assess
{def} /kǎo/ :: to have a test; to have an exam
{def} /kǎo/ :: exam; test
{def} /kǎo/ :: [obsolete] long-lived; elderly
{def} /kǎo/ :: [obsolete] deceased father; posthumous name for male relations
考背 {interj} [Taiwanese Mandarin] /kǎobèi/ :: May your parents rot!
考妣 {n} [literary] /kǎobǐ/ :: one's deceased parents
考辨 {v} /kǎobiàn/ :: to investigate and rectify
考册 {def} SEE: 考冊 ::
考察 {v} /kǎochá/ :: to go to the scene to observe; to conduct an on-the-spot investigation; to inspect
考察 {v} /kǎochá/ :: to do in-depth research
考察团 {def} SEE: 考察團 ::
考察團 {n} /kǎochátuán/ :: commission of inquiry; investigation group; observation group
考查 {v} /kǎochá/ :: to investigate; to study; to examine; to check
考場 {n} /kǎo場/ :: examination hall; test room
考场 {def} SEE: 考場 ::
考車 {v} /kǎochē/ :: to take a driver's license test
考車牌 {v} /kǎo chēpái/ :: to take a driver's license test
考车 {def} SEE: 考車 ::
考车牌 {def} SEE: 考車牌 ::
考成 {v} [literary] /kǎochéng/ :: to assess work (of an official or employee); to check up on somebody's achievements
考点 {def} SEE: 考點 ::
考點 {n} /kǎodiǎn/ :: short fo 考試地點 (test centre)
考訂 {v} /kǎodìng/ :: to examine and correct; to do textual research
考订 {def} SEE: 考訂 ::
考古 {n} /kǎogǔ/ :: archaeology
考古 {v} /kǎogǔ/ :: to engage in archaeological studies
考古 {v} [neologism, slang] /kǎogǔ/ :: to browse old Internet posts
考古題 {n} [Taiwan] /kǎogǔtí/ :: past exam questions
考古题 {def} SEE: 考古題 ::
考古学 {def} SEE: 考古學 ::
考古学家 {def} SEE: 考古學家 ::
考古學 {n} /kǎogǔxué/ :: archaeology
考古學家 {n} /kǎogǔxuéjiā/ :: archaeologist
考官 {n} /kǎoguān/ :: examiner; examination officer
考過 {v} /kǎoguò/ :: to have taken a test
考過 {v} /kǎoguò/ :: to have passed a test
考过 {def} SEE: 考過 ::
考核 {v} /kǎohé/ :: to check; to examine; to assess; to review; to appraise; to evaluate
考后 {def} SEE: 考後 ::
考後 {prop} /Kǎohòu/ :: (~ 村) 考後 (village)
考績 {v} /kǎo績/ :: to assess work (of an official or employee); to check up on somebody's achievements
考績 {n} /kǎo績/ :: performance assessment (of an official or employee)
考绩 {def} SEE: 考績 ::
考級 {n} /kǎojí/ :: level examination to assess ability or knowledge
考级 {def} SEE: 考級 ::
考究 {v} /kǎo究,tl/ :: to investigate carefully; to research
考究 {v} /kǎo究,tl/ :: to be particular about; to be fastidious about
考究 {n} /kǎo究,tl/ :: something worth researching; something worth looking into
考究 {adj} /kǎojiu/ :: tasteful; elegant; exquisite
考據 {v} /kǎojù/ :: to do textual research or criticism
考据 {def} SEE: 考據 ::
考卷 {n} /kǎojuàn/ :: exam paper (Classifier: m:張)
考克尼 {adj} /kǎokèní/ :: Cockney
考拉 {n} /kǎolā/ :: alternative name for 樹袋熊
考量 {v} /kǎoliáng/ :: to give serious consideration to; to deliberate
考論 {v} /kǎolùn/ :: to investigate and demonstrate; to examine and conclude
考论 {def} SEE: 考論 ::
考慮 {v} /kǎolǜ/ :: to consider; to think about; to take into consideration; to ponder; to think over
考慮 {v} /kǎolǜ/ :: to plan; to intend
考虑 {def} SEE: 考慮 ::
考牌 {v} /kǎopái/ :: to take a driver's license test
考牌官 {n} /kǎopáiguān/ :: driving examiner
考評局 {prop} [Hong Kong] /Kǎopíngjú/ :: short fo 香港考試及評核局 (Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority)
考评局 {def} SEE: 考評局 ::
考勤 {n} /kǎoqín/ :: exam records
考勤 {n} /kǎoqín/ :: attendance roll
考勤 {v} /kǎoqín/ :: to check on work attendance; to appraise the diligence (of an employee)
考取 {v} /kǎoqǔ/ :: to pass an entrance examination (to university, etc.)
考入 {v} /kǎorù/ :: to be admitted to; to be enrolled in
考上 {v} /kǎoshàng,tl/ :: to pass an entrance examination
考生 {n} /kǎoshēng/ :: exam candidate; examinee
考試 {n} /kǎoshì/ :: test (of a person's proficiency or knowledge); examination; exam (Classifier: m:次)
考試 {v} /kǎoshì/ :: to take a test; to sit an examination; to have an exam
考試院 {n} /kǎoshìyuàn/ :: Examination Yuan, the qualification and appointment board under the constitution of Republic of China
考試院 {n} /kǎoshìyuàn/ :: examination board
考试 {def} SEE: 考試 ::
考试单 {def} SEE: 考試單 ::
考释 {def} SEE: 考釋 ::
考釋 {v} /kǎoshì/ :: to conduct philological studies on ancient scripts, documents or historical relics
考題 {n} /kǎotí/ :: examination question
考题 {def} SEE: 考題 ::
考文 {n} [literary] /kǎowén/ :: to examine and correct text written in premodern documents (including inscriptions on ancient bronzes and stone tablets)
考文垂 {prop} /Kǎowénchuí/ :: Coventry
考問 {v} /kǎowèn/ :: to examine orally; to question
考問 {v} /kǎowèn/ :: to torture and interrogate
考问 {def} SEE: 考問 ::
考研 {v} /kǎoyán/ :: to sit an entrance exam for a graduate program
考驗 {v} /kǎoyàn/ :: to prove; to put to the test
考驗 {n} /kǎoyàn/ :: trial; proof; test
考验 {def} SEE: 考驗 ::
考异 {def} SEE: 考異 ::
考異 {v} /kǎoyì/ :: to research differences (in a premodern text); to conduct comparative textual research
考語 {n} /kǎoyǔ/ :: comments or evaluations made on the character or performance of an official
考语 {def} SEE: 考語 ::
考證 {v} /kǎozhèng/ :: to do textual research or criticism
考證 {v} /kǎozhèng/ :: to verify
考证 {def} SEE: 考證 ::
考纸 {def} SEE: 考紙 ::
{def} /kào/ :: [obsolete] dried small fish
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kù/ :: [obsolete] hot, dry air
{def} /kù/ :: [obsolete] to stir-fry and boil
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kù/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /kào/ :: shackles; manacles
{def} /kào/ :: to shackle; to manacle
銬子 {n} [colloquial] /kàozi/ :: handcuffs
{def} SEE: ::
铐子 {def} SEE: 銬子 ::
{def} /kào/ :: to lean on; to recline
{def} /kào/ :: to depend on; to rely on
{def} /kào/ :: to trust; to have confidence in
{def} /kào/ :: to come near to; to approach
{def} /kào/ :: to keep to (a certain side)
{def} [euphemistic] /kào/ :: alternative form of
靠背 {n} /kàobèi/ :: back of a chair; backrest
靠背 {n} /kàobèi/ :: stage armor worn in traditional opera
靠背輪 {n} /kàobèilún/ :: alternative name for 聯軸器
靠背轮 {def} SEE: 靠背輪 ::
靠背椅 {n} /kàobèiyǐ/ :: high-back chair; chair with a backrest
靠边 {def} SEE: 靠邊 ::
靠边站 {def} SEE: 靠邊站 ::
靠邊 {adj} [dialect] /kàobiān/ :: reasonable; sensible
靠邊 {v} /kàobiān/ :: to keep to the side
靠邊 {v} /kàobiān/ :: to be forced to step down from one's post
靠邊站 {v} /kàobiānzhàn,er/ :: to stand aside; to step aside
靠邊站 {v} [figurative] /kàobiānzhàn,er/ :: to be booted out
靠不住 {adj} /kào不zhù/ :: unreliable
靠得住 {adj} /kàodezhù/ :: reliable; trustworthy
靠垫 {def} SEE: 靠墊 ::
靠墊 {n} /kàodiàn/ :: cushion (on a sofa, lounge, etc.)
靠近 {v} /kàojìn/ :: to approach; to come closer; to draw near
靠近 {v} /kàojìn/ :: to be close; to be near
靠拢 {def} SEE: 靠攏 ::
靠攏 {v} /kàolǒng/ :: to draw close; to close up
靠譜 {v} [of person] /kàopǔ,er/ :: to be reliable; [of object or situation] to be reasonable
靠譜兒 {adj} /kàopǔr/ :: erhua form of []
靠谱 {def} SEE: 靠譜 ::
靠谱儿 {def} SEE: 靠譜兒 ::
靠山 {n} /kàoshān,tl/ :: near the mountain
靠山 {n} [figurative] /kàoshān,tl/ :: backer; support; patron; backing (lit. “mountain to rely on”)
靠着 {def} SEE: 靠著 ::
靠著 {v} /kàozhe/ :: alongside
靠著 {v} /kàozhe/ :: to lean on
靠著 {v} /kàozhe/ :: to rely on; to use
{def} /kào/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /kè/ :: to crack between the teeth
{def} /kè/ :: to talk; to gab
{def} /kè/ :: alternative form of
嗑巴 {def} SEE: 磕巴 ::
嗑药 {def} SEE: 嗑藥 ::
嗑藥 {v} [colloquial] /kèyào,kēyào,2nb/ :: to take drugs (of an illicit or recreational nature)
{def} /kě/ :: only used in 坎坷
{def} /kē/ :: used in 坷垃
{def} /kē/ :: A placename in ancient China
坷垃 {n} [Mandarin, Jin, colloquial] /kēlā,kēle,tl/ :: clod; lump of earth
{def} [Min Nan] /bā,kè/ :: closed tightly
{def} [Min Nan] /bā,kè/ :: to agree with; to tally with; to match; to fit
峇迪 {n} /bādí/ :: batik
峇峇 {n} /bābā/ :: male Peranakan Chinese
峇峇娘惹 {n} /bābā niángrě/ :: Baba Nyonya; Peranakan Chinese
{def} /kē/ :: axe handle
{def} /kē/ :: stalk, bough
{def} /kē/ :: surname
{def} /kē/ :: Kyrgyz (the people, language, etc.)
{def} /kē/ :: Notholithocarpus
柯度和 {prop} [obsolete] /Kēdùhé/ :: 柯度和 (city/capital city)
柯尔克孜 {def} SEE: 柯爾克孜 ::
柯尔克孜人 {def} SEE: 柯爾克孜人 ::
柯尔克孜族 {def} SEE: 柯爾克孜族 ::
柯爾克孜 {adj} /kē'ěrkèzī/ :: Kyrgyz [referring to the Kyrgyz people in China]
柯爾克孜人 {n} /Kē'ěrkèzī rén/ :: a Kyrgyz (person)
柯爾克孜族 {n} /kē'ěrkèzī zú/ :: Kyrgyz people
柯基犬 {n} /kējīquǎn/ :: corgi
柯卡布拉 {n} /kēkǎbùlā/ :: kookaburra (Dacelo), especially the laughing kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae)
柯克亞 {prop} /Kēkè亚/ :: (~ 鄉) 柯克亞 (township)
柯克亚 {def} SEE: 柯克亞 ::
柯利根 {prop} /Kēlìgēn/ :: (~ 省) [obsolete] 柯利根 (state)
柯南 {prop} /Kēnán/ :: Conan (Celtic name)
柯坪 {prop} /Kēpíng/ :: (~ 縣) 柯坪 (county)
柯西不等式 {n} [mathematics] /Kēxī 不děngshì/ :: Cauchy-Schwarz inequality
柯伊伯带 {def} SEE: 柯伊伯帶 ::
柯伊伯帶 {prop} [Mainland China, astronomy] /Kēyībó dài/ :: Kuiper belt
柯子 {n} /kēzǐ/ :: alternative name for 訶子
{def} /kē/ :: classifier for plants
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kě/ :: [obsolete] a kind of chopping board
{def} /kē/ :: only used in 牂牁
{def} /gē,kē/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /kē/ :: [obsolete] only used in 郭犐
{def} /kē/ :: [obsolete] cattle without horns
珂羅版 {n} /kēluóbǎn/ :: collotype
珂罗版 {def} SEE: 珂羅版 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kē/ :: [obsolete] sleepy
{def} [Cantonese] /kē/ :: to doze
瞌睡 {v} /kēshuì/ :: to doze; to nap
瞌睡 {v} /kēshuì/ :: to get drowsy
瞌眼𰥛 {def} SEE: 瞌眼瞓 ::
{def} /kē/ :: to knock sth. against a hard surface; to dash against a stone
{def} /kē/ :: to knock an item off another item by hitting them against a hard surface
{def} /kē/ :: to kowtow
{def} [dialect, metaphor] /kē/ :: to fight
磕巴 {v} /kēba/ :: to stutter; to stammer
磕车 {def} SEE: 磕車 ::
磕碜 {def} SEE: 磕磣 ::
磕磣 {adj} [Northeastern Mandarin, colloquial] /kēchen/ :: ugly; unattractive
磕磣 {adj} [Northeastern Mandarin, colloquial] /kēchen/ :: unpresentable; bad; shoddy; shocking
磕磕 {interj} /kēkē,kàikài,tl/ :: knock-knock (verbal knocking sound)
磕磕巴巴 {idiom} /kēkebābā/ :: to stutter; to stammer
磕碰 {v} /kēpèng/ :: to bump into; to knock against; to collide against
磕碰 {v} [figurative] /kēpèng/ :: to have conflict; to squabble
磕头 {def} SEE: 磕頭 ::
磕头虫 {def} SEE: 磕頭蟲 ::
磕頭 {v} /kētóu/ :: to kowtow; to kneel and bow low enough to touch one's forehead to the ground
磕頭 {v} [Min Nan] /kētóu/ :: to ram one's head; to hit one's head (against something)
磕頭蟲 {n} /kētóuchóng/ :: click beetle; elater
磕膝头 {def} SEE: 磕膝頭 ::
磕膝头儿 {def} SEE: 磕膝頭兒 ::
磕响头 {def} SEE: 磕響頭 ::
磕響頭 {v} /kē xiǎngtóu/ :: to kowtow with one's head audibly knocking against the ground
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kē/ :: sort; class; kind
{def} /kē/ :: law; regulation
{def} [historical] /kē/ :: imperial examination
{def} /kē/ :: article; clause
{def} /kē/ :: norms; rules
{def} /kē/ :: division; branch (of study) (Classifier: 個)
{def} /kē/ :: section; department
{def} [taxonomy] /kē/ :: family
{def} /kē/ :: to pass a sentence
{def} /kē/ :: to check; to examine
{def} /kē/ :: to punish; to fine or levy taxes
{def} /kè/ :: [obsolete] to grow; to tiller
科班 {n} /kēbān/ :: old-type opera school
科班 {n} /kēbān/ :: regular professional training
科榜 {n} [historical] /kēbǎng/ :: billboard announcing the names of successful candidates in the imperial examinations
科布多 {prop} /Kēbùduō/ :: (~ 城) Khovd (city)
科布多 {prop} /Kēbùduō/ :: (~ 省) Khovd Province
科布伦茨 {def} SEE: 科布倫茨 ::
科布倫茨 {prop} /Kēbùlúncí/ :: Koblenz
科場 {n} [historical] /kē场/ :: imperial examination site
科長 {n} /kēzhǎng/ :: section chief
科长 {def} SEE: 科長 ::
科场 {def} SEE: 科場 ::
科大 {n} /kēdà/ :: university of science and technology
科大 {prop} /kēdà/ :: short fo 中國^科學^技術^大學 (University of Science and Technology of China); USTC
科大 {prop} /kēdà/ :: short fo 香港^科技^大學 (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology); HKUST
科大 {prop} /kēdà/ :: short fo 澳門^科技^大學 (Macau University of Science and Technology); MUST
科斗 {def} SEE: 蝌蚪 ::
科多巴 {n} /kēduōbā/ :: córdoba (currency of Nicaragua)
科尔沁 {def} SEE: 科爾沁 ::
科爾沁 {prop} [historical] /Kē'ěrqìn/ :: (~ 部) Khorchin (a subgroup of Mongols)
科罚 {def} SEE: 科罰 ::
科罰 {v} /kēfá/ :: to punish; to penalise
科幻 {n} /kēhuàn/ :: science fiction; sci-fi
科幻片 {n} /kēhuànpiàn,kēhuànpiān,er/ :: fantasy movie; science fiction film
科技 {n} /kējì/ :: science and technology
科际 {def} SEE: 科際 ::
科際 {adj} [attributive] /kējì/ :: interdisciplinary
科教 {n} /kējiào/ :: science and education
科举 {def} SEE: 科舉 ::
科舉 {n} [historical] /kējǔ/ :: Chinese imperial examination
科考 {n} /kēkǎo/ :: short fo 科學考察 (scientific exploration; scientific expedition)
科考 {n} /kēkǎo/ :: short fo 科舉考試 (preliminary round of imperial examinations)
科科 {interj} [slang, onomatopoeia] /kēkē/ :: sound of laughter
科克 {prop} /Kēkè/ :: Cork
科克鐵熱克 {prop} /Kēkètiěrèkè/ :: (~ 鄉) 科克鐵熱克 (township)
科克铁热克 {def} SEE: 科克鐵熱克 ::
科克亞 {prop} /Kēkè亚/ :: (~ 鄉) 科克亞 (township)
科克亚 {def} SEE: 科克亞 ::
科拉半岛 {def} SEE: 科拉半島 ::
科拉半島 {prop} /Kēlā Bàndǎo/ :: Kola Peninsula
科朗 {n} /kēlǎng/ :: colón
科里奥利力 {def} SEE: 科里奧利力 ::
科里奧利力 {n} [physics] /kēlǐ'àolìlì/ :: Coriolis force
科林斯 {prop} /Kēlínsī/ :: 科林斯 (city)
科隆 {prop} /Kēlóng/ :: 科隆 (largest city)
科隆香水 {n} /Kēlóng xiāngshuǐ/ :: eau de Cologne; cologne
科伦坡 {def} SEE: 科倫坡 ::
科倫坡 {prop} /Kēlúnpō/ :: 科倫坡 (the commercial <<capital>> and largest <<city>> of <<c/Sri Lanka>>)
科羅拉多 {prop} /Kēluólāduō/ :: (~ 州) 科羅拉多 (state)
科羅拉多河 {prop} /Kēluólāduōhé/ :: the Colorado River
科羅拉多泉 {prop} /Kēluólāduō Quán/ :: Colorado Springs
科罗拉多 {def} SEE: 科羅拉多 ::
科罗拉多河 {def} SEE: 科羅拉多河 ::
科罗拉多泉 {def} SEE: 科羅拉多泉 ::
科摩羅 {prop} [Mainland China] /Kēmóluó/ :: Comoros
科摩罗 {def} SEE: 科摩羅 ::
科莫多龍 {n} /kēmòduō lóng/ :: Komodo dragon
科莫多龙 {def} SEE: 科莫多龍 ::
科目 {n} /kēmù/ :: subject (in a curriculum, or at a school); course
科目 {n} /kēmù/ :: heading (in an account book)
科納克里 {prop} /Kēnàkèlǐ/ :: 科納克里 (city/capital city)
科纳克里 {def} SEE: 科納克里 ::
科普 {v} /kēpǔ/ :: to popularise science
科普 {v} [neologism, slang] /kēpǔ/ :: to explain in simple terms to someone unfamiliar with it; to help someone understand something; to fill someone in (on)
科普 {n} /kēpǔ/ :: popular science
科普特 {adj} /Kēpǔtè/ :: Coptic
科普特人 {n} /Kēpǔtèrén/ :: Copt
科普特語 {n} /Kēpǔtèyǔ/ :: Coptic (language)
科普特语 {def} SEE: 科普特語 ::
科骚 {def} SEE: 科騷 ::
科室 {n} /kē室/ :: administrative or technical offices
科氏力 {n} [physics] /kēshìlì/ :: Coriolis force
科索沃 {prop} /Kēsuǒwò/ :: Kosovo
科索沃和梅托希亞 {prop} /Kēsuǒwò hé Méituōxīyà/ :: Kosovo and Metohia
科索沃和梅托希亚 {def} SEE: 科索沃和梅托希亞 ::
科特迪瓦 {prop} /Kētèdíwǎ/ :: [Mainland] 科特迪瓦 (country)
科特迪瓦共和国 {def} SEE: 科特迪瓦共和國 ::
科特迪瓦共和國 {prop} /Kētèdíwǎ Gònghéguó/ :: Republic of Côte d'Ivoire
科托努 {prop} /Kētuōnǔ/ :: Cotonou (the de facto capital of Benin)
科威特 {prop} /Kēwēitè/ :: Kuwait
科西嘉 {prop} /Kēxījiā/ :: (~ 島) Corsica (island)
科西嘉 {prop} /Kēxījiā/ :: Corsica (administrative unit)
科西嘉岛 {def} SEE: 科西嘉島 ::
科西嘉島 {prop} /Kēxījiā Dǎo/ :: Corsica Island
科西嘉語 {n} /Kēxījiā yǔ/ :: the Corsican language
科西嘉语 {def} SEE: 科西嘉語 ::
科系 {n} /kēxì/ :: department (in a college)
科学 {def} SEE: 科學 ::
科学发展观 {def} SEE: 科學發展觀 ::
科学方法 {def} SEE: 科學方法 ::
科学方法论 {def} SEE: 科學方法論 ::
科学幻想 {def} SEE: 科學幻想 ::
科学技术 {def} SEE: 科學技術 ::
科学记法 {def} SEE: 科學記法 ::
科学记数法 {def} SEE: 科學記數法 ::
科学家 {def} SEE: 科學家 ::
科学界 {def} SEE: 科學界 ::
科学普及 {def} SEE: 科學普及 ::
科学上网 {def} SEE: 科學上網 ::
科学性 {def} SEE: 科學性 ::
科学研究 {def} SEE: 科學研究 ::
科学园区 {def} SEE: 科學園區 ::
科学院 {def} SEE: 科學院 ::
科学至上主义 {def} SEE: 科學至上主義 ::
科学主义 {def} SEE: 科學主義 ::
科學 {n} /kēxué/ :: science
科學 {adj} [attributive] /kēxué/ :: scientific (relating to science)
科學 {adj} /kēxué/ :: scientific (having a quality derived from the scientific method); systematic; methodical
科學發展觀 {n} /kēxué fāzhǎnguān/ :: “Scientific Outlook on Development”; “scientific development concept” (one of the guiding socio-economic principles of the Communist Party of China)
科學方法 {n} /kēxué fāngfǎ/ :: scientific method
科學方法論 {n} /kēxué fāngfǎlùn/ :: scientific methodology
科學幻想 {n} /kēxué huànxiǎng/ :: science fiction; sci-fi
科學技術 {n} /kēxué jìshù/ :: science and technology
科學記法 {n} [mathematics] /kēxué jìfǎ/ :: scientific notation
科學記數法 {n} [mathematics] /kēxué jìshùfǎ/ :: scientific notation
科學家 {n} /kēxuéjiā/ :: scientist
科學界 {n} /kēxuéjiè/ :: scientific circles; scientific community
科學普及 {n} /kēxué pǔjí/ :: popular science
科學普及 {n} /kēxué pǔjí/ :: popularization of science
科學上網 {v} [mainland China, internet slang, euphemistic] /kēxué shàngwàng/ :: to circumvent internet censorship, especially the Great Firewall of China
科學性 {n} /kēxuéxìng/ :: scientific nature; scientificity
科學研究 {n} /kēxué yán究/ :: scientific research
科學園區 {n} /kēxué yuánqū/ :: science park
科學院 {n} /kēxuéyuàn/ :: scientific institute
科學至上主義 {n} /kēxuézhìshàngzhǔyì/ :: scientism
科學主義 {n} /kēxuézhǔyì/ :: scientism
科研 {n} /kēyán/ :: scientific research; academic research
{def} /kē/ :: highland barley
{def} /huà/ :: [historical dictionaries] plump grain
{def} /huà/ :: [historical dictionaries] grain ready for grinding
{def} /kē/ :: bird's nest in cave; nest
{def} [literary] /kē/ :: simple dwelling
{def} [literary] /kē/ :: empty space; pit; hole
{def} /kē/ :: alternative form of
窠巢 {n} /kēcháo/ :: nest (of a bird)
窠臼 {n} [literary] /kējiù/ :: set pattern (usually of writing or artistic creation); rut; stereotypical pattern
{def} /kē,zhuā/ :: [obsolete] horsewhip
{def} /kē,zhuā/ :: [obsolete] a kind of woodwind instrument
{def} /kē/ :: harsh; severe; exacting
苛待 {v} /kēdài/ :: to treat harshly
苛捐 {n} /kējuān/ :: exorbitant levies
苛捐杂税 {def} SEE: 苛捐雜稅 ::
苛捐雜稅 {idiom} /kējuānzáshuì/ :: exorbitant taxes
苛刻 {adj} /kēkè/ :: harsh; demanding
苛吏 {n} [literary] /kēlì/ :: cruel official
苛求 {v} /kēqiú/ :: to make excessive demands; to be overcritical
苛性 {adj} [chemistry, usually, attributive] /kēxìng/ :: caustic; corrosive
苛性鉀 {n} [inorganic compound, colloquial] /kēxìngjiǎ/ :: alternative name for 氫氧化鉀
苛性钾 {def} SEE: 苛性鉀 ::
苛性碱 {def} SEE: 苛性鹼 ::
苛性鹼 {n} [inorganic chemistry] /kēxìngjiǎn/ :: caustic base, especially sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide
苛性鈉 {n} [inorganic compound, colloquial] /kēxìngnà/ :: alternative name for 氫氧化鈉
苛性钠 {def} SEE: 苛性鈉 ::
苛性苏打 {def} SEE: 苛性蘇打 ::
苛性蘇打 {n} [inorganic compound, colloquial] /kēxìng sū打/ :: caustic soda; sodium hydroxide
苛責 {v} /kēzé/ :: to severely criticise; to blame; to castigate
苛责 {def} SEE: 苛責 ::
苛政 {n} /kēzhèng/ :: tyrannical government; oppressive government; despotic rule; tyranny
苛政猛於虎 {proverb} /kēzhèng měng yú hǔ/ :: Oppressive governments are more terrible than tigers
苛政猛于虎 {def} SEE: 苛政猛於虎 ::
{def} /kē/ :: Used in 蝌蚪
蝌蚪 {n} /kēdǒu/ :: tadpole (toad or frog larva) (Classifier: m:隻)
蝌蝌啃蜡 {def} SEE: 蝌蝌啃蠟 ::
蝌蝌啃蠟 {prop} [obsolete] /Kēkēkěnlà/ :: Coca-Cola
蝌蝌齦蠟 {def} SEE: 蝌蝌啃蠟 ::
蝌蝌龈蜡 {def} SEE: 蝌蝌齦蠟 ::
𫐘轲 {def} SEE: 坎坷 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /ē/ :: only used in 鈳䥈
{def} [chemical element, obsolete] /kē/ :: columbium; niobium
{def} /kē/ :: classifier for small round objects
顆粒 {n} /kēlì/ :: grain; pellet; kernel; granule
顆粒 {n} /kēlì/ :: anything small and roundish
顆粒層 {n} [anatomy] /kēlìcéng/ :: stratum granulosum
顆粒無收 {idiom} /kēlìwúshōu/ :: to reap nothing
顆粒物 {n} /kēlìwù/ :: particulate matter; particulates
顆星 {n} /kēxīng/ :: cushion (the lip around a table in cue sports which absorbs some of the impact of the billiard balls and bounces them back)
{def} SEE: ::
颗粒 {def} SEE: 顆粒 ::
颗粒层 {def} SEE: 顆粒層 ::
颗粒无收 {def} SEE: 顆粒無收 ::
颗粒物 {def} SEE: 顆粒物 ::
颗星 {def} SEE: 顆星 ::
{def} /kē/ :: thigh bone, hipbone
{def} /kē/ :: kneecap
{def} [anatomy] /kē/ :: condyle
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
壳菜 {def} SEE: 殼菜 ::
壳灰 {def} SEE: 殼灰 ::
壳硬蛋白 {def} SEE: 殼硬蛋白 ::
壳仔弦 {def} SEE: 殼仔弦 ::
{def} /kē/ :: a kind of wine vessel in ancient China
{def} [literary] /kē/ :: box; case
{def} [literary] /kē/ :: scabbard
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /ké,qiào,què,er/ :: shell; husk; hull; skin; casing
殼菜 {n} /qiàocài/ :: mussel
殼灰 {n} /kéhuī/ :: lime made from oyster shells
殼硬蛋白 {n} [protein] /kéyìngdànbái/ :: sclerotin
殼仔弦 {n} /kézǎixián,kézǐxián/ :: kezaixian, a high-pitched huqin with soundbox made from a small coconut shell and wooden soundboard, used in the traditional music of Taiwan and southern Fujian province
殼仔絃 {def} SEE: 殼仔弦 ::
{def} /kě/ :: can, may, be able to
{def} /kě/ :: Particle used for emphasis
{def} /kě/ :: to approve, to permit
{def} /kě/ :: to suit
{def} /kě/ :: to be worth doing
{def} /kě/ :: Prefix attached to verbs, expressing possibility and turning them into adjectives. Similar to the English suffix -able
{def} /kě/ :: but
{def} /kè/ :: only used in 可汗
可哀 {adj} /kě'āi/ :: (used as an adverb) miserably
可愛 {adj} /kě'ài/ :: cute; adorable; lovable
可愛 {n} [colloquial] /kě'ài/ :: cutie; cutie pie; darling
可爱 {def} SEE: 可愛 ::
可悲 {adj} /kěbēi/ :: lamentable; sad; pathetic
可比 {adj} /kěbǐ/ :: comparable
可比 {conj} [Dabu Hakka] /kěbǐ/ :: if
可比性 {n} /kěbǐxìng/ :: comparability
可鄙 {adj} /kěbǐ/ :: contemptible
可变 {def} SEE: 可變 ::
可变化合价 {def} SEE: 可變化合價 ::
可變 {n} /kěbiàn/ :: variable
可變化合價 {n} /kěbiàn huàhéjià/ :: variable valency
可不 {interj} /kě不,tl/ :: you're absolutely right!; right!; exactly!; isn't that so?
可不 {phrase} /kě不,tl/ :: Used other than a set phrase: +
可不是 {phrase} /kě不 shì/ :: that's just the way it is; exactly!; right! (used in rhetorical questions)
可不是 {phrase} /kě不 shì/ :: Used other than a set phrase: + 不是
可不是嗎 {phrase} [colloquial] /kě 不 shì ma/ :: you can say that again; absolutely; that's very true
可不是吗 {def} SEE: 可不是嗎 ::
可怖 {adj} [literary] /kěbù/ :: scary; frightening
可曾 {adv} [interrogative] /kěcéng/ :: have or have not
可吃 {v} /kěchī/ :: to be able to be eaten
可吃 {adj} [attributive] /kěchī/ :: edible
可持續 {adj} /kěchíxù/ :: sustainable
可持續發展 {n} /kěchíxù fāzhǎn/ :: sustainable development
可持续 {def} SEE: 可持續 ::
可持续发展 {def} SEE: 可持續發展 ::
可恥 {adj} /kěchǐ/ :: shameful; dishonourable; disgraceful
可耻 {def} SEE: 可恥 ::
可达 {def} SEE: 可達 ::
可達 {v} /kědá/ :: to be able to reach; to get as high as; to be up to
可達 {adj} /kědá/ :: reachable; attainable; accessible
可待因 {n} [pharmaceutical drug] /kědàiyīn/ :: codeine
可导 {def} SEE: 可導 ::
可導 {adj} [calculus] /kědǎo/ :: differentiable
可得 {v} /kědé/ :: to be able to get; to be accessible; to be available
可得性 {n} /kědéxìng/ :: accessibility
可的松 {n} [pharmaceutical drug] /kědísōng/ :: cortisone
可懂 {adj} [linguistics] /kědǒng/ :: understandable; intelligible; comprehensible
可懂度 {n} [linguistics] /kědǒngdù/ :: intelligibility
可动 {def} SEE: 可動 ::
可動 {adj} /kědòng/ :: movable
可讀 {adj} /kědú/ :: readable
可讀性 {n} /kědúxìng/ :: readability
可读 {def} SEE: 可讀 ::
可读性 {def} SEE: 可讀性 ::
可鍛鑄鐵 {n} /kěduàn zhùtiě/ :: malleable iron
可锻铸铁 {def} SEE: 可鍛鑄鐵 ::
可惡 {adj} /kěwù/ :: repulsive; vile; abominable
可儿 {def} SEE: 可兒 ::
可兒 {prop} /Kě'ér/ :: (~ 市) 可兒 (city)
可分 {adj} /kěfēn/ :: can be divided (into parts); one can distinguish (several types)
可否 {v} /kěfǒu/ :: can or can't
可否 {n} /kěfǒu/ :: affirmative or negative comment
可否 {adv} /kěfǒu/ :: whether it's possible or not
可歌可泣 {idiom} /kěgēkěqì/ :: epic; moving
可耕地 {n} /kěgēngdì/ :: arable land
可共患难 {def} SEE: 可共患難 ::
可共患難 {idiom} /kě gòng huànnán/ :: to go through thick and thin together
可僱傭性 {n} /kěgùyōngxìng/ :: employability
可雇佣性 {def} SEE: 可僱傭性 ::
可觀 {adj} /kěguān/ :: significant; considerable
可觀 {adj} /kěguān/ :: attractive; pretty
可觀 {adj} /kěguān/ :: worth seeing
可观 {def} SEE: 可觀 ::
可貴 {adj} /kěguì/ :: valuable; treasured; precious; praiseworthy
可贵 {def} SEE: 可貴 ::
可汗 {n} /kèhán/ :: khagan; khan (Classifier: 位)
可行 {adj} /kěxíng/ :: feasible; doable; practicable; realizable
可行性 {n} /kěxíngxìng/ :: feasibility
可好 {adv} /kěhǎo/ :: as luck would have it; by a happy coincidence, luckily, fortuitously
可恨 {adj} /kěhèn/ :: abominable; detestable; hateful
可回收 {adj} /kěhuíshōu/ :: recyclable
可及 {v} /kějí/ :: to be accessible
可及性 {n} /kějíxìng/ :: accessibility
可加 {n} /kějiā/ :: alternative name for 古柯
可嘉 {adj} /kějiā/ :: laudable
可检控罪 {def} SEE: 可檢控罪 ::
可檢控罪 {n} [legal] /kějiǎnkòngzuì/ :: indictable offence
可見 {v} /kějiàn/ :: to be able to see or be seen
可見 {adj} /kějiàn/ :: visible
可見 {conj} /kějiàn/ :: one can see that; it is clear that
可見度 {n} /kějiàndù/ :: alternative name for 能見度
可見光 {n} [physics] /kějiànguāng/ :: visible light
可見一斑 {idiom} /kějiàn一bān/ :: to be able to deduce the whole picture of a matter from one small detail
可见 {def} SEE: 可見 ::
可见度 {def} SEE: 可見度 ::
可见光 {def} SEE: 可見光 ::
可见一斑 {def} SEE: 可見一斑 ::
可接受 {adj} /kějiēshòu/ :: acceptable
可接受性 {adj} /kějiēshòuxìng/ :: acceptability
可勁 {adv} /kě勁,er/ :: vigorously, to the utmost
可勁兒 {adv} /kějìnr/ :: erhua form of []
可劲 {def} SEE: 可勁 ::
可劲儿 {def} SEE: 可勁兒 ::
可敬 {adj} /kějìng/ :: respectable; venerable; respected; venerated
可决 {def} SEE: 可決 ::
可決 {v} /kějué/ :: to adopt; to approve; to pass
可卡因 {n} /kěkǎyīn/ :: cocaine
可靠 {adj} /kěkào/ :: dependable; reliable
可靠性 {n} /kěkàoxìng/ :: reliability; credibility
可可 {n} /kěkě/ :: cocoa
可可 {n} /kěkě/ :: cacao; Theobroma cacao
可可 {adj} [literary] /kěkě/ :: slight; little
可可 {adj} [literary] /kěkě/ :: vague; dim
可可 {adj} [literary] /kěkě/ :: careless
可可 {adj} [literary] /kěkě/ :: aye aye; yes yes
可可 {adv} [literary] /kěkě/ :: just right; by chance
可可波羅 {n} /kěkěbōluó/ :: alternative name for 微凹黃檀
可可波罗 {def} SEE: 可可波羅 ::
可可豆 {n} /kěkědòu,er/ :: cocoa bean
可可粉 {n} /kěkěfěn/ :: cocoa powder
可可碱 {def} SEE: 可可鹼 ::
可可鹼 {n} [chemistry] /kěkějiǎn/ :: theobromine
可可色 {n} /kěkěsè/ :: cocoa colour
可可树 {def} SEE: 可可樹 ::
可可樹 {n} /kěkěshù/ :: cacao tree (Theobroma cacao)
可可西里 {prop} /Kěkěxīlǐ/ :: Hoh Xil, an isolated region in the northwestern part of the Tibetan Plateau in China
可可油 {n} /kěkěyóu/ :: cocoa butter
可可脂 {n} /kěkězhī/ :: cocoa butter
可口 {adj} /kěkǒu/ :: delicious; delectable; tasty; scrumptious; yummy
可口可乐 {def} SEE: 可口可樂 ::
可口可樂 {prop} [trademark] /Kěkǒu#kělè/ :: Coca-Cola
可扩展 {def} SEE: 可擴展 ::
可扩展性 {def} SEE: 可擴展性 ::
可擴展 {adj} /kěkuòzhǎn/ :: scalable
可擴展性 {n} /kěkuòzhǎnxìng/ :: scalability
可兰 {def} SEE: 可蘭 ::
可兰经 {def} SEE: 可蘭經 ::
可蘭 {prop} /Kělán/ :: Qur'an
可蘭經 {prop} /Kělánjīng/ :: Qur'an (the Islamic holy book)
可乐 {def} SEE: 可樂 ::
可乐饼 {def} SEE: 可樂餅 ::
可樂 {adj} /kělè/ :: funny; amusing; entertaining
可樂 {adj} /kělè/ :: to evoke joy or happiness
可樂 {n} [soft drink] /kělè/ :: cola; coke
可樂 {n} [colloquial, slang] /kělè/ :: cocaine; coke
可樂餅 {n} /kělèbǐng/ :: korokke
可樂餅 {n} /kělèbǐng/ :: croquette
可麗餅 {n} /kělìbǐng/ :: crêpe
可麗露 {n} /kělìlù/ :: canelé
可理解 {adj} /kělǐjiě/ :: intelligible
可丽饼 {def} SEE: 可麗餅 ::
可丽露 {def} SEE: 可麗露 ::
可怜 {def} SEE: 可憐 ::
可怜巴巴 {def} SEE: 可憐巴巴 ::
可怜虫 {def} SEE: 可憐蟲 ::
可怜代 {def} SEE: 可憐代 ::
可怜见 {def} SEE: 可憐見 ::
可憐 {v} /kělián/ :: to have pity on; to pity
可憐 {adj} /kělián/ :: pitiful; pitiable; poor
可憐 {adj} /kělián/ :: meager; negligible (of a number or amount)
可憐巴巴 {adj} /kěliánbābā/ :: pathetic; pitiful
可憐巴巴 {adj} /kěliánbābā/ :: meager
可憐蟲 {n} [affectionate or pejorative] /kěliánchóng,er/ :: miserable wretch
可憐見 {adj} /kěliánjiàn,er/ :: pitiful; pitiable; poor; miserable
可伦坡 {def} SEE: 可倫坡 ::
可倫坡 {prop} [chiefly Taiwan] /Kělúnpō/ :: 可倫坡 (capital city)
可氯丹 {n} [Taiwan, organic chemistry] /kělǜdān/ :: chlordane
可恼 {def} SEE: 可惱 ::
可恼也 {def} SEE: 可惱也 ::
可惱 {adj} /kěnǎo/ :: irritating; annoying; aggravating; infuriating
可能 {adj} /kěnéng/ :: possible; probable; likely
可能 {adv} /kěnéng/ :: maybe; perhaps; probably; might; may
可能 {n} /kěnéng/ :: possibility; probability; likelihood (Classifier: 個)
可能 {v} [literary] /kěnéng/ :: to be competent to; to have the ability to
可能 {v} [literary] /kěnéng/ :: can be achieved; to be possible
可能性 {n} /kěnéngxìng/ :: possibility; probability; likelihood (Classifier: 個)
可逆 {adj} /kěnì/ :: reversible
可逆性 {n} /kěnìxìng/ :: reversibility
可怕 {adj} /kěpà/ :: scary; frightening
可怕 {adv} [literary] /kěpà/ :: I'm afraid that; unfortunately; probably; regretfully; fearfully; perhaps; maybe
可巧 {adv} /kěqiǎo/ :: as luck would have it; by happy coincidence
可亲 {def} SEE: 可親 ::
可親 {adj} /kěqīn/ :: amiable; affable; genial; nice
可取 {adj} /kěqǔ/ :: worthy of being used; desirable
可圈可点 {def} SEE: 可圈可點 ::
可圈可點 {idiom} [of performance, achievement, etc] /kěquānkědiǎn/ :: praiseworthy; remarkable; commendable
可燃 {adj} /kěrán/ :: inflammable; combustible
可燃冰 {n} /kěránbīng/ :: clathrate hydrates
可燃物 {n} /kěránwù/ :: combustible (material capable of burning); inflammables
可燃性 {n} /kěránxìng/ :: flammability
可人 {n} /kěrén/ :: likeable, agreeable or virtuous person
可人 {n} /kěrén/ :: gifted or talented person
可人 {n} /kěrén/ :: sweetheart; lover; beloved
可人 {adj} /kěrén/ :: likeable; agreeable; charming; satisfying
可溶 {adj} /kěróng/ :: soluble
可溶性 {n} [chemistry] /kěróngxìng/ :: solubility (whether a substance is soluble or not)
可事 {n} [literary] /kěshì/ :: trifle; trivial matter; minor thing
可恃 {adj} [literary] /kěshì/ :: dependable; reliable
可是 {conj} /kěshì/ :: however; but
可視 {adj} [attributive] /kěshì/ :: visual; with picture
可視化 {n} /kěshìhuà/ :: visualization
可视 {def} SEE: 可視 ::
可视化 {def} SEE: 可視化 ::
可收縮 {adj} /kěshōusuō/ :: retractable
可收缩 {def} SEE: 可收縮 ::
可數 {adj} /kěshǔ/ :: countable
可數名詞 {n} [grammar] /kěshǔ míngcí/ :: countable noun; count noun
可数 {def} SEE: 可數 ::
可数名词 {def} SEE: 可數名詞 ::
可頌 {n} /kěsòng/ :: croissant
可颂 {def} SEE: 可頌 ::
可塑性 {n} /kěsùxìng/ :: plasticity
可訴訟罪 {n} [legal] /kěsùsòngzuì/ :: indictable offence
可诉讼罪 {def} SEE: 可訴訟罪 ::
可塔朵 {n} /kětǎduǒ/ :: cortado
可体松 {def} SEE: 可體松 ::
可體松 {n} [steroid] /kětǐsōng/ :: synonym of 皮質醇
可體松 {n} [steroid] /kětǐsōng/ :: synonym of 可的松
可望 {adj} /kěwàng/ :: can be expected (that, to ...); to be hopeful (that ...)
可望而不可即 {idiom} /kěwàng ér 不kě jí/ :: in sight but unattainable; within sight but beyond reach; inaccessible
可微 {adj} [calculus] /kě微/ :: differentiable
可畏 {adj} /kěwèi/ :: dreadful; horrible
可畏 {adj} /kěwèi/ :: formidable
可謂 {v} [literary] /kěwèi/ :: one can say that
可谓 {def} SEE: 可謂 ::
可恶 {def} SEE: 可惡 ::
可惜 {adj} /kě惜/ :: regrettable; too bad; a pity; a shame
可惜了儿的 {def} SEE: 可惜了兒的 ::
可惜了兒的 {phrase} [dialectal] /kě惜liǎorde/ :: pitiable
可喜 {adj} /kěxǐ/ :: gratifying; heartening
可喜可賀 {idiom} /kěxǐkěhè/ :: joyful and worthy of congratulation
可喜可贺 {def} SEE: 可喜可賀 ::
可想而知 {idiom} /kěxiǎng'érzhī/ :: one can well imagine
可笑 {adj} /kěxiào/ :: funny; ridiculous; laughable
可心 {adj} /kěxīn/ :: satisfying; acceptable
可信 {adj} /kěxìn/ :: trustworthy; trustable; credible; believable
可信度 {n} /kěxìndù/ :: reliability; credibility
可信性 {n} /kěxìnxìng/ :: reliability; credibility
可厭 {adj} /kěyàn/ :: disgusting; detestable
可言 {v} /kěyán/ :: can be said; it may be said
可厌 {def} SEE: 可厭 ::
可疑 {adj} /kěyí/ :: suspicious; questionable; dubious; fishy
可移 {adj} [attributive] /kěyí/ :: movable; portable
可以 {v} /kěyǐ/ :: can; may
可以 {v} /kěyǐ/ :: can; to be able
可以 {v} [literary] /kěyǐ/ :: 可 /-/ + 以 /-/ (usually with ellipsed 之); can be used to ..
可以 {adj} /kěyǐ/ :: passable; pretty good; not bad; all right; OK
可以 {adj} /kěyǐ/ :: to a great extent
可譯性 {n} [translation studies] /kěyìxìng/ :: translatability
可译性 {def} SEE: 可譯性 ::
可用 {v} /kěyòng/ :: to be able to be used; to be available
可用 {adj} /kěyòng/ :: available; usable
可用性 {n} /kěyòngxìng/ :: usability
可用性 {n} /kěyòngxìng/ :: availability
可有可無 {idiom} /kěyǒukěwú/ :: dispensable; inessential
可有可无 {def} SEE: 可有可無 ::
可遇不可求 {phrase} [of something good or fortunate] /kě yù 不kě qiú/ :: can only be come across serendipitously; good things may happen, but may not be sought; just have to let it happen, you can't force it
可遇而不可求 {idiom} /kě yù ér 不kě qiú/ :: alternative form of 可遇不可求
可咋整呀 {phrase} [Northeastern Mandarin] /kězǎzhěngya/ :: What do I do?; What should be done?
可再生 {adj} /kězàishēng/ :: renewable; regenerable
可再生能源 {n} /kězàishēng néngyuán/ :: renewable energy
可造之材 {idiom} [metaphor] /kězàozhīcái/ :: a promising talent deserving training; a person with great potential
可憎 {adj} /kězēng/ :: disgusting, abominable
可知 {v} /kězhī/ :: to be able to be known; to be able to deduce (from something) that; to be knowable
可資 {v} [literary] /kězī/ :: to be able to provide
可资 {def} SEE: 可資 ::
可做 {adj} /kězuò/ :: doable
{def} [literary] /kè/ :: dust
{def} /kě/ :: used in compounds
岢峨 {adj} [literary, of a mountain] /kě'é/ :: high and steep
岢峻 {adj} [literary, of a mountain] /kějùn/ :: high and steep
岢岚 {def} SEE: 岢嵐 ::
岢嵐 {prop} /Kělán/ :: (~ 縣) 岢嵐 (county)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kě/ :: thirsty
渴病 {n} [disease] /kěbìng/ :: diabetes mellitus; diabetes
渴慕 {v} /kěmù/ :: to think of somebody with respect; to admire; to thirst for
渴求 {v} /kěqiú/ :: to yearn for; to long for; to crave for
渴望 {v} /kěwàng/ :: to long for; to crave; to thirst for; to desire
渴想 {v} /kěxiǎng/ :: to miss someone or something very much
渴想 {v} /kěxiǎng/ :: to yearn; to long for
{def} /kě/ :: [historical dictionaries] fire; flame
{def} /qiā/ :: to bite; to bite as hard as possible; to gnaw
{def} /qiǎ/ :: [obsolete] to be stuck between the teeth (said of bones that one can't pick out)
{def} /kè/ :: alternative form of
{def} /kè/ :: [historical dictionaries] only used in 䶗𪘐
{def} /kè/ :: to be competent
{def} /kè/ :: to win
{def} /kè/ :: to encroach on
{def} /kè/ :: to restrain
{def} /kè/ :: to finish
{def} /kè/ :: be able to
{def} /kè/ :: to skimp
{def} /kè/ :: to agree on
{def} /kè/ :: harsh
{def} /kè/ :: alternative form of
{def} /kè/ :: to digest
{def} /kè/ :: gram
{def} /kè/ :: a Tibetan measuring vessel
{def} /kè/ :: a Tibetan volume unit
{def} /kè/ :: a Tibetan area unit
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kè/ :: to defeat; to vanquish; to overcome; to prevail; to surmount; to subdue; to overthrow
克尔白 {def} SEE: 克爾白 ::
克爾白 {prop} [Islam] /Kè'ěrbái/ :: Kaaba
克非尔 {def} SEE: 克非爾 ::
克非爾 {n} /kèfēi'ěr/ :: kefir
克夫 {def} SEE: 剋夫 ::
克服 {v} /kèfú/ :: to overcome; to conquer; to surmount
克服 {v} /kèfú/ :: to put up with
克复 {def} SEE: 克復 ::
克復 {v} /kèfù/ :: to retake; to recapture; to recover
克格勃 {n} /kègébó/ :: KGB
克己 {v} /kèjǐ/ :: to control one's desires; to practice self-restraint
克己 {adj} /kèjǐ/ :: frugal; economical; thrifty
克己 {n} /kèjǐ/ :: self-control; self-restraint
克己奉公 {idiom} /kèjǐ fènggōng/ :: be wholeheartedly devoted to public duty, work selflessly for the public interest
克己复礼 {def} SEE: 克己復禮 ::
克己復禮 {idiom} /kèjǐfùlǐ/ :: to subdue oneself and return to propriety
克捷 {v} [literary] /kèjié/ :: to defeat one's enemies
克盡 {v} /kèjìn/ :: to exhaust; to use up
克尽 {def} SEE: 克盡 ::
克克拉去考勒 {prop} /Kèkèlāqùkǎolè/ :: (~ 峰) 克克拉去考勒 (mountain)
克扣 {def} SEE: 剋扣 ::
克亏 {def} SEE: 克虧 ::
克拉 {n} /kèlā/ :: carat
克拉科夫 {prop} /Kèlākēfū/ :: 克拉科夫 (city)
克拉克 {prop} /Kèlākè/ :: Clark, Clarke (English surname)
克拉玛依 {def} SEE: 克拉瑪依 ::
克拉瑪依 {prop} /Kèlāmǎyī/ :: (~ 市) 克拉瑪依 (prefecture-level city)
克拉斯諾亞爾斯克 {prop} /Kèlāsīnuòyà'ěrsīkè/ :: 克拉斯諾亞爾斯克 (krai)
克拉斯諾亞爾斯克 {prop} /Kèlāsīnuòyà'ěrsīkè/ :: 克拉斯諾亞爾斯克 (city/administrative center)
克拉斯诺亚尔斯克 {def} SEE: 克拉斯諾亞爾斯克 ::
克拉通 {n} /kèlātōng/ :: craton
克莱奥帕特拉 {def} SEE: 克萊奧帕特拉 ::
克莱蒙费朗 {def} SEE: 克萊蒙費朗 ::
克莱因瓶 {def} SEE: 克萊因瓶 ::
克萊奧帕特拉 {prop} /Kèlái'àopàtèlā/ :: Cleopatra
克萊蒙費朗 {prop} /Kèláiméng-Fèilǎng/ :: Clermont-Ferrand
克萊因瓶 {n} /kèláiyīn píng/ :: Klein bottle
克賴斯特徹奇 {prop} /Kèlàisītèchèqí/ :: alternative name for 基督城
克赖斯特彻奇 {def} SEE: 克賴斯特徹奇 ::
克郎球 {n} /kèlángqiú/ :: alternative name for 康樂球
克朗 {n} /kèlǎng/ :: krona; kroon; króna; koruna; krone
克里奥尔语 {def} SEE: 克里奧爾語 ::
克里奧爾語 {n} [linguistics] /kèlǐ'ào'ěryǔ/ :: creole
克里夫兰 {def} SEE: 克里夫蘭 ::
克里夫蘭 {prop} /Kèlǐfūlán/ :: Cleveland
克里米亞 {prop} /Kèlǐmǐ亞/ :: Crimea
克里米亞半島 {prop} /Kèlǐmǐ亚 Bàndǎo/ :: Crimea
克里米亞韃靼語 {prop} /Kèlǐmǐyà Dádáyǔ/ :: Crimean Tatar
克里米亚 {def} SEE: 克里米亞 ::
克里米亚半岛 {def} SEE: 克里米亞半島 ::
克里米亚鞑靼语 {def} SEE: 克里米亞韃靼語 ::
克里姆林宫 {def} SEE: 克里姆林宮 ::
克里姆林宮 {prop} /Kèlǐmǔlín Gōng/ :: the Moscow Kremlin (official residence of the president of Russia); the Kremlin
克里姆林宮 {prop} [by extension] /Kèlǐmǔlín Gōng/ :: the Russian or Soviet government; the Kremlin
克里木 {prop} [Mainland] /Kèlǐmù/ :: Crimea
克里特 {prop} /kèlǐtè/ :: (~ 島) Crete (an island in Greece)
克里雅 {prop} /Kèlǐyǎ/ :: Keriya
克里阳 {def} SEE: 克里陽 ::
克里陽 {prop} /Kèlǐyáng/ :: (~ 鄉) 克里陽 (township)
克利夫兰 {def} SEE: 克利夫蘭 ::
克利夫蘭 {prop} /Kèlìfūlán/ :: Cleveland
克力架 {n} [chiefly Cantonese, Wu] /kèlìjià/ :: (~ 餅乾) cracker (especially a cream cracker) (Classifier: 塊)
克林貢 {n} /Kèlíngòng/ :: Klingon
克林貢語 {prop} /Kèlíngòngyǔ/ :: the Klingon language
克林贡 {def} SEE: 克林貢 ::
克林贡语 {def} SEE: 克林貢語 ::
克隆 {v} [biology] /kèlóng/ :: to clone
克隆 {v} [figurative, usually, jocular or pejorative] /kèlóng/ :: to produce a second copy; to copy; to imitate; to replicate
克隆 {n} [biology] /kèlóng/ :: clone (new organism created by cloning)
克娄巴特拉 {def} SEE: 克婁巴特拉 ::
克婁巴特拉 {prop} /Kèlóubātèlā/ :: Cleopatra
克虏伯 {def} SEE: 克虜伯 ::
克虜伯 {prop} /Kèlǔbó/ :: Krupp
克羅埃西亞 {prop} [Taiwan] /Kèluó'āixī亞/ :: Croatia
克羅地亞 {prop} [Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau] /Kèluódì亞/ :: Croatia
克羅地亞人 {n} /Kèluódì亚-rén/ :: Croat
克羅地亞語 {prop} /Kèluódì亚yǔ/ :: Croatian (language)
克羅米 {n} [dated] /kèluómǐ/ :: chromium
克羅托內 {prop} /Kèluótuōnèi/ :: Crotone
克罗埃西亚 {def} SEE: 克羅埃西亞 ::
克罗地亚 {def} SEE: 克羅地亞 ::
克罗地亚人 {def} SEE: 克羅地亞人 ::
克罗地亚语 {def} SEE: 克羅地亞語 ::
克罗米 {def} SEE: 克羅米 ::
克罗托内 {def} SEE: 克羅托內 ::
克洛伊 {prop} /Kèluòyī/ :: Chloe (a female given name)
克明 {v} [literary] /kèmíng/ :: to be able to discern between right and wrong
克明 {v} [literary] /kèmíng/ :: to know the talent
克明 {v} [literary] /kèmíng/ :: to experience and understand the situation of the people
克期 {def} SEE: 剋期 ::
克欽 {prop} /Kèqīn/ :: (~ 邦) 克欽 (state)
克欽 {prop} /Kèqīn/ :: (~ 族) Kachin (a number of non-Burman ethnolinguistic groups in Kachin State, Burma, including the Jingpho people)
克钦 {def} SEE: 克欽 ::
克勤克俭 {def} SEE: 克勤克儉 ::
克勤克儉 {idiom} /kèqínkèjiǎn/ :: hardworking and thrifty
克日 {def} SEE: 剋日 ::
克山病 {n} /kèshānbìng/ :: Keshan disease
克什哈番 {n} [archaic] /kèshí hāfān/ :: a non-imperial nobility title of Qing dynasty, roughly equivalent to an esquire
克什米尔 {def} SEE: 克什米爾 ::
克什米爾 {prop} /Kèshímǐ'ěr/ :: Kashmir
克氏線 {n} [medicine] /Kèshì xiàn/ :: any of the Kerley lines
克氏线 {def} SEE: 克氏線 ::
克他命 {n} [pharmaceutical drug] /kètāmìng/ :: ketamine
克星 {def} SEE: 剋星 ::
克意 {def} SEE: 剋意 ::
克制 {v} /kèzhì/ :: to restrain; to exercise restraint
克制 {n} /kèzhì/ :: restraint
克治 {n} [literary] /kèzhì/ :: to restrain; to exercise restraint
克治 {n} [literary] /kèzhì/ :: to restrain selfish desires and wicked thoughts
克孜尔 {def} SEE: 克孜爾 ::
克孜爾 {prop} /Kèzī'ěr/ :: (~ 鄉) 克孜爾 (township)
克孜勒苏 {def} SEE: 克孜勒蘇 ::
克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州 {def} SEE: 克孜勒蘇柯爾克孜自治州 ::
克孜勒蘇 {prop} /Kèzīlèsū/ :: (~ 柯爾克孜自治州) 克孜勒蘇 (Kirghiz Autonomous Prefecture)
克孜勒蘇 {prop} /Kèzīlèsū/ :: (~ 鄉) 克孜勒蘇 (township)
克孜勒蘇柯爾克孜自治州 {prop} /Kèzīlèsū Kē'ěrkèzī Zìzhìzhōu/ :: Kizilsu Kirghiz Autonomous Prefecture
{def} [obsolete, abbreviation] /gōnglǐ/ :: millimetre
{def} [obsolete, abbreviation] /gōnglǐ/ :: centigram
{def} /刻/ :: to carve; to cut a notch; to engrave
{def} /刻/ :: to draw; to adorn
{def} /刻/ :: to cut; to scratch
{def} /刻/ :: to rigorously demand
{def} /刻/ :: to restrict; to limit
{def} /刻/ :: to damage; to prejudice
{def} /刻/ :: to engrave on one's mind
{def} /刻/ :: unkind; sarcastic; caustic
{def} /刻/ :: urgent; pressing
{def} /刻/ :: assiduous; diligent
{def} /刻/ :: moment in time
{def} /刻/ :: A unit of time
{def} [historical] /刻/ :: 1/100 of one day; 14.4 minutes
{def} [modern] /刻/ :: quarter of an hour; 15 minutes
刻板 {v} /kèbǎn/ :: to cut blocks for printing; to carve printing blocks
刻板 {adj} /kèbǎn/ :: stiff; mechanical; inflexible
刻板 {adj} /kèbǎn/ :: stubborn
刻板印象 {n} /kèbǎn yìnxiàng/ :: stereotype (conventional, formulaic, and oversimplified conception, opinion, or image)
刻版 {def} SEE: 刻板 ::
刻薄 {adj} /kèbó/ :: mean; unkind
刻本 {n} /kèběn/ :: block-printed edition
刻不容緩 {idiom} /kè不rónghuǎn/ :: to not tolerate any further delay; to be very urgent
刻不容缓 {def} SEE: 刻不容緩 ::
刻赤海峡 {def} SEE: 刻赤海峽 ::
刻赤海峽 {prop} /Kèchì Hǎixiá/ :: Kerch Strait
刻毒 {adj} /kèdú/ :: venomous; spiteful
刻度 {n} /kèdù/ :: graduated scale; graduation
刻度 {v} /kèdù/ :: to graduate; to calibrate
刻度盘 {def} SEE: 刻度盤 ::
刻度盤 {n} /kèdùpán/ :: dial (e.g. of a radio)
刻法 {prop} [Catholicism] /Kèfǎ/ :: Cephas (the apostle Peter)
刻骨 {adj} [literary, figurative] /kègǔ/ :: deep-rooted (like engraved on a bone); ingrained; entrenched
刻骨銘心 {idiom} /kègǔmíngxīn/ :: unforgettable; etched in one's memory
刻骨铭心 {def} SEE: 刻骨銘心 ::
刻劃 {def} SEE: 刻畫 ::
刻划 {def} SEE: 刻畫 ::
刻画 {def} SEE: 刻畫 ::
刻畫 {v} /kèhuà/ :: to draw (especially with a knife)
刻畫 {v} /kèhuà/ :: to depict; to portray; to characterise
刻刻 {adv} /kèkè/ :: at every moment
刻苦 {adj} /刻kǔ/ :: industrious; assiduous; diligent
刻苦 {adj} [of life] /刻kǔ/ :: basic; frugal
刻苦 {adv} /刻kǔ/ :: industriously; assiduously; diligently; hard
刻苦 {v} [dialectal] /刻kǔ/ :: to treat harshly
刻漏 {n} /kèlòu/ :: water clock; clepsydra
刻鏤 {v} /kèlòu/ :: to carve; to engrave
刻鏤 {v} [figuratively] /kèlòu/ :: to make a lasting impression; to etch
刻镂 {def} SEE: 刻鏤 ::
刻录 {def} SEE: 刻錄 ::
刻录机 {def} SEE: 刻錄機 ::
刻錄 {v} /kèlù/ :: to record (onto an optical disc); to burn
刻錄機 {n} /kèlùjī/ :: optical disc drive (with recording feature)
刻面 {n} /kèmiàn/ :: facet, a flat surface cut into a gem
刻期 {def} SEE: 剋期 ::
刻日 {def} SEE: 剋日 ::
刻石 {v} /kèshí/ :: to engrave on stone
刻石 {n} /kèshí/ :: engraved stone slabs
刻写 {def} SEE: 刻寫 ::
刻寫 {v} /kèxiě/ :: to carve; to inscribe
刻意 {adv} /kèyì/ :: painstakingly; sedulously
刻意 {adv} /kèyì/ :: intentionally; deliberately; purposely
刻意 {v} /kèyì/ :: to be painstaking; to be meticulous about; to sedulously strive
刻印 {v} [literary] /kèyìn/ :: to carve a seal
刻章 {v} /kèzhāng,er/ :: to engrave a seal
刻正 {adv} [formal, official] /kèzhèng/ :: in the process of
刻志 {v} [literary] /kèzhì/ :: to be steadfast; to have single-minded devotion
刻舟求剑 {def} SEE: 刻舟求劍 ::
刻舟求劍 {idiom} /kèzhōuqiújiàn/ :: to not know how to adapt to changed conditions; to rigidly cling to an idea or approach without considering the reality of a situation; to stubbornly cling to tradition
刻子 {n} [mahjong] /kèzǐ/ :: pung; three-of-a-kind
刻字 {v} /kèzì/ :: to carve characters
刻字 {n} /kèzì/ :: carved characters
{def} /kè/ :: to defeat; to vanquish; to overcome; to prevail; to surmount; to subdue; to overthrow
{def} /kè/ :: to restrain; to cut down
{def} /kè/ :: to be able to
{def} [colloquial] /kēi/ :: to scold; to censure
{def} [colloquial] /kēi/ :: to beat
剋夫 {v} [of a woman] /kèfū/ :: to bring bad luck to one's husband
剋扣 {v} /kèkòu/ :: to embezzle part of what should be issued
剋期 {adv} /kè期/ :: on a set date
剋日 {v} [literary] /kèrì/ :: to schedule a date; to set a day
剋星 {n} [figurative] /kèxīng,tl/ :: nemesis; natural enemy
剋意 {def} SEE: 刻意 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kè/ :: guest; visitor
{def} /kè/ :: customer; client; consumer (Classifier: c:個c:位)
{def} /kè/ :: to treat with guest etiquette; to receive friendly
{def} /kè/ :: minor; less major; less important
{def} /kè/ :: Agent suffix, indicating “one that engages in ...”
{def} /kè/ :: one who sponges on a wealthy family; hanger-on; sponger
{def} /kè/ :: traveller; passenger; one who lives away from home
{def} /kè/ :: to live away from home; to live abroad
{def} [in general] /kè/ :: people; person
{def} /kè/ :: objective; beyond human consciousness
{def} /kè/ :: abbreviation of 客家
{def} /kè/ :: classifier for units of food sold
{def} /kè/ :: surname
客舱 {def} SEE: 客艙 ::
客艙 {n} /kècāng/ :: (passenger) cabin
客車 {n} /kèchē/ :: passenger train
客車 {n} /kèchē/ :: coach; bus
客车 {def} SEE: 客車 ::
客船 {n} /kèchuán/ :: passenger ship
客串 {v} [of a professional] /kèchuàn/ :: to give a guest performance; [of an amateur] to appear on stage in an amateur capacity
客串 {v} [figurative] /kèchuàn/ :: to substitute for (another person); to assume a role outside of one's usual duties
客店 {n} [literary] /kèdiàn/ :: inn; tavern; roadhouse
客店 {prop} /kèdiàn/ :: (~ 鎮) 客店 (town)
客店 {prop} /kèdiàn/ :: (~ 社區) 客店 (residential community)
客队 {def} SEE: 客隊 ::
客隊 {n} [sport] /kèduì/ :: visiting team
客房 {n} /kèfáng/ :: guest room (Classifier: m:間)
客房 {n} [Dungan] /kèfáng/ :: hotel; inn
客房服务 {def} SEE: 客房服務 ::
客房服務 {n} /kèfáng fúwù/ :: room service
客服 {n} /kèfú/ :: customer service
客服 {n} [colloquial] /kèfú/ :: customer service representative; customer service personnel
客工 {n} [chiefly Singapore] /kègōng/ :: guest worker; Gastarbeiter
客官 {n} /kèguān/ :: A respectful form of address to the customer or guest, especially during the Early Modern Chinese period: sir; madam
客觀 {adj} /kèguān/ :: objective
客觀題 {n} /kèguāntí/ :: objective question
客觀性 {n} /kèguānxìng/ :: objectivity; impartiality
客觀主義 {n} /kèguānzhǔyì/ :: objectivism
客观 {def} SEE: 客觀 ::
客观题 {def} SEE: 客觀題 ::
客观性 {def} SEE: 客觀性 ::
客观主义 {def} SEE: 客觀主義 ::
客戶 {n} /kèhù/ :: client; customer
客戶端 {n} [computing] /kèhùduān/ :: client
客戶服務 {n} /kèhù fúwù/ :: customer service
客戶基礎 {n} /kèhù jīchǔ/ :: customer base
客戶羣 {def} SEE: 客戶群 ::
客戶群 {n} /kèhùqún/ :: clientele
客户 {def} SEE: 客戶 ::
客户端 {def} SEE: 客戶端 ::
客户服务 {def} SEE: 客戶服務 ::
客户基础 {def} SEE: 客戶基礎 ::
客户群 {def} SEE: 客戶群 ::
客話 {n} [chiefly Hakka, Min Nan] /kèhuà/ :: Hakka (Chinese lect)
客話 {n} [Leizhou Min] /kèhuà/ :: Cantonese (Chinese lect)
客话 {def} SEE: 客話 ::
客机 {def} SEE: 客機 ::
客機 {n} /kèjī/ :: airliner; passenger aircraft
客家 {n} [attributive] /kèjiā/ :: Hakka
客家話 {n} /kèjiāhuà/ :: Hakka (Chinese lect)
客家话 {def} SEE: 客家話 ::
客家人 {n} /Kèjiārén/ :: person of Hakka descent
客家学 {def} SEE: 客家學 ::
客家學 {n} /kèjiāxué/ :: Hakkaology; the study of Hakka people, culture and language
客家語 {prop} /Kèjiāyǔ/ :: Hakka (Chinese lect)
客家语 {def} SEE: 客家語 ::
客里空 {n} [Mainland, figurative] /kèlǐkōng/ :: boastful fabrication and exaggeration in news reports
客里空 {n} [Mainland, figurative] /kèlǐkōng/ :: boaster; loudmouth; someone who makes up facts; people who are flashy but have no substance
客輪 {n} /kèlún/ :: passenger ship; passenger liner
客轮 {def} SEE: 客輪 ::
客鸟 {def} SEE: 客鳥 ::
客气 {def} SEE: 客氣 ::
客气当福气 {def} SEE: 客氣當福氣 ::
客气甚嘞 {def} SEE: 客氣甚嘞 ::
客氣 {v} /kèqi,kèqì,1nb/ :: to be polite; to behave in a courteous manner
客氣 {adj} /kèqi,kèqì,1nb/ :: polite; courteous; civil
客氣 {interj} /kèqi,kèqì,1nb/ :: you're welcome
客人 {n} /kèrén,tl/ :: traveller
客人 {n} /kèrén,tl/ :: travelling merchant
客人 {n} /kèrén,tl/ :: customer
客人 {n} /kèrén,tl/ :: guest; visitor
客人 {n} [Hakka, Min] /kèrén,tl/ :: Hakka (person of Hakka descent)
客商 {n} /kèshāng/ :: travelling merchant; travelling salesman
客舍 {n} [literary] /kèshè/ :: hotel
客事 {n} [Zhao'an Hakka] :: Hakka (Chinese lect)
客室 {n} /kè室/ :: guest room
客死 {v} /kèsǐ/ :: to die in a foreign land
客死他乡 {def} SEE: 客死他鄉 ::
客死他鄉 {idiom} /kèsǐtāxiāng/ :: to die in a foreign land
客死异乡 {def} SEE: 客死異鄉 ::
客死異鄉 {idiom} /kèsǐyìxiāng/ :: synonym of 客死他鄉
客似云来 {def} SEE: 客似雲來 ::
客似雲來 {n} /kèsìyúnlái/ :: to have a lot of customers coming to a shop or business
客堂 {n} [historical] /kètáng/ :: drawing room; room to meet guests
客套 {n} /kètào,tl/ :: polite greetings; courtesies (in words); civilities; formalities
客套 {v} /kètào,tl/ :: to exchange courtesies
客套話 {n} /kètàohuà/ :: polite formulas
客套话 {def} SEE: 客套話 ::
客梯 {n} /kètī/ :: passenger elevator
客体 {def} SEE: 客體 ::
客体化 {def} SEE: 客體化 ::
客體 {n} [philosophy] /kètǐ/ :: object
客體化 {v} [sociology, psychology] /kètǐhuà/ :: to become an object; to objectify
客體化 {n} [sociology, psychology] /kètǐhuà/ :: objectification
客厅 {def} SEE: 客廳 ::
客廳 {n} /kètīng/ :: living room; sitting room
客廳 {n} /kètīng/ :: drawing room
客廳 {n} /kètīng/ :: guest room
客位 {n} [literary] /kèwèi/ :: guest's seat; passenger seat
客西馬尼 {prop} /Kèxīmǎní/ :: Gethsemane
客西马尼 {def} SEE: 客西馬尼 ::
客語 {prop} /Kèyǔ/ :: Hakka (Chinese lect)
客语 {def} SEE: 客語 ::
客源 {n} /kèyuán/ :: source of customers or tourists
客运 {def} SEE: 客運 ::
客运站 {def} SEE: 客運站 ::
客運 {n} /kèyùn/ :: passenger transport
客運 {n} [chiefly Taiwan] /kèyùn/ :: coach; long-distance bus
客運站 {n} /kèyùnzhàn/ :: (usually intercity) bus station
客栈 {def} SEE: 客棧 ::
客棧 {n} /kèzhàn/ :: tavern; guest house; inn; hotel
客制化 {def} SEE: 客製化 ::
客製化 {n} /kèzhìhuà/ :: customization
客製化 {v} /kèzhìhuà/ :: customize
客製化 {adj} [attributive] /kèzhìhuà/ :: customized
客坐 {def} SEE: 客座 ::
客座 {n} [literary] /kèzuò/ :: seat of honor; guest's seat
客座 {adj} [attributive] /kèzuò/ :: visiting (professor); guest (actor)
{def} SEE: ::
尅日 {def} SEE: 剋日 ::
{def} [literary] /kè/ :: respectful; scrupulous
{def} [literary] /kè/ :: solemn; serious
{def} /kè/ :: surname
恪守 {v} /kèshǒu/ :: to faithfully observe; to scrupulously abide by; to adhere to
{def} /kè/ :: [historical dictionaries] alternative form of
{def} [Cantonese] /ké/ :: to block, obstruct
{def} [dialectal] /ké/ :: to get stuck
{def} [dialectal] /ké/ :: to make things difficult
{def} /qiā/ :: to grasp; to clutch
{def} /kē/ :: to hit; to strike
{def} /è/ :: [historical dictionaries] to cover with hands
{def} /kè/ :: krypton
{def} [video games, colloquial] /kè/ :: abbreviation of 氪金
氪金 {v} [video games, colloquial] /kèjīn/ :: to pay a premium in a freemium game, in order to buy virtual goods, additional functionalities, etc
{def} [literary] /kè/ :: abruptly; suddenly; unexpectedly
{def} [literary] /kè/ :: to rely on; to cover
{def} /kè/ :: woof of a woven item
緙絲 {v} [art] /kèsī/ :: to weave with fine silks and gold thread
緙絲 {n} [art] /kèsī/ :: K'o-ssu, a technique in Chinese silk tapestry
緙絲 {n} /kèsī/ :: kesi product
{def} SEE: ::
缂丝 {def} SEE: 緙絲 ::
{def} /kè/ :: lesson (Classifier: 堂m:節)
{def} /kè/ :: course (Classifier: 門c:堂)
{def} /kè/ :: classwork
{def} [literary] /kè/ :: to check; to examine; to assess
課本 {n} /kèběn/ :: textbook (Classifier: m:本)
課表 {n} /kèbiǎo/ :: class schedule; course timetable
課長 {n} /kèzhǎng/ :: office or bureau head; section manager; section chief
課程 {n} /kèchéng/ :: course; curriculum; coursework
課程 {n} [archaic] /kèchéng/ :: taxation based on a fixed tax rate
課程表 {n} /kèchéngbiǎo/ :: class schedule; course timetable
課代表 {n} /kèdàibiǎo/ :: representative in a class for a particular subject
課間 {n} /kèjiān/ :: break (between class)
課間休息 {n} /kèjiān xiū息/ :: break; recess (between classes)
課件 {n} /kèjiàn,er/ :: courseware; teaching aid
課金 {n} [literary] /kèjīn/ :: tax on occupied peoples to subsidize military spending
課金 {n} [literary] /kèjīn/ :: monetary reward for divination
課時 {n} /kèshí/ :: class hour; academic hour; period
課室 {n} /kè室/ :: classroom; schoolroom
課稅 {v} /kèshuì/ :: to levy tax; to collect tax
課堂 {n} /kètáng/ :: classroom (Classifier: m:間)
課題 {n} /kètí/ :: problem; task (for studies); assignment; homework; project; subject; topic (of a lesson or discussion) (Classifier: m:項m:個)
課題組 {n} /kètízǔ/ :: research group
課外 {adj} /kèwài/ :: extracurricular
課外 {n} /kèwài/ :: time spent outside of class or after school
課文 {n} /kèwén/ :: lesson (in a textbook); text
課業 {n} /kèyè/ :: lesson; schoolwork
課餘 {adj} /kèyú/ :: extracurricular
課餘 {n} /kèyú/ :: time spent outside of class or after school
課桌 {n} /kèzhuō,er/ :: desk (for a student in the classroom); study desk
{def} SEE: ::
课本 {def} SEE: 課本 ::
课表 {def} SEE: 課表 ::
课长 {def} SEE: 課長 ::
课程 {def} SEE: 課程 ::
课程表 {def} SEE: 課程表 ::
课代表 {def} SEE: 課代表 ::
课间 {def} SEE: 課間 ::
课间休息 {def} SEE: 課間休息 ::
课件 {def} SEE: 課件 ::
课金 {def} SEE: 課金 ::
课谦 {def} SEE: 課謙 ::
课时 {def} SEE: 課時 ::
课室 {def} SEE: 課室 ::
课税 {def} SEE: 課稅 ::
课堂 {def} SEE: 課堂 ::
课题 {def} SEE: 課題 ::
课题组 {def} SEE: 課題組 ::
课外 {def} SEE: 課外 ::
课文 {def} SEE: 課文 ::
课业 {def} SEE: 課業 ::
课余 {def} SEE: 課餘 ::
课折仔 {def} SEE: 課折仔 ::
课桌 {def} SEE: 課桌 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kè/ :: mare; jenny
騍馬 {n} /kèmǎ/ :: mare; female horse
{def} SEE: ::
骒马 {def} SEE: 騍馬 ::
{def} /kěn/ :: to gnaw; to nibble
{def} [figuratively] /kěn/ :: to delve into; to study or overcome
{def} /kěn/ :: [obsolete] [onomatopoeic] cough
{def} [colloquial] /kèn/ :: to eat
啃老 {v} /kěnlǎo,er/ :: to mooch off one's family
啃老族 {n} [neologism] /kěnlǎozú/ :: adults who mooch off their parents; boomerang kids
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
垦丁 {def} SEE: 墾丁 ::
垦荒 {def} SEE: 墾荒 ::
垦殖 {def} SEE: 墾殖 ::
{def} /kěn/ :: to cultivate; to reclaim
墾丁 {prop} /Kěndīng/ :: Kenting (a national park in Pingtung, Taiwan)
墾荒 {v} [agriculture] /kěnhuāng/ :: to reclaim wasteland; to bring wasteland under cultivation; to open up virgin soil
墾殖 {v} /kěnzhí/ :: to reclaim and cultivate wasteland; to open up land for cultivation
{def} SEE: ::
恳切 {def} SEE: 懇切 ::
恳请 {def} SEE: 懇請 ::
恳求 {def} SEE: 懇求 ::
恳谈 {def} SEE: 懇談 ::
恳愿 {def} SEE: 懇願 ::
恳挚 {def} SEE: 懇摯 ::
{def} /kěn/ :: sincere; earnest; cordial
{def} /kěn/ :: to beg; to request
懇切 {adj} /kěnqiè/ :: sincere; earnest; cordial
懇請 {v} /kěnqǐng/ :: to earnestly request
懇求 {v} /kěnqiú/ :: to implore; to urge; to beg; to beseech; to entreat
懇談 {v} /kěntán/ :: to have a sincere talk
懇願 {n} [archaic] /kěnyuàn/ :: sincere wish
懇摯 {adj} [of attitudes or words] /kěnzhì/ :: earnest; sincere
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kěn,kěng,2nb/ :: willing
{def} /kěn,kěng,2nb/ :: to consent to; to permit
肯德基 {prop} /Kěndéjī/ :: Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) (fast food restaurant chain)
肯德基 {prop} /Kěndéjī/ :: (~ 州) 肯德基 (state)
肯定 {adj} [attributive] /kěndìng/ :: certain; affirmative; positive
肯定 {adj} /kěndìng/ :: fixed; certain; sure
肯定 {adv} /kěndìng/ :: surely; definitely; must be
肯定 {v} /kěndìng/ :: to approve; to confirm; to affirm
肯定 {v} /kěndìng/ :: to be certain
肯定 {n} /kěndìng/ :: approval; validation; affirmation
肯尼迪 {prop} /Kěnnídí/ :: Kennedy
肯尼亞 {prop} [Mainland China] /Kěnní亞/ :: Kenya
肯尼亚 {def} SEE: 肯尼亞 ::
肯綮 {n} [obsolete] /kěnqìng,kěnqǐng,2n/ :: place where muscle and bone link
肯綮 {n} [figurative] /kěnqìng,kěnqǐng,2n/ :: key point; crux
肯塔基 {prop} /Kěntǎjī/ :: (~ 州) 肯塔基 (state)
肯亞 {prop} [Taiwan] /Kěn亞/ :: Kenya
肯亚 {def} SEE: 肯亞 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
颀长 {def} SEE: 頎長 ::
{def} /yín/ :: gum (flesh around teeth)
{def} [literary] /kěn/ :: alternative form of
{def} /qiǎn/ :: [historical dictionaries] sound of teeth
齦病 {n} [medicine] /yínbìng/ :: gingival disease
齦炎 {n} [medicine] /yínyán/ :: gingivitis
齦音 {n} [phonetics] /yínyīn/ :: alveolar consonant
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
龈病 {def} SEE: 齦病 ::
龈炎 {def} SEE: 齦炎 ::
龈音 {def} SEE: 齦音 ::
{def} [dialectal] /kèn/ :: to press; to push
{def} [dialectal] /kèn/ :: to make things difficult for
{def} [Cantonese, of liquor or tobacco] /kèn/ :: strong; sharp
{def} /kèn/ :: armpit of an upper garment
{def} /kēng/ :: only used in 劥㔞
{def} /kēng,er/ :: pit, hole
{def} /kēng,er/ :: tunnel
{def} [figurative] /kēng,er/ :: trap
{def} [by extension, neologism, internet slang] /kēng,er/ :: a fandom; a media franchise
{def} /kēng,er/ :: to bury alive
{def} /kēng,er/ :: to entrap
坑道 {n} /kēngdào/ :: gallery; mineshaft
坑道 {n} [military] /kēngdào/ :: tunnel
坑爹 {adj} [neologism, slang] /kēngdiē/ :: dishonest; fraudulent; deceptive
坑儿 {def} SEE: 坑兒 ::
坑兒 {n} /kēngr/ :: erhua form of pit; hole; trap
坑沟 {def} SEE: 坑溝 ::
坑害 {v} /kēnghài/ :: to entrap; to frame
坑坑洼洼 {def} SEE: 坑坑窪窪 ::
坑坑漥漥 {def} SEE: 坑坑窪窪 ::
坑坑窪窪 {adj} /kēngkengwāwā/ :: bumpy (of roads)
坑口 {n} /kēngkǒu/ :: tunnel exit
坑口 {prop} /kēngkǒu/ :: 坑口 (residential area)
坑苦 {v} /kēngkǔ/ :: to inflict pain on someone; to cause grief for someone
坑泷仔 {def} SEE: 坑瀧仔 ::
坑蒙拐騙 {idiom} /kēngmēngguǎipiàn/ :: to entrap, make blind, swindle and deceive; the various fraud techniques
坑蒙拐騙偷 {idiom} /kēngmēngguǎipiàntōu/ :: to entrap, make blind, swindle, deceive and steal; the various fraud techniques
坑蒙拐骗 {def} SEE: 坑蒙拐騙 ::
坑蒙拐骗偷 {def} SEE: 坑蒙拐騙偷 ::
坑木 {n} [mining] /kēngmù/ :: pit prop
坑园 {def} SEE: 坑園 ::
坑園 {prop} /Kēngyuán/ :: (~ 鎮) 坑園 (town)
{def} /xíng/ :: [obsolete] [of a girl] tall and beautiful
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kēng/ :: [obsolete] [Cantonese] to strike; to hit (a hard object)
{def} /qiān/ :: alternative form of
{def} /kēng/ :: [obsolete] shinbone of cattle
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kēng/ :: Sound of stones knocking together: clang
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [literary] /kēng/ :: firm; resolute
{def} /kēng/ :: to strike, beat, stroke
{def} /kēng/ :: jingling
鏗鏗 {adj} /kēngkēng/ :: [of sound] loud and clear
鏗鏘 {adj} /kēngqiāng/ :: sonorous; resounding; ringing
鏗鏘有力 {idiom} /kēngqiāngyǒulì/ :: sonorous and powerful
鏗然 {adj} [literary] /kēngrán/ :: clanging; resounding
鏗然 {adj} [literary] /kēngrán/ :: loud and clear
{def} SEE: ::
铿铿 {def} SEE: 鏗鏗 ::
铿羌 {def} SEE: 鏗羌 ::
铿锵 {def} SEE: 鏗鏘 ::
铿锵有力 {def} SEE: 鏗鏘有力 ::
铿然 {def} SEE: 鏗然 ::
{def} [literary] /kēng/ :: alternative form of
{def} [literary] /kēng/ :: alternative form of
{def} [literary] /kēng/ :: alternative form of
{def} /kēng/ :: surname
{def} /kàng/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /kàng/ :: [historical dictionaries] door [Guangyun]
{def} /gāng/ :: [obsolete] mountain hill; ridge
{def} /gāng/ :: [historical dictionaries] A place name. [Jiyun]
{def} /kōng/ :: only used in 倥侗
{def} /kǒng/ :: only used in 倥傯
倥侗 {adj} [literary] /kōngtóng/ :: ignorant
倥偬 {def} SEE: 倥傯 ::
倥傯 {adj} [literary, ideophonic] /kǒngzǒng/ :: hasty; hurried; pressing
倥傯 {adj} [literary, ideophonic] /kǒngzǒng/ :: poverty-stricken
{def} /kōng/ :: [obsolete] shrine
{def} /kōng/ :: used in place names
{def} /kōng/ :: used in compounds
崆峒 {prop} /Kōngtóng/ :: (~ 山) 崆峒 (mountain)
崆峒 {prop} /Kōngtóng/ :: (~ 區) 崆峒 (district)
崆峒山 {prop} /Kōngtóngshān/ :: Kongtong Mountains
{def} [literary] /kōng/ :: sincere
{def} [literary] /kōng/ :: empty
{def} /kǒng/ :: [historical dictionaries] only used in 悾憁
涳濛 {def} SEE: 空濛 ::
涳蒙 {def} SEE: 涳濛 ::
{def} /kōng/ :: Sound of stone hitting: clang; clank
{def} /kòng/ :: used in place names
{def} /kōng/ :: only used in 箜篌
{def} /kōng/ :: [historical dictionaries] basket
箜篌 {n} [musical instrument, chiefly historical] /kōnghóu/ :: a term used to refer to one of a number of different plucked string instruments (mostly harps) used in the music of ancient China
{def} /kōng/ :: see 鵎鵼
{def} /kǒng,er/ :: hole; aperture; opening
{def} /kǒng,er/ :: classifier for cave dwellings, oil wells, etc
{def} /kǒng,er/ :: large
{def} /kǒng,er/ :: fine
{def} /kǒng,er/ :: very
{def} /kǒng,er/ :: peacock
{def} /kǒng,er/ :: surname
{def} [specifically] /kǒng,er/ :: abbreviation of 孔子
孔道 {n} /kǒngdào/ :: thoroughfare; main road
孔道 {n} /kǒngdào/ :: teachings of Confucius
孔洞 {n} /kǒngdòng/ :: hole; opening (in a utensil, etc.)
孔多 {adj} [literary] /kǒngduō/ :: many; much; a lot
孔方 {n} [figurative, jocular] /kǒngfāng/ :: money
孔方钱 {def} SEE: 孔方錢 ::
孔方兄 {n} [figurative, jocular] /kǒngfāngxiōng/ :: money
孔夫子 {prop} [honorific] /Kǒng Fūzǐ/ :: Confucius
孔亟 {adj} /kǒngjí/ :: urgent; pressing; imperative
孔急 {adj} /kǒngjí/ :: urgent; pressing; imperative
孔教 {n} /kǒngjiào/ :: Confucianism (philosophy)
孔鋸 {n} /kǒngjù/ :: hole saw (tool)
孔锯 {def} SEE: 孔鋸 ::
孔爵 {n} /kǒngjué/ :: alternative name for 孔雀
孔老 {prop} [literary] /Kǒng-Lǎo/ :: Confucius and Laozi
孔林 {prop} /Kǒnglín/ :: the Cemetery of Confucius in Qufu, Shandong
孔垄 {def} SEE: 孔壠 ::
孔垅 {def} SEE: 孔壠 ::
孔壠 {prop} /Kǒnglǒng/ :: (~ 鎮) 孔壠 (town)
孔孟 {prop} /Kǒng-Mèng/ :: Confucius and Mencius
孔孟之道 {n} /Kǒng-Mèng zhī dào/ :: the doctrines of Confucius and Mencius; Confucianism
孔庙 {def} SEE: 孔廟 ::
孔廟 {n} [religion] /Kǒngmiào/ :: Confucian temple; temple honoring Confucius and housing schools and testing facilities
孔明 {prop} /Kǒngmíng/ :: courtesy name of Zhuge Liang
孔明 {adj} /Kǒngmíng/ :: clear; bright; clean
孔明车 {def} SEE: 孔明車 ::
孔明灯 {def} SEE: 孔明燈 ::
孔明燈 {n} /kǒngmíngdēng,er/ :: sky lantern; Kongming lantern (paper lantern which ascends to the sky when lit)
孔鳥 {n} /kǒngniǎo/ :: peafowl
孔鸟 {def} SEE: 孔鳥 ::
孔雀 {n} /kǒngquè/ :: peacock; peafowl (Classifier: m,c:隻)
孔雀女 {n} [neologism] /kǒngquènǚ/ :: urban woman who marries a formerly rural, successful man
孔雀女 {n} [slang] /kǒngquènǚ/ :: spoiled, rich city girl
孔雀石 {n} [mineral] /kǒngquèshí/ :: malachite
孔雀石綠 {n} [organic compound] /kǒngquèshílǜ/ :: malachite green
孔雀石绿 {def} SEE: 孔雀石綠 ::
孔雀王朝 {prop} /Kǒngquè Wángcháo/ :: Maurya Empire of India
孔雀舞 {n} /kǒngquèwǔ/ :: peacock dance
孔湾 {def} SEE: 孔灣 ::
孔灣 {prop} /Kǒngwān/ :: (~ 鎮) 孔灣 (town)
孔穴 {n} /kǒng穴/ :: cavity
孔子 {prop} /Kǒngzǐ/ :: Confucius
孔子庙 {def} SEE: 孔子廟 ::
孔子廟 {n} [religion] /Kǒngzǐmiào/ :: alternative name for 孔廟
孔子鳥 {n} /kǒngzǐniǎo/ :: (~ 屬) [paleontology] Confuciusornis
孔子鸟 {def} SEE: 孔子鳥 ::
孔子学院 {def} SEE: 孔子學院 ::
孔子學院 {prop} /Kǒngzǐ Xuéyuàn/ :: Confucius Institute
{def} /kǒng/ :: to fear; to be afraid
{def} /kǒng/ :: fearful; apprehensive
{def} /kǒng/ :: perhaps; may (not)
恐艾 {v} [slang, neologism] /kǒng'ài/ :: to fear AIDS
恐怖 {adj} /kǒngbù/ :: horrific; terrifying
恐怖 {n} /kǒngbù/ :: terror; dread; horror
恐怖 {n} /kǒngbù/ :: horror (film genre)
恐怖 {n} /kǒngbù/ :: terrorism
恐怖电影 {def} SEE: 恐怖電影 ::
恐怖電影 {n} /kǒngbù diànyǐng/ :: horror movie (motion picture which horrifies or frightens)
恐怖分子 {n} /kǒngbùfènzǐ/ :: terrorist
恐怖份子 {n} /kǒngbùfènzǐ/ :: terrorist (person who uses terror as a weapon in a political struggle)
恐怖片 {n} /kǒngbùpiàn,kǒngbùpiān,er/ :: horror movie (motion picture which horrifies or frightens)
恐怖袭击 {def} SEE: 恐怖襲擊 ::
恐怖襲擊 {n} /kǒngbù xí击/ :: terrorist attack; terrorist act
恐怖症 {n} /kǒngbùzhèng/ :: phobia
恐怖主义 {def} SEE: 恐怖主義 ::
恐怖主义者 {def} SEE: 恐怖主義者 ::
恐怖主義 {n} /kǒngbùzhǔyì/ :: terrorism
恐怖主義者 {n} /kǒngbùzhǔyìzhě/ :: terrorist (person who uses terror as a weapon in a political struggle)
恐高 {v} /kǒnggāo/ :: to be afraid of heights
恐高症 {n} /kǒnggāozhèng/ :: acrophobia
恐攻 {n} /kǒnggōng/ :: terrorist attack
恐嚇 {v} /kǒnghè/ :: to threaten; to intimidate
恐慌 {adj} /kǒnghuāng/ :: panicky; panic-stricken; fearful
恐慌 {n} /kǒnghuāng/ :: panic; fear
恐慌 {v} /kǒnghuāng/ :: to panic; to be afraid
恐婚 {v} /kǒnghūn/ :: to be afraid of marriage; to be marriage-phobic
恐惊 {def} SEE: 恐驚 ::
恐惧 {def} SEE: 恐懼 ::
恐惧症 {def} SEE: 恐懼症 ::
恐懼 {adj} /kǒngjù/ :: frightened; terrified; scared
恐懼 {v} /kǒngjù/ :: to fear
恐懼 {n} /kǒngjù/ :: fear
恐懼症 {n} /kǒngjùzhèng/ :: phobia
恐龍 {n} /kǒnglóng/ :: dinosaur (animal of the clade Dinosauria) (Classifier: 頭隻)
恐龍 {n} [slang, offensive, dated] /kǒnglóng/ :: very ugly woman
恐龍妹 {n} [slang, offensive] /kǒnglóngmèi/ :: ugly girl
恐龙 {def} SEE: 恐龍 ::
恐龙妹 {def} SEE: 恐龍妹 ::
恐鳥 {n} /kǒngniǎo,er/ :: moa (extinct birds)
恐鸟 {def} SEE: 恐鳥 ::
恐怕 {v} /kǒngpà/ :: to worry; to feel anxious; to fear
恐怕 {adv} /kǒngpà/ :: I'm afraid that; unfortunately; probably; regretfully; fearfully; perhaps; maybe
恐水病 {n} [diseases] /kǒngshuǐbìng/ :: rabies; hydrophobia
恐同 {v} [slang, neologism] /kǒngtóng/ :: to be homophobic
恐同者 {n} [neologism, slang] /kǒngtóngzhě/ :: homophobe
恐同症 {n} /kǒngtóngzhèng/ :: homophobia
恐袭 {def} SEE: 恐襲 ::
恐襲 {n} [neologism] /kǒngxí/ :: terrorist attack
恐吓 {def} SEE: 恐嚇 ::
{def} /kòng/ :: to control; to take charge of
{def} /kòng/ :: to accuse; to charge
{def} /kòng/ :: to hang upside down
{def} /kòng/ :: to turn upside down to empty
{def} [of parts of the body] /kòng/ :: to fail to be sufficiently supported
{def} [internet slang, originally, chiefly ACG] /kòng/ :: -phile
{def} /kòng/ :: to open a bow; to draw the bowstring
{def} /kòng/ :: to impede
{def} /kòng/ :: to throw
{def} /kòng/ :: to bend
{def} /kòng/ :: to halt
{def} /kōng/ :: to remove
{def} /qiāng/ :: to beat
控告 {v} /kònggào/ :: to accuse (somebody of doing something); to make a complaint (regarding someone's behaviour)
控告 {v} /kònggào/ :: to charge (someone) with an offence
控告 {v} /kònggào/ :: to formally accuse (someone of a crime); to indict; to prosecute
控告 {v} /kònggào/ :: to sue (someone); to bring a lawsuit (against someone)
控股 {v} /kònggǔ/ :: to own a controlling number of shares in a company
控股公司 {n} [business] /kònggǔ gōngsī/ :: holding company
控件 {n} /kòngjiàn/ :: widget
控枪 {def} SEE: 控槍 ::
控槍 {n} /kòngqiāng/ :: gun control
控訴 {v} /kòngsù/ :: to make a formal complaint against someone; to accuse someone of wrongdoing; to file charges
控诉 {def} SEE: 控訴 ::
控头壳 {def} SEE: 控頭殼 ::
控弦 {v} [literary] /kòngxián/ :: to draw a bow
控弦 {n} [literary] /kòngxián/ :: archer; bowman
控涎丸 {n} /kòngxián wán/ :: A dark brown pill used in traditional Chinese medicine "to eliminate phlegm and retained fluid in the treatment of accumulation of phlegm in the chest marked by dull chest pain aggravated by cough and difficulty in expectoration"
控制 {v} /kòngzhì/ :: to control; to contain; to dominate
控制棒 {n} /kòngzhìbàng/ :: control rod
控制杆 {def} SEE: 控制桿 ::
控制桿 {n} /kòngzhìgǎn/ :: joystick
控制公司 {n} [finance] /kòngzhì gōngsī/ :: controlling company
控制論 {n} [Mainland China] /kòngzhìlùn/ :: cybernetics
控制论 {def} SEE: 控制論 ::
控制人 {n} /kòngzhìrén/ :: controller (person who controls)
控制塔 {n} /kòngzhìtǎ/ :: control tower
控制臺 {n} /kòngzhìtái/ :: console
控制臺 {n} /kòngzhìtái/ :: control desk
控制台 {def} SEE: 控制臺 ::
控制物質 {n} [legal] /kòngzhì wù质/ :: controlled substance
控制物质 {def} SEE: 控制物質 ::
{def} /kōng/ :: empty; hollow; void
{def} /kōng/ :: exhausted; emptied
{def} /kōng/ :: open; spacious; vast
{def} /kōng/ :: quiet and still; secluded
{def} /kōng/ :: lacking substance; fictitious; fabricated
{def} [Min Dong] /kōng/ :: hungry
{def} /kōng/ :: air; sky; atmosphere
{def} /kōng/ :: space; outer space; cosmos; universe
{def} [Buddhism] /kōng/ :: sunyata; emptiness; void of the world of the senses
{def} [Taoism] /kōng/ :: emptiness and quiet
{def} /kōng/ :: in vain; for nothing
{def} /kōng/ :: only (left, remain, etc.)
{def} /kōng/ :: to exhaust
{def} /kōng/ :: to miss the target
{def} [Min Nan] /kōng/ :: hole; cavity
{def} /kòng,er/ :: to make empty; to impoverish
{def} /kòng,er/ :: to leave empty; to leave blank
{def} /kòng,er/ :: vacant; unoccupied; available
{def} /kòng,er/ :: spare time; free time; leisure
{def} /kòng,er/ :: empty space; room
{def} [of time] /kòng,er/ :: gap; interval; break
{def} /kòng,er/ :: chance; opportunity
{def} [Min Nan] /kòng,er/ :: zero
{def} /kǒng/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
空靶 {n} /kōngbǎ/ :: air target; aerial target; airborne target
空白 {n} /kòngbái/ :: blank space
空白 {adj} /kòngbái/ :: blank; empty
空白点 {def} SEE: 空白點 ::
空白點 {n} /kòngbáidiǎn/ :: gap; blank spot; void; empty space
空包彈 {n} [military] /kōngbāodàn/ :: blank cartridge
空包弹 {def} SEE: 空包彈 ::
空鼻症 {n} /kōngbízhèng/ :: empty nose syndrome
空仓 {def} SEE: 空倉 ::
空倉 {n} [trading] /kōngcāng/ :: short position (i.e. a position which the holding is negative)
空肠 {def} SEE: 空腸 ::
空腸 {n} [anatomy] /kōngcháng/ :: jejunum
空巢 {n} /kōngcháo,er/ :: empty nest
空巢期 {n} /kōngcháo期/ :: the period in parents' life when their children leave home for the first time
空乘 {n} /kōngchéng,kōngchèng,2nb/ :: flight attendant; steward (Classifier: 個位)
空城 {n} /kōngchéng/ :: abandoned city; empty city
空城計 {n} /kōngchéngjì/ :: Empty Fort Strategy (strategy to deceive the enemy into thinking that an empty location is full of traps and ambushes)
空城計 {n} [figurative] /kōngchéngjì/ :: hungry stomach
空城计 {def} SEE: 空城計 ::
空窗 {v} [neologism, figurative] /kōngchuāng/ :: to be available (for dating etc.); to be on a hiatus
空窗期 {n} [medicine] /kōngchuāng期/ :: window period (time between first infection and the appearance of detectable antibodies)
空窗期 {n} [figurative] /kōngchuāng期/ :: the window of time after a breakup when a person is available for dating
空窗期 {n} [figurative, in general] /kōngchuāng期/ :: the window of time between activities; window period
空挡 {def} SEE: 空擋 ::
空擋 {n} [mechanics] /kōngdǎng/ :: neutral position (of gears)
空檔 {n} [chiefly Taiwan] /kōng檔/ :: alternative form of 空擋
空檔 {n} /kòng檔/ :: gap or interval of time (between turns)
空檔 {n} /kòng檔/ :: spare time; free time
空檔 {n} [figurative, chiefly Mainland China] /kòng檔/ :: gap (in a market); niche
空档 {def} SEE: 空檔 ::
空盪盪 {def} SEE: 空蕩蕩 ::
空荡 {def} SEE: 空蕩 ::
空荡荡 {def} SEE: 空蕩蕩 ::
空蕩 {adj} /kōngdàng/ :: empty (and lonely)
空蕩蕩 {adj} /kōngdàngdàng/ :: empty; deserted
空地 {n} /kòngdì/ :: vacant land; open space; glade (Classifier: m,c:塊c:笪)
空調 {n} [countable] /kōngtiáo/ :: air conditioner
空調 {n} [uncountable] /kōngtiáo/ :: air conditioning
空调 {def} SEE: 空調 ::
空顶 {def} SEE: 空頂 ::
空洞 {n} /kōngdòng/ :: cavity; hole; void
空洞 {adj} /kōngdòng/ :: hollow; empty
空洞 {adj} /kōngdòng/ :: abstract; vacuous; hollow; shallow
空洞無物 {idiom} /kōngdòngwúwù/ :: utter lack of substance; devoid of content
空洞无物 {def} SEE: 空洞無物 ::
空肚 {adv} [chiefly Cantonese] /kōngdù/ :: on an empty stomach (while one's stomach is empty)
空額 {n} /kòng'é/ :: vacant position; vacancy
空额 {def} SEE: 空額 ::
空儿 {def} SEE: 空兒 ::
空兒 {n} /kòngr/ :: erhua form of empty space
空兒 {n} /kòngr/ :: erhua form of spare time; free time
空耳 {n} /kōng'ěr/ :: soramimi; intentional mondegreen
空乏 {adj} [literary] /kōngfá/ :: empty and dull
空乏 {adj} [literary] /kòngfá/ :: impoverished; destitute; poverty-stricken
空翻 {n} [sports and classical Chinese dance] /kōngfān/ :: somersault; flip
空翻 {v} [sports] /kōngfān/ :: to flip
空泛 {adj} /kōngfàn/ :: vague and general; not specific
空泛 {adj} /kōngfàn/ :: hollow; not practical
空房 {n} /kòngfáng/ :: empty room
空防 {n} /kōngfáng/ :: air defense
空費 {v} /kōngfèi/ :: to waste; to misspend
空费 {def} SEE: 空費 ::
空缝 {def} SEE: 空縫 ::
空服员 {def} SEE: 空服員 ::
空服員 {n} /kōngfúyuán/ :: abbreviation of 空中服務員 (Classifier: 個位)
空腹 {v} /kōngfù/ :: to be on an empty stomach
空港 {n} [sometimes Japanese- or Korean-influenced] /kōnggǎng/ :: abbreviation of 航空港
空格 {n} /kònggé,er/ :: space; gap (between words or lines); empty cell (in a table)
空格 {n} [computing] /kònggé,er/ :: abbreviation of 空格鍵
空格鍵 {n} [computing] /kònggéjiàn,er/ :: space bar
空格键 {def} SEE: 空格鍵 ::
空號 {n} /kōnghào/ :: unused phone number
空号 {def} SEE: 空號 ::
空話 {n} /kōnghuà/ :: words said in vain; empty words; idle talk (Classifier: m:句)
空話連篇 {idiom} /kōnghuàliánpiān/ :: endless pages of empty verbiage; long talk with no real substance
空话 {def} SEE: 空話 ::
空话连篇 {def} SEE: 空話連篇 ::
空幻 {adj} /kōnghuàn/ :: illusory; visionary; unreal; intangible
空即是色 {phrase} /kōng jí shì sè/ :: abbreviation of 色即是空,空即是色
空集 {n} [set theory] /kōngjí/ :: empty set
空集合 {n} [set theory] /kōngjíhé/ :: empty set
空寂 {adj} /kōng寂/ :: quiet and deserted
空际 {def} SEE: 空際 ::
空際 {n} /kōngjì/ :: sky; air
空架子 {n} /kōngjiàzi/ :: a mere skeleton; a bare outline
空間 {n} /kōngjiān/ :: space (a gap or empty place) (Classifier: 個)
空間 {n} /kōngjiān/ :: space (region beyond Earth's atmosphere); outer space
空間 {n} /kōngjiān/ :: open air; sky
空間渡船 {n} /kōngjiān dùchuán/ :: spaceship
空間技術 {n} /kōngjiān jìshù/ :: space technology
空間科學 {n} [Mainland] /kōngjiān kēxué/ :: space science
空間群 {n} [mathematics, physics] /kōngjiānqún/ :: space group
空間實驗室 {n} /kōngjiān shíyàn室/ :: skylab
空間碎片 {n} /kōngjiān suìpiàn/ :: space debris
空間探測器 {n} [space] /kōngjiān tàncèqì/ :: space probe
空間站 {n} [Mainland] /kōngjiānzhàn/ :: space station
空間主義 {n} /kōngjiānzhǔyì/ :: Spatialism
空间 {def} SEE: 空間 ::
空间渡船 {def} SEE: 空間渡船 ::
空间技术 {def} SEE: 空間技術 ::
空间科学 {def} SEE: 空間科學 ::
空间群 {def} SEE: 空間群 ::
空间实验室 {def} SEE: 空間實驗室 ::
空间碎片 {def} SEE: 空間碎片 ::
空间探测器 {def} SEE: 空間探測器 ::
空间站 {def} SEE: 空間站 ::
空间主义 {def} SEE: 空間主義 ::
空閒 {adj} [of one's time] /kòngxián/ :: free; idle
空閒 {n} /kòngxián/ :: free time; leisure; spare time
空降 {v} /kōngjiàng/ :: to drop from the sky; to be airborne
空降 {v} [figurative] /kōngjiàng/ :: to show up at a place unexpectedly
空降 {v} [figurative] /kōngjiàng/ :: to be appointed as the head (of a company, organisation etc.) despite having minimal relation with it previously
空降兵 {n} /kōngjiàngbīng/ :: paratrooper
空姐 {n} /kōngjiě,er/ :: female flight attendant; air hostess (Classifier: 個位)
空惊 {def} SEE: 空驚 ::
空军 {def} SEE: 空軍 ::
空军基地 {def} SEE: 空軍基地 ::
空軍 {n} /kōngjūn/ :: air force
空軍基地 {n} /kōngjūn jīdì/ :: military airport; air base
空喀 {prop} /Kōngkā,Kōngkà/ :: (~ 山口) Kongka Pass
空壳 {def} SEE: 空殼 ::
空壳公司 {def} SEE: 空殼公司 ::
空殼 {n} /kōngké/ :: empty shell
空殼公司 {n} /kōngké gōngsī/ :: shell company
空客 {prop} /Kōngkè/ :: abbreviation of 空中客車
空課 {def} SEE: 工課 ::
空课 {def} SEE: 空課 ::
空空如也 {idiom} /kōngkōngrúyě/ :: empty; vacuous; having nothing
空口 {n} /kōngkǒu/ :: empty talk; lip service; mere verbal statement
空口 {adv} /kōngkǒu/ :: without rice or wine (while eating dishes); with nothing to go with rice or wine
空口講白話 {idiom} /kōngkǒu jiǎng báihuà/ :: synonym of 空口說白話
空口讲白话 {def} SEE: 空口講白話 ::
空口無憑 {idiom} /kōngkǒuwúpíng/ :: a mere verbal statement is no guarantee
空口說白話 {idiom} /kōngkǒu shuō báihuà/ :: to make empty promises
空口說空話 {idiom} /kōngkǒu shuō kōnghuà/ :: synonym of 空口說白話
空口说白话 {def} SEE: 空口說白話 ::
空口说空话 {def} SEE: 空口說空話 ::
空口无凭 {def} SEE: 空口無憑 ::
空旷 {def} SEE: 空曠 ::
空曠 {adj} /kōngkuàng/ :: open; spacious; empty; void
空廓 {adj} /kōngkuò/ :: open; spacious
空闊 {adj} /kōngkuò/ :: open; spacious; broad; as far as eyes can reach
空阔 {def} SEE: 空闊 ::
空灵 {def} SEE: 空靈 ::
空靈 {adj} /kōnglíng/ :: free and natural; intangible; ethereal
空論 {n} /kōnglùn/ :: empty talk
空论 {def} SEE: 空論 ::
空濛 {adj} [literary] /kōngméng/ :: hazy; misty; vast and indistinct
空蒙 {def} SEE: 空濛 ::
空無 {n} [Buddhism] /kōngwú/ :: emptiness and non-existence; unreality or immateriality of things
空难 {def} SEE: 空難 ::
空難 {n} /kōngnàn/ :: aviation accident
空拍 {v} /kōngpāi/ :: to photograph from the air
空气 {def} SEE: 空氣 ::
空气动力学 {def} SEE: 空氣動力學 ::
空气净化器 {def} SEE: 空氣淨化器 ::
空气枪 {def} SEE: 空氣槍 ::
空气清新剂 {def} SEE: 空氣清新劑 ::
空气污染 {def} SEE: 空氣污染 ::
空气鞋 {def} SEE: 空氣鞋 ::
空氣 {n} [meteorology] /kōngqì/ :: air
空氣 {n} [Taoism] /kōngqì/ :: empty qi; pneuma
空氣 {n} [figurative] /kōngqì/ :: atmosphere; ambience; environment
空氣 {n} [figurative] /kōngqì/ :: public opinion; information; rumour
空氣動力學 {n} /kōngqì dònglìxué/ :: aerodynamics
空氣淨化器 {n} /kōngqì jìnghuàqì/ :: air purifier
空氣槍 {n} /kōngqìqiāng/ :: air gun; air pistol
空氣清新劑 {n} /kōngqì qīngxīnjì/ :: air freshener
空氣汙染 {def} SEE: 空氣污染 ::
空氣污染 {n} /kōngqì wūrǎn/ :: air pollution
空前 {adj} /kōngqián/ :: unprecedented; as never before
空前絕後 {idiom} /kōngqiánjuéhòu/ :: unprecedented and never to be duplicated; the first and the last; unmatched; unique
空前绝后 {def} SEE: 空前絕後 ::
空前未有 {idiom} /kōngqiánwèiyǒu/ :: unprecedented; without parallel
空腔 {n} /kōngqiāng/ :: cavity; hollow space
空勤 {n} /kōngqín/ :: air duty
空闃 {adj} /kōngqù/ :: empty and quiet
空阒 {def} SEE: 空闃 ::
空缺 {n} /kòngquē/ :: vacancy
空缺 {n} /kòngquē/ :: inadequacy; shortage; gap
空嫂 {n} /kōngsǎo/ :: married female flight attendant; married air hostess (Classifier: 個位)
空山 {n} [literary] /kōngshān/ :: deep and serene forest (in the mountains)
空少 {n} /kōngshào/ :: abbreviation of 空中少爺 (Classifier: 個位)
空身 {adv} /kōngshēn/ :: carrying nothing; empty-handed
空身 {adv} /kōngshēn/ :: alone; by oneself
空手 {v} /kōngshǒu/ :: to be empty-handed
空手 {v} /kōngshǒu/ :: to be unarmed
空手 {v} /kōngshǒu/ :: to be without a copy, model, diagram, blueprint, etc
空手 {n} /kōngshǒu/ :: abbreviation of 空手道
空手道 {n} [martial arts] /kōngshǒudào/ :: karate
空手套白狼 {v} /kōngshǒu tàobáiláng/ :: to cheat without any investment
空談 {n} /kōngtán/ :: empty talk; idle talk; prattle
空談 {v} /kōngtán/ :: to indulge in empty talk
空談家 {n} /kōngtánjiā/ :: windbag
空談主義 {n} /kōngtán zhǔyì/ :: phrase-mongering
空谈 {def} SEE: 空談 ::
空谈家 {def} SEE: 空談家 ::
空谈主义 {def} SEE: 空談主義 ::
空头 {def} SEE: 空頭 ::
空头支票 {def} SEE: 空頭支票 ::
空投 {n} /kōngtóu/ :: air-drop; paradrop
空投 {v} /kōngtóu/ :: to drop supplies by air
空頭 {adj} /kōngtóu,kòngtóu,1nb/ :: nominal; phony
空頭 {n} [stock exchange] /kōngtóu,kòngtóu,1nb/ :: bear, shorts
空頭支票 {n} [finance] /kōngtóu zhīpiào,kòngtóu zhīpiào,1nb/ :: bounced cheque
空頭支票 {n} [figurative] /kōngtóu zhīpiào,kòngtóu zhīpiào,1nb/ :: promise that cannot be achieved
空位 {n} /kòngwèi,kōngwèi,2nb/ :: vacancy; room (for someone)
空位 {n} /kòngwèi,kōngwèi,2nb/ :: unoccupied seat; vacant seat
空文 {n} /kōngwén/ :: dead letter; mere scrap of paper; ineffective law or regulation
空文 {n} /kōngwén/ :: article devoid of substance or practicality
空汙 {def} SEE: 空污 ::
空污 {n} /kōngwū/ :: abbreviation of 空氣污染
空无 {def} SEE: 空無 ::
空袭 {def} SEE: 空襲 ::
空襲 {n} /kōngxí/ :: airstrike
空襲 {v} /kōngxí/ :: to make an airstrike
空隙 {n} /kòngxì/ :: gap; space; opening; crack
空隙 {n} /kòngxì/ :: interval; spare time; break
空隙 {n} /kòngxì/ :: chance; opportunity; loophole
空暇 {n} /kòngxiá/ :: free time; leisure; spare time
空弦 {n} [music] /kōngxián/ :: open string
空閑 {def} SEE: 空閒 ::
空闲 {def} SEE: 空閒 ::
空想 {n} /kōngxiǎng/ :: fantasy; dream
空想 {v} /kōngxiǎng/ :: to fantasize; to daydream
空想 {adj} [attributive] /kōngxiǎng/ :: utopian
空想家 {n} /kōngxiǎngjiā/ :: daydreamer; ideologue; fancier
空想社会主义 {def} SEE: 空想社會主義 ::
空想社會主義 {n} [historical, socialism] /kōngxiǎng shèhuìzhǔyì/ :: utopian socialism
空心 {adj} /kōngxīn/ :: hollow
空心 {adj} /kōngxīn/ :: having nothing in mind
空心 {adv} /kòngxīn/ :: on an empty stomach
空心病 {n} /kōngxīnbìng/ :: existential anxiety; nihilistic anxiety
空心菜 {n} [colloquial] /kōngxīncài,er/ :: water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica)
空虚 {def} SEE: 空虛 ::
空虚寂寞冷 {def} SEE: 空虛寂寞冷 ::
空虛 {adj} /kōngxū/ :: hollow; empty
空虛 {adj} /kōngxū/ :: devoid of meaning
空虛寂寞冷 {adj} [neologism, slang] /kōngxū-寂mò-lěng/ :: (spiritually) empty, lonely and cold
空穴 {n} /kǒng穴/ :: cavity; hole
空穴 {n} /kǒng穴/ :: empty house
空穴 {n} [electronics] /kǒng穴/ :: (positive) hole; cavity
空穴來風 {idiom} [of a rumour, literary, dated] /kōng穴láifēng/ :: to be not completely unsound; to have a basis for its existence
空穴來風 {idiom} [of a rumour, in modern uses] /kōng穴láifēng/ :: to be completely unsound; to be utterly baseless
空穴来风 {def} SEE: 空穴來風 ::
空言 {n} /kōngyán/ :: empty words; falsehood
空域 {n} /kōngyù/ :: airspace
空运 {def} SEE: 空運 ::
空運 {v} /kōngyùn/ :: to transport by air
空韵 {def} SEE: 空韻 ::
空韻 {n} [Chinese linguistics] /kōngyùn/ :: final that does not include any vowels
空战 {def} SEE: 空戰 ::
空戰 {n} [military] /kōngzhàn/ :: air battle; aerial combat
空置 {v} [of a room or real estate property] /kōngzhì/ :: to be unoccupied; to be vacant
空中 {adj} [attributive] /kōngzhōng/ :: aerial; in the air; in the sky
空中 {n} /kōngzhōng/ :: air; sky; overhead
空中乘务员 {def} SEE: 空中乘務員 ::
空中乘務員 {n} /kōngzhōng chéngwùyuán/ :: flight attendant; steward (Classifier: 個位)
空中飛車 {n} /kōngzhōng fēichē/ :: rollercoaster
空中飞车 {def} SEE: 空中飛車 ::
空中服务员 {def} SEE: 空中服務員 ::
空中服務員 {n} /kōngzhōng fúwùyuán/ :: flight attendant; steward (Classifier: 個位)
空中客車 {prop} /Kōngzhōng Kèchē/ :: Airbus
空中客车 {def} SEE: 空中客車 ::
空中楼阁 {def} SEE: 空中樓閣 ::
空中樓閣 {idiom} /kōngzhōnglóugé/ :: castle in the air; illusion
空中少爷 {def} SEE: 空中少爺 ::
空中少爺 {n} /kōngzhōng shàoyé/ :: male flight attendant (Classifier: 個位)
空中文字 {n} /kōngzhōng wénzì/ :: skywriting
空中小姐 {n} /kōngzhōng xiǎojiě/ :: female flight attendant; air hostess (Classifier: 個位)
空鐘 {n} /kōngzhōng,tl/ :: diabolo; Chinese yo-yo
空钟 {def} SEE: 空鐘 ::
空竹 {n} /kōngzhú/ :: diabolo (a toy)
空轉 {v} [of machine] /kōngzhuàn/ :: to run idle
空轉 {v} [of wheel] /kōngzhuàn/ :: to turn without moving forward; to spin
空转 {def} SEE: 空轉 ::
空子 {n} /kòngzi/ :: gap; opening
空子 {n} /kòngzi/ :: unoccupied place
空子 {n} /kòngzi/ :: free time
空子 {n} /kòngzi/ :: opportunity (to take advantage of); loophole; chance
{def} [literary] /kòng/ :: headstall
{def} [literary] /kòng/ :: horse
{def} [literary] /kòng/ :: to drive; to rein (a horse)
{def} /kōu/ :: to dig, scoop out, pare (using knife)
{def} [Min Nan] /kōu/ :: to blow
{def} [Min Nan] /kōu/ :: to satirize
{def} [literary] /kōu/ :: nock at both ends of a bow
{def} [literary] /kōu/ :: ring; ring-like object
{def} /kōu/ :: used in personal names
{def} SEE: ::
抠鼻子 {def} SEE: 摳鼻子 ::
抠刀 {def} SEE: 摳刀 ::
抠刀花 {def} SEE: 摳刀花 ::
抠刀蔫 {def} SEE: 摳刀蔫 ::
抠鬼 {def} SEE: 摳鬼 ::
抠鸡 {def} SEE: 摳雞 ::
抠门 {def} SEE: 摳門 ::
抠门儿 {def} SEE: 摳門兒 ::
抠搜 {def} SEE: 摳搜 ::
抠住 {def} SEE: 摳住 ::
抠字眼儿 {def} SEE: 摳字眼兒 ::
{def} [literary] /kōu,er/ :: to lift (one's clothes)
{def} /kōu,er/ :: to dig out (with one's fingers or a pointed object)
{def} /kōu,er/ :: to carve; to cut
{def} /kōu,er/ :: to delve into; to study meticulously
{def} [colloquial] /kōu,er/ :: tight-fisted; stingy; miserly
摳鼻子 {v} /kōubízi/ :: to pick one's nose
摳門 {adj} [colloquial] /kōumén,er/ :: stingy; miserly; cheap
摳門兒 {adj} /kōuménr/ :: erhua form of []
摳搜 {v} [colloquial] /kōusou/ :: to pick at (to dig with a finger)
摳搜 {adj} [colloquial] /kōusou/ :: stingy
摳搜 {adj} [colloquial] /kōusou/ :: dilly-dallying; sluggish
摳住 {v} [archaic] /kōuzhù/ :: to grab a hold of
摳字眼兒 {v} /kōuzìyǎnr/ :: to pay too much attention to the shades of meanings of words; to find fault with the choice of words
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kōu/ :: sunken-eyed
{def} [literary] /kōu/ :: onion
{def} [TCM] /kōu/ :: used in compounds
䢂口 {def} SEE: 𨋢口 ::
{def} [anatomy] /kǒu/ :: mouth (Classifier: c:把)
{def} /kǒu/ :: entrance; opening; mouth (of an object)
{def} /kǒu/ :: hole; cut
{def} /kǒu/ :: port
{def} /kǒu/ :: perimeter
{def} /kǒu/ :: government organ; department
{def} /kǒu/ :: classifier for family members, populations and guns
{def} /kǒu/ :: classifier for bites or mouthfuls
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [neologism, slang] /kǒu/ :: to have oral sex
口愛 {n} [euphemistic] /kǒu'ài/ :: oral sex; blowjob or cunnilingus
口愛 {v} [euphemistic] /kǒu'ài/ :: to perform oral sex
口爱 {def} SEE: 口愛 ::
口岸 {n} /kǒu'àn/ :: trading port
口白 {n} /kǒubái/ :: spoken parts in an opera; dialogue in a drama or play
口白 {v} [literary] /kǒubái/ :: to tell someone by word of mouth
口爆 {n} [vulgar] /kǒubào/ :: oral cumshot
口杯 {n} /kǒubēi/ :: glass; cup
口碑 {n} [literary, originally] /kǒubēi/ :: public praise
口碑 {n} /kǒubēi/ :: public reputation; word-of-mouth reputation
口北 {n} /kǒuběi/ :: area beyond the Great Wall (i.e. beyond Zhangjiakou, northern Hebei province, and Inner Mongolia)
口笔译 {def} SEE: 口筆譯 ::
口筆譯 {n} /kǒubǐyì/ :: short fo 口譯筆譯 (interpretation and translation)
口不择言 {def} SEE: 口不擇言 ::
口不擇言 {idiom} /kǒu不zéyán/ :: to talk indiscreetly; to talk recklessly
口才 {n} /kǒucái/ :: eloquence
口称 {def} SEE: 口稱 ::
口稱 {v} [archaic] /kǒuchēng/ :: to verbally announce; to verbally state
口吃 {v} /kǒu吃/ :: to stammer; to stutter
口吃 {n} /kǒu吃/ :: stammer; stutter
口齒 {n} [literally] /kǒuchǐ/ :: mouth and teeth
口齒 {n} [figuratively] /kǒuchǐ/ :: enunciation; clear pronunciation; articulation
口齒 {n} [figuratively] /kǒuchǐ/ :: ability to speak; diction
口齒 {n} [figuratively] /kǒuchǐ/ :: age of a draught animal
口齒不清 {idiom} /kǒuchǐ不qīng/ :: to have slurred speech; to be unable to speak clearly
口齿 {def} SEE: 口齒 ::
口齿不清 {def} SEE: 口齒不清 ::
口臭 {n} /kǒuchòu/ :: bad breath; halitosis
口臭 {adj} [Cantonese] /kǒuchòu/ :: having a tendency to say impolite things
口传 {def} SEE: 口傳 ::
口传心授 {def} SEE: 口傳心授 ::
口傳 {v} /kǒuchuán/ :: to teach through oral instruction; to instruct orally
口傳 {v} /kǒuchuán/ :: to pass on by word of mouth
口傳 {n} /kǒuchuán/ :: oral instruction; hearsay
口傳心授 {idiom} /kǒuchuánxīnshòu/ :: oral teaching from the instructor and understanding from the students
口疮 {def} SEE: 口瘡 ::
口瘡 {n} [pathology] /kǒuchuāng/ :: mouth ulcer; canker sore; aphthous ulcer
口唇 {def} SEE: 口脣 ::
口答 {v} /kǒudá/ :: to give an oral answer
口答 {n} /kǒudá/ :: oral answer
口袋 {n} /kǒudai,kǒudài,er/ :: pocket (bag sewn into clothing)
口袋 {n} /kǒudai,kǒudài,er/ :: bag; sack
口袋罪 {n} [law, figurative] /kǒudàizuì/ :: fuzzily-defined accusations
口德 {n} /kǒudé/ :: virtue of being discreet and restrained in one's speech, avoiding making injurious remarks on others
口笛 {n} [musical instrument] /kǒudí/ :: a very small Chinese flute made from bamboo
口耳相传 {def} SEE: 口耳相傳 ::
口耳相傳 {idiom} /kǒu'ěrxiāngchuán/ :: to be passed down orally (from generation to generation)
口風 {n} /kǒufēng/ :: meaning behind the words; undertone; implied meaning; undercurrent
口風琴 {n} /kǒufēngqín/ :: melodica
口风 {def} SEE: 口風 ::
口风琴 {def} SEE: 口風琴 ::
口服 {v} /kǒufú/ :: to admit to being convinced
口服 {v} /kǒufú/ :: to take orally (of medication); per os
口服液 {n} [pharmacology] /kǒufú液/ :: oral liquid formulation (of medications)
口福 {n} /kǒufú/ :: the luck to get something nice to eat; happy knack for chancing upon fine food; gourmet's luck
口腹 {n} [literally] /kǒufù/ :: mouth and belly
口腹 {n} [figuratively] /kǒufù/ :: food and drink; diet; appetite
口盖 {def} SEE: 口蓋 ::
口蓋 {n} [anatomy] /kǒugài/ :: synonym of 顎
口干 {def} SEE: 口乾 ::
口干舌燥 {def} SEE: 口乾舌燥 ::
口感 {n} /kǒugǎn/ :: texture of food; taste
口供 {n} /kǒugòng,kǒugōng,1nb/ :: oral statement; deposition; testimony (Classifier: m,c:份)
口號 {n} /kǒuhào/ :: slogan; catchphrase; battle cry (Classifier: m:個)
口号 {def} SEE: 口號 ::
口紅 {n} /kǒuhóng/ :: lipstick (Classifier: 支)
口红 {def} SEE: 口紅 ::
口湖 {prop} /Kǒuhú/ :: (~ 鄉) 口湖 (rural township)
口胡 {v} [neologism, internet slang] /kǒuhú/ :: to talk nonsense
口簧琴 {n} /kǒuhuángqín/ :: Jew's harp
口活 {n} /kǒuhuó/ :: oral sex; fellatio; blowjob
口技 {n} /kǒujì/ :: vocal mimicry
口技 {n} /kǒujì/ :: ventriloquism
口技 {n} /kǒujì/ :: beatboxing
口技 {n} [vulgar, slang] /kǒujì/ :: blowjob skills
口交 {n} /kǒujiāo/ :: oral sex; fellatio; blowjob
口交 {v} /kǒujiāo/ :: to perform oral sex; to give a blowjob
口角 {n} /kǒujiǎo,er/ :: corner of the mouth
口角 {n} [literary] /kǒujiǎo,er/ :: art of speaking; communication skills
口角 {n} [literary] /kǒujiǎo,er/ :: one's favourite expression; stock phrase
口角 {v} /kǒujué,kǒujiǎo,1nb/ :: to start an altercation; to quarrel; to bicker; to wrangle; to argue
口角炎 {n} [disease] /kǒujiǎoyán,er/ :: angular cheilitis; perlèche
口紧 {def} SEE: 口緊 ::
口緊 {adj} /kǒujǐn/ :: tight-lipped
口径 {def} SEE: 口徑 ::
口徑 {n} /kǒujìng/ :: calibre (of firearm, etc.)
口徑 {n} /kǒujìng/ :: specifications; diameter
口徑 {n} [figurative] /kǒujìng/ :: one's account of an event; one's descriptions of an event or attitude, stance, etc
口訣 {n} [religion] /kǒujué/ :: orally transmitted esoteric teachings in Buddhism and Taoism
口訣 {n} /kǒujué/ :: mnemonic chant; formula; rhyme for remembering (arithmetic tables, character stroke order, etc.)
口诀 {def} SEE: 口訣 ::
口渴 {n} /kǒukě/ :: thirst
口渴 {adj} /kǒukě/ :: thirsty
口口声声 {def} SEE: 口口聲聲 ::
口口聲聲 {idiom} /kǒukoushēngshēng,kǒukǒushēngshēng,1nb/ :: keep on (saying); repeatedly (say); (say) over and over again
口快心直 {idiom} [uncommon] /kǒukuàixīnzhí/ :: synonym of 心直口快
口澜 {def} SEE: 口瀾 ::
口澜水 {def} SEE: 口瀾水 ::
口澜渣 {def} SEE: 口瀾渣 ::
口絡 {n} /kǒuluò/ :: muzzle (device to stop an animal from biting)
口粮 {def} SEE: 口糧 ::
口糧 {n} /kǒuliáng/ :: grain ration
口令 {n} /kǒulìng/ :: password; watchword; codeword
口令 {n} /kǒulìng/ :: word of order; word of command
口络 {def} SEE: 口絡 ::
口蜜腹剑 {def} SEE: 口蜜腹劍 ::
口蜜腹劍 {idiom} /kǒumìfùjiàn/ :: sweet words, but a wicked heart
口無遮攔 {idiom} /kǒuwúzhēlán/ :: to have no misgivings or control when one speaks; to shoot one's mouth off
口內炎 {n} [pathology] /kǒunèiyán/ :: mouth ulcer; canker sore; aphthous ulcer
口內炎 {n} [pathology] /kǒunèiyán/ :: stomatitis
口内炎 {def} SEE: 口內炎 ::
口泼 {def} SEE: 口潑 ::
口气 {def} SEE: 口氣 ::
口氣 {n} /kǒuqì,tl/ :: tone; manner of speaking
口氣 {n} /kǒuqì,tl/ :: meaning behind the words; undertone; implied meaning; undercurrent
口氣 {n} /kǒuqì,tl/ :: breath; [especially] bad breath
口氣 {n} [obsolete] /kǒuqì,tl/ :: accent; dialect
口乾 {adj} [dialectal Mandarin, Cantonese, Xiang] /kǒugān/ :: thirsty
口乾 {n} [pathology] /kǒugān/ :: dry mouth; xerostomia
口乾舌燥 {idiom} /kǒugānshézào/ :: dry mouth and sore throat; having spoken so much that one's mouth and throat become thirsty
口腔 {n} /kǒuqiāng/ :: oral cavity
口腔癌 {n} /kǒuqiāng癌/ :: oral cancer
口腔潰瘍 {n} [pathology] /kǒuqiāng kuìyáng/ :: aphthous ulcer; mouth ulcer; canker sore
口腔科 {n} [medicine] /kǒuqiāngkē/ :: department of stomatology; oral health department
口腔溃疡 {def} SEE: 口腔潰瘍 ::
口腔卫生 {def} SEE: 口腔衛生 ::
口腔衛生 {n} /kǒuqiāng wèishēng/ :: oral hygiene
口腔衞生 {def} SEE: 口腔衛生 ::
口腔医学 {def} SEE: 口腔醫學 ::
口腔醫學 {n} /kǒuqiāng yīxué/ :: oral medicine
口琴 {n} /kǒuqín/ :: harmonica; mouth organ
口球 {n} [BDSM] /kǒuqiú/ :: ball gag
口若悬河 {def} SEE: 口若懸河 ::
口若懸河 {idiom} /kǒuruòxuánhé/ :: eloquent; glib; voluble; having the gift of the gab
口哨 {n} /kǒushào/ :: whistle (act of whistling)
口舌 {n} /kǒushé/ :: mouth and tongue; speech organs
口舌 {n} /kǒushé/ :: words; speech
口舌 {n} /kǒushé/ :: misunderstanding; dispute; quarrel
口舌 {n} /kǒushé/ :: persuasion
口舌 {n} [Jilu Mandarin, Huizhou, dialectal Wu] /kǒushé/ :: tongue
口实 {def} SEE: 口實 ::
口實 {n} [formal] /kǒushí/ :: cause for gossip; handle
口是心非 {idiom} /kǒushìxīnfēi/ :: to say one thing but mean another; what one thinks is different from what one says; two-faced; duplicity
口試 {n} /kǒushì/ :: oral test; oral exam
口试 {def} SEE: 口試 ::
口授 {v} /kǒushòu/ :: to teach through oral instruction; to instruct orally
口授 {v} /kǒushòu/ :: to dictate
口述 {v} /kǒushù/ :: to recount orally; to dictate; to state
口述历史 {def} SEE: 口述歷史 ::
口述歷史 {n} [historiography] /kǒushù lìshǐ/ :: oral history
口水 {n} /kǒushuǐ/ :: saliva; slobber; drool
口水 {n} [figurative] /kǒushuǐ/ :: argument; quarrel; verbal battle
口水多过茶 {def} SEE: 口水多過茶 ::
口水多过浪花 {def} SEE: 口水多過浪花 ::
口水歌 {n} /kǒushuǐgē/ :: catchy song (with a clichéd melody or poor quality); bubblegum pop song
口水歌 {n} /kǒushuǐgē/ :: cover song; remake of a classic
口水战 {def} SEE: 口水戰 ::
口水戰 {n} /kǒushuǐzhàn/ :: war of words
口說無憑 {idiom} /kǒushuōwúpíng/ :: verbal statements are no guarantee
口说无凭 {def} SEE: 口說無憑 ::
口蹄疫 {n} [diseases] /kǒutíyì/ :: foot-and-mouth disease (Aphtae epizooticae, FMD)
口条 {def} SEE: 口條 ::
口條 {n} /kǒutiáo,er/ :: animal tongue (as food)
口头 {def} SEE: 口頭 ::
口头禅 {def} SEE: 口頭禪 ::
口头传统 {def} SEE: 口頭傳統 ::
口头语 {def} SEE: 口頭語 ::
口頭 {adj} [attributive] /kǒutóu,er/ :: on the mouth; by mouth
口頭 {adj} [attributive] /kǒutóu,er/ :: oral; spoken; verbal
口頭禪 {n} [idiomatic] /kǒutóuchán,er/ :: one's favourite expression; stock phrase; pet phrase
口頭傳統 {n} /kǒutóu chuántǒng/ :: oral tradition
口頭語 {n} /kǒutóuyǔ/ :: pet phrase; habitual turn of phrase; regularly used expression
口吐白沫 {idiom} /kǒutǔbáimò,er/ :: foaming at the mouth (as a sign of poisoning, epileptic seizures or facial nerve palsy)
口外 {n} /kǒuwài/ :: area beyond the Great Wall (i.e. beyond Zhangjiakou, northern Hebei province, and Inner Mongolia)
口味 {n} /kǒuwèi/ :: taste; flavour
口味 {n} [metaphor, by extension] /kǒuwèi/ :: one's personal taste, preferences or interests
口吻 {n} /kǒuwěn/ :: tone of voice; intonation; way of speaking
口吻 {n} /kǒuwěn/ :: muzzle; snout
口无遮拦 {def} SEE: 口無遮攔 ::
口誤 {v} /kǒuwù/ :: to misspeak; to make a slip of the tongue
口誤 {n} /kǒuwù/ :: slip of the tongue
口误 {def} SEE: 口誤 ::
口嫌体正直 {def} SEE: 口嫌體正直 ::
口弦 {n} /kǒuxián/ :: Jew's harp
口涎 {n} /kǒuxián/ :: saliva
口涎水 {def} SEE: 口瀾水 ::
口涎渣 {def} SEE: 口瀾渣 ::
口香糖 {n} /kǒuxiāngtáng/ :: chewing gum
口信 {n} /kǒuxìn/ :: oral message
口型 {n} /kǒuxíng/ :: shape of the mouth (when speaking or singing)
口型 {n} /kǒuxíng/ :: embouchure
口咽 {n} [anatomy] /kǒuyān/ :: oropharynx
口譯 {v} [translation studies] /kǒuyì/ :: to do interpreting; to do interpretation; to interpret
口譯員 {n} [translation studies] /kǒuyìyuán/ :: interpreter (Classifier: m:位)
口譯者 {n} /kǒuyìzhě/ :: interpreter
口译 {def} SEE: 口譯 ::
口译员 {def} SEE: 口譯員 ::
口译者 {def} SEE: 口譯者 ::
口音 {n} /kǒuyīn/ :: accent (manner of pronouncing a language associated with a particular region or social group); pronunciation; manner of speaking
口音 {n} /kǒuyīn/ :: local accent or dialect of one's native place
口淫 {n} /kǒuyín/ :: oral sex; fellatio; blowjob
口語 {adj} /kǒuyǔ/ :: colloquial
口語 {n} /kǒuyǔ/ :: colloquial speech; informal language
口語 {v} [archaic] /kǒuyǔ/ :: to comment; to discuss; to talk; to debate
口語化 {n} /kǒuyǔhuà/ :: colloquialization
口語化 {v} /kǒuyǔhuà/ :: to colloquialize
口语 {def} SEE: 口語 ::
口语化 {def} SEE: 口語化 ::
口罩 {n} /kǒuzhào,er/ :: surgical mask; gauze mask (worn over nose and mouth) (Classifier: m:隻個)
口直心快 {idiom} [uncommon] /kǒuzhíxīnkuài/ :: synonym of 心直口快
口紙 {n} [Guilin Mandarin] /kǒuzhǐ/ :: facial tissue
口纸 {def} SEE: 口紙 ::
口誅筆伐 {idiom} /kǒuzhūbǐ伐/ :: to condemn in speech and writing; to denounce by word and pen
口诛笔伐 {def} SEE: 口誅筆伐 ::
口子 {n} /kǒuzi/ :: hole; opening [in an object]
口子 {n} /kǒuzi/ :: cut; cleft [in the human body]
口子 {n} [figurative, colloquial] /kǒuzi/ :: instance of rule violation (which may be regarded as a precedent for future actions); exception
口子 {n} [colloquial] /kǒuzi/ :: spouse; husband or wife
口子 {classifier} /kǒuzi/ :: classifier for families or members of a family
口字边 {def} SEE: 口字邊 ::
口字邊 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /kǒuzìbiān/ :: the Chinese character component
口字旁 {n} /kǒuzìpáng/ :: the Chinese character component
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [mythology] /míng/ :: a legendary bird, supernatural birds from southern China
{def} [mythology] /míng/ :: Chinese phoenix
{def} /kòu/ :: Pallas's sandgrouse (Syrrhaptes paradoxus)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kòu/ :: to knock
{def} /kòu/ :: to kowtow; to bow
{def} [literary] /kòu/ :: to enquire; to ask
{def} /kòu/ :: surname
叩拜 {v} /kòubài/ :: to kowtow; to kneel and bow low enough to touch one's forehead to the ground
叩門 {v} /kòumén/ :: to knock on a door
叩门 {def} SEE: 叩門 ::
叩首 {v} [literary] /kòushǒu/ :: to kowtow
叩头 {def} SEE: 叩頭 ::
叩头虫 {def} SEE: 叩頭蟲 ::
叩頭 {v} /kòutóu/ :: to kowtow; to kneel and bow low enough to touch one's forehead to the ground
叩頭 {v} /kòutóu/ :: to bow very deeply
叩頭 {v} [figurative] /kòutóu/ :: to act in a very submissive manner
叩頭蟲 {n} /kòutóuchóng/ :: click beetle; elater
叩謝 {v} [archaic] /kòuxiè/ :: to thank someone by kowtowing before him or her
叩謝 {v} [figurative] /kòuxiè/ :: to express one's heartfelt thanks
叩谢 {def} SEE: 叩謝 ::
叩应 {def} SEE: 叩應 ::
叩應 {n} [Taiwan] /kòuyìng/ :: call-in
叩診 {n} [medicine] /kòuzhěn/ :: percussion
叩诊 {def} SEE: 叩診 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kòu/ :: bandit; thief; invader
{def} /kòu/ :: foe; enemy
{def} /kòu/ :: to rob; to plunder
{def} /kòu/ :: to invade
{def} /kòu/ :: surname
寇巴俄狐 {n} /kòubā'é hú/ :: culpeo (Lycalopex culpaeus)
寇城 {v} [literary] /kòuchéng/ :: to plunder a city
寇仇 {n} [literary] /kòuchóu/ :: enemy
寇讎 {def} SEE: 寇仇 ::
寇雠 {def} SEE: 寇讎 ::
寇乱 {def} SEE: 寇亂 ::
寇亂 {n} [archaic] /kòuluàn/ :: bandit incursions
{def} [Cantonese] /jù,kòu/ :: to stare
怐瞀 {def} SEE: 溝瞀 ::
怐愗 {def} SEE: 溝瞀 ::
{def} /kòu,er/ :: to button; to fasten a button; to buckle; to clasp
{def} /kòu,er/ :: to subtract; to deduct (money, points, etc.)
{def} /kòu,er/ :: knot
{def} /kòu,er/ :: button (knob or small disc serving as a fastener)
扣除 {v} /kòuchú/ :: to deduct; to take away
扣带 {def} SEE: 扣帶 ::
扣带回 {def} SEE: 扣帶回 ::
扣帶 {n} /kòudài/ :: strap (for a buckle, bra, etc.)
扣帶回 {n} [neuroanatomy] /kòudàihuí/ :: cingulate gyrus
扣帶迴 {def} SEE: 扣帶回 ::
扣儿 {def} SEE: 扣兒 ::
扣兒 {n} /kòur/ :: knot
扣兒 {n} /kòur/ :: button (knob or small disc serving as a fastener)
扣分 {v} /kòufēn,er/ :: to deduct points; to lose marks; to penalise
扣分 {n} [legal] /kòufēn,er/ :: demerit point
扣环 {def} SEE: 釦環 ::
扣環 {def} SEE: 釦環 ::
扣繳 {v} /kòujiǎo/ :: to transfer to a higher authority; to confiscate
扣繳 {v} /kòujiǎo/ :: to withhold; to garnish (wages, etc.)
扣缴 {def} SEE: 扣繳 ::
扣扣 {prop} [slang] /Kòukòu/ :: QQ
扣篮 {def} SEE: 扣籃 ::
扣籃 {n} /kòulán/ :: slam dunk; dunk shot
扣籃 {v} /kòulán/ :: to slam dunk; to perform a dunk shot
扣練齒輪 {n} /kòuliànchǐlún/ :: sprocket
扣练齿轮 {def} SEE: 扣練齒輪 ::
扣留 {v} /kòuliú/ :: to detain; to arrest
扣留 {v} /kòuliú/ :: to confiscate; to hold; to withhold
扣門 {v} /kòumén/ :: to knock on a door
扣门 {def} SEE: 扣門 ::
扣门门 {def} SEE: 扣門門 ::
扣襻 {n} /kòupàn,er/ :: button loop (of clothing)
扣球 {v} [sports] /kòuqiú,er/ :: to smash or spike a ball
扣人心弦 {idiom} /kòurénxīnxián/ :: very moving; very touching
扣肉 {n} /kòuròu/ :: a kind of braised meat (especially pork)
扣問 {v} [literary] /kòuwèn/ :: to enquire; to ask about
扣问 {def} SEE: 扣問 ::
扣押 {v} /kòuyā/ :: to detain; to take into custody
扣押 {v} /kòuyā/ :: to withhold
扣押 {v} /kòuyā/ :: to confiscate; to impound
扣押 {v} [legal] /kòuyā/ :: to distrain; to seize; to levy on
扣押 {v} /kòuyā/ :: to take hostage
扣眼 {n} /kòuyǎn,er/ :: buttonhole
扣針 {n} [regional] /kòuzhēn/ :: safety pin (pin, in the form of a clasp)
扣针 {def} SEE: 扣針 ::
扣子 {n} /kòuzi/ :: button (knob or small disc serving as a fastener)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kòu/ :: name of an ancient river in Hebei province
{def} [weaving] /kòu/ :: reed
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kòu/ :: used in compounds
蔻丹 {n} /kòudān/ :: nail polish
蔻蔻 {n} /kòukòu/ :: alternative name for 可可
{def} /kòu/ :: button (knob or small disc serving as a fastener)
釦鼻子 {def} SEE: 扣鼻子 ::
釦環 {n} /kòuhuán/ :: buckle
釦門門 {def} SEE: 扣門門 ::
釦襻 {def} SEE: 扣襻 ::
釦眼 {def} SEE: 扣眼 ::
釦子 {def} SEE: 扣子 ::
{def} [literary] /kòu/ :: hatchling; fledgling
{def} [literary] /kū/ :: to cut out; to dig; to rip up; to scoop out; to cut open
{def} /kū/ :: to weep; to cry; to wail
哭包 {n} [dialectal] /kūbāo/ :: crybaby (someone who cries frequently)
哭包子 {n} [dialectal] /kūbāozi/ :: crybaby (someone who cries frequently)
哭鼻子 {v} [chiefly Mandarin, colloquial, often, humorous] /kū bízi/ :: to cry; to weep; to snivel
哭点 {def} SEE: 哭點 ::
哭點 {n} [neologism, slang] /kūdiǎn/ :: the amount of stimulation that one needs before one starts to cry
哭筊 {n} /kūjiǎo/ :: bad result in divination using moon blocks (showing two blocks round)
哭叫 {v} /kūjiào/ :: to wail; to cry out in distress  
哭哭啼啼 {v} /kūkutítí/ :: to cry continuously; to weep endlessly; to weep and wail
哭脸 {def} SEE: 哭臉 ::
哭脸巴 {def} SEE: 哭臉巴 ::
哭臉 {n} /kūliǎn/ :: sad face; teary-eyed face
哭闹 {def} SEE: 哭鬧 ::
哭鬧 {v} /kūnào/ :: to cry and quarrel
哭娘你 {def} SEE: 哭娘妳 ::
哭泣 {v} /kūqì/ :: to cry
哭墙 {def} SEE: 哭牆 ::
哭牆 {prop} /Kūqiáng/ :: Western Wall; Wailing Wall
哭穷 {def} SEE: 哭窮 ::
哭窮 {v} /kūqióng/ :: to complain about being poor; to poor-mouth
哭丧 {def} SEE: 哭喪 ::
哭丧棒 {def} SEE: 哭喪棒 ::
哭丧棍 {def} SEE: 哭喪棍 ::
哭喪 {v} [dated] /kūsāng/ :: to keen; to howl at a funeral
哭喪棒 {n} /kūsāngbàng/ :: staff in former times used by the son of the deceased in a funeral procession to show filial piety
哭声 {def} SEE: 哭聲 ::
哭声儿 {def} SEE: 哭聲兒 ::
哭聲 {n} /kūshēng,er/ :: sound of crying
哭聲兒 {n} /kūshēngr/ :: Mandarin erhua form of []
哭訴 {v} /kūsù/ :: to recount tearfully; to complain while in tears; to lament
哭诉 {def} SEE: 哭訴 ::
哭笑 {v} /kūxiào/ :: to cry and laugh
哭笑不得 {idiom} /kūxiào不dé/ :: to feel confounded, mildly dumbfounded, or slightly flabbergasted in a polite sense, usually toward a familiar person in an awkward situation(literally don't know whether to laugh or to cry
{def} /kū/ :: only used in 圐圙
圐圙 {n} [Jin] /kūlüè/ :: enclosed yard or grassland [chiefly used in placenames in Shanxi and Inner Mongolia]
{def} [agriculture] /kū/ :: spreading, scattering, winnowing
{def} /yū,wū/ :: to pull, draw out, drag
{def} [of plants, etc.] /kū/ :: dry; withered
{def} [of wells, rivers, etc.] /kū/ :: dried out
{def} [of muscle] /kū/ :: withered; decayed
{def} /kū/ :: boring; uninteresting; dry
{def} [dialect] /kū/ :: dregs
{def} [TCM] /kū/ :: partial paralysis
{def} /kū/ :: surname
枯草 {n} /kūcǎo/ :: withered grass; dry grass
枯草热 {def} SEE: 枯草熱 ::
枯草熱 {n} [pathology, immunology] /kūcǎorè/ :: hay fever
枯干 {def} SEE: 枯乾 ::
枯槁 {adj} /kūgǎo/ :: withered; dried-up
枯槁 {adj} /kūgǎo/ :: haggard; languid
枯黃 {adj} /kūhuáng/ :: withered and yellow
枯黄 {def} SEE: 枯黃 ::
枯寂 {adj} /kū寂/ :: boring; dull and lonely
枯竭 {v} /kūjié/ :: to be dried up; to be used up; to be exhausted
枯茗 {n} /kūmíng/ :: cumin
枯乾 {adj} /kūgān/ :: withered
枯瘦 {adj} /kūshòu/ :: skinny; emaciated
枯萎 {adj} /kū萎/ :: withered; shrivelled; wilted
枯萎 {adj} /kū萎/ :: degenerated; retrogressed; retrograded
枯萎 {v} /kū萎/ :: to wither; to shrivel; to wilt
枯萎 {v} /kū萎/ :: to degenerate; to retrogress; to retrograde
枯烯 {n} /kūxī/ :: cumene
枯蝇 {def} SEE: 枯蠅 ::
枯燥 {adj} /kūzào/ :: boring; dull; tedious
枯燥 {adj} /kūzào/ :: withered; dried up
枯枝 {n} /kūzhī/ :: withered tree branch
枯坐 {v} /kūzuò/ :: sit in boredom
𫊻窟 {def} SEE: 蟳窟 ::
{def} /kū/ :: hole; cave
{def} /kū/ :: cellar
{def} /kū/ :: underground
窟栊 {def} SEE: 窟窿 ::
窟櫳 {def} SEE: 窟窿 ::
窟窿 {n} [colloquial] /kūlong/ :: hole; cavity
窟窿 {n} [colloquial, figurative] /kūlong/ :: deficit; debt
窟窿眼 {n} /kūlongyǎn,er/ :: small hole; small cavity
窟笼 {def} SEE: 窟窿 ::
窟籠 {def} SEE: 窟窿 ::
窟弄 {def} SEE: 窟窿 ::
{def} /kū/ :: [obsolete] buttock
{def} /kū/ :: [obsolete] hipbone
{def} /kū/ :: [obsolete] crooked foot
{def} /kū/ :: [obsolete] [Jilu Mandarin, Jianghuai Mandarin, Southwestern Mandarin, Hakka, Gan, Min, Wu, Xiang] to squat
{def} [Southwestern Mandarin, Xiang] /kū/ :: to stay (somewhere)
{def} [Min Nan, figurative] /kū/ :: to surrender; to yield
骷髅 {def} SEE: 骷髏 ::
骷髏 {n} /kūlóu/ :: skull or skeleton of a corpse
{def} /kǔ/ :: bitter
{def} /kǔ/ :: alternative name for 荼
{def} /kǔ/ :: difficult; painful; hard
{def} /kǔ/ :: hardship; suffering
{def} [dialectal] /kǔ/ :: excessive
{def} /kǔ/ :: to cause someone suffering; to give someone a hard time
{def} /kǔ/ :: to suffer from; to be handicapped by
{def} [obsolete or Min Dong] /kǔ/ :: to worry about; to be concerned about
{def} /kǔ/ :: strenuously; painstakingly
苦艾 {n} /kǔ'ài/ :: absinthium; absinthe; wormwood; Artemisia absinthium
苦艾酒 {n} /kǔ'àijiǔ/ :: absinthe
苦艾油 {n} /kǔ'àiyóu/ :: absinthe oil
苦屄 {adj} [slang, vulgar] /kǔbī/ :: fucking miserable
苦逼 {n} /kǔbī/ :: alternative form of 苦屄
苦不堪言 {idiom} /kǔ不kānyán/ :: unspeakably painful; suffer unspeakably
苦菜 {n} [literally] /kǔcài/ :: bitter vegetable
苦菜 {n} /kǔcài/ :: common sow thistle (Sonchus oleraceus)
苦菜 {n} /kǔcài/ :: alternative name for 敗醬
苦参 {def} SEE: 苦參 ::
苦參 {n} /kǔshēn/ :: root of shrubby sophora (Sophora flavescens) (A root used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat infections and skin diseases.)
苦楚 {n} /kǔchǔ/ :: suffering; pain; misery; sorrow
苦處 {n} /kǔchù,tl/ :: suffering; hardship; difficulty
苦处 {def} SEE: 苦處 ::
苦大仇深 {idiom} /kǔdàchóushēn/ :: great hate and bitterness
苦胆 {def} SEE: 苦膽 ::
苦膽 {n} [anatomy] /kǔdǎn/ :: gall bladder
苦迭打 {n} [dated] /kǔdiédǎ/ :: synonym of 政變
苦讀 {v} /kǔdú/ :: to study hard
苦读 {def} SEE: 苦讀 ::
苦厄 {n} /kǔ'è/ :: hardship; disaster
苦干 {def} SEE: 苦幹 ::
苦幹 {v} /kǔgàn/ :: to work hard; to toil; to grind away
苦功 {n} /kǔgōng/ :: hard work; painstaking effort
苦工 {n} /kǔgōng/ :: hard or manual work; sweated labor; fag
苦工 {n} /kǔgōng/ :: coolie; person doing hard or manual work
苦瓜 {n} /kǔguā/ :: bitter melon; bitter gourd
苦瓜脸 {def} SEE: 苦瓜臉 ::
苦瓜臉 {n} /kǔguāliǎn/ :: a person's face that shows a condition of sadness caused by unrelieved suffering and hardship
苦瓜臉 {n} /kǔguāliǎn/ :: a person's face that appears very serious
苦哈哈 {adj} /kǔhāhā/ :: sad and in pain
苦哈哈 {n} /kǔhāhā/ :: poor suffering people
苦海 {n} [Buddhism] /kǔhǎi/ :: the sea of bitterness; the ocean of suffering; the abyss of misery; this (weary) world
苦旱 {n} [literary, Min Nan] /kǔhàn/ :: drought
苦行 {v} [religion] /kǔxíng/ :: to follow ascetic practices
苦行 {n} [literary] /kǔxíng/ :: person in charge of odd jobs in a temple
苦行僧 {n} [Hinduism] /kǔxíngsēng/ :: sadhu
苦行僧 {n} [figuratively] /kǔxíngsēng/ :: a person that abstains from indulgence and lives an austere life; an ascetic person
苦行主义 {def} SEE: 苦行主義 ::
苦行主義 {n} /kǔxíngzhǔyì/ :: asceticism
苦盡甘來 {idiom} /kǔjìngānlái/ :: the difficult time has passed and the pleasant or joyful time comes
苦尽甘来 {def} SEE: 苦盡甘來 ::
苦境 {n} /kǔjìng/ :: hard and difficult circumstances; dire straits
苦口 {v} /kǔkǒu/ :: to be bitter to the taste
苦口 {v} [figurative] /kǔkǒu/ :: to admonish earnestly
苦口婆心 {idiom} /kǔkǒupóxīn/ :: to persuade earnestly and patiently
苦苦 {adv} /kǔkǔ/ :: painfully; with a lot of difficulty
苦苦 {adv} /kǔkǔ/ :: painstakingly; persistingly; strenuously
苦况 {def} SEE: 苦況 ::
苦況 {n} /kǔkuàng/ :: miserable conditions; wretched state; plight
苦辣酸甜 {idiom} /kǔlàsuāntián/ :: alternative form of 酸甜苦辣
𫽋苦嚟辛 {def} SEE: 攞苦嚟辛 ::
苦力 {n} /kǔlì/ :: labor; hard work
苦力 {n} [historical] /kǔlì/ :: coolie; laborer
苦楝 {n} /kǔliàn/ :: bead tree (Melia azedarach)
苦楝皮 {n} /kǔliànpí/ :: bark of the chinaberry or Melia azedarach. (A kind of bark used in traditional Chinese medicine to kill intestinal parasites.)
苦楝子 {n} /kǔliànzǐ/ :: seed of the chinaberry (Melia azedarach) (a herb used in traditional Chinese medicine to "activate qi")
苦楝子树 {def} SEE: 苦楝子樹 ::
苦練 {v} /kǔliàn/ :: to train hard; to practice diligently
苦练 {def} SEE: 苦練 ::
苦流码子 {def} SEE: 苦流碼子 ::
苦毛儿 {def} SEE: 苦毛兒 ::
苦悶 {adj} /kǔmèn/ :: depressed; dejected
苦闷 {def} SEE: 苦悶 ::
苦难 {def} SEE: 苦難 ::
苦難 {n} /kǔnàn/ :: hardship; suffering; misery; distress
苦難 {adj} /kǔnàn/ :: hard; miserable; distressing
苦恼 {def} SEE: 苦惱 ::
苦惱 {adj} /kǔnǎo/ :: annoyed; distressed; ailed
苦惱 {v} /kǔnǎo/ :: to ail; to annoy; to distress
苦气 {def} SEE: 苦氣 ::
苦情 {n} /kǔqíng/ :: sad plight; tough situation
苦情 {n} /kǔqíng/ :: complaint; grievance
苦情 {adj} [colloquial] /kǔqíng/ :: tough; painful; harsh; tragic; sad
苦劝 {def} SEE: 苦勸 ::
苦勸 {v} /kǔquàn/ :: to earnestly advise; to try hard to persuade
苦肉 {n} /kǔròu/ :: desperate measure, last resort
苦肉計 {n} /kǔròujì/ :: the ruse of inflicting an injury upon oneself to win the trust of one's enemy
苦肉计 {def} SEE: 苦肉計 ::
苦涩 {def} SEE: 苦澀 ::
苦澀 {adj} /kǔsè/ :: bitter and astringent; harsh to the taste
苦澀 {adj} /kǔsè/ :: pained; agonised; anguished
苦水 {n} /kǔshuǐ/ :: hard, bitter water
苦水 {n} /kǔshuǐ/ :: gastric secretion; bitter vomitus
苦水 {n} [figurative] /kǔshuǐ/ :: bitterness; grievances; misery
苦思 {v} /kǔsī/ :: to think hard; to cudgel one's brains
苦死 {adv} [literary] /kǔsǐ/ :: painfully; with a lot of difficulty
苦死 {adv} [literary] /kǔsǐ/ :: painstakingly; persistingly; strenuously
苦痛 {n} /kǔtòng/ :: agony, pain, suffering
苦头 {def} SEE: 苦頭 ::
苦頭 {n} [colloquial] /kǔtóu,tl/ :: slight bitter taste
苦頭 {n} [colloquial] /kǔtóu,tl/ :: suffering; setback; misery
苦土 {n} [mineral] /kǔtǔ/ :: magnesia
苦味 {n} /kǔwèi/ :: bitter taste
苦味酸 {n} [organic compound] /kǔwèisuān/ :: picric acid
苦笑 {v} /kǔxiào/ :: to smile a bitter smile; to force a smile; to smile wryly
苦心 {n} /kǔxīn/ :: pains; efforts; hard work
苦心 {adv} /kǔxīn/ :: with strenuous efforts; painstakingly
苦辛 {adj} /kǔxīn/ :: hard, toilsome, painstaking
苦刑 {n} /kǔxíng/ :: torture; corporal punishment
苦杏仁 {n} [TCM] /kǔxìngrén/ :: bitter apricot kernel
苦役 {n} /kǔyì/ :: hard labor; forced labor
苦薏 {n} /kǔyì/ :: alternative name for 野菊
苦於 {v} /kǔyú/ :: to suffer from
苦於 {v} /kǔyú/ :: to be harder than (when comparing two types of hardship)
苦于 {def} SEE: 苦於 ::
苦盏 {def} SEE: 苦盞 ::
苦盞 {prop} /Kǔzhǎn/ :: Khujand, capital of the Sughd province in north of Tajikistan
苦战 {def} SEE: 苦戰 ::
苦戰 {v} /kǔzhàn/ :: to fight bitterly (in a battle); to struggle hard (in a game, etc.)
苦衷 {n} /kǔzhōng/ :: troubles or grief that one finds difficult or too embarrassed to bring up
{def} /zhuó,kù/ :: to bestow
{def} /zhuó,kù/ :: to grant, to act
{def} /zhuó,kù/ :: to do
{def} /zhuó,kù/ :: quiet
{def} /zhuó,kù/ :: still, peace
{def} /zhuó,kù/ :: tranquility
{def} /kù/ :: (Cantonese) (same as ) trousers, pants
{def} /kù/ :: alternative form of
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kù/ :: [obsolete] cruel
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [historical or mythological] /kù/ :: Emperor Ku
{def} /kù/ :: [obsolete] to be urgent; to inform quickly
{def} SEE: ::
库布孜 {def} SEE: 庫布孜 ::
库藏 {def} SEE: 庫藏 ::
库车 {def} SEE: 庫車 ::
库存 {def} SEE: 庫存 ::
库德 {def} SEE: 庫德 ::
库德斯坦 {def} SEE: 庫德斯坦 ::
库尔德 {def} SEE: 庫爾德 ::
库尔德人 {def} SEE: 庫爾德人 ::
库尔德斯坦 {def} SEE: 庫爾德斯坦 ::
库尔德语 {def} SEE: 庫爾德語 ::
库尔干 {def} SEE: 庫爾干 ::
库尔勒 {def} SEE: 庫爾勒 ::
库房 {def} SEE: 庫房 ::
库克 {def} SEE: 庫克 ::
库克群岛 {def} SEE: 庫克群島 ::
库拉木勒克 {def} SEE: 庫拉木勒克 ::
库拉索 {def} SEE: 庫拉索 ::
库仑 {def} SEE: 庫侖 ::
库伦 {def} SEE: 庫倫 ::
库米什 {def} SEE: 庫米什 ::
库木巴希 {def} SEE: 庫木巴希 ::
库纳 {def} SEE: 庫納 ::
库钱 {def} SEE: 庫錢 ::
库蚊 {def} SEE: 庫蚊 ::
库页 {def} SEE: 庫頁 ::
库页岛 {def} SEE: 庫頁島 ::
库银 {def} SEE: 庫銀 ::
{def} /kù/ :: warehouse; storehouse; (file) library
{def} [physics] /kù/ :: abbreviation of 庫侖
庫布孜 {n} /kùbùzī/ :: kobyz (a traditional Kazakh string instrument)
庫藏 {v} /kùcáng/ :: to store
庫藏 {n} /kùcáng/ :: storeroom contents
庫藏 {n} [literary] /kùzàng/ :: storeroom; warehouse; depository
庫車 {prop} /Kùchē/ :: (~ 市) 庫車 (county-level city)
庫存 {n} /kùcún/ :: stock; stockpile; inventory; reserve
庫存 {v} /kùcún/ :: to stock up; to stockpile; to add to an inventory; to hold in reserve
庫德 {prop} /Kùdé/ :: Kurd
庫德斯坦 {prop} [Taiwan] /Kùdésītǎn/ :: Kurdistan
庫爾德 {prop} /Kù'ěrdé/ :: Kurdish
庫爾德人 {n} /kù'ěrdérén/ :: Kurdish (person)
庫爾德斯坦 {prop} [Mainland China] /Kù'ěrdésītǎn/ :: Kurdistan
庫爾德語 {n} /kù'ěrdéyǔ/ :: Kurdish language
庫爾干 {prop} /Kù'ěrgān/ :: 庫爾干 (city)
庫爾干 {prop} /Kù'ěrgān/ :: (~ 州) Kurgan Oblast
庫爾勒 {prop} /Kù'ěrlè/ :: (~ 市) 庫爾勒 (city)
庫房 {n} /kùfáng/ :: storehouse; storeroom
庫房 {n} /kùfáng/ :: treasury
庫克 {prop} /Kùkè/ :: Cook; Cooke (English surname)
庫克群島 {prop} /Kùkè Qúndǎo/ :: Cook Islands
庫拉木勒克 {prop} /Kùlāmùlèkè/ :: (~ 鄉) 庫拉木勒克 (township)
庫拉索 {prop} /Kùlāsuǒ/ :: Curaçao
庫侖 {prop} /Kùlún/ :: Coulomb (name)
庫侖 {classifier} [physics] /Kùlún/ :: coulomb (unit of electrical charge)
庫倫 {n} /kùlún,Kùlún/ :: enclosed pasture
庫倫 {prop} [historical] /kùlún,Kùlún/ :: former name for Ulan Bator/Ulaanbaatar
庫倫 {prop} /kùlún,Kùlún/ :: (~ 旗) 庫倫 (banner)
庫米什 {prop} /Kùmǐshí/ :: (~ 鎮) 庫米什 (town)
庫米什 {prop} /Kùmǐshí/ :: (~ 社區) 庫米什 (residential community)
庫木巴希 {prop} /Kùmùbāxī/ :: (~ 鄉) 庫木巴希 (township)
庫納 {n} /kùnà/ :: kuna
庫蚊 {n} /kùwén/ :: mosquitoes in the genus Culex
庫頁 {prop} /Kùyè/ :: (~ 島) Sakhalin
庫頁島 {prop} /Kùyè Dǎo/ :: Sakhalin
{def} /kù/ :: pants; trousers
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
裤菜 {def} SEE: 褲菜 ::
裤插 {def} SEE: 褲插 ::
裤衩 {def} SEE: 褲衩 ::
裤带 {def} SEE: 褲帶 ::
裤带子 {def} SEE: 褲帶子 ::
裤袋 {def} SEE: 褲袋 ::
裤袋仔 {def} SEE: 褲袋仔 ::
裤裆 {def} SEE: 褲襠 ::
裤兜 {def} SEE: 褲兜 ::
裤儿 {def} SEE: 褲兒 ::
裤管 {def} SEE: 褲管 ::
裤跤 {def} SEE: 褲跤 ::
裤脚 {def} SEE: 褲腳 ::
裤料 {def} SEE: 褲料 ::
裤门 {def} SEE: 褲門 ::
裤裙 {def} SEE: 褲裙 ::
裤头 {def} SEE: 褲頭 ::
裤头带 {def} SEE: 褲頭帶 ::
裤腿 {def} SEE: 褲腿 ::
裤脱我看 {def} SEE: 褲脫我看 ::
裤袜 {def} SEE: 褲襪 ::
裤腰 {def} SEE: 褲腰 ::
裤腰带 {def} SEE: 褲腰帶 ::
裤子 {def} SEE: 褲子 ::
{def} /kù/ :: pants; trousers (Classifier: c:條)
褲衩 {n} /kùchǎ,er/ :: underpants; undershorts
褲襠 {n} /kùdāng/ :: crotch (part of a garment that passes between the legs)
褲兜 {n} /kùdōu,er/ :: trouser pocket
褲管 {n} /kùguǎn/ :: pant leg, trouser leg (either of the legs of a pair of trousers)
褲腳 {n} /kùjiǎo,er/ :: the lower parts of trousers' legs, near the feet
褲料 {n} /kùliào/ :: trousering; panting
褲門 {n} [slang] /kùmén/ :: fly (of one's trousers)
褲裙 {n} /kùqún/ :: culottes
褲腿 {n} /kùtuǐ/ :: trouser legs
褲脫我看 {phrase} [neologism, slang, humorous] /kùtuōwǒkàn/ :: Used to express disappointment after being deceived, such as by a clickbait title
褲脱我看 {def} SEE: 褲脫我看 ::
褲腰 {n} /kùyāo/ :: waist of trousers
褲腰帶 {n} /kùyāodài/ :: waist belt; waistband; girdle
褲子 {n} /kùzi/ :: trousers; pants; shorts (Classifier: 條)
{def} /kù/ :: cruel; brutal; savage
{def} /kù/ :: extremely; to an extreme degree
{def} [Mandarin, slang] /kù/ :: cool; awesome
酷愛 {v} /kù'ài/ :: to have a passion for; to be keen on; to ardently love
酷爱 {def} SEE: 酷愛 ::
酷斃 {adj} [neologism, slang] /kùbì/ :: cool
酷毙 {def} SEE: 酷斃 ::
酷儿 {def} SEE: 酷兒 ::
酷儿理论 {def} SEE: 酷兒理論 ::
酷兒 {n} [LGBT] /kù'ér/ :: queer
酷兒 {prop} /kù'ér/ :: Qoo (type of non-carbonated soft drink)
酷兒理論 {n} /kù'ér lǐlùn/ :: queer theory
酷好 {v} /kùhào/ :: to have a passion for; to be keen on; to ardently love
酷吏 {n} /kùlì/ :: harsh government official
酷烈 {adj} /kùliè/ :: cruel; brutal; savage
酷烈 {adj} [of smell] /kùliè/ :: strong
酷烈 {adj} [of sunshine etc.] /kùliè/ :: strong; fierce; scorching
酷热 {def} SEE: 酷熱 ::
酷熱 {adj} [of weather] /kùrè/ :: extremely hot; blistering hot; scorching; blazing; sweltering
酷日 {n} /kùrì/ :: scorching sun
酷暑 {n} /kùshǔ/ :: intense heat of summer
酷暑 {n} /kùshǔ/ :: extremely hot weather
酷暑 {adj} [of weather] /kùshǔ/ :: extremely hot; blistering hot; scorching; blazing; sweltering
酷帅狂霸拽 {def} SEE: 酷帥狂霸拽 ::
酷帥狂霸拽 {adj} [neologism, slang] /kù-shuài-kuáng-bà-zhuǎi/ :: cool, handsome, wild, domineering and assertive (i.e. all the positive qualities of a guy)
酷似 {v} /kùsì/ :: to bear a striking resemblance to (someone); to be the very picture of (someone)
酷刑 {n} /kùxíng/ :: cruel or savage torture
酷刑折磨 {n} /kùxíng zhémó/ :: torture and cruel treatment
酷炫 {adj} [slang] /kùxuàn/ :: cool; awesome
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kuā/ :: extravagant, luxurious, handsome
夸嗤 {v} [dialectal Mandarin] /kuāchi,1n/ :: to scrape
夸大 {def} SEE: 誇大 ::
夸大狂 {def} SEE: 誇大狂 ::
夸大其词 {def} SEE: 誇大其詞 ::
夸大其辞 {def} SEE: 誇大其辭 ::
夸父 {prop} [Chinese mythology] /Kuā Fù,Kuā Fǔ/ :: Kua Fu (giant who wished to capture the Sun)
夸父逐日 {idiom} [figurative] /kuāfùzhúrì,kuāfǔzhúrì/ :: to not know one's limitations; to overestimate one's abilities
夸父追日 {idiom} /kuāfù-zhuīrì,kuāfǔ-zhuīrì/ :: alternative form of 夸父逐日
夸奖 {def} SEE: 誇獎 ::
夸克 {n} [physics] /kuākè/ :: quark
夸克星 {n} [astronomy] /kuākèxīng/ :: quark star
夸口 {def} SEE: 誇口 ::
夸示 {def} SEE: 誇示 ::
夸饰 {def} SEE: 誇飾 ::
夸特 {classifier} /kuātè/ :: quarter (mass unit)
夸脫 {classifier} /kuātuō/ :: quart (liquid volume unit)
夸脱 {def} SEE: 夸脫 ::
夸耀 {def} SEE: 誇耀 ::
夸张 {def} SEE: 誇張 ::
{def} [literary] /kuā/ :: beautiful; fine
{def} [literary] /kuā/ :: exaggerative; exaggeratedly embellished
{def} /kuā/ :: to boast; to exaggerate
{def} /kuā/ :: to praise; to commend
誇大 {v} /kuādà/ :: to exaggerate; to overstate; to hyperbolise
誇大狂 {n} /kuādàkuáng/ :: megalomania; megalomaniac
誇大其詞 {idiom} /kuādàqící/ :: to make an overstatement; to exaggerate
誇大其辭 {def} SEE: 誇大其詞 ::
誇獎 {v} /kuājiǎng/ :: to praise; to compliment; to commend
誇口 {v} /kuākǒu/ :: to boast; to brag; to talk big
誇示 {v} [literary] /kuāshì/ :: to show off; to make a display of; to flaunt
誇飾 {v} /kuāshì/ :: to give an exaggerated account
誇耀 {v} /kuāyào/ :: to flaunt; to brag about
誇張 {v} /kuāzhāng/ :: to exaggerate; to overstate
誇張 {adj} /kuāzhāng/ :: exaggerated; overstated; over-the-top
誇張 {n} [figure of speech] /kuāzhāng/ :: exaggeration; hyperbole
{def} [dialectal] /kuǎ/ :: speaking with an accent, especially a non-local one
{def} [dialectal] /kuǎ/ :: rustic
{def} [dialectal] /kuǎ/ :: big and clumsy
{def} /kuǎ/ :: to be defeated; fail; collapse
垮臺 {v} [figuratively] /kuǎtái/ :: to fall from power; to collapse
垮台 {def} SEE: 垮臺 ::
{def} [historical] /kuǎ/ :: an ornament attached to the belt during the Tang Dynasty, made of jade, gold, silver, iron, rhinoceros horn, etc
{def} /kuà/ :: to carry (esp. slung over the arm, shoulder or side)
{def} [Sichuan] /kuà/ :: to get undressed
{def} /kū/ :: [obsolete] to hook with fingers
{def} /kū/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
挎包 {n} /kuàbāo/ :: satchel; shoulder bag
挎包 {n} [Xuzhou Mandarin] /kuàbāo/ :: pocket (bag sewn into clothing)
挎篮背心 {def} SEE: 挎籃背心 ::
挎籃背心 {n} /kuàlán bèixīn,er/ :: tank top
{def} /kuà/ :: crotch; groin; hip
胯骨 {n} /kuàgǔ/ :: hip bone
胯下 {n} /kuàxià/ :: groin; crotch
{def} /kuà/ :: to step across
{def} [transitive] /kuà/ :: to cross over (a wall etc.)
{def} /kuà/ :: transgender; trans
{def} [gender] /kuà/ :: to transition to
跨步 {v} /kuàbù/ :: to stride forward  
跨度 {n} /kuàdù/ :: span (of a bridge, truss, etc.)
跨度 {n} /kuàdù/ :: timespan
跨儿 {def} SEE: 跨兒 ::
跨兒 {n} [neologism, colloquial] /kuà'ér/ :: transgender person
跨過 {v} /kuàguò/ :: to step over; to cross over; to surmount
跨国 {def} SEE: 跨國 ::
跨国公司 {def} SEE: 跨國公司 ::
跨国恋 {def} SEE: 跨國戀 ::
跨國 {adj} [attributive] /kuàguó/ :: transnational; multinational
跨國公司 {n} /kuàguó gōngsī/ :: multinational corporation
跨國戀 {n} /kuàguóliàn/ :: transnational love; love with a foreigner
跨过 {def} SEE: 跨過 ::
跨海 {v} /kuàhǎi/ :: to cross the sea; to be transoceanic
跨界 {v} /kuàjiè/ :: to cross over into another field; to go beyond an area
跨境 {adj} [attributive] /kuàjìng/ :: cross-border
跨栏 {def} SEE: 跨欄 ::
跨栏背心 {def} SEE: 跨欄背心 ::
跨欄 {n} [sports] /kuàlán,er/ :: hurdles
跨欄背心 {n} /kuàlán bèixīn,er/ :: tank top
跨膜 {adj} [physiology] /kuà膜,er/ :: transmembrane
跨年 {v} /kuànián/ :: to celebrate New Year's Eve
跨平臺 {adj} [computing, attributive] /kuàpíngtái/ :: cross-platform
跨平台 {def} SEE: 跨平臺 ::
跨入 {v} /kuàrù/ :: to enter; to step into; to march toward [an age, an era, a world, a society, etc.]
跨省 {v} /kuàshěng/ :: to cross over into another province
跨文化 {adj} [attributive] /kuàwénhuà/ :: cross-cultural; intercultural
跨文化交际 {def} SEE: 跨文化交際 ::
跨文化交際 {n} /kuàwénhuà jiāojì/ :: cross-cultural communication
跨性別 {adj} [attributive] /kuàxìngbié/ :: transgender
跨性別 {adj} /kuàxìngbié/ :: See: zh 性別
跨性別男性 {n} /kuàxìngbié nánxìng/ :: trans man
跨性別女性 {n} /kuàxìngbié nǚxìng/ :: trans woman
跨性別女性主義 {n} /kuàxìngbié nǚxìngzhǔyì/ :: transfeminism
跨性別者 {n} /kuàxìngbiézhě/ :: transgender person
跨性别 {def} SEE: 跨性別 ::
跨性别男性 {def} SEE: 跨性別男性 ::
跨性别女性 {def} SEE: 跨性別女性 ::
跨性别女性主义 {def} SEE: 跨性別女性主義 ::
跨性别者 {def} SEE: 跨性別者 ::
跨学科 {def} SEE: 跨學科 ::
跨學科 {adj} [attributive] /kuàxuékē/ :: interdisciplinary; transdisciplinary
跨語 {v} /kuàyǔ/ :: to cross the borders of language; to cross linguistic borders; cross-language; translingual
跨语 {def} SEE: 跨語 ::
跨越 {v} [literally and figuratively] /kuàyuè/ :: to step across; to go beyond; to surmount; to span
跨专业 {def} SEE: 跨專業 ::
跨專業 {adj} /kuàzhuānyè/ :: multidisciplinary
{def} [especially of mouth] /喎/ :: wry; askew; crooked
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [dialectal] /kuǎi/ :: to scratch
{def} [dialectal] /kuǎi/ :: synonym of 挎
{def} [dialectal] /kuǎi/ :: to ladle; to scoop
{def} /kuǎi/ :: a kind of grass
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kuǎi/ :: surname
{def} /kuài,kuàng,wàng/ :: vigorous
{def} /kuài,kuàng,wàng/ :: with great strength
{def} SEE: ::
㱮脓 {def} SEE: 殨膿 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kuài/ :: to eat
{def} /kuài/ :: boneware used to comb one's hair
{def} /kuài/ :: to bind the hair
{def} /kuài/ :: (same as ) hair tied in a knot for the mourning rites
{def} /wài,huì/ :: [obsolete] sound of breathing or snoring
{def} /wài,huì/ :: [obsolete] appearance of the nose
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kuài/ :: go-between, broker, proxy
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kuài/ :: swallow down
{def} /kuài/ :: mouth of birds or beasts
{def} [Min Dong] /kuài/ :: that
{def} [Min Dong] /kuài/ :: then
{def} SEE: ::
块根 {def} SEE: 塊根 ::
块茎 {def} SEE: 塊莖 ::
块头 {def} SEE: 塊頭 ::
块头儿 {def} SEE: 塊頭兒 ::
{def} /kuài,er/ :: piece; chunk; lump; part
{def} [colloquial] /kuài,er/ :: classifier for money
{def} /kuài,er/ :: classifier for piece of something (food, cloth, stone)
{def} /kuài,er/ :: classifier for areas of land
{def} [Teochew] /kuài,er/ :: place
{def} [Sichuan, obsolete] /kuài,er/ :: tomb; grave
{def} /kuài,er/ :: [obsolete] appearance of calmness and indifference
{def} /kuài,er/ :: [obsolete] appearance of solitude
塊根 {n} [botany] /kuàigēn/ :: root tuber
塊莖 {n} [botany] /kuàijīng/ :: tuber (fleshy underground stem)
塊頭 {n} /kuàitóu,er/ :: physical build
塊頭兒 {n} /kuàitóur/ :: erhua form of []
{def} /kuài/ :: pleased; happy
{def} /kuài/ :: forthright; plainspoken
{def} /kuài/ :: rapid; quick; speedy; fast
{def} /kuài/ :: sharp (of knives); clever (of wits)
{def} /kuài/ :: quickly; hurriedly
{def} /kuài/ :: to be about to; almost
{def} /kuài/ :: to hurry; to hasten; to hurry up
快班 {n} /kuàibān,er/ :: fast stream (in school); fast class
快班 {n} /kuàibān,er/ :: express (train, bus, ship, etc.)
快板 {n} /kuàibǎn,er/ :: clapper talk, a form of Chinese narrative singing accompanied by a pair of clappers
快板 {n} [music] /kuàibǎn,er/ :: allegro
快報 {n} /kuàibào/ :: wall bulletin; bulletin board
快报 {def} SEE: 快報 ::
快步 {n} /kuàibù/ :: quick step; fast steps
快餐 {n} /kuàicān/ :: fast food
快餐 {n} /kuàicān/ :: (slang) fast prostitution which usually completed in 15-120 minutes
快餐店 {n} /kuàicāndiàn/ :: fast food restaurant
快車道 {n} /kuàichēdào/ :: fast lane
快车道 {def} SEE: 快車道 ::
快刀 {n} [literary] /kuàidāo/ :: sharp knife
快刀斩乱麻 {def} SEE: 快刀斬亂麻 ::
快刀斬亂麻 {idiom} [figurative] /kuàidāo zhǎn luànmá/ :: to cut the Gordian knot; to solve a complex problem using a decisive and effective method
快递 {def} SEE: 快遞 ::
快遞 {n} [uncountable] /kuàidì/ :: express delivery; courier service
快遞 {n} [countable] /kuàidì/ :: express package; express parcel (Classifier: m:個)
快点 {def} SEE: 快點 ::
快点儿 {def} SEE: 快點兒 ::
快點 {interj} /kuàidiǎn,er/ :: Hurry up! Get a move on!; Quickly!
快點兒 {v} /kuàidiǎnr/ :: erhua form of []
快點兒 {interj} /kuàidiǎnr/ :: erhua form of []
快感 {n} /kuàigǎn/ :: pleasant feeling; pleasure; thrill; high; joy; delight; pleasurable sensation
快感中心 {n} /kuàigǎn zhōngxīn/ :: pleasure center
快鍋 {n} [Taiwan] /kuàiguō/ :: pressure cooker
快锅 {def} SEE: 快鍋 ::
快活 {adj} /kuàihuo/ :: cheerful; happy; merry
快活 {adj} [Min Nan] /kuàihuo/ :: comfortable; relaxing
快件 {n} /kuàijiàn,er/ :: express package
快捷 {adj} /kuàijié/ :: fast and nimble
快捷 {n} [computing] /kuàijié/ :: shortcut
快捷方式 {n} /kuàijié fāngshì/ :: shortcut (a handle in a user interface that allows the user to find a file or resource located in a different directory or folder from the place where the shortcut is located)
快捷鍵 {n} /kuàijiéjiàn/ :: keyboard shortcut
快捷键 {def} SEE: 快捷鍵 ::
快克 {n} /kuàikè/ :: crack (variety of cocaine)
快劳 {def} SEE: 快勞 ::
快乐 {def} SEE: 快樂 ::
快乐原则 {def} SEE: 快樂原則 ::
快乐主义 {def} SEE: 快樂主義 ::
快樂 {adj} /kuàilè,tl/ :: happy; joyful; cheerful
快樂 {adv} /kuàilè,tl/ :: happily; joyfully; cheerfully
快樂原則 {n} [psychology, psychoanalysis] /kuàilè yuánzé/ :: pleasure principle
快樂主義 {n} /kuàilèzhǔyì/ :: hedonism
快馬加鞭 {idiom} [of a fast person or thing] /kuàimǎjiābiān/ :: to go even faster
快马加鞭 {def} SEE: 快馬加鞭 ::
快慢 {n} /kuàimàn/ :: fast and slow; speed
快門 {n} /kuàimén/ :: shutter (part of a camera)
快门 {def} SEE: 快門 ::
快跑 {v} /kuàipǎo/ :: to run quickly; to dash; to scamper
快取 {n} [computing, chiefly Taiwan] /kuàiqǔ/ :: cache (temporary storage of data)
快然 {adj} [literary] /kuàirán/ :: happy; joyous
快人 {n} [literary] /kuàirén/ :: a straight forward person; a frank and open person; a person with no pretense; a person who says what is on one's mind regardless of whether or not it is tactful
快閃 {n} [computer hardware] /kuàishǎn/ :: flash memory
快閃 {n} [neologism] /kuàishǎn/ :: flash mob
快閃碟 {n} [computer hardware, mainland] /kuàishǎndié/ :: USB flash drive; memory stick
快閃記憶體盤 {n} [computer hardware] /kuàishǎn jìyìtǐpán/ :: flash drive; thumb drive
快閃隨身碟 {n} [computer hardware, Taiwan] /kuàishǎn suíshēndié/ :: flash drive; thumb drive
快闪 {def} SEE: 快閃 ::
快闪碟 {def} SEE: 快閃碟 ::
快闪记忆体盘 {def} SEE: 快閃記憶體盤 ::
快闪随身碟 {def} SEE: 快閃隨身碟 ::
快食面 {def} SEE: 快食麵 ::
快手 {n} /kuàishǒu/ :: quick worker; deft hand
快手 {adj} [Cantonese] /kuàishǒu/ :: quick; fast (in doing something)
快速 {adj} /kuàisù/ :: fast; rapid; high-speed
快速 {adv} /kuàisù/ :: rapidly; quickly
快速公路 {n} [chiefly Hong Kong, Taiwan] /kuàisù gōnglù/ :: expressway; highway
快速删除 {def} SEE: 快速刪除 ::
快速刪除 {n} [WMF] /kuàisù shānchú/ :: speedy deletion
快速刪除 {v} [WMF] /kuàisù shānchú/ :: to speedy delete
快艇 {n} /kuàitǐng/ :: speedboat
快慰 {adj} /kuàiwèi/ :: at ease; pleased
快線 {n} [Hong Kong] /kuàixiàn/ :: fast lane
快线 {def} SEE: 快線 ::
快相机 {def} SEE: 快相機 ::
快要 {adv} /kuàiyào/ :: about to; on the point of; going to; soon; at hand; around the corner
快意 {adj} /kuàiyì/ :: pleased; satisfied; comfortable; elated
快飲 {v} [literary] /kuàiyǐn/ :: to merrily drink; to drink to one's heart's content
快飲 {v} /kuàiyǐn/ :: to drink quickly; to quickly enjoy a drink
快饮 {def} SEE: 快飲 ::
快照 {n} /kuàizhào/ :: snap; snapshot
快子 {n} [particle] /kuàizǐ/ :: tachyon
快走 {v} /kuàizǒu/ :: to walk quickly; to run
快走 {v} /kuàizǒu/ :: to be about to leave
快走 {interj} /kuàizǒu/ :: hurry up!; get a move on!
快走 {interj} /kuàizǒu/ :: go away!; beat it!; scram!
{def} [literary] /kuài/ :: sly; cunning; crafty
{def} /kuài/ :: chopsticks
筷儿 {def} SEE: 筷兒 ::
筷兒 {n} /kuàir/ :: erhua form of chopstick
筷子 {n} /kuàizi/ :: chopsticks (Classifier: m,c:雙m,c:對m:把m:副m:根c:枝c:隻)
筷子基 {prop} /Kuàizǐjī/ :: Fai Chi Kei (an area in Macau)
筷子架 {n} /kuàizijià/ :: chopstick rest
{def} SEE: ::
脍炙 {def} SEE: 膾炙 ::
脍炙人口 {def} SEE: 膾炙人口 ::
{def} /kuài/ :: kuai, a historical Chinese dish consisting of finely cut strips of raw fish or meat
膾炙 {n} /kuàizhì/ :: thinly sliced and roasted meat
膾炙 {v} /kuàizhì/ :: to be appreciated and praised
膾炙人口 {idiom} /kuàizhìrénkǒu/ :: universally appreciated (especially of literary works); liked by many; appealing to the masses; on everyone's lips
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kuài/ :: An ancient state in today's Henan province
{def} /kuài/ :: surname
{def} /jué/ :: used in 駃騠
{def} /jué/ :: [historical dictionaries] to run
{def} /kuài/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
駃騠 {n} /juétí/ :: hinny
駃騠 {n} [historical] /juétí/ :: a kind of steed
{def} /kuò/ :: alternative form of
{def} /kuài/ :: alternative form of
{def} /kuài/ :: an ancient Chinese dish of slices of raw fish, similar to sashimi
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
宽敞 {def} SEE: 寬敞 ::
宽畅 {def} SEE: 寬暢 ::
宽绰 {def} SEE: 寬綽 ::
宽大 {def} SEE: 寬大 ::
宽带 {def} SEE: 寬帶 ::
宽待 {def} SEE: 寬待 ::
宽贷 {def} SEE: 寬貸 ::
宽度 {def} SEE: 寬度 ::
宽广 {def} SEE: 寬廣 ::
宽轨 {def} SEE: 寬軌 ::
宽和 {def} SEE: 寬和 ::
宽宏 {def} SEE: 寬宏 ::
宽宏大度 {def} SEE: 寬宏大度 ::
宽宏大量 {def} SEE: 寬宏大量 ::
宽厚 {def} SEE: 寬厚 ::
宽怀 {def} SEE: 寬懷 ::
宽缓 {def} SEE: 寬緩 ::
宽宽仔 {def} SEE: 寬寬仔 ::
宽旷 {def} SEE: 寬曠 ::
宽阔 {def} SEE: 寬闊 ::
宽免 {def} SEE: 寬免 ::
宽频 {def} SEE: 寬頻 ::
宽容 {def} SEE: 寬容 ::
宽赦 {def} SEE: 寬赦 ::
宽恕 {def} SEE: 寬恕 ::
宽松 {def} SEE: 寬鬆 ::
宽慰 {def} SEE: 寬慰 ::
宽吻海豚 {def} SEE: 寬吻海豚 ::
宽心 {def} SEE: 寬心 ::
宽腰带 {def} SEE: 寬腰帶 ::
宽衣 {def} SEE: 寬衣 ::
宽油 {def} SEE: 寬油 ::
宽裕 {def} SEE: 寬裕 ::
宽扎 {def} SEE: 寬扎 ::
宽扎节 {def} SEE: 寬扎節 ::
宽纵 {def} SEE: 寬縱 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kuān/ :: wide; broad
{def} /kuān/ :: spacious; vast
{def} /kuān/ :: loose
{def} /kuān/ :: width
{def} [Min Nan] /kuān/ :: slow
寬敞 {adj} [of a field, room etc.] /kuānchang,kuānchǎng,1nb/ :: spacious; roomy; commodious
寬暢 {adj} /kuānchàng/ :: free from worry; happy; with no worries; cheerful
寬綽 {adj} [of a field, room etc.] /kuānchuò,tl/ :: spacious; roomy; commodious
寬綽 {adj} /kuānchuò,tl/ :: relaxed; relieved
寬綽 {adj} /kuānchuò,tl/ :: comfortably off; well-off
寬綽 {adj} [archaic] /kuānchuò,tl/ :: magnanimous; generous (in spirit)
寬大 {adj} /kuāndà/ :: wide; broad; expansive; spacious
寬大 {adj} /kuāndà/ :: magnanimous; tolerant; generous
寬大 {v} /kuāndà/ :: to show leniency
寬帶 {n} /kuāndài/ :: broadband
寬待 {v} /kuāndài/ :: to treat with leniency
寬貸 {v} /kuāndài/ :: to pardon; to forgive
寬度 {n} /kuāndù/ :: width; breadth
寬廣 {adj} /kuānguǎng/ :: wide; broad; vast; extensive
寬軌 {n} /kuānguǐ/ :: broad-gauge railway
寬和 {adj} [literary] /kuānhé/ :: relaxed and peaceful
寬宏 {adj} /kuānhóng/ :: magnanimous; generous (in spirit); large-minded
寬宏大度 {adj} /kuānhóng dàdù/ :: magnanimous; generous; broad-minded
寬宏大量 {adj} /kuānhóng dàliàng/ :: magnanimous; large-minded; generous
寬厚 {adj} /kuānhòu/ :: thick and broad
寬厚 {adj} /kuānhòu/ :: tolerant and generous; honest and kind
寬懷 {v} [archaic] /kuānhuái/ :: relax
寬緩 {v} /kuānhuǎn/ :: to grant a delay/reprieve
寬緩 {v} /kuānhuǎn/ :: to relax severity; to be indulgent
寬曠 {adj} /kuānkuàng/ :: extensive; vast
寬闊 {adj} /kuānkuò/ :: wide; broad; expansive; spacious
寬闊 {adj} /kuānkuò/ :: open-minded
寬免 {v} /kuānmiǎn/ :: to exempt; to excuse; to relieve
寬頻 {n} /kuānpín/ :: broadband
寬容 {adj} /kuānróng/ :: lenient; tolerant; charitable
寬容 {v} /kuānróng/ :: to forgive; to pardon
寬赦 {v} /kuānshè/ :: to show mercy to; to accord lenient treatment (to criminals)
寬恕 {v} /kuānshù/ :: to forgive; to pardon
寬鬆 {adj} /kuānsōng,tl/ :: relaxed; free from worry
寬鬆 {adj} /kuānsōng,tl/ :: loose and comfortable
寬鬆 {adj} /kuānsōng,tl/ :: well-off
寬鬆 {adj} /kuānsōng,tl/ :: not crowded; spacious
寬鬆 {v} [economics] /kuānsōng,tl/ :: to relax; to ease
寬慰 {v} /kuānwèi/ :: to comfort; to console; to soothe
寬慰 {adj} /kuānwèi/ :: relieved; reassured
寬吻海豚 {n} /kuānwěn hǎitún/ :: bottle-nosed dolphin
寬心 {v} /kuānxīn/ :: to relieve anxieties; to put one's mind at rest
寬心 {adj} /kuānxīn/ :: reassured; relaxed; at ease
寬腰帶 {n} /kuānyāodài/ :: cummerbund
寬衣 {v} /kuānyī/ :: to take off one's clothes
寬油 {n} [cooking] /kuānyóu/ :: a lot of oil
寬裕 {adj} /kuānyù/ :: plentiful; ample; abundant
寬裕 {adj} /kuānyù/ :: rich; affluent
寬扎 {prop} /Kuānzhá/ :: Kwanzaa
寬扎節 {prop} /Kuānzhájié/ :: Kwanzaa
寬縱 {v} /kuānzòng/ :: to overly lenient; to indulge; to be unrestrained
{def} SEE: ::
髋骨 {def} SEE: 髖骨 ::
{def} [anatomy] /kuān/ :: hip
髖骨 {n} /kuāngǔ/ :: hip bone
{def} /kuǎn/ :: a fish
{def} /kuǎn/ :: the sound of touching a fish net
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kuǎn/ :: money (of certain kind)
{def} /kuǎn/ :: model, type
{def} /kuǎn/ :: signature
{def} [Min Nan, Cantonese] /kuǎn/ :: appearance; being
款待 {v} /kuǎndài/ :: to treat cordially; to entertain
款冬花 {n} /kuǎndōnghuā/ :: flower of the coltsfoot
款留 {v} /kuǎnliú/ :: to cordially urge (a guest) to stay
款曲 {n} /kuǎnqū/ :: inner feelings
款曲 {n} /kuǎnqū/ :: all the details; the whole story; how a thing happened from beginning to end
款曲 {v} /kuǎnqū/ :: to earnestly socialize
款式 {n} /kuǎnshì,tl/ :: style (usually of clothing); design; pattern
款項 {n} /kuǎnxiàng/ :: sum of money; payment; fund (Classifier: m:筆m:宗)
款項 {n} /kuǎnxiàng/ :: sections, clauses, items, etc in legal documents
款项 {def} SEE: 款項 ::
款爷 {def} SEE: 款爺 ::
款爺 {n} [Mainland China] /kuǎnyé/ :: rich man (originally with a respectful connotation, later used with a rich and overbearing connotation)
款子 {n} [colloquial] /kuǎnzi/ :: sum of money; payment; fund (Classifier: m:筆)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [archaic] /kuǎn,cuàn/ :: hollow; empty
{def} /kuāng/ :: only used in 劻勷
劻勷 {adj} [literary] /kuāngráng/ :: flustered
劻勷 {v} [literary] /kuāngráng/ :: to help; to assist
{def} /kuāng/ :: upright
{def} /kuāng/ :: to correct
{def} /kuāng/ :: to save; to assist
{def} /kuāng/ :: to expect
{def} /kuāng/ :: to lose
{def} /kuāng/ :: name of an ancient book
{def} /kuāng/ :: name of two ancient places in Henan
{def} /kuāng/ :: alternative name for 廬山
{def} /kuāng/ :: shell of crabs
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kuāng/ :: alternative form of
匡扶 {v} [archaic] /kuāngfú/ :: to provide assistance and support to
匡复 {def} SEE: 匡復 ::
匡復 {v} [literary] /kuāngfù/ :: to rejuvenate the country from calamity
匡濟 {v} /kuāngjì/ :: abbreviation of 匡時濟世
匡济 {def} SEE: 匡濟 ::
匡君救主 {idiom} [archaic] /kuāng jūn jiù zhǔ/ :: to rescue the emperor; to rescue the king
匡列 {v} /kuāngliè/ :: to make a list of (people, things) after examining the case or situation
匡时 {def} SEE: 匡時 ::
匡时济世 {def} SEE: 匡時濟世 ::
匡時 {v} [literary] /kuāngshí/ :: to rescue the society in crisis
匡時濟世 {idiom} /kuāngshíjìshì/ :: to rescue the society in crisis and help the people
匡算 {v} /kuāngsuàn/ :: to calculate roughly; to estimate
匡臺 {prop} /Kuāngtái/ :: (~ 村) 匡臺 (village)
匡台 {def} SEE: 匡臺 ::
匡拯 {v} [literary] /kuāngzhěng/ :: to assist and save; to provide aid and rescue
匡正 {v} [literary] /kuāngzhèng/ :: to correct; to rectify
匡助 {v} [literary] /kuāngzhù/ :: to assist; to aid
匡字框 {n} /kuāngzìkuàng/ :: the Chinese character component
{def} [onomatopoeia] /kuāng/ :: clash; bang
{def} /kuāng/ :: [obsolete] to fear; to be cowardly
{def} /kuāng/ :: [obsolete] weak
{def} /kuāng/ :: [obsolete] to expect; to anticipate
{def} /框,er/ :: frame
{def} /框,er/ :: framework
{def} /框,er/ :: door frame
{def} /框,er/ :: to restrain; to restrict
框定 {v} /框dìng/ :: to delimit the range (in order to set or isolate something); to frame
框架 {n} [architecture] /框jià/ :: framework
框架 {n} [figurative] /框jià/ :: framework; structure; frame
框架故事 {n} /框jià gùshì/ :: frame story
框框 {n} /kuàngkuang,kuāngkuāng,2nb/ :: frame; framework
框框 {n} [figurative] /kuàngkuang,kuāngkuāng,2nb/ :: convention; rules; restriction
{def} /kuāng/ :: name of a river in Guangdong province
{def} /kuāng/ :: bamboo basket or chest
{def} /kuāng/ :: to deceive; to cheat; to defraud
{def} /kuāng/ :: to coax
{def} SEE: ::
诓牵 {def} SEE: 誆牽 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kuáng/ :: only used in 抂攘
{def} [of dogs] /kuáng/ :: to go crazy; to act aggressively
{def} /kuáng/ :: mad; insane; crazy
{def} /kuáng/ :: wildly arrogant; conceited; stiff-necked
{def} /kuáng/ :: unruly; unrestrained
{def} /kuáng/ :: violent; ferocious
{def} /kuáng/ :: roaring; enormous
{def} [Min Nan] /kuáng/ :: flustered; hurried
{def} [Min Dong] /kuáng/ :: to become angry
{def} [Min Nan] /kuáng/ :: to be hot for; to be crazy about
{def} [Min Nan, of animal] /kuáng/ :: to be in heat
{def} /kuáng/ :: [obsolete] original form of
{def} /kuáng/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
狂暴 {adj} /kuángbào/ :: violent and unpredictable, fierce
狂奔 {v} /kuángbēn/ :: to run quickly; to dash; to scamper
狂飆 {n} [chiefly literary] /kuángbiāo/ :: strong wind; violent gale; storm; hurricane
狂飆突進 {prop} [historical] /Kuángbiāo Tūjìn/ :: Sturm und Drang
狂飙 {def} SEE: 狂飆 ::
狂飙突进 {def} SEE: 狂飆突進 ::
狂潮 {n} /kuángcháo/ :: raging tide; turbulent tide (of revolution, etc.); frenzy; wave; spree
狂放 {adj} /kuángfàng/ :: unruly and unrestrained
狂吠 {v} /kuángfèi/ :: to bark furiously; to howl
狂吠 {n} [figuratively, derogatory] /kuángfèi/ :: arrogant remarks; hysterical nonsense
狂蜂浪蝶 {idiom} /kuángfēnglàngdié/ :: promiscuous and flirtatious men
狂風 {n} /kuángfēng/ :: fierce wind; whole gale
狂風暴雨 {n} /kuángfēngbàoyǔ/ :: furious storm; violent storm
狂風暴雨 {n} [figurative] /kuángfēngbàoyǔ/ :: difficult circumstance; volatile situation
狂風駭浪 {idiom} /kuángfēnghàilàng/ :: turbulent and fierce waves
狂風駭浪 {idiom} [figuratively] /kuángfēnghàilàng/ :: difficult circumstance
狂風怒號 {idiom} /kuángfēng nùháo/ :: a violent wind is howling; the storm raged
狂風驟雨 {idiom} /kuángfēng骤yǔ/ :: violent storm and gusty rain
狂風驟雨 {idiom} [figurative] /kuángfēng骤yǔ/ :: dangerous situation
狂风 {def} SEE: 狂風 ::
狂风暴雨 {def} SEE: 狂風暴雨 ::
狂风骇浪 {def} SEE: 狂風駭浪 ::
狂风怒号 {def} SEE: 狂風怒號 ::
狂风骤雨 {def} SEE: 狂風驟雨 ::
狂嗥 {n} /kuángháo/ :: to roar; to howl; to bellow; to snarl
狂轟濫炸 {idiom} /kuánghōnglànzhà/ :: wanton and indiscriminate bombing
狂轰滥炸 {def} SEE: 狂轟濫炸 ::
狂花 {n} [literary] /kuánghuā/ :: flower that does not bear fruit
狂欢 {def} SEE: 狂歡 ::
狂欢节 {def} SEE: 狂歡節 ::
狂歡 {v} /kuánghuān/ :: to be wild with joy; to carouse; to party; to be merry; to revel
狂歡節 {n} /kuánghuānjié/ :: carnival
狂简 {def} SEE: 狂簡 ::
狂簡 {adj} [literary, obsolete] /kuángjiǎn/ :: ambitious but uncultivated; highly motivated but lacking discernment
狂叫 {v} /kuángjiào/ :: to scream; to clamor
狂狷 {n} [literary] /kuángjuàn/ :: the ardent and the cautiously-decided; those with lofty aspirations and those who are overcautious; radical and conservative people
狂澜 {def} SEE: 狂瀾 ::
狂瀾 {n} /kuánglán/ :: roaring waves
狂瀾 {n} [figurative] /kuánglán/ :: unstable situation; volatile state
狂乱 {def} SEE: 狂亂 ::
狂亂 {adj} /kuángluàn/ :: frantic; hysterical; frenzied; confused
狂亂 {adj} /kuángluàn/ :: violent and disorderly
狂亂 {adj} /kuángluàn/ :: presumptuous; outrageous
狂牛病 {n} [Taiwan] /kuángniúbìng/ :: mad cow disease
狂牛症 {n} [Taiwan] /kuángniúzhèng/ :: mad cow disease
狂怒 {v} /kuángnù/ :: to fly into a rage
狂怒 {adj} /kuángnù/ :: furious
狂犬 {n} [literary] /kuángquǎn/ :: fierce dog; ferocious dog
狂犬 {n} [literary] /kuángquǎn/ :: mad dog; rabid dog
狂犬 {n} [attributive] /kuángquǎn/ :: abbreviation of 狂犬病
狂犬病 {n} [disease] /kuángquǎnbìng/ :: rabies
狂犬症 {n} [diseases] /kuángquǎnzhèng/ :: rabies
狂热 {def} SEE: 狂熱 ::
狂熱 {adj} /kuángrè/ :: fanatical; crazy; enthusiastic; feverish
狂熱 {n} /kuángrè/ :: fanaticism; craze; enthusiasm; fever
狂人 {n} /kuángrén/ :: maniac; lunatic
狂徒 {n} [archaic] /kuángtú/ :: crazy person; madman
狂妄 {adj} /kuángwàng/ :: egotistical; wildly arrogant
狂妄自大 {idiom} /kuángwàngzìdà/ :: egotistical; wildly arrogant; self-important
狂喜 {adj} /kuángxǐ/ :: ecstatic; rapt; overjoyed
狂想曲 {n} [music] /kuángxiǎngqǔ/ :: rhapsody, capriccio
狂笑 {v} /kuángxiào/ :: to laugh hysterically; to laugh one's head off; to howl with laughter
狂言 {v} /kuángyán/ :: to say crazy things; to ramble crazily
狂言 {n} /kuángyán/ :: crazy talk; crazed ramblings
狂言 {n} /kuángyán/ :: kyogen (Japanese comic theatre)
狂野 {adj} /kuángyě/ :: coarse and wild; unruly; extravagant; unrestrained
狂飲 {v} /kuángyǐn/ :: to drink hard
狂饮 {def} SEE: 狂飲 ::
狂躁 {n} [medicine] /kuángzào/ :: mania
狂躁 {adj} /kuángzào/ :: irritable; impatient; agitated; manic
{def} /kuáng/ :: to deceive; to lie; to delude; to cheat
{def} /kuáng/ :: [dialectal] lie; falsehood
誑話 {n} /kuánghuà/ :: lies; falsehood; taradiddle; deceit
誑言 {n} /kuángyán/ :: lies; falsehood; taradiddle; deceit
誑言 {v} /kuángyán/ :: to tell lies; to lie
誑語 {n} /kuángyǔ/ :: lies; falsehood; taradiddle; deceit
{def} SEE: ::
诳话 {def} SEE: 誑話 ::
诳言 {def} SEE: 誑言 ::
诳语 {def} SEE: 誑語 ::
{def} /kuáng/ :: buzzard
{def} /guàng,wǎng,kuǎng/ :: busy
{def} /guàng,wǎng,kuǎng/ :: to go far away
{def} /kuàng/ :: only used in 儣俍
{def} [dialectal] /kuǎng/ :: low area; depression
{def} /kuǎng/ :: used in place names
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kuàng,huáng/ :: a kind of barley
{def} /kuàng,huáng/ :: dust of ferment for brewing, small crumbs of grains from the distillery
{def} SEE: ::
况乎 {def} SEE: 況乎 ::
况且 {def} SEE: 況且 ::
况味 {def} SEE: 況味 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
圹戆 {def} SEE: 壙戇 ::
{def} [literary] /kuàng/ :: tomb; grave
{def} [literary] /kuàng/ :: open wilderness; prairie
{def} [literary] /kuàng/ :: alternative form of
{def} /kuàng/ :: [obsolete] broad; vast
{def} /kuàng/ :: [obsolete] to resent; to loathe
{def} /kuàng/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /kuǎng/ :: only used in 懭悢
{def} /kuǎng/ :: [historical dictionaries] valiant; fierce
{def} /kuǎng,kuàng/ :: [historical dictionaries] to resent
{def} /kuǎng,kuàng/ :: [historical dictionaries] [alternative form 懬] broad; vast
懭悢 {adj} [literary] /kuǎnglǎng,kuànglàng/ :: frustrated; disappointed; wretched; sad
{def} SEE: ::
旷达 {def} SEE: 曠達 ::
旷废 {def} SEE: 曠廢 ::
旷工 {def} SEE: 曠工 ::
旷古 {def} SEE: 曠古 ::
旷课 {def} SEE: 曠課 ::
旷郎 {def} SEE: 曠郎 ::
旷朗 {def} SEE: 曠朗 ::
旷日持久 {def} SEE: 曠日持久 ::
旷世 {def} SEE: 曠世 ::
旷世逸才 {def} SEE: 曠世逸才 ::
旷野 {def} SEE: 曠野 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kuàng/ :: to neglect; to skip (class or work); to waste (time)
{def} /kuàng/ :: broad; vast; extensive
{def} /kuàng/ :: void; empty
{def} /kuàng/ :: surname
曠達 {adj} [formal] /kuàngdá/ :: broad-minded; bighearted
曠廢 {v} /kuàngfèi/ :: to leave (land) uncultivated; to abandon (a field)
曠廢 {v} /kuàngfèi/ :: to become wasted; to fall into disuse
曠廢 {v} /kuàngfèi/ :: to waste; to neglect
曠工 {v} /kuànggōng/ :: to stay away from work without leave or good reason; to skip work
曠古 {n} /kuànggǔ/ :: time immemorial
曠課 {v} /kuàngkè/ :: to cut school; to ditch class; to play truant
曠朗 {adj} [literary] /kuànglǎng/ :: bright and spacious
曠日持久 {idiom} /kuàngrìchíjiǔ/ :: long-drawn-out; protracted
曠世 {adj} [literary] /kuàngshì/ :: without peer in one's generation; outstanding
曠世 {adj} [literary] /kuàngshì/ :: long lasting
曠世逸才 {idiom} /kuàngshìyìcái/ :: outstanding and exceptionally talented
曠野 {n} /kuàngyě/ :: wilderness
{def} /kuàng/ :: condition; situation
{def} [archaic] /kuàng/ :: much less; let alone
{def} /kuàng/ :: furthermore
況乎 {conj} /kuànghū/ :: let alone; much less
況且 {conj} /kuàngqiě/ :: moreover; besides; in addition
況味 {n} /kuàngwèi/ :: situation and feeling; circumstance
{def} /huàng,kuàng/ :: [obsolete] flame light
{def} /huàng,kuàng/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /huàng,kuàng/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /huàng,kuàng/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /huàng,kuàng/ :: [obsolete] only used in 爌炾
{def} [Taiwan] /huàng,kuàng/ :: (~ 肉) slow-braised pork belly
{def} /眶/ :: eye socket
{def} /眶/ :: rim of the eye; skin around the eyes
{def} SEE: ::
矿藏 {def} SEE: 礦藏 ::
矿产 {def} SEE: 礦產 ::
矿车 {def} SEE: 礦車 ::
矿床 {def} SEE: 礦床 ::
矿大 {def} SEE: 礦大 ::
矿夫 {def} SEE: 礦夫 ::
矿工 {def} SEE: 礦工 ::
矿井 {def} SEE: 礦井 ::
矿坑 {def} SEE: 礦坑 ::
矿泥 {def} SEE: 礦泥 ::
矿区 {def} SEE: 礦區 ::
矿泉 {def} SEE: 礦泉 ::
矿泉水 {def} SEE: 礦泉水 ::
矿山 {def} SEE: 礦山 ::
矿石 {def} SEE: 礦石 ::
矿石量 {def} SEE: 礦石量 ::
矿物 {def} SEE: 礦物 ::
矿物学 {def} SEE: 礦物學 ::
矿物学家 {def} SEE: 礦物學家 ::
矿物质 {def} SEE: 礦物質 ::
矿业 {def} SEE: 礦業 ::
矿脂 {def} SEE: 礦脂 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kuàng/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /kuàng/ :: [obsolete] classifier for eighty threads
{def} [literary] /kuàng/ :: silk wadding; silk floss
{def} /kuàng/ :: [obsolete] silkworm cocoon
{def} /kuàng/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /kuàng/ :: [obsolete] classifier for eighty threads
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [literary] /kuàng/ :: to give; to grant; to bestow
{def} /kuàng/ :: surname
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /Kuàng,guǎng,2nb/ :: surname
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
亏本 {def} SEE: 虧本 ::
亏待 {def} SEE: 虧待 ::
亏得 {def} SEE: 虧得 ::
亏负 {def} SEE: 虧負 ::
亏空 {def} SEE: 虧空 ::
亏佬 {def} SEE: 虧佬 ::
亏欠 {def} SEE: 虧欠 ::
亏弱 {def} SEE: 虧弱 ::
亏损 {def} SEE: 虧損 ::
亏心 {def} SEE: 虧心 ::
亏心事 {def} SEE: 虧心事 ::
{def} [literary] /kuī/ :: to cut; to slice off
{def} [colloquial] /kuī/ :: to scratch an inch
岿 {def} SEE: ::
岿然 {def} SEE: 巋然 ::
岿然不动 {def} SEE: 巋然不動 ::
岿巍 {def} SEE: 巋巍 ::
{def} [literary] /kuī/ :: towering; lofty
巋然 {adj} [literary] /kuīrán/ :: towering; lofty
巋然不動 {idiom} /kuīrán不dòng/ :: to remain firm and not falter
巋巍 {adj} /kuī巍/ :: (formal) towering; lofty
{def} /kuī/ :: [obsolete] to tease; to mock; to ridicule
{def} /kuī/ :: used in personal names
{def} /lǐ/ :: [obsolete] afflicted; sad
{def} /kuī/ :: helmet
{def} /kuī/ :: bowl; basin
盔甲 {n} /kuījiǎ/ :: armour; body armour and helmet (Classifier: m:副)
{def} SEE: ::
窥测 {def} SEE: 窺測 ::
窥伺 {def} SEE: 窺伺 ::
窥见 {def} SEE: 窺見 ::
窥破 {def} SEE: 窺破 ::
窥视 {def} SEE: 窺視 ::
窥视镜 {def} SEE: 窺視鏡 ::
窥探 {def} SEE: 窺探 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kuī/ :: to peep
窺測 {v} /kuīcè/ :: to spy out
窺伺 {v} [often, pejorative] /kuīsì/ :: to lie and wait for; to be on watch for
窺見 {v} /kuījiàn/ :: to get a glimpse of; to catch a glimpse of; to detect
窺破 {v} /kuīpò/ :: to see through (a scheme, disguise, person, etc.)
窺視 {v} /kuīshì/ :: to peep at; to spy on
窺視鏡 {n} /kuīshìjìng/ :: spyhole; peephole
窺探 {v} /kuītàn/ :: to spy upon; to pry about
{def} /kuí/ :: only used in 藈姑
{def} /kuī/ :: [obsolete] kiss-me-over-the-garden-gate; princess-feather (Persicaria orientalis)
{def} /huǐ/ :: alternative form of used in personal names
{def} /guī/ :: [obsolete] mallow
{def} /kuī/ :: to be lacking; to be deficient
{def} /kuī/ :: to have a deficit
{def} /kuī/ :: to treat unfairly
{def} /kuī/ :: luckily; fortunately
{def} /kuī/ :: used to show irony with a note of reproach
虧本 {v} /kuīběn/ :: to lose money (in business); to make a loss; to run at a loss
虧待 {v} /kuīdài/ :: to treat unfairly
虧得 {adv} /kuīde/ :: fortunately; luckily; thankfully
虧得 {adv} [sarcastic] /kuīde/ :: fancy that; how fortunate
虧負 {v} /kuīfù/ :: to let down
虧負 {v} /kuīfù/ :: to lose money
虧空 {n} /kuīkong/ :: debt; deficit
虧空 {v} /kuīkong/ :: to lose money in business; to be in debt
虧欠 {v} /kuīqiàn/ :: to be in debt; to owe
虧欠 {v} [figurative] /kuīqiàn/ :: to owe; to be morally bound to
虧欠 {v} [figurative] /kuīqiàn/ :: to fall short of; to have a deficit
虧弱 {adj} /kuīruò/ :: weak; debilitated
虧損 {v} /kuīsǔn/ :: to lose
虧損 {n} /kuīsǔn/ :: loss; deficit
虧心 {v} /kuīxīn/ :: to go against one's conscience; to have a guilty conscience
虧心事 {n} /kuīxīnshì,er/ :: act that betrays one's conscience
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /Kuī/ :: surname
{def} /kuī/ :: head bone of livestock
{def} /kuī/ :: shoulder blade, scapula
{def} /kuí/ :: (standard form) small pigeon
{def} /kuí/ :: used in transcriptions of foreign words
喹啉 {n} [organic compound] /kuílín/ :: quinoline
喹啉酸 {n} [carboxylic acid, neurotransmitter, neurotoxin] /kuílínsuān/ :: quinolinic acid
喹喔啉 {n} [organic compound] /kuí'ōlín/ :: quinoxaline
喹唑啉 {n} [organic compound] /kuízuòlín/ :: quinazoline
{def} /kuí/ :: the Kui (Chinese mythology)
夔夔 {adj} /kuíkuí/ :: fearful; awestruck; in fear
夔龍 {n} [Chinese mythology] /kuílóng/ :: Kui dragon
夔龙 {def} SEE: 夔龍 ::
夔門 {prop} /Kuímén/ :: (~ 街道) 夔門 (subdistrict)
夔门 {def} SEE: 夔門 ::
夔紋 {n} /kuíwén/ :: Kui motif on Chinese bronzeware
夔纹 {def} SEE: 夔紋 ::
{def} /kuí/ :: the stride of a person
{def} /kuí/ :: Legs, one of the twenty-eight lunar mansions
奎藜 {n} /kuílí/ :: quinoa (plant, seed of Chenopodium quinoa)
奎宁 {def} SEE: 奎寧 ::
奎宁水 {def} SEE: 奎寧水 ::
奎寧 {n} [organic compound, pharmaceutical drug] /kuíníng/ :: quinine
奎寧水 {n} /kuíníng shuǐ/ :: tonic water
奎松市 {prop} /Kuísōng Shì/ :: 奎松市 (city)
奎宿 {prop} [Chinese astronomy] /Kuíxiù/ :: Legs Mansion (one of Twenty-Eight Mansions)
奎屯 {prop} /Kuítún/ :: (~ 市) 奎屯 (city)
奎霞 {prop} /Kuíxiá/ :: (~ 村) 奎霞 (village)
奎依巴格 {prop} /Kuíyībāgé/ :: (~ 鎮) 奎依巴格 (town)
奎依巴格 {prop} /Kuíyībāgé/ :: (~ 鄉) 奎依巴格 (township)
{def} /kuí/ :: halberd-like weapon
{def} [literary] /kuí/ :: to separate; to part
暌违 {def} SEE: 暌違 ::
暌違 {def} SEE: 睽違 ::
{def} /kuí/ :: [obsolete] handle of a hoe
{def} [literary] /kuí/ :: Big Dipper
{def} /guǐ/ :: only used in 湀辟
{def} /kuí,ráo/ :: [obsolete] a large kind of wild cattle from southeastern China
{def} [literary] /kuí/ :: to stare
{def} [literary] /kuí/ :: to separate
{def} /kuí/ :: 38th hexagram of the I Ching
睽睽 {adj} [literary, of eyes] /kuíkuí/ :: wide open and staring
睽违 {def} SEE: 睽違 ::
睽违已久 {def} SEE: 睽違已久 ::
睽違 {v} [literary] /kuíwéi/ :: to be separated (from a friend, one's homeland, etc.); to have parted
睽違已久 {idiom} /kuíwéiyǐjiǔ/ :: to have parted for a long time; to have not met for a long period of time
{def} /kuí/ :: name of several plants
{def} /kuí/ :: abbreviation of 冬葵
{def} /kuí/ :: abbreviation of 蒲葵
{def} /kuí/ :: abbreviation of 落葵
{def} /kuí/ :: abbreviation of 向日葵
{def} /kuí/ :: alternative form of
{def} /kuí/ :: surname
葵花 {n} /kuíhuā/ :: sunflower
葵花籽 {n} /kuíhuāzǐ,er/ :: sunflower seeds
葵花籽油 {n} /kuíhuāzǐyóu/ :: sunflower oil
葵扇 {n} /kuíshàn/ :: cattail leaf fan (made from a whole Chinese fan palm leaf)
葵扇 {n} [Min Nan] /kuíshàn/ :: fan; hand fan (in general)
葵扇 {n} [Cantonese, card games] /kuíshàn/ :: spades
葵涌 {prop} /Kuíchōng/ :: 葵涌 (area)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kuí/ :: (~ 蛇) viper
蝰蛇 {n} /kuíshé/ :: viper
{def} /kuí/ :: thoroughfare; crossroads
{def} /wěi/ :: [obsolete] high; lofty
{def} /wěi/ :: [obsolete] to collapse; to fall
{def} /wěi/ :: surname
{def} /Kuí/ :: surname
{def} /kuí/ :: cheekbone
{def} [literary] /kuí/ :: alternative form of
{def} /kuí/ :: used in personal names
{def} [literary, of a horse] /kuí/ :: majestic; vigorous
{def} /jué/ :: [historical dictionaries] only used in 騤𩧉
騤𩧉 {n} [obsolete, rare] /juéguāng/ :: horse with revolving hair on the back
騤騤 {def} SEE: 睽睽 ::
騤騤 {adj} [literary, of a horse] /kuíkuí/ :: majestic; vigorous
{def} SEE: ::
骙𱄾 {def} SEE: 騤𩧉 ::
骙骙 {def} SEE: 騤騤 ::
{def} /kuí/ :: first; leading
{def} /kuí/ :: chief; leader
{def} /kuí/ :: tall and big monstruous
{def} [literary] /kuí/ :: dipper; spoon
{def} /kuí/ :: the best
{def} /kuài/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
魁北克 {prop} /Kuíběikè/ :: (~ 省) 魁北克 (province)
魁北克城 {prop} /Kuíběikè Chéng/ :: 魁北克城 (capital city)
魁北克市 {prop} /Kuíběikè Shì/ :: 魁北克市 (capital city)
魁独 {def} SEE: 魁獨 ::
魁獨 {prop} /Kuídú/ :: Quebec independence movement
魁垒 {def} SEE: 魁壘 ::
魁壘 {adj} [archaic, literary] /kuílěi/ :: strong; majestic; outstanding
魁壘 {n} /kuílěi/ :: alternative form of 傀儡
魁省 {prop} /Kuí Shěng/ :: short fo 魁北克^省 (Quebec)
魁首 {n} /kuíshǒu/ :: person who is head and shoulders above others; the brightest and best
魁头 {def} SEE: 魁頭 ::
魁頭 {v} /kuítóu/ :: to not wear a hat or cap
魁頭 {n} [Xiamen, &, Zhangzhou Hokkien] /kuítóu/ :: front of a coffin
魁伟 {def} SEE: 魁偉 ::
魁偉 {adj} /kuíwěi/ :: burly; big and tall; stalwart
魁梧 {adj} /kuíwú/ :: big and tall; stalwart; sturdy
{def} /kuā/ :: womanly, feminine
{def} /kuǐ/ :: wry neck
{def} /kuǐ/ :: large head
{def} /kuǐ/ :: [historical dictionaries] appearance of fire
{def} /kuǐ/ :: used in personal names
{def} [literary] /kuǐ/ :: half a step
跬步 {n} /kuǐbù/ :: half a step; half a pace
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kuǐ/ :: [historical dictionaries] to raise one's head
{def} [archaic] /kuǐ/ :: hairband
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kuì/ :: lament
{def} /kuì/ :: to stop
{def} /kuì/ :: cut off, sever
{def} /kuì/ :: to interrupt
{def} [literary] /kuì/ :: to lack; to be deficient in; to be short of
{def} /kuì/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /kuì/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /kuì/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /guì/ :: [obsolete] original form of
匱乏 {adj} /kuìfá/ :: short (of); scarce; lacking
匱乏 {n} /kuìfá/ :: shortage; scarcity; lack
匱乏 {v} /kuìfá/ :: to be short of; to lack
{def} [literary] /kuì/ :: to heave a sigh; to sigh
喟然 {adv} [literary] /kuìrán/ :: heavily (sigh)
媿 {def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kuì/ :: ashamed; guilty; conscience-stricken; mortified
{def} /kuì/ :: to make (someone) feel guilty; to shame; to blame
愧对 {def} SEE: 愧對 ::
愧對 {v} /kuìduì/ :: to be ashamed to face (someone)
愧汗 {v} /kuìhàn/ :: to be deeply ashamed and sweat due to the shame
愧疚 {adj} /kuìjiù/ :: conscience-stricken; guilty; ashamed
愧色 {n} /kuìsè/ :: look or expression of shame
{def} [literary] /kuì/ :: confused; befuddled; muddle-headed
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
溃败 {def} SEE: 潰敗 ::
溃不成军 {def} SEE: 潰不成軍 ::
溃决 {def} SEE: 潰決 ::
溃烂 {def} SEE: 潰爛 ::
溃乱 {def} SEE: 潰亂 ::
溃灭 {def} SEE: 潰滅 ::
溃脓 {def} SEE: 潰膿 ::
溃散 {def} SEE: 潰散 ::
溃逃 {def} SEE: 潰逃 ::
溃退 {def} SEE: 潰退 ::
溃疡 {def} SEE: 潰瘍 ::
溃痈 {def} SEE: 潰癰 ::
{def} /wěi/ :: [obsolete] only used in 磈硊
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /guì/ :: only used in 石硊
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kuì/ :: a bamboo basket for carrying earth
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [literary] /kuì/ :: deaf
{def} [literary] /kuì/ :: muddleheaded
{def} [literary] /kuì/ :: straw basket
{def} /kuài/ :: edible amaranth
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kuài/ :: surname
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kuì/ :: to make an offering to the gods
{def} /kuì/ :: surname
餽贈 {def} SEE: 饋贈 ::
{def} /kuì/ :: to send gift
{def} [literary] /kuì/ :: to offer food to a superior
{def} [literary] /kuì/ :: to transport; to ship
饋贈 {v} /kuìzèng/ :: to present a gift
{def} SEE: ::
馈赠 {def} SEE: 饋贈 ::
{def} /kuì,guī/ :: [obsolete] a black horse
{def} /kūn/ :: earth
{def} /kūn/ :: feminine, female
{def} /kūn/ :: 8th of the 8 trigrams
{def} /kūn/ :: second hexagram of the I Ching
坤包 {n} /kūnbāo/ :: lady's handbag
坤甸 {prop} /Kūndiàn/ :: (~ 市) 坤甸 (city/provincial capital)
坤厚 {prop} /Kūnhòu/ :: (~ 社區) 坤厚 (community)
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kūn/ :: used in personal names
{def} /hǔn/ :: [obsolete] to cover
{def} SEE: ::
崐崘 {def} SEE: 崑崙 ::
{def} /Kūn/ :: only used in 崑崙 and related terms
崑笛 {n} [musical instrument] /kūndí/ :: A regional variant of dizi, used as an accompanying instrument in Kunqu
崑劇 {n} /kūnjù/ :: Kunju (a form of Chinese opera that originated in Kunshan, Jiangsu)
崑崘 {def} SEE: 崑崙 ::
崑崙 {prop} /Kūnlún/ :: (~ 山) Kunlun Mountains, or Kunlun (mythology)
崑崙 {prop} [historical] /Kūnlún/ :: an area including southern Indochina and Southeast Asian islands
崑崙 {prop} /Kūnlún/ :: (~ 島) Côn Sơn Island
崑崙 {n} /Kūnlún/ :: abbreviation of 崑崙奴
崑崙 {n} [literary] /Kūnlún/ :: black people
崑崙 {n} [Taoism] /Kūnlún/ :: head
崑崙 {n} [literary] /Kūnlún/ :: navel
崑崙山 {prop} /Kūnlún Shān/ :: Kunlun Mountains
崑腔 {n} /kūnqiāng/ :: Kun opera (a form of Chinese opera that originated in Kunshan, Jiangsu)
崑曲 {n} /kūnqǔ/ :: Kunqu (a form of Chinese opera that originated in Kunshan, Jiangsu)
崑山 {prop} /Kūnshān/ :: (~ 市) 崑山 (county-level city)
崑山 {prop} /Kūnshān/ :: abbreviation of 崑崙山
崑山 {prop} /Kūnshān/ :: alternative name for 馬鞍山
崑山腔 {n} /kūnshānqiāng/ :: Kunshan opera (a form of Chinese opera that originated in Kunshan, Jiangsu)
崑嵩 {prop} /Kūnsōng/ :: (~ 省) 崑嵩 (province)
崑嵩 {prop} /Kūnsōng/ :: (~ 市) 崑嵩 (city)
{def} /kūn/ :: [obsolete] simultaneously
{def} /kūn/ :: [obsolete] elder brother
{def} /kūn/ :: [obsolete] descendants
{def} /kūn/ :: [obsolete] later
{def} /kūn/ :: [obsolete] many; numerous
{def} /kūn/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} /kūn/ :: abbreviation of 昆明
{def} /kūn/ :: surname
{def} /hún/ :: only used in 昆侖 alternative form of 渾淪
{def} /hùn/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /hùn/ :: 54th tetragram of the Taixuanjing; "unity" (𝌻)
昆布 {n} [often in TCM] /kūnbù/ :: seaweed; kelp; laminara; ecklonia
昆布 {prop} /kūnbù/ :: 昆布 (region)
昆虫 {def} SEE: 昆蟲 ::
昆虫学 {def} SEE: 昆蟲學 ::
昆虫学家 {def} SEE: 昆蟲學家 ::
昆蟲 {n} /kūnchóng/ :: insect
昆蟲學 {n} /kūnchóngxué/ :: entomology (study of insects)
昆蟲學家 {n} /kūnchóngxuéjiā/ :: entomologist
昆笛 {def} SEE: 崑笛 ::
昆剧 {def} SEE: 崑劇 ::
昆仑 {def} SEE: 崑崙 ::
昆仑 {def} SEE: 渾淪 ::
昆仑路 {def} SEE: 昆侖路 ::
昆仑山 {def} SEE: 昆侖山 ::
昆侖 {def} SEE: 崑崙 ::
昆侖 {def} SEE: 渾淪 ::
昆侖路 {prop} /Kūnlúnlù/ :: (~ 街道) 昆侖路 (subdistrict)
昆侖山 {def} SEE: 崑崙山 ::
昆明 {prop} /Kūnmíng/ :: (~ 市) 昆明 (prefecture-level city/provincial capital)
昆明湖 {prop} /Kūnmíng Hú/ :: alternative name for 滇池
昆明湖 {prop} /Kūnmíng Hú/ :: Kunming Lake (artificial lake in Beijing)
昆明山海棠 {n} /Kūnmíng shānhǎitáng/ :: Tripterygium hypoglaucum
昆明山海棠片 {n} /Kūnmíng shānhǎitáng piàn/ :: A sugar-coated tablet prepared from Radix Tripterygii Hypoglauci, and used in traditional Chinese medicine "to dispel wind and damp, to strengthen the tendons and activate blood circulation, to remove heat and counteract toxicity, in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus erythematosus"
昆諾阿藜 {n} /kūnnuò'ālí/ :: quinoa (plant, Chenopodium quinoa)
昆诺阿藜 {def} SEE: 昆諾阿藜 ::
昆腔 {def} SEE: 崑腔 ::
昆曲 {def} SEE: 崑曲 ::
昆山 {def} SEE: 崑山 ::
昆山腔 {def} SEE: 崑山腔 ::
昆省 {prop} /Kūnshěng/ :: Queensland, Australia
昆士兰 {def} SEE: 昆士蘭 ::
昆士兰果 {def} SEE: 昆士蘭果 ::
昆士兰栗 {def} SEE: 昆士蘭栗 ::
昆士蘭 {prop} /Kūnshìlán/ :: 昆士蘭 (state)
昆士蘭果 {n} /Kūnshìlánguǒ/ :: macadamia
昆士蘭果 {n} /Kūnshìlánguǒ/ :: macadamia nut
昆士蘭栗 {n} /Kūnshìlánlì/ :: macadamia
昆士蘭栗 {n} /Kūnshìlánlì/ :: macadamia nut
昆嵩 {def} SEE: 崑嵩 ::
昆仲 {n} [archaic] /kūnzhòng/ :: elder and younger brothers; brothers
昆州 {prop} /Kūnzhōu/ :: short fo 昆士蘭州 (Queensland, Australia)
{def} /kūn/ :: alternative form of
晜孙 {def} SEE: 晜孫 ::
晜孫 {n} [literary] /kūnsūn/ :: great-great-great-great-grandson (in a male lineage)
{def} [literary] /kūn/ :: bright; shining
{def} [literary] /kūn/ :: beautiful jade
{def} [literary] /kūn/ :: jade ornament
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [organic compound] /kūn/ :: quinone
{def} /kūn/ :: only used in 錕鋙
錕斤拷 {phrase} [computing] /kūnjīnkǎo/ :: A string of characters occurring in mojibake in GBK environments
錕鋙 {prop} [literary, historical] /Kūnwú/ :: a mountain mentioned in ancient texts
錕鋙 {n} [literary, historical] /Kūnwú/ :: sharp sword made from the copper of the Kunwu Mountain
{def} SEE: ::
锟斤拷 {def} SEE: 錕斤拷 ::
锟铻 {def} SEE: 錕鋙 ::
{def} /kūn/ :: [obsolete] fine horse
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [historical] /kūn/ :: to shave a male person's head as a punishment in ancient China
{def} [figuratively] /kūn/ :: Buddhist monk
{def} [figuratively] /kūn/ :: to trim the branches off a tree
{def} /kūn/ :: fish roe; fry; spawn
{def} [Chinese mythology] /kūn/ :: the kun, a sea monster that transforms into a roc (鵬)
鯤島 {prop} /Kūndǎo/ :: Taiwan
鯤鵬 {n} [Chinese mythology] /kūnpéng/ :: kunpeng (a kind of sea monster that transforms into a roc)
{def} SEE: ::
鲲岛 {def} SEE: 鯤島 ::
鲲鹏 {def} SEE: 鯤鵬 ::
{def} /kūn/ :: [obsolete] only used in 鵾雞
{def} /kūn/ :: [obsolete] alternative form of
鵾雞 {n} [literary] /kūnjī/ :: a bird resembling the crane
鵾雞弦 {def} SEE: 鵾雞絃 ::
鵾雞絃 {n} [historical] /kūnjīxián/ :: pipa string made of sinew of a crane-like bird (kun)
鵾鷄絃 {def} SEE: 鵾雞絃 ::
{def} SEE: ::
鹍鸡 {def} SEE: 鵾雞 ::
鹍鸡弦 {def} SEE: 鵾雞絃 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} [literary] /kǔn/ :: palace corridor or passageway
{def} [literary, figuratively] /kǔn/ :: inner palace; women's inner chamber
{def} [literary, figuratively] /kǔn/ :: woman; wife
{def} [literary] /kǔn/ :: sincere; genuine; honest; loyal
悃誠 {adj} [literary] /kǔnchéng/ :: honest; sincere
悃诚 {def} SEE: 悃誠 ::
{def} /kǔn/ :: to tie up; to bind; to truss
{def} /kǔn/ :: bundle; bunch
{def} /kǔn/ :: classifier for bundled items
捆綁 {v} /kǔnbǎng/ :: to bind; to tie up
捆綁 {v} /kǔnbǎng/ :: to constrain; to inhibit
捆绑 {def} SEE: 捆綁 ::
捆边 {def} SEE: 綑邊 ::
捆紮 {v} /kǔnzā,kǔnzhá,kǔnzhā,1nb/ :: to tie up; to bind
捆扎 {def} SEE: 捆紮 ::
{def} [classical] /kǔn/ :: arrow; arrow shaft
{def} [classical] /kǔn/ :: picking implement
{def} [classical] /kǔn/ :: threshold; doorsill; doorstep
{def} /kǔn/ :: alternative form of
{def} SEE: ::
綑綁 {def} SEE: 捆綁 ::
綑邊 {v} /kǔnbiān/ :: to go coasteering
綑紮 {def} SEE: 捆紮 ::
{def} [literary] /kǔn/ :: threshold; doorsill; doorstep
{def} [literary, specifically] /kǔn/ :: threshold of the outer wall of a city
{def} [literary] /kǔn/ :: women's quarters
{def} [literary] /kǔn/ :: women
{def} [literary, honorific] /kǔn/ :: wife
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kùn/ :: to surround; to besiege
{def} /kùn/ :: to be surrounded
{def} /kùn/ :: difficult
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kùn/ :: 47th hexagram of the I Ching
困不着 {def} SEE: 睏不著 ::
困處 {n} /kùnchǔ/ :: plight; predicament; straits
困處 {v} /kùnchǔ/ :: to be in a sorry plight; be in a predicament; be in dire straits
困处 {def} SEE: 困處 ::
困床 {def} SEE: 睏床 ::
困頓 {adj} /kùndùn/ :: exhausted; fatigued; weary
困頓 {adj} /kùndùn/ :: in financial straits
困顿 {def} SEE: 困頓 ::
困厄 {n} [literary] /kùn'è/ :: dire straits; distress
困乏 {adj} /kùnfá/ :: tired; fatigued
困乏 {adj} [formal] /kùnfá/ :: financially difficult; straitened economically
困房 {def} SEE: 睏房 ::
困惑 {adj} /kùnhuò/ :: confused; perplexed; bewildered; puzzled
困惑 {n} /kùnhuò/ :: perplexing problem
困惑 {n} /kùnhuò/ :: perplexity
困惑 {v} /kùnhuò/ :: to make confused; to confuse; to perplex; to bewilder; to puzzle
困急 {n} [literary] /kùnjí/ :: difficulty; challenge; dire straits; hardships
困覺 {def} SEE: 睏覺 ::
困境 {n} /kùnjìng/ :: predicament; straits; difficult situation; desperate circumstances; adversity; plight
困窘 {adj} /kùnjiǒng/ :: embarrassed; awkward
困窘 {adj} /kùnjiǒng/ :: hard up; destitute; poverty-stricken
困倦 {def} SEE: 睏倦 ::
困觉 {def} SEE: 睏覺 ::
困苦 {adj} /kùnkǔ/ :: harrowing; miserable
困苦 {n} /kùnkǔ/ :: hardship; suffering; ordeal
困裤 {def} SEE: 睏褲 ::
困懒觉 {def} SEE: 睏懶覺 ::
困落枕 {def} SEE: 睏落枕 ::
困梦 {def} SEE: 睏夢 ::
困眠 {def} SEE: 睏眠 ::
困难 {def} SEE: 困難 ::
困难户 {def} SEE: 困難戶 ::
困難 {adj} /kùnnan,kùnnán,1nb/ :: hard; difficult; challenging
困難 {adj} /kùnnan,kùnnán,1nb/ :: poor; impoverished; disadvantaged
困難 {n} /kùnnan,kùnnán,1nb/ :: difficulty; challenge; dire straits; hardships
困難戶 {n} /kùnnánhù,er/ :: family with (financial) difficulties; family in financial straits
困穷 {def} SEE: 困窮 ::
困窮 {adj} /kùnqióng/ :: impoverished; destitute; poverty-stricken
困扰 {def} SEE: 困擾 ::
困擾 {v} /kùnrǎo/ :: to disturb; to vex; to worry; to perplex; to puzzle
困衫 {def} SEE: 睏衫 ::
困午觉 {def} SEE: 睏午覺 ::
困衣 {def} SEE: 睏衣 ::
困中觉 {def} SEE: 睏中覺 ::
困昼 {def} SEE: 睏晝 ::
困住 {v} /kùnzhù/ :: to trap; to beleaguer
{def} /kùn/ :: name of a river
{def} /kùn/ :: sleepy; tired
{def} [dialectal] /kùn/ :: to sleep
睏牀 {def} SEE: 睏床 ::
睏覺 {v} [dialectal Mandarin, Cantonese, Gan, Wu, Xiang] /kùnjiào/ :: to sleep; to go to sleep
睏倦 {adj} /kùnjuàn/ :: sleepy
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kuò/ :: broad; wide; open; empty
{def} [literary] /kuò/ :: to expand; to widen
{def} /kuò/ :: 46th tetragram of the Taixuanjing; "enlargement" (𝌳)
廓尔喀 {def} SEE: 廓爾喀 ::
廓爾喀 {prop} /Kuò'ěrkā/ :: Gurkha
廓爾喀 {prop} /Kuò'ěrkā/ :: (~ 縣) Gorkha (a district of Nepal)
廓清 {v} /kuòqīng/ :: to make clear; to figure out; to clarify
廓清 {v} /kuòqīng/ :: to clear away; to eliminate
{def} SEE: ::
扩充 {def} SEE: 擴充 ::
扩大 {def} SEE: 擴大 ::
扩大化 {def} SEE: 擴大化 ::
扩大再生产 {def} SEE: 擴大再生產 ::
扩耳 {def} SEE: 擴耳 ::
扩耳器 {def} SEE: 擴耳器 ::
扩建 {def} SEE: 擴建 ::
扩权 {def} SEE: 擴權 ::
扩散 {def} SEE: 擴散 ::
扩阴器 {def} SEE: 擴陰器 ::
扩音 {def} SEE: 擴音 ::
扩音机 {def} SEE: 擴音機 ::
扩音器 {def} SEE: 擴音器 ::
扩展 {def} SEE: 擴展 ::
扩展坞 {def} SEE: 擴展塢 ::
扩展性 {def} SEE: 擴展性 ::
扩张 {def} SEE: 擴張 ::
扩张主义 {def} SEE: 擴張主義 ::
扩招 {def} SEE: 擴招 ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /括/ :: [obsolete] to tie; to tie up; to tie together
{def} /括/ :: [obsolete] to seek; to search for
{def} /括/ :: to embrace; to enclose
{def} /括/ :: to include; to encompass
{def} /括/ :: to enclose in brackets
{def} /括/ :: surname
括號 {n} /括hào,er/ :: bracket; parenthesis
括号 {def} SEE: 括號 ::
括弧 {n} /括hú,er/ :: brackets; parentheses
括弧 {n} /括hú,er/ :: round brackets ("(" and ")")
括弧 {n} /括hú,er/ :: brackets in general (any of "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "<" and ">")
括弧 {n} [rare] /括hú,er/ :: quotation mark (「 」, 『 』, “ ”, ‘ ’); quotes
括約 {v} [medicine, of a circular muscle] /括yuē/ :: to act as a sphincter on a body passage or orifice
括約肌 {n} /kuòyuējī/ :: sphincter
括约 {def} SEE: 括約 ::
括约肌 {def} SEE: 括約肌 ::
{def} /kuò/ :: (archaic variant of ) expand, enlarge, stretch
{def} /guāng/ :: swindle, cheat out of, defraud
{def} /guāng/ :: live, exist, survive
{def} /guāng/ :: lively
{def} /kuò,tǎng,guàng/ :: to expand; to enlarge; to stretch
擴充 {v} /kuòchōng/ :: to expand; to augment; to enlarge
擴大 {v} /kuòdà/ :: to expand; to enlarge; to extend; to escalate
擴大化 {v} /kuòdàhuà/ :: to broaden the scope; to magnify
擴大再生產 {v} /kuòdà zàishēngchǎn/ :: to expand reproduction; to reproduce on an extended scale
擴耳 {v} /kuò'ěr/ :: to stretch the ear lobes (using an ear stretching plug)
擴耳器 {n} /kuò'ěrqì/ :: ear stretching plug
擴建 {v} /kuòjiàn/ :: to extend (a building, factory, mine, etc.); to build an extension
擴權 {v} /kuòquán/ :: to extend the scope of one's power or authority
擴權 {v} [Mainland China] /kuòquán/ :: to extend one's power to make decisions in a business
擴散 {v} /kuòsàn/ :: to spread; to diffuse; to proliferate; to scatter about
擴散 {v} [physics, chemistry, of molecules or atoms] /kuòsàn/ :: to diffuse
擴散 {v} [medicine, of tumour] /kuòsàn/ :: to spread; to metastasise
擴陰器 {n} [medicine] /kuòyīnqì/ :: speculum (used in gynaecological examinations)
擴音 {v} /kuòyīn/ :: to amplify (sound)
擴音機 {n} /kuòyīnjī/ :: loudspeaker
擴音器 {n} /kuòyīnqì/ :: loudspeaker; megaphone; microphone
擴展 {v} /kuòzhǎn/ :: to extend; to expand
擴展塢 {n} [computing] /kuòzhǎnwù/ :: docking station
擴展性 {n} /kuòzhǎnxìng/ :: scalability; extensibility
擴張 {v} /kuòzhāng/ :: to expand
擴張 {v} /kuòzhāng/ :: to dilate
擴張主義 {n} /kuòzhāngzhǔyì/ :: expansionism
擴招 {v} /kuòzhāo/ :: to extend the enrolment program; to take on more students than scheduled
{def} SEE: ::
{def} SEE: ::
{def} /kuò/ :: used in compounds
蛞蝓 {n} /kuòyú/ :: slug
{def} /shì/ :: to go; to proceed (to a place)
{def} [of the popular feeling] /shì/ :: to incline towards; to tend towards; to turn towards
{def} /shì/ :: towards; to
{def} [of a girl] /shì/ :: to get married; to marry
{def} /shì/ :: to follow; to submit to; to comply with
{def} /shì/ :: to fit; to suit; to accord with
{def} /shì/ :: fitting; proper; suitable; appropriate
{def} /shì/ :: good; fine; adequate
{def} /shì/ :: happy; joyful; contented
{def} /shì/ :: at ease; comfortable; cosy
{def} /shì/ :: to get; to obtain
{def} /shì/ :: to control; to restrict; to moderate
{def} /shì/ :: to regulate; to adjust; to measure
{def} /shì/ :: to meet; to encounter
{def} [historical] /shì/ :: collar of the mourning gown
{def} /shì/ :: by chance; as it happens; as luck would have it
{def} /shì/ :: occasionally; from time to time
{def} /shì/ :: just (now); only
{def} /shì/ :: if; assuming
{def} /shì/ :: surname
{def} /dí/ :: to devote; to dedicate (to one thing)
{def} /dí/ :: alternative form of
{def} /dí/ :: alternative form of
{def} /tì/ :: only used in 適適
{def} /zhé/ :: alternative form of
適才 {adv} [archaic] /shìcái/ :: just now
適纔 {def} SEE: 適才 ::
適從 {v} [literary] /shìcóng/ :: to follow (directive)
適當 {adj} /shìdàng/ :: suitable; appropriate
適得其反 {idiom} /shìdéqífǎn/ :: to run counter to one's desire; to have the exact opposite effect of what one wished; to backfire
適得其所 {idiom} /shìdéqísuǒ/ :: to be exactly what one wished to be
適度 {adj} /shìdù/ :: moderate; appropriate
適度 {n} /shìdù/ :: moderation; appropriate measure; moderate degree
適逢 {v} /shìféng/ :: to just happen to coincide with
適歸 {n} [archaic] /shìguī/ :: to return; to be on one's way back
適合 {v} /shìhé/ :: to suit; to fit; to agree with
適合 {adj} /shìhé/ :: suitable
適婚 {adj} [attributive] /shìhūn/ :: of marriageable age (according to the law); suitable for marriage
適間 {adv} [archaic] /shìjiān/ :: just now; a moment ago (in the immediate past)
適可而止 {idiom} /shìkě'érzhǐ/ :: to stop when appropriate; not to overdo; enough is enough
適來 {adv} [archaic] /shìlái/ :: just now
適例 {n} /shìlì/ :: apt example; case in point
適量 {n} /shìliàng/ :: appropriate amount; appropriate quantity
適量 {adj} /shìliàng/ :: of the right amount; moderate; suitable; appropriate
適齡 {adj} /shìlíng/ :: of the right age
適配 {v} [computing] /shìpèi/ :: to adapt
適配器 {n} /shìpèiqì/ :: adapter (device to allow compatibility)
適切 {adj} /shìqiè/ :: appropriate
適切 {adv} /shìqiè/ :: quite opportunely
適任 {v} /shìrèn/ :: to be qualified for a role; to be suited to a post
適時 {adj} /shìshí/ :: timely
適性 {adj} /shìxìng/ :: suitable, appropriate (for one's personality)
適宜 {adj} /shìyí/ :: suitable; appropriate
適應 {v} /shìyìng/ :: to adapt; to fit; to be suitable for; to get used to
適應原 {n} [medicine] /shìyìngyuán/ :: adaptogen
適應症 {n} [medicine] /shìyìngzhèng/ :: alternative name for 適應證
適應證 {n} [medicine] /shìyìngzhèng/ :: indication (for a therapy)
適用 {adj} /shìyòng/ :: acceptable; suitable; applicable
適於 {v} /shìyú/ :: to be fit for; to suit; to be suitable for
適者 {n} /shìzhě/ :: the fittest
適者生存 {phrase} /shìzhě shēngcún/ :: survival of the fittest
適值 {adv} [literary] /shìzhí/ :: as luck would have it; as it turns out, by lucky coincidence
適中 {adj} /shìzhōng/ :: moderate
適中 {adj} /shìzhōng/ :: well-situated
{def} /kuò/ :: broad; wide
{def} /kuò/ :: rich; wealthy
闊別 {v} /kuòbié/ :: to be long separated; to be long parted
闊步 {v} /kuòbù/ :: to take big strides
闊綽 {adj} /kuòchuò/ :: extravagant; ostentatious; liberal with money; well-off
闊大 {adj} /kuòdà/ :: expansive; spacious; capacious
闊大爺 {n} /kuòdàyé/ :: wealthy man who lives a very luxurious life
闊劍 {n} /kuòjiàn/ :: broadsword
闊佬 {n} [colloquial] /kuòlǎo,er/ :: rich man; wealthy person
闊佬 {adj} [Cantonese] /kuòlǎo,er/ :: generous with money; extravagant
闊老 {def} SEE: 闊佬 ::
闊落 {adj} [literary or Cantonese] /kuòluò/ :: wide; spacious
闊落 {adj} [literary] /kuòluò/ :: open-minded; optimistic; straightforward
闊怕 {adj} [neologism, slang] /kuòpà/ :: alternative form of 可怕
闊其坎 {prop} /Kuòqíkǎn/ :: (~ 村) 闊其坎 (village)
闊氣 {n} /kuòqì,tl/ :: lavish; generous; bounteous; prodigal
闊人 {n} /kuòrén/ :: the rich; the wealthy; the well-to-do
闊少 {n} /kuòshào/ :: rich man's son; richling
闊什薩特瑪 {prop} /Kuòshísàtèmǎ/ :: (~ 鄉) 闊什薩特瑪 (township)
闊什塔格 {prop} /Kuòshítǎgé/ :: (~ 鎮) 闊什塔格 (town)
{def} SEE: ::
阔别 {def} SEE: 闊別 ::
阔步 {def} SEE: 闊步 ::
阔绰 {def} SEE: 闊綽 ::
阔大 {def} SEE: 闊大 ::
阔大爷 {def} SEE: 闊大爺 ::
阔剑 {def} SEE: 闊劍 ::
阔佬 {def} SEE: 闊佬 ::
阔佬懒理 {def} SEE: 闊佬懶理 ::
阔老 {def} SEE: 闊老 ::
阔落 {def} SEE: 闊落 ::
阔莽莽 {def} SEE: 闊莽莽 ::
阔怕 {def} SEE: 闊怕 ::
阔其坎 {def} SEE: 闊其坎 ::
阔气 {def} SEE: 闊氣 ::
阔人 {def} SEE: 闊人 ::
阔少 {def} SEE: 闊少 ::
阔什萨特玛 {def} SEE: 闊什薩特瑪 ::
阔什塔格 {def} SEE: 闊什塔格 ::
{def} [literary] /kuò/ :: alternative form of
{def} /kuò/ :: [historical dictionaries] rain stopping and clouds dispersing
{def} [literary] /kuò/ :: animal hide or skin with hair removed
{def} /lǎ/ :: only used in 喇叭
{def} /lǎ/ :: only used in 喇嘛
{def} [onomatopoeia] /lā/ :: sound of wind or rain
{def} /lá/ :: only used in 哈喇子
喇叭 {n} [musical instrument] /lǎba,lǎbā,1nb/ :: horn
喇叭 {n} [musical instrument] /lǎba,lǎbā,1nb/ :: alternative name for 嗩吶
喇叭 {n} [musical instrument] /lǎba,lǎbā,1nb/ :: a long, straight, valveless brass trumpet used in the traditional music of China
喇叭 {n} /lǎba,lǎbā,1nb/ :: alternative name for 揚聲器
喇叭 {n} [in automobiles etc.] /lǎba,lǎbā,1nb/ :: horn
喇叭 {n} [figurative] /lǎba,lǎbā,1nb/ :: gossiper; one who disseminates information unrestrainedly
喇叭花 {n} /lǎbahuā/ :: Japanese morning glory (Ipomoea nil)
喇叭花 {n} /lǎbahuā/ :: any bell-shaped flower, such as the hibiscus or the lily
喇叭口 {n} [CJK typography] /lǎbākǒu/ :: subtle flares at the end of sans-serif strokes
喇叭裤 {def} SEE: 喇叭褲 ::
喇叭褲 {n} /lǎbakù/ :: flared trousers; bell-bottoms
喇叭裙 {n} /lǎbaqún/ :: flared skirt
喇叭水仙 {n} /lǎba shuǐxiān/ :: synonym of 黃水仙
喇合 {prop} [Protestantism] /Lǎhé/ :: Rahab
喇喇蛄 {def} SEE: 蝲蝲蛄 ::
喇喇蛌 {def} SEE: 蝲蝲蛄 ::
喇嘛 {n} [Buddhism] /lǎma/ :: lama
喇嘛教 {prop} /Lǎmajiào/ :: Tibetan Buddhism; Lamaism
喇嘛庙 {def} SEE: 喇嘛廟 ::
喇嘛廟 {n} [Buddhism] /lǎmamiào/ :: lamasery
喇嘛廟 {n} [Buddhism] /lǎmamiào/ :: gompa
喇嘛寺 {n} [Buddhism] /lǎmasì/ :: lamasery
喇嘛寺 {n} [Buddhism] /lǎmasì/ :: gompa
喇沙 {n} /lǎshā/ :: laksa
喇沙 {prop} /lǎshā/ :: La Salle
{def} [Cantonese] /la/ :: a particle implying completion, certainty or urgency
{def} /垃/ :: only used in 垃圾
{def} /lā/ :: only used in 坷垃
垃圾 {n} /垃圾/ :: garbage; rubbish; trash; waste; refuse; junk
垃圾 {n} /垃圾/ :: rubbish (a valueless thing)
垃圾 {n} /垃圾/ :: junk messages; spam; unsolicited messages
垃圾 {adj} [colloquial] /垃圾/ :: very bad; rubbish
垃圾鏟 {n} [chiefly Cantonese] /垃圾chǎn/ :: dustpan (flat scoop for assembling dust)
垃圾铲 {def} SEE: 垃圾鏟 ::
垃圾場 {n} /垃圾场/ :: garbage dump
垃圾场 {def} SEE: 垃圾場 ::
垃圾車 {n} /垃圾chē/ :: garbage truck (or other vehicle used for waste collection)
垃圾车 {def} SEE: 垃圾車 ::
垃圾袋 {n} /垃圾dài/ :: trash bag; garbage bag
垃圾短信 {n} [chiefly Mainland China] /垃圾 duǎnxìn/ :: spam text message; spam SMS
垃圾堆 {n} /垃圾duī/ :: pile of trash; garbage heap
垃圾分类 {def} SEE: 垃圾分類 ::
垃圾分類 {n} /垃圾 fēnlèi/ :: waste sorting
垃圾岗 {def} SEE: 垃圾崗 ::
垃圾工 {n} /垃圾gōng/ :: garbage collector
垃圾话 {def} SEE: 垃圾話 ::
垃圾回收 {n} /垃圾 huíshōu/ :: waste recycling
垃圾回收 {n} [computing] /垃圾 huíshōu/ :: garbage collection
垃圾进,垃圾出 {def} SEE: 垃圾進,垃圾出 ::
垃圾進,垃圾出 {proverb} [computing, information technology, translation studies] /垃圾 jìn, 垃圾 chū/ :: garbage in, garbage out
垃圾食品 {n} /垃圾 shípǐn/ :: junk food
垃圾食物 {n} /垃圾 shíwù/ :: junk food
垃圾桶 {n} /垃圾tǒng/ :: garbage can; rubbish bin (waste receptacle)
垃圾桶 {n} [figuratively] /垃圾tǒng/ :: someone who people commonly go to to talk about their problems; agony aunt
垃圾筒 {n} /垃圾tǒng/ :: garbage can; rubbish bin (waste receptacle)
垃圾箱 {n} /垃圾xiāng/ :: garbage can; rubbish bin (waste receptacle)
垃圾邮件 {def} SEE: 垃圾郵件 ::
垃圾郵件 {n} [chiefly Internet] /垃圾 yóujiàn/ :: spam email or mail; junk mail
{def} /lā/ :: [obsolete] to destroy; to break
{def} /lā/ :: [obsolete] to insult
{def} /lā/ :: [obsolete] to strike; to hit; to beat
{def} /lā/ :: to pull; to drag; to tug
{def} /lā/ :: to transport by vehicle; to haul; to carry on a vehicle
{def} /lā/ :: to play (a bowed instrument, an accordion, etc.)
{def} /lā/ :: to drag out; to draw out
{def} [Mainland] /lā/ :: to owe; to be in arrears
{def} /lā/ :: to lead (a group to a place); to move (a group to a place)
{def} /lā/ :: to help; to lend (a hand)
{def} /lā/ :: to invite; to recruit
{def} /lā/ :: to drag in; to implicate
{def} /lā/ :: to draw in; to canvass; to solicit; to attract
{def} /lā/ :: to organize (a group); to form (a group)
{def} [Cantonese] /lā/ :: to arrest
{def} [dialectal] /lā/ :: to bring up; to raise
{def} [Mainland, colloquial] /lā/ :: to chat
{def} /lā/ :: [obsolete] [onomatopoeia] The sound of wind
{def} /lā/ :: to excrete
{def} /lā/ :: surname
{def} [Mainland] /lá/ :: to cut; to slit; to slash
{def} [Mainland, colloquial] /lǎ/ :: section; part
{def} /là/ :: alternative form of
{def} /là/ :: only used in 拉拉蛄 alternative form of 蝲蝲蛄
{def} /la/ :: A verbal suffix
拉阿魯哇族 {n} /lā'ālǔwāzú,lǎ'ālǔwǎzú/ :: Saaroa people, an ethnic group in Taiwan
拉阿鲁哇族 {def} SEE: 拉阿魯哇族 ::
拉巴 {v} [dialectal Mandarin] /lāba/ :: to pull; to drag; to tug; to haul
拉巴 {v} [dialectal Mandarin] /lāba/ :: to take great pains to bring up (a child)
拉巴 {v} [dialectal Mandarin] /lāba/ :: to help; to train; to foster
拉巴 {prop} /Lābā/ :: 拉巴 (capital)
拉巴斯 {prop} /Lābāsī/ :: 拉巴斯 (capital)
拉巴特 {prop} /Lābātè/ :: 拉巴特 (city/capital city)
拉拔 {v} /lābá/ :: synonym of 提拔
拉班 {prop} /Lābān/ :: Laban
拉帮结派 {def} SEE: 拉幫結派 ::
拉帮套 {def} SEE: 拉幫套 ::
拉幫結派 {v} /lābāngjiépài/ :: to form a clique
拉幫套 {v} [figurative, chiefly historical, of a woman in a marriage] /lā bāngtào/ :: to find another man to carry on family duties and become her future husband (with her current husband's consent), when her husband is severely ill or otherwise unavailable
拉比 {n} [Judaism] /lābǐ/ :: rabbi (Jewish scholar or teacher)
拉不出屎來賴茅坑 {idiom} /lā 不 chū shǐ lái lài máokēng,er/ :: to unreasonably blame one's tool or others when unable to do something
拉不出屎来赖茅坑 {def} SEE: 拉不出屎來賴茅坑 ::
拉布 {v} [Hong Kong, politics] /lābù/ :: to filibuster
拉布拉多 {prop} /Lābùlāduō/ :: Labrador
拉布拉多半岛 {def} SEE: 拉布拉多半島 ::
拉布拉多半島 {prop} /Lābùlāduō Bàndǎo/ :: Labrador Peninsula
拉布拉多犬 {n} /Lābùlāduō quǎn/ :: Labrador retriever
拉場子 {v} [of a performer] /lā场zi/ :: to put on a show at an outdoor venue
拉場子 {v} /lā场zi/ :: to make a name for oneself
拉場子 {v} [figuratively] /lā场zi/ :: to enhance somebody's reputation
拉長 {v} /lācháng/ :: to lengthen by pulling; to stretch; to elongate
拉長 {v} /lācháng/ :: to prolong; to extend
拉長 {v} /lācháng/ :: to add; to expand
拉长 {def} SEE: 拉長 ::
拉场子 {def} SEE: 拉場子 ::
拉扯 {v} [colloquial] /lāche,lāchě,1nb/ :: to drag; to pull
拉扯 {v} [colloquial] /lāche,lāchě,1nb/ :: to take great pains to bring up (a child)
拉扯 {v} [colloquial] /lāche,lāchě,1nb/ :: to help; to support; to promote
拉扯 {v} [colloquial] /lāche,lāchě,1nb/ :: to gang up with; to rope in
拉扯 {v} [colloquial] /lāche,lāchě,1nb/ :: to implicate; to drag in
拉扯 {v} [colloquial] /lāche,lāchě,1nb/ :: to chat
拉达克 {def} SEE: 拉達克 ::
拉达那基里 {def} SEE: 拉達那基里 ::
拉達克 {prop} /Lādákè/ :: Ladakh
拉達那基里 {prop} /Lādánàjīlǐ/ :: (~ 省) 拉達那基里 (province)
拉倒 {v} [colloquial] /lādǎo/ :: forget about it; leave it at that; drop it
拉倒 {v} /lādǎo/ :: See: zh to tip over by pulling
拉迪諾語 {prop} /Lādínuòyǔ/ :: the Ladino language; Judaeo-Spanish
拉迪诺语 {def} SEE: 拉迪諾語 ::
拉丁 {prop} /Lādīng/ :: Latin (people or language)
拉丁 {v} /lādīng/ :: to press-gang
拉丁化 {n} /lādīnghuà/ :: Romanization; Latinization
拉丁化新文字 {prop} /Lādīnghuà Xīn Wénzì/ :: Latinxua Sin Wenz, any of several early Communist romanizations for Chinese lects
拉丁教会 {def} SEE: 拉丁教會 ::
拉丁教會 {prop} /Lādīng Jiàohuì/ :: Latin Church
拉丁礼教会 {def} SEE: 拉丁禮教會 ::
拉丁禮教會 {prop} /Lādīnglǐ Jiàohuì/ :: Latin Church
拉丁美洲 {prop} /Lādīng Měizhōu/ :: Latin America
拉丁人 {n} /Lādīngrén/ :: Latin person; ancient Roman
拉丁文 {n} /lādīngwén/ :: Latin language (especially written)
拉丁語 {n} /lādīngyǔ/ :: the Latin language
拉丁语 {def} SEE: 拉丁語 ::
拉丁字母 {n} /lādīng zìmǔ,er/ :: Latin letters; Latin alphabet
拉动 {def} SEE: 拉動 ::
拉動 {v} /lādòng/ :: to pull (something to make it move)
拉動 {v} /lādòng/ :: to drive (the development of); to fuel (growth); to give an incentive to; to spur
拉肚子 {v} [chiefly Mandarin, Jin, colloquial] /lā dùzi/ :: to have diarrhea
拉法艾尔 {def} SEE: 拉法艾爾 ::
拉法艾爾 {n} /Lāfǎ'ài'ěr/ :: Raphael (English male given name)
拉菲亞 {n} /lāfēi亚/ :: rufiyaa
拉菲亚 {def} SEE: 拉菲亞 ::
拉斐尔 {def} SEE: 拉斐爾 ::
拉斐爾 {prop} /Lāfěi'ěr/ :: Raphael (English male given name)
拉風 {adj} /lāfēng/ :: eyecatching; flashy; trendy
拉風 {v} /lāfēng/ :: to (travel around to) show off
拉风 {def} SEE: 拉風 ::
拉夫 {v} /lāfū/ :: to press-gang; to press or force people into service
拉杆 {n} [mechanics] /lāgān/ :: pull rod; draglink; drawbar; tension link
拉哥斯 {prop} [Taiwan] /Lāgēsī/ :: Lagos (port former capital of Nigeria)
拉格朗日 {prop} /Lāgélǎngrì/ :: Lagrange
拉各斯 {prop} [Mainland China] /Lāgèsī/ :: Lagos (port former capital of Nigeria)
拉勾 {def} SEE: 拉鉤 ::